Unblocked games boxhead zombes 2 player

Can we not white-knight for a company/dev team who doesn't test or fix their own game?

2024.06.09 13:23 Lexi_______ Can we not white-knight for a company/dev team who doesn't test or fix their own game?

Honestly what is wrong with all these people trying to throw ToS and EULA like it's the damn word of God? Yeah it's a bug, players may exploit it and they will; it's on the devs to fix this.
This is only around because of 2 reasons:
  1. No proper testing/implementation
  2. No ability to quickly fix or ban key exploit items until a real fix can be made
Understand that these rules via ToS must be in place to stop people who are seriously exploiting mechanics in the game which cause real damage, not just a little reload bug. You can literally go and play at sub 9k for the weekend if you're gonna cry about it so hard. It's literally 1 weekend.
People need to hold devs accountable rather than simply wanting to ban people using a little exploit. That kind of thinking is incredibly backwards and only encourages the devs to cut corners and not test things, it's harmful to US the players more than anything.
submitted by Lexi_______ to Crossout [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:22 Bongo6_ Is the game worth it to buy on pc right now?

Hi, Does this game have players? Im from Belgium and I am looking for anotehr cod to play when black ops 2 has no players a lot of evenings... So if anyone has experience tell me :) Thanks
submitted by Bongo6_ to WWII [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:22 Dazzling_Ferret3985 1970 cup final replay

1970 cup final replay
Photo of my model Stamford bridge for attention!!
Hoping someone here can help. My grandad was at the 1970 FA cup final replay vs (dirty) Leeds at Old Trafford and didn't come home for 3 days, my Nan had his bags packed ready to kick him out... after the game he ended up in a club drinking with the Chelsea boys and George Best and has the ticket stub signed by a few of the Chelsea lads as well as George best. I can't post a photo of it as my dad has it somewhere but I’ll try to get a photo when I visit him next incase anyone is interested (not looking to sell it, just tho I people may like to see it)
Anyway I'm rambling.... I would love to be able to watch this game, I know it's meant to have been one of the most brutal games even by the standards back that. My dad reckons there would be about 2 players left at the end if you judged it by today's standard. I've found highlights of varying length on YouTube but if anyone knows where to watch the full match that would be great.
Im in my late 20s so started watching football properly in the early 00s when I was about 6/7 (yes I know I’m so lucky with the era of Chelsea I got the experience as a kid - I was at the 05/06 game vs Utd in the shed) but because of my age I’ve not seen much proper old school football that I always heard my dad and grandad talking about so would love to be able to watch it.
Also are there any other old games you’d recommend fans go back and watch even if it was miles before there time?
Thank you blues - keep the blue flag flying high 💙
submitted by Dazzling_Ferret3985 to chelseafc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:21 OnlyVantala Eastern Invasion: Evacuation: Could I just kill everyone?

I'm currently playing Eastern Invasion, and I have a question: if the player, in the Evacuation scenario, instead of retreating across the river, manages to kill all enemy leaders, would the game count it as winning the scenario, or no, we told you to run away, so you must run away?
If you're curious, I managed to beat it by 1) replaying every mission starting from the Castle in the Ice to stock up on gold in advance, 2) restarting the scenario twice, and 3) sacrificing a few of my high-level units.
Now I'm playing the Drowned Plains scenario; I've been told that it's one of the most "challenging in a bad way" scenarios in the whole campaign, and I kinda see why...
submitted by OnlyVantala to wesnoth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:20 Alarming-Form-5675 Should I sell Concordia Venus

