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definitely not me irl

2016.01.21 01:27 lapzkauz definitely not me irl


2017.09.21 21:03 Eronine Suicide by words

A sub about self inflicted insults.

2009.07.25 05:08 redsnow Needadvice

A sub dedicated to seeking advice from expert advisors of reddit...

2024.05.14 23:47 Far-Answer-79 Need help with dissertation! Qualitative study

**Disclosure: My dissertation is fully written, I just need someone who understands data/stats to help me look at data and make sense of the numbers**
Need URGENT help with my qualitative study! My dissertation is a QSLR. I have finished writing my dissertation and need help figuring out a few numbers. I am in a clinical program, statistics and research is absolutely not my forte. The program I used was MAXQDA, it was highly recommended to me for my qualitative thematic analysis. I had help to run the analysis, and the trainer gave me the codes, results, etc. in excel and word docs. Now I need help plugging in certain numbers into my research. I've reached out to the guy I worked with for help, unfortunately it seems he is too busy and sent me a spreadsheet that I have no idea what I am doing with. He understands I do not have much understanding of statistics or working with data. I really need someone who can help me sort out some key numbers. My understanding is that the data is right underneath my nose based on all the docs the analyst sent me, but I just don't know how to make sense of it! The help I need is how to expand on my themes numerically- I need to show significance. Can anyone who truly understands data help me take a look? Thank you!
submitted by Far-Answer-79 to DissertationSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:39 TightSelection9156 [MOBILE] [early 2010s] An army-themed base-building game in which you fight PvE battles with monsters?

I used to play an army/military game on my dad's iPod growing up in 2010-2012. This game was set out on the iPod landscape and was almost like a field. Monsters I call them but the enemy came out of one end of the phone (by the charging port for example) and you the player would have diffrent options of weapons to try and stop them from reaching the other side. You would almost make a maze with the weapons to make it harder for the enemy to get through you could also increase the weapons you where using through time with money ? I think from killing the enemy . I have tried to find this game for so long it was my whole childhood and I have had no luck. Hopefully someone here knows :)
submitted by TightSelection9156 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:11 truecelestial Attapoll - Best mobile app to make money by competing surveys!

I've been using Attapoll for quite a few years now and I can confidently say it's the best mobile app to make money by completing surveys. Here are a few reasons why I love the app:
Short, Interesting Surveys and Instant Rewards Most of the surveys last between 5-10 minutes and offer from a few cents to a few dollars. The money you need to cashout is just $2.5 and you'll get paid very quickly. I cashout through Revolut and the payment is literally instant.
Super Easy & Convenient You get a notification on your phone whenever a new survey is available and you can complete it on your spare time at home or while commuting. The UI is also very intuitive and you will never get confused or lost.
Worldwide Support Even for countries outside the US, there are many survey opportunities. I, for example, live in Eastern Europe and I'm still able to make some satisfying pocket money considering the little time I spend on the app.
If interested you can download the app using the link below to start with a bonus: https://attapoll.app/join/tnuku
Payment proof: https://imgur.com/a/GFJlNL5
submitted by truecelestial to ReferalLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:29 Competitive-Edge-685 Unleash the Future: Join AMC on Base Network and Revolutionize Your Digital Experience!

AMC on Base Network - The New Star of Blockchain
Are you ready to explore? AMC on Base Network is an innovative and dynamic cryptocurrency project based on the meme stock craze. Our goal is to provide our Community members with a secure, transparent, and accessible meme coin they can trade and have fun with. Come and be part of this digital revolution! AMC to the moon!
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Use this address to purchase tokens and access special events, bonuses, and more for our token holders. Protect your digital assets with our smart contracts, designed with your security and privacy in mind.
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Push your limits with AMC on Base Network, get acquainted with the innovations brought by blockchain technology. Follow us on our social media channels for more information and updates, and take your place in the world of digital assets!
submitted by Competitive-Edge-685 to cryptomoongroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:26 LearnHebrew Give me a call!

Give me a call!
➢ Have not taken a conversational program before and are looking for the right one to meet your goals, budget, lifestyle, commitments... This call will address everything that's on your mind or on your plate.
➢ Have learned beginner conversational Hebrew in the past, or are currently doing so, but didn't get the results you wanted or that point where you can practically speak Hebrew.
➢ Don't have enough time, money, capacity to learn, confidence, or anyone to speak Hebrew to... so how will you do it?
➢ Need a fresh start or a refresher on your beginner to intermediate speaking skills.
➢ Want to get practical and enhance your ability (or confidence) to speak Hebrew with Israelis, in Israel.
IF ANY OF THE ABOVE IS YOU 👉 you are going to get so much value from speaking to my dedicated concierge team of Israelis.
➢ You're enrolled in (or completed) a conversational program (mine or another) and are happy with the progress you’re making. That means that you're already on the right path, which is exactly what these calls are here to help others find.
➢ You're an intermediate to advanced Hebrew speaker. The advice in these calls won't cover new ground for you at this stage.
➢ You want to focus on reading and writing. My best-selling series, Hebrew 1 - 2 - 3, is here for you - order your copy right here, and you're set.
➢ You're interested in Biblical Hebrew only.
➢ Tailored guidance designed to help you take the most effective first or next step for you on your Hebrew speaking journey.
➢ An attentive, intelligent listening ear that understands your unique situation and needs, considering everything you have on your plate and on your mind.
➢ Absolutely no sales pitches — just clear, straightforward support to help you move forward. Whether you're a good fit for my programs or not, my concierge team will tell you, no fluff.
👉 Comment the word CALL to get the link to schedule your call.

languagelearning #hebrew #israel #scheduletoday

submitted by LearnHebrew to HebrewbyInbal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:22 Soninetz 10 Navan Competitors: Best Alternatives for Businesses

10 Navan Competitors: Best Alternatives for Businesses
In the competitive landscape of Navan's market, staying ahead of rivals, competitors, and different business sizes is crucial. Understanding what sets Navan apart from its competitors can be the key to success. By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of Navan against its competitors, businesses can strategize effectively. Identifying opportunities for growth and areas for improvement is essential for Navan to thrive in this dynamic market environment. Stay tuned as we delve into the world of Navan's competitors, target market, company, finance team, and uncover strategies for navigating this challenging terrain.
Useful Links:
  1. Navan LifeTime Deal
  2. Navan Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Consider Your Business Size: When exploring alternatives to Navan, take into account the sizes of your business and target market to choose a solution that aligns with your specific needs and scalability.
  • Evaluate Features and Integrations: Prioritize platforms that offer key features and integrations that are essential for your business operations, such as CRM tools, analytics capabilities, and marketing automation.
  • Seek User-Friendly Solutions: Opt for alternatives that are user-friendly and easy to navigate, ensuring a smooth transition for your team members and maximizing productivity.
  • Request Demos and Trials: Before committing to a new software, request demos and trials from potential alternatives to experience firsthand how the platform functions and if it meets your requirements.
  • Review Customer Feedback: Take the time to review customer feedback and testimonials to gain insights into the real-world experiences of businesses similar to yours that have adopted the alternative solutions.
  • Plan for Implementation: Develop a comprehensive implementation plan for the new software, including training sessions for your staff, data migration strategies, and a timeline for the transition process.

Exploring Navan Alternatives

Zoho Expense

Zoho Expense provides robust travel and expense management features. It offers seamless integration with other Zoho applications for efficient data flow and software management. The platform allows for easy tracking of expenses and simplifies the reimbursement process.
Simplify your corporate travel and expense management today with Navan! Get started with our free trial now! 🌟


Automated travel management solutions are the forte of myBiz as an alternative to Navan. It streamlines the entire process, from booking tickets to managing itineraries and expenses. With its user-friendly interface and expense management software, myBiz ensures a hassle-free travel experience for employees.


