Importance of a interest inventory in reading

Reading, Berkshire and the surrounding postcodes.

2009.12.26 07:56 ImLyingWhenISay Reading, Berkshire and the surrounding postcodes.

The town of Reading, located in Berkshire, UK. Probably the best place on the River Thames.

2011.05.31 06:10 yanchovilla HotWheels: Speed in 1:64

Hot Wheels on reddit! Reddit's dedicated Hot Wheels section, welcoming all forms of die-cast, not just Hot Wheels.

2009.07.05 20:34 Intel81994 Reddit K-Pop Share and discover Korean music

K-Pop (Korean popular music) is a musical genre consisting of pop, dance, electropop, hiphop, rock, R&B, and electronic music originating in South Korea. In addition to music, K-Pop has grown into a popular subculture, resulting in widespread interest in the fashion and style of Korean idol groups and singers.

2024.05.16 09:13 Special-Aside-2045 Sourcing Green Coffee Beans - Direct Supplier Contacts?

I'm reaching out here sa community to see if anyone has experience or contacts within the international green coffee bean trade.
I have a client who is looking to purchase significant quantities ng green coffee beans, both Arabica and Robusta varieties. We're interested in exploring different origins and working directly with suppliers, ideally on a person-to-person basis rather than through large corporations.
If you've had any experience sa importing or exporting coffee beans, or if you know of any reputable suppliers who might be open to direct trade, I would greatly appreciate your insights and recommendations.
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Special-Aside-2045 to CoffeePH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:10 rafaelholmberg Commodities and Camus: a short text on the fetishism of existentialism

