Shooting morphine sulfate cr

should i cr my 8th grade grades

2024.05.19 05:41 Cultural-Wafer-129 should i cr my 8th grade grades

hey, i’m a junior in hs who has gotten good grades since freshman year. my eighth grade year was online though, and i slacked off (got low 90s). this lowered my class rank and cummulative average.
with that being said, should i ask my guidance counselor if i could cr my grades? for preface my average is a 99.7 and would go up to a 100.7. i know it isn’t a big difference but it would make my rank go up to around 30-20/1000 in preface to around 60/1000 (officially changes on my transcript and i would firstly have to contact my middle school for approval). also, i’m shooting for a T20/top state school.
thanks, any advice is vastly appreciated!
submitted by Cultural-Wafer-129 to CollegeAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:22 candee710 Do I have a case against the hospital that

Around Thanksgiving last year, my 22 year old daughter Izzy started complaining about her back hurting. We just assumed she pulled a muscle or had a pinched nerve. After a couple weeks, the pain seemed to be getting worse. She went to urgent care on a Friday and they confirmed she probably had a pinched nerve. They gave her some meds. That following Monday (Dec. 18) she was in a lot of pain, so I rushed her to the hospital. It was her back and her left arm now bothering her. They blew her off and said that she was fine. I insisted that she get an MRI or cat scan done. Finally at my request they did a cat scan on her back and said they didn't see anything wrong. They said it's probably a pinched nerve, gave her more meds and sent us home.
The week of Christmas everything changed. She woke up each night covered in sweat. On the 28th, her heart was beating fast, she was extremely pale, and had two knots appear on the left side of her neck and one under her left underarm. I brought her to a different hospital.
When we got to the ER, they immediately took her to a room. Her vitals were extremely high (170 heart rate) from the pain she was in. They were considering that she could have meningitis or mono. They wanted to get tests ran right away. They admitted her, and did a spinal tap and MRI. 2 days later (Saturday) the doc said they found a large tumor on her spine. Can't say if it's cancer yet, she would need a biopsy first. They informed us that she would be moved that day to their sister hospital that specializes in cancer.
When we arrived, she was put on the neurology ward in a regular room. They immediately put her on a lot of meds. She was on so many pain drugs, (Oxy, Dilaudid, muscle relaxers, Morphine, Xanax, etc.) that I kept asking, "Is this end of life? Can she overdose from all these drugs?" They would respond with, "no, it's just to keep her comfortable and we're trying to get her heart rate down." On New years day they gave her Ativan. She responded horribly to it. It was a rough day. She was hallucinating and freaking out all day and night. The next day she told them to NEVER give her that again. They told her when we first arrived that anything she didn't want to take, they would respect and not put it in her charts to receive. They would put it under allergies. We assumed they would do so as they said they would.
They finally did the biopsy on Wednesday the 3rd. When she came back from surgery, she wouldn't wake up. She slept all day Wednesday and most of Thursday. I was really concerned.They kept adding more pain meds to her chart. I again was scared she would forget to breathe. That night she wasn't breathing properly and her vitals were going down. She had to be rushed to NeuroICU. They got her stable and explained it was from all the different drugs. They explained that it's trial and error. They're trying to figure out what works for her and they decided to put her on a drip line of Dilaudid. They still gave her other drugs but Dilaudid seemed to help her pain somewhat. They also said she had a spot on her lungs what looked like pneumonia starting.
All week she was constantly telling us that she was losing feeling in her legs and her left arm. By Saturday of that week she was paralyzed. They finally took her for an MRI and saw that the tumor had spread up and down her spine and to her ovaries, and it was stealing her blood supply. She would need emergency surgery asap. They of course came to explain what was happening and the surgeon informed me that Ativan would be used during surgery. I immediately told him no, and that she is allergic to it and it was supposed to be on her allergy list. I explained to him what happened when she received it before. On Sunday they rushed her into surgery and cut the blood supply to the tumor. It was too dangerous to try and remove any of the tumor. They didn't know if the paralysis was permanent, but they were hopeful that the surgery would work. It didn't we would later find out.
When she returned from surgery, she was out of control. She was violent and cursing at me. In 22 years I had never heard her curse, but she was fluent! She was hallucinating bad and kept freaking out. It was scary to watch. They decided to give her some meds to make her to sleep, to help her heal. For 2 straight days my baby screamed blood curdling screams, she would cry out "mommy, mommy" while she slept. She screamed so much and so loud that anyone in ear shot were questioning what was going on. It was heartbreaking to witness. I thought she was having a bad reaction to the anesthesia. I later found out that they were giving her Ativan anyway. They NEVER put it in her chart as an allergy the week before, and the doctor disregarded what I said about not giving her that. They had other options they could have used but he still chose to do what he wanted. I only found out because the nurse mentioned that she would be right back with her Ativan. The nurse had no knowledge that my daughter refused that medication previously. I informed her not to give that drug to her. She went and spoke with the attending physician who changed it to haldol and ketemine. That was Monday night. By Wednesday she finally calmed down from screaming, so they decided to try and wake her up.
When she woke up she could no longer speak properly, use her left arm, or move her legs. Her fingers and toes were turning black. They said it was from a certain med she was on. That it's normal. A lay person could see something was horribly wrong.
Everyday we would see up to 30 doctors. I say we, because I never left her side. One would say one thing while another would say something else. It was confusing and scary. We still didn't have a diagnosis. We just knew she had cancer. They suspected stage 4 but couldn't say until pathology came back. It was traumatic and a nightmare. It went from a diagnosis of a pinched nerve to stage 4 cancer in a matter of a week. WTF?
We finally got the diagnosis on Tuesday the 9th.. Stage 4 anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Very rare and aggressive. They said they were starting chemo immediately. They gave her the first dose that Wednesday night. We had hope. It was a rollercoaster of terror, but the doctors kept saying that she could beat this. I googled everything I could and prayed for a miracle. It's always been my girl and I, so I was desperate for her to live through this. She wasn't just my daughter, she was literally my everything.
By week 2, she needed blood on a daily basis. She couldn't eat or drink. She couldn't relieve herself. She couldn't move. She couldn't speak clearly to explain her needs or wants. Her breathing was shallow. Her vitals were not normal. They would go down and then jump extremely high. She was so out of it, that they had to come to me concerning everything. Her oxygen was dropping significantly and they had to keep changing out the masks and oxygen levels to help her breathe. They kept changing her meds and she had multiple complications from that. They couldn't find any good spots on her arms to put her IVs anymore, and her legs were so swollen that they couldn't locate a useable spot anywhere. They put it on her right side of the neck. During all this she had multiple medical emergencies. One example is they said that spot on her lungs wasn't pneumonia but they now suspected a small blood clot. That medicine she was given would hopefully help, the only problem was that medication was causing problems for her back surgery. A few days later we found out it was blood and it was completely filled up in her chest. She was drowning in her own blood. They couldn't do surgery right away because she would bleed out since her platelets were so low even while receiving blood transfusions. That blood was somehow going into her lungs. I was floored. Everyday I would ask about it and I was told it was getting better, nothing to worry about. In fact the doctor said that very morning it had cleared up significantly. Imagine my shock when the critical team comes rushing in that evening to do ultrasounds on her and tells me they suspect it's why her breathing was going downhill.
On Monday she was transferred to a MICU room on a different floor. This floor felt uneasy to me. There was death all around and you could see it. They said that this floor was where her main doctors were, so that she would get the best care. Now they introduce fentanyl to her med regimen. They explained it that it would help with her pain. She would be allowed so much every hour if needed.
The next day they decided to do the surgery to put a tube in her chest to drain the blood. She now had an extremely dangerous back surgery, staples running up her entire back with tubes, a huge scar under her arm from the biopsy with tubes, and now a huge tube coming out her chest. Her fingers and toes at this point were in a stage of necropsy. But they couldn't do anything about it. They would just have to fall off in time. It was devastating. My daughter was a trooper through out this whole time. She never complained or was negative. She was just scared when she understood what was going on. Honestly I've never seen so much courage in my life.
When it came to her pain meds she was only on fentanyl and Dilaudid drip. She would only receive it when she asked. That was her rule. She was scared she would overdose or become hooked on it and didn't want that monster on her back. She would be in so much pain but would just sit through it. Her vitals were better, but when the pain would become to much to bare, her heart rate would go into the 150 to 170 range. As soon as she got some meds it would go down to the teens to low twenty's.
On Thursday night she had a new nurse. He would administer pain meds even when she didn't request it. I saw him give her shot when she was sleeping. I walked in on him. I asked him if she requested it as I saw she was asleep and he said no. He stated he was trying to keep her comfortable. I asked him not to unless she asks. He didn't listen.Throughout the night as we slept, he would give her meds that she didn't even need. He gave her haldol. She only received that for two days after her back surgery. No one had given her that since. He would give her a shot of fentanyl behind it. I later found this out while talking with her doctors and from her records.
That Friday morning she started having these weird episodes, what later looked like seizures to me. Her vitals would drop and she would go into a deep stare. They blamed the meds. It was constant apologies for her being over medicated again. Even the doctor didn't understand why he gave her so much.She had 4 separate episodes before they (at my constant request) sent her to get a MRI done.
She had a blood clot in her brain. Again they said nothing to worry about. But after experiencing what we went through already, I was highly concerned. As I should have been. They kept apologizing and said they would change her medication up again. I told them it wasn't the medicine it was the nurse. I couldn't understand why he would give her two doses of haldol when she didn't need it. The nurse said my daughter was anxious and thought it would help. My daughter was sleeping so how could she have been anxious. I went off. Something in my spirit was telling me to get her out of there. But how could I when she was hooked up to all these tubes. She was suffering and I couldn't help her. The only thing I could do was use my voice to try and protect her and be her advocate. The next day Jan. 20th, I woke up after a couple hours of sleep, and I knew something was wrong. She was awake and trying to talk. Her vitals were back at a steady 170 with high blood pressure and a low oxygen number so I knew she was in pain. I could feel it in every bone of my body something was different that day. I felt my baby didn't have long as I thought cancer was winning. I called all of our family to come see her. I can't explain it. At one point I pulled one of her doctors out of her room and begged him to tell me what was happening. Shoot it to me straight. He kept saying she's always been critical but she would pull through. He had so much hope.
They gave her some meds to help bring her vitals down and it started to work again. Her vitals started going from 160 to 150. At this point she was having a brain scan done in her room to see what the episodes were exactly. She was awake but could no longer move from her neck down. Which had just started the 2 days before. She had a blood infection and they had to move the pic line from the right side of her neck to the left side but we're unsuccessful because she had obstructions there (2 huge tumors) They had to put the new line back on the right side in the back of the neck. I don't know what happened since I wasn't allowed in the room. I do know my daughter said after they finished, she wasn't able to feel anything but her face. She never turned her head again.
During that day she kept having flem and spit from the congestion she had due to the chest infection and surgery. I would sit there and suck it out for her. No problem, I had been doing it for days with no complaints on my end. The doctors were coming in and out constantly all day to check her brain test and at one point the doctor seeing me and my nephew take shifts suctioning her out said he wanted to try a new medicine she had never received. My daughters nurse interrupted him and said that she didn't think that it was a good idea. They went back and forth for a few minutes and I stepped in and said, it was fine, I would sit there and suction out forever if I had to. Something felt different in this exchange as well. In all of 24 days of being in the hospital, I never saw a nurse challenge a doctor. I immediately went to the computer, where the nurse had typed in the order for this drug, and googled it. The first thing that popped up, was not to give this drug to someone with high blood pressure or high heart rate. It causes a person's heart rate to shoot up high quickly. It was too late. They already administered it to her. Since her heart rate was already high it caused her to go into cardiac arrest. I just stood there in shock screaming is she in cardiac arrest? To which the doctor finally responded "I'm sorry, yes"
They ushered me and my nephew out of the room so they could work on her. After about 30 minutes they called my phone and told me she flatlined but they got her heart beating again. I went flying back in that room screaming at them. I refused to leave the room. She was now on life support, but there was no hope for her to ever wake up again. After consulting with my family and her doctors, and looking at where her vitals were, I decided to pull the plug. She passed within seconds. I feel like the doctor should have listened to the nurse, but his ego would not allow him to. I feel like he's somehow responsible, but at the same time I saw what was happening to her on a daily basis and what cancer was doing to her body. I also witnessed a lot of negligence too on their part. I've been going back and forth since January 20th, about contacting an attorney and seeing if I have a case. I requested an autopsy to be performed, because I wanted to know what all was wrong with her. They informed me they normally don't do that because of the cancer. I argued with them and said I wanted one anyway. I wanted to know what happened. I was trying to understand this whole situation. 25 days prior it was just supposed to be a pinched nerve, but it wasn't. They explained I would have to pay for the autopsy, and I was okay with that. The next day after she passed away, I received the phone call to give my permission for an autopsy. They said it would take a couple days and would let me know when it was finished so the funeral home could pick up her body.
I've been calling for months about the autopsy report with no luck. Here we are in May, I go to the hospital to get the autopsy results and it's all of five pages. It's not even an autopsy report. It doesn't even state her cause of death. It's just bullshit paperwork. All it mentions is the necropsy to her fingers and toes and her basic info like height and weight. I'm so angry right now. I have her medical records, and I noticed on the 19th of January they finally put she was allergic to Ativan. There's a lot wrong with this situation. I even asked for a CD of all her images, from pathology. What I received only two images come up. Everything else is blocked from opening. I know my daughter took multiple MRIs, ultrasounds,and CAT scans in those three and a half weeks. There's no way it's only two images.
I counted all the times the nurse gave my daughter pain meds that Thursday night and it was double what any other nurse had given her at any other time plus with other drugs she didn't need at that time. I found out that haldol and fentanyl is something they give to patients that's in end of life care. Which I was constantly told my daughter was not. Her death certificate states she passed from lymphoma related cardiac arrest. I'm just so confused on what to do. I feel like I'm letting my daughter down if I don't look into this further.
I'm sorry this a novel. I couldn't just ask a simple question with out the back story for you to understand. It was so much more believe me, this was the short version!
Do I have a case or should I just move on and accept my daughter died from cancer related complications? Thank you....
submitted by candee710 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:51 altarr293 Mini-shifted within my first week of trying, but can’t seem to repeat it

