Bvo 2.09 characters

I had a super run for dm8 but lost to dark skul so here the same one but a weaker run that got me to beat dm9, skipped dark skul tho.

2024.06.02 08:03 Month0fjune I had a super run for dm8 but lost to dark skul so here the same one but a weaker run that got me to beat dm9, skipped dark skul tho.

I had a super run for dm8 but lost to dark skul so here the same one but a weaker run that got me to beat dm9, skipped dark skul tho. submitted by Month0fjune to Skul [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:16 Nick_PapaG June Crystal Ball RC contest

All, For June lsat writers, pick one RC topic that you think will be on the June lsat from the crystal ball list and describe why you picked it. The purpose of this is to foster some kind of last minute interest in RC. Post results about correct or incorrect at 0100 on June 09. I will pick first: Humanities: Lillian Hellman melodrama. Justification: Lillian Hellman was a writer and broadway playwright, controversial mccarthy era communist associated American, and plaintiff for defamation suits. This potentially hits several routinely covered lsat rc topics: 1. Author playwright. 2. Women’s studies 3. Cross section with themes of the era (dated a married card carrying communist). 4. Potential piece on how her life influenced melodramas. 5. Law: unresolved defamation of character suits. Also, I don’t know if it an added bonus that she resided in Martha’s Vineyard (near Boston and not far from historic ivy’s)
Winner gets bragging rights in this sub.
submitted by Nick_PapaG to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:02 APurplePenguin_ [S] Penguins Survivor: Ireland results! (S9)

May or may not was running on 2 hours of sleep when making this sim, and may or may not forgot to change the name of the season, and may or may not fucked up the reference pictures so bad they're pretty much completely new characters at this point, but the season is done so its fine right? (btw sorry to all people who game me reference pictures, I suck at reference pictures to begin with and me being incredibly sleep deprived did not help lmao)m
Welcome back to the BrantSteele series with no effort AT ALL put into it. This time we're going to Ireland which is a country on this earth for sure. Just like S6 Peru we are going back to the genderwars theme! Im penguin and this is Penguins Survivor: Ireland!
Lets meet our castaways!
Cetcha Tribe:
Eriu Tribe:
Winner: Amar "Momo" Tsukumo
Runner Up: Akira Chung
Fan-Favorite: Josephine "Jojo" Lampton
Thoughts: This season was good. However the men dominating every challenge pre-merge was not so great in my eyes. However the Eriu was very entertaining imo. All of the conflicts, the relationships the everything I loved about the woman pre-merge! I honestly think part of the reason they shined so much was because they went to tribal almost every time pre-swap. And with that, Cetcha could've been more entertaining. I feel like if they went to other tribals other then the double tribal the conflicts and the drama and everything could've shined much more. Also didn't like the pretty boring pagonging at the merge. However this made Ezzie and Jojo shine, as they were able to exploit the rift of Oliver and Shawn, to make it past tribals they should've been eliminated at. Momo was a great winner as well, playing a very under the radar game. Great season.
Previous Seasons:
submitted by APurplePenguin_ to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:32 Uyghurtimes Uyghur Academy Published “Uyghur Language and Literature Textbook Series”

Uyghur Academy, an Istanbul-based educational group, announced on May 30 that it has published the five-part “Uyghur Language and Literature Textbook Series” designed for Uyghur youth in Istanbul. The group stated, “These textbooks are the first systematically produced, complete five-year textbook materials for primary school students, prepared with the efforts of experts from all fields outside the homeland. In other words, one book was prepared for each year.” The textbook series aims to play a critical role in preserving and standardizing Uyghur language education in the diaspora. This publication comes amidst China’s ban on Uyghur language education in the Uyghur homeland and the arrests of Uyghur linguists and teachers such as Yalqun Rozi and Rahile Dawut.
The following is the text of the statement issues by the group: “A 5-part “Uyghur Language and Literature Textbook Series” designed for our youth has been published in Istanbul (The books will be distributed free of charge to Uyghur mother tongue schools around the world).
The “Uyghur Language and Literature Textbooks” prepared by the Uyghur Academy Mother Tongue Committee are materials designed to systematically teach our children the Uyghur language and literature.
These textbooks published this time are the first systematically produced complete five-year textbook materials for primary school students prepared with the efforts of experts from all fields outside the homeland. In other words, one book was prepared for each year.
Through the texts imbued with a patriotic spirit and illustrations unique to Uyghurs in the books, our children will learn about the Uyghur national identity. It will also contribute to the emergence of a generation that can think independently, be self-confident, courageous, strong-willed, free from spiritual slavery, and embody the Uyghur spirit.
In compiling these textbooks, the texts in the language and literature textbooks published in the homeland were used as a basis. Other texts were also added. Special attention was paid to incorporating the Uyghur national identity that binds every member of the Uyghur community spiritually and ideologically to this community, the system of recognizing and thinking about living and non-living things, and the values passed down from generation to generation into the textbooks.
In terms of methodology, the latest research results of modern pedagogical science were taken into account. The topics were placed according to the level of children in each grade while highlighting the uniqueness of the Uyghur language. The materials were made to have a national character and scientific orientation.
In terms of spelling, the “Dictionary of Modern Uyghur Literary Language Spelling” published in 2009 with the work of people like Mirsultan Osman was used as a basis. Grammatical terms were adapted to the “Modern Uyghur Language” compiled by Arslan Abdullah Tahir and others and published in 2010. The original source of texts taken directly, shortened or modified from other materials is indicated in the “Sources” section. The names of those who worked are given by titles, and for those with the same title, in the order of the Uyghur alphabet.
Book 1 is the alphabet, aiming to teach our first-year children to recognize letters and read and write words and sentences. The letters in the book are arranged based on frequency of use. For example, letters like f and zh that are not used much came at the end. After the 32 letters, texts and basic grammar were provided.
Books 2 to 5, i.e. the textbooks for grades 2-3-4-5, are divided into 8 sections based on topics, with 4 lessons in each section. Of these, the first three lessons are texts of different genres related to the topic, while the last one is devoted to grammar. Each lesson consisted of texts and exercises. After each section, a “Practice Garden” is provided as a general exercise.
These books are the product of two and a half years of work. From the inception of the idea of compiling textbooks to publishing and distributing the books, a total of 113 people from various professions participated in the entire process. We sincerely thank all the selfless individuals who took on this historic responsibility and worked day and night, as well as all organizations and individuals who contributed ideas, regardless of how small or large, and provided material or moral support.
The Uyghur Academy has decided to distribute the books free of charge to Uyghur mother tongue schools around the world. Schools can request books by filling out the form below. After requests for books from diaspora mother tongue schools are collected, the relevant staff of the Uyghur Academy will contact the requesters and deliver the books by mail.”
The group said people can apply for the books by simply sending requests to the organization.(Here)
submitted by Uyghurtimes to FreeTheUyghurs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:00 Thealwayslooking Help please

