Lamictal bipolar medication

Information about bipolar disorder and associated issues.

2009.06.04 14:22 KingOfZalo Information about bipolar disorder and associated issues.

A subreddit for people with bipolar disorder to discuss who we are, how we think and what helps us cope in life.

2011.04.10 13:06 sekh60 A subreddit for those interested in schizoaffective disorder.

Schizoaffective disorder is a chronic condition that affects approximately .3% of the American population. We often experience psychosis and mood instability. Symptoms can happen independently or overlap. To fight the isolation, fear, and confusion around this condition, we created a place for schizoaffective individuals, caregivers for schizoaffective individuals, and those curious about schizoaffective disorder. This is a place without judgement where one can vent, discuss symptoms, look for

2009.04.20 11:06 hax0r Mental Illness

A place on reddit to discuss mental illness

2024.05.15 08:02 Daemonback Why am I like this

For the record I do not have any trauma related disorders, personality disorders, or mental disorders other than MDD and severe anxiety. That being said I truly share symptoms across a lot of different disorders which confuses the hell out of me.
I had a normal childhood until about middle school. There I experienced a moderate amount of social isolations but still managed to make friends. A few of these friends tended to mess with me and try to make me feel as if I was lesser. I know I am not overreacting because other people have told me this and they act differently toward others. I think this was due to my appearance at a younger age and my anxiety. I cut them off because I realized they didn’t keep me around for other then making themselves feel good. I kept a few friends that I never Really considered close but largely I feel didn’t want to hangout with me lying about reasons not being able to hangout. I caught them in lies multiple times posting stories being somewhere when they said they were too tired to do anything or had a family event. I wantd to do something maybe once every two weeks and when they were busy maybe once a month but they managed to hangout with other people every weekend. High school I isolated myself and experimented with different personalities to try to make friends but nothing really worked that well. In my Highschool friend group I eventually had enough and argued with them over something relatively unimportant and they stopped associating with me after that with no more than a text asking if I was ok after being hospitalized a few days after. I had a bad reaction to prescribed medication that wasn't my fault. Never talked to a few of them after that in person and till this day and they think I am crazy. One said I don’t have it that bad when I tried explaining why I was so upset and how I struggled with a lot of things because a family member had an autistic son and I could never have it that bad. I was forced to go into group therapy in h s as well because of a screw up with the school and long story short my parents agreed it would be best to pull me out for a bit. I was by far the most emotionally stable person in each group I was put in no matter which person it was. I was also the only male except for a couple younger guys that were there for ASPD or OCD. I hate that I actually enjoyed being around all of the people in there. I still hate how I wish I never met any of these people because I think about them way to often and it hurts me. I felt too much in common with girls that had PTSD, BPD, and severe childhood trauma. I know that sounds awful but I truly wish I could switch lives with them because of the true horrors many of these kids experienced. the main reason I am even religious is because I do not know how a human being could torture another human soul so badly without remorse or reason without being influenced by true evil/demon/possession. I will not go into any detail because I do not feel it is my story to tell. All I will say is the light seemed dull in many children's eyes in that place. The only reason I have cried in the past like 8 months is because I remember the stories these people have told me. I hate how the closest I have every felt to a human being was with a girl that had BPD who I barely know and I felt was kind to me with no reason. I hate how I see these people around my city without it actually being them. I hate how I stay up at night thinking about our conversations. I hate how I feel they did not like me because I was even in there. I felt annoying and disrespectful without trying and I felt everything I said was stupid and came off weird or wrong. I hate how no one understands me as well as some of these girls did. Like why am I actively having good conversations with someone who seems to feel the same emotions I am feeling do not wish to have children because of the way I feel and the risk associated with them experiencing something horrible. I have also never seen myself living super long due to me being high stress and the fact I just have too much weird situations happen to me. I feel every major goal of mine has been ruined by things outside of my control I only have happiness in fleeting moments but I have experienced pure joy in a handful of moments in my life. My baseline is depressed and anxious but manageable. I feel I am lucky enough to not experience true trauma but unlucky enough to keep having bullshit mess with my life plans and happiness. There is more stuff I intentional left out because its too specific and I don't like talking bout them.
Symptoms list:
Mind racing, hypervigilance, feeling everyone is against me without proof, paranoid or more so anxious bad things will happen to me, always on guard in public; feels like people are making fun of me, intense anger toward others the world and myself, sensitive to specific words and topics, intense sensation of hollowness, backseat driveidentity issues [really only preset during extreme bouts of physical and mental stress such as not sleeping, eating or illness], I don't ever get headaches unless I am insanely stressed or depressed, sharp disconnect between myself and my feelings or feeling is should feel, I imagine crazy unrealistic but statistically probable dangerous situations happening to me when I am in public, have an intense almost idiotic need to prove my toughness and would rather die than back down to someone
My doctors have never thought I have autism and the only reason I have ever looked into that is social difficulties and when I am sleep deprived or under extreme stress/ anxiety I am not good in social situations. This has gotten better as I have gotten older though.
I do not have OCD even though I have a borderline extreme obsession with my chosen sport to the point I have to stop myself from talking about it all the time.
I don't hallucinate or have overly grandiose ideas/delusions
Don't fit criteria for PTSD as my symptoms are manageable enough to function at a high level and I have not really hit any of the trauma criteria under the DSM-5
Bipolar out of the question as I only ever experience manic symptoms when I am sick and cant get enough sleep and my mood is relatively stable. My psych told me to stop telling my therapist I have experienced mania because he believes its only due to sleep related insomnia. Even though they did say it is possible its not likely.
bipolar same with schizophrenia don't even come close to this one
Personality disorder I have no immediate family that has any of these and I did not have an exceptionally hard childhood. No severe trauma to cause this plus my mood is to stable and antidepressants help me regulate for the most part also antipsychotic actually make me worse even atypical ones suck.
My docs and therapist just say I am really unlucky and have MDD severe anxiety and to get over my past but I feel as if it is apart of me and if I let go of it that all my pain was meant for nothing. I don't know why but I would rather go a lifetime of suffering because I feel that is a better alternative for me personally and is more honorable to society than the alternative. I Truly for some reason don't have a quitting bone in my body and sometimes wish this wasn't the case. I think this is party due to spite and hate and the fact I cant believe all this was meant for nothing.
submitted by Daemonback to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:31 SunflowerFiend Quick update, 1 year later: Caplyta lifted my bipolar depression

