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2008.08.26 18:38 Running

All runners welcome.

2011.10.31 18:35 justarunner Advanced Running: It's a mindset

Post here for discussion about training for running, race reports, elite results and discussion, and more. AR is NOT limited to a certain competitive level or race times. It is a mindset and the community is fueled by those who want to better themselves and talk to like minded competitors. The deciding factor is the type of training you are attempting to use to improve yourself. If the answer to the post is "run more miles" or "try speed work", then that question is more suitable in running.

2010.07.20 18:01 mikeldezky Track and Field

The Track & Field Subreddit. Advice, News, and Discussion about all aspects of track and field welcome.

2024.06.09 21:01 Bonjonsie The Jonsie Burrows: Help Wanted 2 Part 8.99

Is there such a thing as finding too much treasure?
Previous part: 8.9.

You felt strange, but you knew you had to keep moving forward. So you pressed the RETURN TO HUB button and returned to darkness to go back to the restaurant. Still, the sight of the Foxy doll never once left your mind.
Remember Jeremy? (the achievement for collecting the memory doll)

The achievement has twisted this Help Wanted phrase into a question. And finally, an answer was given to another. Everything is starting to make sense, but joy am I finding too much stuff! I reached my limit a couple Parts ago and now I'm beyond that!
But thankfully. Thankfully! we reached the end of Foxy Log Ride and now I can talk about Vanny, Vanessa, Jeremy, the Memory dolls, and even Glitchtrap now, because why not. What other discoveries while mentally exhausted from this stuff!
Don't worry, I know not to burn myself and take breaks. But still, I eventually have to come back to finish this, and that in itself creates mental fatigue. So let's finish this by starting with the long overdue conclusion of Double-V!
The last time we talked about this, I ended it by saying we'll go through the contradictions of Vanny's and Vanessa's character hinted in Ruin and Help Wanted 2. However, I want to go back a bit to when we were first introduced to Vanny as a character in Help Wanted the Curse of Dreabear.
It's only a few lines of dialogue, so it won't be long. Besides, Vanny apparently being a different person than Vanessa, means we can't exactly apply one's characteristics to the other. With Vanny only having so few lines and cameos in Security Breach, she is basically, completely unknown to us.
So what dialogue we know comes from her, needs to be under even heavy scrutiny for any hints of the personality and characteristics of our new villain.
Before we even start with her dialogue, something interesting has already happened in the preceding events. By finding and resembling the secret tapes and doing exactly what Tape Girl says in the final tape we attain the glitchy Glitchtrap plushie
"There is a way to kill it. It wants to escape. To escape through someone. Someone plugged into this game. That's you now. You have to let it begin the process of leaving through you, then use the disconnect switch that I've embedded by the main stage. Let it approach you. Let it begin to merge with you. Play the music and flip the switch. That will cause a hard restart of the game and flush the memory, effectively killing it, I hope. I don't know when it will come for you." -Tape 16
Now, we already know that this does not work at all in the slightest, as this method instead has Glitchtrap trapping and locking you up as he is let out of the game through the player's body that he now has control of. Digital Consciousness Transfer.
Next with the installment of the DLC, we acquire William Afton's old mask from the Corn Maze minigame after finding all four keys and the secret glitchy fifth key and head to the cellar where we discover the mask on a table on a candle.
With both of the items together worn and held respectively, we can hear the secret dialogue and the voice of Vanny for the very first time.
Yes, I hear you. I know... No. There's no miscommunication... I understand... Yes, I have it. I made it myself. I think you would like it... No, no one suspects anything... Don't worry, I'll be ready, and I won't let you down. It will be fun.
This means that the event that Vanny met Glitchtrap was, in fact, the ending of Help Wanted where you follow through on Tape Girl's deceptive instructions on digital transferring with Glitchtrap!
But right here, is where a slight problem occurs in the narrative of Vanny's story in the games. Vanny still has control of her body, she's still capable of defying Glitchtrap. Something that's been made clear to me through both Ruin and Help Wanted 2, is that Glitchtrap doesn't control Vanny at all.
Does he influence her? Yes. We see that in the way her costume is directly referencing him and the way she moves and dances.
Does he control her, however, that is where things get shaky. Because at this point in time, there hasn't been a single instance where Vanny is seen as someone being controlled.
Remember, we can't use anything that has to do with Vanessa to show that Vanny is being manipulated or controlled. So where in the new era games can you find Glitchtrap controlling Vanny?
You can't.
Does this mean she's doing this out of her own will? That is something that might've been more nuanced than what we all had perceived. Because I did it again, I've found more stuff! This time it's something important that everyone has missed in Help Wanted and it might well be the true origins of Vanny.
You see the base game of Help Wanted actually has a third ending to it. Or at least something that should be an ending. Besides, just completing all the minigames to get stuffed inside Freddy and following Tape Girl's 16th tape instruction, there's something else you can do that involves Glitchtrap.
That is let Glitchtrap complete the process of leaving through you.
I'm sure some of you are confused by what I'm talking about, but it's the sequence where you press the button and flip the switch, leading to the ending where Glitchtrap locks you up. I'm saying instead of doing that, do nothing and watch what happens next.
A blaring noise could be heard asGlitchtrap stretched his hand out to you. He spoke distortedly and unintelligible, while green cones of energy flowed out from him and toward you. In seconds, Glitchtrap's eyes turned red, the blaring noise increased its volume, and the energy cones became purple while your view became clouded in a purple haze. Soon purple spots began to appear on Glitchtrap's body, as the noise became too loud to your ears, and the energy cones became red as your vision was almost nothing but purple. Soon even Glitchtrap started to disappear into the purple as his body became pixelated by the purple, leaving only his general outline until even that became purple.
Finally, after your purple vision grew flickering bright and the blaring noise ceased, your vision slowly returned to you, accompanied by music and the sound of static from a monitor. (That's the same music that plays if you press the button on the side of the monitor and the static sound you're hearing is specifically from FNAF's 2 game over static.)
At first, your purple view distorted itself with pixels before the purple started to fade slightly as you could see the hub world. But your perspective was wrong, you were staring from the opposite side of where you were sitting, while the place you once stood at was empty.
Your vision, still overlayed with purple while distorted and pixelated, looked down as you brought your hands up. Your hands which were always outlined and seethrough, now looked solid and were covered by gloves of a familiar costume that you were just staring at a couple seconds ago.
As the purple started to overwhelm your distorted and pixelated vision again as you stared at your— Glitchtrap's hands, your mind was finally able to recognize the words that were being spoken to you by him.
"Can you hear me?"
If you want to see this for yourself, then I have two Youtubers that I managed to find, that did this. 99TH VR and 8-bitRyan.
After this, you're taken to the GAME OVER void. But what's unique about this void is that the monitor here never displays any quotes, no matter how many times you do this.
This ending that should've been, along with what "Tape Girl" said before finally reveal what exactly Vanny is.
"—Let it approach you. Let it begin to merge with you. —." -Tape 16
A merger, a fusion of two different beings, that's what Vanny is! This is why I was having so much trouble trying to figure out how Vanny came to be from the two "endings" we get from Help Wanted. The answer is neither of the two. She mostly came from the failed Tape Girl instructions scenario where Glitchtrap completes his merger with someone to get out of the game.
It also explains why we see gigantic Vanny in Help Wanted 2's consequences ending and adds even more reason why an altered EnemyBasic appears on her wall in the AR world! Vanny herself is not infected as we first believed, but rather a fused entity between Glitchtrap and someone else.
With this origin, she would still be able to traverse and interact with things connected to the network if she's plunged into it.
And considering what she's wearing in Security Breach and that the Security Mask and the occipital transponder are a technology that exists now in the current FNAF lore. She has every way she needs to stay connected to the Pizzaplex's network. But let's get back to her dialogue and dissect it.
Yes, I hear you. I know... No. There's no miscommunication... I understand... Yes, I have it. I made it myself. I think you would like it... No, no one suspects anything... Don't worry, I'll be ready, and I won't let you down. It will be fun.”
We can immediately pinpoint a characteristic of Vanny with the entirety of this dialogue, willing and eager to please. I would also put young in that description, but I don't if it's because she's actually young here or that the voice actress has a bit of a youth tone to their voice.
Anyway, the "Yes, I have it. I made it myself. I think you would like it" part of her dialogue was already analyzed by me before, but let me elaborate on something I've been thinking about.
William's Mask has to be in the current Fazbear Entertainment's possession because the pizzaplex hasn't been built yet or is in the middle of being constructed by the time of Help Wanted's development or release since Cassie herself refers to it as an "old headset game", so the Security Mask isn't around just yet.
What I'm thinking here is that Vanny had come across it sometime to use as a reference for her costume. And make no mistake, Vanny's mask is making a callback to it as it's only a slight redesign and recolor to make it her own. Even Cassie makes notes of Vanny's mask being similar to the Security Mask by how she mistakes them for being the same.
But that doesn't sound right. Vanny wasn't working with Fazbear Entertainment when she met Glitchtrap, just under them through the second development team. Plus, most of the game was developed under a different team until it was in its beta version while Vanny's team had just come in to finish it to release it.
We have already seen what an object created solely by Glitchtrap looks like in Help Wanted in the form of his plushies, so we already know that he didn't recreate the mask in the game.
So maybe I'm thinking about this the wrong way. Both the mask and Grimm Foxy show up in Princess Quest, and we have already established how both important relate to William and Glitchtrap. And both are what are needed to destroy Glitchtrap.
