Pats family restaurant

För dem som vill emigrera till Sverige så klart!

2010.07.07 07:27 z06swimmer För dem som vill emigrera till Sverige så klart!

Välkommen! /TillSverige is a forum and resource for people who are moving or traveling to Sweden. This is a place for friendly advice, discussion, and information about the immigration process and its struggles. Before posting, familiarize yourself with the rules of the sub. Posting implies you have read and understood the rules.

2018.12.06 07:38 chillyroom WeHappyRestaurant

We Happy Restaurant is a serious, sketchy restaurant simulator game by ChillyRoom. Here you will have an opportunity to run your own restaurant and be a productive, profitable member of the corporate family!

2008.07.30 11:06 The Bangkok Community

This sub-reddit is an english language friendly discussion forum focusing on life for living in Bangkok, as well as any other Bangkok related content. If you are looking for a large Thai only speaking community we recommend /thaithai Hope you enjoy the sub. Please read the rules, remember to talk to people nicely, and try to be there for each other.

2024.06.09 18:52 ProbablyNotAThing Tower Air Fryers: A Healthy and Versatile Option for UK Kitchens

Tower air fryers are a popular choice for UK households seeking a healthier and more convenient way to enjoy their favorite fried foods. Here's a breakdown of what makes them stand out:
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Tower air fryers offer a versatile and healthy cooking option for UK kitchens. Consider your needs, explore the different sizes and features available, and find the perfect Tower air fryer to revolutionize your cooking!
submitted by ProbablyNotAThing to UKDealsFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:45 Single-Brilliant4772 Advice and recommendations for family trip!

Hey everyone! I am taking a trip to Acadia this upcoming Thursday - Tuesday with my family, and I was looking for recommendations on things to do, places to eat, and items to buy/bring.
Right now we know we want to hike some trails, eat some good food, see the sunrise one morning, do some biking, and cook some lobster ourselves.
My parents are scared of some of the more serious hiking trails, so any recommendations on alternative trails to the few summits would be appreciated :) If there are any “better” places to rent bikes and e-bikes from that could be good to know as well
Also some restaurant recommendations and where we should buy lobster if we want to cook some ourselves would be appreciated too!
submitted by Single-Brilliant4772 to acadianationalpark [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:44 archon810 The sinks at this family restaurant in Belgium are all different height

The sinks at this family restaurant in Belgium are all different height submitted by archon810 to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:44 Western_Umpire8029 My parents let a child listen to a sexist and a sexual rapped music, then harassed me for stopping them!

Today when I was in a car with them on a way to a restaurant, they putted on an English rapped song that is very inappropriate and sexist while there is an underage child in the car...when my brother asked them to switch the song he also picked one of the worst song and nobody says anything about I stood up and tell everyone what it means and that they should stop listening to those kinds of music. Then they responded in such a careless way " just ignore and vibe around". I was so pissed because they can't be letting a child listening to that kind of music and also especially when it's discriminating against some marginalized groups. And at the end they started an argument in the car and start fighting and verbally harassing me. They screamed at me to get out of the car and walk home or they will kick me out of the family...they called me being disrespectful and the list goes on!
I swear if this were to happened in the US...I would definitely report to police ages ago! But because I live in a conservative backwards country with no morals or human rights so I was left ignored, normally child abused wasn't taken seriously in Cambodia and I've been surviving for years, and I hope this will be the last.
submitted by Western_Umpire8029 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:43 StorageGloomy9719 How to ignore my negative mom? 23F and 44F

I’m a 23F who is taking steps to get her life together. I’m not in a bad place in life because I live at home bill free but, I still have a lot of adulting to do.
My mom is always complaining about “how much she does for us” and that other people my age “would kill to have my set-up” even though half the people I know still stay at home and tons of other people in the world given the economy rn. But then she switches to “you can always rely on me” or “why wouldn’t I help you I’m your mom”. Now you would think I’m an ungrateful little shit the way my mom complains about my sisters and I. Besides the house getting messy sometimes, I give my mom literally zero issues and I never have.
For context I grew up with a verbal and physically abusive ex stepdad who is crazy. I speak to my dad a handful of times a year and she’s married to a man who I’m positive has an undiagnosed mental illness( he throws fits like a literal child and always has something negative to say about what I do. Schizophrenia also runs in his family). I was barely allowed to do anything when I was younger(even as a teen) until I turned 18. Also, when my mom divorced her ex husband she struggled REALLY bad financially and we were on the brink of poverty for years. I don’t deny they love me but it’s more out of obligation than true love tbh. My situation could also be much worse. I’d take the life I live now over how we used to live any day.
But things are wayyy different now(at least financially). My mom makes good money and is able to pay her bills just fine and help us out if we need it. The thing is she still has a struggle mindset and the way she acts gets worse with time. She lets it be known that she regrets having kids young and that she life would’ve been easier if she waited to have kids. But the next second we’re her best friends and she lives for us. It’s to the point now where I’m tired of the mental gymnastics. She has done/said some really fucked up things to me and she puts men before my sisters and I(always has and still does).
Well, instead of sitting around sulking about how I wish I had better parents I decided that I’m just going to leave and become better. Because I don’t have a degree at the moment(still working on it :] ) I’m about to start in fine dining and work as a substitute teacher two days a week. I’m ready to get my shit together and fast. I told my mom and she immediately makes a face and says that the restaurant I want to work at wasn’t busy when she went (this was during a lunch shift on a slow day I'm sure), there wasn’t a single black worker( I saw a few black workers in recent photos on Google), and that she would never spend money there. She always does this. Unless it’s an office related job (I’d rather have a degree to make more money and have more options before I do this) she out right judges the job.
Just the other day she was speaking on how it doesn’t matter what job I work if I’m trying to get my shit together ( I told her I was iffy about working in a restaurant but the money potential is what makes me want to do it). I’m so ready to tune her out and do my own thing but it’s hard. My mom used to be my best friend but ever since she married my stepdad she turned into this negative woman who is ALWAYS and when I say ALWAYS complaining I mean ALWAYS. I don’t want to be around it anymore because I see the ways they influence my own behaviors and thoughts. My mom and my stepdad see life as soul crushing and unenjoyable. I know life can be hard but I want to be happy and I know that I can .
How can I tune her out and stop feeling so sad about how she is and letting it affect me? How can I stop wanting her validation?
submitted by StorageGloomy9719 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:40 castalia_castalia I would like to get some advice to better understand OOPs.

Basically, an ex-partner ended a relationship in 2021. I continued to send her emails even after she asked me not to. I've been living with a new partner for 2 years now. I have no desire to see my ex, run into my ex, speak with my ex, etc. etc. etc. We live in a big eastern city and sometimes I'm in her neighborhood (her home and work are 3 blocks from each other) having dinner, getting a haircut.. visiting friends, what have you.. but I avoid walking by her building or her workplace.
In March 2024, we accidentally ran into each other in a state park 2 states away from where we both live. She filed both a criminal complaint (harassment in the 2nd degree) and a family court complaint against me. I hired defense lawyers for both. Last week was my appearance. I accepted a plea bargain where I pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct (in 2021) - She has a 2 year OOP and I have to do 1 session with a counseling organization. ($120) . The advice I'm looking for is as follows: (apologies for length). If my current partner and I are sitting in a restaurant, or walking on a trail somewhere, or - even - sitting on an airplane, and my ex shows up on the scene.. do I have to: leave the restaurant? leave the park? leave the airplane and cancel my trip? ... It's a full on OOP for 2 years, with no carve outs. What risks am I running? How much danger am I in?
submitted by castalia_castalia to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:25 Longjumping_Mud6031 I took a cab in the middle of the night. What happened, changed my life.

I woke up at 2 a.m., feeling ravenous. The hunger I was feeling was powerful, I couldn’t sleep I just had to get something to eat.
I went downstairs to my disgusting kitchen and opened the fridge.
“Damn,” I thought
The only thing I had in my fridge was a bottle of expired milk. At that time I didn’t know it was expired, so I drank it.
The dreadful feeling of extreme hunger tortured me, I just had to get some food.
I unlocked my phone and ordered a cab. The driver swiftly arrived at my house which did not surprise me, since it was the middle of the night. I walked up to the car and saw a man. Almost everything about this individual was boring and average, but the one thing that stood out was his eyes. They looked dead and were red, he looked like he had just smoked weed.
At first, I was reluctant about getting in, but I ignored that feeling and got inside the car.
“Take me anywhere they food,” I said to the creepy man
“Well, what are you looking for?” he answered.
“Anything,” I said
“What about getting something exotic” the man uttered in a terrifying voice
That sentence horrified me. It was the way he said it that erected that grim feeling in me. After a second I realized that it was probably nothing and that I was making stuff up.
“Yeah, sure” I answered unenthusiastically.
“Great!” The man yelled
That blaring yell almost made me faint, it was all because I got drunk last night playing a drinking game with my friends. The man accelerated and reached a great speed in seconds, I was terrified.
We got about 5 miles from my house before I started getting even more creeped out. Why did we have to drive so far to get to this restaurant? I kept asking the guy about the ETA of this ride, but he kept saying the same thing
“We’ll be there soon” the creep kept on saying
I was beginning to spiral. It only took me a few minutes to start thinking that he was going to kill me. That’s when I got a phone call. It was a private number, I usually don’t answer calls from these types of numbers, but I had to do something to get this situation off my mind.
I answered the call.
“Where the fuck are you! I’ve been waiting for you for 30 minutes. You better believe I'm going to be charging you for this!“ The unknown man screamed
“What are you talking about, I got into a car, like 40 minutes ago” I replied
“I don’t know what the hell you’re on about, but I'm out of here!” he yelled
He hung up.
“Can we please pull over??” I asked the driver
“No” he answered formidably
“What’s going on here? I just got a call from an unknown number insisting that he was my driver” I replied
“Well, he probably was,” said the impostor
That sentence sent shivers down my spine. I completely forgot about my esurient state; the only thing on my mind was getting out of this vehicle.
The only possible resolution at that moment was to attack the man and take control of the car.
I punched him in the head, he didn’t take it well. He lost control of the car and we hit a tree. Thankfully I was fully conscious and I wasn’t injured. I looked at where the driver was sitting and thought he passed out. I was ecstatic and I thought that I was finally free, but that’s when he suddenly woke up and stabbed me in the neck with a syringe.
I passed out almost immediately.

