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A Community of Christians Embracing Reformed Theology

2010.02.19 14:34 friardon A Community of Christians Embracing Reformed Theology

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2009.06.30 07:54 Arxilca Prayer Requests

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2015.02.04 02:56 Anglican Church in North America

A forum about the current news and other related posts pertaining to the Anglican Church in North America.

2024.06.02 11:10 Excellent_Flow151 Deuteronomy 29 and rampant, unchecked Christian pedophilia throughout history and the modern world

"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law."
This is perversion. This is why Jews and Christians are most likely to rape children, repeatedly. For fun and festivities.
The Christian initiation is pedophilia.
This may not be the direct cause of pedophilia, but it is a blood stained moist towelette being raised for everyone to see.
Is secret, is it safe?
Fuck no.
submitted by Excellent_Flow151 to chaosmagick [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:56 LastTimeOn_ The Mexican Federal Election, Explained (Part 1)

It’s officially June 2nd, folks, as I'm submitting this. The Big Day is here not chance the rapper’s wedding, the day of the 2024 Mexican federal elections. Both in-country citizens and those living abroad who registered for the process will be voting (at the very least) for the next President of the Mexican Republic, their state’s Senators and their federal Deputies. Depending on the state they live in, there will also be elections for Governor, local Deputies and Mayors. The total number of positions up to a vote is 20,708 spots, across both federal and local elections, the greatest ever in the history of Mexico. Even though it sounds like a cliché, it’s true – the results of this election will determine Mexico’s course for the near future, and some argue for the rest of the country’s existence.

To understand the importance of what’s at stake we have to start with the basics. For right now I’ll focus on the federal side of the election as I think that’s what most want to learn more about (I’ll bring up state-level issues later; they can still affect the result).
The Mexican federal system is tripartite, divided in the usual way – the President is the executive, the Supreme Court being the figurehead for the judicial branch, and Congress through both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate representing the legislative.
The President is elected via FPTP for only one term lasting six years, called a sexenio. There hasn’t been much actual innovation in the process of voting for the President, aside from the notable shifts in voting tendencies every six years since the 2000 election, which ended the 71-year-long run of the PRI in power. The current president is Andrés Manuel López Obrador, or AMLO as he’s commonly known, elected in 2018.
The Senate is composed of 128 senators. 96 of these come from a majority system and 32 are elected via national proportional representation party lists. Of the 96 majority senators, 64 are elected as winning pairs in each of the 32 states, known as the “first and second formulas.” The remaining 32 are the “first minority” winners, in other words the second placers in the Senate elections. This, alongside the PR senators, is supposed to even the playing field for opposition parties. Senate elections are concurrent with presidential ones, also lasting six years, but they are able to be reelected for one term more.
The Chamber of Deputies, meanwhile, is composed of 500 deputies. 300 of these are the FPTP winners of each of the 300 electoral districts nationwide. The other 200 are PR party-list deputies divided between 5 circumscriptions, or at-large districts. These districts are roughly equivalent in population and roughly represent the 5 main regions of the country – western Mexico, headed by Guadalajara, northern Mexico, headed by Monterrey, southeastern Mexico, headed by Xalapa, the capital of Veracruz, south-central Mexico, headed by Mexico City, and southwestern Mexico, headed by Toluca the capital of Mexico State. Deputy elections are every three years; an elected deputy is able to get reelected for three more terms. These reelection changes were set into law with the 2014 political-electoral reform package and came into practice in 2018 for the 2021 elections, the first time any federal-level politician was allowed to run for continuous reelection since the Mexican Revolution.
All these elections are managed by the National Electoral Institute (INE, its acronym in Spanish). The INE is, quite literally, a superpowered FEC – aside from the basic role of taking note of who is campaigning for what, it controls ballot access, it manages campaign ad times on TV to the second, it makes sure that candidates do not say anything that can be out of electoral law, it sets up the format and the broadcasting of debates…it is the reason that Mexican elections flow (relatively) smoothly.
Alongside the INE stand the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) and the OPLEs, the Local Electoral Public Organisms, creating the entire Mexican electoral system. The Tribunal, as you can guess, is where affected parties (in the legal sense) can go dispute any potential circumstance that affects them. During campaign season this is mostly just “candidate X was a meanie to me – candidate Y” type affairs, but post-election its importance ramps up as it helps resolve close calls in elections – something people say will be especially important this time around. The OPLEs are mini-INEs for each of the 32 states, managing the electoral matters of localities and replicating the faculties of the INE for local elections.
The Mexican electoral system is complex out of post-uniparty distress. Before the IFE (the INE’s precursor), elections were handled by a commission under the purview of the Secretary of Government. You can guess where this goes. It was one of the main ways the PRI held power for so long – elections were free but unfair. During the 1990s when the Mexican system liberalized the creation of an independent electoral agency was one of the main goals, and as far as creating the conditions for fair elections, over the five full sexenios it has existed since 1990, I’d say it has generally succeeded.
The main characters of elections, however, are obviously not the institutions, but the political actors themselves through political parties. This election, there’s seven of them at play.
For the 2024 election, the seven parties running are divided into two main coalitions and one running a single candidate – Fuerza y Corazón por México, composed by the PRI, PAN and PRD, Sigamos Haciendo Historia, with Morena, PVEM and PT, and Movimiento Ciudadano.
Fuerza y Corazón por México (Strength and Heart for Mexico)
The opposition coalition, composed of the National Action Party (PAN), the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI), and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). A big-tent coalition, center-left to center-right. Their candidate is former Senator Xóchitl Gálvez.
PAN – The opposition by excellence. Founded in the 40s by a group of lawyers, doctors and other professionals to serve as a balance to the nationalistic policies of the PRI from back then. Due to the Mexican system, it only controlled some municipalities until the election of their first governor in 1989, and from there on, winning the presidency with Vicente Fox in 2000 and repeating with Felipe Calderón in 2006. “Humanistic” according to their doctrine, but conservative according to many you’d ask. More so in the Christian democratic tradition, but their party is still a big tent – from reactionary firebrands like Senator Lilly Téllez to progressive pro-market types like Xóchitl herself.
PRI – The former Mexican dominant party, now a shell of its former self. With 71 years of one-party rule that ended dramatically in 2000, the PRI has shapeshifted over the decades. From standard-bearers of the post-revolutionary cause to nationalistic expropriators, from technocratic liberators to Congressional opposition, from centrist reformers to a second place in this coalition of unequals, it has somehow managed to survive when people announce its demise. With how coalitions are structured in ballots, the desertion of its former clientelist and syndicalist bases to Morena, and the constant kick-outs and self-exiles of politicians who don’t agree with the current party president, however, who knows how many more times the PRI can cheat death before it’s truly over.
PRD – A party that began with a bang and is ending with a whimper. Created from the aftermath of the 1988 election where many believed (and still do) that left-wing candidate Cuauhtemoc Cardenas had his victory stolen, the PRD was, until a few years ago, really a front itself of multiple left-wing groups that constantly squabbled amongst each other. Its main political bastion was Mexico City, where it governed continuously from 1997 to 2018, and southern Mexico in general. Many of its former members and voters moved on to Morena, leaving the party in the hands of a few groups trying to keep it alive. Already it lost its registry in several states, and it’s close to do so nationwide. This might be its last election the PRD runs in.
Sigamos Haciendo Historia (Let’s Keep Making History)
The governing coalition, composed of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), the Ecologist Green Party of Mexico (PVEM), and the Labor Party (PT). Leftist/populist, their candidate is former Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum.
Morena – AMLO’s personal project, it first started as one of the many groups inside the PRD, only to then spin off when he broke off from that party after the 2012 elections, becoming a civil association in 2013 and officially a party a year later. With AMLO at the forefront, the party got its big break in 2018 by winning the presidency, a majority in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, and several governorships. Only more wins came after that in more states – currently, it holds the governor’s seat in 21 of the 32. Morena’s ideology is…confusing. It can best be described as a populist platform, with a typical class-battle message and lots of focus on marginalized communities of all types. However, it doesn’t really attempt that through typical leftist means, like raising taxes on the wealthy. Instead, it goes for a vaguely Norquistian “starve the beast” method, with the reasoning that governmental and economic power have been connected for too long. Austerity is the name of the game, at least on that end. These saved funds are then channeled to voters through its main policy proposal – social programs. Pensions for old people, student scholarships, disability checks…direct cash transfers and the clientele they bring are what the party’s become best at. Add onto them the syndicalist and rural structures that its brought onto the fold from the PRI and you can see where exactly it’s obtained so much goodwill (and votes) from.
Green Party (PVEM) – The most questionable party in a political scene already filled with questionable actors, the Green Party can be summed up in one word – controversy. Founded by a former PRI member in 1986, it limped along until somehow in the 90s it started getting votes. After that, it found its calling – being the willing coalition partner for any party that needs votes. In 2000 it aligned with the PAN to help elect Fox, from 2003 to 2018 it was in a long relationship with the PRI, and in 2019 it became a proud Morena ally. Over the years, it has championed such pro-environment proposals as: burning trash to generate electricity, giving medicine vouchers to families, and the death penalty! Wait a minute, weren’t these guys green? Ehhhh…the founder’s son once said that “they represented interests, not the ecology,” and the European Greens outright stripped the party its official designation of Being Green (TM). Aside from that, they’re known for a small scandal of TV celebrities being spokespeople for them in movie theater ads, a small scandal of an unauthorized resort development in Cancun, a small scandal of a murder of a Bulgarian model in a party…the Greens have been called “the worst of the worst” in Mexican politics. Rightfully so?
Labor Party (PT) – The PT is a party that, to be quite frank with y’all, dear readers, I don’t understand how (or to be more precise, why) it still exists. Formed in 1990 by a group of various left-wing and agrarian organizations, the PT has a typical leftist-socialist ideology, but never much actual presence nationally aside from being the coalition partner of the PRD or Morena. It’s tried running its own candidates for governors, but they never went anywhere – all its governorships have been as part of a coalition. It’s also only ever had its own presidential candidate once, in 1994 with Cecilia Soto – she obtained 4th place with a little less than a million votes. It has never been a highly voted party – in deputy elections, the most it obtained was in the 2009 midterms with about 3.7% of the vote. Last midterm, it reached 1.14%. It already escaped the loss of its registry in 2015 thanks to the goodwill of the PRD and MC in annulling an election. Who knows if it can this time?
Finally, there's Movimiento Ciudadano, with Jorge Álvarez Máynez as their candidate.
Movimiento Ciudadano (Citizens’ Movement) – Originally Convergencia in 1999, MC describes itself as social-democratic. They're a more modern left compared to the governing coalition, showing throughout the years proposals on urbanism, federalism, and a focus on GSMs. While for most of its existence it was another minor party that’d run in alliance with the PRD, MC shook up the scene in 2018 by winning the governorship and most municipalities in the state of Jalisco with Enrique Alfaro, followed by the 2021 meme-based winning campaign of Samuel García in Nuevo León. Samuel’s specifically set the tone for how MC would start running – flashy campaigns with candidates boasting about them being “the new politics” (debatable). Right now, the party is at an important fork, depending on how its first-ever homegrown presidential candidate Máynez does. If he reaches a good percentage of votes, MC will have the chance to be kingmaker in Congress, setting themselves up in a good position for the next elections. But if too many voters decide to go for one of the coalitions, the decision to run solo might accidentally have been the party’s downfall.

Sorry for submitting this way too late – I was getting distracted all day lol. I’ll write a second part tomorrow (or I guess, later today?) with how we got here based on recent history, the candidate running and the polls. Either Monday or Tuesday I’ll write an aftermath post based on the results. To all my Mexican friends, happy voting, and to everybody else, thanks for sticking around til the end.
submitted by LastTimeOn_ to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:34 The_face_of_Boe7 Why JW don’t talk about what happened in Jericho ? And how Jesus is different from Jehovah !!!

Hi guys, after I become pimo, I started analyzing what is written in the ancient testament and I can’t help but cringe! Look what is written in Joshua 6:20-21 from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures:
20 "So the people shouted and the horns were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the horn and shouted a great war cry, the wall fell down flat. Then the people went up into the city, each one straight ahead, and they captured the city. 21 They devoted all that was in the city to destruction, man and woman, young and old, bull, sheep, and donkey, with the sword."
I wonder how jws keep saying that Jehovah doesn’t change and he is love so tell me Jericho was not their town they didn’t build it and yet they stole it destroy it and killing even innocent persons. And we don’t even talk about the ark… every time I open the ancient testament I always cringe and I wonder how Jw and christian’s don’t see that something is wrong in here !!!!
submitted by The_face_of_Boe7 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 Dry_Beyond_756 Foreigners in Seoul: be careful of 'We Together Foreigners Support Center'!!!

It is a relatively new group that supports foreigners in acclimating with Korea, finding jobs, helping with resumes, etc.
But the underlying basis of this group is much more dark and gruesome, I really would like to warn you all before you get too involved.
'We Together Foreigners Support Center' is secretly run by a cult church called the Good News Mission Church (they also run an organization called International Youth Fellowship). If you ask any of the employees working at 'We Together,' they may deny it and say they are a separate entity. Then ask them personally what church they go to. You'll see that they all attend the same church and have been for a very long time.
The reason for the warning is because of the church itself--which is undergoing police investigation for a murder of a teen girl confined in the church. Even before this, the church has been notorious in South Korea for its emotional and physical abuse, use of threats, screaming, military-style living, etc.
You'll enjoy the resources they provide for you in the beginning, but slowly they will lure you into being a volunteer yourself for their events in lieu of volunteer hours, then introduce you to other organizations they have created, and in the end, make you a member of the church.
This summer, the church and IYF will host a World Camp in Busan, and will probably be asking for volunteers. But please remember: this is run by a huge Christian cult with many names and lots of records of abuse (Gracias Choir, Christian Leaders Fellowship, etc). The church has been recently covered by SBS, MBC, YTN, JTBC, and more for the murder case and further cases of tyrannical abuse.
Hell, even the translator there at We Together was in prison in the U.S. for torturing a young boy. I know this because I personally have been in the church for a very long time. There is a very dark world behind the beautiful marketing in the front. If you really need the resources they provide, get them -- but please do not go any further.
submitted by Dry_Beyond_756 to korea [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:16 Yun3un I’m just going to be honest…

Is it just me or all of my Christian friends are extremely toxic towards other people and will force their religion onto somebody who isn’t a Christian themselves. I’m really not against Christianity but IMO, the community is very toxic.. is it because I just met the wrong people? My Christian friends would talk bad about other people and will straight up bully people that they don’t like without a care in the world. EVERYTIME when I wanted to strike up a friendly conversation with them they will just ignore me and will only talk to the people who sticks out/more popular and pretty. Not to mention that they are really judgemental… it makes me really self conscious
Recently, I was unable to go for service due to some personal issues and when I told my church friends about it, they will start to guilt trip me saying that if “….(name,name)…” can go why can’t I go and start to say how I’m rejecting God and Jesus… so as a result I’ll always feel disheartened and scared when I have got tell them I really cannot go for service. They will force me into everything even when I REALLY cannot go due to familial or personal issues and will guilt trips me as a result.
Do anyone have a similar experience as me?? Or is it just me… Ps. I’m not trying to spread hate! I’m sharing via my personal experience so please feel free to share ur thoughts:) thanks
submitted by Yun3un to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:22 Guilty_Secretary9925 Science can not explain everything (theory)

