Bumps fluid face

also known as acute vesiculobullous hand eczema, dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx

2014.01.29 19:13 itschvy also known as acute vesiculobullous hand eczema, dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx

Dyshidrosis is a skin condition that is characterized by small blisters on the hands or feet. It is an acute, chronic, or recurrent dermatosis of the fingers, palms, and soles, characterized by a sudden onset of many deep-seated pruritic, clear vesicles; later, scaling, fissures and lichenification occur. Recurrence is common and for many can be chronic.

2009.04.08 15:52 corrado1 Rosacea

Rosacea is a patient support community for those diagnosed with Rosacea, a medical disorder of the facial skin and sometimes the eyes. Diagnosing rosacea takes a pro; if you think you might have something like rosacea, see a doctor. Please see our wiki for general info about rosacea if you're trying to decide if you need professional advice.

2011.09.01 14:48 Lady_GayGay Take a walk on the mild side!


2024.06.11 06:47 Draishwaryajoshi What are the most common skin conditions treated by dermatologists in Jaipur?

In the vibrant city of Jaipur, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and architectural splendor, there is also a growing awareness about skin health and dermatology. Among the experts in this field, Dr. Aishwarya Joshi stands out as a distinguished Dermatologist in Jaipur, providing exceptional care and treatment for a variety of skin conditions. Here, we explore some of the most common skin issues treated by dermatologists in this region.
1. Acne
Acne is one of the most prevalent skin conditions, especially among teenagers and young adults. It is characterized by the appearance of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads, primarily on the face, back, and shoulders. Factors like hormonal changes, diet, stress, and genetics can contribute to acne. Dr. Aishwarya Joshi, a leading Dermatologist in Jaipur, offers tailored treatment plans that may include topical treatments, oral medications, and advanced procedures like chemical peels and laser therapy to effectively manage and reduce acne.
2. Eczema
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic condition that causes the skin to become red, itchy, and inflamed. It can affect people of all ages and is often linked to allergies or asthma. Dermatologists in Jaipur, such as Dr. Aishwarya Joshi, provide comprehensive management strategies for eczema, including moisturizers, topical steroids, and lifestyle advice to avoid triggers and alleviate symptoms.
3. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by rapid skin cell production, leading to thick, scaly patches on the skin. It can cause significant discomfort and impact a person’s quality of life. Treatments offered by dermatologists like Dr. Aishwarya Joshi include topical treatments, phototherapy, and systemic medications to control the symptoms and improve skin appearance.
4. Fungal Infections
Fungal infections, such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, and yeast infections, are common skin issues treated by dermatologists in Jaipur. These infections can cause itching, redness, and discomfort. Effective treatment typically involves antifungal medications, which can be topical or oral, depending on the severity and location of the infection.
5. Vitiligo
Vitiligo is a condition where the skin loses its pigment cells, resulting in white patches on various parts of the body. This can have a profound psychological impact on individuals. Dermatologists like Dr. Aishwarya Joshi utilize advanced treatments such as phototherapy, topical corticosteroids, and in some cases, surgical options to help restore skin color and boost patient confidence.
6. Rosacea
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and visible blood vessels on the face. It can also result in small, red, pus-filled bumps. Managing rosacea often involves a combination of lifestyle changes, topical treatments, and in some cases, laser therapy. Dr. Aishwarya Joshi, a trusted Dermatologist in Jaipur, offers personalized treatment plans to help manage and reduce the symptoms of rosacea.
7. Hair Loss
Hair loss or alopecia is a common concern among both men and women. Dermatologists in Jaipur address this issue through various treatments such as topical minoxidil, oral medications, and procedures like PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy. Dr. Aishwarya Joshi’s expertise ensures a thorough evaluation and a customized treatment approach to help patients regain their hair and confidence.
8. Skin Cancer
Early detection and treatment of skin cancer are crucial. Dermatologists like Dr. Aishwarya Joshi provide comprehensive skin examinations and utilize techniques such as biopsies and advanced imaging to diagnose and treat skin cancer. Treatment options may include surgical excision, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, depending on the type and stage of cancer.
The expertise of dermatologists in Jaipur, particularly Dr. Aishwarya Joshi, plays a vital role in managing a wide range of skin conditions. With personalized treatment plans and the latest medical advancements, they ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients. Whether it’s a common issue like acne or a more complex condition like vitiligo, seeking professional help from a reputed dermatologist in Jaipur can make a significant difference in skin health and overall well-being.
submitted by Draishwaryajoshi to u/Draishwaryajoshi [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:38 _MarkV_ Studioform Creative Accessories