I had doubts that this was real, but I decided to try anyways - since shifting has been a life long dream of mine and I’m 26 now (oddly enough - despite searching for this my entire life - I didn’t know this was an actual concept until very recently).
Within a week, I managed to mini-shift. I first meditated for as long as I could. Then I tried the puppeteer method, which gave me a ton of symptoms, and made me feel like I’m making progress, but didn’t get me to shift.
Then I tried the raven method. At this point, I got those white flashes everyone talks about (and a few other symptoms I tried ignoring), and I was losing control of my thoughts. I suddenly found myself laying down in a white room, trying to raise my head. I was still gaining my vision since it was so bright. There were a few blurry people looking over me. Somehow, I was able to recognize one of them - he was a character from my DR, but he looked a bit different (my DR is from a fictional world that recently had a lot of rework. The character I was seeing was his old design). Somehow I started thinking ‘shoot this isn’t quiet right’, and I ended up instantly back at my CR.
The reason I feel this was a mini-shift was because there was continuity in my consciousness between my CR and DR. When I dream, I can’t remember the start of my dream, or even realize I’m dreaming. But here - I retained my thoughts and memories. I knew exactly what was happening, and was extremely calm throughout. I’ve never experienced anything like this before - I rarely remember my dreams and I’ve never lucid dreamed.
However, that was almost 2 weeks ago. I’ve tried every night since then and I can’t seem to replicate it. Not just that - I can’t seem to get any symptoms at all, or feel any sort of progress. I tried for 2 hours last night and got nowhere. I know symptoms are meant to be ignored - but they’ve been encouragement that I’m on the right path.
Has anyone else experienced this? I thought shifting would be been easier now that I’ve mini shifted and believe in this. Any practical tips would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by altarr293 to shiftingrealities [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:03 Unable-Leader-2193 Democracy requires fire power!!!

Democracy requires fire power!!!
We need this for managed democracy. Arsenal Firearms AF2011A1
submitted by Unable-Leader-2193 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:56 dubbhae Day 6 of Hololive's Hardcore Minecraft Server: After yesterday's hunt of the Wither Skeleton Heads (and a bonus of many Ancient Debris), its time to take on The Wither!

See Previous Day 5 Here
See Following Day 7 Here
Note: Posting at this time due to Sora's upcoming morning Minecraft Stream
Tonight at JP primetime of 22:00 JST the girls will be facing off against The Wither. There may be some prep done beforehand so let's see what happens. It could be a real challenge, or it'll be easily defeated in less than 5 minutes.
General Rules for the server. Written by Pekora in the rulebook, with some edits (NOTE: These rules by Pekora may go through some changes, please make sure to check today's Pekora's News Stream for the latest information):
Additional Rules and Information:
There are also missions for the server. There are two types: Global and Daily
Global Missions:
Today's Daily Missions:
Members Playing but not streaming today:
General Notes:
Wither Fight Notes:
Collecting Ender Pearls in the Nether Notes:
List of members with full Netherite armor: Kaela, Miko, Kiara, Kanade, Hajime, Anya, Koyori.
Today's Death List:
Hololive Member Cause of Death Revival Status
Kazama Iroha Died during the Wither Fight Revived
Hoshinova Moona Lava fell on her in the Nether Cannot be revived.
submitted by dubbhae to Hololive [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:31 Raileyx [ANALYSIS] Split1 and LAN Performance Review - APAC N

[ANALYSIS] Split1 and LAN Performance Review - APAC N
Prior posts:
This is a series where I take a closer look at all the teams and players that played at LAN, review their stats, trace their progress from split1, and talk about the overall role of the region.
Today we're continuing with APAC N - this region is many things. Second-weakest, most top-heavy, and interestingly enough, also the most predictable region overall. Let's get into it.


If APAC S was the weakest, APAC N would be the most imbalanced region. Looking at PVs, most regions have players of pretty much any level, so that when you order them by PV, you see a nice smooth slope from the worst to the best player. APAC N has no player with a value in the 50s. They don't have a player in the 60s either. They also almost don't have a player in the 70s. They go from CR Jusna at 47.0 straight up to KN 4rufa at 79.3.. with nobody inbetween. Things are weird in APAC N.
APAC N has produced a number of great teams, most notably:
  • FNC, who have been considered the strongest APAC N team for ages
  • RJW, formerly REALIZE and FUN123 before that - our tournament winner!
  • PVX, who won the hearts of the crowd by doing well as a duo 2 years ago and who have probably been the most passive team in the world on the international stage, relying on placement points to an unbelievable degree but always doing well with that strategy (although they didn't qualify this time)
  • NTH, there was a stretch where they were the main team next to FNC, but they could never get a great finish at LAN
  • CR, a south korean team that was led by Ras, who was considered one of the best players at that time. They have since completely changed their roster and picked up the orgless team "ganbare otousan", who have also managed to gain quite a following
Once again we'll look at the teams from the last finisher to the best in order.

HAO - 40th

HAO is a Japanese esports organization. They have parted ways with their two coaches on May 10th.
There isn't much to say here. Their stats weren't great during Split 1, and they got worse at LAN. It looks like all three of them got caught off guard by the level of play that was thrown at them on the international stage. There are no big surprises here - you could point out HAO Right as the formerly best player on the squad, who fell to being pretty much the same as his teammates, but at the end of the day, this just looks like a team that simply got run over by everyone else and there wasn't much that any of the three could do about it. HAO 5CG only had 8 kills.
40th place. LAN is brutal.


NORTHEPTION is a Japanese esports organization. They have parted ways with yukaPEROdator on May 14th.
NTH has an interesting history. They've finished APAC N PL in second place both splits in year 3. You'd think that this would mean that they'd be at least decent internationally, but this couldn't be more wrong. Their last finishes internationally have been 28th, 30th, 24th and now 34th - their worst placement so far. Their PL placement in year 4 hasn't been great this time around, barely making it to LAN with an 8th place finish. NTH is a struggling team, and their stats reflect that.
Taida, who has been a household name for APAC N still shows up being ahead, but his performance fell significantly between PL and LAN. YukaPEROdator seems to have been affected even more, as he lost 16.5 PV, which is a lot when your values aren't that good in the first place. With only 11 kills, he was the 6th worst this tournament, sharing that place with COL Kimchi.
One thing that stands out to me is that the entire team had decent damageratios going into the tournament (especially Taida, who had one of the best in the world), but got humbled hard in that department. It seems that where they could trade favourably in APAC N, they got instead put down at LAN. Just like HAO, they likely just got outgunned by teams that were much stronger fighters than anything they were used to. The only player that appears to have been able to put up a fight was Taida, but that's just not enough to even make it into losersbracket2. Taida had the third highest UR of the region, at 25.7.
I'm curious to see where NTH will go from here. I'd love to see them bounce back. We'll have to see who they pick up to replace yukaPEROdator.

RIDDLE - 31st

RIDDLE is a Japanese esports organization. Meltstera has stepped down from the roster on the 12th of April, and UmichanLoveti, who has won PL with FNC 2 splits ago, got signed today, on the 17th of May. Interestingly, Meltstera was his teammate on FNC back then, so Riddle effectively just switched one ex-FNC player out for another one.
Riddle shares this 31st place with 2 other teams, PUA and OXG. They're the last APAC N team that didn't make losers2 and had to go home after only 30 games.
Meltstera immediately stands out as the star-player of the team. He used to play for FNC and has scared NA teams into submission by tapstrafing around their heads for years, making a name for himself as one of the most experienced and mechanically skilled players in APAC N. And I think he's still got it in him, rocking the second highest UR in all of APAC N at 32.1. He certainly tried to carry, but just like with NTH, one strong player isn't enough to make it very far.
Another thing to point out is that Yukio entered LAN as one of the worst players of the field, with the worst damage and damageratio out of everyone (ignoring the 4 chinese/SA squads). He should probably work on his damage, as 276/game really isn't much, but he did seem to improve across the board and actually outkilled both of his teammates. That's nothing to scoff at. With that, he's the 3rd most improved player in the region at PVdiff +16.1! However, this says more about the region as a whole (barely anyone improved in APAC N), and the level he was at before.
Yukio actually has the third lowest dmg/kill value out of everyone at LAN, at only 367 dmg/kill. A cynical person would say that he's really good at stealing kills from Melstera, and a more charitable person would say that he's really making his damage count. I'm neither of those people, so I'll leave it up to the reader to decide which interpretation is more true. He also took the least damage out of everyone in the entire tournament! If we think a second about what that implies, we should quickly come to the conclusion that this is in fact NOT a good thing. Hint: The next 3 players on that list are all on NTC, the chinese team that finished 39th and that had the weakest stats overall by a long shot.
Saku was one of the people with the fewest kills in the tournament at only 8. This puts him at a shared 2nd worst overall, sharing that place with a HAO 5CG. There was probably someone who outkilled the poor guy in just a single game. I don't want to keep going about this, let's just say thank god for Meltstera (who is now gone!) and leave it at that. If nothing changes, I think there's a real chance they don't make LAN next time.
Onto the next team.

