Dodgeball movie invitation

The Ocho

2011.08.25 00:29 Lemm The Ocho

The Ocho: bringing you the finest in seldom-seen sports from around the globe since 1999

2015.05.13 20:56 wertercatt Marble Runs

This is a subreddit for all things related to marble runs, machines, mazes, or races. Closed in protest of API changes.

2023.01.16 13:01 rius-md movieboxpro_code

MovieBox Pro Invitation Code & VIP. VIP $15 a year + invite code if you haven’t sign up. Due to recent event, I will only sharing invite code if you buying VIP from me. With that being said, I’m no longer giving out free invite code to everyone. Just to my VIP buyer now. STRICLY DON’T MAKE NEW POST FOR INVITE CODE

2024.06.10 01:00 Difficult-Light5689 Upcoming movie night

Hey, movie buffs!
Ready for an unforgettable movie night experience? Look no further! We're hosting an Movie Night on our Discord server next weekend, and you're all invited!
📅 Date: July 14th - 16th 🕗 Time: 8:00pm - Sunday Evening @ 12:00am PST
🎞️ Movie Genre: Friday - Comedy Saturday - Action/Adventure Sunday - Drama
Why You Should Join Us:
🍿 Top-Notch Flicks: We've handpicked great movies that's sure to captivate audiences of all tastes. From heartwarming dramas to action-packed thrillers, this moviethon!
🎥 Theatrical Experience: Our Discord's voice chat will be transformed into a virtual theater. You can laugh, cry, and share your thoughts with the rest of the community.
🎁 Surprise Giveaways: Stay tuned for surprise giveaways during the event. It could be ANYTHING
How to Join:
  1. Join Our Discord Server: Click this link to join our movie-loving community on Discord:
  2. Mark Your Calendar: Save the date and time in your calendar so you won't miss out on this cinema extravaganza!
  3. Be Punctual: Arrive a few minutes early to secure your spot and ensure smooth event coordination.
  4. Bring Snacks: Don't forget to prepare your favorite movie snacks and beverages for the ultimate movie night experience!
A Friendly Reminder:
Please remember to respect everyone's enjoyment during the movie by keeping conversations in the designated voice chat channels and refraining from spoilers for those who haven't seen the film before.
🚨 Important Note: Limited slots are available due to server capacity, so make sure to arrive early to secure your spot!
Subscribe here:
Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to connect with like-minded movie enthusiasts and immerse yourself in the magic of cinema. See you at our MovieTHON on Discord! 🎬🎉
submitted by Difficult-Light5689 to introvethub [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:59 ThrowRA121212345 What to do about Father's Day with weird/estranged relationship with Dad (56M) stepmom (50sF) and stepsister (19F)? (22F)

I have a weird uncomfortable relationship with both my dad and my stepmom, and I'm not sure what to do about it for Father's day.
My parents were divorced when I was very young; my dad met my stepmom, Sarah, when I was around 14-15 (can't remember exactly when). At this time I had pretty bad social anxiety, so I never grew that much of a relationship with Sarah or her daughter, who is a few years younger than me. I met Sarah one time briefly before she moved in with me and my dad. Sometimes she'd suggest doing something like horseback riding together (I was pretty into horses as a kid), but we never did anything. I also didn't meet Sarah's daughter until after she had moved in with us, when we were both home alone. I wasn't close to my dad beforehand, so having Sarah around made me even more shy, and I stayed in my room 95% of the time when I was at their house. I feel pretty guilty about this lack of effort to get to know Sarah and her daughter. Sarah did make attempts to show me she cared, by getting gifts and whatnot, but we never spent much time together. As a teenager I was pretty thoughtless and selfish, so I often didn't make much effort to reciprocate. This is something I've felt guilty about for awhile, and I've coped by mostly keeping my distance from them, which does make me feel even more ashamed. It's just a stupid cycle of guilt and avoidance that I haven't figured out how to deal with yet.
Since moving out around 19, my social anxiety has improved a lot. However I barely speak to my dad, and he occasionally reaches out on holidays. Sarah however will text me every few months. In these texts, she asks me how I'm doing, asking me why I don't visit them or make plans to see them. She does very occasionally ask me if I want to join plans they have; sometimes I join them (although I haven't seen them for the past year or two). I do feel guilty and ashamed about not seeing them, but I always feel weird and uncomfortable when I do go. Sometimes Sarah will make passive aggressive comments when I do visit. For instance, one time we went out to dinner and she was upset I ordered a bowl of soup and wasn't that hungry, and basically shamed me for eating too much prior. I think she also compared it to her daughter's eating habits whose are better. I also got a CD of Celine Dion one time for my dad's birthday since it was kind of an inside joke between my dad and I (kind of? again we were never that close, but I thought it might be funny. Again I was a dumb teenager) and she made a comment about how he doesn't even listen to Celine Dion or use CD's. These are just a few little examples. I don't dislike her; I actually think she's very kind most of the time, but I just end up feeling horrible every time I visit them, and I've ended up avoiding them and those feelings altogether. I just feel like a terrible daughtestepdaughter. I was pretty lazy and shy as a teenager, and I think that's probably why Sarah dislikes me, or seems to. I just get the sense that she doesn't like me, and is trying to involve me out of obligation. But I also know I've given her reason to dislike me, so I can't fault her.
Now, I am graduating with a Bachelor's degree. I was given 2 guest tickets to my convocation, of which I was planning to give to my mom and my dad. I'm his only child and I would feel guilty if I robbed him from this experience. I haven't seen my dad, Sarah, or her daughter for 1 or 2 years now. I am worried it will be a little awkward, but I think it will be good for both of us.
Anyway, Sarah recently texted me about the convocation and Father's day. I told her about how I could only invite my mom and my dad, but she suggested we do something for Father's day and said she would plan a dinner and movie. I told her I would figure it out and plan something, and she said in response to please involve her and her daughter. But now I'm wondering if it would be horrible if I just did something with my dad. Again we are not close at all, but I am interested in seeing him more often than I see him now, and I feel like I'd be more at ease without them there. Not that I never want to see Sarah or her daughter again, but it might be nice to do something with just the two of us given I rarely talk to any of them. My kneejerk reaction is to avoid it altogether, along with the awkwardness and having to face me being a failure in this entire situation, but I know that won't help me or them in the long run.
I'm just not sure how to deal with the situation or how to go about making it better for everyone. Is my idea of doing something with my dad alone a good start? I know I'd have to apologize to Sarah and explain it somehow. Not sure how to go about this.
I have a complicated relationship with my dad and stepmom, Sarah, due to my parents' divorce and my social anxiety during my teenage years, which hindered building any connection with Sarah and her daughter. Despite Sarah's efforts to bond, I often stayed distant, leading to guilt and avoidance. After moving out at 19, my social anxiety improved, but I still rarely speak to my dad and feel uncomfortable during visits due to Sarah's passive-aggressive comments, though I recognize her kindness and thoughtfulness. With my upcoming graduation, I plan to invite my mom and dad, and Sarah suggested a Father's Day celebration involving the family. I feel spending time alone with my dad might help improve our relationship but am unsure how to handle the situation, and am seeking advice on whether or not this is a good approach.
submitted by ThrowRA121212345 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:42 ThrowAwayGay0892 AITAH for being offended by the f slur?

