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Dive into Exciting Gaming with Togel Dingdong and Messipoker on Opressrc

2024.06.05 21:15 class168hours Dive into Exciting Gaming with Togel Dingdong and Messipoker on Opressrc

Dive into Exciting Gaming with Togel Dingdong and Messipoker on Opressrc

Opressrc is a premier online gaming platform, offering an array of engaging games, including Togel Dingdong and Messipoker. These games provide a perfect blend of excitement, strategy, and opportunities for big wins, making them a favorite among gaming enthusiasts.

Togel Dingdong: The Thrill of Lottery Gaming

Togel Dingdong is a popular lottery-style game that combines luck and strategy. Players predict numbers, and the anticipation of the draw, coupled with the potential for substantial winnings, creates an exhilarating gaming experience. The game’s simplicity and the thrill of potentially hitting the jackpot make Togel Dingdong a standout choice for lottery enthusiasts.

Messipoker: A Dynamic Poker Arena

Messipoker offers an exceptional online poker experience suitable for players of all skill levels. With various poker formats and tournaments, Messipoker caters to both beginners looking to learn the game and seasoned players aiming to refine their strategies. The platform's smooth interface and competitive environment ensure an engaging and rewarding poker experience.

Why Opressrc Stands Out

  1. User-Friendly Platform: Opressrc provides an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it effortless for players to enjoy their favorite games.
  2. Robust Security: The platform ensures that all transactions and personal data are secure, allowing players to focus on their gaming experience.
  3. 24/7 Access: Opressrc offers round-the-clock access to its games, enabling players to enjoy Togel Dingdong and Messipoker anytime, anywhere.
  4. Active Community and Support: Opressrc fosters a vibrant gaming community and offers excellent customer support to assist with any issues or inquiries.


Opressrc is your go-to platform for an unparalleled online gaming experience with Togel Dingdong and Messipoker. Whether you are drawn to the thrill of the lottery or the strategic depth of poker, Opressrc provides the perfect environment to enjoy and excel in these games.
submitted by class168hours to u/class168hours [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:11 MPOLUX88 Tips dan Trik Penting untuk Sukses dalam Taruhan Mix Parlay Di MPOLUX88

Tips dan Trik Penting untuk Sukses dalam Taruhan Mix Parlay Di MPOLUX88
Tips dan Trik Penting untuk Sukses dalam Taruhan Mix Parlay Di MPOLUX88
  1. Pilih Pertandingan dengan Teliti
Pemilihan pertandingan yang tepat adalah kunci utama dalam taruhan Mix Parlay. Teliti statistik, performa tim, dan kondisi terkini sebelum memilih pertandingan untuk dimasukkan ke dalam Mix Parlay Anda.
  1. Kenali Risiko yang Terlibat
Sebagai taruhan yang menggabungkan beberapa pertandingan, Mix Parlay memiliki tingkat risiko yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan taruhan tunggal. Kenali risiko ini dan siapkan strategi pengelolaan risiko yang tepat.
  1. Gunakan Analisis Data
Analisis data adalah kunci untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dalam taruhan Mix Parlay. Gunakan data statistik, tren pertandingan, dan faktor lainnya untuk membantu Anda memilih pertandingan dengan lebih baik.
  1. Atur Besaran Taruhan dengan Bijak
Aturlah besaran taruhan Anda dengan bijak sesuai dengan kemampuan finansial Anda dan risiko yang Anda siapkan. Hindari bertaruh terlalu banyak pada satu Mix Parlay, dan tetapkan batas harian atau mingguan untuk mengontrol pengeluaran Anda.
  1. Pertimbangkan Odds dan Peluang
Pertimbangkan dengan seksama odds dan peluang yang ditawarkan oleh MPOLUX88 untuk setiap pertandingan yang Anda pilih. Bandingkan peluang dari berbagai situs taruhan untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan nilai terbaik untuk taruhan Anda.
  1. Jangan Terjebak Emosi
Hindari terjebak emosi saat memilih pertandingan atau dalam proses taruhan. Tetaplah obyektif dan berpegang pada strategi taruhan Anda, bahkan jika terjadi kekalahan.
  1. Manfaatkan Bonus dan Promosi
Manfaatkan bonus dan promosi yang ditawarkan oleh MPOLUX88 untuk meningkatkan nilai taruhan Anda. Namun, pastikan Anda memahami persyaratan dan ketentuan yang terkait dengan bonus tersebut.
  1. Lacak dan Evaluasi Kinerja Anda
Lacaki dan evaluasi kinerja taruhan Anda secara berkala. Identifikasi strategi yang berhasil dan yang tidak berhasil, dan gunakan informasi tersebut untuk meningkatkan keterampilan taruhan Anda di masa mendatang.
  1. Tetaplah Disiplin
Disiplin adalah kunci kesuksesan dalam taruhan Mix Parlay. Tetaplah pada rencana taruhan Anda, dan hindari membuat keputusan impulsif atau berlebihan.
  1. Pelajari dari Pengalaman
Terakhir, pelajari dari pengalaman taruhan Anda. Setiap kekalahan atau kemenangan adalah peluang untuk belajar dan meningkatkan keterampilan Anda dalam taruhan Mix Parlay.
Dengan menerapkan tips dan trik di atas dengan bijak, Anda dapat meningkatkan peluang kesuksesan Anda dalam taruhan Mix Parlay di MPOLUX88. Selamat bertaruh!
submitted by MPOLUX88 to u/MPOLUX88 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:25 Ill-Nebula-9154 10 Keuntungan Bermain di Mawarliga: Situs Slot Gacor dan Permainan Online Terbaik

