Hives and throwing up


2015.06.05 17:25 GearBent DIWhyNot?


2012.08.02 10:36 tofumac 'cause Dale knows his stuff

We want to increase awareness of the necessity to carry around sand in order to escape a violent situation

2012.01.06 00:56 Dogmanlego r/pocket knives for pocket knife lovers!

Welcome to pocketknives, a community for any pocket knives, hunting knives, or Swiss Army knives. Here you can show them off, help others find one, or even just talk about them.

2024.05.18 15:18 divalee23 breeder queen management

i'm a 3rd season beekeeper in sw ohio, usa. i've done successful splits and over-wintered hives.
due to unforeseen circumstances at a queen grafting & rearing workshop, i'll be receiving an inseminated breeder queen with high mite biting behavior. YAY!
this windfall throws me a couple of years forward in skills & apiary size. i keep my bees at home on 5 acres, so i have room to expand beyond the 3 colonies i have. all my woodenware is 8 frame.
the queen will be ready in early june, and i have a double 4 frame nuc she can go into.
how would YOU set up a queen-rearing yard? mainly nucs? use cloake boards above strong colonies? i've got a swarm box on order for a cell starter.
submitted by divalee23 to Beekeeping [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:04 Alarming_Ad8074 My tapering journey

So now that it has been a week since I have stopped mirtazapine I wanted to share my experience because I know it can help people feel more at ease knowing that these are normal things to go through when coming off of it. To preface this, I have been on mirtazapine 15mg for around 4 months but was on the medication in general for a total of 6 months. I decided to get off because it was not helping my anxiety or depression so I am switching to lexapro. I am a 20 year old cis woman (not sure if age and gender have an impact on what side effects you are more prone to. I was put on a two week taper, one week I went down to 7.5mg. I had persistent brain zaps/migraines as well as trouble falling and staying asleep. Tylenol helped with the pain. I also felt an increase in my anxiety and in my POTS symptoms. Then the next week I went down to 3.75mg, this did nothing to me and I did not have any problems aside from still having trouble falling and staying asleep. Then the next week I came completely off, this is how each day went. MY EXPERIENCE MAY NOT BE YOUR EXPERIENCE!!! Something that kinda made me mad was when I was first starting to taper people on here made everything so doom and gloom which is fine if that was your experience but don’t make it seem and scare people into thinking that will be their experience. I also struggled with insomnia before mirt and had GI issues and I have POTS, so that probably made it a little bit worse for me.
Day 1: Did not have any problems, the mirtazapine was probably still very much in my system at this point, I did toss and turn at night but not for too long.
Day 2: Around the time I would be taking my mirt I started to feel very very very nauseous, surprised I did not vomit but thankfully it died down so I could sleep. My eczema started to flare up and so I was itchy and had bumps all over the back of my wrist (I have already had these bumps before but I think the withdrawal made it flare up. I've heard a lot of other people get hives/itch while coming off mirt)
Day 3: Brain zaps all day, high anxiety, felt like I was not real. All day I had poor appetite and while trying to eat I felt like gagging but managed to force feed myself lol. Night was a lot better.
Day 4: Very nauseous throughout the day until around dinner. Brain zaps were there but not as often so I did not need to take any pain pills. Anxiety was high. Diarrhea all day.
Day 5: That early morning around like 3am my family member threw up and had chest pain so we thought it was a heart attack. I'm afraid of throw up and obviously I was concerned for that person (they are ok! Just bad acid reflux reaction to a food he ate). I'm mentioning this bc I did not get to sleep until 6am and slept till 1:30pm and I hardly drank water day 4 so I can't really tell if the way I am feeling is from the stress and having my POTS triggered or if it is partially the withdrawal. I was nauseous since waking up, almost throwing up and diarrhea. Also felt dizzy and having a fast heart rate (these I believe are from POTS not the withdrawal the nausea is where I am not sure)
Day 6: Low appetite, slight nausea when I woke up and during the day. Not throw up worthy but enough to make eating a challenge and feel like I want to gag at some points. I did get more of that sick feeling after dinner but not sure if it was what I at or not. Spurts of vertigo, again not sure if this is from POTS or the withdrawal but while researching I found that vertigo is a common withdrawal side effect. Some stomach cramping like almost like my period but i'm weeks away from that so maybe just poop cramps? Had some diarrhea bm.
Day 7: Felt pretty bad this day but I think it is because I had a doctors appointment and I have crippling anxiety lol. I felt nauseous this day but it was like a very lowkey feeling but was enough to curb my appetite.
Day 8 (The day I am posting this): I feel nauseous but it is like yesterday. I also am starting Lexapro tomorrow and I am pretty anxious about that so I am thinking some of the stomach grossness is from the anxiety rather than the withdrawal. I have had some random head pain here and there as well as weird muscle cramps. When I was trying to fall asleep last night I kept jerking awake which I am assuming is a part of my anxiety induced insomnia from not taking any sleep aid anymore as I was taking mirt also for the sleep aid.
Edit: I think the muscle cramps and leg twitching/jerking at night is a magnesium deficiency? I’m deficient in a lot of things lol
submitted by Alarming_Ad8074 to Mirtazapine_Remeron [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:46 bi-bitchncatlvr12 Blood streaks in stool

Species: Cat Age: 4 Sex/Neuter status: F, neutered Breed: DSH Body weight: 11lbs History: Gives herself hives, throws up from anxiety. Took her in for throwing up and she gave herself hives otw to the vet they did blood work and said nothing was wrong. Gave her allergy medicine for her eyes since they were red around the skin. Clinical signs: watery stool, looks like her food plus some yellow and blood. She’s acting normal, no lethargy or crying, has ate (I put water in her food). Duration: it’s been 12h but she’s been having more frequent watery poops since I got another cat in January but the blood in new. Location: San Luis Obispo CA
submitted by bi-bitchncatlvr12 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:00 Heres_A_Tip I'm sorry U2, but you deserved it

I was running a new kit last night, equipped with the incendiary breaker, scout gear and the new airburst launcher. As such, one time early in the mission I had fired the airburst into a hive of enemies, where you had just dived into in an attempt to cqc them. You died, but so did 17 enemies.
After this we cleared a few bases, and were right next to the mining probe. But you held a grudge. I was standing somewhat near a cliff, calling in a resupply for us. You ran up behind me and punched me, in an attempt to throw me over the edge.
I did not fall off, but I ragdolled. And the thing about newton's 3rd law, objets at rest tend to stay at rest. And the strategem stayed in the same spot mid air, until you ran into it and your body became a blue beacon of light.
I'm sorry helldiver, but when the pod came down and crushed you under its democratic weight, you had nobody but yourself to blame.
Please, don't hold a grudge. Don't fight your fellow divers. For both yours and your fellow divers' sake. Just fight for the common goal of democracy.
submitted by Heres_A_Tip to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:33 Mista9000 Perfectly Safe Demons -Ch 39- Sundresses at Night

