Dog smell out of leather sofa

Sockless Fashion - The best shoes and leathers in fashion for sockless wear

2014.04.05 07:51 olpap Sockless Fashion - The best shoes and leathers in fashion for sockless wear

/nosocks is a collection of information about the best shoes and leathers on the market for sockless wear, along with shoecare tips to keep shoes fresh, and outfit pictures - keeping sartorialism in mind. This is a no sock zone, which also includes loafer socks, invisible socks, etc. /nosocks is about finding the perfect shoe and leather, so socks in any form aren't just unnecessary, but less comfortable than going without entirely.

2014.03.19 07:16 Pokedude97 The Kingdom of Foom

The official subreddit for the [Kingdom of Foom](, Rick (King Foom) Olson's Twitch community.

2018.07.14 06:22 mdfgcrispy Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

A place for all things doofenshmirtz

2024.06.09 12:59 SaliktheCruel TIFU by not getting my food off the cooking plate while answering a phone call from work.

So I'm on call for work this week and last evening I got an alarm about a technical problem at the lab (I'm a lab technician). The maintenance company couldn't access the server f to see what was the problem so I had to go to the lab to check it and fill them in on the problem.
The FU is, I was making myself soup at this point. My pot was heating on the electric cooking plate when I answered the call and, instead of getting off, I turned the heat wheel to the off position. Or so I thought. I actually turned the heat all the way up.
I then left to the lab, leaving my pot unattended because my gf is at her mother's for the week.
The technical problem was a solenoid valve not answering on a nitrogen liquid tank. I'm a lab technician in BIOLOGY so I didn't get it either.
It took an hour and a half to determine what it was and how to fix it with the maintenance guy on the phone (had to resort to keep to parts in place with a rubber band, not kidding), and then I had to call a biologist to see if it could wait until monday for a proper repair.
I went back home, openned the door and my poor dog ran out of the appartment, completely panicked.
That's when I noticed the smell. I ran to the kitchen and I saw a fuming cooking pot, soup stains all over the wall and the counter, and a strong burning smell.
I immediately turned everything off, put the cooking pot in the sink with water to cool it, and oppened the windows. I noticed the vegetables had burned and formed a thick black crust in the bottom of the pot, and my plastic laddle and melted and fused with it. I tried today to get it off and I gave up after an hour of nothing budging
My dog was shaking and she wouldn't go back in the appartment, the poor thing was terrified.
By the time the smell was gone, my dog was calmed and and everything back to almost normal, it was past midnight and I still didn't have eaten. I ended up ordering a pizza, and of course it cost extra for delivery after midnight.
I spent my morning cleaning up my mess, trying to salvage the pot then giving up, and finding new spot where the soup stains got.
My dog still won't enter the kitchen and the smell is still there, even if it's fainter.
My gf is gonna be disappointed.
TL;DR: Answered a call from work while I was making soup, left to work with the soup still on the plate, went home 2 hours later to a burnt soup, a ruined pot, a disgusting kitchen and a traumatized dog. All because I didn't check if the plate was actually off.
submitted by SaliktheCruel to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:15 Acceptable_Coast7638 IATAH to not feel empathy for the death of my BF’s dog ?

So hear me out before annihilating me in the comments:
I (F29) and my bf (25) have been together for 5 years. We don’t live together. His parents have a dog for maybe a decade or something. They live near each other.
A few days ago, my bf came to me while I was cooking to tell me his dog was dying in the backyard, and he burst into tears. I was super sad for him, I can’t stand seeing by bf suffering. However, in my mind, I was relieved by this information.
Some background about the dog stuff : his parents are terrible dog owners. They never trained it, fed it like a pig (it’s morbidly obese), and never went on walks with it. It was never socialized with other dogs too. It was in the garden everyday barking for absolutely nothing for hours and hours. I’m surprised no neighbor made a report to the police. The attitude of the dog was a disaster, it was impossible to cook near it. It went bazooka when it could smell just whatever to eat. And because of the obesity, when it decides to run into your feet to eat a carrot that fell on the ground, you could get hurt easily. Also it was impossible to invite people over because it was barking loudly all the time. You had people over for dinner ? It would force its way to munch on whatever.
In the beginning of our relationship, I took the dog with me to a very good friend of mine who specializes in dog behavior. She told me that with good training, love and a diet it could come back to a better behavior and better health. We went on walks and she gave my bf instructions on how to treat it.
But that’s it.
After 3 years, I overheard that the dad was punching the dog sometimes when it didn’t behave. It horrified the shit out of me. I have majority of my life owned dogs and treating them like this made me so angry. I thought multiple times to report the parents but I knew they were going to know it was me. I was afraid to lose my relationship with them and my bf. At this point, I decided for my own sake to cut any feeling towards the dog. My whole life, I’ve been taking cats dogs birds etc in my house when they were lost or hurt. I love animals. And because I love them so much, I had to protect myself from this situation.
About the role of my bf in this; he completely agreed with what my friend told him, and tried to inform his parents about the changes they had to do. He sometimes took the dog for a walk. But that’s it. I’ve tried multiple times to include it in our routines. Never happened. Of course the parents are the owners but my bf stayed pretty silent when nothing was changing. If I were him, I would have taken the ownership to save it.
In the present day, he is in deep sorrow and I totally understand. But at the same time I can’t stop thinking it’s hypocritical of him. He didn’t save this dog. I’ve never seen him taking care of it seriously.
So while I understand what he’s feeling, I can’t stop but being unempathic about the whole situation.
I think it was the best thing for the dog to die.
am I the asshole ?
Ps: English is not my mother tongue
submitted by Acceptable_Coast7638 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:40 Yanmoose dog poop. help🥲🥲🥲

i recently started walking two dogs for a family nearby. a 10 year old lab and a 7 month old spaniel. the lab has what i like to call ‘golden poo’ in that it’s perfectly solid and barely smells, it’s a godsend😌 baby spaniel boy, however, does not have the stable adult tummy of his sister and his poops are PUTRID. it’s literally making me nauseous just thinking about the smell.
my sensory sensitivities just cannot deal with carnivore poop specifically. i have pet mice, a pet gecko, i used to have a rabbit and i work with horses and can deal with all of those smells. i also have a cat with who i wear a mask and spray air freshener g e n e r o u s l y while cleaning up her poop. this isn’t possible when out on a dog walk, i just hold my breath as long as possible, tie the bag as fast as possible and try to keep it as still as possible until i reach a bin so the smell doesn’t waft about🤢
so my question is, does anyone have any tips on how to cope with the smell when picking up dog poop? :,,)
submitted by Yanmoose to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:25 Wooleyty I met the Dogman at Raven's Nest and it took my sister. [Part one]

