Michael landrum

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Garage find score for free!
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submitted by Moist_Glass1778 to vintagecomputing [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 19:17 TheEschaton AARO Fails to Refute Herrera Claims - but We Can. What Does this Imply?

AARO Fails to Refute Herrera Claims - but We Can. What Does this Imply?
As we know, the AARO Historical Report, Vol. 1 featured a tantalizing omission that they promised to later follow up on in Volume 2:
This has been confirmed by ufology researchers who are working with Michael Herrera as corresponding to the testimony of Michael Herrera: https://youtu.be/6DyTfIV87Ck?si=ItqOwUgz2vHYz5f3.
The narrative which has been popular in publicizing videos like the one above is that AARO is attempting to find ways to discredit Herrera, spreading disinfo about his claims through lazy/deliberate inaccuracies in their record of his account. The problem with this theory is that Herrera's story alone is conspicuously unanswered in the AARO report. We already know that AARO is at best incompetent and at worst the most public-facing facet of the intelligence community's ongoing UFO disinformation campaign, so the motive fits... but not the method. What is AARO up to? Is it possible that of all the stories they reviewed which were obviously selected for the distinct quality of being debunkable, they would let a single story slip through which they cannot debunk?
One way to start to answer that question is to look at whether Michael Herrera's story is disprovable. The US Government is in possession of many relevant military records which could easily corroborate Herrera's story, but we are not currently (though FOIAs are pending to USAID and the National Archives). Thus a question hangs in the air: surely, if we can disprove Herrera, the government would have been able to as well?
Over the past several weeks I have been working with a small group of researchers to figure out whether or not Michael Herrera's claims are true in order to answer that question. I won't waste your time: there is strong and compelling evidence that his claims are not true. This can be shown relatively easily now that the basic research has been performed.
Analysis drew from third party sources, such as news outlets and monographs, as well as primary documentation and testimony. Together, the mass of data presents a compelling picture of an event in Herrera's life which did occur, but appears to have been substantially embellished. There really was a humanitarian aid mission to Indonesia in 2009, carried out by the group of Marines which Herrera belonged to. Herrera really did participate in this operation. The Marines really did use CH-53 helicopters to provide aid packages to remote jungle villages in Sumatra, per Herrera's testimony, and there is even documentary evidence that Marines were armed at some of these LZs, contrary to what the US Government would probably like you to believe (see Gerb's excellent video above for those details, which my research group provided).
Armed US Marine in digital camo at the Koto Tinggi LZ, October 9th, 2009.
Another armed US Marine in digital camo at the Koto Tinggi LZ, October 9th, 2009.
The terrain in the area of helicopter aid lift operations, northeast of Padang, Indonesia, also roughly corroborates Herrera's testimony: rough jungle foothills with plenty of large inclines where landslides from the earthquake which precipitated the aid operation had cut roads and isolated rural communities.
We even have a picture of Herrera on one of these helicopter rides:
Herrera (left), positively ID'd by both Team Leader Nathan Landrum (who provided this photo) and a pattern match
As has been posted elsewhere on Reddit, this photograph from Herrera's Team Leader was posted to his Facebook page shortly after the conclusion of the operation. For reasons which are unclear, Herrera himself has been asked about this photograph and denied that it was him, but we were able to establish that the person in the photograph is wearing Herrera's camouflage uniform due to the unique print which matches an earlier photograph that Herrera does not contest:
The pattern match source photograph
Therefore we can conclude with reasonable confidence that Herrera is not telling the truth, while Nathan Landrum is. Herrera really did participate on this aid operation, as he claims in his story.
Unfortunately, serious inconsistencies arise regarding the rest of the tale. Nathan Landrum asserts, referring to the first day of operations, that the rifles so important to Herrera's story were only used on one day, the first day of operations:
...some Air Force colonel got mad when the first marines got off the helicopters with weapons because it was bad optics.
Our own review of all available public photographs from helicopter operations performed by US Marines during this relief effort reveal that this appears to be true: the only photographs which show armed US forces on the ground at an LZ in Sumatra are from the first day of heliborne operations: the 9th of October, 2009. Landrum further asserted, in interviews conducted by our research team, that there was only one LZ on the 9th of October, 2009 (full chat log available upon request):
Facebook chat logs apparently read from bottom to top in terms of chronology.
This claim is also borne out by all available photographic and documentary evidence. Nonprofit and US Marines and Navy reports indicate only a small tonnage of supplies was delivered by CH-53 heli lift on the 9th of October, that it went to a single location (a village northeast of Padang known as Koto Tinggi), and that this lift can account for all supplies delivered by US Marine helicopter to remote LZs that day. Once again, Team Leader Nathan's account holds up.
What about Herrera's account? Is it possible that the LZ at Koto Tinggi, heavily photographed by reporters on the one day he could have had his weapon as he claims, is the same LZ he describes in his story? Michael Herrera does say he participated in one of the first CH-53 operations of the day. Koto Tinggi was certainly the first, since it was the only such operation on the first day. Does Koto Tinggi match up with his claims?
Yes, but also no. Nathan Landrum says he and Herrera weren't even there on the 9th, but rather flew in for a follow-up drop at the same LZ the next day (EDIT 4):
So the Team Leader's testimony is that there was only one LZ Herrera was ever at...
And the Team Leader's testimony is clear: on the one day they could have had their rifles, he and Herrera didn't even make a flight. It was only on the second day, when no one was allowed to carry their rifles.
Photographic evidence of that same LZ also tells a different tale:
One shot of the LZ
Another shot of the same LZ, same day.
Marines and Indonesian military unloading supplies at Koto Tinggi, October 9th, 2009. Note the M16 magazines and radio on the Marine.
These photographs show an LZ with several features distinct from that described by Herrera in his UFO story. First of all, there are no nearby "300 meter" hills from which anyone could have provided overwatch as the story goes in Herrera's account. Geolocation of this LZ in Google Earth via maps provided by NGOs confirms this finding. The foothills in this area all run north to south, and the LZ was placed at the top of one of these. In Herrera's story, he travels North from his LZ in order to crest a hill and observe a UAP on the other side. No such hill exists at Koto Tinggi, and the hills which do exist in this area do not allow for such a story. In Herrera's story, he is never further than a few miles from the coast, but Koto Tinggi is dozens of miles inland. In Herrera's story, the LZ seems have been created despite the obvious presence of a larger area with vehicle-traversable ground around it where the UAP was supposedly situated only a few hundred meters away. No such area is visible around Koto Tinggi, and it does not make sense that such an obvious LZ would have been passed over for the sake of a worse one that needed to be constructed (as seen in the photographs above, the LZ consists of a small farm field which has been recently cleared for landings):
The Koto Tinggi in Question: https://id-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Gunung_Padang_Alai,_V_Koto_Timur,_Padang_Pariaman?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US
Other key elements of Herrera's story are also contradicted by the available evidence. Perhaps the most serious is that there are both Indonesian and US Marine elements obviously at this LZ who are carrying radios the day before he even got there. In particular, the US Marine unloading boxes in one of the photos above appears to be carrying an MBITR with a throat mic. Thus, while Herrera claims that he was trying to provide overwatch to this LZ without the aid of a radio (which, it has to be noted, would be of paramount importance for warning personnel still at the LZ of closing enemy elements), it appears that personnel much better equipped for that task were present well in advance.
Even if we suppose that perhaps Herrera was airlifted to this LZ before the arrival of the radio-equipped marines in the photographs above, evidence does not support his version of events. Our group also interviewed another person who was there, USAF Air Force rescue worker Chris Fair, who had been on deployment in Indonesia prior to the Earthquake and continued to provide assistance at Koto Tinggi and elsewhere throughout the operation:
Chris Fair at Koto Tinggi (also with a radio).
This gentleman was reached on LinkedIn via chat, where we managed to secure the following testimony:
Chris Fair's recollection of events.
While Chris' memory is obviously imperfect since he does not remember the Marines in the photographs above, he does have a positive memory of local (Indonesian) military and police at his LZs who were armed. With such personnel in place and obviously in force at Koto Tinggi, it is clear there was no need for Michael Herrera's supposed overwatch mission. A simple perimeter at the LZ, to keep the large numbers of landslide victims from storming the helicopter, was all that was required, and in later missions even this was done away with.
There are other problematic statements which do not fit with the evidence available. Herrera claims their helicopters were equipped with side door machine guns for this mission, but photographic evidence shows they clearly were not. Herrera claims that the black ops team that accosted his group stayed on the ground after the UFO took off into the sky, yet they were not spotted or pursued by the many assets on the ground at Koto Tinggi despite the obvious threat they would have indicated due to ongoing terrorist activity in Indonesia at that time. In Herrera's story, all the cameras and phones of his squad were tampered with some time later, which has prevented him from providing photographic evidence of what he supposedly encountered, yet Nathan Landrum has provided several pictures from that day:
Another photograph which Nathan provided to our research group intended to prove his presence at the Koto Tinggi LZ on the 9th of October, 2009. Note the recently cleared farm field at right.
Absent any evidence which contradicts this alternative narrative of events, itself supported copiously by the information that is available to OSINT researchers, what are we to make of AARO's failure to address Michael Herrera's story? They failed to perform some of the most obvious analysis available:
Another segment of our group's interview with Nathan Landrum.
Do we suppose that AARO is simply lazy and disinterested? Surely that seems like the version of events supported by Volume 1 of the Historical Report, a document which has been roundly criticized for its many errors. But there is the nagging matter of their treatment of every other UFO claim in Volume 1. Without addressing the real history of the UFO phenomenon, AARO spent what energy it did apparently have disproving all the recent stories it presented - except for Herrera's.
Herrera's story is not hard to disprove for a government with access to unclassified documents like Herrera's service record or the flight logs of the helicopters involved (from USMC HMM-265, the "Dragons," now reclassified VMM-265 and equipped with Ospreys). Now that our group has done the research, it isn't even hard to cast serious doubt on Herrera's story using only the OSINT available to the UFOlogy community. Herrera keeps on racking up new videos and podcasts, rapidly becoming one of the most popular stories in UFOlogy at present. But who is guiding this narrative? Why are Herrera and some of the UFOlogists closest to him getting secret information from government insiders? How come he is reportedly attempting to get close with Grusch?
Without stating an opinion as the shared conclusion of my entire group, I submit to readers here that Herrera's story is being used by AARO as a trap. Those who follow and promote it will eventually be disproven. I urge the community to look into the available evidence for themselves, and I will make myself available here on Reddit to provide the evidence we used to reach our findings above. Thank you for your time.
EDIT 1: Changed this sentence:
the only photographs which show US forces on the ground at an LZ in Sumatra are from the first day of heliborne operations: the 9th of October, 2009.
the only photographs which show armed US forces on the ground at an LZ in Sumatra are from the first day of heliborne operations: the 9th of October, 2009.
EDIT 2: Link to my comment with sources https://www.reddit.com/UFOscience/comments/1c4rr55/comment/kzpho9h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
EDIT 3: I see a lot of comments offering valid critique regarding our analysis of the MARPAT camouflage pattern match. I'd like to offer some additional insight into our thought process regarding that part of the analysis, and I'd also like to contextualize what it means overall for our argument.
The MARPAT production process involves printing 36" by 36" segments of cloth with a set pattern on it (https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/c2/67/92/17cdfe6b28b3de/US6805957.pdf). The process is designed to ensure a high degree of variation within the pattern across different garments. It is correct to say that one uniform might, by chance, have a section of this cloth in the same spot as another, but the process is designed to minimize repeats like this. The MARPAT pattern was designed so that no matter its orientation, it still provides equivalent concealment; as an added bonus, the manufacturers do not need to maintain orientation of the pattern and this allows additional variability.
In the specific case of Michael Herrera's camouflage matching, I presented just one example because ultimately, this match is not critical to the overall argument we are making about whether or not Herrera could have been at the LZ in the way he claimed. The camouflage match does offer additional validation of the claims of one of our sources, Nathan Landrum, but not much more than that.
However, that does not mean we didn't find more matches! In fact we did. Here's another picture of Herrera at far left
Take a moment to appreciate how different these MARPAT BDUs appear from one soldier to another, despite their common 36" pattern sheet.
Here's a match from his rightmost thigh area (remember that seated the fabric stretches a little)
Here's another match to the helicopter pic Landrum presented, from Herrera's leftmost knee area:
While it is theoretically possible for the marine in the picture to be another guy who just so happened to own a BDU with remarkably similar patterns across all garment areas, it is highly unlikely. The manufacturing process was designed to minimize that outcome's likeliness, and the pictures of Herrera with his team mates show that in his squad at least, they were not cut from exactly the same mold, so to speak.
The final point I want to be clear to end on, though, is that even if you do not accept our rationale, you should accept that the camouflage pattern also does not disprove the claim the Marine in that photograph is Herrera, and you ought to remember that even if we are wrong, it does not invalidate the primary problem we identify with Herrera's testimony, which is the nature of the LZ.
EDIT 4: With help from notjoey, we were able to gain further testimony from Nathan Landrum which nails down the date of Herrera's one flight as the 10th... which is the day after the first, and a day at which Marines at Koto Tinggi did not use rifles. Herrera's story would not be possible on the 10th. I have edited the research above to reflect this new information and its position in the argument.
submitted by TheEschaton to UFOscience [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 03:24 MTVChallengeFan "Battle For A New Champion" ended a streak that occured for 30 consecutive flagship seasons.

I waited awhile to post this, but here it is: Battle For A New Champion was the first season since The Inferno(2004) to not have any Non-Gameplay Eliminations.
A "Non-Gameplay Elimination" is one in which a competitor is eliminated that’s not part of the original game. The only ways this can happen is any time a competitor is disqualified from a season, and any time a competitor quits a season. Despite the fact the first Inferno season is one of the craziest, and wildest seasons, which involved partying, drunkenness, hookups, bullying-ironically, it did NOT have an Unnatural Elimination. Someone might offer a rebuttal by saying “Piggy was supposed to be on that season, and withdrew at the last minute”. Technically, she was never on that season, so it doesn’t count. However, in a season with no champions, everyone who was eliminated on Battle For A New Champion was eliminated the way the game intended there to be(we almost saw Corey quit in the season finale, so we came very close to the continuation of the streak).
Anyway, here is a rundown of the streak. If I messed up, feel free to correct me.
Battle of the Sexes 2: Steven slapped Shane Landrum, causing Steven to get disqualified. We came close to not seeing an Unnatural Elimination on this season.
The Inferno II: Beth quit the season.
The Gauntlet II: Poor T.J., his first season had so many of them. Jo quit after the first Daily Challenge due to the chaos, and “partying” in the house, Cameran quit the season right before the Gauntlet she was supposed to compete in, Beth quit right before she was supposed to compete in a Gauntlet(in back-to-back seasons, Beth quit).
Fresh Meat: Evan, and Coral were injured after the “Human Ox Pull” Challenge, and were removed from the game.
The Duel: Tina punched Beth, getting Tina disqualified from the season.
The Inferno 3: CT punched Davis, getting CT disqualified from that season. CT was replaced by Derrick Kosinski.
The Gauntlet III: Tyrie quit the season because his girlfriend at home was sick(he was replaced by MJ), and Coral quit the season because her team bullied her.
The Island: Technically, Dave Malinosky was the only quitter on the season, as he was “homesick”, and quit the season, but Abram told everyone on this season to vote him off so he could tend to his work at home.
The Duel II: CT, and Adam were involved in a scuffle with each other. They were replaced by MJ, and Nehemiah. MJ Garrett is still the only competitor in the history of this show to be a replacement for a competitor on two different seasons.
The Ruins: Shauvon was injured(she thought it was a popped implant), disqualifying her from the season, Evelyn quit in the middle of her Ruins Match, handing Kellyanne the victory, Tonya was disqualified for slapping Veronica, and then Darrell, and Brad were disqualified for punching each other.
Fresh Meat II: Katelynn, and Brandon were disqualified. After Katelynn suffered an injury, making her unable to continue, Brandon drank alcohol before the Exile to make her not feel bad for their disqualification.
Cutthroat: Shauvon quit before her Gulag Match, and Chet was disqualified due to an injury.
Rivals: We came close, but no cigar. Adam Royer punched Ty after the first challenge, and he was replaced by Michael “Mike-Mike” Ross.
Battle of the Exes: Blame it on Vinny. Vinny ripped off Mandi’s shirt in a club, getting him, and Sarah disqualified for his disorderly conduct.
Battle of the Seasons(2012): This is the closest we’ve came since the first Inferno season to having a completely normal elimination season. Technically, Big Easy quit in the middle of his Arena with Camila as his partner, making them instantly eliminated, which caused Camila to be disqualified by default. For the record, I know about Team Sydney who was supposed to be a team(as well as a Team Road Rules team), but they technically never made it to the season, so their "eliminations" don't count.
Rivals II: After the first challenge, Naomi quit the season due to a family emergency, Trishelle quit the season because she's TRASHelle, causing Sarah Rice to get disqualified without a partner(again), and was replaced by Cara Maria. Also, Zach Nichols caused him, and Trey to get disqualified since he broke a rule in the “Breaking On Through” Jungle Game.
Free Agents: Chet quit the season after he busted his chin in the “Balls In” Elimination Round, and Frank Sweeney was disqualified due to an illness.
Battle of the Exes II: CT/Diem were disqualified due to Diem's Ovarian Cancer(in my opinion, the saddest elimination in the history of the show), Nia ruined it for all of us, when she had to grab Jordan’s little pee-pee. They brought back Theresa as a result, so Leroy could have a partner.
Battle of the Bloodlines: Candice’s injuries led to her, and Leroy being disqualified, as well as Tony’s injuries from the same “Meet Me Halfway” Challenge, causing him, and Shane Raines to be disqualified. The latter pair was replaced by Abram, and his brother Mike Boise.
Rivals III: Leroy’s injuries caused him, and Averey to get disqualified early on, Brandon “The Legend” Tindel quit because...he’s Brandon Tindel, disqualifying him, and Briana Lacuesta, making Devin/Cheyenne come back in the game, Thomas had the quit the game due to a personal emergency back at home, causing him, and Simone to get disqualified, and Tony, and Camila were disqualified for disorderly conduct in the house.
Invasion of the Champions: We would have had it, if it wasn’t for that rotten kid named Theo King-Bradley quitting because he was too scared to compete in the “Who’s Got Balls?” Elimination Game.
XXX: Dirty 30: Ashley Mitchell had a mental breakdown over her clothes, and quits in the Season Premier, and she was replaced by Briana Lacuesta. Shane Raines, and Simone engaged in a physical altercation in the Redemption House, causing them to get disqualified, Ammo was disqualified due to an injury(and quit due to the trauma as well) from “The Great Escape” Presidio Game, and finally, Nelson was disqualified from the season for punching Derrick Kosinski.
Vendettas: Eddie “quit” after one of the competitors said she had a restraining order against him(I think it was Alicia), Sylvia, and Sylvia became “too sick” to compete on any more challenges, Kayleigh quit due to the bullying she received from the other competitors, Veronica was disqualified due to injury, after she dislocated her finger in the “Crazy 8” Ring Game, and finally, Nicole Zanatta was disqualified from the Final Challenge after an Ankle injury.
Final Reckoning: Kailah, and Melissa Reeves were disqualified due to slapping each other, Zach Nichols was disqualified due to a nose injury from the “Shake It Off” Armageddon Game, and Cory was disqualified for that leg sweep.
War of the Worlds: Alan was disqualified due to injury from the Opening Challenge, Georgia was disqualified from the Final Challenge, “The Death Path”, due to dehydration, and Mattie quit the Final Challenge.
War of the Worlds 2: Faith quit the season due to personal reasons, Zahida quit the season due to a family emergency, Turbo went berzerk, and was disqualified because production was afraid he would kill everyone.
Total Madness: Jay was disqualified due to an injury from the “Fire Ball” Purgatory Game, Big T was disqualified due to an injury, Bayleigh was disqualified in “The End of the World” Final Challenge due to an injury, and finally, Melissa was disqualified from the Final Challenge because production had just found out she was pregnant.
Double Agents: Nicole Zanatta was disqualified due to injuries, Kyle was disqualified after competing in the "Hall Brawl" Elimination Game, Nam was disqualified due to a back injury, Lio quit the game due to mental health reasons, Lolo quit the game for personal reasons, and Natalie Anderson, and Liv were disqualified due to an injury, and/or pregnancy.
Spies, Lies and Allies: Nam was disqualified due to COVID-19, Fessy was disqualified due to physical violence, Tommy was disqualified due to an injury, Aneesa was disqualified due to an injury, Ashley Mitchell was disqualified for being a horrible person, and Lauren was disqualified for...reasons I'm not even sure to be honest.
Ride Or Dies had Emy Russ quit too.
Battle For A New Champion: The streak finally ends.
submitted by MTVChallengeFan to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 00:22 Dunnoaboutu Asheville Tourists Celebrating 100 years.

