Is jennette mccurdy catholic


2011.04.10 06:39 DoctorBaby iCarly

iCarly is a Nickelodeon sitcom starring Miranda Cosgrove that ran from 2007 to 2012, with a revival now streaming on Paramount+!

2024.05.27 15:32 Prior_Alps1728 When did you figure it out?

When were the light bulb moments in your life when you realized you had been abused and/or neglected?
For me, the first was when I was 25 and my supervisor was addressing an issue. She freaked out and told me I had dead eyes and as a former CPS worker, recognized it immediately for what it was.
Hearing about Jennette McCurdy's book I'm Glad My Mom Is Dead sent another moment of recognition to me that my mother was controlling and abusive.
After I had introduced her to my husband's family on a trip, we were going to travel just her, my stepdad, and me. The train doors had only just closed before she went from sweet and unassuming (with my husband's family) to vindictive and mean to the both of us.
I went low contact after that.
submitted by Prior_Alps1728 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 22:47 Oystercracker123 I'm Really Struggling With Society

I'm Really Struggling With Society
Crossposted on PsychedelicTherapy - just wondering if you guys have any perspective.
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has any advice or perspective they could lend me.
I was caught with less than 0.5g marijuana while driving from legal state to legal state in a freak accident. This led police to find 3g of mushrooms in my car. If I didn't take the plea deal offered, I would have gone to jail.
I don't use psychedelics for fun. I suffer from pretty debilitating CPTSD from childhood enmeshment and emotional incest (think Jennette Mccurdy). The only thing that's ever slipped past my ego that is so set on never letting my guard down was LSD, and other psychedelics thereafter. I didn't realize it was even possible to feel okay (aka not chronically suicidal) until I did LSD in a supportive setting. Regular use of small dose psilocybin, and annual use of high dose psychedelics along with twice weekly therapy has helped and changed me so significantly that I have actually had multiple month-long periods where I don't have any depressive episodes. This was never a thing for me before. On a side-note, that LSD experience made me believe in God, and psychedelic experiences have become a semi-religious personal ritual for me. After my legal experience in which most every lawyer scoffed at the idea of religious use of psychedelics, it seems clear to me that the First Amendment is dead.
Ever since I was almost jailed for doing the thing that almost certainly saved me from suicide, I just hate America. I also hate society in general because it has the power to dictate things like whether or not I can have access to medicine that saved me. I have been bed-ridden in depression for most of this year, and have suicidal thoughts only once or twice a day on good days, and on bad days I sit in bed avoiding eating because I haven't committed to not dying yet that day. I have lost a significant amount of weight from this. It would be nice to once again get to the point where I don't even have suicidal thoughts occur. Right now the best is when I think "no, I feel good enough to not want that right now, but thanks for the suggestion, brain!" (Lol) I also struggle to hold down a regular job (which would get me out of the house) because I don't want to live half the time, and it makes it hard for me to commit to work...I also make most of my income as a gigging solo musician, so I can usually spend most days in bed until I have to play. Playing is often the only solace I get.
I'm currently deciding what the hell to do. I don't want to move because I really love and trust my therapist, but I think it would feel great to live somewhere with decriminalization. I'm planning on saving for a trip to Spain to hike El Camino in fall, and Spain has decriminalized all drugs. I still fear that any laws might get changed, though. I just hate that society can just do that to people. I currently have the opportunity to do 5-MEO in a therapeautic setting with a professional. I wonder if this would help, but it seems like it might be too intense for me right now. The idea of being caught again really bothers me. I also have trauma associated with antidepressants as my enmeshed family tried to push them, and the narrative that my brain is just innately depressed onto me...(basically blaming the effects of all of their abuse on my brain having a defect). It seems to me that they worked for me because I actually believed my parents...they stopped working once I read about the portion of placebo effect of SSRIs. I also find the idea of anything that can suppress psychedelic experiences very creepy, untrustworthy, and antithetical to my spiritual/religious beliefs.
Any thoughts, or ways to frame this to make more peace with this are greatly appreciated. I am struggling with finding hope.
Thank you.
submitted by Oystercracker123 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:22 New-Pin-9064 Crazy Ponnie

Crazy Ponnie
I'm gonna be honest here. I personally consider this to be the worst episode of the entire show. It is so mean spirited. None of the characters, aside from her mom of all people, believed Tori whenever she told them about Ponnie/Fawn and instead believed that she was going crazy. Why would they think that? These guys have known Tori long enough to know that she would never make up something like this. Even then, they don't even apologize to Tori at the end of the episode once they learn that she was telling the truth.
Another thing, I HATED Jennette McCurdy as Ponnie/Fawn. I truly think they should've gotten a different actress to play the characte
submitted by New-Pin-9064 to victorious [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:30 worriedrose_XO I need something new..

I’m almost done with “Lisey’s Story” by Stephen King, and it’s made me realize I want to read more stories with women protagonists and authors. I’m a big Stephen King fan, but the protagonists aren’t extremely diverse. I love fiction, but also would enjoy some non-fiction. Perhaps memoirs with plights of women, and LGBTQ+ people as well. Maybe something that will stick with me and navigate themes of overcoming trauma. I enjoyed jennette mccurdys “I’m glad my mom died” and Schuyler Bailar’s “Obie is man enough.” However, Bailar’s book was for a younger audience. I enjoyed it, but would like something more “adult.” Additionally, I would enjoy literature about the situation in Palestine!
submitted by worriedrose_XO to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 22:52 Alternative-Goat7608 My parents derailed my entire life, blamed me for everything.

Whatever I doubt anyone is going to read this or even care but I wanted to write it out here because I’m having a trigger day because my mother showed up in my DMs today telling me she “doesn’t have long” and needs to know where I am.
So basically.. I grew up in a very impoverished, dysfunctional home.. parents always viscously fighting and trying to destroy each other.. father stepped out on the marriage when my brothers and I were young, and got the sake of our family my parents didn’t divorce, they stayed together but hated every minute of it, my father slept on the couch and my mother would berate him, and call him a loser to me any chance she got.
When I was 10, my brothers and I started to work as actors in LA, and it quickly became my parents meal ticket, actually it was their ONLY income. They used the excuse of “we are your managers” to take 40 percent of my earning immediately.. the rationale for the 40 percent was “both me and your father are your managers so we get 40,” because the normal rate for managers is 20 percent. But it didn’t matter that they stole that money like that, because in reality they were taking EVERYTHING. They formed an LLC and listed themselves as president and ceo, and me as an “employee.” Which gave them 100 percent access to every single dollar I ever made.
Literally nothing was saved.. my father broke into my coogan account and stole 90k from it.. for those who don’t know Jackie coogan was an actor whose parents did the same thing to him and he died broke in the streets after making like 10 million dollars. So in the late 90s they made a federal law that required 15 percent of all earning to go into a secured account. Who cares. They got it anyway.
Same thing happened to me. I bought their houses, their cars, paid their bills, paid for my little sisters entire dance career…
They stole about 2 million. Then my mother divorced my father, who claims that he agreed to the divorce on the condition that her house be mine because I paid for it… a claim she says she never agreed to.
They went to war.. and I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. A professional career with many people on payroll, and the man of the house at 12… my mom used this psychology on me… that my dad was useless and I was the real man.. but what’s funny was she only acted like this when she wanted or needed something.. before I was the bread winner I literally had nothing, no needs of mine were ever met or considered. So I learned that praise earned through me doing something “good” was how I took my self worth. I continued to pay for my family even though they harassed me and trolled me every chance they got.
When my dad was kicked out he said he repaid me by “writing the house over to you” but that never happened so hundreds of thousands of dollars will never be recouped.
Then.. as I was a TEENAGER under the most intense pressure, I needed help, and guidance from people who actually cared about my well being as a person and child. But I didn’t get the help I needed instead I self medicated with pot. Just a little pot. But when my dad left the house, and I grew vocal about my mistreatment and about the stolen money.. my mother focused her wrath onto me. She blamed me for “being a drug addict” and for “ruining her family.” She told anyone who would listen that I was violent and disturbed.. worst of all she isolated my younger sister because she “needed to protect her” and raised my sister to mistrust, disrespect and flat out despise and blame ME, for the dysfunction caused by my narc parents.
That wound took a long time heal and was separate from the anger and depression I dealt with for a decade processing what had happened to me.
I grew up alone, no one watching me, in Hollywood, which chewed me up and spit me out. As a teenager I never stopped working, but my 20s were different, Hollywood is fickle and the vultures didn’t sense any meat left on my carcas and despite how hard and how many years I had put into working, I could no longer support myself on my work, and because my mother decided to kick me out of the home that I bought, at 19 after making 2 million dollars by the time I was 18 I was no homeless living in a tent.
And keep in mind also that people would also recognize me sometimes while I was homeless or when I had to enter. The normal work force, getting recognized while I was bagging groceries was really… a difficult lesson to have to experience
My sister is ten years my junior and I treated that girl like a princess in fact the happiest memories of my life were when she was younger. But because of my mother’s lies and manipulations and the fact that she did whatever she could to not be responsible for destroying everything.. my sister grew to resent ME.. and then put the final dagger into my heart when she got pregnant by my childhoods bully.
My parents trolled me on that, posted pictures of them all over their social media… I haven’t spent any time with my father in over a decade but to see him taking happy pictures with my childhood bully really does something to my soul that I can’t explain properly here
Finally I will say a few things here, until I discovered that my mother and father a tire clinical narcissists I had so much confusion and hurt and anger. But just seeing them act textbook actually kind of makes me feel sort of sorry for them. For their disease. Not their character. They aren’t good peole.
It’s encouraging to see the traction and reaction that Jennette McCurdys book got.. to realize people actually care about this..
And to watch quiet on set was like.. eye opening because.. I fucking knew Brian Peck. He worked on Holes. We all knew he was a predator. He tried to with my brother and I but we were different in the sense that we would have thrown fists and Brian knew that and so he didn’t. He knew he could groom Drake.
I was with my family once, two stories to share the character of my father.. we ran into Brian Peck and Drake once on the street, Drake was dressed in all black and he looked SOOOO uncomfortable and embarrassed. We knew Brian was fucking him. My dad LAUGHED at it. Brian’s got another one!!
Then encouraged us to go to Brian’s parties.
The other story is, I grew up with Zach Levi aka Zach Pugh aka Shazam, and when he was younger, my father was so jealous of him, and took me to his work once, while he worked at a car wash, he parked us across the street and laughed and Zach washing the car.
Yep. Thems my folks.
Seeing Zach slay has been awesome knowing it must kill my father
submitted by Alternative-Goat7608 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 06:16 bonniesbunny This is so random, but I would have pissed off Jennette McCurdy too.

