Onomatopoeia examples or worksheets


2021.02.16 08:01 TrendyWilliamsShow AutismInWomen

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2024.06.09 15:17 tempmailgenerator Customizing Excel VBA Macros for Outlook Email Selection

Optimizing Email Dispatch through VBA

Automating email processes through Excel VBA can significantly enhance productivity, especially for those who regularly send out a multitude of emails. This technique allows for a streamlined approach to email distribution, leveraging Excel macros to interact directly with Outlook. The primary convenience lies in automating repetitive tasks, such as sending weekly reports or notifications to a broad audience. However, a common hurdle encountered by many involves customizing the macro to select a specific sending address within Outlook, especially when multiple accounts are configured.
This challenge arises from the need to personalize emails sent from specific accounts to ensure they align with the sender's identity or the email's purpose. The ability to automate the selection of a 'From' email address directly from Excel VBA not only saves time but also adds a layer of professionalism to the communication. Unfortunately, despite numerous tutorials, the integration of this feature often appears elusive, leading many to resort to manually selecting the sending address for each email. Addressing this issue not only optimizes the process but enhances the overall efficiency of email management.
Command Description
CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Initializes an instance of Outlook.
.CreateItem(0) Creates a new email item.
.Attachments.Add Adds an attachment to the email.
.Display Displays the email before sending for review.
For Each...Next Loops through a range of cells.

Enhancing Email Automation with VBA

Automating email tasks using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in conjunction with Microsoft Outlook offers a powerful way to enhance efficiency and accuracy in email communication. This approach is particularly beneficial for users who need to manage a large volume of emails or send personalized communications to multiple recipients regularly. The core of this automation lies in the ability to programmatically control Outlook from within Excel, enabling the sending of emails based on data contained in an Excel worksheet. This functionality can significantly streamline operations such as weekly newsletters, marketing campaigns, or status reports, by automating what would otherwise be a tedious and error-prone manual process.
The challenge, however, comes in personalizing the 'From' field when sending emails from different accounts configured in Outlook. This is a common requirement for users who manage multiple email identities for various roles or departments. The default behavior of VBA scripts is to use the primary Outlook account, which may not always be appropriate for every email sent. By modifying the VBA script to allow the selection of the 'From' address, users can ensure that each email is sent from the most suitable account, enhancing the email's relevance and credibility. Moreover, this customization can contribute to better organization and segmentation of email communications, leading to improved engagement and efficiency.

Integrating 'From' Email Selection in VBA Macros

Written in Visual Basic for Applications
Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0) With OutMail .SentOnBehalfOfName = "your-email@example.com" .To = "recipient@example.com" .Subject = "Subject Here" .Body = "Email body here" .Display ' or .Send End With 

Advanced Techniques in VBA Email Automation

Mastering email automation through VBA in Excel opens up a world of efficiency and personalization for users who need to send out bulk communications but wish to maintain a personal touch. This is particularly important in scenarios where emails need to be tailored to individual recipients or sent from specific accounts to match the communication context. Advanced scripting in VBA allows users to dynamically select the 'From' email address in Outlook, circumventing the limitations of manual selection and the default account restrictions. This capability is crucial for users managing multiple departments, roles, or identities within their professional landscape.
Moreover, the integration of Excel and Outlook through VBA extends beyond just sending emails. It enables the automation of entire workflows, such as generating personalized email content based on Excel data, scheduling emails, and even handling responses. This level of automation ensures that communication is both consistent and efficient, reducing the potential for human error and freeing up valuable time for more strategic tasks. However, navigating this integration requires a nuanced understanding of both Excel VBA and Outlook's object model, highlighting the need for clear guidance and best practices in implementing these solutions effectively.

FAQs on VBA Email Automation

  1. Question: Can I send emails through Excel VBA without Outlook?
  2. Answer: While Excel VBA is typically used in conjunction with Outlook for email automation, alternative methods can involve SMTP servers or third-party email services APIs, although these require more complex setups.
  3. Question: How do I automate sending emails from different Outlook accounts?
  4. Answer: You can specify the 'SentOnBehalfOfName' property in your VBA script to send emails from different accounts configured in Outlook, provided you have the necessary permissions.
  5. Question: Can attachments be added dynamically in VBA automated emails?
  6. Answer: Yes, the '.Attachments.Add' method can be used within your VBA script to add attachments dynamically based on file paths specified in your Excel sheet.
  7. Question: Is it possible to schedule emails using Excel VBA?
  8. Answer: Direct scheduling is not supported through VBA, but you can script the creation of calendar appointments in Outlook with reminders to send emails, effectively scheduling them indirectly.
  9. Question: How can I ensure my automated emails do not end up in the spam folder?
  10. Answer: Ensure your emails are not overly promotional, include a clear unsubscribe link, and maintain a reputable sender score. Sending from recognized accounts and limiting the number of identical emails can also help.

Mastering VBA for Efficient Email Management

As we delve into the intricacies of automating email processes via Excel VBA, it becomes clear that this technology offers a potent tool for enhancing communication efficiency. The ability to customize the 'From' email address directly from Excel not only streamlines the email sending process but also opens up a realm of possibilities for personalization and professionalism in email communication. Despite the initial challenges in script modification and understanding the Outlook object model, the benefits far outweigh the efforts. Through careful implementation and continuous learning, users can significantly reduce manual email management tasks, ensuring that emails are sent timely, from the correct account, and with a personalized touch. This exploration underlines the importance of embracing VBA automation in modern business communications, advocating for its role in optimizing workflows and fostering more meaningful interactions in the digital age.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:41 Spare-Flower-3542 i take too long to do work

idk if i’m just like dumb or something 😭 but like i take super long just to complete one question for most of my subjects and i don’t know how to change this
like for example my friend completed a whole vectors worksheet of 10 questions in 2 hours and i only completed 2 questions in the same time…. like i swear it wasn’t like i wasn’t focused or like whatever but it takes me so long to understand stuff and like know what the next steps are so i guess that hinders me too.
the problem is that this is pretty much the same for most of my subjects like physics and chem 😭 and idk how to improve this. does anyone else also face this problem and how do i overcome it? very desperate because this problem causes my productivity to dip so bad and i feel so demoralized. please help a j2 🙏🏻
submitted by Spare-Flower-3542 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:24 askkristin How to Write the Credit Perfect Dispute Letter