Asheville Tourists Celebrating 100 years.
The Asheville Tourists (currently a high A for the Astros) is celebrating 100 years. They put together all the players that have played a major league game for the entirety of the 100 years. There’s probably a lot of Rockies on here because it was a Rockies farm team for a long time. How many do you know?
submitted by Dunnoaboutu to baseball [link] [comments]

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2023.12.02 12:24 chanma50 'Renaissance: A Film By Beyoncé' Review + Rotten Tomatoes Verified Audience Score Thread

I will continue to update this post as the score changes.
Audience Says: Taking you from backstage to the front row, RENAISSANCE: A FILM BY BEYONCÉ delivers everything a fan could ask for.
Score Number of Reviews Average Rating
Verified Audience 99% 1,000+ 4.9/5
All Audience 95% 2,500+ 4.5/5
Verified Audience Score History:
Rotten Tomatoes: Fresh
Critics Consensus: Part documentary, part concert film, RENAISSANCE: A FILM BY BEYONCÉ shows two sides of the artist -- and they're both equally brilliant.
Score Number of Reviews Average Rating
All Critics 97% 37 8.70/10
Top Critics 96% 23 8.40/10
Metacritic: 86 (26 Reviews)
Sample Reviews:
It’s satisfying without being indulgent, but most of all, it’s a monument to Beyoncé’s status as one of pop’s most enduring figures, and everything it takes to get there. - Steven J. Horowitz, Variety
Were Renaissance the movie simply a recording of the show, it’d be a treat in itself. By weaving in behind-the-scenes footage and interviews that reveal where Renaissance came from and how it got to be here, BeyoncĂ© serves up a fully satisfying meal. - Angie Han, Hollywood Reporter
Renaissance perfectly captures her dazzling performances for the big screen and includes some intimate behind-the-scenes footage from the normally private singer, who has rarely done interviews in the past decade. 4/4 - Jonathan Landrum Jr., Associated Press
The Renaissance tour, as well as Beyoncé’s role as the auteur behind it all, and the movie hits its marks. 3/4 - Sofia Andrade, Washington Post
We have before our eyes an entertainer at peak command of her art and therefore herself. - Wesley Morris, New York Times
It’s a celebration of talent, yes, but also of the commitment, the sacrifice, the sheer tenacity required to pull off the illusion of effortlessness. - Mikael Wood, Los Angeles Times
Sure it's a concert film, but it's so much more than that: "Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé" is a startlingly intimate portrait of the 42-year-old singer, cultural icon and singular force of nature... A - Adam Graham, Detroit News
BeyoncĂ©'s outrageously lavish five-month 2023 concert tour’s mixture of spectacle, spangle, video immersion and dance party has been captured, deliriously, for fans who caught the show live and those who didn’t. 3/4 - Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune
Ultimately the 2-hour, 48-minute run time does seem about a half-hour too much. But hey, isn't every superhero movie too long these days? 3.5/4 - Chris Riemenschneider, Minneapolis Star Tribune
For much of the past decade, BeyoncĂ© has been the standard by which others are judged and, at this stage in her career, she’s really got nothing left to prove but as the title suggests, rather than slowing down, she’s still reinventing herself. 4/5 - Steve Rose, Guardian
The film works best as confirmation of what we already know: Beyoncé is a fabulous performer. 3/5 - Ludovic Hunter-Tilney, Financial Times
At this scale, Beyonce’s showmanship and artistry is unparalleled. - Radheyan Simonpillai, CBC Radio
A true odyssey, a maximalist explosion of sparkles and beats and visuals and insight. A - Liz Shannon Miller, Consequence
Renaissance: A Film by BeyoncĂ© is really two films by BeyoncĂ©, and while they don’t always work well in tandem, each individually pays tribute to Ms. Knowles-Carter’s extraordinary sense of showmanship and stagecraft. - Alonso Duralde, The Film Verdict
RENAISSANCE: A FILM BY BEYONCÉ accentuates the journey of RENAISSANCE WORLD TOUR, from its inception, to the opening in Stockholm, Sweden, to the finale in Kansas City, Missouri. It is about BeyoncĂ©'s intention, hard work, involvement in every aspect of the production, her creative mind and purpose to create her legacy, and master her craft. Received with extraordinary acclaim, BeyoncĂ©'s RENAISSANCE WORLD TOUR created a sanctuary for freedom, and shared joy, for more than 2.7 million fans.
DIRECTED BY: Beyoncé Knowles-Carter
WRITTEN BY: Beyoncé Knowles-Carter
BASED ON: Renaissance World Tour
PRODUCED BY: Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, Ned Doyle
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Justina Omokhua, Mark Ritchie, Erinn Williams
EDITED BY: Jason Lansing
COSTUME DESIGNER: Tina Knowles-Lawson, Karen Langley, KJ Moody, Julia Sarr-Jamois, Shiona Turini
MUSIC BY: Beyoncé Knowles-Carter
RUNTIME: 168 Minutes
RELEASE DATE: December 1, 2023
submitted by chanma50 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2023.11.20 19:31 Tek_Ninja_Kevin How good wore you at Skate or die?

How good wore you at Skate or die?
I had the Nes Version and the Commodore 64 Version the Commodore Version has better Music And Sound
submitted by Tek_Ninja_Kevin to Xennials [link] [comments]

2023.06.14 17:30 speakhyroglyphically DR. Steven Greers 2023 DISCLOSURE 2.0 National Press club event Monday June 12, 2023 - Links and discussion

Dr. Steven Greers 2001 National Press Club event is literal UFO history. It's clear some users have strong negative feelings about him but I think it's important to consider the (commonly known) disinformation campaign around the subject which of course would apply to major figures. Please try and keep an open mind because the 2001 event moved the ball forward significantly.
DISCLOSURE 2.0 which was a press conference with witnesses including Michael Herrera who says he was in Indonesia and saw some [weapons?] loaded into a UF0 will be there and Eric Hecker, a Raytheon contractor who worked in Antarctica on some interesting things along with 2 other whistleblowers.
It's long and if you haven't watched the whole thing yet I recommend it but I put some links to the testimonies and (what I thought) are interesting highlights.
Heres the link:
Some Highlights
Ret. Col Donald Heckert USAF https://youtu.be/zDY7t6HihCw?t=2866
Michael Herrera USMC https://youtu.be/zDY7t6HihCw?t=3950
Steven Digna Jr. US Army - Raytheon https://youtu.be/zDY7t6HihCw?t=5080
D.C. Long US Army (RIP His Dad) - https://youtu.be/zDY7t6HihCw?t=9452
Eric Hecker Raytheon Contractor -South Pole https://youtu.be/zDY7t6HihCw?t=7261
Derek Garcia Esq Attorney (Made sure to note that the investigation is non partisan. He just 'said it' and I think that was OK to do) - https://youtu.be/zDY7t6HihCw?t=10921
-The extraterrestrial redline - https://youtu.be/zDY7t6HihCw?t=11657
(Theres a lot I didn't directly link to)
-Rogue [Group] has scalar weapons and quantum entanglement tech that the ETs are concerned about and may pose a threat to them and US (could be used in a provocation to create a false flag alien attack)
The David Grush revelations also happened on Sunday. Just want to acknowledge that. Lot going on
submitted by speakhyroglyphically to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2022.10.18 03:13 MTVChallengeFan After the season premier, a streak on the flagship show has continued.

After Kaycee, and Kenny's disqualification on this season due to testing positive for COVID-19, this now makes it 30 consecutive flagship seasons we have seen at least one Non-Gameplay Elimination.
A "Non-Gameplay Elimination" is one in which a competitor is eliminated that’s not part of the original game. The only ways this can happen is any time a competitor is disqualified from a season, and any time a competitor quits a season. Despite the fact the first Inferno season is one of the craziest, and wildest seasons, which involved partying, drunkenness, hookups, bullying-ironically, it was also the last season to NOT have an Unnatural Elimination. Someone might offer a rebuttal by saying “Piggy was supposed to be on that season, and withdrew at the last minute”. Technically, she was never on that season, so it doesn’t count. If you want to go that route, than the last season to not have any Unnatural Eliminations is the 2002 Battle of the Seasons season.
Anyway, This means ever since T.J. Lavin has been hosting this show, he has seen at least one of these types of eliminations on every season he has hosted. Let’s look at how many Unnatural Eliminations there has been since this season.
Battle of the Sexes 2: Steven slapped Shane Landrum, causing Steven to get disqualified. We came close to not seeing an Unnatural Elimination on this season.
The Inferno II: Beth quit the season due to the “Mean Girls” clique on her team.
The Gauntlet II: Poor T.J., his first season had so many of them. Jo quit after the first Daily Challenge due to the chaos, and “partying” in the house, Cameran quit the season right before the Gauntlet she was supposed to compete in, Beth quit right before she was supposed to compete in a Gauntlet(in back-to-back seasons, Beth quit).
Fresh Meat: Evan, and Coral were injured after the “Human Ox Pull” Challenge, and were removed from the game.
The Duel: Tina punched Beth, getting Tina disqualified from the season.
The Inferno 3: CT punched Davis, getting CT disqualified from that season. CT was replaced by Derrick Kosinski.
The Gauntlet III: Tyrie quit the season because his girlfriend at home was sick(he was replaced by MJ), and Coral quit the season because her team bullied her.
The Island: Technically, Dave Malinosky was the only quitter on the season, as he was “homesick”, and quit the season, but Abram told everyone on this season to vote him off so he could tend to his work at home.
The Duel II: CT, and Adam were involved in a scuffle with each other. They were replaced by MJ, and Nehemiah. MJ Garrett is still the only competitor in the history of this show to be a replacement for a competitor on two different seasons.
The Ruins: Shauvon was injured(she thought it was a popped implant), disqualifying her from the season, Evelyn quit in the middle of her Ruins Match, handing Kellyanne the victory, Tonya was disqualified for slapping Veronica, and then Darrell, and Brad were disqualified for punching each other.
Fresh Meat II: Katelynn, and Brandon were disqualified. After Katelynn suffered an injury, making her unable to continue, Brandon drank alcohol before the Exile to make her not feel bad for their disqualification.
Cutthroat: Shauvon quit before her Gulag Match, and Chet was disqualified due to an injury.
Rivals: We came close, but no cigar. Adam Royer punched Ty after the first challenge, and he was replaced by Michael “Mike-Mike” Ross.
Battle of the Exes: Blame it on Vinny. Vinny ripped off Mandi’s shirt in a club, getting him, and Sarah disqualified for his disorderly conduct.
Battle of the Seasons(2012): This is the closest we’ve came since the first Inferno season to having a completely normal elimination season. Technically, Big Easy quit in the middle of his Arena with Camila as his partner, making them instantly eliminated, which caused Camila to be disqualified by default. For the record, I know about Team Sydney who was supposed to be a team(as well as a Team Road Rules team), but they technically never made it to the season, so their "eliminations" don't count.
Rivals II: After the first challenge, Naomi quit the season due to a family emergency, Trishelle quit the season because she's TRASHelle, causing Sarah Rice to get disqualified without a partner(again), and was replaced by Cara Maria. Also, Zach Nichols caused him, and Trey to get disqualified since he broke a rule in the “Breaking On Through” Jungle Game.
Free Agents: Chet quit the season after he busted his chin in the “Balls In” Elimination Round, and Frank Sweeney was disqualified due to an illness.
Battle of the Exes II: CT/Diem were disqualified due to Diem's Ovarian Cancer(in my opinion, the saddest elimination in the history of the show), Nia ruined it for all of us, when she had to grab Jordan’s little pee-pee. They brought back Theresa as a result, so Leroy could have a partner.
Battle of the Bloodlines: Candice’s injuries led to her, and Leroy being disqualified, as well as Tony’s injuries from the same “Meet Me Halfway” Challenge, causing him, and Shane Raines to be disqualified. The latter pair was replaced by Abram, and his brother Mike Boise.
Rivals III: Leroy’s injuries caused him, and Averey to get disqualified early on, Brandon “The Legend” Tindel quit because...he’s Brandon Tindel, disqualifying him, and Briana Lacuesta, making Devin/Cheyenne come back in the game, Thomas had the quit the game due to a personal emergency back at home, causing him, and Simone to get disqualified, and Tony, and Camila were disqualified for disorderly conduct in the house.
Invasion of the Champions: We would have had it, if it wasn’t for that rotten kid named Theo King-Bradley quitting because he was too scared to compete in the “Who’s Got Balls?” Elimination Game.
XXX: Dirty 30: Ashley Mitchell had a mental breakdown over her clothes, and quits in the Season Premier, and she was replaced by Briana Lacuesta. Shane Raines, and Simone engaged in a physical altercation in the Redemption House, causing them to get disqualified, Ammo was disqualified due to an injury(and quit due to the trauma as well) from “The Great Escape” Presidio Game, and finally, Nelson was disqualified from the season for punching Derrick Kosinski.
Vendettas: Eddie “quit” after one of the competitors said she had a restraining order against him(I think it was Alicia), Sylvia, and Sylvia became “too sick” to compete on any more challenges, Kayleigh quit due to the bullying she received from the other competitors, Veronica was disqualified due to injury, after she dislocated her finger in the “Crazy 8” Ring Game, and finally, Nicole Zanatta was disqualified from the Final Challenge after an Ankle injury.
Final Reckoning: Kailah, and Melissa Reeves were disqualified due to slapping each other, Zach Nichols was disqualified due to a nose injury from the “Shake It Off” Armageddon Game, and Cory was disqualified for that leg sweep.
War of the Worlds: Alan was disqualified due to injury from the Opening Challenge, Georgia was disqualified from the Final Challenge, “The Death Path”, due to dehydration, and Mattie quit the Final Challenge.
War of the Worlds 2: Faith quit the season due to personal reasons, Zahida quit the season due to a family emergency, Turbo went berzerk, and was disqualified because production was afraid he would kill everyone.
Total Madness: Jay was disqualified due to an injury from the “Fire Ball” Purgatory Game, Big T was disqualified due to an injury, Bayleigh was disqualified in “The End of the World” Final Challenge due to an injury, and finally, Melissa was disqualified from the Final Challenge because production had just found out she was pregnant.
Double Agents: Nicole Zanatta was disqualified due to injuries, Kyle was disqualified after competing in the "Hall Brawl" Elimination Game, Nam was disqualified due to a back injury, Lio quit the game due to mental health reasons, Lolo quit the game for personal reasons, and Natalie Anderson, and Liv were disqualified due to an injury, and/or pregnancy.
Spies, Lies and Allies: Nam was disqualified due to COVID-19, Fessy was disqualified due to physical violence, Tommy was disqualified due to an injury, Aneesa was disqualified due to an injury, Ashley Mitchell was disqualified for being a horrible person, and Lauren was disqualified for...reasons I'm not even sure to be honest.
submitted by MTVChallengeFan to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]

2022.07.19 22:36 Latter-Lavishness-19 The 100 Best Male Challengers Ever

Obviously this list is subjective. It’s a tall task when you run it to 100 people and when you factor in some guys only did 1 season, a few episodes, early early seasons etc. But taking everything into account, here’s my top 100. Let me know in the comments what I could have done better and any egregious omissions or rankings.
  1. CT Tamburello (RW: Paris)
  2. Johnny Devenanzio (RW: Key West)
  3. Landon Lueck (RW: Philadelphia)
  4. Jordan Wiseley (RW: Portland)
  5. Wes Bergmann (RW: Austin)
  6. Darrell Taylor (RR: Campus Crawl)
  7. Kenny Santucci (Fresh Meat)
  8. Evan Starkman (Fresh Meat)
  9. Mark Long (RR: USA - 1st Adventure)
  10. Derrick Kosinski (RR: X-Treme)
  11. Mike Mizanin (RW: Back to New York)
  12. Brad Fiorenza (RW: San Diego 1)
  13. Theo Von (RR: Maximum Velocity)
  14. Alton Williams (RW: Las Vegas 1)
  15. Leroy Garrett (RW: Las Vegas 2)
  16. Abram Boise (RR: South Pacific)
  17. Timmy Beggy (RR: USA - 2nd Adven.)
  18. Turbo Çamkíran (Survivor Turkey 8)
  19. Zach Nichols (RW: San Diego 2)
  20. Hunter Barfield (AYTO? 3)
  21. Theo Campbell (Love Island UK 3)
  22. Dan Setzler (RW: Northern Trail)
  23. Jamie Murray (RW: New Orleans 1)
  24. Yes Duffy (RR: Semester at Sea)
  25. Frank Sweeney (RW: San Diego 2)
  26. MJ Garrett (RW: Philadelphia)
  27. Eric Nies (RW: New York)
  28. Nehemiah Clark (RW: Austin)
  29. Frank Roessler (RW: Las Vegas 1)
  30. Tyler Duckworth (RW: Key West)
  31. Tony Raines (RW: Skeletons)
  32. Shane Landrum (RR: Campus Crawl)
  33. Nelson Thomas (AYTO? 3)
  34. Kyle Christie (Geordie Shore 8)
  35. Paulie Calafiore (Big Brother 18)
  36. Cory Wharton (RW: Ex-Plosion)
  37. Rogan O’Connor (Ex on Beach UK 2)
  38. Fessy Shafaat (Big Brother 20)
  39. Ty Ruff (RW: D.C.)
  40. Joss Mooney (Ex on Beach UK 1)
  41. Cohutta Grindstaff (RW: Sydney)
  42. Jay Starrett (Survivor: Millennials)
  43. Syrus Yarbrough (RW: Boston)
  44. Jamie Banks (Battle of Bloodlines)
  45. Dunbar Merrill (RW: Sydney)
  46. Colin Mortensen (RW: Hawaii)
  47. Marlon Williams (RW: Portland)
  48. Adam Larson (RR: The Quest)
  49. Devin Walker (AYTO? 3)
  50. Laterrian Wallace (RR: Max Velocity)
  51. Dan Renzi (RW: Miami)
  52. Adam King (RW: Paris)
  53. Sean Duffy (RW: Boston)
  54. David Burns (RW: Seattle)
  55. Brandon Nelson (Fresh Meat II)
  56. Emanuel Neagu (Survivor Romania 1)
  57. Stephen Bear (Shipwrecked: Island)
  58. Johnny Reilly (RW: Portland)
  59. Chet Cannon (RW: Brooklyn)
  60. Pete Connolly (Fresh Meat II)
  61. Logan Sampedro (Survivor Spain 13)
  62. Dave Giuntoli (RR: South Pacific)
  63. Nathan Blackburn (RW: Seattle)
  64. CJ Koegel (RW: Cancun)
  65. Adam Kuhn (AYTO? 1)
  66. Noor Jehangir (Fresh Meat II)
  67. Dustin Zito (RW: Las Vegas 2)
  68. Ed Eason (The Circle 1)
  69. Ashley Cain (Ex on Beach UK 1)
  70. Teck Holmes (RW: Hawaii)
  71. Eric Banks (Fresh Meat)
  72. Danny Roberts (RW: New Orleans 1)
  73. Mitch Reid (Battle of Bloodlines)
  74. Kelz Dyke (Too Hot to Handle 1)
  75. Chadwick Pelletier (RR: Down Under)
  76. Antoine de Bouverie (RW: Europe)
  77. Derek Chavez (RW: Cancun)
  78. Christian Breivik (RR: USA - 2nd Adven.)
  79. Mike Boise (Battle of Bloodlines)
  80. Robb Schreiber (RW: St. Thomas)
  81. Isaac Stout (RW: Sydney)
  82. Dario Medrano (AYTO? 2)
  83. Neil Forrester (RW: London)
  84. Gus Smyrnios (Floribama Shore)
  85. Swaggy C Williams (Big Brother 20)
  86. Randy Barry (RW: San Diego 1)
  87. Corey Lay (12 Dates of Christmas 1)
  88. Trey Weatherholtz (RW: St. Thomas)
  89. Mike Lambert (RW: Miami)
  90. Davis Mallory (RW: Denver)
  91. Jeremy Blossom (RR: South Pacific)
  92. Ace Amerson (RW: Paris)
  93. Luke Wolfe (Fresh Meat II)
  94. Michael Ross (RW: Las Vegas 2)
  95. Ryan Kehoe (Fresh Meat)
  96. Vince Gliatta (Battle of Bloodlines)
  97. Norman Korpi (RW: New York)
  98. Preston Charles (RW: New Orleans 2)
  99. Derek McCray (RR: Viewers’ Revenge)
  100. Thomas Buell (RW: Ex-Plosion)
submitted by Latter-Lavishness-19 to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]

2022.07.19 17:49 Famerframer 1904-83: A Time-line of the Industrial Workers of the World

