Spy sister e mom

Support for those with nasty, cruel, toxic, abusive MILs & moms

2015.02.27 22:42 apotero Support for those with nasty, cruel, toxic, abusive MILs & moms

A place to post about your MIL or Mother who is just the *worst*. Come for support, come for advice, or just to vent and get it all out. That's what we're here for. Discussion often contains adult themes and language.

2019.07.04 18:23 QAnonCasualties

Have a friend or loved one taken in by QAnon? Look here for support, resources and a place to vent. Learn how to steer them back to reality and heal yourself.

2017.05.09 22:42 Jaberkaty Brainstorming for Writers

This is a place for creative writers to come to brainstorm ideas.

2024.05.29 05:56 SlowComfortable2805 Randomly (un)related? findings in Infinite Jest

There are so many small, one-sentence tidbits that are easy to gloss over in this book (or easy to conflate while trying to work out the plot/character connections).
I've caught a few recently that I'm trying to work out. If anyone has any thoughts on these, please share! I just finished my second reading and I've been obsessively CTRL + Fing the eBook.
- how the ACME company that sells gag gifts and disguises at a "politically motivated discount" is owned by a shadowy Albertan mogul who was a force in the anti-broadcast A.C.D.C. Whether this and the "shadowy Albertan" who owns a stack of channels is Veals?
- How Viney and Veals, for the Nunhagen Aspirin Co. (whose sticker Steeply has on his car) got the Cranio-Facial Pain Foundation (where Schacht and 60s Bob work(ed)) to commission artwork of people with cranio-facial pain, one of which is presumably the painting of Whitey Sorkin that Fackelman is killed watching.
- How Marlon Bain may have adopted/contracted Avril's agoraphobia and whether that's linked to the way that "Wayne and Stice both shiver at the same time as the overhead lighting suddenly becomes the big room's primary light" due to her fear of overhead lighting, suggesting both have/had affairs with Avril.
- How Orin's account and Hal's account of Orin's account of their Moms running in circles after he ate the mold are discrepant: Orin remembers Avril leaving “drunken staggering footprints behind her in the tilled dirt.” Whereas Hal remembers that Orin remembers nothing how “even in hysterical trauma her flight-lines were plumb, her footprints Native-American-straight, her turns, inside the ideogram of string, crisp and martial.”
- Orin saying, "I'm a sick pup? I'm the sick one?" --- what is he implying about Hal?
- The significance of the overt links between dental pain, yeast/gut infections, addiction, and psychedelic substances. E.g., facial pain being treated with ergot-mold-derived substances that can be synthesised into LSD (Ergotamine) being supplied to Sorkin via 60s Bob who presumably sold the DMZ to the Antitoi for very little (not convinced on this since he would know their worth). And the possibility of Avril lacing Hal's cereal with a DMZ/DMT-type drug from the Candida-expert medical attache to treat complications from him eating the mold?
- The significance of Stokely "Dark Star", Matty Pemulis' "dark star", Dark Star being one of the most famous Grateful Dead songs (60s Bob, Kite, etc.) often referred to as being transformative and associated with LSD, ice melting into dark stars on the court, and LSD + drines being called a "Black Star"
Anyway, sorry for the random notes---most of this probably doesn't mean anything, but the book has made me obsessed with finding out what's going on haha.
submitted by SlowComfortable2805 to InfiniteJest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 Prestigious_Shop_903 My mom is babying my 24 year old cousin

So a couple of weeks ago my older sister who is honestly one of my best friends moved out of our toxic family home. My parents my mom especially were emotionally abusive and controlling, less on me because of the weird South Asian parent thing that sons are stronger, but anyway my cousin from India my mom's sister's son moved in with us a couple of weeks ago to study, and I can't help but notice my mom is baying to the point where it is so weird. He is like 24 and does not know how to wash a dish, can't cook for himself and is super immature. I brought this up with my mom, but she does not seem to care. As a younger sibling, I know what my mom can be like with her babying, but me moving out for University has made me independent, but being back for the summer I am seeing her destructive behaviour in a new light, and it is really gonna hurt my cousin. I am also reluctant to get close to him because he doesn't understand my boundaries and I feel like he would snitch to my mother that I drink and smoke, but seeing how a 24 year old man is being babied it is really sad
submitted by Prestigious_Shop_903 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:54 cooljackiex How do the Cree have so much science?

