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2024.06.10 01:37 8thmiracle Has Roaring Kitty lost his mind?

This is what I see
Pre 2019: RK is a guy who is straggling in life. He has a wife and a child, his work career is not great and he rents. He is educating himself about investing and he has developed a very sophisticated approach (an aggressive version of value investing)
RK is a seriously intelligent guy with a degenerate side
2019- 2021 RK after exceptional analysis figures out that Gamestop may be worth around 20 instead of 5 and that the naked shorts who think the company is road kill are full blown retards. In the back of his mind he may be thinking that a short squeeze is a possibility. Also this is a period when retail investors/retards can coordinate via Reddit and buy a stock for reasons that transcend fundamental analysis.
In Sept 2020 RK has put around $40000 in GME stock and $120000 in GME calls
Things go his way in an epic way he manages his positions with great skill and relatively conservatively and in April 2021 he exits with $34,000,000 before tax.
2021-2024 The maniac probably through extremely skilful investing has turned the amount he started in 2021 into $210,000,000
According to his stream this is his money (not managing for anyone else) and it's his only positions. I suspect also no leverage as he is not stupid
Let us pause here in a span of 5 years he has turned $160,000 into $210,000,000
June 2024: He re-emerges with around $110,000,000 of GME stock
around $70,000,000 of short duration GME calls
plus $30,000,000 in cash
The thesis this time is what exactly? He is buying around 23 (market cap) around £7 billion at this level with sales of around £5-6 billion no profits and hoping for a transformation. Plus he likes Cohen.
This is just INSANE
The guy is 38 years old, has $210,000,000 in an investment account has enormous skill as an analyst and probably 40-50 years to compound his capital.
The rational thing would be to have a portfolio of 7-8 stocks and have maybe 20-30% in his best idea Buffett style.
In that way he is going to be a multi billionaire without a lot of risk given his skill as an investor.
So how the fuck is what he is doing now sensible in any way? Has he lost his mind?
These calls might expire worthless. What is the point of potentially blowing $70,000,000 on such a speculative way?
I just don't get it.
On the other hand he is sitting on almost $600,000,000 and I am not.
What do you retards think?
submitted by 8thmiracle to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:37 tke71709 Some more items to critique

  1. I went to an LGBTQ+ support group, I was honestly surprised at how unwelcome they made me feel. How was I supposed to know the + does not stand for plus sized?
  2. Anybody seen the movie Minority Report? Basically AI has people arrested before they even commit their crime. Luckily I have nothing to fear from the police because I'm not a minority.
  3. My life was truly changed when I learned that an emotional connection made sex so much better. I wish I had figured that out before I wasted two years in mortician school. PAUSE. I just couldn’t keep it up. PAUSE. My GPA you fucks.
  4. I was a little concerned when I first subscribed to OnlyFans and saw that some of the models offered a friends and family discount.
  5. Any Stephen King fans here? How about Lizzo? She is going to be starring in the latest sequel to IT. It’s a rom-com called PennyWise, Pound Foolish.
  6. Porn is more realistic than we give it credit for. Plumber showed up at my house for a service call. Told me the minimum was 3 hours labour for a service call. I was already fucked the moment he came in the door.
  7. I was a bounty hunter for a while,. Wanted dead or alive shit, then one day I was assigned Schrodinger's cat.
  8. I tried speed dating, stopped when I found out that I really don't like women on meth.
  9. I suggested to my wife that we try a strap on but once I explained how it worked she said it wasn’t something she could get behind.
  10. Anyone else find these comedy shows fucking exhausting? All these people come up here full of energy, still having hopes and dreams? Fuck them! I had hopes and dreams once too. I dreamed of being on TV being interviewed across a table. Aimed for Anderson Cooper but I got Chris Hansen.
  11. Did you hear about this creep committing indecent acts? The cops released a photo of him. I expected the quality of the pic to be pretty shitty but even I was disappointed. It wasn’t even a picture of my cock.
submitted by tke71709 to StandUpWorkshop [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:37 OkCryptographer9126 Do I have a case?

I recently had a bone marrow biopsy. Prior to procedure I told every medical person I do not sedate well. I metabolize the medication quickly and will wake up mid procedure. The reminder was placed on the first page of my chart. Nurse place IV in arm to use for sedation. Before procedure radiology sedation nurse noted that IV catheter was kinked and they attempted to fix it. They stopped trying to check if IV worked when Doctor entered room for procedure. Nurse gave sedation. I felt nothing, not even the medicine entering my vein. I told nurse I received no meds. At that point doctor was numbing around my hip bone. I said very loudly, "I am not sedated". Nurse said it's probably because I have a tolerance to the meds. I have no tolerance because I do not take narcotics. Nurse finally told doctor there was an issue with IV. The doctor began to drill into me. I yelled as loud as I could "STOP"!! He didn't stop. I felt and heard the drill go into my hip bone. Again I yelled "STOP NOW!". He continued. He took three samples. I was totally wide awake. While in recovery I told recovery nurse what happened. She was furious. The performing doctor came in and said he was sorry. He said " I was almost halfway through the procedure when you said stop." He added, " I had to make the decision to stop and make you come back to try again or continue the procedure and get the samples." "I chose to continue". Even after I said STOP NOW. HE made the decision and I got tortured. As I was being discharged the doctor approached me again and apologized again and he said "the lab told me I put the 3rd sample in the wrong container. We will have see if they can get correct results." Meaning I might have to come back anyway. I made a report the next day to patient advocacy. The results? It was a miscommunication. I didn't hear or feel him drilling and he said he did stop. What I heard was the drill backing out of my hip. If that is true, how did he get three bone marrow samples? He LIED! I have had a history of medical procedures getting messed up. That is why I advocated and told everyone I wake up early from sedation. The Radiology sedation nurse kept telling me I had a tolerance. I tried to tell her it's not a tolerance but a high metabolism issue. She would not listen and would talk over me. This ordeal set off severe PTSD and panic in me. They would not STOP. The doctor changed his story three times. The procedure is CT guided So it shows by looking at the time stamps, he did not stop. I didn't have a medical procedure, I was tortured and treated inhumanely
Do I have any recourse? A lawsuit? Please help. I still shake, even as I write this, remembering the sound of the drill burrowing into my hip. And the pain as it popped through to bone marrow.
submitted by OkCryptographer9126 to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:36 Complex_Notice617 Wisdom tooth extraction on the opposite TN side.

I'm scheduled for a wisdom tooth extraction this week. It's going to be a tough extraction because for some reason my last molar or rather molar #1 is right to the edge near the top of my jaw. I found a highly reviewed endodontist who has experience dealing with TN patients but he recommended pulling the teeth because it not worth saving as it "will never get completely clean" because of where it is. But I haven't been able to find an oral surgeon who has experience with TN patients under my current insurance plan, so I went with one that has good reviews. I am completely terrified I will have an episode and the surgeon will not know how to manage my pain. I am also terrified because of where my wisdom tooth is on the right (there is literally a tiny space between it and the top of my jaw) oppose to the left side (the gap is so much bigger) where I have TN pain. I also have 2 root canals on my top right I did in 2011 or 2012 that have to be redone because they both show infections. The endodontist believes there might have been a 4th canal in both the first person missed. I also have 3 teeth on the bottom right that need fillings. Let's just say my teeth are so messed on the right because I am afraid to chew on my TN side and have been so scared to go to the dentist because of all the post I keep reading regarding TN pain started after a teeth procedure. I personally believe my TN pain was because I got covid I couldn't treat because I was pregnant. (I got covid at the end of Dec '21 and my TN pain started early March '22). I currently have constant head, temple and ear throbbing on the right side because of the tooth or teeth pain. At this point I don't know if the pain is due to the reinfected root canals or the wisdom with the giant hole along the gumline. The pain was so bad in the beginning I thought I had TMJ.
Anybody have any good experience with wisdom tooth extraction with TN pain...or any tooth? Should I not risk having an oral surgeon who does not have TN patient experience? Or even going to the dentist for a filling with TN pain?
submitted by Complex_Notice617 to TrigeminalNeuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:36 SuitableRock [OFFER] I will give you a 60 day 1200, 2000 or 2800 calorie meal plan and a fully personalized training plan for 15$

