Ama citation for interview

Leangains - for practitioners of Martin Berkhan's program

2011.01.28 11:10 hansolol Leangains - for practitioners of Martin Berkhan's program

LeanGains is a specific program based on Martin Berkhan's methodology of lifting heavy weights reverse pyramid style, focusing on protein as the main macro-nutrient, and intermittent fasting (IF). It is body recomposition - losing fat and gaining muscle/strength the most effective way.

2008.04.18 11:25 The Tarot

For tarot enthusiasts of all experience levels and belief systems. Beginners, professionals and skeptics welcome! Discuss the history of tarot cards, oracle cards, lenormand, and other cartomancy systems; learn theory, compare reading techniques, and more.

2018.11.10 20:29 pazhampori Desi Hip Hop Heads Unite!

One stop for all your Desi hip-hop needs! Post music, videos, content, news, or just about anything that is related to Desi hip-hop.

2024.06.10 01:28 flwwhtrbt Pirate News (lighter edition)

Sorry, not reaaaally much happening these last few weeks! Unsure whether 'no news is good news' applies here? Regardless, here's a few dot-points for your (mild) amusement.



FitGirl's top 10 repacks of this week:

  1. The Genesis Order
  2. Ghost of Tsushima
  3. GTA V
  4. Violet
  5. Night of the Dead
  6. RDR2
  7. TLoU Pt 1
  8. COD MW:3
  9. Succubus
  10. Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash

The sub here?

This site is a good resource, showing the list of DRM-free games on Steam. Just for interest's sake. As of posting this, it is 1,226 games of 41,186 which have no DRM.

If anyone's spotted anything of interest, really, share it here! <3

submitted by flwwhtrbt to SteamDeckPirates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:57 Gautsu Connecting and interconnecting AP's within the same group (some spoilers for Giantslayer, Ruins of Azlant, and Rise of the Runelords)

TLDR: How many groups weave AP’s plots together, campaign after campaign, versus just function as disparate, stand-alone stories? Also, AMA for Giantslayer, Ruins of Azlant, and Rise of the Runelords.
Our current group started before one of my co-workers and I joined it, but in its current configuration we have been going for around seven years. We’ve finished three AP’s start to finish: Giantslayer, Ruins of Azlant, and as of last week, Rise of the Runelords. This post will contain spoilers for all three so please be aware. I entered Giantslayer at the start of Book 5 along with a co-worker who had never played a tabletop before, and for me it had been years since I played, I typically have been stuck in forever DM mode. We fit in pretty well as the group was willing to work around our extremely busy and complicated work schedule. Over the course of about a year and a half, including a change in venue, we managed to finish the two extremely large back-to-back dungeon crawls of books 5+6.
For our next campaign our DM wanted to do something different can gave us a 25 point buy and 35-point custom race creation, told us we were bred in a lab, and to go crazy. We came up with some unique creations and spent the next 3 years (thanks, pandemic) running our custom creations through a modified version of Ruins of Azlant, replacing the Azlanti Spindle Society with Aperture Science, including GlaDOS signing Still Alive to us. As we were winding down that campaign, our DM asked if I would be willing to DM the next one, since he wanted to get a chance to play. Considering that I had just had my longest uninterrupted period of time as a player, I said sure.
After some deliberation, I decided that we would play through Rise of the Runelords. Overall, I thought it seemed well paced and enjoyable, but three parts immediately stood out and made me want to run it: book 2’s hunt for a serial killer through a haunted house, book 3 effectively being Pathfinder’s version of the Hills Have Eyes, and the last books Wendigo assault on an isolated mining camp. Those three portions clinched the deal for me over other AP’s.
Each campaign I set myself a goal. For Giantslayer, it was to relearn the rules and the differences from 3.5. For Ruins, it was to master the intricacies of the feat system and combat maneuvers through playing a BrawleMaster of Many Styles combo. For this campaign as a DM, I had three goals: 1) allow the PCs to hit level 20, (2) tie all of our campaigns together somehow, and (3) having just finished replaying the Kingdoms of Amalur remaster, I wanted to throw a Crudok in there somehow.
After four years or so of playing at this point and topping out each AP at around 16, I wanted to give my players the opportunity to see 9th level spells and capstone abilities. I knew I was going to have to create a bunch of content to add in to get them there, but I can do a lot of that at work, so I wasn’t too worried. I knew I wasn’t going to be running Wrath of the Righteous right after either, so this was the only chance for the foreseeable future for them to get to 20.
The whole point of this post was the tying of campaigns together. I wanted to give some fanservice to our previous parties and their actions and started thinking over how to do this organically. Funnily enough the catalyst was Volstus the Storm Tyrant, easily one of the weakest antagonist’s (by background and characterization, not necessarily power) Paizo had written. I asked what if his fall from grace in greed and covetousness was caused by an external force, say the Runelord of Greed.
From that point of conjecture forward when Volstus ventured into the Kodar mountains and came back with an Orb of Dragonkind, it was from Xin-Shalast that he found it, and it came engraved with a Sihedron Rune on it. Volstus thus became Karzoug’s Proto-Mokmurian, and his death and loss of his army sent Karzoug back to square one. Additionally, when we started book 6 in Giantslayer we managed to avoid every confrontation before the cloud castle, so there were ready made adversaries to throw into later books already available. Krellan, the shadow giant inquisitor of Zon-Kuthon also gave my PC double middle fingers when she “noped” out before her death, so I knew I wanted vengeance. Our Ruins of Azlant tie ins were not as many, but we ended the campaign right after we killed Ochymua, so we never recovered or did anything with Auberon the Drowned’s phylactery. I figured we would bring him back somehow and go from there.
From advice on forums, this sub, and the Rise of the Runelords dm discord, I worked to tie in Aldern and Ironbriar to the pc’s from the get go; Aldern just with a little bit more roleplay and interactions with them. I had Ironbriar there for the dedication to the Sandpoint cathedral and my surviving Inquisitor (also a member of the Pathfinders) there upset over Cayden Cailean not getting a shrine within. After the party fought off the goblins Ironbriar threw some gold at one member in a private interview, seeming aloof but fair, and proposing sponsoring the group. Another member began a series of interactions with my old pc, the best part of which is that no one remembered his name, so they didn’t make the connection till book 4. I threw in a book in the marketplace that another pc bought, about fables and legends in Varisia, seeding the Sandpoint Devil, Black Magga, and Crudoks in general, and their progenitor, Grandfather Crudok, a rebellious Tane, in particular.
The rest of book one occurred as normal, with a few additions or changes; I fleshed out the rest of the Goblin Chieftains described by Shalelu. I had the pcs encounter them coming back from a meeting at Thistletop from meeting Nualia seeking alliances. Nualia became an Anti-paladin, which worked out really well.
Book Two went swimmingly as well. The pcs were setting into their sin/virtue characteristics by now, so when they got to Foxglove manor, I assigned each type of haunt to one specific sin, which they all were kind enough to have already began to roleplay. Aldern became a Serial Killer Vigilante, which I though fit in well with his multiple personalities, also making him a little more sympathetic. Searching for clues on the Sihedron lead them back to Bishop Malakon (my old character’s name), who revealed the tie-in to Volstus and sponsored them into the Pathfinders. The rest of book two went mostly to plan.
By the time they were making it close to Fort Rannick I was beginning the mass of insanity that would become the rest of the campaign, as I began to customize each encounter to either become easier or present more of a challenge. Almost every major encounter was rewritten from this point on, mostly due to adding another player (playing a pet class), and another pc taking leadership. Between the increased pace of leveling to get them to 20 before the Eye of Avarice and having effectively 9 party members (pcs and pets), it was the easiest way to continue to provide them challenges, but also be able to throw them a softball every so often, so each encounter wasn’t too stressful. Outside of customizing the Ogres and Ogre kin, most of book 3 stayed faithful; Lamatar became one of my friend’s characters from Giantslayer (I didn’t feel too bad about making him undead since he had ended the campaign dead and was only resurrected in our epilogue). He was later reincarnated as a gnome and chose to become the druid of the Shimmerglens after Myrianna passed on. Lucrecia managed to escape both the Fort and then the Clanhold, taunting the party before teleporting away.
Book Four was fun to set up. The Giant invasion ended up involving all of the Stone Giants and the dragon of the written encounters, but I added all of the Ash Giants, the siege weapons, and the Black Scorpion from Giantslayer book 6. The PCs gathered what allies they could, teleporting to Magnimar to spend their money and alert their friends, and built-up Sandpoint’s defenses as best they could. Also, through tracking the dates in game every session, the attack occurred in the middle of winter, with much of the water around Sandpoint frozen.
As the war drums started beating and the party saw the army of giants following a colossal scorpion with catapults on its arms and back firing at them, I could tell they felt I had maybe overplayed my hand, especially when the dragon set the Hagfish on fire. So even though the Deus Ex Machina was really tropey, when our current Swashbuckler’s character from Giantslayer came to the rescue with the flying castle she kept at the end of that campaign and proceeded to engage the Ash Giants with her friend Ferin (from Forge of the Giant God) and her murder chicken Axebeak mount, the expressions on my players faces made up for it. The players raced to engage the dragon before he burnt down Sandpoint and directly after the fight were engaged by Lucrecia and a party of assassins tailored to take out the party (it helped that one pc kept wearing the Sihedron Medallion until the Runeforge; scrying on them was always happening). After winning that fight, I threw them another curveball.
They had stationed all of the Sandpoint defender NPC’s defending the lower portion of Sandpoint, and they now had to play them, trying to hold the attacking Stone Giant’s off for the 10 minutes or so their character had already been engaged. So, they played a waiting game while running Ameiko, Tsuto (out on good behavior), Lyrie and Orik (whom they had spared), Sheriff Hemlock, and Father Zantus, and the only survivor from Fort Rannick, Vale Temros. They did an incredible job, managing to hold off a force of twelve Stone Giants and Teraktinus for almost 8 minutes before Zantus was killed, and Ameiko, Lyrie, Orik, and Sheriff Hemlock were captured; Vale and Tsuto managed to escape and point the pcs in the right direction. On the way to Jorgenfist the party encountered it’s first Crudok. On the bank of the river, outside of the Deathweb’s cave, the party also fought the undead body of Black Magga, who they happened to have killed in the encounter during the flood in book 3 (I used a Bloathsome from Green Ronin’s Freeport Bestiary for her). Outside of some stat changes the rest of book four went as planned. Same with book five.
I had been leaving little hints as to Trelmarixian throughout the campaign so far; I like him as a villain and I never would have expected Famine to be the most interesting Horseman, so kudos, Paizo. I had decided at this point that the Wendigo being themed around hunger would work with this. I statted up Grandfather Crudok as one of the Tane who had been corrupted and converted to a worshipper of the Horseman of Famine, and it was his corrupting influence who had drawn the Wendigo to that corner of the Kodar mountains. After defeating Karivek’s ghost and the Wendigo, the storm’s end revealed a summoning circle that activated a portal, through which Trelmarixian, Horseman of Famine, rode through on his Apocalypse Horse. Joining him was his summoner, Grandfather Crudok, a mythic version with druid and evangelist levels, who’s animal companion (sic) was a lesser Jabberwock, and for good measure, the Horror Tree became a Sard. The party froze, asses already kicked from their fights in the cabin, and a scroll case that they had been given back in book two and carrying since then, began to glow. A portal to a tropical area opened up, and our characters from Ruins of Azlant stepped through, leveled up and given four mythic ranks. Our old characters fought this battle in one of the most fun one-shots I have ever run, and all of the work I had put in to get my players to this point was worth it as I got to both challenge them and see them let loose with some member berry comfort food.
We just finished our fight with Karzoug last week and this coming week will be doing a campaign wrap up and session zero for our next AP, Strange Aeons. I think this one is going to mostly be going by the books, since I am going to be writing out 5 backstories as it is. I was just really curious how many groups last long enough to link campaigns, and whether or not any dms go through the efforts to do so.
submitted by Gautsu to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:43 davidyu3737 YouTuber first? Or Business first?

