Boyfriend girlfriend poems


2019.12.04 18:43 alexis_rock memesformyboyfriend

Just memes to send to your boyfriend/girlfriend :)

2010.08.21 19:13 wholetruthshalflies some like double D's we like double S's.. or hate them? wtv you get it.

some like double D's we like double S's.. or hate them? wtv you get it. we aim healthy debates and answetheories from where some DS come from.

2023.05.08 17:17 Accriri Boyfriend Sometimes Girlfriend (Kareshi Tokidoki Kanojo)

"Kareshi tokidoki kanojo" or "Boyfriend Sometimes Girlfriend" by "Love & Lies" creator Musawo A teenage boy gets his 1st girlfriend. But when they finally have their 1st kiss, the boy suddenly turns into a girl!

2024.06.09 15:47 Realistic_Pass_7026 Anger and hatred for how my partner was treated

I can't help but feel my girlfriend was taken advantage of and abused her whole life.
My girlfriend grew up in an abusive environment and her parents were super controlling so she also grew up isolated.
When she got to college she hooked up with two guys in the span of a week and has felt a lot of remorse for it and has a deep hatred of men.
She also accuses me of trying to pretend to be nice and caring to get in her pants which isn't true.
From what I gather those experiences were the only two sexual experiences she has which I asked when we talked about it because it's been bothering me and I'm trying to understand where she's coming from.
Both guys fucked her and kicked her to the curb afterwards as well as being verbally abusive during the sex. Not in the fun way in a bullying hateful way. No foreplay no oral nothing. I asked her if those guys pretended to be into her to get in her pants and what's why she's accusing me of doing it and she said she doesn't want to talk about it. The whole vibe around sex with her screams SA. Which is something I have endured myself .
I really suspect she was made to feel cared about and used for sex at best and possibly pressured or scared to say no at worst.
It all just had an icky feeling to it. The general vibe is more abuse and less no strings attached fun. It bothers me to no end. There's been times I've tried to ask if she was hurt and she just shuts the convo down I don't bring it up unless she does, but I do worry about her. It bothers me most that someone I have grown to love and value felt the need for casual sex to feel a human connection and then was thrown away as soon as the dudes got off. She said she did it because she was lonely and never had male attention so it felt good to get that attention. Yet when she talks about it she talks about the disparaging comments the guys made about her and her body. It makes me sick for real. I told her I think she was taken advantage of in some capacity and that the dudes seem like real pieces of shit
If someone pretends to like someone to gain access to them sexually that feels like some form of assault. My insecurities about hookups was replaced with anger. It's common and somewhat understandable to be a little insecure about hookups. I was don't ask don't tell on my relationship for a reason. I've always had a policy of I'm not gonna hook up with a girl that I wouldn't date because I don't want to hurt anyone and if I don't wanna be seen with the girl I'm going to be respectful and leave her alone even if she wants it so in short I've never hooked up.
My anger is at her family who raised her abusive and controlling environment. Her mom for letting men hit my girlfriend and worse. Anger at The men who did it. The fact she never truly felt loved in her life and any affection came with strings attached. I'm angry at her other family who's made disparaging comments about her. I'm angry at the men that fucked her, verbally abused her and threw her away like trash. I'm angry at the fact she felt the need to be intimate with strangers who treated her with such disrespect in order to feel any sort of connection . Id feel better if it was sexual exploration and done safe sane and fully consentual without hints of coersion. Sure I'd feel a insecure again. Id rather take the insecurity over feeling pissed at abstract things from the past that I couldn't change and happened before me. It's anger with no outlet.
I know that Abused people seek comfort wherever they can. Be that substances, sex, spending, food. If my girlfriend grew up with love and acceptance I doubt she would have had these encounters. When I put myself in her place I can see why she did it. Hell I've sexted women and put myself in relationships with abusive women seeking the same comfort and connection.
I feel guilt over my relationships and women I've talked to before her. I've gathered that overall I'm more experienced than her. I've talked to more women then she has men. I've had more sexual experience even though our number is the same. Her encounters to my long term relationships. Time for time I have more experience. I feel like shit for stuff I can't change.
I get this feeling like we both "missed out" some days I think about it we would have met sooner, how better things could be for both of us.She would have at least not been with guys who preyed on her trauma, I wouldn't have had abusive ex's she's asked if we would have been friends in highschool and I told her yeah if we knew each other. She's asked if I would have dated her back then and of course I would. I think we have a beautiful relationship as is. We love each other she melts my heart and I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else, I feel that shes my other half and I'm truly in love with this woman. Stronger love than I've ever felt before. It hurts that I didn't know her sooner to protect her from some of the shit she's been through. I'm her first relationship but she's not mine. We're neither of each others first in bed. I mean it hurts me that I didn't know she existed and we'd meet and I've slept with women who treated me badly. It hurts that she has trouble feeling loved by me. I keep my anger to her family to myself I don't know them but I'm angry at them. I'll be honest I hate em and I've never even met them. They use her as the scapegoat. They've given her nothing but a life full of horrific abuse that now as an adult she blames herself for it.
I present as a loving caring boyfriend which I am. But I keep all this anger and longing for a better past for both of us to myself. It hurts holding this in. I don't know how to process it or deal with it. I'm in therapy. I try to avoid topics that make me cry. I've tiptoed around things. I don't like crying in front of people. I'm crying writing this because I'm both so sad and so angry. I wanna know why. Why people are so shitty. Why one person has to be the punching bag their entire life. Why her family has to act like that. Why the dudes who used her for sex couldn't go for anyone else but the chick who craved love and a connection, they could have at least been decent and not caused more trauma out the door.
I know as a Christian we're called to forgive. I've heard picking up trespasses is a sin, but I can't help but feel a tremendous anger. Is it that wrong to be angry on another's behalf? I feel like someone has to. She doesn't speak up for herself and has normalized everything that's happened to her. Deep down it just hurts. I made a post the other day about not being able to feel the spark and after digging deep that feeling went away and we had a conversation where I explained to her that the way she has been treated isn't okay and she deserves better, but I am left with this anger at those who's wronged me and truth be told anger at those who have wronged me especially in relationships. Me and her work hard daily to make the relationship work and overcome our anxieties and worry from the past. We love each other deeply and she's someone I want to spend my life with. I want to start a family with her. She's honestly my best friend and we get along so well. She's a beautiful soul. I feel like this is where all my anger at those who hurt her comes from because well no one deserves it.
I'm a Christian and she's not though I understand why knowing her background. My grandma always said God works in mysterious ways and my fatal flaw so to speak is being fired up on behalf of those who have been wronged. This relationship brings that front and center into every day life. Id really like for us to move on from our respective pasts and build a loving healthy future with a beautiful family.
submitted by Realistic_Pass_7026 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:43 SaltIsMySugar egg_irl