I want some counsel.
I started playing Board games about 10 months ago, I have a steady group, we meet 1-2 times a week, the person hosting has lots of games but 80% light games and maybe 20% medium-light. I usually bring the "heavier" games. We usually meet for 4-7 hours and play multiple games, or in some cases meet for one game if its a long one(Only happened for Cthulhu wars and Eclipse).
Right now I have 33 games out of them I have 3 games I would classify as Euro games(other than Concordia).
1)Hansa - Great game love the interaction and the fact that its about 90 minutes with 5.
2)El Grande - Another pretty snappy 5 player elegant game with enough interaction.
3)Brass Birmingham - Played it for the first time yesterday, its a very good game, its longer and up to 4 players which takes it down for me, but just enough interaction for me to still be engaged with the other players.
Now getting Brass to the table was not easy, we are usually more than 4, and the only long game that "Stick" are Area control games(Cthulhu wars and Eclipse), I want to continue playing Brass which won't happen more than once a month.
I liked Brass, its not my favorite, it probably never will be, but its very good and interesting enough that I want to play it more and learn it, But I am in a place overall in which I mostly stopped buying games I want to play the game I own more, which is limited to 2-5 games a week, the games I want to play more are(No particular order):
1)Cosmic Encounter.
3)The Estates
6)Cthulhu wars.
8)El Grande
12)John Company(The only game other than Concordia I haven't played yet in my collection).
13)Nemesis Lockdown.
14)Modern Art.
My other games are more filler games to play whenever.
I am not sure if Concordia is a game I am going to like enough to invest plays in and right now I still have it in shrink and think if I should just sell it.
So long story short, for people who like games like the games I did list, is Concordia that good, or just Ok.
submitted by Alarming-Form-5675 to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:18 adabaste919 I need a fast app for cricket live scores & news

For those seeking a fast and reliable app for live cricket scores and news, the My11 app stands out as a superior option compared to My11 Circle. Here’s why My11 is the best choice for cricket enthusiasts:

Key Features of My11 App

  1. Real-Time Live Scores:
    • My11 provides lightning-fast updates on live cricket scores, ensuring you stay up-to-date with every ball and wicket in real time. The app’s speed and accuracy make it ideal for following the action as it happens.
  2. Comprehensive Cricket News:
    • The app offers a broad spectrum of cricket news, including match previews, post-match analyses, player interviews, and breaking news. This keeps users informed about all the latest developments in the cricket world.
  3. User-Friendly Interface:
    • My11 boasts an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, which enhances the user experience. Whether you’re looking for live scores, news updates, or detailed match statistics, everything is just a few taps away.
  4. Detailed Match Analysis:
    • Beyond live scores, My11 provides in-depth match analysis, including player performance statistics, team comparisons, and expert insights. This feature helps users gain a deeper understanding of the game.
  5. Customizable Notifications:
    • With My11, you can set up personalized notifications to receive alerts for specific matches, teams, or players. This ensures you never miss crucial moments, such as wickets, boundaries, and milestones.
  6. Interactive Features:
    • The app includes interactive elements like live polls, quizzes, and fan discussions, which enhance user engagement and make following cricket more enjoyable.

Why My11 Over My11 Circle?

submitted by adabaste919 to cricketscorelive [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:18 adabaste919 I need a fast app for cricket live scores & news

For those seeking a fast and reliable app for live cricket scores and news, the My11 app stands out as a superior option compared to My11 Circle. Here’s why My11 is the best choice for cricket enthusiasts:

Key Features of My11 App

  1. Real-Time Live Scores:
    • My11 provides lightning-fast updates on live cricket scores, ensuring you stay up-to-date with every ball and wicket in real time. The app’s speed and accuracy make it ideal for following the action as it happens.
  2. Comprehensive Cricket News:
    • The app offers a broad spectrum of cricket news, including match previews, post-match analyses, player interviews, and breaking news. This keeps users informed about all the latest developments in the cricket world.
  3. User-Friendly Interface:
    • My11 boasts an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, which enhances the user experience. Whether you’re looking for live scores, news updates, or detailed match statistics, everything is just a few taps away.
  4. Detailed Match Analysis:
    • Beyond live scores, My11 provides in-depth match analysis, including player performance statistics, team comparisons, and expert insights. This feature helps users gain a deeper understanding of the game.
  5. Customizable Notifications:
    • With My11, you can set up personalized notifications to receive alerts for specific matches, teams, or players. This ensures you never miss crucial moments, such as wickets, boundaries, and milestones.
  6. Interactive Features:
    • The app includes interactive elements like live polls, quizzes, and fan discussions, which enhance user engagement and make following cricket more enjoyable.