Commodities and Camus: a short text on the fetishism of existentialism
Some of you might find this of interest - I’ve included the full text below and the original link too if anyone wants to read more related writings. (N.B. This is not an attack on existentialism)
Salamano distraught by the loss of the dog that he himself spent a lifetime abusing; Ivan Karamazov ardent enough in his atheism to suffers a satanically-coloured psychic breakdown at the death his father; Joseph Garcin obsessed by a telephone that inevitably connects him only back to the hell of other people that he is already in; Abraham witnessing his devotion to God singularised in his love for a sacrificed son; Clamence’s critical juggling between a virtuous debauchery and a debaucherous virtue; Joseph Grand’s literary impotence and self-doubt at the production of a single line in the height of the plague of Oran - these ‘narrative object-relations’ represent a logic that lies at the heart of the existentialist tradition. Fundamentally, the avatars of the existentialist ‘method’, from the literary characters of Dostoyevsky via Kierkegaard to Camus and Sartre, define themselves broadly by their obscure attempts to treat things (whether their object, their comrade, or their duty) directly, yet by a directness adopted from a distance, in a mediated, self-reflective view - they define themselves by treating singular instances as if they were isolated from the situation of which these instances are the inevitable reproduction. In Sartre’s Huis Clos [‘No Exit’], the telephone in the hotel room which Joseph Garcin finds himself in alongside two female strangers - this room being Hell, as it is later revealed - functions only insofar as it veils its own function. The uncertainty of its connection with an outside world acts as an internally necessary distortion of the fact that its connection is a ‘closed-circuit’ connection to the crushing immanence of the inescapable room in which it is positioned, a room for which the ‘outside’ acts as an unsettling memory or an idealised, ethereal vision. In Camus’ La Peste [‘The Plague’], whilst the central characters of the plot set to work managing and planning for the containment of the plague that has struck Oran, Joseph Grand is occupied with a parallel object - his book - which veils the impasse that the general population of Oran finds itself in. Yet this impasse is veiled precisely by reformulating the impasse as internal to its own distraction (the book becomes an impasse for itself). The book, of which Grand is unable to conclude even the first line, is an object that indirectly returns him to his situation (the plague) only by removing him from this very situation, reformulating a generalised impasse into a personal, subjectivized impasse. Sartre and Camus’ dramas rely on an object, a singular point of subjective engagement, to distort or cover a situation which the object itself is a direct reproduction of. The object is treated as nothing other than itself - as being a self-explanatory x which rejects integration into its background scene, and yet it is precisely this rejection, this negative relation of the object to the situation of the drama itself, which acts as its most faithful reproduction of the drama’s central antagonism. The object veils the situation insofar as it paradoxically acts as its structural support. This object, this distortion-in-itself which acts as the support of a structure which it disguises in the very act of supporting it - this is nothing other than the quality which Marx attributed to the commodity, under the category of ‘commodity fetishism’. One of the breakthroughs of Marx’s materialism was the reformulation of the commodity as the product of a mode of reproduction that it materialises in order to reproduce this same political economy by which it is conditioned. This can be understood by firstly looking at Marx’s inversion of the category of a commodity’s ‘use value’. One of Marx’s criticisms of the classical English economists was their understanding of the form of ‘value’ which a commodity possesses: the standard understanding was that the commodity was infused with value by its usefulness being superior to that of its raw materials. Any value, in other words, was thought to be inherent to the commodity, a representation of value concentrated in its use. Hence Foucault’s description of pre-Marxist political economy as characterised by an ‘episteme [mode of discursive knowledge] of representation’. Commodities do not, for Marx, hold their value ‘in themselves’, as a constitutive quality inscribed in the essence of the object itself. Instead, the object is something ‘other than it appears’ - the commodity re-articulates the mode of economic reproduction of which it is the product. The process of commodity production and commodity circulation which Marx presents in Capital begins with an analysis of the radical re-invention of the factory, or more generally of the social mode of serialised production, which capitalism introduced. (It is worth noting that Marx is not inherently critical of capitalism in this work, but slowly begins to enumerate the social and economic conditions which allow for a capitalist mode of production, eventually extracting the inevitable forms of exploitation constitutive of this revolutionary system.) Fundamentally, the essence of the commodity is the it has no immanent essence, but that it is a product of labour-force: certain time in which a wage-labourer dedicates his energy towards production. Capitalism, Marx argues, begins where a working day’s labour time/value exceeds the ‘necessary labour time’ required for a worker to return the next day in his capacity as a worker (i.e. the necessary labour providing for rent, food, clothes etc.). The day’s labour which exceeds this necessary labour time is called ‘surplus labour’. If the division of social and factory labour is advanced enough, surplus value can reduce the amount of time needed for necessary labour times to be achieved. This is ‘relative surplus value’ (as opposed to absolute surplus value), with which, Marx notes, capitalism proper emerges. A series of investments into fixed and variable capital, calculations of turnaround times, necessary maintenance etc. are components of the mode of circulation of commodities which directly contribute to their continued production. Production, reproduction, and circulation are reciprocally supporting, requiring capital investments, planned labour divisions, and a reproduction of the social conditions in which capitalised reproduction itself can operate. The capitalist mode of production is therefore, as Marx insists, revolutionary insofar as it is a socially revolutionary political economy. It colours a domain which was previously excluded from economic consideration - the 21st century only more directly displays the non-boundary of the economic and the social, where the intimacy of everyday life lends itself to the most aggressive forms of economic appropriation. The value of the commodity lies in its support of this economic process - the commodity is the input of productive, capitalised, labour force exchanged and circulated through its social forms of reproduction. Commodity fetishism is therefore the contradictory treatment of the commodity as nothing other than a commodity - treating it as having its value inscribed within itself, detached from the situation of which it is the simultaneous product and support. The act of fetishism tells itself that an object is nothing but an object, that its value is internal. It therefore distorts the general antagonistic scene in which it is framed, by reducing its ‘difference’ to itself. Fetishism reproduces a situation in the very act of veiling it. A distortion clouding a distortion by locating the justification of its own existence within itself, a veil which clouds a situation by the very act of making it possible - this is the fetishism of the object which Marx located in the classical conception of our engagement with commodities, and as we might see, it appears to be a strange communal feature of the existentialist relation to its subjective ‘object’. Consider the miserable figure of Salamano in Camus’ L’Étranger [‘The Outsider’]: a lonesome wretch devoting his energy towards hatred for his submissive dog by abusing it - kicking and shouting at it, blaming his troubles on his unwilling four-legged companion. By an ironic inversion, Salamano’s misery is nevertheless fully actualised only once this dog escapes. The misery that he has attributed to his dog is a ‘negative support’ (what Freud would call a compromise solution), a paradoxical bulwark, against a more direct state of nothingness and desperation which emerges if this ‘compromise’ is removed (for Freud, the removal of an unpleasant symptom only leads to a more absolute state of irreparable despair). What Salamano loses with his dog’s disappearance is his functional fetishisation of this dog: this object was treated as an isolated instance of misery, yet it is precisely this focus which veils the dog’s distortion (and support) of a more absolute and universal state of misery. This is the ‘broad stroke’ of the obscure existentialist tradition - noticeable even where we turn to its earliest manifestations, the most direct example being the ‘knight of faith’, represented by Abraham of the Book of Genesis, in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling. The paradox which, according to Kierkegaard, Abraham is forced to embody, is that whilst willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, at the command of God, he must in the very moment of intervention (being told that he no longer needs to carry out the sacrifice), return to the position of an unquestionable devotion to his son, as itself representing his love for God. The moment of binding, Abraham’s dedication to the sacrifice of Isaac, is a horror which in the instance of its positing covers up the greater paradox of what happens without this binding. Without the binding of Isaac, the paradoxical formula which makes possible the unquestioning devotion of the knight of faith is itself removed. For Kierkegaard, faith is based on paradox: remove the paradoxical instance and you remove faith itself. This fetishism of the ‘leap of faith’ is that the contradictory instance supports, by veiling, the inconsistency structuring the religious scene as a whole. Dostoyevsky is equally a prototype of this existentialist fetishism. The atheist figure of Ivan Karamazov maintains a fidelity to his atheism despite his suggestion that without God, ethical codes would break down (here we see his nuance, irreducible to the ‘new atheism’ of Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris etc.). Yet this very fidelity to a form of pseudo-anarchic atheism leads him towards a severe psychotic break, of seeing a demon in his room, after his father’s death. The object of an amoral atheism here acts as a bulwark to a greater disharmony which nevertheless explains, by isolating, Ivan’s intellectual, anti-religious position. Precisely the same type of moral inversions would return in Camus’ La Chute: Clamance’s fixation upon virtue as an end in itself reveals itself to be a latent justification for an excess debauchery made possible by, and engaging in a dialogue with, the very category of ‘virtue’. The formula of commodity fetishism is evidently close to the existentialist mode of relating to its object. Across a series of dramas in this literary tradition, it is often a question of framing a singular subjective instance as an impasse or contradiction which veils, and in so doing supports (by reproducing), the central disharmony or paradox of a situation as a whole.
submitted by rafaelholmberg to CriticalTheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:10 Consistent_Pea_1374 Please be careful reposting stuff from YouTube CC’s like Tisa tells and all socials

If you’re going to share stuff please fact check it before you do, most of these content creators take pieces of the truth and mix them with lies to seem credible. If you can’t find it anywhere else besides a gossip blog and they don’t have physical evidence, consider it a rumor. If you find an alternate source please attach it to your post so others can determine if they think it’s solid.
I’ve seen so many great posts get swallowed up by gossip and reposts and I just want to encourage others posting to be a little more thoughtful. There are a lot of bots in here trying to sway the narrative and shut down original ideas. Just more reason to not contribute. I have a feeling this sub might blow up soon, like r /Kendrick. Fight the resistance. They’ll remember those who fought for the truth instead of pulling wool over their eyes.
I also want to say this one more time, if you think something might be important save it. I could easily see the narrative turning us into QAnon 2.0, but we are better then that. I’ve been doing this shit for a decade and I’ve seen some wild happenings. Please be cautious if you’re new to these types of subjects. Once your eyes are opened you may not like what you see. It has taken a serious mental toll in the past because sometimes the truth is so obvious you realize that people aren’t entertaining your ideas because they don’t want to imagine things could be so dark.
If you’ve seen the underbelly of society you’d know it’s worse than any somewhat sane human being could imagine. I got a taste of in the past, and learned some things that still haunt me. They go so deep that if you entertain them too much you’ll literally lose your mind or succumb to the darkness, no matter how strong you think you are. I have a feeling based on reading comprehension there are a lot of kids floating around as well. Everyone researching please make sure you’re eating, sleeping, and not letting it overtake your life or going down the wrong rabbitholes.
submitted by Consistent_Pea_1374 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:09 DangerActiveRobots This sub is very discouraging