Itilite stands out by offering a comprehensive Business Travel & Expense management software solution with enough information and integrations compared to Navan. It provides detailed insights into travel spending patterns, enough information, and helps in optimizing costs effectively. The platform also integrates AI-driven tools for smarter decision-making.

Best Picks for Small Businesses


Circula stands out in Europe as an all-in-one app for expenses, travel expenses, credit cards, and employee benefits. It offers a comprehensive software solution for small businesses looking to streamline their expense management processes efficiently and provides enough information. The app caters to the needs of businesses of all sizes, providing a user-friendly interface and robust features.


Roomex is a purpose-built travel platform designed specifically for small businesses. It offers a seamless solution for managing travel expenses effectively, allowing businesses to book accommodations and track expenses conveniently. Roomex caters to the unique requirements of small businesses, helping them save time and money on business travel.


Payhawk provides a spend management solution tailored for small businesses to control employee spend efficiently. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, Payhawk simplifies expense tracking and management, enabling businesses to optimize their spending and achieve significant savings. The software is designed to meet the specific needs of small businesses, offering a cost-effective solution for expense management.

Top Choices for Medium-sized Companies

Zoho Expense

Zoho Expense offers multi-level approval, spend rules, and analytics benefits for medium-sized companies. The platform streamlines expense management processes efficiently.


Expensya effectively automates spend management for medium-sized companies, catering to various company sizes. It simplifies expense tracking and reimbursement procedures.
Useful Links:
  1. Navan LifeTime Deal
  2. Navan Free Trial


Roomex stands out as a top choice for medium-sized companies due to its features that facilitate accommodation booking, consolidate spend seamlessly, and manage expense. The platform enhances corporate travel experiences for employees.
  1. Benefits of Zoho Expense:
    • Streamlined expense management
    • Multi-level approval system
    • Detailed analytics for better financial insights
  2. Advantages of Expensya:
    • Automation of spend management tasks
    • Simplified expense tracking processes
    • Efficient reimbursement procedures
  3. Key Features of Roomex:
    • Seamless accommodation booking process
    • Consolidation of spend for cost-efficiency
    • Enhanced corporate travel experiences for employees

Features and Integrations Overview

Zoho Expense

Zoho Expense offers a comprehensive suite of features for businesses, including travel booking, expense reporting, and card reconciliation. These features are designed to provide enhanced control over business spend.


myBiz stands out by providing automated travel management solutions with seamless integrations. This approach ensures efficient onboarding processes for companies, enhancing overall visibility and productivity.


Payhawk excels in its integration capabilities, offering features like reimbursement of mileage, per diem claims, and out-of-pocket spend tracking. These integrations streamline expense management processes, providing a seamless experience for users.

Final Remarks

You've now explored various alternatives to Navan, from small business favorites to top choices for medium-sized companies. Understanding the features and integrations of each option can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your business needs. Remember to prioritize scalability, user-friendliness, and value for money when selecting a solution for your company's growth.
As you continue your search for the perfect software, consider scheduling demos, reading user reviews, and seeking recommendations from industry peers. Making a well-informed choice now can save you time and resources in the long run. Keep evaluating your options based on what matters most to your business, and you'll soon find the ideal platform to streamline your operations and drive success.
Ready to take control of your corporate expenses? Try Navan, the top-rated super app loved by users everywhere! Sign up for your free trial today! 💼

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key factors to consider when exploring Navan alternatives?

When looking for Navan alternatives, consider pricing, features, scalability, and customer support. Evaluate how well the alternative aligns with your business needs and growth plans.

Which alternatives are recommended as the best picks for small businesses?

For small businesses, top alternatives to Navan include Zoho Books, QuickBooks Online, and FreshBooks. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces, essential accounting features, and affordable pricing plans tailored for small enterprises.

What are the top choices for medium-sized companies seeking Navan alternatives?

Medium-sized companies can benefit from platforms like Xero, Sage Intacct, and NetSuite as alternatives to Navan. These solutions provide advanced features, robust integrations, scalability options, and dedicated support suitable for mid-sized operations.

How can businesses benefit from exploring features and integrations overview of Navan competitors?

Understanding the features and integrations offered by Navan competitors allows businesses to make informed decisions based on their specific requirements. This analysis helps in finding a solution that not only meets current needs but also supports future growth and efficiency.

Are there any industry-specific considerations when evaluating Navan alternatives?

Yes, industry-specific considerations play a crucial role in selecting the right alternative. Factors such as compliance regulations, specialized features (like project management or inventory tracking), and integration capabilities with industry-specific tools should be taken into account during the evaluation process.
Useful Links:
  1. Navan LifeTime Deal
  2. Navan Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:17 nj55245 Job or Health

Just to get somethings out of the way, I am on mobile and apologize for the formatting. I have been a lurker on this sub for about a year now suspecting I might have Endo. Been dealing with it since I was 10 y.o. I couldn't really do anything about it because my medical insurance was always trash (U.S.A). I didn't have insurance for a good year because I worked for a small business. Well the job I was working started cutting my hours so severely that I became eligible for UCare, which in Minnesota is a great insurance! I took the opportunity to start looking for specialists and I got an appointment with Dr. Hegaard who was highly recommended by the Endo Warriors of Minnesota.
A couple ultrasounds later and yeah I have Endo and fibroids who would've thought? During this time I got laid off from previously mentioned job around March this year. Now here's the issue, I got an offer for a really good job that pays well but is only seasonal. They emphasized that I could not take anytime off, which normally would be something I'm not down for but I'm desperate for work. My fiance doesn't want me to take the job because I have a follow up visit with said doctor on July 1st, which I would not be able to make if I accepted this job.He's worried that we wouldn't be able to afford the Endo care for me now that I'm finally on track to get this awful part of my existence taken care of.
He's specifically worried that UCare would kick me off the insurance due to my possible new, much higher income. This doctor is in high demand and I am only able to schedule appointments with him every 3 months or so and I would not be able to see him if I rescheduled till September. I'm signed up to try to get an earlier appointment but those get snapped up faster than I've been able to react. He was also the only doctor in my entire life that listened to me about my pain and the hardships I was going through. I actually cried in his office the first time we talked because I had never felt heard by a medical professional the way I had with him.
I just want to reiterate the job pays really well, much more than I've ever been paid before but it is seasonal. I just want to know if anyone has any advice. Should I pick a job that will actually financially support me (I'm so so broke) or take care of my health?
Any input or advice is appreciated, thank you!
submitted by nj55245 to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:16 Independent-Race4577 Drown me

Body of water, engulf me now, lungs are tight, I’m more than a quarter down, this body of water thinks I’m enough,the tide is rough, yet I feel a deep glow within me, my strange fears nowhere to grip me, and you might think I’m deranged for I have found peace in being consumed, a tear, another tear, and then another tear, joining this body of water, oh how I love this body of water, let me embody the waves and how they crash against the rocks, let me embody the cries of fellow misunderstood creatures, Maybe then I’ll become someone’s preacher. and I despise the land, the place I once called home, slide the glass into my feet, l am not to travel with those rose stained feet no more, so meet me where my feet are never to touch the ground again, body of water engulf me now.
submitted by Independent-Race4577 to u/Independent-Race4577 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:01 Rosecello HELP! Hair feels synthetic, unhealthy, coated in a plastic film, and pasty when wet?

