Ed endings game

The Stanley Parable

2013.10.10 21:28 Becer The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable : Under New Management

2018.03.12 21:42 Haigen64 Satisfactory - A game by CoffeeStain Studios

This is a subreddit for the game developed by Coffee Stain Studios currently in Early Access.

2022.02.24 13:50 mrcullen Alternate Game of Thrones Endings

A place to discuss alternate endings for Game of Thrones. Serious, funny, and everything else in between welcome.

2024.06.09 23:42 willrsauls Who is the best prosecutor?

Just as the title says. The Ace Attorney series has a collection of recurring prosecutors and I want to know which one is your favorite.
For me, my bias really kicks in. I’ve only actually played the original trilogy (I’ve dabbled in the rest, but idk if they’re for me) and the original Ace Attorney has always been my favorite. Therefore, my favorite prosecutor is Miles Edgeworth. I think he does benefit a lot from being in that first game, so he can feel menacing and threatening, where Franziska and Godot don’t get the opportunity to make the same impression. He also does warm up and feel like more of a rival by the end of Turnabout Samurai before being hit with the cold brick wall of Manfred and I like that arc.
submitted by willrsauls to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:42 DM_Exeres Samurai Drip

Samurai Drip
I finished the base game and I'm making my way through Iki Island now. Every intention to do NG+ as well. This game is beautiful as well as surprisingly fun. I wanted to show off my personal favorite outfit as I'm nearing the end of the game.
submitted by DM_Exeres to ghostoftsushima [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:42 zA7Mz Rebooting Crash

Hi there fellow knights, My Pc reboots upon the ending of the opening credits screen (startup) with no error seen, and it does not even start that I can't skip the intro to the main menu I have sent a ticket to the main game website, and they sent me a link which didn't help at all, I verified and reinstalled, did someone ever face this before? and yes my pc can run it as said
submitted by zA7Mz to Chivalry2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:41 LilWillee Budget of around $1000

So, i'm looking for a prebuilt for under $1000, it can be over but only like $100 over. My main focuses will be gaming (GTA, COD, XDefiant, RDR2, occasional Fortnite) and editing (lightroom, photoshop, and video editing). I planned on going to MicroCenter at the end of the month to have them help me pick out parts so i can learn to build my own PC. But, I figured i could potentially find a really good deal on a prebuilt, especially with the help of you guys.
submitted by LilWillee to Prebuilts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:41 Aggressive-Ad7946 Onat (NACL mid) retires from League of Legends and talks about the problems with the scene in NA

Image is linked, please read it.
LS also gave his thoughts on LCS
"-LCS and Pro Play in general is rapidly approaching a period where only the best and most willing will survive. This means an unwillingness to endure bullshit like you've experienced here, already meant you weren't destined to do anything anyway because an unwillingness to play the very visible game that is already laid out. This happened in other games like starcraft, melee, dota, etc as they continued to age.
-You weren't making LCS for at least 2 years, 3 if you're lucky and thats if you stick it out. There is an unannounced/rumored thing that will also happen w/ LCS, and that will make it harder. Your goal never should've been LCS if you intended to do it in a year or something, and if it was, then you should've been playing the social media game way earlier on. You look at other NACL people and what it takes for them to come up and a lot of is also heavily luck related. A good part of that is also making your own luck, but it's naive to think you can "just be good enough", because what does that even mean anymore? You'd have been better going to brazil or something (which is also iirc the 2nd largest region in the world behind LPL, even ahead of LCK, and ofc I'm not talking about skill...).
-You're already about to be 24 and with esports winter getting worse and worse, why would you want to end up finally joining LCS at 26~27 and be on minimum in fucking California where you get fucked on taxes and barely take anything home at the end of the day so you can end up hating your life by 30? If your reply to this is "because I like league", well no that can't be the case because you're stopping due to very obvious roadblocks that happen to many people.
-Saudi Arabia league is probably going to become the best thing top tier players who can't break into LCS/LEC can aspire to now and that's assuming that it's going to pay well, if it is, then it's probably even better than LCS/LEC unless you're a top top elite player.
-I'm writing this reply not to sound or come off negative, but to try to stress that if you were willing to keep playing league on the off-chance that you got to play this NACL, then you should be willing to play for the other reasons I just mentioned above, because LCS was never logical for a myriad of reasons. If that isn't the case, then hopefully some of the things I'm writing here at least help with the ease of "walking away" because the situation is more fucked than you can imagine.
-Agree with your TLDR experience the first two sentences, but it's to be expected because there is no barrier to entry and non-experts hiring experts. "
submitted by Aggressive-Ad7946 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:41 killerrabbit007 Sinking items on ship build

Just wondered if anyone knows a workaround for the sinking items on the ship. I've done a lot of outpost design so I always do the 'save>leave cell>return to cell >THEN place items in build mode' method and normally this is fine.
However I've encountered a new issue with doing this on the ship.
First off: some stuff hilariously sinks down into the hab below (see: a massive planter that ended up in my engineering 3x1 hab not the bedroom I left it in).
Dropped 2 "pill bottle" items to use just now, and after leaving+returning to ship cell: one has vanished. It's extremely possible it's somehow "sunk" into an unreachable corner of the engineering hab bc clearly the massive plant fell down there too :'D That was easy to find though bc it's huge. The pill bottle is fully AWOL bc it's a small and white item in a Taiyo hab so it might as well be invisible and even with the scanner I can't find it's blue outline anywhere.
So: does anything work for this? Large rug under it all? Or table or something? I basically just need to "slow" the dropping process of the items during the 'leave+return to the game cell', just enough for the objects to still be catchable somehow. Bc after that they're all stable :)
submitted by killerrabbit007 to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:41 hallotest382 Newspaper bug :(