Red Rams - 29th

RED Rams is an Japanese team owned by Rakuten esports. They parted ways with their analyst on the 10th of May.
We have finally made it past losers bracket 1 and entered losers bracket 2. Here's the infamous team that got TSM into a world of trouble. Nicewigg jokingly commented that Red Rams was the first team that got the better of TSM by successfully contesting them and making them back off. I will say it not so jokingly: Red Rams are the first team that got the better of TSM by successfully contesting them and making them back off. Kudos to them.
Looking at their stats, it's a beautiful mess. Red Rams is like a mini-Aurora, in the sense that they don't give a damn if they take damage at all, as long as it means that they get to shoot back. Datch and Tikochan both do good damage but eat even more damage. Wayachang takes just as much damage but doesn't deal any, which can't be healthy for the team, but if it's enough to screw TSM then who am I to argue. They're team with the lowest average dmgratio out of all 40 teams, and I repeat: They made TSM leave.
Wayachang was also the player that got carried the 2nd most in all of APAC N. He was also the player that lost most PV between Split1 and LAN for APAC N, at -31.20. If you think back to APAC S, there's probably 10 players there that lost more, but that's APAC S. In APAC N, it's wayachang all the way, going from being the best on his squad to being the worst. I wonder what happened to him, and if they could've put TSM down even harder if wayachang had kept his level.
They're a fun team to watch. If we see them again, I recommend everyone dedicate a game or two to their POV.

Crazy Raccoon - 21st

Crazy Raccoon is a Japanese esports organization. They signed the formerly orgless team \"ganbare otousan\".
Here's the team with the 3rd best name, only behind "Reject Winnity" and behind what happens when you translate MDYw to english. Not surprising, as these guys had the absolute best name and also the best logo before they got signed, when they played as "ganbare otousan".
So how did they do? They missed finals by just 2 points. In a different world they could've denied Alliance their spot in the finals, but it didn't happen this time. Maybe it's karma for them sneaking into winners bracket in 20th after group stages. Just looking at their placement, if there's a team that's "the average team", it's probably them.
The first thing I notice when looking at the stats is that there's a beautiful staircase going up from Dogma's dmg all the way to jungHee's dmgratio. If jungHee had gotten 80 more kills, we could've added another step, but that also wasn't meant to be, as he got the fewest kills on his team.
jungHee's stats are a little strange, because they're just so unbalanced - his dmgratio is obviously great and it seems that he can regularly outtrade everyone in fights, but he doesn't get too many kills. He's the only CR player who runs the triple take (although it's not his primary gun), so maybe that goes some way to explain these stats, but even then it's pretty high and he really didn't play the triple take THAT much. It looks like he's really just a step above when it comes to efficient fighting and poking without getting poked back instantly.
Jusna's stats are bit more even where jungHee's are not, but they come out to be around the same at the end, as his overall PV is pretty similar to that of jungHee.
As for Dogma, he managed to improve by getting more kills, but seems to have gotten carried both at LAN and during Split1. At -27.4UR he is very clearly falling behind his teammates. The bottom step of the grande dogma-jungHee staircase is especially concerning - at the 6th percentile for damage, it seems like Dogma is barely doing any damage at all. This is the 3rd worst for APAC N and the 8th worst in the world, despite being on a team that really isn't doing too poorly (again, they almost made it to finals!). Despite that, he's the 5th most improved player in the region. This is mostly because almost nobody in the region does any improving.
In conclusion, jungHee and Jusna played great, Dogma not so much.


KINOTROPE gaming is a Japanese esports organization. They have since parted ways with the entire roster.
One of three APAC N finalists, this team has some interesting stats. The obvious player to talk about is KN 4rufa who has the highest UR out of all players this tournament, with 48.9UR, meaning he was the hardest carry player. What a tournament for him. Remember this clip? That's him right there, carrying KN on his back. Just a godly performance all around. He has a PV of 79.3, which is the highest we've seen so far. At +26.57PV he was also the most improved player in APAC N, and the 11th most improved in the world. He had the greatest positive UR change in all of APAC N and the 4th greatest in the world, at +48.68! But UR is teambased, so it didn't only have to do with him, it also had to do with....
MiaK, who was the carry player during split1 and he was the player who has lost the 2nd most PV in APAC N (-28.87), only behind RR wayachang. The same thing is true for UR, where he again gets beaten by wayachang. Nevertheless, his PV is still pretty good for APAC N at 44.8, it's just not the same MiaK that we've seen during PL. His greatest weakness seemed to be that he just took a lot of damage. Playing in a weaker region can build bad habits that are then relentlessly exploited by the top teams in the world, so maybe a bit of that has happened here. Sloppy positioning, peeking a second too long, moving just a little too predictably - all things that you can get away with in APAC N, but once you get squeezed between DZ and AUR you'll find yourself in a world of hurt if you don't play it perfectly.
1tappy was the weakest player on the squad during LAN and during Split1, but where he managed to get kills before, it appears he is now struggling to simply survive. He was the player who got carried the most in all of APAC N by a large margin, with a UR of -45.9, which is the 6th overall for this tournament.
My biggest questions after viewing this team are: Can 4rufa keep it going, and will he be the next up and coming player in APAC N? And: Can MiaK bounce back from this performance and reclaim his old level?Definitely keeping an eye on that roster next split, provided they stay together. One of the teams where I can't guess at all at how they're going to do going forward.

FNATIC - 3rd

Before we get to the last two teams let us take a quick breather and look at this old thing:
Discussion before LAN with a few guys from the apex power rankings, shoutout to - RJW, DZ and FNC went on to finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively.
It's march and I had been looking at stats for PL, noticing that certain teams appear to have extremely odd numbers, where odd means out of this world, crazy outliers. FNC's stats were so good that I thought I had made a mistake somewhere and inflated them by accident, but they turned out to be real. What's the deal with FNC? Let's set the scene a little.
Going back in time, they had YukaF, Meltstera and Umichanloveti, then that squad dissolved and FNC was rebuilt around YukaF, who was the carry player at the time. I believe he needs no introduction, as he's literally THE APAC N player. Possibly the most famous player of the region, except for maybe Ras who no longer plays the game.
So who else do they pick up?
  1. Lykq. He plays split2 on Naked (now known as Riddle), together with 4rufa, who we know is INSANELY good. Both of them had PVs in the 90s - but Lykq's value was even better than 4rufa's. At playoffs he sets himself apart from 4rufa, Lykq's UR there is 38 (!) while 4rufa is lagging far behind. Fast forward to champs, he's now on NTH where he has a UR of 28, so he's carrying there too. But if you think that is impressive, look at his teammate on NTH, who was the second pickup:
  2. Satuki. Forget about the placements and look at the stats, he's the hard carry player of NTH. Playoff1 last year he has the highest UR on his team at 27, carrying hard, before Lykq joined the team. Split2 last year, he has a PV of 94.1, which is the 5th highest in the region. Playoffs2, he has the 2nd highest UR in the world, only behind ezflash. Champs? Highest UR for all of APAC N. If hardcarry was a person, it would be Satuki. And he hasn't played on a bad squad either, he's been on NTH all this time. That is not a bad team! Lykq was on that team!!
We take 2 hardcarry players who played on the best teams in APAC N and give them to YukaF, what a brilliant plan. What do we get? A monstrosity.
Fnatic is a British esports organization. Their team is also pretty good at apex.
Lykq has the 3rd highest k/d in the world, only behind two DZ players, who had the benefit of farming group stages to a truly disgusting degree. He also had the most kills in the tourney, at 72. That's 6 more than genburten, which is crazy considering that DZ broke all records during the group stages.
YukaF is YukaF.
Satuki plays just as well as when he carried NTH, which is to say.. FNC doesn't have a weak link. They could've easily won it all. They almost did.

Reject Winnity - 1st

REJECT WINNITY is a Japanese esports organization. Our tournament winners!
They're another superteam, but unlike FNC which was carefully constructed to be a superteam, they just grew together over time and all became goats together.
Sangjoon really came in with all 100s, and that's despite the 15% NA-buff that i discussed at the start of the last post. This man deals more damage in PL than I do in pubs. He also has the best dmgratio in the world, at 1.64 - For reference, the second best player (RC obly), has a dmgratio of 1.45. That is quite the gap. How does he do it? Peacekeeper-magic, being a human aimbot, he might also just be a savant when it comes to playing around cover. Seriously, if you've never watched him play, you need to check him out for a game or two.
There's only a few players that I would consider for the title of best in the world (EZflash, SangJoon and Genburten), and he's probably the most serious contender. Absolutely insane performance.
On to Obly. His lowest value is 97. Wtf Obly?
KaronPe is a bit behind in damage, but he was on Wattson so that's understandable. Seeing this guy putting down fences, he puts them down faster than RR puts down TSM. My goodness.
I could go on, but I don't think I need to. The stats speak for themselves. Overall, I don't think anyone can argue that these guys didn't deserve the win. What a joy to watch, and I can't wait to see what they do next.