Jika Anda adalah seorang penggemar permainan online, Anda pasti mengerti betapa pentingnya menemukan platform yang tidak hanya menawarkan berbagai jenis permainan menarik tetapi juga menyediakan fitur unggulan dan layanan yang memuaskan. Mawarliga hadir untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan tersebut dan lebih lagi. Berikut ini, kami akan mengupas tuntas 10 keuntungan bermain di Mawarliga yang membuatnya menjadi pilihan utama bagi para pemain online. Artikel ini akan memberikan informasi mendetail yang akan membantu Anda memahami mengapa Mawarliga layak menjadi tempat bermain Anda selanjutnya.
  1. Slot Gacor dengan RTP Winrate 99%
Salah satu keunggulan utama dari Mawarliga adalah koleksi slotnya yang tergolong "gacor" dengan RTP (Return to Player) winrate mencapai 99%. RTP adalah persentase dari total taruhan yang dibayarkan kembali kepada pemain selama periode waktu tertentu. Dengan winrate setinggi ini, Mawarliga menjanjikan peluang menang yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan banyak situs lain. Ini adalah kabar baik bagi para pemain yang ingin memaksimalkan keuntungan mereka. Di Mawarliga, setiap putaran slot memberikan peluang besar untuk menang, sehingga Anda bisa meningkatkan saldo Anda dengan lebih mudah.
  1. Koleksi Slot Online Terlengkap
Mawarliga menawarkan berbagai pilihan slot online dari penyedia game terkemuka di industri. Apakah Anda menyukai slot klasik dengan tiga gulungan atau slot video modern dengan grafis HD dan fitur-fitur canggih, Mawarliga memiliki semuanya. Setiap permainan dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman bermain yang seru dan mendebarkan. Selain itu, berbagai tema yang menarik mulai dari petualangan, mitologi, hingga film populer membuat bermain slot di Mawarliga tidak pernah membosankan. Koleksi slot yang luas ini memastikan bahwa setiap pemain dapat menemukan permainan yang sesuai dengan selera mereka.
  1. Togel Online Resmi dan Terpercaya
Selain slot, Mawarliga juga menyediakan layanan togel online yang resmi dan terpercaya. Togel atau lotre adalah salah satu bentuk perjudian yang sangat populer, dan di Mawarliga, Anda dapat menikmati berbagai jenis togel dari pasaran terbaik. Keamanan dan kejujuran dalam setiap permainan togel kami selalu terjamin. Kami memastikan bahwa setiap hasil undian dilakukan secara transparan dan adil, memberikan Anda kesempatan yang sama untuk memenangkan hadiah besar. Dengan bermain togel di Mawarliga, Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang integritas permainan karena kami berkomitmen untuk menjaga kepercayaan pemain.
  1. Pengalaman Casino Online Terbaik
Penggemar permainan kasino? Mawarliga menawarkan berbagai permainan kasino online seperti blackjack, roulette, baccarat, dan poker. Dengan kualitas grafis yang menakjubkan dan dealer profesional yang siap melayani Anda, pengalaman bermain di Mawarliga tidak kalah dengan bermain di kasino sungguhan. Setiap permainan kasino dirancang untuk memberikan sensasi bermain yang mendebarkan dan menghibur. Selain itu, Mawarliga juga menyediakan berbagai variasi permainan kasino, sehingga Anda dapat mencoba berbagai strategi dan meningkatkan keterampilan bermain Anda.
  1. Fitur RTP Gacor untuk Peluang Menang Lebih Besar
Mawarliga dilengkapi dengan fitur RTP gacor yang memberikan informasi lengkap tentang persentase pembayaran dari setiap permainan. Fitur ini membantu Anda memilih permainan dengan peluang menang tertinggi. Dengan mengetahui RTP dari setiap permainan, Anda bisa membuat keputusan yang lebih cerdas dan strategis dalam memilih permainan yang ingin dimainkan. Fitur ini sangat membantu terutama bagi pemain yang ingin memaksimalkan keuntungan mereka dengan bermain di permainan yang memberikan peluang menang terbesar.
  1. Kemudahan Deposit via QRIS
Kami mengerti bahwa kemudahan bertransaksi adalah hal yang penting bagi para pemain. Di Mawarliga, Anda dapat melakukan deposit dengan cepat dan mudah melalui QRIS. QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) adalah sistem pembayaran berbasis QR code yang memungkinkan Anda melakukan transaksi hanya dengan memindai kode QR. Ini memberikan kemudahan dan kecepatan dalam proses deposit, sehingga Anda bisa langsung bermain tanpa perlu menunggu lama. Sistem ini sangat praktis dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemain yang menginginkan proses deposit yang efisien dan bebas hambatan.
  1. Deposit via Pulsa Tanpa Potongan
Tidak memiliki rekening bank atau e-wallet? Tidak masalah! Mawarliga juga menerima deposit via pulsa tanpa potongan. Ini memberikan fleksibilitas bagi Anda yang ingin mengisi saldo dengan cara yang paling nyaman. Deposit via pulsa tanpa potongan ini memungkinkan Anda untuk bermain kapan saja dan di mana saja, tanpa harus khawatir tentang biaya tambahan. Kemudahan ini memastikan bahwa semua pemain, terlepas dari metode pembayaran yang mereka pilih, dapat menikmati pengalaman bermain yang lancar dan bebas masalah.
  1. Keamanan dan Privasi Terjamin
Keamanan dan privasi Anda adalah prioritas utama kami. Mawarliga menggunakan sistem keamanan canggih untuk melindungi data pribadi dan informasi finansial Anda. Dengan teknologi enkripsi terbaru, setiap transaksi dan data yang Anda berikan akan aman dari akses tidak sah. Anda dapat bermain dengan tenang tanpa khawatir tentang kebocoran data pribadi. Kami berkomitmen untuk menjaga privasi Anda dan memastikan bahwa setiap informasi yang Anda berikan hanya digunakan untuk tujuan yang telah disepakati.
  1. Layanan Pelanggan 24/7 yang Profesional
Tim layanan pelanggan Mawarliga selalu siap membantu Anda 24/7. Apapun pertanyaan atau masalah yang Anda hadapi, tim kami akan memberikan solusi dengan cepat dan ramah. Layanan pelanggan yang profesional dan responsif adalah salah satu kunci untuk memastikan pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan. Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang cara melakukan deposit, atau butuh bantuan teknis, tim kami selalu siap memberikan bantuan yang Anda butuhkan. Kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan layanan terbaik kepada setiap pemain.
  1. Bonus dan Promo Menggiurkan
Di Mawarliga, kami selalu memberikan bonus dan promo menarik untuk para pemain setia kami. Dapatkan bonus deposit, cashback, free spins, dan banyak lagi. Setiap promo dirancang untuk memberikan nilai tambah bagi pemain dan membuat pengalaman bermain lebih menguntungkan. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan lebih dari setiap promo yang kami tawarkan. Dengan berbagai bonus dan promo yang tersedia, Anda bisa meningkatkan saldo Anda dan memperpanjang waktu bermain Anda.
Dengan berbagai keuntungan yang ditawarkan, Mawarliga adalah pilihan terbaik bagi Anda yang mencari pengalaman bermain online yang lengkap, aman, dan menguntungkan. Dari slot gacor hingga togel resmi, serta kemudahan transaksi dan layanan pelanggan yang profesional, semuanya tersedia untuk memaksimalkan kesenangan Anda. Bergabunglah sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keunggulan Mawarliga!
Kunjungi Mawarliga untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan mulai petualangan bermain Anda hari ini! Nikmati pengalaman bermain yang tidak hanya menghibur tetapi juga penuh dengan peluang untuk meraih kemenangan besar. Dengan Mawarliga, setiap permainan adalah kesempatan untuk menang!
submitted by Ill-Nebula-9154 to u/Ill-Nebula-9154 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 14:57 Ill-Nebula-9154 Temukan 10 Keuntungan Bermain di Mawarliga: Situs Slot Gacor dan Permainan Online Terbaik

Hai para pecinta permainan online! Jika Anda sedang mencari platform terbaik dengan berbagai fitur unggulan dan layanan terbaik, Mawarliga adalah tempat yang tepat untuk Anda. Berikut adalah 10 keuntungan bermain di Mawarliga yang wajib Anda ketahui:

1. Slot Gacor dengan RTP Winrate 99%

Mawarliga dikenal sebagai situs slot gacor dengan winrate tertinggi, mencapai 99%. Peluang besar untuk menang di setiap putaran menanti Anda! Nikmati sensasi menang besar dan tingkatkan saldo Anda dengan mudah.

2. Koleksi Slot Online Terlengkap

Mawarliga menawarkan berbagai pilihan slot online dari penyedia game terkemuka. Apakah Anda penggemar slot klasik atau slot video modern, Anda akan menemukan semuanya di sini. Setiap permainan dirancang dengan grafis menakjubkan dan tema yang menarik.

3. Togel Online Resmi dan Terpercaya

Selain slot, Mawarliga juga menyediakan layanan togel online yang resmi dan terpercaya. Mainkan berbagai jenis togel dari pasaran terbaik dan raih kemenangan besar dengan taruhan yang Anda pasang. Kami menjamin keamanan dan kejujuran dalam setiap permainan.

4. Pengalaman Casino Online Terbaik

Nikmati sensasi bermain di kasino langsung dari kenyamanan rumah Anda. Mawarliga menawarkan berbagai permainan kasino online seperti blackjack, roulette, baccarat, dan poker. Dengan dealer profesional dan kualitas streaming terbaik, Anda akan merasa seperti berada di kasino sungguhan.

5. Fitur RTP Gacor untuk Peluang Menang Lebih Besar

Mawarliga dilengkapi dengan fitur RTP gacor yang memberikan informasi lengkap tentang persentase pembayaran dari setiap permainan. Fitur ini membantu Anda memilih permainan dengan peluang menang tertinggi, sehingga Anda bisa meraih keuntungan maksimal.

6. Kemudahan Deposit via QRIS

Kami mengerti bahwa kemudahan bertransaksi adalah hal yang penting. Di Mawarliga, Anda dapat melakukan deposit dengan cepat dan mudah melalui QRIS. Cukup scan kode QR dan dana Anda akan langsung masuk ke akun tanpa ribet.

7. Deposit via Pulsa Tanpa Potongan

Tidak memiliki rekening bank atau e-wallet? Tidak masalah! Mawarliga juga menerima deposit via pulsa tanpa potongan. Ini memberi Anda fleksibilitas untuk mengisi saldo dengan cara yang paling nyaman bagi Anda.

8. Keamanan dan Privasi Terjamin

Keamanan dan privasi Anda adalah prioritas utama kami. Dengan sistem keamanan canggih, Anda dapat bermain dengan tenang tanpa khawatir tentang kebocoran data pribadi atau informasi finansial Anda.

9. Layanan Pelanggan 24/7 yang Profesional

Tim layanan pelanggan kami selalu siap membantu Anda 24/7. Apapun pertanyaan atau masalah yang Anda hadapi, tim kami akan memberikan solusi dengan cepat dan ramah, memastikan pengalaman bermain Anda selalu menyenangkan.

10. Bonus dan Promo Menggiurkan

Di Mawarliga, kami selalu memberikan bonus dan promo menarik untuk para pemain setia kami. Dapatkan bonus deposit, cashback, free spins, dan banyak lagi. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan lebih dari setiap promo yang kami tawarkan.
Hai para pecinta permainan online! Jika Anda sedang mencari platform terbaik dengan berbagai fitur unggulan dan layanan terbaik, Mawarliga adalah tempat yang tepat untuk Anda. Berikut adalah 10 keuntungan bermain di Mawarliga yang wajib Anda ketahui:

1. Slot Gacor dengan RTP Winrate 99%

Mawarliga dikenal sebagai situs slot dengan winrate tertinggi, mencapai 99%. Peluang besar untuk menang di setiap putaran menanti Anda! Nikmati sensasi menang besar dan tingkatkan saldo Anda dengan mudah.

2. Koleksi Slot Online Terlengkap

Mawarliga menawarkan berbagai pilihan slot online dari penyedia game terkemuka. Apakah Anda penggemar slot klasik atau slot video modern, Anda akan menemukan semuanya di sini. Setiap permainan dirancang dengan grafis menakjubkan dan tema yang menarik.

