Best way to say goodnight to a guy

I only created my own subreddit, no big deal.

2011.07.22 01:20 keechie I only created my own subreddit, no big deal.

What is a humblebrag? Making a seemingly modest, self-critical, or casual statement or reference that is meant to draw attention to one’s admirable or impressive qualities. Many are uncomfortable sharing their successes, and use humble bragging as a way to still show off their accomplishments without feeling the same shame as they would for explicitly stating what occurred. Do you have something you're proud of, but don't want to look like a show-off? Layer it in with a not-so-good statement.

2011.04.01 01:51 armoreddillo Wal-Mart

Mostly just Walmart stuff.

2014.11.20 17:32 heckicopter Not Like Other Girls

A sub to poke fun at girls who are not like other girls

2024.05.15 05:22 Choice-North659 ALL-STAR TEAMUP SWEET 16 TOURNY 🏆🥇

Putting together a sweet 16 tournament to figure out who the best 5 are with real NBA players in NBA 2k24 😎 I say me & my guys will smoke WHOEVER 😌 If you think otherwise join up & let’s fine out! 😤👊
If you don’t have a full squad don’t worry, we have you covered with Team Finder 🔍
submitted by Choice-North659 to 2KMyLeague [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:11 FlashyEntertainer105 I M21 made my gf F22 feel disgusted and she doesnt trust me because I told my friends she had thunder thighs. What do I need to show/tell her that I care and her body and privacy matters?

M21 made my gf F22 feel disgusted and now she doesn't trust me. (Been together for 1 year)
Title basically explains it. After she confronted me, I've done my best to own up to my mistakes, I've Apologized, made plans to be better, and made her promises.
Note, this is the first time I disclosed bodily information about my gf to others. Yes, I've talked about her a lot of times to friends and family. I've always talked highly of her; her studies, hobbies, interests, etc to others. But this is the first I ever talked about her regarding her body. She claims its a sexual part of her and it felt like I gave it away and inappropriately disclosed it to others besides me. I understood her, but I only ever meant it in a way to flex or 'show off'. I bent her trust, and made her uncomfortable with me. What other ways can I do to mend our relationship?
submitted by FlashyEntertainer105 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:09 Aggravating_One_2245 Feeling unlikable

Hi! I am a 20F and recently I have been feeling very unworthy. I have never been liked by anyone throughout my life and I was fine with it, since I was always focused on studies. As I am growing older I see every girl around me is in a relationship, has been in one or atleast been liked by a guy. My friends always talk about how they have guys like them or get stared at and this just doesn’t happen to me. I don’t necessarily find myself super ugly and would say I am average looking but recently I have been thinking maybe I am ugly. I am going to be entering my last year of college so there’s not really a chance left for me to date in college. Am I just not as worthy as the girls around me? Am I unlovable?
submitted by Aggravating_One_2245 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 ot_t17 Was I groomed?

I met this 15 years older guy when I was 20, in a workplace environment. Basically we had an emotional affair and when I decided to move on and let go, he declared and cried and told me he wanted to date me.
We dated for 6 months and things didn’t work out so I end the relationship and left. He spent two years sending gifts and letters to my place so I finally decided to talk to him, we dated again for 6 months. He started to turn abusive, left me and I found out later he cheated on me.
The end of everything was when I was 26 years old.
I can see how power dynamics were very imbalanced and I honestly feel very used and I got into a deep depression because I was psychologically abused. He basically gave me all I wanted in a man, and once he finally slept with me, he changed.
But people kept saying I was an adult and knew what I was doing. I feel I’m being punished for believing somebody wasn’t going to harm me and loving them.
Was I groomed or not?
submitted by ot_t17 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:58 i_am_randy I've been running open tables at local game stores for the past 11 years. Here is how I made it happen.

I mentioned in a thread here in /osr that I have been running open table games since 2013. Radiant_Situation_32 asked for a post about how I was successful doing it. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible and then answer questions in the comments if anyone has any. (If anyone is even interested.) The biggest factors in my success are the last 3 bullets. AMA I guess?
The bottom line is if you want it to be successful, you have to be dedicated to it and put in the work. The only time I haven't had active, public, open play tables is during covid when the store was shut down to gatherings. The weekend it opened back up I was masked up with my players back in the store.
submitted by i_am_randy to osr [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:53 TheDesiPlayboy Iron and Spices: Building Muscle Pt. 1

So there I am, The Desi Playboy, back in my scrawny college days, just a couple of lean dudes fresh off a bar-hopping spree, chilling at the bus stop. Out of nowhere, this hulk of a caucasoid frat bro comes up, gives me a slap on the back that damn near sends me flying into next Tuesday. "Owww!!" I couldn't help but yelp. Dude struts past us, throwing over his shoulder, "Time to hit the gym, boys!!" I brushed it off, ego slightly bruised. After all, I'm the guy who’s been repping out with 20 lb dumbbells in my apartment gym like I’m training for the Olympics. That’s got to count for something, right?
Growing up, our idea of exercise was running away from aunties at family gatherings or maybe the occasional cricket match that was more about snacks than sports. The gym? That was uncharted territory. Our parents, bless their hearts, equated physical fitness with being able to sprint for the bus without wheezing. The notion of lifting weights, tracking macros, and chugging protein shakes was as alien to them as ketchup on biryani.