Where did we first see that Mask? Not in the Help Wanted base game but in the Halloween DLC. That means the game was still being worked on even after its release, so Vanny would've had time to model this mask into the game. But why? I think these game-over quotes that show up only in Dreadbear are a clue.
The report glitches quote, easily fits with what Vanny is talking about in with the "No, no one suspects anything." The "Where am I" part is intriguing, but I don't think I can pin that to Vanny. Hmm... I wonder if this is where our Golden Princess comes to be. It's something to look into later.
It's the "Purging system" part that is what I want to focus on here. This provides the needed explanation for things being the way they are now. Glitchtrap, the one that's not merged into Vanny, might've started running rampant during the DLC development, causing either Fazbear Entertainment or Vanny's development team to focus entirely on shutting him down.
The purging of the system might've been their solution for him. This might've worked too if Vanny wasn't already created by the time of the purging. And since Vanny is working under Glitchtrap here, she would've been in the perfect position to take Glitchtrap and everything he contains out of Help Wanted and into a developing game called Princess Quest(Working Title). Though, Vanny might've rushed the job under such circumstances, taking part of The Curse of Dreadbear's code along with Glitchtraps into the new game.
But that's all for now, I'll talk about that more when we get Princess Quest 4.
"I'll be ready, and I won't let you down. It will be fun.” This right here, more than anything, tells us that Vanny is not so much reluctant but more following in the Glitchtrap's order than we all first believed. But we shouldn't be so surprised about it.
Vanny's previous alias, "Reluctant Follwer", didn't come from any of the games, books, or even Scott's website but instead came from, a website Scott uses to find voice actors. The name is used as a guide for the actor and a descriptor for how the voice should be toned and acted.
The name is an oversimplification of a character for how they're going to sound in the one game they appear in, not all. So the name "Reluctant Follwer" would've only applied to Vanny in this game.
And as we see from Security Breach, Vanny is anything but reluctant to follow Glitchtrap's order. Yet after that game and as of Ruin and HW2, that name might been more appropriate now than it was back then as there appears to be a rift now between the two. But more on that at a later.
One last thing. With this origin in place, we now have another explanation for why we only hear Vanny's side of the conversation and not Glitchtrap's. We are hearing Glitchtrap's side of that conversation, he is her. It's the reason why her voice becomes echoey in her final word, fun.
Now let's finally get into the ties between Vanessa and the villains. Though about that.
One thing that I'm not getting here is why Vanessa is even a part of Vanny or Glitchtrap's situation since Double-V is true. I originally thought up Double-V, I was originally thinking that Vanessa and Vanny were sharing the role of "Vanny".
It's just one of them was more willing than the other to be a part of Glitcthtrap's machinations than the other. I didn't put too much thought into it, but it was something I wanted to look for until that Security Team revelation came about.
But now I'm left with this puzzle piece called Vanessa that I'm not quite sure what to do with now that I know that Vanny is an entirely separate person from her.
She has to be involved with Vanny and Gltichtrap somehow. Maybe the therapy tapes will help.
These are all things that would've pointed toward Glitchtrap if I didn't know better. So it's someone else doing this? Why and why her?
So Vanessa knows who's doing this to her. But she's been refusing to listen to them before and is now being worn down by the spamming messages sent to her. But the fact that she doesn't react to the news that they are digging into her personal life is very concerning!
Also, after going through Vanny's secret dialogue in Help Wanted, Vanessa's overall demeanor in both Security Breach and the Retro Cds clashes hard with Vanny's in both games. Where Vanny sounds and reads eager and nervous, Vanessa is defiant and reluctant with depressed undertones.
Is Vanessa really infected with Glitchtrap?
Yet now that I'm thinking about it, Glitchtrap has no need to do this as him sitting through Vanessa's therapy session with her would give him this info if she was infected. Who's ever doing this doesn't much about her, but would very much like to. Is it Vanny or Gregory...
Wait, hold on. Vanessa's first therapist mentioned that messages were encrypted and couldn't make out what the conversation was about. But the second therapist can understand these messages to know that they're manipulative in nature. Are these two different messengers?!
" I’ve read them, but it’s not clear what you’re talking about in these conversations. I can’t make sense of it. You must be getting something from these that I’m not getting." - The first Therapist
"but what bothers me about what I read is that the messages you're getting seem very manipulative in nature." - The second Therapist
What changed? Hmm... What exactly is an encrypted conversation? Maybe explaining that will help.
Encrypted text messaging is a method of secure communication that converts your messages into code. This means that only the recipient with the correct decryption key can read it. - Google
That sounds like what the first Therapist is referring to, but she mentions that they got the transcripts for it. Does that mean that got the code or the decryption key to read it? No, she says transcripts, which means the code itself.
But whatever the first Therapist saw in that transcript was legible enough to read and comprehend. This means the conversation wasn't in computer coding that would require someone in the tech field to decipher it, but just ordinary talk that's hard to understand what it's about.
Okay, that clears things up, they're still the same messenger.
This one conversation right here throws everything about Double-V out of whack. Why is Vanessa buying fake fur material? And for the very first time, we know the gender of who's messaging her along that he said that he would always be watching her.
Again the "he" here, and the "he will always be watching" part allude to Glitchtrap at first glance. And again, it can't be him because he should be within Vanessa since they merged in Help Wanted! Even if you dismissed the ending I proposed for Vanny and went with the ending where she gets locked up by Glitchtrap, it still wouldn't be him messaging her about watching here because he would be in her body!
And like I already said before, Vanessa has shown no memory problems or bodily control problems, which would've suggested Glitchtrap's control. No, this means that Gregory is doing all of this.
But why is he going after Vanessa? Geez, It's been a while since I even thought about his past before Security Breach. I forgot how much of a black hole of questions he is, regarding the lore. I'll give my updated thoughts about him after the Double-V revelation later.
For now, after going through all of Gregory's dialogue in Security Breach. It looks like he's not quite aware of the ongoings within the Pizzaplex and is shocked by the level of security can employ later in the night. There may actually be a hint of his hacker background in his dialogue if you squint. And Gregory has absolutely no idea what the rabbit laddy's name is until he gets to Fazerblast.
As for Gregory's involvement with Vanessa... Huh, that's weird. Gregory doesn't say Vanessa's name even once in Security Breach. Matter of fact, after the beginning sequence where Vanessa confronts Freddy about him, Gregory just stops talking about or even mentioning her for the rest of the game. This includes the confrontation that leads to her locking him up in Lost and Found and after it...
No matter how you slice it, Gregory's silence about her is super loud with alarm bells. Sure, he dismisses her as working with Vanny in the beginning, but it shouldn't mean that she should be an afterthought to him! Like, Gregory only talks about or mentions "the rabbit lady" after the beginning of the game.
In fact, if we were to rank every important character that Gregory talks about or mentions in his dialogue for Security Breach from most to least, it would look like this.
  1. Freddy - 33 times
  2. Vanny - 6 times
  3. Chica - 6 times
  4. Roxy - 4 times
  5. Monty - 3 times
  6. Moon - 3 times
  7. Vanessa - 3 times
  8. Burntrap - 1 time
That's absurd! Especially since she's the only other human worker in the Pizzaplex, besides Vanny, who encounters and confronts him. Like, he doesn't even try to communicate with her at all during the entire game!
Even when discovering Vanny's hideout in Fazerblast and Freddy suggests that Vanny is Vanessa due to deduceing Vanny's name being a combination of Vanessa + Bunny, Gregory remains silent about it! No, "Oh maybe you're right." or "That sounds too simple to be right", but instead there's no response to what might be the identity of your pursuer!
It's like he doesn't want to talk about her...
He knows her, he has to know Vanessa! Yet, he said, "I don't know who she is, but she's trying to get me!" to Freddy. Is he lying? No, he just knows about her.
This is either hinting towards Gregory talking directly to Vanessa or Glitchtrap. But something that confuses me is why the therapist has or even be able to see Gregory's encrypted conversation logs?
I'll admit that I'm ignorant about therapy, but should your therapist have access to stuff you created outside of therapy? Unless Gregory created the program on a computer in therapy. It could explain how he's gotten access to Vanessa's files. But I'll drop that talk for now.
Something that's being made clear to me now is that Vanessa is not as connected to the villains as Gregory is, as she's more surprised by the changing of therapist than he is. In fact, Gregory knows why the therapists are disappearing, knows exactly when the therapists do something that would cause them to disappear, and doesn't seem upset when they show up mangled and dead.
But more than anything, Gregory knew Vanny long before Security Breach started. There's no reason why Gregory would know Vanny has enough control over the Pizzaplex to cut off Freddy from the network, in just one encounter. If anything, he should have assumed she was some weirdo stranger in the Pizzaplex that the security and the police needed to take care of.
But he already knew that Vanny had power in the Pizzaplex, maybe not the full scope, but enough to know that if she and he ever came into conflict with one another that ended with her wanting to hurt him then he needed to get out of the Pizzaplex.
Funnily enough, this actually lines up with the first-ever trailer for Security Breach, where Vanny says: "Gregory, I may have lost my temper earlier. But it was just a glitch!" Which implies they talking neutrally before whatever made Vanny lose her temper." Again, I'm not using this as evidence as it's been cut, instead, I'm suggesting that the idea might have merit.
I had always flipped-flopped between the mysterious person being either Glamrock Bonnie or Vanny. Both are connected to Glitchtrap, so either would fit here as Glitchtrap wouldn't be captured by a camera. But with the new evidence I've discovered, Vanny fits as Gregory's mysterious rabbit correspondent in the Pizzaplex.