Closing thoughts on APAC N

RJ winning and FNC coming third can give the mistaken impression that APAC N is a strong region. They are not. APAC N is a region with two outstanding superteams, and then... well, what then? There are 6 players over PV80 in the region, all of which are shared between RJ and FNC. 4rufa is close, but that's it. Who else is there?
Taida, who has struggled for quite some time. MiaK, who looked good during the Split, but has seemingly lost his touch, at least during this LAN. Meltstera? Looking good, but again, doesn't have the teammates to back him up and has stepped down from his team. There are some obscure players like Raygh and Kuroton who didn't make LAN but had the highest UR values in the world for split1 - there's probably something there, but there's a fair chance that they'll simply go unnoticed. The PVX players have all been looking pretty bad recently. CR seems to have found their limits as well. Jusna is a demon if he wants to be, but where was he this LAN? Or at champs? Or at Playoffs2? There are a few other stragglers, players like UmichanLoveti that didn't look too great recently, but at least have a history of great play if you look further back.
Looking at APAC S, I can easily see the potential for 3-4 additional top tier teams that could be formed rather easily by switching out just a single player. In APAC N, I can barely see one additional team, maybe two at most. It seems like the talent just got insanely concentrated and now the rest of the region is struggling to keep up. While it is great to see APAC N on top, the performance of the rest of the region does not give me much confidence for the future. What I'd like to see from them is at least one more team that can reliably get close to the top10 at LAN, but I'm not sure if that's in the cards.
Final Stats
  • Average PV: 44.7
  • Average PV diff: -1.3
showing that APAC N performed basically as expected, but still poorly overall. Of the 4 regions, these are the second lowest averages. APAC S isn't too far behind them. If the top2 teams are removed as outliers, that average drops to 28.4 for APAC N, for APAC S it only drops to 37.9. If you are a fan of APAC N, those numbers should scare you. They scare me.
correlations Split1 to LAN:
  • Dmgratio 0.71
  • Dmg 0.83
  • KD 0.83
  • PV 0.89 (!!!)
  • UR 0.57
The correlations are frankly insane. APAC N was the most predictable region by far. 0.89 means that the values are almost perfectly correlated, which seems unbelievable but I guess when the model works it REALLY works.
Highest PV players
  • RC obly 97.2
  • RC SangJoon 97.1
  • FNC Lykq 96.0
  • FNC YukaF 93.0
  • FNC satuki 89.7
Highest UR players (hardest carry)
  • KN 4rufa 48.9
  • RID Meltstera 32.1
  • NTH Taida 24.6
  • RR Datch 19.0
  • CR Jusna 16.7
Most improved players
  • KN 4rufa 26.6
  • FNC Lykq 17.1
  • RID Yukio 16.1
  • RR Tikochan 15.9
  • CR Dogma 11.9
And that's it for APAC N - EMEA is up next.
Note: There were two errors with the data before, which is why this post took so long to get out - I was waiting for the data to get fixed before posting.
1) The site that I use for my data (shoutout to ) pulls all the data directly from the tournament, and apparently their API had some sort of buffering issue for one single game, which is why game 3 of the finals was just missing from the data. The team that has been most affected by this was LG (especially Fuhhnq who had a gazillion kills that game), since that particular game was the best game they had all tournament. Luckily, none of the most affected teams were APAC S, so nothing much changed there, and the APAC S post is still pretty accurate.
2) Zone damage was bugged and was counted in dmg received, which should've not been the case. This means that the dmgratio value too low for every player. Since I only use relative values for the PV, and everyone was affected the same way, this ended up not mattering too much, except for a few outliers. Luckily (again), there weren't any weird zone outlier teams for APAC S, so again this ended up not mattering much for the last post. The team was affected the most was Aurora, who got buffed a little bit because they practically live in zone, so now their dmgratios are a bit better.
Overall, changes of +/-2 PV were typical, so it's not a lot. The overall picture remains unchanged despite these errors, so I will not go back and edit the post.
The most important change is that Gnaske is no longer the #1 most improved player, I think he got fried a bit too hard in the missing game 3. Also, o7 only took very little damage to zone, which further nerfed them and is related to something very funny I'll talk about in the next post. Sorry Gnaske!
The most improved player is now HRZ Bastiaan0Z from APAC S, who was a close 2nd before and just barely overtook Gnaske.
submitted by Raileyx to CompetitiveApex [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:38 JackMiHoff113 CARD CONCEPT: Toy Train!

Im not artistically talented enough to develop a mock up drawing of the card, but here is a unique idea I had for a unique card!
Ive always felt that it would be cool if a wall type building could be implemented into CR. Although, I think a basic wall from COC would be boring and not add much to the game. Instead: how about the Toy Train!
The Toy Train would be a 3 elixir spell that can be placed anywhere on the arena. When placed, it could travel vertically or horizontally from bottom to top (if chosen vertically) or left to right (if chosen horizontally) on a 1x1 tile path. It would travel at a medium pace, and no ground troops would be able to pass through its path until its passed. Although, because its a “toy” train, its small enough for cards to shoot projectiles or fly over. Even the mega knight could leap over it!
If placed in the path of a princess or king tower it would “warp” its path to go around the tower. I feel this would be best as the card is not meant to be a damage spell, but rather a spell to control troop movement.
Essentially, the spell would serve as a “moving wall”. It could be used for many purposes. You could prevent the RG from being in range, stop a push to let the duchess recharge daggers before units cross the bridge, stop Giant from crossing bridge when graveyard is played, or, stop your troops from being kited to the other side of the opponents half.
submitted by JackMiHoff113 to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:32 HashTagFinallyWoke Immigrant Store Clerk Khushwilder Singh Pursuing The American Dream Robbed & Killed, Kiree Hayes, Tyler Miller & Damien Cobb Charged with Murder

Immigrant Store Clerk Khushwilder Singh Pursuing The American Dream Robbed & Killed, Kiree Hayes, Tyler Miller & Damien Cobb Charged with Murder
Kiree Daron Hayes, Tyler Miller, Damien Cobb, Khushwilder Singh
submitted by HashTagFinallyWoke to Justice4Victims [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:30 Far-War-3804 A28 A DELTA FORCE STRIKE TEAM ARRESTED 86-year-old WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (WEF) founder KLAUS SCHWAB Friday following a DEADLY FIREFIGHT that STARTED at the FORTIFIED GATE at his 7,770-square-foot, SIX-ACRE compound in SWITZERLAND and ENDED in HIS BED-CHAMBER, where THE DEATH-BRINGING GEEZER LAY in B

A Delta Force strike team arrested 86-year-old World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab Friday following a deadly firefight that started at the fortified gate at his 7,770-square-foot, six-acre compound in Switzerland and ended in his bed-chamber, where the death-bringing geezer lay in bed hooked up to a self-dispensing Adrenochrome infusion machine, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
The overdue arrest came after White Hats formally labeled Schwab an international war criminal based on undisclosed evidence showing that he helped orchestrate the Covid plandemic and the Great Reset—the dismantlement of capitalism, the dissolution of private property rights, and the enslavement or eradication of all resistance, globally.
According to our source, White Hats also had a grudge against Schwab. After the WEF spent 32 hours discussing Disease X—a deadly, emerging, manufactured contagion for which COVID-19 was a practice run—at January’s “rebuilding trust” (the irony) conference in Davos, White Hats obtained credible intelligence suggesting that a shipment of a Disease X “component” would arrive at the Port of San Francisco, aboard an Iberian-flagged freighter, on February 6. When the vessel arrived, White Hats were waiting. They raided the ship and found in the hold coolers of a glassy, viscous liquid stored in beakers and flasks. Suspended in the liquid were shimmering silver flecks no larger than a piece of dandruff. The ship’s crew claimed ignorance, saying they were merely transporting “engine lubricant,” per the ship’s manifest. A White Hat Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) team seized the shipment, rushing it to Fort Leonard Wood for chemical analysis. The liquid turned out to be soapy water, and the flecks were micro-fine cosmetic glitter used by women to accentuate their eyes. One cooler held a typewritten note: “Fooled you.”
The duping, our source admitted, enraged General Smith, for it consumed time and resources, but was only a tertiary reason for pursuing “one of the most prolific criminals in human history.”
“On April 5 the general and his allies at Army Special Operations Command planned Schwab’s capture. Intelligence, and we hoped it was more solid than the boat intel, said Schwab was pretty much bedridden but protected by a massive security force. There was no sneaking in—the general had blueprints to his home-fortress—and a gunfight seemed certain, and reaching Schwab before his people hustled him into his panic room,” our source said.
He wouldn’t say how or when Delta arrived in Switzerland or whether Swiss authorities participated in the operation, as fusillades of gunfire would certainly alert local authorities and, perhaps, the federal police.
“We knew it would be a run-and-gun op. And the decision was to do it this weekend,” he said. “I’m not going to bullet point our tech, but we can, from a distance, temporarily disable pretty much any alarm system on the planet, and his was no exception.”
The operation commenced in the predawn hours, the window of circadian low, defined as the hours of 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., when physiological sleepiness is greatest and performance capabilities—such as reacting to an armed incursion–are lowest. Delta hoped to find some guards asleep or drowsily unvigilant.
Delta snipers with suppressor-equipped rifles shot three gate and five perimeter guards in the head. Eight shots, eight confirmed kills. Meanwhile, more Delta scaled the stone wall surrounding Schwab’s fortress and engaged a gaggle of armed goons, killing seven and grievously wounding five more. One Delta was shot in the arm and leg but kept fighting. Another got zipped by a ribbon of submachine gun fire and died.
The phalanx of gunfire continued as Delta fought their way to the front door; two soldiers set charges while six others covered them, rippling off lethal controlled bursts that dropped four more approaching guards. The door splintered into countless shards of hardwood and twisted metal—the explosion disemboweled three interior guards who were standing behind it. Delta stepped over their guts and pressed forward, clearing the house room by room and shooting dead all opposition. Four guards came wheeling around a spiral staircase face-first into a Delta barrage of bullets.
Delta’s precisely placed shots eviscerated a pair of sentries guarding the master bedroom and perforated two more standing at the foot of Schwab’s bed.
Schwab had fear in his watery eyes and an IV line running from his wrist to what looked like a morphine pump. When a soldier tore the line from his wrist, Schwab murmured, “No, I need it. Help me.”
“If it were up to me, I’d help put you out of your misery right now,” the Delta operator told him, per a debriefing report.
Delta heaved Schwab from his bed and hurriedly ushered him downstairs and outside. As Delta Force was exfiltrating the property, four guards wielding AR-15-style rifles met them at the gate, lowering their weapons at seeing Schwab in Delta’s clutches.
“Don’t shoot, we might hit the boss,” one had said.
Delta hosed them down. No survivors.
“We have four wounded and one KIA. They retrieved their fallen brother’s body. He died a hero. I won’t say where we have Schwab right now, but I will say where he’s going—GITMO. Unfortunately, ending Schwab doesn’t end WEF. We still have a lot of work to do. And we confirmed he was taking Adrenochrome—that’s what was in the machine next to his bed,” our source said.
He added that President Trump was informed about the operation and that the hospitalization trope is a Deep State cover story.
submitted by Far-War-3804 to CourtofAges [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:26 eddy_talon [WTS][BC] Some more gear and accessories

Epic spring cleaning. PayPal, e-Transfer, or cash. Local in Metro Vancouver-area for meetup, can also ship. Currently not open to trades, sorry.