Throw away account. This is also my first reddit post so I'm sorry if formatting or wording is wrong.
I just want to start with some context. I [31M] am gay. I also have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder.) I will be the first to admit that I can feel pretty heated if I think someone is doing something offensive that can be harmful to others. I know that there have been times where I've overreacted to things in the past, and I have been in therapy for years to help me get my emotional disorder under control. I want to say I have a pretty good handle on it now, but I know that there are still times where I slip up and let it get the better of me.
The next bit of context you should know is that this story involves my friend [24F] who I'll call Lacy. I met Lacy through her boyfriend [24M] who I'll call Steve, about a year and a half ago. From the moment Lacy and I met, her and I hit it off extremely well. She is an amazing person, the type who would literally give the shirt off of her back just to help someone in need. She can also get along with just about anyone. I consider her to be one of my best friends, and we even joke around that her and I get along better than Steve and I do sometimes. I literally call her my wifey, and she calls me her gay husband. Lacy and Steve have owned a Discord server together since shortly after I met Lacy, and I was an admin in it up until about an hour ago. This server is full of their friends, some of whom I am also friends with, and others who I don't know too well but get along with just fine. This group of friends is a bit of a mixing pot. Lacy is black just for some more context, but there are people of all different races, genders, and sexual orientations in this group.
On to the last bit of context here. There have been occasions in this server where I will be in one of the VC's (voice chats for anyone unfamiliar with Discord) and people have used some type of (what I consider to be) slurs in normal conversation. I have heard the r slur (the one usually used against those with intellectual disabilities,) the n word, both with and without the hard r at the end (the one used against black people,) and the f slur (the one used against people in the queer community.) Whenever any of these words have been said, it always leaves this knot in the pit of my stomach. I just feel like nobody should be made to feel bad about something that is out of their control, like with mental capacities, race, or their sexuality. I honestly hate confrontation though, because I definitely have trouble staying calm due to my BPD when I get worked up sometimes.
Now when it comes to the n word, while I am not comfortable with anyone other than black people using that word (even with a "hall pass" so to speak,) I typically don't say anything (I'm white btw) because that is a word that Lacy does not take any issue in other people using. If it were something I heard someone saying on the street, then I would absolutely call someone out for it. To her though, it's just a word, and that's just how her and her friends interact with each other. (They use insults as a form of showing love. Not really my thing, but as long as no insults are thrown at me, I could honestly care less how other people show their love to one another as long as it's consensual, lol.)
The problem arises when I hear the r and f slur being used. Typically in that group, if they find someone or something to be stupid, they'll use the r slur instead of just calling it/them stupid (And tbh, it's a word that is said a lot on the internet, not just in that server alone. Regardless, it's a word that has never sat right with me because I know that there are people out there who would use it as a way to insult and belittle someone, and I don't think that that's morally right. It's a word that I don't really like hearing.) Now with the f slur, I will say that technically it hasn't really been directed *at* someone in the server. It's mainly been when people are playing competitive games with people online and lose. They'll call their opponents the f word. I have called people out for using both words before, but it tends to be an "in one ear, out the other" situation because those words are still used despite being told they aren't really good words, although they aren't used *as often* as they used to be. I have mentioned in the past to Lacy that those types of words make me uncomfortable, and to her credit she has been really good about reaching out to the people who use them to have more in depth talks with them and to let them know how it can be offensive to others.
Okay, thanks for bearing with me on the context. Now onto the story:
A few nights ago, I hopped into VRChat to hang out with Lacy (think public or private chat rooms but with avatars in VR) She was hanging out with two of her friends (I'll call them Tony and Kate.) Now I had not met Tony or Kate before that night, but they seemed like decent people. Definitely fit into the "insults to show love" crowd that my friend Lacy likes though. Everything was going fine until Tony was talking to Kate and called her the f word. Kate dished it right back and called him the f slur back. That's when I got super uncomfortable. I did not know these people, I have no clue what their sexual orientations are, but from context clues through the night it seemed like they were into one another. I definitely did *not* get the vibes that Tony was interested in men at all, but again, not my friends, I don't know them well enough, so I bit my tongue. I logged out shortly after since it was almost time for me to go to bed anyways.
The following night, I was in the server VC with like 8 other people. Both Lacy and her boyfriend Steve were in there as well. Two of those people happened to be Tony and Kate, who I did not know were both in the server until that night (Again, it is my friend's server and she is allowed to invite whoever she wants, obviously.) We were all just kind of chilling and playing our own games while talking to each other, when out of nowhere, Tony calls Kate the f slur again. Now I'll admit, I was a tad tipsy at this point. I spoke up this time and basically said that that's not a nice word to use, that I'm not comfortable with it because people in my community have been targeted with that word. And there was silence after that. Neither Lacy or Steve said anything. Steve tried to distract me and change the subject, but I was so uncomfortable and pissed that I just kind of left the VC in frustration. I messaged both Steve and Lacy to let them know why I'd left and went to bed. I woke up and Lacy's only response to me was "I understand." I was still a bit upset so I messaged her back. (I'll copy and paste what I wrote to her because I'm not the best at paraphrasing. Names are edited for privacy):
"No, like I honestly don’t think you do. Because the other night in the movie world, both Kate and Tony said it as “insults” to each other, and I had to bite my tongue because they’re your friends and not mine. It’s a word that got used in my face time and time again whenever someone would push me “jokingly” in school before I even knew/accepted that I was gay. It’s a word that gets spat into gay people’s faces before, during, or after they get unjustly attacked or even killed simply for holding their partner’s hand in public. I don’t think you actually understand the weight that that word holds for people in my community. It’s literally the equivalent of someone calling a black person the n word with a hard r simply for being black. And the two owners of the server said nothing. Absolutely nothing after that word was dropped like it’s just casual conversation."
I waited all day for a response and didn't get one from her. In fact, I was still waiting until an hour ago when I decided to leave the server altogether. *That's* when my friend decided to message me. She asked why I'd left, then immediately called me. Talking with her, I found out that she did have a chat with Tony (okay, how was I supposed to know this if it wasn't communicated to me?) She never responded because she honestly wasn't quite sure how to. Because as the server admin, she was put in a bit of a bind. According to her, Tony's response was that that's just how him and his friend Kate interact with one another. (Side note, she doesn't know Tony's sexuality, but Kate it bisexual.) And now here's where I'm wondering if I'm the AH. Lacy reached out to not only some of the other people who were in the VC that night who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but also other server admins who are a part of the community as well. None of them seem to have any issue with the word at all. They also think that it's just a word and that it doesn't hold any power unless you let it. And while I completely agree with that sentiment, it's unfortunately not that easy for me to look at it that way. That word is a trigger, both from religious trauma and bullying in my past. So Lacy fees like her hands are tied, because I'm saying that it's an offensive word while others in the server are saying it's not that big of a deal.
So reddit, AITAH? Did I overreact? If no one seems to have an issue with it, then is this just my BPD making me think/feel irrationally again? As it stands, I have no intention of returning to the server. Regardless of my judgment, this is something that doesn't sit right with me, and even if I'm wrong, I don't want to go back and get triggered again, so for my own mental health, I know that staying away is probably for the better. I was just always taught not to judge others for their appearances, and that includes using words that could be considered offensive to others. But now I'm wondering if I'm overreacting. So am I wrong?
submitted by ThrowAwayGay0892 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:31 Odd_General444 Was I enough?

This is a long story. My boyfriend broke up with me (both 23) out of nowhere and I keep thinking I maybe wasn’t enough. We were together for 1 year and a half, two months ago we had time off college and spent those months practically every single day together, went to the beach just the two of us and he invited me to his family vacation, I was extremely happy and things were great between us, seeing how we worked together and solved conflict while being alone was so nice, he said he could actually see ourselves living together since we worked so great and had so much fun. During these months I had been struggling with pain during sex due to an infection, so we would still have sex but not penetrative, this had me insecure but he would tell me I would get better when I got better and that he was there for me, that was such a calming thought and. I was also working on getting better with doctor appointments and a diet.
When we got back to college everything seemed fine, we tried as always to see each other as much as possible while also having our lives, seeing friends and study, we would also study together if we had to. He had always struggled with stress and feeling badly about himself, specially with things about college or how good he was when playing basketball and I always tried to make sure he knew I was there for him. As it had happened last year, he would have problems when turning in assignments on time, he procrastinated a lot and also liked doing many things so he would always have that problem.
During the last month he had plenty of bad days, he would lose things, get bad grades, said he was playing bad, etc. The thing is during our whole relationship whenever this things happened ( often once every week or at least every two weeks ), he would become distant and indifferent towards me and it hurt. If he had bad a day he wouldn’t say good morning, he wouldn’t ask about my day, would ignore any text I send him if it was not related to what was happening to him and wouldn’t say I love you at night. I got used to it and used to get really sad but still tried to make sure he knew he could count on me, I used to tell myself his behavior had nothing to do with me and tried to be supportive but it was complicated. Through the time we were together whenever I tried to be there for him, it rarely worked. He would say horrible things about himself, that he was an asshole, loser, someone without a future, piece of sh*t and literally every curse word you can imagine, he would also constantly repeat he wanted to die and if he was dead things would be so much better. This reaction happened almost every time something bad happened to him from losing a crewneck or missing an exit on a high way to failing a class, there really wasn’t a difference in the reaction he would have, there wasn’t a filter. He would hit things and break them or even hurt himself on occasions.I have anxiety and all of this made me feel really uneasy, I used to cry a lot and think I should be more tough to be able to support him so I went to therapy.
Therapy helped me deal with my anxiety and put boundaries, I wanted to be there for him so when he started to say these things or felt bad I would tell him I loved him, said things I liked about him, asked him if he wanted his favorite food, watch a movie, go on a walk, talk or be in silence, but when I did all of this he would say I was lying, that it wasn’t true, that he didn’t understand why i loved him, that I just said the things I said cause I was in love with him, that if he was gone I wouldn’t notice, etc. It made me feel horrible so I stopped talking to him in that way when he felt bad cause it really didn’t help. I started to ask if there was anything I could do but his answer would always be no, i kept on telling him I was there for him and helped him when he let me, I would go see him and hang out but many times I would go home crying cause he ignored me or said he wanted to die and no girlfriend wants to hear that.
The months previous to the break up I had talked with him about the fact that it really hurt me when he ignored me during the day, it wasn’t like he didn’t talk to me but he would only talk to me about how much he hated himself, when I gave him solutions he would tell me It wouldn’t work and that sort of thing. We had had this conversation before, many times, every time we had it I would tell him it was okay that he felt badly that that wasn’t what bother me, it was the way he treated me what made me sad, he would apologize and then everything was kind of fine.
Two weeks before our breakup he became distant, it kind of happened from one day to another, he couldn’t really look at me or even touch me, I told myself i was crazy and when I asked he said he was fine. I felt so rejected so one day I asked him if he wanted me there, what was going on, told him I wanted a little bit more reassurance to what he Said He had been feeling bad for a while and he couldn’t be what I needed him to be, he couldn’t be a boyfriend that it was best if we broke up. I was shocked and when I asked why he felt badly he said the sex life of our relationship bothered him that he knew it wasn’t my fault cause i was sick and he felt guilty since I was too good to him, the thing is during all the time I was sick he said it was fine like he never told me Anything and I feel like if he had said something to me, I would have understood cause I think It’s a matter of couple, but he never asked me anything about the matter, it felt like he was giving up on me, like I was broken. Then he said he also felt like I couldn’t be there for him like he was for me, that when he felt badly I couldn’t help him.
I’m heartbroken, I feel like I did everything I thought was right, I really tried my best and it wasn’t enough. He never talked to me about these things that bothered him so I had no chance in fixing or at least knowing about these issues. I always tried to make sure he knew I was there for him, how could he say I couldn’t when all I did was try, I feel like all I asked in that area to not be hurt. When I asked him to change in the past he would say that was just the way he was. I feel so confused as if I had done something wrong, one month ago he was saying how he could see himself marrying me, he would alway say I was his dream girl. I don’t really understand how he changed so much, I feel so sad about the sex part cause that really isn’t my fault and I thought I was more than that, I was getting better and working really hard to do so. I think I was a pretty good girlfriend, said always good morning to him, have his favorite soda always as in my house, cooked his favorite meals, invite him to all family and friends plans, would go to all his plans too and was happy to, had a good relationship with his family and even gave his parents presents or I would show up to his house with sweet treats for the whole family , I apologized when necessary and was always willing to talk not fight. I don’t know what else I could’ve done, my goal was alway that we were both happy and I hate this feeling that I wasn’t enough. I love myself and life, even if there were things that bothered me like the ones I described, always felt like feeling badly was my fault and that it was worth it since the rest of time he was wonderful, the rest of the time I felt like the luckiest girl, I wonder if I could’ve done anything differen, I always felt like he appreciated me, why did he stopped?
submitted by Odd_General444 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:07 ivlia-x Today is my birthday and my father pretends I don’t exist even though I did nothing and I feel so, so alone I want to off myself