But what about Vanessa? Is Gregory hacking into her files or is it Vanny and Glitchtrap? Or perhaps Gregory is hacking into her files on behalf of Glitchtrap and Vanny. Either way, Vanessa is getting dragged into Gregory and the Villian's group chat.
Speaking of the therapy, if we take into account the Retro-CD's numbering system the first two numbers are the patient ID number, and the last two numbers are the number of times both Gregory and Vanessa have been to therapy, then we can uncover some invaluable information.
Gregory has been in therapy longer than Vanessa and he was also in therapy before her too. But combining this CD's numbering system with a theory from the Talesbook story, GGY, that Gregory only goes to therapy on Sunday. Then Gregory has been going to therapy for a year and a half.
And if Vanessa is following the weekly therapy session pattern, then she's only been going to it for a little more than half a year. This means she started her therapy just about after Gregory hit his half-year mark for therapy. In addition to all that, Vanessa stopped going to therapy once she was transferred to a new location and never met the fourth and final therapist of the CDs.
Just something you all should keep in mind.
But Gregory definitely knows about her at the very least. That knowledge, I guess, is the reason why he's so shocked to see her face under Vanny's mask in the "To The Rooftop" ending. He knows that Vanessa and Vanny are two different people, but doesn't know that they look alike because he never encountered Vanny before Security Breach without her mask or costume.
On the subject of costumes, I still got no answer for Vanessa's purchase of fake animal fur or what's even happening with her now.
To be honest, this would be so simple and easy if Vanessa was just Vanny. But like as I have shown many times before in both this series and the previous one, simple and easy answers are not always the correct ones.
So, instead of looking for signs of the villain's goal with Vanessa in the lore. Let's look at the similarities and differences between the double Vs.
Vanessa's characteristics are.
Vanny's characteristics are.
Wow, I did not realize we already knew this much about Vanny just from the environment storytelling of the games until I listed them!
Anyway, as you can see, there are some very similar likes between the two and very stark differences in traits as well. I'm not about to list them to save word space, but instead, I want to answer a question. Could Vanessa still be Vanny despite their differences? This isn't so much for me, but for the people who believe Vanny = Vanessa despite my Double-V evidence.
At first, I thought there might've been a chance for that as they both like flowers, to read, and enjoy the outside, or at least the summer in Vanny's case. But now, after listing everything out they're just too different to say they're the same.
Even if we say that Vanny's love of pizza, general bad diet, and trashy room is the result of Vanessa coping with her depression and her situation with Glitchtrap and that her graffiti is the by-product of therapy, along with her interest in growing flowers. That doesn't negate the fact that in Ruin when given the chance to express her anxiety, Vanny doesn't take it.
If you don't know, on the wall where Vanny drew her face next to a slice of pizza in the main lobby near the Superstar Daycare entrance, there is a painted graph. The artist who made the graph also wrote on the right side of it; "TAG YOURSELF".
On all four sides of the graph, the artist made the furthest sides of them represent something. The top Y-axis is Wizard, the bottom Y-axis is Cedar the left X-axis is Filled with a word that ends in a y, and the right X-axis is Filled with anxiety.
What this graph is showing, or what the artist trying to convey with it, is that each of the four points represents not quite the opposite thing but the furthest thing from each other. Of which, Vanny decided to tag herself on the furthest left X-axis, not the right.
This tells us that Vanny feels the furthest thing from anxiety. Something Vanessa, no matter if she's under Glitchtrap's control or not, would be constantly feeling as she suffers from it.
As for what she's feeling, I don't know, the word on the left graph is unreadable and covered by Vanny's face to make it almost impossible to decipher. But what I do know without a doubt, is that Vanny and Vanessa are indeed, two different people with some common likes and polar opposite traits.
So after everything I've talked about in the last three? four? However many parts I've been going over Double-V, what is the best possible answer for the "To The Rooftop" ending stinger. Why do Vanny and Vanessa look alike?
I tried, I really did. I looked for as much possible evidence for anything that doesn't just make me give up and say "She's a Fazgoo clone!" or "She's a robot!"
If Vanny was a stranger who mimicked Vanessa's face, then that's cool and horrifying, but only where it concerns Vanessa herself. (The horrifying part, not the cool part.) It doesn't give us reasons why she would do it in the first place or a way to connect it to the greater lore and Glitchtrap, besides she's a human Mimic. Basically, it lacks motivation from everyone in the Villian party.
So it leaves me with no other conclusion except for one.
Back when the marketing for Security Breach was building up to its release. Steel Wool released four old Freddy cartoon episodes on their YouTube channel. Each episode hides a teaser image for the lore, including a character from the games with words, along with a character stinger at the end.
The last carton, which is the most distorted one, just so happened to include Vanessa as the hidden teaser, and Vanny as the character stinger at the end. And before you all jump the gun, previous episodes have already established that the hidden character teasers have no correlation to the ending Character stinger.
Now, the words in the Vanessa teaser image are quite interesting. It includes "Test and Rat" in the upper right corner, "Pool" in the bottom left corner, and "Bleak Reactant".
Test and Rat could be Test rat or Laboratory rat (Lab rat) as in the species of rat that are bred and kept for scientific research. Lab rat here can also be referring to Vanessa being a lab rat for the villain's experiment for something.
Using that explanation, "Pool" would then mean group or pool of people, which means number of people available for an organization or group to use. So Pool would mean that Vanessa was chosen out of all the Fazbear employees or people in general to be used for the experiment.
This leaves us with Bleak Reactant, which the definition of reactant is a substance that takes part in and experiences change during a reaction, while the definition of bleak could mean lacking vegetation (an area of land), dreary (a room), miserable(the weather), or unfavorable (outcome.)
All of this together means that Vanessa was chosen by the villains out of a group of people to be used for an experiment. An experiment of a change in Vanessa that predicted an unfavorable outcome for the villains.
Vanessa was going to be the next Vanny or maybe something else.
That gives a reason why the villains were so interested in her, why she would be shopping for a costume, why she would be at the Pizzaplex, and why she would be still connected to the villains when someone else is Vanny.
But the reason she was chosen in the first place, why her out of a group of people that might've included Gregory in it too, is because the one who chose her was her own twin sister.
If anyone remembers my only Ruin theory then you would remember my mentioning of Glitchtrap's and Vanny's conversation from Scott's website from a Security Breach poster.
Glitchtrap: "Stay the course."
Vanny: "I will."
Glitchtrap: "Focus on my voice."
Vanny: "I will."
Glitchtrap: "Don't let anyone lead you astray."
Vanny: “I won't.”
Glitchtrap: "Have you selected one?"
Vanny: "I have."
In my theory, I proposed that Gregory was the one that Vanny mentioned selecting here. But now, with all the revelations and new information gained, I believe Vanessa works better here. Vanny would've chosen someone for an experiment that she personally knew of or gotten to know, and who better than her own sibling that she grew up with.
Remember, Vanny is just starting out in her following of Glitchtrap. So would be new to the whole evil thing. And most of the time, the people close to you are the ones that would most likely commit a crime against you.
As for the twin sister thing, it actually didn't come from the "To The Rooftop" ending, but a discussion from the GTlive stream where Mat hosted a little get-together with some of the FNAF YouTuber theorists after Security Breach. There, John Fuhnaff suggested the idea for it from the VR Sisters boss from the Security Breach game Scott made when Security Breach got delayed again.
It's something that I saw some merit in after I discovered the Vanny ≠ Vanessa and after disproving in my head that Vanny wasn't Tape Girl either. The best part of the twin sister thing is that there's no need to throw out all that we know from Vanessa's therapy sessions as they both share the divorced parent's backstory.
As for which is the order twin between the two, I believe Vanessa is the oldest since it makes sense that her father would use the oldest to testify against their mother as she would better understand his instructions. Plus it provides a potential grudge from Vanny to Vanessa for what happened to their mother and a misguided parental affection for Glitchtrap. Unless Vanny's just a fangirl of William Afton, which could be the case.
Also, this means that the reason Vanessa looks the way she does in "To The Rooftop" end credits is because she looking at her dead sister. Oof, I realized that this also means she would've been the one who finds what's left of her in the "Disassemble Vanny" ending too. No wonder Faz Ent. is temporarily closed if they find that one employee is disassembled and the other one is having a mental breakdown from it in the morning.
But what about the "Redemption" ending? We know that by beating PQ3 both Glitchtrap and Vanny are defeated in it. What happens to her then? Where did she go? Hmm... I'm not sure.
What happens when someone is unmerged after being merged for a long time? Unlike Vanessa, we know that Vanny lives in the Pizzaplex. Even by Ruin and Help Wanted 2, she's still living in the building despite its condition so she probably needs time to think and process what happened to her and what's she done. Oh, and therapy. And a house.
But I think that just about wraps everything up for— Wait, HW2's Candy Cadet story! I forgot all about it! I know some people mentioned that the second story had to do with Vanessa, Gregory, and Gltichtrap. Let me skim through that real quick for clues.
Oh. Oh, that's really interesting... But it along with the Jeremy and the Memory dolls can wait until after next time. Sorry for the little to no pictures, I needed space to fit everything in one post and wanted to get everything about Double-V out of the way before I go on hiatus.
Don't worry it has nothing to do with burnout. It won't be too long either, though knowing my track record when saying that, you probably don't believe me.
Truth is, I've been severely neglecting my YouTube channel, and should really start catching up the YouTube version of my series with the online version. Plus, I've got more "Prove it!" to work on.
But most important of all, my birthday is coming up, and I don't want to work, think, or have anything to do with my FNAF stuff on that day. So! Feel free to read and become full with these last Parts until I come back with more.
submitted by Bonjonsie to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