After I woke up I started puking profusely, it was probably caused by either the expired milk I drank earlier or the mixture of chemicals in the syringe. I started panicking, thinking I was going to die, but then the lights came on.
“I know you wanted to try something exotic, so I made you something I knew you would love,” said a familiar voice.
Suddenly the lights turned on, I looked down and screamed with horror.
“My legs! They’re fucking gone!”
The sadistic monster laughed with glee.
“Exactly, they're gone and that’s what you’re going to eat tonight”
“You disgusting creep, how dare you!”
He didn’t respond. He just left.
I sat there, stuck for hours, crying thinking about stuff I could never do again because of this psychopath.
After hours of mental torture, he came back
‘I am going to love this” said the sadist
He walked over to me and put a blindfold around my eyes. He then unblocked the wheels on the wheelchair I was sitting on and rolled me over to a different room.
The man took off the blindfold and what I saw deeply disgusted me. I saw a table full of different dishes that mainly consisted of meat from my legs. I was surprised that I didn’t hurl.
I was frightened, but that was only the beginning.
I started yelling, telling the guy I wasn’t going to eat my legs, but in that moment he whipped out a pistol and told me that if I didn’t eat it he was going to kill me and my entire family.
I reluctantly started eating one of the dishes and ate until I finally saw the look of satisfaction on his face. I told him I was done eating, he seemed pleased with what he had accomplished.
After he put all the dishes back in a different room he walked up to me, put a knife on the table, put a gun in his mouth, and killed himself. The sound of the gun and the sight of a man's brain being splattered all over the wall scarred me for life.
I then remembered that he had left a knife on the table. I pulled myself to the edge of the surface, turned myself around, and grabbed the knife. I was lucky that he had only tied my chest to the chair, but thinking about it now I am pretty sure he did it on purpose.
After I escaped from the chair I crawled over to the exit. After I got out the door I saw that this place was in the middle of a city, the second I came out there was a swarm of people surrounding me.
The one thing that I wasn’t expecting was that I deeply enjoyed eating human flesh. It was more like love. I was obsessed instantly. I never considered myself a bad person and I still don’t think I am, I just have needs that most people don’t and I think that is fine. Sure, most people would think I am a monster, but all of them have never tried the beauty that is human flesh. I want to end this by thanking my unexpected driver, for introducing me to this wonderful world of cannibalism.
submitted by Longjumping_Mud6031 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:15 NectarineImmediate15 AITA that I’m upset with my bridal party?

I (24f) am getting married this fall. My bridal party can’t afford to help out with bridal shower let alone my bachelorette party. 1/5 bridesmaids dad isn’t doing well and was given 6 months with chemo. Shes home helping him. (Understandable that is import in her life and she should be able to do this stress free) 2/5 bridesmaid both parents are in their late 50-early 60s and both have some illness, I don’t know the details was just told cancer and she’s not mentally handling it well. Once again that’s family that’s super important I get it. 3/5 bridesmaid is pregnant wants to do something for me for my shower and bachelorette but she can’t afford to do it all on her own and lives check to check. 4/5 bridesmaid is working and going to school, and stating she can’t help much but she was just a bridesmaid in another friends wedding and went to Florida for her bachelorette party and helped host the bridal shower but can’t do much for me… (I feel conflicted here like I get she had other bridesmaids to help pay and help host the shower but I feel like I get the crap end of the stick.. I feel like this shouldn’t bother me but it does) 5/5 bridesmaids left her job to be off for the summer that’s it. She has no kids, now no job just for her to stay home for the summer. She’s not a student nothing just to be home…
AITA for being upset with my bridal party for not even wanting to do anything for me? Like I get that I shouldn’t feel entitled to anything but like not even take me out to the bar? A restaurant for dinner? Or even a bonfire. Or am I being a brat in this? I want honesty opinions from others
submitted by NectarineImmediate15 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:07 CountBrandenburg He’s flashy, pro-Gaza and winning over Labour’s once-loyal Muslim vote

Article Text:
If there is one man in Britain who embodies the way our politics have changed, and continue to change after October 7, it is Akhmed Yakoob, the independent candidate for Birmingham Ladywood.
Yakoob is a 36-year-old defence solicitor who wears black Prada trainers, a glittering diamond watch, tinted gold-framed sunglasses and Gareth Southgate-like waistcoats. He has 195,000 followers on TikTok, a platform he understands more intuitively than 99 per cent of the politicians in this country. He speaks in clipped, brutal epigrams that sound like they are only ever a few seconds away from going viral on social media. He calls the Prophet Muhammad his biggest political influence. Offline he campaigns on the street, inside takeaways and from the cream leather seat of a shining black Mercedes S-Class Saloon. The word “genocide” is never far from Yakoob’s mouth.
This year, standing on a pro-Gaza, anti-Labour platform, he racked up almost 70,000 votes in the West Midlands mayoral election, mainly from deprived inner city wards in the Birmingham Ladywood constituency he is now trying to wrest from Shabana Mahmood, the shadow justice secretary. Labour’s Richard Parker narrowly won the mayoral election, taking 225,590 votes, 1,508 more than the Conservatives’ Andy Street. Yakoob’s presence in the race made it much closer. Though he came third, securing 20 per cent of the vote gave him substance and a political base. Yakoob is furious about the war in Gaza.
He prints “For Gaza” on all his leaflets. He says the war is why he entered politics. He knows it represents a key dividing line with Labour, even as the party prepares to make new commitments to a peace process, if not unilateral support for a Palestinian state, in its manifesto next week. But there is nothing Labour can say or promise to bring back some Muslim voters now.
The same fury Yakoob feels is the basis for other independent challenges to Labour across Birmingham. In Edgbaston, Dr Ammar Waraich, a neurologist and former Harvard Fulbright scholar, is trying to topple Preet Kaur Gill, the Labour candidate. Waraich says he quit the party, as many other Muslims did, when Sir Keir Starmer told LBC on October 11 that Israel “had the right” to withhold water and power from Gaza. In Selly Oak, Kamel Hawwash, a civil engineering professor at the University of Birmingham and a former head of the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, is running against the shadow veterans minister Steve McCabe.
Both seats, like those in former mill towns (Rochdale, Blackburn) and inner city areas (Ilford North, Leicester East) across the country where independents believe they have a chance of embarrassing the Labour Party, have significant Muslim populations. At May’s local elections, an analysis by Sky News found that in areas with a Muslim population above 20 per cent Starmer’s party lost 17.9 points from their vote share.
A targeted Labour fightback in Muslim areas, including focus groups and internal polling, began in January. This week the LabourList site published a list of the party’s “battleground areas”: 250 constituencies into which the party is funnelling significant resources, part of a campaign to win a healthy parliamentary majority. But the party is also directing activists to 22 seats where the party already has a large majority. It looks like a rearguard action. Several of these areas have a higher-than-average Muslim population.
Muslims make up 43 per cent of the electorate in Birmingham Ladywood, according to the Muslim Vote, a group that is trying to cohere Muslim voters behind pro-Gaza candidates. Mahmood has been the MP here since 2010, taking the seat from Clare Short, the former New Labour minister who resigned two months after the Iraq war began in March 2003. Short, as Yakoob is today, was a persistent critic of Labour’s foreign policy in the Middle East.
After refusing to serve in the shadow cabinet under Jeremy Corbyn, Mahmood became an early backer of the influential Starmerite think tank Labour Together and a key figure in Starmer’s plans for government. Based on the results of the 2019 general election, when Mahmood won 79 per cent of the vote, Ladywood should be one of the safest Labour seats in the country.
Boundary changes introduced this year complicate that picture. Alum Rock, an inner-city area that has a 93.6 per cent ethnic minority population, will become part of Ladywood. When you spend a day canvassing with Yakoob you begin to see why this might be a much trickier contest for Labour than anyone would have predicted a year ago. Ladywood is now one of the party’s “battleground areas”. Yakoob’s team believes that activists are being brought into the constituency because locals are refusing to campaign for Mahmood because of her abstention on a motion calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war last November. Labour call this claim “absolute nonsense”. The independent candidates share ideas and strategies. They often campaign together.
“Everybody was saying to me ‘Labour machinery this, Labour machinery that,’” Yakoob says from the front seat of the Mercedes, which is being tailed by a pair of black German sedans filled with his volunteers, mostly young men wearing Asos suits.
“So what? I don’t really care about the machinery. Can they buy the love of people? No.” Yakoob smiles broadly. He jabs a hand out, as if he were standing at a podium addressing the entire city.
“They can spend millions but they can’t take the love of the people for me out of their hearts. That’s what they can’t take.”
His family are from Azad Kashmir, a region in the disputed territory controlled by Pakistan. His father came to Britain in the 1970s, worked as a milk salesman, then retired to Pakistan. Yakoob was born in the City Hospital on Dudley Road in 1988. He has four brothers, four sisters and four children. He tells his life story and gritty legal anecdotes on podcasts and through his 30-second, self-consciously aspirational social media videos.
Rags to riches is the vibe. He used to own a fleet of supercars, including a Rolls-Royce and a Lamborghini. The cars have since been jettisoned; Yakoob says he has “grown out of them”. Politics is taking over his life. His flashy, brash populist style makes Yakoob the closest thing politically adrift British Muslims have to Nigel Farage. He has been endorsed by George Galloway.
Yakoob is under investigation from the Solicitors Regulation Authority after he used social media to promote a false claim of racism against a teacher last month. Yakoob later deleted the posts and issued a statement saying that he would not make any comment until the outcome of the investigation.
Yakoob disrupts things wherever he goes. Handing out leaflets near a primary school on Wednesday afternoon, crowds swirl around him. Women in hijabs tell him they love him. Countless pictures are taken. People practically throw their children at him. Yakoob switches between Urdu patter and his drawling, lispy Brummie English. “Inshallah,” he says whenever these parents tell him “next time you will win”.
The afternoon before, Yakoob was campaigning at the gates of the nearby Rockwood Academy. It used to be known as Park View School. In 2014, Park View was at the heart of an inquiry into discredited allegations of a plot to oust some Birmingham head teachers and make their schools adhere to more conservative Islamic principles. The so-called Trojan Horse scandal remains a sore issue locally. By campaigning outside the school, Yakoob is picking at a scab.
“I don’t know why he does it,” said one teacher who didn’t want to be named. “Why kids?” When Yakoob appeared outside the school, hundreds of children tried to take selfies with him. That evening at a packed meeting at a Bangladeshi restaurant, Yakoob calls for a public inquiry into the Trojan Horse affair. The room shakes with applause.
Along Green Lane, a squeezed road on a dumpy street where cars are parked at every angle and Palestinian flags are tied to the lamp posts, Yakoob literally stops traffic. Drivers slow down to yell and shout their support at him. He runs haphazardly towards them brandishing leaflets coloured with the black, green and red of the Palestinian flag. It’s a total macho circus act, pure street politics. “Everyone knows me,” he says.
A little girl walks up to Yakoob with her mother, who does not speak English very well. “Give us a good reason to vote for you.” Yakoob gets down on his haunches. He is face to face with the girl. He calls her “little sister”.
“None of our MPs spoke about Gaza.” He says this very slowly and patiently, so she can understand him. “There was a vote in the House of Commons and our MP for Ladywood … she actually abstained from voting.” The girl is satisfied with this. She leads her mother away, taking a leaflet to go.
There are local issues here. The roads sweat with traffic and pollution. Uncollected rubbish, stinking in the mild June weather, is piled up near abandoned, shattered pubs. People complain about potholes and rat infestations. More than half the children in the constituency, 54.6 per cent, are living in poverty, according to End Child Poverty — the highest rate of any constituency in the country.
Later one man, an elderly solicitor, tells me Alum Rock is a ghetto, and Mahmood should be ashamed of it. Yakoob’s team claims Mahmood cannot campaign there, such is the anger towards her. They also say a senior figure from one of Mahmood’s previous campaigns has defected to Yakoob. Both claims are, again, “absolute nonsense”, a Labour spokesperson says.
Mahmood says she is “delighted” to be Labour’s candidate in Birmingham Ladywood, “the city my family has called home since my parents first arrived from rural Kashmir”.
When we visit the 20-tent pro-Gaza encampment that sprouts from the ground in the middle of Aston University with Yakoob, one student, a bearded 20-year-old who did not wish to be named, was unequivocal: “Power must be taken away from the Labour Party.”
That evening, senior figures from the Bengali community gather to address Yakoob in the upstairs room of a Bangladeshi restaurant on Coventry Road. The room looks like it has been decorated for a wedding reception — which is somewhat eerie, because no women are present.
A succession of bigwigs are introduced. This brother runs a printing business. That brother is a mufti, an Islamic jurist. They are serious men, and they feel deeply betrayed by the Labour Party that their families have voted for since they came to Britain.
One man recalls his father’s friendship with Lord Hattersley, who was MP for Birmingham Sparkbrook from 1964 to 1997. He says he will never vote for Labour again after Gaza. “They have hurt us so much.” His voice is grave. I watch as speaker after speaker effectively pledges allegiance to Yakoob. These men are planning for the long term.
“We are all here until we die,” says one. “So we need to make sure we make a playing field for our next generation.”
Is Yakoob that next generation? Victory over Mahmood would probably be the biggest shock of this election. It remains unlikely, but it is not unthinkable. His campaign is more fascinating for what it represents than what it might achieve. It is amateurish, not professional, and built on charisma not data. He wants the approval of TikTok, not the BBC. Akhmed Yakoob might just be a curiosity. Or he could be the first sign of a truly new sectarian politics in Britain.
submitted by CountBrandenburg to brum [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:58 Worried-Hat-4197 Je me suis mise dans une très mauvaise situation...

