Dead celebrity morgue photos


2024.06.09 17:06 karenvideoeditor Scavenging

It was peaceful pacing back and forth along the top of the shipping containers that marked the border of our camp. The sound of the waves lapping against the dock and the breeze that brought the mingling smells of the ocean were the ideal work environment. It was only the fact that I was up there as a lookout for the undead who might try to get in that made it just short of relaxing.
Having stretched my legs enough, I sat back in the metal folding chair next to Alan, who was flipping through the pages of a worn People magazine. Distracting articles from a simpler time.
“Anyone got married? Or acquired a drug habit?” I quipped quietly, crossing my legs.
Everything we said was quiet on guard duty; it was instinct. There weren’t any zombies close enough to hear us, and we were three containers up off the ground, but the silence in and of itself encouraged us to lower our voices. A world almost devoid of humans was staggeringly silent, especially at night when our camp was sleeping, away from any forests and the nocturnal animals that lived there. You couldn’t hear the sounds of crickets or frogs or owls anywhere for miles. If we heard something, there was a good chance it was a threat.
“Nothing new,” Alan joked back at me. He dropped the magazine in the small pile next to our chairs. When there was little to occupy the mind of a guard, it was important to both have distractions and also company. Otherwise you ran the danger of nodding off. “Matthew McConaughey has been married to his wife Camila Mark for twelve years now.”
“You think any of the celebrities are still alive?” I asked. “That those two are celebrating fourteen years now?”
He grimaced. “They must’ve been in LA. Big city folks? I’m always skeptical that they could survive the mobs.”
It was at that point that I heard the telltale rapid scuffling of shoes, the faint sound of an approaching group of zombies, as well as a set of boots hitting the pavement at a faster pace. Alan heard it at the same moment and we both got to our feet, picking up our rifles. Then a figure darted around one of the shipping containers on shore to come into view, someone I recognized. It was Brianna, one of the vampires in our camp, and in addition to her scavenging pack, she had someone else slung over her shoulders in a fireman’s carry.
“Prep the gate!” I shouted. The sound carried to the two guards who were on gate duty, likely startling them. Alan and I both looked through the sights of our rifles and started picking off the zombies, years of practice giving us the result of a successful head shot with every valuable bullet. One after one, they dropped, and a dozen zombies became six.
Once Brianna got to the gate, she hefted her baggage off her shoulders and onto the ground, swiftly drawing a weapon from her side, and killed two as Alan and I killed the last four. At that, the echoes of gunshots faded and Brianna leaned over on her knees, gasping for air. She must’ve been running for a while; it takes a long time to tire out a vampire.
“Open the gate!” Alan called, walking over to the edge of the containers to take a look.
The rolling corrugated steel door that we’d built as our entrance trundled upwards. I left my rifle and went to the back of the container we were on, rapidly descending the ladders welded into the sides.
“My fault,” I heard Brianna wheeze as she pulled off her half-conscious vampire’s backpack and laid her down on her back. We were nearby, but gave them a wide berth. The gate rattled as Jack lowered back to the ground, sealing us off from the outside world once again. “We were in a Target. Like a goddamn idiot in a horror movie, I brought them on us with noise.”
“It happens,” Harry answered, looking over the ravaged body of Nancy. There was the upside of being immune to a zombie’s bite, but the downside was that vampires were still made of tasty meat.
The vampires obviously slept during the day and so they would go out at night, their night vision letting them see easily. It was quite an advantage since the zombies still kept to human waking hours. They didn’t sleep, exactly, but they became what we called ‘dormant’. That meant night was the best time to scavenge for supplies, but not if you needed a flashlight.
“Got it,” called a voice that drew my gaze, rapid footsteps approaching. It was Greg, with a bag of blood fresh from the fridge in his hands.
Built to work similar to a Capri Sun, the vampires could puncture the bottom with their fangs and drink straight from it. Luckily there were tons them ready to be shipped in warehouses across the country, and we had dozens of boxes of them on site, ready to be filled. Donating the blood through the standard process you’d have found before The Fall was a much better option than a bite, considering that it was a wound that would have to heal.
Greg handed the bag off to Brianna, since she had the strength to deal with Nancy, not to mention wasn’t a walking Capri Sun like we were. She sat next to her friend and put the bottom of the bag against her mouth, tipping her head up to meet it. “Nancy,” she said sharply. “Drink. Come on.”
The young woman’s eyes fluttered, her right hand twitching in the direction of the bag, and she bit down. Some of the blood leaked even as Brianna held it against her mouth, but that wasn’t anything that could be helped. After a moment of drinking what was spilling out, she got a good seal on it. Nancy gulped down the blood, visibly relaxing from the relief of sustenance that would heal her wounds.
Once she’d pulled everything she could from the bag, Brianna lowered her head back to the pavement. “You good?”
“Yeah,” Nancy breathed. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” Nancy would go into decon, since she had infectious saliva all over her skin, but for the moment, she just laid there and let the blood heal her wounds. Another reason only other vampires helped a bitten vampire besides aggression: zombie saliva was something no human could touch without risking infection. Brianna would go through decon too, of course.
“If it’s your fault the zombies found you, are you volunteering to clear out the bodies?” I asked with a dry smile.
Brianna rolled her eyes and smiled back at me. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll drag them away from the camp once I get a bag of my own and get my strength back up. Fair is fair.” That was one thing we were grateful for: other animals couldn’t get infected. Any carnivores would wander out at the smell of the genuinely dead and vultures would flock to them as soon as the sun rose.
“I owe you,” Nancy said, tilting her head toward her friend, blinking languidly. “I’ll help.”
“You don’t owe me shit,” Brianna scoffed. “You’d have done the same thing. And you need to rest and recover.”
“All right, I’ll get decon prepped,” Greg said. “Was the scavenge at least worth it?”
“Oh yeah,” Brianna said, nodding. “We got some good food.”
“Awesome. Leave your bags. They need to go through decon too.”
Brianna leaned down and picked up Nancy once more, following Greg toward the decontamination container.
“Hey, show’s over,” Harry told me with a grin. “Back to your station, soldier.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” I said with a smile and a casual salute.
[WP] An uneasy alliance… Humans and vampires band together as the world is ravaged by zombies. Humans need the vampires for protection and the vampires need a food source in the dying world.
My Website
submitted by karenvideoeditor to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:04 karenvideoeditor Scavanging

It was peaceful pacing back and forth along the top of the shipping containers that marked the border of our camp. The sound of the waves lapping against the dock and the breeze that brought the mingling smells of the ocean were the ideal work environment. It was only the fact that I was up there as a lookout for the undead who might try to get in that made it just short of relaxing.
Having stretched my legs enough, I sat back in the metal folding chair next to Alan, who was flipping through the pages of a worn People magazine. Distracting articles from a simpler time.
“Anyone got married? Or acquired a drug habit?” I quipped quietly, crossing my legs.
Everything we said was quiet on guard duty; it was instinct. There weren’t any zombies close enough to hear us, and we were three containers up off the ground, but the silence in and of itself encouraged us to lower our voices. A world almost devoid of humans was staggeringly silent, especially at night when our camp was sleeping, away from any forests and the nocturnal animals that lived there. You couldn’t hear the sounds of crickets or frogs or owls anywhere for miles. If we heard something, there was a good chance it was a threat.
“Nothing new,” Alan joked back at me. He dropped the magazine in the small pile next to our chairs. When there was little to occupy the mind of a guard, it was important to both have distractions and also company. Otherwise you ran the danger of nodding off. “Matthew McConaughey has been married to his wife Camila Mark for twelve years now.”
“You think any of the celebrities are still alive?” I asked. “That those two are celebrating fourteen years now?”
He grimaced. “They must’ve been in LA. Big city folks? I’m always skeptical that they could survive the mobs.”
It was at that point that I heard the telltale rapid scuffling of shoes, the faint sound of an approaching group of zombies, as well as a set of boots hitting the pavement at a faster pace. Alan heard it at the same moment and we both got to our feet, picking up our rifles. Then a figure darted around one of the shipping containers on shore to come into view, someone I recognized. It was Brianna, one of the vampires in our camp, and in addition to her scavenging pack, she had someone else slung over her shoulders in a fireman’s carry.
“Prep the gate!” I shouted. The sound carried to the two guards who were on gate duty, likely startling them. Alan and I both looked through the sights of our rifles and started picking off the zombies, years of practice giving us the result of a successful head shot with every valuable bullet. One after one, they dropped, and a dozen zombies became six.
Once Brianna got to the gate, she hefted her baggage off her shoulders and onto the ground, swiftly drawing a weapon from her side, and killed two as Alan and I killed the last four. At that, the echoes of gunshots faded and Brianna leaned over on her knees, gasping for air. She must’ve been running for a while; it takes a long time to tire out a vampire.
“Open the gate!” Alan called, walking over to the edge of the containers to take a look.
The rolling corrugated steel door that we’d built as our entrance trundled upwards. I left my rifle and went to the back of the container we were on, rapidly descending the ladders welded into the sides.
“My fault,” I heard Brianna wheeze as she pulled off her half-conscious vampire’s backpack and laid her down on her back. We were nearby, but gave them a wide berth. The gate rattled as Jack lowered back to the ground, sealing us off from the outside world once again. “We were in a Target. Like a goddamn idiot in a horror movie, I brought them on us with noise.”
“It happens,” Harry answered, looking over the ravaged body of Nancy. There was the upside of being immune to a zombie’s bite, but the downside was that vampires were still made of tasty meat.
The vampires obviously slept during the day and so they would go out at night, their night vision letting them see easily. It was quite an advantage since the zombies still kept to human waking hours. They didn’t sleep, exactly, but they became what we called ‘dormant’. That meant night was the best time to scavenge for supplies, but not if you needed a flashlight.
“Got it,” called a voice that drew my gaze, rapid footsteps approaching. It was Greg, with a bag of blood fresh from the fridge in his hands.
Built to work similar to a Capri Sun, the vampires could puncture the bottom with their fangs and drink straight from it. Luckily there were tons them ready to be shipped in warehouses across the country, and we had dozens of boxes of them on site, ready to be filled. Donating the blood through the standard process you’d have found before The Fall was a much better option than a bite, considering that it was a wound that would have to heal.
Greg handed the bag off to Brianna, since she had the strength to deal with Nancy, not to mention wasn’t a walking Capri Sun like we were. She sat next to her friend and put the bottom of the bag against her mouth, tipping her head up to meet it. “Nancy,” she said sharply. “Drink. Come on.”
The young woman’s eyes fluttered, her right hand twitching in the direction of the bag, and she bit down. Some of the blood leaked even as Brianna held it against her mouth, but that wasn’t anything that could be helped. After a moment of drinking what was spilling out, she got a good seal on it. Nancy gulped down the blood, visibly relaxing from the relief of sustenance that would heal her wounds.
Once she’d pulled everything she could from the bag, Brianna lowered her head back to the pavement. “You good?”
“Yeah,” Nancy breathed. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” Nancy would go into decon, since she had infectious saliva all over her skin, but for the moment, she just laid there and let the blood heal her wounds. Another reason only other vampires helped a bitten vampire besides aggression: zombie saliva was something no human could touch without risking infection. Brianna would go through decon too, of course.
“If it’s your fault the zombies found you, are you volunteering to clear out the bodies?” I asked with a dry smile.
Brianna rolled her eyes and smiled back at me. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll drag them away from the camp once I get a bag of my own and get my strength back up. Fair is fair.” That was one thing we were grateful for: other animals couldn’t get infected. Any carnivores would wander out at the smell of the genuinely dead and vultures would flock to them as soon as the sun rose.
“I owe you,” Nancy said, tilting her head toward her friend, blinking languidly. “I’ll help.”
“You don’t owe me shit,” Brianna scoffed. “You’d have done the same thing. And you need to rest and recover.”
“All right, I’ll get decon prepped,” Greg said. “Was the scavenge at least worth it?”
“Oh yeah,” Brianna said, nodding. “We got some good food.”
“Awesome. Leave your bags. They need to go through decon too.”
Brianna leaned down and picked up Nancy once more, following Greg toward the decontamination container.
“Hey, show’s over,” Harry told me with a grin. “Back to your station, soldier.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” I said with a smile and a casual salute.
submitted by karenvideoeditor to storiesbykaren [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:53 Kenshin1296 [USA] [H] GBA SP 101, Pokemon (Emerald, Pearl, W2, MD Blue, MD EOT, Y, US, Ranger SOA, SPMD) Mario 64, Paper Mario 64, Mario All-Stars/World, Wii (MP8, MP9, MK Wii, SPM, Wii Sports/Resort, Pikmin 2) XC2, Fire Emblem Gba, Prof L Azran, Zelda OOT & LBW 3ds, Mario Paper Jam, DQIX, & More [W] PP F&F