Why My11 Over My11 Circle?

submitted by adabaste919 to whichseotools [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:14 Dizzy-Screen-6618 IS IT COMPLETELY DEAD??? (Ochokochi Deep-Dive)

IS IT COMPLETELY DEAD??? (Ochokochi Deep-Dive)
After almost a year since the fateful day that the Ochokochi was released into the Live Server, generating an all time high in anger and rage quitters, one question remains; Is the Ochokochi still any good? The affirmative answer is common knowledge to many, but today we will delve deep into the reason of this answer.
Even the greatest hater can't deny the Ochokochi's breathtaking design and unique mechanics
In order to utilize a Robot to its greatest potential, one must properly understand its strengths.
  • Durability: Even after its 25% HP nerf, the Ochokochi remains firmly entrenched in the tank status. Despite its maximum base durability is now only 300,000 HP, is easily spawns into a match with a cool 550,000+ HP with the right Pilot Skills, Modules and Drones.
  • Ability: The Ochokochi's ability is incredibly versatile and useful. For the full 8 seconds of ability the robot moves at an incredible pace while emitting powerful shockwave that push enemies away. For the first half of the ability all incoming damage is reduced (20%, 30%, 40% for MK1, MK2 and MK3 respectively). As an added bonus, the remaining damage that isn't blocked in this first phase is converted into DoT (Damage over Time, a.k.a. corrosion) damage and every projectile that hits the robot causes your robot to take one stack of DoT, this is very important, more on it later.
  • Firepower: 2 Medium and 2 Light hardpoints are no laughing matter. Equip this robot with the right weapons and you'll be the last one standing. We will talk about weapon choices in the next section
Understanding your Robot's limitations is arguably more important than understanding its power.
  • Speed: When using the Ochokochi always have a clear goal to where you want to go and what you want to achieve. It's very easy to burn a lot of time wandering aimlessly from one side of a map to the other.
  • Ability Cooldown: With a cooldown of 12 seconds and an effective duration of 4 seconds, you need to learn to utilize it where you really need it, namely when taking heavy fire from the enemy, do not use it just to get to places fast (exception; securing important beacons especially during a close end-game).
  • Rust: Like every other highly durable Robot that relies on healing to keep it alive, the Ochokochi is highly susceptible to the Rust effect. In fact, due to the fact that DoT is 100% healable damage, the Ochokochi may be even more reliant on heal than almost any other Robot around.
Judge not a Robot on its own, but on what it carries upon itself.
  • Leiming/Shifang: The most popular build in the highest level of the game, this build deals insane damage to groups of enemies and has the added fun bonus of charging your Mothership and Titan extremely fast if needed.
  • UE Corona/Halo, UE Punisher: The former excels in dealing extreme amounts of damage to robots at close range, most effective at 120-150m against regular robots (It's bearer will have no issues transporting them to this destination). This build will lock your enemies down and finish them off in a blink of an eye. The latter is the bane to slow moving tanks, it will slice through their Defense Points like butter. Pair according to taste.
  • Porthos/Aramis: Accurate to a fault with extreme Mothership and Titan charge, it's no surprise that this is an easy recommend for the Ochokochi with all that heal to quench its thirst for constant heal.
  • F2P Options: Seeing that this robot is in widespread use of Free To Play players these are my top recommendations: Mace/Cudgel and, what do you know, Hazard/Blight. The former builds weapons are still menaces at close range and fit Ochokochi's aggressive playstyle perfectly. The latter is a softer and safer option which allows you to keep some distance while supporting your team but can still brawl decently well if the need arises. An honorary mention is the Havoc/Scatter build which, while able to completely destroy heal orientated enemies, still lacks in reload and clip size making it a more niche option that requires decent timing and battle awareness.
Pro Tip: If you are using an Ochokochi for your starter Robot, simply slap a Tamer on together with whatever build you've chosen, this gives you an immediate advantage against any heal reliant enemy tank you may face.
Easily one of the most overlooked parts of robot builds, these should be one of your top priorities.
(Keys: NA = Nuclear Amplifier, RA = Repair Amplifier, IA = Immune Amplifier)
  • 1x NA/2x RA: Easily the best option, I wouldn't seriously recommend any other build to be honest but some others may have some kind of benefit on some builds in certain scenarios... (this is the F2P recommended set-up).