Bonjour à toutes et à tous.
Tout d'abord merci en avance pour vos réponses..J'avoue que je ne sais pas vers qui me tourner pour parler de cela. Je suis F30, je n'ai pas vraiment d'entourage hormis mes collègues de boulot alors...
Je vous explique tout.
J'ai rencontré un H25 l'année dernière. Avec son boulot ( Gendarme ) j'avais peur de m'engager car déplacement fréquent etc.. et aussi parce que c'est quelqu'un d'assez jeune " dans sa tête", et si ça peut être agréable par moment...J'ai souvent un rôle de maman dans la relation ( les courses, le ménage, les papiers, penser au loyer, la voiture etc )
Après plusieurs mois compliqué, on a décidé de sortir réellement ensemble, pensant que cela rendrait les choses plus..apaisées. Il était très amoureux, et moi je ressentais énormement de tendresse pour lui, je me suis dit que c'était une bonne idée de rendre les choses plus officielle.
Sauf que...ce n'est pas quelqu'un qui est très famille, ou alors c'est toujours sans moi quand il y a des événements familiaux ( rares, mais tout de même ). Pareil pour ses amis, en plus d'une année à le connaitre j'ai rencontré 2 personnes de son entourage, car il me dit que le reste ne " me plairait pas".
Il va parfois à des concerts avec ses amis, mais je ne suis jamais invité car ce sont des endroits " ou je ne me sentirais pas à ma place, c'est très masculin, pas très légal"...
On a souvent eu des différents car en plus de pas me sentir incluse dans sa vie, c'est pas quelqu'un qui "pense à l'autre". Alors dans les faits, dans les mots surtout, il a l'air follement amoureux, sa façon de me regarder, de m'être exclusif, la tendresse et LE FUEGO au lit...
Bref si je l'écoute, il est terriblement amoureux mais niveaux actions...ça ne suit pas mais il justifie ça par le fait qu'il est comme ça, qu'il sait pas faire, qu'il est maladroit. Bon..Pourquoi pas après tout.
Je n'ai pas besoin de recevoir des fleurs et des invitations au restaurant de façon hebdomadaire, mais c'est vrai que je me sens vraiment pas gâtée, et dieu sait que ça fait du bien, sans pour autant avoir des attentes demeurées !
Ces dernières semaines ont étés infernales. J'ai déménagé pour des raisons familiale dans une ville à une heure de chez moi ( chez nous, car il vivait avec moi ), il ne m'a pas aidé une seule fois pour le déménagement. C'est ma meilleure amie, une petite nana de 1M50 qui est venue m'aider. Elle ne voulait pas le voir, car elle ne l'apprécie pas, elle n'apprécie pas son comportement et sa façon d'être très immature, et lui a prétendu être vexé que je ne lui propose pas de m'aider pour le déménagement alors que de base, il bossait ce jour là et n'était pas disponible. Ducoup, il a fait la gueule, car je ne l'ai pas sollicité, alors que j'étais déjà full stress de ce déménagement et d'un gros souci familial qui m'était tombé dessus.
Disons que parfois, j'ai l'impression d'être seule, que la personne en face n'a pas les outils, les épaules pour gérer avec moi des choses de la vie quotidienne, d'un adulte... Surtout que nous n’avons pas vraiment de discussions, on partage beaucoup de tendresse et on est à l’aise l’un avec l’autre mais…on a pas ces moments où on se pose et où on refait le monde, nous avons un projet d’appart mais il ne se projette pas car il n’a jamais eu d’appartement et l’administratif le terrorise…donc bref c’est hypothétique.
Disons que j’ai l’impression qu’il aime l’idée d’être amoureux mais que je ne l’intéresse pas vraiment
Actuellement, il s'est envolé pour la N-Calédonie pour une mission de 6 mois. Sauf que les dernières semaines avant son départ...Ce fût un désastre total. Il était mal, il faisait la gueule, il a passé des heures et des heures dans un mutisme énorme à juste...être mal et à me reprocher de m'en foutre de lui alors que je gérais presque seule un déménagement, mon anniversaire ( mes 30 ans, ça m'a fait un sacré coup !) et un nouveau travail...
J'ai du faire 4h de route pour un aller-retour à la con avec ma voiture chargé à bloc, je devais prendre l'autoroute ( il sait que j'ai une phobie des poids lourds, alors c'est toujours un peu un grand moment de stress pour moi ), et au lieu d'être un peu doux, j'ai reçu des tas de SMS me traitant d'égoiste, alors que j'étais sur la route et mon tel n'arrêtait pas de sonner, je lui demandais d'arrêter mais il n'entendait rien, il relançait en se flagellant, en disant que j'en avais rien à foutre de lui demandais juste de me laisser déménager en paix, ce fut un enfer, j'ai du m'arrêter en urgence pour l'appeler et lui supplier d'arrêter.
J'ai refusé de le voir avant son départ car j'étais trop dégoutée de tout ça.
Sauf que désormais, il me demande de l'attendre, de lui être fidèle, qu'on va arranger ça au retour.
Je suis profondément seule ici, alors oui, c'était mon choix. Mais j'ai aucun entourage appart lui, et ce n'est pas un entourage que je trouve forcément très sain. Je me remets en question, je ne suis pas parfaite, j'ai mes tords, c'est évident. Et dernièrement je n'avais plus de patience, plus d'envie au lit, tout était tension et engueulade...
Attendre 6 mois, ça me donne des vertiges. Non pas que je rêve d'installer tinder pour multiplier les dates car ce n'est pas quelque chose qui me fasse particulièrement rêver, mais en acceptant d'attendre, j'ai l'impression de céder.
Il est triste, il a peur il est "amoureux", il me demande de l'attendre, et je cède car je culpabilise, car je me dis que je ferais mieux d'attendre au lieux " de choisir la facilité" et de rencontrer d'autres personnes.
Cette situation me rend nerveuse..
Avez-vous déjà vécu cela ?
Je me sens perdue avec ce truc, la solitude n'aide pas. Il était déjà difficilement présent en vrai alors à distance, je n'imagine même pas...
submitted by Worried-Hat-4197 to conseilsrelationnels [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:55 Happy-Strawberry1728 Travel Report: 3 Weeks Working Remote in Dominican Republic - April/May (Shoulder/Wet Season)

