Make school box white


2012.11.06 00:46 ClintonHarvey whitepeoplegifs

Bring your strongest sunscreen, it's about to get bright.

2008.09.29 12:54 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. /bjj is for discussing BJJ training, techniques, news, competition, asking questions and getting advice. Beginners are welcome. Discussion is encouraged.

2018.08.15 05:46 kirbizia Dogelore

dubious domesticated dogs

2024.05.01 00:05 OP_Draco how did YOU manage to make money with no school/san3a degree in this country? (read description please)

so im a casual broke tunisien teenager that dropped out of school in hope of finding a job, saving some money and ila5 ila5 but like always reality hit me like a rock with shit jobs with shitty payment with shitty workers you know... so i was wondering: how did YOU started to make some good money with no baq degree or san3a diplom as a teenager or older. *if your experience is with a degree or a diploma its fine just drop it down there and i will read everything (what degree what field ect...) please help a fellow broke tunisien brother and if you know any opportunities out there that i dont know please let me know!! me need me some money and thanks for reading!
submitted by OP_Draco to Tunisia [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:04 im-so-jacked Need rs girl advice

So I met this girl in cram school 2 years ago and asked for her number. She didn’t realize I had romantic intentions, turned out over text she had a boyfriend and was moving a town 2 hours away for uni, and then she had 3 different bfs over course of these 2 years but a few days ago we finally went out together (for these 2 years we’ve been texting nearly every day) and got drinks and smoked weed.
She’s like an alternative autistic commie girl but she’s beautiful, smart, sweet and genuinely autistic. If she wasn’t autistic I would had made a move already but you can’t really tell with these girls, they got different boundaries for friends, you could be making out with them and still wouldn’t know if they liked you.
She said she REALLY liked hanging out with me (she was also the one to invite me) and she’s back in town for 3 days now but she says she has a lot of uni work and some hangouts planned.
Reason I haven’t made a move yet is she’s a 10/10 pixie girl and im overweight rn. I will overlook all of that and go for a move but idk how to do it? Should I say something over text or wait for our next time?
I think some of you girlies are really similar to her and I was hoping you could give me insight? Thanks a lot
submitted by im-so-jacked to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:04 Ultima_8 Bloodborne - Prologue 2

Ludwig slammed his talon down on the table.
“You’re telling me that even after THREE YEARS of the outbreak, you’re still distributing blood to the Hivewing populace? Have you lost your mind?!?” Ludwig shouted, and he eyed a few of the Pyrrhian queens shaking their heads in disapproval.
“Why yes, I have. Dragons would do anything for magic. How else do you think we fund your little workshop? Of course, we tax our citizens, but that isn’t enough.” The Silkwing monarch, Queen Chiffon, admired her claws, almost seeming distracted, and Ludwig pointed to the map of Pantala on the wall.
“Bloodworm, Cicada, and Hornet have already fallen. You are causing this problem!” He stabbed a hole around the three hives.
“Your hunters kill more beasts than I help create. This is just a numbers game: if more beasts are killed than created, then they will go extinct eventually.” She explained condescendingly. The Skywing Queen, Squall, interjected into the argument.
“You’re going to treat dragon lives as just a little ‘numbers game’? We still aren’t sure if the disease only affects Hivewings. We’ve only seen it affect them, but what if it mutates? You’re playing an incredibly risky game.”
“It’s not risky. The Royal Hunters need funds, I supply them. I supply much more out of my pocket than any of the rest of you do. Why don’t you all put more money down, and I wouldn’t have to distribute blood? It’s as easy as that.”
Ludwig sat defeated in his chair, and he felt his partner Memoria touch his left talon. He felt a little better.
But still. Innocent dragons were dying. Worse than dying. Transforming into these malformed beasts.
Then the Seawing Queen, perhaps the oldest and wisest at the table, spoke.
“Chiffon, I’m sure you know none of us have the budget for that. Ludwig, we should plan a more aggressive approach to this problem. The faster we end it then the fewer dragons die.” She said and eyed the one empty chair at the table.
The Hivewings still haven’t been able to choose a dragon to be their queen. Since Queen Garuda succumbed to beast hood a year ago there had been turmoil amongst the populace. Chiffon assumed temporary power, which, for the second time in a century, left Pantala with only two queens governing.
“Auklet, that may be true, but what would our next move be?” Squall asked.
The Seawing Queen squinted her eyes and studied the map closely.
“Ludwig.” She turned to him. “We start at Bloodworm Hive. In the next week, could you organize both branches of the Hunters? This is a plan I have.” She pointed to the southeast side of the hive. “Send in the Shadowhunters here, in groups of no more than five.”
Ludwig nodded. His Shadowhunters, specialized in stealth killings, could easily infiltrate the beast-ridden hive.
“And on the north side, you deploy all of the Hunters of the Sun. They will distract the beasts, and the Shadowhunters can attack from the back.” She drew lines of attack with her claws, and Ludwig nodded. That seemed like a sound idea. The Hunters of the Sun are a big enough force to maybe even overtake the whole hive by themselves, the Shadowhunters would be excellent support.
“And finally, take a chosen group of hunters with you, and help the Shadowhunters. The day before, rally your hunters. Morale is everything. And I am certain your moonlight blade is inspiring enough.” She glanced at the silver longsword slung across his back.
He spotted Chiffon with a slight frown on her face, and Ludwig adjusted his hunter cap.
He debated this plan a moment longer, attempting to find any weaknesses in it, before nodding.
“I will visit the Jewel workshop tonight. I’ll send messengers to the other hives. The Royal Hunters will be ready in five days' time.” He said, and Queen Auklet nodded.
“May the good blood guide your way.” She blessed him. The other queens, except for Chiffon, nodded in agreement.
Ludwig got up from the round table and swiftly left the room. He heard Memoria after him.
The two made their way to the Jewel Workshop, his black Nightwing scales beside Memoria’s Hivewing-Icewing.
“You think that’s a good plan, right?” Ludwig broke the silence.
“It seems… good enough. Who do you plan on taking with you for your team?” She asked.
“Don’t worry, you’re in it. I was thinking we would bring your sister and Aegis. It’s been a while since we last talked, and I could use someone as skilled as him in a team. He’s an Old Hunter, after all.”
“That’s only four of us. We need one more.” Memoria pointed out.
“And that’s who I’m thinking about. Maybe I’ll ask Aegis if he knows anyone.” Ludwig noted.
He went through the knowledge he had gained from that meeting.
Five hundred confirmed transformations last week. Five hundred deaths.
Eleven hunters fell in battle last week. Eleven deaths.
Twenty hunters lost themselves last week. Twenty deaths.
And over three hundred civilian deaths.
At least eight hundred and thirty-one deaths, in one week.
Ludwig felt sick to his stomach. The numbers kept getting higher, week after week.
The scourge had taken too much from him.
It had to end soon.

