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2024.06.09 15:53 throwawaylolhelppls The girl I got rejected by 2 years is back in my head. I’m starting to catch feelings again, what should I do?

Let me start from the very beginning. I met this girl 2 years ago in one of my classes and she asked for my number for math help and we started talking. However, not one conversation was about math. We talked about life and other stuff (and obviously since we were high schoolers about our classes) and I started catching feelings for her. She told me what she enjoyed doing, asked questions and wasn’t really dry (I felt like I was starting most of the conversations as I look back) and how she wanted me to join her in partaking in her hobbies and overall said a lot of things that made me believe that I had a chance. As the year was coming to an end, we planned on going to a movie (me, her, a few other girls and my best friend). I told her I wanted to speak about something to her a few days before we went and she called me for the first time and I was scared to pick up so I said I was busy and it was too important so I’d save it for later. The day of the movie came and one of the girls knew what I wanted to do (turns out that girl had a crush on me) so she helped get the rest of everyone away for a little bit and left us alone. I chickened out and just made it awkward between us being too scared to say anything. After that, we all went to go get food and this was my last opportunity to say anything. So once more the girl came up with a reason to take everyone away and leave the two of us alone together and I built up all the courage I had and just said it. She said she never really thought of me that way and I was crushed and pretty sad for the rest of the time we were there.
That night, I texted her telling her that I might need some space and if it was okay with her if I didn’t reach out as much for a few days. The next day at school, she was speaking to me in the third person and not even acknowledging that I was there (we sat right next to each other and we were working on something together with another person). I couldn’t help but feel so alienated in the situation and feel like giving up right then and there because even though I did say that I wouldn’t reach out as much, I didn’t expect her to completely ignore me. Then the last day of school came around (I couldn’t go as I had a flight booked that day to go out of the country) and she texted me “we missed you today” as in her, the few other girls, and my best friend. That day, my best friend texted me saying that he suspects that my crush liked him and asked me if he should ask anything about it to her because of the way she was acting on the last day of school. The whole time, my friend was pushing me to tell her how I felt and helped me build up the courage and introduced me to the gym. I had known him since elementary school and he was honestly one of the best people I could ask for at the time. From the start, he barely talked to her having minimal interaction with her and kept saying that he caught my crush staring at me during class. Basically, I pushed him to do it since I was curious as well and he asked her. At this time I was in the airport and on the plane but turns out, she liked him and wanted to go out on a date with him. And all that “caught staring” was actually to him and not me. He asked me what he should do and I told him it was up to him so at first he said yes. I felt so betrayed, by her for even asking to go out with my best friend 4 days after it all went down, and a little by my best friend. In my clouded mind, I texted her saying what she did was a little f’ed up (I don’t know what I was thinking) and we had a small argument about everything.
Once all this happened, my friend was mad at me for going and texting her (as he should be) and he cut it off with her saying he was busy and just showed no interest. After the whole situation, my best friend just distanced himself from me, barely talking or texting me the whole time I was in a different country. I texted her saying whatever I did was unnecessary and that I felt bad. After a month and a half of having no contact with either of them, she texts me one random day that she wanted to end the beef. I texted her here and there but not as much as everything felt dry and as if I was forcing her to speak so I just gave up. I get back home and my best friend and I go to the gym once and for some reason I felt so nauseous (this had never happened to me before) and like I would collapse so I had to go home and I texted him as I was leaving the gym. That was basically the last time that I had any interaction with him until the next school year started. Once the school year started, I asked both my ex crush and my ex best friend about what classes I had and none of them were the same. From that day onwards, my conversations with my ex best friend was strictly about academics, nothing more. When it came to my ex crush, she posted something about her having a scare experience of some guys harassing her and I asked her to make sure everything was okay. After that for a few months (my dumb self wanted to do this for some reason) I texted her asking for help to get this other girl and said I needed her help. It was an awkward conversation and was so unnecessary.
After that I realized how dumb I was being and I stopped having any interactions with her and she texted me happy birthday so when it was her birthday I just texted it back. I won a competition as well so she said congratulations and all the things people do to just be nice. So that comes brings us up to my senior year. We got a couple classes together this time, I’ve caught her staring at me a couple of times myself and I’ve just made eye contact a few times. The only issue is, I don’t know if she has a boyfriend or not and is talking to someone at the moment. For some reason, I started catching feelings for her once more with just barely talking to her. I don’t know where it came from but I have no idea what to do. School just ended for me and I have graduation in a little bit. I plan on going to a different college (or the Air Force for a year depending on how everything pans out) while she is going to a completely different school than me out of state. Do you guys have any advice on what I should do? Should I just forget about it and try my best to move on or how should I approach going about this whole situation?
tldr: I got rejected by my crush 2 years ago and turns out she liked my best friend and we had an argument. Lost my best friend and was still trying to find ways to talk to her. Gave up for a year and half and now I’m catching feelings again. We are both graduating this week and will be off to different colleges. What should I do?
submitted by throwawaylolhelppls to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:51 Routine_Persimmon69 First post, and if you read it, or even skim through, you are amazing.

