Binweevils cheats for munny 2011

2Pac & Sean John Combs Beef

2024.05.19 01:30 canvasguru 2Pac & Sean John Combs Beef

1993 1. Biggie Ready To Die: September 13th produced, promoted & Murderer by Sean John Combs
1994 1. 2pac drops Thuglife Vol 1 album: Sept 2. 2Pac & HaitianJack beef: 199to 1994 3. Biggie & 2Pac beef: 1994 quad studios 4. 2pac & Stretch making records: Dec 5. 2pac hopped/shot/robbed at quad: Dec 6. Dexter Isaac hired by James Rosemond hired by Sean John Combs to rob & shoot 2Pac 7. 2pac SA case set up by Sean John Combs: December
1995 1. 2pac to prison for fake case: Feb 2. Biggie puts out Who Shot Ya: Feb 3. 2Pac hears released disses in prison: March 4. 2Pac released from prison: March 5. 2pac/Dr. Dre California Love: March 6. Tubac do an interview at Rikers: April 7. Hip-hop died at Source Awards: Aug 8. Suge disses Sean John Combs: Aug 9. Anthony “Wolf” Jones shoots & kills Big Jake assassination assignment ordered by Sean John Combs: September 10. 2Pac release from prison: Oct 11. Snoop Dogg got shot at: Dec 12. Nas & Stretch making records: Dec 13. Stretch shot up & died: Dec
1996 1. 2Pac releases all Eyez on me: February 2. Soul train awards confrontation: March 3. 2pac Hit’em Up: June Summer Diss 4. Jay Z drops reasonable doubt: June 5. Jay Z song with BIG disses 2Pac 6. Nas drops album it was written: July 7. 2pac assumed Nas tracks about him 8. 2pac working on an album: August 9. NAS & 2pac talk but all love: 9/4/96 10. Tupac shot: September 7th 11. Tupac Died September 13th 12. Ignited westside gang war for months
1997 1. BIG doing promotion in LA: Feb-Mar 2. Biggie Died March 9th 3. For the rest of 1997, BIGs album goes diamond and Sean John Combs makes a ton of money off Tupac & Biggie. 4. After both deaths hundreds of artists are promoted by Sean John Combs. And many of these are also end up dead under Sean John Combs management over the years. It’s quite possible that he’s responsible for these artists deaths as well.
2011: 1. Cathy White dies autopsy deferred. Murdered by Sean John Combs who ordered assassination probably carried it out with a fixer. Last seen at a party with Sean John Combs.
2016: 1. Sean John Combs horrifically beats Cassie Ventura footage recovered from hotels. There’s also countless events where he raped her, assaulted her and verbally disrespected her throughout their relationship. On top of cheating on her with Sony interns 10+ victims and throughout his career 100+ victims.
2018: 1. Kim Porter dies autopsy deferred. Murdered by Sean John Combs who ordered assassination probably carried it out with a fixer.
submitted by canvasguru to Tupac [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:46 froobynooby FroobWorld [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] [PvE] {1.20.4}

FroobWorld is a small survival server that's been going since 2011. If you enjoy the old-school style of SMP, you will probably enjoy our server.
Our rules are pretty standard. Essentially - no griefing; no stealing; and no cheating. We keep the chat at PG-13 levels.
Some features of FroobWorld:
  • Land claiming, with no limit to the size (within reason)
  • Lockette-style chest locking
  • /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back
  • Long-term maps
  • 32 view distance
  • We don't take donations or give prizes in exchange for votes
submitted by froobynooby to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:43 KiriStrife Help with coping with passive-aggressive parental response to me coming out

This Wednesday, I made the realization that I'm bi. Today, I told my narcissistic mother about my orientation. While her reaction was calm, I could tell that she wasn't showing her true feelings and she seemed more confused that it took me until I was 30 to make this realization. She's always felt that bi people will cheat on their partner, which is obviously untrue - I've been with my husband since we started dating in 2011. She went straight to worrying about my husband's wellbeing; he's been incredibly supportive in this and he trusts me not to cheat, just as he always has.
As we continued talking, I mentioned about posting about it on social media. She tried to make it about her anxiety about having to explain about it to the older people in our family. As is par with conversations like this, she tried to make it about her, instead of what I was trying to talk to her about.
Thankfully she's not a complete bigot - she's supportive of my gay cousins and has no ill will toward anyone in this community. I think she's still unable to grasp the concept of bisexuality and is struggling to let go of the misconceptions she's likely had since childhood.
For those of you who've been in a similar situation, what kind of coping mechanisms did you employ? I love my mother and I don't want to stop seeing her - our relationship only recently started healing back to how it was when I was a kid. How can I make it easier to be around someone who doesn't seem to understand or accept my realization?
Thanks, everyone! <3
submitted by KiriStrife to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:52 Federal_Neat5478 i think my dad is cheating on my stepmom, what now?

hi, so i originally posted on infidelity, but was recommended here, so here i am! i’m just going to copy and paste what i said.
my stepmom is currently away on a trip out of the country, leaving just my dad and i home. she just left yesterday night, but i’m already noticing some weird behavior from my dad. for some background info, my mom and dad separated in 2011, and legally divorced in 2012, so i was still really young. i don’t know the exact reasons why they split, but im pretty sure it has to do with him cheating. anyway, my stepmom came into the picture in 2013, and i have since moved in with them (i used to live mostly with my mom).
so back to today, my dad has been acting really fishy. he usually texts and drives, but won’t be hiding his phone. today, he was hiding it like his life depended on it, and has just been texting more than usual. i did manage to get a glimpse of what he was saying, and all i saw was him on whatsapp (which he rarely uses) talking to some girl in spanish (we’re hispanic, but he only texts in english unless it’s his mom), saying that he is “still thinking about her videos” and he was calling her “bb”. then about 20 minutes later, he had sent a long paragraph, and all i could read before he moved his phone again was the word “masturbation”. this is freaking me out because my stepmom makes a lot more than my dad, and we are both on her health insurance. i am scared to look more into it.
this original post was on monday, but nothing much has really happened since. i did discuss it with my therapist and my bio mom, and they just recommended to ask him about it, though i haven’t yet because i just don’t know what to do. he also hasn’t been home much as he’s been in the office working late tuesday and wednesday, and i was with him yesterday night, and the only fishy thing was him protecting his phone a bit, but i didn’t see him typing so that might have just been a coincidence. can anyone please give some advice?
submitted by Federal_Neat5478 to KidsofCheatingParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:10 1HPJKChungDC The Wooting: An esports chiro Weighs in on the next innovation in gaming keyboards

The Wooting: An esports chiro Weighs in on the next innovation in gaming keyboards
The Wooting, Cheat Code or just Hype?
Hey, I am an esports chiropractor who works with Toronto Defiant and Toronto Ultra. I’ve seen the Wooting60HE has take the gaming community by storm. Tons of top tier pros including some of my players along with TenZ, f0rsaken, Twistzz and Something have been adopting this new keeb. I wanted to share my perspective on it as someone who works in esports.
The Wooting is essentially a very responsive keyboard. You can set the depth a key press registers and how much you have to release the key before you can press it again. Here are visuals from Wooting to explain this.
In an FPS like Valorant counterstrafing well (stop, quickly shoot, then move again) is a competitive advantage. The Wooting allows you to do things that are basically impossible without it.
Theoretically this is a legit competitive advantage. Check out this clip: That’s the good stuff but what about the downsides, are there any risks for injury or finger pain?
The two features we need to investigate are the super low travel and high APMs the keyboard could incentivize.
Let’s take a look at the research:
A study on the effect of ultra low travel keyboards(like the wooting) on typing force, muscle activity, wrist posture, typing performance and self reported-comfort found no consistent or substantial differences in muscle activity AND typists used less force. Less force means less energy expenditure per action and potentially more endurance which is a good thing.
The more interesting difference was the wrist position in the low travel group did have 4 degrees less wrist extension with 4 more degrees of ulnar deviation. This amount is totally acceptable. Here is a visual:
As you can tell it’s a very subtle difference and would not be a red flag if I saw someone playing this way.
Two things we do need to consider about this research is the Wooting can go down to 0.1 mm not the 0.5 mm travel distance they investigated and this travel distance is virtual. The Wooting only adjusts the point at which a signal is registered, not the physical travel distance of the switch. We are making some leaps in thinking here but I believe we can safely extrapolate that lower travel not be a risk factor for injury.
Now let's look at the potential risk of increased APM. Because the Wooting is so responsive it may actually incentivize spamming keys more than a regular keyboard. This thing is made for counterstrafing so you should make the most of it, no?
Typing quickly by itself has not been shown to be associated with wrist or finger pain. However, studies have suggested higher overall typing speed above 300 APM may. This is definitely possible with gaming.
If you don't believe me watch this dude just try to play SC2:
He is just starting a game and it looks like he is trying to practice some Chopin to keep his parents happy.
Ultimately higher APMs can be a risk but only when there are also sustained periods of gameplay without breaks. I want to stress if you do your exercises, take breaks, and recover well then your hands should definitely be able to handle the extra APM.
Here are some exercises you can do if you want to be Wooting ready: Wrist flexion with a dumbbell Finger flexion and shortened fingered flexion with a gripper
Try out 3x10 for each 1x/day.
Verdict: potentially game changing piece of kit that requires extra conditioning to use without worry. It has my seal of approval!
If you have any questions then please let me know!
References: Kia K, Sisley J, Johnson PW, Kim JH. Differences in typing forces, muscle activity, wrist posture, typing performance, and self-reported comfort among conventional and ultra-low travel keyboards. Appl Ergon. 2019 Jan;74:10-16. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2018.07.014. Epub 2018 Aug 3. PMID: 30487088. Povlsen B. Is typing speed proportional to the severity of pain in keyboard workers with work-related upper limb disorder. JRSM Short Rep. 2012 Jan;3(1):3. doi: 10.1258/shorts.2011.010143. Epub 2012 Jan 12. PMID: 22299070; PMCID: PMC3269101.
submitted by 1HPJKChungDC to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:35 WCInvestor A Physician Disability Insurance Primer - Do You Really Need It?