Dominican Republic was an interesting experience, while I loved practicing my Spanish, I won't be back. Nothing bad happened, just nothing was exceptional about the place, one visit was enough, I have high hopes for it being a better travel destination in future. The downside was really just the food and service, which was quite abysmal.
I've broken it up into separate posts for each area I was in, (4 spots in 3 weeks), but the main takeaways are:
April 22-26: Uvero Alto - Ocean El Faro & El Beso
I was lucky enough to stay here for a coworking summit with my company. We got a great corporate deal and splurged on a “Swim-Up Junior Suite” which was still only US$150 per person all inclusive. While a stunning resort, I am very glad we didn’t pay anymore than we did, as the quality and value was lacking. I was there with my partner for 6 nights, 7 days and that was too long. I’d say 3-4 days is plenty to experience it all. However, I am not a resort person and this was my first resort experience, I would be happy to not experience another resort, unless it was heavily subsidized and a stunning location. Quick review of all the amenities:
April 26-May 3: Santo Domingo - Airbnb: Private transport from hotel to Airbnb: It was a little disorientating leaving the resort which seemed like some fairyland to Santo Domingo which was REAL Dominican Republic. We booked a private shuttle which was nice, they came 20 mins late but we weren’t in a rush and our local driver was very kind, social and gave us some tips about the capital city and country. He also advised to not leave the capital city as the surrounding neighbourhoods had a lot of crime and you would likely get stabbed and robbed :/ We arrived at our Airbnb in about 3.5 hours (with a brief pitstop). Our airbnb was bare bones, while nice, we wouldn’t recommend it for remote workers as it was hard to cook food there, however, if you’re out exploring all day, this place would suffice. The pool was nice but the gym was unusable as the air conditioner was broken so you had to work out in 35 degrees celsius plus. It was nice to be close to the grocery store though nearby and restaurants within walking distance. While the streets seemed a bit sketchy, it was very safe. We did take Ubers as well which were so cheap, DRP300-500 for 5-10 min rides. We preferred our area over Zona Colonial as there was more to do, but it would’ve been nice to split our time between the two areas. All in all, we’re glad we got to see the real Dominican Republic but were happy to be back close to the beach afterwards. Reviews of excursions and restaurants below. Dominican Culture Around the Fogón: Incredible experience, loved making coffee and chocolate from scratch, learning the ways of the Taínos and the yucca pizza was surprisingly super tasty! Underground swimming hole was also really cool and Jasmine was such a fun host! Even though we half spoke each other’s languages, I had so much fun talking with her and highly recommend this tour! Hiking Tabernacle thundering Waterfall: Ronnie is the man!! One of the most professional and patient hosts I’ve ever met. He easily navigated the varying levels of skill our group had, made it easy for us to all connect and get to know one another. The chat during the 2 hour ride was seamless and Ronnie even stopped to let us try Arepa! Breakfast family style beforehand was also super tasty with eggs, fried cheese, mashed potato and mangu. The tour itself was so much fun and definitely action packed! I recommend this tour for those who are medium to highly fit, it’s more of a struggle for those who aren’t active. I’m scared of heights and had a couple of sketchy moments but it was so rewarding to finish the hike at the end. Water is also quite cold! It’s manageable but there were many moments where I was trying to find sun spots to warm up. Lunch at the end was also great and I appreciate Ronnie accommodating us last minute (we forgot to mention we didn’t eat meat) and he organised some eggplant to go with the rice, salad, tostones and beans. On the way back, Ronnie also got us some Dominican treats to try, Yanniqueque, Dulce de maní and a coconut - all part of the tour! The best part though was he stoped at a mango stand where we bought 8 mangoes for $2.35CAD! The best mangoes I’ve ever eaten. Thank you Ronnie for an unforgettable experience! Restaurants we went to in order:
May 3-5: Bayahíbe - Villa Iguana
Bayahíbe was SUCH a cute town, I wished we could’ve stayed here for a couple more days to enjoy the water which was so beautiful and clear. The infrastructure is limited for remote workers though, average 20mbps download speeds, hence why we only came for the weekend. As it is a small town, 3-4 days would suffice, you can walk around the whole town centre in 45-60mins probably. But you could also head over down south towards where the hotels are to experience some other restaurants and beaches. Highly recommend visiting Cueva de Chicho while here, very cool experience swimming in a cenote cave with bats - bring a waterproof head lamp if you can! This is the only swimmable cave in the area and it cost DRP200 pp to enter and walk 20 mins to the cave from the entrance. I’m not sure if this was normal either but there was a large market on Friday night in the town centre with a DJ which had a fun local feel. We had an unfortunate event when we were leaving Bayahíbe to Bávaro via Uber - we recommend you DO NOT DO. Use Bookaway and pre-book a shuttle. We actually had a shuttle booked originally but they accidentally cancelled it for no reason when we were in Santo Domingo and because Ubers were cheaper and we got one from Santo Domingo to Bayahíbe no problem, we thought it’d be fine. We ended up spending an hour trying to get a driver to take us, but they all kept calling to ask for double the price that was on Uber, where it advertised DRP2500 and the drivers wanted us to pay DRP4000 cash. So we kept cancelling and being bumped between the limited drivers available. Eventually one driver refused to cancel so we couldn’t find another driver, essentially forcing us to use him. It was a very uncomfortable experience, we felt scammed as all the drivers kept saying the same price but shame on Uber if they truly do underpay their drivers there - which is the reason the drivers gave. However, we paid DRP5000 to go from Santo Domingo to Bayahíbe which is double the distance, so I don’t know what was fair or not, perhaps we cheated that driver. Reviews of excursions and restaurants below. Vip Cruise on SpeedBoat to paradise Mano Juan, Saona Island: All in all this was still a good trip but it was a little unorganized and we didn’t see/do everything on the itinerary. We also didn’t leave the port until around 10:15/10:30am, there was only one bottle of water per person all day provided (luckily I brought my own water), we didn’t get a coconut either with lunch nor visit the shipwreck for snorkelling. I wish we spent more time during the morning activities, and less time at the old fishing village. It started off well but got boring towards the end. I don’t know if I’d recommend this tour at the current cost, there are similar tours for half the price, so feel a little cheated seeing as we didn’t get/do everything we were supposed to. Isidro was nice though, and seeing the baby sea turtles was definitely a highlight, water was also stunning.
May 5-11: Bàvaro - Airbnb: I have mixed feelings about this place, it felt very touristy but had such great potential. The beach was unfortunately covered in sargassum and was not pleasant to swim, if you head north you might be able to find a spot to swim though. Thankfully we had a pool and since it was the shoulder season, basically had it all to ourselves. Restaurants were more expensive than I thought for the quality, I wish I ventured into the local area, Friusa, driving past it looked like it would have tasty cheap eats! We didn’t do much here since it was our last 6 days and we were only here during the week, but we did get an Uber to Playa Macao which didn’t have as much sargassum and was really nice to swim in. Barely any amenities there though so pack some food and drinks with you as the restaurants that are open are quite expensive for the quality. Reviews of restaurants below.
TLDR: Ocean El Faro/El Beso is a beautiful resort, but has terrible food. Hike Tabernacle with Ronnie and eat at Ajuala in Santo Domingo; Book private transport in and out of Bayahibe; Don’t make Bávaro a priority to visit, can be easily missed - it’ll be better later on
Hope this is helpful for some people, let me know if you have any qs!
submitted by Happy-Strawberry1728 to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:52 PNW4theWin "Carefree" Furniture

My husband and I are redecorating our home after 20 years. We will be getting new sofas, a new dining room table, a new coffee table, etc.
The first time we purchased wood furniture I feel like I was always worried about people using coasters, what items might be set on furniture that would leave micro scratches, etc.
In spite of my best efforts our coffee table is covered with micro scratches. Our dining table has a few watermarks that can't be removed. Our sofa could only be professionally cleaned. Anytime I try to spot clean there was always an obvious spot left by the attempt, even if the stain itself was removed.
This time around, I really want easy maintenance, "carefree" items. I know nothing can be completely carefree. I just like to be able to relax a little more and enjoy my family and guests without worry of what might happen to the furniture.
I know some restaurants use reclaimed wood for dining tables and the marks just become part of the character. What are my other options, besides glass?
What about sofa options? My husband really doesn't like the look of slipcovers and I can't say I love the look either.
submitted by PNW4theWin to furniture [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:52 Competitive_Case4180 2024 DAT Breakdown (25 AA/26TS/23PAT)