HELP! Hair feels synthetic, unhealthy, coated in a plastic film, and pasty when wet?
I basically have the same hair cut and color as Zayn here, except I bleach & dye my whole head.
I have no idea what's causing my hair to feel so synthetic but everyone has noticed. It feels terrible to the touch. When it's wet, it's pasty and sticks together really bad. When it's dry, it feels like barbie hair. Almost squeaking against itself when touched because it feels like absolute plastic.
This is a recent development, maybe within the past 3-4 months or so. I typically bleach every month or 2 with Brite Cruelty Free Vegan Hair Bleach, and for the past couple years I was using L'oréal permanent pinks and reds. The Féria boxes or the Chroma Reds that I mixed with developer at home. Sometimes I used L'oréal Colorista semi permanent for fun & easy application. I do not go to a salon, I do everything myself. At this point, my hair still felt very healthy.
I did use Arctic Fox's Bleach Please about a month ago which burned so bad I had to take it out early, but I think I was having this problem before that. My best guess about why this happened to my hair is that I bleached twice within like 2 days? With the Brite vegan bleach. Just because I applied a color I didn't like, bleached it again and re-dyed.
I dye more often than I bleach. And more recently, I've been experimenting with Ion permanent Brights which don't stick to my hair. I've noticed that ever since my hair feels like shit, the ends barely hold color, which has resulted in me now using Sally Beauty's Strawberry Leopard Conditioning Semi Perma hair dye, which is holding onto my hair better than any of the Ion. So my hair started feeling bad right before using Ion, at which point I would've still been using my regular L'oréal Féria colors. If it makes a difference, sometime around here I also used Revlon's Pastel Pink permanent dye.
There are some other things I can note here:
-I moved from a different state into Michigan about a year ago and am exposed to new water - which for some reason burns my eyes and leaves my skin also feeling terrible to the touch, and extra dry from every shower
-Now that I have short hair ( it's been short for 2 years now) I don't leave the conditioner in to sit like I used to with long hair, I use it as fast as I use shampoo. I also only shampoo once every 2 or 3 showers, but conditioner every time
-I use Herbal Essences Grapeseed Color Protect shampoo & conditioner
-After a shower I recently started using Pantene stay in conditioner and a couple sprays of argan oil and a single spray of coconut oil again, because this worked for me when my hair felt healthiest. I did go almost the whole past year without using any product after showering, but didn't get too much sun exposure because I like the indoors
-I get my hair generously trimmed about once a month, and buzzed on the sides & back like pictured above
-I shower in lukewarm water, never hot
-My live-in boyfriends long hair is nice and soft and healthy but he's lived here all his life so he's used to the water, or maybe he just didn't destroy his hair with chemicals like I may have
Please recommend any masks/products/routines I can do to get my hair feeling healthy again. I swear it feels like I could melt the plastic film off my hair like when you pour boiling water over an apple to melt off the wax. Any feedback appreciated.
submitted by Rosecello to Hair [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:48 Sad-Bottle-4339 26 [M4F] - Ireland/NI/UK - An alternative Irish fella looking for the right someone

I’m a alternate looking Irish fella looking to talk to people and see where things go so here is a little bit about me!
About me: well I’m a massive film nerd, i studied it at university and hoping at some point to get into that industry. I love my music, mainly rock, emo, alt, indie and stuff like that. Bands and artists such as twenty one pilots, my chemical romance, movements, Joji, enter shikari, bad omens, bring me the horizon, korn, Crywank and spiritbox just to name a few. Along with that I love concerts/gig, be it a comedy gig or live music I’ll be there. I love anime and gaming to so I am a big nerd like that. I enjoy hiking, walks and nature in general and always make time for that. Lastly I love to travel and planning get aways.
Physical: I’m a tall (6’2) chubby white guy. I always say I’ve a dad bod without the kids. I’ve 18 tattoos all of my arms, a nose ring, brown hair and I wear glasses. Happy to share pictures of myself if you’d like that.
What I’m looking for is someone I can just connect with, someone kind and nice and all that type of stuff. Physical I tend to go for more alternative looking people but that’s not a dealbreaker, as long as you’ve a personality I can connect with all good. It would help If you could share a picture of yourself!
So yeah that’s me. Send me a message telling me a random fact about yourself or something you love
submitted by Sad-Bottle-4339 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:46 throwRA-janbankman This girl 18F i like likes me 20M back but she has a boyfriend kinda, what do i do?

i like this girl i met at thunderdome 2023 and after that i started talking to her and told het i liked her but sche told me she was seeing someone which is fine i liked to have her as a friend too. But a while ago we when to get a drink and i sorta got the feeling she like me but i confirmed that she was still seeing someone. we went to a few more party's together and last weekend she was like really clingy and kept looking for attention and skin contact so afterwards i asked like hey whats the deal i feel like you also want to be more than friend. she told me she did like me and thought i was attractive and she wasn't sure if she was going to keep seeing this dude she is seeing and that she feels really bad about talking to 2 guys at the same time.
i am not sure what to do now she is the first girl where it is not totaly platonic and i can smoothly talk to her. Should i wait and see if she stops seeing this other guy or look for someone else. And do i keep talking to het until she made up her mind because its getting me kind of down not being more than friends, i didn't mind just being friends with her before i knew she liked me back but now it is driving me crazy.
any advice is much appreciated.
sorry if my phrasing is weird english is not my first language.
submitted by throwRA-janbankman to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:38 sassey189 Thank you Danny :)

Danny has helped me through some of the hardest experiences in my life. In middle school when I had no friends and was bullied constantly. When in high school I was ostracized and bullied, and still had no close friends besides online friends. When I went away to college in August, nine hours away from home, and was terrified. When my awful roommate would be passive aggressive towards me, and make me feel bad in the space we shared. All the times I had trouble sleeping. And now, my Mimi is going to go into hospice, and may die since she has a surgery scheduled tomorrow. I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety my whole life, and whenever I need something to feel better, he’s there. I started watching him in 2018, the “How Are These Relatable? (Bad Relationship Memes)” had just come out, and I was hooked. I just wanted to say thank you, Danny has been there through everything. I know he probably gets 100s of these a day, but truly I don’t know where I would would be without Danny’s videos. ❤️
submitted by sassey189 to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:35 Soninetz SurveySparrow vs Qualtrics: 2 Ultimate Survey Builder Compared

SurveySparrow vs Qualtrics: 2 Ultimate Survey Builder Compared
In the realm of survey tools, Surveysparrow and Qualtrics stand out as popular choices with a variety of customers and high market share ratings. Both platforms offer a variety of unique features and benefits, catering to diverse user needs and market share. Surveysparrow focuses on simplicity and user-friendly interfaces, while Qualtrics boasts advanced customization options and robust analytics. Understanding the differences between Surveysparrow vs. Qualtrics can help you choose the best fit for your survey requirements. Let's delve into a detailed comparison to determine which platform aligns with your goals and preferences.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Consider Your Needs: Evaluate your specific requirements in terms of features, pricing, customers, market share, and customization before choosing between Surveysparrow and Qualtrics.
  • Budget Wisely: Compare the pricing plans of both platforms to ensure you select a survey builder that aligns with your budget while meeting your needs.
  • Focus on User Experience: Prioritize a survey tool that offers a user-friendly interface and a seamless experience for both creators and respondents.
  • Utilize Free Trials: Take advantage of free trials offered by Surveysparrow and Qualtrics to test their functionalities and determine which aligns best with your survey goals.
  • Seek Feedback: Gather input from potential users within your organization to understand their preferences and requirements when selecting a survey builder.
  • Customization Matters: Consider the level of customization needed for your surveys and choose a platform that allows you to tailor surveys to your branding and data collection needs.

