Nerve damage, swelling

Waiting for two months for oral surgeon to give me results after a scan. i call to ask when he will call and the receptionist said 'i dont know' in sassy tone. I AM LIVID/upset.

2024.05.16 17:33 Roseberry200 Waiting for two months for oral surgeon to give me results after a scan. i call to ask when he will call and the receptionist said 'i dont know' in sassy tone. I AM LIVID/upset.

WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? I TOOK A CD SCAN OF MY LOWER WISDOM TEETH, i had blasts of radiation just to try and know how high the risk of NEVRE DAMAGE REALLY IS!!! SINCE HE SAID IT WAS PRETTY HIGH! I JUST WANT TO KNOW THE EXACT CHANCES OF NERVE DAMAGE OCCURRING, I WENT IN PERSON TO TURN IN THE CD and wait for him to review it AND apparently the oral surgeon had an emergency on the day i went and the receptionist said he could call me instead, or else i woulda been waiting hours in the waiting room. so i was like ok, i wait and nothing. i call, nothing. a month passed by, i remembered again today and called and the receptionist gives an attitude " idk when he will call, he will come in today.""" LADY ITS BEEN MONTHS? I NEED TO KNOW!!!?
clearly this receptionist and doctor do NOT CARE! i wonder if is possible to get my CD scan back and go to oral another surgeon because this is insane! i dont want to play the waiting game of my results,
im sorry all , i just needed to vent. im just annoyed, hurt, and not sure what to do, ii have to just schedule an in person appointment at this point since clearly im not important enough to be called back for my results if i have to wait months and told 'idk when he will call'', like seriously. but i dont even want to see this doctor in person or that horribly rude receptionist, because i dont want to deal with all of them again!
submitted by Roseberry200 to hsp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:24 Livid_Molasses_7227 Oral Surgeon for high risk wisdom teeth?

It seems like its been a few years since anyone has asked this question, so-
Does anyone have experience with or know of an oral surgeon that is proficient in high risk wisdom teeth extraction? I had a consult a few years ago where they told me I have a high risk of permanent nerve damage and not to do it, but it seems like my teeth are coming up more and causing issues and I may have no choice.
I am in North Jersey
submitted by Livid_Molasses_7227 to newjersey [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:07 Latter_Rope_1528 Surgery options for C5/C6

Hi all… context, Im 29 F… to make this a long story short, after 2 years of nerve pain in my neck, right arm, and hand, I had an MRI last June reveal I have a 2.4cm schwannoma on my nerve sheath between the C5/C6 vertebrae. Like all of us I’m sure, I freaked out at first 😅 but after a (long) year and 3 consultations from doctors at Mass General, Columbia Presbyterian, and Brown Lifespan in RI, I am (slightly) less freaked out and am facing the facts that I need a surgery sooner rather than later.
But my dilemma is that two of the doctors (Mass Gen & Columbia) recommended that I do not have the entire tumor removed at once in order to persevere overall function. They want to just make a pinhole in the vertebrae to get to the tumor and try to avoid any fusion. They want to just take out the parts of the tumor that aren’t wrapped around the nerves to give my spine more space (I’m not too sure on specifics but that’s what I took away from it). However, this means I will likely need another surgery in the future to remove more of the tumor if it continues to grow (doctors believe it will grow).
The doctor in RI (extremely well known and regarded surgeon) suggested full removal of the tumor all at once with a partial laminectomy, requiring fusion. However, he did say it’s possible I’d have some permanent nerve damage from this, likely in my hand. And the recovery time is a lot more intense.
So my question is: has anyone been faced with these two options before? And what has been the better outcome? A part of me doesn’t want to be only 29 with screws and metal in my body and loss of nerve function. But another part of me doesn’t want to have to deal with this surgery again in 30 years… on many days, my pain level is pretty dang high, so I also would like to ensure relief from this!
Any input would be great, this is all a bit overwhelming even after a year of processing!
submitted by Latter_Rope_1528 to Schwannoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:58 cloudyforest19999999 How do I (22f, 112 pounds, 5’2) go to the doctor without revealing how I got hurt?

A year ago, I was severely beaten by a relative, and it gave me nerve damage in my face. The left side of my face was black and blue. My gums, teeth, and lips were completely numb for months. I was beaten badly on the left side of my face, and now I believe that it started TN because I have all the symptoms of it. The nerve/muscle on the left side of my face constantly spasms and hurts badly. I have itching, twitching, burning, and tingling on the left side of my face. My nerve never healed correctly. How do I avoid telling my doctor all this? He is the pastor of my church, and I live in a small town. I do not want to say to him I got beaten. He is my primary health physician.
submitted by cloudyforest19999999 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:54 cloudyforest19999999 How do I go to the doctor without revealing how I got hurt?