Originally Titled, 95 Years of Revolutionary Industrial Unionism, by Michael Hargis—featured in Anarcho Syndicalist Review, #27 and #28. This time line copied from the web site of the Industrial Workers of the World
1904-83: A Time-line of the Industrial Workers of the World
* Meeting of six industrial unionists in Chicago issues call for a January conference to discuss formation of a revolutionary working class organization.
* January 2: Conference of 23 industrial unionists in Chicago issues an Industrial Union Manifesto calling for an industrial Union Congress to be held in Chicago June 27. * IWW Founding Convention—June 27: The “Continental Congress of the Working Class” establishes the industrial Workers of the World with cooperation of elements from Socialist Labor Party/Socialist Trades & Labor Alliance, Socialist Party of America, Western Federation of Miners and survivors of International Working People’s Association.
* Haywood, Pettibone and Moyers, WFM leaders, framed for attempting to kill the governor of Colorado. * Second Convention of IWW abolishes office of president and ousts “pure and simple” tradeunionists. * Lockout of IWW members in Goldfield, Nevada. Vincent St. John arrested for conspiracy to commit murder in death of a restaurant owner. * WFM-IWW miners strike against wage cut in Goldfield. Federal troops sent in to crush strike; first stay-in strike (3,000 workers) of the 20th Century carried out by IWW at General Electric plant in Schenectady, NY.
* Founding of National Industrial Union of Textile Workers, 1st chartered IWW industrial union. * Strike at Marston Textile Mill, Skowhegan, Maine; * 3,000 IWW sawmill workers strike in Portland, OR; * IWW smeltermen strike in Tacoma, WA win 8-hour day and 15% pay hike; * Lumber workers strike in Humboldt County, CA, Missoula, MT and Vancouver, B.C.; * Bakers in San Francisco strike; * Lumber workers strike in Montana; * Textile strike at Mapleville, RI; * American Tube strike in Bridgeport, CT
* Textile workers strike, Lawrence, MA * Fourth convention results in split between political actionists, led by Daniel DeLeon of the SLP, and direct actionists, led by Vincent St. John and J.H. Walsh. DeLeonists set up rival IWW in Detroit and accuse Chicago IWW with “anarchism.”
* Industrial Worker begin publishing in Spokane, WA as the voice of the Western branches of IWW. * Pressed Steel Car Company workers strike in McKees Rock, PA. * Sheet and tinplate workers strike in New Castle, PA. * Solidarity begins publishing in New Castle, PA as organ of Eastern branches of IWW. * Missoula, MT free speech fight.
* Strike against Standard Steel Car Company in Hammond, IN. * Strike against Hansel & Elcock Construction in Chicago. * First reference to “direct action” in IWW publications. * Strike against Lamm & Company, Chicago clothiers. * First use of terms “sabotage” and “passive resistance” in IWW publications. * Meat packers strike in Pittsburgh, PA; Show workers strike in Brooklyn, NY. * Organizing against “job sharks” in Washington State leads to victorious Free Speech Fight in Spokane, WA. * Brotherhood of Timber Workers, racially integrated union, formed in Louisiana and East Texas.
* IWW Free Speech Fight in Fresno, CA. * Brooklyn shoe workers strike several shops. * Strike at American Locomotive.
* Wobblies join Magonistas in insurrection in Baja California, briefly proclaim the Baja Commune. U.S. troops invade Mexico for crush the rebellion; IWW-led General Strike in Tampico, Mexico for release of political prisoners crushed by army. * William Z. Foster leaves IWW and forms Syndicalist League of North America to “bore from within” AFL. * Socialist Party forbids those who oppose political action or advocate sabotage to belong to the party. * Bill Haywood recalled from NEC. Many IWWs leave SPA. * Bread and Roses Strike—25,000 textile workers strike in Lawrence, MA, call for IWW leadership. IWW leaders Joseph Ettor and Arturo Giovanitti arrested for the murder of striker Anna Lo Pizza. * Formation of Forest and Lumber Workers Industrial Union. * IWW textile strike in Lowell, MA (18,000 workers). * Strike at National Malleable Casting in Indianapolis, IN. * Lumber workers strike throughout Gray’s Harbor region (Hoquiam, Raymond, Cosmopolis and Aberdeen, WA). * Strike of railroad construction crews against Great Northern and Grand Trunk lines. IWW establishes “1,000 mile picket line.” * First use of the term “Wobbly” in IWW publications. * Strike of organ and piano builders in New York. * Two-week strike against American Radiator in Buffalo (5,000 workers). * Unsuccessful national lumber workers strike. * Strikes at Warner Refining in Edgewater, NY and Corn Products Refining in Shadyside, NJ; * Strike at Avery Implements in Peoria, IL. * Brotherhood of Timber Workers affiliates with Forest and Lumber Workers Industrial Union, IWW; strikes Galloway Lumber Company in Grabow, LA. Three strikers killed and 58 arrested for defending themselves, acquitted in December. * Textile strike in New Bedford, MA (11,000) Dockworkers strike in San Pedro, CA. * Tobacco worker strikes in Pittsburgh and McKees Rock, PA. * Ettor and Gionvanitti trial ends in acquittal.
* Strike instigated by IWW dual-carders in AFL Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union against the Astor and other premier hotels in New York City. * Patterson Silk Strike—Silkworkers strike in Paterson, NJ (25,000 workers); * 150 tire builders strike Firestone Tire in Akron, OH; * BTW in 7-month strike against American Lumber Company (1,200 workers) * Textile strike in Ipswitch, NY * Marine Transport Workers Industrial Union formed by Philadelphia, PA, longshoremen as a result of spontaneous strike. * Strike against Studebaker, car manufacturer (6,000 workers); short strikes against Metal Wheel in Detroit and Foyer Brothers in Toledo. * Strike against Dry Slitz Stogie leads to lockout of 1200 workers in Pittsburgh, PA, 800 IWW cigar workers strike in retaliation. * Dock workers strike for safety equipment in Duluth, MN set up branch of MTW; * Wheatland Riots—Hop pickers strike against Durst Ranch in Wheatland, CA. Gun battle results in indictment and conviction of IWW organizers Ford and Suhr who are sentenced to 15 years in prison. * Textile strike in Baltimore, MD undermined by AFL scabs. BTW strike in Sweet Home, LA.
* World War I begins in Europe. * 3,000 unemployed demonstrate in Detroit; IWW gains control of Unemployed Convention in San Francisco. New York unemployed, led by Wobbly Frank Tannenbaum, occupy churches; Union Square unemployed riot. * Sioux City, Iowa, free speech fight. * IWW Unemployed League organized in Detroit.
* Detroit IWW, aka Workers International Industrial Union, dissolves. * AWO Established—Agricultural Workers Organization 400 (later renamed Agricultural Workers Industrial Union 110) founded in Kansas City, MO, introduces the job delegate system into IWW. * Joe Hill Executed—Joe Hill, IWW organizer, executed by copper bosses in Utah.
* BTW dissolves. Victim of 5,000 blacklisted members. * National Industrial Union of Textile Workers dissolves, its remaining locals affiliate directly to IWW. * Philadelphia MTW wins recognition at non-union docks without a contract. * Shoe workers strike 28 shops in Philadelphia; Strike of 700 against Solvay Processing Plant in Detroit, MI; * Strike of 3,000 against Kelsey Wheel in Detroit, MI; * Housemaids organized in Denver, CO; * Iron miners strike on the Mesabi Range in Minnesota (6,000 workers); * Miners strike, Cayuna Range, MI; * Dock workers strike in Two Harbors and Duluth, MN; * Shingle-weavers strike in Everett, WA; Miners strike in Scranton, PA * Vernillion Iron Range out on strike. * Everett Massacre—IWWs murdered by hired guns in Everett, WA. Seventy-five held for murder of deputy, acquitted. * IWW Convention adopts anti-war resolution.
* Oil Workers Industrial Union and Metal Mine Workers Industrial Union chartered. * Longshoremen strike in Philadelphia, PA. * Lumber Workers Industrial Union established. * River drivers strike in Fontana River, MT, and win 8-hour day. * Idaho and Minnesota pass Criminal Syndicalism Laws to counter IWW organizing. * General Construction Workers Industrial Union formed; construction strike in Exeter, CA. Construction strike in Seattle wins IWW hiring hall; Construction strike in Rockford, IL; * Speculator mine disaster in Butte, MT leads to strike; * Copper strikes in Arizona in support of Butte; * Lumber workers strike in Spokane district, WA; * Miners strike in Virginia, MN. * Bisbee Deportation—1200 copper strikers deported from Bisbee, AZ. * Miners strike Gogebic Range. * Frank Little Murdered—Frank Little, IWW organizer, lynched by copper bosses. * Australian IWWs tried for treason for opposing conscription, IWW outlawed. * Federal agents raid IWW halls and offices nation wide, arrest 165 IWW members. * LWIU 120 Wins 8-Hour Day—Lumber strike in on the job wins 8-hour day in Northwest timber country. * General Defense Committee formed to defend class war prisoners.
* IWW lumber workers burn bedrolls and mattresses. * Chicago trial of 100 IWWs for espionage ends in sentences of 20 years for 15 men; 10 years for 35; 5 years for 33;1 year for 12 and nominal sentences for the rest.
* General strikes in Seattle, WA, Butte, MT, Toledo, OH and, Winnipeg, MB. * MTW strike in Philadelphia, PA. * Mine workers strike in Butte, MT and Oatman, AZ or 6-hour day. * Lumber strikes on river drives win clean bedding. * Lumber workers hall in Superior, WI, attacked by mob but show of force by Wobs turns them back. * Short-log district lumber strikes include demands for release of class war prisoners and withdrawal of U.S. troops from Russia. * Centralia Massacre—Mob of Legionnaires attack IWW hall in Centralia, WA. IWWs defend hall with force. IWW Wesley Everest, one of the hall defenders, tortured and lynched by mob. Eight others sent to prison on conspiracy charges. * MTW branch established in Buenos Aires, Argentina * IWW administrations established in Mexico and Chile. * Wichita and Sacramento IWW trials. 2000 class war prisoners.
* Palmer Raids—Palmer Raids round up and deport thousands of alien radicals. * IWW and British Shop Stewards Movement agree on exchange of membership cards. * MTW strike in Philadelphia, PA. * Chilean IWW conducts strike to protest export of food during famine; Chilean government launched reign of terror to destroy IWW. * Communist-controlled IWW General Executive Board suspends Philadelphia MTW on false charges of loading arms for Russian counter-revolutionary Wrangle.
* Congress of Red Trade Union International attended by delegates from IWW and Canadian OBU. Their reports of political domination by Communists convinces IWW not to affiliate. * 46 IWWs out on bail on the espionage convictions start prison terms. Bill Haywood and 8 others jump bail and flee to Russia. * IWW hall raided in Tampico, Mexico. General strike forces government to allow it to reopen. * Philadelphia MTW branch reinstated.
* Joint MTW and ILA strike in Portland, OR, against Fink Hall, sold out by ILA. * Construction strike on Great Northern Railroad. * Strike on power projects in Oregon and Washington. * Metal Mine strikes in Bingham Canyon and Butte. * Oil Workers Industrial Union drive in Southwest. * MTW strike in Portland, OR. * ILA-hired thugs attempt to drive MTW out of Hoboken, NJ. * Railroad shopmen’s strike supported by IWW Railroad Workers Industrial Union. * MTW in Philadelphia strike against blacklist and for 44-hour week. * Construction strike in Hetch-Hetchy project near San Francisco and on Edison Power irrigation project near Fresno, CA.
* Two strikes against Warren Construction Co. out of Fresno. * Police try to shut down IWW hall in Mobile, AL but free speech fight prevails. * Strikes to free class war prisoners conducted by IWW in San Pedro, Aberdeen, New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Mobile and Galveston, and by Lumber and Construction Unions in Washington and Oregon. * San Pedro free speech fight
* Emergency Program / Four-Trey Split—IWW splits: Emergency Program-IWW sets up headquarters in Portland, Oregon. * Thugs raid IWW hall in San Pedro, destroy hall and scald children.
* Philadelphia MTW goes over to ILA due to disillusionment over 1924 split and perceived interference from General Administration. * IWW coal miners strike in Alberta against UMWA check-off.
* Sacco & Vanzetti Murdered—IWW strikes for Sacco and Vanzetti in Colorado. Sacco and Vanzetti executed in Boston. * Columbine Massacre—Colorado coal strike leads to Columbine Massacre.
* Police raid IWW hall in Walsenburg, CO, two Wobblies killed.
* IWW drive among coal miners in Illinois gains sizable two-card membership in UMWA. * Strike against U.S. Gypsum Company near Oakfield, NY. * MTW branch established in Stettin, Germany. * The Great Depression Begins—Stock market crashes, beginning of Great Depression.
* MTW rallies 1700 crew members of the Leviathan. * Harlan County Coal Strike—IWW comes to defense of coal miners in Harlan County, KY charged with murder for defending picket lines during strike.
* IWW-EP dissolves. * IWW begins organization of unemployed with issue of leaflet; “Bread Lines of Picket Lines” and formation of Unemployed Unions in New York, Chicago and Portland, OR. * Strike at Boulder Dam construction sites. * Canadian Administration established.
* IWW strike at the Cle Ellum dam project in Washington state. * Lumber workers participate in strike at Gray’s Harbor.
* Organizing drive among automobile workers in Detroit. Sit-down strike at Briggs Highland plant wins 10% pay hike. Losing strike at Murray Body in September breaks drive. * IWW hop pickers win strike in Yakima, WA. * Organizing attempts on WPA construction projects on Mississippi Bridge near New Orleans, at the Los Angeles Aquaduct, Fort Peck in Montana and New York Tunnel. * Strike at Ferro Foundry in Cleveland, OH. * Chilean IWW Administration reestablished.
* Cleveland, Ohio, organizing takes off. Strikes at Ohio Foundry, Draper Steel Barrel, Perfection Metal Container, Permold Metal Container, American Stove, National Screw, Cleveland Wire Spring, Republic Brasswin recognition for IWW. * Charwomen’s strike. * IWW votes to affiliate with IWA (AIT), then reverses itself.
* Strike at National Screw and National Steel Barrel in Cleveland. * National Screw unionist Mike Lindway framed on gun charge. * Lumber workers organize in white pine country.
* Philadelphia MTW refuses to load ships with arms for Franco’s fascist forces in Spain. * IWW seaman john Kane murdered by International Seaman’s Union (ISU) goons in Houston. * Lumber workers strike Weyerhauser, win 10% pay hike and camp improvements. * IWW joins with other libertarian organizations in United Libertarian Organization to sponsor Spanish Revolution newspaper and aid Spanish revolution.
* Construction Workers IU 310 branch wins right to process grievances on WPA jobs in Contra Costa and Alameda counties, California.
* IWW establishes IU310 branch among WPA construction workers, wins free transportation in Watsonville, CA. * Strike of Filipino fruit pickers. * New branches in American Brass, Superior Carbon, Globe Steel Barrel and Independent Register in Cleveland. * IWW branch at American Brass signs contract; IWW referendum changes constitution to allow the practice. * IWW wins NLRB election at Steel Stamping.
* Canadian IWW establishes Fisheries Industrial Union Branch in McDiarmid, ON.
* Strike at American Stove in Cleveland.
* Metal Mine Workers IU210 organizes U.S. Vanadium mine and negotiates 13% pay boost in Bishop, CA. Wins NLRB election in the mine but loses out to AFL in the mill.
* IWW wins 50 cent premium for working at Bishop mine. * Organization of Federal Aviation in Cleveland; job action wins raise at American Stove.
* Wobs forced to join AFL affiliate on a tunnel project in Bishop, CA, because AFL held contract with the contractor; * IU210 signs contract with U.S. Vanadium.
* MTW wins maritime strikes on several ships. British Administration established by MTW. * IWW Convention adopts “no check-off” rule prohibiting practice of having employers collect union dues from workers’ pay. * IWW locked out at Jones & Laughlin barrel plant in Youngstown, OH. * Strike at Schrimer-Dornbirer pump company wins 45 cent/hour pay boost in Cleveland.
* MTW backs British maritime wildcat strike. * MTW Branch at Galveston, TX, & Houston Towing Co and NLRB victory at Guld Barge & Towing and on the Pasadena and Lynchburg ferries.
* IWW placed on U.S. Attorney General’s List of Subversive Organizations.
* Cleveland Branches withdraw after IWW referendum refuses to sign Taft-Hartley anti-communist affidavits.
* IWW turns 50, near extinction.
* Organizing campaign among restaurant workers and greenhouse workers in New York City.
* Strike against Hodgeman’s Blueberry Farm in Grand Junction, MI. * Strike against Cedar Alley coffee house, Berkeley, CA. * Free speech fight at Roosevelt University, Chicago; * unemployed organizing in Uptown neighborhood forced to retreat in face of SDS JOIN project.
* Agitation among unemployed in San Francisco to gain support for shorter work-week and among apple pickers, Yakima Valley, WA.
* Boston, MA: Resistance anti-draft group joins IWW. * IWW referendum votes to allow students to join IWW as members of Educational Workers IU 620.
* IU620 Branches established at University of Waterloo, University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
* IWW helps to organize creation of “Chicago People’s Park” in opposition to urban renewal. * Liberated Guardian becomes IWW shop.
* IWW-affiliated Le Presse Popuiaire du Montreal closed by police under War Measures Act. * San Diego Street Journal El Barrio becomes IWW shop.
* Chicago Seed staff joins IWW as well as staff of the radical center, Alice’s Revisited; * Strike against Hip Products; * Strike against Three Penny Cinema wins contract. * IWW organizes boycott of University of Illinois (Champaign) Student Union to induce university to buy UFW label head lettuce. * San Diego, CA: IWW member Ricardo Gonzalves indicted for criminal syndicalism along with two member of the Brown Berets; Fascist Minuteman organization fires shots in Street journal offices. * Silver miners branch established, Ward, CO. MTW branch established among dockworkers in Malmo, Sweden.
* Two week strike against Park International, Long Beach, CA. * Part-time workers strike at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. * Portland, OR: Boycott organized against Winchell’s donuts to win fired IWW her job back; * Organizing drive at Winter Products furniture factory defeated when eight IWW organizers fired. * Construction workers job branch in Vancouver refused certification from Canadian Labor Board.
* Controversy over filing union financial statement with federal government (required to participate in NLRB proceedings by the LandrumGriffin Act). Referendum upholds practice. * Canadian Administration abolished. * IWW establishes Regional’ Organizing Committees to replace national administrations. ROCs established in Great Britain, Sweden, Canada. * Strike against Winchell’s Donuts to protest firing of IWW member, Portland, OR. * Chicago, IL: Organizing drive at McDonalds Restaurants; organizing drive at Eclectic Inc. furniture manufacturer. * State College, PA: Drives at Roy Rogers and Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. * Drive at Pizza Hut restaurant, Arkadelphia, AR. * Milwaukee, WI: IWW attempt to organize a local at East Side Shop-Rite supermarket thwarted by intervention of Retail Clerks International Union AFL-CIO. * Chicago IWW member Frank Terrugi killed by military during coup d’etat in Santiago, Chile. * Unemployed agitation and support for Meatcutter’s strike against Doug’s Shop and Save supermarkets, Orono-Bangor, ME.
* Portland, OR: IWW organizes West Side School and the Albina Day Care Center, force re-hiring of unionist and firing of day care director. * Metal and Machinery Workers IU 440 Organizing Committee set up in Chicago and launches drive at small metal working shops in the city. * IWW supports Artistic Woodwork Strike in Toronto and suffer a number of arrests. * IWW journalist Frank Gould disappeared while covering guerrilla rebellion, Philippines.
* IWW 35th Convention establishes Industrial Organizing Committee to bring together IWW members with organizing skills to help out with organizing drives. Fred Thompson mandated to issue an IOC Bulletin. Nothing comes of it. * Some New York members set up a “Friends of IWA” group.
* Chicago, IL: Strike support work for striking child-care workers (Augustana Nursery); Cook County Hospital nurses; and Capitol Packaging; Enforces Boycott of Kingston Mines nightclub to force owner to pay wages earned to a band, which included two Wobs; Health Workers IU610 Organizing Committee established; Construction Workers job branch established on South Side. * New York City General Defense Committee establishes international Libertarian Labor Fund to raise money for CNT in Spain. Sponsors tour of North America by veteran anarcho-syndicalist Augustin Souchy. The tour raised over $3000. * Job branch established at Kochum’s Shipyard, Malmo, Sweden. * IWW Shop Stewards Committee in AFSCME local at Bangor (ME) Mental Health Institute leads one-day wildcat strike. * IWW issues solidarity assessment stamp to support CNT reconstruction.
* Chicago’s IU440 Committee takes on organizing drive at Mid-America Machinery, Virden, IL. Majority of workers in the shop, concerned primarily about safety, sign-up in union and demand recognition. Boss locks them out. IWW files ULP charges and pickets the work-site and auctions. Company sues union and organizer for $50,000 each (both suits later dismissed). Wob Rick Wehlitz fired for sabotage. * IU670 (Public Service Workers) organizing campaign among CETA trainees and Bus Washers in Santa Cruz, CA. For some CETA trainees the IWW won better wages, health and dental benefits, safer working conditions, grievance procedures, legal insurance, paid holidays and vacations, 32 hours’ work for 40 hours’ pay, retirement benefits, profit sharing, and the elimination of sexual, racial and other forms of discrimination. Bus washers: 100% signed up, two fired but company forced to re-hire, and harassment of union members. Finally workers forced to join other union which had previously barred them. * Branch supports striking auto trades mechanics, Tacoma, WA. * IU 630 (Entertainment and Recreation Workers) Network Conference establishes a Clearinghouse in Chicago and issues a model contract for use of musicians when landing gigs; Branch solidarity with Dresher Manufacturing strikers who were abandoned by Teamster Local 743. Support helps win decent contract. * La Migra busts Dresher unionists. * Albuquerque, NM: IU310 (General Construction Workers) drive among Rio Grande Conservancy District construction project. 20 sign authorization cards and 6 join union. 3 workers fired in retaliation.
* Virden, IL: IU440 strike threat forces boss to back down from threatened lay-off. More picketing at auctions costs boss thousands of dollars. NLRB issues directed bargaining order; boss appeals. NLRB orders Wob James D’Aunoy re-instated. * In June IWW strikes Mid-America for recognition but fails to budge boss. Strike called off after three months. * Chicago: IU610 (Health Care Workers) Committee issues a pamphlet aimed at workers in area hospitals. Propose to form alternative to Health Employees Labor Program (HELP), a lash-up of the Service Employees International Union Local 73 and Teamsters Local 743. The drive is opposed from the beginning by a member of the Chicago Branch who is also a business agent for Local 73. This opposition eventually succeeds in thwarting the IU610 Committee’s efforts to gain Branch support and causes IU610 Committee members to leave the IWW. * IWW Conference establishes new Industrial Organizing Committee.
* IWW IU660 (General Distribution Workers) organizing begins in Ann Arbor, MI. Defeat lockout at Charing Cross Bookstore. Win NLRB election at University Cellar Bookstore at UM in Ann Arbor and win contract following brief strike. Contract includes significant workers control provisions. * IWW IU450 (Printing and Publishing Workers) contract signed at Eastown Printing, Grand Rapids, MI.
* Virden, IL: MidAmerica finally agrees to recognize IWW and bargain. However, union has no members left in the shop. Attempts to contact current employees fail. * Ann Arbor, MI: Workers at Wordprocessors strike, set up independent union—Employees Against Arbitrary Action. * Organizing drive at Leopold Bloom’s Restaurant takes off. During campaign direct action wins a woman fellow worker her job back after she is fired for complaining about sexual harassment. Union gains voluntary recognition and a first contract, but restaurant goes out of business due to poor management. * Boston Wobblies actively involved in organization of the independent United Taxi Workers Organizing Committee seeking to escape the clutches of the Teamsters union.
* IWW’s active in reform movement in the Laborers’Union in Alaska (ROOR) and in the Teamsters Union (TDU) in New York. * Ann Arbor, MI: U-Cellar IU660 Branch signs third contract with workers’ control provisions. * Round Lake, MN: The IWW-IOC affiliated All Workers Organizing Committee gets about half of the employees at the Sather Cookie Company to sign authorization cards and file a petition with NLRB for an election. United Food and Commercial Workers Union (AFL-CIO) intervenes and IWW retreats to avoid splitting the pro-union vote, according to the committee.
* Houston, AR: IWW Industrial Organizing Committee drive at King Homes,and Castle Truss mobile home manufacturing plants owned by Castle Industries.
* People’s Wherehouse job branch in Ann Arbor wins recognition without election and begins negotiations on first contract gains. * Chicago, IL: IWW supports boycott of Coca Cola in solidarity with occupation of Coke plant in Guatemala. * Bellingham, WA: IWW initiates Food for People project to feed unemployed and underemployed. Program ends when powers that be pressure landlords into not renting space. * IWW, through the Vancouver Unemployed Action Center, initiates campaign against Job Mart Employment Agency which was selling job lists to the unemployed for up to $50. Through a combination of leafleting, pickets and legal action the campaign succeeds in closing down job Mart and getting some of the victims of the scam their money back. * Rank and File Organizing Committee established to counter IOC.
submitted by Famerframer to IWW [link] [comments]

2022.07.10 17:29 AnEvolvedPrimate Open-minded? More tolerant of ambiguity? You're more likely to accept evolution.