  • 1x NA/1x IA/1x RA: Very hard to utilize, this only has value if your Ochokochi is fully decked out and running the Pascal drone. Even in this case, you may have to play the Ochokochi slightly more on the conservative side, which it does not appreciate.
  • Active Module: The recommended module is Phase Shift as this may be your only protection against Rust and the Ability's cooldown. If you have the Avalon mothership feel free to use heals if you have the charge ready. If you spawn Ochokochi as a starter Robot then stick with Phase Shift.
These pesky little buggers carry more weight than many give them credit for.
Shai: The best drone for long term survival. Play your Robot carefully and gain all 5 stacks to transform into an unkillable monster. This robot gives the Ochokochi the survivability it so dearly misses from its prime days. The built-in Last Stand doesn't hurt either last time I checked.
One of the most popular all-around Drones in the game
Pascal: This drone is your best option to allow your Ochokochi to do what it loves most; Charging the enemy head-on. The built in heal and temporary Defense Points allow it to stay alive and charge Amplifiers with ease. The downside is its long term bonuses, in which it lacks severely.
Don't let this Drone's appearance fool you, it's deadly. Really deadly
Hiruko: Yes, the Hiruko. Even after its recent nerf (read this post if you aren't up to date), the Hiruko still works wonders on the Ochokochi. The bonus 240,000 HP after 8 Active Module activations is no joke. This is besides the fact that now only the Ochokochi can be reliably take DoT stacks for bonus damage even after the Hiruko's 3rd ability reaches max stacks (8) due to the Robot's built-in DoT generation from the first phase of its ability.
This abomination will strike fear into the hearts of your enemies
Armadillo: A decent option, sadly not on the level of the previous listed Drones but works fine.
A great drone, sadly outclassed by the more recent releases
F2P Options: Unfortunately, Microchips aren't exactly a Free to Play resource, therefore if you do not have any of the previous leveled your options are severely curbed. Reviver is the only drone I'd use at level 1 as a F2P but the Whiteout is the only other one that is better than nothing.
Pilots and Pilot Skills:
A Robot without a Pilot and Skills is worthless, don't let your Robots decide anything for you.
Vepkho Lovidze: Vepkho's specialty is converting DoT stacks into Defense Points. Be on the lookout for Robots and weapons that deal damage with many small projectiles to soak up for maximum effect (read "Ability" above). The DoT stacks (and therefore the Defense Points as well) that the primary phase of the Ochokochi ability generates last for 5 seconds.
This fearless Tiger-masked warrior fights with honor
Seven: She specializes in converting damage into heal for her Robot. She heals 15% of the Ochokochi's HP after the ability ends as well as 10% of the damage it dealt during its ability.
This poor girl underwent a horrible botched experiment that left her dangerously unstable
Verdict: Although Seven's Durability heal seems enticing, Vepkho Lovidze's Defense Points comes ahead in most cases, although if you have a lower level Ochokochi and no maxed RAs you may want to choose Seven to keep that HP up.
Overall Vepkho Lovidze is the better choice for the high flyers and Seven is the better option for lower level players.
Pilot Skills:
Unfortunately Memorium isn't made to be very Free to Play friendly either, but if you can get your hands on some, these are the skills you should be on the lookout for in descending order of importance:
  • Armor Expert / Ochokochi (Ochokochi has increased durability).
  • Tough Guy / Ochokochi (Ochokochi has increased durability but its weapon damage is lowered by [Placeholder]%).
  • Deft Survivor / Ochokochi (Recharges robot's ability after Ochokochi's durability drops below a certain level. Triggers once per battle. Not affected by leveling up).
  • Cautious Pilot / Ochokochi (Ochokochi has increased durability but its speed is lowered by [Placeholder]%).
  • Dodger / Ochokochi (All active modules recharge faster on Ochokochi).
  • Stubborn Warrior / Ochokochi (As long as Ochokochi has a durability of below 30% it gains additional Defense Points).
Much lower priority for the last one (Choose whatever benefits you most):
  • Module Expert, Road Hog, Mechanic or [Weapon Skill]
Pro Tip: If you are going to level the pilot all the way to the max select the Deft Survivor skill last as you don't need to level the Pilot's rank further it to increase its effectiveness.
Sorry for the long read, hope this was informative. Have a great day!
(Please upvote and share if you found this helpful, comment below for any corrections or extra advice)
submitted by Dizzy-Screen-6618 to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:09 TheDigitalCafe [Choncc Treasure] 6 Sniper 6 Warden

