How to make friendship bracelet pattern

A Place For Crochet Patterns

2015.05.02 02:14 Agent_Honeydew A Place For Crochet Patterns

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2010.04.28 02:48 transcendhate Cross Stitch

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2013.01.29 00:24 aelendel Is it a meteorite, or is it slag?

Dedicated to identifying mysterious rocks and minerals.

2024.06.09 14:07 catastrophicqueen "Expectations" of Colin

Hi pals, I just wanted to see what people's thoughts on this were.
I saw someone on either threads or twitter (can't remember, it was a screenshot) saying that Colin's speech to Penelope in the carriage made no sense because he was talking about expectations of him when he's a third son with lots of money and is still young, he doesn't really have expectations to be dutiful. I think they also said that the "armour" that Violet mentioned wasn't there because he's not guarded.
However I think this person got what he was saying all wrong. I think that Colin was saying he was expected to be a (capital R) Rake™ because he was well travelled and dashing and not a first son/not titled, but that in fact he's kind of a hopeless romantic. He has come back this season sort of suddenly acting like a perfect flirt who goes to brothels, but I kind of wonder if that is the armour. He's acting how society expects him to as a confident bachelor when really he is someone who wants to get swept away in romance.
We saw in season 1 his eagerness to marry a girl who he fell in love with (too quickly mind you, having the friendship with Pen makes them much more stable imo haha), he wanted to sweep her away and get married as quickly as possible. He goes off on his adventures yet talks about the beauty of the sights rather than what he does and romanticizes everything to an extent. And then as soon as Penelope kisses him he allows himself to be sort of swept away into mildly crushing on her until he realizes that he loves her in the carriage.
I just feel like Colin is a hopeless romantic and his armour and speech about "meeting expectations" was about pretending not to be that when he really just is. He is someone who craves love and monogamy with a soulmate, but that's not how a bachelor in society (especially a 23 year old no less) is supposed to act, so he built up this rake persona we see in the first couple of episodes of the season, and in the last season when he made that remark, which imo was more about not courting anyone rather than it being specifically about Penelope.
So yeah, thoughts? Did the thread I saw misinterpret the situation or did I? I just feel like people are maybe jumping to think he means expectations as in duty to eventually settle down, when I think he means expectations of a young bachelor to be a rake.
submitted by catastrophicqueen to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:01 catastrophicqueen "Expectations" of Colin

Hi pals, I just wanted to see what people's thoughts on this were.
I saw someone on either threads or twitter (can't remember, it was a screenshot) saying that Colin's speech to Penelope in the carriage made no sense because he was talking about expectations of him when he's a third son with lots of money and is still young, he doesn't really have expectations to be dutiful. I think they also said that the "armour" that Violet mentioned wasn't there because he's not guarded.
However I think this person got what he was saying all wrong. I think that Colin was saying he was expected to be a (capital R) Rake™ because he was well travelled and dashing and not a first son/not titled, but that in fact he's kind of a hopeless romantic. He has come back this season sort of suddenly acting like a perfect flirt who goes to brothels, but I kind of wonder if that is the armour. He's acting how society expects him to as a confident bachelor when really he is someone who wants to get swept away in romance.
We saw in season 1 his eagerness to marry a girl who he fell in love with (too quickly mind you, having the friendship with Pen makes them much more stable imo haha), he wanted to sweep her away and get married as quickly as possible. He goes off on his adventures yet talks about the beauty of the sights rather than what he does and romanticizes everything to an extent. And then as soon as Penelope kisses him he allows himself to be sort of swept away into mildly crushing on her until he realizes that he loves her in the carriage.
I just feel like Colin is a hopeless romantic and his armour and speech about "meeting expectations" was about pretending not to be that when he really just is. He is someone who craves love and monogamy with a soulmate, but that's not how a bachelor in society (especially a 23 year old no less) is supposed to act, so he built up this rake persona we see in the first couple of episodes of the season, and in the last season when he made that remark, which imo was more about not courting anyone rather than it being specifically about Penelope.
So yeah, thoughts? Did the thread I saw misinterpret the situation or did I? I just feel like people are maybe jumping to think he means expectations as in duty to eventually settle down, when I think he means expectations of a young bachelor to be a rake.
submitted by catastrophicqueen to Bridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:53 No_Gur_3587 33[F4M]#Online looking for voice chat

I am looking for single man, above 29 and speaks English as main. Please introduce yourself or else get ignored. Looking for voice chats
Starting off completely anonymous for now, and if the vibe is great, we can move to discord (not a gamer but it works for voice call)
Hence NO SELFIE from you but I'd appreciate a voice note (use vocaroo site). If we move to discord then selfie exchange.
I think I tend to make better friendships when people have no idea how I look like. Here to build lasting friendships, that being said.. I won't be nice.
I'm from MALAYSIA so my time is GMT+8. I didn't put on the title because I'm not looking to meet up.
Connection has to be instant for me, that has what have worked in the past. I may disappear abruptly just like everyone else and I expect the same with you if the vibe isn't there. .
If you don't like politics and social media, please don't chat with me. Social media has it's down side but I think if you can get by it without getting toxic, it's a win in character.
Politics for me is fundamental to society. I think not caring about it is what makes society worse. Every vote counts.
submitted by No_Gur_3587 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:53 ManicCrush Tattooist didn't stick to the stencil and I hate it, what do I do?

Tattooist didn't stick to the stencil and I hate it, what do I do?
So, long story short I decided to get a sleeve tattoo. I have always wanted one and knew the kind of thing I wanted, never got round to following through. I went a bit manic and decided I wanted it now. Found the perfect inspiration pic that I adored and I was set. I asked around for tattooist good with that sort of style (mandalas) and got a recommendation from my sister that had one done on her ribs. I spoke to the artist, looked at her portfolio and was happy. We booked in for two weeks later, she drew up a design with the basic idea kept and we were good to go.
Here's the issue. I'm not fond of dot work, and really didn't want anything too heavy. My inspiration pic had a very open line work mandala and the stencil was also detailed with line work but not too heavy. When I got to the studio, me and the artist had a long discussion about the shading and what I wanted, how I didn't like dot work and didn't want a lot of shading and she was down with that. She asked if she could do a little as most have them and convinced me, so I said it would be fine in very small amounts, as long as we confirm as we go. She did the sleeve in sort of two parts, saying we'd do the bits connecting it all next session and I didn't notice the red flag.
She tattooed the stencil on, it looked fine and just needed the details. As we'd done the lower arm that day too I went away and came back for the next session. I told her again that I liked the design and was looking forward to putting the line work in. Now, I couldn't see my arm clearly because of its position but I felt a fair amount of shading I wasn't expecting, I checked in my awkward anxious way by saying how I liked that the design was very open and not too heavy to see what she said and she replied that she was keeping lots of space it looked good so I stupidly felt reassured that it was just light shading around it and put it out my mind. Later I feel dot work, I mentioned that it felt a lot like dot work and she said just touching up the bigger lines from last time (may have been true for that exact moment I don't know). Fast forward, she finishes, I look at it and Fuck my life its all dot work.... no line work, the stencil I agreed is non existent. She's basically done all detail in dot work and to make it worse, put a pattern in one of the only non shaded petals so its not even symmetrical. Now I have anxiety and find it hard to speak up so just kinda left and when she asked about booking in over text just smiled and said yeah awkwardly.
I found the best artist near me, not his style but he's renowned for being the best around. I wanted advice so popped in and asked him what I do. He's said she's basically taken all the options to fix it away. It's all dot work, in black ink, and that's kinda that. Bad lining he could've straightened up by thickening lines but she's filled the space. He said he can try and neaten it and finish the sleeve with bits that distract from it but ultimately it will be a heavy sleeve. I basically think it's fucked... and it's huge. I am gutted.
I don't even think laser removal would work on the dot work without fucking up the whole arm piece and I currently only have a 1000 left after paying her so I don't know how much money I have to fix it straight away. Do I just focus on making the upper arm look better or try to connect the two stencils first? I'm stuck and keep crying everytime I catch my arm in the mirror.
submitted by ManicCrush to ExpectationVsReality [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:47 feathernose Losing my best friend because cancer causes us to not be compatible anymore.