My name is Rory Fars, and my little sister, Lily Fars, is the last family I had left.
A heavy sense of dread settled over me like a suffocating blanket as I sat in the worn leather seat of Lily's old jeep. The car, a relic of our happier days, seemed to groan under our shared sorrow. Beside me, Lily, my best friend, and confidante, absentmindedly twirled a strand of her long, dark hair, which swayed gently in rhythm with the haunting melodies from the oldies station on the radio. This car had seen us through countless joyful journeys when our family was whole. Almost three years had passed since that fateful Christmas trip in Texas when our parents were tragically killed in a horrific multi-car pileup. The memory of their loss was a constant ache, a wound that never fully healed.
My dad was from Amarillo, Texas, so my parents often took trips down there, visiting the places that held so many memories for him. During one of these trips, just before Christmas, a sudden blizzard struck while they were on the freeway. The snow fell in blinding sheets, making the world outside a disorienting white blur. As they tried to slowly pull to the side, their vision obscured by the relentless storm, they never saw the car barreling toward them at least forty miles an hour. The impact was devastating, an abrupt and brutal end to their journey and, in many ways, to our lives as we had known them.
My parents were always sticklers for safety, insisting on seatbelts every time we got in the car. So, of course, they had theirs on during that fateful trip. The initial impact wasn't what killed them, the coroner explained to me. Not even the first hit from behind, which was going at least fifty miles an hour, was fatal. I had to practically shake the information out of him—they were so resistant to tell me anything at first. By the time the third car hit, with an unknown speed, their survival was already in jeopardy. The coroner said that by the fifth car, they were likely dead. But it didn't end there. Another twenty-three vehicles slammed into the back of the pile, each collision further crushing their bodies, reducing them to a horrific, unrecognizable state. Each jarring impact pushed my parents deeper into a gruesome amalgamation of twisted metal and shattered lives.
I don't know why I felt compelled to demand those details at the time, but I deeply regret it now. I wish I had never asked. Almost every night, unless I drink myself into oblivion, I am haunted by nightmares of what they endured. I dream of driving up to save them, only to be caught in the same deadly barrage of cars, ending in a twisted metal tomb for all of us.
Lily is never in those dreams. Even in my most horrific imaginings, I can't envision her being hurt. Lily is my little sister, younger by eight years and three months. Whenever I mention our age difference, I see the judgment in people's eyes, but what can I say? Our parents never stopped loving each other. They had Lily late in life; she became our shared joy, our living reminder of the love that had bound our family together.
Lily wasn't my twin in the literal sense, but ever since she was born, it felt like we shared the inexplicable connection that twins often describe. As she grew up, our bond only deepened—we acted, sounded, and even looked remarkably alike. She became my rock, especially after our parents' tragic deaths. We leaned on each other, cried into each other's shoulders, and somehow found the strength to move forward. We eventually moved in together, finding solace in a two-bedroom apartment that became our sanctuary.
Lily seemed to handle our parents' deaths better than I did, or maybe she was just better at distracting herself with technology. Even before their passing, Lily was addicted to any kind of digital screen she could manipulate. Her ability to navigate the digital world was unmatched; she was the most intelligent person I had ever met. Her intelligence was a beacon of light in the darkness that had enveloped us, a testament to her resilience and brilliance.
After my parents' death, I embarked on a quest to find my spirituality by delving into paranormal investigations. I hoped these pursuits would bring me closer to my parents in the afterlife, spiritual realm, or whatever you want to call it. Instead, it created a chasm between me and any sense of spiritual existence. Each investigation seemed to push me further from the answers I sought, leaving me feeling more isolated and disconnected than ever.
I had hoped that by exploring these paranormal claims, I would discover a way to reach out to my parents and feel their presence again. Yet, as the years have passed, this endeavor has only deepened my loneliness and sense of loss. Despite knowing how detrimental it is to my mental health, I can't bring myself to stop. The hope that the subsequent investigation will be the one that proves the existence of an afterlife and that I'll find a way to contact my parents keeps me going. It's a desperate, unrelenting pursuit for a connection that remains heartbreakingly out of reach.
I should have accepted their death and moved on like any sane person would. Instead, I let my grief fester and dragged my sister and a stranger, Mark, through my obsessive quest for answers. My relentless pursuit of the paranormal didn't just alienate me; it consumed us all, leading to their untimely deaths. My name is Rory Fars, and I am here to confess my side of the story about the missing case of Lily Fars and Mark Lawrence.
This is the truth about how my desperate search for a connection with the afterlife led to a nightmare from which none of us could escape.
To start off, no, Lily was not a student of Mark's who fell in love with him and then got jealous of me hitting on him, leading her to kill him and herself. I know that sounds ridiculous, but given some wild theories circulating online, I need to address this one specifically since it seems to be the most popular.
First and foremost, Mark Lawrence was not, nor has he ever been, a professor at a university. Lily and I met Mark at the Local Museum in Redlin, a town nestled deep in the Appalachian Mountains. He was the curator of an exhibit showcasing the history of Raven's Nest, a forgotten mining town that neither Lily nor I had ever heard of. This is where our story begins, in a place steeped in history and mystery, far removed from the convoluted theories that now cloud the truth.
We were constantly searching for new ideas for our podcast about paranormal claims. Each of our twenty-five episodes so far had concluded with a rational explanation, so when Mark told us about the curse of Harper, I was immediately intrigued.
Mark was an older man, likely in his mid-sixties, with a full head of silver hair and a beard that stubbornly clung to its youthful color, only lightly dusted with grey. He had a presence that commanded attention, and his stories about the curse were delivered with an intensity that drew me in.
On the other hand, Lily was always more interested in the technical aspects of the paranormal. She had her own theories and was determined to debunk every claim we investigated. She wasn't easily swayed by Mark's tales about the curse of Harper, but she was willing to listen and give him a chance to prove himself. Her skeptical mind constantly checked my enthusiasm, and together, we hoped to uncover the truth behind yet another paranormal mystery.
"Hello ladies, care to hear about the mysterious town of Raven's Nest?" Mark asked with theatrical enthusiasm.
Lily and I exchanged a knowing glance, trying to stifle our amusement. Despite our attempts to remain composed, a smirk played at the corners of our lips.
"We're all ears," I replied, my tone laced with a hint of sarcasm.
He sighed, almost as if he was disappointed that we said yes. Taking a deep breath, he seemed to steel himself for the task ahead. "Well, you see," he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "in the early twentieth century, a man named Harper Franstein exploited many men and children in the coal mines. By the mid-1920s, he had established his own settlement in a secluded valley, which he dubbed 'The Raven's Nest.' It was never officially recognized as a town, but that's the only name we have to go off of."
I could see the beads of sweat forming on Mark's brow as he struggled to recall every detail. Despite his initial enthusiasm, he now appeared flustered, his confidence waning. Eventually, he resorted to consulting his damp and crumpled notes, a sign of his growing unease.
"Um, anyway, yeah, um," he stuttered, audibly gulping as his nerves got the better of him. Lily couldn't contain her laughter, emitting a snicker that earned us a glare from Mark.
"Hey, just relax," I interjected, trying to diffuse the tension. "We're not here to judge or intimidate you." With a gentle touch on his forearm and a chuckle, I attempted to reassure him, hoping to ease his obvious discomfort.
He paused, sharing a chuckle with me, while Lily struggled to suppress her laughter and eventually excused herself, leaving just Mark and me. Evidently, he felt more at ease with fewer listeners, so he pressed on with his narrative.
"Anyway," he resumed, "Harper held complete control over the town and the mine, and he made sure everyone was acutely aware of that fact. When the disappearances began, he tried to sweep them under the rug, attributing them to anything but his own negligence in mining practices."
"What do you mean by 'negligence in mining practices'?" I interjected, eager to delve deeper into his intriguing tale.
He looked up, clearly pleased by my question. "Yes, exactly," he affirmed. "Harper adhered to a mining technique outlined by Dwight Brunst in the mid to late nineteenth century. This method mandated only one entry and exit point into the mine."
"Wait, so they were forbidden from creating additional exits?" I pressed for clarification.
"Not explicitly," he explained. "The practice advocated for just one entry and exit as it was believed to minimize the risk of cave-ins, at least in theory. However, there were instances where miners, feeling uneasy about this restriction, took matters into their own hands and carved out what they called 'Emergency Exits' for themselves. After about half of the town started going missing, Harper couldn't take criticism about how he responded, but most people say he was losing money quickly and didn't want to live in a world where he was poor. He walked into the mine, never to be seen again, much like the cave's past victims. Visitors report seeing and hearing Harper, trying to get them to leave."
As I stood there, listening to Mark's enthralling narrative, I found myself captivated by the mysterious allure of Raven's Nest. Unable to contain my curiosity, I decided to pose a question.
"So, what does the town look like now?" I inquired, eager to learn more about the present state of this enigmatic place.
Mark's demeanor shifted slightly as he rifled through his notes, a subtle indication that he didn't have a straightforward answer to my query.
"You've never been there?" I asked, my tone softening with genuine curiosity.
He flinched as though my question had struck a nerve. "Shhhhhh... shut up," he demanded, his voice tinged with unease.
Suppressing a chuckle, I leaned in closer and whispered, "Okay, hear me out. My sister Lily and I are investigating paranormal phenomena. Your story about Raven's Nest sounds like the perfect addition to our podcast. What do you say we compensate you for your guidance? Let's say, three hundred bucks?"
He straightened up, contemplating my proposition for a few moments. Without uttering a word, he extended his hand, and I met it halfway with my own, sealing our agreement with a firm handshake.
Our journey to Raven's Nest was no easy feat. Situated a good twenty miles from town and nestled deep within a dense valley. After all of the tight turns, narrow dirt roads, and steep inclines, it took us a grueling two and a half hours to go twenty-something miles, but we finally reached the outskirts of the infamous settlement. As we stood at the edge of the "Nest," anticipation mingled with trepidation, setting the stage for the eerie exploration that lay ahead.
I glanced at my phone; the time read 11:56 pm, signaling the late hour. Sensing the exhaustion weighing heavily, I suggested we catch a few hours of rest in Lily's jeep. Mark, though visibly unsettled, remained silent from the back seat, his arms folded tightly across his chest as he slumped against the window like a sulking child.
Drifting asleep in the passenger seat, I soon found myself ensnared in a nightmare. In my dream, Mark was being dragged away into the darkness, his desperate attempts to claw his way back to safety only resulting in broken fingertips. Despite his struggles, he was powerless against the unseen force pulling him inexorably into the abyss. Suddenly, I was alone, engulfed in utter darkness, my heart pounding with fear as I ran blindly from an unseen terror that seemed to pursue me relentlessly, its malevolent presence palpable but unseen.
I jolted awake, gasping for breath, my heart racing as the remnants of dread lingered in the pit of my stomach. It was morning, and I was struggling to adjust my vision. Lily's frantic but comforting voice broke through the haze of my terror, grounding me in reality. With her comforting embrace, I gradually calmed my racing thoughts, drawing deep, steadying breaths.
As we sat there, enveloped in each other's embrace, Mark approached the driver's side window with an unexpected question, "Alright, what's for breakfast?" His nonchalant tone and casual demeanor were a stark contrast to the harrowing nightmare that had just consumed my thoughts, momentarily dispelling the lingering specter of fear that had haunted my dreams.
Lily and I both look up at him and back at each other as we burst out into laughter.
Amidst our shared laughter, Lily and I exchanged amused glances before turning our attention back to Mark.
"Ha...ha, yeah. No, but seriously, what's for breakfast? Eggs, bacon, toast, at least?" Mark pressed, hoping for a more substantial response.
His earnest inquiry fueled our laughter further, our giggles echoing through the quiet night air. Eventually, we regained our composure and stepped out of the jeep, stretching our limbs after the cramped confines of the vehicle.
Mark awkwardly moves to the side, still waiting for an honest answer. Lily tossed him a granola bar, eliciting a bemused chuckle from him. With a shared understanding, we set off on foot, embarking on the hike into the town.
The path ahead was clear: a single dirt road that wound its way from the abandoned coal mine into the heart of the small settlement. The road, now overgrown and muddy from years of disuse, bore the marks of neglect and isolation. Wary of the treacherous conditions, Lily opted to forgo the risk of getting stuck, steering clear of the decrepit road that likely hadn't seen a traveler in at least half a century.
We parked Lily's jeep at the entrance to both the mine and the town of Raven's Nest, opting to proceed on foot from there. Standing at the mountain's peak, gazing down at the desolate town below, I couldn't help but ponder the history beneath the dilapidated structures. I imagined how this valley must have once been a pristine landscape cherished by the indigenous people who roamed its lush terrain.
"Jesus, this place is more like a shit nest," Mark muttered in disgust, his disdain evident in his tone.
Lily shot me a knowing glance, silently communicating her skepticism toward Mark's assessment of the town.
Deciding to put Mark's knowledge to the test, I casually inquired, "So, what year was this area founded?"
Mark's reaction was almost defensive as if my question had caught him off guard. He hesitated momentarily before fumbling for his note cards in his pocket, a telltale sign that he wasn't as knowledgeable as he let on.
Before he could respond, I interjected with another question, "Mark, how long have you worked at the museum?"
As Mark froze, his gaze locking onto mine like a deer caught in headlights, I watched him closely, waiting for any sign of hesitation or discomfort. My narrowed eyes bore into his, silently urging him to be honest.
Finally, breaking the tense silence, Mark confessed, "Look, this is only my first week. I... I haven't had the greatest time lately, and I really need the extra money. I'm sorry I lied, but I'll help however I can."
I met his gaze unwaveringly, sensing the sincerity in his words. Clearly, he was a man in need of redemption, grappling with his own personal struggles.
"Alright, alright, don't cry too much," I teased lightly, trying to ease the tension. Gesturing towards Lily, who was busy preparing her wireless motion cameras in her backpack, I continued, "Lily and I already figured that was the case. Honestly, we're surprised you agreed to come along."
Mark remained frozen, but the tension seemed to melt away from his expression, replaced by a tentative smile. It was a moment of shared understanding, a silent acknowledgment that he was still welcomed into our expedition despite his initial deception.
"Alright, I have the cams and portable batteries to make sure the cameras and anything we have with power can last," Lily said, her voice brimming with determination.
We began our descent into the town, our hiking boots struggling against the thick, clinging mud produced by the constant light rain and years of disuse. Each step was a battle, the mud threatening to swallow our boots with every move.
After an eternity of trudging through the muck, we finally reached the town's only paved road—the main road. It had taken us only about fifteen minutes to hike down, but navigating the muddy slope had sapped our energy. We paused for a break, taking a few minutes to clean off our boots and catch our breath.
As we rested, I noticed Lily rummaging through her bag with a focused intensity. Curious, I asked, "What are you looking for?"
"I brought five motion-detecting cameras that I want to set up strategically throughout the town," she replied, pulling out one of the cameras. She walked over to the nearest building, a structure that served as a post office, police station, and fire station. She positioned the camera outside the building so it was pointed at the only road leading in and out of the town.
"We need to cover all potential points of interest," she explained, securing the camera in place. "This one will monitor any activity on the main road. We should place the other cameras around key locations like the mine entrance, the town square, and some more intact buildings."
I nodded, appreciating her thoroughness. "Good idea. We need to make sure we capture anything unusual."
Mark, having finally caught his breath, joined us. "Alright, let's get these cameras set up and see what we can find," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.
"Look," Lily said, turning her tablet screen toward us. She waved her hand in front of the camera she had just placed. The tablet displayed five squares on the interface, each meant to show a feed from one of the cameras. Since Lily had only set up one camera so far, only the bottom right square showed any footage pointed at the road leading out of town. She stopped waving her hand, and the feed went to a blue screen.
"What happened? Did we lose connection?" Mark asked frantically, his eyes wide with concern.
Lily cackled, struggling to contain her amusement. Composing herself, she waved her hand in front of the camera again, and the bottom right square showed her hand waving once more. "It's motion-activated. It's the best way to save on battery life," she explained.
Mark seemed to relax, though he was still catching his breath after the brief panic.
I glanced at my watch, noting the time. "It's 8:30. We're behind schedule. If you want to place the rest of your cameras, we better move now," I said, walking down the street.
Lily immediately got up and followed me, with Mark struggling to keep pace behind us. We reached the market building, and Lily positioned her second camera on the side of the road, pointing up at the market.
It's not much longer before we make it to the Town Hall. I suggest Lily place a camera nearby. She nods and heads into a building across from the Town Hall labeled, "Slaughterhouse: LOCAL ANIMALS ONLY."
As Lily explores the building to find an adequate spot for the camera, I wait for Mark to catch up. While I wait, I can't help but imagine this town in its prime, picturing the streets filled with families who loved each other.
My thoughts are abruptly cut off by a sound echoing in the distance—a roar unlike any I've ever heard. It was a mix of a human screaming in pain, the roar of a lion, and, near the end, the howl of a wolf. The chilling sound sent shivers down my spine.
I jump to my feet and immediately call out, "Lily, you okay?"
There's no response from Lily, but I'm interrupted by Mark finally catching up, panting heavily.
"Holy... shit... did you... hear that?" Mark said frantically between breaths.
"Yeah, we have to find Lily," I say, bolting into the slaughterhouse. I glance back to see Mark bracing himself on the steps of the Town Hall, struggling to keep up.
As I enter the building, the stench of rotting flesh hits me like a wave, causing me to gag. The smell is too fresh to be decades old.
"Lily? Lily, where are you?" I yell, using my shirt to shield my nose from the overwhelming odor.
"Rory, I'm in here!" I hear Lily yell from a room two doors down. I pass the first door, peeking in to ensure I hadn't misheard, but I wish I hadn't looked.
Inside the first room, I catch a glimpse of what appears to be a pile of animal carcasses, their decayed bodies arranged in a grotesque display. The sight is horrifying, the flesh still disturbingly fresh. The bile rises in my throat, but I force myself to focus on finding Lily.
I rush to the room where her voice came from, pushing the door open. Lily is there, setting up the camera, seemingly oblivious to the horror in the adjacent room. Relief floods through me as I see she's safe.
"Lily, did you hear that roar?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Yeah, I heard it," she replies, her eyes wide with concern. "I was just finishing up here. Let's get back to Mark and figure out what that was." She had placed the camera in a window, pointing directly at the Town Hall.
We hurry back outside, where Mark still catches his breath as we meet between the buildings. "We need to stay together from now on," I say firmly, looking at both of them. "Whatever that noise was, it's not something we want to face alone."
"Let's check out the Town Hall!" Mark says excitedly as he slowly clambers through a broken window.
"Did he not just hear what I said?" I mutter under my breath, shaking my head in disbelief.
Lily gives me a shrug, her eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Guess we're heading into the Town Hall then," she says, adjusting her backpack and walking towards the broken window.
I sigh and follow suit, hoisting myself up and carefully maneuvering through the jagged glass. Inside, the air is musty, filled with the scent of old paper and decaying wood. Dust motes float lazily in the beams of sunlight streaming through the cracked windows.
The main hall is vast and eerily silent, with rows of empty chairs facing a stage draped in tattered curtains. The walls are lined with faded portraits and yellowed maps of the town, remnants of a time when this place was alive and bustling.
Mark is already at the front, examining a large, decrepit desk. "Look at this," he says, his voice echoing in the empty space. "It's like stepping back in time."
I walk over, glancing at the old papers scattered across the desk. Most are mundane—meeting minutes, maintenance logs—but one catches my eye. It's a letter dated June 1925, addressed to Harper Franstein.
"Harper, the disappearances are becoming more frequent. The townsfolk are getting restless, and I fear they may take matters into their own hands if we don't act soon. We need to find out what's causing this before it's too late."
I read the letter aloud, and the room fell silent. "Sounds like things were getting pretty tense," Lily remarks, her voice subdued.
As I'm distracted by the time capsule in front of us, Mark sneaks off.
I'm not sure how long it was before she noticed, but I saw Lily looking around before saying, "Where the hell did Mark go?" breaking me out of my trance.
I look around, turning my head in all directions, and shrug at Lily. I hear shuffling in the second room down the hall, so I slowly walk toward it.
"Mark?" I call out.
Just then, a loud crash reverberates through the building, making it sound like the whole place was about to come down.
We run in and see Mark struggling to keep himself from falling into a giant hole that must've broken under his weight. Trying not to laugh, I glance at Lily. We help him up as he dramatically falls onto his back, wheezing as he catches his breath.
Lily and I can't contain our laughter anymore as we bust out laughing hard. Startled by our sudden outburst, Mark jumps in fear. He looks around, confused for a few seconds, before realizing that we are laughing at him.
"Jesus, thanks, I guess," he says, clearly thankful but annoyed by our reaction.
After we contained ourselves, we headed back outside, exiting through the window Mark entered through. He struggles to climb out, but after Lily gives him a hand, he is safely out of the Town Hall.
"Alright, Ror, where should we put the next camera?" Lily asks me.
I stop to think momentarily, trying to picture the town's layout. "I think the only place left is the neighborhood," I respond confidently. I always talk like that with Lily. Over the years, I've realized she is the only person I can have that much confidence around. With anyone else, I'm worried about saying something stupid or wrong or how they'll view me, but with my sister, everything is easy.
As I look at the replica map of the town in its heyday from the museum, I determine that the neighborhood is to the East. "Okay, looks like we head East past the Library. Let's go." I say, walking away.
It only takes about eight minutes to get to the long strip of road that housed the town's workers. According to the map, there were fifteen houses along this strip of road.
The houses stand eerily silent, their wooden frames weathered and decayed by time. We walk down the road, our footsteps crunching on the gravel and echoing in the stillness. The air feels heavier here like the past is watching us, waiting to reveal its secrets.
"Let's put the last cameras on that house at the end of the road," I suggest, pointing to a house that looks slightly less dilapidated than the others, "another one at the last house on the other side, and the last we can save for a spot you choose."
Lily nods and heads toward the first house, pulling another camera from her backpack. She sets it up on the porch, positioning it to capture the entire street, and does the same in the opposite house. As I stand with Mark breathing hard, still unable to catch his breath since we first got here, I can't shake the feeling that we're being watched. I glance around nervously but see nothing out of the ordinary.
"All set," Lily says, breaking my reverie, "Still no ideas for the last cam?" Lily asks me.
"Like I said, wherever you think it would be best. I feel like we have enough good spots and angles, so go wild with that one," I told her.
She smirked and kept walking next to me. Mark was still struggling behind, but after the town hall mishap, he was trying his best to keep up. I looked at my watch, and it read '12:30 pm'.
"Holy shit, it's already 12:30," I said in amazement, but no one else seemed fazed. It felt like we'd only been here thirty minutes, not almost four hours.
We walked back down the street. Lily and I had been discussing on the walk that she should put the last camera at the town's only stoplight in front of the Library.
As we made our way to it, I could have sworn I was seeing something moving fast past my vision in the corner of my eye. Every time I turned to look, it was gone. I chalked it up to being my imagination until Lily and Mark both experienced the same thing.
"What the fuck was that?" Mark asked as he ducked, bracing for something terrible to happen. Lily and I looked back at him and then at each other as we shrugged. It was after that that I started seeing things, too.
I confided in Lily about the unsettling visions and sounds, and she admitted she had experienced the same phenomena but had kept quiet, fearing Mark would dismiss her as paranoid.
"Well, it's probably just a cat or something," I said, attempting to downplay the situation, but neither seemed convinced.
We continued our trek, and I noticed that the more we walked, the more frequently I caught fleeting glimpses of movement in my peripheral vision. It was beginning to grate on my nerves.
Finally, we reached the light in front of the Library. As Lily mounted the camera, I felt a sense of satisfaction. We were making good progress, and it seemed like a suitable moment to start exploring the town more freely. We decided to split up and cover different sections of the town.
"Wait, we have to go alone? Why can't we stay together like you said?" Mark asked frantically, but Lily and I ignored him as we headed in separate directions. He continued to protest, but we paid him no mind. Eventually, I was either far enough away to not hear him anymore, or he had given up. Either way, I was happy to enjoy the eerie silence of the town.
As I wandered, the stillness of Raven's Nest enveloped me. With its decrepit buildings and overgrown streets, the town exuded an unsettling charm. It was as if I had stepped into a forgotten world, a place frozen in time with secrets waiting to be unearthed. The ambiance reminded me of an amusement park's haunted town section—artificially eerie yet irresistibly intriguing. Despite the creepiness, the mysterious vibe of the town kept me engaged and eager to explore its hidden corners.
I glanced at my watch again, only to find the time glaring back at me: 3:19 pm. It couldn't be right. There was no way it had been that long since I last checked. Panic seized me, and I called out for Lily, my voice tinged with urgency. She appeared beside me in a matter of minutes, her expression mirroring my concern.
"What's up, Ror? You okay?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.
"How long would you say it's been since you put the last camera down?" I inquired, my heart pounding in my chest.
Lily's brow furrowed as she struggled to come up with an answer. "Uh, I don't know, thirty minutes?" she hazarded a guess.
I held up my watch, displaying the time: 3:20 pm. Lily fell silent, her eyes widening in disbelief. She was never great with time, but missing almost three hours of our memory was unprecedented.
"There's no way. Your watch must be—" Lily began, her voice trailing off as she checked her own watch, only to freeze in shock when she found it displayed the same time as mine.
"Lil, something is going on," I stated, my voice tight and apprehensive. I glanced up at the sky, my stomach churning as I noticed the clouds darkening and rolling in from all sides of the valley.
The sky closed rapidly, ominous clouds obscuring the sun as thunder rumbled ominously against the mountains.
"Mark? Mark, where are—" I began to call out, but before I could finish, Mark emerged from behind a wall, appearing as if he'd been too frightened to venture far on his own.
"We have to get inside!" Mark exclaimed urgently, his voice tinged with fear.
submitted by Wooleyty to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:31 _unreal_milk_ [Untitled]: by _princess_drupe_

That feeling when your best friend hugs you. That feeling when your dog cuddles with you on the couch. That feeling when your parents tuck you in. That feeling when your bad day is fixed with a simple hug. That feeling when you win or gain an achievement. That feeling when you reach the top of the mountain. That feeling when your hard work pays off. That feeling when your loved one returns from the front lines, That feeling when you finally see the stars connecting. What you're feeling is the warmth of people and animals around you. What you're feeling is the sensation of family. Daily doses of dopamine rushing through your veins. Dreaming of happiness and the smell when it rains. Dicing onions for guacamole Drifting out to sea on a floatie Devouring a pizza with friends. Diving for photographs together. Destroying youtube videos with your homies. Dripping chlorine water from your matching bathing suits. Disturbing the dead in the community cemetery. What you're feeling is the close-knit group you've become. What you're feeling is the sensation of family.
submitted by _unreal_milk_ to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:17 IDLP94 Are my concerns valid?

So for reference I am ADHD/ASD, my husband is ADHD (I can definitely see ASD traits in him though), my son (2.5) is ASD, both sides of our family also have varying degrees of ADHD & ASD & I am now starting to worry about my daughter (4).
My husband & I (as well as family) used to joke about how our daughter when she was younger probably has ADHD due to a lot of the traits she had, didn’t think too much into it though because she was young & it could’ve just been typical toddler behaviour. Fast forward to when she was 3 we had child health appointments for both kids (mainly for my son as he started to exhibit very obvious ASD traits), we were told that our daughter actually exhibited a few ASD traits. I thought there was no way she had ASD because she had no problem giving eye contact (she’s just always been shy around new people/people she’s not comfortable with), could make new friends & played with other children well (& did not exhibit the very obvious traits that her brother had/has - she’s quite fear avoidant unlike him too).
Now that she’s older & has been in school for 6 months I am starting to notice that she is slightly different to her peers. She seems to mask at school though & is a completely different child there compared to at home. I will pop a list some of the things I have concerns about. I am wondering if my concerns are valid or if it is just typical behaviour for her age. I’m not sure whether to take it further, because I don’t want her to have to struggle like I had to as a child if she does have ADHD/ASD… But I also don’t want to come across as being paranoid/a hypochondriac by proxy. What are your thoughts? Also, if you got this far thank you!!! 😆
List of “concerns”: - Very rigid/literal thinking (even with play - e.g was playing barbies with a friend & her friend put a checkout in the bathroom, she was very distressed about it & said “no, the bath has to go in the bathroom!”) - Cannot handle unexpected change - will become very distressed or have a meltdown (even over minor change - e.g I had some errands to run & after going to Kmart I said “right, let’s go to Spotlight then Bunnings!”… Made the last minute decision to go to Bunnings first then Spotlight as it worked better coming from Kmart & then heading home - she had a meltdown because I had told her we were going to Spotlight first, not Bunnings - Always fidgeting, running, jumping, climbing, spinning & flapping her arms (flaps them like a bird) - excessively & at inappropriate times a lot. Also needing to chew/suck on things a lot - Acts like a cat/dog often - will also sometimes do it when she is feeling shy or awkward - Very argumentative - Lines up/organises toys &/or objects (even at the shops - once she had to organise these ride on type toys [sticks with a plush head - unicorns, dinosaurs etc] into the same category as they were all mixed together) - Has a very hard time transitioning - Feels like you are walking on eggshells around her - very intense long lasting meltdowns multiple times a day - Has a really hard time doing what she is told unless there is a “reward”, make her think like it’s her idea or make it a game - Appears to get very overwhelmed/executive dysfunction - will also say things like her legs won’t work or she is stuck to the floor - Gets very attached to certain objects/things - Has a special interest in/collects rocks (& sometimes other outdoor items like sticks, leaves, feathers etc) - keeps them in a box & takes them out to organise them/talk about them. Will get very distressed if you don’t allow her to keep them - Very rigid with her routine - will have a meltdown if it is not done the “right” or usual way - We usually have to cut the labels off of her clothes - Has a pair of PJs that she wants to wear every night - had to get more as she would have a meltdown if they were in the wash & she couldn’t wear them - She repeats herself over & over again - Always making noise whether it be vocal stimming or just constantly talking - Her attention span is very short unless it is something she enjoys doing - When asked a question she usually doesn’t answer “appropriately” & gets off track - Very sensitive to smells & loud noises - can sometimes distress hecause meltdowns - Will zone out/stare into space often - Easily frustrated/irritable - Very sensitive in general
submitted by IDLP94 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:36 GuiltlessMaple Best Flashlight With Taser

Best Flashlight With Taser
Are you looking for a versatile self-defense tool that's both convenient and effective? Look no further than our Flashlight With Taser roundup! This article brings you the best products available that combine the power of a flashlight with the stun of a taser. Get prepared and stay safe with our top picks for the ultimate self-defense gadget.

