Back pain sayings

Back Pain

2009.12.06 05:16 bowuuuu Back Pain

Creating a space for people to ask questions about their back pain (whether acute or chronic), giving meaning, and providing hope for those suffering. This is a place that does not tolerate misinformation, outdated notions/ideas, BUT promotes anti-fragility and hope. The human body does heal. The human body can overcome pain. The goal for you is to vent, receive advice on navigating your pain, and leave feeling hopeful instead of weak, lost, fragile or broken.

2015.01.23 07:12 mrgriggs Back Pain

Getting rid of back pain naturally.

2019.08.27 10:12 BigWeirdo69 tekkenbackpain

Tekken Ko Animation Enjoyment Group

2024.05.16 16:46 anonyrats Cat having intermittent diarrhea with mucus and blood (we have seen vets!)

Hello! Firstly: we have seen several veterinarians for this issue and are currently under the care of one and I understand this is not a substitute for care, just seeing if the larger vet community might have some additional insight for this vague/persistent issue.
• Species: Cat • Age: 13ish • Sex Neuter status: Female, spayed • Breed: Domestic shorthair (calico) • Body weight: 12ish lbs • History: Intermittent diarrhea outside of litterbox, sometimes with mucus and/or blood (has solid poops in litterbox in between episodes for weeks at a time) • Clinical signs: Acts fine otherwise: eats/drinks great, is playful and social. Is physically examined by vet each time there is blood in stool, vet always says she looks great. • Duration: About 3 years • Your general location: Southeast Texas • Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc: I have no links but the vet has done a couple of stool sample tests, which have come back normal. Has done bloodwork which was fine. Have not done any X-rays or imaging.
Additional info:
• Vets agree that it is allergies, definite chicken/poultry allergy and maybe something else • We have changed diet to chicken/poultry free with minimal ingredients and give probiotic powder daily, both of which seem to help (have tried prescription hydrolized protein diets which seemed to make it worse) • She currently gets regular steroid injections about every 8 weeks and has done a couple rounds of antibiotics, which seem to help but are maybe decreasing in efficacy (steroids especially) • Was born with about half a tail, kind of like a long bobtail. Read once a while ago (on the internet) that cats with tail mutations can have lower GI issues, not sure how true that is (because internet) • Cat tax available upon request (she is very cute)
Thank you in advance, and thank you all for being veterinarians/techs and doing what you do every day!!
submitted by anonyrats to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:45 Healthy_Service2595 AITAH for not wanting to babysit an extra 3 year old?

I (45 f) have one daughter (18) and no grandchildren.
My boyfriend’s best friend, Andy, started dating a single mom, Jessica, with a 2 year old (Karla) about 2 years ago. Right after they started dating her mom had issues with her regular sitter and even though I work full time, I volunteered to keep Karla on my 2 week days off. I like Karla a lot and if I have errands to run I just take her with me. She’s a typical child, but I didn’t and don’t mind planning my things around her. She’s neither exceptionally well-behaved nor a terror. On the rare occasion that I can’t take her (like a doctor’s appointment), I leave her with my teenage daughter or in a pinch bf will come home from work and watch her until I get home. Now that she’s in preschool, I usually pick her up at noon on my days off because they do school work in the morning. On days I don’t pick her up she stays in aftercare until 5:30 when her mom gets off of work.
Jessica’s sister left her husband and has gone to work for the first time since her 3 year old was born. The three year old is attending the same preschool as Karla and also generally stays in after care until her mom gets off work. I don’t really know her sister or niece except for having seen them at birthday parties and stuff like that. From what I have seen she was never a well-behaved child. Whining, crying, fit throwing when told no, demanding (walks up to her mom and says, “Fill my cup.” And mom does it.), hitting adults and other children, biting, snatching things from other children. None of this corrected by her mom who shrugs and says, “She’s an only child.” Jessica mentioned that her niece is having a difficult time adjusting and has been worse than typical for her and is now refusing to use the potty and is wetting herself again and is back in pull-ups. It’s all very understandable because she’s 3 and has gone through a ton of life changes.
Without talking to me they promised both girls I’d pick them up if the 3 year old goes all day at school (so from 7:30 until noon) without an accident and tells the school that as well. This literally gets sprung on me in the car pick up line. I only had one car seat so I take Karla as planned, leave the other child to finish her school day and call Jessica as soon as I get home. She hadn’t thought about the car seat thing.
When Jessica picked Karla up I explained to her that while I love children, I only like having 1 child at a time. (That’s why I only had 1). I enjoy spending time with Karla but have no intention regularly taking both girls. I was as polite as I could be in an awkward situation, but left no doubt that I’m not watching a 3 year old and a 4 year old on a regular or semi regular basis, and it is definitely not okay to spring it on me without talking to me. Jessica seemed to understand.
Andy called bf and said that they decided that instead of taking Karla 2 afternoons a week that I should take one day to rest with no kids and have both girls the other, or take 1 child each afternoon. I took the phone from bf and explained (again) that I am absolutely not keeping both girls any day of the week and that I’m not keeping Jessica’s niece at all. Andy said he thought I was a nicer, more understanding person and can’t believe how heartless I am being towards Jessica’s sister and niece, who are having a really hard time right now. He also said that they’ve decided that I can’t take just Karla. The girls are now a package deal and I have to do for both of them or neither.
Now Andy and Jessica are boarder line rude to me at social functions and they have told Karla that I’m too busy to pick her up from school.
Am I the asshole because I don’t want to babysit a random poorly behaved 3 year old?
submitted by Healthy_Service2595 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:45 NaomiiNyaomii I think my server/host manager likes to go on power trips

