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2016.08.18 20:28 Mehni For sharing awesome RimWorld seeds!

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2010.08.18 01:25 orangepotion Epilepsy

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2011.01.16 15:11 phoephus2 Reddit Musicians Collaboration

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2024.06.09 15:40 AndiDragon [F4TF/NB} Princess Sees You, the True You [Trans Identity Story] [Medieval like-setting] [Closeted but seen] [Hiding your true self but being found out-in a good way] [Unconditional Love and Support] [Choosing to be free of shackles (metaphorically)] [Pet]

Hey there!
So this is my first ever script and is sort of based on some fantasy scenarios that I have been using to help myself sleep since going on HRT last year (Wooo!) A lot of Trans stories I see in the ASMR community are about those who are just coming out or are dysphoria comfort etc.
And since its Pride month I thought I may as well share one of my own comfort scenarios in case anyone else may also find it so
Since, for my own personal journey, I just wish that someone could have seen the me that I hid behind the shell and veneer I showed to the world for 16 years after coming to terms with being Trans back in High School in like 07-ish. And hence why this is written this way. Anyone enough about me
To be clear, the listener does indeed know they are Trans feminine/Non-binary. I have tried to leave that a bit ambiguous, using only they/them/their pronouns from the speaker in regards to the listener. I am also fine with ANYONE voicing this regardless of gender identity and changing the speaker to fit such (Eg; Prince instead of Princess) and with this being explicitly labelled for TF or NB etc. Just please give me credit for the script if used
You may monetise this on any platform, if you do please give me a link.
I would also love any and all feedback and constructive criticism. (Spelling is in Australian English)
I think that's everything, so THE SCRIPT!!!
First Extra Details:
-dashes- indicate sfx (optional)
Names in [brackets] are fine to change
Princess Lee=P
[Mira} is optional lines for a second voice if wished but are COMPLETELY optional and the script should work with or without them.
[Mira] and Princess [Lee] share 1 short line that either or both can speak.
K=Knight/unnamed listener’s lines, Obviously these are unspoken but have “marks” to illustrate them as separate.
-knocks on a door-
(slightly muffled)
Princess: You may Enter.

-Opening door creak-

P: Ah finally! You are the last one you know? Of course you do. I’m sure the disappointment of not being selected to be my personal guard has been spreading through all the other nominees as they returned to the barracks rejected, yes?

“K: It has your highness.”

P: (stifled chuckle) …Well then, take a seat on my couch, opposite me please. (give a few second pause for them to reach the couch and sit) As you may have guessed then, as the last potential candidate, you have been selected though to be honest it was always a bit, uh, rigged from the start?

“K: Rigged?”

P: Yes, you see, well, as I’m sure you are aware, all of us in the Royal Family already have our own specially trained Shadow. A personal right-hand to be our guard, our confidant…our friend. [Mira] over there on the recliner is mine…as again I am sure you are well aware. Apologies I am a bit more flustered than I thought I had prepared myself to be.

(Take a deep Breath)

P: You see these tests and checks we’ve been doing for the past month are … not really for choosing my additional guard for my time in the [Magic University] after all it is a very secure facility, and [Mira] would be able to accompany me to all classes and locations there anyway. Rather these were all tests to confirm whether my suspicions regarding you were true.

“K: What suspicions?”

[Mira]: Suspicions was probably the wrong word [Lee].

P: Oh no! I do not mean to accuse you of being a spy or anything of that sort! I trust with my entire being that you are more than loyal to this kingdoms’ people and my family. Rather I was referring to a … secret I believed you were withholding or, at least, one that you were not actively voicing or embracing of a more … personal nature to you. And if I am right, which I believe I am, then I fully understand. But before I say any more please know, whether I am right or wrong, this conversation will not leave this room. You are safe here either way. You have my WORD on that.

[M]: Both of our words.

P: You see, yes these tests have all been of a social engagement variety not only due to the environment at the [Magic University] not only to see how you would all behave as guards during such settings, but also as guests. After-all it is a primarily social form Academy, with the majority of students and teachers being women, and noble born ones at that. And as such rather than war rooms or sparring sessions, as you and the other knights would be used to, tea parties and balls are more of what would occur over the 3 years there.

[M]: You should probably elaborate more on the why not the school Lee.

P: Yes, you see this common knowledge was a helpful subterfuge for our actual tests. To see how well you could and would perform as the “guests” for the guards. And I do mean YOU specifically. Whilst we did pay attention to your fellow knights, it was mainly you we were paying attention to. How at the tea parties you sat so demurely and smiled, paying so much attention to the stories. Sitting with proper etiquette. How at the ball you hung back clearly uncomfortable in your suit … and your skin. Then when the dances came up, and we were partners… You let me lead.

[M]: Don’t worry, no one really noticed. Except for us, and even then, it is only because we were looking.

P: Your face during it. Your expression. You were so at peace. At all of these when you could fade into the background and enjoy yourself. Your face was always so … Happy. Whenever you didn’t have to play the knight. Having to be strong in front of everyone. Winning duels so that you can keep your hair as long as you like. Refusing promotions and the like so that you could stay safe and hidden. Turning down dates because they could only see the Strong Sir Knight resplendent in their masculinity…. But that’s not you is it? Not really.

[M]: Maybe you should start from the beginning Lee?

P: I began looking into year about 6 moths ago, when you turned down the promoting to lead your own platoon. I found it odd at first given that it would be quite an accomplishment for a knight as fresh as you into adulthood. But thought you were just holding out for something more or trying to just not be separated from your current squad yet. Being so involved in my own studies I didn’t think much more. UNTIL I was on a stroll through the gardens with [Mira] one afternoon as a break. When we came across you. Napping with your hair down in a very secluded spot. (warm giggle) with a cute flower crown and matching bracelet on.

[M]: No sword in view anywhere. Not often even a baby knight doesn’t trigger my alert or even “careful” radar. And ESPECIALLY one who has won even duels to keep their hair that long. Wouldn’t have seen you if we hadn’t decided to meander through the flower field

P: At first, we didn’t recognise you. You looked so different. So … androgynous and cute…. So feminine. So vastly different in comparison to how you hold and present yourself with the other knights. You were at so much peace then too. Not like the quiet conflict I realised you were showing all other times. In the following weeks we looked more into you as the sight became so burned into my memory.

[M]: Nothing too invasive. Well except….

P: [Mira] investigated your room in the barracks. Just a spot check. Comparing to the other knights. She didn’t go through your draws or anything. It was bare. No Decorations. No displayed gits or ornaments. Just some books, haircare products and a chess set. So barren and empty, in stark contrast to your fellow knights. No mirror either. Your Commander said you had it removed as it reflected the lights poorly and hindered your sleep.

[M/P]: But that’s not true, is it?

P: In truth, you find looking in the mirror to be stressful and/or weird. Like something doesn’t fit right. And it’s your reflection, isn’t it? It’s not what you see you as in your own head is it? It began to click for me at that time. Then we found out the knights had taken you in as one of their recruited volunteers from the Orphanage to help make space there for younger children. They took you in and raised you. Trained you to be the knight sitting before me. A path you would not have chosen otherwise, I’m sure.

[M/P]: Stuck in a role you do not want. With nowhere to return to. No other skills to utilise or survive on. Trapped.

P: But here is where I can offer you an escape. Another chance. Another way. First, I will let you know that no matter what, [Mira] and I will not be returning to the castle again. My Elder siblings can all fight for the throne, they are well aware that I will not come for it unless they hurt or threaten the people of our kingdom with malice. So this deal is a one time thing AND you must decide pretty much now. As such…

-clinking glasses-

P: In this vial that I will place to your right is a potion that will give you amnesia from the events of the last 24 hours. You will not remember this day, or this conversation [Mira] and I will claim that you tested a wine for me and discovered it was poisoned, saving me. We will leave the palace immediately with the rest of our wagon to [the Magic University], whilst you will be hailed as a hero and able to return to your current life.

-more glass clinking-

P: Whilst in this vial I will place to your left. If you choose this one you will come with us. We will still leave in the but in the morning, and you will have a new future and a chance to live. However, the reason we will leave in the morning rather than immediately? This is due to the vial containing a very potent potion that will flow your mana into me and WILL cause you to pass out. But by drinking this your mana won’t become mine but rather it will be…subservient to mine I can loan it or grow it with my own, but I will also be able to find you for the rest of our lives. And by choosing this you choose to become mine. For all intents and purposes you will be essentially be My Possession. My Pet. My Property. If you wish you can even be MY Princess. A new life and chance. But you must choose it.

**Give a 5-10 second pause here**

P: You are hesitating. Which in itself is an answer, isn’t it? Hey look at me. Here let me hold your face - Huh your check is so warm, and your eyes so beautiful... I promise you, By taking this yes, you will become mine, but that does not mean I will force you to become or do anything that you do not want to do. I want to you to be by my side yes. I want to watch you live and grow and become so much more than the knight-shell that sits before me. But YOU get to make that choice. I can only offer you it. As well as the unconditional love and support of having us there to help you become …well YOU.

-Glass clinking as the left vial is taken and drunk-
-Ruffling and moving as Princess Lee rushes to their side-

P: Oh, thank you for trusting me. Here Let my hold you as you drift off. I promise you that everything will be ok now. You can be whoever you need to be. And I will be there to love you my pet. Whoever you are. Whoever you will be. Tomorrow your new life, your true life can begin.
submitted by AndiDragon to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:02 SharkEva Am I the asshole for feeling like my eldest daughter should be treated the same as my "real" children?

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/Ready_405 posting in AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC
Concluded as per OOP
1 update - Medium
Original - 2nd June 2024
Update - 7th June 2024

Am I the asshole for feeling like my eldest daughter should be treated the same as my "real" children?

When my(M45) daughter(F13) was born I immediately felt that something was obviously amiss. She was blonde haired and blue-eyed, which was extremely unlikely for a child of myself and my ex-wife(f39).
I am very Mediterranean, and I have olive skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. My ex-wife has brown eyes and relatively dark brown hair. Her skin is barely lighter than mine. The baby also clearly bore no resemblance to me or anyone in my family at all. I had been having misgivings about my ex, too, and she seemed too quick to express surprise and make excuses.
Still though, I didn't want to throw away my marriage over what could have been my own misunderstanding of genetics, and so I signed the birth certificate.
I instantly knew that I was going to have a paternity test done, but something else surprised me. When I brought our little girl home, I still fell in love with her. It felt just like bringing my son(M14) home, and, looking at her, I still just saw her as an innocent, beautiful little baby. We bonded.
The paternity test came back negative, as I suspected it would, and I decided that our marriage was over. I still loved our little girl though. My then wife did everything that she could to drag out the divorce and refused to separate or move out.
My daughter's biological father (every bit as blonde and blue-eyed as I suspected)turned out to want nothing to do with her or my ex. He was already married with his own family, and his only focus was preventing the situation from blowing back on himself too much.
My ex went totally nuts when both I and her affair partner rejected her, and she made some very unfortunate decisions. To make a long story short, she ended up with prison time for crimes including identity theft, assault with a deadly weapon, and grand theft Auto, when she stole credit cards and forged documents for both of us, and when she stole her affair partner's car and tried to run him over with it.
I ended up with custody of our kids, with the affair partner never even attempting to establish any kind of paternity rights. I didn't want to press the issue myself, as I couldn't deny that I had bonded with this child, even knowing that she wasn't my real daughter.
I had been shunning my ex-wife as best I could and trying to move on with life after she was finally out of the house, it wasn't long before I got together with and married my current wife(F34), and we've since had another two children. (m10, f8)
My eldest daughter is a total Daddy's girl, and we have a wonderful relationship. She always feels loved, and I treat her the same as my other kids. Even though she obviously stands out, my family accepts her too, or at least that's what I thought.
I work for my father's company, and the other day we were out talking about the future and his will, and he was talking about what money/assets etc He wanted to leave to whom, including his grandchildren, and I noticed that my older daughter had been left out, I mentioned it to him, and he said, "It's nice what you've done for (daughter's name), but you have real children, and obviously they should come first,"
I interrupted him, and I told him that She is my real daughter, and that I thought she should be treated equally. He just paused and looked at me for a moment, and he said, "I guess you feel how you feel," before he noticed I was still about to argue with him and he shrugged and moved the conversation on to things about work and my siblings. I was too polite to try to force the matter at the time, but it sort of stuck with me.
My father isn't the type of man to harp on a point, and I am certain that he's content to have said his piece and would let the matter drop. He could certainly tell that what he said upset me, and so I doubt he'd bring it up again. Frankly, he sort of raised me the same way.
At the time, I was shocked, because he's always seemed to accept my daughter as a part of the family. He buys her gifts for her birthday and for Christmas, and he makes her feel welcome, but, thinking about it, he really is just a kind, polite, and generous man in a lot of ways. He will and has bought Christmas gifts for high school friends or significant others, if he knew they were coming, and the same for other gift-giving occasions. He's generally very hospitable to anyone his friends or family bring around, so I thought that maybe it was just that, and I misinterpreted.
My wife is Asian, and so my eldest daughter always stands out. She's thin, and blonde, and blue-eyed, unlike pretty much anyone else in my family, and she's taller than any of the other girls or even most of the women, really, so I'm aware that she might look like the neighbor kid visiting or something. My wife loves her, and I know that she 100% accepts her as one of our kids, and she has been a great mom / stepmom.
I talked to my own mother, though, and while she's definitely closer to my daughter than my father is (They interact a lot more, and she includes my daughter with the other kids / other girls in family traditions and activities) I got a little bit of the same vibe from her. She was much more diplomatic, but it seems like she may also sort of consider my daughter to be sort of a guest / unfortunate orphan I'm hosting or something like that. She pointed out that I can make my own will however I want.
My daughter knows that she isn't biologically mine. That would have been hard to hide, even if we'd really had the opportunity. She doesn't want anything to do with either of her bio parents though. She's seen her biodad perhaps a handful of times in her entire life, and I don't even think he can remember her middle name. He seems to have pretty successfully kept his family together and his wife from leaving him, but he definitely doesn't want any involvement.
My ex-wife continued to spiral for a long while, and she lives in another state with another man and her own new family at this point. She mercifully rarely makes contact.
I've never really tried to go after either of them for money. I don't need it, and it's not a pot I want to stir.
My siblings are mostly supportive if a little bit mixed on the issue. Some of them say that they could never raise the child of a partner's affair, but all of them say that they love and accept their niece.
I just can't get over the way that I feel distant and upset about what my father said though. He's an extremely kind and generous man, and he's always taken care of his family. He's given me opportunities and a lifestyle that I could never have achieved without him. I love him and I look up to him. Maybe that's why I feel sort of, I don't know, betrayed? It feels wrong that she's the only one of his grandchildren to be left out of his will, apparently because he doesn't consider her a "real" grandchild. Intellectually, I can accept that he's technically correct, but it feels wrong. She is my daughter.
Am I wrong though? Am I just being entitled and unreasonable here? Am I the asshole?


I get why members of your family might consider you foolish for raising the result of you ex-wife's affair, but honestly, it speaks well of your character that you treat her as your own. I wonder if your parents would be similarly non-accepting if you had adopted a child, because, practically, that is what happened. I wish you and your family the best. NTA.

I think OP should ask his parents that. "If I had adopted a child, would you feel this way about that child? Okay, because that's what I did. I put my name on her birth certificate and raised her knowing she wasn't biologically mine. I adopted her and she's my daughter."

I agree. And tbh, she was born into your family and you have claimed her as your own child, same as if you’d adopted her or brought her into the world through birth. That’s very important to me. And tbh, anybody that didn’t want to accept that and wanted to treat that child differently from my other kids would not be someone I would want spending much time with any of my kids. NTA. I think you are an amazing dad.

