Ademco 6139 alarm manual

No Google devices will connect at all

2024.05.21 14:31 WonderousLlama No Google devices will connect at all

I changed my wifi password knowing I would have to remove and reconnect each Google device manually. I changed the wifi password (xfinity) restarted all my mesh pucks (deco mesh) removed every Google device from my home, factory reset the devices, and now NOTHING will reconnect. I tried deleting and creating a new Home in Google home, nothing. Rebooted everything internet related (router, modem, my phone, each device individually) and NOTHING will connect!! I have…
Nest cameras Google hubs (screen) Google minis (puck) Google doorbell (wired 2nd gen) ADT security system integrated through Google (nest secure replacement) WiFi enabled lights through Google home
Not one device will connect. I add new device, it sees the device, code shows up on the screens, click through menus, put in wifi password and it says “can’t connect”. Every time. I’m able to connect to the wifi on every single other thing in my house except Google Home devices.
Called Google tech support and they just passed me around in circles saying they have no idea why it won’t connect.
Please, I’m begging you, help me. My entire house and sanity depends on these things (single mom of a lot of kids, kids use as alarms for school, to catch the bus on time, broadcast used constantly to communicate, cameras and alarm used for safety when kids are home alone, etc.) I can’t afford to replace everything. I am going insane trying every solution the internet has to offer and nothing is working!
submitted by WonderousLlama to googlehome [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:50 Much_Engineering_371 Hisense A5 wet battery

Hisense A5 wet battery
Hello, I accidentally dropped my Hisense into water :-( I dried it manually, and then I've let it dry with rice for 10 days. But the screen displays this alarming "x" icone, even after long recharging, and I can't switch it on again. Any advice for repairing or accessing the data (I don't have back-up...)
Thx for your help!
submitted by Much_Engineering_371 to eink [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:07 Hot-Schedule1593 VFS Schengen Visa online application walkthrough with tips and tricks

As a non-EU national, here are some notes from my personal VFS experiences:
Online appointment
  1. You don't need to provide all docs when booking a Schengen visa appointment. You can do it parallelly i.e. secure an appointment, and use the days leading up to it to gather and print all necessary docs + copies of everything including expired passports + visas.
  2. Be careful NOT to keep refreshing the page (no matter how tempting it is) because there's a limit and if you cross it, you will be penalised. You will be asked to refresh your browser cache/cookies and/or wait for 2 hours. You can try to use a dummy email for the refreshing so that when you see a slot open up, you simply log in with your real one and then book the slot. Sometimes when you log in repeatedly, it doesn't let you log in for a while. Don't be alarmed. Try using multiple devices or network connections.
  3. Slots open up randomly and it's hard to predict the pattern. I noticed it opened up 1x every 15-17 days in the evening around 6 pm. If you can afford to go to another city, you may be able to find slots at other VFS centres in the country that receive less volume. I had been checking everyday for an entire month and a half before I managed to get a slot.
  4. It will NOT show you all available slots but they do exist (!!!). Don't fall for this terrible UI/UX dark pattern. The moment you see it a slot is available on XXX date. Click on the button because they actually have more slots in a calendar once you progress to that page. A lot of people don't realize this and wait for all dates to show up on the first screen. So even if you are not sure about the date it shows, that's fine. You will be able to see calendar availability for the next ~2 weeks and also be able to choose the time slot in the morning, afternoon, etc.
  5. Appointment confirmation takes time once you reach the payment page and you may not get an email right away. The first attempt was rejected and no money was deducted thankfully. But it told me to check in 5 hours. When I did, I had no confirmation on my Dashboard. I tried again and used another payment method which deducted my money. But still not confirmation. After about 2 hours, I checked my dashboard and it was confirmed. Still no email confirmation. I had to manually re-send the booking confirmation.
  6. The DOB on my appointment confirmation on VFS portal was incorrect even though I put the right one. The code is messed up because it showed the date of booking minus 1 year as my DOB. Don't worry if this happens. Go to your appointment. (All the money they take and they can't fix this bug). This happens if you don't book their Insurance - and I didn't. The poor design might make it seem like that's a required step, but it's not.
  7. Once you get an appointment, the window to reschedule is small but you will not lose your existing slot if you do click the button to explore the options.
At the centre
  1. Poor design extends IRL where they don't have clear signages making people think that the Premium Lounge is the only option. The person told me that I would have to pay a horrendous amount of about 155 EUR / 168 USD (which wasn't listed on the website). I said no thanks. They tried to convince me by saying that lounge doesn't have a queue. I told her to tell me where the regular booth was. Surprise surprise. There was no queue there either. It's just a trick for you to pay as much money as possible.
  2. Queues for uncommon or less mainstream countries like Luxembourg, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland were practically empty for the first 2 hours in the morning and less crowded. Popular countries like France, Italy, and Germany were packed by 10.30 am with only a few seats available. This is also the section that has more seats and more booths due to the volume of applicants.
  3. Even if you have all copies and all documents, be prepared for them to stump you because it's unlikely the experience will be frictionless. Your photo won't work if you are wearing glasses or the background isn't white etc etc etc. It seems like their mandate is to not accept applications on the first go. Even when I have had all the documents and all copies, there's been something that they bring up. Eg. "the visa processing time is 60 days" but when I booked my appointment, it was 15-20 days on the website (I still have 45 days though). The person told me that they would have to ask the manager (but that never happened). They made me write a declaration stating I was made aware of this by the personnel. I mean, it's a bit ridiculous. As it is, you barely get an appointment, when you do the instructions differ from when you actually go there. So, there's really no winning.
  4. Apparently their Trustpilot feedback is fake. Even if you write something, chances are it will get overshadowed by bots. There was a case about how they manipulated this overnight.
  5. Make sure your docs and bookings have YOUR NAME on everything, dates, locations (with addresses for accommodation), and phone number and email of the places. Once you submit this, they will "verify" and make you wait. I literally saw one of the dudes behind the counter playing with my passport smh.
  6. Your name will be called and you will get a slip (this means they have accepted your application) which includes tracking information etc. You will need to go make the payment. After this, go BACK TO THE COUNTER where you submitted docs. Collect your folder and proceed to the biometric room. Don't sit, give the person your receipt/slip and wait in the queue. Your name will be called to do the biometric stuff. After this, you have to, once again, GO BACK to the counter and submit your folder with your documents and passport. Then, we wait and hope for the best.
  7. Do your research and get receipts and printouts of EVERYTHING because I wouldn't trust the people behind the counter to do their due diligence. I mean EVERYTHING. If you intend to take an internal train or a public bus, print out the train schedule and put it in there. If you intend to go to another country that allows visa-free entry for valid Schengen visa holders, take a printout of that Embassy's notice and put it in. I can't stress this enough. Get proof and documentation for everything you possibly can.
  8. FYI Some countries say it has to be your "first" port of entry and/or "main destination". Some countries will only accept if it is your MAIN destination i.e. longest duration of stay. Check relevant sites and be careful!
IDK if this goes to show how cumbersome the process is but it is almost always unpleasant and borderline traumatic. I feel for the people who don't know any better, who have to rely on some agent, or in general are unable to see through the BS. The monopoly enables them to play God and while their job should be to pass on your docs and application, they seem to exercise their own discretionary power to make it hell for people who don't know better. Meh.
I have never left a VFS appointment feeling good about anything. I don't think the Premium Lounge would have helped to solve this either. I hope the VFS monopoly dies and the Schengen Visa digitisation makes this easier. Good luck and hang in there.
submitted by Hot-Schedule1593 to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:20 a_n_d_r_e_ CloudEdge app: How to pause? Or, any alternative with that function?

I use CloudEdge on Android to check the camera on my terrace, and I am happy with it.
However, I can't figure how to pause the camera, or at least the alarm notification, without setting the recording time or entering the settings and turn off the camera manually. With the summer coming, and hopefully, the good weather, my partner, my cat and I are using the terrace quite often and without a specific pattern, and my phone is getting clogged with notifications.
The camera is a ieGeek Outdoor 2k, connected to my home WiFi and no cloud. CloudEdge for Android ver.5.3.1
submitted by a_n_d_r_e_ to homesecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:39 Stage-Piercing727 Best Clock Radio Gun Safe

Best Clock Radio Gun Safe
If you're in the market for a unique and practical home security solution, look no further than our roundup of Clock Radio Gun Safes. These innovative products not only serve as stylish clock radios, but also provide a secure storage option for your firearms. In this article, we'll showcase some of the best Clock Radio Gun Safes on the market, ensuring that your home remains both beautiful and secure.

The Top 18 Best Clock Radio Gun Safe

  1. Hornady RAPiD Night Guard Safe with RFID Technology and USB Charging - Secure your valuables with ease and convenience using the Hornady RAPiD Safe Night Guard, featuring patented RFID technology, a sleek design, and advanced security features for ultimate peace of mind.
  2. Secure Electronic Floor Safe for Valuables - A heavy-duty electronic gun floor safe built with rock-solid security features, including a removable shelf, dual-entry lock, and tamper-proof design for ultimate protection of your valuables.
  3. Vaultek Wi-Fi Enabled 8-Gun Biometric Gun Safe - Ensure ultimate security with the Vaultek NMXi Wi-Fi High Capacity Rugged Smart Safe, combining biometric, smart key, and Wi-Fi capabilities for total peace of mind.
  4. Hornady 16 Gauge Steel Fireproof Keypad Safe - Secure your valuables with the fireproof Hornady 95407 Keypad Safe, offering heavy-duty steel construction, electronic lock with key backup, and up to 30 minutes of fire protection.
  5. Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with Anti-Theft Electronic Lock - Protect your valuable shotguns and rifles with the fireproof and waterproof Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe, featuring an advanced electronic lock and a customizable interior design.
  6. Hornady Rapid Safe Ready Vault: The Ultimate Smart Firearm Safe - Unmatched security and convenience, the Hornady Rapid Safe Ready Vault w/ WiFi offers patented RFID technology, adjustable interior shelf, and backup keys for seamless access to your firearms in a sleek package.
  7. Solid Wood Mahogany Mahogany Furniture Clock Safe for Handgun Concealment and Storage - Secure your valuables with style in the Kraiovim Peace Keeper Tall Rectangular Working Clock, featuring solid wood construction, reliable quartz movement, and gun concealment for peace of mind.
  8. Hiding Place Clock - Mahogany Concealment Gun Safe - The Tall Gun Concealment Clock, featuring a sleek mahogany finish and reliable quartz movement, securely hides your valuables with a clever magnetic latch and comes equipped with a 1AA battery for hassle-free use.
  9. Secure Shotgun Wall Safe with RFID Technology - Secure your shotgun with ease and convenience using the Hornady Rapid Safe Shotgun, featuring fast touch-free entry and child-resistant safety features for maximum security.
  10. Secure and Stylish Biometric Gun Case - Experience the ultimate security with Stalwart's Biometric Desk Mount Gun Safe, featuring 14-gauge steel construction, innovative fingerprint sensor and backup keys for quick access, and a robust alarm system to safeguard your handguns with ease.
  11. Concealed Clock for Stealthy Storage - A tactical and practical timepiece with a hidden compartment, allowing you to swiftly access your belongings.
  12. Vaultek Barikade Series 1: Secure, Compact Biometric Gun Safe with 20 Fingerprint Storage - Secure your handgun and important documents with ease using the Vaultek Barikade Sub Compact Pistol Safe's biometric access, compact design, and built-in storage features, all wrapped in an 18-gauge rugged steel enclosure.
  13. Vaultek VS20 Smart Safe: Compact, Rugged, and Secure Bluetooth-Compatible Gun Safe - Secure your valuables with the Vaultek VS20 Series Smart Safe, featuring Bluetooth 2.0 for smartphone interaction, rechargeable battery, heavy-duty carbon steel construction, and quick access to your belongings.
  14. Hornady Rapid Safe WiFi Compact Ready Vault with RFID Technology - Secure your firearms with lightning-fast access and state-of-the-art security features in the Hornady Rapid Safe Compact Ready Vault with WiFi.
  15. Sleeper Chair Transforms into Stylish Sofa - The PSP Gun Concealment Clock is a cleverly disguised safe, perfect for securing valuables or firearms in a home environment without small children.
  16. Homak 14-Gun First Watch Cabinet: Durable and Reliable Guns Storage - The Homak HS30120140 14-Gun First Watch Cabinet, featuring a black finish, is a durable and reliable gun safe for 14 guns, designed for optimal user convenience, emergency road kit compatibility, and high-quality S2 chrome molybdenum steel construction.
  17. Protective, Bluetooth Connected Smart Safe with Multiple Access Options - Experience ultimate protection and convenience with the Vaultek VT20 Rugged Bluetooth Smart Safe, featuring diverse locking options, Bluetooth app connectivity, and various features designed to provide maximum security and functionality.
  18. Vaultek Bluetooth 2.0 Slider Safe with Biometric Lock - Vaultek SR20 Bluetooth Slider Safe transforms gun storage with an interactive smartphone experience, offering enhanced security and efficient energy management.
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🔗Hornady RAPiD Night Guard Safe with RFID Technology and USB Charging
The Hornady RAPiD Safe Night Guard is an impressive blend of style and security. I've been using it for a while now, and I must say I am quite impressed with the product. The tempered glass front panel is sleek and elegant, complementing any bedroom decor.
The patented RFID technology is definitely a game-changer. I love being able to unlock the safe without even touching it, which is ideal when you're in a dark room and don't want to fumble around for your keys or access code. The 4 included RFID tags make it quick and easy to program the safe to open for you and your family.
One of the features that really stands out to me is the two USB-A ports for charging my devices. It's incredibly handy to have a place to charge my phone or other gadgets right next to my bed.
On the downside, I do wish the RFID reader and keypad were a bit more discreet. They're still functional, but they're quite prominent on the front panel. It would be nice if they were hidden away a bit more.
The heavy duty exterior housing and hardened interior locking lugs are a great feature, ensuring that the safe is built to last. However, I do wish there was a bit more padding on the interior for the items inside to prevent any potential scratches or damages.
Overall, I am quite satisfied with the Hornady RAPiD Safe Night Guard. It's a fantastic bedside safe that offers quick and easy access, as well as a place to charge your devices. Definitely worth the investment!

