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2024.05.02 18:29 thumpythrowaway567 I can't handle my husband's obesity any more

Sounds awful, but I'm looking for insight on anyone who has experienced this or can provide perspective from his post of view. I'm at my wits end and it's awful, but I don't know what I can do about it.
I am an average-to-small woman, 5'4" and 43y. My husband is 5'10" 44y and almost 300lbs. He was fit and athletic when I met him 25 years ago, but has steadily increased his weight the whole time. We've been married 20 years, have 2 children together. I love him, and he is a dedicated partner and parent.
The biggest problem right now is ultimately his weight. It's gotten to a point and for long enough that I am struggling to move past the resentment of him not actively working to lose weight. He'll try a diet until he cheats, then considers it a failure so gives up completely and goes back to eating too much. Every time. He drinks too much (has been a problem before, less so now, but definitely binges). He'll try to start exercising and will go to the gym regularly for maybe 2 weeks tops, then give up that too.
This has been the pattern for years. I try to be supportive, encourage without berating, provide healthy food at home, etc. Fat-shaming is a criticism I want to avoid, but the reality is that this affects MY life, too, and I don't know how to cope any more.
Brutal honesty here: I'm not attracted to him any more. At ALL. He carries his weight in an enormous beer belly. We cannot kiss without me having to bend over it. I want to cry any time he hugs me because I can barely get my arms around me and certainly cannot put my head against his chest without him bending down awkwardly. I can't watch him put shoes on, struggle to get out of bed without vivid memories of being 9 months pregnant and how much it sucked doing easy daily things with that belly.
He has severe sleep apnea, which in the last 2 years he has FINALLY begun consistently using his machine for, but even then I have to be on him like he's a child to remind him to put it on or I have to deal with the snoring and choking, which at this point just fills me with rage and resentment.
The reason I can't sleep in the same room as him anymore though, is the smell. OMG the farts. When I try to sleep in our room and I walk into the smell of a septic lagoon I want to cry. And it's all the time. Just when I think it's safe and I'm brushing my teeth to get ready for bed I'll hear another thunderous fart.
He has massive gastric issues that he's been to the doctor for, and their only answer is it's due to his obesity. He has chronic... loose stool, I guess, as it's not diarrhea, but it destroys the toilets and it has come to be referred to as buffalo shits. I get so angry when I clean the bathroom and just hours later the toilet is completely plastered (that he's incapable of cleaning it up himself is another matter).
Sex is difficult, and ED is now an issue. The quality is not important - he makes up for performance issues with skill in other ways - but the intimacy has greatly suffered.
People call it fat-shaming to blame health issues on obesity, but literally every medical issue he has would be solved by weight loss. He did successfully lose 50 lbs 6 or 7 years ago and his sleep apnea magically vanished, only to return when he gained it back. Even his body odour has changed to rancid.
I didn't mean for this to get so long, but context is needed. I don't know what to do. It's all in his hands and it doesn't mean enough to him. I don't want to leave him because he's fat. I love him, but I resent the fuck out of him at this point. I want to sleep with my husband. I want to be able to snuggle up to him. I want to be able to hug and kiss without being a contortionist. I want to be able to have meaningful sex again without me being unable to breathe being a legitimate concern.
I've had a glimmer of what his life is like. Long story short, I went backpacking and ended up on the return journey with a pack more than double the recommended amount more my size. When I worked it out later, my pack was roughly equivalent to the extra weight he carries every day. To have even just spent several hours walking and trying to do things under that weight made it so real for me, like needing to pick something up from the ground and seriously considering if it was worth it. I wanted to cry that he carries that pack every day. But he won't drop it, he just keeps putting more in. And I don't want this to be my life until he dies early from it. I honestly don't know if I could forgive him if his weight kills him.
TLDR: my husband's weight is ruining my life/our marriage and I can't talk about it without being labeled fat-shaming. If you managed to read this all, I truly thank you. I appreciate any insight you can provide, good or bad.
submitted by thumpythrowaway567 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:29 Bulky_Salamander6764 Would I be TAH for telling my loving/naive mother that she broke my heart?

I (38f) have been with my guy for over 20 years....we met at 6, started "dating" at 12 and never looked back. Our entire lives our families have hounded us about getting married. Due to random circumstances, we randomly got engaged and decided we're gonna get married 20 years in. I had always intended on eloping, but with our parents getting older we wanted to give them the wedding that they always wanted.
I'm not gonna lie. I am finding absolute joy in planning my wedding. And it's not something I ever thought. I would want to do, but I do love it. So while our original intention was to do this for our parents, it has become a passion of mine.
I am the youngest of 4 and all 3 of my siblings have severe mental issues ranging from multiple personality disorder, to my brother being an absolute genius with no common sense or social ability whatsoever. I spent my entire childhood making my own dinner, doing my own homework alone, cleaning my parents' house, taking care of them while they handled my other three siblings.... They were always busy with court dates and group home visits and counseling sessions... It was always one thing after another. My sister specifically would pull stunts like crazy stuff before my birthday. So my birthday would get canceled. Or she would convince me my dad wanted to hurt me and get him kicked out of the house... It never mattered what was going on with me, because she would harm herself if my parents didn't give her whatever she wanted.
As a child I resented them but as an adult, I learned to tell myself that my siblings needed my parents more than I ever did. And this situation was probably harder on them. Than it was on me. It was that thought that gave me the ability to forgive them.
Fast forward 20 years.... I don't ever ask my parents for anything. I have always relied on myself to do everything financially intellectually physically spiritually... It's just who I am.
When we announced, we are getting married. My mother was so excited and said she wanted to help in any way possible. The problem i'm having here is I really do believe in her heart she wants to... But my mother is wildly naive and has no ability to prioritize things in her life. I asked her for 2 weekends prior to the wedding and the week of the wedding.
I literally begged her word-for-word not to let me down. And to give me the time i'm asking for because my wedding was very, very, very, very important to me. I specifically asked her not to prioritize other people's needs over mine for those three weekends... I literally begged her. I told her how much it would hurt and how much it would break my heart if she chose others over me during this time.
Weekend 1 - She was supposed to come down and spend 3 days with me. But of course, my aunt had an emergency and she decided to spend a day with her. Fair. So she comes to my house Friday and tells me she's really tired. And that she wants to go to bed. So she went to sleep at 7 o'clock PM on. A friday night... Not a big deal
But then she tells me the next day. She wasn't really tired and she was up until after midnight reading... So she literally locked herself in a room and chose to read a book over spending time with her daughter... Mind you. She has never asked to visit me and has never made any attempt to see me in any way other than when she comes down to see other people. She also comes to my home area often and just doesn't tell me(she lives over an hour away)
Weekend 2 - I begged her for 3 days. She was supposed to come down friday and spend the weekend with me until sunday. I went over the schedule multiple times with her to confirm that she had nothing else going on that weekend and that she could come down for the full three days. Suddenly the week of my nephew's ex. Girlfriends graduation pops up... So now, our three day weekend got cut to 2 days. I had already taken an unpaid day off work, so she could come down friday. I'm an independent consultant and me, not working means no pay. I also had to go through some pretty extensive physical labor to get the room ready for her because we're renovating our house. My friend, who is a seamstress, made an exception for me and took us for a dress fitting on the friday night at seven thirty p m. She usually only does fittings between monday and wednesday. She literally canceled her plans on Friday. To make this exception for me, because my mom was coming into town with her dress. She messaged me that morning and asked if we were still good for the dress fitting that night... I called my mom and double confirmed that she was packed. And ready to go after the graduation. I confirmed when I spoke to her as I had done multiple times throughout the week that she would be able to make it down in time for the appointment on friday because the seamstress was making an exception for us.
She assured me she was all packed. The car was good to go and vaguely. Mentioned that her car battery died yesterday and she had my dad charging it. I hang up with her. I confirm with the seamstress that we're good to go for that night and I will see her later. About thirty minutes later I have a missed call from my mom that I don't even remember ringing. I called her back within three minutes and she didn't answer... I called her again and she didn't answer... I knew immediately something was wrong. So I called her cellphone and she finally answered and told me that her car battery died and she would not be able to make it down for the appointment.
I was absolutely livid, and told her to not bother coming and hung up on her.
Now I know for a fact that she had a car to make it to my nephew's ex Girlfriend's graduation... I know for a fact that her in my dad own multiple cars and that she could have borrowed my dad's car to come down for the weekend. I also know that they have other people that live with them that are adults that have cars as well, so my dad would not have been without transportation.
To add to this, I also purchased her dress, was paying for alterations and sent her and my father two hundred dollars to make sure no wedding expenses were coming out of pocket... I told them if they needed more. Just let me know and I would send it.
I begged her multiple times to get my dad to try on his suit because it's old and he's lost weight, but she says he absolutely refuses... I also asked her to get shoes and shapewear. Prior to our meeting with the seamstress, and she failed to do both of those as well.
At this point my parents have made it very clear that I mean less than the cost of a car battery. Am I being overly sensitive because I'm in like psycho bridzilla mode. Or do I have the right to tell her what she's done to me?
This the letter I want to send:
So I have been debating on whether or not I should tell you all this, but I decided that I need to for both our sakes.
I want you to know..... It's utterly heartbreaking that I as your daughter am not worth a car battery.
If XXXX needed to get back to school, you would have bought a battery.... If XXXXXX needed cheez-itz from walmart, you would have rented a fucking car....
But for me nah... It's definitely not worth it to give the only daughter who ever respected and loved you the most, the attention she asked for ONCE
I had to beg you not to let me down.... Do you realize how pathetic that is... That, I had to make an open statement asking you not to hurt me.... I begged you and begged you over and over again to make me a priority for 3 days out of the last 2 fucking decades....3 days.... You couldn't manage it.
You can't even bring yourself to spend 3 whole days with me....
Outside of the fact that you find every single living person in your life to be significantly more important than me.... You literally came to my house and locked yourself in a bedroom for hours on end....Reading your book rather than spend time with the daughter, you have only ever visited upon request.
Do you know how many times I have come to your house to visit you and daddy.... Do you know how many times I have come to your house to just clean it for you knowing that i'm not gonna be appreciated in anyway...
I asked you for 3 days.... To your credit, I did ask for this twice...3 times if you include the wedding....so sorry if 9 days out of 7,300 is too much to ask for....
I know you had a car to go to XXXXXX's graduation.... I know that you and daddy have more than one car. I know that XXX lives there and he also has a car and potentially his roommate also might have a car to drive Daddy around.... So even with $200 cash that I sent you for the wedding, you still couldn't get a car battery or use daddy's car....why???
Literally, every single thing I have asked you to do for this wedding you have not done....You shortened our last weekend for XXXXXX...You couldn't take proper pictures for the seamstress, You couldn't get daddy to measure his suit, You didnt find shapeware/bra, You didn't find shoes....nothing.
You completely embarrassed me when my friend cancelled Friday night plans to make an appointment for us....and then you had me confirm it....just to cancel an hour later. Now it's not just my time and my money. You're impacting but hers as well.
I took an unpaid day from work Friday expecting that you would be coming down, but of course you had XXXXX's graduation out of nowhere, after I explicitly asked you over and over again if you had anything that weekend.
I had to do a lot of moving stuff to get the room ready for you. Because we're renovating the fucking house... So not only did I take an unpaid day off work, but I actually did a lot of physical labor in order for you to come down.
But I guess all that means absolutely nothing to you.
why I am always the absolute last on your list? Why is everything so much more important than me??
I really wanted daddy to walk me down the aisle. But to be honest, I don't see the point now.... I know that I am not even worth ten minutes out of his day to try on a suit...why would he want to give me away?
If you both are so proud and love me so much as you always say why do you make me pay for it in such a way??
And I don't want your answers. I don't want you to try to justify how much you love me. And how much I mean to you because Your actions have shown me where I matter to you... I just wanted you to know you broke my heart.
And I didn't deserve that.
submitted by Bulky_Salamander6764 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:28 mib382 XC60 T8 Ultimate: Tires, road and overall noise discussion