Hi all! 35F here, and I’ve been on Caplyta for nearly a year. I am diagnosed bipolar 1, but I’ve only had one major manic episode in my life (reason for diagnosis in 2018). The rest of my life has been plagued with intervals of depression, hypomania, and waking up with the doom and glooms.
Despite having the same amount of stressors as I did one year ago, I feel substantially different, changed, improved, born again, even. I can’t imagine not being medicated at this point, something that I struggled with at the beginning of my bipolar journey (diagnosed in 2018).
The NP started me off on 42mg, and the dose never changed. Side effects subsided within the 2-4 week mark. And it lifted my depression, but did nothing for my hypomania. I am still relatively excitable and seemingly refuse to go to sleep at a decent hour. I call my lack of sleep self-inflicted because once I CHOOSE to go to sleep, I’m out like a light within 10 minutes. So the bipolar doesn’t keep me from sleeping, but I think it feeds my late night curiosity.
The clinic assigned me a new practitioner to no fault of my own. We added lamotrigine to combat hypomania and irritability, first at 25mg, then 50mg, then 100mg and I don’t feel any different than not having it at all. We added gabapentin 300 mg which seems to make me sleepy along with the Caplyta when not taken at 2am (my usual dosing time, because, well, stubbornness).
I admitted to the NP that I am regularly sleep deprived and that perhaps my irritability will not be resolved until I dominate old habits in that department and start taking my meds at a reasonable hour along with a good bedtime routine. I have been a bit of a night owl since the beginning of time, I can remember being 5 with a TV in my room and no strict bed time and staying up till MAS*H (the tv show) came on, on a regular basis.
Alas, I’d consider Caplyta helpful for my bipolar depression and I’ve had no notable side effects after one year of use.
Hope this helps anyone curious about a 1 year update. Share your feedback on what has helped with sleep the most, be it meds, sleep routine, etc. I am in desperate need of help in that department.
submitted by SunflowerFiend to caplyta [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:23 Adventurous-Shine224 My first post.

Let me start by explaining my current living situation . I 37M with 2 kids 8M and 6F cohabiting my home with my ex 32F. We had been together for 10 years but experienced relationship problems after 2 years but our son was born before we almost split so we gave it another try. We have always had communication issues and overall relationship problems throughout our 10 years together. I won’t deny that being with someone who has my issues is easy to live with and I recognize how hard I can be to live with because I also live with ADHD and anxiety. I’ve been institutionalized 2 times in our relationship because of my severe depression and complications with medication so talks of mental health have never really been an issue to talk out or about until the second time it happened. Throughout our relationship I went through the ringer attempting to find something that could relieve my symptoms of depression but always came up short of a therapeutic dose or relief of symptoms at all. As anyone who knows the woes of depression medications it can go a few ways, worst being suicidal thoughts/feelings/actions, self harm, adverse personality or emotional side affects such as irritability, anger, lethargy, and even medication induced manic episodes that can replicate bipolar. I had never really had much luck and after the second time I was hospitalized I swore off medication entirely to manage my depression because I got fed up with either feeling mentally/physically sick or nothing at all because at this point in my life the number of different medications I tried reached 22 different kinds and doses. When we first got together things were good and we rode high on the honeymoon phase until various events transpired. There were red flags that I ignored in her because we would talk about what happened and she made me feel like I was validated and herd but would likely happen again which led to the almost breakup we had when she told me she was pregnant. Red flags such as her divulging my personal diagnosis to people I didn’t know without asking me, belittling me in front of friends and family, emotional abuse, physical abuse, physical neglect and once lying about a hangout she had with a friend where she spent the night in a hotel room with 2 other single men drinking because her friend was freshly divorced and wanted to “celebrate “. Most times breakups almost happened but I couldn’t bring myself to leave. Update 2 coming soon.
submitted by Adventurous-Shine224 to u/Adventurous-Shine224 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:20 Investment-Both Advice Needed: MBA or Trade School