I need to get this off my chest because it hurts a lot, and maybe some of you can relate.
When i met my best friend, we used to go on all sorts of activities together. Skating, rock climbing, (acro)yoga, hiking, camping, traveling, etc…basically these things were what bonded us. I love her like a sister.
Now i receive palliative care and i can’t keep up with her anymore. So our shared interests are gone. She often sees other friends where she can do activities with, because she is a very active person, not someone to hang on the couch with. And when she hangs on the couch, it’s before bedtime with her fiancee.
I talked with her a few times and she said the doesn’t think lesser of me, and she really tries to take my low energy levels into account when doing things together. But it just doesn’t make her happy when she is not able to do the activities on the highest level possible for her. She needs to challenge herself.
She also trains a lot to grow better in rock climbing. I used to do the same, and our level always was close to each other, also because we trained together a lot. But my body isn’t the same anymore. I’m lucky if i can climb one of the easiest route. I lost a lot of muscle mass after 12 rounds of chemo and gained some weight in fat. So climbing got much more difficult even though i still love it.
It just hurts to see our friendship slip away like this. She hangs out more with people who can keep up with her, and i understand. Our goals are not the same anymore, because i just can’t have the same goals anymore. I noticed she treats me colder than before, our friendship is just turning into being acquaintances.
I feel like the only people who want to hang around with me are either male friends who want to hang out and hook up with me, or other people who are a bit boring to me because we don’t share interests. A friendship shouldn’t be one sided, but how can it be two sided if i don’t have the energy to put in? I feel like i’m losing everyone.
Anyone can relate?
submitted by feathernose to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:45 WantedMarshmallow115 I want to make Allen Walker uniform (red one) instead of buying but I don't know where to start or how to make it. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi, I do have some experience in sewing, I have made like two cosplays (fem loki and and chuuya) and some general outfits before so I don't consider myself completely noob. However, I'm completely lost with this cosplay as I don't even know where to start or how to make it. I'm not great at pattern making even though I have made some before, so recommending patterns or comission pattern makers would also be of help.
Please help with this cos😭
submitted by WantedMarshmallow115 to CosplayHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:44 Patient_West6778 How do I start from scratch?

Could be a long winded post. Sorry in advance.
I'm a 26yo man who over time has lost essentially all connections with past friends and family. Before I say I don't have anyone; I have one close interpersonal relationship with my GF who I cherish. We have lived together for the past 8 years. My concern is that I'm becoming emotionally overdependent on her because I simply have no-one else. I get on well with her family but the connection is not quite the same as having your own parents/ siblings etc. and I wouldn't say that I am particularly close with them. Although I love her and don't have a reason to think something would split us up, I am conscious of the fact that "life can happen" and things can be unpredictable. This was a sobering thought as I realised that if anything did happen, I would be utterly alone. I would have no-one to pick me up if I had to go to hospital, no one to help if I was sick, no one to call if I was having a bad day. The list goes on and it's scary. Moreover, one person cannot be absolutely everything and I don't want to place any burden on her she shouldn't have to shoulder. It is something I have become acutely aware of lately.
You might ask how did I get here? The primary reason is that I, along with my siblings were raised in a highly abusive household. As soon as we got old enough, we got the heck out of dodge. This is the short version of course and have only in the last few years gone n/c with my father as finally became too destructive (as much as I really didn't want to). I have some very infrequent contact with some siblings but for the most part we have scattered to the four winds. I think for some of us, seeing each other again reminds us of the past and would rather move on. As for extended family, they were never really interested or didn't want to get involved so buried their heads in the sand. Adversely, I had many friendships throughout high school and university. However, I lost them all due to constantly moving chasing work in distant cities with my GF. I had kind of a "run away" complex and maintaining friendships with people I grew up got harder to maintain from the other side of the state. Some close friendships I regret that I was also responsible for jeopardising.
Since then, I've been trying to network more with people and create friendships but wow it is difficult. I've tried local clubs, trivia nights at the local but people seem to already have a core set of friends or are simply on different wavelengths. I have tried meetups, friendship apps but they are a minefield of volatile personalities or have nothing in common. I have managed to make a casual friend but we are not close and I'd consider him closer to a drinking buddy than a good friend.
Has anyone been in this spot that could give me some advice? How do I become independent and gain grounding in creating a circle of supportive relationships that aren't just my GF?
tl;dr: My question is how do I create a network of supportive relationships from almost nothing?
submitted by Patient_West6778 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:38 Kaktus98 Trauma concerning an old friend who has an impact in my present life

Hi everyone !
First of all, sorry if my English is bad it’s not my foreign language. My mom left me when I was 5 after an argue with my dad. I always seek for woman validation because of that. I care a lot about friendship.
My first friend treat me like shit and I was jealous that she had other friends than me but she wasn’t the worst.
I met a girl in 2010. We became friends. She was awful with me. She was bully at school because of her physical apparence (people said to her when she was a child that she’s ugly). She decided to become a bimbo. Blond platine, a lot of make up, heels. When we went out together she had a lot of male attention and it was never bother me. But one time, a man looked at me and she tell me that usually it’s her who is in this position. She treated me like shit. She tell me that if she was me she probably kill herself. No one look at me. I’m ugly and I’m impress with her beauty (it’s ridiculous). I was rape and she was next to me and laugh ………. She has mythomaniac tendencies, she lied a lot about her origin, the job of her parent. Each time we met other people, she tell me that this person said that I’m ugly.
Before her, no one has ever criticized my physical apparence. Our friendship end one year after (fortunately)
Before meeting this woman, I don’t care if my friends was approach or see by a man. It didn’t bother me. The same when I walk alone I don’t seek male attention. But when I walk with a friend, I feel very insecure since this event. I’m afraid of my friend having a lot of gaze on her and that she feels superior or better than me and sometimes I feel bad because it’s confirm what this friend said to me (that no one care about me). I feel in competition with friends because of that. I can’t enjoy the moment with my feminine friend …
Lately, I went out with a friend. She is very shy usually . A man look at her and suddenly she became enthusiastic and wanted to sit next to this man even though she has a boyfriend. She became very happy after she was more extroverted.
She is very nice but I feel like she’s in need to man approval to feel good. And after my experience, I don’t want to be friend with that kind of person. Because if she thinks she has more value when a man looks at her, she will want to feel in competition with me and will think she is better than (like my old friend). I just think about cut off with her just because of that.
I’m too afraid about being the ugly friend and my friend feels better than me. Even when I go out with friends that don’t seek male validation I feel insecure and think she thinks that they’re better than me.
How can I do to live as if I’ve never met this woman who traumatized me ?
Thank you in advance.
submitted by Kaktus98 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:36 Oleffa Supply and Demand: Why DRS matters, and did we already lock the float?

