Preschool airplane

Today, Jimmy boy is 36,385 days old.

2024.05.15 07:37 MrSudowoodo_ Today, Jimmy boy is 36,385 days old.

To visualize this imagine that years equal feet and viceversa. Now, the Empire State building coming at 1,454 ft. would be the equivalent of a preschooler (about 4 years). The Burj Khalifa at 2,716 ft. would be the equivalent to a 7 and a half year old. Heck, even Mt. Everest coming in at 29,035 ft tall would only be the equivalent of 79 year old. Jimmy and his 36,385 would be the equivalent of a commercial airplane flying over everything else.
submitted by MrSudowoodo_ to JimmyCarterForScale [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:14 zenocrate My 3-year-old just told me I’m too big to fit in an airplane

Does anyone want a second hand preschooler in good condition? I just don’t think I can share my home with that kind of toxic energy
Btw, I’ll have you know that I am MUCH smaller than most airplanes
submitted by zenocrate to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 14:25 Unable_Variation_918 The Ubermensch

My Clone goes to Fiji
The Ubermensch. He is great and my scientists have created him. Before we discuss the Ubermensch’s existential crisis, here are two rules. Rule number 1. Everytime the Ubermensch has a thought, the scientists monitoring the Ubermensch make a wish around a wishing well and the wish always comes true. There are no demons twisting the wishes, nor are there tails side up.
Towards the end of the year of the Ubermensch’s 11th grade at school, his teacher of existential dread, who we will call Mrs. Handerson for the story, showed the Ubermensch and the class notes about the principles of genius and metaphysics. When they got to the Intersteller notes, my clone was in awe-inspiration of transcendence. As a result, the scientists monitoring the Ubermensch made a wish around a wishing well and the wish came true. The Ubermensch’s orchestra teacher announced a trip to Fiji! There were no demons twisting the wishes.
The next day, the Ubermensch went for a walk since it was a Saturday and the Ubermensch had nothing to do. Towards the end of the Ubermensch’s 30-minute walk, he felt drips of sweats semi- dripping from the lower top of his hair, all the way down to the edge of his head. It was the first time in a while that he sweated during his walks. That year in the universe he lived in, earth was having the hottest year on record, which meant even in the mountains of rural Virginia, the Ubermensch would sweat from global warming. Due to Ubermensch’s OCD, the drips of sweats announced to the Ubermensch that he must go swimming if he felt a single drop of sweat trickling down his head. And so, he took a big jump into the lake he had in his parent’s backyard. The mystical ambience surrounding him gave the Ubermensch a very deep imagination, so my scientists had to be ready with his thoughts calmly racing. Then, a big spark came in his head. He wondered about cowgirl dolls and that gave his body a state of ecstasy. He then wondered if he is brave enough to become who he truly is. And so it was. The scientists monitoring the Ubermensch made a wish around a wishing well, and the wish was that his true self would be accidentally expressed. The next morning, while the Ubermensch was sleeping with his secret doll, he got a notification that his school orchestra was going to Fiji. My Ubermensch got all suddenly ecstatic and excited. He couldn't believe this was happening! He was going to Fiji! But at the same time, he was a tad bit confused. When he thought about Fiji, his orchestra suddenly announced a trip to Fiji. “Huh. I wonder why?” he thought. He didn't ponder about it too much. It was still a trip to Fiji right? Right? The next morning, the Ubermensch woke up around 4:30 in the morning, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, packed a few extra items for the trip, and his parents drove him to the airport, which the ride there surprisingly did not take very long. On the ride to the airport, he kept thinking and thinking about why human history is played out the way it is and why there is so many twins of him through different places and time periods. And second, “Who was his real parents.” How did he appear as a newborn in his parents house along with a cowgirl doll and then a wildfire after the townsthemountaintulip became extinct in the wild? He didn’t ponder about it too much, as he soon became hyper focused on holding his cowgirl doll near his chest as my clone had headrests and headgear and head seats to support his sensory sensitivities. The gentle weight, the smoothness, and the beautiful appearance appearance of the Ubermensch’s cowgirl doll soothed the Ubermensch’s nerves and got rid of the negative thoughts caused by human history, the meaning of life, and the rumors around the school that Ubermensch was transgender. Around half an hour later, the Ubermensch arrived at the airport. He took his bagings and suitcases and his cowgirl doll in his hands and headed to the entrance of his airport. He easily found his orchestra teacher and his orchestra friends and soon enough, they were on the way to baggage check. When they got to the baggage check, everyone took their shoes and jewelry off and also put their belongings in the containers for the items check. That meant that even though my clone had separation anxiety, hee had to put his cowgirl doll in the baggage check. So, with a little kiss to the top of the hat on his cowgirl doll, the baggage check became underway, and everything came out as easy as 3.14. When it ended, the Ubermensch became close to a separation anxiety attack. Luckily, the baggage check soon ended, so the Ubermensch grabbed his bags and his cowgirl doll and gave her a stroke around the hair.
Fast forward to the Ubermensch waiting for the boarding of the airplane, during the whole flight on the way there, the Ubermensch was in relaxed mode as his comforting cowgirl doll would eventually make him fall asleep into a dreams of 3-d color vision of human history and alien landscapes of dinosaurs. When the Ubermensch woke up from a long duration of sleep, he realized that he landed in Fiji. He soon found himself in the tropical outdoors, and the tropical air was beating down on him. His music teachers went to the resort that were staying at, and everyone checked into their rooms. The resort on a log cabin- type place that was on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The Ubermensch and his roommates quickly dropped off their stuff in their rooms, put on bathing suits, grabbed snorkel gear, and went on their way to where the orchestra would meet up in a popular snorkeling spot. Everyone soon went on a boat, which the boat side to the spot took nearly an hour, and on the boat ride there, my clone thought about the hot blazing sun beating down on everyone, even if people had sunscreen on their bodies. The boat came to a stop and everyone hopped into the waters. They were finally there. The snorkel spot turned out to be a shipwreck where people once were in. When the Ubermensch excitingly went into the water, he became astonished by the absolute beauty of wildlife down there in the shallow depths of the south pacific. He then started to feel sad that humanity has made these great creatures extinct. The Tasmanian tiger, the dodo bird, the wooly mammoth. They went extinct under the reign of humanity. The Ubermensch then came to the shocking realization. Everytime humanity made a species extinct in the wild, the last place the species was in the wild would set on fire. He could not believe this! That’s why there were so many wildfires throughout history. That night, he laid awake for a bit pondering on his meaning for existence. But, there was one of his questions whom were unaccounted for. Cowgirl Dolls. Cowgirl Dolls. Why were there accounts of his favorite cowgirl doll throughout history? But, suddenly, as if the Ubermensch got hypnotized, lost those train of thoughts as his cowgirl doll began to soothe his nerves like a meditator in a monastery. And as quickly as that, the comfortness of his cowgirl doll made him fall asleep relatively quickly. The next morning, when the Ubermensch woke up, his roommates were giving him odd stares, as if he didn’t belong or something. But why? Why him? Why my clone? What did the Ubermensch do? My Ubermensch assumed that his roommates were weirded out because of the Ubermensch’s need to cuddle with a cowgirl doll. The Ubermensch headed down to the orchestra group to eat breakfast. To prevent an anxiety attack, the Ubermensch snuck his cowgirl doll into his backpack. He pretended that he was looking for something, but he was actually reaching into his backpack to take off the hat of his cowgirl doll and kiss it on the forehead of it. After that, he grabbed his breakfast from the buffet and such. “This breakfast tastes like Austria.” he thought. That was a compliment. When the Ubermensch finally sat down to eat his satisfying Austrian breakfast, he realized that his orchestra director was giving him an odd stare as well. “This is a farting maniac!” the Ubermensch nervously thought. Then, all of a sudden, the Ubermensch blacked out. He woke up in the yellow brick road from the Wizard of Oz. The Ubermensch then witnessed something mysteriously disturbing. A giant head appeared out of nowhere. For some odd reason, that giant head looked like the head of Richard Wagner ig Richard Wagner had a god Brahms beard. “WHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO SSSSSHHHHHHH!.” the head cried out. “WAAAAAAAAA!.” The god cried out. Before the god could pop out his eyeballs, the Ubermensch dipped back into the human state of consciousness and woke up back into the breakfast room, just where he was before. No one really seemed to care that the Ubermensch might have passed out, everyone was still eating, laughing, and chatting about life like normal, as if no one did not pass out. “Are you okay?” a guy named Jaron said. “Yes I am fine. Why do you ask?.” My Ubermensch said. Jaron then explained that he witnessed the Ubermensch black out and then levitate and hover over the tabled with his eyes closed and screamed “I understand you!.” The Ubermensch could not believe this! The Ubermensch’s hands and legs began shaking of utter fear and pure shock. The scientists monitoring the Ubermensch made a wish around a wishing well, and what happened next is shocking. The Ubermensch began kissing his cowgirl doll around 20 times. “He is kissing what now?!” Jaron exclaimed. Jaron had not time to ponder about it since the music director called everyone to head to the travel bus since they were heading to the Fiji Museum. Everyone hopped on the bus and then the music director called attendance, and soon enough, everyone was on their way to the Fiji museum. There was one problem though. The museum was located on the island next door over. “Have no fear!.” the music director exclaimed. The bus went into the waters, and everyone on the bus screamed blood curdling screams. Not because they were thinking they were drowning, but because a random backpack flew across the bus. But then, the bus transformed it’s wheels into submarines and everyone turned from fear into excitement. Fish were swimming across the endless weight of the sea and everyone of the bus- submarine stood in awe of excitement of the beautiful blue over them. Unfortunately, that came to a close since the bus submarine came onto the land, and into a parking spot of the Fiji museum. Soon, everyone came out the bus and the music director counted heads, and everyone walked down into the mysterious black abyss of the Fiji museum. Erik Satie’s piano pieces were playing as the background music, which caused a mystical ambiance to surround the students and the music teachers. Everyone then parted their own ways depending on what exhibit they wanted to see. That doesn’t matter though. What matters is the experience the Ubermensch had in the native Polynesians exhibit. Everything went fine and dandy until the Ubermensch read something interesting. It was a model of the extinct Fiji giant saltwater crocodile and below the model there was a description. The Ubermensch began to read it. It said “In 200 b.c. The very last Fiji Crocodile became extinct in the wild. The Polynesian royals had pet crocodiles but the Fiji Saltwater crocodile had become extinct in the wild. Shortly after they were last seen in the wild, the Polynesian royal began to hear crying in one of their huts. What they found in the hut was a newborn baby and a cowgirl doll. The baby was attempting to reach his hands out to the cowgirl doll but could not grab it since they were separate in beds. The royals wondered who dropped a baby and a doll off of their palace. People began to notice smoke coming from the opposite side of the island that they lived on. People began to evacuate the island using the canoes that they built from the palm trees that were common on this island. Most of everyone was saved from the fire, but unfortunately, it only took half an hour for their homes to be engulfed in flames. Their homes and their precious items were turned into flames. The only remnants of this island that were saved were the newborn baby and the cowgirl doll.” As the Ubermensch continued to explore this museum, he began to learn that the fire could cause severe weather, which would start a war between the polynesians. The Ubermensch also learned that the newborn baby grew up to become the village oddball that would be seen carrying around that cowgirl doll. The Ubermensch was starting to piece his life together. The clones of his cowgirl doll were so significant throughout history. He wondered if his existence is a punishment from god for making the Appalachian mountaintop extinct in the wild. The Ubermensch soon found a bench to the right of him. His legs began trembling so he sat down on the bench. He then began zipping open his backpack and noticed that the cowgirl doll was missing. The Ubermensch blew into a full on panic, and yet no one wanted to help him. During the Ubermensch’s meltdown, he finally knew his reason for existing. Everytime humanity would make a species go extinct in the wild, the last place the species would be in the wild would burst into flames caused by a lightning strike from god {AKA ME}. Then, a clone of him and a cowgirl doll would be born near the location the species would go extinct in the wild. When the Ubermensch hit his knee uncontrollably, he teleported to a world of colors and schemes. He saw the Grand Canyon with LSD. He witnessed the dinosaurs getting hit by a meteor. He saw Mississippi in the 1950s. He saw a girl getting bullied by her peers because of her carrying a cowgirl doll with her to preschool. He saw a girl jumping off a bridge. He saw viborous colors. He saw god betraying the super gods and creating a new world. He saw a line of colors arraying across the galaxy and the color scheme. He saw an entire symmetric of color symmetry. He saw the dinosaurs go on an emotional odyssey of great force into the trombones of the quirky trumpets. He went on a trip of extinctions and cowgirl dolls. Then, he suddenly teleported into a 1950’s style bedroom and the wallpaper was entirely yellow with little shades of green. The bed in the room was entirely yellow with shades of purple. The Ubermensch was traumatized from his trip of colors as he simply sat frozen with fear, his eyes wide and bloodshot red. The Ubermensch snapped back into reality and realized that he was stuck in the deep realm of time. My Ubermensch began to awfully scream and yell tears of stress begging himself to be let out of this room. And then, to the right of him, of his window, even with the hyperfocus of demons, out the shiny white window, he saw a blood- shot red splatter on the window. It was a 8- feet- tall bigfoot begging to be let out. The Ubermensch had to be let out somehow, the Ubermensch was on the verge of being good as dead. The Ubermensch noticed that there was a peep hole in the door. He looked through the peephole, and noticed that a black bear was sleeping in the dead of winter. “Come on! Please! Let me in! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the Ubermensch cried out as my clone began shakenly and violently letting out at the yellow wooden door. But, the bear didn’t even move. Bloodshot red tears began dripping down the Ubermensch’s face as he had no hope left and all of the dolls and woodland creatures surrounded him in black suits chanting “Rest in peace Individualism.” with a gravestone saying the name of the Ubermensch of all eternity. The Ubermensch only had a few seconds to look at the gravestone before every sinister thing disappeared into thin air. Now, the only presence left in the yellow room was the Ubermensch and a cowgirl doll laying on the bright yellow bed. My Ubermensch began to let out a grin wider than you could imagine. He sat on the bed and started to stare at the wall for hours on end. The next hour, he was cuddling with his cowgirl doll. The next thing the Ubermensch knew, he grew long hair and a beard that developed to the floor. The next thing the Ubermensch knew, he developed gray hairs. The next thing the Ubermensch knew, he was bald and old, laying on his death bed with his cowgirl doll in his head.
Before the Ubermensch began to die without purpose, at the edge of his bed, he could see me staring at him. The Ubermensch wanted to question his presence, but instead he reached his arm to me and started to grasp my transcendence. Back down on earth, humanity had already gone extinct from the climate crisis. There were only a few species left on earth, except for a deer. The deer and noticed a red rectangle reaching it’s home that was once the inside of a human’s walls in it’s apartment. The deer got curious and walked over to it slowly and cautiously. As he began walking closer, an interesting shape as coming out of the red rectangle, but the rate could not pinpoint what it was, but he knew he was being transported. My clones love their cowgirl dolls. Yes! They have reached earth. THey have went to the deer! They have to blow to the deer! Oh yes yes! Yes! Yes! Dancing with the dolls! So awesome! Yeah ! The giant dolls were floating about the earth and resurrected my clones throughout history and have concluded the history of the universe I have created in my head! So awesome! Yes. Perchance. Bear. Wooly mammoth. Human history. It all came together in my universe. I can finally relax and read all the textbooks in my universe!
submitted by Unable_Variation_918 to nhojwriting [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 14:29 Egans721 Do people grow out of (deadly) peanut allergies?

I've only ever seen peanut free areas in regards to small kids (ie I've seen signs for that in front of preschool programs at wreck centers). I've seen internet arguments about peanut free zones at schools (I teach high school and never encountered any), or banning them on airplanes, but I have never encountered them so I am wondering just how prevalent they are...
So... are peanut allergies less common? Do people grow out of them, because they seem to be less concerned outside of pre-school age?
submitted by Egans721 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 16:22 Slobos13 Racist Entitled Karen Wants Other Parent’s Children TL;DR

TL;DR So a few years ago I was a student studying in Childcare, now as a part of my course I am meant to one day a week work in a private nursery (for people who don't know what a nursery is it's basically preschool (I think)) for experience.
So whilst I was there for a year I became very close with the staff members and the children that was there, during the summer a new child was enrolled into the nursery.
The little girl we will call her Mary because her favourite song was Mary Has A Little Lamb, now Mary is an adorable little girl who likes to jump around and give everyone hugs and kisses. A ball of fluff is what she is.
Mary is a bit slightly chubby for a 3yr old but that's ok, no problem with a little bit of chub. But her mom thought otherwise, her mom whom we'll name Karen is this tall white lady whom is American who moved to our country last year.
Mary didn't look anything like Karen, Mary is a black child but that isn't a problem to us since everyone's families comes in different sizes and shapes but I had to point this out since it'll become important later.
Karen was well known in the nursery for well looking like a, excuse my choice of words, a hoe and for her lovely personality.
She would show up with a flush red face, a tight slim skinny dress that shows of either her cleavage or ass and caked in excessive amount of make up. A lot of us thought she was always tipsy whenever she came to do pick up Mary but since she always goes around in a Uber, that's right, even if it's somewhere down her road she'll call for an Uber, so luckily she isn't drunk driving.
Now this isn't a big deal since we're used to people like her until the Summer trip starts coming around the corner, it was a trip to a big theme park in my country, everyone was buzzed especially the staff members since this is basically a free trip for them since the nursery is paying for it.
The children will be with their parents or guardians so we didn't have to take care of them and just go wild with alcohol and the rides.
On the day of the trip Karen came along as usual in a tight dress, high heels, pungent perfume and excessive amount of make up, she looks like she's dressed for some sort of formal party whilst the other parents are dressed in casual clothings preparing themselves for war.
Remember us staff members don't have to look after the kids on this trip and it's the parents/guardians responsibility to do so.
Before we left off for our trip Karen noticed one of the children, a beautiful toddler whom I'll name Anna with blonde pigtails and bright blue eyes.
Karen walked up to her mother whom she held hands with and said something quite disturbing to the point Anna's mother requested to us staff to help keep a distance from her.
The exchange went as followed:
Karen: That's a cute girl.
AM: aww thank you, she's our pride and joy.
Karen: She has such beautiful crystal blue eyes and blonde hair, her skin is so fair and pale.
AM: y-yeah she is beautiful (a bit creeped out.)
Karen: I wish Mary looked like her.
AM: (Looks at Mary) Aww Mary is also a beautiful girl too!
Karen: (Scoffs) Yeah right. If anything I want a baby girl like yours. (She looks closer at Anna and strokes her blonde hair.)
Anna's mother was creeped out by that and pulled Anna away from Karen before quickly heading to us for some help.
With our help we assigned Karen and Mary to sit at the very back of the bus whilst Anna's family sat in the front to keep some distance.
Once we got to the theme park everyone was let loose and the parents/guardians are in for a treat. Whilst us staff and students went nuts on the rides and the alcohol basically just having a blast.
Until it was nearing late afternoon, we were all getting hungry so we walked over to the food court, there we saw a unpleasant sight, Karen was drinking some beer at one of the far back tables talking on her phone whilst Mary was asleep in her buggy.
We looked at this scene with disgust and walked over, the exchange went as followed after Karen noticed us and put down the phone.
Karen: Oh hello there!
Me: hello Karen! Enjoying the trip?
Karen: Oh Geez I wish! It's been so boring, tiring, my feet aches from walking around and it's so bloody hot. (She was wearing a tight black dress and tall black heels of course she's gonna get tired.)
Me: I see. Did you two enjoy any of the rides?
Karen: Yes! Mary enjoys the merry go ride more then anything.
I want to note that there was no merry go round in the theme park.
I seated myself along with two other staff members with Karen to get to know her and see if she was okay because I can tell she was kinda tipsy with her skin all flushed, we kept an eye out for her and just kept talking and drinking until finally things took a turn for the worst.
She talked about things we couldn't believe.
Karen:... You know. I never wanted a child. But my husband adopted Mary from one of his African trips because according to him he felt like he had to and he sees her as his own flesh and blood. (She scoffs as she drinks more.)
The husband is a journalist who travels a lot.
Me: That's nice of him, I'm sure Mary will grow up to be a healthy beautiful girl.
Karen: (Scoffs again) yeah beautiful my ass..... Back in America beautiful white girls are always the most popular ones in High School and.... (Mumbles something quietly.)
Me: Pardon?
Karen:... Her skin is so black... I wonder... if there was a bruise would anyone be able to see it?
Me:... Uhh (Looks at the other two staff members with worry but they nodded as they quickly rushed over to Mary to check if she was okay and see if there was any signs of abuse whilst I kept Karen occupied with idle talk.)
Luckily Mary didn't have any signs of abuse but since Karen was a bit tipsy and tired, one of the staff members took Karen back to the bus to rest whilst the bus driver kept a close eye on her, we took Mary after getting a drunk consent from Karen and took her on children rides that she'll enjoy, like the elephant ride, the airplane, the baby roller coaster and more.
We still had our fun until it was time to gather back at the meeting point around the evening.
We quickly informed the manager what we had heard and expressed our concern and the manager took it into consideration.
Once we got back apparently the manager contacted Karen's husband and informed him of what was been said and how she's been treating Mary and also to pick up Karen since she was tipsy. Not sure what the husband did after learning all of that.
The very next week Karen came into the nursery quite early which was unusual to pick up Mary, Anna and her mother was passing by her in the hallway to go home when suddenly Karen grabbed Anna by the arm and screamed.
All the staff members quickly rushed over to the scene to pull Karen away. Anna was crying in pain and fear with her mother grabbing her away from Karen and hugged her protectively.
We restrained her with three men holding her down, we quickly contacted the police and her husband.
Everyone was informed to leave early that day including the cleaners, especially since I was a student I left early because of the ruckus, but some stayed back to give a witness statement.
Afterwards according to one of the staff members, Karen's husband argued like hell with Karen in the Nursery's office and basically threatened to divorce her which got Karen crying.
Karen's husband took Mary with Karen basically hugging him by the leg begging him not to leave her and that she was sorry.
For a month instead of Karen picking up Mary, it was either Mary's nanny or the husband.
According to one of the nosy staff members, the husband had divorced Karen and got a restraining order against her because apparently when the husband went to visit Karen in jail she tried to attack him for prioritising Mary over her and Anna's mom also pressed charges against her and got a restraining order.
I'm not sure what happened to Karen afterwards but I hope she never has children of her own. Also Mary is being well taken care of by her loving father who treats her like a treasure regardless of skin colour and think she's a beautiful baby girl. (A lot of the staff members had a crush on him after this incident lol.)
I'm not sure if Mary was adopted before or after the father was in a relationship with Karen, but I knew that their relationship was only about 2 years and a bit. I'm pretty sure Karen was after the dad's money because he's fairly wealthy not upper class wealthy but middle class wealthy and she often spent his money like water and used to brag about how much money she has thanks to her husband.
submitted by Slobos13 to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 23:32 lupuslibrorum Encouragement: what are some funny or delightful things your students have done or said?