Ludwig hung his greatsword on the wall. They had just gotten back from Jewel Workshop, and Ludwig had sent messengers to the other workshops to explain the plan.
He heard a sigh from a chair behind him, and he turned to his partner.
“He’ll be here soon.”
Memoria scowled. “He’s always late. We should start coming later.”
The two were in a dark room. A low ceiling was supported by several pillars in the middle of the room, and there were several strange machines scattered around the room. On the other side of the room, opposite the door, were words scribbled across the wall.
“Fear the old blood.”
Laurence, the former leader of the Blood Ministry, lived here. He was an… interesting fellow. A little smaller than average, he was a pureblood Hivewing, and certainly one of the smartest dragons Ludwig had ever met.
But after the outbreak of the scourge, Laurence was held responsible for the deaths. He was taken in for questioning (by Ludwig himself) and the Queens decided to give him two choices: either help develop a cure or life imprisonment.
He had a few leads on the “cure” over the years, but always ended up empty-handed. Ludwig knew he was trying his best.
Laurence wasn’t a bad guy, after all. Back before the scourge, he had thought he was genuinely helping dragons. After all, who wouldn’t want magic? Sure, it wasn’t true animus magic, but some magic is better than none.
Ludwig broke the silence. “I still can’t believe Chiffon has been distributing blood. I want to kill her, I do. I just don't know how she can look at all of this carnage, and think ‘Welp! The Hunters need more money, I’ll make their job harder so that they can get it!’. Maybe I should send a Shadowhunter or two to take care of her.” Ludwig sat next to Memoria, and she twined her tail around his.
“That’s a bit extreme, don’t you think? Next meeting, after the attack, I’ll try to talk some sense into her.” Memoria promised him.
Ludwig turned his eyes to the silver sword on the wall.
The Holy Moonlight Sword.
A symbol of the Hunters. Ludwig’s pride and joy.
The sword… it was alive. It was loyal to Ludwig, and very rarely, Ludwig would imbue it with the power of moonlight during a hunt.
Ludwig heard the door open. A Hivewing rushed into the room and slammed the door shut behind him.
“Ack! My apologies for being late. I have been studying the blood carefully, you see. I’ve learned something new about it!” Laurence exclaimed.
“I would throw you in prison if you weren’t learning new things about it. What did you learn?” Ludwig joked with his old friend.
“Well… you see…” he rushed over to one of his machines, one with a tube of blood connected to some metal box, and paused. He pressed a few of the buttons seeming scattered randomly about it, and the blood was siphoned into the box. “I discovered that the blood changes your neurochemistry when injected into you.” He said, with a deep breath, as if expecting either Ludwig or Memoria to start clapping.
“Simple terms, please. We’re not scientists like you.”
“Ah, forgive me… it changes your brain. It changes how it works. See, I was testing its effects on lizards, our closest living relatives, and I found that the brain looks different between an injected lizard and a natural lizard.” Laurence explained.
“How did you figure that out?” Memoria asked.
“I dissected their brains.” He replied smugly. Memoria gagged.
“So what does this mean, regarding a cure?” Ludwig changed the subject.
“Ah, well, it isn’t that good. See, I don’t know a way to reverse the change. This should mean that there isn’t a cure available, but I will keep searching. Another interesting thing, is I haven’t been able to stimulate beasthood in the lizards yet. They aren’t capable of doing magic. So, that implies that the whole beast thing is exclusive to Hivewings. Like… myself.” He trailed off, looking down at his claws. “But besides that, this is a pretty big deal! I can properly test for a cure now.” Laurence said happily. Memoria looked a little disturbed. Ludwig clasped her right talon, and he saw a bit of color come back to her face.
Ludwig didn’t know how much magic she had left. She had already used a decent amount of magic but stopped as soon as it was discovered that magic caused beasthood. She, along with her sister, had been magic-free for the three years the hunt had been on.
Ludwig also had taken a bit of the old blood, but he couldn’t do any magic. He assumed this meant he was safe.
“Is that all you have for this week?” Ludwig asked. Laurence nodded. “Well then. I’ll see you next week. May the good blood guide your way.”
“May the good blood guide your way.”
Ludwig stood up and grabbed his sword, before Memoria followed him out of the room, leaving Laurence to his own devices.
The pair walked through the treestuff halls, and as soon as they were out of earshot Memoria sighed.
“He’ll never find a cure. It doesn’t exist. If only Willem hadn’t left, then we would have a competent scientist.” Memoria complained.
“Willem was mad. He was obsessing over ‘eyes on the inside’ before he turned. He didn’t even leave a note or anything. He probably just flew out into the savanna like a madman and got killed.” Ludwig replied.
“I’d prefer eyes on the inside over these beasts. At least his studies weren’t killing dragons. He was only focused on ascension, whatever that meant” Memoria stopped walking, and flicked her tail.
“What?” Ludwig turned to her.
“We should go to his study. It’s been long abandoned, I know, but maybe there’s something there. We can go before the attack, right? Five days is enough.”
Ludwig thought to himself. It’d take a day of flying to get to Byrgenwerth. Probably another day just spent exploring there. Then another day of flying to get to Bloodworm Hive.
They had time.
“We could. I don’t know its current state, though. And what else lies there...” Ludwig trailed off. “It’s worth a shot.”
Willem had been a strange dragon, even stranger than Laurence. He used to be Laurence’s teacher, until the discovery of old blood and the dissolving of the institution. Willem had continued his studies without Laurence, instead with what was left of his scholars. But soon Byrgenwerth was abandoned; Ludwig didn’t know why.
Perhaps he lacked ‘insight’, as Willem called it. Knowledge of the Truth.
Maybe the Truth would lead them to a cure for the beast plague before it took his lover.
May the good blood guide your way,
submitted by Ultima_8 to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:03 AccomplishedAdagio13 Is this OSR style dungeon crawling?