[Choncc Treasure] 6 Sniper 6 Warden
3* Kayn or coughing baby?
Choncc so I know its a lesser win BUT rolled a warden and sniper crown! Super crazy with a single 3 star :3!
submitted by TheDigitalCafe to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:05 Worth-Commission-533 RANT : Rise of griefers and toxic people in pubs

I noticed a huge surge in griefers and toxic people in EUW servers (low divine/high ancient) these past few days. I'm 12k behavior and communication. Is it related to overwatch not working? If i tried to quantify it, i had a griefer in my games (ally or ennemy) once in every 20 games, now it's one every 2 games. By griefers, i mean people that farm role queue tokens but don't play their role, like supports going midas first item (shout out to the pos 5 ogre that went midas and refresher, he fooled us by buying tiara first and queued hex only to buy refresher) or the mid (for some reason, it's always SF players) that rage buyback after his first death or second death if you're lucky and goes on to either feed on purpose of afk farm.
I also noticed that my communication score went up from 10.5k to 12k even though i'm sometimes annoying. VALVE PLEASE FIX
I know that many people in the dota 2 community got used to the toxic behavior in pubs, but it's not something i can tolerate nor should be slept on. Someone insulting my family for no reason (i don't even think there's a valid reason for that) can ruin my mood for the day. Matter of fact, that's the reason I took breaks of several months of the game in the past.
Dota 2 labs option to decline games depending on their quality (skill range and behavior score) changed my dota experience so much and made me enjoy dota soo much. I can't remember when i had this much fun playing the game. You don't have to deal with non english speaking (mostly Russian) people in euw nor Iranian internet café screaming teenager.
Pictures from my last games :)
min 11 midas on my pos 4 AA
My pos 1 Zeus that went auto attack build (manta and shard) 3 days after 7.36b that proceeded to insult my mom after begging him to not get manta and go magical
submitted by Worth-Commission-533 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:04 Desolating Barely any matches are balanced

Played the game quite alot this week. Maybe 1 in 5 games (at best) are an even matchup. The other 4 out of 5 games has like 10-15 high ranking veterans while the other team has 1 or 2 people above rank 100. After a round these veterans are in spectator mode until they can switch to the attacking team. On regicide at trayan capital they switch to defending because defending team has the edge there.
Straight up pathetic. What is the point of constantly stacking teams so it is always a stomp instead of a fair match. Kinda sucks the fun out of the game for me. Just now I was the only player on the team with a rank above 100 while the enemy team had 12 people above 500 with 3 of them rank 1000. Wish the devs adressed this issue.
submitted by Desolating to Chivalry2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:04 FFBot Official: [Index] - For All Your Team/League Questions - Sun 06/09/2024


