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Cat = Dog

2014.07.05 03:49 HaudNomen Cat = Dog

A Kevin is someone who consistently or greatly shows a complete lack of intelligence through incompetence of social and societal norms, or is purposefully antagonistic in their poor decision making.

2011.02.21 20:17 AskPhilosophy: Philosophical questions and answers

/askphilosophy aims to provide serious, well-researched answers to philosophical questions.

2009.12.15 07:57 alostreflection Marriage

A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage.

2024.05.16 20:23 reallycoolguylaurens 26 [M4F] Germany/Anywhere - Looking for a connection

Hallo there,
I‘m Laurens, 26 years old and from Germany. During the pandemic I made a lot of mistakes from which I’m still trying to recover. I used to study History but am currently working 2 different jobs. I intend to join the army at the beginning of next year.
I do a lot of sport even though I‘m still on the heavier side. Since about a year I started regularly running and participated in multiply 10km marathons. I also go to the gym 3 days a week. I lost close to 30kg over the last 2 years but there is still a long way to go.
I listen to a lot of music. I grew up listening to rock and metal and used to be a bit close minded when it came to other genres. Since some years I‘m much more open about it and with a few exceptions listen to pretty much anything there is.
I also read a lot. Like with music pretty much anything there is. Romance, Drama, Thriller, Fantasy. As long as it‘s a good story and I‘m entertained I‘m there for it. My favourite author is Stephen King.
Lately I couldn‘t watch as much as I would‘ve liked but I‘m hugely into tv shows and movies as well. I can talk hours about both if I‘m passionate enough about it.
When it comes to my personality I‘m rather introverted. Being in a big crowd is rather exhausting for me. If I have a connection with someone (especially humor-wise) I can be quite talkative though. But there are definitely moments where am more quit than is good for me. I‘m sometimes rather clumsy when it comes to social situations, but try to be very empathetic. If I screw something up, it mostly comes back to haunt me until whatever happened is solved again. But like anyone else I‘m far from perfect.
I‘m looking to find someone who I can share a connection with. So if I sound like someone you see yourself having a meaningful conversation from time to time feel free to message me and let‘s have a go at it whatever comes out of it.
Picture of myself:
Looking forward to hearing from you and if not have a nice day nontheless.
submitted by reallycoolguylaurens to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:21 bluejulien post-partum planning: mom drama

I am expecting my first child in a few weeks and will be delivering via scheduled c-section. I have had abdominal surgery once before (hence the need for the c-section) and found the recovery to be rough (and that was without a newborn to take care of). My husband and I are trying to do everything we can to make our first few weeks postpartum go as smoothly as possible. I have talked to lots of other moms who recently delivered via c-section and have been reading through reddit threads about c-section recovery, what to expect the first few days of baby's life, etc. Our goal is to take things slowly and minimize chaos wherever possible.
My parents, who are retired and live 12 hours away, have been planning to come help out when the baby is born. I was grateful for their offer of support - we have room in our house to accommodate them, and they are still young and agile enough to be helpful. My mom is a complicated person and we have a close but complicated relationship I have spent much of my adult life learning to more effectively navigate. That said, I find her presence comforting when I am not well - she took care of me after my first surgery, and despite the pain I was in, I think back on that time really fondly. Moreoever, I loved the idea of my parents both being present to meet and spend time with my child (their first grandchild) at the beginning of his life. My mom offered that she and my dad would be available to help with laundry, cooking, and taking care of our two high-energy dogs. They proposed staying a few weeks.
As the delivery date nears, my conversations with my mom about the post-birth plan have become more and more tense.
Our first blow up was about my husband's and my decision to hire a night nurse to come five nights a week during the first two weeks postpartum. Hiring a night nurse was a significant expense for us, and it was a decision we made very carefully after talking to friends and co-workers who have recently had babies. We spent a ton of time researching and interviewing candidates before selecting someone we felt comfortable with. Our thinking was that the night nurse would be available to help during the nights she is here so my parents are rested enough to help during the day. I specifically hired the night nurse to start her shifts at 10pm, when my parents typically start getting ready for bed, and to leave at 8am, which is when my parents are usually having their morning coffee.
My mom seemed to take this decision very personally and didn't like that I would be taking advice, and seeking support from, anyone other than her. She accused me of "packing the house with people" and being overly concerned with planning for the worst-case-scenario. She also seemed to think that the night nurse made her obsolete. I explained that I am counting on her help and support during the day and want her to have time to rest. She said it was presumptuous of me to assume that she can't go a few weeks without sleep. She seemed to interpret our decision to hire a night nurse as a sign of ingratitude. "Why am I turning my life upside down if you are paying someone else to help?"
Her reaction really hurt and surprised me, but I tried to stay calm. I pointed out that my husband and I had already made a decision and that this was not a negotiation. I also pointed out that she seemed to be prioritizing her own feelings and was not listening to what I was saying WE need as we navigate this post-op recovery and transition to parenthood. She replied that she is allowed to have feelings. Still, the conversation ended with me in tears. My mom and I never revisited the conversation (my mom is not very good at repair and is loathe to apologize - plus, I don't think she thinks she has anything to apologize for).
Today, we got in another fight because my mom is insisting on bringing their dog with them when they come. This is the second time my mom has brought this up. My husband feels strongly that he does not want a third dog in the house because it will add unnecessary chaos. For context, one of our dogs gets overstimulated very easily and can sometimes be reactive to other dogs. When my parents visited with their dog for Thanksgiving, we had to watch our dog closely for signs of reactivity, give her breaks, etc. My parents' dog also barks more than either of our dogs, and my husband is concerned about the noise. However, we would like OUR dogs to be home with us so they can begin to acclimate to the new baby.
I communicated all of these concerns to my mom and offered a number of solutions, including 1. that we can find a local Rover or petsitter to watch her dog for the first week they are here, 2. that we can find a local Rover or petsitter to watch our dogs, or 3. that she and my dad can stay with their dog in a nearby Airbnb. My mom rejected all of these ideas and replied that we should medicate our dog if she is the one who is the problem. My mom refuses to consider a petsitter for her dog because the dog is a rescue with a history of abandonment, and she doesn't want the dog to feel like she has been abandoned again (note: our dogs are rescues, too, and we board them all the time). My mom once again accused me of micromanaging and clearly thinks my husband and I are being unreasonable. She said, "surely you can understand why I don't want to be without my dog."
I fully recognize that these are very trivial problems in the grand scheme of things, and that we are fortunate to have parents willing and ready to support us. That said, I am not sure how to proceed. My mom is, and always has been, emotionally immature in a lot of ways, but I never imagined she would be so difficult at such an important time. What worries me is not so much the substance of these disagreements, but her inability to put my needs above her own in the tender weeks after I give birth. I am not sure whether to cave and let her bring her dog (maybe she's right, and it will be fine!), or to hold firm, even if it means she and my dad don't come. I worry that asking them not to come will draw a line in the sand that will be difficult to come back from. At the same time, it feels like they are choosing their dog over their daughter and grandchild, which I find extremely hurtful. Part of me senses that this actually has nothing to do with the dog, or the night nurse, and is more about her own control issues.
What should I do?
submitted by bluejulien to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:20 ProofofGods Triumph Through Faith Proof of Gods Collections