Initial Comparison

User Experience

SurveySparrow: Users praise its intuitive interface, making survey creation a breeze. The platform offers a seamless experience. Qualtrics: Known for its robust features, users appreciate the customization options and in-depth analytics provided.

Pricing Structures

  • SurveySparrow: Offers affordable pricing plans suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. Users appreciate the value for money.
  • Qualtrics: Positioned as a premium solution with higher price points, catering more to enterprise-level organizations.
Turn your customers into loyal fans! Try SurveySparrow for free and see the magic happen! 🎩✨

First Impressions

SurveySparrow's simplicity appeals to users looking for quick and easy survey creation tools. In contrast, Qualtrics impresses users with its extensive range of features and advanced capabilities. New users often find SurveySparrow more approachable due to its user-friendly design, while Qualtrics can be overwhelming initially but rewarding for those seeking comprehensive survey solutions.

Key Aspects to Consider

Customization Options

SurveySparrow offers a wide range of customization options, allowing users to tailor surveys to suit the needs of their target audience effectively. In contrast, Qualtrics also provides robust customization features, enabling teams to create surveys that align with their brand identity.

Field Types for Surveys

When it comes to field types, both platforms, SurveySparrow and Qualtrics, offer a diverse selection to cater to various survey requirements. SurveySparrow provides an array of field types such as multiple-choice questions, rating scales, and more. Similarly, Qualtrics equips users with a variety of field options for comprehensive market research.

Integrations with Other Platforms

Both SurveySparrow and Qualtrics understand the importance of seamless integrations with other tools. SurveySparrow, known for its user-friendly interface, integrates effortlessly with popular platforms like Google Sheets and Slack. On the other hand, Qualtrics, being a leader in market research solutions, offers integrations with CRM systems like Salesforce for enhanced data management.

Pricing and Features

Customization Options

SurveySparrow offers a range of pricing plans, including a free tier for basic needs. Qualtrics, on the other hand, is known for its robust features catering to various businesses.

Ratings and Market Share

SurveySparrow has gained popularity among customers for its user-friendly interface and excellent customer support. In contrast, Qualtrics holds a significant market share due to its advanced features and analytics capabilities.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial

Form Features Comparison

When it comes to varied customization options, SurveySparrow excels with its easy-to-use interface tailored for businesses of all sizes. Qualtrics, known for its sophisticated features, offers a wide variety of advanced functionalities.
  • SurveySparrow: Provides intuitive skip logic and piping capabilities.
  • Qualtrics: Offers advanced branching options for intricate survey designs.

Team Collaboration

For seamless collaboration, both platforms, SurveySparrow and Qualtrics, provide tools for teams to work together efficiently on surveys. This allows businesses to gather insights effectively through collective input.

Choosing the Right Survey Builder

User Interface

SurveySparrow: Simple and intuitive interface, easy for beginners to navigate. Qualtrics: Robust features with a steeper learning curve, ideal for advanced users.
When deciding between SurveySparrow and Qualtrics, consider the user interface. SurveySparrow offers a straightforward design, making it user-friendly for those new to survey building. In contrast, Qualtrics provides more complex features suited for experienced users who require advanced customization options.

Customization Options

SurveySparrow: Limited customization features but focuses on simplicity and ease of use. Qualtrics: Extensive customization capabilities allowing for intricate survey designs.
For individuals or businesses seeking customization options, Qualtrics stands out with its wide range of features that cater to specific branding needs. On the other hand, SurveySparrow prioritizes simplicity over extensive customization, making it ideal for quick and efficient survey creation without intricate design requirements.


You've now explored the differences between Surveysparrow and Qualtrics, delving into key aspects, pricing, features, and how to choose the right survey builder. Understanding these nuances is crucial for selecting the platform that best aligns with your needs and goals. By considering factors like ease of use, customization options, pricing structures, and scalability, you can make an informed decision that enhances your surveying experience.
As you move forward with your survey-building endeavors, remember to prioritize what matters most to you. Whether it's user-friendliness, advanced features, or budget-friendliness, selecting the right tool can streamline your processes and elevate the insights you gather. Keep these considerations in mind as you navigate the world of online surveys and empower yourself to make the most out of your data collection efforts.
Don't just meet expectations, exceed them! Begin your SurveySparrow free trial today and become the brand your customers adore! ❤️

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences between Surveysparrow and Qualtrics?

Surveysparrow is user-friendly with a focus on conversational surveys, suitable for small to medium businesses. Qualtrics offers advanced features and customization options, ideal for enterprise-level organizations requiring in-depth analytics and complex survey structures.

Which key aspects should I consider when choosing between Surveysparrow and Qualtrics?

Consider factors like ease of use, customization options, analytics capabilities, pricing structure, customer support quality, integration possibilities, and scalability based on your organization's specific needs and goals.

How do the pricing and features of Surveysparrow compare to Qualtrics?

Surveysparrow generally offers more affordable pricing plans tailored for smaller businesses while providing essential features. In contrast, Qualtrics offers a wide range of advanced features but comes at a higher price point more suited for larger enterprises with complex survey requirements.

What benefits can I expect from using Surveysparrow over Qualtrics?

Choosing Surveysparrow can provide benefits such as intuitive survey creation, interactive chat-like surveys that boost response rates, cost-effectiveness for small to medium businesses, and efficient data collection with user-friendly analytics tools.

How can I determine the right survey builder between Surveysparrow and Qualtrics?

To choose the right survey builder, assess your organization's budget, survey complexity, desired level of customization, team collaboration needs, integrations required with other tools or platforms, and overall ease of use to make an informed decision that aligns with your objectives.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:15 Faithhal Unveiling the Best Website to Catch a Cheater: Safeguarding Trust in Relationships

In today's digital age, fidelity and trust are constantly put to the test. The rise of social media, dating apps, and online communication has made it easier for individuals to stray from their committed relationships. However, with technological advancements come innovative solutions. Among these solutions, one stands out as a beacon of hope for those seeking to uncover infidelity: the best website to catch a cheater.
Gone are the days of relying solely on intuition or hiring costly private investigators. With the advent of specialized online platforms, individuals now have access to powerful tools that can help them uncover the truth and protect their relationships.
So, what makes the best website to catch a cheater stand out from the rest? Firstly, it offers a comprehensive range of services designed to cater to different needs and suspicions. Whether you're concerned about your partner's online activities, suspicious text messages, or questionable social media interactions, these websites provide a variety of tools to help you gather evidence discreetly.
Moreover, the best websites prioritize user privacy and security, ensuring that your investigations remain confidential. From encrypted communication channels to secure payment gateways, these platforms employ state-of-the-art technology to safeguard your information and identity.
One of the most valuable features of these websites is their user-friendly interface. You don't need to be a tech-savvy sleuth to navigate through the tools and gather the evidence you need. With simple instructions and intuitive design, anyone can use these platforms to uncover the truth behind their partner's behavior.
Furthermore, the best websites to catch a cheater often offer additional resources and support to help individuals cope with the emotional fallout of infidelity. From expert advice on relationship counseling to community forums where users can share their experiences, these platforms strive to provide holistic support to those navigating the complexities of trust and betrayal.
For more>> Best website to catch a cheater
Of course, it's important to approach the use of these websites with caution and ethical considerations. While uncovering infidelity can be devastating, it's essential to weigh the consequences and consider the possibility of reconciliation before taking any drastic actions.
In conclusion, the best website to catch a cheater represents a beacon of hope for those grappling with doubts and suspicions in their relationships. By harnessing the power of technology and innovation, these platforms empower individuals to uncover the truth and make informed decisions about their future. However, it's crucial to remember that trust is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and while these tools can provide clarity, ultimately, it's up to individuals to nurture and protect the bonds of trust and fidelity.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:06 Joshh170 Forza Motorsport Adds New Cars and Content With Update 8