Iam at the End of Chapter 2. Only the last mission is needed. I bought from one newspaper boy the:
Saint Denis Times Nr. 43 Saint Denis Times Nr. 44 Saint Denis Times Nr. 45
Now I wanted to buy the newspapers from the other two publisher and tried to get into the city’s. I see the newspaper boy but can’t talk to him. I tried to sleep a lot and sometimes he isn’t even there, sometimes he is, but I can’t talk to him or buy. I even tried to restart the game. Heard this is a common bug? Anyone knows how to fix it?
submitted by hallotest382 to reddeadredemption2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:41 datplantdad (f4f) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ gaymers unite ~ Pokemon TCG (Live mainly, and the occasional cardboard when I figure out the right cam settings!

https://m.twitch.tv/datplantdad/ today I am testing an Ancient box deck! I really like the Ancient Pokemon from Paldea, especially the cool rainbow mountain art on the side, so I will give this deck some love! Come say hi, check out Pokemon TCG, and stick around if you are having a good time ^_^
If you like Pokèmon this is the place to be ☺️ I usually will be streaming TCG live and the occasional product break/ paper battles! I like to watch just about everything gaming-related, so I'll support with a follow and also watch your streams as time allows! If I do not immediately follow you, I will most likely do so at the end of my stream/ when I get back to a computer if I am not online.
~~ and Happy Pride , everyday 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️, drop what Pride events you are attending in the twitch chat, I went to DC so far, and then Baltimore next week!
submitted by datplantdad to TwitchFollowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 FancyFireDrake Yang in the Lostbelts Arc 2: Training and Talks