I am a 27F with 2 years of work experience in administrative work and accounting work for only 6 months. I really haven’t had a great idea of what I want to do in life. I’m at the point now where I had to move to CA bc of my spouse. No one will hire me here bc I don’t have contacts and I have minimal experience. My GPA is a 2.75 so I realize I will not get into a place like Rady, but is an MBA better than no MBA? I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I have only applied to Knauss and Point Loma. The latter has already accepted me as they pretty much take anybody. My GPA is so low bc I experienced a breakdown with a bipolar diagnosis way back in undergrad. After I got on meds I obtained a 3.70 my last semester, but I am unfortunately stuck with this black mark. Getting an MBA will be expensive, but I am hoping it will pay off since I cannot find a job right now. Indeed is so depressing and my ego hurts that I can’t find a job. I have little experience and I am a nobody in the huge world of SoCal. I mentioned trade bc I enjoy car work. I could see myself working on cars for a living. At the same time, I also have interest in knowing more about the world of business. I might like working in biotech as I love reading medical research journals. Idk, I feel really lost in life. If I go back to school, my only choice might be PLNU. I want Knauss at least, but I doubt I will get in. Is Point Loma better than nothing? For more info, I will probably not stay in SoCal, so my future career might be in a much more rural area.
submitted by Investment-Both to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:43 adamdoestheatre How do you just live life?

My bipolar has been trigerred so dramatically recently by life events. I am somewhat medicated with a new psychiatrist appointment set up for June (can't wait and it's still crappy stuff happening). How do you just live and let the things slide? It makes me feel out of control and like I'm putting so much on bosses, coworkers, friends, and family.
submitted by adamdoestheatre to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:09 tonyc402 Mom (62) is driving my brother and I up the wall.....Really worried about everything

I dont know if I'm trying to look for answers or just trying to rant but here it goes.
For context, I live in Ontario (Canada).
These past couple of months have been really hard for my brother (34) and I (36). Two months ago, my dad (63) had a hemmoragic stroke. The first few weeks were scary as he couldnt talk and his whole right side was paralyzed. Since then, he has been recovering quite quickly with rehab and is now able to speak ( albeit with difficulties word finding and short term memory issues) and has some mobility on his right leg and arm but still extremely weak that he cannot do much with them. Since then, we have been taking care of our mom who suffers from psychosis, bipolar , depression and diabetes for the past 5 years or so and dad was the one always taking care of her. We are really scared on what the future entails now that this will likely be our new normal. POA for Property and Health is in place and brother and I are now officially appointed.
With our dad still going through rehabilitation, my brother and I have been attending to our mom's needs and their finances, however , it has been a constant struggle. She is extremely needy and cries the freaking blues when there is any kind of inconvenience (most of it caused by her ) such as the fridge going out (she buys an egrigious amount of groceries that she will never finish), the sink garbage dispenser being clogged ( she puts EVERYTHING in it ) and broke it more than once, and now we are getting a text from her that her toilet and shower is clogged (even though we told her she has more than one toilet and shower she can use in the interim). All she cares about is money and that she needs to buy things (her disability pension from her work is quite good, but she spends like it grows on trees and we had to limit her credit card usage and take her debit card away and making sure their bills are paid). We are thinking this is probably a high risk for dementia. Everything seems to be breaking with her being alone ( brother and I have our own place and both live in the same city as our parents)
I dont know what to do and its only been two freaking months of this and im already at my wits end. She CANNOT take care of herself (ironically , she knows to take her diabetic medications consistently) but refuses any other appointsments to help with her mental issues. We are scared that once dad is discharged from the hospital that their living arrangements will need to be changed and seperate, as there is no way mom will have the capacity ,both physically and mentally, to take care of dad (for f*** sake, she didnt even stay 1 hour at the hospital with dad when he first got admitted for his stroke because she said she was tired). Im extremely exhausted as I have my own issues with taking care of my business ,which is not doing so hot, and now helping take care of my dad's business ( we are both in the hospitality industry) but his is very profitable. All my family members tell me to make sure to take care of myself in order for us to take care of our parents. But how the heck can I when I'm being pulled left , right and center in everything. I barely have time for myself personally. My brother is doing as much as he can as well and I am lucky that we have a pretty good relationship and see eye to eye on a lot of things. I feel like at some point I'm going to spiral. Am I complaining too much? am I just weak?
Again , i dont know why im writing this. Maybe looking for others who have had similiar situations. I just want this nightmare to end.
submitted by tonyc402 to AgingParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:49 stressed_as_fuck_lol Leaving this world

Hi, all. Tonight I may very well be ending my life. I have bipolar with mixed features and psychosis. It just flaired up over a very stressful weekend (as well as triggering my GI and migraines).
Guys, I fucked up. I was in a mixed episode and parially ruined my parnter of a decade's graduation day. I have so much shame and it comes in waves. I'm so tired of dealing with all my fucking medical conditions my parents gave me through trauma. I just want to escape it all. I ddon't

Sorry for my disjointed writing. I took all al pills in my cabinet and it's getting har to see and walk. I took m ninrty supply of boh the klopin ane i

I'm sorry, Ranger, I'm sorry Kylie. I'm sorry Matt. I'm sorry, mom, The worst part is knowing I'm leaving all of them .
submitted by stressed_as_fuck_lol to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:47 DianeAsp Vitamins or Supplements to Take