I haven't played an OSR game or an old school DND game, and I'm wondering if my conception of how those games handle dungeon crawling is correct.
Instead of making a skill check in every room like in DND 5e, the DM describes the room, and the players interact with it. If they want to detect a trap or a secret door or whatever, they have to describe how they're interacting with the environment in a way that would result in that instead of making a check.
Is that how it is for traps? Instead of making a Perception check/using passive Perception to detect a trap, you just use that same roleplay to find traps?
Does that become a sort of cat and mouse game of traps, where the players first step on the wrong tile and get stabbed with a spike, so no they check every tile before advancing?
Then, they open a door and get an arrow shot at them by a trap, so they now carefully open doors? And so forth?
How does this go as a gameplay loop (if that is indeed how it goes)? I think it would be cool to run an OSR game and an OSR style dungeon, but I guess I'm concerned the players would get frustrated with traps being run like that or they'd learn all my tricks, and I wouldn't be able to get them with traps. Or it would devolve into 15 minutes in every room checking for every possible type of trap (which could be fun, I don't know).
Thanks for any clarification of any misconception I have. I haven't done any of this, but I'm interested in doing so. Dungeon crawling in 5e can fall a little flat, and I suspect it might be because so much of it comes down to just making skill checks and not interacting with the world.
submitted by AccomplishedAdagio13 to osr [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:03 SilentAd8164 How can I get over loosing my summer job?

Hi all.
I recently was canned from a summer job I’ve had for the last six years. It’s one of my favorite places on earth: a summer camp. I went to this summer camp for 10 years as a kid and I feel like I’m being pushed out of my community entirely now.
We got a new director two years ago (this summer would be her third year) and she really just has never liked me. Let’s call her Lindsay. Her first summer I was studying abroad so she didn’t get to meet me as a camp counselor, but while I was in another country I got calls all summer about how terrible she was and how my friends and co-workers weren’t sure that camp was ever going to run again. When I got back that fall, I stepped in as a substitute director, helping with the school break programs, and Lindsay just never taught me how to do things and would be pretty upset if I asked for help or support. I chalked this up to the fact that I was meant to take some work off of her plate and not add more on, so I just put my head down and got through it. She kind of cut me out of employee get togethers and activities which hurt my feelings but what can you do, she’s the boss. Once the new director was hired I was unceremoniously out.
Then last summer I was hired on to a more admin based role. I was kind of a middle man, operations guy who set things up and bought and transported materials. I loved it, but boy were there a few hiccups. If I did things I thought were necessary, I was berated for not doing things that took “priority”. If I only did the things I was told, I was chastised for not taking enough initiative. I was told to have 30 minute setups moved across campus for events that were five minutes from starting. That sort of thing. Eventually this boiled over and I had a big blowout, got written up and everything. Lindsay was pretty constantly frustrated that people looked to me for advice and answers to questions that should have gone to her.
Time moves on. During the school break camps I had another big mess up, but one I’ve seen counselors make and be back in under a week before. For me though, I was banned from winter break camp entirely. Lindsay didn’t tell me this though, so while I was doing other work in the building I brought in donuts for the camp staff and some toys for the kids. I was told in no uncertain terms that I was banned from the camps section of the building and that our HR guy had already informed me of that (he hadn’t) and that I was to return the toys to the store (I ended up donating them). I sent an email that I needed that to be communicated to me beforehand and now, Lindsay made it clear to our HR guy that she would not hire me for this or any summer. HR guy says that I am “welcome to apply, but [he] doesn’t think there’s any chance of me being rehired”.
So now I’m cut out of the job. They’re using my face on all of their advertising for the camp, and all the pictures I took last summer for building decorations as well. I feel awful about this. Most of my friends are in college during the school year but come back for the summer, and now I will likely not be able to see them as much, if at all. I have other odd jobs I do around the building camp is in, and I dread having to see the fun all my friends are having and not be able to join in.
How can I grieve this loss and move on?
TL;DR: I’ve lost a job that I love and possibly most of the relationships I’ve built over the years. How do I overcome my sense of grief?
submitted by SilentAd8164 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:03 Diligent-Ice1276 Is a pistol more scary than a rifle like in the Middle East?

