Lamictal meralgia paresthetica


2020.10.17 07:45 Valentino7171 MeralgiaParesthetica

Let's talk about Meralgia Paresthetica.

2024.05.14 15:17 sigogglin322 TFL Cramps

I have a complicated pelvic floor situation, as my issues have worsened it is pointing to PFCN nerve compression. Worse in the perineum branch of that nerve but it spread to the other parts. When I try to do even simple hamstring stretches my TFL on my left side starts to cramp like crazy. Does anyone else have this issue with the TFL? I also have meralgia paresthetica on that same leg so I have a perfect storm.
submitted by sigogglin322 to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:43 RelevantSpirit715 Before labor signs

How did u feel? I know it’s different for everyone I’m just looking for some experiences bc I’m feeling very paranoid right now because earlier I wiped and had some mucus plug come out? I think. It looks a lot like whenever u ovulate but Ik it’s the plug bc it had like a streak of brown like blood and after that I’ve been super anxious and as if my sugar is dropping when I just ate.. idk. For reference I’m 37 weeks and I’ve had the worst back cramps of my life off and on for a week I think it’s just baby movement. I’m also curious if I’m close to the end because I’ve been struggling with sciatica and meralgia paresthetica and it’s getting unbearable. I want to take leave from work now bc of the pain but I don’t want to go too early if I’m not even going to go into labor and waste part of the 12 weeks I’m granted from fmla.. I feel like my mind is racing otherwise I’d be able to shut off my thoughts and not make this post idk what’s wrong with me
submitted by RelevantSpirit715 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:23 Polstick1971 MRI result. How am I? Moderate pain in the back and meralgia paresthetica in the right thigh.

Overall, the lumbar lordosis is normal. Notes of spondylosis associated with signs of interapophyseal arthrosis. Vertebral canal of normal width. Degenerative dehydration phenomena affecting the interbody discs are evident and present a reduction in their signal intensity in T2-weighted sequences. Somatic angioma of approximately 20 mm in L2. Wide-ranging disc protrusions in the tract under examination with obliteration of the anterior epidural adipose tissue and compression on the dural sac with involvement of the neuroforaminal floors and notes of impingement direct disc/radicular (> in L3-L4 at SN and bilateral L4-LS). No areas of altered signal intensity in the conus medullaris.
submitted by Polstick1971 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 13:00 Icy-Athlete7855 Meralgia Paresthetica Injection

Meralgia paresthetica injection can provide significant relief from the symptoms of this condition. The injection helps to reduce pain, numbness, and tingling in the outer thigh and can improve mobility and quality of life.
It may take several days or weeks for the full effects of the injection to be felt, and multiple injections may be needed to achieve optimal results. Learn More:
submitted by Icy-Athlete7855 to u/Icy-Athlete7855 [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 05:52 Lengthiness_Upstairs DAE get extreme pain in their groin area?

Hi all, this is my first post here just trying to seek some sort of advice. So I started getting extremely unbearable pain about 4-5 years ago in my upper groin thigh area down to the bottom of my thigh. This only happens in my right thigh. I feel as though it must’ve happened when I was personal training with a kettlebell or something else. However, I’ve since then stopped lifting and the pain has gotten worse. Sometimes so bad I have to physically lift my leg up to walk. It even wakes me up at night from the pain. If I do not take prednisone, the pain and tightness will not subside until 24-48 hours. I can’t figure out the trigger. I sometimes get it close to my period but nowadays it’s hitting me like every 3-4 days! The only cure is prednizone. Without it I’m bedridden. I try to stretch it out, roll it out etc. nothing works not even pain meds. Doctors don’t know what it is and x rays show nothing. Finally, a new doctor I saw said it could be Meralgia paresthetica. I can’t keep taking these steroids due to long term effects but no clue what else to do. It’s causing me so much sadness. I cancel so many plans from chronic pain & I’ve gained weight from not being able to move or exercise much. I can’t walk most days. I’m starting to get scared that something serious is happening. It went away for a while but now it’s back full throttle. Should I see a bone doctor?
submitted by Lengthiness_Upstairs to DoesAnybodyElse [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 05:32 Lengthiness_Upstairs Extreme thigh/groin pain