also I just got married ❤️
submitted by SaltIsMySugar to egg_irl [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:35 yrlovechild_ AITA for ruining my SIL’s birthday

Last night I (21F) attended my boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend’s—SIL, for the sake of this post although they aren’t married yet— (29F) birthday party alongside my boyfriend and his mother. We arrived early around 6:30PM to help set up. There were only a handful of people there at this time; SIL, BIL, 4 of their friends, my BF, his mom and me. We were all scattered around the house putting decorations up, setting games up, etc. My boyfriend’s mom and I were setting up the snacks and refreshments area so we would periodically walk into the kitchen to grab things. At one point as I was about to walk into the kitchen to grab something I saw SIL and 2 of her friends in there drinking and chatting, so I turned around because I’m sort of really shy and didn’t want to go in by myself -I was afraid of getting into small talk alone. I went back to ask my BF’s mom to come get the things in the kitchen with me. As we were walking we overheard part of the conversation that sounded like they were talking about me, so I put my hand on her to stop her. The conversation on me continued with them laughing and insulting my appearance, my personality, and SIL disclosing sensitive personal stories of mine to laugh at with her friends. I was probably standing there for a good minute until my BF’s mom sort of shook me and she might’ve said she was going to confront them but I felt like I was already mid panic attack so I walked away to find my BF. My BF was drinking with BIL and his friends when I found him and asked him for the car keys. They asked me if I was alright because I was visibly shaking. I just said I really needed to go home and told them not to worry. My BF and his mom walked with me to the car and when my BF asked me what was wrong I just bawled. I am still unable to fully articulate my feelings of panic but the situation of being surrounded by unfamiliar people in an unfamiliar environment plus knowing now that people hate me had gripped me so tight all I wanted to do was be as far away as possible but my body couldn’t run away as fast as my mind wanted me to. My BF’s mom filled my BF in on what we overheard. At some point BIL brought SIL out to check on me and my BF’s mom confronted her. The idea of more people coming outside to see what was going on made me want to throw up so my BF and I left. Not even an hour after I left, SIL was blowing up my phone texting and calling me saying I ruined her party and outrageously demanded I come back so people would know everything was ok and stop harassing her about me. I in fact did not go back. But I do feel guilty for how my reaction ruined her party AITA?
submitted by yrlovechild_ to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:27 radito99 Can a christian have a normal relationship without being engaged?

