Superhero theme for preschool


2011.10.14 07:34 LazyTown

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2024.05.28 21:47 Calenchamien How would you handle the inevitable fallout of player choices come due?

For reference: the game is “Masks: A New Generation”, superhero-style theme.
Several in-game months ago, one of my players decided to mess with the files of AEGIS, a SHIELD-esque organization. Well, game events have resulted in that interference getting noticed and now the characters are on the clock for when the shoe is going to drop.
Meanwhile, the team has just accidentally broken into an AEGIS facility and while they weren’t physically caught, one of them was seen and identified and is a notable enough figure that the team doesn’t currently have a lot of hope of avoiding consequences.
What are some interesting reactions from AEGIS I can challenge the players to deal with?
submitted by Calenchamien to AskGameMasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:23 lilhiroshima [18+] [MM3] [Online] [Biweekly] [EST] Three friends looking for a GM to run a superhero campaign!

Heyo! My group of Three friends is looking to be a part of a superhero-themed campaign, sort of in the theme of Invincible, Teen Titans, or X-men evolution vibe. We are perfectly okay to run with beginner or experienced GMs. We aren't picky the only requirement we have is for the GM to be adults. The system we've been leaning toward for this campaign is Mutants and Masterminds 3e.
For availability, we're all within the EST time zone! We are available on Tuesday nights and looking to play that day. Be sure to respond to this thread, DM me, or message me on Discord if you're interested or have questions! Thanks for reading this post.
Finally, here's my discord: lilksubi
submitted by lilhiroshima to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:59 Blizzard757 Everything I’ve read this year, happy to discuss!

Everything I’ve read this year, happy to discuss!
Here are my thoughts on the books:
The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot: The art by Darrow was amazing, lots of very intricate detail, specially on the monsters. The story was… alright I guess. Nothing really special or very entertaining imo. Would love to read something else drawn by Darrow but with a stronger script. The binding and quality of the book felt great.
Monsters: I know this book is praised a lot around here, but I just don’t get it. I liked it, I thought the story about generational trauma and war was great, but not a fan of the artwork, or the parts with the cursive lettering (although i think it was a neat idea). Also felt a little too long, and there is an element to the story that feels quite out of place. Overall, I thought it was a nice story, but to me it doesn’t feel like an all time great.
Shubeik Lubeik: Easily one of the best comics I have read. Didn’t expect to love it so much. I really liked the multiples angles (legislation, religion and faith, economic, mental health, etc) explored of the main idea; what if wishes were real? The sections between the main chapters, with the infographics and data really help to sell you on the existence of wishes as a “real” thing. This books takes advantage of the medium to tell its story in an effective manner, very easy to recommend to anyone. My only complaint is that the third story felt a little too long.
Asterios Polyp: I definitely agree with the hype around this comic, didn’t disappoint at all. Mazzucchelli is a master of the medium. The book reminded me a little bit to The Metamorphosis and The Stranger, by the way they make me feel at the end of the story. I really like this type of novel, with philosophical elements and maybe not a lot of story, but it stays with you and makes you think a lot.
Blood of the Virgin: Really nice binding and quality of the book. I really liked the storytelling of the comic, the way panels and scenes flow into each other. I wasn’t familiar with Harkham, but his cartoony style is quite distinctive and easy to read. This story reminded me a little bit of “Once upon a time in hollywood”. I think i need to reread to better comment on its story and themes.
Sandcastle: Very nice short story about life and death and maybe what it means to us. Or maybe it’s about the cyclical nature of our existence, could be something else. I thought the emphasis on the story and characters and NOT on the mystery itself was a great choice, as it is not the point of the book. The artwork sometimes reminded me a little bit to Chris Samnee’s work (which I love). Great comic, don’t watch the movie, it’s awful.
Killind and Dying: This book made me feel a little weird after ending it, cause I felt that something was missing on almost all the stories. They were interesting and the storytelling was good, but they felt that they maybe need a couple more pages. I don’t know, I’m finding it hard to express my thoughts on the book. The artwork was great, I think it would be interesting to see Tomine work on some superhero stuff.
V for Vendetta: Expected something a little bit different, because a while ago I saw the movie, so I thought the comic would be more action oriented. Although that would’ve been nice, the story doesn’t need it. I loved it, David Lloyd nailed the feeling of the dystopian world and its oppression which really complemented Moore’s script, as well as the bleakness of the message. Great stuff, Alan Moore really knows what he is doing.
Wonder Woman Dead Earth: Very nice Black label book, with fantastic and energetic artwork by Warren Johnson (which is kind of expected). The story is alright, nothing special but gets the job done, I just wish the design of the monsters and the world itself was more distinctive.
The Many Deaths of Laila Starr: The artwork and coloring of this books are great, giving the story a kinda dreamy or ethereal vibe. I wish we could’ve seen more of the other gods, just to appreciate how Andrade would have designed them. Felt like a very quick read, and although the story and script are good, it didn’t resonate with me as much as other people are expressing (emotionally speaking).
B.P.R.D. Vol 2-4 I’m grouping them together because they tell a continuing story, which I can’t get enough of. The mysteries, characters, the atmosphere, and feeling of impending doom all come together to tell a great and quite long story that is very easy to enjoy and appreciate. Davis does a great job bringing this world to life, which includes a great mix of action, exploration and emotional moments. Can’t wait to finish it. (I wish these were hardcovers).
Blankets: A very heartwarming story about growing up and coming to terms with yourself. The artwork felt very emotional and warm, and perfectly illustrated how everything felt. The religious stuff really resonated with me as I also grew up in a religious household, and I think the struggles are perfectly portrayed in the book. Very easy to recommend, I’m eager to read more books by Thompson.
Catwoman Lonely City Ever seen his run on Wonder Woman, I’ve been a huge fan of Chiang. His artwork, coloring and character design are great (specially Croc and The Demon) and kinda give me a vibe of a Saturday morning cartoon, which I love. The story is a very traditional “coming out of retirement one last ride” type, but I don’t mind as it has a little bit of humor and the illustrations are great. Really wish Chiang would do a monthly series at DC. Also, I’m really loving this oversized Black Label hardcovers.
submitted by Blizzard757 to graphicnovels [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:56 Normal-Oil1524 Types of VR games that you want to see in the future

Whether it’s more from the same genres that have been popular since the dawn of VR or new types of games we haven’t seen translated into VR. In fact, we could even talk about 2 different categories of games you wanna see based on that, and if they’re technically possible to make today or still wishful thinking (but with real chances of being reality in the future)
In the more of the same category, I discovered that I would gladly want to see more interactive puzzlers. It’s a type of game I didn’t know I even liked until I played through The Room and Retropolis 2, which are prolly my favorites right now but for different reasons. The Room is more classic noir with a Lovecraftian twist, and the puzzles in the game are some of the best I’ve encountered. Meanwhile, Retropolis is more of a chillaxing experience, both its visual style being cartoon cyberpunk-ish and the world building more on the funny side — I actually liked the characters and think they’re one of the strong points of the game since the puzzles are pretty easy. It’s the unique settings or just their twist on the usual setting in these games that was really to my liking. Would not mind at all if we got more of these kinds of games (but I would want them to be a bit more open ended in the future)
Besides that, I think it would be a great refresher if we got more and varied fighters. The only one anyone mentions is Blade and Sorcery. For good reasons since it’s the most fleshed out but it might be time to move on into different styles and fighting mechanics. Ones that have multiplayer are lacking especially, with the only ones I found being Dragon First (which recently got an update btw) and the anime styled Brazen Blaze that’s still in open beta, and both are really interesting takes on the fighting genre. One being a martial arts themed fighter and Brazen Blaze more a superhero (or anime-hero?) fighter in large open arenas that are obv designed for big battles. So the scale is expanding at steady pace and I’m actually pretty keen on following the progress they’ll make in the future
submitted by Normal-Oil1524 to ValveIndex [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:22 mickdrop I have create this form for my group, can you comment on it?

So I have this group of friends and they are eager to play a TTRPG. I would be the GM. We each have played a couple of systems in the past but not together. Also I have read about many games and systems and I have some indecision about what I want to play myself. Lots of them seem fun. Ultimately I’d like for everyone to have fun (don’t we all?) but I’m not sure what they would enjoy the most. So I decided to set up this form to complete for them. The goal is to start the discussion before session 0, make sure we have compatible expectations and give me ideas about what to suggest to them.
Do you see some important questions I should add? Remove? Modify? Do you have notes regarding this process at all?
Here are the questions, please note that this is an early quick draft with no format or stuff like boxes to check or blanks to fill in yet. Also note that my original form is not in English so excuse me for the translation errors.
What genre would do like to play? Several answers possible...
  • Fantasy
  • SF
  • Superheroes
  • Paranormal/urban fantasy
  • Modern thriller
  • War simulation
  • Other (please specify)
  • I don't care at all
Rank your objectives for these sessions in order of importance:
  • I want to spend a fun evenings and for us to laugh together.
  • I want to immerse myself in the fiction we create and in my character.
  • I am interested in the game mechanics and the possibilities they offer.
  • Other (please specify)
Rate how interested you are in these aspects of the game (1: not interested at all; 5: Fuck yeah!):
  • Exploration
  • Social interactions
  • Combat
  • Investigations
  • Planning (an attack or infiltration or theft)
  • Politics of different factions
  • Feeling that my actions influence the world
  • Character progression
Regarding fantasy, how important is realism to you?
  • I want the universe to be perfectly realistic. No magic. (e.g., historical fiction)
  • I want a lot of realism, but we can include some fantasy elements to make the world interesting. (e.g., Game of Thrones)
  • I want a reasonably fantastical world. (e.g. The Lord of the Rings)
  • Give me unicorns farting rainbows and inject magic directly into my veins. (e.g., Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland)
  • I don't care as long as the story is good.
How explicit do you want the story to be?
  • No problem with a very dark universe. Rape, murder, and so on do not bother me.
  • No problem with violence, but there's no need for overly gory descriptions if it can be avoided.
  • I prefer not to delve into those kinds of details at all if it can be avoided.
What is your stance on safety tools (i.e., mechanisms to skip or speed up narration if a theme makes a player uncomfortable)?
  • I don't know what they are and have no opinion.
  • I find them unnecessary and prefer not to use them. If something bothers me, I can simply say so. No need for complex mechanisms.
  • I don't think I need them, but I don't mind if they're used for others.
  • I would like to use them.
Are there any themes that make you uncomfortable? For example, some may not want violence against children, others might have phobias toward giant spiders. Indicate any themes you'd like to avoid.
What kind of character do you intend to play?
  • Someone who actively seeks to do good.
  • Someone interested in their own goals but doesn't hesitate to help strangers in need along the way.
  • Someone who only seeks to help themselves and their loved ones.
  • Someone who thinks only of their own interests.
  • Someone who actively seeks to do harm around them.
Concerning your character's mortality... Several answers possible
  • I want to feel vulnerable at the beginning but increasingly difficult to kill at the end.
  • I want to play someone vulnerable in a dangerous world. No problem if I have to create a new character every session because the previous one died.
  • I want to play a competent character. I am fragile but know how to defend myself. The world is dangerous, but if I am careful, I should survive.
  • I want to play a hero. I am powerful. It takes a lot to bring me down.
  • I don't want my character to be able to die.
  • I don't care.
Do you have a strong opinion regarding the statistical distribution of your dice rolls?
  • I want a linear distribution.
  • I want a bell curve distribution.
  • I want a dice pool
  • What?
Sorry for all these questions but the goal is to to know if you want to play D&D or something else. So do you want to play D&D or something else?
  • I want to play D&D. Only D&D
  • I want to play D&D but with a better system
  • I want to play a story like D&D but I really don't care about the system. I just want to be badass
  • I want D&D system but in another setting
  • I want to play anything but D&D
  • I want to play a specific game and it's not D&D, it's
  • I don't know
  • I don't care
  • I don't want to play a TTRPG after all, I want to play Monopoly instead.
submitted by mickdrop to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:00 bwitihouse The Hidden Messages in "Black Panther": A Focus on the Heart-Shaped Herb and Iboga

The Hidden Messages in
Marvel's "Black Panther," directed by Ryan Coogler, is not only a groundbreaking film for its representation of African culture and its predominantly Black cast, but it also weaves a tapestry of hidden messages and themes that resonate deeply with audiences. These messages explore various aspects of identity, power, heritage, and social justice, enriching the film's narrative and impact. Among these themes, the depiction of the heart-shaped herb and its real-world counterpart, the iboga plant, stands out as a significant symbol of cultural and environmental importance.
The Black Panther
1. Ryan Coogler: The Visionary Director
Ryan Coogler, 32, is the director of "Black Panther." Marvel Studios took a significant risk by entrusting him with a $200 million budget, even though he had only two films to his name. In 2013, Ryan wrote and directed "Fruitvale Station," a film made in just 20 days on a shoestring budget, which grossed sixteen times its cost and won the top award at the Sundance Film Festival. This film, telling the true story of Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old African American man shot by a white police officer, showcased Coogler's pan-African consciousness. His second film, "Creed," starring the legendary Sylvester Stallone, had a $40 million budget and grossed $173 million, cementing Coogler's reputation as a director who could turn projects into gold. Marvel then offered him the directorial reins for "Black Panther," which shattered numerous records and outgrossed all previous Marvel films, recouping its budget within 48 hours and ultimately earning $1.3 billion in just 24 days. Coogler's success with "Black Panther" transformed the superhero genre, proving that a Black hero could be a bankable investment. In February 2019, "Black Panther" received seven Oscar nominations, a groundbreaking achievement for a predominantly Black cast and crew in a genre traditionally overlooked by the Academy.