I'm a single man teaching the 4 year-olds. While teaching preschool can certainly bring lots of stress with it, most of the time being with these kids energizes and inspires me. I love coming to work, I love greeting my students, and I love creating an environment where they are all healthy and happy and safe (and yes, props to my co-teacher and program director who are also awesome). And I keep a record of some of the funniest or sweetest things they've said around me. I thought if I shared a couple of these, maybe you guys would also want to share your encounters, and it would be a nice and encouraging thread. So here are just a few of my favorites:
I'm helping this girl (4) fill out her All About Me poster. Me: "What is something you are good at doing? Running? Drawing? Sharing? Her: "Eating chili." So that's what went on her poster.

Girl (4): "Mr. L, there's a monster coming!" Me: "I'm not afraid of any monster because I have you to protect me." Girl: "Oh yeah! Uh, if any monster comes, just let me know, and I'll protect you." *runs away to play* *she comes back* Girl: "...let me know if there are any monsters coming after you, okay?" Me: "Ok....argh! ahhhh! There's a monster! It's got big teeth and fire and it's gonna get me!" Girl: "What--where? I don't see one." Me: "It's invisible." *I point vaguely to a spot nearby* *she walks to where I point and looks around* Me: "Can't you hear it growling?" *she listens and then looks up at the sky* Girl: "That's just an airplane, not a monster." Me: "Ah. Ok." Girl: "Uh huh." *runs off to play*

Boy (4): "Ten years old??? That's almost 1000 years ago!"

submitted by lupuslibrorum to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 03:03 MartonianJ Speaking at an elementary school Career Day

Greetings. I have been asked by a teacher friend to speak about being a pilot at a Career Day at her school. I’ll speak 4 or 5 times for about 20 minutes each to groups of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
Anyone done this and how did you do it? I can have a PowerPoint so I figured I’d show pictures of different types of airplanes that you can fly if you want to be a pilot for a career (airliner, corporate, helicopters, aerial firefighting, military, cargo, even an astronaut). I would talk about my job (corporate) and an overview of how I got to it.
I have spoken to individual classes in the past at the preschool and 1st grade level. One of them after speaking a bit I taught the kids how to make paper airplanes and then we had a contest to see whose went the farthest. That was a hit. For the preschoolers I brought them all balsa wood gliders. That turned out to be a bad idea as there were basically a bunch of fast-flying projectiles being thrown around the room. I don’t know that I’d have time in these sessions to do anything like this anyway.
Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks
submitted by MartonianJ to flying [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 09:00 Sweet-Count2557 15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc

15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc
15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc Are you hesitant to bring your kids to scientific places in NYC because you think they might not enjoy them? Think again!We have curated a list of the 15 best places where your kids can have a blast while learning about the wonders of science. From interactive exhibits at the New York Hall of Science to mind-bending illusions at the Museum of Illusions, there is something for every curious mind.But that's not all - we also have STEM centers and maker spaces where your kids can get hands-on with technical skills and projects.So, get ready to embark on a scientific adventure that will leave your kids wanting more.Key TakeawaysThere are several top science museums near NYC, including the New York Hall of Science, American Museum of Natural History, Museum of Illusions, Museum of Mathematics, and Science Barge.Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey, is also a great option, featuring the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere and various interactive exhibits.NYC offers science-centered stores like Astro West and Evolution, where visitors can find unique artifacts, fossils, and minerals.There are several STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC, such as Brooklyn Robot Foundry, Beam Center, Robofun, Dazzling Discoveries, and The Geek Forest, offering educational programs and workshops focused on STEM subjects for kids and adults.New York Hall of ScienceIf you're looking for a hands-on and interactive science experience in NYC, the New York Hall of Science is a must-visit destination. With over 400 interactive exhibits, this museum offers a wide range of activities that will engage and educate visitors of all ages.From the fascinating Connected Worlds exhibit, where you can explore a virtual ecosystem and learn about the interconnectedness of nature, to the Rocket Park Mini Golf, where you can putt your way through a course inspired by space exploration, there's something for everyone at the New York Hall of Science.One of the highlights of the museum is its focus on STEM education. The exhibits are designed to be both fun and educational, allowing visitors to learn about scientific concepts through hands-on exploration. Whether you're exploring the physics of motion in the Sports Challenge exhibit or discovering the wonders of light and color in the Light Lab, you'll be actively engaged in the learning process.While the New York Hall of Science offers a fantastic science experience, it's also worth mentioning another nearby attraction: the Liberty Science Center. Located in Jersey City, just a short distance from NYC, the Liberty Science Center offers a wide range of science-themed activities and exhibits. From the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere to interactive skyscraper exhibits, there's no shortage of things to see and do at this exciting science center.American Museum of Natural HistoryThe American Museum of Natural History in the Upper West Side offers a captivating and educational experience for visitors of all ages. With its vast collection of exhibits and interactive displays, there is something to pique everyone's interest. Let's take a closer look at some of the best exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History that make STEM learning fun for kids at home.ExhibitDescriptionFossil HallsJourney through time and explore the world of dinosaurs and prehistoric life. Marvel at the towering Tyrannosaurus rex and examine fossils up close.Hayden PlanetariumEmbark on a virtual journey through the cosmos at the Hayden Planetarium. Learn about the wonders of the universe and the latest discoveries in astronomy.Hall of Ocean LifeDive into the depths of the ocean and discover the incredible diversity of marine life. From massive whale displays to intricate coral reef dioramas, this exhibit showcases the beauty and fragility of our oceans.Discovery RoomEncourage hands-on exploration and scientific inquiry in the Discovery Room. Kids can touch real fossils, examine specimens under microscopes, and participate in interactive activities that encourage a love for science.Rose Center for Earth and SpaceExplore the mysteries of our planet and the universe at the Rose Center. From the iconic Hayden Sphere to the immersive exhibits on Earth's formation, this exhibit will ignite curiosity about our place in the cosmos.The American Museum of Natural History provides a wealth of opportunities for families to engage in STEM learning. However, STEM education doesn't have to be limited to museum visits. Here are some tips on how to make STEM learning fun for kids at home:Conduct simple science experiments using household items.Explore nature and observe plants, animals, and insects in your backyard or local park.Engage in engineering challenges, like building structures with blocks or constructing paper airplanes.Use technology creatively by encouraging kids to code or create their own digital art.Foster a love for math through games, puzzles, and real-life applications.Museum of IllusionsAt the Museum of Illusions in Chelsea, prepare to be amazed by a world of mind-bending optical illusions and interactive exhibits. This unique museum offers a captivating experience for both kids and adults, where they can explore the science behind illusions and discover the fascinating effects they've on our perception.As you step into the museum, you'll be greeted by a variety of optical illusions that will challenge your senses and make you question your own eyes. From rooms that appear to be slanted, to mirrors that distort your reflection, the exhibits are designed to deceive and amaze. You'll have the opportunity to take part in interactive exhibits that allow you to manipulate illusions and understand how they work. It's a hands-on learning experience that's both educational and entertaining.One of the highlights of the Museum of Illusions is the explanations provided alongside each exhibit, which delve into the science behind the illusions. You'll learn about the way our brains interpret visual information and how illusions trick our perception. Through interactive displays and informative signage, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the fascinating world of optical illusions.The museum also offers fun and quirky photo-ops that will leave you with unforgettable memories. From floating in mid-air to defying gravity, these photo opportunities make for great social media posts and provide a unique way to engage with the exhibits.Whether you're a science enthusiast or just looking for a fun outing with your kids, the Museum of Illusions in Chelsea is a must-visit destination. With its interactive exhibits and engaging explanations, it offers a wonderful opportunity to explore the science behind illusions and have a mind-bending experience that will leave you questioning reality.Museum of MathematicsPrepare to be captivated by the fascinating world of mathematics at the Museum of Mathematics in NYC. This unique museum offers a range of interactive math exhibits that will engage and educate kids of all ages.Here are some highlights of what you can expect to find at the Museum of Mathematics:Mathematical puzzles: Get ready to put your problem-solving skills to the test with a variety of mind-bending puzzles. From logic puzzles to spatial reasoning challenges, there's something for everyone to enjoy. These puzzles not only entertain but also help to develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.Interactive math exhibits: Step into a world where math comes alive through hands-on exhibits. Explore the beauty of fractals, discover the patterns in nature, and even create your own mathematical artwork. These interactive exhibits make learning math fun and accessible, allowing kids to see the real-world applications of mathematical concepts.Engaging workshops: The Museum of Mathematics also offers workshops where kids can dive deeper into specific areas of math. From exploring the mathematics of music to learning about the geometry of origami, these workshops provide a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts through hands-on activities and experiments.Family-friendly atmosphere: The Museum of Mathematics is designed to be a place where families can come together to explore and learn. The exhibits are engaging for both kids and adults, and there are plenty of opportunities for collaboration and discussion. It's a space where everyone can feel free to ask questions, make discoveries, and have fun with math.Science BargeLocated in Yonkers, New York, the Science Barge is an innovative and sustainable urban farm that showcases the power of renewable energy sources and teaches visitors how to live more sustainably. Exploring sustainable farming practices and renewable energy sources and technology, the Science Barge offers a unique and educational experience for both kids and adults.On the Science Barge, you can witness the amazing potential of sustainable agriculture. The barge is equipped with a hydroponic greenhouse, where plants are grown without soil using nutrient-rich water. This method of farming not only conserves water but also eliminates the need for harmful pesticides and herbicides. Visitors can learn about the benefits of hydroponics and even try their hand at planting and harvesting fresh produce.But sustainable farming is just one aspect of the Science Barge. The barge is also powered by renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines. These technologies demonstrate how we can harness the power of nature to meet our energy needs in a clean and sustainable way. Visitors can learn about solar energy and wind power, and even see these technologies in action.The Science Barge is more than just a floating farm. It's a living laboratory where visitors can explore the possibilities of sustainable living. Through interactive exhibits and educational programs, visitors can discover how their everyday choices can make a positive impact on the environment. From composting and recycling to reducing energy consumption, the Science Barge empowers visitors to live more sustainably.Liberty Science CenterHave you ever wondered where you can find the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere and an Infinity Climber? Look no further than the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey.At the Liberty Science Center, you'll find a world of interactive exhibits for all ages. Here are a few highlights:Interactive exhibits for all ages: The Liberty Science Center offers a wide range of interactive exhibits that cater to visitors of all ages. From the touch tunnel that challenges your senses to the interactive skyscraper exhibits that let you design your own building, there's something for everyone to enjoy and learn from.Unique planetarium experiences: The Liberty Science Center is home to the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere. Here, you can embark on a journey through the cosmos and explore the wonders of our universe. From immersive shows that transport you to distant galaxies to live presentations by expert astronomers, the planetarium offers a one-of-a-kind experience that will leave you in awe.Traveling exhibitions: The Liberty Science Center hosts a variety of traveling exhibitions throughout the year, providing new and exciting experiences for visitors. Whether it's a hands-on exhibit about dinosaurs or an interactive display on the human body, these exhibitions offer a fresh perspective on scientific topics and keep the center's offerings dynamic and engaging.Easily accessible: Located just across the Hudson River from Manhattan, the Liberty Science Center is easily accessible via the Path to New Jersey and light rail. Whether you're a local or a tourist, getting to the center is a breeze, making it a convenient destination for a day of scientific exploration.At the Liberty Science Center, you'll find interactive exhibits for all ages, unique planetarium experiences, traveling exhibitions, and easy accessibility. It's a place where you can unleash your curiosity and dive into the world of science. So, why wait? Plan your visit to the Liberty Science Center and embark on an adventure of discovery.Astro WestNestled in the heart of the Upper West Side, Astro West is a science-centered store that offers a captivating collection of minerals, fossils, and meteorites for collectors of all ages. At Astro West, you can explore the cosmos without leaving the city. The store is a treasure trove of cosmic collectibles, from dazzling gemstones to ancient fossils. It's a haven for astronomy enthusiasts and a great place to spark your child's interest in the wonders of the universe.Astro West goes beyond just selling beautiful specimens. They also host space-themed events and workshops that are perfect for kids who are fascinated by the stars. These events allow children to learn about astronomy in a fun and interactive way. From stargazing parties to hands-on experiments, Astro West offers a range of activities that will ignite your child's curiosity about the universe.What sets Astro West apart is their commitment to making astronomy accessible for kids. The store is designed to be a welcoming space where children can explore and discover at their own pace. The staff is knowledgeable and passionate about astronomy, and they're always ready to answer questions and provide guidance.Whether you're a seasoned collector or a family looking to introduce your child to the wonders of the cosmos, Astro West is a must-visit destination. It's a place where you can find cosmic treasures and create unforgettable memories. So, grab your little astronaut and head over to Astro West for an out-of-this-world experience.EvolutionEvolution, a captivating science-centered store in the vibrant neighborhood of Soho, offers an extraordinary collection of bones, fossils, mounted insects, and other unique artifacts that will transport you back in time and ignite your curiosity about the natural world.Step inside and delve into the fascinating world of evolutionary biology and the study of life's history.Here are some highlights of what you can expect to find at Evolution:Fossil records: Explore a wide range of fossils that provide evidence of the ancient organisms that once roamed the Earth. From dinosaur bones to ancient shells, these fossils offer a glimpse into the distant past and provide valuable insights into the process of evolution.Evolutionary biology: Dive deeper into the scientific study of how species have evolved and changed over time. Discover the mechanisms behind natural selection, genetic variation, and adaptation, and gain a better understanding of the interconnectedness of all living organisms.Unique artifacts: Marvel at the collection of mounted insects, showcasing the incredible diversity of insect life. From colorful butterflies to intricate beetles, these specimens offer a close-up view of the intricate beauty and complexity of the natural world.Time travel: As you explore the store, you'll feel like you've been transported to different eras in Earth's history. The artifacts and fossils serve as a time machine, allowing you to witness the evolution of life through the ages.Evolution isn't just a store, but a gateway to the wonders of the natural world. Whether you're a budding scientist or simply curious about the mysteries of life, a visit to Evolution will surely leave you inspired and eager to learn more about the fascinating field of evolutionary biology.Brooklyn Robot FoundryAs we continue our exploration of science-centered spots in NYC, let's now turn our attention to the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, a hub of STEM education and innovation. At the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, kids have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and dive into the fascinating world of robotics. With their hands-on workshops and classes, children can experience the benefits of STEM education while having a blast.The Robotics workshops for kids at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry are designed to spark curiosity and develop problem-solving skills. Through engaging projects, children learn the basics of engineering and coding, all while building their very own robots. The Foundry's experienced instructors guide children through the process, encouraging them to ask questions, experiment, and think critically. This hands-on approach allows kids to not only understand the concepts but also see the practical applications of what they're learning.STEM education benefits children in many ways. It fosters creativity, as kids are encouraged to think outside the box and find innovative solutions to problems. It also promotes collaboration and teamwork, as children often work together on projects, sharing ideas and learning from one another. Additionally, STEM education builds critical thinking skills, helping children analyze situations and make informed decisions.The Brooklyn Robot Foundry offers a range of workshops and classes for different age groups, ensuring that every child can find a program suited to their interests and abilities. From introductory classes for beginners to advanced workshops for experienced young engineers, there's something for everyone. Whether your child is a future engineer or simply curious about robotics, the Brooklyn Robot Foundry is the perfect place to ignite their passion for STEM.Beam CenterLocated in Red Hook, Brooklyn, the Beam Center is a dynamic hub for hands-on learning and creative exploration in STEM fields. At Beam Center, we believe in the power of creative science, where art and science intersect to inspire young minds. Here's what makes Beam Center a standout in the NYC STEM education scene:Creative Science: Exploring Art and Science at Beam Center. At Beam Center, we encourage kids to think outside the box and explore the connections between art and science. Through our innovative programs, students have the opportunity to engage in projects that blend creativity and scientific inquiry. From building kinetic sculptures to designing interactive installations, we foster a sense of wonder and curiosity that ignites a passion for learning.Community Engagement: Empowering Youth through STEM Education at Beam Center. Our mission at Beam Center goes beyond teaching technical skills. We strive to empower youth by creating a supportive community where they can thrive. Through our apprenticeship program, high-school-aged students work alongside professional artists and engineers on large-scale installations. This hands-on experience not only equips them with valuable technical skills but also builds confidence and fosters a sense of belonging.Collaborative Learning Environment: At Beam Center, we believe in the power of collaboration. Our programs emphasize teamwork and encourage students to work together to solve complex problems. By engaging in group projects, students learn the importance of communication, cooperation, and creative problem-solving, skills that are essential for success in the 21st century.Real-World Applications: At Beam Center, we strive to make STEM education relevant and applicable to the real world. Our programs focus on practical skills and real-world applications, allowing students to see the impact of their work. Whether it's designing a sustainable structure or creating interactive exhibits, students gain a deeper understanding of how STEM fields can make a difference in their communities.At Beam Center, we believe that every child has the potential to be a scientist, artist, and innovator. Through our programs, we aim to inspire and empower the next generation of thinkers and doers, helping them realize their full potential and make a positive impact in the world.Join us at Beam Center and let your child's imagination soar!RobofunRobofun in the Upper West Side of NYC offers engaging and hands-on STEM-focused classes for preschool-aged children, sparking their curiosity and creativity through activities like Lego robotics and stop-motion animation. At Robofun, kids have the opportunity to explore the exciting world of robotics in NYC while also engaging in STEM-focused art activities.Robofun's classes are designed to provide a fun and educational experience for children, allowing them to develop important skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. Through hands-on activities, children learn how to build and program their own robots using Lego bricks and motors. They also get the chance to create their own stop-motion animations, using their imagination to bring their stories to life.The instructors at Robofun are experienced and passionate about teaching young children. They guide the children through the process of building and programming their robots, ensuring that each child receives individual attention and support. The classes are small, allowing for a personalized learning experience.Robofun is dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive environment where children feel empowered to explore and experiment with robotics and art. The classes are designed to be accessible to all children, regardless of their previous experience or skill level. Robofun believes that every child has the potential to become a future innovator and problem-solver, and their classes aim to nurture this potential.Dazzling DiscoveriesAt Dazzling Discoveries, kids and adults alike can participate in after-school classes, camps, and drop-in workshops that offer a wide range of hands-on activities and opportunities to learn new skills in a fun and engaging environment.Here are some of the exciting things you can do at Dazzling Discoveries:Sewing: Dazzling Discoveries provides sewing classes where kids can learn the basics of sewing and create their own unique projects. From sewing simple stuffed animals to designing and sewing their own clothing, kids can unleash their creativity and develop practical skills.Coding: Dazzling Discoveries also offers coding classes that introduce kids to the world of programming. Through fun and interactive activities, kids can learn how to code and create their own video games, websites, and animations. Coding not only develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills, but also fosters creativity and innovation.STEM Education: Dazzling Discoveries is committed to providing quality STEM education for kids. By combining science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, kids can engage in hands-on experiments, build and program robots, and explore the wonders of the natural world. STEM education at Dazzling Discoveries encourages curiosity, inquiry, and a love for learning.Fun and Engaging Environment: Dazzling Discoveries creates an environment where kids can have fun while learning. The classes, camps, and workshops are designed to be interactive, allowing kids to actively participate in the learning process. With passionate instructors and a supportive community, Dazzling Discoveries ensures that every child feels empowered and inspired.At Dazzling Discoveries, kids can unleash their creativity, develop new skills, and explore the world of sewing and coding. With a focus on STEM education, Dazzling Discoveries provides a fun and engaging environment for kids to learn and grow. So why wait? Join us at Dazzling Discoveries and let the scientific adventure begin!The Geek ForestContinuing our exploration of engaging STEM centers in NYC, let's now venture into the exciting world of The Geek Forest, where imagination and technology collide.At The Geek Forest, you'll find a haven for all things geeky, from interactive gaming to workshops that ignite creativity and innovation.One of the highlights of The Geek Forest is their interactive gaming experience. Get ready to immerse yourself in virtual worlds and embark on epic adventures. Whether you're a fan of classic video games or cutting-edge virtual reality, The Geek Forest has something for everyone. Challenge your friends to a round of Mario Kart or dive into the captivating narrative of a role-playing game. With a wide range of gaming options, you'll have the freedom to explore different genres and discover new favorites.But The Geek Forest isn't just about gaming. It's a place where technology and creativity intertwine. They offer workshops and classes that allow kids and adults to explore their artistic side using digital tools. Learn the basics of coding and create your own animations or delve into the world of 3D art and bring your imagination to life. The Geek Forest provides a platform for individuals to express their unique ideas and experiment with different mediums.In the enchanting realm of The Geek Forest, you'll find a community of like-minded individuals who share a love for all things geeky. It's a place where freedom of expression is celebrated, where you can let your imagination run wild and embrace your inner geek.Science-Centered Stores in NYCWhen exploring the vibrant world of STEM in NYC, don't miss out on the fascinating science-centered stores that offer a unique blend of education and discovery. These stores provide a hands-on experience that allows kids and adults alike to explore the wonders of science in a fun and engaging way.Let's take a closer look at some of the top science-centered stores in NYC:Astro West in the Upper West Side specializes in minerals, fossils, and meteorites. Whether you're a collector or just fascinated by the beauty of these natural wonders, Astro West offers a wide range of items to satisfy your curiosity.Evolution in Soho is a must-visit for anyone interested in bones, fossils, mounted insects, and other unique artifacts. This fascinating shop is like stepping into a museum, where you can explore the wonders of the natural world up close.In addition to these science stores, NYC is also home to some amazing STEM education centers:Brooklyn Robot Foundry in Gowanus, Brooklyn focuses on STEM education for kids. With classes, camps, and workshops for different age groups, kids can learn about robotics, engineering, and coding in a hands-on, interactive environment.Beam Center in Red Hook, Brooklyn aims to teach technical skills and build science educators. Their programs include recruiting high-school-aged apprentices for large-scale installations, fostering creativity and critical thinking.These science-centered stores and STEM education centers offer opportunities for hands-on learning and discovery. Whether you're interested in exploring the wonders of the natural world or diving into the exciting world of robotics and engineering, NYC has something to offer for everyone.STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYCNow let's shift our focus to the exciting world of STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYC, where hands-on learning and creativity come together to inspire the next generation of innovators. STEM education impact is profound, and maker spaces play a crucial role in fostering creativity and innovation in kids.One key aspect of STEM centers is their emphasis on hands-on learning. By providing children with the opportunity to engage in activities and experiments, these centers encourage a love for science in young minds. Whether it's building robots, designing circuits, or conducting chemistry experiments, the hands-on approach allows kids to explore and learn in a way that textbooks simply can't replicate.STEM centers also provide a platform for kids to collaborate and work together on projects. This collaborative environment fosters teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in the 21st century. By working on projects together, children learn not only from their own experiences but also from the diverse perspectives and ideas of their peers.In addition to hands-on activities, maker spaces often offer workshops and classes led by experienced educators and professionals. These experts guide children through the process of creating and designing, teaching them valuable skills such as critical thinking, innovation, and creativity. By allowing kids to explore their interests and push the boundaries of what they can create, maker spaces empower children to become active participants in their own learning.STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC provide a nurturing and supportive environment where children can explore their curiosity, develop a passion for science, and gain the skills necessary for future success. By inspiring creativity and fostering innovation, these spaces are shaping the next generation of scientists, engineers, and inventors.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Opening Hours of the New York Hall of Science?The New York Hall of Science has varying opening hours, so it's important to plan your visit accordingly. To find the best times to visit, check their official website or give them a call.Exploring this science museum with kids can be a fantastic experience, as there are over 400 hands-on activities and interactive exhibits to enjoy. From exploring the Connected Worlds exhibit to playing Rocket Park Mini Golf, there's something for everyone to get excited about.Are There Any Age Restrictions for the Exhibits at the Museum of Illusions?Age restrictions for the exhibits at the Museum of Illusions in NYC may vary depending on the specific exhibit. It's best to check their website or contact the museum directly for detailed information on age restrictions.As for ticket options, the museum offers various ticket types, such as general admission, student discounts, and family packages.It's a great place to explore the science behind optical illusions and have fun with the whole family.Can Visitors Purchase Tickets Online for the Liberty Science Center?Yes, you can purchase tickets online for the Liberty Science Center!It's the key to unlocking a world of scientific wonder and exploration.With just a few clicks, you can secure your spot at this incredible center filled with mind-blowing exhibits, the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere, and the awe-inspiring Infinity Climber.Does the Astro West Store Offer Any Workshops or Educational Programs?Yes, the Astro West store offers workshops and educational programs. They provide a range of engaging and informative activities for both kids and adults.From learning about minerals, fossils, and meteorites to exploring the fascinating world of science, Astro West has something for everyone.Whether you're a collector or just curious about the wonders of the universe, their workshops and educational programs are a great way to dive deeper into the subtopic and expand your knowledge.What Is the Admission Fee for the Beam Center's Large-Scale Installations?The admission fee for the Beam Center's large-scale installations isn't mentioned in the available information. However, we can imagine the excitement of experiencing these impressive installations firsthand.To plan your visit to the Liberty Science Center, it's recommended to check their website for the availability of online tickets. This will ensure a smooth and hassle-free entry to explore the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere and enjoy the Infinity Climber, among other exhibits and experiences.ConclusionSo, there you have it - the 15 best places to get scientific with your kids in NYC!From the hands-on activities at the New York Hall of Science to the mind-bending optical illusions at the Museum of Illusions, there's something for every young scientist to explore.Don't miss out on the interactive displays and puzzles at the Museum of Mathematics or the technical skills your kids can learn at the STEM centers and maker spaces.Get ready for a scientific adventure like no other! Read More :
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2024.02.28 11:36 Sweet-Count2557 15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc

15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc
15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc Are you hesitant to bring your kids to scientific places in NYC because you think they might not enjoy them? Think again!We have curated a list of the 15 best places where your kids can have a blast while learning about the wonders of science. From interactive exhibits at the New York Hall of Science to mind-bending illusions at the Museum of Illusions, there is something for every curious mind.But that's not all - we also have STEM centers and maker spaces where your kids can get hands-on with technical skills and projects.So, get ready to embark on a scientific adventure that will leave your kids wanting more.Key TakeawaysThere are several top science museums near NYC, including the New York Hall of Science, American Museum of Natural History, Museum of Illusions, Museum of Mathematics, and Science Barge.Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey, is also a great option, featuring the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere and various interactive exhibits.NYC offers science-centered stores like Astro West and Evolution, where visitors can find unique artifacts, fossils, and minerals.There are several STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC, such as Brooklyn Robot Foundry, Beam Center, Robofun, Dazzling Discoveries, and The Geek Forest, offering educational programs and workshops focused on STEM subjects for kids and adults.New York Hall of ScienceIf you're looking for a hands-on and interactive science experience in NYC, the New York Hall of Science is a must-visit destination. With over 400 interactive exhibits, this museum offers a wide range of activities that will engage and educate visitors of all ages.From the fascinating Connected Worlds exhibit, where you can explore a virtual ecosystem and learn about the interconnectedness of nature, to the Rocket Park Mini Golf, where you can putt your way through a course inspired by space exploration, there's something for everyone at the New York Hall of Science.One of the highlights of the museum is its focus on STEM education. The exhibits are designed to be both fun and educational, allowing visitors to learn about scientific concepts through hands-on exploration. Whether you're exploring the physics of motion in the Sports Challenge exhibit or discovering the wonders of light and color in the Light Lab, you'll be actively engaged in the learning process.While the New York Hall of Science offers a fantastic science experience, it's also worth mentioning another nearby attraction: the Liberty Science Center. Located in Jersey City, just a short distance from NYC, the Liberty Science Center offers a wide range of science-themed activities and exhibits. From the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere to interactive skyscraper exhibits, there's no shortage of things to see and do at this exciting science center.American Museum of Natural HistoryThe American Museum of Natural History in the Upper West Side offers a captivating and educational experience for visitors of all ages. With its vast collection of exhibits and interactive displays, there is something to pique everyone's interest. Let's take a closer look at some of the best exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History that make STEM learning fun for kids at home.ExhibitDescriptionFossil HallsJourney through time and explore the world of dinosaurs and prehistoric life. Marvel at the towering Tyrannosaurus rex and examine fossils up close.Hayden PlanetariumEmbark on a virtual journey through the cosmos at the Hayden Planetarium. Learn about the wonders of the universe and the latest discoveries in astronomy.Hall of Ocean LifeDive into the depths of the ocean and discover the incredible diversity of marine life. From massive whale displays to intricate coral reef dioramas, this exhibit showcases the beauty and fragility of our oceans.Discovery RoomEncourage hands-on exploration and scientific inquiry in the Discovery Room. Kids can touch real fossils, examine specimens under microscopes, and participate in interactive activities that encourage a love for science.Rose Center for Earth and SpaceExplore the mysteries of our planet and the universe at the Rose Center. From the iconic Hayden Sphere to the immersive exhibits on Earth's formation, this exhibit will ignite curiosity about our place in the cosmos.The American Museum of Natural History provides a wealth of opportunities for families to engage in STEM learning. However, STEM education doesn't have to be limited to museum visits. Here are some tips on how to make STEM learning fun for kids at home:Conduct simple science experiments using household items.Explore nature and observe plants, animals, and insects in your backyard or local park.Engage in engineering challenges, like building structures with blocks or constructing paper airplanes.Use technology creatively by encouraging kids to code or create their own digital art.Foster a love for math through games, puzzles, and real-life applications.Museum of IllusionsAt the Museum of Illusions in Chelsea, prepare to be amazed by a world of mind-bending optical illusions and interactive exhibits. This unique museum offers a captivating experience for both kids and adults, where they can explore the science behind illusions and discover the fascinating effects they've on our perception.As you step into the museum, you'll be greeted by a variety of optical illusions that will challenge your senses and make you question your own eyes. From rooms that appear to be slanted, to mirrors that distort your reflection, the exhibits are designed to deceive and amaze. You'll have the opportunity to take part in interactive exhibits that allow you to manipulate illusions and understand how they work. It's a hands-on learning experience that's both educational and entertaining.One of the highlights of the Museum of Illusions is the explanations provided alongside each exhibit, which delve into the science behind the illusions. You'll learn about the way our brains interpret visual information and how illusions trick our perception. Through interactive displays and informative signage, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the fascinating world of optical illusions.The museum also offers fun and quirky photo-ops that will leave you with unforgettable memories. From floating in mid-air to defying gravity, these photo opportunities make for great social media posts and provide a unique way to engage with the exhibits.Whether you're a science enthusiast or just looking for a fun outing with your kids, the Museum of Illusions in Chelsea is a must-visit destination. With its interactive exhibits and engaging explanations, it offers a wonderful opportunity to explore the science behind illusions and have a mind-bending experience that will leave you questioning reality.Museum of MathematicsPrepare to be captivated by the fascinating world of mathematics at the Museum of Mathematics in NYC. This unique museum offers a range of interactive math exhibits that will engage and educate kids of all ages.Here are some highlights of what you can expect to find at the Museum of Mathematics:Mathematical puzzles: Get ready to put your problem-solving skills to the test with a variety of mind-bending puzzles. From logic puzzles to spatial reasoning challenges, there's something for everyone to enjoy. These puzzles not only entertain but also help to develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.Interactive math exhibits: Step into a world where math comes alive through hands-on exhibits. Explore the beauty of fractals, discover the patterns in nature, and even create your own mathematical artwork. These interactive exhibits make learning math fun and accessible, allowing kids to see the real-world applications of mathematical concepts.Engaging workshops: The Museum of Mathematics also offers workshops where kids can dive deeper into specific areas of math. From exploring the mathematics of music to learning about the geometry of origami, these workshops provide a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts through hands-on activities and experiments.Family-friendly atmosphere: The Museum of Mathematics is designed to be a place where families can come together to explore and learn. The exhibits are engaging for both kids and adults, and there are plenty of opportunities for collaboration and discussion. It's a space where everyone can feel free to ask questions, make discoveries, and have fun with math.Science BargeLocated in Yonkers, New York, the Science Barge is an innovative and sustainable urban farm that showcases the power of renewable energy sources and teaches visitors how to live more sustainably. Exploring sustainable farming practices and renewable energy sources and technology, the Science Barge offers a unique and educational experience for both kids and adults.On the Science Barge, you can witness the amazing potential of sustainable agriculture. The barge is equipped with a hydroponic greenhouse, where plants are grown without soil using nutrient-rich water. This method of farming not only conserves water but also eliminates the need for harmful pesticides and herbicides. Visitors can learn about the benefits of hydroponics and even try their hand at planting and harvesting fresh produce.But sustainable farming is just one aspect of the Science Barge. The barge is also powered by renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines. These technologies demonstrate how we can harness the power of nature to meet our energy needs in a clean and sustainable way. Visitors can learn about solar energy and wind power, and even see these technologies in action.The Science Barge is more than just a floating farm. It's a living laboratory where visitors can explore the possibilities of sustainable living. Through interactive exhibits and educational programs, visitors can discover how their everyday choices can make a positive impact on the environment. From composting and recycling to reducing energy consumption, the Science Barge empowers visitors to live more sustainably.Liberty Science CenterHave you ever wondered where you can find the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere and an Infinity Climber? Look no further than the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey.At the Liberty Science Center, you'll find a world of interactive exhibits for all ages. Here are a few highlights:Interactive exhibits for all ages: The Liberty Science Center offers a wide range of interactive exhibits that cater to visitors of all ages. From the touch tunnel that challenges your senses to the interactive skyscraper exhibits that let you design your own building, there's something for everyone to enjoy and learn from.Unique planetarium experiences: The Liberty Science Center is home to the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere. Here, you can embark on a journey through the cosmos and explore the wonders of our universe. From immersive shows that transport you to distant galaxies to live presentations by expert astronomers, the planetarium offers a one-of-a-kind experience that will leave you in awe.Traveling exhibitions: The Liberty Science Center hosts a variety of traveling exhibitions throughout the year, providing new and exciting experiences for visitors. Whether it's a hands-on exhibit about dinosaurs or an interactive display on the human body, these exhibitions offer a fresh perspective on scientific topics and keep the center's offerings dynamic and engaging.Easily accessible: Located just across the Hudson River from Manhattan, the Liberty Science Center is easily accessible via the Path to New Jersey and light rail. Whether you're a local or a tourist, getting to the center is a breeze, making it a convenient destination for a day of scientific exploration.At the Liberty Science Center, you'll find interactive exhibits for all ages, unique planetarium experiences, traveling exhibitions, and easy accessibility. It's a place where you can unleash your curiosity and dive into the world of science. So, why wait? Plan your visit to the Liberty Science Center and embark on an adventure of discovery.Astro WestNestled in the heart of the Upper West Side, Astro West is a science-centered store that offers a captivating collection of minerals, fossils, and meteorites for collectors of all ages. At Astro West, you can explore the cosmos without leaving the city. The store is a treasure trove of cosmic collectibles, from dazzling gemstones to ancient fossils. It's a haven for astronomy enthusiasts and a great place to spark your child's interest in the wonders of the universe.Astro West goes beyond just selling beautiful specimens. They also host space-themed events and workshops that are perfect for kids who are fascinated by the stars. These events allow children to learn about astronomy in a fun and interactive way. From stargazing parties to hands-on experiments, Astro West offers a range of activities that will ignite your child's curiosity about the universe.What sets Astro West apart is their commitment to making astronomy accessible for kids. The store is designed to be a welcoming space where children can explore and discover at their own pace. The staff is knowledgeable and passionate about astronomy, and they're always ready to answer questions and provide guidance.Whether you're a seasoned collector or a family looking to introduce your child to the wonders of the cosmos, Astro West is a must-visit destination. It's a place where you can find cosmic treasures and create unforgettable memories. So, grab your little astronaut and head over to Astro West for an out-of-this-world experience.EvolutionEvolution, a captivating science-centered store in the vibrant neighborhood of Soho, offers an extraordinary collection of bones, fossils, mounted insects, and other unique artifacts that will transport you back in time and ignite your curiosity about the natural world.Step inside and delve into the fascinating world of evolutionary biology and the study of life's history.Here are some highlights of what you can expect to find at Evolution:Fossil records: Explore a wide range of fossils that provide evidence of the ancient organisms that once roamed the Earth. From dinosaur bones to ancient shells, these fossils offer a glimpse into the distant past and provide valuable insights into the process of evolution.Evolutionary biology: Dive deeper into the scientific study of how species have evolved and changed over time. Discover the mechanisms behind natural selection, genetic variation, and adaptation, and gain a better understanding of the interconnectedness of all living organisms.Unique artifacts: Marvel at the collection of mounted insects, showcasing the incredible diversity of insect life. From colorful butterflies to intricate beetles, these specimens offer a close-up view of the intricate beauty and complexity of the natural world.Time travel: As you explore the store, you'll feel like you've been transported to different eras in Earth's history. The artifacts and fossils serve as a time machine, allowing you to witness the evolution of life through the ages.Evolution isn't just a store, but a gateway to the wonders of the natural world. Whether you're a budding scientist or simply curious about the mysteries of life, a visit to Evolution will surely leave you inspired and eager to learn more about the fascinating field of evolutionary biology.Brooklyn Robot FoundryAs we continue our exploration of science-centered spots in NYC, let's now turn our attention to the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, a hub of STEM education and innovation. At the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, kids have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and dive into the fascinating world of robotics. With their hands-on workshops and classes, children can experience the benefits of STEM education while having a blast.The Robotics workshops for kids at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry are designed to spark curiosity and develop problem-solving skills. Through engaging projects, children learn the basics of engineering and coding, all while building their very own robots. The Foundry's experienced instructors guide children through the process, encouraging them to ask questions, experiment, and think critically. This hands-on approach allows kids to not only understand the concepts but also see the practical applications of what they're learning.STEM education benefits children in many ways. It fosters creativity, as kids are encouraged to think outside the box and find innovative solutions to problems. It also promotes collaboration and teamwork, as children often work together on projects, sharing ideas and learning from one another. Additionally, STEM education builds critical thinking skills, helping children analyze situations and make informed decisions.The Brooklyn Robot Foundry offers a range of workshops and classes for different age groups, ensuring that every child can find a program suited to their interests and abilities. From introductory classes for beginners to advanced workshops for experienced young engineers, there's something for everyone. Whether your child is a future engineer or simply curious about robotics, the Brooklyn Robot Foundry is the perfect place to ignite their passion for STEM.Beam CenterLocated in Red Hook, Brooklyn, the Beam Center is a dynamic hub for hands-on learning and creative exploration in STEM fields. At Beam Center, we believe in the power of creative science, where art and science intersect to inspire young minds. Here's what makes Beam Center a standout in the NYC STEM education scene:Creative Science: Exploring Art and Science at Beam Center. At Beam Center, we encourage kids to think outside the box and explore the connections between art and science. Through our innovative programs, students have the opportunity to engage in projects that blend creativity and scientific inquiry. From building kinetic sculptures to designing interactive installations, we foster a sense of wonder and curiosity that ignites a passion for learning.Community Engagement: Empowering Youth through STEM Education at Beam Center. Our mission at Beam Center goes beyond teaching technical skills. We strive to empower youth by creating a supportive community where they can thrive. Through our apprenticeship program, high-school-aged students work alongside professional artists and engineers on large-scale installations. This hands-on experience not only equips them with valuable technical skills but also builds confidence and fosters a sense of belonging.Collaborative Learning Environment: At Beam Center, we believe in the power of collaboration. Our programs emphasize teamwork and encourage students to work together to solve complex problems. By engaging in group projects, students learn the importance of communication, cooperation, and creative problem-solving, skills that are essential for success in the 21st century.Real-World Applications: At Beam Center, we strive to make STEM education relevant and applicable to the real world. Our programs focus on practical skills and real-world applications, allowing students to see the impact of their work. Whether it's designing a sustainable structure or creating interactive exhibits, students gain a deeper understanding of how STEM fields can make a difference in their communities.At Beam Center, we believe that every child has the potential to be a scientist, artist, and innovator. Through our programs, we aim to inspire and empower the next generation of thinkers and doers, helping them realize their full potential and make a positive impact in the world.Join us at Beam Center and let your child's imagination soar!RobofunRobofun in the Upper West Side of NYC offers engaging and hands-on STEM-focused classes for preschool-aged children, sparking their curiosity and creativity through activities like Lego robotics and stop-motion animation. At Robofun, kids have the opportunity to explore the exciting world of robotics in NYC while also engaging in STEM-focused art activities.Robofun's classes are designed to provide a fun and educational experience for children, allowing them to develop important skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. Through hands-on activities, children learn how to build and program their own robots using Lego bricks and motors. They also get the chance to create their own stop-motion animations, using their imagination to bring their stories to life.The instructors at Robofun are experienced and passionate about teaching young children. They guide the children through the process of building and programming their robots, ensuring that each child receives individual attention and support. The classes are small, allowing for a personalized learning experience.Robofun is dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive environment where children feel empowered to explore and experiment with robotics and art. The classes are designed to be accessible to all children, regardless of their previous experience or skill level. Robofun believes that every child has the potential to become a future innovator and problem-solver, and their classes aim to nurture this potential.Dazzling DiscoveriesAt Dazzling Discoveries, kids and adults alike can participate in after-school classes, camps, and drop-in workshops that offer a wide range of hands-on activities and opportunities to learn new skills in a fun and engaging environment.Here are some of the exciting things you can do at Dazzling Discoveries:Sewing: Dazzling Discoveries provides sewing classes where kids can learn the basics of sewing and create their own unique projects. From sewing simple stuffed animals to designing and sewing their own clothing, kids can unleash their creativity and develop practical skills.Coding: Dazzling Discoveries also offers coding classes that introduce kids to the world of programming. Through fun and interactive activities, kids can learn how to code and create their own video games, websites, and animations. Coding not only develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills, but also fosters creativity and innovation.STEM Education: Dazzling Discoveries is committed to providing quality STEM education for kids. By combining science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, kids can engage in hands-on experiments, build and program robots, and explore the wonders of the natural world. STEM education at Dazzling Discoveries encourages curiosity, inquiry, and a love for learning.Fun and Engaging Environment: Dazzling Discoveries creates an environment where kids can have fun while learning. The classes, camps, and workshops are designed to be interactive, allowing kids to actively participate in the learning process. With passionate instructors and a supportive community, Dazzling Discoveries ensures that every child feels empowered and inspired.At Dazzling Discoveries, kids can unleash their creativity, develop new skills, and explore the world of sewing and coding. With a focus on STEM education, Dazzling Discoveries provides a fun and engaging environment for kids to learn and grow. So why wait? Join us at Dazzling Discoveries and let the scientific adventure begin!The Geek ForestContinuing our exploration of engaging STEM centers in NYC, let's now venture into the exciting world of The Geek Forest, where imagination and technology collide.At The Geek Forest, you'll find a haven for all things geeky, from interactive gaming to workshops that ignite creativity and innovation.One of the highlights of The Geek Forest is their interactive gaming experience. Get ready to immerse yourself in virtual worlds and embark on epic adventures. Whether you're a fan of classic video games or cutting-edge virtual reality, The Geek Forest has something for everyone. Challenge your friends to a round of Mario Kart or dive into the captivating narrative of a role-playing game. With a wide range of gaming options, you'll have the freedom to explore different genres and discover new favorites.But The Geek Forest isn't just about gaming. It's a place where technology and creativity intertwine. They offer workshops and classes that allow kids and adults to explore their artistic side using digital tools. Learn the basics of coding and create your own animations or delve into the world of 3D art and bring your imagination to life. The Geek Forest provides a platform for individuals to express their unique ideas and experiment with different mediums.In the enchanting realm of The Geek Forest, you'll find a community of like-minded individuals who share a love for all things geeky. It's a place where freedom of expression is celebrated, where you can let your imagination run wild and embrace your inner geek.Science-Centered Stores in NYCWhen exploring the vibrant world of STEM in NYC, don't miss out on the fascinating science-centered stores that offer a unique blend of education and discovery. These stores provide a hands-on experience that allows kids and adults alike to explore the wonders of science in a fun and engaging way.Let's take a closer look at some of the top science-centered stores in NYC:Astro West in the Upper West Side specializes in minerals, fossils, and meteorites. Whether you're a collector or just fascinated by the beauty of these natural wonders, Astro West offers a wide range of items to satisfy your curiosity.Evolution in Soho is a must-visit for anyone interested in bones, fossils, mounted insects, and other unique artifacts. This fascinating shop is like stepping into a museum, where you can explore the wonders of the natural world up close.In addition to these science stores, NYC is also home to some amazing STEM education centers:Brooklyn Robot Foundry in Gowanus, Brooklyn focuses on STEM education for kids. With classes, camps, and workshops for different age groups, kids can learn about robotics, engineering, and coding in a hands-on, interactive environment.Beam Center in Red Hook, Brooklyn aims to teach technical skills and build science educators. Their programs include recruiting high-school-aged apprentices for large-scale installations, fostering creativity and critical thinking.These science-centered stores and STEM education centers offer opportunities for hands-on learning and discovery. Whether you're interested in exploring the wonders of the natural world or diving into the exciting world of robotics and engineering, NYC has something to offer for everyone.STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYCNow let's shift our focus to the exciting world of STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYC, where hands-on learning and creativity come together to inspire the next generation of innovators. STEM education impact is profound, and maker spaces play a crucial role in fostering creativity and innovation in kids.One key aspect of STEM centers is their emphasis on hands-on learning. By providing children with the opportunity to engage in activities and experiments, these centers encourage a love for science in young minds. Whether it's building robots, designing circuits, or conducting chemistry experiments, the hands-on approach allows kids to explore and learn in a way that textbooks simply can't replicate.STEM centers also provide a platform for kids to collaborate and work together on projects. This collaborative environment fosters teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in the 21st century. By working on projects together, children learn not only from their own experiences but also from the diverse perspectives and ideas of their peers.In addition to hands-on activities, maker spaces often offer workshops and classes led by experienced educators and professionals. These experts guide children through the process of creating and designing, teaching them valuable skills such as critical thinking, innovation, and creativity. By allowing kids to explore their interests and push the boundaries of what they can create, maker spaces empower children to become active participants in their own learning.STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC provide a nurturing and supportive environment where children can explore their curiosity, develop a passion for science, and gain the skills necessary for future success. By inspiring creativity and fostering innovation, these spaces are shaping the next generation of scientists, engineers, and inventors.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Opening Hours of the New York Hall of Science?The New York Hall of Science has varying opening hours, so it's important to plan your visit accordingly. To find the best times to visit, check their official website or give them a call.Exploring this science museum with kids can be a fantastic experience, as there are over 400 hands-on activities and interactive exhibits to enjoy. From exploring the Connected Worlds exhibit to playing Rocket Park Mini Golf, there's something for everyone to get excited about.Are There Any Age Restrictions for the Exhibits at the Museum of Illusions?Age restrictions for the exhibits at the Museum of Illusions in NYC may vary depending on the specific exhibit. It's best to check their website or contact the museum directly for detailed information on age restrictions.As for ticket options, the museum offers various ticket types, such as general admission, student discounts, and family packages.It's a great place to explore the science behind optical illusions and have fun with the whole family.Can Visitors Purchase Tickets Online for the Liberty Science Center?Yes, you can purchase tickets online for the Liberty Science Center!It's the key to unlocking a world of scientific wonder and exploration.With just a few clicks, you can secure your spot at this incredible center filled with mind-blowing exhibits, the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere, and the awe-inspiring Infinity Climber.Does the Astro West Store Offer Any Workshops or Educational Programs?Yes, the Astro West store offers workshops and educational programs. They provide a range of engaging and informative activities for both kids and adults.From learning about minerals, fossils, and meteorites to exploring the fascinating world of science, Astro West has something for everyone.Whether you're a collector or just curious about the wonders of the universe, their workshops and educational programs are a great way to dive deeper into the subtopic and expand your knowledge.What Is the Admission Fee for the Beam Center's Large-Scale Installations?The admission fee for the Beam Center's large-scale installations isn't mentioned in the available information. However, we can imagine the excitement of experiencing these impressive installations firsthand.To plan your visit to the Liberty Science Center, it's recommended to check their website for the availability of online tickets. This will ensure a smooth and hassle-free entry to explore the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere and enjoy the Infinity Climber, among other exhibits and experiences.ConclusionSo, there you have it - the 15 best places to get scientific with your kids in NYC!From the hands-on activities at the New York Hall of Science to the mind-bending optical illusions at the Museum of Illusions, there's something for every young scientist to explore.Don't miss out on the interactive displays and puzzles at the Museum of Mathematics or the technical skills your kids can learn at the STEM centers and maker spaces.Get ready for a scientific adventure like no other!
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2024.02.22 17:40 Runnr231 Meijer Gardens 2024 Schedule - no concert schedule yet