Supply and Demand: Why DRS matters, and did we already lock the float?
Servus Werte Affen des deutschen GameStop Unters. Was für eine verrückte Woche. Ich habe mich ein bisschen mit den DRS zahlen beschäftigt und bin mir ziemliche sicher wir haben wesentlich mehr als 75 millionen aktien DRSt. Habe aber leider nicht genug Karma um in Superstonk zu posten. Entschuldigt daher bitte den angelsächsischen Pfosten. Falls gewünscht kann ich noch eine Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch schreiben. Ich wäre euch sehr verbunden wenn ihr diesen Post dem englischen Unter zuspielen könntet.
In this post I perform an analysis of DRS numbers with the result that the true DRS numbers might be much higher than 75 million. I discuss the implications of this finding to address recent uncertainty around the recent share offering by GameStop.
TADR: Shills try to anchor DRS numbers => We might have already locked the float => RC knows we did => RC has proof of a short scheme => Dilution does not matter => Hedgies are fucked
Currently negative sentiment in all GameStop subs is based on the following 3 points:
1. “Ryan Cohen betrayed our trust; Ryan Cohen killed the momentum.” Which momentum? The stock goes up like many times before. This is not a squeeze. No one is getting margin called, I don’t see any phone numbers. RK’s stream showed that in the range of 30-60$ they are very much able to drop the price any time they want.
2. “GameStop/Ryan Cohen have no plan and have done nothing in the past 3 years.” We simply have to be patient before we can draw a conclusion on this point. But let’s revisit the 2023 annual report on page 4 “Business strategy”: Achieve Profitability in fiscal 2023 and streamlining the business. The company achieved profitability and although revenue went down in 2024 so far, percentage wise spending goes down faster. All according to plan. Since the goals for 2023 were achieved and more cash was raised, the chances of GameStop announcing new plans and pivoting towards a growth strategy are high in my opinion. However, note that in last year’s shareholder meeting nothing with regard to the strategy was mentioned.
3. “The share offering is diluting and undoing DRS progress and making it impossible for us to ever achieve the goal of locking the float. DRS is dead”. If you believe that shorts have not closed, dilution is not a big factor compared to the dilution from naked short selling.
So, what about DRS?
Why do all the negative posters point out we “only” DRSed 75 million shares and that it will be “impossible” to DRS the float? Let us reiterate what we know about DRS:
1. The last official and reliable DRS numbers are from April 2022 (recall the DRS Rugpulls in the following 2 quarters and the following stagnation ever since).
2. GameStop changed the official communication multiple times after October 2022, obfuscating the true DRS number, likely because of external pressure. They went from reporting the accurate CS number to an approximate based on DTCC reported numbers (304 million outstanding shares – 206 million DTCC reported shares = 75 million).
3. However in March 2023 Gamestop gave us one new datapoint: the number of record holders which was 197058.
4. GameStop and Computershare know the true DRS numbers.
5. To my knowledge there is no proof that locking the float will cause MOASS. It has always been the goal but we simply don't know what happens.
6. We need to BOOK shares at Computershare, otherwise there are still ways to mess with our shares.
7. We know that DRS takes away liquidity (falling volume over the years) and hurts the shorts. Every time shill attacks occur, they target DRS. For example, they tried to spread FUD during the move to book our shares which was obviously good for retail investors once we learned about it.
I believe that the current shill strategy is to demoralize by anchoring 75 million as the default DRS number and that it is not moving up at all. Conveniently the latest share offering is also 75 million shares. Surely DRS must be dead if we make no progress right?
But what if the true DRS numbers are much higher? The number being stuck just does not make sense, many fellow apes, including me, are still buying and DRSing, which implies that there must be an equally large amount of people selling DRSed shares. And you are telling me that for more than 2 year there has been almost perfect balance between buy and sell side on CS? Talk about trading sideways…
Especially puzzling is that the DRS numbers on computershared, which have been very accurate initially, have still gone up before a short time later the reddit API was shut down and the DRS bot stopped working. Very convenient that we lost the ability to estimate DRS ownership around the same time the numbers began to be obfuscated.
Just focusing on the DRS numbers for prediction is not very precise. Additionally, we cannot really trust the numbers reported after April 2022 so we don't have many datapoints. Instead, I propose to look at the amount of money apes spend on DRSing shares and extrapolate that. It is a number with much more meaning to the individual investor, subject to less noise and tied to the true stock price we can observe. The method works as follows:
1. Compute how much the average CS account owner spent per quarter on GameStop Shares based on the past reliable DRS numbers. (based on facts)
2. Extrapolate the average spend for quarters in which DRS numbers stagnated. (approximation)
3. Use the official number of record holders and the true stock price to predict growth in DRS numbers. (based on facts)
In doing so we are making the least amount of assumptions by using official numbers whenever we can: the official number of record holders, the stock price and the DRS numbers from computershared when they matched the official numbers.
Figure 1 - DRS extrapolation. Red: share price, Green: DRS number, Orange: Number of CS accounts, Purple: Average quarterly spend on DRS
In Figure 1 I plotted in red the share price from before the sneeze in 2021 until Friday 7.6.2024 (6/7/2024 for the US apes). The green and orange lines show the DRS estimate and number of CS accounts from computershared(dot)net. In purple I plotted the amount of $ spent per CS account that had to occur to achieve the increase of the green DRS numbers in the preceding quarter based on the average price during that period.
We can see that in the initial DRS period apes spent on average $20k on DRSing shares. This number is likely inflated because people did not just DRS new shares but also shares accumulated since the sneeze in 2021. But for the following quarter we can see that money spent to DRS new shares was around $5000 in March 2022 decreasing to $1800 in March 2023. This comes down to the OG apes spending about 600$ per month to DRS the float. Pretty reasonable number imo. The decrease of spending over time is just natural as engagement with the stock decreased during a long period of the price slowly going down. Actually, the decay of spending matches exactly the decrease in activity of the Superstonk sub:
Figure 2
BUT the price decreasing at the same time with a similar decay pattern has interesting effects. Even when the average spend on DRSing goes down, the net number of shares that were locked away might have increased linearly.
In Figure 1 in light purple I show my extrapolation of the average quarterly spending. I assumed a decrease in the willingness to spend of 10% every quarter, going down to an average quarterly spending of $1000 as of today. At the same time, I assumed no new apes DRSing and modelled apes going inactive by decreasing the net amount of CS accounts by 5% per quarter. Hence the dashed orange line is trending lower since the last official number we got. The numbers give us predictions that follow the trendline from the purple slowly decreasing true average quarterly spending.
Now on to the final observation. Even with conservative estimates of no new apes coming in, existing apes going inactive and the interest in DRS decreasing during the period from March 2023 to now, we have most likely DRSed almost the entire float of 153 million Shares (shown by the light green dashed line) or we are at least significantly above 100 million. Interestingly we were likely close to locking the entire float this May, right when volume increased, the price skyrocketed, DFV returned, and GameStop issued more shares.
We cannot really model the selling pressure from apes selling DRS shares, but it is quite likely that the buying pressure was higher than my conservative prediction and that new apes started DRSing.
This method assumes that the stagnation in reported DRS numbers starting 2023 is not accurate.
This method extrapolates the average quarterly spend and the number of CS accounts.
The method is based on the DRS estimates from computershared during the time they matched the officially reported DRS numbers.
There are simplifications like averaging price over a quarter and not taking into account volume.
In a free and transparent market, the price of a stock is determined by supply and demand. DRS is reducing the Supply of shares and creates a baseline of demand. Assuming we reduced the supply to a small fraction of the outstanding shares, the price should rise. But we know that the price went down during the entire time we DRSed shares. This implies that there is either no demand at all or heavy dilution from short selling counteracting the DRS movement.
And RC proved that there is in fact high demand, leaving only short selling on the table. In May 2024 the company heavily increased the number of outstanding shares with the 45 million share offering (potentially up to120 million). According to the supply and demand model, the price should decrease. But oh wait, the price has tripled during that time on no news or fundamental changes (GameStop even says this in one of their latest filings). RK shows on stream he is just a goofball, has not yet exercised his calls and that the price can be manipulated at a whim. This means there is demand not tied to RK or business fundamentals that far surpasses the 45 (or 120) million new shares offered and that the price is most likely manipulated by short selling.
What is RC’s perspective?
He would know the true DRS numbers and if we really locked the float in the last 3 years, he would have proof of a short selling scheme against the company following the above simple logical argument. With this proof this would allow him to raise billions in cash for the company without compromising MOASS because further dilution is dwarfed by the amount of naked shares which must exist to explain the recent insane volume on no shares available. Furthermore, the share offering raises the minimum price per share to $10-$12, completely killing the short thesis. Overall the DRS numbers are important for exposing and combating the rampant short selling by reducing supply of shares.
Finally, to show how ridiculous the stagnant 75 million DRS number is:
Figure 3
The number of active CS accounts would need to decrease 25% every quarter and the average monthly spending on DRS to go down 50% every quarter to 50$ per quarter for the remaining accounts to achieve such a stagnation.
submitted by Oleffa to Spielstopp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:36 yvwoiseautov Dear INFJs, is it easy for you to let someone in as a friend?

I particularly like to befriend an INFJ woman. What can I do to gain her trust? I'd love to know but I don't have the skills. I'm not great in emotional intelligence, I like her because I saw her as genuine person. All my life I've attracted ppl who only needs me for my academic smart. I couldn't spend anymore emotional energy to invest in friendship that aren't build to last. I think she's the one, the one true friend for me. How can I built a genuine friendship with INFJs, as I'm scared of making the wrong move because I think I'm not very emotionally intelligent.
submitted by yvwoiseautov to infj [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:32 MyLittleThrowaway918 AITA for not cutting out my best friend's toxic ex?

Back in college, two of my good friends, let's call them Chloe and Mark, entered a relationship. It started out really sweet, but pretty soon cracks started to show. They would spend every waking minute together, which led to many arguments and much drama between them. I was always that friend people felt comfortable ranting to, so I always got to hear both sides of the story and promised myself I wouldn't pick sides.
The two became very codependent and it was almost impossible to see one without seeing the other, except if they needed to vent about the other person. The two entered an on/off situation for about a year, until Chloe decided to permanently break up. Mark did not take the break-up well and asked me not to share any infomration about Chloe. Meanwhile, Chloe moved on fast as the relationship had been in its dying breaths for a while, and started dating another person, Jake, in a few weeks.
Somehow, Mark did find out that the Chloe moved on, and this completely wrecked him. His mental health deteriorated fast and me and my friends really ahd to step in as he could not take care of himself anymore. Part of the reason why Mark reacted so heavily, was that Chloe had a very turbulent life, the details of which she only shared with him. He felt like he was the only person that really understood her and had thus become quite obsessed with her. Meanwhile Chloe, desparate for some control in her life, took advantage of this by manipulating him into caring even more. For instance, she would be extremely jealous, she would constantly tell him he is the only one that could help her and she would generally be quite controlling over most of the things that he did. After the breakup, this all caught up to Mark and he had to deal with the fact that he wasn't in her life anymore, while also coming to terms with the fact that he had allowed himself to enter such a toxic situation.
Fast-forward two years, I am still friends with both Mark, Chloe and now also Jake. Mark and I are best friends and share a lot of our lives with each other. Chloe and Mark ahve been at a bit more distance, but I still enjoy hanging out with them. They are really happy together and I've really seen Chloe grow the past years. The thing is, Mark still can't handle hearing anything about Chloe, and he doesn't even know that Jake is still in the picture. He was in therapy for a year and i've really tried to give him space and time to recover while always being there for him, but he never really seems to have gotten over her. Yesterday, he even went as far as to say that he finds it strange that Chloe and I still talk, considering how much she has hurt him. He acknowledged that it was my choice to make, but I could stilll feel that it made him uncomfortable. It found it hard to communicate to him that she has taken full responsibility for that and that our friendship is not defined by him, while also not giving him any information about Chloe.
So I have two questions: 1) AITA for still being friends with Chloe? And 2) How can I snap Mark out of this fear of hearing about his ex?
TLDR: I'm still friends with my best friend's ex, even though she was controlling and maniuplative to him. Two years afte rthe breakup, he is still struggling with the break-up and uncomfortable with me having contact with her.
submitted by MyLittleThrowaway918 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:32 relationshipguy254 The Loyalty Trap: Why You Feel Disloyal for Being Happy After Toxic Abuse