Attraction: It’s More than Just Physical

Have you ever had a girl flirtatiously squeeze your biceps, reinforcing the stud that you are? How about playfully slapping your ass when you’re not looking? That moment, my man, is raw, primal attraction at its finest—a kind of magnetism most men sadly never get to feel. Are you getting that type of attention from the ladies? Going to the gym and lifting weights is the first step into becoming that fuckable specimen. Picture this: you're strutting around, radiating confidence, and women gravitate to you, captivated, before you even utter a word. Arguably, muscles on a man is the equivalent of nice tits and ass on a woman. It's like you've got this invisible force field of allure, and all it took was a little sweat, discipline, and iron at the gym.
Think about it. In a world where first impressions are made in the blink of an eye, your body speaks volumes before you've even had a chance to dazzle with your wit or charm. It's not superficial; it's literally science. Physical fitness signals health, vigor, and, let's be real, the ability to handle business, whether that's lifting heavy things during a move or just looking damn good in a fitted shirt. An unfortunate reality is that women often manipulate men to get their needs met. However, men can simply manipulate the environment themselves to get their needs met. You think your crush is opening those pickle jars by herself? A nice, jacked body signals to women that you are good at manipulating your immediate physical surroundings.
So, if you're lounging on the fence, wondering whether hitting the gym is worth it, let me spell it out for you: Hell yes, it is. Not for the fleeting attention or the shallow compliments, but for the undeniable boost in how you perceive yourself and, subsequently, how the world sees you including women. It's about becoming a magnet not just for looks, but for respect, confidence, and yes, a whole lot of that good old-fashioned primal attraction.
Get ready to be the guy who walks into a room and commands it, not because you demand it, but because you've earned it, one rep at a time. Let's ditch the excuses, embrace the grind, and transform not just our bodies, but our entire damn aura. The iron calls, gentlemen.

Built Different

Our Desi genes serve us a mixed platter when it comes to body types. Some of us are fat fucks, while others are fragile twigs no matter how many samosas we demolish. For those of you guys on the overweight side.. Do you have Ananth Ambani money? No? Then you literally can’t afford that body if you want pussy. And if you can afford that body it is gonna bite you in the ass when you have heart disease.
Those of you scrawny sticks? Stop looking down at the more muscular bros and start looking at the women they’re pulling. Don’t get me started on that weird gray area a lot of us brown dudes fall into. I’m talking about the skinny fat phenomenon—a term as oxymoronic as 'jumbo shrimp'. It’s that peculiar body type where you look slim clothed but are a marshmallow in disguise. It’s the bane of many a Desi dude, a sneaky reminder of all those laddoos and no leg days. Ready to get rid of the bitch tits?
Look around at the next family gathering. Notice how cousin Rohan is built like a tank, but you got that uncle bod? That’s your first clue that genetics play a bigger role in this game than you might’ve thought. Tailoring your workout to your body type isn’t just smart; it’s crucial if you want to see real, lasting results.
Custom Cuts: Here’s the deal—
Alright, which of these body types are you rocking? Lean Machine, Easy Gainer, or Natural Athlete? Time to design a workout routine that suits your unique build. Yes, The Desi Playboy is dishing out homework, but trust me, it’s for a mighty good cause: to make you irresistible to the ladies. Now before we actually start integrating that workout routine let’s not forget to revisit the food on our plate.