Getting scores in a high percentile like these is uncommon and should differ from what you expect of yourself. I was surprised at the score I got, and glad I got it, but I would've been happy for less, and so will Dental schools!
Also, I want to mention how I felt about resources and what worked for me, but that is coming from someone with a learning style that is likely different from yours; only take my advice if it works for you! You know you best, so I encourage you to study in a way that works. On the other hand, if anything I did sounds promising, definitely use it! A big part of learning how to succeed on the DAT is understanding how you learn. Gotta know yourself before you can conquer this beast.
I hope this helps!
PAT - 23 QR - 19 RC - 25 Bio - 30 GC - 24 OC - 25 TS - 26 AA - 25
Background: I am currently a senior with a 3.7~ GPA. I am also a first-generation student, and my unconventional educational background basically equated to no real education before college.
Materials Used (in order of helpfulness):
  1. DAT Booster - A wonderful resource for exam preparation. While I didn't have the opportunity to try other resources, I have heard a lot about them, and it sounded like DAT Booster does a better job at focusing on the most critical/high-yield topics, especially in the sciences. I didn't feel like I was doing too many practice problems while still feeling like I was getting enough practice. In other words, I never felt like I was "grinding my gears" when studying and practicing the three sciences tested. While the DAT booster presented a more challenging version of PAT than I experienced on the DAT, it also does an excellent job of preparing you because of that challenge. Stay encouraged if it always feels hard; you may do better than you think on PAT. Reading comprehension practice tests were a great tool to practice under timed conditions. I recommend taking as many full-length tests as possible, which helped me the most. Finally, the QR materials from DAT Booster gave me more of an issue than anything else because of my background; I often felt left behind, confused, or like I wouldn't understand the material. I had to go to external resources like Khan Academy or chat GPT to get my questions answered. That being said, I hear the DAT Booster team is working on improving it, and the QR practice tests are a fantastic representation of the actual test. I got a lower score than my Booster scores predicted on QR, so the scoring may be a poor measure, but the tests themselves felt very accurate to the exam.
  2. Quizlet - When it came to reviewing material or, in some cases, learning it - Quizlet was my best friend. I studied as much as I could in a "learning" format for the critical memorized details of the sciences through watching videos, reading bio-notes, and taking notes on what I learned to retain information. Still, I never felt like I'd have enough time to get all the most critical information down before my test date, and that's where Quizlet saved me. I studied new units of DAT Booster's quizlet decks almost every night before bed. I also habitually pulled up Quizlet instead of social media whenever I could. I found that as I would go through the flashcards until I swiped right on each one, confident I knew the answer, I retained that information much better. After getting the same flashcard wrong multiple times in a row, remembering the right answer became much more critical. If you can do all the booster quilts with >80% accuracy (assuming you understand the topics, not just the card's phrasing/answer), I believe you will reach your goal DAT score in at least biology.
Study Timeline: When I started studying, I had three months before my test date. I set a goal to study for at least three hours each day alongside my lab and course load, and I got overwhelmed. At least for me, it wasn't until I changed my goal to an "amount" goal instead of a "time" goal that I started making progress.
I did not get time to study until about a month and a half before my test date; before that, I had only gotten about a week's worth of studying over my semester. I followed Booster's 10-week study schedule rigorously, but because I was behind, I tried to study 2 days of material daily. I ended up having to skip over the material I felt good about during the learning phase to get enough time to study the topics, which I felt more shaky on. That being said, I never skipped a practice test date. I prioritized getting a test in, and if I ever felt overwhelmed, I would do it section by section instead of full-length (although full-length tests are essential).
After I got into the practice/review phase, I noticed the days in the study guide had much less structure than the days in the learning phase, so instead of following the schedule, I spent my days going over topics I felt I wanted to improve based on how I felt during my practice tests. I got to this phase about three and a half weeks before my test date and ended up doing a practice test almost every other day, sometimes separating them when I felt studying would be more productive than testing again (usually when I thought I knew what area I had to improve, and I didn't feel like I made enough progress for a practice test to be practical; I already knew where I needed to focus my study).
The most important thing I did during this time was review the practice tests, seeking to understand not only the correct answers to every question (including what I got right) but also why the wrong answers were wrong and what would have made them true. Since the DAT uses multiple choice - and those choices are almost always real terms or definitions/options - you can learn a lot when reviewing them. This is less relevant for mathematics questions, but conceptual questions always benefit from this.
I also took day-long breaks. For religious reasons, I never studied for one day of the week. Whatever the reason, though, making a standard during this time to not study for some time during the week, almost an unbreakable self-rule, creates a space in your hectic studying to be not allowed to think about or study for the test. With this time, you can truly relax and recuperate. Your brain needs rest, too!
Day of Exam
What I Think Helped the Most:
If I could distill everything I learned from this experience, it would be
  1. Don't worry if you're having a bad day. I had a lot of practice test days where I felt awful; somewhere, I was almost throwing up because of my anxiety, but I still was able to perform better than I anticipated. This knowledge helped reduce anxiety on test day - I knew I did okay even at my worst, so I felt it'd be okay.
  2. Focus on high-yield topics: Pay attention to what is often repeated, quizzed, or shows up on practice tests. THESE TOPICS MATTER AND WILL SHOW UP! I remember usually thinking, "But what if studying this is a waste of time because it won't show up?" while that is true when you're low on time; if it's a high-yield topic, do not overlook it. Please ensure you understand those topics and can do them well; these are where easy points can be made, and crucial points can be lost.
  3. Have a support group: I didn't mention it above, but without my family and friends being there, checking on my progress, helping lighten the burden of my daily tasks, and being there to listen during stressful times, I would've done terribly on this test. Even if it's the lovely pre-dents on social media, connect with people and get support.
  4. Keep studying. Even when it feels like you have it all down or maybe that you'll never be able to learn it all (like how I felt), never stop giving your best, whatever that is, to study and practice. Don't expect the same level of effort or performance from yourself every day, and make sure to take breaks before you break, but also just keep putting in an effort. You can do this!
submitted by Competitive_Case4180 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:34 Strange_Tax_877 Should I be worried about my (20 F) boyfriends (20 M) drinking?

I don’t drink. I don’t like to drink because of the taste and don’t really find joy in drinking. I grew up with strict parents that never ever let me drink and I never had the desire to go behind their back. I’ve tried it on my own and hate it. My bf on the other hand started drinking when he was 13-14 and his parents are super chill and don’t care. They are good parents and he is a good kid. He is also a great boyfriend and he treats me great. He knows that I don’t drink and I don’t like him drinking too much too but I’m not against him drinking. He’s drank many times in front of me, with his family at restaurants and it doesn’t bother me. I’ve never thought he had a drinking problem especially because his family knows when he drinks and they don’t really care so why should I care? Recently, we went on a weekend trip with our friends and ofc many of my friends were drinking. My bf was drinking the most out of everyone there but I trust him and I know he can handle himself. But one night one of my close friend (20 F) she doesn’t drink, is so against drinking and was also against my relationship when I first told her about my bf because she didn’t like that he drank, she turns to me and tells me “your bf drinks a lot”. I just brush it off by saying Ik but he is good, he knows his tolerance. She responds by saying “No that is really bad. Especially for your future with him. Trust me my dad was an alcoholic i know.” In that moment I felt so embarrassed and didn’t know what to say to her because she’s basically telling me to leave him because of his drinking. I wasn’t happy for the rest of the night after this. I even looked at my bf and tried to tell him to stop drinking even though i don’t want to control what he does. He didn’t listen and he still poured more because he said “he knows his tolerance”. Later that night I got mad at my bf but I don’t know if he really did anything wrong. He did end up having to make himself throw up to sleep better and he was drunk. He doesn’t drink everyday and I know he drank because we were on a trip. He drinks occasionally with family or parents or friends. I know he does enjoy drinking alcohol and since I don’t drink idk what is normal and what is not.
Should I listen to my friend and be worried for my future? How do I know what to do? I am so confused.
submitted by Strange_Tax_877 to internetparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:28 Spiritual-Act5855 My(20F) big sis(24F) is kinda hurting my feelings and I think it has to do with her fiancé(26M)

So my sis has been with her now fiancé for 6 years. They are getting married today and I’m happy for her but I feel uncomfortable and like I’m being disrespected?
For quite awhile now, way before engagement there has been an off-ness about the relationship with her and her man. I remember in the beginning when he would come over my parents house to be with her, he would be rude to me and always pointing out shit in my appearance. 
I’ll never forget he kept making this weird joke and saying “let’s see who’s the better sister!”. My sister never laughed at it and I found it distasteful but said nothing. I told my sister after he left that I didn’t like his eccentricity and weirdness. After this my sis started acting weird towards me and her and her bf began giving obvious social cues that they were talking about me like that look ppl give eachother when someone’s talking(you know what I mean lol).
However, through the years, he’s still been very odd. I’ve caught him openly scanning me up and down which threw me tf off. When I looked at my sis to see if she saw what I saw and she would just be buck eyed. My sister would have me come spend the night at their place but she would randomly become aggressive towards me while I was there or she would rush me home(coming over was her idea btw). When we’ve had family outings, he would make conversation with me and she would get super quiet. 
However, recently, my sister has made plans with me just to cancel them 8 times in a row(she’s did this many times in the past few years). In conjunction with this, she’s been acting extremely skittish around me and her now husband when he sees me he looks really hard to the side or to the ground. When I was helping them decorate their reserved room at a restaurant, they said they needed balloons someone sent the wrong color and I asked if they needed me to get some and her husband threw his hand up,almost as if to stop me from talking, and bluntly said “it’s fine we got it”. I thought it was just nerves from the wedding but he was speaking normally to everyone else. I was the only one being met with abrasion.
In conclusion, I’ve felt deeply betrayed by my sister a few times in life. But with this it sucks bc she knows she’s the only person I have discussed traumatic things with like the SA I went through. Also when her fiance cheated I was the only person there for her(our parents kinda suck). I have a few theories but overall, I just feel a bit betrayed and weirded out. I also get the sense that something is being projected onto me. I’m distancing myself from my sister and considering moving on from her in the future. How would you feel in this situation?
submitted by Spiritual-Act5855 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:21 BeccaFlorez My husband and I are raising 3 children and we have no idea what we are doing.