This sub makes me feel like I should give up on my dream of becoming a web dev, which really, really sucks because it's the ONLY thing I'm interested in doing. I literally do not want a job of any kind that does not involve web dev or at least coding. I love it that much.
Two years ago I was severely depressed to the point that I was a serious risk to myself. To make a long story very short, coding saved me from that depression. I fell in love with it, I mean truly in love with it, and it started an incredible journey for me that led me to a point where I know more about computers and coding than I ever thought I would.
I've taught myself for almost two years, earned certifications, built projects, contributed to open source, networked online and in person. Moved to a major tech hub city to meet other devs and grow my network. Had my resume vetted by several longtime devs, including some that are involved with hiring new devs. I have been told very consistently "you are way ahead of the curve for someone wanting to come in as a junior". I am good at what I do. Every time I talk to someone in the industry who looks at my work and even spends five minutes talking to me and understands my almost manic passion for this, they tell me straight up, "you absolutely should be a developer right now."
I apply to ten jobs a day, every day. It's my morning ritual. I don't ever expect anything. Sometimes I get a little nibble, sometimes I even get a phone screening. It definitely seems like I'm on the right track.
Then I come here, and I read thread after thread--
"It's impossible. This is the worst market ever. Salaries are plummeting, competition is increasing, you basically have to be the CEO of Google to even get an interview to wash the windows of the building three blocks down from Amazon. Everything sucks. We're all fucked. Life is over. We're doomed."
It is SO discouraging because this is not just a JOB to me, it is my entire reason for getting out of bed in the morning.
Yes, I'm neurodivergent. Yes, this is a special interest/hyperfixation. That's beside the point. The point is, I don't want to live without this. Everything in my life that brings me joy is centered around computers, computer science, coding, and coding culture.
I do realize that the market sucks. Like, I get that. I understand that. I hate it, because it's keeping me from doing a job that I know for a fact I could do VERY WELL if I got the opportunity. I would be so goddamn enthusiastic they would probably have to stick me in the janitor's closet because I would be bubbling over to the brim, and even then I would be happy.
I guess I just wanted to vent a little. I'm not going to stop trying.
submitted by DangerActiveRobots to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:08 crypto_beholder 📰 AI-curated Crypto News Digest - May 16

🐋 Whale Movements Signal Potential Bitcoin Price Jump
Recent analysis highlights a significant uptick in Bitcoin demand from whales, suggesting a possible price increase on the horizon. Learn more
💼 Millennium Management Holds $2 Billion in Bitcoin ETFs
This revelation about Millennium Management’s significant Bitcoin ETF investment underscores growing institutional interest in cryptocurrencies. Read more
🌐 Blockchain ID Project Hits Unicorn Status
Humanity Protocol has raised $30M, reaching unicorn status as it prepares for its public testnet launch, highlighting the growing value of blockchain in digital identity management. Get insights
🚨 Chinese Authorities Crack Down on $2B USDT Laundering Scheme
A major operation has dismantled a network suspected of facilitating over $2 billion in illicit transactions using Tether’s USDT, leading to significant arrests. Discover more
📈 Top Banks Embrace Bitcoin ETFs, Boosting Trading Volume
Major banks have started participating actively in the Bitcoin ETF market, driving trading volumes to new highs and indicating a shift in traditional finance’s approach to crypto. Explore further
🔍 SEC and Crypto: A Political Football?
Recent comments from Rep. Nickel suggest the SEC’s handling of cryptocurrency regulation has become overly politicized, impacting the broader adoption of blockchain technology. Read more
🚀 Fantom & NEAR: Signs of a Bullish Streak in the Altcoin Market
Amid Bitcoin’s strength, altcoins like Fantom and Near Protocol are showing signs of maintaining a bullish trend, potentially leading to significant market movements. Learn more
Telegram: Source:
submitted by crypto_beholder to AIcuratedNewsBrief [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:06 HezalBWooden Unified GCC Visa to Boost Tourism and Economy

The Saudi Tourism Authority said there will be a new Unified GCC visa. This visa lets people visit all six Gulf countries. It allows stays longer than 30 days. The visa will start by the end of this year. The UAE Minister of Economy, Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri, made the announcement. This happened at the Arabian Travel Market (ATM). The Unified GCC visa will change travel in the region. It aims to boost tourism and make travel easier.
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE. This new visa aims to boost tourism in these lands. More hotel guests will come and help make the GCC a top spot. Talks started last October. Every GCC state agreed. The goal is to spur growth by making travel easy for tourists.
Read More:(
submitted by HezalBWooden to Theleadersglobe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:06 Right-Cattle-8842 MoviesFlix APK Download Latest v5.3.0 Watch Free HD Movies& Shows

Movies and web series are a fun way to spend free time. People like to watch different types of movies and web series to spend time and get entertainment. Usually, most of the people watch movies online through streaming platforms like Amazon PrimeVideo, Disney+Hotstar and Netflix. like to watch. These platforms are great for watching all your favorite content. But these require premium subscription. And this can be quite expensive so people often look for alternative ways to watch their favorite movies and series for free and in good quality. MoviesFlix APK is a platform where you can watch all your favorite movies and series.
MoviesFlix Apk includes movies and series from Hollywood, Bollywood, Tamil and Malayalam film industries. Love the shows worth watching. This app ensures that users get the best experience without spending any money. MoviesFlix APK is a great app to relax and watch movies and series online. In further information, we are going to tell you about some more special things about it. Which is going to be very important for you. Therefore, you will have to read all the further information very carefully. And the best part is that the MoviesFlix app does not require any subscription and lets you enjoy its huge library of endless movies and web series straight from your Android phone.
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submitted by Right-Cattle-8842 to u/Right-Cattle-8842 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:04 iiDutchboyy The Kinderguardians (teaching) Community is welcoming more Destiny enjoying people!