XC60 T8 Ultimate: Tires, road and overall noise discussion
Hi! Picked up my new XC60 T8 Ultimate two days ago after owning an XC40 for two years before that. Wanted to discuss the topic of noise levels in general, and tire noise, specifically.
To begin, XC40 is really not great at handling road noise, imo. The car came with Continental EcoContact 6 18". Those mofos are so gruff they were giving me a headache on a highway after some time. I measured it at some point, going 130-140 km/h, and average noise level was 70-71 dB(A), yikes.
Anyway, I then bought VikingContact 7 18" as winter tires and good lord, those are so much quieter (not gruff is the important part) that I tried to not swap them to summer tires this spring for as long as I can :D This made me realize how massive of a difference another set of tires can make.
Fast forward to XC60, it came with a set of Michelin Primacy 4 20". And, sigh, these are gruff as well. The car is definitely quieter than XC40, but the constant feeling (and hearing) of tires interacting with rough asphalt annoys me more than I want to admit. The noise that I don't like strongly correlates to a vibration that propagates through the body into the pedal and the steering wheel. It's the same exact with EcoContact and XC40: I feel the road (which considered as a good thing by many, as far as I understand) and that is paired with the additional noise. I don't think the vibration is our of the ordinary, it's just unavoidable with these tires?. I have to give credit to these Michelins though: the car is very stable even at ~150km/h and the grip is superb, but I digress..
Is this "gruffness" a tradeoff of summer tires with good grip or what? Is there anyone here who can pitch in with their experience? I would try some other options, but buying another set of tires and possibly realizing they don't solve anything will be an expensive mistake.
Here are some XC60 measurements I made today at 90 km/h with air cond. off on a pretty average highway.
For comparison, Car Confections YouTube channel just posted a video of an XC60 with even larger wheels and they measured 53dB ('A' weighting I assume) at ~90 km/h. So what the hell? Maybe they have a high pass filter in their measuring device though, because looking at my graph, the noise level drops rapidly as the frequency increases, so if lower frequencies were cut off, then the average will drop significantly. Or, maybe they have tires that generate as much as 53dB of noise (inside the cabin), so even at the lowest frequencies the average is not skewed toward 63dB like I have. Not sure what's going on.
Maybe some redditor does? :)
TL;DR I know how gruff tires affect my perception of comfort in the cabine, I know it can be much better thanks to winter tires from my XC40 and I know car confections measured 10dB(!) less than me at the same speed, so there has to be something I can do, but I'd like to have some input from you guys.
submitted by mib382 to VolvoRecharge [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:27 throwaway601845 I saw notifications disabled for a guy on Snapchat on girlfriend’s phone

Background: Long post here but need to provide all important context. My girlfriend (28F) and I (28M) met a few months ago and made things official 3 weeks ago. We both were apprehensive and cautious about a relationship in the first few months, as we both have been cheated on and had toxic ex partners, but the honeymoon phase has been fully blooming and we are crazy about each other, she’s been so good to me. We became exclusive way earlier on before being official, as we didn’t want to sleep with multiple people, just test the waters with each other. Note that she has been the most understanding and least toxic person I’ve been with at this point in my life after being in 4 relationships in my past, and I’ve had to be the one to leave all of my past SO’s, hence being so cautious. She doesn’t have much social media, and is extremely down to earth.
One red flag was when we first started dating, I saw she was exchanging messages with some smiley emojis (enthusiastic, but not flirtatious) with a guy she never mentioned to me. She said he was an old college acquaintance who moved out of state and would share photography work with her. I said it would make me feel weird if she was messaging a guy all day long with smiley faces, she agreed and decided it was best to just stop messaging him altogether. (Felt unusual to have someone actually do that for us without being defensive). Note that I made sure she was comfortable with doing that for me, she actually suggested it not me.
Fast forward to now: Last night we were on the couch together and she was showing me something on her phone, then a snapchat pops up from a friend. When she exited the snapchat, I caught a glimpse of an unopened chat from some guy I’ve never heard of, sent 3 hours prior, and it showed the silenced notification symbol next to his name only. I was immediately horrified as I’ve gone through this experience before (ex’s hiding cheating behavior on snapchat).
So I asked “so something I just saw really triggered me, why are notifications disabled for a guy you never mentioned?”. She immediately said he was some weird guy she worked with in the past at a grocery store when she lived in a different city, and that he would bother her so she turned off notifications. I asked if she did that so that it wouldn’t pop up in front of me, and she admitted that was part of the reason and she doesn’t want people to disturb us when together who she doesn’t care about but tends to reach out, but that she is bad at telling people to leave her alone or “being mean to people”. (Seemingly a red flag but I’ll digress).
Now is the part that really bothered me. I said “well what did he say?” She says she’s been ignoring his snaps so he doesn’t see she’s opened any so he’d eventually stop reaching out, but then went to remove him as a friend without opening the chat before I got another word in. Now I cannot help but feel like she was hiding something and didn’t want me to see - and I’m unsure how to move forward from this. I said that not opening the chat came off as really suspicious, and how showing me the chat would have resolved everything. She said she didn’t even know the guys snapchat name to re-add him because he was that irrelevant, and that she deleted the guy there and then to show me how much she didn’t care about them and wanted me to feel secure.
I must add that she was not defensive in the slightest bit. I have had ex’s in the past get defensive, and blame toxic behavior on me, and it was so clear that they were hiding something. She profusely apologized and said she felt terrible it made me so anxious, and understood why it would come off as suspicious. She showed me other people in her messages that she had notifications off for, stating that’s something she does to ignore people that continue to reach out but that bothers her, such as an old therapist that would reach out often after she moved cities. She said she felt so stupid for not deleting that person earlier, and started crying 20-30min later as she does cry often and struggles with feelings of thinking she’s a bad friend or person in general, which she’s told me much about before.
She has been overwhelmingly transparent from the start of our relationship, and said today that she’s going to make sure to be better at deleting people or telling people to leave her alone if they come off too strong, and because of that it’s difficult to paint this as a major red flag but I’m still conflicted. Because of my trauma, I could not believe a word she was saying in the moment, all I could think and believe was the worst case scenario.
She sent me this text today: “I don’t want to jeopardize anything with you ever. I’m really sorry. It’s not going to be a recurring thing, I promise. You mean so much to me - I only want attention from you and only want to give my attention to you. I’m sorry you’re feeling anxious about it - you’re allowed to. I hope I can show you that everything I just said is the truth and how I say I feel about you is the truth. I’ll do better and I’m sorry again.”
So I’m thinking I’ll have to try my best to move forward from this and trying to trust her wholeheartedly, regardless of the suspicious nature of what happened. What does Reddit think about this?
tl;dr: Girlfriend had notifications disabled for a guy on Snapchat, proceeded to delete him as a friend without opening the chat
submitted by throwaway601845 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:27 marleysublime7 Looking for Recommendations!