Ever felt bad for feeling happy and liberated after leaving a toxic situation? Like you're being disloyal or betraying someone by finally experiencing a better life without them?
That unreasonable guilt sneaks in when things are looking much better for you without them. You may be taking care of yourself, pursuing something you love, and feeling really hopeful about the future, but there’s still that niggling feeling that you don’t need to be doing that or to be happy. It's this twisted “loyalty trap” where your mind gets all tangled up trying to stay "loyal" to the person who mistreated you.
See, when you're stuck in an unhealthy, abusive cycle for a long time, your identity becomes entangle in it. The psychological trauma bonds you to your abuser in weird ways. So, when you break free and start healing or experiencing life without them, you weirdly feel like you're doing something wrong.
It's almost like there's a voice in your head which keeps saying, "But we stuck by them through the hard times, how can we just walk away now?" Or "If I'm thriving without them, does that make me a bad person?" or “How can I be happy when they’re suffering?”
You logically know the relationship was not the best place for you and it was pretty messed up. You know you didn't deserve the crap you went through. But still, some part of you is kind of feeling disloyal for wanting to be happy and free or even just building a good life for yourself. This also applies when you leave a toxic workplace. You may feel like they really paid your salary for years and you’re simply abandoning them. Or when you say no to your mom, who educated you and sacrificed her life for you to get to 'where you were'.
Let me tell you something - that's the tricks your mind is playing, and you don’t need to listen to it! You have every right to be happy, healthy and free from abuse. Feeling good about escaping an unhealthy isn't disloyal at all.
In fact, it's one of the loyal things you can do for yourself. You’ve neglected yourself, knowingly or unknowingly, for a very long time. When you’re about to do something for you, your mind brings forth those voices of your tormentors, trying to guilt-trip you into not taking care of yourself.
You may hear that voice saying, “You’re being selfish for going on that trip with your friends” or “Your ex-partner is suffering, and here you are happy.” It’s a voice pulling you towards languishing in suffering, just like everyone else.
Do not listen to it but keep moving and healing until those voices seem like dry echoes from a distant past.
Broken Vow Implant
See, when we're stuck in a toxic situation, our minds can develop what I call a "broken vow implant." It's like a hidden promise we make to ourselves to stay loyal to the abuser or the abusive environment, even though it hurts us. This promise is so strong that it feels like we're spiritually bound to them, no matter how badly they treat us.
Even if we logically understand how hurtful the situation is, there's a deep inner belief that keeps running in our heads: "But I promised I'd never leave them, no matter what." This belief gets stronger and stronger every time we give in to their abusive ways, every time we put their needs before our own sanity and peace of mind.
After finally finding the courage to leave, we carry with us that deeply ingrained "vow” and this is what causes feelings of shame and disloyalty whenever we start to live a better kind of life. It's as if our soul still believes we're betraying them by allowing ourselves to be happy away from that toxic environment.
That's why many people, after leaving those relationships, may not create a better life for themselves. Instead, they end up sabotaging or creating an environment where they continue to hurt themselves. Some sneaky ways this can happen include being overly frugal, not because they lack money, but because they feel guilty spending on themselves, thinking it's disloyal to their difficult upbringing.
Conscious Reprogramming to Reclaim Your Loyalty
The only way to break free from those chains is to become very aware of how our wounded ego affects us. Then, we need to consciously challenge those core beliefs by doing things that show we value and care for ourselves, even if it means going against our old loyalties. It means catching yourself anytime the backward guilt tries sneaking in, and urgently reminding yourself: "My decision to finally leave wasn't a personal betrayal, but the bravest stance of loyalty to my humanity I could take." It means allowing yourself to feel shame or any uncomfortable emotion which arises when you take care of yourself, but not letting it overwhelm you for more than a moment.
The more you take care of yourself, the more you're being loyal to the one person who deserves it the most, which is you. And gradually, by not giving any more attention to that old "vow," it will fade away, no longer able to weigh you down with its toxic influence. So feel the joy, feel the light, feel the deep connection of becoming more intimately bonded with your truth, free of imprisonment. That's the reconnection worth remaining infinitely faithful to.
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.
submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:28 weirdgirl16 Day program lady upset me?

I was looking into this day program and it looks amazing because of the activities they run there and the pictures of the building look cool. My developmental educator told me to put in an enquiry which I did- the information they asked for was: My name, my email address, my phone number, if I am an ndis participant, what activities I was interested in, and where I heard about their company.
A woman called me later that day and asked me if there was anything she could help me with and I was kind of confused and didn’t know what to say so I didn’t say much I just said I had to talk to my support coordinator but I was wondering about pricing (I did not say it that eloquently either- she basically had to ask me questions to prompt me to even say stuff because I was quite confused). The woman told me ‘I can tell from just talking to you, you don’t have a significant a disability as the people who come to these programs’. I didn’t know what to say so I just said okay. But it really upset me because I don’t know how she can know how significant my disability is just from me saying like 5 words or so. It didn’t even ask me my disability on the enquiry form. I could have been a quadriplegic for all she knew. I have level 2/3 autism (2 social communication, 3 RRBs), and I have been recommended to go to a day program by two people in my care team and I have been to a day program once before (I just didn’t like this particular program because everyone was way older than me and I didn’t like most of the activities).
And there is nothing on their website that says they are only for people with high support needs. They offer 1:1-1:5 support ratios, and it says they support people with varying ability levels.
Their activities also seem more suited to me- with activities like art activities, life skills classes (about taking care of personal hygiene, friendships and relationships, money and budgeting skills, emotional regulation), cooking which includes shopping for ingredients preparing and making food, social outings, wellbeing activities like bike riding yoga etc, as well as free choices on Fridays like they can watch movies do board games puzzles etc.
Now I’m upset and don’t know if I want to maybe go there because of that lady. My mum says maybe she was just having a bad day and that was why she was mean. I will talk to my OT when I see her because she will probably sort it out for me but I just keep fixating on it and getting upset and it makes me want to cry.
submitted by weirdgirl16 to SpicyAutism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:24 Crafty-Ad9595 Narcissistic superior

I work on a vessel. I have to basically live with him 24x7 for atleast 2 months more. I've spent 3 months now with him. To be honest, I had little to no clue as to what narcissism means till I met him and things he would do and say had just one explanation that's that he's one. On the first day itself he was extremely angry over something I didn't mean (I told him that I would be coming down for some work he asked me to do which he took as yes I am coming down as if I'm trying to treat him inferiorly) about what I said but thats how he took it. And for that I apologised to him atleast a 100 times that day. He's extremely sensitive when it comes to feeling disrespected by even a small gesture like raising eyebrows or bringing them closer. Since that day he had a personal grudge on me and every single small mistake (most times others won't even consider that a mistake but he would call out) was highlighted as something grave and he would constantly tell me he's going to sack me. Initially I used to feel sad but I started noticing patterns. Apart from this the rest of the crew also noticed unfair treatment and he somehow guaged that and would then shout when I'm alone and as soon as someone is near his voice tone and face would change. His anger when something goes wrong in things I'm not even a part of would be directed at me saying things like I'm responsible for the stress he's having, making me the scapegoat for his inability to handle stress and emotions. He won't help me when I need help in matters that are out of my rank jurisdiction and requiring his interference, would ask me questions related to issues I'm facing, would misdirect me and only when his superior (main boss) is around would budge in to show how great he is, by just temporarily solving something while he's there. As far as knowledge goes he's not very knowledgeable. Demeaning me every morning is something that his day wouldn't start without. When others are around he would act as if he's nice to me and won't retaliate if I counter question genuinely about something he said but when we're alone if I even open my mouth he would say I have a lot of attitude. In his long lectures each day he would ask me rhetorical questions which I have to say what he wants to hear and even if I did that would just make him say more things, basically everything I say prompts something I've done wrong at that instant to talk about more. From what I've read they need a reaction a positive or negative or neutral and then they provoke on the basis of that.. this is exactly what he does. There have been times when he's called me on the phone late at night just to abuse me and make some small issue which only he finds wrong something that must be dealt with with stringent action. He called me to his cabin just to abuse me and accuse me of things which are very naive and petty two times. And what prompted him to do that was completely unrelated like I asked him if I can call the other guy whos responsible for that machinery when he got an alarm during his watch and that made him feel disrespected. He coerced me to write a letter saying what I am doing wrong and I wrote it the way I wanted to which he further read and abused on that as well saying what I have written is "soap wash" of what he's telling me to write. Constant threats of ruining my career are a regular thing he would indulge in. I made a letter but did not submit because I felt nothing would happen and things might get even worse. When things started circulating about his behaviour he became extremely concerned and started talking to me nicely when it felt convenient to him as to show others he's being good to me. He lies a lot and would even make me lie by asking rhetorical questions in front of the main boss which he's done with another of my colleague too (who doesn't interfere much about what going on at work). Anything wrong that happens happens because of me and if something I did went well credit would be given to some other guy or circumstance or mostly himself even he wasn't physically present and didn't troubleshoot correctly and the confidence with which he does that time and time again makes me question my own competency because it's got to that now he's gas lighted me so much and chipped my confidence day in and day out that I've started feeling worthless. He would also try to be nice all of the sudden from nowhere and I think it's just to see how I react and how he could use that to his personal advantage by manipulating it in the long term. I have recorded his voice when he used to call me to his room and would continue to do this in case it gets to that. There are so many things Im not remembering right now but life is as close to hell as it can get. Also tried grey rocking and it would help to some extent but he would go out of his way to get a reaction out me. His lectures are really long like atleast 20 minutes in which he would also show how great he is and ask me if I agree with what he just said. Etc etc. Also it got to a point where I didn't give a fuck and I was ok with him reporting me. But as soon as I gave him a reaction where I was like ok let's go let's go to higher ranks to report me he would chicken out and tell me to sit back. Hopefully some of you would be able to help me out. Thanks.
submitted by Crafty-Ad9595 to ManagedByNarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:21 BlackberryGreat8650 WIBTAH if I broke up with my long term bf because he didn’t respect my boundaries?