Chapter One
-Rooftop of the White Flame Factory-
Grigory smiled nervously at his men as they lounged on the rooftop patio. As the sun sank lower, he was happy to see them relax after the day's tensions. He’d wanted to give them their imps when they first arrived, or after the demonstration, but they seemed a little too skittish. Their reactions were causing him to doubt his strategy. If his most loyal supporters were repelled by them, wider acceptance was going to be a non-trivial hurdle. He’d been working on an improved version of the imps for months, but making them less threatening, or light forbid, ‘cute’, seemed deeply at odds with his plans. He hoped time might be the missing ingredient. Once they get a bit more familiar with them, they’ll come around. The imps were really nothing for them to fear.
The demonologist sat alone, observing how his men were dealing with the news. He was deep in thought, adjusting his plans and ruminating on his concerns. Was he forcing them to do things they weren’t comfortable with? The basis of his entire plan was that the whole world was to benefit from the imps, so it had to start somewhere, or he might as well give up. They seemed to be taking it as well as he could have hoped.
Catching a wisp of savoury smells, he thought it was scarcely fair to relax while Stanisk was busy in the kitchen. He rose to see if he could lend a hand with dinner. During their overland trek to the capital months ago, it was clear that Stanisk was a superlative cook, but Grigory was a dexterous helper. Much of what he knew about surgical techniques had been picked up preparing meals.
Grigory arrived at the great hall that served as the eating area. In the centre of the chamber, two long tables stretched across the room, capable of seating fifty, though only four simple chairs he had crafted a few weeks ago were present. His men had yet to grasp the potential of the imps' labour; instead of proper seating, they had improvised with crates and timbers haphazardly arranged around the tables. Near one table, a jute sack of potatoes lay abandoned on the floor, possibly mistaken for a makeshift seat. Grigory hoped they'd be eating the potatoes, not sitting on them.
Separated from the hall by a low half-wall, the kitchen bustled with activity. Stanisk sat on the thick timber counter, a casual sentinel over dinner’s preparations, while Jourgun and Klive stood nearby, deep in conversation with their commander.
Stanisk’s five imps, in their fancy clothes, dashed around the kitchen. Under his expert guidance they were preparing a grand feast. One was peeling potatoes, another stirred a great bubbling pot, while two were doing dishes.
“Sir, did you know that Stanisk’s imps have names? And fancy clothes! Can I have one like his?” Klive blurted when he saw his employer. “Uh, as it pleases milord, of course.”
“Plus mine bow when they bring us beers! They don't do that fresh out of hell!” Stanisk's toothy smile implied he might have been bowed at by imps a half dozen times already.
Grigory tilted his head and blinked for a second.
Surely a bit of clothes can’t have that much of an impact on their acceptance?
“Oh, Of course! Certainly!” he paused again. “Feel free to ask Stanisk for tips on how he made his.” Observing the bustling activity, “It looks like dinner is well in hand?” The kitchen was huge, far larger than the one at Planed Pine Peak Inn. A half dozen dishes simmered or baked, their aromas — exotic spices, rich gravies, and roasted meats filled the expansive space.
Stanisk replied without glancing away from the imps handling the tasks. “Well in hand, boss. Take ‘er easy tonight!” The imps' movements were quick and fluid, their antics distractingly comical at times. Grigory watched, smiling, as one imp hugged a yam to its chest that likely weighed more than it did, and made its way along the countertop from the vegetable sack to the cutting board. Each step was an exaggerated sway, the creature was badly top-heavy and teetering.
With effort he pulled his focus back, “Capital! I’ve a matter to attend to! Smells great already!”
Grigory went into the factory proper to whip up enough chairs for everyone. Simple wooden ones for now, but with cushions. Cushions were quick enough to make and he had a few cart loads of wool and woollen fabrics. He watched his imps work, glad he could share them with his whole team now. Obviously it made everything a bit riskier, but it was worth it. One of his concerns was that he’d been overlooking opportunities and uses. He was bound by only being able to think his own thoughts, so he was excited to see what non-demonologists would think of.
They carved and joined the pine chairs with their normal speed and accuracy, but watching them sew was its own reward. The imps wielded needles like longswords in their tiny hands, the points moving too fast to see clearly. They stacked up the plain cushions in a neat pile at the end of their low workbench.
He also didn’t have any utensils, placemats, serving spoons nor trivets either, since this was their first proper meal here. He commanded the imps to make those as well, and carry them like a row of ants from the workshop to the dining hall. The demonologist walked around the table, surveying his work. With a minor gesture of flame he lit the lamps, and frowned at the beige-grey of undyed wool of the chair cushions.
He pulled the chairs out, and one at a time enchanted the cushions to bright, cheerful colours. He was going to make them all company purple, but thought better of it. Enchanting colours was a fun spell to cast, because the act of changing its colour also unravelled enchantment as it went. Much like building and knocking over houses of cards, the end effect was a mundane unenchanted object, but in whatever colour he’d chosen. Having done the spell countless times for entire days to prepare for the midsummer tourney, he didn’t even have to check his notes for any of the hues.
Satisfied with his work, though slightly frustrated that his first and last red cushions weren’t quite the same shade, he sat down. He pulled a notebook out of his satchel and started making notes on his ideas for some improvements, mostly for his own use, but some to the things he’d be soon selling. Lost in his own world, he had no idea how much time had passed when Ros and Taritha joined him at the table.
“Good evening, milord,” Ros said deferentially.
The young herbalist elbowed him, “Come on, he had one rule! He was writing!”
“Oh! Terribly sorry, sir!” Ros stammered.
“Not at all, I was basically doodling. How’s your evening going, is everything to your liking?” Grigory closed his notebook and put it away.
“Amazing milord, These rooms are huge! They're bigger than some of the houses I was looking at!” Taritha said.
“Of course! No one wants to live in dingy cells! Glad to hear! It’s easy to make a place bigger when you are building fresh. Let me know if you find anything that needs fixing, our builders are still in town working on the harbour fortress now, but I can have them send someone if there is anything amiss!”
“I don’t reckon neither of us knew palaces this nice existed anywhere, milord!” Ros said with a shrug. “We might not be the best eyes for finding faults!”
“Heh! This is just the rustic first stage! Don’t worry about its crudeness for now, we’ll get there over time!” the demonologist promised, patting his satchel where the notebook of ideas was. His confidence was both unshakeable and unnecessary.
“Not to question your plans, but there are a lot more rooms than people. Are we expecting company? Are we hiring?” Taritha asked. Her eyebrows twitched slightly, having just questioned his plan for the first time.
“Big plans indeed! So that empty stretch east of the main building? That’s also part of our land grant. In a while we’ll be building a barracks there for our troops, while senior officers will stay in the main factory. That’s also why Stanisk will be taking a much more active role with civil defence. It’s central to our plan to secure the town, and by extension our own safety.”
“Our troops? Like us?” Jourgun asked, having joined them at the long table.
“Maybe? Probably not? We’ll see. The plan is to extensively recruit as we can afford it, since the pirate raid was just the beginning. We have something of incredible value, in the form of me, the imps and the factory itself. Many violent people feel they should possess every valuable thing, so we must be vigilant. Not to worry though! That’s just us planning for the worst. In reality, nothing like that will likely happen. Just by being well defended we’ll scare off the greedy.”
“Ah, like why it's dangerous for a beggar to wear a silk robe!” Rikad added as he joined them, along with a few others. The smells from the kitchen were intoxicatingly rich now, as Stanisk and Klive used the imps to finish and plate the meal.
“Just so, a lord can only have what he can defend, and because the first phases of my plan require a certain level of material wealth, I’ll need extensive defences,” Grigory explained as diplomatically as he could.
“The Empire itself will fear our might, milord!” Ros said excitedly.
“Nah, it won’t. That’s a dangerous thought. The Imperial army’s smallest deployable force is a legion, near enough to five thousand men. Even if we hit every hiring and training target, we’se not going to be in the business of fightin’ wars. Just enough to make us a spiky nut. The sort not worth chompin’,’” Stanisk called over from the kitchen.
“Oh,” Ros said, shrinking back into his seat.
“That’s more than all the men in the whole town!” Taritha lamented.
“Yeah, that’s why lil fishing villages don’t win wars. A legion is five thousand infantry with warships, supplies, siege cohorts, and command companies. If’n it’s a real fight, then they might deploy all ten Imperial legions. Then start raising more if’n they’re losing. We ain’t never gonna try to fight that. No nation in the world has ever picked that fight and won.”
To counter the grim tone settling over his celebratory dinner, Grigory chimed in with a reassuring smile, “We’re loyal Hyruxian subjects, and the legions protect us. We pay taxes in full, we’re on the right side of all this. We just want a bit of security against more, uh, regional actors. Besides, a large well equipped force lends our diplomacy weight we wouldn’t otherwise have.”
Now that the table was filling up and his men looked satisfied with his answers, he raised his voice to the kitchen, “How’s it going in there?”
“Good! I bought a deer from one of the hunters this morning, and it turned out just right!” Stanisk replied, personally putting the finishing touches on his creation. Aethlina moved across the kitchen to watch Stanisk work, making Grigory do a double take. He hadn’t realised she was even in the building.
“Oh! Capital! Everyone in the entire company is here now! Even better!” Grigory said, motioning Aethlina to sit by him. He was glad he’d made the full number of chairs!
Stanisk and Klive brought out plates heaped with slices of braised venison, steamed tubers and sautéed onions. Tubs of butter, bowls of gravy, and finally a heaping basket of fresh buns followed. Stanisk took his seat and, smiling with pride, “What’re you helpless kittens lookin’ at? Never seen dinner ‘afore? Dig in!”
The feast was a perfect end to a troubling day, and even though the conversation died down as they ate, Grigory observed every single one of his hirelings intently, relieved to see not a single one seemed put off by a meal made by demons. Catching Stanisk’s eye, he made an empty cup gesture.
“Imps! Bring us all some drinks! Wine, beer and water!” Stanisk shouted to his imps. With speed and efficiency, the little demons filled clay cups and brought everyone three drinks, exactly as ordered.
“Ah, dammit, I meant—It’s fine. Drink what you want and I’ll just dump the rest!” The chief of security’s good humour faded for an instant before returning twice as bright.
“No, I love having three drinks! And the water and beer are cold! In the summer! The gods themselves envy me!” Rikad declared.
“Uh oh! It looks like Mage Thippily made imps, but the imps made the real monster!” Kedril retorted, gesturing at Rikad holding three cups between his hands, rotating them to drink out of each, while spilling beer all over his own arm.
Their high spirits encouraged Grigory. He’d worried they would be morose and frightened tonight, after making them to live in what could be described as a hive of demons. Joking about the imps was beyond his expectations, so he smiled without speaking, sipping his red wine. Not his cherished Malaentian Red, but a nice varietal from the mainland he’d recently imported a few cases of. Once the plates were empty, Stanisk had the imps clear the table and start washing up while everyone remained seated at the long pine table, bellies full to bursting.
“That was spectacular Stanisk! Thank you!” Grigory offered, and everyone else chimed in a breath later.
“Nothing like a lifetime of bland ration bars for months to really spark an interest in what good food ought to be! I’m glad ya’se liked it,” the big veteran said dismissively.
“How is everyone finding their new accommodations? I know I don’t have all the furniture done just yet, but is everyone good for tonight?” Grigory asked, ever the eager host.
The men nodded and looked at each other. Complaining was frowned upon and nothing here was remotely a hardship.
“Capital! Glad to hear it, and by all means bring it to my attention if your needs are unmet!” Grigory sat still and everyone kept looking at him.
Now’s as good a time as any. It’s not even a surprise, I think I mentioned it a few times already.
“Ahem! So! I’d like to present each of you with your own imps! Some ground rules though; there may be people that aren’t ready for this style of magic, so I ask that you don’t mention anything about them anywhere outside of the factory. Or even imply there are any magical creatures, just that things get made here?”
He waited until they all at least nodded.
“Alright! Here you go, I have one for everyone! The imps are identical, so don’t worry about which ones you get. Um. Good luck?” With a shrug he reached down beside his chair and from a leather case he pulled a series of carved wooden boxes, and passed them out to everyone sitting at the table.
With a muted clatter, Taritha watched as the small dark boxes were distributed. She wasn’t sure if there was one for her, being fairly new to the company. She wasn’t sure how she felt; owning demons seemed like a big step, but the ancient urge to possess something nice or powerful was one she wasn’t immune to. Her heart leapt as a heavy box slid in front of her.
With trepidation, she touched it with one finger; it appeared to be regular wood, perhaps stained oak. The box was small and rectangular, quite thin, and she held it easily in one hand. It was narrow enough to fit comfortably between her thumb and fingers, its weight noticeable but not oppressive. She had expected dread, palpable evil, or something, but it just felt a bit heavy. Turning it over, she saw no visible clasps or hinges. The outside was covered in the flawless ornate carvings she was starting to grow familiar with. This time, the carvings depicted joyful industrial scenes—strong men swinging square hammers, smoke stacks, and laden ships and carts. The central image on each side was gilded with gold leaf, making it strikingly dignified.
Ignoring the excitement and increasing movement around her, she felt as if she were in her own universe. She slowly pulled on the lid, finding it opened on tiny hidden hinges, revealing three ebony totems inside. They were the size and shape of a fairytale wand, resting on a bed of lush green velvet, held in place by a broad ribbon tied in a perfect bow.
Even without considering the priceless nature of the artefacts, she was impressed, almost distracted, by the quality of the presentation. He didn’t have to go to such lengths; she’d expected them to be simply handed to her.
She slid one of the totems out without undoing the bow. It was cool and heavy but otherwise seemed normal. She could see layers of impossibly fine carving, this time gilded with silver. She could sense the potent magic in the object, but it felt strange. She’d examined other enchanted items before, and their enchantments were all transcendently beautiful in a complex and technical way. This was so dense it felt like nothing. Or perhaps everything? She wasn’t sure, but it wasn’t at all like the other objects. Stilling herself and trying to puzzle out its secrets brought her no closer to any revelation. She shook her head and resolved to investigate further in private. She returned the totem to its place in the box and gently closed it.
Only now did she notice the table was thick with imps, more than twenty darting and leaping energetically. Her colleagues had summoned theirs and were already giving orders.
“You two, throw the third imp as high as you can!”
“All of you, cross the table as fast as you can, but walk on your hands!”
“Duel with these forks!”
“Merp! Merp!”
The men were laughing and pointing between shouting out fresh orders. All the commands were pointless and frivolous, making Taritha powerfully uncomfortable. These were forces of nature, extraplanar beings of unimaginable power, and they were being made to sprint into empty mugs to see how far the mug would fly!?
She shot a questioning look to the master demonologist to gauge his reaction. He was smiling and complimenting their creativity, so maybe she was overreacting? Still, she had no interest in wasting them on silly games. Emergencies only. Or at least serious concerns only. Not for dodging knotted linen napkins, that’s for sure!
With the burden of responsibility successfully dodged, she was free to watch everyone else’s fun. The cacophony of excitement was so infectious that she found herself giggling and pointing at them racing as makeshift horses, with an imp bent over holding the tiny waist of the imp in front of him, while a third one sat atop as a rider. They were so silly looking and energetic.
“You’re sure this doesn’t hurt or anger them?” Taritha asked.
“Oh my no, it’s not like that at all. They have minds, but lack awareness, or awareness of their own mind I guess? It’s fine! They are just made out of the same stuff as demons, but not actually demonic.” The mage stood up and stretched. “They are remarkably durable, it’s unlikely anything short of silvered steel will harm them. I, on the other hand, am at risk of being badly over-tired already! I trust you will be okay, left on your own! I’ll see you in the morning!”
“I’se properly tired too, but if you want, let's pop into the factory and I’ll show you how to get them to make their own clothes. It’s just tellin’ ‘em to do that, so you’se might not need too much hand holding!” Stanisk pushed himself away from the long table, and motioned for them to follow him.
They went into the cavernous factory, just across the hallway. What was an impressive and huge room in the daylight was now an infinite blackness, like a starless night. A few men had grabbed leviathan-oil lamps off the table, and they huddled in a small circle of warm, safe light. They gathered around a long low table, and Stanisk laid out a few bolts of fabric. The fine weaves were familiar to Taritha; they were the same as those used in the clothes she’d been getting from the company.
“It’s simple enough,” Stanisk said as he put a heavy leather bag of tools on the table. “Just say what you want, with as much or as little detail, and they’ll just make that.”
“Imps, make a suit of legion plate armour, imp-sized, out of shoe leather!” Rikad said with glee.
“Merp!” replied several at once, as they began cutting and forming the leather without hesitation. The imps even used grey wool for the under-mail parts, and tiny flares of hellfire to warp the leather into the right shapes. Soon, a tiny suit of black armour lay on the table, looking like what an imperial heavy infantryman would wear, but distorted to the proportions of the gawky imps.
“I dub thee, Imperial commander, Real Imp. Don thy armour!” Rikad ordered. “Do they remember their names?” he asked over his shoulder to Stanisk.
“Oh yeah, they’re proper sharp!” he confirmed.
“Create an imp-sized lord's robe with a sash of office! When it is done, you shall be known as D’Imp Lomat! I might need a minute to think of the last one though…” Rikad said to everyone watching his imps.
Reluctantly, Taritha opened the box and invoked her three imps. She looked at them closely; as far as she could tell, they were perfectly interchangeable with every other imp.
Looking over the fabrics, she chose a striking blue, a deep red, and a golden yellow. “Imps! Make imp-sized sundresses, mainly white with these colours as a main theme. and matching coloured sun hats,” she added hastily. Their heads were distractingly inhuman, so covering them might help. She watched them work, even interrupting a few times to ask for embroidered details and minor adjustments. Once they finished, she had them don their new outfits.
Oh! The hems seem scandalously short on their long lanky legs! Better than before, but not by a lot.
“Imps, please put on the hats that match the colour of your dress.”
Much better! They look like ladies now!
“You are now Lady Bluebird, Lady Crossbill, and…” She paused at the last one, thinking of songbirds that were as bright yellow as the fabric. “Miss Goldfinch!”
She leaned back and admired her little ladies. They were far less threatening now, and their dull crimson skin really made the dresses look extra vibrant.
“Dang Taritha, how did you make yours so pretty? I want some pretty ones!” Jourgun commented as he looked over.
“Drool over your own demons! These are mine!” she said playfully. There was an undercurrent of possessiveness that she didn’t expect, but these ones were hers now. “Anyways, I’m going to bed too, you guys are too slow! Have fun, boys!” she said as she devoked her imps. The new clothes fell to the work surface.
“Oh yeah, they don’t take that with ‘em, wherever they go, so just keep it in a lil bag or whatever,” Stanisk said when he saw her distress. “They gotta get dressed every time you invoke it,” he shrugged.
So much to learn today!
With a brave smile, she replaced the totems in the box and gathered the dresses and hats. “Mind if I take…” she said as she slowly lifted a lamp from near Rikad.
“Oh yeah, all yours,” he said dismissively, fully engrossed in examining the tiny lordly robes of D’Imp Lomat.
She went back to the hall, up the wide even stairs to the third floor. She’d only spent a bit of time investigating it earlier, as she and Ros had been anxious about being late for dinner. She saw the heap of her worldly possessions against the wall where she’d left them. The only furniture here was the bed, but by the sounds of it, getting some tables, chairs, and wardrobes would be easy enough tomorrow. She placed the totem box and the tiny outfits on the floor beside the bed.
The bed itself was unlike any she’d ever heard of. Crafted with thick pine beams and topped with a mattress of imported cotton, it was probably wider than her entire hovel. A family of five could sleep on it and barely touch. She couldn’t imagine a more lordly bed. Its refined look and the luxurious softness were worlds apart from the coarse fabric and straw she was used to. Sometimes in the fall, she’d add freshly fallen leaves to her straw mattress for extra comfort, but that was a fleeting pleasure. This bed, however, promised constant comfort. She eyed the pile of heavy blankets at the foot of the bed. Recently, she had bought a single blanket from the market, thin and scratchy, but these were the mage’s blankets—thick, plush, and impossibly soft.
She shut the heavy door and took off her tall boots. The floor felt smooth under her bare feet. Even having a floor was a new luxury; she was accustomed to hard-packed dirt floors like most everyone else. This wasn’t just a floor; it was a delicate herringbone pattern of different kinds of wood, obviously done by the agile imps. It was cleaner, smoother, and more level than any table she’d eaten off before the mage came to town.
She stopped admiring the floor and stripped to her shift. She felt exposed being so undressed around so many men. She reasoned it out—the iron and oak door was stronger than a hide flap, and this would doubtlessly be the safest sleep of her life. Just a reaction, not a reality. She left the lamp on the floor and got in bed.
With a panic, she yelped as the whole bed flowed underneath her, as if she’d stepped on the tail of a sleeping cat. She tried to get up but her feet were already off the floor, and she couldn’t find a stable purchase with her hands. She froze up to think her way out of it, and the bed stopped moving almost as soon as she did.
Her heart pounded in her chest.
Was this an enchantment gone awry? Some bed demon?
Slowly, she log-rolled towards the edge of the bed, and the mattress under her also slowly moved, but not enough to stop her. Slow and steady, she might get free yet. Finally, she was close enough to put a foot down and stand. The bed flowed back to being perfectly flat.
She stood up, with a hand to her sternum, trying to catch her breath.
Think! What did the mage say about this today? It would magically adjust? Maybe that was all it was doing?
She leaned over and gently pushed down with a single fist. It was super pliable, then increasingly firm. But it felt unlike anything else—stacks of clothes or hides all felt different when they got pressed.
It must be magic. No time to be timid, and it would be humiliating to go to either the mage or the chief about this.
The only spell she could reliably cast was a gesture of Mana-Visualization. It caused the invisible lines of arcane energy to glow visibly, in bright colours that hinted at their use and purpose. She cast it to better examine her bed. It wasn’t enchanted as she expected; rather, hundreds and hundreds of things inside it were, and they linked and overlapped in ways she wouldn’t understand if she studied enchantments for a decade. She involuntarily took a step back from it, like finding a hundred warhorses inside a small cabinet.
She dismissed the gesture. With renewed determination, she slowly sat down on the bed. It shifted but only a bit. It was very soft and comfortable. Slowly, she turned and laid back, fighting her panic as the mattress kept shifting everywhere her body touched it, unnervingly lifelike. Fully laying down, she stopped and the mattress stopped. Even as her eyes were still wide with terror, she started to calm down. To test her theories, she rolled onto her side, and the mattress under her hip grew softer, and the part under her ribs grew firmer, until the pressure equalised. Rolling back, she felt it shift again, and once more the mattress's firmness changed all up and down her body, stopping once it was the same shape as her body’s pressure, resulting in sublime comfort.
Oh. This is incredible. I get it now!
She reached to the foot of the bed, pulled one of the soft blankets up to her chin, reached down to extinguish the lamp and drifted off into a better sleep than anyone in the history of her family ever had.
submitted by Mista9000 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:02 Immort4lFr0sty How to create pre-written adventures

Hi, everyone, thank you for your time.
The question in short: How do I go about writing published adventures for other people to pick up and run? What info is necessary, what info is unnecessary, and what is just distracting?
Tangential background: In my decade of GMing I have used a published adventure exactly once - it was an awful experience, nothing went to plan, and I felt much more prepared than I actually was. I have never done it since.
However, I am currently writing my own ttrpg system. It's going along great but before I even think about promoting an alpha release, I want to create a "Pick up and play" set - including basic, pre-created character archetypes and an adventure/mission, so you could jump in and try it out whenever.
I usually throw my players into a sandbox and plan every session individually to avoid burnout and to play my own little strategy game, if you will. That type of preparation just does not work when I'm trying to give someone else a prerendered package.
So I'm turning to the hive mind:
I'm not looking to write a whole campaign - I'm aiming for a mission of around two sessions, just in case that's important to someone's advice.
As always, any nudge is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
submitted by Immort4lFr0sty to DMAcademyNew [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:01 Immort4lFr0sty How to create pre-written adventures

Hi, everyone, thank you for your time.
The question in short: How do I go about writing published adventures for other people to pick up and run? What info is necessary, what info is unnecessary, and what is just distracting?
Tangential background: In my decade of GMing I have used a published adventure exactly once - it was an awful experience, nothing went to plan, and I felt much more prepared than I actually was. I have never done it since.
However, I am currently writing my own ttrpg system. It's going along great but before I even think about promoting an alpha release, I want to create a "Pick up and play" set - including basic, pre-created character archetypes and an adventure/mission, so you could jump in and try it out whenever.
I usually throw my players into a sandbox and plan every session individually to avoid burnout and to play my own little strategy game, if you will. That type of preparation just does not work when I'm trying to give someone else a prerendered package.
So I'm turning to the hive mind:
I'm not looking to write a whole campaign - I'm aiming for a mission of around two sessions, just in case that's important to someone's advice.
As always, any nudge is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
submitted by Immort4lFr0sty to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:00 hoggersbridge Engines of Arachnea: The Bug Planet (Chapter 21: Kryptus)