Between Esdeath and Ivan, for a while things hadnt looked all that promising regarding the groups plan to save the Lostbelt. But as the blizzard stopped, the thing that made life so harsh and survival the most important aspect of all, Ivan had proven himself to be surprisingly amicable.
The Yagas lifestyle, brutal and loveless as it was, was no longer needed in a world that could be warm. And with the Box (Yang still was pondering the proper name for the device) in place after the Lostbelts Tree was destroyed... their world was for now at least safe. Comfortably stabilized and in stasis until Yang could get off this planet and plant them on a proper world.
So the trio departed for the next target, this time by a matter of logic and reason. The various Lostbelts had been marked on the walkie talkie like apparatus Yang received with various redacted information. Suppsoedly to be revealed as they progressed. It made her wonder what kind of game this was supposed to be but any information could be useful. Each Lostbelt had different ranks of danger, with Russia being the lowest.
In accordance with the danger rating, their next location would be Scandinavia. A land where Ragnarok never proceeded as it was supposed to, with a Mother Goddess fused with Scathach as its Lostbelt King. And its Jumper being... annoyingly hidden. Supposedly this Jack Slash (Corax immediately wanted to kill him no debate involved after she learned of his name... something about Worms?), had talked Surtr into attempting to end all the world instead of only the age of gods.
Skadi was at least much more approachable than Ivan, greeting them like a mother would. Horrific circumstances regarding humanity in this Lostbelt aside, who had to routinely be feed to Giants at young ages, Skadi was elated to hear they could help, defeat Surtr and put an end to the Giant threat. She had guaranteed them her full support in every endeavor.
It was nice to have a proper room in Skadis Palace instead of having to hide out in a cave. All things considered things were looking up, even if a harsh fight was on the horizon. And what better thing to do than train? So she had done just that with Taiyang for the last couple hours. Corax mentioned wanting to discuss... something with a certain Mother Goddess...
Yang wiped away some sweat of her brow, drinking some of the warm tea the Lostbelt King had provided. She honestly hoped the next Lostbelts would be warmer this cold was getting annoying.
As they recovered some of their energy... Yang felt compelled to ask. "Say... how did you meet Corax?"
Tai coughed, having been drinking water at the time of the question being asked- his mind somewhat frantically pondered an excuse that would keep his extradimensional paramour’s secret.
“Well… she found me, after I joined back up with the survivors from my Remnant she came to visit our Citadel and we started talking”
Yang leaned back with an amused smile. "Really? She just popped in and felt like chatting? Well... I suppose thats how I met her and Sephiroth in Animal Crossing but still... What did you talk about? Anything in particular?"
“Well… she gave me a Symbiote- a piece of Quil it’s what helps me use this arm Flowey gave me without losing my sanity or just straight up dying.”
He looks over at her.
“Are you wondering who she is under the mask? She told me that she knew a counterpart of mine and wanted to meet me because of it, I took her to meet Pietro if you remember him? Your friend Penny’s father?”
So thats how she did it. Yang couldnt help but thank the masked woman mentally. Actions like that were an easy way to get in Yangs own good graces. Shed have to voice her thanks to the woman some time.
"Mister Polendina?" the huntress pondered the name. "I heard of him. Ive known what he looks like from studying Remnant but... I never actually got to meet mine. Last ive seen of Penny was when Pyrrha tore her apart on accident and I never left Patch before... you know." Yang gave an awkward shrug, quickly trying to change the topic. "He seems like a cool guy. Would love to know what he thinks of my tech. As for Corax..."
She clicked her tongue contemplating. "I guess... im just curious cause I cant really get a read on her. Why shes here or doing all this. My best GUESS is that maybe she is projecting some of her trauma and trying to make amends... and fuck me if that isnt a running theme in our group." she let out a small sympathetic chuckle.
"I wouldnt rip the mask of her face or something. She needs to deal with her shit on her own time. Just... curious for sure now how her RWBY visit went."
“Yeah… I don’t know the whole story as well, I don’t know how she met Sepiroth or any of the details after the fact- I just know Remnant went… badly for her to say the least and that she cares about you a lot.”
Tai smiled a little sadly.
“She can be such a gray blur sometimes can’t she?”
That made Yang blink. She... maybe figured something like that after hearing Corax voice in her head back when she took Sephiroths challenge. But to hear that this masked stranger cared about her... why? That was the question currently on Yangs mind.
What could she have done to deserve Corax care?
All she could tell for sure was that Taiyang seemed to care about her as well. Good grief what a Trio they made. Their little 'Neo Chaldea'. Misery loves company?
"...Good way to put it." she said with a small mirrored smile. "You probably know her better than I do and if she is a blur to you, she may as well be mist to me. But well... I suppose we just have to wait until she comes out with her own baggage and lend a shoulder for her when she needs it." Yang decided, unaware just what kind of promise she was making.
....Suddenly she felt like chuckling. "You know its weird... the way she acts... it kind of feels familiar. Or well not familiar but like... something I imagined someone to act LIKE..."
“Raven right? What you always hoped she’d be like when you found her back on Remnant? She reminds me of Ray sometimes too… they’re similar people in a lot of ways”
Yangs expression looked blank for a moment, Taiyangs comparison ringing true. "Yeah I think so. When I first learned that a 'Bandit' gave birth to me... I kinda thought of an 'edgy badass who takes no shit but could teach you cool stuff'. Guess thats what a brain of a 5 year old comes up with." she said distinctively... removed. The same kind of emotion and passion one would give towards describing the specific color of grass.
"Corax... oddly fits this idea I had in my brain I suppose. But considering Corax is around and Raven isnt... I fail to see any similarities." she stated neutrally and matter of factly.
“Yeah… I know what you mean”
Taiyang’s voice sounded… sad, he wished Yang had had the chance to get to know Raven back on Remnant, back before all the Ozpin shit.
‘Sorry Corax you’ve got your work cut out for you…’
Trying to lighten the mood Tai nudges Yang-
“She’s a badass though right? I never wanted to use a sword before what she did in the last Lostbelt now I’m wondering if she’ll give me lessons”
And all but immediately the passion and emotion was back in Yangs face. Gone the utter lack of care about Raven... replaced by what Corax had become.
"You can say that again! Shes treating space like it was paper. I don't think I ever saw someone THAT good with a sword its frankly absurd. I'm honestly surprised Ivan lasted as long as he did." she said with a heartfelt laugh... and admiration in her voice.
A golden blade appeared in her hand, brimming with the power of Ea and Rhongomyniad. "I ended up picking up on sword fighting when I saw just so many Items in Jumpchain not just fitting a brawler fighting style alone. Feels like a waste to deny myself of them entirely. But I am the first to admit that I still feel like a complete novice. You think shed be up to give me some training?"
“Well no harm in asking is there? Even if that doesn’t work out the two of us could train?”
Yang gave a small smile in return. "Sounds good to me."
"Honestly I don't really understand the issue here. You weren't there to fulfill your duties as a mother but now you are here. So what is your problem?" Skadi asked in a remote and secure corner of the Palace the woman standing in front of her... said womans mask in her hand and clutched so tightly her knuckles went white.
"The PROBLEM is that it took me until Remnant literally went to Hell to figure out I have *issues*. The problem is that it took me facing and killing the objectively worst mother in the Omniverse to even THINK about actually being a mother. The problem is that I can not even look at Yang without wanting to vomit out of sheer guilt." Raven said in exasperation. She had the absolutely foolish spur of the moment Idea to turn to a Mother Goddess for advice on her predicament... but it was increasingly looking questionable how smart that idea was.
Skadi hummed in thought. "True... this Ragyo woman really put shame on the role of mother. But you did good in ensuring she can no longer do harm. And I do not think simple absence means you are as bad as her."
"Its not just that I am bad its that I am the worst possible option at the latest time imaginable. I had my chance twice over, once when I had her and left and once again when Summer died. Summer Rose is her real mother and she COULD be that figure in her life. Now she has Aziza who is basically Summer but a cosmic level Pharaoh."
"You are getting too hung up on the idea of motherhood as some sort of competition." Skadi argued, a frustrating amount of compassion on her face. "But such bonds are not easily summarized or put on a ranking. All one can do for sure is love and be there for them. Do you love Yang."
"...Yes. It... took me a while to admit that but I do love her."
"And are you there for her now?"
"...Its not that I-"
"Are you there for her NOW?" Skadi insisted and raven sighed. "I mean... I think so."
"Than that alone means you have what is necessary to be a good mother. As long as you have these two virtues I would never judge you my child."
What in the world was it with people around her being so understanding? Seriously a part of her still wanted Tai to spit on her face when she first met him. It was frustrating in a very complicated way.
"I didnt exactly... HAVE those for a long time. Me and my brother... the tribe wasnt exactly the kind of environment where you make close bonds. I never really had a mother myself and just was too... afraid. Of Ozpins War. Of Salem. Of... caring. So when I had the chance I didnt try."
Skadi just continued to wear a gentle smile. "And yet your Semblance, this power rooted in your soul, manifests as a connection and gate to your loved ones. I believe your Soul is trying to tell you something raven. Something you yourself cant yet see... but I do and Taiyang does and I am sure if you let her Yang would see it as well."
Raven bit the inside of her cheek, brain furiously trying to voice counterarguments. "Skadi."
"Please call me mom."
...Right. Mother Goddess. "...'Mom'... what if it is just too late?"
"It never is too late to show someone you love them. Just as it is never to early to stop with fetishizing ones own sadness."
"But she doesnt CARE about me. And honestly that should be a good thing! Wouldnt I just be selfish if I make her deal with something she put behind her?"
"The woman she moved past is not the woman in front of me today isnt she? You allowed yourself to change Raven and dove into the unknown to be there for her. Mask or no Mask hiding your identity that is NOT something a coward could do." and just like that, raven found herself pulled into a hug, eyes widening from the sudden embrace.
"My child... you are so much braver and stronger than you think you are. I KNOW you will get over this and I can not wait for the day I get to see the both of you act like mother and daughter should."
...Such a notion fell somewhere between pipe dream and insanity for Ravens current mind. But being hugged by a woman that just radiated comfort... she couldnt bring herself to speak these words.
submitted by FancyFireDrake to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 shoe7525 Day 2 Master of Realms thoughts