Trigger Warning.
A year ago, I (22F) was severely beaten by a relative, and it gave me nerve damage in my face. The left side of my face was black and blue. My gums, teeth, and lips were completely numb for months. I was beaten badly on the left side of my face, and now I believe that it started TN because I have all the symptoms of it. The nerve/muscle on the left side of my face constantly spasms and hurts badly. I have itching, twitching, burning, and tingling on the left side of my face. My nerve never healed correctly. How do I avoid telling my doctor all this? He is the pastor of my church, and I live in a small town. I do not want to say to him I got beaten. He is my primary health physician.
submitted by cloudyforest19999999 to TrigeminalNeuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:36 Roseberry200 Waiting for two months for oral surgeon to give me results after a scan. i call to ask when he will call and the receptionist said 'i dont know' in sassy tone. I AM LIVID.

WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? I TOOK A CD SCAN OF MY LOWER WISDOM TEETH, i had blasts of radiation just to try and know how high the risk of NEVRE DAMAGE REALLY IS!!! SINCE HE SAID IT WAS PRETTY HIGH! I JUST WANT TO KNOW THE EXACT CHANCES OF NERVE DAMAGE OCCURRING, I WENT IN PERSON TO TURN IN THE CD AND apparently the oral surgeon had an emergency and the receptionist said he could call me instead, or else i woulda been waiting hours. so i was like ok, i wait and nothing. i call, nothing. a month passed by, i remembered again today and called and the receptionist gives an attitude " idk when he will call, he will come in today.""" LADY ITS BEEN MONTHS? WTF I NEED TO KNOW!!!?
clearly this receptionist and doctor do NOT CARE! i wonder if is possible to get my CD scan back and go to oral another surgeon because this is insane! i dont want to play the waiting game of my results,
submitted by Roseberry200 to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:19 neverinallmylife Front tooth extraction and implant surgery - weird feeling under nose

I lost a front tooth and was advised to get an implant. I had oral surgery six days ago. The oral surgeon was able to place the implant and bone graft after they extracted whatever tooth was remaining. I had local anesthetic and was advised that pain and swelling are often worse on day 2-3. the doctor said my surgery “went well” and sent me home with pain meds, post-op instructions. They did 3d x-ray preand post surgery.
Six days later, I’m still feeling sensitivity and some slight pain in the area and even on other upper teeth on that side. Underneath my nose, I feel soreness, as if I was hit in the nose. The stitches have not dissolved yet. Most of what I’ve read says you shouldn’t feel pain after 7 days.
Should I be concerned? Taking acetaminophen but surprised it still hurts. would this be due to a sinus or nerve problem in the surgery? Wondering if I should go back in to have him look at it.
submitted by neverinallmylife to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:15 hdotham13 6 weeks post-op, Left THR April 2, 2024- Ahead of recovery schedule!!! BEST advice that I received before surgery...wanted to pass it on! Went back to work on Monday, just under 6 weeks!

I'm officially 6 weeks post op, Left Total Hip replacement, April 2, 2024. 49yo female- Fell on ice 2 years ago and severed the nerve to my hip. Fastforward 2 years and I am now recovering from Left THR- postterior. I had my 6 week appointment with my surgeon yesterday and was told that I am ahead of schedule on my recovery! The BESTEST BESTEST advice that I was given by a friend before surgery was to start water aerobics as soon as I was able. That is exactly what I did! At 4 weeks, my inscison was closed and good to go. At this point, I had a lot of damage to my left upper leg muscles prior to the surgery. After the surgery, those upper thigh muscles were not wanting to fire again, at all. My adductor pain was actually the worst pain that I was experiencing at that point. I signed up for the YMCA and started water aerobics that Monday at week 4. I would do the 2 basic level aerobic classes, back to back. As soon as I got in the pool on that first day, the muscles that had not been working immediatly started firing again! It was amazing! Before the class and in between classes, I would get in the pool and just walk laps. I would do this on MWF's and would spend a total of 2.5 hours in the pool on those days. I also went to land physical therapy 3x a week, and have done this since my surgury. Once I started seeing the benefits of the pool, I started using my friends pool on the days that they didn't offer the aerobics and incorporated what I was doing at aerobics in their pool. I would also just walk/trot laps in the shallow end. My limp was mostly gone by 5 weeks. By the end of my 5th week, I was putting in about 10/12 hours in the pools a week. It was a complete game changer for me. My surgeon and physical therapists have been amazed! I went back to work this week, just under the start of week 6. I am an elementary special education teacher and on my feet a large part of my day. I have been tired in the evenings, but not fatigued! I haven't been in the pool this week and I can tell the difference, for sure! I am still doing my land PT 3x a week and will hopefully be back in the pool this weekend. Unfortunatly, our YMCA only offers morning water aerobic classes. But, if this is something that you are able to do in your community, I HIGHLY recommend it! Game changer!!!! Good luck!!!

submitted by hdotham13 to TotalHipReplacement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:55 random-iky Highlander rework 🗑️ but why?

