Nursing progress note example

Haikyuu Volleyball Manga

2013.09.10 02:15 Haikyuu Volleyball Manga

A subreddit about the volleyball manga written by Furudate Haruichi, Haikyuu!!

2017.01.07 06:31 Battlepro77 Twitch Startup

Welcome to twitch_startup. Where new/undervalued streamers can meetup, network, and learn how to improve their streams. Feel free to post your channels and find streamers to watch. If you want to take it to the next level join via the discord Link:

2012.11.14 21:02 imthepoolguy Visit /r/MafiaTheGame!

/Mafia3 has moved! Please refer to /MafiaTheGame for everything related to the Mafia video game series!

2024.05.16 03:08 yetanotherzillenial Just saw that my nurse at the ER wrote "heartburn" in my chart... even after I had elevated troponin labs.

The medical gaslighting is just unreal.
I had a "cardiac injury" over the weekend (have to go for more tests for real diagnosis). My fatigue had been better that past week, so I challenged myself to go up the stairs without pausing (stupid - but every once in a while I get fed up and try to be normal). I got really winded, lightheaded, so I laid down. Then, it was like a switch. My heart started beating really fast and really hard and I could barely breathe. I went downstairs and put cold water on my face, vagal maneuvers, laid down flat - it didn't stop, so I called 911. By the time they arrived, the pounding changed to a cramping feeling in my chest/throat. My EKG came back baseline for me (I have an irregular EKG due to a heart defect as a baby). The paramedic was incredibly kind and I initially resisted going to the hospital but he encouraged me to go in for testing. Grateful to him.
Anyway, long story short, they drew a troponin and it was elevated (not heart attack levels, but still elevated), so they had to do another draw 3 hours later to look for a change. After my assigned nurse went over what happened (and AFTER the first T result came back, so she saw that it was elevated) and she asked me to describe my pain. I said it felt like pressure or a cramp starting in my chest and extending into my throat/jaw. She said, with wide eyes like she just cracked a case: "I wonder if it's heartburn."
I said (politely), "it's not heartburn. I have had heartburn in the past and it's really not heartburn." She said okay and moved on.
I went to my follow up with my primary today and she asked how my heartburn pain was amidst all this. I said "what heartburn?" Apparently the nurse wrote "heartburn symptoms" and "discomfort from possible indigestion." Luckily my primary believed me when I said it was never heartburn and ordered more cardiac testing.
Unbelievable. These careless people determine our futures. It makes me wonder how many other careless notes in my chart are floating around, keeping me from the care/testing I need and have needed.
submitted by yetanotherzillenial to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:06 Content-Hat6039 How do I go about getting tested for ADHD and Autism?

For around 2 years now I've been suspecting I may have adhd. Not too sure about autism, but I've heard the symptoms for both overlap.
For some context: Ever since I can remember, things like school have been a struggle for me. I could not for the life of me pay attention to my teachers. Everything they said went into one ear and out the other no matter how hard I tried to pay attention. I remember always being put into and being taken out of advanced math classes. Their reason for removing me was always because I didn't make enough progress, and like I said, half the thing's they'd say would just go in one ear and out the other. I'd often be moved to a separate single table because I'd either get distracted by friends, or because I would space out and start thinking about other things.
I've never had a lot of friends and i'm also pretty quiet, so no one pointed any of this stuff out to me. During my last year of high school I began trying to make more friends, and during that time I was asked about 5 seperate times if I had adhd or something. Obviously I dont have a clue, so i just replied with "... No?". This is when I started thinking about the possibility of me having adhd. If one person asks, it's whatever, its an isolated thing. But if multiple people start asking, then there's a problem.
Fast forward a bit, I take a gap year, then I go to college. And let me tell yall, it was BAD. I've always had a procrastination problem, but once I stared college it was cranked up to 100%. Everything was last minute, and like before, I could NOT pay attention to my professors even if my life depended on it. Lets just say I ended up with not very good grades.
As for why I think autism could also be possible: My grandma used to talk about how my dad wouldn't talk at all until he randomly decided to do so at around 5 or 6 years old. (He has never been tested) I don't think I have autism since non of my teachers ever mentioned the possibility to my parents. I've always had difficulty making new friends and socializing i general, my brother says im socially awakward. I do have some hyper fixations on things like history and sewing, but again that could probably just be adhd.
I am very selective in what I eat tho, sometimes i forget to even eat at all. I realized I only like to eat things of a certain firmness. For example, al dente pasta, wheat berries, whole oats (no rolled oats. Those are gross), anything crunchy. Almost everything soft and squishy is a no for me, the only exception being bananas and ripe pears. I eat almost the same things everyday for the most part
Enough rambling tho. Who would I go to in order to get screened/tested? I don't have the money to pay to out of pocket, could my insurance possibly pay for it?
submitted by Content-Hat6039 to neurodiversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:03 veralun Passed my nclex with minimum questions! Here’s advice

I used only uworld, I tried to do MK but his lectors were taken off of Spotify and I didn’t feel like looking for them My studying wasn’t consistent but I did study rationals and made notes of my weak areas I used as many CAT and self assessments to see how well I was measuring I didn’t study the day before or the day of my test. I started studying my last semester of nursing school and figured at this point I know what I know Day of my test I was calm and not very nervous. The test itself wasn’t hard at all. I ended up spending an hour on the test. I walked out feeling okay but the waiting game for the results will drive you insane and convince you that you failed You got this! 🙏🏻🫶🏼
submitted by veralun to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:52 Wourly Getting specific 4* characters is getting harder with every new 4* released, especially for new players. I believe, that miHoYo should take some action.

(note: I do have some suggestions of how this can be improved below)
since the character pool is ever growing, some 4* characters are not available for a year and even regional (chronicled) banner does not account for 4* (randomness is huge).
They are way too random to get them with consts. I understand, that it aligns very well with "fear of missing out", so that it may be benefitial for miHoYo to keep it that way. But it also backfires, because even low spenders might get too frustrated on getting a specific 4* with some consts.

How many pulls on average you might need to get 4* to C6

(on a promoted banner)
Chance of getting 4* including 10 pity is 13%, which means, that you get 4* item each 7.69 pulls on average.
If you get 4* character, there is 33% chance of it being the 4* you want. In other words, you now need 7.69÷0.33 = 23. You need 23 pulls to get the character you want (on average).
Basically it equals 161 (23×7) pulls on average to get your preferred 4* at C6.

But you can also lose 50/50 even on 4* items.

This is why we get different characters and weapons, when we wish for characters.

So the chance of getting your preferred 4* to C6 may be up to 362 pulls.

(if you lose on 50/50)

...and this still considers "average" chance..