**Judgement - NTA*\*

Update - 5 days later

Just a small update. Thanks for the comments and wishes. It really put a lot of things into perspective and it confirmed to me that I needed to say something.
Some people seemed surprised at the way I let my daughter's bio parents "off the hook", so to speak. The main reason I've never tried to go after My ex or her affair partner for child support is that my daughter is more important than money. I'm not struggling at all, and I have the support I need. More importantly though, I have my daughter. Even though the affair partner didn't apparently want anything to do with her, my lawyer did mention way back in the day that either he or my wife, being her biological parents, could have a strong case for seeking custody.
I know I'm biased, but her bio dad seems like a huge asshole, and I know he doesn't care about her. I wouldn't put it past him to try to get custody just to duck out of paying child support though, if his hand was forced. And the idea of her having to go stay with him is just something I don't even want to think about.
Kind of the same thing when her mom got out of prison. She seemed like she was very quick to go shack up with her new guy, and she seemed willing to let the matter lie, so I did the same.
The fact that neither of them tried to get her, or, in my ex's case, the way she hasn't even bothered to keep much contact with our son either tells me more than everything I need to know about the kind of parents They are / would be. They only seem interested in their pre-existing/new families respectively. I wouldn't want to try to back them into trying to take custody. With my daughter being 13, it's possible that we've sort of "run out the clock" on that matter, but it's still not drama we need or a risk worth taking.
In better and more important news though, I talked with my dad.
I met with my father for lunch, which was easy enough, as he's around most days and we could sync up some time.
I mentioned that I wanted to talk about my daughter not being in his will, and I told him that even if it meant dividing what was being left to me or my other kids, I felt it was really important for her to be included. I also mentioned, as I felt, and as a lot of people pointed out, that it would be devastating for her to find out that she'd been excluded after his death.
My father agreed that that was a really good point, and he said that she is a lovely girl, that he does love her, and that he wouldn't want to add extra pain or bitterness to her life, especially at such a time.
Also, it had gotten around to him that I'd been sort of poling My siblings a little bit, and I think my mom talked to him some, and he said, "This is obviously very important to you. You're my son. I can just change it. It's not so much money anyway." And he was right. The amounts of money being left to individual grandchildren aren't massive, but the gesture and the thought are what's most meaningful. Mostly everything is going to my mom and or us his kids anyway.
Really, there was no reason for me to expect him to have been stubborn or hard-hearted about any of this. It was just something that we needed to talk about.
My father reiterated that Everyone loves my daughter and that she'll always be family and always have a home.
He has a gold bracelet that he has worn somewhat occasionally over the years, and he mentioned that my daughter thought it was pretty. When she was very little, she noticed it on his wrist and said that jewelry was for girls. He laughed and explained to her that sometimes boys wear jewelry too. She thought it was nice and he let her try it on even though it was way way too big for her wrist. She was a little toddler then. I didn't know about that moment between them, and I thought it was really sweet that he remembered. He said that he was going to leave her the bracelet and a note and that as far as money goes she'd get the same share as the rest of my kids.
So we had a nice lunch and we both felt better for it. Nothing too dramatic, but really the best way things could have gone.
Thanks everyone, for confirming that I wasn’t being crazy and confirming that I needed to talk to my father and set things right.


this is a happy update . your father is a good man and he raised you to be a wondrful man

Yeah. Glad to hear things worked out well with your dad! Sounds like he's got a good heart and made the right call. Wishing you and your family all the best!

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:19 ConspiracyTorrents Washington ‘lunatics’ seek regime change in Russia – former Trump rival

 Washington ‘lunatics’ seek regime change in Russia – former Trump rival submitted by ConspiracyTorrents to u/ConspiracyTorrents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:09 ComplexNo8986 Wanted part 4

Olympia had been unified at last, Dammekos’ great ambition had come to fruition thanks to Petra and Aristides. Yet the Tyrant of Lochos was still dissatisfied, he had noticed that Petra had been different since meeting Aristides. She was eating and drinking again, after years of avoiding such activities due to assassins. But even more concerning was that Aristides had her ear, his willful and petulant daughter who wouldn’t listen to her war council always took his word. He had decided to deal with Aristides appropriately, he had sent for him. Aristides bent the knee, he could see the displeasure in his eyes and knew that this could only mean that his usefulness had run its course.
Dammekos: Aristides, you have served me well for all these years.
Aristides: You honor me with your words, my king.
Dammekos: As such I have decided to reward you with an important position in one of my city states.
Aristides: Thank you my king.
Aristides knew this to be true, do not assume that a gift is a gift of love. Especially when it comes from a king, he was planning to send him to the farthest territory possible in exile.
Aristides: I have but one request, my king. Allow me to say goodbye to Petra.
Dammekos: Very well.
He sent a servant to fetch Petra, she stayed cooped up in her room whenever Aristides and Calliphone weren’t around.
Petra: Aristides, Father.
Aristides: Petra, I am…I have been given a very high position by King Dammekos.
Petra: Is that so, I am glad your work is being recognised.
Aristides: Yes well, it’s far far away. I’m afraid we won’t be able to have our chats as frequently anymore.
Petra could hear the lies he spoke with each breath, even though they were lies of omission. Petra loathed dishonesty, her hands clenched into fists. Until she felt his hand on hers.
Aristides: I will be fine Petra.
Petra: …Do what you want.
It was one truth but it was enough, he kissed her hand and smiled at Petra.
Aristides: I… I hope we can meet again soon.
Petra could see it in his eyes, he wanted to say something else but refrained from doing so. She knew what it was and it only embittered her more that he could never say it even now.
Petra: You’re a coward…
Aristides: I apologize, maybe someday I’ll have the heart to tell you.
Dammekos: Petra, you may now return to your quarters.
Aristides: I hope to see your designs in person someday, my lady.
Petra: I had hoped you would assist in their construction.
Petra turned away from him and returned to her quarters as ordered. Aristides was given time to pack, he paid off a servant to give one last gift to Petra before his departure. It was a love song, she could see it in the meter and rhyme. She could hear it in the sound as she plucked the strings of her lyre, it soothed the bitterness in her soul. But she still wished she got to hear him say those words.
submitted by ComplexNo8986 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:07 GhoulGriin Best Flipper Knives

Best Flipper Knives
Are you in search of a versatile and stylish knife that can be both practical and aesthetically pleasing? Look no further, as we've gathered the best Flipper Knives on the market for you. In this roundup, we'll explore the top options, discussing their features, materials, and performance, so you can make an informed decision and add one of these gems to your collection. Get ready to discover the perfect blend of style and functionality in our selection of Flipper Knives.

The Top 19 Best Flipper Knives

  1. Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Slock Master Folding Hunter Lockback Knife with Security Sheath and Extra Blades. - Stay sharp and efficient with the versatile Cold Steel Click'N'Cut Slock Master Knife, featuring a secure sheath for easy carrying and three durable replaceable blades making it the ultimate "utility" knife.
  2. Compact Fixed Blade Knife with Black Handle - Experience the outstanding performance of a compact, lightweight, yet durable Cold Steel 49LCKD SRK Fixed Blade, perfect for everyday use and ideal for those seeking a low-profile option in a secure Secure-Ex sheath.
  3. Stylish and durable AK-47 Field Knife by Cold Steel - Experience the rugged durability and versatility of the Cold Steel AK-47 Field Knife, a reliable companion for modern personnel in hard-use situations.
  4. Slim D2 Steel Drop Point Pocket Knife for Everyday Use - Experience the perfect blend of style, functionality, and durability with the Cobratec Medium FSX Otf Grey - a slim pocket knife that stands out with its 3" D2 steel drop point, dual-action OTF mechanism, and sleek aviation aluminum construction.
  5. Gerber SALTRx Controller Fillet Folding Knife - Polished 9Cr18MoV Blade and Rubber Overmold Handle, Black/Blue Grip and 13-inch Overall Length - Experience superior control and durability with the Gerber Controller Fillet Folding Knife, featuring an intuitive GuideFins, tactile HydroTread Grip, and SALTRx technology to withstand corrosion and wear.
  6. Handcrafted 420 Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Ziricote Wood Handle - Experience the perfect blend of form and function with the Fox Knives Nauta Slip-Joint 420 Stainless Ziricote Wood FX-230ZW, handcrafted in Italy and featuring a sleek sheepsfoot blade and a minimalist ziricote wood handle.
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  15. Versatile True Ball Bearing Flipper Knife - Experience versatility and convenience with the TRUE Ball Bearing Flipper Knife, a lightweight, ultra-sharp, stainless steel blade designed for indoor and outdoor tasks, and easily accessible with a deep carry pocket clip.
  16. Multi-Functional Folding Knife with Damascus Steel Blade and Survival Tools - The Albatross 7-in-1 Multifunctional Folding Knife is a versatile and reliable tool for outdoor enthusiasts, featuring a razor-sharp Damascus steel blade, as well as additional functions such as a flashlight, window breaker, and seatbelt cutter.
  17. Stainless Steel Snake Skin Flipper Knife - Frost OC108CSS Trapper Snake Skin: Flipper knife with a stylish snakeskin pattern handle and mirror finish stainless clip, perfect for fishermen on the Ocoee River.
  18. Traditional Folding Hunter Knife with Macassar Ebony Handle - Experience the timeless and durable design of the Buck Model 110 Folding Hunter Knife, making it the perfect addition to any outdoorsman's toolkit.
  19. Stylish Trapper Blue Flipper Knife with Blue Bone Handle - The Cold Steel FLTRPRB Trapper Blue offers a sleek, blue bone handle with mirror finish 8Cr13MoV stainless clip and spey blades, providing exceptional durability and performance.
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🔗Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Slock Master Folding Hunter Lockback Knife with Security Sheath and Extra Blades.
I've been using the Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Hunter Lockback Knife for a few months now, and I have to say, it's been a lifesaver. The knife's design is sleek and durable, with a sturdy Griv-Ex handle that provides a comfortable grip. The locking mechanism on the blade makes it incredibly secure and safe to use, even for the most demanding tasks.
I particularly love the ability to click and switch between blades with the push of a button. It's a game-changer when it comes to versatility, ensuring I'm always equipped for any job at hand. The sheath is also a great addition, providing a secure way to carry the knife and extra blades when needed.
That being said, there is one aspect I'd like to see improved: the handle's construction. While it provides a good grip, the finish is quite rough and not as premium as I would have hoped for. However, this minor critique does not deter me from fully recommending the Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Hunter Lockback Knife for both beginners and seasoned professionals alike.

🔗Compact Fixed Blade Knife with Black Handle
I recently got my hands on a Cold Steel SRK Compact fixed blade knife, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for those seeking a reliable and stylish companion while on outdoor adventures. The knife features a compact handle & blade made of Kray-Ex & SK5, measuring in at just 12.5 cm (5 inches). Weighing only 145 grams, it's remarkably lightweight and effortless to carry around.
One thing that struck me is the sturdy Secure-Ex sheath it comes with – it's a fantastic addition! However, I did notice a few minor drawbacks. Firstly, the blade edges seemed a bit too uneven for my liking. Secondly, I'm not a big fan of the flex hanger option, but that's just personal preference.
Overall, I believe that the Cold Steel SRK Compact is a fantastic choice for outdoor enthusiasts. It's light, easy to carry, and offers great performance. Just make sure to sharpen it properly and maintain it well to enjoy its full potential.

🔗Stylish and durable AK-47 Field Knife by Cold Steel
The Cold Steel AK-47 Field Knife has quickly become a favorite amongst those seeking a reliable and sturdy multi-purpose fixed blade. Crafted with CPM3-V steel, this knife boasts a robust design that's perfect for tackling the rigors of everyday life. The stonewashed finish adds an element of toughness, ensuring that this field knife is ready for even the harshest conditions.
Equipped with a full tang and integral steel pommel, the AK-47 Field Knife offers both functionality and durability. It also comes with a Secure-Ex sheath, providing the convenience of easy transportation. While this knife may not be ideal for all situations, those who value rugged reliability will appreciate its toughness and versatility.

🔗Slim D2 Steel Drop Point Pocket Knife for Everyday Use
I was initially impressed by the sleek look of the Cobratec Medium FSX Otf Grey 3" D2 Steel Drop Point. The 3.5 oz dual action otf, fully CNC machined out of aviation aluminum, made it light enough to carry in my pocket without any discomfort. The glass breaker and pocket clip were also handy features, perfect for any on-the-go emergency.
However, I noticed some rough edges on the knife, which made it uncomfortable to handle for quite a while. Additionally, the D2 steel drop point didn't seem to hold up as well as I would've hoped, especially when I needed to cut through thicker materials.
Despite its shortcomings, the Cobratec Medium FSX Otf Grey 3" D2 Steel Drop Point still managed to serve its purpose as a slim pocket knife. With a bit of adjustment and use, it might just become my go-to compact tool for everyday life.

🔗Gerber SALTRx Controller Fillet Folding Knife - Polished 9Cr18MoV Blade and Rubber Overmold Handle, Black/Blue Grip and 13-inch Overall Length
For the past few weeks, I've been using the Gerber Controller 6-inch Folding Fillet Knife, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer in my fishing adventures. The intuitive GuideFins and tactile HydroTread Grip offered the ultimate control of the knife, making those slippery conditions a non-issue. This handy companion was built with saltwater fishermen in mind, and its SALTRx protection exceeded my expectations, keeping the blade safe from corrosion, wear, and harsh environments.
But let's be real, no product is perfect. As much as I loved the ergonomic handle and impressive blade, the weight of the knife sometimes felt a bit heavy. Nonetheless, it didn't hinder my experience in the field.
Overall, the Gerber Controller 6-inch Folding Fillet Knife has become an essential tool in my fishing tackle bag, and I'm grateful for the company's commitment to creating high-quality, durable knives.

🔗Handcrafted 420 Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Ziricote Wood Handle
I recently fell in love with the Fox Knives Nauta Slip-Joint 420. This beauty is a sleek and stylish pocket knife that is perfect for daily use. The craftsmanship is simply impeccable, it's obvious that this baby was handcrafted in none other than Italy. The smooth operation of the slip-joint mechanism felt like handling a dream.
What stood out to me was the comfortable grip provided by the ziricote wood handle. Aesthetically, it added a touch of elegance, yet functionally, it provided a secure and comfortable grip. The stainless steel, on the other hand, made it robust and sturdy.
However, a downside was that the 4-inch blade length, while sufficient for most tasks, might come up a bit short for certain heavy-duty jobs. Overall, the Nauta Slip-Joint 420 from Fox Knives is a perfect blend of classic design and modern innovation. It definitely deserves a place in any knife enthusiast's collection.

🔗Queen 30R Slim Trapper Flipper Knife - UK Friendly Carry
The Queen 30R Slim Trapper, a timeless flipper knife, has become a staple in my pocket for the past few months. With its sleek red handle and brass pins, this penknife grabs attention from onlookers who appreciate its quality and craftsmanship. Its two stainless steel blades with a non-locking mechanism make it perfect for everyday use and ideal for UK-friendly carry.
While the knife is relatively small, it gets the job done, whether I need to open a package or cut through a string. However, it's not without its minor shortcomings—the penknife's slim design makes it easy to misplace in my bag, and occasional handling may reveal slight inconsistencies in its finish. Overall, the Queen 30R Slim Trapper has become a reliable and stylish part of my daily essentials.

🔗Folding Flipper Knife with Red Bone Handle
I recently had the chance to try out the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone, and I must say, it left quite an impression. This beauty is a sleek 3.75 inches (9.53cm) when closed, making it the perfect size for everyday carry. The mirror finish stainless clip and skinner blades add a touch of elegance that sets it apart from its counterparts.
The most unique feature of the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone has to be its red pick bone handle. It gives the knife a distinct, yet classic appeal. The nickel silver bolster(s) are a thoughtful addition to the design, adding a hint of luxury to the overall experience.
While using the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone, I noticed a couple of drawbacks as well. The size, while convenient, could make it a bit unwieldy for more demanding tasks. Additionally, some users might find the finish on the clip and blades to be prone to scratches over time.
Overall, I think the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone is a solid pick for anyone looking for an eye-catching, high-quality folding hunting knife. With its unique design and reliable performance, it's definitely worth considering.

🔗Frost Razor Lockback Knife with Red Bone Handle
I recently stumbled upon the Frost 17150RJB Razor Lockback Knife with its unique red jigged bone handles. This compact, sleek knife easily fits into my pocket and has an impressive mirror finish stainless razor blade. However, the red jigged bone handle feels a bit too delicate for my liking.
Despite this minor drawback, it's been a trusty companion in my daily life, perfect for opening boxes or cutting fruit.

🔗Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife - High-Quality 8Cr13Mov Stainless Steel
I recently had the pleasure of using the Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer in my daily routine. This little beauty is the perfect size for any task - large enough to get the job done, but not too cumbersome to carry around.
The 8Cr13Mov stainless steel blade is durable and holds an edge well, while the yellow bone handle provides a comfortable grip. The overallweight of the knife is a meager 2.9 ounces, making it incredibly light and easy to toss in a pocket or bag.
As someone who values classic design, I appreciated the mirror finish on the blade and the smooth brown bone handle - it has a timeless look that I really enjoy. However, I do wish the knife was made in a different country, as it seems that Taiwan is the manufacturing location.
Despite this minor drawback, the Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife has become my go-to tool for various tasks around the house. It's a reliable and stylish addition to anyone's collection, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality pocket knife.

🔗Durable Flip Button Lock Utility Knife with Seat Belt Cutter and Wire Stripper
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife. As someone who relies on utility knives for various tasks, I was curious to see how it would hold up compared to the bigger name brands.
From the moment I opened the packaging, the aluminum blade and alloy steel handle felt solid and durable. The one-handed operation was really convenient, allowing me to quickly access the blade without any fuss. However, I did notice that changing the blade could be a bit tricky at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was quite simple.
One feature that I found particularly handy was the integrated wire cutter and seat belt cutter. It made it so much easier to cut through lines and cords, especially when I needed to make quick adjustments. The lock-up on the blade was also surprisingly sturdy - I appreciated that it didn't rattle or clank around when I was using it.
However, there were a couple of downsides. While the pocket clip was functional, it seemed a bit long and bulky compared to other utility knives I've used. Also, the handle could be a bit slippery at times, so I had to make sure I was holding it securely.
Overall, the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife proved to be a reliable and versatile tool in my daily life. While there were a few minor drawbacks, its durability, convenience, and competitive pricing made it a worthwhile addition to my collection.