(I’m not editing otherwise I’ll just never end up posting this…so, it’s long and jumbled)
I’m sorry. Another one of these posts. My first time posting though. Going to talk to my psychiatrist at my Wednesday appointment and bring up about possibly having adhd. Please give me advice. One thing I’ll say though is I’ve been dealing with these things forever, so it’s hard for me sometimes to think of examples or comprehend the big pig of these questions like “How often do you have trouble listening to someone, even when they are speaking directly to you — like your mind is somewhere else?” So then, I have to really think about my day to day life. So, here’s just some things about me that drive me crazy, make me cry, and have SOMEWHAT accepted. I’m 37 now. Of course, I lose things, a lot. Just a recent thought is I lost my phone like 7 times in 4 hours. The other night I was looking at a recipe going to make something, and I can’t stand (which I assume, most don’t) but reading all the story about the receipe so I’m scrolling up and down and up and down because I apparently can’t just slow down, and go through it from the top down and find it. Ah, yes found it. I think I’ll call my grandma because it’s hot in my house our air isn’t working, I’m going to see if it’s hot in her house, because hers isn’t working. “Okay where’s my phone” leave the counter go look a minute and realized I was just looking at it, to find a recipe. Oooook, so this is just how things are all the time, so there’s just a small thing.
As exampled above, I always have things going through my head, and not that I dont realize it, but sometimes I’m so accustomed to it, I don’t think about it because I just always feel like everything is moving fast in my head and around me….when we could simply be sitting at a restaurant outside. The wind is blowing getting hair in my face….my kids are running around the table…I’m participating in a game of charades with them (always feel we’re that weird family out to eat…there’s me, husband (with adhd, doesn’t treat it..)10 year old, 8 year old, 5 year old. Thinking about needing to get home, because I need to get everyone to brush their teeth, get pajamas on, get to bed…like it’s a race because, I don’t know why because it’s Saturday….we get home, now I’m over stimulated, and have been….now I’m rushing around to help them…and I just need to get out of the room/house to be alone for a little bit because there’s too much going on. And the thing is…10 year old is on the couch…and the other 2 might just be sitting on their tablets…and no one is really doing anything. This again is a small example, of my day to day. Why we go out to eat when we have all the kids I don’t know. In many cases I can feel like I’m in my own world with a bunch of noise happening in my head…and my son is doing absolutely nothing I would probably say is that loud//“annoying”….but this is just how I feel. There’s sounds of a festival going on at my work…when it’s quiet. Sometimes not a festival, may sometimes just be a conversation with myself. Which, sometimes, now and again, comes out of my mouth. And one of my co workers will walk by and I just say I’m just having a conversation with myself pay no mind.
So going off of that, now if I get over stimulated and don’t take a break…because I can feel the irritation building up….i can just scream, like I’m over this right now, I have GOT to leave this situation…. Which could frankly be at work, I feel too much is going on…sitting at my desk. At my desk I am switching position how I sit I don’t know how many times, sitting on my legs…all the way forward…all the way back, legs crossed…oookay let’s switch. I doodle on my paperwork…I work as customer service, I feel because I’ve done customer service so long, I do pretty well paying attention to the customer….but at my current job it’s become challenging. I worked from home before…so I could do other things like…make a list of all the things I need to do, that I won’t that day…week…whatever. I could be “productive” I’ll call it. Here, I have other people taking calls which I can hear them, people walking by, this fan blowing about 10 ft in front of me….the lady behind me putting her cell phone down on her desk…and I have got to go to the bathroom because I’m about to pee my pants because I’ve waited too long.
Okay. Moving on. I put things off, pretty bad. It could be a text back to my dad just asking if want to do lunch next Saturday. I feel like I can’t respond, though, I am just reading it…and then I just think I have to remember to respond, go about my life and remember that I haven’t texted him back…which maybe 4 days have gone by at this time….because I feel like I just can’t so I will put a reminder that I need to text him back. I need to make a dentist appt I need to pay for my girls summer camp I need to do the laundry otherwise my kids will have no clean clothes to wear I need to blah blah blah…because I just can’t do it right now, though, I feel a “normal” person would go, why wouldn’t you just do it right then because you have time. My answer is I don’t know, I just can’t. Again, just a sample.
Spend too much money because at that moment I know this will help me feel better, if someone is reading something out of a book, but I have what they’re reading in front of me…I’ll listen to what they’re saying but then read the sheet probably in about 5 seconds. Okay fine. Okay now, what is this about? Let me re-read.
A planner for budgeting, I do get the bills paid on time, though lately again since I’ve been at this job, it’s gotten my challenging because I can’t just do whatever I want at my desk while working….but once bills are paid, we know what we have left….but…let’s spend 100 dollars on dinner…oh and I still need to get groceries… hopefully I get to that before there’s no coffee in the morning. OPE, no coffee this morning…I’ll just drive to the gas station, get some come back home. GET COFFEE, text husband, put reminder. It’s 9pm, walked by the empty k cup holder who knows how many times by now, “did you get coffee”.
I can blow up at small things then feel horrible. I have no friends, when I talk to people I talk too much, too fast…so a lot of times I just won’t say much, oh! But then you say a topic I l am excited about! Flood gates open and I have to bite my tongue not to jump in…and then I’m focusing on that and half listening to what you’re saying…at this point I’ve thought about it and decide I better just say a sentence response or “exactly”…or just word flood.
And all of this posts, this is how I talk, and what I hear in my mind….along with who knows what else.
It’s too much, day to day. It’s gotten really bad lately and I think it’s because my only friend died…and I absolutely hate my job, I have to even drive 40 minutes too, generally almost late every day…been there over a year. Late most of the time to places…unless I’m way too early, because I’m afraid I’ll miss an appt so I can’t do anything that day. I’ve also felt more depressed lately, feeling like a failure, feeling like there’s something wrong with me, I’m weird I think I am ugly . Sometimes I feel sad and I don’t know why…sometimes I feel anxiety and I don’t know why. And if I’m not moving a mile a minute, I’m sitting and can’t do anything, and I feel like I HAVE to go do something…now. Let’s go. Oh, let’s go spend money we don’t have.
I feel I do have depression, and I do have GAD, but I feel this is all a big cause of it, or at least a portion. I don’t think it’s all major depression disorder and gad.
Omg. If you read this you’re amazing…even if you just skipped through it. Thank you.
submitted by Routine_Persimmon69 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:51 VegetableAd6066 I hate my family there I trust worthy and I feel like these days people are trash

Hey guys, so basically I want to tell you a story and basically the story is rounding about how my family kind of sucks and I don’t wanna be here like I would want to be here anymore so basically my family is toxic unsafe and I want to get out and people on their periods so basically let’s take it back to when I was a kid. Basically I grew up with four siblings and parents my dad wasn’t around and basically we hang out with some other friends and family basically and I used to hang out with them and I still like them, but I think sometimes, I kinda get angry like a kid and I kind of had my moments and some people would see that from my friends and family and basically maybe water signs agree maybe water signs can see that like you want to be tough and stuff and you don’t wanna be in the middle of people Because you just can’t do that so basically let’s take it to sometime later we meet these three people two girls and a mom they would come over on some occasions, but I never really talk to them and we never really knew them but we have talk to them sometimes But this one time they stayed over for Christmas break it was an amazing time a beautiful time. I remember my family had a laptop and I was playing a game on it and my cousin was well. I was playing a SpongeBob game where you could like, it was a story mode, you could control SpongeBob you could cook crabby patties in first person like 3d you could do a lot of things I don’t know but it was beautiful and I was playing the game and I was downstairs and these three people walk in and they’re spending a while here and I just see this little girl there’s a girl older than me and a girl younger than me, but I see this little girl and she’s standing behind me And she’s looking at the computer and then we both play the game. I forgot how it went down but we both ended up playing together. Remember my brother saying yeah like I had a girlfriend yeah but it was a fun time spending time with them and we had Christmas together Later on, they would come here to spend some time but then we found out they were moving here they’re moving close to our house. I was excited as we would hang out. I kind of found out that me and her had some similar traits she kind of the traits that I had with anger and stuff. Basically, I kinda hated them. I kind of didn’t wanna like be seen astough like what I was saying before, and she didn’t want to either one time, my older cousin, and I were running from my little cousin because we made her mad and we both got our aunts room And my cousin lock the door goes downstairs and sees that my little cousin has a knife and then she comes back upstairs and says she’s got a knife and so my little cousin wanted to kill herself, my older cousin called my aunt and said that my little cousin wanted to kill herself and then my aunt said oh she kill herself. Wait till I come back home I’ll kill her myself and basically if that’s what happened, and yeah me and my cousin had the same perspective of the house but I was also really skinny at the time I mean I love junk food too but people started people were saying yeah you’ll never get big as a joke or something but as time went on I would usually go out,. It seem like I was I was just bored because I would really go out as much as I used to so I’d basically start eating a ton of junk food, and I kinda got fat and I feel like as I got into the junk food and processed food. I started to believe some peoples things and be controlled I’m not controlled anymore but I’m just telling you guys wake up. I don’t wanna tell any kids to wake up but You guys gotta wake up like you don’t know what people can do to betray you. You can’t trust friends like you guys gotta wake up like these people are human too like the world not sunshine and rainbows the world revolve around you, but maybe now that I say that maybe it can be sunshine and rainbows but what you have to do for that is to be niceand spread love. I’ve been nice to a couple people and I’ve ended up with some of my most loyal friends but I did some bad things too. I’m not saying I’m this horrible person like most people. But yeah
submitted by VegetableAd6066 to toxicparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:51 xiajuma 26F how's your Sunday so far? Lets chat!

Hello. I'm not on reddit all the time and I've been at home doing nothing so I figured I should find someone to talk to for a bit. Short term or long term friendship I'm cool with whatever.
A bit about me
I work in healthcare (I deal with blood, poop, and piss on a daily), I'm an incoming first year med student, I've been addicted to piercings lately and I got six atm, I love music and can listen to almost any genre, I love feel good TV shows like Ted Lasso, I watch way too many documentaries, I love anime and manga. I love the beach. I play video games but mostly just go on steam and randomly look for something to play and play it until I get bored.
On my free time I like to run or go to the gym. I enjoy thrifting or checking out newly opened attractions in my area. I like going out and trying new experiences but I also enjoy the comfort of my own home and having a lazy day.
If you think we click then hmu!! I'm nice!
submitted by xiajuma to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:51 MachoCaliber 27M Wales. Require some form of distraction as im stranded awaiting help (Dont ask haha)

...Aight so my bike broke down in the middle of nowhere OK. But until the vultures come for me...
Names Mike, or Michael or Mikey. Whichever floats your boat.
Im a mechanic with an obsession with Motorcycles and traveling mostly. Was homeless a while back and basically became a drifter
(Sounded cool in theory and was kinda but again HOMELESS, no bueno that part haha, but was a very interesting adventure of my life I will say)
Gaming be another hobby although I dont game as much as I used to. Helldivers 2, Project Zomboid (Never trust anyone in a RV. Just trust me bro), Ready or Not are my latest go tos! Even Fallout 76 after the TV show which by the way was sooo good! Finally we getting some GOOD Video Game TV show adaptations here!
As we get into the lesser hobbies as we go here. Cooking. I used to make my own Pizzas... All im saying...
Pizza hut and Dominos aint got shit on my Pizzas haha.
But thats some basic info. Come holla if you wanna! and I leave you with a question. Cheese. Does it give you nightmares? Im a believer it does personally haha.
Anyway hope you guys have a good day/night and hope to hear from some cool ass people!
submitted by MachoCaliber to chat [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:51 monkaSman Wide Stance Deadlift vs Narrow: Understanding Deadlift Stances?