I know it has become a buzzword at this point, but my father is a textbook example of a narcissist, or at least he ticks many boxes. He’s always been emotionally unavailable to say the least, basically abusive.
I have a younger brother, he will be 19 in a month. My father hates him. Mother says he never wanted a son, only a daughter, and it shows. He treats me like shit and treats my brother even worse. He never allowed him to play video games, have a phone (he got his first very cheap phone for 15th bday if I remember correctly. My mom bought it. Father once bought me an iphone which was fairly expensive since we live in central europe and demanded me, a 14yo at the time, to somehow pay it back in 6 months. I was unable to since I couldn’t work legally and didn’t get any allowance, so he took it away and it was just stored in a cupboard, unused, for at least a year before his phone broke so he took it). I had to give them my phone (which I bought with my own earned money a few years later) at 21:00, once he caught me using it at 21:05 and took it for 6 months. I couldn’t go out, when I would ask he would “jokingly” reply with “no, because i said so” and then would act all confused when I was crying alone in my room because “he was just joking”. So any friends I had just left because it was pointless since I could never hang out anyway.
I never went to any bday parties, missed all the 18th bday of my classmates because I was never invited. I was invited once and he didn’t let me go “because he said so”. I missed out on so much that I don’t remember almost anything from this time period other than mental pain. I only threw one pitiful bday party and got SAd by my older cousin (from his family). No consequences for him, of course.
And you will probably think I was some naughty bratty child. I never was, I couldn’t even stomach the thought of opposing him, of saying no or doing what I wanted because I feared the consequences so much. I’ve always had excellent grades, the highest possible, all the competitions and scholarships. I have a BA cum laude. And it still wasn’t enough, I was never enough. Never even heard a “congrats”, it was expected of me to be the best so that he could brag to his coworkers, idek. I selfed harmed, developed anorexia, and had to deal with everything on my own. I got assigned a school psychologist (in high school, the worst period) and he just laughed at me that I’m mentally ill.
I had a bf in high school he really didn’t like, like really really. From today’s perspective I’m happy that the story went the way it did because I wouldn’t have met my current bf, but hindsight is always 20-20. At that time, I had to come up with wild shit to meet with him. He would never say hello or goodbye when the bf came to my house (and continues this behavior towards my current bf of 5 years) so the bf decided not to come which made shit difficult and all. And it all peaked on the day of his prom, my father told me to be home at 22 or something (the proms here end at 3-4 AM). I laughed, thought it was a joke (one of “those” jokes) and left the house. And he came to pick me up at 22, made a fuss with all the teachers and all. I was absent for an hour trying to settle the entire thing with a teacher supporting me (she knew about the entire situation), he left but I had to be at home at 1:00 (my mom came to pick me up) and my bf left me. Which broke me even more.
And there were so many other situations like that I don’t even remember most of it right now. And of course my brother went through similar treatment. And my mother for so many years tried to convince it’s my fault. She realized how wrong she was about 8 months ago.
They were arguing because of my brother (due to the problems at home he failed one year in HS and had to repeat it, he had no support) because my mother was fed up with the way my father treated him. Some mildly heated argument and he decided to move out and live in our “dacha” type house for the entire summer last year, no contact and all. Mother made me visit him, I did, thinking it would help. It didn’t ofc and he only came back like a month later when she visited and resolved the conflict through bed, as always. It lasted for maybe 2 months and in Octobenovember they had another argument (she was so fed up with the way he treated her and my brother and just spoke out, it wasn’t even unreasonable, she just stated facts) and he doesn’t speak with us ever since while STILL LIVING WITH MY MOM AND BROTHER (i moved out 3 years ago and live with my bf). So, he just spends his entire days in this one room (which belongs to my brother), plays video games and watches movies. AND DOESN’T PAY FOR ANYTHING. Whenever I visit, i sleep in my room, my brother on the couch in the living room and my mother in the floor in the living room (has been a case for years, first they would sleep together in the living room but my mom started to have problems with snoring so he “evicted” my brother from his room and since it’s weird for a son to sleep in one bed with his mother, my mother ended up sleeping on the floor, while still snoring).
So yeah, he doesn’t pay for anything. Lives there as if he were in a hotel, has a maid who cleans, does the laundry and all. Legally, the flat isn’t his either. He never paid rent.
And here I am, I did nothing this time. But he chose not to talk to me as well, which is probably good but still hurts. I always get so scared every time I see him in the hall or in the kitchen now, I flee immediately.
I have zero friends I could talk to. I only have my boyfriend who is a blessing in Earth but I hate sharing all those things with him because his family isn’t good either. I just want him to be happy. I feel so, so alone in this and needed to finally tell somebody. I am barely handling it all and just want to go back to my old ways so hurting myself. Just to feel something, to let it go, i don’t even know. Today just broke me and I wish I was never born. And since I was born, I wish I had a friend, one good friend. But I have nobody but myself.
So, if you’re still reading, thank you. I wish you all a happy and loving home
submitted by ivlia-x to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:58 Background_Craft_933 AITAH for not letting my girlfriend sleep over at her male best friend's place?

I (27M) have been dating my girlfriend, Emma (26F), for almost two years. Emma has a close male best friend, Alex (27M), whom she's known since childhood. I've always been aware of their friendship and while I've had my insecurities, I've tried to be supportive because I trust Emma.
Last weekend, Emma told me that she was planning to have a movie night at Alex's place and that she would be staying over since they might finish late. I felt really uncomfortable with this idea. While I trust Emma, the idea of her sleeping over at another guy's place, even if he's her best friend, doesn't sit well with me.
I told Emma how I felt and asked if she could either come home after the movie or invite Alex to our place instead. She got upset and said I was being unreasonable and that I should trust her. She argued that Alex is like a brother to her and that I'm making a big deal out of nothing.
I tried explaining that it wasn't about trust, but about my own comfort and boundaries. I wouldn't feel right spending the night at another woman's place, and I hoped she'd understand where I was coming from. Emma insisted that I was overreacting and that she was going to stay at Alex's place regardless of how I felt.
We had a big argument, and Emma ended up going to Alex's place and staying over. Now things are tense between us. She thinks I'm being controlling, and I feel like she's disregarding my feelings. Some of our friends are split on the issue: some agree with me, while others think I'm being possessive.
AITAH for not letting my girlfriend sleep over at her male best friend's place?
submitted by Background_Craft_933 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:53 TinyResort5100 AITAH for leaving a girls' night out after my friends invited some guys over and I didn't want to stay?