Hello, lovely people. I have a situation that I fell into. I met a boy, we become girlfriend and boyfriend, but he recently come out as s Christian and now he wants us to get engaged. I don't feel ready (I'm a christian, but I'm not dogmatic) I would like to get engaged after some time, when the relationship has developed more and i feel the moment. What could be the solutions? Do all Christians consider this as a must? is it a sin, according to the Christian religion, to live with someone without being engaged and consume your relationship? Is there anyone who has been in the same situation. I've heard that priest can read prayers for permission, but i am not sure... I would also like to ask something more. if this engagement falls apart, would my boyfriend, being this religious, can get engaged again. Thank you very much!
submitted by radito99 to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:23 Revolutionary_Gas246 the guy who likes my friend can't find out that she's gay

this is a situation my (17f) friend (17f) is in and she asked me to post this. i have a boyfriend (16m) and his friend (16m) has a crush on my friend. he never said for sure but it's obvious from the way he acts and my boyfriend told me several times something along the lines of "let's set them up" or "is there something going on between them?" so it's 99% sure. the thing is, my friend is gay and has a girlfriend but she doesn't want to come out, so the guy can't know. now i don't know what to tell my boyfriend if he mentions it again (my friend told me not to tell the truth and i respect her privacy, but we also know that if i play along and agree that we should set them up, he might tell his friend and give him false hope), so now me and my friend don't know what to do, any advice?
submitted by Revolutionary_Gas246 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:22 radito99 Can a Christian have a normal relationship without being engaged?

Hello, lovely people. I have a situation that I fell into. I met a boy, we become girlfriend and boyfriend, but he recently come out as s Christian and now he wants us to get engaged. I don't feel ready (I'm a christian, but I'm not dogmatic) I would like to get engaged after some time, when the relationship has developed more and i feel the moment. What could be the solutions? Do all Christians consider this as a must? is it a sin, according to the Christian religion, to live with someone without being engaged and consume your relationship? Is there anyone who has been in the same situation. I've heard that priest can read prayers for permission, but i am not sure... I would also like to ask something more. if this engagement falls apart, would my boyfriend, being this religious, can get engaged again. Thank you very much!
submitted by radito99 to religion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:20 Ok_Entertainer_7242 AMITA for starting to dislike my boyfriend because of his new friends?