Hi all, this is my first post here just trying to seek some sort of advice. So I started getting extremely unbearable pain about 4-5 years ago in my upper groin thigh area down to the bottom of my thigh. This only happens in my right thigh. I feel as though it must’ve happened when I was personal training with a kettlebell or something else. However, I’ve since then stopped lifting and the pain has gotten worse. Sometimes so bad I have to physically lift my leg up to walk. It even wakes me up at night from the pain. If I do not take prednisone, the pain and tightness will not subside until 24-48 hours. I can’t figure out the trigger. I sometimes get it close to my period but nowadays it’s hitting me like every 3-4 days! The only cure is prednizone. Without it I’m bedridden. I try to stretch it out, roll it out etc. nothing works not even pain meds. Doctors don’t know what it is and x rays show nothing. Finally, a new doctor I saw said it could be Meralgia paresthetica. I can’t keep taking these steroids due to long term effects but no clue what else to do. It’s causing me so much sadness. I cancel so many plans from chronic pain & I’ve gained weight from not being able to move or exercise much. I can’t walk most days. I’m starting to get scared that something serious is happening. It went away for a while but now it’s back full throttle. Should I see a bone doctor?
submitted by Lengthiness_Upstairs to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 21:58 Don_Pablo737 I have Meralgia paresthetica

I have Meralgia paresthetica
submitted by Don_Pablo737 to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 10:08 Polstick1971 Who has meralgia paresthetica associated with spinal problems?

Do any of you have similar conditions? Is physiotherapy the solution?
Electromyographic examination:
Indications: paraesthesia of the right thigh of an undefined nature (ndd)
Muscles examined: Tibialis anterior right and left, gemellus medialis right and left, vastus lateralis right and left
Spontaneous activity: absent in all muscles examined
Voluntary activity: sub-interferential at maximum effort in all muscles examined
Motor unit potentials: with average amplitude and duration increased from mm. Tibialis anterior right (maximum amplitude 6.0 mV) and left (maximum amplitude 6.0 mV) with approximately 50% increase in motor units with complex morphology. The remaining muscles examined were normal
Conclusions: signs of chronic, moderate neurogenic damage in the L4-L5 neuroradicular territory bilaterally, in the absence of ongoing denervation activity.
submitted by Polstick1971 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 05:07 kjack991 Intermittent burning spots

So I sometimes have a little spot that will burn to varying degrees of severity. Sometimes it's a faint burning, other times it's like a more intense searing. I think I've had these happen for a while, but it doesn't really impact my ability to do anything so I haven't really kept track of how long. The searing does make me wince sometimes, but that's the only visible impact. I just noticed it seems to occur a little more frequently lately.
It's usually a small spot (coin-sized), always in a different area including my chest, back, and occasionally arm or leg. It probably happens at least once a day, but probably more, somewhere on my body. The burning is the most common type of feeling but once in a while I will get a sting sensation, or the sensation of a water drop hitting my skin, or feeling like there is a sticker on me. I do also have meralgia paresthetica in my right thigh which is intermittent and ranges from mild burning to a searing burn. I also have Hashimoto's and vitamin D deficiency, so not sure if those may have an impact. I am not diabetic.
Is this just one of those random things that everyone experiences every once in a while? Or probably some kind of nerve issue? Since the Hashi's dx, I try to pay more attention to my body, especially since I read that it's common to have more than one autoimmune condition.
submitted by kjack991 to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 12:05 Phsycomel How long to get diagnosed?

I certainly had to be my own advocate.
It took almost 2 years for them to diagnose my back pain properly. I had an orthopedic doctor tell me my spine was in perfect condition. Like ???????
*Spondylolysis!!! *You can see the fractures on imaging...
My neuropathy of the thighs was easily diagnosed.
The fibromyalgia took about 3 years to diagnose.
I'm just curious how your journey is going?
Edit: Sp & corrected medical term!
submitted by Phsycomel to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 01:19 Ok_Wolverine4652 RLT for nerve pain?