Link for all the chapters available here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
Having said his piece, Rene had expected the woman to accept her role as a prisoner of the Fleet. But no sooner had he taken his knee of her back than she was at him again, rolling over and cursing as she tried to spit him on her claws. Training kicked in and Rene applied the wrestling component of his hand-to-hand combat course. He secured underhooks with his arms, locking them together with his hands and hugging her tight from behind. Zildiz bucked and twisted around in a futile attempt to make room for her blades, even managing to get one of her knees beneath her and push off the ground. Rene allowed her to gain her feet, cunningly using the opening to slip the loop of his encircling arms around her waist. Now in complete control of her center of gravity, Rene swung his leg out and arched his back, heaving her up and over like a sack of turnips in a textbook suplex. A fraction of a second before he smashed the top of her skull into the hard ground, he remembered that he was supposed to keep prisoners alive and preferably not in a vegetative state, and so he cushioned the fall with his own body, falling on his side to increase surface area and dissipate the force.
Zildiz was caught totally by surprise. Unlike Rene she had neglected to tuck in her chin before the moment of impact, a vital detail which was one of the first things a recruit was taught to do on the mats.
“Oof!” she said as all the breath slammed out of her by the throw. Rene felt her body go limp as her dazed senses tried to adjust to the violent change of orientation. He took advantage of this moment of weakness and looped his legs around her body, locking his ankles together to form a full body triangle. His left forearm punched up and took her neck in a rear naked choke, a suffocating vise formed by the insides of his elbow crushing her windpipe and carotid arteries.
“I warned you,” he told her. His choking hand grabbed the inside of his other elbow, right forearm sneaking behind her neck and under his armpit, tightening the garrote even further.
“Had enough?”
“Hrrnnkk…” Zildiz choked. She lifted an arm and slid back the blade until it was the length of a finger, deliberately giving Rene the universal gesture to go and fornicate with himself, before sheathing the claw entirely and aiming her fist at him over her shoulder.
Rene ducked as the blade shot out again, only just avoiding it going through his eye socket and into his brain. As it was, it only nicked his temple, sending warm lines of blood trickling down his visor. Rene hugged her even tighter, constricting the chokehold until he heard her breathing reduced to an agonized wheeze. He throttled her until she stopped moving, her struggles weakening until she went completely lax. Then he held the choke for exactly three seconds longer, counting carefully to avoid giving her lasting brain damage. He let go and was relieved to hear her snoring faintly. Gently rolling her onto her back so she didn’t suffocate in the dirt, Rene cast about for a means to secure his prisoner. He had only a few seconds before she regained consciousness. Quickly he cut some vines from the surrounding trees and knotted them into a crude rope. He flipped her back over again and tied her hands at the wrists and elbows. He had no illusions that it would hold her for long. He tied her wings together at their bases for good measure. She had two sets of them, but the larger pair was missing one of its partners that had been torn off at the socket to reveal a gaping wound. They were wondrously tough membranes considering how thin and flexible they were, as sturdy as ultrapod leather. Rene looked over his work and loosened it a bit so as not to cut off the circulation in her arms. It wasn’t bad for something done on the fly. Then again, he’d been playing this whole thing by ear ever since the ambush that had cut his unit to pieces. Ye gods, but that whole experience felt like a lifetime ago. He had not expected to ever use that component of his hand-to-hand training designed for fighting human opponents. Of course, he’d helped put down a fair share of civil unrest in his time, but even during the worst of the food riots in Mound Ulysses he’d never so much as given a person a light shove. The civilians knew better than to antagonize a battalion of the Fleet’s finest over something as routine and reoccurring as a government rationing in the face of crop failure.
He felt quite bad about having to roughhouse the woman, that is, until she sat up awake and glowered hatefully at him, coughing and retching.
“Don’t,” he pleaded with her in exasperation as she gave him the old stink eye, “I don’t want to fight you again.”
“Why?” she spat defiantly, “Afraid you’d lose?”
“Uh huh,” Rene grunted, amused and even a little impressed by her spunk. She couldn’t have weighed more than sixty kilos soaking wet and was at least half a foot shorter than him even with that exomorph of hers, but this woman was all fight and no quit. She would have to be, living on the surface world and facing these abominations day after day. Rene looked at the dismembered corpses of the black-furred devils and had a sudden jolt of inspiration. As Zildiz tested the strength of her restraints Rene went over to the monster he had chopped to bits and poked the misshapen hump on its back, which had excreted thick ribbons of silk at the moment of death. Feeling more than a little squeamish, Rene pulled on the threads of silk. He had only meant to collect two or three meters of the material, but more and more of the stuff kept unwinding out its glands like a handkerchief from a magician’s pocket. Eventually his hands became enmeshed in the horrid stuff and he had to struggle like the dickens to unstick himself and scrape it off onto a bush where it stuck like a lumpy hammock. Remembering how his enemy had plugged the stab wound in its gut, Rene snapped off a twig and curled it into the white mess like those vendors at the fairs did with candy cloud treats, ending up with a spool of silk. He applied it to the cut on his temple by winding it around his head like a bandage, and was gratified when it stopped the bleeding almost immediately. He heard the rustle of dead leaves and turned around to find Zildiz furtively attempting to sidle away from him.
“Don’t even try it,” he told her, “Or I’ll run you down and knock you senseless. I’m taking you back to civilization. The Fleet needs to know what it’s up against out here, and you’re a veritable trove of information.”
Zildiz squatted back down and stared at him, simmering with resentment. Rene shook his head and continued his work, moving on to the monster that had been the first to die at the woman’s hands. Cutting open its hump, Rene was rewarded with a dense lump of thread still packed inside its spinneret. He took another twig and spooled it in, then wrapped the bundle of silk in a large leaf.
A leg twitched of its own accord. Rene nearly dropped the bundle as he sprang back, sword upraised. The devil’s limbs began doing a tap dance and Rene relaxed a bit, recognizing it as the onset of rigor mortis. The side of its face was split open and hanging loosely by a strap of flesh. Struck by a nagging suspicion, Rene stooped down and peeled off the segments of its head, holding the edge of his sword against its neck to decapitate it in the event that it proved too lively for his liking.
The musculature and armor tore away just like it had with Zildiz’s helm, and for the second time that night he found himself staring into the face of another living human being. Only this time it was a man whose face was utterly disfigured, a perversion of the basic form. In the place of his lower jaw were fingerlike protrusions of gummy tissue and exposed nerve endings. His nose cartilage was likewise missing, leaving only a pair of holes dribbling with snot. The man blinked, and glassy eyes with almost no whites at their edges fixed Rene in their gaze.
“Kill…me…” the man whispered.
Rene began to shake uncontrollably, wiping a trembling hand across his mouth as he was forced to consider the carnage he’d just wrought in a new and horrifying light. These weren’t three dead monsters littering the jungle floor; these were three dead men, and some of them he had killed himself.
“Kill me!” the man begged him. He was young, barely Rene’s age, his smooth skin untroubled by the wrinkles of age and worry. He had clear brown pupils and dark, expressive brows. If it weren’t for all the rest of him, Rene might’ve mistaken him for a fresh-faced recruit at the academy, or a paperboy climbing up the terraced apartments of inner hive to deliver news of the Fleet’s latest victory.
On unsteady legs Rene staggered back to Zildiz’s side and away from the awful truth he had uncovered.
“Something the matter?” Zildiz asked in a gleeful tone, “Feeling a little worse for wear, are we?”
“Shut it,” Rene said distantly. He dragged Zildiz to her feet and began winding the silk around her wrists, layering them over thick and tying them off with a simple knot. He kept the vines on her for added insurance and told her to start walking.
“Where to?” she demanded.
“I’m not feeding you to my children, if that’s what you’re asking,” he muttered, “I don’t have any to begin with, and even if I did, I sure as hell wouldn’t raise them to be cannibals.”
Zildiz didn’t move, so Rene grabbed her and frog marched her away. He had no real destination in mind—he just had to get away from this place and the bodies he’d made. Zildiz rounded on Rene, saying:
“Aren’t you going to deal with him? I only severed his neural connection to paralyze his exomorph. He’s still very much alive.”
“No!” Rene yelled, “That’s not how I—how people do things. Almighty ancestors, is that so hard for you to grasp?”
“Yes,” Zildiz replied quite candidly.
“He’s a living, breathing human being. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but those are pretty rare on Arachnea and worth keeping around.”
“No. He is a Leaper. After extracting your gilt helix, he and his packmates would devoured you right then and there.”
“That’s why you saved me, isn’t it? So they couldn’t obtain this shiny helix thing?”
Zildiz ignored his question, continuing:
“If you leave him here, at best he will die of exposure. At worst, his tribe will come looking for him, and if they find him, they will run us down and kill us anyway.”
Rene bit his lip. She spoke the truth and they both knew it. But after all this world had already taken from him, there remained one thing which he refused to part with. And Rene knew that if he gave in now and took the expedient option—the sensible option—he would be surrendering it forever.
“Sorry,” he said finally, “That’s against the rules.”
He dragged Zildiz over to the Leaper and spoke to him, saying:
“I won’t kill you. I’m not about to eat you either, so you can stop begging for a quick death. As long as you tell me what I want to know, we’ll leave you here and go our separate ways. I might even patch your wounds if you’re cooperative. Does that strike you as a fair bargain?”
The Leaper met this pronouncement with a look of utter perplexity that mirrored the one on Zildiz’s face.
“I’ll take that silence as a yes,” Rene said impatiently, “You’ll begin by telling me your name.”
“Kryptusshh,” the Leaper said slowly, as if not daring to hope.
“Very good. Are there any more of your people out there, Kryptus?”
“Why sshhould I trusht you? I would only be dooming more of my kindred, and there issh no certainty you would not kill me afterwardssh.”
“It’s a chance you have to take,” Rene shrugged, “Either that, or I’ll let this woman do as she pleases with you. And just between you and me,” he said in a loud stage whisper, “She doesn’t seem all that fond of your sort.”
Zildiz and Kryptus locked eyes with each other. Rene could almost feel the waves of hatred coming off her as she bristled, every tendon in her body tensing expectantly. Kryptus must have seen something he didn’t like, for he looked away and said:
“I am a warrior of the Weeping Vipersh. We are roughly eleven hundred sshtrong. One tenth of that number are bravesshh like me.”
“He lies,” Zildiz said, baring her teeth in a snarl, “That is less than half their true strength. He does not count the adolescents and the old loom-mothers, who are the deadliest of their kind.”
“Three hundred, then, if they are consshidered,” Kryptman quickly admitted, “Your pardon, merciful one.”
“I’ll excuse your forgetfulness just this once,” Rene warned, “But your memory better not fail you again.”
He questioned the Leaper closely. Kryptus claimed that only he and his pack had seen the safety pod’s crash landing, and that they had told no one else as they wished to claim the great prize all for themselves. The Weeping Vipers were the largest tribe in the rainforest and were always looking for an advantage over their numerous and belligerent neighbors. Apparently Kryptus had hoped to gain a modicum of the Divine Engine’s power by extracting something called a ‘gilt helix’ from Rene’s blood.
“Jussht one sample would have shatishfied uss,” Kryptus swore, “Then we would have taken you back to the Loom alive.”
“I’m sure nothing would’ve pleased you better,” Rene said wryly, all too cognizant of Zildiz’s earlier assumption that he planned to feed her to the Fleet’s youth.
Rene learned from Kryptus that the Divine Engine had ignited a blazing wildfire that was swiftly spreading north and west. The tribes would likely have noticed it by now, and would all be sending braves in a joint effort to douse the flames. For some reason all the Leapers felt collectively responsible for the wellbeing of the region, and could not allow it to come to harm for fear of dire repercussions.
“Last question. Is anyone going to come looking for you?”
“Not till the morning.”
“Good!” said Zildiz, breaking out of Rene’s grip and aiming a vicious kick at the side of the Leaper’s head. Rene barely caught her and yanked her back, shouting:
“Blood and thunder, woman! Is there nothing you won’t do to piss me off?”
“Are you insane? You cannot possibly mean to leave him alive!” the Gallivant hissed.
“That’s exactly what I’m going to do. Now come here!”
Rene took her by the elbow and pulled her forward, leaving Kryptus where he lay.
“You promished you would tend to my woundssh!” the Leaper cried after them.
“Don’t push your luck!” Rene said over his shoulder, “Anyone who follows us will meet the same end as your friends.”
He and his prisoner went tramping off into the night, Zildiz raging at him all the while.
“Fool! We will both come to regret that decision!”
“You’re probably right,” Rene had to agree.
“Then why did you do it?”
“For the same reason I’m letting you strut around and screech into my ear. What can I say? I’m a conversationalist.”
Link for all the chapters available here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
submitted by hoggersbridge to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:34 tj-online sometimes i’m a weekend warrior, sometimes i can’t have half a shot. HELP?

i’m turning 21 on the 27th, and the day after i’m going home for a short visit with my best friends. the issue is, i don’t know if i can enjoy it the way i want because my physical tolerance is so finicky.
sometimes i can drink like normal and just have a few hours hung over the next day, if any at all. sometimes i drink a single shot or seltzer and two hours later my stomach is cramping and im sweating till i make myself throw it all up. i don’t get any hives or itching like ive seen for normal alcohol intolerance/ allergy. i have no clue what this is or why it happens, i always make sure i have enough to eat before but it still happens seemingly randomly, i know i need to go to a doctor to really get to the bottom of it but i don’t have time before i travel.
i barely drink (partially because of this issue, mostly because im just a social drinker), but i really wanna be able to partake with my friends, especially because one also just turned 21 this month. i know it sounds dumb but id like for it to even be an option. if anyone else has dealt with this, id be interested to hear about it!
submitted by tj-online to alcohol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:15 Dimetro_Sparks I've decided to put my take on the Internet popular "Mothra: Queen of the Monsters"