A Physician Disability Insurance Primer - Do You Really Need It?
The greatest financial risk for physicians is losing the ability to turn the knowledge and skills you spent a decade learning into a huge pile of money by working in your profession for decades. There are risks that could show up in your life that would prevent you from being able to accomplish this task. One of the most common of these risks is an extended or even permanent disability. Insurance companies estimate that as many as one in seven doctors will be disabled at some point during their career. While many imagine this will occur in a sudden traumatic accident, medical illness is actually a more common cause of disability that prevents a doctor from working. Physician disability is a complicated type of insurance. This post will give you the “must-know” information to secure the best protection and help you avoid common disability insurance mistakes.

TL;DR: Key Takeaways: What Doctors Need to Know About Disability Insurance

  1. The best Disability Insurance policy is an individual, portable, own-occupation, specialty-specific policy.
  2. Purchase disability insurance from an independent agent who can show you policies from all of the major companies. We have a list of recommended Disability Insurance agents used by thousands of white coat investors each year.
  3. Buy as much disability insurance as they are willing to sell you as a resident. Include a future purchase option (sometimes called a “benefit purchase rider” or “future increase option”) and a cost of living disability insurance rider.
  4. As an attending, increase your coverage to cover both your living expenses and retirement savings if you were to work to age 65.
  5. You may get sticker shock, but the reason disability insurance is expensive is that it actually gets used. Slightly more than 1 out of 4 adults will experience a disability before they retire. Physician disability insurance agents often use a figure of 1 out of 7 doctors actually using the disability insurance they purchase. Whatever the true statistic may be, it's certainly high enough to insure against.
Do not take the risk of not having disability insurance.

What Is Disability Insurance?

Disability insurance gives you an income to live on if you become so disabled that you can no longer work.
If you become disabled, a long-term disability insurance policy pays a predetermined amount each month until you either recover from your disability or reach age 65-67. (Note: Policies vary. It is possible to buy a policy that pays to age 70 or even, for a very high premium, until death).

Why Do Physicians Need Disability Insurance?

One out of seven doctors end up having to use their disability insurance. Losing the ability to turn the knowledge and skills you spent a decade learning into a pile of money by working in your profession for decades is one of the most expensive risks that physicians face. Your most valuable asset is your ability to work.

How Does Disability Insurance Work?

Disability insurance is a pretty straightforward proposition. You buy a policy and pay your premium monthly or annually. If you become disabled, you (and your doctor) fill out the paperwork to prove it to the satisfaction of the insurance company and then they pay you the promised monthly benefit until you either recover from your disability or the insurance company meets its contractual obligation to pay the benefit.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Disability

Disability insurance is most commonly divided into short-term and long-term.

Short-Term Disability

A short-term disability policy generally begins paying just as soon as you get disabled and then pays for a maximum period of 3-24 months. These policies are often provided by an employer as an employee benefit. Short-term disability, while inconvenient financially, is not generally a financial catastrophe for a physician saving for retirement with an emergency fund. As a result, many doctors do not buy short-term disability policies at all.

Long-Term Disability

A long-term disability policy generally does not pay immediately, but only begins to pay after a waiting period ranging from 1-24 months (typically 3 months). Then, the policy will continue to pay you a benefit each month until age 65, 67, or 70, depending on the policy. Note that a 3 month waiting period typically means your first check won't come until the end of the first month after the 3 months, so it's really a 4 month waiting period. Since losing your ability to earn a living for the rest of your life is a financial catastrophe, any doctor who is not financially independent should buy a long-term disability insurance policy.

What Does Disability Insurance Cover?

Disability insurance covers all kinds of disabilities. The best (and unfortunately most expensive) policies cover the widest range of potential disabilities.

The Definition of Disability

The most important feature is the definition of disability. Disability insurance differs from life insurance in numerous ways, but none is more significant than in defining exactly when you become disabled (and when you become enabled again). The broader the definition of disability you get in your policy, the more the policy will cost.
Unlike life insurance, where life and death are pretty black and white, disability has 50 shades of gray. You want a policy with a strong, broad definition of disability that will cover any possible type of disability? That means “true own-occupation, specialty-specific” and no limitations on things such as psychiatric conditions or addictions. This is the main difference between the “Big 5” companies and others. Even among the “Big 5,” there are slight differences. It is OK not to purchase the policy with the very best definition of disability, but the weaker the definition, the bigger the discount you should expect.

Own-Occupation, Specialty-Specific

Probably the most important aspect of the definition for doctors is that it be specific to your occupation. For instance, if I lost my left thumb, there are a number of procedures in emergency medicine that I could no longer do. I would be completely disabled from managing a busy emergency department by myself. But I could probably still go do urgent care work. A specialty-specific definition of disability in my policy would provide me with my full disability payments in addition to the money I make at the urgent care. Sometimes, the “specialty-specific” clause is inherent to the policy, and at other times it is an additional rider (a piece of paper added to the policy for which you pay an additional premium). Either way, you almost surely want to get this in your policy. Here are the various definitions, starting with own occupation and progressing to any occupation.

Own-Occupation Definition

Under this definition, your policy will pay if you cannot work in your occupation/specialty, even if you can and do work in another field and make as much money as you want.
Own-occupation policies cover people based on the occupational duties they are performing at the time of claim. If your policy includes an own-occupation definition of total disability and you are exclusively performing the customary duties of your medical specialty or sub-specialty at the time of the claim, the policy will cover you when unable to perform your specialty or sub-specialty. If you have transitioned into a different role or expanded into a new career path that requires much less direct patient contact or procedural duties, you may no longer be considered totally disabled when unable to work in your specialty or sub-specialty. This is because your “occupation(s)” involves additional material and substantial duties, no longer limited to the performance of your medical specialty or sub-specialty. In these instances, you may be considered partially disabled or not disabled at all, depending on the exact circumstances.

Transitional Own-Occupation

Your policy will pay if you cannot work in your occupation/specialty, even if you can and do work in another field. But if you exceed your previous income while you now work in another field, your monthly benefit from the policy would likely be lowered.

Modified Own-Occupation

Your policy will only pay if you can't work in your occupation/specialty AND if you are not working in another field. This definition is also sometimes called “Own-Occupation, Not Engaged” or “Own-Occupation, Not Working.”


Your policy will only pay if you cannot work in any occupation based on education, training or experience. Note that some policies are own-occupation for a couple of years and then transition to any-occupation.
One company out there (Northwestern Mutual) sells a policy with a definition that they claim is BETTER than own-occupation. They call it Medical Own-Occupation, but in reality, it is just a form of modified own-occupation. Learn more about the NML Medical Own-Occupation Definition.

Do You Really Need an Own-Occupation, Specialty-Specific Policy?

Some non-procedural physicians argue that they might not need a true own-occupation policy. They reason that if they are so disabled that they cannot practice their specialty, they probably cannot do anything else. So, they accept a less broad definition of disability to save some dollars on the premium. If you choose to do this, make sure you understand the exact circumstances under which your policy will and will not pay out.

Mental Disorders/Substance Abuse

Many policies will only cover mental illness or substance abuse-related disabilities for a period of two years. I know an attorney who couldn't practice law after developing bipolar syndrome in his 30s. It took over a decade to get it under control. He had a policy that covered mental illness indefinitely, which prevented financial catastrophe from striking him and his family.
According to the April 2011 issue of Current Psychiatry Magazine, physicians are not immune to depression and have an increased risk of suicide. Additionally, the lack of distinction between a psychiatric diagnosis and impairment stigmatizes physicians and impedes treatment.
You'll need to decide whether this is a risk you're willing to run. If you want mental illness covered like every other illness, you'll be paying more.

Presumptive Total Disability

As you well know, disability can be defined in many shades of gray. In the event of your disability, you can expect a paperwork fight between you, your physician, the disability insurance company, and maybe even your attorney. However, most policies contain a section that defines “presumptive total disability” where you can be assured there won't be much arguing from the insurance company. Even better, the waiting period will be waived and you'll start getting payments right away.
Anything short of that, and you're going to have to get your doctor to certify your disability and get the insurance company to accept it. At times, this can involve visits to multiple specialists and even hiring an attorney. Note that with some companies, presumptive disability does not need to be permanent.

Cosmetic Surgery/Transplant Surgery

Some policies will cover you if your disability is the result of cosmetic surgery or the result of donating a kidney or other body part to someone else. Others will not. Best to read your policy carefully and know what it does and does not cover.

Disability Insurance Exclusions & Limitations

Disability insurance policies generally exclude any medical conditions you have at the time of applying for insurance. For example, if you already have chronic back pain, the policy will not provide a benefit if you are disabled due to a back condition. In addition, if you admit to participating in dangerous activities such as scuba diving, rock climbing, flying, and sky-diving, the policy will likely be issued with a rider that excludes those activities from coverage. Other exclusions may also apply, such as acts of war, normal pregnancy, and foreign travel. Here is a list of common exclusions:
  • War or Act of War (this could probably be interpreted pretty broadly)
  • Active Military Duty (having served, this is pretty stupid since 95%+ of our military folks are never in any kind of serious danger of being hurt by a combatant)
  • Normal Pregnancy (don't want to work because you're eight months pregnant? Don't bother trying to get disability benefits for that)
  • Foreign Travel (varies by policy, but many don't cover you during that European vacation, much less that humanitarian trip to Sudan—read the fine print)
  • Mental/Nervous Disorder (many companies limit benefits to two years, where they might pay for “physical” disorders until you're 65 years old)
  • Medical Exclusions (any medical conditions you have at the time the policy is issued will likely be excluded, meaning if you have heart disease at the time of issuance and it leads to you being disabled five years later, the policy isn't going to pay. Again, apply when you are young and healthy and/or when you haven't had medical problems for several years to minimize this.)

Residual Disability

Residual disability refers to being only partially disabled. This may occur from the initial injury or illness or be part of the process of recovery. You generally need to buy an additional rider to cover this. Read this rider carefully, it can be a bit complicated.
Imagine developing painful lumbar radiculopathy that keeps you from working more than 20 hours a week. This is the part of your policy that will cover that. This rider will also explain how much you get if you are partially disabled. My old policy says it pays the whole benefit (total disability) if I can't earn at least 20% of my “indexed prior monthly earnings,” which is basically the money I earn at my job. It doesn't count my investments, other disability income policies, rent from a rental property, or my nonvocational activities. It doesn't pay anything if my earnings aren't reduced at least 20%. If I am making between 20%-80% of what I made previously, I get the total disability benefit times the ratio of my loss of income for that month divided by my indexed prior monthly earnings. Note that with some companies, the partial disability rider will kick in at 15%.
Some contracts use “or” in the contract and others use “and” in the contracxt. For instance, a stronger policy would trigger the partial disability rider if you had a loss of income or a loss of time or a loss of duty whereas a weaker contract would require loss of income and loss of time and loss of duty where all of those triggers must be met.