Let me break this down for everyone, the title was meant to be alarming. My older sister (40F) is a single mother to three kids, a 9 year old girl, a 2 year old girl, and a 4 year old boy. All very sweet kids. Unfortunately my sister was messing with some really sketchy people and about 7 months ago she got arrested. Either the kids got split up in the foster care system or they were taken care of by immediate family. Which is me and my husband. We gladly opened our home to the kids because we love them and we’d do anything for them. We live in a three bedroom house, so we let the two year old’s crib stay in our room, then the other kids get their own room. We thought it would be temporary as my sister was adamant she would beat the case but from 6 months ago, from the trajectory of the court case, she looks like she’ll be facing about 5 years minimum.
Being with the kids has been bliss, for the most part, but if it was all sunshine and rainbows i wouldn’t have made this account. My husband and I don’t have any kids, nor did we plan on having any kids. Because we are of “parental age” (that’s what the social workers called us) we are just expected to know what to do in terms of raising them. I mean, we got the practical part of it down. A breakfast routine, school, sleep time, homework, practices. All that stuff we’ve got down, in terms of that the kids haven’t been very fussy.
Everything was going well up until about 4 months ago, and everything just seemingly changed overnight. The 9 year old became extremely rude, mouthy, swearing, just all around disrespectful towards us. After many “you will not talk to me like that” she stopped listening. She throws full tantrums. Throws cutlery, completely refuses to do anything at all. During a tantrum she will completely destroy her bedroom and refuse to clean it up. Her younger brother has started to copy her behaviour by also being destructive. He spills rice and sugar on the floor, throws temper tantrums be it at home, in the store, at a restaurant. Completely destroys the house, drawing on the walls, our cars, with permanent markers.
We acknowledged that the kids might be acting out due to the overwhelming feelings of uncertainty they’re feeling. They just stopped living with their mother whom they barely see anymore, they live in a new house, they don’t know when things will feel normal again. I thought maybe they’re acting up because they think that we will send them back to their mom? I don’t know. The social worker judged us a lot when we told her we really don’t know what to do. She didn’t help much. A friend told me to try a behavioural therapist, but I think it’s too soon to send them to that just yet.
They’re not bad kids, we know what they’re going through, but we genuinely don’t know how to help them or make anything easier for them. So here I am on reddit, as my last resort, asking for any sort of help. If i was vague in my explaining ask me for more detail if that will help.
submitted by BeccaFlorez to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:18 whyisittaken64 Suggestions needed for Dinner Places in Toronto

I just graduated from university and want suggestions for graduation dinner restaurants in Toronto. I will be with my parents so it has to be the kind of place where families go. Also a place with good vegetarian and non-vegetarian (no red meat) options. Budget friendly is preferred. Nothing too fancy. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
submitted by whyisittaken64 to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:17 akatsukatsu Mexican restaurant for white Midwesterners?

I have some white Midwestern "black pepper is spicy" family visiting who want to eat at a Mexican restaurant while they're here. I'm looking for somewhere that has lots of cheese and a very mild spice option on the menu. Thanks in advance!
submitted by akatsukatsu to denverfood [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:10 AnotherNerdOnHere 4 day weekend - where to stay, what to do?

I (M45) will be travelling with my brother (M37) to PCB in late July. He has never seen a beach, we just suffered a loss in our family, and I decided we were getting away somewhere. I picked PCB somewhat randomly out of places that I could get direct flights. Now that the flights are booked, I need to figure out where to stay and what we want to do while we're down there. It's been 20 years since I've been down there and I was looking for something very different then.
Short version of what we're looking for now is to just relax on the beach and the hotel pool with a drink in hand, find some good seafood and live music that is walkable in the evening, and maybe goof around on some jet skis or a pontoon.
What areas of the beach, or even better specific hotels / VRBOs and restaurants do you suggest? Any activities (rentals, etc) that we should try?
Appreciate the input!
submitted by AnotherNerdOnHere to panamacitybeach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 zorionek0 Bucktown Music Fest Dunmore

Bucktown Music Fest Dunmore submitted by zorionek0 to Scranton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:58 Drakeishere_RUN Year of The Dragon - Part 4 : "Blood On My Hands"


Omaha, Nebraska
Commentated by Tom Phillips and Michael Cole
In what is becoming a worrying tradition, The Authority make their way to the ring to kick off the show. Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Corporate Kane, and The New Age Outlaws are out first. Stephanie introduces the UNDISPUTED WWE World Heavyweight Champion ---- RANDALL KEITH ORTON! Orton walks out with his arm in a sling and soaks in a very negative reaction. Triple H and Stephanie take turns talking up Randy Orton's accomplishments like proud parents. They unveil a new championship; the World Heavyweight and WWE titles have been merged into a modernized version of the classic Winged Eagle design. Triple H straps the new title around Orton's waist and the fans chant "CM PUNK!" Stephanie reacts to the chants by informing everyone that due to his threats of violence, CM Punk has been barred from the building tonight. That is not a popular decision in Oklahoma. Triple H demands the fans shut their spoiled mouths and acknowledge that there’s a new definition of greatness. Orton takes the microphone but the boo's are deafening and he declines to speak until the fans quiet down.
Orton finally talks, managing to say "Welcome to the era of greatness. The era that is best for business. You cheer for guys like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, but they don't measure up to me on their best day." Daniel Bryan's music hits and the arena breaks out into a massive YES chant. Bryan reminds Orton that he stole that championship from him at Summerslam with the help of Triple H. The American Dragon wonders how long Orton is going to hide behind The Authority, security and fake injuries. If Orton really believes himself to be the standard of greatness, why are The Authority doing everything in their power to make sure he doesn't have to stand across from Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania 30? "I won the Royal Rumble and I will win the Elimination Chamber, so while you're sitting at home watching me be the champion you pretend to be, I want you to remember one thing: I AM INEVITABLE!" Orton shakes his head and says Bryan will never learn. His injury is 100% legitimate and he doesn't owe anybody an explanation. Orton says the only person watching from home is CM Punk! And tonight, Punk can watch Daniel Bryan in the main event .... against an opponent of Orton's choosing. Bryan welcomes the challenge and says his opponents blood will be on Orton's hands.
Divas Champion AJ Lee comes down and joins commentary ahead of the Gauntlet Match.
# 1 Contenders Gauntlet Match
Kaitlyn and Eva Marie are our first competitors. Kaitlyn makes quick work of Eva, hitting a Spear for the pinfall elimination.
Kaitlyn eliminates Eva Marie
Tamina Snuka is out next and she attacks Kaitlyn from behind after a distraction by AJ. We come back from commercial to see Kaitlyn take Tamina down with a baseball slide on the outside. Kaitlyn is in control until AJ throws some water at her and Tamina takes advantage by sending Kaitlyn face first into the ringpost! Tamina throws Kaitlyn back in the ring and hits a devastating Samoan Drop for the 3 count.
Tamina Snuka eliminates Kaitlyn
Aksana is out next but she doesn't really stand a chance. Tamina is like a cat playing with a mouse. She mercy kills Aksana with a Samoan Drop for another elimination.
Tamina Snuka eliminates Aksana
Naomi hits the ring and gives Tamina a run for her money. She connects with the Rear View but Tamina kicks out at two. Naomi goes to the 2nd turnbuckle but Tamina takes her head off in mid air with a big boot! Tamina scales the ropes --- SUPERFLY SPLASH! 1-2-3!
Tamina Snuka eliminates Naomi
Mickie James is out next to a great reaction! Mickie takes the fight to Tamina and knocks her down with a dropkick from the 2nd rope. Tamina goes for a powerbomb but James rolls through with a sunset flip and gets a 2 count! Mickie attempts the Stratusfaction but Tamina yanks her down by the hair! Mickie crawls to the corner where Tamina smashes her with a running hip attack! Tamina climbs to the top and leaps off with a Superfly Splash but Mickie rolls out of the way! MICK KICK! 1-2-3!