I've decided to put my take on the Internet popular
Hope you all enjoy the show! (Fair warning, it's very long)
We start off as a flashback during early Ancient Egypt times, where Mothra was flying over the deserts, peacefully scattering her godly lights over man and animal alike, bowing down to her in reverence and becoming docile respectively, before she senses a disturbance somewhere. She rushes over to it, and sees Abaddon (using my idea for him, a huge-ass Dragonfly with a functional mouth, a stinger tail, and the forelimbs of a Praying Mantis) using his swarm to hunt for food.
Mothra dispels the swarm and attacks Abaddon with her God Rays, with Abaddon territorially attacking the Queen, and Mothra, in a show of stubbornness, engaging his challenge, and both insectoid Titans engaged in a brutal aerial battle as the Ancient Egyptians watched. It looked as it was going well for the more nimble Mothra, until Abaddon trapped Mothra in his raptorial forelimbs, brutally slamming and dragging her across the sands, before he lifted her and raised his stinger. It cuts to the Ancient Egyptians, who gasp and look on in horror as the sound of a sharp object and crunching sounds fill the air. Abaddon drops Mothra's lifeless corpse as he flies away, having satiated his hunger, while the screen zooms in on Mothra's eye. Whatever epic opening your mind makes happens, before the title lights up.
We follow Ilene Andrews (Rebecca Hall) and her surrogate daughter Jia (Kaylee Hottle) again, this time joined with the Chen Twins, Dr. Ilene and Dr. Ling (both played by Zhang Ziyi) as Jia dreams about Mothra…'s hatching, that is. That's right, sometime after the battle in Rio de Janeiro, Mothra has flown to the Borneo Jungle and laid an egg there, and the main cast arrive to witness it in person, and naturally, when the larva hatches, it was a magnificent sight for all involved. When the night falls and Jia goes to sleep in the Borneo Outpost, she once again shares a dream with Mothra, joined by the Chen Twins, due to their history with the Queen… until the dream started going out of control, wildly flashing and prophesying, among other things, a high-pitched whining sound, unblinking red eyes, the earth collapsing, and darkness enveloping the skies.
Everyone in the dream, from where they are, wake up in a cold sweat, until they get an urgent call that the Mothra Larva was displaying an unnatural and out of character level of agitation, proven correct when they see the slightly nervous Mothra pulsating yellow and orange, before breaking free of her containment and vanishing into the forest. It was pretty easily seen that something big was about to go down if Mothra of all Titans was getting upset. And soon enough, it looked like it came true when a devastating earthquake shook a large part of Asia, splitting the ground asunder and causing ruin, all while energy signatures shows Mothra venturing into Hollow Earth. At this point, the humans knew something was up. So it was decided, one team, with Dr. Ilene Chen, would stay up on the Surface World and monitor any more earthquakes or disturbances, and another, with Dr. Ling, and newcomers to the series Lance Gibson (Donny Lucas) and Scarlet Wilde (Emilia Clarke) would venture into Hollow Earth to keep track of Mothra.
As Team Hollow Earth follows Mothra, understanding that she is sensing something they don't, they keep a close eye on her. Mothra continues making a beeline, hauling ass towards wherever, until she enters a foggy quarry and sees a flashing light that comes closer to her, causing Mothra to tense up, until the fog dispels and she sees… Battra. The flashing light was his horn, and Mothra, seeing this larva that shares the same similarities to her, softens up. Team Hollow Earth were stunned at seeing another Moth Titan, especially with scans showing they share the same genetic material. Mothra appears to be slightly taller than Battra, with Lance suggesting the possibility of them being siblings, and Mothra having hatched first, something that everybody agrees on. Battra has sensed Mothra's presence and vice-versa, with the Queen of the Monsters being visibly overjoyed to be an older sister. Until Battra's horn glows red, and he glows in agitation, before beckoning Mothra to follow him, and the humans trail after them.
Mothra and Battra's venture in the rest of Hollow Earth lead to the Moth Siblings getting ambushed by a large and aggressive Praying Mantis Sub-Titan called a Scymantis. Battra, who has never been in a serious battle before, was scared and hid behind Mothra, who fortunately, did know how to fight. Mothra does battle with the Scymantis, and Mothra, filled with a huge protective big sister instinct, had actually led to her killing the Scymantis, a move that stuns everyone watching, even Mothra herself, though she quickly collects herself and continues on to follow Battra's signal. Both Moth Siblings take a breather in a large beautiful grassy plain, where they see large glowing aphid-like creatures called Flight Lights, one of whom Mothra grabs and directs it's abdomen to her mouth, before eating in a delicious (to her) substance like an ant eating honeydew from an aphid. Battra tries to do the same as his sister, but he doesn't know how to, which visibly saddens him. Mothra, seeing the trouble her younger brother is facing, teaches him how to properly eat from a Flight Light, and does so properly, causing him to light up in happiness.
Meanwhile, with Team Surface World, Monarch is helping the areas of Asia that has been led to ruin by the earthquake, when they see the skies slightly darkening, something they identify to be a sign that Abaddon is arriving. Sure enough, he does indeed show up, his swarm following him. Abaddon was highly aggressive, something that confuses the Monarch team up above, until Abaddon reaches in and pulls out a huge insectoid Titan. The humans back away as Abaddon engages in a battle with the creature, before killing it, and feasting on it. Abaddon leaves, but the humans are left to ponder at what came out. Back in Hollow Earth, the Moth Siblings a large chasm in the ground, going several kilometers down, called the Gaping Maw. The Moth Siblings leap down the chasm, falling underneath and dispelling a veil of natural steam, with the humans following them, until they reach the bottom.
Mothra bravely treads ahead, while Battra cautiously trails behind her, his horn staying red. Until the humans manage to direct the two of them to a veil of what looked like webbing, with Scarlet confirming it not belonging to the Moth Titans. Both Moths rip it open, and see a huge hive, all filled to the brim with Meganulons, almost all of whom stop and stare at them. Battra was nervous, but Mothra crawled forward. Up until she sees a Meganulon about to fall to its death, at which point she rushes forward with no hesitation and saves it. As the Meganulon stared at her in what looked like awe and wonder, a loud screeching is heard, and all the Meganulons back away as both Moth Siblings. Battra looked terrified, while Mothra was defiant, as the Queen of the Meganulons, Megaguirus, emerged and hovered down to greet the newcomers.
Megaguirus sniffed Mothra out with her antennae, and understood that she came from the Surface World, which is good news for her, seeing as she wants to expand her hive. Until she sensed something else on the Surface. One of her own was dead, murdered. The same one that Abaddon killed. Furious at one of her brood's death, Megaguirus engaged the Moth Siblings in battle (yes, she treats her subjects with remarkably more respect and kindness that Skar King). Mothra valiantly fought her, even as a larva, while protecting the terrified Battra. While it looked like Mothra was doing well, Megaguirus, due to being mature, being incredibly speedy, having razor-sharp wings, and able to fly, managed to overpower her, grappling her in a deadly lock with her pincers and stinger tail, and even absorbing Mothra's energy with her stinger. Battra was scared, but upon seeing Mothra struggling, he decided to charge in and his horn lights up with yellow electrical (what looks like it, anyway) energy, and using it to force Megaguirus off of Mothra, who tag teams the Meganulon Queen and slams her to the ground.
They would have continued, if not for Megaguirus' wings glowing and letting out a roar. Suddenly, the ground erupted, and out came Megalon, whom Megaguirus treated almost like a brother, with Megalon in turn, being unfailingly loyal to her. And so, used his abilities over the earth to severely injure Mothra and Battra, forcing them to retreat. As the humans escape the Gaping Maw and bring the two Moth Titans to a secluded but humongous cavern to rest, the humans found ancient tunnels with writings of an ancient tribe, explaining that their God, Megalon, created the Vile Vortexes to Hollow Earth, but after getting touched by a "Golden Ray of Light", he had become destructive after meeting Megaguirus, a "kindred spirit", and have a solution should they ever attack the world. Unbeknownst to them, the Moth Siblings found that solution: a huge influx of Hollow Earth radiation, not only healing their wounds, but supercharging them, and accelerating their growth. When the humans finally notice the blinding lights behind them, they saw the double cocoons, and the literal blinding beauty of both Moth Siblings gracefully emerge in their Imago Forms.
Battra was amazed at his new form, while Mothra makes a dash and flies out, zooming out. Meanwhile, Battra flies back into the Gaping Maw to keep an eye on the Meganulons, he sees that Megaguirus is on the move, with Megalon and a crap-ton of Meganulon Warrior drones to assist her in her invasion of the Surface World. Battra flies back to the humans and warns this to Jia, who relays it to the humans, until Lance asks where the hell Mothra went to, with Scarlet bringing up scans revealing she went to the Surface. Back up in the Surface World, the team there reads Mothra's signatures erupting as she flies out, but she is making a straight beeline for a specific Titan. To Abaddon. Mothra is directly provoking him to get him to follow her to combat this threat, which worries Dr. Ling, seeing as she was aware of what Abaddon was capable of. Sure enough, the two Insect Titans collide in Bangladesh, where a furious Abaddon engages the challenging Mothra in combat once again. It seems as if history is going to repeat, until Battra steps in between the downed Mothra and Abaddon, and explains the situation. Abaddon was motionless for a few moments, before he backs off and follows Mothra and Battra to Hollow Earth.
With Team Hollow Earth, they were now tasked with holding the line between Megaguirus' forces, and the Vile Vortexes to the Surface World until Mothra comes back, knowing that they're in big trouble if they manage to get there. While this happens, Battra and Abaddon get into some skirmishes about one-upping the other due to Battra's newfound confidence with his powers and Abaddon's dislike of anything moth, but manage to hold it in enough to get to their destination. Soon enough, the three insectoid Titans arrive at the battlefield, where they charge in as Megaguirus and her forces do to. Mothra engages in a dogfight with Megaguirus, Battra attacks Megalon on the ground, and Abaddon makes some snacks out of the Meganulons, as the humans attempt to both escape and join in on the fight. During the brawl, Megalon manages to make the ground unstable enough for him to fall into a Vile Vortex, causing the other Titans (and humans) to follow suit.
In the Surface World, all the combatants find themselves in Barcelona, Spain. Megaguirus commands her hive with a high-pitched whining to arrive, with Megaguirus' absorption of Mothra's ability darkening the sky in a huge electrical superstorm, one Meganulon almost grabbing the humans, until Abaddon swoops in to save them, and the Moth Siblings follow suit. Their battles takes them to the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone. During the clash of insects, Battra realized brute force wasn't going to work on Megalon, so he continued beating down the huge beetle, until he grabbed the fatigued Megalon, and aerial suplexed him, making the ground give way and having him plummet to the depths of the earth. Now without her biggest ally, Megaguirus attacks more furiously, but fails when both Moth Siblings tag-team her with slashes and stabs, as Battra amplifies Mothra's own abilities, when Mothra grabs her and stares her down. Megaguirus roars defiantly, which is when Mothra flies up to the superstorm and throws Megaguirus in there, electrocuting her, before Mothra slams Megaguirus down on one of the volcanoes, immolating her to death. Both Moth Siblings and Abaddon roar triumphantly as Mothra uses her God Rays to dispel the superstorm. Mothra looks at Abaddon, who seems to give her and Battra a look of respect, before he flies off.
Mothra is seen patrolling over the skies of the Amazon Rainforest, until she is greeted by Battra, as both the Moth Siblings exchange a cute little bioluminescent show of affection towards each other. Both teams of humans watch as Mothra and Battra fly off, casting a bigger light than the sun, and fade to white as the ending scene before credits roll.
submitted by Dimetro_Sparks to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:42 Glitterbug1017 I hate having a child. I feel guilty every day.

I’m a solo mom to a little girl who is almost 2 years old. Her dad is an addict so I don’t let him around. Let me start by saying I absolutely love my daughter and I make sure she lives an amazing life. We travel all over the east coast, we do everything together, she is my best friend. But I’m miserable. Is it wrong to say I absolutely hate being a mom? I’m exhausted. She stays up til 3-4 am every single night no matter how tired I think she is, she rarely naps, she’s constantly into everything & destroying the house. I work long busy shifts on my feet and sometimes I can barely walk by the time I leave work.. then I have to come home and break my back over this child until 4 in the morning. I totally understand she’s just being a toddler and I’m not mad at her. It just sucks so bad never having even a few minutes to gather my thoughts. I get so annoyed by her & feel so much rage towards her and I know I shouldn’t. The only person who helps me is my dad. He doesn’t listen to anything I say and gives her sugar or caffeine, let’s the dogs lick her which causes her to break out in hives or eczema which I have to deal with & explain to the doctor, he takes her to play in the mud in brand new clothes and shoes so then I have to buy more when he could just change her into play clothes, he will let her take a nap at 8pm knowing she’s going to be up all night. I just cry every single day because I’m so sick of this life with a toddler. And sick of the one person I have to babysit who does not respect my wishes. When does it get easier? I feel so guilty because I do not want to wish the time away, I do not want to blink and open my eyes one day and she’s all grown up. But this toddler phase is killing me and we’re just getting started. How did yall get your kids to sleep? How do you stay sane when you’re a single parent who gets absolutely no free time? Usually I have to wait until she’s asleep after 3am-4am to shower or else she screams at me the whole time I’m washing off because she wants me to put her in the shower with me or hold her. I can’t even sit and watch a 30 minute tv show because my toddler is screaming or throwing a fit to watch her shows. And by the time she goes to sleep it’s already 4am so I can’t do anything else but go to bed. I’m losing so much weight not having a moment to even cook myself a meal, I’m having suicidal thoughts although I would never leave her on this earth without me. I feel like I’m completely losing myself and my mind. I gave birth completely alone as her dad was in jail at the time, I worked on my feet until the day I gave birth and I just feel so defeated and alone. My pelvic floor is very weak ever since giving birth (I assume since I’ve never gotten a chance to lay down and rest or heal) so sometimes after work it feels like I’m giving birth all over again there’s so much pressure on my pelvis. The pain is unreal. I’d never give my child up, sometimes I just wish I could go back and do things differently. I feel like I’m just not cut out for this mom life and it makes me so sad to feel this way.
submitted by Glitterbug1017 to Postpartum_Depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:38 keg1196 Abuse or Neglect for a Food Allergy?

To give some background, I recently took my 9 yr old stepdaughter to an allergist. She had been having digestion issues, like randomly she will throw up or she’s going to the bathroom. And it started to occur pretty frequently, to the point where she’s puking at least once a week and sick to her stomach nearly every day. The allergist did the skin test, & we discovered she was allergic to corn. Which corn is in EVERYTHING, so now all her stomach reactions make sense. I will note her allergy isn’t severe, she doesn’t break out into hives and she doesn’t have any trouble breathing like anaphylactic shock. Just throwing up, stomach pain, constipation, and/or diarrhea.
Now, since we found out her allergy, we shared the news with her mother, and she is not at all taking this seriously. She told my husband “she never has had any reactions with me”, which is false because she throws up at her house far more often than she does at ours. She has not helped my stepdaughter to cut anything out of her diet, and she told her “it’ll be okay, it’s just an intolerance, like lactose”. And this woman is an ER nurse! So my thing is, if her mother isn’t helping cut corn and its derivatives that upset her stomach out of her diet, is that considered neglect and/or child abuse?
We have helped her cut it out of her diet in our home since her diagnosis. I went shopping and did research on food brands that were safe so I could buy her snacks and foods, and I have been planning our dinners to be safe for her to eat on the days we have her (we have 50/50 custody).
submitted by keg1196 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:50 Ultima_8 Bloodborne - Prologue 5 - TW: Blood, Gore

“Beasts all over the shop…You’ll be one of them, sooner or later…”
The strange Hunter turned around and exhaled. His breath was visible against the night’s air.
He’s bloodlusted. Aegis, I hope you have a plan.
Shimmer saw Elpis step back slightly, with a shocked expression on her face. She shakily raised a claw and pointed at something on the ground.
No. It… it can’t be.
That’s… horrible.
A shattered red jeweled necklace lay strewn across the ground, beside the mangled corpse of the Silkwing.
The Hivewing in front of the three swung his axe to the side. As it was a trick weapon, he was able to change its form on command. The axe had two forms: a shortened form that acted sort of like a sword, and an extended form specialized in crowd control and reach.
He extended his axe and Shimmer heard a low snarl from his throat.
“Do we kill him?” Elpis asked, a hint of fear in her voice.
“We don't have a choice. Steel yourself.” Aegis muttered and brandished his silksabers. The blades gleamed in the soft light of the three moons.
The hunter was taller than all of them, one head taller than Aegis and two taller than Shimmer and Elpis. Black tattered robes clung to him, marking him a Shadowhunter. Blood from tonight’s hunt stained the black fabric, showcasing his expertise and experience in the hunt. He wore a rounded dark-gray hat, and bloodied bandages covered his eyes. Shimmer wondered if he could even see.
Corpses of both beasts and dragons were scattered about the square-shaped courtyard, an equal amount of gravestones breaking up the open space. His teeth were uneven as if he had been eating and chewing rough bones. Blood dripped from his mouth down his neck, and his Hivewing stingers flexed in anticipation.
“Be careful,” Aegis started, “He’s going to use magic. Elpis, don’t use any of yours.” He told the hybrid dragon beside him, and she nodded.
The hunter walked slowly around them, searching for a weakness in their structure, and then spat out a lump of coagulated blood.
“That stench of squalid blood. No beast will be spared.” He half-muttered and half-growled. He tipped his hat respectfully, before lunging at Elpis. She dove to the side, and tried to retaliate with her scythe, but just slightly missed.
This hunter was agile, surprisingly so considering how old he looked. Shimmer gripped the handle of her silkhammer, knowing it wasn’t the time to strike. She stepped backward, seeking cover behind a grave, while Aegis leaped forward with the intent to pierce the frenzied hunter’s heart. Once again, the hunter rolled to the side and sent his axe hurtling towards the smaller Silkwing. Shimmer felt fear grip her heart, but Aegis avoided the blade. He fell back and motioned for Elpis to stay back.
“A sporting hunt. But alas, I’ve forgotten to ask your name.” Aegis growled, and the hunter laughed a sick, disturbing laugh.
“The name’s Gascoigne.” He shot back, and jumped into the air, slamming his axe down where Aegis was a split second ago. Shimmer’s ears rung from the sound of the impact. Her antennae subconsciously curled in defensively.
“Gascoigne. That’s a nice name. I’ll tell Ludwig you were a proud hunter till the end.” Aegis replied and sent his twin blades slicing into the hunter’s thigh. He recoiled, and a gleeful laugh escaped his bloodied mouth.
“Hehe… the sweet stench of blood. Just… just marvelous!” He exclaimed and raised his off-talon towards Aegis.
“Aegis! Get down!” Shimmer called, and a burst of flame erupted from the hunter’s claws across the courtyard. The limited magic the Hivewing had that he was willing to use in this hunt.
Aegis fell back, hissing in pain as a few stray flames singed his tail. The hunter chuckled under his breath, and Elpis took advantage of the opening he had presented her. She thrust the blade of her scythe toward him, opting for its sword form as of now, and the hunter knocked the blow aside. He countered with a kick to the Ice-Hivewing’s ribs, and she was sent to the ground. She coughed up a spurt of blue Icewing blood, and the hunter lifted his axe for a finishing blow.
Shimmer roared out and swung her hammer toward the hunter. The silk connected it to her wrists as it flew through the air, and it hit the hunter square in his side just as his axe was falling. He was sent into the opposite side of the courtyard, coughing and sputtering, but with a faint smirk on his face. Shimmer was in disbelief; how was he not dead?
“Ooh, what’s that smell… the sweet blood, ooh, it sings to me! It's enough to make a dragon sick.” Gascoigne laughed hollowly. He raised his talon, and Shimmer quickly rolled to the side as a ball of flame soared past her horns.
He’s going to turn at this rate.
Shimmer hid under a gravestone as a tree behind her erupted in flames, and Aegis jumped into the air. He beat his four wings ferociously before diving into the hunter. He caught both of Aegis’ horns, and he twisted his head. Aegis fell to the ground, and Gascoigne slashed his axe down across the Silkwing’s leg. Aegis cried out, and Shimmer’s heart ached. She pushed herself up, ignoring the raging fire around her, and she threw her hammer up in the air and aimed it towards the hunter. He narrowly evaded the heavy impact of the stone before Shimmer heard a metal clang behind her.
Elpis, scythe in one talon, approached Gascoigne. She had the little music box in her other.
Elpis played the music box and a song of eerie notes filled the courtyard.
The hunter stumbled back, clawing at his face, and Elpis shot Shimmer a look, her face telling her to make sure Aegis was okay.
Elpis advanced on the struggling hunter, and Shimmer leaped over to her Silkwing partner, who was injured on the ground. She felt tears welling in her eyes, but she knew this wasn’t the time to cry.
“Aegis. Look at me. Look at me.” She repeated, and he lifted his head weakly. His leg had a massive gash in it, but he could probably still walk, just with a limp.
“Ah, Shimmer. I’m alright. I’ll be back in the fight. Go, help Elpis. I’ll join back soon enough.” He groaned, and the pair heard a roar behind them.
Elpis was locked in a duel with Gascoigne, and the hunter’s stray fireballs met with blasts of frostbreath. For the first time in the battle, the hunter had a slight look of fear on his face. Elpis was relentless, her burial blade swiftly countering and stopping any attempt Gascoigne made at advancing. Aegis crawled back and attempted to stand, using a grave for support.
“Shimmer! I can’t hold him for long!” Elpis called, and Shimmer nodded. She took the hammer in her claws and swung it around her side, and in a clockwise circle in the air. It was the perfect counterweight to her body weight. She hoisted it up further into the air and then brought it crashing down onto the hunter.
It struck Gascoigne directly on the spine, and he fell to the ground.
He screamed in pain.
And then, a bright light flashed from his body.
His screams deepened in tone, morphing to be more animalistic. His posture fell forward, and his muscles rippled through his body. He grew in size, and more of his bloodied garb ripped from the size change.
Fur sprouted from seemingly random places on the Hivewing’s body, and his claws extended. His face shifted, his features becoming more and more distorted. His black hat fell to the ground.
The bandages around his eyes stayed, as well as the black-tattered garb that marked him as once a Hunter.
He was no longer a Hunter. Moons above, he wasn’t even a dragon anymore.
He was now a beast.
Shimmer’s heart pounded in her chest. She stared at the transformation for a split second, before reeling in her hammer. She took it in her right talon and dove behind a gravestone, wary of the spreading flames.
Elpis, on the other claw, held her blade in front of her. Shimmer heard a rasping cough escape the Ice-HiveWing’s throat, but she didn’t break her stance.
The beast that was once Gascoigne whipped around toward Elpis, and launched himself at her, with a ferocity Shimmer had never seen even in beasts.
Elpis sidestepped quickly. The beast slammed into the wall with a loud roar, and Shimmer spied Aegis in her peripheral vision struggling to stand. He winced as he stood on his injured leg, but didn’t cry out. He brandished his two blades as the beast charged at him.
“Aegis!” Shimmer cried.
He’s going to get hit. That beast will kill him.
Aegis ignored her, and as soon as the beast was within a wingspan from him he twisted his body in such a way that he narrowly avoided the savage charge. He elegantly sliced his twin blades across the beast’s hide, and the creature howled before rapidly turning to face him.
Shimmer flew into the air. “Get away from him!” She yelled before bringing the weight of her hammer down on the beast. It flattened part of his ribcage, but it seemed impervious to the pain. It did knock him to the ground, though, giving Aegis a moment to cut through what was once two of the hunter’s wings.
The beast quickly got back on its claws before sending a flurry of swipes towards Shimmer. She dodged to the side and readied her hammer for another strike.
That was before the beast kicked her square in her chest, its sharp, ravenous claws digging in and tearing her scales. Shimmer fell back, a slight gasp escaping her mouth, and she stumbled back into the wall. She lost her footing and fell to the ground, and gazed up at the beast locked on her.
“Aegis! Help!” She yelled, and not even a second later her Silkwing partner crashed into the beast. They fell to the ground, grappling with each other before Shimmer heard a familiar song fill the courtyard.
Elpis was cranking the music box, its ominous lullaby breaking up the noise of the fight. The beast stopped attacking Aegis and instead clawed at its face. It growled and screamed in pain, drawing blood from its very own fur and scales.
“Now! Kill it!” She yelled through the song, and Aegis nodded before driving his two blades through the beast’s skull.
They stuck, and the beast roared before throwing him off. It crawled and thrashed about on the ground, clearly not dead, and the two new blades stuck to his head pointed out like new horns.
Now’s my chance.
Shimmer stumbled to her claws and wound her hammer up into the air. With every last bit of her strength, she brought it down on the flailing beast.
It crushed what was left of the hunter.
Silence filled the courtyard, only broken by a few stray notes from the music box, the pained breathing of the three hunters in the area, and the howls and screams from other places in the Hive.
Shimmer breathed a sigh of relief, before collapsing.
I did it. We did it.
Gascoigne was free.