Help please
Why do you think when I made the Y position lower and the body lowered, the part at the end on the left separated from the upper part as you can see in the photo I prepared the character with duik Basel
submitted by Thealwayslooking to AfterEffects [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:47 Redditor_From_Italy smol,1000_QL80_.jpg
submitted by Redditor_From_Italy to RFI_PixelArt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:40 mcm8279 [Best of TrekTalk: May 2024] A Star Trek-Dr. Who Crossover?/ The final episodes of Star Trek: Discovery/ Starfleet Academy Previews/ Terry Matalas joins Marvel/ Alex Kurtzman on the future of the franchise/ Who will buy Paramount?/ Skepticism towards the "Star Trek Origins" prequel movie project

Best of TrekTalk: May 2024
[Awards Season] Star Trek Franchise Wins Peabody Institutional Award From the announcement: “Today Star Trek is more vibrant, imaginative, funny, entertaining, and progressive than ever.” (TrekMovie)
A Star Trek-Dr. Who Crossover?
[Interview] Russell T. Davies Breaks Down That 'Star Trek' Easter Egg in the 'Doctor Who' Premiere: “I'm coming to love Star Trek with an absolute passion. I love the old show. I always watched the old show, but when Star Trek: Discovery came along, I kind of became a proper fan.” (Collider)
[Star Trek & Dr. Who] INVERSE: "Could The 2 Oldest Sci-Fi Shows Finally Cross Over? Will the TARDIS ever materialize on the Enterprise? Has it already?" "Dr. Who showrunner Russell T Davies might be planting the seeds for his own fanfic crossover"
[Opinion] Chad Porto (Redshirts): "No, Star Trek doesn't exist in the Doctor Who universe" "Despite what some want to believe, Doctor Who and Star Trek don't share a narrative universe."
The final episodes of Star Trek: Discovery (Interviews, Reviews, Reactions)
Selected Reviews:
[Discovery 5x6 Reviews] "With Great Technological Power Comes at Least Some Responsibility - “Whistlespeak” Deconstructs the Prime Directive"
[Discovery 5x7 Reviews] GIZMODO: "The Breen come calling in "Erigah," giving Discovery some of its greatest diplomacy. The main plot delivers a strong, tense game of politicking and aggressive negotiation over spectacle in a very satisfying manner. It’s just captivatingly tense and triumphant"
[Discovery 5x7 Reviews] TrekCore: "Ruhn vs. T'Rina: it’s absolutely riveting! The writing is sharp, the logical turns land like punches, and Tara Rosling, who has been fantastic as T’Rina from the start, is electric. This is some all-time Star Trek diplomacy; Jean-Luc Picard himself would be proud"
[Discovery 5x8 Reviews] REACTOR MAG: "One of the biggest problems with this season is that the ticking clock/competition for our heroes has not been that compelling. Moll & L’ak are just a couple of ex-Couriers who should not be able to run rings around an entire starship full of smart people."
[Discovery 5x9 Reviews] DEN OF GEEK: "Although 'Lagrange Point' is a fast-paced and fairly action-packed hour, it is also largely setup for next week’s finale, and answers none questions any of us have about the larger story of this season. Suddenly everything just feels uncomfortably rushed."
[Discovery 5x9 Reviews] LARRY NEMECEK on YouTube: "The Beginning of the End?" "This is the penultimate episode of the series. The quiet moments? That's all over now, suckers! IT'S AMP UP TIME! And yet I am going to compliment the entire writers room for not having this one feel like Part 1 of 2"
[Discovery 5x10 Reviews] TREKMOVIE: "A solid season finale ties things for the season plot and the characters, with a bonus bringing the series to a satisfying conclusion." "Packing so much in did perhaps bloat the episode, which got even heftier when the epilogue was tacked on."
[Opinion] ScreenRant: "Discovery Ends As A Star Trek Success Story" "Star Trek owes its renaissance to Discovery" "Star Trek: Discovery broke important ground for diversity, inclusiveness, and LGBTQ+ representation."
[Interview] ‘Discovery’ Writer Eric J. Robbins on why the Breen would suddenly accept Moll (Eve Harlow) as their new leader: "There’s a lot of abstraction and a lot of mystery with them. There are things important to them beyond just subjugating other species and being in control." (TrekMovie)
[Interview] ‘Discovery’ Writer Eric J. Robbins On Episode 5x8: "For 'Labyrinths' one thing we talked about: this is a show led by a black woman and we never really had many opportunities to dramatize the pressures that women of color face in positions of power in the real world."
[Discovery Interviews] Elias Toufexis on the chemistry between Moll (Eve Harlow) and L’ak: "It was very easy to fall in love with her because she plays it so great, and she’s so pretty. She's such a good actor. I would always kind of defer to her performance first." (TrekMovie)