I (26F) have been in a committed relationship with my boyfriend, Tom (28M), for three years. Last Friday, I had a much-anticipated girls' night out with my close friends at my friend Sarah's (27F) house. The plan was to catch up, watch movies, and have a sleepover, just like we used to do in college.
Everything was going great until around midnight when Sarah mentioned that she had invited some of her male friends over to join us. I wasn't thrilled about this because I had expected it to be just us girls. Shortly after, the guys arrived, and the atmosphere changed. They were nice enough, but it wasn't the cozy, all-girls vibe I was looking forward to.
I felt uncomfortable staying the night with the guys there, especially since Tom and I have an understanding about avoiding mixed-gender sleepovers. I quietly told Sarah that I wasn't okay with the change of plans and that I was going to head home. She looked annoyed and told me I was overreacting and being too rigid. I apologized but insisted that I needed to leave.
The next day, Sarah sent me a long message saying she was hurt and felt judged by my actions. She accused me of being a prude and implied that I didn't trust her judgment. I tried explaining my reasons again, but she stopped responding to my messages and hasn't spoken to me since.
Some of my other friends think I should have just gone with the flow, while others understand why I left. Tom is supportive and believes I did the right thing by sticking to our agreement, but now I'm questioning if I handled it correctly.
AITAH for leaving a girls' night out after my friends invited some guys over and I didn't want to stay?
submitted by TinyResort5100 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:50 insurancezone "The Intriguing Power of One: Unveiling the Hidden Might of the Period"

I've been thinking a lot lately about the power that a single period can hold. It's such a small punctuation mark, yet it has the ability to convey so much. In this post, I wanted to dive deep into the significance of the period and explore its various meanings and implications. So buckle up, folks, because we're about to embark on a thought-provoking journey into the world of the punctuation mark of all punctuation marks – the almighty period!
• At its core, the period serves as a signal for the end of a sentence. It tells us when to pause and take a breath before moving on to the next thought. But it's so much more than just a grammatical tool. The period has the power to add weight, create tension, and convey a range of emotions, depending on how it's used.
• Let's start by looking at the use of the period in messaging and social media. In this context, the period is often seen as a no-no. People argue that ending a text or a tweet with a period can come across as cold, formal, or even passive-aggressive. Instead, we've developed an informal style that favors omitting the period altogether, opting for the free-flowing, unpunctuated communication.
• But should we dismiss the period in informal communication so easily? Is it really devoid of any meaning in this context? I would argue that the period still carries weight, even in the digital world. When someone ends a message with a period, it can suggest finality, certainty, or even frustration. It can be a subtle way to convey emotions that may not be explicitly stated.
• Moving beyond the personalized sphere, let's consider the bigger implications of the period in literature and written communication. In literary works, authors strategically place periods to control the pacing, rhythm, and overall flow of a piece. A well-placed period can create suspense, build anticipation, or emphasize a point. It's like a conductor's baton, guiding the reader through the symphony of words.
• But what happens when the period is deliberately omitted? Take, for instance, the stream of consciousness writing style. By eliminating periods and other traditional forms of punctuation, authors can blur the boundaries between thoughts and emotions. This lack of restraint gives the reader an intimate glimpse into the mind of the narrator. It challenges our perception of time, structure, and even reality itself.
• Now, let's flip the coin and delve into silence, which can sometimes be more powerful than words themselves. In some cases, a period can be seen as an invitation for reflection, a moment of pausing to let the words sink in. Think of those poignant endings in movies or the last line of a poem that lingers, lingering long after the words have been read.
• In conclusion, the period may be a small punctuation mark, but it's far from insignificant. Its omission or presence carries weight and can shape our interpretation of a message. Whether in informal conversation or in works of literature, the period adds depth and nuance to our communication. So next time you encounter a period, remember to pause and take a moment to appreciate the power it holds.
TL;DR: The seemingly insignificant period has the power to add weight, create tension, and convey emotions. Its presence or absence shapes our understanding of a message in both informal and literary contexts. So pause, reflect, and appreciate the mighty period!
submitted by insurancezone to smallbusinessinsure [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:35 bathwater_salesman come n hang :3 jackbox night

Put yourself out there - try to make a friend, a connection. It's hard, I know. But the least we can do is comfort each other through the process. If you need a crew to back you up, I got you.
Feel free to vent your frustrations or reach out to the community for support and advice. The group also hosts events like watching movies or playing games in voice chat. Jamming to music together and even a rare karaoke night! These events kept me afloat on days I'd otherwise be isolated and alone. There are serious discussions and playful jokes all around. Plus a strong meme culture for to brighten on the darkest of days with a little laughter!
You don't need to be alone. Come and hang with us :3 We have a Jackbox event tonight!
submitted by bathwater_salesman to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:34 bathwater_salesman come hang w/adults on discord

Feel free to vent your frustrations or reach out to the community for support and advice. The group also hosts events like watching movies or playing games in voice chat. Jamming to music together and even a rare karaoke night! These events kept me afloat on days I'd otherwise be isolated and alone. There are serious discussions and playful jokes all around. Plus a strong meme culture for to brighten on the darkest of days with a little laughter! Making friends is hard as an adult.
Click here if you're interested:
submitted by bathwater_salesman to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:24 gym_jimmer_gm don't u dare text ur ex this week
Do you need a distraction from the pain? Or do just want to talk with someone who gets it? I'd like to share where I've been doing that. A discord group of people like you. Feel free to vent your frustrations out into the void, or reach out to the community for support and advice. Everyone here has gone through or is going through the same thing, we all understand.
The group also hosts events like watching movies or playing games in voice chat. Listening to music together and event hosting karaoke! These events have helped me get through some dark nights and keep me afloat on days I'd otherwise be isolated and alone. There are serious discussions and playful jokes all around. It's also got a strong meme culture brewing, you're bound to have good laughs on the darkest of days.
submitted by gym_jimmer_gm to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:02 Public_Smoke9597 [Update] AITAH for ending my friendship cuz of my friend’s gf?

Thank yall so much for your advice on the comments. I have addressed most of them as best as I could. A lot has happened since my post: Daniel proposed and we are getting married. Kevin heard the news and asked if he could be the best man and we agreed. Daniel wanted to mend things so he invited Kevin & Natalie to a poker night with two other friends. We agreed to let go of what she has said about us and make her feel welcome. Kevin did tell Natalie about poker night and she seemed excited about it. But that night her attitude changed & Kevin spent most of the night on the phone arguing while she was at work, and she showed up after work. We had a movie playing so she & I had something to do while the boys played poker. But she sat there pouting and barely said two words to anyone, we tried to engage in conversation offer her food or drinks and we were met with the cold shoulder. Later when they were leaving we could hear them arguing.
We knew Kevin was going to have Natalie as his plus one but we were afraid she’d cause a scene at the wedding. Who’s to say she won’t start a fight cuz he’d be sitting at the front table with us and not with her or cuz he would have to walk down the aisle with my MOH? So we asked him would he consider not bringing Natalie. We brought up her past behavior including poker night and Kevin said he’d speak to her. Next day Daniel gets a text from Natalie asking why she wasn’t invited, Daniel told her he wanted to avoid drama. She responded with “what drama may I ask?”, but before Daniel could respond she replied to not worry about it cuz neither of them will attend the wedding. We tried reaching out to Kevin but crickets. 
Kevin also decided to break our lease to move in with Natalie. But tried to give us and our landlord not even a week’s notice. Luckily our landlord is an attorney and told him if he were to break the lease he’s supposed to give a 30 days notice. We came to an agreement with our landlord that if he paid half months rent before leaving he could break the lease without consequences. He has since moved out and has had very little contact with us. He rarely talks to Daniel at school.
Now she has again gone thru his social media and has unfriended Daniel as well as several classmates including a girl. We have voiced our concerns to Kevin many times of possible emotionally abuse and isolation. But he makes excuses and claims his family loves Natalie. 
But it turns out that Kevin has confronted Natalie about her behavior and she constantly claims it’s just her acting out of anger, he has told her he is sick of her behavior and threatened to leave. Her response was to lay in the middle of the street and tell him that she hopes to get hit my a car. So it seems that Natalie has threatened to hurt herself if he leaves or threatens to leave.
Despite our issues with Natalie we have told him that we still care about him and are worried about him. But now he claims we are AH for voicing our concerns.
submitted by Public_Smoke9597 to dustythunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:18 thrwwycpt AITAH for not telling a new girlfriend I'm bisexual earlier?

