Lymph nodes hurt to swallow


2020.06.25 23:25 SensitiveBorder2 Swollenlymphnodes

THIS GROUP IS PRIMARILY FOR CHRONICALLY ENLARGED LYMPH NODES WITH NO CAUSE FOUND Most everyone here has had lymph nodes swell up and never fully return to their original size. A lot of us panicked and seen nothing but cancer stories until finding so many others who simply had nodes pop up and stay that way and this community is hopefully going to be a place to calm the anxieties of many and for us to discuss our experiences with swollen nodes that stayed there forever.

2022.03.02 17:47 Yasssinator lymphnodes

Community for people with enlarged lymph nodes, without lymphoma. All advisements are to be taken with a grain of salt, no one can diagnose you but a doctor.

2012.09.03 05:16 lolwatdahek Klinefelter syndrome

a place to talk about klinefelter syndrome

2024.05.21 16:49 Itsgivingperiodt Trigger warning: Ethan Slater [a honest opinion]

Trigger warning: Ethan Slater [a honest opinion]
Well, well, well, looks like someone has a complicated love life. Imagine being a total flirt with fans while dating your high school sweetheart, and then getting hitched and becoming a major jerk while pretending to be a loving dad to your newborn kid and cheating on your wife with a pop star. Talk about multitasking! It's like he's trying to juggle a dozen plates and failing at every single one of them. I wonder if he's considered a career in the circus instead? Or maybe he thinks he's in some kind of rom-com movie where everything works out in the end regardless of the consequences, but in reality, he's just acting like a total jerk to his family and causing unnecessary drama...
It's time to grow up and stop thinking with the wrong head, buddy. Otherwise, he might find himself single and alone, with nothing but his fake caring father persona to keep him company.
The sad part is that he's not just betraying his wife and child, but also the trust of his fans who thought he was a loyal and committed partner. It's a tough pill to swallow when someone you idolize turns out to be a total let-down.
Let me be honest here...
There is never an excuse for cheating, especially when someone is married or in a committed relationship (especially if you have a newborn together). Flirting with fans while being in a relationship is disrespectful and hurtful to the partner involved. When someone decides to marry their high school sweetheart, they make a commitment to be loyal and faithful to their partner. Betraying that trust by dating someone else behind their partner's back is a significant violation of trust and shows a lack of respect for their partner and the relationship they are in.
Also let me remind you that all of the cast of the wicked was SUPPORTIVE of their affair (if you don't believe me , look it up, literally) and they were hiding it from LILLY! Ariana was holding her child (future stepson maybe..?) and told to Lilly about how she wants to have a kid one day WHILE simultaneously was being with Ethan and their affair started in December of 2022 (literally look it up!) [Don't fool the public with the alternative timeline, we all know the truth here!]
They went on double dates (Dalton+ Ari with Lilly + Ethan)
If someone is unhappy in their marriage or relationship, they should address those emotions and feelings with their partner or seek counseling to work through any issues. Rather than engaging in infidelity and causing pain and hurt to their partner and family, they should prioritize honesty, communication, and finding healthier ways to address any problems or dissatisfaction in the relationship. Cheating is never acceptable behavior and causes significant emotional damage to all parties involved.
✨️It is important for cheaters- i mean for celebrities to be mindful of how they conduct themselves in their personal lives and the impact their actions can have on others or else they're gonna be a meme on social media...✨️
(Btw if you're ugly from inside and out and you're thinking that bases on your high ego you can conquer the world, make an appointment with your psychiatrist.)
submitted by Itsgivingperiodt to ArianaGrandeSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:46 Suspicious_Plenty845 Mycobacterial Meningitis?

28M, 125 lbs, 5’7”. I have had chest pain and tender lymph nodes on lhs for a few years. I have gastritis and reflux. TB test showed negative and I have always been told some people just have tender lymph nodes. Late January I hurt my back severely. A few days later I got a staph infection on my head. I have a severe headache like someone was poking my brain. Doctor put my on doxycyline (oral). Symptoms did not improve much. Blood test showed lower than normal WBCs. I took Augmentin which restored my WBC but still feel bad. Lymph nodes on lhs began to get bigger. Ultrasound revealed reactive lymph nodes and a cyst in my neck. I have been feeling confused,lethargic, headache and my neck feels deeply sore and goes down my back. I don’t have any other symptoms of meningism. Should I go to the ER or wait for a FNA on my lymph nodes (could take a month of waiting)?
submitted by Suspicious_Plenty845 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:25 whistleandrango Mom diagnosed with TNBC. Looking for advice and support!

