Credit rating a 2

Objective ratings and pragmatic guidance

2017.08.15 19:28 Objective ratings and pragmatic guidance

The purpose of this sub is to provide facial ratings of both men and women based on *objective factors* such as harmony, sexual dimorphism, symmetry, and qualities of their features. This means analyzing/evaluating a person’s attractiveness without regard for one’s own feelings. This is not a subjective rating sub.

2008.12.05 06:42 Credit Repair - Improve your credit, your score, and understand how to manage your credit

CRedit's main goal is to improve your credit, keep it healthy, and support you in decisions that you make that may affect your credit livelihood. We are here to support you if you need an advice on closing/opening a credit card, improving your credit scores, removing inaccurate information from your report, qualifying for a new card/mortgage/loan, investigating unknown information on your report and much more.

2012.08.23 00:02 Polish, lacquer, & varnish galore!

A nail polish community for lacqueristas of all experience levels to share in our common hobby.

2024.05.15 10:36 Kirkemman BDO dispatched two companion credit cards?

Timeline of events:
April 30: Someone claiming to be from BDO said I was qualified for the special promo wherein the JCB platinum credit card would be applied along with my preexisting AMEX platinum card with them, with a shared credit limit. I gave them the consent to proceed.
May 15 (today): Received a text and email that the JCB AND Mastercard has been dispatched for delivery.
A couple of question:
  1. How were they able to send two cards when I only gave consent to the the JCB one? Is there a chance that the mastercard is a virtual card instead of a separate card?
  2. Do all these 3 credit cards share the same credit limit? How do I check?
  3. Do I need to activate the card before I could call customer service to cancel the mastercard?
I don't really mind mastercard (I already had 2 MC cards from other banks) but I don't want to have to pay annual fees for 3 credit cards when my Mastercard CC's are all NAFFL.
submitted by Kirkemman to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:35 Correct-Pop-705 Is it peri?

Hi all. I have previously had 2 episodes after having covid that my cardiologist strongly suspected to be peri. My last was in January this year. Previously I have just taken it easy and used Nurofen for a couple of weeks and it has settled down again. Last week I had a virus (not covid postive) and I woke up at 3am 2 days ago with sweating, some chest pain and feeling very nauseous. The pain has died down to more of a tightness feeling but I feel quite short of breath and extremely tired. Do you think this would be another flare? I don't have another cardio appointment coming up but thinking if I just follow the usual routine I should be ok. Do others find it effects their heart rate also? Lots of extra beats and some racing heart at times also. Thanks for any help - I have done a bit of reading but I have found more helpful information in these threads than anywhere else!!
submitted by Correct-Pop-705 to pericarditis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:35 bonsooavi GPT-4o rate limit

I recently got access to 4o for free. After using it for just a short while, my rate limit was up. I showed it maybe 2 images, one request for how to deal with stress, and my rate limit was up. Is the free rate limit really that small?? And 5 times this rate limit still seems pretty small, too??
submitted by bonsooavi to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:34 BlackHoleEra_123 Anarchist's solution to the Geometry Dash Rating System.

Anarchist's solution to the Geometry Dash Rating System.
Ever get tired of really well-done levels being ignored just because the creator is new or unknown?
Ever get tired of famous creators making the same generic and insultingly bad levels day after day... and still it gets rated?
Ever get tired of moderators enforcing outdated rules and regulations for level creation and completion?
Well, I have the solution for you! Anarchy.
This problem was pushed into my feed showing how trash the rating system is, and how there is a visible hierarchy consisting of the moderators, famous creators, and RobTop himself. Moderators keep in touch with famous creators, but they don't do it for the not-famous, never even trying to get off their asses and scour the recent tab for a decent level that is playable and aesthetically pleasing, unless if they wanted to make recent tab content to mock the budding creators on just how bad their levels are.
RobTop rates levels when he wants to. That means he can rate joke levels not designed for a rate, rate generally bad levels just because of Rob's aesthetic preferences, and can unrate levels that don't follow his strange and unseen rules, insulting actual time, effort, and artistic value placed into otherwise forgotten and dishonored levels, I mean, why? We pressured him into rating Tidal Wave, yes, but that was just one level. And do you even think RobTop will allow something like this to happen again?
Enough of my loaded rant, let's get to the point.
An auto-rating system needs to be implemented, moderators shall either have very limited power, or removed entirely, and RobTop should surrender his power and trust the community even more so that Rob can work on GD 2.21 and 2.3 more.
For the new rating system to work, it needs to depend on four things:
How many likes and dislikes the level receives per second
If the community likes a level well enough that it's receiving an sizable influx of likes under a specific timeframe, it will be rated, and the rating grade will be determined by how much likes the level receives (100 likes/sec = featured). Conversely, a rated level can get demoted or unrated entirely if the level receives a certain amount of dislikes per second, and a level can never be rated again until the ratio comes back to the positives.
How many downloads the level receives
Self explanatory. A well known level will get a lot of downloads, and there will be a minimum requirement of downloads required before the community can rate it. I propose 500 or 1000 downloads.
GD account age confirmation
Why RobTop hasn't implemented this is beyond me. Green users shouldn't affect the upvote system to potentially unnecessarily rate levels, and accounts less than two years old and below the registered age of 21 should be treated the same.
The useless "rate stars" button finally getting a use
This will determine a level's difficulty and star rate, just like demons. To prevent abuse or manipulation, the level's rating will "solidify" over time, taking more inputs to change the rating, with the rating finally being fixed and unchanging within a month.
Why am I proposing all this? Because the GD community has outdated and easily manipulable tradition and abusive authority, and as a self-identifying anarchist, it's my job to strongly question and oppose their credibilities. Let the people decide. Give invisible groups and individuals a voice. Because of recent events, I view the majority of GD creators as marginalized, and that they shall be treated well according to their ability.
Here is a flag I have made that symbolizes this movement.
submitted by BlackHoleEra_123 to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:31 MavDrones How Are Drones Revolutionizing Construction Surveying?