Partial Disability vs. Residual Disability

Partial disability and residual disability are generally considered to be the same thing, but there is a technical difference at some companies. For example, at one company, a partial disability rider requires total disability during the elimination period and the residual disability rider does not. With another company, partial refers to the disability, such as one that only affects one part of the body (such as one arm), while residual refers to a decrease in earnings. Either way, the key is to understand how the residual/partial rider works in the policy you actually purchase.

Recovery Benefits

A physician should consider a contract that will continuing paying them a portion of their benefits upon recovery from a disability if their income continues to be down at least 15%-20%. Most carriers will pay a recovery benefit for the benefit period although one only pays for 12 months. This is especially important for practice owners. Think if a dentist were to be disabled for 6 months and then recovers and goes back to their practice. Many of their patients may have gone elsewhere because the dentist sees his patients twice a year. It could take several years to get back to where he/she was at before becoming disabled.

Recommendations for Physicians on Disability Insurance Riders

Here's an easy cheat card to help you know at a glance what we think about all of the various riders available.

Who Needs Disability Insurance?

Nearly every high-income professional in their first decade or two out of school should own a policy. Your most valuable asset is your ability to work. So, if you do not own a disability insurance policy, you need to go get one, now. If you have an income, it's time to buy a policy, even if money is tight as a resident. The only exception is if you do not rely on your income to live. If you are already financially independent, it's OK not to buy disability insurance. However, even if you are frugal and married to another high earner, you may wish to still have a policy. You could both become disabled, or you could become divorced.

How Much Physician Disability Insurance Do I Need?

As a resident, you typically cannot afford to buy as much as you need, but you should be able to do so even as a brand-new attending. Basically, you need to buy enough disability insurance to cover both your living expenses and your retirement savings if you were to work to age 65 but not your taxes. Physician disability insurance payouts are generally tax-free since they are usually paid with post-tax dollars.
Note that how much you need has little to do with your income and everything to do with what you spend. The less you spend, the less insurance you need to buy. Insurance agents would love to sell you the largest possible policy (which usually works out to be about 2/3 of your gross income, but it is possible to combine two companies to get even more), so you'll need to decide how much you need on your own. Resident physicians typically buy a $5,000 per month benefit and attending physicians typically buy a benefit in the $10,000-$15,000 per month range, but there are plenty of docs who buy both more and less. If your plan in the event of disability is to rely on the income of your spouse, you may not need disability insurance at all.

Average Cost of Disability Insurance for Physicians

Unlike cheaper insurance policies like term life and umbrella policies, physician disability insurance is expensive, although not quite as expensive as your malpractice insurance. The reason it costs so much is it actually gets used. The likelihood of you acquiring a long-term disability during your working years is approximately seven times as high as your risk of dying in those years. A typical policy bought on a healthy doc in their 20s or 30s will cost something between 2%-6% of the benefit. If your monthly benefit is $10,000, expect to spend $200-$600 per month for that. Perhaps the sticker shock you get upon being quoted prices will motivate you to reach financial independence as soon as possible so you can cancel the policy.

Graded vs. Level Premiums

One way to save money on your policy is to get graded premiums. Not all policies offer this feature, but those that do will charge you less in the first few years and more in later years. Level premium policies charge you the same amount in premium every year. A graded premium policy accounts for the fact that you become more likely to become disabled as you go through life. However, it can be very beneficial to you because your need for insurance actually falls continually throughout your career as your build your retirement nest egg.
Once you become financially independent, you can drop the insurance completely. This is a good idea since the total benefits a policy could potentially pay are also dropping throughout your life (since the policy will generally only pay until you are in your mid- to late-60s). Many white coat investors who are great savers hit financial independence by mid-career. If you are one of those, you are likely to come out ahead using graded premiums instead of level premiums.

What Disability Insurance Discounts Are Available for Doctors?

Like other types of insurance, disability insurance is sold by agents who are paid commissions by the insurance companies to sell their products. It is a very competitive business. The insurance companies want agents, especially the independent agents you should be buying from, to preferentially sell their products. To incentivize the agents, they offer discounts that are only available through certain agents. Experienced, high-volume agents can often provide you with the same policy at a cheaper rate than a newer, lower-volume agent. Thus, it pays to use an experienced agent and shop around with two or three of them. Nearly every doctor should qualify for some type of discount on their policy—10%-30% premium discounts are not unusual. Types of discounts include:
  • Unisex discounts
  • Student/Resident/Fellow discounts
  • Multi-life institution discounts
  • Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI) institution discounts
  • Association discounts
Learn more about physician disability insurance discounts.

How Do I Buy Disability Insurance?

The key to physician disability insurance is the independent agent. The agent is going to be paid a great commission by the insurance company no matter which policy you choose. Assuming policies with similar benefits, the commission isn't going to be all that different. Plus, these agents get plenty of business and none of them are starving, so they have little incentive to sell you an inferior policy for a slightly higher commission. Their reputation is worth far more than a few extra dollars in commission. Since you are (indirectly) paying the agent a very nice commission, don't feel bad about using their time and expertise to fully understand this complicated product.
For most doctors, this is a purchase that is only done once or twice in their life. Have the agent quote you different physician disability policies from each of the “Big 5” companies and show you the strengths and weaknesses of each. If you have a policy from work or your professional association, bring it in with you and have it included in the comparison. Then, you can know you made an educated decision and you can buy it and forget about it. Also, be sure to ask for a discount. The vast majority of doctors will qualify for a 5%-30% association or employer-related discount, and a top-notch agent will help you get that.

What Type of Disability Insurance Should I Buy?

There are two main types of disability policies: individual policies and group policies. As a general rule, individual policies have stronger definitions of disability. Many group policies are not own-occupation policies. Individual policies are also portable, in that you can change jobs and take them with you.

Individual Disability Policy

There are a number of benefits of an individual policy. The main one is that you are in control of all the details. You get to choose how much insurance you want to pay for. You get to choose which of the bells and whistles you are going to pay for. The policy is also “portable,” meaning you still have it if you change employers (or if your employer just decides to change the policy). As a general rule, the policy is also “stronger,” meaning it is more likely to actually pay you if you get disabled.

Group Disability Policy

A group policy provided by your employer is usually not portable, although sometimes you are allowed to take over the entire premium and take it with you. Group policies also frequently have premiums that increase every year or every five years, whereas an individual policy usually has level premiums. Group policies paid for by your employer may also pay a taxable benefit, rather than the tax-free benefit provided by an individual policy. Aside from the lower cost, the main benefit of a group policy is that it may be easier to qualify for. It may not require any sort of medical exam or blood work, and it may not ask any pesky questions about your medical conditions and dangerous hobbies such as rock climbing, skydiving, scuba diving, or flying.

How to Compare Disability Insurance Policies

The most important feature is the definition of disability. You want a policy with a strong, broad definition of disability that will cover any possible type of disability. That usually means “own-occupation, specialty-specific” and no limitations on things such as psychiatric conditions or addictions. This is the main difference between the “Big 5” companies and others.
Since disability is complicated, disability insurance policies are complicated. There are dozens of differences from one policy to another, making them difficult to compare. Use your independent agent for recommendations on what matters most. Just for an example, take a look at this chart of all the differences you could see between one policy and another.

When to Buy Disability Insurance?

You should buy disability insurance just before you become disabled. Since you don't know when that time could be, earlier is generally better. However, disability insurance is also expensive, and when you are young and poor, you have lots of other great uses for your money. A good compromise is to buy a small policy as you enter residency and then upgrade to a more robust disability insurance plan just before leaving residency. The younger you are, the healthier you are, and the fewer dangerous hobbies you engage in, the cheaper your premiums will be for the same benefit.

Best Disability Insurance for Physicians

I keep a list of those I consider the best disability insurance agents in the country. Save yourself the work of finding a good one you can trust and use the same agents that have been used by thousands of WCI readers in the past. You do not need someone local that you can sit down across the table from. It is better to have someone who has sold policies to hundreds of docs this year working with you by phone, Skype, Zoom, and email than someone you can sit down with who has only sold four policies. In addition, if there is some issue with one of these agents, I can usually help you resolve it quickly.
Information in this space rapidly changes. While we try to keep The White Coat Investor website as up-to-date as possible, our recommended agents are going to be our best source for updated information. I cannot emphasize how strongly I suggest you use them, whether buying your first policy or simply reviewing what you already have.
submitted by WCInvestor to whitecoatinvestor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:00 communist-crapshoot How to argue in favor of capitalism and against socialism, a helpful guide: Part 2.