All items are FIRM in price and include shipping!
Will take $5 off each additional item purchased (Certain items including consoles or multi disk ps1 titles may may not be included depending on heaviness or other factors. Just check in with me and I'll lyk)
Everything is tested and fully working unless stated otherwise!!!
Nintendo Switch
Psp (All Umd Only)
submitted by Kenshin1296 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:41 HadjiChippoSafri EVENTS: What's On in Coventry this week (Monday 10th - Sunday 16th June)

⭐️ Featured image on this post is from: After The End Of History: British Working Class Photography 1989-2024 (Herbert Art Gallery & Museum)

🎨 Art & Exhibitions

Event Date Venue
BSL Gallery Tour with Olivier Jamin Sat 15th Jun 2pm Warwick Arts Centre
Exhibition On Screen: My National Gallery Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
After The End Of History: British Working Class Photography 1989-2024 Until 16th Jun Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Summer Exhibition Until 23rd Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Sent from Coventry Until 7th Jul Coventry Cathedral
Coventry's Jewish Community Until 30th Sep Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Picturing High Streets: Coventry - Tim Mills Until 3rd Nov Coventry Transport Museum
Collecting Coventry Until Apr 2025 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Dippy In Coventry: The Nation's Favourite Dinosaur Until Feb 2026 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Warwickshire's Jurassic Sea Until Feb 2026 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum

🎤 Comedy

Event Date Venue
Coventry Improv: Full of Beans Fri 14th Jun 4pm Coventry Transport Museum

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Family

Event Date Venue
Doze Under Dippy Sat 15th Jun Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Play Children's War Games Sat 15th Jun 11am The Blitz Museum
Big Gobs Puppet Project Until 15th Jun Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Family Sundays Until 23rd Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Mini Creatives Until 25th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Junior Drama Classes (5-7) Until 2nd Jul Belgrade Theatre
Junior Drama Classes (8-11) Until 3rd Jul Belgrade Theatre
Sensory Stories and Rhymes Until 16th Jul Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Mini Museum Engineers Play Until 28th Aug Coventry Transport Museum

🎥 Film

Event Date Venue
Blue Jean Fri 14th Jun 3pm Warwick Arts Centre
Beautiful Thing Fri 14th Jun 5:15pm Warwick Arts Centre
Pride (10th Anniversary) Fri 14th Jun 7:30pm Warwick Arts Centre
Young Woman and the Sea Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Rosalie Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Dead Don't Hurt Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Here Until 18th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Freud's Last Session Until 20th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Sasquatch Sunset Until 20th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
A House in Jerusalem Until 20th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Warwick Student Cinema Until 28th Jun University of Warwick

🍔 Food, Markets & Socials

Event Date Venue
Darts Tournament Tue 11th Jun 7pm Sky Blue Tavern
Open Mic: Words & Music Thu 13th Jun 6pm Warwick Arts Centre
Gallery Late x Warwick Pride Fri 14th Jun 6pm Warwick Arts Centre

🎵 Music

Event Date Venue
Lunchtime Concert Thu 13th Jun 1pm Warwick Arts Centre
Sink or Swim presents: Drahla + special guests Thu 13th Jun 7:30pm The Tin
The King's Voice Fri 14th Jun 7pm Rialto Plaza
Pulsar + Vertigo Flowers + Alys Rain Fri 14th Jun 7pm LTB Showrooms
Walk Right Back Fri 14th Jun 7:30pm Albany Theatre
The Mudsharks Fri 14th Jun 8pm Arches Venue
The Caroline Bomb Fri 14th Jun 8pm Commonground
Jake Edgar Sat 15th Jun 9pm LTB Showrooms
Summer Jams Until 22nd Jun HMV Empire
Jazz Fridays Until 28th Jun Warwick Arts Centre

🗣 Poetry, Writing & Talks

Event Date Venue
Cheddar Gorgeous In Conversation with Ibi Profane Fri 14th Jun 4pm Warwick Arts Centre

⚽️ Sport


🎭 Theatre & Performance

Event Date Venue
TSG Legally Blonde Thu 13th - Sat 15th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Eric Scutaro: Strike A Pose Fri 14th Jun 12:30pm Warwick Arts Centre
An Orphan's Dream Fri 14th Jun 7pm Albany Theatre

🛠 Workshops & Classes

Event Date Venue
Introduction to Suminagashi Paper Marbling with The Handcrafted Hen Sat 15th Jun 10:30am Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Songwriting Until 25th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Adult Acting Classes (Thursday) Until 4th Jul Belgrade Theatre
Adult Acting Classes (Friday) Until 5th Jul Belgrade Theatre
Any events that we've missed? Drop them in the comments below!
submitted by HadjiChippoSafri to coventry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:37 Secret_Sunnie Most of the women he looked at weren't attractive

One thing that my mind fixates on when I'm in a state of anger or spiraling is that almost every single woman that I have caught him looking at - from women on NSFW Reddit, popular porn stars, to exes whose social media profiles he would stalk - that are all less attractive than me.
There were two particular "exes" (more like hookups) that he would search on Instagram and Facebook regularly. One he was even regularly communicating with before all of this came out, and theit interactions were very uncomfortable to me. I can't tell you how devastating it was to see how many times he had looked them up and kept tabs on them. I don't know these girls and I'm not trying to disrespect them, but they were objectively homely. One even had a severe dental issue. My husband is not unattractive, yet He seems to gravitate towards less attractive women when acting out and did his past whenever he had casual sex versus being in a relationship.
I can't say why this hurt me so much and why it seems so worse that they aren't drop dead gorgeous. I feel weird because I'm just wondering what these less attractive women do for him that I don't. Sure, occasionally he would act out to celebrities or very filtered edited photos of women on social media but the general acting out material was not that. Every time he tells me that I look hot I kind of feel like so what? That doesn't really seem to be a high priority on your list of criteria.
submitted by Secret_Sunnie to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:32 StopHavingAnOpinion The IDF manages to free four hostages from Hamas in a raid. Multiple subreddits debate whether it's appropriate to celebrate their freedom.