So I know this sounds like a dumb question but hear me out please. So I was watching national geographic and it was about some white guys that got caught smuggling drugs in Mexico. They get stopped by the police who point rifles at them. But they made sure to make sure we see the commander with his pistol pointed at them. In the Middle East when someone points a pistol at you it basically means they mean business. Is this similar in Latin America or simply National Geographic just making it more dramatic?
submitted by Diligent-Ice1276 to asklatinamerica [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:03 glass2mouth87 Idaho School On The Chopping Block even after state funds and levy increase.

Idaho School On The Chopping Block even after state funds and levy increase.
Borah Elementary here in Coeur d' alene is one of the many things that has been voted on to be closed\cut to make up for the foreseen budget shortfall for the CDA school district next year. I go over the other things on that list as well as the potential $ they would supposedly save. Most of these measures include not filling currently vacant or going to be vacant positions at the beginning of the new school year as apposed to getting rid of current or returning staff.
The school would be repurposed into an early learning education center and possible childcare facility for district staff. The current students would be distributed to surrounding schools at the start of the next school year.
Many people question how there can be a shortfall after a 16% increase in stat funding for the district as well as the 25 million dollar levy that was recently passed. I go over some of those questions as well.
submitted by glass2mouth87 to school [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:03 Professional_Sense15 2013 Audi A6 making weird noise and shaking?

The title basically says it all, my boyfriend called me in a panic saying his car started shaking/vibrating when going over 50mph (which like i know the bare minimum about cars/car issues). He then told me earlier while driving on our back roads a large truck was not getting out of the way and he had to move kinda off the road and into a yard to dodge the truck and that when he went to continue driving he heard a scraping sound. He drives a 2013 Audi A6 (ew i know) so i'm going out on a limb and say he knocked the tires out of alignment or something when he did that. Any other suggestions? He stopped to see if his tires needed reinflated so he stopped and did that but apparently it's still making noise. He said it's making the high pitched squeal of a school bus braking when accelerating.
He knows nothing about cars and I know the bare minimum of cars from what i remember that my dad taught me.
submitted by Professional_Sense15 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:03 RockinHooker Casual Writing Group - Wednesdays at 7 - Williamsburg

Hey! I'm a member of the Hemingways, a very casual drinking...I mean writing group that meets on Wednesday nights at 7 at Blinky's in Williamsburg.
Once we're all settled in with the beverage of our choice, I share a couple of writing prompt options and we each write quietly for a set amount of time (usually 10 minutes). After that, people are encouraged to share what they wrote if they want. We repeat this process, refilling our drinks as necessary, for about two hours.
This is not a critique group and we welcome everyone from those who haven't written since elementary school, to those who just keep a journal, to published writers. The focus is on getting outside of your comfort zone, developing your voice as a writer, and making new friends.
If you're interested in joining, stop by tomorrow at 7! We organize ourselves through WhatsApp but Reddit doesn't like me sending out more than a couple of links a day before freezing me out, so if I don't respond to your request feel free to just show up and I'll add you then :)
submitted by RockinHooker to nycmeetups [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:02 Severe-Version-2055 Neet to say it

I(16m)have 4 people I'd call friends. There's K.(17F), there's S.(16m), there's M.(17m) and there's R.(16f)
K, I completly trust and J trusts me but we live in different cities, so keeping in touch is hard with her limited acces to the telephone. We knew each other since fourth elementary class and beceme frieds in sixth, we get along so well because we are so simmilar. We both have autism, we are both homosexual(I'm gay, she's lesbian), we like the same shows, have the same sense of humor, and spent too much time together(we for 5 years sat in the same school desk because we needed a teacher to help us, and the school gave a one teacher for us both). K isn't the problem, we still get along great.
With R, we had it complicated, but we now get along just fine. My problem is that K and R were dating for some time and in the break-up I didn't want to choose sides, and ultimatly R distanced herself and doesn't talk to me that much. She also made music but now has such little self-confidence that she stoped. And I wonder what can I do to help her(I'd love to, but I'm too busy to learn an instrument).
S, is my friend from the start of highschool, we got along by liking movies and series and discussing it. But I still haven't came out to him(I live in Poland, I don't want to be beaten up for being gay, that's why I only come out to friends), he just makes racist and homophobic jokes and I can't tell if he really thinks that. What do you think?
This is gonna be long and weird
And then there is M. The hardest to understand person. We are the most simmilar, to the point of thinking the same thing at the same time. But there is a difference. When we got to know each other we were two smartest kids in the class. I always good with literature, languages and chemistry; he with mathematics, phisics, arts(Idk if that's relevant, I have around 130-135 IQ and suspected savant syndrome, the tests were profesional). We were, more or less equal. Both, very egotistical, confident, lying, convinced of being better than the rest - like Sherlock and Dr. House. But, I had something that changed me. I had K(my Wilson/Watson) who taught me that I don't have to be intelligent, and that being kind, nice, epathic, honest, modest is far more important. Took some time but eventualy I stoped cultivating my intellect and started cultivating other's. But M didn't have a K. So over time, we grew more and more sideways. I became more towards selflessnes, he towards Narcissism. I stoped beliving in christianity, he started even more. I accepted that I don't have to be the best and started to be interested in literature(and fantasy) and languages, and help classmates. He started to 'love' maths and phisics, and every few days he'd send me a message wit a hard equasion and tell me that "Ha! You can't solve it", but when I sent him a norwegian song "Helvegen" and wanted to explain what the title means, because I like languages.(Hel - norse realm of the dead, Veg - norwegian word for 'Way', 'en' as an ending means 'the'. So "The Way To Hel"). He removed me from the group chat, and told me "No one needs to know that, stop playing smart, you're not). And when I told him to add me back, he said that he would, "When I know my place".
And a few days ago, we got into an argument. And it ended with him not having more arguments, so he blocked me on all social medias, removed me from group chats, and told me that if I ever try to disrespect him or his religion again, he'd tell everyone I'm gay. So I told him what I think of him, that he's a narcissist, maybe intelligent but not wise, liar and a manipulator.
So any of you got ways to not get beaten at school, or for it to hurt less? Because I'm not gonna fight back, I am a pacyfist.
Thank you for reading it all❤️
Share your views on the situation, I'm open for criticue and always happy to tell you more✌️
submitted by Severe-Version-2055 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:02 FraxinusPlenty Introducing new chicks to a hen- 6 day difference?