We understand the importance of creating anenvironment where everyone feels appreciated and valued, hence why everyone is welcomed with all backgrounds and game experiences!
How cool would it be to start the new season with a new friend group!
System: All systems because of Crossplay
Timezones: Everywhere around the globe
Who are Kinderguardians? We are a (friendly and non toxic) community with hosted sherpa’s, multiple ways to lfg, raid races, fashion shows and we also play other games like outside Destiny! Upon joining you see a channel where you can opt- in and out of channels via roles!
Everyone is welcome, no matter who you are or or where you are from, everyone should be able to see how great this game can be and what its like to be around people that share the love and interest for the game.
What can you expect?: - Non toxic community - Sherpa’s - Community wide activities - You can create your own lfg’s for every in-game activity you want! - LGBTQ+ friendly!
Don't forget to say hi, we love to see the new faces join! :)
submitted by iiDutchboyy to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:04 ygnb123 I feel stupid for not leaving the partner I was experiencing limerence over when they clearly didn’t want me.

I (f24) left a relationship that was about 13 months long a couple months ago (let’s say 9 months ago), and I’m still obsessing over how I felt betrayed. Basically my LO (26m) love bombed me which I fell for as per usual and isolated me from friends and things I enjoyed doing. I was at a job I hated and started spending most of my time at theirs. They kept reassuring me that it was okay and they would even go out of their way to have me stay longer at theirs. Fast forward they’re asking me to stay more nights at my place, we don’t text, we don’t call, we don’t have sex (it was always “not tonight” or stressed with work, to the point when he was interested I was not). Stopped kissing me like he used to, stopped planning regular dates, gaslight and flip the argument on me whenever he was confronted. The signs were all there yet I gave excuse after excuse because he would say I wasn’t the issue and it was work stressing him but now that I’m healing, I can’t help but think he didn’t know what he wanted and I was collateral. He emotionally cheated on me btw that’s what ended it. (Lied to me about someone he was frequently texting and never told them we were dating, kept lying even tho was confronted with the messages). The disgust I felt is indescribable, this is someone who would cry and cause harm to himself at the slightest question on infidelity. He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Why didn’t I leave sooner ? I know it’s because of my low self esteem at the time but my confidence was high before I met him until he basically ignored me and my needs for months. Thinking about it keeps me up at night. This is the 2nd time I’ve gone through this cycle. Each time I think I’ve learnt my lesson. I meet a carbon copy. This is someone I thought I was going to build a life with. I feel so stupid.
Thanks for reading, honestly just venting.
submitted by ygnb123 to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:04 Imaginary_Cry19 28 [M4F] Spain/Europe - My dog's looking to adopt another human

Tired of boring profiles? Dating apps? "Tinderization"?
Are you looking for a smart guy that can explain why your computer ain't turning on but also dumb enough to be able to provide evidence about why a T-Rex would be a great baker?
Hi! I'm an engineer in love with nature, art and my hobbies include simple 3D modelling, music (currently looking to learn how to play piano), petting good bois, working out, video games and traveling .
Jokes aside my ideal outcome for this would be finding that special someone to cherish not only the joy of traveling to beautiful places but also simple moments like a comfortable, cozy spot besides the fireplace with our pets.
Idc about important positions or big luxuries, humour and chemistry are much more important so show me your best, most irrational and existentialist memes and tell me how was your day lol
If you feel like giving it a shot send me a DM or chat request, Discord is also an option!
Hope to hear about you :)
submitted by Imaginary_Cry19 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:03 Gloria-art Share how I got started with Midjourney prompt

Hello everyone, I am a beginner in Midjourney.
I don't have an art background, I've learned photography for a while but didn't stick with it, I have a certain IT and data background, and I like beautiful image works.
Midjourney is a very good product, especially the V6 version, the images it generates have shocked me aesthetically, so I decided to learn to create with it.
I have some insights during the learning process of Midjourney, and I have also built some tools to help me understand it and speed up creation. I want to share the process with everyone here, hoping to discuss together how to better and more efficiently play with Midjourney.