•15 damage top heavy from a wall splat ??? Wtf is even that? •Why not give highlander a bash from neutral like everyone else? •Highlanders side bash from stans got nerved but meanwhile shigoki got his 10 free damage headbut bashes fast af from every angle no stans needed, Why did this not get nerved? • the stamina drain bash of black prior still live, the flash bang bash of Afreea is still there. (Things that was considered annoying in game are still there) • whats going on with this game at this point?
submitted by random-iky to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:47 PapaRug Motorcycle hit and run accident

Motorcycle hit and run accident
My younger brother Jake Kabala was involved in a major motorcycle accident last Wednesday 5/8. He was traveling westbound when a car decided to run a red light from the left turn lane, turning in front of him, causing him to crash head on sending him airborne. My brother was laying there helpless until paramedics arrived while this individual drove away. A witness at the scene of the crime attempted to follow the individual but after minutes of pursuit, the suspect got away.
My brother was rushed to Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove. He immediately went into emergency surgery for internal bleeding in his stomach. After 2 surgeries, the internal bleeding was thankfully stopped. The surgeries involved putting a sponge in his stomach to help stop the bleeding, part of his intestine removed, part of his colon removed and major damage to his penis and testicles. Unfortunately one of his testicles was permanently removed during surgery.
The following day he had surgery to repair a fractured forearm on his right hand which both bones in his forearm were broke. A plate and screw were inserted to help the healing process. His left hand may have potential nerve damage due to the accident, but is unclear at this time.
After countless surgeries, the doctor also said that he has 6 fractures in his back. Thankfully surgery isn’t necessary but a back brace and extensive rehab is required.
submitted by PapaRug to gofundme [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:28 Sportsinjurycare Understanding the Risks and Complications of Arthroscopy Surgery in Jaipur

Understanding the Risks and Complications of Arthroscopy Surgery in Jaipur


Arthroscopy surgery is a common orthopedic procedure for diagnosing and treating joint problems. This arthroscopy surgery in Jaipur is minimally invasive and has gained popularity due to its effectiveness in various joint conditions. However, it is important to understand the risks and complications associated with arthroscopy surgery before going through surgery.

What is Arthroscopy Surgery?

Arthroscopy surgery involves inserting a small camera, called an arthroscope, into the joint through a small incision. This allows the surgeon to visualize the inside of the joint and perform necessary repairs or treatments. This approach minimizes the risk of infection and reduces recovery time for less post-operative pain and scarring.
arthroscopy surgery in jaipur
In Arthroscopy Surgery surgeons utilize state-of-the-art arthroscopy equipment and techniques to address various joint issues, including torn ligaments, cartilage damage, and inflamed joint linings, ensuring precise and effective treatment for patients.

Risks Associated with Arthroscopy Surgery

Despite being minimally invasive, arthroscopy surgery carries certain risks. Common complications may include infection, bleeding, nerve and blood vessel damage, blood clots, and risks associated with anesthesia.
Complications of Arthroscopy Surgery
Infection is a potential risk for any surgical procedure, including arthroscopy. Proper preoperative preparation and postoperative care are essential to minimize this risk.
While arthroscopy is less invasive than traditional open surgery, there is still a risk of bleeding during or after the procedure. Surgeons take precautions to control bleeding and monitor patients closely for any signs of excessive bleeding.
Nerve and Blood Vessel Damage
During arthroscopy, there is a slight risk of damaging nearby nerves or blood vessels. The surgeon's skill and precision minimize this risk during the procedure.
Blood Clots
Prolonged immobility after surgery can increase the risk of blood clots forming in the legs (deep vein thrombosis) or traveling to the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Patients are encouraged to move around as soon as possible after surgery to prevent blood clots.
Anesthesia Risks
Anesthesia is generally safe, but it carries inherent risks such as allergic reactions, respiratory complications, and adverse reactions to medications. Patients will go through a preoperative assessment to minimize anesthesia-related risks.