So I'm reading the book "I'm glad my mom died" by Jennette McCurdy and in the book her mom is sick with cancer and is in the hospital/hospice (can't remember specifically). So her mom needs to be changed and a nurse aide comes in and says something along the lines of "are you sam from iCarly" and this makes Jennette very angry/ uncomfortable and she ignores the lady.
So I read that and think "damn what a dumbass who would asked that" then I thought about it. I'm like, well if I saw a celebrity I might say something about it if they're in a good mood. Then I thought about it more, and honestly as much as I wish I wouldnt, there no way I wouldn't have had a similar reaction. I would be like "OMG?? SAM PUCKET" I'm not proud to admit that but realistically I'd be like... star struck lol.
I have now mentally noted if I ever come across a celebrity at my job to keep my mouth shut so I don't end up being published as the annoying CNA in their memoir.
submitted by bonniesbunny to cna [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 21:42 pathologuys “I’m glad my mom died”- adjacent rec?

My teenager hasn’t loved reading in a long time 💔 but is loving Jennette mccurdy’s memoir “I’m glad my mom died”, even though she’s never watched a Nickelodeon show. What can I get her to read next?! That’s as chatty and fascinating/ intriguing as this one?
Edit: thanks for the great recommendations!! I’d also love to figure out a couple of fiction books if possible… I know that’s a big ask, since this is a memoir, but if anyone has an idea for a book with a captivating main (female preferably) character that moves quickly or has an element of gossipy-ness to it, that would be great too!
submitted by pathologuys to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 03:20 UserImSoHot Why Was There And Still No Official Explanation For The Cancellation Of Victorious?

Compared to iCarly where the show ended because Miranda Cosgrove was heading off to College and continuing a show without the main main character is bad. And Drake and Josh where the show ended because Dan Schneider felt that the show ran its course and it was time to end it. But as for Victorious no offical explanation for its cancellation was ever given. The show wasn't even given a proper finale like Dan Schneider's other shows. Clearly it wasn't because of Ariana Grande since her music career hadn't exploded in international popularity yet. Some other reason was because someone (she) didn't want to do something so it got cancelled and people immediately assumed Victoria Justice but it was backed up as false by all the cast members. Then we also have low ratings, the show was cancelled in 2012 and still averaged 3-4 million per episode with the final airing in 2013 making 2.89 million views. Sam & Cat wasn't the reason for the cancelation. And then we have the drugs, sex, and alcohol, a theory goes that the show was canned because the underage cast members were doing illegal activities which could have lead to scandals and lawsuits around Nickelodeon. The alcohol is backed up by Jennette Mccurdy from her biography and Avan Joia (Beck) posting a Tiktok that he barley remembers Victorious because he was implying drugs or alcohol. But apparently it was debunked. So what do you guys think?
submitted by UserImSoHot to victorious [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 17:04 wiklr Quiet on Set Timeline

Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV

Reddit Research


(Note: Some Film/TV show dates are when it was released or when a documentary related person appeared in an episode)
1986 - 1991
1990 * The Willies): Brian Peck (director & producer), Kimmy Robertson
2019 * March 14 - JustJared Drake Bell & Josh Peck spotted at a business meeting * March 15 - Drake Bell teases Drake & Josh reboot * March 18 - Seventeen interview of Drake Bell * November 16 - All That (Revival) Season 11 airs * December 16 - Deadline reports Turner & Hooch reboot (Disney+)
Let me know corrections / things to add. Organized references to follow.
submitted by wiklr to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 19:46 ObjectiveLittle6761 Moonborn Mia faceclaim

>!her name is jennette mccurdy
submitted by ObjectiveLittle6761 to RomanceClub [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 14:37 Gloomy_Wrangler_6591 Josh Peck criticised after he admits Jeanette McCurdy blocked his number