Hello. My name is Bungling-Worm. You may remember me from my highly condemned submissions such as "Socialists-The Moralist Busybodies Preventing You From Beating YOUR Cheating C\nt of a Wife and Annoying Children", "Profit or: Humanity's Raisin Deter (sic).", "Who Really 'Needs' Clean Air and Water Anyway?", "Hayek Was Right! - How Fascism Saved Western Civilization™ From the Bolshevik Menace" and "SWEATSHOPS!-The Greatest Gift to Third-World Youths Since the Polio Vaccine.*"
Today I'd like to address my fellow capitalists. It's no secret that, much like the U.S. military in Iraq circa 2003-2011, we're losing the battle for the hearts and minds of our intended slav..subje...vict...vassa...thral...our fellow men™. For this reason my employer, Generic Right-Wing Think Tank Inc., in partnership with our good friends in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the U.K. Special Intelligence Service (formerly U.K. Military Intelligence, Section 6), have contacted the eminent propagandist conservative philosopher picnic-boy and gained his gracious permission to make an official Part 2 to his highly acclaimed How to argue in favor of capitalism and against socialism, a helpful guide the table of contents of which is freely available (for a limited time only) here:
Without picnic-boy's pioneering achievements in sophistry this work would not be possible. Now, without further add-do (sic) I give you a sneak peak into the table of contents of How to argue in favor of capitalism and against socialism, a helpful guide: Part 2.
  1. State, often and always without evidence (because none exists), that socialists control all mainstream news media, organized religion (especially the Catholic Church, the Jesuit Order, the Hasidic Colleges and every sect of Islam), academia, K-12 public education, the entire U.S. civil service/bureaucracy (from the municipal all the way up to the federal), the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Democratic Party, the neoconservative wing of the Republican party, the Fraternal Order of Freemasons, Hollywood, all police unions, the AFL-CIO board, the entire federal judiciary, all the major drug cartels and organized crime syndicates, the Federal Reserve System and the governments of literally every single third and second world country, especially the far-right and non-white majority ones. At the exact same time, and this is really important so pay close attention, accuse socialists of being unpopular teenage losers living in their parents' basement who're too lazy to get a job.
  2. When socialists remark upon how similar the claims in point 1 are to contemporary Neo-Nazi conspiracy theories and start to question how you feel about Jewish people turn around and accuse them of being "the real anti-semites" for "wanting to take all the Jews' money away ". In no way is this conflation of all Jewish people with rich capitalists a form of economic antisemitism. If someone points out that it is simply cherry pick quotes from Marx's "On the Jewish Question" out of context so that none of the parts where Marx makes it clear he is only critiquing Judaism as a religion while at the same time advocating for the political emancipation of the Jews as people are clear to the reader. After that go on to talk about how much you support Israel and how much happier you think diaspora Jews would be if they permanently immigrated there. Also and for no particular reason talk about the "failure" of the Kibbutzim apropos of nothing and don't elaborate on anything.
  3. Always portray struggles of democratic socialists within ML states/the Eastern Bloc as struggles for capitalism. Yes, it is true the people who organized the East German Uprising of 1953, the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, the Prague Spring of 1968, and the Polish Solidarity Movement of the 1980's (before the Vatican and CIA hijacked it) all demanded democratic socialism, yes they all said that, but what they "really wanted" was capitalism and don't you let any so-called "historian" tell you otherwise.
  4. Pretend that socialists invented the very concept of the state and thus that all state rulers from the Roman Emperors, Egyptian Pharaohs, Greek Archons, etc. to modern Kings, Kaisers, Tsars and Presidents were/are "socialists".
  5. Don't forget to liberally pepper your psychotic rants with plenty of freudian slips and accusations in a mirror. For example, make the claim that socialists want to destroy the family so that they can isolate, abuse and indoctrinate women and children while at the same time assert that wives and children are nothing more than an extension of "the individual" who need to be shielded by this individual from an unrealistically hostile and confusing world (literally everything and everyone outside the home).
  6. Assert that socialists invented taxation and ignore that the first taxes in recorded history took the form of land-rents set by the first governments (which were councils of militaristic landlords).
  7. Defend rent-seeking and landlordism so long as it's done by private individuals. Remember rent-seeking is only bad when the government does it because they spend that money on social parasites and welfare leeches, unlike landlords who spend it on their second families in the next state over.
  8. Claim fascism is a form of socialism but also defend the legacies of lesser known fascist regimes, military dictatorships and other totalitarian right-wing governments whose symbols and mottos the people in your country haven't developed a learned fear response to yet the way they have the Swastika and the Fasces.
  9. When leftists point out that the main victims of things like the Great Purge and the Chinese Cultural Revolution were socialists, communists, anarchists and other left-wing intellectuals who opposed Stalin and Mao's cults of personality either ignore them and maintain that the "real victims" were the tiny minority of "innocent" religious extremists, ultranationalists (who were "definitely not" fascist collaborators or spies), and grain hoarders or do a complete one hundred and eighty degree pivot and actually defend the Great Purge and Cultural Revolution because "The more left someone is, the more violent/dictatorial they are, therefore anyone to the left of Stalin and Mao would have been more violent than them and it's a good thing they were killed."
  10. If you think any of these points are self-contradicting just remember that doublethink is merely a tool and "communists" (Stalinists) shouldn't be the only ones allowed to make use of it.
  11. Ignore the mountains of evidence that an anti-Stalinist left exists. Portray these leftists as right-wingers and edit their most famous works to leave out the many mentions of their own support for socialism.
  12. Remind your interlocutor(s) that socialism is gay and cringe.
  13. Remember that reading is gay but total illiteracy is still kinda cringe (unfortunately). Therefore read as little as humanly possible without going full illiterate. Our recommendation is to only read blurbs from ancap websites, your favorite conspiracy theorist podcasters' social media threads and your fellow "capitalists' " reddit posts and nothing else.
  14. In keeping with point 13 let the only things you "know" or "learn" about socialism be things you absorbed through osmosis and half remember from your high school history textbooks assuming you even read them at all. Never look at primary sources, never listen to people trying to explain things to you in detail, always complain that quotes provided to you are "blocks of text" or "unoriginal" and can thus be dismissed without serious engagement on your part.
  15. Remember that conformism, unquestioning obedience to authority, an unflinching belief in the correctness of the current socioeconomic status quo and conventional wisdom, and a general Panglossian worldview with a huge heaping of moral nihilism (which is definitely a real philosophical school of thought and not just a rationalization of one's own sociopathic tendencies) are actually somehow radical and that "conservatism is the new punk rock" of the 21st century.
  16. Remember that guy begging for spare change you passed on your way to work? Tell everyone that he was a capitalist. Carefully explain to workers why capitalists are actually worse off than everyone else in society as hard to believe as that may seem. Remind them that when it comes to capitalists' they're "cash poor, asset rich" which means all their wealth is tied up in assets like yachts and sports cars and mansions and designer suits/dresses/jewellery and second summer homes and third winter homes and tropical island resorts where "nothing unethical ever happens so shut up about it already"...and talk about how they can't use these assets to buy groceries or clothing or even pay the "exorbitant" property taxes on their assets. "So you see the real unfortunates in our society aren't the homeless or the victims of police brutality or refugees or the working poor, it's capitalists. These brave men and women take (minor) financial risks by using what little cash they have to found businesses, not for their own benefit but for ours, so that they can give us jobs and provide us with products and services and then what do these generous souls get in return for their herculean efforts? Just a whole lot of ingratitude from socialists and a bunch of tacky junk they can't even use to feed and clothe their many, many illegitimate and adoptive children that they're definitely not doing anything questionable with on their tropical islands that aren't even worth that much anymore because of rising sea levels (which have nothing to do with climate change, which is just a Chinese communist plot to make Americans poor don'tcha know?)".
submitted by communist-crapshoot to CapitalismVSocialism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:11 OldEvening9826 Why do Bollywood Actresses get more hate than Bollywood Actors?

I cannot be the only one who notices this.
Whenever I am surfing the web , specially in the bollywood side, I always see that the women in bollywood recieve disgusting comments and immense amount of hate for the most dumbest things possible. For example , people make fun of Alia for "copying" Deepika's dressing sense. Which makes no sense because neither Deepika nor Alia owns a type of dressing sense. Its a fucking dress that anyone can wear. Or the most recent topics, where people are crying about nepotism but the hate mostly goes to the nepo women such as Jhanvi or Khushi , after the release of Archies. I didn't see anyone making fun of Amitabh and Jaya's grandson.
Most of the hateful comments are on women on the way they dress or talk. Salman still has fans even though he is literally a goon and killed people. Shah Rukh cheated on Gauri with Priyanka , and Priyanka got the blame for it. Not that buddha.
Or people, even women (comes from internalized misogyny) always age shame the older actresses. I never seen no comment on Shah Rukh or Salman uncles. They are almost 60, but people say how "good" they look. Meanwhile, people start shitting on the actresses after 30 , calling them "aunty".We are literally lacking in young and attractive men in bollywood which is why women are resorting to foreign content such as kdramas where the men are in fact young and attractive.
Men, and people find nothing wrong in these grandpas with erectile dysfunctionality and old wrinkly faces romancing with barely legal teens. The moment a woman does it, everyone cries so much. For example, when Aishwarya got so much hate for romancing with Ranbir in ADHM.
Most movies are made by men to cater to the male gaze, I mean. Item songs. Just half naked women dancing in front of ugly and disgusting men. We barely got male item songs. We barely got movies made for women, except for shitty biographies or some "message" to society or smth.
Additionally, people find nothing wrong in men smoking, drinking and fucking around. The moment bollywood actresses makes movies which shows them do it like Veere de Wedding, they all have problems. If you check the youtube comments under Tareefan, its all about men and pick me women crying about how "this is feminism" or how "we lost Indian culture." Their culture doesn't loose when they they got Ae re Pritam Pyaari or Munni.
People, specially you women out there need to stop putting down bollywood actresses. From men , its usually coming, because of how misogynistic this country is. But I plead the women to stop partaking in this.
People are jealous and cannot see a woman can be hot as well as successful and not rely on a man. You shouldn't be hating on her but support her. Only then, you can achieve true feminism.
submitted by OldEvening9826 to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:13 Federal_Neat5478 i think my dad is cheating on my stepmom, what now?

there’s no way to really start this, but i’ll just go right into it. my stepmom is currently away on a trip out of the country, leaving just my dad and i home. she just left yesterday night, but i’m already noticing some weird behavior from my dad. for some background info, my mom and dad separated in 2011, and legally divorced in 2012, so i was still really young. i don’t know the exact reasons why they split, but im pretty sure it has to do with him cheating. anyway, my stepmom came into the picture in 2013, and i have since moved in with them (i used to live mostly with my mom).
so back to today, my dad has been acting really fishy. he usually texts and drives, but won’t be hiding his phone. today, he was hiding it like his life depended on it, and has just been texting more than usual. i did manage to get a glimpse of what he was saying, and all i saw was him on whatsapp (which he rarely uses) talking to some girl in spanish (we’re hispanic, but he only texts in english unless it’s his mom), saying that he is “still thinking about her videos” and he was calling her “bb”. then about 20 minutes later, he had sent a long paragraph, and all i could read before he moved his phone again was the word “masturbation”. this is freaking me out because my stepmom makes a lot more than my dad, and we are both on her health insurance. i am scared to look more into this.
i coincidentally have a session with my therapist today, so i will definitely bring this up then. but for now, what should i do? i’m planning on just trying to take glances at his phone, and if he leaves his phone somewhere, im definitely going to investigate for more. but i just am at a loss right now, i don’t know much about what’s happening but it seems like cheating, and i can’t even look at him in the eyes right now. any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Federal_Neat5478 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:56 Ok_Vanilla_3449 A hope for Dawntrail.. MORE COOL STUFF SOONER!