How do the Cree have so much science?
Playing as Korea here on Empreror, large map -- how tf do the Cree have 579 science?
Also how many theater squares should I build -- I have only 1 so I'm pretty behind in civics ... hard to catch up. Have 7 seowons and 10 cities that are my own (2 islands that have no seowon spots)
submitted by cooljackiex to CivVI [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:53 zolipoli My parents took all my money (2.7k) and wont let me get a job

A few months ago I got hired at my moms work and I stayed there for a few months until I quit (I was working full time and a student full time, my grades were dropping so I left to focus on school).
I was fine with this as I saved up over 3k from those few months, and thought it would be able to hold me over until summer started (I live at my parents still so I don't pay rent, and scholarships covered my fall/spring tuition), however during the passing months, my parents asked me to borrow money. My ndad doesn't work at all..it's bad, he stopped working for years and he makes my mom pay for everything (he hasn't paid his credit cards in months, all he does is watch tv), so my mom asked me to borrow money (she makes 10/hr, which is NOT enough to cover anything in our house). I said it was okay at first because I felt bad for her and I didn't want her to struggle since it wasn't her fault.
Fast forward to today, my parents have borrowed 2.7k worth of my money. It's horrible. I know my mom can't really pay me back and my dad just gets mad when I mention it. I legitimately just paid off my summer tuition today, so I was left with only $80 in my bank account. I also really wanted to apply to a LSAT prep class but I didn't have enough money, so I told them I wanted to apply to a job. My mom was furious and doesn't want me working, and my dad doesn't want to drive me anywhere that's too far (he says it's too tiring...yet he does nothing all day, also, the only car we have at the moment is my twin sisters car which she left to me for the summer since she's moving to her fiances - I was also never really taught how to drive, and they don't want to teach me, I can drive on the country side but nowhere in the city). My mom said she will pay me back but I don't think she can, with all the bills that she has to pay and everything (once again, not really my moms fault, I blame it all on my lazy dad)
I just don't know what to do and I'm stressing out. I know a part of it is my fault, I shouldn't have let them take that much money from me. I'm so stressed out, I don't know if ill be able to pay for the LSAT prep I wanted to do, as I wanted to take my test this fall. I don't know if there's any remote jobs available.. I just don't know anymore.
submitted by zolipoli to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:50 Ok_Cardiologist_6734 I don’t know how long I can take this

my older sibling is basically my mom atp, I get verbally and physically bused frequently at home. Every aspect of my life is going sideways and can’t keep up. I just feel like a disappointment. My grades are mediocre, im moving away to another part of state, I have no privacy, I have no friends, and now no sister to protect me. I tried to fix myself, to no avail, and now I feel like I’m on my last leg, I’m not happy ever, I’m waiting for a strong wind pull me either way atp. I’ve taken up cutting my palms with glass tho so maybe that goes somewhere :/
submitted by Ok_Cardiologist_6734 to Suicidal_Comforters [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:49 The_Nerdy_Pikachu Hehe, I'm in danger /s

Hehe, I'm in danger /s
I need to vent. No throwaway bc I need to be honest about how I'm doing for once.
Autism and ADHD both are godsdamn blights on my emotional regulation. This meme happened while I'm close to basically being the new tenant of our apartment that she screwed up her own chances of living in it. I kept my room in a state that looked pristine to the landlord and accidentally slept through the first inspection due to exhaustion from cleaning up literal shit after a lease violation (I am a HEAVY sleeper when I'm super zonked), so I think I incidentally implied I'd be a better tenant. I know the reason behind my anger is justified, but damn, I have such poor impulse control that I would rather shut the hell up. I don't trust myself with anything that doesn't involve directly taking care of myself via basic needs.
The worst part? My mom is a good person. She just CONSTANTLY self-sabotages and refuses to have coping mechanisms that work and are healthy for her consistently. I can't be around her if she's gonna act like her stress is my responsibility. I know I'm a doormat. I know I need to not let her walk all over me. However, I'd like to keep having money to survive until I can survive alone, thank you.
submitted by The_Nerdy_Pikachu to TrollCoping [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:49 Hot-Slip-7942 Im done