Before we get to the offer I wish to give you some background about myself - My name is Dominik, I'm a personal trainer and a nutrition consultant, as well as a powerlifter. I have been doing this with joy for over 10 years now and wish to share that knowledge further on with as many as I can. I don't find it appropriate to advertise my pages here, but for those who want proof, feel free to snoop my reddit post history.
There you can also find my previous posts here on slavelabour that were all well received, which hopefully provides some form of assurance and credibility that I respond and deliver to everybody as fast and efficiently as I can.
Now back to the topic! I'm offering three 60 day meal plan variations - a 1200, 2000 and a 2800 calorie version. Each day of the meal plans is unique and has 5 meals, so in total you're getting 300 different meal ideas - no two will be completely the same. There are no supplements in the meal plan, so there's no meals like "1 scoop of protein powder".
These plans are made of natural foods that can be found in every decently equipped grocery store, with a couple of 'cheat-ish' ones to add some extra variety. The meals won't be complicated to make, nor won't take a lot od time to prepare, and only require basic cooking and seasoning skills. Every ingredient as well as meal has its macronutrient values precisely calculated to one decimal and of course listed next to it.
There are more complex, as well as very simple meals, and due to an easy to read design it's also very simple to switch meals up if you don't like certain ones.
If you only decide to only get one of the meal plans, It's yours for 5$, file format is PDF.
I can send you a sample day, so you can get an idea on how the full meal plan will look like and to make it easier for you to decide if you'd like it or find useful.
For an additional 10$ I'll also write you a fully personalized training plan for your physique goals. We'll go through a detailed questionnaire about your current situation, lifestyle, goals, injuries to work around etc. Based on the anwsers I'll write and send you a detailed training plan within 48 hours, including;
I always respond to everyone, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. I'll try to respond as soon as I can, but if I don't do it right away it most likely means I'm working with my clients or it's night time here.
submitted by SuitableRock to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:35 sameed_a how to improve logical reasoning?

You're going to get a kick out of this. Just the other day, I was out with my dog, Charlie, on our daily stroll around the neighborhood. As we approached the dog park, we saw a group of dogs gathered around a single tennis ball. Being the inquisitive creature, Charlie was obviously interested. But there was a problem - Charlie has never been the most confrontational pooch.
Here's where my logical reasoning - using the mental model of "First Principles Thinking" - came into play. Instead of telling my dog to "go get it," I started to break down the problem into basic, fundamental principles.
What was the core of the problem? Charlie wanted the ball, but he didn't want to confront the other dogs. So we needed a solution that would allow him to seize the ball without causing a ruckus. Well, what if he didn't have to?
I spotted a spare ball lying on the other side of the park. What if Charlie could fetch the other ball instead? He could avoid the confrontation entirely and still get what he wanted. It was a simpler, more efficient solution that challenged our initial assumption that Charlie had to fight for the original ball.
I led Charlie towards the spare ball, he ran off happily towards it, tail wagging. And you know what? Charlie came back happier than a clam at high tide, with his prize in his mouth. Thanks to first principles thinking, we avoided a doggie showdown.
P.S: This story was entirely fictional, created by the figments of my overactive imagination. But see how I applied logical reasoning there with the mental model? Now, imagine using this mental model in your life whenever you face problems. Maybe you'll avoid some dogfights too. Remember, not all balls are worth fighting for, sometimes there's another one just lying around waiting to be fetched!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:35 LeComteMC1 Race Report: Hatfield McCoy Marathon 2024

Race Information
Goal Description Completed?
A Run Yes
B Sub-5:00:00 No
Mile Time
1 10:58
2 11:11
3 10:58
4 11:06
5 10:56
6 11:26
7 11:52
8 10:44
9 11:17
10 11:16
11 11:02
12 11:33
13 10:59
14 11:14
15 10:58
16 11:20
17 11:32
18 12:27
19 12:21
20 12:12
21 12:03
22 12:21
23 12:20
24 12:13
25 0
26 11:31
26.2 9:46
Pretty slow running, PR for a marathon is 4:22. Trying to do a marathon in all 50 states, this is my 15th marathon overall and 8th marathon in the last 8 months. PR was in Houston this year and every race after has been slower, definitely feeling some fatigue between running and some life events.
Historically, I've been using Hanson's Running Plan for quite a while, peaking around 50-55 miles per week.
Most of my races have been around a month apart so I take one week of rest with around 10 miles of running, 2 weeks of around 20-30 miles, and one week of taper with around 10 miles of running. This race I came down with COVID 2 weeks prior to the race (didn't really realize it until about a week in). I did about 20 miles two weeks prior to the race and 10 miles the week prior at a pretty slow rate.
Once I tested negative a couple of days in a row, decided to continue with the race. Ran 2 miles on Thursday and then flew out to Charleston, WV Friday morning. Drove down to Williamson for the Expo which is held at Belfry high school. I had already registered for the race so was able to quickly grab my bib, but you can register up till half an hour before the race. Lots of super friendly volunteers! Essentially no expo since it's so small. They have a spaghetti dinner that is included in registration. They had spaghetti, salad, cake, and drinks including Gatorade.
For dinner, had some pizza and chocolate milk, went to bed by 9PM. Woke up around 4:30 AM, had a couple of slices of cold pizza and Gatorade, did my stretches and left for downtown Williamson. A small bus was driving around picking up runners around 6:10. About a 5 minute drive over to Food City grocery store. Honestly, one of the weirder starts to a race, starting in the parking lot of a store, but it worked out really well! The store opens at 6 so runners were able to go in and grab coffee, use the bathroom and stay warm if needed. It was about 55F so lots of us took advantage of that.
Started promptly at 7:00, about 170 running the marathon and about 110 running the half marathon. No staggered start since we didn't have that many people. Started running down US 119 with a few lanes blocked off with cones. Some rolling hills, but nothing too bad. Branch off on road along Blackberry Fork River. This is a two lane road and they don't block of the lanes so you have to keep an eye out for cars coming up from behind, but people are aware and drive pretty slow with lots of police presence. Lots of beautiful forests and mountains all around.
There were aid stations basically every single mile with ice cold water, gatorade, fruit, and other random snacks and such.
Around mile 3, a gentle hill starts but at mile 4 we hit the big hill and you go up about 500 ft in 3 miles and then drop that 500 ft in around 1.5 miles. It honestly wasn't that bad on the way up, after having running Atlanta and Asheville recently, I was feeling pretty good. Downhill was a little rough as I really had to keep the brakes on to prevent flying down the hill too fast and getting hurt.
Around mile 12 you end up on a back road with lots of dirt tracks, gravel, mud and running through some parks. Extremely pretty, though the gravel and mud definitely slowed my pace down. This continued till about mile 18. The rest of the way was back on roads for the most part. At 13.1 the half marathoners break off. There was a small hill at mile 23, honestly not the worst but hits harder than it should given how far into the race it was. Race finished in downtown so very easy walk to the parking lots. Not much fanfare at the finish line, there were some people dressed as a Hatfield and a McCoy to greet you at the finish line.
They had some water and fruit, but not much else. Really huge medal, pretty fun though! It was a great race overall, missed my target of sub-5:00 but still pretty happy with it since I didn't want to overdo it post COVID. One of the few races I've done so far that I would honestly consider going back for. There are probably more volunteers than marathoners and everyone is extremely supportive. You are running through very small towns so not a lot of people but a good number still come out and cheer. Excellent bang for the buck!
submitted by LeComteMC1 to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 smikilit Some tips for hitting sub 30 on 3x3.