A hope for Dawntrail.. MORE COOL STUFF SOONER!
Ok so screenshot is just what I could find handily but I have a point to make because I just started playing again... Would Anyone REALLY feel cheated if FF14 put you in conflict with these incredibly freaking cool enemies much sooner ? While I was slaughtering Lost Lambs and ladybugs I just thought to myself... "Damn, ARR is OLD"
ARR should just go away like v1.0. Turn it into a cutscene, like they did to 1.0. ARR just feels like they were trying to compete directly with WoW unlike the later expansion content which feels wholly FF-flavored.
An expansion is the time to do that kind of thing... hence Dawntrail or something after.
That cutscene is awesome, nobody will dispute that.
My friend is level 90 and you know how faaaaaaar away that feels? How many dead sheep and beetles that represents? I want to get to the WICKED COOL stuff, and I want to do it with my friend... without massacreing beetles like it's 2011
Edit for clarity: Based on what people have said below, I feel like I should clarify my phrasing. I'm ultimately saying that there's a lot of Generic AnyMMO filler in ARR and even some of the main quest stuff is far from exciting or even funny. That's not the unique and interesting Final Fantasy stuff you see in the expansions. I'd like to see ARR cut down so severely that you know right from the get-go that you're playing a Final Fantasy game, not AnyMMO Online. Less sheep, more Sin Eaters, you know? Throw Marlboros at me sooner, not generic skeletons or plains cats or insects. Keep me aware this is a luscious high-creative high-fantasy game, not just a directionless attempt to steal marketshare from 2014-era WoW.
submitted by Ok_Vanilla_3449 to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:10 EmperorYogg LordYam reviews Dark Horse Conan Part 1

In 2003 Dark Horse released their version of Conan the Barbarian. It ran strong for 7 years but then stumbled around 2011-2012; while the writing improved the Art didn't until 2016 and by then it was way too late and the series died a quiet miserable death. I did some reviews years ago but in hindsight they were very amateurish and I kind of wanted to re present them in a calmer more fair manner.
So here goes
Series 1: One thing that the first series did was have a framing device. A prince is exploring newly conquered lands, who discovers a statue of Conan in a hidden chamber. He's accompanied by his Wazir who is not so subtly implied to be Thoth Amon and tries to dissuade the Prince from looking to deeply into the matter. The angle was largely dropped after issue 50, though the prince DOES appear in issue 66, Sorrow of Akivasha (with hints he's getting suspicious of Thoth.
Due to the sheer size of the series I'm going to break it down by arc so as to give fairer gradings.
Arc 1: Hyperborea. This covers Conan going to the North, and of course we get the Frost Giant's daughter as Conan joins a band of Aesir chasing some raiders. Conan has heard tales about Hyperborea as a wonderous paradise, but there are hints of something darker. Conan also incurs the jealousy of Sjarl, an Aesir who wants the Chief's daughter. So he arranges for Conan to be captured by the Hyperboreans, only for the Hyperboreans to come early and seize both the Aesir and Vanir.
It's at this point we get the awful truth about Hyperborea. While it is a paradise, it's literally built on the suffering and misery of countless slaves? The endless summers they have for instance are gained by sacrificing the lives of the infirm and wounded so that their souls are converted into magic. The Hyperboreans themselves have grown bored to the point that they've made ritual suicide a public spectacle, throwing themselves AND their household staff and servants into a chasm. Conan falls in love with a Turanian slave, Iasmini, and tries to save her and the others from doom. Sadly, it doesn't work, and Conan is the only one to escape.
In many ways this was a very bold arc; while Conan survives, he fails utterly. Even killing the men who got him and his brothers trapped doesn't alleviate his guilt. While some fans have taken issue with how the Hyperboreans were portrayed I felt it did a perfect job showing the darker side of civilization; the utopia is literally fueled by human suffering, and the Hyperboreans can't even see the point anymore. The supporting cast was incredibly likable as well; Iasmini in particular is in some ways a conniving schemer but she does care for Conan and given her situation you can't really blame her (it's also worth noting that she's decades older then Conan at the very least). It's telling that when Conan makes a funeral pyre for her and the Aesir he actually prays that the Aesir gods are kind enough to send her to her own gods.
We also get our introduction to Janissa the Widowmaker. Janissa is an example of a good idea done somewhat poorly, although Fred Van Lente was able to make her a much more interesting character in Conan the Avenger.
Arc 2: God in the Bowl
This one opens up with a comedic story, the Brave thieves of Bertinus. The main point is that Conan meets Aztrias Petreus, the nobleman in God in the Bowl, which of course sets the stage for that story. God in the Bowl still plays out like the original tale and is pretty faithful, but it's what happens AFTERWARDS that things get interesting. See, Busiek does a follow up where Janissa manipulates events so that Conan is dragged into protecting Kalanthes, Priest of Ibis as he returns to Hanumar to destroy a dangerous artifact. Naturally, a lot of peril needs to be overcome.
There was a LOT to like about this arc. While there are a few minor hiccups (Hanumar is said to be in Ophir) it does a good job welding God in the Bowl into a bigger story, and it even explains why Thoth would be so reckless with a Child of Set. Kalanthes is also a great character, showing that civilization does have the potential to be noble and thus serving as a thematic counterpart to Sjarl and Einar (who, despite being barbarians, were weak willed cowards and backstabbers). One of my favorite scenes is a debate that Conan has with him; for context, on of Kal's servants, Davo, has been bitten by a snake sent by Thoth, and transporting him is slowing them down. Conan suggests that the practical option would be to leave Davo behind to die. Kalanthes actually gives a pretty compelling reason why he isn't; even leaving aside that Davo has served him for years, there's no guarantee it will work and he won't do something that cruel because it MIGHT give him an advantage, and when he asks Conan if HE would kill a friend to aid himself Conan is unable to answer. And yet, later on, when his men volunteer to stay behind to fend off Thoth's avatar and there's no other choice, Kalanthes reluctantly makes the call to sacrifice them. The final battle with Thoth's Avatar in Hanumar is easily one of the greatest fight sequences I've seen in any Conan media, and Conan's conversation with the Bone Woman where he rejects her job offer is also well done.
That said, there was one problem....Janissa's backstory. Parts of it were fine (she wanted to flee an arranged marriage, and so sought out the witch known as the Bone Woman. The Bone Woman agreed to train her if Janissa served her for twice the time of the training. The training was hellish, and now Janissa is servant to a monster.) Thing is.....there's demon rape involved. Rape is a tricky subject and having a woman get raped each night for years until she overcomes them is just....uggh. Tellingly, Conan the Avenger retconned this by implying the demons were manifestations of her own mind. Revealing the full backstory early on was also a mistake, since it kept Janissa from being built up over time.
If I had to make one change I'd have put it closer to the end of Conan's thief adventures. It addresses the wigginess of Hanumar being in Ophir and also serves as a better climax.
Arc 3: Tower of the Elephant: This arc covers Conan in Zamora; he's very rudely brought down to earth when his "friends" from Bertinus make off with his gold/survives a hill with demons, and so he throws himself into the dives of Zamora in order to learn the ropes. One of his "friends" Jiara manages to worm her way back into his graces, and we also get a faithful and beautiful rendition of Tower of the Elephant.
Overall it was a good story arc, but a lot more mild after the explosive events of Hanumar Road.
Arc 4: Hall of the Dead/Nestor Part 1: Conan's star has risen, as has his cockiness. Thing is he's pissed off the elite enough that the guards are actually doing their job (in particular Conan not only broke into the tower of the Magistrate, he also banged the magistrate's teenage trophy wife.) Conan's decision to help a young girl, Ineri, combined with him robbing a location at the same time as Nestor and his crew (as well as Jiara telling the plan to get back at Conan for cheating on her) leads to Nestor getting captured and making an alliance with Magistrate Surna to force Conan out (though Surna doesn't trust Nestor and has him cursed so that if he fails he'll hunt Conan as a zombie). Conan is ultimately run out of town, but ultimately tries to raid a lost city (as one does.) Nestor catches up with Conan and Conan persuades him to put the grudge aside so they can profit off the treasure. Unfortunately, they both awaken the undead guardians, and when Conan returns we find out that the only thing he could take (a jade dragon) comes to life and bites Surna to death, forcing Conan and Jiara to leave town.
This actually sets up the final arc; see, Surna's priest (Tzilius) sends for magic potions to be sent to save Surna. The Priest of Anu (who will feature in Arc 5) is contracted by Atalis to get the potions; Conan thwarts the robbery but makes off with the potions himself. In addition, Surna's incapacitation causes his replacement to start cracking down on the poor, causing Ineri (who sensed a darkness following Conan) to leave town with an old man, Jerim so she can warn Conan. Conan and Nestor reunite after an adventure in the hills, and decide to cross the border.
When looked at as the first part of a trilogy, this arc is fantastic. While Nestor and Conan do become friends a little quickly it still manages to be believable, and the lost city (as well as the toad monsteundead army) were suitably creepy. It also sets up the next two arcs brilliantly.
Arc 5: Rogues in the House: Conan and Nestor run afoul of the Priest of Anu, still seeking the potions. Nestor dies, and Conan is jailed after enacting a messy revenge on the priest. Jiara however betrays him and this leads to Conan getting captured. Murilo helps Conan escape, leading to Rogues in the House.
What stood out about this arc was the tragedy; Nestor has the chance to avoid his doom by killing Conan, but refuses because Conan is his friend. The extended time meant that his death hit far harder then the original tale (where he was just some guy.) Conan's killing of the priest is also one of the most uniquely brutal deaths I've ever seen. He force feeds the guy the healing potions, cuts off his head (because of how potent the potions are he survives the decapitation) and then throws the head into the fire and watches it burn. Appropriately brutal. We also meet Atalis when he comes to collect the potions; he's unable to and so makes do with Nestor's corpse instead. This sets the stage for the final battle in Arc 6.
Arc 6: Hand of Nergal: As Conan heads home he gets temporarily employment in the army of Yaralet; the King Of Yaralet is awaiting his bride to be, Princess Ereshka. Coincidentally, Ineri and Jerim get taken in by Ereshka, and when the demon horde comes Ineri helps Ereshka hide but gets captured herself. Ereshka persuades Conan to help save Ineri, leading to a final battle for the fate of the world.
This is the culmination of the previous 26 issues and it does the job nicely. The final battle is appropriately epic, and it ties off the plot points. Atalis' plan is thwarted and Nestor's zombie corpse is laid to rest. Conan and Ineri both get awesome moments. It's conclusive yet also sets the stage for more adventures.
As a side note, I also rather liked Princess Ereshka. She's a pampered aristocrat, but also genuinely nice, pushing Conan to go back to save Ineri.
Arc 0: Born on the Battlefield: Shows Conan's youth, up to the fall of Venarium. It was certainly interesting, but there were some parts that were odd (Conan sleeping with a sorceror's daughter indirectly leads to Aquilonia colonizing the region).
Standalone Stories: One of the bigger problems was that Kurt Busiek ended up leaving partway through, which combined with the fact that Cary Nord often took his time meant that there were some filler issues. They weren't BAD, but they were obviously filler (with the exception of the two parter in Issues 35-36, which introduces the Pictish Witch Nai).
Series as a whole: It certainly has it's ups and downs, but overall it's pretty good. With the exception of Janissa's demon rape it can even be said to have aged pretty well for the most part in terms of representation and sensitivity. All in all I'd definitely recommend it if you're willing to accept some deviations.
submitted by EmperorYogg to ConanTheBarbarian [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:18 Creepydarioo First time playing on a PS4