In the C/E debate, I find that the respective 'sides' of the debate tend to accuse each other as being close-minded and unyielding. I think it's a good exercise to check one's own biases and determine if one is susceptible to close-minded thinking in the context of a debate. We are all subject to cognitive biases and I believe that keeping those biases in check is important.
Thinking about this subject made me curious about the broader C/E debate. Is acceptance or rejection of evolution correlated with psychological predispositions to different types of thinking?
To answer this, I started digging into studies that measured evolution acceptance in relation to cognitive flexibility (being able to adapt one's thinking) and need for closure (intolerance for uncertainty).

Cognitive Flexibility

Cognitive flexibility is characterized by the ability to adapt one's thinking to adapt to different situations and adjust one's thinking. This includes being able to overcome prior habitual responses and adjust one's responses to new situations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_flexibility
In contrast, cognitive rigidity is defined by an inability to modify one's thinking and attitude, and an inability to change habits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigidity_(psychology))
A number of studies have found positive correlations between cognitive flexibility and the acceptance of evolution.
Deniz & Sahin (2016):
Thinking dispositions are related to one’s degree of open-minded or reflective thinking (Stanovich & West, 1997; Sá, West, & Stanovich, 1999). Thinking dispositions indicate openness to belief change, cognitive flexibility (reflectiveness), tendency to consider alternative opinions and evidence, and searching and processing of information that goes against one’s beliefs. Sinatra et al. (2003) and Deniz et al. (2008) found that thinking dispositions are related to one’s degree of acceptance of evolutionary theory.
Thinking dispositions were positively correlated with acceptance of evolutionary theory (r = .32, p < .01). This indicates that participants with cognitive flexibility and openness to belief change are more likely to accept evolutionary theory

Athanasiou & Papadopoulou (2014):
Our findings with regard to the relationship between thinking dispositions and acceptance of evolutionary theory are in line with findings by Sinatra et al. (2003). That is, participants whose thinking disposition scores reflected more open-minded thinking were more likely to accept evolutionary theory.

Need for Closure

Need for closure is defined as an one's need to have definitive answers. People who are high in need for closure tend to have a higher intolerance for uncertainty. Being high in need for closure makes it more difficult to change one's view when presented with contradictory information. This can make it more challenging for someone to learn about a subject when that process involves processing contradictory information. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closure_(psychology))
Per the following studies, it appears that need for closure is more highly correlated with evolution rejection.
Garvey (2008):
Belief in creationism was also strongly correlated with need for cognitive closure (r = .406, p = .001), such that higher need for non-specific closure was associated with a creationist ideology.
Weisberg, et al. (2018):
The participants were more likely to reject evolution if they reported higher levels of authoritarianism and need for closure.


These finding indicate that there are psychological predispositions to the acceptance or rejection of evolutionary theory. Per the cited studies, those scoring higher in cognitive flexibility are more likely to accept evolution, and those scoring high in need for closure (intolerance of uncertainty) are more likely to reject it.
The findings indicate that those on the anti-evolution side of the debate may have more difficulty in assimilating information related to contrary beliefs and acceptance of evolution.
For those engaging with creationists, it is worthwhile to keep these psychological predispositions in mind.


Athanasiou, Kyriacos & Papadopoulou, Penelope. (2014). Evolution Theory Teaching and Learning: What Conclusions Can We Get From Comparisons of Teachers’ and Students’ Conceptual Ecologies in Greece and Turkey?
Deniz, Hasan & Adibelli Sahin, Elif. (2016). Exploring the Factors Related to Acceptance of Evolutionary Theory among Turkish Preservice Biology Teachers and the Relationship between Acceptance and Teaching Preference
Deniz, Hasan & Borgerding, Lisa & Yılmaz, İrfan. (2008). Exploring the factors related to acceptance of evolutionary theory among Turkish preservice biology teachers: Toward a more informative conceptual ecology for biological evolution
Garvey, Kilian. (2008). Denial of evolution: An exploration of cognition, culture and affect.
Sinatra, Gale & Southerland, Sherry & McConaughy, Frances & Demastes, James. (2003). Intentions and beliefs in students' understanding and acceptance of biological evolution'_understanding_and_acceptance_of_biological_evolution
Weisberg, Deena & Landrum, Asheley & Metz, S. & Weisberg, Michael. (2018). No Missing Link: Knowledge Predicts Acceptance of Evolution in the United States
submitted by AnEvolvedPrimate to DebateEvolution [link] [comments]

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12912.TI-83 Plus/Silver Manual 2nd edition Stephen Kelly
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12914.Your Office: Getting Started with Business Communication 1st edition Amy S. Kinser, Diane Kosharek
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13223.Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice 7th edition Samuel T. Gladding
13224.Understanding Violence and Victimization 7th edition Robert J. Meadows
13225.Multicultural Law Enforcement: Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society 7th edition Robert M Shusta, Deena R Levine,
13226.Organized Crime 7th edition Michael D. Lyman
13227.Teaching Writing: Balancing Process and Product 7th edition Gail E. Tompkins
13228.JavaScript in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself 7th edition Phil Ballard
13229.High-Acuity Nursing 7th edition Kathleen Dorman Wagner, Melanie Hardin-Pierce,
13230.Social Work Experience, The: A Case-Based Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare 7th edition Mary Ann Suppes, Carolyn Cressy Wells
13231.Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles 7th edition James D. Halderman
13232.Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach 7th edition Gail E. Tompkins
13233.Teaching Students Who are Exceptional, Diverse, and At Risk in the General Educational Classroom 7th edition Sharon R. Vaughn, Candace S. Bos,
13234.Community and Problem-Oriented Policing: Effectively Addressing Crime and Disorder 7th edition Ken J. Peak, Ronald W. Glensor
13235.Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education 7th edition Sonia Nieto, Patty Bode
13236.Education of the Gifted and Talented 7th edition Sylvia B. Rimm, Del B. Siegle,
13237.Exploring Child Welfare: A Practice Perspective 7th edition Cynthia Crosson-Tower
13238.Constructive Guidance and Discipline: Birth to Age Eight 7th edition Marjorie V. Fields, Patricia A. Meritt,
13239.Introduction to Audiologic Rehabilitation 7th edition Ronald L. Schow, Michael A. Nerbonne
13240.Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning: Preschool Through Fourth Grade 7th edition Joan Packer Isenberg, Mary Renck Jalongo
13241.Comparative Criminal Justice Systems: A Topical Approach 7th edition Philip L. Reichel
13242.Criminological Theory 7th edition Frank P. Williams, Marilyn D. McShane
13243.Criminology: A Sociological Understanding 7th edition Steven E. Barkan
13244.Social Work Experience, The: A Case-Based Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare 7th edition Mary Ann Suppes, Carolyn Cressy Wells
13245.Foundations of Nursing Research 7th edition Rose Marie Nieswiadomy, Catherine Bailey
13246.Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective 7th edition Jeffrey Trawick-Smith
13247.Young Child, The: Development from Prebirth Through Age Eight 7th edition Donna S. Wittmer, Sandra H. Petersen,
13248.Phonics They Use: Words for Reading and Writing 7th edition Patricia Cunningham
13249.Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children 7th edition Jane W Ball, Ruth C Bindler,
13250.Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Issues 7th edition Allan C. Ornstein, Francis P. Hunkins
13251.Child, Family, and Community: Family-Centered Early Care and Education 7th edition Janet Gonzalez-Mena
13252.Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for Teaching K-12 English Learners 7th edition Suzanne F. Peregoy, Owen F. Boyle
13253.Social Work Practicum, The: A Guide and Workbook for Students 7th edition Cynthia Garthwait
13254.Introduction to Student-Involved Assessment FOR Learning, An 7th edition Jan Chappuis, Rick J. Stiggins
13255.Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice that Enhance Student Learning and Motivation. 7th edition James H. McMillan
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2021.12.09 20:38 textbooks6 Google Drive eTextbooks release thread (part-37)!+ Accepting requests every day