Long time lurker, first time poster. Would really like some advice.This will turn into a ramble, so I will basically sum it up. Just looking for a bit of advice on what to do here. I, 18F and my 20M boyfriend have been together on and off for about 3 years now. Recently he’s been reconnecting with an old female friend. This is not the issue. This woman has been saving his snapchats, trying to hang out with him, and he has been feeding into it. I’ve talked to him twice now about how uncomfortable it makes me that she is clearly trying to make the friendship into something more. He texts her good morning every day, and she saves it into the chats. For a bit of extra context, I literally live with him. We got our first place together a few weeks ago. I am not sure whether I would be TA if I were to break up with him over this. It seems silly, however the reason we have been “on and off” is because of things like this. He will break up, be with the other woman for a few months, and come back to me saying I’m the one he wants. Am I missing something here? We have been together since I was 14, and I really do love him. Just looking for some advice thanks.
Edit: here are some quotes from the snapchats I have seen
“Here soon I could probably do next weekend, I have plans this weekend”
“I would love to see you karaoking”
“Good morningggg”
“Oooh I can help you with that”
“Don’t worry I will”
These are in opposite order to how I have them saved, these are all “snaps” that she has saved in their chats. Her display name is also a “cute nickname” Think of, Hannah banana or sally Wally. I do not want to put her name out, as he is a Reddit lurker. Am I just reading too much into this? Or am I not reading far enough. A third option would be to just ignore this and move on with my life. Currently packing some stuff and putting it in my car while he sleeps.
submitted by BlackberryGreat8650 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:20 zero4all Brief introduction

This post offers a glimpse into my zero-point energy journey and discoveries made along the way, providing an oversimplified version of the complexities involved. While it presents fragments of scientific theories, it's essential to recognize that the exploration of ZPE delves into intricate realms beyond this brief exposition. The discoveries recounted here are simplified snapshots of a broader landscape, with ongoing debates challenging conventional scientific paradigms. It's important to note that the explanations of current scientific theories are merely facets of a larger understanding. No harm or offense is intended by these simplified explanations; rather, they serve as stepping stones for further exploration and discussion, urging readers to approach the subject with an open mind and a willingness to delve deeper into its complexities.
Here we go..
Modern science struggles to pinpoint the location of consciousness within our brains. Ancient teachings on non-local consciousness and purported psychic abilities, including remote viewing and channeling (among many others), hint at a radical departure: our consciousness may not originate from our brains at all. Instead, it suggests that our brains are mere vessels shaped by consciousness. Acting as interpreters of frequencies, our senses offer glimpses of a reality crafted by consciousness through our brains. This perspective reconceives consciousness as the fundamental essence of existence, expressed through frequencies and vibrations. Nikola Tesla's iconic words, 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration,' resonate profoundly with this notion. Tesla's belief in the existence of ether, the elemental substance from which all matter emerges, aligns with the idea that consciousness and ether could be intertwined. Within this framework, our brains are not generators of consciousness; rather, consciousness shapes the brain and everything perceived through it. This realization heralds a seismic shift in our understanding of reality.
Modern science explains that particles arise from fluctuations, transitioning between probability waves and tangible forms - particles are essentially manifestations of waves. This understanding, rooted in wave-particle duality, asserts that everything, including particles, fundamentally exists as waves. This interpretation resonates with my comprehension of how the universe operates.
The necessity of quoting more Tesla isn't essential here, as the concept of consciousness or ether inherently encompasses energy, frequency, and vibration. Reflecting on our understanding of electricity as an energy form, it's plausible that our comprehension of the electromagnetic field is incomplete. The propagation of electricity outside wires, within the electromagnetic field, hints at a deeper connection to consciousness or ether. Given that consciousness embodies frequencies and vibrations, it's logical to consider the ether's vibrational nature as the medium for electromagnetic wave propagation. This suggests that the traditional electromagnetic field may not be requisite for electricity transmission, as it likely traverses through the ether, as Tesla proposed.
After delving into multiple physics theories in pursuit of uncovering a unifying Theory of Everything, I stumbled upon vortex math. Subsequently, immersing myself extensively in its principles, I found Marko Rodin's insights particularly compelling. His elucidation of how the universe seemingly adheres to vortex patterns in energy flow resonated deeply with my quest for understanding the fundamental fabric of reality. Nature never operates in straight lines, and energy exhibits its own curvature, as indicated by vortex math. While vortex math elegantly elucidates the physical reality circuit (1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5) and its corresponding ether side (3, 6, 9), attempting to construct a device using base-10 math alongside vortex math presents a challenge. Something seems amiss and requires further investigation. This is where music enters the picture. Music, with its frequencies and harmonies, offers valuable insights.
It appears that the universe is divided into 12 equal intervals, akin to the structure of music. The 12 notes of the chromatic scale form an octave. Without delving into the intricacies of octaves and harmonies here, but understanding this concept reveals the significance of employing base-12 math in subjects like this. Both Tesla and Rodin were onto something with their emphasis on 3, 6, and 9 within the context of base-10 math. However, constructing a device based solely on this knowledge could lead to an imbalance between the ether and physical realms, resulting in energy leakage. Utilizing base-12 math, on the other hand, would align the formula perfectly and achieve harmonious equilibrium between the ether and physical aspects. The key to unlocking this balance lies in incorporating the numbers 3, 6, 9, and 12.
Contemplating these insights led me to consider the manifestation of energy/matter. Is it conceivable to engineer a device that manipulates ether in a manner that generates elevated waves in the ether, commonly known as standing waves?
A brief study of wave dynamics and interference revealed that longitudinal waves interacting or interfering with each other produce standing waves. Understanding that wires or conductive materials serve as "waveguides" for waves propagating in ether (or consciousness), it becomes feasible to construct a device capable of modulating the ether to generate desired standing waves upon it.
So, I resolved to challenge my own and others' beliefs regarding this concept and began constructing the device myself. The idea was to utilize waveguides or commonly known conductive materials arranged in a manner that encourages wave interference within the ether. Adjacent to these waveguides, there would be conductive material positioned to effectively "collect" these standing waves.
This led me to create a device comprising copper plates shaped correctly for waveguides, with induction plates situated nearby. To my lack of surprise, transmitting the appropriate longitudinal wave to this device resulted in a significant surplus of electricity being generated on the induction plates. Initial experiments yielded highly promising results. Adding a load to the plates and measuring the produced power indicated that with only 5W of input power, I was able to generate multiple kW impulses on the induction plates. Remarkably compact, the device is not much larger than a basketball and weighs only about 1.5kg, making it incredibly portable and versatile. Its size belies its capabilities, as it can easily serve as a power source for a house, electric car, or any other electric application. Furthermore, its construction is remarkably simple, requiring no complex electronic components or expensive materials, and it can be assembled at home using basic tools.
One significant observation is that the surplus electricity manifests as impulses rather than continuous power. Thus far, I've had to externally introduce the input pulse to the device from an external power source, resulting in infrequent impulses in the previous development version. However, I've devised a method to configure the device so that it generates the input pulse autonomously, enabling it to operate continuously as a self-sustaining generator. Though the term "generator" may not be entirely accurate, as it simply manifests energy from the ether. Functioning akin to all motors and generators, it operates as a self-feeding and self-running system.
Like an internal combustion engine, which relies on fuel, a spark plug, and a piston/camshaft to convert energy, this device operates with the ether as its fuel source, the input pulse acting as the spark plug, and the waveguides and inducing plates functioning as the piston and camshaft. This device complies with physical laws, as it harnesses energy from the ether, an external and seemingly unlimited energy source. Thus, it does not violate thermodynamic laws, as it operates as an open system rather than a closed one. Its only requirement for operation is an initial kickstart, akin to most motors. Once kickstarted, it runs autonomously, devoid of any moving parts, and can be constructed by most individuals themselves.
This device represents my interpretation of true zero-point energy—a concept that holds immense promise as a virtually unlimited and sustainable source of free energy. Zero-point energy, also known as vacuum energy or ground state energy, is the energy that remains in a system even at its lowest possible energy state. Harnessing this energy could revolutionize the way we power our world, offering a clean, abundant, and renewable source of energy for all.
You might wonder why I'm sharing this without providing video proof of my device. The reason is simple: I intend for this device to be open source, marking the first step toward making this technology accessible to everyone. I have no intention of patenting it under any circumstances. All the necessary information to build this device will be freely available for anyone to use. This post marks the inaugural stride towards a society where energy is not merely a commodity but a birthright, as essential as the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Through this research journey, I've been awakened to the profound essence of our reality and the boundless possibilities it entails. The revelation that energy can be effortlessly harnessed from the ether unveils a paradigm-shifting vista of potentialities. If such a feat is within our grasp, then the manipulation of gravity and the manifestation of matter are no longer relegated to the realm of science fiction but become tantalizingly attainable aspirations. Given their strong connection to the ether, both gravity and matter offer avenues for exploration, suggesting that neutralizing gravitational forces becomes as achievable as manifesting energy.
Stay tuned, for this is just the beginning of a voyage into a future where the boundaries of possibility are limited only by our imagination. Future posts will reveal more detailed information about the device and the power output, along with videos of the device in operation.
submitted by zero4all to zero4all [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:18 BonomanNL [REQUEST][RISK OF RAIN 2] Survivors of the void dlc [Attempt 5]