First time playing on a PS4
Since i was a kid i always played skyrim with mods/cheats i never actually played the game itself from beggining to the end without cheating in some way, ether trough console commands or mods. Recently i saw the game was on PS premium and decided id give it a fair shot, and boy was i surprised how good the game is for a 2011 game. Im loving it so much that i dont want to start the main quest line after 55h+ 😂 i havent even entered Whiterun.
submitted by Creepydarioo to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:48 froobynooby FroobWorld [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] [PvE] {1.20.4}

FroobWorld is a small survival server that's been going since 2011. If you enjoy the old-school style of SMP, you will probably enjoy our server.
Our rules are pretty standard. Essentially - no griefing; no stealing; and no cheating. We keep the chat at PG-13 levels.
Some features of FroobWorld:
  • Land claiming, with no limit to the size (within reason)
  • Lockette-style chest locking
  • /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back
  • Long-term maps
  • 32 view distance
  • We don't take donations or give prizes in exchange for votes
submitted by froobynooby to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 03:44 No_Instance_431 I've known I'm different my whole life, born with some wierd abilities like being able to draw almost anything from memory, exceptional memory, good at entertaining people but dont understand people at all, crippling depression yet high functioning. Don't know what I have.

I've known I'm different my whole life, born with some wierd abilities like being able to draw almost anything from memory, exceptional memory, good at entertaining people but dont understand people at all, crippling depression yet high functioning. Don't know what I have.
37 Disabled Combat Vet, diagnosed with PTSD, Bipolar II. The thing Im trying to figure out is I know that I have not been neuro typical my entire life. I've had the uncanny ability to draw well since I was 5, I am a fast learner, and I have good spacial awarness and I am good with my hands. I am a contractor and I build cars as a hobby. One thing people have noticed about me is my memory and alot of people say im brilliant, but I know I am of average intelligence with an exceptional memory which people mistake as actual intelligence. I can play the piano, and I feel like I'm a good entertainer since people like to have me at parties, also my 1st job after the Army was a male stripper (Ugly AF but I got a nice body)Ive always hated school, never got good grades, good test taker (1340 SAT, 125 ASVAB)but my memory basically allows me to cheat. Got good grades (3.8) my 3 years of college (Biology degree) but I dropped out in 2020. I don't connect with 99% of people but I make friends easily, I am the living embodyment of Fake it Till you Make it and the Funniest people that make every laugh are the most depressed. Ive known the only thing I ever wanted to be was a Soldier since I was 8, and I excelled at it, maxed out every physical fitness teat and weapons qualification, won Soldier of the Month 2 times and Soldier of the Quarter 2 times, didn't compete for soldier of the year because I got deployed as a M2 gunner doing convoy escorts. Im trying to figure out if im maybe on the Autism spectrum or something similar. Also some drawings from 7th grade to my 1st deployment 2011 and a picture of me as a santa for an adult chrismas party from a couple years ago
submitted by No_Instance_431 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 23:36 EarthInternational9 They brag that I didn't appear in court today so judge gave white guy legal permission to kill me and face no criminal charges. Letter with photoshopped signature? See why I said most black people need to stay up north in NJ.

That's why he's running for office soon. He knows how to cheat in court and exploit racial differences and racial discrimination. As if my problems were just my race.
I suppose court case was for child support for cloned eggs removed in 2011 but men wanted free money to be dads. Reverse welfare because men are too stigmatized to apply if they are white? Interesting court case if so, but I think it's just for the younger women using my name who still give birth to babies they don't want to raise so Photoshop stuff for courtroom. Judge looks at it for a few minutes and makes a ruling based on emotions they exploit because I wasn't invited to go to defend myself or present actual situation. #identityfraud
I predict rest of USA will be unliveable for average people within five more years once he's elected for office!! Demon kali in office is worse thing.
They are publishing a book without permission from me again especially edited to anger people who have experienced murdering others I suppose. Money to waste is all it takes to print a certain amount of books.
It's ok. I'm 53. I have no reason to live as hooker or unemployed in the ghetto or homeless centers of Florida. God cursed entire region. Who cares? They said all black women are automatically hookers in this city if don't get hired by people for regular jobs.
Don't move here, brown ladies! Move away from here if you are black and can go with a group of people who want to disconnect any contacts with this city. Soon they will murder any woman they can Photoshop evidence of sex work or anything sex in this city and anywhere around the world. Chosen by photos and if they can find a lookalike among their group! Demon kali is awake and active to turn any woman into a whore. Easiest for men to insult women than respect or love. Examine any divorce court in the world and there demon kali is there turning good mothers into bad mothers every day! Attitude of love, ideal love ignores flaws and forgives, not punishes. Demon kali has attacked me since 2018 worse than before.
Did you notice, Hindus, or did you ignore me?? I needed your help if you had the dreams shared by me. I wasn't supposed to be alone but surrounding by positive and supportive thoughts and people. Peaceful was life God wanted me to have. I don't even believe what people tell each other about me because if True, then my advisor is missing my whole life!! Did I need help? Yes, they said I have to kill myself If I didn't want to be in their sex club but they use occult so they still want to wake up my body because they suspect my soul is tethered to it because of empathic nature. I shared article about why Hindus cremate and they DO love to torture.
Good luck with apocalyptic conditions. This was the last timeline, and it's almost gone.
submitted by EarthInternational9 to u/EarthInternational9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:43 austenfound Inspired by recent conversations here, I put together a short bibliography of Neopets-related academic writing

Please drop more citations in the comments if you have them :) I'm struck by how children-focused this list is, while Neopets (in my recollection) has always been a mixed space of children and adults.
Black, Rebecca W, and Stephanie M Reich. “Culture and Community in a Virtual World for Young Children.” Games, Learning, and Society. Cambridge University Press, 2012. 210–228.
Curwood, Jen Scott, Alecia Marie Magnifico, and Jayne C Lammers. “Writing in the Wild: Writers’ Motivation in Fan-Based Affinity Spaces.” Journal of adolescent & adult literacy 56.8 (2013): 677–685.
Dumitrica, Delia D. “An Exploration of Cheating in a Virtual Gaming World.” Journal of gaming & virtual worlds 3.1 (2011): 21–36.
Grimes, Sara M, and Leslie Regan Shade. “Neopian Economics of Play: Children’s Cyberpets and Online Communities as Immersive Advertising in NeoPets.Com.” International journal of media and cultural politics 1.2 (2005): 181–198.
Lu, Stephanie Louise. “Growing Up with Neopets: A Personal Case-Study.” Journal of virtual worlds research 3.2 (2010)
Teruelle, Rhon. “Stealing the Age of Innocence: A Critique of the Commodification of Children’s Culture Through an Analysis of NeoPets.” Teaching & learning (Welland) 6.1 (2011)
Venger, Olesya. “Internet Research in Online Environments for Children: Readability of Privacy and Terms of Use Policies; The Uses of (Non)Personal Data by Online Environments and Third-Party Advertisers.” Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, vol. 10, no. 1, 2017,
Wollslager, M Eilene. “Children’s Awareness of Online Advertising on Neopets: The Effect of Media Literacy Training on Recall.” Studies in media & information literacy education 9.2 (2009): 31–53.
And this student essay from 2019 that I enjoyed: "Nostalgia and Community: An Exploration of Neopets."
submitted by austenfound to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 08:31 FantasticCabinet2623 Taylor talking about how she chooses what to perform live...

... which will hopefully help any disappointed fans understand the cuts/additions better.
Look, I get it, I do. But at the end of the day, Folkmore is never gonna be as popular as We Are Never... or Shake It Off, especially to casual fans. And most people attending a TS concert are going to want the upbeat dancy pop songs. I was at a showing of the Eras movie and the difference in energy level was palpable. I did not hear a single word of Red or 1989 Taylor sang over the screaming. The Folkmore songs were well recieved, but... I can see why she made the cuts she did.
There's a great interview Taylor did with Paul McCartney where she talks about choosing songs to play at concerts:
Swift: I think it’s so cool that you do projects that are just for you. Because I went with my family to see you in concert in 2010 or 2011, and the thing I took away from the show most was that it was the most selfless set list I had ever seen. It was completely geared toward what it would thrill us to hear. It had new stuff, but it had every hit we wanted to hear, every song we’d ever cried to, every song people had gotten married to, or been brokenhearted to. And I just remembered thinking, “I’ve got to remember that,” that you do that set list for your fans.
McCartney: You do that, do you?
Swift: I do now. I think that learning that lesson from you taught me at a really important stage in my career that if people want to hear “Love Story” and “Shake It Off,” and I’ve played them 300 million times, play them the 300-millionth-and-first time. I think there are times to be selfish in your career, and times to be selfless, and sometimes they line up.
McCartney: I always remembered going to concerts as a kid, completely before the Beatles, and I really hoped they would play the ones I loved. And if they didn’t, it was kind of disappointing. I had no money, and the family wasn’t wealthy. So this would be a big deal for me, to save up for months to afford the concert ticket.
Swift: Yeah, it feels like a bond. It feels like that person on the stage has given something, and it makes you as a crowd want to give even more back, in terms of applause, in terms of dedication. And I just remembered feeling that bond in the crowd, and thinking, “He’s up there playing these Beatles songs, my dad is crying, my mom is trying to figure out how to work her phone because her hands are shaking so much.” Because seeing the excitement course through not only me, but my family and the entire crowd in Nashville, it just was really special. I love learning lessons and not having to learn them the hard way. Like learning nice lessons I really value.
McCartney: Well, that’s great, and I’m glad that set you on that path. I understand people who don’t want to do that, and if you do, they’ll say, “Oh, it’s a jukebox show.” I hear what they’re saying. But I think it’s a bit of a cheat, because the people who come to our shows have spent a lot of money. We can afford to go to a couple of shows and it doesn’t make much difference. But a lot of ordinary working folks … it’s a big event in their life, and so I try and deliver. I also, like you say, try and put in a few weirdos.
So yeah. I get being sad that your favorite was taken away but... Taylor is always going to see what works for the majority of her fans. Who, like it or not, aren't just the sad indie girlies (I say that as someone who does love Folkmore.) Do I wish that there had been more Speak Now and Debut? Yes, but I understand that a lot of fans don't know those songs. It is what it is.
And honestly? We have got the Eras Tour movie performances for pretty much all the cut songs. That's more than most fans get, especially for SN and Debut, so maybe some of y'all need to calm down and stop expecting TS to be your personal jukebox.
ETA: Wayback Machine link
submitted by FantasticCabinet2623 to TaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:58 tipdrill541 Listening to the Shuli vs Scott block party saga. Everyone sided against Scott, but he was correct. They all agreed to be paid the same then Shuli pays himself more behind their backs