Gear and clothing:

Gun parts and airsoft-specific accessories:

submitted by eddy_talon to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]


A Delta Force strike team arrested 86-year-old World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab Friday following a deadly firefight that started at the fortified gate at his 7,770-square-foot, six-acre compound in Switzerland and ended in his bed-chamber, where the death-bringing geezer lay in bed hooked up to a self-dispensing Adrenochrome infusion machine, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
The overdue arrest came after White Hats formally labeled Schwab an international war criminal based on undisclosed evidence showing that he helped orchestrate the Covid plandemic and the Great Reset—the dismantlement of capitalism, the dissolution of private property rights, and the enslavement or eradication of all resistance, globally.
According to our source, White Hats also had a grudge against Schwab. After the WEF spent 32 hours discussing Disease X—a deadly, emerging, manufactured contagion for which COVID-19 was a practice run—at January’s “rebuilding trust” (the irony) conference in Davos, White Hats obtained credible intelligence suggesting that a shipment of a Disease X “component” would arrive at the Port of San Francisco, aboard an Iberian-flagged freighter, on February 6. When the vessel arrived, White Hats were waiting. They raided the ship and found in the hold coolers of a glassy, viscous liquid stored in beakers and flasks. Suspended in the liquid were shimmering silver flecks no larger than a piece of dandruff. The ship’s crew claimed ignorance, saying they were merely transporting “engine lubricant,” per the ship’s manifest. A White Hat Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) team seized the shipment, rushing it to Fort Leonard Wood for chemical analysis. The liquid turned out to be soapy water, and the flecks were micro-fine cosmetic glitter used by women to accentuate their eyes. One cooler held a typewritten note: “Fooled you.”
The duping, our source admitted, enraged General Smith, for it consumed time and resources, but was only a tertiary reason for pursuing “one of the most prolific criminals in human history.”
“On April 5 the general and his allies at Army Special Operations Command planned Schwab’s capture. Intelligence, and we hoped it was more solid than the boat intel, said Schwab was pretty much bedridden but protected by a massive security force. There was no sneaking in—the general had blueprints to his home-fortress—and a gunfight seemed certain, and reaching Schwab before his people hustled him into his panic room,” our source said.
He wouldn’t say how or when Delta arrived in Switzerland or whether Swiss authorities participated in the operation, as fusillades of gunfire would certainly alert local authorities and, perhaps, the federal police.
“We knew it would be a run-and-gun op. And the decision was to do it this weekend,” he said. “I’m not going to bullet point our tech, but we can, from a distance, temporarily disable pretty much any alarm system on the planet, and his was no exception.”
The operation commenced in the predawn hours, the window of circadian low, defined as the hours of 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., when physiological sleepiness is greatest and performance capabilities—such as reacting to an armed incursion–are lowest. Delta hoped to find some guards asleep or drowsily unvigilant.
Delta snipers with suppressor-equipped rifles shot three gate and five perimeter guards in the head. Eight shots, eight confirmed kills. Meanwhile, more Delta scaled the stone wall surrounding Schwab’s fortress and engaged a gaggle of armed goons, killing seven and grievously wounding five more. One Delta was shot in the arm and leg but kept fighting. Another got zipped by a ribbon of submachine gun fire and died.
The phalanx of gunfire continued as Delta fought their way to the front door; two soldiers set charges while six others covered them, rippling off lethal controlled bursts that dropped four more approaching guards. The door splintered into countless shards of hardwood and twisted metal—the explosion disemboweled three interior guards who were standing behind it. Delta stepped over their guts and pressed forward, clearing the house room by room and shooting dead all opposition. Four guards came wheeling around a spiral staircase face-first into a Delta barrage of bullets.
Delta’s precisely placed shots eviscerated a pair of sentries guarding the master bedroom and perforated two more standing at the foot of Schwab’s bed.
Schwab had fear in his watery eyes and an IV line running from his wrist to what looked like a morphine pump. When a soldier tore the line from his wrist, Schwab murmured, “No, I need it. Help me.”
“If it were up to me, I’d help put you out of your misery right now,” the Delta operator told him, per a debriefing report.
Delta heaved Schwab from his bed and hurriedly ushered him downstairs and outside. As Delta Force was exfiltrating the property, four guards wielding AR-15-style rifles met them at the gate, lowering their weapons at seeing Schwab in Delta’s clutches.
“Don’t shoot, we might hit the boss,” one had said.
Delta hosed them down. No survivors.
“We have four wounded and one KIA. They retrieved their fallen brother’s body. He died a hero. I won’t say where we have Schwab right now, but I will say where he’s going—GITMO. Unfortunately, ending Schwab doesn’t end WEF. We still have a lot of work to do. And we confirmed he was taking Adrenochrome—that’s what was in the machine next to his bed,” our source said.
He added that President Trump was informed about the operation and that the hospitalization trope is a Deep State cover story.
submitted by Far-War-3804 to CourtofAges [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:12 AndreiRiboli [FO4] (PS4/5) Is there a mod for this?

Is there, or would it be possible to make, a mod that adds a version of, or modification for, the CR-74L CC rifle that shoots lasers? I just want an energy weapon that looks cool.
submitted by AndreiRiboli to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:34 Low_Interest_8600 Having horrible side effects from Percocet and Hydrocodone…

I’ve posted before about a certain brand of hydrocodone causing me problems such as rapid irregular heartbeat, chest pain, headaches etc. I discussed this with my doctor and he switched me to Percocet. Ive had the same symptoms with it including itching with no rash and heavy chest. The thing is with both of these meds the symptoms don’t really occur until the medication has worn off. It honestly makes no sense to me. I will be fine until like 8 hours after taking them or sometimes even 24 hrs after taking them and then I’ll start having killer headaches, pulse shooting to 130s, chest discomfort etc for awhile then it will go away in a few hours. I had an appointment Tuesday with my doctor and he switched me back to hydrocodone but made sure I got a different brand because he thought maybe it was something to do with the filler but low and behold the same thing is happening. Another thing is it seems sometimes I can go for a week or two and not get these symptoms and them all the sudden they come back. I don’t seem to ever get them when I get IV fentanyl or morphine from the hospital. Anyone have any ideas? I’m scared I’m going to be out of options and my doctor is just going to quit giving me any medication if I continue having these issues.
submitted by Low_Interest_8600 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:06 sk716theFirst Updated Case Long Timeline