How to Write the Perfect Dispute Letter to Clean Up Your Credit Report. 😱 Credit repair doesn't work, but this credit sweep strategy does! ! If you would like to get a free credit sweep consultation head to https://my740.com. Credit Sweep Cheat Sheet Link is below this text. 👉Get the 4-page cheat sheet FREE on my Telegram channel https://sendmeto.co/telegram
In this video, you'll learn a step-by-step method for writing the perfect dispute letter to remove negative items from your credit report. The process includes answering essential questions for your letter, constructing a compelling dispute reason, and utilizing a proven structure for effectiveness. The guide also covers how to document inconsistencies across different credit bureaus and handle disputes efficiently, whether you're an individual or a company. Additional tips are provided to avoid common stalling tactics used by credit bureaus. For a comprehensive understanding, viewers can access a downloadable worksheet, a full credit suite training, and other resources through the described event.
00:00 Introduction to Writing the Perfect Dispute Letter 00:26 Key Questions for Your Dispute Letter 00:48 Example Dispute Letter 01:22 Structuring the Perfect Dispute Reason 02:04 Detailed Examples of Dispute Reasons 02:28 Finalizing Your Dispute Letter 03:13 Additional Resources and Conclusion
Get the Chat with Credit Course at https://sendmeto.co/chat. Get the Dispute Funnel Course at https://sendmeto.co/funnel. Learn about the coaching on my Patreon store under memberships at https://patreon.com/740creditscores
250 collections removed before and after video https://youtu.be/zam8srBB7Qo Importance of sending dispute letters via certified mail short https://youtube.com/shorts/rK-rnS9gJ74?feature=share
Client results playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCkW-fTkIGnxOdGjZrudHSn-ygbYuWuQO
Join my Exclusive Youtube Newsletter at https://sendmeto.co/ytfam, where you'll receive exclusive content, free offers, discounts, early releases and more! As a way to say thank you, you'll receive free and instant access to my "How to Remove Any Account" Google Spreadsheet that walks you through creating a dispute reason step-by-step.
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Join my Exclusive Youtube Newsletter at https://sendmeto.co/ytfam, where you'll receive exclusive content, free offers, discounts, early releases and more! As a way to say thank you, you'll receive free and instant access to my "How to Remove Any Account" Google Spreadsheet that walks you through creating a dispute reason step-by-step.
Check out the store: https://www.youtube.com/c/AskKristin/store
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✨ Check out all 3 credit reports and scores with the same credit monitoring I show in my videos and use for my clients with SmartCredit https://sendmeto.co/smartcredit or IdentityIQ: ✨ https://sendmeto.co/identityiq
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⭐ Video Notes :
submitted by askkristin to u/askkristin [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:01 BetterRemember Does anyone else get super annoyed by incorrect/awkward yet common phrases/words?

For example, I can feel my ears get hot whenever someone says (OR TYPES) "Wallaah!" when they mean "Voilà" it's as if they think it's some kind of onomatopoeia sound effect but no, IT'S A WORD, IT'S A WORD IN FRENCH!!
I also get irrationally angry when people say "so I was videoing-" when they could just say "recording" which is easier to say anyway. I mean, I've seen it on several online dictionaries but it still pisses me off because it sounds obnoxious to me.
Is anyone else weird about words like this? Sometimes people will phrase something so absurdly that I have to excuse myself to walk it off.
submitted by BetterRemember to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 11:00 Low-improvement_18 Family & Friends Friday - Change Plan Worksheet

It's Family & Friends Friday!
We often say that we cannot directly change our Loved One's addictive behavior. We can, however, make some changes to our behavior which might affect our Loved One's addictive behavior. Maybe we decide to work on our self-care, which might serve as a model for our LO? Or we might try not to catastrophize when things get difficult? There is a list of things we might change in the F&F handbook (page 3): we might stop protecting, rescuing, nagging or controlling our LO, for example. We might try to stop obsessing about our LO's behavior, or we might stop trying harder ("if I were a better parent/friend/partner this wouldn't be happening").
You might consider taking a look at the Change Plan Worksheet, to help you decide what changes you would like to make and help you plan those changes.
What changes do you think you might make in your own behavior? Is the Change Plan Worksheet helpful for this?
submitted by Low-improvement_18 to SMARTRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 09:56 adulting4kids Onomatopoeia Lesson Plan

Advanced Lesson Plan: In-Depth Exploration of Onomatopoeia
Objective: Honors students will delve deeply into the concept of onomatopoeia, examining its literary, linguistic, and cultural significance. They will analyze sophisticated examples, engage in critical discussions, and create advanced onomatopoeic expressions.
Course Level: University Honors Seminar
Duration: 2 weeks (8 sessions)
Materials: 1. Academic articles on onomatopoeia 2. Literary works with nuanced use of onomatopoeia 3. Multimedia resources (videos, audio clips) 4. Whiteboard and markers 5. Chart paper, markers, and post-it notes 6. Laptops or tablets for research
Session 1: Introduction to Advanced Onomatopoeia Studies (60 minutes)
Session 2: Cross-Cultural Examination of Onomatopoeia (60 minutes)
Session 3: The Psychology of Onomatopoeia (60 minutes)
Session 4: Onomatopoeia in Technical Writing and Science (75 minutes)
Session 5: Advanced Literary Analysis (75 minutes)
Session 6: Student-led Discussions and Presentations (90 minutes)
Session 7: Creative Expression Through Onomatopoeia (90 minutes)
Session 8: Culminating Project and Reflection (120 minutes)
Assessment Criteria:
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:53 withboldentreaty Words which sound like their definition

There's some kind of--perhaps synesthetic--experience to words which sound like their definition. Onomatopoeias are almost always good examples. I find synonyms often have one word which feels more fitting to the definition than the other. Specter feels spookier than ghost or spirit. Studying foreign languages also reveals trends e.g. miel and honey are both very soft, syrupy words for the same thing. Just saying the word, "lovely" is a lovely experience.
Has anyone done work on this? Can I read about it somewhere? Is there a word for what I'm describing?
submitted by withboldentreaty to asklinguistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:37 Skandoit0225 Accounting for Daily Compounding Interest in Loan Amortization Table

I've been wracking my brain on this for ages now and still can't figure it out.
This is a personal project of mine that I am creating partially for practical benefit, partially as a skills test for my Excel capabilities, and partially so I can share with family, friends, and maybe the public as a useful tool.
I'm building a custom loan amortization table so I can track various loans of mine, primarily my car loans and student loans. Both are rendered inaccurate because the PPMT, IPMT, PMT, etc. functions only account for interest accruing monthly, so my numbers are off. Here is a picture of my current spreadsheet:
The blank spreadsheet
The idea is that once i finish, the sheet will be protected so that only the values highlighted in yellow are unlocked and editable. All of the non-yellow cells use IFERROR and ISBLANK functions to ensure they remain blanked out until the data in the yellow highlighted cells is input. The table has 360 rows in total, but only the rows necessary will be filled in with numbers. For example, this is the function to denote the payment number for Payment two until the loan is paid off:
That button that says Reset Inputs is a form control button tied to a custom macro that clears the values in the yellow highlighted cells and replaces the Autopay Discount value with 0.00%. My code is here:
Sub Reset_Table() ' Clear_Inputs Macro ' This Macro clears all of the available inputs for the loan amortization table. ActiveSheet.Unprotect Range("E3:E7,H3:H7").Select Selection.ClearContents Range("E7").Value = 0 ActiveSheet.Protect End Sub 
I'm not very good at VBA coding, but I tried to make it as simple as possible.
On to the issue at hand:
I currently am using basic PMT, IPMT, PPMT, CUMIPMT, and CUMPRINC functions to calculate the actual values in the table, but as stated earlier, these are insufficient when interest is compounding daily. I have tried to make custom functions to replace these, but as said, my VBA knowledge is minimal.
My attempt at making a payment function for compounding interest is as follows:
Function COMPMT(rate, nper, pv, compounds, years) ' Calculates payments with compounding interest. COMPMT = (pv * ((1 + (rate / compounds)) ^ (years * compounds))) / nper End Function 
Within the function, the arguments are as follows:
I've tested this function a little bit and it appears to be working, so now I need to move onto functions for Interest, Principal, Cumulative Interest, and Cumulative Principle. Under normal circumstances with a constant monthly payment, the proportion of that payment that is paid toward interest decreases over time while the proportion paid toward the principle increases over time. I am unsure of how to replicate this in my function.
Currently, I have the following for a compounding interest function:
Function COMIPMT(rate, nper, pv, compounds, years) ' This function is used to tabulate compounding interest. COMIPMT = ((pv * ((1 + (rate / compounds)) ^ (years * compounds))) - pv) / nper End Function 
As you can see, it's literally the same as the payment function, just subtracts the pv from the value before dividing it into the number of payments. This, of course, doesn't perform the ancillary function of showing the change in payment proportion like I want it to. I'm not even certain if that same phenomenon occurs when interest compounds daily, but please enlighten me.
Once I get this done, I will need to build another function to calculate the same thing for principle payments and for the cumulative payments.
I want these functions to work in a way that it can accept the number of interest compounds per year as an argument so the functions have more flexibility and can be used in broad contexts. For example, if one uses 12 as the input for the compounds argument, the output should be identical to the preexisting PMT function.
Lastly, standard Excel functions have pop-ups and dialogue boxes to help ensure we are entering inputs correctly. Is there a way to replicate this functionality within these custom functions? I often forget what order I've placed arguments in within the custom functions.
submitted by Skandoit0225 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:32 GanacheBusiness1444 Handwriting and 10 year old.