Everyone just keeps agreeing with shuli because Howard was going against him. But Shuli was clearly being shady. Shuli himself said they all agreed to be paid the same then shuli started paying himself more. Shuli became the one in control of who got paid what
He was basically seeing the shows as Shuli comedy sows to justify why he got paid more. He kept bringing up having a 2 year old kid. Someone recently found documents that showed his application for bankruptcy was rejected in 2011. So he was seriously hurting for money and that is why he kept cheating everyone he worked with
And he verbally justified it by bringing up everyone's jobs. He really was jealous that people like rochard made more than him. He also rationalised that because Scott and Ronnie gad actual careers and were older, that he needed the money more
Shuli's arguments were just totally full of emotion. Not backing it up with logic and opening the books.
submitted by tipdrill541 to howardstern [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 11:48 Accurate_Rain6028 Help! Engine Oil Consumption is out the roof? (2011 Hyundai ix35)

2011/Hyundai/ix35 Elite/5 Door Wagon/ 2.4L Petrol AU

Apologies if this is stupid but just wanted opinions/help.
I recently bought a 2nd hand and sent it in for servicing at Hyundai dealership a month ago. They did an oil and filter change for me. After only driven 403 KM, the engine oil light flashes periodically, mostly on uphills so I did the dipstick test and it was bone dry. Not even the curly bit at the end had oil.
They were busy so I went ahead and got similar brand/viscosity oil to top-up myself. In total it was 2.5L before hitting near the high symbol. The car manual listed 4.1L as the maximum. The question is it possible for the car to eat 2.5L (more than half) of oil with only 403 KM mileage? Or was the dealership probably cheating me?
Some of the checks I also did:
  1. Took a light and shined into engine bay to look for oil stains or smell (None)
  2. Switched on the engine and did dipstick test after temperature was reached (No overheating)
  3. I slowly refilled the engine oil 1/2 quart each time, placing a extremely large piece of cardboard paper underneath the engine to test for any leaks (None)
  4. All dipstick tests are done on level ground.
Cheers! Thanks in advance and hope this isn't stupid :')
Update: Mechanic quoted $5,500 AUD for full engine rebuild;
submitted by Accurate_Rain6028 to mechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:51 CritterThatIs The beef, soft power, and the fall of empires

My current hyperfixation is obviously the beef between Kendrick Lamar and Drake, which has taken to enormous proportions this last week (or days) in the culture, American yes, but not only that. This effort post, it is my attempt to link thoughts that I’ve had while following it, and especially arguments that I have read or heard coming from several people doing their own analyses.


Well before the explosion of recent weeks between the two artists, they had collaborated in 2011 and 2012 on several tracks, and Drake, by then already a superstar, had even included Kendrick as the opening act on his tour Club Paradise. From 2013 onwards, however, their relationship tarnished when Kendrick took on several names in the industry with “Control”, including Drake. The majority took it pretty well. Not Drake. Over the several following years, the two have sent sneak disses at each other. Kendrick saw everything that is wrong with the rap industry personified in Drake, the man disgusted him, the very fact that he could exist and thrive made him retch. Drake, with his pop-infused hip hop, always ready to do features with trending artists to surf on the different fashions of the day in the genre, saw his ego swell alongside his success. And he couldn't stand being attacked, he has had beefs with too many people to count. Let's jump to March 2024, where Kendrick responded to J. Cole including him in the "Big Three", Drake, J. Cole, and himself with this line: "Motherfuck the big three, n***a, it’s just big me.” In April 2024, Drake released “Push Ups”, relatively unimportant in this affair, then “Taylor Made Freestyle”. That’s where shit exploded. Drake had used an AI on this track to copy 2Pac's voice, one of the giants of hip-hop. The Tupac Estate threatened him with a lawsuit, forcing him to delist the song. On April 30, Kendrick released “Euphoria” (Drake served as executive producer on both seasons of the series of the same name), a six-minute diss showing the extent of his contempt for Drake, threatening him throughout with retaliation if he didn't stay well above the belt (i.e. keep the family out of it—a social contract softened when Pusha T revealed the existence of Drake's son in “The Story of Adidon” in 2018). May 3, less than 72 hours after Euphoria, Kendrick released “6:16 in LA”, where he implied that he had a mole in Drake’s entourage feeding him information. The same day, 15 hours after 6:16 in LA, Drake releases “Family Matters” with a music video, in which Drake appeared at the restaurant mentioned in Euphoria, and crushed a van of the same model that Kendrick had used in his early days and which appeared on the cover of his second studio album, “good kid, m.A.A.d city”. He talks about Whitney, Kendrick’s fiancée since 2015, accusing him of beating her, and of being an absent father.

meet the grahams, Not Like Us, BBL Drizzy & The Heart part 6

About fifteen minutes after Family Matters, Kendrick releases “meet the grahams”, a song with a horror movie beat, in epistolary form to each member of Drake's family, Drizzy himself included. Honestly, my mouth was hanging open from the first line “Dear Adonis [...]” (where he addresses Drake's son directly), I couldn't believe it. Imagine for a moment that a man who hates your guts interrupts your family stroll, kneels down in front of your six-year-old child, and says “Dear [Adonis], I'm sorry that this person is your parent” while looking straight into your eyes. The disrespect shook me. In Family Matters, Drake had gone where Kendrick had warned him not to go, his family. But Kendrick had anticipated that angle of attack, and dressed him down in meet the grahams a mere fifteen minutes after the last drop, accusing him of being addicted to gambling, to prostitutes, to drugs, of having a hidden and abandoned second child, of not really being part of Black culture, and even more damning, of being a pedophile, hiding other pedophiles in OVO, and being part of a child sex trafficking ring. I insist, this is not what is expected in your typical beef. Juicy details about cheating, addiction problems, sure, but above all good bars that get people excited and talking. Not allegations of that magnitude. Not a song that makes people widen their eyes and wonder where such visceral hatred comes from.
Less than 24 hours later, Kendrick drops again, with “Not Like Us”, this time a catchy club hit, with an energy the polar opposite of meet the grahams. The level of accusations remains the same, or worse. The difference is that this track had been made to play in clubs, and by its structure encouraged the crowds to harmonize on lines such as “Certified Lover Boy? Certified pedophiles”, or “Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A-Minor”. In my opinion, this is the moment when Drake lost the battle for the public’s heart. Everyone was stunned after meet the grahams, not really knowing what to do with this filthy beast, but it seems hard to come back when people are dancing and singing along to a track calling you a pedophile.
Of course, everyone was waiting and is still waiting for solid evidence on these allegations, from Drake sure, but more importantly from Kendrick. Nevertheless, it’s hard not to wonder the why of these damning accusations, and why at this precise moment (the trial of Sean Combs, aka P. Diddy, began in early April 2024 with very similar accusations).
On May 5, Drake released “The Heart part 6”. He responds to Kendrick's allegations, and ends the song without rapping, saying he’s disinterested with continuing this beef. In my opinion, and I think I speak for a lot of the people following the culture even a little bit, this ain’t it. The name of the song, the little sample at the beginning and the first line are the only solid parts of the track. Why say that he discussed and planned the leak about the alleged daughter with his entourage, only to five lines later say that the moles are clowns? Why not show the receipts with phone calls, or screenshots, when that would prove his stroke of genius? Why give Kendrick bullets when he accuses him of being a manipulator? And what’s with that unhinged read of “Mother I Sober”? To say Kendrick has an obsession with child-touchers because he was SAed as a child when he was talking about his mother, who suffered this horror in her childhood and couldn’t see past her trauma ? Going there is the mark of sick mind. Not to mention that even with that stupid read, plucking that string when Kdot accuses him of being a pedo with his full chest ? That’s damning. Or, while the P. Diddy trial is going on—after Weinstein, after Epstein and all these rich sex pests, defending himself from this accusation by saying that he’s too famous and respected? Is he out of his mind? Especially when for almost 15 years he’s been seen as a creep when it comes to girls way too young for him. And besides, why even name drop Epstein or Millie Bobby Brown on his own? The guy fuels the allegations against him when he tries to defend himself.
Not to mention that just before that, Metro Boomin dropped on his Twitter his “BBL Drizzy” beat with a challenge: the best bars win a beat from him, free of charge. Literal stroke of genius when Drake dissed him and told him to stick to doing drums. Malicious compliance at its finest. Thousands of up-and-comers from all over the world rushed into the breach. I was able to hear bars in Japanese, German, or French. To quote Drake, it's no longer 20 to 1, but thousands to 1, with a disstrumental where the diss is baked in. Just like Not Like Us, it doesn’t help him that the beat is an earworm.