Lately our ads have been striking and in a general decline CPA over the last 2 years. Microsoft Ads gives us way better CPA - I think part of it has to do with Amazon being right near the top of the PPC results (so customers would rather choose Amazon that they trust than a health supplement store they never heard of). Just wondering how you all think the best way to set up for better results?
We currently use Manual bidding on all products and only use exact match to avoid any irrelevant clicks. Our average CPA in the last 12 years on Google is $11.24 and lately our CPA has been $20-35 CPA monthly. I keep doing damage control but I don't get why our ads are not performing anymore! Our website is RoyaltyHealth.com - maybe we need more re-assurance and trust transparency for customers?
submitted by marleysublime7 to adwords [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:25 spacekatbaby Any chanters here? Any kirtan lovers?

I have an idea! I think maybe it would be fun, and a good idea for us to do a joint kirtan session. Pick a powerful mantra, and wherever we are, we all press play at the same time, infinitely multiplying it's power.
I have just been listening to Ant Na Sifftee https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=v8Np3EmIrB8&si=YI0IlZpfx2S7CHWs which is a pretty powerful mantra- the mantra of infinity. "As with any mantra, Ant Na Siftee has a specific sound current, or a unique code, that activates when the tongue hits the meridians on the roof of the mouth... The very precise rhythm of Ant Na Siftee puts a certain pattern on your neurons so you have the ability to re-code reality in a different way – a way that gives you sovereignty. By broadcasting into the crown chakra, the sounds of Ant Na Siftee sort out the subconscious landscape and rearrange the karmic patterns and samskaric patterns in your favor. It will cut out anything that divides you from your own rhythmic, cosmic, harmonious current, and will break up limitations and cut out negativity"
"It is said to shatter misfortune with the power of a thunderbolt and affect generations. It is a powerful mantra of change and transformation for you and your whole family"
I'm hoping if we group together we can magnify the power. It can empower us and our families, and maybe spread even further if we band together. together.
Let me know if any is interested. We can take a week or so to learn the lyrics and then a day we all agree on we can all chant it together. It doesn't have to be this mantra. Other suggestions are welcome 🙏 maybe we can make it a monthly or weekly thing.
Let me know.
Peace, my people
submitted by spacekatbaby to starseeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:24 Itrustinreddit Please help me with a 1 week itinerary for Scotland

I'm going to Scotland in 2 weeks (May 13-20, I know I'm late in the planning game, help!) to visit a friend that lives in Edinburgh, who also has never gotten around to touring the highlands. I arrive in Edinburgh on May 13 and would like to have at least a full day to tour the city and in order of priority: Fort William, Glencoe, Glenfinnan Viaduct, Isle of Skye OR Isle of Mull (if it makes sense), Sterling Castle and Kelpies, Pitlochry for tubing and back to Edinburgh to depart morning of May 20th.
I'm stuck on what mode of transportation to use. I am not uncomfortable driving on the left side because I have done it before but I've only been driving for 3 years so, I'm not sure if the roads there are out of my league. I read on another thread that the West Highland Train is beautiful so I would consider that as well. I also read that while the tour guides can give you the best option for viewing many things, it can be rushed. However, I'm open to this for parts of the trip if it makes more sense for what I'm trying to do.
submitted by Itrustinreddit to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:21 mitty18 What would you do?

Current arrangement: I am an AGM of a retail store, stepping down in a little over a week to go back to doing what I do best: sales. We have 7 employees including myself and the GM. GM is part time and splits time between two locations in a large market. GM is stepping out of that role and going back to managing 1 store full time, which will be about the time that I fully step down as AGM.
I stepped down because the AGM role the way it is setup leaves a lot of responsibility on my shoulders. The success of the store and the employees often falls mostly on my shoulders. They are also changing AGM pay so that I would be taking a decent sized pay cut, and I can make more just selling. I also had to worry about personal commission (I have a family that is growing) while being an AGM, and basically running the store by myself 20-25 hours per week. This would no longer be a problem if I were to step into a new role.
Now, I look up to my GM. He’s a great manager, loves his people, cares about our personal lives, and cares about our sales. He’s also not a micro manager. As long as our quality and volume is up to snuff, he leaves us alone, but is there when we need him. He’s been a great leader throughout my 8 year tenure with this company.
My stepping down has caused a bit of a ripple effect because upper management was at odds of who to promote as my replacement. This is when my GM decided to step down.
What is hard and what I’m asking you lovely strangers of Reddit- now that my GM is stepping down, it gives me the opportunity to step into his role and be promoted. I’m not a title chaser, but that role would definitely give me more work/life balance than I’ve ever had, but, the GM that I admire so dearly would no longer be part of my job. The other option I have, is to continue with stepping down to just doing sales, stay with my existing GM, and probably make just as much as I would make should interview/get offered/ take the promotion.
submitted by mitty18 to managers [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:19 qpr86 Bicep Loop Help!!

Hi All,
I've got an issue with my Bicep code that I just can't to seem to find the answer for so posting here in the hope someone might be able to point me in the right direction.
I've got the following Bicep template that I'm trying to deploy a virtual Meraki from and I'm specifically struggling when deploying multiple route table routes via a variable and getting the id of the resource to assign to the subnet the vMX lives on.
The template is as follows:
param MerakiNamePrefix string param location string param locationName string param virtualNetworkAddressPrefix string param subnetName string = 'vMX' param subnetAddressPrefix string param subnetStartAddress string var virtualNetworkName = '${MerakiNamePrefix}-${locationName}-VNET' var routeTableProtectedName = '${MerakiNamePrefix}-${subnetName}-RT' var routeTables = [ { name: routeTableProtectedName routes: [ { name: 'udr-onpremtest-rt' properties: { addressPrefix: '' nextHopType: 'VirtualAppliance' nextHopIPAddress:subnetStartAddress } } { name: 'udr-vMXclientVPN-rt' properties: { addressPrefix: '' nextHopType: 'VirtualAppliance' nextHopIPAddress: subnetStartAddress } } ] } ] resource vnet 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2023-09-01'= { name: virtualNetworkNamevar location: location properties: { addressSpace: { addressPrefixes: [ virtualNetworkAddressPrefix ] } dhcpOptions:{ dnsServers:[ '' '' ] } subnets: [ { name: subnetName properties: { addressPrefix: subnetAddressPrefix routeTable: { id:rtout } } } ] } } resource rt 'Microsoft.Network/routeTables@2023-09-01' = [for routeTable in routeTables: { name: routeTable.name location: location properties: { disableBgpRoutePropagation: true routes: routeTable.routes } } ] output rtout array = [for i in range(0, length(routeTables)) : rt[i].id] 
From the examples I've seen on StackOverflow etc. You define an output and use that as the ID for the Route Table in the subnet but when I do that it says it "does not exist in the current context."
Have also tried using rt.[i].id but this gives the same error.
Tearing my hair out so any help appreciated!!
submitted by qpr86 to AZURE [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:15 Bullerrr BS Dracula Dump Infinity Conquest CL 13K