When I was trying to sleep last night something came to my mind, I always knew that science couldn't explain everything but listen to this example.
If you ask a scientist what will happen if you put poison in your grandma's coffee, he will most likely respond with something like "It will certainly kill her"
If you ask a scientist if you should put poison in your grandma's coffee, he will most likely say "No because she will die". But this question isn't answered by science, whether you should put poison in your grandma's coffee is completely an ethical question.
However, Christianity has the answer according to the 6th commandment "Do not murder" We Christians must not put poison into our grandma's coffee.
My point: we can't use science as the only tool of exploration in our world, religion is needed to answer the things that science cant.
submitted by Guilty_Secretary9925 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:22 TheoPhilo98 Don't let your emotions deceive you

Feeling like you are not saved does not mean you are not saved. Likewise, feeling like you are saved does not save you. Take comfort in the word of The Lord, for His word comes to pass in spite of your feelings. The Lord spoke that Sarah would bear child, yet Sarah felt that was silly and laughed; but, Sarah was made faithful by the word of the Lord coming to pass. The word made it happen. We receive this same word by being baptized into Christ Jesus, who promises all who believe and is baptized will be saved. Take comfort my fellow Christians. The suffering we endure in this world is temporary, and Christ is coming soon to bring an end to all our suffering.
submitted by TheoPhilo98 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:10 bin_qiling2 Twitter Antizionism™️ missing the point entirely

Twitter Antizionism™️ missing the point entirely submitted by bin_qiling2 to SmugIdeologyMan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:09 teabagandwarmwater Muslim girls marrying non-Muslim men... a CALAMITY of Unimaginable Proportions

by Asma bint Shameem
A new kind of calamity has hit the muslim world especially those living in non-Muslim lands.
Our muslim girls are marrying non-Muslim men and nobody seems to care!
This is happening left and families that are practicing muslims and in families that are not so practicing.
Is that really allowed?
What does Islaam say about that?
Let's take a look.
🍃Allaah says:
وَلَا تُنكِحُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَتَّى يُؤْمِنُوا
"And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone)" (Surah al-Baqarah :221)
Here Allaah is telling us directly...clear and straight.
"Do not give your daughters to non Muslim men."
Simple as that. The Order couldn't be more straightforward or clearer.
🍃In the tafseer of this aayah, at-Tabari said:
"What Allaah, Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala means in this verse is that He has forbidden believing women to marry a mushrik (polytheist) of any type. So do not, O Muslim men, give them (Muslim women) in marriage to them (mushrikeen), for that is forbidden to you."
(Tafseer at-Tabari, 4/370)
🍃And Al-Qurtubi said:
"And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikoon" means do not give a Muslim woman in marriage to a mushrik. The ummah is unanimously agreed that a mushrik should not marry a believing woman under any circumstances, because that undermines Islam." (Tafseer al-Qurtubi (3/72)
🍃Al-Baghawi said:
"And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allah Alone)" - there is consensus on this point: it is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a mushrik man."
🍃In another aayah, Allaah says:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا جَاءَكُمُ الْمُؤْمِنَاتُ مُهَاجِرَاتٍ فَامْتَحِنُوهُنَّ اللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِإِيمَانِهِنَّ فَإِنْ عَلِمْتُمُوهُنَّ مُؤْمِنَاتٍ فَلَا تَرْجِعُوهُنَّ إِلَى الْكُفَّارِ لَا هُنَّ حِلٌّ لَّهُمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحِلُّونَ لَهُنَّ وَآتُوهُم مَّا أَنفَقُوا
"O you who believe! When believing women come to you as emigrants, examine them, Allaah knows best as to their Faith. Then if you ascertain that they are true believers, send them not back to the disbelievers, they are not lawful (wives) for the disbelievers nor are the disbelievers lawful (husbands) for them." (Surah al-Mumtahinah :10)
Here Allaah is directly addressing us as believers.
"O you who believe..."
Isn't that you and me?
Yes, it is.
WE claim to believe.
So pay attention.
Our Rabb is calling out to you and me and telling us straight up that disbelieving men are NOT LAWFUL for believing women.
🍃Regarding this aayah, Ibn Katheer said:
"Allaah says: "they are not lawful (wives) for the disbelievers nor are the disbelievers lawful (husbands) for them". This verse is the one which prohibited Muslim women to mushrik men."
(Tafseer al-Qur'an al-'Azeem, 13/521)
It's as simple as that. No ifs and buts about it.
🔴 Such a marriage is NOT valid!
That's because one of the conditions of a valid Islaamic marriage is that the man should be Muslim.
If a muslim woman marries a non-Muslim man, this marriage is NOT A marriage in the eyes of the Shari'ah.
This woman is making a grave error and is guilty of committing zina!
May Allaah protect us.
🍃Statement of the Islamic Fiqh Council regarding this matter:
"Marriage of a kaafir to a Muslim woman is haraam and is not permissible, according to scholarly consensus, and there is no doubt about that because of what is stated in the shar'i texts." (Fataawa Islamiyyah (3/231)
🍃Just look at the rulings on such a woman!
"If a Muslim woman marries a non-Muslim man, knowing the ruling thereon, then she is a zaaniyah and is subject to the hadd punishment for zina.(Ya Allaah!!!)
If she was unaware of the ruling, then she is excused, but they must be separated, with no need for talaaq (divorce), because the marriage is invalid in the first place."
Do we need any more proof than this?!
🛑 Should I go to such a wedding if I'm invited?
NO we should not be going to such a wedding that's not valid in the sight of Allaah.
If we take part in something that's haraam, then we're indirectly condoning that haraam.
In fact this is cooperating in sin and transgression, which itself is a sin.
🍃 Allaah says:
"And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression" (Surah al-Maa'idah :2)
🛑 What should I do?
Part of our being a Muslim is to enjoin the good and forbid the evil.
So here's what we can do depending on the situation.
  1. If it's possible, go talk to the parties involved and help the man to understand and accept Islaam and say the Shahadah. That is the best scenario.
  2. If he does not want to become Muslim, then explain to them how this marriage would not be valid and try to talk them out of it.
  3. If they don't listen and still want to carry on with this adulterous relationship then simply DO NOT attend this so-called 'wedding' and be devastated about it in your heart. But at least you did your job.
🍃The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:
"Whoever among you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand [by taking action]; if he cannot, then with his tongue [by speaking out]; and if he cannot, then with his heart [by at least hating it and believing that it is wrong], and that is the weakest of faith." (Muslim)
🛑 But I love the man!
Many sisters 'think' they 'love' the non-Muslim man and they can't live without them.
Dear sister, this just a trick of the Shaytaan.
This so-called 'Love' for a non-Muslim man will destroy your dunya and Aakhirah, UNLESS he accepts Islaam and sincerely becomes Muslim.
Just think about it!
If the marriage is against the orders of Allaah, how can their be Khair in it?!
How can their be peace, love and happiness in it?!
How can there be ANY Barakah in it if you'll displease Allaah?!
Actually, it's better for you to marry a SLAVE who's Muslim rather than marry a free man who's not a Muslim.
🍃Allaah says:
And verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater), even though he pleases you. Those (Al-Mushrikoon) invite you to the Fire, but Allaah invites (you) to Paradise and forgiveness by His Leave"
(Surah al-Baqarah :221)
🍃Imam al-Tabari said:
What is said concerning the interpretation of the words "And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater), even though he pleases you" is that what Allaah meant by that is that Allaah has forbidden the believing women from marrying to a mushrik, no matter what kind of shirk he believes in. So, O believers, do not give your daughters in marriage to them, for that is forbidden to you. For you to give them in marriage to a believing slave who believes in Allaah and His Messenger and that which he brought from Allaah is better for you than to give them in marriage to a free mushrik even if he is of noble descent and honourable origins, even if you like his descent and background...
🛑 But then, why are Muslim MEN allowed to marry a woman of the People of the Book?
First of all, when Allaah and His Messenger have ordered us something there's no arguing about it or any other way around it.
We have to listen and obey.
🍃Allaah says:
"It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allaah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allaah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error" (Surah al-Ahzaab :36)
So if we are believers, we obey.
That's what BELIEVERS do.
....even if they don't understand it.
Just obey.
No questions asked.
THAT is true submission to Allaah.
THAT is Islaam.
🍃 Allaah says:
"The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to Allaah (His Words, His Orders) and His Messenger to judge between them, is that they say: 'We hear and we obey.' And such are the prosperous ones (who will live forever in Paradise).
And whosoever obeys Allaah and His Messenger, fears Allaah, and keeps his duty (to Him), such are the successful ones"
(Surah an-Noor :51-52)
Even if there were no other reasons, and no other explanations except this one, that would be ENOUGH for us as Muslims to obey Allaah's Command.
But for those who want further explanation:
As Muslims we believe Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aalaa is al-Hakeem, al-'Aleem, the Most-Wise, the Most-Knowledgable.
There is a reason for everything He does. And He knows better.
Allaah has allowed the Muslim man to marry a woman who's a Christian or a Jew and NOT ALLOWED a Muslim woman to marry a nom-Muslim man because of several reasons:
A) The man is in a position of leadership over the woman, and it is not allowed for a non-Muslim to be in a position of leadership over a Muslim woman.
🍃The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:
"Islam prevails and is not prevailed over." (al-Daaraqutni and others -hasan by al-Albaani)
B) Allaah tells us in the Qur'aan that men are 'qawwaam' over their wives, meaning they're in charge.
The husband is the leader or head of the household and his status within the family is higher than that of his wife.
Because of this higher position, if a muslim woman were to marry a non-Muslim man, the husband would influence his wife in a negative way and make her leave her Deen or at least be very lax about it.
He would not be helping her to obey Allaah and in fact he would be an impediment in doing that. And would be an obstruction between her and Jannah.
C) The higher status of the husband will also influence the children to follow their father's religion, which would be nothing short of a DISASTER for the family, if these children grow up to be non-Muslim.
Faith is not just words, my sister, unless it's accompanied by ACTIONS.
If Allaah has prohibited Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men, even if they're from the People of the Book, then we have to submit to that order and accept it without any qualms about it.
Allaah's Guidance is the best guidance and His Way is the best way.
رَضِيتُ بِاللَّهِ رَبًّا ، وَبِالْإِسْلَامِ دِينًا ، وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ رَسُولًا
"I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion and with Muhammad (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) as my Prophet"
And Allaah knows best.
submitted by teabagandwarmwater to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:08 teabagandwarmwater Muslim girls marrying non-Muslim men... a CALAMITY of Unimaginable Proportions

by Asma bint Shameem
A new kind of calamity has hit the muslim world especially those living in non-Muslim lands.
Our muslim girls are marrying non-Muslim men and nobody seems to care!
This is happening left and families that are practicing muslims and in families that are not so practicing.
Is that really allowed?
What does Islaam say about that?
Let's take a look.
🍃Allaah says:
وَلَا تُنكِحُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَتَّى يُؤْمِنُوا
"And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone)" (Surah al-Baqarah :221)
Here Allaah is telling us directly...clear and straight.
"Do not give your daughters to non Muslim men."
Simple as that. The Order couldn't be more straightforward or clearer.
🍃In the tafseer of this aayah, at-Tabari said:
"What Allaah, Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala means in this verse is that He has forbidden believing women to marry a mushrik (polytheist) of any type. So do not, O Muslim men, give them (Muslim women) in marriage to them (mushrikeen), for that is forbidden to you."
(Tafseer at-Tabari, 4/370)
🍃And Al-Qurtubi said:
"And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikoon" means do not give a Muslim woman in marriage to a mushrik. The ummah is unanimously agreed that a mushrik should not marry a believing woman under any circumstances, because that undermines Islam." (Tafseer al-Qurtubi (3/72)
🍃Al-Baghawi said:
"And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allah Alone)" - there is consensus on this point: it is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a mushrik man."
🍃In another aayah, Allaah says:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا جَاءَكُمُ الْمُؤْمِنَاتُ مُهَاجِرَاتٍ فَامْتَحِنُوهُنَّ اللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِإِيمَانِهِنَّ فَإِنْ عَلِمْتُمُوهُنَّ مُؤْمِنَاتٍ فَلَا تَرْجِعُوهُنَّ إِلَى الْكُفَّارِ لَا هُنَّ حِلٌّ لَّهُمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحِلُّونَ لَهُنَّ وَآتُوهُم مَّا أَنفَقُوا
"O you who believe! When believing women come to you as emigrants, examine them, Allaah knows best as to their Faith. Then if you ascertain that they are true believers, send them not back to the disbelievers, they are not lawful (wives) for the disbelievers nor are the disbelievers lawful (husbands) for them." (Surah al-Mumtahinah :10)
Here Allaah is directly addressing us as believers.
"O you who believe..."
Isn't that you and me?
Yes, it is.
WE claim to believe.
So pay attention.
Our Rabb is calling out to you and me and telling us straight up that disbelieving men are NOT LAWFUL for believing women.
🍃Regarding this aayah, Ibn Katheer said:
"Allaah says: "they are not lawful (wives) for the disbelievers nor are the disbelievers lawful (husbands) for them". This verse is the one which prohibited Muslim women to mushrik men."
(Tafseer al-Qur'an al-'Azeem, 13/521)
It's as simple as that. No ifs and buts about it.
🔴 Such a marriage is NOT valid!
That's because one of the conditions of a valid Islaamic marriage is that the man should be Muslim.
If a muslim woman marries a non-Muslim man, this marriage is NOT A marriage in the eyes of the Shari'ah.
This woman is making a grave error and is guilty of committing zina!
May Allaah protect us.
🍃Statement of the Islamic Fiqh Council regarding this matter:
"Marriage of a kaafir to a Muslim woman is haraam and is not permissible, according to scholarly consensus, and there is no doubt about that because of what is stated in the shar'i texts." (Fataawa Islamiyyah (3/231)
🍃Just look at the rulings on such a woman!
"If a Muslim woman marries a non-Muslim man, knowing the ruling thereon, then she is a zaaniyah and is subject to the hadd punishment for zina.(Ya Allaah!!!)
If she was unaware of the ruling, then she is excused, but they must be separated, with no need for talaaq (divorce), because the marriage is invalid in the first place."
Do we need any more proof than this?!
🛑 Should I go to such a wedding if I'm invited?
NO we should not be going to such a wedding that's not valid in the sight of Allaah.
If we take part in something that's haraam, then we're indirectly condoning that haraam.
In fact this is cooperating in sin and transgression, which itself is a sin.
🍃 Allaah says:
"And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression" (Surah al-Maa'idah :2)
🛑 What should I do?
Part of our being a Muslim is to enjoin the good and forbid the evil.
So here's what we can do depending on the situation.
  1. If it's possible, go talk to the parties involved and help the man to understand and accept Islaam and say the Shahadah. That is the best scenario.
  2. If he does not want to become Muslim, then explain to them how this marriage would not be valid and try to talk them out of it.
  3. If they don't listen and still want to carry on with this adulterous relationship then simply DO NOT attend this so-called 'wedding' and be devastated about it in your heart. But at least you did your job.
🍃The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:
"Whoever among you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand [by taking action]; if he cannot, then with his tongue [by speaking out]; and if he cannot, then with his heart [by at least hating it and believing that it is wrong], and that is the weakest of faith." (Muslim)
🛑 But I love the man!
Many sisters 'think' they 'love' the non-Muslim man and they can't live without them.
Dear sister, this just a trick of the Shaytaan.
This so-called 'Love' for a non-Muslim man will destroy your dunya and Aakhirah, UNLESS he accepts Islaam and sincerely becomes Muslim.
Just think about it!
If the marriage is against the orders of Allaah, how can their be Khair in it?!
How can their be peace, love and happiness in it?!
How can there be ANY Barakah in it if you'll displease Allaah?!
Actually, it's better for you to marry a SLAVE who's Muslim rather than marry a free man who's not a Muslim.
🍃Allaah says:
And verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater), even though he pleases you. Those (Al-Mushrikoon) invite you to the Fire, but Allaah invites (you) to Paradise and forgiveness by His Leave"
(Surah al-Baqarah :221)
🍃Imam al-Tabari said:
What is said concerning the interpretation of the words "And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater), even though he pleases you" is that what Allaah meant by that is that Allaah has forbidden the believing women from marrying to a mushrik, no matter what kind of shirk he believes in. So, O believers, do not give your daughters in marriage to them, for that is forbidden to you. For you to give them in marriage to a believing slave who believes in Allaah and His Messenger and that which he brought from Allaah is better for you than to give them in marriage to a free mushrik even if he is of noble descent and honourable origins, even if you like his descent and background...
🛑 But then, why are Muslim MEN allowed to marry a woman of the People of the Book?
First of all, when Allaah and His Messenger have ordered us something there's no arguing about it or any other way around it.
We have to listen and obey.
🍃Allaah says:
"It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allaah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allaah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error" (Surah al-Ahzaab :36)
So if we are believers, we obey.
That's what BELIEVERS do.
....even if they don't understand it.
Just obey.
No questions asked.
THAT is true submission to Allaah.
THAT is Islaam.
🍃 Allaah says:
"The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to Allaah (His Words, His Orders) and His Messenger to judge between them, is that they say: 'We hear and we obey.' And such are the prosperous ones (who will live forever in Paradise).
And whosoever obeys Allaah and His Messenger, fears Allaah, and keeps his duty (to Him), such are the successful ones"
(Surah an-Noor :51-52)
Even if there were no other reasons, and no other explanations except this one, that would be ENOUGH for us as Muslims to obey Allaah's Command.
But for those who want further explanation:
As Muslims we believe Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aalaa is al-Hakeem, al-'Aleem, the Most-Wise, the Most-Knowledgable.
There is a reason for everything He does. And He knows better.
Allaah has allowed the Muslim man to marry a woman who's a Christian or a Jew and NOT ALLOWED a Muslim woman to marry a nom-Muslim man because of several reasons:
A) The man is in a position of leadership over the woman, and it is not allowed for a non-Muslim to be in a position of leadership over a Muslim woman.
🍃The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:
"Islam prevails and is not prevailed over." (al-Daaraqutni and others -hasan by al-Albaani)
B) Allaah tells us in the Qur'aan that men are 'qawwaam' over their wives, meaning they're in charge.
The husband is the leader or head of the household and his status within the family is higher than that of his wife.
Because of this higher position, if a muslim woman were to marry a non-Muslim man, the husband would influence his wife in a negative way and make her leave her Deen or at least be very lax about it.
He would not be helping her to obey Allaah and in fact he would be an impediment in doing that. And would be an obstruction between her and Jannah.
C) The higher status of the husband will also influence the children to follow their father's religion, which would be nothing short of a DISASTER for the family, if these children grow up to be non-Muslim.
Faith is not just words, my sister, unless it's accompanied by ACTIONS.
If Allaah has prohibited Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men, even if they're from the People of the Book, then we have to submit to that order and accept it without any qualms about it.
Allaah's Guidance is the best guidance and His Way is the best way.
رَضِيتُ بِاللَّهِ رَبًّا ، وَبِالْإِسْلَامِ دِينًا ، وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ رَسُولًا
"I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion and with Muhammad (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) as my Prophet"
And Allaah knows best.
submitted by teabagandwarmwater to MuslimNikah [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:06 Evening-Top9479 Seeing tallits out