Hi all. I have sort of a convoluted situation and need some advice…
So I had three of my 10 hens go broody starting at various times within about a week and a half time frame. They all had mixed clutches made up of eggs from all 10 hens. I let them each keep 3 eggs, as I do want chicks but not 30 at once… Due to the different dates when they started sitting, all three clutches are due to hatch at three different times. I planned to separate them all once hatched into their own spaces.
With me still? Okay, great. So, hen # 1 is a young hen, and managed to knock two of her three eggs out of the box and they didn’t make it to full gestation. Her last egg hatched on the 8th, a healthy little chick. I separated mom and baby from the flock and they are doing great. Unfortunately, yesterday, hen # 2 went missing. She’s never left before and she’s a seasoned mother and would have never left her eggs in the past- I’ve had to break her from broodiness a few times in the past actually- so I’m sure something happened to her. I popped her eggs under hen #3, who accepted them and is sitting on them currently. However, hen #2’s eggs are due to hatch on the 4th- all 3 look healthy and alive on candling this morning. Hen # 3’s own clutch aren’t due to hatch until the 10th. I know she won’t be able to care for hen# 2’s hatchlings and sit on her own clutch until they hatch another 6 days later…
So my question is this… once hen #2’s eggs hatch on the 4th, can I give the babies to hen #1, who has the single chick hatched on the 8th, so that hen #3 can continue to sit on and hatch her original clutch? I’ve given hens orphaned chicks before, sneaking them in at night, but never this far apart in age and going from 1 to 4 chicks. Or is it a futile effort?
Hen #2’s disappearance has really messed things up!
Thoughts? Ideas?
submitted by FraxinusPlenty to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:02 Unable_Ad_7788 Would like opinions on furthering me education and career- Medical school or mid-level?

Hello! Im not really sure if this is were i should be asking this question and im sure it probably gets asked a ton but I have recently turned 30 and about graduate from Respiratory therapy school with an assocaites in a couple of weeks. Throughout my clinicals and while working as a student job as an RT I have found this hunger for wanting to know more about things that are going on around me. I was lucky enough to have a student job as well as go through clinicals at a hospital that is concerned a "teaching" hospital were pretty much everyone comes through atleast once. From Residents to PA students to Pharm students to CRNA students. I love the idea of being an RT but have found myself wanting to be more involved with patients care in the hospitals so while i work as RT i plan on taking the rest of the classes needed to apply and go for four options im considering but would like some input on opinions. Ill be getting married very soon and my girlfriend is very supportive of me and any decision i decide to make but i want my decision to be easy on her also and not a burden.
  1. I'm considering PA school due to the shorter time investment while still having some involvement in patient care plans, really like the pulmonary or cardio side of what im already doing.
  2. Going back to nursing school to eventually become a CRNA, (we got to do a intubation rotation once and found I liked watching the work CRNA do), longest route for me besides of course med school.
  3. Related to #2 I have also considered AA school since its again a shorter path compared to med school or CRNA school from where im at currently. Im lucky to live a state were AAs can practice I have just read there seems to be push back from the nursing world against AAs so not sure how well that will work out.
  4. Lastly part of me just wants to say screw it and go for it all and has i said already above being in Respiratory already, i really like the pulmonary/cardio side of things so the idea of being a Pulmonologist really intrigues me. I have also always said I like the idea of going into anethesia or oncology and with me being already interested in CRNA/AA, anesthesiologist is an option also. This is obviously the longest choice and would not having me starting med school until atleast 32 or 33.
So those are the 4 decisions im currently spinning my head around and around what I would want to do more. Utimately I know this decision of mine and mine alone but wanted to get some insight from other people and why they chose their career path. Thank you in advance!
submitted by Unable_Ad_7788 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:02 b0200823 My (29f) boyfriend (27m) is close with his female coworker (30?f) and pins up drawings/cards/gifts from her at his desk, doesn't tell me about plans

My boyfriend has a female coworkefriend who is bubbly, outgoing, cute etc. They're friends and part of a friend group at work (2 guys, 2 girls). With this particular coworker he:
I told my therapist about him pinning up notes/drawings from her and she goes "that's weird. I'd also be upset if my husband did that" and I can't get that thought out of my head. I want to think it's not weird and he can have close female friends (I really don't have a problem with his other female friends!) but this has been on my mind for days.
UGH just typing this out I'm getting upset - what do I do?? I don't want to tell him he can't be friends with someone and I don't want to sound crazy/jealous/controlling, but it would be nice to know that as our relationship gets more serious he is thinking about what messages he is sending to other people.
TLDR: Boyfriend's relationship with female coworkefriend seems too close for comfort. He does special favors for her, displays her gifts at work, and spends significant time with her, sometimes excluding me. I've expressed discomfort, but he's stopped discussing her to avoid conflict. I'm unsure how to address it without seeming jealous or controlling, but you want him to set better boundaries.
submitted by b0200823 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:01 battlecryarms Extrusion Problem Diagnosis

Extrusion Problem Diagnosis
Hey guys,
I posted with what I thought was an adhesion issue on my P1S. I dried my filament, cleaned my plates with dish soap as usual, and switched to a default PolyLite PLA profile in Orca in case I screwed something up in the settings. It’s doing 220C nozzle and 55C bed. I also ran a needle into the nozzle and then extruded to make sure it’s not partially clogged. I always run a bed leveling sequence
At this point I’m pretty sure it’s not an adhesion issue, and that the prints are coming unstuck because the nozzle is hitting imperfections.
I noticed that even my skirt loops have gaps. I also noticed that it tends to fail to extrude in the same places or motion directions. I’m printing from a dry box that hasn’t given me trouble before.
As I mentioned, I’m thinking this is a mechanical issue rather than settings. Any guidance would be appreciated.
submitted by battlecryarms to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:01 Professional_Sense15 Car trouble: BFs car making new/weird noise and vibrations.