My Journey of Learning Midjourney

1. Looking at others' works and prompts
others' works
Seeing others' beautiful digital works on Midjourney online is also a reason for me to seriously learn it. There are many places to learn, such as the Midjourney official website, Facebook interest groups, PromptHero, etc. There are thousands of beautiful pictures, and problems come with them: the prompts behind them are endless, and I don't know where to start learning. At first, I copied these prompts into discord and reproduced them myself, but this method made me feel like I didn't gain anything.
2. Learning keywords
Luckily, I found that keywords are the key. Smart people have summarized many types of keywords, such as artists, artistic styles, camera perspectives, shooting distances, Texure, light, color, etc. This has opened the door to a new world for someone like me who doesn't have much experience in photography and painting. I started to search for related information on Google: who are the artists? What is their style of work? What is the camera perspective? What types are there? etc. Through this path, I learned a lot of photography and painting related knowledge, and of course I am also very grateful to Midjourney, it has inspired my interest in learning this aspect - once I took a SLR camera to learn, the poor early composition plus a pile of boring parameters made me give up quickly. Midjourney also has a bunch of boring parameters, but its composition is stable, which can ensure that I can draw passable pictures even if I don't understand these parameters.
In the process of understanding keywords, I found that even so classified, there are still too many of them. For example, artists, globally and from ancient times to the present, there are so many artists, how can I remember everyone's name and quickly make up their style of work? So I started to think about whether there is any tool that can allow me to select keywords based on representative works or effect pictures. During this period, I found a keyword visualization library with 11.7K stars on GitHub, and some prompt generator websites that can select keywords based on effect pictures. They are really great, and they sort out keyword types more systematically and comprehensively than I do. This is a good place for beginners to start. But I still can't use them very well, for the following reasons:
  1. Some trendy keywords may not be included
  2. Each website cannot exhaust all types of keywords, and some types of keywords are of interest to me, such as decorations.
So I started thinking about building my own library. DIY a Studio that meets my personalized needs. I built my idea with Notion.
my KeyWords Visual DataBase
I first built a visual database for keywords, stored keywords by tags and categories, tested the effects of each keyword in Midjourney V6, and imported the most representative photos into the library. Then use Gallery mode to display keyword and corresponding effect pictures. The keyword visualization database can remind me of the effects of each keyword and provide me with inspiration; and I can also continuously add my keyword.
3. Treat learning as a game challenge: find excellent works, try to assemble prompts to reproduce them
After building the keyword visualization database, I feel much more at ease when creating prompts. The new creative process is like this: when I have determined the Subject I want to express, I choose the visible keyword in the keywords library to enhance the artistic effect.
Now start challenging the new goal: find excellent works, guess its prompt, and reproduce it. This is a very interesting learning method, like a game, it can keep my passion for learning.
I found such a reproduction target online:
Target(Other's work)
The Subject of the picture is easy to determine: "Film Venom, a sexy beautiful woman". But its subtlety lies in the fact that the woman painted is sexy but not vulgar, the color is bright, there is a sense of line, and the whole work is very high-end. If there is no blessing of keywords, just enter the Subject into Midjourney, the effect is like this:
prompt:“Film Venom, a sexy beautiful woman”
These photos are more like taking photos of porn stars and lack a sense of high-end. Therefore, I need to try a lot of keywords to enhance the beauty, such as finding some artists and art styles whose works are similar to the target works, then finding color and line description words close to the target, MidJourney allows various art styles to be mixed together, so my keywords There will also be a lot of permutations and combinations, which is a bit like doing an experiment, trying all possibilities.
The difficulties I encountered here are:
1.I have to manually put together each permutation and combination
2.Manual work takes a long time, but inspiration is fleeting
3.I can't remember what combinations I have made, and I may repeat the same combination
So I built a [prompt lab] (because it's too much like an experiment), which includes a prompt generator and a keywords visualization database. The generator uses the key types of keywords as options, selects while referring to the keyword effect pictures, and the function automatically assembles into a complete prompt. Just click the "copy" button and paste it into discord, which is much faster than I slowly put together in discord. It can also record the prompt combinations that I think are more critical according to my own ideas, which is convenient for me to review and summarize.
prompt creation process
Of course, due to the architecture, Notion also has some shortcomings: it cannot make pictures into options. I can only put the keywords library in the sidebar, and use it as a dictionary to flip through when assembling prompts.
Tried 200+ times quickly with prompt LAB
In addition, I also established a visual view, when I passed the more satisfactory effect picture back to the laboratory, I could compare the effect difference of the prompt anytime.
Visual Gallery
Finally, after countless attempts, if there are very satisfactory works, I will want to collect them. And the remaining unsatisfactory ones can be deleted to keep the number of records in the laboratory at a processing level that my brain capacity can accept.
4. Put good works into the collection library
I added a collection library to the lab, classifying and managing my own satisfactory works and other people's excellent works, which is convenient for reference and inspiration.
Collections Database
5. To be continued
In fact, although I have done so much work and tried, I’m still at the beginner stage. Digital art creation is endless. Perhaps with the deepening of cognition, my tools will also evolve.


Thank you for reading to the end. Here I share my unique learning process, hoping to help some people, and also hope to get everyone's guidance.
submitted by Gloria-art to midjourney_notion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:02 bemzilla Comic Recommendations that are perhaps a little more grounded?

Hey all,
Long time fan of X-Men and I’ve enjoyed them for years. I’ve read a lot of comics in my time but have still never really found a great X-Men comic series I enjoyed. I’ve tried quite a few and am often lost with what is happening or I find it so crazy that I lose track or lose interest like in the Grant Morrison stories.
Some stories I’ve enjoyed are “Get Mystique” and “Magneto: Testament”
I tend to like gritty, slightly more grounded stories. Also I do not enjoy any where the avengers show up, I feel that doesn’t make sense. If anyone has any other comic recommendations that they may think fit this same style please let me know.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by bemzilla to xmen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:01 cindrella12 Discovering the Road to Career Options