🔗Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Green Bone Handle
I recently came across the Frost 17150GSB Razor Lockback Knife with its sleek green smooth bone handles. As a reviewer, I've always enjoyed knives that catch my eye with their unique designs, and this one definitely fits the bill. The 2.5-inch mirror finish stainless razor blade is not only sharp and durable, but it also gives this knife a distinct look that sets it apart from other knives on the market.
One small drawback for some users might be the locked-open handle. While it provides a secure closure, it also can make one-handed use and storage a bit more challenging. Regardless, the green smooth bone handles give this knife a sophisticated and elegant feel, making it a great addition to any knife enthusiast's collection. Overall, I'm pleased with this knife's performance and quality, and I believe it's a solid choice for anyone looking to add a unique and functional blade to their collection.

🔗Affordable and Portable Secure-Ex Neck Sheath Knife
The Cold Steel 49NDE Hide Out is a versatile neck knife that I've been using daily for a while now and it has never failed to impress. One of the features that stood out to me is its lightweight design, weighing only 1.9oz. It's perfect for those who want a discreet yet effective self-defense tool. The blade is made of Japanese Aus 8A Stainless Steel, giving it an impressive edge sharpness and durability. The double-edged blade is Scandi ground, ensuring a strong and sharp tip, which is especially useful when you need it most.
The Hide Out's handle is made of Kray-Ex, a weather-proof material that provides a great grip and security, even when your hands are wet. It's thin and flat, designed to give me a superior purchase on such a small, lightweight knife. The Secure-Ex sheath and bead chain lanyard make it easy to wear and carry around all day, while the knife itself remains concealed.
However, there are a few drawbacks I've noticed. The AUS 8 steel can rust if not properly maintained, especially if you're using it as a neck knife. The blade scratches easily, making it less visually appealing over time. The bead chain necklace is quite stiff and can sometimes catch on clothes or other objects, making it slightly uncomfortable. Despite these minor issues, I've found the Cold Steel 49NDE Hide Out to be a reliable and effective neck knife that's perfect for those who need a reliable self-defense tool.

🔗Stylish and Durable Ranch Boss II Folding Knife with Faux Bone Handle
If you fancy rugged adventures and need a reliable companion in the great outdoors, Cold Steel's Ranch Boss II Folder 4 in Blade with Stag Handle could be the perfect addition to your gear. This folding knife features a durable SK-5 Carbon Steel blade and a striking faux sawed bone handle, offering both style and substance.
One of the standout features of this knife is its thick, tapered blade that adds to its toughness, making it a great choice for hunting and hiking expeditions. The blade is razor sharp right out of the box, ensuring you'll be ready for any task at hand. The lock-up is secure, while the sheath is well made and includes a nice snap-on cover with thick leather.
However, one small downside could be the sheath, which some users have found a little loose, making it less secure when attached to their belts. But this shouldn't diminish the overall value of the knife, which has won praise for its solid construction, great design, and fantastic edge retention.
The Ranch Boss II Folder 4 in Blade with Stag Handle is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-quality, versatile folding knife that looks as good as it performs. With its rugged appeal and impeccable craftsmanship, this Cold Steel knife is sure to become a reliable companion on your next great adventure.

Buyer's Guide

Flipper knives are the must-have tools for any EDC enthusiast, adventure seeker, or survivalist. These versatile blades are designed for multi-tasking and are perfect for everyday use. Before you make a purchase, take a moment to consider these important features, considerations, and general advice about the product category.

1. Design and Construction

The design and construction of a flipper knife determine its overall functionality and durability. Look for a one-piece, solid construction with an ergonomic grip, ensuring comfort during extended use. The blade should be made from high-quality steel, offering excellent edge retention and rust resistance.
Additionally, consider the blade shape and size, as these factors will influence the knife's cutting capabilities. Popular flipper knife designs include clip point, droptip, and sheepsfoot, with blade lengths ranging from 3 to 7 inches.

2. Locking Mechanism
A reliable locking mechanism is essential for both safety and functionality. Look for a flipper knife with a secure lock-up, preventing accidental opening and ensuring the blade stays locked during use. Most high-quality flipper knives rely on the friction lock or the liner lock systems, both providing a smooth and secure action.

3. Weight and Portability

As with any EDC item, it is crucial to consider the weight and portability of a flipper knife. A lightweight, compact design allows easy carrying in pockets, backpacks, or other everyday carry gear. When shopping for a flipper knife, keep the balance between portability and functionality in mind.

4. Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care are essential for an optimal performance and longevity of a flipper knife. Always clean the blade after use and keep it dry to prevent rusting. Periodic sharpening with a suitable sharpening tool will ensure your blade remains sharp and efficient.

5. Budget

Before purchasing a flipper knife, set a reasonable budget to help narrow down your options. Flipper knives come in various price ranges, with some affordable options offering basic functionality and others targeting the high-end market, providing top-notch performance and durability.
Remember that investing in a higher quality flipper knife, though more expensive, can save you money in the long run by requiring fewer replacements and upgrades, as well as providing better performance and lasting protection.

6. Brand Reputation and Reviews

Do your research and read customer reviews to get a sense of the brand's reputation and product quality. A well-established brand with a history of delivering high-quality knives and customer satisfaction is more likely to provide a reliable and premium flipper knife. Keep in mind that customer opinions can be subjective, so look for patterns and consistent feedback to make an informed decision.

7. Purpose and Intended Use

Before selecting a flipper knife, consider the specific activities or tasks you plan to use it for. Will it primarily be for cutting rope or opening packages, or will it be more of a general utility tool? Understanding the knife's intended use will help you choose the appropriate size, blade shape, and general features tailored to your needs.

8. Handling and Comfort

As a flipper knife is designed for both practicality and convenience, it is essential that it is comfortable for you to handle and use. Ensure that the grip is comfortable, providing a secure and non-slip grip, even when wet or sweaty. Properly fitting your grip to your hand is crucial for safety and overall performance.

9. Additional Features
Some high-end flipper knives offer additional features such as a built-in bottle opener, lanyard, or even a glass breaker. While these features may not be essential, they can enhance the overall user experience and versatility of the knife. Consider your preferences and intended use when deciding whether to prioritize these additional features.

10. Warranty and Customer Support

A reliable warranty and customer support are essential factors when buying any product, including flipper knives. Ensure that the brand offers a reasonable warranty covering manufacturer defects and that they provide excellent customer support, addressing any concerns or issues that may arise.
By considering these important features, considerations, and general advice, you can make a well-informed decision when purchasing the perfect flipper knife to suit your needs and preferences.


What are flipper knives?

Flipper knives are a type of folding knife that features a unique, ergonomic handle design. The handle has a specific shape that allows the user to perform specific actions in a more comfortable and efficient way compared to other folding knives.

Why do people prefer flipper knives over other folding knives?

Some people prefer flipper knives over other folding knives because of their ergonomic design and better grip, which makes the use of the knife more comfortable and productive. Flipper knives also utilize a different opening mechanism, utilizing the large thumb hole or the flip tab instead of the traditional pull-back tab. This opens the knife more quickly and efficiently.

How does the opening mechanism of a flipper knife work?

The opening mechanism of a flipper knife typically involves using the large thumb hole or the flip tab on the knife. To open the knife, the user simply has to place their thumb on this hole or flip of the knife and quickly flick it downward. This movement applies force to the liner lock mechanism, opening the blade quickly and effectively.

Are flipper knives more durable than other folding knives?

Durability ultimately depends on the specific design and materials used in the creation of the knife. While some flipper knives may be more durable than other folding knives, it's essential to compare the materials and construction of each to evaluate their specific durability. In general, flipper knives have sturdy handles and robust mechanisms, making them potentially resilient options.

Do flipper knives have a specific locking method?

Yes, flipper knives typically use a liner lock for their locking mechanism. The liner lock is a simple and reliable locking system that includes a locking bar, or a section of the liner, that slides into a groove on the blade. When the blade is open, the liner lock stays in the closed position, allowing the flipper knife to be easily closed and opened. Once the knife is closed and locked, the user can confidently carry or use their flipper knife without worrying about it accidentally opening.

What are some popular brands of flipper knives?

Popular brands of flipper knives include Spyderco, Benchmade, CRKT, and Kershaw. Each of these brands offers a variety of flipper folding knives in different materials, sizes, and designs to appeal to a range of customers.

What are the pros and cons of owning a flipper knife?

  1. Pro:
Ergonomic, efficient handle design
  1. Pro:
Quick and easy opening mechanism
  1. Pro:
Sturdy handle and reliable locking mechanism
  1. Con:
Specialized, potentially more expensive than other folding knives
  1. Con:
Some users may not prefer the flipper design

What are the dimensions and weight of a typical flipper knife?

Dimensions and weight of a typical flipper knife vary depending on the brand and model. Overall length generally ranges between 7.5 inches and 10 inches, closed length is usually between 4 inches and 5.5 inches, and blade thickness is around 0.12 inches. As for the weight, a typical flipper knife weighs around 4 ounces to 6 ounces.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:43 kmrbuky One month of beading! (+ some newbie thoughts and questions)

One month of beading! (+ some newbie thoughts and questions)
It's been exactly 35 days since I've started beading!
I was visiting my best friend in Japan when we came across some beading patterns. Neither of us have beaded before, but we thought it could be a fun challenge! Cue several all-nighters and utter frustration as we slogged through the first piece (the pink keychain on the very right).
It's hard to see from the picture, but I had 0 tension on the string (because I didn't know what it was!) so the edges are a mess. That's why I decided to try again with blue, which is the fourth project! The tension was much more even.
The pink strap took about 5 days (with a few international flights in-between), the second (dragon) took about 7 days, the third took about 11 days (took a small break), the fourth took about 4 days, the fifth (same as the first project, but with colours I chose) took about 2 days, and the very last one took about 2 days as well (and is my very own pattern!) I've gotten way faster with the last two projects.
All in all, I'm amazed I'm not burnt out yet. Beading feels really good on my soul so I'm so excited to have found this hobby. I'm not huge on wearing beaded jewelry (...mostly because I don't really wear jewelry in the first place) so I'll probably just stick to these portrait-style charms for myself and friends/family.
Some things I've noticed:
  • The first five projects were with a thread I used that came with the beading package in Japan. The thread was surprisingly very strong (it never snapped) but it was multiple smaller threads woven together, so the knotting was frustrating.
    • Several users suggested FireLine, which I used with the last project:
      • Pros: CLEANEST edges ever. I know clean edges are also dependent on bead size discrepancies, but now that I have experience with both, I think the thread quality is more important. When you pull for tension, the thread 'folds' easily so you don't have to worry about having looser sides (which was my biggest pet peeve).
      • Cons: it is expensive as hell (I like beading because I find (most) Miyuki beads (the 11/0 are the ones I use) to be fairly inexpensive, especially for the variety in colours. Also, the thread feels 'heavier' and I need to use more force to generate better tension.
      • With that being said, I'm 50/50 on FireLine. I absolutely think everyone should use it (though keep in mind I've never used any other thread LOL) because its utility is perfect. However, because I have sore wrists, the amount I have to tug for proper tension does make it a bit tricky for me.
  • I've ventured into making my own patterns now that I've run out of kits. To help, I've bought the app Loomerly.
    • I almost cried because it looks like it was around $15 a year or so ago? When I purchased it last week, I paid $55 CAD after taxes.
      • Pros: I think it is THE beading app, especially if you have an iPad. I've tried to use some browser ones, but of course the process is slower with a mouse and keyboard. It has all of the Miyuki beads organized, it is intuitive for the most part, and the app just makes sense.
      • Cons: However, I have a ton of gripes about Loomerly. The price point is crazy to me, and I do not think it is worth $55 CAD—maybe $20-30 at most.
      • Secondly, and most frustrating of all, the colours representing the Miyuki beads are not very accurate. While I commend the developers for going through every colour, most are completely whack, and I spend the most amount of time adjusting for the colours, either in the store or before I start a project.
      • It is intuitive in the most basic sense, but there are some features I wish it had that drives me crazy. A colour picker to edit the Miyuki beads themselves would be really helpful. I don't find the UX to be very friendly. I wish there was a way to freely rotate imported images. The process of editing a palette and adding/removing colours is a chore. (To be completely fair though, I've only had the app for about a week so I may have missed some shortcuts/features)
Some questions:
-Posture: I've been focusing on improving my posture this year, but I seem to have a hunchback when I bead. Is this just the reality for beaders?
-Wrists: I feel like I'm getting carpal tunnel from beading (although, I did let it rest for 1-2 days and now my wrist is much better). Does this happen to anyone else?
-Needles: this is less of a problem after using FireLine, but I've bent four needles and broken one (mostly when I was struggling with tension with my old thread). Does anyone have needle recommendations? I purchased a set from PONY Needles, but they were too thin and the eye(?) was too small for FireLine.
-What is your favourite Miyuki 11/0 colour? Just curious personally! My favourite colour is pink, but I've really enjoyed exploring blue lately. As you can see, I've been very partial to the 257 at the moment :) I also really enjoy 202 for a fun white as it's very sparkly under the light.
submitted by kmrbuky to Beading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:10 AshKetchep Yard Sale Scare [Pet tax included because she's relevant to the story]

Yard Sale Scare [Pet tax included because she's relevant to the story]
Hey Joel and fellow Let's Read fanatics, I'm a long time fan of your narrations. Funny enough, the stories I'm sending in happened yesterday and today, and I was listening to some of your videos at the time.
So, to set the scene, today and yesterday I (f) hosted a yard sale. It went very well, I had fun, made a friend and even found something cool at a yard sale across the street from mine.
The yard sale was mixed. I had some expensive things near me (games, consoles, electronics, dishes, pristine/unused name brand stuff, etc) and some less expensive (sold for $1 or less) items scattered around the lawn like generic t-shirts, hoodies, movies and miscellaneous toys.
Friday (yesterday) was uneventful (sales wise) with some vague interest but no buyers. I set up at 8 and sat around until around 3:00pm, when I packed up. There was a storm due around then anyway, but that wasn't what drove me to pack everything up so soon.
I believe it was 2:15pm when it happened. I was sitting outside with my dog (don't worry, dog tax will be provided) when I noticed a man across the street behaving suspiciously.
Now, the yard is in an L shape that wraps around the house. On the left side facing away from the house is a busy street, and across that street is some more homes. Most of the people in those homes are elderly or otherwise vulnerable. I was in my seat facing that side due to my signs and tables being set up along that sidewalk.
Anyway. The man was waving his hands around, looking at the sky and skipping around like a child. I watched as he went to someone's door and began to knock on it erratically, talking to himself, and making a motion like he was praying. When nobody answered, he just walked down the porch. He then sort of waved at me when he saw I was there and casually moved to the next house to repeat this routine.
I then realized the house he was going to had their garage wide open. The elderly lady who lived there has two outdoor cats and I realized she must have forgotten to close it when she got the food.
The man seemed to forget I was there for a moment, and went to walk into the garage. He then froze and slowly turned to look in my direction.
Now, to explain something before I go on, my dog is exactly medium sized. She's about up to my knees height wise, and on her back legs her head reaches my chest. Despite her size, she has a scary bark and massive teeth. She's a big, playful sweetheart though and wouldn't hurt a fly.
She was sitting under my chair because it was hot out and was obscured. I feel this is important to note.
Back to the story. The guy turned to look at me, then began to walk toward the street to cross and come toward me.
I immediately stood up, trying to make myself look more alert. I'm 5'6 and I don't look small by any means. I've done taekwondo for years, and am by no means scrawny. I think my adrenaline kicked in about now, because I felt pretty confident standing up like that, but all that confidence felt like it drained from my body seconds later.
At first, he didn't seem to care about my front which I'll admit, really scared me because at this point he was on the sidewalk near where I was seated now.
When he crossed the sidewalk onto my lawn though, my dog came out from under my chair and growled at him, baring her teeth and everything.
This dog is an absolute sweetheart, and I've never seen her genuinely bare her teeth at anyone if it wasn't for playing. She plays rough, but I've never seen her behave that way.
The guy immediately stopped and looked at her, then just smiled at me for a few minutes before backing up and, get this- skipping away along the sidewalk to leave.
I was just frozen for a moment, wondering what the hell just happened. At some point though, I decided to call my dad and keep him on the phone while I started to pack up the valuables in my sale. I also kept my knife out in case something else happened but thankfully nothing did. The guy was gone, and the most that happened later was a little rain that afternoon.
Today I set up again to sell, and yet another odd thing happened. Today I kept a weapon near me to be on the safe side (my knife and some wooden Kali/Escrima sticks) and warned my neighbors who were having a yard sale about what happened yesterday.
Today, I was just relaxing during the last hour I planned to keep the sale up. My grandparents (who I live with) had gone to the store so I was alone out there. I had just put my dog back inside since it was too hot for her, and was listening to the podcast (specifically one with a story about a schizophrenic roommate) while I watched people walk by.
At some point, a very thin man carrying a Walmart bag and a jug of water came to my corner. He was talking to himself on the way over, and when he got to the tables, I greeted him with a smile as one does.
He then immediately launched into a whole spiel about how he loves, loves LOVES the bracelets I had on display and asked me over and over if I made them. I'd made them for a shop a while ago. They were ATLA (Avatar the Last Airbender) themed. I remember specifically he picked one I made with blood bending in mind (blue and white beads with pearl beads surrounding a clear, red one).
I told him as much, and let him know they were just 25 cents, and casually asked if he had someone in mind to give it to while he searched his pockets for a quarter. I should have guessed by his initial behavior that he was gonna launch into another thing.
He began going on about how he was single, and how he wished he had someone to give the bracelet to but he didn't. He then suddenly changed the topic asking if I played guitar. I should have gently sent him on his way and told him no, but for some reason my dumbass told him I did.
I play electric and acoustic. He then immediately got right up close and told me to get my guitar so he could play me a song. I politely declined, holding onto one of my kali sticks in case he didn't back off. He then got really pushy, walking me closer to the front door before I gave him a stern no and asked him for payment on the bracelet. He just smiled and handed me a pile of coins before going to grab his water jug and Walmart bag.
I didn't feel as threatened by this guy despite him being more invasive because I felt more prepared to deal with him. Despite his behavior, which I suspect had to do with drug use since meth/similar stumulants and their respective junkies are popular in my area, he wasn't aggressively walking toward me and backed off when I was firm unlike the first guy. I grew up around drug addicts because of my mom, so I know what the behavior is like, and I'm pretty sure this guy took something before heading out.
I later found out this same guy borderline harassed my neighbor and was actually pretty aggressive toward them. He was pushy, and threatened to "leave a note" on their door.
Anyway, there's my back to back weird encounters at a yard sale stories.
I decided to write this out for two reasons. One, to warn people about how weird people can be, especially in environments like yard and garage sales, and two, because writing things down and talking about it helps me process.
It didn't strike me until just an hour ago that the guy being weird on Friday (yesterday) possibly meant to do me harm, but my dog being there possibly prevented that.
submitted by AshKetchep to LetsReadOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:59 theywantmemarried I (24F) found out through my boyfriend (25M) of 8 years that his parents want us married soon (~3 months). How do I properly respond to his parents about this?