My mom (52) recently got diagnosed with TNBC. There’s one lymph node that’s affected. She’s at stage 2.
Needless to say I’m shattered. I have no idea how I can cope with this and I can’t stop crying. I lost my dad to a brain stroke in 2021 and now my mom has cancer.
Looking for support and tips from people who have had this & care takers. What are some things I can do to help her and make the treatment easier?
submitted by whistleandrango to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:03 Sad-Quantity-3603 Swollen lymph node

Hello! Is it common for many to experience a swollen lymph node because of a flare up? I just got a flare at the nape of my neck/scalp and my lymph node at the very corner of my head (next to my ear at the bottom on the left side) started to hurt and swell a bit.
submitted by Sad-Quantity-3603 to SebDerm [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:18 Low_Internet9759 Tonsil Problems :/

So I'm not sure where to post this exactly because my flu test was negative-- but I had whatever other virus from hell is going around the US right now a couple of weeks ago. It started with body aches and chills and a horrible headache-- that lasted a few days, and then congestion joined the party. After a while the body aches and headache went away but the congestion stayed and last week I noticed my tonsils were swollen and covered in white patches and I had a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. I have been to the doctor and they prescribed me antibiotics to see if that did anything for the tonsils. I haven't had a fever this entire time, but I have had night sweats and I still have them. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? I'm so sick of this
submitted by Low_Internet9759 to flu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:06 BrilliantMaterial990 Gi Symtoms - ER visit

i all, I'm worried about my symptoms and I wanted to see if anybody experienced these. I have a GI appointment setup about 10 days away but my mind is beginning to race.
Until.the last week I had been waking up.with bad dry mouth for about 6 weeks and now that seems to have gone away.
I also now feel like I have a burn on both sides of my belly button and now I think I have constipation. To top ot off I have had a lingering cough for about 7 weeks and as of Saturday I have a hard pea sized bump on my chest on my chest here.
My belly button and below were pretty much on fire yesterday, and I I decided to go into the ER. They ended up doing blood work, X-ray, and CAT..
Blood work has no elevated levels for white blood cells, x-ray shows no masses, and CAt showed no cancer as well as nothing "surgical." Whatever that means. .
The doctor last night thought the bump was a lymph node on my clavicle and to get a follow-up. The doctor mentioned that the CAT did show fatty liver disease.
I'm going to see a derm today to get their opinion about the bump. It's still there same size. This morning when I went to use the rest room it was a bit warm and I think I saw a little bit of blood, but i'm not sure.
submitted by BrilliantMaterial990 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:56 MintChocChip95 Any tips on how to reduce anxiety and stress?

Hi everyone. My girlfriend (same sex relationship, not a friend) who I live with was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer a few weeks ago. After the initial high of finding out it had all been removed with no spread to her lymph nodes, I have found a deep anxiety and stress setting in.
Its started to become deliberating this week and I literally had to force myself out of bed this morning. I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night from bad dreams and just generally not coping well which just makes me feel like a failure as I’m letting my girlfriend down when she needs me the most.
On top of this I can now feel my own health anxiety setting in which has been a deep spiral for me in the past. I know the affect anxiety and stress can have on my body and most importantly I want to be happy and mentally strong for my girlfriend.
If anyone has any helpful hints or advice for managing things let me know. I’ve started doing yoga every evening since the weekend and I’m try to spend less time online and more time reading physical books. Anything else would be great.
TL;DR: My girlfriend has cancer and I feel crushed with anxiety. How can I try to improve my mental health and be strong for her.
submitted by MintChocChip95 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:49 Additional-Card-8814 1 day post botox - slow swallow is so weird!!