2. The Heart-Shaped Herb: A Symbol of African Spirituality

A central element of "Black Panther" is the heart-shaped herb, a plant that grants superhuman abilities to the Black Panther. This herb is more than just a plot device; it symbolizes a deep connection to African spirituality and traditional medicine. The heart-shaped herb is inspired by the real-world iboga plant, which grows in Central Africa and is used in spiritual ceremonies by indigenous peoples, particularly in Gabon. The iboga plant's roots are consumed in Bwiti rituals to induce visions and connect with ancestors, much like the heart-shaped herb allows T'Challa to commune with the spirits of past Black Panthers.
Iboga is primarily used for psycho-spiritual journeys and rites of passage, allowing boys and girls to transition into adulthood. These ceremonies help young individuals take responsibility for themselves and honor their lineage and ancestral heritage. By consuming iboga, participants embark on a profound inner journey that fosters self-discovery, wisdom, and a deeper connection to their cultural roots.

3. The Duality of Identity

The film's protagonist, T'Challa (Black Panther), and antagonist, Erik Killmonger, represent different aspects of Black identity and the African diaspora. T'Challa, raised in the isolated but advanced Wakanda, embodies a connection to African roots and traditional values. In contrast, Killmonger, who grew up in the United States experiencing systemic racism, symbolizes the pain and anger of the African American experience. Their conflict reflects the broader struggle within the African diaspora between embracing cultural heritage and confronting the realities of oppression and marginalization in Western societies.

4. The Consequences of Isolationism

Wakanda's policy of isolationism is a central theme in "Black Panther." The nation hides its advanced technology and resources from the rest of the world to protect itself from exploitation. However, this decision comes under scrutiny as the film progresses. T'Challa realizes that Wakanda's isolation has prevented it from helping those who suffer around the world, particularly people of African descent. The film suggests that true strength lies not in isolation but in global solidarity and sharing resources to uplift oppressed communities.

5. The Power of Representation

The casting and character development in "Black Panther" send a powerful message about representation. The film features strong, intelligent, and independent Black characters, particularly women like Shuri, Nakia, and Okoye. These characters break stereotypes and offer diverse role models for audiences. By presenting Black people in roles of power, leadership, and intellect, "Black Panther" challenges the underrepresentation and misrepresentation of Black individuals in mainstream media.

6. Social Justice and Responsibility

Killmonger's quest for justice, though misguided and violent, highlights the legitimate grievances of marginalized communities. His character forces Wakanda, and by extension the audience, to confront the harsh realities of racial injustice and inequality. T'Challa's decision to open Wakanda's resources to the world at the end of the film symbolizes a commitment to social justice and a recognition of the responsibility to fight against global inequality.

7. The Iboga Plant: Environmental and Cultural Significance

The iboga plant, which inspired the heart-shaped herb in "Black Panther," holds significant cultural and environmental value. Iboga is renowned for its medicinal properties, including its ability to treat addictions and diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. However, the plant is endangered due to overharvesting, as its roots are the most potent part. The destruction of the heart-shaped herb by Killmonger in the film mirrors the real-world threat to iboga, underscoring the need for conservation and respect for indigenous practices, such as those upheld in the equatorial jungle of Gabon. By showcasing the heart-shaped herb, "Black Panther" brings attention to the importance of preserving such plants and the cultural traditions associated with them.

8. Reimagining the African Continent

"Black Panther" also serves as a reimagining of the African continent, challenging the stereotypical narratives often portrayed in the media. Wakanda is a blend of futuristic technology and traditional African culture, showcasing a society where both coexist harmoniously. This vision encourages viewers to rethink preconceived notions about Africa and consider its potential for innovation and leadership.

9. The Role of Women in "Black Panther"

"Black Panther" elevates the role of women, both in front of and behind the camera. Hannah Beachler won the Oscar for Best Production Design for her work on the film, creating the vibrant and sophisticated world of Wakanda. Ruth Carter, who also won an Oscar for Best Costume Design, drew inspiration from various African cultures to craft the film's stunning and authentic wardrobe. These achievements highlight the significant contributions of Black women to the film's success and underscore the importance of diversity in storytelling.

10. Historical and Cultural References

Ryan Coogler, the director of "Black Panther," went beyond merely nodding to Africa's grand history; he addressed serious issues threatening the biodiversity and spiritual heritage of certain African countries. The story of the heart-shaped herb in the film mirrors the real-world plight of the iboga plant. Iboga, which grows in equatorial Africa, is central to spiritual ceremonies in Gabon known as Bwiti. During these ceremonies, the roots are ground into powder and ingested, inducing a state that allows participants to contact their ancestors and gain wisdom for making enlightened decisions.
Coogler endowed the heart-shaped herb with the same virtues as iboga. In the film, it is prepared in similar conditions: pounded while squatting on the ground, surrounded by the four elements, including fire. The ceremonial leader in the movie wears makeup akin to that of Bwiti masters in Gabon, such as Moughenda Mikala. The presence of children with white clay masks parallels Bwiti practices. T’Challa's dream state, where he communicates with his ancestors, echoes the visions induced by iboga.
Iboga also has powerful medicinal properties, treating addictions and diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. However, due to overharvesting for its valuable roots, the plant faces extinction. The film's scene where Killmonger burns the heart-shaped herb to obliteration symbolizes the real-world threat to iboga, emphasizing the critical need for conservation and respect for indigenous practices. The extinction of iboga would mean losing a medicinal treasure and a spiritual tradition that has sustained communities for centuries. Spirituality is the strength of a people, and Coogler used this blockbuster to raise awareness about the endangered status of such valuable plants.
Moreover, Coogler infused "Black Panther" with numerous historical and cultural references. Okoye, the general of the Dora Milaje, draws inspiration from Seh Dong Hong-Beh, the leader of the Dahomey Amazons, an all-female military regiment in West Africa. The character of Ramonda was influenced by real-life figures such as Nandi, the mother of Shaka Zulu, and Miriam Makeba, a South African singer and activist. These references pay homage to African history and highlight the strength and resilience of African women.
By intertwining these elements, Coogler created a film rich in cultural significance, promoting awareness of both historical legacies and contemporary issues. "Black Panther" is more than a superhero film; it is a call to preserve cultural and environmental treasures and a celebration of African heritage and resilience.


"Black Panther" is more than a superhero film; it is a cultural milestone that addresses complex issues of identity, heritage, and social justice. Its hidden messages resonate with audiences, offering a narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. By celebrating African culture, questioning isolationism, and highlighting the importance of representation and social justice, "Black Panther" leaves a lasting impact and sets a new standard for what superhero films can achieve. Ryan Coogler's direction, supported by a talented cast and crew, has created a masterpiece that empowers the Black community and inspires future generations.
submitted by bwitihouse to iboga [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 10:30 AFDPP [M4F] Looking for these canon characters (DC, Marvel and more)

Hey there! Thanks for checking out my post.
I've been really in the mood for some fandom RPs lately, especially from DC. I'm mainly looking to play a male character(s) myself, opposite canon characters that you'd play. It's nothing toooo specific beyond that, the main details of the plot really depend on the characters, but here's a few things to know, really.
I'm open to most kinda plots and pairings, and I'm open to really any themes. I'm open to pretty much everything! Even if you have ideas that you think are more out there, feel free to suggest them to me, I'd probably be down for them!
Like I said, I'm happy to play most anyone as long as you play a canon character I'm looking for. I can play canons myself, or crossover characters, or OCs; it all works for me.
Now, let's get to the main gist of it, really: who I'm looking for. I'm looking for canon women from different fandoms, though my favorite is DC. I have a few other canons I like such as Marvel or a few other ones here and there, but DC is definitely the main one. Below, I'll put the list of some of the canon women I'm looking to play opposite with. If you can play any of these characters, I'd absolutely love it.
Under each 'category' of character, I'll also include some details about some possible plot points or pairings we could try. These are only some suggestions, of course; I'm more than down to brainstorm other ideas, but think of these as sort of inspirations to help start out!
Hey there! I've been looking for someone to play canon women, mainly from comics verses, but a few other things as well!
ANYWAY, here's the main gist of the post. The main canons I'm looking for. If you can play any of these, I'd love it. Feel free to message me whenever!
DC: Cheshire / Jade Nguyen, Artemis Crock (Young Justice), Yara Flor, Lois Lane, Donna Troy, Wonder Woman, Talia al Ghul, Black Canary / Dinah Lance, Zatanna, Ravager / Rose Wilson, Huntress / Helena Bertinelli, Jessica Cruz / Green Lantern, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire / Carol Ferris, Punchline / Alexis Kaye, Iris West, Lian Harper / Cheshire Cat, Supergirl / Kara Zor-El, Spoiler / Stephanie Brown, Catwoman / Selina Kyle, Batgirl / Barbara Gordon, Mia Dearden, Dove / Dawn Granger (Titans TV), Starfire / Koriand'r, Lilith Clay, Hawkgirl / Kendra Saunders, Lady Shiva, Mera, some of the Arrowverse girls (Sara Lance, Laurel Lance, Thea Queen, Dinah Drake, Mia Smoak, Iris West)
MARVEL: Elektra Natchios, Psylocke / Betsy Braddock, Jean Grey / Phoenix, Emma Frost, Rogue / Anna Marie, Kate Bishop / Hawkeye, Lorna Dane / Polaris, Susan Storm / Invisible Woman, Wanda Maximoff / Scarlett Witch, Black Widow / Natasha Romanoff, Carol Danvers (MCU), Sersi (MCU), Felicia Hardy / Black Cat, Gwen Stacy / Spider-Gwen,Mary Jane Watson, Hope van Dyne (MCU)
THE BOYS: Starlight / Annie January
BEN 10: Gwen Tennyson (specifically, the Alien Force version or older only!), Charmcaster, Ester
Possible ideas: As a general idea here, with heroines and villain types, it could always be fun to do a plot where they're defeated, if you're open to a darker sort of plot. Maybe they end up imprisoned after a heavy defeat to a villain or army, or they're stranded somewhere, like on an island or desert or unknown city. Something that takes them out of their usual setting, you know? In fact, for some of the higher status heroines, it could be fun to do plots where they're turned into sidekicks themselves, or transformed in some way that changes their status quo. Other than that, since most of these characters are well known in universe, I'd also love a plot where they meet a fan or someone who knows their work in universe, if that makes sense.
Going into the specific characters here, Cheshire is definitely my favorite. She's one of those ones that there's a lot of good options to pair her with; maybe one of the Titans, like a Nightwing or Wally West, or maybe someone like one of the Green Arrows could be good for a dynamic with her, especially since they're characters she has an interesting history with. With some of the more experienced heroines (like Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Donna Troy, etc.), I do think it'd be fun to have them in a sort of mentor type role, where perhaps they're helping out a younger hero type, be that one that exists within the DC Universe already (like a Tim Drake or Bart Allen for example), or a new original character. As for Talia al Ghul, perhaps after failing to persuade Batman for so long, it's time for her to look for a new type of bethrothed, so she sets out for a new target for the League of Assassins. Rose Wilson could be fun with the Arrows, be that Connor or Roy, since she has a comic history with them. But to be honest, the DC characters are super flexible, so as these are only suggestions, we can fully brainstorm something up, I don't mind at all.
OVERWATCH: Ashe or Kiriko
FINAL FANTASY 7: Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Jessie Rasberry
RED DEAD REDEMPTION: Sadie Adler, Abigail Roberts, Mary-Beth Gaskill
STARDEW VALLEY: Abigail, Emily, Haley, Leah, Penny, Robin, Jodi, Sandy, Caroline
MISC: Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), Ellie Williams (TLOU2)
Possible ideas: For the FF7 canons, I'm thinking some kind of new resident or visitor of the slums would make for an interesting dynamic to pair them off of. Someone who's new, possibly oblivious to Avalanche and their activities. He could slowly discover what the girls are up to, and either turn against them or works with them. Or perhaps, it takes a more casual turn, someone visiting the bar, needing a room or place to stay sort of vibe and meeting the likes of Tifa or Jessie. With the RDR girls, a new member of the gang under their tutelage or that befriends them could be interesting, perhaps leading towards a direction where they run off together, or kind of face the frontier together. Lara and Ellie can have similar plot scenarios I'd like to think, with one of them being in an apocalypse setting obviously. Getting captured or coming up against some kind of tribe or faction or some such, someone who's targeting them for one reason or another.
STAR WARS: Rey or Leia
GAME OF THRONES: Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Melisandre
DISNEY: Teddy Duncan (Good Luck, Charlie), Alex Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place), Sharpay Evans or Gabriella Montez (High School Musical), Colette (Ratatouille)
MISC: Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo), Carly Shay (iCarly), Azula or Suki (Avatar), Betty Cooper (Riverdale)
Possible ideas: With Rey and Leia, I really like the idea of plots taking place in their respective desert settings: Jakku or Tattooine. Something showing the sort of survival aspects of living in a harsh reality like this, how they have to fight for credits or food, living with all the foes around and the heat, that sort of thing. It could either go a darker route, or show kind of their daily life living in a setting like that, their social dynamics with whatever characters are around in those settings; The merchants, the bounty hunters, the traders, etc. You could do a similar thing with Daenerys too, if we wanna set her plot in Essos, though with the GOT girls, I think a sort of war / political plot would be fun, showing the aftermath of either their victory or defeat.
The other girls listed in this section I can be pretty flexible with. A slice of life type scenario would fit in with most of them, though a sort of mystery / detective type plot would be fun to set up with Daphne or Betty. If we do go the slice of life direction, maybe have it set when they're slightly older, showing how they're going through college or their early careers post their canons.
Margot Robbie, Megan Fox, Gemma Chan, Madison Beer, Anne Hathaway, Anya Chalotra, Victoria Pedretti, Jessica Chastain, Emeraude Taubia, Jenna Dewan, Candice Patton, Sydney Sweeney, Alice Eve, Caity Lotz, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Olivia Wilde, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, Conor Leslie, Minka Kelly, Alejandra Guilmant, Kennedy Walsh, Olivia Rodrigo, Hailey Bieber, Doja Cat, Hailee Steinfeld, Dakota Johnson, Corinna Kopf, Florence Pugh, Lili Reinhart, Ariana Grande, Scarlett Johansson, Bridget Mendler, Madelyn Cline, Sabrina Carpenter, Anya Taylor-Joy
Possible ideas: This is probably the most flexible selection here, there's a whole host of plots we can do. An encounter with a fan is the most obvious one I can think of, or them exploring a new type of concert or movie role. Perhaps they've taken on a photoshoot of some kind, but it's different because it's a peculiar type of shoot, or they're hired by someone with a bit of a complex reputation. Or something I think would be super fun, is if the celebrity is kind of made to do something publicly that they're not too fond of, either for a PR campaign or as part of marketing for a movie or album or something. Perhaps a PR relationship, or they're made to act or behave a certain way to change how the world perceives them. I could also see a plot where the celebrity is made to be a prize of some competition or event, like one where my character wins a date or something with the celebrity. I also think it'd be fun to maybe try something where the celebrity's PR is at an all time low or they're cancelled or something, and then proceeding to explore the aftermath of that. These are just a few ideas, tbh, let me know if any of them intrigue you. To be honest, with these ones, it's probably the one that needs the most brainstorming, tbh.
But yeah, that's the gist of it. I'm mainly just looking for the characters above, so I'm pretty flexible on the plot or pairings; that's something we can discuss ourselves. I'm sure we can create an interesting and unique plot and dynamic between our characters, something we'd both enjoy!
Let me know if you wanna set something up! My messages are always open.
My preferred place to write is Discord.
submitted by AFDPP to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 08:27 NightOnFuckMountain Looking for recommendations for animes for someone who "doesn't like anime."