This is going to be a long post. I suggest anyone who wants to give me advice should set aside some time to read this complicated situation.
I will add my family's race because it is relevant to the situation.
My family and I are Asian.
My Boyfriend's parents are conservative Americans in the way that they want Boyfriend to be the sole earner for his future family, but I would still have the freedom to work or become a housewife. A few weeks ago, my Boyfriend has told me that his mother has been making joke disguised hints about wanting grandkids from him. Today, he has told me that his parents are urging him to propose to me soon, in around 2 months.
My Boyfriend recently has been telling me how his parents has been wanting grandkids soon, but I did not expect that they wanted it THAT soon. I really respect his parents and they consider me family. As much as I want to please them, my Boyfriend and I both agree that we are not yet ready for marriage for reasons I will detail later in the post. My initial reaction was surprised, and we went into a detailed discussion after that.
  1. The reason behind the suggestion of proposal.
My Boyfriend has told me that each of his parents both want for him to get married and start a family with me soon, but they both have different reasons behind it.
My Boyfriend has half-siblings from his father's first marriage. Boyfriend is the only child of his father's second wife, and the youngest out of his siblings. The age gap between him and the youngest half-sibling is almost 10 years.
His father is on borrowed time, as he was diagnosed with an illness relating to his nerves. He has expressed that he would like to see my Boyfriend get married and have a grandchild before he passes away. Boyfriend's grandfather died before meeting the youngest half-sibling, and Boyfriend's father wishes for that situation to not happen to him before he dies.
His mother's reason is simpler. Boyfriend was his mother's only child, and misses having a child present in her life. He has summed it up as her being ready to become a loving and involved grandparent.
  1. The problems behind the suggestion and our reaction.
Boyfriend and I both live with our parents. Me living with my parents is more of the woman living with family until they are married and for financial reasons, while Boyfriend's living situation is just for financial reasons.
We had a tough time midway in our traditional college education and got delayed. However, we got back up and we are working towards a different path in education. We are now both currently working in jobs that don't pay enough to live on our own while we attend college in different degrees that would eventually get us high paying jobs in the oil industry. This will take the both of us at least a year before we can start making serious money.
The problem is that we both don't have a stable career at the moment, and it will take us at least a year to start making the kind of money enough to support us until retirement.
This is a problem both of us have brought up in the discussion and agree this is the main obstacle to what his parents are asking.
His parents proposing for us to get married and have kids involves money and living space both of us don't have yet. From what boyfriend has told me, they have proposed solutions to these problems, but he believes them to be not as well thought out as they have given him a barebones version of their so-far solution.
Their solution to marriage costs is to have a backyard wedding ceremony, with each family's wedding invite being a dish for everyone to eat. To be fair, they do have a very large and nice backyard, and I have no problem with backyard weddings if done very nicely.
Their solution to the living situation/kids is to have me move into their house. Boyfriend's parents have explained that they are willing to cover housing, living, and grandkids cost, to only worry about working/education so that we can save and earn as much money as possible.
  1. My reaction and my family's possible reaction.
Right now, my family knows nothing about this situation. Only me. This happened just today during an outing. The only family members I will allow on being involved in this situation to support me are my parents (47F/51M). I have a younger brother (22M), and my guess is that he would be as clueless as I am in how to navigate this. I'm not expecting much from him in this situation anyways, but I know he will be there for me when I want to let anything out to vent and seek his opinion on.
As stated in point 2, in my culture, daughters live with their family until we are married. My parents also believe that an unmarried woman should never visit a man's house/family house as they think it is improper for a woman to do so. Contrarily, they don't think it is improper for a man to visit a woman's house/family house. The point is that they have conservative views on relationships and marriage regarding me, the only daughter. For those wondering, no they do not hold these same views with my brothers.
Based on this information and point 2, I believe my parents would be against the suggestion of me getting married and moving out of the house at this point of my life. Especially my father, as he has told me in occasion on how worried he is about living life away from family and would decide if I am ready to start life away from the family or not.
Personally, I also believe that I am not ready for marriage, but from a financial standpoint. I always ask myself if my finances can support any decision I would make. In this case, no. My current job isn't enough to fund a wedding or support a child. I know his parents are the one insisting on covering all living expenses, but it would make me and my boyfriend uncomfortable for them to do that in fear of strings being attached to it and feeling ashamed in not being able to provide all of this ourselves.
  1. Did I give the "correct" response to how this situation with his parents should be handled?
At the end of the discussion, I told my boyfriend to let his parents have a discussion with my parents. This is a situation that involves differing beliefs between 2 families. I believe that it warrants a discussion between my Boyfriend, I, and both sets of our parents so that there is no conflict. Boyfriend has expressed that he is unsure if this discussion would change as his father's mind, as he has told me that he is a stubborn person. He is as unsure as I am in how the whole situation would turn out.
Was this the correct move on my part? This was my initial response at the beginning of the conversation, and still is after going into a long discussion. Please feel free to share me your perspective on this situation and your advice.
I will be updating this situation in the future for further advice since; to be honest, I have no clue whether what I do next would be the most "correct" action to this situation. I would like non-biased guidance along the way. Thank you for your time.
submitted by theywantmemarried to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:02 Hydr0mancy What kind of spirit weapons do you want to see?

There are two types of confirmed in-game spirit weapons, the Eagle’s Patrimony necklace and the bracelet that Captain Khalida wears, but what types of objects would you like to see as spirit weapons?
Me personally, I think a dream catcher and a lantern would be a cool concept. The dream catcher would worn on the hip or wrist and would be filled with little soul crystals on the strings or something that would glow when the weapon was active. The lantern would sit on your waist and would be lit with a flame corresponding to your spirit color while active.
submitted by Hydr0mancy to ArcaneOdyssey [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:38 sugarfreesweetiepie I hope this can somehow reach the 19 year old, questioning version of myself from 11 years ago

I hope this can somehow reach the 19 year old, questioning version of myself from 11 years ago
I wish I could tell myself this back in 2013 when I was questioning everything about my life, absolutely terrified.
To the 19 year old me—you can give yourself your own permission. You can be the person that’s referenced in this tweet, but quietly, softly, made with gentle hands for just yourself to cherish.
When you allow yourself to do the scary thing, even if nobody but you witnesses it or knows? You help your future self remember that there are more experiences in your life than those you have relegated yourself to as the “acceptable” ones. It doesn’t mean it’s not scary. It’s about doing it scared, even with no witnesses, no one to hype you up OR take you down.
What would you wish your tomorrow self knew was possible for themself? Is it possible to give yourself permission to try something different without any strings attached?
Read a book with explicitly queer love interests. Write in a journal about your day but refer to yourself with different name, different pronouns. Make a picrew or other little artistic avatar that looks a different way than you might have thought you could look. Make a video game character with a different aesthetic than you normally would.
Even if you delete it immediately after. Maybe especially if you delete it after.
It’s not about the proof to the outside world that it happened. It’s about the proof to yourself that you can do more than you thought you could, even just for a moment.
Ultimately, that’s what queerness is for me. The sexuality and gender parts are always important, always hugely influential. But being queer for me is fundamentally more about me taking the power of actual choice back from all of the many, many people who want me to have none.
Being queer is not a choice. But loving myself enough to actually let me feel that queerness? To express it in ways that feel safe and honest and holy to me? I will choose that over and over again.
Anyway, hi to anyone who actually reads this. Hope y’all are having a good pride month as the world burns around us.
submitted by sugarfreesweetiepie to queer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:21 Halofreak1171 [ROLEPLAY] Because She will save Her people from their sins

05:60 18/09/2073 The Palace of Eden, Eden City, The Garden of Eden

It turns out having hundreds of rooms empty in a palace comes in handy once in a while. The birth of the Son of God Herself was something which could not be handled in a public space. As such, a small hallway of rooms had become the main hub for the birth, rooms set up with doctors, nurses, and equipment, all prepared for any eventuality.
She was grateful, she supposed, as she lay in the bed which was likely to become the birthplace of her child. Every other minute it seemed like people were checking in on her, as if she was a delicate piece of porcelain laid over a fire, likely to fracture and break at any second. That was annoying, but she guessed it was for the best. She did wonder about the cognitive dissonance these people must be going through, actively treating their God as though She was a feeble creature, but based on their looks and voices, she could not see any clear indication that this bothered them. It did not matter to her, but she still wondered.
"All seems clear, contractions are still over 6 minutes apart and there's no real dilation yet, so I'd say its time to buckle up, you might be stuck here for a while".
As the Nurse continued to talk, her words became somewhat muddled in the Earth Mother's brain. She had been hoping this would be a fast, painless, modern process, but even with all the technology of the Commonwealth, it seems the birthing process had barely been improved. She was likely far more comfortable than most other mothers in history, so she took solace in that, but she wished the process would both begin and end rather soon.
"... we'll keep double-checking every 15 minutes to make sure there's no complications, but so far it seems like we're on track for a relatively normal birth".
She gave a tired smiled at the nurse, who smiled back and left the room. As the lady left, she held the door open for two to enter. Zalmoxis, dressed in a neat suit, and Pleistoros, in what she believed were sweatpants and a sweatshirt, walked in and took a seat near the edge of her bed. Behind them walked into the brooding figure that was Burebistan, who did his best to keep to himself at another seat in the room.
She eyed them both, her three sons. She had not expected them to come, knowing the work that was being done to complete the Expansion. Their appearance at her bedside was welcome, though she wondered whether it was for entirely wholesome reasons.
"I cannot say I have much experience with pregnancies, but from what I understand of them, you look well Mother..."
Zalmoxis seemed to hesitate as he spoke, as if he wasn't sure what to say.
"Well, as far as they keep telling me, this is the easiest part. I thought you'd all be too busy to be here today?"
She wasn't sure if three gods could look more like embarrassed teenagers. Zalmoxis went to speak but stopped himself, while Burebistan continued to stare off at some corner. Only Pleistoros would meet her gaze, even though she felt as if she hadn't meant anything by the question.
"We're all just in the finalising part of planning for the continued Expansion into Poland. So it's been a bit quiet as things transition from that and into action. We felt as though it made sense for us to welcome our new brother into the world".
Even the God of War seemed to falter as he reached the end of his sentence. All of them seemed upset, as if there was an unspoken issue she was not aware of. She went to go and ask, to try and figure out a question, but all that came out was a grunt. A massive contraction had hit, causing her to lose focus of that train of thought.
The three gods started on in uncertainty and confusion as two nurses came in. They had seen death, destruction, and abject horrors before, but this was enough to ruin any sense of normalcy in their mind. If she wasn't in so much pain she might've laughed at their faces, the way Zalmoxis immediately jumped off the bed when the contraction started, or how Pleistoros stared at her as if she was an alien. These gods seemed so fearful of pregnancy... or were they fearful of something else? What if...
"Looks like active labour came far faster than we thought. Your cervix has started to dilate, so we're going to move into active birthing procedures. Obviously, it might take a long time from now, but the baby is coming. So we're going to have to ask for anyone who isn't the father to leave the room now."
As if they were puppets on strings, all three gods filed out, each of them murmuring good luck as they exited. Doctors and other nurses/midwives entered as they left. One of the nurses turned to her.
"We've been trying to get God-King Iohannis here as quickly as possible. He is on the way, but based on how quickly you've transitioned into labour, its anyone's guess who will arrive first."
The Earth Mother smiled at the joke as the contraction died down. The nurse continued.
"Now, we do have the option of providing an epidural as pain relief. The choice is yours, but if you decline now we don't think we'll get the chance to put one in later."
She shook her head at the nurses questions. How would it look if God Herself required painkillers for one of the most natural processes. She had to manage the pain herself.
"In that case, we'll just make sure you're as comfortable as possible. Hopefully it's a quick labour, but we'll prepare for an overnight stay just incase."
The next hour and a half were a blur to her. Contractions came and went, numbers went up, and the amount of nurses and doctors seemed to excessively rise. She only came out of that blur when her latest contraction felt like hell.
"I think its time. We'll need you to start pushing."
She nodded, attempting to centre herself through the process. The doctors and midwives did their best to guide her, but the pain made it difficult for her to process anything beyond the labour itself. Tens of minutes went by, with seemingly no progress, only for the doctor to smile.
"I see a head, it looks like we'll have little complications. Keep pushing, your almost there."
As he said that, the door of the room slammed open, and in through it stumbled a sweaty, wild-eyed Iohannis. He made his way to the bedside next to her and she immediately grabbed his hand, feeling bones shift and muscles condense under her strength. To his credit, the God-King didn't even make a noise as this happened, instead listening intently to the doctor's overview of the situation at hand. Once satisfied, he turned back to her, and began doing his best to encourage her.
She wished she could say she acted in a dignified manner over the next 10 minutes. Truth be told, she barely remembered how she did act. All she knows is there was a lot of sweat, grunting, and swearing. It had all been worth it though as the doctor held up her firstborn.
"Its a girl! What will the name of this first one be, dearest Mother?"
She was happy that she had thought of names prior to this moment, as she saw Iohannis face turn from sheer joy to confusion at the words 'first one'.
"H₂éwsōs, The Goddess of Dawn!"
As she spoke it into existence, those gathered around her praised the child's name, now the heir to the Garden, before returning to the task at hand. Truth be told, she had dreaded this moment. She had not let anyone know that her pregnancy was twofold, that it wasn't only a firstborn she held within her. No, she was to give birth to twins, and the idea scared her even more than the initial pregnancy had. Perhaps not mentioning this to her husband was a mistake, but there was no time to lament on the past now. She pushed, and grunted, and pushed as hard as she could, Iohannis doing his best to recompose himself and assist. In what only took a few more minutes, her second child, a boy, would be born. As the doctor raised him up, she spoke his name.
"Dyēus-suHnús, Son of the Sky!"

The Garden Herald

Available to all! No division restrictions!