I (28f) have been with my boyfriend (34m) for about 2,5 years. Ever since I met him he was a really mature guy who mostly had female friends and a couple older guy friends who were also quite emotionally mature with good values. My boyfriend met up with them occasionally for some catch up dinners and I also spent time with them together. He was never interested in going out alone, in fact we always went out together as we share the same hobby, we dance salsa, so usually we go to all the same parties as it's not a very big community. My boyfriend always seemed to be pretty calm, mature and respectful. Until now... we had a a hiccup in our relationship and broke up for about 2 months. In that time he became close with some guys in the salsa community who like to go out a lot and flirt with various girls, they are all single and usually go dancing with the main purpose of meeting more girls. He really enjoys being a part of this group, it's a new experience for him as before he never really had a lot of guy friends. They go out together a lot, they have a group chat where they talk about the girls they met, share pictures of their "trophies" and overall give me a whole "bros" vibe. We are now back together but he still has this group friend that he likes to go out with, so now we spend a little less time together compared to before but that's not really an issue. On one hand I'm happy that he has new friends that he likes so much and that he is so happy and I think time apart has been good for us. BUT I have noticed that he has changed. If we go dancing, he only cares if his friends are coming, he's constantly messaging with them and I know that the conversations that they are having are really inappropriate, as he puts it "it's a guy thing to talk about girls and ass, everyone does it, girls just don't get it". I know one of his friends records sexual activities using his indoor camera without the girls knowledge and my boyfriend doesn't see an issue with that (which scares me). He also thinks it's ok to make fun of your girlfriends / wives as again it's a "guy thing to do" but I think that's teallly disrespectful and afraid that he is also making me fun of me now. Overall his friends are really immature, they don't respect relationships and loyalty and they flirt with girls just for the game of it, so I can only imagine what type of environment he is hanging out in. I trust my boyfriend, I don't think he's cheating on me but I'm starting to be afraid of the "peer pressure" that he's gonna be under. A guy that I once knew as a really mature homely guy is now one of the "bros" who constantly wants to have guys nights out, I'm really starting to dislike this new version of him even though I like to see how happy he is. What do I do now?
submitted by Ok_Entertainer_7242 to okstorytime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:19 radito99 Can a christian have a normal relationship without being engaged?

Hello, lovely people. I have a situation that I fell into. I met a boy, we become girlfriend and boyfriend, but he recently come out as s Christian and now he wants us to get engaged. I don't feel ready (I'm a christian, but I'm not dogmatic) I would like to get engaged after some time, when the relationship has developed more and i feel the moment. What could be the solutions? Do all Christians consider this as a must? is it a sin, according to the Christian religion, to live with someone without being engaged and consume your relationship? Is there anyone who has been in the same situation. I've heard that priest can read prayers for permission, but i am not sure... I would also like to ask something more. if this engagement falls apart, would my boyfriend, being this religious, can get engaged again. Thank you very much!
submitted by radito99 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:08 Pretend_Ad_8806 I (30F) need to breakup with my boyfriend (32M) but should I wait until after our vacation?

I've been with my boyfriend for 6 months. I started suspecting he was still speaking to his long-distance FWB. He lied about it for 3 weeks and then finally broke down and apologized that there was an overlap where he visited her 1 month into our relationship and they kept talking. I asked if they still keep in touch and he said absolutely not because he told her he has a girlfriend and it's not appropriate.
We reconciled and continued on a new page, but I've checked her social media on a fake account I made and I see she tagged him in her story about something I assume is a private joke. After seeing that, I really doubt they stopped speaking altogether like he insists. At this point, I am exhausted from fact checking him and want to forget about these two people and move on with my life alone.
I have a week vacation with him in 2 weeks' time. I really want to go - I've booked and planned everything out - but I can't afford to pay for his half if we break up. I've considered asking him if we can go as friends, but I'm worried that will just make the situation even more unpredictable.
I'm wondering if it's better to pretend everything is okay, go on the vacation and then end things with him afterwards. But I feel like I am hurting myself by spending so much time with someone who betrayed me and who is continuing to make me feel betrayed. Even worse, I'm worried letting this go for 3 more weeks will make me forget and I won't break up with him.
I'm wondering how to deal with this vacation, keep my sanity and be honest about the fate of this relationship?
I'm also wondering whether I should message the other girl?
submitted by Pretend_Ad_8806 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:04 MassiveChidhood Before accusing my boyfriend of bullying me, I should acknowledge that I am a very insecure and low self-esteem person.

I'm 25F and my boyfriend, who is 27M, have been together for roughly two and a half years. Is there any hope we overcome our judgements ? How can I keep him in my life?
We've always had great times together and had a lot of fun, but we've also had arguments from time to time about things like how disrespectful I am of myself or how he is being a manipulator and a lying person. For more background, let me say that I've always had such low self-esteem for a number of childhood and teenage issues that should definitely be dealt with through therapy, and as far as I'm concerned he has always found a way to influence every disagreement so that he comes out on top. Yet I know for sure, we love and genuinely care about one another and we're great at doing things together and overall making each other's lives simpler!
We've been fighting nearly every day for the past three months or more. We endured a great deal of stress, pressure and failures, including both of us losing our jobs and dealing with personal, friends and family problems. and it's almost inevitable since we're living together. Life has not been easy.
I am the boring girlfriend with the grandmotherly hobbies and very nothing that interests him, but he is a smart guy with incredible amount of knowledge, and he is always the one with the most brains and news, this also I do admit. That's all he's been complaining about recently, I really want to come up with something that he could appreciate, so I'm doing my best to suggest plans, movies... r discuss the things and concepts I know of or care about. However, he dislikes and dismiss pretty much of what I offer,
Though I think this is just tipping in the other direction, I truly appreciate having him in my life, and want to keep him in.
Please HELP !
submitted by MassiveChidhood to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:04 herecomesthehurrican How do I (21F) convince my mom (47F) to let me go on a weekend trip with my boyfriend (25M)?