While Israel-Palestine drama is basically cheating as far as this subreddit is concerned, this drama is unique as the freeing of hostages is objectively good news. People were kidnapped by Hamas during the October attacks and have been held in secret locations since. Some have died, some have been killed deliberately and by accident, but this is the first time that this many hostages have been freed in one go. In particular, the woman hostage is familiar to those who have been following the conflict as the girl who was snatched on a Motorcycle in the kidnap footage (Noa Argamani). The biggest issue with the operation to rescue them was that it incurred lots of casualties, as the hostages were being held in a civilian camp.
The hostage situation has caused mounting pressure on Israeli leadership, and the liberation of hostages goes a long way in calming and reassuring the Israeli people, whose leadership is becoming increasingly unpopular both internally and across the world.
Not everyone is pleased at the news. The raid itself has a significant casualty pool even if some of those were terrorists. While we don't know the exact figure, rumours say over 90 people have been killed in the raid. Israel's actions in the conflict have also been extremely controversial, with many accusing Israel of conducting ethnic cleansing or genocide under the guise of fighting a terrorist organisation. Whether earned or not, some see Israel as the 'bad guy' in the conflict.
Was the hostage rescue 'worth' the casualties? Did Hamas treat them well? Is it 'appropriate' to celebrate hostages being freed when Israel is killing people? Is this a good or bad thing? Will freeing hostages allow Israel to do worse things? Does Reddit support Hamas? Is it hypocrisy when Israel holds many prisoners without trialing them? Will this victory cause Israel to double down on it's extreme actions?
----- Pics ----- (A Father embracing her daughter who was rescued from captivity after 250 days) Locked. 76% upvoted.
Wasn't this girl who got taken by a motorcycle?
Watch how pro-terrorist will try to spin this beautiful reunion into something horrifying justifying her kidnapping. If you justify the murder, gang rape, torture, and kidnapping of kids, teenagers, and civillians including women and elderly, youre on the wrong side.
Strawman much? Literally no one is justifying any of the kidnappings. You’re making up arguments in your head to get mad about.
Hamas shouldn't have captured/killed/raped 300 innocent civilians from multiple nations of the world
Already seen a lot of people angry about this
Did people just want her to die or something?
Happy shes free and safe, lets hope to see the day when the Palestinians hostages are free and safe too.
How does someone that's been captive for 250 days by the worst group of people in the world have no scars, no bruises, clear healthy skin, and doesn't look like they've lost a pound that whole time??
----- Global_News_Hub ----- (55 civilians killed in refugee camp, 4 hostages saved: Report)
Zionists doing what they do best. Killing civilians and finding reasons for it later or play victim.
Originally, the Zionists didn't even know there were hostages there. They just wanted to kill civilians.
Epic levels of cope
55 Arab Lives are not important to Zionists. They are animals to Israelis.
Maybe Hamas shouldn’t hide their hostages in refugee camps? It’s almost like they want their civilians to die to gain international sympathy
Despicable! The IDF should let Hamas kidnap, rape, torture, and murder without any consequences!! How dare they rescue the very few surviving hostages
----- MadeMeSmile ----- (Footage of hostage reuniting with family)
Israel killed over 200 palestinians today. This is not a day for smiles
She looks very healty. Thats how hostages should look like at the end. Not like the ones israel and russians are holding. We clearly can see who are the real terrorists. Good she made it back like this and is able to smile
And isnotreal killed 210 to “rescue” her
Saved four and killed 150 Palestinian civilians. What a heroes
Makes me sad, not smile: 1200 upvotes after 6 hours. The state of mind of Reddit users.
Big mistake to sort by controversial - what the heck is wrong with some of you?
And you really trust Hamas?
More than "israel"
As much as one should be happy about it, Palestinians continue to be under a Genocide. Israel has Palestinian hostages 26 times more than what Hamas has Israeli hostages. Israel has dropped bombs on Gaza more than what were dropped in World War II.
The entire kidnapping was absolutely awful on every level. What Israel is doing right now is absolutely awful on every level I’m happy that she is back safe with her family. All things can be true at the same time
What kind of shitty, hateful comments, especially on such a wholesome group.
----- IsraelPalestine -----
Cool, I wish that all hostages get released from the captivity of Hamas. It’s a big shame that Netanyahu is refusing any ceasefire and is continuing this war, and I hope that we eventually get a ceasefire so that all the hostages can return home.
Ahhh when success is refusing a deal to release all hostages because your adversary is evil and your response is checks notes using aid vehicles as troop convoys (a crime you've accused Hamas of) to rescue four hostages and in the process kill two hundred people, thus showing that Palestinian civilian life has lesser value than Israeli Nothing like committing repeated war crimes to show you're the good guys, right? It's a good thing US taxpayers are bankrolling THIS as opposed to dealing with inflation or healthcare. Seriously, what blackmail does Bibi have on Biden?
Great news for the families. But the pictures of the hostages post rescue (not the one above) are very telling. - basically Hamas are kinder, gentler hostage takers than Israel
Genuinely good news for the hostages and their families. I'm happy to hear they were found in good health. Unfortunately this will send the message that the current IDF strategy is worth it, and many more people will die as a result. Small victories I guess.
Up to 200 people killed on that operation, lots of innocent Palestinians. Local hospital was overwhelmed with insured and killed people.
----- InternationalNews ----- (IDF rescues 4 Gaza hostages: Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv)
So we're now at what? 7k dead Palestinians per hostage?
Get yourself ready for propaganda interview videos...
oh it's already in full force, saving 4 hostages is now being used to justify the killing of hundreds. Since we know these ppl don't think Palestinians are humans, they are going to not care one bit about the 47 innocent civilians (so far, more injured as well) killed in this "special operation". Israel will 100% use this to further try and justify killing more people in Rafah and probably to refuse the ceasefire deal on the table right now.
So, now we'll have four Mossad agents posing as freed hostages telling us horror stories of their brutal treatment. "They gang raped my severed baby head!"
There’s video of Noa being abducted on Oct. 7.
submitted by StopHavingAnOpinion to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:29 FunkleKnuck291 DAUGHTER!!! DAUGHTER NOOO!!

submitted by FunkleKnuck291 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:23 Bonzographer On this day, 17 years ago, Tinker AFB in OKC celebrated its 60th anniversary with an amazing airshow. These are my favorite photos.

On this day, 17 years ago, Tinker AFB in OKC celebrated its 60th anniversary with an amazing airshow. These are my favorite photos.
Definitely the coolest airshow I have ever seen.
submitted by Bonzographer to aviation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:20 TheWingedBadger A beginners guide to fishing the Isle of Man

Take what I have to say with a pinch of salt, I'm new to fishing and I've recently started fishing with lures after moving to the Isle of Man so I wanted to share my perspective from a total beginner.
My only fishing experience is carp and course fishing with my dad 17+ years ago, so I'm self/YouTube teaching myself everything from scratch from gear to knots to finding spots.
Started with a Leeda telescopic spinning rod that I actually found in the shed when we bought our house, the cheapest Shimano reel I could find (size 4000 Catana and fx) some 20/30lb braid, 20lb fluorocarbon leader and some multipacks of different types of spinners and lures. Upgraded the rod as it literally fell to bits after half a dozen sessions. Now I'm using an Ugly Stik GX2 10" 20-80G and a cheap shakespeare predator telescopic to run traces with. Bought a kayak last year and have just got a 4" ugly stik kayak rod so when the weather gets better I'll be giving that a try as well.
I live in Foxdale and work South, so for now my adventures are keeping me Peel/Douglas and south but I'll venture north eventually.
I like to pack light and keep the gear in the back of the car at nearly all times for quick sessions whenever I can. Rod and reel, lures, knife, pliers bucket, Go.
Thought I'd share some of my learning experiences and thoughts from the last few months where I've caught a few dozen Pollock and Mackerel, and a few Wrasse.
Port Erin Breakwater
Callig and Mackerel Galore, my most common fishing spot with about a 70% success rate, close to work and I can usually get 45mins solid fishing on my lunch break. Good size mackerel from early May onwards, Callig/Pollock as well in all shapes and sizes. Fished now at nearly all states of tide and I'd say it fishes slightly better at low tide however don't be dissuaded from having a go anytime.
Seaward of the breakwater for me seems slightly less productive and far snaggier however it seems the more popular side for most folks. I've only caught a couple of times this side and it seems like the 45° out from the breakwater is significantly less snaggy than the rest of it, you just need to grab a spot right on the corner.
My preference is the internal side, go down the steps as far as the tide allows and cast towards the Bouys or as far alongside the breakwater as you can. Tried all sorts of retrieves I usually end up with a steady draw and a few twitches and the fish are closer in than you'd think, several occasions I've seen a Callig come up out of the kelp and rocks to strike the lure more or less at my feet
Looks to me to be an ideal spot for Wrasse and I commonly hear tell of Conger in the remnants of the Old Breakwater. These will have to wait for a time in the future when I've gotten myself a bit of weedless/float fishing tackle.
As you walk down the concrete to the steps over the chain on the right hand side there looks to be a deeper gully between the harbour wall and the remains of a second smaller jetty extending out in the same direction as the steps (you can just see this on Google maps as a darker shadow, see attached photo) looks to me to be a prime place to float fish but it's THICK with kelp and sea grasses in the bottom so I wouldn't recommend spinning lures in here, it'd get very expensive on tackle.
Port Erin Jetty
Only fished here once, first cast, bad snag, lost lure. I didn't have anymore leader or swivels with me so I gave up. Going off that brief experience it might not be the best for spinning lures, I'll try again with Weedless/Float fishing tackle in the near future, part of this pier gets covered by the tide so beware. A good cast with a heavier lure could probably get to the foot of the lifeboat station or towards the Raglan Pier.
Port St Mary Breakwater
Heard lots of hype about this one and it's only a hundred yards from work, tried half a dozen times and blanked every time. Inside the wall, off the end, over the back, high tide, low tide, mid tide, slow tide. Nothing. The only birds in the area are gulls and they never seem to work the water for food, very very rarely see any baitfish/sand eels or Seals in the harbour. To me the waters in PSM bay feel dead, others may disagree but I'm on the waterfront for work Monday to Friday and this has been my experience.
I've been for a chat with people I've seen casting from the breakwater and they always seem to be blanking and have tales of the golden days of PSM fishing that seem a distant memory from when the scallop factories dumped the shells over the side. Perhaps it's me, maybe it's not a lure spot, or I might have just been unlucky. Due to its convenient location I shall persevere and I'm sure I'll eventually pull one out.
I'll be going here soon to try freelining and dropshotting, a few people locally have recommended trying this here with the little green crabs or some rag worm so when I've a few hours I'll be down and I'll update.
Port St Mary Inner breakwater protects the bit of the harbour that goes dry at low tide, I've tried twice here casting out in an arc into the inner and main harbour and not even had a knock. Special mention for the inner harbour as a place to collect bait at low tide, lovely easy to dig sand riddled with ragworm piles. Fella from work has claimed to have seen half a dozen Mullet in this inner harbour (Mid May) and we've checked a few times since but he's the only one to have seen them.
Port St Mary Rocks
So I tried this place on a whim one afternoon, drove past the breakwater and the Anchor Memorial and there's a little car park, follow the path and steps down and the rocks are easily accessible at all states of tide.
I got here 2 hours before high tide climbed out on the rocks as far out as I could get and had a quick spin, 32g blue and silver spinner. Water was a lot shallower than I thought it would be so I was more or less dragging the lures across the rocks close in. Never the less within a half a dozen casts 2 beautiful Ballan Wrasse hit the lure. Had the cut the session short unfortunately because I was on the skive from work but I'm definitely going to revisit this spot, had a couple people say it's unusual to snag Wrasse on a lure so maybe it was a fluke.
There's some deep spots of water here between outcroppings of rock and I think certain spots have potential especially at low tide when you can walk a fair distance out. Lots of crab and lobster pot bouys around here in the deep spots so it's probably a rocky mess on the bottom, float fishing, jigs or rotten bottom rigs for the deeper stuff I'd say.
Fleshwick Bay
Beautiful spot down here, remote and silent. Peaceful. Unless you're a mountain goat this is a strictly hightide +/-2hrs spot, park up follow the path to the right up and down onto the flattish rock that sticks out. Mind how you go. The high point looks like it could be slippy and it's a super narrow game trail.
Lovely crystal clear water when it's calm and plenty of baitfish in the kelp, cast tight up against the rocks or out into the centre and you shouldn't struggle to pull out Callig, Mackerel or Coalies.
Looks an ideal spot to fish from a small boat/kayak and that's something I'll definitely be doing in the summer.
Peel Breakwater
The "famous" Peel Breakwater, recommended by everyone and their dog for beginner anglers... However... Seems like the golden days are long gone.
The local fish factories have been banned from tipping their offal off of peel head, for better or worse I couldn't say. The pristine waters and white sands of Fenella Beach are a byproduct of the tonnes of king and queen scallop shells dumped off the back and in the past have apparently been an amazing food source for droves of fish. Fish stocks lead to Seals, of which Peel hosts plenty. The lack of food dumps and plethora of seals seem to have affected the stocks and nowadays people seem to blank more often than they catch here.
I've tried a rake of times here now and never caught, one memorable trip out saw ~18 fellow anglers off the back wall and off the end, a drove of feathers and lures flying out for 3+ hours and I saw a grand total of 2 mackerel pulled out.
Maybe in the summer it'll come a little better here but only time will tell, might be a good spot for freelining I'll give it a shot when I've figured it out.
Peel Castle Rear Rocks
Tried here recently, had a few hours to sneak out but the tide and weather was against me and I blanked.
Lots of movement in the water, loads of oxygenation around the rocks. LOTS of deep water and gullys in and around these rocks, pick your spot and away you go. I've got much higher hopes for catching back here than I do from the nearby breakwater despite it being a much quieter spot.
Might be better suited for LRF gear but I'm going to persevere with the spinning rig I'll update when I land something here.
Just the one session here so far, nice evening out wife and one of the dogs had a good wander around while I tried to sniff out a few marks. We were a few hours before high tide so I stumbled over the shoreline hoping to get out onto the rock 'tail' didn't have any waders on however so. I just got out as far as I could on the shore.
Didn't have anything from this spot and I couldn't seem to cast far enough to get past the thick weed close in, I could see a bunch of diving ducks working a bit further out so I still had hope. I retreated up the hill towards the cafe and down the 'path' next to the bench, not quite mountain goat territory but be careful if the ground isn't dry it's a long slide or fall onto very unforgiving pointy rock. Following this trail you can get down and much further out than the beach, plenty of likely looking marks if you wanted to follow the rocks around further.
Nice flat point to stand and cast and really sheltered from the elements for a rougher weather session down at the bottom. Very deep water right at your feet, if I'd had a second rod with me I'd have dropped a 2/3 hook flapper rig, I grabbed a handful of sand and pebbles off the beach and it had 20+ different types of sea snail/shelled invertebrate shells in it, any sort of limpet/snail/crab would be ideal bait here as it's naturally rich with them and they are easy to snag off the rocks anyway.
Alas I only had my spinning rod and a couple of lures with me and with the wife and puppy getting impatient I wouldn't have had time to wait anyway. 10 mins later I managed to land a nice sized Callig, nice fight on it with the deep water at my feet, they do love to dive.
Marks yet to try;
Port Erin Bradda Rocks
potentially mountain goat territory so it might be better attempted from the kayak but it's been mentioned by a few locals. Supposedly larger Callig than the breakwater on the opposite side and some Conger regularly pulled out.
The Sound
Heard good things about a couple of marks down there. Just waiting for a good day where I've nothing planned and I can get away for a good session.
Langness, Fort Island
Walked the dogs round here plenty of times and seems like it'd be good it high tide, lots of rocks and deep water. I'll need to learn to set up a rotten bottom rig for here looks like it's be expensive on lures. The very protected bay seems like an ideal place to launch the kayak for a session.
Scarlet Point
Came down for an explore at low tide a few weeks back, the exposed rocks were a dream for limpet and crab collecting for bait, when the tides in this shallow spot would be great for Wrasse and Conger to my inexperienced eyes. The "Stack" looks a good place for float and jig deep water fishing and I've heard good things about callid and Coalies here.
Battery Pier Douglas
Been for a walk down and had a chat to a couple anglers here, saw a couple bull huss come out and heard tales of mackerel and Callig
Port Soderick
Looks likely for some rock marks and a trip or 2 on the kayak
Kirk Micheal, Ballaugh beaches
Heard of Bass coming out on these beaches, my next challenge I hope. Going to do some research into lures and techniques and hopefully catch a bass this year. When I'm properly equipped I'm planning on walking a few miles up and down here and just fish my way up and down to scout out some spots.
Point of Ayre
Looks a good spot for Bass, Callig, Mackerel the usual. Probably hindered by the giant colony of seals that reside here but probably a great walk out casting as you go.
I've seen a fishing competition on the north beach but they seemed to use baitcasters and gear I don't yet have. High tide from the 2 lighthouses at the entrance to the inner harbour will probably give results. Mullet spotted in inner harbour. Kayak to the legs of the Queens Pier might be a worthwhile trip
Lots of likely looking rocky marks around here, only walked round once so I need to properly explore.
I've never really looked around Laxey beach with an eye to fishing, very pebbly beach with a huge tidal movements, enough depth to cast from the beach at high tide but it's a very popular beach for people and dogs swimming. There looks to be a path over the hill to the less accessible outer lighthouse and looks like some nice deep water with some structure over the outside wall.
Few marks in and around the harbour that are mentioned in the other guide, the lighthouse extends out into what looks like some real nice deep water.
As I said, I'm new to all this and I've struggled to find advice/guidance outside of locals telling lies about fish they haven't caught and vague posts online. I'm hoping this could be helpful to any new starters and I'll be returning to update as I do a bit more.
Any help/advice/guidance for a new starter would be appreciated, thanks all and tight lines.
submitted by TheWingedBadger to IsleofMan [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:31 WMH81 My gut had been telling me things, of course I need a second opinion. Story time!

