Sailor re-enlistment oath


2024.05.31 04:24 Master-Salt1382 Re-enlistments

My re-enlistment is in 12 hours. I have been to a few, and all of which, the enlistee had said some funny thing that they can only say “as a civilian”. One dude shit on the POTUS, and one had the whole division say the Sailor’s Creed while they sat back and watched.
I’ve looked into this and can’t find ANYTHING on the matter, so I beg the question.
What are the funnier things you have heard people say at reenlistments during the period where they are once again a civilian before again selling their soul?
submitted by Master-Salt1382 to Military [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:14 freeginger2015 Made E5, any point in reenlisting?

About 2.5 years in, was undecided on STARing but was leaning towards it and made E5 this cycle (somehow miraculously). I don’t hate the job had a pretty good time throughout the pipeline and I generally like my command but haven’t been here very long (haven’t gone underway yet). I’m not sure what I would do after the navy but I hear it is not too difficult to find a job. I did want to qualify watch supervisor to get me a higher salary going into a civilian job but I’m told that’s going to be difficult if I do not re enlist.
In my shoes what would you guys reccomend? Surface sailor if it matters and wire rate
submitted by freeginger2015 to NavyNukes [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 21:29 PowrOfFriendship_ New Masterwork names for every Legendary Item

With Ornn now upgrading every legendary item, instead of a select few, Riot have decided to no longer give the Ornnaments new names when they are upgraded. This is a tragedy, as the Ornnament item names are the best in game (Reliquary of the Golden Dawn is the coolest string of words in this game, and sounds like a Powerwolf song title), so I've decided to do all the hard work for Riot, and just give them names for all their Masterwork items.
For items that already had Masterwork names, I've largely kept them the same. If you're just looking for the names, they're in bold. Names in italics are the new names. The extra stuff in brackets is my reasoning or thoughts behind certain names. If you don't care about that, just stick to the bold stuff.
Without further ado:
That took far longer than I thought it was going to... If I missed any, keep it to yourself.
These are all just a first pass, so if people have better name ideas for any items, feel free to suggest them.
submitted by PowrOfFriendship_ to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:19 Bjorn-Kuul Upon completion of military service are you absolved of your oath?

I’m in the army currently and was not a Heathen/Norse Pagan when I enlisted. All the same I understood the sacred meaning of a oath/sweavow and took the oath of enlistment. For those unfamiliar it goes as follows: “I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God(s).” (The enlistee can forgo the God(s) part if they do choose)
This being said I am now coming to a end of my military service for several reasons but a large one being I don’t particularly feel like dying for someone else’s war. If America was attacked and I was still able bodied I’m sure I would re-enlist however if it was another oil war or something to do with Russia and Ukraine let’s say it would be a hard no for me. My question is as the title states. Upon receiving my DD-214 (military document ending service) am I absolved of my oath? Or does this oath stand?
EDIT: thank you everyone for your advice and opinions. To be clear: if this country was ever invaded I fully intend to protect what’s ours and would be more then willing to fight for that. I think more so I’m speaking to if another war started for wars sake. Next I’ll add that having spoken with multiple people with in the Army to include my chaplain (he’s pretty good and very knowledgeable about all religions and really does his research) they all agree with most here that the oath is contract dependent in the eyes of the military. What that means to the individual is completely up to that individual. Once again I want to thank you all for the opinions. 🙏🏻
submitted by Bjorn-Kuul to NorsePaganism [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 20:36 omaha505 New to the navy and the US

Hey there came time the US on an immigrant visa from Sweden but I was asked entry by a U.S. citizen. Now that I have my American paperwork in order (green card, SSN, bank etc..) I actually have no idea what to do, I’ve wanted to be a sailor for a long time and realistically I think I could make the cut for being a part of the U.S. navy. My question is, should I apply to start studying in a college and try to become an officer or should I enter as just enlisted, do my 4 years and if I don’t want to re enlist join a college then using my benefits?
Honestly I’m a fish out of water here the only thing I know is that if I don’t join, the thought of “what could have been” will always be with me for the rest of my life.
Any advice helps, thanks.
submitted by omaha505 to newtothenavy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:26 iixixiv Do I have a chance to get back?

Do I have a chance to get back?
3 years ago I enlisted in USAR. I did not finish my basic training due to a minor injury during the 6th week (white phase).
I could have easily gotten back to the cycle but during my stay in medhold, I learned how much my recruiter screwed me up. He was very new, I was his 2nd recruit and I missed so many opportunities and was left in the dark about my enlistment processes, e.g.:
▪️He said since my ASVAB score is good, I can get any MOS I want, then I learned at MEPS from another soldier that I can’t because I’m only a permanent resident and I need a security clearance for the MOS that I want.
▪️I wanted to back out on the day of swearing my oath cos I learned so many mismatched information and he gaslit me that it’s not possible to back out and if I do I will not have a chance at the military again/have my record flagged.
▪️I asked about the officer route since I have a bachelor’s degree and he strongly suggested against it and said I should work my way up instead because it’s easier that way. He emphasized multiple times that OCS is almost impossible to pass.
Out of spite for my lack of research and self advocacy — I begged my PT and doctor to mark me for ELS and pursue my civilian career. If I remember correctly it was a Chapter 11 discharge. I’m so glad that I did since I was able to put my degree to use. But being in the military even part-time (reserve or guard) is a dream of mine even since I was younger. Now I am in the process of obtaining my US citizenship since I’m on my 5th year of my permanent residency. I can’t trust another Army recruiter anymore and I want to pursue my military service as a guard or reserve in the Air Force or Space Force(if possible). I would still like to pursue my career here in the Bay Area, so I am doing some research on which MOS are interdisciplinary for my field to avoid a career gap.
Would I have a hard time coming back? I have a feeling that Air force recruiters are more competent and less unhinged at least from the horror stories I’ve heard in Army basic training and medhold buddies.
Specific questions: 1. After I get my citizenship. Is there a specialty unit/MOS for me with my Advertising degree + Marketing profession in Tech? Interested in Program Management, Public Relations, Acquisition, Intelligence, etc. 2. Is there a future soldier preparation program equivalent in the Air Force? 3. How does the attaining a waiver for my re-enlistment code 3 works? 4. I am currently living in San Francisco, California. Is the state’s funding a justified reason to choose guard over reserve? 5. I am open to other MOS that are interdisciplinary to Marketing (ish) and Business such as: 3D0X1, 3D1X1, 1A8X1, 1N0X1. I did an online research on the nearest ANG bases near the Bay Area and these showed up as the occupations for these bases.
Important things for me when I re-enlist: 1. Education benefits. I have my bachelor’s but I want to pursue an MBA. 2. VA Home loan/housing. 3. This amazing military community.
Attached is my DD 214. I was in Fort Sill, OK for exactly 185 days. Transferred to medical hold on the 6th week of training. I have already contacted a recruitment office yesterday and still waiting on a response.
submitted by iixixiv to AirForceRecruits [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:21 neemeenone Venting - DHA, Burnout, and the Impending Acuity Epidemic

Please allow a tired IDC to scream into the void.
Without sounding cheesy, I love this job. I feel like medicine is what I'm meant to do, I enjoy it, I find a lot of personal satisfaction in taking care of patients. I get a little exasperated with the sick call warriors and Sailors who try to collect ICD10 codes like Infinity Stones, sure, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I love my job.
I just got to my first shore clinic as a provider, though, and I'm exhausted.
We have a shortage of providers, so appointments are booked out for months. Acute care is now chronic care, because Sailors are realizing that they can get seen that way, and I am getting slammed with multiple patients daily that are way outside my scope of care. Mental health medication initiation requests, requests for chronic care and complicated specialty diagnosis management, requests to initiate LIMDU or MEB/PEB, requests for disease workups...and man, it SUCKS to keep having to tell people essentially "your princess is in another castle". I can refer you to the right person, but you're gonna have to wait to get seen. I can't cure you in an outpatient Primary Care setting, I can't provide specialist-level care, I'm not a diagnostician. And there's guidelines I have to meet and red tape to get through for those referrals.
This is the future of Navy Medicine. Acute Care will become Primary Care, because Primary Care is so overbooked that patients can't even get in to see any PCM, much less their PCM. Primary Care will continue to hemorrhage providers, which will make the wait for appointments all the longer and the strain on Acute Care even worse. Patients will get referred to Urgent Care, because Acute Care can't get them in; Urgent Care is a step above ER, so those patients with their chronic concerns will get the bandaid fix and be right back at Step 1, trying to get into Acute Care or a PCM appointment. And the cycle continues.
On top of that, the absolute hostility of some, I am not your enemy. I want you to get care. DHA deciding that we as an entity can do more with less is way out of my control.
I'm sorry you're waiting for 4 hours at sick call to get seen, there's only one of me and so, so many patients. I'm sorry the wait for Neurology is 3 months, I can't help that. I'm sorry that your chronic pain without a clear MOI is now beyond where you can handle it, but I can't get you to a specialist or an MRI* immediately, especially if you've never been seen/it's been 7 years since you had an xray and a single P/T appointment.
I don't know if it always was this bad, I don't think it was? But it's a broken system. If I didn't love this field so much, I would absolutely not be re-enlisting and would get out next year at 16, damn near 17 years.
I know I can't be alone in feeling like this, I know my situation can't be unique. I just don't know how to fix it.
*What is it with MRIs?! Why does everyone want one?
submitted by neemeenone to CorpsmanUp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:43 BlueFishcake Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Twenty Seven

William was just about to scoop another mouthful of porridge and berries into his mouth when someone scooted into the seat next to him.
“Marline.” He inclined his head before returning to breakfast.
A breakfast that, prior to his teammate’s arrival, had been blissfully free of noise or interruption.
Which made sense given that the ‘rise and shine’ bell wasn’t going to ring for another thirty minutes or so. To that end, the cafeteria was near empty, but for a few servants flitting around the place as they set tables or partook of their own breakfasts.
Breakfasts that were something of a step down from what was normally served at these tables, given that the usual heaped piles of hot sausages, crisp bacon and hearty eggs were still being prepared in the kitchens.
Still, on this occasion, that was fine by William. Sure, the main reason he’d told his team to rise a little earlier than normal was to allow them to dine in peace without being harassed by the rest of the rumour hungry student body, but it was also useful in that it somewhat limited some of his more… difficult teammate’s breakfast options.
“William,” the dark elf hissed as she leaned down. “We have a problem.”
Despite his early morning lethargy, those words managed to send something akin to a shiver up his spine.
“What!? What’s the problem?” he asked as he whirled around, remembering only at the last minute to keep his voice down.
Sure, the cafeteria was relatively empty of both staff and students, but it hadn’t escaped his notice that pretty much all of them had had their eyes on him since he sat down.
“What do you mean, ‘what’s the problem?’” Marline whispered furiously into his ear. “The fucking alchemy lab blew up last night.”
“Oh, that.” She’d gotten him all worked up for nothing. “Someone’s enchantment probably went awry after being kept in storage too long.”
That was a lie and they both knew it. He’d explained to Marline in great detail why trying to gain access to his storage room was a poor idea without him present. To that end, it was obvious that someone had attempted just that.
As such, the old alchemy building was now a smouldering ruin, with dozens of academy guards and at least one member of the palace guard sifting through the rubble when he walked past.
Or at least, they’d been watching over a dozen menial servants as they sifted through the rubble.
Still, no one had been too alarmed by it. It was hardly the first time the building had been destroyed after all.
Alchemy was by its nature a fairly dangerous art.
A form of homeopathic magic that attempted to imbue objects with magical abilities by combining them with conceptually similar items, it tended to both be prohibitively expensive and notoriously unreliable.
Left eyes from forty-year-old salamanders didn’t grow on trees after all. Nor testicles from albino bulls in heat. And that was the kind of specificity one needed to create a half-decent stamina potion.
There was a reason that alchemy was gradually being phased out in favour of the slower but more reliable art of enchanting.
“Yes, very unfortunate,” Marline said through gritted teeth. “But what about ‘our’ ingredients that were being kept in the building. It might be… dangerous of someone stumbled across them in the rubble.”
Dangerous? Gunpower couldn’t explode more than…
“Oh, you’re talking about the gift we were holding for your family?” He realized.
“Why didn’t you check last night?” he asked.
“...I tend to wear earplugs when I sleep,” Marline admitted reluctantly. “Given… Verity.”
William glanced towards the young woman’s long elven ears and thought about their orcish teammate’s tendency to snore like she was trying to wake the dead. The inner walls of their dorm weren’t particularly thick and Marline’s room was right next to the other girl’s.
Yeah, he could see why she might have invested in some hearing protection.
A decent set of earplugs wouldn’t drown out the noise of the morning bell, but they’d be more than capable of drowning out the distant whumph of an alchemy lab going up on the opposite side of the campus.
He momentarily wondered if the noise had caused any of his other teammates to get up, before dismissing the idea.
Strange noises in the middle of the night were far from unusual in a military academy and usually best ignored unless you had a very good reason to think they might involve you.
“Well, it’s not a problem,” he whispered. “I moved it last night before heading back to the dorm.”
The look of relief on the dark elf’s face was palpable, before it gave way to confusion. “Why?”
He shrugged. “For the same reason I booby-trapped the storage room in the first place. Once it got out that I had a mithril core – and might have had something to do with Al’Hundra’s death, well it seemed like there was a decent chance someone might go snooping around places I might want to hide something.”
And the alchemy lab was just about the first place someone would think of right after their team’s dorm room.
Fortunately for him, there were a few places that were quite impractical for hiding something long-term, but pretty ideal in the short term.
And just so long as Marline’s aunts arrived before next Welday, the mithril core would be safe.
Though as he gazed down at the bowl of porridge in front of him, he found his appetite wasn’t quite what it had been just a few moments ago.
“So where’d you hide it?” Marline asked excitedly, clearly relieved that her family’s future wasn’t currently buried in rubble.
William paused as he considered how to answer that question. Something his teammate was quick to notice.
“William,” she prompted. “Where’s my family’s core?”
He gazed down at his bowl, still thinking.
“William!” she shouted as best she could while still whispering.
“The safest place I could think of. Somewhere it’d be covered completely and no one would voluntarily look.”
“Voluntarily?” Marline said. “Covered?”
Credit where credit was due, no one had ever accused his teammate of being slow on the uptake. At least, where politics wasn’t concerned. So it was that it wasn’t long before he witnessed her expression morph from confusion to horror… to rage.
“You buried my family’s mithril core in the latrines?!” she hissed.
William scratched his chin awkwardly as he avoided her furious gaze. “More like dropped. I didn’t need to bury it because it sank on its own. Which is good given I wasn’t quite sure of the relative buoyancy of mithril in… well… you know.”
In his defence, it had seemed like a good idea at the time. Indeed, if one were to be purely objective about the whole thing, it still was. The core was safely hidden at the bottom of one of the lesser used latrine pits. The bottom mounted… storage vats of which were pulled out and emptied into the bay once a week.
It was a fairly old fashioned system, given the existence of indoor plumbing across the rest of the academy. Indeed, he suspected the latrines were only kept around to serve as a form of punishment duty for any cadets that happened to royally piss off their instructors.
“They’ll be safe there until Welday,” William argued weakly. “At which point your aunts can collect them without anyone being the wiser.”
“Collect them from the latrine’s storage vats!” Marline hissed, slamming her head into the table. “Ancestors, the future of our house is now literally swimming in shit.”
Gingerly, William moved to pat the dark elf on the back. “Ah, but at least it’s safe.”
Once more he glanced away as two silver eyes peeked out angrily from between the girl’s arms.
Needless to say, he was rather glad for the eventual arrival of the rest of their team – even if Bonnlyn chose to complain at length about the fact that she was going to be forced to dine on ‘twigs and berries’ – as opposed to the gut busting pile of vaguely food shaped grease she normally chose to partake of in a morning.
Still, at least Marline had stopped glaring at him by the time they’d all finished eating – escaping just before the first of their fellow cadets piled noisily into the cafeteria.

It was actually rather amusing, that for all that the coming match had obvious implications for the country as a whole, in theory it was simply another practice match between two groups of cadets.
To that end, there was no great ceremony as the members of Team Seven made their way through the double doors leading to the Floats. There, as per usual, stood the members of the opposing team along with an Instructor from a ‘neutral’ house.
Never mind that the great bleachers to each side of the faux-ships were filled with eager spectators when they were normally all-but bare. Or that not one of the viewing orbs bolted to the gantries overhead was bereft of the ambient glow that signified they were in use.
Half the noble houses in the country were likely watching the events that were about to unfold through those crystalline orbs. Though William had to wonder if the Queen was one of them or if she was present in person, simply hidden behind whatever magic she used to render herself and her guards invisible.
Still, as he gazed upon the spectacle around them, William couldn’t help but be reminded of just how impressive a construction the Floats were, the stadium sized building hosting not just the ships that made up the field, but room for spectators, viewing orbs, staff and a myriad other smaller facilities that each worked to allow the practice matches to occur.
With that in mind, one notable absence from the building’s usual occupants was hard to miss.
“Where are all the sailors and marines?” Olzenya asked.
“I don’t know,” William said as they continued walking towards Tala and her team. “Maybe they’re already onboard?”
He doubted it though. He’d have been able to see people moving about inside the great vessels or marching across the deck.
No, something was amiss here.
Still, he’d known there was a possibility of House Blackstone attempting something. And the absence of the Float’s usual staff was likely to be related.
Nothing for it now, he thought. Whatever they’ve done can’t be too overt.
The Principal of the Academy might have been in New Haven’s pocket – which made her an ally of House Blackstone – but even her power had limits with the Crown and half the country watching.
“Ma’am,” William said as he came to a stop before the Instructor from House Summerfield. “Team Seven reporting.”
Instructor Halfin, ironically the woman who’d first introduced his team to the floats glowered at him.
“I don’t like this,” she said without preamble, her voice raised loudly enough that it was clear she was aiming her words not just at him, but Tala and the rest of the world besides. “The Academy and the Floats are supposed to be a training environment for the future leadership of the nation as a whole. Not a pissing ground for idiotic adolescents.”
“I didn’t choose the venue, ma’am.” Even as she spoke, Tala’s gaze stayed on William.
“And I didn’t ask your opinion, cadet.” Halfin’s words were biting as she turned towards the third-year. “The only opinion that matters here is mine. Not yours. Not his. Not your mummy’s. And not the rest of these upjumped cretins.”
Her hand flew out to encompass the veritable circus that were the stands. “So, with that in mind you can believe me when I say that my only concern is getting through this farce as efficiently and as fairly as possible. I don’t give a shit about what’s on the line or who doesn’t want to marry who. All that matters to me is whether or not you have wax or paint on your breastplate or enough harpy-venom in your system to put you down for the count.”
Both Tala’s and William’s eyes widened a little at that.
“Wax, ma’am? Paint?” Tala said.
The older woman grunted. “You heard me, and that’s all I’ll say on the matter. Let it be known I’m not happy about it. Nor about the fact that half the sailors on base have apparently come down with the shits.”
Ah, so that was why the float’s usual crew was missing. Clearly the work of House Blackstone, though to what end William was yet unsure.
Are they trying to delay the match? He thought.
That wouldn’t be ideal for a number of reasons – most of which centred around it giving House Blackstone more time to sabotage him and his team. There’d been a damn good reason he chose to have their match literally a day after he challenged her.
“This has naturally affected my ability to run a normal Float match. Normally that would be grounds for delaying this whole farce,” Halfin continued, tone darkening as she spoke the next few words. “But it has been ‘suggested’ to me by a number of parties that doing so would be impractical. So, we shall instead be making use of one of the scenarios available to us that does not require the use of regular crewmembers.”
She gestured towards the area between the two faux ships, the football field sized stretch of land normally empty but for a few overhead nets designed to catch falling cadets.
That wasn’t the case today. Instead, the area had been filled with a tangled mess of pre-fabricated structures and various other bits of paraphernalia.
“Airship down,” the Instructor said, and after a moment’s observation, William realized that the stretch of land really did look like what you might have seen if an airship crashed into it.
Assuming said airship crashed with enough force to scatter its component parts around rather than remain as a fairly battered single object. Which, given the heights said ships could drop from, wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility.
“Our third year cadets will be familiar with this scenario, but I will explain it briefly for our first years.” Again, there was no mistaking just how unhappy Halfin was with all of this. “In short, an allied or enemy airship has crashed in neutral territory. Both sides of the conflict have dispatched a mage strike team to search the wreckage for the ship’s core so as to deny it to the enemy. Unfortunately, neither side can effectively search said wreckage until the other strike team has been completely eliminated.”
Halfin’s gaze turned towards his team. “To clarify, do not let the flavor text of this scenario fool you. There is no core within the wreckage in this scenario. The only way to win is to completely eliminate the opposing team.”
Over the woman’s shoulder, William didn’t miss the small smile that flitted across his fiancee’s features.
Ah, so that’s her game, he thought.
Oh, he didn’t doubt she would have preferred this whole engagement be delayed so as to allow her more time to stack the deck, but on short notice simply changing the scenario to this still helped her.
It reduced the number of ‘wild card’ factors that might benefit him or his team. No crew members. No orbs to collect. Just a straight up fight between the two teams.
Sure, said wild cards could have just as easily worked in Tala’s favour, but given the skill disparity between the two groups, it benefited her to reduce the number of random vectors present in the coming fight.
Plus, it also had his team attempting to navigate an unfamiliar scenario.
Well played, he thought.
“Any issue with that, cadets?” Halfin said as she finished her explanation.
“None at all,” William said before the rest of his team could interrupt, noting the small pout of disappointment that flitted across Tala’s face.
She’d probably wanted him to kick up a fuss and force the match to be delayed for the reasons he’d thought of before.
Alas, she wasn’t that lucky.
No, for better or for worse this was happening here and now.
Sure, it wasn’t an ideal scenario, but he could make it work for him. It simply required him to pull out another trick that he’d been hoping to hold onto for just a little while longer.
Amusingly, Halfin also looked a little disappointed. The woman had probably wanted the match delayed on principle. It was clear both his new weapon and Tala’s interference rubbed her the wrong way.
Though as he had the thought, he was pleasantly surprised to see there was at least one woman in the academy who placed her duty as an educator and impartial judge above politics.
Indeed, if she had a reputation for such, that was likely part of the reason why she’d been selected for this match as a compromise between the Crown and the Blackstones.
“Well, if that’s all, then you’ve got ten minutes to check out your weapons and get to your starting positions.” Halfin grunted, before she seemed to remember something. “And I suppose I’ll take possession of the ‘bet’ now.”
There was no missing the disdain in the woman’s voice, which actually made William feel a bit better as he gestured over to Verity.
Unslinging the backpack she’d carried all the way over, the girl still looked more than a little awed as she unveiled the glowing metal orb. It was actually a little amusing, the mixture of relief and reluctance that crossed her features as she handed it over to the Instructor.
An instructor who was apparently not entirely carved from stone, as she somewhat reverently accepted the object.
Even the distant stands hushed down a bit as the bowling ball sized core changed hands.
Of course, it was barely a second before the moment was interrupted.
“Of course you’d have the orc carry it,” Tala grunted, her tone resigned.
Verity flinched back at the words and every other member of his team – including Olzenya leaned forward to argue – but William forestalled them all with a simple raised hand.
“Of course I did,” he said simply. “She’s a valuable member of my team and I trust her. Far more than certain other individuals present.”
A core could also be deceptively heavy despite its ability to produce lighter than air aether and he had no real desire to carry it all the way across campus. It also went unsaid that Verity was best equipped to intercept any… opportunistic thieves.
Indeed, he’d have paid to see some enterprising moron attempt to wrestle the bag holding the core off his orcish teammate on the walk over here.
It hadn’t happened of course, the possibility had always been an outlier at best, but given the stakes it had seemed better to err on the side of caution.
…It had also been amusing to see the myriad emotions that had flashed across the faces of most of the team when he quite casually tossed the bag holding the core to the orc. One would almost think he’d just thrown a baby at her.
Indeed, the only one who’d not been affected had been Marline, who’d just looked quietly resigned.
Which was still fun in its own way.
It was a little childish perhaps coming from a man ‘his age’, but that same age was what gave him the experience to know that sometimes life was about being a little silly and enjoying the small things.
And what better silly fun was there than teasing a bunch of far too serious kids by throwing around a basically indestructible ball of magical space metal?
Of course, given the flash of irritation that shot across Tala’s face, it was clear she thought his smile was an accompaniment to his taunt.
However, before she could say anything, Halfin scooped up the core. “Well, I’ll be holding onto this until the match is over. At which point I shall hand it to whomever I deem to be the victor.” For just a moment, her expression softened. “You can rest assured, both of you, that I shan’t let it out of my sight or off my person for the duration of the match. This I swear – even if I’m irritated at this whole situation.”
William and Tala both nodded, accepting the solemness of the woman’s impromptu oath.
“Alright,” she said, slinging the thing under her arm as she returned to her previous acerbic personality. “You’ve got ten minutes to collect your weapons and be at your designated spots for the beginning of the match. Anyone not in the correct place at the correct time will be considered eliminated for the purposes of this match. Dismissed.”
With her bit said, she strode away, no doubt up to the judges tower - which had an eagle’s eye view of the entire arena.
Leaving two teams of rather combative cadets behind.
Ten minutes was more than enough time to collect their gear, so William allowed himself a few seconds to simply gaze at Tala’s team.
“Finally realizing how outclassed you are, William?” Tala sneered.
It was funny, normally that kind of open disdain was beneath her. Sure, she’d yelled at him before, but to his mind that was more of an expression of frustration than animosity.
Here and now though?
She hated him.
And he revelled in it.
Not because he hated her. He didn’t. Even if they were enemies. At worst he’d say he pitied her for her ignorance and worldview.
Much like him and his otherworldly views, she was a product of her environment.
She wasn’t evil. At least not in an intentional sense. Indeed, by the standards of this world she was actually a good person.
Loyal. Dutiful. Hardworking.
Simply in service to an institution that he abhorred.
With that in mind, the reason why he relished in her disdain was simple.
It meant that he was now worthy of it in her mind. No longer an irritating non-factor that refused to play along, his actions now had consequences.
He’d earned her animosity honestly.
He was a factor. A person.
It felt good.
“Just counting the numbers,” he said. “Some part of me wondered if you might be a team member or two short.”
Indeed, the fact that he’d hoped for the murder of a young man or woman last night was something he counted amongst the least of his sins. There’d be a great many more of those to come.
Still, ignorant of his thoughts, the girl stiffened, all but confirming his suspicions as her mind no doubt turned towards last night’s explosion.
It had been her people who’d tried to raid his alchemy storage room – though it seemed she’d not been so foolish as to send anyone on her team to accomplish the job. In all likelihood the unfortunate fools who’d run afoul of his trap had likely been little more than paid off servants or some other kind of catspaw.
Irrelevant in the scheme of things ultimately and chosen for that very reason. Unfortunate, but hoping that his enemy would be a teammate or two down had ever been a long shot.
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” Tala said. “My teammates are all ready and eager to serve not only me, but to honour their family names as well through that service. Though I know that’s a concept most alien to you.”
Around her, four other members of the girls team stood up a little straight, animosity burning in their gaze as they silently regarded his team with disdain.
Disdain his own team was quite happy to level back – if only out of loyalty to him.
Still, it was funny; Tala was more right than she knew. The values of this world were in many ways alien to him despite having lived here for nearly two decades.
“I suppose you’re right,” he chuckled. “To that end, I’ll see you in the arena.”
He took a moment to enjoy the look of puzzlement on his foe’s face at his placid rejoinder, before he strode away, his team falling in behind him.
Though as he walked, he made sure to turn to each of them. “Make sure to double check all of our equipment. If Tala was able to give half the Float staff food poisoning last night, I wouldn’t put it past her to be able to tamper with our equipment.”
Each of the girls nodded seriously at his words, no doubt leery of discovering a razor blade or some other such implement in one of their boots. Or that their bolt-bow had a faulty intake valve.
Indeed, the only piece of equipment William could theoretically have been sure of was that which he was currently wearing and the spell-bolts that would have been delivered clandestinely at the last minute by either Griffith or a palace guard.
And even then, what the fuck is this about wax and paint rather than rubber? He thought.
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2024.05.21 13:29 kem81 So... We Aren't Alone? Chapter 23