Mickie James eliminates Tamina Snuka
Brie Bella is next and she shakes Mickie's hand as a sign of respect. They have a good back and forth, countering big moves, and securing some nearfalls. But Mickie's championship lust overwhelms her opponent, she hits Brie Bella with the Stratusfaction and gets the pin.
Mickie James eliminates Brie Bella
Nikki Bella is the final competitor and she pounces on Mickie right away with a Bella Buster! Mickie kicks out! Nikki goes for the TKO but AJ Lee gets on the apron for a distraction. Tamina comes out of nowhere with a Superkick but Brie Bella jumps in the way, sacrificing herself for her sister! Mickie and Nikki dropkick Tamina from the ring and then Nikki Bella ducks a kick and rolls James up for the 3 count!
Result- Nikki Bella wins. (12:32)
We get a recap of The Ascension's debut last week as well as their bone chilling warning to Cody Rhodes and Goldust. Konnor and Viktor make their way to the ring for tag team action.
The Ascension vs. Los Matadores w/El Torito
Konnor viciously tosses Diego over the ropes and into the barricade! Fall of Man to Fernando! 1-2-3!
Result- Konnor pins Fernando via Fall of Man. (00:35)
El Torito gets in the ring to check on Fernando but The Ascension attack the little guy and hit The Fall of Man to him as well!
We see a video package of John Cena training for the Elimination Chamber. He says this is the most barbaric and painful match he's ever been in and if he wants to main event Wrestlemania, he has a tall task ahead of him. Cena talks about his five opponents at No Way Out and while he has the most experience inside the Chamber, he's not taking anyone lightly.
It's time for The Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho. He welcomes WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston to the show and says last week they suffered a loss against The Shield when Seth Rollins pinned Big E. Fans have been pointing to the fact that Jericho didn't break up the pin but Y2J assures Big E that he had the best of intentions, it's just that The Shield is a different beast entirely. They don't stop fighting and when Jericho saw Big E get hit with Dirty Deeds and the Curb Stomp, he knew their night was over.
Big E snatches the microphone and says being champion means there's a target on his back. He doesn't buy Jericho's explanation and he won't make the mistake of trusting him again. Jericho turns a bit nasty, showing his true colours, and says young ignorant up and comers like Big E make him sick. Y2J is a legend in this business and is respected industry wide.
Jericho was hoping to put this little miscommunication behind them but now he see's that Langston's ego is just as big as his muscles.
United States Champion Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns come through the crowd as Big E prepares for a fight. Rollins has a microphone and tells Big E that next week he's taking the Intercontinental Title. As for this week, they want a pound of flesh. The Shield surround the ring like hyenas ---- JERICHO SMASHES BIG E IN THE BACK WITH A STOOL! Y2J dashes out of the ring and heads up the ramp with a big shit eating grin as The Shield pounce on Big E.
Shad Gaspard has returned to the WWE alongside his partner JTG! Shad boots Jericho in the head for good measure as Cryme Tyme charge the ring! Big E has some back up; he and Cryme Tyme send Roman from the ring, followed by Ambrose! Shad lifts Rollins up on his shoulders but Ambrose and Reigns pull Seth to safety and retreat through the crowd. Big E holds up the Intercontinental Title and poses with Shad and JTG much to the fans excitement.
John Cena, Cody Rhodes, and Goldust vs. The Wyatt Family
Goldust and Cody attack Luke Harper and Erick Rowan before the bell rings and brawl all over ringside! Cena and Wyatt to face off in the middle of the ring. Cena with a snap suplex on Wyatt but Bray kicks out at 1 and does his spider walk! Cena is freaked out and backs into the corner to rethink his game plan. Bray clobbers Cena and makes the tag to Harper after things settle down on the outside. Harper and Rowan make quick tags and isolate Cena but they go to well one too many times --- Cena with a double DDT to take both monsters down!
Cena tags in Cody Rhodes! Cody runs wild --- Alabama Slam to Harper! Disaster Kick to Rowan! Wyatt tags in and cuts off Cody's momentum with a nasty uppercut. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail but Cody hits a neckbreaker and kips up! He's fired up babeh! Tag to Goldust. Wyatt charges at Goldust --- right into a lightning quick powerslam! Wyatt rolls out of the ring to recoup with Harper and Rowan. John Cena flies off the top rope and crashes onto all three members of The Wyatt Family on the outside!
Back in the ring we get a chaotic rush of attacks to close out the match; Erick Rowan flattens Goldust but gets hit with a Cross Rhodes! Wyatt clubs Cody from behind and hits a Sister Abigail. Cena scoops Wyatt up for an AA but eats a boot by Harper. Wyatt knocks Cena out of the ring as Harper drops Goldust with a brutal Lariat! 1-2-3! The Wyatt Family win.
Result- Luke Harper pins Goldust via Harpoon Lariat. (14:16)
We see a video of The Real Americans and Zeb Colter challenging Luke Harper and Erick Rowan to a tag team match next week on RAW after the Swampmen ruined Cesaro and Jack Swagger's title opportunity last week.
Josh Matthews is backstage with Hunico and Camacho. They talk about their beef with Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara --- Hunico is now calling himself the mask collector. He promises to be the nail in the coffin of Mysterio's career and anyone who gets in his way will be dealt with accordingly.
Daniel Bryan is taping his wrists backstage ahead of the main event. William Regal enters and greets his former protege but Bryan is laser focused on kicking someone's head and tells Regal they can catch up later. Regal wishes Bryan good luck out there and pats him on the back as The American Dragon heads for the ring.
Main Event- Daniel Bryan vs. Bad News Barrett
Randy Orton appears on the titantron to give Bryan the BAD NEWS. This starts Barrett's loose association with The Authority from here on out. Barrett was in a tough place, facing a suspension after attacking a referee, when The Authority offered to forget about it and help him back into title contention. His first opportunity is a big main event against Bryan.
These two men share quite a bit of history with NXT and The Nexus just a few years back. The match begins with them exchanging stiff elbows and uppercuts in the middle of the ring. Bryan with some stiff chest kicks until Barrett catches a breather with a short arm clothesline. Barrett stomps Bryan in the corner, choking him viciously. The ref pulls him off so Barrett whips Bryan across the ring --- Bryan moonsaults off the turnbuckle, lands on his feet, and hits a big head kick! He takes a turn stomping Barrett, chokes him in the corner, and yells at the referee that he has "UNTIL FIVE!" The Yes Movement is in full effect as Bryan charges up for the Busaiku Knee but Barrett hits The Winds of Change! 1-2-Bryan kicks out. Barrett is pissed. He traps Bryan in the corner and hits a barrage of knees to the ribs and head. Barrett tries for a superplex but Bryan reverses into a Guillotine Choke on the ropes! The referee tries again for Bryan to break the hold but The American Dragon uses every bit of his 5 second count.
Barrett falls out of the ring so Bryan runs and leaps off the apron! A knee right to Barrett's chin sends him flying over the barricade, into the front row! Bryan rolls in the ring to break the count and then goes out to get Barrett. Bad News shoves a fan at Bryan and then cheapshots him to gain control. Barrett throws Bryan into the ring and goes for the Bullhammer but Bryan ducks and hits a bridging German! 1-2-NO!
William Regal appears on the stage and slowly walks down to the ring. Bryan and Barrett exchange strikes until Bryan locks in the YES LOCK! Barrett is screaming in pain and manages to crawl to the ropes; again Bryan waits until 5 to break the hold. The referee argues with Bryan as we see Regal slide something into Barrett's elbow pad! Bryan charges up for the Busaiku Knee again but this time Regal gets on the apron for the momentary distraction ---- BARRETT TAKES BRYAN'S HEAD OFF WITH A BULLHAMMER! BRYAN IS OUT COLD! BARRETT DROPS AN ARM OVER HIM! 1-2-3!
Result- Bad News Barrett wins by pinfall via Bullhammer with a loaded elbow pad. (16:32)
William Regal helps Barrett to his feet to celebrate this momentous win. Bryan is still unconscious as Regal steps over his body with a bittersweet look on his face. The announcers wonder why on earth Regal has seemingly struck a deal with The Authority as RAW goes off the air with Bryan being checked on by officials.
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2024.06.09 16:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Beaches Near Las Vegas Nv