Did you start a business first or YouTube first?
For me, my channel is just a hobby separated from my business. I know there are a lot of successful YouTubers that turn their channel into a business.
If you were me, would you start a channel for your business or steer your channel toward a business?
I used GPT to pull some examples of both approaches:
Here are some notable examples of YouTubers who turned their channels into successful businesses:
  1. Michelle Phan: She began her YouTube career with makeup tutorials and grew her brand to launch her own cosmetics line, EM Cosmetics. Michelle also co-founded the subscription beauty box service Ipsy, which is now valued at over $500 million oai_citation:1,YouTube Success Stories: How 10 YouTubers Turned Passion into Profit.
  2. MeganPlays: Known for her Roblox gaming content, MeganPlays turned her channel into a million-dollar business. She expanded into merchandise with StayPeachy, game development, and multiple YouTube channels, managing a team of employees and operating from her own production studio oai_citation:2,Exclusive: How YouTuber MeganPlays turned Roblox videos into a million-dollar business The Business of Business.
  3. MattyTingles: An ASMR content creator, MattyTingles grew his channel into a business, securing sponsorships with major brands like Audible and Reese’s. He recently formed MattyTingles LLC to manage his growing brand and partnerships oai_citation:3,Salem Youtuber Grows Channel Into Business Salem Business Journal.
  4. Casey Neistat: A filmmaker and vlogger, Casey leveraged his YouTube success to co-found Beme, a social media app that was later sold to CNN for $25 million. He is known for his unique storytelling and cinematic vlogging style oai_citation:4,YouTube Success Stories: How 10 YouTubers Turned Passion into Profit.
On the flip side, there are businesses that have successfully ventured into YouTube:
  1. Tasty: Initially a subsidiary of BuzzFeed, Tasty became a YouTube sensation with its recipe videos. It has since expanded into cookbooks, a food delivery service, and merchandise, turning into a profitable brand beyond the YouTube platform oai_citation:5,YouTube Success Stories: How 10 YouTubers Turned Passion into Profit.
  2. Co-founded by former YouTuber Caspar Lee, this platform connects brands with online influencers, providing a structured approach to monetizing content creation. Caspar transitioned from being a YouTuber to a business executive, managing a team of over 500 employees across multiple cities oai_citation:6,Caspar Lee: how I became a... YouTuber-turned-entrepreneur.
submitted by davidyu3737 to PartneredYoutube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:47 Embarrassed-Seat1183 6 months