Forza Motorsport Adds New Cars and Content With Update 8
Developer Turn 10 Studios has released Forza Motorsport Update 8, bringing substantial additions to the game, including new cars and content. Additionally, this new Forza Motorsport update includes several bug fixes for players on Xbox Series XS, PC via the Microsoft Store, and Steam.
In 2023, Forza Motorsport was released as a reboot of the popular subseries within the Forza sim racing franchise, developed by Turn 10 Studios and published by Xbox Game Studios. The game introduces significant technical advancements like real-time ray tracing, dynamic weather, and damage modeling. Forza Motorsport's initial reception was positive, particularly for its realism and online multiplayer modes.
One of the highlights of Forza Motorsport Update 8 is the introduction of Career Events, promising diverse experiences for players. These events include the Featured Tour: Track Toys Tour, which kicks off on May 15 and runs until June 26, offering enthusiasts the chance to immerse themselves in adrenaline-pumping racing action. Additionally, the update introduces various other events like Ginetta Juniors, Weekend Warriors, Kit Caterhams, and Track Toys, each with its unique challenges and rewards.
Furthermore, the inclusion of new vehicles in the Forza Motorsport car lineup will please car enthusiasts. Among these are the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 from the Track Toys Tour, the 2011 BMW 1 Series M Coupe from the Open Class Tour, and spotlight cars such as the 2019 Ginetta G40 Junior, 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS, 2013 Caterham Superlight R500, and 2019 Elemental RP1. These cars not only expand the roster but also offer players exciting choices for their racing adventures.
Moreover, as with the previous Forza Motorsport patch, Update 8 brings significant improvements and bug fixes across various aspects of the game. Players can expect enhanced stability, refined gameplay mechanics, and optimizations for PC performance, including improved video memory usage and fixes for issues like screen flashing and controller disconnects.
In the Forza Motorsport multiplayer arena, Spec Series events were introduced, including the Lotus 3-Eleven Spec Series and the Mazda Miata Spec Series, providing competitive racing opportunities for players looking to test their skills against others. The update also addresses car balancing, refining the performance of several vehicles in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series. Notable changes include adjustments to the engine torque, car mass, and downforce for cars like the 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 and 1997 McLaren F1 GT. With ongoing updates like this one, Forza Motorsport continues to evolve, ensuring that players have a dynamic racing experience.
Forza Motorsport Update 8 Patch Notes
Version Number:
Xbox Series XS: 1.587.4035.0 PC (Microsoft Store): 1.587.4035.0 Steam: 1.587.4035.0 Game Content, Features and Events [All Platforms]
Career Events
Featured Tour: Track Toys Tour (Available from May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 26 5pm PT June 27 12am UTC) Ginetta Juniors (Starts May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC) Weekend Warriors (Starts May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Kit Caterhams (Starts May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Track Toys (Starts June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC) Open Class Tour – 1960s Celebration (Available from May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) D Class Series C Class Series B Class Series A Class Series Reward Cars
Track Toys Tour: 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 Open Class Tour: 2011 BMW 1 Series M Coupé
Spotlight Cars
2019 Ginetta G40 Junior (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2019 Elemental RP1 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) VIP Discount Cars
2014 BAC Mono (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) 2016 Lotus 3 Eleven (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 1996 Porsche 996 GT1 (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 1994 Mazda Miata (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2016 Brabham BT62 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Multiplayer Events
Spec Series
Lotus 3-Eleven Spec Series (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Early Factory Racecar Series (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Mazda Miata Spec Series (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) Modern Factory Racecar Series (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Open Series
R Class Series and P Class Series (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) B Class Series and D Class Series (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) A Class Series and X Class Series (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) S Class Series and C Class Series (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Spotlight Series
2019 Ginetta G40 Junior (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2019 Elemental RP1 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Rivals Events
Spec Division: Forza Touring Cars – Virginia International Raceway Full Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) VIP: Mono a Mono – 2014 BAC Mono – Yas Marina South Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Celebrate Senna’s Legacy with McLaren – 2018 McLaren Senna – Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 26 5pm PT June 27 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2019 Ginetta G40 Junior – Brands Hatch Indy Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS – Mugello Club Circuit (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 – Grand Oak Club Circuit (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2019 Elemental RP1 – Lime Rock Full Circuit (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Stability [All Platforms]
Fixed a game crash caused by quickly and repeatedly changing the number of Drivatar AI opponents in Free Play event setup. [1717959] Fixed an issue that occurred when exiting out of pre-race in Free Play quickly after switching cars or modifying the event setup would cause a soft lock in the loading screen. [1732080] Fixed a stability issue when the player would exit to Event Menu while on track in during a Test Drive. [1751335] Fixed an issue in which disconnecting and reconnecting a controller would prevent the player from progressing to the game menu. [1734977]
Improvements have been made to video memory usage on PC. Addressed an issue where the screen would flash white when players entered the My Cars menu. [1749202] Fixed an issue on Steam where you would repeatedly be shown the Self-Improvement achievement, even when you haven't unlocked it. [1738129] Fixed an issue on Steam where the Safety Star and Safety Superstar achievements would accumulate incorrect progress after a multiplayer race. [1738130] Fixed an issue where the player could not exit out of Career when hovering over event posters and pressing the right mouse button. [1717135] Fixed an issue where Exit Event messages could not be closed out using a Cancel Button (B Button/ESC Key/Right Mouse Click). [1717315] Selecting replays using the mouse no longer requires a double click. [1580893] We’ve made changes to how PC graphics settings are applied to ensure you are only prompted to restart the game when it is necessary. [1568770] Fixed an issue where the player is prompted to restart the game when only the ‘Show Framerate’ toggle has been modified. [1755225] Fixed a PC-specific issue where the game would crash when disconnecting a wheel and reconnecting with a controller in Featured Multiplayer. [1728706]
Gameplay[All Platforms]
Introduced a Tire Wear Scale option to Free Play and Private Multiplayer, allowing adjustments to the rate at which tires are worn. 1x is the default value. At 2x, tire wear will occur twice as fast. Values range from .5x to 10x. This setting is found in the Event Setup Rules tab and in the Fuel & Tire menu when on track. Migrated the Open Class Tour in Career from the Builders Cup tab to the Featured tab. The Open Class Tour will be found in the Featured tab going forward. Fixed an issue where lap times faster than 18 seconds on Eaglerock Oval in Rivals X Class Time Attack leaderboards were not being posted. Fixed the achievement “Leisure Cruise” so that it now correctly unlocks when the specified criteria to complete a single lap at Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps during sunset has been met. [1681510] Adjusted the rolling start in the Builders Cup Power Tour: Iconic Muscle event so that cars no longer collide before the 3-2-1. [1717346] Fixed an issue where players not using steering assists were given control of their car at the wrong time when exiting the pit. [1717893] Fixed a bug in Private Multiplayer lobbies where player cars would appear on the track instead of in the pits when the host changes the selected track and while one or more players are in the Post Race screen. [1729190] Fixed an issue in Private Multiplayer where timed races didn’t mark laps as dirty when driving off track. [1757780] In Featured Multiplayer, Telemetry now states the correct number of Qualifying Laps before Featured Race. [1733624] Fixed an issue where every Featured Multiplayer post-race transition would only ever show Laguna Seca art as the next track. Now, the player will see the correct track loading screens when continuing from one completed Featured Multiplayer race to the next event. [1653249] Fixed an issue where the "Not Connected" UI popup would repeatedly show during sign-in even after a connection was regained. [1746586] Fixed an issue in the Settings menu where resetting all options to default values did not apply to Audio Performance. [1731587]
Multiplayer – Matchmaking and Events [All Platforms]
We’ve updated Safety Ratings in Featured Multiplayer by increasing the number of previous races the Safety Rating uses to determine your rating from 10 to 20, and by making on-track collisions more impactful to Safety Rating. Changes will take effect after your first race in Update 8. In addition, we’ve improved the matchmaking algorithm to search for a narrower range of Safety Ratings compared to your own. For example, players with an 'S' Safety Rating should no longer be matched with players who have 'E' and 'D' Safety Ratings. Groups will be connected to matches based on the player with the lowest Safety Rating. We’ve updated Featured Multiplayer events to use consistent weather conditions and avoid unpredictable weather transitions mid-race. [1750733] Removed the 2020 KTM X-Bow GT2 and the 2020 Lamborghini Essenza SCV12 from the Forza GT Series and added them to the Modern Factory Racecar Series in Featured Multiplayer. [1753741] Added the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 to the Forza GT Series in Featured Multiplayer. Developer’s Note: We’re currently working on recategorizing Forza GT racecars into separate spec divisions and expect to push these changes into the game this summer. Corrected an issue where the 1969 Lola #6 Sunoco T70 MkIIIB was eligible for the Vintage Le Mans Prototypes Series rather than the Prototype Group Racing Series. [1731588]