Lol, who the fuck cares

Usually, I would say “more power to you” to those who don’t give a single fuck. But this hits different. Kendrick is not only attacking Drake but the entire culture industry (naming Weinstein in meet the grahams and using the word “industry” in every track starting from Euphoria). #MeToo was not very successful. Some wins, but overall, it wasn’t the revolution anyone hoped for. Way too much pushback from mainstream media. Attacking those giants is dangerous. For years, the hegemonic media has been abusing people who point at their attackers, the vast majority of them women accusing men. By asking about their dress, their perceived sexuality, the supposed kickbacks they’d get when blasting their abusers. We’ve seen this with Amber Heard, who, by physically defending herself from Johnny Depp the alcoholic, could not be the perfect victim, even though she fits all the other criteria: she’s white, she’s gorgeous, she’s talented. The list of people who were in Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express has been published and…nothing. Or not much. On the other hand, right now, we have millions of people in all countries sharing tracks calling Drake and his entourage pedophiles, a global culture primed and ready for testimonies, even calling for them, if they exist. Imagine for a moment being someone who has had this kind of experience. Not the sordid details, but the anxiety, the fear of losing the small support network that you've been able to keep, the impossibility of filing a complaint when half the cop population are wife-beaters. Seeing Roman Polanski or Woody Allen parading around with a litany of allegations behind them. Contrast this with a moment when the culture dances while naming your abuser a pedophile, where it dissects his every word, finding filth in everything he says. Where thousands of artists put their best bars on a disstrumental ridiculing him. The court of public opinion is already on your side. It calls for you.

The important things

There is a genocide going on. Several, in fact. As I write, Rafah, the so-called “safe enclave” in which the Gazans have been forced to take refuge by the Israeli occupying army at the start of this phase of an ethnic cleansing that's been going on for more than 75 years, is threatened. Nearly a quarter of the clothing we wear goes through the hands of the enslaved Uyghur people in China. So why talk about a stupid beef between two very rich men? It demonstrates the power of soft power in the structure of global culture. It provides, in what I think a completely unexpected way, keys to possible solutions to all the struggles pitting the small against the powerful. Make no mistake, the soft power that we see with Kendrick and Metro Boomin clowning on Drake is not the one coming from the American empire, but the one from the African diaspora, from those that are still being enslaved in the American prison system, and resonates powerfully throughout the world. I absolutely do not recognize myself in American culture as it is introduced in propaganda blockbusters like Top Gun Maverick or other tools of the DOD to promote the illusion of the American empire. The messy and contradictory culture of hip hop, on the other hand, yes. Its homophobic delusions and toxic masculinity while it worships the ground that 2Pac touched. Tupac Shakur, a theatre kid who did ballet and presented himself dressed like a leather daddy at times. That culture I vibe with. Kendrick's demonstration of the power of cultural circulation at a time when we see the facade of the imperial core collapse, its criminalization of anti-war protests and climate justice activists, while we’re in the middle of public health disasters—no, covid is not over—, humanitarian crises, and climate chaos makes me weep with joy. It’s the only time I’ve laughed out loud and danced in the streets since the beginning of October last year. This is one of the rare moments where I understand with my guts Mariame Kaba when she says “hope is a discipline”. It’s been years since I’ve written this much. So let's diss our so-called elites. Let's dance while calling them murderers. Let's bang on pots every single time they open their mouths. Chuck some eggs their way. Let's stand in the way of cops trying to assault students occupying universities (funny, suddenly they're against territorial occupations, uh?). Let's create safe spaces for those who have the courage, the need, or the opportunity to go further.
I leave you with this incredible bop from Charlie Curlis-Beard using the application that the American government wants to ban: TikTok
submitted by CritterThatIs to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 21:20 AstroDunce The History between Aura and Frieren Explained (Minor Spoilers Ahead)

I decided to write this to help explain in detail just how deep the lore between Frieren and Aura goes. Spoiler warning ahead;
In 2011 BH (Before Himmel), Aura, and Frieren through Flamme. Though Flamme was a great teacher, it was Aura who kickstarted Frieren’s skills in magic. However, tensions rose between them in 2013 BH. Frieren name-dropped Aura and other mages, stating that she is the best of the best, and said She would become a better mage than Aura ever will. When Frieren was confronted, She said it was common in the world of mages, nothing more than fun banter.
Despite the other Mages understanding the situation, Aura took it to heart. Aura ended up calling out Frieren themselves.
This would start a trend of subtle jabs at each other from 2015 BH to 2016 BH
Around 2023BH, Aura and Flamme worked together and called out Frieren directly. Flamme mentions that she, Frieren, and Aura are the “Big 3” in the world of mages.
Things escalated in March of 2024. In the track, “Like That” by Metro Boomin, Frieren finally breaks the nearly decade-long silence and finally talks out against Aura and Serie, stating “Fuck the Big 3, it’s Just Big Me.”
This would spark a battle between Aura & Serie against Frieren.
A few weeks later, Flamme would respond with a diss track so bad, that she later deleted it, and publicly apologized to Frieren. Flamme went away from the public eye and had a long and happy life.
Aura would finally fire back at Frieren, but also… other mages? Stating that she was in a “1v20” even though her biggest opponent IS Frieren at the moment. Aura then would release a track that used AI technology to have the voices of the late Tupac, and even used an AI Snoop Dogg (even though he’s alive and streaming with no mic on).
Aura fell into major controversy from listeners, and eventually got in trouble with the Tupac estate and forced her to take it down.
As of last week. Frieren would release another diss track to Aura entitled “Euphoria.” In the track, Frieren calls out Aura for appropriating black culture.
Then, another track from Frieren would drop named “6:16”. Where Frieren tells Aura that none of his friends are actually his friends. They’re only hanging out with her due to his fame, he also begins to hint that there may be a mole within Aura’s troop.
Aura would reply by releasing another diss, entitled “Family Matters” in which Aura would allege that Frieren beat and cheated on his wife.
10 minutes after that song dropped, Frieren drops “Meet the Grahams.” In which Frieren would talk directly to each of the family members of Aura Graham. In the track, Frieren Lamar tells Aura’s son, mother, and dad how truly evil and cruel Aura is, then says that Aura deserves to die. This is a subtle foreshadowing of how Aura dies.
He then alleges that Aura is hiding an 11 yr old daughter. A shocking fact. The tables turn in the last part of the track as Kendrick Lamar states that Drake Aubrey Graham messed up by mentioning Kendrick’s family in family matters. This, along with the fact that the album cover of MTG is Drake’s Personal items.
Less than 24 hrs later, Kendrick would release “Not Like Us.” A club banger produced by the legendary producer “Mustard”. The album cover is Drake’s house, with offender icons placed all over it. Kendrick would call out Drake for being a PDF file. IMO the best lyric is “Trying to strike a cord, and it’s probably A MINORRRRRRRR”. Kendrick also accuses drake of human trafficking.
Unfortunately for Drake, this song has been blasting in clubs.
Drake would respond with the heart part 6. It’s ass.
submitted by AstroDunce to Frieren [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 08:23 AstroDunce INSIDER SCOOP: How Arrowhead convinced Sony to rollback the PS account migration

I am an intern at Sony; though the helldivers community helped out a lot, it was Arrowhead that ultimately convinced Sony to rollback account migration. Here’s a run down of what happened;
In 2011, Sony allowed Arrowhead to release Helldivers on the PS3, kickstarting Arrowhead’s claim to fame. They had a close friendship. However, beef between them started in 2013. Arrowhead name dropped Sony and multiple other game developers such as “Naughty Dog”, “Insomniac”, and “Sucker Punch.” When asked why Arrowhead did this, they said it was common in the world of game development, nothing more than fun banter.
However, Despite the other developers understanding the situation, Sony took it to heart. Sony ended up calling out Arrowhead themselves.
This would start a trend of subtle jabs at each other from 2015-2016.
Around 2023, Sony and Naughty Dog worked together on an FPS that called out Arrowhead directly. In the project, Naughty Dog mentions that them, Arrowhead, and Sony are the “Big 3” in the world of Game Development.
Things escalated in March of 2024. In the Song, “Like That” by Metro Boomin, Arrowhead finally breaks the nearly decade long silence and finally talks out against Sony and Naughty Dog, stating “Fuck the Big 3, it’s Just Big Me.”
This would spark a battle between Sony & Naughty Dog V Arrowhead.
A few weeks later, Naughty Dog would respond with a diss track so bad, he later deleted it, and publicly apologized to Arrowhead. Naughty Dog has since been away from the public eye, probably enjoying his personal time riding his bike and being humble/broke.
Sony would finally fire back at Arrowhead, but also… other rappers? Stating that he was in a “1v20” even though his biggest opponent IS arrowhead at the moment. Sony then would release a track that used AI technology to have the voices of the late Tupac, and even used an AI Snoop Dogg (even though he’s alive and streaming with no mic on).
Sony fell into major controversy from listeners, and eventually got in trouble with the Tupac estate and forced him to take it down.
As of last week. Arrowhead would release another diss track to Sony entitled “Euphoria.” In the track, Arrowhead calls out Sony for appropriating black culture.
Then another track from Arrowhead would drop named “6:16”. Where Arrowhead tells Sony that none of his friends are actually his friends. They’re only hanging out with him due to his fame.
Sony would reply by releasing another diss, entitled “Family Matters” in which Sony would allege that Arrowhead beat and cheated on his wife.
10 minutes after that song dropped, Arrowhead drops “Meet the Grahams.” In which Arrowhead would talk directly to each of the family members of Sony Graham. In the track, Arrowhead Lamar tells Sony’s son, mother, and dad how truly evil and cruel Sony is, then says that Sony deserves to die. He then alleges that Sony is hiding an 11 yr old daughter. A shocking fact. The tables turn in the last part of the track as Kendrick states that Drake messed up by mentioning Kendrick’s family in family matters. This, along with the fact that the album cover of MTG is personal stuff belonging to Drake can only mean one thing, there is a mole on drake’s side.
Less than 24 hrs later, Kendrick would release “Not Like Us.” A club banger produced by the legendary. Where the album cover is Drake’s house, with offender icons placed all over it.
Kendrick would call out Drake for being a PDF file. Unfortunately for Drake, this song will be blasting in clubs.
Drake would respond today as of less than an hour ago. Unfortunately I am too lazy to hear it and too tired to continue this post.
submitted by AstroDunce to Helldivers [link] [comments]