The function of simple future tense

FI/RE - Financial Independence & Retiring Early

2009.04.22 18:18 bugpakoo FI/RE - Financial Independence & Retiring Early

FI/RE (Financial Independence / Retiring Early) is a money strategy that's sweeping the nation. It's not easy, but it is simple: earn more, spend less, and use the difference wisely. Build a baseline of financial security with the difference first, then use it to invest for your future. That way you can begin to earn financial freedom and control your own destiny.

2008.11.17 02:32 FunnyVideos!

A community of people sharing and enjoying funny videos they have found on the internet. Has a video made you snort your coffee out of your nose from laughter recently? Then post it here for others to do the same!

2015.05.25 21:13 UnlimitedGirlfriends Physics Memes

Description is left as an exercise for the reader.

2024.05.21 16:30 jottrled I found an idea for a micro saas that already has good potential. What do you think? Is it a go-er?

Validating startup ideas as a solopreneur is hard. This is what most people do when they have a great idea:
This can lead to a huge amount of time wasted (and a major shot at the ego). A better way of doing this is:
Below is an example of a Micro Saas Idea that fits this framework:

What's the idea?

AirBnB Safety and Security Checklist
"A Micro Saas that provides the ability to create comprehensive safety and security checklists for Airbnb hosts to ensure their properties meet safety standards and regulations, providing peace of mind to both hosts and guests."
What's the SEO Potential?
Check this article out to find out why this is important.
The keyword difficulty here is really low which means it will be pretty easy to start ranking high on Google for this. We have 1 main keyword and 2 long tail keywords that you an target, all with a low difficulty of 11.
The main keyword has a nice and healthy 1000 people searching for it on Google every month while the other long tail keywords have upwards of 200 people searching for it so you could potentially gain some traffic by targeting these long tail keywords in articles on your website (see how you can do that here).
Note: these search volumes are for US alone so the potential for worldwide traffic is huge.
What could the main features of this Micro Saas be?
Some nice to haves you could add


This is a nice and simple Micro Saas product that you could start ranking in the top 10 on Google for quite easily and have 1000+ people per month find when they search for "airbnb checklist".
I'll leave you with 2 options for building your next product.
Option A: Build a product or landing page and hope that people are interested in it.
Option B: Target low difficulty keywords with high search volumes. Build your product around that, launch, add your product to directories and get traffic on autopilot.
If your interested in this type of thing I share Micro Saas Ideas like this every week in my newsletter so feel free to join me here to find more profitable micro ideas.
If not then at least steal this one!
submitted by jottrled to microsaas [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:30 PAULSAMSON Just got one, need simple advice

So, I bought the GOW Bundle of the Disc console, it will arrive tomorrow. AFAIK, it comes with FW 5.5 at the lowest, so no current jailbreak possible. So I think it will stay in the box for now (have some ps4 discs laying around I can use to try the console for now), I can't even play the bundled GOW because it is a download code which of course needs to connect to the ps store, will see if I can sell it somewhere.
Here are some simple questions I have:
-If a future jailbreak becomes available for fw 8.20 will I be able to install that firmware alone with a flash drive? for what I read people on fw lower than the jailbreakable ones can't install fw 4.51 alone, which worries me a bit.
-Should I just yolo it for now and connect to the latest firmware to play everything I can until something more certain about jailbreaks arise?
After it arrives I will try to contribute about the FW it came with, for what I see in the list of the fws that come with the different CIF models, there isn't a specific one for the GOW bundle with the disc console, only for the digital console bundle.
submitted by PAULSAMSON to PS5_Jailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:25 First-Fig-7600 Losing my mind! Headless Woo NextJS14 customer authentication WPEngine

I am so lost in the sauce at this point. I have a functioning headless woo nextjs 14 router app that is able to interact with the store via the WooApi, able to manage carts for both authenticated and guest users with CoCart but CANNOT for the life of me find a viable option to just authenticate my users *and recieve the woo cookies*. I am currently able to authenticate them via Simple Jwt plugin, but the Jwt appears to be useless and it really only confirms their credentials are valid, the JWT does not actually allow woo/wp to recognize them as a user. (Please tell me I'm just an idiot and you CAN use it in this regard)
I have a very convoluted set-up currently that passes credentials along with CoCart requests to manipulate their cart, but I need to be able to redirect them to the standard WPWoo checkout page as the team in charge of shipping etc. are constantly changing things and I don't want the app to have to worry about any of that.
To further complicate things, we're on WPEngine which no longer uses an .htaccess file and the nginx workarounds (that I believe you have to request for them to do) are not clear.
I'm spinning my wheels over here for days an days and there has to be SOMEONE somewhere who has a simple explanation of how I can get that dang woo cookie on auth. I have access to their credentials, userId. So far everyone in this space has suggested WooGraphQL but it just seems overkill for this simple task.
Any experience with woo JWT auth since WPEngine moved to nginx?
Any hints on where to go from here?
submitted by First-Fig-7600 to woocommerce [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:24 First-Fig-7600 Losing my mind! Headless Woo NextJS14 customer authentication WPEngine

I am so lost in the sauce at this point. I have a functioning headless woo nextjs 14 router app that is able to interact with the store via the WooApi, able to manage carts for both authenticated and guest users with CoCart but CANNOT for the life of me find a viable option to just authenticate my users *and recieve the woo cookies*. I am currently able to authenticate them via Simple Jwt plugin, but the Jwt appears to be useless and it really only confirms their credentials are valid, the JWT does not actually allow woo/wp to recognize them as a user. (Please tell me I'm just an idiot and you CAN use it in this regard)
I have a very convoluted set-up currently that passes credentials along with CoCart requests to manipulate their cart, but I need to be able to redirect them to the standard WPWoo checkout page as the team in charge of shipping etc. are constantly changing things and I don't want the app to have to worry about any of that.
To further complicate things, we're on WPEngine which no longer uses an .htaccess file and the nginx workarounds (that I believe you have to request for them to do) are not clear.
I'm spinning my wheels over here for days an days and there has to be SOMEONE somewhere who has a simple explanation of how I can get that dang woo cookie on auth. I have access to their credentials, userId. So far everyone in this space has suggested WooGraphQL but it just seems overkill for this simple task.
Any experience with woo JWT auth since WPEngine moved to nginx?
Any hints on where to go from here?
submitted by First-Fig-7600 to wpengine [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:23 First-Fig-7600 Losing my mind! Headless Woo NextJS14 customer authentication WPEngine

I am so lost in the sauce at this point. I have a functioning headless woo nextjs 14 router app that is able to interact with the store via the WooApi, able to manage carts for both authenticated and guest users with CoCart but CANNOT for the life of me find a viable option to just authenticate my users *and recieve the woo cookies*. I am currently able to authenticate them via Simple Jwt plugin, but the Jwt appears to be useless and it really only confirms their credentials are valid, the JWT does not actually allow woo/wp to recognize them as a user. (Please tell me I'm just an idiot and you CAN use it in this regard)
I have a very convoluted set-up currently that passes credentials along with CoCart requests to manipulate their cart, but I need to be able to redirect them to the standard WPWoo checkout page as the team in charge of shipping etc. are constantly changing things and I don't want the app to have to worry about any of that.
To further complicate things, we're on WPEngine which no longer uses an .htaccess file and the nginx workarounds (that I believe you have to request for them to do) are not clear.
I'm spinning my wheels over here for days an days and there has to be SOMEONE somewhere who has a simple explanation of how I can get that dang woo cookie on auth. I have access to their credentials, userId. So far everyone in this space has suggested WooGraphQL but it just seems overkill for this simple task.
Any experience with woo JWT auth since WPEngine moved to nginx?
Any hints on where to go from here?
submitted by First-Fig-7600 to HeadlesseCommerce [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:22 Spidey007 [Dragon Ball Z/MCU: Final Arc] The Janemba Saga- Gohan’s Ascension

To note, this is a continuation of the sagas I wrote that took place after the Cell Saga. The two sagas were written with inspiration taken from MCU Peter Parker's arcs in Far from Home and No Way Home. The goal was to develop Son Gohan into a proper lead for the show. If you'd like to check them out, here are the links!
Bojack (Far From Home) Saga:
Broly (No Way Home) Saga:
There are many things I find wrong in the Buu saga:
  1. Goku coming back: This derails the narrative tremendously as he snatches back the torch from Gohan. He's going to play a role, but he will stay dead.
  2. Gohan's writing: In canon, we ended up with a rusty, goofy, badly written character who lost all the development from the previous sagas. He became a useless disappointment and did not uphold his role as a protector of the earth. This won't go anywhere near that direction.
  3. SSJ3 and fusions: These elements were unnecessary as they did nothing to solve the plot and only provided fluff. This can be introduced in Super, but that's another story.
  4. Goten and Trunks SSJ: I wasn't a fan of how they easily transformed, treating it as an easy power-up. Here, it will be earned.
What I want to do here is combine the Buu saga with Fusion Reborn. For that movie, there are tons of elements at play that can be used to make the grand finale of Dragon Ball Z, more grand. The goal here is to increase the stakes, trim all the unnecessary fat, give everyone a chance to shine, and keep the main focus on Gohan. I also want to replace Buu with Janemba, as I find him much more threatening due to his unique abilities which would be perfect to challenge Gohan. It's also here that we avoid the rinse-and-repeat problem that came with Buu and his many forms.

Without further ado, here is the...... Janemba Saga!