On Saturday right before Mother’s Day I had worked a double shift, 12:30pm to DBD, we instantly got slammed with almost a 2 hour wait time and the kitchen severely backed up because I guess everyone wanted to go out to eat on Saturday instead of Mother’s Day.
The manager on the floor at the time assisting our host team was one of our newer managers who I’m just going to call Ron.
Nobody actually fucking likes Ron because of the way he manages the servers and hosts and he’s usually in everyone’s business and acts like even our most experienced servers are doing something wrong.
Now that Saturday was awful for everyone…Ron was giving out 4-6 tables to servers who aren’t certified to take that many tables, myself included, I was taking 4 tables at a time and severely overwhelmed and couldn’t handle it, almost having a panic attack from it, almost everyone was in a panic, to the point the other service manager Who I’m just going to call S had to talk to Ron and tell him not to do that because some servers (like Myself) are not capable of handling that many tables as well as being seated way out of their section. I know that I should stay calm in situations like these but one of my friends who is a host told me that Ron literally was saying “seat first, deal with the servers later.” Which just made everyone pissed off even more and just wanted to go home already.
Around 9:45 it finally calmed down and it was like a 15 minute wait and we got seated our normal tables again, everyone already told our To-go manager who I’m going to call Brittney that we’re all sending complaints to the GM for what Ron was doing because he honestly just made everything worse for everyone.
Brittney agreed but said that the GM probably won’t do much but be more aware of what Ron is doing and be more aware.
I have yet to send an email to my GM I entirely forgot but should I still do it??
submitted by NaomiiNyaomii to Serverlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 samanthaholly04 I’ve been on the depo shot for almost a year and I can’t stop heavy vaginal bleeding and it’s affecting my sex life

so i have been on the depo shot since august of 2023 and before that i was on the pill. the first few months of depo were good i wasn’t bleeding at all and then around november of 2023 i continuously bled heavily nonstop (i don’t get cramps or any pains mind you) and i’ve been to the doctors and they tell me that the bleeding is normal and i should keep coming back. come january for my next depo shot, once i got my shot in january the bleeding went away for 20 days and when it came back i was beyond pissed off and i have been bleeding throughout the time after my shot wears off after 20 days till i get the shot again. i’ve taken ibuprofen and it hasn’t helped me at all. a few weeks ago my obgyn told me to take one birth control pill a day and my bleeding should stop permanently and its not likely it’ll start again. and guess what. it started again and of course my bleeding is heavy. my mom is considering me to get the hormonal iud because i heard it makes the lining of the uterus thinner and stops bleeding. i don’t know why this depo isn’t working and i’ve tried every home remedy i can. and it’s affecting my sex life greatly and it’s making me very sexually frustrated. is there anything i can do before i get my iud and when i get my iud should i keep breakthrough bleeding or no? i want this to stop because it’s so annoying and it’s literally every single day
submitted by samanthaholly04 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 st_jimi05 Did I do the right thing

I thought to give you the heads up I'm terrible at spelling n grammar sorry in advance. So I 21m n gf 21 I'm referring her as gf to make it ezer to understand. So context my ex 21 f I left after a year of abuse I was working to jobs to makes ends meet n if I didn't make enough money it would end in her breaking things and many other stuff I can't talk about cuse it's to hard to mentally she refused to get a job then I finally realised that it was toxic and terrible so I left. I tried to make it civil I gave her one of my cars n we agreed that she would pay me back the $4500 wich I never got wich I now get it was stupid. When I met my gf I told her everything and all this truma that came from it I thought she understood when my ex found out I was dating some one she threatened her n me saying how dare you date someone else you said you loved me and all that crap months go by we were awsome nothing bad we communicated amazingly then the other day I got a message from my sister saying that my ex posted a tick tock saying since my ex hurt me so much I became best friends with his gf. I sat on it for a day to think about then I asked my gf hey I saw this is it true she said yes I asked how long she told me over a month I said why didn't tell me when she 1st messaged you her response was cuse I didn't want to hurt you cuse u wouldn't understand I told her exactly cuse of the stuff you know but she couldn't see how badly this effected me I told her how could I know that u r talking to other people romantically n won't tell me since it would hurt me I might be over reacting n I might be insecure but this dishonesty hurt me so much if she told me soon as jt happend I wouldn't be hurt
submitted by st_jimi05 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 Equivalent-Peace-521 Shay Nasty

I was always broken, but I always loved you. I think about you every day. I think of all the things I would say… I’d tell you that I’m sorry a thousand times, then 1000 times more.
I didn’t know how to be a man. I was barely a person.
You broke me down to my core… But we were just kids.
I wish I had the power to bring you back. My arms were created to wrap around you. Like two streams flowing into one another to form one current.
You were water, and I was fire. I’ll miss you forever…constantly missing our love languages. I’ll always think of you.
submitted by Equivalent-Peace-521 to ShittyPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 bulliesrevival Skellie fort wasted.