Me (21F) and my boyfriend (25M) have been dating for around 3 months and things have been going really great, he makes me very very happy! We have been planning a short trip in August to another part of our country, just 3 hours away from our city. He has gone on some work trips so this is normal for him. However I haven't even slept outside of my home once. I never went to sleepover or gone on a trip with my girlfriends or family outside of my parents and brother. I thought that since my parents already know my boyfriend pretty well, they would be fine with this. However I told my mom (47F) about the trip yesterday and she freaked out. She just kept saying she won't let me, that is not safe, it's not the time etc etc. I thought that was very strange since 1. We are going to a city that I know very well already and 2. Even though I don't have a stable job because I am doing a masters degree, I made more than enough for the trip already, so I am not asking for any money. I insisted on knowing why she wouldn't let me go, and she finally admited that she's ashamed that I would sleep in the same bed as a man that I've been dating for less than a year... I told her that it should be my decision to make, and that I feel very comfortable with the idea of going with him. We're adults, of course we could have sex, it's not like we would be doing something wrong... I don't know what to make of this situation... How can I convince her to let me go? Although I am legally an adult, I still live with my family so they should also have a say in the matter... But so far I haven't been able to make her see how flawed her logic is and how she is treating me like a child. I also have another obstacle which is my dad and my grandmother that I am sure will take side with my mom... What should I do or say to convince her?
TLDR: My mom won't let me and my boyfriend go on a weekend trip to another city. We both live with our families but we both have our own money. She is scared because we would have to sleep with each other and we having only been dating for less than a year.
submitted by herecomesthehurrican to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:57 Scary-Philosophy545 Is it impossible to only find your other half attractive?

Im a ‘19 F’ and i’ve been reading responses on bfs looking at other women or finding other women attractive while being with their girlfriends. I understand people are saying its normal, but I really want to know if its completely impossible to only find the person you are dating attractive because everyone is saying it is. I have a boyfriend ‘18M’ we have been together for 5 months and he really is the only guy i find attractive. I can stare at boys for a long time and not think or feel anything. I would even test myself and ask them if they are attractive but I genuinely can’t find anyone other than my boyfriend attractive. Please tell me i’m not the only one who feels this way. I doubt i’m in denial, i just want to know if any one else can relate.
submitted by Scary-Philosophy545 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:41 ameliaxx4 I think my best friend's boyfriend has a thing for me and I dont know what to do