Hi all, struggled with the post length as I didn't want to leave things out (opportunities to tell her), but also aware of brevity. TLDR at the bottom for those who don't want to read the whole thing. Warning: Contains mention of homophonic slurs. Using an old throwaway as people know my real account that I'm not "out" to.
I (37M) recently started a new relationship with Sarah (34F) (fake name).
We met through Hinge and after chatting for a week or so arranged our first date. She told me she was a big animal lover which was was one of the things we bonded over, so for the first date I picked her up and we went to the safari park before going to dinner. We had a great time and when dropping her home, we kissed and both agreed that we'd like to see each other again.
We continued talking and texts were becoming increasingly flirty and suggestive, without becoming explicit. Over the next two weeks we went on three more dates, to the sea-life life centre, to catch a movie, and then to a fancy restaurant - it was after this fourth date she invited me back to her place and we slept together. Without being crass, it was incredible!
I knew by this time I really liked Sarah and was becoming smitten. I knew I wanted to progress this beyond something casual.
We didn't see each other again throughout the next week but continued talking daily. I invited her to spend the night at my place the following Friday and she agreed. I cooked, we drank wine and we ended up having sex a couple more times.
The following morning I made her breakfast and we slept together once more. It was after this when we were cuddling in bed that I took a chance and told her that I really liked her and would really like to make it official and be exclusive. She asked me if that meant I'd been seeing other women, to which I said no (and I hadn't), I just meant I didn't know if she had been seeing others and didn't want to presume.
She kissed me, told me she hasn't been seeing anyone else either and would love to be my girlfriend. I was ecstatic!. She ended up staying at mine all weekend and I felt like I was on cloud 9.
Throughout the next week we saw each other a couple of times but she never stayed over again until the following weekend when she was going to stay at my place all weekend. We were "watching a movie" but really just fooling around and she asked how I felt about not using condoms since she was on birth control and neither of us were seeing other people (we'd used condoms every time up to this point). I told her that I was open to it, but perhaps it would be sensible if we both got tested first just to be safe.
There was an immediate shift in her tone and body language and she asked me if I thought she was a sl*t who slept around. I of course told her no, but even if so, it was none of my business. It didn't appease her at all and she pressed asking if I didn't think she was sleeping around then what do we need to do tests for.
I explain that's it's equally on me, and that I wouldn't want to give her something, to which she asked if I was sleeping around. I told her not currently, of course not but I that I was sexually active prior to us dating and that I would regularly get tested if I've been sexually active recently, just to be safe.
This led to a barrage of questions about how sexually active, and how many women had I slept with, when was the last time I slept with someone before her.
I tried to explain that I don't think I was any more active than the average man, my last partner was about a month before matching with her, and that I'd slept with maybe 40 people in my life.
I could tell she was shocked and reiterated back to me, "you've slept with 40 women"? I said no, that's not what I'd said, I said I slept with 40 people.
She looked puzzled for a moment before it clicked but then asked me, had I had sex with men before? I said yes, and started to explain that it had been years since but she didn't let me finish.
She asked me "Are you gay?", to which I said of course not, have we not been having great sex? I told her that whilst I don't mind the term bisexual, it's not fully accurate as I have no romantic interest in men, I don't find men attractive the way I do women, but it's just something I find hot, especially in a male-male-female dynamic (which is how I came to be bisexual).
What she said next just shattered me. Just "eww". I really liked her and there were no signs that she was this homophobic.
I knew straight away that this relationship wasn't going to survive this conversation but she started berating me telling me that I lied to her, and I should have told her earlier, that she wouldn't have slept with me if she knew. She told me I'm just gay and scared to admit it.
I just said I'm sorry you feel that way but when was the appropriate time to mention it? She just said I should have found the time. Women don't want gay boyfriends and I should make sure they know beforehand.
I protested that it was it was actually none of her business and that I wasn't obligated to tell her, but I value honesty. Much in the same way she wasn't obligated to tell prospective partners about her history, on the off chance they might think she's gross.
It fell on deaf ears, and she just said she had to go. She started gathering her things whilst muttering "I can't believe I fucked a f*g", "I need a shower", etc.
At this point I couldn't control myself and the anger got the better of me. Whilst I fully acknowledge the pettiness, I don't care if this bit makes me the AH for this part but I snapped back, "well I suck cock better than you do anyway".
She made a fake vomiting noise, finished gathering her things and left, but not before shouting "bye f*g". I was then blocked before she even made it home and I haven't heard from her since. That was 2 weeks ago now.
Whilst she handled it terribly and she's definitely an asshole, my question is... does she have a point? Am I also an asshole for not telling her sooner? I understand not all women will be okay with it, but I don't feel like I lied and shared my past when asked. When is the appropriate time for this conversation?
TLDR: Started dating a new woman, things were going great. Slept together. Became a couple, then the talk of past partners came up and she learned I was bisexual. She did not like that one bit... insulted me, told me I should have told her sooner. Was she right?
submitted by thrwwycpt to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:07 Shirohige_beats AITAH: Me and my girlfriends decision to cut ties with our friends right?

I(22,male) and my girlfriend(22), let our names be A and B. We(A and B) have been together for 4 years and have been living together for 2 years,we have a friend group of 4 people(including us) let the other 2 be X(22,M) and Y(21,F). So, starting from 2022, i had just joined a gym, where me and X became close friends, basically gymbros, this was in February 2022 before that I and B were in a long distance relationship and as the lockdown had just uplifted B also arrived to my city for colle in 2022 feb. So my equation with X had always been amazing (Y isnt in the picture righ now no one knows she exists) so the gym i and X had met in we stay there for 8 months approximately and in September-october X finds a great gym so we decide to change our gyms. (During this my girlfriend also moves in with me) in the new gym X meets a new friend group where he meets Y. Y is a girl who has been gymming since a year when he met her and X is a gym rat so they basically hit it off and X basically starts to ignore me for the new friend group but i never really cared that much because i had understand he wanted to hit things off. Not going into much detail but till January end of 2023 me and X have very rare conversations but we are still friends tho no hard feelings then around valentines things mess up and Y and X stop talking and Y comes in a relationship with a guy (Z) it was basically a very forced relationship but after that X comes back to me starts spending time with me but I never said anything for that matter as I wanted to support him. So then X also becomes friends with B my girlfriend and now its only the 3 of us . I do talk Y seperately because i was friends with Y and rest of the group so it wasnt fair to just not talk and it was just till greeting each other when meeting in gym So even though X kept saying that he doesn’t care about Y but he very much did( also Y after 6 months of being in a relationship breaks up with Z) so me and my girlfriend do our best and we root for them and they are now in a relationship from the (sept2023) Things start to take a huge turn from here as now i and my girlfriend are now close with X and Y we are now a friend group. During the start we give them all the time they need to build their relationship But one day we saw X and Y are watching a movie with some other friends whom we also knew and they didn’t even ask us naturally i and B get sad and indirectly target them through stories ( yes that was very immature of us instead of just talking with them) but their reason was that they didn’t ask us about movie because we just said that we are financially tight but we never dined for a movie infact B was very excited for that movie but still after that argument we get to hear “it was immature of you to put up an instagram story” to which we agreed but we weren’t heard and somehow it was our fault in the end. So after that in the end of 2023 i and B change gym and X and Y do too so naturally we start drifting apart in this timeline there has been many instances where i and B have invited them to our house asked them to hangout but they were never free for us and somehow always managed to hangout with others just to make it clear i and B have no problem with X and Y hanging out with other friends it’s the disrespect we have gone through even after discussing with them what we clearly feel instead of putting up stories we actually talked but it always ended with “you guys are thinking too much” “ it’s not that serious” and never “we are sorry we made you feel this way” anyways my girlfriend B is a veery aware of her emotions person and she wants to cut them both off but I insisted to hold on a little longer. Fast forward to June 2024 till now many instances have happened where i and B have been disrespected and not heard, so we joined the same gym as X and Y, so we asked if they would like to go to the gym with us, they usually go in the evening and we due to certain commitments prefer going in the afternoon, so to the invite they say if they will have their food they will join us, so afternoon in the gym i was waiting for them and guess what they went to watch movie with some other friends and with all the disrespectful events, i got really pissed and decided to block X and Y and so did my girlfriend blocked them! However, i thought that because X has been my friend for a long time i shall meet and discuss and i let him know that you guys have been blocked and then I explained why and we came to a conclusion that no matter what happens between Y and B i and X would remain friends When i met X he had not noticed that he has been blocked so when i met him I immediately said you and Y are blocked BUT HE DID NOT LISTEN anyway after clearing things with X i unblock him and send him a request he then proceeded to dm me and ask “did you block me to i?” I was like yes i told you .X then proceeds to flip out and starts freaking out and says stuff like how could you block me? This doesn’t work like that i am confused as to why this reaction when things have already been talked about in between of the argument he proceeds to involve my girlfriend and says “from the time B has arrived in the city since then you have become like this” and not only says this once but 100 of times and literally starts blaming my girlfriend on the call while Y is on a conference listening. (Even after X including my girlfriend i did not cross the line to include X’s girlfriend in the conversation) But he still has the audacity to say that i and B target Y when not even once we mentioned her. I and B are trying our best to tell them that this is what we were talking about and how you guys are still not listening. But after 2 days of fight they still called us immature for blocking them (when i and B saw no future with them and didn’t see any difference with or without them in our life) so we blocked them and gave them a kind explanation but they still chose to tell us how i and B are immature and whatever we both feel is petty and how they are superior for letting petty things go. Where i and B were just looking to end things calmly X and Y made everything about themselves and things got really ugly till the end. So AITA
NOTE: Sorry for such a long message,it’s the first time posting on reddit, also wanted a safe place to vent out and get good advices.
submitted by Shirohige_beats to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:02 wonderingDIL I’m drunk and on lunesta after an awful few weeks (long)