Precursor: I am in no way mad about what happen. So no need for the that's what the game is. I'm pretty new. (Xbox and started about 1- 1 1/2 months ago. I was like everyone else that's new- super panicked about losing any loot. Over the last 2 weeks I realized, I really don't care about cosmetics or anything. I bought a sloop and brig, 1 hull, 1 cannon set, one capstan, etc. So the game has just become way more enjoyable. I still use all the original tools never bought anything really. Sitting on 3.4 mil and have no urge to spend it.
Story: Last night I was open crew with my brig. Knocked out a sea fort to start. Couple people joined and left but I just kept rolling with or without crew mates. Finish up sell and then dive to skellies fort. We are about 1-2 waves away from finishing. When teammate spots ship coming up. They definitely got the drop as I was focused on skellies. So they end up sinking my ship. But I get back onto land. My teammate bails. It's late I'm gonna log off anyway so I find a opposing crew member on land. I have pineapples and I yell hey you want a pineapple. He accepts. And apologizes for having sunk us. I say it's part of the game no worries. Then I tell him it's 2 waves from finishing the fort I'll stay alive and help them for as love as I can if they wanna finish it and collect the loot. They accept. We get to last wave and they yell out that they are gonna leave and I can have fort. I have no ship was planning on logging off so I did just that. But man after all that it stink just leaving that loot there. But since I wasn't about to waste time trying it sucks. All I wanted was someone to have my loot and they only needed to fight 1 more wave im sure they were wanting to do other stuff. Lol
TLDR: enemy sank my ship while doing skelly fort. Offered to help them finish my fort and they could have all the loot. They left at the last wave and no one got any loot.
submitted by bulliesrevival to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 Conscious_Golf_2191 Thoughts on Superstar Singer 3 airing on Sony TV?

I had started liking this show but there's no logic, no transparency in how this show gets judged. Some perform solo, some perform duets and almost everyone gets the outstanding "bhookamb macha Diya". We are asked to vote but they still don't say who is in the top etc. It looks very evident they want Atharva or Shubh or Laisel to win (he sings really well, no denying that) and the script has been made to highlight their performances every week. Other languages shows highlight the good, the improvement parts of the song, we see the contestants improve, we know who got lower marks and everyone sings solo or everyone sings duet. Why is this show not structured properly? It's also very discouraging to see bright contestants like Miah and Vaishnavy quit the show just because of the partiality and scripted nature of the show. Hope the show folks try to bring them back to redeem themselves. This "I do not care whoever quits, whoever stays, i will still run the show" attitude by the content team and Sony tv is very disrespectful. Had seen the same in the dance show IBD before where many choreographers quit and they still ran the show without acknowledging those choreographers. The show is losing credibility. If this is the case, they should just call it weekly concert and make people sing however and randomly award someone. Why keep hopes high. It looks more timepass than quality. Thoughts?
submitted by Conscious_Golf_2191 to IndianTellyTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 TanyaSapien Practice Piece: Kyle's Departure