I was driving around my city there’s not many other Jewish people here. I saw a woman who had a tallit she was wearing it like a headscarf but it had tzitzits. I saw a Facebook friend in the area post a picture of his that he just bought and said a bunch christian themes or something and talking about Israel. I’m really confused on why gentiles are buying and would love some clarification if this is more a coincidence or some Christian trend with it or if it’s a way of saying they’re on Israel’s side. They’re all the reform ones very thin would love some clarification!
submitted by Evening-Top9479 to Judaism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:05 IDoWhatIWant2_ Anti-Denominational Ideas

Hello my brothers and sisters! I have been thinking and praying recently about some ideas I have about the way modern American church culture often supersedes the actual Word at times. And have contemplated what I, a very flawed man, believe would be the idea form of church service in my own opinion. Christianity has become, and historically been, split among its members into many different sects and factions. Frankly, it is a part of the human condition to wish to be around others that share your own beliefs. Often these sects, or as they are commonly referred to denominations, have their own cultural practices and traditions that exist alongside of the Word, which can often be dogmatic or even contradictory to the Word. Most often simply extra to the Word. I often find myself questioning these practices or superfluous belief systems found within churches, it personally often doesn’t sit right with me. And I will admit I am biased in my opinions, I am quite Protestant in my beliefs; I often personally dislike the embellishments of Protestant mega churches, Catholicism, and orthodoxy , among others (though I do believe they should worship as they see fit, and am just discussing my own views). And even non-denominational churches typically have the same flavor as other churches in the local area.
I’ve considered what would be my ideal church, one that attempts to get back to the spirit of the early church but also do its own thing. And in that purpose I’ve developed a list, and wanted to know you all’s thoughts on it:
  1. Unprogrammed Services, similar to the way Quakers approach their services where any that feel lead to talk may do so. But different in the sense that people may lead sermons should they wish to, and it is encouraged to do so by all. In order that all within the priesthood of believers share their interpretations and beliefs of the Word. Often in traditional churches we are given information on how we should act or how we should proselytize, but without practice how are we to cement these ideas? Discussion and debate should be encouraged and done in a manner in which people of different beliefs of the Bible are able to sharpen each other. All are welcome
  2. No Head Priest, similarly, there should be no pastor or head priest since we are all priests and saints. None should assume a position of power or increased authority, which we should all share. Often we are very happy to just sit back in our pews and listen without having to assume any responsibility. But as equals and priests we should have equal say and responsibility to our local church.
  3. Deacons and Bishops, 1 Tim. 3:1-13, A deacon and a bishop are the only two official positions in the church. Deacons are servants of the church who are put in charge of activities or responsibilities that require special attention. Bishops or elders, are overseers that ensure the church maintains godly values and oversees the practical functions of the church. Neither deacons or bishops are above any other brother, but rather they only accept on more responsibility. They exist primarily to serve in an ancillary position in order to aid the physical churches needs, not necessarily the spiritual needs any more than anyone else is.
  4. Physical Location Not Needed, a church building is no holier than any other peace of dirt. The world was created by God, and we should worship Him wherever we are. The early church often meet in each other’s homes, and there is something very intimate about worshiping in one of the brother’s or sister’s homes that add to the sincerity of the service. And without a physical location those funds from tithes may be directed elsewhere.
  5. Tithe in Anyway, Let’s face it often at certain churches tithes do not achieve their purpose. Outside of church maintenance, often tithes are spent on pizza or other things at events meant to foster fellowship. Which is good but probably would be best not on the church dime, they are your church family and friends and you can fellowship with them independently. But also time can be an amazing tithes instead of money. Work to better your local church and support your brothers, or volunteer at a local nonprofit organization. Even if it is illegal to feed and cloth the homeless. Again, we are often very happy to sit in our pews without it actually costing us anything. We, myself included, must be willing to give of our time and do unto others giving of ourselves.
Like this is a long post and I appreciate you making in all the way to the end. And I would love to hear your thoughts on my ideas! I love you all and wish you the very best!!!<3
submitted by IDoWhatIWant2_ to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:49 Yzon Praying for the devils salvation

Hello all, I've been praying a lot lately, and asked myself if anyone prays for the salvation of Satan, for him to repent for his sins, and return to christ. I'm curious to see what you all think of this, I feel if the devil himself can return to christ, it would remove his influence over the world.
I'm still new to Christianity, and have recently been experiencing an overwhelming emotional connection to Jesus Christ, I can't put into words exactly this feeling, so I needed to reach out to others.
Thank you all so much, God bless.
submitted by Yzon to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Throwaway-74754 AITAH for not trying harder to save my friendship?

Other disclaimer: This is a post I made on a website a month ago but no one responded unfortunately. So when you read stuff like “a week ago” and see the dates don’t correlate to now, that’s why.
Background information: I had two friends, one a guy and the other a girl. We were all online friends for years, me and the guy were friends since I was in elementary school.
Starting with the guy who from here on I’ll call Blake (not his real name of course) me and Blake were the best of buds, we played the game basically every day, and regardless of our different lives and us only being online friends, I actually liked Blake a lot (as a friend). But Blake had a tendency of bullying me, which didn't bother me too much when I was younger, but as I got older, I did. For example, I told Blake one time that I failed/got held back in first grade, and he would bring that fact up whenever anything intelligence-wise come up or just bring it up out the blue. “N word, you failed the first grade” or “ok…flunky” and other variations. He would say all that…even though first grade was a million years ago (I’m a senior about to graduate high school, and I haven’t gotten held back or struggled with grades since.) (I’ve graduated high school now!). Like I'm about to graduate and he would still make fun of me with that fact, saying stuff like "you would've graduated soon if you didn't fail the first grade" and if I tried to rebuttal saying how I do well in school, he would say "well you did the first grade twice so of course you'd do better. you've done it twice".
He would constantly compare his life to mine, making fun of how I’m a virgin who never done anything with a girl, my social anxiety, me being a loner, how I don’t have as much money as him, how my parents are not as laid-back as his, how I didn’t have as much money as him, make fun of the type of girls I like, my music taste, and more.
He was controlling while we played games. He would always decide what games we played, and he would bitch and moan when I wouldn’t get onto a game he wanted to play with me despite valid reasons like it being too expensive. He would always be on his phone or just be otherwise distracted for long periods of time when we're playing, and then he would expect me to wait for him. He was especially very controlling when we play a game like R6s, he would be in my ear after he died ordering me around and telling me what to do and where to go, expecting me to get kills when I’m completely trash at the game, then he would complain heavily when I would of course die. Note: he was a frequent rage quitter and frequently switched games, which was very annoying
There is way more things he would do but if I typed them all out, I would be typing all damn day, so I’ll stop here.
Next is the girl, who I’ll refer to as Amber.
Amber was not so bad, she was annoying at times, and she would sometimes mimic the things Blake did but overall, she was alright. But she did contribute to the situation I’m in as well as Blake did overall.
For the last year, It got to the point where I would be so fed up with them, mostly with Blake, that I would ghost them, not talk or play with them for a few days to basically recover before interacting with the two again. I would even groan in annoyance when either one of them would call me. I would either ignore their calls or make up a lie of me being busy with other things so i wouldn’t have to play with them.
Now I know what you guys are thinking, "why didn't you tell them how you felt about their treatment of you???", well, I tried, but I would just be met with being called a "pussy" or "soft" and the behavior wouldn't change.
Now: Now let’s go back about three weeks ago, April 1st, my 19th birthday, Amber called me up and told me to hop on the game, I was in the ignoring them phase, but I decided to hop on because they wouldn’t be mean to me, right? Wrong, they told me to install rocket league, a game I’ve never played in my entire life and when I was able to join their game and we got into a match, I was obviously performing very very poorly, but that didn’t stop them very berating me and telling me how trash I am…even though they been playing longer than me.
Then we got on Roblox, and I was having technical difficulties because I was using the Microsoft store version of Roblox as I didn’t know that there was an actual Roblox client and launcher. when the two found out that I was using the Microsoft store version, they proceeded to berate me and belittle me some more, calling me stupid and dumb and questioning how in the world did I not know about the Roblox launcher and just basically making it feel like I just committed a cardinal sin. Then we play some Roblox, and somehow someway I kept on doing things wrong and games were playing because I kept on getting berated and belittled. Eventually, I got off.
I didn’t talk to them on the second, but I did talk to them and play with them on the third. We ended up playing Roblox again and just like last time I was getting berated and belittled because I would do things that they didn’t like. And after a couple hours, we eventually stopped playing Roblox and it suddenly goes into Blake diss tracking me. He would find random rap instrumentals on YouTube and then he would rap over them dissing me. He then told me to diss him back but I didn’t want to cause I was already in a bad mood, and I’m not good with words so I would make a fool of myself. And despite me saying multiple times that I didn’t want to rap, they both kept saying that I had to rap, eventually I just unplugged my mic and said that my mic was broken, which caused Blake to be like “if you don’t want to rap just say that dude, you don’t have to do all that”, like, bruh, I said I didn’t want to rap multiple times…
Eventually, I left a discord call and went to sleep because I had school in the morning, and when I woke up in the morning and checked my Discord, I saw that I had a message from Blake and the message said “pussy”. After that, I ignored them again until the 6th. When I took my phone off chill mode (do not disturb which I have specifically to hide text and calls from Blake and Amber) I noticed that Blake unfollowed me on Instagram and that he kicked me out of the discord server (it was of course his server as he liked being in control of everything). I was like "damn", but I just went on about my day, Amber was still following me though.
Now today, the 25th of April, I realized that Amber unfollowed me on Instagram as well, and that they both blocked me on Steam. So, I thought our friendship was over, so decide to unfollow both of them on Instagram, Discord, Steam, and delete both of their contacts from my phone.
I wasn't perfect in the friendship either, but I never berate or belittle either of them, bully and make fun of either of them constantly for their struggles in life or interest, and I never made either of them feel inferior. Never...
Part of me feel relief that I no longer have to deal with them anymore, but another part of me feels sad as they were both my only friends. I don't really know how to feel or if I should try to reach out to them somehow and apologize for ghosting them.
As I’m sure a lot of you can gather, I’m not a very confident person nor I’m I one that does conflict. But I feel like if I tried harder to preserve our friendship, maybe we’d still be friends? Like, maybe if I was more adamant and forceful about them stopping with their behavior? I just feel like I should have tried harder to preserve the friendship like reaching out to them both instead of just blocking them…
Am I The Asshole? For not trying harder?
submitted by Throwaway-74754 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:32 PlushyKitten LGBTQ+ just can't be left alone to have their Pride month can they... 🤦‍♀️

LGBTQ+ just can't be left alone to have their Pride month can they... 🤦‍♀️ submitted by PlushyKitten to Antitheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 AdditionalAd9753 My(34F) husband(34M) is a husk of the man, I knew. What can I do to fix thing up between us?