Hi everyone! This chapter will read a bit quicker due to all of the dialog. As always, comments and upvotes let me know you're still interested in the story.
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Once everyone was aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, Mira seemed to relax a little. Davis and Thompson were chatting away with Vebi and Fennis. Povin still stayed near Mira when the officers were chatting with each other. She felt a little lost now that her services as translator was no longer needed. The winds were much stronger here, and one of Povin’s wings got caught in the wind, causing him to lift up. He reflexively opened his other wing.
“Povin! Remember! Glide! Do not flap!” Mira yelled at him.
“What was that Chief?” Thompson asked.
“I’m sorry sir. Ensign Povin’s wing got caught on a draft. They come from a lower gravity world so if he tries to fly, our gravity will break most of his wing bones and tear through his wing skin. The atmospheric belts they wear can maintain their own atmospheric conditions, but it can’t keep up if they full on fly.”
After riding the currents and getting used to how it felt under his wings, Povin was eventually able to land. He quickly wrapped his wings about himself tightly to avoid doing that again. The rest of the remaining Drala quickly tightened their own wings about their bodies.
“I see. Let’s get everyone inside.” Admiral Davis replied. “Chief Rodreguez, your Captain Martinelli sent over your uniforms.” He called over a sailor who had a duffle bag which was handed over to Mira.
Mira looked a little closer at one of the Destroyer escorts. “Sir, is that the USS Bainbridge I see?”
“Yes, it is. You think your Captain would allow us to come get you and not be a part of the escort? Once we stopped receiving responses, he has called in almost daily to NASA to get answers. Honestly, I was willing to bet that if we denied his ‘request’ to join the escort, he would have gone rogue to be here.”
“I’m not so sure about that. Captain Martinelli wouldn’t break protocols like that. He might have been hailing like crazy until someone gave him answers, but never would he go rogue.” Mira replied.
As she finished saying that a sailor came up the Admiral, “Sir, Captain Martinelli of the USS Bainbridge is on the horn for you.”
“You were saying, Chief?” Davis chuckled. “Maybe you should go take that call. We’ll be in the Ready Room. Come see us there after you have spoken with your captain and made yourself Navy presentable.”
“Yes, sir!” She saluted, received the return salute, and headed to the comms room. In the comms room, she was directed to the receiver. “This is Chief Mira Rodriguez speaking.”
“Chief. It’s good to hear your voice again. Do you have any idea how many calls I received from my nephew? I don’t know how he was able to get people to patch him through so frequently while on duty himself, but he’s very resourceful. I have to admit that. Did those aliens treat you well? And who took down communications like that?”
“Yes, sir. I was treated extremely well. I haven’t had a chance to be debriefed yet, so I don’t know how much I’m allowed to say over comms.”
“I understand. You should be able to say at least if the comms were interrupted by the aliens.”
“Not by the aliens I was with, sir.”
“I understand. Go do what you have to do, Chief. I hope to see you back on the Bainbridge soon.”
“I hope so too, sir.” She replied. The call ended and a sailor took her to where she could change her clothes as well as where the Ready Room was located. Once she was in her khaki-colored Shipboard Working Uniform, she headed to the Ready Room and then waited to be told she could sit. The Flx’usri each had their specialty chairs, and the Drala were able to manage the human chairs.
“Is Captain Martinelli well?” Admiral Davis asked.
“I believe he is calmer now, Sir. However, I suspect he will grill me himself once I am returned to his ship.”
“That sounds about right, Chief. I wouldn’t expect any less of him.”
“Grill? Are you in danger, Chief Mira?” Vebi asked worriedly.
“Grill is slang for question soundly, Rear Admiral. I promise that I will be completely safe with my Captain.” Mira looked around and noticed Commander Morris wasn’t in the room. “Excuse me, Sirs. What happened to Commander Morris? I thought he had survived the assault?”
“I’m sure he’s somewhere on board the ship. When we left to this room, he had been distracted. You know how these ships can be hard to navigate for non-Navy enlistees.” Davis replied.
General Thompson added, “If I had not spent my earlier enlisted time on board Navy vessels, I likely would have also been confused. I always did enjoy the Marine Taxi Service.” He joked. The Admiral gave him a poke with his elbow good naturedly. It was a sign that they had been friends as well as coworkers for a long time.
Admiral Davis explained to the aliens, “The General and I belong to different branches of service. Each branch has a love-hate relationship with all of the other branches. We all have our strengths, and our weaknesses are proudly backed up by the strengths of the other branches. It’s like having siblings. I can tease and make fun of my siblings, but if anyone else does, I will fight them to submission and make them apologize to my sibling.”
“Ah, I understand,” Vebi replied. “I feel the same way about my spawn-mates.”
Fennis cut in, “I understand the diplomat you had intended for us was lost in the conflict. We would prefer if Chief Mira were to be this for us. She has lived with us, and we have forged mutual respect for each other.”
“I believe that can be arranged.” Davis replied after a few moments of thought. “Bureaucracy takes time, and the rest of the Chief’s enlistment will have to be accounted for, but I believe this can be arranged.” He chuckled. “Captain Martinelli will be both happy for you and pissed we’re taking away his highest-ranking Machinist Mate aboard the Bainbridge.”
They began talking and getting to know each other and finally, Vebi asked, “I understand you will need to speak with others to make a real decision, but do you think your people will join the Federation?”
General Thompson beat Admiral Davis to it as he said, “They touched our boats. No one touches the US Navy’s boats and gets away with it.” Davis gave Thompson a small elbow to the ribs for stealing the Navy's line.
Eventually, Commander Morris found the Ready Room and General Thompson gestured for him to take a seat. “Now that we’re all here, Chief, how about you give us a full debriefing. Start from leaving Earth.”
“Yes, Sir. The mission started off great. Roger was able to correct course as needed, but the autopilot we were using was very accurate. We were all asleep when it happened. I’m a light sleeper and the pings against the hull woke me up. Looking back, there must have been a harder hit that woke me up first, but at the time, all I heard was the lighter pings. I got up to take a look around and then the alarms went off that we all knew meant to get into our space suits. Once I was in my suit, I realized no one else was in the room with me.
“I grabbed a suit with the intent to help someone into it and then we could go back and help others. They were all dead. The atmosphere in the ship was completely gone and we were no longer noticeably moving. I was staring at either a short and rough death once my air ran out, or if I could fix the life support, I could be looking at a long agonizing death from hunger. I never turned away from a challenge, so I was determined to fix the ship.
"I fixed the life support and power at the same time. Now I was only going to face a long agonizing death. It was then that I jettisoned the dead. Hindsight being 20/20, I realize it was the wrong choice. I know that Commander Morris felt I should be able to make a refrigeration room, but if you look at the ship and the schematics, and assuming that I knew I was going to survive and make it back home, that ship did not have rooms that were airtight. They are close, but do not seal all the way. Secondly, I didn’t have the materials to make it so that the air didn’t circulate out of any room I put them in.
“At that time, I fully expected that I was going to die out there. It would take time for any message to get to Earth, time to fabricate a new ship and crew it, and time to get out to me. Time that I didn’t feel I had.”
Davis interrupted. “The seals weren’t airtight?”
“The exterior ones were, but any of the interior doors were not. They used a different kind of seal material, and in some cases, we could see light through a closed door. Even the door that was supposed to be the airlock for if we had to open the exterior door for anything. That one was the best seal, but there were still leaks.”
“Continue.” Davis said.
“I was out fixing the thruster when the crew of Black Hole found me. You haven’t met them, and I don’t think they can even come down here. The Federation uses color outlines on their emblem to denote classes of ability to survive on worlds, I guess would be the best way to put it. Black Hole is a Green Class. They have the fewest worlds they can touch down on and survive. It’s based on allergy. If they were to even touch the plants here, they would get hives. The Meteor's crew is a Black Class. They can go to nearly every inhabited world. They might have to be careful of gravity, or if the air quality or temperatures are too extreme for the atmospheric belts to handle. Our world is classified as a Black Class planet.” She then relayed the rest of her journey.
“Do you think we can speak with these other heads of ships?” Thompson asked the aliens.
“Of course.” Fennis replied. To Vebi he said, “If you hail Commander Xuan’rawis, I’ll hail Captain S’sveta.”
After getting their targets on a video call, they both headed over and got their counterparts in view too. “We still have two hours until our nocturnal counterparts awaken. We’ll have about an hour of overlap, and then we will need to rest ourselves.” S’sveta said.
The leaders all spoke with each other, leaving Morris very confused as he did not receive a translator implant. Thompson told Mira she could act as his translator, so she did.
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2024.05.21 04:49 Gengisan Carena Borrell, Lady of the Three Sisters, Lady of the Claws, Lady of Sweetsister and Keeper of Marla's Urn

Reddit Account: u/gengisan
Discord Tag: slizzard
Name and House: Carena Borrell
Age: 26
Cultural Group: Sisterman
Appearance: Tall as a man, broad shouldered, and shapely. Her complexion is sun kissed like that of a sailor, and her arms strong enough to pull her weight in their company. She has the mark of the sistermen between her fingers. Her hair is a raven black and worn shorter than most women of the island.
Delicate facial features, and a fondness for the fine fabrics and perfumes that flow through her Isles from the East maintain her air of nobility, though she is found in clothes fit for a deckhand as often as those befitting a noblewoman.
Trait: Mariner
Skill(s): Polearms, footwork, avaricious, shipwright, Navigator
Talent(s):Spearfishing, Swimming,
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Lady of Sisterton
Starting Location: starting hunt
Alternate Characters: Pacar Breakshore
Name and House:Ser Pacar Breakshore
Age: 34
Cultural Group: Northman
Appearance: Tall and wirey, with a crooked nose. He has a gaunt face marred with pock marks and a kind, lopsided smile. His eyes bear subtle crows feet. His hair and beard are a mousey brown beginning to show the first strands of grey.
Trait: Steward
Skill(s): Axes, Chivalric, Logistician
Talent(s): Lutist, carouser
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Lord Consort of Sisterton
Starting Location: the hunt
Carena was raised in the ashes of Vhagar’s fury. When the dragon had come to the Three Sisters she had been but a child. The fire took the house of her overlords, as well as her father, mother, and nearly all of her other kin. She and her sister had only survived the burning of Sisterton due to her father’s foresight, sending them to sea in a fishing vessel before the battle began.
When she returned to shore, she found her home destroyed, and Sweetsister as well as the other islands thoroughly devastated.
Claiming legitimacy through her deceased mother’s line, and with scant other options, the child Carena was made Lady of the Three Sisters. A regency council was formed and swore a new oath to the Lords of Winterfell.
In the following years, the island was referred to in grim jest as ‘Sootsister’. Where the dragon’s breath had touched, even the buildings of stone had caught ablaze and crumbled. The Sunderlands’ old keep was destroyed entirely, reduced to blackened and twisted rubble atop its old perch over Sisterton’s harbor. It is said that only one in every ten buildings in Sisterton survived that day, and only those of stone. Breakwater itself was sundered by the dragonfire, though not destroyed entirely.
It was from what remained of the seat of the Borrells that the regency council convened each day before Corena would come of age. Consisting of what few powerful figures remained on Sweetsister as well as representatives of lords of the neighboring isles, it remained the guiding force behind the rebuilding of the island before Carena came into power.
The suffering did not end as the last embers faded. With their fields, storehouses, boats, and quays destroyed, famine followed. The council did what they could, buying grain and lumber from their neighbors to the north, but the first years following the scouring were a time of great hardship for peasant and noble alike.
As she grew up under the supervision of the regency council, gradually life returned to her home. She and her sister played games of foxes-and-moles in the ruins of the Sunderlands’ keep, and she learned to swim diving for guilder’s glass in the cold water of the town’s harbor. There along the old merchant’s row, the large windows of Myrish glass had warped and shattered out of the houses under the heat of Vhagar’s fire, before the pebbles on the harbor floor sanded them down to the gems she hunted as a child.
By her eighth nameday, the rebuilding of Breakwater was completed, and by then the same could be said about most of the surviving buildings in the town. Only the old castle of the Sunderlands remained ruined, shrinking as much of its masonry was used for repairs and new construction. It was said that every dwelling in Sisterton no matter how lowly had hearths made of ‘the Queen’s stones’. A squat, rotund tower that came to be known as ‘Marla’s Urn’ was built of warped, blackened stone facing the water on the hill they once ruled, replacing the more elegant lighthouse that had once adjoined the keep.
In the town and beyond, the land had slowly been resettled. The effort was driven mostly by surviving Sistermen. Land was scarce on the islands and second and third sons moved quickly at the opportunity to make a name for themselves. Northmen also came mostly from the lands that lay on the Bite, drawn in by the hope of opportunity in the wake of the Sistermen’s new pledge of loyalty to the Lords of Winterfell.
The council allowed these Northmen to marry the Sisterwomen left widowed by the dragonfire, with the same rights and privileges as the Sistermen who came from the other islands. It was only as a gesture of good will to their new liege that this was allowed, however. Opportunistic men of the Vale saw no such accommodation and were met with open hostility, as there was no love lost between them and the Sistermen.
She learned to fight alongside the other women of her generation, though Sisterwomen had not bore arms in the past, it was necessary after so many men had died. Carena could wield a spear just as well against a man as a seal, and was taught how to use a wrecker’s hook to sever tendons or rip a horseman from his saddle. She grew powerful with practice, and benefitted from her height as she grew older, standing at least a head above most women.
As soon as she was old enough, she took to the sea, learning to sail smaller vessels as well as command the warships of her house as they rebuilt the navy the Targaryens had burned.
When Carena reached her majority, the regency council disbanded, though many of the members settled into advisory positions doing much the same work as they had before. Soon after coming to power, Carena ordered the construction of a new keep near the site of the Sunderlands’ old castle. At the advice of her more superstitious subjects, who worried the souls that had been lost in the old keep could not rest, the old foundations and rubble were salvaged and brought to a new site, while the old keep was turned into a sept and godswood. The heart tree was one of the few on the island that had survived the fire, an ancient chestnut which had already earned a reputation from how its center survived while its branches burned away or charred.
With no parents left alive, she was left with the responsibility of choosing a husband. The decision to pick one of the ‘Sootmen’, newcomers to the island, was a tactical one. The man in question, however, was a favorite of Carena’s. Pacar Breakshore had been one of her regents when the council still ruled. A young, newly landed knight at the time, he had immigrated to the island with his father in one of the first waves of resettlement. The Breakshores had quickly grown to become one of the most prominent houses of Sootmen on the island, though they had remained landed knights. He was handier with a lute than his axe, and seen more often in the taverns and winesinks of Sisterton than the halls of Breakwater, but had a head for numbers and the favor of Carena.
Carena became mother to two children by Pacar, Faran and Mysa. When the new castle was completed in 23 AC, their family relocated and the title Lady of Breakwater was conferred to her sister, Dessa. The new keep was dubbed ‘The Claws’, and the occasion was celebrated with a tournament of a scale not seen since before the destruction of the Sunderlands.
9 BC - Pacar Breakshore is born to Demar and Alys Breakshore
1 BC - Carena is born to Guyard Borrell and Mysa Sunderland
2 AC - Dessa is born to Guyard and Mysa
2 AC - Guyard Borrell and the house’s retainers answer Marla Sunderland’s call to arms. While not all of the house was destroyed, as was the fate of their overlords, it was only a scant few that lived to see the next day. Guyard and Mysa perished in the dragonflame, as well as all of the Borrells of Talleaves and Fogstone.
3 AC - The regency council commences
4 AC - The Night Lamp shines again for the first time since the attack, having been badly damaged. This night, the sixth of the ninth moon, came to be known as the Day of Restoration, and is celebrated annually by peasants and nobles since.
7 AC - The rebuilding of Breakwater is completed
8 AC - A bastard daughter, Dena Tyde is fathered by Pacar Breakshore.
9 AC - Three seats on the council are granted to the Northern-born settlers, or ‘Sootmen’, so called because they blew in on the same winds that blew the soot and ash from the isles.
12 AC - Pacar Breakshore is given a position on the regency council.
12 AC - Pacar Breakshore fathers another bastard, Ademar Tyde.
15 AC - As Carena reaches her 16th nameday, the regency council is disbanded.
16 AC - Carena orders the construction of a new keep near the site of the Sunderlands’ old castle.
18 AC - Two moons after her 19th nameday, Carena and Pacar Breakshore marry.
19 AC - Carena’s first child by Pacar is born, a son, Faran.
22 AC - Carena has another child by Pacar, a daughter named Mysa.
23 AC - The new keep is completed, and dubbed ‘The Claws’.
 Guyard Borrell (30 BC - 2 AC) Mysa Sunderland (22 BC - 2 AC) Carena Borrell (1 BC - m. Pacar Breakshore (9 BC - Faran Borrell (19 AC - Mysa Borrell (22 AC - Dessa Borrell (2 AC - 
Supporting Characters
Dessa Borrell (23) Boatswain - Sister of Carena, Lady of Breakwater Castle, Keeper of the Night Lamp, Shield of Sisterton
Loran Charcloak (54) Master at Arms- Commander of the Claws’ garrison, veteran of the Sunderlands’ rebellion
Dena Tyde (18) - Bastard daughter of Pacar Breakshore, lady in waiting to Carena.
Ademar Tyde (12) Bastard son of Pacar Breakshore, squire to Pacar.
Ser Doren Cobbledown (28) - Castellan of The Claws.
Maester Othell (60) - Maester of the Claws, from the Riverlands
submitted by Gengisan to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:15 Star_Skies NAVET re-enlistment rank

A prior service sailor, who has been out for many years, is approved to reenlist into the same rate, but must drop a grade in rank (let's say E5 to E4, which is what I see normally). During their initial service contract, they were up for E6 upon leaving the military.
Q1. When they re-enlist as E4, will they automatically be eligible to take the E5 exam and promote as soon as the next one is offered after they re-enlist?
Q2. If the above answer is yes, then since they already satisfied the E5 TIR requirements during their initial contract, will they, then, also be able to immediately test for E6 as well if they promote to E5?
My big request here is for specific NAVADMINs to back up your interpretation of this. My searches for "navy petty officer advancement navadmin" have not been very fruitful so far. Thank you.
submitted by Star_Skies to navy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:03 chaos_knight_xy Boruto Boudican Ch.37 part 3

Boruto Boudican Ch.37 part 3
Meanwhile Ehou was upset, and William Wallace was shocked.
"What do you remember?" asked William Wallace.
"It is all blank, it happened so fast." Said Ehou. "If this is what it means to be a Boudican than-?"
"What, you just want to be a Shinobi?" said William Wallace. "Do you really think there is no killed or be killed rule for a warrior."
"I just-I can't, it is too much." Cried Ehou. "At first, I wanted to be a Shinobi, like everyone looks up to Naruto..."
"He may be a hero to the Leaf, and his allies." Said William. "But he is demon to his enemies, especially in Boudica, also Shinobi do kill."
Ehou looked down on the ground.
"What would my mom think, is this why she hid my father from me?" said Ehou
"I don't know." Said William Wallace. "But there is one thing, you must know."
William Wallace put his hands on Ehou's shoulders.
"Get a grip, you swore an oath to the band of Macduff." Said William. "You were given power, now you have a responsibility to use it."
"SOME ONE HELP!!!!!" cried a voice.
William Wallace and Ehou hide behind a small hill.
They looked across the and saw a village, where they saw a bunch of armed men with blue arm bands.
"Please sir, we given you everything we have." Said a crying villager.
"Don't lie to me?" said one of the bandits in samurai armor, most likely the leader. "Or do you really think you'd value your possessions over your lives."
"What are you waiting for, help them, you've done this before." Said Ehou, in shock.
"What if I'm frightened what if I don't want the act of killing on my soul." Said William.
"But-bu.." stuttered Ehou.
"Think, Think." Said William. "This is a test brought forth by God! Will you cower, or will you be brave."
"If you won't tell me the truth." Said the bandit leader.
"The Leaf will hear of this." Said a young girl.
"Oi, boss." Said one thug. "I think that was threat."
"Well, little miss mayor, Koharu?" said the bandit leader sarcastically. "Our contact told us of a booty, and we out to have it, and this trash does not equal the booty promised to us.
"Boss I have an idea." Said a thug and whispered into the leader's ear.
"Oh, great idea." Said the bandit leader. "Let's start drowning people into the rivers, that ought to make them talk."
"No please!" cried one.
"You can't, we've given you everything you've have." Shouted another in desperation.
"You can't do this!" cried Koharu.
"Try and stop us then." Gloated the bandit leader.
The Bandits proceeded to grab people, some tried to fight back but got taken down by one punch due to the strength of each bandit.
"I-I can't, what will my mother think?" said Ehou in despair.
"Good question!" said William Wallace. "What would she think if you let a bunch of people die."
William Wallace's voice spoke deeper than ever.
"If you won't save them." Said William. "Who will?"
All at once, everything was a haze for Ehou.
The Bandit Leader looked gleefully as his men forced people under water.
"Oh boy, I'm going to be rich, just little torture first." He spoke.
"Halt!" cried a voice.
The voice came from the woods, at once everyone including the bandits looked.
Koharu, who was the young head of the small village, eyes glowed from what she saw.
There was a figure in the entrance of the woods.
She saw glowing light, from the woods, and it shined off the figure's armor.
An armor she had never seen before, with shiny sword, metal helm, metal ring tunic, with a white one on top and a red shield within a red shield for a shield.
"I shall Face you, Scum!" said the armored figure, the voice echoed within the helm, it sounded like a boy's voice mixed with the fury of damnation.
The bandit leader looked on gleefully.
"Boss, he insulted you." Said a Bandit subordinate. "Let's surround him and rip him to shreds, that cocky metal boy."
The Bandit leader only smiled.
"Oh, Jigoku, I think I will take him alone." Said the Bandit leader, he then pointed his katana at the metal boy's armor. "See look at his apparel, if we ganga up on him, we will destroy his expensive armor, which could sell for great profit intact in the underworld market."
The Bandit leader smiled grimly.
He then jumped into the flowing river standing in it shin deep. The river was flowing into a waterfall, yet the bandit's strength made it, so he was as still as a mountain.
"Alright, metal boy, lets duel one on one, with the river as our field." Said the Bandit leader.
saw that the metal boy was hesitant, but nonetheless jumped into the river, also maintaining his form.
"I'm Daku, leader of the Blue Bands." Said Daku.
"I am-." Said the metal boy.
"Don't care, I'll forget the moment, I kill you." Interrupted Daku, lunging his katan for a swing at Ehou's head.
The Ehou, the metal boy,'s head was flooded with thoughts.
Ehou, not thinking straight in his first real battle, saw it and out of instinct, blocked it with his sword.
A large clash between the swords put water up in the air, making it rain, and blew trees like hard wind.
"Interesting!" said Daku, grinning.
With great speed like light, he started swing faster,
Water from the river shot up like it was raining hard backwards.
Ehou, amazedly kept with the katana with his sword and shield parrying.
"This is what it means to kill or be killed." Thought Ehou.
To Ehou, Wallace had taught him many things about his mysterious heritage, that they both shared as half Boudicans.
There a line between life and death, war stands at that line.
Ehou, now stands dancing on the line between life and death.
He understood it now, all too well.
He was playing a game of chess with death, and he wasn't sure if he was winning or losing.
Nonetheless, it was a magical and thrilling drug, is this why Boudicans enjoy war?
"I'm idiot." Thought Ehou. "Why am I so focused on Blocking, I am wearing armor!"
Ehou then swung up with his sword.
Daku blocked it desperately, his katana cracked, he then maneuvered and hit Ehou twice with it, each blow causing a shock wave that put water over the trees, like that they were being flooded.
Daku with his katana, struck Ehou on his side with no shield, and on his shoulder, nothing.
They hurt Ehou but only like a small punch.
Ehou took the initiative, he shield bashed Daku's knees, and knocked him off balance.
Now Ehou has had enough of Daku's face, so he stabbed it.
Right through the mouth, thought the head, with such force, it launched Daku's helmet into the air, and if fell into the water, and floated down stream like a paper made boat.
There was shock among everyone, including Ehou.
This was the second man Ehou had killed in his life, but this man deserved it.
"He killed the boss!" yelled a thug. "Gang up on him!"
To Ehou's surprise, the bandits were not cowards, despite picking on weaker people.
Everything now was a Haze, it no longer rained water upwards from the river, but blood.
These men were much weaker than their leader.
Ehou shield bashed, hacked, slashed, and stab.
The fight between Ehou and Daku was duel, this was a battle, and Ehou was a one-man army.
Gazing at his arms and skill in battle against his enemies, seeing his power through the visor of his helmet pumped his adrenaline.
An imagined memory flashed, a imagined memory he had.
It was him, a young William Wallace, playing with wooden swords and wooden shields with wooden helms.
It seems like a fun game to play with wooden swords, thus Boudican warfare was deadly game, a game where you either win or die.
During war, you are either alive or dead, to Ehou he was walking on the line in between, he felt he had risen to a new plane of existence.
The battle was now over, the bandits were gone, their bodies, or what's left of them flowed down the river, that was red with their blood.
Ehou had stepped off the line, and was now back into life, no longer was he in the plane of existence which was the line between life and death.
After his first battle, Ehou felt nauseated, so much had happened, that he not only shocked by his first battle, but that he won it as well.
He was shocked at the kind of power he wielded.
He fell backwards to rest, but instead of hitting the water, he was just falling, he was so close to the waterfall, after the battle, that he fell down it, with sword and shield in hand.
He heard the villagers call out in horror.
But Ehou couldn't make out what they were saying, but didn't care, he crashed into the pond below that the waterfall was going too.
He drifted into the water a bit, he sunk to the bottom, his head was still in a haze, nonetheless he realized he had to get out.
With his strength he swam to the surface, despite his armor weighing him down, he walked out to a rock, dripping water.
He then used the wind of his strength and body to dry himself.
Ehou heard the villagers coming to check on him, but out of instinct he hid.
He was not in the right mind to be celebrated, he wouldn't know what to say, let alone how he would react to being glorified a hero.
"Guess I understand why William is anti-social." Thought Ehou.
Ehou looked from his hidden hiding place, as the villagers looked left and right for him.
"Quick, Hiro!" ordered Koharu, "He must be under the pond, somewhere."
"I've checked." Said Hiro, who was wet from swimming. "He just disappeared."
"Miss Koharu, look here." Said a villager, pointing at the watered rock that Ehou was on.
"It is like he disappeared." Said a villager.
"It's like he is the man with wings.." Said Hiro. "While I was sailing, and catching fish in the sea, I met a sailor with a weird accent, who told how he survived drowning because his guardian angel watched over him."
"An angel?" Said Koharu.
"Either that or he was ghost." Replied Hiro. "But nonetheless, he is gone, now miss mayor we must make sure everyone is alright."
Everyone left to attend to the village problems, but not Koharu, who was still in awe by the ordeal.
Ehou was still in shock, some part of him felt shame in taking pleasure in battle, yet this was the result of his battle prowess.
This girl and her village live because of him.
He is hero now, he slayed bad men to save good innocent people.
"Who was he?" Said Koharu. 'Was he actually our guardian angel?"
Koharu stood around for a little bit, thinking.
"But I guess it doesn't matter what he is, but what he did." Said Koharu to herself.
Koharu then put her hands together in prayer for thanksgiving.
"Thank you! Angel, who-ever you are?" said Koharu.
Koharu's face went red.
"Although, I wish I at least got your real name." said Kaharu.
She smiled; it was a pretty smile.
Ehou was now surprised. He was still shocked at what he did, he had slain a man, no men, living human beings, but they were evil human beings, that would have killed good ones.
They would have drowned the villagers if not for Ehou's interference.
This girl and her people are safe, because of what Ehou had done.
"I did this." Thought Ehou. "I saved them, I became a hero, by making a tough call."
Ehou continued thinking about all that happened on the way back to William Wallace
Ehou left and found William Wallace, sitting next to a boulder.
William was reading from a book.
"The breath that wafts from some blessed corner of Paradise gives sweetness to the bitterness of this region; it tempers the curse on this earth of ours. That Garden is the life-breath of this diseased world that has been so long in sickness; that breath proclaims that a saving remedy has been sent to heal our mortality." Said William.
"You really are reading poetry, while I fought for my life." Said Ehou, "Really?"
"I would be perceptive enough to know you were in trouble." Replied William.
Ehou caught his breath.
"Anyways, you were right." Said Ehou. "I see why you made me kill them, I'm just shocked such evil people exist, even today in this Peace era."
"Regardless of era, all humans are created with their own free will, they can choose to be good." Said William. "Or evil?"
"The bandit Daku, and his men would have drowned those people, and I killed all of the bandits for that." Said Ehou. "And I felt, I felt something from it, a mad crazed joy, the thrill of walking on a new plane of existence, between Life and Death, it was like an addiction."
"Boudicans enjoy warfare, plain and simple." Said William. 'Because of this, we should not let our feelings dictate our reason, or else we are no worse than mindless savage monsters."
"But there is one thing, I don't feal so good about?" said Ehou.
"What is it?" asked William.
Ehou's face was embarrassed.
"You know those generic fairy tales or romances." Said Ehou. "You know where the damsel in distress "falls in love" with the hero, after he save her."
"Yeah, in fact, some of those are the best books I have read." Replied William.
"Let's just say, I didn't think it would happen in real life." Said Ehou. "The mayor girl, I think-think she uh likes me?"
"So?" said William.
"Don't you think it's weird, like-liking someone who just saved you, and you don't even know them as a person." Said Ehou.
William Wallace closed his book.
"Well, not knowing you, maybe a bit farfetched." Said William. "I mean certain qualities of your character were on display, when you saved her and her village, for one bravery, courage, and maybe perseverance?"
Ehou thought for a second.
"I don't know, it just sounds clique, if you know what I mean." Said Ehou.
William Wallace got up.
"I think I do." Said William. "But now, I believe we should be on our way."
Ehou nodded in agreement.
Meanwhile, Stewart stood on guard having a drink and leaning on a tree, he watched as the girls as well as the other people of the festival danced with music and usually around the large bonfire.
There were also some people huddled at tables for drink and food, delicious food, and drink.
Stewart was quite bored, he didn't take in the festivities, unless it was with Graham, who in Stewart's mind was the outgoing nice type.
Stewart remembered how hostile these people were towards Stewart's friend William.
He understands why, but then he remembered the teaching from the Boudican Church.
"Are we not taught to forgive those who persecute us?" thought Stewart. They call themselves good Boudican Christians, oh the irony.
Plus, William had already paid for his crime, the Church pardoned him upon seeing that his sentence was too extreme.
But unfortunately, the Church has done nothing to the Boudicans treating William as an outcast.
"Ugh, why is the Church so corrupt under our current pope, maybe that is why we lost the war." Thought Stewart. "The Bodeland abbey's cardinal should be pope, he would set everything right, reform the Church, and excommunicate people who are unnecessarily cruel to William."
"Hey, Stewart." Said a voice, it was Mary Graham.
"Mary." Replied Stewart.
Mary sat next to the Stewart on the grass.
"You probably should have brought noble dancing clothes, if you wished to dance." Said Mary, in a joking voice.
"I wouldn't want to dance." Said Stewart, whose temper soured upon looking at the girls who insulted William Wallace. "Not with them, they who treat my friend and superior unjustly, after how heroically William is, they despite them and try their best to shun him."
Stewart had never gotten mad in front of Mary Graham, but now, because William was his friend, he had to defend him, despite everyone's feelings.
Feelings shouldn't dictate reason, if they did, reason would be subjective, based on the eye of the perceiver.
Mary Graham's smile died.
"Stewart, I admire that you defended your friend." Said Graham. "But understand they are hurting, just look at them."
Stewart looked at them, everyone was enjoying themselves in a peaceful time. Dancing, singing, eating, an outsider would see this as a joyous atmosphere.
"Everyone suffered in the war, everyone's still hurting." Said Mary. "Yet moments like this make them happy."
"I don't get your point." Said Stewart.
"The point is that we are part of these people, and we now have peace of as sort." Said Mary. "William, unfortunately is a grim reminder of what everyone had lost, and I know it is not fair, but they hate him, for he makes them suffer."
Mary Graham stood up.
"But I think with time the wounds could heal." Said Mary. "I believe what you say on William is true, he is a hero, he will show them, one day, I'm sure, Graham thinks the same as well."
At once, a whole crowd gathered around two people at once.
There was a bunch of murmuring, joyful murmuring around the new visitors.
"Martha, what is going on?" asked Mary.
"It's Lord Comyn!" said Martha with excitement. "He has arrived to our festival upon Mayor Taylor's request, and oh my, is that who I think it is."
"Is it the-the lady-princess Asami, Lord Comyn's fiancée?" Said Mary with surprise.
"Yes, let's go see her." Said Martha. 'She has brightest most beautiful red hair of anyone I have ever seen."
Mary ran past Martha.
Martha looked at Stewart, after Mary passed her.
"If you were Comyn, you would see the hating on Wallace is justified." She said with a stern voice.
Martha then went to join the others to see Lord Comyn and his fiancée.
Stewart poured out his drink in disgust.
"Hating William Wallace will come back to bite you." Thought Stewart. "It will come back to bite all of you."
Stewart went behind the tree and decided to sit down and rest.
The crowd horde around Lord Comyn and his fiancée.
"Lord, Comyn. It is an honor, my lord." Said a dancer.
"Lord Comyn, may I honor thy Lord and Lady with song?" asked a signer.
"Lord Comyn, would thy Lady, like to try me famous festival roast?" asked a chef.
They were asking so many questions, that Comyn only smiled and did not answer.
Asami huddled close to John Comyn, embarrassed by the attention.
Asami wore Boudican woman's clothing fit for nobility, a long teal dress, with a light green cape.
The Mayor, James Taylor, with his wife in hand walked up and everyone cleared around John Comyn and Asami.
"My Lord and my Lady, I am so happy, you have accepted to join us today." Said Taylor.
Both Taylor and his wife, Mrs. Taylor bowed before their Lord and Lady.
"My lady, you are more beautiful as the rumors say." Said Mrs. Taylor.
Asami's face went red, almost as red as her hair.
"Now, will our Lord and Lady care to join us in a dance, and in the festivities of this festival." asked Mayor Taylor.
Asami whispered something in Comyn's ear.
"We will, but first may I have a word with my lady, alone." Said Comyn.
Comyn and Asami walked together to the tree Stewart were resting on, although on the opposite side.
"I am glad you took me to meet your people, John." Said Asami. "But this dress.."
"Is beautiful isn't it?" replied Comyn.
"It is but, it is hard to move around in." said Asami. "I prefer my Kimono."
"Will it stop you from dancing?" asked Comyn.
"No, I think I should be I can still move my feat to dance the way your people do." Replied Asami. "I saw the girls dance in their dresses, it shouldn't be hard I hope."
"Did you understand them at least." Asked Comyn.
"Yes, I have studied Latin enough to recognize it and speak it, you taught me." Said Asami.
Comyn nodded in agreement.
Stewart heard this conversation, and decided to hopefully walk away, quietly.
"Wait, boy!" said Asami, upon noticing him.
Stewart turned towards Asami and Lord Comyn.
He bowed, to hide his face, and show respect.
"Hello, my lord and lady, it is a honor." Said Stewart with careful courtesy.
"Wait, are you a knight, a young boy knight?" asked Asami.
"No, my lady, knights and squires look similar, but all squire's are just boys, while most knights are men like Lord Comyn here." Replied Stewart.
"I recognize your surcoat, your older brother Steward James was one of the six appointed guardians of Boudica, is that right, John Stewart?" Said John Comyn. "You may rise squire."
Stewart got up on his feat.
"That is correct my lord." Replied Stewart.
Asami looked a little infuriated.
"Is John really a popular common name in Boudica." Asked Asami.
"It is one of them my lady." Replied Stewart.
Asami sighed.
"Guess I'll just be using last names most of the time in Boudica them." Said Asami jokingly.
"Stewart, where is the earl of Fife?" asked Comyn.
"Oh, he's with his wife up north, he has left his head squire in charge." Replied Stewart. He turned towards Asami. "I'm sure you know them, my lady."
"Oh, wait, all those boys in templar cloaks at the wedding, I remember seeing you among them." Said Asami. "And there was another boy, a handsome boy, with dirty blond hair, the color of his eyes were light green, they look exactly like the head Medical ninja, Sakura Uchiha's eyes."
"Yep that is Macduff's squire." Interrupted Stewart, upon seeing Comyn's face redden from anger. "But my lords and lady, isn't there a festival, that you ought to attend to?"
"Why the sudden change in subject?" asked Asami.
"My lady." Said Comyn. "He is right, this boy is a sentry. I feal it is time to join the others in dancing, in fact you ought to know all Boudicans then getting to know just three."
Asami looked at each Stewart then back at Comyn.
"Oh, ok, I guess you are right, love." Said Asami. "It was good to meet you, John Stewart."
As Asami and Comyn turned away, Stewart saw Comyn mouth a "thanks," at Stewart.
Stewart sat down and leaned on the tree.
Meanwhile outside the forest of the festival, Ehou and William rode horses.
"What do you mean you can't go to the festival?" said Ehou.
"It's a long story, but the people of Bodeland hate me." Said William.
"But why, you going to tell me?" asked Ehou.
William looked at Ehou with an emotionless face.
"Well, I don't know your secret past." Said William. "So it is fair that you don't know mine, plus I never like talking about it."
"Hey, that's not fair." Said Ehou in protest. "Even I don't know my past."
Ehou thought for a moment.
"Well, if the Boudicans do hate you, I wouldn't want to hang with them then." Said Ehou.
William Wallace looked at Ehou in surprise.
"Just because they hate me, doesn't mean you have to." Said William.
Ehou laughed.
"No thanks, haters of my half-Boudican brother, are haters of me as well." Said Ehou with a smile.
William smirked.
"Very well, we ride north for Macduff." Said William.
As Ehou turned his horse north.
The back of his head, through the woods caught the eyes of John Comyn.
Comyn was shook, his eyes poked out of his socket.
"John!?" asked Asami in worry. "Are you Ok!?"
John looked at Asami, his face sweating.
He looked back, and the figure he saw was gone.
"I though I saw something." Said John Comyn.
"Your face is sweating." Said Asami. "What did you see."
John Comyn looked left and right.
Asami put her hands over his right hand.
"What did you see?" asked Asami again. "John, you can tell me."
John looked at her with frightened eyes.
"A ghost!" he said.
submitted by chaos_knight_xy to u/chaos_knight_xy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:30 KingCreeperSeth My DCU (Chapter 1: Gods on Earth - Act 3)