The Top 7 Best Flashlight With Taser

  1. Powerful High-Voltage Stun Gun for Security - The Guard Dog LightSafer Stun Gun w/ Tac Light Max Voltage White, a durable, rechargeable 400 lumen stun gun flashlight with concealed high voltage stun capability, is the ultimate self-defense tool for those seeking unbeatable protection.
  2. 1 Million Volt Stun Gun & Flashlight - Prepare for unexpected situations with the Zap Light Extreme 1mil Black Stun Gun/Flashlight, featuring a bright LED bulb, powerful Ni-MH rechargeable battery, and 6 ultra-sharp spike electrodes for added protection.
  3. 2 Million Volt Non-Lethal Taser for Personal Protection - Experience the power of long-range self-defense with the PS Zap Stun Enforcer 2, a high-rated, non-lethal protection device by PS Products.
  4. Portable Stun Gun Flashlight with Wrist Strap and Charging Cable - The TASER StrikeLight 2 Kit is a versatile, high-intensity stun gun and portable flashlight that combines close-contact stun capabilities with long-distance warnings, providing safety and protection for any situation.
  5. Compact and Cute Taser with Flashlight for Small Animals - The Stun Master Lil Guy packs a powerful 12,000,000-volt punch in a small, adorable package, featuring a built-in LED flashlight and nylon holster for added safety and convenience.
  6. Powerful 320-Lumen LED Flashlight with Taser for Personal Security - Illuminate your daily safety with the Guard Dog Diablo II flashlight, featuring a concealed inner stun gun for added security and a 320-lumen beam perfect for visibility and blinding unwanted attackers.
  7. Smart Self-Defense Light with Taser Function - The Smith & Wesson Self-Defense Light 1163728 is a powerful 35-lumen flashlight with a built-in taser, designed for self-protection and emergency situations, featuring a hardened glass breaker and solid metal construction.
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🔗Powerful High-Voltage Stun Gun for Security
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Guard Dog LIGHTSAFER Stun Gun w/ Tac Light. This handy device is perfect for those who want to feel secure in their day-to-day life. With its concealed high voltage stun capability, I was able to immobilize an aggressor before they could get too close. The powerful bolt was not only intimidating, but also effective in making them retreat.
The stun gun's 400-lumen flashlight comes in handy in a variety of situations, whether you're walking home late at night or just taking a shortcut through a dark alley. Additionally, the battery life indicator was a real lifesaver, as it allowed me to keep track of when the device needed recharge. The stun gun's shockproof anti-roll body, made of type III aircraft-grade aluminum, gives it the durability it needs to endure any tough situation. Overall, the Guard Dog LIGHTSAFER Stun Gun w/ Tac Light has proved to be a reliable and effective device for anyone seeking self-defense tools.

🔗1 Million Volt Stun Gun & Flashlight
As someone who has tried the Zap Light Extreme 1mil Blk Stun Gun/Flashlight, I can say it's a powerful and versatile tool for personal protection. The 6 Ultra-sharp Spike Electrodes offer extra protection and can penetrate clothes, helping you to ward off potential attackers. The built-in high-endurance Ni-MH rechargeable battery ensures the product is always ready when you need it, while the ultra-bright LED bulb shines for an impressive 5 hours per charge.
I loved the convenience of the USB wall charger, USB car charger, carry case, and wrist strap that came with it, making it easy to carry and store. The only downside I encountered was the flimsy belt clip that sometimes made it difficult to secure the stun gun in my pocket. Overall, the Zap Light Extreme is a reliable and intimidating tool for self-defense and personal safety.

🔗2 Million Volt Non-Lethal Taser for Personal Protection
I recently received the PS Zap Enforcer 2 Mil Blk Zapen and couldn't wait to try it out. With its 2 million-volt stun gun feature, I felt it would be my new best friend in ensuring my safety during my evening walks. However, one thing I noticed was the size - it felt a bit too large for my hands, particularly for someone like me who is only 5'3.
Using this product, I found the flashlight to be extremely useful. The bright beam made it easy to navigate through the pitch-black nights, while the stun gun function made me feel safe knowing I could defend myself if needed. The metal exterior and sturdy construction added to the product's reliability.
However, the charging issue proved to be a bit of a pain. After using it for a few days, the battery seemed to drain quickly, and despite being warned about this, I still found myself struggling to keep it powered throughout the day. Another minor issue was the lack of a smaller or more portable option, as the size could be a bit unwieldy for some people.
Overall, the PS Zap Enforcer 2 Mil Blk Zapen has its pros and cons, but it's definitely a useful tool for those seeking a bit of extra security in their daily lives. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a stun gun flashlight, but just remember to keep an eye on the battery life to avoid being left in the dark.

🔗Portable Stun Gun Flashlight with Wrist Strap and Charging Cable
When I first got my hands on the Taser StrikeLight 2 Kit White, I was immediately impressed by its sleek design. It looked like a powerful tool meant for serious moments, but at the same time, it was surprisingly comfortable to carry around with me.
The 700-lumen high beam setting was simply mind-blowing. I found myself reaching for it whenever I needed a good, bright light in a dark situation. The low beam and red mode were also incredibly useful, providing just the right amount of light for specific scenarios.
I have to admit, I was more than a little intimidated by the thought of using this device as a stun gun. But, after putting it to the test, I was pleasantly surprised by how effective it was at close range. Its stun gun capabilities provided a sense of security and safety that I hadn't quite expected.
But, nothing's perfect. Although the device itself is relatively light, I noticed that the charging cable seemed to be a bit of an afterthought. It was a little flimsy, and I had to be careful not to tear it by accident.
Overall, the Taser StrikeLight 2 Kit White has been a reliable companion in my everyday life. It's saved me from a few nervous encounters, and the built-in stun gun capabilities give me a sense of security that I never knew I needed. While there are a few cons to consider, the pros outweigh them by far.

🔗Compact and Cute Taser with Flashlight for Small Animals
The Stun Master Lil Guy 12,000,000 Volts Animal Print stun gun was more than just a cute taser. It offered a powerful self-defense solution for people on the go. I tried it one day when a group of strangers cornered me in a dark alley. While I was initially skeptical of its real efficacy, I decided to give it a try. Pressing the shock button, the Lil Guy thrashed 1,200,000 volts of power through the metal probes, effectively scaring off my assailants.
I appreciated its compact size, as it easily fit in my purse, and the bright LED flashlight built into it was quite useful at night. However, the nylon case the gun came with wasn't the most secure – I'd recommend investing in a sturdier case for added protection.
The Lil Guy had a safety switch; in the down position, it was off, in the middle position it was a super bright LED flashlight, and in the up position, it needed a firm trigger press before it unleashed 12,000,000 volts. Despite the quirky design, this stun gun served its purpose, providing a sense of security in moments of danger.

🔗Powerful 320-Lumen LED Flashlight with Taser for Personal Security
Guard Dog Security Diablo II 320-Lumen 3 Modes LED Rechargeable Flashlight has been an integral part of my daily life. This multi-functional device offers both a flashlight and a concealed stun gun, perfect for those who want to feel secure without carrying around a visible stun gun. The 320-lumen light can be seen over 500 yards away, acting as a powerful deterrent for unwanted attackers.
The concealed stun technology is the highlight of this device, delivering a powerful and intimidating shock around the top layer, all while remaining inconspicuous. This self-defense tool has been popular, especially among law enforcement, yet it's now available for the general public.
Diablo II is crafted with a shockproof body, built from an aircraft-grade type III aluminum, providing both durability and protection. The emergency glass beaker is a convenient added feature. The product arrives with a premium leather holster, making it easy to carry on your person.
However, the cons of this product are the non-replaceable battery and the lack of an additional belt clip. The need to replace the battery can be inconvenient for some users. Also, a more user-friendly belt clip would have been a great addition. Despite these limitations, the Guard Dog Diablo II remains an effective choice for those who want a versatile and reliable security solution on their daily endeavors.

🔗Smart Self-Defense Light with Taser Function
I've been using the Smith & Wesson Self-Defense Light lately, and it's become quite a reliable tool in my daily life. The light output is impressive with its 35 lumens, making it bright and compact. One feature that stands out is the hardened glass breaker for emergency situations.
However, I also noticed that the metal construction can be a bit heavy and the matte finish might be prone to fingerprints. Overall, it's a solid choice for those looking for both a flashlight and a self-defense option.

Buyer's Guide

A flashlight with a built-in taser is a versatile self-defense tool designed to provide both bright light and a shocking deterrent in one compact package. These types of flashlights are becoming increasingly popular among individuals wishing to protect themselves and their surroundings.

Key Features to Consider

  • Brightness: The flashlight should have a high-intensity LED to provide optimum illumination in low-light situations. Consider a range of beam patterns, including spot and flood modes to suit different needs.
  • Battery Life: Look for flashlights with rechargeable batteries or long-lasting alkaline cells to ensure the device lasts when you need it most.
  • Taser Voltage: The taser should have a strong enough electricity discharge to disable an attacker effectively and safely.
  • Size and Weight: The flashlight should be portable and easy to carry, without sacrificing functionality.
  • Construction: The device should be sturdy and have an IP-rated waterproof feature for added safety and durability.

Important Considerations

  • Legal Restrictions: Make sure you are aware of the local, state, and federal regulations governing the use of a taser-equipped flashlight.
  • Safety Precautions: Always follow safety guidelines and practice using the device to ensure you can use it effectively when needed.
  • Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend on a flashlight with a taser to find the right balance between cost and performance.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Scan customer reviews and ratings to gather insights on the flashlight's effectiveness and build quality.

General Advice

Remember that a flashlight with a taser is not a substitute for formal self-defense training or for relying on others for support and safety. Always use these tools responsibly and only in situations where you feel genuinely threatened.


What is a Flashlight With Taser?

A Flashlight With Taser is a multipurpose self-defense tool that combines the functionality of a bright flashlight and a non-lethal taser for personal safety.

What is the purpose of a Taser on a Flashlight?

The integration of a Taser on a Flashlight serves to provide protection in the event of a potential danger or attack. The bright flashlight can be used to disorient an attacker, while the Taser can be used to incapacitate them, giving you time to escape or seek help.

How does a Flashlight With Taser work?

The flashlight can be used to emit a bright light to blind an attacker and the Taser can be used to create a high-voltage, non-lethal electrical discharge to incapacitate them. The Taser is typically activated by pressing a button and aiming it at the attacker. Some models may require a direct contact with the target for the Taser to be effective.

Are Flashlight With Tasers legal to own?

The legality of owning a Flashlight With Taser varies by location, as it depends on the local laws and regulations. Some areas may classify it as a non-lethal self-defense weapon, while others may consider it a prohibited weapon. It is essential to research and check local laws in your area before purchasing or owning a Flashlight With Taser.

How effective are Flashlight With Tasers in self-defense?

The effectiveness of a Flashlight With Taser in self-defense situations can depend on various factors such as the distance from the attacker, the angle of the strike, and the target's body sensitivity. In general, the Taser has a high success rate in incapacitating an attacker and providing time for the user to escape or seek help. However, it is crucial to remember that self-defense tools should be used as a last resort and only to protect oneself.

What safety features should be present on a Flashlight With Taser?

  • A safety switch to prevent accidental discharge of the Taser.
  • Interlock features between the flashlight and Taser to prevent them from being used separately.
  • A built-in safety mechanism that renders the Taser ineffective if the user tries to use it on someone already incapacitated.

What is the lifespan of a Flashlight With Taser's Taser?

The Taser component in a Flashlight With Taser typically has a lifespan of around 50,000 to 100,000 shots. However, this may vary depending on the model and usage patterns. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the proper storage, maintenance, and use of the Taser component.

How should I maintain and store my Flashlight With Taser?

Always store the Flashlight With Taser in a dry place and away from temperature extremes. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and maintenance to ensure that the Taser component remains effective and functional. Regularly check the safety features and ensure that they are working properly.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:22 1blimpie1 Hawaiian Horseback Tradition: Paniolo to Pā‘ū

Hawaiian Horseback Tradition: Paniolo to Pā‘ū
Hello! I’m finally getting around to following up on this post from a few weeks ago about a Hawaiian horseback riding tradition. Many asked for more information, so I have come to deliver!
I decided to hold off for a handful of reasons. Largest being I was preparing for my own parade, and prepping is a big time commitment. I’m elated to share some of those photos as part of this post.
Horsemanship is a relatively new introduction to the Hawaiian Islands. Prior to Western contact, Hawai‘i — not Hawaii, Ha-vai-ʔ-ee — had only two native land mammals, being bats. (One is now extinct.) South Polynesian Islanders brought with them pigs, chickens, dogs, etc., and for Westerners, Captain James Cook introduced the highly invasive feral goat to the islands, and Captain James Vancouver gifted Kamehameha with six cows and a bull in 1793.
A bit of context: Kamehameha the Great, not the Dragon Ball Z finishing attack, was the first ruling sovereign of all Hawai‘i. Prior to his unification in 1810, the islands were fragmented. A high chief ruled over individual islands, mokupuni, and these island states were often at war with one another.
At the time of Vancouver’s arrival, Kamehameha had not yet unified Hawai‘i, and the introduction of Western technology and allies backing Kamehameha’s campaign would rocket him towards success.
Vancouver gifted the six cows and one bull, and Kamehameha was so honored by this gift that he placed a sacred law protecting them, forbidding anyone from harming them, so that they might breed and expand into becoming a sustainable food source for his people.
However, this plan backfired a bit, because by the mid-1800s, 25,000 cattle roamed Hawai‘i, destroying native ecosystems, and even eating people out of their house and home — literally. They would eat the grass thatching off of people’s homes!
You might be reading this and wondering, “What does this have to do with horses? I came here for Hawaiian horseback riding!” I bid you patience. Context is key.
Ten years after the cow’s introduction to Hawai‘i, American trader Richard Cleveland gifted the first horse to Kamehameha. These animals would undergo the same prohibition for a while to increase their numbers, needed when trying to get thousands of cattle under control.
There you go, impatient reader — horses!
Eventually, the prohibition on cattle was relaxed and the Hawaiians made do with what little experience working these animals they had. Hawaiians rode bareback and without reins.
Kamehameha III, younger son to the Great, named Kauikeaouli, would bring over three Mexican “cowboys,” the vaqueros, from California (then Mexico) to Hawai‘i. The beef industry was already on the rise in the islands, and now, Hawaiians would learn how to do it well.
These vaqueros would share the knowledge of their trade: saddle craftsmanship, ropes, lassos, leather working, and most of all, riding.
Hawaiians, who were already in tuned with nature and had learned to ride these horses on their own, took to the skills. Their natural dexterity and strength made them quick to learn. Soon, Hawaiians would be among the best cowboys in the world.
A side tangent, but Hawaiian Paniolo (cowboys) were roping and ranching before Texas saw its first cowboy.
By the 1840s, horses were the main form of transportation in the islands, until the introduction automobiles outcompeted them.
Now, let’s turn our attention to Hawaiian women.
and women rode astride — their experience in watching Westerners ride was limited to the men. They had never seen a woman riding side-saddle.
Holo Lio Wāhine (female horseback riders) were riding astride, like the men. Their experience seeing Westerners riding was limited almost exclusively to men who arrived on the ships. Despite the European view of this style of riding being immodest for women, Hawaiian women mastered the art of astride riding with grace.
When riding, women would choose outfits appropriate for riding astride, and to protect their fashionable clothes, they would wrap themselves in long, draped fabric that would cover their clothes. This fabric was comfortable and kept their attire beneath clean. These draped fabrics would be called skirts, or pā‘ū.
The term skirt, however, is slightly incorrect. It is a large, sheet-like fabric that is tied to the waist, pulled through the legs, and tucked into a band to form pants and drapery.
As this developed into a fashion statement, these skirts decreed the wearer’s family or home, not unlike a family crest or banner.
Pā‘ū riding has since transformed into a form of pomp and pageantry. It is often the most anticipated part of parades across Hawai‘i, with women dressed in colorful skirts and lei (flower garlands), representing each island in the chain or other organizations. (In my case, today, I represented the organization responsible for preserving many important cultural sites, including one of the palaces here.)
Though the introduction of horses to Hawai‘i is a part of the recent past, Hawaiians have integrated it into a part of our cultural pride. It has since taken its own shape, distinct from the Mexican vaquero who came to teach the first paniolo.
Thank-you for reading! And enjoy the pictures of my part in the parade :)
submitted by 1blimpie1 to Equestrian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:17 Internal_Pen_8372 Get ready for some painful to read shit

In early grade 9 a girl in my geography class asked for my number. This was a day after I had a major conflict in school and couldn’t really trust people. You could imagine how this interaction went. I asked “why” she said “oh I think you’re really nice and that we’d be good friends” I said “no I don’t trust you bye” then started walking home. The next day she transferred to our schools French immersion program. Oh to add more salt to the wound, she asked for my number the day a school dance was announced! We’ll call the first girl Mary.
Fast forward to grade 9 semester 2 I’ve made more friends and I’m starting science. I meet a girl who we’ll call Eve I think she’s cool. I then find out my friend who we’ll call Jake is dating her. Short part but it’ll be important later
Now in semester 1 of grade 10 Mary has gotten my number through Eve’s brother who’s my friend we’ll call the brother Tony. Eve starts texting me a bunch we talked for a few months walked home together one time and hung out for like 4 hours outside of school one time just walking and I walked her home. She asked me to come inside meet her dogs and everything said parents aren’t home. I said no thanks my parents are expecting me home. THIS WAS THE LAST INTERACTION I HAD WITH HER IN PERSON. Well before things went to shit. December 23rd our last day at school before Christmas, she texts me at the in the middle of the day “Hey, are you still at school? I forgot to give you your gift” I FUCKIN PANIC I don’t really talk to girls and all my friends seemed to think Mary was into me. I obviously thought that too and it scared me. So I didn’t open the message. End of the day, she sees me at the entrance to the school but I’m on a call with my dad so I’m walking back and forth. It looks like I’m walking away from her though. I also didn’t acknowledge her because my dad would ask too many questions if he knew I was talking to a girl. She starts walking home. Alone. I didn’t get the gift nor did I talk to her that day. Have not talked to her since.
Now in semester 2 I’ve started new classes and Eve is in my last 2 classes. I also found out Mary is her best friend. GREAT. Jake recently broke up with Eve and we didn’t really know the details. Jake told me it was mutual and everything. But a few months later when all my friends and I were mad at Jake because he started acting like douche recently Tony told me that the reason they broke up was actual because of Jake. He didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore and just wanted to be friends with benefits. Initially Eve said yes, but backed out a few days later because it felt wrong (obviously) Jake gets mad at that and says you should’ve told me sooner so I could’ve started looking for other people. This shit like blows my mind so I start talking to Eve more asking her how she’s been since that. She also has depression so I’m concerned about her in general. We start talking a lot and we friend each other in instagram and we’re talking like every day for four months. It eventually moved over to messages after. I gave her my number. But that’s not important. Anyways I started to really REALLY like her her smell her smile her eyes her personality. Everything. The smells more of a recent thing but im obsessed with it. anyways a month or two ago i told Eve that i like her. She said she didn’t feel the same and all. I got friendzoned. I was supposed because I really thought she was into me. She was staring at me a bunch. Always waiting for me to walk with her to class, she like leant into me a couple of times. It was weird. We stopped talking after I confessed for a few days till I asked if we could talk about why things were so weird (I knew why) and I lied to her telling her I was already over her. I told her I don’t talk to girls so when I do I get confused really easily really fast. I know it’s a bullshit excuse. The day I tell Eve I like her, Mary blocks me on everything. Anyways me and Eve are back to friends again now. And I still see her staring at me. She till waits for me to walk her to class. So I’m thinking like did she just reject because one my best friends is her ex? And because I rejected her best friend? I dunno it’s a shit show. Oh and mary and her look at me a bunch from across the cafeteria. That’s just fuckin great. But yeah. Stories still going. Schools almost over. Wish me luck boys. In case it wasn’t clear, I like Eve. Eve is my crush
submitted by Internal_Pen_8372 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:15 Ok-Broccoli3582 How Are You Celebrating Father's Day Weekend 2024?