“I brought you water.”
Shimmer opened her eyes and found herself in her familiar hospital room.
The morning sun’s rays lit the room, and Shimmer felt very little pain from her chest.
It had been three days since that night.
Shimmer fixed her gaze on the purple-orange Silkwing sitting beside her and smiled.
“Thanks. I’m feeling much better, we should get going to Bloodworm soon. It’s today, remember?” Shimmer asked, and he nodded. Of course, he remembered.
The summons for every hunter to come to Bloodworm Hive. Ludwig, The Holy Blade had requested them all. He no doubt planned an attack. A shame really, the hive was only newly rebuilt. And now it was going to be the site of a horrid, savage warzone.
“I remember. Are you sure you’re feeling okay? Ludwig would understand if you couldn’t come,” Aegis asked, and she spied a hint of worry on his face.
“I’m fine. I need to make sure you don’t do anything stupid. I’ll come.” She sighed and took a sip from the canteen that Aegis had brought. It tasted wonderful, he had put something in to flavor it.
“Honeydew?” She guessed, and Aegis smiled.
“Yep. It’s your favorite, right?” He asked, and she nodded. She opened her arms, and he hugged her tight.
“I love you,” Shimmer whispered in his ear.
“I love you too. I pray to Clearsight that we’ll both be safe today. I can’t bear to lose you.” Aegis replied. He pulled away and gazed out the window.
Shimmer quickly drank the rest of the honeydew-flavored water before getting out of bed. She joined him at the window and was slightly surprised by what she saw.
Almost all of the hunters of Jewel Hive were preparing, some of them already flying in the direction of Bloodworm. They were all sharpening their trick weapons, mixing poisons, or saying goodbye to loved ones.
“We should get going. It’ll be midmorning when we get there, I don’t want to be late.” Shimmer suggested, and Aegis put a wing around her.
“Now? I need to get my stuff, and you do too. Join me at the workshop.” He asked, and she slid her head in the curve of his neck as he led her out of her sick room.

Shimmer beat her wings strong and fast against the morning savanna winds.
She saw what looked to be several hundred, maybe even a thousand dragons gathered around a hill. All of them had a colored garb fluttering proudly from their neck. Around ninety percent of the garbs were white, and the rest were black.
They were all different tribes and a fair amount of hybrids were scattered about as well. The gathered hunters were mostly Pantalan, but a good few were from Pyrrhia as well.
Shimmer and Aegis landed a short distance away from the hill, and all around them the sounds of dragons conversing and laughing with each other.
The sun was high in the sky, but it wasn’t quite noon yet.
“You see anyone you recognize?” Aegis asked, and Shimmer shook her head.
“There’s too many dragons here. It’s too much.” She whimpered, and Aegis pulled her close. He knew she didn’t do well in crowds. That was partly why she became a Shadowhunter. To work alone or with no more than a few other dragons.
“You’re safe with me.” He comforted her, and she leaned against him.
She had always hated being with a lot of other dragons. Aegis said it sounded like she had anxiety, which made sense. It didn’t do much to alleviate that fear, though.
None of them are thinking about you. They’re all busy with their own stuff.
Just take deep breaths.
“Do you want to move away? There’s fewer dragons over there,” He asked and pointed a claw across from them.
“…No, no I’m fine.” She whispered, and Aegis sighed.
“Alright. If you want to move, don’t be afraid to ask. I don’t mind it.”
Shimmer shook her head quickly, before the pair heard a loud voice from the top of the hill. They both looked up and saw the legendary hunter himself: Ludwig.
The menacing Nightwing stood proudly, his holy silver sword slung across his shoulder. His partner Memoria stood beside him, her tail twined around his. She had a bored look on her face as she stared at the crowd. The voices of the dragons fell silent, and Shimmer felt like she could breathe again.
The Nightwing’s loud voice echoed through the plain. “Dear Hunters.” He paused, his heroic voice inspiring pride and triumph in Shimmer, even though he had barely started.
“I’m sure all of you know why we’re here. Behind me, Bloodworm Hive stands proud against the horizon. Yet I am more than certain you all know what lies inside.” He paused and pointed his sword toward the dark shape of the Hive.
“Beasts. A few thousand. I think it’s time we put them out of their misery. That is why we are here. A battle of the ages, one that will go down in history. We, the brave heroes, fighting against evil. We will be reveled, we will be honored. We will protect the dragons we hold dear to our hearts, and save those we can yet save.” His speech roused the crowd, and Shimmer felt herself stand a little taller.
“The plan is simple. The Hunters of the Sun will lead the charge from the front. I have already talked to the leaders of the charge. The Shadowhunters will pick the stray beasts off from behind. We will attack at dusk when half the sun is hidden from the eye.” He gestured with his sword at the rising sun, and he extended his wings. His massive wingspan seemed to fill the sky, and Shimmer's heart swelled with pride.
He held his sword up to the heavens, and it transformed. It grew larger, into the shape of a claymore, and it turned a shade of sacred jade. It glowed with an otherworldly light, and the crowd was enamored by the display.
“Now, hunters. Spend the rest of today preparing. The hunt is on tonight. Ludwig, The Holy Blade will be with all of you in spirit.” He bellowed, and the crowd erupted in applause and cheers.
Shimmer saw a proud, triumphant look in Aegis’ eyes, and she felt the same. Ludwig’s blade captivated her. The blade of legend, inspiring all who lay eyes on it.
Ludwig would be with them tonight. The best, the greatest, the strongest hunter ever.
Tonight, the hunters would not know defeat.
Nor would they ever, with Ludwig alive and at their side.
May the good blood guide your way,
submitted by Ultima_8 to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:29 Money_Hovercraft_968 Hot take on Katie and Ariana clearly not being over the dudes they claim to hate/don’t care about

So I’m rewatching some of season 11 and seeing how Katie and Ariana are acting is driving my opinion about them deeper.
Their hive mind fan base see these women as strong queens when it’s crazy obvious these chicks need to heal. I understand Ariana being mad because her drama was fresh considering the filming timeline.
Katie on the other hand is absolutely throwing rocks and hiding her hands with Swartz. I think Katie hooking up with Swartz’s best friend, stealing the potential new chick AND getting mad that Lala met with Jo is obvious evidence she still has some kind of emotional connection to Swartz that she won’t admit because of her ego.
No one in their right/healed mind would go after people so close to their ex in the way Katie did unless they’re legit nuts or doing it to stay relevant to their ex.
She’s so used to playing the “I don’t care, I’m a bad a$s” chick when she’s not that girl. She’s been trying to control Swartz since they dated and he’s so passive he allowed it. No ex should have any say on who you date or what you do post relationship.
Ariana saying she doesn’t want anything to do with Sandoval but being super quick to want hear anything that happened to him when her friends are dishing in his absence. Girl, you’re hurt and angry but it’s clear you still care for him and that truth pisses you off more. The petty things she accused him of, she does. He makes a smart remark and she complains but when she does it and he complains, she justifies it by saying “she’s allowed to”.
TLDR: Katie is openly controlling Tom and playing a tough girl role while Ariana is infallible because she got cheated on.
submitted by Money_Hovercraft_968 to bravolevity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:25 strategicmaniac Hive Guard behavior should be changed so that they purposefully block Helldivers from destroying bug holes

Hive Guard behavior should be changed so that they purposefully block Helldivers from destroying bug holes
As is, the Hive Guard is by far the least threatening bug type on the Terminid front. They just exist to stand in place and soak up bullets. Thus, Hive Guards are not very interesting to fight. I suggest that they should try to prevent fellow Helldivers from throwing grenades into bug holes. Not only does this make their encounters a lot more interactive, but encourages players to use more medium armor pen weapons to avoid wasting grenades or support weapon ammunition when squashing bug nests.
submitted by strategicmaniac to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:00 ZeroCentsMade He Walks in Eternity – 4th Doctor Character Retropsective

This post is part of a series of reviews. To see them all, click here.