Play in our Weekly Accuracy Challenge sponsored by FantasyPros
FantasyPros organizes advice from 100+ fantasy experts all in one spot. Quickly get consensus opinions from your favorite experts or the ones who have been rated as the most accurate over time. With My Playbook, you can import your team in seconds to get advice specifically tailored to your squad. The weekly advice includes Start/Sit picks, suggested Waiver Pickups, Trade help, and news & notes for your players.
Official Reddit FanDuel league
We've partnered with FanDuel to host a series of redditor-only free contests with $2,800 in cash prizes! During Weeks 1-20, there will be a free play contest with $125 in cash prizes.
Other /fantasyfootball Contests
The following users have helped the most people in all of the threads:
User # Helped in thread

Official: [Dynasty & Best Ball] - Sun 06/09/2024

Official: [Keeper] - Sun 06/09/2024

Official: [League, Commissioner, and Platform Issues] - Sun 06/09/2024

submitted by FFBot to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:02 FoxGoesBOOM Matchmaking is malfunctioning since split 2 started

check ur own op:gg and you will find out that it doesn't work like it should. instead of focusing on matching the MMR of the players it focuses more on matching the Visual rank of the Players. I just played against a midlaner that endet split 1 in diamond 3, won 6 games more than losing in split 2, and is currently diamond 2 with his rank, which means his hidden mmr is also around diamond 2. I am also currently diamond 2 with my rank but my mmr is much higher than my rank right now, and i am 4 loses down compared to wins right now, but i basically endet split 1 with 150LP master. i proceedet to absolute giga gap him in mid, because my MMR should be still around 50LP master minimum, while his mmr should be d2. Yet we both get into the same game, there should be around 15wins of difference between my MMR and his MMR but we both get matched against Each other, because we have the same "visual rank"
I checked more accounts about this, and saw stuff like enemy draven that endet split 1 330LP master, is 8wins down in split 2 is d4 with visual rank but should have at least an mmr of 200+Lp master, but gets matched against another d4 in split 2 and his enemy opponent ended d2 split 1. it should be impossible for these two individuals to get matched against each other, yet they still got matched against each other?!?!?, because they have the same "visual rank" in split 2.
it really feels like the matchmaking doesn't use mmr at all and only uses the visual rank or prioritizes the visual rank much more than the actual hidden MMR of players.
submitted by FoxGoesBOOM to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:00 f4fotografy Rewards for a kill should be scaled like "Bighead" from Unreal Tournament.

  1. How far they have travelled
  2. How long they've been alive
  3. How many kills they have (in the current vehicle).
The rewards for killing someone who has been alive the whole game and got 9 kills should be higher than spawn camping people who haven't moved yet. Kind of like the old "Bighead" mutator for Unreal Tournament.
This game has become nothing but spawn campers and planes (and planes that are spawn camping), by making the rewards for spawn camping basically zero and effectively putting a bounty on good players, it might* encourage the average wt player to fight over the middle of the map instead of rushing the spawn. This has the added bonus of making it really lucrative to kill a spawn camper while also making it almost worthless to spawn camp.
*might, the average wt player seems REALLY desperate to camp spawns.
submitted by f4fotografy to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:00 sfgbot Gameday Thread 6/9/24 Giants (Winn) @ Rangers (Eovaldi) 10:05 AM

First Pitch: 10:05 AM at Globe Life Field
Team Starter TV Radio
Giants Keaton Winn (3-6, 6.17 ERA) Roku KNBR, KSFN (ES)
Rangers Nathan Eovaldi (2-2, 2.70 ERA) Roku 105.3, KFLC (ES)
Game Preview
Reddit Stream for this post

Line Score - Scheduled

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
SF 0 0 0 -
TEX 0 0 0 -

Box Score

Posted at 4:00 AM. Updates start at game time.