[Interview] Elias Toufexis (L'ak): "I don't like calling Moll and L'ak 'bad guys.' They’re antagonists for sure, but they're not really bad guys. Villains don't get to show the reason they're doing this. Because they want love and freedom. If we did our jobs correctly, you want to root for them."
[Interview] Mary Wiseman on Tilly's arc: "She started pretty insecure, and spent a lot of time apologizing for herself and for being the way she was naturally. The cool thing about the series is: she gets to grow up and still be herself: her nervous energy, silliness, her quirk, but stop apologizing
[Interview] Star Trek: Discovery’s Jett Reno Was Created With “Han Solo Vibe” - Tig Notaro, who plays Reno, was surprised by the comedic aspect of her character and credits the writers for the funny lines. (ScreenRant)
[Interview] STARTREK.COM: Tig Notaro Reflects on Discovery's Engineer and Star Trek Experience "It's so fun getting different scripts and reading like, 'Oh wow, I used to bartend. Okay, cool. I can personally relate because I failed out of school, dropped out, and had a million different jobs."
[Interview] INVERSE: "'Discovery's Most Unlikely Star Doesn't Understand Star Trek Canon At All" TIG NOTARO (Jett Reno): "When Alex [Kurtzman] developed this character, [...] they really wanted to make it me. That’s why I always call it Tig-in-space."
[Opinion] Robert Meyer Burnett: "What do BUFFY SUMMERS and Harry Potter (1997) have to do with STAR WARS, STAR TREK and all your favorite franchises?!" "Watching Discovery: Nobody on that show TALKS like anybody would talk in the 32nd Century. The reason I hate it: I don't believe any of it!"
[Opinion] DEN OF GEEK: "Starfleet Academy Needs to Ditch Modern Star Trek’s Defining Trope" "It will need to learn from Discovery's mistakes and re-embrace KNOWLEDGE. Feelings are not an end to themselves in Starfleet. And they certainly don’t take precedence over the search for the truth."
[Opinion] ScreenRant: "Captain Michael Burnham is arguably the most prolific action hero of modern Star Trek, perhaps even of the entire franchise."
[Opinion] STARTREK.COM on "Whistlespeak" (Discovery ep. 5x6): "A thought-provoking, durable, and utterly optimistic Star Trek idea. When the entire world seems to turn on you, this type of story seems to suggest that maybe we all just need some well-meaning repair people from space to help us."
[Opinion] POLYGON: "Star Trek: Discovery boldly goes where no Trek has gone before by saying religion is... OK, actually" "[Episode 3x6] ‘Whistlespeak’ breaks from Trek tradition to be pretty chill about believing in a higher power" "Spirituality is what you make of it."
[Opinion] SCREENRANT: "Star Trek: Discovery Proves Starfleet's Prime Directive Is Useless" "Starfleet insists on following Star Trek's Prime Directive in Discovery's 32nd century, but there's no reason the rule should still exist."
[Ratings] For the first time ever: Star Trek: Discovery Lands In Nielsen Streaming Top 10 Like Picard & Strange New Worlds (Week of April 8-14, 2024; episode 5x3: “Jinaal”)
[Ratings] For the third week in a row, the fifth season of Star Trek: Discovery has ranked on Nielsen’s top streaming chart, moving up again in the rankings. "Mirrors" (5x5) is the most-viewed season 5 episode and the best-ranked Discovery so far, with 285 million minutes streamed."
[Ratings] Star Trek: Discovery has failed to match Star Trek: Strange New Worlds in viewers However, Picard's second to last episode of the series netted fewer than Discovery's current figures. Discovery is clearly more popular than Picard, though Strange New Worlds is the top dog for a reason."
Terry Matalas joins Marvel:
[Matalas joins Marvel] No time for Star Trek: Legacy? Marvel Sets Vision Series for 2026 With Paul Bettany, ‘Star Trek: Picard’ EP Terry Matalas as Showrunner (Variety)
[Opinion] ScreenRant: "Terry Matalas Showrunning Marvel's Vision Show Means Star Trek: Picard's Spinoff Isn't Happening - Matalas is committing to Marvel for the next couple of years at least"
[Opinion] ROBERT MEYER BURNETT on Terry Matalas joining Marvel: "I can't believe that the head of Marvel, Kevin Feige, taps Terry Matalas to go make a "Vision" show, and the people that actually control Star Trek don't!" Picard and Ro? For that alone Picard season 3 earns my love and affection."
The future of Paramount
[Streaming] The New York Times: "Sony and Apollo’s Plan for Paramount: Break It Up"
[Streaming] VARIETY: "Paramount Stock Falls on Report Sony Is ‘Rethinking’ $26 Billion Bid"
[Streaming] VARIETY: "Skydance Media Revises Paramount Global Bid to Make It More Attractive to Noncontrolling Shareholders"
Alex Kurtzman on the future of the franchise:
[Interview] ALEX KURTZMAN on producing Star Trek: Discovery: "I look back on the first year and I see so many big, bold swings, you know, some of which I think were amazingly successful. But I do feel like at every turn we kept refining and tightening our storytelling." (Ready Room Interview)