Josh Peck criticised after he admits Jeanette McCurdy blocked his number
I noticed people were asking about this so I did a bit of research and wow. I find it fascinating that they said “we truly were the good guys” and then went on to say “she owes us”. Who’d have thought in 2024 we’d be realising that Josh Peck was the bad guy all along.
“At this point in the podcast, Peck recalled an anecdote between himself and McCurdy when they allegedly sat down to record an episode together. According to Peck, McCurdy got cold feet last minute and demanded that the content they filmed be scrapped altogether. Mongeau then said that she read the memoir and added that she thought it was amazing before Peck jumped in with: "So did we, despite what Jennette says." Peck's co-host Ben Soffer continued: "She was our first ever guest, like, the day that she released her book. She came on, it was an amazing get for us.
"We were truly good guys, unbelievable interview, spoke about everything that she wanted to, nothing that she didn't want to."
"It ended, and she told us not to run it," he claimed. Peck added: "There is a small update that happened yesterday. So, us being the good guys we are, said 'Jennette, no problem, we'll kill it. Do you wanna come back on?'"
According to the pair, they received 'no response' at all. "So four or five months later, we got [Tana], we got [Hilary Duff], we're killing it..." he said. Peck went on to claim that McCurdy 'owes' him for the ordeal, adding: "All I wrote to Jennette after six months was, 'Hi, hi'. I got a green bubble, "Am I blocked? I think I might be blocked...or she was on a 12-hour flight. Here's hoping."
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It's Not You Audiobook By Ramani Durvasula PhD cover art
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Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People
By: Ramani Durvasula PhD
Narrated by: Ramani Durvasula PhD
Length: 11 hrs and 31 mins
5 out of 5 stars359 ratings
Be Useful Audiobook By Arnold Schwarzenegger cover art
  1. Be Useful
Seven Tools for Life
By: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Narrated by: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Length: 6 hrs and 19 mins
Release date: 10-10-23
5 out of 5 stars3,797 ratings
Good Inside Audiobook By Becky Kennedy cover art
  1. Good Inside
A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be
By: Becky Kennedy
Narrated by: Becky Kennedy
Length: 9 hrs and 55 mins
Release date: 09-13-22
5 out of 5 stars1,106 ratings
Weapons of Mass Instruction Audiobook By John Taylor Gatto cover art
  1. Weapons of Mass Instruction
A Schoolteacher's Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling
By: John Taylor Gatto
Narrated by: Michael Puttonen
Length: 8 hrs and 32 mins
Release date: 02-26-13
5 out of 5 stars737 ratings
The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts Audiobook By Gary Chapman cover art
  1. The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts
By: Gary Chapman
Narrated by: Gary Chapman
Length: 4 hrs and 46 mins
Release date: 12-26-04
5 out of 5 stars41,974 ratings
Regular price: $21.83
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Audiobook By Joe Dispenza cover art
  1. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
By: Joe Dispenza
Narrated by: Adam Boyce
Length: 10 hrs and 49 mins
Release date: 03-26-20
4.5 out of 5 stars4,729 ratings
The Way of the Superior Man Audiobook By David Deida cover art
  1. The Way of the Superior Man
By: David Deida
Narrated by: Cecil Archbold
Length: 5 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 09-04-18
4.5 out of 5 stars11,602 ratings
Regular price: $14.68
The Wealth Money Can't Buy Audiobook By Robin Sharma cover art
  1. The Wealth Money Can't Buy
The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life
Narrated by: Adam Sims
Length: 8 hrs and 27 mins
Release date: 04-09-24
5 out of 5 stars11 ratings
Dare to Lead Audiobook By Brené Brown cover art
  1. Dare to Lead
Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.
By: Brené Brown
Narrated by: Brené Brown
Length: 8 hrs and 10 mins
Release date: 10-09-18
4.5 out of 5 stars29,074 ratings
Influence Is Your Superpower Audiobook By Zoe Chance cover art
  1. Influence Is Your Superpower
The Science of Winning Hearts, Sparking Change, and Making Good Things Happen
By: Zoe Chance
Narrated by: Zoe Chance
Length: 7 hrs and 10 mins
Release date: 02-01-22
4.5 out of 5 stars397 ratings
Raising Mentally Strong Kids Audiobook By Daniel G. Amen M.D., Charles Fay Ph.D cover art
  1. Raising Mentally Strong Kids
How to Combine the Power of Neuroscience with Love and Logic to Grow Confident, Kind, Responsible, and Resilient Children and Young Adults
By: Daniel G. Amen M.D., Charles Fay Ph.D
Narrated by: Jim Frangione
Length: 11 hrs and 17 mins
4 out of 5 stars8 ratings
Regular price: $20.97
Atlas of the Heart Audiobook By Brené Brown cover art
  1. Atlas of the Heart
Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience
Length: 8 hrs and 29 mins
Release date: 02-14-22
5 out of 5 stars16,707 ratings
The Source Audiobook By Tara Swart MD PhD cover art
  1. The Source
The Secrets of the Universe, the Science of the Brain
By: Tara Swart MD PhD
Narrated by: Tara Swart
Release date: 10-15-19
4.5 out of 5 stars472 ratings
No Bad Parts Audiobook By Richard C. Schwartz PhD, Alanis Morissette - foreword introduction cover art
  1. No Bad Parts
Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model
By: Richard C. Schwartz PhD, Alanis Morissette - foreword introduction
Narrated by: Charlie Mechling
Release date: 10-12-21
4.5 out of 5 stars1,077 ratings
Regular price: $14.69
10x Is Easier than 2x Audiobook By Dan Sullivan, Dr. Benjamin Hardy cover art
  1. 10x Is Easier than 2x
How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less
By: Dan Sullivan, Dr. Benjamin Hardy
Narrated by: Dr. Benjamin Hardy
Length: 9 hrs and 58 mins
Release date: 05-09-23
5 out of 5 stars826 ratings
A New Earth Audiobook By Eckhart Tolle cover art
  1. A New Earth
Awakening Your Life's Purpose
Length: 9 hrs and 12 mins
5 out of 5 stars19,813 ratings
  1. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
By: Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish
Narrated by: Susan Bennett
Length: 8 hrs and 24 mins
Release date: 05-02-12
4.5 out of 5 stars4,537 ratings
Million Dollar Weekend Audiobook By Noah Kagan, Tahl Raz - contributor cover art
  1. Million Dollar Weekend
The Surprisingly Simple Way to Launch a 7-Figure Business in 48 Hours
By: Noah Kagan, Tahl Raz - contributor
Narrated by: Noah Kagan
Length: 4 hrs and 33 mins
Release date: 01-30-24
5 out of 5 stars508 ratings
Liberated Love Audiobook By Mark Groves, Kylie McBeath cover art
  1. Liberated Love
Release Codependent Patterns and Create the Love You Desire
By: Mark Groves, Kylie McBeath
Narrated by: Kylie McBeath, Mark Groves
Length: 9 hrs and 38 mins
Release date: 04-16-24
Not rated yet
Regular price: $20.24
Speak the Blessing Audiobook By Joel Osteen cover art
  1. Speak the Blessing
Send Your Words in the Direction You Want Your Life to Go
By: Joel Osteen
Narrated by: Joel Osteen
Length: 3 hrs and 13 mins
5 out of 5 stars15 ratings
Regular price: $14.81
Build the Life You Want Audiobook By Arthur C. Brooks, Oprah Winfrey cover art
  1. Build the Life You Want
The Art and Science of Getting Happier
By: Arthur C. Brooks, Oprah Winfrey
Narrated by: Arthur C. Brooks, Oprah Winfrey
Length: 5 hrs and 54 mins
Release date: 09-12-23
4.5 out of 5 stars588 ratings
The Secret Audiobook By Rhonda Byrne cover art
  1. The Secret
By: Rhonda Byrne
Narrated by: Rhonda Byrne
Series: The Secret
Length: 4 hrs and 24 mins
Release date: 11-17-06
4.5 out of 5 stars29,417 ratings
Regular price: $13.46
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Audiobook By Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves cover art
  1. Emotional Intelligence 2.0
By: Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves
Narrated by: Tom Parks
Length: 4 hrs and 17 mins
Release date: 05-15-10
4.5 out of 5 stars6,376 ratings
Regular price: $16.00
It Didn't Start with You Audiobook By Mark Wolynn cover art
  1. It Didn't Start with You
How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle
By: Mark Wolynn
Narrated by: Mark Wolynn
Length: 8 hrs and 16 mins
Release date: 04-26-16
4.5 out of 5 stars2,404 ratings
Boundaries, Updated and Expanded Edition Audiobook By John Townsend, Henry Cloud cover art
  1. Boundaries, Updated and Expanded Edition
When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life
By: John Townsend, Henry Cloud
Narrated by: Henry O. Arnold
Length: 11 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 02-13-18
4.5 out of 5 stars7,311 ratings
Poor Charlie’s Almanack Audiobook By Charles T. Munger cover art
  1. Poor Charlie’s Almanack
The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger
By: Charles T. Munger
Narrated by: Grover Gardener
Length: 13 hrs and 9 mins
Release date: 12-05-23
4.5 out of 5 stars248 ratings
Influence, New and Expanded Audiobook By Robert B. Cialdini cover art
  1. Influence, New and Expanded
The Psychology of Persuasion
By: Robert B. Cialdini
Narrated by: Robert B. Cialdini
Length: 20 hrs and 43 mins
Release date: 05-04-21
4.5 out of 5 stars2,032 ratings
Regular price: $40.49
How to Win Friends and Influence People Audiobook By Dale Carnegie cover art
  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People
Updated for the Next Generation of Leaders
Narrated by: Robert Petkoff, Donna Dale Carnegie
Length: 8 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 05-17-22
5 out of 5 stars694 ratings
Regular price: $18.74
Untangle Your Emotions Audiobook By Jennie Allen cover art
  1. Untangle Your Emotions
Naming What You Feel and Knowing What to Do About It
By: Jennie Allen
Narrated by: Jennie Allen
Length: 5 hrs and 31 mins
Release date: 02-13-24
5 out of 5 stars115 ratings
The 5 Second Rule Audiobook By Mel Robbins cover art
  1. The 5 Second Rule
Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
By: Mel Robbins
Narrated by: Mel Robbins
Length: 7 hrs and 35 mins
Release date: 02-22-17
4.5 out of 5 stars50,998 ratings
Wordslut Audiobook By Amanda Montell cover art
  1. Wordslut
A Feminist Guide to Taking Back the English Language
By: Amanda Montell
Narrated by: Amanda Montell
Length: 6 hrs and 56 mins
Release date: 05-28-19
4.5 out of 5 stars562 ratings
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry Audiobook By John Mark Comer, John Ortberg - foreword cover art
  1. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World
By: John Mark Comer, John Ortberg - foreword
Narrated by: John Mark Comer, Kris Koscheski
Length: 5 hrs and 20 mins
Release date: 11-26-19
5 out of 5 stars7,723 ratings
Regular price: $13.50
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Audiobook By John M. Gottman PhD, Nan Silver cover art
  1. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert, Revised and Updated
By: John M. Gottman PhD, Nan Silver
Narrated by: Eric Michael Summerer
Length: 10 hrs and 17 mins
Release date: 01-14-20
4.5 out of 5 stars1,686 ratings
Regular price: $21.49
Mindset Audiobook By Carol S. Dweck PhD cover art
  1. Mindset
The New Psychology of Success
By: Carol S. Dweck PhD
Narrated by: Bernadette Dunne
Release date: 02-19-19
4.5 out of 5 stars7,445 ratings
The Whole-Brain Child Audiobook By Daniel J. Siegel M.D., Tina Payne Bryson cover art
  1. The Whole-Brain Child
12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
By: Daniel J. Siegel M.D., Tina Payne Bryson
Narrated by: Daniel J. Siegel M.D., Tina Payne Bryson
Length: 6 hrs and 14 mins
Release date: 12-06-22
4.5 out of 5 stars280 ratings
Codependent No More Audiobook By Melody Beattie cover art
  1. Codependent No More
How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself
By: Melody Beattie
Narrated by: Melody Beattie
Length: 8 hrs and 42 mins
Release date: 09-01-22
5 out of 5 stars858 ratings
Regular price: $19.49
The Algebra of Wealth Audiobook By Scott Galloway cover art
  1. The Algebra of Wealth
A Simple Formula for Financial Security
By: Scott Galloway
Narrated by: Scott Galloway
Release date: 04-23-24
Pre-order: Free with 30-day trial
Crushing It! Audiobook By Gary Vaynerchuk cover art
  1. Crushing It!
How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence-and How You Can, Too
By: Gary Vaynerchuk
Narrated by: Gary Vaynerchuk, Rich Roll, Amy Schmittauer
Length: 8 hrs and 2 mins
Release date: 04-03-18
4.5 out of 5 stars14,187 ratings
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Audiobook By Sean Covey, Jim Collins - foreword, Stephen R. Covey cover art
  1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
30th Anniversary Edition
By: Sean Covey, Jim Collins - foreword, Stephen R. Covey
Narrated by: Stephen R. Covey, Sean Covey
Length: 15 hrs and 7 mins
Release date: 05-19-20
5 out of 5 stars1,742 ratings
The Obstacle Is the Way Audiobook By Ryan Holiday cover art
  1. The Obstacle Is the Way
The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph
By: Ryan Holiday