How Are Drones Revolutionizing Construction Surveying?
DJI Matrice 350 RTK – M350 RTK: Best Construction Site Surveying Drone
Construction site surveying drones offer a plethora of benefits that are revolutionising modern-day surveying. Traditionally, surveying large construction sites involved investing significant manpower and time. With surveying drones, the entire construction surveying process has become faster.
Construction site surveying drones can swiftly navigate vast construction sites, capturing detailed aerial imagery in a fraction of the time it would take site workers. This accelerated data collection not only expedites project timelines but also reduces labour costs.
Moreover, construction site surveying drones enhance safety on sites. Manually surveying large construction areas often entails accessing hazardous, hard-to-reach areas, exposing site workers to potential risks. By deploying surveying drones, construction companies can mitigate these dangers.
Surveying drones for construction sites can easily access elevated or dangerous locations without endangering human lives. This improved safety not only protects site workers but also minimises project delays caused by accidents or injuries.
Construction site surveying drones equipped with advanced sensors and imaging technology delivers precise, high-resolution data. This data can be used to create detailed 3D models and maps, allowing construction teams to make more informed decisions and optimise project planning and execution.
The traditional methods involving manual labour, equipment, and time-intensive processes for surveying are inherently expensive. By leveraging surveying drones, construction companies can streamline operations and minimise resource expenditures.
The detailed aerial imagery and data captured by construction site surveying drones can be easily shared and accessed by architects, engineers, contractors, and clients alike. This transparency and accessibility foster greater synergy and understanding throughout the project lifecycle, ultimately leading to better outcomes.
DJI Matrice 350 RTK – M350 RTK: Best Construction Site Surveying Drone
DJI Matrice 350 RTK – M350 RTK is a groundbreaking surveying drone with advanced technology and robust capabilities that redefine aerial operations. With a maximum flight time of 55 minutes and a 2.7 kg payload capacity, it offers versatility for various industrial applications. The DJI O3 Enterprise Transmission system provides a triple-channel 1080p HD live feed over 20 km, ensuring reliable, high-quality video transmission.
The DJI Matrice 350 RTK – M350 RTK’s enhanced remote control features the DJI RC Plus with a 7-inch high-bright screen and up to six hours of operating time. Its IP55 rating, FPV camera for night flights, and arm lock detection underscore its robust safety features. Advanced sensing capabilities include a six-directional binocular vision system and infrared sensors, ensuring comprehensive obstacle detection. Optional CSM radar adds 360° obstacle detection.
Intelligent features like One Click Capture, Smart Track, and AI Spot-Check enhance operational efficiency. Ideal for infrastructure inspection, agriculture, search and rescue, emergency response, security, and mapping, the DJI Matrice 350 RTK – M350 RTK elevates commercial drone performance. Investing in the DJI Matrice 350 RTK – M350 RTK means leveraging a versatile, high-performance tool that significantly enhances data collection and operational efficiency across various industries.
submitted by MavDrones to u/MavDrones [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:28 dental_turkey Dental Implants in Turkey: Your Ultimate Solution for a Brighter Smile

Dental Implants in Turkey: Your Ultimate Solution for a Brighter Smile
Are you considering dental implants in Turkey? Discover everything you need to know about the process, cost, benefits, and more in this comprehensive guide.


Welcome to your ultimate guide to dental implants in Turkey! If you're seeking to reclaim your smile and confidence, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll delve deep into the world of dental implants, exploring why they're a popular choice, how to prepare for the procedure, what to expect during and after, and why Turkey stands out as a premier destination for dental care. Let's embark on this journey together to unlock the secrets of a radiant smile.

Contact us on WhatsApp now +905312582847

Dental Implants in Turkey: Your Ultimate Solution for a Brighter Smile

Why Choose Dental Implants?

Understanding Dental Implants

Dental implants serve as artificial tooth roots, providing a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth or bridges. Made from biocompatible materials like titanium, implants fuse with the jawbone, mimicking the function of natural teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a plethora of benefits beyond aesthetics. They enhance chewing ability, prevent bone loss, improve speech, and boost self-confidence. Unlike dentures, implants provide a permanent solution with minimal maintenance requirements.

Cost-effectiveness of Dental Implants

While initial costs may seem daunting, dental implants offer long-term savings compared to traditional tooth replacement options. With proper care, they can last a lifetime, reducing the need for frequent replacements associated with bridges or dentures.

Preparing for Dental Implants

Initial Consultation

The journey begins with a thorough consultation with a dental implant specialist. During this visit, the dentist assesses your oral health, discusses treatment options, and addresses any concerns or questions you may have.

Dental Examination and Treatment Planning

Following the initial consultation, a comprehensive dental examination is conducted to evaluate the condition of your teeth, gums, and jawbone. This information is crucial for creating a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Pre-operative Care and Instructions

Before undergoing the implant procedure, your dentist will provide detailed pre-operative instructions. This may include lifestyle modifications, dietary restrictions, and medications to optimize healing and reduce the risk of complications.

The Dental Implant Procedure

Anesthesia and Sedation Options

On the day of the procedure, you'll be given various anesthesia and sedation options to ensure your comfort throughout the surgery. Your dentist will discuss the best approach based on your medical history and personal preferences.

Implant Placement Process

The implant placement process involves surgically inserting the titanium implant into the jawbone. This requires precision and expertise to ensure proper alignment and stability for long-term success.

Healing and Osseointegration

After implant placement, a period of healing is necessary to allow the implant to integrate with the surrounding bone. This process, known as osseointegration, typically takes several months but is crucial for the implant to become fully functional.

Attaching the Abutment

Once osseointegration is complete, an abutment is attached to the implant. This component serves as a connector between the implant and the replacement tooth or bridge, providing support and stability.

Placement of the Dental Crown

The final step involves placing the dental crown, which is custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth. The crown is securely attached to the abutment, completing the restoration and restoring your smile to its former glory.

Aftercare and Recovery

Post-operative Care Instructions

After the implant procedure, your dentist will provide detailed post-operative care instructions to promote healing and prevent complications. This may include instructions for oral hygiene, dietary restrictions, and follow-up appointments.

Managing Discomfort and Swelling

It's normal to experience some discomfort and swelling following the implant procedure. Your dentist may recommend over-the-counter pain medications and ice packs to alleviate symptoms and promote comfort.

Dietary Recommendations for Optimal Healing

During the initial healing phase, it's essential to follow a soft diet that is gentle on your gums and teeth. Avoid hard, sticky, or crunchy foods that may put undue pressure on the implants and interfere with the healing process.

Advantages of Choosing Turkey for Dental Implants

World-Class Dental Facilities

Turkey boasts state-of-the-art dental facilities equipped with the latest technology and amenities. From digital imaging to advanced surgical techniques, you can expect world-class care in a comfortable and modern setting.

Experienced and Skilled Dental Professionals

Turkish dentists are renowned for their expertise and proficiency in implant dentistry. With extensive training and experience, they deliver superior results and ensure the highest standards of patient safety and satisfaction.

Cost Savings without Compromising Quality

One of the most significant advantages of choosing Turkey for dental implants is cost savings. The overall cost of treatment, including consultation, surgery, and follow-up care, is significantly lower compared to many Western countries, making it an affordable option for patients seeking quality dental care.

Combining Dental Treatment with a Relaxing Vacation

Beyond dental care, Turkey offers a rich cultural experience and breathtaking landscapes, making it an ideal destination for combining dental treatment with a relaxing vacation. Whether you're exploring historic landmarks or indulging in culinary delights, Turkey offers something for everyone.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What are dental implants? Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to support replacement teeth or bridges. They offer a permanent solution for missing teeth, restoring function and aesthetics.
  2. How long do dental implants last? With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices are essential for ensuring the longevity of your implants.
  3. Is the dental implant procedure painful? Thanks to advancements in anesthesia and sedation options, most patients report minimal discomfort during the dental implant procedure. Your dentist will ensure your comfort throughout the process.
  4. What is the success rate of dental implants? Dental implants have a success rate of over 95%, making them one of the most reliable tooth replacement options available. Factors such as good oral hygiene and regular dental visits contribute to the success of implants.
  5. Can anyone get dental implants? While most individuals with good oral and overall health are suitable candidates for dental implants, a thorough evaluation by a dental professional is necessary to determine eligibility. Factors such as bone density and gum health play a crucial role in the success of implants.
  6. How much do dental implants cost in Turkey compared to other countries? The cost of dental implants in Turkey is significantly lower compared to many Western countries, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking affordable dental care without compromising quality. Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the clinic's location.