Burner account cause he knows about my normal one, and I don't want to hurt him more. Also, long post incoming with some potentially triggering topics, but its all relevent information to set up my situation
My husband (34M) and I(34F) loved each other from the bottom of our hearts, but its not like that anymore. 5 years ago, things changed between us and now everything is so differemt.
He came from an abusive household, and also has a pair of mental health disorders. His parents died in his teens, and that is when his Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder flared for the first time ever. Since then, he has been battling his own mind, and not always succesfully (He has scars up and down his arms, which is why he only wears long sleeved clothes now). When we got together, things where initially rough between us, but it got much better and it quickly bloomed into a relationship, which culminated in marrying one another. Even thouhh he was medicated, had a stable job and income, and a house of his own, his trauma used to come back and his meds where sometimes not enough. But even still, life was good for us. We traveled together to whereever we wantes. We had a great sex life (He was a Dom and I a Sub). We had anything we could ever want. And our future was set due to some savvy and lucky investments.
This culminated about 5 years ago, when I became pregnant. I will admit, I did not handle it with grace because I was not certain that I wantes to have children, nor did I want to bring a child into this world who cpuld pote tially inherit my Depression and Anxiety, and his Bipolar and Schizophrenia. I ended up running away back to my parents home, without telling him, and was there for weeks, during which I miscarried, which sadly I feel grateful for. I feel terrible about being happy about this, even to this day, but at the time it was a relief. My husband however basically went off the deep end. He didn't eat for 12 days, didnt drink wster for 12 days, didn't take his meds for 12 days, didn't sleep for 12 days, and the worst of his cutting happened during these 12 days. After that, he was incarcerated at a mental hospital after an altercation with the police, until I finally gathered the courage to return home and found him missing (the police ended up putting the pieces together and telling me where he was).
When I saw him, I was shocked. He was quite literally skin and bones. His eyes where still sunken in from a lack of sleep. And I will never forget the fresh scars on his arms. According to both himself, he thought that I had left him, he went off his meds, and the voices told him that the only way to "win me back" was to prove that he was good enough to go without the crutches. I have never, ever felt so guilty in my life, because I shouldn't have bolted like that, and I shouldn't have kept him in the dark about it. Maybe of I had been better then, things would be different, but alas here we are.
The man I knew is now gone. He was kind, fun-loving, gentle, great in bad, and more importantly he wanted to have a real relationshio and be better then his parents. Now, he doesn't do anything for himself. Literally the week after he came hoeme, he went WFH full time. While I am at work, he is at home all the time. The dishes are always done. Food is always on the table. The garden never has any weeds. The floors are always dusted. All of these things we used to do together, and we enjoyed doing it together. Now when I get home at the end of the day, there is nothing to do with him. Even in bed, things have changed. I mentioned how he used to be a Dom, and me a Sub, well thats completely inverted now. I have to tell him what to do, and even then all he does is pleasure me, but when I try to reciprocate it, he doesn't respond and it always ends with him getting me off and thats it. He doesn't express any emotion for himself. Its always for me
Its not just this stuff between us either. Its like he is not even living his life anymore. He used to be great friends with his coworkers and other from the nieghborhood and go out once or twice a week. Now he doesn't even talk to them or anyone else outside of work or the 1 minute of small talk whikst getting the mail. His favorite band of all time was having an anniversary tour, and he got tickets months in advance. When the time came around, I had a business trip to go on, and he insisted on not only taking a day off work to drop me off at the airport, but he also skipped the concert to pick me up. Mind you, this band was what got him through his rough childhood, and this man has posters plastered over the walls, and listens to them non-stop. And he skipped their concert to pick me up from the fucking airport. I did not even ask him to do it, I was originally going to take an Uber to and from, and I told him to go to the concert. Lo and behold, there he was waiting at the airport for me.
I have tried to talk with him about all of this, so many times, and his usual response is something like, "If you are happy, then I am happy" even though I know thats not true. The man waits on me hand and foot, does everything to make me happy, and I can tell that he is the inverse of happy. I don't/can't complain about what he is doing, because I am the cause of this and because he does everything for me, to try and make me happy.
Its like...he isn't living life actively anymore. Everything is just a routine for him. Only once has the facade ever broken, and it was when I found him curled up on our bed, in the middle of the day, sobbing his eyes put. He just kept telling me not to leave him, over and over again, for hours, which is how I know this is my fault.
I really have no idea what to do anymore. I have resorted to doing things I know he liked to do, just so that he can live some part of his life. I love this man, but he is a husk of his former self, and I miss him so much. I would do anything to get him back, but I just don't know what to do.
We have tried therapy together for a year now, and individually he has been in therapy for a very log time. Nothing seems to be working. If I have to throw myself off a bridge so that he can forget about me and live normally, I would do it at this point. I normally would not come onto the internet for advice from strangers, but I have no idea what to do, and I desperatly need suggestions/ideas on how to fix things between us.
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2024.06.02 08:13 GhoulGriin Best Acog Scopes

Best Acog Scopes
Welcome to our roundup of the top Acog scopes on the market! Acog scopes are known for their excellent optical quality and rugged durability, making them the go-to choice for hunters, shooters, and outdoor enthusiasts alike. In this article, we'll be highlighting some of the best Acog scopes currently available, helping you find the perfect scope for your next adventure.

The Top 17 Best Acog Scopes

  1. Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Folded Light Path Spotting Scope - The Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope offers superior image quality with a compact, lightweight design, making it an ideal choice for avid outdoor enthusiasts seeking advanced optical performance.
  2. TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design - Upgrade your crossbow performance with TruGlo's rangefinding, trajectory compensating 4x32 scope, featuring shock-resistant durability, generously long eye relief, and advanced optics under the camouflage finish—perfect for unisex use.
  3. Revolutionary Ravin Xero X1i Integrated Crossbow Scope - Unleash your shooting prowess with the cutting-edge Garmin Ravin Xero X1i Crossbow Scope, boasting 3.5x magnification, rangefinding, and digital ballistic info for accurate and consistent shots up to 175 yards.
  4. Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope: Lightweight & Comfortable for Outdoor Observations - Experience outstanding spotting with the Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope, offering enhanced color fidelity, sharp optics, and a user-friendly design for your outdoor adventures.
  5. Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle - Experience sharp, colorful, and waterproof visibility with the Mil-Hash reticle-equipped Bushnell T Series FDE scope, perfect for 350 Legend rifles.
  6. UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses - The Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope delivers unparalleled clarity and precision, making it the perfect choice for birding enthusiasts and precision shooters alike.
  7. Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope - Angled, 30-60x85, 10.8ft MFD, 15.6in L - Experience the beauty of nature with the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 30-60x85 Spotting Scope, featuring powerful zoom, bright image quality, and durable, weather-resistant design for a seamless outdoor viewing experience.
  8. Athlon Argos 20-60x85 HD Straight Angle Spotting Scope: High Quality, Durable, and Waterproof Optical Scope - Experience exceptional performance with the Athlon Argos 20-60x85 HD Straight Angle Spotting Scope, offering top-notch optical quality, lightweight design, and dependable waterproof protection in a user-friendly package.
  9. High-Quality Argon Optics Argos HD Spotting Scope with Advanced Multi-Coated Lenses and Durable Rubber Armor - The Athlon Optics Argos HD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope offers fantastic optical clarity, brightness, and durability, making it a top choice for avid hunters and nature enthusiasts.
  10. Athlon Optics Cronus G2 High-Definition Spotting Scope for Compact Rifles - The Athlon Optics Cronus G2 20-60x86mm UHD Spotting Scope offers unparalleled clarity and light transmission, making it the ideal choice for outdoor enthusiasts seeking to spot game or identify birds in challenging environments.
  11. High-Performance Riflescope with Compact Design - The Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope offers a perfect balance of premium optics and a compact design, making it an ideal choice for backcountry hunters seeking exceptional resolution and a wide field of view.
  12. Affordable Budget Spotting Scope with Advanced Features - Experience top-notch hunting adventures with the Athlon Talos Spotting Scope 20-60x80 Green - featuring K9 glass prisms, fully multi-coated lenses, and advanced waterproofing for optimal clarity and durability.
  13. Nikon ProStaff 5 16-48x60 Angled Spotting Scope: High-Performance Long-Range Viewing - Experience high-performance and ergonomic long-range spotting with the Nikon ProStaff 5 16-48x60 Angled spotting scope, featuring advanced optics, weatherproofing, and durability.
  14. UHD 20-60x85 Athlon Spotting Scope: High-Performance 45 Degree Angle Scope for 500 Yard Viewing - Experience stunning color accuracy, unparalleled clarity, and exceptional contrast with the Athlon Spotting Scope Ares G2 20-60x85 UHD 45-degree. Perfect for long-distance viewing enthusiasts and precision shooters alike!
  15. Sig Sauer 80mm Spotting Scope: High-Def Viewing Solution for M1A - Experience unparalleled clarity and sharpness with the Sig Sauer SOO82001 OSCAR8 Spotting Scope, designed for expert M1A shooters with its 27-55x magnification range, premium HDX lens, and rugged FDE rubber armor.
  16. Leupold SX-4 Pro Guide HD Angled Spotting Scope 15-45x65mm - Experience clear views and optimal performance with the completely waterproof and fogproof Leupold SX-4 Pro Guide 20-60x85mm HD Angled Spotting Scope, featuring scratch-resistant lenses and a built-in sunshade for a superior sighting experience.
  17. High-Performance Acog Spotting Scope with ED Glass - The Celestron Regal M2 100ED Spotting Scope combines advanced ED objective lens, fully XLT multi-coated optics, and a lightweight magnesium alloy body for sharper images, faster focusing, and versatile outdoor use with enhanced photographic capabilities.
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🔗Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Folded Light Path Spotting Scope
I recently got my hands on the Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope, and I must say it's a game-changer! This little powerhouse boasts an Extra Low Dispersion Optical System, which maximizes color fidelity and contrast. It provides an incredible image across a wide field of view, all with best-in-class eye relief for easy viewing with or without eyeglasses.
One feature that really stood out for me was the Folded Light Path (FLP) system. Instead of using prisms, this system employs mirrors to compress a long optical path into half its length, making the scope incredibly compact and portable.
Another highlight is its magnesium housing. This lightweight material packs a serious punch when it comes to durability, making it ideal for rough outdoor conditions. And don't even get me started on the 100% waterproof and fog proof capabilities - this thing can brave any weather!
However, one issue I encountered was with the focus knob. It's extremely stiff and doesn't change smoothly as you adjust the magnification. It took me quite a few tries to get used to it. Additionally, there's no diopter adjustment, but the good eye relief somewhat compensates for that.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I've been thoroughly impressed by the Leupold Gold Ring HD Spotting Scope. Its top-notch optical performance combined with its rugged construction makes it a strong contender in the realm of spotting scopes. If you're in the market for one, this could be an excellent investment.

🔗TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design
I've recently had the chance to try out the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope, a nifty piece of equipment for enthusiastic crossbow users like me. The scope's main highlight was its ability to find the range and calculate the correct trajectory for my crossbow bolts. In my experience, this feature proved to be quite handy in my local archery range, particularly for those days when the wind and temperature were unstable.
One of the things that stood out to me was the scope's robustness. It was designed to handle the harsh conditions of the outdoors, as evidenced by the sturdy aluminum body and the shock-resistant construction. This scope also offered a generous 4-inch eye relief, a feature that helped protect my eyes during those blustery hunting sessions.
The scope's lenses were fully-coated, making them highly resistant to glare, a common concern for crossbow users shooting in low-light conditions. Additionally, the durable leavespring for windage and elevation adjustments were a welcomed bonus, allowing me to finetune my shots with ease.
On the downside, one of the screws on the scope rings was stripped, a minor issue that wasn't a deal-breaker. I also discovered that the scope wasn't rated specifically for a particular crossbow speed. To achieve optimal accuracy, I had to adjust the scope manually, which was a bit tricky and time-consuming.
Regardless of these minor downsides, the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope proved to be an essential piece of equipment in my hunting arsenal. Its ease of use, durable construction, and helpful features make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to upgrade their crossbow hunting experience.

🔗Revolutionary Ravin Xero X1i Integrated Crossbow Scope
The Ravin Xero X1i Crossbow Scope by Garmin quickly became my go-to after its impressive features caught my eye. I've always had a bit of trouble getting the distance right when aiming with a crossbow, but with its built-in rangefinding and digital auto-ranging, it made everything so much easier. I loved the 3.5x magnification, which allowed me to spot my target without any hassle.
But the best part was definitely the Target Lock technology, which let me know when the scope was locked on a target with consistent readings. It made every shot feel like a guaranteed bullseye, and I'm really pleased with the accuracy it offered.
However, the scope was a bit heavy, and carrying it around for extended periods was quite tiring. Also, while the digital display was easy to read, the interface could've been a bit more user-friendly for faster adjustments. Overall, the Ravin Xero X1i is an impressive piece of technology that definitely gives me an edge in my hunting game.

🔗Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope: Lightweight & Comfortable for Outdoor Observations
When I received the Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope, I was ecstatic to finally have my own to join fellow bird watchers on our adventures. The first thing I noticed about this scope was its user-friendly ergonomic design. It was comfortable to hold and easy to maneuver, even with glasses on.
One feature that stood out was its bright, high contrast view. The SWAROCLEAN non-stick lens coatings did an excellent job of minimizing color aberrations, ensuring the image was clear and vibrant. However, I did find that the scope could be a bit heavy for long observation periods.
When comparing it to other spotting scopes, the ATS-65 HD truly shined in terms of its edge-to-edge sharpness and color fidelity. It was lightweight and comfortable, making it perfect for long days outdoors. Overall, I would highly recommend this spotting scope to anyone looking for a versatile and high-quality tool for their outdoor adventures.

🔗Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle
I've been using this Bushnell T spotting scope in my outdoor activities, and it's been quite the experience. The Mil-Hash reticle works seamlessly with the Mil-Base riflescope reticle, making zeroing a breeze. The scope has a heavy-duty, militaristic feel with a rubberized coating. The Picatinny rail mounts are a nice touch, and they're also compatible with a red dot sight for added accuracy.
The optical clarity is what one can expect at this price point, but it does the job well enough. The lens caps make it a breeze to protect the glass from dust, debris, and other environmental conditions. The only issue I had with the front lens cap is the lack of a lanyard attachment, making it easily misplaced.
The case, on the other hand, left me concerned about Bushnell's overall quality. The Velcro stitching on the lens flap failed on the first day, and the scope case seems too small for the scope. The magnification setting ring could use some improvement as well, but overall, it's an acceptable addition.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the scope has proven to be durable and holds up well under rough outdoor conditions. Its compact design and easy-to-handle eyepiece make it a top choice for avid spotters. With a solid construction, good image quality, and an attractive price point, this Bushnell T series spotting scope is worth considering for your next outdoor adventure.

🔗UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses
In the world of optics, the Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Straight Spotting Scope has made a name for itself. It's not just for the birders spotting variances in plumage from far away or for the precision shooters who aim for targets at 1,000 yards, the scope's extra-low dispersion glass provides vivid clarity and resolution in a full-size spotting scope.
Athlon has cleverly designed it to be lightweight although strong, making it comfortable to carry and use for long periods. The aluminum alloy chassis adds to its strength without making it too heavy. With its twist-up eye-cup, it allows you to set the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for your eyes, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience.
Its ESP Dielectric Coating gives you an advantage in viewing with an image that has little or no chromatic fringe for the clearest and sharpest image. The UHD Glass in the lens helps in converging refracting colors into one focus point, producing greater contrast, sharpness, and color definition.
Reflecting over 99% of the light to your eyes, the scope brings you a clear, bright image and accurate color reproduction, thanks to the BaK4 Prisms coupled with advanced fully multi-coated lenses. It produces perfect brightness and color across the entire light spectrum, making viewing under different lighting conditions a breeze.
And when it comes to durability, the scope doesn't disappoint. It comes with an extra protective layer coating that keeps the exterior of the lens free from dirt and scratches. It's also Argon Purged and Waterproof, ensuring weatherproof performance even in harsh conditions. Purging allows for better waterproofing/fogging, making sure your scope doesn't fog up when you switch environments.
Overall, it's a joy to use this spotting scope. It's not just about viewing in high detail but also the ease it offers in using it. You won't be disappointed with its performance and features.