Unleash Your Potential: How Career Specialists Can Help You Discover Your Hidden Talents
Embarking on a career journey is akin to setting off on an exciting adventure, brimming with opportunities for personal growth, overcoming obstacles, and experiencing new thrills. Achieving success in your chosen career involves discovering a route that resonates with your interests, skills, and aspirations. Many individuals find it daunting to pinpoint the ideal career that complements their unique abilities and passions, often resulting in suboptimal decisions. This is where the significance of career counselling shines through, as it serves as a valuable resource in guiding individuals to recognize their strengths, interests, and capabilities, enabling them to select the most suitable career path from a diverse array of options.
Unveiling the Importance of Career Guidance: Expanding Horizons
Career counselling plays a crucial role in helping individuals discover their unique strengths and passions, empowering them to make well-informed decisions about their future. Its significance is especially pronounced for young individuals, like students in educational institutions, as it guides them in choosing the right field of study, college, and career path. In this article, we will delve into the significance of career guidance and the multitude of benefits it provides in helping individuals find a career that brings them fulfillment and purpose.
Career guidance is a valuable resource that assists individuals in discovering their interests, values, strengths, and personality traits. Using self-assessment tools and consultations with a career counsellor, people can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and pinpoint career opportunities that match their distinct attributes.
Knowledge of Career Options:
In our ever-changing world, staying up-to-date is absolutely essential. It's crucial to be aware of the diverse range of career paths available to us. Career counselors possess a treasure trove of information about different industries, job opportunities, and professions. They offer invaluable guidance on emerging sectors, market trends, and the essential skills required for various careers. This advice can greatly assist individuals in making informed decisions about their future endeavors.
Expert Guidance:
Career counselors are professionals specializing in providing guidance and support on all things career-related. They offer tailored recommendations to empower people in making well-informed decisions about their educational pursuits, discovering fresh career prospects, or delving into the world of entrepreneurship.
Goal Clarity:
It's essential to seek career counseling to help us pinpoint our career aspirations. A counselor can guide us in establishing realistic goals, creating action plans, and tracking our progress. With a clear understanding of our dreams, we can pave the way for a successful future.
Overcoming Obstacles:
Career counsellors play a vital role in helping individuals overcome obstacles that might impede their journey towards success. They provide invaluable assistance, linking people with the essential tools and resources needed to conquer challenges and make progress in their professional lives.
Process of Career Counselling:
Career advisors play a crucial role in assisting individuals to overcome any obstacles that might hinder their path to success. By offering unwavering support and equipping people with the necessary tools, they empower individuals to conquer challenges and make significant strides in their professional journeys.
Initial Assessment:
Embarking on a career journey requires careful consideration of various aspects, including one's educational background, professional experience, hobbies, and goals. By taking these factors into account, a counselor can provide personalized guidance that caters to the individual needs of each person.
Research and Exploration:
After pinpointing their strengths and passions, individuals should delve into the vast array of career opportunities out there. Career counselors offer useful tools like career databases, industry knowledge, and informational interviews to assist individuals in gaining insight into various job possibilities. This exploration phase is essential for narrowing down options and finding the perfect career path.
Decision-Making and Planning:
The career advisor helps individuals make informed choices about their careers by exploring different paths, evaluating the achievability of their goals, and developing a comprehensive plan of action. This plan may include furthering education, acquiring specific skills, or finding relevant job openings.
Implementation and Evaluation:
After setting up a plan, it's time to put it into action. Your career counsellor will be by your side to offer support and guidance, giving you advice and feedback throughout the process. They will assist in monitoring your progress, celebrating successes, and making any necessary changes. Scheduled follow-up sessions will keep you focused and driven towards your career objectives.
Finding the Right Career Counsellor
A career counsellor is a trained professional who helps individuals explore their interests, skills, and values to make informed decisions about their career choices.
Credentials and Experience:
Seek career counsellors with the right qualifications and certifications in career guidance. It's also crucial to consider their experience and proven ability to help clients succeed.
Uncertain about which career direction to choose? Remember, seeking career guidance doesn't indicate weakness. It's a proactive step towards achieving clarity and satisfaction in your professional life. By understanding its importance, exploring your interests, exploring different career options, seeking guidance from experts, and setting clear goals, you can begin an enriching career path. Wishing you the best of luck in your career pursuits!
For more details:
submitted by cindrella12 to u/cindrella12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:00 Wingupoppop Is streaming yourself working on Vocaloid a thing? Would people watch that?

So I'm still in the learning process, but I've been thinking about sharing my journey of learning online as well. I've always wanted to get into content creation, so I figured why not combine the two. I'm just wondering if that's weird? Would people be interested in learning with me? I know there are a lot of threads in this sub asking about learning how to use Piapro. I've been reading the handbook and I work on it for at least 2 hours a day. More if I'm off work. I want to help. Vocaloid has given me a reason to live and I just wanna make it as accessible as possible for anyone who wants to learn.
submitted by Wingupoppop to Vocaloid [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:00 AutoModerator $GME Daily Directory New? Start Here! Discussion, DRS Guide, DD Library, Monthly Forum, and FAQs Shop Internationally NFT Marketplace
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2024.05.16 09:00 Introverted-Bee-1341 Would you stay in a long-term and otherwise successful but sexless marriage?

As the topic says I am a 50s male and sex with my wife has never been frequent except for maybe the first year. Within a decade even the infrequent (a few times a year) sex stopped entirely. I won't lie and say that everything has gone swimmingly, but we have been together for 30+ years now and built a nice life together. We enjoy each other's company, have similar interests, and get along pretty well outside of the bedroom. We love each other and I could see spending the rest of my life with her in terms of how well we get along most of the time.
We are in marital counseling at my insistence, because I feel like my needs aren't being met and are being minimized by her. It wasn't just sex. There were other needs as well, but we have done a good job of working through most of those issues and finding ways to compromise. The one which remains is our completely dead sex life. My wife claims she is post-menopausal, her body has closed up shop now, and it is never going to happen again which was really a difficult thing to hear her say. It makes me feel sad for her as well as me that we lived without that pleasure for most of our marriage and it did hurt our intimacy in other ways although that's a lot better now after counseling.
There are some reasons that sex was difficult for her having to do with things that happened to her as a child and as a teen, but she never shared that with me during our marriage. It only finally came out in counseling. I might have been a lot more sympathetic and willing to help work on things for both of our sakes if she had said something earlier, but she never did. I am angry at her for denying me and herself a healthy sex life and keeping that secret. I understand the guilt, the shame, and the fear but I can't believe she just kept that to herself for 30+ years even as I asked her why our sex life was non-existent. She always came up with different reasons, said she didn't enjoy it, and ultimately said she thought she was asexual because it wasn't something she ever thought about. She disliked it and wanted it over as fast as possible when it did happen. A lot of it makes sense now, but it is too little, too late.
I was talking to my wife yesterday and I told her how much resentment I have about our lack of intimacy. I told her I am not sure I can get past it. She said "We are best friends. We have everything. Big deal if you're not my Latin lover. Why is that an issue? You wouldn't leave me over that would you? We're both over 50 now! If it was that much of a dealbreaker you should have done something a long time ago and not now. I will be furious if you leave now after all of this."
I have been mulling over what she said and I don't know why she is mad at me for finally speaking up and telling her my needs aren't being met. She could have said something to me, too, instead of just rejecting me over and over for years! All this time I felt unloved and unattractive, like a bad lover unable to please her, searching for possible answers to solve our problem from hormones to better sexual techniques, romantic getaways, I even worried about if it was my haircut or my snoring or something I said or did to turn her off. Countless hours spent. I even got her some books to read, which she never read and I see now that's because she knew what the problem was all along.
It really impacted my mental health and my self-esteem. I couldn't make female friends because I didn't trust myself around them. I managed to stay loyal in a strict sense (no sex), but it was an effort, and I did do some things I wasn't proud of such as visiting strip clubs (I can count the times on one hand) and watching porn which she knew about but disapproved of. I told her that if she won't have sex with me then I need some kind of outlet and she relented, but I know she wasn't happy about it. Even now she says "How do I know you weren't off at some strip club or with a whore when you said you were at work?" so it contributed to trust issues in the relationship as well. I also did visit one of those women that does sensual massage twice. My wife doesn't know about that. It was an amazing experience but I didn't want to be caught doing that. An old girlfriend also offered to help me out and I turned her down. My wife does know about that, because I told her thinking maybe it would make her realize that other women find me desirable and I do have options. Interestingly, she wasn't mad about that. All she said was "Poor girl."
The thing is... sex isn't THAT important to me. However, I still do have sexual desire and I hate feeling like I might cheat on her some day to fulfill it. I stopped getting the massages because I was afraid it would lead to more. It's a constant internal battle. Even if I resign myself to a sexless marriage I feel like she would still be ignoring my needs, which is why I wanted counseling. There's got to be SOME compromise she is willing to make.
However, even if she suddenly turned into a blowjob queen there is still all of that resentment for the years of being ignored, rejected, and made to feel ashamed because I want sex with my wife. Even her words yesterday "Big deal if you're not my Latin lover" I feel were chosen to make fun of me. I'm not Latin. She just chose some stereotype of what she perceives as a macho hyper sexualized man (which she knows I am not) to shame me as if to say "You don't want to be one of THOSE do you?" When she said it she wiggled her hips in an exaggerated manner.
I have been thinking hard about if she is right. Do I just want to throw it all away over sex? . Can I get over the resentment? I feel like a really bad man for thinking about my sex life when my poor wife has all that trauma, but what is the end game there? She already said sex is over and done. I don't want to open up the marriage. I am just trying to decide if I am being really petty and self-centered. Our counselor says that it's not petty if it's important to me, but it's not important to everyone and people have happy marriages without sex. He hasn't given me any suggestions on how to get past the resentment.
I'd appreciate some advice.
submitted by Introverted-Bee-1341 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:00 Flower-Lily0939 Regarding the sense of self/identity!