Looking for a server to host your favorite game? Hey fellow gamers on Reddit! Are you in search of a reliable and high-performance server for your favorite games? Look no further than! Here's why they might just be the best choice for hosting your game server.
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Website: Discord:
submitted by Shybella_1114 to Bananaservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:59 jaysxplosive Lucid Comatose now recruiting

The story:
Two creatures wake up in the middle of a cave as they realize they aren't able to recall anything. Their memories, their identities, their whole lives are gone as if they weren't there in the first place. They team up and head off into the post-apocalyptic wasteland, focusing on finding out the answers to all their questions. But will they succeed? Is it worth it in the end? Will they make it in time and out alive?
Even though it might sound simple and boring, it's actually pretty damn complicated. I'm not elaborating on the lore further because I don't want people to figure everything out before we even finish the game(s?), where's the fun in that. I will do that to people who end up joining the development though.
But yeah. The story takes place on an entirely different planet. There's magic, people there are furries (absolutely not the perverted kind though), dragons and stuff are common animals. It's semi-serious. Yes they are trying to survive and figure out what the fuck happened while failing in pretty much every ending and everything is looking sad in general but it's almost as hardcore as it's stupid and deranged. One of the main characters is pretty much an embodiment of immature chaos while the other prays to all that's holy to not go insane because of that little shit. Don't know what else to say about this.
What I'm going for:
Honestly, I just want to make sure it stands out from most VNs in a lot of terms. Like, for example, it pisses me off how only a couple of sprites are used for the whole game, and I want to avoid that as much as I can. Time is not a problem, really.
Plus, I'm going for some mental health representations and just general deep shit. There will be little to no happy endings, and in the end the main characters won't fully figure out what actually happened. There will also be certain events that will be picked on random and stuff the player has little to no control over, I guess it adds some spice and realism.
I'm also hoping we'll be more than just a group of people working on a game. I want to make the process as fun as possible and I want us to get along, because it's just going to be a pain in the ass if it ends up feeling like a chore.
Who I'm looking for:
More roles might be needed and added later, like voice actors, but the whole thing is looking pretty vague at the moment, so I would probably just make another post once we need them.
I think I've covered as much as I can, feel free to ask any questions because I get REALLY wonky with writing whenever it comes to long shit like this so obviously some parts will be confusing. Thank you so much for your attention! Hoping to see you on the team :D
submitted by jaysxplosive to vndevs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:56 MediumMastodon3981 It finally happened