Recovery Process and Postoperative Care

Recovery Process

The recovery process following arthroscopy surgery in Jaipur is generally faster than traditional open surgery, but it still requires careful attention and adherence to medical advice. Immediately after the procedure, patients are monitored in the recovery room until the effects of anesthesia wear off. Depending on the extent of the surgery, some patients may be able to go home the same day, while others might need a short hospital stay.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative care is a critical aspect of the recovery process from arthroscopy surgery in Jaipur. Proper wound care is essential to prevent infections; patients should keep the incision sites clean and dry and follow their surgeon's instructions on dressing changes. Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are necessary to monitor healing progress and address any concerns that may arise.

Alternative Treatments to Consider

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Physical therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that can help improve joint function and alleviate pain through targeted exercises and stretches. A physical therapist designs a personalized rehabilitation program to strengthen muscles around the joint, enhance flexibility, and reduce the need for surgical intervention.
Medications and Pain Management
For individuals seeking alternatives to surgery, medications can be an effective option. Anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, and corticosteroid injections can help manage pain and reduce inflammation in the affected joint, providing significant relief for many patients.
Lifestyle Modifications
Adopting lifestyle changes can play a crucial role in managing joint problems. Maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in low-impact exercises, and avoiding activities that strain the joints can help alleviate symptoms and improve joint health. Dietary adjustments to include anti-inflammatory foods may also be beneficial.
Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medicine practice, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. This alternative treatment is believed to stimulate the body's natural healing processes, reduce pain, and improve joint function, offering a complementary approach to conventional treatments.


While arthroscopy surgery in Jaipur is a valuable and often necessary procedure for diagnosing and treating joint issues, it is not without risks and complications. Patients considering this surgery should be aware of potential adverse effects such as infection, blood clots, nerve damage, and prolonged recovery time. However, it is essential to note that these risks can be minimized with proper pre-operative assessment, skilled surgical techniques, and post-operative care. Additionally, exploring alternative treatments such as physical therapy, medication, lifestyle modifications, acupuncture, chiropractic care, regenerative medicine, and massage therapy can offer viable options for managing joint problems without surgery.
For more information can visit our website:-
Mobile No:-9587077444
Address:-Fortis Hospital, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur - 302017
Mail id:-[](
submitted by Sportsinjurycare to u/Sportsinjurycare [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:07 Street-Elevator1003 Negative experience with gland removal

I wanted to write this cuz I'm unable to find an experience as mine here and I wished someone would have told me this before the surgery.
I had a bartholyn cyst and opted for a gland removal. The surgery went well, I can't even see the cut but because of the nerve damage I'm still unable to feel my labia minora&majora and the inside of my vagina where the cuts were made. I went to see three different doctors and the conclusion is that sometimes nerves do heal, sometimes they don't, it depends on the person. The worst is there is nothing they can do if the nerves don't heal on their own. So now at 27 I'm depressed and lost any hope after waiting for 6 months for a change. I so wished someone would have told me this. The area is full of nerves so if you are thinking of having your gland removed please make sure your doctor informes you of any kind of complications.
submitted by Street-Elevator1003 to BartholinCyst [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:49 YogurtclosetNo3187 Hey can I get some opinions on a scene?