The title basically says it all, my boyfriend called me in a panic saying his car started shaking/vibrating when going over 50mph. He then told me earlier while driving on our back roads a large truck was not getting out of the way and he had to move kinda off the road and into a yard to dodge the truck and that when he went to continue driving he heard a scraping sound. He drives a 2013 Audi A6 (ew i know) so i'm going out on a limb and say he knocked the tires out of alignment or something when he did that. Any other suggestions? He stopped to see if his tires needed reinflated so he stopped and did that but apparently it's still making noise. He said it's making the high pitched squeal of a school bus braking when accelerating.
He knows nothing about cars and I know the bare minimum of cars from what i remember that my dad taught me.
submitted by Professional_Sense15 to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:01 transval I’m so tired of the racism in trans spaces.

I’m exhausted. I’m so worn down. I’m at the end of my rope. I hate having to choose between heritage and community. I hate being systematically/functionally excluded from these spaces. I hate how people act toward me, I hate the fetishization of my body because I’m short, brown, and curvy by OTHER TRANSFEMS! I hate the barely-concealed hostility toward me because I’m Palestinian and so many of you blame us, even subconsciously, for the fears that your rights will be taken away. I hate being made to feel like we don’t matter to you. We’re an afterthought. You bring us up only to defend our oppressors. When I mention to American transgender people my racial background, they look at me like an abused puppy, no matter what I say about my past. Your immediate assumption when I say I’m transgender and Arab is that I’m abused, that I hate my culture, that my people have mistreated me. and yeah, I was abused, I was kicked out! It still doesn’t mean that it’s okay to assume that shit!
I hate when mods of this subreddit weigh in and act like our lives and our families’ lives don’t matter. I hate when people in this subreddit can only convey their words through making throughly American problems in America about us and our peoples. I hate when American transgender tourists speak and act as if they, a (likely) white American with an American passport are going to face anything like the scrutiny placed on queer and trans arabs in their own countries, who, despite the restrictions and repression, have built thriving queetrans communities in nearly every country in the Arab World.
The naked hostility, the fetishization, the distrust, I feel like I shouldn’t identify with any kind of transgender community who firmly and clearly shows me exactly how unwelcome I am. I live in America. I will face the same, if not greater, consequences as you as a result of this election; because of the attitude of these communities, I will have to pick and choose what parts of myself are more important than others. The open disregard and hostility in this sub—not dealt with by mods, fyi—toward us turn this space whiter and whiter. It truly is an echo chamber of milquetoast liberal opinion, one full of people unwilling to give up their western personal comfort and safety to prevent the deaths and immiseration of millions. And this is why this space never truly can be a reflection of the multitude of transfeminine experiences; because its white members will disregard and aggress upon any PoC who doesn’t “know their place” when push comes to shove, when priorities conflict.
submitted by transval to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:01 givemepoptarts I'm pretty sure everyone hates me and I wish I wouldn't wake up in the morning

My dad probably hates me for being trans (I wouldn't know since he's left now and I haven't told him, but he was always very against that sort of thing), my mum and sister both complain about me to eachother. My sister has more trauma than me and can talk to my mum about it, but I feel like whenever I talk about my issues I either get ignored or complained about. I have a chest infection, and when I told my mum I didn't have enough energy to deal with the dog (I could barely get up that day and needed to sleep), she came home but complained to my sister about it- she said (mockingly) "he said he's nOt gOt eNoUgH eNeRgY." I told my friends once about how she was ableist and I didn't know how to deal with it, she went through my phone and started crying (I felt really guilty after this) and telling me she's not ableist because she used to work with people with special needs, but she makes fun of my uncle for having special needs and drooling, and she made a comment about a man who was clearly autistic or something similar (he was very loudly talking about how nice it was and how everyone was smiling); she said that 'i know it's bad but my first thought was ‘undateables’' which is a dating show for disabled people. I just feel like I'm never going to get listened to but then whenever I feel horrible because of her I remember that she also does nice stuff, like letting me transition and helping me get my needs met in school. I just feel like I can't win. I really just want this to end. I can't deal with having to bottle everything up.
submitted by givemepoptarts to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:00 woffaa Been out of work for almost a year - what am I doing wrong?