Google Drive eTextbooks release thread (part-37)!+ Accepting requests every day
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Please find the list below:
11867.Heart of Darkness, The Man Who Would Be King, and Other Works on Empire, A Longman Cultural Edition 1st edition Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling,
11868.Gene Therapy 1st edition Mary Colavito, Michael A Palladino
11869.Reading Primary Literature: A Practical Guide to Evaluating Research Articles in Biology 1st edition Christopher M. Gillen
11870.Genes, Aging and Immortality 1st edition Charlotte A. Spencer
11871.Mad Cows and Cannibals, A Guide to the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Booklet) 1st edition Charlotte A. Spencer
11872.Por amor al arte 1st edition Lourdes Miquel, Neus Sans
11873.Aquinas: Selected Writings 1st edition Robert P. Goodwin
11874.Augustine: On Christian Doctrine 1st edition D W., Robertson
11875.Plato: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito 1st edition F J. Church
11876.Speak Basic Spanish In No Time 1st edition Larry Rios
11877.Smart Retail: Winning ideas and strategies from the most successful retailers in the world 4th edition Richard Hammond
11878.The Decision Maker's Playbook: 12 Mental Tactics for Thinking More Clearly, Navigating Uncertainty, and Making Smarter Choices 1st edition Simon Mueller, Julia Dhar
11879.The Lean Product Lifecycle: A playbook for making products people want 1st edition Tendayi Viki, Craig Strong,
11880.Yes, You Can Innovate: Discover your innovation strengths and develop your creative potential 1st edition Natalie Turner
11881.Big Data Demystified: How to use big data, data science and AI to make better business decisions and gain competitive advantage 1st edition David Stephenson
11882.The Leader's Guide to Presenting: How to Use Soft Skills to Get Hard Results 1st edition Tom Bird, Jeremy Cassell
11883.Futureproof: How To Get Your Business Ready For The Next Disruption 1st edition Minter Dial, Caleb Storkey
11884.The Smart Solution Book: 68 Tools for Brainstorming, Problem Solving and Decision Making 1st edition David Cotton
11885.The Positive Leader: How Energy and Happiness Fuel Top-Performing Teams 1st edition Jan MĂŒhlfeit, Melina Costi
11886.Taking Flight!: Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships...Your Life 1st edition Merrick Rosenberg, Daniel Silvert
11887.Fight Back Against Unfair Debt Collection Practices: Know Your Rights and Protect Yourself from Threats, Lies, and Intimidation 1st edition Fred Williams
11888.So, You Want to Start a Business?: 8 Steps to Take Before Making the Leap 1st edition Edward D. Hess, Charles F. Goetz
11889.Art of Asking, The: Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers 1st edition Terry J. Fadem
11890.Pro Tools 5 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide 1st edition Steven Roback
11891.Python: Visual QuickStart Guide 1st edition Chris Fehily
11892.Where to Play: 3 steps for discovering your most valuable market opportunities 1st edition Marc Gruber, Sharon Tal
11893.Pearson Career Success: 1-Year National--Instant Access 1st edition
11894.Absolute Beginner's Guide to Half-Marathon Training: Get Ready to Run or Walk a 5K, 8K, 10K or Half-Marathon Race 1st edition Heather Hedrick
11895.Coaching Manual 5th edition Julie Starr
11896.The FT Essential Guide to Writing a Business Plan: How to win backing to start up or grow your business 2nd edition Vaughan Evans
11897.Discover Your Emotional Intelligence 1st edition Philip Holder
11898.Bass-Bass:Start with What Works_p,1/e 1st edition Andy Bass
11899.Friction/Reward: Be your customer’s first choice 1st edition Richard Hammond
11900.Meet with Impact: 40 visual tools for productive meetings and engaging workshops 1st edition Tom Russell
11901.Shepherd-Shepherd:Reinventing Retail_p,1/e 1st edition Ian Shepherd
11902.MOS 2016 Study Guide for Microsoft Word 1st edition Joan Lambert, Steve Lambert
11903.MOS 2016 Study Guide for Microsoft Outlook 1st edition Joan Lambert
11904.MOS 2016 Study Guide for Microsoft Excel 1st edition Joan Lambert
11905.MOS 2016 Study Guide for Microsoft PowerPoint 1st edition Joan Lambert
11906.Touchdown!: Achieving Your Greatness on the Playing Field of Business (and Life) (paperback) 1st edition Kevin Elko
11907.Truth About the New Rules of Business Writing, The 1st edition Natalie Canavor, Claire Meirowitz
11908.Truth About Creating Brands People Love, The 1st edition Brian D. Till, Donna D. Heckler
11909.Truth About Starting a Business, The 1st edition Bruce R. Barringer
11910.Truth About Making Smart Decisions, The 1st edition Robert E. Gunther
11911.Truth About Hiring the Best, The 1st edition Cathy Fyock
11912.Truth About Thriving in Change, The 1st edition William S. Kane
11913.How to Sell Online: The experts’ guide to making your business more successful and profitable online 1st edition Christer Holloman
11914.Ready for RICA: A Test Preparation Guide for California's Reading Instruction Competence Assessment 4th edition James J. Zarrillo
11915.Anatomy Coloring Book, The 4th edition Wynn Kapit, Lawrence M. Elson
11916.Case Studies in Preparation for the California Reading Competency Test 4th edition Joanne C. Rossi, Joanne C. Rossi,
11917.Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics 4th edition Douglas C. Giancoli
11918.Words Their Way Letter and Picture Sorts for Emergent Spellers 3rd edition Donald R. Bear, Marcia Invernizzi,
11919.Words Their Way Word Sorts for Derivational Relations Spellers 3rd edition Shane Templeton, Francine R. Johnston,
11920.Words Their Way: Word Sorts for Syllables and Affixes Spellers 3rd edition Francine R. Johnston, Marcia Invernizzi,
11921.Words Their Way: Word Sorts for Within Word Pattern Spellers 3rd edition Marcia Invernizzi, Francine R. Johnston,
11922.Words Their Way: Word Sorts for Letter Name - Alphabetic Spellers 3rd edition Francine R. Johnston, Marcia Invernizzi,
11923.Dream Weaver, The: One Boy's Journey Through the Landscape of Reality (Anniversary Edition) 2nd edition Jack Bowen
11924.Physiology Coloring Book, The 2nd edition Wynn Kapit, Robert I. Macey,
11925.Words Their Way for Parents, Tutors, and School Volunteers 1st edition Michelle Picard, Alison Meadows,
11926.Words Their Way: Vocabulary for American History, The World Before 1600 to American Imperialism (1890-1920) 1st edition Kevin Flanigan, Latisha Hayes,
11927.Words Their Way: Vocabulary for Elementary Mathematics 1st edition Lori Helman, Kathleen Cramer,
11928.Thank You for Your Leadership: The Power of Distributed Leadership in a Digital Conversion Model 1st edition Mark A. Edwards
11929.Words Their Way for PreK-K 1st edition Francine R. Johnston, Marcia Invernizzi,
11930.Visual Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual, Main Version 1st edition Stephen N. Sarikas, Stephen N. Sarikas
11931.Words Their Way: Within Word Pattern Sorts for Spanish-Speaking English Learners 1st edition Lori Helman, Donald R. Bear,
11932.Teacher's Guide to Communicating with Parents, A: Practical Strategies for Developing Successful Relationships 1st edition Tina Taylor, Nari J. Carter,
11933.Explicit Instruction: Strategies for Meaningful Direct Teaching 1st edition Jennifer L. Goeke
11934.Words Their Way: Emergent Sorts for Spanish-Speaking English Learners 1st edition Lori Helman, Donald R. Bear,
11935.Five Easy Lessons: Strategies for Successful Physics Teaching 1st edition Randall D Knight
11936.Microbiology Coloring Book 1st edition Lawrence M. Elson
11937.Be a Great Manager – Now!: The 2-in-1 Manager: Speed Read - Instant Tips; Big Picture - Lasting Results 1st edition Audrey Tang
11938.Be Creative – Now!: The 2-in-1 Manager: Speed Read - instant tips; Big Picture - lasting results 1st edition Steve Rawling
11939.Be a Great Problem Solver – Now!: The 2-in-1 Manager: Speed Read - Instant Tips; Big Picture - Lasting Results 1st edition Adrian Reed
11940.Talkability: Discover the secrets of effective conversation 1st edition James Borg
11941.Think Like An Innovator: 76 inspiring business lessons from the world's greatest thinkers and innovators 1st edition Paul Sloane
11942.Saving Adam Smith: A Tale of Wealth, Transformation, and Virtue 1st edition Jonathan B. Wight
11943.Absolute Beginner's Guide to VBA 1st edition Paul McFedries
11944.Absolute Beginner's Guide to Winning Presentations 1st edition Jerry Weissman
11945.The Basics of American Politics 16th edition Gary Wasserman, Elliott Fullmer
11946.Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide (Spiral) 16th edition James D. Lester, James D. Lester
11947.Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide 16th edition James D. Lester, James D. Lester
11948.Technical Communication 15th edition John M. Lannon, Laura J. Gurak
11949.Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to Geomatics 15th edition Charles D. Ghilani
11950.The American Nation: A History of the United States, Volume 1 15th edition Mark C. Carnes, John A. Garraty
11951.The American Nation: A History of the United States, Volume 2 15th edition Mark C. Carnes, John A. Garraty
11952.College Reading and Study Skills 14th edition Kathleen T. McWhorter, Brette M. Sember
11953.The Little, Brown Handbook 14th edition H Ramsey Fowler, Jane E. Aaron,
11954.Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum 14th edition Laurence Behrens, Leonard J. Rosen
11955.Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum 14th edition Laurence Behrens, Leonard J. Rosen
11956.Calculus & Its Applications, Brief Version 14th edition Larry J. Goldstein, David C. Lay,
11957.Accounting Information Systems 14th edition Marshall B. Romney, Paul J. Steinbart
11958.Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace 13th edition Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup
11959.Bridging the Gap: College Reading 13th edition Brenda D. Smith, LeeAnn Morris
11960.Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum 13th edition Laurence Behrens, Leonard J. Rosen
11961.Strategies for Successful Writing: A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader and Handbook 12th edition James A. Reinking, Robert von der Osten
11962.The Reid Guide for College Writers 12th edition Stephen P. Reid, Dominic A. Delli Carpini
11963.Breaking Through: College Reading 12th edition Brenda D. Smith, LeeAnn Morris
11964.Concepts of Programming Languages 12th edition Robert W. Sebesta
11965.The Longman Reader 12th edition Judith Nadell, John Langan,
11966.The Longman Reader 12th edition Judith Nadell, John Langan,
11967.Anatomy and Physiology Coloring Workbook: A Complete Study Guide 12th edition Elaine N Marieb, Simone Brito
11968.The Miller College Reader 12th edition George Miller, Jon Miller
11969.Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking 12th edition M Browne, Stuart M. Keeley
11970.Physical Geography Laboratory Manual 12th edition Darrel Hess
11971.Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene 11th edition Chris Le Baudour, J David Bergeron,
11972.Computer Organization and Architecture 11th edition William Stallings
11973.How to Think Straight About Psychology, Books a la Carte 11th edition Keith E. Stanovich
11974.Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings 11th edition John D. Ramage, John C. Bean,
11975.How to Think Straight About Psychology, Books a la Carte 11th edition Keith E. Stanovich
11976.Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings, Complete Edition 11th edition John D. Ramage, John C. Bean,
11977.My iPhone: Covers all iPhones running iOS 11 11th edition Brad Miser
11978.Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus 11th edition Allyn J. Washington, Richard Evans
11979.Business Math 11th edition Cheryl Cleaves, Margie Hobbs,
11980.Prehospital Emergency Care. 11th edition JOSEPH J MISTOVICH, Keith J. Karren
11981.Mistovich/Karren-Prehospital Emergency Care.,11/e 11th edition
11982.Pearson Nursing Diagnosis Handbook 11th edition Judith M. Wilkinson
11983.Literature for Composition: Reading and Writing Arguments About Essays, Stories, Poems, and Plays 11th edition Sylvan Barnet, William Burto,
11984.Literature and the Writing Process 11th edition Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X. Day,
11985.Literature for Composition 11th edition Sylvan Barnet, William Burto,
11986.Concepts of Programming Languages 11th edition Robert W. Sebesta
11987.Medical Dosage Calculations 11th edition June L. Olsen, Anthony Giangrasso,
11988.Short Guide to Writing About Art, A 11th edition Sylvan Barnet
11989.Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities 11th edition Dennis J. Sporre
11990.Short Course in Photography, A: Film and Darkroom 10th edition Jim Stone, Barbara London
11991.Phlebotomy Handbook 10th edition Diana Garza, Kathleen Becan-McBride
11992.The Little, Brown Compact Handbook 10th edition Jane E. Aaron, Michael Greer
11993.Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 10th edition Joyce L. Kee
11994.Basic College Mathematics 10th edition Margaret L. Lial, Stanley A. Salzman,
11995.The Longman Writer, Brief Edition 10th edition Judith Nadell, John Langan,
11996.One World, Many Cultures 10th edition Stuart Hirschberg, Terry Hirschberg
11997.Essentials of Dental Radiography for Dental Assistants and Hygienists 10th edition Evelyn Thomson, Orlen Johnson
11998.The Longman Writer 10th edition Judith Nadell, John Langan,
11999.Harris Reference Guide 10th edition Muriel Harris, Jennifer L. Kunka
12000.The Longman Writer 10th edition Judith Nadell, John Langan,
12001.Pearson Nursing Diagnosis Handbook 10th edition Judith Wilkinson
12002.Data and Computer Communications 10th edition William Stallings
12003.Pearson Nursing Diagnosis Handbook 10th edition Judith Wilkinson
12004.Out of Many: A History of the American People, Volume 1 9th edition John M. Faragher, Mari Jo Buhle,
12005.Out of Many: A History of the American People, Volume 2 9th edition John M. Faragher, Mari Jo Buhle,
12006.Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures with Nursing Diagnoses 9th edition Jane V. Corbett, Angela Banks
12007.Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects, Brief Version 9th edition Tony Gaddis
12008.Little, Brown Essential Handbook, The 9th edition Jane E. Aaron
12009.Perspectives on Argument 9th edition Nancy V. Wood, James S. Miller
12010.The Curious Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers 9th edition Bruce Ballenger
12011.Astronomy Today Volume 2: Stars and Galaxies 9th edition Eric Chaisson, Steve McMillan
12012.Astronomy Today Volume 1: The Solar System 9th edition Eric Chaisson, Steve McMillan
12013.Astronomy Today 9th edition Eric Chaisson, Steve McMillan
12014.The Curious Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers 9th edition Bruce Ballenger
12015.Perspectives on Argument 9th edition Nancy V. Wood, James S. Miller
12016.The Curious Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers 9th edition Bruce Ballenger
12017.Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness 9th edition Rachael E. Spector, Rachel E. Spector
12018.Starting Out with C++: Early Objects 9th edition Tony Gaddis, Judy Walters
12019.Exercises for Weather & Climate 9th edition Greg Carbone
12020.Short Guide to Writing about Biology, A 9th edition Jan A. Pechenik
12021.Short Guide to Writing about Biology, A 9th edition Jan A. Pechenik
12022.SUCCESS! in Phlebotomy: A Q&A Review 8th edition Kathleen Becan-McBride, Diana Garza
12023.Mosaics: Reading and Writing Paragraphs 8th edition Kim Flachmann
12024.Forty Studies that Changed Psychology 8th edition Roger R. Hock
12025.Workplace Communications: The Basics 8th edition George J. Searles
12026.Along These Lines: Writing Paragraphs and Essays 8th edition John Biays, Carol Wershoven
12027.Health Promotion in Nursing Practice 8th edition Carolyn L. Murdaugh, Mary Ann Parsons,
12028.The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing, Brief Edition 8th edition John D. Ramage, John C. Bean,
12029.The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing, Concise Edition 8th edition John D. Ramage, John C. Bean,
12030.Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing, The 8th edition John D. Ramage, John C. Bean,
12031.Introductory Chemistry: Concepts and Critical Thinking 8th edition Charles H Corwin
12032.The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing 8th edition John D. Ramage, John C. Bean,
12033.The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, Concise Edition, Volume 1 8th edition Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey,
12034.Pearson's Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 8th edition Joyce L. Kee
12035.The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, Concise Edition, Volume 2 8th edition Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey,
12036.The American Journey: A History of the United States, Volume 1 (To 1877) 8th edition David Goldfield, Carl Abbott,
12037.The American Journey: A History of the United States, Volume 2 (Since 1865) 8th edition David Goldfield, Carl Abbott,
12038.The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, Concise Edition, Volume 1 8th edition Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey,
12039.International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers 8th edition
12040.Problem Solving and Program Design in C 8th edition Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman
12041.Rockin In Time 8th edition David Szatmary
12042.European Democracies 8th edition Markus Crepaz, Greg A. Steinke
12043.Legal & Ethical Issues in Nursing 7th edition Ginny Wacker Guido
12044.The Little, Brown Handbook, Brief Edition 7th edition Jane E. Aaron, Michael Greer
12045.Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing 7th edition Pamela Arlov
12046.Wordsmith: A Guide to Paragraphs & Short Essays 7th edition Pamela Arlov
12047.Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs 7th edition John Biays
12048.Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing, Books a la Carte Edition 7th edition Pamela Arlov
12049.Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing, Books a la Carte Edition 7th edition Pamela Arlov
12050.iPad and iPhone Tips and Tricks: Covers all iPhones and iPads running iOS 11 7th edition Jason R. Rich
12051.Good Reasons: Researching and Writing Effective Arguments 7th edition Lester Faigley, Jack Selzer
12052.Principles and Foundations of Health Promotion and Education 7th edition Randall R. Cottrell, James T. Girvan,
12053.Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments 7th edition Lester Faigley, Jack Selzer
12054.A Sequence for Academic Writing 7th edition Laurence Behrens, Leonard J. Rosen
12055.Diversity Amid Globalization: World Regions, Environment, Development 7th edition Lester Rowntree, Charles J. Krebs,
12056.Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments 7th edition Lester Faigley, Jack Selzer
12057.Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments 7th edition Lester Faigley, Jack Selzer
12058.A Sequence for Academic Writing 7th edition Laurence Behrens, Leonard J. Rosen
12059.Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual 7th edition Elaine N Marieb, Pamela B. Jackson
12060.The African-American Odyssey, Combined Volume 7th edition Darlene Clark Hine, William C. Hine,
12061.The African-American Odyssey, Volume 1 7th edition Darlene Clark Hine, William C. Hine,
12062.Reading Across the Disciplines 7th edition Kathleen T. McWhorter
12063.Brief Guide to Writing from Readings, A, MLA Update Edition 7th edition Stephen Wilhoit
12064.Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach 7th edition James F. Kurose, Keith Ross
12065.Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice 7th edition William Stallings
12066.Starting Out With Visual Basic 7th edition Tony Gaddis, Kip Irvine
12067.Lynn-Texts and Contexts: Writing About Literature with Critical Theory [RENTAL EDITION],7/e 7th edition
12068.Professional Nursing Practice: Concepts and Perspectives 7th edition Kathy Blais, Janice S. Hayes
12069.Assembly Language for x86 Processors 7th edition Kip Irvine
12070.Red, White and Black 7th edition Gary B. Nash
12071.Computer Basics Absolute Beginner's Guide, Windows 8.1 Edition 7th edition Michael Miller
12072.Manufacturing Engineering & Technology 7th edition Serope Kalpakjian, Steven Schmid
12073.Nursing Assistant, The 6th edition JoLynn Pulliam
12074.Psychology Major, The: Career Options and Strategies for Success 6th edition R Eric Landrum, R Eric Landrum,
12075.Discrete Mathematical Structures (Classic Version) 6th edition Bernard Kolman, Robert Busby,
12076.Prealgebra 6th edition Margaret L. Lial, Diana L. Hestwood
12077.Writer's FAQs, The: A Pocket Handbook, MLA Update 6th edition Muriel Harris, Jennifer L. Kunka
12078.Technical Communication Today 6th edition Richard Johnson-Sheehan
12079.The Writer's Handbook 6th edition Lester Faigley
12080.The Writer's Handbook 6th edition Lester Faigley
12081.Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction 6th edition Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant,
12082.Clinical Handbook for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Clinical Reasoning in Patient Care 6th edition Priscilla LeMone, Karen Burke,
12083.Absolute C++ 6th edition Walter Savitch, Kenrick Mock
12084.Absolute Java 6th edition Walter Savitch, Walter Savitch,
12085.Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management 6th edition Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg
12086.Criminal Justice Student Writer's Manual, The 6th edition Wm A. Johnson, Richard P. Rettig,
12087.Prelude to Programming 6th edition Stewart Venit, Elizabeth Drake
12088.Teaching Cues for Sport Skills for Secondary School Students 6th edition Hilda A. Fronske
12089.Reading Across the Disciplines: College Reading and Beyond 6th edition Kathleen T. McWhorter
12090.Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual 6th edition Elaine N Marieb
12091.Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing 6th edition Ginny Wacker Guido
12092.Sacred Quest, The: An invitation to the Study of Religion 6th edition Lawrence S. Cunningham, John Kelsay
12093.Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures 5th edition John Lewis, Peter DePasquale,
12094.Understanding EKGs: A Practical Approach 5th edition Brenda M. Beasley
12095.Women's Health: A Primary Care Clinical Guide 5th edition Diane Schadewald, Ursula A. Pritham,
12096.Complementary & Integrative Therapies for Nursing Practice 5th edition Karen Lee Fontaine
12097.Information Technology for the Health Professions 5th edition Lillian Burke, Barbara Weill
12098.Math Basics for the Health Care Professional 5th edition Michele Lesmeister
12099.My iPad for Seniors 5th edition Michael Miller
12100.Writer's World, The: Sentences and Paragraphs 5th edition Lynne Gaetz, Suneeti Phadke
12101.Core Concepts in Pharmacology 5th edition Leland Norman Holland, Michael P. Adams,
12102.The Writer's World: Paragraphs and Essays With Enhanced Reading Strategies 5th edition Lynne Gaetz, Suneeti Phadke
12103.A Concise Public Speaking Handbook 5th edition Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe
12104.Writer's World, The: Paragraphs and Essays With Enhanced Reading Strategies 5th edition Lynne Gaetz, Suneeti Phadke
12105.Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 2 5th edition Robert S. Porter, Richard A. Cherry
12106.Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 5 5th edition Robert S. Porter, Richard A. Cherry
12107.Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 3 5th edition Robert S. Porter, Richard A. Cherry
12108.Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4 5th edition Robert S. Porter, Richard A. Cherry
12109.Professionalism in Health Care 5th edition Sherry Makely
12110.Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 1 5th edition Robert S. Porter, Richard A. Cherry
12111.Clinical Skills Manual for Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 5th edition Ruth C. Bindler, Jane W. Ball,
12112.Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Vols. 1-5 5th edition Bryan E. Bledsoe, Robert S. Porter,
12113.Created Equal: A History of the United States, Volume 1 5th edition Jacqueline A. Jones, Peter H. Wood,
12114.Created Equal: A History of the United States, Volume 2 5th edition Jacqueline A. Jones, Peter H. Wood,
12115.Just the Facts: Investigative Report Writing 5th edition Michael Biggs
12116.Design Concepts for Engineers 5th edition Mark N. Horenstein
12117.Conceptual Models of Nursing: Global Perspectives 5th edition Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, Ann L. Whall
12118.Psychology Major, The: Career Options and Strategies for Success 5th edition R Eric Landrum, Stephen F. Davis
12119.Majoring in Psych?: Career Options for Psychology Undergraduates 5th edition Betsy L. Morgan, Ann J. Korschgen
12120.Introduction to Excel 5th edition David Kuncicky, Ronald W Larsen
12121.Pearson's Massage Therapy Exam Review 5th edition Jane S. Garofano
12122.Nursing Process and Critical Thinking 5th edition Judith M. Wilkinson
12123.Internet and World Wide Web How To Program 5th edition Harvey Deitel & Associates, Harvey M. Deitel,
12124.Nursing Assistant, The: Acute, Subacute, and Long-Term Care 5th edition JoLynn Pulliam
12125.Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions: An Interactive Journey 4th edition Bruce J. Colbert, Jeff J. Ankney,
12126.Pearson eText Fire Service Human Resources Management-- Access Card 4th edition Steven T. Edwards
12127.Student Workbook for Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions: An Interactive Journey (Subscription) 4th edition Bruce J. Colbert, Jeff J. Ankney,
12128.Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions: An Interactive Journey 4th edition Bruce J. Colbert, Jeff J. Ankney,
12129.Leadership and Management for Nurses 4th edition Anita Finkelman
12130.Gerontological Nursing 4th edition Patricia A. Tabloski
12131.Exploring the Hospitality Industry 4th edition John R. Walker
12132.My Facebook for Seniors 4th edition Michael Miller
12133.Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Maternal-Newborn Nursing with Nursing Reviews & Rationales 4th edition Mary Ann Hogan
12134.Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Child Health Nursing with Nursing Reviews & Rationales 4th edition Mary Ann Hogan
12135.Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Pathophysiology with 'Nursing Reviews & Rationales' 4th edition Mary Ann Hogan
12136.Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Mental Health Nursing with Nursing Reviews & Rationales 4th edition Mary Ann Hogan
12137.Studying Rhythm 4th edition Anne Carothers Hall, Timothy P. Urban
12138.Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace 4th edition Laura J. Gurak, John M. Lannon
12139.Exploring the Hospitality Industry 4th edition John R. Walker
12140.Gerontological Nursing 4th edition Patricia A. Tabloski
12141.Writing Today 4th edition Richard Johnson-Sheehan, Charles Paine
12142.Writing Today 4th edition Richard Johnson-Sheehan, Charles Paine
12143.American Stories: A History of the United States, Volume 1 4th edition H W. Brands, Timothy H. Breen,
12144.Short Course in Photography, A: Digital 4th edition Jim Stone, Barbara London
12145.American Stories: A History of the United States, Volume 2 4th edition H W. Brands, Timothy H. Breen,
12146.Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace 4th edition Laura J. Gurak, John M. Lannon
12147.Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Medical-Surgical Nursing with 'Nursing Reviews & Rationales' 4th edition Mary Ann Hogan
12148.An Introduction to Analysis (Classic Version) 4th edition William Wade
12149.My iPhone for Seniors: Covers all iPhones running iOS 11 4th edition Brad Miser
12150.Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Nursing Fundamentals with 'Nursing Reviews & Rationales' 4th edition Mary Ann Hogan
12151.Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Fluids, Electrolytes, & Acid-Base Balance with Nursing Reviews & Rationales 4th edition Mary Ann Hogan
12152.Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Pharmacology with 'Nursing Reviews & Rationales' 4th edition Mary Ann Hogan
12153.Starting Out with Python, Student Value Edition 4th edition Tony Gaddis
12154.Starting Out with Python 4th edition Tony Gaddis
12155.Making Reading Relevant: The Art of Connecting 4th edition Teri Quick, Diane Hocevar,
12156.Making Reading Relevant: The Art of Connecting 4th edition Teri Quick, Diane Hocevar,
12157.Making Reading Relevant: The Art of Connecting 4th edition Teri Quick, Diane Hocevar,
12158.The Writer's World: Essays With Enhanced Reading Strategies 4th edition Lynne Gaetz, Suneeti Phadke
12159.Making Reading Relevant: The Art of Connecting 4th edition Teri Quick, Diane Hocevar,
12160.Writer's World, The: Essays With Enhanced Reading Strategies 4th edition Lynne Gaetz, Suneeti Phadke
12161.Beaman/Routh-Pearson's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies,4/e 4th edition Nina Beaman, Kristiana Sue Routh,
12162.Writer's World, The: Essays With Enhanced Reading Strategies 4th edition Lynne Gaetz, Suneeti Phadke
12163.EKG Plain and Simple 4th edition Karen Ellis
12164.Salvadori's Structure in Architecture: The Building of Buildings 4th edition Mario G. Salvadori, Robert Heller,
12165.Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach 4th edition Stuart Reges, Stuart Reges,
12166.Starting out with Visual C# 4th edition Tony Gaddis
12167.Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures 4th edition John Lewis, Peter DePasquale,
12168.Dental Public Health and Research 4th edition Christine N. Nathe
12169.Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design 4th edition Tony Gaddis
12170.Understanding EKGs: A Practical Approach 4th edition Brenda M. Beasley
12171.Introduction to Engineering Analysis 4th edition Kirk D. Hagen
12172.Women's Health: A Primary Care Clinical Guide 4th edition Ellis Quinn Youngkin, Marcia Szmania Davis,
12173.THINK: American Government 2012 4th edition Neal Tannahill
12174.World's Religions, The 4th edition William A. Young
12175.Power & Interdependence 4th edition Robert O. Keohane, Joseph S. Nye
12176.Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Engineers 4th edition Henry Stark, John Woods
12177.Engineering Ethics 4th edition Charles B. Fleddermann
12178.Leadership and Management in Nursing 4th edition Mary Ellen Grohar-Murray, Helen R. DiCroce,
12179.Succeeding in the Practicum: A Preparation Guide for Medical Assisting and Allied Health 3rd edition Kimberly Bender
12180.Medical Terminology: Get Connected! 3rd edition Suzanne S Frucht
12181.Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professionals 3rd edition Bruce J. Colbert, Jeff J. Ankney,
12182.Reading and Writing About Contemporary Issues 3rd edition Kathleen T. McWhorter
12183.Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professionals 3rd edition Bruce J. Colbert, Jeff J. Ankney,
12184.Medical Terminology: Get Connected! 3rd edition Suzanne S Frucht
12185.Student Workbook for Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professionals (Subscription) 3rd edition Bruce J. Colbert, Jeff J. Ankney,
12186.Phlebotomy Simplified 3rd edition Diana Garza, Kathleen Becan-McBride
12187.My Health 3rd edition Rebecca J Donatelle
12188.In Harmony: Reading and Writing 3rd edition Kathleen T. McWhorter
12189.In Concert: An Integrated Approach to Reading and Writing 3rd edition Kathleen T. McWhorter
12190.The Struggle for Freedom, Volume 1: To 1877 3rd edition Clayborne Carson, Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner,
12191.The Little DK Handbook 3rd edition Anne F. Wysocki, Dennis A. Lynch
12192.The Struggle for Freedom: The Modern Era Since 1930 3rd edition Clayborne Carson, Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner,
12193.The Struggle for Freedom, Volume 2: Since 1865 3rd edition Clayborne Carson, Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner,
12194.The Struggle for Freedom, Volume 1: To 1877 3rd edition Clayborne Carson, Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner,
12195.Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Comprehensive Review for NCLEX-RN 3rd edition Mary Ann Hogan
12196.History of Mathematics, A (Classic Version) 3rd edition Victor J. Katz
12197.Fundamentals of Complex Analysis: with Applications to Engineering and Science (Classic Version) 3rd edition Edward Saff, Arthur D. Snider
12198.Student Workbook for Focus on Pharmacology: Essentials for Health Professionals 3rd edition Jahangir Moini
12199.Technical Communication Strategies for Today 3rd edition Richard Johnson-Sheehan
12200.Compose, Design, Advocate 3rd edition Anne F. Wysocki, Dennis A. Lynch
12201.Student Workbook for Comprehensive Health Insurance: Billing, Coding, and Reimbursement 3rd edition Deborah Vines, Ann Braceland,
12202.Compose, Design, Advocate 3rd edition Anne F. Wysocki, Dennis A. Lynch
12203.Practice of Computing Using Python, The 3rd edition William F. Punch, Richard Enbody
12204.Cabinetmaking Trainee Guide 3rd edition
12205.United States Health Care System: Combining Business, Health, and Delivery, The 3rd edition Anne Austin, Victoria Wetle
12206.Read to Succeed: A Thematic Approach to Academic Reading 3rd edition David Rothman, Jilani Warsi
12207.Visions of America: A History of the United States, Volume 1 3rd edition Jennifer D. Keene, Saul T. Cornell,
12208.Visions of America: A History of the United States, Volume 2 3rd edition Jennifer D. Keene, Saul T. Cornell,
12209.Ultimate Player's Guide to Minecraft, The 3rd edition Stephen O'Brien
12210.My Google Chromebook 3rd edition Michael Miller
12211.Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions 3rd edition Bruce J. Colbert, Jeff J. Ankney,
12212.Certification Exam Review for the Pharmacy Technician 3rd edition Mike Johnston
12213.Leadership and Management for Nurses: Core Competencies for Quality Care 3rd edition Anita Finkelman
12214.Five Star Service: How to deliver exceptional customer service 3rd edition Michael Heppell
12215.Computer Security: Principles and Practice 3rd edition William Stallings, Lawrie Brown
12216.Documenting Occupational Therapy Practice 3rd edition Karen M. Sames
12217.THINK Communication 3rd edition Isa N. Engleberg, Dianna R. Wynn
12218.Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators 3rd edition Sandra DeYoung
12219.Quick Access Brief 3rd edition Lynn Q Troyka, Douglas Hesse
12220.Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Pathophysiology with 'Nursing Reviews & Rationales' 3rd edition Mary Ann Hogan
12221.Essential Elements of Career Counseling: Processes and Techniques 3rd edition Norman E. Amundson, JoAnn E Harris-Bowlsbey,
12222.Case Studies in Dental Hygiene 3rd edition Evelyn Thomson
12223.Guide to Medical Billing 3rd edition Sharon Brown, Lori Tyler
12224.Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management in Dental Hygiene 3rd edition Vickie Kimbrough-Walls, Charla Lautar
12225.Psychosocial Aspects of Healthcare 3rd edition Meredith E. Drench, Ann Noonan,
12226.Design Graphics: Drawing Techniques for Design Professionals 3rd edition Peter A. Koenig
12227.Elements of News Writing 3rd edition James W. Kershner
12228.Short Guide to Writing About Psychology 3rd edition Dana S. Dunn
12229.Pediatric Nursing Care Plans for the Hospitalized Child 3rd edition Sharon Ennis Axton, Terry Fugate
12230.OpenGL: A Primer 3rd edition EDWARD ANGEL
12231.Absolute Beginner's Guide to Programming 3rd edition Greg Perry
12232.Get Ready for A&P (Subscription) 3rd edition
12233.Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion 2nd edition Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen,
12234.The Power Presenter 2nd edition Jerry Weissman
12235.Abelson/Ledeen-Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion,2/e 2nd edition Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen,
12236.Pearson's Comprehensive Medical Coding 2nd edition Lorraine M. Papazian-Boyce
12237.Operating Room Skills: Fundamentals for the Surgical Technologist 2nd edition Nancy N. Dankanich
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2021.12.07 20:29 textbooks6 Google Drive eTextbooks release thread (part-17)!+ Accepting requests every day