Studioform Creative Accessories
Big thank you to Studioform Creative for sending me a Pimax Crystal Comfort Kit. I’ve bought a lot of products from them and they never fail to impress. Yesterday, after posting how much I liked the comfort strap cushion pad, they reached out to me and sent me the foam face kit with spacers. Arrived just over 24 hours after contacting me (New Zealand to Sydney). The fabric kit (pictured) not only looks amazing buts feels superb. I’ll make a video in the next couple of days showing what I’ve done to the crystal to make it extremely comfortable. I highly recommend Studioform and FWIW, they did this out of kindness. I’m a nobody with a whopping 32 subscribers on my channel. Good work guys 👍
submitted by _MarkV_ to Pimax [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:19 Sea-Pineapple4841 [Misc] Red blotches on face

[Misc] Red blotches on face
Hi! Does anyone know what this could be? I’ve had little blotches but not this big of an area covered in red blotches. This is my cheek/jaw area. The skin is smooth, somewhat dry, no bumps. I use cerave face wash and moisturizer, haven’t changed my routine so I know it’s not that. Thanks!!
submitted by Sea-Pineapple4841 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:07 MewnianBread Pretending What We Are - Sparkle X Sunday

Authors Note - Have fun reading this and I’ll probably be make a Yanqing X Jingliu X Yunli fic.
It wasn’t too long since Sunday’s dear sister’s death. She was in the dreaming chamber with a purple hole in the middle of her chest. When Sunday first learned about the meme killing his sister, he was deeply saddened. After the incident, he immediately went to the park and looked off into the distance until a recent Fool appeared.
Dawning the appearance of Robin, approached him. She wished to only get closer to him for an ulterior motive. As she spoke in riddles and lied; the angelic man only caught on to her ruse. He was quickly dismayed by these lies, and what she was. That was until the statement of the petite girl. Her statement was concise; the contents were to play as Robin, so the festival wouldn’t be canceled. Sunday was now conflicted between accepting her deal or denying it. Sparkle then decided to leave, giving him time to ponder his choice.
Now it was up to Sunday to make the decision, so he thought about it. Pondered it, and concluded to allow her to play as Robin, but it was hard to come to this conclusion. One side of him didn’t want to taint his sister’s image and another side needed this deal to continue hiding the truth from the casual visitors. To complete the deal he had to find her first, but she found him first. They faced each other in the same spot where they last spoke.
Sparkle dawned her normal attire, face to face, she started the conversation. She only said,” So Chicken Wing Boy, have you made up your mind yet?”
The well-dressed man responded,” Yes. I have made my decision. It is a simple deal. I will allow you to accompany me as my dear sister. Under few conditions.”
“What are these conditions, friend?” the brunette asked with an intrigued look. She then approached closer to Sunday standing right in front of him.
“The conditions are that you must be trained to act like her. You can imitate: her voice, her mannerisms, and her physical actions, but not her connections or personality. I have already mentioned you to the Family earlier. They agreed to let you specifically do this because you were an actress at a point of time,” after his declaration, he only advanced toward her looking down at her.
Sparkle then advanced too; her chest now touching him. She then spoke again,” Really if that is it… then I accept. So when is our first session about to start?”
“It starts now. You must now learn the relationship I had with my sister.”
“May I take a quick guess about your relationship with her? Just a little fun thing to lighten the mood,~” Hanabi asked with a Fool’s intentions. She just wanted to push Sunday’s buttons.
“Go ahead,” the winged individual said. He thought that whatever she said would give a visual insight into how her mind works. Then once he tells the truth her reaction would be able to give away what she considers shocking.
The teaseful girl then thought, and came up with a foolish answer. A funny answer that would shock Sunday. Or at least, make him shy. She backed away from him, and then looked at him with a mischievous smile. She then gave an answer,” Was it an incestuous relationship?”
Sunday quickly blushed slightly, but regained his composure. He thought before answering. The fancy male then revealed the truthful answer,” It wasn’t, but we shared many firsts together,” he then took a breath and continued,” Many of those firsts include ones of love.”
“Eh?” Sparkle was shocked, confused, and a bit disoriented. She didn’t expect Sunday to openly admit a fact like that. She then stabilized and quickly commented,” I’m going to bet that you gave her your v-card, and vice versa with her.”
“What if I did? That wouldn’t stop you from ‘replacing’ her. I know that you wish to take my sister’s role, and to get close to the Family,” Sunday said with a statement that told the truth. He then approached her, and then grabbed her collar with a finger in a hook motion. The man pulled her close then looked her in the eyes, and whispered,” Besides I feel like you would like getting ‘close’ to me just to cause chaos besides… isn’t that what the Elation is about?”
The short girl was now on her toes, and slowly getting pulled closer to the angelic man’s face. Sparkle blushed and her heart rate increased. She heard her heartbeats and it only intensified the tension. She wanted chaos, but now there was another desire… the desire for love. The brunette then spoke with a whisper that had a bold undertone,” Yes.”
The girl then kissed him suddenly. It was a tender kiss. Both sides of the two leaned into it. Sunday kept his desire secret, but now that Sparkle had acted on hers it didn’t matter anymore. He did desire her since she interacted with him. He leaned more into the compassionate kiss. Hanabi then put her hand on top of his shoulders and let him deepen the kiss. The prospect was beautiful, and some of the locals caught a glimpse of it. Some were shocked and others were surprised, but not many stared.
They both separated from the kiss and panted. A string of saliva connected their mouths, and Sunday decided to suddenly pick Sparkle up. He lifted her, and put her on his shoulder like a log. He could easily do this because she was light. Sparkle was more allowing of this for she was still in a trance of the kiss, but quickly regained a more cognitive attitude. She asked in curiosity,” Where are we going? I hope it’s not anywhere dangerous! Teehee!”