[Interview] Alex Kurtzman Explains Why STARFLEET ACADEMY is Set in STAR TREK: DISCOVERY’s 32nd Century Future: "My thinking was, if we set “Starfleet Academy” in the halcyon days of the Federation where everything was fine, it’s not going to speak to what kids are going through right now."(LA Times)
Starfleet Academy Previews:
[Starfleet Academy Previews] Canada’s Largest Purpose-Built Sound Stage Is Ready for Star Trek The 45,900 square foot soundstage will serve as the central hub of the upcoming series set to begin filming later this year. (TrekCore)
[Starfleet Academy Updates] Star Trek's New Series Has Cast Academy Award Winner Holly Hunter As Its First Actor (playing the “captain and chancellor of Starfleet Academy.”)
Noteworthy articles and social media posts on Star Trek (May 2024):
[Opinion] SlashFilm: "Star Trek's Closest TV Cousin Isn't Sci-Fi – It's Law & Order" "The main characters of "Star Trek" aren't the officers on board Starfleet vessels. The main character is ... Starfleet itself." "Starfleet principles are the star."
[Prodigy Updates] TrekMovie: "‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Producers Urge Fans To Be Patient Waiting For Season 2 On Netflix" "Netflix just announced its lineup for June 2024 and Prodigy season 2 is not listed, so the wait will continue into the summer"
[Opinion] SlashFilm: "Star Trek Changed My Life Forever And Reigns As The Greatest Sci-Fi Franchise Of All Time" "The crew of the Enterprise weren't "violent/cool," and I liked that. Finally, I realized, here was a show about pacifism - teaching intense lessons of diplomacy and leadership"
[NCC-1701 Updates] L.A. Times: "Court is the final frontier for this lost ‘Star Trek’ model" Dustin Riach and Jason Rivas discovered the model among a stash of items they bought “sight unseen” last October. They sold it to Roddenberry Entertainment. They have yet to receive the $500,000 payment."
[Essay] REACTOR MAG: "Let’s Start a Fight: Are Science Fiction and Fantasy the Same?" "Both fantasy and sci-fi are equally free to imagine whatever they will... but people don’t relate to them in the same way."
[Opinion] Brianna Wu on X: “Star Trek has a LIBERAL message, not a PROGRESSIVE message. Another core message of Star Trek is duty and trying to get along with people who have different values. I think progressives are failing miserably at both values.” (Responding to Jessie Gender)
[Opinion] Brianna Wu on X (Twitter): “Star Trek is NOT SOCIALIST. If you think Star Trek was socialist, you didn’t understand Star Trek. A huge part of Star Trek is the market economy.” Jessie Gender: “I agree with you. The show is neoliberal; you’re not wrong.”
[Opinion] INVERSE: "15 Years Ago, J.J. Abrams Broke - And Then Saved - the Star Trek Universe" "Star Trek [2009] is the rare sexy reboot that actually helped its flailing franchise" "What makes it such a compelling reboot is its freedom from canon"
[Opinion] CBR.COM: "J.J. Abrams’s Star Trek Is a Great but Flawed Reboot" "Star Trek (2009) felt more like a reverent movie about the USS Enterprise's crew that would be made in the characters' universe than a glimpse into their missions and lives."
[Kelvin Movies] "Star Trek [2009]" Ranks Higher Than 3 Star Wars Movies On Rotten Tomatoes’ 300 Best Movies List (ScreenRant)
Another prequel? Paramount wants to produce a "Star Trek: Origins" movie
[Kelvin Movies] X-Men Producer Simon Kinberg in talks to lead Star Trek movie franchise, focusing on "Origin movie" release in 2025. Paramount looks to Kinberg as franchise shepherd for future Trek projects, with a potential REBOOT (!!!!) in store
[Opinion] SlashFilm: "The New Star Trek Movie Is A Prequel – But Will It Rewrite The Franchise Timeline? "Will Kinberg's new film time-shift First Contact backward?"
[Untitled Star Trek Origin Story] INVERSE on the new movie project: "Star Trek Canon Has Suddenly Reached a Pivotal Crossroads" "The venerable sci-fi franchise has to pick a future." "If this rumor is true, it’s possible a third Trek timeline could emerge ..."
[Opinion] Mick Joest (Cinemablend): "X-Men's Simon Kinberg Is Working On The Next Star Trek Movie, But As A Fan, I Have Some Major Concerns" "I can't help but feel worried about this."
[Opinion] DEN OF GEEK: "Star Trek Origin Movie Timeline Rumor Makes the Film Feel Even More Unnecessary" Set likely around modern times?!? - "We have plenty of stories that take a cynical look at humanity’s flaws, and many of them are very good. But that’s not what Trek is."
[Kelvin Movies / Origin Movie] THE GUARDIAN (UK): "Shatner, Pine, or a Kirk triple whammy: where should Star Trek boldly go next? - Maybe Paramount should just bite the bullet instead and give us the triple-Kirk, multiple timeline movie that is probably the only way to rescue this aching franchise"
[Kelvin Movies] AV Club: "Yeah, Chris Pine has no damn clue what's up with Star Trek 4, either"
submitted by mcm8279 to trektalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:35 Rawlott1620 Death By A Thousand Cuts