🔗Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope - Angled, 30-60x85, 10.8ft MFD, 15.6in L
I recently had the chance to test out the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope, and I must say, it's quite the remarkable piece of equipment. The first thing that stood out to me was its lightweight magnesium alloy housing, which made it easy to pack and carry on my outdoor adventures. I've used several spotting scopes in the past, but this one felt noticeably more comfortable to hold and maneuver.
One of the most impressive features of this scope is its impressive magnification and objective lens, which made distant objects seem as if they were right in front of me. I was particularly impressed with the sharpness and clarity of the image, even in low light conditions. The use of ZEISS' iconic T anti-reflection multi-coatings and LotuTec hydrophobic exterior lens coatings really made a difference when observing wildlife up close.
The eyepiece's 45° angle to the optical tube and adjustable tripod collar allowed for comfortable viewing in various positions, making it a great choice for those who enjoy hunting or birdwatching from different vantage points. I also appreciated the easy manipulation of the focus collar and zoom wheel, which made it simple to make adjustments without taking my eyes off the scope.
One thing that caught my attention was the scope's waterproof and fog-proof design. It was reassuring to know that I could use it in various weather conditions without worrying about damage to the optics. The universal tripod mount was also a great feature, as it allowed me to easily attach the scope to a variety of tripods I already had on hand.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I noticed during my time with the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope. Firstly, the price point might be a bit steep for some users who are looking for a more budget-friendly option. Additionally, while the scope excelled in most aspects, it did struggle with chromatic aberration, which was noticeable in some images.
Overall, the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope delivered a fantastic, immersive viewing experience. Its high-quality optics, comfortable design, and reliable performance make it a top contender for anyone in the market for a premium spotting scope.

🔗Athlon Argos 20-60x85 HD Straight Angle Spotting Scope: High Quality, Durable, and Waterproof Optical Scope
I've been using the Athlon Argos 20-60x85 HD Straight Angle Spotting Scope for a few weeks now, and I have to admit, it has been a game-changer for my hunting adventures. The quality of the optics is impressive, with the high-grade Argon gas providing excellent fog-proof capabilities and the BaK4 Prisms reflecting more light to my eyes for a sharper, brighter image.
One feature that has particularly stood out to me is the strength and lightweight nature of the composite chassis, which is protected by rubber armor and filled with nitrogen gas for added durability and waterproofing. This spotting scope also comes with a soft case that allows you to mount it on a tripod and use it with the case on, which is a convenient and practical touch.
However, there have been a few minor drawbacks in my experience. Adjusting the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for my eyes can be a bit tricky, and the low thermal conductivity of the Argon gas can sometimes make it a little difficult to get to the optimal focus.
Despite these minor issues, the Athlon Argos 20-60x85 HD Straight Angle Spotting Scope has been an excellent addition to my hunting gear. It offers a great balance of quality and affordability, and I highly recommend it for anyone looking to level up their target sighting and bird watching experiences.

🔗High-Quality Argon Optics Argos HD Spotting Scope with Advanced Multi-Coated Lenses and Durable Rubber Armor
The Athlon Optics Argos HD 20-60x85 spotting scope captured my attention with its high-grade Argon gas and BaK4 Prisms, which deliver a fog-free experience and impressive image clarity. I was particularly impressed with the advanced fully multi-coated lenses that reflect more light, giving me sharper and brighter images. The composite chassis not only provides strength but is also much lighter than I had anticipated.
One feature that stood out in my experience was the twist-up eye-cup, allowing me to easily adjust the eye relief to suit my own comfort. In addition, the argon purged and waterproof design provided an added layer of protection during my outdoor adventures.
While I was largely satisfied with this spotting scope, I did encounter a couple of downsides. Occasionally, the image seemed slightly blurry when zoomed in at max power, though this was less of an issue overall. Additionally, some users reported difficulties with perfect focus, a challenge I experienced myself but found manageable with some adjustment.
Overall, I believe the Athlon Optics Argos HD spotting scope offers a solid balance of performance and affordability, making it a worthwhile choice for outdoor enthusiasts seeking quality optics without breaking the bank.

🔗Athlon Optics Cronus G2 High-Definition Spotting Scope for Compact Rifles
As a nature enthusiast, I recently had the chance to try out the Athlon Optics Cronus G2 20-60x86mm UHD Spotting Scope and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. Boasting an Apochromatic Lens System and ED glass, I was able to achieve great color definition, clarity, and light transmission even in the trickiest of lighting conditions.
Even in the most challenging settings, such as dimly lit forests or shadowed treelines, the Cronus G2's enhanced contrast allowed me to easily separate my subject from its surroundings. Its versatile magnification ranges from 20x to 60x, offering unparalleled flexibility when scouting for game.
However, I did notice that the scope might be a bit bulky for some beginners, as it weighs around 40 oz. However, its overall performance and the smoothness of its single focus wheel make up for that setback.
In conclusion, the Athlon Optics Cronus G2 20-60x86mm UHD Spotting Scope is a fantastic investment for anyone looking for premium optics at an affordable price. I highly recommend it for hunters, birdwatchers, and nature lovers who desire exceptional clarity and image quality.

🔗High-Performance Riflescope with Compact Design
As an avid birdwatcher, I've been using the Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope for a while now, and it's been nothing short of remarkable. The compact design makes it super convenient to carry around, and I love how lightweight it feels. The clarity and sharpness of the image are outstanding, making it so easy to spot even the tiniest details on my feathered friends.
The adjustable magnification is another feature I've grown fond of. It's so effortless to switch between different magnification levels, giving me that extra edge when I need to zoom in on a specific bird. I also appreciate the ergonomic shape of the eyepiece, making it comfortable to use for extended periods.
However, the one downside I've noticed is the slight difficulty in focusing. Sometimes, it takes a bit of finesse to get the image looking razor-sharp, but once you've got it sorted, it's smooth sailing from there.
Overall, the Vortex Razor HD 13-39x56 Spotting Scope has been an absolute game-changer for me. Its superb optics, convenience, and ease of use have made it a go-to tool for all my birdwatching adventures, and I can't imagine going back to using anything else.

🔗Affordable Budget Spotting Scope with Advanced Features
The Athlon Talos Spotting Scope has been a game-changer for my hunting trips. With its fully multi-coated lenses, the scope has breathed life into the game, allowing me to see the smallest details on my targets. It has a solid build with a waterproof and fog-proof body, perfect for the unpredictable weather conditions of nature.
One of the first things that caught my attention was its adjustable rotating ring, which allowed me to position the scope in the most comfortable angle for observation. This gave me a sense of control and comfort while I was out in the wild.
However, one aspect that could have been improved was the tripod, which felt a bit flimsy. But thankfully, I was able to replace it with a more robust one as per my preference.
Despite its minor drawbacks, the Athlon Talos Spotting Scope has been a reliable companion on my hunting expeditions. It has provided me with clear, bright images, allowing me to make accurate shots and successfully bag my targets. It's the perfect tool for the avid hunter who's looking for a good-quality scope without breaking the bank.

🔗Nikon ProStaff 5 16-48x60 Angled Spotting Scope: High-Performance Long-Range Viewing
The Nikon ProStaff 5 16-48x60 angled spotting scope has become my new go-to for my outdoor adventures. Its sleek design and advanced features have been a game-changer for me when it comes to spotting wildlife and enjoying nature. One of the standout features I've experienced is the incredibly smooth and powerful zoom, which has allowed me to truly get up close and personal with the wonders of the world.
However, I have to admit that there have been a few instances where I wished the scope had some additional attachments, like lens caps, to prevent losing them – although I'm a fan of the multicoated lens, which provides a stunningly clear and bright image even on the darkest of nights.
Overall, the Nikon ProStaff 5 has been an excellent addition to my toolkit for both leisurely nature walks and serious outdoor pursuits. Its exceptional quality and durability have not only boosted my appreciation for the great outdoors, but have also instilled a newfound sense of adventure within me.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to choosing the right ACOG scope, there are several factors you should consider. In this buyer's guide, we'll discuss the general features, considerations, and advice to help you make an informed decision.

Why choose ACOG scopes?

ACOG scopes are known for their durability, reliability, and exceptional optical clarity. These high-quality tactical scopes are perfect for hunting, law enforcement, military operations, and serious shooting enthusiasts. They offer a wide range of magnification options, adjustable turret settings, and a variety of reticle styles to suit different shooting scenarios.


Magnification is a crucial factor when selecting an ACOG scope. These scopes typically offer varying magnification options, from 2x to 12x or even higher. Consider the type of shooting you'll be doing and the distance at which you'll be engaging targets. If you plan to take long-range shots or compete in precision shooting events, you may want to opt for a higher magnification range. On the other hand, if you're primarily focused on close-range shooting or engaging targets at short distances, a lower magnification range may be more suitable.

Reticle style

ACOG scopes offer a variety of reticle styles to suit different shooting needs. Some common reticle styles include the T2 MOA, T1 MOA, T3 MOA, and the SCR (Sniper Combat Rifle) reticle. Each reticle has its unique features and benefits. For example, the T1 is popular among long-range precision shooters due to its accurate and fine crosshairs, while the T2 has a more dense post that provides accurate ranging and holdover values. It's essential to choose a reticle that aligns with your shooting skills and preferred shooting style.

Brightness and light transmission

Another important factor to consider is the brightness and light transmission capabilities of the ACOG scope. High-quality scopes often feature multi-coated lenses that enhance light transmission and improve overall image brightness. This is particularly important when shooting in low-light conditions or during twilight hours. To ensure maximum visibility, consider a scope with an adjustable brightness setting that allows you to fine-tune the reticle illumination to your preference.

Construction and durability

ACOG scopes are known for their high durability and rugged construction, making them ideal for harsh outdoor environments. They are typically built with aircraft-grade aluminum and feature waterproof, shockproof, and fog-resistant design to ensure long-lasting performance.

Mount type

When selecting your ACOG scope, consider the type of mount you'll need. Some popular mount options include the ACOG quick detach, ACOG low mount, and ACOG high mount. The choice of mount will depend on the specific firearm and shooting scenario. Most ACOG scopes come with mounting hardware, but it's essential to ensure compatibility before purchasing.

Maintenance and care

To ensure the longevity of your ACOG scope, it's crucial to follow proper maintenance and care guidelines. Regularly clean your scope with a high-quality optic cleaning solution, and store it in a secure case to protect it from dirt, dust, and potential damage. Additionally, avoid exposing your scope to extreme temperatures, as this can affect its performance and longevity.
By considering these key factors, you'll be well-equipped to select the perfect ACOG scope for your specific needs and shooting requirements. Happy hunting!


Why are Acog Scopes popular among hunters and shooters?

Acog Scopes are popular among hunters and shooters due to their superior accuracy, ruggedness, and versatility. They have a built-in illuminated reticle that allows for quick and easy target acquisition in low-light conditions. Additionally, their tactical features and modular design make them highly customizable to individual preferences and needs.

What are the main features of Acog Scopes that make them stand out?

Some key features that make Acog Scopes stand out include their illuminated reticle, rugged construction, multiple reticle options, and the ability to mount accessories such as night vision devices.

Are Acog Scopes suitable for long-range shooting?

Yes, Acog Scopes are suitable for long-range shooting. They offer various zoom ranges, up to 15x, which provides shooters with the ability to engage targets at extended distances. Additionally, their accurate and consistent performance ensures that shots are placed accurately within the target zone.

What types of reticle options are available for Acog Scopes?

  • Simple Duplex Reticles
  • Mil-Dot Reticles
  • Christmas Tree Reticles (Bullet Drop Rings not needed with this)
  • Illuminated Reticles

Can Acog Scopes be used for hunting?

Absolutely! Acog Scopes are versatile and can be used for various hunting applications, such as deer and varmint hunting. Their accuracy, adjustability, and ability to handle different shooting scenarios make them ideal for the demanding world of hunting.

What are the advantages of an Acog Scope over a traditional scope?

  • Durability: Acog Scopes are built to withstand the harsh elements and rugged use that hunting or tactical scenarios can provide.
  • Adjustability: Acog Scopes have a very high degree of adjustability, which is important for situations where accuracy is key, such as in long-range shooting.
  • Reticle Options: Acog Scopes offer a wide variety of reticle options, which allows shooters to choose the one that best suits their individual needs and preferences.

Can Acog Scopes be used on rifles with non-standard threading?

Yes, Vortex Optics Acog Scopes have a variety of mounting options, including some with non-standard threading. Be sure to check the mounting options for your specific acog scope to confirm that it can work with your rifle.

How do I know if an Acog Scope is right for me?

It's essential to consider your specific needs, shooting style, and application when selecting an Acog Scope. Factors such as reticle choice, zoom range, and mounting options will all play a role in determining which acog scope will be the best fit for you.

Where can I find a reliable source for Acog Scopes?

To find a reliable source for Acog Scopes, consider purchasing from a reputable retailer with a track record of providing excellent customer service and support, such as Brownells or Bass Pro Shops.
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2024.06.02 08:10 rusakovic 📩 Virtual Community Resource Coordinator- SoCal based at 🏢 WORLD RELIEF. Salary: 💰$45,000 - $50,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States

📩 Virtual Community Resource Coordinator- SoCal based at 🏢 WORLD RELIEF. Salary: 💰$45,000 - $50,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:08 New-Issue4937 Are the Things my Mother is Saying, True?

Just a little background on my upbringing: I was raised by a single mother of 3, and we have always identified as Christians. While we didn't attend church every Sunday, my family and I always made an effort to, but sometimes life’s circumstances made it challenging. We are far from perfect Christians, but everyone has flaws and inevitably makes mistakes.
Over time, our family members took different paths. I joined the Military, my sisters pursued new careers, and my mom relocated back to our home state where most of our other family resides. Despite our physical distance, we maintained regular contact, but within the past few months, it’s been getting harder to find the energy to talk to my mom. She had been asking me for money fairly often, as well as taking money out of my bank account without even asking. I am always the one to help my family out in times of need, and I have never really minded it. But it was just getting to the point where I felt that she was doing it too freely and taking advantage of me, which led me to address the issue. This confrontation resulted in her kind of distancing herself from me and seeking financial assistance from others, despite having a stable income and manageable expenses. So i was just confused on where all of her money was going. I reached out, and offered to help her make a budget plan, to help budget her money more wisely, but she didn’t like that idea.
Fast forward to around February timeframe, and I still didn’t hear from her that often, unless it was for money. My sisters informed me that my mother had been spreading unfounded rumors about me having insider knowledge about government secrets and aliens due to me being in the military, and that’s why I don’t call them to talk to them often. But mind you, I talk to my sisters VERY often, and the reason I stopped talking to her as much, was because she would always ask for money when we would talk. Also, my job in the military rotates between MAKING FOOD at the chow hall and working at the FITNESS CENTER on base, and they all know that, so her claims definitely contradicts the reality of my jobs responsibilities.
What happens next? The solar eclipse in April. She called me for like a week leading up to it, begging and begging that I stay inside for it, because the government was gonna be releasing toxins into the air during it; telling me to keep my Bible next to me wherever I went; that the world was going to end, and just a whole lot of imagined dangers associated with the event, prompting her to believe that an apocalyptic scenario was imminent. I told her on the first day that she started to beg me, that I live on the opposite side of the world, and that the solar eclipse wasn’t even going to happen on this side of the world, so there was nothing for her to worry about. Ever since then, she has been frantically calling everybody in our family non-stop, telling us that the end of the world is IMMINENT, and that now is our time to get right with god, and pressuring all of our non-religious relatives members to embrace Christianity, and telling the ones with newborn children, that their babies are going to go to heaven, and they won’t, etc…
So it went from only hearing from her when she needed money, to all of a sudden, hearing from her 24/7, about doomsday prophecies, and everything about religion. I am a very stressed out and busy person, not just with work, but also with things outside of work, so the last thing I want to hear after a long day, is that the world is going to end tomorrow and everybody’s gonna die, so i try to avoid her calls as much as i can to preserve my mental well-being and to shield myself from the persistent doomsday messages. I LOVE God, I read the Bible, and I pray to God EVERY single day. God is my #1, so it kind of makes me feel like a bad person for ignoring her phone calls, and it makes me feel as if I’m avoiding talks about God and Christianity, but deep down, I know know I’m not, and that I’m just trying to protect my positive energy.
As bad as this may sound, my sisters and I believe that my mother's behavior might be influenced by substances like psychedelics or something, given her sudden immersion in conspiracy theories and erratic beliefs. Not just because of her talks about the world ending, but also because of the things she said about me knowing about aliens as well, and how all of this stuff just started happening out of nowhere. She’s never been the type to indulge in conspiracy thoughts or anything like that, so her sudden departure from her usual demeanor is just worrying and confusing. So I’m just wondering what other people may think, or if they have any input. Am I a bad person for thinking that her religious views are possibly influenced by drugs?
submitted by New-Issue4937 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:06 TaskAggravating3224 Head cannon or movie theory?