Triumph Through Faith Proof of Gods Collections

Proof of Gods Collections
Finding solace in the embrace of divine providence, we embark on our journeys with diligence, entrusting the outcomes to a Higher Power. True perfection goes beyond mere knowledge; it lies in harmonizing our deeds with divine will. Those earnestly seeking the God of Truth discover profound revelations through unwavering devotion.
Greatness isn't merely achieved through action; it's also nurtured by sustaining our dreams. It's not solely about strategic planning but rooted in unwavering faith. Defeat isn't just the result of missteps; it arises when one loses faith in oneself amidst adversity. Conversely, genuine success stems from conquering our inner conflicts. Those persisting in pursuing aspirations despite obstacles emerge triumphant, transcending their limitations.
While external adornments like bracelets and necklaces may captivate momentarily, true elegance lies in refined speech. Unlike material embellishments, eloquent discourse's brilliance stands the test of time.
In moments of confusion and despair, when hearts ache and minds waver, let us turn to the One comprehending the cosmos' vast expanse, cradling every soul's destiny in loving embrace. Amid life's trials, we remain under eternal care. May we find solace, recalling the comforting words of the Bhagavad Gita: "He who keeps me in sight, I keep him in mine. Neither he nor I lose sight of each other."
Manifestations of Divine Will and Proof of God's Collections surpass mere reflections; they're gateways to self-realization and spiritual ascension. Exploring these realms unveils life's mysteries, nurturing inner peace, and revealing profound beauty within existence.
submitted by ProofofGods to u/ProofofGods [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:18 ninaaaaws Imposter syndrome making me feel guilty about my recent diagnosis

This week, I was diagnosed with ADHD (predominantly inattentive). This doesn't come as a huge surprise -- I've had people suggest that I get tested for years now and my behaviors have aligned with my friends who have ADHD. The diagnosis comes with a great deal of relief; it gives me an explanation other than just 'you're lazy and disorganized and inconsiderate' which I have lived with since childhood.
But it comes with guilt too -- like, am I worthy of this diagnosis? Am I ADHD enough to actually deserve this diagnosis?
You see, I am an old. I'm 52F and, overall, pretty successful and happy. But my career success feels like it's fake, that people just don't know that I have no idea what I am doing and am always scrambling at the last minute to put my projects together. They don't see the chaos behind the curtain; they only see the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. So I have basically been on the panic's edge my entire career, just waiting until I am 'found out' even though I have been doing what I do successfully for ~30 years.
And now it is the same thing with this diagnosis. My brain is telling me that it's not true, that I really am just lazy, messy and inconsiderate. My brain is saying that if I really had ADHD, it would have been caught years ago. My brain is certain that I am just looking for a convenient excuse for my own crappy behaviors.
Does anyone else feel this way? How do you deal with it? I can argue against it from a logical standpoint and I certainly would have much more empathy for someone else saying these things than I have empathy for myself. But even though I can recognize that, I still FEEL this way to my core.
submitted by ninaaaaws to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:18 friskyfatfeline Honest New Mom: my postpartum experience is not what I thought it would be.