Before I start the story I wanna say that English isnt my first language so if you see some mistakes dont mind them. Lets call my best friend Emma. Emma(16F) and I(16F) have been friends for about a year now, we're extremely close, practically like sisters, and we went through so much together. She had a few boyfriends and I meet them all, although none of them were good to her. So she broke up with her latest boyfriend around 2 months ago and she was devastated. Around begining of May we went out of town for a trip with a few of out friends, and we met this guy. Turns out he went to the same school as Emma did. All of us became pretty close. The last day of our trip Emma told me that she thinks he's kind of cute, and that she might have a crush on him, however we laughed it off. After iur trip, the friendgroup agreed to meet up with him at a Cafe. While we were there I noticed him glancing at me a few times. I still think I imagined it, but even when one of our friends were talking and I was looking at them, he continuously kept glancing over at me, and while he was telling stories and stuff he kept looking at me. Its worth to mention that I had a boyfriend at the time. After that, my bestfriend texted me that she really liked him. I told her that she should ask him out and get to know him better. After that they started talking a lot more and hanging out a lot more since they were going to the same school. I forgot everything about the glances he gave me since I didnt really care, I had a boyfriend and I didnt pay that much though to other men. A few weeks ago, Emma told me that he asked her to be his girlfriend, and I was so happy for her. We went out the next day to celebrate. I dont know if this is worth mentioning but I broke up with my boyfriend in the mean time, thats a long story might post that aswell. Anyway, one time I was hanging out with them, and Emma and I were really drunk, I was sitting next to her, her boyfriend on the other end hugging her, and suddenly I felt a hand on my knee. I noticed that it was her boyfriends hand and I felt really disgusted, although I brushed it off thinking that it was a mistake and that he didnt notice it was my leg instead of hers. Well yesterday, Emma and her boyfriend were at my house, it was 40°C(104°F) outside so I was wearing shorts and a crop top. He was in my living room with Emma, I walked in to ask Emma something and from the corner of my eye I saw her boyfriend looking me up and down. Thats the last thing worth mentioning. I feel like im making all of this up and that Im just overly paranoid, but this is the first good relationship she had and I dont want it to be ruined because her man is in love with someone else. Please tell me im making all of this up and that im just delusional. If not, I dont know what I should do. Do I tell her? Im afraid she might get mad at me, I dont want to lose my best friend over this.
submitted by ameliaxx4 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:39 hotpotato128 Who cares about other people's sex life? I thought about why I have been single forever.

I am a 33 year old, Indian-American. Acquaintances have asked me about my sexual history. I am a virgin and never been in a relationship. I have dated, held hands, and kissed before.
I never ask people those type of questions. I might ask a friend, "How is your girlfriend/boyfriend doing?" That's all. I wouldn't ask any woman I'm dating, if she's a virgin.
I know why I am a virgin. I prefer to wait till marriage instead of hooking up casually. There are several reasons why I am single. One reason is shyness. Another reason is being picky.
I prefer to date Indian women. They also prefer men to make the first move.
submitted by hotpotato128 to virgin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:39 Ok_Entertainer_7242 AITAH for starting to dislike my boyfriend because of his new friends?

I (28f) have been with my boyfriend (34m) for about 2,5 years. Ever since I met him he was a really mature guy who mostly had female friends and a couple older guy friends who were also quite emotionally mature with good values. My boyfriend met up with them occasionally for some catch up dinners and I also spent time with them together. He was never interested in going out alone, in fact we always went out together as we share the same hobby, we dance salsa, so usually we go to all the same parties as it's not a very big community. My boyfriend always seemed to be pretty calm, mature and respectful. Until now... we had a a hiccup in our relationship and broke up for about 2 months. In that time he became close with some guys in the salsa community who like to go out a lot and flirt with various girls, they are all single and usually go dancing with the main purpose of meeting more girls. He really enjoys being a part of this group, it's a new experience for him as before he never really had a lot of guy friends. They go out together a lot, they have a group chat where they talk about the girls they met, share pictures of their "trophies" and overall give me a whole "bros" vibe. We are now back together but he still has this group friend that he likes to go out with, so now we spend a little less time together compared to before but that's not really an issue. On one hand I'm happy that he has new friends that he likes so much and that he is so happy and I think time apart has been good for us. BUT I have noticed that he has changed. If we go dancing, he only cares if his friends are coming, he's constantly messaging with them and I know that the conversations that they are having are really inappropriate, as he puts it "it's a guy thing to talk about girls and ass, everyone does it, girls just don't get it". I know one of his friends records sexual activities using his indoor camera without the girls knowledge and my boyfriend doesn't see an issue with that. He also thinks it's ok to make fun of your girlfriends / wives as again it's a "guy thing to do" but I think that's teallly disrespectful and afraid that he is also making me fun of me now. Overall his friends are really immature, they don't respect relationships and loyalty and they flirt with girls just for the game of it, so I can only imagine what type of environment he is hanging out in. I trust my boyfriend, I don't think he's cheating on me but I'm starting to be afraid of the "peer pressure" that he's gonna be under. A guy that I once knew as a really mature homely guy is now one of the "bros" who constantly wants to have guys nights out, I'm really starting to dislike this new version of him even though I like to see how happy he is. What do I do now?
submitted by Ok_Entertainer_7242 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:29 Smooth-Housing1979 AITAH?