Im done with living but i cant quit i feel like the last choice in everyones life i can never do right im just sick kf it the girl i am madly in love with is dating a absolute pos and always complains about there relationship to me and i never get a word in about how im feeling but i wont do it because i dont want my family to have to sit through a funeral not to mention nobody at my school us atracted to me i feel and am the ugliest person ive ever met and im sick of it ive tried losing weight at the gym but i dont know what to do my parents and sister my brother in law all think im weird or stupid and im sick of it the girl is claming im her best friend but shes leading me on by giving me massages making me rub her back her feet when im having a panick attack and shes at my house she takes the medicine out of my moms hand and gives it to me she says she loves me she just acts like im her bf but im not and hers isnt there for half the time did i mention thst she crys on my shoulder about him all the time i never and can never tell anyone about my feelings because as a man i shouldnt have any right i cant be weak my dad has always told me that and im human i want to tell people i want to tell that girl but no because im scared of being called a coward or immature
submitted by Hot-Slip-7942 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:48 Chicken_Careful feeling hurt by family members

how to deal with ableist family members?
so i myself am autistic and i have an aunt who’s undiagnosed but would probably be considered level 2 as she has higher support needs than me. she’s currently 45 and living off of money my grandma gives her. let’s call her jane. i have another aunt and her and mom talk about jane all the time on the phone. they scrutinize her behaviours, things she said or texted etc. they constantly complain about her and talk about her like she’s a burden. eventually she will probably need some support from them financially after my grandma eventually passes away. jane is not perfect and has not always been the kindest or most grateful but i think a lot of it isn’t malicious she just struggles with her emotions and communication. this whole situation has made me so upset since i’m autistic as well and seeing how my mom and aunt would treat their own sister. i got upset and mom actually got mad at me for judging her and told me it shouldn’t be her problem because she’s not her child. i can’t imagine my sister speaking about me like that :( i don’t know what to do because i love my mom and we usually get along great but this has really hurt my feelings especially since ive always felt like a burden to my parents (btw im 21)
submitted by Chicken_Careful to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:47 TheLast747 Posessed by a weasel.

The weasel story.May 28th 2024, 19:02, by 3drcomics
So ill explain this now, was hoping some one had a similar experience that might be able to help shed some light on this. This is my last direct experience with anything paranormal.
So my dad, was a good man, a great man. Never did any harm to anyone, amazing father, and good husband to my mom.
Now, i wont go into to much detail on what happened because i dont want to drag his name through the mud. Rip dad, we still love you and miss you.
But their was an incident in my late teens, that resulted in me calling the cops on my dad, and this wasnt a simple incident or something stupid, and resulted in him joing to jail for a few months, even when we all asked for him to be released, and gave him a criminal record, and when he got arrested, it was less then willingly, very scary incident, guns pulled on him and everything, and he just didnt seem to care.
This was something we never expected from him, and never saw again. My mom, sister, and i would discuss the event in length while he was in jail. And we all came to realize we all saw something in the house, started a few days before it happened.
We all would see what only could be described as a weasel, never directly, always out of the corner of ours eyes, runing from room to room, or up the stairs, etc.
We never really could explain it, but our best guess is some sort of demon, or something that attached to him somewhere.
Like i said, he never did anything like this again.. but we would still occasionally see this "weasel" and it was only when he was around, we never saw it when he wasnt home, and when i moved out, i never saw it, but when i, or my sister would visit, even after they moved to a new house, we would occasionally see it.
My sister and i havent seen it since he passed, and i live in his house now.
So, thats the weasel story, and my last paranormal story.
submitted by 3drcomics [link] [comments]
submitted by TheLast747 to ParanormalNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:44 Advanced_Asparagus95 Someone died... and I'm not sad about 😬

30 years ago two men met two women, one couple had a boy and the other had two girls. These couples split and two of them met each other and fell in love. My step dad had a very bitter divorce from his ex wife and didn't get much contact with their son. From here on Dad(52), Helen(46), and Brett(26). I am the younger sister(24) and my older sister we'll call Ella(26) didn't get along well with Brett, not at all. Helen hated us and our mom and encouraged Brett to do the same. But are bio father was never in the picture and we loved our step dad more than anything so we did our best to get along with Brett when he visited. He lives in another state, so we see him once a year. This year my sister is getting married so we didn't expect to see him until the party, if at all now that he's an adult with a job. But on the day before Dad's birthday Helen died unexpectedly...of course I would never say anything awful to anyone but this woman was nothing to me, mean to my parents, and lived far away. Most disconnected of all we learned the news via a Facebook post Am I wrong not entirely caring she died?
submitted by Advanced_Asparagus95 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:42 peeiayz I have some questions about Gianna