“No, I’m not bringing you somewhere dangerous. Instead I’m bringing you to probably the safest place in the Dreamscape, my quarters. Don’t worry, you're probably going to like it knowing you, but then again are you the real Sparkle or just a fake? You are acting differently or is this just how you fool people?” Sunday told with a smirk with a tone.
“What if I wasn’t the real Sparkle? Would you be saddened? Rest assured I am still the same Fool that pretended to be your sister,” the Fool proclaimed before speaking once again,” Are you just taking me to your quarters to have sex? If that’s the case… tsk tsk tsk… you’re going to teach me how to be like your sister by having a breeding session?”
“No, I just want to have steamy sex with you. Your brat demeanor is… exhilarating, and I wish to ‘correct it’,” Sunday claimed. He pinched her cheek too.
“Oww! You have a brat taming kink? That’s fine! We can have steamy seggs, but how are you going to teach me Chicken Wing Boy or should I say Man once we’re done?” Sparkle teased. She then kissed his cheek as a nod to her getting pinched.
They soon arrived at Sunday’s quarters. She was tossed onto the bed, and she landed a bit of a bounce. Sunday immediately pinned her down, and Sparkle pretended to resist. They both kissed once again, and despite how their relationship started, the two moved with gentleness. He then teased her by slowly stroking her legs. Then unexpectedly he began to tear off her clothes, he wanted to see her bare.
As for the Fool, she was elated that she got the opportunity to have this moment with a Holovian. She moaned at his gentle brushes. The exposure she felt when he removed each article of clothing resulted in chills that reduced her heat. There were still some embers in her and one move by Sunday would cause them to flare up into a flame. She was also envious of how he was still clothed, so in retaliation against him edging her, she started to unbutton his shirt.
Sunday had lost parts of clothing, and he did not want to know how. He only cared about satisfying him and Sparkle’s interests. His body was toned, but the Fool didn’t let that stop her. She was on a mission to remove his clothing, all of it. She unbuckled his belt, and whispered quietly with a strong meaning,” I thought you were going to correct me, but instead you’re acting like a coward. I want it, so quit the foreplay and make a move. Or instead I’ll be the one taking charge here, that’s what I thou-”
Sunday acted fast, he resented being made fun of. The Holovian decided to shove his fingers inside of her wet cave. She convulsed and made sounds that resembled a whimpering dog. The angel moved his fingers back and forth, and he started to tell Sparkle a ‘threat’,” Don’t tease or test me, or I’ll truly make you into MY brat. You don’t want to rush things do you, but since you’re already going for my dick I guess I’ll allow you to experience this pleasure to its fullest.” Once he made that last remark, he fully stripped for her.
He pulled his finger out of her vagina, and brought it up to her mouth. He only gave a simple order. “Lick it, you know you want to.” Sparkle was shaken. She never expected that Sunday would act like this, but she complied. Not wanting to anger him, she licked and tasted her bitter essence. It tasted like a lemon, it was addicting in her eyes. But to her surprise, he slowly inched it to her mouth. Hanabi understood and complied; she opened her mouth. He let her suck on his finger as she worked to clean his finger, and she loved it. Seeing this attitude on him was a turn on for her, and she wanted more.
Suddenly he pulled his finger out of mouth and wiped it on the bedsheets, and he kissed her on the mouth. He put more weight into the kiss, and she allowed it. The girl twitched for air, and the boy complied. Sunday pulled away from her; strings of saliva connecting them. Sunday spoke once giving an offer,” Since you have been a good girl, I’ll let you choose the position we do. And if you are excellent while we do this… maybe I’ll let you transform into anyone you want. So, what position?”
Sparkle only blushed and nodded, she was really simple when it comes to positions in this demeanor. She replied with only two words,” Missionary… please…” she was exasperated, but she wanted more. She furthered by requesting one thing,” P-p–please… be rougher… You’ve made me addicted to you…”
“Very well then, you must really like being mine, so let me treat you,” the Holovian positioned himself and then put all his force into penetrating Sparkle. He then slammed into her with precision. Sparkle let out a cry of pleasure, and he only continued to pound into her. Sparkle only tightened; she was in a state of pure euphoria.
Sparkle could only moan and yell out words, some in which she shuddered,” Harder! B-b-breed me! HNG! Aeons, you’re big! Mark me with your c-c-cum!”
Sunday reacted to this with a smirk, and started to slam into her at a speedy pace. He twitched inside her signaling that he was about to cum inside her. The Fool then decided to wrap her legs around the leader’s waist; this locked him in and he pulsed, another signal for the upcoming event. Sunday told her something she wanted to hear,” I’m going to cum, and I’m pent up, so you’re going to end up pregnant.”
The petite girl had no other words. She only had actions. Her vagina tightened and she pushed him in further. Sunday had plunged as deep into her cavity, and he started to release his essence into her. Sparkle had squirted too, and went limp. She felt the fluid overfill her. Once he finished inside her, he pulled out and got off of her. The follower of the Harmony then lied beside her. He then said to you,” Well you’re mine now, but have you learned how to act like my sister?”
Sparkle, regaining a clear mental state, transformed into Robin while cum oozed out of her. She then said to him,” A lot brother, fufu…”
“Really? Transforming into my sister right now? Hahhh… Get ready for round two, you brat,” Sunday states with an annoyed, but horny tone. He pulled “Robin” by the hair and then whispered into her ear,” You’re going to learn how to sing now, so open your mouth.”
Sparkle could only gulp as she had annoyed Sunday once more. But… she liked this side of him, so she opened her mouth and let the fun begin. It was going to be a long night for the both of them.
The End.
submitted by MewnianBread to okbuddytrailblazer [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:44 BlueSorrows Daily reminder … Just because you never dated anyone, or been in a relationship, doesn’t mean you’re a red flag.