Day four of no-contact, one of our (apparently now formerly) mutual friends had gotten a hold of me yesterday to say the ex had tried to reach out to her about something and then got pissy when she didn't get an immediate response, so she just never responded to the ex. I had a good long chat with the friend about things and the way things had been while I was with the ex, and her response to most of them was along the lines of "Jesus, I didn't realize... Just... no. Just no." The more responses I get from people like that, the more I think my gut was right. So I figured I'd throw some of them out to all of you and see what Reddit thinks. This is going to be a long one.
1) Back in high school (20 years ago) she smoked weed, drank, partied, fucked around, and always reminisces about it with a big smile on her face. Had no problem talking about her exes from high school in the same way, especially "J1." She brought him up a million times, and always gave me the same spiel as if she forgot she had told me every time. "He was my ex from high school, my first everything but a kiss. We were together for about a year and a half, we were so in love. You know he's the only guy I've ever cheated on in my entire life, and I still feel so bad about it to this day... I actually apologized to him a few years ago, I know it's stupid high school stuff but I just felt so bad. We still talk sometimes, I can always go to him with my problems or anything. He's just always going to be my person." I mean, one night for no reason she sat down next to me with a photo album. She flipped through the early kids stuff without saying anything and went straight to her high school photos. She went right to her exes and started pointing them out and naming them, then got to J. She started the spiel but caught herself a couple sentences in, closed the album, and put it away. After the breakup I had moved and was helping her digitize some of her old 8mm tapes, we were watching an elementary school Christmas program and at one point she sits up and exclaims "Oh my God is that J1?!" with the same big smile.
2) At the end of high school she had gotten with this other piece of garbage and got pregnant. They were together with the kid for a couple years then he cheated on her and they split. He was a worthless deadbeat dad, but they still kept in occasional contact. We'll call him "J2." She had him come out a couple times when she bought her house after her own divorce to help with renovation. Before we had dated, I noticed those two were acting like a couple (even though she was already starting to get serious with someone else... call him "C"). At one point we were out in the garage while she was gone at the store, discussing a decision on the house she told me she wasn't going to do but she was going to do it now. He says "Oh that's cause I told her to do it. Yeah, she always listens to me. She does whatever I say, that little girl fuckin loves me. I got her wrapped around my little finger." A year later after her and I had started dating, I was staying at her place a couple nights a week while helping out at another branch. One night she says "I need to get J2 out here again at some point soon to finish the painting in the front hallway." Next day while I was going to work, she had gone from talking to me all the time to dead radio silence all day. I got back from work a couple hours early and she had gone to pick up her kid from school. I come inside and walk through the kitchen, and much to my surprise J2 steps out from around the corner with his hands up and a big smile on his face like he was ready to give somebody a big hug. He sees me, his face immediately turns to "oh shit." I just said "what's up" and went back to the bedroom to drop my bag. The sheets on the bed were all wadded up at the end, the clothes she had been wearing to bed were tossed around on the nightstand, pillows, bed. I piled the clothes up and set it next to my bag on the bed, just to let her know I had been in there. I went back outside to work on the grill, this dumbass came and sat out back and tried to make small talk. Smoking weed, yelling and swearing, you can hear the music he had blaring inside the house, a bunch of stuff that she said she did not want going on considering her neighbor was an elementary school principal and she had DHS stuff going on with her ex-husband. But apparently he got to do it all. Eventually he goes back inside, she comes home and blows right by me without even looking at me. A couple minutes later she comes rushing out, standing over on the other side of the patio, going right into this story about how the 4-year-old messed the bedroom up like that. No hugs, kisses, how was your day, sorry I didn't have my phone on me, nothing like that. The rest of the time he was at the house, he didn't say anything to me and he looked very uncomfortable whenever he looked over at me. A few hours later she took the four year old with to take this guy back home an hour away. She was gone for a long time.
3) Right around the end of all her divorce proceedings, one of our other mutual friends introduced her to someone she knew, for the sake of maybe being friends with benefits. Something to try to blow off some steam, try to move on, rebound kind of thing. Let's call him "R." Before we were dating, she mentioned him once or twice (same time she was getting involved with the previously mentioned C) but that the whole friends with benefits/fuck buddies thing wasn't really her kind of thing so nothing ever happened between them. But they were still friends. I noticed that seemed like she talked to him more and more as time went on, but she was always trying to hide it. One time I glanced over and saw she got a text from him. "How's it going, doll?" Another time I saw him talking about "the mystery in your eyes." Anytime I was nearby after she got done texting with him she would immediately turn her phone screen off and set it face down next to her leg away from me. One time I came home from work and she was sitting on the couch in the living room with the kids, and she was on the phone. I set my bag down and walked across the living room to give her a kiss as we always did when one of us came home from work. I got halfway there and she stood up and started walking around me to the kitchen. She stopped to look at her screen and turn the volume down and I saw his name on it. She then went to the kitchen without a word to me and got quiet. I sat down on the couch for a few minutes then went into the kitchen to get something to drink, and when I got there she went right back to the living room without a word to me. Got my water and went back to the living room, she went straight back to the kitchen. Eventually she came back to the living room, stood there texting for like 10 minutes straight. I asked if she was chatting with R, she said yeah, she had only talked to him on the phone one other time, so they were just catching up. Then she came back and sat down on the other end of the couch from me, nothing about how our days were, no welcome home kiss, nothing. After the breakup while I was still living there, one of the times she handed me her phone to look at a house listing she found, as soon as I looked at the screen a text from him popped up. "He doesn't know shit."
Thoughts? I know this was a long one, this was just the biggest things that had been on my mind regarding her from the last couple years.
submitted by WMH81 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:30 monkaSman The origins of Strongman sport: When was the first strongman competition?