Updated with autopsy results.
Morphew Case Map - Google My Maps - Barry's iPhone Data - Google My Maps - Barry's Truck Events - Google My Maps
August 5, 1994 – Suzanne Moorman marries Barry Morphew The Alexandria Times-Tribune Alexandria, Indiana 05 Jan 1994, Wed • Page 4
December 1999 – Barry and Suzanne Purchase 26040 Cal Carson Rd, Arcadia, IN This is the house where he dug a hole in the yard and buried everything he didn't want to move to Colorado. (AA ft 55 page 53)
November 2013 – Suzanne Inherits $208,000 upon the Passing of her Mother. MB provided documents that Suzanne inherited approximately $208,000 in 2013 at the passing of her mother.
August 2016 – Suzanne inherits $217,000 upon the death of a grandmother. Suzanne’s grievance list included multiple references to Barry controlling the finances.
April 12, 2018 – The Morphew’s Purchase 19057 Puma Path Barry and Suzanne Morphew purchase 19057 Puma Path for $1,575,000.
June 1, 2018 – The Morphews move to Colorado. (PH – Harris) SA Harris: Yeah, they moved in 2018. I believe they left around June 1st, 2018. to move to Colorado. So roughly a year and a half of the time is what Sheila originally said in that.
September 2018 – Suzanne sends “Howdy stranger” message to JL First contact since high school.
Fall 2018 – Libler’s daughter sees messages from Suzanne on his phone. Libler breaks it off.
Thanksgiving 2018 – Barry obsessive/possessive. While Suzanne was at the Oliver’s house, she had stepped away from her cell phone to use the restroom, and Barry tried calling her several times within a few minutes, then tried calling Sheila, then tried calling Darin.
Holidays 2018 – Suzanne finds Libler’s LinkedIn Page. Relationship Rekindled
January 2019 – The Mexico trip where Barry took Suzanne’s phone Mexico trip mentioned in the grievances list where Barry took Suzanne's phone.
February 11 – 14, 2019 – Suzanne in New Orleans with Libler Barry admitted to questioning Suzanne about the New Orleans trip, further evidence he suspected the affair.
April 2019 – Suzanne meets up with Libler in Indiana She does not see SO on this trip.
July 2019 – Suzanne and Libler meet up in Michigan Barry called SO while Suzanne was in MI visiting her fatheJL, wanting to know why Suzanne wasn't returning his calls.
September 2019 – Barry stalks Suzanne and Shelia Oliver, creeping through woods. Barry stalked Suzanne and Sheila at the Puma Path house in September 2019. This is upon his early return from a trip to Arizona.
October 2019 – Libler and Suzanne in Dallas Suzanne and Libler spend two nights at the Galleria.
September – November 2019 – Barry aggressively pursues KW around Salida. From the first time KW met Barry, she said it felt like "he was putting his tentacles out."
Holidays 2019 – Suzanne and Libler stop talking on the phone because she is afraid Barry will find out. They shift to more covert ways to communicate. Barry's second device makes its first appearance.
January/February 2020 – Suzanne in Florida, gets spy pen, sees Libler Suzanne in Florida, SO gives her the spy pen during this trip. Suzanne records a conversation with Libler on this trip.
Late February 2020 – Suzanne in Florida, sees father and Libler. Suzanne skips out on time with her father to see Libler. Barry goes to Florida.
March 2020 – Spy pen records argument between Suzanne and Barry. “It’s money. It’s about money.” “… I have lived for years being told how I should feel, how I should act, how I should look, what I should drink, what I shouldn’t drink, what I should put in my body, what I shouldn’t put in my body … ”
March 20, 2020 – Jekyll and Hyde text exchange between Suzanne and SO, MM2 suggests restraining order. "It’s Jekyl and Hyde again … Pretty much told him I can’t be healthy and stay in this."
March 22, 2020 – Spy pen records Barry listening to Forensic Files episodes, call with Suzanne on drive to Pueblo Coincidentally one of the episodes involved a woman "disappearing" after a bike ride.
April 21, 2020 – Messages between Suzanne and Libler “I want to be with you,” “I can only be me with you,” I love you,” “I need you.” “You know I was born to love you.”
May 4, 2020 16:05 – Barry makes 3 second outgoing call to Suzanne This was the first logged call in Barry’s phone to or from Suzanne since February 7, 2020.
May 5, 2020 – Suzanne drives MM2 to Gunnison Suzanne drives Macy to Gunnison, CO to meet MM1 for a road/camping trip through Utah and Idaho with MM1's best friend.
May 6, 08:44 – Suzanne sends MM2 a text “Good morning! I miss you already!”
May 6, 10:13 – Suzanne: “I’m done. I could care less what you’re up to and have been for years.” From 14:43 to 17:00 Barry replied, “When I’m dead,” “Going to see my savior,” and “This life on earth is a mear (sic) grain of sand compared to eternity.”
May 6, 2020 – 14:43 – From Barry to Suzanne: “I’m sorry if things went the way they did. I have a problem dealing with the way you accused me of hiding checks. If you think I’m as terrible of a person to hide our accounts and have ones you don’t know about you don’t know me. All I do is for you and the girls. All. When I'm dead, which won't be long, you guys will be taken care of. Please stop being angry. If I can control my hurt heart I think I can overcome your distant unlovingness toward me. Honey, I swear it's the hardest thing I've had to do. I love you I always will.”
May 6, 2020 – 15:51 – Barry to Suzanne: “I promise you were wrong about all the crazy thoughts about me. I have always been faithful. Always. Why would I ever want another when I'm married to the most beautiful, sweet, kind, loving, woman as you? Only a fool would stray from an angel like you.”
May 07, 2020 – Suzanne messages Libler about how magical past days had been. Barry wants a new truck. 16:43 - “Been studying all afternoon. I’m gonna bike now. I’ve got veggie soup on for supper.”
May 7, 2020 – SB puts new tires on Suzanne’s bike Bike mechanic was interviewed by law enforcement.
May 7, 17:13:52 – Barry Works Out at GD’s House Truck log files place Barry at GD's home at 5:13 pm.
May 7, 2020 23:00 – “I finally got the job” text from MM1 goes unanswered. Q (Lindsey): Anything on May 6th that didn’t seem normal? Was there a text from Mallory to Mr. Morphew? A (Grusing): I believe that’s the night of May 7th. Mallory, Macy, and their friend Holly are out on a trip towards Utah and Mallory is sending pictures to both Suzanne and Barry but I was ... Read more
May 08, 07:03 – The Grievance List: Suzanne’s phone backs up a list of 50 reasons why she wanted to leave marriage on “Notes” Not safe alone with you. Can’t be trusted - Oppressive - Slam on brakes when angry - Threaten to jump out of car - Gun ...
May 08, 08:43 – “I will continue to do your invoicing when you need to.” "When FBI Agents showed Barry these texts during interviews in 2021, he said he did not think Suzanne was serious."
May 08, 09:28 – Suzanne texts sister about Barry’s abuse. “It’s hard dealing with the harsh abrasiveness and having to show respect. He’s also been abusive, emotionally and physically. There’s so much … I went thru a period of acceptance and I feel more angry now. Anger at what I’ve allowed.”
May 08, 10:55 Barry: “I Love You, Suzanne.” “But, in the afternoon, it (the text fight) was like it never happened. She texted me back and it was just like, ‘Hey, what time are you coming home? Hey, this or that. Just pick this up or pick that up.'”
May 08, 13:18 – Barry texts Salida Stove and Spa about getting the hot tub fixed. "Asking when he could come out to the home."
May 08, 15:43 – Barry’s iPhone receives an SMS message associated with the unknown device This second device was first used on November 30,2019 and was associated with Barry’s iPhone 91 times since then, compared to 1,701 associations with the primary User ID since November 2019.
May 8, 19:06 – Moonlight Pizza and Phone Calls Barry convinces Suzanne to meet him at the Tailwinds site before going to pick up Moonlight Pizza together.
May 08, 21:04 – 20 Facebook friend requests, 3 men named “Jeff.” Barry’s lurking at the River. Barry was asked about his phone pinging down by the river during the Facebook posts on Friday night and asked if he was outside. Barry said, “I could have been. I don’t remember. I chase critters around the house all the time.”
May 09, 00:02 – Incoming call on Suzanne’s phone (PH CAST) Incoming call on Suzanne’s phone (PH CAST)
May 09, 02:07 – Outgoing call on Suzanne’s phone (PH CAST) 02:07 am outgoing call on SM’s phone (PH CAST)
May 09, 06:00 – Barry’s phone received call (PH CAST) 06:00 am BM’s phone received call (PH CAST)
May 09, 06:46 – Barry’s phone registered “Power On” Comes out of Airplane mode.
May 09, 07:19 – Barry’s cell received signal (PH) Barry’s cell received signal (PH)
May 09, 07:22 – 07:39 – Barry at “Tailwinds” worksite Barry’s phone registered locations at his “Tailwinds” work site near Poncha Springs.
May 09, 07:35 – Suzanne texting SO Discussing Sheila's daughters wedding on Sunday.
May 09, 08:00 – MG was with Barry working on the rock beach site until 10am(?). Gentile: “He said that he had to go make the wife happy – do some hiking or biking.”
May 9 – Morning – Suzanne messaging Jeff “He’s still wanting Arizona.”
May 09, 09:50 – Barry to Suzanne: Want to go on hike? *Text Exchange\* Barry to Suzanne: Want to go on hike?
May 9, 2020 – 11:14 – Suzanne received a second password reset message from Facebook Previous reset was while Barry was down by the river on the evening of the 8th.
May 09, 11:15 est. – Barry tells Morgan Gentile he could “bury a body” and it “would never be found.” Gentile: “He seemed stressed. He definitely seemed weird on Saturday.”
May 09, 11:55 – Dead Turkey Hunt or Barry Takes Down His Trail Cameras Barry said he was looking for a turkey that Mallory had shot previously with a bow, but they had never found.
May 09, 13:35 – Barry leaves home again. Checked on job at Kim Gyms
May 9, 13:40(?) – Suzanne texts Libler Guess who is alone again?
May 09, 13:46 – Barry and the backhoe After texting, Barry drove by TK's house to see the backhoe, but did not get back in touch to buy it. In 2018, Barry used a backhoe to dig a large hole in his front yard, fill it with items to include furniture, and cover it over, planting alfalfa on top.
May 09, 13:51 – 14:13 – Barry at DSI, replacing Bobcat blade He was wearing a blue t-shirt and khaki shorts.
May 09, 14:03 – Suzanne sends sunbathing pic to Libler, last proof of life. “Well, look at her. She’s obviously drunk. Look at her eyes. Do you know what drunk eyes look like?
May 09, 14:11 – Suzanne sends last LinkedIn message to Libler: “I’m on wa.” Libler sent response messages at 2:39PM, 2:46PM and 2:47PM that Suzanne did not answer.
May 09, 14:26 – Barry texts Suzanne, “Done headed back.” He texted Suzanne that he was done and was headed home.
May 09, 14:31 – Barry texted Suzanne, “Did you leave.” At 2:31 PM, Barry texted Suzanne, “Did you leave.”
May 09, 14:39 – Libler messages Suzanne, she does not respond. First unread. Messages from LinkedIn show they were talking about how Suzanne is in love with Jeff before she went missing.
May 09, 14:43 – Barry’s phone and F-350, per telematics, arrive at the Morphew residence. "The photo is shown in the courtroom, Suzanne smiling. Truck GPS coordinates show Barry’s truck goes into park at 2:43:59. Phone coordinates show he walks around the house. You can hear a pin drop in the courtroom as tension is high." - Carol McKinley, PH Tweet
May 09, 14:44 – Shooting Chipmunks? Barry had a .22 in the moments when Suzanne ceased the communicate with everyone she loved in the world. Shooting Chipmunks? Barry had a .22 in the moments when Suzanne ceased the communicate with everyone she loved in the world. (See: )
May 09, 14:46 – Libler messages: “Hey … your weather looks great” Second unread. No response from Suzanne.
May 09, 14:47 – Jeff sends another messages to Suzanne with no response. Third unread. Jeff sends last message if the day to Suzanne with no response.
May 09, 16:00 – 17:30 – Defense says Barry was at Salida Stove and Spa Salida Stove and Spa's posted hours have the store closing at 2pm on Saturday. Telematics show Barry's truck in his garage during the time he was supposedly at Salida Stove and Spa.
May 09, 16:44 – Barry parks his truck in the garage. Barry claims to have been loading his truck and cleaning off his workbench. (See:
May 09, 17:33 – Barry’s truck system manually rebooted Barry attempted to disable the trucks GPS and SYNC features.
May 09, 18:40, 18:46 – SO sends two Snapchats to Suzanne that were never opened SO sends two Snapchats to Suzanne that were never opened
May 09, 21:25 – Barry’s truck goes into reverse, backs 96.8 feet down driveway Barry backs 96 feet out of the garage.
May 09, 22:17 – Barry’s Phone Exits out of Airplane Mode Barry's phone comes out of airplane mode at the Morphew residence.
May 10, 02:53 – Outgoing call on Suzanne’s phone Possible glitch.
May 10, 03:25 – 03:48 – Barry’s truck door opened and closed "SA Hoyland noted over eighty events involving the F350 during this timeframe."
May 10, 03:58 – Barry’s phone moves from home to near where Suzanne’s bike found 3:58 am BM cell moves from home to near 225/50 where bike found Carol McKinley PH Tweets (read from bottom tweet up): 431 am 5/10 Barry’s phone goes back into airplane mode at the his home. 5:37 am – morphew turns into buena vista & heads towards broomfield. 538 he texts his mom “happy ... Read more
May 10, 04:10 – 04:23 – Last Activity from Suzanne’s iPhone Sergeant Mullenax asked dispatch to ping the number given for Suzanne’s cell phone. Dispatch informed Mullenax that the cell phone appeared to be off and last known activity was at 4:23AM on the present date, with a general location about 11.5 miles west of a cell tower in Poncha Springs, CO.
May 10, 04:32 – Barry’s Phone Goes Back into Airplane Mode Barry's Phone Goes Back into Airplane Mode
May 10, 04:32 – 05:14 – Chasing Elk, or Staging Evidence? Barry's trip to Garfield adds an approximate five miles each way to his morning trip, and places Barry and his vehicle in the direction the helmet was discarded - west from the bicycle.
May 10, 05:00 – Morgan Gentile Hears Barry’s Truck on Hwy 50 Gentile stated she did not see the truck but that his truck has a very distinctive exhaust.
May 10, 05:14 – 06:56 – Barry on the road to Broomfield. Barry phone exits airplane mode while heading towards Buena Vista, CO.
May 10, 08:10 – Trash Dump #1 – RTD Bus Stop Hwy 36 Agent Grusing: "Yes. He would have time -- with the passenger door opening and closing -- like it would say passenger door opened at 8:10:36 am and then passenger door closed at 8:12:13 am. So it took about a minute and a half and that trash can is only 10 to 15 steps away from where the truck was parked."
May 10, 08:14 – 08:20 Holiday Inn Express, Broomfield. Trash Dump #2 Grusing: "He said he parked there because he hoped someone would come out and he could go in the hotel before checking in and get a free breakfast." (Note: It was mid-COVID lockdown, building capacities were down to single digits.)
May 10, 08:41 – 08:46 – “I made it to Broomfield call me when you get a chance” Barry texts Suzanne.
May 10, 08:46 – Barry carries items into the Holiday Inn Express “If there’s clothes in my truck, there was probably old clothes I threw away.”
May 10, 10:06 – Barry exits hotel room. He's carrying a charcoal long-sleeved shirt, two white bags, and a pair of boots.
May 10, 10:20 – 10:41 – McDonald’s – Trash Dump #3 SA Grusing said Barry had a small item in his hand and used one arm to push it down, then both to push it further down as Barry was shown the photos.
May 10, 10:47 – 11:18 – Men’s Wearhouse Trash Dump #4 Barry was told he was there for about 40 minutes and asked if he remembered what he was doing there. Barry said, “I think I was still cleaning my truck, umm, yeah, yeah I mean, like I said, I just uh, I would, I was probably getting crap out of my truck like I said, which I’ve done my whole entire life.”
May 10, 11:18 – Barry calls MG "Barry called he was out of breathe (sic) panting but fatigue, kind a like hungover but he doesn’t drink, honestly when I hung up I thought to myself he sounded like he had the worst night of his life.” - MG
May 10, 11:23 – 11:36 – Barry back at the HIE Barry carries in disorganized papers in a binder. Carries out an organized binder.
May 10, 11:57 – 12:25 – Barry at the worksite Barry spent 28 minutes removing a few blocks from the wall.
May 10, 12:28 – 12:41 – HIE Trash Dump #5 A camera recorded Barry throwing away: a small item, one white trash bag, larger in size than the previous bags in one hand, a black container, along with a piece of clothing, possibly a camouflage coat.
May 10, 12:42 – 18:03 – Barry remains in his HIE room. ”At 3:30PM, Barry sent an outgoing message to Suzanne 'Call me'"
May 10, 2020 (Time Unknown) – Libler wishes Suzanne a Happy Mother’s Day Commented that it would be a hard day because she missed her own mother.
May 10, 2020 – 15:30 – Barry texts Suzanne from his hotel room. At 3:30PM, Barry sent an outgoing message to Suzanne “Call me”
May 10, 15:50 – 17:45 – Suzanne is discovered “missing” “I’m just so sad and REDCATED and I texted mom for Mother’s Day and she still hasn’t answered and I’m scared her and dad probably got in a big fight and I don’t even know it just made me want to be gone even more because I don’t want to be around them it hurts me and I know if REDACTED is working I might have to be home a lot more and it’ll probably be the worst summer of my life.”- MM2 text.
May 10, 17:55 – 19:10 – Barry leaving Broomfield 6:10 pm - Barry entered the lobby carrying two shovels and placed them beside the front desk. He made subsequent trips, placing more tools in the same spot.
May 10, 19:31 – Chaffee County finds the bike “Something is up with the front tire,” Deputy Brown
May 10, 20:42 – Barry arrives at CR 255 & US 50 "Barry is heard asking if deputies saw any “cats” on the road and a deputy says not recently."
May 10, 21:37 – CCSO Commander Avila brings Barry into the house for scent items. Barry does not call out or look for his wife in the home.
May 10, After 21:47 – Barefoot prints in the Bobcat Bucket Deputy Brown was walking in the driveway when Deputy Defurio told him that there were barefoot marks inside of the bucket on the Bobcat. Deputy Brown went with him to examine and found that the cutting blade on the bucket of the Bobcat appeared to be newly replaced, along with the nuts and bolts.
May 10, 22:00 – MG and JP smell chlorine and have the wrong tools in Broomfield. “It looked like Barry had removed top caps that was it. We also did not have the tools we need like a packer or gravel.”
May 11, 2020 – First Interviews, Puma Path Searched "On May 11, 2020, at about 7:00AM, Barry called Morgan and said that Suzanne was missing and he thought a mountain lion may have attacked her. Morgan explained that Barry was initially crying but then abruptly shifted to the specifics about the Broomfield job."
May 11, 2020 – 14:47 – Libler sends last message to Suzanne. Wishing her well for her scheduled final cancer treatment that day.
May 12, 2020 – 20:00 – Barry found digging in the trash at Poncha Market “He went to write down a description of maybe what she was wearing,” Butala said. “I just thought it was weird because he didn’t explain what the color of her eyes were or her hair or anything about her, like how tall she was or anything.”
May 13, 2020 – Deputy Carricato took photos of scratches on Barry’s left arm and hands. These injuries appeared to be healing, several days old scratches.
May 13, 2020 – Fundraiser created $33,552 raised
May 17, 2020 – 11:13 – Barry’s “plea” video is released on Facebook. “Oh Suzanne, if anyone is out there and can hear this, that has you, please, we’ll do whatever it takes to bring you back. We love you, we miss you, your girls need you. No questions asked, however much they want – I will do whatever it takes to get you back. Honey, I love you, I want you back so bad.”
May 19, 2020 – Interviews, Pneu-Darts, Range Rovers "CCSO Deputy Scott Himschoot was present during the search at 19057 Puma Path, in the laundry room, and was asked to collect a “pneu-dart box, empty,” one plastic hypodermic cover, one Pneu-dart book from safe in garage, one dart from box under bench in garage, among other items. The plastic cover was located by evidence search teams in the dryer, inside of the sheets belonging to REDACTED bed." (At some point we had confirmation of a to-do list Suzanne left including MM1s bedding in hopes that the older girls would spend the night. Cannot remember the source.)
May 20, 2020 – Spy Pen found. "The pen was located in a cloth bin amongst women’s bras. The cloth bin and pen were inside the walk-in closet in the master bedroom, located on the ground level of the residence. Detective Hysjulien located, with the pen, the controller and headphones for playback and a USB cable."
June 1, 2020 – Barry files for guardianship. Within a month of Suzanne’s disappearance, Barry began to liquidate assets.
June 1, 2020 – TD interviews Barry on camera. "So, uh -- we uh --. We had two daughters that were coming home from a trip. And I got a job in Denver that I wanted to get started on on Sunday. Set it up for my work because my rookies are coming in Sunday night. (Unintelligible) Monday but I, being the owner, I wanted to get everything lined up so that (Unintelligible).
June 6, 2020 – Barry closes on IN home. Pockets $750,000
June 25, 2020 – Barry purchases the Longhorn Ranch property for $165,000 Property Address 8366 LONGHORN DR
July 13, 2020 – Barry sells Suzanne’s Range Rover. Leaves Suzanne's sunglasses in the car.
Aug 20, 2020 – Lauren Scharf Interviews Barry “People don’t know the truth, so they’re gonna think what they’re gonna think.”
October 05, 2020 – Barry lists Puma Path home for sale. Originally listed for $1,759,000.
November 2020 – Barry Commits Voter Fraud Barry filled out Suzanne's ballot and mailed it in.
February 17, 2021 – Barry Sells Longhorn Ranch property for $150,000 A $15,000 loss. Same property sold on 04/21/2021 for $175,000, indicating Barry needed the money fast.
March 3, 2021 – 19057 Puma Path sells for $1,625,000. Barry and Suzanne Morphew purchased the home on April 12, 2018 for $1,575,000.
May 4, 2021 – Warrant Issued for the Arrest of Barry Lee Morphew CRS/CHARGE: 18-3-102 (1), (a) Murder in the First Degree, a class 1 Felony, 18-8-610. Tampering with Physical Evidence, a class 6 felony, 18-8-306, Attempt to Influence a Public Servant, a class 4 Felony.
May 5, 2021 – 09:15 – Barry Lee Morphew Arrested for the murder of Suzanne Renee Moorman Morphew "Morphew was arrested around 9:15 a.m. on Wednesday, May 5 near his home in Poncha Springs. FOX31 News has obtained video of the arrest, which shows his truck stopped on the side of the road near several police vehicles. He can be seen standing just off the road with an officer." AA:
August 9-12, 2021 – Preliminary Hearing. Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three got corrupted so it's gone.
People's exhibit images: Defense exhibit images:
April 19, 2022 - Case against Barry Morphew Dismissed Without Prejudice. Prosecution asked for the case to be dismissed.
May 2, 2023 – Barry files $15,000,000 lawsuit against Chaffee County,
May 8, 2023 – Fraud Lawsuit filed against Barry in Indiana. Property dispute.
September 22, 2023 – Suzanne's Remains Found Near Moffat in Saguache County While SCSO was searching for another (unrelated) missing woman.
Sept. 27, 2023 – Autopsy Completed. Awaiting Toxicology.
April 29, 2024 – Toxicology finds BAM in Suzanne's bone marrow. “Homicide by undetermined means in the setting of butorphanol, azaperone, and medetomidine intoxication.”
Complete Case Overview (Official News Reports and Documents)
What Suzanne Left Behind (PH Exhibits)
Suzanne's Texts with SO Sept 2019
Barry's Unstableness: Suzanne's Text Conversion with SO September 1 (PH Exhibits)
Where was Barry on the 9th - Preliminary Hearing Exhibits
Barry and the Chipmunks (AA Excerpts)
Barry's dirty truck and poorly maintained rifle. PH Exhibits
Suzanne's Last Days - Timeline - May 4th - May 9th, 2020
Barry Buries a Body - May 10th, 2020 - Timeline
Barry Busy in Broomfield Part One (Preliminary Hearing Exhibits)
Barry Busy in Broomfield Part Two (PH Exhibits)
submitted by sk716theFirst to SuzanneMorphew [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:23 Koronesukiii In my viewing experience, POI draft in action is the superior method.