Deadlift stances can make a significant impact on your exercise performance, comfort, safety, and results. Choosing the proper stance for your body type and athletic level is essential for getting the most out of your deadlift.
But the question is, how wide should you stand, where should you place your feet, and which areas of your body will be most affected depending on your choice? Let’s find out.
What is impact of deadlift stances? Deadlift stances determine the type of exercise you’ll get. Wide stance deadlifts have a shorter range of motion (ROM) and hit different muscle groups than a typical narrow stance deadlift. Experimenting with different deadlift stances can diversify your workout and help you hit new goals.
What Is Deadlift Stance (Why Is Important, What Does It Affect)
Deadlift stances refer to the foot placement and leg position when performing a deadlift exercise and its variations. In general, we categorize them under narrow or wide stance deadlifts.
Even slightly altering between different deadlift stances can noticeably change the overall exercise dynamic. The deadlift stance width is an important point of consideration. This affects several exercise aspects, including the range of motion, the amount of weight you can lift, the primary muscle groups targeted, the distribution of forces throughout your body, your center of gravity, and even the risk of injury.
A wider stance typically has a shorter range of motion than a close stance deadlift. This can give you more leverage with your hips, but it also forces you to lean forward more during the initial portion of the exercise, which can impact your balance and stability. Meanwhile, a narrower deadlift has a longer range of motion, but it starts in a more upright position and will target your quads and posterior chain more.
Your deadlift feet position can change which muscles you’re working out, too. For example, if your toes are straight, such as with a conventional deadlift, you should feel more “burn” in your quads and hamstrings. Meanwhile, if you point out with your toes at a larger angle, such as with a Sumo deadlift, you will be using your hips and adductors more.
Finally, it’s important to note that a wider stance may put more stress on your hips and lower back, while a narrower stance puts more stress on the knees and quads. Keep this in mind so you can adjust your stance to better fit your workout goals and your physical health.
WBCM Deadlift Exercise
Where Should You Feel Deadlifts?
Based on the targeted muscle groups, the area where you should feel deadlifts hit the most is your posterior chain. This primarily includes your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. Additionally, you should also experience activation in your quadriceps, core muscles, and calves during various stages of the lift. Lastly, since grip strength is a crucial part of deadlifts, you can expect to feel robust muscle activation in the lower arm – particularly your forearms and fingers- especially during an olympic bar deadlift.
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What Is The Difference Between Common Deadlift Stances?
  1. Conventional Deadlift Stance
The conventional or standard deadlift stance is the most fundamental and widely used variation of this exercise, making it a staple in many strength training programs. Beginner lifters typically start with this stance, so it should be familiar to you if you’ve done deadlifts before. Although this is considered the most basic variation of deadlift stances, it’s by no means easier than the others and requires practice to perform correctly and safely.
To assume a conventional deadlift stance, you first need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, although some athletes may opt for a slightly wider or narrower stance depending on their body shape and size. During this stance, your feet should be pointing forward under a slight outward angle of no more than 10-15 degrees, which you’re free to adjust based on your foot size and comfort.
How to Do A Conventional Deadlift Correctly
The conventional deadlift stance targets muscles in the lower body and posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. As you lift the barbell off the ground, you should feel the tension build in your hamstrings and glutes. As the bar passes your knee point and your upper body starts to rise, the tension should transfer over to your core and lower back. At the height of the exercise, also known as the lockout phase, you should feel weight distributed throughout the entire body.
  1. Sumo Deadlift
The Sumo deadlift stance is a popular variation of the deadlift exercise. To assume the sumo deadlift stance width, you need to stand with your feet at or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing outward at an angle of roughly 45 degrees. This stance requires greater mobility in the hips, groin, and ankles, which can make it more challenging than a conventional stance depending on your mobility and flexibility.
The sumo deadlift stance targets many of the same muscles as the conventional deadlift, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, but also puts more emphasis on the adductors and quadriceps. However, thanks to an overall shorter range of motion (ROM) compared to conventional deadlifts, it puts less stress on the back and more on the hips and knees, making it a preferred compound exercise for lower body development.
As you lift the bar off the ground in a sumo stance, you should feel the tension build in your adductors and quads. As the bar passes your knee point and your upper body starts to rise, the tension should transfer over to your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. At the lockout phase, the weight should feel evenly redistributed throughout the entire body, just like in the conventional deadlift stance.
  1. Deficit Deadlift Stance
The Deficit deadlift is a variation of the conventional deadlift that requires standing on a raised platform, usually 2-4 inches high, to increase the range of motion for the exercise. This increased range of motion demands more force when lifting the barbell, making the exercise more challenging and recruiting additional muscle fibers in the legs and back.
Research indicates that deficit deadlifts can help improve strength and muscle activation in the lower body, particularly in the hamstrings, glutes, and erector spinae muscles. Additionally, the increased range of motion can help improve mobility and flexibility in the ankles, knees, and hips. However, this variation is better suited for experienced lifters who are well-versed in deadlift variations.
Deficit Deadlift
To perform a deficit deadlift, simply find a 2-4 inch elevated surface to stand on. Most lifters you see doing this variation either stand on the edge of their lifting platform or use a thick weight plate. Place the barbell on the floor below you and simply perform a regular olympic bar deadlift from this elevated position.
  1. Squat Stance Deadlift
The last variation worth mentioning is the Squat stance deadlift. This is an emerging term for an exercise that’s not yet widely recognized, although it has its advocates in both coaching and physiotherapy. As the name suggests, the exercise requires you to perform a deadlift from a squat stance, which means standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with toes pointing very slightly outward.
DEADLIFTS MADE BETTER!!!! Squat Stance Deadlift
The overall stance, including the exercise’s range of motion and impact on the body, is practically identical to the Sumo stance. However, due to the forward-pointing toes, the Squat stance deadlift requires a greater amount of mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles, increasing the overall risk of injury in these areas. This makes it difficult to recommend for most people over Sumo deadlifts. That said, it’s worth mentioning simply because anatomy varies from person to person, so it may be worth trying to see if it works better for you than a typical Sumo stance.
How To Choose The Deadlift Stance (Factors To Consider When Choosing The Stance For You)
The last variation worth mentioning is the Squat stance deadlift. This is an emerging term for an exercise that’s not yet widely recognized, although it has its advocates in both coaching and physiotherapy. As the name suggests, the exercise requires you to perform a deadlift from a squat stance, which means standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with toes pointing very slightly outward.
The overall stance, including the exercise’s range of motion and impact on the body, is practically identical to the Sumo stance. However, due to the forward-pointing toes, the Squat stance deadlift requires a greater amount of mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles, increasing the overall risk of injury in these areas. This makes it difficult to recommend for most people over Sumo deadlifts. That said, it’s worth mentioning simply because anatomy varies from person to person, so it may be worth trying to see if it works better for you than a typical Sumo stance.
WBCM Deadlifting Athlete
How Much Can The Average Man And Woman Deadlift?
  1. Muscle Engagement
Deadlifts tend to hit the same primary muscle groups regardless of the variation.
That said, altering between deadlift feet position and stances changes up the total ROM, letting you put more emphasis on certain muscle groups. As previously discussed, the longer ROM stances – such as the conventional or deficit deadlift – target the posterior chain to a greater degree. Meanwhile, shorter ROM stances, like the Sumo or Squat deadlift, are better at targeting the lower body, particularly the hips and adductors.
  1. Athlete Size
Research suggests that one of the most important factors to consider when choosing your deadlift stance width is your shape and size. According to the study, athletes with larger body sizes and longer limbs tend to feel more comfortable with deadlift stance variations that have a larger range of motion, such as the conventional or deficit deadlift. On the other hand, athletes with shorter limbs and a shorter torso relative to their limb length find the shorter range of motion stances, like the Sumo or Squat stance, more comfortable.
  1. Personal Health
The most comfortable deadlift feet position for you may depend on your personal health, such as your injury history and chronic pain. When selecting your stance, keep in mind that a wide leg deadlift generates more force from the hip and knee area and puts less stress on your back, while the opposite is true for narrow deadlifts. Based on your medical history, it should be easy to determine which is best for you, however, consulting a doctor or physical therapist is always a good idea.
WBCM Deadlift Workout
  1. Fitness Level
Your overall fitness level may play a role in determining which deadlift stance is best suited for you. For beginners, it is recommended to start with a standard close stance deadlift to learn the proper exercise technique and familiarize themselves with their maximum weight.
Experienced athletes can experiment with various deadlift stances to find what works best for them. However, their joint mobility, particularly in the hips, knees, and ankles, can impact their ability to assume the correct starting position. If someone has limited mobility, they may need to adjust their stance to compensate.
Deadlift Stance Common Mistakes
  1. Barbell Distance
In a proper deadlift stance, the barbell should be directly over the midfoot during the starting position, and even lightly touching or grazing your shins as you lift it up. Placing the bar too far from your legs during your initial stance will require greater power output from your lower back, which is a common reason for deadlift injury.
  1. Back Arching
Another common mistake when lifting dead weight is not maintaining a straight spine. If you need to arch your back to reach the barbell when assuming the starting position, then the stance you are attempting may not be adequate for your current mobility and flexibility level.
WBCM Deadlifting Correct Stance
  1. Hip Height
To assume a proper deadlift stance, it is essential to position your hips at the right height. If you place your hips too high, generating power from them will become challenging, and your back will bear most of the initial load. This can result in difficulty lifting the weight and may lead to injury. On the other hand, if you place your hips too low, you will create a longer range of motion, placing stress on your lower back and hamstrings, and making the lift more challenging.
Therefore, the ideal height level of your hips for your body size is slightly above your knees. This position helps keep your back straight while aligning your shoulders, palms, and feet correctly. Proper alignment will help ensure that you can generate power from your hips while maintaining good form, reducing the risk of injury and allowing for safely and effectively lifting dead weight.
WBCM Deadlifting Stance Review
Should Your Deadlift Stance And Squat Stance Be The Same?
No, the deadlift and squat are two separate exercises with distinct objectives. In a regular squat, a wider stance is adopted to enable the hips to move downwards to or below knee level and then upwards again, all the while maintaining an upright torso position and keeping your balance. Conversely, in deadlifts, the hips remain at a relatively similar level and only flex forward and backward, while the torso sways back and forth.
That said, there is a hybrid exercise called the squat stance deadlift. However, this wide leg deadlift stance is unique and has its own purpose, as discussed above. In general, your standard deadlift and squat stances won’t be the same.
🔻12-Week Deadlift Strength Program By Oleksiy Torokhtiy
Unlock your true potential with our Deadlift Strength Program!
Designed for athletes by 2-time Olympian Oleksiy Torokhtiy, this 12-week program focuses on enhancing your deadlift strength, strengthening your back and legs.
📆 12 weeks;
🏋️‍♂️ 3 days / week;
⏱ 45-120 minutes per session;
🔥 50+ specific exercises;
🎯 Focus on New Result in Deadlift;
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✅ Full access to all training content.
Start now and boost your deadlift results! 💥💪
What Is Better Conventional VS Sumo Deadlift Stance?
The conventional and Sumo deadlift overlap in terms of strength development and health benefits. In terms of results, the sumo stance tends to be slightly better at lower body development, while the conventional narrow stance deadlift works your overall posterior chain, particularly the lower back.
More importantly, research suggests that athlete size can also determine the best type of deadlift on a person-to-person basis. According to the study, athletes with lengthier proportions performed better in the conventional deadlift. Conversely, those with shorter proportions showed increased performance in the sumo deadlift.
Where Should You Point Your Toes In Your Deadlift Stance?
During a typical close stance deadlift your toes should be slightly pointed out, no more than a 15-degree angle. This slightly angled toe position creates external rotation at the hips, which helps with stability and explosive power. Additionally, when you point your toes outward you should feel higher muscle activation in the glutes and hamstrings, which are two major muscle groups targeted by deadlift.
During Sumo deadlifts, the ideal toe spread is roughly 45 degrees. This wide leg deadlift stance points the knees and hips outward and allows them to stay in line with your feet and flex naturally, improving your balance, increasing your weight max, and preventing injury.
How Much Can An Average Person Deadlift?
Depending on the individual’s build, a man can typically deadlift anywhere from (77 kg – 131) 170 to 290 pounds when performing a traditional variation of the exercise. The typical average deadlift weight for female is around half of their body weight, while intermediate lifters are able to deadlift approximately 1.5 times their body weight.
In-Depth Deadlift Stance Breakdown - Live Seminar
The deadlift stances you use will determine the type of exercise you will get. Your leg width and foot placement affect the range of motion, targeted muscle groups, maximum capacity, center of balance, force distribution, as well as injury risk. Trying out different deadlift stances can help you find the one most comfortable based on your physical health and preferences.
Wide stance deadlifts reduce the range of motion and increase lower body development, while also reducing stress on the back. Conversely, a narrow stance deadlift has a longer range of motion and puts more exercise focus on the posterior chain.
Do you practice deadlifts as part of your workout routine? If so, which stance do you prefer? Leave a comment to let us know and don’t forget to follow our social media pages where we post lots of valuable fitness content.
submitted by monkaSman to MensWellbeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:50 MachoCaliber 27M Wales. Require some form of distraction as im stranded awaiting help (Dont ask haha)