Father's Day is coming next weekend, making it the perfect time to plan something special. Whether you're a dad, celebrating a dad, or just looking for some fun ideas to make the weekend memorable, let's get the conversation rolling.
Here are a few ideas to kick things off:
  1. Outdoor Adventures: Planning a hike, fishing trip, or a simple picnic in the park? Nature always has a way of bringing families together.
  2. Home BBQ: Fire up the grill and have a backyard BBQ. Nothing beats the smell of burgers and hot dogs sizzling on a summer day.
  3. Game Night: Dust off those board games or video games. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone!
  4. DIY Projects: Got a dad who loves to build or tinker? Spend the day working on a DIY project together. It’s a great way to bond and create something memorable.
  5. Sports Outing: Catch a local game or play a friendly match of your favorite sport. Whether it’s baseball, soccer, or a round of golf, it’s all about having fun.
  6. Movie Marathon: Set up an outdoor movie night or binge-watch his favorite films at home. Don't forget the popcorn!
  7. Travel: If you can swing it, plan a mini getaway. A road trip to a nearby city or a staycation at a local hotel can be a refreshing change of pace.
  8. Cooking Together: Try out a new recipe or cook a family favorite. Cooking together can be a lot of fun and you get to enjoy a delicious meal at the end.
  9. Special Gifts: Don't forget to surprise Dad with a thoughtful gift. Whether it’s a gadget he’s had his eye on, a personalized keepsake, or simply something that shows you care, gifts can make the day even more special.
But enough about my ideas—what about you? What plans do you have in mind? Are there any unique traditions or special activities you do for Father's Day?
submitted by Ok-Broccoli3582 to BuyItForMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:52 mahesh_rpp Albait Aldimashqi

Albait Aldimashqi
After trying some decants, I pulled the trigger to add these to my collection.
  1. L'nuit - absolute love, potent straight out of bottle. Amped up cardamom and mint. I have used original L'nuit. But I like this scent profile. Last easy 7-8hrs on my skin with great projection.
  2. YSL Y - not an 100% clone to original YSL Y EDP. I would say 75%, opening is different but once it settles then it smells close to original. Kind of linear scent not dense like original. Good for price and last easy 6-7hrs.
  3. Gentleman Reserve Prive - started off weak straight out of the bottle. Will macerate and update on it.
  4. Ombre nomade - so much hype in the community and YouTube. But I would like to mention two points - 1. You will hate it or love it 2. Only for mature nose and who knows Abit about fragrances, not everyone can pull this off. Strong, woody, unisex fragrance. Definitely try before buying, last easy 10hrs on me. Got compliments in office, some said it smells leather and some said the opening smells like floor cleaner 😞.
submitted by mahesh_rpp to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:43 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Fjallraven Tab Hat

Best Fjallraven Tab Hat
Get ready to explore the world in style with the Fjallraven Tab Hat! This roundup article takes a closer look at the features, benefits, and customer reviews of this versatile and fashionable hat. Whether you're hiking, camping, or simply enjoying the great outdoors, this is the perfect accessory to keep you protected and comfortable. Join us as we delve into the world of Fjallraven Tab Hat and discover why it's a must-have for all your adventures.

The Top 19 Best Fjallraven Tab Hat

  1. Fjallraven Abisko Lightweight, Quick-Drying Cap for Hiking - Experience ultimate sun protection and exceptional comfort with the Fjallraven Abisko Hike Lite Cap - a lightweight, well-made, and stylish choice for outdoor enthusiasts in warm climates.
  2. Fjallraven Organic Trucker Cap with Mesh - Experience the perfect blend of style and sustainability with Fjallraven's Vardag Langtradarkeps L/XL Timber Brown Trucker Hat, featuring organic materials, adjustability, and remarkable comfort.
  3. Fjallraven Tab Hat with Recycled Polyester and Organic Cotton - Experience the ultimate in durability and style with Fjallraven's Classic Badge Cap, a hat perfect for summer camp vibes and made from eco-friendly G-1000 Eco fabric.
  4. Fjallraven Urban Exchange Specialized Bucket Hat - Experience the perfect blend of style and functionality with the Specialized x Fjallraven Hat Green, S/M - a stylish and adjustable bucket hat made from G-1000 Lite Eco Stretch, perfect for casual biking and bikepacking adventures.
  5. Fjallraven Tab Hat for Stylish Urban Cycling and Adventures - Experience optimal comfort and visibility with the Specialized/Fjallraven cap, featuring a semi-soft brim, reflective stripes, and a compact design perfect for urban rides and adventures.
  6. Fjallraven Expedition Latt Cap - Lightweight, Warm, and Windproof - Experience ultimate warmth and comfort, with the Fjallraven Expedition Latt Cap Green, a versatile, wind-proofed hat suitable for winter adventures and daily commuting.
  7. Fjallraven Singi Trekking Cap: Durable and Versatile Adventure Gear - Experience the ultimate in outdoor adventure with the Fjallraven Singi Trekking Cap, featuring durable G-1000 polyester cotton fabric, a sleek leather logo tag, and a button adjustment at the back for a perfect fit.
  8. Durable Fjallraven Eco-Friendly Tab Hat for S/M - Stylish, adjustable, and eco-friendly, the Fjallraven 1960 Logo Langtradarkeps Dark Navy Cap, S/M combines durability with breathability for a comfortable outdoor experience.
  9. Comfortable Waterproof Fjallraven Kiruna Sun Hat - Experience all-day comfort and protection with the Fjallraven Kiruna Hat, featuring a unique leather logo and compressible design for easy use and storage.
  10. Fjallraven Ovik Knit Hat: Ethically Sourced Wool Tab with Ribbed Edge and Leather Logo - Experience warmth and style in Fjallraven's Ovik Knit Hat, a stunning 100% ethically sourced wool hat perfect for cold weather outdoor adventures, featuring a ribbed edge and subtle leather logo.
  11. Insulated Wool Hat for Cold Days - Experience the perfect fusion of warmth, comfort, and style with the Fjallraven Byron Hat, available in Alpine Blue, featuring 100% wool double knitting, moisture wicking, and a cuffed bottom for a classic look.
  12. Fjällräven Foldable Wool Beanie - 1960 Logo - Experience comfort and style with the Fjallraven 1960 Logo Hat, a foldable and durable Fjällräven beanie perfect for outdoor enthusiasts.
  13. Fjallraven Singi Field Cap: Ear Flap Tour Hat with Fleece Lining (Black) - Stay comfortable and stylish with the Fjallraven Singi Field Cap, a touring cap made of G-1000 Original fabric and featuring moisture-wicking fleece lining, foldable ear flaps, and a convenient elastic closure.
  14. Eco-Friendly Fjallraven G-1000 Tab Hat with Embroidered Badge - Experience the perfect blend of style and comfort with the Fjallraven Badge Langtradarkeps Navy / S/M, featuring a classic trucker model, embroidered badge design, and an adjustable snap closure for a secure fit.
  15. Fjallraven G-1000 Eco Bergtagen Cap - Durable and Patina-Rich Outdoor Headwear - Shield yourself from the sun's fierce rays with the Fjallraven Bergtagen Cap, featuring the signature golden logo, Made of eco-friendly G-1000 Eco material, and boasting an adjustable metal clasp fit.
  16. Fjallraven Thin Wool Beanie: Stylish, Durable, and Perfect for Winter Adventures - Stay warm and stylish with the Fjallraven Byron Hat Thin beanie - perfect for skiing, snowboarding, and casual wear in any weather!
  17. Fjallraven Insulated Winter Tab Hat for Adventure Seekers - Experience ultimate warmth and comfort with the Fjallraven Expedition Padded Cap Navy S/M, a winter hat designed for dog sledding, tour skiing, and all outdoor activities in cold conditions.
  18. Fjallraven Tab Hat: Soft, Warm, and Eco-Friendly Unisex Knitted Hat - The Fjallraven Tab Hat - Acorn is a soft and comfortable unisex hat made from recycled polyester, perfect for colder conditions while being eco-friendly and quick-drying.
  19. Warm and Comfortable Fjallraven Acorn Beanie - Fjallraven's Classic Knit Hat in Acorn color provides unbeatable warmth with soft, 100% merino wool fabric and moisture-wicking technology, perfect for outdoor adventures or chilly days.
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🔗Fjallraven Abisko Lightweight, Quick-Drying Cap for Hiking
When I first tried on the Fjallraven Abisko Hike Lite Cap, I felt the perfect blend of lightweight and sturdy. The cap was designed for outdoor hiking and trekking, making it a perfect choice for my adventurous nature. The stretchy fabric made it comfortable to wear while the adjustable strap allowed for a snug fit.
One of the standout features of this cap was its quick-drying ability. I found myself constantly sweating on hot summer hikes, and this cap easily absorbed the moisture and dried within minutes. The well-ventilated fabric kept my head cool and breathable, which was a big plus for me.
The cap's lightweight nature also made it easy to pack and carry without adding too much weight to my backpack. I loved that I could easily store it in my pocket when I didn't need it.
However, I did notice that the cap was not completely perfect. The logo on the front was a bit too small, making it less noticeable. Plus, the material was not as durable as I would have liked, with some fraying around the edge.
Overall, the Fjallraven Abisko Hike Lite Cap was a great choice for my outdoor adventures. Its lightweight and quick-drying capabilities made it perfect for hot summer days, and the comfortable fit made it an enjoyable addition to my outdoor gear. Though it had its flaws, the pros definitely outweighed the cons.

🔗Fjallraven Organic Trucker Cap with Mesh
When I first tried on the Fjallraven Vardag Långtradarkeps trucker hat, I was immediately drawn to its comfortable fit and lightweight construction. Made from sustainable, organic materials and recycled polyester, this cap is perfect for both sunny hikes and everyday casual wear. The adjustable snapback feature allows for a customizable fit, and the mesh back provides excellent breathability during warmer activities.
One of the key highlights of this trucker hat is its sturdy G-1000 fabric, which gives it a modern, structured appearance while still maintaining a low-profile look. The classic Fjällräven logo on the front adds a touch of style, making it a fashionable and functional accessory for outdoor enthusiasts.
However, there are some downsides to this cap as well. I found that the sizing can be quite tricky for those with larger heads, as the size range only includes S/M and L/XL options. Unfortunately, the L/XL size didn't fit me as snugly as I would have liked, leaving me wishing for a more tailored fit. Additionally, the hat stains easily, which can be a drawback for those who want to maintain its appearance over time.
Despite these minor issues, overall I am quite satisfied with the Fjallraven Vardag Långtradarkeps trucker hat. Its combination of sustainable materials, comfortable design, and stylish appearance make it a worthy investment for anyone looking for a versatile and eco-friendly hat for their outdoor adventures.

🔗Fjallraven Tab Hat with Recycled Polyester and Organic Cotton
The Fjallraven Classic Badge Cap is a stylish addition to any outdoor lover's wardrobe. Made from the durable G-1000 Eco fabric, which is a blend of recycled polyester and organic cotton, this hat provides both comfort and style. The iconic fox logo adds a retro summer camp vibe, and the adjustable buckle ensures a perfect fit for all.
However, those who prefer a full brim might find the flexibility a bit limiting. Nonetheless, this hat's hard-wearing nature and classic design make it a favorite among hikers and fashion enthusiasts alike.

🔗Fjallraven Urban Exchange Specialized Bucket Hat
I recently came across the Specialized x Fjallraven Hat, a versatile piece that's perfect for my daily commute. The combination of 65% polyester and 35% cotton in this hat makes it lightweight and breathable, while the short, soft brim offers great protection against the sun without being too overwhelming.
One of my favorite aspects of this hat is its adjustability, as it's fitted to my head perfectly, and it won't budge even on the bumpiest of bike rides. The hat's style, inspired by a classic bucket hat, gives it a fun and sporty look that is suitable for both casual and biking activities.
Although I haven't had any issues with it so far, I noticed that its sweat-wicking mesh liner might not be the most effective – particularly in hot conditions or after a long ride. However, this has not stopped me from enjoying the comfy fit and casual feel of this Specialized x Fjallraven Hat.

🔗Fjallraven Tab Hat for Stylish Urban Cycling and Adventures
Sometimes, finding the perfect cap can be a challenge. However, after trying out the Specialized/Fjallraven Cap, I now know what it's like to have the ultimate urban riding and adventure companion.
Its soft and packable G-1000 Lite Eco Stretch fabric makes it easy to store when I'm not riding. The 180-degree reflective stripes not only look cool, but they also provide extra visibility when I head out on a night ride.
And the mesh sweatband keeps me comfortable while I push my limits. The co-branded logo on the front adds a touch of style.
Overall, this cap has become a trusted friend for both my daily commute and weekend adventures.

🔗Fjallraven Expedition Latt Cap - Lightweight, Warm, and Windproof
I recently tried out the Fjallraven Expedition Latt Cap and I must say, it's a game-changer for those chilly winter mornings. The cap is both warm and lightweight, making it perfect for my outdoor adventures. The lined earmuffs provide excellent wind protection, and I appreciate the option to fold them away when the temperature rises. The soft fleece lining is a nice touch, adding a cozy touch to this cap.
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks. The fit was a bit snug for my taste, and I wished there was an adjustable band so I could customize it to my preference. Additionally, I felt it was a bit too dark for my liking.
Despite these minor issues, I'm thoroughly impressed with its performance and durability. Fjallraven's commitment to producing high-quality, environmentally friendly products is evident in this cap. It's definitely a worthy addition to my winter wardrobe.

🔗Fjallraven Singi Trekking Cap: Durable and Versatile Adventure Gear
I recently tried out the Fjallraven Singi Trekking Cap in black, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for outdoor enthusiasts. Made of the robust G-1000 polyester cotton fabric, this cap perfectly balances protection from the sun and rain while also offering a comfortable fit. It's lightweight and versatile, making it perfect for any adventure, no matter the season.
One of my favorite features is the adjustment at the rear, allowing for a custom fit without any hassle. The folded leather logo adds a touch of class to the cap, showcasing the brand's pride in its product. The G-1000 fabric is truly remarkable, with its combination of polyester and cotton giving it both durability and breathability, while also ensuring wind and water resistance.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks worth mentioning. First, some users have mentioned sizing issues, so it's essential to measure your head carefully before making a purchase. Second, the cap may not be the best choice for individuals who need to wear their ponytail through the cap. Nonetheless, these issues do not detract from the overall quality and performance of this cap.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a high-quality, stylish, and practical cap for your outdoor adventures, the Fjallraven Singi Trekking Cap is a fantastic choice. It may not be the cheapest option, but for the price, it's worth every penny.

🔗Durable Fjallraven Eco-Friendly Tab Hat for S/M
As a hat lover, I was excited to try the Fjallraven 1960 Logo Langtradarkeps Cap. The blue color really popped, and the G-1000 HeavyDuty Eco material gave it a premium feel. The adjustable closure on the back made it perfect for my head size, and the logo on the front added a bit of style.
One feature that stood out was the material's eco-friendly nature, with 65% polyester and 35% organic cotton. The mesh on the sides and back made it breathable, allowing my head to stay cool and fresh even on hot days. However, I noticed some wear on the mesh after a few weeks of daily use.
Although the adjustable closure made it comfortable and easy to wear, I did find the size range a bit limited. I would have liked to see some options in between the S/M and L/XL sizes. This is a minor complaint, as the cap itself still fit well and looked great.
Overall, the Fjallraven 1960 Logo Langtradarkeps Cap was a comfortable, stylish, and eco-friendly option that I enjoyed wearing in my everyday life. Despite the limited size range and slight wear, I would still highly recommend this cap to others looking for a durable and fashionable option.