I was wondering if there were any vitamins or supplements that you recommend your patients take in addition to prescribed medication, in general or specifically for bipolar? I know vitamin D is often recommended, especially if you live further north, and take it regularly.
submitted by DianeAsp to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:05 PristineTrouble527 longtime laxative user, too scared to stop but experiencing adverse effects possibly interacting with psych meds

i'm currently taking latuda 20mg and trazodone 50 mg for sleep. i take 1-2 stimulant laxes a day after taking 3-5for years and i wanted to wean off them entirely, but i've found it hard to stop.
ever since i started psych medication after 2.5 years of not being on it, i'm bipolar and had a very bad breakdown my gi issues have worsened. i've been using lax since i was about 19-20, i'm 27 now, i struggled with such bad constipation after my bout with anorexia that i never stopped taking stimulant laxatives, though i've gradually reduced them. every psych medication i've tried since december 2023 has failed me and i'm now starting to suspect it's my lax use, but i'm afraid to stop out of fear of what itll do to my bowels.
for the past week i've been experiencing on and off vertigo/dizziness, shivering, heart palpitations, exhaustion, farting and lymph node swelling, coldness in my limbs and muscles, and sensitivity around my veins, immense stomachache, which has never occurred longer term before, just once in a blue moon. when i scratched my stomach earlier the skin actually turned red. i cannot tell if this is the psych medication or not but a lot of it seems to occur around my bowel movements. it also happened during/after my period. makes it hella hard to function and i feel out of commission and extremely exhausted during the hours where i experience those symptoms.
i have an appointment with therapist tmmrw and i dont know if i should tell her i need to stop and search for advice. i already owe thousands to the ER from an allergic reaction to my medication so i'm afraid to go to a residential. i have also been tested for other conditions and they claim nothing is wrong other than a higher than avg hemoglobin level and a 'dry kidney' from dehydration. yet i feel like absolute sick shit.
i'm not engaging in restrictive behavior beyond the lax taking. my insurance is crappy and i only have a general practitioner doctor and psychiatrist whos out of pocket. dont think anyone who specializes in gi health is covered. my entire body is heaving and writhing and has no idea what to do and i'm afraid of stopping the lax, should i just reduce it to one pill every few days to start and then buy some miralax?
please, i need help. i've been wanting to get off these for years but felt helpless to stop and now i fear if i dont it will end catastropically. i'm afraid my system will shut down if i dont stop, but i'm also afraid itll shut down if i stop cold turkey too quickly. please please help me and offer me some advice on how to get thru this.
submitted by PristineTrouble527 to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:13 twof907 Gut and hormone testing?

Has anyone taken more advanced hormone tests like the DUTCH test or done gut microbiome testing?
If so were you able to alter lifestyle, take supplements, change eating habits to help with either BP symptoms or med side effects?
I have BP 2 and am currently only on Lamictal and some supplements. I'm still really struggling with depression, fatigue, and apathy.
I do not tolerate ssris or welbutrin, and don't want to just keep taking more and more medications.
My symptoms do seem somewhat related to menstrual cycle, and though I have a clean diet I wonder if there is something I could do to get my body sort of working a little better so I could fight this apathy and lethargy.
Any experience appreciated. Oh I'm not trying to get off my meds or anything, just additional information/treatment interest.
submitted by twof907 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:59 babydummy34 Briviact is ruining me

I’ve been taking it for a few months, and the side effects are intense. I can’t sleep, I’m exhausted and tired all the time. I’m extremely depressed and sad, more than I’ve been in a long time. I’m irritable and reactive. I can’t function like this.
My neurologist said it wouldn’t clash with my other seizure meds- lamictal and zonisamide. I only started taking it because of a breakthrough seizure. I hate changing my seizure regimen because of this exact type of scenario.
I have a telehealth appt on Friday. I’m going to ask to go off the BRIVIACT.
Has anyone else had similar experiences with this medication?
submitted by babydummy34 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:52 kellyhoffmacher 1 week off lamictal - after 14 years on

I was wondering if anyone out there can share their experience coming off this medication after taking it for MANY years.
I didn't have any negative experiences with this med - I've just had multiple psychiatrists (and a therapist) tell me within the last 2 years that I'm not bi polar 2 after all, and that I don't need the med.
Plus I have fibromyalgia, have had for seven years, and in an effort to just be on less medication/put fewer things into my body (let alone "things" I don't need), my doc has be going off lamictal and one other psych med (quetiapine aka Seroquel). I have been off lamictal for just over a week after being on it since it came out in 2010 and had been tapering down from 200 for about 2 months. I am down to 25mg seroquell down from 100. About a year ago I started to take trazodone bc I was having really bad sleep. Now it has replaced quetiapine.
Because I gradually tapered off lamictal and quetiapine at the same time, it's hard if not impossible to tell what's causing what. My symptoms? The most insane fatigue I have ever felt in my life. Barely able to function. Yes, chronic fatigue is a stymtom of fibromyalgia, but this is on another level. I did have some pretty bad separation anxiety when my boyfriend went on a a trip. But other than that, the process has not been dramatic (obviously the fatigue is dramatic, but nothing emotional is happening to me).
Everything I've read online is basically like once the med is out of your system you're done/good. But this medication has been in my system for 14 years. This has to be a huge shock to my system (doctor doesn't agree). Is it fair to assume that I'm not going to feel normal for a while?? 14 years is a long time!!
submitted by kellyhoffmacher to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:47 libraryofallie Be careful what you wish for...