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait, between varying interests and having to make this entire act from scratch rather than just giving it an update, this portion of my DCU definitely did take longer to make than most! But I’m here, I’m ready, let’s get right into it!
As usual, here is the lineup for this concluding act to my first chapter of the DCU:
  1. The Flashpoint Paradox (Film);
  2. Hawk man and Hawkgirl (Film);
  3. The Birds of Prey (Film);
  4. Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show);
  5. The Justice Society (Film);
  6. Aquaman: The Last King (Film);
  7. Superman: Warworld (Film);
  8. Teen Titans: Judas (Film);
  9. The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film);
  10. The Supers (TV Show);
  11. Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film);
  12. Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show);
  13. Batman: The Red Hood (Film);
  14. Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film);
  15. Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film);
  16. The New Gods (Film);
  17. Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
And without further ado, here we go:
-The Flashpoint Paradox (Film)
Protagonists: The Flash, Batman (Thomas Wayne) Antagonists: Reverse Flash, Flashpoint Aquaman, Flashpoint Wonder Woman Side Characters: Cyborg, Flashpoint Superman, Nora and Henry Allen, Lois Lane, Rebellion, Atlantians, Amazonians Cameo Characters: Superman, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Barry Allen had done the unthinkable. He ran fast enough to break through the time barrier and save his mother’s life. But would the butterfly effect be worth it? Nora Allen was alive, but the world Barry knew before was dead, replaced with one unfamiliar to him. Bruce Wayne is dead, Metropolis was almost completely destroyed, and on top of all of that, the friends he had once known were were fighting a war that could spell doom for the entire world. Can Barry keep this new universe together? Or will a haunting shadow remind him why you should never change the past?
Setting: Central City, Metropolis
Mid-Credits Scene: On a faraway planet, a stolen relic called the Regeneration Matrix is regenerating a figure back to full health from their coffin. When the process is complete, the figure awakens and sits up in his coffin. He looks around, revealed to be Superman back from the dead, asking where he is. A nearby medical robot gives him a simple answer, “Warworld.”
Post-Credits Scene: Focus is put onto the Wayne Family graveyard, panning over numerous graves. Eventually, the focus is directed to the grave of Jason Todd, though the grave is dug up and the coffin underneath is empty. Nearby, a figure is limping through the cemetery, revealed to be Jason Todd, who is leaving his grave and heading towards Gotham.
-Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Film)
Protagonists: Hawkman, Hawkgirl Antagonist: Hath-Set Side Characters: (Idk I’m not very up to date on their lore lol) Cameo Character: Doctor Fate
Plot: Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders are two ordinary individuals with no connection whatsoever. That is, until an enemy from the ancient past makes his return to remind them of how they are bound. The two hawk-people must now work together to break a dark cycle they are forever caught in, and along the way, remember who they were meant to be in lives past.
Settings: New York, briefly Egypt
Mid-Credits Scene: Having survived the cycle for the first time, Carter and Shiera enjoy their momentary peace at home. However, a man who calls himself Doctor Fate appears before them and requests their help. He tells them a threat of considerable proportions is on its way to Earth, and he needs their assistance to defeat it. They ask for time to think it over, to which Doctor Fate gives them, but warns them that time is running short.
-The Birds of Prey (Film)
Protagonists: Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Black Canary, Huntress, Katana Antagonists: Joker’s Daughter, Sons of Joker, the Joker Side Characters: Francine Charles, Commissioner Gordon, Renée Montoya, other characters’ respective side characters Cameo Characters: Oliver Queen, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Batgirl has spent months getting her team into line, but they are finally ready. Black Canary, Huntress, and a new girl calling herself Katana, under Barbara’s leadership become a new, fierce superhero team called the Birds of Prey. Their first mission? Bring down the Sons of Joker, and learn their connection to the Clown Prince of Crime himself. But will the new team be able to work together? Or will Barbara crumble, and bring her team with her?
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Within her hospital room following being shot and paralyzed by the Joker, Barbara is visited by a man while she sleeps. This man is revealed to be Jason Todd, who apologizes for Barbara’s fate, blaming Batman for another failure, though he guarantees this one will be his last.
-Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Cyborg Antagonists: The Brain, Monsieur Mallah Side Characters: Silas Stone, Sarah Charles, Beast Boy Cameo Characters: T. O. Morrow, The Grid
Overall Plot: After much grief between his friends and coworkers Superman and Nightwing, Cyborg finds himself disconnected from his friends and begins taking justice across the world into his own hands. But when he faces a threat that he finds himself unable to defeat alone, he learns to open himself up to those around him, and share his pain so that others may help to fix it.
Episode One Plot: Cyborg seeks to solve the problems of people around him his own way, which leads him into the heart of a rogue H.I.V.E. operation calling themselves B.R.A.I.N.
Episode Two Plot: Cyborg launches his own investigation into BRAIN, but finds Beast Boy as an interference when he tries helping his friend out.
Episode Three Plot: Trapped on an unknown island, Cyborg must rely on the help from his friend Beast Boy when his systems shut down and they seek an escape.
Episode Four Plot: BRAIN reveals itself to be ruled by a robotic organism called the Brain, which reveals its plans for world domination to Cyborg.
Episode Five Plot: Attempting a search for the Brain’s supposed doomsday device, Cyborg uncovers a large conspiracy tying the Brain back to the invader Brainiac.
Episode Six Plot: In the season finale, Cyborg learns to let his friends in as he stops the Brain from continuing Brainiac’s work and controlling the world.
Setting: Central City, various other places
Mid-Credits Scene: After defeating the Brain, Cyborg leaves his computer running on an AI program he created called “The Grid.” When he leaves, a string of green code merges itself with the blue code running on the screen, turning a large portion of it green in the shape of a skull.
-The Justice Society (Film)
Protagonists: Doctor Fate, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, the Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Mister Terrific, Wildcat, Stargirl Antagonist: Despero Side Characters: Respective side characters (I’m lazy, sorry lol) Cameo Characters: Adam Strange, Vandal Savage
Plot: For the past few years, Doctor Fate has sensed a presence of tremendous power threatening to invade the earth, and now that presence has finally arrived. Despero, a conqueror from the stars with unlimited power, has arrived on earth, yet the Justice League is spread too thin and too far to help against the incoming threat. Fate realizes that he will have to assemble a new team to defeat Despero and stop his invasion, a team he has spent the better part of the past few months gathering.
Settings: Various cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following their victory and return home, the Justice Society are confronted by a mysterious man called Adam Strange, who teleported himself to them to warn of a new incoming threat, and claiming that they have come for Carter and Shiera.
Post-Credits Scene: Far away, mysterious soldiers locate a tomb and open a single coffin resting inside. Out from the coffin springs a large man, who attacks the soldiers before asking what year it is, and who they are. They answer that it is the 21st century, and they are here to welcome “the Savage,” to the new age, to which the man laughs maniacally.
-Aquaman: The Last King (Film)
Protagonists: Aquaman, Aqualad (Jackson Hyde) Antagonists: Black Manta, Starro Side Characters: Mera, Orm, Garth, Arthur Jr., Atlanteans Cameo Characters: Jesse Hyde
Plot: At last, Black Manta’s final revenge has come. For years, he has been plotting, researching a way to exact his vengeance on Aquaman following so many failures. At last, he has found it, enlisting the help of an ancient beast from the stars named Starro to help him destroy Atlantis and claim the title of its dark king. But when both Aquaman and Manta find that the new conqueror seeks control and destruction of everything they know, new alliances must be forged to bring peace to Atlantis once and for all.
Setting: Atlantis
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his sacrifice to defeat Starro, David finds himself in an ocean-like afterlife, where he meets his father Jesse for the first time in years. David apologizes for his actions, and his grief, to which Jesse forgives him, and the two embrace once more.
-Superman: Warworld (Film)
Protagonist: Superman Antagonists: Mongul, Ultra Humanite, Mongul’s Champions (The Teacher, the Mother, the Orphan, the Darling, and the Unmade) Side Characters: Kryl-Ux, Otho-Ra, Osul-Ra, Thao-La Cameo Characters: The Eradicator, Cyborg Superman, Lois Lane
Plot: After being killed by Doomsday during the Brainiac Invasion, Superman has found himself brought back to life via a lost Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix located on the distant planet Warworld. Once he is awakened, Superman is quickly introduced to the harsh, gladiator-like lifestyle of the planet, run by its cruel ruler: Mongul. Superman must now put his strength and will to the test as he battles and chooses his way through a cosmic adventure like no other, all in an attempt to return home and rescue the people of the desolate planet.
Setting: Warworld
Mid-Credits Scene: On Earth, in the Fortress of Solitude, a similar Regeneration Matrix has finished the body that was meant to be Superman’s, but a new force has taken it over. The Eradicator declares himself Superman, and seeks to prove itself as the ultimate Man of Steel.
Post-Credits Scene: Lois Lane is walking out of a shop with a coffee in hand, when she notices a red and blue figure flying through the sky. Her, and many civilians, rush to the city square to see the returned Man of Steel, only for him to turn his face and reveal a half-robotic one underneath.
-Teen Titans: Judas (Film)
Protagonists: Red X, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Kid Flash, Donna Troy Antagonists: H.I.V.E. (Namely Adeline Kane and Damien Darhk), Deathstroke, Terra Side Characters: None Cameo Characters: Blue Beetle, Aqualad, Bumblebee, Arsenal, Rose Wilson
Plot: Following the supposed death of Nightwing, the Titans have mostly disbanded to follow their own paths. But when the villainous mercenary Deathstroke returns to the scene to exact revenge for his son’s death, the young heroes must unify once again to put an end to H.I.V.E., before they are all killed. But with a traitor in their team, and a thief who feels all to similar to the team’s dearly departed leader, the Titans find themselves lost in a conspiracy that leaves them unsure of who to trust and who not to.
Setting: San Francisco
Mid-Credits Scene: With Grayson alive and returned to his rightful position as team leader, Starfire asks him if things will truly be back to normal. Nightwing tells her no, that the events of the last few days have opened his eyes to not only be more careful, but also to increase his efforts to better train the next generation of superheroes. He shows her the new rebuilt tower, labeled Titans Academy, with a good few new recruits already waiting outside.
Post-Credits Scene: After being sent to prison, Slade is confronted by his daughter Rose, who has come to visit him. She shames him for his act of violence against the children, claiming that he has brought dishonor to their family. He retorts, saying that he did it out of love and mourning for Grant, and that she should be ashamed for not doing anything. The two leave with a disagreement and hatred for one another, Rose pulling out a tracker to the Titans Academy, as well as a mask she intends to wear for the trip.
-The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film)
Protagonists: Green Arrow, Black Canary, Arsenal Antagonist: Cheshire Side Characters: Respective side characters (who I still don’t know cuz I don’t read their comics lol) Cameo Characters: Batman, Ra’s Al Ghul, Shado
Plot: Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, now betrothed to one another, have their life set. Marriage, money, and the skills to defend themselves and their city against any who may dare seek to soil it. But as new faces good and bad come into play, the super power-couple must be more strategic with their approach to crime-fighting if they want to preserve the good of their city, before all hell can break loose.
Setting: Star City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following news coverage of Green Arrow and Black Canary’s heroics against Cheshire, a woman far across the world catches wind of the report and prepares her weapons. She gears up, leaving her hideout as Shado now makes her way to Star City.
Post-Credits Scene: Observing the chaos and failure of his wild-card protégé Cheshire, Ra’s Al Ghul has a confrontation with Batman, where the Caped Crusader warns Ra’s to put an end to is theatrics in Star City. Ra’s tells Batman he has no more interest in Star City, having failed twice, but he warns Batman to keep out of his affairs, or else Gotham may be the next place the League of Assassins visits.
-The Supers (TV Show)
Protagonists: Supergirl, Steel, Lois Lane, Superboy Antagonists: Cyborg Superman, the Eradicator, Livewire, Parasite, Intergang Side Characters: Jimmy Olsen, Martha Kent, Lex Luthor, Perry White, Kat Grant, Steve Lombard Cameo Characters: Superman, Hal Jordan
Overall Plot: Superman is dead, and Metropolis is in the hands of new saviors now. Since the Man of Steel was killed by Doomsday, there have been those like Steel and Superboy who have risen up to take up the mantle the Kryptonian left behind. But others, like the Eradicator and the new “Cyborg Superman,” have taken justice in a more violent direction. But is the Man of Steel really dead? And how do the new imposters tie into his return? As Lois and Supergirl team up with new heroes to investigate, they are led down a rabbit hole of resurrections and revenge, one that will leave them with dark answers they may not be ready for.
Episode One Plot: A funeral is held for Superman following his death, but in mourning, the Man of Steel seems to have returned, losing his cape and donning new Golden goggles.
Episode Two Plot: As Steel makes his presence known, he comes into conflict with the the new Superman when debating the fate of a villainess on the run. Meanwhile, Lois begins investigating the appearance of the new Superman, but her investigation is cut short by the appearance of a brand new Cyborg Superman, claiming to be the real hero returned.
Episode Three Plot: Superboy, a clone on the run, makes a name for himself in Metropolis as a younger, cockier hero missing the values of the original Superman. Meanwhile, Lois takes the time to talk with Supergirl, sharing with her the suspicions she has on the new Supermen.
Episode Four Plot: Lex Luthor has prepared a gala to announce his new plans for Super-Police to defend the city following Superman’s death. But when the new Supermen finally clash in a confrontation to debate letting Luthor live and killing him for his crimes, the public finally get a chance to decide who their saviors are.
Episode Five Plot: Declared the true savior of Metropolis, Cyborg Superman is put to the test when he faces a new threat: the Parasite. Meanwhile, Lois and Supergirl enlist the help of Steel to investigate the truth of the Cyborg Superman.
Episode Six Plot: In one last act to prove himself, the Eradicator attacks Cyborg Superman, dying in the battle. However, Cyborg Superman’s victory is short-lived, as Lois, Supergirl, and Steel out the truth behind him and the deceased scientist Hank Henshaw.
Episode Seven Plot: Furious with his reveal, Cyborg Superman goes ballistic, assaulting the military and claiming the means to destroy half of the country in a nuclear attack.
Episode Eight Plot: All bets are off in the season finale as Lois, Supergirl, Steel, and Superboy race to stop Cyborg Superman’s plot for nuclear destruction. A race that only becomes more definite as the real Man of Steel finally returns from the dead to save the world.
Settings: Metropolis, Smallville
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the mostly failed nuclear attack, Hal Jordan returns to Earth to find Coast City in ruin, the only city nuked in the attack. He grows angry and mournful, showing the first sign of losing himself to darkness.
-Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film)
Protagonist: Wonder Woman Antagonists: Circe, Cheetah, Hades, various mythological monsters, Furies Side Characters: Hippolyta, Artemis Cameo Characters: Zeus, various other gods, Steve Trevor
Plot: After decades of living among man and acting as their hero, the consequences of Diana’s actions have finally caught up with her. The sorceress Circe has been freed, and has destroyed Diana’s home of Themyscira. She has now partnered with the Cheetah as her disciple, seeking to delve into the Underworld to free Hades from the deepest depths of Tartarus. Diana must now travel through the rings of Hell and battle through a gauntlet of beasts and enemies to stop their plot and prove herself worthy of being called Wonder Woman.
Settings: Themyscira, the Underworld
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the near-escape of Hades, with involvement from Cheetah, the Old Gods of Greece meet to determine how they handle this matter moving forward. Ultimately, Zeus decides that the mortals of man’s world have become too dangerous, and declares war on the mortal realm and those who may defend it.
Post-Credits Scene: Following her redemption in the Underworld, Cheetah returns to the old wrecked base she had been frozen inside of during World War II. She explores deep inside the frozen lair, eventually coming across a large chunk of ice that had gone undiscovered until now. And within lies Steve Trevor, perfectly preserved for over 80 years.
-Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: David Cain, the League of Assassins Side Characters: Oracle (Barbara Gordon), Batman, Commissioner Gordon, Alfred, Robin Cameo Characters: Red Hood
Overall Plot: Barbara Gordon has been shot and paralyzed, leaving Gotham without a Batgirl... temporarily. When the League of Assassins makes good on their threat and comes to Gotham, a young assassin by the name of Cassandra Cain tries to prove herself as the greatest assassin the League has ever known. But when she fails and finds herself deserted by the League and her own father, Barbara sees a light in her and shows her she has the power to be a great hero instead.
Episode One Plot: The League of Assassins make their way into Gotham as a young Cassandra Cain tries but fails to break into Oracle’s clocktower.
Episode Two Plot: Feeling shame for her failure, Cassandra is lifted up by Barbara, who convinces her that she is capable of being a hero instead.
Episode Three Plot: Cassandra begins her first night of patrol in Gotham as the new Batgirl, but meets resistance when Batman denies the presence of a new Batgirl.
Episode Four Plot: Determined to prove herself, Cassandra follows Batman on a mission to stop a potential assassination, during which the two open up to one another.
Episode Five Plot: Cassandra gets her first taste of a sidekick team-up as she and Robin work together to prevent a terrorist attack from the League of Assassins.
Episode Six Plot: Stakes are high in the season finale, as Cassandra re-confronts her father and seeks to stop the League’s plans for destroying Gotham, by any means necessary.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Feeling disdain for the destruction caused by the League of Assassins, Jason decides it is time to enact his plan and take Gotham for himself, no matter the costs.
-Batman: The Red Hood (Film)
Protagonists: Batman, Robin (Tim Drake), Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: Red Hood, Bane, Joker Side Characters: Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, Nightwing, Catwoman, Lucius Fox, Harvey Bullock, Renée Montoya, Mayor Krol Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Azrael
Plot: Bane has arrived, and with him comes the Caped Crusader’s darkest days. Bane has seized control of the city and vows to both break the Batman and ruin everything he holds dear. However, he finds rivalry in the criminal underworld, as a new figure called the Red Hood emerges to take Gotham back his way. Batman is now caught in the crosshairs of a dark beast of destruction and a vengeful ghost from the past battling for control of the city, and with the Dark Knight losing his grip more and more each day, people wonder if the city really needs vigilantes.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his identity being revealed and being imprisoned, Bruce sits in his cell as the tv showcases news coverage of another alien invasion occurring in Metropolis. He stares with fear as he watches Parademons swarm the city, followed closely behind by Darkseid himself, finally come to Earth.
Post-Credits Scene: Following the supposed end of the Batman, a hooded figure on a rooftop swears an oath to a mysterious force. As he stands up, he unsheathes his sword and reveals himself as Azrael, prepared to carry on the Batman’s legacy at any cost.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film)
Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Granny Goodness, Grail, Apokalips Army Side Characters: Various (too many to list lol) Cameo Characters: Orion
Plot: The apocalypse has come. After years of planning and waiting, Darkseid has finally arrived on Earth, his invasion active and his plan clear: find the Mother Boxes and destroy all life in the universe, starting with Earth. The only obstacle standing between him and the Anti-Life Equation is the Justice League, who must unite one more time to defend Earth from the ultimate evil. But with a threat as powerful as Darkseid, do they have any hope of saving the world?
Settings: Metropolis, Apokalips, other cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his victory and upcoming conquering of the universe, starting with Earth, Darkseid’s actions are monitored by a man flying his way through space. He grows dreadful at the god’s actions, and activates an alert signaling the “New Gods” to unite.
-Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film)
Protagonists: Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Killer Frost, Rick Flag, the Thinker, Parasite Antagonists: Granny Goodness, Female Furies, Grail Side Characters: Few to none Cameo Characters: Batman, Flash
Plot: Darkseid has won, and now the Earth is doomed to die to the forces of Apokalips. However, there is one person left on Earth with a plan to save it: Amanda Waller. Recruiting her team of convicts, she plans a mission to cripple Darkseid’s main military output and steal back an invention of great importance: the Cosmic Treadmill. It’s a Suicide mission like no other, and this time, nobody is certain to be making it out alive.
Settings: Metropolis, STAR Labs
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the shaky mission, Waller meets with Batman and the Flash, presenting the treadmill. Batman thanks her for her mission, saying he has a plan to bring the disappeared Justice League back and save the world.
-The New Gods (Film)
Protagonists: Orion, Big Barda, Mr. Miracle, Bekka, Lightray Antagonist: Steppenwolfe, Black Racer Side Characters: High Father, Drax Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Batman, Flash
Plot: Taking place centuries before the events of “Justice League: War”, the New Gods are a powerful race of galactic beings who rule the universe in place of the Old Gods of mythology. However, when a misguided tyrant god named Steppenwolfe goes on a mad quest for his dark master, the New Gods must search for the ancient Mother Boxes and retrieve them before the darkness can find them and kill the universe.
Settings: New Genesis, other planets
Mid-Credits Scene: In the present, the remains of the Justice League and Argus formulate a plan to take the world back from Apokalips. However, they are interrupted mid-plan, as the New Gods arrive, saying they wish to help... and kill Darkseid.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
Protagonists: Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor, New Gods, Suicide Squad Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Apokalips army, Black Racer Side Characters: Too many to count lol Cameo Characters: None
Plot: At last, the conclusion to the first chapter of the DCU has arrived. With the Earth in ruins and the core Justice League lost in time, all hope seems lost. That is, until Batman and the Flash come up with a plan to save the world. With the Cosmic Treadmill, they seek to travel throughout time to recover their teammates of the Justice League, and put a stop to Darkseid once and for all. Will they succeed, or will Apokalips rule the universe in the end?
Settings: Metropolis, various locations throughout time
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2024.05.19 22:30 KingCreeperSeth My DCU (Chapter 1: Gods on Earth - Act 3)