Desi Diet Doom

The Desi diet is a freakin’ carb fest—a glorious, tasty trap that’s basically a middle finger to your muscle gains and fat loss goals. You probably recognize the following: plates piled high with rice, naan, and rotis, with a side of “Are you even eating enough?” from every relative. Navigating this when you’re trying to get ripped or ditch the belly fat is like being on a diet in a candy store.
Every meal’s a carb carnival, and while you love it, your body’s begging like, “Bro, where’s the protein?” It's like trying to build a house with all bricks and no cement. And oh, the ghee and oil. Delicious? Hell yeah. Conducive to abs? Hell no. It’s like slathering your goals with butter—tasty but terribly counterproductive. Add to that the mountain of sweets at every family function—those jalebis and gulab jamuns are seductive, but they’re saboteurs hiding in plain sight, wrecking your waistline one sweet bite at a time. If you’re gunning for that sculpted look, it might be time to negotiate a peace treaty with your sweet tooth and get serious about sneaking more lean meats and greens onto your plate.
Now let’s be honest, are you cooking all these Indian meals yourself? Or have you become completely dependent on your mom’s cooking? Is the extent of your cooking skills limited to boiling water and maybe, on a good day, making a mean cup of chai? Let me guess you top off the chai with some of Amma’s sweet sweet titty milk too? Listen up, because here’s the deal breaker—women are attracted to guys who’ve got their life sorted, including what’s on their plate. And if you’re letting mom choose whether it’s dal or paneer for dinner tonight, don’t be surprised if she’s also the one choosing your bride.
This, my dudes, is precisely why I’m all about preaching the gospel of DIY in the kitchen. It’s more than just about mixing spices; it’s about mixing independence into your life recipe. Grabbing the reins of your culinary journey isn’t just about impressing dates; it’s about fueling your body right, especially if you’re looking to bulk up and carve out those gains.

Protein Power Moves

There’s a way to keep the flavors of home without turning into a samosa yourself. It’s about being smart with your choices, making swaps, and still being able to face your grandma without guilt.
Lean and Mean: Start mixing in more lean meats, tofu, and legumes. Think chicken tikka, dal tadka with less tadka, and grilled paneer. Your muscles will thank you. But why stop there? Venture beyond with dishes like Thai grilled chicken or Turkish lentil soup. These global cuisines offer high-protein dishes that still dance on the tongue.
Smart Swaps: Ditch the white rice for quinoa or brown rice. Swap some of those rotis for a big-ass bowl of salad. Sprinkle some Mediterranean zest with a Greek salad, or bring a burst of Japanese flavor with a side of edamame. It’s about keeping the essence of Desi cuisine but making it work for your gains.
Supplement Smartly: Yeah, protein shakes might look like drugs to your folks, but they’re your BFFs on this journey. Mix that stuff with some milk or water, and chug. Think of it as a cheat code for muscle building—quick, efficient, and straight to the point.
Explore and Expand: Don’t be shy to sprinkle some culinary curiosity into your diet. Try Korean BBQ for a protein-packed meal, or if you're feeling adventurous, a Peruvian ceviche can offer a refreshing twist packed with high-quality protein. These flavors not only enhance your palate but also fuel your fitness goals.
So, there you have it. Turning the Desi diet dilemma into a muscle-building manifesto doesn’t have to be a soap opera. Keep the flavors, ditch the excess carbs and fats, and for the love of all that is holy, make protein your main homie. Expand your culinary horizons to keep your meals exciting and your body guessing.

From Diet to Dates

Alright, my fellow Desi bros, let’s wrap this up. If you’re serious about leveling up your game with the ladies, it’s time to get real about your diet, fitness, and lifestyle. Tailor your workout to your body type—whether you're an ectomorph, endomorph, or mesomorph—and make the gym your second home. Ditch the carb-loaded Desi diet for protein-packed meals. Whether you’re eating lean meats or are a vegetarian, make smart swaps like quinoa for white rice and grilled paneer for fried snacks.
Start cooking for yourself to fuel those gains and show you’ve got your life together. These changes lay the foundation for attracting women by boosting your confidence and health. The journey starts now. Let’s make those gains and turn some heads. The iron awaits, gentlemen.
Stay tuned for Part 2, where we’ll dive into lifting and integrating your workout routine to get you on track.
Check out the full article here:
For more such insights and to continue the conversation, follow me on Twitter at
submitted by TheDesiPlayboy to SouthAsianMasculinity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:47 sogarddDD77777 i would need some advice, what can i do about this?22F 24M

2 days ago when i was on my train back to where i lived and randomly met my ex gf (we broke up last year in nov after few years of being togh,) she said hello to me and i just froze there on the corridor didnt know what to say., she hugged me and things escalated really quick(i was on a corridor bc i didnt have a seat, nobody was staying there with us so we did have a semi private space) we kissed so much and so intense it felt that we missed each other so much, we talked lots of things and she asked me if i wanted to come over to her place.... i did went to her place we proceeded into talking diff things and she told me she s been with a guy for few weeks this time but he was never like me and couldnt feel what she felt w me then we had a really hot of the most special ones it felt so real and so intense it was incredible i couldnt believe what was happening, my question now would be, is cheating what she did? i cant wrap my head around i am still in a shock bc of what happened, after i left today we talked for 5 h straight over the phone .. i just feel like i am 17 again, about what she did, is that cheating guys/girls? in my book tbh it is cheating but i just want some advice on what to do, thank u
adding some context; i was the toxic one, in the last months of being togh i was add to weed and i did cheat on her few times tbh and she found out each time and bc of that she had some trust issues that made me go crazy at times, now in 2024 i am no longer an addict i exercise every day and i feel so much better, best version of myself in the recent years, she is really into this and i am as well is just that i am not able to cope atm bc of what she did, i just want my women to be mine and only mine but at the same time i was an asshole
submitted by sogarddDD77777 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:42 throwaway1202572 I have feelings for my FWB and I don’t know what to do