Hit some new Avg’s today, after changing approach a good bit so I figured I could offer some insight.
Firstly, I’m arguably not sub 30 yet. However I just got a 28.95 avg of 50 (33.5 avg of 50 yesterday). Take it as you will.
It’s okay to have a sucky cross. You don’t need to make the perfect amount of moves in the perfect order with perfect finger tricks. Practice cross to improve the efficiency as much as you can, but it’s not the end all be all. Simply putting less focus on doing a perfect 5 move cross when I can easily find a fast 8 move cross that makes sense to me and is easy to remember allowed me to shave a lot of time off today.
Memorize the order of the colors however, if the cross becomes too complex for you to remember and you see a decent cross just matching colors or using opposites, it’s a good thing to default to, that way you don’t get lost, which is a much bigger time cost.
If you don’t know exactly exactly how to solve your next pair instantly, then go slower. You don’t need crazy TPS.
Look ahead is always advertised as tracking pieces as you go along which is true, but today I found that if I knew exactly how to solve a case then, before solving it I would find just 1 piece of my next pair that I knew wasn’t going to move. Max TPS solve the current pair, and then go right into looking for the 2nd piece for your next pair. This isn’t a true look ahead, but even if your next pair isn’t ideal or is complete crap, it stops you from pausing and wasting time trying to find the ideal next pair of look for 2 pieces. In my case, it has been faster to plan any pair even a shitty one, than to try to track pieces then try to decide which pair is next then decide if you need to rotate etc. Not sure if that makes sense. My whole point is to say plan a next pair, but don’t try to track the next pair while solving your current one.
Avoid the specialty Algs, and prioritize proper rotation, and absolutely basic inserts. It’s way harder to know where stuff is at or will be when doing sledges, or wide moves. Avoid them. Or at least I did.
Solve both R and L handed for F2L.
Practice cstimer 2gen. RU, and LU moves.
Last layer: Not much to say here. My OLL(2look) and PLL(1look) recognition is garbage.
If you ever mess up an alg or are really slow just spam it 5-10 times for practice.
Use cstimer last layer timer. Avg under 10 seconds and you’re good to go.
Take time to look for other ways to recognize algs.
Take time to learn some auf for your algs.
submitted by smikilit to Cubers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 AsherQuazar Week 1 launch lessons. What worked and what didn't

Hey everyone! I launched a debut book June 1st and I wanted to share some lessons I learned for debuting as a complete nobody.
The stats: I sold 22 copies (15 ebooks, 7 physical), got 568 kindle reads (about 1.5 of the book length), and 5 reviews. I hit the Amazon bestseller page for LGBT+ sci-fi a few times, so I am technically an Amazon bestseller!
Pre-game - ARCS
I didn't do any pre-order period because nobody knows who I am anyway, but I did send out ARCs 2 weeks ahead of the launch. I messaged 70 in-genre influencers, 5 got back, and 2 left a review. I expect a few more reviews to come later. A few made social media posts, but there was no bump in sales the day of the posts, and views were low. (If you're paying attention to the social media landscape, views across the board for small and medium-sized influencers are down).
I submitted my ARC to various Facebook groups and Voracious Readers Only. From there I got 1 reviewer who "doesn't do" Amazon reviews and a drive-by 2-star rating.
The rest of my reviews came from beta readers that I personally contacted. I did not ask friends or family for reviews because they don't read this genre anyway.
Lessons learned: Messaging influencers is a ton of work, and returns are minimal. They can be a good source of reviews but don't expect sales from their posts. Additionally, message them early; 1 month at least. ARC groups are mainly populated by people looking for free crap and a good half of them won't even download the file anyway (I tracked clicks). Some will read the whole thing, download your free novella, and then still not leave a review.
Personally sending messages to people on Discord, Reddit, and wherever else is the best way to get those reviews. People say you're not supposed to pester readers, but it honestly returned the best results for me. It seems that the personal element adds some pressure for them to actually write a review. Additionally, they tend to write better-quality reviews than total strangers. I'll keep you updated as more reviews come in.
The package - Cover, content, and metadata
My cover cost $1000+ and took 40 or so hours of my own time to paint the background, balance the colors, and format. This is going to be overkill for most authors, but in the LGBT SFF space, covers with 2 full-body characters are the standard.
The book took me several years to polish and went through two rounds of professional editing. I'm going to be honest, I don't think all the money spent on professional editors had as much of an effect on the final product as all the beta-reading did. Even the proofread was returned with errors despite that I went to a reputable (and expensive) agency. I've now found a personal contact who's an excellent proofreader, but based on my experience, the only person you can trust to do the job right is yourself. Take the time to do the boring work of learning how to use commas, hyphens, and all that, because no one will put as much effort into polishing your work as you will.
For Amazon keywords and categories, I spent days researching and debating. I ended up spreading my categories thin between sci-fi > dystopian, romance > vampires, and LGBT > sci-fi, but I think my most traction has come from the smallest of those three, the LGBT+ > sci-fi category. Additionally, I used nearly all of my keyword space, which got me added to several additional categories like cyberpunk, but after more thought, I realized that trimming off the less-searched terms and concentrating my focus was a better strategy. Additionally, I did use a subtitle, which many people recommend not doing, but adding that subtitle allowed me to rank first page for some critical terms like "gay dystopian" and "vampire dystopian" without even putting those in my keywords.
I set the novel price to $.99 for the first week to lower the bar to entry. I've since raised it to $2.99 to stay below my competitors, and I'll let y'all know how it changes sales.
Lessons learned: Spend those marketing dollars on your cover art first. Take your time planning your meta-data and keywords. A modest sub-title won't get you banned.
Post-launch - Social media marketing
I had big plans for marketing. I bought props, I took a week off of work, and I put my whole heart into it. All my social media efforts resulted in 46 clicks (I tracked this through affiliate links) and one sale--one sale of someone else's book, lol.
Here's an example of one of the several book trailers I made:
I really thought these were going to pop off, but for each one, I got negligible views on Instagram and Facebook, 250 impressions on TikTok, and 1k on YouTube shorts. You can also see that I have a number of low-effort posts on my social media, and they got the same views as my high-effort ones. TikTok especially surprised me, because I made far crappier videos 2 years ago and could get up to 10k impressions.
I think I may have gotten 1-2 sales from recommending my book on Reddit and 1 from someone I talked to in the comments of Instagram.
Lessons learned: Social media marketing is probably a waste of time for a debut. It seems like a place people go to follow you after they've read your book. TikTok is dead for most genres, but YouTube shorts might be a valid route. Instagram is best for static images, but it's a slow-build game. Facebook only works if you already have a network that's interested in your genre (but my demo isn't big on there). Again, any sales will be through one-on-one interactions with people. If you really want to try social media marketing, make bucket-loads of low-effort content. A video with hours of planning and editing will get the same views as a low-effort trope post.
Busting out your wallet - Paid ads
I experimented with Instagram boosts, Facebook ads, and Amazon ads. I didn't bother with TikTok ads or anything that was pay-per-impression. For $2, I boosted a few Instagram posts, which claimed to get me 8 clicks, but my affiliate links did not report those clicks, so I honestly think these may be a scam. I'm still experimenting with Facebook ads, so I'll report back on those later.
As for Amazon ads, I directly targeted about 250 similar novels and 400 key terms. Many of these books and terms are highly-niche and extremely applicable to my novel, but because they are so niche, they never got many impressions. Moreover, I could target a queer sci-fi vampire novel that is a 1-for-1 comp of mine, but if I wasn't willing to pay $.90 for a click, I couldn't compete with the general vampire erotica bidding on that spot. There was one exception, the category LGBTQ+ Science Fiction. General advice is that buying ads on categories is a bad idea, but all of my 3 sales were from this category. I also experimented with UK, Canada, and Australia ads, but they didn't return any sales.
For general statistics, I got 1800 impressions, 12 clicks at $0.40, and 3 sales. For the first three days of activity, Amazon wouldn't give me hardly any impressions, so I basically had to "earn" the right to pay for those clicks.
Lessons learned: Amazon ads on niche terms/books/categories will provide your best cost-per-click. Category ads for niche categories can be a good investment. I think when people search for a category, they don't have a particular book in mind, so it can be easier to close the sale. I've gotten clicks on competitor's books, but never a single sale; I assume the customer just bought the book they were looking for in the first place.
Final takeaways
So, out of 22 sales, I estimate 3 were from beta readers, 3 were from friends/happy ARC readers, 3 were from ads, and maybe 3 were from personal recommendations online. Where did the other 13 come from? My best guess is Amazon itself. My "customers also viewed" is finally getting into a place that makes sense, and I know I've got a super shiny cover. I wish I had more reviews, but I think the fact that the few I have are very detailed is saving me.
This leaves me with one final takeaway: The best use of your time and money is on polishing your Amazon sales page to a high shine. Perfect your blurb and metadata. Spend money on the cover before spending on ads. Create A+ content and a proper author bio before spending time on social media.
Also, remember that you can ask your betas or friends for quotes to put in your product description. Ask them right after they read it too, because if you come back a month later, they might never get around to it.
submitted by AsherQuazar to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 grilledcheese2332 The real reason they removed lead paint

The real reason they removed lead paint submitted by grilledcheese2332 to insanepeoplefacebook [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 AnarchyPigeon2020 How to stop sucking at cooking chicken?