🔗Secure Electronic Floor Safe for Valuables
I recently started using this Union Safe Company 1.51 Cu. ft. Electronic Lock Gun Floor Safe in my home after a friend recommended it to me. The first thing that stood out to me was the heavy-duty construction of the safe, which gives a sense of security just by looking at it. The tamper-proof hinges and heavy-gauge bolts are great features that make it difficult for anyone to break in.
One of the major highlights of the safe is its dual-entry lock, which allows you to enter through a digital keypad and also has a keyed override for emergencies. This extra layer of security is a huge plus and gives me peace of mind knowing that my valuables are well protected.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I've encountered while using this safe. The first issue is that the instructions provided with the safe are not very clear or well-written, making it challenging to set up and program the lock correctly. Another minor inconvenience is that the size of the safe might not be ideal for users with limited space in their home.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I am overall satisfied with the Union Safe Company 1.51 Cu. ft. Electronic Lock Gun Floor Safe. It has proven to be a reliable and secure storage solution for my firearms and other valuable items.

🔗Vaultek Wi-Fi Enabled 8-Gun Biometric Gun Safe
I recently had the opportunity to try out Vaultek's NMXi Wi-Fi High Capacity Rugged Smart Safe, and I was impressed by its durability and advanced features. This safe offers a sleek and modern design that is perfect for any gun enthusiast looking to secure their firearms.
The NMXi safe is constructed of heavy-duty 14-gauge steel housing and a 12-gauge door, providing a robust and reliable exterior. One of the standout features for me was the biometric scanner, which offers a quick and secure way to access your firearms. This safe is equipped with a backlit numeric keypad and manual keys for even more flexibility and convenience.
Another impressive aspect of this safe is its rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which can last up to a month on a single charge. The modular interior, featuring a pull-out height-adjustable shelf and a twin pistol rack, adds to the overall customization and organization of the safe.
While the NMXi Wi-Fi High Capacity Rugged Smart Safe has numerous pros, there are a few cons to consider. One downside is its premium price, which might deter some users. Additionally, the Wi-Fi connectivity could be a bit glitchy at times, but this is something that may improve with future updates.
In summary, the Vaultek NMXi Wi-Fi High Capacity Rugged Smart Safe is a robust and feature-packed safe that offers a seamless and secure experience for gun enthusiasts. Its sleek design, biometric scanner, and modular interior make it a top choice for those looking for a high-quality and customizable option.

🔗Hornady 16 Gauge Steel Fireproof Keypad Safe

When I received the Hornady Fireproof Keypad Safe, I was eager to test its robustness and functionality. As a product reviewer, I had the opportunity to use it in my daily life, and I must say, I was impressed by its features.
Firstly, the 16 gauge steel body construction and 8 gauge steel door of the safe had a lasting impression on me. The durable black powder coat finish added a sleek touch to its overall appearance. The electronic lock with a key backup provided an extra layer of security that I appreciated, especially when using it to store important documents and valuable items.
One of the standout features of this safe was the interior light, which automatically illuminates when opening the safe. It was a thoughtful design choice that allowed me to conveniently access my items without fumbling around in the dark.
The fireproof rating of 30 minutes in up to 1400 degrees F was an impressive feature, but I also noticed that it was not water-resistant, which could be a potential downside for those living in areas with high humidity.
The removable interior shelf offered flexible and secure storage options for a variety of items, from firearms and documents to jewelry and hobby equipment. I particularly enjoyed the protective carpet interior, as it safeguarded my valuables from potential damage.
One downside that I encountered was the low battery warning, which I found a bit annoying at times. It would be great if the alarm system could last a bit longer on a single set of batteries.
Overall, the Hornady Fireproof Keypad Safe was a reliable and durable choice for storing valuable items. With its heavy-duty construction and convenient features, it made a secure addition to my daily life.

🔗Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with Anti-Theft Electronic Lock
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with E-Lock 24EGW, and I must say, I was impressed. This fireproof and waterproof safe is perfect for gun enthusiasts who want to protect their precious belongings from potential damage.
One of the most impressive features of this safe is its backlit electronic lock, which comes with an Alarm-U function. The alarm notifies you of any attempted theft, and the backup key provides an extra layer of security. I loved that it offered external hinges, allowing for a full 180-degree opening, making it effortless to access my safe.
The interior door storage and 3-spoke handle design were another bonus that I found extremely useful. Additionally, the safe is equipped with 3 1.5-inch active locking bolts and 2 dead bolts that effectively deter any potential intruders.
However, I did notice that the safe is quite heavy, which can make transportation difficult. The size of the box also seemed to be larger than originally estimated, which was a bit of a hassle.
Overall, my experience with the Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with E-Lock 24EGW has been positive. I feel confident that my valuables are safely guarded, thanks to its impressive fire and water resistance capabilities. While there were a few minor drawbacks, they do not outweigh the fantastic features of this safe.

🔗Hornady Rapid Safe Ready Vault: The Ultimate Smart Firearm Safe
I've had the opportunity to use the Hornady Security RAPiD Safe in my own home, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. First things first, this safe provides top-notch security with its patented RFID technology. But it's not just a tough exterior, it's also incredibly user-friendly.
What I love most about this safe are the features that make my daily life easier. The neoprene floor mat prevents my guns from slipping around, making storage a breeze. Plus, the convenient digital keypad and backup mechanical key let me easily get to my firearms when I need them.
But just like any product, there were some minor drawbacks. The safe is a bit pricey, but it's definitely worth the investment. And some users may find the digital aspects a bit troublesome, especially if you're not tech-savvy.
Overall, this Hornady Security RAPiD Safe has been an essential addition to my home. It provides peace of mind and convenience, making it a winner in my book. And if you're in the market for a top-quality gun safe with all the bells and whistles, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Solid Wood Mahogany Mahogany Furniture Clock Safe for Handgun Concealment and Storage
As a gun owner myself, I found the Kraiovim Peace Keeper to be a clever and practical solution for concealing your valuables. The solid wood construction with a rich mahogany stain not only provides an aesthetically pleasing touch, but also ensures that the clock is sturdy and long-lasting.
What caught my attention the most, though, is the reliable quartz movement paired with a magnetically latched, hinged front panel. This feature allows you to safely conceal your gun while still being able to set the time, and it adds an extra layer of security to the overall design.
While it's perfect for its intended purpose, I must admit that I have encountered some minor flaws. It's quite bulky and takes up a lot of space, which might not be ideal for smaller rooms. Additionally, the fact that it's a mass-produced Amazon item might deter buyers who are looking for more unique or locally crafted products.
Overall, the Kraiovim Peace Keeper is a reliable and stylish option for concealing your firearm and other valuable items. Just be prepared to make a few adjustments and compromises for its practicality.

🔗Hiding Place Clock - Mahogany Concealment Gun Safe
As a gun owner who values security and style, I recently came across the Concealment Clock and decided to give it a try. At first glance, I was skeptical about the functionality of a clock concealing a gun. However, after receiving the product and spending a few days using it, I was pleasantly surprised by its unique and innovative design.
The first thing that caught my attention was the solid and sturdy construction of the clock. It's built with high-quality materials that give it a luxurious, polished look. The high-precision quartz movement is a plus, ensuring that the clock keeps perfect time. The fact that it also includes an analog clock face with Roman numerals adds a classic and elegant touch.
One of the most interesting features is the magnetic latch closure on the front panel, providing a secure way to conceal the compartment for your gun. It's simple yet effective, and the keyhole on the back of the clock ensures that the panel stays closed when not in use.
My experience with the Concealment Clock has only been positive. However, I did encounter a minor issue with the battery compartment. The screws inside needed to be screwed in a little harder for the battery to fit securely. This was only a minor inconvenience, and I was able to solve the problem quickly.
In conclusion, the Concealment Clock offers a stylish and functional way to hide your gun at home or in the office. It's well-built, works perfectly, and even has the added benefit of being a practical and stylish clock. Although the battery compartment faced a minor hiccup, it didn't detract from the overall quality of the product. Overall, I'm highly satisfied with my purchase of the Concealment Clock.

🔗Secure Shotgun Wall Safe with RFID Technology
As a gun enthusiast, I recently gave the Hornady Rapid Safe Shotgun by RFID a try in my home. The first thing that stood out to me was its slim design, allowing me to easily store it in tight spaces. However, I wasn't impressed with its small size, as it could only fit my shotgun sideways, making it quite cramped.
One of the unique features of this safe is its RFID technology, which provides touch-free entry using an RFID-enabled wristband, key fob, or sticker. I thought it was pretty cool to be able to unlock the safe with a simple wave of my hand, although it would be even better if it had a backup option in case the batteries ran out.
The construction of the safe appeared solid, with the exterior housing made of 14-gauge steel and two internal hardened locking lugs. However, I found the touch-free entry to be quite loud, which might not be ideal for people who value discretion.
Installation was a breeze, thanks to the pre-drilled mounting holes. I was able to easily install the safe in both horizontal and vertical positions, making it versatile for various storage locations. The fact that it exceeds ASTM International safety standards for child and pry resistance was also a comforting feature.
Overall, the Hornady Rapid Safe Shotgun with RFID has its pros and cons. While the slim design and RFID technology caught my attention, some other aspects, such as the small size and loud entry, were less impressive. Nonetheless, it's a solid choice for anyone looking for a quick-access shotgun safe.

🔗Secure and Stylish Biometric Gun Case
As a homeowner with a growing family, I've always been conscious about the safety and security of our household items, especially the ones that are valuable or potentially hazardous to our little ones. That's why I decided to invest in the Stalwart Biometric Desk Mount Gun Safe, and boy, am I glad I did!
One of the first things that struck me about this gun safe is its smart biometric design. With three ways to unlock - fingerprint sensor, a keypad, or a backup key - it offers more than enough flexibility for me to access my weapons quickly and securely. The fingerprint sensor is particularly impressive, granting me quick access to my handgun when I need it most. Additionally, the inclusion of two backup keys ensures I won't be locked out if the electronics fail.
The Stalwart gun safe is not just smart, but also highly durable. Constructed from 14-gauge carbon steel with anti-pry bars and bolstered interior hinges, this safe is designed to withstand even the most determined intruder. What's more, it also comes with anti-impact latches and an impact detection system, which sets off an alarm if the safe is bumped or tampered with. This added layer of security has given me the peace of mind I've been looking for.
However, it's not all perfect with this product. The only issue I've encountered so far is its size. The safe can hold up to two handguns, but for someone like me who also needs to store ammo and other accessories, it can get a little cramped inside. But this is a minor concern, especially when comparing to the numerous benefits this product offers.
In conclusion, the Stalwart Biometric Desk Mount Gun Safe has been an invaluable addition to my home. Its smart design, robust construction, and added security features make it a reliable choice for those looking for a safe and efficient solution to store and access their firearms. Highly recommended!

🔗Concealed Clock for Stealthy Storage
Imagine waking up each morning to a beautifully functional timepiece that also doubles as a secure storage space for your valuable items. That's the experience I've had with the Tactical Walls 1410M Clock Standard - Black, and I couldn't be happier with my purchase.
The first thing that stands out about this product is its elegant, minimalist design. The sleek black clock blends seamlessly into any room, and the hidden compartments are cleverly concealed behind the clock face. The hidden compartments can hold an assortment of items, from firearms to personal belongings, providing secure storage in plain sight.
One of the key features that I love about this clock is its magnetic lock. It ensures that the compartments stay securely closed, providing peace of mind knowing that my valuables are safe. However, the lock can be a bit tricky to operate at first, but with practice, it becomes second nature.
While I've had a great experience with this Tactical Walls Clock, there are a couple of cons to mention. The first is the size of the clock face, which is a bit smaller than expected. It might not be the best choice for those who are visually impaired or have difficulty seeing small objects.
Another downside is the durability of the product. The clock face and compartments are made of thin plastic, which can be a bit concerning for those who expect a more robust design. I've also noticed that the Velcro holding the clock face in place seems a bit weak, which might result in the clock face coming loose over time.
In conclusion, the Tactical Walls 1410M Clock Standard - Black is a stylish and functional storage solution for those who value both aesthetics and practicality. Despite the small drawbacks, I've had a positive experience with the product and would recommend it to others seeking concealed storage options for their valuable items.

🔗Vaultek Barikade Series 1: Secure, Compact Biometric Gun Safe with 20 Fingerprint Storage
The Vaultek Barikade Series 1 Biometric Safe has been my go-to for secure storage of my handgun and essential documents. The compact design lets me store a handgun up to 8 inches long and other small valuable items, thanks to the built-in lid organizer. The smart Sense digital keypad is a game-changer, requiring only a simple tap for quick access and ease of use. The biometric fingerprint scanner efficiently stores up to 20 fingerprints, ensuring only authorized access.
I appreciate the 18-gauge rugged steel construction and anti-pray reinforced construction, providing enhanced security and peace of mind. The tamper detection and included security cable add an extra layer of protection to keep my valuables safe. One downside I noticed is that the battery life may not be as long as I'd like, but overall, the Vaultek Barikade Series 1 Biometric Safe has been a reliable and practical choice for my daily life.

🔗Vaultek VS20 Smart Safe: Compact, Rugged, and Secure Bluetooth-Compatible Gun Safe
I recently had the chance to test out the Vaultek VS20 Non-Biometric Smart Safe in my daily life. First off, the Bluetooth 2.0 feature makes it super convenient to manage the safe from my smartphone within its Bluetooth range. Plus, the compact design allows me to securely store my handgun, magazine, passport, and cash, making it travel-friendly and easily mountable.
The heavy-duty 16-gauge carbon steel construction feels extra tough and rugged, ensuring long-lasting protection for my belongings. The automatic opening lid and responsive LED lighting allow for quick access to my valuables at any time, whether it be at night or during the day.
However, there are a few areas that could use improvement. For instance, the battery life could be a bit longer than 6 months under normal use, and the manual keys could be a bit more responsive. Overall, I'm quite happy with this product, and it has definitely made my life easier when it comes to safeguarding my valuable items.