Death By A Thousand Cuts submitted by Rawlott1620 to Skul [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:53 2wmark88888 Decided to do my monthly 5 pulls thinking there was no chance of her appearing...

Decided to do my monthly 5 pulls thinking there was no chance of her appearing... submitted by 2wmark88888 to FuXuan_Mains [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:26 Krsto_a_stas anyone else having trouble with these 3

anyone else having trouble with these 3
I swear I've done each one of these (no healing, gray weapons, gold or higher) at least once yet I didn't acquire them somehow, any tips or ways to fix this? Maybe Im doing something wrong?
submitted by Krsto_a_stas to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:50 Ojibwa83 Preparing for Ragnar LRE

Preparing for Ragnar LRE submitted by Ojibwa83 to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:49 VistaNet GA-B150M-D3H, monitor goes to sleep shortly after it reaches the apple logo, have to turn it off and reboot to get out.

I posted this around 1-2 months ago but it wasn't very clear and as such ended up being buried.
Hello. I am trying to Hackintosh a GA-B150M-D3H with macOS Catalina.
The specs are:
Disabled GTX 1060
HD630 iGPU
Samsung SSD980 500gb NVMe drive
Samsung 870QVO 1TB SATA drive
Whenever I boot to the installer, it reaches the apple logo and the progress bar shows, before the monitor goes to sleep and I have to reboot the PC.
I've searched and I just cant figure it out for the life of me. I've provided a Google Drive link containing my EFI, a video, and the log file.
I cant paste the log file in it's entirety because it would exceed the character limit.
Here are the last ten lines in the log.
08:452 00:061 AAPL: [EB#FWFM] 0xFF1FFF3F 08:512 00:060 AAPL: [EB#FWFT] 0xFD0FF576 08:573 00:060 AAPL: [EB#CSR:IN] 0x00000040 08:634 00:060 AAPL: [EB#CSR:OUT] 0x00000040 08:701 00:066 AAPL: [EB`BST:FBS] { 08:762 00:060 AAPL: [EB`BST:FBS] BA.ADSZ: 0 08:823 00:060 AAPL: [EB`BST:FBS] BA.KSDSZ: 0 08:884 00:060 AAPL: [EB`B:WFDW] Err(0xE), 0 @ LocHB 71B4903C-14EC-42C4-BDC6-CE1449930E49 08:945 00:061 AAPL: [EB#LOG:DT] 2024-03-27T05:36:47 09:006 00:061 AAPL: [EB#LOG:EXITBS:START] 2024-03-27T05:36:4708:452 00:061 AAPL: [EB#FWFM] 0xFF1FFF3F 08:512 00:060 AAPL: [EB#FWFT] 0xFD0FF576 08:573 00:060 AAPL: [EB#CSR:IN] 0x00000040
08:634 00:060 AAPL: [EB#CSR:OUT] 0x00000040 08:701 00:066 AAPL: [EB`BST:FBS] { 08:762 00:060 AAPL: [EB`BST:FBS] BA.ADSZ: 0 08:823 00:060 AAPL: [EB`BST:FBS] BA.KSDSZ: 0 08:884 00:060 AAPL: [EB`B:WFDW] Err(0xE), 0 @ LocHB 71B4903C-14EC-42C4-BDC6-CE1449930E49 08:945 00:061 AAPL: [EB#LOG:DT] 2024-03-27T05:36:47 09:006 00:061 AAPL: [EB#LOG:EXITBS:START] 2024-03-27T05:36:47
submitted by VistaNet to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:53 GiversBot /u/Proto_Weltall [REQ] was deleted from /r/borrow on 2024-06-01 (t3_adzp40 up 1970.11 days, LONGTAIL, ACCOUNT DELETE/SHADOWBAN)