🔗Comfortable Waterproof Fjallraven Kiruna Sun Hat
The Fjallraven Kiruna Hat in Laurel Green L is a stylish and functional everyday hat that offers excellent protection from the sun and rain. The hat is made from durable and water-resistant G-1000 original fabric, making it perfect for outdoor activities.
One of the best features of this hat is its medium-wide, soft brim that provides all-round protection while still being foldable to fit in a pocket when not in use. The Fjallraven logo in leather adds a touch of elegance and durability to the hat.
I've had the pleasure of using this hat in my daily life, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. The material is of high quality, and the fit is just right. I've had no issues with wind or rain, and the hat has held up well despite the occasional use.
While the hat is generally well designed and comfortable, I did notice that it runs a bit loose for some users. I would recommend getting the size that is most suitable for your head to ensure the best fit. Additionally, the hat is a bit on the pricey side, but I believe the quality and functionality make it worth the investment.
Overall, I highly recommend the Fjallraven Kiruna Hat in Laurel Green L to anyone looking for a durable and stylish hat for their outdoor adventures.

🔗Fjallraven Ovik Knit Hat: Ethically Sourced Wool Tab with Ribbed Edge and Leather Logo
I recently added the Ovik Knit Hat Navy to my daily rotation, and I must say, the experience has been quite pleasant. The hat's design is inspired by Fjällräven's popular Övik Knit Sweater, which really caught my eye - the patterned knitting adds a touch of personality to any outfit.
One of the key features that stood out to me is the high-quality wool used in this hat. It's not only cozy but also ethically and responsibly sourced, which is a big bonus. This winter-ready hat has a ribbed edge and a small leather logo on the side, adding an extra touch of style.
The fit of the hat is a bit snug, but I've come to understand that this is by design to provide better insulation. It may take a little getting used to, but once you do, you'll appreciate the warmth it provides. The hat's one-size-fits-all concept may not be perfect for everyone, so it's essential to consider your head size before purchasing.
Overall, the Ovik Knit Hat Navy is a stylish and warm addition to any winter wardrobe. The Fjällräven brand delivers another quality product, and I'm happy to have it in my collection. Just be prepared for a snug fit and keep in mind that it's not a traditional skull-cap fit. Other than that, it's a great pick for those chilly days.

🔗Insulated Wool Hat for Cold Days
I've fallen in love with the Fjallraven Tab Hat during my camping trips and hikes this winter. Folded over at the bottom, this hat allows for cozy warmth on colder days.
The classic ribbed style adds to the comfortable feel and the Arctic Fox logo on a leather patch adds a touch of style. The one-size-fits-all hat in Alpine Blue is both versatile and practical, keeping the chill off and fitting perfectly.
However, be cautious of accidentally shrinking the hat by putting it in the dryer, as it may become unwearable.

🔗Fjällräven Foldable Wool Beanie - 1960 Logo
Last winter, I found myself in need of a warm, durable beanie for my daily commute. I spotted the Fjallraven 1960 Logo Hat and decided to give it a go. The first thing I noticed about this beanie was its timeless design and elegant chalk white color. It was a stylish addition to my winter outfits, perfect for both men and women.
What stood out to me was the high-quality, ethically produced wool used in making this beanie. Not only did it provide delightful warmth, but it also felt sustainable and traceable. The foldable edge offered extra protection, while the double-layered knitted construction provided even more insulation. The iconic Fjallraven emblem on the front added a touch of class.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks to this beanie. Firstly, the tag seemed to be a bit tricky to remove, and I had to cut it off using a seam ripper. While it might seem silly, it was frustrating, especially considering the brand's reputation for quality. Secondly, one reviewer mentioned that the hat was a bit thicker and bulkier than expected, which might not be ideal for some people.
Overall, my experience with the Fjallraven 1960 Logo Hat was mostly positive. It offered comfort, style, and warmth, making it a great addition to my winter wardrobe.

🔗Fjallraven Singi Field Cap: Ear Flap Tour Hat with Fleece Lining (Black)
My experience with this Fjallraven Singi Field Cap was truly a delight. The polyester and cotton blend give this cap a soft and warm feeling, perfect for those chilly winter days. The ventilating properties of the water-resistant G-1000 fabric helped to keep my head dry from sweat, while the fleece lining made sure I was comfortably warm.
One of the most noteworthy features of this cap was the inbuilt wire that allowed me to shape the brim. This not only made it sturdier but also made it easy to stow away in my pocket when I wasn't wearing it. The ear flaps were a great addition, especially in windy conditions, and the elastic closure on the back ensured the cap stayed firmly on my head. The black color gave the cap a sleek look and paired perfectly with my outdoor camping gear. Overall, it was an excellent cap that I have continued to use whenever I'm out there enjoying the beautiful outdoors.

🔗Eco-Friendly Fjallraven G-1000 Tab Hat with Embroidered Badge
Recently, I had the chance to sport the Fjallraven Badge Langtradarkeps Cap. It's like bringing a cool, comfortable companion along for any adventure. This cap, standing out in my collection, is perfect for those balmy days and chilly nights alike. The Fjallraven brand, known for producing eco-friendly, durable goods, has outdone itself with this cap.
This cap is all about the balance; it's got this classic, cool vibe with a high-rise front, and yet it's got this mesh back that keeps air circulating. I'm a fan of the embroidered badge design in an eco-poly blend - it's both functional and stylish.
As for sizing, it's just right, offering a snug fit thanks to the adjustable snap closure at the back. The cap sits neatly on my head, avoiding any slips. However, one drawback is that it might be a bit too large for some users, so sizing down could be a good option.
Overall, it's a hat I wouldn't leave home without. Even when it was put through some rought handling, it held its shape nicely. Not forgetting the compliments it garners, it always turns heads in a good way.
From the brand known for quality, this Fjallraven Badge Langtradarkeps Cap is a winner in my books. Yet its not without the potential small issues. But for me, it's a hat with more pros than cons, making every stroll more comfortable and trendy.

Buyer's Guide

Fjallraven Tab Hats are a popular outdoor accessory designed to provide comfort and protection during your adventures. These hats are known for their high-quality materials, durability, and stylish design. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features, considerations, and advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a Fjallraven Tab Hat.

Materials and Durability
Fjallraven Tab Hats are made from high-quality materials that ensure longevity and resistance to wear and tear. The most common materials used are G-1000 (polyester) and G-1000 Eco (organic polyester). G-1000 hats have a waxed finish, which makes them water-resistant and easy to care for. G-1000 Eco hats, on the other hand, have a more environmentally friendly finish. It is essential to consider the material you prefer when purchasing a Fjallraven Tab Hat.

Size and Fit

Fjallraven Tab Hats come in various sizes to ensure a proper fit for different head shapes and sizes. Measure your head circumference (just above your eyebrows) to determine the right size for you. Most Tab Hats are adjustable, allowing you to tighten or loosen the hat to achieve the perfect fit. Be sure to check the product specifications or size chart provided by the manufacturer to find the best fit for you.

Design Features

Fjallraven Tab Hats have several design features that make them functional and stylish. These hats often have drawstrings or other adjustable features to ensure a snug fit and protection from the elements. Some hats also feature a brim that can be folded down to provide additional sun protection or a casual look.

Functionality in Different Weather Conditions

Fjallraven Tab Hats are versatile and can be used in various weather conditions. The water-resistant G-1000 material helps keep your head dry during rainfall or moisture buildup. However, these hats are not designed to protect against extreme cold or heavy snowfall. Consider the climate you will be using the hat in and choose the appropriate materials and design for your needs.

Care and Maintenance

To ensure the longevity of your Fjallraven Tab Hat, proper care and maintenance are essential. The G-1000 material should be cleaned with a soft cloth and mild soap. Waterproofing the hat with a suitable wax or treatment may be necessary to maintain its water-resistant properties. Follow the manufacturer's care instructions to extend the life of your Fjallraven Tab Hat.
Fjallraven Tab Hats are a popular outdoor accessory that can provide comfort, protection, and style during your adventures. When purchasing a Fjallraven Tab Hat, consider the materials, size, design features, and the specific weather conditions you will be using the hat in. Proper care and maintenance will ensure your hat remains functional and stylish for years to come.


What is the Fjallraven Tab Hat made of?

The Fjallraven Tab Hat is made of 100% polyester, which is lightweight, breathable, and fast-drying.

Is the Fjallraven Tab Hat suitable for outdoor activities?

Yes, the Tab Hat is perfect for outdoor activities as it offers excellent protection from the sun, wind, and rain. It has a UPF 50+ rating, providing high UV protection and is water-repellent.

What are the available sizes for the Fjallraven Tab Hat?

The Fjallraven Tab Hat is available in sizes S, M, L, XL, and XXL, catering to a wide range of head sizes and shapes.

Is the Fjallraven Tab Hat adjustable?

Yes, the Tab Hat has an adjustable drawcord at the back, allowing you to customize the fit according to your comfort.

How does the Fjallraven Tab Hat stay in place during activities?

The Tab Hat features a grippy band that helps it stay in place even during intense physical activities like running, hiking, or biking.

Does the Fjallraven Tab Hat come in any colors?

Yes, the Tab Hat comes in various colors, including Black, Navy, Cream, and Charcoal. Choose the one that best suits your style and outdoor adventures.

Are there any additional features on the Fjallraven Tab Hat?

Yes, the Tab Hat has an adjustable chinstrap that ensures a secure fit, even in windy conditions. It also features a small zippered pocket for storage of small items like a key or a lip balm.

Is the Fjallraven Tab Hat eco-friendly?

Yes, Fjallraven is committed to sustainability, and the Tab Hat is no exception. It is made from recycled materials and can be recycled once it reaches the end of its life.

What is the price range for the Fjallraven Tab Hat?

The Fjallraven Tab Hat is priced reasonably and can be found within the $35 to $50 range, depending on the color and size.
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2024.06.09 07:37 GhoulGriin Best Fjallraven Singi Field Cap

Best Fjallraven Singi Field Cap
Discover the perfect blend of style and practicality with Fjallraven's Singi Field Cap. This versatile and stylish cap is designed to keep you comfortable and protected in any weather. In our roundup article, we delve into the features and benefits of this exceptional product, providing you with an insightful perspective to make an informed decision.

The Top 7 Best Fjallraven Singi Field Cap

  1. Fjällräven Singi X-Balaclava Field Orange Merino Wool Head & Face Protection - The Fjällräven Singi X-Balaclava Onesize in Field Orange provides ultimate warmth and protection for your head and face, crafted from 100% traceable merino wool for a comfortable fit under caps or helmets.
  2. Fjallraven Tab Hat with Recycled Polyester and Organic Cotton - Experience the ultimate in durability and style with Fjallraven's Classic Badge Cap, a hat perfect for summer camp vibes and made from eco-friendly G-1000 Eco fabric.
  3. Fjallraven Urban Exchange Specialized Bucket Hat - Experience the perfect blend of style and functionality with the Specialized x Fjallraven Hat Green, S/M - a stylish and adjustable bucket hat made from G-1000 Lite Eco Stretch, perfect for casual biking and bikepacking adventures.
  4. Fjallraven Singi Trekking Cap: Durable and Versatile Adventure Gear - Experience the ultimate in outdoor adventure with the Fjallraven Singi Trekking Cap, featuring durable G-1000 polyester cotton fabric, a sleek leather logo tag, and a button adjustment at the back for a perfect fit.
  5. Eco-Friendly Fjallraven G-1000 Tab Hat with Embroidered Badge - Experience the perfect blend of style and comfort with the Fjallraven Badge Langtradarkeps Navy / S/M, featuring a classic trucker model, embroidered badge design, and an adjustable snap closure for a secure fit.
  6. Fjallraven G-1000 Eco Bergtagen Cap - Durable and Patina-Rich Outdoor Headwear - Shield yourself from the sun's fierce rays with the Fjallraven Bergtagen Cap, featuring the signature golden logo, Made of eco-friendly G-1000 Eco material, and boasting an adjustable metal clasp fit.
  7. Fjallraven Insulated Winter Tab Hat for Adventure Seekers - Experience ultimate warmth and comfort with the Fjallraven Expedition Padded Cap Navy S/M, a winter hat designed for dog sledding, tour skiing, and all outdoor activities in cold conditions.
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🔗Fjällräven Singi X-Balaclava Field Orange Merino Wool Head & Face Protection
As a user of the Fjällräven Singi X-Balaclava One Size in a vibrant field orange, I've had the pleasure of experiencing the warmth and comfort it provides during chilly winter days. The balaclava is made from 100% traceable merino wool, which is known for its outstanding ability to wick away moisture and maintain warmth even when damp. I found it fitted comfortably under a cap or helmet, making it ideal for outdoor activities.
However, I must admit that despite being a high-quality product, it required some care in terms of washing, drying, and ironing. The balaclava's design, which minimizes seams to avoid chafing and bulkiness, makes it a fantastic choice for those who value practicality and comfort during their outdoor adventures.

🔗Fjallraven Tab Hat with Recycled Polyester and Organic Cotton
The Fjallraven Classic Badge Cap is a stylish addition to any outdoor lover's wardrobe. Made from the durable G-1000 Eco fabric, which is a blend of recycled polyester and organic cotton, this hat provides both comfort and style. The iconic fox logo adds a retro summer camp vibe, and the adjustable buckle ensures a perfect fit for all.
However, those who prefer a full brim might find the flexibility a bit limiting. Nonetheless, this hat's hard-wearing nature and classic design make it a favorite among hikers and fashion enthusiasts alike.

🔗Fjallraven Urban Exchange Specialized Bucket Hat
I recently came across the Specialized x Fjallraven Hat, a versatile piece that's perfect for my daily commute. The combination of 65% polyester and 35% cotton in this hat makes it lightweight and breathable, while the short, soft brim offers great protection against the sun without being too overwhelming.
One of my favorite aspects of this hat is its adjustability, as it's fitted to my head perfectly, and it won't budge even on the bumpiest of bike rides. The hat's style, inspired by a classic bucket hat, gives it a fun and sporty look that is suitable for both casual and biking activities.
Although I haven't had any issues with it so far, I noticed that its sweat-wicking mesh liner might not be the most effective – particularly in hot conditions or after a long ride. However, this has not stopped me from enjoying the comfy fit and casual feel of this Specialized x Fjallraven Hat.

🔗Fjallraven Singi Trekking Cap: Durable and Versatile Adventure Gear
I recently tried out the Fjallraven Singi Trekking Cap in black, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for outdoor enthusiasts. Made of the robust G-1000 polyester cotton fabric, this cap perfectly balances protection from the sun and rain while also offering a comfortable fit. It's lightweight and versatile, making it perfect for any adventure, no matter the season.
One of my favorite features is the adjustment at the rear, allowing for a custom fit without any hassle. The folded leather logo adds a touch of class to the cap, showcasing the brand's pride in its product. The G-1000 fabric is truly remarkable, with its combination of polyester and cotton giving it both durability and breathability, while also ensuring wind and water resistance.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks worth mentioning. First, some users have mentioned sizing issues, so it's essential to measure your head carefully before making a purchase. Second, the cap may not be the best choice for individuals who need to wear their ponytail through the cap. Nonetheless, these issues do not detract from the overall quality and performance of this cap.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a high-quality, stylish, and practical cap for your outdoor adventures, the Fjallraven Singi Trekking Cap is a fantastic choice. It may not be the cheapest option, but for the price, it's worth every penny.

🔗Eco-Friendly Fjallraven G-1000 Tab Hat with Embroidered Badge
Recently, I had the chance to sport the Fjallraven Badge Langtradarkeps Cap. It's like bringing a cool, comfortable companion along for any adventure. This cap, standing out in my collection, is perfect for those balmy days and chilly nights alike. The Fjallraven brand, known for producing eco-friendly, durable goods, has outdone itself with this cap.
This cap is all about the balance; it's got this classic, cool vibe with a high-rise front, and yet it's got this mesh back that keeps air circulating. I'm a fan of the embroidered badge design in an eco-poly blend - it's both functional and stylish.
As for sizing, it's just right, offering a snug fit thanks to the adjustable snap closure at the back. The cap sits neatly on my head, avoiding any slips. However, one drawback is that it might be a bit too large for some users, so sizing down could be a good option.
Overall, it's a hat I wouldn't leave home without. Even when it was put through some rought handling, it held its shape nicely. Not forgetting the compliments it garners, it always turns heads in a good way.
From the brand known for quality, this Fjallraven Badge Langtradarkeps Cap is a winner in my books. Yet its not without the potential small issues. But for me, it's a hat with more pros than cons, making every stroll more comfortable and trendy.

🔗Fjallraven G-1000 Eco Bergtagen Cap - Durable and Patina-Rich Outdoor Headwear
This comfortable cap from Fjallraven comes with Bergtagen's signature golden logo embroidered on the front. It's a perfect companion for those sunny days when you need protection from the blazing sun.
The cap is made of robust G-1000 Eco, which not only ensures durability, but also acquires a beautiful patina over time. This rugged material will last for a lifetime, becoming more attractive with every use. Adjustable at the back with a metal clasp, this cap is easy to fit and comfortable to wear.
Despite its hardwearing nature, it's surprisingly light, making it ideal for your daily adventures.

🔗Fjallraven Insulated Winter Tab Hat for Adventure Seekers
Imagine spending a chilly winter day outside, trekking through the snow while protecting yourself from the elements. That's where the Fjallraven Expedition Padded Cap comes in handy. This sturdy, stylish cap has been a savior on my outdoor adventures, keeping my head toasty warm and preventing my ears from freezing.
The first thing I noticed about this cap is its high-quality, elastic-lined brim. As an avid outdoor enthusiast, I appreciate the detail-oriented design of the cap. In my experience, the thick winter hat kept my body heat from escaping through my scalp, making it a great investment.
However, it's not just all pros when it comes to this cap. I did run into a small issue when it came to sizing. I usually wear a Small, but this cap was much smaller than expected on my head. I found I needed to size up to Medium instead to ensure a snug fit. That said, it's worth mentioning that the company may have resolved this particular sizing issue since my purchase.
Overall, the Fjallraven Expedition Padded Cap provided me with warmth, a comfortable fit, and fashionable style in the winter months. Its adjustable shoulder strap and handles made it easy to carry, while its plush, adjustable drawcord allowed me to tighten it when needed. Although there were a few small drawbacks, the hat's superior insulation and reliable design still made it a valuable addition to my winter gear collection.