Didn't get a chance to watch end of Lucifron/Wam yet
Meta notes
submitted by shoe7525 to aoe4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 ranc1 Social anxiety as rollercoaster (VI) - loops

Social anxiety as rollercoaster (VI) - loops
As we enter any kind of socialization - we will eventually encounter a conflict. With social anxiety our core problem is sensitivity to criticism and scrutiny from the others. We can observe this fear as pain from other people hating us and other people being angry at us. People can get angry at us and hate us when we say something that they didn't like, when we make a mistake, when we do not act in a way that they desire, when they have a bad day but they are afraid to confront the cause of their distress - so they use us as their punching bag. Whatever is the reason for them being rude - we will experience the social anxiety pain - and I would describe these pain issues as Loops inside the roller-coaster.
As I depict social anxiety as roller-coaster - we already enter into social situation with decrepit thinking patterns. Not because our mind is abnormal or lacking - but because in childhood we never learned to take care of our garden, of our machine. Nobody told us that our operating system has the Update button which we need to press occasionally in order to solve chronic problems that stifle and hinge us from operating. So we enter into contact with toxic people - without any healthy defense mechanism. All we have is childish set of defense mechanisms that we learned in ACE ACoA years: masking, people pleasing, conforming, fawning.
The problem is that without being aware how social anxiety functions - we will tend to blame ourselves for feeling panic and disgust and fear when around toxic people. If we enter into default therapy for social anxiety- CBT will also explain to us that our brain is abnormal and that we are causing all the problems with social anxiety - even though social anxiety is called anxiety triggered by society: social + anxiety.
Without learning the fact that conflict is normal part of socialization - we learned falsely through abuse - that all conflict is our fault and our responsibility. CBT joins into this false explanation and tells us that we need to prune and fix our thinking through the ABC method. In reality - if the other person is angry and rude - we did nothing wrong. We did not cause other person to be mentally ill and anti-social psychopath without empathy.
How can I know this?
Well let's examine the analogy of social anxiety through representing it as roller-coaster map.
It is obvious - that inside these loops (events when the toxic people trigger us into social anxiety panic) - that we end up with twisting ourselves into pretzel. Not because of our cognitive distortions as CBT explains it to us - but because the roller-coaster is constructed by toxic people - it is their game that we need to partake. Due to lack of money, due to need for money, due to family, due to contract obligation - we are forced to enter into roller-coaster - and then we will end up with loops - that will cause us to feel panic, disgust, fear. So how do I know that we do not have cognitive distortions in social anxiety?
Well -
let's see what happens when we ignore this loops.
Let's say we completed the Ludovico method from Clockwork Orange - which is CBT exposure - and not we have no cognitive distortions at all. Now we can face the social world without any fear and panic.
And look what happens in the loops :
Toxic people will punish us, especially if they have an ounce of power over us:
Analogy of social anxiety as roller-coaster loops
Each loop has punishment - if we do not conform to the external elements. The loop would be: self hatred, silence, idealization, obligation... If I do not hate myself - toxic person will make sure that I do. If I am not silent - toxic person will shut me up. If I do not idealize the situation - I won't be able to face toxic people. If I stop with toxic responsibility - I will be reprimanded in some way or another.
Other people will punish us - and this is how we end up with loops. They will exclude us. They will scream and be angry at us. Obviously - we need resilience - yet it is not so easy. We might get fired from a job - and if we live in poor country or if our panic level is to strong -we might not get another source of income. How are we suppose to live? The resilient part then means being resilient to the pain. Toxic people punish us in a way that we experience the pain. Resilience also means that we change our view on life- so that we do not try to accumulate money in order to impress other people. Then we can quit the rat race - and by quitting chasing money we will naturally stay away from toxic people who are drawn to the money and fame and fortune. Another resilience is when we chase fear of missing out or when we fall as easy prey to predators who pretend to have things that we seek - like friendships and not being alone.
I believe with social anxiety we run the roller-coaster with our eyes being shut or blind folded. We do not see what is happening and we instead are triggered by the impulses, reactions to the pain. When we feel the pain - we naturally seek the comfort and pleasure but we do not understand where from this pain is coming, stemming from. It stems from toxic people. Without knowing this, we will tend to believe that we are abnormal and inept and we will be ran by our toxic shame - toxic shame will force us to overcompensate and to pretend to be better - by showing off to the others, which means self sabotaging ourselves and hanging around toxic people.
These loops are not our invention - we are simply reacting to the toxic people who are in some kind of power dynamics over us. When we reject their ideas, they will mock us and we will be criticized. Because toxic people are unable to handle criticism themselves. The facts are toxic to them and they will feel pain when faced with reality - moral and ethical standards, which we have plenty of.
So each loop has punishment attached to it - as I shown in the sketch. This means - people control us via their punishments. This is called Operant Conditioning. And we are not aware of it. We think that it is our fault and that we are doing something wrong. Normal people do not control others. Sane people do not perform experiments on other people like rats. This is done only by extremely sick, abnormal and mentally ill evil people who feel entitled to do such things. Due to their lack of empathy. Their lack of moral and ethical standards. Due to them living in their grandiose fantasy delusions. After all - this is how narcissists and psychopaths end up doing criminal activities. Their own loops are based on fantasy and delusions and paranoia - the competition, smear campaign, in order to appear superior to the others. They try to fend off shame and inferiority.
We end up being guided by avoiding the pain. We end up being guided by toxic people. Avoiding the pain and punishment we end up on hamster wheel of worry and people pleasing.
The general instruction is to minimize exposure to toxic people cut contact with them - and to minimize influence of pain, and to tolerate the pain. This is common "advice". However in reality - social anxiety will happen when we do not have choice to choose people around us. We cannot relocate and change jobs every 5 minutes when we encounter someone toxic. Tolerating the pain will be impossible if the abuse is chronic. And we won't be able to cut toxic people off if we do not see another ship on the horizon.
So we need the construct - without it we won't find the grounding. The construct is only possible with our full Self, when we are confident - when we accept our flaws and imperfections and do not hide them anymore. When we do not mask our feelings in order to please others. Tolerating the pain would not be tolerating toxic people by conforming to them.