Google Drive eTextbooks release thread (part-17)!+ Accepting requests every day
  • If you find your book in the thread below, send the number of the book via reddit chat or via telegram .
  • Almost all the books are in their latest editions and some of them are available in multiple editions too
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Please find the list below
  1. Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach, 2nd Edition: David B. Kirk & Wen-mei W. Hwu
  2. The Environmental Case Translating Values Into Policy, 4th Edition: Judith A. Layzer
  3. Organic Chemistry: Principles and Mechanisms, 2nd Edition: Joel Karty
  4. Excursions in World Music, 7th Edition: Bruno Nettl & Timothy Rommen
  5. Data Modeling and Database Design, 2nd Edition: Narayan S. Umanath & Richard W. Scamell
  6. Ethics and Professional Responsibility for Paralegals, 8th Edition: Therese A. Cannon
  7. Conducting Research in Psychology Measuring the Weight of Smoke, 5th Edition: Brett W. Pelham &, Hart C. Blanton
  8. Understanding and Managing Diversity: Readings, Cases, and Exercises, 6th Edition: Carol Harvey & M. June Allard
  9. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction, 5th Edition: Ralph P. Grimaldi
  10. Writing about Writing, 3rd Edition : Elizabeth Wardle & Douglas Downs
  11. Services Marketing:People, Technology, Strategy, 8th Edition: Jochen Wirtz & Christopher Lovelock
  12. The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials, 3rd Edition: Mary Zaccagnini & Kathryn White
  13. Essentials of Contemporary Management, 8th Edition: Gareth Jones
  14. Fundamentals of Investments Valuation and Management, 8th Edition: Bradford Jordan &, Thomas Miller & Steve Dolvin
  15. Schaechter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 5th North American Edition: N. Cary Engleberg & Terence Dermody & Victor DiRita
  16. Social Psychology, 9th Edition: Saul Kassin & Steven Fein & Hazel Rose Markus
  17. Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, 7th Edition: Mark M. Lowenthal
  18. Fitness and Health, 7th Edition: Brian J. Sharkey & Steven Gaskill
  19. How to Write an Autobiographical Novel: Essays, 1st Edition: Alexander Chee
  20. The Politics of Injustice: Crime and Punishment in America, 2nd Edition: Katherine Beckett & Theodore Sasson
  21. Media and Crime (Key Approaches to Criminology), 3rd Edition: Yvonne Jewkes
  22. Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for Good, 5th Edition: Nancy R. Lee & Philip Kotler
  23. Successful Project Management, 7th Edition: Jack Gido & Jim Clements & Rose Baker
  24. Shelly Cashman Series Microsoft Windows 10: Intermediate, 1st Edition: Steven M. Freund & Eric Schmieder
  25. Hamric and Hanson's Advanced Practice Nursing An Integrative Approach, 6th Edition,: Mary Fran Tracy & Eileen T. O'Grady
  26. The Basics of Social Research, 7th Edition: Earl R. Babbie
  27. Framework for Marketing Management, 6th Edition: Philip T. Kotler &, Kevin Lane Keller
  28. Bank Management, 8th Edition: Timothy W. Koch & S. Scott MacDonald
  29. The Female Offender: Girls, Women, and Crime, 3rd Edition: Meda Chesney-Lind & Lisa J. Pasko
  30. The Criminalization of Mental Illness: Crisis and Opportunity for the Justice System, 2nd Edition: Risdon N. Slate & Jacqueline K. Buffington-Vollum & W. Wesley Johnson
  31. Precalculus: Concepts Through Functions, A Right Triangle Approach to Trigonometry, 3rd Edition: Michael Sullivan & , Michael Sullivan III
  32. Linear Algebra (Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks), 1st Edition: Elizabeth S. Meckes & Mark W. Meckes
  33. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 3rd Edition: Gregory J. Privitera
  34. Sensation & Perception, 5th Edition: Jeremy M. Wolfe & Keith R. Kluender &, Dennis M. Levi & Linda M. Bartoshuk & Rachel S. Herz & Roberta L. Klatzky & Daniel M. Merfeld
  35. Property Law Rules Policies and Practices, 7th Edition : Joseph William Singer & Bethany R. Berger & Nestor M. Davidson & Eduardo Moises Penalver
  36. Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions, 6th Edition: Ruth B. Purtilo & Regina F. Doherty
  37. Criminal Behavior A Psychological Approach, 11th Edition: Curt R. Bartol & Anne M. Bartol
  38. The African Experience, 4th Edition: Vincent B. Khapoya
  39. Juvenile Justice A Social, Historical, and Legal Perspective, 4th Edition: R. Scott Ryder & R. Scott Ryder
  40. An Advocate Persuades, 1st Edition: Joan M. Rocklin & Robert B. Rocklin & Christine Coughlin &, Sandy Patrick
  41. Cengage Advantage A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals , 11th Edition: William Duckworth
  42. Practical Program Evaluations: Getting from Ideas to Outcomes, 1st Edition: Gerald Andrews Emison
  43. Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition: Simon Haykin & Barry Van Veen
  44. Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2018 release): Andrew Faulkner & Conrad Chavez
  45. Homeland Security and Terrorism, 2nd Edition: Larry K Gaines
  46. Philosophy of Mind: A Beginner's Guide, 1st Edition: Ian Ravenscroft
  47. Oracle SQL By Example, 4th Edition: Alice Rischert
  48. Global Business Today, 5th canadian edition : Charles W. L. Hill & Thomas McKaig
  49. Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience with Coglab Manual, 3rd Edition: E. Goldstein
  50. Murach's SQL Server 2016 for Developers: Joel Murach & Bryan Syverson
  51. Pursuing Sustainability: A Guide to the Science and Practice, 1st Edition: Pamela Matson &, William C. Clark &, Krister Andersson
  52. Sustainability Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition: Margaret Robertson
  53. Agribusiness Management (Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics Book 14), 5th Edition: Freddie L. Barnard & Jay T. Akridge & Frank J. Dooley & John C. Foltz & Elizabeth A. Yeager
  54. Operations and Supply Chain Management (Mcgraw-hill Education), 15th Edition: F. Robert Jacobs & Richard B Chase
  55. Emotion, 3rd Edition: Michelle N. Shiota & James W. Kalat
  56. Designing the User Interface - Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction6th Edition: Ben Shneiderman & Catherine Plaisant &, Maxine Cohen & Steven Jacobs & Niklas Elmqvist & Nicholas Diakopoulos
  57. Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice, 7th Edition: Samuel T. Gladding
  58. Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 5th Edition: Alan S. Tussy & R. David Gustafson
  59. The Information Revolution and World Politics (New Millennium Books in International Studies) : Elizabeth Hanson
  60. Van De Graaff's Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory, 8th Edition: Byron J. Adams &, John L. Crawley
  61. Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts, 8th Edition: Thomas P Edmonds &, Christopher Edmonds &, Bor-Yi Tsay &, Philip R Olds
  62. The Solar System, 9th Edition: Michael A. Seeds & Dana E. Backman
  63. US: A Narrative History Volume 1 To 1877, 7th Edition: James West Davidson & Brian DeLay &, Christine Leigh Heyrman & Mark H Lytle &, Michael B Stoff
  64. A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals, 11th Edition: William Duckworth
  65. Children, 14th Edition : John Santrock
  66. Leading Procurement Strategy , 1st Edition: Carlos Mena
  67. Real Communication, 4th Edition: Dan O'Hair &, Mary Weimann & Dorothy Imrich Mullin & Jason Teven
  68. Community Mental Health: Challenges for the 21st Century, 2nd Edition: Samuel J. Rosenberg & Jessica Rosenberg
  69. A Primer For ICD-10-CM Users: Psychological and Behavioral Conditions: Carol D. Goodheart
  70. Numbers, Groups and Codes, 2nd edition: J. F. Humphreys
  71. Human Diseases, 4th Edition: Marianne Neighbors & Ruth Tannehill-Jones
  72. An Introduction to Analysis, 4th Edition : William R. Wade
  73. Contemporary China: Society and Social Change, 1st Edition: Tamara Jacka
  74. TExES ELAR 7-12 Study Guide: Test Prep for the TExES 231 English Language Arts and Reading Exam: Test Prep Books
  75. What Every Mental Health Professional Needs to Know About Sex, 1st Editio: Stephanie Buehler
  76. Algebra & Trigonometry, 10th Edition: Ron Larson
  77. The Psychology of Sex and Gender, 1st Edition: Jennifer Katherine Bosson & Joseph Alan Vandello & Camille E. Buckner
  78. Probability, Statistics, and Random Signals, 1st Edition : Charles Boncelet
  79. Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach, 5th North American Edition: Pamela Lynn
  80. Human Relations, 6th Edition: Lowell Lamberton & Leslie Minor-Evans
  81. Cengage Advantage Books: Fundamentals of Business Law Today: Summarized Cases, 10th Edition: Roger LeRoy Miller
  82. Human Anatomy, 8th Edition: Elaine N. Marieb & Patricia Brady Wilhelm & Jon B. Mallatt
  83. Food and Beverage Cost Control, 6th Edition: Lea R. Dopson & David K. Hayes
  84. Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics, 8th Edition: David R. Anderson &, Dennis J. Sweeney & Thomas A. Williams &, Jeffrey D. Camm &, James J. Cochran
  85. Worlds in Motion: Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium: Douglas S. Massey & Joaquin Arango & Graeme Hugo &, Ali Kouaouci &, Adela Pellegrino & J. Edward Taylor
  86. Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, 4th edition: Mindy Stombler &, Dawn M. Baunach &, Wendy Simonds &, Elroi J. Windsor &, Elisabeth O. Burgess
  87. INFANTS TODDLERS & CAREGIVERS:CURRICULUM RELATIONSHIP ,11th Edition: Janet Gonzalez-Mena & Dianne Widmeyer Eyer
  88. Computer Science Illuminated, 6th Edition: Nell Dale and John Lewis
  89. Read, Reason, Write, 12th Edition : Dorothy Seyler
  90. Gender Ideas, Interactions, Institutions, 2nd Edition: Lisa Wade &, Myra Marx Ferree
  91. Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence: An Active Learning Approach, 1st Edition: Laura E. Levine & Joyce Munsch
  92. CFIN (with MindTap Finance, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card), 6th Edition: Scott Besley & Eugene Brigham
  93. How Children Develop, 5th Canadian Edition: Robert S. Siegler &, Jenny Saffran &, Elizabeth Gershoff & Susan Graham
  94. Mosby's Comprehensive Review of Practical Nursing for the NCLEX-PNÂź Exam (Mosby's Comprehensive Review of Practical Nursing for Nclex-Pn), 17th Edition: Mary O. Eyles
  95. Health Care Regulation in America: Complexity, Confrontation, and Compromise, 1st Edition: Robert I. Field
  96. Introduction to Management Science, 13th edition : Bernard W. Taylor
  97. A Practical Guide to Appellate Advocacy (Aspen Coursebook Series), 5th Edition: Mary Beth Beazley
  98. The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy, 5th Edition: Irvin D. Yalom & Molyn Leszcz
  99. Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice, 9th Edition: Joycelyn M. Pollock
  100. What's That Sound?: An Introduction to Rock and Its History, 5th Edition: John Covach & Andrew Flory
  101. Groups Process and Practice , 10th Edition: Marianne Schneider & Gerald Corey & Cindy Corey
  102. Intermediate Accounting, 2nd Edition : Elizabeth A. Gordon & Jana S. Raedy & Alexander J. Sannella
  103. Multicultural Psychology, 2nd Edition: Pamela Balls Organista & Gerardo Marin & Kevin M. Chun
  104. Abortion Rights: For and Against: Kate Greasley & Christopher Kaczor
  105. Educational Psychology Active Learning Edition (What';s New in Ed Psych Tests & Measurements), 13th Edition: Anita Woolfolk
  106. Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional, 6th Edition: Don Kauchak & Paul Eggen
  107. Foundations of Nursing, 8th Edition: Kim Cooper and Kelly Gosnell
  108. Adult Health Nursing, 8th Edition: Kim Cooper & Kelly Gosnell
  109. Why Politics Matters An Introduction to Political Science, 2nd Edition : Kevin L. Dooley
  110. Construction Estimating Using Excel (What';s New in Trades & Technology), 3rd Edition: Steven J. Peterson
  111. Strategic Management: Theory & Cases: An Integrated Approach, 11th Edition: Charles W. L. Hill & Gareth R. Jones & Melissa A. Schilling
  112. Management of Human Resources: The Essentials, 5th Canadian Edition: Gary Dessler,& Nita Chhinzer, & Gary L. Gannon
  113. Moral Philosophy: A Reader, 4th Edition: Louis P. Pojman & Peter Tramel
  114. Criminal Law: The Essentials, 3rd Edition: Sue Titus Reid
  115. Introduction to Collective Behavior and Collection Action, 3rd Edition: David L. Miller
  116. Foods: Experimental Perspectives, 8th Edition: Margaret Emeritus McWilliams
  117. Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards E-Book, 3rd Edition: Richard Drake & A. Wayne Vogl & Adam W. M. Mitchell
  118. Psychology: A Concise Introduction, 4th Edition: Richard A. Griggs
  119. Trigonometry A Unit Circle Approach, 10th Edition: Michael Sullivan
  120. An Introduction to Six Sigma and Process Improvement, 2nd Edition: An Introduction to Six Sigma and Process Improvement, 2nd Edition
  121. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN- Examination, 7th Edition: Linda Anne Silvestri & , Angela Silvestri
  122. Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach, 3rd Edition: Mark F. Sanders &, John L. Bowman
  123. Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales to Aristotle, 5th Edition: S. Marc Cohen & Patricia Curd & C. D. C. Reeve
  124. The Economics of Managerial Decisions (What's New in Economics), 1st Edition: Roger Blair & Mark Rush
  125. Unity 2018 Game Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself, 3rd Edition: Mike Geig
  126. Culinology: The Intersection of Culinary Art and Food Science, 1st Edition: Research Chefs Association
  127. Proslogion: With the Replies of Gaunilo and Anselm (Hackett Classics): Anselm & Thomas Williams
  128. On Free Choice of the Will (Hackett Classics): Augustine & Thomas Williams
  129. Theaetetus: Plato & Bernard Williams & Myles Burnyeat
  130. Biology: Science for Life with Physiology, 6th Edition; Colleen Belk
  131. Laches and Charmides: Plato & Rosamond Kent Sprague
  132. Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process, 3rd Edition: Peak Kenneth J. &, Madensen Tamara D.
  133. Psychological Science, 6th Edition : Michael Gazzaniga
  134. Gray's Anatomy for Students, 3rd edition: Richard Drake & A. Wayne Vogl & Adam Mitchell
  135. Evolution, 4th Edition: Douglas J. Futuyma & Mark Kirkpatrick
  136. American Corrections, 12th Edition: Todd R. Clear & Michael D. Reisig & George F. Cole
  137. Psychology in Action, 12th Edition: Karen Huffman & Katherine Dowdell & Catherine A. Sanderson
  138. Criminal Procedure, 4th Edition: Matthew Lippman
  139. Living Democracy, 2016 Presidential Election Edition; Daniel M. Shea & Joanne Connor Green & Christopher E. Smith
  140. Social Media for Strategic Communication: Creative Strategies and Research-Based Applications, 1st Edition; Karen Freberg
  141. E-marketing, 8th Edition: Raymond D. Frost &, Alexa Fox &, Judy Strauss
  142. Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with P.O.W.E.R. Learning, 4th Edition: Sherri Messersmith
  143. Foundations of Marketing, 8th Edition: William M. Pride & O. C. Ferrell
  144. Criminal Justice Today An Introductory Text for the 21st Century, 15th Edition: Frank Schmalleger
  145. Discourse Analysis: Putting Our Worlds into Words, 1st Edition: Susan Strauss &, Parastou Feiz
  146. Essentials of Patient Education, 2nd Edition: Susan B. Bastable
  147. General,Organic,and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life, 6th Edition : Karen Timberlake
  148. Systems Analysis and Design, 7th Edition : Alan Dennis & Barbara Haley Wixom &, Roberta M. Roth
  149. Ethics and the Conduct of Business, 8th edition: John R Boatright & Jeffery Smith
  150. The Practice of Chinese Medicine: The Treatment of Diseases with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, 2nd Edition: Giovanni Maciocia
  151. Media Writer’s Handbook.: A Guide to Common Writing and Editing Problems, 6th edition: George Arnold
  152. Psychology, 4th Canadian Edition : Daniel L. Schacter & Daniel T. Gilbert &, Matthew K. Nock &, Ingrid Johnsrude &, Daniel M. Wegner
  153. Becoming a Helper, 7th Edition : Marianne Schneider Corey & Gerald Corey
  154. Management Information Systems, 4th Edition : R. Kelly Rainer & Brad Prince &, Hugh J. Watson
  155. Principles of Managerial Finance, 15th Edition: Chad J. Zutter & Scott B. Smart
  156. Excellence in Business Communication, 11th Edition: John V. Thill &, Courtland L. Bovee
  157. People Skills for Public Managers, 1st Edition: Suzanne Mccorkle & Stephanie Witt
  158. ECGs Made Easy, 6th Edition,: Barbara J Aehlert
  159. Pharmaceutical Calculations, 5th Edition: Maria Glaucia Teixeira & Joel L. Zatz
  160. California Politics: A Primer, 5th Edition: Renee B. Van Vechten
  161. Medical Language for Modern Health Care, 4th Edition: Rachel Basco David Allan
  162. Plant Biology, 1st Edition: Nicholas Harberd &, Jonathan Jones & Alison M. Smith & George Coupland & Liam Dolan
  163. Business Communication, 16th Edition : Carol M. Lehman & Debbie D. DuFrene
  164. The Challenge of Politics: An Introduction to Political Science, 5th Edition: Neal Riemer &, Douglas W. Simon &, Joseph Romance
  165. Organic Chemistry, 12th edition : Craig B. Fryhle & Scott A. Snyder,
  166. Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments, 6th edition : Kenneth L. Williamson & Katherine M. Masters
  167. Dissertations and Theses From Start to Finish: Psychology and Related Fields, 2nd Edition,: John D. Cone &, Sharon L. Foster
  168. Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for the Life Sciences, 2nd Edition: Claus Thorn Ekstrom &, Helle SĂžrensen
  169. Murach's C# 2015, 6th Edition: Anne Boehm & Joel Murach
  170. Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 6th Edition: James Stewart & Lothar Redlin & Saleem Watson
  171. Management Information Systems, 3rd Edition: R. Kelly Rainer & Brad Prince & Hugh J. Watson
  172. Discovering the Scientist Within Research Methods in Psychology, 2nd Edition: Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr.; Natalie J. Ciarocco; David B Strohmetz
  173. American Pageant, 16th Edition: David M. Kennedy &, Lizabeth Cohen
  174. Understanding Human Communication, 13th Edition : Ronald B. Adler
  175. The Graphic Designer's Digital Toolkit: A Project-Based Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud, Illustrator Creative Cloud & InDesign Creative Cloud , 7th Edition: Allan Wood
  176. A History of Psychology: A Global Perspective, 2nd Edition: Eric Shiraev
  177. Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL, 2nd Edition: Michael D. Ciletti
  178. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA, 5th Edition: Bernard R. Glick & Cheryl L. Patten
  179. Fundamentals of Plant Physiology, 1st Edition: Lincoln Taiz; Eduardo Zeiger; Ian Max M?ller; Angus Murphy
  180. Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice: A Practical Guide for Students and Practitioners, 6th Edition: Robert S. Beardsley &, Carole L. Kimberlin &, William N. Tindall
  181. Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology, 6th Edition: Connie Allen &, Valerie Harper
  182. Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 11th Edition: James Peoples &, Garrick Bailey
  183. Investigating Social Problems, 2nd Edition: A. Javier Trevino
  184. Calculus , 3rd Edition: William L. Briggs &, Lyle Cochran &, Bernard Gillett & Eric Schulz
  185. File System Forensic Analysis, 1st Edition: Brian Carrier
  186. Security Program and Policies: Principles and Practices , 2nd Edition: Greene Sari
  187. Security Policies and Implementation Issues, 2nd Edition: Robert Johnson
  188. Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology, 9th Edition: Frank E. Hagan
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2021.12.05 06:27 i_am_the_cosmos__ 20 Karma Quotes to be always REMEMBERED