I can cook literally every meat in the book except chicken. I can make to-die-for fajita steaks, amazing ground beef enchiladas, really good pork chops, blackened salmon, you name it.
For the life of me, I cannot get chicken to turn out well. And it frustrates the hell out of me, because it's one of my favorite meats, and it's remarkably healthy. I'd love to cook it multiple times a week for weight loss, but I cannot get it down.
Sometimes it undercooks. The thermometer will read 165 in 3 separate spots on the breast, so I let it rest, cut it open, and a spot I didn't temp check is noticeably pink, and now I don't want to eat any of it, just in case.
Other times it comes out remarkably tough to chew, so I assume I overcooked it, basically overcompensating for those times I undercooked it.
If I just do 6 minutes on a bare pan, the top layer sears to the pan and when I go to flip it over, the cut of chicken sort of falls apart. But when I cook it in oil, it comes out too tough and not tasting great.
Chipotle's shredded chicken is what I would call my goal. If I could consistently make chicken with a similar taste and consistency, I'd love it. But I cannot replicate that sort of chicken, no matter which cooking style I use.
Any advice for someone who can cook literally anything besides chicken?
submitted by AnarchyPigeon2020 to cookingforbeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:33 Dry_Description_2936 my uncle and aunt broke my brother

My (16) brother (M23) is an incredibly selfless person from a age he was the one protecting us from our drug and alcohol addicted parents on good days they'd just leave us alone which meant that my brother would be forced to take care of me and my eight siblings but on the bad days they'd find any reason to be mad and beat us, my brother would stand in front of the door way nake sure they would beat him instead of us. They'd use irons, bats anything to make us feel pain but my brother protecting us he would get the worse of it all, he still has a lot fo scars from it all but he has some tattoos that cover them up.
He never got any chance to have a childhood. And even now life hasn't gotten any easier, this last year has been crazy. He lost his best friend of ten years to a drug overdose, and only a month later we lost my little brothers both (M13), my cousin (F16) and my younger sister (F10) car accident a
All three of them ended up in a coma but eventually passed away one by one during this time my brother wouldn't leave their side, he never slept, didn't sleep or drink water. He'd only drink coffee and enegery drinks to stay awake.
And finally we lost our grandmother. She and my brother were always super close, and she passed away. After her passing things quickly went downhill from there. He couldn't sleep, he would've eat and I'm pretty sure he didn't take his meds that are meant to help him with his bipolar.
One day I came home from school and I found out that my brother tried to kill himself so he was sent to the psych ward.
We got to visit him while he was there but he wasn't like himself, he isn't really happy go lucky he can sometimes be like Wednesday Addams but he just looked so drained and dead inside. The nurse said that he had signs of burnout, a mental breakdown and psychosis.
He's been home for about a week now and there is no difference in his behaviour. He is still cold, distant and sometimes I catch him starring off into the distance. I can tell he feels very vulnerable position but he won't let any one of take care of him.
I'm gonna get to the point now today I came home from soccer practice to my uncle and aunt trying to get me to talk to my brother because they got into a fight. I don't wanna get into to much detail but it started over coffee and developed into them blaming him for the car accident.
When I went upstairs he was in a ball crying telling me he's sorry and that I shouldn't have to see him like this. When I bent down to try and comfort he moved from me quickly begging for me not to touch him saying that he doesn't want to hurt anyone and that he is tried of hurting people. I told that it was okay but before I could say more to comfort him he just screamed to leave him alone.
I'm not sure what to do from here. I called my godmother and she left about thirty minutes ago. She managed to calm him down with some herbs.
Do you guys have any advice or tips on how I can help him? Please please help me. Thank you
submitted by Dry_Description_2936 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:33 trappednjohnlockhell Outfit for Brother’s wedding in the UK in August

Outfit for Brother’s wedding in the UK in August
My brother is getting married in August at an old manor house in the UK. The ceremony’s attire is stated as being “fabulously formal” and the inspiration pictures were like a mix of old Hollywood and events put on by the Royal family where everyone wears weird hats, but like wears cocktail dresses. There’s no bridesmaids or groomsmen and there’s no set color scheme as far as I’ve been made aware. I already bought this dress and I love it. I’m plus sized so dress shopping is already hard for me, so finding something that I thought would fit the dress code and not make me look bad amongst the sea of my soon-to-be sister-in-law’s very glamorous and skinny friends and family felt really great, but now I’m second guessing myself and I feel like it’s not going to be good enough. I don’t have anyone that can help me with this. My dad seems to think he can just show up in his suit that has never fit him right and that’s going to be just fine so he’s no help. And my brother’s fiancé recently told me that she could help me get on Ozempic if I wanted, so I don’t exactly feel comfortable talking about how I feel in clothes with her. Any thoughts would be appreciated🙂
submitted by trappednjohnlockhell to Weddingattireapproval [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:33 thomasp3864 Discussing the Jacobite question on a case by case basis.

I think that too often when we discuss whether the Jacobites or Windsor are the rightful kings, we lump the whole British Isles together. I think that it would be interesting, and also more productive to break it down further. Often it seems that discourse surrounding the Jacobites focusses about whether a parliament can depose a king, and it’s kind of annoyïng. I think any discussion would be better served if we split the British Isles up into England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and, for lack of a better term, Southern Ireland.
Even if English Parliament can depose the king of England, that doesn’t mean that the English Parliament could depose anybody else’s king, nor can or could they strip somebody who happens to be the King or Queen of England of their rule of places which are not England, or at the time, Wales, since Wales and England shared a parliament at the time. That’s not how sovereignty works in personal unions. Furthermore, as is the case with any other insititutions countries’ legislatures’ powers and procedures differ by country among both republics and monarchies. In the case of monarchies, what exactly a given parliament can or can’t do depends greatly on the history of agreements between the king and his parliament, political traditions of the territory in question, and just how much power has been delegated to a parliament historically. The Estates General had very different powers and obligations from the Polish Sejm.
This means that we cannot assume that if something is legal for Scotland’s parliament to do, it doesn’t mean that England’s parliament has the same authority, regardless of the fact they were a personal union. Whether the King of England can be deposed by their parliament is therefore a completely different question from whether the King of Ireland can be deposed by the Irish Parliament, or the King of Scotland can be deposed by the Scottish Parliament. And thus, it could very well be that only some of the territories ruled by James (V)II had a political institution which had the authority to depose him.
Then, when we consider claims over France this gets even more complicated. Did England’s Parliament ever control the lands of the Kings of England in France? The extent of England’s Parliament’s authority to depose the King of France has an enormous impact if you take the position that he was legally deposed in England. Then there’s also the issue of the Channel Islands. The Channel Islands have been ruled by the King of England on the basis of them beïng also the Duke of Normandy as successors to William the Conqueror. Did any of the parliaments of the British Isles have the power to remove the King of England from beïng the Duke of Normandy?
With this in mind, I think it is fair to say that this is quite a lot more nuänced than it may seem at the outset, and it would be productive to consider the possibility that the correct answer to the question of whether James VII and II could in fact be deposed and replaced with William of Orange is a resounding it depends, as it involves many crowns with different domestic political institutions with varyïng powers, for all of which the question of “can they depose James II and VII?” should be answered individually, keeping in mind the fact that England’s parliamentary authority is founded on different agreemens and treaties between the king and their vassels than the treaties and agreements which surrounded the Scottish Parliament. Then there is the issue that Ireland didn’t actually pass any law to depose James, as well as the questions around who did or didn’t sign variöus treaties such as those of Limerick, and many other complications.
Therefore, I think it would be a good idea to have an open minded discussion about the removal of James II and VII as King of England, Duke of Normandy, King of Scotland, King of Ireland, and even the effects on the old English claim to the French throne, treating his removal in each of his three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, as well as the various other titles, such as Duke of Normandy by which the crown asserts control over the Channel Islands, so we can all come to discuss this in a nuanced manner because this is a much more complicated question, and you cannot just assume all the titles come or go together. Different countries have different rules for their thrones, and as it was one ducal and three royal thrones from which James VII and II was deposed, this means we have four different sets of rules to apply.
So I would like to invite anybody with thoughts on this topic to have a discussion on who could remove who from power and to consider how the various thrones involved differ. This way, maybe we can even bring in some new monarchists from among various parties which are usually dominated by republicans, because at the end of the day what matters more than who's the king of a country is whether the country in question is a monarchy or a republic.
submitted by thomasp3864 to monarchism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:32 Lavamad I just miss her