...Aight so my bike broke down in the middle of nowhere OK. But until the vultures come for me...
Names Mike, or Michael or Mikey. Whichever floats your boat.
Im a mechanic with an obsession with Motorcycles and traveling mostly. Was homeless a while back and basically became a drifter
(Sounded cool in theory and was kinda but again HOMELESS, no bueno that part haha, but was a very interesting adventure of my life I will say)
Gaming be another hobby although I dont game as much as I used to. Helldivers 2, Project Zomboid (Never trust anyone in a RV. Just trust me bro), Ready or Not are my latest go tos! Even Fallout 76 after the TV show which by the way was sooo good! Finally we getting some GOOD Video Game TV show adaptations here!
As we get into the lesser hobbies as we go here. Cooking. I used to make my own Pizzas... All im saying...
Pizza hut and Dominos aint got shit on my Pizzas haha.
But thats some basic info. Come holla if you wanna! and I leave you with a question. Cheese. Does it give you nightmares? Im a believer it does personally haha.
Anyway hope you guys have a good day/night and hope to hear from some cool ass people!
submitted by MachoCaliber to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:50 toast3dnugge [Xbox][2022] A game about heroes

Alright so this game was either on Xbox game pass or PS plus for maybe a month. I want to say it was called like 100 heroes or 1000 or something like that. Had a really viewtiful joe/jet set radio artsy kinda vibe. It was almost a top down game where you were this one individual in control of the 100 or 1000. I played it for a hot second before I completely forgot about i lt but would love to give it another try. I believe the first level after the cutscene is you're on top of a wrecked train maybe bus and gotta work towards gathering the heroes or people. Really all I can remember but would love to give it a real try this time.....just can't find anything for it lol. Any time I try anything with heroes in the name I get No More Heroes or some Eiyuden chronicles game of which neither are the one I'm looking for.
submitted by toast3dnugge to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:49 MachoCaliber 27M Wales. Require some form of distraction as im stranded awaiting help (Dont ask haha)