I survived forbidden mode. Didn't die immediately by a team 7x scoping spawn. Team Didn't get instantly wiped by a cheater 2 minutes into the raid
Came in with an SVDS, a 4x/10x scope and the SNB ammo (some LPS for scavs)
The Chinese guy on the team just rushed to factory and got wiped out after a couple minutes, one guy was just running around looting containers, and one guy was actually communicating.
There were like 10 granade explosions in villa so we slowly made our way to investigate. Camped by the wall for a couple minutes while I threw a couple granades to bate the team inside.
Guess they got scared so when we carefully entered we heard the helicopter fly away and they extracted, looted the safes and the locked rooms but I managed to get a sensor module from a regular yellow crate outside (450k! Lucky) and a couple yellow and purple items, overall extracted with 550k and I got out of complete poverty.
submitted by MediumMastodon3981 to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:51 BhargavK_18 Rishabh Pant is now the 2nd highest scorer first being Virat Kohli , for India against Pakistan in the T20 World Cup.

Rishabh Pant is now the 2nd highest scorer first being Virat Kohli , for India against Pakistan in the T20 World Cup. submitted by BhargavK_18 to RCB [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:46 StegoLavaLamp Spoke placement on an inpatient ward today and ward manager tried to decline me a break for an eight hour shift and then got told by a staff nurse that I wasn't doing enough work - do I tell my practice assessor?

Hi everyone. I'm a first year student coming to the end of my last term. Due to personal circumstances and the way my university runs, I am currently on my first clinical placement ever. I am enjoying every bit of it and the team I'm working with are just lovely. My PA and clinical lead in the area that I'm working in helped me organise a two day spoke placement on a mental health inpatient ward that they work quite closely with, and lots of the staff I'm working with now originally worked there.
I had my first day today and felt quite out of my depth as I've never worked with patients in this setting, and this is really my second time ever working with patients as a whole. My current placement is very admin based so I only observe around 5 meetings with patients per week, and even then, I don't really have the time to work as intimately with them as I was today. Despite this, I tried to dive right in and start talking to and getting to know the service users who were happy to talk to me, and talk to some of the HCA's and other nurses. Two of the HCA's weren't really open to talking to me and only answered my questions very shortly, but I didn't mind as I know it can be a bit awkward! Apart from that, there was really only two other staff nurses and one clinical lead around, and I talked a fair amount to one of the nurses and the clinical lead before they had to begin other jobs.
The first little hiccup was when I approached the ward manager and asked about what time I would take my break as I was woking the same 8 hour shift as I usually would, and they told me that as I wasn't an official ward nurse, I didn't get a break. Thankfully, a nurse overheard and went to speak to the ward manager and came back to tell me that I was alright to take a half an hour break and that they had spoken together. The ward manager then didn't talk to me or look at me for the rest of the day, even if we were stood near each other and in conversation with the other staff. I honestly think that this was maybe a misunderstanding or they didn't realise that I was there for over 6 hours, and they were maybe just focused on other staff when we were in conversations.
After lunch, most of the service users were asleep as it was an over 65s unit, so I asked a staff nurse if there was anything they thought I could do in the moment as I wasn't used to this environment. They advised me to make drinks for a pair of service users who were awake and then just wait until anything arose. I did this and sat down in the community area with a handful of the service users who were sleeping or drinking and watching TV. About 30 minutes later, a service user woke up and needed help transferring to a wheelchair. In my trust, we have been told to not help people getting up out of chairs or transferring to a wheelchair (as student's aren't insured), so I went to go find a nurse. This nurse said okay and that they'd be there. After about five minutes the patient was getting more agitated and needed to move, so another different nurse who was present originally but was not able to take the service user then got another nurse to come and help. The original nurse who I had talked to returned and was shocked that another nurse had taken the service user and seemed to be unhappy with me.
Less than 5 minutes later, the same nurse who seemed to be unhappy with me returned and asked me to step to the side to talk to them. They very bluntly told me that they had been "observing consistently throughout the day" and that I wasn't doing enough work, I wasn't getting involved, I wasn't asking questions, and then implied that if I did not provide personal care, then I wouldn't qualify (I am aware of this, but I have provided personal care and I will continue to). They told me that I should be interacting with the service users and getting them drinks, tissues, having conversations, and asking the staff nurses questions. I apologised to the staff nurse as I didn't want them to feel like I was questioning them or to cause any unhappiness. Throughout the day I had repeatedly provided drinks and spent 80% of my time having conversations with the service users, helping calm a specific service user who repeatedly became distressed and was not being talked to by anyone, grabbing tissues for patients, etc. I even spent lots of time trying to interact with the staff nurses when they were on 1-1 tasks.
It was just unfortunate that anytime I was doing anything, this nurse was not there to see it, and every time I was sat down in the communal room and not talking because the service users were asleep, they would see me. I absolutely will ask to do more, but I already was and they just weren't seeing it as I was approaching different staff who were present. I believe this nurse had no ill intentions, but it has still left me feeling disappointed as I pride myself on how I conduct myself, even in completely brand new situations that I have never been in like this.
I'm hesitant to bring it up to my PA as I know that this won't be the first time that I will encounter another staff member who won't be completely happy with me and I don't want to seem dramatic, but it has also left me feeling nervous about when I go back for another day next week. I am always working on myself and I will take everything this nurse said into account, I just found it a difficult day as it was my first day ever on a ward, let alone a mental health ward when I have never been able to work with patients closely before. I'm just worried that this situation may escalate or reoccur and I should've told my PA in advance.
submitted by StegoLavaLamp to NursingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:45 steelsox90 Looking for a Team to Join