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait, between varying interests and having to make this entire act from scratch rather than just giving it an update, this portion of my DCU definitely did take longer to make than most! But I’m here, I’m ready, let’s get right into it!
As usual, here is the lineup for this concluding act to my first chapter of the DCU:
  1. The Flashpoint Paradox (Film);
  2. Hawk man and Hawkgirl (Film);
  3. The Birds of Prey (Film);
  4. Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show);
  5. The Justice Society (Film);
  6. Aquaman: The Last King (Film);
  7. Superman: Warworld (Film);
  8. Teen Titans: Judas (Film);
  9. The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film);
  10. The Supers (TV Show);
  11. Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film);
  12. Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show);
  13. Batman: The Red Hood (Film);
  14. Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film);
  15. Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film);
  16. The New Gods (Film);
  17. Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
And without further ado, here we go:
-The Flashpoint Paradox (Film)
Protagonists: The Flash, Batman (Thomas Wayne) Antagonists: Reverse Flash, Flashpoint Aquaman, Flashpoint Wonder Woman Side Characters: Cyborg, Flashpoint Superman, Nora and Henry Allen, Lois Lane, Rebellion, Atlantians, Amazonians Cameo Characters: Superman, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Barry Allen had done the unthinkable. He ran fast enough to break through the time barrier and save his mother’s life. But would the butterfly effect be worth it? Nora Allen was alive, but the world Barry knew before was dead, replaced with one unfamiliar to him. Bruce Wayne is dead, Metropolis was almost completely destroyed, and on top of all of that, the friends he had once known were were fighting a war that could spell doom for the entire world. Can Barry keep this new universe together? Or will a haunting shadow remind him why you should never change the past?
Setting: Central City, Metropolis
Mid-Credits Scene: On a faraway planet, a stolen relic called the Regeneration Matrix is regenerating a figure back to full health from their coffin. When the process is complete, the figure awakens and sits up in his coffin. He looks around, revealed to be Superman back from the dead, asking where he is. A nearby medical robot gives him a simple answer, “Warworld.”
Post-Credits Scene: Focus is put onto the Wayne Family graveyard, panning over numerous graves. Eventually, the focus is directed to the grave of Jason Todd, though the grave is dug up and the coffin underneath is empty. Nearby, a figure is limping through the cemetery, revealed to be Jason Todd, who is leaving his grave and heading towards Gotham.
-Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Film)
Protagonists: Hawkman, Hawkgirl Antagonist: Hath-Set Side Characters: (Idk I’m not very up to date on their lore lol) Cameo Character: Doctor Fate
Plot: Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders are two ordinary individuals with no connection whatsoever. That is, until an enemy from the ancient past makes his return to remind them of how they are bound. The two hawk-people must now work together to break a dark cycle they are forever caught in, and along the way, remember who they were meant to be in lives past.
Settings: New York, briefly Egypt
Mid-Credits Scene: Having survived the cycle for the first time, Carter and Shiera enjoy their momentary peace at home. However, a man who calls himself Doctor Fate appears before them and requests their help. He tells them a threat of considerable proportions is on its way to Earth, and he needs their assistance to defeat it. They ask for time to think it over, to which Doctor Fate gives them, but warns them that time is running short.
-The Birds of Prey (Film)
Protagonists: Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Black Canary, Huntress, Katana Antagonists: Joker’s Daughter, Sons of Joker, the Joker Side Characters: Francine Charles, Commissioner Gordon, Renée Montoya, other characters’ respective side characters Cameo Characters: Oliver Queen, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Batgirl has spent months getting her team into line, but they are finally ready. Black Canary, Huntress, and a new girl calling herself Katana, under Barbara’s leadership become a new, fierce superhero team called the Birds of Prey. Their first mission? Bring down the Sons of Joker, and learn their connection to the Clown Prince of Crime himself. But will the new team be able to work together? Or will Barbara crumble, and bring her team with her?
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Within her hospital room following being shot and paralyzed by the Joker, Barbara is visited by a man while she sleeps. This man is revealed to be Jason Todd, who apologizes for Barbara’s fate, blaming Batman for another failure, though he guarantees this one will be his last.
-Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Cyborg Antagonists: The Brain, Monsieur Mallah Side Characters: Silas Stone, Sarah Charles, Beast Boy Cameo Characters: T. O. Morrow, The Grid
Overall Plot: After much grief between his friends and coworkers Superman and Nightwing, Cyborg finds himself disconnected from his friends and begins taking justice across the world into his own hands. But when he faces a threat that he finds himself unable to defeat alone, he learns to open himself up to those around him, and share his pain so that others may help to fix it.
Episode One Plot: Cyborg seeks to solve the problems of people around him his own way, which leads him into the heart of a rogue H.I.V.E. operation calling themselves B.R.A.I.N.
Episode Two Plot: Cyborg launches his own investigation into BRAIN, but finds Beast Boy as an interference when he tries helping his friend out.
Episode Three Plot: Trapped on an unknown island, Cyborg must rely on the help from his friend Beast Boy when his systems shut down and they seek an escape.
Episode Four Plot: BRAIN reveals itself to be ruled by a robotic organism called the Brain, which reveals its plans for world domination to Cyborg.
Episode Five Plot: Attempting a search for the Brain’s supposed doomsday device, Cyborg uncovers a large conspiracy tying the Brain back to the invader Brainiac.
Episode Six Plot: In the season finale, Cyborg learns to let his friends in as he stops the Brain from continuing Brainiac’s work and controlling the world.
Setting: Central City, various other places
Mid-Credits Scene: After defeating the Brain, Cyborg leaves his computer running on an AI program he created called “The Grid.” When he leaves, a string of green code merges itself with the blue code running on the screen, turning a large portion of it green in the shape of a skull.
-The Justice Society (Film)
Protagonists: Doctor Fate, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, the Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Mister Terrific, Wildcat, Stargirl Antagonist: Despero Side Characters: Respective side characters (I’m lazy, sorry lol) Cameo Characters: Adam Strange, Vandal Savage
Plot: For the past few years, Doctor Fate has sensed a presence of tremendous power threatening to invade the earth, and now that presence has finally arrived. Despero, a conqueror from the stars with unlimited power, has arrived on earth, yet the Justice League is spread too thin and too far to help against the incoming threat. Fate realizes that he will have to assemble a new team to defeat Despero and stop his invasion, a team he has spent the better part of the past few months gathering.
Settings: Various cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following their victory and return home, the Justice Society are confronted by a mysterious man called Adam Strange, who teleported himself to them to warn of a new incoming threat, and claiming that they have come for Carter and Shiera.
Post-Credits Scene: Far away, mysterious soldiers locate a tomb and open a single coffin resting inside. Out from the coffin springs a large man, who attacks the soldiers before asking what year it is, and who they are. They answer that it is the 21st century, and they are here to welcome “the Savage,” to the new age, to which the man laughs maniacally.
-Aquaman: The Last King (Film)
Protagonists: Aquaman, Aqualad (Jackson Hyde) Antagonists: Black Manta, Starro Side Characters: Mera, Orm, Garth, Arthur Jr., Atlanteans Cameo Characters: Jesse Hyde
Plot: At last, Black Manta’s final revenge has come. For years, he has been plotting, researching a way to exact his vengeance on Aquaman following so many failures. At last, he has found it, enlisting the help of an ancient beast from the stars named Starro to help him destroy Atlantis and claim the title of its dark king. But when both Aquaman and Manta find that the new conqueror seeks control and destruction of everything they know, new alliances must be forged to bring peace to Atlantis once and for all.
Setting: Atlantis
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his sacrifice to defeat Starro, David finds himself in an ocean-like afterlife, where he meets his father Jesse for the first time in years. David apologizes for his actions, and his grief, to which Jesse forgives him, and the two embrace once more.
-Superman: Warworld (Film)
Protagonist: Superman Antagonists: Mongul, Ultra Humanite, Mongul’s Champions (The Teacher, the Mother, the Orphan, the Darling, and the Unmade) Side Characters: Kryl-Ux, Otho-Ra, Osul-Ra, Thao-La Cameo Characters: The Eradicator, Cyborg Superman, Lois Lane
Plot: After being killed by Doomsday during the Brainiac Invasion, Superman has found himself brought back to life via a lost Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix located on the distant planet Warworld. Once he is awakened, Superman is quickly introduced to the harsh, gladiator-like lifestyle of the planet, run by its cruel ruler: Mongul. Superman must now put his strength and will to the test as he battles and chooses his way through a cosmic adventure like no other, all in an attempt to return home and rescue the people of the desolate planet.
Setting: Warworld
Mid-Credits Scene: On Earth, in the Fortress of Solitude, a similar Regeneration Matrix has finished the body that was meant to be Superman’s, but a new force has taken it over. The Eradicator declares himself Superman, and seeks to prove itself as the ultimate Man of Steel.
Post-Credits Scene: Lois Lane is walking out of a shop with a coffee in hand, when she notices a red and blue figure flying through the sky. Her, and many civilians, rush to the city square to see the returned Man of Steel, only for him to turn his face and reveal a half-robotic one underneath.
-Teen Titans: Judas (Film)
Protagonists: Red X, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Kid Flash, Donna Troy Antagonists: H.I.V.E. (Namely Adeline Kane and Damien Darhk), Deathstroke, Terra Side Characters: None Cameo Characters: Blue Beetle, Aqualad, Bumblebee, Arsenal, Rose Wilson
Plot: Following the supposed death of Nightwing, the Titans have mostly disbanded to follow their own paths. But when the villainous mercenary Deathstroke returns to the scene to exact revenge for his son’s death, the young heroes must unify once again to put an end to H.I.V.E., before they are all killed. But with a traitor in their team, and a thief who feels all to similar to the team’s dearly departed leader, the Titans find themselves lost in a conspiracy that leaves them unsure of who to trust and who not to.
Setting: San Francisco
Mid-Credits Scene: With Grayson alive and returned to his rightful position as team leader, Starfire asks him if things will truly be back to normal. Nightwing tells her no, that the events of the last few days have opened his eyes to not only be more careful, but also to increase his efforts to better train the next generation of superheroes. He shows her the new rebuilt tower, labeled Titans Academy, with a good few new recruits already waiting outside.
Post-Credits Scene: After being sent to prison, Slade is confronted by his daughter Rose, who has come to visit him. She shames him for his act of violence against the children, claiming that he has brought dishonor to their family. He retorts, saying that he did it out of love and mourning for Grant, and that she should be ashamed for not doing anything. The two leave with a disagreement and hatred for one another, Rose pulling out a tracker to the Titans Academy, as well as a mask she intends to wear for the trip.
-The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film)
Protagonists: Green Arrow, Black Canary, Arsenal Antagonist: Cheshire Side Characters: Respective side characters (who I still don’t know cuz I don’t read their comics lol) Cameo Characters: Batman, Ra’s Al Ghul, Shado
Plot: Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, now betrothed to one another, have their life set. Marriage, money, and the skills to defend themselves and their city against any who may dare seek to soil it. But as new faces good and bad come into play, the super power-couple must be more strategic with their approach to crime-fighting if they want to preserve the good of their city, before all hell can break loose.
Setting: Star City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following news coverage of Green Arrow and Black Canary’s heroics against Cheshire, a woman far across the world catches wind of the report and prepares her weapons. She gears up, leaving her hideout as Shado now makes her way to Star City.
Post-Credits Scene: Observing the chaos and failure of his wild-card protégé Cheshire, Ra’s Al Ghul has a confrontation with Batman, where the Caped Crusader warns Ra’s to put an end to is theatrics in Star City. Ra’s tells Batman he has no more interest in Star City, having failed twice, but he warns Batman to keep out of his affairs, or else Gotham may be the next place the League of Assassins visits.
-The Supers (TV Show)
Protagonists: Supergirl, Steel, Lois Lane, Superboy Antagonists: Cyborg Superman, the Eradicator, Livewire, Parasite, Intergang Side Characters: Jimmy Olsen, Martha Kent, Lex Luthor, Perry White, Kat Grant, Steve Lombard Cameo Characters: Superman, Hal Jordan
Overall Plot: Superman is dead, and Metropolis is in the hands of new saviors now. Since the Man of Steel was killed by Doomsday, there have been those like Steel and Superboy who have risen up to take up the mantle the Kryptonian left behind. But others, like the Eradicator and the new “Cyborg Superman,” have taken justice in a more violent direction. But is the Man of Steel really dead? And how do the new imposters tie into his return? As Lois and Supergirl team up with new heroes to investigate, they are led down a rabbit hole of resurrections and revenge, one that will leave them with dark answers they may not be ready for.
Episode One Plot: A funeral is held for Superman following his death, but in mourning, the Man of Steel seems to have returned, losing his cape and donning new Golden goggles.
Episode Two Plot: As Steel makes his presence known, he comes into conflict with the the new Superman when debating the fate of a villainess on the run. Meanwhile, Lois begins investigating the appearance of the new Superman, but her investigation is cut short by the appearance of a brand new Cyborg Superman, claiming to be the real hero returned.
Episode Three Plot: Superboy, a clone on the run, makes a name for himself in Metropolis as a younger, cockier hero missing the values of the original Superman. Meanwhile, Lois takes the time to talk with Supergirl, sharing with her the suspicions she has on the new Supermen.
Episode Four Plot: Lex Luthor has prepared a gala to announce his new plans for Super-Police to defend the city following Superman’s death. But when the new Supermen finally clash in a confrontation to debate letting Luthor live and killing him for his crimes, the public finally get a chance to decide who their saviors are.
Episode Five Plot: Declared the true savior of Metropolis, Cyborg Superman is put to the test when he faces a new threat: the Parasite. Meanwhile, Lois and Supergirl enlist the help of Steel to investigate the truth of the Cyborg Superman.
Episode Six Plot: In one last act to prove himself, the Eradicator attacks Cyborg Superman, dying in the battle. However, Cyborg Superman’s victory is short-lived, as Lois, Supergirl, and Steel out the truth behind him and the deceased scientist Hank Henshaw.
Episode Seven Plot: Furious with his reveal, Cyborg Superman goes ballistic, assaulting the military and claiming the means to destroy half of the country in a nuclear attack.
Episode Eight Plot: All bets are off in the season finale as Lois, Supergirl, Steel, and Superboy race to stop Cyborg Superman’s plot for nuclear destruction. A race that only becomes more definite as the real Man of Steel finally returns from the dead to save the world.
Settings: Metropolis, Smallville
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the mostly failed nuclear attack, Hal Jordan returns to Earth to find Coast City in ruin, the only city nuked in the attack. He grows angry and mournful, showing the first sign of losing himself to darkness.
-Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film)
Protagonist: Wonder Woman Antagonists: Circe, Cheetah, Hades, various mythological monsters, Furies Side Characters: Hippolyta, Artemis Cameo Characters: Zeus, various other gods, Steve Trevor
Plot: After decades of living among man and acting as their hero, the consequences of Diana’s actions have finally caught up with her. The sorceress Circe has been freed, and has destroyed Diana’s home of Themyscira. She has now partnered with the Cheetah as her disciple, seeking to delve into the Underworld to free Hades from the deepest depths of Tartarus. Diana must now travel through the rings of Hell and battle through a gauntlet of beasts and enemies to stop their plot and prove herself worthy of being called Wonder Woman.
Settings: Themyscira, the Underworld
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the near-escape of Hades, with involvement from Cheetah, the Old Gods of Greece meet to determine how they handle this matter moving forward. Ultimately, Zeus decides that the mortals of man’s world have become too dangerous, and declares war on the mortal realm and those who may defend it.
Post-Credits Scene: Following her redemption in the Underworld, Cheetah returns to the old wrecked base she had been frozen inside of during World War II. She explores deep inside the frozen lair, eventually coming across a large chunk of ice that had gone undiscovered until now. And within lies Steve Trevor, perfectly preserved for over 80 years.
-Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: David Cain, the League of Assassins Side Characters: Oracle (Barbara Gordon), Batman, Commissioner Gordon, Alfred, Robin Cameo Characters: Red Hood
Overall Plot: Barbara Gordon has been shot and paralyzed, leaving Gotham without a Batgirl... temporarily. When the League of Assassins makes good on their threat and comes to Gotham, a young assassin by the name of Cassandra Cain tries to prove herself as the greatest assassin the League has ever known. But when she fails and finds herself deserted by the League and her own father, Barbara sees a light in her and shows her she has the power to be a great hero instead.
Episode One Plot: The League of Assassins make their way into Gotham as a young Cassandra Cain tries but fails to break into Oracle’s clocktower.
Episode Two Plot: Feeling shame for her failure, Cassandra is lifted up by Barbara, who convinces her that she is capable of being a hero instead.
Episode Three Plot: Cassandra begins her first night of patrol in Gotham as the new Batgirl, but meets resistance when Batman denies the presence of a new Batgirl.
Episode Four Plot: Determined to prove herself, Cassandra follows Batman on a mission to stop a potential assassination, during which the two open up to one another.
Episode Five Plot: Cassandra gets her first taste of a sidekick team-up as she and Robin work together to prevent a terrorist attack from the League of Assassins.
Episode Six Plot: Stakes are high in the season finale, as Cassandra re-confronts her father and seeks to stop the League’s plans for destroying Gotham, by any means necessary.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Feeling disdain for the destruction caused by the League of Assassins, Jason decides it is time to enact his plan and take Gotham for himself, no matter the costs.
-Batman: The Red Hood (Film)
Protagonists: Batman, Robin (Tim Drake), Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: Red Hood, Bane, Joker Side Characters: Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, Nightwing, Catwoman, Lucius Fox, Harvey Bullock, Renée Montoya, Mayor Krol Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Azrael
Plot: Bane has arrived, and with him comes the Caped Crusader’s darkest days. Bane has seized control of the city and vows to both break the Batman and ruin everything he holds dear. However, he finds rivalry in the criminal underworld, as a new figure called the Red Hood emerges to take Gotham back his way. Batman is now caught in the crosshairs of a dark beast of destruction and a vengeful ghost from the past battling for control of the city, and with the Dark Knight losing his grip more and more each day, people wonder if the city really needs vigilantes.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his identity being revealed and being imprisoned, Bruce sits in his cell as the tv showcases news coverage of another alien invasion occurring in Metropolis. He stares with fear as he watches Parademons swarm the city, followed closely behind by Darkseid himself, finally come to Earth.
Post-Credits Scene: Following the supposed end of the Batman, a hooded figure on a rooftop swears an oath to a mysterious force. As he stands up, he unsheathes his sword and reveals himself as Azrael, prepared to carry on the Batman’s legacy at any cost.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film)
Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Granny Goodness, Grail, Apokalips Army Side Characters: Various (too many to list lol) Cameo Characters: Orion
Plot: The apocalypse has come. After years of planning and waiting, Darkseid has finally arrived on Earth, his invasion active and his plan clear: find the Mother Boxes and destroy all life in the universe, starting with Earth. The only obstacle standing between him and the Anti-Life Equation is the Justice League, who must unite one more time to defend Earth from the ultimate evil. But with a threat as powerful as Darkseid, do they have any hope of saving the world?
Settings: Metropolis, Apokalips, other cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his victory and upcoming conquering of the universe, starting with Earth, Darkseid’s actions are monitored by a man flying his way through space. He grows dreadful at the god’s actions, and activates an alert signaling the “New Gods” to unite.
-Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film)
Protagonists: Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Killer Frost, Rick Flag, the Thinker, Parasite Antagonists: Granny Goodness, Female Furies, Grail Side Characters: Few to none Cameo Characters: Batman, Flash
Plot: Darkseid has won, and now the Earth is doomed to die to the forces of Apokalips. However, there is one person left on Earth with a plan to save it: Amanda Waller. Recruiting her team of convicts, she plans a mission to cripple Darkseid’s main military output and steal back an invention of great importance: the Cosmic Treadmill. It’s a Suicide mission like no other, and this time, nobody is certain to be making it out alive.
Settings: Metropolis, STAR Labs
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the shaky mission, Waller meets with Batman and the Flash, presenting the treadmill. Batman thanks her for her mission, saying he has a plan to bring the disappeared Justice League back and save the world.
-The New Gods (Film)
Protagonists: Orion, Big Barda, Mr. Miracle, Bekka, Lightray Antagonist: Steppenwolfe, Black Racer Side Characters: High Father, Drax Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Batman, Flash
Plot: Taking place centuries before the events of “Justice League: War”, the New Gods are a powerful race of galactic beings who rule the universe in place of the Old Gods of mythology. However, when a misguided tyrant god named Steppenwolfe goes on a mad quest for his dark master, the New Gods must search for the ancient Mother Boxes and retrieve them before the darkness can find them and kill the universe.
Settings: New Genesis, other planets
Mid-Credits Scene: In the present, the remains of the Justice League and Argus formulate a plan to take the world back from Apokalips. However, they are interrupted mid-plan, as the New Gods arrive, saying they wish to help... and kill Darkseid.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
Protagonists: Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor, New Gods, Suicide Squad Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Apokalips army, Black Racer Side Characters: Too many to count lol Cameo Characters: None
Plot: At last, the conclusion to the first chapter of the DCU has arrived. With the Earth in ruins and the core Justice League lost in time, all hope seems lost. That is, until Batman and the Flash come up with a plan to save the world. With the Cosmic Treadmill, they seek to travel throughout time to recover their teammates of the Justice League, and put a stop to Darkseid once and for all. Will they succeed, or will Apokalips rule the universe in the end?
Settings: Metropolis, various locations throughout time
submitted by KingCreeperSeth to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:28 KingCreeperSeth My DCU (Chapter 1: Gods on Earth - Act 3)