It's been brought to my attention that every single one of my friends loves anime, and I've always been the guy who doesn't like it, mostly because of the whole "cartoons are for kids" thing. I'm beginning to realize that it's a bit odd to dislike an entire medium that spans multiple genres, so I'd like to give it a real, honest shot.
Part of my general dislike is that I've noticed that a lot of anime and manga has a trope that I've never been able to understand and I don't know if there's a word for it, but I've been calling it "shows where the protagonist is kind of a moron but he thinks he's really smart, and he may also be magic." It's in Western media as well, but in Western media, it's easy to avoid whereas in anime it's everywhere. Popular Western characters who fit this trope include Dr. House, Artemis Fowl, Ender Wiggin, Edward Cullen, Holden Caulfield, any one of the dozens of Sherlock Homes knockoffs, you get the picture. It's basically a brooding, weird guy with the emotional intelligence of a sack of rocks, and he's supposed to be relatable for reasons I've never understood.
For the record, I've had people show me dozens of animes, and the vast majority of them I couldn't stand. I'll be listing the ones I did enjoy, because if I listed the ones I didn't, we'd be here all day. Just kidding I added them below.
I'll also include some non-anime movies or shows I liked that are still cartoons.
Animes I liked or at least didn't mind:
Non-anime cartoons I liked:
Hoping for some decent recommendations.
Edit: I also wanted to point out that I'm totally fine with shows where the main character is an actual moron/himbo type. I'm a bit of a moron myself.
The one I don't like is "person who is technically smart but also mean/angsty has low EQ and does dumb stuff."
In several animes I've seen, this is usually someone who is good at schoolwork but bad at sports/friendships/relationships, or someone who is good at one particular type of magic but doesn't understand simple things like how to talk to a crush or what to do at a party.
Edit 2: This is getting long, but I'm also adding the list that I don't like, just because it's been requested several times. This is by no means a comprehensive list, it's just the ones I can remember off the top of my head.
Edit 3: If I haven't personally responded to you it's not because I'm ignoring you, but this blew up much more than I'd assumed it would. I'm putting all of these recommendations into a spreadsheet so I don't miss anything.
submitted by NightOnFuckMountain to Animesuggest [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:09 NoUnderstanding7116 Kaiju Score Comic Review - A Criminally Underrated Kaiju Classic!

Kaiju Score Comic Review - A Criminally Underrated Kaiju Classic!
Kaiju Score, specifically the first half part of it (Issue 1-4) is an underrated and criminally overlooked kaiju series created by a comic company called Aftershock Comics. The series follows a story of a group of 4 desperate criminals attempting a once in a life time heist, which revolves around taking an advantage over a kaiju event, a very risky mission to help turn their lives around. Without further a do, let's get into it:
  1. A Realistic Kaiju Setting
Firstly, Kaiju Score is an awesome series that depicts the existence of kaijus in a more realistic manner. Even though there wasn't much kaiju action and appearance on screen, the realistic depiction of them roaming in our world plays a heavy role to the plot of our human centric story. The cautions, the warning system, the disaster response and the science behind the kaijus migration were also explained very early in the series itself. You can feel the presence of said kaijus even if they're off screen, when our group of criminals are taking most of the screentime moving the plot forward. Thus, making those who appreciate the effort in putting many details, rules and system in any media they watch depicting fictional creatures or other entities, would absolutely adore it.
  1. Refreshing and Original
Even with just the premise alone, you already know that you're getting something new here. A heavy human centric story that barely revolves around kaiju mayhem is a must see for every kaiju fan. The story is also less superhero like, with no actual themes of good vs evil and did a great job of depicting moral ambiguity (where the group of criminals aren't necessarily evil by nature but for other reasons such as greed and desperation) and survival instincts (where you see the actions of all four of the groups clashing with each other and the risk of it). The story does not only follow 1 but 4 underdogs working together with each of them having their own problematic background that probably equates to an unlikely success to their heist. The series also has no actual villains, meaning the story did a great job at presenting a conflict both naturally and creatively.
  1. Great Human Characters
With humans being the protagonist of the story. It did an absolutely amazing job in writing them. As said above, they all are flawed people, each of them with their own problems. Their introductions were just nice and didn't felt too stretched. They create a great dynamic contrasting each other with their personalities. Some of the trust issues were presented and some played a heavier antagonistic role than the other. The flaws of these characters would then create another obstacle, generating tension and raising the stakes at their already f*cked up situation. And the best thing is, we root for them. Some of them, and most importantly, we understand them as a characters. The main character Marco, was an excellent protagonist who did a great job at moving the plot forward. His charming personality makes him likeable, while his goals provided stakes that are small, yet it felt huge due to how personal and meaningful the goal is to him. Giving the sense failure present and engaging for the reader.
  1. Amazing Artwork
While this is subjective, the artwork in this comic undoubtedly elevates the quality of the reading. The artist has a great stylized art that still maintains the anatomy and shape of what it's drawing. The style is also a bit blocky though, with some came out a bit excessive, but didn't occur that much for it to call inconsistent. The kaiju designs were very distinctive, with the two kaijus that first appeared in the comic (Mujara and Ikattu) looked very different yet sorta maintained the same structure. They did a great job in culminating multiple anatomically different animals in one kaiju. Mujara having digitigrade legs, massive arms that are heavy around the fist and the forearm resembling leatherback from Pacific Rim, a posture that is hunch over, a turtle shell, a set of small bent tusks located around each side of her lower jaw and a pointy head. Ikattu on the other hand, does not have a more memorable design though. It stuck with one colour palette and aside from it's look resembling a stingray, it follows the same principles as Mujara to a lesser degree. Either way, the artstyle's consistency is on point and rarely looks terrible.
  1. Exposition Dumping
While the sense of realism is one of the series' strengths, it doesn't really show it as much as telling it. Most of the info regarding this series comes from a note/poster like way. It doesn't even came out of the characters' mouth either. They have a couple of pages at the end of issue number one, where it feels like a chore to go through. Leaving you there to read it out of essentiality of understanding the plot.
  1. No Added Bonus
This is probably really present in a lot media I've watched. They established a tone, story and setting but misses the opportunity to add something that despite not being needed to the story, what it does would only elevate it. Making it a bit frustrating to some viewers like me. Some of the examples I can think of is the comic "The Unwritten" by Mike Carey and Peter Gross, one of my favourite comics of all time that tells a story of a guy named Tom Taylor going though a journey of unraveling multiple eerie mysteries amidst the heavy metafictional setting. The action is unimportant, making it epic with highly detailed art and creative action sequences is unnecessary. But why left it out? Making the action part in the comic memorable will only elevate the series enjoyment as whole. Is it crucial to the story? No. Is it better with it? Absolutely. The same thing could be said for any other series out there. It's okay to add a bit of romance in a story that focuses something more serious and dark, it's okay to have wild action in a story that's emphasizes characterization in most of it's events and it's damn well okay to have groundbreaking CGI in a movie that doesn't emphasize spectacle. All these are bonuses that'll increase the enjoyability of said story we indulge in. That's why (Admittedly, this is a hot take here) I feel like Godzilla Minus One actually held back the romantic tension between Shikishima and Noriko in that movie. I'm not saying the drama wasn't there but it wasn't really portrayed to have this sort of romance element in it which I believe would make the movie more enjoyable. There were no scenes of them blushing together or Shikishima staring at her beauty with an added filter to emphasize his feelings for her or scenes of them together with sexual tension being strongly present.
And I genuinely feel the romantic subplot in Minus One wouldn't be out of place. It was there, yes. I agree, but it wasn't fully committed when executing it. And for all I know, the romantic subplot between Batman and Catwoman in Matt Reeves' "The Batman" has proven to be another great addition to The Batman's overall quality as a film. Not to mention, Noriko's character plays a huge part in Shikishima's development as a person, so adding that bonus heavily romantic plot in the movie would prove to be more entertaining for the viewers. And for this case, Kaiju Score (sorry being out of place a second there) it's the kaiju fights. For some unknown reason, the kaiju fights weren't really put much effort into it. They only leave out probably 3 pages for it and it doesn't fully even cover an entire page to give off a memorable panel. Pretty unfortunate, to say the least.
Overall Thoughts and Conclusions:
Kaiju Score is a fantastic addition to this already amazing genre. It offers something new and refreshing, well written human characters, great sense of realism and hypnotising artwork. If you enjoy the more realistic take of the existence of kaijus, where the effects of their existence were more present than their appearance itself similarly to Cloverfield, than you'd enjoy this one. Definitely recommend this comic to all kaiju fans alike, and pretty much anyone in general. With this, I give it a 10/10. Go check it out.
submitted by NoUnderstanding7116 to kaiju [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:48 mrmonster459 The Last Heroes: An FCM (Anti)Superhero Story