3. Togel Online Resmi dan Terpercaya

Selain slot, Mawarliga juga menyediakan layanan togel online yang resmi dan terpercaya. Mainkan berbagai jenis togel dari pasaran terbaik dan raih kemenangan besar dengan taruhan yang Anda pasang. Kami menjamin keamanan dan kejujuran dalam setiap permainan.

4. Pengalaman Casino Online Terbaik

Nikmati sensasi bermain di kasino langsung dari kenyamanan rumah Anda. Mawarliga menawarkan berbagai permainan kasino online seperti blackjack, roulette, baccarat, dan poker. Dengan dealer profesional dan kualitas streaming terbaik, Anda akan merasa seperti berada di kasino sungguhan.

5. Fitur RTP Gacor untuk Peluang Menang Lebih Besar

Mawarliga dilengkapi dengan fitur RTP gacor yang memberikan informasi lengkap tentang persentase pembayaran dari setiap permainan. Fitur ini membantu Anda memilih permainan dengan peluang menang tertinggi, sehingga Anda bisa meraih keuntungan maksimal.

6. Kemudahan Deposit via QRIS

Kami mengerti bahwa kemudahan bertransaksi adalah hal yang penting. Di Mawarliga, Anda dapat melakukan deposit dengan cepat dan mudah melalui QRIS. Cukup scan kode QR dan dana Anda akan langsung masuk ke akun tanpa ribet.

7. Deposit via Pulsa Tanpa Potongan

Tidak memiliki rekening bank atau e-wallet? Tidak masalah! Mawarliga juga menerima deposit via pulsa tanpa potongan. Ini memberi Anda fleksibilitas untuk mengisi saldo dengan cara yang paling nyaman bagi Anda.

8. Keamanan dan Privasi Terjamin

Keamanan dan privasi Anda adalah prioritas utama kami. Dengan sistem keamanan canggih, Anda dapat bermain dengan tenang tanpa khawatir tentang kebocoran data pribadi atau informasi finansial Anda.

9. Layanan Pelanggan 24/7 yang Profesional

Tim layanan pelanggan kami selalu siap membantu Anda 24/7. Apapun pertanyaan atau masalah yang Anda hadapi, tim kami akan memberikan solusi dengan cepat dan ramah, memastikan pengalaman bermain Anda selalu menyenangkan.

10. Bonus dan Promo Menggiurkan

Di Mawarliga, kami selalu memberikan bonus dan promo menarik untuk para pemain setia kami. Dapatkan bonus deposit, cashback, free spins, dan banyak lagi. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan lebih dari setiap promo yang kami tawarkan.
Dengan berbagai keuntungan yang ditawarkan, Mawarliga adalah pilihan terbaik bagi Anda yang mencari pengalaman bermain online yang lengkap, aman, dan menguntungkan. Dari slot gacor hingga togel resmi, serta kemudahan transaksi dan layanan pelanggan yang profesional, semua tersedia untuk memaksimalkan kesenangan Anda. Bergabunglah sekarang dan rasakan sendiri keunggulan Mawarliga!
Kunjungi Mawarliga untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan mulai petualangan bermain Anda hari ini!
submitted by Ill-Nebula-9154 to u/Ill-Nebula-9154 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:43 Datamacau Data Macau : Keluaran Macau Result Macau Pengeluaran Macau

Data Macau : Keluaran Macau Result Macau Pengeluaran Macau
Data Macau adalah situs yang dibuat untuk merangkum semua hasil result macau yang telah keluar dan keluaran yang akan mendatang, data macau kini bisa anda dapatkan dengan mudah di internet, pada hari ini kami menarkan anda situs data macau yang terlengkap dan juga terakurat yang bisa anda dapatkan secara gratis setiap harinya.
data macau ini kami berikan untuk anda dalam bentuk tabel yang bisa anda gunakan untuk membantu kemenangan anda dalam pasaran totomacau hari ini
Link :
Silahkan bisa coba dikunjungi untuk mendapatkan data macau terbaru Sekian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan terima kasih ^^
submitted by Datamacau to u/Datamacau [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 04:32 LocalBet7977 TOTOVIP : Daftar Togel Situs Link Alternatif Resmi & Terpercaya

TOTOVIP : Daftar Togel Situs Link Alternatif Resmi & Terpercaya

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Koleksi totovip link alternatif dan togel toto terlengkap di situs totovip togel resmi membuat para member memiliki pilihan taruhan yang lebih banyak. Sebagai situs togel terpercaya, totovip link alternatif menjaga keamanan dan kenyamanan para membernya dengan sistem keamanan terbaik dan enkripsi data.
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submitted by LocalBet7977 to u/LocalBet7977 [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 09:28 CPC_Alice [Thoughts] No, I'm not doing another weekly round up

Why TF not you sh-tty mod?!
Cuz it is really hard and I want to take it easy?
You mean you want to be lazy.
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening!
I am CPC_Alice
I said I was not going to do a weekly round up. I really don't want to. Then I got curious and actually scrolled down.
Why do I do this to myself?
I feel sorry for LAM.... Now, to be fair, I wasn't there when the negotiations and back and forth was happening nor do I have a copy of the agreement to actually draw that abomination of a costume for Vox... I still feel that It isn't fair for LAM really...
That is a horrible decision to have requested it to be like that. It even triggered that De-evolution meme.
Now, I am a self admitted Hololive fan, so you all should know my biases at this point. Really tho, I can tell when something is in my "I like this" and "I don't like this" category. Vox's new design is firmly in the "not it" category. I can tell when facial hair would hit within my strike zone and when it wouldn't (not gonna say if I do like em on guys or not tho :P) on the eye candy. This really REALLY was NOT IT.
Moving on before I just turn this into a whole rant about how horrible that is (wait, can't I just turn it into that... hey... where are you going??? HEY!!!)
Oh, an anon (?) with a viscous red pen absolutely marked up a Nijisister's little blurb. I hadn't seen someone get absolutely marked up since I saw a friend's own essay get absolutely ripped apart by Sensei. To be fair, my friend wasn't exactly that strong in English. Tho there was me who was always been really good in English... To not out myself (I don't remember if I shared it before in public), I won't state why I think I was always good with English... but the cause would have absolutely made people either be amusedly shocked or boggled.
Oh, for those who may have seen my early postings in the whole Nijisanji debacle and Selen Shock, i was quite active in looking and analyzing stocks because it is a concrete, number-based, litmus test for how things are. Anyways, AnyColor stock continues with its steady downward trend. Big surprise huh?
Nijisanji did some oopsie on their merch? I honestly don't care because no-one should be buying any merch from them right now anywho.
Anime Impulse just shows HoloStars absolutely thriving while Nijisanji is drowning.
Oh Elira is also on Bilibili. This is also while her Youtube sub count continues to bleed. Yikes.
Oh yeah! Mint Fantome also got her Silver play button! Yay!
OffKai will smell of Coffee and Fish this year tho. Why? That's because H2oSakana, the CEO of Phase Connect (a coffee company that employs Vtubers to advertise their coffee /jk) has covered all the Booth and Table Fees for all the Vendors in the Hall.
What does that mean? In Conventions, if you want to sell merch that you made (mostly by artists who made keychains, acrylic stands, HQ printed copies of their work, etc etc) you will have to register with the Con and reserve your spot. In addition to that, you need to pay an upfront fee for the booth and table you'll be occupying.
These fees go towards making money for the Con. After all, hosting and running a convention isn't free OR cheap. That just means that these fees go into the calculations for these artists who wants to make some money to support themselves while doing something they like to do. I don't think anyone is really against Artists being able to support themselves while doing something they love right? These fees make up a substantial cost to the artists (and any helpers they have) on top of the other costs (material, labor, time, etc etc) that they have to bear in mind while selling their merch.
What H2oSakana did was basically wipe off that aforementioned substantial cost to all the artists in the Hall. This is BIG. Like "standing ovation" big. Remember when Nijisanji tried to do that coordinated social media push to send love and support to artists? H2oSakana saw that, scoffed and told his talents to "hold my beer", and flexed those fins like a boss and actually did something SUBSTANTIAL and HAS MATERIAL BENEFIT to artists. What a Gigachad of a Fish. People might be smelling coffee and fish in the vendor hall, but the artists there will no doubt be thanking H2oSakana in their hearts!
Moving on, I did a poll asking for people's Time zones via asking for their World Region. This just confirmed for me that we are a truly GLOBAL subreddit! People even commented and gave me more data! I would like to really express my heartfelt thanks for the votes and comments!
Oi, you dumb mod, why did you have to collect all those data points anyway?
Ugh... shut up already....
*cough* I'll get to that at the end! Lets go!
Well... a channer pointed out something that should have been obvious to everyone's hearts and the hate mob that rose from the whole Sayu/Kenji situation forced Sayu to lock up her socials for a while....
Oh! Some people tried to go after Holo... pffft. Good luck with that.
Right! The NEXAS situation! So i actually got a x-twitter ad from them (which I promptly blocked without reading cuz I don't like ads :P) once. The tl;dr is that it is Nijisanji's ACCELERATE program taken to a ridiculous degree. 27 Talents debuting within a short timeframe while also promoting this in-house video streaming app thing.
I don't really care for it but I do wish the talents in their umbrella the best of luck.
Vox Akuma's Bday CCV dropped in a "Negligible" degree. Kusa
Oh yeah, NijiFes (NIji's version of HoloFes) is delayed until 2025. I think they saw what HoloFes and Hololive Expo did and saw the writing on the wall (read: they are gonna get mocked and mogged hard by everyone around them) and decided to give a year for people to forget things and hopefully they can have a better one at 2025. Too bad they failed to realized that HoloFes 2025 and Hololive Expo 2025 is a thing wwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Then there is Virtual Rhapsody SG. For those who might remember, I did An Admittedly Unfair and a More Fair Comparison of Virtual Rhapsody HK. For VR-SG, their comparison is the DreamHack Down Under Concert that Hololive did. In paper, you can even say that VR-SG has the advantage for being a Sole-focused event for Nijisanji while Down Under is basically tacked on to what is really a Gaming-centric Event/Convention.
Just like how the preface is, the paper theory gets absolutely bodied by the actual reality. Empty Seats (to a ghastly degree tbh), a high price tag where you ALSO have to pay for your M&G session, copyright issues.... At the end of it, it really is just an over glorified Live2D Karaoke event in a very big screen.
In comparison, DreamHack Down Under Concert is a PROPER 3D Concert! Original Songs! MC sections! All the Jazz! The Hype! The ticket price for it is also cheaper than VR-SG AND you get into a lottery to win a M&G just by having a ticket!
VR-SG was absolutely MOGGED and HUMILIATED by Hololive's Down Under concert. The Nijisisters (who btw, has proceeded to shittify 4chan's /vt/ board... I took on the task to monitor them there... send help) were huffing and puffing some high concentration graded Copium and making some absolutely crazy mental gymnastics to down play Down Under and explain away VR-SG's shortcomings. It would have been impressive if it didn't give me a constant headache reading their words...
.... We made it at the end. Still quite a ride! Not as emotionally charged I'd admit but it is still quite something!
You said you're not gonna do a weekly round up, you dumb mod.
Shut up!
Anyways... to end this off, I would want to say that I did make the poll for *something\* and I used it to determine the best time to actually do it. Now, it is still \not quite ready yet** but we are working on a certain thing in collaboration with a certain someone in the community. It is something that, hopefully, shows the kurosanji mod team's commitment to transparency on our actions while still keeping OpSec and certain things close to our chest so we can effectively mod the subreddit! Something that is clearly lacking from Nijisanji :P
What I can tell you is that it'll involve an AMAA (Ask Me Almost Anything) from yours truly *bows*
Noone wants to listen to you ramble, you sh-tty mod
I-I mean... I know that already... but I have to make it interesting at least?! Mou.....!!!
More specific details will be made during the actual time on both what we are working on and on the AMAA but we, the moderation team, hope that you'll be there with questions and lend us your time for it!
Thank you very much for reading!
Truly yours,
submitted by CPC_Alice to kurosanji [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 22:16 shahmir_panhwar Step by step guide to becoming a frontend developer in 2024



Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. ZAHEER ABBAS Fuga nam autem sit totam earum quia, magni incidunt aut dignissimos ZAMEER HUSSAIN blanditiis sapiente neque adipisci iure, dolor unde ullam omnis possimus. SHAHMEER Commodi ab obcaecati nam praesentium laborum nemo dolor inventore aspernatur adipisci.
this is the new line

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NAME Employee id Employee job
Shahmeer 387684 Web developer
Zameer 297587 Gamer
Zaheer 188683 html expert

submitted by shahmir_panhwar to u/shahmir_panhwar [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 04:17 No-Analyst1327 Situs Togel 77 Data Keluaran Singapore Dan Hongkong Online Terpercaya Hari Ini

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Selamat Mencoba Bosku...!!

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submitted by No-Analyst1327 to u/No-Analyst1327 [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 07:05 Alecmo1999 All the SWGoH tools and resources, in one place:

EDIT: Updated as of May 4th, 2024

SWGoH Tools:

  1. Mod Speed Calibration Chances (Will show you which mods of yours has the greatest odds of rolling a speed increase upon a calibration attempt) - Creator detailed it here
  2. SWGoH Companion Doc (Detailed spreadsheet of your mods, GAC overview, and collection)
  3. SWGoH Events Tracker (Self-explanatory, tracks the upcoming events and shows event cycles)
  4. Journey Guide Visualizer (Gives you a visual breakdown of all the journey guide characters and how far you’ve come to unlocking them)
  5. Ship Stats Calculator (Shows you how changes to your pilot’s mods, gear level, relic level, etc. will affect the ship’s stats)
  6. AhnaldT101’s Zeta Prioritization (Team-based zeta priority listing, all zetas ranked, all omicrons ranked, GAC/TB/TW team rankings, all characters ranked, etc.) - Last updated Apr 2024
  7. Character Gear Cost and Visualizer (Can add any character at any gear or relic, and it will calculate off of where your character currently is what gear you need and cost for it. Can also add how much you currently have)
  8. Roster Analysis (Does a few things. Compares your roster to your opponent’s roster and highlights the differences, and builds a full spreadsheet of all required gear, relic mats, shards, etc. for whatever character you choose)
  9. Grandivory Mod Optimizer (Input ally code, select character(s), and it will fully optimize your mods for that character(s)) - Not mobile friendly
  10. (Shows GAC history, counters, match-ups, guild data, player data, character data, etc.)
  11. SWGoH Events & Datamine Discord (Theory crafting, datamine posts and speculation, game advice, etc.)
  12. SWGoH Forums (Similar to Reddit, but more communication with/from the developers. Detailed view of current and upcoming SWGoH updates, road aheads, updates on bugs/glitches, events, etc.)
  13. (SWGoH media hub. Content creators, streamers, live videos, etc.)
  14. Mod Primary Stats By Slot (Shows what each mod does and it's associated stats)
  15. MasterPlan ("MasterPlan is a powerful tool designed for SWGoH players who are serious about resource management. Think of it as a heavy-duty version of the incredible resources already out there, like gear.swgohevents and MoofCode") - Creator detailed it here, setup guide here
  16. Grand Arena Science ("We're a community and resource center for the Grand Arena game mode within Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes")
  17. SWGoH Relic Scavenger Gear Guide (Helps you understand all things related to the gear used to craft relic materials)
  18. SWGoH Tracker (You can type in your ally code below and see which characters, ships, and gear you need to unlock various things or help out your guild in Territory Battles or raids)
  19. SWGoH Wiki (A guide and resource site with great detail on all things SWGoH)
  20. SWGoH Team Manager
  21. Interactive Geonosis TB Map (Pre-planning for the LS and DS Geonosis TB, interactive)
  22. SWGoH Stats Generator (Spreadsheet that generates base stats for all characters and ships based on unit progression levels that you set)
  23. Territory War Counters Spreadsheet (Shows the teams that are commonly placed on defense in TW and counter-viability of the teams commonly used on offense) - Creator detailed it here

SWGoH Discord Bots:

  1. Mhanndalorian Bot ("This bot allows individual users to track their GAC stats, galactic power, gear quality, mod quality, rank, raid damage, and skill rating over time. In addition, users can compare their performance to other guild members and see the performance of their guild or alliance as a whole")
  2. Mount Solo's Bot ("Pulls mod information for a character from")
  3. HotUtils ("Discord interface for the HotUtils suite of products centered around providing player and guild management tools for SWGoH") - Requires paid subscription
  4. EchoStation ("EchoBase is a collection of guild leadeofficer tools for the game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes")
  5. Boba's Bot
  6. C3PO Bot ("Star Wars related commands, including searching the wiki, a duel command, retrieving quotes, and a unique global ranking system with games!")
  7. DSR Bot (Great comparison tool) - Creator detailed it here
  8. OmegaBot (Omegabot does GAC scouting reports on Discord) - Creator detailed it here
  9. WookieBot ("Raid team suggestions and an estimate of how well your guild should be doing in a raid. "WookieeBot provides a likelihood that, based on a player's roster, they cheated to attain legendary and journey characters") - Creator detailed it here, WookieBot's Discord server's website here
  10. GuildCommander (Generate TB-Command templates to set TB Commands, generate TW-Message (only defense) templates to set TW Messages, share TB/TW Templates with your guild officers, etc.) - Creator detailed it here
  11. SWGoH Events Bot (Keeps your server up-to-date on SWGoH events)
  12. Discord.js (Build your own bots using the Discord API)

SWGoH Discord Servers:

  1. SWGoH Events (Largest general SWGoH server)
  2. SWGoH HELP (3rd party developer community)
  3. SWGoH Espanol (Spanish community server)
  4. SWGoH Türkiye (Turkish community server)
  5. 50 Shards Of KAM (Server that specializes in the KAM LSGTB mission)
  6. Imperial Fleet Server (Server dedicated to fleets/ships)
  7. To Catch a Cheater (Advice on if you suspect a cheater)
  8. SWGoH Wiki's Discord Server
  9. Unite For SWGoH (Guild leaders and officers only)
  10. SWGoH University
  11. SWGoH Kit Ideas
  12. SWGoH Bots (Server that collects all SWGoH Discord bots)

SWGoH Android Emulators for PC:

SWGoH is now available as a dedicated PC download. You can pre-register for the PC client here!
  1. BlueStacks (Most popular emulator for SWGoH)
  2. Memu
  3. NoxPlayer
  4. Android Studio

PopulaHelpful SWGoH Content Creators:

  1. AhnaldT101
  2. APGains
  3. Xaereth Prevails
  4. Galaxy of Zeroes Podcast (17 episodes, March - October 2023)
  5. Calvin Awesome
  7. Songeta
  8. Phatphil
  9. BitDynasty
  10. The Playbook
  11. Darth Loquiter
  12. Skelturix (Quit playing SWGoH, but videos are still available for help/info. Last video June 2023)
  13. Tassenix Gaming
  14. Scrybe Gaming
  15. The Gerbil
  16. Egnards
  17. TriPollicis
  18. CeliacSarah
  19. Captain Amazing

SWGoH, en Español:

  1. Lolindir (Largest Español SWGoH content creator)
  2. WookieNews (Español website for the WookieNews Twitch and Youtube channels that includes information on the game)
  3. SWGoH Espanol (Español community Discord server)

SWGoH, en Français:

  1. Pepito SWGoH (Largest French SWGoH content creator)

Beginner's Guides:

  1. Darth Loquiter's 'Beginner's Guide' playlist
  2. Darth Loquiter's 'Mod Mastery' playlist
  3. Darth Loquiter's 'Efficiency' playlist
  4. AhnaldT101's 'In-Depth Characters' playlist (A bit outdated, still useful for new players)
  5. AhnaldT101's 'New Player + F2P GoH' playlist
  6. APGain's 'SWGoH Guides' playlist
  7. APGain's 'When To Farm' playlist
  8. APGains '2024 Farming Guide'
  9. Skelturix's 'Assault Battles Guides' playlist
  10. NOOCH2GUD's 'How To Mod Everything' playlist
  11. NOOCH2GUD's 'Beginners Guides' playlist
  12. NOOCH2GUD's 'SWGoH Counters' playlist
  13. Calvin Awesome's 'Mods' playlist
  14. Calvin Awesome's 'Character Crash Course' playlist
  15. Calvin Awesome's 'Zetas' playlist
  16. Xaereth Prevail's 'Faction Ranking Project' playlist
  17. Xaereth Prevail's 'Fleet Counter Series' playlist
  18. Xaereth Prevail's 'Unlock Guides' playlist
  19. TriPollicis's 'Galactic Conquest' playlist
  20. TriPollicis's 'Ships' playlist
  21. TriPollicis's 'Galactic Challenges' playlist
  22. Songeta's 'Squads For Noobs' playlist
  23. Songeta's 'Datacrons' playlist
  24. Songeta's 'Tutorials' playlist
  25. Songeta's '2024 F2P Farming Guide'
  26. Songeta's 'Resources' playlist

Beginner's Guides, en Español:

  1. Lolindir's 'Tier List SWGoH' playlist
  2. Lolindir's 'Guias De Mods' playlist
  3. Lolindir's 'Parches & Kits de Habilidades' playlist
  4. Guia De Conquista En Espanol (Está desactualizado, pero sigue siendo útil)

Other SWGoH Subreddits:

  1. SWGoH_Guilds (Guild recruiting)
  2. GalaxyOfHeroes (Another SWGoH subreddit) - Not currently active
  3. SWGalaxyOfMemes (SWGoH meme page)
  4. SWGoHCharacterIdeas (Subreddit to submit character and kit ideas)
  5. SWGoH (Another SWGoH subreddit)
If I forgot to add something, please either message me or leave it in the comments!
submitted by Alecmo1999 to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 12:11 PrestigiousZombie531 Is it common to encrypt/encode your JSON response from an express API endpoint? How does one achieve this

{ "filters": { "search": null }, "s": 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Instant Withdrawals, Daily 100K giveaways, 3000+ slots, Live Casino games, Daily & Weekly Bonuses", "published_at": "2024-03-25T14:35:47+00:00", "source": { "domain": "" }, "remote_id": null, "ad": { "ad_name": "Stake", "ad_class": null, "ends_at": "2024-04-26T23:59:00", "extra_data": "{\"meta\":{\"imageUrl\":\"\",\"rel\":\"nofollow\",\"textColor\":\"#FF9D00\"}}", "code": "home" }, "_type": "post", "pk": 19354000, "active_votes": {}, "tags": [ 52 ] }, "currencies": { ... }, "portfolio": { "total_usd": "0.00", "total_local": "0.00", "portfolio_currency": null } } Found it on this website on the /posts endpoint.
NOTICE the "s" field in the response. It seems to contain encrypted/encoded data
Questions - First of all, is this encoded and encrypted? - Is it common to encrypt your JSON response? - What does an express middleware for this look like? - Isnt the secret key stored on the client somehow?
submitted by PrestigiousZombie531 to node [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 16:56 PrestigiousZombie531 How do I determine the encoding or encryption scheme used in this JSON API endpoint for the "s" key?

{ "filters": { "search": null }, "s": 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submitted by PrestigiousZombie531 to AskReverseEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 15:51 Wonderful-Split8804 AGENOLX - Situs Slot Online Dan Togel Online Terpercaya Gampang Menang

AGENOLX - Situs Slot Online Dan Togel Online Terpercaya Gampang Menang
AGENOLX - Situs Slot Online Dan Togel Online Terpercaya Gampang Menang
AGENOLX adalah situs judi online yang menawarkan berbagai jenis permainan, termasuk slot online dan togel online. Sebagai salah satu situs terpercaya di industri perjudian online, AGENOLX menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang aman dan menyenangkan bagi para pemainnya.

Slot Online: AGENOLX menyediakan berbagai macam permainan slot online yang menarik dan menghibur. Dari slot klasik hingga slot video modern dengan fitur-fitur inovatif, pemain dapat menikmati berbagai pilihan permainan yang memuaskan selera mereka. Selain itu, AGENOLX sering kali menawarkan bonus dan promosi menarik yang membuat pengalaman bermain semakin mengasyikkan.
Togel Online: Selain slot online, AGENOLX juga menawarkan permainan togel online yang populer. Para pemain dapat memasang taruhan pada berbagai jenis pasaran togel dari berbagai negara, memberi mereka kesempatan untuk memenangkan hadiah besar dengan menebak angka-angka yang tepat.
Kepercayaan dan Keamanan: AGENOLX diakui sebagai situs judi online terpercaya yang menempatkan keamanan dan kepercayaan pemain di atas segalanya. Mereka menggunakan teknologi enkripsi terkini untuk melindungi data dan transaksi pemain, serta memastikan bahwa setiap permainan berlangsung secara adil dan transparan.
Pelayanan Pelanggan: AGENOLX juga dikenal karena pelayanan pelanggannya yang unggul. Tim dukungan pelanggan yang ramah dan responsif siap membantu pemain dengan segala pertanyaan atau masalah yang mereka hadapi. Dengan layanan pelanggan yang berkualitas, pemain dapat merasa nyaman dan diprioritaskan saat bermain di AGENOLX.
Kesimpulan: AGENOLX adalah pilihan yang sempurna bagi para penggemar judi online yang mencari situs terpercaya dengan berbagai permainan yang menarik dan kesempatan untuk memenangkan hadiah besar. Dengan reputasi yang solid, keamanan yang terjamin, dan layanan pelanggan yang baik, AGENOLX menghadirkan pengalaman berjudi online yang tak tertandingi.
submitted by Wonderful-Split8804 to u/Wonderful-Split8804 [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 07:55 Farhanamili Unveiling the Excellence of Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site: Your Premier Destination for Trusted Online Betting