Sept 19th, 2073
The Garden awoke today to welcome the arrival of two very important members of its family. Yesterday, the Earth Mother gave birth to not just one child, but two! The girl, named H₂éwsōs, is to be the direct heir of her mother and father, while the boy, Dyēus-suHnús, is to be the protector of the Garden. This news has been broadcast throughout the Garden, leading to massive celebrations. Alongside this, the Prophet Amir has formalized three days of celebration for their births, alongside an annual public holiday celebrating their birthday. Many have gone so far as to call H₂éwsōs the Messiah, though we will only know for certain when the Earth Mother speaks! Nonetheless, today is a glorious day, and one all should celebrate!!!
submitted by Halofreak1171 to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:12 ImprovementFlaky6943 How do fellow dog therians feel about How to be a Dog by Andrew Kane

How do fellow dog therians feel about How to be a Dog by Andrew Kane
I saw this on twt (x) recently but I was wondering if other dog therians find this makes them feel emotional and want to shift
submitted by ImprovementFlaky6943 to Therian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:08 RowdyFortnite Summary of President John F. Kennedy's First Term (1961-1965) // Echoes of November

Summary of President John F. Kennedy's First Term (1961-1965) // Echoes of November
President John F. Kennedy - 35th President of the United States
Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson
Secretary of State: Dean Rusk
Secretary of the Treasury: C. Douglas Dillon
Secretary of Defense: Robert McNamara
Attorney General: Robert F. Kennedy
Postmaster General: J. Edward Day (1961-1963) replaced by John A. Gronouski
Secretary of the Interior: Stewart Udall
Secretary of Agriculture: Orville Freeman
Secretary of Commerce: Luther H. Hodges
Secretary of Labor: Arthur Goldberg (1961-1962) replaced by W. Williard Wirtz
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare: Abraham Ribicoff (1961-1962) replaced by Anthony J. Celebreeze
Ambassador to the United Nations: Adlai Stevenson II
In the weeks leading up to the start of his presidency, Kennedy went about assembling a cabinet meant to balance various political factions. With a cabinet consisting of liberals and Stevenson allies such as Stevenson's close friends J. Edward Day and Arthur Goldberg along with Stevenson himself as Ambassador to the UN. Kennedy also selected Republican C. Douglas Dillon as Secretary of the Treasury in an attempt to calm a Wall Street anxious of the Democratic return to power. However the most influential members of the administration came not from the cabinet but from some of Kennedy's closest advisors such as National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and staffers Ted Sorenson ,Larry O'Brien, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr, Pierre Salinger, General Maxwell D. Taylor and W. Averell Harriman. The most prominent cabinet members proved to unsurprisingly be President Kennedy's brother Robert F. Kennedy as Attorney General and the "Whiz Kid" Ford executive Robert McNamara as Secretary of Defense. Sources have described President Kennedy's management of the administration as the "wheel with all spokes leading to Kennedy" with President Kennedy assuming an increased amount of involvement compared to his predecessor President Eisenhower.
President Kennedy with Secretary Rusk and Secretary McNamara
Domestic Policy
-Upon taking office President Kennedy unveiled his ambitious "New Frontier" program, in the sprit of Roosevelt's "Second Bill of Rights" and Truman's "Fair Deal", both of which failed. The fight for New Frontier policies has been a brutal one with a coalition of Southern Democrats and conservative Republicans opposing the President every step of the way. However some of the early accomplishments included a federal minimum wage increase, housing act that allocated federal aid for urban renewal and housing, yet these were soon met with crushing blows to the New Frontier with both President Kennedy's massive education funding bill and healthcare for the elderly bill being killed by the conservative coalition. Lacking the support to accomplish the more idealistic of his policy proposals, recently President Kennedy has instead opted to focus on poverty as the central theme of the New Frontier, with sources confirming it will be the central theme of President Kennedy's re-election campaign domestically.
-Economically President Kennedy has fully endorsed Keynesian economics, emphasizing economic growth over inflation or deficits. To this end President Kennedy has received much of the credit for the soaring economy, with GDP, production and sales in major industries skyrocketing compared to the Eisenhower years. President Kennedy's economic program has been especially popular due to his major tax cuts across the board, however this has also come with a government budget of over $100 billion with the U.S. running a peace time deficit for the first time in American history.
-In the early days of his Presidency, Kennedy largely avoided the issue of civil rights, seeing it as an issue that would only drive a wedge between him and the southern Democrats that would be necessary for his re-election campaign. However soon the civil rights movement would force President Kennedy's hand as freedom riders being attacked by mobs finally force Attorney General Kennedy into deploying Marshals to protect them. After much criticism from civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, in 1963 Kennedy finally take major action by proposing a constitutional amendment outlawing poll taxes which was ratified in January 1964. After this victory Kennedy began to become more actively involved and in June 1963 federalized the Alabama National Guard to force Governor George Wallace of Alabama to allow black students to attend the University of Alabama. That very night Kennedy took to the television delivering a speech outlining his administrations new civil rights objectives seeking to fully end segregation in the U.S. and secure voting rights for African Americans in the south. This would mark a turning point in the Kennedy Presidency as his approval rating in the south crashed and southern Democrats vowed to oppose the President at every turn. The August 1963 "March on Washington" created momentum for Kennedy's Civil Rights legislation. This momentum would ultimately not lead to success though as amendments and additions tacked on by conservatives sunk the proposed "Civil Rights Act" before it made it out of committee. Heading into 1964 the administration has elected to table the Civil Rights legislation as they fear another drawn out battle with Congress would damage the President's re-election odds as polls already show a majority of Americans feel the President has pushed to hard for the legislation.
-One of the surprising focuses of Kennedy's term has been the attention given to NASA and space policy. In the early days of his term it seemed the organization would see it's crewed space exploration program dismantled, however out of respect to Vice President Johnson (who was the White House's point man for NASA) the decision was delayed. During this time the Soviet Union once again made world headlines, this time by putting the first man in space with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. This blow to American prestige has inspired an all out space race, with President Kennedy going as far as to pledge to put an American on the moon. With increased attention and funding, NASA administrator James E. Webb has been thrust into one of the most important roles in the administration.
-On other issues, President Kennedy has signed into law the Equal Pay Act of 1963, aimed at reducing wage inequality between genders following the release of the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women's report which was chaired by former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt before her death in 1962. On the issue of crime, Attorney General Robert Kennedy has led a vigorous prosecution and targeting of organized crime, leading to some controversy for the administration with the targeting of unions around the country, specifically the Teamsters, with dozens of Teamsters already jailed. This testy relationship with the unions has caused some concern in the upcoming 1964 election as Teamster head Jimmy Hoffa has reportedly expressed a desire to "cause as much embarrassment as he can" to the President, a feeling said to be shared by Alabama Governor George Wallace who appears to be currently assembling a campaign staff.
President Kennedy with Civil Rights leaders following the March on Washington
Foreign Policy
-On foreign policy (specifically regarding the USSR) President Kennedy shifted away from former President Eisenhower's policy of brinksmanship towards a more conventional arms policy termed "flexible response". In pursuing this policy, Kennedy oversaw a buildup of special operations forces and elite units. However Kennedy also pursued further nuclear armament and it's said the nuclear capacity of the U.S. has increased by over half compared to the Eisenhower years. In addition to this policy, Kennedy also established the "Peace Corps" (led by his brother in law Sargent Shriver) with young American volunteers going into developing countries and teaching English, helping infrastructure development, food and aid deliveries, etc. This program has been a highlight of the reelection campaign as "Peace" has been the main foreign policy message.
-In the final days of the Eisenhower Administration, plans had been carefully crafted by the CIA to overthrow Marxist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, with a counter-revolutionary forced funded and trained by the CIA in Florida in anticipation of a US backed invasion of the island by these fighters. When presented with the plan upon taken office, Kennedy eagerly signed off due to his hardline campaign stance against Castro, despite warnings from some members of the State Department. On April 17th 1961, 1500 fighters swarmed the island hoping to quickly inspire an uprising to overthrow Castro, however no such revolt occurred and instead the invaders found themselves pinned down with American air support having been pulled by President Kennedy out of fear of exposing the American sponsorship of the invasion force. As such the force was quickly defeated and Kennedy would be forced to pay over $53 million in return for the surviving members of Brigade 2506. The aftermath of the failed invasion actually saw Kennedy's poll numbers rise as he took full responsibility for the failure and received vocal support from former President Eisenhower and former Vice President Nixon. This would however be the start of a split between Kennedy and the CIA, State Department and the Joint Chiefs as Kennedy felt he had been hung out to dry by the diplomats and military, instead relying on White House advisors and staffers for major decisions from then on.
-In the months following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, fears rose among Cuban and Soviet officials of the U.S. planning another invasion prompting increased economic and military aid to Cuba from the USSR. As part of this aid, dozens of Soviet missiles and bombers were shipped to Cuba, along with around 100 tactical nuclear weapons. On October 14th 1962, American U-2 spy planes photographed the missile sites being built conforming to the Kennedy administration that Cuba indeed had offensive nuclear weapons. Despite considering immediate airstrikes, on October 22nd President Kennedy would announce in an address to the nation a naval blockade to intercept any further Soviet arms shipments. The nation would hold it's breath for a week, enduring a string of fearful headlines including Soviet ships approaching the blockade, an American spy plane being downed and even false reports of war already breaking out. Finally on October 28th Soviet Premier Khrushchev announced the withdrawal of the Soviet missiles from Cuba with President Kennedy issuing a public promise not to invade Cuba. With the "Cuban Missile Crisis" over the nation would favorably react to Kennedy's handling of the crisis with yet another major approval rating boost energizing the White House.
-Despite all the attention being focused on Cuba throughout Kennedy's first term, another country has seen a growing communist threat, Vietnam. As the communist Viet Cong increasingly threatened the capitalist South Vietnam regime, Kennedy increased the amount of American military advisors in the region from 11,000 to 16,000 over the course of 1963 however remained reluctant to dispatch any American combat troops. In August 1963 a series of crackdowns on Buddhist monks ordered by South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem led to new Ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. being tasked with getting the President to step down. Diem resisted these calls from the U.S. however leading Ambassador Lodge to advise the only way Diem would leave office would be by military coup. Despite this assessment from Lodge, the Defense and State department provided the White House with starkly different pictures of the situation in South Vietnam, leading the President to send General Maxwell D. Taylor and Secretary of Defense McNamara on a fact finding mission to the country. This mission seemed to confirm the reports from the State Department of an increasingly weakened position of the South Vietnam military in fighting the Communist guerillas. With President Diem finally losing American backing, on November 1st 1963 South Vietnam generals would arrest and execute Diem. Wishing to put the Vietnam issue on the backburner for the 1964 election, Kennedy would recall 1,000 of the advisors previously dispatched after the Taylor-McNamara mission.
-With more than 20,000 fleeing East Berlin to West in mid-1961 and U.S. military spending ratcheting up with President Kennedy specifically indicating the funds would be spent securing West Berlin, on August 13th 1961 the Soviet Union began construction of a wall separating East Berlin from West Berlin and blocking passage between the two halves of the city. Despite receiving criticism for allowing the wall to go up, Kennedy would strike back in a June 1963 tour of West Berlin saying "Democracy is not perfect, but we never had to put up a wall to keep our people in". One of Kennedy's major accomplishments leading up to the 1964 elections has been a nuclear test ban treaty which was signed by Secretary of State Dean Rusk along with his Soviet and British counterparts on August 5th 1963, banning the testing of nuclear weapons on the ground, in the air or underwater.
President Kennedy authorizing the naval blockade of Cuba
Supreme Court
Chief Justice Earl Warren
Associate Justice Hugo Black
Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter (retired in 1962) replaced by Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg
Associate Justice William O. Douglas
Associate Justice Tom C. Clark
Associate Justice John Marshall Harlan Jr.
Associate Justice William J. Brenan Jr.
Associate Justice Charles Evans Whittaker (retired in 1962) replaced by Deputy Attorney General Byron White
Associate Justice Potter Stewart
Kennedy would have the opportunity to fill 2 Supreme Court vacancies in his first term, first with the retirement of Associate Justice Charles Evans Whittaker (a key swing vote on the court) citing exhaustion from a heavy workload and stress. Kennedy would tap Deputy Attorney General and former NFL star turned lawyer Byron White who had worked on the Kennedy campaign and served as Deputy Attorney General under Robert F. Kennedy. The second vacancy would come when Associate Justice of 23 years Felix Frankfurter. Frankfurter would leave large shoes to fill as the leader of the conservative faction in the Court (despite being an advisor to FDR and progressive lawyer) who had notoriously feuded with the Courts liberals such as Associate Justices Black and Douglas along with Chief Justice Warren himself, describing Warren's work as "dishonest nonsense". Frankfurter's retirement would come because of a stroke and President Kennedy would nominate another member of his administration, Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg to the position. Overall the Court continues to be extremely liberal with Harlan being the only Justice considered a "conservative".
President Kennedy with former Secretary of Labor and current Associate Justice Arthur Goldberg
A November Day in Dallas
One of the more widely discussed events of President Kennedy's first term come from a relatively unimportant trip to Dallas taken on November 22nd 1963. A little before noon the President arrived from Forth Worth Texas with First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally and met Vice President Johnson at Love Field in Dallas Texas. Kennedy would spend around 10 minutes greeting the crowd at the airfield before departing for the Dallas Trade Mart building in his 1961 Lincoln Continental. With the motorcade running behind schedule the crowds lined along the motorcade route eagerly waited hoping to catch a glimpse of their President. At one such location along the motorcade route, one eager spectator in Dallas' Dealey Plaza would be momentarily distracted by some shining object out of a window of the Texas schoolbook depository building. Initially disregarding it, after 5 more minutes of waiting for the motorcade the observer again would glance up and observe what he described to officer Marion Baker as a "man with some type of rifle in the window of the depository". Heading out to the street Baker would see the man, holding a 6.5mm Carcano rifle, aimed directly at the incoming Presidential motorcade. In horror Baker would observe the police motorcycle come into view, with President Kennedy waving to the crowd just a few cars back. With only seconds to spare, Baker would draw his revolver and open fire at the open window of the schoolbook depository building. The following 30 seconds would become some of the most important in American history, as the excited crowd gathered to see President Kennedy would flee in terror at the series of gunshots. Upon hearing the gunshots, Secret Service agent Clint Hill would jump from the car behind the President and shove President Kennedy down into the seat as a series of gunshots from the sniper rained down upon the car, striking Governor Connally and fatally wounding agent Hill as he gave his life protecting the President. The motorcade would rush to the Dallas Parkland hospital with the President soon guarded by a brick wall of Secret Service. Officer Baker would rush into the schoolbook depository where employees franticly milled about, some unaware of the attempted assassination from their very building. Baker and Depository superintendent Roy Truly would begin to comb the building for the would be assassin with Baker radioing for backup to cover the entrance. There the 2 would encounter Lee Harvey Oswald, who Truly identified as an employee and was soon allowed to leave the building were he would take a taxi back to his boarding room in Dallas. Their error in letting Oswald leave would soon become clear when Officer J.D. Tippit was shot and killed while approaching Oswald who resembled the description of the shooter given by witnesses. Just 30 minutes later Oswald would be in custody after a shootout at a movie theatre where Oswald had barricaded himself in. Immediately questions about the motive would arise however to this day Oswald has denied any involvement despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. While describing himself as a "marxist not a communist" suspicion turned to communist agents and the USSR, however investigation thus far seems to indicate Oswald acted alone and not as part of a broader conspiracy as Oswald has shown a history of mental instability including multiple court martials as a U.S. Marine and a defection to the USSR before deciding to return to the United States, in addition authorities now believe Oswald had previously unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate General Edwin Walker (a known segregationist and critic of Kennedy). Nonetheless this chapter of John F. Kennedy's presidency would go down in history as one of the closest to success assassination attempts on a U.S. President.
Would-be assassin of President Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald
submitted by RowdyFortnite to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:26 Marco6D9One Favorite Factions

There are plenty of factions in Arknights, but what are the community's favorites? In my case, I won't include RI in my top 5 of factions because, well, that's an obvious choice. So here's my own 5 favorite factions:
1 Dublinn. Oh, the Irish, I remember 4 years ago when we still double 5* banners and I pulled for Reed and Broca and fell in love with the depressed dragon girl, reading about the history of the Dracos, Victoria and her unusual Arts, hearing about this terrifying specter force, someone who looks like Reed and her still claiming to "be" Dublinn while working for RI all of that and her event culminated into her being to this day my favorite operator. Also, the fact they are victims of "the majority" and at the same time look down on the Infected brings an aspect of ironic hypocrisy that I quite enjoy, tho Eblana doesn't really seem to care about that, probably cause Reed is Infected. Also, I wish they had a white and red color scheme like og Reed's jacket and armband.

2 Reunion. The OG Antagonists, they gave us legends like Eno/Mephisto, Sasha/Faust, Alex/Skullshatterer, Misha, Yelena/FrostNova, Buldrokkas'tee/Patriot (RIP y'all), Lyudmila/Crownslayer, Ethan, Mudrock, Talulah, Big Bob and Nine. The original Reunion is quite a tragic tale of how righteous hatred can be weaponized by the actual people that such hatred should have targeted in first place and how people in power take advantage of the most downtrodden people and use them for their own goals. So, after the Reunion Saga ended and the original Reunion failed the rise of the Neo Reunion now with no strings attached and not one single person at the top of it leading it, makes them more than a former antagonistic force but a more "equal" paralleling faction to Rhodes Island.