Note to the reader: This is a one-shot for writing practice and not canon to the Trappist universe I normally write in.
Everybody scoffs and rolls their eyes when given instructions they have no plan on following, and this was no different. Torrent Vindicti couldn't hit the delete button hard enough, the mutarin nearly chipping her claw in the moment of indignation.
A voice came from the other end of the bunks, “you alright, Tory? I felt that anger flare way over here.”
She silently scowled for a moment, exchanging an accusatory glance with one of her symbiont's tentacles before replying, “sorry, just really pissed off at some bureaucracy. Did I wake you?”
Kyle yawned and hopped down from his bunk, “Yeah. Was having a really good dream, was on this beach with a chick and…I'll skip the details but suddenly she's you and you were shouting something about murder and cowardice?”
She sent another telepathic flare, this time deliberately, contrition and apology, before speaking, “Yeah. A general advisory just came through on the news feeds. I um…I don't want to be the one to tell you, but your homeworld just had war declared on it.”
Kyle laughed a bit, getting a cup of khali juice from the drink dispenser, “who is it this time?”
“It still unnerves me just how efficient humans are at compartmentalizing their emotions. It's the Arakhin, who else?”
“That's hardly news. They're warmongers and the empire's got our back.”
“That's the part that pissed me off. I…look, I'm…so, our ship is technically company property and…”
The telepathic equivalent of an eyeroll came through before her symbiont began speaking through her, “Torrent sucks at using words, hi, Eddy here, we were ordered to send you to your death.”
Kyle just blinked, stopping mid-sip on his drink, “Okay, you have my attention. It's gotta be bad if Cur's hijacking your voice.”
Torrent and Eddy's tentacles twitched and she narrowed her eyes, still Eddy speaking, “please stop calling me that. I am Eddy, my image name is a type of current, not a canine.”
He just shrugged, “And my image name is a college frat stereotype, nobody's perfect. So how are you killing me, exactly?”
Torrent resumed being the one speaking, “The arakhin announced any and all humans found will be killed or taken as hosts on sight. The company has decided that having human crew onboard presents an unacceptable risk. We're supposed to give you your severance and dump you at the nearest station.”
She mentally braced, hardening her empathic receptors, expecting fury, worry, sorrow, anything in that spectrum. Instead she felt pure, unadulterated humor. The shock threw her completely off balance and she stared at him in confusion, both her minds struggling to make sense. It wasn't a trauma response, she'd been around humans enough to recognize the feeling when they slammed a door shut on an unwanted emotion, this was genuine.
Kyle noticed her blank stare and limp tentacles and he just smirked, “Glad to know they're finally afraid of us.”
She just blinked, giving a slight shimmer of her markings, a reaction he'd seen enough times to know it was the mutarin version of a confused shrug, as once again he was the source of the reaction.
He finished his drink before elaborating, “For being sanguivores, you guys really lack that predator insight. What kind of person puts out a KOS on an entire species?”
“Somebody who's angry?”
“Right. And arakhin are parasites, predators, egocentric to a fault. What makes a megalomaniac angry?”
It clicked and she gave an understanding “oohhh” in stereo, “heh, they're angry because they can't push you around?”
“Like a bully on the playground.”
“That's great for your species, but what about you personally? If I just dump you on a fuel depot on the tail-end of nowhere, you won't be able to find anybody willing to ferry a human, you might even get kicked out of the depot itself. People are panicking, arakhin are horrifying on a good day, but now they're on the warpath.”
“Let me worry about that. I take it Tourin and Granite don't know yet?”
“They're still in bed.”
“Look, I know it's eating you up, but–”
“Just say you don't want to go. I'll…we're near a nebula, I could say the transmission got corrupted. I could bide some time or something…”
“Tory, Cur, you two are a fine captain and I'm not gonna let my situation ruin a spotless record. I'll be fine. Just, you know, swing back around to pick me up after my friends finish making the galaxy's biggest lobster boil.”
“The other two won't stand for it.”
“Then don't tell them till after I'm gone. I'll borrow the starboard escape pod, we need to take it in for maintenance anyways, I'll patch it up while I'm out, maybe pick up some milk and bread…”
There it was, the pang she was waiting for. Finally his humor broke and she saw other emotions under the surface. It wasn't fear, though, it was sadness, with an undercurrent of loneliness, and something else, something buried. In spite of Eddy actively whispering in her mind not to reach out to it, she did. It was frustration, frustration and seething anger, pure, primal, and held like a caged beast deep in his subconscious. She doubted he was even aware it was there and quickly backed out before her intrusion into his mind was noticed.
He began transferring his passwords and files over, then gave her a terse salute, “Let's not complicate it with long goodbyes, alright? Just send the severance to that crypto account you kept mocking me for having. Finally coming in handy for something, right?”
She wanted to offer some platitude, but his emotions were starting to worry her. It was like watching a pot about to boil over. No, it was more like watching dents forming in a door as something on the other side strikes it, trying to escape. She simply gave a pulse of her markings, the equivalent of a nod, and sent him on his way.
The beast she saw lurking in his mind was actively burrowing to the surface.
She sighed to herself as she watched the escape pod shrink into the distance and Eddy spoke up in her mind, “I'd always thought the feral instinct thing was a myth. Never thought Kyle had something like that in him.”
Fear crept into the corners of Torrent's mind and Eddy coiled his tentacles on her arms, holding his host protectively, “You did the right thing for the safety of the ship.”
She sat like that for a while, staring at the black outside until she was snapped out of her trance by Taurin at the doorway, the Yenesh looked irritated and was holding up an empty box, “Where's Kyle? We're missing a rifle and ten plasma cells from the armory.”
Torrent couldn't help but smirk and start laughing, markings nearly strobing, “Oh I do not envy whatever arakhin bastard he crosses paths with first.”
submitted by TanyaSapien to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 wellsbank My GF’s (22F) sister in-law wants to talk to me (23F) about our relationship?