Proto_Weltall deleted from /borrow

Active loans

Quick search


[REQ] ($1600) - (#New City, NY, USA), ($2000, 4/8/19), (Cash App, Venmo)

Post contents

I posted yesterday, with no luck, I'm hoping that this post may change that. Originally, I was offering interest of $150 which is about a little above 9%. Now, I am offering interest of $400 which is 25% of the initial loan you would be making me.
Background: About 1 year ago I ended up in the hospital, and was diagnosed with muscle spasms. Over the next year, I was in and out of various doctors offices, and emergency rooms. I was misdiagnosed , and in an effort to cure my ailments I did my own research. It turns out all my research was wrong, and I had developed a severe panic attack disorder.
I essentially worked myself into mental health issues. Its a long story but the cut and dry of it is that I worked my way up from an apprentice to an executive administrator in about 2 years. I did this in awful working conditions, on the faith and promises of success from my employer. However, the success never came.
The panic disorder, working conditions, and medical hardships destabilized me for some time. I quit my job, and since then my panic disorder, and anxiety have melted away beautifully. However, I am falling behind greatly on bills and need a loan in order to stay in my apartment.
Evidence of my claims:
  • I can show you my drivers license for proof of identity, and follow that up with pictures of medical information/hospital/doctor records.
  • I can provide you with extensive writing/summary of the working conditions at my job and put you in touch with others who can vouch for those conditions.
  • I would be more than happy to link you to other subreddits where I've talked about this in the past.
Why should I loan money to someone who's unemployed?
  • This is the first time I've been unemployed for more than 4 days in 12 years. I can provide multiple resume's to show you, and put you in touch with people who can confirm my charactetime there.
  • I have experience with many large projects which require long term commitment and seeing them through to completion. (hence why it was so hard for me to leave a job that was literally killing me faster) I would be more than happy to elaborate, and send proof of these.
  • I am currently trying to sell more or less everything of any relative value I own to reduce the stack up of bills. I can provide you with links to the ad's and if you like even take video of me with them to prove its actually me.
  • If you look through a decent amount of my profile history you will see that a lot of my comments are giving advice, or trying to assist people going through a rough time. I genuinely care, and believe in helping others when I can. I have ZERO interest in causing you stress as a lender.
  • I would be happy to work towards a partial payment earlier than 4/8/19 and I will give updates on my situation to you at a weekly, or even daily level if it helps.
submitted by GiversBot to borrowdeletes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:42 Comfortable-Map-1427 The good times 😮‍💨

The good times 😮‍💨 submitted by Comfortable-Map-1427 to Division2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:40 Lacusch When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.

When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.

Word conquest in the Invictus mod.

I started as the Antigonids. The wars of the Diadochi was really rough. After multiple restarts I contested Egypt with some mercenaries and focused my forces on Macedon and (and later Thrace) after taking away most of Macedon (and all of Thrace).
I used the new Macedonian levies (accepted pops) and with the help of the rest of my troops I managed to steamroll both Egypt and the Seleucids(taking most of Egypt and Babylon + the needed territories for Antigonos' Vision mission).
After that I spend like more than a 100 years with minimal conquest getting tech / assimilating pops and stabilizing the situation waiting for the stable empire stable realm mission to pop. (leaving most of Persia intact)
From 610-620 I spent in the brutal civil war at the end of Hellenistic empire mission. The opposing side had way more Macedon pops (my rapid assimilation worked against me) so even with hiring a lot of big mercs / pre raising all my levies in Syria it was a tough fight (according to steam in took like 280 minutes with all the micro ...)
After that it was basically mostly endless war for ~80 years till the end. At this point I get finally use the special CB Imperial Challenge and with that conquered a big Kush, Persia, all of north Africa from Carthage and all of Asia. Then I turned towards the west starting with Rome and Iberia at the same time going on towards Germania and finally ending in Ireland
My only big subject was in Thrace as I needed the 300 pops to get access their military tradition.(I kept the for like 100 years as their assimilation was really slow). In the end instead off diplomatically annexing them I gave them more than 100 territories, and conquered them with Imperial Challenge.
Relatively early I married into the Argeads and claimed their dynasty (with the nice heritage giving -20 AE).
TLDR I managed to achieve a Hellenistic, universal empire with no more world to conquer.
Although it took a lot of time the campaign was a blast (I'm not doing another word conquest maybe ever again, but for sure not any time soon)
Happy to answer any questions.
submitted by Lacusch to Imperator [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:33 Grace_Omega My gameplay observations, with timestamps