Warning, Before I continue. This post will contain information on mental health that could be disturbing to some readers
First time here and on Reddit. Someone (no reason to name them) had explained how they stopped their CGRP mAb treatment after just an initial loading dose. This was enough for them, they were convinced the headaches were gone against medical advice - and ended treatment. First things first, in the case of intractable chronic migraine sufferers CGRP mAbs generally take at least 6 months to have their intended effect. Coincidentally the average one, beit Emgality, Ajovy what-have-you takes 5/6 months to completely clear your system. You may have the worst Migraine relapse after that period to end treatment prematurely AMA is probably not the best idea. Recently being more talked about in the medical community is the national guideline of withdrawing patients from CGRP therapies after 6-12 months if migraine days are brought to 3 or less a month.
The AHA recently released newer guidelines that instructed gepants can be used as preventatives alongside mAbs - which should make getting them insured both easier. Last year was generally one or the other. Quilipta also had better data in its clinical trials than Nurtec, just an FYI. Take my post as a cautionary tale of what can go wrong and how it always can be worse. I'll cover myself quickly perhaps my story, what I have tried will help - maybe it won't. Maybe you will get a tip or two or not. My headaches, if you could call them started when I was 25, on my birthday lol. No shit, literally like a curse from the universe or something. I might have remembered cursing god. I had no medical history related to any of the above, was health otherwise healthy. A few days prior my Urologist prescribed Levaquin for a UTI. I didn't know that 10 years later that drug would be littered with side effects for nerve damage.
Several days after being on the drug I am in the ER. Head pain, neck pain, eye pain, vomiting, etc... the hospital later admits me to a psych ward. They can find nothing wrong with me. In a psyche ward I am interviewed by a psychiatrist, who is convinced (his words) "I am not crazy" he asks Neurologists at the same hospital to visit. I don't recall much of that time it is a blur, at one point my roommate said, "He tried to rip his eye out" waking me up at 2:00 am. The staff gave me tramadol I think, and I fell asleep. 10 Neurologists were looking at me the next morning over my bed - lol. I remember waking up to that or something. I'd later be told I had three traumatic brain injuries, trigeminal neuralgia, occipital neuralgia, cluster headaches, cervical stenosis, and migraine (give or take 9 years for all of it). Now I am not sure how much of that overlaps might be a misdiagnosis (clustemigraine) or not.
I've had four craniotomies. Two microvascular decompressions on the left side of my head, and two on the right. Been to Barrow Brain and Spine, Mayo, and Cornell in NY where I also now live. This included four suicide attempts and many hospitalizations. At one stage I became so desperate I administered research drugs on myself in an attempt to improve my condition only made things worse by injecting unapproved chemicals into my ears nasal passages, and massater muscles, and attempting to in my SPG ganglion. In closing, as far as CGRP mAbs are concerned last year I had my last two MVDs at Cornell (I am not on social media) during this my Nurologist decided to discontinue my CGRP inhibitors. I can only describe what was the worst, burning - fire-like intense pain all over my entire head in my eyeballs 24/7 from morning to night.
I couldn't sleep. I got on a flight from NY to AZ and sat in a plane seat for 6 hours contemplating death at 30,000 feet. It was the most intense pain I have ever felt. My hand once caught on fire, it felt like that, but inside and all over my entire head. When I landed I went straight to a Hospital and was told "go back on your Migraine meds". The point is, don't stop those suckers unless you know for sure you have stuff under control. I take Ajovy and Quilipta and am slowly but surely gaining control again. I feel pain and then tingling or "Aura" all over my body but it seems to have eliminated the majority of what's in my face. It's sensations from my head to my toes - yep I get uncomfortable pain-like sensations in my private parts. My neck is tight, like turn your shoulders tight, why bother turning my neck - tight.
My theory on reversing this is Botoxing the shit out of the muscles I likely overgrew (Botox indirectly causes Atrophy to the muscles it is injected in) and multiple plastic surgeries in the affected areas. I am not sure why I get sensations in the rest of my body, fingers crossed on that one. I'm pending a Migraine Surgery. My surgeon and I agree'd we would target every trigger point of the face. More info on those: Migraine Surgery NYC Mount Sinai - New York
Migraine Surgery overview
Efficacy and Safety of Migraine Surgery
Surgical intervention for chronic migraine headache: A systematic review
A Comprehensive Review of Surgical Treatment of Migraine Surgery Safety and Efficacy
Long-term results of migraine surgery and the relationship between anatomical variations and pain
submitted by Embarrassed-Seat1183 to cgrpMigraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:07 Upper_Canada_Pango NADH testing and the Karen Read Blood Alcohol Mystery