Buyer's Guide

Fjallraven Singi Field Cap is a popular and long-lasting product from Fjallraven, a renowned outdoor brand. This cap is a must-have for outdoor enthusiasts seeking versatility, comfort, and durability. In this buyer's guide, we'll cover essential features, considerations, and advice to assist you in making an informed purchase.


  • Made of G-1000™ heavyweight fabric, which is durable, breathable, and water-resistant.
  • Adjustable drawcord and velcro closure offer a custom fit and easy adjustment.
  • Lightweight yet sturdy design makes it ideal for outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and fishing.
  • Reflective accents enhance visibility during low-light conditions.
  • Wide brim offers protection from sun, rain, and snow.
  • Packable and foldable for easy storage when not in use.


  • Determine your most frequent use case for the field cap. Will it be for hiking, camping, fishing, or all-around outdoor activities?
  • Consider the climate and weather conditions you will likely encounter when wearing the field cap.
  • Evaluate the importance of adjustability and custom fit. Do you prefer a strap or velcro closure?
  • Determine if reflective accents are necessary for your specific needs.
  • Examine your preference for a wide brim or a more compact design.
  • Consider whether you'll need additional storage or organization features built into the cap.

General Advice

The Fjallraven Singi Field Cap is a versatile and practical choice for outdoor enthusiasts. To ensure a satisfactory purchase, we recommend considering the essential features and considerations outlined above. Additionally, consider shopping from a reputable retailer that offers returns, warranties, or customer service to protect your investment.


What is the Fjallraven Singi Field Cap?

The Fjallraven Singi Field Cap is a lightweight, versatile, and stylish outdoor hat designed to provide protection from the sun, rain, and wind. It is made from G-1000 Eco Canvas, a durable and sustainable fabric, making it an eco-friendly choice for outdoor enthusiasts.

What makes the Fjallraven Singi Field Cap a good choice for outdoor activities?

  • Lightweight design: The hat is lightweight and won't weigh you down during long hikes or treks.
  • Weather protection: The Canvas fabric offers protection from sun, rain, and wind, making it suitable for various outdoor activities.
  • Adaptable fit: The hat has a drawcord in the back, allowing you to adjust the fit and coverage according to your preference.

What is G-1000 Eco Canvas?

G-1000 Eco Canvas is a sustainable, lightweight, and durable fabric made of 65% recycled polyester and 35% organic cotton. The fabric is treated with a wax finish that makes it water-resistant, UV-protective, and easy to clean.

How does the Fjallraven Singi Field Cap protect the environment?

The Singi Field Cap is made from G-1000 Eco Canvas, a sustainable and environmentally friendly fabric. It is also part of Fjallraven's Green Mode initiative, which commits to reducing its environmental impact by using eco-friendly materials, promoting sustainable practices, and supporting conservation efforts.

What sizes and colors are available for the Fjallraven Singi Field Cap?

The Fjallraven Singi Field Cap is available in S-M and L-XL sizes, as well as multiple colors, including: * Green
  • Grey
  • Navy
  • Black
  • Olive

How does the Fjallraven Singi Field Cap differ from other outdoor hats in its price range?

The Fjallraven Singi Field Cap stands out from other outdoor hats due to its eco-friendly materials, versatile design, and superior weather protection offered by the G-1000 Eco Canvas fabric. Additionally, the hat's lightweight nature and adjustable fit ensure maximum comfort during extended outdoor activities.

Is the Fjallraven Singi Field Cap suitable for travel?

Absolutely! The lightweight, versatile, and eco-friendly nature of the Fjallraven Singi Field Cap makes it an excellent choice for travelers seeking a reliable and eco-conscious outdoor hat to protect themselves in various weather conditions.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:17 TheA2B Possibly breaking lease due to No A/C TX

My girlfriend recently moved into an apartment and there are a few issues and she has stated how much she hates it and wants to move. Some background, she has lived at this complex before and renewed her lease but switched units since she had no issues. The unit she moved into was previously rented by someone with a dog that peed inside. The pee smell penetrated the flooring and left a string odor in the apartment. Apparently the flooring was replaced but the smell still remained and was very noticeable even after many attempts to clean and remove it. The second issue that the unit has roaches. The unit had a big roach infestation that the complex was aware of and apparently treated the unit multiple times before she moved in. The roaches are still there and have not gone away yet. The last and biggest issues is the A/C. She told them the A/C was broken and not working the first day she moved which was June 1st. They put in a window unit and said they would get It fixed on Monday since the 1st was a Saturday. We’ll fast forward to today the A/C still isn’t fixed and the apartment is hot. Can she break the lease and move somewhere else or does she have to stick it out?
submitted by TheA2B to Renters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:04 ChaoticPeachie I inherited a deceased family member's cat, and I sometimes (guiltily) hate the animal.

Brief Background: I lost several family members in the same household a few months back. It tore me and my family up.
My mom and I were aware that they had a cat, and with me being in the veterinary field, I couldn't just leave her there, in that empty house. So we went and captured her.
Now, this cat is about 4 or 5 years old, and I used to frequently visit these family members, and be it because I occasionally helped them apply flea and tick medicine, or I trimmed her nails when she was tearing up the furniture, or because I simply smell of lots of other dogs and cats, she has NEVER liked me. I usually just left her alone otherwise. Sometimes, I even forgot they had a cat.
Back to bringing her home: we brought her to my parents house, put her in an extra large dog kennel, set her up with a hiding spot/cat crate, a litter box, food, water, her old toys, and a scratch pad. It was a nice set up, if on the small size. My parents have two medium to large dogs and three cats that coexist, and besides some curiousity, they left her alone. However, she was EXTREMELY reactive to them. To give her credit, she was scared, in a new location, and without her people -- but I knew I couldn't leave her there. I live in a small apartment and have been looking for something small (guinea pig, snake, lizard, turtle) to take care of with my busy school and work life.
It was easy to put two and two together: it made sense to take her with me.
The thing is, I DON'T LIKE this cat. I go through waves of comraderie due to our mutual loss, random bouts of affection because I love animals in general, frustration when she randomly get pissed off, and downright irritation with her and her mood swings. We rarely seem to be on the same wavelength and we vary from affectionate to indifference to totally hating one another.
To be honest, she has warmed up over the months, but she's still unpredictable. I no longer dub her an AGGRESSIVE cat, and I'm less scared shes going to bite or maul me, but she certainly isnt an affectionate one. (I told my mom my one ABSOLUTE condition was that if she bit me hard enough to draw blood, she was out.) Part of my frustration is that I've always had really sweet, tolerant cats due to the affectionately handsy verterinary way I have hamdled them. With her, I have reeled it in a lot, but I am still having a hard time adjusting to her.
Even as Im writing this, I am realizing that she's not solely responsible for the mood swings. It's been an emotional time for me, too. And, before ANY of this was on my radar, I had wanted a low-demand pet -- which she is, minus the occasional yowling in the middle of the night. I just keep bitterly thinking: if I was going to get a cat, I would have liked to have a choice on WHICH cat.
As for others' perspectives on this, there is some passive aggressiveness to the way they assure me that shes just warming up, that she will eventualy be affectionate, or that I cant just take her to a shelter... etc. My mom doesnt think I can rehome her because she is part of our family, but is she? My veterinary friends and cat-loving friends think I am just being impatient with her and that WHEN (not if) she warms up, she will be my best friend. They tease me for being a devoted cat mom, when I am really just doing what I think is the bare minimum for her.
She has taken some of my freedom as well. I cannot return to my parents with the same ease as before. I cannot adopt any other animals. One of my "parents" dogs is actually mine, but they watch him while im in school because he is a great playmate for their older dog, they have a backyard and doggy door, and I live in a tiny apartment with little to no time to take him on the adventures he deserves. But will I ever be able to take him back if I have this dog/cat-aggressive cat?
I am just overwhelmed with emotion. I feel burdened, frustrated, and am currently in a wave of mutual dislike with the cat.
submitted by ChaoticPeachie to u/ChaoticPeachie [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:22 Spritepage Narcississtic Stepsister

Hi, Let me start off by saying that I've never writen here before but need help in what to do. My story starts off with a father who has been my Rock and hero all my life. I was born to a mother and father who never married because my father's mother didn't think my mother was good enough for her son and did everything including threaten to disown him if he didn't marry the woman she wanted him to be with. My mother had to prove paternity thru the friends of the court in getting a DNa test done because she stated the he denied me being his at first and this was due to my fathers mother and his current wife and once paternity was established It was proven that he was indeed my biological father. He never denied me but his name was never put on my birth certificate. I'm 52 so back then if you were not married and getting help from the state the fathers name wasn't put on the birth certificate if the father didn't sign. Let's skip to today where I have a brother who is the only connection to my father and a (so-called stepsister- no relation) someone who my father helped raise but he never adopted her because her father was still alive. My father was going thru a health scare where he needed heart surgery but kept prolonging to get it done. During one of his stays at a rehabilitation center he told me he wanted to give me Power of Attorney. That's when I was told my Brothers son stole my Dad's credit cards and linked them yo a cashapp account and bought a car while stealing alot of money from my father. I was livid. I spoke to Sherry who told me that she had taken Dad to the police station to file a report then to his bank to make a fraud report. I spoke to her and told her my plans and she hurriedly ran down to Probate court and put in for gaurdianship over my father. It was until my father asked me to get him a lawyer I didn't find out until 3months later that she had gotten guardianship. She was very sneaky and slick about it. So I moved in going on a year with my father and took care of him making sure to keep him safe, fed and making sure he took his medicine, going to doctors appointments and just being his daughter who enjoyed spending time with him. I made it clear to my nephew who had stolen from my father the sum of $26,000, if he ever stole anything else from my father again I would make his life a living hell and he said it was all a misunderstanding. I told him there was no misunderstanding stealing from someone I love. The look on my face made him realize I was serious and wasn't dealing with his shit. It was bad enogh my brother had beat up on Dad because Dad wouldn't supply him money for his drug habit. My brother would stand over Dad with weapons and terriorizing him where he could sleep. All he would do is sit up on the side of the bed a sleep sitting up. My Dad was completely traumatized from all that abuse. See this didn't just start with my brother my older sister stayed in the house for 25years and didn't do anything to help but be verbally abusive to him and moving her out of the house was the best thing that he did. Well moving forward in July my father finally got his living will and Revocable Trust done which names me as the executor over his estate and she was listed a a patient advocate and to make sure that all of his bill were paid after he passed. She was not to recieve anything because she was not an heir. My father had children including myself which makes it 3 biological children and 2 step kids which were not adopted but thru marriage he claimed them. One passed away and that left (Let's use Sherry as her name) Well she didn't sign her part to the Living will until September 8th. Moving forward his wallet came up missing and his phone when she came over. Then she'd text me and ask if I'd seen his phone which he had just used talking to her that morning. I had reminded her of needing help because Dad was getting to the point he was using the bathroom on himself more and more. I was continuously cleaning up floors and clothes and bedding but I knew it was something that had to be done. I told her multiple times that I would need help with a caretaker fro 12am-8am she took her time getting someone. She kkept saying she was looking for someone. Now I guess your asking why didn't I get someone? Well she had stated enough times that she was his gaurdian and she would be taking care of anything dealing with him medically. But she continued to do things like trying to get him to sign over power of attorney so she could get inyo his bank account. Thanksgiving came around and Dad wanted to go over to his friends house which was his ex-wife's sisters house when his wallet came up missing gor a second time. He wasn't able to go yo the bank or do anything Little did she know my father was up on her games so he told me that he was signing over the car to me and did but I didn't file the trasfer until the begining of the next year. I had taken care of my father for the whole year with no help except when he fell a cpl of times and had to ask a co-worker to come by and help me get him up. Sherry would only come by maybe once out of each month oe twice if she was begging for money. So December came in thats when everything hit the fan it was late December when she came over to take him to his doctors appt. She told me 3 days before she was going to get her cousin to take him but then she asked me to use the car. I told her no because I had important things that needed to be taken care of and I couldn't not attend. She got upset and thats when the 1st threat in about she would be putting in for me to be put up out of my home. I asked her what made her think she could put me out of my home because of not using the car. I asked her was she sure making threats was what she wanted to do? She said yeh and I don't care how you take it. Then she made an even bigger threat by telling me just cause you have a gun I have one tok and I will use it on you. I said ok I want you to remember that you made these threats. Now picture someone just showing up to your house and all of a sudden your sleep and they've hired someone to come in and clean out a space that my Dad used as his bedroom which was full of valuables,clothes,important papers and things my father treasured. But also your stuff that you've stored in the space. Now this happened on New Years Eve. I called Sherry to find out why my stuff had been thrown out and she said I'll call my cousin and we'll be over on New Years day to get everything back in the house. I knew just from the conversation that wasn't going to happen so I had to hurry home from work to get all my stuff that was thrown out.. I was beyond pissed to say the least. But the next thing to happen was the human society was called on me to get my dog taken away from me. When they arrived they said they recieved a call that the aminal had been living in dangerous and abusive conditions. I laughed and invited them in so the could see the dog. They burst out laughing when they say the dog and said that my dog was spoiled and loved the heck outta me. Then while they were leaving said they'd write in their report that this was a false report. I thanked them. About a couple of days later my Dad ended back in the hospital because he refused to take his medicine and his body started swelling up and retaining water. So during this time Sherry and her crew were showing up knowing that I worked midnites and kept opening up doors and window and it was cold as heck outside also making alot of noise.They were trying to piss me off to say I would move. I just kept my door closed but then it came to a point in February that I had had enough and told the Since Dad wasn't here they didn't need to be here in the house. I had to change the locks also. I realized then just how things were going downhill fast with my Dad. When he did make it home for the last time Sherry had invited church and friends of my father over and decided to tell me that she was upset with me because I got Dad an attorney which he asked for to get his will done. She was yelling so loudly that everyone was stunned but when I asked her what she was really upset about she said that You shouldn't have gotten him a lawyer to do any estate planning cse she should have been the one doing it. I told her that Dad asked for an attorney and he didn't want anyone being a part of what he wanted in his will he gave her a part to play and she wasn't satisfied with that answer she she stated closing in on me into my personal space to yell in my face about her not getting anything. I told her you are not an heir Dad had 3 kids and he had every right to do his Will the way he wanted. Sherry had been calling the estate lawyer trying to get him to transfer everythong into her name. She just kept on harassing him and having Dad call him even though he was in full blown dementia. Dad had told me he didn't want her having access to his bank account and wanted me to follow everything to the letter. Right after having this talk Dad was right back in the hospital 5 days later. So I called Sherry the nite before because she said that there would be someone here to watch Dad so my thieving nephew showed up. I really didn't want him there in the house but I couldn't call off from work so I had to leave Dad in his care. So when I got off work my nephew who had stolen the money from Dad who was watching Dad said Dad was changed and good but hurried out the house. I walked into my Dad's room and my heart broke because my nephrw let him sit in Urine which had travel from the back of hos head down to the calf's of his legs and I mean the smell told me my nephew hadn't done anything he claimed. I just broke down crying and had my co-worker who came home with me to be a witness helped me get Dad cleaned up and helped me tak the bedding off the bed to was. I couldn't kerp it together. I cried my heart out. I was glad to have help that morning. Then Sherry's cousin and daughter came over to help out with Dad the Sherry showed up and while in my room I kept hearing whispers tgen I heard let me know if she comes out. I was on the phone speaking with a friend when I decided to look out my side window when I saw Sherry taking the license plate off my car. I went out to say something but she had jumped into her car and drove off very fast. Then Dad's nurse showed up and quickly told me to call the abulance to get him to the hospital because he wasn't getting better he was getting worse. I hurried up and called an abulance then called Sherry to let her know but she didn't pick up. She did however call back 10 minutes later. I was in the midst of me giving the emt's Dad's medicines Sherry arrived and gave the gaurdianship paperwork to get him to the hospital. After the abulance left I got in the car and went straight to the police station to report my license plate was stolen by Sherry. I walked in one day and Sherry had turned the electricity and heat off in the house. I had them turned back on. Then of course she did the same thing with the water. Dad never made it back home from Rehibiltation or the nursing home. She texted me and lied by saying that she was putting him in 2 different nursing homes the said he was going to the nephews house that had stolen the money but she wouldn't give me the address. I asked her for it and text my nephew both of them wouldn't answer me back. I put in to modify the guardianship but it was adjourned for a week when we got to court finally and the judge listened to her side and I never got a chance to say what has been going on. So Sherry lied so much on me during the zoom court meeting and then stated that I was a danger to my own father. I was so taken aback by this statement. She also said she went and got another will done 1-2 months before Dad passed which was May 1, 2024 the will stated that he wanted me to arrange his funeral. Sherry had obituaries printed with my Dad's name being incorrect and also as a last result to get me to act out at the funeral put in the obituary that I wasn't even his daughter but his God-Daughter. I knew it not to be true so it didn't bother me. Her family and Dad's friends walked up to me and kept apologizing for my lost and also apologizing for the way Sherry had treated me and what she put in the obituary. My Dad had a great send off because of his Lodge brother giving him a sword sulute but I couldn't stay because I knew I would say something. Then after that my oldest son started calling me asking about his aunty. I kept telling him she was no kin to him but because he's stuck on stupid and parked on dumb he believes anybody who will give him money. He called and told me that his kids mother and tge kids needed a place to stay and I told him no because he had stolen from me before and was disrespectful about it and ft nobody should say anything to him. Look when your child tells you after he has stolen from you that your just some B-_+# out in the street and he doesn't care if he stole from you. You tend to learn to separate yourself from tge turmoil of chaos in their life so you don't get caught up. So he thought calling Sherry was going to help his plight. He has been warned several times to not get close to her because she is a narcissist. If she can't get what she wants and control you, she will do and say anything to get you on her side so that you have no one to listen to you. Right now I'm in the process of trying to get the house turned over into my name since Dad said in his will the house goes to me. What would you do to handle someone who doesn't care about anything but money and anything that they can do to throw you in a bad light?
submitted by Spritepage to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:22 free_lil_wood Male Dog Aggression