Forest of Dreams: Contemporary Tree Sculpture, through Feb. 25
Forest of Dreams: Contemporary Tree Sculpture features the work of 15 international artists: Louise Bourgeois, Emilie Brzezinski, Nick Cave, Kim Cridler, Tom Czarnopys, Michele Oka Doner, Peter Frie, Hugh Hayden, Jim Hodges, Patrick Jacobs, Maya Lin, Robert Lobe, Roxy Paine, Rona Pondick and Ai Weiwei. This exhibition offers unexpected visions of these remarkable organisms, showcasing trees in all their power, beauty, strangeness and glory.
Cozy Tales for Chilly Days Preschool Story Time in the Peter M. Wege Library, through Tuesday, Feb. 27, 10:30 a.m.
People are invited this winter for Cozy Tales for Chilly Days! This popular preschool story time is back for a 14th season of inspiring young readers with fun stories about art, plants, animals, the natural environment and more. Officials say the event is best for ages 2–5.
Winter Nights at Meijer Gardens, Feb. 27, 5:30 to 8 p.m.
Enjoy experimental nights featuring unique food, drinks and entertainment on Tuesday evenings this winter in the Garden Pavilion. More info at:
Feb. 27: Tropical theme featuring The Moonrays, who specialize in astonishingly authentic ‘60s-style surf rock that transports the audience to a beach party in a bygone era. Utopia: A Music and Dance Ambient Experience Sunday, Sunday, Feb. 25, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Garden Pavilion
Inspired by the commissioned sculpture “Utopia” by Spanish artist Jaume Plensa, Grand Valley State University faculty members Hannah Seidel (dance) and Bill Ryan (music) have created a new performance work that is a direct outgrowth of the sculpture. The human face is the subject of “Utopia.” A different face fills each wall of the expansive Garden Pavilion in the Welcome Center. The faces of the diverse figures, wearing a calm, meditative expression, are universal symbols of the beauty inherent in humanity. GVSU’s New Music Ensemble and Dance Company will perform this new work offering multiple performances throughout the day.
Fred & Dorothy Fichter Butterflies Are Blooming, March 1 — April 30
A guest favorite, Fred & Dorothy Fichter Butterflies Are Blooming is the largest temporary tropical butterfly exhibition in the United States featuring butterflies from three tropical zones: Asia, Central and South America, and Africa. More than 60 species of butterflies and moths take flight in the 15,000-square-foot Lena Meijer Tropical Conservatory. Throughout the exhibition, butterflies can be viewed drinking nectar from flowering plants and feeding stations, flying freely within the five-story tropical conservatory.
Butterflies are Blooming Postman butterflies at the “Fred and Dorothy Fichter Butterflies Are Blooming” exhibition at Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Wednesday, March 1, 2023. (Joel Bissell Spring Programming in the Lena Meijer Children’s Garden
March 1— April 30 Daylight hours only
Butterflies are blooming for all ages in the Lena Meijer Children’s Garden. Whether for guided or self-guided play, check the Children’s Garden Information Center to discover which engaging outdoor activities await you. Activities vary daily.
Paul Villinski: Flight Patterns and Jennifer Angus: Flying Jewels & Other Lofty Insects
March 29 — August 18
This spring, as temperatures and hopes to begin to rise, Meijer Gardens’ Sculpture Galleries will be transformed with installations by two artists—Jennifer Angus and Paul Villinski — who both explore the lofty realms of flight. Together their works transport visitors to new heights of sensory experience and imagination.
Paul Villinski coming to Meijer Gardens Pictured is "Prescience" by artist Paul Villinski. His work will be featured at Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park from March 29 through August 18, 2024. (Photo by Adam Reich provided by Meijer Gardens Communications) Paul Villinski: Flight Patterns
The art of Paul Villinski explores the dynamic aerial realm and various notions of “flight”— literal and metaphorical. A licensed pilot, Villinski gives form to assorted airborne bodies, including butterflies, birds, airplanes and aspiring humans. To create his sculptural work, Villinski enlists a range of found materials: aluminum cans become flocks of patterned butterflies; used knives transform into feathered wings; old vinyl LPs morph into songbirds. A highlight of the exhibition is a scaled-down World War II B25 bomber airplane suspended from the ceiling.
Jennifer Angus: Flying Jewels & Other Lofty Insects.
Insects are the prime medium of internationally exhibited artist Jennifer Angus. Composing the small creatures into kaleidoscopic room installations, Angus highlights our mixed relationship with these ubiquitous beings. With insects pinned directly to walls in repeating patterns that reference both textiles and wallpaper, Angus’ installations speak to ideas of domestic comfort and the unseen world of dust mites, germs, and bacteria, the release said. Angus’ recent work has drawn inspiration from the Victorian era and is fueled by her fascination with the multifaceted nature of insects that are at once exotic, grotesque, and enchanting.
Jennifer Angus coming to Meijer Gardens Pictured is a photo of artist Jennifer Angus' Detail of bell jar. Untitled, 2023. Insects and mixed media. (Photo by Tyler Robbins provided by Meijer Gardens Communications) Master Lecture Series: Jennifer Jewell: What We Sow in Cultivating our Places
Tuesday, March 26, 7 p.m.
We are excited to welcome Jennifer Jewell for the 2024 Secchia Garden Lecture. Jewell is an interviewer, writer, regular keynote speaker at national gardening conventions, and the creator and host of the national award-winning weekly public radio program and podcast Cultivating Place: Conversations on Natural History and the Human Impulse to Garden. In her presentation, Jewell will explore the philosophy of Cultivating Place and walk you through the power of gardens and gardeners as exemplified by the subjects of her podcast. This lecture will be livestreamed via Meijer Gardens’ YouTube channel and a recording will be available on YouTube for two weeks following the lecture. Jewell’s books “The Earth in Her Hands” and “What We Sow” will be available for sale in the gift shop. A book signing will follow the lecture. . Registration for onsite attendance is open Direct questions to Eve Boyer at or 616-975-3145.
Exhibition Programming
Butterflies, Birds & Other Winged Things: Flight in Art History
Sunday, April 7, 2 to 3 p.m., Suzanne Eberle, PhD, Professor Emerita, Kendall College of Art and Design
Inspired by insects and birds, artists have long used the theme of flight both to investigate the natural world and to articulate deep human fears, needs, and aspirations. Come explore how and why being airborne has so fascinated artists throughout history.
Farm Garden Springtime Walks
Wednesdays April 10–24 10:30 a.m.
Michigan’s Farm Garden is the focus for these wonderful springtime walks for preschoolers and their families. Each week families will explore the farm, participate in kid-friendly activities and listen to fun farm stories—all focusing on spring!
Earth Day—Every Day! In the Lena Meijer Children’s Garden
Saturday, April 20, 1 to 4 p.m.
Celebrate Earth awareness, the Lena Meijer Children’s Garden way. Activities include observing a fiber art demonstration, then weave with recycled fabrics. There will also be Earth Day-themed music to listen and play along to April 20. There will be a chance to prepare and sow seeds in an eco-friendly planter as well as o on a Naturalist Walk and learn about the planet with interactive stories.
Farm Garden Springtime Walks
Wednesdays April 10–24 10:30 a.m.
Michigan’s Farm Garden is the focus for these wonderful springtime walks for preschoolers and their families. Each week families will explore the farm, participate in kid-friendly activities and listen to fun farm stories — all focusing on spring!
Insect Gurl: An Overview, Wednesday, May 15, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Jennifer Angus, Professor of Design Studies, University of Wisconsin
Join exhibition artist Jennifer Angus as she gives an overview of her oeuvre and explains some of the inspirations for her work. Learn how her work explores issues related to the environment and the important role insects play.
Great Gardens Party Presented by Northern Trust, May 8
Great Gardens Party Presented by Northern Trust is Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park’s signature spring fundraising event on Wednesday, May 8. There will be live and silent auctions for exclusive and one-of-a-kind experiences and other fun ways to support the Meijer Gardens mission, officials say. This artfully curated evening features delicious cocktails and a gourmet dinner. Proceeds fund the mission of promoting the enjoyment, understanding, and appreciation of gardens, sculpture, the natural environment, and the arts. Advance tickets are required for guests ages 21 and up. Event tickets and information will be available soon at:
2024 PLANT SHOW, runs from May through October
Meijer Gardens Michigan All-State Bonsai Show
May 10–12
Officials say this year’s Bonsai Show will be larger and more inspiring and exciting than ever before. The American Bonsai Society will join Meijer Gardens to present Bonsai in the Garden learning seminars during the show. This national gathering is expected to attract bonsai artists, enthusiasts and some of the nation’s top presenters. Bonsai trees will be on display in the Huizenga Grand Room. People can shop for bonsai, specialty pots and growing supplies from a selection of vendors. There will also be opportunities to watch bonsai artists at work. A variety of workshops will be offered on Sunday. Visit the website for more information and to register,
Friday: Sales and Displays 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Saturday: Sales and Displays 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday: Sales and Displays 11 a.m. –5 p.m. Insect Gurl: An Overview
Wednesday, May 15, 11 a.m. —12 p.m.
Jennifer Angus, Professor of Design Studies, University of Wisconsin
Join exhibition artist Jennifer Angus as she gives an overview of her oeuvre and explains some of the inspirations for her work. Learn how her work explores issues related to the environment and the important role insects play.
Inside the Japanese Teahouse, May through October
Sundays: May 19, June 16, July 21, Aug.18, Sept. 22, Oct. 20 1 to 4 p.m.
Experience the tranquil ambience and exquisite architecture of our authentic Japanese Teahouse located within The Richard & Helen DeVos Japanese Garden. Note the master carpentry, contrasting woods, patterns, textures and numerous distinctive details. This weather-dependent opportunity is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Guests will be asked to remove their shoes before entering.
Summer Camps at Meijer Gardens
Various dates and times, June through August. Registration begins March 15 at:
Fifth Third Bank Summer Concerts at Meijer Gardens
June through September
The Fifth Third Bank Summer Concerts at Meijer Gardens series brings the finest national and international musicians to West Michigan, thrilling music lovers across all genres and generations. Concerts take place in the Frederik Meijer Gardens Amphitheater, featuring beautiful, terraced lawn seating and food, beverage, and merchandise concessions—amid spectacular views of gardens and sculpture. The full lineup is announced in April. Check for current information.
Meijer Gardens summer concert series Concertgoers enjoy a performance at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. (Kevin Huver Meijer Gardens) Ayers Basement Systems Tuesday Evening Music Club, beginning in June
Tuesdays in June, July and August
The Ayers Basement Systems Tuesday Evening Music Club returns to the Frederik Meijer Gardens Amphitheater stage every Tuesday evening in June, July and August, featuring the region’s finest performers. Unless otherwise noted, shows begin at 7 pm. Gates open at 5 p.m. Guests are encouraged to enjoy the entire facility until 9 p.m. in addition to concerts. Bring a picnic, dance and enjoy the summer weather. Check for lineup and current information.
Summer Programming in the Lena Meijer Children’s Garden
June 9 — August 17
Whether it’s engaging with pop-up story times, investigating Discovery Cart materials, exploring self-guided activities, or joining in with a guest performer, Lena Meijer Children’s Garden is the place to be—all summer long! Check the Children’s Garden Information Center for what’s happening daily.
Lena Meijer Children’s Garden 20th Anniversary Celebration
June 15
Mark your calendars for a special celebration in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Lena Meijer Children’s Garden! Stay tuned for more details.
Fridays at the Farm at Michigan’s Farm Garden, starting in June
June 14 — Aug. 16, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Have bushels of family fun this summer in Michigan’s Farm Garden! Children of all ages will enjoy some farm-time fun by participating in a variety of down-home activities, special farm-inspired stories, games, music and more.
Special Family Weekends at Michigan’s Farm Garden
Monthly, June through September
Join us for special monthly themed weekends at Michigan’s Farm Garden. Everything from Focus on Flowers to Meet Me at the Fair to Heirloom Tomatoes and Amazing Honeybees will be highlighted this summer. Visit for dates and times.
Sunday Strings
Sundays: July 7, July 14, July 21, July 28, Aug. 4, Aug.11 2 to 3 p.m.
West Michigan musicians will gather at Meijer Gardens this summer to present the Sunday Strings live classical chamber music concert series. Sunday Strings was conceived and created by Haijin Choi, Grand Rapids Symphony section violinist, to provide an opportunity in summer months for chamber music fans to experience unique and compelling musical selections—from classical to contemporary—performed by local musicians. Check for lineup and additional information.
Daylily Show, part of the annual plant schedule
July 13
Saturday 10 a.m. –5 p.m.
Fee: Complimentary
Daylily flowers last just one day— and so does this show! See an amazing variety of daylily flowers that vary in size from less than 1 inch across to almost 10 inches.
Dahlia Show, part of the annual plant schedule
Hundreds of dahlias will be on display. Flower sizes will vary from the size of a golf ball to that of a dinner plate. Many unusual forms and a rainbow of colors will be displayed. The fee is complimentary for the show.
August 24 and 25
Saturday 12 to 5 p.m.
Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Farm Garden Fall Walks Wednesdays Sept. 11–25 10:30 am
Michigan’s Farm Garden is the focus for these wonderful fall walks for preschoolers and their families. Explore the farm, participate in kid-friendly activities and listen to fun farm stories.
David Smith: The Nature of Sculpture
Sept. 20, 2024—March 2, 2025
David Smith: The Nature of Sculpture is the first exhibition to explore the artist’s deep engagement with the natural world as source, subject and site for his art. Working in multiple media, formats, and scales, Smith’s adventurous approach to three-dimensional form has permanently expanded the vocabulary and range of sculptural practice, the release said. The exhibition will feature 50 sculptures, along with related paintings, reliefs and works on paper to reclaim the primacy of nature within the artist’s richly inventive oeuvre.
Fall Bonsai Show, part of the annual plant schedule
On Oct. 5 and 6, see a variety of bonsai on display, from trees in early stages of training to lovely older trees. Watch bonsai artists at work and shop for bonsai trees as well as bonsai tools and supplies.
Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday 11 a.m. -5 p.m.
Fee: Complimentary
Fall Family Day in the Lena Meijer Children’s Garden
Saturday, Oct. 5, 1 to 4 p.m.
Visit the Lena Meijer Children’s Garden for fabulous fall family fun! Activities include something for all your senses—listen to fall-inspired tunes and autumn-themed stories, view a fiber arts demonstration, and take a naturalist walk highlighting this beautiful season.
University of Michigan Health–West: Christmas & Holiday Traditions, Nov. 26 — Jan. 5, 2025
Experience the most magical time of the year as Meijer Gardens transforms into a world of winter magic—with the glow of nearly 400,000 lights, over 40 captivating international trees and displays, strolling carolers, Santa visits, and more surprises than can fit under the tree. The beloved holiday favorite Railway Garden winds its way through three indoor gardens. The fee is included with admission.
Sparkle! Thursday, Dec. 5
This holiday soirée, back for a 27th year, is described as must-experience to kick off the holiday season. “We can’t think of a more fitting name than Sparkle! to capture the spirit and community of Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park,” the release said.
The evening includes a strolling dinner and drink selections from the Culinary Arts & Events team, topped off by a variety of music performances. AB is Adrian Butler will be the featured DJ.
Meijer Gardens is open Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Wednesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Check for extended spring break and holiday hours
submitted by Runnr231 to grandrapids [link] [comments]