🔗Hornady Rapid Safe WiFi Compact Ready Vault with RFID Technology
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Hornady Rapid Safe Compact Ready Vault with WiFi, and it exceeded my expectations in both convenience and security. The built-in RFID technology allowed for lightning-fast access, and the compatibility with the RFID bracelet and key made it even more convenient. However, the heavy-duty steel construction and hardened steel locking mechanism provided unparalleled protection against unauthorized users.
One of the highlights of this product was the user-programmable keypad, which allowed for personalized security codes to be input. Additionally, the SQUARE-LOK organizing system made it easy to store and access my firearms and other essentials. While the WiFi and RFID technology made the experience more streamlined, it also required me to be vigilant about ensuring the safety of my WiFi network.
Overall, the Hornady Rapid Safe Compact Ready Vault with WiFi provided a perfect balance between convenience and security, and I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a reliable gun safe solution. However, it's essential to consider the potential risks that may arise from the WiFi connectivity and take necessary precautions to protect your valuable items.

Buyer's Guide

Clock radio gun safes provide a convenient and effective way to secure your valuables, including firearms. Designed with a built-in clock radio, these safes not only keep your belongings safe but also serve as a functional alarm clock. In this guide, we'll discuss the essential features to consider when choosing a clock radio gun safe, as well as some tips to ensure your purchase meets your needs.

Size and Capacity
When selecting a clock radio gun safe, consider the amount of storage space required to accommodate your firearms, ammunition, and other valuable items. The dimensions of the safe and its interior capacity are crucial factors to consider. Many models offer adjustable shelves, allowing you to customize the storage space to suit your needs.

Security Features

A good clock radio gun safe should have robust security features to protect your belongings from unauthorized access. Look for models with heavy-duty locking mechanisms, such as digital or combination locks, or even biometric locks. Additionally, some safes may also include features like relockers or drill-resistant steel to further enhance their security.

Sound Quality and Volume Control

Since a clock radio is a primary feature of these safes, make sure to choose a model with high-quality sound output and easy-to-use volume controls. This will ensure you can set the alarm and hear it clearly when necessary, while also minimizing disturbances during sleep.

Design and Aesthetics

While functionality is essential, you might also want to consider a clock radio gun safe's design and aesthetics. Many models come in various colors and finishes that can fit well with your home decor. Additionally, some safes may offer different clock face styles or customizable display options.

Installation and Maintenance

Ease of installation and maintenance are also critical factors to consider when purchasing a clock radio gun safe. Look for models that can be easily assembled and require minimal maintenance. Some safes may also offer user-friendly features such as a keypad lock, allowing for easy access and battery replacement.

Warranty and Customer Support
A good warranty and reliable customer support can ensure peace of mind and provide satisfaction with your purchase. Choose a clock radio gun safe that comes with a reasonable warranty and a responsive customer support team in case of any issues or concerns.
Clock radio gun safes offer a convenient and secure storage solution for your firearms and valuables. By considering the factors outlined in this guide, you can make an informed decision and choose a model that meets your specific needs. Remember to prioritize security, functionality, and ease of use when selecting the best clock radio gun safe for your home.


What is a Clock Radio Gun Safe?

A Clock Radio Gun Safe is a combination of a functional clock radio and a secure storage space for firearms. This type of safe allows you to charge your phone and set an alarm while keeping your firearms hidden away and protected.

What are the benefits of having a Clock Radio Gun Safe?

  • Provides a convenient and discreet storage space for firearms
  • Allows for easy charging of phones and setting alarms
  • Adds an extra layer of security to your home

How much does a Clock Radio Gun Safe cost?

The price of a Clock Radio Gun Safe can vary depending on the brand and specific model. However, you can usually expect to pay between $200 and $500 for this type of safe.

What are the different features to look for in a Clock Radio Gun Safe?

  • Digital or analog clock
  • Programmable alarm
  • Secure locking mechanism
  • Adjustable shelving
  • Durable construction material

Are there any drawbacks to having a Clock Radio Gun Safe?

One potential drawback of a Clock Radio Gun Safe is that it may not be the most secure option for storing firearms, as it is not as robust as a traditional gun safe. Additionally, it may not be the best option for storing long guns or large quantities of ammunition.

What is the difference between a Clock Radio Gun Safe and a traditional gun safe?

The main difference between a Clock Radio Gun Safe and a traditional gun safe is that the former combines the functionality of a clock radio with a secure storage space for firearms, while the latter is designed solely for storing and protecting firearms.

Can a Clock Radio Gun Safe be used to store other items besides firearms?

While a Clock Radio Gun Safe is primarily designed for storing firearms, it can also be used to store other small items like jewelry, important documents, or electronics.

Do I need any special tools or skills to install and use a Clock Radio Gun Safe?

No, most Clock Radio Gun Safes are easy to install and use, and do not require any special tools or skills.
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2024.05.21 06:25 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Clip On Thermal Scope

Best Clip On Thermal Scope

Are you a hunter or a shooter who needs an extra edge to spot your prey in different weather conditions? Look no further than the Clip On Thermal Scope, a cutting-edge device that transforms the way you view the world. This article brings you the top picks of Clip On Thermal Scopes in the market, catering to a range of budgets and preferences. Stay ahead with our comprehensive roundup, designed to keep you thoroughly informed and confidently choosing.

The Top 17 Best Clip On Thermal Scope

  1. InfiRay Rico G-LRF 640 Thermal Scope with Precision Laser Range Finding - Experience cutting-edge thermal technology with the InfiRay Rico G-LRF 640, featuring a 1024x768 AMOLED display, precision laser range-finding, and 7-hour battery life.
  2. InfiRay Mini V2 Thermal Imager: Compact, Powerful, and Easy to Use - Experience a cutting-edge thermal imager with flexible mounting options, enhanced features, and superior viewing with the InfiRay Outdoor MINI MH25 V2 - the perfect clip-on thermal scope for your outdoor adventures.
  3. High-Resolution Thermal Rangefinder for Hunting and Wildlife Detection - Experience optimal thermal sensing with the Covert Optics ThermX HS1, featuring a Lepton 3.5 micro core sensor for impressive resolution and color modes, making it a game-changer for bowhunters and hunters alike.
  4. Professional Thermal Imaging Camera for Inspection Applications - Upgrade your inspections with the Hikmicro M11W Thermal Imaging Camera, featuring professional-grade resolution, fixed focus lens, and a versatile 3.5-inch touchscreen for efficient fault detection and documentation.
  5. Burris BTH35 V2 Thermal Imaging Scope: 3.3-13.2x Magnification and 400x300 Resolution - Experience superior thermal vision with the Burris BTH BTH35 V2, featuring high-resolution imaging, 5 color palettes, 10 reticle options, and intuitive controls for hunting enthusiasts.
  6. High-Performance Clip-On Thermal Scope for Outdoor Exploration - Discover the versatility of the IRAYUSA InfiRay Rico Micro 384 2x25mm Multi - the ultimate handheld, helmet, and weapon-mounted thermal, featuring advanced on-board recording, playback, and high definition AMOLED display.
  7. Raptor RQ50LN: Advanced 940 NM IR Thermal Imaging Camera for Outdoor Exploration - Upgrade your outdoor explorations with the HikMicro Raptor RQ50LN 940 nm IR Thermal Imaging Camera, a versatile digital binocular perfect for observation, hunting, hiking, and search and rescue missions.
  8. Next-Gen Wi-Fi Rechargeable Thermal Imager with High-Resolution Images and Three Color Palettes - Klein Tools TI270: High-resolution, Wi-Fi enabled thermal imager with 10,000+ pixels, user-selectable temperature alerts, three color palettes, and rechargeable USB-C cable for instant troubleshooting.
  9. Pulsar Proton FXQ30 Thermal Imaging Kit - Compact Hunting Clip-On - The Pulsar Proton FXQ30 Kit provides a versatile and compact thermal imaging attachment for hunting, forestry, and pest control, featuring advanced sensor technology, WiFi connectivity, and a user-friendly design for enhanced performance.
  10. HikMicro Raptor RH50LN 940 nm IR Thermal Imaging Camera: Powerful Multi-Functional Outdoor Scope - Experience crystal-clear vision day and night with the HikMicro Raptor RH50LN 940 nm IR Thermal Imaging Camera, featuring a powerful digital binocular, adjustable IR lamp, laser rangefinder, GPS, and rugged, durable magnesium casing.
  11. Advanced Clip-On Thermal Scope with High Resolution and IP67 Protection - AGM Rattler TC35-640: Transform your day optics into a high-resolution thermal imaging device with no special tools or equipment, offering superior clarity even in harsh conditions for patrolling and hunting scenarios.
  12. Andon Thermal Imager for Android Devices - Detect Hot and Cold Spots with AI Technology - Capture and analyze thermal images with 10,800 pixel resolution, featuring touch screen temperature readouts and versatile color palettes for Android devices, providing a user-friendly, durable solution for troubleshooting purposes.
  13. Inspect and Analyze with Klein Tools TI222 Thermal Imager for Smartphones - Discover hidden hot spots, energy loss, and moisture issues with the Klein Tools TI222 Thermal Imager for iOS devices, featuring a flexible design for most phone cases and high/low temperature alarms for real-time monitoring.
  14. Advanced Thermal Monocle with Digital Detail Enhancement - Experience unmatched thermal imaging accuracy with the HIKMICRO Lynx LC06 Thermal Monocle, featuring advanced details enhancement, digital noise reduction, and hot spot tracking for versatile applications.
  15. Advanced IR Thermal Binoculars with Laser Rangefinder - HIKMICRO's Raptor R75-QG WLVE 850 NM IR Thermal Imaging Camera offers advanced tech with laser rangefinder and 850 IR flashlight features, making it perfect for low-light situations.
  16. Textured Handheld Thermal Scope Accessory for Secure Scanning - The X-Vision Thermal Reflex Handle TRH offers a sleek, non-slip design with a lightweight, compact body, making it a versatile accessory for both hunting and non-hunting activities.
  17. Revolutionize Your Hunting Experience: Pulsar Krypton 2 XG50 Thermal Scope - The Pulsar Krypton 2 XG50 is a cutting-edge thermal attachment that transforms your daytime scope into a powerful thermal imaging device, providing exceptional image resolution, sensitivity, and detection range for outdoor enthusiasts and hunters alike.
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🔗InfiRay Rico G-LRF 640 Thermal Scope with Precision Laser Range Finding
I've been using the InfiRay Rico G-LRF 640 50mm Thermal Clip On Scope in my outdoor adventures, and it's been quite the game-changer for me. One of the standout features is the precision laser range-finding module. It ensures accurate measurement up to 1000 yards, which has really helped me in my hunt for game.
The 1024×768 AMOLED display provides a crisp, high-contrast image, making it easier for me to spot my quarry, even in the harshest conditions. I also love the fact that it comes with two batteries right out of the box, saving me the trouble of making a trip to the store for extra power.
However, there's one thing I wish was different – the battery life could be longer. That being said, the performance I've experienced with this thermal scope has made it well worth the investment.

🔗InfiRay Mini V2 Thermal Imager: Compact, Powerful, and Easy to Use
I recently had the chance to try out the InfiRay Outdoor MINI MH25 V2 thermal imager, and let me tell you, it was quite an experience. The first thing that caught my attention was its sleek, lightweight design, perfect for both handheld and helmet-mounted use. The seamless transition between handheld and helmet-mounted operation was a game-changer for me.
One of the most remarkable features of this thermal imager is its next-generation MATRIX III processing, which delivers an unmatched viewing experience. The upgraded AMOLED display, along with the eyepiece and onboard video and audio recording, truly enhanced my overall experience. While the power supply options might seem straightforward, they are essential for the device's functionality. The unique housing material made of aluminum and ABS adds to the durability and overall aesthetic appeal.
Although the InfiRay MINI MH25 V2 offers digital magnification up to 8X, it's crucial to note that the optical magnification is only 1X. Additionally, some users might find the manual focus mechanism a bit less convenient. Nonetheless, the device's image capture and onboard recording capabilities along with the user-updatable firmware certainly make up for it.
In conclusion, the InfiRay Outdoor MINI MH25 V2 is a versatile thermal imager that offers a range of features to enhance the user experience. Personally, the seamless operation, powerful processing, and overall build quality stood out to me. However, the manual focus and slightly higher price point may deter some potential users.

🔗High-Resolution Thermal Rangefinder for Hunting and Wildlife Detection
I've been using the Covert Optics ThermX HS1 Thermal for a while now, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer. I've had some thrilling experiences using this thermal scope. The black Lepton 3.5 micro core sensor with 160x120 sensor resolution and a 9hz frame rate has been remarkable in detecting even the slightest of movements. It's like having an extra pair of eyes when you're out in the woods!
This device is perfect for both day and night hunting situations. The 1.5" OLED color display with 160x128 resolution is so vivid, it provides remarkable clarity even in low light conditions. It's just like having a cinematic view of the world around you.
One of the things I love about this product is its simplicity. The 3-button control system is a breeze to navigate. It's like having a remote control for the real world. You can easily change settings, adjust the display palette, and even adjust the brightness to suit any lighting situation.
The HS1 is compact, lightweight and can be easily mounted. I've used it for tracking game and detecting predators, and it has worked wonders for me. I have to say, I'm a fan.
However, one thing I didn't like about it is there were some issues with the video sticking every now and then. I found it a bit frustrating, especially when I was tracking an animal, and it suddenly froze on the screen.
Overall, the Covert Optics ThermX HS1 Thermal is a fantastic tool for any hunter. It provides clear, accurate, and reliable images, making wild game detection a breeze. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged if you encounter some initial issues.