Lately been seeing this take and it being pegged as, "if someone hasn't dated, they're a red flag."
Just wanted to say, despite what society says or tries to pressure, no, having no dating experience or so forth, doesn't make you a red flag.
Some of us are late bloomers, I'm 24, never been kissed, or been on a date (besides maybe one time where a guy finessed me on one and I didn't even realise). Then Covid took up 2 years of our lives and dynamics in society shifted, everything still doesn't feel totally normal.
Cause of us being late boomers, we had that massive awkward stage in school too. I was overweight as teen, had a baby fat face, crooked teeth, and my family wasn't rich, I also don't have the conventional standard nose (ethic nose, with a bump, slightly crooked). I couldn't afford the expensive trendy clothes or makeup and didn't know how to even do my makeup (more late bloomer issues). Then you got the social anxiety bit, where some of us were too shy to even speak and if we did got picked on cause we weren't deemed pretty and teenagers are ruthless.
As an adult now, I go to the gym, work on keeping myself healthy, working on my skin, still got the social anxiety shyness, but very polite, warm and bubbly when I'm talking to someone.
Because I never experienced attention in my youth, I have no idea on how to navigate it and either write it off ("why would someone want me?") or, don't know how to read the signs cause I'm not use to affection, or attention. I don't put myself out there and stay single because of the side effects from my teen years.
Never let anyone make you feel bad or an "issue" simply cause you didn't date. There is nothing wrong with you, society just oversexualises everything, unfortunately. Even Adriana Lima was a virgin up until 27. Sometimes people even prefer to wait for the right person.
Go at your own pace, and fuck these stupid societal takes, don't let anyone rush you into sex or relationships and make you feel "weird" or a "red flag" because you aren't.
submitted by BlueSorrows to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:42 Popping_Pills Is this Folliculitis?