Embarking on the journey of online betting requires a reliable and reputable platform that ensures a secure, fair, and thrilling gaming experience. Look no further than Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site, a premier destination that has earned its stripes as a trusted and quality betting bookie. From its diverse selection of games to its generous bonuses and commitment to customer satisfaction, Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site stands out as a beacon of excellence in the world of online betting. Let's delve into what makes this site a top choice for discerning players seeking a premium betting experience.
The Pinnacle of Quality Gaming
At Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site, players are greeted with a world-class selection of games that cater to every taste and preference. Whether you're a fan of classic slots that evoke nostalgia, modern video slots with immersive themes, or the strategic gameplay of table games, you'll find it all here. The site partners with renowned game developers to ensure a top-tier gaming experience characterized by stunning graphics, captivating sound effects, and seamless gameplay.
Trust and Reliability
When it comes to online betting, trust and reliability are non-negotiable, and Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site delivers on both fronts. With a solid reputation built on years of exceptional service, the site has become a go-to destination for players seeking a secure and fair gaming environment. Rigorous security measures, including advanced encryption technology, safeguard all player data and transactions, while regular audits ensure that games are fair and unbiased.
Bountiful Bonuses and Rewards
Prepare to be rewarded from the moment you step into Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site. New players are greeted with a generous welcome bonus that boosts their initial deposits, providing them with ample funds to explore the vast array of games on offer. But the rewards don't end there—loyal players are treated to a plethora of ongoing promotions, cashback offers, and exclusive VIP programs that add an extra layer of excitement and potential winnings to their gaming experience.
Seamless and Mobile-Friendly Interface
Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site prides itself on offering a user-friendly and intuitive interface that ensures a seamless gaming experience across all devices. Whether you prefer to play on your desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, the site's responsive design adapts to your screen size, providing you with the same high-quality graphics and engaging gameplay on the go.
Authorized Togel Betting Markets
For fans of togel betting, Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site presents a comprehensive and authorized platform with 10 different togel markets to choose from. Whether you're drawn to Toto Wuhan, HK Siang, SG Metro, or other official markets, rest assured that your bets are placed in verified and legitimate markets. Winnings are promptly and securely paid out, adding to the excitement and potential rewards of togel betting.
Exceptional Customer Support
Should you ever require assistance or have questions while navigating Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site, a dedicated customer support team is at your service 24/7. With multiple channels of communication, including live chat, email, and phone support, help is always just a click away. The knowledgeable and friendly support representatives are committed to ensuring that your gaming experience is smooth, enjoyable, and hassle-free.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Betting Experience with Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site
Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site stands as a testament to excellence in the world of online betting. With its stellar reputation, diverse selection of games, generous bonuses, top-tier security measures, and dedicated customer support, the site offers a gaming experience that exceeds expectations. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the world of online betting, Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site invites you to embark on a journey filled with excitement, rewards, and endless possibilities.
submitted by Farhanamili to u/Farhanamili [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 21:15 Emmaolivy Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site: Your Trusted Destination for Quality Online Betting

In the fast-paced world of online betting, selecting the right platform is crucial for a seamless and rewarding gaming experience. When it comes to online slot gambling, choosing a site that is proven to be reliable and of high quality is essential. This is where Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site shines, standing as a beacon of trustworthiness and excellence in the realm of online betting. Let's delve into what makes Gacor Tujuh777 Slot Site a top choice for discerning players and why it has earned its reputation as a trusted and quality betting bookie.

Proven Quality and Reliability
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2024.04.02 10:43 Sarah_laili 💼💻 Trik Manajemen Keuangan Bisnis Secara Digital: Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Dana Anda! 📊💡

Dalam era digital ini, manajemen keuangan bisnis menjadi lebih efisien dan terorganisir dengan memanfaatkan teknologi. Berikut adalah beberapa trik yang dapat membantu Anda mengelola keuangan bisnis secara digital dengan lebih baik:
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Dengan menerapkan trik-trik manajemen keuangan bisnis secara digital ini, Anda dapat mengoptimalkan pengelolaan dana bisnis Anda dan mencapai kesuksesan yang lebih besar!
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submitted by Sarah_laili to u/Sarah_laili [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 20:57 CornerCornDog Mario, 1-ups, and Saves

“Y’know I’m starting to think that CornerCornDog might be a fan of the Mario series”
Alright I’m back with another topic that I’ve wanted to talk about for quite a bit but didn’t find exactly what I wanted to say about it until recently. This will be focusing on two aspects of the Mario series that I find interesting to analyze in a versus context, and I think they will be fun to talk about and discuss. There will be a focus on the games, as well as supplemental material such as guides, booklets, trading cards, and websites. While I think there is a good argument to be made for manga like Mario-kun or KC Mario to be included as canon (especially considering the cartoon-esque approach to canon Nintendo takes for the series), I would rather focus on the video games for this post as to make sure it is as uncontroversial as possible. There may be a few pieces of evidence from the mangas, but they will never be the sole example of something, and will always be labeled as such as well (I am also not as familiar with them as I am the games, so there’s that as well). The Paper Mario series will be considered in entirety however, as it references the main series and vice versa all the time, with Paper Jam not providing any substantial evidence that Paper Mario from Paper Jam is the same character as the one in the Paper Mario games. Therefore Paper Mario will be treated as canon, as it is the answer that provides the fewest amount of inconsistencies.
(Seriously, people are generally fine with compositing for cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, Tom Cat, or Popeye, but Mario, who’s canon is treated just as seriously by its creators as those cartoons, is expected to stick to a strict canon? That’s a topic for another time though)


1-ups, specifically 1-up Mushrooms, are an item in many Mario games, typically described as being an extra life or, less often, an “extra Mario”. For a long time they have been disregarded as being canon due to being a game mechanic, similar to many other series and their extra lives. However, there have been many references or other indications of 1-up Mushrooms being a canonical item within the Marioverse. For example, Peach sends Mario letters with 1-ups in both Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2. In Super Mario Sunshine, Piantas can reward you with a 1-up mushroom. 1-up Mushrooms can also be bought at in-universe shops in Mario & Luigi (it’s even on the shop sign) as well as DDR: Mario Mix, Super Mario Bros. Wonder, and Super Mario Galaxy. A 1-up Mushroom appears as the emblem and trophy of the first cup of the Star Open tournament in Mario Tennis Open, and it also is used as Toadette’s emblem in Mario Kart: Double Dash. Sponsors from Mario Kart 8 have the 1-up Mushroom as part of their logo, and a shop in Coconut Mall appears to be selling 1-up Mushrooms as well.
Additionally, the afterlife of the Marioverse is seen in Super Paper Mario in the form of the Underwhere and the Overthere. It is specified that people are sent here not when they die, but when the Game Over, which is the term used in most Mario games for when the player runs out of extra lives completely. Extra lives are even mentioned by a soul in the Underwhere, who states that Mario must have no extra lives left if he’s in the Underwhere. This essentially proves that “death” in the traditional sense is just a mild inconvenience at worst as long as someone has plenty of extra lives. This is further supported by Whomp King in Super Mario Galaxy 2, whose dialogue changes depending on if you’ve faced him and died previously, with him referencing that he’s making the same speech again. It is pretty clear that 1-ups and Extra Lives are a canonical part of the universe.
Next thing to talk about is how 1-ups exactly work, as I’ve seen some disagreements on what they do. For full transparency, I will go over every appearance of 1-ups and exactly what they do in each game.
Looking at all of these, the most consistent portrayal of the 1-up is as a passive revival method, with every mainline game showing it as such, supported by games such as Origami King and Puzzle & Dragons. The only games where it isn’t a passive revival item is the Mario & Luigi series, and games where it isn’t a revival item at all. Sometimes the 1-up places characters back at the beginning of an area, or even boots them out of the area, but there are also examples of characters returning right where they were before, such as Mario Wonder and Origami King.
This will likely be down to interpretation, as most of this is game mechanics anyway, but I don’t entirely think it matters whether the character is revived exactly where they were. The revival is always shown to be nearly instantaneous, and never revives characters too far from where they were. The only time the character is sent a notable distance away is in Super Mario 64 when characters are sent out of the Paintings, which is likely due to the properties of the Painting Worlds and not the revive specifically. It should be noted that a 1-up Mushroom or Extra Life has never been used in a cutscene, so if we ever do see one, that would take the most precedent over anything else seen.
Now that we’ve established Extra Lives as canon, and that 1-ups are passive, nearly instantaneous revives, how potent are they exactly? What is the limit to their resurrection?
Well for starters, we’ve seen them revive Mario from being sliced in half, pulling his parts back together. They have been able to revive Mario from anything he’s died to in the mainline series, including being burned in lava, electrocuted, completely flattened, drowning, poison, sinking in quicksand, and getting sucked into a black hole. In Super Mario Galaxy, they are even able to revive Mario and Luigi from being disintegrated into nothing. However, their best showing comes from Super Mario Bros. Wonder, where they are able to revive characters from having their ghost form, essentially their soul (heck the Japanese name translates directly to “soul”)), being completely destroyed. This would give 1-ups the equivalent of Mid-Godly Resurrection, or being able to recover after complete physical and spiritual destruction.
It should be noted that this isn’t typical regeneration, as the character has to die for the 1-up to be used passively. This means that if a character receives a wound that is incredibly damaging but not fatal (such as losing a limb) then they won’t be able to recover passively. Of course, as shown above, 1-ups are sometimes able to be used as healing items as well, and other similar items like Life Shrooms can do the same. As such, it is possible that their healing capabilities outside of resurrection match the potency, but it is somewhat unclear. Regardless, 1-ups are an incredibly powerful revival item.
1-up Mushrooms or similar items like the 3-up Moon aren’t the only way that characters can get extra lives. The typical purpose of coins is to give the collector an extra life upon getting 100, which is referenced in nearly every description coins have across the series. Additionally, a character bouncing on eight enemies in a row without touching the ground will grant a 1-up, with each consecutive bounce also granting a 1-up, and it should be noted that there are specific challenges that the characters in-universe do for this, so it likely isn’t a game mechanic (it also should be noted that it doesn’t have to be different enemies, the same enemy over and over again will work just fine, even if they aren’t killed). The same challenges also exist for items like the Penguin Suit or Super Star defeating enemies in a row granting 1-ups. Something similar to this also happens in the Manga, giving support to it not just being a game mechanic. Finally, after Mario has collected 1000 coins, him dying will actually cause him to respawn and gain another life instead of lose it, and though the video says it's a glitch, the mechanic has been referenced in the official encyclopedia as being an actual mechanic. This only applies to Mario however.
The final thing I would like to talk about with 1-ups is who should exactly get them. While they are implied to be a common item, it would be wrong to assume everyone in the verse gets access to them. Additionally, I would like to mention exactly HOW MANY each character has access to. Death Battle have shown consistently that they max out a video game character’s arsenal when it comes to stackable items usually, so it is only fair to do the same here with 1-ups. They use characters at their peak, and anything less than the max amount of 1-ups that they’ve been shown to use would not be their peak, and would be intentionally nerfing them arbitrarily. I see no good reason why these characters shouldn’t be given the max amount of 1-ups that they’ve been shown to carry.
In Super Mario 3D World, the maximum any character can carry is 1,110 extra lives (represented by three crowns). This would apply to all the playable characters in that game, which would be Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, and Rosalina, as well as debatably Captain Toad since he can also carry that many lives. Most other games only allow someone to carry 99 lives at once. Super Mario Bros. Wonder would allow Daisy, Toadette, Yoshi, and Nabbit to carry up to 99 extra lives at once, and Super Mario 64 DS would let Wario carry 99 as well.
Mario and Luigi also have access to the Bottomless Gloves, gear that lets them use an item without taking the item out of their inventory. In practice, this would give a theoretical infinite amount of extra lives. I’ve seen the argument that opponents could remove them, but the gloves give no indication that they’re the cause of the infinite items, and gloves have come back with extra lives reviving Mario as well.
I would like to mention Bowser as well, as he is shown in his playable sections in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door to have an infinite amount of lives. This is likely meant to be literal, as no matter how many times you die in-game, he will always come back. It is unclear if these are meant to be the exact same as the ones seen in other games, since we don’t ever see Bowser collect a 1-up mushroom or anything like that, but assuming they are, Bowser would be able to come back to life after he dies an infinite amount of times. This would actually be consistent with Bowser coming back from seeming death before, such as blowing up as a firework or getting turned into a small star.
Bowser Jr. has shown to carry around 1-ups in his Junior Clown Car as well, though the exact number of how many is unknown.
I would also like to mention Donkey Kong. In the Donkey Kong Country and Land series, extra lives are given by balloons instead of mushrooms. These are indeed canon as they can be bought at shops, with Cranky giving thoughts on them as well. These can revive from anything in the Donkey Kong series, including being crushed, burning in lava, and even getting poofed into nothing. This would make the Life Balloons possibly Low-Godly Resurrection. It is possible that they have the same potency as the ones shown in Mario games, but nothing has shown that directly. These extra lives cannot only be obtained by collecting a balloon, but also from bouncing on eight enemies in a row, which is canon as Cranky Kong directly mentions it in dialogue. Characters in the Donkey Kong series can carry up to 99 of them, which would apply to DK, Diddy, Dixie, Kiddie, Cranky, and Funky Kong. Characters exclusive to DK64 do not get them as that game doesn’t use lives.
In summary, extra lives are canon in Mario and can be gained in multiple ways. They are a passive revival method that can resurrect someone from complete physical and spiritual destruction. Multiple characters have shown to carry them, with some carrying over a thousand at once. Many Donkey Kong characters can carry up to 99 balloons, which are passive revives that can revive from complete physical destruction, and can be gained in many ways as well.