So i’ve had two french bulldogs a little over 2 years now. They’ve got along great since we introduced them to one another, act like brothers. On a few occasions about 6-9 months in I will notice that the younger one will get “Whale Eyes”, lick lips, and force himself in the other’s face. The younger one would then attempt to attack the older and aggressively bark. This only happened when the older dog would climb onto me or my roommate to get attention. We tried to curb the aggression by separating them when this happened with a gate/cage and reinforcing with “no/bad”. We got to a point where it wouldn’t happen at all. (Disclaimer: They don’t ever hurt each other during these fights, half the time they both open their mouths so wide they just end up rubbing tongues, other half my roommate or I split it up prior to it happening.)
Flash forward to present day, we introduced a female french bulldog to the group to start breeding with the younger. This has obviously caused a great deal of stress on both of our male dogs. They’ll sniff and follow her for an hour at a time, then rest, then play, all seem to get along great. Until the girl lays down to sleep, the older one will still try to bother her while she sleeps. This has caused the issue of the fights to break out again. This was to be expected with adding another dog, especially a girl to the mix, but it seems to be a lot more fights than anything prior. Like I said with girl and the hormones I expected aggression, but is there anything else I can do different that may be more effective?
Edit: I should probably also mention I bought both males from two different breeders. When I received the younger one he smelled like its own urine and feces, also would “crouch walk” like he was crawling under something. My only thought is maybe he was kept in a small cage in a bad situation. Needless to say there may be some trauma from that as well.
submitted by free_lil_wood to OpenDogTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:21 Spritepage Narcississtic Stepsister

Hi, Let me start off by saying that I've never writen here before but need help in what to do. My story starts off with a father who has been my Rock and hero all my life. I was born to a mother and father who never married because my father's mother didn't think my mother was good enough for her son and did everything including threaten to disown him if he didn't marry the woman she wanted him to be with. My mother had to prove paternity thru the friends of the court in getting a DNa test done because she stated the he denied me being his at first and this was due to my fathers mother and his current wife and once paternity was established It was proven that he was indeed my biological father. He never denied me but his name was never put on my birth certificate. I'm 52 so back then if you were not married and getting help from the state the fathers name wasn't put on the birth certificate if the father didn't sign. Let's skip to today where I have a brother who is the only connection to my father and a (so-called stepsister- no relation) someone who my father helped raise but he never adopted her because her father was still alive. My father was going thru a health scare where he needed heart surgery but kept prolonging to get it done. During one of his stays at a rehabilitation center he told me he wanted to give me Power of Attorney. That's when I was told my Brothers son stole my Dad's credit cards and linked them yo a cashapp account and bought a car while stealing alot of money from my father. I was livid. I spoke to Sherry who told me that she had taken Dad to the police station to file a report then to his bank to make a fraud report. I spoke to her and told her my plans and she hurriedly ran down to Probate court and put in for gaurdianship over my father. It was until my father asked me to get him a lawyer I didn't find out until 3months later that she had gotten guardianship. She was very sneaky and slick about it. So I moved in going on a year with my father and took care of him making sure to keep him safe, fed and making sure he took his medicine, going to doctors appointments and just being his daughter who enjoyed spending time with him. I made it clear to my nephew who had stolen from my father the sum of $26,000, if he ever stole anything else from my father again I would make his life a living hell and he said it was all a misunderstanding. I told him there was no misunderstanding stealing from someone I love. The look on my face made him realize I was serious and wasn't dealing with his shit. It was bad enogh my brother had beat up on Dad because Dad wouldn't supply him money for his drug habit. My brother would stand over Dad with weapons and terriorizing him where he could sleep. All he would do is sit up on the side of the bed a sleep sitting up. My Dad was completely traumatized from all that abuse. See this didn't just start with my brother my older sister stayed in the house for 25years and didn't do anything to help but be verbally abusive to him and moving her out of the house was the best thing that he did. Well moving forward in July my father finally got his living will and Revocable Trust done which names me as the executor over his estate and she was listed a a patient advocate and to make sure that all of his bill were paid after he passed. She was not to recieve anything because she was not an heir. My father had children including myself which makes it 3 biological children and 2 step kids which were not adopted but thru marriage he claimed them. One passed away and that left (Let's use Sherry as her name) Well she didn't sign her part to the Living will until September 8th. Moving forward his wallet came up missing and his phone when she came over. Then she'd text me and ask if I'd seen his phone which he had just used talking to her that morning. I had reminded her of needing help because Dad was getting to the point he was using the bathroom on himself more and more. I was continuously cleaning up floors and clothes and bedding but I knew it was something that had to be done. I told her multiple times that I would need help with a caretaker fro 12am-8am she took her time getting someone. She kkept saying she was looking for someone. Now I guess your asking why didn't I get someone? Well she had stated enough times that she was his gaurdian and she would be taking care of anything dealing with him medically. But she continued to do things like trying to get him to sign over power of attorney so she could get inyo his bank account. Thanksgiving came around and Dad wanted to go over to his friends house which was his ex-wife's sisters house when his wallet came up missing gor a second time. He wasn't able to go yo the bank or do anything Little did she know my father was up on her games so he told me that he was signing over the car to me and did but I didn't file the trasfer until the begining of the next year. I had taken care of my father for the whole year with no help except when he fell a cpl of times and had to ask a co-worker to come by and help me get him up. Sherry would only come by maybe once out of each month oe twice if she was begging for money. So December came in thats when everything hit the fan it was late December when she came over to take him to his doctors appt. She told me 3 days before she was going to get her cousin to take him but then she asked me to use the car. I told her no because I had important things that needed to be taken care of and I couldn't not attend. She got upset and thats when the 1st threat in about she would be putting in for me to be put up out of my home. I asked her what made her think she could put me out of my home because of not using the car. I asked her was she sure making threats was what she wanted to do? She said yeh and I don't care how you take it. Then she made an even bigger threat by telling me just cause you have a gun I have one tok and I will use it on you. I said ok I want you to remember that you made these threats. Now picture someone just showing up to your house and all of a sudden your sleep and they've hired someone to come in and clean out a space that my Dad used as his bedroom which was full of valuables,clothes,important papers and things my father treasured. But also your stuff that you've stored in the space. Now this happened on New Years Eve. I called Sherry to find out why my stuff had been thrown out and she said I'll call my cousin and we'll be over on New Years day to get everything back in the house. I knew just from the conversation that wasn't going to happen so I had to hurry home from work to get all my stuff that was thrown out.. I was beyond pissed to say the least. But the next thing to happen was the human society was called on me to get my dog taken away from me. When they arrived they said they recieved a call that the aminal had been living in dangerous and abusive conditions. I laughed and invited them in so the could see the dog. They burst out laughing when they say the dog and said that my dog was spoiled and loved the heck outta me. Then while they were leaving said they'd write in their report that this was a false report. I thanked them. About a couple of days later my Dad ended back in the hospital because he refused to take his medicine and his body started swelling up and retaining water. So during this time Sherry and her crew were showing up knowing that I worked midnites and kept opening up doors and window and it was cold as heck outside also making alot of noise.They were trying to piss me off to say I would move. I just kept my door closed but then it came to a point in February that I had had enough and told the Since Dad wasn't here they didn't need to be here in the house. I had to change the locks also. I realized then just how things were going downhill fast with my Dad. When he did make it home for the last time Sherry had invited church and friends of my father over and decided to tell me that she was upset with me because I got Dad an attorney which he asked for to get his will done. She was yelling so loudly that everyone was stunned but when I asked her what she was really upset about she said that You shouldn't have gotten him a lawyer to do any estate planning cse she should have been the one doing it. I told her that Dad asked for an attorney and he didn't want anyone being a part of what he wanted in his will he gave her a part to play and she wasn't satisfied with that answer she she stated closing in on me into my personal space to yell in my face about her not getting anything. I told her you are not an heir Dad had 3 kids and he had every right to do his Will the way he wanted. Sherry had been calling the estate lawyer trying to get him to transfer everythong into her name. She just kept on harassing him and having Dad call him even though he was in full blown dementia. Dad had told me he didn't want her having access to his bank account and wanted me to follow everything to the letter. Right after having this talk Dad was right back in the hospital 5 days later. So I called Sherry the nite before because she said that there would be someone here to watch Dad so my thieving nephew showed up. I really didn't want him there in the house but I couldn't call off from work so I had to leave Dad in his care. So when I got off work my nephew who had stolen the money from Dad who was watching Dad said Dad was changed and good but hurried out the house. I walked into my Dad's room and my heart broke because my nephrw let him sit in Urine which had travel from the back of hos head down to the calf's of his legs and I mean the smell told me my nephew hadn't done anything he claimed. I just broke down crying and had my co-worker who came home with me to be a witness helped me get Dad cleaned up and helped me tak the bedding off the bed to was. I couldn't kerp it together. I cried my heart out. I was glad to have help that morning. Then Sherry's cousin and daughter came over to help out with Dad the Sherry showed up and while in my room I kept hearing whispers tgen I heard let me know if she comes out. I was on the phone speaking with a friend when I decided to look out my side window when I saw Sherry taking the license plate off my car. I went out to say something but she had jumped into her car and drove off very fast. Then Dad's nurse showed up and quickly told me to call the abulance to get him to the hospital because he wasn't getting better he was getting worse. I hurried up and called an abulance then called Sherry to let her know but she didn't pick up. She did however call back 10 minutes later. I was in the midst of me giving the emt's Dad's medicines Sherry arrived and gave the gaurdianship paperwork to get him to the hospital. After the abulance left I got in the car and went straight to the police station to report my license plate was stolen by Sherry. I walked in one day and Sherry had turned the electricity and heat off in the house. I had them turned back on. Then of course she did the same thing with the water. Dad never made it back home from Rehibiltation or the nursing home. She texted me and lied by saying that she was putting him in 2 different nursing homes the said he was going to the nephews house that had stolen the money but she wouldn't give me the address. I asked her for it and text my nephew both of them wouldn't answer me back. I put in to modify the guardianship but it was adjourned for a week when we got to court finally and the judge listened to her side and I never got a chance to say what has been going on. So Sherry lied so much on me during the zoom court meeting and then stated that I was a danger to my own father. I was so taken aback by this statement. She also said she went and got another will done 1-2 months before Dad passed which was May 1, 2024 the will stated that he wanted me to arrange his funeral. Sherry had obituaries printed with my Dad's name being incorrect and also as a last result to get me to act out at the funeral put in the obituary that I wasn't even his daughter but his God-Daughter. I knew it not to be true so it didn't bother me. Her family and Dad's friends walked up to me and kept apologizing for my lost and also apologizing for the way Sherry had treated me and what she put in the obituary. My Dad had a great send off because of his Lodge brother giving him a sword sulute but I couldn't stay because I knew I would say something. Then after that my oldest son started calling me asking about his aunty. I kept telling him she was no kin to him but because he's stuck on stupid and parked on dumb he believes anybody who will give him money. He called and told me that his kids mother and tge kids needed a place to stay and I told him no because he had stolen from me before and was disrespectful about it and ft nobody should say anything to him. Look when your child tells you after he has stolen from you that your just some B-_+# out in the street and he doesn't care if he stole from you. You tend to learn to separate yourself from tge turmoil of chaos in their life so you don't get caught up. So he thought calling Sherry was going to help his plight. He has been warned several times to not get close to her because she is a narcissist. If she can't get what she wants and control you, she will do and say anything to get you on her side so that you have no one to listen to you. Right now I'm in the process of trying to get the house turned over into my name since Dad said in his will the house goes to me. What would you do to handle someone who doesn't care about anything but money and anything that they can do to throw you in a bad light?
submitted by Spritepage to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:10 WarKorrespondent [WTS][ON][TO] PTS Masada ACR SV DE AEG, Cyma Platinum MP5 AEG (CM041H), JG G3A1 AEG, GSG5 MP5 EBB, KJ P226 GBBP, BD M4 2000 Mock Suppressor, Ares L1A1 magazines, Civil War/Great War WW1/WW2 canteens and hats, CYMA MP5K Swordfish Kit, ICS MP5 Folding Stock, and lots of milsurp + extra stuff

I'm selling the following airsoft guns, furniture/accessories, and milsurp. I can accept e-transfer and cash. I can ship to your address at your own cost or we can meet in person at Airsoft Depot during store hours.
I have been buying and selling on this subreddit since 2019 so I'm fairly trustworthy while ensuring prompt shipping of my items.
Those are my pricings or best offer. Please and thanks.
The only thing I am open to trades is if you have any Fujifilm XT series cameras to offer that's XT3 or above. As well, any Fujinon lenses will be considered, most particularly wide angle lenses.
I am particularly looking for a XF18-55mm, XF 16mm Prime, or XF16-55mm, thanks.

>>--- Airsoft Guns ---<<

$600 - PTS Masada ACR SV DE AEG -
There are a few issues with this model that's expected for a decade old rifle. They are:
Regarding the metal body pin. I can manually measure using a caliper so you can find a similar one from your local store or home hardware center. Same with the retaining clip. Most or majority of parts can still be purchased directly from PTS at a low cost:
$550 - Cyma Platinum MP5 AEG (CM041H) - Asia Model -
This rifle has been used in both indoor and outdoor games and has been well taken care of. It's a very snappy and responsive SMG with an impressive 50m effective range with 0.32g BBs. As with all programmable mosfets regardless of whether it's Kestrel, Gate, or Perun, please note it drains batteries fairly quickly. Around 450~500 rounds in, you will have to plug in a new battery. Tested with HRG 11.1v 1100mAh LiPo.
$300 - JG G3A1 AEG - US Model -
$220 - GSG5 MP5 EBB -
$300 - KJ P226 GBBP + Cytac Holster -

>>--- Furniture and Accessories ---<<

$45 -- Cyma MP5K Swordfish Strike Kit
$60 - ICS MP5 Folding stock
$140 - Red Win 1.2-6x24 SFP with lens protector and throw lever -
$150 - BD M4 2000 Mock Suppressor -
$140 - 4 pcs of Ares L1A1 AEG midcap mags -

>>--- Military Surplus ---<<

$50 each - War of 1812 British Commonwealth era blue canteen reproduction -
$50 each - WW1/2 P37 British Commonwealth canteen reproduction -
$65 each - WW1 M1915 British Commonwealth wool trench cap reproduction -
$100 - Japanese leather shotgun belt and straps -
$65 - British Metropolitan Police Anti-Riot Helmet -
$20 - 4 Pieces Yugoslavian Army Issue Mess Kit -
Due to its Aluminum design of the main mess kit, separating the plastic elements from the main mess kit will be tight. That's just how it is. Never used since received. Grade 2 condition.
$50 - Supergrade Polish MP-5 Gas Mask - Size 4 (Small) -
Comes with original carrying bag and the gas mask itself. No filter included. It's practically in mint condition. The plastic lens itself is surprisingly clear, no yellow tint. The rubber is also flexible and not hard at all. I made sure to rinse it with warm water to remove any smell from it prior to testing.
$20 - Yugoslav M93 Woodland Shirt - Medium Sized -
Fits up to 46" chest garment measurement. Grade 1 condition.
$10 - Belgian Army Utility Engineer Bag -
I bought it on a whim. It's pretty big and I haven't used it since buying it. Grade 1 condition.
$35 - Canadian Forces MK.4 Combat Boots Black - NA Size 9 -
They were more roomier than I imagined and the bottom rear chaffs my heel. Only used once. I opted to buy a Desert version in NA Size 8.5 later on, and it fits me better since both are wide toe design. I recommend a heel liner for these boots. Grade 1 condition.
$10 - Czech "Human Condom" Rain Poncho - Size 2/XL - photos this week
I bought this on a whim and it's still in its original packaging. It is literally brand new. I opted to buy a proper rain jacket instead of using this.
$30 - US Surplus ESS Goggles with 2 lenses - photos this week
A bit too small for my head. I decided to buy proper fitting goggles later on. This is meant more for 57~59cm circumference heads, I think. You better try it in person to get a feel of it first. Grade 1 condition.
$30 - Australian Army Lee Enfield/L2A2 Cloth Bandolier - photos this week
I didn't get my PAL yet, so this never got any use.

>>--- Others ---<<

$5 - Probably like 30~50 some rolls of Valken promo posters -
I don't know what I'm supposed to do with these. This is enough to decorate at least 2 sides of your room's walls with lmao.
$10 - Electric fan controlled ACM goggles -
$20 - ACM Black Paintball/Airsoft vest -
$45 - Valken JPC style plate carrier OD -
submitted by WarKorrespondent to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:49 Stage-Piercing727 Best Female Self Defense Weapons

Best Female Self Defense Weapons
Welcome, ladies! In today's world, it's essential to prioritize your safety. For this reason, we have compiled a list of top-rated female self-defense weapons to help you feel more secure. Whether you're looking for a discreet pocket-sized weapon or a more substantial tool, we have got you covered with our roundup of the best options available on the market.

The Top 6 Best Female Self Defense Weapons

  1. Long-Range Taser with Increased Probe Spread - Experience the ultimate home protection with the Taser 7 CQ Home Defense - Yellow, featuring a 12-foot range, contact stun, and 2 live cartridges for maximum effectiveness!
  2. Tasers for Self Defense with Built-In Charger and Flashlight - Stay safe and secure with the MultiGuard, a discreet and powerful stun gun alarm that comes with a built-in charger and flashlight for added convenience.
  3. Portable Stun Gun Flashlight with Wrist Strap and Charging Cable - The TASER StrikeLight 2 Kit is a versatile, high-intensity stun gun and portable flashlight that combines close-contact stun capabilities with long-distance warnings, providing safety and protection for any situation.
  4. Concealed Stun Gun, Metal Baton, and Flashlight for Personal Self-Defense - The Guard Dog Titan Metal Baton combines a powerful stun gun, flashlight, and nightstick in one tough aluminum alloy body, perfect for home security, personal safety, or emergency situations.
  5. USB Rechargeable Personal Alarm Keychain for Women's Self Defense - Stay secure and alert with the Wetens 130DB USB rechargeable personal alarm siren - a powerful yet compact solution for self defense against any potential threat.
  6. Premium Ply Impact Weapon with Multicolor Finish - Stylish and durable, the Boston Leather sap impact weapons offer top-notch self-defense protection, designed with a ply material to enhance durability, while maintaining a classy appearance.
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🔗Long-Range Taser with Increased Probe Spread
Imagine stepping into the safety and security of your home, armed with the confidence that comes from owning a Taser 7 CQ Home Defense device in yellow. This non-listing device stands out among the rest for its impressive features and power.
Picture this: You're in the middle of a home-defense situation when the need for a backup or follow-up taser arises. The great news is, the T-7 holds not one but two replaceable cartridges, providing you with that extra edge in the face of danger. Gone are the times when you'd have to recharge batteries - this device comes with a trusty replaceable battery pack.
The Dual-Shot technology works wonders, improving the dart's accuracy and speed, almost doubling its kinetic energy for a better connection. How cool is that, huh? The Adaptive Cross Connect technology ensures the probes reach an optimal spread when deployed just 3 feet away from your target, no more fumbling.
Armed with a range of 12 feet, the T-7 has you covered in close quarters with its contact stun feature. Even better, its 5-second exposure cycle will give you the time and space to act. With the Taser 7 CQ Home Defense device in your hands, you won't have to worry about encountering trouble on your turf.
Not only is it perfect for home-defense, but law enforcement agencies worldwide trust it for their security needs. What a product to own, right? So next time you're in your home, protected by something powerful and reliable, remember, it's the Taser 7 CQ Home Defense device that stands by your side. Stay safe!