Seven years have passed since the climactic battle against Broly. Gohan, now a young adult, has diligently pursued a delicate balance between his studies and training. During this time, he has honed his Super Saiyan 2 form and significantly elevated his combat skills. However, he deliberately restrains his power, refusing to succumb to the depths of his inner rage. Gohan believes that his technical prowess alone will suffice, opting to suppress the primal fury within him. Despite his reservations, Gohan attends a prestigious private school on an academic scholarship, alongside his steadfast companion Videl and their circle of friends. Gohan has embraced the responsibility of preserving peace on Earth as a valiant hero, adopting the mantle of Saiyaman. His suit has undergone a sleek redesign, shedding the theatrical poses in favor of a more streamlined appearance. Functioning as a dynamic duo reminiscent of Superman and Batman, Gohan and Videl tackle the city's crime wave together. Videl, having mastered her ki abilities under the tutelage of Piccolo, has grown stronger over the years. Glimpses of their everyday lives reveal the struggles of Gohan as he endeavors to balance the demands of school, training, and personal relationships. Amidst the challenges, he harbors a subtle resentment towards his duty, as it often encroaches upon his cherished personal time. Nevertheless, Gohan persists, fueled by his unwavering determination to live up to his father's legacy.
However, the tranquil facade is shattered when a harrowing turn of events unfolds. The narrative transitions to an otherworldly realm, distinctly separate from Earth. A mysterious figure cloaked in darkness materializes, none other than the malevolent wizard Babidi. Harnessing the unholy power of dark magic, Babidi establishes a sinister connection with his loyal minion Dabura, the King of the Demon Realm. United in their nefarious purpose, they orchestrate an audacious invasion of Otherworld, intent on freeing the formidable demon Janemba. Ages ago, Janemba had been sealed away in this celestial realm by the Supreme Kais. Babidi's malevolent ambition revolves around shrouding the universe in eternal darkness. To achieve this nightmarish vision, he plans to infect the denizens of Earth using the insidious Majin spell, thereby expanding his dominion across countless planets.
In the midst of this burgeoning chaos, Gohan, disguised as Saiyaman, finds himself investigating a peculiar incident involving the possession of one of his dearest friends. Videl, resolute and fearless, engages in a fierce battle against the malevolent puppeteer controlling Sharpner. With unwavering confidence, she urges Gohan to let her confront the threat alone. Sharpner, his strength unnaturally augmented, puts up a formidable resistance, but Videl's experience enables her to subdue him without resorting to fatal measures. As Sharpner awakens from his trance, Gohan seeks answers regarding the enigmatic force that had seized control of his friend. Sharpner reveals that a voice called Babidi had whispered malevolent commands into his mind. Armed with this critical information, Gohan summons Vegeta and Piccolo to join him in unraveling the unfolding crisis, embarking on a journey towards the epicenter of the ominous power emanating from a series of potent and wicked ki signatures, ultimately leading them to Babidi and Dabura.
Meanwhile, Earth becomes a battleground, besieged by an onslaught of resurrected zombies, soldiers, and former villains who once terrorized its populace. Though the trio finds themselves torn between aiding their beleaguered planet and confronting the imminent threat directly before them, they know their immediate priority lies in thwarting Babidi's scheme. Distracting them with his grandiose monologue, Babidi probes their minds, seeking susceptible individuals to manipulate. Initially targeting Vegeta, Babidi redirects his attention toward Piccolo, sensing his inherent duality as a being born of both good and evil. With a combination of Babidi's insidious spell and the lingering malevolence of Piccolo Daimao, the Namekian warrior struggles to resist the overwhelming influence. His powers surge exponentially beyond their previous limitations, clouding his judgment and driving him to confront his former student, Gohan. Amidst the shock of this unforeseen twist, Gohan assumes the responsibility of awakening Piccolo from his trance-like state, determined to restore his mentor's clarity. As the battle rages on, they sense a tremor that reverberates throughout the planet, an unmistakable ki signature brimming with icy coldness, signifying the presence of a singular entity—Janemba.
Bracing himself for the impending clash with this malevolent force, Gohan prepares to face Janemba head-on, while Piccolo embarks on a personal mission to neutralize Babidi. Meanwhile, Vegeta remains locked in a fierce struggle against Dabura, the Prince of Saiyans confronting the King of the Demon Realm. The confrontation unfolds with brutal intensity, and Vegeta finds himself teetering on the edge of defeat. Sensing his adversary's advantage, Dabura unleashes a legion of demons to tip the scales further in his favor. Pushed to his limits, Vegeta fights valiantly, but the odds appear insurmountable. Dabura, consumed by arrogance, revels in his imminent triumph, announcing his intention to unleash the full might of the demon horde upon Earth. Faced with the dire consequences of such a cataclysm, Vegeta musters every ounce of desperation within him. In a moment of self-sacrifice, he unleashes a devastating attack upon Dabura and his minions. The resulting explosion weakens Babidi's forces, repels the encroaching Demon Realm, and safeguards their dimension from untold chaos and devastation.
(Note: I wanted to keep Vegeta's sacrifice but make it matter and count. In canon, it didn't stop Buu, and he sent himself into cold oblivion on a lie. Here, he makes a difference in the long run and has a definitive redemptive moment. )
Startled by the sudden disappearance of Vegeta's powerful ki, Trunks defies the protests of his comrades on the Lookout and rushes towards the chaotic battleground. His heart pounds with trepidation as he races through the smoke-filled air, only to be confronted with the lifeless body of his father lying motionless on the ground. Overwhelmed by a torrent of despair and seething rage, Trunks' trembling hands reach out to shake his father awake, his desperate pleas echoing through the desolate landscape. But his efforts prove futile, and a profound sense of loss engulfs him.
In the midst of this heart-wrenching moment, a surge of raw energy courses through Trunks' veins, igniting a transformation that surpasses the boundaries of his mortal self. Radiating an aura of vibrant golden light, Trunks ascends to the legendary state of the Super Saiyan. His eyes ablaze with determination and fury, he is now ready to face the battle that lies ahead.The scene shifts, revealing the remaining Z-Fighters locked in a perilous struggle against hordes of relentless zombies. Fatigue weighs heavily upon their weary bodies as they fend off the relentless onslaught. Suddenly, a streak of intense power streaks across the sky, and Trunks descends before his comrades, newly transformed and brimming with indomitable strength. A burst of energy erupts from his fingertips, shattering a ki blast launched by one of the zombies, diverting it harmlessly away. In the eyes of his adversaries, astonishment mingles with mockery as they behold the sight of a mere child standing before them.Unfazed by their taunting laughter, Trunks addresses his comrades with unwavering resolve. He declares that he will shoulder the burden of the battle, vowing that not a single life will be lost on this day. With unparalleled speed and precision, he charges towards the encroaching horde, obliterating each zombie with astonishing ease. Their forces crumble beneath the might of his wrath, and the battlefield is transformed into a graveyard of defeated foes.As the last of the zombies falls, Trunks relinquishes his Super Saiyan form, his energy spent and body drained. Collapsing to the ground, he succumbs to exhaustion, his breathing ragged and labored. In this moment of vulnerability, Yamcha, recognizing the young warrior's valor, rushes to his side and gently lifts him from the battlefield, cradling his battered form with utmost care.
(Note: Kid Trunks' transformation is a direct reference to when Future Trunks found Gohan dead after the battle with the androids, and then he transformed. )
While this tumultuous event unfolded, the responsibility of safeguarding the Lookout fell upon the young shoulders of Goten. As time passed, a sudden intrusion disrupted the tranquility of the platform, as a malevolent henchman, infused with the dark power of King Cold, materialized before him. Though momentarily shaken, Goten summoned his courage and engaged in a valiant struggle against his formidable adversary.Initially, it appeared that Goten held his ground admirably, skillfully countering the attacks launched by the nefarious duo of Salza and Dore. However, their sinister coordination gradually began to overpower the young warrior. In a devastating display of force, Salza executed a malicious kick that sent Goten hurtling towards the precipice of the Lookout, teetering on the brink of unconsciousness.
Witnessing her son's battered and vulnerable state, Chi-Chi, consumed by a mixture of horror and fury, lunged at Salza in a desperate attempt to defend her child. Yet, her efforts proved futile as Salza callously seized her by the throat, mercilessly constricting the life from her. From his weakened position, Goten, wide-eyed and mouth agape, struggled to remain conscious, his mind besieged by the conflicting emotions of impending death and the weight of disappointment.
In that critical moment, he closed his eyes, his teeth sinking into his lip until blood stained his mouth. His trembling hands clenched into tight fists. And then, something within him snapped, unleashing a primal force that lay dormant within.Goten vanished, replaced by an embodiment of unbridled rage. Transformed into a Super Saiyan, his furious aura radiated with an intensity that defied comprehension. With a surge of unrestrained power, he propelled himself towards Salza, obliterating his malevolent foe with a devastating blast that eradicated him from existence. Undeterred by the remaining henchmen who sought to avenge their fallen comrade, Goten engaged them with a newfound ferocity.In a breathtaking display of combat prowess, it took mere moments for Goten to dispatch his adversaries, consigning them to the depths of the afterlife. Unaware of his mother's watchful gaze, Chi-Chi bore witness to the astonishing transformation of her once-innocent son, her heart filled with awe at the unfathomable power he now wielded.
(Note: This is a reference to when Superman had attacked Zod for attacking Martha in Man of Steel. With this, Goten is able to break out of his shell and experience some development. I also did not want Chi-Chi to die, but to have it be close. This way, she can witness firsthand her son fighting to avenge her and realizing that his saiyan blood kicked in to save them all, which would lead to some development towards her accepting that they have the natural power to fight, but also protect. )
Simultaneously, amidst the chaos, Piccolo found himself embroiled in a fierce battle of magic. His objective was to shatter the impenetrable barrier erected by his adversary, Babidi, to halt the relentless proliferation of Majin-infused beings. The odds were stacked against him, but with unwavering determination, Piccolo summoned the strength to rupture the barrier, ultimately delivering a fatal blow to Babidi. In doing so, he succeeded in halting the insidious spread of the Majin curse.Meanwhile, Gohan, driven by an overwhelming surge of power in his Super Saiyan 2 form, charged headlong at the formidable Fat Janemba, intent on swiftly ending the confrontation. Displaying remarkable valor, Gohan engaged his adversary with all his might, momentarily gaining the upper hand in fleeting bursts of fury. However, Janemba's energy continued to surge unabated, gradually overpowering Gohan and relegating him to a defensive stance.With the battle reaching its climax, Janemba unleashed a devastating onslaught aimed at obliterating the planet. In a desperate bid to protect all that he held dear, Gohan fearlessly interposed himself between Janemba's lethal assault and the world, extending his arms wide as he summoned the last vestiges of his ki to create a resolute energy shield. The technique demanded one final act of defiance, compelling Gohan to redirect the unleashed energy back towards Janemba, propelling the malevolent entity backward and teetering on the precipice of annihilation. Yet, the maneuver exacted a heavy toll on Gohan, leaving him grievously injured and drained of consciousness, hurtling through the sky and crashing deep into the untamed wilderness.
(Note: This maneuver is a mix of what Gohan did against Broly in Movie 10, and what Future Gohan did in his last battle against the androids.)
Subsequently, Supreme Kai, recognizing the dire condition of the young warrior, transported Gohan to the realm of the Kais. As Gohan gradually regained consciousness, he found himself surrounded by the presence of Supreme Kai, Kibito, and his father, Son Goku. Unbeknownst to Gohan, while the realms beyond had been engulfed in pandemonium, Goku had valiantly sought to subdue numerous formidable adversaries, most notably Broly. Upon learning of Gohan's presence on that distant planet, Goku implored for the opportunity to visit his son, a request that was granted amidst the bittersweet reunion.During their heartfelt meeting, they shared the weight of overseeing the turmoil ravaging Earth, realizing that Janemba still lingered, amassing the remnants of malevolent ki left unvanquished. Panic washed over Gohan as he urgently expressed his need to return to Earth, but his pleas were met with cautionary words from his loved ones. They acknowledged his unpreparedness to face Janemba anew, warning of the potential consequences should he engage the foe prematurely. Supreme Kai disclosed his true intention in bringing Gohan to this realm—to unlock the dormant power lying dormant within him. However, the process demanded a profound reconciliation of Gohan's dual nature as both human and Saiyan. To initiate this transformative ritual, Gohan would be immersed in a meditative trance within the sacred confines of a cascading waterfall, which would serve as a mirror reflecting his true self. Only then would he embark upon the arduous journey of unlocking his latent potential, fully aware that failure could result in dire consequences, even death.
Nervously, Gohan steeled himself for the imminent trial, drawing strength from the unwavering support of his father. With resolute determination, he approached the cascading waterfall, where Supreme Kai initiated the trance, enveloping Gohan in an ethereal aura of introspection.As the ritual commenced, Gohan's gaze fixated grimly upon vivid recollections of his past battles, struggling to reconcile the moments when he had succumbed to his own wrath. Before long, a projection materialized, representing his suppressed Saiyan essence—a separate entity demanding to be acknowledged. A tumultuous clash ensued between the two facets of Gohan's being, with the young warrior faltering in his attempts to gain the upper hand, for each surge of anger only fueled his other self. Finally, a profound realization washed over Gohan, piercing through the haze of conflict. He ceased resisting and, instead, extended a hand of acceptance and understanding to his Saiyan counterpart, embracing the essence of his true nature. In that transformative instant, the boundaries dissolved, merging into a harmonious unity. Gohan's eyes fluttered open as he awakened from the trance, reborn in his newfound Ultimate Form, his essence finally whole and indomitable.
(Note: Yes, this is a direct reference to Naruto obtaining true mastery of his nine tails form in Shippuden. I did not like Gohan's canon mystic ritual because it did not feel earned. He just sat around for a long time doing nothing and gained nothing from it. I wanted to fix that. So here, he went through a more direct ritual at the risk of death to be able to unlock his true abilities. )
In the midst of these events, Trunks and Goten find themselves under the tutelage of Piccolo within the formidable Hyperbolic Time Chamber. News reaches Piccolo that Gohan is undergoing a transformative process to unlock his latent potential, but the looming return of Janemba threatens to disrupt their plans. Exiting the chamber, Trunks and Goten emerge stronger than ever, having mastered their Super Saiyan forms and honed their teamwork to near perfection, compensating for their inherent power limitations.As Janemba crosses paths with them, the clash erupts in a spectacular display of martial prowess. Individually, they stand little chance against the overwhelming might of Janemba, but when united, a different narrative unfolds. Their combined efforts aim to sustain the battle long enough, providing Gohan with the precious time he needs to complete his ritual. Piccolo assumes leadership, valiantly holding his ground, although it becomes increasingly evident that Janemba possesses a distinct advantage. Piccolo strategically diverts Janemba's attention, creating openings for Goten and Trunks to launch coordinated assaults that vex their adversary, even if their impact is minimal. Nonetheless, every second counts.
In a fateful turn of events, Janemba unleashes an assault that overwhelms Piccolo, incapacitating him and leaving only Goten and Trunks to face the malevolent entity. Swift as a phantom, Janemba materializes in front of Trunks, delivering a devastating blow to his abdomen, leaving Goten as the lone defender. Standing tall, Goten defiantly assumes a battle stance, mustering his courage. However, before Janemba can unleash a devastating attack upon him, an unknown figure delivers a powerful kick to Janemba's head, hurtling him towards the distant mountains.
The camera pans, revealing the figure to be none other than Gohan, resplendent in his newfound form.
(Note: This entrance directly mirrors that of Future Gohan when he was about to begin his final battle against the Androids!)
A wave of elation washes over Goten as he beholds the return of his beloved elder brother, while Trunks and Piccolo visibly exhale with relief. Gohan and Piccolo exchange a brief but meaningful exchange, Gohan acknowledging his newfound strength while Piccolo recognizes that Gohan has ascended to an entirely different echelon. Janemba regains his footing, reemerging before them, demanding their attention and focus. Gohan asserts that he will confront Janemba directly, urging the others to evacuate. Though reluctant, Piccolo and the young warriors comply, dispersing to various parts of the world to address the chaos that plagues their surroundings.
With an air of fury, Janemba charges at Gohan, his fist extended menacingly. Yet Gohan intercepts the attack, seizing Janemba's fist in a vice-like grip, and in a flash of teleportation, they are transported to the dreaded realm of H.F.I.L. (Home For Infinite Losers).
(Note: I have Gohan teleport Janemba because at least this way their battle will not damage Earth. Also we will assume Gohan has figured out some sort of Instant Transmission movement like Goku.)
The eyes of Earth's denizens, the Kais, and the denizens of the Otherworld are fixated on this pivotal moment, the culmination of a battle that will determine the fate of the universe. And so, the clash commences, a cataclysmic struggle that echoes through the very fabric of existence.
In a breathtaking display of power, Gohan initially dominates the battle, effortlessly overpowering Janemba with his newfound might. However, the tables turn when Janemba unveils unexpected abilities: space-time manipulation and a formidable sword. Gohan is caught off guard, unsure of how to counter such unorthodox tactics. Desperation and frustration consume him, causing his control over his own power to slip away.Amidst the chaos, Gohan experiences a moment of revelation, a surge of understanding regarding his opponent's abilities. He realizes that in order to anticipate Janemba's next move, he must heighten his senses by channeling his ki, allowing for precise timing and swift reactions. With this newfound clarity, Gohan regains his composure, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Seizing an opportunity, Janemba materializes before him, poised to strike with his sword. Yet, in a stunning display of strength, Gohan catches the blade with both hands, shattering it into pieces.
The tide of the battle begins to shift, albeit slightly, in Gohan's favor. Frustrated and bewildered, Janemba exclaims, "Just what...are you?!" Gohan responds with unwavering resolve, proclaiming, "I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"
(Note: I'm taking Goku's dubbed speech against Frieza and repurposing it for Gohan. As he's inherently more the justice-driven hero archetype rather than the fighting maniac that is Goku, it makes more sense. We'll just assume Goku gave Frieza the manga version of his speech. This is also the most pivotal moment of Gohan's journey as he comes to terms with being a protector. Throughout the show, he's been struggling between his desire to be a scholar and his responsibility to be a hero. That dubbed speech is exactly the moment that Gohan's arc comes full circle. Here, he finally embraces what he was always meant to be..... the hero.)
With renewed determination, Gohan launches various assaults in a bid to defeat his formidable adversary. However, his attacks fail to inflict lasting damage, and Gohan himself begins to exhaust his ki. It is then that he realizes the true nature of Janemba's existence—he is an embodiment of pure evil ki, unlike any opponent Gohan has faced before. A desperate plan takes shape in Gohan's mind. Mentally reaching out to his friends and even Videl, he calls upon them to gather their ki, reminiscent of the Spirit Bomb technique. Initially, only the Z-Fighters respond, but their combined energy proves insufficient.As Gohan valiantly defends against Janemba's onslaught, he mentally pleads with the people of Earth to lend their aid. Uncertainty and doubt cast a shadow over the crowd until Hercule steps forward, berating them for refusing to support the man who once saved them during the Cell Games. Revealing the truth of Gohan's identity as the Delivery Boy turned hero, the tide of public opinion shifts. People extend their hands, offering their energy to their savior. Shocked by the sudden turn of events, Gohan is relieved by the surge of ki coursing through him, providing a momentary opening to kick Janemba away. The collective assistance grants Gohan a substantial reservoir of energy, which he then summons forth, infusing it with the very essence of his soul—a daring and perilous maneuver.
Driven to his breaking point, a furious Janemba ascends into the sky, conjuring a colossal sphere of malevolent ki capable of obliterating the entire universe. Gohan remains calm, his gaze fixed upon the impending cataclysm. With unwavering resolve, he declares, "This is the end for you, Janemba." Closing his eyes, Gohan raises his left hand above his head, conjuring a radiant sphere of rainbow light. Seizing the opportunity, Janemba hurls his devastating attack towards Gohan. Sensing the imminent danger, Gohan's eyes snap open as he crushes the ball of energy in his palm. Swiftly pivoting, he hurls the fragmented energy towards the oncoming attack, effortlessly piercing through it, and hurtling towards Janemba, finally eradicating the universe's peril once and for all.
(Note: This is the same technique as Kid Buu's Planet Burst move, the one that destroyed Earth. I also repurposed Gogeta's stardust breaker technique for Gohan as I feel it makes sense for him to have it. It also makes him stand out from Goku even more in this case.)
As the dust settles, Gohan maintains his energy long enough to witness Janemba's demise. A triumphant smirk graces his face as he remarks, "Heh, looks like I finally did it." Exhausted, he collapses to the ground, almost completely drained. The onlookers erupt into joyous cheers, celebrating Gohan's hard-fought victory. Supreme Kai teleports Gohan from the depths of H.F.I.L back to Earth, specifically to the Lookout, where his family and friends eagerly await his return. In a heartwarming scene, Gohan is enveloped in embraces and expressions of relief. It is here, amidst the warmth of their loved ones, that Gohan and Videl share their first kiss—a tender moment of connection and celebration.Meanwhile, the Dragon Balls work their magic, rectifying the chaos caused by Babidi's dark influence. The majority of those who perished are revived, yet there are exceptions, including Vegeta. Accepting his fate and determined to atone for his past deeds, Vegeta expresses his desire to continue growing stronger in the afterlife, entrusting the protection of his family to his son. Tearfully, Trunks vows to make his father proud, with Goten stepping forward to support his friend in this emotional moment. Fond farewells are exchanged as everyone prepares to return to their respective homes.
Gohan and Goten engage in a heartfelt conversation, their bond as brothers strengthening. However, their exchange is interrupted by Chi-Chi, who unexpectedly interrupts their conversation. To their astonishment, she expresses pride in their valiant efforts to safeguard the world, finally relenting and granting them permission to train and protect. The three embrace, their family united and resolute.In a different realm, Vegeta stands before King Yemma, awaiting judgment. To his surprise, he is granted an Otherworldly body, a result of Goku's recommendation and Vegeta's ultimate sacrifice that tipped the scales of justice. With this second chance, Vegeta is granted the opportunity to train ceaselessly and, more importantly, to settle his unfinished business with Goku. The final scene between Goku and Vegeta unfolds, their fists colliding in a charged confrontation, their image freezing .( mirroring the intensity of Rocky and Apollo in Rocky III, leaving their ultimate showdown to the imagination.)
A decade passes, marked by a time skip. Tien and Krillin have established their own martial arts schools, dedicated to passing on their unique styles to the next generation. Goten and Trunks, under the tutelage of Piccolo, diligently train to harness their extraordinary powers. Gohan, now a respected scholar, has married Videl, and together they have a daughter. At home, Videl imparts the basics of combat to their daughter, Pan. Gohan, having just finished delivering a lecture on energy at the university, senses a disturbance reverberating across the planet. Instinctively, he rushes to the rooftop, pressing a button on his wrist. In an instant, he transforms into his iconic Saiyaman costume, soaring into the horizon with a mischievous grin. He breaks through the fourth wall, symbolizing his unwavering resolve to protect and inspire.
The screen fades to black.
The End.
There we have it! My final wrap-up of the MCU Peter ParkeGohan development journey! Honestly, I did have thoughts of just going straight into revising the Buu arc, but I felt there was more to be done before that. Gohan needed to go through the development I gave him in my two written arcs as there were lessons there that shaped him.
I also felt that a trained Gohan, who is naturally intellectual, would be a perfect antagonist in Janemba. He had to learn to outsmart him, and not just have it be a straight-up slugfest.
What do you guys think? Share your thoughts below!
submitted by Spidey007 to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:22 SHH2006 So it seems the happyness was kinda short-lived, your thoughts?