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait, between varying interests and having to make this entire act from scratch rather than just giving it an update, this portion of my DCU definitely did take longer to make than most! But I’m here, I’m ready, let’s get right into it!
As usual, here is the lineup for this concluding act to my first chapter of the DCU:
  1. The Flashpoint Paradox (Film);
  2. Hawk man and Hawkgirl (Film);
  3. The Birds of Prey (Film);
  4. Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show);
  5. The Justice Society (Film);
  6. Aquaman: The Last King (Film);
  7. Superman: Warworld (Film);
  8. Teen Titans: Judas (Film);
  9. The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film);
  10. The Supers (TV Show);
  11. Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film);
  12. Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show);
  13. Batman: The Red Hood (Film);
  14. Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film);
  15. Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film);
  16. The New Gods (Film);
  17. Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
And without further ado, here we go:
-The Flashpoint Paradox (Film)
Protagonists: The Flash, Batman (Thomas Wayne) Antagonists: Reverse Flash, Flashpoint Aquaman, Flashpoint Wonder Woman Side Characters: Cyborg, Flashpoint Superman, Nora and Henry Allen, Lois Lane, Rebellion, Atlantians, Amazonians Cameo Characters: Superman, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Barry Allen had done the unthinkable. He ran fast enough to break through the time barrier and save his mother’s life. But would the butterfly effect be worth it? Nora Allen was alive, but the world Barry knew before was dead, replaced with one unfamiliar to him. Bruce Wayne is dead, Metropolis was almost completely destroyed, and on top of all of that, the friends he had once known were were fighting a war that could spell doom for the entire world. Can Barry keep this new universe together? Or will a haunting shadow remind him why you should never change the past?
Setting: Central City, Metropolis
Mid-Credits Scene: On a faraway planet, a stolen relic called the Regeneration Matrix is regenerating a figure back to full health from their coffin. When the process is complete, the figure awakens and sits up in his coffin. He looks around, revealed to be Superman back from the dead, asking where he is. A nearby medical robot gives him a simple answer, “Warworld.”
Post-Credits Scene: Focus is put onto the Wayne Family graveyard, panning over numerous graves. Eventually, the focus is directed to the grave of Jason Todd, though the grave is dug up and the coffin underneath is empty. Nearby, a figure is limping through the cemetery, revealed to be Jason Todd, who is leaving his grave and heading towards Gotham.
-Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Film)
Protagonists: Hawkman, Hawkgirl Antagonist: Hath-Set Side Characters: (Idk I’m not very up to date on their lore lol) Cameo Character: Doctor Fate
Plot: Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders are two ordinary individuals with no connection whatsoever. That is, until an enemy from the ancient past makes his return to remind them of how they are bound. The two hawk-people must now work together to break a dark cycle they are forever caught in, and along the way, remember who they were meant to be in lives past.
Settings: New York, briefly Egypt
Mid-Credits Scene: Having survived the cycle for the first time, Carter and Shiera enjoy their momentary peace at home. However, a man who calls himself Doctor Fate appears before them and requests their help. He tells them a threat of considerable proportions is on its way to Earth, and he needs their assistance to defeat it. They ask for time to think it over, to which Doctor Fate gives them, but warns them that time is running short.
-The Birds of Prey (Film)
Protagonists: Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Black Canary, Huntress, Katana Antagonists: Joker’s Daughter, Sons of Joker, the Joker Side Characters: Francine Charles, Commissioner Gordon, Renée Montoya, other characters’ respective side characters Cameo Characters: Oliver Queen, Batman, Jason Todd
Plot: Batgirl has spent months getting her team into line, but they are finally ready. Black Canary, Huntress, and a new girl calling herself Katana, under Barbara’s leadership become a new, fierce superhero team called the Birds of Prey. Their first mission? Bring down the Sons of Joker, and learn their connection to the Clown Prince of Crime himself. But will the new team be able to work together? Or will Barbara crumble, and bring her team with her?
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Within her hospital room following being shot and paralyzed by the Joker, Barbara is visited by a man while she sleeps. This man is revealed to be Jason Todd, who apologizes for Barbara’s fate, blaming Batman for another failure, though he guarantees this one will be his last.
-Cyborg Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Cyborg Antagonists: The Brain, Monsieur Mallah Side Characters: Silas Stone, Sarah Charles, Beast Boy Cameo Characters: T. O. Morrow, The Grid
Overall Plot: After much grief between his friends and coworkers Superman and Nightwing, Cyborg finds himself disconnected from his friends and begins taking justice across the world into his own hands. But when he faces a threat that he finds himself unable to defeat alone, he learns to open himself up to those around him, and share his pain so that others may help to fix it.
Episode One Plot: Cyborg seeks to solve the problems of people around him his own way, which leads him into the heart of a rogue H.I.V.E. operation calling themselves B.R.A.I.N.
Episode Two Plot: Cyborg launches his own investigation into BRAIN, but finds Beast Boy as an interference when he tries helping his friend out.
Episode Three Plot: Trapped on an unknown island, Cyborg must rely on the help from his friend Beast Boy when his systems shut down and they seek an escape.
Episode Four Plot: BRAIN reveals itself to be ruled by a robotic organism called the Brain, which reveals its plans for world domination to Cyborg.
Episode Five Plot: Attempting a search for the Brain’s supposed doomsday device, Cyborg uncovers a large conspiracy tying the Brain back to the invader Brainiac.
Episode Six Plot: In the season finale, Cyborg learns to let his friends in as he stops the Brain from continuing Brainiac’s work and controlling the world.
Setting: Central City, various other places
Mid-Credits Scene: After defeating the Brain, Cyborg leaves his computer running on an AI program he created called “The Grid.” When he leaves, a string of green code merges itself with the blue code running on the screen, turning a large portion of it green in the shape of a skull.
-The Justice Society (Film)
Protagonists: Doctor Fate, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, the Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Mister Terrific, Wildcat, Stargirl Antagonist: Despero Side Characters: Respective side characters (I’m lazy, sorry lol) Cameo Characters: Adam Strange, Vandal Savage
Plot: For the past few years, Doctor Fate has sensed a presence of tremendous power threatening to invade the earth, and now that presence has finally arrived. Despero, a conqueror from the stars with unlimited power, has arrived on earth, yet the Justice League is spread too thin and too far to help against the incoming threat. Fate realizes that he will have to assemble a new team to defeat Despero and stop his invasion, a team he has spent the better part of the past few months gathering.
Settings: Various cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following their victory and return home, the Justice Society are confronted by a mysterious man called Adam Strange, who teleported himself to them to warn of a new incoming threat, and claiming that they have come for Carter and Shiera.
Post-Credits Scene: Far away, mysterious soldiers locate a tomb and open a single coffin resting inside. Out from the coffin springs a large man, who attacks the soldiers before asking what year it is, and who they are. They answer that it is the 21st century, and they are here to welcome “the Savage,” to the new age, to which the man laughs maniacally.
-Aquaman: The Last King (Film)
Protagonists: Aquaman, Aqualad (Jackson Hyde) Antagonists: Black Manta, Starro Side Characters: Mera, Orm, Garth, Arthur Jr., Atlanteans Cameo Characters: Jesse Hyde
Plot: At last, Black Manta’s final revenge has come. For years, he has been plotting, researching a way to exact his vengeance on Aquaman following so many failures. At last, he has found it, enlisting the help of an ancient beast from the stars named Starro to help him destroy Atlantis and claim the title of its dark king. But when both Aquaman and Manta find that the new conqueror seeks control and destruction of everything they know, new alliances must be forged to bring peace to Atlantis once and for all.
Setting: Atlantis
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his sacrifice to defeat Starro, David finds himself in an ocean-like afterlife, where he meets his father Jesse for the first time in years. David apologizes for his actions, and his grief, to which Jesse forgives him, and the two embrace once more.
-Superman: Warworld (Film)
Protagonist: Superman Antagonists: Mongul, Ultra Humanite, Mongul’s Champions (The Teacher, the Mother, the Orphan, the Darling, and the Unmade) Side Characters: Kryl-Ux, Otho-Ra, Osul-Ra, Thao-La Cameo Characters: The Eradicator, Cyborg Superman, Lois Lane
Plot: After being killed by Doomsday during the Brainiac Invasion, Superman has found himself brought back to life via a lost Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix located on the distant planet Warworld. Once he is awakened, Superman is quickly introduced to the harsh, gladiator-like lifestyle of the planet, run by its cruel ruler: Mongul. Superman must now put his strength and will to the test as he battles and chooses his way through a cosmic adventure like no other, all in an attempt to return home and rescue the people of the desolate planet.
Setting: Warworld
Mid-Credits Scene: On Earth, in the Fortress of Solitude, a similar Regeneration Matrix has finished the body that was meant to be Superman’s, but a new force has taken it over. The Eradicator declares himself Superman, and seeks to prove itself as the ultimate Man of Steel.
Post-Credits Scene: Lois Lane is walking out of a shop with a coffee in hand, when she notices a red and blue figure flying through the sky. Her, and many civilians, rush to the city square to see the returned Man of Steel, only for him to turn his face and reveal a half-robotic one underneath.
-Teen Titans: Judas (Film)
Protagonists: Red X, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Kid Flash, Donna Troy Antagonists: H.I.V.E. (Namely Adeline Kane and Damien Darhk), Deathstroke, Terra Side Characters: None Cameo Characters: Blue Beetle, Aqualad, Bumblebee, Arsenal, Rose Wilson
Plot: Following the supposed death of Nightwing, the Titans have mostly disbanded to follow their own paths. But when the villainous mercenary Deathstroke returns to the scene to exact revenge for his son’s death, the young heroes must unify once again to put an end to H.I.V.E., before they are all killed. But with a traitor in their team, and a thief who feels all to similar to the team’s dearly departed leader, the Titans find themselves lost in a conspiracy that leaves them unsure of who to trust and who not to.
Setting: San Francisco
Mid-Credits Scene: With Grayson alive and returned to his rightful position as team leader, Starfire asks him if things will truly be back to normal. Nightwing tells her no, that the events of the last few days have opened his eyes to not only be more careful, but also to increase his efforts to better train the next generation of superheroes. He shows her the new rebuilt tower, labeled Titans Academy, with a good few new recruits already waiting outside.
Post-Credits Scene: After being sent to prison, Slade is confronted by his daughter Rose, who has come to visit him. She shames him for his act of violence against the children, claiming that he has brought dishonor to their family. He retorts, saying that he did it out of love and mourning for Grant, and that she should be ashamed for not doing anything. The two leave with a disagreement and hatred for one another, Rose pulling out a tracker to the Titans Academy, as well as a mask she intends to wear for the trip.
-The Brave and the Bold 2 (Film)
Protagonists: Green Arrow, Black Canary, Arsenal Antagonist: Cheshire Side Characters: Respective side characters (who I still don’t know cuz I don’t read their comics lol) Cameo Characters: Batman, Ra’s Al Ghul, Shado
Plot: Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, now betrothed to one another, have their life set. Marriage, money, and the skills to defend themselves and their city against any who may dare seek to soil it. But as new faces good and bad come into play, the super power-couple must be more strategic with their approach to crime-fighting if they want to preserve the good of their city, before all hell can break loose.
Setting: Star City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following news coverage of Green Arrow and Black Canary’s heroics against Cheshire, a woman far across the world catches wind of the report and prepares her weapons. She gears up, leaving her hideout as Shado now makes her way to Star City.
Post-Credits Scene: Observing the chaos and failure of his wild-card protégé Cheshire, Ra’s Al Ghul has a confrontation with Batman, where the Caped Crusader warns Ra’s to put an end to is theatrics in Star City. Ra’s tells Batman he has no more interest in Star City, having failed twice, but he warns Batman to keep out of his affairs, or else Gotham may be the next place the League of Assassins visits.
-The Supers (TV Show)
Protagonists: Supergirl, Steel, Lois Lane, Superboy Antagonists: Cyborg Superman, the Eradicator, Livewire, Parasite, Intergang Side Characters: Jimmy Olsen, Martha Kent, Lex Luthor, Perry White, Kat Grant, Steve Lombard Cameo Characters: Superman, Hal Jordan
Overall Plot: Superman is dead, and Metropolis is in the hands of new saviors now. Since the Man of Steel was killed by Doomsday, there have been those like Steel and Superboy who have risen up to take up the mantle the Kryptonian left behind. But others, like the Eradicator and the new “Cyborg Superman,” have taken justice in a more violent direction. But is the Man of Steel really dead? And how do the new imposters tie into his return? As Lois and Supergirl team up with new heroes to investigate, they are led down a rabbit hole of resurrections and revenge, one that will leave them with dark answers they may not be ready for.
Episode One Plot: A funeral is held for Superman following his death, but in mourning, the Man of Steel seems to have returned, losing his cape and donning new Golden goggles.
Episode Two Plot: As Steel makes his presence known, he comes into conflict with the the new Superman when debating the fate of a villainess on the run. Meanwhile, Lois begins investigating the appearance of the new Superman, but her investigation is cut short by the appearance of a brand new Cyborg Superman, claiming to be the real hero returned.
Episode Three Plot: Superboy, a clone on the run, makes a name for himself in Metropolis as a younger, cockier hero missing the values of the original Superman. Meanwhile, Lois takes the time to talk with Supergirl, sharing with her the suspicions she has on the new Supermen.
Episode Four Plot: Lex Luthor has prepared a gala to announce his new plans for Super-Police to defend the city following Superman’s death. But when the new Supermen finally clash in a confrontation to debate letting Luthor live and killing him for his crimes, the public finally get a chance to decide who their saviors are.
Episode Five Plot: Declared the true savior of Metropolis, Cyborg Superman is put to the test when he faces a new threat: the Parasite. Meanwhile, Lois and Supergirl enlist the help of Steel to investigate the truth of the Cyborg Superman.
Episode Six Plot: In one last act to prove himself, the Eradicator attacks Cyborg Superman, dying in the battle. However, Cyborg Superman’s victory is short-lived, as Lois, Supergirl, and Steel out the truth behind him and the deceased scientist Hank Henshaw.
Episode Seven Plot: Furious with his reveal, Cyborg Superman goes ballistic, assaulting the military and claiming the means to destroy half of the country in a nuclear attack.
Episode Eight Plot: All bets are off in the season finale as Lois, Supergirl, Steel, and Superboy race to stop Cyborg Superman’s plot for nuclear destruction. A race that only becomes more definite as the real Man of Steel finally returns from the dead to save the world.
Settings: Metropolis, Smallville
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the mostly failed nuclear attack, Hal Jordan returns to Earth to find Coast City in ruin, the only city nuked in the attack. He grows angry and mournful, showing the first sign of losing himself to darkness.
-Wonder Woman: Odyssey (Film)
Protagonist: Wonder Woman Antagonists: Circe, Cheetah, Hades, various mythological monsters, Furies Side Characters: Hippolyta, Artemis Cameo Characters: Zeus, various other gods, Steve Trevor
Plot: After decades of living among man and acting as their hero, the consequences of Diana’s actions have finally caught up with her. The sorceress Circe has been freed, and has destroyed Diana’s home of Themyscira. She has now partnered with the Cheetah as her disciple, seeking to delve into the Underworld to free Hades from the deepest depths of Tartarus. Diana must now travel through the rings of Hell and battle through a gauntlet of beasts and enemies to stop their plot and prove herself worthy of being called Wonder Woman.
Settings: Themyscira, the Underworld
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the near-escape of Hades, with involvement from Cheetah, the Old Gods of Greece meet to determine how they handle this matter moving forward. Ultimately, Zeus decides that the mortals of man’s world have become too dangerous, and declares war on the mortal realm and those who may defend it.
Post-Credits Scene: Following her redemption in the Underworld, Cheetah returns to the old wrecked base she had been frozen inside of during World War II. She explores deep inside the frozen lair, eventually coming across a large chunk of ice that had gone undiscovered until now. And within lies Steve Trevor, perfectly preserved for over 80 years.
-Batgirl Season 2 (TV Show)
Protagonist: Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: David Cain, the League of Assassins Side Characters: Oracle (Barbara Gordon), Batman, Commissioner Gordon, Alfred, Robin Cameo Characters: Red Hood
Overall Plot: Barbara Gordon has been shot and paralyzed, leaving Gotham without a Batgirl... temporarily. When the League of Assassins makes good on their threat and comes to Gotham, a young assassin by the name of Cassandra Cain tries to prove herself as the greatest assassin the League has ever known. But when she fails and finds herself deserted by the League and her own father, Barbara sees a light in her and shows her she has the power to be a great hero instead.
Episode One Plot: The League of Assassins make their way into Gotham as a young Cassandra Cain tries but fails to break into Oracle’s clocktower.
Episode Two Plot: Feeling shame for her failure, Cassandra is lifted up by Barbara, who convinces her that she is capable of being a hero instead.
Episode Three Plot: Cassandra begins her first night of patrol in Gotham as the new Batgirl, but meets resistance when Batman denies the presence of a new Batgirl.
Episode Four Plot: Determined to prove herself, Cassandra follows Batman on a mission to stop a potential assassination, during which the two open up to one another.
Episode Five Plot: Cassandra gets her first taste of a sidekick team-up as she and Robin work together to prevent a terrorist attack from the League of Assassins.
Episode Six Plot: Stakes are high in the season finale, as Cassandra re-confronts her father and seeks to stop the League’s plans for destroying Gotham, by any means necessary.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Feeling disdain for the destruction caused by the League of Assassins, Jason decides it is time to enact his plan and take Gotham for himself, no matter the costs.
-Batman: The Red Hood (Film)
Protagonists: Batman, Robin (Tim Drake), Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) Antagonists: Red Hood, Bane, Joker Side Characters: Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, Nightwing, Catwoman, Lucius Fox, Harvey Bullock, Renée Montoya, Mayor Krol Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Azrael
Plot: Bane has arrived, and with him comes the Caped Crusader’s darkest days. Bane has seized control of the city and vows to both break the Batman and ruin everything he holds dear. However, he finds rivalry in the criminal underworld, as a new figure called the Red Hood emerges to take Gotham back his way. Batman is now caught in the crosshairs of a dark beast of destruction and a vengeful ghost from the past battling for control of the city, and with the Dark Knight losing his grip more and more each day, people wonder if the city really needs vigilantes.
Setting: Gotham City
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his identity being revealed and being imprisoned, Bruce sits in his cell as the tv showcases news coverage of another alien invasion occurring in Metropolis. He stares with fear as he watches Parademons swarm the city, followed closely behind by Darkseid himself, finally come to Earth.
Post-Credits Scene: Following the supposed end of the Batman, a hooded figure on a rooftop swears an oath to a mysterious force. As he stands up, he unsheathes his sword and reveals himself as Azrael, prepared to carry on the Batman’s legacy at any cost.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 1: War (Film)
Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Granny Goodness, Grail, Apokalips Army Side Characters: Various (too many to list lol) Cameo Characters: Orion
Plot: The apocalypse has come. After years of planning and waiting, Darkseid has finally arrived on Earth, his invasion active and his plan clear: find the Mother Boxes and destroy all life in the universe, starting with Earth. The only obstacle standing between him and the Anti-Life Equation is the Justice League, who must unite one more time to defend Earth from the ultimate evil. But with a threat as powerful as Darkseid, do they have any hope of saving the world?
Settings: Metropolis, Apokalips, other cities
Mid-Credits Scene: Following his victory and upcoming conquering of the universe, starting with Earth, Darkseid’s actions are monitored by a man flying his way through space. He grows dreadful at the god’s actions, and activates an alert signaling the “New Gods” to unite.
-Suicide Squad: Operation Apokalips (Film)
Protagonists: Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, Killer Frost, Rick Flag, the Thinker, Parasite Antagonists: Granny Goodness, Female Furies, Grail Side Characters: Few to none Cameo Characters: Batman, Flash
Plot: Darkseid has won, and now the Earth is doomed to die to the forces of Apokalips. However, there is one person left on Earth with a plan to save it: Amanda Waller. Recruiting her team of convicts, she plans a mission to cripple Darkseid’s main military output and steal back an invention of great importance: the Cosmic Treadmill. It’s a Suicide mission like no other, and this time, nobody is certain to be making it out alive.
Settings: Metropolis, STAR Labs
Mid-Credits Scene: Following the shaky mission, Waller meets with Batman and the Flash, presenting the treadmill. Batman thanks her for her mission, saying he has a plan to bring the disappeared Justice League back and save the world.
-The New Gods (Film)
Protagonists: Orion, Big Barda, Mr. Miracle, Bekka, Lightray Antagonist: Steppenwolfe, Black Racer Side Characters: High Father, Drax Cameo Characters: Darkseid, Batman, Flash
Plot: Taking place centuries before the events of “Justice League: War”, the New Gods are a powerful race of galactic beings who rule the universe in place of the Old Gods of mythology. However, when a misguided tyrant god named Steppenwolfe goes on a mad quest for his dark master, the New Gods must search for the ancient Mother Boxes and retrieve them before the darkness can find them and kill the universe.
Settings: New Genesis, other planets
Mid-Credits Scene: In the present, the remains of the Justice League and Argus formulate a plan to take the world back from Apokalips. However, they are interrupted mid-plan, as the New Gods arrive, saying they wish to help... and kill Darkseid.
-Justice League Apokalips Part 2: Crisis (Film)
Protagonists: Protagonists: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan and John Stewart), Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Red Tornado, Shazam, Steel, Superboy, Teen Titans, Justice Society, Lex Luthor, New Gods, Suicide Squad Antagonists: Darkseid, Desaad, Kalibak, Apokalips army, Black Racer Side Characters: Too many to count lol Cameo Characters: None
Plot: At last, the conclusion to the first chapter of the DCU has arrived. With the Earth in ruins and the core Justice League lost in time, all hope seems lost. That is, until Batman and the Flash come up with a plan to save the world. With the Cosmic Treadmill, they seek to travel throughout time to recover their teammates of the Justice League, and put a stop to Darkseid once and for all. Will they succeed, or will Apokalips rule the universe in the end?
Settings: Metropolis, various locations throughout time
submitted by KingCreeperSeth to FixingDC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:08 idigclams Jack London - How I Became a Socialist

Jack London - How I Became a Socialist
It is quite fair to say that I became a Socialist in a fashion somewhat similar to the way in which the Teutonic pagans became Christians–it was hammered into me. Not only was I not looking for Socialism at the time of my conversion, but I was fighting it. I was very young and callow, did not know much of anything, and though I had never even heard of a school called “Individualism,” I sang the paean of the strong with all my heart. This was because I was strong myself. By strong I mean that I had good health and hard muscles, both of which possessions are easily accounted for. I had lived my childhood on California ranches, my boyhood hustling newspapers on the streets of a healthy Western city, and my youth on the ozone-laden waters of San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. I loved life in the open, and I toiled in the open, at the hardest kinds of work. Learning no trade, but drifting along from job to job, I looked on the world and called it good, every bit of it. Let me repeat, this optimism was because I was healthy and strong, bothered with neither aches nor weaknesses, never turned down by the boss because I did not look fit, able always to get a job at shovelling coal, sailorizing, or manual labor of some sort.
And because of all this, exulting in my young life, able to hold my own at work or fight, I was a rampant individualist. It was very natural. I was a winner. Wherefore I called the game, as I saw it played, or thought I saw it played, a very proper game for MEN. To be a MAN was to write man in large capitals on my heart. To adventure like a man, and fight like a man, and do a man’s work (even for a boy’s pay)–these were things that reached right in and gripped hold of me as no other thing could. And I looked ahead into long vistas of a hazy and interminable future, into which, playing what I conceived to be MAN’S game, I should continue to travel with unfailing health, without accidents, and with muscles ever vigorous. As I say, this future was interminable. I could see myself only raging through life without end like one of Nietzsche’s blond-beasts, lustfully roving and conquering by sheer superiority and strength.
As for the unfortunates, the sick, and ailing, and old, and maimed, I must confess I hardly thought of them at all, save that I vaguely felt that they, barring accidents, could be as good as I if they wanted to real hard, and could work just as well. Accidents? Well, they represented FATE, also spelled out in capitals, and there was no getting around FATE. Napoleon had had an accident at Waterloo, but that did not dampen my desire to be another and later Napoleon. Further, the optimism bred of a stomach which could digest scrap iron and a body which flourished on hardships did not permit me to consider accidents as even remotely related to my glorious personality.
I hope I have made it clear that I was proud to be one of Nature’s strong-armed noblemen. The dignity of labor was to me the most impressive thing in the world. Without having read Carlyle, or Kipling, I formulated a gospel of work which put theirs in the shade. Work was everything. It was sanctification and salvation. The pride I took in a hard day’s work well done would be inconceivable to you. It is almost inconceivable to me as I look back upon it. I was as faithful a wage slave as ever capitalist exploited. To shirk or malinger on the man who paid me my wages was a sin, first, against myself, and second, against him. I considered it a crime second only to treason and just about as bad.
In short, my joyous individualism was dominated by the orthodox bourgeois ethics. I read the bourgeois papers, listened to the bourgeois preachers, and shouted at the sonorous platitudes of the bourgeois politicians. And I doubt not, if other events had not changed my career, that I should have evolved into a professional strike-breaker, (one of President Eliot’s American heroes), and had my head and my earning power irrevocably smashed by a club in the hands of some militant trades-unionist.
Just about this time, returning from a seven months’ voyage before the mast, and just turned eighteen, I took it into my head to go tramping. On rods and blind baggages I fought my way from the open West where men bucked big and the job hunted the man, to the congested labor centres of the East, where men were small potatoes and hunted the job for all they were worth. And on this new blond-beast adventure I found myself looking upon life from a new and totally different angle. I had dropped down from the proletariat into what sociologists love to call the “submerged tenth,” and I was startled to discover the way in which that submerged tenth was recruited.
I found there all sorts of men, many of whom had once been as good as myself and just as blond-beast; sailor-men, soldier-men, labor-men, all wrenched and distorted and twisted out of shape by toil and hardship and accident, and cast adrift by their masters like so many old horses. I battered on the drag and slammed back gates with them, or shivered with them in box cars and city parks, listening the while to life-histories which began under auspices as fair as mine, with digestions and bodies equal to and better than mine, and which ended there before my eyes in the shambles at the bottom of the Social Pit.
And as I listened my brain began to work. The woman of the streets and the man of the gutter drew very close to me. I saw the picture of the Social Pit as vividly as though it were a concrete thing, and at the bottom of the Pit I saw them, myself above them, not far, and hanging on to the slippery wall by main strength and sweat. And I confess a terror seized me. What when my strength failed? when I should be unable to work shoulder to shoulder with the strong men who were as yet babes unborn? And there and then I swore a great oath. It ran something like this: All my days I have worked hard with my body, and according to the number of days I have worked, by just that much am I nearer the bottom of the Pit. I shall climb out of the Pit, but not by the muscles of my body shall I climb out. I shall do no more hard work, and may God strike me dead if I do another day’s hard work with my body more than I absolutely have to do. And I have been busy ever since running away from hard work.
Incidentally, while tramping some ten thousand miles through the United States and Canada, I strayed into Niagara Falls, was nabbed by a fee-hunting constable, denied the right to plead guilty or not guilty, sentenced out of hand to thirty days’ imprisonment for having no fixed abode and no visible means of support, handcuffed and chained to a bunch of men similarly circumstanced, carted down country to Buffalo, registered at the Erie County Penitentiary, had my head clipped and my budding mustache shaved, was dressed in convict stripes, compulsorily vaccinated by a medical student who practised on such as we, made to march the lock-step, and put to work under the eyes of guards armed with Winchester rifles–all for adventuring in blond-beastly fashion. Concerning further details deponent sayeth not, though he may hint that some of his plethoric national patriotism simmered down and leaked out of the bottom of his soul somewhere–at least, since that experience he finds that he cares more for men and women and little children than for imaginary geographical lines.
 * * * * * * * 
To return to my conversion. I think it is apparent that my rampant individualism was pretty effectively hammered out of me, and something else as effectively hammered in. But, just as I had been an individualist without knowing it, I was now a Socialist without knowing it, withal, an unscientific one. I had been reborn, but not renamed, and I was running around to find out what manner of thing I was. I ran back to California and opened the books. I do not remember which ones I opened first. It is an unimportant detail anyway. I was already It, whatever It was, and by aid of the books I discovered that It was a Socialist. Since that day I have opened many books, but no economic argument, no lucid demonstration of the logic and inevitableness of Socialism affects me as profoundly and convincingly as I was affected on the day when I first saw the walls of the Social Pit rise around me and felt myself slipping down, down, into the shambles at the bottom.
submitted by idigclams to socialism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:24 gm19g Uneasy Glances in the War Department Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