My 10 year old in fourth grade, in my opinion struggles with handwriting. She was in kinder when covid shut downs happened and didn’t return until second grade. That year, was mostly computer work at desks 3ft apart. Third grade she actually did more worksheets in addition to computer work. This year it’s been more computer work and some hands on work, however she has 35 students in her class and they are a rowdy group and it’s been a challenging year for the class and teacher. I am guessing in fourth grade they expect students to have handwriting down, so they don’t go over it.
My daughter makes her letters in some odd ways. It is also pretty sloppy and I’d like to work on this over the summer. I don’t want to be too much of a stickler about this. (I never could hold my pencil the way teachers wanted me to in school and it drove me nuts when they were on my case about it so much.) but the way my daughter makes her letters seems so inefficient to me, for example, a lower case a, she will make the circle twice before adding the “tail”.
Is there a good resource or some sort of material I could use with her over the summer to help improve this? I have a kinder right now as well who is learning to write, but I think my 10 year old would be frustrated if I gave her kindergarten materials to practice. When we had Covid shut downs her and I would often butt heads when it came to handwriting. I have the handwriting without tears book, there were definitely tears.
On another note, would it be odd to reach out to her teacher and ask what areas she could lightly work on over the summer? I guess sort of like a mini end of the year conference or just get some feedback? We get report cards after school ends, but they aren’t always clear on what each category is and I so I don’t want to bother her over the summer asking questions.
submitted by GanacheBusiness1444 to AskTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:20 Smooth_Conclusion703 Google Sheets and a script that takes forever to execute.

I have a worksheet that I use to display data for various jobs and the data on that sheet changes as you change the job in the dropdown located in cell C6. I have a script that I wanted to more or less "permanently" record the numbers displayed on a different worksheet just for faster recall instead of it having to perform the multiple calculations each time. When it seemed to take forever to execute the script, I resorted to just have the numbers "permanently" stored on the same worksheet, thinking and believing the issue had to be something about recording those numbers elesewhere. The script still takes a good 3 minutes to execute, so I should be clear about this, the script does what it was intended to do but I cant believe a simple script like this takes 3 minutes to execute. In trying to streamline as much as possible, I have it extract the number from cell C6 since all those will be unique and I use that as the row number to place the data in. Then it is just a matter of taking what is in K17, K23, and K25 and recording those numbers, along with what is in C6 in the range O:R. So for example, if the number extracted from C6 was 16, then O16 would equal the full value of what was in C6, P16 would equal what is in K17, Q16 would equal what is in K23, and R16 would equal what is in K25. Should be simple, right? And like I said, it does work, but why would it take 3 minutes to execute that script? Is there something else I could do so then when executed it was done instantly? I have included the script below:
function onOpen() { var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi(); ui.createMenu('Custom Menu') .addItem('Record Values', 'recordValues') .addToUi();} function recordValues() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet(); try { // Retrieve values individually var c6Value = sheet.getRange('C6').getValue(); var k17Value = sheet.getRange('K17').getValue(); var k23Value = sheet.getRange('K23').getValue(); var k25Value = sheet.getRange('K25').getValue(); // Extract row number from C6 value var rowNumber = parseInt(c6Value.match(/^\d+/)[0], 10); // Ensure valid row number if (rowNumber > 0 && rowNumber <= sheet.getMaxRows()) { var range = sheet.getRange(rowNumber, 15, 1, 4); // Set values in the determined row range.setValues([[c6Value, k17Value, k23Value, k25Value]]); SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Data saved successfully!'); } else { SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Invalid row number extracted from C6 value.'); } } catch (e) { SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('An error occurred: ' + e.message); } }
submitted by Smooth_Conclusion703 to googlesheets [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:57 MundaneLeague4438 Creating a factory simulation/game?

Hi everyone. I’m wanting to create a game/simulation for myself to help me better understand the concepts I’m learning in an operations/supply chain class. We played a simulation (Littlefield Labs) that was very helpful, and I’m hoping to create something like it in Excel (although I realize it won’t be as robust, and I may be pushing the limits of Excel). I think the biggest challenge - which is what I need help with - is somehow getting it to run over time.
I want to create a game that simulates a factory. Orders come in at random times, and each order has to go through a number of stations (I’m thinking just 2 or 3 stations to keep it simple), and each station has a number of machines (or workers) that process the order.
I would use the random number generator to generate values which would be the amount of minutes between order arrivals.
Each station takes a certain amount of time to process the order (and once processed, the order moves to the next station). But the more machines or workers at the station, the higher the capacity the station has for orders, and therefore the more orders that can be processed simultaneously at that station. (Part of the game would be adjusting the capacity of a station to match the workload of orders.)
If a station is currently processing an order and another order arrives, a queue will build at that station. Thus, say Station 1 takes 10 minutes to process an order - Order #1 arrives, then Order #2 arrives 7 minutes later: Order #2 is now in the queue for 3 minutes while Order #1 is being processed. Once Order #1 finishes being processed at Station 1, it moves to Station 2, and Order #2 begins being processed at Station 1, etc.
I want to be able to make adjustments to the stations by adding or subtracting machines/workers to increase (or decrease) that station’s capacity, depending on how many orders there are. For example, say a lot of orders arrive at the same time, and there’s a bottleneck at one of the stations: I can add more machines to that station to relieve the bottleneck.
The goal is to be able to work through the orders by adjusting each station’s capacity. Maybe something like: you always want your stations to be operating at about 90% capacity - if it is higher, then you risk a bottleneck which causes a backup, but if it is lower, then you’re using too many machines (you could imagine that each machine has an operating cost and so you only want to run the lowest amount possible).
I’m not interested in creating a table that has this data. Rather, I’m wanting to create a simulation that runs over time, such that I can “play” it as a game by adjusting things - this way I’m forced to react to the changes as they happen.
The time within the simulation does not have to be equivalent to actual time - in fact, it is better if it isn’t, otherwise I’d be playing the game all day. (Something like, say, 10 seconds of actual time is equivalent to 10 minutes of time in the game.)
Making it run over time like a game is what I don’t know how to do. Maybe have the worksheet automatically refresh every minute?
Can anyone tell me if this is feasible in Excel and, if so, how? Are there any resources out there that would be helpful?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by MundaneLeague4438 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:40 echotester W-4 MFJ Incomes from 3 Jobs