MrMonster was helping ReySkwalker comb through the ruins of his former workplace, hoping they could find it before anyone from The Avenging League discovered them. They had drones all over The City, knowing one day either of them (or both) would eventually come out of hiding and return home, they knew that much. But they didn’t know how much time they’d have before he was spotted & reported.
“Good times, good times.” MrMonster said somberly as he found an old framed photo of him taking a selfie with The Child Abnormal Black Belt Frogs. They were good kids; unfortunately, they were also some of the first to get killed on Day Zero, the day the world’s “heroes” took over the planet.
Many years ago, some of the strongest superheroes on Earth formed a team, led by SuperManx. Or as they knew him, TigerT20, a mild mannered Medieval scholar. No one knows exactly where he came from. Most at first assumed he was from The United Kingdom, but he claims he grew up in some place called The Isle of Man. However, the existence of The Isle of Man remains unproven.
The team was unstoppable, and everyone knew it. It had everything from street vigilantes, to super spies, to gods from places once thought mythical.
But then, one day, about one year ago, the team’s core members decided to rule the world. The SuperManx decided that he could run the world better than the world’s people, and convinced the most powerful members of the team that he was right. First, they forced all the world’s countries to surrender. The only global power that resisted was Kawanda. The scientifically advanced African nation put up a brave resistance led by their king, Black Leopard, or as MrMonster knew him, his old friend AC. AC gave his life trying to keep his kingdom safe, but his suit of armor & his country’s elite guards all proved useless once Green Goliath was flown in to smash the entire country down to dust.
Then, they killed every superhero in the world who didn’t see their way, every member of The Avenging League that didn’t cooperate with their plan.
All except the two that escaped: Night Bat aka MrMonster, and Tarantula-Man aka ReySkywalker.
“Bingo.” Rey said as he found what could very well be the last sample of Manxtonite in the world; the scraps of remaining radioactive rocks from The SuperManx’s extinct home planet is his only known weakness. But after taking over the world, he made sure it was all destroyed. That is, except the one secret little piece that Tarantula-Man had kept for himself, in his old employee locker in the basement of his old job site as The Daily Trumpet, where even The Avenging League never thought to look.
And then, the ground began to shake.
“Oh no.” The Night Bat said as it became obvious that his former co-workers had found him.
He turned to see two supers approaching. Green Goliath, a monster who grew stronger with rage, and Dr. Jayskier Weird, a surgeon turned sorcerer, were there to bring him in.
“Green Goliath, it’s been a while.” MrMonster said as he regained his footing. “How’s it going, Comics?”
“SHUT UP, YOU ABSOLUTE DIPSHIT FUCKTARD CUNT!” he shouted, as the Earth shook underneath him.
“What are you so mad about?” MrMonster taunted. “That I’m Batman in this story and not you?”
Comics was clearly confused by the fourth wall break, which gave Tarantula-Man the perfect opportunity to shoot webs directly into his eyes. He knew it would take only a minute or two for him to pull it out, but that was time they could isolate Dr. Weird.
“You two were really the best they could send after us?” MrMonster taunted.
“SuperManx sent the core team off-world a few hours ago to preemptively stop The Yellow Flashlights from attacking the planet.” Dr. Weird commented. “See, isn’t this better? Now, we don’t have to work with the approval of useless old politicians. Now, we stop the threats & save the world BEFORE any damage is done, not after.”
“At this point, what kind of world are you even saving?” Reyskywalker asked. “The people live in fear. No one’s creating art or making music or celebrating anything. When’s the last time you saw anyone watching a movie or listening to music? The people you’re so proud of saving just wander through life as hollow shells, hoping that SuperManx doesn’t do to them what he did to New York City after the riots began.”
“Come on Tarantula-Man, you don’t have to do this.” Dr. Weird said, clearly wanting to change the subject. “You can just come in peacefully, and accept whatever punishment is deemed just for your betrayal?”
“OUR BETRAYAL!” MrMonster said as he began to lose control. “You’re the ones you turned your backs on the oath we swore.”
“We swore an oath to keep this planet safe.” Dr. Weird retorted. “And I intend to fulfill it by eliminating two rogue vigilantes from the equation.”
Dr. Weird then opened a portal right underneath Tarantula-Man, one that went straight to the mirror world prison. He would have fallen in, if he didn’t shoot a web at the ceiling just in time & pull himself out of the portal.
“Nice try.” Tarantula-Man said as he then leapt towards Dr. Weird and knocked him out cold with a kick right to the face.
Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to celebrate his victory once Green Goliath finally got the web out of his eyes. Then, he came charging after Tarantula-Man.
Night Bat distracted him with concussion bombs. Then, Tarantula-Man jump kicked himself right into his chest, hitting with enough force to knock Green Goliath down to the floor. Once he was down, Night Bat shot a tranquilizer into his mouth. Once it went down his throat, he’d be out of the picture for long enough for the two of them to make an escape.
They knew that the core team would make short work of whatever Yellow Flashlights were hanging around in the solar system, so if they were going to strike, they were going to have to do so immediately.
So they got in The Tarantula Plane, and flew to their former
headquarters. They knew the tower’s radar would alert SuperManx and whatever other heroes were there, but it was a risk he’d have to take if they were going to make it in time.
Once missiles were launched at the plane, they ejected and hit the ground. They thought they had at least a few minutes before there was another threat, but were proven wrong when a red blur rapidly approached them. They then rushed to hide in an abandoned building.
“Stuntman, do you hear anything?” The Runner (Nuke) asked Blind Stuntman (CJ).
The Blind Stuntman paused and listened carefully. The heroes; there was no hiding from their blind former friend’s impeccable hearing.
“Over there, I hear two heartbeats.” He said.
Night Bat then threw a sonic bomb their way. Even a normal person would find the noise unbearable at such a close range; for Blind Stuntman, it must have been excruciating.
The Runner then dashed towards his location. “Shit, shit, shit.” Tarantula-Man muttered to himself as he desperately searched for one of his ice weapons; it would be his only hope of stopping Nuke.
“MrMonster, Rey, where are you guys?” Nuke taunted. “Come out now, and I’ll kill you quickly, get it over with.”
“But if I have to find you, I’m gonna force you to watch every single episode of Agents of SHIELD with me first.”
“Alright, over here.” MrMonster said.
“Gotcha!” Nuke shouted as he dashed over, and speed punched him right in the solar plexus. With him distracted, Rey then threw down his ice weapon; it froze his feet to the floor, and prevented him from moving any faster.
“You okay?” Rey asked.
“I’ll be fine.” MrMonster said.
From there, it was a straight shot to the tower.
“Hello, old friends.” TigerT20 said. “I don’t think I’ve seen you since Day Zero.”
“Yeah, you haven’t.” Tarantula-Man said. “You know, you never really told me; why’d you do it?”
“Because the world had become sick. We’re living in a world, where people would rather visit a theme park than go frolicking through glens. And don’t even get me started on the public attitudes about medieval times. So many talk about Medieval times as if they were primitive. Primitive! In my glorious utopia, everyone will know how smart people were back then.” He then fired at them with his laser vision.
Tarantula-Man leapt and stuck to a wall. As SuperManx kept firing, he kept swinging around the room, only sticking to one spot for a moment or two to avoid being a sitting duck for SuperManx’s beams.
When SuperManx got tired of missing, he took a deep inhale, and then began blowing freezing breath around the room. Some of it inevitably got MrMonster’s leg, and froze him to a wall. Rey evaded a little longer, but ultimately, SuperManx froze his hand to the ceiling.
“Finally!” Tiger said as he had his old friends right where he wanted them. “The last rogue heroes, stupid enough to attack me in my own tower. I think first I’ll…”
And then, Tarantula-Man unleashed the Manxtonite. SuperManx immediately recoiled in pain.
“What’s the problem?” Tarantula-Man taunted before throwing a roundhouse kick at his head.
SuperManx spat out a mouthful of his own blood; probably the first time he’d done so in years. MrMonster then punched him right in the gut, sending him at least four feet backwards.
It looked like they were about to win; until a star-spangled shield flew into the room and hit Night Bat square in the head.
“Lieutenant USA!” he shouted, in a panic.
“Yes.” Swag said.
“Wait, time out?” Reyskywalker interjected, as the fighting paused. “You made her the Captain America stand-in of this story?”
“I just thought it would be funny.” MrMonster replied.
“Okay, fair enough.” Rey replied.
“Can we restart fighting?” SuperManx asked.
“Yeah, I think so.” Rey said, as the battle resumed.
Night Bat focused on finishing off SuperManx, while Rey focused on stopping Swag.
Swag threw her shield at her, but Rey then leapt to the ceiling. He then dropped down, landed right on the head. He then punched her unconscious.
SuperManx grabbed MrMonster, and threw him into a wall. He hit so hard that he created a dent in the plaster. The push knocked the Manxtonite right out of his hand.
Supermanx then wrapped his hand around MrMonster’s neck, and started squeezing. “After everything that’s happened, you really thought you could win.” he taunted as he tightened his grip.
“UP TOP!” Tarantula-Man shouted as he webbed the Manxtonite, and flicked it over to Night Bat.
“NO!” SuperManx shouted as Night-Bat smacked him right in the face with it, flooring him and ending the fight.
“Are you going to kill me?” SuperManx said.
“Yes!” The Night Bat said as he got ready to finish him off.
“No, we won’t.” Tarantula-Man interrupted, and Night Bat calmed down. “You’re going to prison. But don’t think I’m letting you off this easy; I’ll make sure you never get to play with Medieval replicas ever again!””
“NO!!!” Tiger shouted.
submitted by mrmonster459 to u/mrmonster459 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:12 Magicgonmon Where's Your Super Suits?

You find yourself in a peculiar room, with strange costumes lining the walls. A voice rings out, explaining to you that these Super Suits once belonged to long forgotten Heroes and Villains from across the Multiverse. However, while these heroes and villains are now long gone, their powers have been infused into theses suits, allowing anyone that wears them to access their abilities. And you have been chosen to don them once again!
Some things to keep in mind: All suits are greatly durable and can withstand a lot of damage; in addition the suits are capable of regenerating from any damage, even if reduced to atoms (maximum recovery time is 24 hours). All suits grant the wearer a base upgrade to peak physical fitness; in addition your will stop aging and all health problems will cease (but only when wearing the Suit). You will only be able to use a suit's power when you are fully wearing it. Lastly, while wearing a suit you will be granted complete identity protection (no chance of someone discovering your secret identity).
There are 13 Super Suits available, and you must choose 2, one Hero Suit and one Villain Suit. Keep in mind, however, that how you use the suits is up to your own free will, regardless of the former owners of the suits. Use them for good or evil, it's up to you.
Hero Suits-
Power Vow: once belonging to the strongest hero of their world, this suit grants you a basic superman-eques package (super strength, super speed, invincibility, flight, power breath); however, there is a catch. When donning this suit, you must make a VOW, an oath on how you will use your powers. The stronger, more binding, more restrictive the vow, the more the oath means to you, the greater the power you will receive. Breaking this VOW will mean the weakening or loss of your powers. Furthermore, any promise you make will be binding, you will be held to keep your word, or else you may face backlash. This also means, however, that any promise made to you will be made binding as well.
Color-Porter: worn by a very versatile teleporter, this suit grants you the ability to create various colored portals, with planetary range. What's unique about these portals is that when passing through them you can be granted different powers, depending on the color. WHITE transports you to a subspace (the homehub for all your portals), RED grants enhanced strength, ORANGE grants energy projection, YELLOW grants enhanced speed, GREEN enhanced durability, BLUE grants telepathy, INDIGO grants invisibility, VIOLET grants size shifting powers, BLACK destroys anything that passes through (black was never used by original user). Suit also grants enhanced acrobatics and agility.
Thousand Mercy: belonged to one of the greatest search-and-rescue heroes. Grants you enhanced sensory powers, allowing you to search and find any lifeforce signature within a 1000 mile radius. Can create up to 1000 energy arms that connect to you; these arms can stretch up to 1000 miles, can phase through solid matter, and have enough strength to carry a fully grown adult. The arms can transmit a powerful healing effect, not only capable of healing and resuscitating living beings, but to a smaller extent restore and heal damage to inanimate objects (like buildings, roads, etc...)
Scanalyzer: once belonging to a hi tech hero, this highly advanced suit's main feature is it's powerful scanning function, aided by an advanced and helpful A.I. The scanning functions can reveal information, uncover weaknesses, create high speed battle simulations, hack into enemy computer systems and more. You will not only be able to predict enemy movements and actions, but the suit will also be able to develop specific counter measures and weaponry/defenses to combat foes.
The Warden: belonged to a warden of one of the most dangerous super prisons, the suit grants you the power to create prison-themed constructs (manacles, cages, restraints, barriers, etc...). You can imbue/modify your constructs with various effects, in order to neutralize enemy abilities and powers. Can also create special restraints that can draw on a prisoner's energy, strengths and abilities (only one prisoner at a time).
Twilight Knight: once belonging to a knightly hero of the day and night, the suit's power changes depending on the time of day. During the day you gain light and heat based powers (strongest at noon), and during the night you gain dark and cold based powers (strongest at midnight). During the twilight hours of Dawn and Dusk, you gain access to both set of powers (light and darkness).
Villain Suits-
Hydrasma: once belonged to a snake-themed villain, this suit grants the power to generate and manipulate various deadly miasmas. Can create constructs from the miasma (original user created snake-themed constructs). Also grants powerful regenerative powers by absorbing miasma (weak to fire, however).
Brawn & Brain: worn by a genius bruiser of a villain, this suit grants you enhanced physical and mental abilities. By lowering either your physical or mental abilities, you can greatly strengthen the other. Become a mindless brute of destruction, or a weakened near-cripple with powerful intelligence and psychic abilities.
Hell Bullet: once worn by a villain with unmatched firepower, this suit gives you the ability to create an unimaginable amount of projectiles to fire at your enemies. You can imbue these projectiles with various effects (explosive, fire, freezing, electric, etc...). You will also be granted speed equal to a speeding bullet, and can transform into a living bullet at will.
Tic-Toc: belonged to a dangerous villain with power over time. You will be able to generate a time-dilation field around yourself (maximum range 10 meter radius), which can accelerate or decelerate time. Age something to dust, or de-age someone back to a baby. You yourself will be, by default, immune to this power.
Mr. No-One: This suit belonged to one of the greatest spies/saboteuassassins. You will constantly emit a subtle psychic wavelength that alters peoples perceptions of you. Blur your image in your target's memory, or erase it altogether. Make yourself appear as someone's most cherished person, or appear as a horrific nightmare. You also gain the power to erase any evidence you might leave, whether it be physical or electronic.
Dark Ravager: this suit belonged to a force of darkness, who targeted both hero and villain alike. The suit grants you the power to be empowered by malice and evil (whether your own or your enemies); you can use this malice/evil to create weapons and armor, generate energy attacks, and power your signature ability. The signature ability is the DARK TENDRILS, which can not only physically restrain and attack your enemies, but also enter an enemy's body spiritually. Once penetrating a enemy's spirit, you can sense and reveal an enemy's inner malice and evil, and from there a variety of options open up: you can drain their lifeforce and malice to empower yourself; try to corrupt and infect your target with malice and evil; or turn their malice and evil against them, destroying them from within. While it was never used for this purpose, it should be possible to try and purify/purge/cleanse them of malice and sin, redeeming your target and turn them good.
Special Suit - Resurrector; this suit belonged to one of the mightiest heroes, who was also one of the most dangerous villains. The main power of this suit is that it resurrects you 24 hours after death, back to your prime and in perfect health. This activates regardless on whether or not you were wearing the suit at the time. The only way to stop resurrecting is to bestow the suit to someone else, and they must accept willingly. Whenever you resurrect, you come back stronger than before, and can even gain new abilities and skills (you won't be able to gain immortality). However, whenever you die and come back, your morality will shift between good and evil, and this morality shift grows stronger with each resurrection. You can count this suit as either a "hero" or "villain" suit.
As a special Bonus, you will also receive a special device known as a Super Gate; this device will allow to travel to any known world in the multiverse, as long as there are "Superheroes" and "Super Villains". You can decide on the time and place you'll appear in when you visit the new world (the timeline will be fixed upon your first visit, so you won't be able to travel back and forth through time. When travelling through the gate you will gain a translation ability, as well as match your appearance to the locals. The device has a recharge time of 1-week, and each year you can change the world you want to travel to.
There are some special Side Power-Ups you can choose as well. You can select up to 2:
Spare Suits: select 2 more super suits to keep (one hero and one villain suit)
Instant Switch: you receive an accessory of your design that stores your suits; while wearing/holding the accessory you can instantly switch between your suits at will.
Mish Mash Suit: fuse 2 (or more) suits together into one, combining the abilities and powers. You can decide and describe how the abilities work together, and/or what new abilities might be formed upon the fusion.
Power Upgrade: by sacrificing one (or more) suits, you can power up and upgrade your remaining suit, greatly enhancing it's power. Keep in mind, however, that this will also cause the previous owner of the upgraded suit's personality and morality to be infused into the suit as well, which can affect you if your not vigilant.
So, which Super Suits did you choose? How will you use your newfound powers?
submitted by Magicgonmon to 6Perks [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:00 erintermes Low Fantasy/Teens with powers