Haven’t done one of these in quite a while but this deck just won me an infinity conquest so figured I’d do a deck writeup for anyone looking to try something new/different.
As someone whose first few seasons of infinite ladder we’re using Dracula Zoo, it gives me great joy to revive the general idea of the deck through Black Swan Dracula Dump.
The general gameplan is to play Goose on turn 2, Cosmo or Stong Guy on turn 3, Dracula turn 4, Black Swan turn 5, and dump your hand turn 6.
As with any deck, your best chance of success depends on reading the opponents deck and playing accordingly. MMM or Sandman can be troublesome, but does the opponent also have killmonger? If you know they have MMM but no Killmonger, look to play more 1-costs early/on curve to avoid getting stuck with a bigger hand that can’t be dumped later on. Does the opponent have Red Guardian or Lady Deathstrike? If so, look to use Cosmo or Goose or favorable locations as protection accordingly. Playing against something like Destroy or Angela/Elsa Move? Look to use Shadow King and priority to maximize effectiveness.
Some notes: * A lane of Goose, Strong Guy, and two 5-power cards (Ant Man/Titania/Black Swan) = 21 power where opponent can’t play 4, 5, or 6 cost cards * Dracula can often times win a lane by himself depending on how big Red Hulk is, but even one more card with 2 or 3 power can help edge out the lane * This deck has flexibility! If not restricted by MMM or Sandman (with Black Swan on 5), it’s totally okay to abandon the Dracula lane and play Red Hulk somewhere and dump your hand into winning another lane. * Dream scenario is to have Dracula on board, Black Swan + Shadow King on 5, dump discounted 1-costs AND play Red Hulk on 6, and have Dracula discard Infinaut * Shadow King and Cosmo are the more flexible tech choices, but can be swapped depending on pocket meta and matchups. Inclusion of Cosmo throws off the deck’s cost curve slightly and can lead to some 50/50 Dracula discards at game end if Blade is not drawn or card positioning doesn’t allow for a Blade discard. * Be cognizant of priority when using Titania, if not Zero’ing her. Be cognizant of card play order when using Zero and Blade. * As with any deck, know when you can push your advantage once you’ve scouted your opponents deck.
Open to feedback and discussion and will post the deck code in the comments.
Not that it matters much, but CL 12,965, infinite every season on ladder since I started playing during Savage Land season.
https://i.imgur.com/UlkSnhX.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/HJRxjW0.jpeg
submitted by Bullerrr to marvelsnapcomp [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:15 jamesbajra Opinion on unpaid internship and listening to disrespect and gali.

So I have been working as an intern for a tech company and the duration is about 2 months. So far it has been more then 2 weeks and took a leave for 3 days but not in a row. I was asked to make a e-commerce app within 3 days and the app is really big and my part is as front-end develop using certain framework. The guy comes and says to me that backend is ready and how much work you have done. That guy seems humble but today he shouted at me saying "yeti matra gareko? and blah blah, ignored and left", seriously, maile time pass ni gareko thiyena....i think im just slow in work but e-commerce app ma yeti derai pages haru huncha and i have to work on it. He's getting bit too comfortable giving uncomfortable speech. I don't hate that guy but the situation is reframing me to put that guy on the bad spot. And yes, there is no proper evaluation. It's been 3 days (office time, total 4-5 days - i took a day due to uni project) of me in this project. And there is even no code review, it's javascript. Directly they need only results. No eye on the code but only on the UI part(ok as a front-end developer, im responsible to provide a good looking UI but css milaunai ali time lagcha and javascript code stuff, to much thinking and blah blah). That day was so uncomfortable for me as well as others were also feeling weird towards me and fuck that feeling.
If there is anyone who is a developer here, I want to know on the front-end part that how long does it takes to make a e-commerce app as a front-end developer consisting of 26 pages and logic (but not backend) and in perspective of internship. OK LET'S FORGET THAT, how long does junior developer takes to complete the task or even mid level.
submitted by jamesbajra to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:14 Downtown-Raspberry-8 Rude Receptionist

The receptionist at our eye doctors office is beyond rude. Dismissive, ineffective, condescending, patronizing and quite honestly not very bright. I say this as she seems to be consistently making errors with my billing, with my contact lenses orders, scheduling appointments. I have put up with it knowing what I am dealing with and just taking higher road. Once upon a time I was an office manager and handled HR at a doctors office…I know how taxing the job can be at times. But I always felt it was important to have a positive attitude for the trickle effect. And was always very cognizant of my receptionists energy. like a mom to a toddler - If they seemed to be getting overwhelmed I’d relieve them. Offer a quick breather. Give them a task to handle… away from the client window.
At my last visit I again was met with the same woman, very rude. Dismissive. Annoyed. Impatient. She tried to sell me an additional service i had never heard of. when i asked what it was and how it differed from a regular retina exam she was so infuriated i would not say yes or no, said she’d have someone come speak to me.
My child and I went in to exams after waiting 30 minutes and the doctor said, oh your son actually doesn’t need an exam today as he had had one within last times months. Another error of receptionist. And an inconvenience for me as i pulled my son out of school early for the scheduled appt. Not that he complained about that. :)
We had fun appt with the doctor. Both got new frames. And had a blast with lady in frame shop along with other clients who were also shopping… Ya know just great fun banter with other folks also looking at and trying on frames. …those look great on you! You’d should try these. You should be in sales. Stuff like that. Lots of laughing. Overall great visit. Until checking out.
The receptionist was beyond rude! Again. I’m trying to let it go. Smiling even though it was hurting. She asked if I wanted to pay full or 50% deposit? I asked what she meant. In my mind thinking insurance covers the visit and contacts? Did she mean frames? She looked at me and asked again. I repeated my question and started to clarify. She slammed the desk, said never mind and rolled her eyes.
I said I’m sorry have I done something? Cause there is no need to act this way. So you can just stop. At this point I just want to leave. Waiting area and line to reception is filling up. I just handed her my Amex card and she swiped it. She said declined. I said try again. Declined, loudly. I gave her another Amex. Declined. I’m like panicking she’s get really snarky looking. I asked what the error code was on her POS; as Amex sends me instant notifications for ALL activity on my cards…declined, approved, payments made, credits made, payments due etc. And I was getting any. She sat there glaring at me almost enjoying my discomfort. Well now what she said. I asked again if there was a specific error code. She rolled her eyes and made some under breathe comment. I said can you not please. To which she stood up slammed the desk got even more attention for everyone around and stormed in to back office. Then the office manager came out. Said receptionist stayed in the back office. I started to ask to the office manager one why I was paying over $1000 for an office visit and two pairs of glasses when we have insurance secondly, I wanted to know what the error code was because American Express wasn’t notifying me of any current activity on my cards. Then the receptionist comes out of the back office is standing behind her office manager, waving her finger in the air at me and making tsk tsk sounds. I snapped. I said can you not please. You literally excused yourself from this conversation! She starts marching towards the window standing behind her manager. I looked at the manager and said can you please get a handle on this? She literally excused herself from the conversation. She’s standing here, mocking me, causing a scene and almost been threatening. Said receptionist then proceeded to sit down next to her office manager. I said look you’re making me very uncomfortable. You excused yourself from the conversation you can just go back into the other room. She has a big smirk on her face and looks at her office manager and said should I go back to the other room? The office manager said why don’t you go into the office.
I quietly said at the office manager and say this is not the first time I have had this kind of encounter with this woman. I typically don’t react and was embarrassed that I did, but it has gotten to the point that I often times don’t even want to call to get my contacts refilled or schedule appointments. She started laughing. She’s like a 60-year-old woman and she’s sitting there laughing at me. I said I’m sorry that you find this so humorous, but it’s completely out of line. I say apparently I have to call the credit card company so can you just hold all of this for a moment? I go out to the parking lot. I call American Express. They have absolutely no record of any swipes on the two cards that I gave them to pay. So basically, the woman did it intentionally to embarrass me.,
Go back in my payment I leave.
My son and I have to go back there today because he has his contact lense training session training session. It was another employee of the medical practice that called me to make the appointment.
I’m always over the belief kill them with kindness so I was thinking about bringing cookies or flowers today. Then I was thinking I should send flowers there to the specific receptionist with a sarcastic apology note. something along the lines of I am sorry I reacted when you were clearly having a bad day. I hope these flowers will make the rest of your week better.
submitted by Downtown-Raspberry-8 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:13 Stunning_Luck2405 AITA for being mad at my brother for spoiling my wedding?