I am a FTM to a perfect 7 month old (she’ll be 8 months in 8 days which is impossible to wrap my head around). I love her so much I could cry, but at the same time, I feel tired, rundown and not myself. My postpartum journey so far is not what I imagined so many months ago while I stroked my bump and waxed poetically about how magical motherhood would be. And it is magical- but it’s so much more, and some of that more is hard.
My labour was very hard, I had a failed epidural, 3rd degree tears and pushed for over four hours. I know none of that is out of the ordinary, but nothing could have prepared me for how traumatized I felt post birth. I felt shaken, scared and defeated. Although I knew I should have been proud of myself I felt myself detach. I felt I wasn’t cared for during labour. No one believed me I was dilated and refused to check my cervix for 3 hours. They were shocked when I was 10cm dilated- as if I didn’t know a head was engaging my cervix. The nurses after were very dismissive. No one helped me latch her, and when I asked for help, they just shoved her at my breast aggressively until she latched. But we had issues with it right away. Everytime I asked for help I was treated as a nuisance.
I was released 36 hours after giving birth, which I know is standard. I was told she had lost too much weight, but I needed to source a lactation consultant myself, I needed to supplement with formula, and to watch her jaundice.
Once home I couldn’t get her to latch more than 1-2 times a day. I knew I wasn’t making much, so she would get frustrated. I worked with the lactation consultant - I never made enough milk. I had tests done, I latched her, I had her mouth assessed, I took domperidone - I would sob endlessly feeling like a failure that I couldn’t feed my baby. When I pumped, which I did every 2-3 hours around the clock I never produced more than an ounce.
No one warned me domperidone could cause mental health issues - as soon as I started it I felt awful. My stomach was a mess, I couldn’t breathe I was so anxious. I became depressed I imagined driving into the lake, and thought how nice it would be to just not wake up. How much better my daughter would be with anyone else but me. I ended up going to the hospital and was categorized as having a severe mental health crisis and with the help of an amazing team and good ol’ Zoloft I found my way out of the sludge that was swallowing me whole and whispering horrific ideas to my brain. I felt the air return to my lungs. I felt joy again.
Not once have I ever not loved my daughter, she is the light of my life, and the love I feel for her is more profound that I could explain. But sometimes I miss the old me, while i gently embrace the new me.
I have a triple prolapse that appeared 8 weeks postpartum. It’s been painful, has caused a couple infections, and killed my confidence. I will need a surgery, but I need to decide if I want more kids and when , as it can impact many factors.
The prolapse, and not being able to breastfeed has made me feel like less of a woman, I’ll be honest. I feel ashamed of my body.
Sometimes I am so proud of myself. I know I am a good mom, and I wouldn’t change being a mom for the world- but these health complications, and these mental health issues are tiring. It’s hard to embrace being a mom when I’m living in what feels like a broken body. I feel guilty that I enjoy the reprieve of nap time and putting up my feet and reading. Count consumed me when she falls asleep at night and I feel giddy for a few hours of me time.
I exist between two worlds now : loving being a mom and figuring out who I am now , because I know mom is not all I am, but it certainly finds its way into all I do.
I know no journey to motherhood is easy- I wanted to write this because it’s hard to talk about. But it’s ok to not love every aspect of being new mom.
I still feel guilt sometimes I can’t breastfeed and she’s been formula fed since 6 weeks exclusively.
I feel guilt when I feel a little overwhelmed.
I feel guilt when I get a few hours out of the house alone and love it.
I feel guilt for missing my old body even though this one made a whole life and I should be nothing but kind to it.
I feel guilt for being in the trenches during the newborn stage and not fully diving into it.
I feel guilt for looking forward to nap and bedtime some days.
But then, when she is sleeping, I always miss her and look at the monitor and feel love, and I remember that I’m doing ok at this mothering thing.
And so are you!
submitted by friskyfatfeline to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:18 Responsible-Net-3631 Just need a space to vent about HPV…

I’m 26F. I tested positive for high risk HPV-12 “other”, Jan of this year- couple days before my birthday, lol.
Prior to this, I would consider myself someone who was very educated about STD’s. Well, at least I thought I was. I look back now and I was very naive and jaded. Oh well, can’t change time.
The thing is since catching HPV the one thing that drives me so insane is I can’t fully understand this virus. There is so many comments, forums, of people online who have different outcomes and experiences with it. I feel like it’s a luck of the draw of how high risk HPV will go for you.
Maybe you clear it, whatever that means.
Maybe you never think about it again, it goes away and you live a normal life again.
Maybe you’re okay for a year, two years, then it becomes cancer- IDK.
With something so ubiquitous as this why is more awareness not raised about it?
I know as a child I remember those guardasil commercials around pre 2010, but since then the biggest STD campaigns I can think of are concerning HIV/AIDs.
I’m glad this sub exists, but even then still so many mixed opinions, mixed outcomes, on here. Especially, how the HR hpv spreads that makes me feel like a walking infected mess… I am always scared. What if the literature and research changes in the next 10-20-30 years oh we had it wrong about the spread, just like cvid…
I have really bad anxiety and get ocd with my thoughts. I wish sometimes I caught any other std but this one, at least my brain could make sense of it. To think that the rest of my life until I die someday this will always be a part of me is extremely depressing.
I personally don’t plan on having sex again ever, but I was heading down that road anyway before getting results. This just cemented it for me, cause sex just doesn’t seem worth it anymore. I never got the chance to date or have bf so I am giving up on that as well. I don’t want to stress about it. I want to focus on other things in life. I keep trying to remind myself there is much worse stuff in life. It’s hard I just think oh I am going to randomly now for sure get cancer one day?!
I also didn’t tell my family I have a lot of shame cause I don’t want to ruin my family if they found this out about me. I know they would all treat me different and nevr look at me the same. I’m grateful for my friends, without them I’d be dead. I told the guy I was fwb with for five years but he ghosted me and is back with his ex now. I feel like this is my karma somehow like I made the wrong choices in life and this is my punishment.
It’s a lot mentally, even more than the physical since you can’t even see the hr type. I am so drained. I miss the person I was before.
submitted by Responsible-Net-3631 to HPV [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:18 Material_Baker8256 Comptia Exam Helper for Hire Reddit Pay someone to do my Comptia exam reddit A+, Network+, Security+, Linux+, Cloud+, PenTest+, Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+), IT Fundamentals+, Server+, Project+, CTT+, Cloud Essentials, Big Data Analytics Proctored exam Help Reddit Stackable comptia Help Reddit

Mastering CompTIA Certifications: A Comprehensive Guide to Study Resources and Exam Preparation