One of my favorite recent reads has been Powerless by Matthew Cody. I haven't gotten to the sequels yet but they're on my list. I also recently got around to watching the X-men movies from the 2010's and I totally loved them, even though I normally find popular superhero stuff (most of the avengers/MCU stuff, for example) to be not really my cup of tea. Days of Future Past reminded me of the anime Charlotte (2015), which would probably be the most similar to the kind of content I am seeking. The first part of the series is kids using their superpowers to cheat on tests, cheat in sports, and stuff like that. I wouldn't mind a whole book simply focused on that concept. I also like the goosebump-inducing sudden memory-reawakening when the MC hears a certain song (Powerless also has compelling memory-loss points that are absolutely heart-breaking). There is also a character who can "time leap" (similar to days of future past), where his eyes glow blue and he rewinds time like 2-3 years (but each time, his eyes darken until eventually he goes blind from using it - it also includes the compelling point of his enemies trying to cover up/damage his eyes so he can't time leap). I really liked this concept (and the similar one from days of future past) for time travel, and while Harry Potter 3 and The Flash movie from last year were good in their own rights, I didn't like the whole "2 versions of the same character" wandering around in the same timeline. Other mentions of related stuff I like would include the movies Jumper (2008), which does the sort of "magical mischief" theme well, The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010), the Incredibles movie series, and Sky High (2005), which plays with the whole "schools for supers" (I wouldn't even mind an entire book/TV show centered around Professor X's school from X-men, if such a thing exists).
TLDR: Looking for teen superhero/"real world but with powers" stuff similar to the book Powerless, and the anime series Charlotte. Time travel OK if done well, goosebump-inducing moments, using powers for mischief (cheating on tests/sports, flirting, stealing, etc). Also, I'm aware of the subgenre "Urban Fantasy" which is similar, but usually has dystopian elements, and unfortunately dystopian is not what I'm looking for here.
As a final note, while I am ultimately asking for book suggestions on a book suggestion subreddit, if there are any movies/TV shows/anime that fit what I am looking for I wouldn't mind a quick DM if it's against the rules to top-level reply with such. But books are best.
submitted by erintermes to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:20 makoons_preschool Best Playschool Franchise in India - Makoons


Choosing a preschool franchise will have a greater impact on the early development of your child’s education. With so many preschool franchises available in India, claiming themselves as the best playschool franchise in India, it’s really hectic to find the best playschool franchise in India for your child. That’s why Makoons Preschool is here for you, delivers holistic learning to your child at an affordable preschool franchise cost.
Here, we will talk about different features that you should look at while choosing a preschool franchise like what preschool franchise cost, qualities, and much more, and will conclude by knowing about Makoons Preschool, one of the leading preschools among a long list of preschool franchises in India. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s just dive deeper into the world of preschool with the best preschool in India, Makoons Preschool now!

Understanding the Importance of Preschool Education

Understanding the significance of early childhood education is the first step toward selecting the best playschool franchise in India for your little one. Preschool education equips children for their academic journeys by providing essential core skills and information. The right preschool can accelerate a child’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. When evaluating preschool franchise costs, it is crucial to consider the curriculum, quality of instruction, and overall learning environment.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Playschool Franchise in India

1. Curriculum and Educational Philosophy
The curriculum is the foundation of every early education program. When considering preschool franchise cost, it’s crucial to understand the franchise’s pedagogical theory and instructional practices. Makoons Preschool distinguishes itself with a comprehensive, play-based curriculum that incorporates themes and play-way characteristics. This combination ensures children have enjoyable and informative learning experiences.
2. Makoons Preschool’s curriculum encompasses the following areas: Holistic development, emphasizing the integration of sensory, intellectual, physical, and emotional growth.The child-centered approach tailors educational programs to each child’s unique needs and interests. Play-Based Learning promotes curiosity and learning through play.
3. Teacher Training and Qualifications
To provide a high-quality education to children, early development educators must have extensive training and experience. If you’re looking for the best playschool franchise in India, consider the preschool franchise cost alongside the teacher training programs and staffing standards. Makoons Preschool ensures that all of its teachers are current on the newest trends in child development and education by emphasizing continuous professional development. The examples below show how dedicated Makoons Preschool is to finding exceptional teachers: A careful screening process entails selecting skilled educators who are enthusiastic about early childhood education. Holding periodic workshops and training sessions allows educators to stay current. Creating a positive attitude at work can foster an environment where progress and a supportive environment are provided.
4. Infrastructure and Facilities
The physical environment of a preschool plays a significant role in a child’s learning experience. Look for the best playschool franchise in India that offers safe, clean, and stimulating facilities designed to support various activities and learning styles. Makoons Preschool excels in providing state-of-the-art infrastructure that includes:
5. Safety and Hygiene
The physical setting of a preschool has a significant impact on what children learn. Look for the best playschool franchise in India with clean, safe, and engaging locations that can accommodate a range of educational styles and activities. Makoons Preschool specializes in providing modern infrastructure, including Classes with huge, light-filled areas that provide age-appropriate learning tools. Play locations: Indoor and outdoor play places are safe for children to roam and explore.
6. Parental Involvement and Communication
As the best playschool franchise in India, Makoons Preschool encourages open communication and parent-child engagement by:

Why Choose Makoons Preschool?

Makoons Preschool stands out as the best playschool franchise in India, offering a variety of distinguishing features that appeal to discerning parents.
1. Holistic Curriculum The wide curriculum at Makoons Preschool is designed to satisfy the needs of young children while considering the preschool franchise cost. Makoons Preschool ensures that children obtain a well-rounded education that promotes personal development by combining diverse teaching approaches. The curriculum covers the following:
2. Qualified and Passionate Educators
Makoons Preschool values its teachers and guides students with experience and care. Teachers are equipped to deliver a vibrant and compassionate learning environment due to the school’s ongoing professional development programs and tough hiring standards.
3. State-of-the-Art Facilities
As the best playschool franchise in India, Makoons Preschool’s infrastructure is meticulously designed with the needs of children in mind. Large classrooms, separate study spaces, and safe play areas create an ideal learning environment. The school’s adherence to strict safety and hygiene standards further enhances the quality of education.
4. Strong Parental Involvement
Makoons Preschool, recognized as the best playschool franchise in India, actively involves parents in the educational journey. Through parent-teacher conferences and seminars, the school ensures parents are well-informed and engaged in their child’s development.
5. Positive Reputation
Makoons Preschool stands out as the best playschool franchise in India, known for its high-quality early childhood education. Positive parent reviews and testimonials highlight the school’s dedication to excellence and its significant impact on children’s lives.


When choosing a preschool franchise for your child, it’s essential to consider numerous factors, such as curriculum, teacher quality, child safety, parental engagement, and more. Among these considerations, the preschool franchise cost is a significant factor. Makoons Preschool stands out as the best playschool franchise in India with its cutting-edge facilities and a strong emphasis on parental involvement and child safety. So, what are you waiting for? Now is the perfect time to choose Makoons Preschool for your children!
submitted by makoons_preschool to u/makoons_preschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 13:03 Ok_Development_5309 Hysterectomy and Menopause Adventures

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round! Today, we're diving into the wild, wacky, and wonderful world of hysterectomy and menopause. Yes, you heard that right. It's time to take a colourful stroll through the oestrogen desert with a touch of humour and a bucketload of vivid analogies. Let's turn those hormonal hurricanes into a delightful adventure!
The Rollercoaster of Emotions:
Like Riding a Dragon
Imagine your emotions as a dragon you're riding through a storm. One minute you're soaring high, feeling invincible; the next, you're plummeting into the abyss of hot flushes and night sweats. Embrace the ride, scream if you need to, but know that eventually, the dragon will land.
Hot Flushes:
The Human Torch Experience
Ever wanted to feel like the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four? Well, you're in luck! Hot flushes give you that superpower, minus the cool superhero costume. Just remember to keep a fan and a sense of humour handy as you flame on and off throughout the day.
The Elusive Unicorn
Sleep becomes a mythical creature, like a unicorn you’re always chasing but never quite catching. Invest in good pillows, keep a journal by your bed, and when all else fails, count those elusive unicorns until you drift off.
Brain Fog:
The Marshmallow Mind
Imagine your brain is a marshmallow melting over a campfire—gooey, sticky, and sometimes impossible to form into coherent thoughts. Accept the marshmallow mind and keep a notepad close for those moments when clarity strikes.
Weight Gain:
The Inflatable Suit
It's like someone handed you an inflatable sumo suit that you didn’t ask for. The key here is to focus on health and wellness rather than the number on the scale. Walk, dance, or yoga your way to feeling good in your new suit.
Mood Swings:
The Pendulum of Doom
One minute, you’re channelling your inner Mother Teresa, and the next, you’re more like the Hulk. Understanding these swings can help you and your loved ones navigate the seas of unpredictability. Just remember, it’s all part of the adventure!
Mindset Shifts to Change Your Life
Now, let’s pivot to some wisdom that can change your life, especially when navigating the tumultuous journey of hysterectomy and menopause. Here are some mindset shifts that will have you feeling like a rockstar:
Stop saying "yes" when you want to say "no.
Become the CEO of your own life and delegate those unwanted tasks to your imaginary assistant.
Stop dwelling on what you can't control.
Life’s a game of Tetris—focus on fitting in what you can and let the rest fall where it may.
Stop letting fear make your decisions.
Fear is just a gremlin—feed it after midnight, and it multiplies. Starve it with bold choices instead.
Stop avoiding difficult conversations.
Think of them as popping a zit—unpleasant, but oh so necessary.
Stop thinking you’re not enough.
You’re not just enough; you’re a fireworks display on Bonfire Night!
Stop being afraid to fail.
Remember, even the best chefs sometimes burn the toast. It’s part of the recipe for success.
Stop putting yourself last.
You’re the main character in your story, not the understudy. Take the stage!
Stop trying to please everyone.
You’re not a pizza—you can’t make everyone happy. And that’s perfectly okay.
Stop chasing someone else’s dream.
Craft your dream like you’re building a sandcastle—make it uniquely yours.
Stop waiting for the perfect moment.
Perfect moments are like perfect avocados—rare and fleeting. Just dive in!
Stop letting notifications control your life.
Turn off those notifications and become the master of your own digital destiny.
Stop needing others to validate your worth.
You’re a diamond, and you don’t need anyone else’s sparkle to shine bright.
Embrace the Journey
Whether you’re navigating the hormonal theme park of menopause or embracing these mindset shifts, remember: life is an adventure meant to be lived with humour, resilience, and a dash of colourful language. So, buckle up, laugh at the absurdities, and keep moving forward. After all, you’re the hero of this epic
All the best Meno-Mirth Michaela

HysterectomyJourney #MenopauseLife #HormonalAdventure #MindsetShifts #EmbraceChange #Empowerment #SelfCare #LifeTransformation #WomensHealth #MidlifeMagic #EmotionalRollercoaster #BrainFog #HotFlushes #Resilience #SelfLove #HumourHeals #UKBlogger #WellnessJourney #FemaleEmpowerment #LivingBoldly

submitted by Ok_Development_5309 to MenoMirth [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 10:08 LeonTheBard I think Kanye West’s old song titled “Power” embodies level 8.