I live in Cincinnati Ohio and would love to join a new Team. I’ve been Investigating the Paranormal since 2010. I used to run my own team but everyone got too busy to do Investigations. So I’m on here looking for a new Team to possibly join. Thanks
submitted by steelsox90 to GhostHunting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:45 Old-Objective3484 Anyone want to join The Red Pirates Discord?

Me and a friend decided to start a server called “The Red Pirates” basically a server for communist One Piece fans but also just like a general chatroom (based on an Instagram chat I’ve been running for some months called the same thing). If anyone wants to join the team and help set up, let me know in the comments or DM.
submitted by Old-Objective3484 to LeftyPiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:42 everlostmagedb Expanding Your Game Knowledge

Welcome to League Coaching Grounds: Your Pathway to Mastery in League of Legends
Embark on your journey to excellence in League of Legends at League Coaching Grounds. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the ropes or an advanced player striving to perfect your skills, our subreddit is dedicated to helping you master the game. From comprehensive gameplay tutorials to advanced strategic insights, our community is here to support your growth every step of the way.

Expanding Your Game Knowledge

Understanding Game Dynamics
Develop a thorough understanding of the game’s dynamics to enhance your strategic play:
Champion Versatility
Building proficiency across multiple champions enhances your adaptability and value to any team:

Advanced Tactical Play

Strategic Positioning and Movement
Master the art of positioning to improve your survivability and impact in team fights:
Skill Optimization and Execution
Enhance your mechanical skills and ability execution for peak performance:

Psychological Edge in Competitive Play

Building Mental Toughness
Strengthen your mental game to maintain performance under pressure:
Influencing Opponent Decisions
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Thank you for being part of League Coaching Grounds. Here, we don’t just play the game; we study it, we master it, and we teach it. Whether you're refining your individual skills or contributing to the collective knowledge, you're an essential part of our journey towards becoming League of Legends champions. Subscribe, participate, and let’s dominate the Rift together.
submitted by everlostmagedb to LeagueCoachingGrounds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:42 Putrid-Alfalfa-7670 My strategy for classic runs.

Setting up is the best strategy for Ivy. Have someone who can setup on the first turn. Save up berries to use for Ivy only especially sitrus and enygma. So you can heal after setup. I destroyed Ivy with just a Xatu I got to setup calm minds. And almost soloed her team with just a kricketune with victory dance. I usually have two-three mons that can set up in my team. And another with leech seeds or curse or willo for eternatus.
Just have someone who can setup first turn. Target is setup as much until she sends out Ray. If she sends out someone who can kill your mons, kill it. If you think she sends out a mon that cant kill you, just set up as much then atk. That's why you need to save up berries. The only problem is if she sends out Ray first turn. Just have someone you can sac or send out your other setup mon. Just know when to setup. Better if that setup mon has ice moves. But you can have anyone even if it's neutral as long as you can setup properly.
Another advice, if you have a setup mon. You wont need to heal as much. You dont need to heal every turn. Just have an instinct when you need to heal. Save up pps. This way you can save up money for later rounds. Another way to have money, just have a honey gather mon if you're really struggling with money.
And to save up berries, if the selection is not good and it has berries get it especially sitrus, enygma, salac and whatever berries that raise atk/spc atk stats And put it on the mons you're not using. Just transfer the berries to your setup mons during Ivy fights and the elite 4. Dont transfer all at a time. One sitrus and one enygma at a time in order not to waste.
I finished gen 1 and 2 challenges it a single run. I have been doing this all the time, and i havent repeated a mon to finish my run. I always use mons that i havent gotten any ribbons.
Just remember this game is different from the usual games so dont use your usual strats on those games. Also, using unusual pokemons in your runs might save up your runs. :)
Ps. One last advice, try to take some time doing endless. Completing starters helps in classic runs for good team selection. Unlocking abilities, having good natures.
That's all hope this helps. :)
submitted by Putrid-Alfalfa-7670 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:41 e1zzbaer First Monotype Elite 4 run

First Monotype Elite 4 run
Finally decided to take my first step towards the 'Hero of the Hall' quest today. I kinda wanted to try something a little different, so I went for a flying team without any birds (Togekiss isn't a bird, right?).
Tropius was underwhelming, maybe should have brought Minior instead. I had one ready, but decided against it because it looked weaker in comparison. The rest of the team was pretty solid though, some will make a comeback in future monotype runs for sure.
submitted by e1zzbaer to PokemonUnbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:37 Alexskizzos Need help deciding which unit to go for

Need help deciding which unit to go for
currently running this team i don’t have the new gojo or geto which on should i try to pull
submitted by Alexskizzos to PhantomParadeJK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:35 Ok_Signature6708 Is Frost Still Good?