If you are unable to pass your CompTIA Certification Exam, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
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Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
CompTIA certifications are a gold standard in the IT industry, offering a versatile range of certifications for IT professionals. With so many options, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the study resources and exam preparation strategies to succeed. In this detailed guide, we'll delve into the world of CompTIA certifications, exploring the best study resources, exam formats, and expert tips to help you achieve your certification goals.
CompTIA Certification Overview:
CompTIA offers a tiered certification structure, comprising:
  1. Core Certifications: Entry-level certifications covering IT fundamentals (A+, Network+, Security+).
  2. Specialty Certifications: Mid-level certifications focusing on specific areas (CySA+, PenTest+, Cloud+).
  3. Professional Certifications: Advanced certifications for experienced professionals (CASP+, CTT+).
Study Resources:

Official CompTIA Resources:

  1. CompTIA Learning and Training: Download practice questions, exam objectives, and study guides.
  2. Certification Study Guides and Books: CompTIA offers study guides in both ebook and print formats.
  3. Online Learning Platform: Interactive online courses and study materials.
  4. CompTIA Instructor Network: Find certified instructors for in-person training.

Free Study Resources:

  1. CompTIA Free Practice Tests: Get free practice test questions for CompTIA certification exams.
  2. Reddit Study Groups: Join online communities, like CompTIA_, to connect with others studying for the exam.
  3. YouTube Study Channels: Channels like Professor Messer and CompTIA offer video study materials.
  4. Open-source Study Guides: Community-created study guides and resources.

Paid Study Resources:

  1. Udemy Courses: Comprehensive online courses covering various CompTIA certifications.
  2. Pluralsight: Interactive online courses and study materials.
  3. Study Guides and Books: Third-party study guides and books from publishers like Wiley and Sybex.
  4. Online Training Providers: Companies like CBT Nuggets and ITProTV offer video training courses.
Exam Preparation Strategies:
  1. Understand the Exam Format: Familiarize yourself with the exam format, question types, and time limits.
  2. Create a Study Plan: Set aside dedicated time to study and review material.
  3. Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice, the more confident you'll feel on exam day.
  4. Use Flashcards: Flashcards can help you memorize key terms and concepts.
  5. Join Online Communities: Connect with others studying for the exam to stay motivated and get help when needed.
  6. Take Practice Exams: Assess your knowledge and identify areas for improvement.
  7. Stay Up-to-Date: CompTIA certifications require renewal; stay current with industry developments.
CompTIA certifications are a valuable asset for IT professionals, and with the right study resources and exam preparation strategies, you can achieve your certification goals. Remember to stay focused, practice regularly, and join online communities for support. Good luck on your exam!
Additional Resources:
If you are unable to pass your CompTIA Certification Exam, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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submitted by Material_Baker8256 to CompTIA_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:18 Bastinelli Does anyone else constantly go through a character crisis?

I had this problem in T7, I can't stick to a main. There are so many characters that I love and so many I want to learn that it's almost impossible for me to stick to one. It might be hampering me rank wise and I may not be progressing as fast as I should if I stuck to one but I can't help it. I get a bunch of characters to ruler ranks then I see a cool video or a tournament of a character and say "Ooh they look fun, I should learn them". I play them for a few weeks and then find someone else to learn, rinse and repeat.
Am I the only one who does this? How can I stick to one or two characters without constantly switching?
submitted by Bastinelli to Tekken [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:17 Galaxy_Gaming_EFT [NA/EU/SA] Looking for a Duo/Squad??? 990 Active and Verified Chads and Timmys LFG right now!!! Quests / LFG / Sherpa Help / Max Boosted Server / Active Moderation / Anyone Welcome / Weekly Events and more!

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🌟 Join GalaxyGaming - The Ultimate Escape from Tarkov Discord Community! 🌟
Calling all Escape from Tarkov enthusiasts in North America, Canada, and South America! If you're looking for an incredible Discord server to connect with like-minded Timmys and Chads, your search ends here! GalaxyGaming is the top-notch community you've been seeking, where everyone plays together, no matter their skill level or experience!
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submitted by Galaxy_Gaming_EFT to EFT_LFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:17 Primary-Future-6772 Why can't I take criticism?

I've been struggling lately, both at my job and with learning to drive. In regard to both, I am not doing well and am having to get a lot of coaching. I'm relatively new at both, despite being mid-30s. I lived in a big city most of my life and had an older sister who died in a car accident, so I put learning to drive off for a while just in case anyone was curious on why I am learning so late in life.
Regardless, my issue is that I spiral when I get instructed or criticized, even when it is constructive. I intellectually know that I'm learning and shouldn't be hard on myself or feel slighted, but I can't seem to help it. If I am not getting something or if I am making mistakes I get really depressed and anxious and just want to quit. For lack of better term, I become a bit of a wimp about it.
I have MDD and have discussed this with my therapist and we've spoken about how things worth doing are challenging and finding ways to be ok with discomfort, but it drives me nuts when I get like this. I just had a not-so-great performance review at work, so I am in a really bad headspace right now. I want to quit my job right now even though my wife is being very encouraging. In fact, for some reason when someone is encouraging, I actually want to quit's so dumb. I know right now I am catasrophizing, but what is this? Low self-esteem? Defiance disorder? Or just unproductive laziness and self-pity?
submitted by Primary-Future-6772 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:16 Stayingstrong77 Is a Microbiome test the same as a cdsa test?