3 The Iberian Inquisition. A much smaller faction compared to both Reunion and Dublinn both in numbers and in relevance however one I very much enjoyed reading. Let's start by the fact that the Inquisition is somewhat responsible for the current situation of Iberia and the rise of the Church of the Deep, the Inquisition is a very "the ends justify the means" kind of organization we need only look at what happened in Gran Faro years before the Stultifera Navis event to understand this, the Inquisition went there arrested, "interrogated" 130 of the town's Aegir populace even when half of them were not involved with the Church of the Deep. These kind of action made the remaining population of Iberia fear and distrust the Inquisition (rightfully so) but then for those by shores desperate to survive a wolf in sheep's clothing promises and belives to deliver salvation, the peasants who have no one to rely on fearing the sight of the Inquisition's lanterns turn to the cultists of the Church of the Deep for a way, a way to be safe, a way not ot starve, a way not to be alone and so the Church of the Deeps numbers grow. I was planning to make some comments about the Inquisitors we know but this is long already if anyone asks my thoughts on them in the comments I may respond.

4 Blacksteel PMC. Ah, our lovely, non Sarkaz, mercenaries, what is there not to love? Liskarm our underdog how she seems straight laced but if you listened to her voice lines you'd know how dorky she is normally. Franka Liskarm's partner(probably in more ways than one) her teasing and easy going personality in spite of being somewhat of a clean freak, how she is pretty savage with words and is pretty competent also she has a super cool sword. Jessica our crykitty just read or listen to Jacob Moreau reading Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures any comment I make on her character would be a disservice, it's peak. Vanilla... Originium Slugs... sorry I don't know much about you. Same for Almond ToT. "Clip" Cliff and his ideology is really interesting and how he got where he is, his dynamic with Woodrow is just... see my comment on the Jessica section? Yeah it applies here too.

5 Last and somewhat least the Crimson Troupe. They are super interesting while being super simple. They are evil. They want to do evil things and the greater the scale the better. They are lead by a (theorized) deranged Feranmut with no other goal in mind other than to cause The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History. All their members are deranged, violent, psychos who take in children to groom into assassins. They can be revived by their Leader even if they die(unless that was a hallucination), they can brainwash people and create sleeper agents. And they are one of the most literally and figuratively obscure factions in the game I wonder when the spotlight will fall on them again.
This was my top 5 and Ted Talks. I hope to see your favorite factions along with other comments down below.
submitted by Marco6D9One to arknights [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:17 IndustryMammoth5093 Where can I get a bracelet in Chicago?

Visiting for a few days and I wanted to specifically get a cute string bracelet that's adjustable as I've been collecting them every place I've visited so far. I know not all places have them but if anyone knows of something similar to the description it would be highly appreciated
submitted by IndustryMammoth5093 to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:17 BURNERSHIT8 AITAH for feeling weird about a comment my friend said to someone?

I (16) have a twitter account where I post art and stuff, and I am friends with multiple users, two of them being important to the story. Let's call them Jack (17) and Mel (Unkown, but is a minor). Me and Jack met through twitter, and we've been together for 3 years. I'm glad that I have the internet to find someone I love, but that wasn't the same for Mel. Mel was in an online relationship with someone who was dating another person behind their back, and was constantly jealous and controlling. When they broke up, Mel became very distrustful of online relationships, although it was hidden until now. Under a post about a polyamorous ship from the series Guilty Gear, they got into an argument with OP's partner about how it's 'fetishy' and how it makes them uncomfy. But then, during this string of events, Mel talked about how they wished for the downfall of that online person's relationship. Seeing this made me feel disappointed in Mel, considering they know both me and Jack are together in an online relationship, and the rest of the circle of friends we're in thinks so too. They're a very reactive person, and they're always passionate when it comes to things they do and don't like, but I think they went a little too far this time.
submitted by BURNERSHIT8 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:42 Haunting_Ship2923 PQ - MScript to call function once for every row in another Query and combine results into one table

Hi, I have a query which gets a simple table of RegionID and the region's API Code. All of the below is a simplified example.
RegionID (string) ApiCode (string)
98215 skdh821
37891 di82jdeq
Then I have a power query function called GetRegionInfo which makes a call to a 3rd party service we are using. (It's a query I added parameters too and made a function in PQ. It has 37 columns and anything from 150-1200 rows for each call) This call returns information per region given several parameters, among them the RegionID and the unique code for accessing that region by use of the API.
Now I want to create another query that uses the resulting table of the above query in order to call the function once per row.
Something like this:
regionID = "", ApiCode = "", tableVariable = null, For (int i = 0, i < regionIDQuery.rowCount, i++) { regionID = regionIDQuery[i, 0] ApiCode = regionIDQuery[i, 1] // Code below for completeness, but the 3 lines above is the current predicatment. if (i == 0) tableVariable = GetRegionInfo(regionID , ApiCode , OtherParam1) else tableVariable = Table.Combine(tableVariable, GetRegionInfo(regionID , ApiCode , OtherParam1, OtherParam2)) } 
The result I wish for is to get the results of several calls to the function GetRegionInfo stored in a single table that I then cleanup further in PQ before I utilize it in Excel.
Addendum: I have no control over the 3rd party system and have to utilize the API's they've given us, as such I can't simply send one request with a list of regions I want the data for.
submitted by Haunting_Ship2923 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:41 NoLimiteHater Brazilian first time watching Survivor Marquesas

Ok so no one responded to my Africa post lol but this is the only place that I have to talk about Survivor. My college is on strike so I've finished Marquesas much earlier than I though. Some people from Australia were interesting (found out a lot of them suck in real life), Africa was really good and Borneo felt the most real, almost in a found footage kind of way, but Marquesas was the one I had the most fun watching. Such a great season and in a beautiful place, geography has always been an interest of mine and I love to know more about the Pacific Islands in particular, it has such an unique scenary and culture
This cast was the most reality tv-ish, it was almost like Total Drama they seemed like caricatures of the people from other seasons, John was cartoonish villainous, Gabe talked like a 60s hippie, Neleh and Paschal were like Rodger and Elisabeth but Neleh is fun, Hunter wishing nothing but the worst to everyone, Peter and Zoe are the two strangest people to be on this show, Sean and Rob with personalities made for tv, also Rob has such a strong accent sometimes I couldn't understand what he was saying and Gina being constantly frustrated with everything. This isn't a complain, everyone on this season was memorable (except Patricia who I forgot was there), but it makes me a little apprehensive for the future seasons. On Big Brother Brazil after people saw how much having a good image could bring to them opportunities and money the new participants would start emulating popular players from other years and exagerate so much to the point that they didn't even act like a person anymore (what's worst is that people buy that they are like that in real life), and I hope that this will not happen to Survivor, it is a one two step for a show to prefer casting people who learned what appeals to the general public and put on a fake personality rather than authentic people, I think it will not because they don't depend on what the audience thinks to get further in the game. I really liked that they had a way different point of view of the morality of the game, it really surprised me, though for sure that they would maintain this mentality for a few more seasons. It had 4 key moments of "selfishly thinking" and winning 1 million dollars is more important than being loyal to this person I met 3 weeks ago: Rob and Sean voting out Hunter despite him being the "leader", Rotu voting out Gabe, even though he wasn't there to play the game, Neleh and Paschal not being content with 5th or 6th and going against their alliance and Vecepia making the deal with Neleh seconds after Kathy lost. I wanted so much for Kim Johnson last season or Amber on Australia to do something like that, go against the people you pledged loyalty when you know if you stick to them you will lose, and it frustrated me they didn't and this one had 4. The tribes too had a way more fun dynamic, I learned that I really don't care if a person is lazy or works hard on camp, as long as they are entertaining, last season I sympathized a lot more with the older Samburu members and now on Maraamu Sean, Rob, Peter, Sarah and Vecepia were way more fun. It still baffles me that they managed to lose every challenge, despite living on the beach with more food, having fire since the beggining and the tribe being physically stronger.
I think Vecepia is the best winner so far, she was so sneaky that she managed to be apart of three different tribes where she could survive at least a couple of eliminations, on Maraamu she wouldn't be eliminated before Gina, on Rotu before Rob and Sean and on Soliantu before Sean, Rob and Kathy, and after Neleh and Paschal betrayed Rotu she again was in no real danger until the top 4, Ethan had a similar path, I think he didn't even receive a vote to be eliminated, but it was easier for him, since he was in the majority the whole game, after the swap V was always out numbered and still found a way, also the betrayal on Kathy was so cold blooded I didn't even think she could pull something like that, it was the best decision, Kathy for sure would win, but doing it immediatly after Kathy lost she hadn't even sit yet, the best moment. One think that I though it was odd is the way they edited her, Richard was the only "main character" who won, but still Tina and Ethan appeared a lot and was always shown what they were thinking, nothing Vecepia was doing was shown, rather it was told by Sean or Rob in a confessional, I think she only started showing up after John was eliminated. This connects to another thing that it was so weird to me that everyone who was on screen a lot got eliminated early: Hunter, Sarah, Gina, Rob, John. After John is gone only Kathy and Sean had a lot of screen time and I though for sure it would happen just like Australia after Jerri is gone it becomes boring, but after they made like a "story for the episode" with Zoey trying so hard to pretend that she was never part of the alliance in the weirdest way with her friendship bracelets and telling Tammy she doesn't like her eyes, Neleh offering chewed gum to 6 starving adults and Kathy's decision of either siding with Neleh and Paschal or V and Sean, also I didn't understand the whole argument of Sean and Vecepia having an alliance, I got that they didn't but it was not like they would vote for each other, they just didn't say that but if it was up for Sean to vote against V or Kathy he would eliminate Kathy and V would do the same.
I only have two complans of this amazing season. The challenges still are boring, were they out of budget this time? On the other seasons the challenges were boring too but they always had some kind of structure for them, this one had flying kite, walking on stilts and making popcorn as challenges, which made me like a little for the absurdity, the slingshot, balance on the sea and coconut ones were fun. The other one is the new tiebreaker was so unfair to Paschal, not that I wanted him to win but it is unfair for him to be eliminated on a tribal counsil he didn't even receive a vote
submitted by NoLimiteHater to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:46 softtechhubus How to Enhance Your Global Reach Using WordPress International SEO Tips

How to Enhance Your Global Reach Using WordPress International SEO Tips

How to Enhance Your Global Reach Using WordPress International SEO Tips


In today's digital world, the internet has no borders. A well-optimized website can attract an audience from all over the world with the right international SEO strategies. For many businesses, expanding their reach globally opens up huge opportunities for growth. WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems powering millions of websites internationally. Its flexibility and extensive selection of plugins make it highly suitable for performing SEO on a global scale.
This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of using WordPress for international SEO. We will explore the key considerations and best practices to enhance your website's visibility across different countries and languages. You will learn actionable tips and techniques for conducting keyword research, optimizing content, implementing the necessary technical elements and utilizing plugins to drive qualified traffic from global markets. Case studies will demonstrate real-world examples of using international SEO to boost business and brand awareness worldwide.
By following the strategies discussed in this guide, you can effectively utilize the power of WordPress to reach new audiences and expand your customer base globally. Let's get started!

Importance of Global Traffic for Business Growth

Before delving into the international SEO tactics, it's important to understand why global reach matters for growing your business:

Expanding Reach

Targeting an international audience significantly expands your potential customer base. With the internet removing geographical barriers, you can promote your products or services to a much larger pool of prospects worldwide.

Increasing Revenue

An international customer base translates to higher revenue streams. Each additional country you penetrate opens up new markets where people are willing to buy your offerings. Over time, global traffic can exponentially boost your earnings.

Building Brand Awareness

By gaining visibility across different regions, your brand is introduced to a widespread global demographic. This helps establish your authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of international users. Increased awareness leads to more backlinks, social shares and organic traffic.

Overview of WordPress and Its Global Capabilities

WordPress is an open-source content management system with a 30% market share of all sites worldwide. Its immense flexibility and continuously evolving features through plugins make it highly customizable for global needs. Some key advantages of WordPress for international SEO include:
  • Multilingual capabilities: WordPress has built-in support for multilingual and RTL (right-to-left) languages. Plugins facilitate translation of content and interfaces.
  • Scalability: WordPress can dynamically adapt to traffic spikes from multiple countries without performance issues. Its architecture is optimized for high volumes.
  • User-friendly: Its user-friendly interface promotes participation globally. Users can create and manage sites intuitively without technical expertise.
  • Open-source: WordPress is community-driven with constant updates based on user needs. Its transparent development process aligns with international standards.
  • SEO-friendly: WordPress outputs clean, optimized code to please search engines. Plugins streamline technical SEO tasks like sitemaps, XML, etc.
  • Support ecosystem: WordPress has a vast online support community and documentation. Help is available for issues faced during international expansion.
Overall, WordPress makes website globalization easy with built-in and third-party tools addressing language barriers, technical SEO, and international best practices. Let's explore this in-depth.

Understanding International SEO

International SEO requires adapting strategies to each target country or region based on localized needs. It differs from local SEO in key ways:

What is International SEO?

SEO tailored for different countries and languages beyond your local market. It involves analyzing search behavior globally and optimizing websites accordingly.

Differences Between Local and International SEO

Local SEO focuses on a single location or market. International SEO deals with expanding visibility to foreign audiences worldwide. Significant keyword, content and technical adjustments are needed to rank internationally.

Benefits of International SEO

  • Reaches a widespread global audience
  • Enhances visibility in search results seen worldwide
  • Grows brand awareness across borders
  • Increases qualified traffic and sales internationally
  • Leverages latest SEO techniques for worldwide success
To maximize these benefits, it's critical to understand cultural differences in each target country to effectively connect with foreign users. Let's explore some key aspects to consider.

Preparing Your WordPress Site for International SEO

Before optimizing content and keywords, proper site configuration is essential to support multilingual capabilities and rank internationally.

Choosing the Right Hosting Provider

Select a provider with fast servers in various countries for immediate page load speeds worldwide. Ensure they provide international plans and multilingual support.

Setting Up a Multilingual WordPress Site

Install and configure plugins like WPML or Polylang to easily manage content translations and localized URLs per language. These handle language switching and technical SEO needs.

Selecting an SEO-Friendly Theme

Evaluate themes specially designed for multilingual sites and international users. Look for optimized code, translations support, and responsive design. Some top-rated options include GeneratePress and Astra.

Features to Look for in a Theme

Ideally, themes should offer:
  • Optimized page speed for global users
  • Intuitive design and functionality across devices/browsers
  • Customizable single and homepage templates
  • SEO-optimized meta tags and schema integration
  • RTL language support
  • Translation-ready strings and text domains
Having the right technical foundation in place sets the stage for keyword research, content localization and international marketing endeavors.

Keyword Research for Global Markets

Keyword research forms the cornerstone of any international SEO strategy. It guides content creation and technical optimization tailored to different regions.

Conducting Keyword Research for Different Countries

Use Google's language filters to analyze competitive terms specific to target nations. Compare search volumes and gaps versus your local keywords.

Tools for International Keyword Research

Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Keyword Sh*tter offer location targeting and multi-language support. Google's Keyword Planner also provides localized volume estimates globally.

Understanding Search Intent in Various Regions

Closely study top-ranking pages and queries around the world to grasp cultural nuances. Intent and information needs may vary significantly by location.

Creating a Multilingual Keyword Strategy

Group keywords by country and language into meaningful clusters. Assign priority levels based on difficulty and potential. Optimize pages and translations accordingly.

Adapting Keywords for Different Languages

Directly translating terms may not reflect local search habits. Consider idioms, synonyms and related long-tail keywords used by native speakers.

Localizing Keywords to Match Cultural Nuances

Account for cultural variations like taste preferences, holidays, celebrities etc. Mould keywords based on region-specific user behavior and interests.
Thorough keyword research lays the foundation for an effective international content strategy. Let's look at best practices.

Content Creation and Optimization for Global Audiences

Optimized localized content is essential to appeal to international users and satisfy their unique search behavior patterns and online habits.

Writing Content for Different Languages

Translate high-priority content accurately using translation plugins or native writers for authenticity. Convey the same message tailored to cultural sensitivities.

Best Practices for Multilingual Content

  • Use simple language and sentence structure for non-native readers
  • Ensure proper grammar, spelling, terminology depending on target language/region
  • Leverage localized keywords and topics of interest
  • Maintain consistent formatting, styling and branding globally

Importance of Native Speakers for Content Creation

Hire writers, translators and editors fluent in target languages to avoid miscommunications. They understand local nuances better.