Bumps on my face that itch and sometimes sting filled with pus. I’ve been taking 100mg doxycycline and using clindamycin topical in the morning with trentinoin cream at night. I recently stopped using trentinoin like 4 weeks ago and stopped taking the doxycycline two days ago.
submitted by Popping_Pills to Folliculitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:22 well-b-alright Help me with my acne!!!

Help me with my acne!!!
Acne on my face has gotten so much worse. It was bad in the past but then it cleared up when I started birth control. I was on it for 2 1/2 years before deciding to stop for other reasons. I stopped in November and my skin was doing fine for months! This year around March/April I changed some things in my skincare.
I’m getting pimples primarily on the right side of my face and forehead. Most of them start as bumps under the skin that I can feel before you can see them.. I’m not sure what that kind of acne is called. But they’re big and painful and take SOOO long to away. I added pictures of everything I use.
I use retinol 2 days on 2 days off, I have been for years. I use glycolic acid 2 days on 2 days off as well, alternating between the two. I’ve been doing this for about a year. In April I switched from the 4% to 10% cerave benzoyl peroxide face wash. In February I switched to the Elf tinted sunscreen, previously I used a cerave one. I just started using the benzoyl peroxide cream as spot treatment two weeks ago. I’m just feeling so insecure about my skin again after it had been doing so well for a long time and I don’t want to start birth control again :(
submitted by well-b-alright to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:18 pickledplumber Why do Mothers today feel the need to spend so much time watching their kids?

On social media I'm routinely seeing mothers complaining that they don't get a break with the kids. I see it here on reddit too where ladies complain about their husbands.
Recently at a weekend BBQ I saw it first hand. The mother was stressed that her husband ( my cousin ) was relaxing and having a beer. She was mad that he was relaxing while she was "on duty" hovering over their kid. This duty was seen as self imposed by the husband who told her, come over and sit here, let the boys play he said. What he said seemed reasonable to me. They were both in those littles tikes plastic cars and were just playing with their cousins. Surrounded by adults with the kids facing no real danger other than maybe a finger getting stuck between two of those cars bumping together.
But this is one thing I've noticed. Many mothers these days tend to, what most would consider, go overboard with watching the kids. Likely very different than they themselves were raised in the 80s and 90s. I know when I was that age my parents would let me and my brother play for hours and we would entertain ourselves. It's some of my best memories with my brother.
I have noticed my male friends do this too but when I question them about it then just tell me it's what they decided on.
I'm just wondering, why are mothers putting this self imposed burden on themselves? It's obvious many of you are worn out by trying to stay in top of kids.
submitted by pickledplumber to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:00 Darren716 Post WWE Raw 6/10/2024 Show Discussion Thread

Venue: Huntington Center (Toledo, OH)
Attendance: 6,838 - SOLD OUT!
Winner Loser Match Finish Stipulation
Iyo Sky w/ Damage CTRL Lyra Valkyria Crucifix Pin
Rey Mysterio, Dragon Lee, and Braun Strowman Dominik, Carlito, and JD McDonough Splash off of Braun's Shoulder
Sami Zayn Otis w/ Chad Gable and the Alpha Academy Helluva Kick
Shayna Bazler and Zoey Stark Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn Kirafuda Clutch
Bron Breakker Ilja Dragunov SPear
The Awesome Truth (c) AOP w/ The Final Testament Roll-Up after the New Day attack Kross at ringside For the World Tag Team Championships
Drew McIntyre Finn Balor w/ Priest, JD, and Carlito Claymore If Drew wins the Judgement Day are banned from ringside this Saturday
submitted by Darren716 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:59 Afraid_Mycologist681 Common Causes of Garage Door Sensor Failures and How to Repair Them

A smoothly functioning garage door is an essential part of any home, providing convenience and security. However, garage door sensors, crucial for safe operation, can sometimes fail, leading to frustrating issues. Understanding the common causes of garage door sensor failures and knowing how to repair them can save you time, money, and a lot of hassle. Here, we’ll delve into the primary reasons why these sensors malfunction and offer practical solutions for effective garage door repair.