Hey guys I wrote two versions of the first fight scene of dumb machop isekai and would like your opinions on which you think is more engaging, more interesting, better written, whatever. Let me know.
Obviously there is prior context to the scene missing, but basically our boy is in the middle of the woods when an Abra walks up to him, generates some weird distortion in the air, and makes it clear its time to throw hands. This is our boys first fight of the story.
I tried making the second draft a little less verbose in areas where I felt it was unnecessary, but you let me know if the missing, added, and rearranged detail makes it better or worse, and in what ways. I also added an injury at the start of the fight and made the ending more violent for emphasis. Not injuring the Abra makes the MC seem crazy, risking himself like that to bask. More understandable without an injury to spur his fear in that first draft, but still, I think a more complete incapacitation seems the way to go either way. Feel free to point out grammar mistakes, they are drafts for a reason. The rewrite divergence point begins at the arrows.
Isekai machop vs abra, drafts 1 and 2.
Draft 1:
I didn't know what that distortion was. Maybe it was a landmine, maybe it was a tripwire that would let Abra attack from two angles if I got between it and them. Maybe it was the beginnings of a battlefield coverage move, or a bomb, or an arbitrary marker in 3D space that would help Abra orientate itself, or the anchor by which it was now pushing itself off the ground and levitating with. But another possibility rested at the back of my mind, a possibility with an obvious path to victory, if it were true. I chose that path.
Fighting types were weak to psychic types, I knew this. I also knew that psychic powers were fucking scary. Strong and invisible and without any startup, in theory. In some fictional stories they didn't even need to see you, and they could do things like directly modify your thoughts. If there weren't strict limitations to a power like that then it would just be unreasonably strong, so strong that psychics should have wiped every other species off the face of the planet. The fact they hadn't, I hoped, meant that I still had a chance. I would make decisions based on the assumption I did.
First things first, testing the waters. If this failed, I would run away. That Abra was walking until it saw me, implying flight took some kind of energy. I probably had more endurance than this thing's flight, and more speed than it did in two legs. I could probably escape if the need arose.
I crouched to pick up a hefty rock, a little larger than my hand, and started to run sideways at top speed, circling my opponent from a distance. Its eyes began to glow as it tracked me in place, like it sat on an invisible swivel chair. I tensed in preparation to be struck with sudden pain, either from a killer headache, twisted muscle, or full body hold. Then I saw it, a faint purple haze snaking its way between us, so faint that I certainly only noticed it because of my enhanced senses, fast as a bullet.
→I dropped to my knees and slid beneath it, before I launched myself behind the nearest tree. My chest thrummed with excitement! I can do this! Psychic energy has travel time! It couldn't just bridge gaps in space arbitrarily, and its speed wasn't like a particle of light or something equally ridiculous. This Abra was nothing more than a glorified turret.
I tore off an impressive chunk of wood from the tree, and crushed a handful into smaller chunks with a squeeze. I darted out and shotgunned them at the floating fox. A middle chunk of the wood seemed to waver and slow, apparently colliding midair with whatever attack it had sent my way. The remaining wood shrapnel flew fast enough and in a cone wide enough that the abra simply couldn't dodge, though its attempt revealed its prodigious speed. Holy shit it could fly. It was hit, and though I half expected a skewered fox, all I got was a disorientated psychic. Good enough, I rushed it down myself, bashing rock still in hand.
As I bore down on its position, stuck choosing between a pressured retreat and close quarters combat with me, it chose a third, less risky option. The instant its body distorted, I turned around and hurled the rock with all my might. The moment Abra appeared at the distortion it placed earlier, it was struck by something nearly its own body weight moving at the speed of a musket ball, directly against its forehead.
Abra was launched away at speed, flipping backwards violently. Abra seemed to try and correct its orientation with its levitation powers, but that proved a mistake, because it only served to toss itself sideways into a tree waist first, eliciting a proper yelp. It flipped like a beyblade now, having hardly killed its initial speed. Soon afterwards, its remaining momentum was focused into another tree to the head. Instead of sending it sprawling, it started to finally stabilize in place. Abra began to float slightly higher while its upper body was pushed over its lower, forcefully orienting itself into a sitting position.
It was from this position that Abra was finally able to see the Machop two strides away, eyes opening wide in reaction. I never drop the follow through. By the time I was airborne in my first stride, Abra was floating up fast. By the time I landed, I had already understood its reactionary choice, and leapt. Though it started earlier, I rose faster. I caught its leg in as iron a grip I could muster. My forward momentum and weight shot us out of the sky before I sledgehammered the thing full body into the dirt.
I shot forward and down to grasp its thin neck just tight enough that I could wring it with a bit more force, and held my other fist ready to pummel. Normally this is the part where I would finish it, but instead I grinned and waited. Fucking do something. Its head was bleeding, though far less than I would have expected, as it looked into my eyes with its own, now wide, peepers. Even across the species barrier its sheer terror was palpable.
It was at this point that the littlest bulbasaur appeared above ground, looking at us with its mouth agape. "You won!?"
Draft 2:
I didn't know what that distortion was. Maybe it was a landmine, maybe it was a tripwire that would let Abra attack from two angles if I got between it and them. Maybe it was the beginnings of a battlefield coverage move, or a bomb, or an arbitrary marker in 3D space that would help Abra orientate itself, or the anchor by which it was now pushing itself off the ground and levitating with. But another possibility rested at the back of my mind, a possibility with an obvious path to victory, if it were true. I chose that path.