Optimizing Content for International SEO

Structure pages with target country and language prominently mentioned. Consistently implement optimized:
  • Titles, descriptions and meta keywords
  • Subheadings and internal linking
  • Images, videos with accurate alt text
  • User-centered informative content tailored by location
  • Hreflang attributes and cross-linking between languages

On-Page SEO Techniques

Focus on established international best practices:
  • Keyword optimization and prioritization
  • Fast page speeds globally via caching/CDN
  • Responsive,translate-ready design
  • Multilingual XML sitemaps
  • Schema integrations
  • Addressing global technical issues
Implementing technical SEO correctly plays a big role.

Technical SEO for International Websites

Localized technical optimizations accelerate WordPress website internationalization :

Implementing Hreflang Tags

Hreflang provides search engines language/region specifics to index each version correctly. It avoids duplicate content penalties when the same page is translated.

What are Hreflang Tags?

Meta tags uniquely identifying page URLs meant for particular countries/languages. They appear in page headers like

How to Implement Them in WordPress

Plugins such as Yoast SEO, Rank Math easily insert hreflang tags without coding. Manually add tags via HTML editor or .htaccess rules if necessary.

URL Structures and International SEO

Use subdirectory or subdomain structures for each language versions, with the homepage at the root. Examples:
  • Subdirectory:,
  • Subdomain:,

Choosing Between Subdomains, Subdirectories, and ccTLDs

Weigh technical merits of each approach for your niche and global marketing goals. ccTLDs (country code top-level domains) aid localization but are more expensive.

Pros and Cons of Each Approach

Consider factors like user-friendliness, indexing speed, backlink passages and redirect handling for long-term international growth.
Plugins power up different aspects of WordPress internationalization.

Leveraging Plugins for International SEO

Several plugins simplify WordPress website globalization:

Must-Have SEO Plugins for WordPress

  • Yoast SEO - Content and technical SEO optimization for localized sites.
  • All in One SEO Pack - Similar feature-rich functionality for international implementations.
  • Rank Math - Beginner-friendly with modules for multiple languages and location-targeting.

Plugins for Multilingual Sites

  • WPML - Most full-featured for translating sites into multiple languages.
  • Polylang - User-friendly alternative to WPML with translation management.
  • Loco Translate - Streamlines translation of WordPress sites and themes, updates versions.
  • QTranslate X - Simple plugin for translating interface text and content.
These plugins automate technical SEO tasks while centralizing content translations.

Building Backlinks from International Sources

Link building expands organically when targeting foreign audiences:

Importance of Backlinks for SEO

Links signal search engine authority and popularity to boost rankings globally. International backlinks enhance international trustworthiness.

How Backlinks Improve Search Rankings

Links pass ranking signals based on anchor text and referring page authority/trust globally. Quality global links aid country-specific rankings.

Strategies for Acquiring International Backlinks

  • Guest post for high authority international blogs and websites
  • Collaborate with global influencers in your industry
  • Pitch local journalists and publications globally
  • Engage international communities and forums
  • Build links from international directories
Regular international outreach programs introduce your expertise and brand globally through contributor networks.

Monitoring and Analyzing International SEO Performance

Understanding metrics help optimize strategies:

Setting Up Google Analytics for International SEO

Enable location and language reports. Customize dashboards with geographic and multi-channel funnel reporting.

Tracking Metrics for Different Countries

View traffic sources, visitor demographics, top pages by location. Compare KPIs across nations.

Custom Reports and Dashboards

Evaluate goals completion, keyword rankings, backlink profiles by country/region over time in reports.

Using Google Search Console for International SEO

Compare keyword position changes across countries. Catch indexing issues and spam signals globally through Search Console.

Monitoring International Search Performance

Evaluate traffic from global organic queries, new backlinks, international impressions over periods.

Identifying and Fixing Issues

Troubleshoot technical errors or ranking drops using search performance data by location. Prioritize improvements.
Monitoring performance guides optimization strategy adjustments globally.

Social Media and Global SEO

Leverage social platforms popular within target markets for international website traffic boosts:

Role of Social Media in International SEO

Build brand awareness and attract foreign traffic by interacting with international communities on popular networks.

Enhancing Visibility Through Social Channels

Post native and translated regional-specific updates. Cross-promote internationally to expand reach.

Optimizing Social Media Content for Global Audiences

Tailor messages, hashtags, visuals by country interests. Schedule posts for prime active hours in every timezone.

Localizing Content for Different Platforms

Consider cultural preferences on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, etc. Publish accordingly.

Best Practices for Engagement

Comment and engage organically with international communities. Apply localization best practices consistently.
Case studies provide practical frameworks for success.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Real-world examples showcase international SEO impact:

Case Study 1: Expansion of a Niche Blog

A US-based travel blog achieved top 10 rankings organically in Germany, France and Spain within 6 months by:
  • Researching destination-specific keywords
  • Hiring local writers for optimized translations
  • Guest blogging on authority German/French blogs
  • Participating in international communities
  • Monitoring metrics separately by country

Case Study 2: Global E-commerce Store Growth

An Australia-based online retailer tapped international markets by:
  • Optimizing product pages in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese
  • Setting up multilingual marketing funnels
  • Publishing native country-tailored blog content
  • Building international citations and reviews
  • Tracking transactions from global traffic sources

Lessons Learned and Key Takeaways

  • Tailor all efforts to local search habits and cultural nuances
  • Start small, perfect one language/country strategy then scale
  • Continuously adapt based on location-specific analytics
  • Build international backlinks organically over time
  • Focus on localization, not direct translation for best success
By persistently learning and optimizing globally, international growth is achievable. Emerging trends also impact strategies.

Future Trends in International SEO

To future-proof WordPress sites, adapt strategies per evolving landscapes:

Emerging Technologies

  • Voice search optimization requires conversational content UX.
  • AI influences search behavior globally. Understand cultural impacts.

Mobile-First Indexing

  • Design responsive cross-device experiences optimized for touch.
  • Test performance from global user locations/networks.

Preparing Your WordPress Site for the Future

  • Monitor trends via seminars, think tanks for early adaptations.
  • Continuously improve site speed, security and usability globally.
  • Use latest WordPress/plugin versions for enhanced capabilities.

Staying Updated with SEO Best Practices

  • Refer international guides from Google, Bing, Baidu regularly.
  • Interact with global SEO forums and case studies.
  • Audit strategy against changing international standards.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Persistently tracking new frontiers benefits long-term international presence. Be nimble yet consistent in strategy.
This concludes our comprehensive guide exploring how to leverage WordPress for powerful international SEO success. Constant optimization guided by analytics helps realize global marketing goals.

Recap of Key Points

  • Understand cultural differences and intent globally through research
  • Localize technical, on-page and off-page elements by target country
  • Prioritize language/location-specific keywords, copy and links
  • Apply nuanced international SEM strategies consistently
  • Continuously learn, improve and scale across new markets worldwide

Summary of Strategies and Techniques

  • Perform keyword research, analysis across languages and regions
  • Set up multilingual WordPress site with proper plugins and hosting
  • Translate content and optimize pages for international searchers
  • Implement technical aspects like XML sitemaps, hreflang tags
  • Drive relevant global links and social exposure gradually
  • Monitor international performance through Google tools separately
  • Stay updated on latest international SEO standards and trends

Final Thoughts

Global growth requires continuous open-minded cultural adaptation. With patience and the right application of WordPress capabilities, reaching international audiences organically is highly achievable. Focus on genuinely understanding varying user needs across borders. Constant testing and learning keeps sites optimized to changing landscapes worldwide. International SEO paves the path to worldwide visibility, sales and brand success when done right. Best of luck with your endeavors!

Importance of Persistence and Adaptation

While international SEO success takes time, being consistent yet nimble pays off greatly in the long run. Stay determined through experimenting and optimizing locally centered strategies. Continuous learning from analytics and emerging best practices helps optimize plans effectively over the ever-evolving global digital ecosystem. With the right techniques and resources, growing globally on WordPress can be highly rewarding.
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Free Course Suggestion on "How to Drive Global Traffic to Your Website"

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2024.06.08 22:35 Dillon123 Mind is Buddha - Pt. 1

The Four Statements of Zen are:
Now this likely brings a few pertinent questions to... well, mind. (How fitting)
In Zen texts there are a lot of repeating "Mind is Buddha", and similar mind-pointing phrases. However, what is Mind?
I wish to use this post to discuss "Mind" (which will have to be the first in a series of 2, or 3 given the length required to simply dip one's toe in). I am going to use Chan master Guifeng Zongmi as a thread in this small series, so I thought it'd be beneficial to first provide this early paragraph from his work, the Source of Chan. It should help us understand what Chan is to Zongmi:
"[T]his true nature is not only the source of Chan but also the source of all laws (dharmas), hence it is called Dharma-nature. It is also the source of delusion and enlightenment in sentient beings, hence it is called the Tathagata-garbha (storehouse consciousness) . It is also the source of all virtues of Buddhas, hence it is called Buddha-nature . It is also the source of all practices of Bodhisattvas, hence it is called the mind ground . All practices fall within the six paramitas, with the Chan gate being just one of them, specifically the fifth. How can true nature be exclusively identified as a single practice of Chan?
Yet, the practice of Chan meditation is most wondrous, able to arouse the flawless wisdom inherent in one’s nature. All marvelous functions, virtues, and practices, including supernatural powers and illumination, arise from concentration. Therefore, practitioners of the Three Vehicles who seek the holy path must practice Chan; there is no other way. Even those who recite the Buddha’s name to be reborn in the Pure Land must practice the sixteen contemplations of Chan, the mindfulness of the Buddha Samadhi, and the Pratyutpanna Samadhi. Moreover, true nature is neither defiled nor pure, without distinction between ordinary and holy beings. Chan, however, varies in depth and stages.
Practicing with erroneous views and suppressing lower states to achieve higher ones is externalist Chan. Practicing with proper faith in cause and effect, with a desire for liberation, is ordinary Chan. Practicing with the realization of the emptiness of self and biased truth is Hinayana Chan. Practicing with the realization of the emptiness of both self and phenomena, revealing the true principle, is Mahayana Chan."
So Chan has its depths and stages, but we are told that proper practice with a faith in cause and effect is ordinary Chan. This surely follows what you may have read in recent posts on the "Wu" koan, and how Wansong offered a comment upon it saying, "...It's not just about whether the dog has Buddha-nature or not. It's about deliberately violating the knowledge of karma and its nature, being greatly aware of the past and cautious of the future, being careful at the beginning and guarding the end."
On top of "Mind", we also hear of a "No-Mind". So is practicing this No-Mind the same no-thing being spoken of when it's suggested one practices Wumen's No? (Zen masters do instruct to carry it all day and night).
How would one even practice Wumen's "Wu" or "No", anyways? Well, above Zongmi laid out that "practicing with the realization of the emptiness of both self and phenomena is Mahayana Chan." This seems to follow the sentiment of Master Miaoxi who said of the Wu koan, "It's not the 'no' of existence, nor is it the 'no' of true emptiness."
Let's return to Mind. There are two main principles, the immutable and the mutable. Hit it, Zongmi!
Just as true gold, when crafted by different artisans into rings, bracelets, bowls, or cups, does not change its nature to copper or iron, gold represents the principle, and its immutable nature under various conditions represents the teaching. If someone asks which substance does not change and which adapts to conditions, the correct answer is gold. This analogy helps to understand the principles and teachings of the entire collection of scriptures: it is all about the mind.
I would raise here a side dialogue about Gold, and Adornment, and the metaphors in Zen writings about this - but I need to wrap this post up. (Guifeng's work also points out that there are 8 types of minds, so our probing would need to go far too deep for what this post should cover).
The mind is the dharma, and all else is its significance. Hence, the scriptures say, "The immeasurable significances arise from a single dharma." However, these countless significances can be broadly categorized into two types: unchanging and conditioned. The scriptures only talk about how this mind, according to ignorance or enlightenment, conditions impurities, purity, mundane and sacred, afflictions, and enlightenment, with and without defilements. They also talk about how this mind, whether impure or pure, inherently remains unchanging and naturally extinguished, truly as it is. If someone asks, "What remains unchanging? What follows conditions?" The answer should simply be "the mind."
We know there is Buddha Mind and Buddha Demon. Linji said, "A moment of doubt in your mind is the Buddha demon. If you can realize that myriad phenomena have no origin, and mind is like an illusory projection, there is not a single atom or a single phenomenon anymore; everywhere is pure. Then there is no Buddha demon."
No origin? Well, Mind, like Gold, or Fire, transforms under conditions. Sometimes Buddha, sometimes Demon.
Let's end with an illustration from the Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Zhanran:
Zaobai said, 'With one thought of anger, millions of gates of obstacles open. Those who cultivate the bodhisattva path must be cautious not to arouse anger. If there's even a trace of anger, there will be a corresponding increase in the power of anger and demons. After death, there will be blessings that transform into the great powerful demon king, and one will fall into the three paths again. It's said that with the arousal of anger, one's cultivation may further empower demons.'
The teacher said, 'Indeed, there is. In the Avatamsaka Sutra, Bodhisattvas of the Ten Dwellings, Ten Practices, Ten Directions, and Ten Stages each possess the power and protection of a Tathagata. This is the meaning of their respective stages.'
'If this is so, then what is the difference between Buddha and demon fruits, and how can they provide such power to people?'
The teacher replied, 'They are not external things but the power of one's mind. It's just like how people use fire to burn houses, cook food, or refine elixirs. Each use of fire naturally has its accompanying wind power to assist, completing the task. Burning houses is evil, cooking food is righteous, refining elixirs is the Dao. Wind and fire do not discriminate, yet they can succeed or fail according to the task. Similarly, Buddha and demons do not discriminate, yet they follow the mind's judgment of right and wrong. By using the wind to ignite fire, actions are completed by the mind, which are not separate. Thus, if one doesn't guard the true nature of Reality, letting it mature naturally, people do not understand their own minds, often swayed by circumstances. Demons take advantage of this, leading them into evil paths, all due to not realizing one's inherent Buddha nature, lacking self-control, and being controlled by external influences. How can demons and Buddhas say the same? In this way, what you said about blessings being indispensable, whether it's believable or not, is something to be pondered upon.
submitted by Dillon123 to zen [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:00 WiseKitsune195 [FC][Light][Twintania] Raiders of the Snark - Casual FC looking for new members!

Meet the Raiders of the Snark! Are you 18+? Looking for a community that's just chill and wants to enjoy the game with no strings attached? The Raiders of the Snark are your best bet!
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What We Offer - A very friendly Discord server where everyone just gets along! - Weekly events where we play content together - Help and guidance for sprouts - Roulettes, just because roulettes
Our Base of Operations We have a Free Company house on Plot 21, Ward 4, Empyreum. Feel free to visit and have a look around, you may even find one of us there if you wish to say hello!
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You are also welcome to send us a tell if we happen to be online! - Aelia Nixvenator - Shozai Lomzai - Morgan Arda
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2024.06.08 21:00 Jus17173 Depth of Madness - Chapter 2 - (Edge of Madness Book 2)