It’s been 5 months. I think about her every day, I still pick up the phone to send her messages. Take pictures of things that she would like. I didn’t really realise how big a part of my life she was till she wasn’t there… and I just feel like there’s a piece of my soul I’ll never get back. I haven’t told anyone in my family, but I feel responsible for her passing. Even though realistically there’s likely nothing I could have done. She had cancer for a whole 6 official weeks and yet somehow I can’t help but feel if I had been a better daughter I would have noticed she was sick sooner, made her go to the doctors sooner. In hindsight I do see that she hid how bad she was feeling for a long time, heck even the days before her death she was downplaying it. But I can’t help thinking… what if I did more?
submitted by Lavamad to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:31 unorthodoxapplehead I'm just ranting, I'm really pissed

So, the state of the game for me right now is, getting banned for 6 hours due to it crashing in the middle of pvp matches. Being put against people way better than me, constantly, lag switchers and idk. I feel like most players are going through it right now, lmaoooo I just don't want to feel alone, cause lately this game has been driving me insane, I'm genuinely thinking about quitting for a while. 5th year anniversary was actually fun.
submitted by unorthodoxapplehead to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:31 Electrical-Candy-347 Boyfriend wants a kid. I'm leaving him

I know a lot of people are gonna say I'm the asshole and that he deserves better and maybe they're right but I need to tell my story. I'm sorry if this is confusing, I'm a little drunk and English isn't my first language.
I (F21) met my boyfriend (M35) well now ex boyfriend at a photoshoot where he was the photographer and I was his model. Please don't comment on our age difference, it never mattered to me. I've always been super mature especially since I've been on my own since I was seventeen.
Ive never wanted kids. I made that decision since I was young. I don't wanna hear the "you'll change your mind, when you get older" I won't. I don't want my body to change, I don't wanna have to deal with my body getting bigger, I don't wanna have to give up my freedom and my job because let's be honest here women's careers so go down after they have kids. My independence means a lot to me and I don't wanna lose that.
My ex however is the exact opposite. He wanted a family and even though I always made it clear to him that I don't want that he didn't mind.
But ever since he turned thirty five back in January things started to change. He started to give me ultimatums about having kids and he said he at least wanted to try, I begrudgingly agreed. I went off birth control but quickly went back on for many reasons, when I went off it I got insanely depressed, my skin got really bad and my periods came back when I told him that I needed to get back on he kept on argued and told me that he needs to start having kids now because he isn't getting any younger. I don't mind being the provider of our relationship. I love my job and I love being able to spoil the man I love but my job isn't possible while pregnant and while I'm post partum and someone is gonna need to work to keep up with the stuff I pay for.
I understood but he currently lost his job as a photographer and I'm the breadwinner. I make a lot of money so I can support the two of us. I tried to explain to him that I will not have a child until he gets a job that makes more or the same amount as me because I like my lifestyle and I don't wanna my "child" to suffer in poverty like I had too.
He finally agreed and I decided to get an IUD just incase. I didn't tell him, which yes is a bitchy move but I honestly don't care. We are not married and I don't owe to tell him that.
During this time he would start getting really controlling about the outfits I could wear, the photoshoots I could do and so many parts of my life like friends and how many parties I could go to, if I ever I said no he'd say I was crossing his boundaries.
Yesterday everything blew up more then I could imagine. I came back home late from a long photoshoot to my boyfriend sitting on the couch angrily starring at me. He started to yell about how I'm whore and a liar because I booked the UID appointment without his permission and I reminded him of a our deal that he needs to get a high paying job and that when he threw a empty bear can at my direction saying that I don't need to remind how I'm doing better then him because I decided to whore myself for money.
That's when I had enough and I told him that he doesn't need to stay with me and that I'm sure he can find any woman out there who will be more than happy to have kids with a low salary. He responded by throwing a black box at me that had a small ring in it saying that I lost the opportunity to get married. I told him that we both agreed that we didn't want to get married and he just screamed as a response. I won't go into detail about what happened next but we went from arguing to him being on top of me, no, it wasn't rape. I could've said no and I'm stupid that I'd didn't. I just felt scared and weak and I'm so sorry that I didn't say no, and in his defense he was high and drunk so he probably had no idea what he was doing..
By the time I woke up this morning I knew I had enough. I knew that I couldn't stay here anymore. I try never to have too many stuff as I never knew when I needed to run so I just grabbed my bag with all of stuff and took my cat with a few of her favorite food and toys, called up my friend so I she could take my other car and now we're both this in secret cabin he doesn't know about so I don't think he'll be able to find.
For I don't know what to do. I know I won't get any sympathy and I know I don't deserve any. I am a liar and I did waste his time. Thank you if you read this far and I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense..I'll try my best to answer any questions. Thanks for reading. Bye
submitted by Electrical-Candy-347 to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:31 00emliu My boyfriend wants to get a buzzcut, which I really don't like

(Sorry English is not my first language)
Me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 months, and everything has been wonderful so far. I really like him and we haven't had any issues so far.
Recently he proposed the idea that he wants to get a buzzcut to experiment with his looks, since he is bored with the hair he currently has. The only problem with this, that I absolutely dislike buzzcuts. It is a strong personal preference of mine, which I know for a fact will most probably not change sadly.
I tried to communicate this towards him and he acknowledged the fact, but still wants to do it. One time I even went too far in expressing my opinion/ dislike, trying to get my point through, which I apologised for later, because I know he won't change as a person only will have different hair.
A few weeks ago he, again mentioned he is gonna do it, but this time it is going to happen in the next few weeks. I really don't know what to do. I really want to support him in his decisions, and be there for him as he experiments with his looks. If he had proposed any other hairstyle I would have been 100% supportive, but only buzzcuts I really really really don't like. I don't want to be a controlling person who tells him what to do and how to present himself, but in the same time this bothers me greatly. I feel really bad, because I know he would be really supportive in the same situation if it applied to me and I honestly think he deserves the best and more. But in this scenario I really feel like I either don't like his appearance or controlling him....
I feel really bad to be this superficial, and being so concerned about this but I really fear that his looks will affect my physical attraction to him, since this hairstyle is such a no-go for me. Also I read it will take 6 to 12 months to grow back to its original length, so if he does it it will stay like that for a long time.
I really want to be there for him and not to be a person who drags him down and constantly mentions their distaste, but in the same time it is something that greatly bothers me...
Any advice would be appreciated, in how should approach this situation either from my side, or how to constructively break this down to him, (since I tried to explain this to him already). If you read through all of this, thank you for your time!
submitted by 00emliu to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:30 Grand_Mushroom_92 Crown Heights Recommendations

Hi! I am 25F and I recently moved to Crown Heights and I'm looking to make some local friends. I was wondering how people in the area usually go about meeting new people. Are there any local events or spots I should know about?
I love live music and dancing, getting drinks and eating good food so any recommendations would be amazing! I also really love doing sports - are there any local rec teams that I could join?
I appreciate all of your suggestions.
submitted by Grand_Mushroom_92 to crownheights [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:29 ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and Game Over Theory # 2 - TWOW Prologue - 4 of 4