Car Balancing [All Platforms]
The following cars have been rebalanced in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series: Featured Multiplayer Spec Series Car Name Change Summary Forza GT Series 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 Engine torque: +25% Car Mass: +13.4% Front Downforce: -45% Rear Downforce: -45% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 McLaren F1 GT Increased Power 10% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion Increased Power 13% Lowered weight/ballast 3% Early Factory Racecar Series 1989 Ferrari F40 Competizione Increased power 10% Weight decreased 2%
Drivatar AI [All Platforms]
Reduced unnecessary braking scenarios for Drivatar AI opponents. Examples of this include braking while attempting to pass, two cars wide in corners, at the apex of corners, and on straights.
Tracks [All Platforms]
Gameplay[All Platforms]
Introduced a Tire Wear Scale option to Free Play and Private Multiplayer, allowing adjustments to the rate at which tires are worn. 1x is the default value. At 2x, tire wear will occur twice as fast. Values range from .5x to 10x. This setting is found in the Event Setup Rules tab and in the Fuel & Tire menu when on track. Migrated the Open Class Tour in Career from the Builders Cup tab to the Featured tab. The Open Class Tour will be found in the Featured tab going forward. Fixed an issue where lap times faster than 18 seconds on Eaglerock Oval in Rivals X Class Time Attack leaderboards were not being posted. Fixed the achievement “Leisure Cruise” so that it now correctly unlocks when the specified criteria to complete a single lap at Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps during sunset has been met. [1681510] Adjusted the rolling start in the Builders Cup Power Tour: Iconic Muscle event so that cars no longer collide before the 3-2-1. [1717346] Fixed an issue where players not using steering assists were given control of their car at the wrong time when exiting the pit. [1717893] Fixed a bug in Private Multiplayer lobbies where player cars would appear on the track instead of in the pits when the host changes the selected track and while one or more players are in the Post Race screen. [1729190] Fixed an issue in Private Multiplayer where timed races didn’t mark laps as dirty when driving off track. [1757780] In Featured Multiplayer, Telemetry now states the correct number of Qualifying Laps before Featured Race. [1733624] Fixed an issue where every Featured Multiplayer post-race transition would only ever show Laguna Seca art as the next track. Now, the player will see the correct track loading screens when continuing from one completed Featured Multiplayer race to the next event. [1653249] Fixed an issue where the "Not Connected" UI popup would repeatedly show during sign-in even after a connection was regained. [1746586] Fixed an issue in the Settings menu where resetting all options to default values did not apply to Audio Performance. [1731587]
Multiplayer – Matchmaking and Events [All Platforms]
We’ve updated Safety Ratings in Featured Multiplayer by increasing the number of previous races the Safety Rating uses to determine your rating from 10 to 20, and by making on-track collisions more impactful to Safety Rating. Changes will take effect after your first race in Update 8. In addition, we’ve improved the matchmaking algorithm to search for a narrower range of Safety Ratings compared to your own. For example, players with an 'S' Safety Rating should no longer be matched with players who have 'E' and 'D' Safety Ratings. Groups will be connected to matches based on the player with the lowest Safety Rating. We’ve updated Featured Multiplayer events to use consistent weather conditions and avoid unpredictable weather transitions mid-race. [1750733] Removed the 2020 KTM X-Bow GT2 and the 2020 Lamborghini Essenza SCV12 from the Forza GT Series and added them to the Modern Factory Racecar Series in Featured Multiplayer. [1753741] Added the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 to the Forza GT Series in Featured Multiplayer. Developer’s Note: We’re currently working on recategorizing Forza GT racecars into separate spec divisions and expect to push these changes into the game this summer. Corrected an issue where the 1969 Lola #6 Sunoco T70 MkIIIB was eligible for the Vintage Le Mans Prototypes Series rather than the Prototype Group Racing Series. [1731588]
Car Balancing [All Platforms]
The following cars have been rebalanced in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series: Featured Multiplayer Spec Series Car Name Change Summary Forza GT Series 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 Engine torque: +25% Car Mass: +13.4% Front Downforce: -45% Rear Downforce: -45% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 McLaren F1 GT Increased Power 10% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion Increased Power 13% Lowered weight/ballast 3% Early Factory Racecar Series 1989 Ferrari F40 Competizione Increased power 10% Weight decreased 2%
Drivatar AI [All Platforms]
Reduced unnecessary braking scenarios for Drivatar AI opponents. Examples of this include braking while attempting to pass, two cars wide in corners, at the apex of corners, and on straights.
Tracks [All Platforms]
Increased the track material luminance to be more physically correct, improving the overall contrast and color saturation of the track. This affects newly released tracks as well as future track updates. Maple Valley has been refreshed with “Mobil 1 Presents Maple Valley” race day branding, which includes new track signage featuring Mobil 1. Fixed multiple pop-in zones across the entire Maple Valley track. Fixed multiple pop-in zones across the entire Mid-Ohio track. Fixed numerous areas across Mid-Ohio where textures were displayed at low resolution or stretched. Placed a barrier along the pit exit at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course. To accommodate this change, leaderboards for this track have been reset. Fixed a couple zones at Brands Hatch that were missing or displaying broken skids. We’ve reset leaderboards for Le Mans track layouts following the changes made to this track in Update 7.
Cars [All Platforms]
2016 Ford Shelby GT350R: Fixed an issue where suspension couldn’t be tuned without the Drift Suspension upgrade. [1648500] 2013 McLaren P1: Fixed an issue where the aero wing wasn’t displaying its deployment animation when accelerating after braking for a turn. [1592856] 1992 Volkswagen Golf Gti 16v Mk2: Fixed an issue where the Analog speedometer did not match the telemetry. [1652263] Fixed an issue on select cars where the fog lights or reflectors would instead act as brake lights. This fix applies to the 1998 Toyota Supra RZ, 2003 Ford Focus RS and 1997 McLaren F1 GT. [1730279] [1731165]
Livery Editor[All Platforms]
Introduced a Vinyl Material tool to the Livery Editor which can be used to uniformly adjust all vinyl materials on a car from matte (non-reflective) to glossy (reflective). This includes a reset option to revert all vinyls to match car paint glossiness. Imported designs from Forza Horizon 5 using its similar feature will automatically inherit these values. When removing a livery from a vehicle, the color will now be reset to the default manufacturer color instead of the color when the player purchases it. [1731939] Adjusted the arrangement of hint buttons in Livery Editor at the bottom of the screen. [1741965] Fixed an issue in the Livery Editor where the save popup would not be shown when exiting after flipping a decal or creating a mask from a layer. [1739245] The 'Find Designs' menu is now accessible for rental cars when players try to open it from 'Design & Paint Menu' and 'Livery Mode Select' scenes. [1643182] Fixed an issue where the game was creating empty base model liveries. Forza base liveries will no longer be created and stored unless it's the current livery in use. [1551365] Added iconography to layers in the Livery Editor. The player can now see icons to indicate if it's a mask layer or a locked layer. [1370431] The background values (position, scale, color, etc.) will not change when the player is navigating through the lighting options panel. [1734187] Fixed issues when flipping the rotation of vinyls in the Livery Editor. [1728080] Fixed an issue to prevent zooming of camera if the mouse is over Livery Color Selector in all color modes (Normal, Manufacturer, Special) for consistency. [1721951] Addressed an issue where player brake calipers were displaying the wrong color instead of the expected special colors. [1712512] Fixed an issue in the Design & Paint menu where non-block color vinyl shapes ignored mask effects. [1630741]
Accessibility [All Platforms]
Screen Narrator now properly narrates the “Place in Car Bay” scene. [1738094] Screen Narrator will now read associated credit bonuses as part of the option value names on Free Play Advanced options which affect credits earned during the event. This change also fixes the display of the bonus percentages for all players. [1721875] Fixed intermittent failures of Screen Narrator to read the tab names in the Builders Cup Series Selection scene. [1721928] Screen Narrator now fully supports the “Series Standings” leaderboard scene accessed from the Builders Cup Event Setup scene. [1721944], [1657223] Screen Narrator now correctly reads the Driving Assists modal popup for new players during the initial races of Career mode. [1738064] Screen Narrator will now always correctly read the Data Out IP Address and Port settings in the Gameplay & HUD settings menu. [1667393] Fixed an issue with Screen Narrator reading DLC pack descriptions twice in Purchase Options menu. [1746587] Added descriptive text for the SoundCloud Driver Suit. [1708217] The Tune Setups menu is now fully narrated. [1709554]
Localization[All Platforms]
Fixed an issue where several words were not translated when using [sv-SE] (Swedish-Sweden) language. [1589182] Fixed an issue causing hint button text to exceed the text boundaries in several languages. [1711597] Fixed a typo in Screen Narrator voiceovers in [pt-BR] (Portuguese-Brazil) when viewing car info panels. [1712323] Fixed an issue that caused text to overlap in the Fuel & Tire setup screen when text size is set to largest, and the language is set to [fi-FI] (Finnish-Finland). [1749301] Fixed an issue where the word “Pause” is not translated in [ja-JP] (Japanese-Japan). [1749465] Fixed an issue where the word “Hardcore” is not translated in several languages. [1749471] Fixed an incorrect character in [zh-TW] (Taiwanese Mandarin-Taiwan) that caused Fuel & Tire menu categories to be mistranslated. [1749479]
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:46 metamorphopsia4109 [35F] - Philippines - Looking for a serious relationship