Changed a few lyrics for readability, suitability and appropriateness;
“I'm living in that 21st Century, doing something mean to it Do it better than anybody you ever seen do it Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it I guess every superhero needs their own theme music
No one person should have all that power The clock's ticking, I just count the hours Stop tripping, I'm tripping off the power (21st-Century schizoid)
The system’s broken, the school is closed, the prison's open We ain't got nothing to lose everybody, we rolling Huh? Everybody, we rolling With some light-skinned girls and some Kelly Rowlands
In this man’s world, we’re the ones chosen So goodnight, cruel world, I'll see you in the morning Huh? I'll see you in the morning This is way too much, I need a moment
No one person should have all that power The clock's ticking, I just count the hours Stop tripping, I'm tripping off the power Till then, fuck that, the world's ours And they say, and they say And they say, and they say (21st-Century schizoid)
Fuck SNL and the whole cast Tell them 8 said they can kiss my whole ass More specifically they can kiss my asshole I'm an asshole? You people got jokes
You short-minded peoples thoughts is Napoleon My furs are Mongolian, my ice brought the goalies in And I embody every characteristic of the egotistic She knows, she's so fucking gifted
I just needed time alone with my own thoughts Got treasures in my mind but couldn't open up my own vault My childlike creativity, purity and honesty Is honestly being crowded by these grown thoughts
Reality is catching up with me Taking my inner child, I'm fighting for custody With these responsibilities that they entrusted me As I look down at my diamond encrusted piece Thinking
No one person should have all that power The clock's ticking, I just count the hours Stop tripping, I'm tripping off the powder Till then, fuck that, the world's ours And they say, and they say And they say, and they say (21st-Century schizoid)
Colin Powells, Austin Powers Lost in translation with a whole fucking nation They say I was the abomination of a nation Well that's a pretty bad way to start the conversation
At the end of the day, god damn it I'm killing this shit I know damn well y'all feeling this shit I don't need your pussy, bitch, I'm on my own dick I ain't gotta power trip, who you going home with?
How’s 8 doing? I'm surviving I was drinking earlier, now I'm driving Where the bad bitches, huh? Where you hiding? I got the power to make your life so exciting
Now this will be a beautiful death I'm jumping out the window, I'm letting everything go I'm letting everything go
You got the power to let power go? (21st-Century schizoid)”
submitted by LeonTheBard to The8Show [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 09:27 Ok_Development_5309 Hysterectomy and Menopause Adventures

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round! Today, we're diving into the wild, wacky, and wonderful world of hysterectomy and menopause. Yes, you heard that right. It's time to take a colourful stroll through the oestrogen desert with a touch of humour and a bucketload of vivid analogies. Let's turn those hormonal hurricanes into a delightful adventure!
The Rollercoaster of Emotions:
Like Riding a Dragon
Imagine your emotions as a dragon you're riding through a storm. One minute you're soaring high, feeling invincible; the next, you're plummeting into the abyss of hot flushes and night sweats. Embrace the ride, scream if you need to, but know that eventually, the dragon will land.
Hot Flushes:
The Human Torch Experience
Ever wanted to feel like the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four? Well, you're in luck! Hot flushes give you that superpower, minus the cool superhero costume. Just remember to keep a fan and a sense of humour handy as you flame on and off throughout the day.
The Elusive Unicorn
Sleep becomes a mythical creature, like a unicorn you’re always chasing but never quite catching. Invest in good pillows, keep a journal by your bed, and when all else fails, count those elusive unicorns until you drift off.
Brain Fog:
The Marshmallow Mind
Imagine your brain is a marshmallow melting over a campfire—gooey, sticky, and sometimes impossible to form into coherent thoughts. Accept the marshmallow mind and keep a notepad close for those moments when clarity strikes.
Weight Gain:
The Inflatable Suit
It's like someone handed you an inflatable sumo suit that you didn’t ask for. The key here is to focus on health and wellness rather than the number on the scale. Walk, dance, or yoga your way to feeling good in your new suit.
Mood Swings:
The Pendulum of Doom
One minute, you’re channelling your inner Mother Teresa, and the next, you’re more like the Hulk. Understanding these swings can help you and your loved ones navigate the seas of unpredictability. Just remember, it’s all part of the adventure!
Mindset Shifts to Change Your Life
Now, let’s pivot to some wisdom that can change your life, especially when navigating the tumultuous journey of hysterectomy and menopause. Here are some mindset shifts that will have you feeling like a rockstar:
Stop saying "yes" when you want to say "no.
Become the CEO of your own life and delegate those unwanted tasks to your imaginary assistant.
Stop dwelling on what you can't control.
Life’s a game of Tetris—focus on fitting in what you can and let the rest fall where it may.
Stop letting fear make your decisions.
Fear is just a gremlin—feed it after midnight, and it multiplies. Starve it with bold choices instead.
Stop avoiding difficult conversations.
Think of them as popping a zit—unpleasant, but oh so necessary.
Stop thinking you’re not enough.
You’re not just enough; you’re a fireworks display on Bonfire Night!
Stop being afraid to fail.
Remember, even the best chefs sometimes burn the toast. It’s part of the recipe for success.
Stop putting yourself last.
You’re the main character in your story, not the understudy. Take the stage!
Stop trying to please everyone.
You’re not a pizza—you can’t make everyone happy. And that’s perfectly okay.
Stop chasing someone else’s dream.
Craft your dream like you’re building a sandcastle—make it uniquely yours.
Stop waiting for the perfect moment.
Perfect moments are like perfect avocados—rare and fleeting. Just dive in!
Stop letting notifications control your life.
Turn off those notifications and become the master of your own digital destiny.
Stop needing others to validate your worth.
You’re a diamond, and you don’t need anyone else’s sparkle to shine bright.
Embrace the Journey
Whether you’re navigating the hormonal theme park of menopause or embracing these mindset shifts, remember: life is an adventure meant to be lived with humour, resilience, and a dash of colourful language. So, buckle up, laugh at the absurdities, and keep moving forward. After all, you’re the hero of this epic
All the best Meno-Mirth Michaela

HysterectomyJourney #MenopauseLife #HormonalAdventure #MindsetShifts #EmbraceChange #Empowerment #SelfCare #LifeTransformation #WomensHealth #MidlifeMagic #EmotionalRollercoaster #BrainFog #HotFlushes #Resilience #SelfLove #HumourHeals #UKBlogger #WellnessJourney #FemaleEmpowerment #LivingBoldly

submitted by Ok_Development_5309 to MenopauseMavens [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 09:26 Ok_Development_5309 Hysterectomy and Menopause Adventures

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round! Today, we're diving into the wild, wacky, and wonderful world of hysterectomy and menopause. Yes, you heard that right. It's time to take a colourful stroll through the oestrogen desert with a touch of humour and a bucketload of vivid analogies. Let's turn those hormonal hurricanes into a delightful adventure!
The Rollercoaster of Emotions:
Like Riding a Dragon
Imagine your emotions as a dragon you're riding through a storm. One minute you're soaring high, feeling invincible; the next, you're plummeting into the abyss of hot flushes and night sweats. Embrace the ride, scream if you need to, but know that eventually, the dragon will land.
Hot Flushes:
The Human Torch Experience
Ever wanted to feel like the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four? Well, you're in luck! Hot flushes give you that superpower, minus the cool superhero costume. Just remember to keep a fan and a sense of humour handy as you flame on and off throughout the day.
The Elusive Unicorn
Sleep becomes a mythical creature, like a unicorn you’re always chasing but never quite catching. Invest in good pillows, keep a journal by your bed, and when all else fails, count those elusive unicorns until you drift off.
Brain Fog:
The Marshmallow Mind
Imagine your brain is a marshmallow melting over a campfire—gooey, sticky, and sometimes impossible to form into coherent thoughts. Accept the marshmallow mind and keep a notepad close for those moments when clarity strikes.
Weight Gain:
The Inflatable Suit
It's like someone handed you an inflatable sumo suit that you didn’t ask for. The key here is to focus on health and wellness rather than the number on the scale. Walk, dance, or yoga your way to feeling good in your new suit.
Mood Swings:
The Pendulum of Doom
One minute, you’re channelling your inner Mother Teresa, and the next, you’re more like the Hulk. Understanding these swings can help you and your loved ones navigate the seas of unpredictability. Just remember, it’s all part of the adventure!
Mindset Shifts to Change Your Life
Now, let’s pivot to some wisdom that can change your life, especially when navigating the tumultuous journey of hysterectomy and menopause. Here are some mindset shifts that will have you feeling like a rockstar:
Stop saying "yes" when you want to say "no.
Become the CEO of your own life and delegate those unwanted tasks to your imaginary assistant.
Stop dwelling on what you can't control.
Life’s a game of Tetris—focus on fitting in what you can and let the rest fall where it may.
Stop letting fear make your decisions.
Fear is just a gremlin—feed it after midnight, and it multiplies. Starve it with bold choices instead.
Stop avoiding difficult conversations.
Think of them as popping a zit—unpleasant, but oh so necessary.
Stop thinking you’re not enough.
You’re not just enough; you’re a fireworks display on Bonfire Night!
Stop being afraid to fail.
Remember, even the best chefs sometimes burn the toast. It’s part of the recipe for success.
Stop putting yourself last.
You’re the main character in your story, not the understudy. Take the stage!
Stop trying to please everyone.
You’re not a pizza—you can’t make everyone happy. And that’s perfectly okay.
Stop chasing someone else’s dream.
Craft your dream like you’re building a sandcastle—make it uniquely yours.
Stop waiting for the perfect moment.
Perfect moments are like perfect avocados—rare and fleeting. Just dive in!
Stop letting notifications control your life.
Turn off those notifications and become the master of your own digital destiny.
Stop needing others to validate your worth.
You’re a diamond, and you don’t need anyone else’s sparkle to shine bright.
Embrace the Journey
Whether you’re navigating the hormonal theme park of menopause or embracing these mindset shifts, remember: life is an adventure meant to be lived with humour, resilience, and a dash of colourful language. So, buckle up, laugh at the absurdities, and keep moving forward. After all, you’re the hero of this epic
All the best Meno-Mirth Michaela

HysterectomyJourney #MenopauseLife #HormonalAdventure #MindsetShifts #EmbraceChange #Empowerment #SelfCare #LifeTransformation #WomensHealth #MidlifeMagic #EmotionalRollercoaster #BrainFog #HotFlushes #Resilience #SelfLove #HumourHeals #UKBlogger #WellnessJourney #FemaleEmpowerment #LivingBoldly

submitted by Ok_Development_5309 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 08:05 Kairopractor_ A Beginner’s guide to NXT