For your reading pleasure, and because I didn't want to make a dozen different threads, here is a list of all of my observations and thoughts from the gameplay video, with timestamps. Add your own in the comments!
1:24 The thing that immediately stands out to me: these environments are insane. The character models may not be up there with contemporary big-budget AAA games, but I think these are the best video game environments I’ve ever seen. The fog looks so good.
1:31 Location names appear in the lower-right, presumably to help the player navigate. This also happens in interior locations.
1:51 James audibly comments on things. I believe it was already stated that this would be the case, but we’re seeing it in action for the first time.
2:48 The first encounter with the lying figure has been substantially altered, now taking place inside an abandoned house instead of the closed-off tunnel. Bloober are clearly not afraid to make big changes. Personally, this is what I want from a remake.
3:13 Still don’t like the green goop effect on the screen. This is one of those things developers have been putting in games for multiple generations now, and I don’t think they’ve ever stopped to ask themselves if it’s actually needed.
3:20 James can now dodge attacks. As we see here it’s a very small dodge, our boi isn’t going to be doing combat rolls or anything.
3:41 A red outline on the screen indicates low health. Other than this, we don’t see any sort of on-screen health indicator.
3:55 Smashing the back window of a car to get at the tasty health drink inside. This is new to the remake, and I look forward to seeing how else the mechanic is used.
3:59 It appears that the item inspection mechanic has been switched to a real-time process of James physically holding the object.
4:05 A UI element shows the number and types of health pick-ups you have. It also appears that they can be used with a single button press.
4:20 A corpse on the street, which appears to be James in a call-back to the dead apartment guy. The gore here is pretty gnarly.
4:27 James physically takes out his map and makes notes in real-time. Bloober are obviously going heavy on everything happening real-time and being physically present in the game, a trend for Silent Hill that started with Shattered Memories.
4:33 This note is a new addition. I wonder if Bloober are adding in new material to convey the idea that there’s something wrong with Silent Hill, which is context that people playing the original game would have had from SH1 but which is much less likely to be the case today. Also this note, uh, doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense, and not in a spooky way (“hidden behind a rest”?). Please get someone to proof-read these, guys.
5:05 The Brookhaven section takes place during sunset, with strong twilight lighting. The original game also had a mechanic whereby time of day would advance as the game progressed, but it was much more subtle, so much so that many people (myself included) never noticed it when playing. This is a lot more obvious and will presumably give the entire town a very different vibe depending on the time of day.
5:15 Flashlight gameplay. I love a good horror game flashlight, and I think this is a very good effort. It looks realistic, it's bright enough to make immediate surroundings fully visible while keeping more distant locations in darkness.
5:17 Interestingly, Maria’s clothes are the only ones that have been substantially altered compared to the original game. Her OG outfit was copied directly from one that Christina Aguilera once wore in public, so maybe someone in Konami’s legal department was worried about including it.
5:27 Real-time map checking. I wonder if you can turn off the location indicator to make it more Immersive. If you compare this to the original Brookhaven map, it’s pretty substantially altered, so we will be seeing familiar locations get remixed.
5:37 Maria has some ambient dialogue. I like the snippet of writing here, it’s eerie and feels like it fits in with the classic Silent Hill tone. Bloober’s dialogue in prior games has been…let’s say “mixed” in quality, so this is very encouraging.
5:47 Everyone's favourite save square can be seen on the desk. It looks a lot bigger than the original ones, presumably to stand out more against the more cluttered environments.
6:11 Maria seems to go off and investigate locations rather than sticking close by James, at least in safe areas. Light and dark seem to be employed much more heavily to draw a distinction between safe and dangerous locations. I’m curious if this will happen more throughout the game, or if it’s just here.
6:15 The creepy nurse picture is interesting. It’s a very “Bloober-esque” touch and not the sort of thing that would have been in the original game. In my opinion this is coming right up to the edge of the sort of un-subtle horror imagery that’s turned me away from their previous games, but it’s just restrained enough that it doesn’t cross that line.
7:23 Sneaking past enemies is still a viable strategy.
7:47 I might be reading too much into this, but it kind of seems like this flickering light is reacting to the nurse’s presence. If so, it would be an interesting extension of enemies causing the radio to emit static.
8:01 Enemies (or at least nurses) can block attacks and shove James back, presumably to avoid the player stunlocking them. In this part we also see that the player can instantly switch from melee weapons to guns. I wonder how this works–do we have a melee and a firearm slot? Is the pipe now an upgrade that replaces the plank?
8:08 Shooting enemies in the legs will stagger them, Resident Evil 4 style. Presumably no sick spin-kicks from James though.
8:35 I’ve been very curious about how the game will handle doors, as making the player check every door they encounter only to have 85% of them be purely cosmetic is not going to fly in the year of our lord twenty twenty four. We see multiple rooms you can enter simply have their doors ajar already, which could be an easy way to distinguish between them.
9:30 The Jacob’s Ladder shaky-head effect shows up in gameplay!
10:22 This is the closest thing we see to an inventory screen, I’m curious if the game still has one. It appears that examining objects doesn’t pause, so enemies can come and getcha while you’re solving puzzles. It also appears that the game will use this to fuck with you.
11:09 This dialogue scene between James and Laura is absolutely phenomenal. A lot of that is down to great voice acting and facial animation, but the dialogue has also been rewritten to sound more natural and have better pacing. I know some people like the weird stilted conversations from the original game, but you have to admit they would have stood out like a sore thumb compared to otherwse modern production values.
13:17 Love the way the Flesh Lip crashes through the ceiling here
submitted by Grace_Omega to silenthill [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:00 Holofan4life [Spoilers] Samurai Champloo 20th Anniversary Rewatch -- Episode 12