Hello everyone!
I have bought Risk of Rain 2 a few weeks ago. I am really loving it but dont have any more money to spend right now, but i heard the dlc is very fun. I would love to get this dlc and play this with my friend!
Due to a lot of my irl friends being really busy with homework, not many people can game anymore with me. I have a good online friend who ivplay risk of Rain with. I would love to spend more time in this game with him, and this dlc would do that for me.
I have always liked roguelikes, but every game i tried just had "roguelikes aspects" and was not enough for me. Now i have found an actual 100% roguelike and i am loving it. I will buy more roguelikes in the future when i have more to spend. I want to have as much replay ability for this game so i have a lot to do while i dont have money to spend.
This is the page for the expansion:
And my steam profile:
Now let me talk about the game itself:
Its everything i expected from a roguelike, but so many fun things to do. You start, and it all feels really weak and empty, but after the first few items you struggle a lot less and actually have nothing to kill. Your strength keeps growing, but so do the waves of enemies and the strength of the bosses. Every stage has its own amazing gimmick and layout, and are all beautifully designed.
Ohhh, and dont get me started in the soundtrack. The OST is AMAZING! its always really fitting in every situation and i am sometimes literally not even talking because i want to enjoy the music.
The items that makes you stronger are also very fun, and learning how to create a good combination and synergy is an amazing point about this game.
Luckily for me, i have a good online friend who teaches me the tips and tricks in the game, and we always have a lot of fun.
I never had actual long friendships online, only for a month or two. This is not going on for long but we have been talking a lot and i am grateful for him helping me trough the game, and being friends even though we have never seen eachother.
I hope this shall last and that i can enjoy my time with him in this game, and thats why i am asking for this expansion.
submitted by BonomanNL to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:12 InevitablePlatypus29 "stolen" trade

Hello, I'm trying to withdraw some of the pets I bought in starpets. The first two times it went fine, but when I tried to make the trade for the third, I noticed there were more players in the server (Wich shouldn't happen because the bot has a private server and only accept you as a friend for the trade and then eliminate the friendship, so at the moment of the trade you should be the only one player in the bot's server), and these players enter immediately and they make the trade with the bot before I get there, and the bot gives the my item. I immediately cancel the transaction everytime this happens, so I still have my items in my starpets inventory... But since then, it happens all the time, I even tried to be faster, but te only time I got there before the other player and started the trade, the bot ended up canceling our trade. I don't know what to do.. I has happened like 10 times.
Also, I have noticed that the first bots I had assigned had zero friends, but since the problem started, all the bots assigned for the trade have one or two friends and about 3 followers. Has this happened to someone else? How did you solve it?
(English is my second language so I'm sorry if I have made mistakes explaining the situation 😛)
submitted by InevitablePlatypus29 to adoptmeroblox [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:10 tempmailgenerator Resolving Timeout Errors in .NET Core with Firebase Authentication

Overcoming Firebase Authentication Hurdles in .NET Core Applications

Firebase authentication presents a robust solution for managing user access and security in modern web and mobile applications. By leveraging email and password-based authentication, developers can implement a secure, scalable, and easy-to-use authentication system. This system not only enhances user experience by simplifying the sign-up and login processes but also provides a layer of security by utilizing Firebase's built-in features. However, integrating Firebase authentication with .NET Core applications can sometimes lead to unexpected challenges. One such issue that developers frequently encounter is the HttpClient.Timeout error, which can disrupt the authentication flow and negatively impact the user experience.
This problem often manifests when the Firebase authentication process exceeds the default timeout period set for HTTP requests in .NET Core applications. Such timeout errors not only hinder the development process but also pose significant challenges in maintaining the reliability and efficiency of the application. Understanding the underlying causes of these timeout errors and exploring effective strategies to resolve them is crucial for developers looking to harness the full potential of Firebase authentication within their .NET Core projects. Through careful examination and adjustment of key configuration settings, developers can overcome these obstacles and ensure a seamless authentication experience for users.
Command Description
FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CreateUserAsync Creates a new user account with the specified email and password.
GoogleCredential.FromFile Authenticates the Firebase SDK with a service account key file.
FirebaseApp.Create Initializes a Firebase application with the specified options.

Tackling HttpClient.Timeout Errors in .NET Core with Firebase Authentication

Firebase authentication provides a robust framework for securing applications, but integrating it with .NET Core applications can sometimes lead to unexpected challenges, such as the HttpClient.Timeout error. This error typically arises when the time taken to send a request or receive a response from the Firebase server exceeds the configured timeout period of the HttpClient object. This scenario is common in situations where the network is slow, the server is overburdened, or the request processing is complex and time-consuming. It's crucial for developers to understand that this timeout is a protective mechanism to prevent the application from hanging indefinitely due to unresolved requests.
To address this issue, developers need to evaluate several aspects of their application and environment. Firstly, reviewing the Firebase connection configuration and ensuring that the credentials and endpoints are correctly set up is fundamental. Misconfigurations can lead to increased response times or failed connections. Secondly, optimizing the request processing logic within the Firebase service and the .NET application itself can help. This includes checking for any unnecessary data processing or external API calls that might be contributing to the delay. Additionally, increasing the HttpClient.Timeout value might be a temporary solution, but it's more important to identify and solve the underlying cause of the delay to ensure a smooth and efficient authentication process.

Implementing Firebase Email & Password Registration

C# in a .NET Core environment
var userArgs = new UserRecordArgs() { DisplayName = fullName, Email = email, Password = password, EmailVerified = false, Disabled = false }; var firebaseUserRecord = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CreateUserAsync(userArgs); return firebaseUserRecord.Uid; 

Configuring Firebase in ASP.NET Core

C# Configuration Setup
private void ConnectFirebaseServiceAccount(IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration) { var googleCredential = GoogleCredential.FromFile("path/to/service-account-file.json"); FirebaseApp.Create(new AppOptions() { Credential = googleCredential }); } 

Understanding Firebase Authentication Challenges and Solutions in .NET Core

Integrating Firebase Authentication into .NET Core applications is a popular approach for managing user identities and securing access to resources. While Firebase provides a powerful and flexible platform for authentication, developers often face challenges such as the HttpClient.Timeout error, which can impede the authentication process. This issue typically arises when the request to Firebase's servers exceeds the predefined timeout limit set in the HttpClient configuration. It is a symptom of deeper issues like network latency, improper Firebase project setup, or inadequate error handling in the .NET Core application code.
Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive understanding of both Firebase and .NET Core frameworks. Developers should ensure their Firebase project is correctly set up and that the API keys and service accounts are properly configured. Additionally, optimizing the HttpClient settings to accommodate the expected network conditions and response times is crucial. It's also important to implement robust error handling and logging mechanisms to diagnose and resolve issues more efficiently. By tackling these aspects, developers can create more resilient and user-friendly authentication workflows in their .NET Core applications with Firebase.

Frequently Asked Questions About Firebase Authentication in .NET Core

  1. Question: What causes the HttpClient.Timeout error in Firebase authentication?
  2. Answer: This error usually occurs when the request to Firebase's servers takes longer than the configured timeout period in HttpClient, often due to network latency, server response time, or misconfiguration.
  3. Question: How can I prevent the HttpClient.Timeout error?
  4. Answer: Adjust the HttpClient.Timeout setting to a higher value, ensure network stability, and optimize your Firebase and .NET Core configuration for better performance.
  5. Question: Is it necessary to use FirebaseAdmin SDK for Firebase authentication in .NET Core?
  6. Answer: Yes, the FirebaseAdmin SDK provides the necessary functionality for integrating Firebase authentication into your .NET Core application effectively.
  7. Question: Can I customize the Firebase authentication process?
  8. Answer: Yes, Firebase allows for extensive customization of the authentication process, including implementing custom authentication providers and managing user sessions.
  9. Question: How do I handle errors and exceptions in Firebase authentication?
  10. Answer: Implement try-catch blocks around your Firebase authentication calls and use logging to capture and analyze errors and exceptions for better troubleshooting and resolution.