I (39f)got married this year. It was one of the happiest times of my life! We had a very low key ceremony, a honey moon then a party for friends & family when we got home. It wasn't a big fancy party but I wanted it to be special!
My brother (37m)has been going through a bit of a time... he's had a few failed relationships with the mothers of his kids and a few other randoms since them and it's always a drama! We also had a horrible upbringing with loads of shit times, our parents were abusive alcoholics. I won't go into all details but we had a shit time & both moved out as soon as we could! He has a bit of a drinking problem and also a substance problem but is extremely high functioning. He holds down a good job, is a lovely human! He's a fantastic father too. He's always been a sensitive soul and we've both been pretty traumatised by our childhoods! But are both now happy successful adults. I can't say I agree with his coping strategies though and he's acting like a 20 year old as well dating young women and sniffing drugs every day and thinking it's all cool.
So let's go to my wedding day. He was acting off and making some shitty comments in my direction. Don't get me wrong we say horrible things to each other all the time lol the worse the better! But this was very different although he was just trying to pass it off as banter. Then when he picks up husband & me from the airport he's immediately on my ass. He had taken my car while I was away (he often gets my car but at this time he actually had his own!) and I said i was annoyed about it (he gets my car a lot but at this time he had his own car!) and he had a go at me for being annoyed! Was trying to talk to him about our honeymoon on the way home & he was do uninterested and again behaviour totally off.
So we get to party night. I've got dresses for his kids (2 little and one over 16) and my kid (23) they all go to his to get ready so nobody sees me in my dress haha. Anyways we arranged to arrive after the guests had gotten seated & drinks etc and he's supposed to announce us in, do a tiny speech, get us to cut the cake & announce the buffet then the 1st dance. We arrive & he's not there yet with the kids. Eventually almost an hour later he arrives and spends ages trying to get the mic to work etc then announces us, we're over an hour late by now (this is a 5 hour event and some people had to leave early which we knew about) He totally messes up and just shouts us in and straight into the 1st dance! After the dance he vanishes and it's a ages before we find him again and he announces the cake. It's a bit late by then, it's all a bit blurry for me because I was surrounded by people wanting to speak. All in all it was still an amazing night but I was sad that we'd missed all that time and it wasn't done the way I planned. He blamed me for giving him all the kids to organise but the older kids told me it was him holding everything up and I 100% believe them.
The next day I call him up and ask him & his kids down for leftover buffet with the rest of the family (some who travelled for the party that we don't see often) and he's wasted on the phone like totally wasted. He starts shouting at me that my wedding was a shambles and that my best friend was shit and do disorganised and it was all her fault! This was the first time I got mad at him and I told him that he was the reason for the shambles and I was just happy that the guests didn't know any better! Then he bursts into tears and I can't understand him so at this point I just hang up and drive to his house. Bare in mind that I just had a big night, had to clear the hall at the end of the night and spent the morning transporting wedding cakes & buffet food to my house for the guests thst were on their way.
I get to his house and he's a state. He had the 2 little kids there, youngest was asleep. He basically has a total mental breakdown on me, punching walls, shouting in my face about how our family failed us, crying on the floor etc etc won't go into all the details! So I try to calm him down, eldest kid just takes themselves away from the situation which broke my heart but I was greatful to be honest. I arranged for their mother to come collect them early, give her a quick rundown of the reason why, she comes and they all go home. Meanwhile my poor husband is entertaining my fam like a champ. I spend the entire day with my brother, it's now dinner time and I'm starving. He's calmed down by now but not willing to come to my house with me so I told him I'd have to make an appearance but would get back in touch once they'd left.
By the time I get home they've all gone which is fair because they had been there almost 4 hours waiting for me to come show honeymoon photos. Husband was a total legend again though and they all had a great time, he said my brother was unwell and I had gone to tend to the kids until their mum could come get them.
I grab food and tell my husband & kid what happened then myself have a bit of a meltdown. I kept my cool do good for my brother to help calm him but omg it was scary what he was doing and I was devastated that the kids were there and that he'd gotten in that state while they were staying over and so many things! It triggered my trauma and I just broke. He messaged me to ask if everyone had left and I just couldn't bring myself to see or speak to him at that moment in time so my kid spoke to him instead and covered for me. They spoke through message for the rest of the night and he had totally calmed down.
3 days later it's his kids birthday and I have a cake for them so we're all going to kids mums house with gifts etc. This is the first time I'd seen him since the incident and he was just like nothing had happened. Nothing. His behaviour was still off and he was late getting to the birthday. We had spoken through messages thr past couple days but again he was being insulting and trying to pass it off. Attacking my personality which is totally not what we do! I'm telling you we are soooooo close it's unreal so to be treated like this by him was so hurtful and why was he doing it at what was supposed to be the best time of my life? Just one little time when things could be about me & my husband & our marriage celebrations.
I told my brother a few home truths and told him to clean up his act and stop blaming our shitty childhood for his shitty behaviour. I did not make any mention that I was upset about my wedding weekend and how he'd basically ruined it for me, I'm not that guy at all and at the end of the day he really needed me to be there for him so I was without question as he would for me. I was more commenting on the drinking and using and trying to heal in healthier ways. All of which I've been trying to help him with for a long time.
However hard I try to let it go I can't. I dont even want to think about my wedding party any more because of all this and I'm just so happy the actual wedding day was a week prior to the party! I've still not called him out for it but I really thought he would realise that it was a pretty awful time and at least maybe say sorry? Or thank you for being there for him instead of celebrating my marriage? I don't want to be mad at him or fall out but I just can't let it go! Am I being TA? Would IBTA if I brought it up with him?
submitted by Stunning_Luck2405 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:12 Sea-Satisfaction4290 BIL is ruining our marriage of 10 years.

I(33M) have been happily married to my wife(34M) for the last 10 years, and everything is good, we are settled abroad. My wife is a very kind person, if she sees a homeless person, she would give him food. If she sees two stalls selling food, she will buy from both of them, because her words "They have family and they are trying to make their ends meet". All of this is important later.
We are pretty well off now then we were 10 years ago, so money is not an issue. My wife's family on the other hand is not that well off, so we send money monthly for her mother and father. We also buy groceries for their home once a month, which has never been an issue.
Now the problem is her brother, who we will "L", since we did not have a bank account and due to our work conditions 4 years ago, we had trouble with money but since her mother was sick, we used to send good sum of money every month, for that I asked "L" if we can send money to your account and you would take care of mother and father. L has no job and basically freeloads, he agreed.
Now it went well for 6-7 months, but afterwards I noticed money were sending wasn't enough, we weren't in the country so we dont know and I never asked bills (my mistake). We had to send money twice sometimes, I still didn't know that L was stealing bits of money I send every month, and then the Christmas came, I sent significant amount as family had tough year, so new year and Christmas should be good.
Money never arrived, I was worried that it might have been cancelled and returned to me, I called my bank and they told me it cleared. I asked him but he kept on lying, and then I told him, show me your bank account, which L never agreed. Instead told me it is my personal account, why would I show you? I told him he has to return the money he said he dont have it. He never got, instead told me I'm the liar, I made a group chat with rest of the family members their and they asked me proof which I provided and they had nothing to say to him though.
I now sent money one more time as Christmas was done and new year was coming, it arrived as I used someone else's account. He said he will give back money to me in 3 months even if he didnt steal it, I said take 4 months, he never returned it. I even told him, I don't need the money, just apologize and accept that you stole the money and I'll forgive you, but he never did.
My wife has basically cut off her brother, she does not even talk to him very much, and she knows i hate him. We went back to her home country last year and we invited her sisters, younger brother, and mother to our house and she ended up bringing L(older brother), now I don't smoke and I can't stand the smell of smoke, my house my rules, he ended up smoking and basically whole house smelled like cigarette, even if I cant stand him, I nicely asked him, did you smoke? He said no, I asked younger brother, who kinda fell asleep in the other bedroom, he said no he didn't either.
I asked my MIL and wife, MIL said no, no one smoke, and maybe its from outside, windows were closed but nonetheless I checked but nothing, it was from inside, my wife also said, no one smoked. 20 minutes later, she came to me and told me her brother had smoked, which I had the doubt, and she just confirmed it. I got mad at her, told her she made a fool out of me in front of her family. I told her I was not going to yell at him, just tell him nicely, don't smoke in the house. She said she thought I would blow up on L. She was so apologetic but I was still very mad. I love her very much so there were tears from my side as well as I never got mad at her like this. It ended after about 2 hours and she said she would never invite him and that she was very sorry. I also got mad at MIL but gently.
Now ever since then I have told my wife and MIL, I never want to L ever again. I don't want to be in the same room, they agreed. I'm sure L heard it all but I didn't really care. Now ever since then L's topic is like Taboo at home. If I tell her that I don't want him to benefit from me, she will tell me she doesn't want to know what I do with him, and that L is her older brother and I'm her husband, she obviously takes my side but she also want L to do better of him as he used to be a drug addict, I don't know if he still is, but a friend told my wife and I, we didnt know prior to this.
In the last 11 months since that happened, we have had mini-fight from her brother about 5 times, I don't know what to do anymore and I want to get this sorted.
WIBTA if I make an announcement at her home that we will not help them as long L gets a job and start doing his fair share of work? and what do I do?
Edit: I wanted to add that he freeloads in the house (thats our constant issue and wife cant do anything about it) we built for my MIL FIL, and lives off everything we buy in the house, we are not there, and we can't exactly kick him out as legally MIL FIL owns it and they wont kick him out.
submitted by Sea-Satisfaction4290 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:12 Responsible_Tip2709 PRIZEPICKS REFERRAL: $100 DEPOSIT MATCH AND $25 ADDITIONALLY

Hello, someone please use my code. You’ll get a deposit match up to $100 and $25 additionally in promo funds. Thank you
submitted by Responsible_Tip2709 to OnlineCasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:06 johnrushx Mistakes I Wish I Hadn't Made (after building 30 startups)

I built 30 startups in 20 years. VC-backed, Bootstrapped, Apps, SaaS, B2B, B2C.
Twenty mistakes I regret making:

1. Doing consumer apps.

The Failure rate here is 100x of b2b rates, nearly a lottery.