Strongman sport has become synonymous with extraordinary physical strength and exceptional athletic feats. But where did this discipline begin? Let’s discover the fascinating origins of Strongman sport and how it evolved over the centuries.
Historical origins
The roots of Strongman sport can be traced back to antiquity, when physical strength competitions were present in different cultures. For example, in ancient Greece, athletes participated in the Olympic Games and competed in strength tests such as discus throwing and rock lifting. Similarly, in other parts of the world, such as Scandinavia, competitions were held to lift logs and stones.
The modern era
The Strongman sport as we know it today began in the nineteenth century in Europe. Initially, these competitions were strength shows organized in circuses and theaters, where athletes competed in physical endurance tests, such as pulling carriages or lifting heavy objects. One of Strongman’s earliest documented events dates back to 1891, when Louis Cyr, a Canadian known for his extraordinary strength, faced weight lifting challenges before an enthusiastic audience.
The evolution of sport Strongman
During the 20th century, Strongman sports underwent several transformations. From a show of initial strength, it developed into a competitive discipline with well-defined rules. In the 1970s, the International Force Sports Federation (IFSA) was founded to regulate Strongman competitions internationally. Modern Strongman competitions involve a series of tests that test the strength, the endurance and power of athletes, such as lifting boulders, towing trucks and throwing heavy objects.
Popularity and global diffusion
In recent decades, Strongman sport has gained increasing popularity internationally. Strongman competitions attract athletes from different sports, such as weight lifting and powerlifting, who seek to test their strength in a unique context. In addition, Strongman events have become television shows followed by millions of people around the world, contributing to the dissemination and promotion of this discipline.
Famous Strongam athletes
Mariusz Pudzianowski:
Mariusz Pudzianowski, originally from Poland, is one of the greatest Strongmans of all time. He won the title of “Strongest Man in the World” five times, from 2002 to 2008. Known for his extraordinary strength and athleticism, Pudzianowski has also been successful in the world of mixed martial arts (MMA), fighting in several high-level organizations.
Zydrunas Savickas:
Zydrunas Savickas, also known as “Big Z”, is a Lithuanian Strongman who dominated the Strongman scene for many years. He won the title of “Strongest Man in the World” four times, in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2014. With his imposing stature and incredible strength, Savickas is considered one of the greatest Strongmans of all time.
Hafthor Bjornsson:
Hafthor Bjornsson, also known as “The Mountain” for his role in the TV series “Game of Thrones”, is a strong competitor of Strongman from Iceland. He won the title of “Strongest Man in Europe” in 2014 and the title of “Strongest Man in the World” in 2018. In 2020, he set a world record in dead weight lifting, lifting 501 kg.
Brian Shaw:
Brian Shaw, originally from the United States, is a renowned name in Strongman. He won the title of “Strongest Man in the World” four times, in 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2016. Shaw is known for his impressive stature and incredible strength. It is considered one of the most versatile competitors of Strongman, able to excel in a wide range of tests.
Eddie Hall:
Eddie Hall, also known as “The Beast”, is a British Strongman that has left its mark on Strongman history. In 2017, he set an incredible feat by lifting a world record in dead weight of 500 kg. He was also the winner of the title of “Strongest Man in the World” in 2017. His strength and determination have made him an icon in the world of Strongman.
The most famous Strongman races in the world
Arnold Strongman Classic:
The Arnold Strongman Classic is one of the most prestigious events in the Strongman. Founded by Arnold Schwarzenegger, the event is held annually in the United States and is known for its spectacular and challenging trials. It includes challenges such as tree trunk lifting, tank lifting and axe lifting, which test the strength, endurance and power of athletes.
Giants Live:
Giants Live is a series of Strongman competitions that take place in different parts of the world, serving as qualifiers for the event “World’s Strongest Man” (Strongest Man in the World). Giants Live competitions are known for their high level of competition and attract some of the best Strongman athletes from around the world.
World’s Strongest Man:
The World’s Strongest Man is the official Strongman World Championship. It is held annually and sees the participation of the best athletes of this discipline from around the world. Competitions include extreme strength tests such as stone lifting, towing heavy vehicles, lifting logs and much more. This event is widely followed globally and is broadcast on television.
Europe’s Strongest Man:
Europe’s Strongest Man is a Strongman competition that brings together the best athletes from Europe. It is one of the most prestigious competitions on the continent and tests the strength and endurance of athletes in a series of demanding tests. The winner of Europe’s Strongest Man gets the title and qualifies for high-level international competitions.
World Deadlift Championships:
The World Deadlift Championships is an event focused on dead weight lifting (deadlift). Athletes compete to lift the maximum possible weight in this specific test. The competition attracts some of the best dead weight lifters in the world and is celebrated for impressive records set by athletes.
SCL (Strongman Champions League):
The Strongman Champions League is a series of international Strongman competitions that take place in different locations around the world. It is one of the most known and popular leagues in the Strongman landscape. SCL competitions feature a variety of challenging trials and offer athletes the opportunity to earn points to rank in the league and qualify for high-level events.
These are just some of the most famous Strongman races, each with its own importance and history in the world of Strongman. There are many other notable competitions, but these represent some of the most prestigious and followed globally.
submitted by monkaSman to MensWellbeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:27 tomesandtea [Discussion] Mod Pick David Copperfield by Charles Dickens Chapters 1-5