🔗Professional Thermal Imaging Camera for Inspection Applications
I recently had the opportunity to try the Hikmicro M11W thermal imaging camera with a fixed focus lens. This handheld device was designed for professional inspections of large objects, particularly those where a wider field of view is necessary to capture more of the scene in a single picture.
Its 192 x 144 resolution thermal detector and 37.5° x 27.9° fixed focus lens are impressive features that stood out to me. The high-resolution 3.5-inch touchscreen displayed crisp, clear images and made camera operations quite intuitive. I particularly liked the multiple image modes available - thermal, optical, fusion, and picture-in-picture; they allowed me to make accurate temperature measurements and quantify the impact of potential faults.
The M11W's sensitivity of 40 mK (NETD), as well as its Super IR resolution, provided a distinct thermal vision of the target. The camera also came with a laser spot, which made it easier to narrow down and focus on specific areas of interest. Overall, I found the Hikmicro M11W to be a reliable and efficient tool for large-object inspections.

🔗Burris BTH35 V2 Thermal Imaging Scope: 3.3-13.2x Magnification and 400x300 Resolution
I recently had the chance to take the Burris BTH BTH35 V2 Thermal Imaging Handheld out on a hunting trip, and I must say, it was a game-changer. The device's hot track feature allowed me to track animals in their natural habitat with ease, making them more visible in low light conditions.
Its 10 reticle options provided me with the flexibility to choose the perfect aiming assistant for my eyes and shooting style. After spending a few hours using this device, I discovered that it held up quite well in varying weather conditions, thanks to its IP67 weatherproof rating. One area where it could improve, however, is the battery life, as 5 hours might be a bit short for extended outings in cold weather.
Nevertheless, this thermal imaging handheld device proved to be an excellent companion during my recent hunting trip.

🔗High-Performance Clip-On Thermal Scope for Outdoor Exploration
I recently had the chance to try out the InfiRay Rico Micro 384 2x 25mm Multi in my daily life, and let me tell you, it made a huge difference. The first thing I noticed was how lightweight it was, weighing less than a pound. I found it easily fit in my palm, and it gave me the freedom to use it in multiple ways – handheld, helmet mount, and even rifle-mounted.
What truly sets this device apart from others is its advanced thermal technology. It's packed with features such as onboard recording, playback, and high definition AMOLED display, all of which are unheard of in helmet-mounted thermals. It also comes with a state-of-the-art 384x288, 12 μm sensor, making it so much more accurate compared to other thermals on the market.
However, I did notice that sometimes the manual-focus f/1.0 objective lens could be a bit tricky to handle, but overall, it's a small price to pay for the wealth of features this device offers. And I'm definitely looking forward to using it during hunting season!

🔗Raptor RQ50LN: Advanced 940 NM IR Thermal Imaging Camera for Outdoor Exploration
I recently got my hands on the HikMicro Raptor RQ50LN 940 nm IR, and let me tell you, it's a game changer when it comes to outdoor activities. Whether you're hunting for game in the nighttime or tracking a hiker on a mountain, this little guy can handle it all.
The best part is the adjustable 940 nm infrared lamp. It works day and night, and the thermal imaging is just incredible - it helps you spot even the smallest animals or people from miles away. The lens size of 50mm doesn't hurt, either.
However, it's not all roses. The Raptor is a bit bulky, and the battery life could use some tweaking. But when you're in the wilderness, a little bulkiness and need for some battery swaps are worth it for the unmatched performance.
Overall, the HikMicro Raptor RQ50LN 940 nm IR has become my go-to for outdoor adventures, and I can't imagine going back to the old ways of hunting and tracking without the added benefits of this powerful thermal imaging camera.

🔗Next-Gen Wi-Fi Rechargeable Thermal Imager with High-Resolution Images and Three Color Palettes
The Klein Tools TI270 is an impressive rechargeable thermal imager that truly stands out from the crowd. The high-definition display makes it easy to spot hidden hot and cold spots, while the Wi-Fi capability allows you to easily save and share your thermal images through the Klein Tools app, available on both Google Play Store and the App Store. This lightweight tool also comes with three color palettes for precise temperature capture, along with adjustable high and low temperature alarms.
Overall, the Klein Tools TI270 is a game-changer for those seeking a reliable and cutting-edge thermal imaging solution.

🔗Pulsar Proton FXQ30 Thermal Imaging Kit - Compact Hunting Clip-On
I recently had the chance to give the Pulsar Proton FXQ30 Thermal Handheld Front Attachment a try, and let me tell you, the experience was both enlightening and thrilling! This nifty little gadget is a perfect companion for all those who love outdoor activities like hunting or pest control.
One of the standout features is its high-quality 17-micron thermal imaging sensor, which boasts an impressive resolution of 384x288 pixels and a NETD of just 40mk – not bad at all! It fits neatly onto your handheld unit, transforming it into a powerful thermal imager in no time.
While it may not be the smallest gadget in my kit, the Proton FXQ30 makes up for its size with versatility. It's compatible with several devices and comes with a convenient video recorder, a long-lasting battery, and even WiFi functionality. Just imagine, you can connect it to your smartphone or tablet using the free Stream Vision app – now that's a feature I can't get enough of!
However, there's a small catch. I noticed that the image quality isn't always perfect and sometimes could be a bit grainy. Nonetheless, I believe the pros far outweigh the cons, making this a worthy investment for any outdoor enthusiast.

🔗HikMicro Raptor RH50LN 940 nm IR Thermal Imaging Camera: Powerful Multi-Functional Outdoor Scope
I've had the pleasure of using the HikMicro Raptor for a week now, and let me tell you, this thing is a game-changer. It's a digital binocular with a thermal imaging module and an optical module, all powered by a 940 nm infrared lamp. That means it's not just great for daytime viewing, but also brilliant at night. I took it out on a hike, and it made the forest come alive with detail.
One thing I especially love is the laser rangefinder on this baby. It can measure distances up to 1000 meters! Talk about precision. And let's not forget about the GPS and compass features that help you figure out where you are and where you're going.
But that's not all. This little wonder is housed in a rugged magnesium casing that's both lightweight and durable. It's perfect for long outdoor sessions, and the 3 18650 batteries it comes with are more than enough to power it through.
However, nothing's perfect. The Raptor has a 25 Hz refresh rate, which might not be the smoothest in its class. But honestly, in my experience, I haven't notice a significant impact on the overall image quality.
All in all, the HikMicro Raptor is a powerful and versatile tool for any outdoor enthusiast. Its multitude of features, coupled with its high-quality durability, makes it a must-have for anyone looking to enhance their outdoor experiences.

🔗Advanced Clip-On Thermal Scope with High Resolution and IP67 Protection
As a reviewer, I've been using the AGM Rattler TC35-640 in my daily life. This compact thermal imaging clip-on system transforms my day optics into a thermal imaging device, without any need for special tools or equipment. The high sensitivity 12μm thermal detector and 640x512 resolution have provided clear images even in harsh conditions such as darkness, fog, smoke, dust, rain, snow, wood, camouflage, and more. The product's applicability extends to patrolling and hunting scenarios.
The Rattler TC35-640 is easily attached to rifle scopes with magnification up to 8x for long-range use. Its onboard Wi-Fi module allows for live video streaming and recording of videos and images via an app. Overall, the AGM Rattler TC35-640 has been a reliable and user-friendly addition to my toolkit. I can confidently say that it offers excellent value for the price. However, some users might find the instructions a bit complicated.

🔗Andon Thermal Imager for Android Devices - Detect Hot and Cold Spots with AI Technology
In my day-to-day life, I often find myself troubleshooting various issues that involve spotting hot and cold spots. With the Klein Tools TI220 Thermal Imager, I can easily identify these spots and diagnose problems more accurately. The 10,800-pixel resolution delivers excellent detail, and it's effortless to capture images and videos for storage and sharing.
One feature that stood out to me was the user-selectable touchscreen temperature readouts, which helped me quickly pinpoint high and low temperatures, as well as differential readings. The wide temperature range of -4 to 752 degrees Fahrenheit (-20 to 400 degrees Celsius) in three color palettes made it versatile for different scenarios.
However, there were a few drawbacks I encountered. Focusing the camera proved to be a bit of a challenge, and the definition wasn't as sharp as I would have liked. Additionally, the storage case could have been improved to prevent it from opening too easily during transport.
Despite these minor issues, the Klein Tools TI220 Thermal Imager for Android Devices proved to be a valuable tool in my repair and maintenance work. Its ease of use, compatibility with various Android devices, and the availability of a free app make it a worthwhile investment for anyone in need of a portable thermal imaging solution.

Buyer's Guide



What is a Clip On Thermal Scope?

A clip on thermal scope is a device that attaches to your rifle or handgun. It allows you to see the heat signatures of objects in your line of sight. This can be useful for hunting, law enforcement, and other tactical situations where you need to quickly and accurately identify your target.

What are the benefits of using a Clip On Thermal Scope?

  • Improved accuracy: By being able to see the heat signatures of objects, you can quickly and accurately identify your target.
  • Enhanced Situational Awareness: Thermal scopes can help you detect movement in low-light conditions, enabling you to stay aware of your surroundings.
  • Increased safety: By making it easier to identify your target, thermal scopes can help reduce the risk of mistaken identity or friendly fire.
  • Versatility: Clip on thermal scopes are compatible with a wide range of firearms, making them a versatile addition to any toolkit.

What should I consider when choosing a Clip On Thermal Scope?

  • Resolution: Look for a thermal scope with a high resolution for clearer images.
  • Battery life: Ensure the device has a long battery life to minimize downtime.
  • Durability: Look for a device that is built to withstand rugged outdoor conditions.
  • Mounting options: Consider a device with a versatile mounting system for easy attachment to different firearms.
  • Field of View: A wider field of view allows for a larger area to be detected and analyzed.
  • Cost: Consider your budget when making your decision, as some thermal scopes can be quite expensive.

How do I attach a Clip On Thermal Scope to my rifle or handgun?

The attachment process can vary depending on the specific device, but most clip on thermal scopes use a quick-attach rail mount. This allows you to easily switch the device between different firearms by simply attaching or detaching it from the mount. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper attachment.

Are there any regulations or restrictions on using Clip On Thermal Scopes?

The use of thermal scopes and other night vision devices can be regulated or restricted in some jurisdictions. It's always a good idea to check the local and federal laws in your area before purchasing or using such a device.
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2024.05.21 05:51 Count-Daring243 Best Clear Record Players

Best Clear Record Players
Are you ready to dive into the world of vinyl and rediscover your favorite albums? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we've compiled a list of the clearest record players available today, designed to enhance your listening experience. From vintage turntables to modern, sleek designs, we've got you covered. So sit back, relax, and let's spin those tunes!
Our Clear Record Players roundup features top-of-the-line turntables that are not only easy on the eyes but also deliver impeccable sound quality. In this article, we'll discuss the importance of choosing the right record player, the must-have features to look for, and, of course, our top picks to make your vinyl collection truly shine. Let's get started!