Uneasy Glances in the War Department Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections
Colonel James M. Gavin shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the War Department and closed his eyes tightly to block out the pressure he felt building up in his head. Opening them, he continued to read the newspaper sprawled out on his mahogany desk:
In a rare moment of outward fury for the normally stoic soldier, Gavin crumpled the newspaper and threw it across his Pentagon staff office. He had already read the thing twice over to make sure he hadn’t missed anything the first time. To read it again would just be an exercise in making himself even more depressed. Colonel Gavin stood up and walked to the office window and looked out. Summer was rapidly dying and Fall was taking root, already some of the leaves on the trees were turning to new, vibrant colors. His office with the Strategic Plans Department was on the Eastern side of the Pentagon and offered him a view of the gently flowing Potomac River and into Washington DC itself. On clear days, such as today, he could even see the needle of the Washington Monument sticking triumphantly high into the sky. On other days the view might have filled him with pride, but today all he felt was dread. Looking over the Potomac he tried to make out where the White House would be. What was going on in there right now? Was the President and his gang of fascist jackals working out their next plan to strip away American democracy or disappear another political opponent at this very moment? Was this what he had fought for? What so many of his comrades in arms had died for?
He thought back. Gavin had always wanted to be a soldier. He was not born into some political dynasty or with a silver spoon in his mouth, no, he had to work for everything he wanted. He had been an orphan and whatever free time he had was devoted to work. Whether as a paperboy or a barbers assistant caring for the miners in his poor Pennsylvania town, he was always working. He knew he had to get out. Listening to his school teachers' lectures about the Civil War and the stories of discharged veterans from the Canadian front opened his eyes to the world outside coal mining and poverty. He knew had to be a soldier. The Americans who went off to fight in these wars were heroes to him, they did not fight for riches, they fought for what was good, decent, honorable, and righteous. Democracy. The thought was the only thing that kept him going when he had to get up before the crack of dawn, when he had to give up on making friends, and when his adoptive father forced him to drop out of school in 8th grade to work full time. He had his break when the Revolution began in 1921 and at only 15 years old he ran from home to join an anti-communist militia marching off to liberate New York City. Gavin was filled with pride as they marched off to battle and sang old marching tunes as well as praises for the newly inaugurated President Lejeune. Wearing a shabby, worn-out uniform a kind Sergeant had given to him, and using an old hunting rifle, he fought through the streets of the Big Apple alongside Patton’s regulars and the collaborationist bastard Hugh Johnson. The irony of the fact he had been fighting against Benjamin Gitlow, who now seemed to have been the last best hope of democracy in the United States, did not escape Colonel Gavin.
Federal troops enter the Bronx Soviet in May 1922. A young Gavin first saw combat here in the brutal urban warfare of the Revolution while fighting in an anti-communist militia
He had proved himself in the Revolution, enough to stay in with the Pennsylvania National Guard as a Corporal and fight the insurrectionist remnants with distinction until 1924 when one of his superior officers decided he might cut it as an officer and got him an appointment to West Point. The Academy was hard, but he was used to dealing with challenges so he was up at 4:30 every morning to try and catch up on the basic education he had been forced out of as a boy. After graduation, he got to serve on the far frontiers of American global reach where he witnessed brutality not seen since the Revolution, except this time it was not undisciplined militias or renegade Japanese collaborators, but regular United States Federal troops. Confronted by the reality of the crimes committed by a few notable Caribbean officers in the Moroland shook his faith in what he was fighting for, but still, he persisted. Those men were in the minority and their actions brought shame to the military as a whole, even as the politicians back home lauded them or helped to cover it up. It was then he first began to notice the uneasy glances shared between servicemen as they read the newspapers or talked about the events in hushed tones. At the time they were few, and no one was outspoken, but still, Gavin had noticed. When a new Pacific War broke out, all of that was forgotten as the Army of the Free marched off once more to battle. Good god, Guadalcanal had been so hot and the Japanese had been so fierce. As one of the masterminds behind the Airborne Corps, it was only right that he once more serve on the frontlines with his men and so he made every combat jump the 82nd Airborne conducted during the war. Gavin had fought in every major battle and watched as the men around him were maimed, mutilated, and murdered by a vicious enemy in a war of aggression he was beginning to lose faith in.
Theater-Ranked Brigadier General Gavin preparing to make a combat jump into Guadalcanal in late 1942 with his beloved \"All-American\" 82nd Airborne Division
He was off the coast of Iwo Jima, on board an aircraft carrier for a planning conference on the invasion of Japan, when the room suddenly turned white with the flash of the nuclear bomb. In an instant, 75,000 soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, sons, brothers, fathers, and husbands were vaporized by the deadliest weapon known to mankind. A follow-up attack on Guam was just as bad. What had they died for? Democracy. It had to be something as just and noble as that. To spread democracy and bring peace to the Pacific. Right? The atomic bombings of Japan followed soon after.
Because of the nature of the Japanese defeat, the collapsed central government was unable to stop the raging fires, set up food distribution, or stop the roaming bandits in large swathes of the country. To counter this, an immediate American occupation was needed to restore order, end the famine, and set up a provisional government. The planning for the airborne contingent of this action, entitled Operation Eastern Wind, was left in the capable hands of theater-ranked Major General James Gavin. Eastern Wind would include massive amphibious landings across the Japanese Isles, preluded by the largest airborne drop the war had seen pinpointed outside major cities to secure vital infrastructure as the seaborne troops and equipment arrived. In a personal victory during planning, Gavin had used the loss of personnel on Iwo Jima and Guam to argue for the integration of all-black paratroop units into the rest of the Airborne Corps to bolster numbers before the big jump. Then in early September 1945, the skies over Japan were once again filled with the roaring sounds of American engines as thousands of paratroopers jumped from their transports to begin the occupation of Japan. Jumping into the icy vacuum one more time, Gavin landed on the outskirts of Tokyo and was the highest-ranking American officer in Japan for about two hours before the rest of the Army hit the beaches. As he and whatever men landed near him advanced on a railroad depot where he planned to set up his headquarters, they were horrified to find it had become an open-air hospital and mass grave for Japanese civilians caught in the Tokyo atomic bombing. The horrific stench of rotting corpses and gangrenous infected innocents permeated the air and Gavin’s first instinct was to vomit and shield his eyes. But as a soldier, and especially a soldier who was good, decent, honorable, and righteous, he instead directed the creation of an aid station along with an operational headquarters to assist the beleaguered Japanese doctors and nurses. Over the next few months in Japan, Gavin saw the extent of the destruction wrought in the name of ‘democracy’. When the final tally of over 2.5 million civilian casualties, was released he believed it. The Japanese people had suffered greatly, so he could only hope that peace would hold out when he received new orders to head the innovative Strategic Plans Department back in Washington DC at the end of 1946.
Operation Eastern Wind, directed by Theater-Ranked Major General Gavin, would see the largest airborne drop of the war as the American military began its occupation of Japan. The landings would meet no formal Japanese resistance and allowed for the quick seizure of vital infrastructure across the country. American troops encountered firsthand the effects of the nuclear attacks, the subsequent famine, wildfires, and governmental collapse.
Bumped back down to a peacetime rank, Gavin continued to climb the ladder arguing for the modernization and integration of the armed forces. He tried to readjust to peacetime service and revert to how he had served all the other presidential administrations, but something was different about La Follette. Gavin had initially viewed him positively, seeing as he had been a soldier in the Pacific before rising to the highest office, but that quickly changed with the appointment of MacArthur as Secretary of State and the dictatorial nature of the Administration in occupied Japan. As the years passed, Gavin noticed a rise in the uneasy glances he had not seen since the Moroland warcrimes had been revealed. Officers reading their newspapers would shoot a look at their comrades before receiving a knowing and acknowledging look back. Pre-briefing meetings often took an off-topic turn as someone would bring up current events and the whispers and hushed voices began. Perhaps someone would bring up the actions of the Black Shirts and reminisce about their actions during the Revolution and how the revolutionary militias and extremist fascists seemed awfully similar. Sometimes the room would go silent when an Administration appointee or outwardly supportive serviceman would walk in and the huddled soldiers would quickly and quietly disperse. Still, it was business as usual in the Pentagon and on all the bases that Gavin would visit on tours. Then the chaos of the 1948 Farmer-Labor Convention happened, followed by the streetfighting, followed by the reelection of the President, the arrests of political opponents, and the revelations preceding the impeachment attempt. Slowly but surely the number of disaffected servicemen rose with each incident and some commanders were beginning to give uncomfortable, but necessary, reminders to their men on the apolitical nature of the military and its members, even if they were beginning to lose faith in that too.
The Pentagon was abuzz with quiet discontent. Even if it was unconfirmed it was clear to most servicemen that Lindbergh and La Follette had murdered General Smedley Butler or were at the very least deeply involved in the cover-up. Once again paramilitary forces were roaming the streets of America. Once again opponents of a political philosophy were in real, mortal danger. Once again American democracy was under threat from the inside. Gavin’s generation of servicemen had marched off to war to fight for something that the La Follette administration did not care about. The current Officer Corps of the United States Military idolized Smedley Butler and John Lejeune and every affront against their names and legacies was duly, but as of yet silently, noted. The Lower Enlisted and especially Non-Commissioned Officer Corps also looked on at the proceedings with great interest as it seemed that their sacrifices in the Revolution and Pacific War were being forgotten and their authority handed over to a bunch of undisciplined and hyper-partisan Black Shirts. The uneasy glances abounded in the War Department. Outspoken fascists and La Follette supporters who seemed to have forgotten their oaths were increasingly shunned and effectively exiled by their comrades and superior officers.
James M. Gavin took a step back from the window and sneered. I cannot believe that disgrace Batista came in second he thought. Looking out at the skyline of the home of sacred American democracy, it very suddenly became very clear that the union was approaching a precipice. It was quite possible that the Administration might call upon the military to enforce its will should they take a step to alter the very fabric of the United States. If and when that time comes… what would the military’s response be? Not the reaction from the higher-ups, the ones appointed by the politicians, but the reaction from the men? The Officers and Enlisted who had watched their buddies die overseas as they fought for some vague notion of advancing the cause of freedom? The Officers and Enlisted who had set out to defend America during the Revolution? Personally, Gavin knew what he would do, and he had a general feeling about what the rest of the men of the military might do. But the revelation had forced the thought into his mind and he knew he would never be able to shake it again. He sat down at his desk once again and began to outline a list of names. Once he had finished, he looked it over again, committed it to memory, took out his lighter, and burned the paper. He would set about doing what he did best. Organizing and planning. He wasn’t sure just how paranoid the Administration was, but he would leave no paper trail, only speak to those he was absolutely sure he knew the sentiments of, and take every precaution as he made feelers. Too much was at risk. Too many had died. Too many had sacrificed. Too many who naively believed that their bloodshed would not be in vain and that their superiors in the government were also good, decent, honorable, and righteous. James M. Gavin would do whatever he could to remind Washington that there were still patriots willing to fight for a worthy cause. And if necessary, die for it. Democracy.
Washington's Last Patriot: James M. Gavin
submitted by gm19g to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 23:43 NyxShadowhawk I Read the Silmarillion So You Don't Have To, Part Five

I Read the Silmarillion So You Don't Have To, Part Five
Disclaimer: I started this series for my mother and sister, who are diehard LotR fans, but don't want to read the Silm. They wanted the Tolkien lore, though, so they asked me to tell them what happens in the Silm, and it became this fun summary.
Previous Part
Chapter 10: Of the Sindar Meanwhile, in Middle-earth…
Remember the Sindar? They’re the people of Elwë, the only one of the original three Elven Lords who never made it back to Valinor, and Melian, a Maia who seduced him. The Sindar are basically native to Middle-earth, and save for Elwë himself, none of them have seen the Two Trees of Valinor. That makes them “Grey Elves,” neither light nor dark. They live in Beleriand, the westernmost land mass of Middle-earth, on which most of The Silmarillion takes place, and which is completely gone by the time LotR takes place.
Elu Thingol by Bohemian Weasel
Elu Thingol by Bohemian Weasel
The Sindar know Elwë as Thingol, which is Sindarin for “Greymantle,” and acknowledge him as king. Earlier, I assumed that Thingol and Melian were the ancestors of the Sindar, but this isn’t true; they only have one child, and her name is Lúthien. She is one of the other major players in The Silmarillion, and was based directly on Tolkien’s wife Edith, so she’s kind of a big deal. She’s born in the forest of Neldoreth, and white flowers spring up to greet her.
While Melkor was being held captive in Valinor, the Dwarves finally enter the picture in Middle-earth. They call themselves Khazâd, and the Sindar call them Naugrim, which means “stunted people.” The Elves are somewhat bewildered when the Dwarves come into Beleriand from the East, because they didn’t know that any other people existed. They assumed that they were the only living things who could speak or make things. They don’t learn the Dwarven language, but the Dwarves endeavor to learn Sindarin. When the Noldor eventually show up, the Dwarves really like them, because the Noldor share their reverence for the god Aulë and their skill at metalwork and cutting gemstones.
Because Melian is a Maia, she can see the future. She warns Thingol that the peace isn’t going to last. Thingol decides to build a fortress in case worst comes to worst, and enlists the help of the dwarves to build it. The Dwarves oblige, happy to have a new project, and Thingol pays them in pearls, which they’d never seen before. The biggest pearl is called Nimphelos, which the Dwarves particularly value. (Its name sounds a lot like Omphalos, an egg-shaped sacred stone at Delphi that the Ancient Greeks thought was the navel of the world.) The Dwarves build Thingol a mansion underground, in the style of their own. I’m guessing that, like Hobbit holes, this is a reference to Celtic fairy lore that describes fairies as living in mounds. Like the fairies of British and Irish lore, Thingol has a lavish underground palace called Menegroth, the Thousand Caves. Its pillars are carved to look like trees, with carved animals on the walls and in the “branches” of the pillars. Colorful mosaics decorate the floors, banners and tapestries chronicle the deeds of the Valar, there are silver fountains and singing nightingales, and it’s all as beautiful as anything gets outside of Valinor.
Everything’s great for a bit, but Melkor’s monsters still exist, and eventually Orcs and wolves push into Beleriand. The Elves don’t know what the Orcs are. They assume that the Orcs are Avari (Elves that refused to go to Valinor) that turned evil, which is almost right in an indirect way. Thingol needs weapons to fight Melkor’s monsters, but the Sindar don’t have any weapons and don’t know how to make them, because they’ve never needed them before. The Dwarves know how to make them, having used them to fight all the dangerous things in the East, and they teach the Sindar how to make and use them. Dwarves remain the absolute best at making things of steel, and they invented chainmail.
Remember the Nandor? They were another subgroup of Elves who split off from the Teleri while they were traveling to Valinor, and stayed in Middle-earth. They become the Wood Elves, and their descendants will be the elves of Mirkwood. But at this point in history, they come to Thingol, seeking protection from Melkor’s monsters. Thingol lets them stay in an eastern land called Ossiriand.
A Sindar Elf named Daeron invents the runic writing system, which the Elves don’t care for, but the Dwarves readily adopt.
Once again, everything’s great for a while. But then, Morgoth and Ungoliant have their struggle to the north. The Sindar hear Morgoth’s shrieking and know that something is wrong. Melian’s magic keeps Ungoliant from entering their land, but barely. The Sindar are suddenly assaulted by Morgoth’s massive army of Orcs from his northern citadel of Angband. The Orcs aren’t like anything the Sindar have ever seen, and there’s thousands of them. We get a short summary of the ensuing battle (in which Tolkien drops more place names than I can possibly keep track of).
The Elves and Dwarves win, but they lose a lot of lives in the process. The King of the Nandor, an Elf named Denethor, dies in combat. Distraught by his death, many of his people renounce open war. They are called Laiquendi, “Green Elves,” because they wear leaves. The rest of the Nandor join the Sindar, and merge with them. The Sindar fence themselves into their forest with a magic wall of “shadow and bewilderment” that Melian casts to keep the Orcs out. After that, their forest becomes known as Doriath, the “Land of the Girdle,” after the magic wall. The wall protects them, but the peace and bliss are broken.
Beleriand Map
Chapter 11: Of the Sun and Moon and the Hiding of Valinor In which the Two Trees have a last hurrah.
Back in Valinor, the Valar are very sad about the Trees, but they’re even sadder about Fëanor. Fëanor is, without a doubt, the best of the Elves. He may be a narcissist, but he’s right about how great he is: he’s the strongest, the smartest, the cleverest, the most beautiful, the most skilled, and the most capable both mentally and physically. Imagine all the good he could have done in the world, and what beautiful and useful things he might have made, if Morgoth hadn’t corrupted him! Now he’s going to waste his life on a pointless endeavor, and his entire line is cursed. It didn’t have to be like this. When a messenger tells Manwë how Fëanor responded to the prophecy of doom, Manwë cries.
However, Manwë doesn’t dispute Fëanor’s boast that people will sing of his deeds until the end of the world. After all, songs are beautiful things. If you remember, Eru Ilúvatar told Melkor that all of his evil deeds will result in more beautiful things, that no one would otherwise have conceived of. Evil always begets good, in spite of itself. Fëanor’s evil deeds will result in the creation of beautiful art in the future, thus indirectly producing good things. But that doesn’t make Fëanor’s actions any better in the present.
Yavanna, goddess of plants, and Nienna, goddess of sorrow, do their absolute best to heal the Trees. The Trees are beyond saving, but the goddesses’ lamentation does do something: With their last bit of strength, Telperion bears a single silver flower, and Laurelin bears a single golden fruit. Yavanna picks them both off the trees. After that, the Two Trees die for good, with nothing but their lifeless stems remaining in Valinor as a sad monument to what once was. Manwë blesses the flower and the fruit, and Aulë makes vessels to hold and preserve them. Then Varda hangs them in the sky as the new lamps: The flower of Telperion is the Moon, and the fruit of Laurelin is the Sun. The two lights will help the Children of Ilúvatar and hinder Morgoth.
Creation of the Two Trees by Julia Pelzer
Creation of the Two Trees by Julia Pelzer
Each group of Elves has a different name for the Moon and the Sun. The Vanyar (the Elves who got to Valinor first and stayed there) call them Isil and Anar. The Noldor call them Rána the Wayward, and Vána the Heart of Fire.
The Moon and Sun also have their own Maiar to guide them through the sky. The Maia of the Sun is called Arien, and the Maia of the Moon is called Tilion. Both Maiar had loved their respective Trees while the Trees were alive, and begged for the position of tending to the Sun and Moon. Arien is a fire goddess who doesn’t fear the heat of the sun, and Tilion is a hunter god who was one of Oromë’s companions. (This mirrors Norse Mythology, in which the Sun is driven by a goddess called Sol or Sunna, and the Moon by a god called Máni.)
Narsilion by breath-art
The Moon rises first, and brings hope to the Elves. When the Moon rises, Fingolfin and the Noldor begin their long trek into Middle-earth across the frozen north. After the Moon rises and sets seven times, the Sun is hung in the sky, and the first dawn comes. When the Sun sets, it comes to rest in Valinor, briefly reminding the Valar and remaining Elves of the light of the Two Trees and the joy they once had. But the Sun and Moon still pale in comparison to the Two Trees. The only remaining things that preserve the original light, pre-Ungoliant’s destruction, are the Silmarils.
Morgoth is obviously horrified, and immediately sends dark clouds to prevent the Sun from shining upon his land of Angband. Arien, the Maia of the Sun, is the only entity that Morgoth is really afraid of, and he no longer has the strength to attack her. But he does send evil spirits after Tilion, the Maia of the Moon. (This might explain why the moon has phases, but it’s not explicitly said.)
The Valar still remember what happened the last time they put up lamps, and they’re not about to let Morgoth destroy their paradise for a third time. They decide to almost completely cut off Valinor from the rest of the world. They make the Pélori Mountains around Valinor rise impossibly high, with sheer faces like glass. The only way in or out of Valinor is through a mountain pass called the Calacirya, which the Valar leave open to allow the Elves to see the stars. But the pass is heavily guarded. And, as an extra precaution, they fill the sea with enchanted islands that are full of illusions to confuse and trap anyone who tries to sail to Aman. The Noldor are officially, permanently cut off from Valinor — there’s no turning back now.
Telperion and Laurelin by MrSvein872
Telperion and Laurelin by MrSvein872
Chapter 12: Of Men In which the Men finally show up.
Having sealed themselves away, the Valar basically leave Middle-earth to the mercy of Morgoth. It’s not all bad, though; the Sun keeps Morgoth at bay, and it causes many new things to grow in Beleriand. Beleriand is a pretty nice place, for what it’s worth. Not as nice as Valinor, but, y’know… it could be worse.
When the Sun rises, the Men finally awaken. The Elves have a lot of different names for them, but the important ones are Atani (“Second People”) and Hildor (“Followers”). The Men didn’t have a Vala to invite them to Valinor. Men fear the Valar, because they don’t really know what the Valar are or why they’re there, and the Valar have stopped paying attention to Middle-earth. Ulmo watches over the Men through all the water of Middle-earth, but Men don’t know how to understand the divine messages brought to them by the water. It’s rumored that the Men befriend the Avari, the Dark Elves who never went to Valinor.
At the time, Men looked more like Elves than they do now. Men were taller, stronger, and longer-lived than they are now, but Elves were still prettier, wiser, and more skilled than Men. Elves are immortal, and do not sicken or age, but they can still be killed. Men have less robust bodies and are more prone to illness and injury. Dark Elves are better than Men, but the High Elves that saw Valinor are significantly better than both Dark Elves and Men. The only Dark Elves that come close to the greatness of the High Elves are the Sindar, and that’s only because their queen is a Maia.
The other big difference between Elves and Men is what happens after they die. When Elves die, they go to the Halls of Mandos and eventually reincarnate. The Elves don’t know what happens to Men after they die. If they go to the Halls of Mandos, they don’t go to the same part of them that the Elves go to. No one but Mandos and Manwë knows what happens to the Men after that. Only one Man ever came back from the dead (we’ll get there). It’s possible that the only entity that knows anything about what happens to Men after death is Ilúvatar himself.
The relationship between Elves and Men gets steadily worse with time, mostly because of Morgoth (again, we’ll get there). By the time of the Third Age, when LotR takes place, there are very few Elves left. They have retreated away from the sunlight, into lonely woods and caves, and “become as shadows and memories.” The Men take over from the Elves, and forget that the Elves ever existed. But the The Silmarillion is about the First Age, and back then, Elves and Men were friends. Some Men achieved greatness through learning Elven wisdom, and some Men even had children with Elves.
Chapter 13: Of the Return of the Noldor In which we return to the main plot, and a LOT of shit goes down.
Where we last left the Noldor, Fingolfin was leading them on an impossible journey across a frozen wasteland to cross into Middle-earth, because he saw Fëanor burn the boats on the opposite shore. Fëanor and his sons continued further into Middle-earth, and made a camp in the north.
Morgoth also saw Fëanor burn the boats. Even Morgoth was a little afraid of Fëanor, so he decides to preemptively attack Fëanor’s camp. Despite being taken by surprise, the Elves trounce the Orcs, because they still have the strength of Valinor in them. They’re strong and swift, with sharp and effective weapons, and the Orcs don’t stand a chance. A small handful of Elves — Fëanor, his seven sons, and their loyalists — slaughter an entire army’s worth of Orcs in only ten days. Morgoth’s plans for the conquest of Beleriand are ruined, for now.
Fëanor assumes that by chasing down the Orcs, he’ll find Morgoth. Fëanor is so impassioned, so ready to finally kick Morgoth’s ass, that he pats himself on the back for having defied the Valar. It was such a good idea to tell the Valar to go fuck themselves and come to Middle-earth! Now he gets the opportunity to personally take Morgoth down!
He spoke too soon. Fëanor promptly finds himself face-to-face with the fortress of Angband and an entire army of Balrogs. Oops.
Somehow, Fëanor manages to hold his own against multiple Balrogs, until Gothmog, the Lord of the Balrogs, nearly kills him. He only survives because his sons arrive at the last minute with reinforcements to fend off the Balrogs.
Fëanor against the Lord of the Balrogs by Evolvana
Fëanor against the Lord of the Balrogs by Evolvana
Fëanor doesn’t live for much longer, though. His sons start to carry him back to their camp, but he bleeds out on the way. He curses Morgoth and tells his sons to avenge him with his dying breath. As his spirit leaves him, his body burns to ash, because his soul is just that fiery. And that’s it — Fëanor, the mightiest Elf to ever life, is dead. His curse means that his soul is forever trapped in the Halls of Mandos, and he will never reincarnate. No one like him will ever appear in Arda again.
The Death of Curufinwë Fëanaro by Gwenniel
The Death of Curufinwë Fëanaro by Gwenniel
Honestly, I’m surprised that Fëanor dies this early. I thought he was the central character, but I’m still only about a third of the way through, maybe less.
Despite having taken out Fëanor (mostly due to Fëanor’s own arrogance and impulsiveness), Morgoth still lost badly. He sends an envoy to Fëanor’s sons, acknowledging defeat and requesting a ceasefire, even offering to surrender a Silmaril. Fëanor’s eldest son, Maedhros (MY-thros, ‘th’ as in “this”) takes over from Fëanor as the leader of the Noldor. Maedhros doesn’t trust Morgoth as far as he can throw him, but decides to go to the negotiation anyway, with backup. Of course it’s an ambush, and there are Balrogs. All of Maedhros’s backup are killed, and Maedhros himself is captured and taken to Angband.
Fëanor’s other sons build themselves a mighty fortress, but Morgoth keeps Maedhros hostage until the Noldor agree to end the war and leave Beleriand. The sons of Fëanor doubt that Morgoth will keep his word on that. They also literally can’t stop fighting Morgoth, because of their oath. So, Morgoth hangs Maedhros by the wrist from the face of the Thangorodrim Mountains. The only remaining option is to try to rescue him.
Maedhros Upon Thangorodrim by Jenny Dolfen
Maedhros Upon Thangorodrim by Jenny Dolfen
Back with Fingolfin, the rest of the Noldor painstakingly make their way across the land bridge. It’s an agonizing journey, and many Elves die, but when the first dawn finally comes, Fingolfin unfurls his banner and blows his horn in victory. The ice starts to melt, and flowers spring up under his feet. The Sun chases Morgoth to the depths of his citadel, so he doesn’t harass Fingolfin’s group as they arrive in Middle-earth.
Helcaraxe by Stefan Meisl
Fingolfin is wiser than Fëanor, and doesn’t try to attack Angband. Instead, he tries to find the other Noldor. Most of his Fingolfin’s group really hate Fëanor and his sons, because it’s their fault that they nearly froze to death. So, they make their own camp near Lake Mithrim.
Fëanor’s group hears of their arrival. They’re astounded and impressed that Fingolfin and co. managed to survive, and that they made it to Middle-earth. They would welcome Fingolfin’s group, but they’re too ashamed to offer. Too little, too late.
Fingon, Fingolfin’s son, decides to try to heal the relationship between the two groups of Noldor. He recognizes that Morgoth would be thrilled if his enemies were so divided against themselves. If they want to stand a chance against Morgoth, they have to unite. Fingon has the perfect idea for how to bring the two groups together. He was very close to Maedhros. He doesn’t know that Maedhros wanted to go back for him when Fëanor burned the ships, so, he assumes that Maedhros betrayed him. Even so, he still cares enough about Maedhros to want to try to rescue him.
He climbs the mountains of Thangorodrim by himself, hidden under the cover of the darkness that Morgoth created to shut out the sun. Then, Fingon takes out a harp and starts singing. He sings a song from Valinor, from long before the unrest took hold. His voice rings throughout the mountains, in which there had never been singing before. He sings in defiance of Morgoth like the Whos singing in defiance of the Grinch on Christmas Day.
He Sang a Song of Valinor by Jenny Dolfen
He Sang a Song of Valinor by Jenny Dolfen
Faintly, he hears an answering voice singing the same song. Maedhros is singing, despite his suffering. Fingon climbs up to where Maedhros hangs, and cries when he sees how much pain Maedhros is in. Maedhros has long since given up hope, and begs Fingon to shoot him, to put him out of his misery. Fingon prepares to shoot an arrow, but says a prayer to Manwë, asking him to have mercy.
Fingon’s prayer is answered. Manwë sends the King of the Eagles, Thorondar, who picks up Fingon and carries him up the mountain face to where Maedhros hangs. Fingon can’t find any way to open or break the shackle that holds Maedhros, and can’t detach it from the mountain face. Maedhros again begs Fingon to kill him, but Fingon figures that it’s better to lose a hand than to die. Fingon cuts off Maedhros’ hand, and Thorondar catches him, carrying both Elves back to Lake Mithrim.
Flight from Thangorodrim by jyonyi
Flight from Thangorodrim by jyonyi
After that, the rift between the two groups of Noldor is healed. Fingon is hailed as a hero by both groups of Noldor. Maedhros steadily gets better, and recovers his strength. He pulls and Inigo Montoya and learns to wield a sword just as well with his left hand. He also waives his claim to kingship over the Noldor. He begs Fingon to forgive him for having deserted him back when Fëanor burned the boats, and tells Fingon that he’s the rightful heir of the House of Finwë. That’s a nice gesture, but it’s actually part of the curse — The House of Fëanor became known as the Dispossessed, because even though they’re the older brother’s children, they permanently lost the rulership of the Noldor.
The now-united Noldor decide to explore Beleriand a little more, and they eventually meet the Sindar. The Noldor and Sindar recognize each other as kin, but have a hard time understanding each other because they speak different languages. Eventually, they figure out a way to talk to each other. The Noldor learn about King Thingol and the magic wall around his kingdom of Doriath, and about the Sindar’s battles with the Orcs. The Sindar are delighted that these stronger, smarter elves from Valinor arrived right when they were most needed, and assume that the Valar must have sent them.
Thingol is less enthused about a bunch of hotheaded foreign princes arriving in his land. The only Noldor he trusts to let past the magic wall are Finarfin’s children: Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor, and Galadriel. This is because their mother was Eärwen, one of the Teleri Elves and Thingol’s niece. So, they’re his closest relatives among the Noldor. Angrod is the first of the Noldor to enter Thingol’s palace in Doriath. He tells Thingol all about what happened to the Noldor in the North — how they crossed over, how many of them there are, how they beat back Melkor’s forces, how Finrod saved Maedhros, etc. He leaves out the part about the kinslaying and the curse.
Thingol gives the Noldor his blessing to remain in the northern part of Beleriand, but they can’t displace the Sindar from their homes. They also aren’t allowed to come past Doriath’s magic wall, unless they’re invited, or if they desperately need an audience with Thingol. Thingol is Lord of Beleriand and the Noldor are imposing upon him, so, they’re in no position to argue.
When Angrod brings this message back to the Noldor, Maedhros straight-up laughs. “What kind of king is he? These aren’t his lands. He doesn’t have the power to grant us leave to live here, as if we were his vassals. If it weren’t for us, there’d be Orcs breaking down his door.
Maedhros by _star热爱生活呀巴扎嘿
Caranthir, another one of Fëanor’s sons who inherited his father’s fiery temper, also doesn’t like Thingol’s conditions. “Who’s idea was it to send Finarfin’s sons as our spokesmen? I don’t trust a word they say, and I don’t trust this cave-dwelling Dark Elf. Finarfin’s sons should remember that, whoever their mother was, their father was still a Noldo — they should be loyal to the Noldor.”
Angrod is furious at this, and storms out. Maedhros chides Caranthir for going too far. The rest of the Noldor are all concerned that Fëanor’s whole family appears to be a ticking time bomb. It’s only a matter of time before one of them snaps and causes violence. Maedhros reads the room, and manages to get his brothers under control. He decides that he and his brothers should leave before things get worse. Not just leave the meeting, but leave the region — it’s better that they and the other Noldor remain friends at a distance, rather than risk another confrontation that tears them apart from within.
Maedhros and his brothers head east. Their new home is more exposed, and has less natural defense against Angband, but Maedhros doesn’t mind this. He and his brothers can be a buffer for the rest of the Noldor if Morgoth attacks again. And of course, the curse is still in effect.
Caranthir and his people are the first to find the Dwarves, who had stopped coming into Beleriand ever since the battle against Morgoth. You’d think that the Dwarves and the Noldor would have a lot in common, since both love to make things from metals and gems, and they both appreciate good craftsmanship. But nope. The Dwarves are too secretive, and Caranthir is too arrogant. He doesn’t even bother to hide that he thinks the Dwarves are ugly, and all his underlings follow suit. Despite that, the Dwarves and Caranthir’s Elves have a common enemy in Morgoth, so, they form an alliance anyway. From that alliance, Caranthir ends up learning a lot of Dwarven secrets about metalworking and masonry. It’ll really pay off for him in the future.
Caranthir by Miyota
Caranthir by Miyota
Twenty years pass since the Sun first rose, and Fingolfin decides to throw a feast to unite all the scattered Elves. This feast is such a big deal that it has a name — Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting. It’s a last moment of joy and happiness before everything goes to hell again. A number of Sindar attend the feast as well, alongside their leader, an Elf called Círdan (you’re gonna want to remember him). Thingol does not leave his magically-fortified palace, but he sends two diplomats to the feast — Daeron, the Elf that invented runes, and another called Mablung. There are even some Green Elves from the easternmost part of Beleriand. The main language spoken at the party is Sindarin, because the Noldor have had an easier time learning it than the other Elves have had of learning Quenya. All the Elves are on good terms with each other, and everything is great for a while. The Noldor begin to think that maybe Fëanor was right about Middle-earth being a good place for them.
Another thirty years pass. Turgon (Fingon’s brother and a son of Fingolfin) meets up with Finrod (a son of Finarfin). Together, they travel southward on the River Sirion, just to get away for awhile. They sleep on the riverbank, and Ulmo (the Vala of water) sends them a dream. Neither of them remembers the dream, only that it was troubling, and neither realizes that they had the same dream. After that, they’re both burdened with a sense of unease. Troubling dreams can only mean one thing — Morgoth is going to become a problem again. Turgon and Finrod independently decide that it’s a good idea to prepare for the worst.
Finrod and Galadriel, his sister, are briefly guests of King Thingol in Doriath (being two of the few Noldor whom Thingol would allow past the magic wall). Finrod is very impressed by the majesty of Menegroth, the king’s underground palace. He wants his own underground palace just like it, and tells Thingol as much. Thingol could have said, “no, how dare you copy me,” but instead he tells Finrod about a secret place in his realm — there’s a gorge in the River Narog, the river to the west of the Sirion, where there’s a cave complex that Finrod can use to build a palace.
Enlisting the help of some Dwarves, Finrod builds his palace, Nargothrond. He gives the Dwarves treasures from Valinor to thank them. The Dwarves are so impressed with the jewels that they make Finrod a beautiful necklace called the Nauglamír, which is said to be the finest work of the Dwarves in the First Age. It’s set with many, many gemstones from Valinor, but it’s as light as spider silk. The Dwarves are also grateful to Finrod for giving them an excuse to build another cool cave palace. They give him an epithet in their own language, Felegund, which means “Hewer of Caves.” Only a really cool Elf appreciates caves so much that he asks for his own cave palace.
Finrod by _star热爱生活呀巴扎嘿
Finrod by _star热爱生活呀巴扎嘿
Galadriel decided to stay in Thingol’s court, instead of following her brother to Nargothrond. She happened to meet one of Thingol’s relatives, a certain Sinda named Celeborn, and fell in love with him. Staying with Celeborn gave Galadriel the opportunity to study at the feet of Melian herself. So, if you’re wondering where Galadriel gets her wisdom and power from, it’s because she learned directly from a Maia.
Meanwhile, Turgon is feeling homesick for Valinor. He remembers the city of Tirion on its hill, with its silver tree (not the Silver Tree, one of its descendants). When he returns home, Ulmo personally appears to him, and tells him to go to the Vale of Sirion. He finds a hidden valley surrounded by mountains, in the center of which is a hill. It’s the perfect place to establish a New Tirion.
Throughout all this, Morgoth has been carefully observing the Noldor’s activities, and judging their strength. As soon as the Noldor are too distracted by city-building to prepare for war, Morgoth strikes. The Orcs are still a lot weaker than the Elves. Fingolfin and Maedhros chase the new Orc army all the way back to Angband. They kill every last one, within sight of Angband’s gates. But remember, Morgoth is a Vala, and has more up his sleeve than simply Orc armies. He causes earthquakes, fires, and volcanic eruptions. The Elves realize that there’s only one thing to do: cut the threat off at its source. They lay siege to Angband, and this siege lasts a full four hundred years.
Angband by gresetdavid
Angband by gresetdavid
The Orcs are so afraid of the Noldor that they don’t leave Angband. Fingolfin boasts that the only way Morgoth could score a point against them is if the Noldor commit treason amongst themselves, which sounds a lot like tempting fate. Despite his confidence, the siege is a failure. Four hundred years, and the Elves don’t get any closer to capturing Angband, let alone taking back the Silmarils. Morgoth can still send spies out the back way, because the Elves can’t climb the snowy Thangorodrim Mountains. He captures Elves alive, and terrifies them so much that they do his bidding without having to be forced. He also looks for opportunities to sew dissent amongst the Noldor. It worked once, so it can work again.
A hundred years into the siege, Morgoth tries to capture Fingolfin. He knows that Maedhros isn’t about to let himself get captured again, and taking out the king would be an advantageous move. So, Morgoth sends a bunch of Orcs to sneak towards the Elves’ camp using the back way, through the same frozen mountain pass that Fingolfin used to get into Middle-earth. Morgoth should know at this point that Orcs are no problem for Elves. Fingon notices the Orcs, and slaughters them. This battle doesn’t even count as one of the “great battles,” because there aren’t enough Orcs for it to be notable. After that, there’s an interlude of peace that lasts for many years.
Fingon by _star热爱生活呀巴扎嘿
Fingon by _star热爱生活呀巴扎嘿
Morgoth finally gets the memo that he’s not going to beat the Elves by throwing Orcs at them. So, he tries a new tactic: A fucking dragon! If you think Smaug is bad, he’s a little baby lizard in comparison to Morgoth’s dragons. This one is called Glaurung (“gold worm” in Sindarin), and it’s a fat worm-like thing with a mouth of sharp teeth and fire breath. Glaurung is a young dragon, so, he mostly just thrashes around destroying fields and so forth. But he sufficiently terrifies the Elves
Glaurung by Vaejoun
Fingon isn’t afraid, though, and takes a band of archers to pummel Glaurung with arrows. Glaurung’s armored scales haven’t fully developed yet, so the arrows drive him crawling back into Angband. Fingon is endlessly praised by the Noldor for having defeated the dragon, and Morgoth is kicking himself for having shown his hand too soon.
After Glaurung’s defeat comes the Long Peace, which lasts two hundred years. In that time, the Elves have the opportunity to build beautiful cities and write books of lore and create other art. (This time is called the “Long Peace” because Morgoth doesn’t make any attacks, but presumably, the Siege of Angband is still going on.) The Noldor and Sindar also intermix, becoming more like one society, though the biological and cultural differences between them remain: The Noldor are still smarter and stronger, wiser, better warriors, and they like living in stone buildings. The Sindar have better singing voices, and are better musicians in general, and like living in the woods. Some Sindar are nomadic and wander around Beleriand, singing as they go.
*whew.* That’s it for this section.
submitted by NyxShadowhawk to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 12:58 dra90nslay3r TIS Resilience