This isn't just another 15F post. It's going to be long, and could potentially trigger some people, so if that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I have a history of abuse about a mile long. It mostly happened with my stepdad, but sometimes my mom got involved. I was young, but I was fairly intelligent for my age, and I knew it was wrong. But, I didn't have anything else, and my city sucks for runaways. (lots of drugs on the streets, gangs, the cartel.) By nine I had the diagnosis: depression. The doctor gave me some Lexapro and basically told me to get fucked cause at least I had my parents. When I was 14 I went to the psych ward. The doctors there told me to shove Zoloft down my throat. A few admissions later they figured out that I had bipolar, so they put me on a medication that makes me sleep all day and gave me more. Fucking. Zoloft. I was just so tired of feeling great for a week then depressed for a year that I agreed. I was in the middle of a hypomanic episode when they prescribed the medication, called Depakote, so I didn't feel the effects until the depressive crash. The Depakote didn't make me feel sad. The Depakote didn't make me feel happy. My emotions are about flatter than my chest. Granted, I still want to kill myself, but it's not out of depression. More of a desire to not feel this emptiness anymore. I would rather have grand mals and go into mania (I was warned what would happen if I stopped it by the doctor and my pharmacist) than not feel at all.
submitted by libraryofallie to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:19 Ok_Rent_3748 I promised to write a essay if Vultures 2 didn’t drop on May 3..

I forgot about it, until some guy pulled up Some receipts, so here it is…
 The History Of Ye: The year of 1977, a year to remember. A superstar was born during this year. The young Kanye West, now known as Ye, was birthed into this world by Donda and Ray in the ATL. Ye may have grown up lower middle class but he had a great background with his mother, Donda, being a well-spoken, charismatic, and wise woman, and his father, Ray, being a Black Panther Journalist. Unfortunately, the two parents would split when Ye was around the age of 3, and Donda got Ye to move with her to Chi-Town. Ye would go to a variety of places with his mother, even places like China! Young Ye was a great student and characterized as charismatic and outspoken by his teachers. He would graduate in the 90’s, where his career really began to spring. Ye always wanted to be a producer, so he took the opportunity and ran with it. He first started making beats for local guys, and then bigger artists like Common, and even bigger ones like Jay-Z, starting in the early 2000’s. However, Ye also wanted to be a rapper, even being in a group called the Go Getters, but no label wanted to sign him. That was until a reluctant Dame Dash of Roc-A-Fella signed him to a record deal. Things weren’t always sunshine and rainbows though, as Ye would get into a car crash in early 2003, making his jaw wired shut. This did not stop the determined Ye however, ash he pushed through and dropped his hugely successful and influential The College Dropout. Then he did it again with Late Registration, and again with Graduation….but this streak of happiness and well health for Ye would snap with the death of his mother, Donda…. Everything began to go downhill from there. That along with the break up of his fiancée inspired his fourth album, 808’s & Heartbreak. Ye would start spazzing out, however, even crashing the MTV VMA’s to interrupt a young Taylor Swift. This caused Ye to go into exile, but not for long, as the release of My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy bringing the world back to him, and then Watch The Throne with close friend Jay-Z. He even started his own label during this time, G.O.O.D. Music, and got married to the love of his life Kim, having 4 kids in North, Saint, Psalm, and Chicago. He went on to drop Yeezus, experimental and influential, and The Life Of Pablo, a modern piece of art. His mental health would begin to spiral again however. He had to cancel a whole tour and was medicated at UCLA, where Ye was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. He would embrace the diagnosis however, dropping Ye, Kids See Ghosts with close friend Kid Cudi, and several other executively produced albums in 2018 all while under a controversy revolving around slavery and the president. After this period, Ye completely gave his life to Jesus, forming the Sunday Service Choir and scrapping a whole album to reshape it as Jesus Is King. Ye was finally mentally clear….until he and Kim started having issues. Ye would drop Donda in 2021, dedicated to his deceased mother, another gospel album, but behind the scenes, Kim wanted a divorce, and started hanging out with other guys like Pete Davidson. 2022 would be the worst year of his life, scrapping a whole album he already “dropped”, hanging out with weirdos and creeps, and then the straw that broke the camel’s back….becoming publicly antisemitic, praising Hitler on live media. This snapped his sponsorship deals in half, including the generational Adidas deal. All hope was lost….until Ye found a new wife in Bianca, and a real friend in Ty Dolla $ign, who dug Ye out from his grave and released a collab album with him, Vultures 1. There may be a Vultures 2 and 3 one day, but Ye’s current state of mind is unknown, with rumors of an old demon coming back on his shoulders. Will Ye find more help? Will Ye spaz again? We will know soon for certain… 
Hope you enjoyed :)
submitted by Ok_Rent_3748 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:05 Safe-Ad-3696 1WPO second surgery update