NADH testing and the Karen Read Blood Alcohol Mystery
June 8, 2024
The commonwealth’s estimate of Karen Read’s blood alcohol range is not forensically suitable and should be disregarded by the jury due to all sorts of reasonable doubt.
edit: In case it wasn't clear, the NADH screening test was PROBABLY performed in a way that would account for elevations or interference from any relevant factors but we never got adequately into this in the testimony. Furthermore the test performed is not intended to be, nor should it be considered, forensically reliable. Additionally, even assuming the NADH test is completely accurate there are too many unknowns to use this to back-calculate to the alleged time of the alleged incident. Ergo: reasonable doubt writ large.
I am not a lab tech, biologist or other sort of expert on human metabolism or toxicology. I do, however, have some education in organic chemistry and a practical understanding of some aspects of anatomy, physiology, biology and pharmacology. For those in the healthcare field that are offended by my deviations from APA formatting, please forgive me: for I absolutely hate APA, I am saddened when I am forced to use it, and I am just not going to follow a specific style guide for this post. In-text citations will not be used, references will be both disorganised and poorly formatted. I will indicate references in-text through the use of numbers in superscript. All times will be given in 24 hour format, not military format, I don’t know why the military is allergic to colons, but I like them, so they’re coming in! I did not proof read this, it’s already taken way too much of my life. I am also quite disappointed that my formatting won't paste properly into the post editor, the markdown editor is very clunky.
Testimony from the Karen Read trial involving the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ opinion of Karen Read’s blood alcohol level at the alleged time of the alleged vehicle strike on John O’Keefe piqued my interest. Particularly I was fascinated by the fact that no direct alcohol breath test or blood test was performed, nor were any tests performed to detect any alcohol metabolite, although I have yet to find a news source that has stated as much, in fact they either omit the test type or misrepresent the test as one to detect the presence of alcohol in blood serum2,3,4,5,6.8,etc ad nauseum.. Instead Dr. Gary Faller, pathologist at Good Samaritan Medical Center, testified that a serum test was run to detect the presence of NADH1. I know what you’re thinking: “Why did they perform a screening test using an ubiquitous endogenous redox agent with no forensic validity13 instead of for alcohol or an alcohol metabolite like acetaldehyde, ethyl glucuronide or ethyl sulphate7?” and yeah, that’s what I’m thinking, too! For forensically valid results there needs to be a confirmatory test done13, which clearly either didn’t happen or wasn’t useful - otherwise it would have been introduced by the prosecution. So I have put this together to show what NADH testing means, why it is used, how it works and what the limitations of this testing are.
The Basics
Testing for NADH is done to screen for the presence of alcohol. Screening tests are a fast-and-cheap way of getting an idea of what’s going on, and are used when precision and certainty are not necessary. For example if you are in a hospital and have someone on a psych hold, you might want to get an idea of whether their behaviour is in part driven by consumption of drugs. Their life doesn’t depend on the answer and neither does their freedom (beyond the short-term). Forensic lab testing for alcohol uses dual-column gas chromatography or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry13. These are large, expensive, delicate machines so you don’t just send everything to GC/MS analysis without a good reason, just like you’re not going to get a CT scan for a sprained thumb. If you are a hospital and the cops want a blood sample for forensic analysis you can just draw blood for them, put it in the freezer until they pick it up, and then it’s the cops’ problem. Hospitals are not in the business of forensics.
So why Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-H testing? Well that’s simple enough. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is an essential, innate redox agent that exists in all your cellular fluids and is there to accept hydrogen atoms as other substances are oxidized14. It therefor exists in different redox states, the oxidised state NAD+ and the reduced state NADH. “nicotinamide adenine nucleotide (NAD) is required in more enzymatic reactions than perhaps any other small molecule16.” These two forms are non-destructively converted back and forth in various biochemical reactions, but the nucleotide can be consumed in certain reactions so it has to be constantly manufactured by the body in order for us to continue living.. NAD is synthesised in the liver, nerve cells and immune cells, and salvaged for reuse in a wide variety of tissues.
The primary way alcohol is metabolised it interacts with a class of enzymes called alcohol dehydrogenases15 (confusingly abbreviated ADH, despite not being structurally similar to NADH). When a molecule of ethanol is oxidised two hydrogen atoms get knocked off, one off the -OH alcohol group, and one off the carbon atom the -OH group is attached to, so the -OH becomes an =O converting the ethanol to an aldehyde called ethanal or more commonly acetaldehyde. These hydrogen atoms are accepted by the NAD+, reducing it to NADH. You have a limited supply of NAD+. Drugs whether recreational or medical, or other substances that are metabolised by oxidation will compete for NAD+, raise NADH levels and slow the metabolism of alcohol. Other oxidation reactions will pump up the NADH levels too. These variables are huge! Worse still, NAD+ conversion to NADH is heavily effected by cellular metabolism, meaning that acute stress and exercise will convert NAD+ into NADH as well14. Finally multiple sclerosis, which Karen Read has, will approximately double the baseline serum NADH level.17 Karen Read undergoing acute stress. CPR is exercise. Was she on other medications that increase NADH levels?
Rates of alcohol metabolism can vary up to 4-fold, especially since it occurs primarily in the stomach and liver. Large amounts of ADH are released in the stomach, so when drinks are consumed on an empty stomach they are dumped into the intestines quickly and are absorbed into portal circulation without giving the stomach ADH a chance to mitigate the effects, but then alcohol will be metabolised more quickly after ingestion. Liver damage will slow the rate of metabolism as well.
The Testimony
Dr. Faller reports a time of blood draw around 09:08-09:13 , the blood was centrifuged and seperated, the plasma was put into a machine that tested for alcohol giving result of 93mg/dl serum alcohol level. This, if accurate, would be higher than the whole blood alcohol level. The doctor refused to even ballpark this to a percentage for either serum or whole blood. He did acknowledge that LDH and hemolysis and bilirubin levels can interfere but should be flagged. The defence did bring up abnormal muscle degeneration, and so on but the doctor wasn’t aware of this literature. I don’t know that the defence couldn’t proceed due to this, but I feel they may have missed a trick here. Hopefully they will call a more informed expert on NAD/NADH metabolism.
The forensic toxicologist estimated her peak whole blood alcohol percentage at between 0.135 and 0.292 assuming last drink at 00:45 but I don’t want to even get deeply into these estimates because they’re built on a foundation of sand: we don’t really know when Karen Read started drinking, how much she drank, when she stopped drinking, or how much the NADH test was thrown off by stress, activity, disease or medication. We didn’t also didn’t get into any description of the test process itself. We don’t know if the machine measured NADH once, or if it measured NADH before and after adding ADH, or if it measured NADH only after adding ADH. We don’t know enough to evaluate this information.
On either basis, the results should be discarded.
Armchair Forensics
Personally I think Karen was drunk, at some point, but “is this evidence good enough to secure a conviction for an OWI?” is a whole other question. So is “How much did she drink?”; “How impaired was she, and when?”; “when did she start and stop drinking?” and critically from a conviction standpoint “what was her BAC at the alleged time of the alleged incident, and how do we know?”
We can kind of armchair lab tech this, given some assumptions. I don’t have access to the actual bar receipts but it seems probable, based on what I can find in the news9,10,11, that while at the two bars she had somewhere between 8 and 15 standard drinks depending on if any of those drinks were doubles. She was drinking these between 20:58 approximately 00:00. I do not have information at this point eliminate pre- and post-drinking, all these people seem like they drink quite a bit. I can’t even discount the possibility that she got up at 04:30 and slammed some back. If we assume that these are all the drinks she had before the alleged incident, and she didn’t have any after the alleged incident, and we accept a weight estimate at 60kg/132lbs12 then we can use a simple web tools to estimate her BAC(Appendix A). The results are generally mortifying, with estimates essentially ranging from ‘maybe unable to walk without assistance’ to an acute medical emergency . Maybe Karen can hold her liquor quite well or maybe these calculators were all designed by and for lightweights since evidently my wife and basically any girlfriend I’ve ever had could evidently drink the average BAC calculator designer under the table.
Without access to receipts, and since “no one appeared drunk” and at no point did anyone testify to detecting the odour of alcohol from her: not the paramedics, not the cops, not the ER doctor, not her so-called friends so based on my armchair BAC results (appendix A) show either she was stinking drunk and somehow no one noticed or she didn’t actually consume 8+ standard alcoholic drinks in 3 hours. I lean towards the former, but without confirmatory, forensic testing I don’t see how this gets to the “beyond reasonable doubt” standard. I don’t understand why the first police on the scene didn’t perform a PBT on her based on their testimony that she was saying anything like “did I hit him?” or “I hit him.” It also doesn’t make any sense that no one applied for a blood draw warrant once the picture supposedly started getting more clear.
We have another estimated 3+ weeks of trial for things to develop, and clearly there’s information I have not and/or can not access, but I find it very striking that yet again we have supposed forensic evidence that is not up to snuff. In combination with all the other shenanigans and incompetence displayed during and after the investigation this entire process starts looking like it has more to do with tunnel-vision, conspiratorial afterthought, and/or prosecutorial sleight-of-hand.
If I were on the jury I would be fighting to acquit based on copious amounts of doubt regarding essentially every element of every charge.
1- Baker, Emily D.. (May 28, 2024). MA. v Karen Read Trial Day 18 - Afternoon Session. YouTube.
2- Ramer, Holly. (May 28, 2024). Jurors hear about Karen Read's blood alcohol level as murder trial enters fifth week. ABC News.
3- Schooley, Matt (May 28, 2024). What was Karen Read's blood alcohol level on the night John O'Keefe died? Experts testify at trial. CBS News.
4- Ramer, Holly (May 29, 2024), What was Karen Read's blood alcohol level the day John O'Keefe died? Here's what we learned. NBC Boston.
5- Lavery, Tréa. (May 29, 2024). Karen Read trial live updates: Read may have had BAC more than three times limit. MassLive.
6- Reynolds, Lance. (May 28, 2024). Karen Read murder trial Day 18: Witnesses focus on O’Keefe’s injuries, Read’s blood alcohol level. Boston Herald.
7- Ferguson, Sian (May 1, 2023) How is Alcohol Detected in a Urine Test?. Healthline.
8- Benoit, Katie. (May 28, 2023). Expert testifies about Karen Read's blood alcohol content from morning O'Keefe found dead. WJAR.
9- Lavery, Tréa. (June 5, 2024). Karen Read trial live updates: State police investigator recalls interview with Read.
10- Tenser, Phil (April 16, 2024). Karen Read murder case: Alleged timeline, according to the prosecution. WCVB.
11- Bienick, David. (May 10, 2024). Karen Read murder trial: Owners of home where O'Keefe was found testify. WCVB.
12- Ankit. (February 28, 2024) Karen Read Net Worth, Wiki, Parents, Ethnicity, Religion, Bio, Age, Family And More.
13- Okorocha, Okorie. (April, 2021). Alcohol Toxicology For Civil Lawyers. Advocate Magazine.
14- Walzik, David et. al. (January 4, 2023) Tissue-specific effects of exercise as NAD+-boosting strategy: Current knowledge and future perspectives. Acta Physiologica.
15- Cederbaum, Arthur. (November 1, 2013). Alcohol Metabolism. Clinical Liver Disease.
16- Penberthy, Todd & Tsunoda, Ikuo. (March 5, 2009). The Importance of NAD in Multiple Sclerosis. Current Pharmaceutical Design.
17- Braidy, Nady et al. (November 6, 2013). Serum nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels through disease course in multiple sclerosis. Elsevier.
Appendix A: BAC Calculator results
submitted by Upper_Canada_Pango to KarenReadTrial [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:58 gloomchen Post WWE SmackDown on FOX Discussion Thread - June 7th, 2024!