Trigger warning: medical stuff & the death process. I do not give permission for this to be on any other platform.
I met him on fb dating. We chatted for a while and then for 2 or 3 weeks did 2-4 hour phone calls every night. We met 2 days after Christmas, and were taken with each other. He swept me in his arms and crooned “can’t help falling in love” by Elvis in my ear while we danced. I was head over heels and remained that way for the 2.5 years we were together. He went to detox, it worked, and he stayed clean for 27 months. Hadn’t been sober that long since he was an early teen.
My boyfriend and I were “on a break” while I was in the psych ward, then a step down to find me temporary housing. I spent 2 months in the hospital. While I was in there he would call and tell me he was going to come rescue me, take me to the beach, how he needed me to get him through detox again, told me he loved me dozens of times. Then silence for a month, followed by texts during the hour “phone time” at the step down where we were allowed on our phones. He texted me Saturday night, told me he loved me, there was another girl, he’d always be there for me. I found out it was the last text he sent.
That night, the Saturday before I got out, he fell and they found hard drugs in his system (he was only a pot head & sober, but started drinking and whatever again the week I went in). He had gone back to hanging out with an old unsavory crowd.
I was upset on Sunday when I saw the texts and sent some angry responses. I got out Wednesday, didn’t hear from him and thought he was ghosting me. Found out after contacting his enmeshed mom on Thursday night that he had been on life support with irreversible brain damage among other things. They kept him on life support due to his checking the donor box on the drivers license form.
The family respected his and my relationship a lot and let me come visit the next day, then the next, then they let me be there for when life support was pulled Sunday. They couldn’t handle being in the room with him.
I saw the nurses come, open his eyelids, and watch his eyes not respond. He only jerked when there was pain applied but didn’t respond to anything else. They had him on versed and morphine and fentanyl and another one prior to removal of life support. I reattached his air tubes when they would fall out, wiped the saliva that he was soaked in, and wiped sweat off his face. Sat next to him in bed and held him, talked to him, all of it.
I was in the OR when they pulled life support and expected him to pass, to stop breathing on his own. He kept breathing and I laid down in the bed with my head on his chest next to him and told him I loved him over and over, sobbing over this gorgeous man for almost the whole 90 minutes. He kept breathing.
They took him out of the OR after 90 minutes as he no longer qualified for donor status. I couldn’t leave him though. He kept going through the night and the next. I spent a lot of time in the bed next to him, sucking secretions from his lungs with a tool they gave me and asking for pain medicine at the right intervals (they stopped the flow of pain meds and were only giving him pain meds as needed). He would exhibit pain symptoms, his jaw would clench so hard his teeth were jammed out of place and his tongue would get stuck between his teeth. Massaging his jaw would get it to calm a bit. His eyelids would open but his eyes were rolled back in his head. His chest and heart were visibly working so hard in his 160 lb 6 foot frame.
His older brother was in a major fight with him, and that first night he went though my BF’s phone and found other women he was talking to over the last 2 months. He used my bf’s phone to text-yell at me about staying with my bf, telling me he had found all this evidence that the bf was “cheating” on me, telling other women he loved them. Then got mad I wasn’t leaving his side. It hurt. I knew that he was dating, so not cheating, but to love so quickly? I was out of the bed for a few hours, angry, sad.. and that’s when he had the most tooth movement and pain. I felt immediately bad and wouldn’t leave him the rest of the time. Everyone called me the girlfriend and I was still the girlfriend. I was the one there who could help him. Drunk bf did some shitty things. Doesn’t mean I didn’t love every inch of that man and his amazing brain.
We stayed in the ICU for a day and then we were moved to a different floor. Every nurse, assistant, even the doctor that came to see him got shown pictures of the man he was, all dressed up as his favourite superhero for Halloween (he was the Spider-Man of his neighborhood for years).
The second room we were in Monday night was a holding floor, awaiting people going home or going to hospice. Getting the ICU clear. They were kind to us, until the night nurses came around. He was prescribed morphine as needed every 15 minutes but he clearly couldn’t ask for it. I pressed that call button as much as they would let me. He would squeeze my hand when he was in pain, I don’t know if that was an automatic response or not but that’s how I knew he was in pain. Still I laid by him in the hospital bed, trying to keep him calm.
After 51 hours, with only 2 15 -30 minute naps he allowed me to take, I desperately needed to get back to my house 2 hours away and get my medications. I’m a week out of the psych ward at this point and shaky as fuck. His parents both came to visit separately, and for a max of 10 minutes. They couldn’t handle what was going on.
The people in charge found room at the hospice and moved him there Tuesday afternoon. I made sure he was comfortable, kissed his head and hands and told him I loved him. I played a few of his favourite songs to let him sleep to and left to go back and get my meds.
Wednesday I slept in my own bed, took my meds and felt too woozy to go back and thought I’d take a day to make sure I could do more to help through the next week.
He passed Wednesday afternoon while his dad was sitting by him.
The last few weeks have been a numb blur. What was supposed to be me working to get a job and move from the temporary living space turned into trying to heal from everything. Cleaning the porn off his laptop & phone (both were given to his niece) His parents elected to get him cremated. I made them a Shutterfly book (while intensely applying for work so I don’t lose my temporary living space) with memories of him and it will be delivered this Friday, his birthday, along with the urn they ordered.
The 2 alcoholic sons both lived with their parents and my bf’s room is full of trinkets and books and things that he would do instead of working, instead of drinking.
Yesterday I held the box of his ashes in his room and played can’t help falling in love and other songs and swayed with him, crying. I showed his dad different treasures in his room and stories behind them. Some of his favourite books, and why. Showed him his son’s favourite boots and told him the story of how we found them and how they would change the whole way he walked. I discreetly took his sex toys out of his room so his family wouldn’t have to deal with them.
I hope a small part of him was comforted not being alone, being helped in the hospital. Knowing I’d take care of stuff.
My bf may not have considered me his boo anymore. He’s always going to be mine. I wasn’t ever able to erase the feeling that I wasn’t who he would have preferred by his side, but the girl he was with was an ex who had done some despicable things to the family. She was invited to see him for a short time before life support was pulled to say goodbye but wasn’t allowed any other time. All of this sent her from drinking a bottle of vodka a day to more, she couldn’t and still can’t keep it together. She’s even told me he told her how much I love him and how much he still loved me. She sent me selfies with presents he made for me that she was given. With duck face. That bitch.
All I kept and keep repeating in my head was all the times he said I love you to me the last few weeks of his life. The plans he made for us to go to the movies and cuddle. The plans to go on vacation.
I’m having trouble forgiving him, while still being in head over heels in love with him. I know I took on a lot of responsibility for keeping him sober that weren’t mine to feel.
Today I am drinking for the first time in a while. I wasn’t necessarily sober, just didn’t drink around him. I took Lunesta because I didn’t sleep last night.
Our relationship was so cocooned that I’ve lost a lot of my friends in the last while. I don’t know where to go, who to talk to about all this. He was my best friend, my cheerleader, my wailing wall.
That’s what’s going on. I’m lost without him. One of the last things he told me was how he admired me for my strength. I think I’m sapped.
submitted by wonderingDIL to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:54 kenshion072 I've been a full-time creator for almost 5 years (TikTok, YT, IG, everywhere), And I want to quit...