[Part 3]
The new knight approached the base of the wet ladder and began to climb. He reached halfway and stopped to listen above. The thunderstorm roared its fury, and the Blackfish was already speaking.
“What kind of knight threatens a pregnant woman?” Ser Tully voiced his rhetorical question.
“We did not know she was pregnant. She fooled us with her sister. But I am one that follows the orders of his liege lord.”
“You mean the Lannister one that killed his king once? Or the other Frey one that killed his other king too? Or the dead lord who killed Dornish babes? How do the princes of Dorne feel about you cheap-honor Lannisters?”
“You were the ones that rebel against the crown.”
“And it was the Kingslayer that threw Bran Stark out the window in a time of peace! At his own home! Do the Lannisters enjoy killing children and murdering unarmed people at dinner?”
“He is my liege lord.”
“Aye, and you seem like someone who knows his role and shuts his mouth. Do you want to be remembered for the rest of time as the knight that cleans up after his shit? ‘Here lies Ser Forley Prester, the legend that wipes the Goldenhand’s ass,’ will be written on your tomb in gold. Too bad your grave-mark will forget the part where everyday you take his golden-hand, shine it up real nice, turn that piece of metal sideways and shove it up your own candy arse for pleasure!”
The men above laughed as a shriek of thunder rumbled not too far from the Rock.
“You seem like a charming man Ser Brynden, but we are not here to discuss the rights or wrongs of men, knights, lords, kings and princes who are far far away from here.”
“Well here in my garrison I have Ser Olyvar Frey, son to Walder Frey, and a loyalist to his King, Robb Stark. Please ask Ser Olyvar Frey which is right and which is shit?”
Olyvar realized the Blackfish is chatting to buy time for Jeyne to escape.
“Is he a knight now?” A familiar voice that sounded like Edwyn Frey asked. “How did that come to pass?”
“Kill the right people I suppose. And whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to now? What is your name my lord?”
“My name is Ed–“
Giggles tickled the rainy circular drain above Olyvar.
“And aye, I knighted him myself. And his Queen in the North even made him a new coat of arms to differentiate himself from his disgraceful family,” the Blackfish announced to Edwyn Frey.
“And how would I know what cloak he wears now?” Ser Forley’s voice continued.
“Fastened by Queen Stark herself, it’s the bridge of the twin towers with a river flowing underneath, colored Stark grey and Tully red & blue. But every one of my friends here are all championed by our Queen. Are any of you beloved by a queen?”
Ser Forley tried to counter, “A new sigil of water flowing underneath a bridge? Did he make the water flow himself? Is he a plumber?”
“Aye, he may be a plumber knight, but you got shit for honors.”
“My honor is in tact.”
“Was it in tact when you abandoned your army at the Battle of the Camps? Claiming that you have honor is like claiming turtles can grow wings and fly. My plumber knight has more honor than your shit!”
Ser Forley paused … and then exulted, “Will this plumber be cleaning up my shit later?” Quiet chuckles whispered from the higher balconies.
The Blackfish retaliates, “As long as you acknowledge your honor as shit, he will.”
Loud laughter filled the air, but with Olyvar hiding in the hole of the floor, he could not tell if it was from his brothers, from his foes or both. Alive or facing death, one should know better not to trade japes with the Blackfish.
“Enough!” yelled Ser Forley. “You are clearly out manned down there at this courtyard! At least three of my men to one of yours! AND I have the high ground! So I won’t say it again, drop your weapons and I will let your men live!”
“Do you take me for a motley fool? You just don’t want us to loose back when you shoot your crossbows at us. You Lannisters cannot win in a fair fight against us if we are armed, but you men sure do a good job of killing defenseless people and children. And I will not give you that pleasure!”
“I do not know what you heard, but that is not entirely true.”
“Not entirely true? Do you Lannisters fondle the children first before you kill them? Do you give the children a good sniff before you cook them like Mad Danelle Lothson? Mother have mercy!” Ser Brynden teased.
“Enough! I will let your men live if you drop your weapons! I swear it on my hon-“
“We shit on your honor! Are there no true knights among you lot? You men following this shit knight’s shitty order, do you not have any honor yourselves? To chase after and kill a woman who is in labor? To kill a babe? Our king—”
“OUR CHOSEN KING!” Lord Galbart Glover’s voice thundered in before the Blackfish continued.
“—chose to execute his own kin and bannerman for butchering children … Lannister children! Frey children! But your knight here serves men without honor. Ser Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer! Lord Walder Frey the Guestslayer! Lord Roose Bolton the Turncloak! COWARDS! Men who serves hospitality with bloodshed beneath their roofs and massacre innocents! Will you continue to serve these false knights and false men? Are you not fathers, nor aspire to be fathers some day? Well serve your CHOSEN lord’s bidding and be cursed! A predator of children is no lord of mine!” Ser Brynden Blackfish Tully spat and thunder boomed. “The gods will never forgive that, the slaughter at the Twins, the murder, the treason, the mutiny!”
Ser Forley began to scream louder, “You call it what you want! You’re down there, we’re up here! You came into the wrong damn castle Ser!”
“Stand fast brothers!” Ser Tully alerted.
“Gods damn this, I am telling you this one last time. Order your men to drop their weapons to the deck.”
“So you could parade us as prisoners before executing us? I cannot give that order,” defied the Blackfish.
“I am not going to repeat that order!”
“I WILL NOT GIVE THAT ORDER!” Thunder boomed again.
“Ser Forley!” an unfamiliar voice called. “Queen Stark and her group are spotted. They are escaping on a rowboat at sea below. They appear to be heading west,” the watchman said.
Edwyn Frey’s voice commanded, “Archers, to the western edge! Kill them! Kill them all!!”
“BROTHERS! Kill the watcher first and anyone on that western edge!” the Blackfish thundered in the order.
A quick shoosh was heard above and a cry of pain immediately sounded from the west, as a body thumped and squished onto the lower muddy ground.
And suddenly the air was filled with it, as the thunderstorm raged on.
Shoosh shoosh shooosh shooosh shoosh ahhhhhh ahhhhh shoooosh ahhhh shooooshhh shoosh boom doom boom doom boom doom shooosh shooosh ahhhhhhh boom doom boom!
The heavens exploded from above, illuminating Olyvar’s drain instant after instant. Men were heard screaming and dying in agony. Whether or not it was his brothers or his foes, Olyvar couldn’t tell. He caught a glimpse of three bolts speeding above his small hole in different directions, and knew there were a hundred more he could not see. The enemy has the high-ground, Olyvar remembered, all my brothers are probably dying. He was unsure whether to descend down or ascend up the ladder into the chaos. He started to tear up, the cold rain still soaking his face as lightning continued to flashed and thundered through the pit above him.
“GOOSE!!!” Leo’s voice screamed. No!
Men were still crying up there, along with the bass of the approaching storm, blending with the streak of arrows and bolts hitting stone, mud and flesh. Still clung to his ladder, Olyvar looked down cowardly as a teardrop fell off his face. It landed on Alesander.
“You fool, what are you doing here? You left the rowboat?”
“I came back to fight.”
“You are no fighter, you are a singer. Leave here. Escape into the tunnels and save yourself my brother.”
He hesitated to answer, his own tears trickling down. “Aye, I will. And when I leave here, I’ll sing about what has happened today, what is still happening above us.” The screams were not stopping. Bolts, arrows and curses could still be heard flying above. Alesander moved towards a fissure in the cavern wall, spying to the west. “The Queen should be far out of harm’s way. The winds are kind, and the bolts are missing its mark away from the LionsJape.” He walked back to him. “Come with me Olyvar if you want to live.”
“Soon. But not yet. I need to hold this ladder. Leave my brother. Sing about this and immortalize our sacrifice.”
“Don’t go.” He grabbed Olyvar’s leg.
“Just let go of me!” Olyvar winched free.
“If you can escape, escape. I’ll fly away now. Farewell my honorable brother.”
“Wait!” Olyvar almost forgot. “Do you know what it is?”
His brother smiled a smile that Olyvar will never forget. “We have a Stark princess.” His footsteps faded into echoes as Alesander descended into the darkness of the tunnels.
But Olyvar began the climb in his. The hole above was gaping wider with each slow step up, ready to swallow him whole. Olyvar trembled. Besides the flashes of lightning, he could not see what was going on, but he could feel it in the air. He can taste the rain from above. He can hear the music of defiance to House Lannister, the sounds of arrows and loud screams drowning into silence. He can even smell it too. The smell of the Rock cooked with the salt of the sea, the iron of his brothers’ blood, the piss & stool of honorable dead men, staining & stinking the courtyard of Tywin Lannister’s home, leaving Casterly Rock an empire of shit.
He stood on the one rung that exposed his head just above the ground. Bodies. Brothers’ bodies and bolts everywhere. Rain and blood soak the mud, and fading cries of pain filled his ears. He saw the Queen’s uncle and master schemer of this plan, Ser Rolph Spicer, had a bolt in his eye as he died by the kitchen doors. The Seashell Knight was lifeless with his face first in the middle of the mud near Olyvar’s pit. Donal with bolts to his shoulder, stomach, and legs was on one knee shouting & cursing as he continued to loose arrows from three quivers as his brothers Raff & Mikkal laid dead beside him. Lord Glover had two bolts in him and took another in the chest. He paced backwards and fell over the parapet into the sea. A bolt was stuck on Goose’s neck, as he and Leo rested motionless together at the foot of a column, sharing a single bolt that shot through their hearts. The shield that Leo had held up was decorated with a dozen bolts, but it was too late for the other ones that got through.
Olyvar’s soul ached in agony, the clutch of his hand shaking as he clung onto the ladder. A small pile of feathered Lannister men had fallen from the western balcony and onto the courtyard. But he could not feel the victory in it … not now, nor not yet, perhaps never. The rest of his brothers Olyvar could not see from his ladder, but he spotted a few arrows still loosing up to the second floor behind cover, still fighting back. It is so few. Many more bolts were still shooting down from the top. Crossbowmen hid as they reloaded, popping up to release before ducking again.
He spotted Ser Brynden Tully the Blackfish crawling towards him, needled like a red porcupine blowfish. “Olyvar!” He hooted bluntly. “Why are you still here?” Olyvar’s heart quenched at the sight of the blood of Riverrun; his pink life flowing in a thin river and draining out towards his ladder. The water-downed blood reached Olyvar’s fingers. He wanted to help but did not know how, nor know the words. He offered his hand and Ser Tully held it. “Did she make it out to sea?”
“Yes Ser, she should be safe,” Olyvar prayed.
“So, do we have a prince or a princess? Or one of each? Heh!”
“Do not get greedy Ser,” Olyvar jested. “We have a she-wolf.”
The Blackfish smiled a hard smile with blood filling his mouth. “Good, they should be safer this way. And I hope she takes after her fierce grandmother.”
“Which one? Lady Catelyn Tully?”
“Of course heh. That would be a great granddaughter name for our storm-born she-pup … Catelyn,” the Blackfish joked.
Olyvar smiled while Ser Tully reciprocated a red one. “I like the name Adara.”
“Adara? That sounds like a wonderful name. Where did that come from?” Ser Tully asked, tearing and bleeding.
“It was Captain Samullu’s mother’s name.”
“Aye, that is a terrific name. Princess Adara Stark. Tell that to our Queen Jeyne that I concur to the name choice, pass that final message of mine. Now fly along Ser Olyvar, escape here, reunite with your Queen and protect your family. There is nothing left to do here but die, so fly! Let the divine swift winds of winter push Adara to safety. You have King Robb’s spirit within you. The babe does not have a father nor Grey Wind, so you must keep her safe.”
“We are all her fathers,” Olyvar declared.
The Blackfish grinned, knowing Olyvar probably out teased him in his final moments. “No … a band of fathers brothers? That would make us a band of uncles.” He chuckled bloodily.
Olyvar laughed and teared a drop. “That was a very clever. Just don’t tell Lady Mormont.”
“Don’t worry fellow Uncle, I won’t.”
“It has been an honor fighting by your side, Ser Uncle Brynden Tully, the great Blackfish.”
“It has been an honor living by yours, Ser Uncle Plumber Knight,” the legend replied.
He watched the knight’s life wash away, his last breath tasting the rains of Casterly Rock. The legendary Ser Brynden’s last words were for me. Wells flooded in Olyvar’s eyes, beginning to blind. He lets go of his hands.
He takes a few steps down the ladder, and then suddenly stops. What honor is this? Leaving my brothers and my commander like this? Am I a little cowardly rat of a ratty family, hiding in a tunnel? Or am I a brave knight?