Character Information


Seven seasons.
Seven season Tom Baker stuck around to play the Doctor. Seven seasons of one man having the lions' share of dialogue, screen time, and press coverage on Doctor Who. Seven seasons of the same face (well, more or less) in the opening titles. That's a lot to try and cover coherently. And because of how I write these posts after watching through the show in order, it makes it a bit difficult to think all the way back to where we began.
But I may as well make the effort so…where to begin? Well, starting back when Barry Letts was originally conceiving of the 4th Doctor, the first word that was written to describe the personality of the new Doctor was "eccentric". That's a word with a pretty broad definition, but with some specific connotations. When you think of "an eccentric", you're imagining a specific type of man, which Tom Baker immediately inhabits from the moment he steps in as the Doctor in Robot.
And it serves him well. From a plot sense, the 4th Doctor tends to come at problems from a rather unusual angle. Again, you can go back to Robot and see how he fights the titular robot, compared to the head-on way his predecessor would have done. And really, the whole concept of the Doctor as, not just a brilliant strategic thinker, or even a subtle manipulator like the 2nd Doctor could be, but as an unconventional thinker really originates with number four.
Similarly you can see a lot of the 4th Doctor's humor popping up in future incarnations. Tom Baker had a way of delivering sardonic lines like they were an inside joke between himself and the audience. While I don't think anyone else quite captures that, I still see a lot more of the 4th Doctor's kind of humor than earlier incarnations' popping up later on. But, at least early on, the humor always had an edge to it. Like the Doctor wasn't so much making jokes as he was making cynical observations in a jokey tone.
But the big innovation of the 4th Doctor era, as relates to the character of the lead, was the willingness of the writers to let the Doctor make mistakes. The most obvious example comes towards the end of the Hinchcliffe era, when we find out the Doctor accidentally gave a computer schizophrenia earlier in that incarnation, causing the events of The Face of Evil. But the Doctor occasionally slipping up, making sensible, but ultimately incorrect deductions or just choosing a poor tactic was all over the Hinchcliffe era. The earliest obvious example is probably choosing not to blow up the Dalek incubation chamber in Genesis of the Daleks, letting his desire to not make that choice override his more logical brain and trick him into believing that Gharman has Davros beat.
While it's not like the first three Doctors were never wrong. They were all, in their own way, quite frequently insensitive, but the show generally liked it's protagonist to be in the right, especially when it came to his deductions or strategies. After roughly the midpoint of Season 1, the Doctor had almost always never made a serious blunder. But by making the Doctor more fallible, the 4th Doctor era creates more tension. One of the reasons that building a horror era under Hinchcliffe works (despite my own personal tastes clashing with it) is that there is a greater sense of tension because the Doctor is allowed to make mistakes.
But not everything about the 4th Doctor is new. In particular in the early years he seems to have inherited the 3rd Doctor's general distaste for dealing with humans in authority. It's not as universal as the 3rd Doctor's general grumpiness towards anyone with a title, but it does stick out. At a few points, such as in The Seeds of Doom, the Doctor becomes some frustrated with the people he's working with he has to have Sarah Jane speak for him.
That only serves to accentuate a performance that feels decidedly inhuman, and in a good way. During the Hinchcliffe era, Tom Baker typically kept his performance energetic, yet understated. It kept him feeling unpredictable and more than a little unreliable. In Pyramids of Mars, Sarah Jane loses patience with the Doctor for a moment due to his seemingly callous behavior. It's of course then revealed that the Doctor does care, he's just focused on other things and bad at showing it. These ideas have been somewhat present in the Doctor's characterization for a while, but with the fourth Doctor they're taken up another level.
And it's worth pointing out that a lot of the time the "eccentric" characterization felt more like a mask than the real Doctor. Sometimes his frustrations would come out (for instance Planet of Evil) or his empathy would shine through in spite of himself (eg Pyramids of Mars) and it reveals that he's not quite as completely unlike us as he might like us to believe. The bravado, and the offhand remarks and the strange grins, they seem to all be there to mask fear, or affection or anger.
And then, everything changes. Not immediately of course, but during the Graham Williams era Tom Baker's performance becomes more…indulgent. It's not bad, but a lot of the subtlety of his earlier performances is lost in favor of going bigger and more over the top in many ways. Tom Baker's deep voice, already a notable feature of his performance from the beginning, starts being really emphasized. Again, we're not dealing with a performance that gets bad, just one that loses some its subtlety and edge. And in fairness, with the Williams era at the very least trying to play things a bit lighter, it makes sense that Baker's performance would get a bit broader.
But the result is that the performance also gets a bit lazier. I think at some point around Season 16, Tom Baker realized he didn't have to work hard to do a compelling performance as the Doctor. He was kind of already naturally doing it. This left Tom Baker time to focus on other things…but we'll get to that. During Season 17, there's a bit less slacking off, because he had less distractions. But then in his final season, Tom Baker is once again putting in less effort. And there's good reasons for that. His relationship with Lalla Ward was getting very messy. He was dealing with an illness during the filming of the E-Space trilogy. And he didn't like new co-star Matthew Waterhouse. Still Season 18 is where you get the sense that Baker's been in the role too long, although I do wonder if, without all the behind the scenes drama and the illness, that might not have been the case.
Of course it's not like Tom Baker was blameless for behind the scenes drama. In fact it's probably fair to say he caused a lot of it. Tom Baker was, from very early on, an incredibly difficult presence behind the scenes at on set. The first time I saw reference to it was during Terror of the Zygons, where Nicholas Courtney felt that Baker was abrasive and not taking criticism well. From that point on, Baker's attitude issues seemed to increase. Directors in particular often got the wrong end of the stick, first seen in Pyramids of Mars when Paddy Russell (herself the kind of creative person who always liked to get her own way) and Tom Baker clashed over the filming of a few scenes. And then there's what happened to Louise Jameson, who played Leela, where Baker just treated her very badly during their first season together. Eventually, Jameson stood up for herself and the two developed a functional working relationship during Season 15, but when Jameson still felt the need to warn her successor, Mary Tamm, about Baker.
But on the same note I do think it's important to acknowledge a few things. First of all, Tom Baker went from being a virtual unknown to being the star of a very popular science fiction series. That would have a tremendous effect on anybody. To hear Baker himself tell it, Doctor Who essentially became the central feature of his life while he was working on the show. A lot (in fact, I think all) of the stories of Baker being difficult revolve around his desire for more control over the show, and seen through that lens, it kind of makes sense why. For another thing, it's not like every single director or co-star had a difficult relationship with Baker. Elizabeth Sladen and Ian Marter got along with Baker perfectly well. Mary Tamm did stand up for herself from the beginning and never had any major issues with Baker. And of course there are several directors who managed to work with Baker without issue. Tom Baker was difficult to work with, yes, but far from impossible and anyone at the time would have told you that what he gave to the show was worth the trouble.
In the past for these posts I've always spent at least a little time talking about the Doctor's relationships with his companions. For the 4th Doctor, so this doesn't turn into a six paragraph section on companions, I'll just make a general observation here: the 4th Doctor frequently ended up in the role of tutor or mentor. It starts, of course, with Leela, and while the idea of the Doctor teaching Leela to be a more intellectual version of herself never played out to the extent some might have hoped, it's still a pretty consistent part of their relationship. And then the dynamic is flipped with Romana, who the Doctor has to teach to be more instinctive and intuitive. Actually the Romana and Leela comparison tells us a lot about the Doctor: he doesn't actually value one form of knowledge above the other. Leela needs to learn science and civilization because those are the gaps in her knowledge. Romana needs to learn intuition and practical abilities because those are the gaps in her knowledge, and the Doctor largely treats the job of teaching his companions these things the same way.
Towards the end of his tenure, the Doctor picks up one more student: Adric. What Adric needs to be taught is a bit different than the others. He's already an intellectual powerhouse – he's got a badge for mathematical excellence and everything. And he's not short of practical experience. What he lacks is a kind of empathy. Now Adric isn't entirely unempathetic, but he's a sullen teenager a lot of the time. Sometimes he just doesn't care very much for others. You can see the Doctor trying to get Adric to consider more clearly the consequences of his actions, or realize that, as intelligent as he is, there are just things he won't know.
Of course none of this applies to Sarah Jane or Harry (or K-9, but there's not much to talk about there). The Doctor's relationship with Harry was mostly just Harry ending up as the butt of the Doctor's jokes and Harry being confused. As for Sarah Jane, well that's another story. Honestly, I don't think this was necessarily explored as much as it could have been. The two seemed to have a weird relationship where they'd antagonize each other, only to come back together. At the end of Hand of Fear Sarah Jane makes a big scene of wanting to leave the TARDIS, only to protest when the Doctor actually throws her off, and it reads like, up to that point, that had just been part of their friendship. That Sarah Jane would blow off the steam from her adventures (like being mind controlled for the 17 millionth time) by complaining at the Doctor and declaring she'd leave, only to stick around in the end.
Which is, I guess, what you do when your traveling companion is as unpredictable and eccentric as the 4th Doctor. Tom Baker's iteration of the Doctor isn't my favorite, but it's undeniable he redefined the part, to the point that the 4th Doctor is this clear dividing point in how the character is written. As one final example, before the 4th Doctor era, a defining part of the Doctor's character was that he was a capital "S" Scientist. But in the 4th Doctor era, that fades. He's still a scientific genius, but the characterization shifts from Scientist to enthusiastic amateur who happens to know more than the professionals. And that idea of the Doctor, as a traveling dilettante who somehow is smarter than everything around him, while it's been there from very early on, really takes shape in this era.
Tom Baker's performance is entirely unique, his very particular voice, his odd, often out of place facial expressions that seem to indicate the opposite of what they should, and occasional outbursts that reveal the real Doctor, I don't think you can point at anyone else that's ever done it remotely like him. And I don't think anyone could. There were a lot of factors that led to 4th Doctor becoming the most popular and beloved Doctor of the classic era, possibly even of the show itself. The timing was right as the show expanded into new markets. The fact that the beginning of his time on the show coincided with a run of very popular stories can't have hurt. But Tom Baker was always the main reason the 4th Doctor worked.

10 Key Stories

10 key stories for the character, listed in chronological order
Robot: Tom Baker's first story as the Doctor does a remarkably good job setting up how the 4th Doctor is going to operate going forwards. Though perhaps lacking in the subtleties that the 4th Doctor would develop through the rest of the Huinchcliffe era, Baker's oddly captivating performance is there right from the word go. He's a bit goofy from the regeneration, but nonetheless finds himself having a quiet moment at the end of the story with Sarah Jane.
Genesis of the Daleks: The Doctor is sent back in time to avert the creation of the Daleks and he…just…can't…do it. That scene of the Doctor holding two wires next to each other, unable to touch them together and just win is probably Tom Baker's first genuinely great performance as the Doctor. His relief at seemingly being relieved of that responsibility as palpable. And his final scene as he Harry and Sarah Jane travel back to the Nerva with the Time Ring, offering up one last bit of hope in spite of how badly things seem to have gone firmly establishes the optimistic nature of the character first introduced earlier in Ark in Space.
Pyramids of Mars: The Doctor's sometimes seemingly callous nature is revealed to be more of a mask than the reality of the character. He's got more serious things on his mind than the death of one man…but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for the death of that man.
The Deadly Assassin: The Doctor is on his own for the first time in this incarnation, and finds himself battling against his old enemy the Master. Caught up in Gallifreyan politics the Doctor suddenly feels small on the backdrop of greater schemes. Though he does still manage to sort of get himself elected as president which I'm sure will have no effect in the future…
The Face of Evil: The Doctor is forced to confront a serious error he made a long time ago. What he did to Xoannon, a computer developing sentience, and the way that that mistake ended up hurting the people of the planet he's landed has far reaching consequences which he's forced to help undo. He also makes a new friend…sort of accidentally.
Horror of Fang Rock: And things were going so well with Leela. While the primary confrontation with a Rutan is engaging, for my purposes here, what I'm interested in is the relationship between Leela and the Doctor. It starts out well, with the two working as a great team. And then Leela takes things too far, drawing the ire of the Doctor in a way that we hadn't necessarily seen before. It doesn't ultimately go anywhere, but it's very telling as moment all the same.
The Invasion of Time: The Doctor decides he'd like to be president. It's a ruse, or course, because the Doctor would never actually want to be president, but seeing him play the villain for a few episodes is quite intriguing. The story has some major issues, but seeing the Doctor play a bit more of the strategist and playing a bit more of a long game in this story is still fun.
The Ribos Operation: After Leela's departure, the Doctor finds himself with a new and completely different kind of companion to take under his wing. Having to show Romana that she can't always trust someone because they have an "honest face", beginning to show her to think more practically, this all shows a different kind of teachestudent relationship from the one we saw with Leela. Also the respectful yet frustrated way he deals with the White Guardian is fun.
Shada: Kind of odd to to include a story that was never actually completed as a "key" story here, but I think this has the best representation of the Doctor during this era. More relaxed, and largely just out having fun with his best friend Romana, the Doctor during this story still shows his sense of duty when Chronotis has messed up. His odd musing at the end of the story about what future people might think of him is a nice capstone to the era.
Logopolis: So much is going on in this one. This story has the perfect blend of all of the various ways in which the 4th Doctor has been characterized throughout his tenure. Teaching Adric about new kinds of science and responsibility, taking aboard Tegan and Nyssa in spite of difficulties, but still having a go at all three of them at one point. And then there's his alliance with the Master at the end, which proves his downfall. There's even a bit of that fallibility coming through when he mistakes the Master's initial goals.


  1. City of Death (10/10)
  2. The Brain of Morbius (10/10)
  3. Horror of Fang Rock (9/10)
  4. Genesis of the Daleks (9/10)
  5. The Face of Evil (8/10)
  6. State of Decay (8/10)
  7. The Robots of Death (8/10)
  8. The Ribos Operation (8/10)
  9. Warriors' Gate (8/10)
  10. The Pirate Planet (8/10)
  11. Terror of the Zygons (7/10)
  12. The Leisure Hive
  13. The Stones of Blood (7/10)
  14. The Ark in Space (7/10)
  15. Shada (7/10)
  16. Image of the Fendahl (7/10)
  17. Underworld (7/10)
  18. The Keeper of Traken (7/10)
  19. Logopolis (7/10)
  20. The Seeds of Doom (7/10)
  21. Full Circle (7/10)
  22. The Talons of Weng-Chiang (6/10)
  23. The Hand of Fear (6/10)
  24. The Sontaran Experiment (6/10)
  25. The Sun Makers (6/10)
  26. Destiny of the Daleks (6/10)
  27. The Androids of Tara (6/10)
  28. The Deadly Assassin (5/10)
  29. Pyramids of Mars (5/10)
  30. Robot (5/10)
  31. The Invasion of Time (5/10)
  32. Nightmare of Eden (5/10)
  33. The Masque of Mandragora (4/10)
  34. Planet of Evil (4/10)
  35. The Creature from the Pit (4/10)
  36. The Armageddon Factor (3/10)
  37. The Power of Kroll (3/10)
  38. Revenge of the Cybermen (3/10)
  39. The Android Invasion (3/10)
  40. The Invisible Enemy (2/10)
  41. The Horns of Nimon (2/10)
  42. Meglos (1/10)
Forty-two stories is a lot. I'm not even sure how I feel about this ranking. Of course, as is well documented by this point I'm not a horror guy so a lot of Hinchcliffe-era horror stuff ranks a lot lower than you might have expected if you aren't following along with this review series. Beyond that though, there's just a lot of variety of stories. The ranking naturally has a lot of uncertainty to it. Am I really confident that Shada the unfinished story belongs exactly one slot below The Ark in Space from all the way back in Season 12, which I haven't watched since I reviewed it? Obviously not. And there's a ton of other stuff like that. But this is probably as accurate to my preferences a ranking as will ever exist.
Doctor Era Rankings
These are based on weighted averages that take into account the length of each story. Take this ranking with a grain of salt however. No average can properly reflect a full era's quality and nuance, and the scores for each story are, ultimately, highly subjective and a bit arbitrary.
  1. 3rd Doctor Era (6.8/10)
  2. 2nd Doctor Era (6.5/10)
  3. 4th Doctor Era (6.0/10)
  4. 1st Doctor Era (6.0/10)
A lot of you may be surprised at the relatively low rating that the 4th Doctor era gets. First of all, it's worth noting that a 6/10 is by no means a bad rating. Any individual story I rate a 6/10 is a story that, while noticeably flawed, I still enjoyed. As an average for an entire era, especially one that lasts 7 seasons through three (technically four) different producers, that's not bad. But of course what's dragging the rating down is that the Hinchcliffe era just isn't to my taste and the Williams era, while more to my liking in theory, in practice never lives up to its potential.
Next Time: Well there's a new Doctor in town and he's feeling out of sorts. Let's bring him to a nice medieval castle where the rooms keep repeating. That should make him feel better.
submitted by ZeroCentsMade to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:38 Little-Rattle-Stilt The Vessel ascends to issue challenge!!