Fighting types were weak to psychic types, I knew this. I also knew that psychic powers were fucking scary. Strong and invisible and without any startup, in theory. In some fictional stories they didn't even need to see you, and they could do things like directly modify your thoughts. If there weren't strict limitations to a power like that then it would just be unreasonably strong, so strong that psychics should have wiped every other species off the face of the planet. The fact they hadn't, I hoped, meant that I still had a chance. I would make decisions based on the assumption I did.
First things first, testing the waters. If this failed, I would run away. That Abra was walking until it saw me, implying flight took some kind of energy. I probably had more endurance than this thing's flight, and more speed than it did in two legs. I could probably escape if the need arose.
I crouched to pick up a hefty rock, a little larger than my hand, and started to run sideways at top speed, circling my opponent from a distance. Its eyes began to glow as it tracked me in place, like it sat on an invisible swivel chair. I tensed in preparation to be struck with sudden pain, either from a killer headache, twisted muscle, or full body hold. Then I saw it, a faint purple haze snaking its way between us, so faint that I certainly only noticed it because of my enhanced senses, fast as a bullet.
→It didn't work. I failed to dodge it. I should run. Can I run?
On earth, my body was simply more fragile than my will. It's all too easy to push your body to its end. Humans spend more time working around limitations than they do pushing their limits. And every time you find something worth pushing your will to its fullest for, your body will inevitably fail. Because of this, the greatest combatants use only as much as is necessary, push their bodies as far as they are worth pushing and no more. If that isn't enough, they fill the gap with schemes and techniques. If that too, isn't enough, they can simply escue all their limits, use up everything their flesh will give, and die. Put it all on one moment.
Seems most people never found whatever they'd push that hard for, or at least were never put into a situation where they had to fight for it. I was. Some people think their lives have value beyond what those lives can bring to them. Existence is just a net. Every step is a sway through the waters of experience, to capture it, that moment. You only get one. Because the body can't handle more.
It was only now, as my thigh turned into pulp, ripped to the bone, my body screaming at me, that I was possessed of a revelation so strong it rippled through my whole being.
Now, there's no gaps to fill, now, I can push as hard as I want, now, I can experience that moment as many times as my will can reach it.
Half a moment after I was attacked, I bent my remaining leg and catapulted myself behind the nearest tree. By the time I hit its cover I was laughing. By the instant I left it, I was squeezing a massive wood chunk ready to throw. I chucked it hard, a portion of the shrapnel losing its speed and wobbling midair against the Abras follow up attack. The remaining splinters shotgunned forwards and met flesh.
Instead of a skewered fox, I got a disoriented psychic, but that's fine. I was already galloping forward on a leg and its opposite arm. When my enemy recovered, I was already bearing down. My senses were so close to their peak that I realized Abras next move at the same time they made it. When I bore down on it for long enough that it should have started moving, should have several instances beyond enough time to react with at least something panicked, and it had not, I knew what it was about to do.
The fact that it hadn't tried to create distance or panicked told me that its startup was at least fast enough to save them from the rock I was slamming down upon them right now. So I adjusted my muscles, and burned them to plow right through Abra and around again. As the abras form wavered, it disappeared. Then they reappeared at the distortion they placed when this fight began, and was immediately blasted in the skull by the rock I had cannoned behind my swing.
By the time they'd hit two trees trying to correct with levitation, and beybladed through the air thanks to sheer velocity, I was nearly upon them. As they regained control. Their eyes opened in fear. Without their little fallback, they really couldn't run now. They began to float higher, my foot hit the ground, they created distance, I closed it. Though they began earlier, my leap rose faster, I caught their leg in a grip akin to a garbage compactor and a raccoon that just didn't know any better, let my weight and sheer momentum tear us from the sky, and hammered them into solid bark covered root.
I didn't stop now, everyone knows what you do to zoners who get in range. I struck, though the force was great, there was hardly any damage. I struck, the Abras eyes were alight with panic, it helds its hands towards me. I felt what it was about to do, and let the gravity of my acceptance hold my heart and mind steady for the shock of having my kidneys blown out. It didn't come. I struck, and this one was different.
When I hit it with the wood, it seemed little different from taking a push and some dust in the eye, when I hit with my rock, it bled and flew, but nothing more. When I struck once and twice, with the might of ten men, it seemed to take it as the blows of one. Now, its skull cracked audibly, blood vessels burst out to open air as an eye swelled from hidden pressure. I struck, the other side transformed into something more horrible than the first, Abra engulfed air with a staggered rhythm, like a reverse whoopee cushion, the pitch and tone of the intake close to what a child's sobbing would be.
I gathered its wrists in my hands and destroyed them as easily as making a fist. Its discordant gasps were now constant, burbling and choking on its panic. Not a thought in that head. I smiled. I laughed. I flipped my opponent over and sat on its back, relaxed as my hand descended to grace its neck, ready to crush at the slightest provocation.
Before anything else, I saw that runt of a bulbasaur moving from its shelter with trepidation in its step, and purpose in its eyes. When it saw me, the weight left its gaze, it froze, mouth hanging open. "You won?!"
submitted by YogurtclosetNo3187 to pokemonfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:50 UCLAdy05 Advocate for your postpartum self! I actually have arthritis now