So im British and up until recently was unable to binge whole episodes, even via iptv I couldn't get dance moms 😪, so this is only my second time watching from scratch.
When Maddie and Mckenzie left and cut all ties with Abby did they also cut ties with Gianna?
I always thought her relationship with the girls seemed so pure and like she was a big sister to them. I thought Gianna never stood up to Abby because she was afraid of losing her job. Therefore Gianna just kind of went along with what Abby would say but maybe was giving the kids reassurance once Abby was out of earshot .
That was until a recent post on here where I read that Gianna was basically a mini Abby. Is this true?
Did all the girls cut ties with Gianna when they left ALDC?
submitted by peeiayz to dancemoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 Financial_Rise_920 fuck all the predators on r/runaways

A few days ago in posted something on there knowing i would get bad people to respond but i forgot how fucking crazy this world is. this guy who said his name was daniel started texting me and at first he seemed nice and cool said he could give me drugs and a place to stay if i worked for him so i agreed but little did i know this disgusting person wanted me to fuck his dogs and do a gangbang with a bunch of guys he knows and told me that he liked babies like.. fucking them... ik this is dumb asf but i still didnt leave or tell him anything cause i was either gonna run away or kms so how much worse could it get right? but he told me literally yesterday that he wanted me to "recruit" more girls 10-16 and sent me someones profile, he even called her prey. i dont know what got into me but i did it and after i felt so bad cause she was really nice and my age too so i told him he was a piece of shite and that he should die in a fire before also begging him to come back because i wanted to run away. please be weary of people that are nice especially men on here. anyways im gonna die next week on monday because i know i cant stop people like this and i feel so guilty for going along with him in the first place and for so long i had watched cp before too when i was 15 from my bf that was 39 and have been molested many times since i was 4. i have no one anymore not my mom not my sisters and not my friends especially if they knew the shit ive done ive sent him photos of my friends because he wanted to cum and he said some terrible shit about them talking about wanting to fuck minors and kidnap people and torture them. im done with this world i hope its better without me :)
submitted by Financial_Rise_920 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 Historical_Form6811 For wanting my mom to be there for me?

When I was about to turn 3 years old my father committed suicide two days before his birthday. This took a huge toll on me when I found out how he had died (my mother waited til I was old enough to tell me). Having is birthday and the day of his death in the same week is an emotional roller coaster.
Recently the day of his death came around. My mother seemed fine all day and even invited her boyfriend and his kids around to hang out and watch movies. I still live with my mom and little sister due to the fact that I’m currently in college and can’t afford living.
That night my mother made no attempts to comfort me besides the occasional side-hugs when I asked for one. After dinner I went out onto my houses porch and watched a show on my phone when I got a text from my friend. I had also recently been Sexually assaulted by my ex. And my friend texted me to let me know they wanted to talk to me.
That didn’t end well and I went into my room and had a panic attack. I tried to go to sleep but I couldn’t stop crying over everything that had happened. While I’m crying I hear my little sister, my mom, her boyfriend and his kids all laughing and having a good time a couple feet away from me. Which only made it worse.
I thought about going out into the living room and asking my mom to comfort me and help me through this. But I didn’t want to cry in front of everyone in the house. So I sent my mom a text begging her to come to my room and comfort me while I tried to deal with everything.
For those of you wondering “why would you send a text” my mom is always on her phone. She always has it on her and is never on DND.
10 minutes go by and my whole body is shaking from how bad I’ve been sobbing. 20 minutes go by with no reply. So I called my grandma sobbing crying and asked her to pick me up.
I packed a bag and walked out into the living room to grab my shoes. I wiped my face and put my shoes on as my mom came out of the kitchen with the biggest grin on her face and a bowl of popcorn.
I quickly told her that grandma was picking me up and I was going to stay with her for the night. My mom saw my face and her smile faded slightly. She pulled me into a hug and I broke down crying and she held me for a second.
I let go and walked out onto the porch and sat on the steps when I heard my mom coming. She sat down next to me. She asked me why I didn’t just go out and talk to her about what I was feeling and I just snapped and told her that it was my dads death day and I told her multiple times I wasn’t okay and the one time I needed her she was with some other family, laughing and having a good time.
She waited with me for my grandma and I immediately got into my grandmas truck as she got out of it to talk to my mom. My mom told her I was being dramatic and that all I did to signal I needed help was texting her. (My mom is a licensed therapist)
My grandma took me to her house and let me sleep in her bed for the night as we watched Medea movies.
It’s been a few weeks sense then and my mom still hasn’t forgiven me for snapping at her. She refuses to be in the same room as me and is making me pay more for the rent I pay sense then.
submitted by Historical_Form6811 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 Lonely-Currency-6647 Leaving home?