2024.02.17 04:37 t34ch3r1ntr41n1ng easy songs/games

I run a Music, Movement, & Make-believe program for preschoolers. For the past few weeks, we've mostly been doing movement & make-believe games, with music playing in the background. I'm supposed to have a performance with the kids at the end of the program though, and I've got nothing. Last season, when I was just assisting, we did a couple dances to this song about airplanes and the chicken dance. I would do the same thing this season, but I have a few repeat kids, so I don't think that's fair. Anyone have any songs with really easy dances? Kinda like head, shoulders, knees, and toes, but maybe a touch more complex. Something with actions the kids can easily replicate. I'd appreciate it!
submitted by t34ch3r1ntr41n1ng to Preschoolers [link] [comments]

2024.02.10 14:57 MayoOnTheSide Weaning at 2.5

I’ve found so much support in this sub and wanted to share a weaning story.
My 2.5 year old has shown little interest in fewer feedings until recently - im pregnant so im sure that helped. Kiddo nearly stopped daytime feeds but still nursed to sleep and at various points over night😵‍💫 it was starting to be very painful and I don’t have a desire to tandem feed (rock on those who do!) so after reading a lot of posts here, one in particular that i can’t find but was posted in the last few months I decided to double down and do it. We did a few weeks of reading booby moon with some adjustments - not near a birthday so I just glaze over that part. It went from reading once a day to meh, it lost its luster. And was not as interesting. So I took that as a sign we were close.
I picked a date we did a countdown with a paper chain - I meant to do 5 days - forgot and did two. Ha. We did sparklers instead of a balloon - if you’re comfortable highly recommend it for great pictures. We didn’t see the moon. Kidding picked an airplane and said moon - works for me! Partner did bedtime which only last week started working. This was a big indicator to me we were good to move on because previously partner was lava for bedtime due to feeding to sleep. Then sort of a riff on the bye bye paci from big little feelings I told kiddo the moon would bring a present for sending the magic back in the morning. We did a Little stuffed animal.
The night had two wakeups with sadness and wanting to nurse. We rocked and did back pats and moved past it pretty quickly. I was shocked because typically rocking and back pats never worked, like this kid would scream “don’t touch me only milky” typically. But now they did like a charm! So that was surprising to me - keep an open mind about other soothing things that don’t seem to work. They might work when you’re in it!
Now the next few nights could be bonkers but this kid usually is stable in the first response. Like starting preschool, moving, first day/night jitters then improves. So fingers crossed that sticks.
In the morning kiddo was waaaaay more interested in cartoons than the gift from the moon. I’m so sentimental so maybe i just bought myself a moon present. Ha.
All of this was helped by big sister who is 4 and very into all of it. She went to formula at 2 weeks so it’s cute she wanted her story and we picked some rando stuffed animal that was her moon present. Props to siblings for helping momentum.
Anyhow 2 days in, 2 months, or 2+ years you all rock. Everyone should be supported feeding their baby however they want. No matter how you feed a baby it’s hard. and as I said this sub is excellent and that’s all due to you and of course some kick ass mods. Hope to be back more in a few months when I’m in the blurry wtfffff days (that are awesome too).
submitted by MayoOnTheSide to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 00:33 Antivaxer-anihilator TWW from hell

I will eat my shoe if I'm pregnant after this TWW.
I'm 7dpo and in that time, I've contracted a sinus infection, which needs antibiotics (on day 3 of that) and today picked up whatever stomach bug my lovely water-fountain-licking preschooler brought home from our trip last weekend.
There's no hell quite like being vaguely nauseous while your child tries to airplane fly 2 hour old McDonald's fries into your face.
submitted by Antivaxer-anihilator to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.01.11 10:22 hellopriyasharma There are Five Creative Preschools in India That use Special Education Techniques.

There are Five Creative Preschools in India That use Special Education Techniques.
The significance of early childhood education in India has surged, particularly following the implementation of the new National Education Policy. Below, we present five preschools in India that stand out for their unique and innovative approaches to learning.
In Brief:
Pre-primary education is a well-structured early childhood education program that is highly recommended for children before they begin formal schooling. The approach combines play with education and is typically delivered by trained professionals. Typically, children between the ages of three and five attend pre-primary schools.

1. Dudes and Dolls The Cosmic School:

Founded by Ritesh Rawal in 2012 in Delhi NCR (Faridabad), this school has carved a distinctive niche in early childhood education. The institution's primary objective is to focus on the comprehensive development of young children.
Dudes and Dolls The Cosmic School is renowned for its exceptional curriculum, which includes a vast and dedicated real-life simulation activity area featuring an airplane accommodating up to 20 people, a news channel studio for children to learn about news production and videos, a child-friendly cooking studio, a petrol pump, a courtroom, a photo studio, a six sigma lab, and more, all designed to create a lifelike environment within the school.
The school emphasizes personalized development plans for each child rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. Its architectural design resembles a grand castle, affectionately referred to as "The Castle of My Dreams" by its founder.

2. Euro Kids:

Established in 2001, Euro Kids is a well-known preschool chain with over 900 centers in 350 cities across India. The school's curriculum draws inspiration from the Montessori and Playway methodologies, maintaining a student-to-teacher ratio of 10:1.
Euro Kids offers four distinct program classes: nursery, playgroup, Eurojunior, and Eurosenior. This theme-based institution places a strong emphasis on enhancing children's language skills, cognitive abilities, motor skills, and self-esteem. Parental involvement is actively encouraged within its pre-primary programs.

3. Kangaroo Kids:

Founded in Mumbai in 1993, Kangaroo Kids boasts more than 80 branches nationwide. The school places a significant emphasis on parental engagement, urging parents to be actively involved in their children's learning and development at every stage.
Kangaroo Kids campuses are spacious and provide ample opportunities for both learning and play. The curriculum focuses on a child's mental, social, cognitive, and physical development, making it an inclusive choice, with services also catering to children with special needs.

4. Hello Kids:

Pioneering the concept of preschool education for the middle-income class in India, Hello Kids has expanded its network to over 285 branches across more than 22 states. With a balanced student-to-teacher ratio of 10:1, it prides itself on its professional teaching staff.
The curriculum at Hello Kids integrates Montessori and Play Way methodologies and welcomes children aged one and a half years and older. The four distinct program classes include nursery, playgroup, upper kindergarten, and lower kindergarten. The courses prioritize children's learning through events and games, incorporating activities such as yoga, computer basics, regular health check-ups by licensed medical professionals, and stage performances.

5. Little Elly:

Established in 2005 as an initiative of Learning Edge India Private Limited, Little Elly offers a program grounded in the Steiner and Montessori methodologies, recognized as two of the best early childhood education approaches.
Little Elly provides services ranging from playgroups to senior kindergartens and operates a daycare service on both a daily and monthly basis.
For better communication between school and parent use school parent app
Pre-primary school events include activities such as reading, sports, storytelling, crafts, painting, field trips, and puppet shows, fostering holistic child development.
Originally Published by HelloParent.
submitted by hellopriyasharma to preschoolwithpriya [link] [comments]

2024.01.09 23:47 darkPrince010 The Hoard

WritingPrompts: You unknowingly received a coin from an ancient Dragon’s hoard as change from a routine purchase you made. Now the dragon has found you, but is too weak to take it from you by force.
Originally, I had just thought the coin was another dingy rusted penny. It was small; about the size of my thumbnail, and dense but not so much that I'd be able to pick it out of a blind grab of other coinage out of a bag. The symbols on it were illegible but I had simply grabbed it as change from the till after slotting in a dollar bill to pay for the paltry candy bar that was to serve as my lunch.
It was jingling around in my pocket all shift, and after I got off of work it rode with me all the way back to my RV on the outskirts of town. The RV wasn't much, but it was home, a roof over my head and a reasonable amount of warmth in the last cold stabs of winter as it gave way to spring. I was the only one in the RV park I think, or at least on that side of it. It was nice having a bit of peace and quiet around, and I suspect that emboldened the dragon enough to even make contact.
In stories and ages past, dragons would have reclaimed a stolen horde with fire and rage, destroying and sundering everything in their path between them and their precious treasure. But instead all I got was a vague smell of sulfurous breath that I had guessed was just from the nearby paper mill, and a curt scaly rap on the door.
I ducked my head back in with a yelp of fear at the first sight of the creature. It was enormous, nearly half the size of a damn department store, each one of its fingers nearly my size and it's curled fist of being bigger than my beat-to-hell sedan. But, I could also see it was in a bad way: Like what you see on those tearjerker videos of dog rescues and such, the beast was emaciated, the shimmer of golden-red scales now faded to a dusty yellow-pink and stretched thin like a canvas tarp over the jutting spine and ribs, with wings that looked, for lack of better word, moth-eaten.
The tone of its voice also gave away something of its dire straits. It was the tone of someone who had everything and lost everything, an arrogant wealth reduced down to humble beggardry, and while there was still a hint of pride in the voice, it was carefully tempered and tamped to ensure that no offense would be given to me as the dragon spoke.
“I felt the call of that which was mine once, long ago, and believe you have a coin that once had been under my domain. I-” And here there was a pause, and I could tell that even after the clear trials and tribulations this great beast had went through, this was still hard for it to begrudgingly accept. “-I ask that you remand it back to my care, and in return I shall grant you a boon to the best of my ability.”
It was fairly clear that the dragon didn't have much to offer, and I suspected it was likely weak as a kitten, enough so that I could probably knock it over with a good run and a shoulder tackle from my old football days. But something in me saw in it a kindred soul I guess. Someone who life had chewed up spat out and we were still trying to make our way despite every bit of luck going pear-shaped and shit-sour. I fished around in my pocket, quickly finding the old coin as it had made a small yet not non-existent impression when I grabbed it. The dragon's sighed with a sort of satisfied purr and release of held tension as I carefully put the tiny disc of metal into the crook of its nearest finger.
The dragon tucked the coin away and with a nod of thanks said “And what then shall be my boon to you, generous human? For you have granted me a modicum of my old holdings back into my care.”
It might have just been a trick of the light, but I could have sworn that the colors of the scales became slightly more vibrant and the wings slightly less tattered, but I couldn't be sure.
“Oh for a boon, I suppose…” I thought for a long moment. “I know it may be more than just a single question, but could I ask you some questions for a time? I have never met a being such as yourself.”
The dragon seemed enthused that I was not asking for wealth, magic, or physical labor, and eagerly agreed. I asked for more details about what kind of wealth gave it power and had been in his hoard, and the dragon explained that any kind of wealth was powerful, for indeed in holding it and giving it value, humanity imparted a bit of their spirit into the coinage, compounding and building as they would circulate and be used and spent and recycled again and again. I asked if the value of the coin itself impacted the dragon's power, as I already had some ideas bumping around of a plan. The dragon said that more valuable coins of course held more power but it relied on the individual, for a copper penny to a poor man was far more valuable than a gold ingot to a rich man. The dragon didn't say it openly, but I could tell that in his explanation I was certainly the poor man, which also explained why an ancient penny like that could start to revitalize such an enormous creature, even to a slight degree.
But then a thought struck me as I went to go get a drink of water at the kitchenette in my RV, as I spotted the brightly-colored sippy cup my nephew had left behind. “I believe I have only two more questions, oh great one,” I said to the dragon as I returned, and it nodded sagely.
“The first may be a bit odd, but does the material of the coins make a difference, regardless of the value?”
The dragon cocked its head in curiosity at me and said quietly “I don't believe so. Generally coins that are more valuable are made out of more valuable materials, but it's the value in the holder that grants it power, not what the coin is minted from.”
“Excellent,” I said, “And in that case I have one final request: If I can help you gain a significant new hoard, will you bring me with you as you reclaim your old one?”
I could see the dragon's expression was shocked and bemused, but most of all curious, the cat-like eyes watching me for guile or subterfuge. “I don't know where you would be hiding such a fortune,” it said at length, looking over my dinged RV, “But if you can indeed procure such tribute, then you should gladly be my compatriot, and furthermore enriched proportionally to however much you enrich me.”
“Well then,” I said of with a grin. “Let's go to preschool.”
A half-hour later we were outside the preschool, the dragon having concealed itself at the edge of the trail through the woods bordering the playground. The afternoon bell rang, and the children began pouring out, squealing with delight as they began playing games and jumping all over on the playground.
But this corner had a large sandy pit, scattered with small shovels and buckets and such, but also a dark plastic tub barely peeking out of the sand. My nephew came running over, splitting off from a pair of his friends, and after scooping him up for a hug I set him down.
“Hank?” I said, “Do you remember that pirate treasure chest you were telling me about?”
Hank nodded solemnly. “Would I be able to see it?” I asked. He nodded again looking around briefly in suspicion before going over to the half concealed tub in the sand pit.
Grabbing a small shovel, he began quickly scraping the remaining sand off of and away from it before pulling it off to one side with some effort. It was a large storage bin, with some cracks here and there near the bottom, and likely had been retired from use for storing classroom materials and donated for the kids to use. I had spoken to his teacher on a previous occasion about it as Hank had eagerly told me about the wealth it contained and how he and all his friends were, in his words, “super-bajillionaires.”
Apparently Mr Greenbuckle had managed to snag a going-out-of-business sale at the local party supply store, and they had been offloading the bags of party souvenirs for pennies on the dollar. The storage bin had just become available, so he'd quickly printed out a suitably-pirate-y flag to laminate and tape to the front of it before filling it with booty.
I couldn't see it, but I knew the dragon was in the woods behind me, watching as Henry popped the lid open. Within was nearly two feet deep of glittering plastic pirate doubloons, winking gold in the afternoon sun. I leaned over to Hank with a conspiratorial whisper “Is it okay if I can borrow your pirate treasure for a while?”
He looked up at me with mock suspicion, but then cracked a wide smile. “Of course! Just make sure you bring it back when you're done. Oh, and try not to get mud in it; Mr Greenbuckle said pirates shouldn't have muddy treasure.”
I nodded in agreement, saying “That sounds like some good advice. Thanks!”
He gave me another hug and then sprinted off to start playing tag with his friends, and I hefted up the chest with me back off down the path into the woods. Within a few moments I had located the dragon again and I could sense the confusion as it carefully nudged the chest with a talon.
“It's just painted plastic, isn't it?” Its eyes were still fixed on the plastic tub as it muttered “It should be worthless, so why is it radiating magic like that?
“To you or me, sure it’s just a toy,” I said, “But to those kids, all of that is authentic gold, enough to make each of them rich beyond their wildest dreams. So I want to give it a shot?” I asked.
The dragon shrugged, and so I hefted the chest on one knee and then intoned “In that case, I donate this as tribute for your new hoard, to be repaid once you've gathered the pieces of the old one.”
The dragon gingerly picked up the chest between two pinched claws, and the effect was startling. The scales immediately darkened and shimmered with color, a glimmer returning them that I had not seen before. The wings became full and thick, leathery but untarnished by cuts and scars, and the dragon's eyes glittered in a proud face as I could see smoke escape from the curls and corners of its mouth. The dragon appeared to be caught off guard by it as well, looking over itself incredulously before looking back to me.
“All this from some plastic garbage and a child's imagination.”
I shrugged, but said “Do you think this will give you the juice needed to get everything you lost?”
The dragon looked down at me, teeth curling into a wicked grin. “All that and more. Be grateful you made a bargain with me while I was weak, for I cannot say now with a fullness of power I would agree to such a bargain with a mere human.”
“Suits me,” I said. “It was high time I quit at that stupid shop anyways.”
The dragon lowered its shoulders enough that I was able to clamber on and, with little warning beyonds flaring of its airplane length wings, it took off, and I clung to its back, eyes watering as we set off towards the next stash of lost treasure.
It had been almost a month, and Hank could tell Mr Greenbuckle was getting upset. He'd noticed that the pirate chest was missing a few weeks back, and Hank had done his best to just say he buried it really good elsewhere, but he could tell the teacher was getting suspicious. So he was definitely relieved when he saw the chest had been returned to the sand pit, especially as Mr Greenbuckle had begun to walk over to check what the commotion was about.
Hank and his friends clamored around the lid as he popped it loose, but then a chorus of annoyed groans went up. Mr Greenbuckle, who had seen the chest was where it was supposed to be and had turned to check on the excited screaming coming from the swings, paused in his steps.
“Is everything okay guys?”
Hank sighed heavily. “Yeah, I suppose. The treasure just looks different.”
Mr Greenbuckle smiled. “Well, sometimes mud and sand can wear off the paint on the coins, but I'm sure they'll still be fun to play with.”
“Yeah, I guess…” said Henry, and he and the other kids started to reach into the chest.
As he started taking another step away, their teacher heard a chiming tinkle of metal upon metal, as each of the young boys took handfuls of coins and began playing with them and letting them pour back into the chest. Almost frozen in disbelief, he turned slowly to see the brilliant shimmer of actual gold coming from the plastic tub, as Hank's disappointed voice piped up “I just liked the old coins better. These ones are too heavy.”
submitted by darkPrince010 to DarkPrinceLibrary [link] [comments]

2023.11.02 02:35 Danasai Do y'all actually want Christmas gifts made by your students?