I had my injection yesterday and the rest of the day my throat and neck just hurt quite a bit. Today the pain has gone but slow swallow has appeared and oh my god it's such a weird feeling.
Luckily, I had lots of preparation for this feeling from reading what everyone else has said about it so I'm not freaking out about there being something constantly stuck in my throat but I am very hopeful it will not last long, solid foods are becoming very hard.
As for my burping, I had exactly one micro burp yesterday and one small weird-sounding burp today! Wish me luck. (Also is there anything I can do to speed up the process? Or do I just wait for the magic to happen?)
I also made a post about a week ago about my post-nasal drip and how I was worried that it would interfere with the surgery. Dr Hicklin reassured me that it would be fine and it feels okay now because they feel like different areas of the throat so no major problems but obviously still annoying.
submitted by Additional-Card-8814 to noburp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:55 alohaastro Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Scorpio, May 21, 2024

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Scorpio, May 21, 2024
Moon transiting Scorpio, Tuesday, May 21st, delivers the task of separating the truth from fiction as the moon in an investigative water sign forms a T-square aspect pattern with Mercury in Taurus, and Pluto in Aquarius, as well as a trine aspect with Saturn in Pisces. Hopefully, the influence of Saturn - a planet of authority, responsibility, and integrity, and wisdom - in a sign associated with compassion and tolerance, will give you (and others) pause for thought before speaking, because the T-square can definitely complicate the consequences of idle or malicious gossip. Mars, Chiron and the North Node in Aries, opposing the South Node in Libra, reminds you to "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.", and if you forget to follow this Golden Rule, you will accrue karmic lessons. The T-square brings shadowy things to light today, which may increase your awareness of people's true character and motivations. If someone says something hurtful, but later tells you they didn't mean it, they probably did mean it - but Neptune in Pisces engaging in a Minor Grand Trine with Uranus, Venus, Jupiter in Taurus, the sun in Gemini, and Pluto retrograde in Aquarius inclines you to bestow a second chance in the belief that people can, and sometimes do, change. The best way to protect yourself from being the subject of discussion now is to insert yourself in the group.
submitted by alohaastro to u/alohaastro [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:47 Remember_Padraig partial thyroidectomy being scheduled "this summer", anxious about having cancer inside me for that long

We discovered the nodules last year during the fall. Doctor disagreed with my ENT and wanted me to get a second opinion from a thyroid surgeon, who waited a month before doing a second biopsy.
She tells me that I will be contacted "sometime this summer" to do the surgery. But that feels like a long way off, even for a slow growing cancer.
I've had swollen lymph nodes for a long time now, though they apparently look harmless on ultrasound. Also have a chronic hoarse voice which my ENT thought were the nodules, but my surgeon says there is no sign that the cancer has spread to the throat and the nodules arent big enough to be affecting my voice.
Both my doctor and surgeon seem unconcerned, but I keep thinking of my ENT who wanted me to get the surgery done as quickly as possible.
Will I really be okay waiting that long?
submitted by Remember_Padraig to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:47 drainbance Mom has cancer

52F, underweight— last time we measured 40kg, around 150-60cm tall. First cancer diagnosis was 13 years ago on the tongue, followed by two more diagnoses in the past three years on the inside of her cheek. Fourth diagnosis now on the hard palate. During the first diagnosis she underwent surgery and 30 rounds of radiation, along with removal saliva glands and lymph nodes. The rest were cleared out by surgery.
For the most recent one, she got checked out by around 20 doctors during the past year, including an oncologist, a surgeon, a dentist, several otolaryngologists— both doctors and professors. She was told that it was nothing serious, no one would do a biopsy up until late January / early February this year which confirmed the diagnosis. It is SCC, and on the computer imaging it showed to be 1 by 1.5cm, with no mets. Surgery was not an option due to it being difficult to reach(?) around the jaw area, so they proceeded with immunotherapy (Keytruda) of which she took two doses, and that’s where things went downhill.
Her oral cavity is filled out by the tumor, she has an infection which was transmitted during the tracheotomy procedure, for which we are still administering antibiotics. She cannot eat or drink, since she removed the feeding tube, and now we’re looking into some sort of feeding tube to be placed through her stomach. She’s taking IV.
In one of the hospitals for gastronomy we were told to take her home and look into hospice care.
By this point we were not told by the oncologist that there are any reasons for worry, that the therapy will sort the thing out, and if it only shrinks it, it would be removed by surgery. The last thing the oncologist mentioned is that it would be worth a shot to find a way to feed her, so now we’ll be taking her to a different hospital to try and find a solution.
To say that I’m confused would be an understatement. I am looking for answers, can it really be cured or should I prepare myself for the worst? Could any of this fast progression be caused by the immunotherapy?
submitted by drainbance to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:34 MartelUnderground damn you Hs… just damn you