Is a Microbiome test the same as a complete digestive stool analysis cdsa? Which test would someone do to see all the gut flora they have?? I am trying to find out if im missing important gut flora from some antibiotics i took 3 years ago, i havent been the same and wondering if fmt would be something benefial in my case im planning on getting a gi map test In October November 2020 my life hasnt been the same i took some antibiotics and it feels like they ruined my gut permanently excessive hair loss and stomach pain extreme hunger / pain especially early hours when i wake up now for a year gaslit by doctors no one helps, i believe i either have an ulcer somewhere or i lost important gut flora that keeps candida in check
submitted by Stayingstrong77 to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:16 Any_Living628 LOOKING FOR A CO-PARENTING PARTNER

Hello to well adjusted, mature and finically stable men of reddit and beyond.
30 y old F here looking for a platonic co-parenting arrangement for my last child, (I have one already and want a sibling for them). I am located in ON, Canada. I am recently separated and not looking to get married or have another kid with a partner I am romantically involved it. (The drama of that is too dramatic). I am a black female, a little over 5.9ft with one uni degree, a college cert and currently working on a post grad diploma. Also work for the city in the town I currently stay. Ergo, (fancy word here), I have enough to provide for another child but I hope to find someone interested in co-parenting. It will be better for me and the child if another person is able to be fully responsible for the child both for the sake of balanced upbringing and in the event of any emergency.
What I am looking for is an open minded mature male who is financially and emotionally stable enough to provide half of everything a child would need until they turn 18 and hopefully beyond. I hope the potential candidate will have a fulltime job, over 28 years of age, over 5.8ft tall and an amicable disposition.
I have been advised to either use a sperm donor and single parent or just get a guy into a relationship and have him knock me up or even a one night stand thing. None of those are options to me at the moment. If I turn 34 and still have not found someone to parent with, I shall then consider single parenting but until then, I hope you reach out politely and with good intention having read my long epistle.
submitted by Any_Living628 to PlannedCoparenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:16 Navy_Y7 I(19M) stopped talking to my friend(19F) who rejected me but i feel bad

So this girl has been my friend since school and we were kinda close friend. We spent a lot of time together and she was always nice to me. I started to have feelings for her because of her nature and how she treated me and hanged out with me. I did not have no courage tho to tell her directly so i left a little note to her about me liking her and she texts me that she appreciates it. I wanted it to continue but i didnt knew what she wanted.
So after 1 year a few weeks ago she wished me on my birthday and i was kinda surprised too that she remembered and felt good too. So i start talking to her again. We spend literally whole nights talking with each other about just random stuff and we both were happy.
My feelings for her increase i thought she likes me too now so i tell her and she says no. Not straight up cause she didnt wanna make me hurt but she said that i am gonna find someone who i like but she doesnt have any feelings for me. And thats it i guess. Its over now. I told her it would be better for the both of us to stop talking and she said its hard losing a friend like that.
But its over now. I am sad and I want to talk to her but i guess its over.
submitted by Navy_Y7 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:16 wanie444 Best Gen Chem professor?

I am a premed postbac student currently registering for Fall 24 courses. My options are to take Gen Chem with: Parkin, Roy, Beer or Savizky.
I've read through their faculty evals on vergil. The impression I'm getting is that Beer is generally disliked and Roy's class seems to be the most fair.
Anyone who has taken Gen Chem I with any of these professors, would you please tell me how their lectures are taught (is it mostly at-home work, then review in class? do they read off of slides? how is the grading curve? how much of the test questions are actually based on the material covered in class and homework? do you think the questions are made unnecessarily more difficult?)
And for those who took the MCAT, how well do you think this course prepared you for the chemistry section?
Looking for mostly objective assessments of the courses and profs but any personal recs and "never take this class with __ bc of xyz" are welcome as well. Thank you!!!!
A little bckgd about me: I was a psych major in UG, haven't taken chemistry since 10th grade (did relatively well in this class @ at a prestigious high school). This is a premed requirement for me so I don't have the option of taking a different chem course. As a premed student, likeliness of scoring well (A) + good preparation for MCAT are top priotity.
submitted by wanie444 to columbia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:16 DontFireMeImPoor New/Returning Player Leveling Help Guide

Welcome (Back?) to Fallout 76

I have seen tons of new players coming in to the game lately, and even more returning to the game much like myself. I won't say I'm the smartest and best informed Fallout 76 player, but I have had tons of help from some people I can say probably are some of the smartest and best informed in the game. So I've decided to compile this handy yet vauge-ish leveling guide to some things you might be curious about, or might find helpful, or whatever! First off, however, let's go over some things the new players might not know: Etiquette in Fallout 76!
Etiquette of Appalachia
While this is a game about lawless chaos in a hell-like wasteland, there are some rules you really should follow!
  1. If you don't want to engage in PVP, turn on pacifist mode in the settings and read the popups on your screen about contesting workshops!
  2. Don't start events until the very last ~30 seconds! Give other players a chance to make it to the event so it's easier to complete and everyone gets loot/xp from enemies!
  3. Don't go overkill and destroy everything in public events! Killing everything before anyone gets a chance to do any damage to the enemies makes it so nobody else gets any XP or loot.
AFAIK those are the big three rules of this game, some people have their preferences and morals and such but IMO, to each their own beyond these big three.
Leveling Up
This is probably your main way of getting poweutility; through leveling up and collecting those sweet, sweet perk cards. I'm just gonna tell you how it is and say hey, don't shoot the messenger. Unless I told ya wrong, then shoot me a message so I can correct it.