In conclusion, dental implants in Turkey offer a winning combination of quality, affordability, and expertise, making it an ideal destination for restoring your smile. By understanding the procedure, benefits, and aftercare involved, you can embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that you're in capable hands. Say goodbye to missing teeth and hello to a brighter, more confident smile with dental implants in Turkey!
submitted by dental_turkey to u/dental_turkey [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:25 throwaway19870000 I just need an adult to help me out and tell me what to do

I’m 27F. I have a bachelors in marketing and usually work as a marketing strategist but I was laid off about a year ago now. I used to live alone, but I had a roommate move in after being laid off to cut expenses (I rent). I started working in a restaurant waiting tables in the evenings while I job search during the day.
I think one reason I haven’t been hired is because I’m applying to mostly remote jobs (I used to work remote). I have a chronic illness that makes working in person and driving difficult (the restaurant job allows flexibility for me to give away my shifts on days that I’m unable to stand/walk much, and it’s close enough that an Uber there/back is pretty cheap).
My savings have run out. I have nothing left to sell to make some $ other than my basic furniture but none of that is worth much at all. I started paying bills with a credit card and my cards are maxed out now with my credit score dropping from 800 to 600. I just got notice that the landlord is raising my rent so my roommate opted to move back in with her mom since she can’t afford it. She’ll be gone in a month. The thing is, this rent is cheaper than the going rate around here because I’ve lived here for 5 years and even after they raise it, it’ll still be cheaper than anywhere else I can find.
My parents are both definitely not the type to let me stay with them a while or give me any sort of financial help. Genuinely, what do you think I should do?
submitted by throwaway19870000 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:23 Past-Statistician358 $1000 fee-free bill payments to ANYONE with your credit card (easily hit credit card min spend requirements)

Pay any bill by credit card with Plastiq. Use my referral code & pay $2500 worth of bills to get 1000 fee-free dollars:
This is great for getting massive sign up bonuses on credit cards like the 100,000+ points offered by amex/chase lately that need $5000 or more spend in 3 months. May be hard to do with normal purchases that take amex, but with your everyday bills, like rent, insurance, taxes, etc, its very easy. And yes you can pay ANYONE, ANY business.
Basically they charge your CC, +2.9% and they send whoever you like a check. They also support ACH and wire though if you need faster service. The referral removes that fee after the first $1000 spend.
And you can also get unlimited fee-free spend if you pay this month via mastercard and masterpass. (Sadly not amex or visa)
They are not flagged as cash advances so you also get your regular credit cards points on top of that.
Works for both USA and Canada.
submitted by Past-Statistician358 to ReferalLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:21 Relevant-Wasabi5218 Bakit ba ang unfair ng mundo?

Grabe, heartbreak after heartbreak after heartbreak, di ko na alam kung ano need ko gawin para lang makaalis sa cycle na to. Akala ko last year by August magiging okay na, I was hopeful na I can do anything and I was happy kahit sobrang busy ko pero wala, parang sinampal ako ni universe.
For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m in rock bottom. September and October, I learned something sa work and I was really heartbroken. Lahat ng efforts ko, process improvements, and projects parang tinake lang and hindi na-credit sakin. Gusto ko magresign pero I can’t kasi wala ako mahanap na work outside so no choice ako and I decided na I’ll do my work nalang within my job description, wala na initiatives and di na maging proactive.
January, nag maternity leave yung boss ko and wala akong choice but to step up. May new system pa na i-implement sa work so need ko maging active sa meetings and in testing the system. I was also able to think of an automation para maka-save ng hours pero di ginamit. Ako na din gumagawa ng monthly stats of our team na di ko naman work. Nilet go ko muna yung isang process to focus sa team pero parang kasalanan ko din. Eto yung time na may week from Monday to Sunday iyak lang ako ng iyak pero I was really grateful sa ka-date ko that time since di nya ko iniwan.
February, eto na yung biggest heartbreak ko sa love. First time ko ma fall nang todo pero binalikan niya yung ex. After this incident, di ko alam kung san ako magsisimula ulit kasi nasanay ako sakanya. Wala lang pala lahat ng reassurances and plans nya na sinasabi sakin. Pero, dito ko na appreciate yung friends ko kasi sobra efforts nila.
March to April, self healing. Triny ko talaga yung best ko to distract myself and to focus. I reflected din and sabi ko focus ko talaga is career muna. As a martyr, kahit madami na ko nalalaman sa work, nakapag create pa ko ng automation for the team. May nalaman pa ulit ako na info na sobrang na unfair-an ako sa management. Another heartbreak nanaman kasi ang daming false promises sakin pero hanggang ngayon wala pa din.
May, I saw an email regarding internal job opening and eto na talaga yung nakita ko na last hope sa current company ko. I applied pero 2 weeks pa bago ma approve nung leader ko yung application. After naman ma approve, nakapag interview ako with hiring manager then na endorse din kinabukasan for final interview. Sabi 3 daw kami strong candidates and ako lang ata yung internal candidate pero last Thursday, I checked the requisition (may access ako hehe since part ng work ko) and may for offer na sa isang external candidate. Wala pa yung comms na rejected ako pero alam ko na di ako yung napili.
Di ko na alam kasi parang nothing is going right in my life. Ang hirap pala magpigil ng iyak pag nasa labas ka and mag isa haha. Sobrang sama ko ba to the point na eto na yung karma ko? Ano ba nagawa ko na mali? Sabi ko nga since I’m in rock bottom yung only way ko lang is to go up. Pero bakit parang nagpapatong patong lahat? Bakit parang ang swerte nung ibang tao tapos ako need ko paghirapan?
Ngayon, yung mindset ko, expect disappointments so you’ll never be disappointed. Pero nagugulat nalang ako may mas ibababa pa pala yung situation ko. I hope tables will turn naman, sana universe ako naman this time. Pagod na ko eh.
submitted by Relevant-Wasabi5218 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:20 Saucette Tried to reach Diamond this season...