Been out of work for almost a year - what am I doing wrong?
Hi everyone - first time posting to this but I must say I'm happy I came across this group. Since being laid off from a relatively well paying job ($80K) I really was not happy in almost a year ago, I have struggled to find another role since. I understand the job market is what it is right now. However, as many others probably feel as well, I thought with my experience I should have landed something by now. Nonetheless, this is the reality and I'm eager to make corrections to where I've fallen short in my job search - starting with my resume. As a newlywedded husband with a pre-constructed unit and serious need of income on the way, I really appreciate all the help I can get to make the necessary fixes.
• ⁠Graduated with a college degree/associates degree in HR management. Also hold a diploma in International Business. • ⁠came out of school targeting a HR systems role (I really enjoy tech and systems and quite fluent in a variety of programs) but instead landed an internal opportunity as an HR Coordinator. • ⁠Worked for the same company for nearly 7 years in 3 different roles. I tried to make an internal transition into product design however was unsuccessful doing so. • ⁠In my role as Program Manager, the writing was on the wall; changed who I reported directly to ~6 times and all my colleagues left for other opportunities. I was passively looking for roles but should have been more active before being laid off.
• ⁠I feel I have a lot to speak of from experience but also feel disqualified if employer verifies I don't have a bachelors or above. • ⁠My experience does not allow me to get my PMP as of now and feel CAPM is not as generally valued in the job market.
Desired Outcome
• ⁠Project Coordinator or Project Manager role • ⁠IT however willing to get a non-tech role if it means having something to support my family • ⁠Remote would be ideal as my wife travels a lot for work and this would allow for me to be by her side as being alone is starting to take a toll on her. Once again, however, if the opportunity • ⁠Make the same salary or more than what I made before the lay off,
*This resume is my initial tweak after reading through the wiki. The overall template is from a career resources bank I got through a PM training course I recently took.
submitted by woffaa to PMCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:00 YaGirlMom Finished Death Guard 1993 castraferrum dreadnought

Finished Death Guard 1993 castraferrum dreadnought
After a good few days of painting I’ve finished the first of a trio of 1993 metal box dreads for my heresy era Death Guard army. (A few WIP pics included)
Given the age of the kit, I decided to make the dreadnought a unification war veteran, who has now turned on the emperor (might be a lil canon breaking but I wanted the detail).
His first game is on Saturday and I’m excited
submitted by YaGirlMom to Warhammer30k [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:00 Proud_Discount1825 I need advice on a admin who I believe is harassing me

Please read and give any advice helps I’m just so lost!!!!
I (20F) work at a ABA clinic, if you don’t know what that is, it’s a clinic/school setting for kids ages 2-15 with learning disabilities. It’s a very rare occupation and with that I take great pride in proving the best quality therapy for my clients and with client dignity being my first priority NO MATTER WHAT! With that I’ve ran into the problem we’re a former employee RBT like me (43M) was (what I believe to be harassment, you tell me) asking me if I was pregnant though out many different phrases. Such as “oh morning sickness is a bitch right” right in front of my non verbal kid. Or flat out asking “you were out sick yesterday, are you pregnant” knowing damn well at the time when I started my job I was right out of high school. He was already there when I came to work at 18/19. But I made admin aware of this situation and the first time the lady I told actually never wrote it down or investigated it at all but also promised when I first told her that it “wouldn’t happen again, I will have a talk with him” but come to find out maybe 3 months down the road it happened again and I told them again, when she then proceeded to gaslight me into thinking I didn’t tell her the first time. But in reality she just didn’t fucking do anything with it after I told her. Nothing was said or done to him to my knowledge at least that’s what it sounded like. Because he continued not only with the pregnancy questions to me but to others as well (even to a woman that has infertility problems and recently lost a baby) which made me burn even hotter. I had finally had enough and marched my ass into one of the admins and told them that if this shit didn’t stop and they didn’t take care of it I would be knocking his ass out if another comment was made to or about me. Because even with being talked to he continued to be inappropriate. They wrote me up for “verbal aggression” and tried making me sign a contract saying that if I made any farther comments like that again my job would be on the line. I laughed in their faces and told them I wasn’t signing that. And they better hope the talking he got was going to make it stop and his job better be on the line too because I was done. But later that month he went into surgrey for a leg operation. After he had surgery he was no longer able to work with clients directly and began helping admin with making the schedule since he was chair bound or with crutches. Couple months into that they turned him into an admin so now he is above me and could be held to a “role model” status. He continued to make inappropriate jokes to employees around me but hadn’t messed with me in a while. As I was also avoiding any conversation bids he threw at me and stuck only to necessary discussions. Last Tuesday I was bent over talking to a client on the ground. (I had a tie dye work shirt tucked into my scrubs, and a crew neck over top of it). He was also in the room and he said “I have to keep reminding myself that it’s your shirt and not your underwear”. Even though I had been through it before over and over again I knew what to do without even thinking. I wrote the time down on my calculator on my watch so I could direct admin right to the camera and audio video camera we have in every room. After thinking about what he has said it almost made me throw up and I was so pissed off to the point I couldn’t even say anything. I was in shock. I could not actually believe what he has just said. I emailed hr after I got home that day. She talked to me later that week and I was so mad and disappointed in her abilities to control her employees and actually ended up making her cry. Which at that point I didn’t care because why the fuck does he still have a job. I didn’t believe them the first time they told me the shit would stop and I definitely don’t believe them now. They literally sent me that same day to the adult program in a different building. And that continued from that thru the rest of that day and Friday. That next week I worked the morning session with my daily client at my original place of work and had a conversation with an employee that asked why they put me at the adult program. I told her what had happened and she said that and while she was with a client last week, he came up to her and said “say what you want about child predators, but at least they drive slow through school zones” and I couldn’t believe my ears. I told admin and they pulled the girl in and she told them exactly what she told me. That next day I came into work asking that they would send me right to the adults building because I refused to work with him. But I gave them grace with the morning session taken the amount of call offs we had that morning. I figured I was needed here in the morning and they would send me after. Once morning session was coming to a close I look at the schedule and it says I’m here for the rest of the day and I had my client for the next session and my lunch buddy (which is the person that watches your client when you go and take lunch) and it was no other than him. And my lunch was the only lunch he was covering which I found weird. I went to find another admin to have my lunch switched because I didn’t feel comfortable being around him and everyone should already know that by now. Every admin was in a meeting and wasn’t available. He came down to my morning kids room before switch and said to take my lunch at exactly 11:30 so I can “decompress from the morning”. ( which I thought was also fucked up because I had a great morning with my client I didn’t need to even take my lunch that early I was fine) at 11:30 I go up the the lunch room to get my next client and he was there and told me to go. I went to try and find someone to talk to again before I went and ate. Ended up spending my entire lunch (15 min) trying to find someone fucking in charge. I knocked on the founders door and she was there! I went in and I told her everything down to the time He also tries to push clients into behaviors. Telling my client that he was going to “bring back terry, just for you” which was a therapist that got fired for abusing the children before I was even hired. I had no idea until my client finally calmed down enough to tell me this and who she was. I immediately went and told his BCBA (which is the person who makes the clients learning binders and everything the child does, which also includes them wanting to know everything, so they know what better way to help regulate them and keep them happy and learning. ) She was baffled he would even say anything like that and told me she would handle it. Then couple weeks down the road he was with a client and I was in the same room as him the client asked him “can you give me some space and stop dancing” as this fucker dances around acting like a fool. I was proud of the kid for sticking up for hisself because I could tell it was bothering him. This mf has the nerve to say “well you can either have space or watch me dance you can’t have both”. Which is written no where in his learning materials that we are supposed to stick to no matter what (unless specified by BCBA) Another instance where something like this has happened was when he yelled across the gym to a client that needed daily medication to “come get his drugs”. Or asking a different client that did the same thing if he “took 6 or 1”. Another instance was when he was asking a client if they wanted “pickle shots”. And probably so many other ones that I don’t even know about. I know this is a long post but is there any reason this guy should still have a job or am I fighting an endless battle and should start looking for another job. I’m so lost on what to do. I feel like they aren’t taking me seriously and the fact that he continues to keep his job after so many inappropriate conversations time after time again. I need to know what if anything else I can do? Or should I just choke the mother fucker out in the storage closet?
submitted by Proud_Discount1825 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:00 Inevitable-Ask7983 Am I in the wrong for still being upset my ex bsf of two years blocked me and that was the end of it?