Wrapping Up Firebase Authentication Challenges

Concluding our exploration of Firebase authentication within .NET Core applications, it's evident that while this integration offers powerful capabilities for managing user access and ensuring data security, it also comes with its share of challenges, notably the HttpClient.Timeout error. This error, although seemingly daunting, can often be resolved through careful analysis and adjustments in the application's configuration or code. Developers must ensure their Firebase setup is correctly initialized, network requests are optimized, and timeout settings are appropriately configured to match the application's demands. Additionally, embracing asynchronous programming patterns and being mindful of potential network or server-related issues can further mitigate such errors. Ultimately, successfully integrating Firebase authentication not only enhances the security of .NET Core applications but also provides a seamless experience for users, making the effort to troubleshoot and resolve issues like the HttpClient.Timeout error well worth it.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:10 sameed_a how to improve critical thinking with game theory?

Post One: My day started innocently enough, a typical Tuesday. My boss asked me to create a business strategy for our new product launch. As I started brainstorming, I remembered a topic I learned in college, game theory. I decided to apply it to the problem.
Game theory basically analyses how individuals or groups make decisions to maximize their benefits. So, I designed two strategies, one aggressive and one conservative, imagining our competitors' possible responses to each. I tried to foresee their moves and countermoves, anticipating how they might attempt to outmaneuver us.
Would they respond to our aggressive strategy with an aggressive strategy of their own or would they hang back? How would we respond in turn? Thinking about these scenarios helped me form a nuanced strategy that was prepared for any eventuality, rather than just charging ahead blindly.
My boss loved the strategy and even asked me to explain game theory to the rest of the team. It certainly shook up the typical Tuesday!
P.S. Just between us, the above tale wasn't exactly real. I mean, I wish my Tuesdays were that exciting! But hey, isn't it a great way to illustrate how you can use mental models like game theory in your daily life? Life isn't a game, but it doesn't hurt to have a strategy!
Post Two: I found myself in a traffic jam yesterday. As I sat there, going nowhere, I began to muse about the nature of traffic itself. I mean, it's essentially a system where each individual's actions affect the whole, right? It made me think about game theory.
I started imagining how traffic could flow differently if everyone decided to choose the 'cooperative strategy'. What if everyone followed the rules perfectly, never tailgated, never tried to squeeze into a narrow gap or honk incessantly?
According to game theory, with everyone cooperating, the system should work much more efficiently. But alas, that's not how real-world traffic works. There are too many 'defectors', people who think they can gain an advantage by breaking the rules.
P.S. Just so you know, this traffic jam tale is pure fiction! I mean, who uses game theory to think about traffic, right? Well, except for nerdy people like me. But wouldn't it be cool if we could apply game theory to everyday situations? It might just make the world run a little smoother!
Post Three: As I sat at a poker table last night, trying to decide whether to fold or raise, I found myself strangely thankful theory.
Game theory, you see, is all about strategic interactions, making decisions based on the predicted or possible decisions of others. And that's pretty much poker in a nutshell, isn't it?
So instead of just focusing on my cards, I started thinking about the other players – their betting patterns, their reactions, their tells. It was like a mental chess match, trying to predict their moves while keeping my own strategy flexible.
Thanks to game theory, I ended up having a pretty successful night at the poker table!
P.S. Confession time: I didn't actually win a poker game last night using game theory. It's just an entertaining way to show how mental models like game theory can apply to everyday situations. Life might not be a poker game, but a little strategic thinking never hurt anyone!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:10 Cerebral_Kortix A Lunatic's Summary of Honkai Star Rail

In Honkai Star Rail, you play as Johnkai Starrail, a fully-grown two-week-old cancerous raccoon hobo jointly adopted by three mass murderers, a fraud and a furry all of whom live inside a giant flying gun train that goes around the universe stealing cancer from people.
Johnkai Starrail was born when a femcel NEET gamer with no sense of hygiene fisted an innocent raccoon with portable space cancer while a cockroach watched.
These two of course being the members of the Stellaron Hunters, a rival group of cancer-stealing mass murderers with nothing better to do than listen to a cat meow and knock over boxes and through sheer schizophrenia, decipher it as an MS Word document on the fate of the universe that will grant each and every one of them their deepest wishes.
The Stellaron Hunters consist of:
Welcome aboard the Astral Express, Trailblazers! Tonight, we rail the stars!

Chapter 2: Johnkai Starrail does minimum wage labour in China.

Johnkai Starrail, for his countless crimes, has been sentenced to life in prison. He is to be sent to the penal colony, Penacony, with his accomplices Dong Hung and September 11th.
However, conflict arises as Ms Cockroach suddenly arrives at the Astral Express to fight for custody over Johnkai Starrail. HIMeko, not wanting her lovely deranged trash-eating son to be stressed by this legal battle, loads him into the Express' barrel and fires him to *Space China* to create low price electronics for her while he waits it all out.
However, the sheer density of Dong Hung's massive **** creates a gravitational field and pulls March and Grandpa Fraud along for the ride.
At the same time, Shirou Emiya holds up the General of Space China, Mid Yuan, over that one time he and his college D&D group dine-and-dashed. "Of five, three must pay a price." Fortunately, Fraud Yuan was one of the five who footed the bill so he's free to go.

Tangent: Man, I love eating literal garbage.

Before we move on with this haphazard story written by Hoyoverse's overworked employees through throwing stones into the air while highly sleep-deprived and trying to mesh the hallucinations spawned from them hitting the writer in the head into a concise plot, I must explain how levelling works in this game.
Called the Trace system, it, unlike its Nasuverse counterpart, operates not by concentrated schizophrenia, but rather, eating literal garbage.
In essence, for say, a Preservation character, you take them to an outhouse, and instead of ordering anything on the menu, you murder all the employees, strip the guards of their clothes, and then your Preservation character gleefully consumes the inedible masses of scrap metal ripped from their carcasses.
This gross violation of all natural laws is so pleasing to this character that it causes their prowess at violence to greatly increase by... 1%.
And now you know how to build your characters!
Back to the plot, Johnkai Starrail, March 7th and Grandpa Fraud are held up by Chinese Space Customs for having no passports. Fortunately, they are reduced to blood mist by the hitherto unmentioned immortal omnicidal PTSD plant menace created due to Yaoshi getting just a little too invested in Plants vs Zombies and trying to fuse the two.
The gang meet up with a fox lady named Tingyun. All you need to know about her is that she won the Best Head contest on the Buddy subreddit.
She takes the troupe of Nameless to her boss, Yukong, who's canonically a milf. Yukong tells them to screw off, so Johnkai Starrail demands to speak to the manager of China. She redirects them to Fraud Yuan.
Fraud Yuan realises this plot has been directionless for the past two hours and desperately trying to save this mess of a chapter gets Johnkai and pals to murder Shirou Emiya, because if anyone can fix a mess of a plot it's everyone's favourite sword.

Dong Hung does nothing but kill plants for two hours while Welt's boyfriend acts vaguely menacingly.

Dong Hung remembers he's one of the main characters and so banned from being irrelevant. However, being a lazy wad on account of the mere existence of his planet-shattering \*** consuming all his energy, leaving him with atrophied muscles in a medical condition commonly called "Twink*", Dong Hung can't be bothered to actually do anything of import.
Instead, he gets off the train, meets up with Welt's boyfriend and leaves all the plot to him since, like HI3, Otto handles everything.
In fact, Otto didn't die in HI3 because of the two scantily clad teenage girls beating him to death, but rather because his spine simply snapped after having carried the entirety of the plot for the past 15 years.
Suschlong is there too. According to the Honkai community, she has a very large cock.

Johnkai Starrail's custody battle comes to a head.

Johnkai Starrail and pals find Ms Cockroach, Johnkai Starrail's mother. Having been unable to convince the judges that she's the better parent to the woman whose coffee is considered worse than IX's gaze, she's decided to break the law and just take her son back through force.
With her incredible skills of Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, she dominates the party, but then a tiny Asian woman appears with a slipper, and as small Asian women are the natural enemy of cockroaches, Kafka is immediately defeated.
They drag her to a giant calculator and she has a delusional rant on how:
Johnkai Starrail now understands how she lost the custody battle.

Johnkai hunts endangered wildlife for fun.

Fu Xuan lets the clearly mentally addled old mother go. March 7th then, bored, drives an endangered species of deers extinct.
Oh yeah, wait, this thing had a plot. Yeah. remember those weird plant immortal PTSD things? They originate from smoke apparently. And Johnkai and his friends go ahead to the smoke machines to-
Whoops. Recall Tingyun? The lady who won the "Best Head" contest?
Phantylia, Ravager of Destruction, severely misunderstands what "Best Head" means and snaps her head off.

Dong Hung gets penetrated.