35 F here. Born, raised and living in the Philippines. Single, never been married and have no kids.
I'm looking for a possible serious relationship for marriage. Preferably with a single man around my age who can meet in person.
I want a relationship where I feel like I'm standing on solid ground. The one that doesn't make me feel anxious all the time.
5'6 and on the heavier side.
Emotional, clingy, jealous but fiercely faithful and loyal.
I love music and I play a few musical instrument. I enjoy long drives, reading, writing and watching series (mostly with subtitiles).
If you are looking for the same thing, please send a chat request with your age, location and a little info about you.
PS: If you're not from here, that's fine, but you must be someone willing and able to meet me in person. You must also be open to regular voice calls.
Thanks and have a good day!
submitted by metamorphopsia4109 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:36 emk2017 What advice do you have about my ‘25f’ situation with my bf ‘27m’ when it comes to working through it or breaking up?

My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. He is mostly a really great and thoughtful partner. He makes meals for me when I’m feeling down, always has the house picked up when he knows I’ve had a long day, always thinks of me when he is out and about and surprises me with little treats. He treats me really well, and I can tell how much he loves me. That being said, we have an issue of not knowing how to manage escalation. We both get defensive in arguments, but he begins to talk constantly to where I can’t get a word in or even follow what he is talking about anymore. He gets so heated and just starts ranting. He doesn’t call me names, but he will say that I’m manipulative, that his life matters too, and will try to bait me by making comments ab how the relationship should end. He gets mad when I say ok and tells me I should fight for it and that’s why he said it. He gets louder and louder and more frustrated, and I usually end up crying and not talking until it ends. He will usually say something about how now he’s going to feel bad and crazy for freaking out and how it’s not fair that I cry. I usually try to end the argument when it starts escalating, but he won’t let it go and will just keep pushing even if I say it’s getting out of control. Once it ends, he will end up saying that he was wrong, that he doesn’t know why he freaks out, that something is wrong with him, that I don’t deserve that, that he loves me. It takes me some time, but I usually eventually come around because he really did have an awful childhood and I think he has a lot of anger that needs dealt with and he really is sweet and kind. It’s like he blacks out during these times.
We have been looking for engagement rings, and the other day I told him that the raising of his voice really has to stop because I’m not comfortable getting married if this is going to continue. He was 100% on board with that. Five days later, he freaked out and blew up. This time it felt worse because it was in our car at a gas station where I felt like people could see. I was so embarrassed. It continued on the ride home and then outside of our home where anybody could have heard. I didn’t say a word the entire time, but I did start that conversation when I could’ve just not but I wanted to communicate my feelings.
This is where I’m stuck. I think my bf could tell this was a breaking point for me. He bought seven books about managing anger, how to talk to your partner like you love them, etc. He also asked me to help him find an individual therapist, and we attended an intro couples counseling session together. I know he cares and will do anything to make our relationship work.
However, I don’t know if the damage has been done or not. It’s up to me to decide if I want to continue the relationship or not because it’s clear that he does. But I don’t know how I feel. I feel really sad because I do love him, but I am also tired. I told him he would never let someone else talk to me like that and he’d never let his dad yell at his mom like that. He agreed with both of those statements. I can tell how guilty he feels. I know he is putting in effort now, and I told him idk how I feel or if I can continue in the relationship or not. He’s offered me space. Some moments I feel great and normal with him and some I get really sad when I think about it.
The counselor said this is a common issue that he can help us work through. I know we can fix it, but it’s happened often enough that I don’t know if it’s too late or not. I feel guilty that he wants to work on it and I might not.
I wouldn’t say that this happens often necessarily, but it did start happening very early on in our relationship and is still happening.
Any insight is welcome, as this isn’t something I can bring to family or friends without it becoming a “thing.”
submitted by emk2017 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:35 MikeHawk360 No contact worked, but what did it do to my ex? He’s starting to scare me a bit