Tried to reach Diamond this season...
Played 500 games, tilted from Emerald 1 to Platinum 3 back to Emerald 2. I have 60 to 65% win rates on most of my main champs.
I used to be Diamond 2 in S3 S6 S7, but that doesn't mean much
Got chat and ranked restricted for saying things like "losers mentality" to mates giving up (no flaming at all), and not helping lanes that are inting.
MMR makes wins worth 20LP and you lose 50LP when you lose at 0LP so i could not climb.
My last games were horrible mates, blaming jungler non stop, eventually going afk because they died too much 1v1 2v2 or getting caught.
Overall, i would say 80% of the games, wheter win or lose, you get flamed as a jungler.
Some games i answered people to shut up and to get a better mentality, but i eventually got sanctionned.
Resulting in no ranked rewards, Honor 3 to Honor 1, and a frustrated player.
Thank you Riot for the gaming experience.
submitted by Saucette to Jungle_Mains [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:17 jfivvv HELP CITI TO UB MIGRATION

how do you pay your UB PL?????? i have ADA naman but i forgot to put funds on my savings+ acct today so im unsure if the system tried to take money out. i transferred funds at around 12 pm earlier but im so paranoid that it wont get deducted by today and todays the due date. trying to pay manually using ub personal loan but the reference number theyre asking for is 15 characters and my acct number is 16 digits. tried removing one 0 but it says policy holder number invalid. tried using the citi ready credit/personal loan by paying 1 peso but i dont think it would get posted right away cos i read that it takes 2 days.
ano na gagawin ko?????? i might incur a late fee if no payment made today and cant contact anyone from ub
submitted by jfivvv to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:12 dafaithz1 100+ Quest-Games 25% off & EU Headset Referral

Headset referral: Get 30€ Store-Credit. Use this Link before activating your Quest
Accounting+: 25% off Accounting+ After the Fall: 25% off After the Fall Ancient Dungeon: 25% off Ancient Dungeon Arcade Paradise VR: 25% off Arcade Paradise VR Arizona Sunshine 2: 25% off Arizona Sunshine 2 Asgards Wrath 1 (PCVR only): 25% off Asgards Wrath 1 Asgards Wrath 2: 25% off Asgards Wrath 2 Assassin's Creed Nexus: 25% off Assassin's Creed Nexus Beat Saber: 25% off Beat Saber Black Hole Pool: 25% off Black Hole Pool Blade & Sorcery Nomad: 25% off Blade & Sorcery Nomad Breachers: 25% off Breachers Compound: 25% off Compound Cave Digger: 25% off Cave Digger Chess Club: 25% off Chess Club Clash of Chefs VR: 25% off Clash of Chefs VR Contractors: 25% off Contractors Contractors Showdown: 25% off Contractors Showdown Cook-Out 25% off Cook-Out Cooking Simulator VR: 25% off Cooking Simulator VR Cosmodread: 25% off Cosmodread Crashland: 25% off Crashland Death Horizon Reloaded: 25% off Death Horizon Reloaded Death Lap: 25% off Death Lap Demeo: 25% off Demeo Demeo Battles: 25% off Demeo Battles Demeter: 25% off Demeter Driven: 25% off Driven Drop Dead The Cabin: 25% off Drop Dead The Cabin Dungeons of Eternity: 25% off Dungeons of Eternity Eleven Table Tennis: 25% off Eleven Table Tennis Elite Dangerous (PCVR only): 25% off Elite Dangerous Espire 2: 25% off Espire 2 Figmin XR: 25% off Figmin XR Flight 74: 25% off Flight 74 ForeVR Bowl: 25% off ForeVR Bowl Golf+: 25% off Golf+ Gadgeteer: 25% off Gadgeteer Galaxy Kart: 25% off Galaxy Kart Genotype: 25% off Genotype Ghost Giant: 25% off Ghost Giant Ghost Signal A Stellaris Game: 25% off Ghost Signal A Stellaris Game Ghosts of Tabor: 25% off Ghosts of Tabor Gravity Lab: 25% off Gravity Lab Green Hell VR: 25% off Green Hell VR Guardians Frontline: 25% off Guardians Frontline Inverse: 25% off Inverse Ilysia: 25% off Ilysia In Death Unchained: 25% off In Death Unchained Into The Radius: 25% off Into The Radius Iron Rebellion: 25% off Iron Rebellion Lego Bricktales: 25% off Lego Bricktales Mannequin: 25% off Mannequin Medieval Dynasty New Settlement: 25% off Medieval Dynasty New Settlement Mini Motor Racing X: 25% off Mini Motor Racing X Moss: 25% off Moss Moss Book II: 25% off Moss Book II Multibrush: 25% off Multibrush No More Rainbows: 25% off No More Rainbows Omega Pilot: 25% off Omega Pilot Onward: 25% off Onward OrbusVR Reborn: 25% off OrbusVR Reborn Pavlov Shack: 25% off Pavlov Shack Phantom Covert Ops: 25% off Phantom Covert Ops Pistol Whip: 25% off Pistol Whip Presentiment of Death: 25% off Presentiment of Death Propagation Paradise Hotel: 25% off Propagation Paradise Hotel Puzzling Places: 25% off Puzzling Places Racket Club: 25% off Racket Club Ragnarock: 25% off Ragnarock Real VR Fishing: 25% off Real VR Fishing Red Matter 2: 25% off Red Matter 2 Resident Evil 4: 25% off Resident Evil 4 Resist: 25% off Resist Stack: 25% off Stack SculptrVR: 25% off SculptrVR Shadow Point: 25% off Shadow Point Smash Drums: 25% off Smash Drums Space Docker VR: 25% off Space Docker VR Space Pirate Trainer DX: 25% off Space Pirate Trainer DX Survival Nation: 25% off Survival Nation Swarm: 25% off Swarm Swarm 2: 25% off Swarm 2 Sweet Surrender: 25% off Sweet Surrender Synth Riders: 25% off Synth Riders Tetris Effect Connected: 25% off Tetris Effect Connected The Climb: 25% off The Climb The Climb 2: 25% off The Climb 2 The Light Brigade: 25% off The Light Brigade The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners (Part 1): 25% off The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners (Part 1) The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Retribution (Part 2): 25% off The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Retribution (Part 2) Time Stall: 25% off Time Stall Tower Tag: 25% off Tower Tag Townsmen VR: 25% off Townsmen VR Track Craft: 25% off Track Craft Uboat The Silent Wolf: 25% off Uboat The Silent Wolf Underdogs: 25% off Underdogs Ultrawings 2: 25% off Ultrawings 2 Unplugged: 25% off Unplugged Until You Fall: 25% off Until You Fall VAIL VR: 25% off VAIL VR VR Skater: SL: 25% off VR Skater: SL Vermillion: 25% off Vermillion Virtual Desktop: 25% off Virtual Desktop Walkabout Mini Golf: 25% off Walkabout Mini Golf Waltz of the Wizard: 25% off Waltz of the Wizard Warplanes Battles over Pacific: 25% off Warplanes Battles over Pacific Warplanes WW1 Fighters: 25% off Warplanes WW1 Fighters We Are One: 25% off We Are One Windlands 2: 25% off Windlands 2 Zenith The Last City: 25% off Zenith The Last City Zombieland Headshot Fever: 25% off Zombieland Headshot Fever
submitted by dafaithz1 to OculusReferral [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:11 M0rpo Renewing tenancy - landlord not signed!