The Beginner's Guide to Modern NXT
Originally posted by u/odanobunaga24 on squaredcircle
NXT has undergone a pretty sweeping shift recently, with the top stars of the brand (and even some midcard stars) having made the jump to the main roster. NXT has now switched to a more character-building mode, which means now is a great time to jump into the developmental brand and learn from fresh.
First up, NXT 2.0 has been dead for a WHILE now, but in the last calendar year NXT has strongly stripped away the odd booking that permeated the colour era. White and Gold NXT is very firmly a developmental brand, so it’s worth going into it knowing that the stars on the show are not finished products. Fans of the show are much more forgiving to its stars and adopt a much stronger “wait and see” attitude to that of fans of the main roster. The intimate setting of NXT also hugely helps with crowd interaction, and fans will have some unique crowd chants for stars very early on. The entire atmosphere has a very “college” feel, tends to be more lighthearted and seems much more specifically catered towards young adults. With Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes at the helm, NXT White and Gold had the best year in NXT’s history, and with those two stars moving up, NXT has changed drastically.
NXT actually has 2 shows; NXT and NXT Lvl Up. Both shows are filmed in the Performance Centre every week, fostering a specific fanbase for the brand in the same way that a territory like ECW did. Lvl Up, formerly 205 Live, is basically developmental for the developmental, with lowercard and midcard talents that may not otherwise get large amounts of ring time being afforded a spotlight. Lvl Up stories do not usually translate over to NXT proper.
NXT’s specials format is split between 2 week TV events and PLEs, alternating between the two every month. Almost all these events use old PLE names that were used in WWE, WCW or ECW but have been since discontinued by WWE’s main roster, such as Battleground, The Great American Bash, Heatwave, Vengeance Day, etc. Stand and Deliver is NXT’s Wrestlemania, and takes place on Mania Saturday Morning.
Last year’s event list was:
  • Spring Breakin’ (Special)
  • Battleground (PLE)
  • Gold Rush (Special)
  • The Great American Bash (PLE)
  • Heatwave (Special)
  • No Mercy (PLE)
  • Halloween Havoc (Special)
  • Deadline (PLE)
  • New Year’s Evil (Special)
  • Vengeance Day (PLE)
  • Roadblock (Special)
  • Stand And Deliver (PLE)
NXT, just like the main roster, has its own special prizes to be won. The biggest of these are the Breakout Tournaments, the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, and the Iron Survivor Match.
  • The Breakout Tournaments are 2 tournaments, one male and one female, held between 8 rookies each, all of whom have only been on NXT TV for less than a year. The winners of these tournaments receive a contract that is basically NXT’s Money in the Bank; they can get a title shot for a championship of their choosing at any time. The main difference is that Tag Championships are also on the table, and midcard belts are frequently selected for cash-ins.
  • The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic is a tag team tournament, and the rules change ALL the time, but presently, 8 male teams go into this single elimination tournament, and if the winners are not already the NXT Tag Team Champions, they receive a shot at the championships at Vengeance Day (January).
  • The Iron Survivor match happens at the Deadline PLE (December) every year and is an absolutely electric match type. 5 superstars compete, and 2 start in the ring, with a new one entering every 5 minutes until all are in the ring. The time limit is 25 minutes and whoever scores the most falls will win the match. There’s an added twist however; if you give up a fall, be it through pinfall or submission, you are sent into a penalty box and are unable to pick up any falls for 90 seconds. The winner receives a championship match at the TV special New Year’s Evil.
Ava is the dominant onscreen authority figure of NXT. She was initially part of a cult in NXT led by Joe Gacy (I’ll get to that), but after its end, Ava slowly found herself getting power before being officially given the reins to the brand by William Regal (former NXT GM) and Shawn Michaels (effectively the NXT Commissioner). Ava is now the youngest GM in the brand’s history and while her relationship to her father (The Rock) is acknowledged much more rarely on screen than it as during her cult days, she is still an on-screen Anoai. Ava provides a strong but fair guiding arm to the rowdiness of NXT.
Shawn Michaels and William Regal are the two other heads of NXT, but neither have any sort of strong on screen presence anymore. They are still always options to show up if things get crazier than usual.
NXT has 5 major championships with a 6th on the way very soon.
  • The NXT Championship
  • The NXT Women’s Championship
  • The NXT Tag Team Championship
  • The NXT North American Championship
  • The NXT Heritage Cup Championship
  • The soon to be created NXT Women’s North American Championship
The current NXT Champion is Trick Williams. Trick Williams’ ascendancy has been the story of NXT in the last year, with it culminating with back to back wins over Carmelo Hayes and Ilja Dragunov to claim the biggest prize in developmental. “Whoop that Trick” chants are his calling card, and no one else in NXT is as popular. Trick’s mic work is perfect, but his ring work needs some polish. Nevertheless, Trick has been tasked with leading the brand into the new era, and he’s doing it, one pearly white smile at a time.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
The current NXT Women’s Champion is Roxanne Perez. Perez is The Prodigy of NXT, and while she began as a wholesome happy-to-be-here babyface, a series of unfortunate events involving her losing the Women’s Championship and failing to regain it led to a heel turn and a consistent string of solid matches en route to recapturing the belt from Lyra Valkyria. Now champion again, Roxanne has become convinced Ava has some kind of issue with her and is obsessed with using the NXT Women’s Championship to improve her star power. Roxanne is a fantastic in-ring competitor and has basically only remained in NXT to flesh out her character work. Fans have cooled a little on her in recent times, but she’s still phenomenal in my eyes.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
The current NXT North American Champion is Oba Femi. Oba Femi is a Nigerian athlete who is the first WWE superstar to enter the company through its new NIL program and win a championship. Oba Femi is backed by destiny and speaks with all the gravitas of an ancient king or warrior. A dominant powerhouse, Oba has consistently impressed for someone less than a year into their career. The crowd has responded in kind by adding war cries to go along with his promos, making him seem even cooler. You’d be forgiven if you forgot he was a heel when watching him.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The current NXT Heritage Cup Champion is Tony D'Angelo. Tony is the Don of NXT, a strange nickname for someone who runs a very respectable restaurant and dry cleaning franchising business. Tony is backed by the Family, all of whom are completely loyal to him. Tony D’Angelo also fully returns that loyalty by taking care of his own. Tony D’Angelo’s outside ventures have also given him a sizeable cash flow, which he makes use of by doing things like donating to people and kidnapping his competition in the wrestling business, and JUST the wrestling business. Tony D’Angelo is considered a highlight of NXT whenever he and the Family are on screen.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The current NXT Tag Team Champions are Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Axiom is a hyper-intelligent superhero gimmick who seems fundamentally unable to comprehend that no one can see the expressions on his face. Nathan Frazer is the combination of John Oliver and Wally West’s Flash, having his own talk show segment called Hard Hitting Home Truths where he basically calls people out for being stupid. Frazer often lets his mouth get him in a LOT of trouble. Together, the two have created a team which is basically “intelligent and likeable speedforce users” and their recent championship win following Stand and Deliver has given them a lot of momentum.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
As previously mentioned, Tony D'Angelo is supported by The Family.
Channing 'Stacks' Lorenzo is The Underboss, Tony’s second-in-command, and is a solid competitor in his own right. He’s a former Tag Team Champ alongside Tony.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Adriana Rizzo is a feminine touch to the group and a somewhat recent addition. She handles the business side of affairs for the Family and isn’t half bad in the ring, though of late she’s lacked the opportunity to show it.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Luca Crusifino is the Family Consigliere, its newest addition and has a legal background to go with his solid ring skill. Wrestling lawyers are always fun and the fans have responded in kind to the lad.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
NXT may be the college show, but it also has a literal college it is affiliated with on the show, that being Chase University. The university has its own section in the seats and Chase U classes are often used to give exposition to big stipulation matches or small storyline beats. There’s 4 people part of Chase U:
Andre Chase is the dean of Chase U, a gambling addict, and one of the most wholesome characters on the show. He loves his University, his students, and his swearing. Dude swears SO MUCH. Endlessly funny, Chase is perfect in NXT.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Duke Hudson is the MVP of Chase U, a title he convinced everyone he earned after his impressive wins for the University. Duke towers over most of NXT (he’s 6’5”) and has a build to match, and as such often gets opportunities for titles more so than the others in Chase U. An oddly egotistical man, Duke legitimately loves the institution.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Thea Hail is the firecracker of NXT and by far its youngest member, having legitimately not even graduated high school when she joined WWE. She’s a natural talent and has been the storyline focus of Chase U recently with a character arc of wanting to grow up, only to learn that growing up is accepting herself for herself. The heart of the group, Thea’s aggressive cheerleader gimmick has landed her the spot of the most over woman in NXT.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Riley Osborne is the newest member of Chase U, a high flying Brit with a down-to-earth personality thankful for the opportunities Chase U gives him. A potential love story is blossoming between him and Thea, and Riley has become a neat addition to the Chase U dynamic.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
You remember how Noam Dar had a thing with Alicia Fox back when 205 Live was a thing? The NXT Writing Staff doubled down on that and gave Noam Dar the trait of “loves black people”, stocking his personal faction up with black prospects. Meta Four is a faction of 4 goofy ass people who have established a creed of being the perfect kind of annoying to make you like them.
Noam Dar is the faction leader and easily the best wrestler of the 4. His Scottish accent, body hair and dorky moon-related bullshit have given him a neat niche as the jackass who’s just about good enough to back up his words, but not SO good that he can beat you clean. The most prominent and prolific Heritage Cup Champion of all time, Dar has since moved up the card and is presently challenging for the NXT Championship, which makes things slightly more complicated for a certain member of his faction.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Oro Mensah is the midcard man in the faction. A Ghanaian dude who loves to party, Oro Mensah didn't connect as a babyface but found his footing as a heel playing second fiddle to his “brother” Noam Dar. Mensah is loyal, a good friend, and easily the least annoying of the faction.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Lash Legend is the Women’s Ace of this faction. She towers over the entire division and while she’s very athletic, she’s toned down her style to wrestle a little closer to classic Kane and it’s done wonders for her perception. Lash is LOUD but she seems to mostly care about her faction. She’s currently dating Trick Williams in real-life, and that relationship seems to be making the jump to the screen, so she’s doing great character work right now too.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Jakara Jackson is Lash’s best friend and the most inexperienced member of the group. Injuries have mostly made her into a manager, but she’s had a handful of matches under her belt and is seemingly willing to put in the work to get better. She’s got a decent upside and her association with Meta Four has helped her crowd reaction.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
3 rough Scottish bastards who like pints and pounding the shit out of other people. Gallus are easily the biggest heel faction on NXT right now, and have just returned after an absence from TV to help The Rock train for Wrestlemania. Expect them to make a big impact on the show’s main event scene until more stars are pushed to the top. They’re not a super over group, but they’re very talented nonetheless.
Joe Coffey is the group’s de facto leader, the singles guy, and the angriest one of the 3. He’s the guy who keeps the boys on top, ensuring they’re all working hard for the benefit of the group. He’s the most no-nonsense.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Mark Coffey is the brother of Joe and one of the tag guys. Yes, it’s a little weird that the brothers aren’t the tag guys but Joe is better in singles and Mark and his mate Wolfgang are a fantastic team so it works. Mark is notably more chill than the other two but in the same way that a hammerhead shark is more chill than a great white.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Wolfgang is the other tag guy and the powerhouse of this trio of powerhouses. Wolfgang is also pretty chill and enjoys any type of fight, from darts to pool, but it’s clear the best fights are between the ropes. Expect Gallus to try and go after the Tag Titles sooner rather than later.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Unlike Gallus, who are basically a suplex bargain sale, the NQCC specifically specialise in amateur and catch wrestling. The NQCC have their own rule called the Catch Clause, whereby if they are scheduled for a match where they are not all involved, any member(s) of the group may choose to take part and we only find out who right before the bell rings. They hover mostly around the Heritage Cup scene.
Charlie Dempsey is the son of William Regal, though they only ever wink wink acknowledge it despite the two having the exact same face. Dempsey is a hard bastard who trains almost religiously and does not take kindly to people disrespecting the mat. While good facial expressions will get you far, Dempsey has a bit of a way to go before he’s at his father’s level.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Damon Kemp is the brother of Gable Steveson, and if that sours you on him, rethink your stance. Kemp is LEAGUES better than his brother and has no murky record to go along with it. A former Diamond Mine member (of which the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile were part), Kemp has a somewhat barebones character and yet still does a decent job of being a dick.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Myles Borne is the rookie of the faction and currently the weakest member. He has a strong lisp, which is actually helping him along. While he started out with an abusive mentomanatee relationship with former leader Drew Gulak, Borne has since received much more freedom. Just gotta show us what you can do, bud.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
  • OTM
Out Tha Mud is the full name of this faction, and their gimmick is essentially that of a group of GTA characters; low income backgrounds who have moved up in the world thanks to their athletic prowess but still retaining the personality traits gifted to them by their rough upbringings. Fans of kicking ass, gambling you out of your money, and kicking ass again, these guys have a ton of upside.
Lucien Price and Bronco Nima are the tag team of this group. If you can’t yet remember which of the two is which, Lucien Price has a bit of a rat face, so remember that “Price likes Mice.” Both are powerhouses, but Lucien is more of a jackal with great face expressions, while Bronco has more power and a certain cool factor to him. The duo have gained solid steam recently.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Jaida Parker is a new recruit to NXT, having competed in its most recent Breakout Tournament. Jaida is a powerhouse just as much as the boys are, and also is effortlessly pretty. More than happy to break a nail off while she’s beating you, Parker has gotten over in NXT MUCH faster than her cohorts.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The least faction-y faction and more so a loose alliance between a tag team and a girl who wants to help them, this trio is currently seen as jobbers. They’re quite funny in their own ways, and have been starting to run an angle where they’ve been cursed with bad luck, which has been getting them more screentime and personality.
Malik Blade and Edris Enofe have been around NXT for a while now, and never truly been given anything to sink their teeth into. They’re high-flyers, and they’re easy to tell apart; Blade has the babyfaciest of baby faces, and Enofe has dyed hair and wears a crown. Fun dudes who need more.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Brinley Reece is a new add to the roster and basically her gimmick is ‘Bo Dallas, but she’s able to show other emotions every now and then’. A relentlessly positive and upbeat girl who can get angry if disrespected, Reece takes her losses in stride and always learns from the good things she did while improving for the next opportunity, a personality that shines next to the more downtrodden jobbers of Blade and Enofe.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Wes Lee is the biggest star NXT has not named Trick Williams. A recent injury robbed almost all the feeling in his legs only for him to make a miraculously quick recovery and immediately reinsert himself into the NA Title picture. Wes is forever linked to this championship; he had the most defences and longest reign with his single run with the title and etched his name into history as the greatest North American Champion of all time. Am endlessly likeable hard worker with a heart of gold and a a vicious aerial offence, Wes will be a fixture of NXT for a while yet.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
Lexis King is the asshole that even the OTHER assholes look at and say “he’s a bit much for me”. Arrogance, blind luck, sleaziness, and terrible beards are the ingredients that make up this fuckhead cocktail, and his character work is years ahead of his AEW work as Brian Pillman Jr. Fun to watch and fun to hate.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
Josh Briggs is so god damn good. A cowboy to his soul, Briggs has slowly evolved from his big brother character alongside former stablemate Brooks Jensen into an APA JBL-tinged roughhouser with a mean streak. A tweener in NXT, Briggs has been hunting the North American Title for a while and is crushing the chase.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Je'Von Evans is really new to NXT TV but you’d be forgiven for thinking he’d been around for half a decade with how quickly the fans took to him. The Young OG is infectiously fun and loves getting bouncy in his matches. A future star in the making.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Ridge Holland came down from the main roster to find redemption after his string of injuries he caused. NXT turned this into a storyline whereby Ridge cannot seem to shake off his terrible luck with injuring people as well as his own personal bad temper. It was coldly received at first but it’s slowly been getting better as the string of mishaps has grown more comedic even if they’re still resulting in injuries. Ridge’s struggle against his own violent tendencies is one of the few storylines where the fans are actively hoping the good guy loses, but it’s too early to tell where Ridge will end up.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Shawn Spears has carried his character work from AEW over to NXT and has become this kind of Devil’s Advocate Sean O’Haire character where he wants people to give into their darkest impulses. A solid hand in the ring who has become a creepy midcard presence, Spears is intriguing to say the least.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Brooks Jensen is a lost soul. Formerly in a faction with Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley, the two were clearly hungry for singles gold, leading to the faction's dissolution. Jensen has since been drifting, unsure of what to do with himself. This may lead to a reinvention, so keep an eye out for his return. Brooks has a lot of potential. Also, he used to date Kiana James!
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Joe Gacy is the former cult leader of Schism (remember how Ava was in a cult?) who went insane and became an avatar of chaos. A crazy gremlin who can’t quite comprehend what his place in NXT is, Gacy’s run in NXT has actually won him a lot of fans, especially after a stellar match with Dijak.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Eddy Thorpe is formerly known as NJPW’s Karl Fredricks, but in NXT he’s incorporated a strong amount of his Native American heritage into his persona. NXT fans seem to have not quite taken to the guy for some reason (I think because his big feud involved Dijak and everyone in NXT fuckin loved Dijak), but Thorpe is a great in-ring talent with a ton of upside and a unique character. Expect his return to NXT sometime soon as Thorpe has been off with an injury that has now recuperated.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Mr Stone is a manager, yes, but he’s jacked beyond comprehension and has had more matches than usual as of late. Attached to Von Wagner for a while prior to Wagner’s release, Mr Stone has recently acquired a new client. Stone is able to do everything; comedy, serious, graps, high-flying, the only thing he can’t do is win a match, and that’s okay!
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Dante Chen is Mr Stone’s new client, and you might recognise him from when he got merked by Bron Breakker on Smackdown. Chen has a poor win-loss record, but has a great look and has found a way to connect with the crowd with almost no promo time, and with his new partnership with Mr Stone, Dante might be on an upward trajectory!
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Javier Bernal, also known as Big Body Javi, is easily the lowest rung in the entirety of NXT’s men’s division. A jobber with an abysmal record and a surprising skill at merchandising his own name, Javi is good for getting a quick laugh before immediately eating shit.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Hank N Tank are a team comprised of Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Hank is a former security guard turned wrestler after impressing management, and Tank is his best friend who found common ground with him through their mutual desire to prove themselves. The duo are low on the pecking order but Tank’s more manic energy combined with Hank’s decent connection to the crowd let’s the pair cover each other’s weaknesses.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Tyriek and Tyson (Igwe and Dupont, respectively) are a very new tag team. So far they have a chip on their shoulder and a love for Timbs. Too early to tell how good they are or will become.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Meiko Satomura is WWE’s original final boss, having taken that moniker while in NXT UK. Satomura is a legend of the Joshi scene and within NXT she’s basically face Brock Lesnar; a part-timer who will immediately challenge for the top prize when she rocks up. Expect her to push any and every woman to their limit… when she feels like rocking up.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Sol Ruca has rapidly improved since her return from injury, and after kicking Blair Davenport out of NXT, Sol seems like the safest bet to become the new NXT Women’s North American Championship. Her finisher is a flip cutter that might genuinely give Randy Orion’s RKO a run for its money with how outta nowhere she can make it hit from.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Tatum Paxley recently got to sink her teeth into a proper story and made the absolute most of it, getting insanely over through her clever use of the lesbian-to-batshit-insane pipeline that most women use at some point. A stalker character who gives a level of grounded spooks to the proceedings of NXT, Paxley is really good at making you forget she can do a crisp 450 Splash right up until she does it.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Fallon Henley has the gimmick of a bartender and stablehand and made her mark in NXT as a solid midcard hand who was busy being a mother hen to the NXT locker room. The hen however has been executed with Henley’s recent heel turn and she’s looking out for herself first and foremost now. The former Tesha Price is fantastic in the ring, although she needs to tone down the screaming a scooch.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Kelani Jordan is a natural babyface and a highly athletic talent; a former gymnast background colours her style and shes already got a solid grasp of character work for a young talent. Expect her to rise through the ranks fast.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Wendy Choo is the perfect kind of silly gimmick for NXT; a narcoleptic sleepover obsessed girl who lives for fun. A banger theme and a shockingly good wrestling ability should hopefully help Wendy overcome her recent knee troubles and get back to being a solid lower card to midcard face.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Lola Vice is awesome for so many reasons, none of which make any sense next to each other. Vice, more than literally any other women’s wrestler I’ve ever seen, LOVES shaking her ass. Like, it’s her thing; she will win a match with her impressive martial arts skills, and then, with her jaw in pain from the fight, she will shake her ass over her opponent, which is hysterical to me and my brother. Fans like her, and Lola Vice makes it so that any reason you like her is a good reason.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Karmen Petrovic is a love letter to Kill Bill, and after Xia Ali’s release the company was due a new character wielding a weapon that can literally kill people. Katana in hand and guidance from Natalya in mind, KarmeNXT is a matter of when, not if. Also, she’s unfathomably attractive. How fucking DARE someone be that attractive while I’m slumming it.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Gigi Dolin is the alt girl of NXT. Positioned as the face following the breakup of Toxic Attraction and Jacy Jayne’s betrayal, Gigi has a depressing past and seeks to paint her pain away on the ring canvas. Gigi has struggled to make a connection with the crowd in recent months, but her most recent storyline with receiving a makeover might be the perfect hook.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Arianna Grace is the daughter of Santino Marella, and the comedy apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Grace is a pageant queen who wants NXT to be civilised and has an aversion to fighting, and yes, it’s exactly as wonderful as it sounds. She recently won a match to makeover Gigi, and is getting incredibly popular as a result of these heightened gimmicky segments.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Wren Sinclair is a newish addition to NXT, and while she’s likeable, she hasn’t got a distinct gimmick nor has she shown much of her personality. Formerly Madi Wrenkowski in NWA, Sinclair has potential.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Stevie Turner is basically a Twitch Streamer who’s content is watching people on NXT fail. Turner has made scant few appearances on NXT proper, which is weird as hell, since she’s definitely ready for the show. She might show up to bolster the undercard soon, but she’s virtually nonexistent (do you get it? Virtually? Do you get it?)
Crowd Reaction: N/A
Izzi Dame is a business associate of Kiama James and seems poised to do something bigger than expected on NXT TV, but she’s yet to establish a character or do any major story work. Seems like a WIP but has an upside as a possible powerhouse.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Jazmyn Nyx is a rookie and Jacy Jayne’s best friend. Nyx is a former soccer player and is supremely athletic, with an incredible Pele kick and a graceful kip up. With Jacy out injured, Nyx has had more of an opportunity to do character work of late and has scored goal after goal.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Carlee Bright is the newest member of NXT’s women’s division and basically has the happy-go-lucky-o-meter turned up to 14. Her most recent outing wasn’t half bad, so she could be something in the future.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Cora Jade is easily the biggest injured star they have. Jade is Roxanne’s ex-tag partner and had a skater girl gimmick before turning heel and trading boards in for kendo sticks. Cora, along with Roxanne, are considered AJ Lee’s children due to how much she inspired them. If AJ Lee ever returns, it’ll be because of Cora Jade.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Jacy Jayne has the gimmick of toxic sorority sister and she nails every single second of it. Currently out after Thea Hail broke her nose by accident, Jacy is a toxic treat every time she’s on screen. She revels in her evil and makes no apology for it. Expect her to be a major player in the division once again when she’s back.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Nikkita Lyons might be unpopular politically online (I personally hate her for being younger than me) but she’s most assuredly well-liked within NXT. A taekwondo black belt, model and rapper (all of that is true), Nikkita channels her sex appeal into every aspect of her character. It’s clear that WWE had high hopes for her, but whether her body holds up after her knee injury is another question.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Dani Palmer is currently recovering from double hip surgery, but her high flying is really impressive and her babyface fire is fairly solid. She needs more of a character but that comes with TV time.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
NXT of course has its own broadcast team, all with their own flavours.
  • The commentary team is Vic Joseph on play-by-play and Booker T on colour. Vic Joseph reins in Booker T's more insane commentary and skillfully carries the broadcasting duties with a crystal clear narrative, and he's slowly become one of the best commentators in WWE.
  • Mike Rome has been moved back down to NXT for ring announcing, with Alicia Taylor moving up to replace him on Smackdown. Rome has a proven track record as an announcer.
  • Kelly Kincaid and Sarah Schreiber are the backstage interviewers and are both quite enjoyable on-screen. Sarah also doubles as the ring announcer for Lvl Up.
  • Blake Howard is the commentator for NXT Lvl Up and also commentates Main Event for the main roster. On Lvl Up he is joined by Byron Saxton.
And that should be absolutely everything you need to know about NXT for its current era! If I missed anything, let me know!
submitted by Kairopractor_ to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 04:52 howhow326 The X-men Mutant metaphore is amazing and here's why