Best Beaches Near Las Vegas Nv
Best Beaches Near Las Vegas Nv Looking for a break from the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas? Want to trade in the desert heat for a dip in the ocean?Well, look no further! We've got the scoop on the best beaches near Las Vegas. From the family-friendly charm of Hermosa Beach to the famous Santa Monica State Beach, we'll compare amenities, water quality, and accessibility.And if you prefer to stay closer to the city, we've got you covered too.So grab your sunscreen, because it's time to hit the beach!Key TakeawaysHermosa Beach is a desirable seaside hangout in Southern California, with excellent amenities and water quality. It is perfect for families and newbies to learn surfing. However, it is a long three-hour drive from Las Vegas.Santa Monica State Beach is a famous sandy stretch in Southern California that is family-friendly, safe, and easily accessible. It offers great amenities and water quality, but it can get crowded during peak season.Laguna Beach features a 7-mile coastline with diverse culture and beauty. It is family-friendly, safe, and has excellent amenities and water quality. However, it is a long four-hour drive from Las Vegas and has limited parking.The Westin Lake Las Vegas is a deluxe resort and the closest beach to Las Vegas. It offers a luxurious and serene retreat with a private white sand beach and water sports opportunities.Hermosa BeachWe should consider visiting Hermosa Beach as it offers a charming and desirable seaside hangout with excellent amenities and water quality. Located in Southern California, Hermosa Beach spans 2 miles and is a family-friendly destination that's both safe and accessible. With its stunning coastline and pristine waters, it's no wonder that Hermosa Beach is often considered one of the best beaches near Las Vegas.Hermosa Beach boasts excellent amenities, including clean restrooms, convenient parking, and a variety of dining options. Whether you're in the mood for a casual beachside meal or a gourmet dining experience, Hermosa Beach has something to offer for everyone.In terms of water quality, Hermosa Beach consistently receives high marks. The water is clear and inviting, making it ideal for swimming, surfing, and other water activities. Lifeguards are also present to ensure the safety of beachgoers.While Hermosa Beach is located a three-hour drive from Las Vegas, it's well worth the journey. With over 320 days of sunshine each year, Hermosa Beach is the perfect year-round getaway. Whether you're a seasoned surfer or a beginner looking to learn, Hermosa Beach offers the ideal spot to catch a wave and enjoy the beauty of the ocean.Santa Monica State BeachSanta Monica State Beach, a famous 3.5-mile sandy stretch in Southern California, is a family-friendly and safe destination with great amenities and water quality. Easily accessible, this beach offers more than just sun and sand, with a nearby amusement park adding to the excitement.Additionally, Santa Monica State Beach is a prime spot for photography enthusiasts and sunset lovers, with the Lobster restaurant providing a picturesque setting for capturing memorable moments.Crowded During Peak SeasonSanta Monica State Beach can get crowded during peak season, so it's important to plan accordingly and arrive early to secure a good spot.As one of the most famous beaches in Southern California, Santa Monica State Beach attracts locals and tourists alike with its 3.5-mile sandy stretch and great amenities. Families will appreciate the family-friendly and safe environment, as well as the excellent water quality. The beach is easily accessible, with a great amusement park nearby for added entertainment.However, it's worth noting that the popularity of this beach can lead to large crowds during peak season. Despite the potential for crowds, Santa Monica State Beach remains a prime spot for photography and sunset viewing, especially at the Lobster restaurant.Amusement Park NearbyLet's make sure to check out the amusement park near Santa Monica State Beach for added entertainment during our visit. Santa Monica State Beach is a famous 3.5-mile stretch of sandy shoreline located in Southern California. It's a family-friendly beach that offers great amenities and water quality. The beach is easily accessible and has a fantastic amusement park nearby, making it a perfect destination for a fun-filled day.However, it's important to note that the beach can get crowded during peak seasons, so it's best to plan our visit accordingly. Additionally, Santa Monica State Beach is known for its stunning views, especially during sunset, which can be enjoyed from the Lobster restaurant.Overall, Santa Monica State Beach is a popular choice for beachgoers looking for a combination of relaxation and entertainment.Photography and Sunset ViewingWe should bring our cameras to capture the beautiful sunset and take advantage of the great photography opportunities at Santa Monica State Beach. Located in Southern California, this famous 3.5-mile sandy stretch offers a family-friendly and safe environment, with great amenities and water quality. Easily accessible, it's a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.The beach is home to a great amusement park nearby, providing entertainment and fun for all ages. However, it's important to note that Santa Monica State Beach can get crowded during peak season, so arriving early is recommended. With its prime location and stunning views, it's a perfect spot for photography enthusiasts and sunset lovers.Transitioning into the subsequent section about Laguna Beach, another beautiful coastal destination awaits us.Laguna BeachLaguna Beach, with its 7-mile coastline, offers a diverse and beautiful beach experience. It's family-friendly, safe, and boasts excellent amenities and water quality.While it may be accessible, the long four-hour drive from Las Vegas might be a consideration for some.Each beach in Laguna Beach has its own unique flavor and specialty, but limited parking means arriving early to secure a favorable spot.Beach Diversity in LagunaLaguna Beach offers a diverse range of beaches, each with its own unique culture and beauty. Whether you're looking for a family-friendly spot, a place to relax and soak up the sun, or a beach with excellent amenities and water quality, Laguna Beach has something for everyone.One of the highlights of Laguna Beach is its 7-mile coastline, which is dotted with different beaches, each with its own flavor and specialty. To illustrate this, here is a table showcasing some of the notable beaches in Laguna Beach:Beach NameCulture and BeautyFamily-FriendlyAmenities and Water QualityAccessibilityMain BeachArtistic communityYesExcellentEasyThousand StepsHidden gem with stunning viewsNoLimitedModerateVictoria BeachHistoric tower and tide poolsYesGoodModerateCrescent BaySecluded cove with natural beautyYesLimitedModerateTreasure IslandScenic area with rock formationsYesExcellentEasyEach of these beaches offers a different experience, allowing visitors to explore and appreciate the diverse beauty of Laguna Beach. So whether you're a local or a tourist, make sure to visit Laguna Beach and discover the unique culture and beauty that each of its beaches has to offer.Accessibility to Laguna BeachGetting to Laguna Beach may require a long drive, but the diverse culture, excellent amenities, and beautiful coastline make it worth the effort. When planning your trip to this Southern California gem, here are a few things to keep in mind:Accessibility: While it may be a long four-hour drive from Las Vegas, the journey to Laguna Beach is scenic and well worth it. The drive takes you through picturesque landscapes, offering glimpses of the stunning coastline that awaits you.Diverse Culture: Laguna Beach is known for its vibrant arts scene and rich cultural heritage. From world-class art galleries to outdoor festivals and events, there's always something happening in this coastal town.Excellent Amenities: Whether you're looking for upscale dining options, boutique shopping, or luxurious resorts, Laguna Beach has it all. The town is filled with top-notch amenities that cater to visitors from all walks of life.Westin Lake Las VegasHave we discussed the water sports opportunities available at Westin Lake Las Vegas? This deluxe resort, located just 18 miles from the Strip, offers a luxurious and serene retreat with a private white sand beach. But what sets Westin Lake Las Vegas apart is its exciting water sports options.Here is a table showcasing the water sports available at Westin Lake Las Vegas:Water SportsDescriptionStand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP)Experience the thrill of gliding across the calm waters of the lake on a paddleboard. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced paddler, SUP is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and stay active.KayakingExplore the picturesque shoreline of the lake in a kayak. Paddle at your own pace and take in the stunning views of the surrounding desert landscape. Kayaking is a fantastic way to connect with nature and embrace the tranquility of the water.Jet SkiingFeel the adrenaline rush as you speed across the lake on a jet ski. Perfect for thrill-seekers, jet skiing offers an exhilarating experience on the water. Enjoy the freedom and excitement of maneuvering through the waves and exploring the vastness of the lake.Whether you're looking for a peaceful paddleboarding session, a leisurely kayak ride, or an action-packed jet skiing adventure, Westin Lake Las Vegas has something for everyone. So, grab your gear and get ready to make a splash at this premier resort destination.Mandalay Bay BeachWow, Mandalay Bay Beach is truly a stunning and unique man-made beach with its artificial waves and imported sand, and it offers day passes for nonguests. This 11-acre aquatic wonderland in the heart of Las Vegas provides a taste of the ocean in the Mojave Desert. Here's what you need to know about Mandalay Bay Beach:The beach features artificial waves that create a fun and exciting surfing experience for both beginners and experienced surfers.The imported sand adds to the authenticity of the beach, giving visitors the feeling of being on a real ocean beach.Day passes are available at affordable rates for nonguests, allowing everyone to enjoy the beach and its amenities.Mandalay Bay Beach offers a range of activities and amenities to enhance your beach experience. From relaxing on the sand to swimming in the wave pool, there's something for everyone. The beach also features a lazy river, where you can float along and soak up the sun. In addition, there are multiple bars and restaurants on the beach, ensuring that you can enjoy refreshments and delicious meals while taking in the beautiful surroundings.Whether you're a guest at the Mandalay Bay Resort or a nonguest looking to experience a unique beach in the middle of the desert, Mandalay Bay Beach is a must-visit destination. With its artificial waves, imported sand, and day passes for nonguests, it offers a one-of-a-kind beach experience in Las Vegas.Cottonwood Cove BeachLet's explore Cottonwood Cove Beach, located on Lake Mohave, and discover the recreational activities it offers, such as paddleboarding, water skiing, and fishing.Cottonwood Cove Beach is a family-friendly destination that provides a great opportunity to enjoy water activities in a beautiful natural setting. The beach is situated on Lake Mohave, offering gentle shallow waters that are perfect for kids and beginners.One of the main attractions at Cottonwood Cove Beach is paddleboarding. This activity allows you to explore the calm waters of Lake Mohave while standing on a paddleboard and using a paddle to navigate. It's a great way to enjoy the scenery and get some exercise at the same time.Water skiing is another popular activity at Cottonwood Cove Beach. You can rent a water ski and glide across the surface of the lake, feeling the thrill of speed and the wind in your hair. It's an exhilarating experience that's sure to get your adrenaline pumping.Fishing is also a favorite pastime at Cottonwood Cove Beach. The lake is home to a variety of fish species, including bass, catfish, and trout. You can cast your line and try your luck at catching dinner or simply enjoy the peacefulness of the surroundings.In addition to these recreational activities, Cottonwood Cove Beach also features the Cottonwood Cove Cafe, where you can grab a bite to eat, and a gift center where you can find convenient items for your beach day.Coronado BeachWe should definitely consider visiting Coronado Beach, as it's known for its calm, warm waters and offers activities like surfing and kiteboarding.Calm, warm waters: Coronado Beach is renowned for its tranquil and inviting waters. The gentle waves make it a perfect spot for swimming and wading, especially for those who prefer a more relaxed beach experience.Surfing: If you're an adventure seeker, Coronado Beach has got you covered. With its consistent waves and favorable conditions, it's a great destination for surfers of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner looking to catch your first wave or an experienced surfer ready to ride the barrels, Coronado Beach offers an exciting surfing experience.Kiteboarding: For those seeking a unique and thrilling water sport, Coronado Beach is an ideal destination for kiteboarding. With its steady winds and spacious shoreline, it provides the perfect environment for this exhilarating activity. Whether you're a seasoned kiteboarder or new to the sport, Coronado Beach offers a great opportunity to soar above the waves.With its calm waters, surfing opportunities, and kiteboarding adventures, Coronado Beach is a must-visit destination for beach enthusiasts and water sports lovers. Whether you're looking for relaxation or adrenaline-pumping activities, this beach has something to offer for everyone.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Best Hotels Near Hermosa Beach, Santa Monica State Beach, Laguna Beach, Westin Lake Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay Beach, Cottonwood Cove Beach, and Coronado Beach?For the best hotels near Hermosa Beach, Santa Monica State Beach, and Laguna Beach, there are several options to consider.Some recommended hotels include Tropicana Laughlin near Westin Lake Las Vegas, Hilton Lake Las Vegas Resort & Spa near Boulder Beach, and Hoover Dam Lodge near Willow Beach.For Coronado Beach, you can visit the historic Hotel del Coronado.Additionally, Holiday Inn Express & Suites Lake Havasu London Bridge is recommended near Windsor Beach.Are There Any Water Sports Available at Hermosa Beach, Santa Monica State Beach, Laguna Beach, Westin Lake Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay Beach, Cottonwood Cove Beach, and Coronado Beach?Yes, there are water sports available at some of the mentioned beaches.Westin Lake Las Vegas offers water sports like stand-up paddleboarding and kayaking.Mandalay Bay Beach has an 11-acre aquatic wonderland with artificial waves and imported sand.Cottonwood Cove Beach on Lake Mohave offers recreational activities like paddleboarding, water skiing, and fishing.And Willow Beach, also on Lake Mohave, offers water activities such as kayaking, swimming, and canoeing.Are There Any Restrictions on Bringing Food or Drinks to the Beaches?There may be restrictions on bringing food or drinks to the beaches near Las Vegas, but it would depend on the specific beach you're visiting. It's recommended to check the rules and regulations of each beach beforehand.Some beaches may have designated picnic areas or snack bars where you can purchase food and beverages. It's important to respect the cleanliness and natural beauty of the beaches by properly disposing of any trash or packaging.Are There Any Parking Fees at Hermosa Beach, Santa Monica State Beach, Laguna Beach, Westin Lake Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay Beach, Cottonwood Cove Beach, and Coronado Beach?Parking fees vary at the different beaches near Las Vegas.Hermosa Beach, Santa Monica State Beach, and Laguna Beach all have limited parking and it's recommended to arrive early.Westin Lake Las Vegas offers parking for resort guests.Mandalay Bay Beach provides complimentary access for resort guests, but day passes are available for non-guests.Cottonwood Cove Beach, Coronado Beach, and other beaches may have parking fees, so it's best to check with each specific location for more information.Are There Any Nearby Attractions or Activities Besides the Beach at Hermosa Beach, Santa Monica State Beach, Laguna Beach, Westin Lake Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay Beach, Cottonwood Cove Beach, and Coronado Beach?There are plenty of nearby attractions and activities besides the beach at Hermosa Beach, Santa Monica State Beach, Laguna Beach, Westin Lake Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay Beach, Cottonwood Cove Beach, and Coronado Beach.At Hermosa Beach, you can learn surfing and enjoy over 320 days of sunshine.Santa Monica State Beach offers a great amusement park nearby and is perfect for photography and sunset viewing.Laguna Beach has its own flavor and specialty, with limited parking.Westin Lake Las Vegas offers water sports opportunities like SUP and kayaking, as well as a lounge, cabanas, and snack bar.Mandalay Bay Beach is set in the heart of Las Vegas and offers a taste of the ocean in the Mojave Desert.ConclusionIn conclusion, whether you're seeking a beach getaway near Las Vegas or prefer to stay closer to the city, there are options to suit everyone's preferences.From the family-friendly charm of Hermosa Beach to the iconic Santa Monica State Beach and the unique coastline of Laguna Beach, there's a beach destination for every taste.And for those who want to stay in Las Vegas, the Westin Lake Las Vegas and Mandalay Bay Beach offer luxurious beach experiences.Remember, as the saying goes, 'Life's a beach, so enjoy the sun and sand!'
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