So my girlfriend of 4 years told me that her brother’s wife (we’ll call her Rain) wants to have a conversation with me. I’ll try to make this as short as possible but with enough details 😭 sorry!
At one point me and my gf hit a rough patch, We broke up. I ended up moving away to another state for work. I went out with an old friend from HS one day and we slept together. A couple months later me and my girlfriend decided we were going to get back together and work on our relationship, I moved back. She found out that I hung out with said friend and asked if we had sex, I told her the truth. But I didn’t tell her how I went out to brunch with the friend days later, because she thought that she violated me and wanted to apologize. During the time of telling my gf I wasn’t thinking about the brunch because I was so focused on comforting her because she was really hurt about it. She ended up finding out about the brunch later on and was upset which is understandable.
Many months later the woman I had sex with texted me her location with a message telling me she’s moving overseas and wanted to see me before she leaves. This was around the same time I went back to town for a modeling gig. I never responded or saw her but my gf just assumed I did once she saw the message. She eventually said she believes me and we moved past that situation overall.
One day I reposted a Facebook post that said “Where’s the girls that like to go Fishing,Hiking & Camping n shii the ones that really do like nature and ain’t boujie??” Rain took a screenshot of it, sent it to my gf and blocked me on Facebook. She read that as if I’m looking for another girlfriend instead of actual friends…Because for some reason people think just because I dress masculine most of the time that I can’t be friends with other women 🥴. My gf confronted me about it I explained it to my girl what it means and she moved on from it. I blocked Rain on Instagram.
But recently my gf’s been telling me how Rain has been telling her to break up with me since she found out I had sex with someone else (although we were broken up). Now that we have a family trip planned where we will most likely be going to Rain’s home she told my girl that she wants to have a conversation with me to make sure I don’t have bad intentions and how it’s awkward because we have eachother blocked on social media. There was no hard feelings when I blocked her, after she sent my gf that screenshot I felt it was best to not have her on social media considering she’s causing unnecessary drama within my relationship and I never even had my gf’s brother on social media so what’s the big deal with having his wife?? When reading what she sent my girlfriend it comes off as if she’s going to try to “check me” about what I did she said “We’re gonna try not to be aggressive about it”. Although we weren’t together I still feel like I don’t owe anyone else an explanation for what I did except my girlfriend. I also don’t feel comfortable staying in their home anymore after discovering how Rain really feel about me. It totally seems like she doesn’t like me at all.
My gf’s ex followed her on IG the other day. My gf told Rain how we were both shocked and that I was “talking my sht”. Rain automatically read that as if I was going off on my gf about it, her response was “LOL she’s mad at you about someone you haven’t talked to in years 😑” my gf shut it down and let her know I was not mad and that’s not what she meant. At this point it seems like Rain has some type of hatred towards me. Every time my gf brings me up when they’re texting she’s saying something negative about me. But now that I think about it when I first met my GF Rain was telling her I was going to cheat on her, like she was expecting me to be a bad partner which is still odd to me because in the beginning my gf was the one getting caught up texting her exes so why did she assume I was gonna be the one to cheat or break her heart? My girlfriend told me she had to defend me on multiple occasions when people tried to put dirt on my name in the beginning which is weird because why were they saying these things?? (A friend said it’s because I’m very attractive and some people think attractive folks are “fck boys” 😂😐)
But anyways I don’t feel like I need to talk to her brother’s wife about our relationship problems or what not. I probably would feel differently about it if we were like kids in high school or if it was her parents but her sister in law? Not necessary. I also feel like it’s wild to tell someone to leave their partner who they want to be with after they told you how important their relationship is to them. It seems like Rain has been waiting for something to happen to try to convince my partner to leave me. I don’t understand how I would have bad intentions and/or what would be my goal in the end? It isn’t like I’m using my gf, she isn’t funding my life or anything remotely close to that so why would I stay with her after everything we’ve been through with bad intentions? My gf understands how I feel, she says my feelings are valid. She says her brother and Rain are just being protective.
How would you handle this situation? What is a mature way to handle a situation like this?
Thank you in advance!
i don’t know if this matters but for more context me and my gf has been living with each other since 4 months after getting together. We moved across the country together when we were 19. So we’ve always been very serious about our future and relationship together. Very mature when it comes to certain things, obviously we met when we were young so there’s a lot of situations we have where we have to learn from them and learn who we are and what we’re growing to be. if that makes sense lol.
submitted by wellsbank to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 Fun-Preparation-4253 Hit Chance in VATS going crazy post update?

Anyone else noticing this? I fired the game back up because of the show and the updates, and I swear the hit chance fluctuates wildly. In the past, I'd open up VATS, pick a target with a reasonable hit chance, and then spam shots. Now I'll queue 2, and then get a "no chance to hit" message, and then queue another, and then "no chance to hit. The numbers will jump all over the place.
Gut says it's accuracy trying to keep up with 60 FPS... but that also doesn't really make any sense.
submitted by Fun-Preparation-4253 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 leogian4511 Kiryu and the Daidoji's Relationship feels like a pretty big retcon. (GaidenSpoilers

So does anyone else feel like Kiryu's relationship with the Daidoji was retconned sometime between LAD and IW? At the end of 6, Kiryu is the one with all the power in the negotiation. He turns down their bribe and they make a deal on HIS terms. When they threaten his family, he basically says "Fuck around and find out." and they back down because they're just that scared of him.
In LaD it didn't really seem like anything had changed. Kiryu very much seemed to be himself acting under his own will, upholding his part of the deal by still pretending (very poorly) to be dead.
Then we get Gaiden and Kiryu is the Daidoji's lapdog, completely powerless to oppose them because they'll kill the kids if he steps out of line (the thing they were literally too scared to do at the end of 6). Gaiden definitely has Kiryu go to further lengths to hide his identity, but in LaD he's literally walking around Yokohama in his iconic suit, which just makes no sense with the later context established by Gaiden. If Kiryu's relationship with the Daidoji was always the plan, he'd definitely be in a plain black suit or literally anything other than his iconic silver and red in LaD.
submitted by leogian4511 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 shortjournaling What does it mean when she says: "there is no talking about it"?