this shit hurt so much, i can’t even go to work. i can’t walk. i can’t lay down. i can’t be comfortable. my head is throbbing. i hate all of this.
i have a fucking , reoccurring flare on my ass right along the crack of it and it makes me so fucking angry and sad.
I had to bite the bullet and order Dial soap, panoxyl wash and some panoyxl patches. I don’t know what to expect but i hope it helps.
I decided to call off of work. Might do it again tomorrow if this continue. I don’t want to go to the ER cause I don’t want my ass to be cut into and my girlfriend isn’t here for moral support. I hate when i feel like this. I hate when i feel sick. I hate that I can’t move. I hate feeling like this.
But it’s whatever… let me swallow a good amount of ibuprofen. smoke a bowl and wait to shower for this delivery.
i hope to sleep all day today. my ass and my head is throbbing, and because of that , Fuck you HS from the bottom of my heart.
I genuinely wish i didn’t have this shit.
submitted by MartelUnderground to Hidradenitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:21 BenightedLight Post Fever, Inflammation, Pain, and Rashes After Appendectomy

My fiancé had an emergency appendectomy about 4 weeks ago. The surgery went well, and the appendix did not burst during or before removal. Prior to the surgery, the CT also showed he had an unobstructed kidney stone and an unobstructed gallstone. The surgeon offered to remove the gallbladder too (in case there would be issues later) but he declined, as unnecessary gallbladder removal can cause a lot of complications (I myself have some of those, as does my brother. Surgeon said these complications are about 1 in 3 patients. His gallbladder has never bothered him, so why roll the dice?)
He was really sore after surgery but was doing better each day and on track for recovery. He went back to work after 2 weeks. His job is more physical and requires walking several miles, so post-pain we initially chalked up to all the walking. At about 3.5 weeks, the pain got much worse, and he was in as much pain as he had been after the end of week 1. The pain was on his left lower abdomen/side, and the pain stretched toward his belly button. They had gone in laparoscopically on that side, so figured it was his incisions bothering him.
His incisions all looked good and still do. No redness, drainage, etc. Then he spiked a fever of almost 103. We went to the ER and they saw in his chart that he had had an unobstructed gallstone. The ER team focused on that gallbladder hard and was trying to get him to have it removed before they even got any testing back. They did a blood panel (his WBC count was a little elevated, but nothing insane), an x-ray, a CT, a urine test, and an ultrasound. They lied and told him they did Murphy's Test on him and that his gallbladder had thickening walls and was inflamed. But they never did the Murphy's Test and he has and had no pain in that area. They really scared us, saying he could die etc. In the end, they called another surgeon to look at the scans and they said to cut us loose if he wasn't having pain. They gave him no antibiotics and just told him to follow up with his doctor.
He called the surgeon that had done the surgery and the surgeon said he did not see any wall thickening or inflammation in the scans. He said the gallbladder looked like it had before his surgery. He also said the CT did not show any abscesses or infections. So on top of everything else, we feel like the ER scared us for...What exactly? Money from an unnecessary surgery?
Over the weekend, his pain worsened, and he kept teetering between elevated and low-grade fever. He has been very constipated. His pain also began to stretch lower into his pelvis, and now into his balls. He seems to have some sort of lump on his pelvis - I'm not sure if its a lymph node or what it is.
He went in to see his primary care doctor yesterday who ordered more blood tests and then scheduled an ultra sound for today. His blood tests were pretty normal, except for a 13.1 mg/L high sensitivity CRP. Today, he also now has a rash developing on his arms and legs. We're just really worried and have no idea what is going on. Has anyone else experienced something like this or have any ideas?
submitted by BenightedLight to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:16 -PK_Thunder- Headaches lasting 2 1/2 days, Heart Problems