Leaving home?
I’m a 23 year old female who comes from a Muslim family. Recently graduated from university. I found a great job opportunity in a place that’s about a 5 hour flight from home. I’m really interested and am going to take the opportunity and it start on the first week of June.
My parents are really against is. They want me to stay home and try and find a job here but I’ve been looking for 8 months now and nothing. The thing is, I wouldn’t mind staying at home but the thought of doing nothing till something comes up kind of drives me crazy.
Not to mention my parents behaviour has gotten worse, it’s always been bad but they’re very verbally abusive, especially my mom - when we get into an argument my mom prays that I’ll die and how I bring shame to the family. She also call me awful names that I don’t really want to mention here but how when I leave, I’ll be dead to her and she never wants any contact with me again. My dad is a bit more passive but he’s somewhat threatened to k”ll and idk if he is serious or not. They’ve just become people who I don’t like sitting next to interacting with. My older sister isn’t helping - they keep saying I have something to hide like a boyfriend etc which I honestly don’t but it adds to my parents fuel.
I guess I’m just a bit exhausted and needed to rant. I know I’m going to go but idk what the best way to do it is…
submitted by Lonely-Currency-6647 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:40 Ewellof Idk what to do

My younger sister is still at the age where she has no personal hygiene when it comes to stuff like washing hands so she’s always bringing home colds. A few days ago she brought home a cold but I don’t really get scared from them anymore since it’s happened so much. Today I woke up with a stuffy nose so I just had allergy medication like I do every morning, but my stuffy nose didn’t go away all day at school so I assumed I just had bad allergy’s today. I got home and started to feel off so my mom luckily let me skip basketball practice. My other sister had skating practice so they were all out while I’ve just been sitting at home. It’s been around 12 hours since my nose got runny and now I have chills and I’ve ate a lot today so I’m kinda scared I’ll tu* even tho my sister didn’t have any n* or d* when she was sick.
submitted by Ewellof to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:39 Getyourbrowsdid My 37f boyfriends 34m family hates me and tries to break us up. Should we just let go?

My boyfriend and I have been together a year and a half and he lives in a family home with his dad (80m), brother (32m), sister in law (30f) and their 2 children (3 and 6). He was released from prison before I met him and living with his family was the best option being that we live in one of the most expensive places in the US in California and he works a blue collar job. It’s his dad’s home, but after his mom passed away the brother and sister in law moved in and have taken over the house. They all pay the dad rent. The first 6 months we were together I got along great with his family and we spent a lot of time together and my children would play with the niece and nephew. I thought it was weird the SIL would do my boyfriend’s laundry and clean his room and I told him it made me uncomfortable and said I would do his laundry for him. He talked with her about it and the sister in law decided that she hated me. I came across paragraphs of texts from her on his phone saying horrible things about me and telling him to break up with me. I was hurt and confused and texted her saying I thought we were friends, if I did something to upset you I would like to talk it out. She said she was upset about his laundry and upset I didn’t go to a Father’s Day dinner and called me a b**** and a c*** and told me to stay the f*** away from their house and her children. I was blown away by her level of anger. I have since tried to talk to her months after that around the holidays last year to work things out with the same response, she blew up at me insulting me and calling me names and I blocked her. I no longer go to his house and he has to choose between his family or me for holidays and events, and his relationship with his family has gotten strained. There have been several negative interactions with her in person. I didn’t have any problem with his brother or dad, but she hates me so much they just go along with her. She openly talks crap about me around their house and saw in a group text she refers to me as miss piggy. I don’t feel that my boyfriend has stood up for me or our relationship enough and allows his family to treat me like trash. When my boyfriend has talked to his brother and her about it, they end up fighting like cats and dogs. The sister in law is loud, stubborn, drinks every day, and is vocal about hating me and steamrolls over everyone in the house. I have also done nothing to warrant this level of anger- I suspect she has an underlying issue with me that has to do more with herself. I have thought about having him move into my apartment, but I really just don’t feel ready for it yet and it would be a tight squeeze. Is our relationship doomed with this dysfunctional dynamic?
submitted by Getyourbrowsdid to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:31 EmotionallyRelaxed AITAH for not attending my son’s high school graduation ceremony because my ex-wife's Affair Partner was going to be there?