Looking for advice on how to accurately fill out the W-4 for each job.
Job1 (me) - $ 152k Job2 (wife) - $ 56k Job3 (wife) - $ 48k
We are looking to break even. Refund would be garnished so we don’t want one.
Should we just ignore steps 2-4 or is it worth going through the worksheet matrix ?
Or could we accomplish this by just picking a specific filing status on each W-4 without any additional withholdings?
Job1 - MFJ Job2 - MFS Job3 - MFS
submitted by echotester to tax [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:00 DifficultDisaster919 Symbols/Trademarks Not Recognized in Extraction

I'm very new to Python and am working on code to analyze extracted content from our clients' sites to flag non-compliant text. Basically, the script will compare the extracted text against an Excel library of terms to ensure compliance. In my industry, many specialized terms require trademarks/registered symbols. If they don't include these symbols, they can be non-compliant. A few examples are Bluetooth®, CARFAX®, and AcceleRide®.
So far, when the script runs, it doesn't recognize the symbols from the text in the Excel file (® and ™). When it returns the updated Excel file with all of the 'flagged' text, it has flagged terms that did originally have the symbols in them. For example, there will be a copy with "Bluetooth®" but the script will flag it as "Bluetooth" and state it doesn't have the required registered symbol when it originally did.
As a note, the content has already been extracted via Screaming Frog into an Excel sheet, so the script has been written with the intention of reviewing all of the extracted content within the Excel.
This is my first post here, so if I need to add more information or share anything else, let me know. Thank you for any recommendations and/or assistance!
Here is some sample text:
In order to utilize Bluetooth® in your Honda, you’ll need to sync your phone to the system. First, you’ll need to make sure that Bluetooth® is activated on your phone.
While you enjoy your roomy cabin, take advantage of built-in Google, Apple CarPlay®, and Android Auto™, which can be accessed on the 11.3-inch Center Display. Plus, with a standard wireless phone charger, you’ll always have a full battery on the go.
Here's the relevant code from the script:
import openpyxl
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill
import language_tool_python
import re
import unicodedata
def load_terms(sheet) -> set:
""" Load terms from a worksheet and return them as a set for quick lookup, including special characters. """
terms = set()
for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_col=1, values_only=True):
if row[0] is not None:
term = normalize_text(str(row[0]).strip())
print(f"Loaded term: {term}") # Debugging statement
return terms
def load_style_guide(wb_path: str) -> tuple:
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(wb_path, data_only=True)
rules = {}
style_guide_sheet = wb['Honda Style Guide']
model_names = load_terms(wb['Model Names'])
honda_terms = load_terms(wb['Honda Terms'])
client_geotargets = load_terms(wb['Client Geotargets'])
for row in style_guide_sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, values_only=True):
if len(row) == 3 and all(row):
key, correct_form, explanation = row
normalized_key = normalize_text(key.strip())
normalized_correct_form = normalize_text(correct_form.strip())
normalized_explanation = normalize_text(explanation.strip())
rules[normalized_key] = {
'correct_form': normalized_correct_form,
'explanation': normalized_explanation
print(f"Loaded rule: {normalized_key} -> {normalized_correct_form}") # Debugging statement
return rules, model_names, honda_terms, client_geotargets
def normalize_text(text):
""" Normalize text to ensure consistent handling of special characters. """
normalized = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', text)
return normalized
def analyze_text(content: str, tool, rules, model_names, honda_terms, client_geotargets) -> list:
flagged_details = []
content = normalize_text(content) # Normalize the text before processing
content_words = re.split(r'\W+', content) # Split content into words, ignoring punctuation
print(f"Analyzing content: {content}") # Debugging statement
# Custom checks for geotargets and model names with a focus on misspellings
for word in content_words:
normalized_word = normalize_text(word)
print(f"Checking word: {normalized_word}") # Debugging statement
if normalized_word in client_geotargets:
continue # Correct geotarget, skip it
for geo in client_geotargets:
if re.sub(r'[^\w]', '', normalized_word) == re.sub(r'[^\w]', '', normalize_text(geo)):
flagged_details.append((word, f"Misspelled geotarget, should be: {geo}", pink_fill))
# Then apply Honda Style Guide rules
for key, info in rules.items():
escaped_key = re.escape(key)
pattern = rf"\b{escaped_key}\b[.,]??" # Matches the key potentially followed by punctuation
matches = re.finditer(pattern, content)
for match in matches:
match_text = normalize_text(match.group().strip(".,"))
print(f"Found match: {match_text} (expected: {key})") # Debugging statement
if match_text == key and match_text not in model_names and match_text not in honda_terms:
flagged_details.append((key, f"{info['correct_form']} should be used instead of '{key}'. {info['explanation']}", orange_fill))
# Language tool checks
matches = tool.check(content)
for match in matches:
error_text = normalize_text(content[match.offset:match.offset + match.errorLength])
if error_text not in model_names and error_text not in honda_terms and error_text not in client_geotargets:
flagged_details.append((error_text, match.message, yellow_fill))
return flagged_details
submitted by DifficultDisaster919 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:01 asa180 How I got 70 on my first try as a very very average bloke.