Saving is a mechanic in many Mario games that has, at multiple points, noted to be canon. Save Blocks, items specifically used to save, have been referenced in dialogue multiple times, including most recently in the Super Mario RPG remake. Saving as an idea is also mentioned multiple times by in-universe characters. Additionally, there are entire characters that are sentient Save Blocks. Just like extra lives, the amount of times saving has been referenced in-universe indicates that it is canon.
What saving actually does for Mario is it allows him to save his “progress” and reload it if he dies. More specifically, it is described in-universe as saving all the events he has experienced so far. If he gets a game over (which is if he runs out of all his extra lives as discussed previously), it allows him to continue living at the last spot he saved at. What this means is that, essentially, saving is a form of time manipulation, rewinding time to the last spot saved after running out of lives, similar to items like the Retry Clock.
It should be noted that a “Game Over” in Mario doesn’t just occur after running out of lives. It can occur when Mario is incapacitated, such as mind control from Dimentio, cursed from a ghost, or falling into Tick Tock Clock’s pit which is stated to have no bottom, or even if Mario makes a wrong decision, such as agreeing to help Shadow Queen or not agreeing to help Merlon (it should be noted that these wrong decisions end up leading to the end of the world, and obviously not every bad decision Mario makes ends up in a Game Over, so it is likely that it is only activated by active decisions that will end up causing total destruction).
Now most times saving is brought up in-universe it is via a Save Block, which would not be standard equipment for anyone (Bowser has them inside his body, but he hasn’t shown the ability to use them while they’re in his body). However, it is stated in Super Mario RPG that, in-universe, Mario saves automatically whenever he enters a new area. Because of this, Mario should get all the benefits of Saving, and would automatically save at the start of a Death Battle. Unfortunately I was unable to find any other examples of characters saving canonically in the games, however I could be wrong so if you are aware then feel free to share them. I believe there was an example of Bowser using saves in the manga, but I wasn’t able to check this for myself. Other games obviously have saving as a part of them, but that seems to be more of “the player” saving rather than the characters in-universe saving like every other example I’ve mentioned, so I wouldn’t give saving to every character that is playable in a game with saving.
In summary, Mario has the ability to canonically save his progress so that when he dies completely, or is otherwise incapacitated, time will rewind until when he saved so that he can avoid that fate. No other character has this ability to my knowledge.

Oh and one more thing…

There’s just a couple more things I wanted to talk about.
So if you get a Game Over in Super Mario Bros Wonder, the character you’re playing as will still be shown as alive even though they died with zero extra lives remaining. I would ordinarily call this just game mechanics, but Prince Florian then gives dialogue about him giving you five more extra lives. This is kinda weird to me, since it clearly isn’t saving since there’s no time manipulation involved, and yet characters are somehow able to live and survive after a Game Over. I’m extremely hesitant to say that characters can simply revive themselves anyway, since that would mean there’s no point to extra lives, but I also don’t want to just dismiss the scene entirely since it is something that canonically happens. I’m interested to hear what other people think.
There’s something similar that happens in Super Mario 3D World’s multiplayer, where if characters run out of lives in a level, but a Game Over doesn’t occur (because the remaining character finished the level), then the characters will pop back into existence and get 5 more 1-ups. However to me I see this being more game mechanics than anything, since it is never referenced in dialogue or anything like that. I could see it being supporting evidence for the above example though, but again I’m not completely sure about that.

Okay so how would you kill Mario?

I don’t want to make it seem like I’m making Mario out to be an unkillable being who cannot be stopped, so just for fun I’ll list multiple ways to kill/beat Mario for good.
This list is obviously not all-encompassing, this was just a couple of ways that I could think of off the top of my head. I made this because I specifically didn’t want the takeaway to be “wow this guy wanks Mario to be unbeatable”, because he obviously isn’t.


I already gave summaries for each part, but basically, the Mario series is cracked in terms of survivability. 1-ups are canon and can be gained in a multitude of ways, can resurrect even from complete spiritual destruction, and characters can hold up to 99, with some holding way more. Mario has the ability to canonically save whenever he enters a new area, and it automatically rewinds time to that point whenever Mario is dead or unable to fight in certain scenarios.
I have no idea how controversial this post is going to be, so this’ll be interesting. Thank you for reading this, I’ve had the idea of making this post for a couple months but irl work and personal projects kept getting in the way. I’ve been wanting to branch out more and not just be the guy who talks about Mario, but the Mario series is so fun and interesting that I can’t not keep coming back to talk about it. Huge shoutout to u/itownshend17 who helped me gather many links and sources for showing the canonicity of 1-ups and Saving.
submitted by CornerCornDog to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 11:55 lixolilo Carspotting in California, I-95 & West Palm Beach (Dakar, Touring, 964 Turbo)


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  4. Lamborghini Huracan Spyder
  5. Rolls-Royce Ghost
  6. Bentley Continental
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  1. Mc Laren 720s !
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  5. Chevrolet Corvette Z06
  6. Porsche 991 Targa
  7. Lamborghini Urus
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  9. Lexus LC500
  10. Jaguar F-type Coupe
  11. Bentley Continental
  12. Chevrolet Corvette Z06
  13. Chevrolet Corvette C7
  14. Bentley Bentayga
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  16. Maserati Gran Cabrio
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  28. Lexus LC500 Convertible
  29. Rolls-Royce Dawn
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  33. Chevrolet Corvette C8
  34. Lamborghini Urus
  35. Jaguar F-type R Coupe
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Sorry for refind !
submitted by lixolilo to StreetviewCarSpotting [link] [comments]

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submitted by 3dash__ to StreetviewCarSpotting [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 17:48 ToLiveOrToReddit Kepingin tahu, kenapa agama salah satu data penting buat pemerintah?