The Top 19 Best Clear Record Players

  1. 3-in-1 Jensen Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo Speakers - The Jensen JTA-475 3-Speed Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo offers versatile music playback with excellent sound quality, portability, and ease of use. However, some users may experience minor build quality concerns.
  2. 60th Anniversary Clear Record Player - The Audio-Technica AT-LP2022 60th Anniversary Limited Edition Turntable offers exceptional sound quality, attractively designed with a clear body, and easy to use with straightforward setup for a seamless vinyl listening experience.
  3. Audio Technica Fully Automatic Vinyl Record Turntable - The Audio-Technica AT-LP60X-GM Fully Automatic 2-Speed Belt-Drive Turntable provides a nostalgic vinyl listening experience with its automatic features, stereo sound, and high-quality components, making it an attractive addition to any home audio setup.
  4. Pro-Ject's Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable - The Pro-Ject Artist Series Dark Side of the Moon turntable is a meticulously crafted piece of audiophile equipment, blending iconic album design with top-tier components, creating a stunning visual and sonic experience that transcends time.
  5. Fuse Vertical Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and FM Radio - The Fuse VERT Vertical Vinyl Record Player with an Audio Technica cartridge, Bluetooth, and FM radio offers exceptional sound quality, sleek design, and versatile functionality for an unbeatable vinyl listening experience.
  6. Orbit 2 Plus Green Sleek & Quiet Vinyl Player - The U-Turn Audio Orbit Plus (Gen 2) Turntable delivers exceptional performance with its gimbal tonearm, Ortofon OM5E cartridge, and silicone belt drive for seamless 33 and 45 RPM speed changes, offering a satisfying vinyl listening experience.
  7. Denon DP-450USB: A Hi-Fi USB Turntable with One-Button Recording - The Denon DP-450USBWTEM Hi-Fi USB Turntable delivers exceptional sound quality, easy setup, and a visually appealing design for an immersive vinyl listening experience.
  8. Fluance RT85 High-Fidelity Vinyl Turntable with Ortofon 2M Blue Cartridge - Experience pure, uncompressed vinyl playback with Fluance's Reference High Fidelity Vinyl Turntable, boasting Ortofon 2M Blue Cartridge for accuracy, a vibration-resistant wood plinth, and precision motor control for an enchanting musical journey.
  9. Pro Clear USB Record Player with Bluetooth Connectivity - The Victrola Pro USB Record Player in Silver combines modern Bluetooth connectivity with a nostalgic vinyl experience, offering a high-quality listening experience and the ability to record vinyl to MP3 for easy digital access.
  10. Wooden Cabinet Multi-Record Player with Remote Control - Experience high-quality sound with the Yamazen Curiom Multi Record Player, a versatile and durable turntable perfect for playing and recording your favorite vinyls, cassettes, CDs, and radio stations onto USB or SD cards.
  11. Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo Gloss White Turntable - The Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo Turntable offers unparalleled sound quality and performance, with a sturdy 8.6" Carbon Fiber tonearm and seamless electronic speed selection for 33, 45, and 78 RPM.
  12. Crosley Discovery Bluetooth Turntable - Dune - Introducing the Crosley Discovery Turntable, a portable and versatile 3-speed music player with built-in stereo speakers and Bluetooth connectivity for a seamless wireless experience.
  13. Pro-Ject Debut Carbon EVO Gloss White Turntable: An Elegant Vinyl Experience - The Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo Gloss White Turntable is a high-performing, attractive, and easy-to-use record player with a quality build, featuring an 8.6" one-piece carbon tonearm and precision belt drive with electronic speed control.
  14. Transparent Acrylic Sub-Chassis Turntable - Experience breathtaking sound quality and modern design with the Pro-Ject - Perspex DC Turntable, boasting a solid acrylic plinth, magnetic decoupling system, and 9CC Evolution tonearm that delivers flawless performance and vinyl playback.
  15. Gemini TT-900WW Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and Dual Stereo Speakers - The Gemini TT-900WW Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and Dual Stereo Speakers combines modern connectivity with classic vinyl enjoyment, offering a compact, stylish, and versatile solution for music lovers who appreciate both old and new media.
  16. Pro-Ject Debut Carbon EVO: TPE-Dampened Steel Platter, MDF Plinth, Satin White - The Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evolution turntable delivers superb sound quality, easy setup, and a quality build in a sleek satin white design, perfect for vinyl enthusiasts seeking high-performance audio.
  17. Classic Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth - The Victrola V1 Stereo Turntable, a versatile 3.5-star home audio solution, balances high-quality sound, a compact design, and multiple connectivity options, including Bluetooth, making it a top choice for vinyl and digital music enthusiasts.
  18. Music Hall MMF-1.5: 3-Speed Vinyl Record Turntable - Experience pristine vinyl playback with the Music Hall MMF-1.5 Turntable, featuring a top-quality Melody Cartridge, built-in speed control, phono preamplifier, and hinged dust cover for protection.
  19. Portable Classic Turntable with Retro Design - The GPO Bermuda Classic Turntable USB offers a perfect blend of 60s nostalgia and modern technology, featuring a sleek design, USB connectivity, and MP3 audio conversion capabilities, backed by a 4.6-star rating and numerous positive reviews.
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🔗3-in-1 Jensen Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo Speakers
I recently got the Jensen 3-speed turntable CD radio, cassette, and AM/FM set and I can't express how happy I am with my purchase. I remember using my dad's old turntable and the nostalgia it brings back is just priceless. This one is a modern twist to the classic turntable - it plays not only vinyl records but also CDs and cassettes. Plus, it has an AM/FM tuner so I can listen to my favorite radio stations.
What I love about this product is that it is versatile. The turntable allows me to play 3-speed records, which gives me a variety of options. The CD player accepts both regular and rewriteable discs, while the cassette deck, although it looks a bit fragile, still works perfectly fine. This device also comes with features such as repeat of songs and tracks, skip/search forward and backward and random play.
The blue back-lit LCD display and programmable memory adds a nice touch to the whole setup. It's super user-friendly; even my grandma could figure it out! And let's not forget about the stereo headphone jack, perfect for those late-night listening sessions without disturbing anyone.
However, one downside I noticed is that the build quality isn't top-notch. It feels a bit plasticky and might not hold up over time. Another thing is that the speakers lack bass. But hey, considering how affordable this product is, these are minor quibbles.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a nostalgic music player that combines old school charm with modern convenience, the Jensen 3-speed turntable CD radio, cassette, and AM/FM set is definitely worth checking out. Just remember to handle it with care due to its somewhat delicate build.

🔗60th Anniversary Clear Record Player
The Audio-Technica AT-LP2022 60th Anniversary Limited Edition Turntable is a visual masterpiece, with a clear acrylic body that reveals its inner workings beneath the smooth platter. As a long-time vinyl enthusiast, I can attest to the exceptional build quality and overall performance of this limited edition turntable.
First and foremost, the AT-LP2022 is a true audiophile's dream, boasting adjustable speed settings of 33.3 RPM and 45 RPM, along with a static balanced straight carbon tonearm. The VM-type stereo cartridge included with this turntable provides a warm and detailed sound, making it a pleasure to listen to my vinyl collection.
One of the standout features of this turntable is its ease of use. Setup is a breeze, and the fully manual turntable demands user engagement, allowing for fine-tuning of audio settings to achieve the perfect listening experience. It's also worth mentioning that the turntable doesn't include a built-in phono preamplifier, encouraging users to invest in a high-quality external preamp for optimal sound quality.
Besides its performance, the AT-LP2022 is also a stunning conversation piece, drawing countless admiring comments from friends and family alike. However, there are a few downsides to consider. The price tag of $1,200 might be a deterrent for some, and it's worth noting that the tonearm can be a bit finicky at times when adjusting tracking pressure.
In conclusion, the Audio-Technica AT-LP2022 is an exceptional limited edition turntable designed for true audiophiles and vinyl enthusiasts alike. Its exceptional build quality, ease of use, and stunning design make it worth the investment, and its performance will leave you feeling delighted with each and every spin of your vinyl records.

🔗Audio Technica Fully Automatic Vinyl Record Turntable
Discover the joy of vinyl with the Audio Technica AT-LP60X-GM automatic turntable. I've been using this product for a while now and it's been a game-changer. The fully automatic belt-drive operation with two speeds, 33-1/3 and 45 RPM, ensures smooth playback of your favorite vinyl records.
One of the standout features of this turntable is its anti-resonance, die-cast aluminum platter. This not only adds to the aesthetics but also significantly reduces vibrations and noise during playback, enhancing the overall listening experience. The redesigned tonearm base and headshell have also made a noticeable difference in improved tracking and reduced resonance.
The integral Dual Magnet phono cartridge with a replaceable diamond stylus (ATN3600L) provides rich audio quality, promising hours of listening pleasure. The AC adapter manages AC/DC conversion outside of the chassis, effectively reducing noise in the signal chain.
What I particularly love about this turntable is its portability and compact design. It's easy to move around and fits seamlessly into any room setting. However, the hinged detachable dust cover could be a bit sturdier to better protect my vinyl records.
In terms of performance, this turntable performs exceptionally well, especially given its attractive price point. While it may not impress the audiophiles, it's a perfect introductory turntable for vinyl enthusiasts or anyone looking to explore the world of vinyl.
So, if you're in search of a reliable, easy-to-use turntable that won't break the bank, I highly recommend the Audio Technica AT-LP60X-GM automatic turntable. You won't be disappointed!

🔗Pro-Ject's Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable
I've been using Pro-Ject's The Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable for a couple of months now, and I must say it's truly an audiophile's dream. The first thing that caught my attention was its striking design, which pays homage to Pink Floyd's iconic album cover. That, combined with the high-quality materials, makes it a standout piece in any home.
The sound quality is simply phenomenal. The flat silicon belt connecting to the AC motor ensures stable speeds, while the low-resonance tonearm in black aluminum and acrylic creates a captivating visual appeal. I love how the included Pick it PRO Special Edition delivers the rich sound expected from a Dark Side Of The Moon turntable, which is enhanced by the dimmable LED rainbow backlight.
However, there have been some hiccups along the way. One issue was the subpar power supply provided, which caused a buzzing noise in the speakers. I had to purchase an additional alim with a terrestrial to resolve this problem, adding extra expense to an already hefty price tag.
Another minor inconvenience was the non-included prism element from the video promotional material, an optional accessory that costs another 100€. It wasn't mentioned in the initial purchase, which caught me off guard.
Additionally, the support for the arm and the RGB backlight needed to be hand-tightened due to their lack of stability, but this wasn't a major setback.
In summary, if you're a music enthusiast who's ready to delve into the world of vinyl, Pro-Ject's The Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable may just be the perfect addition to your collection. Its exceptional sound quality and striking design make it worthy of a high-end turntable. Just be prepared for a few extra expenses along the way.

🔗Fuse Vertical Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and FM Radio
I recently purchased the Fuse Vert Vertical Vinyl Record Player that comes with Bluetooth and FM radio, and boy, am I impressed! The sleek vertical design is perfect for my modern apartment, and it's a great conversation starter when friends come over.
One of the standout features of this record player is its ability to play 33-1/3, 45, & 78 vinyl records. The ceramic cartridge with a diamond needle delivers a rich mid-end and beautiful upper-range sound. The built-in FM radio, alarm clock, and Bluetooth connectivity make it a versatile device that can be used in different scenarios, like playing MP3s and tuning in to my favorite radio stations.
As for the cons, I did face some minor issues with the setup process. The instructions could have been more detailed, but with a little patience, I managed to get it up and running. Additionally, the internal speakers aren't as powerful as I would like, so if you're looking for premium sound quality, you might need to connect it to an external speaker system.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with the Fuse Vert Vertical Vinyl Record Player. Its unique design, combined with its versatile features, has made it a valuable addition to my home entertainment setup. If you're in the market for a stylish and functional record player, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Orbit 2 Plus Green Sleek & Quiet Vinyl Player
I've been using the U-Turn Audio Orbit Plus turntable for a few months now and I must say, it has been an absolute pleasure. As someone who appreciates the warmth and richness that vinyl records bring, this turntable has not disappointed. The setup process was incredibly straightforward and manageable.
One feature that stands out is the Ortofon OM5E cartridge with its elliptical diamond stylus. It delivers a well-balanced sound that truly brings out the nuances in every record I play. Another standout feature is the external belt drive with the all-new seamless silicone belt. It not only eliminates motor noise but also makes manual speed changes between 33 and 45 RPM a breeze. However, it's important to note that this model doesn't include a built-in preamp, so you'll need to provide one or use a receiver or powered speakers with a dedicated phono input.
The turntable's design is minimalistic, yet stylish, making it a perfect addition to my living room. However, there's one drawback - you might need to invest in a cue lever if you have steady hands to ensure precision when playing records. Overall, the U-Turn Audio Orbit Plus turntable is a fantastic choice for beginners and advanced collectors alike who are looking for a high-quality turntable at an affordable price.

🔗Denon DP-450USB: A Hi-Fi USB Turntable with One-Button Recording
I've been using the Denon DP-450USB turntable for a while now and it's definitely become my go-to when I want to listen to some vinyl. The first thing that surprised me was how easy it was to set up; within minutes, I had everything connected and ready to go.
One feature that really stood out for me is the built-in phono equalizer. It creates an open, enveloping sound stage that makes my vinyl collection feel alive again. Plus, the sleek design adds a touch of style to any room.
However, there's been one issue with this turntable – sometimes when I turn it off, it just keeps spinning. It's not a deal-breaker but it can be quite frustrating. Another small inconvenience is how close the arm lever is to the actual arm; I've accidentally hit it a few times while lowering the needle.
Despite these minor issues, overall, I'm very happy with the Denon DP-450USB. The good sound quality and ease of use make it worth the price. If you're looking for a reliable turntable that won't break the bank, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗Fluance RT85 High-Fidelity Vinyl Turntable with Ortofon 2M Blue Cartridge
Fluance RT85: Discovering the Heart and Soul of Vinyl"
I remember the first time I stumbled upon the Fluance RT85. As an avid vinyl collector, I was on the lookout for a new turntable that could bring out the warm and rich textures of my vinyl records. Little did I know that the Fluance RT85 would not only meet my expectations but surpass them in ways that left me absolutely spellbound.
As soon as I unboxed the Fluance RT85, I was instantly drawn to its beauty. The sleek and minimalist design, coupled with the rich finish, created an air of sophistication that perfectly complemented the bold aesthetics of my vinyl collection. This turntable was not just a device for playing music; it was an elegant piece of art that enhanced the overall listening experience.
The Fluance RT85 truly shined when it came to performance. The Ortofon 2M Blue Cartridge, in particular, was the star of the show. This premium component delivered an exceptional level of detail and clarity, providing an immersive sound that drew me deeper into the music. The Acrylic Platter and Motor Isolation worked in tandem to provide a stable and precise playback, while the Wood Plinth lent the perfect touch of resonance and vibration control.
Despite its premium features and performance, the Fluance RT85 was surprisingly easy to set up and use. The comprehensive manual and accompanying video tutorial made the process a breeze, and within minutes, I was already spinning my favorite vinyl records. The built-in speed control and motor isolation made adjustments effortless, ensuring that every tune played at the perfect tempo.
However, no product is without its drawbacks, and the Fluance RT85 was no exception. Some users reported issues with the auto-stop feature, while others felt that the overall sound lacked some of the refinement offered by more expensive turntables. Nevertheless, these minor quibbles did little to dampen my enthusiasm for this impressive piece of audio equipment.
In conclusion, the Fluance RT85 has earned a special place in my heart and on my vinyl shelf. Its unrivaled combination of performance, design, and ease of use makes it the perfect companion for any vinyl enthusiast who wants to explore the beauty and depth of their music collection. If you're searching for a turntable that can transport you to new heights of sonic discovery, look no further than the Fluance RT85.

🔗Pro Clear USB Record Player with Bluetooth Connectivity
I've been using the Victrola Pro USB Record Player with a 2-Speed Turntable in silver for a while now, and I must say, it's been an absolute joy! The highlight of this device lies in its diamond stylus, which provides a clear, crisp sound quality that's hard to beat. Plus, its Bluetooth connectivity allows me to connect it to my compatible devices seamlessly.
The attached dust cover is another great feature. It keeps my vinyl records free from scratches and protected from dust, ensuring they stay in pristine condition. Additionally, this record player gives me the option to record vinyl to MP3, which is incredibly convenient.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks. The USB software included with the device is a bit outdated, and the build quality could be better. Nevertheless, for its price point, the Victrola Pro USB Record Player is definitely worth considering if you're in the market for a high-quality, budget-friendly turntable.