SmackDown Episode #1294
Venue: KFC Yum! Center (Louisville, KY)
Attendance: ~9,800

Results of Tonight's Show

Match Stipulation Winner
Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair vs. Indi Hartwell & Candice LaRae Tag Team Match Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair
Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller Singles Match Grayson Waller
LA Knight vs. Carmelo Hayes Singles Match LA Knight
The Bloodline vs. Street Profits & Kevin Owens 6-Man Tag Match Street Profits & Kevin Owens via DQ


  • We open with a refresher of last week's back and forth between AJ Styles and Cody Rhodes, transitioning to a very agitated Cody Rhodes backstage.
  • The Bloodline heads to the ring for the annointing of Tonga Loa. Paul Heyman states he must set the record straight: until Roman Reigns comes back, Solo Sikoa sits at the head of the table. The crowd chants for Roman, but Paul continues that Solo has declared tonight a double proclamation. Tama Tonga, from this point forward, will be known as the right hand man. And Tonga Loa, from this moment on, is a fully formed member of the Bloodline. Heyman says to Louisville, thank you and good night. But Solo says, hold on, Wise Man -- aren't you forgetting something? Heyman doesn't think so. Solo says, shouldn't he be thanking these two for saving him Kevin Owens last week? Paul, looking terrified, thanks them. Tama Tonga says they could've let KO kill him but they saved him by orders of the Tribal Chief. Paul pivots to say all he's been hearing since he's arrived tonight is that Kevin Owens is looking for a piece of any and every member of the Bloodline. Kevin Owens' music hits, and he charges the ring. While he initially has the upper hand, a beatdown ensues. Street Profits' theme plays and they join the ring to help even the odds. Kevin Owens adds to the equalizing by hitting everyone with a steel chair. The Bloodline vacates the ring, with Solo holding the other two back.
  • Cody Rhodes is still agitated backstage.
  • Backstage, Paul Heyman is walking but Solo Sikoa grabs him asking why is he leaving? He wants a 6-man tag tonight, he needs to make it happen, or otherwise in the locker room it will be Paul Heyman versus Tama Tonga. Paul says yes, the six-man tag sounds like a much better idea, and heads off to get it done.
  • We see that, earlier today, Candice LeRae went to Nick Aldis to complain that Indi Hartwell got bullied into a match with Jade Cargill. He says well, okay, now it's a tag team match.
  • Ringside for the women's tag match are Zoey Stark/Shayna Baszler and Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn. After Cargill/Belair win, the four rush the ring to attack. After which, the two teams each hold one of the belts in the ring and face off, attacking each other. Cargill & Belair come back to life to clear the ring.
  • Cody Rhodes remains agitated backstage. Nick Aldis approaches him saying he knows how he feels, he got played by AJ as well. But it's not in the company's best interest for them to fight. Cody says, this is between him and AJ Styles.
  • The 6-man tag match has been granted for later tonight as our main event.
  • Sara Schreiber interviews Apollo Crews, asking what we can expect tonight? Before Apollo can get 3 words out, he's ambushed by Angel & Humberto. Officials & Nick Aldis intervene to pull them off, but Apollo is headed to medical. LA Knight strolls up afterwards to ask, where is he? Oh, Logan Paul isn't here again tonight? Oh, he's playing Tetris? He could Tetris his foot right up Logan's ass. But Carmelo Hayes appears and says, he's here, and he's been cooking him too. Knight says to Nick, maybe they can fill that open slot that just opened up tonight, right? Aldis makes the match, and quips to Knight that Melo has a lot to learn, doesn't he? YEAH.
  • Cody Rhodes is still backstage and still agitated. Nick Aldis walks up with an army of security in tow. AJ Styles called and he's pulling in now.
  • After commercial we continue with Cody's agitation and Nick trying to calm him. AJ Styles literally rolls up in his vehicle backstage, standing out of the sunroof taunting Cody. Security swarms and Cody storms off, headed all the way out through gorilla and jumps into the ring, grabbing a mic. He says AJ Styles, get your ass to this ring right now. AJ Styles comes out with Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson, with a pile of security trying to block the way down the entrance ramp. AJ says, Cody, do you think I care what you want? Cody wants a fight SO BAD... AJ says, give me what I want - the WWE Championship at Clash at the Castle. Cody says, you don't want to fight NOW? You want it at Clash? You got it. But Cody says this isn't going to be a regular match, he's going to make him say what he should've said last week, I QUIT. Nick Aldis, ringside, points to each of them and gives a thumbs-up. Security continues to try to separate them, but Cody goes ahead with beating Security down. They do hold him back though, and AJ laughs before running in for a cheap shot.
  • We see Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill leaving Nick Aldis' office. Byron Saxton asks, what's next? They agreed to a tag team triple-threat at Clash of the Castle: them vs. Shayna Baszler & Zoe Stark vs. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn.
  • After Knight's win, he speaks to the camera - saying if Logan Paul doesn't want to come to SmackDown, he'll bring SmackDown to him -- YEAH!
  • Tiffany Stratton runs into Nia Jax backstage, saying she was her favorite to win, and she has her back. Queen of the Ring, Princess of the Ring -- just think about it. As Nia goes to walk away, Mia Yim gets in her face again this week. Nia says she should take a page from AJ Styles and retire. A brawl breaks out but security (working overtime tonight, jeez) pulls them apart.
  • Bayley comes out to the ring to address the crowd ahead of her title defense against Piper Niven at Clash at the Castle next week. She notes this is the first time she'll have ever wrestled Piper… and she's interrupted by Piper and Chelsea Green. Chelsea says she talks a big game for such a loser - she was a loser last week and in Saudi Arabia, and will be a loser yet again when Piper wins and "we" become your new WWE Women's Champion. Bayley notes she must've forgotten she beat her in Saudi but okay. Bayley instead speaks to Piper saying she's been impressed by her and respects her, and it means everything when you're performing in front of your family in your home country. She could've just asked her for a title match, but no, she needed to have her little puppy do her work for her. Piper takes the mic saying she's so glad she has respect for her but she'd take it more to heart if she knew anything about her and her journey. She's been clawing her way out of the trenches since 2008, where Bayley walked into a ready-made scene at the Performance Center while she was being a trailblazer all over the UK, Europe, & Japan. She can respect her all she likes but it won't stop her from drilling her into the mat to become the new WWE Women's Champion.
  • Logan Paul sends a video message to LA Knight, saying he needed an actual challenge which is why he's competing at the World Tetris Championship. Knight has done nothing to warrant his attention, and he should go back to the midcard where he belongs.
  • Before getting in the ring for his match, Kevin Owens knocks over the promotional Prime bottle.
  • Backstage, Chelsea Green & Piper Niven are chatting on their way to speak with Nick Aldis, when they run into Naomi who tells Chelsea to keep her name out of her mouth. Nick is tired, and instead asks if the two of them will accept a match next week at SmackDown if they'll keep their hands off of each other right now? They accept.
  • Next week: Michin vs. Nia Jax, and The Grayson Waller Effect with special guests #DIY!
  • Our main event ends with Solo Sikoa busting out a steel chair, forcing the DQ. The fight continues, however, and the Bloodline puts Kevin Owens through the announce table. They stand over him, raising the 1s to the sky.
Additional Plugs
Next week's Smackdown will be tape-delayed from Glasgow, Scotland.
submitted by gloomchen to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

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2024.06.07 18:02 ReconEG [AMA ANNOUNCEMENT] Evan Minsker (formerly of Pitchfork) on Monday, June 10th @ 3pm ET/12pm PT!