Nation of origin: Republic of Terra and her Colonies
Name: Trevor Hatch Anderson
Branch: Terran Interstellar Navy
Ship: TIS Resilience (Destroyer)
Rank: Commander O-5
Service ID Number: 15523721-O5

(In following naval traditions from blue water navies on earth the commanding officer of a ship will be referred to as Captain regardless of rank)

"Captain we have one battlecruiser, a light cruiser, and 2 destroyers bearing down on us sir." I hear from Lieutenant Commander Tafoya as I step onto the bridge.
I had been woken by a rather panicked looking junior enlisted man just as the general quarters alarm had sounded. He gave a very brief explanation as I rushed to the bridge pulling most of my uniform on as I went. Now I stand in the hatch as I look to make sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing. Everything appears to be as in order as it could be given we have so many ships coming our way.
"Alright Tafoya do you have the identity of the ships? Who are we dealing with right now?" I ask as I move to take the con from her as the steps aside to her assigned post as XO.
"No sir,” her voice steady and words quick, “we have no idea who they are. We tried hailing them but we were ignored and the computer is still trying to get an ID on the ships." she says calmly yet quickly.
"I understand, I want situation reports on all departments immediately" I reply. I'm frustrated that we don't know to which species or nation these ships belong to. We are facing an overwhelming force and we can't even determine who they are.
"Aye, Aye sir" she replies before my thoughts can go too far down the rabbit hole.
Just then one of the ensigns speaks up saying "Captain 15 miles until the ships will be able to fire on us."
I quickly reply with "thank you ensign" before thinking for a bit then asking to no one in particular "what's the status of our patrol fighters?"
another ensign speaks up "we had two out on patrol when the ships wouldn't respond they were ordered to get a closer look they were destroyed before they could report back sir."
"thank you ensign." That's not good. We only have six fighters total. Things are just getting worse.
I reach over and click a small button on my Terminal before pick up what looks to be a old style wired telephone and putting it to my ear "Bridge to CIC this is Captain Anderson I need to know how long until we can have our alert fighters launched"
"Give me a second sir" I heard back before. there is a few seconds of silence on the line before the other person speaks up again "We have two being armed they will be done inside of five minutes, the other two had just returned from patrol 30 minutes or so ago and are being refueled they should be ready in two minutes or so if you don't want them to completely fueled sir"
I think for a second before deciding. "alright two minutes and i want those birds out of my hanger and running picket duty until the other fighters are launched i will have fresh orders for them then"
"Aye, aye sir" then the is a distinct click as the connection is suspended and I hang up my end as well
I sit back for a second unsure of what else but making sure to not let this show on my face. My men need to see me confident and determined.
"let me know once we find a match for the ships and also send a contact report to fleet headquarters" I order to the open air
"Aye, aye sir" is echoed from several places around the bridge. I then hear from the same ensign as earlier "10 miles sir ETA to contact one minute"
I look around my bridge at all the men and women working so diligently before my eyes settle on the main screen, showing the opposing ships launching their own fighters. not many but enough that my own pilots will be fighting an uphill battle.
"Sir we have received a message on an encrypted comms channel"
"Sir they are launching something, Sensors indicate they will impact Life support, the main reactor, and the engine bay" I hear simultaneously.
"Evasive maneuvers" i order as i grip onto the bars around the console "send the message to my Terminal, Brown" i say to the young woman that said we had received it.
I hear in the background "All crew Brace for evasive maneuvers" then i feel the gut churning sensation of my vessel violently maneuvering in all directions through the void. After a few seconds go by i look to the young officer manning the helm and ask "what's the situation Johnston"
he quickly replies "They don't appear to be guided by any sensors so they are still tracking us sir"
I suddenly remember the message and glance at the screen of my console. It's some long-winded document i dont have the time to read right now. Of course, typical aliens.
I keep my hold on the bars as I wait for the all clear to be sounded or worse the feeling whatever it is hitting my ship. Then it happens I'm shaken violently as men and women are thrown around the bridge like toys. I myself am knocked back against the bulkhead. Yet I neither hear nor feel an explosion.
“Damage report” I demand as I struggle to my feet along with most of the bridge crew. I look around as the young sailors put their trust in my, half full coffee cups thrown all around their contents spill wildly everywhere pens, pencils, and notepads scattered about the room. And I think back that not just the people hear but every sailor on my ship trusts me to make sure they get home safely. And I just failed them. Some of my sailors just died in that hit. But I can't grieve. I've still got sailors and marines aboard that are still alive.
“Sir two of the projectiles missed one hit near the engine bay severing power to two of our three engines. No casualties in the engine bay I can reach right now but it appears 4 marines, MIA presumed sucked into the vacuum and 9 were injured by shrapnel. Also sir the weapons appear to be some kind of kinetic kill weapon. We are lucky it was a glancing blow. If it had been a solid hit it would have blown us in half.” indeed it was lucky but right now i've got to find a way to escape and warn other human ships.
“Brown Forward that message to all human naval ships in comms range with an addendum to forward to FLEETCOM then begin loading it for long range comms so we can send it to them too” I say briefly having forgotten about it in the chaos.
Just then I heard one of the crew ask “are we gonna make it sir?”
I look around the room and I'm reminded that most of them haven’t even reached 20 years old yet. But for every look of fear I see I also see a grim determination behind their eyes. They aren’t stupid they know a destroyer like ours can’t survive the fleet of ships facing us.
Just as I go to reply I feel the ship shudder again but this time it's reassuring. I look out one of the port holes as I see one of the fighters get launched from the hangar. Doubtless the other one has been launched on the other side.
“Only way is if we fight hard and honestly if a QRF is quick, Wickham” I say finally answering the lingering question. I let out a sigh as I look at the fear written on his face. He has only been on ship for maybe a week having just completed his job schooling. Hell the poor guy probably shouldn’t be on the bridge. His senior LIDAR operator fell sick before departure and had to be left behind. “Don't worry you're doing fine” I say , trying to encourage the boy.
“Sir enemy Fighters Closing to engage”
“Sir enemy entering firing range”
“Sir they are launching more of those weapons” I hear in a cacophony of voices as several people all try to inform me of various things at once.
I don't even need to say anything as the ship desperately tries to maneuver to avoid the KKW inbound. I also feel the vibrations as nearly every point defense gun comes to life trying to fend off the enemy fighters.
Suddenly i feel the ship rock again as something explodes somewhere in the ship
I look to Tafoya for an explanation “One of our fighters was destroyed while launching damage to the hanger is severe sir” she says without needing any prompting.
The thought that I wouldn't have anyone in the universe but her helping command the right now, not even Leonidas and his spartans.
My eyes scan the room as everyone is working vigorously relaying information and targeting data to where it needs to go. I can tell the ship isn’t going to escape the KKW this time. Not with two thirds of our engines inoperable.
“Commander order our fighters to kill those fucking KKW’
“Aye, aye” is the response i get the stress starting to drip into my XOs voice
Suddenly i feel the ship lurch forward and a few seconds later somewhere in the bridge i hear “Captain Damage control has restored power to the engines”
“Johnston, close with the enemy and put their destroyer between us and the rest of their ships. I want all guns to focus fire on their destroyer as well” i order with renewed vigor “ we gotta kill at least one of the bastard ships right?”
“YES SIR!” I hear definitely shouted back surprisingly I hear Wickham enthusiastically among them.
“What's the status of our shields have they come back online since that hit we took? I request
“No sir it was a lot of force they took the will be down for the foreseeable future” the shielding tech Petty officer Vega calls out
I watch as the enemy destroyer is Hammered mercilessly by our guns and missiles but defiantly refusing to die.
“Lieutenant Raff your cleared to fire a nuclear warhead against the battlecruiser”
“Hell yeah sir we are cooking now” I hear back with no small amount of excitement in his voice.
I lean forward the adrenaline racing through my body as the distinct alarm warning of a nuclear launch starts to sound. I punch my ship intercom to being active and say “all crew brace for danger close nuclear detonation” the distance between us and the enemy fleet rapidly closing
I hear shouts as I watch in horror as one of the fighters gets hit and spirals out of control towards the Resilience before I can call out a warning on my still active intercom it slams into one of the forward most gun batteries ripping it clean off the hull. Unfortunate gunners are ripped from their posts and flung deep into the blackness as the very air around them turns into the instrument of their death.
“Medical teams to turret A'' I say into my mic before shutting down the intercom knowing already it's futile. No one was left in the remains of the turret. We also now only have 2 fighters left and against a swarm of enemy fighters that's only growing
Suddenly there is a bright flash and everyone shields their eyes and not even a moment later the ship is rocked violently again as the shock wave from the nuclear detonation blankets the ship. The lights and systems flicker for a moment as the electromagnetic shielding built into the ship threatens to fail.
“Sitrep” i call out
Wickham speaks up “LIDAR Shows all fighters in the area destroyed sir it appears the battle cruiser was hit pretty hard but i can’t say how much damage, the blast did blow here a few miles out of formation so thats good.”
All the sudden cheers erupt as I look to see the enemy destroyer begin to go critical then detonate throwing debris and whole sections of the ship in all directions. I couldn’t celebrate though. I couldn’t remember if I had warned the pilots of the nuke… I just gave an order that just murdered my own men.
“Close with the nearest ship” I shout over the cheers of my crew “Tafoya Damage report” I then say while looking at my XO again.
“It's not good sir, the continuous fire from so many ships has left nearly every deck leaking atmo, and half our point defense guns are melted to slag. Of the missiles we haven't fired, their launchers are too damaged to fire. And our FTL ate a round from the main turret battery on the cruiser so retreat is no longer an option. At least not unless we abandon ship” she says solemnly. Fortunately no one heard her over their excitement of all that's going on.
I look down briefly then back to her “I think we have done enough. We don't know who they are or why they are attacking us. As far as we know they are well equipped pirates that were intent on taking some human slaves from one of the colonies around here. We have bloodied their noses nicely. Now lets see about making an escape especially since we managed to get a warning out to nearby ships. I think you're right, we’re abandoning ship.”
“Are you sure? They might retreat now that we have damaged their battle cruiser?”
“Doubtful. If they are pirates we are a lone heavily damaged destroyer and they outnumber us they will take revenge. If they are some kind of professional force they will likely push the attack because of the state of our ship. In addition to the fact that we only got a kill on their destroy so unless it had some mission sensitive equipment they still have their own orders to complete”
“Fuck” she says “I hate that your right”
“So do I”
“How are we gonna get away in the pods?”
“I'm gonna stay with the ship with a volunteer skeleton crew and continue to fight”
“God damn it Trevor this isn’t a fucking movie, and its not the 1800s you dont have to go down with your ship”
“No i don't but if i don’t they will either destroy the pods or pick them up before the microdrive in them can get you to safety”
“Fine i'm staying too”
“Nope i'm ordering you to lead the crew to safety”
“Fuck you” she says the anger and pain clear in her voice. Can’t blame her id feel the same way if i were in her shoes getting ordered to abandon people like that.
I reach over and click the ship intercom into the on position again “All crew. You all fought hard and bravely. But the gigs up, abandon ship” i then flip it off and pick up my phone flipping it to the CIC once more “Bridge to CIC the is Captain Anderson. Please transfer all your functions to the bridge.”
“Sir, are you staying on the ship?”
“Yes I am”
“Sir you won't have the main guns If you do. Would you like me to order the gun crews to stay in place?”
“No only ask for volunteers to stay”
“Aye, aye sir and thank you for letting us fight with you” is all I hear before the click of the operator on the other end hanging up.
“Alright Everyone, I need some volunteers to stay and help me man the ship while everyone else escapes. Who's staying? I ask as the noise of everyone shuffling to get into their groups for the escape pods. The lull in the battle created by the nuke becoming more evident.
After a few seconds several people step away from their groups back to their posts. Among them Johnston and Wickham. I step back to my post as well before having a thought
“Oh and none of you think that the XO is fleeing out of cowardice. I've ordered her to go with you to maintain control.” with that i wave my hand for them to go as a notification pings on my terminal. As I look at it I see it's a report from the CIC on the gun crews that are staying behind.
It reads as “ Turret A all KIA Turret B 6 gunners staying behind Turret Y 5 gunners Turret Z 2 gunners who are transferring to the other turrets.” I sigh at the report. At least it's better than nothing. I look away as the last of the crew leaves the room and look around at the handful of faces as suddenly I become aware that the battlecruiser is almost back into position while it seems the EMP shielding on the Heavy Cruiser Failed and she is drifting limply through space.
That does last long as I see lights across the ship come back online and the engines begin to relight.
“Wickham, where is the Light cruiser?” i demand as escape pods begin to jettison from the ship
“I… I don't know sir it's disappeared from my scope i think the nuke damaged the Lidar sir but i don’t know i wouldn’t really know how to tell” he stammers out
“Alright we need to find her i very highly doubt she was destroyed” i say but Johnston speaks up
“Sir she was blown off course as well but unlike the battle cruiser she seems down for the count im seeing multiple small explosions all over the hull. Your probably right that she won't be destroyed but she isn’t in fighting shape anymore sir.”
“Ok. lets close with that heavy and fuck her up before she is able to get back on her feet” i then click on my intercom and say into “gun crews fire on the Heavy cruiser put as many shells down range as you can before he power systems stabilize” i leave it open so i can command the guns easier as i move to one of the weapons stations and set the point defense to begin firing on the cruiser as well before moving back to my post.
“Sir, I've received a communique from the TIS Propriety. She and 3 other ships will be here in 30 minutes”
I chuckle and say “I guess it's better that they are late than not showing up at all right.” earning a few half hearted laughs
Suddenly the ship rocks violently and we are all thrown around again and I get up and run to the engineering console and see that we got hit with another KKW. it true to what i was told has blown us in half the back half continuing on under its own power albeit with no real control to where it's going. I look out the port hole to see all the guns still blazing away.
“Johnston Stabilize the ship Wickem get over to one of the weapon stations and take over the targeting for our secondaries.” I command knowing the computer can’t correct for the wildly spinning ship. Even if we lost the Main engines the ship still has RCS thrusters to help control the ship at various points. Heres hope we still have enough to get our ship under control as we struggle to move under the intense G forces.
Struggling to stay standing at this point i call out to johnston “Damn it get this ship stabilized we can't fight like this”
I watch as the back half of the ship suddenly explodes in the split second I could see it before it passes out of view for a short time but as we come back around all that's left is debris.
It takes a few seconds but those seconds feel like hours as I begin to feel the rate of spin and rotation begin to slow as Wickham finally makes it to the weapons station. Finally able to crawl a bit as the Gs lessen, I move over to one of the other crew that stayed behind and grab her.
“Go over the and man that console i want to know if we have incoming” i then crawl with her over there and climb up the console as we slow even more finally being able to stand but feeling uncomfortably heavy.
As I look at the console I start trying to see the status of our missile tubes. desperately i look through them to find one that still has missiles. I find a few that say they haven’t fired them but from the damage indicators one would think the missiles inside had detonated before launching but i do find one with Three missiles thats lost power so i begin making my way over to the engineering console as the young woman from before call out to Johnston so he can try and use what few abilities to move as he can to avoid incoming fire. It's not doing much as I watch our main battery take a direct hit, blowing it to pieces and leaving us with only point defense and a handful of secondaries. As I make it to the terminal I want I look up and see that the heavy cruiser has been peppered harshly with our fire and looks terrible. But that just looks like only their armor was shredded; it's unlikely our guns went through it and into any major subsystems.
I begin despairingly searching through the ship electrical systems to find a way to get power back to the missiles. I finally find a way to reroute the power and hopefully restore power by retracting one of the point defense guns and using its barrel as a jumper to get power flowing again.
I do this and then rush over to a weapons station but am knocked off my feet as the ship is rocked with fire again. I can hear the compartment behind the bridge explosively decompress as the bulkhead shudders and bow outward due to the sudden uncontrolled decompression. Fortunately it holds and I scramble to my feet
As I get to the weapons station I set it to the missile launcher and begin the process of selecting the target. I don't hesitate and select the Heavy Cruiser and click the button to launch. I watch as the 3 missiles burst from their tubes and race off to their target. Fortunately one thing us peppering that Cruiser did was knock out a lot of the PD weapons.
Suddenly I hear “INCOMING!! BRACE! BRACE! BRA-”

submitted by dra90nslay3r to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:55 Army_Bot Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (04/29/2024 to 05/05/2024)