Therefore we need courage to endure the pain - but this will be impossible without the construct. The construct is text like this one - education in trauma and abuse. Construct is knowing that we are allowed to be angry. With CBT we do not have the construct. CBT tells us to expose. Without explaining the trauma. So what happens is we end up people pleasing - because CBT does not teach us to be angry, to have the vent, ability to create energy. Without it - we will end up with panic and inability to protect ourselves from toxic people, predators, people with severe anti-social behavior which is criminally insane.
Tolerating the pain along with tolerating the abuse as CBT instructs us to do - will get us accustomed to the abuse. At some point. Eventually we will have a burn out. And life wasted on toxic people and being slave to them. Social anxiety therefore is an alarm system that we do not tolerate the abuse. Social anxiety is an attempt to pull ourselves from the enemy soil. To stop investing in toxic people and to retreat. And this is exactly the Radical Acceptance and Nothingness - the only cure for abuse, toxic shame and inner critic. The only thing that we lack of is the trust in ourselves.
The trust in our brain. In our ability to think of decisions. The trust in our reactions as valid - as oppose to label them as pathology as CBT tries to convince us.
Because let's investigate - how do we treat ourselves when we are mistaken? How we treat ourselves when we make fool out of ourselves? Not good. The central idea here is to trust our responses. Social anxiety is an attempt to regulation, peace and Ventral Vagal - our final destination.
Our goal is to be natural. not to feel fear among people. That we act naturally - without hang ups, without worrying how we acted and if we embarrassed ourselves in front of the others with our comments, clothes, behavior. We need to trust our reactions and ability to handle problems. Without this belief we will be codependent and end with toxic shame. When we cannot rely on ourselves due to shame - toxic people will exploit us easily. All they need to do is to create hysteria and we will jump in to rescue them and to defend our honor, to clear our name - so that they do not think badly about us. Let them think badly about us. Allow them to hate us and do not do anything to change their mind.
When we try hard to impress other people in order that they do not have bad thoughts about us - we will create plethora of dysfunctional coping mechanisms - which all serve the purpose to please the toxic people. Defenses are narcissistic - because we try to control other people through these defenses, we attempt to manipulate the others opinion about us so that they do not attack us. And we believe that we are important to defend - yet in the same time we reject ourselves - we do not love ourselves at all. What we are defending is learned automatic response - that toxic narcissistic people taught us during ACE and ACoA. We end up with automatic toxic goals. And they generate layers of toxic shame of their own. Like virus in a computer, copy pasting itself. And these goals are these loops -
  • I fix others. I babble and offer my help immediately without scanning situation and other person not asking for help at all.
  • codependency
  • feel responsible (secondary responsibility - the first one is in our carts)
  • in survival mode
  • panic / overstimulation (2nd)
  • shame (2nd) guilty, control, manipulation
  • negative politeness and people pleasing (2nd)
  • prejudice
  • hatred, rancor
  • rejection of anything similar to pain (Hyperalgesia)
  • avoidance - (2nd) of toxic people and potential danger – appears as cowardice, avoidance is specific and defined.
  • shut up, self-censor
  • no ideas
  • no direction
  • defensive, reactive
  • competition, to appear better off, ashamed if loser
  • honor (leads to masking and pretending to be superior and strong)
  • perfectionism (2nd)
  • disgust
  • idealization
  • suppress anger
  • group think
  • inability to separate myself from others
  • ashamed of own looks then mask it (2nd)
  • Masking the flaws (2nd)
  • afraid what will other say or do
  • can't pause
  • can't leave
  • can't say no
  • making promises I don't want
  • proposing events I don't want so to fix other problems
  • self-blame
  • Worry, rumination what happened, what someone said
  • dysfunctional defenses
  • petulant BPD
  • jaded
  • amnesia due to amygdala hijacking
  • monotropism, monotropic split
  • autistic inertia
  • rational demand avoidance
  • sense of dread – general feeling
  • sense of dread when something is kaputt
  • when I state my opinion and someone disagrees – it seems to me like everyone is attacking me and everyone is toxic
  • Attachment styles avoidant-anxious
  • Spitting, BW thinking
  • Self Flagellation, self disgust, self hatred, self rejection
  • Egocentrism
  • social pressure
Healing the trauma means healing our toxic shame that propel us to overcompensate and to compete with others and to hide away our vulnerability. If we are in unfavorable power position where toxic person has the power over us to provide us with money and security - we need to stop feeling responsible for it. What they choose to do - with their punishments - is their own choice. We do not cause toxic people to be toxic. This is totally their decision based on their mental illness. There is nothing that we done to cause them to be evil. Being evil is their free choice. In ACE and ACoA we learned to feel responsible for the evil people - and we try hard to clean up their behavior and to make them shine and appear as angel to the others.
Toxic people with smallest ounce of power over us will harm us and punish us in order to control us - like vampire would suck the blood - they need the supply like any other parasite. They cannot stop themselves - and we need to understand that toxic people will not have a change of heart. Their whole system of thinking is messed up and they crave fame and power and influence.
Our job is to realize once we have the tiniest ounce of power - to break apart and leave. And to realize that social anxiety is exactly that - social anxiety is this power - to cut toxic people off. If nothing else - through becoming autistic in order that toxic people do not take our mind, too. I would stop with pathologizing social anxiety. Our social anxiety is the instrument as response to toxic people and toxic ambient that has some kind of control over us. As soon as we are surrounded by normal and healthy people - our mental health will improve too - and this social anxiety map is here to help us navigate where we are.
If we find ourselves being punished by others for not conforming to their terror - it is sign that that person is toxic. The problem is not inside us.
If we find ourselves from suffering social anxiety symptoms - open your eyes. Check and investigate people around us. Look for the clues. It is like mystery investigation, detective work to look for the clues and who has done it.
If we find ourselves being silent - start talking and check what happens as reactions to people around us - how they react.
If we find ourselves being hypervigilant and stiff - relax - and see what happens in reactions to people around us. Toxic people hate relaxed people and they are not shy about letting us know - to order and command us how to feel - that there is something to worry about.
Start by writing it down and then see the pattern - if this is chronic behavior. Remember what happened in the past when we stepped outside of our social anxiety roles and our victimhood persona - we were punished by toxic people in some form or another - usually through their criticism and complaints and drama and hysteria.
Up next -
let's investigate what happens when we do not have social anxiety map, when we have no education in psychology. And what are our constructs.
submitted by ranc1 to SocialAnxiety_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 Novel_Telephone9913 Laughter is the Best Medicine