Following up on on my latest post TLDR: had failed a hysterectomy in February and second surgery was successful.
34 y/o, high BMI, stage IV endo, suspected adeno, (not confirmed in biopsy)dense adhesions and scarring. Had my LAVH, robotic assisted on May 7th. I found a super compassionate doctor who reassured me and gave me hope after I lost it when my first surgery had to be aborted. Surgery went better than expected, with no complications. It took about 6 hours and took forever for me to wake up. I went home the day of the procedure, only took oxy twice and been managing pain with over the counter meds and gabapentin before bed. Hot water bottles and heating pads. Bloating is annoying, I am lonely and bored but I am happy to be done with it. I felt immediate relief, pain peaked on day 2 - gas pain is no joke. I wanted to thank this community for the advice and support provided, it has been crucial for my journey and I am grateful 💗
My hysterectomy was the culmination of more than 13 years of seeking relief from my discomforts that only worsened over time.
It started with anemia on the verge of blood transfusion that had no explanation other than hypermenorrhea. Each menstrual cycle became more tortuous with the passage of time, heavy bleeding, clots, leg cramps, lumbar pain and chronic fatigue.
I will have seen more than a dozen gynecologists and various doctors.
Blood studies, ultrasounds, resonances, endometrial biopsies, colonoscopy, contraceptives, hormonal IUD that ruined my mental health, I tried absolutely everything. I even went to the middle of the Amazon rainforest to seek relief in the medicine used by the Shipibo people.
I came out of many consultations crying, medical gaslighting and gordophobia were 98% of my experience.
They sent me to the psychiatrist because my pain seemed to have no other explanation than to be psychological.
Since I knew about endometriosis I KNEW that surely it was what happened to me, but finding a doctor who would take me seriously and believe me cost so much. It cost time, money, energy, tears, mental health, putting the body.
First they confirmed fibroids, then suspicion of adenomyosis (waiting confirmation of the biopsy), in February I was operated on for 3 hours without being able to remove my uterus due to the intensity of the adhesions and the advanced endometriosis (phase 4 that was confirmed in said failed surgery)
I had my second operation with a specialist and an interdisciplinary team of gynecologists, urologists and general surgeons.
They took out my uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes. The uterus was attached to the abdominal wall, bladder, intestines and basically everything around it. They drained cysts in the ovaries that I keep. I was cleaned of endometriosis of the sacrous ligaments and mainly of the bladder that was very compromised. They took adhesions from me and I'm sure I forget more.
I feel like I was born again and although this disease is chronic and has no cure, I already hope to see improvements and have a better quality of life, make up for lost time ❤️‍🩹 I can’t wait to see if I can ride a bike again.
Now slowly recovering and feeling very emotional and tired, otherwise happy and excited for my new healing era.
Will include surgery notes, biopsy report and pictures for the curious ones, Hope everyone is having a lovely pre surgery or recovery journey, it’s not easy, but we got this 💪 we are stronger and more resilient than we give ourselves credit for, we fight relentlessly and we show up for each other, our bodies are amazing and can do incredibly things. Sending lots of love your way, internet strangers ✨ 💗
Surgery notes:
Findings: Laparoscopy: Smooth diaphragmatic peritoneal surfaces and liver without gross lesion. No injury under site of injury at umbilicus and no umbilical adhesions. Intraabdominal adhesions in the right lower quadrant at the site of prior appendectomy, with bowel and omentum adherent to the right abdominal sidewall. Once this omentum and bowel was taken down, there was a divot with a small amount of fat seen in the RUQ. Dr. Kim evaluated this did not require intervention. Similarly, no clear indirect R inguinal hernia seen without bowel and omentum involved, so Dr. Kim similarly did not recommend intervention. Omentum, bladder adherent to the lower uterine segment anteriorly. Extensive pelvic adhesions and evidence of endometriosis. Thickening of the bladder peritoneum and tacked up to lower uterine segment. Fallopian tubes and ovaries adhered to pelvic side wall, with left hematosalpinx noted in the setting of tortuous left tube. R ovary with small ~1cm functional-appearing cyst. L ovary with hemorrhagic ~2-3cm cyst. Rectum free, no posterior adhesions but extensive serosal endometriosis between the uterosacral ligament and on R posterior serosa overlying R uterosacral. Due to the ICG and use of firefly technology, the course of the ureters were well visualized. Procedure Details: After discussion of risks, benefits and alternatives to the procedure, written consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the operating room. The patient was positioned in the dorsal lithotomy position in yellowfin stirrups with arms padded and tucked at her sides. An exam under anesthesia was performed with findings as noted above. Urology completed a cystoscopy (no endometriosis) and placed ureteral stents with ureteral indocyanine green dye placement. See their operative note for further details. The cervix was dilated with tonsil forceps. Paracervical block was placed. The Rumi uterine manipulator with medium Koh ring was secured to the cervix. A Foley catheter was placed to drain the bladder intraoperatively. A 0.8 cm incision was made at the umbilicus, kocher used to elevate the fascia, and a Veress needle was inserted. Intraperitoneal placement was confirmed. The abdomen was insufflated until an adequate dome was achieved. A 8 mm robotic port was placed and the robotic scope was inserted. Under direct visualization, 3 additional ports were placed, two 8 mm robotic ports to