The thunder and rain continued, but the arrows have stopped. Nothing but silence, only stares if Olyvar had to guess. His brothers were all dead. I need to get up. One step up and he suddenly stopped again. No, I need to escape and protect my Queen, does that make me a coward?
He checked his pocket and made sure his letter to his father sat below his heart. It was still there. Olyvar’s grip on the rung was firm and quivering.
To flee or not to flee? That is the riddle.
“Soldiers! To the lower floor! Grab their bows and quivers. Get down that ladder, find a boat, chase Queen Stark and kill them! Kill them all!” Edwyn Frey’s voice ordered.
Well, that made answering the riddle a lot easier.
Ser Olyvar Frey ascended from the pit of his ladder, his arms pulling, legs pushing, up and up into the chaos. The thunderstorm loomed above as his soul was escaping into the hole that was gaping wider with every step. He was ready.
At the ground level, he stood up. Cold rain and warm tears danced down his face, his cloak whipping in the air to the winds, his heart and fists began to fill with fiery rage. From up here, he can see the full horror of the slaughter. Brothers with bolts. Was this the same scene of my King’s death? Before he could ponder any further, he unsheathed Honor from his back, the sword was singing off its scabbard just as a bolt of lightning ripped across the sky … its twin mirrored off the steel’s reflection, the blade alive with blinding light for an instant.
Ser Olyvar counted the ill-fitted armored and shield-less men as they came pouring out from the kitchen doors at his level. Two, three, four, five, six … seven. Thin white stripes splits the sky. His heart was thumping and rumbling to the same beat of the thunderstorm that was mumbling in every distance.
I’m going to fight them all, no soldier in any Seven Kingdom army can hold me back!
The distance between the first unarmed man closed. His shocked face eyed Ser Olyvar’s new twin tower sigil on his cloak. Confused, he began to slow down, but Olyvar sped up. He greeted him with a deep slash, ripping him off as the skies flashed again. He darted forward to the next man, allowing the first one to take his time dying behind his back.
The second reached for his sword but was too slow to the draw. Honor found the front of the pink man’s chest and the rear of his back. For a heartbeat, the bloody front half of the exposed steel glowed damped red, while the clean side sparkled in purple. Olyvar pulled back his sword after a twist, and the soldier dropped to his knees to the boom of thunder.
The third drew his sword halfway before Olyvar swung at his head as his steel electrified, emitting blinding light to his eyes. He smelled Honor up close with his nose, as a gash ran from ear to ear while teeth and tongue exploded in the air. Olyvar paid him no more mind.
The fourth with panicked eyes was just a boy. He successfully drew his weapon from his belt and lifted above his head a short wooden stick. A flute? He stared up at his own wind pipe as his sword rested in his scabbard untouched. Between his legs, his breeches began to darken more with moisture, as the rest of his body was frozen like ice. A fLuke? It doesn’t matter. The Plumber Knight began to raise Honor high. The boy cried out, “Mother have mer—“.
“No,” Olyvar cuts him off, his voice was cold as stones. “I am not your mother.” Honor fell in a bright silvery-blue arc as the force of the blade severs the soldier’s right stick-bearing wrist, and splits the skull & brains underneath. Ser Olyvar Frey kicked off the mayhaps-fourth-corpse as its limp body slid from his red wet steel.
The fifth one was ready with his sword, as the sixth and seventh began pincering around Ser Olyvar with theirs. The rain began pouring heavily, cleansing the blood and brains off Honor, ready to shine again.
Olyvar’s wits returned from his blind rage, and began backing up calmly before they could surround him. The rear of his heel tapped a fallen shield that once belong to one of his brothers. Olyvar grabbed it instinctively and raised it up. “Come on you apes! Do you want to live forever? Come at me then!” No one came forward to answer the riddle, so Ser Olyvar went to them.
He charged at the one on his right as Honor slashed and flashed, but the soldier jolted backwards avoiding the swing. The shifty swordsman slipped on the surface with his hop and fell face-first into the mud. The other two took their chances when Olyvar swung and missed. He caught the cut of the left soldier on his shield, as the middle fighter aimed high. To the ground, the knight ducked under, saving his head. The middle slugger lost his balance at his empty decapitating slice, and a crouching Olyvar stroke savagely at his knees in a splash of red and bright purple. He fell face-first too, as the other soldier on his left began hacking at the wooden shield that Olly held up. Doonk! Doonk! Doonk! Before his challenger could swing a fifth time, Olyvar Frey on one knee whirled the apex of his shield viciously at the man’s wrist and sent the sword flying from his hand. Without hesitation, the Plumber Knight stabbed upwards from crotch to brains as the steel surprised the man with shock. Olyvar stares into the white of his eyes as they reflected a flash of lightning. The eyeballs then slowly rolled up into the back of his head. He unsheathed Honor downward from the dead man, as blood and shit fell like loose stool to the ground.
The other fighter with no knees rolled around to face up before he could drown in the mud. He was crying and screaming on the ground. “Nooooo!” But the Plumber Knight jumped on him without mercy. He tried to dart and evade, but forgot he had no knees to push from. Olyvar’s feet stomped the man’s stomach as he thunder-slammed the edge of his shield to kiss his opponent’s mouth, silencing him forever.
The first armed man that dodged his death finally got up from his struggles with the slippery ground, only to meet at it again. Soaking in mud, he began to bull-rush Olyvar, trying to stab or slash an opening with his sword. Olyvar dashed towards him in squishing strides, and took his charging strike at his Brother’s shield as he stepped aside. The former squire of Robb Stark, Olly, instantly planted his foot and twirled. His Queen’s wet cloak spun and smacked his opponent’s head. Suddenly the Plumber Knight had the enemy’s rear and naked. He lifted his King’s sword up, pointing down with both his hands on the grip. Ser Olyvar and thunder roared together as Honor brightly stabbed from above into the mudman’s back with the flash and fury of the gods. “AHHHHHHHHH!!!”
He lifted his sword back up as the seventh corpse fell to the ground, face-first again. Suddenly a mosquito buzzed from behind his ear and a short wooden stick skidded off the flat stone-path in front of him. He then felt a bite in his back, lost a breath and saw another wooden rod. But this one was lodged in his right breast. Red blood slowly began to seep from his black scaled boiled-leather armor as he grunted in pain. He reached for the stick trying to push it backwards from where it came from. Quickly he felt the pain again as he saw another bolt stab the front of his stomach while his Brother’s shield slid off from this left forearm. The third one struck the side of his left thigh, sending Ser Olyvar to the ground on one knee. He braced on his King’s sword to keep him from falling flat.
“Cease fire! Cease fire!” Ser Forley Prester ordered.
Cold rain danced on his face with the warm tears he tried to hide, his cape was flapping in the wind, and his heart was thumping quicker in unison to the beat & the flash of the storm. Ser Olyvar Frey, you honorable fool, why did you rush in? You can’t help yourself falling in love with bloody vengeance for your fallen brothers and King? For an instant, lightning popped again above the Rock and thunder rolled. You should have taken your time killing them as they descended down your pit, instead of you going up the ladder to their chaos. Frey blood, -no … blood of Roses By another name welled from the bolts that had punched him. He had known nothing half gallant and half stupid at the same time for what he just did. Or at least you could have flown away, such a fool! You should of just beat it. No one wanted to be defeated like this. Why did you have to show off how funky strong your fighting skills were? At this point, it doesn’t matter who’s wrong or who’s right … you should of just beat it!
Ser Forley Prester spoke from his balcony above. “You must be the Plumber Knight that the Blackfish talked about, judging by the sigil on your cape. A traitor to your own family. But for the honor of your lord grandfather, let us pass and I will let the maester do his job to save you. Or would it please you Ser, if you wanted some more bolts?”
More? Olyvar twisted his mouth in defying silence, his gruesome wounds spitting out blood. He had a job that he promised to do. He must rescue his pregnant Queen. Little did he know, he had to rescue a princess from this castle too. We all died for Robb’s little girl, there was no more to ask of them. Did these uncles succeed for her safety? He turned around to the west to see as far as his eyes could see into the sun setting sea. Her boat was far enough from any archers, and soon it would be too dark for a chase. The thought brought him joy. Thank the gods for this swift divine wind. We did our duty.
Impatient for a reply, the shit knight said, “I will not ask again. Knight to knight. Let us pass. We need to take back the Queen and her unborn son. I will bring them no harm, you have my word. Drop your sword, bend the knee like you mean it, let us pass … and I will tell Lord Walder Frey what an honorable warrior and a great grandson you are.”
That offer was a lie, a conjurer’s cheap trick. They would just humiliate and shame him before executing him for treason. That was not the song he wanted, not for his despicable old father. Olyvar would rather die sword in hand to the tune of another. He wanted Alesander’s song about the Motherfunker, Ser Brynden “Blackfish” Tully, his real brothers and the band of uncles. And he had one last shot, one last opportunity, to seize everything he ever wanted here. In this one moment, can I still capture it? Or will I let it slip? His palms were bloody, knees weak, arms were heavy … but the Queen and Princess are safe. Mother’s mercy. He was nervous, but on the surface, he looks calm and ready to drop bombs. But he had forgotten what he wrote down in his father’s letter, as the crowds above goes so loud. He opens his mouth but the words won’t come out. He is choking. How? Everyone was joking now.
“Your luck has run out. The time’s up, it is over SER Olyvar. Bow.”
No. I refuse to BOW Ser. And I cannot die yet. There is something I still need to do. Both hands on hilt and pommel, he pushes himself up with Honor, surrounded by the doom above. He can feel his life leaving him. The skies blurred between light and dark, white and grey, with the black slowly creeping in.
“It’s a girl,” Uncle Olyvar said gently as he thought about his princess niece. The Plumber Knight then roared a roar that would put any craven into tears. “AND NO! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” Honor rose and fell, the pointy end of his King’s sword squishing the blood soaked mud and crunching the rocks underneath.
Instantly, lightning and thunder erupted above them at the loudest exploding caliber of the evenfall, blinding the sights of men and gods alike.
Uhoooooooooo! boom doom boom doom boom doom
Suddenly drums were beating, and trumpets were blasting from the east. Lord Gawen Westerling’s diversion! But they’ve come too late to rescue Olyvar and his brothers. The enemy did not divert to their last jape yet … their silent scared eyes still on the dying Plumber Knight. They began to reload their crossbows. This is my moment. The things I do for love, but I’m sorry Jeyne, I can’t do that. I can no longer keep my promise. Robb was waiting and I can finally rest again. We three will meet again together some day, but not today, he thought*.*
The band of drums, trumpets and thunderstorm blended into a sweet sad song that Olyvar wanted. This music is for me, and I will lose myself in it.
Charging up his final energy into his wounded lungs, he began to scream again.
“OUR QUEEN— ” A howl of blood cuts him off from finishing what he meant to say … our Family is safe.
“OUR KING—” A pool of iron filled and choked him before he could declare … we have done our Duty.
Still standing, he dips his chin low to empty his mouth, coughing out his mother’s Rosby blood. He needs to say his final words loud and clear. After the last spoon of blood poured down, he snapped his chin up towards the heavens and reality … ready for the gravity. With all the weight of his life, he pressed his King’s sword deeper into the Rock as the Plumber Knight thundered a roar, “OUR HONORRRRR!!!”
From below, Ser Olyvar of the disgraced House Frey faced off to the sad conflicted look of Ser Forley Prester with his garrison of archers beside him. The darkest gloom of the grey stormclouds had arrived and hovered above them, wet and heavy. The gods want their vengeance for the Red Wedding, he thought. The skies of Casterly Rock began to blacken with the rain of bolts and arrows. The only thing that could be seen is the single golden teardrop of the shit knight, reflected by the last light of the setting western sun.
Thank you everyone for reading! Thank you George for helping me with your clue!
submitted by ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and to asoifaom [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:29 Limp_Bathroom_3290 Can my college DSO Terminate my STEM OPT if I made a small correction to my RFE Response and already received an EAD from USCIS.