look guys I love FF as much as the other FF main but I just wanna know your thoughts (I don't wanna doompost or anything so sorry if it comes as a doompost (esque) post)
So I know most of us have been happy with v3 changes but considering what people say and what showcases... Well.. showcase, it seems that v4 will 90% bring nerfs or at least little tweaks to FF kit to adjust her since she seems really broken in her best team
It seems she is more tied to HMC and Ruan Mei gjan before but she has functional other teams that don't use 1 or both of them and from what we saw with bronya (her Bis team but with Bronya instead of HMC basically) and to my surprise it was doing way better than I imagined it would but wouldn't that still make her kindaaa what most FF mains didn't want?(aka being tied to mostly 1 team) or did we just want her to be broken even if it meant playing mostly (again not "only"), 1 team?(even tho that team is currently bonkers)
There are all mostly others's thoughts that I just gathered here with a bit of my own thoughts
Sooo... Your thoughts on this situation and the direction of next beta updates And her future???
submitted by SHH2006 to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:22 Affectionate-Egg3745 Posting on my friends behalf, Men seeking his partner

He is looking for a simple partner (traditional + modern ) who believes in the concept of marriage and doesn't treat it as any kind of business. He is 41, delhi based never married / does freelance work / in future planning to settle down in some peaceful place / height 5.8 / Avg looking lol.
(Hindu) if anyone is interested in talking to him will share his tg id
submitted by Affectionate-Egg3745 to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:21 KaNy2006 Agents of Shield an underrated masterpiece