Edit: thank you for input. This makes me feel so much better. I'll keep doing these little projects as the kids get older. :)
I'm all self conscious now, having read that post that most parents want money. Between teachers and aides and therapists, I would have 7 people to buy gift cards for...
I usually like to sit down with my kids and have them make their teachers a dinky craft for Christmas. I have them talk about what they like about their teacher or class. Last year we gave to my son's preschool teacheaid/therapists clothespin airplanes that they painted. I helped them glue and cut, but he was so excited to give his gift bag (which also had chapstick and a few candies). We got thank you notes, but I totally understand those might be mandatory.
My daughter (4) has worked on making a beaded lanyard for her preschool teacher with her name on it (we plan to make more for the aids). She is already so excited and did such a great job. But now I don't know if this just another stupid thing y'all wouldn't want...
submitted by Danasai to Teachers [link] [comments]

2023.10.15 09:54 xXAshton_HavokXx THE ULTIMATE SCENE BANDS/ARTISTS SUGGESTION LIST (Sorted by Genre)

I see people on here constantly ask for artist recs and share their playlists asking it if it is "scene enough". I don't know many modern scene/hyperpop artists and I can guarantee I wont recognize 90% of artists in those playlists. Scene isn't a music genre in itself, it is just short for "the music scene" in general so scene kids listen to pretty much everything. So yeah, your playlists are "scene" in a technical sense. I am a emo scene kid veteran, a sceneior citizen if you will. Since 2009, and I have TONS of artists to suggest for you all. This list is more for those who are still relatively new to the scene and are trying to expand their music libraries. I got your back! These will be sorted by genre to help you guys find similar bands according to your tastes! Hope This Helps! Special thanks to my gf for adding a ton more suggestions!


I Set My Friends on Fire, EATMEWHILEIMHOT!, Abandon All Ships, Attack Attack!, The Devil Wears Prada, Asking Alexandria, Enter Shikari, Bring Me The Horizon, Of Mice and Men, We Came as Romans, I See Stars, Vampires Everywhere!, Sky Eats Airplane, Black Veil Brides, Motionless In White, Woe Is Me, Memphis May Fire, Miss May I, Crown the Empire, A Day to Remember, Falling in Reverse, Bullet For My Valentine, Atreyu, Eighteen Visions, Greeley Estates, New Year's Day, Ghost Town, New Years Day, Chunk! No Captain Chunk!, I am Ghost, Eyes Set to Kill, The Word Alive, Modern Day Escape, Norma Jean, Etienne Sin, Missing In Maryland, Blessed By A Burden, Agraceful, Still Remains, Camisado, The Red October


Alesana, AFI, Underoath, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, A Skylit Drive, Senses Fail, Saosin, Story of the Year, blessthefall, Escape the Fate, Get Scared, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Circa Survive, Snow White's Poison Bite, The Used, Hawthorne Heights, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, My Chemical Romance, Coheed and Cambria, Matchbook Romance, Chiodos, Silverstein, Finch, Thursday, Thrice, Alkaline Trio, From First to Last, Funeral For A Friend, Stutterfly, Aiden, Brand New, Further Seems Forever, Death In December, A Vain Attempt, Alexisonfire, Title Fight, Armor For Sleep, My Chemical Romance, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Emery, A Static Lullaby, Anberlin, Dead Poetic, The Spill Canvas, Bayside, At the Drive-In, Spitalfield, Our Last Night, A Smile From The Trenches, Amber Pacific, Before Today, There For Tomorrow, Dear Whoever, Anberlin, The Fall Of Troy, D.R.U.G.S., Glassjaw, Cursive, A Heartwell Ending, Darling You Should Be Ashamed, Upon Beauty Rests, From Dying Skies, Her Words Kill, Mozart Season, Chemical Vocation, From Aphony, Worthless Without, Ephen Rian, TheBleedingAlarm, Secret and Whisper, Between Home and Serenit, The Maple Room, Adair, Zella Mayzell, Grace Gale, Versus the Mirror, GunsLikeGirls, Yesterday's Rising, Fordirelifesake, The Vaine, A Faylene Sky, Skyscrapers Walk Among Us, We're Not Friends Anymore, Gates of Ivory, Anemic, A Heartwell Ending, Bleed The Dream, Roses Are Red, As Flames Die out, A Last Failure, The Handshake Affair, Here I Come Falling, Intohimo, Mikoto, The Valley, Hand To Hand, Kenai, Saving Joshua, Everyone Dies In Utah, I Am Alpha and Omega, When Reason Sleeps, Four Letter Lie


Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, Cute Is What We Aim For, Yellowcard, Good Charlotte, +44, American Hi-Fi, New Found Glory, Say Anything, Paramore, The Starting Line, Saves the Day, Boys Like Girls, Jimmy Eat World, The Get Up Kids, Angels and Airwaves, Boxcar Racer, Blink-182, Green Day, Simple Plan, The All-American Rejects, The Academy Is..., We The Kings, Forever the Sickest Kids, Panic! At The Disco, Something Corporate, Relient K, Hey Monday, All Time Low, Mayday Parade, Motion City Soundrack, The Juilana Theory, Jack's Mannequin, Sum 41, Mae, The Higher, The Maine, The Ataris, The Friday Night Boys, The Early November, JamisonParker, The Mascara Story, Crash Romeo, Red Car Wire, Show Me the Skyline, Go:Audio, Driver Side Impact, Josephine Collective, Thieves and Villains, Van Atta High, The Scenic, Self Against City, A Cursive Memory, Johnny Foreigner, SAVING AIMEE, Stereo Skyline, Divided By Friday, School Boy Humor


Watchout! There's Ghosts, The Medic Droid, Cobra Starship, Breathe Carolina, Scotty Vanity, Millionaires, 3OH!3, Metro Station, Jeffree Star, Breathe Electric, S3RL, Basshunter, Rusko Star, Select Start, Secret Secret Dino Club, Kill Paradise, Cantstopwontstop, SlowMotionNoise, Callysta, Dear Solace, Scenes and Sirens, Handshakes and Highfives, Matthew Lush, , Surrender Your Techno, Rediscover, Subscene, Apollo's Child, underthesunrise, Talk Dirty!, Cash Cash, ZombieDanceOff, EAT BABIES?, N!TRO, Vyncent Flaw


Hollywood Undead, Brokencyde, JJ Demon, Dot Dot Curve, Family Force 5, Dropping A Popped Lockett, J Bigga, Jake Wolf, Scene Kidz, T. Mills, Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend, SnapCracklePop!, Crazy Crazy Awesome Awesome. Gym Class Heroes, Spanky,


Never Shout Never, Owl City, Romance on A Rocketship, nickasaur!, hellogoodbye, Daniel the Photographer, Teen Hearts, Amy Can Flyy, HeyHiHello!, The Postal Service, The Ready Set, Johnnie Guilbert, A Sunset Diary, Love Is A Story, Artist vs Poet, Stephen Barnes, :(, Hello Astronaut, Hurry!Lets Go, The Goodnight Dream, PlayRadioPlay !, The Failing Farewell, 1 - 800 ZOMBIE, A Rocket to the Moon, , :( colonopenbracket, Breathe Electric, The Goodnight Dream, Fast Sugar Bats, Baby Giraffes. Casion, Talk to Animals, Trillit, Linny In the City/Tired Talk/The Whole Shebang, brokentoyairplanes, Unicorn Kid, Smiletron, Henry Homesweet, Fizzy Dinopop, Dear Zim, Elephant and Crayons, Oh Jealousy, giveupnewyork, Nullsleep


Dashboard Confessional, Secondhand Serenade, November Blessing, Say We Can Fly, Bright Eyes, The Perfect Measure, Andrew Landon, Chase Coy, The Plain White T's, Backseat Goodbye, Feeling Left Out, The Follow Through, Jamestown Story, Balance Problems, Promise of Redemption, Death Cab For Cutie, Car Seat Headrest, Stephen Jerzak, The Follow Through, I Hate to Say Goodbye, Halfway Deserted,


Design the Skyline, Suicide Silence, To The Last Bullet, iwrestledabearonce, Job For A Cowboy, Chelsea Grin, After the Burial, Bring Me The Horizon, The Acadia Strain, Attila, Veil Of Maya, Born Of Osiris, Dr. Acula, Emmure, Heaven Shall Burn, As Blood Runs Black, Rose Funeral, The Juliet Massacre, A Life Once Lost, Upon A Burning Body, Within the Ruins, The Black Dahlia Murder, Between the Buried and Me, The Irish Front, A Black Rose Burial, From A Second Story Window, The Number Twelve Looks Like You, Preschool Tea Party Massacre, Dance Club Massacre, Gutted With Broken Glass, 100DEARABBITS!!!, I Shot The Duck Hunt Dog, Hanni Kohl


Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Papa Roach, 3 Doors Down, Linkin Park, My Darkest Days, Slipknot, Stone Sour, Drowning Pool, Trapt, Thousand Foot Krutch, Disturbed, Chevelle, Puddle of Mudd, Evanescence, System of a Down, Finger Eleven, Buckcherry, Seether, Staind, Shinedown, Foo Fighters, Hoobastank, Flyleaf, Sick Puppies, Hinder, Nickleback, Crossfade
submitted by xXAshton_HavokXx to scene [link] [comments]

2023.10.15 08:20 Only-Pirate-2996 I (27m, married to 27f) am seeking some advice around conflict & counseling

Hello anonymous friends! First I fully recognize that we all have different backgrounds, and I'm just looking for opinions to bounce my brain off, not for you to tell me what's right or not. Just some background context, skip if you'd like: My wife and I have been married 6 years. 3 kids: 5,3,1. A detailed list of how much I help with parenting, since reddit defaults to assuming men do nothing: I work from home about half the day. I get up with 3/5 in the morning, I get 3 down for naps daily, drop off or pick up 5 at preschool each day, always take my kids on my daily walks, play with them at the playground (or make paper airplanes or whatever) daily, do something like a trampoline park with just the kids weekly, do about half the dishes, half of picking up toys etc, some laundry, majority of wiping off counters/kitchen cleaning, and all the deep cleaning/mopping. I ensure my wife has about an hour a day of running time, and am in charge of kids while she naps about every other day while I'm working. I keep headphones out during the workday normally and come help whenever I hear crying/screaming. My wife cooks about 3-4 meals a week. Simple, delicious meals, normally no sides or anything except maybe some frozen veggies. I was diagnosed with adult ADHD this year. I sought treatment because I have anger issues. huge temper tantrums, for short amounts of time, like 3-15 minutes. Never felt rage before being married, seems like it's a consequence of being sexually active. I work a full time job + ~10-15hrs/wk of side work. In total, I work 40-45 hours a week, because day job is not demanding. Money is good, and we live within our means. My wife is the primary caretaker and does not work. I enjoy playing video games but currently do not at all because there's not time, and because it pisses my wife off. The third kid has pushed our time/energy to the limits. Unless we carve out date nights, we aren't even having time to watch a half hour of TV at night anymore (and when we do, baby is still awake and with us) We tend to be very aligned politically, socially, etc. We have what I believe are genuine communication & conflict resolution issues. But it seems like people often overstate the importance of communication? We will bicker about something small, normally starting with a criticism. Good examples: Me saying that She should not load so many dishes in the dishwasher Her saying that a joke I made wasn't funny and was offensive We then go through however many cycles of escalation. When paired with bad sleep and some other stressor (i.e. sick kids), this might turn into me actually yelling/screaming. Throwing my phone across the room (never @ her or anyone). Tends to be a cycle of her mostly poking & prodding, not respecting me saying I need a break, and then me really exploding. Lots of regret. etc. I have been begging for marriage counseling for ~6 months now. We went to one, once, a couple years ago, and it was terrible. Not her or my fault, therapist just sucked. I had been making good progress on anger since then but 3rd child has been enough added stress that it now feels worse than then. She had some therapy experiences as a kid, going when she didn't want to, so she hates it. She also just doesn't open up to people in general. I honestly feel like we need counseling because we need a 3rd party to play referee. She does not believe that certain behaviors are incorrect, like: Coming into my office and re-engaging an argument after I asked for a break (like, 15 minutes) Arguing/fighting through text (again, often when I ask for a break) Blaming "You *always* do X" type statements Suggesting, implying, or sometimes just saying that my contributions parenting are superfluous Punishing me for not performing "mind reading" type acts i.e. responding the way she wants without indication of how she wants. A lot of ad hominem attacks ^ I recognize this might seem one sided. I'm far from perfect but it tends to be her escalating until I snap, at which point I start yelling and being really angry. Scaring my kids. Etc. So I end up feeling like I've done more wrong than her, despite me listing out a long list of things here. OK, context over. Here's the ask: 1. Is marriage counseling useful? We did pay for the Lasting app for a bit a while ago, and that was very good (no therapist for her to clam up around). So I am considering just doing that again instead. 2. Should we see a female therapist? She kinda refuses to put in leg work around finding a marriage counselor, but I assume a woman (who isn't old enough to be her mom) might help her open up / not feel like it's a 2v1? 3. Gottmann vs not? I feel like he's an overblown idolized leader a la musk, tate, etc. and I (selfishly, maybe rudely) don't trust marriage advice from someone who's been divorced twice. But maybe it is great? If not, is there a specific approach that we can find that is *not* psychoanalysis / unravelling childhood trauma? 4. Any tips for figuring out if there is something underlying besides comms that we should work on? (Well, besides not spending time together. I've also been fighting for hiring a nanny for months.) There is no addiction, no affairs, or anything of that nature. 5. Any tips on how to help my wife not feel like she's failing as a SAHM by getting a nanny (or by suggesting a better way to wash the dishes etc) would be welcome. It's clear and understandable that her ego is tied to it and "My mom didn't even need a nanny, so if I do, I'm a failure" is at play. It's also clear that's at play in less important things like how chores get done (it isn't a big issue, but I also prefer when my bowls don't have leftover soup crusted on them.)
submitted by Only-Pirate-2996 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2023.10.15 08:18 Only-Pirate-2996 Need some frank opinions & suggestions around marriage counseling

Hello anonymous friends! First I fully recognize that we all have different backgrounds, and I'm just looking for opinions to bounce my brain off, not for you to tell me what's right or not.
Just some background context, skip if you'd like:
My wife and I have been married 6 years. 3 kids: 5,3,1. A detailed list of how much I help with parenting, since reddit defaults to assuming men do nothing: I work from home about half the day. I get up with 3/5 in the morning, I get 3 down for naps daily, drop off or pick up 5 at preschool each day, always take my kids on my daily walks, play with them at the playground (or make paper airplanes or whatever) daily, do something like a trampoline park with just the kids weekly, do about half the dishes, half of picking up toys etc, some laundry, majority of wiping off counters/kitchen cleaning, and all the deep cleaning/mopping. I ensure my wife has about an hour a day of running time, and am in charge of kids while she naps about every other day while I'm working. I keep headphones out during the workday normally and come help whenever I hear crying/screaming. My wife cooks about 3-4 meals a week. Simple, delicious meals, normally no sides or anything except maybe some frozen veggies. I was diagnosed with adult ADHD this year. I sought treatment because I have anger issues. huge temper tantrums, for short amounts of time, like 3-15 minutes. Never felt rage before being married, seems like it's a consequence of being sexually active. I work a full time job + ~10-15hrs/wk of side work. In total, I work 40-45 hours a week, because day job is not demanding. Money is good, and we live within our means. My wife is the primary caretaker and does not work. I enjoy playing video games but currently do not at all because there's not time, and because it pisses my wife off. The third kid has pushed our time/energy to the limits. Unless we carve out date nights, we aren't even having time to watch a half hour of TV at night anymore (and when we do, baby is still awake and with us) We tend to be very aligned politically, socially, etc.
We have what I believe are genuine communication & conflict resolution issues. But it seems like people often overstate the importance of communication?
We will bicker about something small, normally starting with a criticism. Good examples: Me saying that She should not load so many dishes in the dishwasher Her saying that a joke I made wasn't funny and was offensive
We then go through however many cycles of escalation. When paired with bad sleep and some other stressor (i.e. sick kids), this might turn into me actually yelling/screaming. Throwing my phone across the room (never @ her or anyone). Tends to be a cycle of her mostly poking & prodding, not respecting me saying I need a break, and then me really exploding. Lots of regret. etc.
I have been begging for marriage counseling for ~6 months now. We went to one, once, a couple years ago, and it was terrible. Not her or my fault, therapist just sucked. I had been making good progress on anger since then but 3rd child has been enough added stress that it now feels worse than then.
She had some therapy experiences as a kid, going when she didn't want to, so she hates it. She also just doesn't open up to people in general.
I honestly feel like we need counseling because we need a 3rd party to play referee. She does not believe that certain behaviors are incorrect, like: Coming into my office and re-engaging an argument after I asked for a break (like, 15 minutes) Arguing/fighting through text (again, often when I ask for a break) Blaming "You *always* do X" type statements Suggesting, implying, or sometimes just saying that my contributions parenting are superfluous Punishing me for not performing "mind reading" type acts i.e. responding the way she wants without indication of how she wants. A lot of ad hominem attacks
^ I recognize this might seem one sided. I'm far from perfect but it tends to be her escalating until I snap, at which point I start yelling and being really angry. Scaring my kids. Etc. So I end up feeling like I've done more wrong than her, despite me listing out a long list of things here.
OK, context over. Here's the ask: 1. Is marriage counseling useful? We did pay for the Lasting app for a bit a while ago, and that was very good (no therapist for her to clam up around). So I am considering just doing that again instead. 2. Should we see a female therapist? She kinda refuses to put in leg work around finding a marriage counselor, but I assume a woman (who isn't old enough to be her mom) might help her open up / not feel like it's a 2v1? 3. Gottmann vs not? I feel like he's an overblown idolized leader a la musk, tate, etc. and I (selfishly, maybe rudely) don't trust marriage advice from someone who's been divorced twice. But maybe it is great? If not, is there a specific approach that we can find that is *not* psychoanalysis / unravelling childhood trauma? 4. Any tips for figuring out if there is something underlying besides comms that we should work on? (Well, besides not spending time together. I've also been fighting for hiring a nanny for months.) There is no addiction, no affairs, or anything of that nature. 5. Any tips on how to help my wife not feel like she's failing as a SAHM by getting a nanny (or by suggesting a better way to wash the dishes etc) would be welcome. It's clear and understandable that her ego is tied to it and "My mom didn't even need a nanny, so if I do, I'm a failure" is at play. It's also clear that's at play in less important things like how chores get done (it isn't a big issue, but I also prefer when my bowls don't have leftover soup crusted on them.)
submitted by Only-Pirate-2996 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2023.09.21 04:25 Aggravating_Media191 I am questioning my near constant state of aggravation