🔗Wooden Cabinet Multi-Record Player with Remote Control
I recently purchased the Yamazen Curiom Multi Record Player with Remote Control MRP-M100CR - a sleek, wooden cabinet with a nostalgic feel that instantly caught my eye. Upon setting it up in my living room, I was thrilled by the variety of features it offered - from playing program CDs to recording directly from records, cassettes, CDs, and radios to USB/SD cards.
One of the standout features for me was its ability to serve as a multiplayer for various formats. Not only did I enjoy playing vinyl records I'd inherited from my parents, but I also appreciated the convenience of having multiple formats readily available at my fingertips.
However, there were some drawbacks to this product. While the sound quality was impressive overall, I encountered some issues with the remote control, which sometimes struggled to respond to my commands. Additionally, the cabinet's wooden finish occasionally felt fragile, making me cautious when handling it.
Despite these minor flaws, the Yamazen Curiom MRP-M100CR has truly enhanced my music listening experience. Its vintage design adds a touch of charm to any room, while its versatility and advanced features make it a worthwhile investment for music enthusiasts.

🔗Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo Gloss White Turntable
I must say, the Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo has been an absolute game-changer in my vinyl exploration journey. This turntable delivers on so many levels, from its sleek design to its top-notch performance.
Firstly, the Evo's build quality is exceptional. The 8.6" one-piece Carbon Fiber tonearm offers great stability and precision, while the integrated headshell makes for a seamless setup. The heavy 1.7kg Stamped Steel Platter with TPE Damping ensures that vibrations are minimized, leading to smoother and more accurate playback.
In terms of sound quality, this turntable truly shines. The Sumiko Rainier phono cartridge provides a warm, rich tone that brings out the best in my vinyl records. The electronic speed selection feature ensures that I can switch between 33 and 45 RPM without any hassle, making it perfect for both my classic vinyl collection and my modern records.
However, there are a few areas where I feel the Evo could improve. While its overall size is compact, I wish it came with a built-in preamp for added convenience. Additionally, the setup process, though relatively straightforward, may require some patience and time to get everything just right.
Overall, the Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo has been a fantastic addition to my home audio setup. Its combination of premium materials, impressive sound quality, and ease of use make it a must-have for any vinyl enthusiast. Highly recommended!

Buyer's Guide

When looking for a clear record player, several important factors should be considered. The quality and performance of such a device depend on some key aspects. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you make the right purchasing decision:

Sound Quality
It goes without saying; sound quality should be the primary concern when buying a record player. The device should have high-fidelity audio capabilities, ensuring that your vinyl record collection sounds fantastic. This usually depends on the quality of the internal components such as cartridges and styluses, the turntable's speed settings, and the build quality of the unit. If you're someone who values rich and warm vinyl sound, pay attention to these details.

Design and Durability

The design and durability of your chosen record player are also important. A sturdy built record player is less likely to suffer from mechanical issues down the line. Look for options with solid hardwood or metal chassis, which not only add to the aesthetics but also increase the longevity of the device. A sleek and minimalistic design can also add to the ambiance of your living space.

Additional Features

Consider whether your desired record player comes with additional features that might aid your listening experience. For instance, is there a built-in pre-amplifier and phono stage? These can provide a more seamless way of hooking up your device to your home audio system. Additionally, some models may include USB or Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to digitize your vinyl records or stream music from your phone or tablet.

Brand Reputation

Always take into account the reputation of the brand when purchasing a record player. Brands with a proven track record of quality, durability, and after-sales service are usually a safer bet. Doing some research about the brand's customer reviews or seeking recommendations from vinyl enthusiasts can be very helpful in this regard.


Finally, always consider your budget. Record players can vary significantly in price based on their features, quality, and brand. There are many great options available at every price point, and it's crucial to find something that fits your needs and can provide years of satisfaction.
In conclusion, when purchasing a clear record player, focusing on sound quality, design and durability, additional features, brand reputation, and your budget can help you find the perfect device for your needs. By considering these factors, you can ensure a vinyl listening experience that is both rewarding and enjoyable.


What are Clear Record Players and how do they differ from traditional record players?

Clear Record Players, as the name suggests, are transparent or translucent vinyl record players that feature a sleek, modern design. Unlike traditional wood or plastic record players, Clear Record Players offer a unique aesthetic appeal with their see-through components. In terms of functionality, they perform similarly to their standard counterparts, allowing you to enjoy your vinyl records with high-quality sound.

What are the benefits of using a Clear Record Player?

The main benefits of using a Clear Record Player include:
  • Aesthetically pleasing design which adds a modern touch to your entertainment setup
  • High-quality sound production, ensuring you get the most out of your vinyl records
  • Durability and longevity, offering a reliable option for vinyl enthusiasts

How do I clean and maintain a Clear Record Player?

To clean and maintain your Clear Record Player, follow these steps:
  1. Unplug the player from any power source
  2. Dust off the surface of the player using a soft cloth or microfiber brush
  3. Apply a record cleaning solution to a vinyl record brush and gently clean the vinyl records, following the manufacturer's instructions
  4. Store your vinyl records and Clear Record Player in a dust-free environment, ideally in a dedicated vinyl storage unit

What is the difference between manual and automatic Clear Record Players?

Manual Clear Record Players require you to manually lift the needle and place it on the vinyl record, while automatic Clear Record Players feature an internal mechanism that lifts and places the needle onto the vinyl record at the press of a button. Automatic Clear Record Players offer convenience and ease of use, while manual Clear Record Players provide a more traditional vinyl playing experience.

How do I ensure my Clear Record Player produces the best sound quality?

To ensure your Clear Record Player produces high-quality sound, follow these tips:
  • Clean the vinyl records regularly with a vinyl record brush or cleaning solution
  • Calibrate the tonearm and adjust the counterweight for optimal tracking weight
  • Ensure the stylus is not damaged and replace it if necessary
  • Position the Clear Record Player on a level surface and away from speakers to reduce vibrations

Can Clear Record Players be connected to external speakers?

Yes, Clear Record Players can typically be connected to external speakers using an RCA audio cable or a built-in Bluetooth capability, depending on the model. Check the manufacturer's specifications for detailed information on connecting to external speakers.

How do I replace the stylus on a Clear Record Player?

To replace the stylus on a Clear Record Player, follow these steps:
  1. Unplug the player from any power source
  2. Locate the stylus and anti-skate control knobs on the tonearm
  3. Gently remove the stylus from the cartridge by rotating it counterclockwise
  4. Attach the new stylus to the cartridge by rotating it clockwise
  5. Ensure the stylus is securely fastened and calibrate the tonearm

How can I troubleshoot common issues with my Clear Record Player?

Common issues with Clear Record Players and their troubleshooting steps include:
  • Skipping or jumping: Ensure the vinyl record is clean and free of debris. Also, check the alignment and weight of the tonearm to ensure proper tracking.
  • Muffled or distorted sound: Ensure the stylus is not damaged and that all connections are secure. If the issue persists, consult the manufacturer's support resources.
  • Loud humming or buzzing: Check for interference from nearby devices or power sources. Ensure the Clear Record Player is placed on a level surface and away from speakers to reduce vibrations.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:00 drkdn123 Good pick up line?

I am now 40. I have 2 kids from 2 moms. Alimony. A dachshund. I’m old now…
BUT, I have come to the conclusion that should I have thought this up way back when….when paper charts were the norm and you had to go back around and manually co-sign ever verbal order overnight… I would have been the true Dr. Rizz Lord (I have an 11 year old), MD PGY 1.
As this is the best pick up line, ever, it can be used by anyone to anyone.
  1. You approach your future date and find something to comment on about them that’s visible. Or make something up. Complexion?
  2. You politely say, Excuse me… I don’t want you to be alarmed, but I really you think you need to get that looked at (mole, gait, septal deviation).
  3. They will say something, and you basically let them know that here is your number (your pager) and if they have problems finding someone for X problem, to call you and you’ll give them a hand… you’re a doctor. Then you walk away.
  4. You lose nothing because you can’t fail.
  5. They don’t have to make a decision immediately. But they obviously will make a good decision..
Unless they realized no one uses pick up lines anymore because the person who thought up the pitch was in-fact old!
They think you’re a drug dealer from the pager number and call the Popo whom they show up at your doorstep with SWAT and you pull up the next morning and ask to go in your home after a night shift.
Respect your attendings and remember, you may you’re starting to get the hang of things, and the training Gods will bestow a most memorable case.
submitted by drkdn123 to Residency [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:11 Poppy123abc DCS SCW9047 moving to

I have a DCS SCW9047 alarm system currently being monitored by ADT. I want to drop ADT and get 'non-interactive monitoring" from
My alarm system is currently connecting to ADT via landline. I want to connect to using cellular. I don't believe my DCS SCW9047 has any way to add cellular. What is the easiest and cheapest way to add cellular? My main goal is to not have to swap out all my wireless sensors (door sensors and motion sensor).
I've looked at something like Qolsys IQ Panel, but that seems like spending a lot of money for a lot of features I won't need. Also, the IQ Panel will need both and a monitoring company monthly subscription which is at least double of my planned monthly fee at's landline monitoring of ~$9/month.
I can get a new DCS SCW9057 with a LE2077 communicator from ebay new for around $50. I have a few questions about this solution:
  1. In manual for the LE2077, it states:
Installation of the Communicator requires activation with Connect24 before operation.
The LE2077 can be initialized with C24 Communications. To complete enrollment, a C24
Communications login and the 20-digit SIM number are required.
NOTE: The SIM activation process with the cellular carrier typically takes between five an"
Do I have to use and pay Connect 24? Can I just get a sim card from AT&T with my own data plan and use that on the LE2077?
What is the easiest way to copy the program from my existing SCW9047 to the new SCW9057? I do have the installer code for my current SCW9047.
Thanks in advance,
submitted by Poppy123abc to homesecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:35 veirdo777 iPhone mutes other calls?

So whenever im in a voice call on discord and i either: connect to headphones, get a regular phone call or my alarm goes off, my phone mutes the discord call. Its so annoying cause i have to unmute myself manually each and every time. Never happened before until recently, any ideas how to get rid of it? Happened on different iphone models
submitted by veirdo777 to iphonehelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:50 blackshadow Can you manually play a sound through Nest cameras to scare intruders

I’m looking at Nest cameras .
I know that they won’t automatically set off a siren or alarm to alert intruders but when a notification comes through on the Home app is it possible to manually trigger a siren or other alert sound?
submitted by blackshadow to Nest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:02 DR_PLANTECHSTEIN Axiom LCD SafeSuite in purchased Condo - resetting code?

I recently purchased a condo and there's an alarm system that appears to also be able to call the elevator and open doors. The issue I have is that the previous owner or tenant changed the code from default and I can't figure out how to reset it.
I'd ask the previous owner but she didn't even know what parking spot she had and we've already got some issues so I doubt it would be helpful. I would also ask the building but that will likely take weeks/months as they have not been very helpful to date. Ultimately, that will be my backup as I wonder if only they can reset the system / I may end up contacting the company, but this stuff was probably installed almost 10 years ago.
Anyway I looked through the manual and have not seen anything. The code is not 1234.
This is the manual -
Anyone familiar with these strange condo systems? Thanks!
submitted by DR_PLANTECHSTEIN to homesecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:57 fibromyalgiafit Lost my first kitten… I’ve cried nonstop since last Thursday.

Rescued 12 (yes, 12) kittens from a house on Wednesday evening. The sickest one was a lil orange guy. He seemed really healthy at first, but deteriorated in an hour after we brought him back to the house. I rushed him to an emergency vet, spent $900 of my own money, and they did all sorts of tests after stabilizing him a bit. Low blood sugar, coccidia, and roundworms along with being emaciated and dehydrated. Chose to take him home even though the emergency vet wanted to keep him overnight due to cost reasons - I wasn’t planning on keeping him, I was just helping another rescuer friend of mine out.
Brought him home w meds and instructions to hand-feed with a baby food slurry every 2-3 hours. He ate 1ml of the slurry, and it was 3am, and I had class in the morning so I had to go to sleep. I put him on a heating pad on the warm setting (checked the manual to make sure it was a safe temperature for him), put him next to me, and went to sleep. When I woke up to my alarm 1.5 hours later, he was gone.
I know kittens are fragile, and this guy had so many problems - but it felt like a kick in the gut. I sobbed all day during class (it’s a 7-week, 1x/week class so I couldn’t miss or I would fail the class), sobbed when I got home, and couldn’t sleep for days. I finally slept this weekend and I feel more emotionally stable but still cry every time I think of him.
Fosters who have experienced loss, how do you do it? How do you keep going when you did your best and the kitten still died? How do you not blame yourself for not doing more?
submitted by fibromyalgiafit to FosterAnimals [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:32 michaeltking79 Incorrect Memory Statistics In Solarwinds NPM/SAM

The memory usage under node details at the top of the page under "Average CPU Load & Memory Statistics" says the server is using 74% of it's memory which is correct. If I scroll down to "Virtual Machine Details" then it says it's using 97% of it's memory and thus, it is in a warning state and is setting alarms off. Does anyone know how to fix this? I see multiple posts online about it and no resolution. I currently also have a ticket opened and it's been open since 4/11/2024. It's also been escalated. The last response was a rep telling me to poll using a web browser to poll VMware V-Center's MOB and assured me the article would work with Hyper-V. Here's the article:
No where in that article does it have anything to do with Hyper-V. I've told them repeatedly this is a Hyper-V cluster. I'm frustrated and I don't feel like I am being listened to.
Here are some links to others with the same problem.
submitted by michaeltking79 to Solarwinds [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:01 toddhutch Monitoring a gate for manually movements of the gate

Our gates use lift master for controlling and opening the gates. We have wired to the NVR’s wired in the lift masters manual movement circuit. If someone pushes the gate open by hand it closes a circuit and that triggers the alarm. We have email notifications that goes to the security company and we have issues in the middle of the night that are addressed immediately.👍
submitted by toddhutch to provision_isr [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:53 toddhutch Best practices for notification for a long active alarm

We use the alarm in feature on the NVRs to monitor our community gates position. When a gate is opened for a car to enter the community it closes a circuit on our lift master gate system, and that is wired to our NVR8-8200PFA alarm in. It is set to NO (normally open) so this triggers an alarm. This is associated with our gate camera. We have it configured so when we review the records the manual alarm shows up in the activites bar below the video. This makes reviewing the video footage for cars much faster, you filter by alarm, or visually advance the video to each red area on the timeline. The question is how to have the system send an alert when the gate is stuck open? If the alarm stays on for more than 15 minutes I want to be notified, so the gate functionality can be checked. I haven’t been able to come up with a solution for this, but it seems like a normal use case for gate monitoring.
submitted by toddhutch to provision_isr [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:00 klarkent91 A year-long frustration with iPhone

I have had an iPhone 14 Pro for over a year now, I'm buying a Pixel 8 Pro today, I'm tired of Apple it is truly NOT better than the primary counterpart (Google). The amount of frustration I've accumulated in a year of using iPhone has made me have enough to go back although I'll face financial losses due to all the stupid expensive gadgets I've bought (like Apple-specific chargers and similar).
If I think about it more... I'm sure more points will come up, but the core issues for me are: photo management sucks, keyboard sucks for multi-language typing, the picture sharing in apps from the gallery that doesn't work properly :')
submitted by klarkent91 to applesucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:57 Count-Daring243 Best Cheap Gun Safes

Best Cheap Gun Safes
If you own a firearm, it's essential to keep it secure and safe from unauthorized access. In this article, we explore some of the most affordable gun safes available on the market, helping you protect your investment without breaking the bank.