1. Dirt and Debris

Cause: One of the most common reasons for garage door sensor failure is the accumulation of dirt, dust, and debris on the sensor lenses. The sensors, typically located near the bottom of the garage door tracks, can easily get dirty, obstructing the infrared beam that allows them to function properly.
Repair: To resolve this issue, clean the sensors with a soft, dry cloth. Ensure that the lenses are clear and unobstructed. For stubborn grime, use a mild detergent solution, but be careful not to scratch the lenses. Regular cleaning of the sensors can prevent this problem from recurring.

2. Misalignment

Cause: Garage door sensors need to be precisely aligned to communicate effectively. If one or both sensors are bumped or shifted out of alignment, the infrared beam cannot connect, causing the garage door to malfunction.
Repair: First, locate the sensors on both sides of the door, near the ground. Check if the LED lights on the sensors are lit. If one or both are off or blinking, they are likely misaligned. Adjust the sensors until both LED lights are steady. Typically, a slight adjustment is all that’s needed. Tighten the brackets once the alignment is correct to secure the sensors in place.

3. Wiring Issues

Cause: Faulty wiring can disrupt the signal between the sensors and the garage door opener. Over time, wires can become frayed, disconnected, or damaged by pests or weather conditions.
Repair: Inspect the wires connected to the sensors for any signs of damage. If you notice any frayed or broken wires, they may need to be replaced. Ensure all connections are secure and intact. If you’re not comfortable handling electrical components, it’s advisable to contact a professional garage door repair service for assistance.

4. Sunlight Interference

Cause: Direct sunlight hitting the sensor lenses can interfere with the infrared beam, causing the sensors to malfunction. This is a less common but possible cause of sensor failure, especially if your garage door is exposed to a lot of sunlight during certain times of the day.
Repair: To mitigate sunlight interference, consider installing sun shields or shades over the sensors. Alternatively, you can try to adjust the angle of the sensors slightly so that they are less exposed to direct sunlight. If the problem persists, relocating the sensors to a shadier spot might be necessary.

5. Physical Damage

Cause: Physical damage to the sensors, such as being struck by an object or subjected to harsh weather conditions, can lead to malfunction. Damaged sensors may need more than just a simple realignment or cleaning.
Repair: Carefully examine the sensors for any signs of physical damage. If the sensor casing is cracked or the internal components are exposed, the sensor will likely need to be replaced. In such cases, it’s best to consult with a garage door repair professional to ensure the sensors are correctly replaced and calibrated.

6. Power Supply Issues

Cause: If the sensors are not receiving power, they will not function properly. This can be due to issues with the power supply to the garage door opener or problems with the circuit breaker.
Repair: Check the power source for your garage door opener. Ensure it is plugged in and receiving power. If the opener is plugged in but not functioning, check the circuit breaker to see if it has tripped. Resetting the breaker may resolve the issue. If the problem continues, the garage door opener itself may require servicing.


Garage door sensor failures are a common issue that many homeowners face, but with a bit of troubleshooting, most problems can be easily fixed. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the sensors and checking for alignment, can prevent many of these issues. However, for more complex problems, such as wiring issues or significant physical damage, contacting a professional garage door repair service is recommended. By addressing sensor failures promptly, you can ensure your garage door remains safe and operational, providing peace of mind and convenience.
submitted by Afraid_Mycologist681 to Localservices8 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:49 iwontbesadanymore Our relationship was THE BEST but he's realized he's not gay