Hello all you lovely people! I took the GAMSAT in March and landed on a nice score of 70 on my first try. (93-95% percentile I think). I was ecstatic and over the moon! Some background about me:
  1. My English writing is shoddy, like absolutely awful - so bad that I wrote both essays as narrative (like fictional essays) because my argumentative writing is awful - I just go off on terrible tangents).
  2. I do have a science background but I forgot all of my organic chemistry - like all of it, in terms of any reactions, mechanisms etc (not that you need to know that).
Now people will tell you that the GAMSAT is a reasoning test, and they are 10000000% right. Like the GAMSAT is NOT a memory test, or testing how well you can recite formulas, reactions etc - if they are they are probably trying to sell you something. The best way I can describe it, is that it is a reasoning exam in another language (science). It's not a fun exam, it's not easy and unless you are a genius you probably won't find it easy. Guess what though - no one else does so you are not alone!
I'll break down this guide into 2 sections for a science background and non science background.
Science background
  1. If your science background is good - fantastic (like you know what organic compounds in terms of structure - benzenes, hemiacetals, aldehydes, enos etc - and your inorganic) you are in a good starting position. Don't worry too much about your biology background, because 1. The GAMSAT won't test you on your recollection of your biology (ever) 2. The questions will be maths focused 3. There is no way you will have the time or energy to revise all of it. 3. Physics is important to know how to manipulate, go through all the basic formula at A-level, DON'T worry about university physics, they will not test you on that (even if the questions seem that way).
The curriculum to consolidate as a science background is the following
  1. Follow the chemist's guide to the GAMSAT;
  1. For physics buy the CGP A-Level Physics book (it's literally like 2 quid on Ebay) - do the questions, and then more complex ones on medify and Des O'Neil more about that later).
  2. For your maths - assuming your science background is good, go through this - make sure you are wicked fast at them: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HSImBEYVO2lunD1b7hNPha0lcg_dzLe6
Now for your essay writing (applicable to both NSB and SB)
  1. If you NO knowledge about the world, then I'd recommend reading the NEWS asap. Some podcasts are good too - check out the ABC listen app! I tried reading some philosophical books - Meaning of thing ( you have to read this just as a rite of passage) and others such as those about Fascism, War, Slavery etc - and whilst extremely interesting didn't help me in the GAMSAT. And furthermore I just felt too stressed reading them - but reading didn't necessarily help me.
  2. What did help is practicing essays, it helps you prepare for that rabbit in the headlight moment when th timer starts and you can do nothing to stop it. Give yourself NO leeway when practicing, try to do 2 day both under 28 minutes with 2 minutes reading time. Practice your typing, it will help you get so much faster. Personally I was on holiday when I did the s2 and did it in the middle of the Dominican republic, and had a Giardia infection (fun) so I was just paralysed (probably part of reason I did write argumentative essays)
  3. I read a post which was amazing a lot time ago which says read the prompts as news paper titles, and then go from there - for example 'The rich lose in the end' -> Exploring the different ways that wealth can bring despair (I hope that makes sense) - great post btw: https://www.reddit.com/GAMSAT/comments/errscu/advice_from_a_3_time_100th_percentile_scorer_fo
  4. Use Frasers gamsat quote generator (the free one) and generate yourself quotes.
  5. Now I think the advice that saved me the most, - I have always been a shoddy argumentative writer and I am slow - meaning that I will write a poor one sided argument (not great for the gamsat) so instead I shifted strategy and wrote both fictional essays for the GAMSAT - and whilst id dint get 100 (I got 70) I did damn better than 40 which would have got - so don't be afraid to do that if you are like me. Lean into the detail, making it a striking short story!
Now for your section 1 (applicable to both NSB and SB)
It can bring you points where you may not expect. What I would do is read READ READDDDD. Read the short stories by Oscar Wilde, read anything you can get your hands on and don't stop reading - AND ENJOY IT!!!
Now for the NSB
  1. For your science -again follow the curriculum above and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND CGP books. Like hugely - they are so cheap (used on Ebay) (like 2-3 pounds each). If you have 0 science knowledge start from GCSE and then do the A level ones. They consolidate and make everything concise - honestly so great. The only thing I used to study for my GCSEs.
Also for chemistry I used a site called Master Organic chemistry and they this worksheet you can buy. amazing I loved it - I can find the link if people are interested. (too deep buried in my email to find it atm)
Practice your maths with the worksheet above - in the exam I found myself multiplying ridiculously ridiculously large numbers, and thats not easy and you will break under pressure if you don't practice.
Now for practice questions.
ACER - useless, honestly useless - I don't understand why they don't produce more but for the SB people they are useless - for non science background maybe a little more because you can practice your science. The online exam maybe a little more representative but still - the real exam is so much harder.
The resources I used were:
  1. Des O neil: 6-7/10 - some good questions - a lot of them fluff but they help you think differently
  2. Jesse Osbourne 9/10 - great questions - he makes a few mistake that can confuse you but overall amazing - try to think like him and his reasoning.
  3. Gold Standard GAMSAT: 0/10 - Useless - shit questions, shit answers, shit explanations and way too expensive.
  4. Medify 10/10 - get it in the last 2 months its relatively inexapveive at like 9 pounds a months or something and their questions are HUGELY representative of the GAMSAT - like hugely. I only used medify for the last month - did all of their mocks (got about 60% as a max). The questions are ridiculously difficult on the surface but if you dig a little you a workout them from first principles. Some of the questions are straight up wrong (so if you have an inlining you were right - then probably you are) but 85% of questions are right. Their mocks are difficult, the time pressure is ridiculous so basically it's exactly like the GAMSAT. They also have s1 practice questions so I REALLY REALLY recommend. (I am no way affiliated to them btw - but I am so thankful to them). Don't worry if you find their practice questions stupidly difficult to do (I honestly got like 13% on some of the physics ones) but UNDERSTAND why you went wrong- did you not recognise where the information was, did you not make the correct inference etc etc?
I hope this help
  1. Master organic chemistry sheet: https://www.masterorganicchemistry.com (AMAZINGGGG) the membership is 9 dollars a month (3 cups of coffee)? and gives you access to everything
  2. Des o neil - I cant give access to them unfortunately but I would highly recommend joining the discord chat! They may be able to help you out! If you dig deep enough you may be able to find you are looking for!
  3. The CGP physics I bought: New A-Level Physics for AQA: Year 2 Student Book with Online Edition By CGP Book and the chemistry one: New A-Level Chemistry: OCR A Year 1 & 2 Complete Revision & Practice with Online Edition (3.50 and 3.20 - pounds) - I hope these are available in Australia!
My (pretty poor essays):https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1u2AfzqLg2dRczqsl74LLJSYlknX\_Xml\_
submitted by asa180 to GAMSAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:25 AnthonyMetivier How to Study Using a Memory Palace