Fluorescent overhead lights flickered loudly in a solemn office building. Chris was standing at the water cooler, and a discussion with Jimmy about last night’s basketball game took precedence over their laundry list of liabilities. They worked in healthcare, troubleshooting their organization’s medical records system, and a tedious day of programming preceded them.
“Tatum’s not going to win MVP. They’re not even gonna win the series,” conveyed Chris. He was a passionate spectator of sports, much to the dismay of his pregnant wife. He had devoted hours to watching games, and the dishes were dirty; their tasks were not tackled while she was growing resentful of his viewership.
Jimmy disagreed. “Whatever dude. Boston has it in the bag.”
“All I’m saying is that it’s a long series and Luka’s gonna go off. Everybody acts tough when they’re up,” remarked Chris with a sly smile.
The conversation dissipated and Chris quietly returned to his cubicle, a lone island in a metaphorical sea of swordfish. Having previously worked in retail, Chris had recently started work at the administrative office of Holy Hills Medical Center, and he was still a stranger to the culture that had been created in such a drab dwelling.
His job was feast or famine. There were two possibilities for his daily itinerary. He was either so busy that he couldn’t concentrate on each task, or he was so bored that he couldn’t stay awake. He spent his downtime utilizing AI chatbots for a variety of purposes; some for fun, some for work, and he sat idly while his coworkers tried to chat with him from afar. He was not one for conversation, and his colleagues had picked up on that.
Jimmy was an ordinary man. A stereotypical Chad, in Internet terms. Jimmy was taller than average, and he spent his free time drinking protein shakes and pumping gym weights. A childless bachelor at thirty-one, Jimmy’s charm was evident in every interaction. His study of seduction and charismatic nature created a perfect storm of a downpouring douchebag, but under the surface Jimmy was a caring man with a heart of gold. Ignorant to his own insecurities, which he hid like a married man hides his mistress, there was a teddy bear of a man inside of him. He saw the good in people and wanted to bring that out.
Jimmy was feeling chipper, having already taken a multi-mile run that morning, along with a hearty breakfast of egg yolks and chewy bacon. He glanced across the room at Chris. He was ready to strike.
“Hey Chris,” exclaimed Jimmy from afar.
Chris reluctantly walked to Jimmy’s cubicle, surrounded by their other coworkers. They all knew that something was coming from Jimmy’s loose cannon of a mouth.
“You know, I got fired from my job at the keyboard factory,” uttered Jimmy with a devious grin. “They told me I wasn’t putting in enough shifts.”
A loud chorus of laughter erupted from the silence, their voices echoing throughout the ominous office. An unusual volume, their amusement was amazing, and Chris cracked a timid smile before heading back to his cubicle, afraid to let out a real laugh for the fear of succumbing to his perception of Jimmy’s aura.
Chris returned to his work. He surveyed the room, and as he was coding a couple of lines, the decibels rose higher than a red-eye flight. The laughter had become contagious, infecting passersby like a pandemic virus. The cluster’s cackles were a weed growing tall and strong, a parasitic phenomenon becoming worrisome without an end in sight.
Breathing became a luxury for a growing group of jesters, including Jill, a young coder fresh out of college. She was a bright student with a brighter appearance, and Jimmy had his sights set on her. In between bouts of laughter, Jill said “That’s a good one, Jimmy.”
The laughter was swelling into something more sinister. Jill, hunched over with her guttural guffaw, grabbed her stomach tightly. Tears streamed down her aesthetically arresting face, and her smile was wide like a white polar bear.
As she gasped for air, Chris grew concerned, and her face turned blue. Panicking, she peeked around the corner while her coworkers continued to crack up. She looked Chris directly in the eye, and for a moment, they shared an elegant embrace as Chris pulled out his phone to call his wife.
Jill fell to the ground, and her body began to violently shake something fierce. Despite their worried words, her peers proceeded to chortle, and their chilling fates became untimely and unusual deaths. One by one, the lungs of the wheezing workers stopped, and twenty-one people died from laughter on that menacing morning.
Chris emerged among the carnage and called the emergency services, who cleaned up the scene and left Chris unable to finish his work. Under the circumstances, Chris left work for the day and headed home to greet his wife. He walked through the door with his shoulders hunched and his head down.
“Honey, I’m home,” yelled Chris, as he dropped his backpack on the ground and untucked his blue-and-green-checkered shirt. He received no response.
He walked down the hallway, which was adorned with pictures of family and friends. His stomach churned. He sensed that something was wrong.
Chris turned the corner to enter their bedroom, and his wife stared at him in silence, her grin widening and her eyes piercing his soul. She let out a wail, and then a worrisome laughter.
Chris was shocked to find that the contagion had spread to his wife as well. She fell over, grabbing her stomach and rolling on the floor, before a seizure snapped her neck and killed her instantly.
Chris sat down on the bed and spoke to himself.
“Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine.”
submitted by Novel_Telephone9913 to writingfeedback [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:39 Lucky-Ad-7183 Complaining about the game