🔗Tasers for Self Defense with Built-In Charger and Flashlight
I've never felt safer than when I carry the 80,000,000 Volt Zebra Multiguard in my pocket. This self-defense tool is sleek and easily concealed, but don't be fooled by its unassuming size. With its cutting-edge micro-technology, it packs quite a punch.
One of the stand-out features is the super-loud siren, which is great for drawing attention to any dangerous situation and potentially defusing it before it escalates. And let's not forget the blinding 120 Lumens LED flashlight—perfectly timed to blind an attacker while you make your escape.
The rubberized coating provides a secure grip, and you can easily carry it in your hand or pocket for convenience. The included built-in charger is a must-have feature, ensuring you're always ready for action. Lastly, the heavy-duty nylon belt loop holster keeps your Multiguard safe and secure when not in use.
While the Zebra Multiguard packs a powerful punch, it does have some drawbacks. The electrifying stun feature can be a bit too intense for some users, so it might be worth considering how well you can handle it. Overall, though, it's a solid choice for those seeking personal protection and safety on the go.

🔗Portable Stun Gun Flashlight with Wrist Strap and Charging Cable
When I first got my hands on the Taser StrikeLight 2 Kit White, I was immediately impressed by its sleek design. It looked like a powerful tool meant for serious moments, but at the same time, it was surprisingly comfortable to carry around with me.
The 700-lumen high beam setting was simply mind-blowing. I found myself reaching for it whenever I needed a good, bright light in a dark situation. The low beam and red mode were also incredibly useful, providing just the right amount of light for specific scenarios.
I have to admit, I was more than a little intimidated by the thought of using this device as a stun gun. But, after putting it to the test, I was pleasantly surprised by how effective it was at close range. Its stun gun capabilities provided a sense of security and safety that I hadn't quite expected.
But, nothing's perfect. Although the device itself is relatively light, I noticed that the charging cable seemed to be a bit of an afterthought. It was a little flimsy, and I had to be careful not to tear it by accident.
Overall, the Taser StrikeLight 2 Kit White has been a reliable companion in my everyday life. It's saved me from a few nervous encounters, and the built-in stun gun capabilities give me a sense of security that I never knew I needed. While there are a few cons to consider, the pros outweigh them by far.

🔗Concealed Stun Gun, Metal Baton, and Flashlight for Personal Self-Defense
In my daily life, I've begun carrying this Guard Dog Titan Stun Baton. Its sleek design is both durable and fashionable, and it has become a trusted companion for self-defense. The combination of a metal baton, tactical flashlight, and concealed stun gun is a game-changer.
One unique feature that I found especially useful is the Concealed Inner Stun Technology. The loud electrifying shock can deter potential threats without the need for visible probes. The flashlight with three light functions is another highlight - the brightness is perfect for illuminating dark environments, serving as both a practical tool and self-defense device.
However, there have been a few cons I've encountered. The switch that controls the modes fell off after a couple of months, making it difficult to switch between taser, light, and stun functions without using a toothpick or small screwdriver. In addition, the rechargeable batteries can sometimes drain quickly, requiring frequent charging.
Despite these minor setbacks, I find the Guard Dog Titan Metal Baton to be an invaluable addition to my daily routine. With the combined peace of mind that comes from both the practical and self-defense facets of this device, I can confidently say that I would highly recommend it to others.

🔗USB Rechargeable Personal Alarm Keychain for Women's Self Defense
I've been using the 130 DB Personal Alarm Siren as my everyday self-defense tool, and it has definitely been a game-changer for me as a woman. This small, yet powerful, device fits perfectly on my keychain, and I never leave home without it. Its loud, piercing sound can startle anyone who might be trying to harm me, and the bright LED light adds an extra layer of visibility in dark situations.
What drew me to this product was how convenient it was to charge, with the included USB cable. I no longer need to worry about carrying around extra batteries, as it's easily rechargeable in just one hour. As someone who's always on the go, this feature is incredibly essential for me.
While it might not be the most fashionable accessory, its functional design ensures I feel secure whenever I'm out and about. It even fits seamlessly with the other items on my keychain, so I'm not sacrificing style for safety.
Overall, the 130 DB Personal Alarm Siren is an investment in my personal safety, and I highly recommend it to other women looking for a reliable self-defense tool.

🔗Premium Ply Impact Weapon with Multicolor Finish
As a self-defense instructor, I was approached by a student seeking a reliable weapon for female protection. The Impact Weapon Texan 2 Ply came to our attention, and after giving it a thorough testing, I can confidently say it's an impressive choice. The 2-ply ply material ensures durability, preventing it from wear and tear while the timeless plain finish gives it a classic appeal.
The multicolor design adds style, creating a visually striking accessory, perfect for those looking to make a statement. Its 13oz molded lead weight and spring steel shank offer unparalleled protection, making this weapon a reliable choice for self-defense. Designed to comfortably fit an adult, the impact weapon is versatile and adaptable to various needs.
However, the impact weapon is only available in one size and it is recommended for the adult demographic. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that self-defense weapons should be handled responsibly and properly trained in their usage for maximum effectiveness.

Buyer's Guide

Selecting the right female self-defense weapon is a vital step towards ensuring your safety. These weapons are designed to offer protection against potential threats, and it's essential to choose one that suits your needs, skills, and circumstances. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss some essential features to consider when purchasing a female self-defense weapon.

1. Ease of use

A self-defense weapon should be easy to use, especially in emergency situations. Choose a weapon that you can quickly deploy and use effectively. Some weapons may require training before use, so consider your current skill level and the time you can dedicate to learning how to use the weapon.

2. Size and portability

The size and portability of a self-defense weapon are crucial factors to consider. A small, lightweight weapon is more likely to be carried and used when needed. Consider the weapon's size, weight, and any restrictions it may have when traveling.

3. Legal considerations

Before purchasing a self-defense weapon, research the laws and regulations in your area regarding its possession and use. Some states or countries have strict laws concerning the use of certain weapons, while others may require a license or registration.

4. Effectiveness and range

The effectiveness and range of a self-defense weapon are also essential factors to consider. Ensure the weapon can reach the attacker from a safe distance and has enough stopping power to deter the threat. Some weapons may have a longer range or higher stopping power than others, so it's essential to find the right balance for your needs.

5. Comfort and fit

A self-defense weapon should be comfortable and easy to hold, especially during prolonged use. Ensure the weapon fits your hand well and doesn't cause discomfort or pain when held for an extended period.
When choosing a female self-defense weapon, consider the ease of use, size and portability, legal considerations, effectiveness and range, and comfort and fit. With these factors in mind, you'll be better equipped to make an informed decision and select the right weapon to ensure your safety.


What are the most common types of female self-defense weapons?

Some of the most common types of female self-defense weapons include pepper spray, stun gun, personal alarm, self-defense keychain, and brass knuckles. These items are designed to deter attackers or buy time for the user to escape.

Are pepper spray and stun guns legal to carry?

Yes, pepper spray and stun guns are legal to carry in most states for self-defense purposes. However, laws vary by location, so it's essential to check local laws before purchasing or carrying these items.

What is the difference between pepper spray and tear gas?

  • Pepper spray: A solution containing oleoresin capsaicin, a compound derived from chili peppers. It causes temporary blindness and intense pain, making it difficult for an attacker to continue assaulting.
  • Tear gas: A chemical compound that irritates the eyes, nose, and throat. It can cause temporary blindness, difficulty breathing, and disorientation.

How effective are personal alarms in deterring attackers?

Personal alarms can be effective in deterring attackers, as they emit a loud noise, attracting attention and scaring off potential assailants. They are particularly useful when used in combination with other self-defense tools.

What are some safety tips for using self-defense weapons?

  • Keep the weapon easily accessible but out of sight.
  • Understand and follow local laws regarding the use and possession of self-defense weapons.
  • Practice using the weapon in a controlled environment before relying on it in a real-life situation.
  • Always aim for the eyes or another vulnerable area to immobilize the attacker.
  • Consider taking a self-defense class to learn proper techniques and increase your confidence.

Are there any self-defense weapons specifically designed for women?

Yes, there are self-defense weapons designed for women, such as the "Lady Devil, " a stun gun disguised as a lipstick case, or "The Brass Knuckle, " a concealed keychain stun gun. These products prioritize stealth, style, and ease of use for women.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:47 No-Instruction3771 Looking for advice on making my place nicer

I have lived in my 680 sq ft one bed one bath apt for 3.5 years and have a lease for another 14 months. It’s bare bones. I come from a background of poverty and grew up in a hoarding situation. Now I have a stable income. I haven’t built savings or anything yet but I do finally feel secure that I will be able to pay the rent every month and I won’t be kicked out or homeless again. The issue is because I felt like I may have to pack up and go anytime, I never really decorated my place. I will be here for a while yet so I want to make it better. It’s super messy right now and my furniture is all secondhand donated stuff from friends or thrift stores that I’ve kept since I moved in. It doesn’t match and is definitely not cute but it does the job. Anyway I just sort of have things strewn everywhere. My carpet is my main issue. When I moved in it was new and a dog I was fostering tore the carpet up and peed everywhere, and even tore up the blinds. Me and my chihuahua live pretty clean and accident free now but the carpet was already beyond repair. Fortunately for me it will be at the end of its life according to my apartment anyway when my lease is up. But for now, how can I do some simple things to make my place less chaotic?
Issues I need to tackle: Laundry: I have tons of laundry from gaining weight and my clothes no longer fitting me. There is so much I can’t even sort it and carry it at once. I also have blankets and such because I don’t have a washer or dryer hookup and use a portable one that doesn’t fit blankets beyond a twin. I need a new wardrobe bc I have nothing that fits me but my work scrubs but there’s no room.
Carpet: stained from pee, filled with fur, and has holes all the way to the base floor that I cover with two rugs. Musty. The pee smell is gone except in the corner since I was vigilant to clean it but it’s not perfect.
Blinds: torn down by foster dog, I have bed sheets thumb tacked to the window to keep the sun out because I work nights.
Blank walls: never knew how to decorate since we never had a steady home.
Disorganized: my art supplies in my bedroom, and stuff in my kitchen are just all over the place. I have tons of old boxed foods and coffee beans and such that I don’t use but it’s all way out of date.
Any suggestions at all are welcome! Please don’t judge. I am in the best place of my life right now and I’m not ashamed, I just don’t know how to keep going.
submitted by No-Instruction3771 to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:29 Potato_Consumer99 Sex Review: Dikke

Sex Review: Dikke
Requested by: Solvio69

Story Time

Two hands shook under the statue. A hand belongs to the one who preserves loyalty and kindness, while another belongs to the one who upholds justice and fairness. Dikke had the slightest smile I ever seen, like she was forcing herself to despite most of the time being stoic was a habit of hers. But that is her nature, and I don’t blame her at all.
“The Inquisition is greatly in dept for your comprehensive support. As the Supreme Chief of the Special Court, I shall ‘personally’ repay you a fruitful reward, benefactor. Please meet me in my office later.” said by Dikke with a stern but graceful voice.
Since the black plague era ended, the Inquisition had trouble rebuilding its institution from all damage that had been done by the plague: uncountable casualties, struggling to survive, life filled with grief and dolour. To bring back the order of the Inquisition, Dikke was burdened heavily. However, in her forbearing heart, there was room for her to manifest an appreciation towards my obliging act.
The sun was about to set, I arrived at Dikke’s office. My arrival was to be expected by her, her genuine welcome was a virtuous one. Her office was clean, old style and well designed. A conscientious woman with a sense of style after all, Dikke is. Not to mention, she was also a busy and unflagging person. It is no wonder why Dikke could be the youngest chief magistrate.
“Benefactor, this gift should be a special gratuity from one to thee. In this room, there will be only us both enjoyeth and experience pleasure. Hence, thou shall leaketh no secret between us.”
I nodded, I vowed and took the oath for not speaking any of it. Dikke’s stern face calmed and relaxed, no hesitation for her to come to a halt as she thoroughly pulled the window’s curtain together and locked the wooden door. Extra touch for their night, she lit candles of every candle stand in the office. A dark room with only candlelight to bring warmth and clarity as it had the potential to elicit fear and wary.

Sex Scene

I sat on a lavish gothic chair as I was undressing my casual outfit. Dikke was in front of me, it took a while for her to strip her chunky robe, but all effort was worth it. A body that is a representation of ‘justice’ was shown right in front of me, elegant curves and beautiful body shape. Never knew this thick robe had hidden her thick and fat thighs plus a pair of motherly shaped breasts.
Dikke noticed me staring at her thighs that reflect the lights of candles. A blush had appeared on her face, and she knew what she was going to do. She told me to sit still. She walked close to me, sat on my hip in a reverse position where my front faced her back. My cock was between her thighs and her vagina. Having my own cock to be squashed between her meaty warm thighs was increasingly pleasurable then normal sex.
Dikke began to move up and down, giving me a thighjob. It was only a start, but I already felt a good sensation. Her thighs were incredibly soft and smooth, I even muttered in pleasure quietly behind her. With her smooth and elegant movement, I was drooling non-stop, as my cock felt warm and sensual from her touch. With her hair emitting fragrant smell, my mind only clouded with her whole body.
Even though the thighjob she gave was insanely enjoyable, she decided to make my cock much more sensitive. She used her fingers to rub the tip of my cock. It’s driving me crazy; my climax could reach at any moment, yet I was still holding back. My hands were under her armpits and hugging her whole shoulder, I hugged her tightly as if my cock were brutally tortured with tons of pleasure. I even moaned uncontrollably; my saliva dripped behind her back and my tongue was licking her neck so much like a dog.
Later on, she crossed her legs, which made my cock squeezed tighter. It was testing my limit, and possibly already over my limit. At that point, I just want to cum so badly, but I tried to hold on, so I don’t disappoint her. Dikke speed up her body movement and the rubbing. The sound of her butt clapping on my legs became louder, I hugged her even tighter than ever.
All these until I cummed and ejaculated a big amount of sperm like a fountain. All my sperm was all on her thighs and also on her index finger. I tried to regain my breath after those all-doing. While I was looking down breathing heavily, she sucked her index finger that was covered in my sperm and swallowed them whole. Not just that, she even collected the sperms that were on her thighs and eat them all. She swallowed them in one gulp, I could even hear her swallowing and gulping my sperm. After eating, she moaned in a pleasant way, I think she loved the taste of my cum.
Dikke opened her thighs and released my cock, the whole pressure on my dick went all away. It even created a string or a bridge of sperm between my cock and her thighs. She went on to her table and wiped her thighs carefully with a cloth. Meanwhile, I went on go towards her who was near her table. She noticed me, she got close to me and whispered to me in my ear. I nodded right after she finished.
Dikke bent over and leaned on her table. She spread her cheeks and opened her pussy using her two fingers. No stopping for me, I inserted my cock inside her, slide it into deeper than a well. Dikke moaned quietly as she enjoyed being penetrated, and she even moved on her own back and forth to satisfy me and her. Of course, I wouldn’t let her do it alone, so I grabbed her waist and moved out hip together.
As my hip kept hitting her butt, her beautiful and silky hair moved in a wavy motion. Our sex intercourse was fun and pleasureful, but she still kept her moan at a low volume so whatever she does looks professional and proper. But I don’t mind about it, as long she’s around, I’m comforted.
She was leaning her whole front body on the table, even her breasts had to be pressed against the table. She took the backshot even in an appealing way. The way she bends her body was so low and sexy that her whole round butt tilted up, her breasts on the table and her hands crossing to support her head. Not to mention that Dikke was quite tall because of her pair of long voluptuous legs, hence the position of our private parts was matched well. At the same time, the way she spread her cheek was not too opened nor closed, it spread perfectly.
Back to our sex intercourse, my speed of thrusting had made her lost a part of her control. She began to let out a bit of moan, not a typical young female moaning noise, but a deep matured mommy moaning noise. As time goes on, I thrust her harder and harder, so hard that the corner of her lips were drooling when she was clenching her teeth.
Her whole inside was throbbed exhaustingly, and it soon will be filled with my sperm. As I were backshotting her in a rapid force, she grabbed on the edge of the table, moaned louder this time. Our feelings became more intriguing and overwhelming with sultry and passion. She was about to break at the right time where I cummed again but this time inside her womb. Her head fall down after I stopped thrusting and gained a sensual feeling of being penetrated and cummed inside.
Dikke looked exhausted. The way she breath looked so sexy and lewd, her body moved lusciously every time she breath. Her vagina was filled, oozed out my hot sperm. Her legs were a little bit trembling, it was hard for her to stand up. Therefore, I brought her and let her lie on her wide sofa. She had a lusty mood of wanting to sleep with me, so I don’t dare to let this opportunity wasted.


Body of perfection. Her boobs were warm and juicy, a shot of her breast milk worth more than gallons of normal milk, sweet and creamy. Her thighs were her greatest feature EVER, best pillow, softer than cushion. (Her thighs are soft, smooth, warm, juicy, meaty, fleshy, shapely, voluptuous, athletic, and of course THICCCCCC) Being squashed by her thighs were permitted if asked politely and nicely.
Gorgeous blue eyes, attractive and adorable face. Not really a fan of kissing. Silky white hair, and it also smells fragrant and aromatic. She may looks adorable, but she’s serious on her job. Not quite aggressive, can be gentle to intermediate, elegance and steadiness was her priority, and she would usually hold back a little. She also eat cums not just because she likes the flavor, but she doesn’t want to waste them.
submitted by Potato_Consumer99 to okbuddytimekeeper [link] [comments]