After the unfortunate downfall of marvel as a consequence of total disregard of the quality of the content that is being put out, i have come to appreciate Agents of SHIELD more than i ever did before. The reason why I say this is because that show did what modern marvel has been doing horribly wrong and that is writing good female characters. The thing is in recent years marvel has subjected none of their female superheroes to actual character development (i am sure this has been covered by many content creators before). Lack of character development makes their superpowers feel undeserved and the audience stops caring about the character. This is what happened with characters like Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau, She Hulk and many more. And this is exactly where characters like Quake, May and Simmons come in. These characters are faced with multiple moral dilemmas, they make bad decisions at time and then face consequences of those mistakes and as a result become stronger emotionally and physically. Needless to say this significantly better than making female characters simply brute their way out of sticky or painful situations which is basically the whole character sketch of Captain Marvel. (I will write about this someday else) When talking about character development in terms of agents of shield two characters just cannot be left out of the conversation- Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons. These two characters compliment each other in ways never seen before. They start off as nerdy goofballs who appear to be purely for comic relief and come out as warriors and leaders capable of accomplishing feats that are comparable to the achievements of Tony Stark. The psychological trauma of being Evil Doctor Fitz makes him colder in ways that come in handy during the fifth season when he has to survive over seventy years to save the love of his life. of course he does not actually survive for seventy years but he does break out of prison, and fight aliens and also rescues Simmons. Same in case of Simmons where she sacrifices everything by implanting a chip that removes her memory of Fitz's location. May is another example of legendary writing and probably the direction they should have gone with when writing Captain Marvel. Incase of May they go in the opposite direction by introducing a brute who will take down anyone and everything in order to accomplish her mission but then as the series goes on a softer side of her accents her personality. This is what humanizes her. And this is what Captain Marvel does not have, she is a robot who will set out to kill everyone and everything that comes in her way without much thought and consideration for consequences of her actions. Phil Coulson. I do agree with the fact that bringing people back from the dead is not a very good way of writing stories but he is an exception. This man is probably one of my favorite characters in all of marvel. His super power is his leadership especially towards Daisy. By the end of the series he is sort of a father figure for her. But he single handedly builds back what is left of shield and is the moral compass of the crew. He goes out of his way to protect the crew even if it might cost him his life which it does. Daisy Johnson, its a shame she couldnt be in the MCU but she is one of the greatest female superheroes marvel has ever seen. From being a naive hacker living in a van to leading a team exploring deep space. That is exactly the kind of character development marvel needs. Her power seems earned and the audience can actually connect to her. Special mentions: Ghost Rider, where do i even start with that guy. Probably one of the coolest characters in the series and i really hope he is written well in the mcu. Enoch: One of the most wholesome addition to their crew. I wish we could see more of him. Mac: Another great example of incredible character development. I could not think of a better character to be the director of shield after the end of the series (well Fitz could be one but he's a family man now) I am pretty sure ive missed a lot of characters but i dont think i dislike any of them. On the story aspect: They gave up on the idea of being in the mcu by the end of the second season and while i wish they showed up in the main timeline, it certainly was a good decision. Third season onwards they went completely crazy with the show. From being a Spy thriller it becomes a fullon sci fi superhero. but it is not to say that the first two seasons were bad by any means. I mean Grant Ward was an interesting character and I think his backstory makes us love him even more. Third season(and a little bit of the second season) takes things to another level with the whole Hive arch and the whole story of HYDRA which was probably one of the biggest turn of events in Marvel history. The fourth season is probably my favorite season and it introduces characters such as Ghost Rider and AIDA. This season explores a unique problem and they executed the whole "what if" scenario in the best way they ever could have. I mean the framework was probably my favorite part of that show. The Fifth season Takes the crew into space somewhere around 75-80 years into the future and introduces us to Deke Shaw who is a hillarious character. I mean his destiny is the greatest plot twist/ Joke in the show; i mean he is the last person you would expect to be a director of shield. Season 6 dwells with an alien invasion and a fake Colson and season 7 is basically time travel. ( I am gonna stop elaborating now because this whole section has become a summary of the show which i did not initially intend to write because most people who have stuck around this long probably already know the story) I wish they do some multiverse magic and make agents of shield cannon or simple bring characters over to the MCU.
submitted by KaNy2006 to Randomessay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:15 coolbromaybenexttime I am not sure how to feel about this one.

I am not sure how to feel about this one.
Might be an actual lunatic who needs help.
submitted by coolbromaybenexttime to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:14 AtlantiumAI SUPERLIGHT Episode 9

By Roc Hatfield
Aetherians of the New Empire are banned from ever returning to Aetheria or from joining into the One. The border net is a solid wall to non-authorized Aetherians, impenetrable. The Elo Eloahim passes through the net without a hitch.
The Blade has now come to a full stop. The shuttle carrying Excelsior Andriel is docking with the Blade. Once the shuttle is cleared of occupants, it will return to the Elo Eloahim autonomously.
Excelsior Andriel has made his way back to the bridge of the Blade and is admiring the border net through the giant viewer screens. I haven't been out here for many strands. Beautiful to look at.
Send some technicals out to one of those nodes to have a look at it. I am sure it is manifest, but there must be a way to defeat it. I want to tear a hole in it, big enough to push the Blade through it, Andriel says.
There is only one express elevator that drops down to the 17th floor. The operator must enter a series of codes as the elevator descends. The codes are changed frequently like a password.
There are government secrets on 17 that can never be accessed by unauthorized personnel, says Steven as the elevator nears the bottom floor of the Pine Bluff underground base. The door opens and Nancy, Walter, Brad and the two techies spill out of the elevator to a large hall with long corridors running down each side. The footprint of the bottom floor covers about 120,000 square feet, about the size of a car factory or supersized retail store.
We have all your gear in a lab down this hallway, says Steven. We are anxious to see your device at work, Oscar says. Hey, do you guys want to see something really cool? Steven asks.
All three nod in unison. Great. Follow me, Steven says.
The group walks down a hall and enters a lab, lots of tables, computers, not much to see really. Up on one table is a group of long plastic tubes, 12 inches in diameter, maybe 4 or 5 feet long. You can see mirrors at the end.
Wow, this looks interesting, Walter says. You are looking at the real reason we went into Iraq. Saddam had this built from instructions found on ancient Sumerian clay tablets found near where Babylon once stood.
They called it the Looking Glass. Our CIA guys heard about it and had photos and diagrams of it smuggled out of Iraq. We recreated it out at Area 51, Groom Lake actually.
When they saw that it worked, the powers that be, Steven makes air quotes with his hands, decided to go in and get it. This is the real deal. The whole 9-11 scam was part of an elaborate plan to get this thing out of Iraq. That’s my opinion.
Plus other sundry items. Walter, Nancy, and Brad are just stunned. Steven turns on a light source that bounces around from mirror to mirror and ends up at a large concave mirror, 15 inches in diameter.
You can see faint moving images on the mirror's surface that look like old 8mm grainy film. It looks like rioting in the streets, store shelves empty, a stark apocalyptic scene. Large crowds gather around the U.S. Capitol building and the Vatican.
Steven, where are these images coming from? Brad asks. From the future? Steven responds. No? Brad says. Yes, from the future. Steven says.
Somehow, light being moved over all these mirrored surfaces breaks out a light that is streaming in from the future. Walter moves in closer. So are these images just random snippets? Or are they organized in some manner? Walter questions.
The best we can tell is that they are like listening to an old AM radio at night. Stations from far away can drown out stations that are close by. Just sort of a jumble of music coming in and fading out.
It seems that the images are from different points in the future. One may be 5 years out and the next 50 years away, Steven says. So, what is so important about it, Nancy asks? Think about it, Nancy, having advanced warning of coming events.
Plus, many times we can see advanced technology. It's priceless, Oscar says as he reaches over and turns off the device. The one big drawback, however, is that, just us witnessing of these events will change them.
It's a very tight loop. We have been shooting video from the big mirror. When we compare previously shot video from images from the look in glass, they are different.
Some in subtle ways and others in major ways. Simply observing the future changes it. So we only keep it on for brief periods until we understand this phenomenon better, Steven concludes. Okay, let's get you guys settled into your lab. I am really looking forward to learning more about this superlight. Our world is amazing, isn't it? Steven says,
Washington DC is spectacular at sundown. The lights from the monuments and government buildings make for dramatic and exciting backdrop for the world leaders and dignitaries that visit, as well as the everyday politicians that haunt the city. A group of high-powered cabinet secretaries and military bosses have sit down for an emergency meeting with the president. Gentlemen, greetings and thank you for coming up here to the White House on such short notice.
I have been receiving phone calls and veiled threats from world leaders all day. Number one, what is all this fuss really all about? And secondly, what is going to be our stance in regards to this crazy technology, which I have heard very little about? Are we just going to take it from a private company and turn it over to all the governments of the world? The president asks out of breath, Mr. President, if I may, says Senator Abramson, who is seated on one of the two sofas just in front of the president's big resolute desk. I believe I was the first one to hear of this device.
I heard from a doctor that works at the company, one of my constituents. He came to me frantic and told me many details about this device. He had the presence of mind to film an experiment he participated in, shot on his cell phone.
I was so concerned about this horror show being in my district, I contacted the FBI director to look into it, for I thought it was a national security risk at the highest degree. The FBI director sent in a team with a warrant to seize any and all evidence related to the Superlight project. Brad Hillier, the company CEO, was one step ahead of us and had already moved all key components of the device and associated files and plans.
We have no leads at the moment as too where he and members of his staff are hiding out. I would like to offer whatever assistance I can, being that this thing was created in my district. I would like to help if I can.
Thank you, Senator. We can use all the help we can get. I want to thank you all again for coming up, and I would like to suggest that each of you consult with your respective departments and get me a letter that lays out your thoughts on how to proceed with this situation.
Please give me something by the end of tomorrow. I will then be better informed on my decisions on how to deal with this issue. Thank you all for coming.
All the attendants stand and stream out of the Oval Office. Ed Bramson hangs back. Mr. President, I had a deep black officer from the Space Force speak to my oversight committee, and she let it be known that she knew about Hilliard before any of this became public.
I have no way of getting to her. But I thought you should know, she may have information regarding Hilliard. Very interesting, Senator.
I will try looking under some rugs. But as you know, I have little authorization over deep black project sites or the people that run them. Please stay in contact, Senator.
Atlan, the home world of the Aetherians, is the seat of the Old Dominion. The large planet sits just outside the massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, in a large cluster of stars orbiting the event horizon. The light from all the nearby stars eliminate all darkness.
Every planet in this cluster is lit every hour, all over the globe by multiple stars. Massive bright stars can be seen in every direction. Humans could not exist here, the heat and radiation would evaporate the water in a human body in seconds.
But it's paradise to the Aetherians that dwell here. An indescribable garden, hundreds of millions of vast mansion homes with complex landscaping. There are over 100 planets inhabited by the Aetherians in this sector.
One more beautiful and amazing as the next, Atlan is home to the One. The One walks these gardens from time to time, and abides in a mountain compound known as Shiloe Ahim. Ambassador Lucentel the hand of the One, is an Ark ancestor.
He was with the One long before the Matterverse was spoken into existence. There are a small number of Ark ancestors, as many as 100 are known to live. The Akashe, the Ancient Hall of Records, holds records telling the story of the One and the Ark ancestors alone on Atlan.
The Ark ancestors wanted a family and asked the One to enrich them with sons. The One said he would extract a small spark of himself and release it as a son for each Ark ancestor. Many years later, the Ark ancestors developed the ability to petition the One for new sons and daughters.
The sons and daughters of the Ark ancestors are slightly less powerful than the Ark ancestors. Over billions of years, the eternal Aetherians have multiplied into trillions of beings and lower beings. The lower beings take the form of many exotic creatures that inhabit thousands of planets scattered across the Aetherians' Old Dominion.
Atlan is standing by to receive us, Ambassador, announces the Commander on duty. Please dock and secure the Elo-Eloahim. I would like to travel down to Atlan as soon as possible.
Brad, Nancy, and Walter have finished setting up the superlight in the big lab that Steven and Oscar gave them. Brad, you need to see the footage I shot of you while you were sleeping in the van. The interview I did with your driver, Zia, Nancy says.
What? You interviewed my driver? Brad says surprised. Yes, when you were asleep in the van, Nancy says, as she is cutting up the video footage. Okay, here we go.
Brad is watching the video, riveted by it. He turns it off. Well? Nancy asks. It's nice, I always wanted a daughter, Brad giggles.
I am sorry this shit is so crazy that if I don't laugh, I would cry. We haven't peeled back even one layer of this onion yet, and it's already difficult to keep up with. When I came out here with Archer on his private plane, Captain Carpenter introduced me to her little grey alien friends.
We flew aboard a small silver disc-shaped craft to their home base, that sits out around the rings of Saturn. Nancy looks right at Brad. Stop Brad, are you high right now?.
Brad pauses, don't you remember at lunch, Captain Carpenter said I would bring you up to speed. Well, I am bringing you up to speed right now. Drivers, waterbots, now grey aliens and UFO discs, what's next? Nancy asks with indigence.
Brad says, who knew a high-frequency light designed to see cracks in critical aircraft components and machinery would cause intergalactic turmoil. So as I was saying, my understanding is that the Superlight is a threat to a huge data collecting operation that these high freaks have been doing for eons. High freaks? Walter asks puzzled.
Oh, that's just a name I gave them. They are the beings that inhabit the realm that we see with the Superlight. They function at a super high frequency of light.
Their world is as real as ours, just operating at a higher frequency. Without the advent of the Superlight, we would never know that they are all around us and strewn all across the universe, Brad continues. The high freaks drive avatars or waterbots as Zia calls us, without our knowledge, so they can collect millions of terabytes from hundreds of telemetry points during the lifetime of the avatar.
It seems that the traveler or waterbot is just a spacesuit, be it an advanced one for the high freaks, Brad concludes. So the superlight reveals this relationship to the travelers, and that is what they are concerned about. Follow the money.
submitted by AtlantiumAI to u/AtlantiumAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:14 Born_Pomegranate1937 What is best client portal software for agencies?