Before anyone else decides to make more of the posts I've been seeing more and more often lately, consider the following.
Instead of freaking out in your post looking for help, and then also proceeding to be rude to people in the comments section, maybe word your post in a more friendly way. The "fuck this trash game" and blasting of CIG and blowing your top doesn't make anyone here want to help you out. If you just state your problem you're having and also find some patience, there's a lot of helpful resources on here and people willing to take the time to assist you.
Lasty, just because you spent a large amount of money on pledges, doesn't mean you won't have problems with the game, or are more important to be helped out while being rude. Nobody cares how much you decided to spend on pledges, nobody reads the disclaimer while purchasing said ships, it's your choice. Nobody told you to invest heavily in a game that's in current development and is subject to having game breaking issues as progress continues on its development.
End rant. Thank you.
submitted by Lucky-Ad-7183 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:39 Ace607585 My (23M) ex (23F), continues to reach out but immediately shuts down whenever I ask the tough questions, how should I interpret this??

Again, my (23M) ex (23F) continues to reach out when it’s been over 9 months since we’ve broken up. For context, we had an incredibly healthy relationship, I knew her family and circle of trust the same way she knew mine, which was really well. When we started dating, she stated “I am not a dating person, because I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone unless I know this is it”, and we both agreed on this stance, so we were in this for the long haul. Even living an hour and a half away from each other at the time, we both made the effort to make the drive and see each other. I started looking for an apartment because there were three reasons to, be closer to school (hour and a half commute 3x/week), job opportunities (closer to a city with numerous healthcare jobs in my field compared to a small town with one hospital and no PT clinics), and her. This is all important to figuring out what is going on between us.
She decided to end it after 8 months because she was starting her nursing career and returning to school this past January as well as I was in the process of starting my last year of school (physical therapy, which I have since finished) so we both had extremely busy schedules ahead. She was also questioning who she was sexually (I knew she was bi before we even met), so that also played a role and I was very understanding and supportive (if she’s not into men like she thought she was then why try to force it). So it was a very amicable breakup.
Now to the important stuff that leads to me needing advice/answers: 1. She continuously reaches out to me every 4-6 weeks. I actually predicted the last 2 times when she’s reached out and cancelled my plans because it makes me sick whenever she does. On 4 of the 8 occasions we’ve spoken, she’s been in a different state visiting her friends and she had been drinking, so is she bringing me up and saying “I miss him, I wonder how he’s doing” or have her friends asked about me and she’s checking in? It makes me very anxious because why would she or her friends be talking/asking about me when it’s been so long??
  1. The last time we spoke, which was yesterday, I asked her why she continues to reach out and that it’s frustrating that she does. She responded “I don’t know” and “Why”, to which I responded “Because you broke up with me, and I’m trying to move on and live my life, and maintain my boundaries and rules. But I’m not an a**hole either, so I’m going to respond”. All she said was “I’m sorry”, to which I said “don’t be sorry, just be honest with me. I don’t care if I get hurt, if anything I’d be relieved, but I need you to tell me”. I have not received a reply since, this all ended at 11:45 last night.
The advice I need is: 1. Should I assume she’s playing mind games with me? 2. Has she still not figured her stuff out yet? (She has told me she is officially bi) 3. Do I give up all contact until she’s ready to be honest and tell me what she’s thinking? 4. Is she trying to wait for a good time to restart things, so she’s trying to keep me close?
submitted by Ace607585 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:39 AleisterSaintSovak Installed a near mint Rtx 3060 and now most of my games and even browsers are crashing

Please keep in mind my hard/software knowledge is limited so things may have to be explained but I know some very bare basics. Anyway, I've been running a gtx 1070 gpu for about 2yrs but I got a buddy who sold me his 3060 because he was upgrading his own. But right after getting it installed I've been having frequent problems, most notably in games like Space Engineers and Helldivers 2, where I will ctd without warning. For SE sometimes it will tell me I had a graphics driver error that caused it and I have no idea what Helldiver's problem is.
I've gone and turned off my pc's standard overlooking in BIOS, made sure my cooling is alright and my pc hasn't gone above 70c even when chugging really hard, I've done 4 clean reinstall of the latest drivers through GeForce Experience and I've run the dxdiag tool and found no problems. My current theory is that since my psu is roughly 7 or so yrs old its deciding now is the time to start struggling when it was doing fine a few days ago or that maybe my cables in my pc are somehow getting fried. I'm at my wits end trying to find out my issue so assistance would be appreciated.
submitted by AleisterSaintSovak to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:39 Difficult_Map_9762 Day unsure of how many in a row now

Wish I had someone to talk to, in-person. And outside of therapy. Cannot afford therapy anyways because my insurance sucks, have to meet a massive deductible before they'll cover anything, so I'm alone to ponder and muse, figure through things and process, share, all those things. Even dropping of random thoughts in this place seems to be of no point. Have come across the comment once in this sub and other subs as well - reddit is not the place for this put it in your journal. Oh well.
There seems to be an ongoing and now daily attempt at a narrative of sorts. I'm back to journaling on my note app daily, and it's basically been the same thing for a little while now, almost like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, he's living the same day over and over until he finally gets it right, then finally wakes up to a new day. It's been weird, waking up to basically the same day over and over, but pretty good ones. Aside from being lonely. Wouldn't mind finding my own Andy McDowell but I'm kinda late to the game, most women in thier early forties are kinda....I'm not thinking there's a woman out there that's where I'm at now, just woke up to the same day over and over, finally good days, single and....certainly feels like I finally woke up.
I know that this disorder can change over time, and that you never stop growing or progressing, mentally, but there's a certain twinge. Of feeling robbed. This place I'm at was stolen from me, or never found it's way to me, many many years ago. A true sense of peace. Looking through a new set of eyes. Keep waiting for the day that it ends but it hasn't happened yet. I'm going fishing tomorrow give a crap less if I catch anything, perfectly content to watch the swollen river rush by. But maybe there's a mermaid in there who's in her early forties. Never know and pretty sure that stranger things have happened.
Maybe I finally found myself, or myself found me. It's beyond a stretch of stable, beyond stasis and stability, such an odd place.
But I do know that I don't know, right back to two years ago of not knowing what this is all about and what's coming after this. As far as why life is here and....fourteen billion years is a pretty long time. Took a while to get here and hopefully everything stays situated where it's currently at. Wind picked up a little while ago it's bringing some storm clouds with it. Wouldn't mind some rain today.
submitted by Difficult_Map_9762 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:38 garikek Lobby dificulty