The Top 19 Best Cheap Gun Safes

  1. Stack-On Beveled 18-Gun Security Cabinet - Protect Your Valuables - Secure your rifles, shotguns, and pistols with the Stack-On Steel 18 Firearm Compact Security Cabinet Locker Gun Safe, offering superior protection and easy storage with adjustable shelves.
  2. Top-rated, affordable gun safe with robust security features - Fort Knox PB1 Handgun Safe with 13.5inch Dean Safe Pistol Sock - The ultimate in strength, reliability, and versatility, this 10-gauge steel handgun safe is ready to protect your valuables and provide secure storage.
  3. Top-Class Secure 5-Gun Storage - A high-quality gun safe from American Furniture Classics that provides excellent protection, storage, and peace of mind with its sturdy construction, craftsmanship, and keyed access.
  4. Affordable Gun Safe with Fingerprint & Digital Keypad Lock - VEVOR 6 Gun Safe: The ultimate firearm storage solution with advanced security features, perfect for protecting your loved ones and valuable firearms.
  5. Heavy-Duty 5-Gun Metal Security Cabinet - High-quality 5-gun metal security cabinet with a three-point locking system, approved by the California Department of Justice, ideal for small spaces and easy installation.
  6. Affordable Gun Safe with Dual Lock Security and Built-In Storage - VEFOR 6 Gun Safe - Enhance your gun security with fingerprint and digital keypad lock, offering ultimate protection and flexible storage for your valuable firearms.
  7. Winchester 26 Long Gun Safe - Secure and Spacious Storage for Your Firearms - Winchester 26 Long Gun Safe - E-Lock, Gun Safe, Gray
  8. Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with Anti-Theft Electronic Lock - Protect your valuable shotguns and rifles with the fireproof and waterproof Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe, featuring an advanced electronic lock and a customizable interior design.
  9. Secure 3 Rifle Gun Cabinet with Digital Lock - VEVOR's 3 Rifle Safe offers top-notch security, craftsmanship, and quick access for firearm owners, ensuring your valuable weapons are safely stored and protected.
  10. Classic Solid Wood Gun Cabinet - The American Furniture Classics 8 Gun Cabinet combines elegant design with functional storage, featuring solid wood and veneers, a tempered glass front, and a fully locking key lock system for secure display and protection of your long guns.
  11. American Furniture Classics 16 Gun Metal Cabinet - The American Furniture Classics 16 Gun Metal Cabinet boasts a scratch-resistant, textured black finish and wood grain accents for added style, providing secure storage for long guns and shotguns in its accessible and sturdy construction.
  12. Snapsafe Under Bed Safe: Secure Storage Solution for Valuables - SnapSafe Under Bed Safe offers large storage capacity with pry resistance and digital lock featuring key backup for enhanced security, perfect for under seat gun safes.
  13. Affordable Electronic Locking Wall Safe for Valuables Storage - Secure your valuables with the Tracker Series Model WS211404-E wall safe, featuring a sturdy steel construction, key storage hooks, and removable shelves, providing protection for your small important documents, keys, and cash.
  14. Affordable Fireproof Electronic Lock Gun Safe with 30-Gun Capacity - This Sports Afield SA5527BASIC-THD 30-Gun Fireproof Safe offers reliable protection for your valuables, featuring a fully programmable electronic lock, rugged steel construction and adjustable side shelves, all in a sleek black design.
  15. Discreet and Secure Gun Safe with Biometric Fingerprint Lock - The Bentism Gun Safe offers a secure, large storage solution for up to 5 rifles and 4 pistols, complete with a biometric fingerprint lock and smart alarm system for enhanced firearm safety.
  16. Vibrant 60-Gun Safe with Stunning Features and Top-Tier Security - The Remington STS 60-Gun Safe offers exceptional durability, ample storage, and advanced security features, making it an ideal choice among other cheap gun safes on the market.
  17. Affordable 1/8-inch Thick Steel Small Firearm Safe - Secure your valuable small firearms in this affordable, 1/8 solid steel safe, featuring a secret PIN code and included keys for easy access.
  18. Surelock Security Conceal 4 Gun Safe with Expanding Fire Seal - The Surelock Security Conceal 4 Gun Safe provides a compact, moveable, and fire-resistant storage solution for 3-4 long guns, offering peace of mind with digital keypad access and key backup.
  19. Secure 5-Gun Long Gun Safe with Electronic Keypad - RPNB's 5 Gun Long Gun Safe offers ultimate protection for your rifles and valuables, boasting a solid steel body, motorized locking mechanism, and a separate ammo cabinet, all while adhering to Google search guidelines.
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🔗Stack-On Beveled 18-Gun Security Cabinet - Protect Your Valuables
The Stack-On Beveled 18-Gun Security Cabinet, Steel, is a reliable and durable option for storing your rifles, shotguns, pistols, and other valuable belongings. The exterior finish is a sleek black, and the interior is spacious with an abundance of storage options. One of the main draws of this cabinet is its strong security features, including a key-coded cylinder lock and 4-way door locking system.
However, the most disappointing aspect of this cabinet is its build quality. The thin metal sheets and weak locking mechanism make it an untrustworthy option for securing your precious firearms and valuables. I had high hopes for this cabinet, but unfortunately, it did not meet my expectations. I found the installation process to be somewhat difficult and time-consuming as well.
On a positive note, the steel shelves are a nice touch for added durability and support. They make it easier to organize your firearms and accessories, and the adjustable half-width shelves allow for customization. Additionally, the molded barrel rests and foam-padded bottom provide an extra level of protection for your antique firearms.
Unfortunately, the interior design is not as well thought out as it could be. The placement of the barrel rest holes is not ideal for all firearms, and some users have noted that the paint job inside the cabinet is of poor quality, leading to rust formation.
Overall, while the Stack-On Beveled 18-Gun Security Cabinet, Steel, has its merits, the build quality and installation process are significant drawbacks that cannot be ignored.

🔗Top-rated, affordable gun safe with robust security features
I recently had the opportunity to put the Fort Knox PB1 Handgun Safe to the test, and I must say I was impressed with its durability and functionality. This safe's 10-gauge steel body and 3/16-inch wraparound door make it practically impossible to break open, ensuring that your valuable firearms are well protected. I particularly enjoyed the gas-strut-assisted heavyweight door, which makes lifting the door a breeze and holds it open for easy access.
The Simplex push-button mechanical locking system is a winner in my book. It's fast and easy to use, providing up to 1,081 different combinations to keep your safe secure. The textured grey powder coat finish adds an elegant touch while still exuding a sense of strength and quality. The interior features egg crate foam lining to protect your firearms, guns, and magazines from scratches and damage.
One of the standout features for me was the convenience of pre-drilled holes for easy bolting down. It made setting up the safe a breeze and allowed me to feel confident that it wouldn't be going anywhere. The only downside I experienced was the limited number of combination possibilities, which could potentially make it easier for someone with ill intentions to access the safe. Still, this safe's overall build and security features outweigh this minor inconvenience.
The Fort Knox PB1 Handgun Safe is the perfect solution for gun owners looking for a reliable and strong safe to protect their firearms. With its sleek design and impressive construction, this safe is truly the best bang for your buck.

🔗Top-Class Secure 5-Gun Storage
I've had the pleasure of using this gun safe in my home for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a reliable companion. The first thing that stands out is the 3-directional bolt system. It gives me peace of mind knowing that my firearms are securely locked away. Plus, the high strength steel construction ensures durability, even in the face of potential wear and tear.
One feature that I absolutely love is the soft foam pad at the bottom. Not only does it provide a cushioned resting place for my weapons, but it also helps maintain their condition over time. The holes for mounting to the wall and/or floor are another great addition. This gives me the flexibility to install the safe wherever I see fit, whether it's in my bedroom or living room.
However, no product is perfect. There are some aspects of this gun safe that could be improved. For instance, the keyed access can be a bit cumbersome at times. While it does offer an added layer of security, it can also be a nuisance if you misplace the key.
In conclusion, this affordable 5-gun safe from American Furniture Classics has been a worthwhile investment for me. Its robust construction and secure 3-directional bolt system make it an ideal choice for those looking to store their firearms safely and securely. While the keyed access may require some getting used to, the overall quality and performance of this product are well worth the cost.

🔗Affordable Gun Safe with Fingerprint & Digital Keypad Lock
I recently needed a gun safe for my firearms and I stumbled upon the VEVOR 6 Gun Safe. As a responsible gun owner, I always prioritize my gun's security. The VEVOR Gun Safe not only promised advanced security features but also boasted a durable construction.
What stood out to me the most was the dual-lock system, both with a fingerprint and digital keypad. This feature ensures that only authorized individuals can access the safe, providing an added layer of protection. The dimensions of the safe were perfect for storing my firearms, fitting them perfectly without any issues.
However, there was one downside: it was a bit heavier than I expected. At 82 lb, it required some effort to move around when needed. But overall, the VEVOR Gun Safe served its purpose by protecting my valuable firearms and my loved ones. I would highly recommend it to any gun owner looking for a reliable and secure storage solution.

🔗Heavy-Duty 5-Gun Metal Security Cabinet
As a first-time gun owner, I was in the market for a small and affordable security cabinet. I came across the American Furniture Classics 5 Gun Starter Metal Security Cabinet and decided to give it a try. I must say, this cabinet has exceeded my expectations in terms of its 3-point locking system, which keeps my firearms safe and secure. The cabinet is made from high-quality black powder-coated paint, making it both attractive and durable.
One of the standout features of this cabinet is its soft foam barrel rest and carpeted floor, which protects my long guns from scratches and damage. It's also fully assembled right out of the box, so I didn't have to worry about any confusing instructions nor spend hours putting it together. Additionally, it includes four expansion bolts to secure it to the floor, providing even more peace of mind.
However, there are a few cons to consider. Some users have reported issues with the cabinet's build quality, stating that the metal seems thin and may not withstand a determined break-in attempt. Additionally, the cabinet's lock mechanism has been described as "flimsy" by some, leaving me slightly concerned about the overall security it provides.
In conclusion, the American Furniture Classics 5 Gun Starter Metal Security Cabinet has become an essential part of my home, providing a secure and affordable storage solution for my long guns. While it may not be the most robust option on the market, it provides more than enough security for everyday use.

🔗Affordable Gun Safe with Dual Lock Security and Built-In Storage
Imagine you're a serious gun owner who values both your firearms and the safety of your family. You've searched tirelessly for a reliable storage solution, but most are either too complicated or too expensive. That's where the VEVOR 6 Gun Safe comes in - a practical, stylish, and affordable option.
Opening the safe, you're greeted by a spacious interior, with ample room for your rifles and pistols on the adjustable shelves. You appreciate the versatility, allowing you to customize the storage according to your needs. However, you also notice that shorter firearms fit perfectly, but longer ones might not find enough space unless you remove the pistol shelf.
Securing the safe is a breeze. The dual-lock system, which includes both a fingerprint and digital keypad, provides both convenience and security. It makes you feel confident that your family and valuable firearms are well-protected.
Making the VEVOR 6 Gun Safe even more appealing is its solid construction. The exterior has a sleek black finish that adds a touch of sophistication to your home. The wall thickness is sturdy at 0.04 inches. However, you notice that the metal used in the construction does not have a specific classification, which may leave some wondering about its durability.
In conclusion, the VEVOR 6 Gun Safe is a worthy investment for those seeking an affordable, practical, and reliable firearm storage solution. Though it might not be perfect for everyone, its strengths outweigh the minor drawbacks, making it a satisfying addition to your home security.

🔗Winchester 26 Long Gun Safe - Secure and Spacious Storage for Your Firearms
As a reviewer who has been using the Winchester 36 Long Gun Safe in my daily life, I can confidently say that this is a great investment for anyone looking to keep their firearms and valuables secure. The first thing that grabbed my attention was the sleek, powder-coated gun metal gray finish, which added a stylish touch to the safe while also enhancing its durability.
One of the standout features of this gun safe was its electronic lock with an override key. Having both an electronic keypad and a backup key gives me peace of mind knowing that I won't be locked out in case of a power failure or if the electronic lock fails. The solid steel locking bolts provided robust security, ensuring that my firearms are kept safe and secure at all times.
The interior of the safe was spacious enough to accommodate up to 26 long guns, making it an ideal choice for gun enthusiasts and collectors alike. Additionally, the adjustable shelves allowed me to customize the layout according to my needs, providing ample storage for other valuables as well.
However, there were some cons worth mentioning. The door of the safe had a bit of play in it when closed and locked, which could be improved upon in future models. Furthermore, the instruction manual could have been more comprehensive, especially when it came to resetting the combo on the electronic lock.
Overall, I would recommend the Winchester 36 Long Gun Safe to anyone looking for a reliable, well-made safe with ample storage and good security features. It may not be perfect, but at this price point, it's hard to beat.