Has anyone had good results from using RLT for nerve damage / pain?
Had surgery in January and developed meralgia paresthetica in my left upper thigh - basically tingling and numbness, due to the scar tissue in another area of my body. I use RLT on the scar tissue, but not the nerve damaged region. Would love to hear your experiences!
submitted by Ok_Wolverine4652 to redlighttherapy [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 18:58 Ok_Wolverine4652 meralgia paresthetica

hi! Has anyone had meralgia paresthetica after any of their surgeries? It’s basically a pinched nerve in the upper thigh due to scar tissue in the breast region - for me the tingling/numbness is on the left thigh, have had this ever since my breast reduction 2 months ago.
If you have it, how long did it last and were you able to get it to go away?
submitted by Ok_Wolverine4652 to BRCA [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 23:29 lancaster5097 Need help navigating complex pudendal neuralgia treatment options

I’ve been dealing with pudendal neuralgia symptoms for 20 months.
The initial onset was caused by a vasectomy which led to painful pelvic floor muscle spasms that never fully resolved.
Sitting is unbearable for me without a donut cushion. My pain is localized to the perineum, adductors, and ischial tuberosity (sit bone) all on the left side.
I worked with a pelvic floor PT for 9 mos. who suspected pudendal nerve irritation and referred me to a specialist who treats pudendal neuralgia. The specialist strongly believes in pelvic PT but progresses to stronger interventions when PT doesn’t resolve things.
I was prescribed a compound suppository of diazepam/baclofen/ketamine for two months while undergoing pelvic PT. It helped with some of the hypersensitivity to clothing.
Somehow about 9 mos into my symptoms I also developed meralgia paresthetica (outer thigh neuropathy) on the same side. I am currently taking nortriptyline to manage symptoms for both conditions. I also took tadalafil which seemed to really help relax the pelvic muscles but had to stop it due to a tinnitus that started in one of my ears while taking it.
My pudendal nerve specialist believes the nerve is likely not entrapped but is irritated by tight pelvic floor muscles. His next step after pelvic PT and suppositories is to administer targeted Botox injections to the pelvic floor muscles and then send me back to pelvic PT to rehabilitate the muscles when they’re in a more relaxed state. He simultaneously administers a pudendal nerve block with the Botox, largely for diagnostic purposes I believe.
He says this Botox approach works 70-80% of the time but often requires 3-6 injections (several months between injections) to fully resolve the issue. He also specializes in pudendal nerve decompression surgeries in extreme cases. He has been utilizing Botox for twenty years in treating this.
I was curious if any of the mods have any thoughts on this treatment approach? Thank you
submitted by lancaster5097 to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 20:13 Spicy_a_meat_ball It's working - relief!!

I've had Meralgia Paresthetica off and on for a decade. I have a sit-down job and recently gained a lot of stress weight. I've been in near constant pain for 6 months. It got so bad, I couldn't sleep at night from the stabbing pain and my insomnia was starting to return.
Here's what I've been doing about it and it's working.
Massage gun - my mom got me one of those hand-held massage wand things and every night, before bed - or - anytime my nerve is acting up badly, I take the massage gun and stick it right under my pelvis, in the fold between my legs and torso and let it pulverize the nerve (I can feel my nerve 'light up' when I've hit it). I do this for 5-10 minutes. Then, I use the massage gun up and down my thigh and concentrate it on the spots that hurt the most...yep, not fun. It does feel uncomfortable and painful. I don't know why this works, but somehow, I feel like it's releasing the nerve from where it's pinching or its making it less sensitive so I can sleep.
Magnesium - I've read this supplement helps, so I started taking one before bed and it seems to help my muscles relax a bit.
Foam roll - similar to the massage gun technique, I use foam rolling when I'm in severe pain and just need to rest at night. It hurts like all hell, but it gives me immediate relief. I roll up and down the sides of my thigh, the top of my thigh, and up to my pelvis where I think the nerve is trapped. I stop on the super painful spots until I feel it 'release'.
Stretch - I do leg stretches everyday to loosen my hips and legs. Nothing crazy. Just 5 minutes a day.
Anti-inflammatories - every now and then I take an Advil or Aleve and this helps.
I've been doing this routine consistently for a week now and my pain is much less severe than it was. One thing or a combination of these things is working and helping. I'm not particularly active so that's my next step to add more exercise into my day.
Hope this helps.
submitted by Spicy_a_meat_ball to MeralgiaParesthetica [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 22:31 Gutsir3 My IBS-M might turn-out to be "just" rcpd