Narrated by: Ryan Holiday
Length: 4 hrs and 38 mins
Release date: 02-14-23
4.5 out of 5 stars561 ratings
Somehow Audiobook By Anne Lamott cover art
  1. Somehow
Thoughts on Love
By: Anne Lamott
Narrated by: Anne Lamott
Length: 4 hrs and 16 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars16 ratings
What Happened to You? Audiobook By Oprah Winfrey, Bruce D. Perry cover art
  1. What Happened to You?
Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing
By: Oprah Winfrey, Bruce D. Perry
Narrated by: Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey
Release date: 04-27-21
5 out of 5 stars21,288 ratings
Regular price: $14.99
Think Again Audiobook By Adam Grant cover art
  1. Think Again
The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know
Narrated by: Adam Grant
Length: 6 hrs and 40 mins
Release date: 02-02-21
4.5 out of 5 stars11,395 ratings
How to Be the Love You Seek Audiobook By Dr. Nicole LePera cover art
  1. How to Be the Love You Seek
Break Cycles, Find Peace, and Heal Your Relationships
By: Dr. Nicole LePera
Narrated by: Courtney Patterson
Length: 10 hrs and 14 mins
Release date: 11-28-23
4.5 out of 5 stars177 ratings
Talking to Strangers Audiobook By Malcolm Gladwell cover art
  1. Talking to Strangers
What We Should Know About the People We Don't Know
By: Malcolm Gladwell
Narrated by: Malcolm Gladwell
Release date: 09-10-19
4.5 out of 5 stars70,385 ratings
Raising Good Humans Audiobook By Hunter Clarke-Fields MSAE, Carla Naumburg PhD cover art
  1. Raising Good Humans
A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids
By: Hunter Clarke-Fields MSAE, Carla Naumburg PhD
Narrated by: Jennifer Gilmour
Length: 5 hrs and 37 mins
Release date: 08-14-20
4.5 out of 5 stars1,873 ratings
Regular price: $14.78
Love and Respect Audiobook By Dr. Emerson Eggerichs cover art
  1. Love and Respect
The Love She Most Desires; the Respect He Desperately Needs
By: Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
Narrated by: Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
Length: 8 hrs and 47 mins
Release date: 02-23-16
5 out of 5 stars6,128 ratings
The Power of Showing Up Audiobook By Daniel J. Siegel MD, Tina Payne Bryson PhD cover art
  1. The Power of Showing Up
How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become and How Their Brains Get Wired
By: Daniel J. Siegel MD, Tina Payne Bryson PhD
Narrated by: Daniel J. Siegel MD, Tina Payne Bryson PhD
Release date: 01-07-20
5 out of 5 stars682 ratings
Manifest Now Audiobook By Idil Ahmed cover art
  1. Manifest Now
By: Idil Ahmed
Narrated by: Idil Ahmed
Length: 4 hrs and 23 mins
Release date: 10-13-18
5 out of 5 stars2,410 ratings
Fight Right Audiobook By Julie Schwartz Gottman PhD, John Gottman PhD cover art
  1. Fight Right
How Successful Couples Turn Conflict Into Connection
By: Julie Schwartz Gottman PhD, John Gottman PhD
Narrated by: Roy Worley, Kiiri Sandy
Length: 10 hrs and 21 mins
5 out of 5 stars108 ratings
The Many Lives of Mama Love (Oprah's Book Club) Audiobook By Lara Love Hardin cover art
  1. The Many Lives of Mama Love (Oprah's Book Club)
A Memoir of Lying, Stealing, Writing, and Healing
By: Lara Love Hardin
Narrated by: Lara Love Hardin
Release date: 08-01-23
5 out of 5 stars623 ratings
Deep Work Audiobook By Cal Newport cover art
  1. Deep Work
Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
Narrated by: Jeff Bottoms
Length: 7 hrs and 44 mins
Release date: 01-05-16
4.5 out of 5 stars15,320 ratings
Winning the War in Your Mind Audiobook By Craig Groeschel cover art
  1. Winning the War in Your Mind
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
By: Craig Groeschel
Narrated by: Craig Groeschel
Length: 4 hrs and 59 mins
Release date: 02-16-21
5 out of 5 stars5,140 ratings
Regular price: $17.09
Beyond Order Audiobook By Jordan B. Peterson cover art
  1. Beyond Order
12 More Rules for Life
By: Jordan B. Peterson
Length: 13 hrs and 11 mins
Release date: 03-02-21
5 out of 5 stars13,232 ratings
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone Audiobook By Lori Gottlieb cover art
  1. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone
A Therapist, HER Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed
By: Lori Gottlieb
Narrated by: Brittany Pressley
Length: 14 hrs and 21 mins
Release date: 04-02-19
4.5 out of 5 stars42,582 ratings
Regular price: $33.90
The Art of Extraordinary Confidence Audiobook By Dr. Aziz Gazipura PsyD cover art
  1. The Art of Extraordinary Confidence
Your Ultimate Path to Love, Wealth, and Freedom
By: Dr. Aziz Gazipura PsyD
Narrated by: Dr. Aziz Gazipura
Length: 13 hrs and 20 mins
Release date: 07-12-16
4.5 out of 5 stars1,240 ratings
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated) Audiobook By Timothy Ferriss cov
  1. The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated)
By: Timothy Ferriss
Narrated by: Ray Porter
Length: 13 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 12-28-08
4.5 out of 5 stars21,140 ratings
Regular price: $17.90
Real Self-Care Audiobook By Pooja Lakshmin MD cover art
  1. Real Self-Care
A Transformative Program for Redefining Wellness (Crystals, Cleanses, and Bubble Baths Not Included)
By: Pooja Lakshmin MD
Narrated by: Pooja Lakshmin MD
Length: 6 hrs and 15 mins
Release date: 03-14-23
4.5 out of 5 stars76 ratings
The Light We Carry Audiobook By Michelle Obama cover art
  1. The Light We Carry
Overcoming in Uncertain Times
By: Michelle Obama
Narrated by: Michelle Obama
Length: 9 hrs and 59 mins
Release date: 11-15-22
5 out of 5 stars10,580 ratings
Rich AF Audiobook By Vivian Tu cover art
  1. Rich AF
The Winning Money Mindset That Will Change Your Life
By: Vivian Tu
Narrated by: Vivian Tu
Length: 8 hrs and 5 mins
Release date: 12-26-23
4.5 out of 5 stars399 ratings
The Power of Habit Audiobook By Charles Duhigg cover art
  1. The Power of Habit
Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
Length: 11 hrs and 10 mins
Release date: 02-28-12
4.5 out of 5 stars68,244 ratings
Think Faster, Talk Smarter Audiobook By Matt Abrahams cover art
  1. Think Faster, Talk Smarter
How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the Spot
By: Matt Abrahams
Narrated by: Matt Abrahams
Length: 7 hrs and 11 mins
Release date: 09-26-23
4.5 out of 5 stars89 ratings
The Creation Frequency Audiobook By Mike Murphy, Jack Canfield - foreword cover art
  1. The Creation Frequency
Tune In to the Power of the Universe to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams
By: Mike Murphy, Jack Canfield - foreword
Length: 4 hrs and 3 mins
Release date: 07-13-18
5 out of 5 stars1,300 ratings
Think and Grow Rich: The Deluxe Original Classic 1937 Edition and More Audiobook By Napoleon Hill, Mitch Horowitz cover art
  1. Think and Grow Rich: The Deluxe Original Classic 1937 Edition and More
Includes 3 Bonus Books—The Abridged Napoleon Hill Classics: Think Your Way to Wealth; The Master Key to Riches; The Magic Ladder to Success
By: Napoleon Hill, Mitch Horowitz
Narrated by: Mitch Horowitz
Length: 16 hrs and 53 mins
Release date: 04-03-24
Regular price: $17.49
The Comfort Crisis Audiobook By Michael Easter cover art
  1. The Comfort Crisis
Embrace Discomfort to Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self
By: Michael Easter
Narrated by: Michael Easter
Length: 8 hrs and 52 mins
Release date: 05-11-21
5 out of 5 stars6,555 ratings
Relentless Audiobook By Tim S. Grover, Shari Wenk cover art
  1. Relentless
From Good to Great to Unstoppable
By: Tim S. Grover, Shari Wenk
Narrated by: Pete Simonelli
Series: Tim Grover Winning, Book 1
Length: 6 hrs and 38 mins
Release date: 12-01-20
4.5 out of 5 stars6,149 ratings
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Free Audiobook with a free trial of Audible 1. I'm Glad My Mom Died By: Jennette McCurdy Language: English Add to cart Add to Wish List Greenlights Audiobook By Matthew McConaughey cover art Sample 2. Greenlights By: Matthew McConaughey Rebel Rising Audiobook By Rebel Wilson cover art 3. Rebel Rising A Memoir By: Rebel Wilson The Woman in Me Audiobook By Britney Spears cover art 4. The Woman in Me By: Britney Spears Elon Musk Audiobook By Walter Isaacson cover art 5. Elon Musk By: Walter Isaacson Sociopath Audiobook By Patric Gagne Ph.D. cover art 6. Sociopath By: Patric Gagne Ph.D. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing Audiobook By Matthew Perry cover art 7. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing By: Matthew Perry Spare Audiobook By Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex cover art 8. Spare By: Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex Be Useful Audiobook By Arnold Schwarzenegger cover art 9. Be Useful Seven Tools for Life By: Arnold Schwarzenegger The Wager Audiobook By David Grann cover art 10. The Wager A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder By: David Grann Killers of the Flower Moon Audiobook By David Grann cover art 11. Killers of the Flower Moon The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI Becky Lynch: The Man Audiobook By Rebecca Quin cover art 12. Becky Lynch: The Man Not Your Average Average Girl By: Rebecca Quin Burn Book Audiobook By Kara Swisher cover art 13. Burn Book A Tech Love Story By: Kara Swisher The House of Hidden Meanings Audiobook By RuPaul cover art 14. The House of Hidden Meanings By: RuPaul Paris Audiobook By Paris Hilton cover art 15. Paris The Memoir By: Paris Hilton Sale ends in 22d 14h 16m 41s My Name Is Barbra Audiobook By Barbra Streisand cover art 16. My Name Is Barbra By: Barbra Streisand Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Audiobook By John Berendt cover art 17. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil By: John Berendt Finding Me Audiobook By Viola Davis cover art 18. Finding Me By: Viola Davis Oath and Honor Audiobook By Liz Cheney cover art 19. Oath and Honor A Memoir and a Warning By: Liz Cheney Born a Crime Audiobook By Trevor Noah cover art 20. Born a Crime Stories from a South African Childhood By: Trevor Noah The Wide Wide Sea Audiobook By Hampton Sides cover art 21. The Wide Wide Sea Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook By: Hampton Sides Not rated yet Pre-order: Free with 30-day trial Pre-order If You Tell Audiobook By Gregg Olsen cover art 22. If You Tell A True Story of Murder, Family Secrets, and the Unbreakable Bond of Sisterhood By: Gregg Olsen The Demon of Unrest Audiobook By Erik Larson cover art 23. The Demon of Unrest By: Erik Larson Elevate and Dominate Audiobook By Deion Sanders, Don Yaeger, John C. Maxwell - foreword cover art 24. Elevate and Dominate 21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field By: Deion Sanders, Don Yaeger, John C. Maxwell - foreword Counting the Cost Audiobook By Jill Duggar, Derick Dillard - contributor, Craig Borlase - contributor cover art 25. Counting the Cost By: Jill Duggar, Derick Dillard - contributor, Craig Borlase - contributor Empire of the Summer Moon Audiobook By S. C. Gwynne cover art 26. Empire of the Summer Moon Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History By: S. C. Gwynne Maybe You Should Talk to Someone Audiobook By Lori Gottlieb cover art 27. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone A Therapist, HER Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed By: Lori Gottlieb Poor Charlie’s Almanack Audiobook By Charles T. Munger cover art 28. Poor Charlie’s Almanack The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger By: Charles T. Munger Educated Audiobook By Tara Westover cover art 29. Educated By: Tara Westover Kitchen Confidential Audiobook By Anthony Bourdain cover art 30. Kitchen Confidential Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly By: Anthony Bourdain Reality Check: Making the Best of The Situation Audiobook By Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Andy Symonds cover ar 31. Reality Check: Making the Best of The Situation How I Overcame Addiction, Loss, and Prison By: Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Andy Symonds Only Say Good Things Audiobook By Crystal Hefner cover art 32. Only Say Good Things Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself By: Crystal Hefner The Many Lives of Mama Love (Oprah's Book Club) Audiobook By Lara Love Hardin cover art 33. The Many Lives of Mama Love (Oprah's Book Club) A Memoir of Lying, Stealing, Writing, and Healing By: Lara Love Hardin The Storyteller: Expanded Audiobook By Dave Grohl cover art 34. The Storyteller: Expanded ...Because There's More to the Story By: Dave Grohl Steve Jobs Audiobook By Walter Isaacson cover art 35. Steve Jobs Becoming Audiobook By Michelle Obama cover art 36. Becoming By: Michelle Obama A Promised Land Audiobook By Barack Obama cover art 37. A Promised Land By: Barack Obama Mostly What God Does Audiobook By Savannah Guthrie cover art 38. Mostly What God Does Reflections on Seeking and Finding His Love Everywhere By: Savannah Guthrie Son of Hamas Audiobook By Mosab Hassan Yousef, Ron Brackin - contributor cover art 39. Son of Hamas A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices By: Mosab Hassan Yousef, Ron Brackin - contributor Never Leave the Dogs Behind Audiobook By Brianna Madia cover art 40. Never Leave the Dogs Behind By: Brianna Madia Leslie Fcking Jones Audiobook By Leslie Jones, Chris Rock - foreword cover art 41. Leslie Fcking Jones By: Leslie Jones, Chris Rock - foreword The Devil in the White City Audiobook By Erik Larson cover art 42. The Devil in the White City Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America Endure Audiobook By Cameron Hanes cover art 43. Endure How to Work Hard, Outlast, and Keep Hammering By: Cameron Hanes The Light We Carry Audiobook By Michelle Obama cover art 44. The Light We Carry Overcoming in Uncertain Times Tuesdays with Morrie Audiobook By Mitch Albom cover art 45. Tuesdays with Morrie 20th Anniversary Edition By: Mitch Albom Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter Audiobook By Curtis 50 Cent Jackson cover art 46. Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter By: Curtis 50 Cent Jackson Crying in H Mart Audiobook By Michelle Zauner cover art 47. Crying in H Mart By: Michelle Zauner In Pieces Audiobook By Sally Field cover art 48. In Pieces By: Sally Field What My Bones Know Audiobook By Stephanie Foo cover art 49. What My Bones Know A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma By: Stephanie Foo The In-Between Audiobook By Hadley Vlahos R.N. cover art 50. The In-Between Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final Moments By: Hadley Vlahos R.N. 51. The Amish Wife Unraveling the Lies, Secrets, and Conspiracy That Let a Killer Go Free Bits and Pieces Audiobook By Whoopi Goldberg cover art 52. Bits and Pieces My Mother, My Brother, and Me By: Whoopi Goldberg The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel Audiobook By Douglas Brunt cover art 53. The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel Genius, Power, and Deception on the Eve of World War I By: Douglas Brunt Chaos Audiobook By Tom O'Neill, Dan Piepenbring cover art 54. Chaos Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties By: Tom O'Neill, Dan Piepenbring Going Infinite Audiobook By Michael Lewis cover art 55. Going Infinite The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon By: Michael Lewis Autobiography of a Yogi Audiobook By Paramahansa Yogananda cover art 56. Autobiography of a Yogi By: Paramahansa Yogananda Scars and Stripes Audiobook By Tim Kennedy, Nick Palmisciano cover art 57. Scars and Stripes An Unapologetically American Story of Fighting the Taliban, UFC Warriors, and Myself By: Tim Kennedy, Nick Palmisciano Hidden Figures Audiobook By Margot Lee Shetterly cover art 58. Hidden Figures The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race By: Margot Lee Shetterly Untamed Audiobook By Glennon Doyle cover art 59. Untamed By: Glennon Doyle The War on Warriors Audiobook By Pete Hegseth cover art 60. The War on Warriors Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free By: Pete Hegseth Einstein Audiobook By Walter Isaacson cover art 61. Einstein His Life and Universe Shoe Dog Audiobook By Phil Knight cover art 62. Shoe Dog By: Phil Knight American Prometheus Audiobook By Kai Bird, Martin J. Sherwin cover art 63. American Prometheus The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer By: Kai Bird, Martin J. Sherwin In Cold Blood Audiobook By Truman Capote cover art 64. In Cold Blood By: Truman Capote My Effin' Life Audiobook By Geddy Lee cover art 65. My Effin' Life By: Geddy Lee The Exvangelicals Audiobook By Sarah McCammon cover art 66. The Exvangelicals Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church By: Sarah McCammon Vanderbilt Audiobook By Anderson Cooper, Katherine Howe cover art 67. Vanderbilt The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty By: Anderson Cooper, Katherine Howe When Breath Becomes Air Audiobook By Paul Kalanithi, Abraham Verghese - foreword cover art 68. When Breath Becomes Air By: Paul Kalanithi, Abraham Verghese - foreword Napoleon Audiobook By Andrew Roberts cover art 69. Napoleon A Life By: Andrew Roberts Making It So Audiobook By Patrick Stewart cover art 70. Making It So By: Patrick Stewart The Last Lecture Audiobook By Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow cover art 71. The Last Lecture By: Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow If I Can't Have You Audiobook By Gregg Olsen, Rebecca Morris cover art 72. If I Can't Have You Susan Powell, Her Mysterious Disappearance, and the Murder of Her Children By: Gregg Olsen, Rebecca Morris How to Change Your Mind Audiobook By Michael Pollan cover art 73. How to Change Your Mind What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence By: Michael Pollan For Love of Country Audiobook By Tulsi Gabbard cover art 74. For Love of Country Leave the Democrat Party Behind By: Tulsi Gabbard The Power Broker Audiobook By Robert A. Caro cover art 75. The Power Broker Robert Moses and the Fall of New York By: Robert A. Caro The Glass Castle Audiobook By Jeannette Walls cover art 76. The Glass Castle By: Jeannette Walls Down the Rabbit Hole Audiobook By Holly Madison cover art 77. Down the Rabbit Hole Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny By: Holly Madison Born Twice Audiobook By Dale Hanson cover art 78. Born Twice Memoir of a Special Forces SOG Warrior By: Dale Hanson Sale ends in 22d 14h 16m 16s Benjamin Franklin: An American Life Audiobook By Walter Isaacson cover art 79. Benjamin Franklin: An American Life The Autobiography of Malcolm X Audiobook By Malcolm X, Alex Haley cover art 80. The Autobiography of Malcolm X As Told to Alex Haley By: Malcolm X, Alex Haley Surely You Can't Be Serious Audiobook By David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, Jerry Zucker cover art 81. Surely You Can't Be Serious The True Story of Airplane! By: David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, Jerry Zucker Mindhunter Audiobook By John E. Douglas, Mark Olshaker cover art 82. Mindhunter Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit By: John E. Douglas, Mark Olshaker Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Audiobook By Jack Weatherford cover art 83. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World By: Jack Weatherford Astor Audiobook By Anderson Cooper, Katherine Howe cover art 84. Astor The Rise and Fall of an American Fortune On Writing Audiobook By Stephen King cover art 85. On Writing A Memoir of the Craft By: Stephen King Churchill Audiobook By Andrew Roberts cover art 86. Churchill Walking with Destiny Among the Bros Audiobook By Max Marshall cover art 87. Among the Bros A Fraternity Crime Story By: Max Marshall Being Henry Audiobook By Henry Winkler cover art 88. Being Henry The Fonz . . . and Beyond By: Henry Winkler The Art Thief Audiobook By Michael Finkel cover art 89. The Art Thief A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession By: Michael Finkel The Splendid and the Vile Audiobook By Erik Larson cover art 90. The Splendid and the Vile A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Audiobook By Maya Angelou cover art 91. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings By: Maya Angelou Unspeakable Audiobook By Jessica Willis Fisher cover art 92. Unspeakable Surviving My Childhood and Finding My Voice By: Jessica Willis Fisher Grant Audiobook By Ron Chernow cover art 93. Grant By: Ron Chernow I Did a New Thing Audiobook By Tabitha Brown cover art 94. I Did a New Thing 30 Days to Living Free By: Tabitha Brown The Surrender Experiment Audiobook By Michael A. Singer cover art 95. The Surrender Experiment My Journey into Life's Perfection By: Michael A. Singer Into Thin Air Audiobook By Jon Krakauer cover art 96. Into Thin Air A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster By: Jon Krakauer An Unfinished Love Story Audiobook By Doris Kearns Goodwin, Bryan Cranston cover art 97. An Unfinished Love Story A Personal History of the 1960s By: Doris Kearns Goodwin, Bryan Cranston Starvation Heights Audiobook By Gregg Olsen cover art 98. Starvation Heights Dangerous Women: True Crime Stories Series: Dangerous Women - True Crime Stories The Spy and the Traitor Audiobook By Ben Macintyre cover art 99. The Spy and the Traitor The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War By: Ben Macintyre The Wisdom of the Bullfrog Audiobook By Admiral William H. McRaven cover art 100. The Wisdom of the Bullfrog Leadership Made Simple (But Not Easy) By: Admiral William H. McRaven Product List True Crime All The Time (Ad-free) Podcast By Emash Digital / Wondery cover art 1. True Crime All The Time (Ad-free) Cook County ICU Audiobook By Cory Franklin MD cover art 2. Cook County ICU 30 Years of Unforgettable Patients and Odd Cases By: Cory Franklin MD Included in Plus membership Mother, Neighbor, Russian Spy Podcast with Rosamund Pike cover art 3. Mother, Neighbor, Russian Spy American Dreamer: Who Was Jay Gatsby? Audiobook By Blanchard House cover art 4. American Dreamer: Who Was Jay Gatsby? By: Blanchard House The Hiding Place Audiobook By Corrie ten Boom, Elizabeth Sherrill, John Sherrill cover art 5. The Hiding Place By: Corrie ten Boom, Elizabeth Sherrill, John Sherrill Exposed Audiobook By Sophie Elmhirst, Maria Luisa Tucker cover art 6. Exposed The Ashley Madison Hack By: Sophie Elmhirst, Maria Luisa Tucker A Child Called 'It' Audiobook By David Pelzer cover art 7. A Child Called 'It' One Child's Courage to Survive By: David Pelzer Night Audiobook By Elie Wiesel cover art 8. Night By: Elie Wiesel Series: Night Trilogy, Book 1 Trace of Doubt Audiobook By Samantha Weinberg cover art 9. Trace of Doubt By: Samantha Weinberg Once Removed: An American Family Reunion Podcast with Elvis Mitchell cover art 10. Once Removed: An American Family Reunion Your Mama's Kitchen Podcast with Michele Norris cover art 11. Your Mama's Kitchen Play Follow The Cases That Haunt Us Audiobook By John Douglas, Mark Olshaker cover art 12. The Cases That Haunt Us From Jack the Ripper to JonBenet Ramsey, the FBI's Legendary Mindhunter Sheds Light on the Mysteries That Won't Go Away By: John Douglas, Mark Olshaker The Republic of Pirates Audiobook By Colin Woodard cover art 13. The Republic of Pirates Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down By: Colin Woodard Deputy Mayor Putin Audiobook By Maeve McQuillan cover art 14. Deputy Mayor Putin By: Maeve McQuillan Elvis and Me Audiobook By Priscilla Beaulieu Presley cover art 15. Elvis and Me By: Priscilla Beaulieu Presley Meghan and Harry Audiobook By Lady Colin Campbell cover art 16. Meghan and Harry The Real Story By: Lady Colin Campbell Tears of the Silenced Audiobook By Misty Griffin cover art 17. Tears of the Silenced An Amish True Crime Memoir of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Brutal Betrayal, and Ultimate Survival By: Misty Griffin Five Families Audiobook By Selwyn Raab cover art 18. Five Families The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empires By: Selwyn Raab The Radium Girls Audiobook By Kate Moore cover art 19. The Radium Girls The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women By: Kate Moore Arthur Audiobook By Mikael Lindnord cover art 20. Arthur The Dog Who Crossed the Jungle to Find a Home By: Mikael Lindnord Series: Arthur, Book 1 The Polygamist’s Daughter Audiobook By Anna LeBaron, Leslie Wilson - contributor cover art 21. The Polygamist’s Daughter By: Anna LeBaron, Leslie Wilson - contributor Sorry for Your Loss Audiobook By Michael Cruz Kayne cover art 22. Sorry for Your Loss By: Michael Cruz Kayne Dolly Parton, Songteller Audiobook By Dolly Parton cover art 23. Dolly Parton, Songteller My Life in Lyrics By: Dolly Parton The Demon Next Door Audiobook By Bryan Burrough cover art 24. The Demon Next Door By: Bryan Burrough Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast Podcast By Michelle Obama cover art 25. Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast The Amityville Horror Audiobook By Jay Anson cover art 26. The Amityville Horror By: Jay Anson Pimp Audiobook By Iceberg Slim cover art 27. Pimp The Story of My Life By: Iceberg Slim Shattered Audiobook By Kathryn Casey cover art 28. Shattered The True Story of a Mother's Love, a Husband's Betrayal, and a Cold-Blooded Texas Murder By: Kathryn Casey JFK and the Unspeakable Audiobook By James W. Douglass cover art 29. JFK and the Unspeakable Why He Died and Why It Matters By: James W. Douglass Healing Wounds Audiobook By Diane Carlson Evans, Bob Welch - contributor, Joseph Galloway - foreword cover art 30. Healing Wounds A Vietnam War Combat Nurse's 10-Year Fight to Win Women a Place of Honor in Washington, D.C. By: Diane Carlson Evans, Bob Welch - contributor, Joseph Galloway - foreword Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Audiobook By Caitlin Doughty cover art 31. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes And Other Lessons from the Crematory By: Caitlin Doughty Confessions of a Prairie Bitch Audiobook By Alison Arngrim cover art 32. Confessions of a Prairie Bitch How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated By: Alison Arngrim Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Audiobook By Richard P. Feynman cover art 33. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! By: Richard P. Feynman The Debutante Audiobook By Jon Ronson cover art 34. The Debutante By: Jon Ronson The Doors of Perception Audiobook By Aldous Huxley cover art 35. The Doors of Perception By: Aldous Huxley Red Notice Audiobook By Bill Browder cover art 36. Red Notice A True Story of High Finance, Murder and One Man's Fight for Justice By: Bill Browder Surprised by Joy Audiobook By C. S. Lewis cover art 37. Surprised by Joy The Shape of My Early Life By: C. S. Lewis The Lost Boy Audiobook By David Pelzer cover art 38. The Lost Boy Brutally Honest Audiobook By Melanie Brown, Louise Gannon cover art 39. Brutally Honest Mel B’s tell-all memoir By: Melanie Brown, Louise Gannon Doctors from Hell Audiobook By Vivien Spitz cover art 40. Doctors from Hell The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans By: Vivien Spitz A Higher Call Audiobook By Adam Makos cover art 41. A Higher Call An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II By: Adam Makos The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Audiobook By John Perkins cover art 42. The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man By: John Perkins The Hidden Lives of Tudor Women Audiobook By Elizabeth Norton cover art 43. The Hidden Lives of Tudor Women A Social History By: Elizabeth Norton I Escaped from Auschwitz Audiobook By Rudolf Vrba, Alan Bestic, Sir Martin Gilbert - foreword, Robin Vrba - editor, Nikola Zi 44. I Escaped from Auschwitz The Shocking True Story of the World War II Hero Who Escaped the Nazis and Helped Save Over 200,000 Jews By: Rudolf Vrba, Alan Bestic, Sir Martin Gilbert - foreword, Robin Vrba - editor, Nikola Zimring - editor The Year of Magical Thinking Audiobook By Joan Didion cover art 45. The Year of Magical Thinking By: Joan Didion Nine Years Among the Indians, 1870-1879 Audiobook By Herman Lehmann cover art 46. Nine Years Among the Indians, 1870-1879 The Story of the Captivity and Life of a Texan Among the Indians By: Herman Lehmann Chase Darkness with Me Audiobook By Billy Jensen, Karen Kilgariff - foreword cover art 47. Chase Darkness with Me How One True Crime Writer Started Solving Murders By: Billy Jensen, Karen Kilgariff - foreword 48. The Year of Magical Thinking The Medici Audiobook By Paul Strathern cover art 49. The Medici Power, Money, and Ambition in the Italian Renaissance By: Paul Strathern The Year of Less Audiobook By Cait Flanders cover art 50. The Year of Less How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store By: Cait Flanders Something Ain't Right Audiobook By Roger Stringer, Zachary Stringer cover art 51. Something Ain't Right By: Roger Stringer, Zachary Stringer 90 Minutes in Heaven Audiobook By Don Piper cover art 52. 90 Minutes in Heaven A True Story of Death & Life By: Don Piper The Pale-Faced Lie Audiobook By David Crow cover art 53. The Pale-Faced Lie A True Story By: David Crow We Few Audiobook By Nick Brokhausen cover art 54. We Few US Special Forces in Vietnam By: Nick Brokhausen Beyond Band of Brothers Audiobook By Dick Winters, Cole C. Kingseed cover art 55. Beyond Band of Brothers The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters By: Dick Winters, Cole C. Kingseed The Search for the Green River Killer Audiobook By Carlton Smith, Tomas Guillen cover art 56. The Search for the Green River Killer The True Story of America's Most Prolific Serial Killer By: Carlton Smith, Tomas Guillen Cowboys, Mountain Men, and Grizzly Bears Audiobook By Matthew P. Mayo cover art 57. Cowboys, Mountain Men, and Grizzly Bears Fifty of the Grittiest Moments in the History of the Wild West By: Matthew P. Mayo Never Broken Audiobook By Jewel cover art 58. Never Broken Songs Are Only Half the Story By: Jewel The Mission, the Men, and Me Audiobook By Pete Blaber cover art 59. The Mission, the Men, and Me Lessons from a Former Delta Force Commander By: Pete Blaber Desert Solitaire Audiobook By Edward Abbey cover art 60. Desert Solitaire A Season in the Wilderness By: Edward Abbey Finding Tamika Audiobook By Erika Alexander, Kevin Hart, Charlamagne Tha God, Ben Arnon, Rebkah Howard, David Person, James T 61. Finding Tamika By: Erika Alexander, Kevin Hart, Charlamagne Tha God, Ben Arnon, Rebkah Howard, David Person, James T. Green, SBH Productions, Color Farm Media Midnight Son Audiobook By James Dommek Jr., Josephine Holtzman, Isaac Kestenbaum cover art 62. Midnight Son By: James Dommek Jr., Josephine Holtzman, Isaac Kestenbaum Caesar Audiobook By Adrian Goldsworthy cover art 63. Caesar Life of a Colossus By: Adrian Goldsworthy When the Air Hits Your Brain Audiobook By Frank T Vertosick Jr. MD cover art 64. When the Air Hits Your Brain Tales from Neurosurgery By: Frank T Vertosick Jr. MD Confession of a Serial Killer Audiobook By Katherine Ramsland PhD cover art 65. Confession of a Serial Killer The Untold Story of Dennis Rader, the BTK Killer By: Katherine Ramsland PhD Up from Slavery Audiobook By Booker T. Washington cover art 66. Up from Slavery By: Booker T. Washington Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Audiobook By Frederick Douglass cover art 67. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave By: Frederick Douglass The Hiding Place Audiobook By Corrie ten Boom cover art 68. The Hiding Place By: Corrie ten Boom To Hell and Back Audiobook By Audie Murphy cover art 69. To Hell and Back By: Audie Murphy Class of '88 Podcast with Will Smith cover art 70. Class of '88 Whispers in the Tall Grass Audiobook By Nick Brokhausen cover art 71. Whispers in the Tall Grass Own It Audiobook By Diane von Furstenberg cover art 72. Own It The Secret to Life By: Diane von Furstenberg Grandma Gatewood's Walk Audiobook By Ben Montgomery cover art 73. Grandma Gatewood's Walk The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail By: Ben Montgomery West Cork Podcast By Audible Original cover art 74. West Cork An Exorcist Tells His Story Audiobook By Fr. Gabriele Amorth cover art 75. An Exorcist Tells His Story By: Fr. Gabriele Amorth A Room of One's Own Audiobook By Virginia Woolf cover art 76. A Room of One's Own By: Virginia Woolf Deviant Audiobook By Harold Schechter cover art 77. Deviant The Shocking True Story of Ed Gein, the Original "Psycho" By: Harold Schechter We Thought We Knew You Audiobook By M. William Phelps cover art 78. We Thought We Knew You A Terrifying True Story of Secrets, Betrayal, Deception, and Murder By: M. William Phelps Three Ordinary Girls Audiobook By Tim Brady cover art 79. Three Ordinary Girls The Remarkable Story of Three Dutch Teenagers Who Became Spies, Saboteurs, Nazi Assassins and WWII Heroes By: Tim Brady The Frontiersmen Audiobook By Allan W. Eckert cover art 80. The Frontiersmen A Narrative By: Allan W. Eckert Series: Winning of America, Book 1 The Magic of Marie Laveau Audiobook By Denise Alvarado cover art 81. The Magic of Marie Laveau Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans By: Denise Alvarado The Ice Man Audiobook By Philip Carlo cover art 82. The Ice Man Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer By: Philip Carlo God's Smuggler Audiobook By Brother Andrew cover art 83. God's Smuggler By: Brother Andrew What I Talk about When I Talk about Running Audiobook By Haruki Murakami cover art 84. What I Talk about When I Talk about Running By: Haruki Murakami The Reason I Jump Audiobook By Naoki Higashida cover art 85. The Reason I Jump The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism By: Naoki Higashida The Brothers Audiobook By Stephen Kinzer cover art 86. The Brothers John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War By: Stephen Kinzer The Psychology of Notorious Serial Killers Audiobook By Todd Grande PhD cover art 87. The Psychology of Notorious Serial Killers The Intersection of Personality Theory and the Darkest Minds of Our Time By: Todd Grande PhD In the Dream House Audiobook By Carmen Maria Machado cover art 88. In the Dream House By: Carmen Maria Machado Endurance Audiobook By Alfred Lansing cover art 89. Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage By: Alfred Lansing Wizard Audiobook By Marc J. Seifer cover art 90. Wizard The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a Genius By: Marc J. Seifer The Cuckoo's Egg Audiobook By Cliff Stoll cover art 91. The Cuckoo's Egg Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage By: Cliff Stoll Agatha Christie and the Dandelion Poisoner Podcast with Joe Nocera cover art 92. Agatha Christie and the Dandelion Poisoner The Peyton Place Murder Audiobook By Renee Mallett cover art 93. The Peyton Place Murder The True Crime Story Behind the Novel That Shocked the Nation By: Renee Mallett Everybody's Best Friend Audiobook By Ken Englade cover art 94. Everybody's Best Friend The True Story of a Marriage That Ended in Murder By: Ken Englade Reminiscences of a Stock Operator Audiobook By Edwin Lefevre cover art 95. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator By: Edwin Lefevre This is Actually Happening (Ad-free) Podcast By Wondery cover art 96. This is Actually Happening (Ad-free) The Redhead of Auschwitz Audiobook By Nechama Birnbaum cover art 97. The Redhead of Auschwitz By: Nechama Birnbaum Wounds of the Father Audiobook By Elizabeth Garrison cover art 98. Wounds of the Father A True Story of Child Abuse, Betrayal, and Redemption By: Elizabeth Garrison Bundy:The Deliberate Stranger Audiobook By Richard W. Larsen cover art Virtual Voice Sample 99. Bundy:The Deliberate Stranger By: Richard W. Larsen The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Audiobook By Benjamin Franklin cover art 100. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin By: Benjamin Franklin Biographies & Memoirs Top 100 I'm Glad My Mom Died Audiobook By Jennette McCurdy cover art 3. The Woman in Me 4. Spare 5. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing 6. Rebel Rising 7. Elon Musk 8. Be Useful 9. Killers of the Flower Moon 11. Burn Book 12. Oath and Honor 13. Cook County ICU 14. Sociopath 15. Born a Crime 17. The House of Hidden Meanings 18. If You Tell 19. Paris Sale ends in 22d 14h 14m 24s 20. American Dreamer: Who Was Jay Gatsby? 21. Becky Lynch: The Man 22. Finding Me 23. Elevate and Dominate 24. Only Say Good Things 25. The Hiding Place 27. Exposed 28. Counting the Cost 29. A Child Called 'It' 30. Never Leave the Dogs Behind 31. Educated 32. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone 33. Kitchen Confidential 34. Mostly What God Does 35. Night 36. The Many Lives of Mama Love (Oprah's Book Club) 38. Trace of Doubt 39. Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter 40. Becoming 41. The Light We Carry 42. Chaos 44. Going Infinite 45. Untamed 46. Reality Check: Making the Best of The Situation 47. The Devil in the White City The Amish Wife Audiobook By Gregg Olsen cover art 48. The Amish Wife 49. Crying in H Mart 50. Scars and Stripes 51. Steve Jobs 52. The In-Between 53. Astor 54. American Prometheus 55. The Cases That Haunt Us 56. The Republic of Pirates 57. In Cold Blood 58. Tuesdays with Morrie 59. Vanderbilt 60. Leslie F*cking Jones 61. Deputy Mayor Putin 62. The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel 63. Down the Rabbit Hole 64. In Pieces 65. Elvis and Me 66. Poor Charlie’s Almanack 67. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 68. The Storyteller: Expanded 69. Meghan and Harry 70. Shoe Dog 71. Tears of the Silenced 72. Five Families 73. The Wisdom of the Bullfrog 74. My Effin' Life 75. Among the Bros 76. Making It So From the Streets to the Suites Audiobook By Snoop Dogg cover art 77. From the Streets to the Suites Words + Music Vol. 36 By: Snoop Dogg Series: Words + Music Add to Library 78. Mindhunter 79. What My Bones Know Will Audiobook By Will Smith, Mark Manson cover art 80. Will By: Will Smith, Mark Manson If You Would Have Told Me Audiobook By John Stamos cover art 81. If You Would Have Told Me By: John Stamos Thicker than Water Audiobook By Kerry Washington cover art 82. Thicker than Water By: Kerry Washington Worthy Audiobook By Jada Pinkett Smith cover art 83. Worthy By: Jada Pinkett Smith Leonardo da Vinci Audiobook By Walter Isaacson cover art 84. Leonardo da Vinci 85. Napoleon 86. The Splendid and the Vile 87. Einstein 88. When Breath Becomes Air 89. The Surrender Experiment 90. How to Change Your Mind 91. I Did a New Thing 92. Being Henry You Owe You Audiobook By Eric Thomas PhD, Chris Paul - foreword cover art 93. You Owe You Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose, and Your Why By: Eric Thomas PhD, Chris Paul - foreword 94. The Exvangelicals 95. The Power Broker 96. On Writing 97. Grant Enough Audiobook By Cassidy Hutchinson cover art 98. Enough By: Cassidy Hutchinson Down the Drain Audiobook By Julia Fox cover art 99. Down the Drain By: Julia Fox 100. Churchill
submitted by TonyYumYum to freeaudiobooksforu [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 05:37 Melodic_Oil_2486 I'm Glad "Old Madison" is dead