Aitah for painting my girlfriend's naked ex boyfriend?
I m20 have been studying art since I fell in love with drawing as a very young child. As my dad wad always into cartoonic characters and such, he got me hooked on it too. My parents never forced me into my studies, never really made me feel like there was pressure to get a good job. After years of drawing as a hobby I soon took art as a subject in school. That's when I met Anna, she was an exchange student over for some time. In her course she had to take every class, one of them being art. I was assigned her to show her around the room, teach her some basic stuff etc.
Anna and I soon started dating and it became serious pretty quick. She moved in with me and every two months she'd either go back to France to visit her mother or her mother would come here. Soon enough Anna chose her subjects that she wanted to stick with, which were technology, applied maths and biology.
After our mid term break, in art we were going yo be doing something called still life. Where we have to draw something that's up front. A primary source. I assumed we'd be given a vase or a shoe to draw, yet a man walked in. One of the other exchange students, his name was Philipe.
He was tall, muscular and had a bit of a beard coming through. His features were very distinct which would be perfect to draw. Our teacher set up our tables as Philipe stood in the centre of the room and began to strip. It wasn't uncommon for us to draw people naked, it just didn't happen every day. You'd get your usual giggles from the girls, maybe a couple from the guys too, depending on the preferences.
The class in total was two hours long which wasn't nearly enough so our teacher said we'd be working on him for the next month. As I packed up my belongings I headed home to Anna. As I told her all about art her face dropped. She looked pale, stopping in the mirror as she adjusted her hair.
"Philipe is my ex" she spoke softly.
I didn't see this as a big issue as I was the one drawing him not her so I brushed it off. It wasn't until Anna became so odd and distant whenever I talked about art class to her.
Time went by and the longer she ignored me the more confused I was. It wasn't even just her, it was her friends too. Shoving me in the hallways or giving me dirty looks.
I had enough of it.
Eventually I pulled her aside after class into the janitors closet. I asked her why she's so tense about me drawing her ex boyfriend. She told me how she would call it cheating on me. Asked how I'd feel if she was drawing my ex. I told her I'd see no issue in it as its art nothing more. She didnt like my response and headed out the door. She hasn't been home in a week, her friend admitted that she's staying with her.
I really don't understand how it's considered cheating, aitah?
submitted by Smooth-Housing1979 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:25 Patie08 Have I (22F) committed too early to my boyfriend (23M)?

I've (22F) been dating my boyfriend (23M) for around a month. It all moved pretty fast at the start. I usually take a long time to start to feel romantically towards people but with him it was instant. I felt a strong crush like I never have before. We got into a relationship very quick and have been meeting eachothers friends and family. It's all been going great as I really like him and we get along great.
We spent a couple nights apart last week and since seeing him again, I'm questioning whether my feelings are romantic or not. We're still being affectionate and having sex but I'm not feeling the same as I did at the start. When I think about our future it all seems nice but it's not exciting me anymore. I like being around him and it's super comfortable but I don't feel I have super strong romantic feelings.
He's in love with me and is very clear about his feelings. When he asked me to be his girlfriend I was happy as we had already been acting like it anyway. Now I'm worried I committed too early in. I definitely don't want to leave him as I'm really enjoying our time together. I just can't tell if I'm feeling the way I'm supposed to.
Has anyone felt this way near the start of the relationship to get over it and fall in love later? I've only had one relationship before so I don't have much to compare it to. I recall that one being a slow burn but I think I'm just upset my feelings were so strong and now they're not. Whereas previously my feelings just grew slowly over time.
submitted by Patie08 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:21 herecomesthehurrican How do I (21F) convince my mom (47F) to let me go on a weekend trip with my boyfriend (25M)?