To start off, I started dating this girl since december and we hit it off quickly. Everything went great: we did a lot of fun dates and slept with each other a lot. Around April, things went sour after I confessed having developed feelings for her. She started backing off, saying that we don’t have a lot of meaningfull conversations and that it would not work out with each other.
After this, we both realised that dating each other does not work, so naturaly we had to choose between seeing each other and be friends, or stop seeing each other and move on. I chose for the first option, because i don’t want to lose her and still have hope in a relationship with her.
Because we are still attracted to each other, but are friends, we are FWB. But i have still feelings for her, and she not that much for me.
We also have the rule that we can do whatever we want with different people. But to be honest, I can’t stand the fact that a different guy kisses her or has sex with her. She also wants a lot of attention via snapchat and whatsapp, what I don’t understand. I also don’t understand why she regulary checks if i did something with a different girl. What does this girl want from me? And what should I do? Why did she back off after having confessed feelings for her?
In a few days, she has a party in a different part of my country and i just know that she will be doing things with a different guy and it makes me feel bad.
I have a feeling that she does want my attention, but not me. What should i do?
submitted by throwaway1202572 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:36 universalLopes Would HxH be a way for Togashi to criticize humanity?

This is very clear in Chimera Ants when the narrator talks about the bomb, but the truth is that from the first chapter we have this somewhat pessimistic notion that permeates the work. In fact, the very idea of ​​the Hunters revolves around people who are absolutely selfish and disconnected from reality, which is implicit in the fact that people die in ALL phases of the test, so that those who pass are precisely those who can see several human beings dying without caring
And when you get to the hunters, the majority are evil to neutral, with guys like Hisoka doing whatever they want out there. And if you put him together with, let's say, Ryodan or Killua's family, all the powerful characters are trash as human beings. This creates absurd pressure in the story because 90% of the time those who try to be good people are the first to die or are simply left aside. In HxH it doesn't pay to be good
And while that's a charm of the story, I think it sometimes goes overboard. Killua's brother talking about liking "playing with victims", Pariston asking if it's wrong to destroy things with his distorted face and Hisoka killing whoever he wants are moments that take my focus a little, because it sounds a lot like the visions of an edgy teenager, which kind of goes against more sober moments in which selfish tendencies are approached in a rational way. Still, the balance is positive and to be honest, I would like to see a certain form of optimism come at the end of this story
I mean, in the midst of all the misery and selfishness that permeates the world Togashi created, it's the genuine moments of love that shake things up. I REALLY like how close the invasion guys were after the ant arc ended. It's beautiful to see Morel and Knov respecting Gon and Killua or the group at the hospital with Shoot. At the end of the day, cynicism only works when it has something to counter it.
submitted by universalLopes to HunterXHunter [link] [comments]

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2024.05.15 04:31 tI_Irdferguson Not to pile on with Mitch, but I really feel like what keeps our power play down is exclusively his inability to shoot

Like you watch all these powerhouse PPs... You see what the Oilers, Lightning, Rangers, Avs etc. do, and it's not always that clean. They don't always have crisp zone entries and they don't always have great puck control.
Watching them, it seems like the real separator is the "QB" of their PP, be it Draisaitl, Kucherov, Panarin or Rantanen, are willing and able to shoot. And at the very least are successful at it often enough to make the PK respect it.
Mitch is capable of setting up a play and passing it through ridiculous creases and getting it to his man. But he makes doing that way harder on himself because unlike those other guys I mentioned, nobody respects his ability to shoot if nothing is open. They know he won't shoot, and if he does it'll probably be a muffin so they cheat to the players he's going to pass to.
I have no issue with that if it's a guy you're paying $7.5M. But when you're paying what we pay Marner, I expect the guy to scare teams beyond just his ability to pass to a guy who can score.
submitted by tI_Irdferguson to leafs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:28 Emilaceae New first lead position w/ bossy team