Taking a page from the Jennette McCurdy book "I'm Glad My Mom is Dead" -- Reading the editorials from "Mayor Dave" and former mayor Paul Soglin, I can say without reservation that I am glad Old Madison is dead. Good riddance to assholes. And looking at the people that have glommed on to their articles, I see the worst of bad actors in Madison politics / media.
I had a long conversation with an old friend today. We both agreed on the importance of "the right to forget". Being mayor 20 years ago doesn't make your voice relevant to this day. If anything it imposes a burden of grace upon you to pass the baton gently to your successor. Both Dave and Paul seem to have failed that test and we are worse because of it.
submitted by Melodic_Oil_2486 to madisonwi [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 18:59 RealJosiahBartlet The DC Book Club is reading Jennette McCurdy's "I'm Glad My Mom Died" and meeting at Sudhouse on May 2.

submitted by RealJosiahBartlet to washingtondc [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 16:30 RealJosiahBartlet The DC Book Club is reading Jennette McCurdy's "I'm Glad My Mom Died" and meeting at Sudhouse on May 2.

HMU if you're interested in joining!
submitted by RealJosiahBartlet to u/RealJosiahBartlet [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 12:24 Kunsei-Karasu I love this sm 🩷🥺

I love this sm 🩷🥺
This is a page from Jennette McCurdys "I'm Glad My Mom Died"
submitted by Kunsei-Karasu to ariheads [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 00:15 Altruistic-Visit-781 Why didnt Dan Schneider go to jail

I was watching quiet on set and now that I see he’s done alot of stuff and the people that worked on the set writers producers people like that and stuff apparently saw and said he’s done stuff to the stars they have proof they have witnesses and the victims said it too but why didn’t he go to jail and the other people like Brian peck and Jason Handy they went to jail but not Dan?? This is a little confusing even in Jennette Mccurdys book and her interviews he’s done stuff to her too so why hasn’t he been in jail
submitted by Altruistic-Visit-781 to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 21:50 Traditional_Sail6298 Problematic VA's/Celebrities Part 2