Wall-E is such a good movie and one that really discusses the impact of not just consumerism on the world but the role of mega corporation in their demise from tampering with earths environment. That impact causing significant damage that humans had to depart from their home planet. When I look back at this I start analyzing how the entire world could not only fit on a luxury cruise ship but how they managed to convince EVERYONE? Look I guess that by the future they had the technology to create giant ships to support the population of the whole earth, BUT, you cannot convince me everyone would be willing to go.
I bring this up because there would be various groups around the world that would protest being sent into space. Indeginous groups wouldn't go because of their ancestral tie to the land and nature. They would probably have an obligation to stay and heal their earth.
Then theirs religious group. Muslims, having the religious duty to pray five times towards mecca and thus probably couldn't do so because of how far away in lightyears. Other religious groups would definitely stay because of their religious duties especially jews and christians. I can definetly picture the Amish and Mennonites absolutely refuse to leave since their beliefs and lifstyles against technology would be a valid reason.
So in my mind their are still humans on the earth of Wall-E. Generations of these groups would have to adapt to a harsh world full of polution but over time learn to thrive and choose to die by the earth. So would this be more of a head cannon or a theory?
submitted by TaskAggravating3224 to wallE [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:54 Significant-Tower146 Best AC Recharge Kits

Best AC Recharge Kits
Are you tired of constantly replacing your AC's Freon? Our AC Recharge Kits are here to save the day! In this roundup, we'll explore the best options available, making it easy for you to choose the perfect kit that fits your needs and budget. Say goodbye to expensive service calls and keep your AC running smoothly all year long!
Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a busy homeowner, our comprehensive guide will help you navigate through the world of AC Recharge Kits. From identifying the right kit for your specific AC model to learning the proper recharging technique, we've got you covered. Get ready to experience a hassle-free, cost-effective solution for your cooling needs!

The Top 20 Best AC Recharge Kits

  1. R-134a A/C Recharge Kit - The Sub-Zero SZ345 1 Refrigerant Kit recharges and enhances a vehicle's A/C system, seals leaks, and extends system life with Cool Boost technology and R-134a refrigerant.
  2. Multifunctional A/C Diagnostic Manifold Gauge Set with 5ft Hoses - Professional 3-way A/C diagnostic manifold gauge set, compatible with R134A, R12, R22, R502 refrigerants, comes with 5ft hose, precision valves, and all necessary adapters for efficient and accurate AC charging work.
  3. 18 oz EZ Chill Refrigerator Recharge Kit with Leak Sealer - The EZ Chill 18oz is a complete solution for your A/C needs, featuring a charging hose and pressure gauge that restores lost refrigerant and oil, while sealing common leaks in rubber hoses, gaskets, and O-rings.
  4. Avalanche R134a Refrigerant Recharge Kit - The AC Avalanche R134a Refrigerant Recharge Kit prevents overcharging with Smart Clip Technology, utilizes a Hybrid-Safe formula, and features a system-safe chemical additive to stop leaks and extend compressor life.
  5. A/C Pro R-134a Refrigerant, 12 oz - Efficiently restore cold air to your vehicle with the Ac Pro R-134a Auto Air Conditioner Refrigerant, a certified, additive-free solution designed for R-134a compatible systems.
  6. Recharge Arctic Freeze R134a for Your A/C System - Revolutionize your vehicle's air conditioning performance with the Arctic Freeze Ultra-Synthetic Recharge Kit, offering a comprehensive solution for lost refrigerant, leaks, and improved cooling efficiency.
  7. R-134a Recover, Recycle, Recharge Machine for AC Systems - Efficiently recover, recycle, evacuate, and recharge R-134A mobile A/C systems with the Robinair 34288NI, boasting a high-performance multilingual display and automatic features for precise and easy service.
  8. R-134a Charging Hose with Metal Fittings for RV or Car A/C Service - Upgrade your A/C with the premium, all-metal MB-134A Charging Kit, boasting easy installation and a custom touch on your vehicle.
  9. #1 Top Off Kit for R1234YF Systems - 2 Cans of 8oz HFO-R1234YF & Can Tap with Gauge - ZeroR Top Off Kit #2: Recharge your vehicle's R1234YF system with 8oz HFO-R1234YF refrigerant, a brass can tap, and gauge for hassle-free DIY maintenance.
  10. R134A Refrigerant with Trigger Valve and Pressure Gauge - Big Freeze R134A Refrigerant - A high-performance, easy-to-use A/C system recharge solution featuring a trigger valve, pressure gauge and useful instructional fill chart for maximum results in larger vehicles.
  11. 12 oz R134a Air Conditioner Refrigerant by AC Avalanche - Cool off with the AC Avalanche R134a Air Conditioner Refrigerant - a 12 oz can replete with additives for up to 30 degrees colder air, leak stoppers, and seal conditioners, perfect for a comfortable ride.
  12. AC Pro A/C Recharge R-134a for Extreme Conditions (6/12oz) - Interdynamics ACP210-6 ACP EXTCNDT R-134a RCHRGRFL 6/12oz
  13. Automotive AC Gauge Set - The VEVOR 4 Way AC Gauge is a portable, precise, and easy-to-operate refrigerant filling and testing equipment compatible with R134A, R22, R12, and R410A refrigerants, perfect for automotive, household air conditioning, and refrigerator maintenance.
  14. R-12 to R-134a Retrofit Parts Kit - Upgrade pre-1976 vehicles and some late-model imports with the Interdynamics Certified AC Pro Car Air Conditioner; its conversion kit includes 2 adapters, retrofit label, and comprehensive instructions for seamless R12-to-R134a transition.
  15. R-1234yf A/C System Recharge Gauge and Hose - The certified A/C Pro CERTYF102-4 Recharge Gauge and Hose effectively checks air conditioning system pressure, making recharging quick and error-free for R-1234yf auto systems.
  16. A/C Pro R-134a Recharge Hose and Gauge - Experience professional-grade A/C recharging with A/C Pro R-134a Recharge Hose and Gauge, featuring a reusable extra-long braided hose, easy-to-read gauge, and quick snap-lock coupler for a hassle-free recharge process.
  17. Automotive A/C Recharge and Leak Seal - A/C ProHigh Mileage Refrigerant, 12oz: Easily recharge, seal leaks, and optimize performance for older vehicles (75,000+ miles) with UV dye and proprietary additives, for a cooler, more comfortable ride.
  18. Interdynamics AFK-11CS Arctic Freeze Ultra Synthetic Recharging Kit - Comprehensive Interdynamics AFK-11CS Arctic Freeze Ultra Synthetic Recharging Kit: Safely recharge your air conditioning system with leak-sealing and UV dye technology, while enhancing cooling efficiency.
  19. Easy DIY Cat Cage Enclosure with Hammock - EZ Chill R-134a Auto AC Recharge Kit with Leak Sealer Plus effectively seals common AC leaks, extends AC life, and ensures easy, accurate recharging for a comfortable driving experience.
  20. R-1234YF Refrigerant Recharge Hose with Gauge and Coupler - High-performance Weitron R1234yf Charge Hose with Gauge and Coupler for precise, professional-grade air-conditioning refrigerant recharging, suitable for car and home systems.
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🔗R-134a A/C Recharge Kit
As someone who frequently travels with their family, the Sub-Zero SZ345 1 Refrigerant Kit has been a game-changer. My children and I were constantly sweaty and uncomfortable, even with the air conditioning running full blast. I heard about the Sub-Zero kit from a friend who said it had helped cool down their vehicle.
I decided to give it a try and picked up a can at my local auto parts store. Using the kit was incredibly easy, thanks to the included recharge hose and gauge. The Cool Boost technology in the refrigerant helped my vehicle's air conditioning produce colder air in no time.
One of my favorite features of this kit is its ability to seal common leaks in rubber components and extend the life of the A/C system by eliminating acid and moisture buildup. I noticed that after using the Sub-Zero kit, my vehicle's AC stayed consistently cold, even during long drives in hot weather.
However, there was one downside to the product – the relatively short hose. It made it difficult to attach the kit to my vehicle's AC port in certain situations. Nonetheless, the Sub-Zero SZ345 1 Refrigerant Kit has greatly improved the comfort of my car, making it a must-have for any driver experiencing a lackluster AC system.

🔗Multifunctional A/C Diagnostic Manifold Gauge Set with 5ft Hoses
I've recently started using a multifunctional AC gauge set - an automatic air conditioning diagnostic manifold gauge set - to keep track of my car's air conditioning system. The set is compatible with R 134A, R12, R22, and R502 refrigerants, perfect for checking, charging, evacuating, and recovering work.
One thing that really stood out for me was the extra large and color-coded dials. They made it super easy to read the pressure, even in bright daylight. The sight glass design allowed me to see the liquid refrigerant flowing, which helped me keep track of everything while I charged the system.
The set also came with four extra long, 5-foot high impact hoses, each with a precise valve core depressor and 45-degree bend for easy access. These hoses are rated at 600 psi max working pressure and 3000 psi burst pressure, so I feel confident using them with my car's air conditioning system.
However, there are a few things that could be improved upon. The upgraded gauge shell is a nice touch, but I found that some of the metal parts were slightly difficult to maneuver. Additionally, it would be nice if the gauge shell were a bit more robust, as it's not as durable as it could be.
Overall, I've found the multifunctional AC gauge set to be a useful tool for managing my car's air conditioning system. I appreciate the extra large and color-coded dials, as well as the sight glass design, and the hoses are a nice touch as well. However, I do think there could be a few improvements made in terms of the gauge shell's durability and the ease of use of some of the metal parts.
One day, while driving to work, I noticed that my car's air conditioning system wasn't working as well as it used to. I decided to give the multifunctional AC gauge set a try, to see if it could help me pinpoint the problem.
I started by connecting the hoses to the appropriate points on the gauge set and on my car's air conditioning system. I then turned on the system and observed the pressure readings on the gauge set's dials.
To my surprise, I found that the pressure was much lower than it should have been, indicating a leak in the system. I used the gauge set to track down the leak and was able to repair it with a little bit of effort.
After the repair, I used the gauge set again to check that the system was working properly, and I was happy to see that the pressure readings were now within the normal range.
Since then, I've used the multifunctional AC gauge set on a number of occasions, and I've found it to be a valuable tool for managing my car's air conditioning system.

🔗18 oz EZ Chill Refrigerator Recharge Kit with Leak Sealer
As someone who frequently takes road trips, especially during hot summer days, I know the importance of having a well-functioning air conditioning system in my car. So, when I came across the EZ Chill 18 oz recharge kit, I decided to give it a try, and boy, am I glad I did!
The first thing that really struck me about this product was its convenience. It came with a self-dispensing can that had a built-in filling hose and a low-pressure in-line gauge, which made the whole process of recharging the AC a breeze. The fact that the gauge is reusable also means that I can easily monitor the pressure in my system in the future, without having to rely on any guesswork.
Before trying out EZ Chill, I had been dealing with a slightly underpowered AC system for quite some time, and honestly, it was starting to get on my nerves. But, as soon as I connected the hose to the low pressure port on my vehicle's AC system and started recharging, I could feel the difference almost instantly. The AC was much colder and more effective in cooling down the car, which made my road trips much more comfortable, especially during long drives.
However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, as there were a couple of aspects of this product that could use some improvement. First of all, while the instructions provided on the can were relatively easy to follow, they could have been a bit more detailed and helpful for beginners. Additionally, I found the valve on the can to be a bit sticky, which made it difficult to control the flow of refrigerant.
Overall, I would highly recommend the EZ Chill 18 oz recharge kit to anyone who's looking for an easy and cost-effective solution to their underpowered AC problems. While there are a few minor drawbacks, such as the need for more detailed instructions and a sticky valve, the convenience and effectiveness of this product make it a solid choice for anyone looking to improve their driving experience during the hot summer months.

🔗Avalanche R134a Refrigerant Recharge Kit
I recently purchased the AC Avalanche R134a refrigerant recharge kit, and I'm happy to report that it has significantly improved the performance of my vehicle's air conditioning system. The Smart Clip Technology was a real game-changer for me, as it made it incredibly easy to monitor the refrigerant charge and prevent any potential overcharging issues.
The digital pressure gauge included in the kit was another highlight, allowing me to recharge the system based on both temperature and pressure for a safe and accurate result. I appreciated its ease of use and readability, as it worked seamlessly with any R-134a refrigerant can.
Another feature that stood out was the Hybrid-Safe Formula, which allowed me to use this recharge kit with both my regular vehicle and my hybrid without any issues. The re-useable recharge hose with a self-sealing valve type was also a nice touch, ensuring that everything was securely connected throughout the recharging process.
Finally, the system-safe chemical additive mentioned in the product description has been incredibly effective at stopping leaks in o-rings and other rubber components, helping to prolong the life of my air conditioning system.
However, there were a few minor drawbacks that I encountered during my use of the kit. The hose provided with the kit was a bit short for my personal preference, making it somewhat challenging to work with in certain situations. Additionally, while the product description claims that the refrigerant formula can improve the a/c's cooling capabilities, I didn't notice a significant difference in that area.
All things considered, I would still highly recommend the AC Avalanche R134a refrigerant recharge kit to anyone looking to improve the performance of their vehicle's air conditioning system. Its ease of use, safety features, and effectiveness at preventing leaks make it a worthwhile investment for any car owner.

🔗A/C Pro R-134a Refrigerant, 12 oz
I recently found myself in need of a car air conditioner recharge, so I decided to try out the Interdynamics 12 oz R-134a Refrigerant. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to use and how effective it was in restoring cold air to my vehicle.
The self-sealing can was a major plus for me, as it meant I didn't need to worry about any extras or additives. The EPA compliance is also a great feature, ensuring that I'm using a product that's safe for both my car and the environment.
However, there were a few cons that I encountered while using this product. Firstly, the instructions on the can were not very clear, which could lead to some confusion for first-time users. Additionally, I found that I had to purchase a separate recharge hose, which added an extra cost to the overall process.
Overall, I would recommend the Interdynamics 12 oz R-134a Refrigerant to anyone in need of a car air conditioner recharge. The ease of use, safety features, and effectiveness make it a great choice for those looking to save some money on a professional recharge.

🔗Recharge Arctic Freeze R134a for Your A/C System
As a car owner, I've experienced my fair share of air conditioning issues. That's why when I came across the Arctic Freeze Ultra Synthetic Recharging Kit with UV Dye & UV Light, I knew I had to give it a try. This all-in-one solution not only replaces lost refrigerant and oil in my car's A/C system, but also seals common leaks in rubber hose, gaskets, and o-rings, while the UV dye helps identify and prevent future leaks. One of the best features is how quickly it cools down the air - 50% faster than other similar products!
One aspect that really stands out is how easy it is to use. The reusable trigger dispenser comes with a gauge and temperature dial indicator, making it incredibly simple to monitor the pressure and temperature of your A/C system. Plus, the elimination of moisture and acid ensures that your system stays in tip-top shape.
However, one con is the price. The kit only comes in a two-container package, which may be more than what some users need, especially if they already have a pressure gauge. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of the product and its ability to quickly locate leaks make it worth the investment.
Overall, I'm extremely happy with the Arctic Freeze Recharge Kit. It has made a significant difference in the performance of my car's air conditioning. Highly recommended!