“There’s a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone.” - Sylvester Stallone

“You cannot do harm to someone because someone has done harm to you. You will pay just like they will.” - Ericka Williams

“Is Fate getting what you deserve, or deserving what you get?” - Jodi Picoult

“Learn to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” - Leonardo da Vinci

“A boomerang returns back to the person that throws it.” - Vera Nazarian

“I want revenge, but I don’t want to screw up my karma.” - Susan Colasanti

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” - Wayne Dyer

“Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.” - Elbert Hubbard

“Nobody deserves misery but sometimes it’s just your turn.” - Unknown

“By each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” - David Mitchell

“I must have killed a lot of cows in a past life for karma to hate me this much.” - Katie McGarry

“Not only is there often a right and wrong, but what goes around does come around. Karma exists.” - Donald Van de Mark

“Those who pray for your downfall are concentrating negative thoughts towards you.” - Michael Bassey Johnson

“It’s already bad. I’m honestly not sure how much worse it’s going to get.” - Cat Adams

“Treat other people’s home as you want them to respect yours because what goes around comes around.” - Ana Monnar

“Dangerous consequences will follow when politicians and rulers forget moral principles.” - Dalai Lama XIV

“I heard that karma is vengeful and is also a light sleeper.” - Rudy Francisco

“You have to be careful when involving yourself with someone else’s karma.” - Brownell Landrum

“If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you’ll receive good.” - Russell Simmons

“Dear Karma, I really hate you right now, you made your point.” - Ottilie Weber
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2021.10.23 22:48 Groggy21 20 Fascinating US Serial Killers of the 2010 - Part 3

Third and final part of my 2010s serial killers series. With the exception of Steven Hobbs, none of the killers on this particular list were or are suspected of being particularly prolific, but there are definitely still some interesting cases. Also, yes Bryan Miller's section is crazy long, but that is a complex case that requires a lot of details to fully explain. I will be moving on to serial killers of the 2000s next!
Edit: Replaced Kevin Gavin with Alexander Hernandez, as Gavin is actually a 2020s serial killer. My mistake.
Part 1:https://www.reddit.com/serialkillers/comments/q4z369/20_fascinating_serial_killers_of_the_2010s_part_1/
Part 2:https://www.reddit.com/serialkillers/comments/q7y4i7/20_fascinating_us_serial_killers_of_the_2010s/
-Kendrell Lyles: Dallas, TX area serial killer who was active from 2015 to 2019. Lyles is suspected in the shooting deaths of 6 people; one man and five women, four of whom were trans. He is currently charged with three murders that took place in May of 2019, including the highly-publicized murder of 22-year old black trans woman Muhlaysia Booker, who was found shot and left face down in the middle of a street. The other two murders he was charged with were those of two non-trans people: 29-year old Kenneth Cichocki, who was shot in the neck, and 35-year old Letecia Grant, who's body was found at an apartment complex. Lyles may also may be responsible for the deaths 27-year old Armani Morgan, who's skeletal remains were found in a field in 2017, 22-year old Shade Schuler, who's decomposed body was found in a vacant lot in July of 2015, and 29-year old Brittany White, who was found shot to death in a car near a school in October of 2018. The string of murders briefly made national news, and highlighted the danger faced by trans women of color.
Kendrell Lyles
-Steven Hobbs: Sadistic sexually-motivated serial killer who was linked to the torture murders of at least 3 Houston, TX sex workers from at least 2002 to 2011, and likely earlier. All three women were restrained with handcuffs and raped before being killed. His first confirmed victim was found along the banks of the San Jacinto River in 2002, and had been strangled so forcefully that bones in her neck were broken. In October of 2010, another woman was found nude, handcuffed, and shot to death in a wooded area. Multiple sex workers in the area reported being attacked by a large, red-haired security guard who handcuffed them before beating them and torturing them with handguns and batons. In September of 2011, the decomposed body of a third sex worker was found along a fence line near an industrial business. Working on a hunch, detectives searched the business, and found a red-headed, heavy set security guard named Steven Hobbs. When his DNA was tested, it was matched to the murders, and he was arrested. Hobbs may be a prolific serial killer, and police suspect that he could be the perpetrator of at least 15 more Houston area sex worker murders dating back to 1992. This case is featured on an episode of "The First 48."
Steven Hobbs

-Shaun Gallon: Severely delusional and mentally ill serial killer who killed 3 people in Sonoma County, CA from 2004 to 2017. Acquaintances say that he was never the same after taking a massive dose of LSD in 2000. He is the perpetrator of the infamous Fish Head Beach murders, in which a young couple were shot to death while sleeping in a tent on the beach. Gallon also fatally shot his brother in his home in 2017. He is also linked to a package bombing that injured a woman in 2004, and he also seriously wounded a man by shooting him in his car while in a paranoid state that same year. He injured a man with a bow and arrow in 2009 as well.
Shaun Gallon

-Lawrence Banks: Active from 1976 to 2019, killing 6 people in the Baltimore, MD area. Lawrence Banks is a very unusual serial killer, as all of his victims were people he had personal connections to. It is also unfortunate and remarkable how many times he was not charged or given a light sentence, despite being linked to multiple murders. The first death that he is linked to was that of his former wife, who was found dead in the closet of her residence in 1976. She was preparing to testify against him for throwing their 2-year old daughter through a glass door, though her body was found badly decomposed, and with no cause of death able to be determined, Banks was not charged, though he did a 15 year sentence for the attack on his daughter. After being released, he shot and killed his drinking buddy one day in 1991, then drove to a foster home, where he beat his 17-year old son to death. He was imprisoned for those murders for only 11 years, getting out on good behavior. In 2006, his girlfriend and her daughter were found shot to death, and while Banks was almost certainly the perpetrator, there wasn't enough to charge him. His final victim was killed in 2019, and was the same daughter who he threw through the glass door in 1976. Her mutilated body was found in a shopping cart behind an apartment building. She had been decapitated and her hands and feet were missing.
Lawrence Banks

-Ryan Sharpe: Another mentally ill serial killer who was not in touch with reality, Ryan Sharpe murdered 3 men in East Feliciana Parish, LA in 2017. Each victim had been shot with a hunting rifle while doing yard work on their properties. A fourth victim was badly wounded, but survived. Sharpe believed that the US government had given him hunting tags for humans, which he thought he was ordered to fill. His mental competency for trial is still being disputed.

Ryan Sharpe

- Michael Johnson: AKA Lobster Claw. Active in Chicago, IL from 2008 to 2010, Michael Johnson raped and strangled 4 sex workers. He is notable for strangling most of his victims with one hand, as his other hand was deformed and only had two fingers. His first victim was murdered in November of 2008, and was found in an abandoned building. She died of ligature strangulation, and was found with a cord wrapped around her neck and tied to a door handle. He killed the other 3 women throughout 2010, also leaving their bodies in abandoned buildings. Was caught after an attempted 5th victim escaped, though in a terrible coincidence, she was later found strangled to death as well after Johnson had been arrested, possibly being a victim of the still unapprehended "Chicago Strangler."
Michael Johnson

-Alexander Hernandez: AKA the Valley Killer. Committed a series of random thrill killings of 5 people that terrorized residents of the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, CA in 2014. The first victim was found shot to death in his car along the 210 Freeway in March. In mid-August, Hernandez shot and killed a man who was driving to work in his pickup truck. On August 21, he shot and killed three people in three different incidents, including two women who were shot dead in vehicles and one man who was found dead in a parking lot. Hernandez is also linked to a total of 15 random shootings that wounded several other people and killed at least two dogs.
Alexander Hernandez

-James Wright: AKA the Killer Carnie. Active in 2019, James Wright shot and killed 3 women he met while working for a traveling carnival after luring them back to his home in the small town of Mendota, VA. The bodies of the victims were found concealed in a wooded area behind Wright’s home. Wright claims that all 3 shootings were accidental.
James Wright

-Nathaniel Petgrave: Active in late 2017, Nathaniel Petgrave killed 3 men in the Fort Lauderdale, FL area. The series of murders began when he shot two homeless men sleeping behind a gas station. He left the scene believing he had killed two people, though one man ended up surviving. The next victim was a man who was fatally shot in the head while trying to fix his broken down vehicle in a fast food restaurant parking lot. The third and final murder that Petgrave committed was the most gruesome, in which he lured a homeless man into a storage unit, hacked him to death with a machete, and mutilated his body with a hacksaw. Petgrave left a message for police at this crime scene, written in blood on the wall. It read "4 STOP WAIT TIME." This is interpreted to mean that he had killed 4 people (which ended up not being true, as one survived), and that he was going to take a break from killing. This ended up coming to fruition, as he was arrested after being identified on surveillance video shortly after this final murder.
Nathaniel Petgrave

-Lawrence Mills: Detroit, MI serial killer who was active from 2017 to 2018, murdering 3 sex workers using one of the strangest MOs I have ever heard of. After having sex with them, Mills would run them over with his car and take the money back, leaving their bodies in the street. The first two victims, 34-year old Melinda Salazar and 59-year old Carrole Ann White, were found dead in late 2017. Salazar was killed on October 16, and White was killed on December 13. The third victim, 32-year old Mary Penegor, was murdered in June of 2018, though Mills has not been charged with her murder. Mills injured at least two other women by running them over with his car as well.
Lawrence Mills

-Christopher Taylor and Kristina Sluss: Boyfriend and girlfriend serial killer duo who brutally murdered at least 4 people in 2018, and may have also been active in the years prior. Three of their victims were hacked to death with a hatchet inside a home in Landrum, SC. They were also found to be responsible for the murder of a homeless man who's body was found in an orange grove near Fort Meade, FL. He had been beaten with a baseball bat and a skillet, strangled, and his hands had been severed off at the wrists before they disposed of his body.
Christopher Taylor and Kristina Sluss

-David Nelson: Montana serial killer who was active from at least 1994 to 2015, and likely prior, killing at least 3 people. In 1994, he abducted a woman from a casino and beat her to death with a crow bar before leaving her body along a rural road near Helena, MT. Two men were in prison for her murder until 2018, when Nelson confessed and his DNA was linked to the crime scene. In 2015, he killed an elderly woman and her adult son in Deer Lodge, MT. Their bodies were found in a wooded area near a creek. He claims to have committed other murders in California, Florida, Nevada, and Washington.
David Nelson

-John Ewell: Home invading serial killer and burglar who was active in late 2010, murdering 4 elderly people in their homes in Los Angeles, CA. His first murder occurred in September, when a man was found dead in his home, bound with rope. In October, he bound and strangled a couple in their bed, and also strangled another woman to death in her home later that month.
John Ewell

Bryan Miller: AKA the Canal Killer. Cosplay/horror-obsessed Phoenix, AZ serial killer who is charged with the 2 mutilation murders of a woman and a teenage girl that occurred in 1992 and 1993, but is suspected of 5 murders that occurred from 1992 to 2013. He drove a decommissioned police car that was spattered with fake blood and had the words "Zombie Hunter" on it. In May of 1992, 13-year old Brandy Myers went missing while going door-to-door for a school fundraiser. She was last seen on the street Miller lived on. He confessed to his wife that he stabbed her and dismembered her in the bathtub, but accidently caused rapid decomposition when he turned on the warm water rather than the cold, so he disposed of her remains in the trash. Neighbors recalled a foul odor coming from Miller's trash can around this time, which he blamed on spoiled meat. While searchers were looking for Brandy Myers, they found the decomposed remains of 16-year old Shannon Aumock in a brushy area. She disappeared after running away from a group home in the area months earlier. In November of 1992, he raped and fatally stabbed 22-year old Angela Brosso, who had been out on a bike ride. Her body was found in a field, and had been mutilated and decapitated, with her head found floating in a canal. In September of 1993, the body of 17-year old Melanie Bernas was found floating in a canal after she had gone on a bike ride. She had been raped, stabbed, and mutilated. Both Brosso and Bernas were partially skinned as well. In 2013, 19-year old Adrienne Salinas went missing in the early morning hours of June 15th while walking home from a party. Bryan Miller attended a party just a mile down the road from her location that night, and had also planned to go on a pre-dawn hike that morning. Surveillance video showed a dark colored sedan similar in appearance to one owned by Miller driving near where Salinas had last been seen. In August, the decomposed and headless body of Adrienne Salinas was found in a dry creek bed. Her head was never found, though it wasn't determined if this was due to decapitation or decomposition. Bryan Miller was familiar with this particular creek bed, as he had worked at a Renaissance Festival grounds adjacent to the creek. He was arrested in 2015 after being linked to the Brosso and Bernas murders via genetic genealogy.
Bryan Miller

-William Davis: Serial killer nurse who was active from 2017 to 2018, murdering 7 patients at Christus Trinity Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler, TX. He killed his victims in a very unique way; injecting air bubbles in their blood streams, causing fatal air embolisms in each case. While linked to 7 murders, Davis was convicted of only 4.
William Davis

-Sonny Pierce: Chicago, IL serial killer who raped and strangled 3 female victims from 2009 to 2010. Two of the victims were young women who were lured by Pierce via phone chat lines, and their bodies were found dumped in alleyways. The body of his third victim, a teenage girl, was never found, but when police searched his apartment, they found a video of him having sex with her corpse.
Sonny Pierce

-Pazuzu Algarad: Self proclaimed satanist who was linked to the deaths of 3 men in North Carolina from 2009 to 2010. He led a small cult of self proclaimed satanic punks in his notoriously filthy Clemmons, NC home, where they engaged in orgies and animal sacrifices. In 2010, Algarad and an accomplice drove 30-year old Joseph Chandler to a boat ramp along the Yadkin River, where he was later found shot to death. Somehow, they were only charged with manslaughter and accessory to manslaughter, and were only sentenced to probation. Acting on a tip, police dug up Algarad's back yard in 2014, and found the skeletal remains of two men who had been fatally shot. They were identified as Joshua Wetzler and Tommy Welch, who had gone missing in July and October of 2009, respectively. Pazuzu Algarad was imprisoned for these two murders, where he later committed suicide. His former friends and accomplices claim that he is responsible for a considerably higher number of murders than the 3 he is linked to, and that he once killed and cannibalized two sex workers, though none of these claims have been verified. VICE put out an excellent documentary on this case.
Pazuzu Algarad

-Jamie Walter: Homeless man who killed 4 people in Houston, TX from 2014 to 2015. The first alleged murder he committed occurred in 2014, when Walter and his girlfriend stabbed a man to death and left his body on railroad tracks to make it look like an accident. This apparently worked, as his body was so thoroughly obliterated by the train, that the medical examiner was unable to determine a cause of death prior to the train strike, and no charges were filed in that case. In 2015, he beat two homeless men to death with a hammer, before burning their bodies in metal barrels in an abandoned warehouse. His final victim was his own father, who was killed and disposed of in the same way as the prior two victims.
Jamie Walter

-Juan Ortiz: Border patrol agent turned serial killer who was active in Laredo, TX in September of 2018, killing 4 sex workers. He picked them up before driving them out of town and shooting them in the head, leaving their bodies along rural roads. Two of the murders occurred on the same day. He was caught when his attempted 5th victim became suspicious and jumped out of his car. This case received a considerable amount of media attention.
Juan Ortiz

-Mario Normore: Bank robber and serial killer who was active in Oklahoma City, OK throughout 2017, killing 4 people. The first two murders occurred in July, when a man's body was found in a burning vehicle, and a woman's body was recovered from a nearby ditch. Both had been shot to death. In August, he murdered 21-year old Searra Howe, who never returned home after telling her mother she was going to McDonalds. Her decomposed body was found in a desolate field months later. He is also linked to the disappearance of a handyman from an apartment complex, who went missing in October of 2017.
Mario Normore
submitted by Groggy21 to serialkillers [link] [comments]