Hey (21M), I have been truly suffering for a year and a half now. My symptoms worsened, in the beginning of 2023 when I joined the army to do my mandatory service, from weird bowels and borborygmi (have been a slight issue maybe since 2018) that caused anxiety, to horrible bloating, tightness and pressure around my stomach (all the time), brain fog and memory loss, frequent and constant urinary urgency and of course deteriorating mental health.
I have gone through many tests:
  • Colono- and gastroscopy (h. pylori, microscopic colitis, celiac disease etc. were all ruled out)
  • Lactulose breath (bought it myself) test for methane and hydrogen (hydrogen was slightly elevated in the 90 min mark, got my hands on rifaximin (saying it this way makes it sound easy, but it certainly was not easy to get my hands on that bc doctors are bunch of idiotic cunts who cant fathom the pains of the so called "functional gastrointestinal problem" people) tried it 2weeks 3x550mg, did not have any improvement and still months after have not personally seen any improvement, but no worsening of symptoms either.
  • F-Calpro (inflammation levels), F-baktVIP (parasites), F-elastase (pancreas function) , normal
  • Ultrasound of my lower abdomen, looked for all of my organs in that area: liver, gallbladder, pancreas etc. all normal
  • Countless serology test: vitamins like d, a, b12, b6, iron. Also there were tests for inflammation etc all normal.
I might be forgetting something but I think I have laid some concrete foundations to rule out the freaking deadly diseases that doctors are only willing to screen and test for, to say at least.
**I have never in my life been able to burp and I have ALL the symptoms.**This explains a shit ton of these pains and symptoms for me. All that gas that gets in my system leaves only through my asshole. I sometimes do get these microburps when the pressure builds too great, but they last milliseconds and I don't get any relief from them. So the borborygmi (gut noises/gurgling) and bloating, are explained by that gas that just cant get through my cricopharyngeal muscle, and therefore all that filters through my guts, creating bloating, pain, discomfort and gut issues.
My bowels are random, I go about once a day in the morning, but still feel constipated. My feces are usually this thin strain shit.
Then lastly here is my hypothesis for the urinary problems (also for some nerve problems, I have recently had random burning in my thighs). So I have done all the test for urinary things also. I don't have ED or other penile issues, but I do have a very tight pelvis and urgency to pee. I think all this is due to the chronic bloating that makes my intestines rub in to each other and creating pressure. Now what makes all this considerably worse is that I am very tall and really skinny approx. 200cm, 70kg) so my belly does not distend outwards a lot. I can say that I am fully bloated, and people just don't see it as that bad. So I think the pressure distributes to my lower parts of belly that then pressures the pelvic floor etc.
To make things even worse, my hips are not even meaning my legs differe about 1cm in height and that creates a functional scoliosis (my spines curve is about 10-20 degrees). Now people with different seized legs and scoliosis are more prone to have meralgia paresthetica (nerve pain or tightness usually in the thighs), now add chronic bloating to this equation and you have all the variables you need to know to cause all this shit.
I figured that I had r-cpd about 2 weeks ago. Instantly did more research about it, did not sleep that night my adrenaline and joy was through and beyond the roof. Things started to make sense. Went and booked a time with a specialist. He was great, nothing of the usual when doctors don't listen etc. He even wanted to see where I had found and gotten all the needed information to all my symptoms etc.
So now I have my botox (100ml, straight to the cricopharyngeal muscle in general anesthesia) in about 3 weeks from now. I am trying to not except that this will cure all my pains instantly, but with this treatment, physiotherapy and great determination I think I will start to get the upper hand in this battle.
Wanted to put this out there if this helps anyone. I will be updating my situation hence I have gotten my botox.
Edit: I wanted to add this video here
It is Dr Bastians theories around the same topic (how R-CPD might manifest via IBS, SIBO, GERD like symptoms) I was writing about. The channel has been a great source of information (I feel like everyone has stumbled upon this on this thread already, but if you have not I suggest to do a deep dive)
submitted by Gutsir3 to noburp [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 18:17 JDElerick Thigh going numb when standing?