Guys, help a new leader out. Just graduated in biology and am working in a production facility while I find a career path in the biological sciences. It’s a medical cannabis facility that needs a little more quality control in operations, and I’ve always been on the production side of things. I like following facility best practices and having strict compliance, and I admit, my team is a little lost in the details. I want them to like and respect me, however I’m finding that each time I step away from operations for training in my role in the organization of our operations and production, they become upset and kinda criticize the fact that I haven’t “helped” with the production, clean up and packaging, when I would spend half of my day training with them through going through our SOP, and training with higher ups in meetings and calls in the last few hours of the day. The rest of the time I’m learning how to organize my production room, getting my inventory written down with weights while I still have no access to our operations system, and with the fact I entered a situation where supplies run thin everyday, and the team becomes confused on what to do. The team hits their quota usually every week despite taking long breaks, leaving early and coming in late and have been here for years, while I’ve not worked in a year, and it’s been 8 work days for me here so far. So I’m confused on why their upset that I’m not chipping in more when I haven’t even trained in the program I’m being paid to operate during production, and management is assuming I have been training, where I’m mostly just helping the team with production and preforming in my paid role. Do I just say “I can’t help with clean up right now” or just simply no? How do I help this team want a better work environment through better practices while also not knowing how or who to contact when supplies are out? It’s a horrible cycle I need to escape asap and I’m not sure how. Any words of advice?
submitted by Emilaceae to Leadership [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:22 SpiiderVK After 100+ hours, I finished MGS5...

To make it quick, Ever since I was a kid I wanted to play MGS but never got the chance, 12+ years later I managed to buy the Master Collection in October, completed all the games, needed more MGS in my life and I bought MGS5 Definitive Edition (I'm trying my best to not get spoiled about MGS4)
Before playing it I watched some gameplay and It surprised me to see people saying that MGS5 was the worst, Hayter doesn't voice him (I gotta say that I really liked Kiefer as BB) empty map, incomplete story, repetitive missions and well, I completed the game yesterday and I finally understand why people say this.
But overall I loved the game and that final cutscene was just epic, Big Boss telling us that we are him, that we are the legend is amazing although I feel bad for Venom, he loses Quiet, he got used by Big Boss just like they used him in MGS3, he hates what he has become and then he dies by Solid Snake, after that cutscene I felt empty, like "This is it?" a shame the game never got finished but I loved my experience with the game and the amount of details it has. Can't wait for MGS4.
I would like to see everyone's opinion on MGS5 nowadays because back in 2015 people hated the game A LOT from what I've seen.
submitted by SpiiderVK to metalgearsolid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:19 Inside_Possible_4078 My boyfriend doesn’t want to have sex with me anymore

My boyfriend (26M) and I (26F) were having sex pretty frequently. Recently (maybe the past few months), it’s like once every few days. He’s said with his last girlfriend (his first for everything) that she would regularly turn him down and he would just masturbate. We started off doing it all the time, everyday, twice a day at times. We’ve been together a year and a half now and i worry for our future. If he already is over having sex with me or rarely wants it, then what is it going to turn into after we have a house, kids, marriage.
I’m someone who loves sex. I can do every other day or every two days, sure. Which I thought he was the same way. But it doesn’t seem so. He’s told me that I want it too much or I’m like a ‘sex addict.’ Which makes me feel bad about myself… I’ve caught him masterbating a few times and we constantly fight about sex. I want it and he doesn’t. So why is he masterbating??
I just feel like if he’s masterbating once in a while or when he turns me down, then I must not be attractive to him. Or he wants the sexy girls he watches to masterbate or I’m just not want he wants. I know he has sex with me a lot of the time just to make me happy, but I can tell when he’s just doing it for me and it’s so fucking sad. I just want him to want me, which he knows and repeats to me often.
Before anyone says, i’ve tried so many kinks and such of his. He loves BJs, the porn he watches is cumming in the face/BJ porn. I’ve given him BJs in many places, at the drive in, tubing down the river, road head, etc. I’m always trying for him, but he doesn’t do that for me. We’ve gone to the sex shop, I send him nudes, I wear lingerie. I’m not sure what else to do. I just want him to want me.
It’s like I’ve only dated shitty men and FINALLY found a great guy, but this is our issue. I’m not sure what else to do but to give up the part of myself that loves sex. pls help
submitted by Inside_Possible_4078 to u/Inside_Possible_4078 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:18 General-Mode-8596 What are some jobs that only require a pc that I could do at home?

So the point of this post is I wanted to see if there are some jobs/opportunities to make money at home.
I've looked into all the popular stuff such a drop shipping, starting clothing shops, general e-commerce stuff.
I was wondering is there other things I can do?
I had some thoughts that maybe there is a type of business I can do by just sending emails to people, sales or something but I'm just 1 guy.
Are there any other ways to make money from home/office , even if it's small and can scale.
Thank you
submitted by General-Mode-8596 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:17 TheProducer94 How Long Can I Drive with Engine Ticking/Knocking