I want to know if anyone else has this problem. When I was younger this was the only thing that I wanted to do and I worked 10 years prior to build up my following before going from corporate to full time creator. So I have been working very hard at everything. Fast forward to now, I have a few employees, making money well in the six figures, and a lot of mouths to feed. And when the views start to dip, it becomes extremely hard for me to feel like I am going to make it through the other side. And right now I am experiencing a severe dip.
I have thought about finding another corporate job but perhaps in a more executive position as that I feel would match my qualifications. I really want to find something stable and have my weekends and nights back where I could spend it with my lover, and just be able to rest. I wake up every morning and work from 9am to 2am, and I don't have weekends or time off. I also just had surgery a week ago, and when I got back from the ER, a few hours later, I went right back to work.
While that sounds fantastic to not have to do that anymore, the idea of giving up my ambitions and dreams of one day really making it and being really big, is what is stopping me from finding that job because this is the only thing that I've ever wanted and continue to want which is I still want to be invited to movie premieres and go to exclusive events and meet celebrities. And I'm fortunately to have that now. But I feel that is the only thing keeping me from not finding another job, and as I'm sure those reading this can tell, that is not a good enough reason.
Is anyone else on this same boat?
submitted by kenshion072 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:36 alrightyaphrodite Book recap & discussion: Izabella St James ‘Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion’ - Prologue and Chapters 1-3

Book recap & discussion: Izabella St James ‘Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion’ - Prologue and Chapters 1-3
Izabella reflects on meeting a "$20 million-a-movie club" actor at a restaurant who finds her "astounding", he calls her the next day and they talk forever. He's extremely into her until he learns that Izabella lived at the Playboy Mansion, she says he was livid and couldn't be associated with her as her Playboy past would taint his reputation.
She feels defensive about his judgment of her Playboy Mansion past, she was letting go of the steering wheel of life and exploring herself and freedom. She says to understand each other we should know where each other has come from. So here she is to set the record straight and let you be the judge if she really did ruin her life by living as one of Hef's 7 girlfriends.
Izabella was born in Krakow, Poland. She has a handful of paragraphs talking about the beauty of Poland, the spirited and resilient character of Polish people, and she lists notable people of Poland. She writes about how Poland was the most devastated eastern European country of World War II, and is home to some of the most horrific places in the world, including Auschwitz. Her dad was a baby when his family had to flee their home after catching fire during crossfire between Germany and Russia, and he lost his brother later to a landmine. Izabella's grandpa was arrested and sent to Auschwitz for helping Jewish people - he survived but was a ghost of himself.
After WWII, she says Poland fell on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain and became a communist country - this was the setting of her childhood until age 11. She says her dad had a high up, well-paid position at a factory and their family of three had a better life than most people. TVs, cars, clothes etc. were scarce and expensive, but Izabella's family had a car, considered a luxury, and she was spoiled by her parents with lots of toys and a snack bar in her room. She's loved animals all her life and has never wanted to eat meat.
Izabella goes on many vacations with her parents in their car to other eastern European countries, but are put through unbearable screenings when they cross borders. Her dad is pressured by the Communist party to reveal names of anti-communist staff at his factory and his job is threatened. They manage to secure a special visa to visit Greece on a bus, and they plan not to return. They have to leave their possessions and everything behind as to not raise suspicions, so Izabella has to say goodbye to her dog and it breaks her heart. She lives in Greece with her parents for a year and she loves it, she learns to speak Greek. Her parents struggle with making money and starting over, and Izabella appreciates their sacrifices so that she can have more opportunities than communist Poland could offer - she's sure moving into the Playboy Mansion is not an opportunity her parents had in mind, but she's about being receptive and exploring new opportunities with the freedom her parents helped secure for her.
Izabella's family's immigration request is approved to move to Canada. They are sent to Prince George, British Columbia - a small lumber town in the Rocky Mountains. They all have to learn English, now Izabella's third language. Her parents don't see a future there so they get a van and the three drive across Canada to Toronto, where they've heard of more opportunities. They settle in Kitchener-Waterloo and Izabella starts grade 8 (age 13-14), she says even though she missed grades 5-7 moving around the world she was not behind as the Polish communist curriculum was so advanced. She starts to learn French, her fourth language. She makes friends, dates lots of boys, loses her virginity, and gets straight A's. She can't do frog dissection, and realizes she can't be a doctor, so she decides to enter the "only other traditionally prestigious and respectable profession", and become a lawyer.
She turns down scholarships to other universities and chooses McGill University in Montreal, "widely regarded as the 'Canadian Harvard'". She lives with 2 of her best friends and says they were legends in their neighborhood as 3 tall blonde housemates. She enjoyed experimentation and parties and trips with her friends. She says 'never a shortage of men' for her and her friends, and one guy she dates Keith is head over heels for her but they break up due to school demands for her and pilot training demands for him - they remain close friends. She dates a footballer Ryan from another university but they break up due to distance. She dates a guy named Sean who dotes on her, but hooks up with Ryan secretly whenever they are in the same town - Sean finds out and calls Ryan's new girlfriend and tells her too. Izabella swears off dating for a while after this fiasco.
Izabella is a double major in political science and history. She adds humanistic studies to be a more "well-rounded person" – studying Spanish, philosophy, classical music, and geography. She dreams of becoming an ambassador, a diplomat, and decides on law specializing in international affairs. She finds out Keith, her pilot ex - died in a plane crash flying his girlfriend on a snowy night. There is a major ice storm of 1998 with 5 days of no power in Montreal, she's had enough of the cold winter weather. Her grandmother passes away in Poland. The deaths of Keith and her grandmother make her consider life, and that there is more out there to experience and enjoy than just studying. She wants a change and to be somewhere warmer. When considering law schools, she weighed reputation and the lifestyle of the area equally - and applies to 2 schools in California. Pepperdine University in Malibu is the first to accept her application, her parents co-sign for her student loans, and she makes the move.
Izabella says her first year of studying at law school is a mix of satisfaction and disappointment. She’s not dated since the Ryan-Sean drama, but starts to notice a tattooed tall guy at Pepperdine “only in LA can you find a hot tattooed guy who is presumably intelligent”. The guy manages to introduce himself to Izabella after a few sightings, his name is Justin and they fall in love. This other girl wants to date Justin, and one night after Izabella drives home from a bar where that girl saw Izabella with Justin - she smells burning rubber and discovers someone ripped off her cars’ windshield wipers and stuffed them in the exhaust pipe. She believes it to be that girl but can’t prove it so lets it go.
Izabella says there is not a large international law market in LA, so she connects with someone in entertainment law who works for Playboy for an interview. It goes well but she decides to go study law in Spain over the summer where she can also work on her Spanish skills. She applies for another school loan and is off to study in Madrid for 2 months capped off with a 2-week vacation in Italy, Justin joins her and they have a great time but are “ready to kill each other” by the end of the trip. She returns to Pepperdine for her second year, she stays on top of her studies but also hits the Malibu beaches and hottest clubs in Hollywood all the time. She only makes 2 friends in law school as she says everyone is competitive, thinks they are the smartest, and if you are attractive as well as smart people will resent you.
Izabella is out with one of her two hot-confident-smart-but-also-has-personality friends from university, Vivian, one night, when they go to the same restaurant as Hugh Hefner. It was the year 2000, and in 1.5 years time Izabella will be part of Hef's ‘party posse’ – but at the time of this first sighting she would never believe that was in her future. Hef is sitting with Buffy Tyler, Katie Lohmann, and Doctor “Feelgood” Mark Saginor. Izabella says she sees a lot of girls going to introduce themselves to Hef and she thinks it is embarrassing, but Vivian wants to go say hi so Izabella reluctantly goes with her. They are invited to join the table, Izabella is fascinated by Buffy and Katie and wonders what their life and setup with Hef is like. Mark Saginor takes Izabella and Vivian’s numbers and invites them ‘Fun in the Sun’ on Sunday.
Izabella is nervously excited to visit the Playboy mansion. She says her ex, Sean, always said she should be a Playmate, and at McGill guys called her “Pam Anderson’s little sister” – not that she looked like Pamela Anderson at all, just because Pam was huge in Canada and “any girl with blonde hair and boobs was always compared to her”. At ‘Fun in the Sun’, it is not as wild as she had imagined. She says hi to Buffy Tyler who she finds cool and friendly. Izabella asks if she lives at the mansion and Buffy says she shares a room with Katie Lohmann and that it’s a lot of fun. Later on, Izabella notices one of Hef’s girlfriends “surrounded by a group of wanna-be Girlfriends”, the girlfriend comes over to Izabella and tells her she is pretty – Izabella says this girlfriend will later be her roommate at the mansion and partner in adventure. (Most likely Tiffany Holliday).
Izabella and Vivian are invited to mansion parties and attend many together – Vivian says they should call and ask to be invited back to Fun in the Sun, Izabella does not tell Vivian that she has been receiving invites to Fun in the Sun all along. Izabella doesn’t go to the Sunday ‘FITS’ as to not upset Justin, and she is fine with just going to big mansion parties. Izabella is working for a professor helping with a book on international business transactions, but she realizes she would have to move East where there is a broader international law curriculum to continue her studies as planned.
By the end of her second year at Pepperdine, Izabella and Justin take a break as he will be studying for the bar this summer and Izabella is ready to travel again. She gets another school loan to study at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland – “one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe”. She studies in cafes, visits the underground salt city Royal Salt Mine at Wieliczka, and has a deeply memorable and heart-breaking trip to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps where her grandfather had been sent. Justin calls her over the summer and it’s nice, but she decides she is not ready to jump back into their relationship.
She returns to her last semester in LA and is excited to resume attending mansion parties, and Fun in the Sun again now that she doesn’t have to worry about upsetting a boyfriend. Justin remains close and she draws comfort from that. Attending the parties at the mansion is her only plans in regards to Hef. “I never imagined what the future would bring”.
Chapter 4 coming soon
submitted by alrightyaphrodite to TheGirlsNextLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:12 Negative_Difference4 A real Prince of Denmark tries to live a normal Washington life. WaPo article with some royal shade towards Prince Harry Credit: ImNotaBatFeelmh