[AMA ANNOUNCEMENT] Evan Minsker (formerly of Pitchfork) on Monday, June 10th @ 3pm ET/12pm PT!
It's Friday, you know what that means.
Evan Minsker (formerly of Pitchfork, currently of see/saw) will join us for an AMA this Monday! (Photo: Courtesy of Evan Minsker)
We're got a crazy day ahead of y'all with the DIIV AMA + subreddit takeover, but before we get to that later today, we've got some AMAs to announce for next week, as coming up this Monday, June 10th at 3pm ET/12pm PT, writer Evan Minsker, formerly of Pitchfork, will join us for an AMA!
His newsletter, see/saw, launched back in April, is self-described as "a newsletter about punk and rock’n’roll music," featuring twice-weekly posts including interviews, reviews, playlists, essays and more! You can sign-up for free and gain access to biweekly interviews and bloggy ephemera, or bump up to the $4/month tier for more content including weekly new music recommendations (also, join his newly launched Discord). Evan is one of the best writers in the game right now, so if you've got the funds, I highly recommend supporting him in his new venture!
That being said, swing back this Monday as Evan Minsker joins us for an AMA!
submitted by ReconEG to indieheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:23 planemeaway Community Updates: Growth, Reminders & *Wiki in Development*

Hi moving community,

We have recently hit 33,000 members! The growth we have seen in this community over the first 5+ months of this calendar year has been explosive. Our Mod team is excited to see the continued growth and are so happy to see many new members finding the support and help they need here.
As we continue to grow, our Mod team would like to take a moment to share a few reminders for our new members, provide a couple of updates and make a very small announcement. Use the bold headers to help you skim through this to the information you find most relevant.



Wiki in Development

We have fantastic advice provided in our posts every day, but sometimes it can be difficult to search through these posts to find some of the information you need, or maybe you're just looking for a quick checklist. To help with this, we are working on the first version of the official Moving Wiki and we need your help!
It is a very busy season and we would like to start publishing our wiki sooner rather than later, but to do so, we need a few more hands on keys to make this happen. We invite this community to contribute to the wiki.
As always, please send us a Modmail if you have any questions, ideas or concerns.
moving Mods
(edit: clarity)
submitted by planemeaway to moving [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:00 dallasmorningnews AMA: The Dallas Morning News and The Boston Globe's NBA Finals reporters

Game 1 done.
Thank you to the NBA mods for letting us set up this AMA for y'all. We'll have DMN reporters Mike Curtis and Kevin Sherrington, and Globe reporters Adam Himmelsbach and Khari Thompson online at 11 a.m. CT (12 p.m. EST) to answer your NBA Finals/Dallas Mavericks/Boston Celtics questions. They've set aside two hours of their day to get to as many of you as possible, however this is a huge subreddit and they may not get to everyone. Drop your questions below!
This is also our first time using Reddit's new AMA feature so fingers crossed.
11 a.m.: Let's get started! Co-hosts are noted. Kevin's account is very new and can't be designated as a co-host, but it is him.
u/MikeCurtis2: Hey, everyone! I’m Mike Curtis and I cover the Mavs for The Dallas Morning News. I’ve been on the beat for a couple of months after spending the last two seasons covering the Detroit Pistons for the The Detroit News.
u/KevinSherrington: Hey, Redditors, this is Kevin Sherrington, sports columnist at the Dallas Morning News. Been at this for a long time, covered lots of stuff. Once interviewed Dennis Rodman in a gay bar. So, yeah, ask me anything.
Adam (u/bostonglobe): Adam Himmelsbach joined the Globe in 2015 and covers the Celtics. A graduate of Syracuse University, Himmelsbach previously spent two years as a columnist at the Louisville Courier-Journal, and six years as a Washington-based contributor for The New York Times.
Khari (u/bostonglobe): Khari Thompson is a sportswriter covering the Celtics and Patriots for since 2022. His work is often featured in The Boston Globe and on
1 p.m.: That's all folks! Thank you for your questions and thank you again to the mods. Be sure to follow these reporters online for the rest of the finals.
submitted by dallasmorningnews to nba [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 01:09 BigFlopDonk I just purposely bricked an interview for a job that I was guaranteed to get. AMA!

submitted by BigFlopDonk to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:56 mbitix Citizenship & RoC Queens, NY field office ✅ -- AMA!

Citizenship & RoC Queens, NY field office ✅ -- AMA!
Paying it forward for those who have helped and to those it may help. See images for timelines for both applications.
Combo Interview was held on April 11 at 26 Federal Plaza, so just over a month wait for I-751 approval followed by N-400 approval a few days later.
My oath ceremony was in the Eastern District Court in Downtown Brooklyn. Scheduled time was for 8 a.m. They sat us down in the courtroom at 8 a.m. Then it took a couple of hours to process us (close to 100 of us). Most of that time is spent seating down waiting until you're called up to 1) pick up name change confirmation 2) hand in all previous green cards and EAD cards, as well as confirm details on naturalization certificate before signing (if anything is inaccurate you don't sign and you inform them of the inaccuracy and they will fix and reissue on same day). Family members and guests were let into the courtroom just after 10 a.m. We had a chance to register to vote right before the Judge came in and led us through the Oath to the Constitution and Pledge of Allegiance and a few sweet words before sending us off. We were finally handed our naturalization certificates on our way out. No phones allowed from the moment you enter the building security collects them.
submitted by mbitix to USCIS [link] [comments]

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Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
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WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
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Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
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Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
Exams & Quizzes: Final rates for exams and quizzes depend on various factors including: whether or not there is proctoring, how many hours the exam is, total number of questions including sub-parts, preferred method of me delivering solutions, whether it's show all work or just the answer only, and whether the assessment has a flexible window of time to complete or a fixed & rigid start and end time.
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WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
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WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
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Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
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WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
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2024.06.06 00:39 gqmagazine Live Interview/AMA With Jon Alan (jonsjawns)

Live Interview/AMA With Jon Alan (jonsjawns)
Hello Throwing Fits Reddit! Thank you to Rkelly for allowing me to post here!
I wanted to shoutout that the GQ Discord is hosting a live interview/ama with Jon Alan, also known as "jonsjawns" on IG, this Friday, 06/07. We'll be chatting about the modern male fashion influencer, his personal style journey, and summer trends, on top of plenty of other topics.
There will also be an opportunity to take live or pre-submitted questions from the audience during the back half of the interview. You can find a link to the event here.
Looking forward to having you there!
  • Doug
submitted by gqmagazine to ThrowingFits [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 00:38 OrganizdGeneral Uplink Working Group Bounty Announcement

For Jupiter related content creators - Uplink Working Group will be hosting another bounty for the Jupiter community!
Create a 30 - 90 second short form video encompassing some key points Meows interview with Anatoly (founder of Solana) [Why Jupiter on Solana will be bigger than Binance with Anatoly and Meow].
All details for this bounty can be seen here: Bounty Details 1050 $JUP up for grabs - 50 $JUP for the best 15 videos that meet all of the requirements, as well as an additional 150 $JUP for the best video, and 50 $JUP for the 2nd and 3rd place videos that meet all of the requirements. An additional 50 $JUP for the most viewed video.
Submissions are due on June 11th, 3pm UTC. The Uplink WG will be holding an AMA/Workshop event in the Jupiter discord on June 8th at 4pm UTC, to go over some of the best practices, as well as answer any questions someone might have. If you have any questions regarding the bounty feel free to reach out to me. LFGrow!
submitted by OrganizdGeneral to jupiterexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 00:18 Bannacherryapplepie Everything is a tool, even a shitty job like the ones being offered