To start it off, me and my ex best friend who I will be calling Zo. Were REALLY close, we talked about everything together did everything together and got along very well, our birthdays were even in the same month and year. But all of that came to an end when our friendship of two years crumbled, the moment we started making new friends, we didn't talk as much but that was okay. I was told she blocked everyone around the beginning of the school year, and I was one of the people who had experienced it. I was hurt, still am. Which is why, several months later I wanted to ask her for an explanation as to why she just, blocked me, out of nowhere, no explanation. But I couldn't do it, I got anxious, stood there for a few seconds, shook my head and walked off. She seems happy. But I'm not sure.
She's currently dating a senior, mind you, she's a freshman. I wasn't TOO suprised when I heard she's with someone older than her, she's done it before, in middle school, she dated a 16yo while in the 8th grade (she was only fourteen and is now.) I didn't know if the senior was legal until today, but he is, eighteen. I know it's probably none of my business now but, I for some reason can't let it go. She doesn't seem to want to talk to me either, I question if cutting me off like that was, easy for her. If so, then, I guess our friendship meant nothing to her. I'm scared I have an actual obsession, and I feel really bad.
I talk about her bf (the senior) sometimes, not much but to state imo it's a gross and not normal relationship that they have going on. It's not NEW to anyone that their together, I mean, they walk together in the hallways and hug, and even hold hands. My school has a confessions page, and I was upset after my attempt at talking to her and remembered how she just stopped talking to me, the look on her face when I tried talking to her, and I admit it was immature of me, but I posted on it about her.
I didn't say much, because I in a way, still care about her. I wrote "Zo is a bad friend, and is currently dating a senior like hello?? She dated a 16yo in middle school. Someone get that girl some help." Her 'friend' (some girl she barley even talks to) commented on the post, and I handed the phone to my friend to reply. (I'm not used to conflict, or often defend myself in situations like this, Im 'too nice.')
They had a whole argument about it and that was the end of it. During the conversation it was readresssd that, my current bf was accused of 'taking advantage' of Zo. I've only heard this from the same friend of Zo who I'll call, Mic. Mic said that Zo told her my bf would force her to do, sexual things, and etc. She also claimed he was a manipulative guy and she was trying to 'warn me.' I know my bf I've known him probably longer than Zo and I don't believe, I know he wouldn't do something like that. Just for more context, Zo's ex is my current bf.
But she stopped talking to me way before their break-up. So that's not a reason. The last guy she was with, who is also my close friend, she had lied about and said she broke up with him because he, "Liked other girls." When he didn't, I saw how 'in love' he was with her and how much he rambled on about her. He didn't want anyone else at the time.
I know I've done some things that may make me seem horrible, and I'll accept that. But I just don't know if I should leave all of this in the past or what. I want to let it go, and move on, but its not easy. I want to ask Zo to tell her friend to not talk about me anymore, but my friends keep telling me to just leave it alone.
submitted by Inevitable-Ask7983 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:00 Blauwe_Smurf My first commander deck

Hello, I’ve been playing magic for like 2 months now just with some free cards with 60 card decks at school. Now we wanna get into commander and we all make our own very budget deck. Since I’m not experienced I wanted to ask someone that was if my deck looked all good and well before deciding that it’s finished and order it. Besides that I also had another question, on archidekt I could select pretty art but when trying to transfer the deck list to my wants on cardmarket all my art preferences are deleted, is there some easy way to still get the preferred art cards without having to pay like €10 extra to buy it on some other website per card? Thanks so much for the help already!
submitted by Blauwe_Smurf to mtg [link] [comments]