I've considered buying frost now, but i'm not sure if shes worth. I see many high rank players and some pro teams run her, but i assume that they have special plays and strats. As a soloQ player, is frost good? or should I just stick to Mira and Fenrir? And it also feels like any one with good situation awarenesscan shoot and her traps are easy to defeat. Is this the case or no?
submitted by Ok_Signature6708 to SiegeAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:34 Nihil-Infinitum Unbroken (OC intro)

Unbroken (OC intro)
Minerva Amata was not a weak woman by any means. Raised on a hostile colony planet, she had to grow tough, or not grow at all. Her life prepared her well for her time in the Navy, and she rose the ranks fast, exhibiting excellent leadership skills, and a strong work ethic. She was stationed as a captain of her own ship in one of the many federation fleets. It wasn't enormous, small enough to fit inside the flag ship in fact, but it was hers.
It was a normal outing, they were going to investigate a distress signal out in the outer rim. A space station had been pinging for a day or two by the time they arrived. They had docked without issue, the airlock hissed as a team ventured onboard the station, a live feed being sent directly to the bridge where Minerva monitored the situation.
The situation had not been good. Blood was dried on the walls and floor, yet there was no bodies to be found. The team followed the trails of blood, finding the med-bay. Inside were dozens of beds, filled with bodies, each with their limbs and faces seemingly being eaten away at by some invisible parasite. The doctor had turned to look at them slowly, a panicked look on his face, and he broke down, tears running down his face.
Evacuation had been swift, if a mistake. Living residents we're brought onto the ship, placed in the cargo hold for the long trip home. Minerva's ship became a petri dish for a disease that hadn't been seen before. Spreading through her ship like a wildfire, baffling the medical crew. It seemed to eat away at ones extremities, consuming their skin and moving into their bones. Stealing fingers and noses. Devouring a person until there was nothing left.
Minerva was the last on her ship to be infected, by some miracle. Yet still, it got her, less than 24 hours out from her destination and she could feel it eat away at her skin. She was the last one left, cowering in her captains chair, a biohazard alert blaring across the stars. She drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the warm sun of her home world.
When she awoke there was a light in her eyes, she was on a medical bed, being rolled down sheer white hallways by faceless men in medical hazmat suits. For days they experimented and ran tests on her, desperately searching for a cure. All the while she laid on her medical bed, only semi-conscious.
Finally she came to, the "cure" had worked. It stopped the spreading of the infection, on her skin and to other people... But it could not fix the damage already done. And her body could not heal it, the infection continued to fester where it already spread.
She was honorably discharged and sent home, where she stayed for 3 years. Unable to do the work she would have previously, she spent her days idling. Scientists came to her, offering a potential way for her to regain some of her capability, a new type of cybernetic. Metal woven into muscle fibers, becoming one with what was left of her arms. She agreed, not knowing what else to do.
The experiment was disastrous, a complete failure. It could never work on someone who didn't have her physical ailments, and it shouldn't have worked on her. Yet through sheer force of will she persevered, making her body adapt around it. What she was left with was a gory amalgamation of muscle and machine, metal and bone. Stronger than normal arms, but exposed to the elements. Still, It was better than the alternative
Minerva awoke with a jolt, her body covered in sweat, her arms stinging beneath the biofilm she wore while she slept. Another nightmare.
She looked at the clock, 6:26 ship time. Close enough.
Minerva swung her legs off the bed, standing and getting dressed for another day on The Star Sparrow She caught her reflection out of the corner of her eye, the marred and exposed flesh of her face marring her porcelain complexion. She was used to it. Better to keep moving forward than dwell on the past.
After all, the ship needed their combat specialist, their fighter pilot, and she wasn't about to leave them hanging out to dry.
/If I'm sure someone will recognize her, or the post, so for the sake of brevity, yes it's the same dude, just a different account for this sub and possibly another one. She's been changed slightly, and isn't the captain anymore. Picture was generated by Bing AI.
submitted by Nihil-Infinitum to Fleetposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:33 Necessary-Poetry7441 Grouping in 1-2 player PvP server

Hi, I was interested in knowing your experience with grouping so far. I've been on 4 servers so far, 3 of which were private, or rather non-officials, with all of them players grouped up and harassed others mid-raid or raiding as a team. I played the game back in the Early-Access and as far as I can remember it didn't happen back then.
It really kills the fun in the game, knowing that you can play as good as you want only to get clubbed by 3-4 ppl that have a pseudo-alliance to cover each other. A friend and I have tried anyway, fought a 2v4 and got decimated. I like the game, I really do but I think I might leave it for now. We don't want to offline raid some ppl since that's kinda unfair, we want some engaging PvP action and if we lose a fair fight that's fine. Did any of you had similar experiences? And if so, how did you handle it? Have you guys contacted the GM (If that's even possible on Official servers)? As previously said, this is the 4th server in a row now this has happened and with around 300h (160h EA/140 o n 1.0) totally invested in the game I just don't want to start all over again just to hope not to run into a 4 player squad on a duo server.
submitted by Necessary-Poetry7441 to vrising [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:33 CertifiedMalewife Energy Recharge sands??

I know it may seem stupid but I feel like using an ER sands can help solve Cyno’s energy problem, especially when using him in a double dendro hyperbloom team (the team I plan on using when I can get cyno). As we all know, cyno needs a crap ton of ER even as an on field character. I believe that an ER sands could work out better than an EM sands. 187 EM is just kinda useless, especially if you run him on gilded, double dendro with nahida and that one BP weapon that grants 120 EM to the wearer when there’s 3 or more elements in the team. So if you think about it, we get 80 from gilded, plus 150 by triggering reactions (assumed you’re using 4 piece gilded), 50 from dendro resonance, 250 from nahidas burst, 120 from the BP weapon, and then you can also get an additional 120 em if you run instructor on one of the dendro characters (which I will be doing), in total, that’s almost 800 EM with everything together. In my opinion, it would be better to just use an ER sands so I can easily get Cyno’s burst back up and sacrifice a bit of damage. It’s almost like choosing to lower CRIT DMG for higher CRIT Rate so it’s more consistent, less damage but more consistency which in turn has a higher damage total (sorry if that sounds weird, I couldn’t find a better way to word it). Please feel free to point out any errors I may have, I do not have cyno just yet however, i am currently prefarming for him and learning as much as I can of his kit.
submitted by CertifiedMalewife to CynoMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:32 PotentialArugula4483 Just occured to me that immortal is insane for this event

Just occured to me that immortal is insane for this event
Was using a full dps team and barely getting to 9 or 10 but immortal at exceptional+ just makes it so easy since his third ability tanks so many hits from the battle beast on every life whereas invincibles immortality ability has double the cooldown, got a pretty insane drop on the first run
submitted by PotentialArugula4483 to invinciblegtg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:31 Treyofzero What’s next for our sweet boy (introspection included)