Since my c-section 7 months ago, I’ve had terrible heel and back pain, and everyone I talked to about it chalked it up to postpartum hormones, c-section recovery, etc. Then 3/4 months ago, my hands swelled up and became incredibly painful, so I went to physical therapy, primary care, a hand specialist, and finally to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with inflammatory arthritis. I started medication this week and I can’t believe how much pain I was in every single day, pretty much every time I moved. (I tried to ignore it because I have a baby to take care of!) Luckily it’s being treated now before more damage has been done - I’ll be treating this for the rest of my life. it was never going to just go away.
TLDR don’t just accept the ol’ “pregnancy causes weird stuff” shrug, especially if your symptoms aren’t improving
submitted by UCLAdy05 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:38 Bobert25467 Can subluxations in the neck cause issues with the nerves in the forearm if there is no issues in the upper arm?

30M 240lbs I have been having issues with numbness and pain from ulnar nerve in both of my arms for about 5 months now. I also have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel in both wrists. I have tried physical therapy and while it helped the pain it didn't help the numbness. Recently I have noticed the area on the outside of the elbow where the radial nerve is has started to hurt too but there has not been any injuries. I have had issues with the vertebrae in my neck and back being out of place and compressing nerves but I don't know if that is what is causing the nerves in the forearm to hurt since I don't feel any pain or sensitivity in the upper arm region. Is it possible for the nerves to be getting damaged in the neck area and the pain to skip to the forearm area?
submitted by Bobert25467 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:07 edeugene Should I tell him?

I am F26. I am deaf out of my right ear since I can remember. My right ear nerves got damaged when I was a toddler due to pneumonia. But nobody except my very close family members know about this. I can only hear with my left year. I have no problem in hearing and having a conversation. Even my childhood best friends with whom I still hang out don't know or even realize I can only hear from my left ear. No one knows, or even realises. I have recently got a marriage proposal. I have already met him twice. I like him. This is the final time I am going to meet him and then the marriage will be finalised if I say "Yes" to my parents.
Now, my dilemma is, should I tell him about my hearing condition? Should I expose a fact that not even my closest friends know or realised.
Please help me with this dilemma.
submitted by edeugene to Dhaka [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:50 Any-Pick4980 The Bionics Institute is working on a treatment for nerve damage

In case you missed it:
submitted by Any-Pick4980 to tinnitus [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:19 citygirlcoco medusa paralysis?

for the past few years now i’ve been wanting to get my medusa done really bad but am super paranoid about facial paralysis because i feel like there’s a huge nerve under my lip, i talked to one of my moms friends about it and she said that everyone has that and it’s just the dip in my lip, i did some research and read the piercing can hit a nerve and cause permanent paralysis damage/permanent numbness of taste & feeling in the tongue so now i’m at a loss, is this really possible or will i be okay and am i freaking myself out? has this happened to anyone? i know a bunch of people who have their medusa pierced and nobody has had a problem that i’ve seen, am i tripping?
submitted by citygirlcoco to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:11 Notsurewhatname96 Anyone else going for an MRI scan? MRI scan next week and I’m absolutely petrified

I was diagnosed by several GPs with a nasty ear infection last year and it took a good month for it to disappear however I was left with lingering symptoms such as lightheadedness. I didn’t think much of it as I took my doctor’s advice. Fast forward to March, I read about a man who was misdiagnosed with an ear infection which turned out to be a terminal brain tumor. I naturally freaked out and suddenly my symptoms became worse. I now have twitching all over my body, tingling/burning sensation all over also, my left leg feels weird… like it feels weak and floaty however I can do everything on it as normal and can walk miles on it without any issue, I feel imbalanced like I’m going to fall over constantly (I never have) however my PT compliments me on my balance and core & eye pain. I also had nausea and loss of appetite which I have fully recovered from. I have other symptoms too but no idea if my mind is playing tricks on me as the more I read about brain tumor stories - the more symptoms pop up!
I went to my GP, optician, and ENT specialist. They all conducted lots of tests & the optician did an OCT scan of my eye and tested the pressure. Nothing abnormal was found and my optic nerves weren’t swollen/looked healthy. The ENT specialist did lots of tests and didn’t find anything abnormal either and he thinks the ear infection has damaged my vestibular and needs to be retrained. He doesn’t think it’s necessary for an MRI scan as he’s 99.9% sure it isn’t a brain tumor but will happily refer me if it will provide me with reassurance to move on from this.
My scan is now next week and I’m preparing for the worst. I am trying to relax but can’t stop thinking I’m going to die! I have a vacation a week or two later and I’m convinced I won’t be going.
Anyone else going through this??
submitted by Notsurewhatname96 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:07 TheAutisticButterfly My kitten died in front of my kid sister today. Worst thing I ever have had to deal with.