I'm very interested in hearing people's experiences with their identity and how they deal with it. I read a lot about trauma-related topics to better understand its effects, and I've read about losing the identity and other things like identity fragmentation.
I've also read other posts on here about the way trauma has impacted their identity but I can never quite relate. Therefore, with this post, I'm hoping to see if anyone else does.
For me, it's difficult to pinpoint the person I am but I'm always going back to certain selves. My personality can be quite elusive and it feels hard to keep it in check. My identity has been an issue within my family and close friendships- mostly with a best friend. He questions me and I never know what to say, because I'm unsure of when it happens until it's over! I also find it quite difficult to fully mirror other individuals, so my personality doesn't depend on the people I'm with at the moment. I can really only read the environment and adjust to it.
Nevertheless, I feel I have a pretty consistent sense of self. I know my general interests, the career I wish to pursue. My goals and aspirations. I know where I stand in life and what my views are on things. The inconsistency is primarily in attitude and physical changes, excluding negative and positive self-perceptions.
To use as an example I'll talk about the last time this happened and I was made aware of it. This was in was 2022 and I was under a lot of personal distress. I had "developed" another sense of self. This person is quite witty, listens to certain music that I typically wouldn't. Their way of speaking is a little different--they have an expansive lexicon and a specific tone, or increased immersion in some interests. There's another self I oscillate between, so it's not like they disappear forever either. I don't do drugs or drink, so I know it's not from being under the influence.. but I'm still curious
Does anyone else here relate to this or something similar? There's a separate sense of self but no erasure/instability in perception. (When it comes to an unstable sense of self)
submitted by Flower-Lily0939 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:00 AutoModerator NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread! - May 16, 2024

Welcome to the Daily NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT thread. A new thread will be made every day at midnight NST. Please refrain from posting individual threads and use this thread for your trading purposes!


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/Neopets Discord Paint Brush Clothing Spreadsheet
List last updated Nov 27th, 2023


  1. DO NOT mention /neopets or reddit on Neopets in any way.
  2. Be excellent to each other, as always.
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2024.05.16 08:59 HezalBWooden Saving Blackpool Rock: A Battle against Cheap Imports

There’s no wonder that a traditional delicacy “Blackpool rock” is almost faded away against a myriad of Chinese imports. Artisans known for the laborious carving of the candies in the local factories are highly affected by the infiltrating products from China. This is a product that has usually been associated with the trips of British young individuals to the beach for over a hundred years.
The people who make the candies by hand in the local factories are really hurt by the stuff that comes from China. This product has been linked to British teens going to the beach for more than a century. Making the rock is hard work and needs skilled workers from Blackpool. But now it’s in danger because they have to copy each letter of the candy by hand. Even though there’s a problem, the ten factories in Blackpool that are still around aren’t giving up. The Chinese sell rocks for only 12-15p each, so the local manufacturers don’t want to buy them.
Read More:(
submitted by HezalBWooden to Theleadersglobe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:57 CarryValuable8543 Am I Getting Gaslighted?

So I met this girl in class and we talked 1 time at the beginning of the class. This class meets 1 time per week, after that she started sitting next to me and staring at me for a couple of months and I ignored her, until her friend told her I wasn’t interested. She gave me pouty lips and a sad look. I then noticed she was avoiding me for a couple of weeks and seemed embarrassed. I felt bad, so I decided to give her a chance and asked for her number.
When I decided to text her and asked if she wanted to go on a coffee date. She never responded, and gave me an angry look whenever she saw me thereafter. I overheard her talking smack about me. So I texted her and apologized, then apologized in person that I should have reciprocated earlier. She said “oh you’re fine, I haven’t texted anyone since I’ve been busy”. When school was over, I decided to text her and tell her I basically had feelings for her at the start. Then I texted her I was going to call her.
She texted “Hey no need to call i haven’t been responding because im not looking for anything with anyone and don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”
Then when I accused her of playing games she texted
“No i just try to be nice to everyone in class the one time we chatted with our group in the beginning of the semester as i said i am not and was not looking to pursue anything with anyone. i’m sorry if it was taken the wrong way and we never talked more for me to “play games” i don’t wish to communicate any longer.
Am I dealing with a narcissist, that’s gaslighting me? Or did I read all the cues wrong and I am delusional?
She has a fairly decent social media presence. One of her Tiktok video has 25.4k likes and 200k views.
submitted by CarryValuable8543 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:56 beanchog Hi! DM looking into running SW5E.