Problematic VA's/Celebrities Part 2
With problematic VAs and Celebrities being a trending topic currently, here's a list of VAs still working in the industry who really shouldn't be. (This is Part 2 of this thread, will make a Part 3)🧵
  1. Amanda C Miller - Appeared on right wing podcast Geeks & Gamers. Endorsed known extremist Nick Rekieta
  2. Anthony Ingruber - allegations of grooming and sexual assualt
  3. Todd Haberkorn - allegations of drugging and Rape.
  4. Illich Guardiola- Sexual assualt of a minor BLACKLISTED
  5. Ryan Haywood - Grooming fans and sexual misconduct BLACKLISTED
  6. Justin Roiland - Allegations of domestic violence and sexual assualt
  7. Mike Haimoto - Allegations of domestic violence and sexual assualt.
  8. Anthony Dimascio - Allegations of domestic abuse to his fans BLACKLISTED
  9. Rebecca Forstadt - Defended Wendee Lee's comments. Said "Get a "real job" if you can't take it"
  10. Reuben Langdon- COVID 19 Conspiracy theorist, supporter of January 6th
  11. Christy Carlson Romano - Platformed Alleged Predator Corey Feldman, Removed Alexa Nikolas’s Vunerable Episode and blocked her.
  12. Jamie Lynn Spears - Bullied Alexa Nikolas, Benefited off of Britney Spears’ abusive conservatorship, Physically abused Casey Aldridge Havard, lied on Alexa Nikolas in her book, Things I should’ve said.
  13. Dan Schneider - Has a foot fetish, verbally abused Alexa Nikolas, Jennette McCurdy and more.
  14. Matthew Underwood - Groomed a minor, defended Dan Schneider and called Alexa Nikolas a liar.
  15. Christopher Massey - Defended Jamie Lynn Spears, tried to gaslight Alexa Nikolas into thinking that she wasn’t bullied.
  16. Kyle Massey - Immoral communication with a minor, where he allegedly sent nude photos to a 13-year-old girl
  17. Lou M Taylor - Put Britney Spears in a conservatorship and human trafficked her, tried to put Lindsey Lohan and other celebrities into a conservatorship to build an empire.
  18. Robin Greenhill - Put Britney Spears in a conservatorship and human trafficked her, paid sex workers on behalf of Diddy, would control every aspect of Britney’s life to an abusive degree, told prospective dates Britneys entire sexual and medical history, came up with the idea to bug Britney Spears phone, and record her texts and calls, declared ‘she WILL work on her birthday’ in a meeting about Britneys schedule in which she is excluded from.
  19. Larry Rudolph - Human Trafficked Britney Spears, drugged her against her will and teamed up with her dad to put her in a conservatorship.
  20. Jamie Parnell Spears - Locked Britney Spears in a conservatorship, stole her money and human trafficked her for 13 years, put her on lithium against her will.
submitted by Traditional_Sail6298 to eatpredatorsdaily [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 21:09 TonyYumYum I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy Free Audiobook and Review

The memoir "I'm Glad My Mom Died" is a candid reflection by Jennette McCurdy on her complicated relationship with her mother and her feelings after her death. McCurdy explores the turbulent dynamics of their relationship, describing both happy and unhappy times. Despite the bold title, the book explores McCurdy's journey toward acceptance and understanding rather than being a celebration of her mother's death. She struggles with shame, bereavement, and the difficulties of familial ties throughout her story, but she eventually finds development and healing.

Free Audiobook with a free trial of Audible
submitted by TonyYumYum to freeaudiobooksforu [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 19:20 TomTheyy All allusions made to Dan Schneider in the iCarly miniseries I can recount off the top of my head

Will most likely have forgotten several. There's also just general ewwwww brought up with iCarly/Victorious like the scene of the former's pilot only on the DVD version or the latter's general depiction of its minor characters.

iBinged iCarly
- Bringing up that the show has a lot of weird stuff in it and that he's gonna have to talk about that on its own with the bet episode, briefly cutting to static when Dan Schneider's writing credit appears.
- Starts off the "iGo To Japan" discussion by bringing up that it's actually a mystery who created iCarly, stating whenever he tries to look up who made the show he gets a sharp pain in his forehead, a loud whistling noise and then blacks out for a few days.
- Reiterates that when he tried to look up who wrote that line in the iKiss episode, it was just static, unsure why this keeps happening to him.
The End of iCarly
- A TV screen of static is first seen at the video's beginning against eerie muffled music of the theme song.
- Shows footage from Saltydkdan's interview with BooG!e whilst speedrunning an iCarly game that brings up having to go to Dan himself to appear in the episode with Michelle Obama, with the mention of Dan's name being edited out to noise.
- After bringing up that he just wants to keep enjoying this show that doesn't have a creator, he feels like he's forgetting something you absolutely have to bring up regarding iCarly, but shrugs it off before ending the Mini-Intermission.
- Points out that the mechanic character of the finale episode doesn't have a face, showcasing static, and that he doesn't get it either.
The Failure of Victorious
- At some point, Dan's face is edited out of a Dudealicious piece on Tori's locker.
- Head of the Class is brought up as a parallel in that it also has a large cast of main characters in school to juggle with, catching his mistake of saying there are 9 main characters when there are actually 10 in that he forgot the teacher, all while covering up Dan's face on the DVD with how he's holding it.
- When going over the main characters and when discussing The Metaverse, the Schneider's Bakery logo is edited out of Rex's audition footage seen in the bloopers episode.
- The Metaverse/video game discussion is entered into and out from with static transitions.
The End of Victorious
- When he brings up the list of Things that exist in the iCarly Victorious Universe at the end of the NSU discussion on Henry Danger, he initially adds "The Pimple Popping scene" from that show on a huge tirade that ends with him exclaiming "WHO THE FUCK MADE THESE SHOWS?!".
- The four cursed videos mostly involving feet are prefaced with a content warning disclaimer mentioning the elephant (shaped shadow) in the room with these shows and how he's taken pride in saving most of that for a standalone video at the end of this miniseries, but has to make an exception for what he considers the worst thing he's ever seen in a piece of children's media, and that it won't be followed by closure on the subject because of the nature of how the retrospective works.
- This is followed by discussion of a discrepency of the show originally showcasing the website with regular 16:9 phones whilst the real website used PearPhones from launch, suggesting a story where a poor, underpaid web designer finished the website and one week to launch, gets a call from a static-y showrunner about how the show is filming Season 2 and using pear-shaped phones now, to reply "What the fuck does that mean?!".
- This is then also followed up with Tori's locker once again having Dan edited out on an oddly low quality clip being shown.
- In Intermission 9, he mentions a Zoom reunion the Victorious cast did for the 10th anniversary, with Dan's square conspicuously voided to only include the Rex puppet.
- He once again ends this intermission by bringing up one more thing to have logically talked about by now, before again not being able to think of anything.
- In Conclusions (again) where he asks "where are they now?" with the actors, he makes a pledge that he'll review a Victorious reboot if it ever happens, unless there's some legal hang up and he's unable to, not that he knows why that would be.
The Scandal of Sam & Cat
- The Gibby pilot recreation credits state "Written and Produced by ?????????".
- Points out "all" the easter eggs in the TV schedule seen in one of the first episodes, missing the censored "The DanWarp Channel".
- The Lil' Sam & Cat Show discussion once again mentions Sam having a pet elephant in the room that Cat continually refuses to address because she'll get to it later.
- Ariana Grande's statement on the show ending concludes with her wanting to thank a true friend of hers, before cutting to static right after she says "Dan".
The Decay of Sam & Cat
- In Intermission: Things I Forgot, continued, he points out that whoever voices Tandy in the show is a complete mystery.
- For a third time, the intermission ends with him finally addressing the #1 entry alluded to prior with a black screen that just reads "Note to self: Remember to record Thing I Forgot #1".
The Collapse of Sam & Cat
- At some point, footage with the "@DanWarp" logo in the corner has that blurred out.
- The discussion of Jennette McCurdy's book I'm Glad My Mom Died is led into with a static-y transition that obscures footage of Dan in Head of the Class.
- The discussion of the book does the work for him by only referring to Dan as "The Creator".
- The complicated legacy of The Loud House is brought up, as a fellow Nickelodeon show with an extremely problematic creator whose show continues in running and legacy despite actively distancing itself from him at all costs; a show that has no creator.
- The ending finally has him say the words "Schneider's Bakery" as the static TV screen finally showcases Dan peering out through a cut line amidst creepy mashup music of the theme songs of his shows, finally emerging from the static as the finale video's title is displayed, followed by a Head of the Class soundbite and sobering footage of the sitcom set as it stands in the real world, signifying we have left the mostly carefree discussion of these shows and are now finally going to go into the reality behind them.
EDIT: Forgot the Victorious Conclusions (again) one.
submitted by TomTheyy to QuintonReviews [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 18:14 squish7641 josh peck

i wanna start off by saying that i do not hate josh peck nor do i think he’s inherently a bad person - the way everyone is currently treating him is disgusting because he struggles with mental health issues and his childhood wasn’t all peaches and roses either (going by the information in his book)
i simply think josh peck is a bad friend. does anyone remember when jennette mccurdy went on his podcast “Good Guys” with josh’s co-host Ben to promote her book and they ended up scrapping the entire thing because Jennette was uncomfortable with the way she was portrayed in the episode??
and josh talks about in another podcast how because of them scrapping the episode that Jennette “owed them” ?
he tries to reach out to her 6 months later after she went on the podcast and tried to text her and found out he was blocked. he was obviously upset and taken aback by that but he literally made it worse the way he kept continuously talking shit about her
before that though, in 2017 there was another incident where josh didn’t invite drake to his wedding and drake took to twitter with his disappointment from not being invited. drake said “i thought we were brothers?” This blows up and the internet takes drakes side
In response, josh tells the internet that they were never real friends and they cut off contact right after drake & josh ended, which we all know is definitely not true (soo many videos and pictures of them together after their departure from drake & josh)
then josh tells this fake ass sopranos type story about how he sees drake at the VMAs months after the wedding incident and “forced” him to apologize to his wife? he was acting like this realllly big tough guy that made drake into a scared puppy.
Except drakes ex-wife was there with them and the whole night was recorded and her and drake says that never happened…
If you watched the Drake and Janet podcast you would see where Josh treated drake very badly and drake still only had good things to say about him.
my point is, although Josh doesn’t deserve the amount of hate he’s getting, it’s very clear that guy is not a reliable friend and honestly i had a feeling for years that josh always saw drake as beneath him, especially after josh got with the vlog-squad and such (which is a whole other thing bc hes still friends with most of them even though theyre wildly problematic lol)
The thing with Jennette really bothers me to this day because the whole situation with josh was so insanely slimey. I think he had a poor choice of words “we’re good guys we were nice to her! She owes us!” but she literally doesn’t owe you shit? he kept insisting that his experience was very different than Jennette’s (uh no shit for 1 ur a man and shes a woman??) i think he made her very uncomfortable when she was doing his podcast by stomping on her experience working under Dan.
It makes me so mad because Jennette went on Josh’s podcast the day her book was released and she really trusted that he would be sensitive to her opening up about her past. i dont think he ever took accountability which makes me even more mad
what do yall think🤔
submitted by squish7641 to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]