Been around 2 years or so now (genuinely can’t remember, been too busy) since my(M28) ex(M42) discarded me for someone younger. More details about that in previous posts, but recently he’s been trying really, REALLY hard to get me to talk to him (kid was a rebound, ended rather quick) and I haven’t talked or texted since. He’s Hispanic, so am I and almost all my immediate family, and my Mom wanted to go out for Cinco De Mayo. Guy runs a Mexican food truck, he was bound to be at the venue and reluctantly I accepted the invite from her cause we’ve had a rocky relationship and the bar is the only way she can get me to open up sadly.
Right before entering, I get stopped by a few friends I haven’t seen in years with their firstborn son. In conversation, the food truck is RIGHT in front of the door, and immediately he pops out and starts talking to my Mom in Spanish (can follow but not speak) saying “your son won’t talk to me”. She follows with “well what the hell did you do to him”, made me wanna hug her so much but doubling down, the taco guys from the truck started staring and saying hi one by one. Tried ignoring it, said by to friends and waddled inside.
Sitting down, it only took about 20 minutes or less for him to “casually” drop in and force himself into the conversation, rapid fire texting me minutes beforehand with “happy 5th man” and “how you doing”. Almost immediately he took the time to give me a hug and spoke in the ear with “I’d like to be friends with you”, ngl all I heard was “I feel guilty” but told him with sincerity that that’s “gunna take time”. Granted there was so much I wanted to ripped out of him and held back “time I’ll never get back”, but public event and he’s a vendor. He pulled back and looked at me funny, they said his goodbyes. This happened a few more times, once with his brother wondering around the area and him coming straight to us with tacos. After having couple beers and 4 margaritas, we were done and leaving. He pops up one last time and speaks purely in Spanish to my Mom, bring up certain things I did for him (giving bear meat, promise of moose tounge, making a homemade recipe for kiwi salsa, etc.) and asking for it again. We both looked at each other in amusement and said our thanks/goodbyes. We gave them 30 to cover the food, my Mom’s idea, cause she didn’t want me to owe him anything. Since then, I don’t know how to feel about the experience. Loved hanging with my Mom and we had a blast, but I think it came at a cost, not sure exactly what though.
I should mention my Mom claimed she knew exactly what he was trying to do, drunkenly saying “hE wAnTs YoU MiHo” and how disappointed she’d be if I even considered talking to him again. That alone was a sobering moment, but what do you guys think of this?
submitted by MikeHawk360 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:33 thestorywewilltell Needing help making a decision for next steps (zymot, Ivf abroad or locally)

My husband (35 years old) has mild varicocele and low morphology (less than 1%) and I have low amh and endo. He is awaiting his next appt with his urologist and we are hoping to get surgery done - from my understanding there are two kinds, embolization and another one that starts with a v (don’t know how to spell it). Would appreciate any input on which one is ‘better’ in terms of outcomes.
My husband has an appt booked for dna fragmentation test and he will be doing karyotyping. We also did the fertilysis immunology test and will be doing the micro biome test.
time is not on my side (I’m 32 but amh is 0.5 pmol, afc 3-6 each month ), and we had three cancelled ivf cycles abroad and no eggs retrieved as of yet. I had my lap surgery in Feb where they found stage two endo.
We have been wanting to resume Ivf in Canada but are on a wait list to see our new dr in June. Last cycle, we did an iui that didn’t work. I have one more cycle before June and I don’t really want to waste any more time so am thinking of going abroad where there’s no wait time.
I really liked my clinic abroad, my struggle is they don’t have Zymot due to the country’s regulation and they use the traditional centrifugation process which I understand can cause more dna damage. However, my clinic in Canada has a completely different system where a different doctor sees you each time for scans etc, and you never get to meet your dr in person, just on the phone. Or video call. Additionally, it costs way more in Canada.
Recently I’ve been looking into Zymot and been reading mixed things on it. If Zymot really helps with sperm fragmentation etc, I’m wondering why not more clinics use it more often? My clinic in Canada doesn’t even advertise Zymot or offer it, or display it on their website, and I wonder why.
Either way, we only have one shot at this due to finances.
Would appreciate any suggestions and sharing of experienc. Thanks!
submitted by thestorywewilltell to maleinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:32 woxene 26 [M4R] - NL/ONLINE - looking to expand my social circle

Hey there! My name is Mike, and I live in Noord Brabant, Netherlands. I've been following this subreddit for a while and figured it was time to give it a shot and make a post.
I'm on the hunt for some new friends to expand my social circle, ideally I’d like to find people who live close by, so we can actually hang out, but online is great too.
In my free time I try to write as much code as I can, however, life seems to be full of distractions.. So you can often find me playing video games (like Call of Duty, AC7 or Runescape 3), trying out new board games, going to the cinema, the local pool table or a nice amusement park. I also like to do physical activities, like swimming, inline skating and ice skating. Music-wise, I'm pretty eclectic and enjoy a wide range of genres. I'm a fan of everything from good old 70s music to hardstyle, and everything in between (pop, rap, reggae, rock, and most electronic music).
I'm looking for friends around my age who enjoy similar activities and are in need of a new buddy to hang out with. If you're interested, shoot me a message and we can chat!
Note: Please take your time to introduce yourself with a proper message. I've taken the time to write this, so I appreciate it if you do the same. You’d be surprised how many people just send ‘hi’.
submitted by woxene to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:20 Expensive-Shift-6009 Looking for long-term RP Partner

[M4A] Fantasy/Adventure/ Action roleplay
[M4A] Fantasy, Adventure Action Sci-Fi Roleplay
[Intro] Hello, my name is Red and I'm 24 years old....God I sound old. Been roleplaying since I was 14 so I do have some experience and I mostly roleplay in 1st person but if you prefer doing 3rd I don't mind.
[Plot] After a long 15 years of fighting against unknown dark forces, with humanity at the brink of extinction, they manage to come out victorious, thanks to help of the children with the gift or curse to fight back against these forces. But with no use of them now and only seen as a byproduct of the dark forces they have fought, an order was issued to exterminate or banish all Hybrids....that's what they called us. After being banished into a portal known as the Void left to rot and die, I was suddenly pulled into another universe in another world filled with new creatures and magic. What adventures will be made, what kind of people will I meet, what's the food like? Only time will tell.
submitted by Expensive-Shift-6009 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:19 ydudemqn I ripped the band aid off

A while back I posted here about me not being able to check my ex’s social media because I was scared of what I might see (her in a relationship, pregnancy etc).
To give you guys some insight on the situation, me and her first got into a relationship when we were teenagers and she was my first love. The first time we were together I self sabotaged the relationship and I left her, some time went pass and I began to miss her so I reached out and she rejected my advances, months go by and she comes back beginning of Covid and we are together again until she decides she “outgrew me” and leaves me after 3 months of us talking (my first heartbreak). That was 4 years ago.
We follow each other on social media but after the situation I’ve muted her entire page and blocked her posts and stories from my feed. But for some reason it was eating me up that I wasn’t able to check her profile even after so many years. I told people that I was over her but if you’re over someone seeing their profile shouldn’t be hard right ?
Well a couple months after I posted here explaining how I couldn’t check her page, I’ve actually met someone new who honestly makes me feel happy, much happier than I was with her, this person made me realize that there are people out there that can show you much better.
So today I decided I’d face my fears and I went on her page. It didn’t hurt at all, she’s still beautiful , still living her life and that’s okay. If I’m being honest… looking at her was like looking at a completely new person because the person that I was love with didn’t exist anymore. This was my nail in the coffin, I knew me and her would never get back together but me checking her page not caring if she was with someone else or if she was expecting a baby or anything proved that to me officially. After so many years of being scared it’s finally over.
It does get better guys, whether it’s in a few months or a few years it gets better, trust me.
submitted by ydudemqn to ExNoContact [link] [comments]