You of course may get the character sooner, but you may do 400 pulls and still end up at C3 for example. It is even possible to have higher constellation of your 5* than your 4* on a banner.
This may be very frustrating and you will perhaps need to wait a year and half, before the 4* reappears again. So I'd say, that there should be some features of how to obtain your desired characters - especially if you already maxxed out some of the predetermined in Paimon's Bargains.
I spent around 120 wishes on Baizhu banner to get Layla and I only get 1 copy, but I got many copies of Faruzan and Beidou, which I already had at C6.
It is not that I am too frustrated, I lost my 50/50 and I am still saving for Navia and getting copies of these C6 4\ will add me some wishes, so I do not consider that as a too big loss. Baizhu is one of my most fav characters, so I could not really lose too much by getting him either.*
I also read a story, that a player did around 250 wishes for Chevreuse, yet only got her at C1.
This issue with 4* chracters will get worse as time will go.
Don't you think?

Some solutions perhaps?

Possibility to altering Paimon's bargain would not break fear of missing out too much, because it still takes very long time to get all copies, but if you need just 2 copies and you see yourself willing to play another year, then it should be reasonable from miHoYo to allow it. Of course, it must have some rules, so that you cannot alter it every month or so.
There may also be a special wishlist, so that when you lose certain amount of times, you will get one of your characters in some wishlist..
..or like an unlimited epithomized path for your fav 4*, so that you get at least 1 copy each 90 pulls or so. So you really will not get that character too soon, but also you will see some specific progress and that is motivating.
Liuye characters are obtainable during Lunar Festival. Why other nations give random character like Gorou now? (nothing against Gorou really, but why only Liuye characters can be chosen?).
So there might be a solution, that does not break miHoYo's strategy, yet motivates players or lessen their frustration. (obviously somewhat satisfied low spender is better, than totally disappointed low spender, that eventually leaves, because of 4* gacha mechanics).
I am not neccessarily saying, that 4* C6 are impossible to get for new players, but if nothing happens, then 4* C6 will be pretty much just for superlucky people or whales.
It kind of forces you to rely on your 5* and "national team", which can be collected via Paimon's Bargains.
What are you opinions on this?
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Wourly to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:51 contldivide I made an app for tracking your bronze purchases in MoP: Remix

Hey folks! When Remix popped up on the PTR, I was eager to hop on and start figuring out what kinds of goodies I'd be picking up during the event. That weekend, u/kalsith compiled all the vendors and items into an awesome google spreadsheet (here's their post with a link to that). I was inspired to make a similar tool for folks like me who are allergic to spreadsheets. I'm excited to share Remix Checklist with you all, and I hope there are folks like me that will find it a useful alternative option to the spreadsheet version.
Please note that the app is still a work in progress and there are some additional features I'll be adding as time goes on. My highest priority features are a toggle to let you hide/show retail-available options for folks who want to prioritize event-exclusive items, and some visual indicator of the armor type of the transmog sets. If you give it a whirl and recognize anything that would make it a more useful tool, please let me know -- I'm open to ideas! Also note that there are some discrepancies with the mount vendor on my app and the spreadsheet...Wowhead shows some different prices for mounts than the spreadsheet does, but I'll check it early tomorrow and fix anything to match whatever shows up on the live version of the event.
I'm super stoked for Remix and, as a collector, excited to start checking things off this list myself. Shoutout again to u/kalsith for building their spreadsheet, which has been invaluable for planning ahead for the event. See you in Pandaria tomorrow!
submitted by contldivide to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:50 UchihaTurk Who to 6 star for making progress

Who to 6 star for making progress
I am stuck in choosing the next character to 6 star to progress in void rift elite, GR1-19/GR2-19 and AMR stage 14..
Maxed: Khamet, Silas, Elowyn and Morrigan.
Next 6 star defender: Olague, Trusk or Regulus
Mage: Not sure if other mages are worth the upgrade now.
Attacker: Not sure.
Healer: Elowyn 6 star is doing fine tbh, Vortex doing his this as a 5 star, not sure he needs to get 6 star right now (later for sure). I am slowly building Hollow right now.
Note: I still need to give a lot of characters better gear, but again this depends if I can continue in GR1 and 2 and a bit of RNG of course.
submitted by UchihaTurk to WatcherofRealmsGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:49 Exciting_Ad236 Metalborne vs surge binders?

Which power system do you think is better? On these notes: Lethality: Utility: Survivability: Ease of access/investiture: Potency: Duration: Which is better designed in your opinion (with current understanding of both): My opinion: metalborne abilities overall are more lethal and combat focused, with a special exception for soulcasting bc Jasna is really out here popping people. Surge binding abilities seem more mystical and focused on effecting/changing the physics of their environment. Surge binding abilities are more utilitarian overall, but each binder only has access to two surges so I feel a full feruchemist mistborne would have more Utility than any one surgebinder, and we haven't seen any examples of people who have every surge. I will still give this point to surge binding bc most metalborn are single misting Surge binders are absolutely a million% higher durability/survivable than metal born, with a special exemption for those capable of compounding gold. Ease of access to ability I will give to metalborn abilities bc even though they are genetic, they are common at this point, and can be stolen or granted by specific metals/processes, whereas surges are granted by a fickle being and can be jeopardized by your decision making. Ease of access to investiture: so overall I'm giving it to metalborne abilities based on this point alone; a metalborne could fuel their abilities anywhere they could find their metal, and most metals are common. Whereas stormlight is tough to come by even on Roshar, and you can't even leave roshar once you get too invested. Potency wise, I would say surgebinders get more ability from stormlight than metalborn do from metals, and feruchemists arw only as potent as they devote themselves to being. The feats some people do with little to no stormlight, or stormlight created from them saying words are equivalent or greater than metalborne abilities using A LOT of metals, feruchemical abilities when used at a level similar to stormlight are used up at about the same rate as stormlight imo but again that depends on the feruchemist. Duration wise, though it contradicts what I just said there, I'll give this point to metalborn. People run thru stormlight so fast it's not even funny, and some metals burn extremely slowly, not to mention feruchemical abilities are measured by duration (so it only gets spent as fast as you want it to) Metalborne abilities are more well nuanced/designed in my humble opinion. Having finished everything Brando has written except Yumi I find myself still asking questions about metalborne abilities and their weird interactions, whereas I feel like stormlight abilities are pretty clearly defined (though i am also certain with the advent of lifelight, warlight, towerlight, voidlight, and [we can assume there is also a blended light of cultivation and odium that i like to refer to as Hatelight though im notnsure if its been named yet] that things will become much more convoluted and question begetting) Overall: I believe any surge binders with access to unlimited investiture, would beat out almost any misting or ferring with similar levels of investiture. However, specific combos of twinborne, compounders, and full mistborne would stand a chance. A full feruchemist, and especially a full mistborne feruchemist would probably beat most surge binders (again considering equal levels of investiture) I would prefer at minimum being a twinborn electrum misting/steel feruchmist, would be cool with being pretty much any surge binder, but would most preferably be a full mistborne feruchemist (would be dope to have surges too lmao)
submitted by Exciting_Ad236 to Cosmere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:48 Exciting_Ad236 Metalborne vs. Surge binders?