I moved into my current rented property in June 2021 with a 1 year tenancy agreement. On the day I was handed keys the landlord mentioned that behind the big fence in our garden was also his plot of land and he was planning to build another property on it. This was never mentioned during our initial viewing or negotiating contract stage. After an argument with the agent we amended the contract to include a break clause.
I lived in the property for a year and renewed the tenancy for another year. No building work had commenced on the other plot of land. I saw the landlord in December 2023 and he mentioned his plan to start building at beginning of January 2024. It had been 4 years of planning application but he finally was ready to begin.
January 2024 came and went, no building work commenced. March 2024, the agent asks me if I would like to stay on at the property or move as the tenancy is coming to an end in June. I say that I would like to stay. A few weeks later the agent states the landlord would like to renew the tenancy but increase the rent. I try to negotiate a lower rent and the agent says the landlord is firm.
I agree the rent increase and am sent a renewed tenancy agreement to sign. It's mid-April and I sign off the tenancy agreement. However, the landlord has not signed the agreement.
About a week after I sign the agreement, the landlord texts me that he wants to have a chat about his building project. Next day he shows up and states he wants to run a hose from our garden over the fence to his building site along with an electricity cable using my utility supply. His building site needs water and electricity and for some reason he didn't arrange this in 4 years of planning.
Going into this discussion, I know that he has not signed the agreement (he probably also knows that I know this). I wasn't happy that he acted dishonestly by raising the rent, getting me to sign and then dropping the news. It felt like he was deliberately not signing in an act of blackmail. After thinking about his proposition, I tell him I feel uncomfortable and don't want to share my utilities and was surprised that he did not mention commencing building works when we were negotiating the renewal.
I worded my email very nicely and just explained I would like to be kept separate to the building project and to enjoy the property in peace. No further reply was received from the landlord.
I noticed the landlord has STILL not signed the agreement. I call the agent at end of April and am told he has 6 weeks to sign and they have not heard anything from the landlord to suggest there's a problem. I am informed if he does not sign, then we go to a 1 month rolling contract. This does not sound right! I can't help but feel there's some games being played in the background and maybe he's going to pull out the "I have to sell the property" card, or look for different tenants.
My questions are:
  1. Have I formed an agreement for renewal already? We negotiated rent, they sent out contracts for signing - surely there was intention to form a contract? Do I need his signature or is that considered "pro forma"
  2. If the landlord doesn't sign, where does that leave me in June when it expires? I have no place to go and can't be expected to find a place with a few days' notice. I have been a good tenant and don't want to be hassled by Section 21 / eviction - the landlord should be upfront about his intentions if we soured things for not bending over to his utility requests.
  3. If the landlord doesn't sign and I am still in the property in June: do I pay the current rent rate, or should I pay the increased rent rate which he has not signed off? I feel that if I pay the new rent rate it will support the idea that the renewal has commenced. Their acceptance of the rent would support this notion.
  4. If I see a different property next week which I like. Can I void this agreement considering the landlord has not signed? I understand there is no cooling off period in tenancy agreements, but surely the other party has to sign within a reasonable period to the other? It's almost taken him a month to sign and he has failed to!
Thank you for any advice.
submitted by M0rpo to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:11 dafaithz1 100+ Quest-Games 25% off & EU Headset Referral

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submitted by dafaithz1 to MetaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:09 Fancy_Boxx I went through my clothes over the winter...

This is a rant about my stuff.
I took everything to my ex's place, was rushed, and one bin of stuff never fully dried and I opened the bin, today. Now I have to rewash everything inside and see what's salvageable.
I want to properly do the Kon Mari method, but clothes have been such a sore issue and I'm waiting to actually fit into stuff again. I have alot of hangups around clothes I am trying to work through first while trying to consolidate my stuff from 3 locations into mainly 1 location. Also, I am in a program with personal property restrictions that I could only bring a couple of bins at a time, and the Kon Mari method says to make a pile of all of your clothes, pick your favorite things and use that as a guide to figure out what does or doesn't bring joy.
I have gotten rid of mediums and larges because I never liked how I looked in adult six small clothing and up. I was always children's sized, gained a bunch of weight (And not in a good way), then gained more weight, then gained more weigh. I know for a fact that nothing above a size small brings me joy except for 2 items worn as a set which I want to try on again and will likely give away within a year from now.
The only adult clothes above an adult small I am keeping besides maybe the 2 named items are 1 shirt which is otherwise the same as 1 I have for regular wear and can be used for crafting matching items; and I have video game swag I imagined being given away at a need event I used to attend that the host used to give away things from a friend who used to hoard as prizes, or I can sell them now that some of this stuff is limited videogame stuff you can only get if you attended a certain convention, and that's been separate this whole time.
I gained a ton of weight and lost a ton of muscle simultaneously during the pandemic which sucked. Was eating really shittily, and am finally eating 3x a day from a meal provider and I calculate about 2 lbs of weight loss per month between my work commute and work assuming my body gets used to the eating every day and makes that my baseline. Unfortunately it could take me 4 to 16 lbs to go down to my prepandemic dimensions, and I have bin of clothes I can add to mg every day wardrobe and more clothes I can try on.
All in all, I have 6 bins of clothes. 1 is work clothes, 1 is half crafting and half winter clothes I am waiting until October to give away to unhoused people (This city is sweep heavy, so it is better to hold onto the clothes and give them out when it is needed.). I regret not going through go my clothes for like months after putting stuff back in storage because I could have given the winter clothes out. Someone who does food distribution has to see people shivering with blue lips. The current season clothes I am ready to give away fit in a damaged backpack which is OK for someone to use in their tent to keep things together or separated afrer a rain, just not aesthetically pleasing. The every day clothes I have right now fit in 1 bin.
1 bin is regular casual clothes I can wear. Another is winteseasonal. 1 is adult venue suitable, and another is in a similar vein. We're at 2% positivity right now which is almost 100k total cases in my city since the only data being provided right now is the test positivity rate in the hospitals. I am waiting for the test positivity rate to go below 0.1% which is 100 cases per 100k.
Going through my stuff today, I see summer and fall stuff I am currently ready to give away, however I am waiting for the season to approach so I am giving things away when people actually want/are looking for those items. For example, I have several pool floats and I have 1 July themed 1. I don't get to swim, I don't like being around top less men cis or not, and I'm probably never going to get to go to a pool party. I have 1 pool float I am probably going to hold onto, and 2 which still hurt because I am a fighting fetishist and they make for blow up weapons.
I looked through my craft supplies and brought out a bunch of stuff I didn't know if I would never use up because I recently found myself making a bunch of pet toys put of supplies left over from last holiday season. There are alot of unhoused people with baby animals right now, and pet toys are something people can use but cannot budget for if they are poor, so I am making suff and then giving them away. And I am glad to say that I won't be hoarding ribbon and faux suede indefinitely, that much of it is actually going to get used.
Over the next year, I will probably start using up my beads in different crafts and I have a couple of specific projects coming up.
Bad news, I still have 2 full bins worth of papers I need to digitize. I am trying to NOT bother with the ex anymore because I just can't, and I have a giant box of papers in his place from when I made a huge effort to downsize my storage unit. Maybe this weekend, but I don't want to see his face or hear from him.
The good thing about spending time at his place was it allowed me to wear things I would wear for him but wouldn't wear at mine, and it allowed me to get rid of a bunch of things I would have otherwise kept holding onto. It took wearing those items regularly to realize I didn't like them after all. And one item I didn't like wound up fitting me better over time and matches something as did keep, but I might still get rid of it in a year. I would have liked to bring more items over, but I am finding I would much rather stay at my place now that I have an ESA and the food situation has gotten better (I am in an interim housing program which is supposed to provide 3 meals a day and accommodate my dietary restrictions. They switched food providers and now I am generally able to get 3 meals a day, but there is still no laundry services on site which is an issue. Once I go down in size to prepandemic clothes, I'll have more shirts, pants, and under clothes I can wear, but I would rather get down to the lower end of my prepandemic employed weight as those pants are not as comfortable until they're in the oversized due to sensory issues.
Good news, I went through my electronics box and I found a bunch of stuff which is his. Bad news, I still have project items for him to fix along with holiday lights which went out. Good news is he might teach me how to fix the holiday lights. Bad news, he's a dick about working on electronics and had been promising me since 2015 to work on electronics together only to never actually show me anything and get angry.
Oh, and I still have my sentimental iPad which he broke. He promised me he would replace the screen. Also, a laptop screen. I might be picking up work this year which will allow me to purchase replacement screens and get him to fix it as I seem to keep breaking my devices further when I try to fix them myself. I have a phone which is simpler to fix and breaks alot. It's enough for me to know how to fix that, I guess. Even if I tried to do the iPad and laptop repairs myself, the good thing about not being complete 0 contact right now, is I don't have to spend hundreds on repair plus parts if I fuck up.
There was more, but that's about it. My holiday stuff year round is 2 bins worth of stuff and I only have 1 designated bin. ☹️ Did I say I really like Halloween? So, I guess I have to wait for this holiday season to do what I can while also holding back on supplies. I might be ready to give away my felt Halloween bags, and I am ready to give away a bunch of smaller fall items I didn't think I could let go of last year, but I am waiting for Fall when people actually want that stuff. I'm sad thst St. Patrick's Day passed and I had a whole bunch of supplies I wanted to use but didn't because my stuff was somewhere in storage. Same with Easter stuff. Now everything is consolidated.
Also, I found a pickle plush I have been stuck with because the ex bought it for me almost a decade ago and was a huge dick. My main memory from that night was us sitting in some carnival ride feeling like crap because he was belittling me and I was wondering to myself what the point of being there was while he treated me like shit. I could wash it and give it away, or I can wash it and give it to him because he loves food themed stuff. And he can be simultaneously sentimental and cruel when it comes to objects. I don't want to see the pickle at his place, and I don't want to think about him holding onto it in some weird way for years, but I don't want to look at it, and he has a ton of food themed stuffed animals. Idk. But Mr. Pickle has to go.
submitted by Fancy_Boxx to hoarding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:08 international3pl 3PL companies in miami