On-Screen Appearance: The Vessel warps in with the Dream Nail. Neutral Pose: Relaxed pose, nail on its back. Walk: Takes small steps forward>Leans forward and breaks into a jog. Dash: Sprintmaster run. Jump: The Vessel makes a simple leap. Double Jump: Flaps the Wings of The Monarch once for extra altitude. Idle Pose 1: The Vessel looks up as wisps of Shadow swirl around it. Idle Pose 2: The Vessel nods off for a second and then shrugs awake again.
Block: The Vessel strikes a Focus stance, Baldur's Shell forming around it. Dodge Roll: Does a swift Shade Dash, repeated inputs turns it into the Mothwing Dash. Aerial Dodge: Does a swift Shade Dash, repeated inputs turns it into the Mothwing Dash.
Unique Mechanic: SOUL Gauge: The Vessel gains a little bit of SOUL with every successful nail attack, and a full SOUL usage upon executing a directional throw. The SOUL can then be expended to empower certain attacks. A maximum of 3 usages of SOUL can be stored at any time. The SOUL is lost upon losing a stock. Unique Mechanic: Dreamgate: At the start of a fight, a Dreamgate is set at the Vessel's spawn point. Using a down throw, the Vessel can set a new Dreamgate which acts as its spawn point and teleport point for its Up Special from that moment on.
Neutral Attack: The Vessel does a Quick Slash with the nail, an additional input follows up with a slash in the other direction. The attack loops into itself and can rapidly be repeated. Forward Tilt: The Vessel does a slashing attack with the nail as they advance, Longnail + Mark of Pride-based reach, the recoil from hitting with the attack pushes the Vessel back a little. Up Tilt: The Vessel does a swift slash with its nail above itself. The attack loops into itself. Down Tilt: The Vessel takes a low, defensive stance with its nail for a second, if attacked it counters with a horizontal slash. (Based on the Hollow Knight's parry and counter attack.) The parry has a damage cap of 10%, above which the Vessel's guard will break. Dash Attack: The Vessel does a swift dash, slashing once with its nail as it does. (Based on the Broken Vessel's dash attack.)
Neutral Aerial: The Vessel does two Quick Slashes with its nail. Loops into itself. Negligible knockback. Forward Aerial: The Vessel does a slashing attack with the nail, firing a Grubberfly Elegy projectile. The recoil from hitting with the melee portion of the attack pushes the Vessel back a little. Back Aerial: The Vessel turns around in the air and thrusts with its nail. Very good knockback. Up Aerial: The Vessel swiftly slashes at the space above itself with its nail. The attack loops into itself. Down Aerial: The Vessel swiftly slashes at the space below itself, the recoil from hitting with the attack pushes the Vessel up a little. Longnail-based reach. The attack loops into itself.
Grab: The Vessel reaches out with a hand and grabs in front of itself. Very short reach but also pretty fast. Pummel: The Vessel stabs at the grappled opponent with its nail. Forward Throw: The Vessel gathers energy and slashes with its Dream Nail. Scratch damage, good launch power, fills 1 usage of the SOUL Gauge. Back Throw: Shade Dash behind the opponent and slashes them with the Dream Nail. Dream Wielder-based speed. Pitiful damage, mediocre launch power, fills 1 usage of the SOUL Gauge. Up Throw: The Vessel stabs the opponent with the Dream Nail and lifts them overhead, the Dream Nail charges up for a second and then erupts into a column of Dream Essence. Pitiful damage, good launch power, fills 1 usage of the SOUL Gauge. Down Throw: The Vessel pulls the opponent down on the ground and stabs the Dream Nail into them. Scratch damage, poor launch power, fills 1 usage of the SOUL Gauge, sets a new Dreamgate.
Forward Smash: The Vessel assumes a Nail Art stance and gathers power. Upon releasing the attack button it unleashes the Great Slash. Excellent launch power. Up Smash: The Vessel gathers SOUL energy. Upon releasing the attack button it unleashes the Howling Wraiths, releasing a blast of SOUL above and around itself. If the Vessel has at least one use of SOUL Gauge, it is instead covered in Shadow energy, expends 1 use of SOUL Gauge, and unleashes the Abyss Shriek, releasing a larger and more powerful blast of SOUL and Shadow above and around itself. Excellent damage. Down Smash: The Vessel assumes a Nail Art stance and gathers power. Upon releasing the attack button it unleashes the Cyclone Slash around itself. Excellent damage.
Floor Attack: The Vessel rises with a flailing nail attack. (Based on the Broken Vessels flailing attack.) Edge Attack: The Vessel climbs up the edge and thrusts out with its nail.
Neutral Special: Vengeful Spirit > Shade Soul: The Vessel fires a small, white spirit projectile straight forward. The projectile stops when it hits a medium powered projectile, an enemy or a wall. If the Vessel has at least one use of SOUL Gauge, it instead expends 1 use of SOUL Gauge and fires a Shaman Stone-empowered black spirit projectile. The projectile continues flying even if it hits other projectiles or opponents. Up Special: Dreamgate: The Vessel takes a stance with its Dream Nail pointing upward. After about 1½ second, the Vessel teleports in a burst of Dream Essence to its Dreamgate. Upon completing the teleportation the Vessel has momentary invulnerability. Side Special: Sharp Shadow > Nail Art: Dash Slash: The Vessel does a swift Shade Dash forward, turning into a Sharp Shadow that damages anyone it dashes through. If the attack is done with a Smash input, the Vessel takes a Nail Art stance and gathers power. Upon releasing the attack button it performs a Dash Slash at the end of the Shade Dash move. The Dash Slash has the same damage and launch power as Forward Smash but a sharper launch incline. Down Special: Desolate Dive > Descending Dark: The Vessel leaps up into the air and then slams down into the ground with concentrated SOUL, unleashing a shockwave. If the Vessel has at least one use of SOUL Gauge, it instead expends 1 use of SOUL Gauge, gains full invulnerability for the duration of the attack, and unleashes a second shockwave of Shadow upon impact with the ground.
Final Smash: Void Heart: Barbed Shadow tendrils lash out from the Vessel, if one enemy is hit by the attack then, congratulations, a winner is you! If the opponent has less than 100% damage, has more than 1 stock remaining, or the Vessel has been KO'd at least once during the course of the match then: Cut to the hit opponent being bound in a rising void by Shadow tendrils as the Void Given Form wails on them until they are swallowed by the void. Instantly KO's if the Vessel manages to bring the opponent's damage percentage over 100% during the Final Smash. If the opponent has more than 100% damage, is down to their last stock, and the Vessel hasn't been KO'd a during the match then the opponent is engulfed in a black void where the Void Given Focus tears into them until the opponent is devoured by the darkness.
Up Taunt: The Vessel strikes a Focus stance for a second, making SOUL energy erupt around itself, loops into itself up to three times. Side Taunt: The Vessel brandishes its nail, striking a pose issuing challenge. Down Taunt: The Vessel takes out a map and looks at it for as long as the button is pressed, can slowly move around while taunting.
Colour 1: Base colours (white shell, black eyes, dark grey cloak, black body underneath). Colour 2: Broken Vessel (broken and infected shell of the Broken Vessel, orange eyes, longer cloak). Colour 3: Hollow Knight (cracked version of the young Hollow Knight's shell, orange eyes). Colour 4: Sibling (shell of the Mothwing Cloak Vessel from Greenpath, longer cloak). Colour 5: Shade (white eyes, otherwise completely pitch black, longer cloak). Colour 6: Lost Kin (whole shell of the Lost Kin, longer cloak) Colour 7: Pure Knight (the young Hollow Knight's shell, light grey cloak, pure white nail). Colour 8: The Grey Prince (Zote's asymmetrical shell with mouth, wood-coloured nail, voiced lines).
Stage: Hallownest. BGM 1: Enter Hallownest. BGM 2: Crossroads. BGM 3: Mantis Lords / Sisters of Battle remix. BGM 4: Dung Defender / White Defender remix. BGM 5: Decisive Battle. BGM 6: Soul Sanctum / Soul Master remix. BGM 7: Colosseum of Fools. BGM 8: Broken Vessel. BGM 9: Sealed Vessel. BGM 10: Radiance. BGM 11: Hive Knight. BGM 12: Truth, Beauty and Hatred. BGM 13: Gods and Glory. BGM 14: Furious Gods. BGM 15: Pure Vessel.
Victory Pose 1: The Vessel sits down on a bench, nods off, and then shrugs awake again. Victory Pose 2: The Vessel holds its sword raised in front of itself, Shadows swirling all around. Victory Pose 3: The Vessel is covered in Shadows and unleashes an Abyssal Shriek. Team Victory Pose: The Vessel strikes a Focus stance, making SOUL energy erupt around itself.
submitted by Little-Rattle-Stilt to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:06 DTG_Bot [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2024-05-15]

Daily Modifiers

Vanguard Ops

Dares of Eternity

Onslaught: Playlist

Riven's Lair

The Coil


Legend/Master Lost Sector

Exotic armor drop (if solo): Helmet

Bunker E15: Legend

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Shield-Piercing] Barrier, [Disruption] Overload
  • Threat: [Void] Void
  • Shields: [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Shocker

Bunker E15: Master

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Shield-Piercing] Barrier, [Disruption] Overload
  • Threat: [Void] Void
  • Shields: [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Shocker


  • Terminal Overload: Ahimsa Park Weapon: Basso Ostinato (Shotgun)
  • The Wellspring: Defend Weapon: Tarnation (Grenade Launcher)
  • Altars of Sorrow Weapon: Apostate (Sniper Rifle)

Guns & Materials

Banshee's Featured Weapons

Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Masterwork
Timelines' Vertex Energy Fusion Rifle Impulse MS3 // Spark PS Ionized Battery // Particle Repeater Shield Disorient Snapshot Sights Tier 2: Charge Time
Whispering Slab Kinetic Combat Bow Tactile String // Flexible String Carbon Arrow Shaft // Compact Arrow Shaft Quickdraw Demolitionist Tier 2: Draw Time
Syncopation-53 Kinetic Pulse Rifle Full Bore // Hammer-Forged Rifling Extended Mag // High-Caliber Rounds Outlaw Vorpal Weapon Tier 2: Range
Austringer Kinetic Hand Cannon Extended Barrel // Smallbore High-Caliber Rounds // Flared Magwell Triple Tap Frenzy
Bump in the Night Heavy Rocket Launcher Countermass // Quick Launch High-Velocity Rounds // Implosion Rounds Field Prep Chill Clip
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed

Master Rahool's Material Exchange

  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Dark Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Phantasmal Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 25 Herealways Piece)
  • Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 10000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Alloy (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)


Commander Zavala, Vanguard
Name Description Requirement Reward
One Shot, One Kill Defeat combatants with precision damage. Bonus progress is granted in Vanguard playlists. 25 [Headshot] Precision XP+
Show Them the Light Defeat combatants with your Super in Vanguard playlists. 5 Super XP+
Cold Calculations In Vanguard playlists, defeat combatants with Stasis damage. 25 [Stasis] Stasis XP+
Shattering Revelation Defeat combatants in Vanguard playlists with Stasis abilities. Defeating frozen combatants grants additional progress. 50 [Stasis] Stasis ability XP+
Lord Shaxx, Crucible
Name Description Requirement Reward
Coordinated Fire Defeat opponents while assisting or assisted by one or more teammates. 5 Opponents defeated XP+
High Energy Defeat opponents using any Energy weapon. 5 Energy weapon XP+
Power Up Collect or recover Heavy ammo. 1 Heavy Ammo XP+
All for One In Rumble, complete matches. 1 Crucible matches XP+
The Drifter, Gambit
Name Description Requirement Reward
Blockade Send Blockers; medium and large Blockers contribute more progress. 30 Blockers XP+
Fish in a Barrel Defeat targets with Stasis damage in Gambit. Defeating Guardians grants more progress. 30 [Stasis] Stasis XP+
Hanging by a Thread Defeat targets in Gambit matches by suspending them with Strand. Defeating Guardians grants additional progress. 30 Strand suspended final blows XP+
Torn to Shreds Defeat targets in Gambit matches by severing or unraveling them with Strand. Defeating Guardians grants additional progress. 30 Strand severed or unraveled final blows XP+
Banshee-44, Gunsmith
Name Description Requirement Reward
Pulse Rifle Calibration Calibrate Pulse Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Pulse Rifle] Pulse Rifle XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Shotgun Calibration Calibrate Shotguns against any target. Opposing Guardians and rapidly defeated targets grant the most efficient progress. 100 [Shotgun] Shotgun XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Machine Gun Calibration Calibrate Machine Guns against any target. Earn bonus progress against opposing Guardians and for additional targets defeated without reloading. 100 [Machine Gun] Machine Gun XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Kinetic Calibration Calibrate Kinetic weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 Kinetic weapon XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Nimbus, Neomuna
Name Description Requirement Reward
Shockingly Direct In Neomuna, defeat combatants with Arc damage. Shadow Legion combatants grant additional progress. 60 [Arc] Arc XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Superb Phenomena In Neomuna, defeat combatants with abilities. Final blows with your Super grant additional progress. 20 Ability XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Harm's Length In a single life, defeat combatants in Neomuna using Auto Rifles, Hand Cannons, Fusion Rifles, or Machine Guns. 20 Targets XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Hacker's Paradise Complete waves in Terminal Overload. 10 Waves cleared 1 Terminal Overload Key & 50 Neomuna Rank & XP+
Lord Shaxx, Hall of Champions
Name Description Requirement Reward
Onslaught Harvester Collect resources for the ADU in Onslaught. 10000 Resources collected 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Diver in the Deep Complete encounters in Deep Dive. 3 Deep Dive encounters 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Rocketeer Defeat targets with Rocket Launchers. Combatants in Onslaught and Guardians are worth more. 100 [Rocket Launcher] Rocket Launcher 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Clearing the Nest Defeat Hive. Those defeated in Onslaught are worth more. 100 Hive 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Spirit of Riven, H.E.L.M.
Name Description Requirement Reward
Open, Says Me Open a reward chest at the end of a pathway in Riven's Lair or The Coil. 1 Chests XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Lair Defense: Kinetic Weapons Defeat targets with weapons in the Kinetic slot. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more progress. 30 Kinetic weapon XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragon's Breath Defeat targets with Linear Fusion Rifles or Rocket Launchers. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 10 [Linear Fusion Rifle] or [Rocket Launcher] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragonflame Defeat targets with Solar or Stasis damage. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 30 [Solar] or [Stasis] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Never forget what has been lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users as their IPO looms in the horizon. More information can be found here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:06 DTG_Bot [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2024-05-15]

Daily Modifiers

Vanguard Ops

Dares of Eternity

Onslaught: Playlist

Riven's Lair

The Coil


Legend/Master Lost Sector

Exotic armor drop (if solo): Helmet

Bunker E15: Legend

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Shield-Piercing] Barrier, [Disruption] Overload
  • Threat: [Void] Void
  • Shields: [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Shocker

Bunker E15: Master

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Shield-Piercing] Barrier, [Disruption] Overload
  • Threat: [Void] Void
  • Shields: [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Shocker


  • Terminal Overload: Ahimsa Park Weapon: Basso Ostinato (Shotgun)
  • The Wellspring: Defend Weapon: Tarnation (Grenade Launcher)
  • Altars of Sorrow Weapon: Apostate (Sniper Rifle)

Guns & Materials

Banshee's Featured Weapons

Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Masterwork
Timelines' Vertex Energy Fusion Rifle Impulse MS3 // Spark PS Ionized Battery // Particle Repeater Shield Disorient Snapshot Sights Tier 2: Charge Time
Whispering Slab Kinetic Combat Bow Tactile String // Flexible String Carbon Arrow Shaft // Compact Arrow Shaft Quickdraw Demolitionist Tier 2: Draw Time
Syncopation-53 Kinetic Pulse Rifle Full Bore // Hammer-Forged Rifling Extended Mag // High-Caliber Rounds Outlaw Vorpal Weapon Tier 2: Range
Austringer Kinetic Hand Cannon Extended Barrel // Smallbore High-Caliber Rounds // Flared Magwell Triple Tap Frenzy
Bump in the Night Heavy Rocket Launcher Countermass // Quick Launch High-Velocity Rounds // Implosion Rounds Field Prep Chill Clip
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed

Master Rahool's Material Exchange

  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Dark Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Phantasmal Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 25 Herealways Piece)
  • Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 10000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Alloy (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)


Commander Zavala, Vanguard
Name Description Requirement Reward
One Shot, One Kill Defeat combatants with precision damage. Bonus progress is granted in Vanguard playlists. 25 [Headshot] Precision XP+
Show Them the Light Defeat combatants with your Super in Vanguard playlists. 5 Super XP+
Cold Calculations In Vanguard playlists, defeat combatants with Stasis damage. 25 [Stasis] Stasis XP+
Shattering Revelation Defeat combatants in Vanguard playlists with Stasis abilities. Defeating frozen combatants grants additional progress. 50 [Stasis] Stasis ability XP+
Lord Shaxx, Crucible
Name Description Requirement Reward
Coordinated Fire Defeat opponents while assisting or assisted by one or more teammates. 5 Opponents defeated XP+
High Energy Defeat opponents using any Energy weapon. 5 Energy weapon XP+
Power Up Collect or recover Heavy ammo. 1 Heavy Ammo XP+
All for One In Rumble, complete matches. 1 Crucible matches XP+
The Drifter, Gambit
Name Description Requirement Reward
Blockade Send Blockers; medium and large Blockers contribute more progress. 30 Blockers XP+
Fish in a Barrel Defeat targets with Stasis damage in Gambit. Defeating Guardians grants more progress. 30 [Stasis] Stasis XP+
Hanging by a Thread Defeat targets in Gambit matches by suspending them with Strand. Defeating Guardians grants additional progress. 30 Strand suspended final blows XP+
Torn to Shreds Defeat targets in Gambit matches by severing or unraveling them with Strand. Defeating Guardians grants additional progress. 30 Strand severed or unraveled final blows XP+
Banshee-44, Gunsmith
Name Description Requirement Reward
Pulse Rifle Calibration Calibrate Pulse Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Pulse Rifle] Pulse Rifle XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Shotgun Calibration Calibrate Shotguns against any target. Opposing Guardians and rapidly defeated targets grant the most efficient progress. 100 [Shotgun] Shotgun XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Machine Gun Calibration Calibrate Machine Guns against any target. Earn bonus progress against opposing Guardians and for additional targets defeated without reloading. 100 [Machine Gun] Machine Gun XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Kinetic Calibration Calibrate Kinetic weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 Kinetic weapon XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Nimbus, Neomuna
Name Description Requirement Reward
Shockingly Direct In Neomuna, defeat combatants with Arc damage. Shadow Legion combatants grant additional progress. 60 [Arc] Arc XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Superb Phenomena In Neomuna, defeat combatants with abilities. Final blows with your Super grant additional progress. 20 Ability XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Harm's Length In a single life, defeat combatants in Neomuna using Auto Rifles, Hand Cannons, Fusion Rifles, or Machine Guns. 20 Targets XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Hacker's Paradise Complete waves in Terminal Overload. 10 Waves cleared 1 Terminal Overload Key & 50 Neomuna Rank & XP+
Lord Shaxx, Hall of Champions
Name Description Requirement Reward
Onslaught Harvester Collect resources for the ADU in Onslaught. 10000 Resources collected 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Diver in the Deep Complete encounters in Deep Dive. 3 Deep Dive encounters 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Rocketeer Defeat targets with Rocket Launchers. Combatants in Onslaught and Guardians are worth more. 100 [Rocket Launcher] Rocket Launcher 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Clearing the Nest Defeat Hive. Those defeated in Onslaught are worth more. 100 Hive 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Spirit of Riven, H.E.L.M.
Name Description Requirement Reward
Open, Says Me Open a reward chest at the end of a pathway in Riven's Lair or The Coil. 1 Chests XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Lair Defense: Kinetic Weapons Defeat targets with weapons in the Kinetic slot. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more progress. 30 Kinetic weapon XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragon's Breath Defeat targets with Linear Fusion Rifles or Rocket Launchers. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 10 [Linear Fusion Rifle] or [Rocket Launcher] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragonflame Defeat targets with Solar or Stasis damage. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 30 [Solar] or [Stasis] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Never forget what has been lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users as their IPO looms in the horizon. More information can be found here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:37 ArcticWarrior195 The true issue with balancing is that too many weapon identities overlap and many roles are performed better by other options (and some ideas on how to fix them)