Which power system do you think is better? On these notes:
Ease of access/investiture:
Which is better designed in your opinion (with current understanding of both):
My opinion:
metalborne abilities overall are more lethal and combat focused, with a special exception for soulcasting bc Jasna is really out here popping people. Surge binding abilities seem more mystical and focused on effecting/changing the physics of their environment.
Surge binding abilities are more utilitarian overall, but each binder only has access to two surges so I feel a full feruchemist mistborne would have more Utility than any one surgebinder, and we haven't seen any examples of people who have every surge. I will still give this point to surge binding bc most metalborn are single misting
Surge binders are absolutely a million% higher durability/survivable than metal born, with a special exemption for those capable of compounding gold.
Ease of access to ability I will give to metalborn abilities bc even though they are genetic, they are common at this point, and can be stolen or granted by specific metals/processes, whereas surges are granted by a fickle being and can be jeopardized by your decision making.
Ease of access to investiture: so overall I'm giving it to metalborne abilities based on this point alone; a metalborne could fuel their abilities anywhere they could find their metal, and most metals are common. Whereas stormlight is tough to come by even on Roshar, and you can't even leave roshar once you get too invested.
Potency wise, I would say surgebinders get more ability from stormlight than metalborn do from metals, and feruchemists arw only as potent as they devote themselves to being. The feats some people do with little to no stormlight, or stormlight created from them saying words are equivalent or greater than metalborne abilities using A LOT of metals, feruchemical abilities when used at a level similar to stormlight are used up at about the same rate as stormlight imo but again that depends on the feruchemist.
Duration wise, though it contradicts what I just said there, I'll give this point to metalborn. People run thru stormlight so fast it's not even funny, and some metals burn extremely slowly, not to mention feruchemical abilities are measured by duration (so it only gets spent as fast as you want it to)
Metalborne abilities are more well nuanced/designed in my humble opinion. Having finished everything Brando has written except Yumi I find myself still asking questions about metalborne abilities and their weird interactions, whereas I feel like stormlight abilities are pretty clearly defined (though i am also certain with the advent of lifelight, warlight, towerlight, voidlight, and [we can assume there is also a blended light of cultivation and odium that i like to refer to as Hatelight though im notnsure if its been named yet] that things will become much more convoluted and question begetting)
Overall: I believe any surge binders with access to unlimited investiture, would beat out almost any misting or ferring with similar levels of investiture. However, specific combos of twinborne, compounders, and full mistborne would stand a chance. A full feruchemist, and especially a full mistborne feruchemist would probably beat most surge binders (again considering equal levels of investiture)
I would prefer at minimum being a twinborn electrum misting/steel feruchmist, would be cool with being pretty much any surge binder, but would most preferably be a full mistborne feruchemist (would be dope to have surges too lmao)
submitted by Exciting_Ad236 to Mistborn [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:48 uhhhhhhhBORGOR Scum’s Wish haul came in today!

Scum’s Wish haul came in today!
Been waiting for this one since the beginning of May. I watched the anime and loved it (even if it made me feel very conflicted at times lol) so I wanted to buy the manga. I got 1-5, and now the grueling (and wallet draining) hunt for 6-8 begins. 7 ain’t so bad, but 6 and 8 are for sure going to put a dent in my wallet unless I get really lucky lmao.
Side note, but I’ve started to buy JP volumes for manga that I like that never got licensed in english, and man the English volumes are so much bigger lol. Example, next to volume 5 is volume 9, which never got published physically in english, it’s so much smaller than the english version and honestly I prefer that size over what we have here.
submitted by uhhhhhhhBORGOR to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:47 Exciting_Ad236 Metal born vs surge binders

Which power system do you think is better? On these notes:
Ease of access/investiture:
Which is better designed in your opinion (with current understanding of both):
My opinion:
metalborne abilities overall are more lethal and combat focused, with a special exception for soulcasting bc Jasna is really out here popping people. Surge binding abilities seem more mystical and focused on effecting/changing the physics of their environment.
Surge binding abilities are more utilitarian overall, but each binder only has access to two surges so I feel a full feruchemist mistborne would have more Utility than any one surgebinder, and we haven't seen any examples of people who have every surge. I will still give this point to surge binding bc most metalborn are single misting
Surge binders are absolutely a million% higher durability/survivable than metal born, with a special exemption for those capable of compounding gold. Ease of access to ability I will give to metalborn abilities bc even though they are genetic, they are common at this point, and can be stolen or granted by specific metals/processes, whereas surges are granted by a fickle being and can be jeopardized by your decision making.
Ease of access to investiture: so overall I'm giving it to metalborne abilities based on this point alone; a metalborne could fuel their abilities anywhere they could find their metal, and most metals are common. Whereas stormlight is tough to come by even on Roshar, and you can't even leave roshar once you get too invested.
Potency wise, I would say surgebinders get more ability from stormlight than metalborn do from metals, and feruchemists arw only as potent as they devote themselves to being. The feats some people do with little to no stormlight, or stormlight created from them saying words are equivalent or greater than metalborne abilities using A LOT of metals, feruchemical abilities when used at a level similar to stormlight are used up at about the same rate as stormlight imo but again that depends on the feruchemist.
Duration wise, though it contradicts what I just said there, I'll give this point to metalborn. People run thru stormlight so fast it's not even funny, and some metals burn extremely slowly, not to mention feruchemical abilities are measured by duration (so it only gets spent as fast as you want it to)
Metalborne abilities are more well nuanced/designed in my humble opinion. Having finished everything Brando has written except Yumi I find myself still asking questions about metalborne abilities and their weird interactions, whereas I feel like stormlight abilities are pretty clearly defined (though i am also certain with the advent of lifelight, warlight, towerlight, voidlight, and [we can assume there is also a blended light of cultivation and odium that i like to refer to as Hatelight though im notnsure if its been named yet] that things will become much more convoluted and question begetting)
Overall: I believe any surge binders with access to unlimited investiture, would beat out almost any misting or ferring with similar levels of investiture. However, specific combos of twinborne, compounders, and full mistborne would stand a chance. A full feruchemist, and especially a full mistborne feruchemist would probably beat most surge binders (again considering equal levels of investiture)
I would prefer at minimum being a twinborn electrum misting/steel feruchmist, would be cool with being pretty much any surge binder, but would most preferably be a full mistborne feruchemist (would be dope to have surges too lmao)
submitted by Exciting_Ad236 to cremposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:45 mining_moron Road to Hope Chapters 0-7 [Chapter Outlines only]