International 3pl is a third party logistics providers. We can handle all your international logistics and order fulfillment needs. Best Logistics Companies, Intercontinental freight services, Retail Fulfillment and Brick, FBA and FBM Fulfillment, International Freight company.

3PL Fulfillment Companies: Outsourcing for Efficiency

In an era characterized by rapid globalization and heightened competition, many businesses choose to outsource their fulfillment operations to specialized 3PL fulfillment companies. These organizations offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to streamline logistics processes, reduce operational costs, and enhance supply chain efficiency.
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1. Scalability: One of the primary advantages of partnering with 3PL fulfillment companies is scalability. These providers offer flexible solutions that can adapt to fluctuations in demand, enabling businesses to scale their operations seamlessly without incurring significant capital investments.
2. Expertise and Technology: 3PL fulfillment companies leverage their industry expertise and cutting-edge technology to optimize warehouse operations and streamline fulfillment processes. By employing advanced warehouse management systems, automation technologies, and data analytics tools, these providers enhance operational efficiency and accuracy, thereby delivering superior service to their clients.
3. Cost Savings: Outsourcing fulfillment to a 3PL provider can yield significant cost savings for businesses. By eliminating the need for upfront investments in warehouse infrastructure, labor, and technology, companies can reduce overhead costs and improve profitability. Additionally, 3PL fulfillment companies often benefit from economies of scale, allowing them to negotiate favorable shipping rates and pass on cost savings to their clients.
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Conclusion: Driving Efficiency in Modern Supply Chains

In conclusion, fulfillment warehouses and 3PL fulfillment companies play integral roles in modern supply chains, facilitating the seamless movement of goods from production facilities to end consumers. Through their expertise, technology, and commitment to excellence, these entities optimize logistics processes, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. By leveraging the services of fulfillment warehouses and 3PL fulfillment companies, businesses can position themselves for success in the dynamic and competitive landscape of e-commerce and global commerce.
submitted by international3pl to u/international3pl [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:07 Mountain-Door1991 Needed Help to Parse input from mediarecorder api in python