Hi Ask Mechanics! I’m hoping ya’ll can help me make a decision on what to do. I have a Kia with over 100k miles (about 106k to be exact). Last night, I was far from home when I noticed a slight ticking sound coming from the front. Once I pulled into a parking lot, the red oil indicator came on and the car died. However, when I started it back up, it started, but with a very loud and fast ticking sound and the oil indicator came on again. I checked the oil and it appeared low (I also was about 2K miles past recommended the recommended oil change interval, I suppose feel free to roast me as payment for your help). I went to a gas station and got some full synthetic oil and added it. When I started it up again, the ticking was still there but the oil indicator went away. I put in a AAA request, but they were going to charge me a crazy amount to get back home. So, I said a prayer and started the 30 miles journey. The ticking was still there, but appeared to quiet down the longer I drove, and the oil indicator never came back on. The ticking is of course still there this morning, and appears to speed up with higher revs, but is quieter than it was, and the oil light still has not returned. I took it to a chain shop, who said they couldn’t diagnose it specifically but assumed a full engine swap would be necessary (which is out of the question considering I was probably going to get a new car toward the end of the year anyway).
So, my specific questions are:
  1. What is the probable diagnosis?
  2. Since I’ve added oil, is it likely to get continue to get worse or will it be at least stable? Is it worth getting a complete oil change?
  3. A guy at an indie shop with good reviews said he’d take a look at it for me this week free of charge to specifically diagnose it. Is it worth not driving it any further and hoping that maybe it’s something that’s fixable short of a full rebuild/swap?
  4. Is it “safe” to drive with it? (I’ve upgraded my AAA membership so I can get up to 100 miles of towing for free) If so, likely how long do I have before it fully bites the dust?
Sorry for the long post, just trying to figure out what my best option is. I would GREATLY, greatly appreciate any and all feedback!
P.S. I have certainly learned my lesson re: the importance of timely oil changes.
submitted by TheProducer94 to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:16 StarBurstero Analysis of Michael: The path to being human