Before I begin, some background and ground rules. Obviously, I'm not naming names and being purposefully vague about everything in my story secret for obvious privacy reasons.
I graduated from university and became unemployed for a while. I moved to London during this time with the help of my parents and they would support me while I went job hunting. One day, I received an email from a company saying I made it through to the first round of interviews. The first round of interviews felt more like a presentation rather than an interview, about what the company does, clients, etc. My second-round interview felt like a conversation, getting to know me, who I am, and what my goals are. Whenever I asked for specifics about pay or anything like that, I was told that those questions would be answered during my orientation day if I was accepted. No surprise, I was accepted.
Sidenote: I did check this subreddit and other employment reviews before coming in.
I came in for my orientation day, the first day I was introduced to the pitch we would be using, and the infamous atmosphere. Afterward, there was a meeting with the manager where they would rehash the same presentation as in the first round of interviews but in a little more detail, the business model, etc. The manager was more responsive to questions and answered them clearly and to my satisfaction.
On my second day of orientation, before I was sent out to the "field" aka the streets of London. Atmosphere, then meeting with the manager again to discuss the pay structure, when I can expect to receive my first paycheck, commission-based, and how much commission depending on age group.
I have been asked why I didn't run away at this stage or any stage before I got sent to the streets to sell. The first reason was that I was never lied to at any point. Yes, one can argue that it feels shady because they didn't answer the question right away, but I got the answer to my question one way or another. The second reason was I just couldn't find a better job, of course being a barista or waiter makes slightly more money but it doesn't look as good as "Sales Trainee Manager" on the CV. The last reason, when I was reading the employment contract, I was an independent contractor and it said I could quit at any time. Even if there was a mandatory anything, I was not going to show up regardless.
As I reflect upon my time there, I do not regret it one bit. Firstly, I am an introvert by nature and it was really difficult for me to talk to people, let alone be comfortable in a crowd. I always felt like I had to put on a mask. This job helped me overcome that flaw. I am still an introvert, but I am more comfortable talking to strangers, and connecting with people and I don't get anxious when I see a pretty girl and want to ask her out. I just go and do it now. I have genuinely learned a lot, I learned why people do what they do. When some bloke on the telly mentions economics, I feel like I can put a face to it and sympathise with those affected after interacting with and learning about so many different people in different situations. As for the direct sales business itself, I have learned why it operates that way and how it depends on the hard work of the sales reps.
Another bonus about this job in the UK is that the strangers you meet on the street can be business owners or managers, etc. I have received more job offers on the job, walking the street than I ever did applying on LinkedIn or Indeed. Eventually, I found the job that was the best match for what I wanted and my future life goals. I'd go so far as to say that without the "Devilcorp" job I wouldn't have had the ability to sell myself and perform as well as I did in the interview for my new job.
Enough about the pros. What are the cons? Everything you heard on this subreddit or elsewhere, it's probably true. The long hours and low pay, are true. I don't know about other managers but my manager hoped I would do extra self-development like read some of the suggested books or some of the required paperwork for promotion to leadership but they never expected it from me, just hoped I'd do it in my off time. Since you have little time, you're more likely to grab food from a cafe or whatever, and that adds up. Even if you make the £500+ per week they promise, it is still less than minimum wage if you do the math with all the hours you work. I have seen some people make more than £200 per day consistently, but realistically, developing those sales and communication skills can take a while depending on how good you were before, naturally gifted, etc.
The biggest downside to the business is becoming a Manager and having your own business. To give you a better idea of what it entails, you essentially create a new company that acts as a subsidiary for the larger company (Credico, Appco, Cydor, etc). You are still under someone else's thumb needing to perform while all the risk is on your head. The product you are selling is people, whether it's other managers you promote or the customers that you sign for the clients. I think people are unreliable because you can never control what someone else does, so therefore I don't think people make a good product.
To be fair, you can make £100K+ per year being a manager, it is possible, however, extremely difficult. You can also become a millionaire by becoming a Regional Consultant or National Consultant, but again this brings me to a quote "Every dead body on Mount Everest was once a highly motivated person"
To those who are in the industry, I recommend getting good at sales and then leaving. To those who lurk in the subreddit and want to make it to management or consultancy, I simply wish you good luck. To those who aren't sure what to do after receiving an email or interview, my advice is to go try it out for a week or two, grab the first paycheck, and see whether or not it's something you want to do for a couple of months. To those who are thinking of leaving, don't do it until you have a secured safety net (another job).
AMA in the comments
submitted by Bannacherryapplepie to Devilcorp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:03 AxedLens1 MultiversX Today - Daily Report 04.06

MultiversX Today - Daily Report 04.06
Your daily dose of @MultiversX highlights is here:
❎ Partnership with ELTE, the largest university in Hungary 🇭🇺 ❎ @beniaminmincu interview on Sovereign Chains with @blockchainrptr ❎ Staking V4 video explainer
MultiversX Today - Daily Report 04.06
@xPortalApp June Challenge, with @EVNFTreal NFTs as prizes ❎ New Blockchain 101 workshop in Cluj-Napoca 🇷🇴 on June 6
Ecosystem updates@ash_perp 50% Open Fee discount ❎ @xoxnoNFTs X Space on its @xLaunchpadApp debut ❎ @Ta_da_io X Spaces AMA with @Inspir3NFT on June 6 ❎ KYC live for @thecursedland public sale on @BHeroLaunchpad@OneDex_X support for $BOBER LP pairs ❎ @ZoidPay is attending the @money2020 event in Amsterdam ❎ @ThePalmTreeNW thread on @OneFinityChain’s Sovereign Chain-based solution ❎ @ash_swap May recap newsletter ❎ @GiantsVillage Staking Bober campaign rewards distributed ❎ @MvXBuilders Project Spotlight on zEdgeStorage ❎ @MateriaPrimaRPG Skill System key features
Source: X @MultiversXToday
submitted by AxedLens1 to MultiversXOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:41 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: Drawn And Bordered by Crooked Media (06/04/24)

"Melania needs to leave him." - Stormy Daniels, saying the quiet part out loud about Donald Trump's inexplicable marriage.

No Asylum

Biden issued an executive order limiting migrants’ access to asylum in the U.S. on Tuesday, in the most aggressive border crackdown of his presidency.
The move was met with mixed reactions.
Meanwhile, as the political process churns on, some migrants who should qualify for asylum will have a much harder time claiming protection.

Look No Further Than Crooked Media

In Message Box, Pod Save America's Dan Pfeiffer cuts through the usual media noise to bring you a clearer understanding of the 2024 campaign landscape. Dive into the latest news and implications of Trump's THIRTY-FOUR felony convictions, with issues of the newsletter sent directly to your inbox. Sign up today at:

Under The Radar

There’s a reason why folks say MAGA stands for Making Attorneys Get Attorneys. Ask the Trump lawyers who just caught a fresh criminal case in Wisconsin.
State prosecutors accused them of trying to help Trump make off with the Badger State’s electoral college votes in 2020. Attorneys Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis, as well as ex-Trump aide Mike Roman, were charged with forgery over their alleged involvement in the Wisconsin fake-electors scheme.
This is a second election indictment for Roman and also Chesebro, the lawyer nicknamed “the cheese” in college due to his Wisconsin roots and, well, of course, his silly name. Both were first charged in Georgia’s sprawling racketeering case against Trump and his goons. Chesebro struck a plea deal in Atlanta last October. As for Troupis, he isn’t just a lawyer — he’s also a former judge. Hopefully the judge overseeing this case has a better understanding of the law than Troupis.

What Else?