Tracker MLB.com Game Graph
submitted by sfgbot to SFGiants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:55 Nico_Is_Life Amber/Amethyst Deck Help (beginner)

AmbeAmethyst Deck Help (beginner)
Hi everyone, I'm a long time TCG player but just now looking to get into Lorcana. I've only ever played a handful of games right around when the first starter decks came out and haven't really played since. I'm trying to make my first deck to get into the game. I was looking around at decks and I really like the 101 Dalmatians cards. I saw that they weren't quite there as their own deck yet but I did see some AmbeAmethyst aggro lists and figured I could fit in a small package with Lucky/Perdita/99 Puppies into the deck. So I kind of hodgepodged my way into thus current list.
Just wanting some advice/tips on this list before I go out and actually buy the cards since I've never brewed a list before, so no clue if this is fine or wayyyy off. The only restrictions I have are that I am being semi-budget, Perdita is kinda the limit of what I want to be paying for any single card and trying to keep the whole deck under $75 usd. Also I built the deck around Lucky/Perdita/99 Puppies so those being in the deck in at least 2 ofs are the only non-negotiables when it comes to replacing stuff. Otherwise feel free to give any advice regarding changes all will be greatly appreciated. :D
Also if anyone has any decklists that actually include Pongo and some of the other puppies cards that should be fine for a local tournament level I would love to see them. <3
submitted by Nico_Is_Life to Lorcana [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:54 Nykusu New champ select tech/trick for Sera bot lane ("The Draven-Mask")

hey dearies,
my follow Sera bot lane enjoyers probably know this problem:
Your supports thinking they HAVE to play Senna first time, simply because you picked Sera. This has 2 problems for your ranked game:
  1. First timing a champ in ranked is not good and your support will most likely not be of much help to you
  2. Senna is just not that good with Sera this season (outdated assumption by clueless support players). She sits at 48% winrate all the time. Below average.
What Sera really wants as support (at least I do) is a beefy CC tank like Naut, Rell, Alistar, Braum, Thresh, etc.
Essential you want someone who is not just another squishy target for the enemy frontline. Instead you want setup CC and follow up (Rell makes is really easy to R combo btw).
Now here is the new legendary tech I developed: The Draven-Mask
Step 1: Secure that your picking AFTER your support in champ selection by swapping if required!
Step 2: Hover Draven as your intended pick!
This stimulates your supports brain and makes them believe they have to pick a CC/engage/tanky support now as setup for Draven instead of some flimsy Senna that they never played before.
Step 3: You just pick Sera as usual!
Boom done. Avoided the first time Senna/Sona. Improves your winrate in the long run. Try it for yourself, it really does work amazingly well.
As an added bonus:
Step 4 (optional): Mute your support in champ select, so you don't even know if they feel tricked or anything and just play the game.
submitted by Nykusu to SeraphineMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:54 WatermelonLimeGummy Ark Official PvP: It's Not About Unlimited Free Time, It's About Teamwork and Friends.