How to Increase Your XP Gain

First off, lets go over how XP Bonuses are calculated. First, there is the base XP of an enemy. Then your INT stat will add to that base at 2.072% per point of INT you have. Then the resulting number is multiplied by the percentage base XP buffs you might have active such as the Leadership Bobblehead, Lunchboxes, or Well Rested. Here's the formula:
(Base XP + (Base XP * (INT * 2.072))) + ((Base XP + (Base XP * (INT * 2.072))) * %Buffs)
CALM DOWN!!! To make it easier on you folk out there who aren't running Egghead IRL, your INT stat essentially makes your base XP reward higher so your lunchboxes can give you way more XP.
So how does a fella max their INT? Well I'll tell ya! Other than the obvious idea of maxing it out by respeccing your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat allocation, you have armor slots that can all roll legendary star stats such as boosting your INT by +1 per piece, and if you don't mind running a low health build while power leveling, the Unyielding affix that can roll on any non-power armor can give players a whopping +15 INT at +3 INT per piece equipped (body, arms, legs.) Also, you can wear the Casual Shielded Underarmor OR the Flannel Shirt for another +3 INT. Also, there's chems and foods that can temporarily boost your INT, though you can have only one of each type active at the same time. Some of the best ones to run for boosting INT are Brain Bombs for food and Berry Mentats for chems. All of these things can be purchased from other players too! Also, if you run mutations like Egghead and Herd Mentality, the Charisma Perk Card Strange In Numbers can boost your INT by another +4 so long as you're in a party. Which you should be, because forming a bond with 3 players in a Casual team will net +4 INT as well! And last but not least is the Mechanical Derby Game some players have in their C.A.M.P. which boosts your INT by +2 for 30 minutes!
Now how about boosting XP via percentages to multiply that huge INT boosted base XP you worked so hard for? I've got you covered! Same as before, some things stack but some don't. In this usage case, the Live & Love 8 (+5% XP) magazine doesn't stack with Live & Love 3 (Boost Effects of Food), for example. Same with the Intelligence Bobblehead (+2 INT) and the Leadership Bobblehead (+5% XP). Lunchboxes can stack only up to 4 times and if you pop a lunchbox around other players, the other players all get a boost too! Same if someone pops one near you, free XP boost! Lunchboxes grant +25% XP per box popped, so with four popped, that's double XP! You can also get a whopping +15% XP boost from the Charisma Perk Card Inspirational, and the event going on now, the Mothman Equinox, gives you another +15% XP for an hour if you interact with the purple eyed moth at the end. Also, the easiest bonus to get is your Well Rested/Kindred Spirit/Lover's Embrace buff that gives you +5% XP and is obtained by simply resting in a bed for a bit.
In conclusion and to wrap up this part I want to clarify that you will typically get MUCH more XP in a Casual Team over an Events Team because for a majority of the events, you will be killing tons of enemies and missing out on a +8% boost to the BASE XP of all enemies, ya know, before the multiplier boosts which adds up to be much more XP than you get from the completion reward, even when its doubled. Daily Ops is a different case because you are typically trying to run it fast and skip over fights if possible, but otherwise don't sleep on Casual Teams.

How to Farm XP

So now that we've written a small book on how to boost our XP, how are we going to actually GET the XP? Well the best ways is to kill enemies with a high base XP reward, and lots of them. For example, the super mutants at the famous WesTek Research Center provide a high base xp reward and so do glowing enemies, like ghouls, which can be more or less "made" by dropping a nuke on Whitesprings. Events are great for this as well, especially Radiation Rumble and Eviction Notice, but typically all of the events have a good amount of enemies to kill and reward you with exclusive rewards, so its typically savvy to hit the events as they come up unless you know what it has to offer and just don't need it.
Now hold on there, pardner! You don't actually have to do all the work when it comes to killing the enemies to get their XP. And to squash any rumors going around, doing more damage does not, in any way, net you a higher amount of XP!!! You simply have to do 1% of the damage to an enemy to get its FULL XP reward, and yes this applies to every single enemy, even bosses. Really all you have to do is shoot each enemy maybe once or twice and you'll be drowning in XP during those big events. A great weapon for this is the Tesla Rifle because it chains to nearby enemies when you hit something, allowing you to tag multiple enemies while only having to aim at one! Also, Nuka-grenades have a massive AOE, just make sure you aren't boosting explosive damage or anything so you aren't one shotting everything (and yourself.) And try to make sure your party is there doing the event with you because if they happen to get a kill you missed, you still get a little bit of XP which is better than nothing.
That's all for now though, and do let me know if I missed anything or messed up any info!
submitted by DontFireMeImPoor to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:16 brivoting_platinum Aspiring Musician (12th Pass, CBSE 80%) - Considering NMIMS School of Preforming Art's BA in Western Contemporary Music: Is it Worth It? (Reviews, Alumni Insights, Admission Competitiveness)

Hi everyone,
I recently got admission to NMIMS School of Performing Arts (SoPA) in Mumbai for their BA in Western Contemporary Music program. I'm looking forward to the curriculum and the opportunity to learn music production and composition, but I'm also a bit hesitant as it's a relatively new program.
My qualifications: I have a decent academic background with an 80% in my 12th boards. I've been playing guitar for a 6 years now and have some experience composing my own music. I've also performed live a couple of times and even won gold in an inter-school band competition.
My Goals: I'm passionate about music and aspire to become a professional musician, performing and writing my own songs. I believe this degree could help me develop the necessary skillset and knowledge to pursue my dream career.
My Research: From what I've gathered on their website, SoPA seems promising. They have state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and a curriculum that balances theory and practical learning. They also offer opportunities for live performances and industry exposure.
My Questions: Since the program is new, it's difficult to find reviews or alumni experiences online. I'm wondering if anyone here has attended SoPA or knows someone who has. I'd love to hear about your experiences and insights into the program's quality, faculty, and overall value.
Additionally, I'm curious about the level of competition for admission. Do you have any idea how many students typically apply for this program? As there isn't any information avaiable on this.
Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by brivoting_platinum to Indian_Academia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:14 coffee-nurse- 34 [M4F] #Northeast USA or Online- Intelligent, charming, exceptionally funny Alzheimer's nurse with a heart of gold looking for someone new. Oh and humble. Very humble.