So for the past 4 years I have been having occasional numbness in the middle to the outside of my right thigh. My right thigh also feels not as warm, not cold bu t not as warm as my left. I saw my orthopedic doctor about some knee pain and mentioned it to him. He said it was probably meralgia paresthetica from wearing my belt too tight and having a walkie talkie attached to it as well as being obese and standing on my feet 8+ hours a day at work. Fast forward 4 years and it is still occurring on and off then about 6 weeks ago I injured my right foot. I saw my pcp twice and she examined the foot and said there was no indication it was broken, no swelling, no bruising, no discoloration and no deformity. I still get pain in it with certain movements or if i stand on it for long periods of time which is unavoidable due to my job. Then about 10 days ago, roughly 35 days after hurting my right foot, the numbness, tightness and slight pain returned to my right thigh whenever I stand. It lingers for extremely long periods of time if I stand in one spot then begins to subside when I start to move around. As I said this has happen on and off for 4 years but not to this severity or duration. My question is is it possible the thigh numbness and pain is related to the foot. From everything I've read on the internet issues with the foot from broken bones to strains and sprains would cause numbness tingling and pain from the foot up toward the knee. There is nothing about it being localized to the thigh while skipping over the area from the ankle to the knee. I am obese and am pre-diabetic. I have not talked to my doctor since this restarted as her normal response is to just go to the er and I really can't afford to do that. Anyone got and insight?
submitted by JDElerick to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 16:37 STaylorJ72 Morhers guilt starts in pregnancy, who knew?

I thought after watching my sister go through 4 pregnancies with ease and 4 unmedicated births I was going to be able to do the same but man I'm struggling. I had hyperemesis gravidarum from about week 7 to 17. I was taking unisome, magnesium and b6 nightly but I still and had to be admitted to the hospital once for fluids and Zofran after one particularly bad day around week 13 when I threw up every 20 minutes for 13 hours straight.
Then the second trimester came I was feeling better but I developed Meralgia paresthetica. Essentially I have a compressed nerve in my pelvis that is causing the nerve map in left thigh to go numb and tingle. This initially started around week 8 or 9 but has since developed into inconsistent burning and sharp pains that are making it difficult to even sleep through the night. I saw a neurologist who referred me to PT and I'm using ice packs but the pain is so severe and I've had to take tylonol every other day for about 2 weeks now and I'm still suffering. I was given a written script for a compounded topical cream but it hasn't been approved by my obgyn yet which makes me nervous that it's not ideal.
I didnt want to use medications at all while pregnant. I just have such guilt. I thought I was going to eat well and exercise and do everything correct and I just haven't been able to. My mother passed away when I was young, my sister cannot relate and my husband is so supportive he just tells me eveything I'm doing is great but I dont feel like it's great. Idk I'm just venting because I feel like I'm letting my baby down and its not even born yet. I'll be relieved if the 20 weeks scan goes well next week. I'm just feeling a lot of feelings and I hope my baby can't feel my pain.
submitted by STaylorJ72 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 18:05 GradLyfe Opposite leg sciatica or Meralgia Paresthetica ?

After my last swimming session I noticed extreme burning on the outer side of my right thigh when I went to bed. This happened last night for the second night in a row and I woke up with the whole right thigh feeling numb.
My sciatica symptoms are typically on the left although my prior MRIs showed minor bulging / compression on the right side too.
I’m wondering if this is a progression of the root compression on the right side due to overcompensation or something new like Meralgia Paresthetica (or maybe something else like extreme IT band issues?)
submitted by GradLyfe to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 02:29 OctoberMorning1 Immediate Improvement in Meralgia Paresthetica numbness After Taking Neprinol

I injured my lower back in the gym two years ago and was prescribed a muscle relaxer. Several hours after taking the muscle relaxer I started having severe muscle spasms in my lower abdominal area. When I woke up the next morning I had Meralgia Paresthetica. The lower back injury resolved itself but the MP never completely went away. The burning sensation on the front of my thigh dissipated after a time, but the skin remained numb. Recently I started taking two Neprinol capsules a day as a supplement. After several days of taking it, I noticed I could feel the skin on the front of my thigh again. It was an unexpected outcome, but after doing some online research I found an article on the impact of Nattokinase on nerve regeneration in rats. I wondered if anyone else has tried Neprinol and had the same result.
submitted by OctoberMorning1 to MeralgiaParesthetica [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 17:08 CrystalArouxet Belly band saved me.