Me (21F) and my boyfriend (25M) have been dating for around 3 months and things have been going really great, he makes me very very happy! We have been planning a short trip in August to another part of our country, just 3 hours away from our city. He has gone on some work trips so this is normal for him. However I haven't even slept outside of my home once. I never went to sleepover or gone on a trip with my girlfriends or family outside of my parents and brother. I thought that since my parents already know my boyfriend pretty well, they would be fine with this. However I told my mom (47F) about the trip yesterday and she freaked out. She just kept saying she won't let me, that is not safe, it's not the time etc etc. I thought that was very strange since 1. We are going to a city that I know very well already and 2. Even though I don't have a stable job because I am doing a masters degree, I made more than enough for the trip already, so I am not asking for any money. I insisted on knowing why she wouldn't let me go, and she finally admited that she's ashamed that I would sleep in the same bed as a man that I've been dating for less than a year... I told her that it should be my decision to make, and that I feel very comfortable with the idea of going with him. We're adults, of course we could have sex, it's not like we would be doing something wrong... I don't know what to make of this situation... How can I convince her to let me go? Although I am legally an adult, I still live with my family so they should also have a say in the matter... But so far I haven't been able to make her see how flawed her logic is and how she is treating me like a child. I also have another obstacle which is my dad and my grandmother that I am sure will take side with my mom... What should I do or say to convince her?
TLDR: My mom won't let me and my boyfriend go on a weekend trip to another city. We both live with our families but we both have our own money. She is scared because we would have to sleep with each other and we having only been dating for less than a year.
submitted by herecomesthehurrican to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:06 Jap_Pride Has anyone seen this before? Is this considered rare?

Has anyone seen this before? Is this considered rare?
My girlfriend’s sister’s boyfriend got it from his workplace. Has anyone seen this before?
submitted by Jap_Pride to YetiCoolers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:02 imakebadmemes3552 Probably am the asshole

I was just biking earlier when a group of girls stopped when I was about to turn right (local street) while a couple came from the corner a second after the girls stopped (I was a little behind the group) I braked and stood on my usual leg a little before I fully stopped I accidentally bumped the girlfriend a little and she didn't really get bothered. Then here comes the boyfriend: "ang tanga mo naman mag-bike blah blah" I said sorry and biked away and he was saying something but I couldn't hear him right... oopsie Maybe it's because I didn't say sorry but yeah. Just wanted to share (after reading through the entire thing... Yeah I'm probably the asshole)
submitted by imakebadmemes3552 to RedditPHCyclingClub [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:55 Luckycat1102 Does dating in middle school counts as dating?

I (F14) had 4 “relationships” (I don’t know if they are count as ones), but I can’t say I have lots of attention from guys, because mostly I dated my friends. My first bf was my first male friend and I had him when I was 11 and at the same age I had my first kiss. I dated him only due to my desperate for romance. After moving to another part of city we broke up. Then one of my new classmates asked me out after few days after the start of 5th grade and out of curiosity I agreed. And then until 6th grade he ghosted me and sometimes gave me presents, but mostly payed attention to his friends before we broke up. Then at the end of 6th grade I asked out my friend (with both broke up with our partners. He broke up with his online girlfriend with whom he was having distant relationship for few days) and we were dating until he moved to another country at the middle of summer. Right now we have distant relationship. But before that we decide to break and become friends and just stay in touch. Then it were few days before start of 7th grade one of my classmates asked me out by texting me. I decided to give him a chance and after two “dates” (we at first were at the park, when at his apartment and watched anime while cuddling) he started to ghost me and this thing lasted for few weeks. Now I am questioning if it would count as dating, because half of this “boyfriends” ghosted me. Also sometimes I feel embarrassed that I had some experience, because there’s many people who don’t date until 20s 😅.
submitted by Luckycat1102 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:50 Kind_Tap8887 How to ask a friend to be my girlfriend?

I am a 16 year old going into the senior year and have only had 1 other girlfriend. She cheated on me but that's a whole story in itself. I have a crush on this one girl now, let's call her E. E is Nice, Pretty, smart, athletic. Basically everything that I would like in a girlfriend. We have been classmates since middle school but we became better friends this year. I'm taking a lot of the same classes with her next year. I feel like she feels the same way about me. I am having trouble figuring out if she is single or not. She didn't go to prom with a date. E has a brother. I talk with him whenever I see him in the hallways. Should I ask him if E has a boyfriend or should I try tricking her into saying if she does or not (Ex. I liked prom but it felt a bit weird not taking anyone. Did you feel the same way). I am probably going to stay in touch with her over the summer but I'm not going to try and become boyfriend/girlfriend with her until the homecoming dance next year.
submitted by Kind_Tap8887 to highschool [link] [comments]