Hey, so a friend of mine is going to a fat camp before basic in a couple weeks, and he was wondering what fat camp was like for other people. He's also wondering about phone usage because of some game event that's going to happen while he's there but he couldn't find much online, aside from Sundays being half an hour and only for phone calls, so any help to calm him down?
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How old is too late? Approaching 30 and I've been reconsidering joining. I completed a Challenge program in Wyoming funded by the WY Air National Guard when I was 19 and was on board until I let myself slip away from the drive to join.
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So I took the ASVAB and scored a 98 with GT 133! I passed my medical test in the first go yesterday! I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering, albeit a lower gpa of 3.05, but I have more than 2 years of working experience in the same field! I am currently enrolled in a graduate program in Computer Science! I want to do OCS reserve but my recruiter is pushing me to go enlisted. I said I am sticking with what I had said in the beginning which is OCS and I also gave him 3 mos options- 1) 17 series 2) 25 series and 3) 35 series. He is saying 17 is going to be hard and it’s going to take a long time. It also has a test! However, he’s giving me a positive signal about 35 and saying there are 5 vacancies nearby! For 25, there is only one and that is far but Im willing to fly there! For 17, there are 3! What should I choose as my 1, 2, and 3?
Also what benefits do you get if you go to OCS? He was saying I wouldn’t get any educational benefits such loan repayment and so on.
(Edited: I am doing Army Reserve)
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So l've seen a lot of tips and things to bring to basic training, but I wanna know what I really need to bring because a lot of those list say a bunch of things and I doubt that I'm gonna need all of them and mind you I am a female going to basic trading so it be appreciated. If y'all would give me some tips on what to bring to basic training and what not to bring
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I have never served in the military. I want to sign an option 40 to get a tryout at RASP some time in the future, I want to know how physically fit you should be before you even want to consider ranger training for one (What physical feats should you be able to accomplish on a bad day) And how well basic training and MOS training would get you ready (physically) for RASP. And what you need to manage on your own in terms of training. So to recap I'm asking how trained I should be before joining and if I will need to take my own initiative to get physically fit enough for ranger school. I am looking to not be last in line when doing runs or 12 mile rucks because that was 5 days a week every week during high school track. I want every advantage I can get.
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Considering crossing over to Army from a sister service. I lied about my ADD diagnosis at MEPs 6 years ago. Will this prevent me from joining?
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I’m choosing 13m as my mos I just wants info on it I’ve heard it’s a lot of motor pool stuff etc I’m just curious before I sign the contract
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Any Idea how hard it is to re class to a different unit or even switch from reserves to the guard? Trying to go from 35F reserves to 15T National Guard.
Ive just heard Florida Guard has alot more to offer getting activated during hurricanes working during drills going into the field and hopping on orders and helping my community more!
Just wondering what factors come into play such as my incentives on my contract. Does anything change on my GI bill? How likely is it that a unit will sign my release for and how ling itll take.
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Enlistment processing times in these days (2024)
Hi. I am planning to show up a recruiting office but I wonder how long it will take from first touch to basic training? Also does the timeline change for female candidates? Thanks!
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Im a CDT about to attend Sapper school and was wondering if anyone knows rappell gloves other than the petzl ones which are acceptable to bring to the school. I have tried looking to buy the petzl ones online and they're out of stock everywhere! I would also like to ask for ASU cotton tan shirt recommendations since I heard the standard issue ones get annoying (?).
Thank you in advance for hearing out my weird and oddly specific questions.
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I signed a contract with the reserves for 15k as I transition from active duty. When can I expect to see that money? My ETS date is 07/27
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I am a workstudy at my college's Veterans Resource Center, and I get a lot of calls about the most random shit. Today, I got a call about a poolee serving in the Army band, and it was all Greek to me. From his work schedule to his training to his GI benefits, to some $9,000 copay, I didn't have any information as to how to help him.
While I have a lot of knowledge about veteran benefits, the army's benefits are the most confusing by far (imo), and I dont know dick about the band. I'm sending this kid to a few places, but the first place I'm pointing him to is his recruiter.
Recruiters, how much training do you receive about benefits, and what is your role in the poolees' lives after they swear the oath?
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I’m super close to my ship date May14th. & I’m getting extremely nervous and having 2nd thoughts. I’m 33 and just probably overthinking it. Any one else have this problem and came out okay? Or did you really regret it?
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I found out I can join the army in 24 months. I’ll be 21 and I feel kinda like a loser for having to wait cause everyone I know joins at 18. How many of y’all enlisted at 21 and did you feel out of place?
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hi all, so i am currently in the Marines and realized that this branch will not serve me in the way i need for career progression. i eventually want to get into a Physician Assistant Master's Program and want to utilize as many resources as possible that the military offers. i also plan on eventually attempting to get a military apprenticeship as a nursing assistant role through the United States Military apprenticeship program (USMAP) and it requires that you are already in an MOS that closely correlates to said apprenticeship. i see that the Army has the most options for medical. what MOS would you guys recommend for PC experience and just best hands on experience overall? thank you in advance for your response!
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I'm a 35N (E5) Reservist about to graduate college with my bachelors as my initial contract expires. I did a (pretty dang awesome) SOCOM deployment a couple years back, and am now contemplating going active duty once I ETS. I'm weighing other options as well, but this is one I'm taking seriously.
I've talked with a recruiter a little bit, but wanted to cross-check here since they seemed unfamiliar with my particular MOS' situation. How likely am I to get an INSCOM (or SOCOM, although that might be difficult/impossible to check) duty station as an option if I show up to MEPS? I really don't want to wind up in FORSCOM sweeping motorpools all day, but am not familiar with how branch/positioning is looking for 35Ns these days.
If I show up and there is nothing but FORSCOM duty stations, ala Cavazos, Bliss, Moore, etc, I might just take my chances in the civilian world. I'm presuming/hoping that if I show up at MEPS, at least one of my options would be a non-FORSCOM station, but I have no way of verifying for myself until I show up and I don't want to waste a recruiter's time if there is a high probability of me walking out from MEPS slamming that "No Deal" button.
Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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When joining can you negotiate what your ait will be or no, and is it something that a recruiter might lie on?
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When is 09m program ending for 16-20 ASVAB scores
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Is it actually worth it to try and max out your PT scores early on like in Basic and AIT? Are there any real benefits to trying to stand out from my peers at these points? My current long-term plan with the military doesn't go past the completion of my contract, and I would rather just get through the early training component with as little eyes on me as possible and focus on being a good medic for whatever unit I am assigned to while deciding if I'll be making a career out of this or not.
Current Firefighter EMT, 77 ASVAB score, son of a Marine so I have a good gist of the military, deciding between active or reserve, but that might just be a spur of the moment decision. I figure the 68w MOS would make the most sense.
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Hey so I’m leaving for bt on May 28th as a 68w. I’m going to fort sill any advice or tips? YouTube doesn’t really have anything besides Jackson or Benning. I’ll be going in as an e4 because if prior EMT experience and certification
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Shipping out Monday, just want to make sure everything I bring is good. Hygiene= 12 pack of Disposable razors ( to also trade), 2 bars of soap+ container, toothbrush+ paste, stick solid deodorant, Qtips, baby wipes. Shower flops. Battery bank, phone cable. QUESTION- What type of towel/ cloth you guys recommend? Also for my pair of socks; will they allow logo on bottom of toes? What size journal/ notebook to bring? What else is crucial that I’ve failed to mention? Your guidance is much appreciated!
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Need helping deciding career army or usmc..
I’m looking for truthful (preferably non biased) and helpful information on what to decide. My dream is to be able to make a long lasting career out of the military and I specifically would love to be an infantry man. I’m about 3 weeks out from going to any bootcamp and I need some serious insight on this decision. I’ve been doing my research and it seems that for a longer lasting career, a decent bonus, more opportunities(especially after service), and a better quality of life would be the army. It also seems as if going to be a marine wouldn’t really get me more than a fancy blue suit and the title ‘marine’ and also to hate my life for however many years. Can anyone shed light on this? Either one is a life changing decision and I have a limited amount of time to decide between the two… genuine help needed brothers and sisters!
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I'm a 16 year old high school junior. I have always had a passion for math, and since the 7th grade, I have been learning computer science. The plan was to complete a PhD in computer science, make loads of money, then go back for a masters and or PhD in math. I have been working hard in school since my freshman year to stand out in computer science and attend a t-20 school. For example, this past fall, I completed my AA in computer science at my local community college and have a 4.0 at high school and a 3.8 at college. But recently, I have started to have a change of heart. My father served, so did my grandfather, and so did my uncle. This has all sparked a great sense of patriotism and nationalism. So I have read up on a bunch of army/military benefits, like 20 year retirement and 100% tuition for college. I'm now torn between what to do. If I join the army, I'm going to be doing so directly after graduation. But then I won't be going to college, and I feel like if I do my 20 years and get out, it will be to late to pick up my studies. I don't waste what time I've put into math and computer science to go to waste as I love these topics and am proud of what I have done. Has anyone experienced something similar? Is it possible to be a college student and we enrolled in the army? Have any of you gone to college after serving? If so, how did it work out? Also, for anyone who has done their 20 years, are the benefits worth it? Their page makes it seem so perfect, to be able to retire at 38 with a pension and medical, but I also understand they want people to think this is perfect.
TLDR: Can I go to college for a PhD and also be enrolled in the army? Do you think serving for 20-years is worth the benefits? Lastly, can I still attend college after my 20 years and be successful in getting a PhD?
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Hi! How low is too low of a GPA for a bachelor’s to commission? Wondering if I should even try, or just go enlisted. Thanks!
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I am leaving 21 May for FSPC Fitness track, I am having a hard time finding much information on it. Has anyone gone through it recently or have any insight as to what it will be like? Thanks!
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My recruiter gave me a take-home packet for OCS where it asks about character references and so on! I submitted it a couple of weeks ago and after that I went to MEPS for medical and all. I just realized that I put some information wrong such as email addresses, and relationship to the person listed! I would like to change them with the updated information. My packet has not been submitted yet because I still haven’t sent him my essay and LORs. The deadline for it is 21st I believe. So now my question is can I change those info before the deadline? I asked him what that take-home packet was for and he said they built off of whatever I put there. I am worried because I know I will need a security clearance and it will come back to haunt me later on.
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What medical MOS's have 4 year contracts?
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Anyone in reserve Civil affairs willing to answer some questions that i have?
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I have some questions before I enlist officially.
I have greencard so I don't have secret. I'm 28. I took my asvab and scored 44 this due to my knowledge on math is really faded away and some questions unfortunately exceed my English. Eventho I can speak and understand daily conversations with no problem. Automation and electrical part I barely understand half of them. Since the component parts and some measurements uses respective terms for them which is not daily so I couldn't even understand. I'm soon will be homeless. So I want to join army 1 for sleeping safe, 2 get my citizenship and 3 get a Job that I can use in my civilian life. So in total 3 things.
What MOS should I go for? If possible I would like to sign for 3 years contract or less. I'm interested in medical field, currently I'm a caregiver. And I would like to learn from my job in military to utilize it in my civilian life.
What is Reserve/Reservist? It still gives me the 3 things I need? If not what does it provides?
I have some stuff with me including clothes, my computer and some other stuff that. Will I have enough space in basics to store them safely?
Thank you for your answers and if possible as I'm very inexperienced to the process please share your opinions on what should I know before signing the contract. Thank you.
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Hey! So I'm super interested in joining as a 35 series (leaning towards 35m) I have a completely clean record and am not worried about myself at all. My family doesn't tell me much but I do know that my grandpa has a pretty intense arrest record including being a sex offender... My dad is telling me not to worry about it and that since its been so long the court cleared his record. I am not close to that side of my family and just want to make sure it won't be a problem. Any input is appreciated, thanks!
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My girlfriend has already gone through Meps and signed her contract. She leaves late May. Despite birth control and condoms we just found out she’s pregnant.
If we go to Planned parenthood and get a termination pill, is that something that would have to be reported? If she did that and went off to basic without reporting it would they Separate her?
We just want to know how to proceed and what will happen to her career because of it.
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Are officers just paper pushers? I’d like to join as an Engineering Officer, I wouldn’t mind pushing papers but if it’s the only thing I’m expected to do then I definitely wouldn’t join, are engineering officers mostly outside?
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Seasonal Allergies Immunotherapy
Hi I’m planning on applying for OCS when I graduate in May. But im currently taking allergy shots for my seasonal allergies. I would have no problem pausing them during basic etc. Resuming when I’m past training, but is this something I have to do? Is it worth having to get a medical waiver for it? Do I need to tell my recruiter?
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Thinking of enlisting
I need opinions from experienced soldiers and officers. I just turned 30. I’ve wasted the last 12 years of my life just getting by, without guidance or direction. I’ve worked for UPS part time loading trailers for the last 6 years. I’m in college now for a BA in criminal justice. I know it’s best to wait until you have a degree to join but that won’t be for another 3 years at least. Should I go Army, Reserves, or ARNG? I’m not worried about losing my civilian job as I would be granted military leave and planned on quitting anyway once I have my bachelors degree. I feel like my life has no purpose and I’m ready for a change. I also want to serve and protect my country. I have a couple months to decide as I’m on probation until October. What are your thoughts? What would you suggest?
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What is current prior service rules? Current e5 with 5 yrs active
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I am thinking of enlisting as a 19D with option 19 for Germany. My husband is German (Bavarian) and we both currently live in Bavaria. My question is, what would hosuing look like?
I would prefer to live off base and commute so that I could live with my husband, but I do not know if that is possible.
Would I have to live in a barracks and only visit my husband in my freetime? Could we both live on base? I am not sure what the housing rules are and what options would apply to someone like me.
I am not sure how or if any of this would effect things, but I currently live in Germany, speak german at a B2/C1 level, have a drivers liscense here, and was told that with my education I could become a E-4 after training. No I am not picking 19D just to get germany, I am actually interested in that.
Thanks in advance for all your help!
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So, I just signed my contract and sadly since I'm not a Citizen nothing that I actually wanted to do was available to me. From all the options 15R seemed the coolest. Did I make a huge mistake? I really don't want to hate my life for next 4 years. If it helps I wanted 25B (IT) because I like fixing computers and trouble shooting issues. Also I'm joining in late (34F), anybody have some experiences going into the army older?
Shipping out May 21.
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Serious concern, need your opinion
Hey guys, I just turned 18 and ive been seriously considering joining up, however, some people around me have been saying that because I am a muslim, i might face some discrimination or unjust treatment while in the military, for all the veterans and active duty men and women, what is your take on this?
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I’m going down to MEPS this Thursday to sign a navy contract. I’m really hesitant and doubts I’m choosing the right branch. The army is in the back of my mind because the possibility of signing a three year contract. I needed a mental health waiver for adhd, adjustment disorder, anxiety. I’m 35 years old. I’m moderately in shape. Do you think it’s worth it to stop a sure thing to inquire about the army? Thank you for your response?
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Currently a 31B trying to reclass over to 35L when I leave Korea. Does anyone know how long this process would take and how much time in service I would need to have left so I do not need to reenlist to accomplish this?
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I asked this on the main page but was told to post it here. I hope this is the right place. I got a few answers on my other post, but more information helps. I’m going into the Army. I’m married to someone who is going into Marine Corps. What are the odds we get stationed together? He’ll be either aviation or infantry and I’ll be a nurse if that makes a difference.
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I ship out tomorrow currently on the meps shuttle but i was previously told i wouldn’t have to do basic training, now my recruiter told me earlier today that i might have to redo basic training and to make sure my contract specifies that im an e5. Im an e5 prior service Marine with 42 months inactive reserves in the Marine corps. Why am i being told this the day before i ship out when they told me i didnt have to do basic?
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Hey guys I’m seriously considering a career as a 35L Counter Intelligence. They seem really cool. I’m wondering what places they are likely to be stationed at. Thank you
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Hey everyone, I was told by the mods to come here for this question, so I did. Anyways, I’m 14 and live in the UK but I am an American citizen and proud American and U would love to serve my country, however I’m also really smart academics wise and so I’d definitely go to Uni and not just a mediocre one. However, once I finish uni I want to join the Army as an officer and my dad was a sergeant back in the 80s in the airforce where he did communications in Germany (also where he met my Mom) and I’m planning on only doing 1 enlistment. Is this a waste of 4 yrs? Also, if I were to join, then which unit would be best to join as I want to join a unit that actually is fun and has a good brotherhood but I am also worried about being deployed as I don’t want to die, seeing as I value my life and I’m my parents only child. Can yall give me some advice please. Have a good day and thank you for your service.
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Hello! I have a question for anyone who knows MEPS regulations.
If someone has had the gastric bypass surgery, had no complications with it whatsoever and is considered by the doctor to be fully healed, can they still enlist?
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submitted by Army_Bot to army [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:55 Army_Bot Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (04/29/2024 to 05/05/2024)

Hey, so a friend of mine is going to a fat camp before basic in a couple weeks, and he was wondering what fat camp was like for other people. He's also wondering about phone usage because of some game event that's going to happen while he's there but he couldn't find much online, aside from Sundays being half an hour and only for phone calls, so any help to calm him down?
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How old is too late? Approaching 30 and I've been reconsidering joining. I completed a Challenge program in Wyoming funded by the WY Air National Guard when I was 19 and was on board until I let myself slip away from the drive to join.
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So I took the ASVAB and scored a 98 with GT 133! I passed my medical test in the first go yesterday! I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering, albeit a lower gpa of 3.05, but I have more than 2 years of working experience in the same field! I am currently enrolled in a graduate program in Computer Science! I want to do OCS reserve but my recruiter is pushing me to go enlisted. I said I am sticking with what I had said in the beginning which is OCS and I also gave him 3 mos options- 1) 17 series 2) 25 series and 3) 35 series. He is saying 17 is going to be hard and it’s going to take a long time. It also has a test! However, he’s giving me a positive signal about 35 and saying there are 5 vacancies nearby! For 25, there is only one and that is far but Im willing to fly there! For 17, there are 3! What should I choose as my 1, 2, and 3?
Also what benefits do you get if you go to OCS? He was saying I wouldn’t get any educational benefits such loan repayment and so on.
(Edited: I am doing Army Reserve)
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So l've seen a lot of tips and things to bring to basic training, but I wanna know what I really need to bring because a lot of those list say a bunch of things and I doubt that I'm gonna need all of them and mind you I am a female going to basic trading so it be appreciated. If y'all would give me some tips on what to bring to basic training and what not to bring
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I have never served in the military. I want to sign an option 40 to get a tryout at RASP some time in the future, I want to know how physically fit you should be before you even want to consider ranger training for one (What physical feats should you be able to accomplish on a bad day) And how well basic training and MOS training would get you ready (physically) for RASP. And what you need to manage on your own in terms of training. So to recap I'm asking how trained I should be before joining and if I will need to take my own initiative to get physically fit enough for ranger school. I am looking to not be last in line when doing runs or 12 mile rucks because that was 5 days a week every week during high school track. I want every advantage I can get.
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Considering crossing over to Army from a sister service. I lied about my ADD diagnosis at MEPs 6 years ago. Will this prevent me from joining?
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I’m choosing 13m as my mos I just wants info on it I’ve heard it’s a lot of motor pool stuff etc I’m just curious before I sign the contract
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Any Idea how hard it is to re class to a different unit or even switch from reserves to the guard? Trying to go from 35F reserves to 15T National Guard.
Ive just heard Florida Guard has alot more to offer getting activated during hurricanes working during drills going into the field and hopping on orders and helping my community more!
Just wondering what factors come into play such as my incentives on my contract. Does anything change on my GI bill? How likely is it that a unit will sign my release for and how ling itll take.
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Enlistment processing times in these days (2024)
Hi. I am planning to show up a recruiting office but I wonder how long it will take from first touch to basic training? Also does the timeline change for female candidates? Thanks!
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Im a CDT about to attend Sapper school and was wondering if anyone knows rappell gloves other than the petzl ones which are acceptable to bring to the school. I have tried looking to buy the petzl ones online and they're out of stock everywhere! I would also like to ask for ASU cotton tan shirt recommendations since I heard the standard issue ones get annoying (?).
Thank you in advance for hearing out my weird and oddly specific questions.
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I signed a contract with the reserves for 15k as I transition from active duty. When can I expect to see that money? My ETS date is 07/27
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I am a workstudy at my college's Veterans Resource Center, and I get a lot of calls about the most random shit. Today, I got a call about a poolee serving in the Army band, and it was all Greek to me. From his work schedule to his training to his GI benefits, to some $9,000 copay, I didn't have any information as to how to help him.
While I have a lot of knowledge about veteran benefits, the army's benefits are the most confusing by far (imo), and I dont know dick about the band. I'm sending this kid to a few places, but the first place I'm pointing him to is his recruiter.
Recruiters, how much training do you receive about benefits, and what is your role in the poolees' lives after they swear the oath?
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I’m super close to my ship date May14th. & I’m getting extremely nervous and having 2nd thoughts. I’m 33 and just probably overthinking it. Any one else have this problem and came out okay? Or did you really regret it?
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I found out I can join the army in 24 months. I’ll be 21 and I feel kinda like a loser for having to wait cause everyone I know joins at 18. How many of y’all enlisted at 21 and did you feel out of place?
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hi all, so i am currently in the Marines and realized that this branch will not serve me in the way i need for career progression. i eventually want to get into a Physician Assistant Master's Program and want to utilize as many resources as possible that the military offers. i also plan on eventually attempting to get a military apprenticeship as a nursing assistant role through the United States Military apprenticeship program (USMAP) and it requires that you are already in an MOS that closely correlates to said apprenticeship. i see that the Army has the most options for medical. what MOS would you guys recommend for PC experience and just best hands on experience overall? thank you in advance for your response!
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I'm a 35N (E5) Reservist about to graduate college with my bachelors as my initial contract expires. I did a (pretty dang awesome) SOCOM deployment a couple years back, and am now contemplating going active duty once I ETS. I'm weighing other options as well, but this is one I'm taking seriously.
I've talked with a recruiter a little bit, but wanted to cross-check here since they seemed unfamiliar with my particular MOS' situation. How likely am I to get an INSCOM (or SOCOM, although that might be difficult/impossible to check) duty station as an option if I show up to MEPS? I really don't want to wind up in FORSCOM sweeping motorpools all day, but am not familiar with how branch/positioning is looking for 35Ns these days.
If I show up and there is nothing but FORSCOM duty stations, ala Cavazos, Bliss, Moore, etc, I might just take my chances in the civilian world. I'm presuming/hoping that if I show up at MEPS, at least one of my options would be a non-FORSCOM station, but I have no way of verifying for myself until I show up and I don't want to waste a recruiter's time if there is a high probability of me walking out from MEPS slamming that "No Deal" button.
Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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When joining can you negotiate what your ait will be or no, and is it something that a recruiter might lie on?
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When is 09m program ending for 16-20 ASVAB scores
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Is it actually worth it to try and max out your PT scores early on like in Basic and AIT? Are there any real benefits to trying to stand out from my peers at these points? My current long-term plan with the military doesn't go past the completion of my contract, and I would rather just get through the early training component with as little eyes on me as possible and focus on being a good medic for whatever unit I am assigned to while deciding if I'll be making a career out of this or not.
Current Firefighter EMT, 77 ASVAB score, son of a Marine so I have a good gist of the military, deciding between active or reserve, but that might just be a spur of the moment decision. I figure the 68w MOS would make the most sense.
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Hey so I’m leaving for bt on May 28th as a 68w. I’m going to fort sill any advice or tips? YouTube doesn’t really have anything besides Jackson or Benning. I’ll be going in as an e4 because if prior EMT experience and certification
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Shipping out Monday, just want to make sure everything I bring is good. Hygiene= 12 pack of Disposable razors ( to also trade), 2 bars of soap+ container, toothbrush+ paste, stick solid deodorant, Qtips, baby wipes. Shower flops. Battery bank, phone cable. QUESTION- What type of towel/ cloth you guys recommend? Also for my pair of socks; will they allow logo on bottom of toes? What size journal/ notebook to bring? What else is crucial that I’ve failed to mention? Your guidance is much appreciated!
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Need helping deciding career army or usmc..
I’m looking for truthful (preferably non biased) and helpful information on what to decide. My dream is to be able to make a long lasting career out of the military and I specifically would love to be an infantry man. I’m about 3 weeks out from going to any bootcamp and I need some serious insight on this decision. I’ve been doing my research and it seems that for a longer lasting career, a decent bonus, more opportunities(especially after service), and a better quality of life would be the army. It also seems as if going to be a marine wouldn’t really get me more than a fancy blue suit and the title ‘marine’ and also to hate my life for however many years. Can anyone shed light on this? Either one is a life changing decision and I have a limited amount of time to decide between the two… genuine help needed brothers and sisters!
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I'm a 16 year old high school junior. I have always had a passion for math, and since the 7th grade, I have been learning computer science. The plan was to complete a PhD in computer science, make loads of money, then go back for a masters and or PhD in math. I have been working hard in school since my freshman year to stand out in computer science and attend a t-20 school. For example, this past fall, I completed my AA in computer science at my local community college and have a 4.0 at high school and a 3.8 at college. But recently, I have started to have a change of heart. My father served, so did my grandfather, and so did my uncle. This has all sparked a great sense of patriotism and nationalism. So I have read up on a bunch of army/military benefits, like 20 year retirement and 100% tuition for college. I'm now torn between what to do. If I join the army, I'm going to be doing so directly after graduation. But then I won't be going to college, and I feel like if I do my 20 years and get out, it will be to late to pick up my studies. I don't waste what time I've put into math and computer science to go to waste as I love these topics and am proud of what I have done. Has anyone experienced something similar? Is it possible to be a college student and we enrolled in the army? Have any of you gone to college after serving? If so, how did it work out? Also, for anyone who has done their 20 years, are the benefits worth it? Their page makes it seem so perfect, to be able to retire at 38 with a pension and medical, but I also understand they want people to think this is perfect.
TLDR: Can I go to college for a PhD and also be enrolled in the army? Do you think serving for 20-years is worth the benefits? Lastly, can I still attend college after my 20 years and be successful in getting a PhD?
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Hi! How low is too low of a GPA for a bachelor’s to commission? Wondering if I should even try, or just go enlisted. Thanks!
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I am leaving 21 May for FSPC Fitness track, I am having a hard time finding much information on it. Has anyone gone through it recently or have any insight as to what it will be like? Thanks!
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My recruiter gave me a take-home packet for OCS where it asks about character references and so on! I submitted it a couple of weeks ago and after that I went to MEPS for medical and all. I just realized that I put some information wrong such as email addresses, and relationship to the person listed! I would like to change them with the updated information. My packet has not been submitted yet because I still haven’t sent him my essay and LORs. The deadline for it is 21st I believe. So now my question is can I change those info before the deadline? I asked him what that take-home packet was for and he said they built off of whatever I put there. I am worried because I know I will need a security clearance and it will come back to haunt me later on.
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What medical MOS's have 4 year contracts?
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Anyone in reserve Civil affairs willing to answer some questions that i have?
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I have some questions before I enlist officially.
I have greencard so I don't have secret. I'm 28. I took my asvab and scored 44 this due to my knowledge on math is really faded away and some questions unfortunately exceed my English. Eventho I can speak and understand daily conversations with no problem. Automation and electrical part I barely understand half of them. Since the component parts and some measurements uses respective terms for them which is not daily so I couldn't even understand. I'm soon will be homeless. So I want to join army 1 for sleeping safe, 2 get my citizenship and 3 get a Job that I can use in my civilian life. So in total 3 things.
What MOS should I go for? If possible I would like to sign for 3 years contract or less. I'm interested in medical field, currently I'm a caregiver. And I would like to learn from my job in military to utilize it in my civilian life.
What is Reserve/Reservist? It still gives me the 3 things I need? If not what does it provides?
I have some stuff with me including clothes, my computer and some other stuff that. Will I have enough space in basics to store them safely?
Thank you for your answers and if possible as I'm very inexperienced to the process please share your opinions on what should I know before signing the contract. Thank you.
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Hey! So I'm super interested in joining as a 35 series (leaning towards 35m) I have a completely clean record and am not worried about myself at all. My family doesn't tell me much but I do know that my grandpa has a pretty intense arrest record including being a sex offender... My dad is telling me not to worry about it and that since its been so long the court cleared his record. I am not close to that side of my family and just want to make sure it won't be a problem. Any input is appreciated, thanks!
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My girlfriend has already gone through Meps and signed her contract. She leaves late May. Despite birth control and condoms we just found out she’s pregnant.
If we go to Planned parenthood and get a termination pill, is that something that would have to be reported? If she did that and went off to basic without reporting it would they Separate her?
We just want to know how to proceed and what will happen to her career because of it.
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Are officers just paper pushers? I’d like to join as an Engineering Officer, I wouldn’t mind pushing papers but if it’s the only thing I’m expected to do then I definitely wouldn’t join, are engineering officers mostly outside?
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Seasonal Allergies Immunotherapy
Hi I’m planning on applying for OCS when I graduate in May. But im currently taking allergy shots for my seasonal allergies. I would have no problem pausing them during basic etc. Resuming when I’m past training, but is this something I have to do? Is it worth having to get a medical waiver for it? Do I need to tell my recruiter?
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Thinking of enlisting
I need opinions from experienced soldiers and officers. I just turned 30. I’ve wasted the last 12 years of my life just getting by, without guidance or direction. I’ve worked for UPS part time loading trailers for the last 6 years. I’m in college now for a BA in criminal justice. I know it’s best to wait until you have a degree to join but that won’t be for another 3 years at least. Should I go Army, Reserves, or ARNG? I’m not worried about losing my civilian job as I would be granted military leave and planned on quitting anyway once I have my bachelors degree. I feel like my life has no purpose and I’m ready for a change. I also want to serve and protect my country. I have a couple months to decide as I’m on probation until October. What are your thoughts? What would you suggest?
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What is current prior service rules? Current e5 with 5 yrs active
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I am thinking of enlisting as a 19D with option 19 for Germany. My husband is German (Bavarian) and we both currently live in Bavaria. My question is, what would hosuing look like?
I would prefer to live off base and commute so that I could live with my husband, but I do not know if that is possible.
Would I have to live in a barracks and only visit my husband in my freetime? Could we both live on base? I am not sure what the housing rules are and what options would apply to someone like me.
I am not sure how or if any of this would effect things, but I currently live in Germany, speak german at a B2/C1 level, have a drivers liscense here, and was told that with my education I could become a E-4 after training. No I am not picking 19D just to get germany, I am actually interested in that.
Thanks in advance for all your help!
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So, I just signed my contract and sadly since I'm not a Citizen nothing that I actually wanted to do was available to me. From all the options 15R seemed the coolest. Did I make a huge mistake? I really don't want to hate my life for next 4 years. If it helps I wanted 25B (IT) because I like fixing computers and trouble shooting issues. Also I'm joining in late (34F), anybody have some experiences going into the army older?
Shipping out May 21.
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Serious concern, need your opinion
Hey guys, I just turned 18 and ive been seriously considering joining up, however, some people around me have been saying that because I am a muslim, i might face some discrimination or unjust treatment while in the military, for all the veterans and active duty men and women, what is your take on this?
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I’m going down to MEPS this Thursday to sign a navy contract. I’m really hesitant and doubts I’m choosing the right branch. The army is in the back of my mind because the possibility of signing a three year contract. I needed a mental health waiver for adhd, adjustment disorder, anxiety. I’m 35 years old. I’m moderately in shape. Do you think it’s worth it to stop a sure thing to inquire about the army? Thank you for your response?
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Currently a 31B trying to reclass over to 35L when I leave Korea. Does anyone know how long this process would take and how much time in service I would need to have left so I do not need to reenlist to accomplish this?
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I asked this on the main page but was told to post it here. I hope this is the right place. I got a few answers on my other post, but more information helps. I’m going into the Army. I’m married to someone who is going into Marine Corps. What are the odds we get stationed together? He’ll be either aviation or infantry and I’ll be a nurse if that makes a difference.
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I ship out tomorrow currently on the meps shuttle but i was previously told i wouldn’t have to do basic training, now my recruiter told me earlier today that i might have to redo basic training and to make sure my contract specifies that im an e5. Im an e5 prior service Marine with 42 months inactive reserves in the Marine corps. Why am i being told this the day before i ship out when they told me i didnt have to do basic?
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Hey guys I’m seriously considering a career as a 35L Counter Intelligence. They seem really cool. I’m wondering what places they are likely to be stationed at. Thank you
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Hey everyone, I was told by the mods to come here for this question, so I did. Anyways, I’m 14 and live in the UK but I am an American citizen and proud American and U would love to serve my country, however I’m also really smart academics wise and so I’d definitely go to Uni and not just a mediocre one. However, once I finish uni I want to join the Army as an officer and my dad was a sergeant back in the 80s in the airforce where he did communications in Germany (also where he met my Mom) and I’m planning on only doing 1 enlistment. Is this a waste of 4 yrs? Also, if I were to join, then which unit would be best to join as I want to join a unit that actually is fun and has a good brotherhood but I am also worried about being deployed as I don’t want to die, seeing as I value my life and I’m my parents only child. Can yall give me some advice please. Have a good day and thank you for your service.
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Hello! I have a question for anyone who knows MEPS regulations.
If someone has had the gastric bypass surgery, had no complications with it whatsoever and is considered by the doctor to be fully healed, can they still enlist?
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submitted by Army_Bot to ArmyWQT [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 15:28 eZGjBw1Z New and Changed Products - May 2024 (More price increases than decreases)

Usually around the first of the month we have a batch of price changes. According to the "How to Become a Contract Liquor Agent" document, "The Agent must also complete price changes that occur at the first of the month..."
I plan to use this post to capture other smaller changes that happen during the rest of the month before the big change next month.
Counts for 5/1/24:
For each category I've sorted by the amount of the price increase or decrease. New products are shown first, then price decreases are shown in decreasing order followed by price increases in increasing order. At the end are products with other changes unrelated to price.
Here's a link to what changed last month in April, 2024.
Current product status is indicated on each line as follows. OHLQ hasn't publicly explained what these things mean but I've included my best guess below.

American Whiskey


Canadian Whiskey



Irish Whisky

Japanese Whiskey





submitted by eZGjBw1Z to OhioLiquor [link] [comments]