The "mutant metaphore" is often criticzed for being a poor allegory for racism or homophobia, but in my opinion I believe those arguments are backwards. Mutants are not an allegory for any one form of oppression, it is applicable to all forms of oppression.
First of all, the flexible nature of mutation in marvel comics would have made mutants applicable to many different demographics regardless. Some mutants only come into their powers during puberty, which they then begin to hide from the world to keep themselves safe (LGBTQ+), while others are born with their mutations which affect their entire lives since birth (race, physical disabilities, etc.). Mutations can be anything, which means the stories, themes, and possible interpretations can be anything.
Now let's address the elephants in the room: Why does humanity hate and fear mutants and not other superhumans. Short answer

They do hate and fear other superhumans

In the original Days of Future Past storyline, after the Sentinels subjugated all of mutantkind in the U.S., they turned on the Avengers and other superheros active in the States whith the same "their powers make them a threat" logic that was used on mutants, and then they turned on humans because they argued humanity itself was a type of mutation for being the step down from mutants.
Make no mistake, there is no logical reason why humanity hates mutantkind . Mutants with uncontrollable and dangerous powers are no different than any mutate with uncontrollable and dangerous powers nor any more common (keep in mind that this is the marvel universe where humans getting uncontrollable and dangerous powers that kill everyone happens like once a week), yet only one group of people get's constantly policed.
"But what about the superhuman registration-
The mutant registration act happened before the superhuman registration act! As a matter of fact, the same people who pushed for the SRA were the ones who made the MRA first. Gee, it's almost like mutants are a meat shield boogieman that are hunted down first before other superhumans are targeted? Just like Trans people
Everytime mutants fight for their right to live, they aren't just fighting for themselves, they are fighting for every othered person, which includes the likes of the Avengers who couldn't help when Genosha was bombed but can show up the new mutant island to try to kidnap a mutant girl because the Pheonix scares them , Inhumans allegedly oppressed people who are also former slave masters within their life time and were okie doki with allowing every mutant on the planet to die from their nasty fart cloud , and Fantastic Four bigot daddy and a karen mommy .
I'm running out of things to say, so... Storm is Mother.


The X-men Mutant metaphore is amazing becuse it is applicable to discrimination of every minority group and can be used for dynamic and flexible storytelling that explores themes of what it's like to be everyones punching bag savior.
submitted by howhow326 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 02:08 IK3RM3NY27 “REJECTED!” Footsoldier D VS Twice (Go! Go! Loser Ranger! VS My Hero Academia)

“REJECTED!” Footsoldier D VS Twice (Go! Go! Loser Ranger! VS My Hero Academia)
Please read the entirety of my explanation before coming to your own conclusion, I beg of you.
I know the theme is not the most specific and more or less relies on them being goofy and dumb villains with serious backgrounds who possess abilities relating to transformation, but this matchup vibes a lot and has phenomenal interactions, power and banter wise which I’ll get to. Also their wrongful bonds, despite being a bit generic at first glance, are very important to their character and can certainly be both compared and contrasted, in the sense that D, despite being an undercover monster, forms genuine friendships with the ranger force’s members yet having to ultimately defeat them all, while Twice, despite the risks and his unstable mentality, making real friends with villains who he knows may betray and doing die what they do.
Generally MHA and Ranger Reject as a matchup pairing vibes a lot not just in “anime superheroes”, but also focusing in the flaws of a superhero society would be. And let me tell you, these two would have incredibly hilarious banter. D is a very abrasive person who starts off not caring much for others and ‘doing whatever he wants in his own way’ while also being a funny moron; meanwhile Twice is someone who acts very comically and straightforward that deals with multiple personalities. TL;DR: They’re funny and banter would be peak.
As for the fight, D can certainly match Twice’s clones with his dirty tactics through shapeshifting (also Twice is very gullible so this adds to the comedy) and his main weapon the dragon gadget (lightsaber and laser gun).
But the best part of the dynamic would be without a doubt Twice eventually making hundreds of clones, D deciding to blend into them by copying one’s look, and all the Twice clones fighting each other trying to find D, which is very in character.
As for the climax, have Twice eventually start using the league of villains’ quirks (yes he can do that) to find the actual D, in which you’d have D using clever tactics to attempt to land a blow on Twice using the dragon gadget’s burst form.
I’m pretty certain Twice wins, however, he can only incap D from fighting, and that’s by using the compress quirk to trap him in a compressed ball. That’s unironically one of the most depressingly hilarious ways someone can win.
Hopefully y’all liked my ramble since this match is pretty cool IMO.
submitted by IK3RM3NY27 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 20:52 Old_Sail_7774 [TOMT]A liminal preschool I went to as a kid

Made an account for this.
So it’s a preschool that was called Beary Best Academy. It was in Frisco, TX if I remember correctly. I remember made instances very vividly, but it’s mainly of this certain room. The room was a really big playroom.
It had a floor that was almost like- that squishy playground gravel looking material? The one that you find on playgrounds. It had a really big pirate ship you could go play on, and a smaller jungle themed area.
I’ve spent a while looking for this, but I haven’t been able to find it at ALL. I’ve found small nods to the school in general, but I haven’t been able to find anything that could lead me in the right direction. It seems like it disappeared off of the face of the Earth.
I just really want someone to help find a picture of that room, or what happened to the business. Thanks!
submitted by Old_Sail_7774 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 16:01 Starr-knot Marvel or DC Superhero RP!!

Hey! I'm STARR (All caps as a reference to MFDOOM the rapper) and I'm looking for a superhero based RP!! I'm looking for a fun romance roleplay set in the universe of DC, Marvel or our own kind of made up universe. I'm looking for a mix of action and romance, with romance being the main theme. I don't really play canon characters, but I would really like to do an OC x canon character roleplay with anyone willing to play a canon character from DC or Marvel, but I'm not against doing OC x OC! I just have to really like the characters lol. I really like Spider-Man (almost any version tbh) and would like to do a RP based around Spider-Man or even the Spider-Verse! My personal favourite Spider-Person is Hobie/Spider-Punk, so I think a RP with him would be fun! I do have plot ideas made and can play multiple characters! My kind of character would be kind of like the trope of a non-hero dating a hero. I would love a story including your character hiding their identity from mine for their own safety. For DC I don't really have a preference for characters since I am less versed in my knowledge of their characters, so I am open to any suggestions for what character you would like to play! (same with marvel too, it doesn't just have to be Spider-Man, it can be any hero you suggest as long as I like them too). I do really like in character Batman and Superman, so if those were ones you'd like to play sure! I mainly do LGBTQ+ pairings, but I am open to doing hetero relationships. please send me a dm if interested!!
submitted by Starr-knot to roleplaying [link] [comments]