Book One: Edge of Madness - Chapter One Previous Next
I could pretend to be a whore. That's what Masutap thought as she stood before the gate leading to the fortress of the Highlord of the Eastlocal. Pretense was a thing she indulged in back when she'd been an ordinary woman, with ordinary ambitions. But as of now, things had changed. Things had changed drastically, for she was now a champion of the Goddess of Order. A champion who would do anything in her power to mock the very being that fed her power.
Power, yes. It was what she felt. Every time her eyes turned upon the world, she saw Order. Like bees in a hive, working towards a similar objective. Survival. Yes, they all wanted to survive. And that's where the power lay, in her ability to deny a thing's chance at survival, for when her eyes flashed red, things died.
"Pardon me sir." A man dragging a cart of coal said. She was standing in his way, she knew this of course, she'd known it since the time he'd decided to deliver the coal. She saw the strings of prophesy in the smallest of things, and oh what power lied in discernment, to see the past and the future in absolute clarity, the secret lay in following strands of Order. The Highlord of the Eastlocal always received a cart of coal at around this time every fifth day. He would serve as her witness. Coal. She smiled, remembering how Orgeeg had managed to penetrate into the Palace of Binoria, on a stack of coal. She recalled how Orgeeg thwarted her plans, then she remembered how small her plans had been.
"Pardon me... Uh lady?" She removed her cowl as the Coal merchant spoke. Her hair was longer now, she'd let it grow, it dangled askew of her ears. Dark and rich as her mother's once was. Masutap smiled at the man whose face was caked in coal dust.
"Today Shama dies! Tonight the Highlord of the EastLocal is no more!" Masutap said.
Twin daggers she had strapped to her waist were suddenly in her hands. The coal merchant stumbled back several steps, dragging the cart with him. The sun was dipping into the horizon, becoming a smeared red smudge upon the canvas of her perception. Her eyes flashed red, and the smeared smudge's light brightened, blanketing everything, making her see.
She spun and threw the dagger in her left hand. The knife whirled in the air and met the throat of a guard who was just cresting the upper walkway of the gate, he wore red leather that marked him as one of the royal guards of the Highlord. A shout sounded. The guards at the gate turned their attention to her. They were six of them, each of them dazed with the slow reception of understanding. The bubble they lived in, understanding it enabled her to see how blind humanity is. Like sheep, no wonder the Vigons ruled them so easily.
She was in their midst before they drew their swords from their scabbards. She drove the dagger into the throat of the first one, danced in a pirouette, thrust free the dagger and hurled it into the throat of another guard. Her hands were free, she curled her fingers into fists.
The Goddess Meena, Goddess of Order, spoke to her. **What is the purpose of this?*
"Oh, you'll see." Masutap said and drove a fist into the chest of one guard, her hand caved through the chest cavity, snapping the spine in half and emerging free of the Guards back. She paused for effect, the three remaining guards gawked at her. She pried her arm free of the corpse and met their panicked gazes. "Sound the alarm, you're too few to make me sweat. I need all of you. Gods! Come on you fucking cowards!"
Two of the three guards charged her, one took a swing at her head with a flat blade, the sharp edge missed her by a hair's breadth as she ducked. She brought up her knee and connected with the man's groin, raising him off the ground, legs held apart, face contorted in pain. He collapsed on the ground with a squeal akin to that of a dying rabbit. The other guard put on a stance of Grind, legs parted, right foot before the left. Knees bent. He brandished his sword before him, and the guard behind him ran off to sound the alarm. Masutap smiled.
He slept on a bed filled with whores. Talisi women with their dark skin and white hair, Remu women with their sandy peppered hair and copper skin, Binorian women with their blonde hair and pale milky skin. He was their God and they flocked to him in worship. He owned all of them, from the frailest to the most able bodied. From the smartest to the daftest. They were all his.
The Highlord of the Eastlocal observed the head of the Talisi woman resting on his thigh, her breathing was deep, her dark naked breasts rising and falling with every inhale and exhale. Five other women slept around him, each as beautiful as the last.
Of all the men in the realm, I alone am the honored one. Shama thought. He caressed his bulging belly with his pudgy fingers the size of sausages. His appearance did pass as grotesque. Bloated, balding with a cleanly shaven head, wide of girth and bow legged. Yet, no man has conquered the bodies of women as he had done. Women who lusted after tall handsome men. Women who sought capable men with astounding intelligence. They all gave in to him, none could deny him and when they did, well, there were ways to make them yield.
An orgy at noon. That was the gist of it, and another orgy before the midnight bell. Life was good, life was beautiful. Shama had thought that after the death of King Vayin Vigon in the hands of the infamous Kolotian, Ishar, that his wealth will dwindle, that his status will come down a step. That the might of Binoria will be a fickle thing after their first loss at war. But of course, this wasn't to be. The Queen, Dahli Vigon, had received the blessing of Meena, passed down from her father. As long as one with the Jojoh Meena, the blessing of Meena, still ruled, then things will stay as they've always been. Dahli had taken over, ensuring that Binoria didn't fall into anarchy, ensuring the Vigon name remained revered. The beautiful blonde haired girl was now the most potent soul upon the realm. How he longed to have her in his bed, parting those pale thighs sinuated with muscle. She'd become quite the fair lady. And her presence oozed power.
Shama wanted her but a thought kept his desires at bay. She'd frowned at him at the recent Highlords meeting with the throne. Apparently, his tastes and businesses didn't bode well with her. The selling of flesh, that is what he partook in with the zeal of a drowning man reaching for a floating oar. Importing women from all over the realm, some came willingly, others reluctantly. But in the end they all came. Their dignity thrown away for the promise of gold vigons. They filled the whore houses and men flocked to them in throngs, lining his pocket with gold vigons
It was his inventiveness that brought him to the top, the Highlord of the Eastlocal was once a position few envied. But his eye, trained in the art of commerce, enabled him to transform the east of Binoria. Creating a network that not only benefited him, but also the crown. And in so doing, despite her frowns and her reluctance to treat with him, she still couldn't voice her displeasure. Dahli needed him, she needed him for the coin necessary to maintain her position upon the crown. To line the pockets of her Legions. She needed him, and one day he will have her. No woman can deny him, and if they did, there were ways to make them give in.
Suddenly, the twin oak doors leading to his bed chambers flew open. The Captain of the Red Guard, in charge of his safety, Shang, walked in. "Highlord." He said with a bow, the women around him stirred. Outside, a bell started ringing, slowly at first then with extreme vigor. Something is wrong. Shang's obvious panic was clear to see. The opened door allowed him to see several Red guards crowded at the door.
"What is the meaning of this?" Shama asked, his beady eyes on Shang. An inhuman scream sounded somewhere within the fortress. Shama's blood chilled in his veins.
"There's an intruder." Shang said while ravaging through the clothes on the floor. He lifted a red jerkin, two sizes too large, the right size for the Highlord. He threw it at Shama and the Highlord hastened to put it on. He ignored the bewildered looks of the naked whores.
"Intruders or intruder?" Shama asked as Shang led him out of his bed chambers. Another scream sounded, closer. The guards at the door, seven of them, crested around him as Shang led the way.
"A woman, she's alone." Shang said.
Shama gripped Shang's arm, halting him. "What do you mean by this? A singular woman causing... causing... this?"
"She's..." Shang hesitated.
"Speak! You fool!"
"She seems to be inhumanly strong and fast. I only saw her fight through a blockade of my brothers, without a sword. She tore my brothers— the Red Guards, to pieces." Shang's eyes became glazed, as if his mind was replaying the mayhem he'd bore witness to. Shama let go of his arm. The trembling was taking him again, starting at the soles of his feet, up his spine around his neck to his hands. It had been so long since he felt this, the animalistic fear confounded on the existence of an unknown, an unknown that sought to see him dead.
"Captain, what is your course of action?" Shama asked.
Shang seemed to shake himself free of his trance. "We're going to take you to the stables, get you on the fastest steed and—" A scream echoed through the halls of the fortress of the Highlord of the Eastlocal. Checking everyone in place.
"What of provisions?"
"There's no time." Shang said. He drew a flat blade from the scabbard at his side. The Guards all around mimicked him, the rustling of steel could be heard, and there, at the Western end of the fortress, screams sounded.
Shang started a brisk walk towards the East end of the Fortress. His boots, soles lined with metal, clancked upon the ground. Shama shuffled close behind Shang, panting like a mare in heat. The Red Guards around him stole glances to their rear, sweat woven with fear formed a sleek mask upon their startled faces. And in those eyes Shama was able to weigh how dire matters were.
A shout sounded from ahead, bringing Shang to an abrupt stop. "How—" His words caught in his throat as a woman caked in blood and gore emerged from the bend linking the hallway they were in to another hallway that led to the stables.
She stood before them and spread out her bloody fingers at Shama. "Highlord, nice to meet you." She waved. "Say, I hear you can show a woman a good time and I'm in quite the mood for a good time tonight."
Shama trembled, the woman seemed vaguely familiar. The angles of her cheekbones , that nose, those eyes. She resembled Dahli.
"Moran and Jesul to me!" Shang commanded. Two of the guards behind Shama moved forward to flank Shang on either side. "Employ any forms, ensure I get close to her so I may employ the form of Awe."
Awe— the grappling technique that ensured the limbs were pinned. Shama saw Shang's ploy. He needed to contain the woman so Shama could move past them and head for the stables. Shama cursed himself for the design of his fortress that allowed for only one route to the stables.
Shang, Moran and Jesul raised their broad swords. One raising it above the head in a form of Rage, the other bringing the blade level with his face in the form of Pride. Shang lowered his blade and the guards flanking him charged, he followed close behind. The woman let out a cry that could only be translated as one of glee. She charged them.
Moran brought his sword down on the woman but she slid on her knees, allowing momentum to push her beyond the reach of his blade. Jesul thrust at her, raising his right leg and angling the sword downwards at her face. But the woman dodged, spun upon the ground on the small of her back and kicked Jesul's leg from under him. Jesul fell and as he raised his head he met with the woman's fist, there was a loud crunch as his face caved in. His hand let go of the sword as his body became limp.
Shang saw the opening and dived at the woman before she could stand. The woman spread her arms wide, welcoming. Shang pounced but instead landed on the woman's upraised knees, she grabbed his leather armor by the collar and flung him behind her and onto Moran. Both of them collapsed on the ground.
She stood up and smiled at Shama.
"Who are you?" Shama asked.
"I'm Masutap, the sister of Queen Dahli." The woman answered.
"Men! Turtle formation! Swords out, save the Highlord! Move you fools!" Shang said as he picked himself up from the ground behind Masutap.
The men around Shama compacted closer. Their swords pointing at Masutap who regarded them with a smirk upon her face. They inched forward, hesitantly at first, then with confidence as they saw their Captain pick up his sword. They all came to a stand still when the eyes of the woman glowed a fierce red, as if she held the Jojoh Meena. And Shama, the Highlord of the Eastlocal, trembled before her gaze.
Intuition, the immediate cognition without the use of conscious rational processes. It was simple for her, she dodged the sword thrusts and swipes easily. She turned either way, always beyond reach of the blades, always within striking distance. Her strength was a thing of beauty, somehow her frail wrists held the power necessary to crush a throat and crush a throat she did. She didn't tire, she didn't require forms of combat. The power of the Goddess of Order coursed through her veins and with it came rejuvenation.
The Red Guards pounced on her, seeking to put in place the form of Awe. But their efforts were in vain, she side stepped them easily, always on her feet. She saw an opening and like a river emptying into the Rankf sea she took it, delivering a punch to the side of a Guard's chest, feeling as ribs broke and punctured the lung.
**What is the purpose of this?* The Goddess Meena spoke within her mind. An ever present being whose words sought to throw her off, to calm the tempest raging within her. Masutap didn't want calm, she wanted fire and brimstone, she wanted Binoria to burn so their precious Queen will rule nothing but ash. She decreed this with a war cry, plunging into the midst of the Red Guards. She kicked two, flinging them across the hallway. One thrust with his blade but she caught it between her arm and side, she twisted the blade free of his grasp, gripped the hilt and decapitated the man in one swift motion.
She parried a strike to her left, danced free of two thrust then brought the blade down onto a Guard's head. She felt as the blade bit bone and she wasted no time in pulling it free. **What is the purpose of this?* Meena asked once more.
Masutap took three steps back to widen her periphery. "An inferno." She said as she flexed her sword hand. Suddenly, the Guard who was definitely their Captain, reached into the mass of clustered Guards pressed to the wall, away from her. And pulled the Highlord free of the men surrounding him.
"Form a blockade!" He screamed as he tagged and pulled at the distraught Highlord, leading him towards the end of the hallway. The remaining Guards blocked her vision of them. Like a fool she'd been too enthralled by the battle, allowing the Highlord to slowly slip past her, cocooned in the safety of the Guards in their turtle formation. He was making clear his escape and somehow, this aroused her, blowing upon an ember lodged deep within her until it sparked.
**What is the purpose of this?* Like a parrot, the Goddess repeated her question.
"An inferno." Masutap answered and lunged.
He was sweating profusely, his breath caught in his throat, causing him to choke on air. He followed Shang, feeling the Captain of the Red Guard's displeasure at his inability to keep up. They descended a flight of stairs, taking three at a time. He almost collapsed but the Captain steadied him.
"Not far now my Lord. Just at that bend before us." Shang said. They took the bend and ran clear of the fortress. The horses were just ahead, they rushed to them. Shama took delight in the open air. The stables were void of people, Shama wondered where the stable hands were. They entered the stable and Shang dragged him to the first cubicle on the right where a saddled horse stood.
Shama hastily climbed onto the saddle with the aid of the Captain. Shang placed his Highlord's feet in the stirrups and moved to flank the horse. "Lord." He said, fighting for solid ground that will enable his words to come forth easily. "It has been an honor to serve under you." Shama smiled but his smile proved too little a gesture to carry the weight or their current predicament. "Ride hard for the Capital, ensure the Queen knows of all that's gone down here. I will stay back and hold her for as long as I can." Shang concluded with a crisp salute. The Highlord nodded and with the guidance of his captain upon the horse's reins, they exited the stable "She is a good steed, see the mark of her coat? She can take you far." Shang said once free of the stables. A scream sounded from within the fortress, horrid in its guttural screech. "Go now my Lor—" Shang's words died in his mouth as an explosion erupted at the first floor of the fortress, stone parted, breaking as easily as a clay vase, the window panels and the glass set in place erupted outwards with the stone. Three figures tumbled free of the eruption, tangled in the air, twisting with the fall. They landed, the woman on her feet, knees bent and a fist pressed to the ground, the other two guards lay insensate upon the ground, their bodies a mangled mess. Shang slapped the horse's hide and Shama took of in a gallop.
The Highlord turned back, watched as the woman rose free of the debri and charged Shang. The captain employed a form of Grind but the Highlord's view was hindered by a sharp turn around the cobblestones towards the gate of his fortress. The blood and bodies upon the ground unsettled the horse, forcing its pace to be more hurried and Shama was all the more grateful for it.
She has the Jojoh Meena! Shama thought with awe as the horse broke free of the fortress in a quick gallop that had him bouncing upon the saddle. His thighs felt the brunt force of his escape but he could do nothing but hold on for dear life. This is what I'm reduced to, at the end of the line dependency thrives, in old age your children are those you depend on. I never thought I'd come to rely on anyone throughout my life. Yet here I am, depending on a horse to save my skin. He turned his head back and heaved a sigh of relief. The fortress was dwindling within his periphery, he had made quick his escape. Shama will live to see another day. And when the sun rises and sets, I will bring judgment upon the woman whose very existence rivals my own. Masutap. I will hunt her, she will know no safety within the realm, she will never know peace or a good night's slee— Something unnerved him. There, at the entrance to the fortress, a figure appeared. Following the path charted by his horse. She hopes to outrun my horse? He tilted his head back and laughed. There is faith and delusion and she seems to be enamored by both. To think her capable of outrunning a horse. What a fool what a— His thoughts halted when he turned back, his mouth dropped, his jaw hanging loose. Masutap was catching up, he did not know how but she was gaining on him. She'd been a speck in the distance, barely visible against the backdrop of the fortress. But now her features were getting more defined and her limbs, they were a blur as she pushed forward with inhuman speed.
Panic drove Shama into action, he kicked his heels at the horse's flanks. Willing it to go faster. "Run you fool! Run!" He was frothing at the mouth as the horse went downhill, cutting his view of the one in pursuit. He gripped harder at the reins and screamed, slapping the horse's neck. He looked back to see Masutap emerge upon the hill and start a quick descent after him. He thought about guiding the horse into the wilderness and thought against it seeing that a gallop won't be possible with trees in the way. His only hope was in outpacing her for surely, even one with the Jojoh Meena must tire. He hoped Masutap would relent, he hoped her bloodlust would have proved sated by the guards who'd met their end by her. He hoped that he would live to see the sun climb into the sky one more time. Darkness was setting in and suddenly thoughts of the sun and it's warmth sprouted a yearning within him that made him weep. He turned his head back, she was a hundred paces away. The horse was tiring, it's gallop lazed in vigor. This is the end then, all those afternoons spent indoors hosting orgies. I should have spent them beneath the sun, I should have spent them in the sun He looked back once more, his horse barely keeping pace. The horse threw a shoe and Shama was flung off it. He tumbled onto the ground, his weight rested upon his twisted knee, the sharp pop of the joint led him into an anguished wail. The horse screamed, its fore limbs oddly twisted. The horse thrashed upon the ground and Shama rolled away. He felt weak, he felt defeated and most of all, he felt hopeless.
He lay there, watching the sky, the moon was up, barely half of it adorned the night. He wished it had been full, all those nights when he'd regarded the sky as one would a thing of no consequence. Now he found himself wishing he'd appreciated it more. In the end regrets rule the mind, for in its dying wails no sound of gratitude can be heard.
She came and stood above him, her face blocking the view of the sky. She breathed loudly and for a moment the only sounds around them were from the injured horse and her.
"Dahli will come for you." He opined despite the throbbing pain within his twisted leg.
"Shama, darling," Masutap said as she lowered herself to lie beside him. She chuckled. "Darling, that word. The Goddess Meena loves that word. She uses it a lot. I find it distasteful yet here I am. Calling you darling."
"I have not time for pleasantries." Shama interjected. "Cut my throat and be done with it."
Masutap sighed. "That's not a creative way to kill someone you know. No, how many women have suffered pain beneath you? I have to give answer to that and that means a show. I will drag you to your fortress, there I will strip you naked and castrate you. I will feed you your cock as the women whom you took advantage of watch. Then we'll douse you in Rankf Oil and set you alight."
Shama started weeping. And a new voice joined the fray, he wept, she heaved and the horse screamed.
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submitted by Jus17173 to HFY [link] [comments]