2. Raising VC money.

I felt like Marc Zuckerberg when we raised the first round. All journalists interviewing us. Felt like a dream. Eventually, most of these startups failed by being funded too early.

3. Hiring too early.

Previously, startups took pride in large teams - a key sign of growth back then. Founders should do most of the work until PMF. Employees and contractors won't have enough love and passion for your project.

4. Ignoring SEO.

None of the people in my network did SEO. We all thought it was something for late and we kept postponing it forever.

5. Ignoring content marketing.

Never took blogging seriously. Big mistake.

6. Social Media Marketing.

This is my biggest regret. I started using Twitter just a year ago. I have 20k followers now after putting a year into it. What if I started 20 years ago? Could I have 1M followers now? Perhaps.

7. Skipping idea validation.

I'd always assume for the audience. Anticipate what they need. It almost never turned out to be true. My best projects were those I thought will fail and failed projects had my highest hopes at the start.

8. Hiring managers.

I haven't yet seen any useful manager in a startup. They might be useful for corporations, but for startup, I should have hired only doers.

9. Chasing Investors.

For every startup, I'd spend 40% of my time fundraising. I'd succeed in most of the cases, but at what cost? I haven't done a single outreach to investors in 2 years, but I get VCs knocking my doors because I have good traction and they search for such projects daily.

10. Hiring specialized developers.

There is nothing less efficient than a team of specialized developers for a startup. Today I have 1 fullstack dev doing 5x more progress on a project than a team of 12 back then. Avoid "teams" at all costs.

11. Hiring people I don't wanna hug.

My cofounder, an old Danish man said this to me in 2015. If you don’t wanna hug the person, it means you dislike them on a chemical/animal level.

12. Betting on partners.

I partnered up with large billion-dollar corporates many times with different startups. They promise huge stuff, millions of users, but end up just wasting your time, destroying focus, shifting priorities, making you spend zillions on ramping up security and compliance, and eventually bringing in no users/money.
  1. Shiny objects. I fell for crypt0 hype. Got super rich, then lost it all. Years wasted. Almost got depressed by seeing how scammy and greedy humans can be, even my own partners.

14. Holding on a bad project for too long.

I kept believing in projects after years of no traction. I thought that one day something magic would happen and things would go up. It was just a waste of time.

15. Went to tech conferences.

It's a total waste of time. Most people there are the “good” employees of corporations who were sent there as a perk for being loyal to the corporation.

16. Scrum is a Scam.

If I had a team that had to be nagged every morning with questions as if they were children in kindergarten, then things would eventually fail. The only good stuff I managed to do happened with people who were grownups and could manage their stuff on their own. We would just do everything over chat as a sync on goals and plans.

17. Outsourced development & marketing.

The vendors were good, but the outcome was not good. Startups are so difficult that there is almost no chance someone from outside can do a good job for them.

18. Started with a free tier in b2b.

Free projects attracted totally wrong crowd who gave feedback that was only relevant to please the rest of the "free" crowd. But "paid" users turn out to be very different and have different needs. A few times I started with no free and had no sales, so later I added a free version. But this was a mistake too. If nobody wanna pay for my product, I have to fix the product or find another audience for it.

19. Code from scratch.

My team would spend the first 3 months coding basic things like auth, admin panel, cruds and etc. It was a huge waste of time. The moment I started using boilerplates, the speed went up 10x.

20. Spent little time with my family & friends.

I worked way too much. Didn't take holidays at all. It was very destructive to my creativity. Once I started having some off, I became way more creative. Quality >Quantity.
That's it.

What's your biggest regret as an entrepreneur?

submitted by johnrushx to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:05 chayungboiddd How to remedy too many stones on top of freshly poured concrete?

Hi- this isn’t too long of a read but I need some honest advice on how I should be fixing my issues I’ve also included my current solution below as well. Please help this solo DIY guy make lemonade out of the lemon issues; I appreciate you all for helping me more than you can imagine.
Background: I decided to take on a big DIY project that involves several slabs in which I can pour one a day and finish completely solo in a day; approximately 5 inches thick and 4 by 10 foot. I’m incredibly sore after two days in a row and taking a day off today; took me about 8 hours of hard work per slab. My mixer can fit about 4.5 60 lb bags of quikrete at a time and I have to do multiple pours do get enough for one of these slabs. I followed the directions on the quikrete using the max water allowed and I mix it for at least 5 minutes in mixer then turn it off 5 minutes then mix again for at least 5 minutes to ensure water soakage throughout.
Issues: After magnesium floating there’s lots of stubborn rocks on surface that won’t go down because the concrete is too dry to accept more rocks underneath so I broom lots of rocks off. After brooming about 10-20% of surface has rough spots that won’t mag float down. The edges of the concrete are too rocky to get a proper edge as the rocks interfere with a proper edge.
My current solution: instead of giving up I’ve been using quikrete fastset repair mortar to patch the surface issue and edge issue.
submitted by chayungboiddd to Concrete [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:03 Affectionate_Mall813 Why do you push Rank?

I started this game back in 2017. From then till now I've only reached High rank once (Mythical Immortal). Whenever I play rank in any game, My thought process is what I'll get in return. Back in the day, you would get the season skin if you reach gold, so I only pushed till gold. Then when I started buying heroes and I needed the BP, I saw you get lots of BP and ticket if you reach Legend (Mythic and legend give the same amount of BP and ticket). So I only pushed till Legend. Then I took a 7 month break and returned when Joy was released. I collected every single heroes then, So I thought "How far can I actually go" and with that thought I pushed the next season and ended with Mythical Immortal 148 stars. Now I only play 20 rank games to get the skin, I play other games too like WR, CODM. Even there I only play rank to get the rank skins. So my question to you guys, Not to those who haven't reached any Mythical rank yet (Honestly, If you've been pushing rank for over a year or two and still haven't reached Mythic yet, You suck Bruv. I'm not your friend so I'm not gonna sugar-coat it, You suck, maybe try looking at your games and learning from your mistake rather than playing rank over and over and lose) But for those who already reached Mythical Immortal once or twice. Why do you push for high rank?
submitted by Affectionate_Mall813 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:00 Ashleyupfarm [SELLING] [UK to ANYWHERE] Charlotte Tilbury, Chanel, Dior, Laura Mercier, Tom Ford, Natasha Denona, By Terry, Marc Jacobs, Hourglass, Nars, MAC, Kevyn Aucoin, Tarte, Too Faced, Zoeva, Becca, Violet Voss, Morphe, ABH