The Memory Palace technique is a fantastic tool for remembering the things you study.
The catch is that you need to have multiple Memory Palaces. Ideally, each Memory Palace should be well-formed.
If you build them or develop them as you go, you're trying to do two things at once. So make sure to read this guide in full.
Then create a bunch of Memory Palaces the optimal way before applying them to your studies.
Maximum success in remembering your studies will soon follow.
History and Origin of the Method
No one knows exactly when the Memory Palace technique first arrived on the scene – but some people sure like to argue about it.
Lynne Kelly has good work on the pre-historic origins in The Memory Code, but she'll be the first to tell you that a lot of her ideas are speculative. We just don't know exactly how the ancient people around the world came up with the concept.
When it comes to using the technique for studying in a way that basically matches our current school system, one interesting starting place is Hugh of St. Victor.
His approach to the Memory Palace technique is one of the first places you see number systems applied to historical dates, for example. A good place to red him directly in English is The Medieval Craft of Memory, edited by Mary Carruthers.
In any case, you can spend your entire life studying the history of this technique. The more merrier if you ask me as someone who loves looking at the Memory Palaces' origins.
But I also love to help people who just want learn how Memory Palaces work so you can rapidly apply them to your studies.
Benefits of Using a Memory Palace for Studying
The benefits of this ancient memory method in terms of other study techniques is easy to summarize:
The Memory Palace lets you place a lot of information in your long-term memory through a variety of active learning processes. That way, you can pass exams without stress or spending more time than necessary. More free time opens up and you enjoy a feeling confidence every time you study and sit for your tests.
For many people, there's another clear benefit:
Using the Memory Palace is much more interesting than using spaced repetition software.
But to use it optimally still involves a kind of spaced repetition. Let's look at that next.
Understanding the Memory Palace
The Memory Palace is actually not just one technique. It's at least five:
When you combine all of these processes, brain visualization goes way up (in a manner of speaking) as does information retention.
There's a lot of science into exactly how "mental imagery" should be defined.
If you find it enjoyable and rewarding, look up the science that goes into the Memory Palace. If not, just make sure that you don't mistakenly think of the Memory Palace like Sherlock Holmes.
It's not a technique where you say, "I must go to my Mind Palace."
Far from it.
The point is to use the five systems so that information enters your long-term memory without having to think about your Memory Palaces at all.
In a way, the Memory Palace technique is like training-wheels on a bike. As soon as you're done, the mnemonics fall away. All that remains is the target information.
And that is a very beautiful thing!
Setting Up Your Memory Palace
To create your first Memory palace, choose a familiar location. Many people do better by using a building, like a home, school, church, art gallery, book store, library or the like.
You can practice visualizing the layout in detail purely in your imagination. However, I suggest you draw the location.
I'll give you some Memory Palace drawing examples in the resource section at the end of this guide.
Establishing Clear and Distinctive Locations within the Palace
The key is to make sure that every part of your Memory Palace is clear to you.
To do this, I suggest you avoid inventing locations or adding imaginary elements like pretend couches and bookcases (stunts like that come later).
The reason for this suggestion is that when learning the Memory Palace technique, most people start with very weak visualization skills. And their memory is quite rusty.
So when you use a Memory Palace, use only what you remember of a location. To add anything, even things like flying off balconies or passing ghost-like through walls gives you something you have to remembe.r
That's called a Memorized Palace and places cognitive load on any familiar location.
A true Memory Palace maximizes the power of using distinctive locations exactly the way you remember them, without elaborating anything.
Rest assured, there's plenty of opportunity to elaborate things inside of your Memory Palaces. That's what we'll discuss after going through one of the most important points of them all.
When Exactly Should You Use the Memory Palace Technique While Studying?
There are two different ways to answer this question, depending on your current level of skill and the nature of what you're memorizing.
Let me describe these two ways based on how I use the technique.
The first is to extract the information I want to memorize from books, videos, podcasts, etc. before doing ~any~ memorizing.
This is my preferred approach because it batches a few separate skills into refined activities:
Only after the books have been scoured for the key points and placing these on Zettelkasten cards will I cull out the points worth memorizing and then place them in Memory Palaces.
Due to the "rhizomatic" and "magnetic" effects of the Memory Palace technique, less is usually more. And this approach leaves space for adding additional details when necessary or where desired.
The second approach is a bit more advanced, one that I normally only use when the stakes aren't particularly high. I'm talking about times when I'm reading for personal interest and come across something I want to remember.
For this approach, I'll use a 00-99 PAO to turn the page into a mini-Memory Palace based on the page number. The book in effect becomes a kind of Memory Palace unto itself.
There's more to say on this technique, so stay tuned and follow this space for future posts. The key point is that it's neither better or worse to extract information and memorize it at the same time or to separate the tasks.
But if I'm studying for an exam, I will separate the tasks because it's much more efficient and has reduced the feeling of being overwhelmed because I'm trying to do two things at once. Keep this experience in mind if you try memorizing as you read and feel similarly overwhelmed. Splitting out the activities will undoubtedly allow you to focus on encoding your info with much greater freedom and mental dexterity.
Encoding Information into the Memory Palace
The way you use a Memory Palace involves combining information with associations. Memory scientists call this step elaborative encoding.
A simple example involves how I used my brother's home recently to remember the word, enantiodromia.
I imagined Ant-Man watching Videodrome in his living room.
There's a bit more to the image than that, but the core technique was executed by paying attention to the alphabetical construction of the word and choosing images on that basis.
The sound and spelling associations of Ant-Man and Videodrome were paired with the living room.
Creating Vivid and Memorable Mnemonic Images
To encode information using vivid images, it's actually not really about images.
Instead, you're using the Memory Palace as a logical sequence to link highly multisensory images.
I prefer what I call the KAVE COGS formula.
Rather than seeing Ant-Man as such, I follow this simple formula on each and every station of the Memory Palace.
K = Kinesthetic
A = Auditory
V = Visual
E = Emotional
C = Conceptual
O = Olfactory
G = Gustatory
S = Spatial
Literally feeling what it would be like to watch a movie in the body of Ant-Man creates a physical or kinesthetic sensation. I hear the sound of the movie Videodrome in my ears while remembering it's basic look and the look of the Memory Palace.
Ant-Man has a specific attitude and emotions, so I feel those along with thinking about the concepts involved in the meaning of the target word, enantiodromia.
Finally, I smell and taste (olfactory and gustatory) where necessary. In this case, I did not, but if I needed to, I could imagine my brother bringing in a steak covered in ants to make the image much stronger in memory.
You don't have to use KAVE COGS, but most memory improvement teachers have some version of an elaboration process like this. The trick is to practice in multiple well-formed Memory Palaces.
If the Memory Palaces aren't well-formed, it can be difficult to place enough of your focus on making the associations properly.
Using the Memory Palace for Different Subjects
To use this technique for a variety of subjects, make sure to have multiple Memory Palaces.
The simplest way to set-up for the mental dexterity involved in switching between multiple topics is to have at least one Memory Palace for each letter of the alphabet. From this core Memory Palace Network, you can develop many sub-Memory Palaces.
Only scarcity-based thinking holds people back in this regard. In reality, there is more space around each and everyone of us than any of us could ever hope to use in a lifetime.
Studying for History: Dates and Events
For memorizing dates, you'll want to add a number system. The most popular is the Major System or its "big brother," the 00-99 PAO System.
Teaching this approach is its own lesson, so please see the resources at the end for more.
Studying for Science: Concepts and Theories
The trick to dealing with concepts and theories is simple:
Make sure you aren't hypnotizing yourself into thinking anything that can be worded can't be memorized.
If you can memorize one word, you can memorize thousands. Learn to do that and then, if you need to memorize longer ideas expressed in sentences, simply memorize the definition verbatim.
Often this isn't necessary. I memorized enantiodromia and the exact definition came along "free" based on other aspects I included in the living room with the core imagine. I know the author name and book title where I encountered this term as well, and none of that information needed to be encoded in the Memory Palace.
But please understand that a lot of that additional information that came along with a "less is more" approach involves studying science concepts using these techniques for many years. There is a "compound" effect because the more you study, the more concepts will snap together without any special additional steps.
Thus, it's a best practice to memorize both long verbatim definitions and practice going off of keywords alone. Soon you'll see that often memorizing just one word brings in tons of other information through the deep connection-making you've already been doing along with the power of context that comes from simply summarizing a concept in your own words.
Studying for Languages: Vocabulary and Grammar Rules
Language learning is assisted by Memory Palaces, but not achieved solely by this approach.
One way to approach things is to have your 26 Memory Palaces linked by the alphabet. Then place 10 words in each Memory Palace, i.e. ten words that start with 'A' in your 'A' Memory Palace, etc.
This starter exercise will leave you with 260 words in your target language. You can expand this number substantially by adding a sentence to most or all of the vocabulary you've established later on or during this setup process.
The exact number you'll wind up with could be in the thousands.
Again, this is not the only way to learn a language. But it helps.
To take things further, make sure that you are reading, writing, speaking and listening to the language near-daily. You will need to combine both active learning and passive learning approaches and actually use the language.
Most of my polyglot friends use Memory Palaces to some degree, but each person interprets exactly how they use them in their own way.
Review and Practice Techniques With Your Memory Palaces
The core reason to use the Memory Palace technique for studying at all is for spaced-repetition.
To do it well, you will practice a specific kind of retrieval that will strengthen your memory and usher your target information into long-term memory quickly.
Let's say you have 10 pieces of information in a Memory Palace. You want to apply equal doses of primacy effect and recency effect to each piece of information.
To do that, visit the information:
This process will maximize the serial-positioning effect and help you beat the forgetting curve. These are all principles named by Hermann Ebbinghaus, but they are seen as early as Aristotle's De Memoria.
Adapting and Expanding Your Memory Palace as Needed
It's possible to change Memory Palaces and extend their size.
However, if you develop them optimally in the first place, such measures should not be needed.
If you want to do so anyway, it's basically just an imaginative process. You can add paintings to Memory Palaces and then journey around within them, or connect one Memory Palace to another in ways that don't actually reflect reality.
I would only suggest that you take care around doing this because you are turning a true Memory Palace into a Memorized Palace by engaging in this kind of activity.
Dealing with Overcrowded Palaces
Overpacking your Memory Palaces is bound to happen if you're a serious user.
Having more Memory Palaces is the most direct way to prevent this from becoming an issue. It's also useful to experiment with the advice found in the older Memory Palace instruction manuals:
I usually like to "float" my associations so that they're not physically connected to the walls, the floor or the ceiling. This approach gives each association more breathing room in my experience. Your results may vary, but it's worth exploring all kinds of options.
You can also practice clearing them out if they get too packed – literally imagining a broom sweeping out your associations or something similar. But setting them up optimally in the first place is the ideal.
Keeping Images Clear and Distinct Over Time
Clear images are guaranteed when you use highly familiar figures, like Ant-Man and movies you know, etc.
Some people struggle with this principle because they don't partake in much popular culture or know many people.
The trick is to start wherever you are now and develop associations over time.
For example, if you learn the term enantiodromia, you'll discover that it's connected to Carl Jung. You can then use Carl Jung as one of your images. He is connected to a whole host of characters, and the extension of your associations can just build from there.
I know that it can be hard to feel like you have enough, but the time to get started is now. Soon, you will have an entire "paracosm" of figures to use in your Memory Palace Networks.
Should You Use The Memory Palace Technique For Studying?
The Memory Palace is a powerful mnemonic device. There's nothing quite like it for those who find the approach appealing.
I cannot stress enough that the point of the technique is to enable frequent and easy mental reviewing of your study material.
You want to use familiar locations, and whenever possible, base your Memory Palaces on locations where you study and even where you have to take your exams. I used York University when studying there precisely because that was where I was taking my exams.
This choice creates additional memory boosts based on what scientists call context dependent or state dependent memory. Your brain will feed you more details automatically thanks to this effect – or at least you give it more opportunities to do so when you base Memory Palaces on these kinds of locations.
Above all, each person needs to experiment. Ask question when necessary. Or seek further help.
If you'd like a bit more guidance, I've got four videos that take you deeper into the fundamentals of creating well-formed Memory Palaces with student examples. PDF worksheets are also included for you right here:
Enjoy your studies with well-formed Memory Palaces and shout out if you have questions any time. There's more to explore, and Memory Palaces work in combination with many other accelerated learning techniques.
The trick is to master the fundamentals first so that you enjoy smooth sailing with all the other techniques thereafter.
submitted by AnthonyMetivier to MagneticMemoryMethod [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:40 jlee1199 Has Anyone Else Had A Problem With The New Spreadsheet Tool On The Exam?