Maintaining healthy client relationships and managing them effectively are crucial for any agency's success. Client portal software is designed to facilitate seamless communication, provide transparent updates, and offer a centralized platform for collaboration. This not only enhances client satisfaction but also streamlines internal workflows, saving time and reducing errors. Here are some of the best client portal software options for agencies in 2024:
  1. Bonsai: An all-in-one solution with customizable branding, project tracking, and secure document sharing. Ideal for agencies seeking a comprehensive tool.
  2. Dropbox: Widely used for its robust file storage and sharing capabilities. It offers limited client tracking and branding options.
  3. Google Drive: Integrated with Google Workspace, it’s excellent for document sharing and collaboration.
  4. Huddle: Known for its secure document collaboration and project management features, Huddle is great for agencies handling sensitive information.
  5. Clinked: Offers a branded portal with features like file sharing, project management, and team collaboration.
  6. SuiteDash: Combines CRM, project management, and client portal functionalities, making it versatile for various agency needs.
  7. Onehub: Provides secure file sharing, custom branding, and client collaboration tools. Pricing begins at $12.50/month per user.
  8. Zoho Projects: Part of the Zoho suite, it offers extensive project management features and a client portal for seamless communication.
  9. Client Portal: A WordPress plugin designed for freelancers and small agencies, offering a simple and customizable client portal.
  10. Basecamp: Known for its simplicity and efficiency in project management and client communication.
These tools will help streamline your workflow, improve client communication, and enhance overall productivity. Explore each option to find the best fit for your agency's needs.
submitted by Born_Pomegranate1937 to ClientManagement [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:57 doshimpexindia Role of Stainless Steel Pipes And Tubes in Heavy Industrial Manufacturing and Fabrication

Stainless steel pipes and tubes play a important function in heavy organization manufacturing and fabrication techniques, presenting durability, corrosion resistance, and flexibility. As important businesses and manufacturers of Stainless Steel seamless Pipes And Tubes, Stainless Steel welded Pipes And Tubes, and Stainless Steel U Tubes, Doshi Impex is dedicated to delivering extremely good products that meet the several goals of commercial organization packages.

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submitted by doshimpexindia to u/doshimpexindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:57 TempoBlade Email from my own email adress

So i got this email on sunday, and opened it today, I've seen lots of other posts on it, but there's occasional variations, I just wanna see if anyone has anything else to say on the topic.
Hello pervert, I've sent this message from your iCloud mаil. I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, if you will act wisеly. Have you heard of Pegasus? This is a spyware program that installs on computers and smartphones and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners. It provides access to your webcam, messengers, emails, call records, etc. It works well on Android, iOS, and Windows. I guess, you already figured out where I’m getting at. It’s been a few months since I installed it on all your dеviсеs because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the intеrnеt. During this period, I’ve learned about all aspects of your private life, but оnе is of special significance to me. I’ve recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial роrn videos. Given that the “questionable” genre is almost always the same, I can conclude that you have sick реrvеrsiоn. I doubt you’d want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it in a few clicks. Every number in your contact Iist will suddenly receive these vidеоs – on WhatsApp, on Telegram, on Instagram, on Facebook, on email – everywhere. It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first of all, your fоrmеr life. Don’t think of yourself as an innocent victim. No one knows where your реrvеrsiоn might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved рunishmеnt to stop you. I’m some kind of God who sees everything. However, don’t panic. As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I. But my mеrсy is not free. Transfer 1500 USD to my Litecoin (LTC) wallet: (not sharing this) Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will реrmanently delete all videos compromising you, uninstаll Pegasus from all of your devices, and disappear from your life. You can be sure – my benefit is only money. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second. I’ll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have exactly 48 hours to send the money. If cryptocurrencies are unchartered waters for you, don’t worry, it’s very simple. Just google “crypto exchange” or "buy Litecoin" and then it will be no harder than buying some useless stuff on Amazon. I strongly warn you against the following: * Do not reply to this email. I've sent it from your iCloud mail.* Do not contact the police. I have access to all your dеviсеs, and as soon as I find out you ran to the cops, videos will be published.* Don’t try to reset or destroy your dеviсеs. As I mentioned above: I’m monitoring all your activity, so you either agree to my terms or the vidеоs are рublished. Also, don’t forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so it’s impossible to identify me using the provided аddrеss. Good luck, my perverted friend. I hope this is the last time we hear from each other.And some friendly advice: from now on, don’t be so careless about your online security.
submitted by TempoBlade to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:56 AdamLuyan 11 Tree of Life

11 Tree of Life
🧭 Catalog of Layan’s Memoirs:1 Children Marriage Contract;2 Revelation;3 Flesh Eye Through;4 Youngster;5 Liaoning Branch;6 SYHP Housekeeping Bureau;7 Northeastern University;8 Death with Eyes Open;9 Middle Age;10 Fate Through;11 Tree of Life;12 Meditation;13 Bitter Crux;14 Aggregate Crux;15 Salvation Crux;16 Path Crux;17 Translation of Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra;18 The Sun Stone

🌲Content of Life Tree:

11.1 Juristic Quadrants;11.2 Four Big Seeds;11.3 Twelve Growth Places
11.4 Five Nodes;11.4.1 Color Node;11.4.2 Acceptance Node;11.4.3 Think Node;11.4.4 Migration Node; Fundamental Annoyances; Following Annoyances; Noncorresponding Migration Laws;11.4.5 Sense Node
11.5 Four Foods Crux
11.6 Five Fruits:11.6.1 Variation Fruit;6.2 Equally Stream Fruit;11.6.3 Warrior Usage Fruit;11.6.4 Off-is Fruit;11.6.5 Escalatory Fruit

11.1 Juristic Quadrants

Law is nature law, based on the recurrence of phenomena, the ancients often used the analogy of track. All phenomena that have existed in the past, exist in the present, and will continue to exist in the future are laws, such as rivers, lakes, seas, flowers, birds, fish, insects, laws, morals, and principles of affairs, etc. All laws have four quadrants, the first quadrant is Phenomenal Quadrant, the second is View Quadrant, and third is Self-Evident Quadrant, the fourth is Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant. Law has the four kinds of quantity functions in heart, so there are these four Juristic Quadrants.
The first quadrant, Phenomenal Quadrant, is the objective phenomena, the subjective objects, such as color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law, the six dusts. From the point of view of perception, the external world is a projection of one's heart (i.e., mind). Phenomenal Quadrant is a projection from the fourth Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant (i.e., the unconscious). This process of transforming external stimuli into phenomena is a function of the unconscious; we do not feel it; what we feel is the phenomena (i.e., the first Juristic Quadrants). The ancients used the person in the mirror when looking in the mirror to illustrate the Phenomenal Quadrant. Phenomena in the mirror and the person looking in the mirror share the same body.
The second quadrant, the View Quadrant, is the illuminated and clearly seeing, is the function of the aggregative heart’s transformation, clearly mirrored the objective phenomena.
The function of sense is discrimination, discernment, measurement. The second quadrant, View Quadrant illuminates the first quadrant, Phenomenal Quadrant, its fruit (i.e., result) of measurement is the third quadrant, Self-Evident Quadrant. And the third quadrant has function of sense’s self-body.
The fourth quadrant, Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant, is the temporary transformation of the heart's self-body, which can act to know the self-body. This fourth quadrant can evidence the third Self-Evident Quadrant, so it is called the Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant. Because the fourth quadrant is the projector of the first quadrant, the present quantity, i.e., the objective fact, therefore, the fourth quadrant does not need other quadrants to be proved.
The ancients used the example of "a tailor measuring cloth with a ruler" to illustrate these four quadrants. In this case, the cloth is what is measured, which is the First Quadrant. The process of measuring the cloth with a ruler is the second quadrant; the second quadrant is the able to measure. The data of the measurement is the third Self-Evidence Quadrant. After the tailor reads the measurement result, he verifies it again, realizing what he is doing, what the fourth Proving Self-Evidence Quadrant is. Because of the verifying action of the fourth quadrant, the third Self-Evident Quadrant learns of the fruit of measurement and proves itself.
In Buddhism, the four quadrants of a law are inseparable, that is, a law must have these four quadrants. If we fold the fourth and third quadrant of a law into the second quadrant, then four quadrants become two, the first Phenomenal Quadrant and the second View Quadrant. In Buddhism, the laws of Phenomenal Quadrant are known as the colors, i.e. the color node (cf. 11.4.1), and the laws in other three quadrants are also known as the names, i.e. the four colorless nodes of acceptance, think (cf. 11.4.2), migration, and sense, so that Names and Colors are all laws, and are often pictorially represented as Philosophers’ Stone Pestle (as in Fig. 11.1). Why is this thing so famous? Because the four juristic quadrants theory is known as Buddhist Hub, and “Name & Color” is known as the first juristic door of juristic boundary.
↪️Catalog of Layan’s Memoirs
submitted by AdamLuyan to LifeTree [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:56 thelansis PNPO Deficiency – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033