Apparently, me validating her emotions and trying to be understandful of her pov/actions is "not talking" about the issue —a stupid, small one. I am just "closing the topic" and "don't care about having a conversation about it" with her. Mind you, when the topic has been spoken it is always to tell me how I hurt her, with zero accountability on how she hurt me; or to ask me to explain myself only to tell me I am wrong.
She is also angry that I have "moved pass" the problem, which I have not; but simply I don't know what else to do with it. I've apologized for my wrondoings, tried to be as emphathetic as possible and been treating her nicely in hopes of mending things up —initiating contact, saying good night even when stonewalled, replying to her messages even when she doesn't do it back...
Tbh, I am just so confused by her words/perception. Anyone has some insight or wants to make a guess on what the hell it means when she says "there is no conversation about it"?
Note: I did ask her what she meant by that, and all the answer she could give me was, "whenever I tell you how I feel all you do is say that you understand it and apologize and be done with the topic, we can't talk about it that way!".
submitted by shortjournaling to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 Enough-Cow-4867 I literally dodge a bullet

Last Tuesday a bunch catechists visited my school for students to have their first communion. Now I don't really care- I mean I'm not catholic but when this guy who was practicing to be a priest said that abortion is a sin I muttered" It depends," it was supposed to be a whisper but I guess some of classmates heard me. This girl, let's call her Katie, she used to be a friend of mine but we eventually grew apart after our school journalism was disbanded. When I muttered those words Katie gave me the nastiest glare I have ever seen. Katie doesn't seem to be the religious type. But after she gave me that glare she refused to talk to me or even glance at me after that. Suffice to say she hates me more than ever. I don't blame her, we had some issues in the past but she seemed to really take this one personally.
It's a shame tbh. I like her a lot when we used to be school journalists working together. I kinda have a crush on her but after that incident all those feelings were thrown over the garbage. I was going to ask her out... I could say I dodge a bullet on that one fellas.
When we were campus journalists of our school we were close and I mean very close to the point where gossip and rumors sprung out that we were dating. I like her. She liked me back. But I recently found our how much a religious fantastic she is...I mean she literally has a Bible verse on her bio and a cross symbol on her profile and judging by her ex he seems to be very relieved to be out of her grasp. Me and him are good friends.
We grew apart due to how busy last semester got due to missing assignments and projects and basically the school journalism club disbanded due to funding problems.
Okay in my opinion it depends who gets abortion. But at the end of the day, I don't really care what you do in life.It doesn't personally affect me and if you get an abortion you get an abortion. You saved yourself and that child from a rough childhood.
submitted by Enough-Cow-4867 to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:42 orio_ grief strikes again: the squeakual 😶‍🌫️ (vent/rant)

HEY me again lol
very big shift from my last post but i just kinda need people to listen. i got struck with a big spike of grief and anxiety and depression the other day and the kind of afterglow of everything went away so, back to being a depressing sack unfortunately
i just wanted to say thank you to everyone for their kind words, advice and what not, it feels good to be listened to :)
submitted by orio_ to DID [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:42 Sir_Toaster_9330 I made a John Brown Parody of one of Hazbin Hotel's songs!

I used an AI to make this, the song is from Status Quo where Vox tries dissing Alastor!
Robert E. Lee:
That Yankee is back!
Stonewall Jackson:
Yeah, I thought he was beat for good too.
Robert E. Lee:
It's been seven years!
Stonewall Jackson:
You still bitter he nearly bested you that time?
Robert E. Lee:
Uh, screw you!
Stonewall Jackson:
Just saying.
Robert E. Lee:
The landscape's changed since he left town.
Stonewall Jackson:
That's for sure.
Robert E. Lee:
Time to show him who's the commander now.
(Valentino chuckles)
Robert E. Lee:
Welcome back
I'm gonna make you regret
That you returned
Say hello
To a new order, so
Everyone knows that there's a new dawn
Sound the war horn!
Camera, speeds. Rolling in 3, 2...
**(Welcome to the war)**
Robert E. Lee:
Top of the hour, we’re discussing a relic
Who's been spotted wandering around town (Welcome to the war)
After a seven-year exile
Did anybody miss him? (Welcome to the war)
Did anybody notice?
More on tonight's briefing!
So, John Brown is back in town
Why’s he hanging around?
What does that mean for your future?
Well, I've got news
He's a relic, a fossil
And, I don't mean to sound hostile
But this abolitionist is delusional!
You can take that as doctrine
Rallying supporters? Impossible!
I'm the present, he's just historical
Stop giving him the time of day
Don’t listen to a word he'd say
I hope he enjoyed his stay
But he should've stayed away!
While he hid in history
We pivoted to victory
Now his cause is getting mighty rare!
The South's been stronger since he quit
Where's he been?
Who gives a spit?!
John Brown:
Salutations! Good to be back in the fight
Yes, I know it’s been a while since someone with might treated you to a stand
Freedom seekers rejoice!
(Robert E. Lee: What an archaic voice!)
Instead of clout-chasing, mediocre command
(Robert E. Lee: Come on!)
Is Lee insecure, needing support?
Shifting between this cause and that
Is nothing working?
(Vox: Ignore his crowing!)
Every day, he's got a new strat
Robert E. Lee:
You're looking at the leader!
He's the rebel who comes before that!
John Brown:
Is Lee as strong as he purports?
Or does he rely on his cohorts?
He'd be powerless without his generals
Robert E. Lee:
Oh, please!
John Brown:
And here's the sweet twist
He asked me to desist
(Vox: Hold on!)
I refused, now he's fuming, that's the gist!
Robert E. Lee:
(glitches) You historical hack
I'll show you suff-ffering!
John Brown:
Uh oh, your power is flickering
Robert E. Lee:
(glitches) I'll crush yo-o-u, you zealot—!
John Brown:
I'm afraid you've lost your signal
Let's begin...
I’m gonna make you wish
That I’d stayed gone
Tune in
When I’m done
Your new order
Will know its end has come
Oh, this will be fun! (laughs)
Robert E. Lee:
submitted by Sir_Toaster_9330 to ShermanPosting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:42 st_jimi05 Aitah for leaving my gf