Hi Everyone,Makeup lover and ex-shopaholic with lots of barely used items.
Open to offers.
I can send you links to my eBay feedback via PM so please feel free to ask if you'd like this. :)
·All my items are from a pet and smoke free home, are well looked after and have been stored in a cool dark place (drawers in my bedroom) and are now stored in a box, ready for posting.
· All products are full size unless otherwise stated.· Items vary between swatched to lightly used unless otherwise stated. Batch codes available upon request.
· Dispatch within 3 working days of cleared payment via PayPal Goods and Services – I cover the fees.· If I still have the original outer box (I often keep boxes) for any of the products, this will be included.· Prices listed are for the product alone and do not include the shipping charge.
· All items sent within the UK will be sent 2nd Class Signed For (£4.69 for a small parcel and £3.55 if I can send as a large letter in a padded envelope). All items will be well packaged to protect them.
· If you would like multiple items and the total is over £50 this would need to be sent Next Day by 1pm for £10.
· If you are an international buyer, please state your location and I’ll get back to you with a quote for the shipping charge but please expect this to be £15-28 as I send all packages tracked with the correct insurance.
· Any questions, just send let me know and I’ll get back to you asap.
Thanks for looking!
Chanel Baume Essential in Transparent £20.00 https://imgur.com/jDbxNMZ
Ambient Lighting blush in Diffused Heat £21.00 https://imgur.com/nPjS31R
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Cheek To Chic Swish & Pop Blusher in Sex on Fire £18.00 https://imgur.com/ESL3P9r
Cheek To Chic Swish & Pop Blusher in The Climax £18.00 https://imgur.com/dw62cfE
Instant Look In A Palette in Gorgeous, Glowing Beauty £38.00 https://imgur.com/tTFcOpI
Unisex Healthy Glow All-Year Hydrating Summer Tint Moisturiser £20.00 https://imgur.com/1Ixdp8s
Luxury Eyeshadow Palette in The Glamour Muse £25.00 https://imgur.com/UMdXoV4
Beach Stick Lip to Cheek in Las Salinas £20.00 https://imgur.com/lAtlIDo
Colour Chameleon in Champagne Diamonds – Barely used but nib seems to be more inside (never sharpened) so will need sharpening. £10.00 https://imgur.com/WAL7cwb
Eyes to Mesmerise in Veruschka £12 https://imgur.com/PN360SQ
Eyes to Mesmerise in Star Gold £12 https://imgur.com/yc9VBkj
Glowing, Pretty Skin Palette £30 https://imgur.com/RgjH84L
X Norma Parkinson Filmstar Bronze & Glow Sun Tan & Sun Light £25 https://imgur.com/LI0kzWS
X Norma Parkinson Colour of Youth Healthy, Happy Lip & Cheek Glow £20 https://imgur.com/fGh5lqO
Bronze & Blush Glow £35 https://imgur.com/FaXu1xuInstant Look in a Palette in Stoned Rose Beauty £35.00 https://imgur.com/dcULfQL
Luxury Palette in Green Lights £25 https://imgur.com/X7417qS
Luxury Palette in Pillow Talk £25 https://imgur.com/w9y1X33
Luxury Palette of Pops in Pillow Talk £25 https://imgur.com/1a6Y8By
Laura Mercier: Blush in Rose Bloom £16.00 https://imgur.com/fTPnHkO
Laura Mercier Matte Radiance Baked Powder Bronzer in Bronze-03 £18.00 https://imgur.com/X76ixeD
Laura Mercier Lip Pencil in Chestnut £10 https://imgur.com/qtnXzxB
Face Illuminator in Affection £25.00 https://imgur.com/yJ7PX0d
Face Illuminator in Devotion £25.00 https://imgur.com/HUQqd47
Laura Mercier Amaretto Swirl £10.00 https://imgur.com/PwQHTub
Laura Mercier Vibe £10.00 https://imgur.com/ANiNiXc
Caviar Stick Eye Colour in Burnished Bronze £15.00 https://imgur.com/Sq39EtY
Caviar Stick Eye Colour in Metallic Taupe £15.00 https://imgur.com/bpjlQmR
Tom Ford:
Emotionproof Eye Color in Casino £20 https://imgur.com/h4OUNMv
Emotionproof Eye Color in Brut Rose £20 https://imgur.com/BHL2fSh
Eye Color Quad in 13 Orchid Haze £45 https://imgur.com/v7628qH
Eye Color Quad in 01 Golden Mink £45 https://imgur.com/Hf41wBa
Private Shadow in 01 Body Double Vinyl £20 https://imgur.com/SxtG047
Private Shadow in 04 Iris Bronze Sateen £20.00 https://imgur.com/OwFUCuV
Sheer Cheek Duo in 05 Lissome (Used once but please note this is damaged: the two shades fall out of the pans if tipped upside down – they would need to be glued down if you plan on taking this out and about.) £20 https://imgur.com/KUsUk3e
Diorshow mono in 658 Cosmopolite £15 https://imgur.com/6WzBh6V
Bobbi Brown:
Ulla Johnson Eye Palette in Minou £20.00 https://imgur.com/VZVqyYw
Unzipped Eyeshadow Palette £25.00 https://imgur.com/XFM0tFb
Dandelion Twinkle (mini 1.5g) £5.00 https://imgur.com/riLhNaY
By Terry:Compact-Expert Dual Powder in 7. Sun Desire £20 https://imgur.com/Z0Cq1pp
Theory in Cashmere £20 https://imgur.com/QFiFgtg
Marc Jacobs:Eye-Conic Eyeshadow Palette in Steel(etto) £30: https://imgur.com/sv3K75r
Spotlight Glow Stick £20 https://imgur.com/4lkDJ5f
Le Marc Lip Crème in 228 Infamous £10 https://imgur.com/DdU2Iy7
Burberry:Nude Radiance No.01 Fresh Glow Luminous Fluid Base £20 https://imgur.com/JrzwAYN
Fresh Glow Highlighter in White No.01 £20 https://imgur.com/AItL9Dt
NARS:Blush in Torrid £18.00 https://imgur.com/TQSEaPk
Blush in Liberte £18.00 https://imgur.com/diO7MlV
Blush in Behave £18.00 https://imgur.com/lbI813w
Cruising lipstick £8.00 https://imgur.com/6L9egoG
Rosecliff lipstick £8.00 (please be aware this one seems to smudge on the side in the tube when rolled up – see pic) https://imgur.com/xWyvOfm
Riot lip pencil £8.00 https://imgur.com/fM6ojlm
Skin Deep Palette £25 https://imgur.com/SnncRIp
Blush in Amour £18 https://imgur.com/5QaOSZK
Audacious Anna £8.00 https://imgur.com/AY8dmi3
Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Red Square £8.00 https://imgur.com/f4H6L01
Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Rebel £8.00 https://imgur.com/dU3PzJ1
Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Dragon Girl £8.00 https://imgur.com/56EfMMV
Man Ray The Veil Cheek Palette £25 https://imgur.com/0GSCu0g
Paloma Contour Duo £20.00 https://imgur.com/G31JEaO
Hammamet Eyeshadow Duo £15 https://imgur.com/qyVtVCE
Isolde Eyeshadow Duo £15 https://imgur.com/yICbjTc
Natasha Denona:
Camel Palette £30 https://imgur.com/nKP0eyc
Glam Palette £50.00 https://imgur.com/BspUx4T
Terracotta Limited Edition Bronzer £35.00 https://imgur.com/JgC1P43
Terracotta Sun Trio Bronzing and Contouring Palette in Clair – Light £30.00 https://imgur.com/wcrk5vo
Too Faced:
Natural Love Ultimate Neutral Eyeshadow Collection Limited Edition £50.00 https://imgur.com/XZedaEe
Too Faced Natural Eyes £30: https://imgur.com/c4MCJsI
Born This Way The Natural Nudes £25 https://imgur.com/s1MB6uv
Milk Chocolate Soleil Light?medium Matte Bronzer £18 https://imgur.com/jvX26dG
Too Faced Mini Love Flush 16-Hour Blush in Crazy in Love 2g £4.00 https://imgur.com/9tvRigE
Too Faced Mini Love Flush 16-Hour Blush in Dream Lover 2g £4.00 https://imgur.com/8q4smuT
MAC Mineralize Blush in Naturally Flawless £18.00 https://imgur.com/1PcLxf2
Single eyeshadow in Satin Taupe £10.00 https://imgur.com/DohGoWC
Nutcracker Sweet Peach Face Compact Tutu (highlighter) and At Dusk (blush) £25.00 https://imgur.com/T8ylopU
Lip Pencil in Subculture £8.00 https://imgur.com/B2eJjgi
Dusky Rose Times Nine £15 https://imgur.com/WZqEBPL
Satin Lipstick in Faux £10 https://imgur.com/zrvLb3K
Satin Lipstick in Brave £10 https://imgur.com/WrbOnCy
Liptensity in Driftwood £12 https://imgur.com/AmTyk9N
Veluxe Pearl Eyeshadow in All That Glitters £10 https://imgur.com/tkYEVQL
Veluxe Pearl Eyeshadow in Woodwinked £10 https://imgur.com/6Ju1Xca
Nutcracker Sweet Copper Face Compact in Whisper of Gilt and Pleasure Model £20.00 https://imgur.com/p6bkpes
Clinique:01 Hefty Highlight £10 https://imgur.com/DugNJOH
Eyeshadow Duo £3.00 (please note this is more used than the other items hence price) https://imgur.com/Hr1ZrTE
Buxom:Buxom May Contain Nudity £20 https://imgur.com/doupBER
Double Duty Classic Courage Eye & Cheek Palette £20.00 https://imgur.com/uQc48wt
Sex Kitten Eyeshadow Palette £15.00 https://imgur.com/N6HDUW5
Tartelette Tease (please note this arrived with one shade damaged) £10 https://imgur.com/cAf77dN
Tarteist Pro To Go £15 https://imgur.com/qmOGt4W
Mermaid Kisses Mini Lipstick in Sandals £4 https://imgur.com/BKwpJjo
Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush in Dazzled £15 https://imgur.com/TRJZW5i
Maneater Eyeshadow Palette £12 https://imgur.com/MdqOZjg
Amazon clay eye & cheek palette, be your own tarteist £20 https://imgur.com/LoT74Va
Amazon clay eye & cheek palette, miracles of the Amazon £20 https://imgur.com/pMRQ81B
Mini Amazonian Clay Matte Waterproof Bronzer in Hotel Heiress 2.2g £5.00 https://imgur.com/jncXcvm
BeccaMineral Blush in Flowerchild £25.00 https://imgur.com/I3xk5PF
Lipstick in Sugar £12.00 https://imgur.com/4cP6zfl
Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Champagne Pop £18 https://imgur.com/hg81MeW
Ombre Nudes Eyeshadow Palette: £20 https://imgur.com/1o7zfx9
Kevyn AucoinThe Pure Powder Glow Blush in Dolline £10 https://imgur.com/r4zdXM5
It Cosmetics:Your Skin But Better CC+ Cream in Fair (mini 4ml) £6 https://imgur.com/qFkaQMy
35O Palette £10.00 https://imgur.com/guBfHVl
Milani Naturally Chic £3.00 https://imgur.com/sm4sehq
Everyday Eyes Collection 02 Bare Necessities £3 **(**Please note one shade arrived shattered when I received it). https://imgur.com/8rHsj0P
Colour Statement Moisture Matte Lipstick in 61 Naked £3 https://imgur.com/rzfOruY
Zoeva Naturally Yours Eyeshadow Palette £13.00 https://imgur.com/xRBNMKf
Caramel Melange Eyeshadow Palette £13.00 https://imgur.com/39Zivoq
Cocoa Blend Eyeshadow Palette £13.00 https://imgur.com/5ibgQGn
Violet Voss:
Holy Grail Palette £15 https://imgur.com/FkfWVnf
Urban Decay:
Naked 3 Eyeshadow Palette £25.00 https://imgur.com/XujVYyU
Single Eyeshadow in Diamond Dog £20.00 https://imgur.com/T2XoEwv
Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Blush in Fetish £16.00 https://imgur.com/cEamNe2
Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Blush in Score £16.00 https://imgur.com/WatD1SF
Lipstick in Naked £6.00 https://imgur.com/jugqlFX
24/7 Glide-On Lip Pencil in 69 £4.00 – Please note this is barely used but sharpens unstably https://imgur.com/7VgaIuo
Naked Heat Eyeshadow Palette £20.00 https://imgur.com/1gLp5Wt
Afterglow 8-Hour Powder Blush in Rapture £16 https://imgur.com/Vqfj5dy
Lancome:Star Bronzer in 03 Naturel Bronze £10 https://imgur.com/CXUH1ye
Elizabeth Arden:Eyeshadow Palette £12.00 https://imgur.com/ZlqeALh
Eyeshadow Palette Browns £12.00 https://imgur.com/f2fvWKZ
Blush and Highlighter Trio £12.00 https://imgur.com/fJ25kAQ
Elizabeth Arden Melon £8.00 https://imgur.com/fI0VFDL
Elizabeth Arden Pink Pucker £8.00 https://imgur.com/FRm9nz0
Elizabeth Arden Bold Red £8.00 https://imgur.com/hx0lbG2
Ted Baker:Eyeshadow Trio £3.00 https://imgur.com/6c67YFh
New Look:Pure Colour Eyeshadow Palette in 29 Brown Pattern £3 https://imgur.com/yFPr4us
Blush in Antique £3 https://imgur.com/gEMPmYh
Maybelline:Colorsenational Lip Liner in 140 Intense Pink £2.00 https://imgur.com/ZBRigDS
Smokey Eyes Palette in 02 Brown £3.00 https://imgur.com/pNrm7ig
Complexion Rescue in Vanilla 02 £20.00 https://imgur.com/tqDLuhH
Kat Von D:Kat Von D Shade and Light Eye Contour Palette £30.00 https://imgur.com/AVmbNPb
Physicians Formula:
Butter Bronzer £9.00 https://imgur.com/dzUmfhw
Blush in Lady Pink £3.00 https://imgur.com/ItSZGzt
Anastasia Beverley Hills:
Modern Renaissance https://imgur.com/jJIDmLM
submitted by Ashleyupfarm to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:59 88questioner Foothill towns?