...Aight so my bike broke down in the middle of nowhere OK. But until the vultures come for me...
Names Mike, or Michael or Mikey. Whichever floats your boat.
Im a mechanic with an obsession with Motorcycles and traveling mostly. Was homeless a while back and basically became a drifter
(Sounded cool in theory and was kinda but again HOMELESS, no bueno that part haha, but was a very interesting adventure of my life I will say)
Gaming be another hobby although I dont game as much as I used to. Helldivers 2, Project Zomboid (Never trust anyone in a RV. Just trust me bro), Ready or Not are my latest go tos! Even Fallout 76 after the TV show which by the way was sooo good! Finally we getting some GOOD Video Game TV show adaptations here!
As we get into the lesser hobbies as we go here. Cooking. I used to make my own Pizzas... All im saying...
Pizza hut and Dominos aint got shit on my Pizzas haha.
But thats some basic info. Come holla if you wanna! and I leave you with a question. Cheese. Does it give you nightmares? Im a believer it does personally haha.
Anyway hope you guys have a good day/night and hope to hear from some cool ass people!
submitted by MachoCaliber to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:49 Additional-Notice-39 i feel bad for disliking my parents

I didn’t necessarily have an abusive childhood but my parents have done and said things to me that I still remember and think “what the fuck???” that makes me wanna go non contact after i turn 18. My dad was an alcoholic during my childhood (still is) and I saw him do a lot of things to my mother when he was under the influence which made me harbor a lot of resentment towards him. Plus he’s so emotionally unavailable when he’s sober but when hes drunk its like thats when he wants to hug me and tell me how much he loves me and shit. But there are a select amount of times where he has said fucked up things to me while he was drunk. Also this one time he beat me and my sister with a belt till we had bruises on our thighs (i was maybe like seven and my sister was five or six but he acts like it never happened) My mother is the kind of mom to cry and say “well i guess i’m a bad mother then.” when you call her out on things. One time on THANKSGIVING made a fat joke toward me in the most condescending voice, not to mention all the times she put her hands on me instead of talking to me like the supposed adult she is or when she acts condescending towards me and gets angry when i raise my voice at her so she puts her hands on me. They made me do online school and miss the middleschool and (half) highschool experience because of their own selfish worries so now i have no social skills and no real life friends. Also I know this whole thing isnt punctuated right i’m just ranting but i say all this to ask am i a terrible daughter for wanting to never talk to them again when i become an adult,change my name and move away? I have a different kind of distain for my mother but i feel like if i dont go to college and choose the path i want its gonna crush her at the end of the day but also i cannot stand her and blame her for a lot. (i dont mention my father here because he doesn’t communicate with me on this topic much) My mom never had a prom or a graduation or went to college traditionally so i feel like by extension i should give that to her through me even though i know its unhealthy.
submitted by Additional-Notice-39 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 SullenSatan 19M; Currently abroad and looking to connect with folks online!

Hello all!
As the title suggests, I’m currently living abroad in Spain and will be for the next month. While I do love it here, I’ve begun to get a little homesick for the states (and English in general) so I’d love to connect online!
Here’s a bit about me: - Big outdoors person (hiking, kayaking, and recently off-road biking) - Currently learning Spanish through immersion but only half-decent at it. - Rising senior in college (Business - I skipped ahead a few years) - Hobbies include reading, cooking, writing, aforementioned outdoors activities, and playing video games, though I’m unable to at the moment.
And some fun facts for the sake of icebreakers: - I’ve flown a plane before - I won a moonshine drinking competition by downing seven shots of 100-proof - I spent a week helping out at a horse stable - I’ve been spelunking - I’ve driven heavy machinery
I like to think myself pretty sociable in the right environments, so feel free to reach out to talk about pretty much anything! The reply window may be a little weird due to time zone differences but I’m sure we can figure something out.
Ideally you’d be within two or three years maximum of my age? I’m not entirely sure how to connect to anyone that much older or younger. We can talk here, discord, WhatsApp (very popular in Spain for some reason), or on the phone once I get to know you a bit better. Just avoid boring one-word responses - thanks! 👋
submitted by SullenSatan to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:46 Annual_Button6609 My favorite themes for each KOF

Before you come at me, just remember this is just my opinion guys, so if your favorite themes aren't here, I apologize.
KOF 94 - Ketchaku R and Esaka
KOF 95 - Arashi no Saxophone 1 - No need to explain, its fucking jazzy, and the saxophone solo... Oh my god.
KOF 96 - Three Sacred Treasures themes - The BEST in the game.
KOF 97 - Rhythmic Hallucination and Bloody - Its amazing tbh, I like how CYS just like "we're gonna gather the power of fighters and use them for reviving our god OROCHI."
KOF 98 - Basically The Ketchaku R
KOF 99 - KD-0079, Tears and Sadistic eyes, 99 has one of the best soundtracks, the freaking solo on Iori's theme is just fucking badass, the one that made me like to learn a saxophone, Tears... Just perfect, and KD-0079 is the same as Tears.
KOF 2000 - Goodbye Esaka, Inner Shade, and Arashi no Saxophone 4, the themes they make in this game before going bankrupt is like an ending to a movie, they really make Iori's theme like a freaking god sheeshhh. (Before 2k1 destroys it all) And if you're wondering "Oh my god where is KD-0084?" The OST in my opinion destroys the AST, a lot of missing elements are on the AST but aside from that, the theme is really dope as hell!
KOF 2001 - Ngl, all the themes suck, the fact that they absolutely ruined Kyo's and Iori's theme is just makes me wanna say "What THE ACTUAL FU-". but hey, the actually good themes are Ruler of the Dark, and I'm the Strongest, Zero's theme is kinda weird tbh.
KOF 2002 - Welp, the last game that EOLITH produced and the only the game that has no AST, they are some bad themes, mid themes (this includes the Saxophone 2, the saxophone is really weird, its like syths or something), the only theme that I don't hate and personally my favorite from the game is..... Napolitan Trance, and ey it was his last game before he got rebranded or got fixed from Copyright, and also "ESAKA?" Not the 96, the 2002 version is kinda okay but not the best version unlike the original.
KOF 2003 - Tbh, everyone (almost everyone) hates this game because of the music and the new mechanic which is you can swap characters in the match, all you need to tap is BC and CB and boom. Now for the themes, Blaze, Cool Jam 2 (they litteraly changed the saxophone and I'm fucking sad), KD, and Joyrider, Joyrider is like a freaking Cowboy bebop music and actually I fucking like it, its kinda sad the that themes from 2001 to 2003 didnt get a proper remix unlike the previous installments.
KOF XI - KD-0075, ESAKA? (XI REMIX), New Order, Queen, and the Saxophone Remix (OH YEAHHHHH, I am really an Iori fanboy, ffs)
KOF XII - The game is not bad, its just missing characters, the only dream match that sucks, "ESAKA?" The only theme from that game that I really like.
KOF XIII - You take a guess.... Esaka Continues, Each Promise, Fate, KD-0063, and of course ARASHI NO SAXOPHONE 5 (Nah this my top 1 on this game, the saxophone and the guitar, oh my god, I LOVE IT!!!!)
KOF XIV to XV - Basically the Kyo and Iori's themes (and Includes Yappari ESAKA?, Arashi no Saxophone XIV Version, New Order XIV Version, Fairy XV Version, Inner Shade XV Version, Sadistic Eyes XV Version, Goodbye Esaka XV Version, Fictitous or Real, Bloody XV Version, and finally Rhythmic Hallucination XV Version )
submitted by Annual_Button6609 to kof [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 NeilAnnwn Thank you for allowing the death blow

There are games where I've got my death blow lined up...say my Herd Migration and Imodane's Recruiter resolve.
I really appreciate the people who let me get the final killing attack in instead of noping out as soon as they see Imodane. Sometimes I need those attacks for my daily quests and it's always just very satisfying to land that big damage. Thank you!
submitted by NeilAnnwn to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 insane1090x [Hyprland] Pywal everywhere!

[Hyprland] Pywal everywhere! submitted by insane1090x to unixporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 Historical-Milk-1339 The A.I in WoA is unnervingly realistic.