My ex wife (40F) and I (42M) have been divorced for 6 years now. We also have a son who’s now 18. My ex wife had an emotional (and probably physical) affair which led to the divorce, and she’s now married to her Affair Partner. Her husband is extremely rich and well off and my son gets along with him well.
It did hurt me initially after the divorce because I felt I was losing the emotional bond with my son. My son and I were very close before the divorce, but our bond just completely shifted after the divorce. My ex wife’s affair partner gifted my son lavishly, took him abroad multiple times, my son was also able to see his favorite soccer team in England. I was happy my son was happy, but I was also sad because my son could not see how his mom and her husband had hurt me so much. And I was also sad seeing the bond developing between my son and his mom's husband. After my ex wife and I split up, I did not bother dating because the affair had emotionally broken me, so I just focused on my career and being physically fit.
And I had actually done pretty well in my career. I experienced significant career progression in my job, but I also got a bit mentally burnt out. I was thinking of taking an extended break of a few months and my sister recommended that we could travel abroad. My son asked me a few months ago about attending his graduation ceremony, and he was really excited and really wanted me to be there. However, by this point, I wasn’t feeling much emotionally for my son, and I asked him if his mom and her husband would be there, and he said yes. He begged me to come and I told him I’d think about it.
However, I never intended on attending his graduation ceremony after he told me his mom’s husband would be there. I coordinated with my sister and booked my flights for our vacation after speaking with my son. But I did not tell my son about it until the last minute.
My son’s graduation ceremony was last Wednesday, and my flight was the day before on Tuesday. I told my son last Monday that my sister and I were traveling abroad the next day, and I wouldn’t be able to attend his graduation ceremony. My son was shocked, and asked me why I couldn’t book my flight after the graduation ceremony. I just told him upfront that I didn’t want to attend his ceremony because his mom’s husband was going to be there, and also I needed a break. I also told him not to bother me or call me during my break.
So my sister and I are now in Norway, and I the am the most mentally relaxed I’ve been in years. My son did text and call me a few times but I’ve temporarily blocked his number till I return back.
submitted by EmotionallyRelaxed to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:28 taytotty i feel unloveable

hi all, i’ve posted here once before but boy i just got back from a long trip home n i am having trouble coping.
just before i went home i went ahead and blocked someone i loved and cherished so deeply but it was no longer salvageable and i found that he really seemed to want nothing to do with me anymore. and thats okay. but while home, my mom (who i have an extremely strained relationship with) told my 13 year old sister i am hard to love, and tried to get her to agree. she told me it was a “f*cking joke” when i told her it wasn’t nice at all, and it hurt me. i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it; my own mom thinking i am hard to love? i have always struggled with this feeling but she confirmed it out loud to everybody in the vicinity (it was a family gathering). i am 24 but in that moment i felt like i was 15 again. and it sent me into a spiral regarding my recent decision to cut off somebody i was so helplessly in love and obsessed with… like it confirmed my fear that the reason my attempts to love and be loved fail because i am simply too difficult and exhausting to deal with. not in a pitiful way; but truly, honestly that i am just an argumentative and emotional and sensitive mess that cannot be helped and drags everyone else down with her.
i don’t know really what to do anymore. i don’t feel very pretty or desirable. i don’t feel as though anybody will ever find the capacity to love me as i am, with my hiccups n mistakes. i love so much but i fear nobody will love me back. ever. i cannot even fathom the idea of somebody thinking about me in that way, whether it’s romantically or just in general. i feel ungrateful because i am loved but i am selfish and want more. i don’t know. i am so tired and exhausted of feeling so empty, and as though that emptiness will never go away. i feel lost. does this ever get better or am i going to be aching and in pain for the rest of my life? i don’t wanna hurt or feel this way about myself anymore. just when i feel good again, i hit rock bottom… in a matter of hours. it’s just whiplash at this point. my head hurts and my heart hurts and my body hurts and i feel guilty for hating myself so much. i feel so small and inadequate.
rambled a lot but tl;dr my mom said i am hard to love and i applied it to a former romantic uhhh endeavor (?!!!)/situation and it confirmed my deepest fears and now i think i am literally doomed to never be loved
submitted by taytotty to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:28 PaleAbbreviations208 6 months and I still check up on him