While POI draft is an entirely new concept to the ALGS competitions, it's actually been used for a VERY long time in certain circles. Specifically, the content creator competitions in APACN such as the vTuber tournament VSaikyo, or the Pro & CC hybrid CR Cup and Scarz Cup. While ALGS is on another level of competition, I think many of the benefits I've seen in these tournaments will translate. Let me share a few.   1) The best players still win. Not having a fixed POI means players cannot one-trick a single strength. This means the players who accurately predict zone paths, know routes from every POI, have both the defense and aggro strats, the firepower to force rotates, and the fastest snap decision making, i.e. the most well-rounded players rise to the top. Having random POI's AND random zone pulls means teams have more chance to let skill make the difference.   2) Vastly improved quality of scrims. Because players have to adapt to the POI they draft, teams are far less likely to throw scrims to troll. They haven't been playing out of a POI for two years. They have to learn, and they have limited time to do so. This means teams take scrims seriously, providing better content, and are better prepared on matchday. Story lines still form as the same teams run into each other on rotates through scrim week.   3) Decreased reliance on POI leads to emphasis on micro-decisions and combat skills, leading to high level outplays.   4) Decrease in grief contests. Good teams don't get fucked over because another team chooses to land on them results be damned.   5) Comp variety. Being forced to play out of different POI's leads to comp cooking. Teams end up trying comps they would never play otherwise, because it just works for their POI.   6) Strat variety. Different teams play different POI's differently. While team A being given Geyser may decide to quick loot and zone race to survive gear handicap, team B may decide to push Maude for shoot-to-loot to avoid gear handicap. It prevents repeated sets from playing out exactly the same with the same teams rotating into the same positions with the same guns same comp.   tl;dr, POI drafts are not a completely untested concept, and they have a lot of upside. It doesn't compromise competitive integrity, or worsen the spectating experience. The only thing really lost by a POI draft is contest fights imo.
submitted by Koronesukiii to CompetitiveApex [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:39 natty20geek What is a good OTD price on a 2024 white CR-V touring hybrid in SC?

I am going to test drive a 2024 CR-V hybrid touring and have been talking to a couple dealers in the area. I have seen them listed between 39 and 42k msrp. Not a car guy so getting nervous on pricing. I have good credit and a good size down payment. No trade in. While I know there is no magic number I am curious what people have been getting lately and what I should shoot for OTD.
submitted by natty20geek to crv [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:03 Lifewith_Her2_MBC Pain pump experience?