Hello everyone! I am Holofan4life.
Welcome to the Samurai Champloo 20th Anniversary Rewatch discussion thread!
I hope you all have a lot of fun <3
S1 Episode 12 – The Disorder Diaries
What is your favorite anime recap episode and why?
With Fuu admitting she tried getting close to Jin during episode 9, what do you think it means for their relationship going forward?
What do you make of the narration put on the episode 5 recap where it's remarked how talent and character are often found in inverse proportion?
Information – MAL Anilist AniDB ANN
Streams – Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime
Please do not post any untagged spoilers past the current episode or from the manga out of respect to the first time watchers and people who have not read the manga. If you are discussing something that is ahead of the current episode please use spoiler tags (found on the sidebar). Thank you!
Untagged Spoilers

Rewatch Schedule

Threads posted every day at 4:00 PM EDT
Date Episode
5/20/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 1
5/21/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 2
5/22/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 3
5/23/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 4
5/24/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 5
5/25/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 6
5/26/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 7
5/27/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 8
5/28/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 9
5/29/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 10
5/30/2024 Samurai Champloo Episode 11
5/31/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 12]()
6/01/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 13]()
6/02/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 14]()
6/03/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 15]()
6/04/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 16]()
6/05/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 17]()
6/06/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 18]()
6/07/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 19]()
6/08/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 20]()
6/09/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 21]()
6/10/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 22]()
6/11/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 23]()
6/12/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 24]()
6/13/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 25]()
6/14/2024 [Samurai Champloo Episode 26]()
6/15/2024 [Samurai Champloo Overall Series Discussion Thread]()
submitted by Holofan4life to anime [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:13 Jetsetter_Princess Which Would You Keep?

Which Would You Keep?
If you had to choose, which deleted scenes would you keep in? (I'm not including the 'alternate' ending, bc we all know that was just terrible :P) Also because I'm not totally mean, you can pick your top 3 options, I know it's really hard to choose between some of them.
I think for me, it's:
  1. Rose Feels Trapped - it gives so much more context to her mental state, and that she's not just a 'poor little rich girl'. It shows how physically dependent she is even on Trudy, as she can't even undress by herself. Later, this makes her choice of the swim dress make sense, as it's likely something she can actually put herself in with no help.
  2. Come Josephine - again, sets context, pays off a lot later in the film, and explains several things that aren't apparent later on without it (shooting stars being souls ascending to heaven, ego Rose sees Jack's soul go to heaven later in the water, why she sings that song on the floating panel, and so forth)
  3. Extended Carpathia - it shows the fates of several characters (Joughin the baker is walking behind Ismay, Cal's crying girl did live), we see Lowe's care of Rose, and most importantly, it shows Cameron did not forget about a major hero of the night, as we see Captain Rostron as Rose comes aboard.
Honourable Mention: Mr Ismay Panics - Historical context given, this really happened, it gives Lowe more of his actual real-life character (he had a potty mouth and wasn't so 'nicey polite' as they make him look in the rest of the film) AND... Bonus Murdoch in the back, who you all know is my favourite :P
You can watch a video with the scene starts linked by time-stamp here:
Scenes List- Intro - 00:00 1 - I'll be the First 00:11 2 - Rose Feels Trapped 01:11 3 - Brock's Dilemma 02:10 4 - Down to 3rd Class 05:33 5 - Rose's Dreams 08:15 6 - Come Josephine 09:52 7 - The Gymnasium 12:11 8 - Sneaking into 1st Class 12:59 9 - Extended Chase 13:26 10 - Boiler Room Kiss 13:54 11 - Wireless/Californian 14:40 12 - Hey, Sonny, How 'bout a Little Ice? 16:15 13 - Playing with Ice 16:31 14 - The First S.O.S 17:04 15 - Mr. Ismay Panics 17:31 16 - Molly Takes Charge 18:08 17 - Irish Hospitality 18:51 18 - Ida and Isidor Straus 19:28 19 - Fabrizio and Helga 20:00 20 - Boat 6 Won't Return 20:55 21 - 1st Class prepares to leave 22:35 22 - Release the Hounds 23:22 23 - Husbands letter 23:42 24 - Jack fights Lovejoy 24:17 25 - Astor and Guggenheim 28:48 26 - I'm not going 29:13 27 - Cartmell family's death 29:38 28 - Extended in the Water 29:56 29 - Rescue of Chinese Man 30:53 30 - Extended Carpathia 31:51 31 - Alternate Ending 34:43
submitted by Jetsetter_Princess to TitanicFilm1997 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:43 Left-Okra-1480 Down bad

Down bad
I’ve seen Q in a Arizona trailer park I worry for him maybe Destiny should reach out
submitted by Left-Okra-1480 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:00 0ztralian Build advice please (Trying to clear MOC 12 but I can't)

Build advice please (Trying to clear MOC 12 but I can't) submitted by 0ztralian to JingYuanMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:38 datgoh69 (reposted a deleted post that i just posted because i forgot to blur one more thing) The instructions for my assignment wouldn't load

(reposted a deleted post that i just posted because i forgot to blur one more thing) The instructions for my assignment wouldn't load submitted by datgoh69 to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:15 reeeeeeeee1234 You guys like my funger OCS!?

You guys like my funger OCS!? submitted by reeeeeeeee1234 to moonscorched [link] [comments]