Warning: This post contains chapter 261, so only read it after you've read that chapter! Also this post is 10% cringy, 50% analytical, 40% theory crafting. Hope you enjoy!
Now that Kaiser's flashback is over, it's time to analyze where Kaiser's character arc seems to be heading this match.
Kaiser's proof of originality I think what's most interesting about Kaiser is that while the backstory explained Kaiser's mentality, we've been seeing signs of who Kaiser is as a person even before the backstory. His way of speaking theatrically, his constant obsession with sinking other players into despair, his self-harming attitude, and even the way he treats Ness as a person. All of what we've been seeing as been building up to the current backstory that we're witnessing unfold in our eyes.
Now, let's talk about the originality of Kaiser.
Kaiser is a complex character, but if I were to sum it all up. His environment brought out the monster known as malice. He's someone whose perception of love has been warped due to him being constantly tortured by his father. To him there is no such thing as kindness. In the world he lives in, you can only show kindness through the act of malice.
The act of hurting others and destroying their dreams brings him one step closer to being human. It explains the actions of Kaiser throughout the NEL, he isn't the type to play nice with others. While others would introduce themselves with a simple hello, he would rather introduce himself by challenging others to a fight as seen at the start of the NEL).
We've seen before that certain players in Blue Lock come from unfortunate homes and soccer is a means of escape to them. For Kaiser, it's no different and it's warped the way he views football. It is impossible to play football as a single person, soccer as a sport is one that requires you to communicate with your teammates and to craft plays to crush the opposition.
In order to counteract this level of teamwork, he created a single weapon to prove his individuality and sink his opponents into despair. That weapon being known as the Kaiser Impact. A weapon not born out of love, but pure malice. Even with such an invincible weapon, it's still a sport played by 11 people. Most people in his situation would have realized that they need to make a friend or at least a teammate they're on friendly terms with.
But instead, he decided to find someone that would be loyal to him to a fault. Somebody that couldn't challenge his ideas and wouldn't question him. Someone he could bring hope to and easily corrupt their heart. And that person being Ness, now before I dissect more into Ness and Kaiser's relationship. Let's take a quick moment to answer a question that a few people are wondering in this match. Even though Kaiser is such a talented player, why is his current level of play not as satisfactory?
Ultimate performance
So far in the current match, we've had 2 goals scored and each of them were done by a clash of peak performances. The first goal being a clash with Shidou and Charles pulling a similar move as the final goal scored in Ubers. And the next goal being scored by a clash of three players colliding their ultimate performances in order to score in this match.
Each of these goals were scored by following the proposed formula that Hiori explains in the panel above. Hunger -> Suitable Goal -> Flow -> Ultimate Challenge -> Peak Performance. Let's use Kunigami as an example! His hunger was destroying Shidou which transformed into his suitable goal of man-marking him. Leading him to reach the state of flow and having successfully completing his ultimate challenge of stopping Shidou, he reached his peak performance allowing Isagi and Hiori to make use of this.
If you've been reading so far and paying attention. In order to succeed in this match, you need to fulfill two simple conditions.
  1. Reaching your peak performance
  2. Collaborating with someone else's peak performance to score.
And so far, Michael Kaiser has failed at reaching both of these conditions. So, let's start with condition one and how his character arc is leading to that.
The path to being human
This section of the post was inspired by this comment from u/Zukiinis: Inspiration!
There are a lot of things eating at Kaiser right now, but if I were to name the biggest one. It's the fact that his current ego is not the one that will lead to his best performance. This ego of hurting others through malice is something that is eerily similar to that of his father when he was heartbroken. It's an ego that was born as a result of that day.
But this current ego leads him to seeing himself as not human and to plunge all of his foes into despair and to reign over his teammates as a tyrant. It's one that dissociates himself from reality and leads him to believing he's someone not worthy of love. Which has given him a warp sense of view on his relationship with Ness and one that was possibly blooming into a friendship. It's true that Kaiser approached Ness with the intent of using him as nothing but a tool. But is that how their relationship has stayed throughout everything?
If Kaiser considers Ness as a tool, then why is he openly laughing with him? Why would he allow someone else to touch his hair and get close to him? Better yet, why would he open his heart to someone else and reveal that part of his past? In Kaiser's mind he may consider Ness as nothing but a tool (currently), but his heart and actions are speaking differently. He's treating Ness as more of a friend, something that Kaiser has never had before in his life and has no way of knowing how to act with a friend. I'm pretty sure the concept of friendship is foreign in Kaiser's mind. So, where am I going with all of this?
I (and many others) believe that Kaiser is on the verge of an awakening. When Kaiser first awakened his ego, it wasn't out of despair as Kaiser seems to believe. But it was out of the fact that he wanted to protect the one thing in his life that he learned to love, the one thing that his father was attempted to take away from him. A soccer ball, Kaiser didn't awaken his sense of identity due to malice as he seems to believe, but due to the fact that in the first time in his life he learned to love something.
I believe that Kaiser at the end of this match will learn to view himself as human and will start to learn of the concept of love. And for that to happen he needs to receive a similar trigger and that trigger will be when he's on the verge of losing Ness. Which I'm not sure how that would happen, but what better way to awaken Kaiser fully by having his rival Isagi stealing Ness temporarily by forcing a pass out of him. Which will potentially spiral Kaiser to despair and lead to the birth of his evolution.
So, why do I think Ness being almost taken away from Kaiser is the key to his evolution? I think the ball in the flashback is literally just Ness and is foreshadowing the future for this two. The current Kaiser is very abusive to Ness and simply treats him as the ball in his flashback. Someone who is there to just be obedient to Kaiser and not make up a fuss. But I think what's really interesting is that the ball (Ness) is Kaiser's only companion and the moment he was about to lose that companion. It sparked the birth of his ego and prompted him into action.
Interlude: Ness's evolution So, if Kaiser's evolution is linked to Ness being taken away, then what is the key to Ness's evolution? I believe Ness's evolution will come before Kaiser's evolution and the key to that will be seeing Kaiser in despair and being on the verge of almost giving up. This will spark Ness to unleash his creativity and try to make a play that will allow for both him and Kaiser to succeed. But Isagi will be the first one to notice this change and will run to the perfect pass course forcing the pass out of Ness as he hoped Kaiser could have read him. Once Kaiser sees this interaction of Isagi stealing Ness's pass, that will be when Kaiser will awaken.
Honestly, I imagine it'll be a mix of Bachira's evolution for Ness and a Barou like conqueror moment for Isagi.
Now, let's move on to the final act of this post
A weapon not born out of malice, but pure friendship
Kaiser's whole character arc seems to be heading in a direction where he's being forced to discover who he really is as a player and to understand what he wants. And in order to do that, he's being constantly met with the same level of despair that he forced onto others. In order for Kaiser to reach his peak performance, he has to fight with the same intensity of ego as he felt first when he discovered himself for the first time.
And I think one of the main things that needs to happen is Kaiser is taking a moment of introspection (possibly on the bench after Noa swaps with him). Understanding that behaving like his father isn't the best way to move forward in life. Him being constantly obsessed with putting others in despair is clouding his judgement and leading to him making reckless mistakes that he would normally avoid. And most importantly to realize that he no longer sees Ness as a tool, but as a friend for the first time in his life. Leading to him accepting Ness's creativity and to stop berating him.
And if Kaiser does possibly get benched, I think it'll be the moment he goes back to analyzing the field and planning his moves accordingly. Which will lead to Kaiser utilizing Ness's imagination on the field and leading to both of them succeeding in their ultimate challenge. Which is...
Making the Kaiser Impact: Magnus succeed.
If Kaiser Impact was a weapon born out of an individual talent to drive those into despair. The Kaiser Impact: Magnus will be a weapon born out of a collaboration of peak performance to turn a 0 into 1. In order for this weapon to succeed, there are two main conditions that need to be fulfilled.
  1. The ball must not be in motion
  2. Kaiser has to perform the Magnus
Each of these conditions are absurdly difficult to perform in a moving game and it's almost impossible. But with someone who loves unexplainable things and another that loves trying the impossible. It's quite the perfect challenge for them, isn't it? Anyway, I'm sure many of you see where I'm going with this. But for this shot to work, Ness will have to perform a godly maneuvepass utilizing those ankles of his to lead the ball into having zero motion. While Kaiser will have to arrive at the perfect spot in time to use the Kaiser Impact: Magnus and unleash it.
This weapon will be born out of Ness and Kaiser's peak performance. I imagine that once Kaiser and Ness scores the final goal, this two will be on better terms and Kaiser will actually put effort into treating Ness as a friend. The path to being human isn't easy, but all it takes is one single friend to make you human. Ask Ray Dark, he knows what I'm talking about.
My face after completing this post
And that's the end of my theory/analysis. I hope you enjoyed it, let me know your thoughts!
submitted by StarBurstero to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:11 darkroast_8am Take a bath before class