Welcome to our first discussion of David Copperfield! This week, we will discuss Chapters 1-5. The Marginalia post is here. You can find the Schedule here. The discussion questions are below.
One reminder - although this is a classic novel that has been adapted many times over, please keep in mind that not everyone has read or watched already, so be mindful not to include anything that could be a hint or a spoiler for the rest of the book or for other media related to this novel! Please mark all spoilers not related to this section of the book using the format > ! Spoiler text here !< (without any spaces between the characters themselves or between the characters and the first and last words).
Links of Note:
Chapter Summaries:
Chapter 1 - I Am Born: David Copperfield launches into the retelling of his life story with that famous line that questions whether he or someone else will turn out to be the hero of his life…but we’ll just have to read the whole thing to find out! Immediately we are let in on the unusual circumstances of David’s birth, which is suffused with superstition, causing the town gossips to speculate wildly. He was born on a Friday night near midnight, which of course means that he’ll have an unlucky life and be visited by ghosts and spirits. (I mean, would this even be a Victorian novel without some ghosts? David assures us that he’s yet to be haunted, though.) He was also born with a caul (inside the amniotic sac) which means he’ll be safe from drowning. This is apparently such great news that they advertise the caul for sale after his birth, but only get one hit on Victorian Craigslist, so they hang onto it until they can put it up for a raffle several years later. David says he remembers that raffle and found it super weird to watch a piece of himself get sold off, which, fair! He does note that the old lady who won the caul died in bed and not by drowning, so I suppose it was worth it?
Anyway, back to David’s birth! His father had been dead for six months on the night of his birth, and his mother was a terrified teenager living alone with Peggoty, her servant-girl, so called because they share the same first name. One Friday afternoon in March, his mother was hanging out by the fire and pondering the likelihood of dying in childbirth, when a formidable woman named Betsey Trotwood showed up at her door. Miss Betsey was his father’s aunt and she loved Mr. Copperfield, but hated her abusive husband, who she paid off to go to India and leave her alone. It worked - he died there! On the night in question, Miss Betsey literally pokes her nose into Mrs. Copperfield’s window and then demands that the pregnant lady get up to let her in. Being a force of nature, she takes charge of the room right away, criticizing the Copperfields’ choice of home (a rookery with no birds?) and making somewhat disparaging remarks about Mrs. Copperfield’s history as an orphan and a nanny. She also declares that the baby will be a girl and demands to be the godmother and namesake so the new Betsey Trotwood (Copperfield) can undo all the mistakes of Great Aunt Betsey’s life. Mrs. Copperfield goes into labor and Miss Betsey stays by the fire, plugging up her ears with cotton. She spends some time mildly abusing Ham Peggoty (the servant’s nephew who was hanging around the house to carry emergency messages) and generally ignoring the doctor. Said doctor, Mr. Chillip, is a gentle man but speaks so slowly that Miss Betsey almost throttles him. When he congratulates her on the birth of a BOY, she smacks him upside the head with her bonnet and leaves immediately, never to darken the Copperfields’ door again! Welcome to the world, David!
Chapter 2 - I Observe: David Copperfield relates some of his early impressions of life: his memories of creepy pantries, stuffy parlors, boring church services, and a loving home. His mother is young and beautiful in these memories, and Peggoty is beautiful to him in her own way (though she insists she is not). One day, Davy's mom shows up with a stranger who walks her home and - gasp! - touches her hand! Davy immediately dislikes this black-bearded, dead-eyed interloper and Peggoty seems to like him even less. He falls asleep while his mother is swooning over her new admirer, but when he wakes up his mom and Peggoty are having a big fight. Peggoty says the new man is bad news and Mr. Copperfield would never approve, while Davy's mom says Peggoty is being unfair and heartless. When all she does is sacrifice for Davy, doesn't she deserve some attention and excitement?! All three of them end up crying, and things are never quite the same between the trio again.
Davy's mom continues to see this man, Mr. Murdstone, who rides up one day and invites Davy to take a little trip with him to see a yacht. Peggoty gets him ready in a huff, and you can just tell this is the Victorian era version of riding on the irresponsible boyfriend's motorcycle without a helmet. Davy gets to meet some friends of Mr. Murdstone and watch them do a bunch of paperwork on the yacht. They also make fun of him, comment on how hot his mom is, and make him drink brandy. Since Davy is a little kid, he thinks they're having a grand time. When he later tells his mom they complimented her looks, she is quite thrilled. And then a few months later, Peggoty invites Davy to go with her to visit her brother for a fortnight. She talks up the trip so Davy will be excited, but it's clear she's worried. Davy wonders how his mom will fare all alone, but Peggoty assures him she will stay with a neighbor. (Lies!) Mr. Murdstone is there to see them off and he has … opinions … about how emotional Davy's mom is during the goodbyes. I'm with Davy when he wonders why it's any of this guy's business in the first place. In retrospect, Davy reflects that he wishes he had known he was leaving something behind forever and he is glad that he and his mom had a touching moment full of love as his carriage pulled away.
Chapter 3 - I Have a Change: Davy endures a very boring journey across flat countryside towards the sea to get to Peggoty’s family in Yarmouth. When Davy complains, Peggoty defends her hometown, as a proud Yarmouth Bloater. (Here's some bonus reading: a Victorian-era article about bloaters.) Davy is won over when they reach the busy fishing town and he gets to see the Peggoty home: it is a boat that has been converted for living, and he thinks it is pretty perfect. It turns out to be a full house due to the generous nature of Mr. Peggoty (original Peggoty's brother). Just don't mention said generosity because it makes him super mad. Mr. Peggoty has taken in the orphaned children - Ham and Em'ly - of his drowned brothers, as well as Mrs. Gummidge, the widow of his fishing partner. Davy's fortnight with the Peggotys is full of happiness. He explores the seashore with Em'ly and falls in love with her. They bond over never knowing their dads, although Em'ly wishes she were a lady in the same class as Davy. Davy reflects that given what he knows of her future life, it might've been better if Em'ly drowned that day by the sea. Dark! Mrs. Gummidge often has melancholy moods where she cries all day and declares she has it worse than everyone else, but the family kindly chalks it up to mourning for her husband and assures her they don't want her to go off to the poorhouse and die.
As the visit draws to a close, Davy realizes he has quite forgotten to miss his home and becomes eager to see his mother and Blunderstone Rookery. Yet when they arrive, Peggoty pulls him into the kitchen nervously. She really botches the delivery of her big news because Davy first thinks his mother may have died and then, when she tells him he has a dad, imagines Mr. Copperfield may have risen from the dead. But she brings him to the parlor to greet his new step-dad: it's Mr. Murdstone, of course. Mr. Murdstone proves himself to be a real downer, kicking things off by correcting Davy's mom (who we discover is named Clara) for jumping up too enthusiastically at her son’s arrival. Davy sneaks away to find that his house has completely changed and the yard has acquired a mean, black dog that snaps at him.
Chapter 4 - I Fall Into Disgrace: Davy has fallen asleep crying after the discovery of his mother’s marriage, and when Clara and Peggoty wake him, his mom blames both Peggoty and Davy for his despair. Mr. Murdstone comes up and dismisses them both so he can be alone with Davy. He explains that if he had a stubborn animal, he’d beat it until it obeyed, strongly implying that Davy had better change his attitude or else. Things get pretty grim for Davy after this. He is kept isolated from both his family and neighborhood children. Mr. Murdstone’s sister, Jane, comes to live with them and immediately takes over Blunderstone. Clara is given no say in household matters: even the keys are kept by Miss Murdstone and, when Clara protests and weeps at being pushed aside, the Murdstones manipulate her into apologies and submission. When the family goes to church, Peggoty is no longer invited and the Murdstones keep Davy and his mother apart; Davy also notices that the family seems to be the subject of much whispering and staring from the community.
Davy’s days are miserable. He is often locked up alone in his room, where he loses himself in his father’s old stash of novels and uses this escape as a survival mechanism. (This collection of novels was taken straight from Dickens’ own childhood, according to his biographer John Forster.) When allowed out of his room, Davy endures lengthy, difficult lessons in the parlor. He suspects the lessons are meant as much to teach his mom the Murdstone tradition of firmness tyranny as they are to educate him. No matter how hard Davy tries, he cannot seem to remember the lessons under such severe supervision. Davy is belittled as stupid for his mistakes and boxed on the ears with his books by Mr. Murdstone. When Clara tries to help Davy at one point, Miss Murdstone catches her, and both Clara and Davy are in a good deal of trouble. Clara is chastised, Davy is removed from the room, and the next day’s lessons are overseen by Mr. Murdstone with a cane and switches. This goes about as well as you would imagine: in his terror, Davy makes more mistakes than ever and is dragged from the room by Mr. Murdstone. To her credit, Clara does protest and try to run after them (unsuccessfully). Mr. Murdstone wields his cane and switches, but Davy bites his hand in an attempt to wriggle away. He then beats Davy severely and leaves him locked in his room for five days. During his imprisonment, Davy sees only Miss Murdstone who brings him meager meals and allows him short walks in the garden each morning and family prayers in the evening, before locking him away again. At the end of this punishment, which feels like years to Davy, Peggoty sneaks to his room to whisper through the keyhole that he will be sent to boarding school in the morning. She tells him his mother isn’t very angry with him, only disappointed, and begs him to remember her and her love for him. She promises to look after Clara and they both vow to write to each other. Davy asks to be remembered to Em’ly and the other Peggotys.
The next morning, his mother expresses her disappointment in his behavior and her hope that boarding school will reform him; Davy seems to realize she has been coached to believe the worst of him. He chokes down a little breakfast before his coach arrives, and Clara steals one unsupervised moment with him to say goodbye affectionately. Then, they are parted, and Davy is on his way to boarding school. It’ll surely be a harmonious and supportive learning environment. Right? Right?!?
Chapter Five - I Am Sent Away From Home: Mr. Barkis, the carrier driving Davy on the first leg of his journey to school, pulls over not too far away from the house. Who should appear out of the bushes but Peggoty! She silently hugs Davy until she pops some buttons of her dress (one of which Davy keeps), hands him some cakes, and slips him a note from his mother that includes two half-crowns. Davy shares a pastry with Mr. Barkis, who asks a lot of questions about Peggoty’s relationship status and cooking skills. He asks Davy to write Mr. Barkis is willin’ in one of his letters to Peggoty, which Davy does at the next stop. As he waits in Yarmouth for the stagecoach to London, Davy eats lunch at a hotel restaurant where he is grifted by the waiter. This unscrupulous man tricks Davy into giving him his ale, most of his food, and some of his money. The rumor goes around that Davy has the appetite of a boa constrictor, making him too nervous to eat at the next stop for supper. Wedged between two men and with a woman’s luggage stuffed underneath him, Davy spends an uncomfortable night in the stagecoach as it approaches London. He finds it strange the next morning, after all the snoring and moaning he witnessed, that the adults insist they were unable to sleep a wink!
Upon arriving at the station in London, there is no one to collect him. Waiting in the office, Davy begins to worry that he will be turned out of the station at night, run out of money and starve, get lost walking home, or have to offer himself as a soldier or sailor (though he knows he is too small for that). Finally, a rather scrawny man - who Davy assumes is the Master of Salem House School - arrives and takes Davy the rest of the way. Weak from lack of food and sleep, Davy begs to stop so he can buy breakfast, and the man takes him to the home of a poor woman (presumably his mother) to cook the provisions they purchase. The man plays the flute very badly as Davy begins to eat, but soon Davy has fallen asleep. He wakes to hear comments of “delicious” which he assumes refers to the man’s music, but I bet indicates they were eating Davy’s breakfast. They continue on to Salem House, where a man with a wooden leg lets them in and throws old boots at Davy’s escort, who turns out to be Mr. Mell, an employee of Mr. Creakle, the school proprietor. Salem House is dilapidated, dirty, and deserted. Davy wonders where everyone is and Mr. Mell informs him that Davy has been sent to school during the holidays as punishment. Another punishment: Davy must wear a sign on his back identifying him as a biter, which makes him increasingly paranoid that someone is always behind him reading it. (Probably not.) He also worries that the students, whose names he can read carved in the doorpost, will all make fun of him for it when they return. (Probably true!) Mr. Mell, an odd man with various ticks, doesn’t pay much attention to Davy, but neither is he mean. We get another ominous reference to the future in that Davy says he dreads the return of boys like J. Steerforth and the presence of “the awful Mr. Creakle”.
submitted by tomesandtea to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:20 Live-Needleworker-60 The Deer and the Dragon by Piper CJ rant review