Attorney General Merrick Garland fired back at House Republicans threatening to hold him in contempt of Congress over access to records relating to President Biden’s classified-docs investigation. “I will not be intimidated,” Garland told a raucous hearing. And for good reason: a contempt citation would mean asking the nation’s top law enforcement official to arrest himself. Fun to see them try it!
President Biden denied being too old for the Oval Office by, uh, threatening to fight a Time reporter for asking about his age. “I can do it better than anybody you know,” the 81-year-old commander-in-chief said. “You’re looking at me, I can take you too.” Okay pal, let’s calm down and save that energy for the debates.
House and Senate Democrats are coordinating a legislative push to guarantee access to contraception, which is nearly certain to fail thanks to GOP opposition. The move forces Republicans to (once again) put themselves on the record opposing birth control — a risky bet during an election year in which reproductive rights are a top issue for many voters.
Hunter Biden’s wife called ex-Trump aide Garrett Ziegler a “Nazi piece of shit!” outside the courtroom where her husband is on trial for felony gun charges. “You have no right to be here,” she said, according to NBC News. Hunter Biden is suing Ziegler over his alleged role in publishing pictures and other materials from Hunter’s infamous laptop.
Republicans are preparing for the possibility, however remote, that Trump might have to accept the GOP nomination from a jail cell. RNC chairman Michael Whatley told Newsmax that the committee “will make whatever contingency planning we need to make.”
The Colorado Republican Party called for the burning of all Pride flags in a social media post, and blasted out a mass email titled “God hates pride,” to mark the start of Pride Month. What — and we cannot stress this enough — the fuck is wrong with these people.
Jon Stewart slammed the media for failing to call out Republicans’ lies about the 2020 election and other falsehoods, like Trump’s preposterous claim that he didn’t say Hillary Clinton should be locked up — despite literally running on the “lock her up” slogan for an entire election cycle.
A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted against recommending MDMA, the drug known as ecstasy or molly, as treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, arguing the risks outweigh the benefits.

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Light At The End Of The Email

Rep. John Rose (R-TN) was upstaged by his 6-year-old son, Guy, after Guy was caught making hilarious faces behind his dad on the House floor. See? Even kindergarteners know nobody wants to watch Republicans run their mouths.
Ireland expanded its Free Contraception Scheme to include people up to age 35. The measure, first introduced in September 2022, initially covered people from ages 17-25. “Gender should not be a barrier to healthcare, and I firmly believe that the Free Contraception Scheme is a landmark initiative that empowers women, enabling them to make choices about their reproductive health without any financial burden,” said Ireland’s Minister of Health, Stephen Donnelly. Okay, Ireland, we get it! You’re better than us!


alex on Twitter: "literally needs no explanation look at this diva"
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:04 After-Macaron-7185 Know The Possibilities Of Natural Healing Alternative With Dr. Garcia’s Biomagnetism Therapy

Know The Possibilities Of Natural Healing Alternative With Dr. Garcia’s Biomagnetism Therapy
The amazing journey of Dr. Luis Garcia through the world of medicine and biomagnetism is a demonstration of his long-lasting dedication to knowledge acquisition. He is an accomplished medical doctor and an enthusiast in biomagnetism field. His academic and professional trajectory illustrates his deep commitment to healing arts and exploration for new therapies.
Dr. Garcia
At Boston College, Garcia graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology degree in 1997 after successfully completing unparalleled genetic research that ended up being published internationally in “Development” scientific journal in 1997.
He achieved a significant milestone by obtaining his Medical Degree from Universidad de la Sabana Bogota, Colombia, in 2005 thereby marking the beginning of his impactful career as a medic which lasted till June 2010 while serving as The Medical Director, Salud Futura Clinic Bogotá Columbia.
While at the clinic Garcia used different therapeutic approaches including; Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Neurofeedback, Neural Therapy, Nutritional Therapies, Ozone Therapy Homotoxicology Traditional Chinese Medicine Chelation therapy DMSO therapy Bioenergetics among others. It was also here that he practiced Biomagnetism technique which remains his unique healing approach till today.
This expertise proves Dr. Garcia’s commitment to biomagnetic therapy. In this area over fifteen years dr.Garcia has turned into teacher who shapes the new generation of experts on Biomagnetic therapy. He did not only educate more than seven hundred fifty students about intricacies related to biomagnetism but also went ahead to mentor them on how they can apply what they learned successfully just like him.
His pioneer work has helped document important materials for posterity within the sector. Through innovative studies, he examines connoisseurship magnetic fields plus pairings that have been documented widely including dissertations clinical case studies journal papers self-published books and independent writings making it important for most health care researchers. This has resulted in citations being acknowledged by several top medical schools which significantly affected the scientific community.
Dr. Garcia's extensive research and dedication to biomagnetism have led to enlightening interviews on the subject. For those who are interested in going deeper into the topic, these interviews are a great source of insights. He also offers educational podcasts that comprehensively cover various essential topics, including an introduction to biomagnetism, frequently asked questions and recent developments and research in the field.
Furthermore engaging webinars demonstrate Dr.Garcia’s commitment to education and knowledge dissemination. Therefore this virtual environment is ideal for in-depth discussions about Biomagnetism. They help participants grasp specific steps in identifying/scanning biomagnetic points on body, correcting magnet placement as well as monitoring pH changes.
Ultimately, Dr. Garcia’s legacy as a mentor goes beyond numbers based upon his impact on developing a new crop of practitioners who share his unwavering belief in the therapeutic power of biomagnetic therapy. Dr.Garcia has trained over seven hundred fifty students providing practical information and skills needed for real healing. Astonishingly, more than seventy of them have ended up opening successful practices across US showing just how much influence he has had within his chosen career path over time.
Beyond Biomagnetism Online Course
Dr. Garcia’s devotion to proliferating knowledge and skills can be seen in his online course “Beyond Biomagnetic Therapy” and the practical training seminars. Such educational offerings give practitioners the skills and knowledge base that makes it possible for them to make real time curative actions. The online course includes practical demonstrations of magnet placement for various conditions and covers all topics featured in the in-person seminar.
Beyond Biomag 3D App
“Biomagnetism Practitioner Guide Book” is one of Dr. Luis F. Garcia’s resources that he created for advancing Biomagnetic therapy alongside “Beyond Biomag 3D Mobile App”. These materials play a crucial role in enhancing the treatment outcomes for bio magnetic therapies.
The app, which you can get at both Play Store and App Store, offers subscriptions on a month-to-month or yearly basis to enable access by any practitioner out there. It has unique human model in 3 dimensions making it superior as compared to other similar applications when it comes to magneto visualization accuracy. This user-friendly app simplifies everything by showing corresponding pairs of magnets with their associated pathogens thus streamlining therapy.
Biomagnetism Practitioner Guide Book
This book, written by Dr. Garcia himself, addresses all aspects of biomagnetism therapy from scratch till completion. A collection of full-color illustrations fills this book up as an invaluable source for professionals involved in its provision. Hard copies are available as well as eBooks.
Supplies for Biomagnetism Practitioners
Furthermore, Dr.Garcia also supplies essential equipment required for Bio-magnetic healing purposes . In his online store, Dr.Garciaprovides magnetic devices of varying sizes targeting particular anatomical sites where such needs may arise.Putting the country first is demonstrated through these magnets being attractively labeled “Made in USA” and having an incredible warranty period of seven years.
Magnets for Biomagnetism Practitioners
Head to Dr. Garcia’s online shop and explore a wide range of magnet sizes that can be used at specific anatomical sites. The back and legs may require large magnets while the arms, thorax or abdomen may need medium sized ones. Look for tiny magnets made specifically for the hands, neck, and head and mini magnets for the most vulnerable spots, such as the nose, eyes, and fingertips. These magnets are of the highest quality with an outstanding 7-year warranty because they have a ‘Made in USA’ imprint on them.
Dr.Luis F.Garcia’s devotion to Biomagnetic therapy is indescribable due its revolutionizing aspect in this field. Thanks to his research works,bio-magnetism has gained more recognition as well as being encouraged by educational resources and participation in advocacy works.
Those who want to make a positive change or gain further insights through their journey should visit which will provide all these services together with many other invaluable materials related to Biomagnetic therapy (Biomagnetic Therapy Training Seminars). Dr. Garcia’s commitment will ensure that bio magnetic therapy continues to thrive thereby unlocking new opportunities for health improvement.
Watch our youtube video:
submitted by After-Macaron-7185 to u/After-Macaron-7185 [link] [comments]