Archive Link
Washington Post Link (opens on mobile but not desktop)
Relevant snark from the article:
What does it mean to be a modern prince?
If you follow the British royal family, it means an heir and a spare, locked in a spiral of history, melodrama and betrayal. If you watch Hallmark movies, princes are invariably handsome but restive kings-in-waiting who find true love with scrappy American commoners.
Instead, he found his calling in the Danish military. After completing his education (he speaks Danish, French, English and German), he enrolled in the reserves while also a working royal. Five years ago, he was invited to enroll in the elite École Militaire in Paris, a year-long program for officers and defense experts. Then he was named a Danish brigadier general and a military attaché at the embassy in France. Last year, the palace announced he would be moving to Washington, where he would also focus on defense.“
It’s about defense industrial cooperation,” Joachim explained. “My main task here is to pave the way — boost, help, inspire — for Danish defense industries, large and small, to enter the U.S.: Either provide or sub-supply, get into that big chain of regenerating and resupplying our armed forces.” In short: One of the thousands of diplomats in this town (who happens to be a member of the royal family).
As Kate and Meghan know all too well, marrying into royalty isn’t the fairy tale one might assume, even though you can become an actual princess. You fall in love with a person; you marry a country
“I had high expectations,” Princess Marie said. “I wanted to speak Danish perfectly. I wanted people to be proud of me. I wanted to fit in. So I think I put a lot of pressure on myself. But Denmark is actually an easy country to live in. Why? Because people respect each other a lot. I don’t feel there’s a lot of conflicts. Things work well.”
.... In the smaller world of European royalty, it matters — but only to a certain extent. They all know one another — many are related — and the difference between being a prince or a count may not be a game changer in the larger scheme of their lives.
..... So, no fairy tale. Just a guy — son, brother, husband, father — with a famous family trying to live his life. A modern prince, for those who care about things like that.
Some of the comments:
Here’s a prince, he said, developing the relationship between the United States and Denmark as a NATO ally, taking on a serious and sensitive responsibility instead of coasting on his title." I guess that is a dig at Harry.
“Joachim has been such a force for good in that he has always understood his role... Here’s a prince...taking on a serious and sensitive responsibility instead of coasting on his title. For him to keep his head down and do this work and be a fantastic representative of the country is something I think is extremely admirable." Too bad Harry couldn't do that--or could he before Megan?
"This is his best shot at a drama-free life away from royal reporters who obsess over the comings and goings of even minor European nobles." Thank god our medial isn't like that! /s
A real Prince of Denmark tries to live a normal Washington life. Prince Joachim and his family arrived last summer for his diplomatic post, leaving behind royal drama to raise a family here with hardly anyone noticing.
No irony lost in this story. In a very Royal move, he allows an article about his desire for normalcy away from royal drama, to be written in one of the largest newspapers in the US and certainly in his chosen hometown... So much for 'wanting' to be less noticed! Next week a centerfold spread?
kudos to another who broke away from living on an musty/moldy royal 1700-1800 compound getting very little sunlight. Wasting away waiting for someone to die to advance in life. He also managed to make sure not to marry someone with the one drop.
The contrast with Harry and Meghan is painfully obvious, and probably one of the reasons the story was published. This brother to the heir to the throne made himself an expert on military issues (he also speaks four languages) and has a diplomatic career. Things he didn't do: write a bitter tell all, trash his family and expect apologies, run away from royal opportunities and responsibilities; or adopt with his wife the role of public victim in chief. The irony is that Harry had the military background to make military affairs his profession. Good article on this impressive Danish prince.
Harry can learn from the Danish royals.
Juxtaposed to that Harry from the UK, this guy is a prince for sure.
Another Prince on a world privacy tour …
A very nice article about non-drama Royal family - with character not personality-driven. Washington DC is a great place in which to live and one great reason is the many cultural events conducted by the embassies.
Post Credit: ImNotaBatFeelmh (sorry it took me so long to make this post. But it wasn't easy to do it myself)
submitted by Negative_Difference4 to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:58 Zealousideal_Rip9104 I don't feel like a teenage- Overbearing parents- Bad grades-Procrastination

I'm almost 18, but my parents still won't let me go out or to my friends' houses, except for school-related things. I've only been to one birthday party where we went to the movies. In middle school, I would turn down most party invites because I knew my parents would say no. They're Christians, so they don't allow sleepovers, which I understand.
I've always had trouble in school and find it hard to ask for help. At every parent-teacher meeting, they always say the same thing – I struggle with math and science and that I was super quiet. I'm supposed to be heading to university soon, but I only got a conditional offer, which I'm worried I won't meet. My parents think I'm really smart because they always see me on my laptop or working on something. I also struggle with procrastination. Find it hard to follow along in class.
I wanted to study business, but my parents shot that down, told me healthcare was better, become a nurse or a doctor. In the end, I ended up choosing science courses, and they were really hard. My exams are next week. I'm surprised I'm passing.
I'm not sure if I could do summer school because for so long I've been applying for jobs with no luck. Finally, I've been given the opportunity to shadow a doctor. Maybe I could do summer school in August, but my job program ends the 2nd week of August (starts in July). I'm trying to switch my university program. Restarting my senior year is the last thing I want to do.
Help! Suggestions are very much appreciated!
submitted by Zealousideal_Rip9104 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:39 No-Phrase428 A awsome Horror movie server :3 🎃

Discord link
We really need members, pls join if you like horror movies and series 🎃🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😭 see you later hopefully 😘😉
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2024.06.09 19:37 UrMomUrGay AITA for not wanting my "bestie" at my birthday sleepover?

So this happens when I was younger, (10th grade 16 yrs old) and my "bestie" hates me for it to this day.
Info about me: I've always been a petty, and sassy person, and it was terrible when I was younger, to the point of my parents had to remind me about my sass/sarcasm when I was 13. I'm also a musical kid(important for later), and during these events I was in 10th grade, and was playing Sharpay in our schools musical of "High School Musical"
The event: Before the incident in the titel, me and my friend(Abigail) were very close, and did everything together, until one day when I forgot to pay my phone bill, and it said something about message blocking, or whatever, when she texted me. She then started talking shit about me to my best friend, calling me a slut, a whore, and telling me to kms, and even listed ways I could do it. After my friend told me, I then started saying stuff about her(classic petty girl things) I called her fake, and an annoying bitch. She then found out, and tried turning everyone against me, and getting my boyfriend to break up with me.(Wtf?) After that, she tried apologizing to me, and even had teachers trying to get us friends again. With me being extremely petty, I of course refused, the only exception of us being friends was for the Musical. After the musical, she tried talking to me, and I eventually started talking to her again(I felt bad, bc she was moving away) after a few months of us trying to become friends again, she invited me to a "double date" at the movies, I agreed, and we went. When me and my boyfriend got there, she was alone. I asked her, and she said that her boyfriend canceled, but the outfit she was wearing told otherwise. (I should mention, I'm extremely self conscious about my body, as I a bit more chubby, and she is skinny, and always telling me how skinny she is.) When I saw what she was wearing, I could tell she wanted attention from someone(she has expressed she "used" to like my boyfriend) After the "double" date, she started talking to my boyfriend, being VERY touchy. Eventually my boyfriend left, and Abigail looked at me, and said "I think your boyfriend likes me, I mean like not trying to be rude, but did you see how he looked at me?". (BITCH WHO THE FUCK!!?!?!?) I looked at her, and then I left, when I got home I called my boyfriend, balling my eyes out, thinking he was going to break up with me. After that I didn't speak to her for 4 months. During those months, my birthday started coming up, and me not having that many sleepovers when I was younger, I decided to have a sleepover as my birthday party. I invited my best friend, and 2 others, and we had a lot of fun, and posted it on snapchat, tictok, and Instagram. The next morning I wake up to 38 missed calls and 196 unread messages(WTF!!?!) I say that it was from Abigail, and I read all the texts, saying stuff like "your so fake" or "I can't believe you did this" and "I hope your life goes down hill" I of course ignored this, and blocked her on everything.
It's been 5 years, and she still holds it against me. She even tried to make my boyfriend cheat on me, and then she found out how loyal my boyfriend is, and now I'm happy without her in my life, and I am happily engaged to my high-school sweetheart! I just wanna know, Am I the asshole?
submitted by UrMomUrGay to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 No-Phrase428 Horror movie server!

Discord horror movie server! (We need members)
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