I am an F-1 student currently on my STEM OPT. I applied for my STEM OPT and I received an RFE from USCIS to prove my degree was STEM from my department Chair or Dean. I requested my school DSO to provide evidence to my RFE and they provided me with a response letter. While all of the letter was correct and had my name, they made a mistake and mentioned another students name in the conclusion section of the letter. I notified my DSO of the mistake but they told me it would take a few days for them to correct the name and get it back to me.
I was already under a lot of stress as I was starting a new job in the next few days and postponed my joining date a few times and this was the final date for me to join. I needed my EAD card as soon as possible and I made sure that my DSO knew the same. But I get it my DSO is also human and they can make mistakes too.
As I could not wait for a few days and risk loosing my job, I made the correction to the RFE Response letter myself and changed the name in the conclusion section to my name and sent it to USCIS and got approved and received my EAD card. However, my school DSO comes back to me saying that they reviewed my records and asks me how I got my STEM OPT approved, and if I responded to my RFE using the error in the letter and says its important.
How do I respond to my DSO? Will they have access to my USCIS account as I suspect she already knows that I made changes. Will my STEM and VISA be terminated if I confess?
I also plan on leaving the country after my STEM ends and going to EU for a job. If terminated, will it also affect me getting a work Visa in a country in EU? Please help!
submitted by Limp_Bathroom_3290 to f1visa [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:29 SalamanderEastern493 Narcs being generous with money

My narc parents and siblings all generous with money. I had some toxic friendships and had a similar experience. My parents gave me inheritance money in advance too and a car. But they are all abusive and I have CPTSD as a result. I am on very low contact on the verge of going no contact. The inheritance money came after they sold the family house and I was about to get my own place, its been 3 years. How should I approach this morally?
I tried low contact but they are real vampires. Mom is a snake. Its auto hyperalert + dysregulation being in their presence. My body says no more.
submitted by SalamanderEastern493 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]