Hey fellow survivors,
I've seen a lot of discussions about how Ark Official PvP is all about having unlimited free time to stay ahead. While having more time to play can certainly help, I think there's a bigger picture we're missing: it's not just about how much time you have, it's about having a solid group of friends who can defend the server.
Here are a few points to consider:
  1. 24/7 Defense: Even the most dedicated player can't be online 24/7. That's where your tribe comes in. Having a group of friends who can cover different time zones and shifts means your base is always protected, even when you're offline. It's a team effort to keep everything safe and running smoothly.
  2. Resource Gathering: While it might seem like you need endless hours to gather resources, the reality is that a well-coordinated tribe can accomplish this much more efficiently. Divide tasks among tribe members: while one group hunts for materials, another can be building or taming. This way, you maximize productivity without burning out any single player.
  3. Tactical Coordination: PvP in Ark isn't just a brute force game; it requires strategy. Coordinating attacks, defenses, and managing diplomacy with other tribes are tasks that benefit greatly from having a variety of perspectives and skills within your group. Diverse skills and knowledge within your tribe can turn the tide of a battle more than sheer hours spent grinding.
  4. Social Aspect: One of the most rewarding parts of Ark is the social interaction. Building strong alliances, making new friends, and working together towards common goals can make the game much more enjoyable. It's these connections that often make the difference between a thriving tribe and one that crumbles under pressure.
  5. Shared Burden: Playing solo or in a small group can feel overwhelming because the burden of every task falls on your shoulders. In a larger tribe, responsibilities are shared, making the game more manageable and fun. Whether it's taming high-level dinos, building massive structures, or organizing raids, everything becomes easier and more enjoyable when you’re not doing it alone.
So next time someone says Ark Official PvP is just about having unlimited free time, remind them that it's more about having the right group of friends and working together as a team. Teamwork truly makes the dream work in Ark.
What are your experiences with tribe teamwork on official servers? Any tips on building and maintaining a strong tribe? Let's discuss!
Happy surviving!
submitted by WatermelonLimeGummy to ARK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:53 preserve-it Beginniners guide on 3*

I lost my old account with half way in 3* land i am a intermediate player who tried this game 4 years ago
I started a new account this month and got ascended 1)honey badger and 2)spider rex
Now I completed 1s and 2s and headed to 3*s
Any idea how much time will it take me to complete 3s and head to 4s
I champed my first 3* Thanos and focusing on Deadpool now.
What 3*s form best teams?
submitted by preserve-it to MarvelPuzzleQuest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:53 AdeptEye3465 Looking for a Fortnite duo

Im a 15 yo, chapter 1 season 2 player, platinum 1 looking for a Fortnite duo for tournaments, ranked and fncs, your game must be good (u should be plat+), must be communicative, and know about the game very well, dm me if interested
submitted by AdeptEye3465 to PakGamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:50 Many_Presentation250 How to learn multiplayer implementation?

So I’m starting learning gamedev and I want to create a 2-player fast paced competitive multiplayer pixel platforming game. As a beginner looking at all the netcode stuff is pretty daunting and I don’t really know where to start or what to do. I’ve heard that retroactively making a game multiplayer is at best a hassle and at worst basically impossible so I wanna do it right from the beginning. Having a dedicated server seems like the best option but it’s expensive and I don’t really wanna spend that much on server costs, p2p seems reasonable but I don’t really know if it’s safe or if there’s some implementation I can do to reduce latency? (I think steam has an networking API? Is that something to look into?)
submitted by Many_Presentation250 to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:49 Aco_130 Why DeAndre Jordan is the GOAT!

DeAndre Jordan should definitely be considered the GOAT of basketball. You wonder why, well let me explain:
  1. Rebounding Dominance: DeAndre Jordan is one of the most dominant rebounders in the NBA. He led the league in rebounding in two seasons and has consistently been among the top rebounders throughout his career.
  2. Exceptional Defender: Jordan's defensive presence is undeniable. He was named to the NBA All-Defensive First Team in 2015 and 2016, and was the NBA's blocks leader in 2014.
  3. Efficiency: Jordan holds the NBA record for the highest career field goal percentage, primarily due to his shot selection and incredible athleticism.
  4. Durability: Throughout his career, Jordan has been remarkably durable, often playing in all 82 games of the regular season.
  5. Leadership: Jordan has often served as a key veteran presence on his teams, providing leadership both on and off the court.
  6. Dunking Power: Jordan is known for his incredible dunking ability, often electrifying crowds with his powerful slams. In fact, he was the league leader in dunks for several seasons.
While the term "GOAT" often refers to players like Michael Jordan or LeBron James who have multiple championships and MVP awards, it's worth noting that being great can also mean excelling consistently in specific areas. And in terms of rebounding, defense, and efficiency, DeAndre Jordan is clearly the GOAT
submitted by Aco_130 to nba [link] [comments]