2021.08.16 01:51 MTVChallengeFan The Season Premier Extended a Streak

After Nam's disqualification due to testing positive for COVID-19, this now makes it 29 consecutive seasons we have seen at least one Non-Gameplay Elimination.
A "Non-Gameplay Elimination" is one in which a competitor is eliminated that’s not part of the original game. The only ways this can happen is any time a competitor is disqualified from a season, and any time a competitor quits a season. Despite the fact the first Inferno season is one of the craziest, and wildest seasons, which involved partying, drunkenness, hookups, bullying-ironically, it was also the last season to NOT have an Unnatural Elimination. Someone might offer a rebuttal by saying “Piggy was supposed to be on that season, and withdrew at the last minute”. Technically, she was never on that season, so it doesn’t count. If you want to go that route, than the last season to not have any Unnatural Eliminations is the 2002 Battle of the Seasons season.
Anyway, This means ever since T.J. Lavin has been hosting this show, he has seen at least one of these types of eliminations on every season he has hosted. Let’s look at how many Unnatural Eliminations there has been since this season.
Battle of the Sexes 2: Steven slapped Shane Landrum, causing Steven to get disqualified. We came close to not seeing an Unnatural Elimination on this season.
The Inferno II: Beth quit the season due to the “Mean Girls” clique on her team.
The Gauntlet II: Poor T.J., his first season had so many of them. Jo quit after the first Daily Challenge due to the chaos, and “partying” in the house, Cameran quit the season right before the Gauntlet she was supposed to compete in, Beth quit right before she was supposed to compete in a Gauntlet(in back-to-back seasons, Beth quit).
Fresh Meat: Evan, and Coral were injured after the “Human Ox Pull” Challenge, and were removed from the game.
The Duel: Tina punched Beth, getting Tina disqualified from the season.
The Inferno 3: CT punched Davis, getting CT disqualified from that season. CT was replaced by Derrick Kosinski.
The Gauntlet III: Tyrie quit the season because his girlfriend at home was sick(he was replaced by MJ), and Coral quit the season because her team bullied her.
The Island: Technically, Dave Malinosky was the only quitter on the season, as he was “homesick”, and quit the season, but Abram told everyone on this season to vote him off so he could tend to his work at home.
The Duel II: CT, and Adam were involved in a scuffle with each other. They were replaced by MJ, and Nehemiah. MJ Garrett is still the only competitor in the history of this show to be a replacement for a competitor on two different seasons.
The Ruins: Shauvon popped a breast implant, disqualifying her from the season, Evelyn quit in the middle of her Ruins Match, handing Kellyanne the victory, Tonya was disqualified for slapping Veronica, and then Darrell, and Brad were disqualified for punching each other.
Fresh Meat II: Katelynn, and Brandon were disqualified. After Katelynn suffered an injury, making her unable to continue, Brandon drank alcohol before the Exile to make her not feel bad for their disqualification.
Cutthroat: Shauvon quit before her Gulag Match.
Rivals: We came close, but no cigar. Adam Royer punched Ty after the first challenge, and he was replaced by Michael “Mike-Mike” Ross.
Battle of the Exes: Blame it on Vinny. Vinny ripped off Mandi’s shirt in a club, getting him, and Sarah disqualified for his disorderly conduct.
Battle of the Seasons(2012): This is the closest we’ve came since the first Inferno season to having a completely normal elimination season. Technically, Big Easy quit in the middle of his Arena with Camila as his partner, making them instantly eliminated, which caused Camila to be disqualified by default. For the record, I know about Team Sydney who was supposed to be a team(as well as a Team Road Rules team), but they technically never made it to the season, so their "eliminations" don't count.
Rivals II: After the first challenge, Naomi quit the season due to a family emergency, Trishelle quit the season because she's TRASHelle, causing Sarah Rice to get disqualified without a partner(again), and was replaced by Cara Maria. Also, Zach Nichols caused him, and Trey to get disqualified since he broke a rule in the “Breaking On Through” Jungle Game.
Free Agents: Chet quit the season after he busted his chin in the “Balls In” Elimination Round, and Frank Sweeney was disqualified due to an illness.
Battle of the Exes II: CT/Diem were disqualified due to Diem's Ovarian Cancer(in my opinion, the saddest elimination in the history of the show), Nia ruined it for all of us, when she had to grab Jordan’s little pee-pee. They brought back Theresa as a result, so Leroy could have a partner.
Battle of the Bloodlines: Candice’s injuries led to her, and Leroy being disqualified, as well as Tony’s injuries from the same “Meet Me Halfway” Challenge, causing him, and Shane Raines to be disqualified. The latter pair was replaced by Abram, and his brother Mike Boise.
Rivals III: Leroy’s injuries caused him, and Averey to get disqualified early on, Brandon “The Legend” Tindel quit because...he’s Brandon Tindel, disqualifying him, and Briana Lacuesta, making Devin/Cheyenne come back in the game, Thomas had the quit the game due to a personal emergency back at home, causing him, and Simone to get disqualified, and Tony, and Camila were disqualified for disorderly conduct in the house.
Invasion of the Champions: We would have had it, if it wasn’t for that rotten kid named Theo King-Bradley quitting because he was too scared to compete in the “Who’s Got Balls?” Elimination Game.
XXX: Dirty 30: Ashley Mitchell had a mental breakdown over her clothes, and quits in the Season Premier, and she was replaced by Briana Lacuesta. Shane Raines, and Simone engaged in a physical altercation in the Redemption House, causing them to get disqualified, Ammo was disqualified due to an injury(and quit due to the trauma as well) from “The Great Escape” Presidio Game, and finally, Nelson was disqualified from the season for punching Derrick Kosinski.
Vendettas: Eddie “quit” after one of the competitors said she had a restraining order against him(I think it was Alicia), Sylvia, and Sylvia became “too sick” to compete on any more challenges, Kayleigh quit due to the bullying she received from the other competitors, Veronica was disqualified due to injury, after she dislocated her finger in the “Crazy 8” Ring Game, and finally, Nicole Zanatta was disqualified from the Final Challenge after an Ankle injury.
Final Reckoning: Kailah, and Melissa Reeves were disqualified due to slapping each other, Zach Nichols was disqualified due to a nose injury from the “Shake It Off” Armageddon Game, and Cory was disqualified for that leg sweep.
War of the Worlds: Alan was disqualified due to injury from the Opening Challenge, Georgia was disqualified from the Final Challenge, “The Death Path”, due to dehydration, and Mattie quit the Final Challenge.
War of the Worlds 2: Faith quit the season due to personal reasons, Zahida quit the season due to a family emergency, Turbo went berzerk, and was disqualified because production was afraid he would kill everyone.
Total Madness: Jay was disqualified due to an injury from the “Fire Ball” Purgatory Game, Big T was disqualified due to an injury, Bayleigh was disqualified in “The End of the World” Final Challenge due to an injury, and finally, Melissa was disqualified from the Final Challenge because production had just found out she was pregnant.
Double Agents: Nicole Zanatta was disqualified due to injuries, Kyle was disqualified after competing in the "Hall Brawl" Elimination Game, Nam was disqualified due to a back injury, Lio quit the game due to mental health reasons, Lolo quit the game for personal reasons, and Natalie Anderson, and Liv were disqualified due to an injury, and/or pregnancy.
Spies, Lies and Allies: Nam was disqualified due to COVID-19, Fessy was disqualified due to physical violence, Tommy was disqualified due to an injury, Aneesa was disqualified due to an injury, Ashley Mitchell was disqualified for being a horrible person, and Lauren was disqualified for unaired reasons.
submitted by MTVChallengeFan to MtvChallenge [link] [comments]



The Black Crowes, Brandi Carlile, Ziggy Marley: Songs of Bob Marley, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Chris Isaak, Arturo Sandoval, Honey Island Swamp Band, Lil Ed & the Blues Imperials, David Shaw, Cowboy Mouth, Ranky Tanky, Flow Tribe, BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet, Wayne Toups, Glen David Andrews, CJ Chenier & the Red Hot Louisiana Band, Eric Lindell & The Natural Mystics, Little Freddie King Blues Band, Stanton Moore, Mia Borders, Big Chief Donald Harrison, Jr., Dawn Richards, Astral Project, Gal Holiday & the Honky Tonk Revue, Gregg Martinez & the Delta Kings with guests TK Hulin and Johnnie Allan, Johnny Sansone Band, Black Lodge Singers, Jeffery Broussard & the Creole Cowboys, Erica Falls, Northside Skull & Bone Gang, Fi Yi Yi & the Mandingo Warriors, Tribute to Jabbo Smith featuring Jamil Sharif, Michael Ward, Quiana Lynell, Higher Heights Reggae, Cedric Watson et Bijou Creole, The John Mahoney Big Band, New Orleans Jazz Vipers, The Legendary Rocks Of Harmony, Paulin Brothers Brass Band, Les Frѐres Michot, Golden Sioux Mardi Gras Indians, Doreen’s Jazz New Orleans, Mid-City Aces, Tommy Sancton’s New Orleans Legacy Band, The Johnson Extension, Da Truth Brass Band, Pocket Aces Brass Band, Josh Kagler & Harmonistic Praise Crusade, Jamie Lynn Vessels, Betty Winn & One A-Chord, Ted Hefko & The Thousandaires, The Betty Shirley Band, Michael Skinkus and Moyuba, Sons of Jazz Brass Band, Kid Simmons’ Local International Allstars, New Wave Brass Band, OperaCrĂ©ole, Gina Forsyth & Friends, Pastor Tyrone Jefferson, The Jones Sisters, Black Seminoles, Black Mohawk and Black Flame Hunters Mardi Gras Indians, Scene Boosters, Uptown Swingers, and We Are One Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs, Ladies of Unity, The Trio Plus One, Free Spirit Brass Band, Wild Apaches and Wild Mohicans Mardi Gras Indians, Adella Adella the Storyteller, The Swing Setters, Big Nine, Go Getters, and Keep n It Real Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs, Brasshearts Brass Band, ISL Circus Arts Kids
Dead & Company, Demi Lovato, Wu-Tang Clan featuring The Soul Rebels, Galactic, Charlie Musselwhite, Tab Benoit, Walter Wolfman Washington & the Roadmasters, The Gospel Soul of Irma Thomas, Hurray for the Riff Raff, Boyfriend, Hot 8 Brass Band, Partners-N-Crime, Doug Kershaw, Lost Bayou Ramblers, The Cookers feat. Billy Harper, Eddie Henderson, Donald Harrison, David Weiss, George Cables, Cecil McBee and Billy Hart, Jerron ‘Blind Boy’ Paxton, Martha Redbone Roots Project, Bonerama, Delfeayo Marsalis & the Uptown Jazz Orchestra, Shamarr Allen & The Underdawgs, Germaine Bazzle, Kinfolk Brass Band, Charmaine Neville Band, Gregg Stafford’s Jazz Hounds, Tribute to Bessie Smith featuring Meschiya Lake, Barbara Shorts, and Jolynda “Kiki” Chapman with Lars Edegran, Gerald French & The Original Tuxedo Jazz Band, Maggie Koerner, Alexey Marti, 79rs Gang Music Group, Tonya Boyd-Cannon, John “Papa” Gros, Tim Laughlin, Bill Kirchen, Water Seed, The Rayo Brothers, Javier Olondo and AsheSon, Corey Ledet Zydeco, Jambalaya Cajun Band, Trumpet Mafia, Curley Taylor and Zydeco Trouble, David L. Harris, Don Vappie & the Creole Jazz Serenaders, Mo’ Fess, The New Orleans Guitar Masters: John Rankin, Jimmy Robinson, and Cranston Clements, Michael Doucet avec Lacher Prise featuring Sarah Quintana and Chad Viator, Free Agents Brass Band, Black Lodge Singers, Clive Wilson’s New Orleans Serenaders, Voices of Peter Claver, Pastor Terry Gullage & Kingdom Sound, Baby Boyz Brass Band, Fermín Ceballos + Merengue4FOUR, Big Chief Bird & The Young Hunters, Washitaw Nation, and Young Cherokee Mardi Gras Indians, Sisters of Change, Sisters of Unity, Lady Prince of Wales, and Women of Class Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs, Kumbuka African Drum & Dance Collective, Apache Hunters, Black Hawk Hunters and Wild Red Flame Mardi Gras Indians, New Orleans Mardi Gras Indian Rhythm Section, Young Fellaz Brass Band, Terry Huval and Friends, Grupo Sensacion Nola, Otis Wimberly Sr. & the Wimberly Family Gospel Singers, Arthur and Friends Community Choir, All for One Brass Band, DJ RO, Black Magic Drumline, Glenn Hartman and the Earthtones, Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church Mass Choir, Young Guardians of the Flame, Devastation, Single Men, Nine Times, and Single Ladies Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs, The Knockaz Brass Band, The Showers, Lady Tambourine, Dancing Grounds Elite Feet Dance Krewe & Youth Company, Muggivan School of Irish Dance
Foo Fighters, Lizzo, Ludacris, The Revivalists, Randy Newman, El Gran Combo, Cyril Neville, Tank and The Bangas, Kermit Ruffins & the Barbeque Swingers, Anders Osborne, Leo Nocentelli, David Sanborn, Ricky Skaggs, The New Orleans Classic Recording Legends featuring The Dixie Cups, Clarence “Frogman” Henry, Wanda Rouzan, and Al “Carnival Time” Johnson with Bobby Cure & The Poppa Stoppas, The Soul Rebels featuring Cimafunk, Lena Prima, Deacon John, Kathy Taylor, Dwayne Dopsie & the Zydeco Hellraisers, Original Pinettes Brass Band, Sweet Crude, Terrance Simien & the Zydeco Experience, Big Chief Monk Boudreaux & The Golden Eagles, Jazz Funeral honoring Ellis Marsalis, Nicholas Payton, Jeremy Davenport, Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys, Jason Marsalis, Seratones, Kenny Neal, Bruce Daigrepoint Band, Roddie Romero & the Hub City All-Stars, Helen Gillet, Storyville Stompers Brass Band, Tommy McLain + CC Adcock, The Headhunters featuring Bill Summers, Mike Clark, Donald Harrison, and Chris Severin, Big Chief Juan & Jockimo’s Groove, Joe Krown & Jason Ricci featuring Walter Wolfman Washington, Jesse McBride Big Band, Spencer Bohren Remembered featuring Dave Malone, Andre Bohren, Paul Sanchez, Alex McMurray, Jim McCormick, David Pomerleau, Aurora Nealand, and John Magnie, Lulu and the Broadsides, Kim Carson, Troy Turner Blues Band, Washboard Chaz Blues Trio, Tribute to Kid Ory featuring Dr. Michael White, Don Vappie, and Maynard Chatters, George French & the New Orleans Storyville Jazz Band, Jason Neville FunkySoul Band, Palmetto Bug Stompers, Julio y Cesar Band, Furious Five, New Look, and Untouchables Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs, Young Men Olympian Jr. Benevolent Association, Black Lodge Singers, New Orleans Gospel Soul Children, New Orleans Spiritualettes, New Birth Brass Band, Johnny Sansone, Leroy Jones & New Orleans’ Finest, The Louisiana Repertory Jazz Ensemble, Nineveh Baptist Church Mass Choir, Debbie Davis with Josh Paxton, Paky Saavedra Quartet, Dayna Kurtz and Robert MachĂ©, Kim Che’re, 21st Century Brass Band, Papo y Son Mandao, Black Foot Hunters, Shining Star Hunters, and Big Chief Trouble & Trouble Nation Mardi Gras Indians, The Chosen Ones Brass Band, Tyronne Foster and The Arc Singers, Val & Love Alive, The RRAAMS, Versailles Lion Dance Team, Mestre Curtis Pierre “The Samba Man” with the Samba Kids, Brazos Huval’s Student Showcase, Uptown Warriors, Young Brave Hunters, and Young Seminole Hunters Mardi Gras Indians, Calliope Puppets, Big Steppers, Divine Ladies, Dumaine Gang, Family Ties, and First Division Rollers Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs, Semolian Warriors Mardi Gras Indians

SECOND WEEKEND - OCT 15, 16, 17.

Tedeschi Trucks Band, The Beach Boys, Nile Rodgers & CHIC, Boz Scaggs, The Dirty Dozen Brass Band’s Tribute to Dave Bartholomew featuring Elvis Costello and Al “Lil Fats” Jackson, Samantha Fish, PJ Morton, Playing For Change Band, Christone “Kingfish” Ingram, The Cowsills, Cha Wa, Leyla McCalla, Terri Lyne Carrington + Social Science, Davell Crawford, The New Orleans Jazz Orchestra, Ronnie Lamarque, Rockin Dopsie Jr. & the Zydeco Twisters, Las Cafeteras, William Prince, Chubby Carrier & the Bayou Swamp Band, Leah Chase, Treme Brass Band, Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie, Paul Sanchez & the Rolling Road Show, Jonathon Long, Tribute to Lil Buck featuring Sonny Landreth, Carol Fran, and Lee Allen Zeno, James Rivers Movement, Dr. Brice Miller & Mahogany Brass Band, Uncle Nef, Wendell Brunious, Mr. Sipp, Alex McMurray and His Band, Andrew Duhon, Mikayla Braun, Lil’ Nathan & The Zydeco Big Timers, Blodie’s Jazz Jam, Tribute to Louis Armstrong’s Allstars with Charlie Halloran, The Tropicales, Young Generation Mardi Gras Indians, Caesar Brothers FunkBox, High Steppers Brass Band, New Leviathan Oriental Fox-Trot Orchestra, Panorama Jazz Band, Zulu Gospel Male Ensemble, Native Nations Intertribal, Lane Mack, Caren Green, Connie & Dwight Fitch with St. Raymond and St. Leo the Great Music Ministry, Rick Trolsen’s Neslorchestra, NOLA Reggae featuring Renard PochĂ©, Big Chief Walter Cook & The Creole Wild West Mardi Gras Indians, Lyle Henderson & Emmanu-EL, Audrey Ferguson & The Voices of Distinction, Joy Clark, Grayhawk – Southeastern Native American stories and songs, Shades of Praise New Orleans Interracial Gospel Choir, Jackson Square All Star Brass Band, Lady & Men Rollers, Men of Class, Original Big Seven, and Original Four Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs, Pastor Jai Reed, Tonia Scott and the Anointed Voices, The Jelly Sisters, Tribute to The New Orleans Rhythm Kings featuring Steve Pistorius, Black Feathers, Golden Comanche, and 7th Ward Creole Hunters Mardi Gras Indians, Jacye & Friends, One Mind Brass Band, Lady Tambourine, David & Roselyn & Arlee, Buffalo Hunters and Wild Tchoupitoulas Mardi Gras Indians, New Orleans Dance Collective, Square Dance NOLA, New Generation Brass Band, Young Audiences Performing Arts Showcase, VIP Ladies, The Perfect Gentlemen, and New Generation Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs
Stevie Nicks, H.E.R., Elvis Costello & The Imposters, Irma Thomas, Jon Batiste, Keb’ Mo’, Big Freedia, Rickie Lee Jones, Rebirth Brass Band, Shovels & Rope, Jon Cleary & the Absolute Monster Gentlemen, Davell Crawford Tribute to James Booker, New Orleans Nightcrawlers, Sonny Landreth, The Legendary Count Basie Orchestra directed by Scotty Barnhart, Amanda Shaw & The Cute Guys, Puss N Boots, John BouttĂ©, Nathan & the Zydeco Cha Chas, Banu Gibson, Jazz Funeral honoring Dr. John, Dr. Michael White’s Original Liberty Jazz Band featuring Thais Clark, Luther Kent and the Big Band, TBC Brass Band, Walter Wolfman Washington Trio, John Mooney & Bluesiana, New Orleans Klezmer All Stars, Savoy Family Cajun Band, The Zion Harmonizers, The Roots of Music Marching Crusaders, Rumba Buena, Preservation Brass, The Pfister Sisters’ Tribute to Andrews Sisters, Kristin Diable, Marc Stone, Creole String Beans, J. Monque’D Blues Band, Native Nations Intertribal, Boudreaux Family of Feathers, MuĂ©velo, Batiste Fathers and Sons featuring David Sr., Russell, Ryan, Jamal, Damon Batiste & Guest, New Breed Brass Band, Bamboula 2000, Jermaine Landrum & The Abundant Praise Revival Choir, Mem Shannon & the Membership, Darcy Malone & the Tangle, Young Pinstripe Brass Band, Rich Collins, The Palm Court Jazz Band, Pardon My French, Creole Osceola Black Masking Indians, Young Eagles and Young Magnolias Mardi Gras Indians, Lawrence Sieberth and VooDooTek, Marlon Jordan, Jessica Harvey and The Difference, Tony Dagradi and Down Time, Mount Hermon Baptist Church Praise Delegation Choir, Hardhead Hunters, Comanche Hunters, and White Cloud Hunters Mardi Gras Indians, Topsy Chapman & Solid Harmony, Electrifying Crown Seekers, Leo Jackson & The Melody Clouds, Susan Cowsill & Russ Broussard (SCRB), Jourdan Thibodeaux et les RĂŽdailleurs, Kerry Grombacher, Smitty Dee’s Brass Band, Matt Lemmler presents “New Orleans in Stride”, 9th Ward Black Hatchet, Wild Squatoulas, and Big Chief Dow & the Timbuktu Warriors Mardi Gras Indians, Donald Lewis, Stephen Foster’s Foster Family Programs, Original Nine Times Ladies, Original Pigeon Town Steppers, and The Sudan Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs, Big Dog Brass Band, Creative Arts Momentum, Archdiocese of New Orleans Gospel Choir, Kai Knight’s Silhouette Dance Ensemble, Christian Unity Baptist Church Youth Choir, Undefeated Divas & Gents, Valley of Silent Men, Westbank Steppers, and Good Fellas Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs
Jimmy Buffett and The Coral Reefer Band, Norah Jones, Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, Melissa Etheridge, The Isley Brothers featuring Ronald & Ernie Isley, Brittany Howard, Ledisi, The Radiators, Tower of Power, Ivan Neville’s Dumpstaphunk, Asleep at the Wheel, Tribute to Dr. John featuring Jon Cleary, Irma Thomas, Davell Crawford, John BouttĂ©, and John “Papa” Gros, Marcia Ball, Big Sam’s Funky Nation, George Porter Jr. & Runnin’ Pardners, The Campbell Brothers, Kermit Ruffins’ Tribute to Louis Armstrong, Terence Blanchard featuring The E-Collective & Turtle Island Quartet, Sunpie & the Louisiana Sunspots, James Andrews & the Crescent City All-Stars, Pine Leaf Boys, “In Memory of Ellis Marsalis” featuring the Ellis Marsalis Band with guests, Lars Edegran & the New Orleans Ragtime Orchestra, Tuba Skinny, Meschiya Lake and the Little Big Horns, The Iguanas, J & The Causeways, Sweet Cecilia, Stooges Brass Band, Tom McDermott , Bon Bon Vivant, Charlie Gabriel and Friends, Mariachi Jalisco, SOUL Brass Band, Vivaz!, Big Chief Bo Dollis Jr. & the Wild Magnolias, Herbert McCarver & The Pin Stripe Brass Band, Yvette Landry & the Jukes, Herlin Riley, The Revelers, Mark Braud’s New Orleans Jazz Giants, Big Chief Kevin Goodman & the Flaming Arrows Mardi Gras Indians, Amina Figarova Sextet, Gregg Stafford & His Young Tuxedo Brass Band, Aurora Nealand presents The Monocle, Brother Tyrone & the Mindbenders, The Davell Crawford Singers “The Tribute”, Daria & The Hip Drops, Original New Orleans Lady Buckjumpers, Prince of Wales, and Revolution Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs, Da Souljas Brass Band, The City of Love Music & Worship Arts Choir, DJ Captain Charles, .AM., Native Nations Intertribal, Cynthia Girtley, Cheyenne, Mohawk Hunters, and Monogram Hunter Mardi Gras Indians, E’Dana, JontĂ© Mayon, Ryan Foret & Foret Tradition, Johnette Downing and Scott Billington, The Baby Dolls of New Orleans, Dynamic Smooth Family of Slidell, The Bester Gospel Singers, Sporty’s Brass Band, Don “Moose” Jamison Heritage School of Music, Craig Adams & Higher Dimensions of Praise, Rising Dragon Lion Dance Team, Old & Nu Fellas, Original CTC Steppers, and Men Buckjumpers Social Aid & Pleasure Clubs, Real Untouchable Brass Band, Culu Children’s Traditional African Dance Company and Stiltwalkers, Burke Riley Cajun Quintet, Algiers Warriors, Ninth Ward Hunters, and Seminoles Mardi Gras Indians, Eulenspeigel Puppets
submitted by JazzFestFreak to jazzfest [link] [comments]