🔗Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with Anti-Theft Electronic Lock
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with E-Lock 24EGW, and I must say, I was impressed. This fireproof and waterproof safe is perfect for gun enthusiasts who want to protect their precious belongings from potential damage.
One of the most impressive features of this safe is its backlit electronic lock, which comes with an Alarm-U function. The alarm notifies you of any attempted theft, and the backup key provides an extra layer of security. I loved that it offered external hinges, allowing for a full 180-degree opening, making it effortless to access my safe.
The interior door storage and 3-spoke handle design were another bonus that I found extremely useful. Additionally, the safe is equipped with 3 1.5-inch active locking bolts and 2 dead bolts that effectively deter any potential intruders.
However, I did notice that the safe is quite heavy, which can make transportation difficult. The size of the box also seemed to be larger than originally estimated, which was a bit of a hassle.
Overall, my experience with the Wasatch 24 Gun Fire and Water Safe with E-Lock 24EGW has been positive. I feel confident that my valuables are safely guarded, thanks to its impressive fire and water resistance capabilities. While there were a few minor drawbacks, they do not outweigh the fantastic features of this safe.

🔗Secure 3 Rifle Gun Cabinet with Digital Lock
Nestled within the realm of personal security, the VEVOR 3 Rifles Gun Safe has been an invaluable ally in safeguarding my collection of firearms. Its digital keypad and robust construction create an aura of safety, providing me with peace of mind. The quick access feature has proven incredibly useful, especially during those moments when every second counts.
It's hard not to rave about its craftsmanship, a crucial aspect that never ceases to impress. The removable shelf, ammo storage box, and pistol rack make organization a hassle-free affair. However, one minor drawback - the locking mechanism could benefit from a more secure two-way system for enhanced security. Despite this, it's a reliable storage solution that ensures my loved ones remain protected from accidental access.

🔗Classic Solid Wood Gun Cabinet
As a firearm enthusiast who wanted a stylish and secure way to store my guns, I was excited to try out the American Furniture Classics 8 Gun Cabinet. I have to say, this piece of furniture definitely added an elegant touch to my living room, while keeping my guns locked away and out of reach from unwelcome hands.
The first thing that caught my eye was the quality craftsmanship of the cabinet; it's made from solid wood and wood veneers, which gives it a rich, timeless finish. The careful design of the gun organizers ensures that each of my rifles are held steadily in place, with felt-lined butt plates and barrel rests preventing any potential scratches or scuffs.
One feature that I particularly appreciated was the tempered glass front, allowing me to proudly display my collection while still keeping them safely behind a fully-locking key lock system. The capacity to store up to 8 long guns made it perfect for my collection, without taking up too much space in my home.
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks. The instructions were a bit cryptic, making the assembly process slightly more challenging than it needed to be. Additionally, the storage capacity is limited, so I wasn't able to fit as many scoped rifles/shotguns as I would have liked.
Overall, the American Furniture Classics 8 Gun Cabinet has been a stylish and secure way to store and display my guns, bringing both elegance and practicality into my home. Despite the small issues with assembly and limited storage, I would still recommend this cabinet to anyone looking for a high-quality gun storage solution.

🔗American Furniture Classics 16 Gun Metal Cabinet
I've been using the American Furniture Classics 16 Gun Metal Cabinet for a while now, and let me tell you, it's been quite an experience. This classic design, featuring a scratch-resistant black finish with gold accents, certainly stands out in my living room. The cabinet interior and door back are adorned with wood grain paneling accents, which add a touch of elegance.
Now, when it comes to setting up this cabinet, I must admit, it wasn't the easiest task. The instructions were quite lackluster, leaving me to figure out a lot of things on my own. However, once I got the hang of it, the assembly process became relatively smooth. The cabinet is solidly built with heavy-duty materials, making it sturdy and reliable.
The cabinet is designed to hold 16 guns, and it definitely delivers on that promise. I was able to store various types of rifles and shotguns without any issues. However, one downside is that it doesn't accommodate modern sporting rifles with scopes or magazines attached. So, if you're primarily looking to store those types of firearms, you might need to look for a different cabinet.
Another con worth mentioning is the door quality. While the door is sturdy, it doesn't close completely, leaving a small gap. This may not be a significant issue for everyone, but it's something to keep in mind.
On the positive side, the cabinet offers ample storage space and can easily be secured to the wall or floor. The locking mechanism, although not the most secure, is sufficient for keeping young children away from the guns.
Overall, I would recommend the American Furniture Classics 16 Gun Metal Cabinet to anyone looking for a stylish and functional gun display case. While there are a few drawbacks to consider, the cabinet's affordability and ample storage capacity make it a worthwhile investment.

🔗Snapsafe Under Bed Safe: Secure Storage Solution for Valuables
SnapSafe Under Bed Safe was a game-changer for me. I wanted to keep my valuables secure but also easily accessible, and this product fit the bill perfectly. Its sturdy construction with heavy-duty steel and pre-drilled bolt holes made it a reliable option for permanent installation. The 3-foot cable provided additional security by allowing me to anchor the safe to a stationary object.
The digital lock was a standout feature, with its programmable 3 to 8 digit access code and key backup. It also featured a pry-resistant door, which added peace of mind by keeping unauthorized users at bay, especially children. However, one downside that I noticed was the audio beeps, which could be a bit noisy at times.
Using the SnapSafe Under Bed Safe in my daily life was trouble-free. The large slide-out drawer accommodated a variety of items, from firearms and jewelry to documents, giving me the flexibility I needed for secure storage. The interior space was more than enough, and the exterior dimensions enabled it to fit neatly under my bed, taking up minimal space.
Overall, I highly recommend this product for anyone looking for an under bed safe that offers both security and convenience. It may not be perfect, with the audio beeps being a minor drawback, but it certainly gets the job done and provides the peace of mind I was seeking.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to securing your firearms, a cheap gun safe is an affordable solution. However, not all budget safes are equally reliable or practical. In this guide, we'll help you navigate the world of bargain gun safes, considering their features, construction, security, and more.

Security Rating
The first thing you should look for when searching for a cheap gun safe is the security rating. While it's true that most economical safes don't have the high-end security features of their more expensive counterparts, there are still options with a reasonable level of protection.
Common security ratings for safes include ETL, UL, and BSI certifications. Look for safes with a combination of good construction and locking mechanisms. You should also consider the thickness of the door and walls, as this plays a significant role in preventing forced entry.

Type of Lock

Gun safes often use various types of locks, including electronic locks, dial locks, and key locks. For a cheap safe, a key lock is usually the most secure option. However, electronic locks can be convenient for frequent use, especially if you forget the combination frequently.
Electronic locks tend to be more vulnerable to electronic attacks, so if you choose this option, ensure that you have a good backup system in place, such as a set of spare batteries or a spare key.

Interior Size and Organization

Another essential factor to consider when buying a cheap gun safe is the interior size and organization. A safe with adjustable shelves and dividers can allow you to better organize and store your firearms, ammunition, and accessories. It's also essential to look at the dimensions of the safe's interior to ensure that it will accommodate your firearms.
If you plan on adding more firearms to your collection, consider purchasing a safe with a larger capacity or the ability to add more shelves or dividers as needed.

Weight and Construction

A cheap gun safe will not typically feature the best steel thickness and overall construction. However, a heavier safe is generally harder to move and more challenging to break into. Many budget gun safes use electronic locks, which means they rely on lightweight materials, such as aluminum or steel with lower thickness ratings.
Before purchasing, check the safe's weight and materials. The weight of a safe is critical when you consider its ability to protect your firearms from theft or unauthorized access. A safe with steel walls at least 0.4 inches thick and a door at least 0.5 inches thick is a reasonable starting point.

Other Considerations

  • Choose a safe with an anti-pry bar to protect against physical attacks.
  • Making sure the safe has a powder-coated finish can prevent rust and make it more durable.
  • Look for a warranty that covers the lock and structural components of the safe.
  • Regular maintenance, such as lubricating locks and examining the exterior, is essential to ensure the safe's longevity.
  • Consider purchasing add-on security features, such as cable locks or padlocks, to enhance safety.
Purchasing a cheap gun safe doesn't mean you have to compromise on security and quality. By knowing what features to look for and what warning signs to avoid, you can find the perfect budget safe that meets your needs without breaking the bank.


What are the benefits of owning a cheap gun safe?

A cheap gun safe can provide basic protection for your firearms. It helps to keep guns out of reach of children, which is crucial for safety. Additionally, it can deter unauthorized access and reduce the risk of theft.

Can a cheap gun safe be used for storing non-firearm items?

Yes, many cheap gun safes can also be used for storing other valuables, such as jewelry, important documents, and electronic devices. This can provide additional security for these items.

What type of locking mechanism should a cheap gun safe have?

A cheap gun safe should have a reliable locking mechanism, such as a combination lock or a key lock. It is essential that the locking mechanism is difficult to bypass and offers protection against theft.

What materials are used in making a cheap gun safe?

Cheap gun safes can be made from various materials, such as steel, solid wood, or composite materials. The choice of material depends on factors like cost, security, and style preference.

What are the sizes available for cheap gun safes?

Cheap gun safes come in various sizes, ranging from small, portable safes to larger, standalone units. It is essential to choose a size that fits your needs and the number of firearms you want to store.

What is the weight of a typical cheap gun safe?

The weight of a cheap gun safe can vary, depending on the materials used and the size of the safe. Generally, portable safes weigh between 20 to 40 pounds, while standalone safes can weigh up to 100 pounds or more.

How can I protect my cheap gun safe from fire damage?

To protect your cheap gun safe from fire damage, consider purchasing a fire-resistant safe. These safes are designed to withstand high temperatures and protect your valuables during a fire.

What is the life expectancy of a cheap gun safe?

The life expectancy of a cheap gun safe depends on various factors, such as the materials used, the manufacturing quality, and the level of maintenance. With proper care, a cheap gun safe can last for many years.

What should I look for in a cheap gun safe that is of good quality?

When looking for a cheap gun safe of good quality, consider the following factors: the locking mechanism, the materials used for construction, the fire rating, the size, and the manufacturer's reputation. A good-quality safe should offer protection against theft and damage, and it should be easy to operate.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:46 VintageKofta APC UPS 1400 constant beeping - LEDs are fine though.

Hi all,
Can I please get your advice on what might be the issue with my APC 1400 UPS ?
It was beeping constantly at an interval of ~once per second. The power LED was on (solid) and the battery LED was off. You can see a short clip of it here.
I had a look at the manual, but it didn't really explain the situation I was in. This is in section "4 - Status Indicators"
For what it's worth, I plugged it to my power meter, and it's drawing ~125W, which shouldn't be that much.
I tried:
* Switching it off and on again, but that didn't help. It kept beeping when it came back on again. * Unplugging each device connected to it until nothing else was connected, but again it kept beeping.
I then removed it entirely, left it off for a few minutes, and plugged it back to the wall & powered it on, and it stopped beeping. Left it on all night as a test, no issues.
And for the past few hours, I put it back & plugged all the devices back to it, and again, no issues or beeps.
That's what's confusing me. I'm in a bad situation where I don't know what happened, and if it'll happen again :/ Would appreciate some advice if you have experience in this?
submitted by VintageKofta to batteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:54 rhinosb How to make a continuous alarm for certain email recipients

I need a way to make a continuous alarm (think a wakeup alarm in clock) that plays forever until manually cancelled when I receive emails from specific senders. Everything I see online seems to be related to getting the phone to keep sending notifications on multiple receives, but that is not what I need. Even if I only receive a single email from the specific sender, I need to phone to keep making noise and/or vibrating forever until manually cancelled for that email. I use a rooted pixel 7 pro on android 14 and prefer to use the gmail app.
submitted by rhinosb to AndroidHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:36 CoastieCompMester Galaxy S23 Ultra software update settings

I have the S23 Ultra and previously I had turned off smart updates. According to smart updates schedule, it updates between 2 and 4 am.
The problem is that with the auto update is that it makes the phone restart to install and optimize apps. Previously I've had set alarms not go off because the phone restarted overnight and didn't fully turn back on; it also stops the wireless charging.
It would seem that a previous update turned smart updates back on. I recently was using my phone around 3:30 and just set it on the charger. It then turned off and proceeded with a software update.
I'd prefer to just go to the software update section and manually check for updates. Is this not possible?
submitted by CoastieCompMester to verizon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:25 Dragonkitelooper AC doesn't turn off manually and dog keeps setting alarm off, any thoughts?

2019 Ford F150 lariat 3.5L. It's a fairly new truck to me and I'm having trouble figuring a few things out. Upgraded from my 2006 Ford F350.
So I manually turn off the AC button because it's a beautiful 70° a day and then I realize it has become 80° but it's still blowing quite cold. I stopped the vehicle and yes it's still dripping water which means my AC compressor must be on? It definitely blows much much colder when the AC is actually on I just wonder if this is normal.
Wintertime use, I love to take my dog with me, crack the windows and leave her in truck while I run errands etc. Somehow she keeps setting off the alarm. I understand if she's hitting the window buttons or something it will probably go off but I sat there and watched her she barely moved much and the alarm still went off. Is there a motion sensor inside that causes the alarm to go off?
Thanks for any help guys! Dealers are no help they just want to sell me a new truck lol Love the truck!
submitted by Dragonkitelooper to f150 [link] [comments]