I'm gonna be real: I hated this. There were interesting concepts, and had they been utilized differently and written by literally anyone else, it could've been an actual good book.
writing. The writing in The Deer and the Dragon is miles better than in The Night and its Moon. It's still not good, but it's better if that tells you anything. The first-person POV mixed with modern-day speak works so much better for Piper's capabilities. It was much easier to get through, but it was still a huge slog for me. Honestly, what are the editors at Bloom even doing? There were still way too many typos and sentences with missing words. Piper still misuses the word dredges after using it in THREE(+?) BOOKS. HOW DO YOU STILL NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DREDGES AND DREGS? Dregs are the sediment of a liquid, so what's at the bottom of your coffee cup. Dredge is when they scoop up mud from the bottom of a river. TWO VERY DIFFERENT THINGS. The word broach is also misused in this book TWELVE times, and it's PART OF THE CENTRAL PLOT OF THE BOOK. You mean to use BROOCH, PIPER. They're pronounced the same, but they mean two different things. Again, what the hell are the editors at Bloom doing?
characters Really, the only character I can talk about is Marlow because this book is just about Marlow and how amazing, special, perfect, and genius Marlow is. I fucking hate Marlow. If I ever met Marlow in real life, I would beat her up. Marlow is the most unlikable person ever. The story opens up with her on a date with a guy she's not interested in and can't remember his name; when she gets it wrong, and he corrects her, she continues to call him the wrong name all the way to the end of the book. She mentally berates him for mixing wasabi and soy sauce and cannot let it go. She’s also an AWFUL friend. It seems like her friend's only real purpose is to support her and tell her how amazing she is. She never bothers to make plans with them or inform them about anything that’s happening in her life. When she goes missing for a good chunk of the book, and they're blowing up her phone worried about her, she doesn't even bother to call them to calm them down. She doesn't think about them at all. She's far more concerned with herself and finding her imaginary boyfriend, who she only just decided was real. Her editor tells her she's at risk of losing her job if Marlow doesn't deliver her work or update her on what's happening, and Marlow just...doesn't care. She's like, 'No excuse I can give will be enough, so I'm just not going to say anything at all because I'm afraid of confrontation'. Grow the fuck up?? Her friend Nia only became her friend because she obsessively messaged her on social media until Marlow 'gave in', and now they're family? Somehow? Yet Marlow doesn't think about Nia once or bothers to comfort her when Nia has to call Marlow's abusive mom to ensure Marlow isn't dead. Kirby has allegedly been Marlow's friend since childhood, but does Kirby know anything about Caliban at all? Does Nia? Does Marlow tell her friends anything? If they know about the abuse her mom put her through, do they know how that abuse started? When Fauna shows up and freaks out over liking Kirby’s name so much, Marlow takes it upon herself to tell Fauna the story of Kirby’s name, scornfully informing Fauna that Kirby isn’t their real name the second Fauna expresses interest in it. (Like what, are you jealous that Fauna likes Kirby’s name, you fucking insecure freak??) The story revolves solely around something traumatic that happened to Marlow and how she and Kirby sat and played Super Smash Bros. Kirby liked their character so much that they adopted the name. Which…okay, choosing the name because you liked a video game character, okay, fine. But the whole story preceding this was so unnecessary and just made Marlow come off as suuuuch a whiny baby. “Oh, you want to know about my friend’s name? Well, first, let me preface it with this long woe-is-me story all about ME before I tell you how they chose their name because basically everything revolves around me.”
The way Marlow talks about rejection is so juvenile. You're in your thirties girls, get over it. Life is full of rejections. Someone telling you they didn't to play with you when you were eight years old isn't something you should form your whole life around. Like Marlow doesn't want kids because she doesn't want them to face rejection. Oh my god, Marlow. I also can't empathize with her trauma with her mom at all because I feel like I didn't really see much of it. I'm sure some of the things she says might hit with other people, but I wanted an actual flashback of a super intense fight or conversation instead of an overview of what happened.
plot. It took a while to get to the actual plot. About 100 pages in before things start really happening. I would’ve liked a little more exposition on Marlow’s relationship with Caliban at the beginning of the book. I get that some of the reveals needed to come more towards the end, but I kind of wish that maybe the fox had spoken to Marlow, too, which would’ve helped with why she’s so sure she’s insane. Foxes don’t talk! In all honesty, I wish this story had been restructured entirely. I think it would've been substantially better if we'd started out in Marlow's childhood. We can see how her day to day life was before Caliban ever appeared, how things were with her mom, who can also see through the veil. Maybe she notices some strange things about her mom that she just brushes off, which she later sees in herself and understands why her mom responded that way. Then something actually traumatic happens instead of some little kids not letting Marlow play with them, instigating her starting to see Caliban. I also would've liked to see flashbacks to Marlow's previous lives. While she's busy trying to convince herself Caliban isn't real, those flashbacks would add to her thinking she's losing her grip on reality. Maybe she'll be doing something innocent, like washing the dishes, and then suddenly, she sees herself standing in the middle of a raging battle, wearing long, elaborate robes. Do you see what I'm saying? This could've been cool! Instead, I had to read about Marlow jerking off about herself for 600 pages.
At some point, Caliban shows up to Marlow looking like a human. She's a teenager at this point, but they eventually start sleeping together, and like...idk something about that feels icky to me. It feels like grooming. Because he's clearly thousands of years old, he probably stays the same age while she's a teenager. What age did he wait for her to turn before their relationship turned sexual? Also, she doesn't even think he's real, and he does nothing to convince her that he is. Yeah....just no thanks. I'm good. Marlow tells Caliban when she's 21, she doesn’t want to see him anymore, so she literally physically cannot see him, but she can hear and feel him, and he still shows up, and like they keep having sex. So she’s just having sex with her imaginary demon friend for like five years before she’s finally like, all right, this is weird; maybe we should stop. And then she immediately regrets that when he stops showing up and then the rest of the book finally happens.
We also get flashbacks to when Marlow first starts escorting, and tbh, I hated this depiction of sex work. I keep hoping since Piper claims to be an advocate for sex work and is a former SWer that, we might get some actual depth to this plot. Maybe learn how Marlow was able to mold herself into the person she needed to be for each client, how she’s able to play people, etc. But no. She meets some random girl in a foreign country where she’s teaching English to children, and the girl is like, OMG, you’re too pretty to BE A TEACHER. COME HANG OUT ON MY YACHT. Now, I’m going to be so real. I feel like any woman with a speck of intelligence in their brain would have red flags going off right about now. If a random woman I met in a foreign country invited me to her yacht five minutes after meeting me, I’d immediately assume this woman was about to try and murder me or kidnap me or traffick me or something. But not Marlow. She is like fuck it, why not. She flies on over to wherever this yacht is(literally, she has to get on a plane and fly there) and makes some new besties who introduce her to the wonderfully glamorous non-dangerous life of escorting, where they hand her clients and set up the appointments for her and blah blah blah(also, wanna point out that Marlow even tries to say that she built this sex work empire herself. bitch no you didn't. it was all handed to you). I don’t feel like I really need to go further about why this is a really poor, dangerous rose-colored glasses-type depiction of sex work. It’s just not the reality.
Flash forward five years later, and Marlow is now a top-selling author writing about South African folklore as a white woman, trying to date other men, still having sex with her imaginary friend, calling her nonbinary friend a horse girl, the usual. Her escort pals are nowhere to be seen, and we have no clue what happened to them. We never hear from them again; they just vanish once Marlow gets what she wants from them, just like Nia and Kirby vanish once Marlow finds Fauna and Azrames. One day, Marlow’s at a book signing and sees the ONE bad client she had(because in all the years/months fucking strange men you meet in a foreign country, only one time does it go bad. okay, sure) He somehow finds where she lives, breaks into her home, and tries to murder her. An angel shows up and murders him instead, and then Caliban finally reveals his face and explains to Marlow that he has marked everyone who’s ever wronged her. (Wronged her in what way, tho. Like if someone accidentally shoulder-checked her on the street, are they now marked for death?) I thought it was kind of weird that she’s not like…focused on the fact that her hallucinations have extended to two people and another person dying. She’s still convinced Caliban is a figment of her imagination even after she sees this happen, and Caliban explains to her that he couldn’t save her because there’s some type of contract with her that forbids him from doing anything under her roof without her permission. But she still gets mad and banishes him, and now he can’t come back, and now she’s like, but wait, no, I didn’t mean it. Thus begins the search for Caliban.
Now, I could sit here and outline the rest of the book, but I won't because it's so boring, and nothing of substance really happens. So, to summarize. Marlow searches for Caliban fruitlessly for months and finally makes some progress when she decides to go to the house of the guy who tried to kill her and finds a parasitic entity that she continuously calls a Cheshire Cat. then Silas, the angel, shows up to save her again. Silas maybe wants to fuck Marlow, I can't tell. He waffles between abandoning Marlow to die and stalking her and her mom to force Marlow to bond with him for no seeming reason at all. Everyone and their mom wants Marlow to join their religion, and I don't know what the fuck makes her so special. Marlow is such a popular author that everyone recognizes her name, reveres her, fawns over her, and has multiple copies of her two books in their offices. She's so good that she inspired millions to switch religions. This book was so exhausting to read because it was just about how amazing Marlow is LMFAO. I'm pretty sure they even try to say she's the reincarnation of Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world.
Marlow goes to Hell with Fauna to escape bonding with Silas, where they meet a literal stolen character design. this guy
(my original review has these images but I am an idiot and don't know how to post them so instead I'll share the links)
Don't believe me? here's the commissioned character art.
Anyway, his name is Azrames and he and Fauna are long time lovers and they go and bone while Marlow is in the next room and Marlow fucking masturbates to the sounds of them boning. So...I was forced to read about that, and I hated it. And then, at the end of the book, five chapters before it's over, we learn the bad guy who's been holding Caliban captive the entire time is a fertility goddess. Just out of nowhere. No mention of it previously. So, no one tells Marlow the actual plan, and instead, they send her into this fertility clinic the goddess is working out of and have her pretend to want to get pregnant. So the goddess drugs her without her consent and puts her in a room full of half-naked men, hot stereotypes from every ethnicity, while she's SUPER horny. One of the doctors tells her that 'mixed babies are all the rage right now'. The men all tell her how hot and amazing she is and how lucky they are for the chance to get to fuck her. Then after she chooses one of them, she grinds all over him while he just stands there, then they take him out and bring Caliban in and decide he'll fuck her instead. I just wanna point out that this, all of this, would be rape. Marlow didn't consent to being drugged, and if she didn't know who Caliban was, they basically just took the guy she "agreed" to have sex with away and brought in one she didn't agree to for no reason whatsoever. It doesn't matter that she's saying yes to it; she is drugged. She can't consent. Anyway, Caliban sticks his dick in Marlow and just leaves it there, unmoving, and then makes out with the fertility goddess before stabbing her in the heart and cutting off her head, even though five chapters earlier, they said it's super hard to kill a god. I'm
Marlow gets taken back to Fauna's apartment by Silas while Caliban and Azrames are stuck fighting more Cheshire Cat demon children that I imagine look like the spider baby from Toy Story. Marlow is still high, so she's putting the moves on Fauna. She's kissing her throat, rubbing her thigh, trying to suck on her fingers. Let me tell you rn, if one of my friends showed up at my place high af doing this shit to me, I'd be livid. Because I guarantee you, Marlow will not apologize for doing any of this to Fauna.
Fauna tells Marlow that they can be sunflowers. The book ends.
I will read the next one because I like to suffer, but...I hated this. I give it 2 stars because the writing is better than TNAIM, but it was not a hit for me at all.
submitted by Live-Needleworker-60 to books [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:09 OlieTheKing Which male celebrity has been your go-to fantasy over the years?

I was just thinking about how, over the years, there are certain male celebrities who seem to be perennial favorites in the fantasy departments of many gay/bi men. So, I wanted to ask, who is that one (or a few) male celebrity that you've found yourself coming back to time and time again?
For me, it's got to be Henry Cavill. Ever since his superman days, he's been my go-to. There's just something about his boyish charm and that jawline that gets me every time. I mean, have you seen the photos of him in a suit? Chef's kiss
submitted by OlieTheKing to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:01 shejellybean68 AITA for being mad at my (F21) sister (F23) for putting rat poison in my food?