You guys are smelling badly during class , specially now during summer . The class is 120 students, and 85% are from South Asia , you guys have to take a shower before class I don’t care saying this but the classroom stinks . If you don’t have a bath at home , university has showers availabl. Also, stay in silence during lecture , really hard to focus if you guys are talking during class…. Show some respect..! I’m myself not from Canada, and I know how to follow the rules of the country I’m a guest … !!!! I’m not racist at all actually I like diversity but you know , there are limits …
submitted by darkroast_8am to UWindsor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:05 JamesFrancosSeed Absolute long shot old YouTube video

As the title says, I’m looking for a super old YouTube video. It’s vivid to me but I am not sure how to explain it to find it on YouTube.
Basically it’s like a parody video based in like china/japan and it’s some guy going throughout town using random abilities. One of the most memorable things was him mounting his Dawnsaber mount and it’s not a dawnsaber it’s a bicycle and he’s like at a bus stop and it’s literally a video of a dude at a bus stop with the mount animation/cast bar on the screen. The rest of the video is similar stuff where he eats food to get a buff and then adventures into the city. Does anyone remember something like this and have a link to it?
submitted by JamesFrancosSeed to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:58 NatTheGodlyPotato Dark Romance Mafia recs needed biblically (but so far away from jesus)

I have only read the Brutal Prince series by Sophie Lark, and I loved it. I want to just get back into the smutty mafia reads. I have no sense of what level of spice those books are at but it is perfect. I also love how it is a long series then they change focus to a character we already met. Preferably strong female characters who don't take shit and the mafia guy will kill anyone who touches her but also worships her at her feet. Arranged marriages and enemies to lovers are the best to me I love them being forced and hating it.
Any suggestions will give me options, also tell me how smutty Brutal Prince is level-wise. Thank you for the perfect suggestions
submitted by NatTheGodlyPotato to DarkRomance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:54 historically_nerdy_ Help with finding a micro film.

Hi, I need help finding FHL film # 1288353.
I have been researching my family for almost 10 years now and in that time have never found a scrap of evidence that ever proved my grandfather even existed. I can find information on my grandmother, Dorothy, but nothing in my grandfather, at least no concrete evidence like birth record, marriage, census records, etc. The man just doesn't exist.
My father stumbled across this microfilm number today but when I try to access it online through family search it just says it's restricted.
Is there a way to get around this roadblock short of driving to Utah?
Any help is appreciated.
The person I'm looking for was a man named Fredrick John Allen, who married a Dorothy Shelton sometime most likely in the 1950s. He most likely would have been born in the 1910s (probably 1915) in either Illinois or Indiana.
Thank you.
submitted by historically_nerdy_ to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:48 VictorianDelorean Trying to disable never ending raids in UWE

So in general I’m a huge fan of the UWE mod, and this post is really not for you to share your opinion on it as all the threads discussing it seem to be full of people who don’t like the mod pack.
My only issue is that when you defeat a faction leader, instead of ending that faction it begins spawning huge never ending raids from that faction. In most cases this is annoying but fine, however two of these raids are causing real problems.
One is the rebel farmers, who get ground into a paste attacking my base looking for Simon weekly despite the fact I never even met him let alone captured him. The other is the skin bandits. I did turn savant in for the bounty, but these guys require me to have my main war squad at home 24/7 because no amount of walls and turrets can stop them when they melt a 400hp gate in less than a minute.
I’ve tried every mod to moderate this feature, but I’m just done with it.
Does anyone know what I can do in the FCK to just disable this poorly thought out feature for good? At least these two raids in particular but ideally the whole revenge raid mechanic as I think it’s against the spirit of the game in a way most of UWE features are not.
submitted by VictorianDelorean to Kenshi [link] [comments]