Broadcasting yourself as someone interesting who stands apart from the crowd of neckbeards on Reddit while not coming off as an arrogant tool is a difficult task. I'm not sure if I'm particularly excelling at it with this post, but I'm going to give it a try.
I'm looking for new people to talk to, to have genuine interesting conversation with, to talk games and movies, to trade dog pictures, or just flirt the night away. If you can do all of these, I might just fall in love.
I'm nerdy, flirty, and more than a bit wordy. When I'm not out with my dog exploring nature, I'm probably going on long drives with good music to find a new spot or restaurant. Or maybe I'm at home with a book, a game, a movie marathon.
I work in an Alzheimer's ward so it's basically a rule that you have to be nice to me and keep me company on these long shifts of dementia.
Message me. I'm reasonably sure you won't regret it.
submitted by coffee-nurse- to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:14 lordgentofdapper Should I give up on dating?

I've never had any luck. I want to be with someone. I want to be married and have a family. But I'm 29 and it hasn't happened. I use the dating apps and have little success. I've only met one good guy that way, and he didn't want to continue seeing me after a couple dates. I rarely get matches, and most of my matches don't respond. And the ones who do are either really dull or just looking for sex. Or just want to string me along for a while. I actually was just talking to a guy who made it clear he was just looking for a physical relationship. I decided to just go for it because I'm so lonely and desperate. I figured it's better than nothing. But I found that he unmatched me this morning. So now I don't even have that. I know I can't stand to live my life all alone, but I don't think I have any chance at finding somebody. Should I just give up?
submitted by lordgentofdapper to women [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:13 coffee-nurse- 34 [M4F] #Northeast USA or Online- Intelligent, charming, exceptionally funny Alzheimer's nurse with a heart of gold looking for someone new. Oh and humble. Very humble!

Broadcasting yourself as someone interesting who stands apart from the crowd of neckbeards on Reddit while not coming off as an arrogant tool is a difficult task. I'm not sure if I'm particularly excelling at it with this post, but I'm going to give it a try.
I'm looking for new people to talk to, to have genuine interesting conversation with, to talk games and movies, to trade dog pictures, or just flirt the night away. If you can do all of these, I might just fall in love.
I'm nerdy, flirty, and more than a bit wordy. When I'm not out with my dog exploring nature, I'm probably going on long drives with good music to find a new spot or restaurant. Or maybe I'm at home with a book, a game, a movie marathon.
I work in an Alzheimer's ward so it's basically a rule that you have to be nice to me and keep me company on these long shifts of dementia.
Message me. I'm reasonably sure you won't regret it.
submitted by coffee-nurse- to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:13 ch1mrichalds Looking for a professional gardener to help guide me with my yard

I'm trying to find someone who is very knowledgeable about gardening that could come by my house and advise me. I recently bought a house and I don't really know what I'm doing with the existing garden or what plants I can successfully plant moving forward. I don't need a full service company or anything but am looking for someone to pay for a one time fee to basically tell me what to do and provide advise but I"m happy to do the work myself. Thanks for the help!
submitted by ch1mrichalds to memphis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:13 -SolarBear Looking for daily chats that would potentially lead to a friendship

Hey everyone. I am posting this with the hopes of finding someone with whom I could potentially form a meaningful and fulfilling friendship one day. Someone who shares similar interests and passions, but not necessarily. I am looking for someone interested in having daily conversations and chats, to form a consistent and long-lasting friendship.
What I'm searching for is someone open to discussing everything, and I mean everything - including our life, our troubles, dreams, goals, etc. I would want to meet a close friend, a respectful person with whom I can learn and share experiences, and grow as a person while trying to create nice memories together.
A little about me, I am in my late twenties and have been described as an interesting character, shy, empathic, and a good listener. I always try to see the best in people and everything around me, and I have a great imagination. In my free time, I enjoy reading, watching movies, meditating, journaling, and getting introspective. Nature is my biggest passion, and I am always trying to improve myself in everyday life.
Currently, I am at a crossroads in my life, and I am hoping to find a close friendship based on genuine interest and care, without any romantic intentions.
If you are interested in forming a similar friendship, please send me a DM with a brief introduction of yourself, and I would be delighted to chat with you.
submitted by -SolarBear to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:12 baambaay A complete cited timeline and THEORY of what I think could have happened.