It has probably been said before, but in the game(lobby) select menu you should also see the current difficulty of the lobby. It's so annoying to go through 20 different lobbies that are ordered at random every time just to find one that runs insanity difficulty.
We have a custom difficulty switch, make another filter for all default difficulties as well as weeklies. And idk maybe an option for all lobbies to be ordered in set ways, like from a to z (by host name), or by number of players (most filled first, less filled at the end).
Overall the lobby select screen is super frustrating. If there's anything to change menu wise it's that.
submitted by garikek to PhasmophobiaGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:38 Lost_Saiyan Proud of the way I thought through this play

I want to share the thought process I had during this play. It felt the same when I first learned to use 3rd active item a few years back. I was excited even though it was an unranked game. But players are ranked between Archon 5 & Ancient 1.
Here we go... I just respawned and tped back to my lane and all of a sudden I got arrowed. I saw Lion behind me so I wanted to do some damage to Mirana since she was harassing me a lot in the lane. So when I went for Mirana I heard Monkey's sound of jumping from the tree. Instantly I thought of hitting him, he should be low-level (He is a support monkey and was killing the couriers). Then I saw he was only lvl2 and proceeded to hit him. But my Lion died and creeps got agroweed towards me. I thought "I just respawned and gonna die again? shit" but right at that moment these things went through my mind "armor armor, under tower" and while moving towards the tower I thought may be I can kill Monkey without going under the tower since creeps gonna hit me too and my 3rd will proc. But "armor and tower hit" came to my mind again and I went straight towards the tower. Then I noticed my 1st ability cd was near the end and proceeded to hit Monkey again. Ngl that magic wand usage was not intentional at all. Somehow I used it in low health. Muscle memory I guess. Then I used my 1st and Monkey died. Instantly I thought "armor health, tower damage, ult" and I ulted PA :D PA died and proceeded to hit Mirana under the tower and my thought was "low lvl, higher chance of 3rd proc". It happened but got saved by Rain Drop. Here I didn't think about the Rain Drop though.
The whole thought process felt so good. I wonder what goes through the high-rank players' minds. I have had many good plays before but this one felt like the problem-solving process uplifted me a level higher.
MatchID: 7786297990
submitted by Lost_Saiyan to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:37 Lopsided_Bear3451 Done playing until patches

The longer I play this since release the less I like it if I’m being honest.
•Every match feels like I’m in a sweaty SBMM cod lobby with Timmy two thumbs trying to get his 50+ kills for the game.
•I don’t know what is wrong with TTK on my end. Sometimes it feels good, sometimes it feels like people are literal bullet sponges. 14 shots to the face within 10 meters with an MP7 to kill someone… that literally happened. I’ll blame it on netcode or whatever but hoping the patches fix it somewhat
•I know they’re patching it but snipers and bunny hop spammers are getting painfully old
•my teammates are window lickers when I play solo, I have to sweat like a cod pro just to barely win, if I get lucky enough to be on the winning team that is
•See first, shoot first, hit first (chest/head), Aaaaaanddd die first, then run a half marathon back to B flag or wherever the action is. I get in SOOOOOO many gunfights where it feels like if I don’t have scump aim getting only headshots, I don’t stand a chance in the gunfights.
•call it a skill issue if you want but I’m nearly 2k on average player rating, not a pro, but def not a shit player either.
I’m gonna keep my hopes up tho, and try this shit out again after the patches but this is aneurism inducing as it sits 😅
submitted by Lopsided_Bear3451 to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:37 FloppyPenisTuesdays Staying in shape was effortless in school because of mandatory gym class/phys Ed games. Why don't we have something like that as adults?

submitted by FloppyPenisTuesdays to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:36 ArminB03 20 [M4F] Pennsylvania [Chat] ~ looking for a girl to text and game with

Hello! I'm making this post in search of a girl to play video games with, text with, and maybe someday end up with.
At the moment I mostly play EAFC24, clash royale, and I love single player games also (TLOU, Tomb Raider, etc). I am open to trying other games as well. I play on PS5, and also enjoy mobile gaming. I am also a horror movie lover, so if you're into that, awesome. I enjoy taking walks in my free time and spending time with my pet bunny.
I am 6'1, slim, have green eyes, and dirty blonde hair. I am currently entering my junior year of college. I'm also a somewhat shy person, so bear with me. I've been single my entire life and dating has very much been a struggle for me.
Please shoot me a message if you're interested!
submitted by ArminB03 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:36 BlaiddWolf Bit of a rant

Okay. Just a bit of an annoyance. I recently came back to the game after a bit of a break. My favorite class are hunters. I go to make a new character to try exile's reach, choose a female night elf. Get into game and find out that instead of the actual class stater pet, you get a tiger? What the heck? The tiger used to be the panda stater pet. Come to look it up and they changed the panda pet to a turtle, which I understand, but since there are no tigers in Teldrassil. Why not use the traditional saber cat or even the classic cats. I think this has been said before, but I was really disappointed. I do have a question though. When does the tutorial end, so I can go to somewhere other than Stormwind? That is annoying also.
submitted by BlaiddWolf to wow [link] [comments]