PNPO Deficiency – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033
Pyridoxamine-5'-phosphate oxidase (PNPO) deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by impaired metabolism of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP), a crucial form of vitamin B6 essential for the function of various enzymes in the body. This deficiency manifests as a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-responsive epileptic encephalopathy, with refractory seizures emerging typically within the first year of life. Prematurity, fetal distress, and neonatal seizures are commonly associated features. The phenotype of PNPO deficiency encompasses a spectrum of seizure types, with approximately 90% of affected individuals experiencing "classic" onset, marked by seizures in the neonatal period, and the remaining 10% exhibiting "late onset" seizures. Seizures, including status epilepticus, often commence within the first day of life in classic cases and before two weeks of age in the majority of instances. Despite variations in onset time, seizures typically exhibit resistance to conventional antiepileptic medications. Lifelong treatment with B6 vitamers, primarily pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) in 60% of cases and pyridoxine (PN) in 40%, yields partial seizure control. Developmental impairment, affecting speech, cognition, and behavior, is present in around 60% of individuals with PNPO deficiency. Some may also exhibit neurological deficits such as muscular hypotonia or dystonia. Severe neurodevelopmental impairment is more prevalent in cases with delayed diagnosis and prolonged periods of uncontrolled seizures. Pharmacological management involves oral administration of PLP or PN, with PLP typically divided into 4-6 daily doses and PN into 3-4 doses. Careful titration is essential to avoid potential liver toxicity with PLP and sensory or motor neuropathy with PN, which is usually reversible upon dose reduction.
Thelansis’s “PNPO Deficiency Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033" covers disease overview, epidemiology, drug utilization, prescription share analysis, competitive landscape, clinical practice, regulatory landscape, patient share, market uptake, market forecast, and key market insights under the potential PNPO Deficiency treatment modalities options for eight major markets (USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, and China).
KOLs insights of PNPO Deficiency across 8 MM market from the centre of Excellence/ Public/ Private hospitals participated in the study. Insights around current treatment landscape, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, future treatment paradigm, and Unmet needs.
PNPO Deficiency Market Forecast Patient Based Forecast Model (MS. Excel Based Automated Dashboard), which Data Inputs with sourcing, Market Event, and Product Event, Country specific Forecast Model, Market uptake and patient share uptake, Attribute Analysis, Analog Analysis, Disease burden, and pricing scenario, Summary, and Insights.
Thelansis Competitive Intelligence (CI) practice has been established based on a deep understanding of the pharma/biotech business environment to provide an optimized support system to all levels of the decision-making process. It enables business leaders in forward-thinking and proactive decision-making. Thelansis supports scientific and commercial teams in seamless CI support by creating an AI/ ML-based technology-driven platform that manages the data flow from primary and secondary sources.
Read more: PNPO Deficiency – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033
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How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
I'm 19y/o. I would say Im a calm person, unless when im tired or when someone angers me. Im the balance between energetic and no energy person. I dont like sticking to one opinion because it feels like im limiting myself, so i guess im open minded. I dont really care about what people think of me unless its about my attitude or if i hurt someone unintentionally. i cant watch kdramas that r js typical, it feels so shallow and cringy. I also like psycho analyzing people. I also overanalyze someone's actions towards me. When i talk about a topic, i mostly talk the generality of it, but sometimes i think about every possible details which makes it hard to commit to one, for example: let’s say someone says you choose your own reality, in a way i get what they mean but i also think abt ppl who actually cant choose their reality. Drake and kendrick dissing each other, my brother asked me whose side im on, which i honestly dont give a crap, because its not connected to me neither i dont care who they are, feels insignificant to waste my brain cells on that thing. I also dont like rude people, like i get you have a painful past but that doesnt excuse how you treat me, i deserve to be treated like a normal human being. The line between right or wrong is kinda hard for me, i think theres no right or wrong in reality, its just based on people’s values and morals. Which ofc i do have.
Is there a medical diagnosis that impact your mental/compartmental stability somehow?
not that i know of
Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
im not religious but i do believe there is some force that does things
What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
im an architecture student, so far i like it, designing a specific building for a specific person to suit their needs and comfort, how they would function inside it, my fav architect is antoni gaudi bc his works, every building's detail has a function or a meaning to it, which is not just existing but serving it's purpose
If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
for right now, i would feel refreshed bc semester just ended and i need to restore my sanity, but if im feeling energetic then i would rather spend it with my friends,
What is your relation with movement and your surroundings? For instance do you prefer a sport or outdoors event? If an outdoors event what is it? And why? If not what type of activities do you tend to engage i?
im not really good at sports, but i do like running it makes me happy i dont know why, i like doing stuff that requires my brain like puzzles, sudoku, video games, movies with complicated plot
How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
honestly depends of what mood im in, but since im an architecture student i tend to touch every material, and be curious about the function of the elements. i like listening to interesting takes on life or anything, that is different from others, but generally idk if im curious or not. im not sure if this considers as curious or not, but i like thinking about life, what is the purpose of humans, why they act selfish or why they act like a bitch generally, trying to find an answer to anything.
Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
i like leadership positions, i like being in control, i like being organized, i think i will do a perfect as a manager lol. when im traveling with my friends i always do the bookings, transport, almost everything
Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
im kinda clumsy but i have great reflexes, i dont really pay attention to my surroundings like if im traveling in a group and some stranger says something i only find out after my friend tells me about it. i like painting, it feels so calm
Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
i like painting, bc i like blending colors, it just feels so free yk. i like listening to music, i listen to almost every genre based on my mood that day, i rly wanna learn how to play on a piano
What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
i dont think about the past, present, sometimes future but lately i stopped worrying about the future instead just making plans, i mostly just think about anything that doesnt really involve time, i be thinking about life, people, or any concept, or just making my own opinions
How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
i like to help even if doesnt benefit me, but if its something absurd then fuck no, im a straightforward person you see, if i dont want to help i js straight up say sry cant help
Do you need logical consistency in your life?
define logical consistency
How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
It is important to me, im more work first, play later person. ive been thinking lately, i thought i wasnt a competitive person but during the process idc if im not the best or worst, but at the result i actually do care, i want to be better, idk why it contradicts, the process and the result
Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
mostly to gain something for myself, when i want something i plan like a scenario in my head of how they would react and what i would say
What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
is it weird that i realized i dont have any beneficial hobbies, ex: playing video games, drawing, im not consistent at anything, i start something and drop it
What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
i like organized teachers, i also like teachers who talk in an interesting way, like connecting the subject to real life or anything interesting. i like teachers who talk in broad sense and not yappers. im really bad at memorizing things, i try to understand rather than memorizing, i like my design classes because u can create something meaningful and good as long as its serving a purpose
How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
before i start doing any project first i break it up into simples things then start doing it
What's important to you and why?
i honestly dont know, as most people say happiness, its not for me, i dont think i know the meaning of true happiness, i dont really feel happy i just feel calm, my main purpose in life isnt being happy, im fine with not being happy. but i do wanna live without worrying about anything
What are your aspirations?
i want to be a good architect that will change my city to a better one, but first i need the power in order to do so. i want to be smarter and more knowledgeable and skillful
What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
i dont like selfish people, but at the same time in try to understand their angle so its kinda hard for me to js say wow shes so selfish bc there r so many perspectives spilling in my head that makes it hard to contribute to one (it happens always, but im working on it). I dont like people who dont try to understand the other person. I hate rooms without windows because it feels so uncomfy, mostly because i need to see the sky to live, if no sky then i feel trapped inside it
What do the "highs" in your life look like?
no worries, like talking to people
What do the "lows" in your life look like?
see the worst in people
How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
as i said i dont really pay attention to my surroundings, sometimes im in deep thought but would really call it daydreaming. When im meeting someone i dont see their outfits but more of what kind of person they are
How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
i do pros and cons, consequences, if its risky but worth the result then im doing it
How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
for now i feel numb, i dont rly care about anything right now prolly bc i didnt sleep for few days doing my project. but i do think its important to open up to someone or tell them what u didnt appreciate about their actions towards you, and communication is the key. but i feel uncomfortable opening about my depressive thoughts because it feels like im asking for attention, but i do say it straightforwardly about questionable actions done towards, bc some people think youre okay to mess with, so if u shut them down at low there wont be high
Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
not really, im not a people pleaser, but sometimes i dont really want to argue i dont agree i just say "i see", since that sentence isnt agreeing nor disagreeing
Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why would you?
depends on the rule, if its messing with my values then i first think about the consequence, if its mild then fuck the rules
What is the ideal life, in your opinion?
having the power to change things
Please ask me questions
submitted by weavenis to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:55 HeheheBlah How is time perceived in Telugu?