TLDR: Parents of children under 5, am I alone in feeling constantly irritated and overstimulated by my own child?
I have a four year old daughter whom I love very much. She is a funny, energetic, and theatrical little girl with lots of friends and is well liked by her preschool teachers. It would be obvious to anybody that she is developmentally normal for her age. Honestly, I am sometimes shocked that I was capable of making such a delightful human being.
As parents my spouse and I try our best to model emotional intelligence, patience, boundaries, and kindness and it’s discouraging that none of it seems to “stick.” We experience many of the same challenges as any parent. Our daughter is highly distracted, struggles with transitions, and defiant during the worst possible times (crossing the street, getting in the car seat when it’s 100 degrees to name a few examples). She’s a chronic interrupter in spite of our efforts to teach turn taking. She talks incessantly and won’t stay on task. So much of parenting our daughter is modeling good behavior, setting expectations and clear boundaries, practicing good manners, and on and on but most of the time it feels all for not. I don’t know what I expected, but I didn’t realize it would take this much time for a child to develop basic self control and emotional regulation. I feel stupid for saying that, but had almost no experience with young children before becoming a parent myself. I just had no idea.
I feel irritable most of the time. I do my best to mask my feelings and parent day-to-day with compassion and enthusiasm. I remind myself, she is FOUR. She is her own person with her own needs, preferences, and desires and I try my best to meet her where she is. I don’t think I have unrealistic expectations.
We invest so much time and effort trying to do the right things, ensuring she eats and sleeps well, stays active, has an enriching social life, and plenty of opportunities to have quality time as a family. We praise good behavior and discourage bad behavior. We never hit, we never yell, and we rarely lose our cool.
It’s this endless cycle of patience and pragmatism from our side and chaos in return.
And yet. After the 15th day in a row we’ve fought about putting shoes on, after the 40th time getting interrupted mid-sentence, after her 100th attempt in 10 minutes to make using the toilet a game, I am so irritable ALL THE TIME. I think it largely stems from not being able to predict behavior. 11 hours of sleep, full engaged imaginative play, clear and consistent routine? Full on meltdown. 7 hours of sleep, flying on an airplane, jet leg? Cool, calm, collected. There’s no formula, it’s just chaos all the time even if nothing really changes day to day. And I find myself emotionally exhausted and overstimulated by it all. I am agitated the majority of the time.
I guess what I’m looking for is solidarity? Honesty? Is it normal to be on some spectrum of aggravation most of the time?
Thank you for reading!
submitted by Aggravating_Media191 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2023.09.20 21:59 oRamafy 7-28-2023 to 9-7-2023

28/7/2023, 9:16 PM
It’s useful to think of my mind as pursuing the answer as to what is the average state of consciousness, iow, what is a useful description of what it’s like to be conscious as an entity that would be conscious for all eternity. As well as developing a system for improving it.

Checked out Homegirl cafe. Food was mediocre, but the salsa and pineapple cucumber juice were good. Homeboy bakery was just a tiny display case on the side; I didn’t get anything.

29/7/2023, 8:50 PM

My sandals were stolen last night. Likely related to visiting Homegirl cafe. My tire popped too. Slept all day. Ice bath at night.

Checked out mine and Nicolette’s HD channels. 🔮

30/7/2023, 2:16 PM
Had my car towed to JC’s Tires bc Yelp said they were open, but they were not. I’ll get it fixed tomorrow.

Watched two episodes of Suits before driving to work.

Brought my HD book with me and read about Nicolette’s and dad’s crosses. Nicolette’s is to live in a healthy body and show others how that is the true basis of happiness. Her sacral, gut-based intuition functions by answering yes/no questions with visceral responses. 🔮

Asked Nicolette if she and her hubby started as an affair, and they did not, and she said that it was the most interesting question anyone has ever asked her. They started seeing each other the day of her husband’s breakup with his ex. She moved in with him at 1mo, got engaged at 2mo, and married in 6.5. Told her I had an affair and intend to rekindle the relationship with my mistress. 🔮💕

Watched Suits before bed.

31/7/2023, 3:22 PM
I’ve demonstrated twice today that by blocking out everything else’s input, I can quickly and easily become a radiant source of love at my command.

Stopped by Seiwa and Sprouts before Yaquelyn’s. Picked up ingredients for Chanko Nabe, fish, and snacks.

Lead the chanting with Mina and Ezawa-San tonight. 🙏

Finished my 3-day dry fast. Broke it with Martinelli’s cider and Vietnamese ground beef rolls.

Saw a woman with Down’s syndrome at Walmart during break. Don’t quite remember why I believe they have a special relationship with the 5 elements and humor. 🦇

Lead the chanting again with Toshiko, Ezawa-San, Kumiko, and Mina. They approved and I might lead some chanting at the temple. 🙏

Got Pho Thinh after work, the place that opened on Feb 3rd, my wedding anniversary. It was great. Watched Suits before bed. 😘

2/8/2023, 1:01 PM
Watched Suits before work, picked up a cucumber lime rock star on the way.

Saw dad in the evening.

5/8/2023, 12:19 PM
Took Maple out and Bim called me. His # is registered in Yorba Linda, and his number changed from 7144630705 to 7144620705, which explains why he hasn’t been responding recently.

Read Shindoin volume II.

6/8/2023, 9:51 PM

PFT with Temple in the morning. Said I’d invite dad to the temple during August. Talked with Satoru and some others. Told him about my temple origin story including Joe. He did guard duty at Oyasona as a college student in Japan. They have at least 4 guards every night. 🙏

Had black store’s Viet coffee before the temple, exceptionally strong. Made chanko-nabe and natto on toast, both were great.

As I was leaving MM, I said “later Mannie.” Kyle said “later Mannie” with a laugh, extremely reminiscent of David, AaNg’s brother.

Nicolette told me about seeing Masked Singer in person. 5 hours standing, no water or snacks, but she had fun. I told her about the beautiful nice experiment, and she correctly guessed that some of the mice turned cannibalistic.

Watched Black Mirror at night. It had Star Fleet and that guy from Breaking Bad, where he was the asshole-God in the VR world he programmed. The guy kinda looks like Garrett.

9/8/2023, 9:36 AM
Thought a bit about the properties of the devil/Satan/Lucifer, and which properties I associate most strongly with each label.
Devil: temptation
Satan: Mimic and competitive advantage
Lucifer: solving guilt
The idea is that each name refers to the same entity, and consequently has all the same properties, but each name has its own rank-ordering of most strongly associated properties. People do the same thing with their own names.
Bao, Cao, Tran.
Justin, Bim, Quan.

Seems like by definition, members of a collective consciousness have signed over their executive function to an entity that they feel can exercise it more effectively than they can. Garrett can represent the asshole-God, as depicted in Black Mirror.

10/8/2023, 9:37 AM
Last day with ThDo. Talked about Oumuamua, Arcturians, and the 75/25 female/male alien race. And how the best way to pass along information to the other alien race connected to Oumuamua would be to think of Oumuamua, then think of what you want to tell them. 🎓

Quin and Tran joined me for NaNg. Tran has 7 weeks left in her pregnancy; she’s having a boy. Quin gave me 2 buy 1 get 1 free coupons for 7-Leaves. When I look at Quin, it’s like my eyes are held pried open. P

11/8/2023, 6:48 PM
It might be that the defining difference between system 1 and system 2 is the difference in wavelength and frequency of their signaling capacity, namely system 2 utilizing longer wavelengths.

Watched the Arkangel episode of Black Mirror with mom. Also watched the new Transformers movie with her in the evening.

Went to Giang’s parent’s place to pick up mail and see Maple. Took her to Liberty Park. The mail was just a $30 check bc TurboTax charged me. 😘 🍁

Went to 7-Leaves in the morning. Mom declined a drink, so I got a mint coffee and a summer mint tea with aloe Vera, recommended by Quin. 🎓

Made a grilled cheese with mom’s leftover cheese and some raspberry jam. Also finished the first chanuka nabe I made, finally.

New definition of consciousness: awareness of experience. This might necessarily imply a capacity for feeling, or preference.
Energy can be thought of as a way of quantifying change. 11:10 PM

12/8/2023, 1:59 AM
In the same way one can think of language as a means of preserving memory, we can think of religion as a praxis serving the same purpose.

Went to Gen with Greg, Mina, Ezawa-San. Chatted with Greg about dieting. Nathan’s living in Rancho Cucamonga with his gf.
Went to Keen Coffee afterwards, got a Chai and a vegan almond bar.

13/8/2023, 12:19 PM
The Planck length is 1.616 x 10^-34, the golden ratio is 1.618
The Planck time (AKA Danana or Brianiel) is 5.39 or me minus Bri) x 10^-44
The Planck energy is the amount of energy released during the combustion of fuel in an automobile fuel tank. Wonder why my kids are car-obsessed.
Note: 2*22=44

Talked about Planck units and a little other physics with PhTr. 🎓

15/8/2023, 8:01 AM
Talked about Planck units with ThDo. 🎓
Hate can be a measurement of the injustice the object of hatred has committed.

Wrt length, atom:human ≈ human:solar system ≈ solar system:galaxy

Nolan’s height is 2% off the golden ratio when converted to meters
Mile->km is 0.6% off

Diameter of universe / age of universe / 6.66 ≈1.0135. The “expansion of space” is why the diameter of the universe is greater than c*age.

Planck’s son was executed for his role in the July 20th plot — an attempt on Hitler’s life.

Max Planck was baptized as Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck.

It’s likely that the reason why dad felt like our futures were set in stone from the age of 4 is that my primary client, AaNg, was 4 years old. I spent 5 days a week with him, 17.5 hours/week from 9-12:30 during the summer. 🎓

Nolan told me about his convolutional network masters thesis. It’s a network that learns feature engineering by itself, and “domain-specific-based” feature engineering is considered obsolete in visual and speech processing. 🦇
Also texted him that 6.66x is 1% off the difference we would expect from the diameter of the universe given (c*age of universe) is the intuitive way to calculate its diameter. Also, his height is 2% off the golden ratio if you convert imperial to metric. He sent me a wiki on Gaussian noise. It’s noise with a normal distribution, and he used it in his thesis to corrupt imaging.

I smelled like enchiladas during NaNg’s session, he said I smelled. So I went and got Michoacána enchiladas and asada after work.

16/8/2023, 12:14 PM
Cream Pan in the morning. Coffee for me, strawberry croissant for mom. Then Doom Patrol. Crazy Jane temporarily aka Dr Harrison created a cult of the Re-creator, to combat the Decreator. She assigned a special role to one member, and when asked what she wanted the other cult members to do, she replied “dance.” Now I know why Nicolette and I talked about medieval dance fever. The black man in asylum also recommended having the sacred text inscribed onto a dog. 🔮

Read a little of After Babel by Jon Heidt. Some people wanted to build a tower that would reach heaven. Apparently, God disliked this, stating that they’ll be able to do anything they set their minds to, so he chose to scramble their language in order to confuse them. 😈
He also says that 2012 is the year there was a wide switch from “social networking systems” to “social media platforms,” and credits this switch for the disruption of society’s ability to communicate.

Shading, size, and detail can convey depth. Detail came from PhTr. He’s also a 15m walk from Liberty Park. 🎓🍁

Dad thinks he took me to a Garbage/Nelly Furtado concert when I was 10ish, but it was somebody else.

17/8/2023, 1:47 PM
Gabby joined me for ThDo today. 🎓

In November 2018, astronomers reported that the extragalactic background light (EBL) amounted to 4×10^84 photons. —Wiki on Observable Universe

Atom:grain of sand as man:Earth

Tran wrote the number 42, and only 42, for NaNg to identify. Later, NaNg’s dad said he was #1 today, and he responded that he wants to be #2. 🎓

Perhaps we get defined as our “opposites” by those that are within the redshift zone.
Turns out The Republic is written about Socrates and Plato’s brother, Glaucon, having a dialogue.

Heavy duty meditation at night.

18/8/2023, 7:50 AM

Fat people don’t have emotional authority, they have emotional mass. Authority would be granted to those by those that have deemed them worthy of it, predominately by demonstrating an understanding of emotions and the role that they play in our lives.

Seems like Grant copies Garrett.

Started using my nicotine Vape instead of smoking today.

Got a massage then donuts.

Bday dinner at Santa with the family.

Mom has a very strong expectation of me to remember her life (she expected me to remember some chicken fingers she brought back from a restaurant months ago, for example) and what’s going on inside her own head. She’s often talk about something without identifying what she’s talking about, then condescendingly imply that I should have already known when I ask her.

20/8/2023, 8:59 AM
The body does not track the owner’s judgement, but others’, likely weighted by the attention received by the other. Consequently, the feelings associated with that body are never directly the consequence of the owner’s actions. It gives us information about others’ minds.

Much of the female imagination is fueled by non-reality, an example being my mom thinking she could beat up a guy because he was short.

Picked up a Nudae dirty chai and bacon and chive croissant before MM. There’s a bjj place with a chess king on its sign, which I told Nicolette and its association to Joe Rohan saying bjj is like chess. Nicolette told me about her step-daughters dance tryouts, one for ballet which she was comfortable with, then one for jazz which is more difficult for her as it’s new. Sounds like she didn’t make the jazz tryout. She also told me about her daughter’s dentist trip where she was traumatized, screaming as she got 6 crowns. Told her about the Canadian man who was jailed and fined $30k for misgendering his daughter. Also told her about my trans cousin Daniel, and that I’m the only straight sibling. 🔮

21/8/2023, 9:09 AM
My phone undid my work alarm, on its own. It was saved. Ended up 30m late to work so I stayed an extra 30m.

I said “so you want me to more animated” to Tran, and ThNg said “yeah,” in a low tone, in response. He is very non-reactive to pain from pressure applied by me, but only demonstrated noncompliance while eating, similar to what NaNg used to do. He is notably larger than AaNg and stands up to pee. He also gave me a thumbs-up, maybe today. 🎓

Went to Starbucks between clients, and met Paul Bryant. A bald, homeless man with blue eyes, a bicycle, and quite fit, especially for 60 years old. Wouldn’t talk about where he grew up. Said he had over 100 unknown children and 48? grandchildren. Also a singer song-writer that plays the base. We talked until I had to leave for work, and he said a prayer for me before I left. We also shared my nicotine vape.

PhTr showed me that Indonesia and Poland have mirrored flags. 🎓

22/8/2023, 5:40 PM
Told ThDo about the Japanese astronomers that sent a signal 40 years ago and hoped to get an alien response today. NaNg smiled big and wide when I thought about my dad giving women the right to torture their unborn children. I told NaNg that I remember what it was like to not have memory. He started breathing nervously and asked to change the subject. 🎓

I was angry and told NaNg’s mother that he was causing problems. He peed his pants.

23/8/2023, 7:50 AM
As I was waking up, I could see images of other people writing their dreams in this app.

I thought something about Danny, and ThNg’s face reacted with great dismay and he shook his head. 🎓

23/8/2023, 11:21 PM
When I woke up this morning, I unplugged my iPad, but it was not charged. I plugged it in again tonight with the same charger, and it shows it is charging.

Chatted with PhTr. There was a mistake in the Mantis math, so I’ll have to return to that. I did the math at Starbucks between clients. 🎓

Hung out with dad. He mostly talked about Dianna. He mocked me when he asked me if I approve of their relationship, and I told him I think he’s being naive about their long term potential. Told him about the love-note Saundra dream. Also about Nolan’s Golden Height.

Remembered in bed that in addition to global reconditioning, the rave babies are all quad-right as well. Saundra’s mother is basically the first rave baby, that I’m aware of at least.

24/8/2023, 11:00 AM
Gabby joined me with ThDo. ThDo went outside independently, then immediately peed in the backyard. I was thinking about Arcturus immediately beforehand. Arcturus has the same mass as our sun, but 25x the volume and 170x as bright. Likely feels like a stupid, emotional bully to our sun. Mass is a measurement of access to information. Peak mass measures one’s total lifetime exposure to information , with weight loss representing a loss of access to it, but not ownership of it (ala a landlord renting his property). Density is a measurement of the rate that one is capable of reaching that information.
I am less dense but more massive than typical asians. I am more dense and less massive than typical Americans. My family is extremely average. 🎓

Neanderthals were quad-right, whereas Homo sapiens were quad-left. This changed with the introduction of projectors and us as 9-centered beings in 1781, when we discovered Uranus. When a quad-right pushes their brain to focus, they develop thyroid problems. Their passive brain needs a “correct” dietary regimen, aka PHS.

Vietnam:America as Venezuela:Mexico(Brazil?)

Included peach in the legend for coloring with NaNg today. He found it and used it without asking anybody for help. I had NaNg answer “who fixes toilets” with “plumbers.” He then asked if plumbers are a community. Even if I don’t intentionally lie, the technology will publish false information anyways. 🎓

It was Ezawa-san’s bday today, and they told me during chanting. I said happy birthday, then I heard them both repeating “don’t care,” as if they were estimating or copying my alleged response. The next day, I had therapy with Mina, and she had no recollection of doing so and it made no sense to her. We had already been talking about negative spirits, so I told her the only explanation needed was that the negative spirits could send information through a body without the host being aware of it. Positive could do the same though. Greg showed me around to get ready for cat-sitting afterwards. The cat likes me. 🙏

25/8/2023, 12:01 PM
Mary morning. Stopped at 7-11 on the way, got Indian for lunch. They serve pizza as well. Chris was replaced by another homeless man with a bicycle.

Chimp empire has a chimp that planned a coup by grooming the alpha with a friend of his and taking over. This chimp then suspected that the same thing might happen to him, so he tested the loyalty of his troop by attacking another troop and seeing who would fight for him.

Watched Doom Patrol the morning.

26/8/2023, 1:42 PM
A reality is a set of perceptions and/or observations, whereas the universe is the set of all possible and/or experienced realities, or the union of all realities. Multi-verse is better phrased as multi-reality. So Mina’s reality did not include her and Ezawa-San saying “I don’t care,” but mine did, as did our universe. 🙏

Took Maple to Liberty Park. Saw Giang in her car, we waved. Said hey to her brother, he used the same phrasing as me. Her mom recommended a new tea for the liver, and I bought it. 🍁😘

I was unaware that Thorn Zealot automatically killed the champion if there was only one option. This simple lack of awareness of a piece of information that does not change anything about the choice to be made was punished with a notable slice inside the back of my head. I had been remembering that Mina’s chanting felt like sharpening steel inside my head. I wonder who is dependent on my explanation of the downstream affects of my choices. 🙏

Perhaps the original souls attached to the bodies are going to be observing from a third-person perspective, while my mind-copied will be playing first-perspective inside the body.

27/8/2023, 11:49 AM
The second preferred choice for each soul across the globe becomes the first choice for the next generation. Devil then God. 😈

Seems like my Nutella cap magically disappeared at night.

28/8/2023, 1:43 PM
Grabbed some Dunkin Donuts coffee then went to the FVPD to report my iPad and wallet stolen. Asian cop was nice.’s elite fund’s reward level caps at the exact level that I happen to be at when I bought it today.