Huge content warning: The cat was a baby, and didn’t die naturally or kindly. Traumatised pre teens, teens, and adults mentioned. There is no good side. It’s horrible. I doubt anyone wants to read this, I’m mostly just needing to scream into the void
My mom is on here so if you see this hi mom. I hope I got the facts right.
I honestly just don’t know who to even vent to about this. The majority of my family was witness, minus my father who was at work, and understandably nobody really wants to talk to each other about it yet, and I’m not very good at emotion in general so.
I (17F) came home from school to this horror show. Bit of background. We got a new kitten we found abandoned at our church, who we named Weasley. She’s a small ginger kitten who we think was unable to hear. She was the most adorable thing I ever saw and even though we only had her 2 weeks, she had the whole family completely in love.
So tbh I was half asleep when the bus dropped me off so I didn’t process it fully in the moment. I came home to my sister who we will call Luna (12f) crying like I’d never heard before and considering she’s fairly emotional that’s saying something. One of my dogs, one that had a reputation for being an ass, was locked up and considering the kitten was Luna’s and she was so upset I could hear it from the living room, I got a bad feeling.
I went to Luna and sat on the bed and held her awkwardly (I’m on the spectrum and for me crying people are a bit nerve wracking. However it’s Luna so emotional constipation be damned) until she explained and it was so much worse than I assumed. I thought the cat got a bit roughed up and my mom (45F) was MIA because she took her to the vet. Nope.
Apparently grandma was taking laundry to the room where the cat is kept (Luna’s room) and my dogs got in. 3/4 were uninvolved, the other however is responsible for the particularly violent death of my few month old kitten, which my sister witnessed but was no match for a big dog, and my grandmother froze in fear.
My mother managed to get the dog away after some time which nobody can agree on how long.
My mother, too shocked to realise how bad the damage was just kinda held the cat for a bit, until my little sister pointed out while crying that the poor thing was obviously dead because its insides were outside a bit
Mom stuck Luna with grandma and took the kitten and put her in a box, which will be buried and given a proper funeral soon. I’m working on a makeshift gravestone.
That’s when I got home and was caught up after holding Luna for a while. I ended up calling my best friend because I didn’t know how to console Luna. So my best friend came to help with the emotional turmoil
I think today was the first time i heard my mother cry and be so utterly sad. It was awful but oddly bittersweet because I knew she felt the same as me and Luna do. Knowing my mom understands is always very comforting.
Thanks for letting me vent, Reddit.
submitted by TheAutisticButterfly to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:25 RichellaMadden Important Insights into Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal, also known as third molar extraction, is a common dental procedure performed to address issues related to the third set of molars that typically emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood. At Madison Dentistry and Implant Center, we understand the importance of this procedure in maintaining oral health.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?


Benefits of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Prevents Future Problems:
Pain Relief:
Improves Oral Health:
Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure that can prevent future dental problems and improve oral health. At Madison Dentistry and Implant Center, our experienced team provides safe and effective wisdom teeth removal services to ensure the well-being of our patients.

submitted by RichellaMadden to u/RichellaMadden [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:19 flxwrsnc Feels like I'm lying f24

Diag: endometriosis, pots, Looking into pinched nerves and nerve damage in pelvis with neurosurgeon.
So sometimes I feel like I'm a weird case. I've had chronic pelvic pain for atleast 6 years now. It's so debilitating and has left me unable to work. Everything makes it worse, driving, walking, stretching, heat. When it's bad I usually have 8 hours of nonstop pain before generally having a break for a few hours or days. It often leaves me needing to go to the hospital. I also often wake up in 10/10 pain after surgery even if no work was done.
Now I find that over summer I'm so lucky and have next to no pain. Then as the colder months comes around I'm stuck with debilitating pain for around 5-6 months.
Nothing has helped. 3x endo surgeries (stage1&2), nerve blocks, pelvic physio, accupuncture, diets, pain management, pain relief and nerve meds and more.
All my scans have always been normal including a recent MRI.
My pains just started up again but since it's not bad yet I feel bad and judged for making all these medical plans to try get ahead of things this time. It feels like my partner and family just don't get it and think I'm fine because I've had my yearly pain free spree.
I have an appointment pretty far away with a neurosurgeon (been told this is my last option), in a couple weeks to discuss possibly another surgery to look for things like trapped nerves. I need this appointment to have some hope for when things get worse again, but I feel pathetic rn for having it.
I don't know what I want from this post really, I'm just feeling a bit lost and judged. I guess I always have this idea that maybe the pains not going to come back or be as bad even though nothing has changed. Idk
submitted by flxwrsnc to ChronicPain [link] [comments]