Kepingin tahu, kenapa agama salah satu data penting buat pemerintah?
Jaman sekarang, kenapa agama seseorang selalu ditanyakan kalo mengisi data buat dokumen pemerintah? Apa perlunya negara tahu agama seseorang itu apa? I’m looking for a fair justification because I can’t think of anything. Mungkin buat survey doang? Statistik?
submitted by ToLiveOrToReddit to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 03:04 SnooOranges6925 feedback on speed

hi there
this is just a feedback and I hope controld will have some improvement near future. I'm located in KUL, Malaysia. previously i configured on router with controld dns entry.. now I've changed the primary DNS to cloudflare as wife started grumbling that internet feels slow when loading pages. switching to cloudflare seems to have resolved it.
edit - adding info
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=43.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=43.2 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 time=43.2 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=56 time=43.2 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=56 time=43.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=56 time=43.5 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=7 ttl=56 time=43.1 ms
--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0% packet loss, time 6007ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 42.983/43.166/43.500/0.165 ms
$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 _gateway ( 0.253 ms 0.381 ms 0.359 ms
2 ( 8.342 ms 8.366 ms 8.392 ms
3 ( 3.209 ms 3.250 ms 3.610 ms
4 ( 16.484 ms ( 5.976 ms ( 5.485 ms
5 ( 39.222 ms 39.626 ms 39.124 ms
6 ( 43.391 ms * ( 39.769 ms
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$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=60 time=360 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=60 time=157 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=60 time=157 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=60 time=158 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=60 time=219 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=60 time=326 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=7 ttl=60 time=168 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=8 ttl=60 time=157 ms
--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 8 received, 0% packet loss, time 7004ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 156.826/212.817/359.639/78.104 ms
$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 _gateway ( 0.328 ms 0.431 ms 0.502 ms
2 ( 5.449 ms 5.590 ms 5.618 ms
3 ( 158.298 ms 158.318 ms 158.340 ms
4 ( 12.271 ms ( 12.298 ms ( 6.363 ms
5 ( 156.523 ms 156.058 ms 156.614 ms
6 ( 159.564 ms 159.240 ms 156.012 ms
7 * * *
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noticed the KUL traffic are all routed to HK instead of SG which could improve things a bit. For my own devices i still use controld dns all the way.. sacrificing some speed for protection. i know we can't manually select which server provide service.
submitted by SnooOranges6925 to ControlD [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 15:20 3dash__ Special post : 100+ G63s & G55s around the world (Police car, ONLY cool specs and locations, special editions and more)

Decided to make the most 3daSh possible post, enjoy. Will be divided in 3 categories : Spec Goals, Cool Location and Special Editions. Happy G63 International Day !

Special thanks to Jan, Vandal and Nezzo for their help with this post

Countries included : 26

Spec Goals :
G63 AMG : Palm Beach, Florida, US
G63 AMG : Mexico City, MX
G63 AMG : Mexico City, MX
G63 AMG : Warsaw, PL
G63 AMG : Long Beach, New Jersey, US
G63 AMG : Omaha, Nebraska, US
G63 AMG : Overland Park, Kansas, US
G63 AMG : Corpus Christi, Texas, US
G63 AMG : London, England, GB
G63 AMG : West Vancouver, British Columbia, CA
G63 AMG : Dubai, AE
G63 AMG : Dubai, AE
G63 AMG : Stránecká Zhoř, Vysočina Region, CZ
G63 AMG : Prague, CZ
G63 AMG : Prague, CZ
G63 AMG : Meguro City, Tokyo, JP
G63 AMG : Constanța, RO
G63 AMG : Rakvice, CZ
G63 AMG : Miami Beach, Florida, US
G63 AMG : Osaka, JP
G63 AMG : Irvine, California, US
G63 AMG : Taichung, TW

Cool & Uncommon Locations :
G55 AMG : Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, RU
G55 AMG : Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, RU
G55 AMG : Valdez, Alaska, US
G55 AMG : Novi Sad, Vojvodina, RS
G55 AMG : Ulaanbaatar, MN
G55 AMG : Bishkek, KG
G500 Cabriolet : Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, RU
G63 AMG : San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo Leon, MX
G63 AMG : San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo Leon, MX
G63 AMG : Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, MX
G63 AMG : North Jakarta, Jakarta, ID
G63 AMG : South Jakarta, Jakarta, ID
G63 AMG : South Jakarta, Jakarta, ID
G63 AMG : South Jakarta, Jakarta, ID
G63 AMG : Central Jakarta, Jakarta, ID
G63 AMG : Budapest, HU
G63 AMG : Zephyr Cove, Nevada, US
G63 AMG : Park City, Utah, US
G63 AMG : Budapest, HU
G63 AMG : Phnom Penh, KH
G63 AMG : Phnom Penh, KH
G63 AMG : Phnom Penh, KH
G63 AMG : São Paulo, State of São Paulo, BR
G63 AMG : Moscow Oblast, RU
G63 AMG : Derbent, Republic of Dagestan, RU
G63 AMG : Izberbash, Republic of Dagestan, RU
G63 AMG : Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, RU
G63 AMG : Buynaksk, Republic of Dagestan, RU
G63 AMG : Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, RU
G63 AMG : Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, NG
G63 AMG : Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, NG
G63 AMG : Kotelniki, Moscow Oblast, RU
G63 AMG : Ostrava, Moravian-Silesian Region, CZ
G63 AMG : Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, RU
G63 AMG : Tallinn, Harju County, EE
G63 AMG : Johannesburg, Gauteng, ZA
G63 AMG : Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Krai, RU
G63 AMG : Bangkok, TH
G63 AMG : Bangkok, TH
G63 AMG : Manisa, TR
G63 AMG : Ankara, TR
G63 AMG : Bangkok, TH
G63 AMG : Seoul, SK
G63 AMG : Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, KH
G63 AMG : Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN
G63 AMG : Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Kamchatka, RU

Special Editions :
G55 Brabus : Grozny, Chechnya, RU
G55 Brabus : Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, RU
G63 Brabus : Balice, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, PL
G63 Brabus : West Jakarta, Jakarta, ID
G63 Brabus : Taichung City, Taichung, TW
G63 Brabus : Budapest, HU
G63 Brabus : Dana Point, California, US
G63 Brabus : Krong Siem Reap, Siem Reap Province, KH
G63 Brabus : Phnom Penh, KH
G63 Brabus + G63 Brabus : Hong Kong, New Territories, HK
G63 Brabus : Singapore, SG
G63 Brabus : Moscow, RU
G63 Brabus : Ankara, TR
G63 Brabus + Unknown supercars : Bangkok, TH
G63 Brabus : Taipei, TW
G63 Brabus : Taoyuan, TW
G63 Brabus : Warsaw, PL
G63 TopCar Inferno : Moscow, RU
G63 AMG Edition 1 : Budapest, HU
G63 AMG Edition 1 : Zhukovka, Moscow Oblast, RU
G63 AMG Edition 1 : Prague, CZ
G63 AMG Edition 1 : Budapest, HU
G63 AMG Edition 1 : Sezana, SI
G63 AMG Edition 55 : Prague, CZ
G63 AMG Edition 463 : Warsaw, PL
G63 AMG Edition 463 : Lörrach, Baden-Württemberg, DE
G63 AMG Edition 463 : Izberbash, Republic of Dagestan, RU
G63 AMG Edition 463 : Dilchu, Republic of Dagestan, RU
G63 AMG Edition 463 : Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, RU
G63 AMG Edition 463 : Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, RU
G63 AMG Edition 463 : Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, RU
G63 AMG 4x4 + G63 AMG : Los Angeles, California, US
G63 AMG Crazy Colour Edition : Barvikha, Moscow Oblast, RU
G63 AMG Government Police Car : Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, NG
G550 4x4 : Bessemer, Alabama, US
G550 4x4 : Dedham, Massachusetts, US
G550 4x4 : City of Industry, California, US

First G63 AMG in 2024 footage that I found :
G63 AMG : Singapore, SG

Part 2 with leftovers that were not included in the main post will be posted in 24 hours

All other spots found while creating this post will be posted soon as well

submitted by 3dash__ to StreetviewCarSpotting [link] [comments]