So, dust is settling and still people are consistently complaining about skarners current strength.
His win rate is hovering 53% which is the highest it generally goes without incoming nerfs.
His ban rate is really up there second only to Darius in top. Which, surprise he’s picked around 70% in top lane. Anecdotally, he’s at the point I can’t even pick him most emerald games so I don’t even bother planning to.
His JG win rate is decent but pick rate amongs all junglers is only 3%, which means he’s neither fun or viable enough despite being a solid pick to warrant playing in the less resource heavy role.
Itemization! Its at an all time high of linear rivaling only Pyke where variety = bad. His “hybrid damage” (passive, W, R are magic damage) have been turned against him in the worst way, only furthering the issue of it being bad building things like cleaver, penetration, or AD items in general even if they provide plenty of his best stat in HP. Ap and mpen options remain a total meme despite liandries riftmaker etc all initially sounding great in theory with his new poison passive and stickiness.
Finally, the fantasy. To me 3 things were most important. Speed, kidnapping, setting up the team.
Speed has been removed from W in favor of slows (this is a huge blow) and rearranged into the situational maneuverability through walls with E. If his E wasn’t the only consistent kidnapping tool with his Ults new cast time and unreliability, I would consider it being a mobility spell and replacement for W. However against most champs your best bet is pressing E point blank behind or inside a champion to prevent their huge window to juke or evade.
Extremely unsatisfied with his speed 3/10.
Kidnapping! Obviously very thematic and necessary.
With new R instead of isolating and dragging a priority target, you are usually grabbing the entire front line before being kicked in the head with whatever cc spells all three of the people buffered during your cast time. Most often your ult duration is spent stationary and you find that in fact you are the one outnumbered and surrounded by 3 enemies while your team is catching up to save you.
His real kidnap potential is in E, which sadly is his only mobility spell. This more often than not forces you to choose between reaching them at all or guaranteed cc’ing them.
But E also forces you to direct them into a wall in order to chain cc, further reducing kidnapping potential as instead of running right back to your team you are twisting and turning them (often out of your teams skill shots no less) to land the stun so that they don’t just blink past you after being let go. It’s mostly ending up an overcomplicated stun and as such is inferior to more basic shit like poppy E.
Being generous as his capability could be higher than skarners last iteration without all the conditional clunkiness forced to add “counterplay”, Kidnapping factor is 4.5/10. Equivalent with maybe a singed without Rylais.
I’m gonna cut teamplay short as you can prob read between the lines. You take more kills with Q, you set others up for far less kills way less consistently. And nobody knows where you are going half the time. Any added teamplay is incidental and often R is best used in team fights just standing still (which you’re prob cc’d anyway) even when pulling people off your carries. Womp womp.
Teamplay is a 3/10. A few higher against all melee (so never).
So now that it’s established skarners old identity is pretty dead and they don’t seem intent on keeping his fighter iteration either, what comes next? Nerfs until he’s unplayed? Number tweaks to force jungling? Is there hope for skarner or will they just maintain and “balance” this new confused identity?
submitted by Treyofzero to SkarnerMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:31 TheGospelOfWealth We are so in this

It’s wild to me that this team is only 1 game back from a Wild Card spot. Now do I think we can make a run in the playoffs? Absolutely fucking not. But it’s awesome we got a chance still in a shitty National League this year. With some key players like Edman, Contreras, and Noot back I think we can easily make a run for the playoffs! Doomers go away!
submitted by TheGospelOfWealth to Cardinals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:30 MelonMiner1 Titans have no purpose in this sandbox.

With the current meta being what it is I have been struggling as a titan main to get excited about all the new stuff.
Prismatic Titan gets out done by all other subclasses in every single way. The only thing prismatic titan can do is potentially get the most damage out of the new super with the facet of courage but because titans have no way of applying a darkness debuff at range with an ability it loses there too.
With the final shape update Precious scars has been bugged on solar which arguably is its best class so solar titan died with this update. (Bungie please fix it).
The arc changes don’t matter at all when in reality at any content -5 if you just look at an enemy sideways that your gun couldn’t kill automatically anyway you just die. Like for example the only way to get the same healing through knockout that anyone can get through devour is to kill an entire champion with a melee. How redundant is that, not even considering that about 90% of content doesn’t even contain champions but the fact that your melee actually needs to be able to do that damage which it pretty much can never do. Also if your in a gm type content good luck even getting close to any champion when they can one shot you through all damage resist.
Stasis titan still sucks. Yeah you can clear rooms with ice. I get it, but the super offers nothing in terms of actually helping the team and in reality it results in your teammates killing themselves more often than not because a wall just appeared in front of them. And when the meta is so defined these days by having your super up to do damage to a boss having a super which is basically useless to all bosses except ONE really makes it sting harder.
Void titan is ok at best but useless at its worst. The changes to the class were some of the most tone-deaf chnages I’ve ever seen. Bubble has not been used legitimately in destiny 2 since its launch 7 years ago. Forever plagued by not offering anything in any meaningful way because it’s ALWAYS been outclassed by either what it lacks or what others give. Well has always made this super irrelevant in the sandbox because of the damage buff of weapons of light being the same as well but now that they have removed weapons of light and put it on to an exotic which provides nothing in terms of passives wtf are you even using that super for. The shield generation they put around the bubble is about as fast as a bastion shield which also does nothing. That reminds me, Over-shields are terrible. You know that effect in the pale heart which gives and over shield for 40 seconds. Yeah it’s gets destroyed in like 5 shots from one single on level taken acolyte how depressing is that. Also the titan shield throw buff was so small and ineffective that the only reason they buffed it was because it most likely wasn’t able to kill redbars on prismatic because it couldn’t have controlled demolititionist to make up for the lack of damage.
Strand titan again suffers from being melee locked and that affects everything. Yes, banner of war is good, but we have been nerfed every patch since its inception that you are almost providing no changes to your damage by using our two melee damage exotics as they have target nerfed the scaling because you could actually do damage with them.
Also the changes to our melees on both throwing hammer and shoulder charge resulted in I think the most unsatisfying game play ever. Having to wait to throw the hammer again even when you run to pick it up makes my eye twitch every time and the shoulder charge timer being lowered if you miss it is so frustrating to play with I haven’t used a shoulder charge since that change.
Sincerely, a titan who is crying for help.
submitted by MelonMiner1 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:22 ninasafiri Play some cozy demos today! Get a head start on Steam Next Fest!!

Steam Next Fest starts tomorrow June 10th! It's a huge showcase with a TON of demos and it can be hard to find time to try them all.
Here's some cozy games that dropped their demos a little early for either Wholesome Direct, Women-Led Games Fest, or Steam Next Fest~

Farming Sims

Life Sims


Visual Novel/Dating Sim



Cozy Design


Puzzle Builders
Puzzle Adventure
submitted by ninasafiri to CozyGamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:18 AppropriateFish7 How do I get stronger? Help?

I’m having an issue, y’all… I don’t understand how to make my cards stronger. Been playing since day one and I have 1 SSR card to my name and 8 SR’s, but I’m consistently running out of level up materials.
I still don’t understand gems, so I just put them on my strongest cards, and I’ve been out of Moonlight Paint for as long as I can remember so all of my Warding Cards are at a solid level 40. Seven of my cards are at level 75 (including the SSR) and all of them have the Warding Card link bonus ON. I’m not 100% knowledgeable on the pets/guardian spirit equipables, so I’m not sure how to level them/what to prioritize. I’ve been raising potential when I can (daily for the dailies) but my highest so far on my SSR is 20%. My campus rank is 81 and I’m stuck on Case 63. And this is important: in the Arena, even when battling others with lower total power than me, I’m defeated, so this part I really don’t understand… which lets me know I’m doing something wrong lol
All in all, my total power at this moment is: 1,503,695. So my questions are: should I focus on upgrading my strongest card or equalize my level up materials on all of the cards on my main team? Does my order of cards affect the battle? How do I get more Moonlight Paint? And the biggest question of all: WHAT DO I DO NEXT?
Thanks in advance for your help 😭 Literally any information will help.
submitted by AppropriateFish7 to TokyoDebunker [link] [comments]