I thought to give you the heads up I'm terrible at spelling n grammar sorry in advance. So I 21m n gf 21 I'm referring her as gf to make it ezer to understand. So context my ex 21 f I left after a year of abuse I was working to jobs to makes ends meet n if I didn't make enough money it would end in her breaking things and many other stuff I can't talk about cuse it's to hard to mentally she refused to get a job then I finally realised that it was toxic and terrible so I left. I tried to make it civil I gave her one of my cars n we agreed that she would pay me back the $4500 wich I never got wich I now get it was stupid. When I met my gf I told her everything and all this truma that came from it I thought she understood when my ex found out I was dating some one she threatened her n me saying how dare you date someone else you said you loved me and all that crap months go by we were awsome nothing bad we communicated amazingly then the other day I got a message from my sister saying that my ex posted a tick tock saying since my ex hurt me so much I became best friends with his gf. I sat on it for a day to think about then I asked my gf hey I saw this is it true she said yes I asked how long she told me over a month I said why didn't tell me when she 1st messaged you her response was cuse I didn't want to hurt you cuse u wouldn't understand I told her exactly cuse of the stuff you know but she couldn't see how badly this effected me I told her how could I know that u r talking to other people romantically n won't tell me since it would hurt me I might be over reacting n I might be insecure but this dishonesty hurt me so much if she told me soon as jt happend I wouldn't be hurt
submitted by st_jimi05 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:42 onmyjinnyjinjin Does anyone know how to get ahold of Foxylv? She has one of my items.

So I do hope she’s okay. I’m not really big on social media and don’t exactly follow others regularly to know everything that is going on with them. But I had followed her main IG foxylv page and consignment IG page, foxylvden for a while now. Around 1.5 years ago or so I sent in an item for her to put into her shop for consignment. It has not sold at all and I kind of got busy with my own life and didn’t really keep in communication with her. I had intended to ask to make arrangements to have it sent back to me but just put it off.
Until the other day someone made a post about her kind of just disappearing off social media for what seems like to be at least a few months now? This got me really worried as she still had my item. So I messaged her on the foxylvden account as that’s one I used to communicate with her in the past on about the consignment. Looks like her main page, foxylv is now gone so I couldn’t message her on that. I heard mentioned that her main page got removed and she’s locked out with no access to her selling one. However, when I sent her a message on the selling one it had said she was “active 1 hour ago”. But it’s been a few days and no reply.
Another user on here suggest I message her on her foxylv TikTok account. So I did that as well and haven’t heard back there either. I just checked the IG message thread to see if there’s any response and there isn’t but says “active 6 hours ago”. I did comment and ask another user if they were ever able to get a hold of her on one of her posts. As that user wasn’t able to get a hold of her either about a package they sent her. But that was from like a bunch of weeks ago and not sure if that person will see the comment or respond.
So I’m really not sure at this point what to do. From my understanding there is no number or email address posted on her accounts for the consignment services. Communication seems to be all done via social media instead. I’m wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what to do next or if anyone else is on the same boat? I see a number of other items still posted on the consignment page so I’m assuming I’m not the only one who still has items of theirs in her possession. I’m not trying to stir or cause drama as idk what is all going on with her. I do hope is she is alright. But I also really want my item back too…
submitted by onmyjinnyjinjin to Louisvuitton [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:42 theboozerweight I keep getting the worst luck. I feel like I've been cursed

I dont know where else to talk about this where i can also rant. Im at work during a stressful morning fixating and overthinking on so much at one time.
Im quite figuratively and almost literally at the end of my rope. No matter how hard I try to be positive, negative things keep happening all around me and i dont know what to do anymore.
I have had badluck all my life but not this much at once. Ive had back to back terrible years. Ive heard of bad days, bad weeks, but months and years? I have to be cursed or something.
In February '23: Got fired from my job
Feb-July: Was out of work for 5 months
September: - Dog gets cancer
November: Both our jobs didnt properly notify its employees about their health insurance enrollment and we both missed it so no health insurance
On christmas eve, dog swallows squeaker and almost dies, spent all night at the vet
On Christmas Day my girlfriend and I have a near break up fight
2 days later on the 27th, a car nearly slams into me but turns and hits the wall
On New Years Eve, our car breaks down.
On January 2nd we take it to the mechanics and is told that its a $7000 fix
January: We use her parents car which breaks down a week later
My brother in law contacts me and says he wants to fly me out to NY (where im from and where my family is) for my sisters birthday but work denies my days requested.
I get my promotion in march only for it to be taken away from me the next day for something I didnt do (it was a site wide punishment for two peoples actions)
Dog dies of cancer in april
We found out we are pregnant in march
We lose the baby in april
I got my promotion last week with a pay raise only for our hours to be cut by 4 so im pretty much making the same as i did $2 ago.
Now the car we bought in January is burning oil and everyone is saying its probably engine failure.
Upon numerous financial woes. We cant get out of her parents house because we cant find affordable places on top of being scared since everytime we have money its taken from us for numerous things like doctor visits, mecahnic visits, insurance shit.
How am I supposed to recover? I know everyone has bad luck but i feel like life is just kicking the crap out of me.
Anyone have any tips?
submitted by theboozerweight to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:42 Legitimate-Judge2247 My semi boyfriend?(19m) and I(19m) are in an awkward spot