Me and my sister Abby have a normal sibling relationship. Sometimes, she invites me over for lunch with her husband Tom (M23). She tends to handle the cooking before I arrive and stores it in the fridge because I love arriving to a piping cold plate of beef stroganoff, meatball marinara, or any of her lovely recipes.
When I arrived for lunch last Wednesday, we caught up since, despite me saying this is a normal habit of ours, we also haven’t seen each other in a very long time. I felt she was acting weird — she had a mysterious look in her eyes and was rubbing her hands together like a cartoon villain, but I decided I didn’t give a shit.
My sister reached into the fridge and grabbed two heaping plates of her world-famous chilled meatloaf. She then gave me a smaller plate, in case I “didn’t like it.” I have eaten meatloaf several times, so this was weird, but who cares?
I took a bite and immediately started foaming at the mouth. As Tom looked on in confusion, Abby started laughing. “I put rat poison in that,” she said. “You always say it is dangerous to swallow, but we are humans!” As she explained her plan, I started throwing up blood, and used my last few breaths to dial 911.
I passed away at the hospital due to the sheer dosage of rat poison put into the meatloaf. Tom and Abby came into the morgue to identify my body, and Abby started punching the shit out of my face, telling me to “wake up” and stop being a “baby back bitch.” The mortician kicked her out, but she called our mom, who told the mortician that I was probably faking my reaction of dying and to let her beat my corpse up, and maybe even take a shit on my dead body.
As my life flashed before my eyes, I remembered that my family had always loved using rat poison around the house, but due to my condition, they couldn’t use it any more. I think my family resented me. Also, my sister has always been the golden child, because of course. As my body lay on the cold table, I felt my phone blowing up with people telling me to undie. AITA?
submitted by shejellybean68 to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:47 Baking_bubba Sunday Service

So, after much persuasion (read nagging and the lure of mahamris and visheti—my Roman empire those things), I found myself pew-sitting at a church service today. A few hymns in, the most dramatic thing happened... the windows staged a full-on fluttering!
My mind, bless its overactive nature, did what it does best. Picture these grand old wooden louvres, reminiscent of dusty medieval Persian castle architecture, creaking and groaning. Ceiling fans whirred valiantly, but the windows wouldn't be silenced. Two on the left flapped, while their counterparts on the right responded counterpoint.
Now, was this a divine response to the sermon bashing about tithing and the congregation's, less-than-stellar performance? Or was it just a particularly enthusiastic breeze? And this church, wouldn't you know it, is named 'Memorial' – celebrating 120 years of... who knows what?
Cue dramatic music...The louvres went ballistic! Splinters rained down like confetti at a particularly unholy party. The fans came to a halt, plunging the room into an eerie silence. The TV screens displaying the service flickered and died. The doors burst open! A skeletal soldier, sporting a gloriously mangled half-head and clutching a mallet, stomped into the church silence screaming "SACRILEGE!!!"
The cameraman, clearly more entertained than terrified, pans in slow motion: soldier, then the wide-eyed pastor, then us – the unwitting audience to this holy unholy spectacle. Dead silence, pun intended, hangs heavy in the air, broken only by the rhythmic tapping of the soldier's mallet, pointed directly at the pulpit.
Yeah, that's where my imagination took me. Don't blame the church mahamris, blame my brain – it's a haven for the overdramatic, sheesh!
Anyway, I got a new key holder! Visitor token?
submitted by Baking_bubba to Kenya [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:43 AffectionateFroyo774 Duoteen (9/78): Jun & Hoshi

Duoteen (9/78): Jun & Hoshi

Welcome to our Weekly Duoteen activity aka the 78 pairs of Seventeen Challenge.

Hello Carats! Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great week!

This week, the Duoteen post is dedicated to our birthday boys! Jun's birthday is tomorrow (technically only in a few hours in Korea) and Hoshi's birthday is coming up some days later so I thought it'd be perfect to do the ** 🩵Jun & Hoshi 🩷** pairing today 😊.
RULES The only rules are: 1. Keep it civil and positive 2. Try to keep the discussion focused on the specific pairing.
Aside from that you are welcome to share or ask anything (according to the sub's rules).
A list of of things you could share or ask for:
  • Anecdotes (touching, funny, crazy stories)
  • Similarities (e.g. They both like anime, likes fashion, etc)
  • Fun facts
  • Iconic moments
  • Things they've said about each others.
  • Fav song/choreo part
  • Song together?
  • Gose (or other variety) moments you think about a lot.
  • Astrology/MBTI compatibility
  • First impressions about the pairings (and if you changed your mind)
  • Why do you like the pairing?
  • Photos/Gifs/Memes And whatever else you can think of, no limits!
The goal of this challenge is to show appreciation and to celebrate each pairing.
Even if you can't think of anything, please feel free to drop a pretty picture of the pairing. Or like I said you can ask something, anything you want, like to fact-check a story you've read about, info about something specific, or if you just wish to hear more about the pairing just comment "I want to know more". I'll do my best to answer and to everyone else, please feel free to contribute😊.
As always, I'm looking forward to your participation
I'll link the previous posts below in case you missed out on them so feel free to add comments there as well or just browse through.
submitted by AffectionateFroyo774 to seventeen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:19 Codaass I accidentally yeet Sokka's boomerang into space while training with Toph (It involved Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and a clickbait article, don't ask)

Alright, buckle up, because this story is wilder than a Katara waterbending exhibition. So I (17M, Earthbender) am training with Toph (the blind earthbending master, you know her) to try and improve my earthbending moves. It's not going great. Toph keeps calling my techniques "limp like a Kardashian's acting career." Ouch.
Anyway, we're in the middle of some intense earthbending drills when a freaking clickbait article pops up on Toph's earth phone (because apparently those exist now). The headline screams something about Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson challenging Sokka to a boomerang duel. Toph, bless her soul, falls for it hook, line, and sinker.
"That Sokka needs all the help he can get," Toph snorts, snatches her meteorite bracelet (super deadly), and hurls it towards the sky. "This'll teach that Rock a lesson!"
Now, me? I still have the reflexes of a confused badgermole. Before I can even yell "Earthbending 101: Don't throw meteorites at celebrities based on clickbait!", I see Sokka's boomerang soaring through the air. Instinct kicks in, and I try to block it with a hastily formed earth wall. Big mistake.
Instead of a satisfying clang, there's a sickening sproing as the boomerang ricochets off my pathetic earth wall and flies off into the stratosphere. Toph, ever the optimist, grins. "Nice save, kid! Though, maybe a little more... oomph next time?"
Sokka, who apparently witnessed the whole thing from his window (peeping Tom much?), goes ballistic. He storms over, throws a boomerang-shaped tantrum (very dramatic), and accuses me of ruining his chance to impress The Rock. I tried explaining the clickbait thing, but Sokka just gave me a look that could curdle yak milk.
So, yeah. AITA for yeeting Sokka's boomerang into the cosmos with my terrible earthbending skills? Toph thinks it's hilarious, but Sokka is threatening to write a haiku about my earthbending failures and post it on Space MySpace (because apparently, that's a thing now too). Someone please send help (and maybe a boomerang retrieval rocket).
EDIT 1: Apparently, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson saw this whole thing go down live because Sokka was live-streaming the whole "challenge" (again, questionable decisions). The Rock posted a video on his earth-phone thingy, basically calling Sokka a "boomerang boomer" and Sokka is even madder now. This is a disaster of epic proportions.
EDIT 2: Sokka just informed me that boomerangs don't actually go into space. Apparently, they just travel really far and then come back down. So, there goes my hopes of getting an autograph from an astronaut Sokka. Toph still thinks it's funny though. Maybe I should just move in with Azula. She can't be worse than this, right? Right...
submitted by Codaass to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:18 1000andonenites As Flies to Wanton Boys

Annette was looking forward to meeting her new Tinder match. She knew he was just another older fuckboy, but she had just got out of a longrelationship and she wanted a bit of fun. And he was just so fucking handsome. Part of her was surprised he swiped right on her.
He arrived late, apologizing slightly, yet gracefully. For once, real life was better than the photos, and Annette found it difficult to collect herself, not just at his stunning, Mediterranean-style looks, but his movie-star aura of moving effortlessly and easily in a world made to please him.
The conversation flowed easily and Annette was looking forward to the night ahead, as there was no doubt where they were heading. He made that clear in the longer-than-necessary shoulder touches, complimenting her earrings and touching them, showing her funny memes on his phone and bending too close, bringing his mouth close to her ear to repeat something she missed in the polite hum of the restaurant. Advances that on another first date would have been too forward, too creepy, too unwelcome, on him were just perfect. Even his effontry at leaving his Tinder app, blossoming with notifications, visible on his screen seemed attractive- at least he wasn’t checking them surreptitiously, as some do. His focus was wholly on Annette, and she felt seen as never before. Desire combined with foreboding filled her. What was going on?
They finished their appies -he had made clear that he would be paying- and the server was coming up with their entrees, Annette making sure she ordered something less expensive than her companion but not the cheapest - when a hubbub broke out at the door. Her heart sank. She knew it had to do with her date.
As a woman with a wavy waterfall of purple-black hair strode towards their table she felt fear- there was danger in those flashing large brown eyes.
“Again!” cried the woman. “Have you no shame, no respect for me, your wife-”
Wife? That was not part of the deal. Annette shot a deadly look at the now sheepish man before her, painfully aware of the enjoyment of the other restaurant guests at the unexpected yet delightful addition to their evening.
Her date scrambled inelegently to his beautifully-shod feet. “Who told you to find me here?” Although caught red-handed, he had not lost his composure. If anything, Annette caught a whiff of viciousness not seen earlier.
The wife flung a hand towards Annette. “With this? This - this worm! What is your problem Zeus, that you copulate with mud when you can have a goddess!”
A horrible hush fell over the restaurant. Then Annette heard herself whimpering in fear.
The wife impatiently twitched her fingers.
The last thing Annette felt as a human was falling forward to the ground on her arms and hands, as together with everyone else in the restaurant they transformed into a flock of sheep, flicking their tails helplessly before their masters.
submitted by 1000andonenites to scaryanimalstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:11 styxdiver Smithsonian… ? (The Morning of the Magicians - J. Bergier)

Smithsonian… ? (The Morning of the Magicians - J. Bergier)
Is it called the Smithsonian Institute or the Smithsonian Institution? (The book was published in 1963).
submitted by styxdiver to Retconned [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:00 AutoModerator Daily Thread - SHD Celebration Megathread

Greetings Agents!
Here is your chance to show off your in-game screenshots of your SHD Celebration Photo.
Each agent has their own milestones that they want to celebrate. This is the weekly post to capture them all.
Congratulations on your achievement!!!
Post your screenshots below.
  • Post your agent screenshots from The Division showing your SHD. Do not post screenshots of other agents. This is not a place to pick apart someone's build or question how another agent got to their SHD level.
  • No down talking, cheating, glitching or hacking accusations. How an agent has gotten to the SHD level they are showing is irrelevant. They are able to share their SHD Level like anyone else.
submitted by AutoModerator to thedivision [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:49 MichaelDavidIrons Looking for advice on pruning and caring for a grafted cherry tree

Hello Arborists,
There is a beautiful ornamental cherry tree that is a graft. The result is this weeping cherry. Over the last 3 or 4 years it's been producing less and less blossoms. Many of the weeping branches are bare of leaves and appear dead. Additionally 2 of the lower main branches need to be shortened. One is blocking the driveway and the other is encroaching on the front door of the house.
Would anyone be able to guide me on how to care for this poor tree and prune those larger branches without killing the entire branch or the tree itself. Here are some photos. I can take more of a particular shot is needed.
submitted by MichaelDavidIrons to arborists [link] [comments]