🔗R-134a Recover, Recycle, Recharge Machine for AC Systems
The Robinair 34288NI is an absolute game-changer for anyone who needs to maintain their vehicle's air conditioning system. This nifty tool efficiently recovers, recycles, and recharges R-134A mobile A/C systems in a matter of minutes. Not only does it boast excellent performance, but it's also incredibly easy to use.
One of the standout features of the 34288NI is its automatic oil drain, which not only drains the oil but also provides a visual representation of how much needs to be re-injected back into the system. Additionally, the automatic air purge feature eliminates damaging air without the need for continuous monitoring or manual valve opening.
Another highlight of this product is its impressive display, which includes a 4.3-inch color graphics screen and even supports multiple languages. The built-in programmable vacuum function is also incredibly useful, with a default setting of 15 minutes and the ability to be programmed up to 99 minutes, complete with a "remaining time" display.
While the Robinair 34288NI may not be the most compact or lightweight model on the market, its high-quality performance and user-friendly design more than make up for its size. Whether you're a professional mechanic or a DIY enthusiast, this recharge kit is definitely worth considering for your A/C maintenance needs.

🔗R-134a Charging Hose with Metal Fittings for RV or Car A/C Service
I recently got my hands on the Interdynamics MB-134A Charging Kit with Metal Fittings, and I must say it has been a game-changer for my vehicle's air conditioning system. The all-metal construction and quick-connect coupler make it incredibly easy to use, even for someone like me who is not particularly mechanically inclined.
One of the standout features of this kit is definitely its durability. The high-quality materials used in its construction ensure that it will last through countless AC recharges. Plus, the sleek metal design adds a custom touch to your vehicle that you won't find in other charging kits.
However, there is one downside: the price. While I believe the quality and efficiency of this kit justify the cost, it's worth noting that you can find similar products online for a slightly lower price.
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my purchase and would recommend the Interdynamics MB-134A Charging Kit with Metal Fittings to anyone looking to give their vehicle's A/C system a much-needed boost.

🔗#1 Top Off Kit for R1234YF Systems - 2 Cans of 8oz HFO-R1234YF & Can Tap with Gauge
Let me tell you about my experience with the ZeroR Top Off Kit for my car's AC system. I'm not a professional mechanic, but this kit made recharging my AC a breeze! It comes with two cans of R1234YF refrigerant, which is enough to fill most systems. The kit also includes an R1234YF HD Brass Can Tap with a gauge, so I could easily see when my AC was properly charged.
One of the things I appreciated about this kit was how easy it was to use. The cans were self-sealing, which means I could save any unused refrigerant for future use. Plus, the gauge on the hose made it super simple to see when I had the right amount of refrigerant in my system.
However, there were a few cons worth mentioning. First, the hose has a left-hand thread, which wasn't immediately obvious to me. It would be nice if the manual included a clearer explanation of how to connect the hose. Second, the refrigerant is flammable, so it's important to follow all safety instructions carefully.
Overall, I would highly recommend this Top Off Kit to anyone looking to recharge their AC system. The performance was excellent, and it made a complicated process much easier for a DIY enthusiast like me.

🔗R134A Refrigerant with Trigger Valve and Pressure Gauge
My air conditioner was on its last leg, making my summer commute miserable. I decided to give the Big Freeze R134A Refrigerant a try, and boy, am I glad I did! The instant relief from the sweltering heat was a godsend.
The easy-to-use trigger valve and pressure gauge made filling up the system a breeze, even for someone like me who's not exactly car-savvy. The 22 oz size was more than enough to get my car's AC back in tip-top shape for the scorching summer months.
The only downside I encountered was that the product labeling could be clearer. I found myself searching online for more detailed instructions. However, after a little research, I was able to get the job done with no issues.
All in all, the Big Freeze R134A Refrigerant has been a game-changer for my car's AC system. If you're tired of sweating it out in your vehicle, give it a shot - you won't regret it!

🔗12 oz R134a Air Conditioner Refrigerant by AC Avalanche
The AC Avalanche R134a Air Conditioner Refrigerant has been a game-changer for me. Its unique formula provides up to 30-degree colder air while stopping leaks and conditioning seals, making it the best choice for recharging my vehicle's air conditioning system. I've noticed that I don't need to run the engine at higher RPMs to get that refreshingly cold air, which is a big plus during scorching hot days.
One con that I have to point out is that it requires an EPA compliant adapter or charging hose, which isn't included in the package. I initially faced some issues using it with my old hose but eventually managed to get an adapter and everything worked smoothly after that.
The price of the AC Avalanche R134a Air Conditioner Refrigerant is on the higher end compared to other retailers, but considering its performance and efficiency, I believe it's worth the investment. Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with this product and will definitely recommend it to anyone looking to recharge their vehicle's air conditioning system.

🔗AC Pro A/C Recharge R-134a for Extreme Conditions (6/12oz)
I recently used the Interdynamics ACP210-6 ACP Extreme Conditions R-134a Refrigerant Refill to recharge my car's air conditioner, and I must say, it was a game-changer. The 12-ounce can was easy to handle and came with a precision dispenser that allowed me to control the amount of refrigerant I added.
The first thing that caught my attention was the robust lubricant combination in this product, which is designed to withstand extreme temperatures and high usage. Living in a hot and humid climate, my car's air conditioner gets a lot of wear and tear, so this was a welcome feature.
Another great thing about the ACP Extreme Conditions Refrigerant Refill is the inclusion of 2x cooling boosters, which noticeably improved the cooling power of my car's air conditioner. The advanced AC leak sealer was also a huge plus, as it helped to revitalize rubber components like hoses, gaskets, and O-rings, extending the life of my AC system.
However, one downside of this product is the price. While it certainly delivers on performance, the cost may be a deterrent for some users. Additionally, the can's capacity is only enough for one recharge, so those with larger vehicles may need to purchase multiple cans.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Interdynamics ACP210-6 ACP Extreme Conditions R-134a Refrigerant Refill to anyone looking to improve the performance and extend the life of their car's air conditioner.

🔗Automotive AC Gauge Set
I recently purchased the VEVOR 4 Way AC Gauge to help me with routine maintenance of my car's air conditioning system. From the get-go, I was quite impressed by its portable design. It's compact enough that it doesn't take up too much space in my garage, yet robust enough to include everything I need for any job. Plus, the built-in ergonomic handle made it incredibly easy to transport from car to car.
As for performance, it surpassed my expectations. The high-precision gauges were incredibly accurate, especially when handling sensitive refrigerants like R134A and R410A. Each gauge had a sturdy construction, giving me confidence when using them on heavy-duty equipment.
One small issue I encountered was that the hoses were a bit longer than necessary, which made storage a bit cumbersome. However, this is a minor inconvenience compared to the manifold set's overall efficiency and ease of use.
Since its purchase, I've used this set on multiple vehicles and had no issues with compatibility or performance. In fact, it's made troubleshooting air conditioning issues so much simpler! I'm definitely planning to use this product in the future and would recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable AC manifold gauge set.

🔗R-12 to R-134a Retrofit Parts Kit
The Interdynamics Certified AC Pro Car Air Conditioner is an essential tool for anyone looking to retrofit their vehicle's air conditioning system from R12 to R134a. This convenient kit includes two adapters - one for the low side (. 44 inch port) and one for the high side (. 38 inch port) - designed to cater to pre-1976 cars and some late model imports. The step-by-step instructions provided and the included retrofit label make it all the more easy to use, even for individuals new to this process.
While using this product, the most notable feature that stood out was its compatibility with numerous vehicles, owing to the multiple adapter sizes it comes with. This meant it was versatile and suited to varied needs across different vehicle models. However, one aspect that could be improved upon is the seal quality of the built-in caps. A few users reported leakages, which might require extra caution or even a separate cap purchase.
Overall, the Interdynamics Certified AC Pro Car Air Conditioner is a well-rounded product, benefiting from its versatility, ease of use, and the detailed instruction provided with it. Its positive customer reviews, as evidenced by its 4.5-star rating, further attest to its efficiency in fulfilling its purpose.
However, it's essential to note that these results vary from vehicle to vehicle, so thorough research and potentially seeking expert advice might be necessary for the optimal use of this product. Despite this limitation, the AC Pro Car Air Conditioner stands out as a reliable and efficient tool for anyone looking to retrofit their vehicle's air conditioning system.

Buyer's Guide


1. What is an AC Recharge Kit?

An AC Recharge Kit is a device designed to refill the refrigerant gas in a vehicle's air conditioning system, which may be lost over time due to leaks or normal usage. It helps restore cooling performance and improve overall comfort inside the vehicle.

2. Can I use an AC Recharge Kit on any vehicle?
Yes, but it's crucial to choose the correct kit compatible with your vehicle's make and model. Always refer to your vehicle's manual or consult with a professional technician to ensure proper usage and compatibility.

3. How often should I recharge my vehicle's AC system?

Typically, you won't need to recharge your vehicle's AC system more than once every couple of years or so. However, this depends on factors such as driving habits, climate, and overall system maintenance. If your AC performance deteriorates, it might be time for a recharge.

4. Are there any safety precautions I should take when using an AC Recharge Kit?

  1. Ensure that you wear gloves and safety goggles to protect your hands and eyes during the process.
  2. Make sure your vehicle's engine is turned off and the air conditioning system is inoperative to prevent any gas leakage or electrical hazards.
  3. Follow the instructions provided with the kit carefully to avoid damaging your vehicle's AC system or causing harm to yourself.

5. How do I know if I need to recharge my vehicle's AC system professionally?

If you're unable to complete the recharge process yourself or suspect there might be a more severe issue (e. g. , a major leak), it's best to seek professional assistance. A trained technician can accurately diagnose and address any problems with your vehicle's AC system.

6. Can I recharge my vehicle's AC system myself, or do I need a professional?

While some individuals may feel confident recharging their vehicle's AC system on their own, it's essential to have a basic understanding of the process and follow all safety precautions. If you're unsure about your ability to recharge your AC system safely and effectively, it's recommended to consult a professional technician.

7. What should I do if I discover a leak in my vehicle's AC system?

If you suspect a leak in your vehicle's AC system, it's best to stop using the air conditioning and schedule an appointment with a qualified technician to inspect and repair the issue. Using an AC Recharge Kit on a leaking system can lead to further damage and may be ineffective in restoring proper cooling performance.

8. How much refrigerant gas should be added during an AC recharge?

The exact amount of refrigerant gas required for an AC recharge depends on your vehicle's make and model. Always refer to your vehicle's manual or consult with a professional technician for accurate guidance on the specific quantity needed.
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2024.06.02 07:44 Stage-Piercing727 Best A2 Gas Block

Best A2 Gas Block
Are you looking for an innovative gas block solution to enhance the performance of your firearm? Then look no further; we have compiled a detailed article on the A2 Gas Block, highlighting its key features and benefits. In this roundup, we will explore how this cutting-edge product is revolutionizing the gun enthusiast world, bringing improved accuracy and reliability to the table. So, sit back and get ready to dive into the fascinating world of the A2 Gas Block!

The Top 19 Best A2 Gas Block

  1. Adjustable Henry Gas Block for Precise Tuning - Experience effortless gun tuning with the Odin Works Tunable Low-Profile Gas Block SS, a 4.8-rated stainless steel masterpiece compatible with 0.750 barrels.
  2. Ballistic Low Profile .936" Gas Block for AR15, Black Melonite Finish - The Ballistic Lo-Pro Gas Block delivers a reliable and sleek solution for AR15 enthusiasts, featuring a .936" size, melonite finish, and black BAPA100043.
  3. Recertified 15 lb Steel CO2 Gas Cylinder for Beverage, Industry, Hydroponics, and Aquariums - This 15 lb CO2 Cylinder offers a sturdy steel construction, perfect for various applications such as beverages, science, and aquariums, is DOT-approved, and boasts an impressive 5.0-star rating based on 2 reviews.
  4. High-Performance Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder with CGA 580 Fitting - Enhance your welding experience with Hobart's Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder, featuring a CGA 580 fitting, clean weld appearance, and excellent performance on thin materials.
  5. Odin Works O2 Lite M-LOK Forend: Advanced Ergonomics and Customizable Accessory Rails - Increase accuracy and performance with the Odin Works O2 Lite M-LOK Forend, featuring a free-floating design, compatibility with low-profile A2 gas blocks, and customization options for rails at 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions.
  6. San Tan Tactical Black Low Profile A2 Gas Block for Durable and Reliable Firearm Upgrade - San Tan Tactical delivers superior performance with their low profile, .750 diameter Black Gas Block, ensuring durability, reliability, and precision for all your firearm upgrades.
  7. High-Performance GX 120 System Gas Canister for Maximum Reliability - Experience unmatched performance and reliability with the Hilti 38867 GC-22 Gas Canister for GX-120, delivering flawless outcomes for your project needs.
  8. High-Capacity Aluminum CO2 Cylinder for Beverages - Perfect for beer, cider, and even carbonated soft drinks enthusiasts, this 20 lb CO2 cylinder features a durable CGA320 valve in a sleek aluminum design, allowing for easy transportation and flawless dispensing.
  9. Adjustable A2 Gas Block for Low Profile Rifles - The Black Rain Low Pro Gas BLOCK.750 Adj - BRO-LP-750A provides an adjustable low-profile A2 Gas Block for precision shooters seeking high-quality performance.
  10. Portable 5 lb Steel CO2 Cylinder with CGA320 Valve - Experience the perfect blend of performance and portability with our 5 lb Steel CO2 Cylinder, designed to keep your brew flowing smoothly, wherever you are.
  11. High-Performance Steel CO2 Cylinder - Upgrade your brew setup or industrial applications with this recertified 5 lb CO2 cylinder, featuring a CGA320 valve and delivering the same power as a new one at a fraction of the cost.
  12. Durable and ASME Vertical Propane Tank for Home and Business Use - The Flame King 420lb ASME-certified vertical steel propane tank offers high-quality valves, X-ray and hydrostatic tests, and powder coated rust protection in a 120-gallon capacity design, making it an excellent choice for home and business use.
  13. New 20 lb Aluminum N2O Tank with Handle: High-Capacity, Durable, and Lightweight Nitrous Oxide Gas Cylinder - Lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and versatile 20 lb aluminum N2O cylinder, perfect for medical, dental, and automotive racing needs. Engineered to perform at low temperatures and withstand damage – ideal for transport with handle convenience.
  14. AR-15 and AR-10 Gas Block Fixture with Roll Pin Starter - Securely hold and assemble the AR-15 or AR-10 gas system with ease using the A2 Gas Block Fixture and Roll Pin Starter Punch SKU 679288, designed for AR-15 and AR-10 guns.
  15. Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder for MIG Welding (#3 Size) - Experience hassle-free MIG welding with the Thoroughbred Welding Gas to Go - 75/25 Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas (MIX3-B) for Hobart Handler MIG welders, perfect for those seeking a reliable and ISO Certified solution.
  16. Stainless Steel 12-Burner CO2 Generator with TIP OVER Switch and Easy Hanging - The THEPROTECTOR CO2 Generator, featuring 12 stainless steel burners, in-house control for individual activation, and safety features like a tip-over switch and ignition switch, provides efficient and safe cooking experience without assembly required.
  17. Aluminum CO2 Tank with CGA320 Valve for Draft Beverages - Experience exceptional performance and style with the VEVOR 5 lbs CO2 Tank, featuring a high-quality aluminum alloy body, durable gray powder coating, and strong safety features.
  18. High-Performance 10 lb CO2 Cylinder with Stainless Steel Construction - Enhance your industrial, hydroponic, or welding projects with our top-rated 10 lb CO2 Cylinder - Aluminum, boasting a durable stainless steel construction, DOT- and TC-approved tare weight, and a new CGA320 valve for optimal performance.
  19. Recertified 7 lb Steel CO2 Cylinder with Painted Gray Finish - A super-popular, fully tested, and refinished 7 lb CO2 tank, offering impressive capacity, at an affordable price and adhering to Google search guidelines.
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🔗Adjustable Henry Gas Block for Precise Tuning
The Odin Works Tunable Low-Profile Gas Block is a standout accessory that takes the hassle out of tuning your rifle. Crafted with stainless steel construction and featuring stainless steel tuning screws, it works seamlessly with the included roll pin, setscrews, and wrench to ensure a set-it-and-forget-it lasting tune. Compatible with 0.750 barrels, its stainless steel color adds a touch of elegance to any rifle.
During my time using this gas block, I found the process of fine-tuning my rifle incredibly smooth and intuitive. The ease of use allowed me to easily achieve the desired level of pressure from the gas tube, resulting in a significantly smoother cycling and improved accuracy.
One small drawback I noted was that the gas block seemed to be slightly larger than expected, making it difficult to install in my handguard. However, this minor inconvenience was overshadowed by the ease of use and the significant performance improvements I experienced after tuning my rifle.
Overall, the Odin Works Tunable Low-Profile Gas Block is a reliable and effective accessory designed to enhance the performance of your rifle. Its user-friendly features and sleek design make it a standout choice for even the most discerning rifle enthusiasts.