ch0 -- [already written]. City Alpha of Ikun, Nyektak-pack is in the Bastion, the official City Alpha residence, working through the annual agenda that the Lawspeakers have passed them for Y932. Along the way, they begin discussing what kind of legacy they'll leave behind after they're dead and gone, whether everything they've built will be torn apart in a day or stand for a thousand years. The pack's alpha Nyektak Tun points out that Ikun stands in a precarious position and what they do now will have a huge impact. The economy is stagnating due to jobs being replaced by robots and automation, the environment is collapsing, leading to huge waves of refugees from the equatorial Dunelands. Further, their geopolitical enemy Koranah city-state is rapidly catching up economically and militarily, and sensing blood in the water with regards to Ikun's hegemony, is becoming increasingly aggressive with its foreign policy. Nyektak Nyak suggests that geoengineering can be used to stabilize things, with tools such as weather control satellites and ecological nanobots. However, this is regarded as a critical security threat by Tun, as Koranah is ahead of Ikun in this field, so if a global Climate Control System is created, then it is likely Koranah-based companies and Koranah technology that will tie the whole system together, leading them to have an outsized role. Such a thing is regarded as politically dangerous, as it could pose a threat to the Hegemony even without Koranah overturning Ikun's nuclear monopoly. And it won't even create many jobs in Ikun, so it won't resolve the economic concerns. Nyak points out that it's not politically viable to simply ban geoengineering without the state coming up with a better idea. After a long discussion, it is Nyektak Aykay who finally has a breakthrough idea. They will create a starship to send a military occupation force to planet TRK-16-3 (aka Earth......). Not only will this create enormous numbers of jobs in Ikun to revitalize the economy, but it will demonstrate to the rest of the world that Ikun still has an unmatched ability to project military force even at interstellar distances, and give the citizens of Ikun hope that they can seek out a better life on another planet. Indeed for this reason, it is called Project Hope.
ch1 -- [already written] Nyektak-pack makes an unexpected appearence in the Hall of Power, where Ikun's Lawspeakers convene, looking to make some deals and exert some pressure in order to get Project Hope put on the annual agenda. They have identified that a certain Lawspeaker Ronyr-pack is the most influential pack in the Lawspeakers' Association at present, and so speak to them first, the idea being that they will be able to pull the strings necessary to approve Project Hope. Although Lawspeaker Ronyr-pack are initially skeptical, they agree to assist after Nyektak-pack promises an array of political favors, including guaranteeing that Ikoin Corporation--which Ronyr-pack own significant stock in--will be the main contractor for Project Hope, and reducing the taxes they collect on healthcare workers, who are present in large numbers in Ronyr-pack's district. However, Ronyr-pack is just the first Lawspeaker that Nyektak-pack will have to deal with; in order to ensure that Project Hope actually gets onto the agenda, they also have to make a separate deal with Ronyr-pack's enemy Lawspeaker Radenkiut-pack, who have the second-largest group of allies in the Lawspeaker's Association. Nevertheless, City Alpha Nyektak-pack gets what they want--zero restrictions on raising funds for Project Hope, coupled with a ban on geoengineering tech and directives to pursue sanctions against other city-states that don't join them in doing so, thereby inhibiting the rise of a Climate Control System as an alternative to Project Hope. As Nyektak Aykay points out, these two agenda items reinforce each other; one can't be overturned without also overturning the other.
ch2 -- Icen-pack is a struggling pack of construction workers in Ikun in Y934, who always have to be on the constant lookout for their next gig, as jobs are scarce and hard to come by. They are currently working on a new skyscraper in Ikun's well-to-do District 7, including the flying buttresses that extend over the surrounding roads to interconnect with the supports of adjacent buildings, as typical with Kyanah architecture. Even now they are already even as they work leveraging advanced algorithms to predict the next opening so they can apply before anyone else. Things are made even more cutthroat by the increasingly widespread use of wearable sensors to identify the best performers, and the fact that immigrants from the Dunelands tend to be willing to work for lower wages, which drives pay down for everyone and often forces native Ikun packs to work even harder to justify their wages. As they work, Icen Korak (who, like Kei and Nuyu, grew up in the industry, as their birth-packs worked in construction) laments that things used to be simpler when he was growing up, and packs didn't have to constantly fight against each other to land building jobs, and there were more full time positions instead of the constant data-driven scramble for gigs. Icen-pack's alpha Naiun, as well as Karok, mostly take this in stride, having not grown up in the industry and thus not being as familiar with it, but the rest agree with Korak. Karok points out that it's not a huge surprise, considering how few buildings are being built in the current economy and how even a skyscraper can be built with just a couple dozen packs with current technology, but still nobody is happy with the status quo. They contemplate trying to sabotage the metrics of their coworkers, suspecting that others will do the same to them, taking advantage of the new wearable sensors that are measuring performance; however Naiun insists that they will be fine if they just work hard and be honest, and seeing as she is the pack's alpha that kind of shuts the idea down. They also contemplate having another pair of young, in addition to their current pair Raktan and Tyorek, but money is at present too tight for that. However, Project Hope is announced to the public in an address by Nyektak-pack on state TV. They are initially all a bit confused why Ikun is planning an interstellar invasion, but Kei realizes that Project Hope will serve as a huge jobs program and speculates that this will have knock-on effects across the rest of the economy, and jobs for them will once again be plentiful, putting the whole pack on a hopeful note.
ch3 -- Ryen-pack is graduating from the prestigious Nktan University (in the neighboring city-state of Nktan obviously) and becoming scholars of the first rank. While they all agree they are going to miss the university, they all look forward to going back to Ikun and what comes ahead, as they will be starting work at a prestigious influencing firm in Ikun, basically working with the government to have laws changed for their clients. Ryen Kerok, the pack's Alpha, is especially eager to change the world, believing that they will be able to do a lot of good by influencing the highest levels of Ikun's government for their future clients. Teren is mostly thinking about the high salary that will enable them to have children quickly, whereas young packs in Ikun have to save for years. As for Kaun, she occupies something of a middle ground between the two. Ryen Konyan has the most misgivings about everything, about leaving Nktan University for the "real world", about the possibility that they'll end up working for corrupt clients and doing more harm than good, and about bringing children into a dying world, especially with the onset of Project Hope, which they all agree is stupid and short-sighted, but don't think the government will actually go through with building the starships and launching the military expedition to Earth. They are also concerned about the geoengineering ban, believing that Koranah city-state and their allies will just ignore it, giving them even more control over the future Climate Control System. And so they make their way back to Ikun to begin their careers at the influencing firm Kortak-Dakayan Corporation, a bit hopeful but also a bit uncertain about the future.
ch4 -- some lawspeakers and the city alpha are being shown the initial stages of technological progress on Project Hope in Y935 at Toryak University, the most prestigious university in Ikun. An enormous supercomputer complex has been constructed, using the Kyanahs' signature mechanical computers and is being used to research interstellar propulsion methods. Although many of the scientists are a little skeptical of Project Hope, they do appreciate the huge influx of funding to pursue their research. Nyektak-pack is impressed that the complex has been constructed in only a year (technically it's still under construction, but experiments are already underway as the city-state has imposed some very tough deadlines on them), but as the lead scientist-pack points out, it wasn't so difficult when they had a blank check from the Ikun government. However, they have some bad news: they've been attempting to design an interstellar engine using nuclear pulse propulsion, but despite their best efforts to optimize the design, it will only be able to reach 4% of light speed, which as they point out means that humanity will possibly be more technologically advanced than their own military by the time Project Hope arrives. The main problem is that the casing and detonation mechanisms of the nukes are basically dead weight. It seems that there may be a way around this by using antimatter-catalyzed nuclear propulsion, where small quantities of antimatter are fed into nuclear material to force a reaction without needing a bunch of actual nukes. However, this further has the problem that it will require grams of antimatter, meaning that a huge particle accelerator in the PeV range will have to be built. But if this can be done, the engines will be able to reach the required 7.5% of light speed. Much to the scientists' shock, Nyektak-pack immediately agrees to fund this accelerator. However, in private this prompts an argument between them as they don't actually have available funds, even if they funnel money from non-Hope agenda items into the project. The realize that Ikun can't do it alone while also building the starships themselves, they need funds and technical expertise from other city-states to build it, and will need to use their influence in the Coalition of Cities to get it, possibly in exchange for dipolmatic concessions that may destabilize Ikun's already precarious Hegemony. Meanwhile, we are also introduced to Nyektor-pack, a student of the second rank working on the supercomputing project while nurturing big dreams to someday be scholar of the third rank, at which point they aspire to start a research group to solve the many technical problems that must be solved for Project Hope to be successful.
ch5 -- A certain Ryen-pack--none other than Ryen Kerok's birth-pack--are working at one of Ikun's top universities, where their life's work has revolved around developing ecological nanobots that can break down pollutants in the soil. However, with enforcement of Y934 Agenda Item 579 beginning (banning technology associated with the Climate Control System), their entire life's work has now been forbidden by the government. Even many of their own students have bought into the official propaganda that this technology is dangerous and unreliable, and must be banned, much to their anger and disgust. They have continued working right up until the day the ban comes into effect, but a pack of university administrators orders them to destroy their research as the police will soon be arriving to shut the department down. Many harsh words are exchanged between Ryen-pack and the administrators, but ultimately there's nothing they can do except wipe their computers and destroy their prototypes before the police show up. After this, they reach out to their son Kerok's pack, which causes Kerok to wonder what is going on in their lives and if they want to be ikoin (kyanah term for friends/allies, but more explicitly transactional) but the elder Ryen-pack is retiring and leaving Ikun for the northern scrublands. Kerok urges them to stay and use their brilliant minds to do some good in Ikun, including the younger Ryen-pack's future children (even telling them that they will name one of their young after the elder Ryen-pack's alpha, Ayen), but the elder pack has made up their mind, they're done trying to pursue science while the government keeps interfering with their work, but tell the younger pack that the young are the future of Ikun, and if they want to save the planet, they must optimize their young for the cause, a message which seems to resonate most with Kerok and less with some of the others, especially Konyan.
ch6 -- Aktektan-pack is a large pack with many young who works long and arduous hours at an Ikoin Corporation factory assembling bombs and missiles for meager pay. After another mind numbing and monotonous day of working and getting into petty fights with coworkers during Y936, they head home to their tiny rundown apartment and engage in their typical pasttime of watching TV, especially Ikun's state TV, which triumphantly reports that Project Hope is already proving to be a massive boon to the economy. The fact that they've receieved a small bonus this year further convinces them that this is unquestionably true. They immediately proceed to spend their bonus on alcohol and pro-government merch. After Nedak realizes that their rent has increased as well by the same amount as their bonus, he angrily accuses their alpha Nyaken of mismanaging their money, to which Nyaken accuses the other females in the pack--Karien and Tanun--of laying too many eggs and creating too many mouths to feed, though their seems to be an undercurrent of jealousy in her rants, which leads to a physical fight between the members of Aktektan-pack. Later, Karien reveals that she's actually laid another egg--actually only one, which is seen as a sign of bad luck, as Kyanah lay eggs in pairs. These arguments ultimately peter out as the pack ends up falling asleep whilst watching a rather jingoistic movie.
ch7 -- Ptorya-pack lives in Adronkin, a city-state in the scorching hot Dunelands that is poorer, less developed, and much smaller than Ikun, where they're assistant administrators at a local textile factory. An unseasonally strong and dangerous sandstorm strikes, causing considerable damage to the factory and disrupting operations. Some workers, including Ptorya Llrien speculates that city-state officials including the City Alpha have been embezzling money intended for fortifying local buildings against sandstorms and spending it on luxury cars and mansions instead, but Ptorya-pack's alpha Rytor advises everyone not to ask too many questions about it and just focus on repairing the factory so they can all get back to work. At their home, which is quite small and spartan; despite them being white collar workers in the top 10% of earners in Adronkin, it would be a poor pack's apartment in Ikun; they notice clouds of irritating industrial smog containing lots of coal dust wafting in from the south and find several dead thukukenoids (creatures which float through the air like balloons, filter feeding on airborne spores and vegetation) lying around their neighborhood; Nekyez notes that they seem to have been dying off in droves as of late, though Rytor dismisses this as probably nothing and tells Nekyez not to worry their pack's young children. As they eat their day-meal, the subject of Project Hope comes up; they seem to be a bit bemused about Ikun's plans to launch an interstellar conquest (as Ntreyn points out, "the blue people always have crazy ideas") but they are hopeful about reports that Ikun is reviving its economy and will continue to remain a hyperpower, as they see Ikun and its military as bringers of peace and order, especially as they provided aid and peacekeeping some years ago when Adronkin was struck by a wave of deadly sandstorms. Llrien offhandedly mentions that she sometimes wishes that they were in Ikun and Rytor says that it would take a long time and be very difficult to get in, but concedes that it would probably be better for their young to grow up there.
submitted by mining_moron to roadtohope [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:45 hermit-throwaway My (M29) parents' divorce ruined me and everyone is worse off for it