I've been playing the World of Assassination trilogy for the first time and just finished Hitman one so far. I already have a lot to praise about this series of games and may make plenty of posts about them. But one notable thing I have to talk about is the enemy/npc A.I in these games because.....they really make the assassination jobs more nerving racking in a good way. The way the game programs the A.I is you basically can't aim a weapon or take out an enemy when someone is watching you. You have to be completely out of a person's front side in order to do anything illegal. Like I was struggling to incapacitate a high ranking medical doctor in the last level because he was constantly watched by witnesses.
But it doesn't stop there, you also have to be aware of anyone finding bodies of enemies you've taken out and items that you left lying on the floor. For example during my first time playing the level in Paris, I was trying to figure how to quietly assassinate Dalia Morgolis and there's this one instance where I accidentally left an assault rifle lying on the floor when taking out a guard in her private lounge room. When Dalia came in, she noticed the rifle and confronted the guard outside the room about why there's a weapon on the floor. (Little did she know I was standing right next to her in disguise, lol.) The guard then went in to investigate, which shows how aware the A.I is.
As much I played other games that I think are better or just enjoy more, I think this game has a lot of realistic A.I in terms of how they act and look around areas for anything suspicious. It really sells the point that you have to be very careful with your actions as their are consequences for leaving a mess.
submitted by Historical-Milk-1339 to HiTMAN [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 Intrepid_Night5442 Is this response unprofessional?

Is this response unprofessional?
Hi all Normally I post as a sitter but this time posting as an owner.
So I spoke to a sitter who is local to my mothers area as my dog will be staying with my mum and grandmother whilst I will be away on holiday and she will also be staying with my grandmother when my mum and I go to a concert when I come back from holiday. Whilst I’m away on holiday my dog will need to be walked on one of the days in the afternoon as my mother will be at work and then when I come back from holiday and my mother and I go to the concert both my mums dog and my dog will need to be walked on the Saturday morning as the person who will be at my grandmothers needs to leave very early in the morning so won’t be able to walk them.
So I found a sitter who everyone recommended in lots of local Facebook groups and she had really good reviews on her page. So I spoke to her and discussed rates etc for what I wanted and had no issue with this and we agreed to do a meet up. So we agreed to meet up yesterday (Saturday) at 6:30PM at my grandmothers so she could meet my dog and my mother’s dog. Sitter then texted me at 5PM to say she needed to rearrange to tomorrow (Sunday) at 7PM and explained that she had taken her sister to get a car and it had taken longer than expected with travel time and she wouldn’t be back in time. I texted back to say I would check with my mother and I would get back to her.
Spoke to my mother and we both agreed we were very unhappy with how unprofessional this sitter came across as had this been a dog she needed to visit for a walk or drop in etc this doesn’t really show good practice/time management. Now we both understand that these things happen and sometimes people do need to re-arrange but as a sitter myself whenever I do meet ups with clients I always make sure my diary is clear or if I am doing anything before that I have plenty of time to travel to a potential new client.
I texted sitter today to say that my mother wasn’t happy with the last minute cancellation and that we’d like to go with someone else. Sitter decided to go on a rant to me which I will attach as well as previous parts of conversation. As a sitter myself I’ve had clients say similar to me where it just hasn’t worked out and I will just say okay no problem thank you for letting me know all the best as then at least you end the relationship on a positive note.
Now my question is this sitters response to me acceptable or is it unprofessional?
submitted by Intrepid_Night5442 to petsitting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:44 ExtroverTom The Best Debut I Have Ever Seen : In Four Acts