I was diagnosed de novo stage 4 hormone receptor neg, her2 positive with numerous bone mets (vertebrae and my pelvis). I'm a 36 year old mom of 3 amazing kids (6 yrs, 4yrs, 2 yrs). I have a lot of spine pain where I have the largest mets (also a small fracture). I've been taking extended release morphine sulfate every day since I've been diagnosed and now I'm at 60mg twice a day (w/ oxy for breakthrough). This hardly touches the pain at times and i feel like its melting my brain. I can hardly form sentences at times. I can walk, but anything else hurts- bending over, getting in and out of bed/cachairs, lifting up my 2 yr old, so i need something. If I do anything more than my normal day to day movements I'm in extreme pain... I recently saw a pain specialist and he said I would be a good candidate for a pain pump. The Dr said it'll be implanted into my stomach, then the catheter will go to my most painful vertebrae. It sounds like if it works that it would be life changing. Not as much oral medication, potentially clearer mind, and hopefully not as much pain. Anyone have any experience with a pain pump??
Edited to add-- I had radiation to the painful areas about a year ago and it helped a little bit. Im currently NEAD after THP and now just HP. Also, I have a trial run to see if the pain pump will work. It's in 2 weeks, I'll follow up and let you all know how it goes. Ah, if this works I will be able to have a relatively normal life as long as this fucking cancer stays NEAD! My babies need me!
submitted by Lifewith_Her2_MBC to LivingWithMBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:04 Kitchen-Passage-6835 Positive Experience with Importation of Medicine (and Narcotics)

I recently arrived at Kansai International Airport on my first trip to Japan. I needed to take medication with me and not any light medication I had stimulants, psychotropics and Narcotics therefore I was really worried but turns out I did not need to be. I can imagine many people worry about taking their medications to Japan but if you apply and do the process by the book seems like no one really cares. Therefore I want to outline my process which allowed me to go through Immigration and Customs very smoothly. I applied about 1 Month In advance following the Guide on this website:
I send a Medical Certificate which included all my medical diagnoses and clearly stated why I need my Narcotic Medication (Morphine Sulfate) and also attached explanation regarding the daily Dosis after I received Questions about the reasons for the Dose of 900mg per Day or 27 Grams in total. I also provided an overview of other medications and filled out the application forms digitally but signed them personally after printing.
I also needed a Yunyu Kakunin-sho for my Methylphenidate and Diazepam as well as my Opipramol and Trimipramin I applied for 100 Tablets of Methylphenidate and 50 Tablets of each of the other medications. I also provided a Medical Certificate as well as detailed description of the Medication, which means Packaging, Producer and Generic Name as well as Dosage and Efficacy. I also presented my onwards Itinerary to prove I need the amount of medication.
In General I tried to have them as much Information as possible. Also I got Copy’s of the actual Prescription before leaving. I printed every application.
I received my Yunyu Kakunin-sh which I applied for on the 20.04 on the 22.04.
I applied for the Import Certificate on the 03.04 and needed to add documents on the 16.04 after they had questions regarding my diagnosis and the amount. I needed to completely renew the application via Email to the Osaka Narcotics Control Department. They were really supportive and helpful even though I got worried after not having received any documentation until a week before my Trip last week but they send me the approval documents 2 Nights before the start of my trip.
I assume that because of the huge amount of Morphine they considered my application very carefully which I actually appreciate.
What surprised me was the airport I had to check that I was carrying Narcotics and immigration didn’t even asked anything. And when I was at customs he also directly wanted to send me on my way. I was irritated I always thought that Japan has strict customs laws - I told him that I have Narcotics his demeanour changed a little to more serious showed him the certificate - the only wanted to see the first page of six pages and opens my bag to show him the medication he looked and give me a good to go. He did not count or verified any of the Medications - I know Japan is a trust based society but that was really surprising for me.
If you have any questions let me know :)
submitted by Kitchen-Passage-6835 to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:14 Longjumping-Ad7894 How's the supply of CR-V and RAV4 Hybrids right now? Is it reasonable for me to shoot to get a 10%+ discount below MSRP?

submitted by Longjumping-Ad7894 to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:17 Amatsukaze_DD Help with belt/holster sag with ds9 LOC

As title states, I'm having a bit of trouble with belt sag/holster tilt when shooting uspsa. Currently using a full CR speed setup, belt and WSM 2 holster. The gun is so heavy that it's causing the holster to tilt outwards from the top, which is leading to belt sag. Suggestions? Would moving to a stiffer belt like a Lynx help? The other idea I had was to use some spare foam and glue it to the holster hangar as a thigh pad to stop the holster from tilting at the top so much.
submitted by Amatsukaze_DD to 2011 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:06 Bizzy2024 Day 185 No ZYN - The good, the bad, and the ugly with recovery.

I don't know if this would help anyone or not... but I'll share it...some back story on my nicotine history. ZYN was not my first experience with nicotine. (But shall it forever be the last) I first let nicotine into my being when I stole a cigarette from my much older cousin when I was 9 years old. A Marlboro Menthol 100. And the journey of drug/chemical addiction from there is literally personified perfectly in a video that u/Joel-Spitzer shared (didn't create, just shared as a great illustration) called Nuggets ( I'll never forget that first buzz, it put me on the floor. I started smoking pot soon after that. Then drinking whiskey. (all of my friends and their parents were drug addicts and alcoholics). The resources were very attainable. At 12 I got put on heavy anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. By 13 and 14 I moved up to pain pills, and stronger pot. From 14 to 18 I smoked 2 packs a day (on top of an ounce of pot every few days) and long story short through various self-destructive seasons I eventually got caught up in every upper (MDMA, Cocaine, Meth) and downer (Morphine/Heroin/Oxy) that there was at the time. Snorting/shooting up, you name it, I did it. I OD'd several times, and it's by the grace and mercy of God I'm not dead. When I turned 19 a very beautiful and powerful legit spiritual experience happened to me. That initially helped me get clean off the heavy illegal stuff, but my mind just wasn't made up the way it needed to be to get off everything I knew I needed to (pharmaceuticals and nicotine). Much of my 20s I struggled. I'd get off everything except my anti-depressants, and then eventually I'd need to get a refill on lizard brain could quickly get an RX for this or that (I knew how to work the system, and find the doctors that pushed stuff) and the next thing you know I'd be high. Especially with prescribed medical THC...good gracious...100% THC products are way to powerful.... Back to nicotine- in my 20s over several years and seasons of life I went through Grizzly wintergreen long cut chew, vaping (disposable and mods/kits), and eventually 21mg nicotine patches. Literally hooked on the patches for multiple years. I got off patches finally in 2018. In 2019 I got off of every prescribed pharmaceutical and quit medical marijuana. I'm still living my life free from pills and THC - going on 5 years. But...struggling through depression during COVID lock down and in a moment of weakness, I bought my first tin of ZYN. But the nicotine beast is the nicotine beast. I secretly struggled with it 2020, 2021, 2022, and most of 2023. I've said all that to say, it started with nicotine, and it ends with nicotine. It's like the final building block to my castle of ultimate sobriety I suppose. With the nicotine compromise out of the way, my life can finally be what it's supposed to be. 185 days ago was over 20 years in the making. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this. Just for today, let's stay clean.
submitted by Bizzy2024 to QuittingZyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:01 f_4_k_e_r A loved one passes: Death, patience and the natural way.

Forgive me, this is not strictly a question about the course. Although it relates to working in death, I suppose.
I had a small nuclear family growing up. No big collection of aunts, cousins, and whatnot to hang out with during the various holidays. But for at least the last 40 years, my family has had another family fill that void. Constantly at each other's houses. Vacationing together. Kids the same age. We were family in all but name. Well, maybe we all got along better than "real" family, haha.
Anyway, the patriarch of the family (A good man. A balanced man.) got a rough cancer diagnosis around 8 or 9 years ago. He was told he had months, not years. He was a fighter, and perhaps lucky, and he managed to exceed expectations. As a last resort, he was able to partake in a trial which helped give him a couple more years here. As with many cancers, it was a very tough and drawn out battle for him, and those around him. He was tall and strong. A big man in physicality and personality, a gentle giant. But eventually, the doctors said he had no options left. And the battle had taken it's toll, relentlessly grinding at his very vitality. His life force. His will.
For a long time now, I've lived on the other side of the world. I had seen him maybe twice since his diagnosis. The second to last time he didn't look so great, and I embraced him as if it would be our last. It was.
Two days ago, I heard he was rushed to hospital in the middle of the night (it's always the middle of the night, isn't it?). He was stabilized. Temporarily.
Last night, I heard he would not be going home. He would not be able to move closer to his kids and grand kids as he was intending to next month (so they could make some final memories together). He would be kept in the hospital. He would be kept as comfortable as possible. He was very frail.
When I heard this, I had a great longing that I was much further along on my magical path. I have read some of Josephine's work outside of the core course, and have a cursory/surface-level, intellectual understanding of the process of death, and how we can be of service working in death. I felt a burning desire to jump on a plane to go and sit with him while he was still here. To be a companion, to try and ease his fears, and to try and be there with him after the inevitable. To light a candle. To try and reach him, to let him know everything was OK, to help him cross the bridge and let go. But, I am years away from that. Barely a seed in the ground, awaiting it's first watering. And my very young family needs me here, it would've caused turmoil and upset for me to suddenly disappear for a few days.
That night, I went outside, initially to see if I could see the northern lights (thanks to the solar storm). The second I stepped out, I realized they would not be visible, but that was immediately a distant and fleeting thought. I was overcome by the serenity and beauty of what I was standing amidst. A bright, and perfectly clear night, with barely a wisp of cloud. I had grass beneath my feet. I looked up to the treetops and to the stunning, stellar dome above. Every star was RIGHT THERE. So present. Twinkling.'s hard to describe, but I just felt the connection of nature. The stars and the trees and the grass and the breeze and I. We were all together as one for a moment. I thought of my dear friend. I thought of him passing. I felt it was close. And I felt that it too, was part of this oneness. And that it was OK. I saw a shooting star, and thought how cheesy that was. Then, knowing I had to get back inside, I turned briefly to acknowledge the blindingly bright crescent-moon, in all her beauty.
I awoke this morning to a message that he had passed away. Well, now I needn't stress about the desire to go and comfort him before his passing. And, without any knowledge or experience, I wouldn't be much help after the fact either.
My sibling spontaneously awoke in the early hours, looked in a mirror, and somehow felt his passing as well.
We have a parent who is in a similar situation. Suffering. Maybe for another few months. Maybe another year. Starting to be put on morphine. And I feel the same helplessness there. But for all the want, I know I must be patient, and face the reality of what I can offer: not much. I'm planning another trip, that's all I can do for now. The rest, I must leave to the natural way. To fate.
I hope my friend finds his way with ease. I hope he is not angry, confused, or upset. I hope he finds peace, and can let go and move on.
And, I know my parent is scared now, fighting and suffering each day, but I hope, when the time comes, that they will also move on with ease.
As my family grows a little older, and I can again find a way to make time to focus on the course each day, I hope to develop to a point that I can work in death for others who need it. Offer them the service I was not able to offer my friend or my family.
My apologies for the long post of this kind. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for here. Attention? Connection? Thank you for reading, regardless.
And to my friend, my inspiration, my second dad: I'm sorry we didn't get to see more of each other these last few years. I'm sorry I couldn't be with you in the end. I love you, and I will miss you sorely. Thank you for helping to shape me. Thank you for being a good man. I will keep you in my heart. You fought a good, long fight. You tried to provide for your loved ones as much as you could, even through all of this. You've earned your rest. Godspeed, mate.
EDIT Thank you for the kind words. I just spoke with my folks and learned that when I had that moment last night, and felt him/his passing in some way, it was within an hour of his passing. My mum told me that he thought of me as the son he never had, which is funny seeing as I had just written here that I see him as my second dad.
I opened a window, and lit a candle, with the intention that it is for him. It's been burning a few hours. Eerie coincidence, perhaps: As I started to write this edit, the door of the room I'm in opened by itself. I had only come back into the room a couple minutes prior, so perhaps I hadn't clicked it all the way shut, and maybe the open window affected it, but I don't recall this door opening by itself in the past. Perhaps as Ill-Diver2252 suggests, it could be a visit - (visit or not, it certainly gave me the shivers) - so I just sat quietly with my eyes closed for a moment and spoke a few words in my head to my friend, and tried to sit and listen. I'm here for him.
submitted by f_4_k_e_r to Quareia [link] [comments]