I feel like when it comes to discussions about divorces involving children, 99% of the time people say it was better the divorce happened than if two people that didn't love each other stayed together for the sake of the kids. I want to share my story, because that was not my experience as the kid of divorced parents.
Almost two decades ago when I was 10 years old, my parents told my sister and I they were getting a divorce. They said they didn't get along anymore and we wouldn't all be living together anymore, but they would still be our mom and dad and we would live with each of them. I bawled my eyes out uncontrollably that night, completely shattered. In reality, my dad had spiraled down a 9-year-long addiction to opioid pills that meant he was high 24/7, lost his job, and was doing reckless things like drinking and driving, even with me in the car. Not to mention the impact it had on everyday life, vacations, finances etc. It drove my mom to her breaking point where she wanted a divorce, but first helped him get sober with staging an intervention and then getting him into rehab and NA.
Gradually my dad moved out to an apartment nearby, our house was sold and my mom bought a smaller one a town over, my sister and I would go back and forth between staying with each parent each week, and they both started dating. About a year after the divorce, my dad started seeing a woman of a far trashier, immature nature compared to my mom. He moved her in after a month, and long story short, my dad was heavily dedicated to her and changing from her influence, becoming a juvenile 40-something man unrecognizable to me. All while he had two young adolescent kids to raise who just had their world's shattered. My sister and I felt like afterthoughts, and I blame my dad for that as well as my now-stepmom for fully seeing the situation she was walking into, the impact it had on my sister and I, and still diving head-first into it. She quit her job as a nurse pretty early on to be a stay-at-home wife, even though my dad was making just OK money.
As for my mom, she lost her job shortly after the divorce due to insubordination, and then never held a job of the same seniority/salary/importance ever again. She spent the remainder of my childhood staying at home raising my sister and I, who eventually moved in with her full time to get away from being around my stepmom until we went to college. She had a few smaller jobs she'd last a few months at, but that's essentially been her career ever since but with a steady decline. She was a vice president of a Fortune 500 company, and now she's on the phone in a call center making a little more than minimum wage.
She dated a little too, but never got as serious with anyone as my dad did. Part of it may have been that she just couldn't catch the kind of guy she was looking for, but part of it may have been seeing the impact one stepparent was having on my sister and I. I'm sorry she's still alone and may be alone the rest of her life. But I'm also glad we had her full attention and care when we were growing up, because I was thinking about ending my life every day of those years, and the addition of another new strange adult living with me and having nowhere for me to escape to probably would have put me over the edge. I did attempt in college several times, but had a moment of reckoning and decided to see life through.
Part of the reason for her overall decline too has been her descent into alcoholism, starting a couple of years before the divorce but the scope of it not fully visible at the time. From when I was 12 onwards, she's gone through cycles of sobering up, working AA, gradually checking out of AA, functionally relapsing, descending into disfunction/rock bottom and repeat every 18 months or so. Her latest period as a full-blown alcoholic was her worst, and she was more of a mess than my dad ever was. He's relapsed twice over the years, but to his credit, they were relatively brief periods of relapse and he's seriously worked the 12-step program to maintain sobriety otherwise. He now owns a home near where I grew up.
In summary: I absolutely recognize what my mom went through for 9 years with my dad's drug addiction and I can imagine the stress it put her through, the impact it had in shaping those years of her life, and how out of love she must have felt after so many incidents with my dad being high. That said, I've always felt a massive hole in my chest every day of these last 19 years, and hindsight has only further made me feel like the divorce was a mistake. I can't put myself in my mom's shoes, but I wish she had given my dad a last chance once he was sober. He's a better man sober. I can't help dreaming of "What if's" even when it only hurts to imagine. If my parents stayed together, maybe we would have still had our big, beautiful house; maybe my mom's alcoholism wouldn't have been so out of hand with my dad to support her own sobriety; maybe my mom wouldn't be living in a sober house 200 miles away right now with barely a dollar to her name; maybe my dad would have a repaired relationship with his kids instead of barely seeing one and never hearing from the other; maybe I would actually want to have a family of my own instead of worrying there's a chance I really ruin my kids in some way too; maybe I would be able to hold down a relationship of my own without getting anxiety about the future if I had an example of a united family to look up to or even parents that could give me useful relationship advice; maybe my chronic depression wouldn't have started so early or at all so that I'd never eat myself to morbid obesity. Or maybe not.
Look, yeah, we can never know one way or the other for sure. But if they knew then where their lives, my life, and my sister's life would end up, I think they would have found a way to make it work.
I don't think I'll ever fully be ok with everything that happened or how it's shaped me. I wish I could be, and I wish I could move past all of it, but this was all some destructive shit.
TL;DR - I'm sharing this as a counter to the popular idea that divorce is always better, especially for the kids when there's kids involved. My unbeknownst-alcoholic mom divorced my long term opioid pill-addicted dad when I was 10, my mom helped my dad sober up during the divorce. My dad quickly started seeing a trashy woman that he moved in with him and invested most of his time, love, and attention into, and he eventually bought a house for them. My mom lost her job, essentially never held another serious full-time job again, descended deep into alcoholism with a dozen relapses and sobering-ups over the years, is flat broke and never found another partner. It's almost two decades later and I'm a 29-year-old man, and the effects of the divorce left a lasting trauma on me that a life of therapy hasn't and won't fix. It's also influenced my aversion to ever having a family of my own, my struggles to have a serious long-term relationship with someone, and overall plays a roll in my chronic depression.
submitted by hermit-throwaway to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:44 berrmal64 Active, older dog - post leg surgery care suggestions