So for context, back in january we broke up. well, he broke up with me. I stayed trying to contact him for about a week and a half two weeks before giving up with his “ stop contacting me.” “ i don’t wanna talk to you” and all that. Well i assumed, we were over, was never gonna hear from him again.
Well i was trying to cope, trying to move on. So i found a new guy i was talking to about 3-4 weeks after our break up. I understand he was just kinda a rebound guy since i was still processing. So i flirted with him, he flirted with me. We slept otp, i let him call me names and be sweet to me. Well about 2 weeks after i met him, my ex came back. obviously i’m still in love with him. so after about a week or two of him coming back, i went back to him.
With this he knew about the dude i was talking to while we were separated and got mad at me. He claims i cheated on him, and i was unloyal. I ended up agreeing with him, bc it was wrong on me to use the dude the way i did to cope with my breakup but i agreed. This led to arguments constantly, and us being on and off again.
Well flash forward to now, we broke again about 2 weeks ago. Me and him still talk on and off daily. He still calls me all his names, we still say i love you, we occasionally call, we still buy each other things. We just aren’t dating? Well i asked him yesterday if there was any hope for us ever again. And he says he just needs time bc he can’t let go of what i did.
I understand that and i accept it just, if we truly wanted to work out bc try to be better i feel like we wouldn’t be talking the way we are right now. We’re still on life360 together, so i know when he’s awake, bc his phone isn’t charging anymore, i know when he’s on his phone bc his percentage goes down. But meanwhile he doesn’t text me. And he won’t for hours, until i say i’m going to bed, or i love you. When i know he sees my notifications. Last night he called me to sleep, and he hung up after about 10-15 minutes and texted me saying “ i’ll brb in 5” Well i fell asleep and woke up around 3 hours later to no missed calls, no texts, no nothing. So i texted him saying i was going back to sleep, and nothing in return. when i woke up for good this morning, i texted him i hope he had a good day and i love him. to which i got a text simply saying he wouldn’t have a good day. I tried to help him , he stated he just couldn’t sleep. So i offered to do a something for him i know helps him sleep, to which. no response. When i know he wasn’t asleep yet bc life360, and the fact he was active on insta and tiktok.
i’m just in an awkward stage with him right now, i don’t wanna lose him again bc i rlly do love him and he means the world to me. He told me he needs time and if i wasn’t willing to wait he understood, which i told him i was. it just seems like he isn’t interested in me anymore.
submitted by Legitimate-Judge2247 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:42 Zacklovesmaddie Worst event in the game

Im extremely annoyed over this event in SEVERAL ways, 1. The amount of time it takes to navigate the backrooms is unbearable and specially when you have bad luck as i do, i have found ZERO eggs with above 10x huge chance with searching HOURS a day. 2. This could be included with the first point but i feel like this is so dumb it should have its own point. WHY . CANT . WE . USE . HOVERBOARDS. The only difference it makes is that we get to enjoy the event a bit more?! I see no reason to disable them. And yes i know of the glitch but it’s inconvenient and doesnt work for me because my game doesnt get the ‘freeze’ needed to do it. 3.this might be a me thing but after hatching overnight a few times ive ran out of coins while hatching now this might seem fair if i was hatching 30x 20x maybe even 10x but i ran out on 5x and yes thats while my pets are constantly ‘ment’ to be gaining coins i dont understand how my pets arent gaining enough coins to satisfy a 5x egg?! 4. Now this leads on from number 3, i decided to leave my pets attacking for the backroom coins while i went to college , hoping for a few billions to last a night or two of hatching, i come back to see only 244m coins and ive somehow teleported to a random place in the backroom? ( the place where the spiky walls crush together)
The last two were more personal issues and i did have some more things that i had to say but to be honest had a really long day and forgot them.
Also a question, i would say should i swap and focus on ranking up and hatching normal world egg instead of trying the issue filled backroom eggs. Thank you
submitted by Zacklovesmaddie to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:41 Few_Run4389 Some personal opinions and questions about the Switchblade

This is kinda a long post, sorry XD
So some might remember me from a recent post as someone who have just recently returned to the game. I asked there about the current meta as well looked into a few post of the same nature. I can play pretty much all roles and weapon classes but I'm best with smg and shotguns, for shotgun, most are saying that the current meta resolves around Fennec, Switchblade and PDW.
PDW used to be my main back before I quitted, I was also good with MSMC so Fennec seems fine too, but Switchblade just feels a bit underpowered for me. The weapon is an smg that focus on mobility, that I understand, and it certainly feels mobile. However, when I build it for close range combat, the mobility is barely better, if any, than Fennec or Mac 10, and the ttk is worse than the two mentioned, also the hipfire isn't exactly great; when I build it as a mobile mid range weapon, it just feels like a weaker PDW or CBR; and when I tried a flexible build it doesn't do much better than PDW or even Cordite.
Don't get me wrong, the gun doesn't feel bad, it might just be my playstyle or simply personal preference. I have nothing against Switchblade player. I just want to see if you have any advice with the weapon or if I'm missing anything.
submitted by Few_Run4389 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]