Today I took REG, and sometimes when I used the spreadsheet tool it wouldn’t work. For example, I like to enter a number in each cell vertically then highlight them all so it can give me the sum at the bottom. A few times it happened where it didn’t even calculate it or it gave me a number that was way off and completely wrong.
And I don’t like how you have to click the worksheet button to open the window tool, then you gotta click in the window to type in it. I would only click the worksheet tool and start typing and nothing would show up until I clicked in the window. I almost forgot what I was calculating a few time because I kept doing this.
submitted by jlee1199 to CPA [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 19:06 Puzzleheaded_Let_824 Do you track your time while rating or use another method?

Do you guys use Clockify or similar apps to track your time while rating, or do you use another method? I'm asking this because I've been tracking my time using Clockify, but I feel like it would be so much easier to just calculate afterwards. For example, I know that I should rate every task within 1 minute, so if I do 60 tasks, I would put 1 hour of work on my worksheet. Can I do this? I'm new to the program, and I don't know if this would be okay to do. I don't know if Telus has data on how much time we spend rating unless we tell them, and I don't know if this would be a problem or not. How do you guys do it?
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Let_824 to TELUSinternational [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 10:34 adulting4kids Figures of Speech

1. Simile:
Definition: A figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as."
Example: The night sky was like a vast canvas, scattered with stars as bright as diamonds.
2. Metaphor:
Definition: A figure of speech that implies a comparison between two unrelated things, stating that one thing is another.
Example: Time is a thief, silently stealing moments from our lives.
3. Hyperbole:
Definition: A figure of speech involving exaggerated statements not meant to be taken literally.
Example: The suitcase weighed a ton, making it nearly impossible to carry.
4. Understatement:
Definition: A figure of speech where a writer deliberately represents something as much less than it actually is.
Example: The storm brought a bit of rain; nothing too major, just a small flood in the living room.
5. Personification:
Definition: A figure of speech where human qualities are attributed to non-human entities.
Example: The wind whispered secrets through the ancient trees.
6. Assonance:
Definition: The repetition of vowel sounds within nearby words in a sentence.
Example: The melody of the evening breeze gently swept through the fields of wheat.
7. Onomatopoeia:
Definition: The use of words that imitate the sound they describe.
Example: The door creaked open, and footsteps echoed in the empty hallway.
8. Alliteration:
Definition: The repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words.
Example: The playful puppy pranced through the park, chasing butterflies.
*9. Oxymoron:
Definition: A figure of speech that combines contradictory terms.
Example: The comedian's humor was both dark and lighthearted, creating an unsettling joy.
10. Irony:
Definition: A figure of speech in which words express a meaning opposite to their literal interpretation.
Example: The fire station burned down while the firefighters were on vacation—what a twist of irony.
11. Pun:
Definition: A play on words that have multiple meanings or sound similar but have different meanings.
Example: Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
12. Juxtaposition:
Definition: Placing two elements side by side to present a contrast.
Example: In the bustling city, the serene park offered a juxtaposition of tranquility amid the urban chaos.
13. Synecdoche:
Definition: A figure of speech where a part represents the whole or the whole represents a part.
Example: "All hands on deck" implies the need for the assistance of the entire crew.
14. Metonymy:
Definition: A figure of speech where one term is substituted with another closely related term.
Example: The White House issued a statement on the recent policy changes.
15. Zeugma:
Definition: A figure of speech where a word applies to multiple parts of the sentence.
Example: She stole both his wallet and his heart that fateful night.
16. Epiphora:
Definition: The repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses.
Example: The forest was mysterious, the mountains were majestic, and the rivers were enchanting.
17. Euphemism:
Definition: Substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for a harsh or blunt one.
Example: She passed away peacefully in her sleep, euphemizing the concept of death.
18. Anthimeria:
Definition: The use of a word in a grammatical form it doesn't usually take.
Example: She bookmarked the page to return to the thrilling story later.
19. Chiasmus:
Definition: A figure of speech in which the order of terms in one of the clauses is inverted in the other.
Example: "Do I love you because you're beautiful, or are you beautiful because I love you?" - Cinderella
20. Allusion:
Definition: A brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary, or political significance.
Example: His ambition was Caesar-like; he aimed to conquer not only Rome but the hearts of its people.
21. Allegory:
Definition: A narrative in which characters and events represent abstract ideas or moral qualities . Example: Orwell's "Animal Farm" serves as an allegory for political corruption and the abuse of power.
22. Metonymy:
Definition: A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted with another closely associated with it.
Example: The pen is mightier than the sword, emphasizing the power of the written word over physical force.
23. Sarcasm:
Definition: The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
Example: "Nice job on the presentation," she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm as the audience chuckled.
24. Understatement:
Definition: A figure of speech where a writer deliberately represents something as much less than it actually is.
Example: The mountain climber faced a slight challenge as he ascended Everest, navigating only a few treacherous crevices.
25. Cliché:
Definition: An expression or idea that has become overused to the point of losing its original meaning.
Example: The detective followed the suspect's trail like a bloodhound, relying on the cliché methods of his trade. *
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:39 Juxtavarious [EXCEL] Most efficient way to store a table in VBA to be stamped into other workbooks?