Tldr - 12 yr old, active dog had leg surgery requiring bed rest for 14 days, and she's very bored. How to help her cope? We've got ice, treats, and trying to think of games that don't involve her standing.
Full story: My dog is 12 years 2 months old, 83 lbs, boxer mix, short hair. She's always been high energy and active. As recently as last week we were walking 30-45 minutes at least once a day and she has no problem with stamina.
For several months she's had a lipoma growing in a rear leg. The vet and I have been watching it, and it has been causing her to limp and bunny hop up steps so we decided it should be removed. Her blood work was all very good. She has no other health problems.
Surgery was 2 days ago. The incision is on the trailing edge of the haunch/thigh. We cleaned her crate and moved it to the first floor of our house (it's normally on a second floor, she's crate trained and sleeps there of her own volition sometimes but she usually prefers the living room couch). It's in a cozy spot she likes.
The vet's recovery instructions are: Do not encourage play for 14 days. Slow leash walks only to toilet for 14 days. Then stretch walks by 5 minutes every 3 days till walks are 20 minutes long. Then resume normal activity.
Part of why this is so restrictive is the vet didn't put drains in - they had planned to beforehand but didn't feel comfortable during the procedure because of where the arteries were relative to the incision. The restrictive rest is in hope of reducing irritation and swelling there and needing to bring her back to the office to drain fluid.
At discharge the nurse suggested she be mostly in her crate for the first 14 days. We were given gabapentin and carprofen.
This worked for the first 36 hours, but even on the gabapentin she is obviously bored and wants out of the crate. We are going to the back yard briefly a few times a day (on leash, no play, just to toilet), I'm sitting beside her in the crate with door open, petting and giving treats for simple commands like laying her head down and shaking, I'm feeding her food and water, but with work and kids my time to spend with her is limited. We are keeping a bowl of ice in the crate too, she seems to like this. Also, peanut butter kongs.
2 big questions:
What else could we try as far as activity/entertainment? Her normal happy place/outlet is a long walk. We have a couple food puzzles, and I plan to try them however she's never been much of a fan of them before.
How can we judge her recovery, as far as when she should be allowed more freedom? For example, after 4 days can she sit with us on the couch instead of in her crate? What about laying down outside? Etc?
submitted by berrmal64 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:41 SeveredHair How I'd redo the series on screen (read until the end)