I came across this Quora answer for "Why does Kerala Government impose an economically worthless Malayalam in Kerala schools instead of making it as an optional language because a Malayali cannot get lucrative employment by learning Malayalam?" from this post.
This question reminds me of a story of the Roman emperor Vespasian. One day, an inventor visited the emperor and showed him the blueprint of a mechanism that could transport columns and beams to a construction site quickly and without any manual labor. This brilliant machine could've kickstarted industrial revolution 1700 years before it actually happened. But much to the inventor's shock, Vespasian turned him down, saying “my people need jobs, our slaves need jobs. If the machine does all the work, our people will be jobless. Our slaves would get free time to organize themselves and would start revolts”.
Vespasian feared that the new technology was ‘economically worthless', as it would make people and slaves jobless and send the country into total chaos. In short, he was technologically shortsighted. The inability to foresee what technology could bring to his people in the long run pulled him down. He was deluded by the fragile nature of the economy and had no idea how to rebuild it if this revolutionary mechanism would be allowed to operate.
This was the reason why ancient Rome was never industrialized, despite having a lot of excellent inventors and engineers. Those in power were worried about the unemployment a sudden revolutionary idea would create and failed to accept how beneficial this would be for the people in the long run.
The reason for narrating this story is that it is remarkably similar to the dilemma mentioned in the question. Vespasian thought, “allocating resources to inventive technology instead of manual labor is economically worthless since people and slaves won't get lucrative jobs”.
Replace ‘manual labor' by ‘English' and ‘inventive technology' by ‘Malayalam', and you get our question.
“Allocating resources to English instead of Malayalam is economically worthless since people and slaves won't get lucrative jobs”.
Likewise, English persists as the language of official usage for most jobs not because Malayalam is incompetent or inefficient, but because the current ‘system' revolves around English. That makes Malayalam seem like a burden on students, with no economic worth. An engineer who does all his learning from foreign textbooks and uses English terminology has no lucrative use of Malayalam. A software developer who needs to know all computer-related terms in English has no use of Malayalam. The same goes for an accountant, a doctor, a clerk, and pretty much all ‘white collar' jobs you can think of. Even those who might benefit from learning Malayalam like historians or linguists might consider English infinitely more useful since most of the written books and research work on those fields are in English. There is enough reason for people to think that spending government resources for teaching Malayalam is worthless like how Vespasian thought that appreciating technology was worthless.
But time proved Vespasian wrong, although by sheer luck. Christianity replaced Paganism as the dominant religion in Europe. Since slavery is forbidden in Christianity, European kingdoms started banning it. Feudalism and class based labor also started declining as the plague wiped out significant fractions of each class and as the military shifted from armies to professional fighters, thereby weakening the nobility’s hold on power. With the lack of a powerful ruling class to impose and manage heavy manual labor, the stage was finally set for a technological revolution and the industrial revolution finally began in Europe, 1700 years after Vespasian.
Some of you might be doubtful of comparing the case of English vs Malayalam with manual labor vs automated machines. Are they even comparable in the first place?
Industrial revolution made life easier for people because it freed people from the heavy manual labor and made it possible for them to spend more time for their personal development. Likewise, teaching in Malayalam instead of English would make people engage more with their personal and cultural lives. Teaching lessons of science and history in English forbids Malayalis from using them in their lives. This is because these two languages are different at a fundamental level since they belong to two different language families. If you are a Malayalam speaker and you learn science and history in English, it'll be impossible for you to use them in your daily lives because you conceptualize the world around you in completely different ways while you speak or think in these two languages. In linguistics, this changing of cognitive metaphors while using different languages is known as code-switching.
Let me share my own experience. I studied in Malayalam medium in primary and high school. Hence my way of understanding science and history is through Malayalam's (or Dravidian) cognitive metaphors. Those who study in English or other related languages like German, Persian or Hindi would use the Indo-European cognitive metaphors. Once I started reading books in English, I started to realize how different these are.
Let us take time for example.
How an English speaker views time
Speakers of Indo-European languages like English and Hindi conceptualize time as a long line through which you move at a steady rate. Your past is the segment behind you and your future lies in front of you. Time is a one-dimensional straight line in Indo-European languages (the only exceptions are Italic and Hellenic branches. They see time as a growing volume instead of a long line).
This is why these languages describe the duration of events as either “long” or “short”, which represent the length of a line segment.
Consider the statement “I've been waiting for a long time”.
The italicised part, translated into different Indo-European languages would be:
English (Germanic) : “ long time”
Sanskrit (Indo-Aryan) : “dīrghakāla”
Hindi (Indo-Aryan) : “lambi der”
Persian (Iranian) : “moddat zamân tulâni”
Lithuanian (Baltic) : “ilgas laikas”
Irish (Celtic) : “tamall fada”
All those words indicated with bold letters are synonym for “long”. The same could be observed for events with less duration. All these languages use the adjective “short”, just as what you might expect from their way of perceiving time as a horizontal line.
Hence many words describing events associated with time like emotions in these languages are derived from roots that mean “long” or “short”. The English words “longing” (from ‘long') and “hope” (ultimately from Greek ‘kúptō' (to bend forward) ) are examples.
(By the way, there are two slightly different variants of the Indo-European concept of time. This video explains it beautifully with a riddle)
How a Malayalam speaker views time
Speakers of Dravidian languages like Malayalam have a much more sophisticated three-dimensional view of time. For Malayalis, the passage of time is vertically upwards, not to the front. Also, time isn't a single line here. Multiple vertical lines of progression of time arise from the two dimensional patches of land. In Malayalam, this two-dimensional ‘area' or patch of time is known as “pāḍu” (പാട്) which literally means “a bounded area” (hence the adjectives like “orupāḍu” and “appāḍe”). Related events that take place at a particular location are visualized as multiple vertical lines growing from that patch. A different place or a different person would be visualized as a different patch with its own vertical growths.
You have to be a Dravidian speaker to fully understand this. Imagine a set of events.
If it is the same event occurring over and over again, it is perceived as looping around a small vertical segment over and over again. In Malayalam language, this corresponds to the adjective ഒത്തിരി (ottiri) - literally “many turns/loops” (root ‘tiru' - turn/spin).
If that set of events represent a growing process or emotion, it is perceived as a line that grows vertically. In Malayalam, the adjective in this case is ഏറെ (ēṟe) - literally “climbing up/ascending” or വളരെ (vaḷare) -literally “growing upwards”.
If those events are concurrent yet different, they are perceived as multiple vertical growths originating from the same patch on the plane. In Malayalam, the adjective is ഒരുപാടു (orupāḍu) - literally “an area of” (‘pāḍu' - a bounded area).
If those events are completely independent, then they exist in different patches and the adjective പല (pala) is used.
In short, a Malayalam speaker has four different ways of translating something like “a long time”, depending on how the person spent that time. If they spent that time by counting sea waves, they might say “ottiri nēram”. If the time was spent, say, by building a sand castle, they might say “ēṟe nēram”, and if they were doing many different things, they might say “orupāḍu nēram”.
This is true in the case of other Dravidian languages as well. For example, in Kannada, the word ಪಿರಿ (piri) - heightened/advanced - (now mostly displaced by the loanword ಬಹಳ (bahaḷa)) would correspond to Malayalam “ēṟe” and ತುಂಬಾ (tumbā) - literally, a crowd of/amassed - would correspond to Malayalam “orupāḍu”. A Kannada speaker would say “bahaḷa samaya” for the time spent for building a sand castle and “tumbā samaya” for the time spent for doing multiple things
(However, in some Dravidian languages, this way of visualizing time has been replaced by the Indo-European linear time because of Sanskrit imperialism. But that is a different story.)
In short, as a Malayalam speaker, I conceptualize my entire life in front of me. My brain visualizes all the places I've been to and the people I've interacted with as different patches (pāḍu), each one having multiple vertical segments that grow or add a new one each time I visit again. However, when I speak or learn in English or Hindi, it is completely changed and I'm forced to visualize time and events to be part of a long line with my past behind me and my future in front of me. This switching of conceptual metaphors is known as code-switching in cognitive linguistics.
This means that I as a bilingual describe an event that happened the day before yesterday as “two days back” in English and “raṇḍụ nāḷ munpu” in Malayalam. Here, “munpu” means “frontside” and back means, backside. For an English speaker, the past lies as the line segment behind them (back), and for a Malayalam speaker, the past is a patch that is much further to the front than the one they are in at present. Notice how the concept of past flips completely with the change of language.
Think of English's concept of time as a long railway track with a train (representing the person) passing through it and Malayalam’s concept of time as a sugarcane field with multiple patches of land having a bunch of upwards growing stems.
The reason for describing all this is to highlight how different the perception of events are in these two languages. And remember that we have considered only time. Nearly all abstract concepts are visualized differently in unrelated languages. A Dravidian’s world is completely different from that of an Indo-European.
Now let us come back to the original question. What happens if a Malayalam speaker is given education only in English? The result is, they could never use the science and history they learn in their personal and cultural lives. Personal and cultural aspects would be pictured in one way and things that they learn at school would be visualized in the other way. This means that all those things would be useful only for earning money or doing research and they would be useless for their personal growth and the cultural development of the society.
In fact, this is exactly what is happening in Kerala now. All those highly educated people conceptualize the world in the Indo-European way thanks to being educated in English or sanskrit-imposed Malayalam while the common people view the world with the classic Dravidian metaphors. This stunts the growth in cultural, political, religious and scientific fileds in Kerala.
Not to mention that English's concept of time is much too simple and inefficient for describing things and when it comes to fields intricately connected to time like history or biological evolution, it often fails miserably. I recently wrote an an answer on how the public perception of evolution is incorrect and horribly misleading. In fact, the visualization of time as a simple long line is one of the reasons for this. This metaphor is much too simple to handle a complex probabilistic theory like evolution.
However, for someone who learned evolution in Malayalam, it would be a much more sophisticated process and it would be easier to visualize it without being misguided. Learning in Malayalam is much more efficient and productive in this case. I consider myself lucky for having had most of my schooling in Malayalam medium thanks to which I routinely apply the things I've learned in all aspects of my life.
So, to summarize,
Malayalam being economically worthless is a reality of the present, but it is not so because Malayalam is inefficient or unproductive in usage. As we saw here, educating in Malayalam is actually necessary for the learned things to be put into practice in life and society. It is just that the current system uses English and a total change would require nothing less than a revolution. Nevertheless, the cost of not educating kids in Malayalam is huge, as it leads to a stagnation in cultural, religious, political, and scientific aspects of Kerala.
I wanted to share this answer here too and wanted to discuss about its points (specifically how different people view time).
How Telugu language and Telugus view time? Does it differ by dialects? Did Sanskrit influence this part of Telugu? What other things does Telugu perceive in a different manner compared to other languages?
This means that I as a bilingual describe an event that happened the day before yesterday as “two days back” in English and “raṇḍụ nāḷ munpu” in Malayalam. Here, “munpu” means “frontside” and back means, backside.
The only aspect I recognised which I use in Telugu like "rendu dinalu mundu" (Two days ago).
submitted by HeheheBlah to telugu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:53 p1nklipstick Sobriety is scary

I been 5 days sober, small win, and don’t feel the need to drink at ALL. Though whenever I get the small temptation in my thoughts I remind myself of all the bad this has brought me.
But thinking about last time how I lost control, even though I was drinking every weekend, makes me so scared if this happens in the future. Because I know I will go overboard again and it kill definitely kill me or come close to it. And it scared me how a simple temptation or even mentality coming to fruition that I think I can drink even “just a bit” will trigger this.
How fucked up I can’t even trust myself, and how scary it is so easy for me to lose control.
I don’t want to do this but it feels like any addiction when we get just a taste of it we go full into it like if someone’s gonna rip it out of our hands.
How do you deal with this? Because I almost feel like I should keep drinking to not reach this mentality but I know I will reach it even if I kept the “regular” intake to not reach that.
submitted by p1nklipstick to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 MyInnerCulture Living Well With Chiari - Without Surgery - Untethering / What do we get out of being sick?

Hello...again. I'm still crusading with everything that has helped me live (mostly) Chiari symptom free for many years, and the next idea I want to share is uncomfortable. It won't feel good to read but if you think it doesn't relate to you I promise you--it relates to everyone and anyone who has a chronic condition or is sick in any way.
Little info about me:
Type 1 Chiari, 20mm. Diagnosed 2016; surgery was offered but not taken. My primary symptom was/occasionally is debilitating head pain from strain/pressure.
Links to my previous posts on the subject:
Living Well With Chiari - Without Surgery
Take a Life Inventory
Reducing Triggers
Improving Overall Health
Don’t hate me for asking, but…what do you get out of being sick?
No one consciously likes being sick. No one longs for the skull-splitting pain that can accompany a Chiari malformation. No one relishes dizzy spells and nausea and eye sensitivity and poor coordination or the other twenty dozen symptoms that our doctors may or may not take seriously, that there may or may not be treatment for, and that may or may not rule our lives BUT with every illness there is always some kind of advantage.
At my worst, Chiari was the BEST at getting me out of things. Excruciating pain excused me from everything. Family gatherings, friend parties, work events…cleaning the house, taking care of myself, or doing anything other than watching TV and drinking wine. I didn’t have to do SHIT. Because I couldn’t. And the Chiari was permission to give no fucks what anyone else wanted or needed or how they felt about my withdrawal from life. It was the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card.
I mean, I was miserable…but I was basking in that misery.
I was in so much pain I couldn’t think about how to live better. I couldn’t worry about such things as my weight or the future of my writing or how filthy my floors were. I was barely living. And it was awful.
It was also a way out.

i was a sick person.