the right of the umbilicus and one 8 mm robotic port to the left of the umbilicus. The patient was placed on steep Trendelenburg and the bowels were swept into the upper abdomen. The Da Vinci robot was then docked in position. The filmy adhesions in the RUQ were taken down with combination of cautery and sharp technique. The omentum was taken down off of the uterine fundus with bipolar and monopolar cautery. The left fallopian tube was followed out to the fimbria. The salpingectomy was then performed, starting at the distal fimbriated end of the tube and sequentially coagulating and transecting the mesosalpinx adjacent to the fallopian tube and well away from the ovary. The fallopian tube was left attached at the cornua. The procedure was repeated on the contralateral side. Good hemostasis was noted. The bladder was noted to be densely scarred to the LUS/cervical junction. The junction was incised with monopolar cautery and the bladder was meticulous dissected off of the underlying uterus/cervix to the level of the KOH ring as marked cephlad traction was placed on the Rumi device. Due to the anterior compartment scarring, round ligaments were not clearly identified. The thickened tissue in this area was grasped, cauterized with bipolar and divided with monopolar. Both ureters were seen using firefly technology. The left utero-ovarian ligament was ligated with bipolar cautery and divided with monopolar. The same procedure was performed on the right side. Marked cephlad traction was applied to the KOH ring. The uterine vessels on either side were skeletonized and ligated with bipolar cautery. The remainder of the cardinal and parametrial attachments were ligated with bipolar and divided with monopolar. The vagina was opened over the Colpo device circumferentially. The fibrotic uterosacral ligaments with overlying endometriosis was incised below the implants and fibrosis, taking care to avoid the ureters. The endometriotic implants over the right uterosacral ligaments were excised. The uterus and fallopian tubes were then removed through the vagina. Given the extensive adhesions and fibrosis, this portion of the surgery took an additional 60 minutes longer than expected. After that, the vaginal occluder was placed into the vagina to maintain the pneumoperitoneum. Dr. Kim then came to assess the inguinal hernia. He deemed no intervention was necessary for the R inguinal hernia or the RUQ divot. The functional ovarian cyst in the R ovary was drained. The 2 cm hemorrhagic ovarian cyst in the L ovary was felt to represent hemorrhagic corpus luteum. Two <1cm nodules on the R uterosacral were excised using cautery, taking care to avoid the right ureter. The vaginal cuff was closed using 0 V-lock in a running fashion in 2 layers . The area was irrigated, and hemostasis was evident. All instruments were then removed under direct visualization. The skin was closed with 4-0 Biosyn . Sterile dressings and Tegaderm were applied to all port sites. The ureteral stents were removed and inspected by urology and noted to be intact. A foley catheter was placed for routine voiding trial in PACU. Sponge and needle counts were correct times x2. The patient tolerated the procedure well and went to the recovery room in stable condition. There were no complications to the case.
Final Diagnosis A) Uterus, cervix, bilateral fallopian tubes, hysterectomy and salpingectomy: - Myometrium with leiomyoma. - Serosal/subserosal endometriosis. - Early secretory endometrium, negative for neoplasm. - Bilateral fallopian tubes and cervix negative for neoplasm. B) Peritoneum, right utero-sacral, biopsy: - Fibrotic squamous epithelium-lined tissue with scattered lymphocytic inflammation. - Negative for neoplasm and no definite endometriosis. Clinical Information Pre-op diagnosis: Adenomyosis [N80.03] Dysmenorrhea [N94.6] Menorrhagia with regular cycle [N92.0] Pelvic peritoneal adhesions, female [N73.6]
Gross Description A. Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, other than neoplastic/prolapse. Received fresh labeled; 1)Uterus,cervix,bilateral tubes" is a uterus with attached bilateral fallopian tubes.. The uterus alone is 105 g, 9.5 cm cervix to fundus by 6.0 cm cornu to cornu by 5.0 cm anterior to posterior. The cervix is 3.3 cm long by 3.0 cm diameter with a 0.6 cm diameter os. The ectocervix has punctate areas of hemorrhage. The serosa has scant fibrous adhesions anteriorly and extensive cautery and disruption posteriorly. The endometrium is ragged, hemorrhagic, 0.1-0.4 cm thick. The myometrium is up to 2.6 cm thick and is mildly trabeculated with cysts up to 0.1 cm greatest dimension filled with hemorrhagic material, suggestive of adenomyosis. There is a 0.2 cm diameter intramural well-circumscribed nodule with a whorled cut surface. No areas of softening are identified. The right fallopian tube is slightly serpentine, congested, 5.3 cm long by 0.5-0.6 cm diameter and has attached hemorrhagic fimbria. The left tube is 5.0 cm long by 0.5-0.6 cm diameter, purple-tan with attached hemorrhagic fimbria. Representative sections are submitted: A1-anterior cervix A2-posterior cervix A3-anterior endomyometrium A4-A5-posterior endomyometrium with possible adenomyosis (A4 with leiomyoma) A6-right fallopian tube and entire fimbria A7-left fallopian tube tube, entire fimbria. (MUA) B. Soft tissue, OTHER. Received in formalin labeled, ; 2)right utero-sacral biopsy" are 2 tan red rubbery tissue fragments, 0.7 and 1.0 cm, that are entirely submitted in B1. (AA) Case Report Value Surgical Pathology Report Case: SU24-15696 Authorizing Provider: Chiang, Seine, MD Collected: 05/07/2024 03:42 PM Ordering Location: UWMC Main Operating Room Received: 05/07/2024 05:21 PM Pathologist: Garcia, Rochelle Lorraine, MD Specimens: A) - Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, other than neoplastic/prolapse, 1)Uterus,cervix,bilateral tubes B) - Soft tissue, OTHER, 2)right utero-sacral biopsy
Surgery pics
submitted by Safe-Ad-3696 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:28 Groundbreaking_Pea10 Changing Medication