Johnkai Starrail, severely traumatized, decides to halt the plot to have a beach episode.
There, he finds Dong Hung and Shirou Emiya aggressively "sword-fighting". However, Dong Hung's prowess with his 'polearm' is nothing compared to Shirou's skill with his 'blade' and Shirou penetrates Dong Hung.
This experience of having another man inside him causes Dong Hung to experience self-realization and transform into a flamboyant, horn-y version of himself surrounded by fluid.
Suddenly, Yanqing arrives. Ms Cockroach , Dong Hung and Shirou Emiya all set their differences aside to beat the small child to a pulp. Johnkai Starrail sees this and joins in on the fun, followed by March 7th, Grandpa Fraud, Phantylia, Nanook, IX, Aha, Acheron, Firefly, Screwllum, Gandalf, Roland, Gilgamesh, Doctor Who, Doraemon, Goku and everyone in the Honkaiverse and a few outside.
After atomising Yanqing, everyone has a great celebration and Shirou Emiya and Dong Hung reconcile over their shared love for violence. They put aside the old unpaid bill for McDonald's that caused a rift in their friendship, the High Cloud Quintet (named after how they'd all get together to get absolutely smoked every Sunday) years ago.

Johnkai Starrail and friends attack a giant lady's chest till she dies and go home.

Johnkai Starrail, Fraud Yuan, Dong Hung then go to Phantylia because they just remembered she's terminally ill with space cancer.
With Dong Hung's fluids, Johnkai Starrail's lance, Fraud Yuan and Grandpa Fraud doing absolutely nothing, they easily overpower her and steal her cancer, causing her to have to give up her Make-a-Wish gift of being a giant woman and turn back into a ball of fire which Fraud Yuan stuffs into a furnace.
The gang celebrates their victory by all inviting every single fictional character to have ever been to stage the world's largest JJK jumping and eradicate the very concept of Yanqing.

Johnkai Starrail gets arrested for tax evasion.

Sometime later, Johnkai Starrail thinks on the abrupt ending and ponders on the matter. Was there a moral to this? Why was Otto here at all? Is it true that Suschlong is in fact larger than Dong Hung?
His questions go unanswered as he is dragged kicking and screaming back to Belobog for tax evasion.
The rest of the gang look on baffled as the entirety of Space China subsequently collapses as while they took over a meth lab and murdered a giant woman, they kind of forgot to deal with the actual problem of the immortal unkillable serial killer plant zombies everywhere.
Yeah, that happens sometimes. Some worlds prosper, other worlds get railed.
Because this truly was our,

Honkai Star Rail!


Roll Credits!

submitted by Cerebral_Kortix to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:07 Efficient_Fudge3010 i(19f) think my sister(20f)'s married best friend(22m) is in love with her

my sister, em (fake name), talks about her best friend, let's call him matt, a lot. i never thought much of it given the fact that they do really understand each otheare close in a way that i think is really great in a friendship and em was also in a pretty long term relationship up until about 2 weeks ago. PLUS matt is married and very clearly cares about his wife endlessly so i didn't see anything necessarily romantic there.. until this weekend.
for a little context i live in a different state than my sister so i didn't meet matt in person until this weekend at em & matt's graduation. matt got married to his wife, becca, a little over 6 months ago (i think), but they've been together about 3 years. becca was at his & em's show (theater school so they had performances/shows and graduation this weekend) so i met matt & becca there. they were both super sweet so, again, i didn't think much of it as it was a pretty quick meeting before we had to head out.
graduation was early the next day and i didn't notice anything too crazy at the ceremony. there was one moment when they were taking pictures together (just matt & em) and it was very... touchy, but again i think physical touch is a really nice thing to have in fully platonic relationships so, yet again, i didn't think much.
me, em, becca, and matt decided to go get lunch. we had a pretty good conversation flow, very comfortable energy, making jokes, being normal young adult stupid. it was chill, but, as much as i adore becca as a person, she seemed to be a little disapproving of a lot of matt's "quirks". and when i say quirks i just mean stuff like forgetting little things or singing the same song on repeat around the house (the smallest things yknow) and just reading it i realize it could come off as normal relationship banter, but it did feel a little strange in the moment (and you'll understand fully why i wanted to mention the "banter" in a second).
at this point i was realizing how connected matt & em really were. potential romantic interest aside, they really mean a lot to each other and you can absolutely see it.
while the 4 of us were walking to matt's car, my shoe came untied so i jokingly told em to fix it and she responded with something about only ever untying them (kinda an inside joke with friends, but she just unties everyone's shoes when they're not looking lol). i tied my shoe and me and matt ended up walking a little ahead of becca and em. matt immediately starts talking about how em always does it to him and how she did it when they went to the park (he was chasing her around and shit. idk). and AGAIN, whatever, it's none of my business how you categorize your feelings/relationships and i have no place to tell you what your standards and wants should be in a friendship... so whatever.
but the interaction wasn't what peaked my curiosity. it was the way he was talking. and the fact that every time the conversation naturally shifted he would change the subject back to em.
he cares so deeply for his wife. really cares. but i have never felt so much fondness in someone's voice, i have never seen so much light in someone's eyes, i have NEVER seen ANYONE speak with so much adoration for someone the way i did when matt spoke about my sister.
me and em went for ice cream alone a little later and she told me some things.
i'm not gonna say much about it because A) i don't know much anyways and B) it's not my place to say or try to connect dots, but she told me there are some pretty concerning relationship conflicts between becca & matt and matt is (from what i can tell) already questioning whether marriage was a smart decision.
hearing that i didn't immediately go "oh well ig i was right and he actually might be in love with you". i was more so realizing the little "quirks" becca seemed to not be a fan of were actually things they were seriously arguing about behind closed doors.
the reason i bring that up is because every time they fight it (from what i can tell) ends with matt being a "problem" and he fully caters to his wife, which, i can understand to an extent because she is disabled and has some mental struggles as well so there's a lot of fear on his part, but it's not an great situation regardless. i also bring it up because my sister said there was one instance where he had been down because of an argument/arguments and he told em "i've had more fun with you tonight than i've had with my wife in weeks"
he's also said stuff along the lines of "i love you so much i think it's unhealthy". and there was an occasion where em played matt & another mutual friend (calling him franklin) some songs she'd written. matt was like embarrassingly stunned and said he wanted to listen to her play (piano) forever and listen to her (not surprising tbh i've heard my sisters songs and she's wildly talented). franklin made a comment about how em "broke matt" and it kinda seems right because he brought up wanting to hear more of her songs completely unprompted (unless i wasn't paying attention lmao) today/yesterday
now i mentioned earlier em just recently left a long term relationship. she broke up with him, it wasn't messy or anything, they were just on very different paths in life, and she didn't feel very connected to him. em said she didn't really notice how "touchy" she and matt were until after the breakup. well, she did, but she thought "we're both in relationships so obviously nothings gonna happen".
after the break up she started to realize the closeness. said there been multiple instances where they're inches from each others face and just staring. definitely could be innocent, right? well yes! but also not when you can't stop looking at my sisters lips, bucko.
and then today happened. or yesterday, i guess.
they had their final show after graduation(it was amazing), everyone's crying through goodbyes, and the 4 of us (matt, becca, em, and i) plus franklin decided to hang out to stall the goodbyes.
there were a lot of moments that were very "holy shit whoever said soulmates aren't real never met you guys"
there were a lot of "fuck why am i happy just watching two idiots high-five"
and there was absolutely zero moments where i felt like matt would do any less than go to the ends of the earth for em and enjoy doing it
in fact matt quite literally said he would drive the entire way back to our hometown just to make sure em still talks to him
friendly kinda thing? sure! but not when you're laying with your heads together and while everyone staring at stars in the sky you are LOOKING AT EMS LIPS and ur WIFE is on the other side of her head.
i honestly don't think he knows he's in love with my sister. or at least he definitely wouldn't admit it until it's not considered fucked up. but i know.
and i really want to stress that i know people have different standards for what they want/need in romantic vs platonic relationships, but i can say with 100% certainty that matt is perfectly, undoubtedly, wholly, and unconditionally, in love with my sister. intentions aside.
i am a little scared for what happens when em moves in with matt (& becca) starting later this summeearly fall. as i said i don't think either of them would purposely do anything that could hurt becca, but i know "heat of the moment" impulses and i really hope it doesn't go that way.
she's not a homewrecker. he's not a cheater. i'm not worried about a full on side chick situation. but trying to diminish feelings is only gonna make them bubble over in a way that might have a not so fun aftermath.
god, they're both so perfect for each other and annoyingly good people. they deserve something good.
bec & matt will probably be visiting em (and me i guess) in our hometown at some point before then so maybe ill update this if i feel the need to say more then.
i'm not "rooting" for them to get together necessarily, but i really hope this doesn't get messy because whether it's platonic, romantic, anything in between, or anything beyond, they are the most supportive and gratifying pair of friends. they seriously deserve each other.
in whatever way life lets them love the other. i'm sure they will.
i'm not allowed to talk to anyone about this so i decided to go to reddit (as any normal chronically online kid does) and im realizing after typing this that there is a potential my sisters friend finds this
hey man. if you're reading this please know i understand i have no place categorizing your feelings (i know i already said it but i really can't tell you how to feel) but i can see how much my sister means to you. and no matter what you decide you feel, my sister just wants you to be happy. and i don't mean she'll "suffer in silence" and she'll always wish you'd have given her a chance, i mean she genuinely doesn't care whether you're friends or dating or scene partners or work spouses. she just wants to be around. she will love you in every way she can.
TLDR; my sisters friend is in love with her. maybe it'll never become romantic, but god i hope whatever happens they always have each other.
submitted by Efficient_Fudge3010 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]