Just a theory, possibly totally unrelated. But there are some new confirmable pieces and connections that I haven’t seen mentioned at all yet. So if I’m wrong at least there is a partially correct timeline here that can be edited to correctness. My last attempt to connect any dots I think. Please feel free to find holes and debunk it and suggest edits.
A 74 year old woman was murdered 1/18/23 and found on 1/21/23 bound, gaged, and SA’d in her ransacked apartment days later. This is on 83rd and The Mark Hotel is on 77th. Half a mile walk through the park away. EP mentioned a big bag that hotel staff was told to dispose of for Drake.
Here is what appears to be a bag in the video EP posted. There was a girl in the frame too.
A NY post article about this murder mentions:
“A young woman — who was entering the building carrying a large bag that appeared to contain clothing - choked back tears when asked if she was related to the victim. ‘It's very, very hard for me and my family. We've already talked to the police and the district attorney. I don't want to talk anymore,’ the woman said, without identifying herself.”
This woman was brutally SA’d. House was ransacked.
“The two suspects loaded up Hernandez’s belongings into a blue rolling Jansport backpack and a green rolling bag and were on CCTV divvying up cash, prosecutors said.”. The day this article is released, Drake is seen leaving The Mark hotel.. He is seen the next day at Lil Yatchy’s listening party in New Jersey.
These were posted August 2023 by EP on his Facebook page. They look like old lady clothes. I found other photos of the victim in this case and they look like what she would wear. They could just be things left behind at the hotel by others ofc.
The murder and robbery on 83rd street was almost certainly a boosting attempt, and by the sounds of the perpetrators counting cash on CCTV as reported by police, it sounds like it was a successful boost. This happens where I live but they typically steal from big chain stores. Ironically it keeps residential crime lower, it’s non-violent, and people would prefer new things anyway, or at least nice things. It’s a pretty common black market thing in cities to the point where I live, even regularly law abiding people will purchase things from boosters with the understanding it was stolen from a store. Iykyk. The victim being an upper east side woman she probably had some nice things, clothing and jewelry in particular as ladies do especially at her age. That’s what this looks like to me. And the jewelry EP posted didn’t look new or like it would have been for a younger girl.
This woman was brutally SA’d.Her home was ransacked. These were posted August 2023 by EP on his Facebook page.. They look like older lady clothes. I found other photos of the victim and they look like what she would wear. But ofc, this could just be things left behind at the hotel by others. Strange though, because these are the only clothes EP ever posted on his Facebook.
It is strange Drake only wanted one thing from a big bag and there was loads of jewelry left behind by him. They said the rest of the stuff in the big bag was trash but because the items were expensive and it’s Drake’s stuff, it was instead put into lost and found.
In my mind I would see it play out like this: a booster brings a bag of goods. Wealthy purchaser pays enough for one item he wants where the booster is like here, take this whole thing (get it off their own hands). And the purchaser only wanted one thing for so the rest, jewelry, clothing, etc. is disposed of.
There was a specific item and something specific about this lady having it. The rest of what was in the bag was just to hide the one item. But I couldn’t find a single piece of info on her outside of crime articles and an obituary with family photos but no text to really know anything more about her. This theory would suit the little bag mentioned that was suppose to have been shipped somewhere.
Either way, Drake & crew take the one thing they need and the rest ends up with hotel staff for disposal, but it was a large bag full of expensive things. It appears EP was instructed to put it in lost and found.
There’s an incident report from Mark security on July 20th. Probably when EP had to protect Drake from protests that Theodore organized.. Or EP had to report an underage. Perhaps Drake was what led to the crackdown or a mandated report, and EP sees it as Drake’s fault he now had to deal with Theo and protect him from protestors, for which he nearly got arrested for doing his job. This was probably the next time he saw Drake since January. EP keeps mentioning 7/27/23. This is the day Theodore the underage drinking protest organizer filed a lawsuit naming EP as part of it.
Officer Viola had a CCRB citation for trying to contain the protest. Officer Viola and EP both got in trouble for protecting Drake that night. EP mentioned that this relationship probably saved him from getting arrested. The two probably had probably had to help corroborate eachother’s stories from the protest incident.
EP is so fed up with Drake at this point. [EP cites many examples of why he takes offense to Drake and crew for their treatment of staff. Their hubris.
The man he almost got arrested for protecting and his team are treating EP and his coworkers like shit. He cites cultural reasons as well, echoing Kenny’s “not like us” sentiments.
At some point EP’s is instructed by his director to clean out the lost and found. By August he’s so fed up that he’s going to sell these things and not protect Drake by what might come out if anyone recognizes these items as belonging to that lady from 83rd street. He posts them on Facebook.
Fast forward to now, and Kendrick drops a diss track. At some point, either Akademiks snitched on EP for having the items. or him and Drake both did.
EP has been pushed and pushed. He has to take this treatment and give the friendly enjoy your evening.
“Meet the Grahams” comes out and EP said I understood the assignment. Kenny at some point gets the album art from EP with item’s that appear to have belonged to Drake.
Drake releases “The Heart Part 6” said that he fed the cover art content to Kenny. Why would he lie about that? Why not say wow Kenny you got people going through my trash? Because buying stolen goods is illegal, and if they’re connected to, or even worse you ordered or someone you know is involved in, a murder and horrific SA of an elderly woman… yikes bad optics any which way. But EP, on the other hand, obtained the items after they were disposed of, which is legal even if they were stolen and especially if they were unclaimed after x many days, from my understanding.
EP’s manager finds out about the album cover and questions him about how the items were obtained. But she knew that EP had these items already, as he was instructed by to not throw them in the trash originally and then months later instructed to throw them out. EP implies that policy/practice allows him to claim the items at this point. From what I’ve heard from people who worked at hotels throughout my life is that this is generally true for other hotels as well.
He explains to his boss how the items were obtained. She advises him to get a lawyer which is strange because staff knew these items were in the lost and found and that by law, if they aren’t claimed within a certain amount of time they’re fair game. But if they’re stolen from a murdered woman, yeah you might want to speak to a lawyer because possession of stolen property is illegal even if you didn’t know it was stolen and it also may implicate you in a murder that took place nearby. It doesn’t make sense to me that EP’s boss would advise a lawyer when she knew all of this, unless she knew ALL of that.
CA knew about this, perhaps due to proximity? He sees the bag or hears the conversation about it. He thinks he has to do the right thing and tell the police, or somehow gets assaulted so that he keeps quiet. EP alleges that police were called because someone got assaulted that night.
I’m not sure who this is but It appears to be the same man pictured about a minute later.
submitted by baambaay to DarkKenny [link] [comments]