The Best Debut I Have Ever Seen : In Four Acts
Before I start, I have to semi-dox myself and say that I am Indonesian. I have to do that because it would add so much more context to this story.
Prologue : The Antlers
I bought the latest Football Manager few months ago while the price was discounted. I was so excited to finally have J-League licensed because playing in Asia have been my lifelong FM dream but without J-League which is arguably the biggest and most competitive league in Asia, it just felt wrong.
I embarked on this year's journey the same way I have always started, to pick one of the top half teams in the league that I wanted to play, so that I get accustomed not only by the league rules but more importantly by the latest features and wrinkles of the game. I usually would play it for a season before moving on to the real long-term save.
This year, the lucky organization is Kashima Antlers. To cut the story short about this club background, you can imagine them like Japanese Manchester United with even less successful history. They have gone years without lifting a trophy but is able to consistently stay on the contention. Now that I said that, I guess they are the less horribly managed Japanese Manchester United.
My one and only mission : bring the J1-League trophy back to the Island of Antlers. Although, whatever it was that I wanted to do, I have to do it within the limitation of only 5 foreign players as per J1 rules and the lack wingers within the club. After hours of thinking and tinkering I came up with a tactic that I believe would work.
The asymmetric 4-3-3 which emphasized the quality of Target Man Kai Chinen and homegrown talent Yuma Suzuki as well as 'hiding' the lack of winger but still be able to offer some width in the field. Saying that, it was still necessary for me to find a better winger for the formation than Yuta Matsumura, which was decent, but not good nor was he well-suited enough with the way I want to play.
Kai Chinen: Our main striker and one of our best player
The stats of Yuta Matsumura which was actually decent relative to the league quality, but not good enough. Also the only wingers other than him were some promising yet raw young talents.
1***\**st* Act : The Reds
J1-League transfer window would be closed on 31 March. By the start of the month I have brought into the team some quality players: Roberto Soriano and Ismael for free and bring creativity in that midfield, and an uzbek guy called Hojiakbar Alijonov, a mature physical attacking right back which will provide those crosses from the right winger-less side of our formation.
I have not found my guy to be put in that left side though, until a young right-footed brazilian had a semi-fallout with his club and get transfer-listed. SC Internacional, his club, asked for two millions euros for whoever wanted to bring him out from Brazil. Having only spent so little, and in nearly desperate need for a winger, I jumped into the chance, and built a 2 millions worth of a deal based on so many installments and bonuses. Finally after some contract negotiation, my long-awaited inside forward has finally arrived on 06 March 2023.
His name is Joao Gabriel Martins Peglow, a 21-years-old who modeled his game after his idol Cristiano Ronaldo. He has good technique as well as physical attributes perfected by almost world class amount of flair. With him running with the ball down our left side, I believe we can outrun and outscore anybody in the league.
Peglow: Our main winger, and he had not even reached his ceiling
and I was not making it up when I say he idolized CR7.
2***\**nd* Act : The Braces
You are forgiven for thinking that this story is about Peglow's debut. But it's not. His debut is mediocre at best. Playing against Urawa Red Diamonds in the J-League Cup (Japanese equivalent of Carabao Cup), he did not offer much. Only attempted 15 passes, produced 6.6 match rating, before I had to take him off in the one-hour mark of the game. In the game where the opponent produced nearly as many XGs from half as many shots, we ended up winning thanks to heroic performance of our first-choice goalkeeper, Tomoki Hayakawa.
Debuts are expected to be rough though. The real glimpse of what Peglow could bring to the team came almost two weeks after his debut. After another stinker which saw him produced 6.4 match rating in the league match that we otherwise dominated, I trusted and started him again in the match against one of the big boys: Yokohama Marinos. He paid that with an impressive return. I had to wait for a while though.
From the get-go, Yokohama's midfield which operate weirdly with two mezzalas in front of the single pivot, clearly got overrun by our midfield led by Roberto Soriano and spearheaded by Peglow. But it was our free agent signing, Ismael and our homegrown striker Yuki Kakita who gave us 2-0 lead before the halftime. In the 2nd half though, it's all Peglow's world and we were just living on it. He scored two goals in the span of 3 minutes before assisting another one in the closing stage of the match to close the game 5 goals to none. What a performance from him and surely, surely from then on, he would be the one leading this club to the promised land right?
3***\**rd* Act : The South-Easterners
All good things must come to an end. Some before it even begun.
I rested Peglow in the following match against lower division club in hope that he would be in peak condition for our next league match against Sanfrecce Hiroshima. Then the news struck.
It was 31 March, maybe around 10 am. Just one day before the league match mentioned before. Peglow was dribbling the ball in training when suddenly he turned sharply and fell. He scream in agony while the emergency radiology found out that he twisted his ankle and out for at least a month. It was far from being a career-ender, but if you pay close attention, it was 31 March. Not only was it just one day before the match, it was also THE transfer deadline. I only had hours to find Peglow's replacement. I had to.
I panicked and scrambled around scouting reports and player search columns. It was extra difficult knowing I had filled my foreigner quotas, so I could not add another foreigner anymore, but the japanese winger available just did not cut it. And there, at that moment, we came back full circle to me talking about the wrinkles of the league.
J-League has this unique registration rules where we could only field maximum of five foreign players, but with a little bit of curveball added. Due to some real life agreements, players from South East Asia countries is treated as non-foreign players. So I could buy and field whatever amount of players from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and my real life home country Indonesia, together with other smaller South East Asia countries that I wanted. It did not help me instantly though as there are next to none SEA players that good enough for the top division of japanese league, let alone to be the replacement of Peglow.
That's until just 8 hours before the deadline is closed, a message come to my inbox. Agent recommendation. Candra Firmansyah, an Indonesian agent, notified me about one of his clients. A left winger, just as young as Peglow, does not get the playing time he needed in his club ADO Den Haag and after just 3 appearance in the first team, he thought it was the right time to be loaned out. ADO agreed and he became loan listed. His name? Rafael Struick.
Rafael Struick : Every Indonesian knows who this man is. For you who do not know, oh you will soon do.
I took a glimpse. And I sit there in front of my laptop trying to process it. Not only does the boy good enough for the J1-League, he almost as good as Peglow. I could even argue his technical ability is superior and his physical attributes are comparable. For a moment I got "kicked out" back to real life and thinking not as Hiruzen Hiragana the Japanese manager of Kashima Antlers my alter ego, but as me myself, and thinking "It must be nice to manage my countryman in the biggest competition in the continent."
I might overpaid for him. Giving ADO 200k just for a loan fee seems a bit much and my board felt that way too. But, I need a winger, the deadline was just 4 hours away, I did not have many choices. So I pulled the trigger. The administration team moved fast enough to conclude the deal just in time. In the midnight Kashima Antlers welcoming the promising Indonesian youngster and hopes that he is fit for the match, tomorrow.
Final Act : The Mismatches
Bad news and good news. The bad news is Peglow's injury was not a nightmare nor an SI april mop at all. The good news, Struick was in peak condition to play against Hiroshima. I did not know how he took flight from den Haag to Kashima without took a nosedive in terms of his fitness, but there he is, just hours after signing the contract, wearing red shirt and white shorts, ready for his debut.
Hiroshima was not an easy opponent to play let alone for the first time. They finished in the 3rd place the season before. The attack was dangerously led by brazilian target man, Vieira and the defence was solid under the command of Kansai University alumni Hayato Araki. The road gets steeper due to the fact that heroic Hayakawa got injured, so Karl Jakob-Hein, another emergency loanee, deputized him between the sticks. But, ready or not, it's game on.
From the very first minute, I can see that Struick got cold feet. Maybe from the jet lag, maybe because he was not familiar with the exotic asymmetric system. Whatever it was, he did not look good. My hopes for Peglow to miraculously be healed and playing that day peaked when in just the 4th minute mark, Struick has the ball in the left side on the field and tried to make a field-switching pass to Ismael on the center of the field, but his wobbly legs did not generate enough power and the ball was stolen by Hiroshima's midfielder, Matsumoto.
Who brings the ball upfield, did a 1-2 pass combination into our penalty box, before swiftly pushing the ball in the path of their forward, Kashiwa who then struck the ball behind our net. Kashima 0, Hiroshima 1. In the 4th minute mark.
I encouraged the team, told them that there are still 86 minutes to play. I saw Kai Chinen came over to Struick, maybe to help him calm his nerve. I did not know what Chinen said, but whatever it was, it worked. Just a couple of minutes after did that horrendous pass, Struick again found himself in the left side of the field. This time though, he had more confidence in his heart, and brought the ball way up front.
He then passed to Chinen who quickly gave the ball to Suzuki in the right side. It was Suzuki's show right after. He dribbled past two defenders before hit the ball so hard, Hiroshima's keeper, Osako could barely even react. It's 1-1 and there are still 84 minutes left.
This match is destined to be an end-to-end affair, when after Ismael Silva stopped Hiroshima's passing in the centre of the field, he found Alijonov running full speed on the right side. And running he does. Alijonov picked the ball just inside our side of the field and quickly run near the byline, bringing the ball up ahead.
Without any pressure whatsoever, Alijonov bent a cross into penalty area where all of our forwards are ready to head it home. Some of you might notice that Struick had pretty impressive jumping reach. But I did not notice that until Struick leapt above the right back who man-marked him. And when I say leap, i mean it almost looked like that Ronaldo's header against Sampdoria. Struick headed it home, his first goal, just 10 minute into his debut. It's 2-1 for Kashima Antlers.
That goal gave Struick and the team massive confidence boost. At the same time, Hiroshima looked trembled. Few seconds later, they misplaced a pass and let Chinen stole the ball and slot it home. It's 3-1 after 11 minute.
The game calms down a little bit until in the 35th minute, again Alijonov found space in the right side and bent another cross almost finding Struick. But this time Hayato Araki won the duel and headed the ball for a throw-in. A few simple pass from throw in then ended in Struick's feet who stood just inside the penalty box.
With a few neat moves, Struick found the ball in his right feet and rocketed the ball deep into the low left side of the goal. It's a brace in his debut and it's 4-1 for Kashima Antlers.
After that, I instructed my team to lower the tempo a bit, to conserve energy and retain possession. It resulted in the match gone calm for a bit. After Kashiwa sent an amazing cross to Vieira who headed it past Jakob Hein and Chinen slotted home a penalty kick to make it all 5-2, Matsumura who came in for Suzuki had the ball inside Hiroshima's penalty area before he's getting tackled. Referee pointed out to the spot for the second time. Chinen, the original taker, took the ball and give it to Struick, to let him complete this magnificent night both for him and the team. Struick shot it as hard as he could, it did not fool the goalkeeper, but it blew past him. It's a hattrick in his debut, and it's a dominating 6-2 win for the team.
He ended the night with 3 goals, 1 key pass, won 7 aerial duels, attempted 5 tackles and won all of them, covered 13.1 kilometres the most compared to every other player in the field, and fielded a match rating of 9.9. It was a dream debut for Rafael Struick.
Epilogue : The Reasons
Now some of you might say, "meh, I once have a debutant scored 5 goals and assisted 5 more." And I would not object that. That's why the title is the best debut I have ever seen, not YOU have ever seen. Because from FM standpoint it is "just" a good showing, not a spectacular one.
But this is so personal to me. This is my first save after months of hiatus, and just the pure hype of this game, the roller coaster of emotion just based on finding the right inside forward, it's just beautiful. This story, especially this match, makes me love FM all over again.
submitted by ExtroverTom to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:43 OkEquipment4124 19 [M4F] Scotland/Anywhere Hoping to form a genuine bond with someone

So, eh, where to begin? I guess basics about myself is a good place to start. I enjoy playing video games a lot, I like to draw, I make music occasionally (music in general is something that brings me a lot of joy), and I go on walks every now and then (mainly when I have the energy to do so). Just a massive nerd all around really. I like to think I’m a pretty good listener all things considered. I genuinely put effort into getting to know someone. I always take an interest in other people’s hobbies. I like hearing about what other people like, it fascinates me.
I already know I’m going to be asked about this so may as well just toss it in here. As far as physical appearance goes, I have relatively short, ash brown hair with a left part, blue eyes, hooded eyelids, a slim physique, with a height of around 5’10, and a weight of around 128lbs. I’m also open to just sending a picture of myself if that would make things easier.
As for you, I don’t have too much preference in terms of appearance. All I can really ask is (at risk of sounding like an ass to some) that you’re a reasonable weight. Other than that, looks aren’t a big factor for me.
In terms of personality, I appreciate honesty and respect. Relationships should have a strong foundation of trust and honesty is required to form trust. This of course goes both ways and applies to me just as much as it does you. That aside, I don’t mind if you’re introverted or extroverted or anywhere in between, so long as you’re not the Anti-Christ we should get along just fine. Of course some shared interests would be welcomed (you get bonus points if you play on Xbox) but even if we don’t have too much in common, don’t let that dissuade you. Opposites attract as they say.
If you decide to reach out I would like to ask if you could perhaps give a little introduction of yourself and let me know what got you to message me. If you read through the whole thing then I’d like to thank you for doing so. Regardless of whether you decide to message me or not, I hope that whoever is reading this has a wonderful day, or evening, or night.
submitted by OkEquipment4124 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:42 Dr_Pillow ADHD in RTS

TL;DR: The accessibility issue of RTS is not in the mechanical control aspect, it is in the attention-splitting demands. This is exacerbated in people with ADHD. Therefore, the best way to make RTS accessible to the average person without impacting skill ceiling is by introducing accessibility options the same way as for other medical conditions. Providing tools that help us effectively direct our attention to important tasks among all the chaos would be the most significant innovation to make RTS less daunting to the masses and thus more mainstream.