First of all, I'm sorry that English is not my first language. Second of all, it's gonna be soooo freakin long, I'm sorry again.
I've been in a situation that's been very hard to digest for the past week. I don't really know where to start to sum it all up...
I started my transition in 2022 after spending 2 years healing from an extremely toxic relationship with an ex. I told myself that I needed time for myself, to work on myself and start my transition serenely. To welcome who I really was into a stable, gentle life, free of emotional turmoil.
In 2023 I felt ready to open my heart, but I didn't want to rush into it. I wanted someone who would appreciate me for who I really am, ideally a man because I'm totally gay.
At the end of 2023 I made a friend on Tinder because I've come to live in a new country and I'm always looking to meet new people. The guy is a bisexual guy in polyamory who had a lot of questions about his sexuality. Being exclusive, dating was out of the question, but we often discussed mental health, relationships, transgenderism and Shrek. In short, two buddies talking about stuff here and there, nothing unbelievable. In February we thought it would be fun to go for a coffee in a place with lots of cats (because we love cats) so he could tell me about his latest love affairs with his failed dates and also his troubles with his girlfriend.
Something totally unplanned happened when I walked into the cafe. Sparks. Everywhere.
I walked in with the prospect of slapping him on the back and saying “hello my good dude” and suddenly the ground was crumbling beneath my feet. And from the look on his face, I wasn't alone. We spent the whole evening being very shy and talking about things a little deeper than usual. I came home on the very last train because it was hard to say goodbye. Something had happened, it had hit me like a train, it was terrifying.
We met up several times and each time he brought me back something awful he'd printed on his 3d printer. It made me laugh (and melt). It wasn't long before he came to take my hand, all red in the face. I asked him if he was really attracted to men and he confessed that he'd never had a relationship with one, only hook-ups. But I made him want one.
After that everything went fast, too fast.
Two weeks after our first meeting, he left his girlfriend of 4 years (who was abusive to him). I knew this urge of everything wasn't a good sign, but when you're wearing rose-colored glasses, you can't see the redflags.
We stayed together for 3 months. It was the craziest 3 months I've ever had. Explosive love. It was the first time that someone had workedshipped me. Every time I was naked next to him he was flabbergasted and told me how beautiful I was. He talked about me to everyone, proud as a peacock. He introduced me to his family after a month, telling them “I'm gay”. All in all, a real trip.
But then, last week, after several weeks when I felt he was in a bad space in his head (he's very depressed since the broke up with his ex because she kept everything and he had to come back at this parent's place at 28), he came to stay with me for the weekend. He came into the apartment like a cannonball with a sad face. He said “we need to talk” and I already knew what we were going to talk about. He told me it was over, that he couldn't go on. That he'd been asking himself a lot of questions over the last few weeks about his life goals, his sexuality, etc... he realized that he wasn't gay at all.
I expected anything but this. I felt an anvil drop on my head.
I'm not angry with him. I asked him if I was an experiment for him, a kind of test. He told me that no (and I believe him), he'd really fallen in love with me, but that the physical attraction wasn't there in the end. He thinks I'm a good-looking guy, but he's not attracted to me, at least not after the excitement of the beginning of the relationship.
Honestly, I can't get over the breakup because he was never bad to me. Really never. And I've never experienced that (being loved for who I'm truly am). I've always vented my anger at the end of relationships because most of the time they were assholes. But he didn't do anything wrong and I have nothing to be angry about.
I totally understand his decision because if it had been the other way around (him transitioning into a woman) I wouldn't have stayed either as I have no attraction for women.
Even the breakup was very smooth, we talked about everything. We hugged to comfort each other, in a geniunely friendly way. It's a complicated situation for both of us, but our relationship was so beautiful, fluid and easy. We never yelled at each other, even when we disagreed, we communicated on everything, I'd never experienced that!
But at the end the attraction isn't there... (for him).
I'd like to be able to be friends with him in the future but I have to digest all that first (it's his wish too).
Right now I'm sad to have lost his affection, his kindness. I miss him every day and it's painful, it's so painful... I'm afraid I'll never meet anyone after him, as good as him...
This idea is terrifying and I hope I'm wrong.
Sorry I'm writing too much, I think I had a lot on my mind/my heart. I'd like to find comfort anywhere. I haven't been able to eat for 4 days, I've already lost 7lbs, I never thought I'd go through heartbreak like this again at my age (I'm 34).
If you ever have a trick, anything, to make the pain go away... I won't say no.
submitted by iwontbesadanymore to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:49 throwfaraway10101010 After dozens of calls to legal help hotlines (which were all were scams), I'm turning to Reddit to be my saving grace. This happened in the Washington, DC area.