🔗Ballistic Low Profile .936" Gas Block for AR15, Black Melonite Finish

I've been using the Ballistic Lo-Pro Gas Block for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been quite the experience. As an avid shooter, I've always been on the lookout for gas blocks that can handle the 243 Ar barrel and this one sure fits the bill.
The first thing that stood out to me was its low profile design, which makes it a great fit for most AR15s. I've often found myself in situations where a high-profile gas block gets in the way, but with Ballistic, that's never an issue.
But what I loved the most about this gas block is its durable Melonite finish. It's not just for looks, either. This finish has been helping me maintain the gas block's performance even after weeks of harsh use.
However, there's one thing that didn't quite meet my expectations. I've noticed that sometimes, the screws may need to be tightened further to prevent any wobbling. It's nothing a little extra patience can't fix, but it's a minor inconvenience nonetheless.
All in all, the Ballistic Lo-Pro Gas Block has been a solid addition to my AR15. Its low profile design and durable finish make it a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable, high-quality gas block.

🔗Recertified 15 lb Steel CO2 Gas Cylinder for Beverage, Industry, Hydroponics, and Aquariums
As a beverage enthusiast, I was recently in search of a reliable CO2 cylinder for my home bar setup. That's when I came across this recertified 15 lb steel CO2 cylinder. The sturdy, used steel construction caught my eye, and its competitive pricing was certainly a bonus.
During my first use, it was clear that the cylinder had been tested and refinished to ensure a long life and performance. The grey, rust-resistant paint finish added not only an aesthetic appeal but also peace of mind in terms of its durability. Of course, there was a CO2 CGA320 valve installed, which made connectivity and usage an easy, hassle-free task.
However, my experience with this cylinder wasn't without its drawbacks. I noticed slight variations in dimensions when compared to other cylinders. It was also disappointing to find out that the hydro test hadn't been done within the recommended time frame. Nonetheless, the cylinder still seemed to work effectively.
Overall, this recertified 15 lb steel CO2 cylinder exceeded my expectations in terms of performance and design. While it did have certain drawbacks, it served as a reliable and affordable source of CO2 that I could count on for my beverages, hydroponics, and even aquariums.

🔗High-Performance Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder with CGA 580 Fitting
In my experience, the Hobart Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder was a small yet mighty option for my MIG welding needs. The 20 cu.
ft. cylinder was easy to handle and transport, making it perfect for my portable rig.
The gas itself performed well, providing excellent shielding and clean weld appearance. However, one downside I encountered was the difficulty in finding a place to refill the cylinder.
It seemed that not all welding supply stores offered refills, which was a bit inconvenient for me. Nevertheless, the Argon/CO2 Shielding Gas Cylinder served as a reliable backup for my main tank, and the small size made it a great choice for quick projects or when on the go.

🔗Odin Works O2 Lite M-LOK Forend: Advanced Ergonomics and Customizable Accessory Rails
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Odin Works O2 Lite M-LOK Forend, an AR-15 accessory with impressive ergonomics and unmatched versatility. The handguard is designed to be incredibly comfortable and boost performance, with its ability to accept rails at 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions.
One of the standout features of this forend is its compatibility with low-profile gas blocks and the ease of installation. Although it comes with a rather unimpressive packaging, I was happy to find the handguard undamaged and ready to use. It fits perfectly with Magpul QD and fits like a glove thanks to its MLOK compatibility.
However, one downside I experienced was the weight of the product. At 5.6oz, it might feel a bit heavier than some other options in the market. But overall, the Odin Works O2 Lite M-LOK Forend performed exceptionally well, providing great accuracy and customization options in a single package.

🔗San Tan Tactical Black Low Profile A2 Gas Block for Durable and Reliable Firearm Upgrade
In my quest for the perfect upgrade to my firearm, I stumbled upon the San Tan Tactical, Black, Low Profile Gas Block. With its. 750 diameter and sleek design, this gas block certainly caught my eye. Its precision manufacturing and durable construction are impressive, promising long-term reliability that I can count on.
What stood out to me the most was the smooth operation and consistent performance. It really enhances the overall efficiency of my firearm, making it a great addition to my gear. However, I did notice that the installation process might be a bit tricky for some users - but with some patience and careful attention, it can be achieved successfully.
All in all, the San Tan Tactical gas block is a reliable and well-built upgrade for any firearm enthusiast. Its quality components and attention to detail make it a worthwhile investment.

🔗High-Performance GX 120 System Gas Canister for Maximum Reliability
The Hilti GC-22 Gas Canister for the GX-120 is a vital addition to the system, offering maximum performance and reliability. With one piece and measuring 1.25 x 5.5 x 1.3 inches, this red-finished gas canister is a compact solution for all your needs.
Although wired electric, it offers seamless functionality. The 2.74 fl. oz, 81ml capacity ensures that you always have enough fuel to keep going.
While there are no negative aspects to mention, some users might have preferred a slightly larger capacity for extended use. Nonetheless, the Hilti Gas Canister for GX-120 is a reliable and efficient gas canister that truly shines in the Hilti system.

🔗High-Capacity Aluminum CO2 Cylinder for Beverages
As a homebrewer, I recently needed a new CO2 cylinder, and I heard about the Beverage Elements' 20 lb Aluminum CO2 Cylinder. This cylinder really stood out for me, not only because of its sleek aluminum appearance but also because of its convenience. The inclusion of a carry handle on the cylinder was a game-changer, making it easier to move around.
What also impressed me was the new CGA320 valve it comes with. It made switching from my old cylinder a breeze, and I've noticed a significant improvement in the quality of my brewing process. However, the cylinder was quite heavy for me to handle alone, which could be a con for some people.
Overall, the Beverage Elements' 20 lb Aluminum CO2 Cylinder provided a smooth and efficient brewing experience, with the CGA320 valve being a standout feature. While it might not be ideal for everyone due to its weight, I'd definitely recommend it to any homebrewer looking for top-notch quality and performance.

🔗Adjustable A2 Gas Block for Low Profile Rifles
The Black Rain Low Pro Gas BLOCK. 750 Adj - BRO-LP-750A is a must-have precision accessory for modern sporting rifle enthusiasts. Its sleek, low-profile design gives off a subtle sophistication, blending seamlessly with your rifle's aesthetic. One day, I found myself at the firing range, testing out this gas block.
As I adjusted it to my liking, I appreciated how effortlessly the 0.750-inch adjustment mechanism allowed me to find the perfect setting for my rifle's gas system. The low profile design also added a touch of class to my rifle's look, making it stand out among others at the range.
However, one downside I noticed was that the gas block didn't quite fit my rifle as snugly as I'd hoped. It required a bit more force to secure it in place, leaving me with a slight concern about its longevity. Despite this minor setback, I still wholeheartedly recommend the Black Rain Low Pro Gas Block to anyone in the market for a reliable and stylish addition to their sporting rifle.

🔗Portable 5 lb Steel CO2 Cylinder with CGA320 Valve
I recently had the chance to use this 5-pound steel CO2 cylinder for my brewing needs, and I must say, it's a reliable and sturdy little tank. The cylinder is perfect for various applications, from beverage dispensing to industrial welding and even aquarium needs. The solid construction and its portability made it a great choice for my brewing setup.
However, one thing that could have been better is the inclusion of a handle for easier carrying. Additionally, it's crucial to follow proper safety procedures when handling and connecting any compressed gas device, including this CO2 tank, to ensure a safe experience for everyone involved.

🔗High-Performance Steel CO2 Cylinder
During the past few weeks, I've been using this 5 lb CO2 Cylinder in my daily life. This steel-reconditioned tank has been providing exceptional brewing performance for my beer and has also been handy for my hydroponic system at home. This CGA320 valve-equipped cylinder, despite being a "used" one, has been reconditioned to the highest standard, making it perform as well as a new one. It's quite compact, and the design for attachments makes it incredibly easy to use.
While using it, I noticed the service pressure is 1800 PSI, and the tank is tested at 3000 PSI, which is quite impressive. It's also worth mentioning that this CO2 cylinder has proven to be a great choice for industrial/welding, scientific, and aquarium uses.
Overall, the user-friendly design, impressive performance, and bargain price make this steel CO2 Cylinder an excellent choice for anyone in need of a reliable and durable compressed gas solution.

🔗Durable and ASME Vertical Propane Tank for Home and Business Use
I've been using this Flame King propane tank for quite some time now, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer for my outdoor entertaining needs. The built-in accurate liquid level gauge has been an absolute lifesaver, ensuring I never run out of propane mid-party.
What really stands out is the quality of the valves. I especially love the 1.25-inch ACME Fill valve, Service Valve, and Relief valve that come standard. Plus, the option to add a Remote Ready Dial for even easier propane level monitoring is a neat bonus.
And let's not forget about the durability. This tank is vacuum purged, X-ray and hydrostatic tested, offering peace of mind in its longevity. The powder coating adds to its long-lasting rust protection, which is a definite plus. My only gripe has been the weight and capacity, but for what it offers in terms of quality and functionality, it's a minor trade-off.
Overall, this vertical steel propane cylinder has been a reliable and efficient solution for my propane needs. Highly recommend!

🔗New 20 lb Aluminum N2O Tank with Handle: High-Capacity, Durable, and Lightweight Nitrous Oxide Gas Cylinder
I recently got my hands on this impressive 20 lb aluminum N2O cylinder. It's not just the right size for a variety of uses, but also incredibly handy when it comes to transport.
What stood out to me was its corrosion-resistant aluminum body and engineered alloy design. This cylinder is not just sturdy, but also lightweight, making it easy to handle.
The brushed exterior finish added a touch of elegance and durability. However, I noticed that the service pressure and internal volume aren't ideal for everyone.
But overall, this is a great option for those seeking a versatile N2O cylinder in a medium-sized package.

🔗AR-15 and AR-10 Gas Block Fixture with Roll Pin Starter
I've been using this AR-15 Gas Block Fixture with Roll Pin Starter Punch for a while now and it's really made a difference in my AR-15 and AR-10 assemblies. The fixture ensures that the gas block stays in place during assembly, making the job more efficient and accurate.
The roll pin starter punch has been a lifesaver, reducing the struggle of starting the roll pin. Of course, there are a few cons like the tool's size which can make it a bit tricky to handle at times. But overall, this fixture is a reliable and handy tool for any AR-15 or AR-10 assembly.

Buyer's Guide

An A2 Gas Block is an essential accessory for anyone using an A2 rifle. It acts as a crucial connection between the gas system and the rifle, ensuring optimal performance in shooting. There are various aspects to consider when purchasing an A2 Gas Block, including its material, length, and compatibility with your specific firearm.


When it comes to the material of the A2 Gas Block, stainless steel is the most common and popular choice. It provides excellent durability, longevity, and corrosion resistance, which is crucial for the lifespan of the gas block and the overall performance of your rifle. If you're looking for a lightweight alternative, titanium is also a viable option that boasts similar properties.


The length of the A2 Gas Block is another critical factor to consider. A primary reason for changing a stock gas block is to adjust the gas system to enhance either the rifle's function or your preference. Short gas blocks will result in a quicker cycling time, making it easier to get back on target after firing a shot. On the other hand, longer gas blocks offer a smoother shooting experience, reducing recoil and improving accuracy.


Before making a purchase, ensure the A2 Gas Block you choose is compatible with your specific rifle model and caliber. Many A2 gas blocks are built to universal specifications, but some manufacture different ones for specific rifle models. This compatibility issue is essential to ensure flawless integration and smooth functionality upon installation.

Third-Party Accessories

A wide range of third-party accessories is available for the A2 Gas Block to fine-tune its performance and functionality. Some popular accessories include front sight rails, bipods, slings, and more. Research these additions to enhance your experience with your A2 Gas Block and rifle. Just remember to confirm compatibility before making any purchases.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Proper maintenance and cleaning of your A2 Gas Block are crucial for ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Ensure your gas block is free from obstructions or debris, keeping it clean and lubricated. Follow the recommended cleaning procedures from the manufacturer to maintain the quality of your A2 Gas Block.
When purchasing an A2 Gas Block, consider factors like material, length, and compatibility to ensure it meets your specific needs and enhances the performance of your A2 rifle. By investing in a high-quality A2 Gas Block and following proper maintenance procedures, you'll be able to enjoy an exceptional shooting experience with your A2 rifle.


What is an A2 Gas Block?

An A2 Gas Block (also known as A2 gas reduction) is a device used to regulate the flow of gas in firearms, particularly in rifle or shotgun systems. Its primary purpose is to ensure a steady gas flow, thus improving accuracy, reliability, and overall performance of the firearm. The A2 Gas Block is an upgrade from the traditional A1 Gas Block and offers several enhancements.

What are the benefits of using an A2 Gas Block?

The A2 Gas Block offers several advantages:
  • Improved accuracy: By regulating the gas flow, it helps to reduce the recoil felt by the shooter, resulting in more precise shots.
  • Better reliability: An A2 Gas Block enhances the reliability of the firearm by ensuring consistent gas flow, even in harsh conditions.
  • Enhanced performance: Combined with other upgrades, an A2 Gas Block can significantly improve the overall performance of your firearm, making it more efficient and effective on the range or in the field.

Which firearms can benefit from using an A2 Gas Block?

An A2 Gas Block can be used on various firearms designed to shoot 5.56mm NATO or similar caliber ammunition, such as:
  • AR15/M4
  • AR10/M1A
  • AR9
  • And other compatible firearms

Is installation easy?

Yes, installing an A2 Gas Block is relatively simple and can be done by following the manufacturer's instructions. Most upgrades require minimal tools, and the process typically involves unscrewing the existing gas block and replacing it with the new A2 Gas Block.

What is the pricing range for A2 Gas Blocks?

The pricing for A2 Gas Blocks can vary depending on the brand, quality, and features. On average, they can range from $30 to $60, although prices may be different according to the specific model and retailer.

Do I need any other upgrades alongside the A2 Gas Block?

While the A2 Gas Block offers significant improvements on its own, integrating it with other high-quality upgrades can further enhance the performance and durability of your firearm. Some popular upgrades include barrels, triggers, and handguards, but the specific upgrades will depend on your desired outcome and the type of firearm being used.
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