It’s honestly embarrassing how much I still look at his socials and stuff to just check on him. His sisters and his mom’s socials too. It feels pitiful. His birthday is coming up and I don’t know how to go about that day. As normal probably. I think I’m over him most days now but it hits randomly and I’m like wow he’s no longer in my life and I haven’t spoken to him in 6 months
submitted by PaleAbbreviations208 to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:26 Asleep-Tomatillo8041 Going back to Philippines for college. Need advice.

Hello I am 18F and I recently immigrated to America just last year. Fluent ako siyempre, my problem is I have a good GPA and extracurriculars pero my family is not financially stable at all. It seems that I would be the one who has to break that cycle and I get it. My sister got into gambling despite having work at a good airline, my aunt naman doesn’t seem to have savings, and my mother didn’t work at all nung nasa Pilipinas kami. Lahat ng expenses namin shouldered by my grandmother. Masakit pero ako talaga magtataguyod ng future ko, walang help galing iba. My main issue is that mahal ang tuition fee sa mga universities here sa America, and my cousins told me to consider going back to the Philippines for Nursing, and hit the NCLEX once I finish. My mom would by then support me financially, probably $500 per month is okay na. Would you guys recommend I’ll take this route instead? Has anyone here experienced the same? Sorry I couldn’t find the discussion flair. I badly need rational advice.
submitted by Asleep-Tomatillo8041 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:26 card_scape Collection update, 6 months into it.

Collection update, 6 months into it. submitted by card_scape to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:25 ThrowRA_skyi AITA for Avoiding My Boyfriend After He Burned a Gift from My Past Relationship?

Me and my boyfriend have been together for two years. Overall, our relationship has been good, but there’s one issue that’s been causing a lot of tension: my past relationship.
Before I met my current boyfriend, I was in a serious relationship with my ex for five years. We ended things on good terms, but we’ve had no contact since the breakup. During our relationship, My mom fought hard but lost to breast cancer and it was a difficult time for me. My ex had made me a locket with a picture of my mom and me inside. This was an incredible gift I cherished and I wear it everyday.
When I started dating my current boyfriend, I was upfront about my past. I never told him about the necklace thought it wouldn’t matter. Later on he found out because I went to take a shower and took the necklace off and he saw because it said from my ex to me. He confronted me about it, I told him the necklace had nothing to do with my ex or our past relationship and it was a very sentimental thing to remember my mom. He seemed fine with it at first, but over time, he started making little comments about it. He would ask why I still had it and whether I still had feelings for my ex. I assured him multiple times that the locket meant nothing about my ex and was strictly a gift to remember my mom.
A few weeks ago, I got out the shower and found the locket was missing. After searching everywhere, I confronted my boyfriend, and he lied about it to me. I didn’t really believe him but I had no reasons to suspect him at the time so I left him alone about it. Few weeks later I’d hadn’t found the locket yet and he had left for a moment to go get something and his phone happened to be open and I glanced at his phone and went through it. Where he bragged about taking my locket to his friends.
I was pissed he lied to my face like that. After he came back I confronted him and he tried to blame me for invading his privacy. I kept pushing until he admitted that he had taken it and burned it because he couldn’t stand the thought of me keeping something from my ex. I was devastated. I couldn’t believe he threw away something so special to me.
We got into a bad argument since then, I’ve been staying with my sister and her family now avoiding him. I can barely look at him, let alone have a conversation. He’s sent me dozens of text apologizing and saying he did it out of love and insecurity. It feels like such a huge betrayal of trust.
I love him but I don’t think I love him enough to forgive him after what he did. I feel like I might be the AH is because I did look through his personal information.
submitted by ThrowRA_skyi to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]