HI i am trying to stream audio from mediarecorder api to python backend for testing VAD it works with my audio device directly, but not the audio from mediarecoreder any help is appreciated? i tried many functions to decode them none of them worked i am attacking a sample here
from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket, Request from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse import pyaudio import threading import webrtcvad from pydub import AudioSegment from pydub.playback import play from io import BytesIO from openai import OpenAI import requests import pygame import os import webrtcvad import collections FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 CHANNELS = 1 RATE = 16000 # Compatible sample rate for WebRTC VAD FRAME_DURATION_MS = 30 # Frame duration in ms (choose 10, 20, or 30 ms) CHUNK = int(RATE * FRAME_DURATION_MS / 1000) # Calculate frame size VAD_BUFFER_DURATION_MS = 2000 # Buffer duration for silence before stopping vad = webrtcvad.Vad(1) # Moderate aggressiveness speech_client = speech.SpeechClient() app = FastAPI() # Mount static files app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static") # Initialize templates templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates") @app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse) async def root(request: Request): return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request}) class Frame(object): """Represents a "frame" of audio data.""" def __init__(self, bytes, timestamp, duration): self.bytes = bytes self.timestamp = timestamp self.duration = duration def frame_generator(frame_duration_ms, audio, sample_rate): """Generates audio frames from PCM audio data. Takes the desired frame duration in milliseconds, the PCM data, and the sample rate. Yields Frames of the requested duration. """ n = int(sample_rate * (frame_duration_ms / 1000.0) * 2) offset = 0 timestamp = 0.0 duration = (float(n) / sample_rate) / 2.0 while offset + n < len(audio): yield Frame(audio[offset:offset + n], timestamp, duration) timestamp += duration offset += n import wave import os from pathlib import Path AUDIO_CHANNELS_PER_FRAME = 1 # Mono AUDIO_BITS_PER_CHANNEL = 16 # 16 bits per sample AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE = 16000 def get_and_create_playable_file_from_pcm_data(file_path): wav_file_name = file_path+ ".wav" docs_dir = "./" wav_file_path = docs_dir + wav_file_name print(f"PCM file path: {file_path}") num_channels = AUDIO_CHANNELS_PER_FRAME bits_per_sample = AUDIO_BITS_PER_CHANNEL sampling_rate = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE frame_duration = 10 num_samples = sampling_rate * frame_duration # with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: # num_samples = len( byte_rate = num_channels * bits_per_sample * sampling_rate // 8 block_align = num_channels * bits_per_sample // 8 data_size = num_channels * num_samples * bits_per_sample // 8 chunk_size = 16 total_size = 46 + data_size audio_format = 1 with"filenames"), 'wb') as fout: fout.setnchannels(num_channels) fout.setsampwidth(bits_per_sample // 8) fout.setframerate(sampling_rate) fout.setnframes(num_samples) # Write the PCM data with open("filenames.wav", 'rb') as pcmfile: pcm_data = fout.writeframes(pcm_data) # return wav_file_path.as_uri() from pydub import AudioSegment def process_audio(file_path): # Load the audio file audio = AudioSegment.from_file(file_path) # Print original duration original_duration = len(audio) print(f"Original duration: {original_duration} milliseconds") # Set duration to 10 seconds ten_seconds = 10 * 1000 # PyDub works in milliseconds if original_duration > ten_seconds: audio = audio[:ten_seconds] # Truncate to 10 seconds elif original_duration < ten_seconds: silence_duration = ten_seconds - original_duration silence = AudioSegment.silent(duration=silence_duration) audio += silence # Append silence to make it 10 seconds # Save the modified audio modified_file_path = "filenamesprocess.wav" audio.export(modified_file_path, format="wav") # Print the duration of the modified audio modified_audio = AudioSegment.from_file(modified_file_path) print(f"Modified duration: {len(modified_audio)} milliseconds") return modified_file_path def check_audio_properties(audio_path): # Load the audio file audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_path) # Check number of channels (1 for mono) is_mono = audio.channels == 1 # Check sample width (2 bytes for 16-bit) is_16_bit = audio.sample_width == 2 # Check sample rate valid_sample_rates = [8000, 16000, 32000, 48000] is_valid_sample_rate = audio.frame_rate in valid_sample_rates # Calculate frame duration and check if it's 10, 20, or 30 ms frame_durations_ms = [10, 20, 30] frame_duration_samples = [int(audio.frame_rate * duration_ms / 1000) for duration_ms in frame_durations_ms] is_valid_frame_duration = audio.frame_count() in frame_duration_samples # Results return { "is_mono": is_mono, "is_16_bit": is_16_bit, "is_valid_sample_rate": is_valid_sample_rate, "is_valid_frame_duration": is_valid_frame_duration, "frame_duration_samples":frame_duration_samples, "bit":audio.sample_width, "channels":audio.channels } import math from pydub import AudioSegment import math def split_audio_into_frames(audio_path, frame_duration_ms=30): # Load the audio file audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_path) # Calculate the number of frames needed number_of_frames = math.ceil(len(audio) / frame_duration_ms) # Split the audio into frames of 30 ms frames = [] for i in range(number_of_frames): start_ms = i * frame_duration_ms end_ms = start_ms + frame_duration_ms frame = audio[start_ms:end_ms] frames.append(frame) frame.export(f"frame_{i}.wav", format="wav") # Export each frame as WAV file return frames from pydub import AudioSegment import io def preprocess_audio(webm_audio): # Convert WebM to WAV audio = AudioSegment.from_file(io.BytesIO(webm_audio),) audio = audio.set_frame_rate(16000).set_channels(1).set_sample_width(2) # Convert to 16-bit mono 16000 Hz return audio.raw_data import subprocess @app.websocket("/ws") async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket): await websocket.accept() buffered_data = bytearray() # try: while True: with open("filenames", "wb") as out: # get_and_create_playable_file_from_pcm_data("filenames") # process_audio("filenames.wav") data = await websocket.receive_bytes() with open("temp.webm", "wb") as f: f.write(buffered_data) webm_audio = AudioSegment.from_file("temp.webm", format="webm") output_file_path = 'recording.mp3' webm_audio.export(output_file_path, format="mp3") if len(buffered_data) > 24000: # You define a sensible threshold with open("temp.webm", "wb") as f: f.write(buffered_data)["ffmpeg", "-i", "temp.webm", "-acodec", "pcm_s16le", "-ar", "16000", "temp.wav"], check=True) buffered_data.clear() print("incomming") audio = AudioSegment.from_file("temp.wav") check_audio_properties("temp.wav") # aud = preprocess_audio(data) try: if vad.is_speech(audio.raw_data, RATE): is_speech = True silence_frames = 0 # recorded_segments.append(data) # Append data to list else: if is_speech: # Change from speech to silence is_speech = False silence_frames += 1 # Check if we've hit the silence threshold to end capture if silence_frames * FRAME_DURATION_MS / 1000.0 >= VAD_BUFFER_DURATION_MS / 1000.0: print("Silence detected, stop recording.") break except Exception as e: print("VAD processing error:", e) continue # Skip this frame or handle error differently 
let socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/ws"); let mediaRecorder; async function startRecording() { const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); const options = { mimeType: 'audio/webm;codecs=opus' }; console.log(MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('audio/webm;codecs=opus')); // returns true or false mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream,options); mediaRecorder.start(5000); // Continuously sends data every 250ms mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = async (event) => { console.log(event); if ( > 0 && socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { socket.send(; } }; } function stopRecording() { if (mediaRecorder && mediaRecorder.state !== 'inactive') { mediaRecorder.stop(); console.log("Recording stopped."); } } socket.onmessage = function(event) { console.log('Received:',; if ( === "stop") { stopRecording(); } }; // Make sure to handle WebSocket closures gracefully socket.onclose = function(event) { console.log('WebSocket closed:', event); stopRecording(); }; socket.onerror = function(error) { console.log('WebSocket error:', error); stopRecording(); }; 
submitted by Mountain-Door1991 to WebRTC [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:06 Fancy_Sheepherder969 do you ever wake up confused?