Question for You All -
I (31F) am diagnosed BP1, which occurred when I was 16 (the diagnosis that is) and as of late I have been experiencing episodes more intensely.
My medication routine has been the same (dose and medication) for 8 years now and while I’ve always experienced episodes, they were much more manageable and easy to prepare for by recognizing subtle symptoms. Here is where my question comes in:
Has my medication hit a plateau and in need of adjustment or am I perhaps having an issue unrelated to medication that I haven’t been able to pinpoint? Has anyone else had to adjust medications after such a long stretch of having a successful combo/dose?
For Reference My Medications Are:
Lamictal - 150mg twice daily
Alprazolam - As needed but typically 2mg daily
Adderall - 15mg twice daily
Any experiences or suggestions welcome!
submitted by Groundbreaking_Pea10 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:16 hannaht5 Lithium + Lamictal

I have bipolar 2, OCD, ADHD and PTSD. I’ve tried a lot of psych meds through the years but Lamictal I’ve been on for 4 years. It’s been the only med that’s ever helped my bipolar symptoms. In the beginning of this year i had a trauma flare up, which prompted me to have some bad mixed episodes. My psychiatrist raised me from 200 mg Lamictal once a day to twice a day, so I’ve been on that for a few months now. Im still experiencing some depression, and my OCD makes socializing and functioning really difficult. My psychiatrist is now starting me on 150 mg lithium twice a day, and he says it’ll really help my bipolar 2 further, as well as my ocd and adhd focus/executive function issues (i’m not on a stimulant).
So i guess I’m really just wondering what to expect with starting lithium. I’m scared to start it, and I’m scared about weight gain because i struggle with my weight. Does anyone else take lithium with Lamictal, or take lithium for bipolar 2 and or ocd? Really just any comments on what lithium feels like would be reallly appreciated
submitted by hannaht5 to Lithium [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:52 Decent-Object-188 I truly envy those who dont deal with mental illness

I have the XXI century combo: anxiety and deperssion
and sometimes i need to reajust meds because my brain insists in making me sad for no good reason and creating problems that arent even real yet (already investigated all the diferential diagnosis, such as bipolar disorder and etc).
i am thankful that we have good medical resources now a days, but daaaamn, how i wish i was a mentally healthy person.
submitted by Decent-Object-188 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:47 luckysnackcreations meds in hot weather for a few hours- will it be ok?

my fiancé and i both have seizures, his being tonic clonic and mine being focal aware. today we went out to a family reunion that we expected to be mostly indoors, but turned out to be outdoors in the texas summer heat (probably 90 something outside)
we brought his keppra and lamictal just in case we stayed later than anticipated, so they were in my bag in the heat for about 3 hours. are they going to be effective still? i suggested that he open a new bottle just in case and he refused and took the ones that were in my bag all day. i am really worried about them being less effective and him having a seizure tonight.
sorry if this is a silly question! of course i know these medications are temp sensitive, but wanted to know if those few hours could be dangerous. i dont handle the seizures very well and they take a real emotional toll on me, and of course i know he doesnt wanna have one either. he has not had one since starting lamictal about 2 months ago and im finally getting less jumpy, so im really hoping that doesnt change tonight.
submitted by luckysnackcreations to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:39 mathissius Meds and their effects

Hello, came here to ask if medications to treat bipolar are ALL that bad? My brother has been diagnosed with bipolar type 1 and schizoaffective disorders since 2013 and has always been extremely resistant to taking meds (we’ve been on a rollercoaster since, almost yearly hospitalizations, etc.).
His argument has always been that he hates how they make him feel, blames most if not all of his failures on taking meds. Says they’re all intolerable. He has tried (on and mostly off) lithium, lamotrigine, olanzapine, abilify, clonazepam, diazepam, invega and has recently decided to try vraylar.
He will usually refuse to take the doses that the doctors recommend, and will push to only take the minimal dose available. Are they really all that bad? Are the side effects that intolerable?
Forgot to mention: he’s been hospitalized almost yearly due to psychosis and manic episodes since his diagnosis. He lost most, if not all of his friends, does not really work (we have a family business, but due to his frequent hospitalizations and mood cycles he is not able to contribute meaningfully) and is very easily triggered.
submitted by mathissius to family_of_bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:34 socialistminion 18F and just diagnosed on top of ADHD

Hi everyone, I’m really struggling with this. As much as it’s a relief because now I know how to treat it and I can look back on my life and see the pattern that’s repeated — I feel so broken.
I was first diagnosed with anxiety, then depression, and then ADHD. I even had a hard time telling people about those, but now when I tell my friends/family/teachers I can see the worried look in their eyes.
This shit is serious, and I’ll be fine if I stay on medication and take care of myself, but I’m not great at either of those things.
I also like to party which is just not a possibility, and I’m not even in college yet. I’ve always prided myself on not needing much sleep, and I thought it was a superpower that I could go 30+ hours awake and still feel great.
Now I know I’ve been a detriment to myself — and I feel guilty about how I’ve treated others. I wish I didn’t have to be on meds the rest of my life. I am, however, happy that I can finally go off my SSRI that makes me unable to orgasm!
If anyone else has ADHD and bipolar I’d really like to have someone to talk to about it, because god damn did I draw a bad hand.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by socialistminion to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:30 Current-Poetry-8309 Insomnia when coming off olanzapine

(23M) Was placed on 20mg olanzapine during a hospitalization back in February. Did a rapid taper over the last 3 months as I wasn’t happy with how I felt on the medication (flat mood, lack of interest in things, low libido), although I suppose it could be post psychotic depression as well.
I’ll be completely off the medication this week, however I’m not sure if I’m prepared to deal with the rebound insomnia and depression.
My next appointment with a psych doc is in 6 days, and they will most likely prescribe seroquel 25mg. I could also ask for mirtazapine 15mg, however I’m not sure if it’s a good option for me as I most likely have bipolar 1.
I also have a script for 25mg lamictal but I’ve been afraid to start that as well.
At this point, my goal is to just regain my ability to sleep naturally, but I’ve been overwhelmed with having to cope with this disorder and what to do going forward. Should I just ride it out over the next month, and hope the insomnia lifts? Lack of sleep seems to be a trigger for mania for me as well. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Current-Poetry-8309 to insomnia [link] [comments]