To my core, that was me: SICK. I didn’t realize how bad it was until my husband—who never gets a cold—complained of a virus and my internal dialogue went something like this: What? He thinks he’s sick? What a laugh! He’s not sick. NOBODY is sick like me.
I owned illness above all else. I hated it, but it was MINE. Every coughing fit, every spike of head pain, every wall I stumbled into, every night I cried myself to sleep. Being sick was who I became.
And I would never get well until I stopped being a sick person.
The Chiari had its sneaky tendrils snaked into every facet of my life, like we were woven together in a most elaborate tapestry of illness and pain. To begin healing, I had to untether from it. I had to separate myself from every Chiari strand until every fiber of my being was free.
If it sounds metaphorical, it’s not. It’s literal and simple (though seldom easy). Every time Chiari became a thought or an excuse, that was my cue to change the dialogue. For example, when I was contemplating changing jobs, I remembered my brief stint as a bartender in 2011 and immediately my brain said: I can’t do that anymore; what if I have a coughing fit behind the bar? Limiting beliefs running rampant in my brain needed to get shut down and rewritten into something more supportive, like: I would love to work with animals or in nature. That’s the kind of job I should be looking for!
In that kind of rewrite, I’m not denying that I might encounter pain or discomfort, but I’m choosing not to let pain or discomfort be the focus or run the show. Instead of looking at what I don’t want to experience, I’m putting my attention on the things that I do.
More than changing my thoughts, I had to stop using Chiari as an excuse to get out of living…and everything else…which meant showing up one minute at a time in all the places that I used to avoid, being present with all the people and situations the Chiari had shielded me from.

if i wanted to live without its pain, i also had to live without its protection.

Now, it’s true that there are plenty of legitimate physical limitations that accompany illnesses, Chiari included, but the problem comes when you talk yourself out of anything and everything because of them. I could get out of bed, I just chose not to. I could show up in life, I just chose not to. I could write a book or clean my house or have a kid…I just chose not to.
Or, rather, the Chiari chose for me.
Pandering to Chiari’s whims wasn’t limited to thoughts. It was in every decision I made, every choice to live small, every act to hide and shut down. It was in the purse that I carried (will it fit a water bottle to stave off a coughing fit?), the places that I went (can’t go there, the air in that store is guaranteed to tickle my lungs), the way I spent my time (I can’t visit those friends…I’ll have too much fun and want to laugh and laughing hurts so my head so much), and plans for the future (how can I have children when I can’t even take care of myself?).
Untethering from Chiari took work. And it’s still ongoing. Most of the ways that I have used Chiari to limit myself have been eradicated. My life, as a result, looks vastly different than it did in 2016 at the height of the pain. Today I’m a stay at home mom with a son, I have energy, I take Zumba classes, I write every day, my fiction has been produced by podcasts, I spend time outdoors every day, I laugh (sometimes it still hurts), I go into stores (sometimes) without bottles of water, I don’t drink wine every night (I don’t need to), and I’m free from the anxiety and depression that was once as crippling as the head pain that I only seldom experience. I am living.
If there’s one strand that I haven’t untethered from yet, it’s the fear around getting sick. I am terrified of being around sick people. I can’t even blame COVID, though it certainly contributed to the anxiety. I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable with someone coughing in my vicinity, knowing how bad it will hurt my head if I catch whatever they’re hacking up, and I don’t know if it’s necessarily a bad thing to keep my distance when I know someone is sick (I mean, shouldn’t we be doing that anyway?) but I’m trying to be less afraid. Or, at least, I’m trying to be less of a jerk about it when that fear takes over and people don’t understand why their cold is literally my kryptonite.
What I don’t do is use Chiari as an excuse to get out of living. I show up every day in every way and life keeps getting better. Bigger. Chiari Free.
submitted by MyInnerCulture to chiari [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:35 Ragntard Letter "to" the chairman - The future of game loops

I wasn't able to post this on spectrum for some reason so I'm sending it here! (Might be too long?) Maybe someone sees it, maybe not? But at-least I've posted my thoughts :)
Edit: was able to post it after removing the parts about "streamers" for some reason? Please go and upvote it if any of this makes sense to you
Since SC is moving into a phase where more focus is going to actual gameplay loops, I think now's the time to give ideas and feedback on what directions this should take. I've had a growing concern the last 2 years or so that the type of gameplay that CIG is moving towards won't hold up in the long run. We can have the most advanced game ever, but if the essential game loops consist of "fly to marker X, shoot or deliver something, fly to next marker" this game simply will not be enjoyable in the long run for most players.
Instead I think CIG should focus on what makes their game great, the sandbox experience! How many of us have jumped into the PTU only to spend hours experimenting with what ship fits in what, or how we can use different systems in unexpected ways?
So here's my open letter with ideas from a long time backer!

Quantum jumps

QT jumps should have the potential to be dangerous, and possibly even damage your ship, but once a jump is performed it leaves behind a trace that others can use to easier calculate a safe jump. The more people that use the same QT point, the safer it gets.
There should also be specific areas that can boost QT jumps in different ways (or make them more dangerous).

Bounty hunters

Since QT jumps leave traces, these could be scanned for ship ID codes, satellites could also help players pinpoint where a specific ship ID has been and how often they've been there. This would be used to find locations that the target is at often as if playing hot or cold. When in a "warm area" with lots of trace of the target, the hunter could then land and visit different locations and talk to NPCs for the last bit.


Explorers could help out scanning for interesting locations in space, and good QT spots, but the most important part of this to make it fun for everyone would be procedural generation. Exploration simply won't be as fun if you can only find shipwrecks or prebuilt places.
So this is a big one, but the only true solution I see here would be procedurally generated systems. Random wormholes could show up that leads to random generated systems (these would of course not have the same fidelity as built ones, but wouldn't need cities or NPCs for the most parts).
When exploring such a system there could be a time limit until the wormhole closes again, or you could spend resources to stabilize it, you would also have to rely on crafting to actually survive in systems with potential dangers such as solar storms (that might force you to land in the safety of an atmosphere) or weather systems.


With the more defined QT lanes, pirates would have an easier time finding common travel routes for merchants where they could get a location to sit and wait for victims. But the larger lanes would have more security, and the best merchants would use more secret lanes with QT boosts that pirates would also want to find.
Players would want to keep these secret as if more people know about these lanes, more merchants/pirates would flock there and its value would decrease.


Much like pirates it would be a game of constantly finding new stable QT lanes that are safe and quick, the QT boosts could be temporary (lets say that an area gives a boost for maybe a week or so), and after they expire a new one would have to be found.


The QT lanes would also help here, and scanning ships for ID codes that can be marked as stolen. Traveling these lanes and getting interdicted would also simply give them free targets to shoot down, and more danger for pirates hanging out at the same place.


Apply the same systems that ships are getting to landing zones, a mechanic could start working for a company in their distribution centers, fixing them after battles and restoring things that intruders have broken (like if an intruder has turned off the lights, or locked down a door). If you don't have markers and specific quests other than "fix the light", a good mechanic would have to have some knowledge about a certain locations systems, while a novice mechanic could do simpler tasks or work as an apprentice where someone says what to do (and gives markers to the player, a sort of "hey you! Go here and replace this thing so the lights start working").
A mechanic with lots of experience would get offered jobs at larger locations and eventually cities or maybe navy NPC ships in dry dock. They would also be able to do it alone without NPC assistance for more money.

Guilds and factions

The factions could sell some or all of the above data that their members hand in for rewards (another explorer loop) and the better the data, only the higher members would have access to it.

Radio stations

LOTS of streamers love SC, why not give them an in-game platform? (and something to do during QT for everyone else). Imagine the radio stations of GTA but live with people broadcasting things in game.
A gameplay loop would be to build broadcast towers in each system (on land you have to acquire) and maintaining them. We already have technology to send video streams during calls in game, why not let the reliant mako some purpose in game?
You could broadcast races, or just host a news show about the lore stuff.

Ship systems

These are in a really good state already, but try not to create a game loop with the systems you have, simply make them work together and see what players do with them.
If fire depends on oxygen and invaders jump onboard, let us increase the oxygen in one room for a fun explosion when they fire weapons for instance, or increase pressures to dangerous amounts for anyone without a helmet!


Some people have already lured animals onto their ships, so give us cages (simple boxes with doors we can open and close) and some form of lures like food?
These could be used simply to trap and keep creatures, or to drop the cages into enemy camps and remote unlock them! (could also be used to trap other players and NPCs?).

No-fly zones and anti pad rammers

Give us a max speed limit in some areas, this would help beginners that are landing as they have to take it slow, and pad ramming etc. would be harder as turrets could shoot down players a lot easier.
This could be done via mastermodes or some sort of "tractor beam field" thing that slows items in its area (would not exist at all stations).

Crashed ships

This is already being worked on, this is just a reminder of how great of a feature this would be, and that it should not be forgotten!
The idea that ships shot down in orbit crash to the surface and generate crash sites that in time can become dwellings is just incredible for sandbox type gameplay.
The idea is simply give us fun tools, that aren't 100% designed for only one profession or use case, but things that we can experiment with. A lot of these stated above have been described for only one profession, but like the mechanic role above, a good pirate would know how to turn off certain systems or hack into things to download maps and schematics that the mechanic also uses in day to day work (or maybe even simply kidnap a poor mechanic that already has insider info?).
And please move away from nav markers as much as possible!
Those are my thoughts, hope someone reads this and adds some ideas of their own!
submitted by Ragntard to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:34 spherocytes Chronic illness is so insidiously restrictive.

Being in healthcare, I knew that my life was going to change forever after being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (which I suspected I had before I was even diagnosed). I also knew that I could take steps to limit the disease progression and its side effects. I already ate healthy and exercised regularly before my official diagnosis but afterwards I focused even more on cutting out excessive simple sugars/high-starch/fatty foods, moving more often even when I wasn’t ‘officially’ exercising during my regimen (which I upped in intensity and duration), eating a more plant-based and low-carb diet, and drinking water regularly. I also made sure to take my medications and have regular checkups. All of this to say? I managed to get my disease down to clinical remission. My CRP and symptoms are essentially non-existent.
So I should be ‘free’, right?
But when I was binge-watching silly, YouTube videos (think mom-like homemaking content just because I wanted to broaden my horizons for cooking and housekeeping and it's one of my entertainment, guilty-pleasures), one of the creators mentioned something.
“I can’t get access to a lot of new or specific things because I live in the middle of nowhere and so I have to special order it.”
And that hit me like a TON of bricks.
While I may be able to financially move anywhere I want to in the future with my career in healthcare? Realistically speaking for my overall health? With this disease? Where I am able to go is limited and will likely be confined to areas with 1) large populations as those are where dedicated specialists tend to be most readily available and 2) at least 45 min. within range of a major metropolis with the most essential of services.
Because how will I get my meds quickly if I somehow run out/lose them unexpectedly? What if I need emergency services from a complication? How do I keep my diet as regimented as I can without spending an arm and a leg and hoping that I can find what I need and move about safely without having to wait for months for it to potentially be in stock? For exercise, what if I need special gym equipment and a trainer and need safe, paved roads to move around? Where can I be so that I’m not waiting up to a year for the single specialist in a rural area to see me? What if I need a home-aid or house cleaning ASAP if I have a flareup even in remission? Specialized delivery also is limited in distant areas too.
I used to dream of living semi-off-the-grid rural area (not completely but just isolated) but now? Realistically that’s likely not going to be the case. Not if I want to maintain a safe, accessible, and decent quality of life as the disease inevitably progresses while I get older.
All of this to say? I’m happy with my life, truly. I’m so glad I’m technically in remission and doing well overall. But knowing that these complications are always lurking in the background and are something I have to think about is frustrating. Obviously we adjust and adapt but it just makes me realize
To be honest, I’m not sure why I wrote this all out. I guess it’s just because… even if you’re doing well, there’s always reminders of how this disease will be a constant and impact your life in so many different ways. So probably just an emotional vent and also a commiseration amongst those that get it.
And if you stayed and read this entire essay, thank you. I appreciate being able to vent to a community that gets it. RA (and other chronic diseases) can be so invisible and overlooked since it’s so ‘common’ in women and often brushed off as ‘just arthritis’ when it’s so much more.
submitted by spherocytes to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]