I'm a relatively healthy 35 year Filipino male with most issues relating to minor skin disorders (vitiligo, eyelid eczema) and allergies. I'm overweight at 5'6" and ~185 pounds. I'm taking steps in diet and exercise to change that. I play volleyball weekly and started walking intensely in the morning 3x/week to gradually get up to jogging.
Last week (around Wednesday) I started a experience a numb discomfort, feeling around my heart when laying down on my right side when I went to sleep. I stopped laying on this side. At first, this weird feeling only occurred when laying down but over the next few days, this discomfort grew to a sort of pulsing, numb pain. It was quick to start and quick to go away, but it would happen very frequently through out the day at random from Friday to Saturday. On Sunday afternoon, I went to play beach volleyball. As I started to walk towards the beach, I experienced this heart pain, but then also started to getting quick, stabbing pains on the upper right side of my head. I experienced this even before starting to play volleyball. I thought that this pulsing pain was just from dehydration (I live in Florida), so I've been drinking water. However, it's been two and half days & I'm still experiencing this 'headache'. It hurts to swallow cause that pain in my head will come. I have not taken anything for it. I may pick up some Tylenol to see if it subsides.
Interestingly, the heart issue has stopped, I haven't felt anything since yesterday afternoon, but am worried about going to exercise. Well, I'm worried overall about stroking out at work or doing anything (with either my brain or my heart). All I'm thinking about is my heart produced a clot and now it's traveled to my brain, or I've got a brain tumor. Or HBP.
No other symptoms: no dizziness, no n/v, no blurred vision, no altered mental status, no waking up in the middle of night from these pains. Sleep is OK. I get at most 5-6 hours of sleep at night, but sometimes can get 7-8.
Only this headache is kind of debilitating my work. Any thoughts or recommendations?
submitted by -PK_Thunder- to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:25 Necessary_Maize_7668 Tumor on chin

Im 16F, 160cm/55kg. At morning i noticed small tumor on my chin close to neck and on the middle. Its like 0,5-1cm and it dosent hurt even when squezed, kinda feels like its attached to something. On internet it said that its submental lymph nodes but i'm not sure, it said that its mean that i might have cancer. I domy have other illness, but few days ago i had runny and stuffed nose, cough and sore throat. I dont have any other sympthomes like tiredness, sleepiness or something. Should i be worried
submitted by Necessary_Maize_7668 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:01 samroath I can feel an inguinal lymph node and get right abdomen pain when running

25F, no medications except the combined oral contraceptive.
I’ve been running casually for about 4 years but for the past week or so I’ve had to stop minutes in because I’ve gotten a pain in my right abdomen. At first I put it down to being a side stitch but I think the pain is a bit different to that, a little more of a dull pain than the shooting pain of a side stitch. I don’t feel any pain apart from when I start running, and I do also regularly lift weights at the gym and get no issues there.
I got a little concerned that I may have a sports hernia from either lifting or running, and felt around the groin area for a lump and ended up noticing that I could feel what must be an inguinal lymph node. It’s very small, fairly hard (at least enough to be noticeable) and not painful. I can only feel it when pressing into the groin area.
I’m feeling a little confused and unsure if I should see a doctor or not as the internet is a bit conflicting regarding whether it’s normal to feel a lymph node like this. Could the swollen lymph node be a symptom of some sort of hernia (likely a sports hernia as I can’t feel any lump) or is this completely unrelated? What should I do, if anything?
submitted by samroath to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:44 parisienne-walkways [Acne] Questions about lymphatic drainage massage + lymphatic acne?

The lymph node on the left side of my neck swells up to the size of a golf ball. It’s hard, painful and swells up when I eat. I first noticed this in August 2022 and have been to the doctor a few times. I was told that it was just a swollen lymph node, nothing cancerous that they could find on the ultrasound. When my lymph node starts to swell, my acne flares up, especially alongside my jaw and the bottom half of my face in general. I think this could be the cause of my acne as my skin doesn’t respond to medication so I always had a feeling it was internal. Has anybody experienced this, and what came out of it?
Also, I’m not sure if this is a silly question but does doing lymphatic massages trigger saliva glands to produce more saliva? I guess what I’m asking is, how do I know if I’m doing it correctly?
submitted by parisienne-walkways to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:19 kelpkelpers Most people are consistently desired even up into their 40s / 50s