An issue I've begun to notice as more weapons have been introduced or changed, many simply are downgrades or are performing their role worse then other weapons. The Liberator Concussive is worse then the Pummeler, the Tenderizer is worse then the Liberator, the Breaker Spray&Pray is worse then the Breaker Incendiary, the Purifier is worse then the Scorcher, the Liberator Penetrator is worst then the Adjudicator, and so much more. The issue is that we have too many weapons performing the same role without diversifying these weapon enough to allow them to perform these roles differently then another. Why change the Exploding Crossbow to a "medium armor killer" type weapon when it offers nothing new that the Dominator, Slugger, and Eruptor already do to fulfil this role? Why change the Adjudicator to a medium armor penetration assault rifle when the Liberator Penetrator already exists? Why add the Tenderizer as a "assault rifle with a restrictive magazine but more stopping power" when that describes the role the Adjudicator already has? Too many weapons have been adjusted, added or changed, causing overlap issues between many weapons, which in turn have weapons be outperformed rather then be a proper side-grade. I understand not wanting to have primary weapons be too powerful, but too many weapons have been made redundant by nerfs, buffs, and changes because of this. Therefore, I wanted to throw out my ideas for weapon changes/balancing. When I was considering weapon balancing, I had four goals:
  1. Give each weapon a defined purpose and role
  2. Make sure each weapon is an overall side-grade
  3. Prioritize making new roles to avoid overlap
  4. Try to have some slight realism
With this in mind, I came up with some ideas for all the assault rifles, as I feel like this category has the most issues compared to any other. Keep in mind that I'm 100% no game developer or expert on balancing, so do understand that the stats I came up with are just to give an overall idea and feel of how I think weapon should be, as I have no way to actually test or know if these numbers and ideas are balanced. Any feedback would be appreciated!
AR-23 Liberator
- Damage: 60 - Capacity: 45 - Recoil: 15 - Fire Rate: 640 - Light Armor Penetrating - 7 + 1 Mags - Role: All-around workhorse and baseline weapon 
Notes: The AR-23 Liberator in its current state serves as a perfect baseline when considering balance changes. Strong, reliable, accurate, ammo efficient, multiple firing modes and scope magnifications, it's everything a starter weapon should be and needs no additional changes.
AR-23P Liberator Penetrator
- Damage: 45 - Capacity: 30 - Recoil: 19 - Fire Rate: 640 - Medium Armor Penetrating - 10 + 1 Mags - Role: Takes down armored targets 
- Damage: 55 - Capacity: 45 - Recoil: 28 - Fire Rate: 500 - Medium Armor Penetrating - 7 + 1 Mags - Reduced Ergonomics - New Role: Heavy assault rifle fitted with armor piercing rounds but has reduced fire rate and increased recoil 
Notes: Oh my poor baby boy, how Arrowhead has treated and abandoned you so. The AR-23P Liberator Penetrator is my favorite looking gun in the game, but from day one has been completely underpowered and underperforms in its role as a medium armor penetration assault rifle. Between its terrible damage, small capacity, and terrible efficiency, the weapon struggled against the competition and the only buff added was the addition to fire in full-auto, which barely did anything to change its lackluster performance. With these new changes, the Penetrator would now become a much stronger option compared to what it was then. First, we increase the damage and capacity to bring it up to it's standard counterpart, as there's no reason why it should have both a low capacity and the lowest damage per shot in the game. However to keep a bit of realism, we'll still have it be weaker as armor piercing rounds tend to have less stopping power for increased penetration power. And second, we give it increased recoil along with reduced fire rate, ergonomics, and spare ammo to compensate for these changes while also leaning into the heavy rifle design and new role it has. With these changes, the Penetrator is more closer to how the Adjudicator is and now should feel more like a side-grade to the standard Liberator, trading in crowd control for better performance against larger armored targets. It'll blast through the likes of Hive Guards, Brood Commanders, and Bile Spewers, but will struggle against groups of Hunters and Berserkers due to its lower fire rate and ergonomics.
AR-61 Tenderizer
- Damage: 60 - Capacity: 35 - Recoil: 10 - Fire Rate: 600 - Light Armor Penetrating - 10 + 1 Mags - Role: High-caliber assault rifle with a restrictive magazine but more stopping power 
- Damage: 40 - Capacity: 60 - Recoil: 20 - Fire Rate: 720 - Light Armor Penetrating - 7 + 1 Mags - Slightly Reduced Ergonomics - New Role: Rapid-fire high capacity assault rifle with low damage and increased recoil 
Notes: This weapon is too similar to the original Liberator and desperately needs some adjustments. And with the new Penetrator changes from before, we now need to alter this weapons from it's original role to something that's missing from the assault rifles list. Enter the new AR-61 Tenderizer. This weapon is focused on one thing: throwing down as many bullets down range as fast as possible. With a massive capacity and increased fire rate, this weapon is the closest we'll get to having a primary LMG and should be thought of as the Breaker but in assault rifle form. The gun can handle larger crowds and can shred through light armored targets such as Berserkers, Nursing Spewers, Stalkers, and Warriors. However it will eat through ammo quickly, struggle against armored enemies, and isn't particularly precise so it'll be difficult to hit the weak points of certain enemies such as Devastators. It certainly won't replace a Stalwart, but you'll still get the lovely feeling of unloading a torrent of bullets upon the enemies of democracy all the same. It also doesn't replace the Breaker either, as while the Breaker can unload into a group indiscriminately and tear through hordes faster, the Tenderizer has better range and has more control over the area where their shots will land.
AR-23C Concussive
- Damage: 65 - Capacity: 30 - Recoil: 28 - Fire Rate: 320 - Light Armor Penetrating - 10 + 1 Mags - Role: Fires concussive rounds that do less damage but stagger enemies 
- Damage: 55 - Capacity: 35 - Recoil: 28 - Fire Rate: 400 - Light Armor Penetrating - 9 + 1 Mags - Concussive rounds explosions have a small AOE, allowing for stagger of several enemies close together per shot - Explosions deal no damage and purely stagger. Helldivers hit by the concussive explosions will suffer from a depletion of stamina and a slow effect that fades after a few seconds - New Role: Fires concussive rounds at a slower fire rate that do less damage, but can stagger several enemies 
Notes: With the release of the new Pummeler SMG, the AR-23C Concussive has been made completely redundant in almost every way. Because of this, we have two options: nerf the Punisher or buff the Concussive. I choose the latter, and so this is what we get. As the concussive rounds are stated to do less damage, we'll first sightly nerf the damage to make this accurate. Second, we slightly increase the capacity and give a small bump to its fire rate to make it a bit more usable, while also taking away a spare mag to compensate. And now onto the big addition to differentiate it from the Punisher: AOE stagger. While the Punisher has higher damage and better single target capabilities, the new Concussive has lower damage but can hold off several enemies at once with AOE concussive rounds. This allows the Concussive to have two roles: A support role for your team that can slow the advance of groups of enemies, and a weapon that provides a safe but slow way of killing enemies when by yourself. Of course, the weapon isn't meant to hold back a bug breach or anything. The AOE is meant to be small and not be a "get out of jail free card". If your surrounded, you'll still die horribly and the AOE will cause an effect similar to the "Tremor" environmental effect when hitting yourself or allies with the concussive blast (depletion of stamina and slow effect that fades after a few seconds), but it can stagger a few of those Berserkers or Hive Commanders chasing after your friend to give them some breathing room, or hold back those two Stalkers sneaking up on your fellow Helldiver while they reload their Autocannon. It won't kill, but your fellow Helldivers will thank you when you save them from danger.
BR-14 Adjudicator
- Damage: 80 - Capacity: 25 - Recoil: 40 - Fire Rate: 550 - Medium Armor Penetrating - 7 + 1 Mags - Role: Accurate, medium armor penetrating rifle with limited effectiveness against large groups 
- Damage: 90 - Capacity: 25 - Recoil: 40 - Fire Rate: 480 - Light Armor Penetrating - 7 + 1 Mags - Changed to Marksman Rifle Classification - Semi-auto/3-Round Burst only - New Role: Accurate, light armor penetrating rifle that trades damage for improved effectiveness against large groups 
Notes: The change to the BR-14 Adjudicator from a Marksman Rifle to a Assault Rifle never really sat well with me, especially because it ended up being everything the Penetrator was supposed to be and still wasn't great. In the real world, a battle rifle tend to sit somewhere between assault rifles and designated marksman rifles, though they usually are closer to marksman rifles. Notable examples are the FN FAL, M14, and Heckler & Koch G3. With this in mind, figuring out how to balance the rifle is a bit tricky. I wanted it to have higher single target damage then Assault Rifles to move it away from that role, while also having better crowd control then the Diligence to give it a new role the Marksman Rifle category lacks. First, we increase the damage and recoil slightly while reducing the fire rate to move it more towards being a marksman rifle. Second, we change it from medium armor penetration to light armor penetration. We don't want it to compete with the Penetrator or Counter Snipe, but instead want it to be a faster firing but lighter hitting option for the Marksman Rifle category. Finally, we remove the full auto firing option and replace it with a 3-round burst option as while there are battle rifles that do have a full auto setting in the real world, it's usually extremely impractical due to the immense recoil, though I'll admit keeping the full-auto feels like something that would be done in-universe. With these final changes, we now have true battle rifle that bridges the gap between assault rifles and marksman rifles. Want the crowd control of an assault rifle, but the high damage of a marksman rifle? This is the weapon for you.
SG-225SP Breaker Spray&Pray
- Damage: 192 (12 Damage per pellet) - Capacity: 26 - Recoil: 45 - Fire Rate: 330 - Light Armor Penetrating - 7 + 1 Magazines - 16 Pellets per shot - Role: High capacity shotgun firing birdshot 
- Damage: 420 (12 Damage per pellet) - Capacity: 24 - Recoil: 40 - Fire Rate: 350 - Light Armor Penetrating - 6 + 1 Magazines - 35 Pellets per shot - Increased spread - Role: High capacity shotgun firing birdshot that was designed with "accuracy by volume of fire" in mind 
Notes: A fun little bonus addition to this list. The SG-225SP Breaker Spray&Pray is a bit notorious for being a direct downgrade from the Breaker Incendiary after it got buffed. Therefore, in the spirit of democracy and fun, I came up with these changes. In real life, bird shot is quite weak, has huge spread, and a single shell can have upwards of 70+ pellets in them to maximize the chances of hitting a bird in flight. While the idea would be really funny, having the game calculate the trajectory and impact of 70 individual projectiles from just one player would be a lot for the game to do, and each pellet would have to do around 5-6 damage each with an enormous spread to be balanced, so this is the next best thing I came up with. The new Spray&Pray is designed to litter a battlefield with a hail of pellets, encouraging the user to indiscriminately fire in whatever direction the enemy is in. It's inaccurate, will likely not land more then 6 pellets on the same target unless your up close, and will likely hit your allies if they're anywhere in the direction your firing, but that's the entire point. This is for the insane, the wacky, those who truly embody the chaotic nature of Helldivers and want a fun gun. You close your eyes, pull the trigger, and blindly fire into a bug breach knowing Lady Liberty guides your every shot.
submitted by ArcticWarrior195 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:43 schadenfroh Some constructive feedback on less common topics

Helo wait times and AI; we get it, the devs get it. Here are some other thoughts beyond the obvious ones that have popped up for me after about 100 hours. My overall view of the game is incredibly positive, but these have been nagging at me the longer I play:
submitted by schadenfroh to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:59 AcanthaceaeFancy3887 The truth about this show and so many others like it...

So I made this comment to another person's post recently about her feeling annoyed at the teachestudent relationship in Maxton Hall and that it wasn't being properly addressed as toxic. I agree. But that's hardly my only issue with the show. Because a lot of really young people are into these genres, I feel the need to address these points as someone who's actually lived the Ruby/James storyline, different ways and multiple times. A veteran, one might say. You can take my statements as a grain of salt, or whatever you like, but may those who have ears listen:
Spoilers throughout if someone hasn't finished the season:
This is the thing...I actually find the lead actors cute and super talented even despite this being a genre that I find deplorably predictable and drab. I actually only got invested to improve my German, sadly now I'm actually invested in the characters at this point despite me seeing everything that's going to happen a mile away, because a lot of these writers who may actually be creative but stifle it for the sake of hashing out another "proven to make money" storyline that has been recreated time and time again. Yes, the teachestudent situation is problematic not because they're both consenting individuals who or of age, but because apparently they knew each long before which hints that she would've most likely have been a minor when the relationship took form. Maybe people who have read the books can shed better light on the matter.
Beyond that, my biggest issue with these common bad boy meets good girl trope shows beyond how oversaturated the romance world is with these stories (damn, not even a reversal like good boy meets bad girl), is the very negative expectations they put on real girls out there. These stories fuel the idea that they "can fix him" and even those overly toxic traits he possesses should be downplayed in some way, and even the slightest redeemable qualities he shows should be made out as holy. This is one of the large reasons I hate this genre. For example, despite James's slight transition in S1 (and yes, I'm fully aware that he will most likely continue to change for the better in some ways), to say I think Ruby deserves better is an understatement. Women/girls keep fawning over the swimming pool scene where he saves Ruby, but I was honestly pissed at him for this whole catastrophic scenario and how it unfolded. Firstly, he invited her to this godforsaken hive of scum and villainy of a party despite him knowing full well this is not normally her scene, ignores Ruby's actualized fears of pupils teasing hedisliking her for being with James, and gives her an invitation into the lion's den thinking she'll come out unscathed? For someone who hints at himself having an impressive GPA, I'm not impressed by his lack of logical deduction. When viewed from this perspective, the blame of Ruby getting pushed into the pool and being triggered into a panic attack that nearly got her drowned largely rests on James's shoulders, especially as one of the sole people at that party claiming to "care" about her. Despite this, no open moment from James of reflection of responsibility for what took place there and nothing even remotely resembling an apology not even the following morning of the incident, but rather even gave off the impression that it wasn't even that big of a deal. He sent a text asking if she was doing better (not even the first text the following morning, mind you), and that was the end of that. Not a question or care more before a slew of flirting between the two. Of course, at that point Ruby is already infatuated with him, so it makes little difference. But to someone from the outside looking in, the selfishness and ambivalence is glaringly obvious.
It's an ongoing theme in S1 that apparently getting apologies out of James is like pulling teeth (another highly toxic masculinity trait that we need to stop treating with humor or something "enduring" when interest is involved). I believe I counted him saying it only twice in the last episodes and it was always backed by some sort of excuse "but I did it because I was embarrassed by my parents...sorry, but I can' father...etc." In reality he's been needing to give proper apologies since the show began, but the moment he finally formulates the words, it's always accompanied by some excuse? Immaturity. What was the topper on the cake for me and an ultimate red flag (yes,'s fantasy, a show...but in real life, run for the hills), he continues to take decisions that should normally involve both of them, into his own hands and gravely gauging her whims wrongly in these situations. First with the poster of them, then again ending the relationship in order to "protect" her. He's very creative at finding solutions when it's getting back at Ruby for things in the beginning, but now he's just willing to throw in the towel anytime he has to fight for their relationship? Again questioning his logical capabilities and even his intentions at this point. Perhaps it's actually just rooted in him being afraid of commitment after a life of whoring himself out to hush people up or a slew of one night stands which has left him detached? If not, as I suspect it isn't, a form of self-sabotage due to his father's hold on him. I know it's most likely the latter, and as relatable and sad as that may be, this is catastrophic and needs therapy to get resolved. Rose-tinted romance isn't going to fix that (trust me, speaking from experience, girlies). And to make matters worse, I can read the handwriting on the wall from the last episode ending, that James is liable to take matters into his own hands again and hurt Ruby because he keeps trying to decide what HE thinks is best for HER life. I'm not a teen or in my early twenties watching this show, so I tend to view these from a mother hen type of perspective. If you see a guy like James Beaufort, it might be entertaining on TV or film, but in REAL life, run for the hills unless you have written proof he's attending therapy and counselling for his issues and start seeing a difference. My interest in the show is starting to wane after already guessing (like most things in this show and others of its genre) what's coming next season...such as James getting cold feet, taking executive control of their relationship again and bailing...very sure. I don't even need to read the books for that. I've lived this, girlies.
Hopefully, the writers exceed my expectations and do something unexpected. As I said in another post, it wouldn't be the most drastic of plot twists, but make the chauffeur the old flame James's mother was alluded to and have James secretly be his kid, which would give light on why he acts like a father figure (or at least the closest positive one James has) and his passionate defense of James. That would maybe keep me invested and one my toes knowing there are actually all these secrets being unraveled. Okay, anyway, that's my rant on this. That was waaay too long. Bye.
Update: Since this post got a lot of backlash, I'm happy to discover an interview with the lead actors where the summarize the same as what I stated here and in my responses to people below, haha:
Harriet & Damian: James is a big walking flag. Ruby should run. James needs therapy and needs to work on himself. There you have it, folks. Straight from the horse's mouth. 😂

submitted by AcanthaceaeFancy3887 to MaxtonHall [link] [comments]