Quin joined me for PhTr today. Told Quin about how I fixed AaNg’s towel-pulling behavior by visualizing myself picking him up and flying away. She asked me if he got that, and I said that he received the message. Quin had earlier asked me if Jenny had joined me for ThDo at any point, and I told her no. Jenny was the one that was explaining the difference between Mentalism and Behaviorism to Gabby, with me in the room, at PhTr’s place. 🎓

I think of repetition as training, and memorizing something as training something else to bring you the information when you want it.

29/8/2023, 8:21 PM
Got an apple crisp coffee from the Starbucks inside Albertsons first. The cashier had been working a month and was very nice and commented on my rosary. There was another worker there that ran out of her alkaline water bc it was so hot.

Had lunch with Andrew. He brought up Nikola Tesla, whom I was just talking about last night with PhTr. Donald Trump’s uncle owned the hotel that Tesla died in and had a lab in the basement. Andrew also told me that Tesla got funding from a robber baron, I forget which, and created a tower that powered a light bulb without a wire. The baron buried the idea, unable to find a way to profit from it. Later that night, a guy on IG invited Andrew to join the Illuminati.

Texted Nolan about the “I don’t care” event with Mina and Ezawa-San. Also brought up spirits, competition for attention, Heaven saying she can forget her losses as well as looking at me and telling another man she loves him. Another way of thinking of the competition for attention is a competition for explanatory factors of your experience. More attention = more intelligence focused on you. 🦇🙏

Jason had NaNg copying a sentence with incorrect grammar. I had previously told NaNg that he needs me for grammar. 🎓

30/8/2023, 3:40 PM
Told mom about Andrew and the Illuminati invite, she laughed. She then brought up Mitch and 9/11. I told her about the teacher teaching the kids “kite, melt, steel” when Bush was there and got the call about 9/11, but I said “hit” instead of melt at first. She questioned the word kite over airplane, and I told her I’m sure she can find the similarity between the two. I told her it said something about collective consciousness and how we get thoughts. She then asked how that connected it to a government conspiracy, and I said that it connected it to the occult instead. Then I remembered the word was “melt,” not “hit,” and a key component of the conspiracy is that the steel beams shouldn’t melt at the typical burning temperature of jet fuel. I also noted I’m not an engineer and have no idea if that’s true.

31/8/2023, 4:43 PM
Washington DC called while NaNg was asking me about the Columbia. When I asked him what he should do if he finds his dad lying on the floor, he said to play a loud guitar. I’ve never seen a guitar in this house, but my dad plays one, and I also consider him my God of Music. 🎓

On a hilariously related note, my 5 y/o Viet client denied being Viet and said that Viet people sound like poison. To be fair, I did call their house Hell’s Kitchen until their family got rid of the 2nd kitchen.

1/9/2023, 7:47 PM
I think of Jesus as a rubber man, due to a resistance to electrical current. Maybe related to dad’s guitar string plucking spirit.
Update 14/9/2023, 11:36 AM: he may be a teeth-stealing man.

Miranda’s (a Crazy Jane persona from Doom Patrol) boyfriend gave her a necklace that is nearly identical to the one Nicolette gave me. Also, Dorothy’s woodland creature friend’s name is Manny. 🔮

2/9/2023, 8:23 PM
Watched Knights of Swing with mom.

Chatted with the neighbor Linda a little. I asked her how long she taught preschool for, and when she couldn’t answer, her eyes and scalp started glowing vibrantly.

3/9/2023, 4:37 PM
Went to Sizzler for brunch with mom and Mitch. On the way there, we saw a homeless woman in front of Carl’s Jr. I thought she was wearing shorts at first, and mom thought she was naked; turned out she was wearing only a thong. Told Mitch about Trump wanting to execute drug dealers, and he said he tends to say wild things and tone it down later. He also quit smoking, cold-turkey.

Two new employees at MM. one is the daughter of another coworker, 17 y/o and can’t recall her name. The other is another Myanamese girl named Julie. She’s a student at OC studying environmental engineering, but is thinking about switching to data science.

4/9/2023, 12:15 PM
To unlock the Flames of Misspell in Vampire Survivors, I have to unlock Avatar first. To do that, I have to use the birds in the inverted Inlaid Library. He costs 666 to unlock. I told PhTr that it was useful to have other associations with 666. You could also unlock it by using the secret “kalvasflam.”🎓
Gav et-Toni is an Italian turtle unlocked on the Japanese map. His weapon, Mille Bolle Blu, can be unlocked with a secret associated with an Italian song by the singer Mina. My friend Mina’s neighbor has an Italian flag on their house. 🙏

Messaged Saundra on IG about her voice and her being Gaia. ❤️

Had some thoughts about our inner child being mis-guided on my way to McDonalds. Typo’d Mia just now a couple times; they always got McD’s for breakfast. Our temple calls new recruits guiding children. Maybe they guide us to/through the womb-space, maybe also known as time-space. 🎓

5/9/2023, 4:20 PM
NaNg’s mother said something, and NaNg responded “I said no talking!” And she said “okay sorry” with her head tilted down.

Alternate subconscious definition: the consciousness of the sum total of information you have collected.

While texting Saundra, my phone said I spelled Fountain wrong. The phone was wrong. ❤️

The speed of c likely has something to do with a presently uncertain limit of the eyes.

6/9/2023, 2:16 PM
Fried eggs with pickle salt and celery juice for breakfast. DD coffee.
First day of taking care of Mina’s cat. Having trouble with the lock. Looked up directions to PhTr’s place; he’s also exactly 22 minutes away from Mina, just like ViTr (but PhTr is 29m from the Temple, ViTr is 22). 2022102 and 201202 are their passcodes, respectively. 🎓🙏

Played the Matador variant of Dominoes with PhTr. Earlier today, noticed that Mina’s neighbor has an Italian flag outside. No, that was not why I chose Matador; I had already picked that variant during our last session. I scored 16 points to reach exactly 100 for the winning hand. I also talked to him about the hunting system. [that last line was edited in by someone else]. 🤜🎓🙏

Found out Saundra works in non-profit affordable housing. ❤️

PhTr used to have very crooked teeth, but we’re fixed naturally and effortlessly. He also used to visualize bad memories pulled away from him (“popped out”). We also talked about hints. I brought up his mention of the Ninja Turtles names’ being a big hint, and he had doubt that he said that. I assured him with absolute certainty that he did. I then talked about Avatar from Vampire Survivors, his being unlocked by using a bird in the library, his cost being 666 and myself having said in the past that it’s useful to have alternative associations with that number, the fact that Nolan was complaining about a shy employee when I first started working with PhTr and that shyness was the only emotion we were working on together, his weapon named Flames of Misspel, and that Nolan’s and my spelling ability was vastly different as kids. Also, when I told him about Giang’s dad showing interest in only one piece of technology, mind-reading book-writing AI, I said that he can assume people are writing books from our thoughts during session. He took it in stride; as it was a matter-of-course. We talked about dyslexia as well. 🎓

7/9/2023, 1:56 PM
Unlocked Sammy in Vampire Hunters and some weird stuff happened. An arcana got stolen mid-game. A bunch of pickups were just being deleted when I walked over them. Sammy is the best farmer.

Mid-secret, the dog’s weapon stopped healing the plants in Vampire Survivors. You have to heal then for 100k to complete the secret.

Mom showed me the card she got for Duy. It’s a chicken singing the chicken dance song. I was just doing the chicken dance in bed a week ago. It had something to do with Nicolette. 🔮

NaNg asked me if my dog was named Oreo today. Mom bought me some Oreo bark in the past, then I found an Oreo-colored chicken at a neighbor’s place. Their chickens and horses are gone now. 🎓

Heard that Yaquelyn and Saundra were the two women that Giang most liked imagining herself as. 😘💕❤️
Walked to Cream Pan with mom. They didn’t have a whole cheesecake, so she drove to Albertsons instead. I was about to get the azuki bun, but noticed they had their lemon tart for $4.20, so I got that instead. The nice lady cashier asked me if I was the one they talked to before that said they made lemon tarts, and I said no.

Celebrated Duy’s bday with Pickle. Bri was exactly 1 minute late. I like to shoot for 2 minutes late. I was also born 2 minutes later than Brianna. 🤜

I said “Timmy’s my friend” to myself and Rita Farr donned an extra pair of spectacles. I was demonstrating that friend connotes non-family members. The denotation does not necessarily exclude them, but when we want to say that we enjoy spending time with them, we typically use another phrase instead of the word friend. An example would be “I have a good relationship with my brother.”🦕

Asked Brianna if her linguistics classes ever discussed the structure of definitions, and they have not. So I used “dog” as an example to explain genus and differentia. Brianna told me about morphology. I looked it up later on wiki, and they use tree-related words for their stems, and included “cellar door” in the article on Compound words, a reference to Donnie Darko. Also caught a disapproving look from Duy when I said something about something important. 🤜

Watched some Doom Patrol. I discussed Orthotropics with PhTr on Wednesday, and today, there was face-related stuff with Cyborg on the TV. 🎓
submitted by oRamafy to oRamafy [link] [comments]

2023.09.17 23:59 Thestoryteller987 The Peanut Gallery: Special Mastication Operation

Welcome to the Peanut Gallery: 3 Day S.M.O. Edition (Day 4). Today we are covering the ISW's report: Russia and China look at the Future of War. Let's get to it!
Okay! This thing is dense. And I don't mean informationally-dense, but conceptually-dense. The whole piece is about evolving military doctrines, which means we'll be discussing war on a mostly's some high-level shit. And before we even dive into our discussion, we'll need to slap together a few mental constructs to keep everyone on the same page. Honestly, this is more an arena for an actual philosopher, but I'll do my best to grunt out something coherent.
Let's begin with the concept of objective truth. Hold on to your butts.
Many operate under the misapprehension that world they experience is the same world experienced by the random chuckle-fucks they pass on the street. It is not. Your experience of reality is the subjective summation of sensory inputs processed through predefined neurological pathways (your thinky-meat). Everything you see and hear is filtered through these layers: sensory, biological, societal, and ideological; and that means certainty is an impossibility. It's why scientists make a big deal about the difference between hypothesis and theory (notice how in both they remain open to being proven wrong).
There's an old (sexist) proverb in America that says when a husband and wife argue the wife is always right. And it's true: the wife is right--not objectively, but because she believes she is correct. The wife's belief defines truth for the husband, meaning he must operate within her paradigm. He lives in her interpretation of reality.
Let's showcase this concept with an example:
  • A vaccine is available for a rapidly spreading virus. A family must decide whether to vaccinate themselves. The First Partner doesn't have a strong opinion, but the Second belongs to a Facebook group that shares pictures of crystals. The Second believes the threat of the virus is overblown; they believe the vaccine will give their child autism. As a result, the family does not vaccinate. Six months pass and the family contracts and succumbs to the virus.
The Second Partner's incorrect assessment of risk resulted in death. The family based their actions upon their interpretation of truth.
Now some may be shouting, "Holy shit! Storyteller, just get to the damn point!" And...fair, but I mention this because it's important. The above is the conceptual foundation behind information warfare. Both the PLA and the RF MoD intend to apply it on a doctrinal level. Their objective is to weaponize subjective reality by expanding the scope of modern warfare to include the general population of their adversaries.
That means You.
Russia’s views of future war focus on the concept of “superiority of management” and the importance of the information domain.
Alright, now that we've got the concepts down this is going to get easier.
Russia plans to fight in the future with a heavy emphasis on controlling the narrative. They're placing information warfare on an equivalent level to kinetic warfare, partly due to economic limitations. Russia lost a LOT of combat veterans and equipment in the Russo-Ukraine War, and they're fully cognizant that they can't keep up with the West on a material level.
But the West is subject to the whims of its populace. WE can be confused; WE can fall for misinformation; WE lack focus and consistency, and, as a result, our leaders lack focus and consistency. They're always looking for few approval points, the next campaign slogan. This is a feature of democracy, not a bug. Russia intends to exploit our institutions by dictating our perception of reality. Honestly it's just an extension of their domestic propaganda: define reality so their adversary can only take action within the bounds of the framework they've designed.
  • Why help Ukraine? They're just Nazis. And it's not like it'll stop Russia anyway. Russia is too strong and Ukraine is losing the war.
  • The problem isn't Putin! It's [INSERT IDENTITY]! They're who we should focus on!
  • So what if Russia commits warcrimes? The West is just as bad. What about [PAST ATROCITY]?
By controlling the narrative Russia controls our decisions.
Russia’s strategic and operational military deficiencies during the Ukraine campaign exposed systemic weaknesses in training, personnel, and leadership. Lessons learned from campaigns in Syria have not effectively transformed Russian military thinking and Syrian experience within the Russian officer corps has been depleted due to casualties and demotions during the Ukraine war. Russia’s efforts to centralize military control and improve command-and-control-systems implementation have also been hindered by issues such as micromanagement and a culture of fear among officers.
So everything that we saw in the opening days of the 2022 invasion? All the RF fuck ups? Yeah, apparently the RF MoD knew about the problems since Syria. They were trying to fix them, but then Putin contracted Delusions of Empire and we all know what happened next. As such, the RF lost most of their experienced personnel, so they're going to have rebuild entirely with whatever Ukraine let's them walk away with.
Putin doesn't seem interested in long-term fixes, though. His habit of sowing infighting amongst his subordinates instills a culture of fear which makes accurate decision making impossible. The whole damn MoD is locked in permanent ass-covering mode.
The subsequent Russian military failures after the US campaign of selective intelligence disclosures before the invasion of Ukraine illuminate the effect of over-reliance on information warfare in Russian doctrine. China’s more balanced approach employing information and conventional military operations to cognitive and hybrid warfare doctrine will likely prove more challenging for the United States than Russia’s.
In the days leading up the Russo-Ukraine War, the US announced Russian actions days before they occurred. This practice denied the RF control over the information space. Nothing was a surprise, so Russia couldn't guide the narrative, and so the planet's population correctly viewed them as the belligerent. Russia thought they could control the information space sufficiently (given a three day campaign) to shield them from significant public backlash. Obviously they fucked it up.
Russian forces have overall struggled with heavy urban combat in Ukraine but are making advances in surveillance and UAV tactics in urban environments. The PLA may face significant challenges in future urban warfare from its overdependence on drones, hesitancy to allow small unit autonomy and misreading of the political environment and public perceptions in operational areas.
Despite everything, the Russians are learning, and they've taken tangible steps to improve coordination between surveillance and their troops on the front line. China is watching, but, again, they seem reluctant to empower their NCOs to make actual decisions. It's this inflexibility that the United States will need to exploit if we ever meet them in the field. Cut off the head and the body dies.
West Taiwan
China’s military modernization efforts are aimed at achieving decision dominance through a three-pronged approach: doctrinal transformation and ideological rigor; exploitation of advanced technology to shape the character of modern conflicts; and innovation of its training methods to compensate for the lack of wartime fighting experience.
We've talked about 'truth' up to this point, but we also need to discuss systems. We in the United States love specialization. We've got a branch of the military specialized in boats; we've got one that likes airplanes; one that goes to space; one that goes vroom vroom; and one that eats crayons. These 'branches' are built to operate in specific environments: water; air; void; land; and preschool. They're projections of American power into different fighting environments; they work together, yet autonomously, to accomplish objectives within their fields of expertise, like contracting firms on a construction site.
However the PLA thinks this is stupid. They view the United States as a collection of autonomous systems:
  • Communications
  • Logistics
  • Surveillance
  • Etc.
The PLA builds their 'systems' to both attack and defend. If I've got the concept right (big if), then the guys who oversee the hauling of stuff from Point A to Point B are also the guys responsible for blowing up their adversary's capacity to do the same. The idea is that the ones who know how a system works are the ones who best know how to cripple it.
Achieving “informatization” and “intelligentization” has also guided the PLA’s technological modernization in recent decades.
Okay, this is an important one because it's central to China's plan to militarily leapfrog the United States, and it's also a statement about how the PLA views the men and women under its command. Informatization is really just a fancy word for 'put an AI in charge'. The thought is that an artificial intelligence of sufficient capacity can more readily process vast amounts of information and quickly select a doctrinally sound response. With that goal in mind, the PLA is expending a huge effort to collect information and improve its technological capacity.
We're talking murder bots controlled by brain chips.
  • PLA personnel will work alongside artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous weapons, and brain-controlled weapons to rapidly expand the speed and complexity of warfare.
They want everyone, from the brass to the grunt, to make every decision with the same ideology and doctrine in mind. This is centralization of control to an absolute degree. If the United States fights like an ant colony, with each piece doing its part for the whole, then China intends to turn the PLA into a tiger.
I find it fitting that the Individualistic society fights with interlocking systems while the Collectivist society fights as a single entity. It really does speak to how differently we view the world.
The PRC’s modernization effort is more expansive and complex than Russia’s. The PLA lacks the testing and refinement that comes from real-world combat, however. Chinese future war concepts and execution are consequently less coherent as a whole and require greater speculative assessments.
Consequently they were also the hardest to wrap my head around.
PRC ideological constraints and overconfidence in its ability to integrate AI and other modern technology into military decision-making and fix long-term human capital management challenges will inhibit the level of clarity it seeks in wartime strategy and operations.
Xi thinks the Soviet Union jumped the shark when Stalin replaced the commissar with the political officer.
  • Xi believes the weakening of ideological commitment within the Red Army under the late Soviet leader Josef Stalin sowed the seeds of the Soviet Union’s eventual demise. The replacement of the political commissar position in the Red Army’s chain of command with a less powerful political officer was the inflection point for the USSR from Xi’s perspective.
This shit's more revisionist than an Alabama textbook.
And because Xi believes he is the reincarnation of Mao (just the good parts), he is unlikely to bend on the PLA's own political commissar. He wants to keep them; to make sure the PLA maintains its 'ideological purity' as it conducts war. So every officer in the PLA will have to run their decisions by an agent of the state, meaning they'll be terrified to step out of line.
Political commissars are a significant detriment in the PLA's flexibility. In times of war, the commissars will likely perform summary executions, which (as we discussed before) will force the PLA to operate within the CCP's subjective interpretation of reality. Freedom of thought? Independent action? Innovation and initiative? The CCP either doesn't value these concepts or doesn't trust its soldiers to practice them.
China has likely surpassed the United States in employing modeling, simulation, and OPFOR. The more the PLA relies on gaming and simulations, however, the greater the chance of flawed strategic and operational concepts becoming embedded in PLA doctrine.
The PLA is keenly aware they lack actual combat experience. They're trying to compensate with video games, actually pressing several developers into service. They built a training range in Mongolia to practice urban combat. Before any major conflict with the United States or India, we should expect the PRC to involve itself in a few bush wars for practice. My bet is they'll jump into Africa at the first opportunity.
The PLA’s modernization program relies on strong defense and technology industries, but a slowdown in economic reforms and re-prioritization of state control of industry under President Xi Jinping may limit resources and innovation.
Developing murder bots and brain chips, right? They require an environment conducive to innovation. But lately Xi is putting the brakes on his country's departure from Communism; he doesn't like that he needs to relinquish economic control, and he definitely doesn't like that the solution to the middle income trap is to raise wages. He thinks encouraging domestic consumer demand will make his people lazy. He's doubling down on a command economy.
It's unlikely that the PLA will be able to accomplish its goals as long as Xi rules China.
Exploiting adversary vulnerabilities and building on relative strengths will be crucial for the United States to succeed in its long-term military competition with China and Russia.
The United States has many strengths and many weaknesses. Our disparate 'System of Systems' approach means that we're resilient and capable of rapid adaptation. But this same disparate approach is a weakness at the strategic level. Our highest military rank, the Commander in Chief, is an elected position; coordination between our various branches is often inconsistent, incoherent, and subject to frequently changing priorities. We lack the geostrategic capacity for long-term thinking which comes so easily to the PRC and the RF. Each election cycle we reset our focus.
Democracies are uniquely vulnerable to information warfare. As the People are the ultimate decision makers, online narratives can influence geostrategic decisions. We need to take care to protect ourselves through aggressive cultivation of critical thinking skills within our general population. The better we arm our citizens, the easier it will be to win the War of Truth.
Thank you for enduring today's rant. The Chonhar Bridge Happy Fun Time Betting Pool remains ongoing.
'Q' for the Community:
  • What are your thoughts regarding the Collectivist & Individualist differing approaches to war? Which is superior? Why?
submitted by Thestoryteller987 to TheNuttySpectacle [link] [comments]