I think the real problem with RTS is it's inherent inaccessibility to ADHD-like brains, and nobody has really tried to address this with a real "disability"-accessibility approach (even though I know disability is probably a strong word for ADHD).
For my personal experience, on my own I can't handle the number of disjointed tasks that require attention like going back every 13 seconds to build a worker, every 30 seconds to build a pylon, fixing idle workers, floating money, make sure army production is constant, keep track of upgrades. THAT is the real barrier of entry for most people, even without ADHD. Not the mechanical execution aspect. And that's what needs to be addressed if you want a truly accessible RTS.
So, no matter how much innovation they do with the QWERT command card, or making it so you don't need to select a worker to build a structure... The core issue remains of having to keep all these tasks in our attention, in direct friction with our difficulty with executive functions.
I think everyone has the right to experience games regardless of ability. You might say it's just not a game for me, and yes: I accept I won't master it. But if there's a chance to let more people experience it, why not take it? I think of it like gatekeeping color-blind people from playing games like Tetris, Splatoon, Talos Principle, instead of implementing color-blind graphics options; or like telling blind people to avoid crossing the streets instead of implementing sounds on pedestrian traffic lights.
Uncapped games certainly have an interesting approach with Battle Aces, removing all the arguably unnecessary busywork of building supply depots every 30 secs "just because". I think I agree with it and will for sure try it. But many people would argue they like the base management aspect of RTS and you shouldn't have to remove it. Indeed, removing buildings from society just because wheelchair-bound people can't access them is not a realistic solution.
So how do you improve on the accessibility aspect? I'm not sure, my point is that nobody has really thought about it. Probably some experts should be consulted, but I think it could look like some of the following examples:
For the elitists out there, this would not do anything to lower the skill ceiling. If you want to express your skill by selecting a worker and building a pylon, you can still go for it. If you think it will even the field between your glorious hard-earned multitasking ability and my lack of skill, it won't. At the end of the day, having ADHD will always make me much worse than you at keeping up with those global cooldowns, cursor alerts, or when the automation couldn't build the pylon cause there wasn't enough money cause I let it build 200 workers without noticing. This is not changing anything about the core game, but only giving extra tools for accessibility to those who have a natural disadvantage. The hope is not to even the playing field - It's to let us get closer to experiencing the game.
submitted by Dr_Pillow to Stormgate [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:42 ALPxBTR Competitive Call of Duty is a mess.

ah yes folks... how has the switch from console to PC been? probably a nightmare I guess.
In this post I will more or less focus on the competitive side of Call of Duty, whilst talking about the current state of competitve CoD in general. I apologize if this gets a bit messy but what do you expect in this current state I guess.
You see, building a PC was like a dream come true. Finally that smooth and beautiful content you see on YouTube, heck finally having the tool to create content like that for yourself. The switch from CoD on Console to CoD on PC was supposed to be atleast better.
Well folks let me tell you how things really are nowadays.
First and foremost gunplay feels amazing. Games can get really competitve which is what we all want. There is nothing more fun or rewarding than actually playing an even game where it comes down to teamwork and individual plays to win the match. Highlight reels or bad plays that either become an amazing clip to remember or something to improve upon.
Apart from that lets dive into the main topic.
Now the problematic side of things... where should we even begin before talking about Shadowbans? Is it the hackers in Ranked (also not getting banned for whatever reason)? Teammates that leave you wondering how they even got to their Rank in the first place? The matchmaking that rarely blesses you with decent teammates? Bad Servers? and so on so forth...
To be honest I dont know. See my main problem arent the teammates because you can always find decent people in the LFG that wont always complain too much. I have been lucky enough to be blessed with amazing people that I can even call friends now. The main problem are the HACKERS and Riccochet BANNING EVERYBODY EXCEPT FOR CHEATERS:
This is where it gets real interesting. What has CoD come to? We all know that they intentionally reduced (and still sometimes keep on reducing) the Skill Gap. Ok, all fine Activision tryna bank as much money as possible just like always.
But we have gotten to the point of PUNISHING AND BANNING LEGITEMATE GOOD PLAYERS. You Clip somebody and see them spectating you for a little over 30 seconds? You best believe you are getting bombarded with reports. Funny enough thats how it works nowadays.
Nobody can except the fact that they got smoked or clipped. Nobody can except anymore that there are players simply better than them so they must be hackers.
So I welcome everybody that has been in this terrible experience of the so called Shadow Ban Loop. Being a good player gets you punished but whats way worse is that Activision could not give 2 flying fs about it. If they did we would have had a fix to this rigged and flawed system a very long time ago. I mean you cannot even appeal a false Shadowban...
Imagine someone that finally has a week off of work and he gets Shadowbanned in his first games just because of some random dude(!)... Moreover the reason does not have to be justified. He could also get shadowbanned because the other team or person decided to get mad and ruin other peoples experiences for losing that game.
To wrap things up I really dont know man. I am trying to pursue a career but I keep on getting f ed over for trying to do so. Guess CoD is not meant to be enjoyed anymore, just suck out all your life and money for shady business...
Hope some people can relate and understand what point we have reached in this CoD era. Whats your opinion on this topic I´d really like to discuss this topic with other people.
submitted by ALPxBTR to Warzone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:38 SubstantialSuccess81 Mad Titan Rework gets a lot right

Mad Titan Rework gets a lot right
I have to give a lot of credit to the Thanos rework. There’s a lot of things in this particular update that I really enjoy. Most notably, the update to the sp Most notably, the update to the Space Stone. That feels like an appropriate Thanos level card. Nothing can stop him from being played or destroyed anywhere. It feels as though a lot of the powers were broken out among the stones more equally. And I think there’s a decent balance between ongoing and on reveal. I miss the Time stone energy boost.
After second dinner had tinkered with Thanos (whenever the Mind Stone became 2 cost-ish) I had put him on the bench. He was too inconsistent and wasn't fun. in the whole problem with Thanos and the first place was that you played his stones, but never Thanos himself.
Now there actually feels like dread of where, and when Thanos could appear on the board. That's what a great 6 power card should feel like. Thanos is coming. And with each stone the dread gets larger (yes I know unless you have Killmonger). The game is literally called Marvel Snap and I am so happy to see him back in his throne.
i’m not saying he’s perfect. But he now has so many different play types and cards he can be built around. Whether you're a newer player or someone that's been around he definitely is worth 6k tokens.
I'm CL 16k and here's a fun bonus. I was so excited to play him, I decided to get a border too and not something I had planned to do, so spent gold on a cosmetic. But again, I've enjoyed playing with him again and appreciate what they did to make him at least B Tier (maybe higher??). Anyways, I usually complain a lot and need to make sure I tell when I like stuff too.
submitted by SubstantialSuccess81 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:38 Deep-Mix-2274 Rebooking Malakai Black in AEW - Part 2

"House's Creator" Malakai Black
"House's King" Antoine Crowler (formerly known as Brody King)
"House's Gem" Ruby Waite (formerly known as Ruby Soho)
"House's Fallen Angel" Kahun (formerly known as Bishop Kaun)
"House's Predator" Laevey (formerly known as Toa Liona)
submitted by Deep-Mix-2274 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]