I was thinking about running a campaign using this system, it’s been a lot of fun reading through the players handbook (Felt weirdly nostalgic?) and I’m very excited to get stuck into it!
I was wondering if there were any tips my fellow DMs have for running games in the SW5e system, or anyways to make understanding certain aspects easier for me and my players? For the most part, I’m confident I can run it but I’m still interested in getting some tips from more experienced DMs!
submitted by beanchog to sw5e [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:56 jaibryan Life is unfair: Why Rachel fails where Malcolm succeeds

First and foremost I want to say that I actually like Rachel as a character. The worst thing a character can be is boring and Rachel Berry is anything but boring. This is more of a critique of the show written around her. I saw an old post about how past season 1, Rachel (and Finn but to a lesser extent) don’t work as pov protagonists. With the show as written, I agree. But while that post came at the subject from a psychological perspective, I'm coming at it from a writing perspective. And to do so, I'm going to be comparing Rachel to another Fox show’s main character who I feel is the same archetype as Rachel but written much better, Malcolm from Malcolm in the Middle. They are both gifted, driven and have an ego the size of canada. But the reason why I root for Malcolm while I get annoyed by Rachel is because of what the respective shows ask us to do: Glee asks us to root for Rachel while Malcolm in the Middle asks us to watch Malcom try to survive his crazy family.
Season 1 Rachel is the best for her character. We see and are constantly reminded how she is treated by the popular kids, how she is barely tolerated by her fellow glee clubbers and most importantly she is allowed to just be unlikeable. Which she is. Past season 1 they take that all away from her. She’s still unlikeable but it’s framed to be endearing. Besides Santana and sometimes Brittany, she isn’t treated badly by the club. And from what I remember, the bullying from outside of the club stops for her. The show still asks us to root for her but she has no real obstacles for the remaining 5 seasons, no obstacles that last more than a handful of episodes. Scare off a new recruit, completely forgotten by next episode. She chokes at a college audition, she gets another shot and gets in. She throws away her dream job that she dropped out of college for to pursue a tv career that fails, six episodes later she is offered another broadway role and accepted back into college. There is nothing to root for because we know Rachel will get her way in the end. Now I will give them some credit for the pezberry feud. How that started in “frenemies”, they framed Rachel as in the wrong but once again a few episodes later, we’re supposed to side with her?
Now I don’t know how many of you have watched Malcolm in the Middle so I’m going to give you the overall premise: the everyday adventures of Malcolm, who is a genius, navigating life with his very dysfunctional working class family. Now from the very beginning we are never really asked to feel sorry or root for him, we’re just asked to be along for the ride. And the ride is him or his family getting in his way. Why I feel like this works for this show is that the writers know that Malcolm is the protagonist, not the hero. Malcolm is petty, egotistical, shallow, selfish and despite being a genius, never listens. The vast majority of episodes end with him losing or at best coming out neutral. Either a kid from school will get the best of him, he’ll just fuck it up for himself or a family member will out smart him (more on one particular member latter).
So why does one show get it right and the other wrong? There could be a few reasons. First and foremost, glee was originally a movie that was stretched into half a season of tv. They kept it interesting for the second half of season 1 when it came to Rachels character but past that, there isn’t much for her to do besides succeed. And I don't care even if your character is the most likable person on the planet, which she most definitely is not, your character has to take real L’s (which you can do since glee is largely episodic within any given season). But i think the main reason is the writers didn’t know what character they were writing. When the character Quinn comes up, I routinely hear how the writers wanted her to be an unlikeable, evil person but Dianna brought humanity to her and ruined her. I don’t think that's the case, no shade to Dianna as she killed it as Quinn but any actress worth their salt would have done the same thing. Quinn is a very human character as written. I think the writers had an idea in their head for their characters but refused to let those ideas grow along with the show so we got clashes between what the story was trying to tell us vs what the characters were doing and no character suffered the most from this than Rachel. I feel they were going for an Annie from Community or Lesley Knope from Parks and Rec type character. There is a lot of overlap between those three characters but what Rachel doesn’t have that the other two do is an underlying understanding that people matter more than your talent.
Now I didn't write this just to bitch about Rachel, I also want to offer solutions. But seeing as glee has ended a while ago, these solutions won’t do much to help the show but it might help another writer not fall into these pitfalls. The easiest would be to just make the show about the glee club instead of Rachel and Finn featuring the glee club. A lot of the problems with these characters come from overexposure. But if you insist on Rachel being the lead, you could have her actually lose and it sticks. At the end of season 3 it would have been so much more interesting if they switched Finns and Rachel's stories. Rachel sacrificed everything for her dreams, what would she do if she didn’t get into NAYDA and had no path to stardom? The solution I fall on the most is giving her an antagonist, maybe multiple. I always thought it would be fun to have her feud with a different member of the unholy trinity for the first 3 seasons. She needs actual obstacles to overcome and they would provide unique challenges to her. One of the reasons Malcolm works is because he has an antagonist that gets the best of him 90% of the time, his mom Louis. Louis may not be as book smart as Malcolm but she routinely out smarts not just him but also his brothers. She comes out on top so often that you can’t help but root for Malcolm to win at least every once in a while against her. But it also works because she loves him and is trying to do what's best for him. Slight spoiler for the series finale of Malcolm in the middle, a show that ended over a decade ago. After making him turn down a job that would have had him living a life of luxury, he is pissed at her. After a ton of bs (literally) he asked her why she did it. She goes into a speech about her goals for his life and how he needs to finally realize that being the smartest person in the room isn’t the most important thing in life. It was perfect. At some point during the show, someone should have given a similar speech to Rachel. Imagen how impactful it would have been during episode 100 if Finn (had tragedy not struck) sided with Santana during the feud and told Rachel she needed to grow up and realize that being the most talented person doesn’t mean anything if no one likes you or something to that effect. But anyway these are my thoughts on the writing for Rachel. Feedback and discussion is welcome.
submitted by jaibryan to glee [link] [comments]