I am convinced that I'm missing some kind of vernacular or jargon that is not yielding an answer to a search when I try to figure this out. I have a macro currently that prints a list of names, numbers, and notes to a workbook as part of generating from a template. Currently, that macro is A1 = value, A2 = value, A3 = value, etc. I have to imagine that there is a substantially more efficient way of handling this than what I've slapped together. I am trying and failing to get any information to pass through an array to be printed to a worksheet and I don't understand what I don't understand.
What I'm trying to do is to put the data into a simple array that is three columns wide and however many rows tall that I need. Right now, it's setup to just write straight to the worksheet one value at a time but this isn't easily maintainable especially since each list is by column stacked within the code. This has made the code more difficult to read than necessary.
I've tried looking through SO and MS help for an explanation but am clearly missing some critical bit of understanding in how these are meant to function/load which is preventing me from being able to understand how to resolve the issue. Most of the examples involve copying data from a worksheet which isn't what I'm trying to set up. I want to be able to populate the array itself in VBA and then have that stamp to the worksheet. Any help would be much appreciated.
EDIT: So based on continued struggle and comments, to more clearly describe what all it is that I'm doing and why:
This particular macro is a step in a series of macros to generate a directory to a worksheet that is then formatted into a table to be passed into a query to identify and organize data by known facilities. The directory has to be printed to the worksheet from the macro itself because certain users have had trouble understanding how to update something this simple on their own. What I am trying to do is improve on the overall code to most efficiently print this data from the VBA script to the worksheet. Originally, I had everything as a individual cell reference to populate the values. As you can imagine, this makes it hard to read which all lines have what data on them when the rest of the row is separated by column and stacked vertically.
Based on what I am able to make work, I have this down to 1D arrays on a one per row setup so that at least now everything is captured a row at a time as opposed to a cell at a time which is definitely an improvement on efficiency and readability. However, I'd still like to understand how to do this with a 2D array to populate the worksheet straight from the code. That is where I am struggling to tie loose ends together.
submitted by Juxtavarious to vba [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:06 sonicthehodgeheg111 What should emotional regulation or the process of regulating emotions feel like?

Emotional regulation is something I've really struggled with, and I've worked in therapy using different strategies to improve this. I've completed worksheets, and diaries, incorporated deep breathing, mindfulness and wise mind but I don't really have any idea whether I'm making progress. For a long time it seemed as though I'd spent a long time learning theory or specific skills, but I didn't really understand how to use them helpfully. For example, when my therapist tells me to "sit with" a particular emotion, I usually sit in silence without any understanding of why I should be sitting with the emotion. Although often the confusion does replace the original emotion, I don't think I've ever felt as though I dealt with an emotion by sitting with it.
Recently I've been extremely anxious and today after waking up anxious and tearful, I did some journaling to help process it, and I think it might have worked. It took around an hour and I've been feeling pretty calm and relaxed since, but I'm now wondering whether I'm regulating anxiety or suppressing it. I'm still having constant thoughts about the things that I'm anxious about, but I'm also just getting on with my day. As somebody who has spent much of my life in a flight/freeze state, how can I tell whether I'm finally, slowly moving into a place where I'm able to use the different skills and reframing from therapy to regulate myself or whether I'm just suppressing? How would somebody with good emotional regulation feel/behave/think during periods of high anxiety or distress? Is the idea of emotional regulation practice that one day my brain and body will just suddenly "get it" and the skills become easier or more natural?
submitted by sonicthehodgeheg111 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:00 EnthusiasticFailing I can't snap my fingers or whistle, and I'm an adult.

TL;DR: I'm a 37F with newly diagnosed ADHD, and various sounds and actions (like whistling, snapping fingers, humming, mouth breathing, and even tying my shoelaces) cause me intense embarrassment and anxiety. This has led me to avoid these activities and even situations where they might come up. I'm sharing this to acknowledge these struggles and hope to overcome them someday. I want to feel comfortable and not upset if someone asks me to repeat something, understanding that it's often meant in fun, not mockery. Thanks for listening!
Growing up, I was discouraged from making 'noises'—not in the way that you would think, though. I was discouraged because I didn't know how to do it and would become extremely embarrassed if I attempted to whistle or snap, and someone would laugh and ask me to repeat the noise.
To this day, if someone asks me to repeat a noise I made, I am so embarrassed that I immediately feel like that person dislikes me and that I should go mute for a bit. I also become irrationally angry if someone sounds less like they were amused and sound like teasing. Since I can remember, I've worked hard on not making any noises that would annoy someone or make someone stop and ask me to repeat it. Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable.
Here is a LONG list of noises or actions that I get super embarrassed about to the point that I will make my life harder to avoid doing them:
This is in no way a full list, and maybe you could argue not everything fits as a sound or activity. I would agree with you but it feels really good being able to put it all down. I've recognized that there are instances in my life where I have built rules to avoid things that make me uncomfortable. I followed those rules so much that I will assume everyone is uncomfortable when it's just me. Example: I feel like nobody should ever humm in public and that anyone within ear shot should be extremely bothered by your humming. The AC humming in the walls will give me a full on migrane.
My hope with acknowledging all of this is that maybe I can be okay with some of these things in the future. I want to be the type of person who wouldn't be upset to the point of tears if someone asked them (while laughing) to "say that again". I know that it seems to be a fun activity for most people and it makes me sad that for some reason my wires got crossed and it makes me feel like the person hates me instead.
To be fair, if I feel like the person didn't really hear me, it makes me feel better because maybe I can try again and say it correctly.
Okay, thanks for listening. Bye!
submitted by EnthusiasticFailing to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:36 Jumpy_Luck_8106 What's Missing From Your Nursing Program?

Hi friends! So, I'm about to graduate & working on a project basically compiling resources or information for pre-nursing, nursing students, & new grads. I was wondering WHAT WAS MISSING THAT WOULD'VE MADE YOUR JOURNEY EASIER? For example: free test banks for NCLEX q's review, how to find residency programs, worksheets for specific course, etc.
I am open to & appreciate ALL feedback! TIA! :)
submitted by Jumpy_Luck_8106 to nursing [link] [comments]