It starts off in generally the way the books and movies start off, only the entire series is accurate to the books. When she's young, there's a lot of intensity, heightened colors and details, and an aura of magic. It has the same happy go lucky vibe of the first movie. But for a very long first part of the movie, there is a panicked obsession with her reflection in the mirror that's mildly terrifying. It shows the emptiness of being alone, and the mental state it causes in her.
Her meeting with Matthew is similar to the movies, and he's the subdued guy who transports her to her new life. In my version, he's very much a side character at first. Like in the movie, she knows he's a safe person, and he subdues terrifying situations for her. In her perspective, he's an emotional anchor point. But in the meta, he's walking a very tight rope to make sure she's safe.
Matthew's character is brushed to the side a bit briefly, any time Anne discovers a new experience: the party, the school, the best friend.
BUT, here's where things start to change very much from the movies: Matthew's perspective slowly shares center stage alongside Anne's, little by little, ever so subtly. Their relationship becomes a focal point.
When Matthew inevitably dies, you see Anne run towards him in the field, and then it quickly shifts to after his death. The focus is on how Anne's struggling for a long time, and everything else that's going on around her is dulled. Yet, the outside and the inside don't match: she carries on her mannerisms, but colors are muted and words are empty. That's when you realize that she's taught herself to perform, and that everyone around her is reacting to the performance. They came to love her through the performance. It's ever so subtle, but an example will be people bragging about her academic achievements right after Matthew dies.
After the grieving period is over, things take the same flavor as they did in the books and movies. In fact, things between friends and Gilbert become very intense, increasingly moreso, and are the focus of the events going on. Eventually, every scene Anne is in makes her think about Gilbert.
Time goes on, other things happen between characters that seem important. More people die, etc. Anne has kids. At first, it's hard for her to adapt to, due to her own trauma. But then, her instincts come in, and she understands how to love them entirely.
Things proceed like they would in the movies, except Gilbert starts to slowly drift out of focus and become a more negative character.
The scene where Anne's delusion can no longer cope with the fact that her marriage is falling apart and she has the mental breakdown ("I am blythe": girl no, you are not), she bawls her eyes out, and you go back in time and finally see the scene where she's in the field with Matthew dying. The entire dialogue and, "I only wanted you." All of the scenes flash through that she's shared with Matthew.
And then you realize that this is the only person who's ever loved her for her. Matthew was her soulmate. Her children get her attention, like they did in the books: they're a legacy of Matthew's love, since he taught her what it means to unconditionally love someone. The cycle of misery ends. She notes that the gables on the house could use a repaint.
submitted by SeveredHair to AnneofGreenGables [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:37 fiddlelake Making Mistakes...How common are they?

How common are small mistakes? I have been a new for 3 years but only 4 months into an acute care setting.
For example, I have personally discovered 3 med errors by other nurses. 2 have been when I checked the bag that was infusing and both were wrong doses. One was a IV antibiotic that was hung and never spiked. All different nurses. All very experienced.
There have been a couple times where I have not unclamped the secondary. Both of these were realized shortly after. I also forgot to change the TPN bag within the 24-hour window. Done a couple other things not up to "policy".
However, I made my first true med error last week, have a PRN pain med at the 5-hour mark. It was supposed to be Q6hrs. My first incident report on myself.
Another time I walked in on my patient at shift change who was tied, yes TIED, to a chair with 2 gaitbelts. This patient was nonverbal and had limited mobility. The night nurse said she did this so the patient wouldn't fall out of the chair. The manager also saw. I'm not sure if anything came of it.
On day when I was feeling bad about my mistakes, my manager told me she forgot to lock a bed when she was transferring a patient and they hit the floor and broke bones and had other injuries. She said everyone makes them.
I haven't received discipline for my mistakes. I talk to my manager a if I feel like I couldve done something differently or could improve, which is a lot. I feel like a new nurse all over again switching to acute care. I feel like one day I'm gonna walk in and get fired. I compare myself to my co-workers, I didn't drop a patient or tie someone to a chair so I think I'll be okay. Those nurses still work there.
submitted by fiddlelake to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:34 Ambitious-Narwhal319 AITA for not moving past this racist incident

So my (26f) partner (30m) is African, and I am Indian. His family lives in Amsterdam whilst we are in London. The first time I met his mum a couple years ago was an unpleasant experience to say the least. I stayed over for around 5 days and the first 4 of them I was completely ignored. When I first saw her, I told her it was nice to finally meet her and I’d brought some fancy biscuit tins and chocolates for the family (not a huge deal, I just want to emphasise that I met her trying to be polite), she looked unimpressed and mumbled that I was welcome and turned away. After that there was no interaction. She wouldn’t even look me in the face let alone address me in any shape or form. My boyfriend even took us (me, his mum and his sisters) to dinner and again I was completely ignored by her even when I tried to ask her a question or two in the hopes of breaking the ice. Then on the last night I was there and my boyfriend was distracted on the phone, she called me in the kitchen to have a conversation. She said she didn’t know anything about me, asked me my name (I’m so sure my boyfriend had told her already), then she asks where I am from. I knew she wasn’t asking about London, so I told her I am Indian. And then she went on a little rant, telling me she didn’t like that I was Indian, she didn’t want her son to be with an Indian, she asked whether my parents even had jobs, asked if I had any education, she asked me if we worship Buddha. All whilst repeating that she didn’t want her son to be with an Indian. It was extremely hurtful, I left crying. My boyfriend intervened when he realised what was happening and it started an argument, she got defensive and started shouting at me asking if she’d said anything wrong (I didn’t answer). I left Amsterdam feeling very hurt and never wanting to come back.
Fast forward 2.5 years, I’ve met her three times since, though mostly because we don’t live in the same country. She’s been much more accepting since. She’s never apologised, just randomly started acting as if she liked me. I’ve been cautious around her naturally because I feel like I know what she really thinks of me deep down. I’ve also been polite in response. But I still cannot bring myself to care for her beyond that. I’m not rude, I try to make an effort, I’ve given her little gifts etc. I just have no interest in building our relationship beyond this. I don’t really have an interest in her life, for example when he calls back home and talks to his sisters and mum, I genuinely care about his sisters and want to know and be involved in what is happening in their lives, his mum , I don’t care to hear about it. Also the thought of our relationship progressing and bringing her around my family terrifies me. I understand people can change and even though she might not have apologised explicitly, she could still be feeling remorseful and is trying to make up for it somewhat.
I’ve forgiven the incident that happened, but it has caused me to have such a strong dislike to her, perhaps it’s a defence mechanism. I want to know whether I should be making more of an effort with her than I am, AITA for not when things are relatively good now?
submitted by Ambitious-Narwhal319 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:33 MagGamer Key info for AC shadows, We liking this project so far? more details coming for ubi forward