Ok, here’s the deal. My spouse and I lived in NC for 20 years. Chatham county, specifically. My family all lives in the area as well.
We are more north now and for a variety of reasons cannot move back now, but in the long term (10 years?) want to be closer to family and friends.
We loved Chatham when we lived there but it’s changing very rapidly (tons of new houses, new people, etc) and we also really like mountains, hiking, etc, especially my spouse. We are thinking of getting a 2nd home (to rent out now and eventually retire to) somewhere that isn’t too far from family (an hour or so) but also is close enough to the mountains to drive for a hike.
Geographically I think that puts us northwest of Greensboro, which isn’t an area I’m super familiar with. What we liked about Chatham county when we lived there was that it (was) artsy, farm-y, somewhat rural, and mostly progressive.
Are we going to find anywhere like that in the foothills? From my brief searches it doesn’t seem so, but maybe some of you know a hidden gem that I’m not seeing.
Should we just give up and get a new Disney townhouse south of Pittsboro?
submitted by 88questioner to NorthCarolina [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:59 kait2478 New to horse world--have questions

Hi everyone. My 5 year old daughter is going to be starting horseback riding lessons soon. She LOVES the Spirit: Riding Free TV show on Netflix and I told her she could get lessons. I'm COMPLETELY new to horses. Like until a few weeks ago, I thought a pony was just an adolescent horse. Like I thought it went foalpony horse lol.
I've visited a few local farms that give lessons, to see what the drive is like (all of them are at least 20-40 minutes from us, so I wanted to make sure I like the drive if I'm going to be making it every week), ask questions, get a feel for the place, meet the instructor(s) and some of the horses, etc. I got a lot of questions answered, but I'm left with a few, and I thought y'all might be able to help? I'll just list them in no particular order. Thank you in advance for any advice!
submitted by kait2478 to Equestrian [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:58 Specific_Garden_4305 How do I go about all of this?

Hello everyone. This is going to be a long one.
I have worked at Starbucks for about a year and a half. When I first came to my store it was great! I got along with everyone and we all had so much fun as a team.
Around October is when things started going downhill. I’m going to call these people person #1, #2, #3 - #1 & #2 are normal baristas. #3 is a shift.
Situation with person #1 happened in October. They are 20 years older than I am. I started receiving texts from this partner and they weren’t about work. I didn’t feel comfortable with this so I stopped responding. Fast forward to November they had followed me on all of my social medias. I ended up blocking them on everything because again I didn’t feel comfortable. I didn’t become friends with this person so it was very odd for them to get my phone number off the back fridge and start texting me and then to follow me on social medias. Moral of the story I told my manager about this and nothing happened. I was told I wouldn’t be scheduled with them, but I have been recently. Did they forget about the situation IDK, but mind blowing.
Person #2- This happened in April. We were working on the floor and I had corrected this partner twice because it was very obvious mistakes and I had to redo the work for them. They weren’t shaking any refreshers, so I had to go remake them because I didn’t feel comfortable giving that out as I was on drive thru. They then got switched to oven and weren’t putting stickers on the bags, just handing me bags of food, so I asked them to please put stickers on the bag. This was probably my third time when I said make sure your putting stickers on the bag because idk what ur giving me. They then lost their temper and called me a bitch. I reported this to my manager and nothing happened once again. how do they get away with this makes no sense.. right?
Okay last person I had to deal with was yesterday. Person #3. I was on drive thru from about 7am-1pm. I only got my lunch and a 10 and that was really my only break from drive. Around 1pm I got moved to bar for my last 30 minutes. Not even 10 minutes into me being on bar my shift asked me to collect all the trashes and take them outside. I haven’t been at my strongest due to mental health issues and was recently in the hospital. EVERYONE KNOW THIS BTW. and I JUST GOT ON BAR. I then replied with ugh okay. And they responded with I can have another partner do it if your going to complain. MIND BLOWING. I was like no i’ll just do it, you asked me Ill do it i’m not putting that on another partner. So I collected the THREE trash cans that were semi full (might i add). the one trash I didn’t take out was by person #2 and I’m not going by them as again I feel unsafe and harassed by that partner. After I collected all the trashes person #3 goes around LOOKING at every trash can to “check my work” im guessing? At this point i’m pissed off and I only have about 10 minutes left of my shift. So i go to the back room, go thru the back door and enter the restroom to cool off. I’m in the bathroom and i hear a huge slam. they slammed the back door that I’m supposed to go thru after I use the restroom to get back to the bar, ovens and all that. So i leave the restroom and walk back to the bar and that is basically the end of it. Oh i forgot to add after they checked all the trash cans they went and did a lobby check and was slamming the chairs against the table????? This person hasn’t liked me since they came to our store. they’ve only been here for like 6 months. I have barely had a conversation with this person because they are always rude. I say hi, they just smile and put up their hand to say hi. So I gave up on putting any effort into any type of relationship with them.
I feel so singled out. I hate going to work because now this is the third PERSON to have an issue. two of them are male, one nonbinary. I am a female. I feel attacked every time I go to work. My manager has done nothing about person #1 & #2. Nor are they protecting me in any single way.
I really just needed to rant and wanted to ask what yall would do in this situation. If you have any questions please ask. I may have missed some details as I’m just very annoyed and upset, so I apologize for that.
submitted by Specific_Garden_4305 to starbucksbaristas [link] [comments]