tldr: do you ever wake up in the middle of the night confused and scared for seemingly no reason? and then the nausea and stomach pains kick in?
hi i think ive probably posted about this before, but whenever im in a flare i usually cannot sleep. if i try, i often jolt awake and im overcome with confusion and fear for a bit and this repeats until i just give up on sleeping. i think what ties into this a little is when i wake up im usually pretty nauseous and have the urge to go but struggle.
does anyone else get like this? its always so scary and its been a while since ive flared but im going on a trip out of the country and my allergies were so bad thag i thought i was getting sick, so in anticipation i took 2 antibiotic pills (12 hours apart) before realizing it was just allergies. stupid, i know. now im having diaherrea and nausea like a flare bc i fucked up my gut balance. my biggest fear is getting c. diff again, esp being out of the country, but my stool has been alternating between fluffy and solid, so im praying this means i wont get it.
its abt to be 4 am, i cant sleep, i feel like shit, and my family plans to leave the house at 11:30 am for our 2 pm flight to the dr which will be a little over 2 hours. i dont get anxious with planes but im just anxious (as all ibs havers are) that i wont be able to make it to a bathroom whether it be on or off the plane and ill feel like shit the whole time. idk, i always come to this sub to rant when im freaked and it kinda helps. i just wish this happened a week earlier bc i havent been eating, havent been able to properly sleep, i have terrible allergies, and i have POTS, so all of these circumstances together is making my heart rate go in to over drive and im scared ill either throw up everywhere, shit myself, or pass out and then throw up and shit myself 😭😭
theres nothing i can do abt it, ny family has been planning this trip for months and has spent sm money and its for my aunts wedding. plus id rather be miserable in the dr where i know my family is close by if i need them than stay home alone all by myself feeling insanely sick. idk. i just wish it could all go away magically for this week at least. i know i did it to myself w the antibiotics but why do i have to have such an unforgiving illness. idk im just gonna take some zofran and drink some gatorade and hope i start feeling better by the time i have to leave
submitted by Fancy_Sheepherder969 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:05 enginuur Working on a project, Can y'all help me find a API which will fetch me movie information? (Open to collab too)

*Project Idea: Movie Recommendation System*
Create a movie recommendation system that suggests movies to users based on their preferences and historical data. This project will involve implementing complex algorithms for data processing, similarity scoring, and recommendation generation, making it a great opportunity to practice DSA concepts. You'll use GoLang for backend development and possibly front-end technologies like HTML/CSS/JavaScript for the user interface.
*Key Features:*
1.⁠ ⁠*User Authentication:* Implement user authentication to allow users to create accounts and log in securely.
2.⁠ ⁠*Data Collection:* Gather movie data from public APIs or datasets. This could include movie titles, genres, ratings, and user preferences.
3.⁠ ⁠*Data Preprocessing:* Clean and preprocess the data to remove duplicates, handle missing values, and normalize data for consistency.
4.⁠ ⁠*Similarity Scoring:* Implement algorithms such as cosine similarity or collaborative filtering to calculate similarity scores between users or movies.
5.⁠ ⁠*Recommendation Engine:* Develop the core recommendation engine that generates personalized movie recommendations for users based on their preferences and similarities with other users.
6.⁠ ⁠*User Interface:* Create a simple web interface where users can log in, input their movie preferences, and view personalized recommendations.
7.⁠ ⁠*Testing and Optimization:* Test the system with various datasets and fine-tune algorithms for optimal performance and accuracy.
*DSA Concepts Covered:*
•⁠ ⁠*Graph Algorithms:* You can model user-movie relationships as a graph and utilize graph algorithms like breadth-first search (BFS) or depth-first search (DFS) for recommendation generation.
•⁠ ⁠*Sorting and Searching:* Implement sorting algorithms to rank movies based on similarity scores or user ratings. Use binary search for efficient data retrieval.
•⁠ ⁠*Hashing:* Utilize hash functions for efficient data storage and retrieval, particularly for user profiles and movie metadata.
•⁠ ⁠*Dynamic Programming:* Optimize algorithms for recommendation generation using dynamic programming techniques to improve efficiency and scalability.
*Learning Goals:*
•⁠ ⁠Gain proficiency in GoLang by implementing backend logic for data processing, recommendation algorithms, and user authentication.
•⁠ ⁠Understand and implement complex DSA concepts such as graph algorithms, sorting, searching, hashing, and dynamic programming in a real-world project setting.
•⁠ ⁠Learn about web development concepts by building a simple user interface for the recommendation system using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
submitted by enginuur to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:05 DogieQueen Question to LA/OC drivers

Is anyone renting a vehicle through Uber vehicle program? If so what is your rating? Here's why I asked: A friend drove for the first time a week ago, she rented a vehicle through uber vehicle rental she drove 1 week 150 rides 69, 5 start, 1 4 and 2 1 star because there was no music in the car and another claim to many stops and go. Considering its LA and the freeways are pretty much stop and go this rating system seems ridiculous..😆 and was told she couldn't dispute it now she cannot work because uber won't allow her to rent another vehicle because her rating is 2 points under 4.90. she tried filing a complaint but there no one to file a complaint to only offshore call center that does not understand what she is requesting. My opinion under should be shorted into the grown. The stock price should be much low considering how poorly drivers are treated.
Feedback appreciated and if you have a complaint number or email please post it.
submitted by DogieQueen to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:02 MealTeamSixNZ Sony vs Bose or other?

Looking for feedback from folks who have tried both the WH-1000XM5 and the QuietComfort Ultra, but also open to suggestions.
I narrowed it down to these two on as the ANC and mic quality ratings were some of the best for wireless headphones on there. I initially wanted to go for USB RF because years ago I would get complaints about call quality when using Bluetooth. I never used my Sennheiser PCX550s very much because I didn't find the ANC very good on planes or just in general.
Budget: the price of the Bose are close to the max of what I'd like to spend, but if there's a better pair for more then I'd consider that. Source: Bluetooth via Laptop or Phone Use: 1) VOIP calls for work, Google Meet, and Spotify via Laptop. 2) WhatsApp/Telegram calls, regular phone calling, and Spotify via Phone. 3) Gaming via steamdeck. ANC is key for planes and loud office, and mic quality key for calls. Tonal Balance: I go between acoustic and electronic genres so I'd say balanced would be safest. Past gear: Logitech G935 (creaky mofos), Sennheiser PCX550s, and currently Drop + EPOS PC38X
From watching a few review videos the Sonys have better mic clarity but not as good ANC as the Bose, which are supposedly more comfortable to wear for long periods and have a more compact travel case.
Thanks for the help!
submitted by MealTeamSixNZ to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:01 Antrapz Conflicted and Confused

Went to the App Store today to update and saw the rating at 4.9 stars which was a bit unusual for me because it was definitely lower before. Did some research and ended up here. I’ve seen a lot of posts regarding reviews being boted and genuine ones being removed, along with A LOT of you guys refunding. But iOS users seemed to have trouble refunding? As someone who’s been F2P all my life I’ve put something close to 200$ into this game. Im somewhat glad I haven’t bought anything this season, however I feel like I’m no longer competitive, going from top 50 (S7 unfortunately) to top 40% without spending is really demotivating especially with these nerfed rewards. I’m seeing serious repercussions like possibly getting your appleid banned or only getting partial 2% refunds for refunding. Along with your reviews being deleted, I don’t feel the same way about this game like I did when breaking my f2p cycle to spend here. I’ve lost my trust and sticking around a little longer to see how receptive the game is to its community. I’m going to give this game a second chance but in the meantime I would like to learn about the following.
How would I go about reporting the fake and removed reviews? How would I go about refunding since I’m on a iOS device without being rejected like the many others? Do I call my bank or reach out to Apple support first or both. Would this affect my credit history, ability to play other games, or ability to purchase anything in the future? Sorry for the dumb questions I’m a bit new to this whole situation and a bit embarrassed to ask elsewhere for now. Obviously I can just call support and ask; however, I want your perspectives before I take my next steps.
submitted by Antrapz to AFKJourney [link] [comments]