I'm 28 weeks and have been struggling with my right outer thigh going numb when I stand up for months. All day everyday. I was diagnosed with meralgia paresthetica. I put a belly band on as a recommendation from my OB and literally 10 seconds in, my leg came back to me. This belly band has been a game changer. I am so happy. Just wanted to share. It was worth it.
submitted by CrystalArouxet to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 19:42 Nonpareilchocolate I'd Like to Edicate the Community

Gang - While it's a given that Chantal lies, let's go with her statements about getting vitamin B injections. People speculated it was for diabetic neuropathy.
I've been a T2 for >20 years. I have a little neuropathy in my toes and diabetic retinopathy in one eye, that has required laser treatments and shots in the eye to manage it. I also have something called Meralgia paresthetica, which is nerve pain along the outer thigh. For me, it comes and goes, making my thigh feel numb, and sometimes it's pretty painful. Diabetics, pregnant women, the obese, people who wear tight clothing, and alcoholics can get it, so there's a wide range.
At first, I thought that FB had Meralgia Paresthetica, but at least for me, it's not a pain that makes you immobile and it doesn't last. It's a few minutes of discomfort, then it goes away.
I give this background to show I have some familiarity with neuropathy and other complications of long term diabetes - things that can happen even if you take your meds and go to the doctor all the time. For the past 25 years, I have the benefit of going to university diabetes clinics, where they're always pushing the latest meds.
Vit B injections never came up in treatment discussions with my doctors ('cause surely I would do that before getting a shot in my eye). However, when my neuropathy was at its worse, I did learn from Dr Google that Vit B might be helpful, and started taking it. It helped tremendously, however, like everyone else, as I started to feel better, I slacked up on the Vit B. I'm back to taking it religiously.
Yesterday I had a regular doctor's visit and asked about Vit B injections. She said that they do give the shots after testing for Vit B levels (I had mine tested yesterday out of curiosity - I'm good, but probably because I've gotten back to taking them). They give them if the person is very low in B to get them back to normal or if they have problems absorbing from pills (maybe from gastroparesis?)
I probably never had a vit B discussion because I don't have severe issues. I take a variety of supplements and am upfront with my docs about them and they are listed in my MyChart. Maybe they thought I was covered in that area and didn't need to talk about it?
Anyway, FB has multiple major issues and, if she's telling the truth, probably needed Vit B on top of painkillers. Also, metformin can cause lower levels of Vit B 12, and the ADA suggests talking to your doctor about dealing with it. Since FB is taking a metformin blend (when she takes it) giving Vit B shots may be a normal part of treatment.
So, I learned something and maybe FB isn't lying - completely.
She still needs to stop eating so many carbs. I have minor complications expected with long term diabetes. But people have it worse - especially if they aren't compliant. My uncle wasn't and lost two legs and died from sepsis. My mother lived into her 90's because she was a freak about her diabetes care. It makes a difference, Chantal, and you are in for a world of doctors, pain, and limited enjoyment of life if you don't wake up.
submitted by Nonpareilchocolate to FoodieCutie [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 22:00 Turquoiseseas HLA-b27/Potential for AS?

I am in my mid-30sF, and I have had tailbone and SI joint pain since 2021. It’s worse when sitting or standing for long periods. It’s best when I am walking or changing position. I do have low back pain in the morning. It seems to flare - I have really good days and then really poor days with seemingly no rhyme or reason. I had to stop running because of front right hip pain.
I have been in physical therapy probably for a total of 2 years , with the default diagnosis being pelvic floor dysfunction. Pelvic floor PT has not improved the symptoms. I have seen three different PTs. I have had CT guided injections. I have tried gabapentin after a piriformis muscle diagnosis. Nothing has brought relief. In 2021, I had an MRI of the pelvis and SI joints. It came back fine. I had an X-ray with mild facet arthropathy in the lower lumbar spine. Ive seen the following about the issue with no resolution: OBGYN, colorectal, sports medicine, urogyn, etc.
I randomly had a call with a new primary care doctor who looked at my history of psoriasis and tailbone pain and just said as an aside that I may want to see a rheumatologist and discuss PsA. I finally got into a rheumatologist. She was very thorough. I think she is seeing it as a bit of a mixed bag. She seemed surprised I didn’t have pain when prodded externallyor with the Faber method. She did do blood work. ESR and CRP came back in range. I did test positive for HLA-B27. Does HLA-B27 tie more closely with AS than PsA?
She is sending me for two MRIs - lumbar (haven’t had one since 2013) and SI joints again. I also have meralgia paresthetica, which was another reason she wanted to check the lumbar. I’m a bit hesitant to drop the money on two MRIs when I just had one done in 2021. I’m debating how likely it is that I actually have something that would show in just three years time?
The gene is kind of the biggest sign so far, but even that is a small percentage of those who have the gene that have AS. I suppose the back and tailbone pain would be another reason.
It’s driving me nuts. I feel like a hypochondriac, but the pain is so real some days.
submitted by Turquoiseseas to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]