Something that's been a hard pill for me to swallow and keep down is realizing that most people are consistently desired and have people liking them up into older age, while I'm 25 and I don't think anyone has genuinely ever had as little as a crush on me...
Any guy I was bold enough to tell I liked them always looked uncomfortable and promptly rejected me. And no they weren't all straight. It really hurts when I see people younger and older than me being desired by hundreds of people. I can't even get 1 single person to like me or find me to be worthy enough of their time
Any one I've messaged for a little bit ghosted me. And that's blatantly them saying they don't find me good enough. It's not even about not being good enough as a partner or not good enough in terms of personality because when you're attractive enough people are willing to coax "personality" out of you
Being good looking to the person you're talking to is the only real way to secure their interest in you
People pursue people they find attractive period. Someone you find attractive naturally just becomes the most interesting person in the world to you even if they're boring. Your brain will see that was "omg they're soo different from the norm that's soooo attractive they're not afraid to be different"
When you're attractive to people 90% of the work is already done. When you're ugly to someone they couldn't give a shit about how interesting or fun you are that's what I had to realize
There was no assortment of words, or amount of making someone laugh that would make them fall for you if you aren't already attractive enough to them
I'm aware of the good qualities I have like being caring, playful, supportive, empathetic, etc, but it doesn't make up for being ugly
My stomach always drops when I think about the amount of times I've genuinely liked someone and been either ghosted or blocked... it hurts so much because it's the other person saying that you're basically worthless and not good enough to them
I know for a fact that if I was attractive enough even with the trauma and exact same qualities I have now good and bad, people would be crawling over themselves to get to me
When you're attractive enough the good things about you are appreciated even more and the "bad" things about you serve to humanize you and make you seen as "perfectly imperfect"
but for us ugly people we are told to go on 20 year long self discovery and improvement journeys before we can ever have our first date, but that was never the real issue
The issue is How attractive your face and body is
submitted by kelpkelpers to ugly [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:59 to__0 carotid artery aneurysm

My son is 5 years old I noticed one side (right) of his tonsil was swollen back in august since then it has grown and now both are swollen but right side it still more swollen then the other.. he has his molars growing in and the right cheek got swollen (the dentist said it’s normal for his cheek to swell). The dr says his tonsils are probably just allergies and seen normal “ most kids have inlarged tonsils” he says. The symptoms I’ve noticed: snoring, and he says it’s a bit hard to swallow that he has a lot of saliva and feels a click when he swallows sometimes.. he also has swollen lymph nodes and complained twice that he had side neck pain and a headache but went away. Any ideas? Am I over thinking everything. I also noticed his neck pulsing a lot at night
submitted by to__0 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:43 to__0 Pulse neck

Pulse in neck normal? I know it should just mean hearts pumping but just looked so intense. He has swollen tonsils that the dr says is fine and swollen lymph nodes that he says he wouldn’t worry about. The dr says that a lot of kids have inlarged tonsils. He also complains of a clicking feeling sometimes when he swallows . Any thoughts is this connected maybe?
submitted by to__0 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:41 Expert_Bathroom_1270 Weird sensation in neck

Does anybody else have weird sensation in their neck? I do have cancerous lymph nodes left but i had no symtoms prior to my neck dissection and had 17 positive ones?
I can’t really describe the feeling but i get a sharp pain around both sides of my neck and it feels stiff. I had a biopsy 2 months ago and it’s around that exact area.
My doctor didnt really care about it when I brought it up since I already have a scan coming up
submitted by Expert_Bathroom_1270 to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:24 MiniSkullPoleTroll I'm finally going to stand up for myself.

I've been denied by the VA once for a pretty significant injury that occurred during a bad parachute landing. I figured that if they are paying me 20% for the back, then I should be happy with what i got. I can still walk, and I'm not as bad as some. Over the years it has gotten worse, and I've had to concede my pride because my needs have gone up, and my ability to work overtime has been taking a massive hit. but I figured as long as I got something I'm ok. I mean, ancient warriors never got benefits. I've got running water, I have one hell of an education, I've been able to obtain a level of success that I never thought I could achieve. I didn't feel that I had the right to ask for a higher rating, but I just finished working on 3 separate hospitals with a tens unit on board and everything that the VA gave me. I feel like my spine is made of broken glass and it's getting hard to move my legs. I just want to go back to only working one job. The websites have changed so much. Does anyone have a phone number or a link? I swear it's designed to keep us from filing on purpose. I just want another evaluation on the injuries they rejected because those still hurt too, but the back dwarfs their pain by comparison. It's like not noticing a candle burning you while you're standing in a bonfire. I just have a hard time swallowing my pride and file.
submitted by MiniSkullPoleTroll to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]