Assassin's Creed Shadows Breakdown
New gen only (PS5, XSX, PC) on an updated Anvil engine
Takes place in Feudal Japan in the year 1579 during the Azuchi-Momoyama period
The time period sees a range of activity, including Portuguese merchants, legions of samurai, shinobi, Jesuit missionaries, etc
Large open world as big as Assassin's Creed Origins
Play as two protagonists, Yasuke and Naoe
There are set personal quests where you play as one or the other, but you can freely switch between both in the open world and during other objectives
Yasuke is a real historical figure who was brought to Japan by a Jesuit missionary and then became a samurai and served Oda Nobunaga
Naoe is an agile shinobi who likes stealth, but knows how to fight; can use a grappling hook to traverse the environments - physics based so it can be improbable
Yasuke's fighting style is more head on direct combat, with parries, breaking enemy armor plates, decapitation finishers, etc
Naoe uses a kusarigama, a chain that can whip around and keep enemies at bay
The team pushed on more destructibility and sliceable objects; with damage realistically replicated from sword slices, arrow puncture marks, etc
Enemies can now be knocked out if players want a more pacifist playthrough
Players can now go prone to sneak around
Fully dynamic lighting system illuminated by sunlight, torches, lanterns, etc
The game progresses through the 4 different seasons Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter
Each season brings with it environment and gameplay changes. For example, you can crawl prone under water in a pond during the summer, whereas that pond will be frozen over in the winter
More examples: Grass grows tall in the spring, perfect for hiding, while it dies off in the fall, removing those hiding spots. Hanging icicles on buildings can snap and fall off, revealing your location during winter, etc
You can hide in the shadows to escape enemies, and take out light sources to evade detection ala Splinter Cell
Create a customizable hideout where you can grow and train your own shinobi league, craft new gear, interact with other characters, and choose your base's layouts, decorations, and accessories
There are huge castles that act as significant landmarks throughout the open world that act as dungeons and their own big levels
Wanted to be a little more open with how you complete objectives, can tackle assassination targets in any order
There are no more synchronization points that reveal all the points of interest on the map, instead they act as high vantage points that let you look and discover them yourself
More coming soon. #AssassinsCreedShadows
submitted by MagGamer to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:32 Stupidartist_lol im probably wrong for this

i feel horrible and need to get it out somewhere atleast??? My partner is always sad or upset or triggered or bothered in some way, that or they're getting upset at some little mistake I made because I didnt do another thing or like when i try to do something they've mentioned in the past that i should do, and i do that, its like im wrong for doing that and i dont know if i should give examples because im afraid they might see it somehow but god, im depressed too, just get upset too and i have to hide it just for them, i cant express it or say anything of the sorts about how i feel without very severe consequences one being that they dissociate they have a tough life at home, stress and such but its not fair to be put on me, i think atleast but if i asked them not to act like that twards me even if theyre, itd be like something bad id be asking so i just dont but ive just gotten depressed, and now stress freaks me out and every hint of upset or such just makes me want to disappear, go away, i want to leave them because of it and i think im wrong for that we're both struggling but they cant mentally handle my own feelings
and maybe someone will comment "talk to them" god. i have. so many times, and they all go in a terrible direction id feel guilty for leaving, i feel guilty for even feeling like this, its not like i can do anything to help if anything, i make it worse for them by trying to help, but by leaving its worse too
i want to tell them to stop and stop and i want to be upset they tell me things and they're important but if i give my opinion on it or- theres this one matter that really bothers me and of course i was in the wrong for my reaction but its like theyre defending themself for what they said even when they say they arent i dont know
i feel bad, like everythings my fault in some way shaoe or form, i want to throw things away, even if thats wrong i love them though, and i care about them even with my own feelings on my shoulders
theyre upset now too, great.
on another note, i really want to die
submitted by Stupidartist_lol to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:30 Sure-Satisfaction936 SAP appeal for completion rate

Long story short I busted my butt and got accepted into a RN program. Turns out financial aid is saying they won’t pay unless I appeal the satisfactory academic progress because I have too many withdrawals. I’m in the navy reserves, had a complicated pregnancy in 2022 where I went into labor at 36 weeks, and I JUST got diagnosed with adhd after years of being misdiagnosed with depression and anxiety. I went through years of medications and therapists and got nowhere. I kept having allergic reactions and everything. How do I go about getting my documentation? I bounced around so much from doctor to doctor I’m not even sure how to get ahold of most of them? And the college wants a separate reason and documentation for each semester. For me it’s summer 2020, fall 2020, fall 2021, and summer 2022 (this is the semester I was pregnant). They said they’re not picky but if I submit notarized letter to make sure they’re signed and dated. Am I over thinking this? I really can’t afford nursing school without financial aid
submitted by Sure-Satisfaction936 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:27 MostlyStatQuestions Degrees of freedom in LSD pairwise comparison is deemed infinite. Why?

Hello all!
I can give you all more information about my model if you would like, but I would like to keep this simple. I ran zero-inflated negative binomial mixed model (glmmTMB). I saved the model and calculated their estimated marginal means (emmeans). Then I compared those estimated marginal means against each other. Instead of my numerator df being listed as a value they are listed as "inf" meaning infinite. I have no idea why. I have done similar tests in SPSS before and I have always received df.
An example of the code I ran was:
contrast(estimated marginal means of ZINB model, method = "pairwise', adjust = "bonferroni") 
I received a message "NOTE: Results may be misleading due to involvement in interactions" and the results below:
 contrast estimate SE df z.ratio p.value Diploid - Tetraploid 0.733 0.224 Inf 3.270 0.0032 Diploid - Triploid 0.020 0.226 Inf 0.088 1.0000 Tetraploid - Triploid -0.713 0.227 Inf -3.144 0.0050 Results are averaged over the levels of: P Results are given on the log (not the response) scale. P value adjustment: bonferroni method for 3 tests 
Again - I am happy to share all my code. Thank you all!
submitted by MostlyStatQuestions to rstats [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:22 lixad3000 [For Hire] Are you Stuck on your essays, term papers, dissertations, research papers in subjects such as Information systems, Psychology, Algebra, Statistics, Leadership, Organizational behavior, Nursing, Economics and Business, Literature and History? Worry no more. Just Contact Me ASAP!

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submitted by lixad3000 to assignment_helprs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:21 lixad3000 [For Hire] Are you Stuck on your essays, term papers, dissertations, research papers in subjects such as Information systems, Psychology, Algebra, Statistics, Leadership, Organizational behavior, Nursing, Economics and Business, Literature and History? Worry no more. Just Contact Me ASAP!

Hello Students
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With my experience, I help, guide and support you in handling;
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submitted by lixad3000 to pro_essay_writers1 [link] [comments]