Edit: Referring to my partner as they/their per request of my partner. Sorry for the confusion.
I never thought was going to create a throw away account but desperate times call for desperate measures and here I am.
I'll start with the title that I was going to type which is basically the tldr: "Touched/nudged inappropriately on a flight while boarding then kicked off the flight after I confronted him. Now my partner's job (flight attendant) is probably in jeopardy..."
Lead up: My partner and I boarded in a later zone than we were supposed to board on causing us trouble finding space to put our carry-on because other passengers have already stored their luggage in the overhead space. When space was found in the overhead compartments we had to walk past our seats to stow away or bags, which was only two rows further down. Then we had to back track to our seats.
Altercation: My partner was in front of me so I had to walk backwards to let my partner in our row so they can take the middle seat and I can have my seat in the aisle. I checked if anyone was behind me and as I began to back up I felt a touch on my butt. I figured I was bumping into someone sitting down and stopped in my tracks to let my partner pass and to not encroach on the person's personal space behind me. It's a smaller plane and I'm above average size person. (I'll say I'm tall and stocky). As my partner went into their seat I felt the touch go from my butt to sliding right on my anus while I was standing in the same position as I first felt the touch. I immediately turned to the passenger sitting down, got in his face, and sternly told him, "DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME LIKE THAT!" I was so triggered by the touch on my anus (past sexual assault trauma) that I continued to tell him, "If you touch me like that again, I will fucking snap your neck." Other expletives were said but not to gather the attention of the whole plane. Only 2/3 rows surrounding us were paying attention to the altercation. As I took my seat my partner was stunned by everything that happened and I told my partner that this guy just touched my ass then my asshole. My partner is very reserved and started turning red of embarrassment because of the scene that I caused. I was very triggered by what had taken place but I didn't want to cause anymore of a scene, for my partner's sake, so I threw on my headphones and stared at the floor until boarding was over. I was then tapped on the shoulder by the gate agent and was asked to grab my things because I'm getting kicked off the flight (I guess the guy that I scolded about touching me told the flight attendant). My partner followed me out and told the flight attendants and the gate agents what happened and to no avail I was still put off the flight.
Aftemath: My partner works for the airline we were boarding as a flight attendant. We were flying on the benefits that was given to my partner from the employer so we don't have to pay for tickets for flights. My partner informed me they can lose either their benefits or their job because of my reaction and the fact l was kicked off the flight. My partner needs to write a report to the airline to plea their case so their job is hopefully secured. My partner lives very far away from me and catches flights to come see me. They also commute 2hrs by plane to report to work every week so we depend on these benefits to make sure we can see each other and they can report to work.
I wanted to see if there is any legal action that can be taken or anything we can do to secure her job and benefits.
Your advice/help/comments are greatly appreciated.
submitted by throwfaraway10101010 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:46 cyberruca seeking ENT advice • breathing issues post-rhinoplasty

I’ve struggled with chronic rhinosinusitis my whole life alongside allergies.
Last year, I underwent rhinoplasty hoping that it would resolve my breathing issues and an aesthetic issue caused by my deviated septum.
I’m well over a year post-op and I am unable to breathe most days, despite nasal steroid use, allergy medicine, frequent saline treatments.
I can only breathe out of my mouth well enough. My nasal passageways feel significantly smaller, and my left nostril is noticeably difficult to breathe out of and makes a flapping/wheezing sound.
My inability to breathe also makes me prone to being fatigued, foggy brained, and I am genuinely concerned that this will have incredibly negative effects on my overall wellbeing and functioning.
I’ve gone to an ENT to mitigate this issue so far, and have CT scans this week for a closer look. Important info from my last visit:
Nasal cavity: The septum is mildly deviated; to the right; mid-septum. Clear, thick mucus in bilateral nasal cavities. Inferior turbinates: Moderately hypertrophied. Middle turbinates and middle meatus: healthy appearing, no polyps, lesions or drainage Superior turbinates and spheno-ethmoid recess: healthy appearing, no polyps, lesions or drainage Nasopharynx: Clear Imaging: The radiographic reports available today were reviewed. CT Maxillofacial 12/4/21 (report only) Findings: There is no acute facial fracture. Mandibular condyles are normally located. There is mild mucosal thickening in the maxillary sinuses with trace air-fluid levels posteriorly. There are mucous retention cysts in the inferior maxillary sinuses and in the anterior right sphenoid sinus. Moderate multifocal mucosal thickening in the ethmoid air cells bilaterally. The mastoid air cells and middle ear cavities are clear. There is rightward deviation of the nasal septum. Multifocal mucosal thickening in the superior nasal cavity. Orbital structures are normal. No preseptal inflammation. No retrobulbar hematoma. No suspicious osseous lesions.
Impression: 1. Possible chronic rhinosinusitis 2. Bilateral inferior turbinate hypertrophy 3. Nasal septal deviation 4. Environmental allergies 30 year old adult with likely chronic rhinosinusitis. Also has probable allergic rhinitis. Will start appropriate medical therapy and evaluate response to treatment.
So now to my question: What is the likelihood based on the info above that it will be deemed medically necessary for me to have another nasal surgery like a septoplasty? In addition, I’ll most likely ask for a change in my nose tip as it’s not proportional to the rest of my face and I am willing to pay out of pocket for that.)
If I don’t qualify for a septoplasty, I’m going to seek revision with an ENT in Mexico instead where I can afford it.
submitted by cyberruca to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:43 cyberruca seeking ENT advice! ❤️‍🩹

I’ve struggled with chronic rhinosinusitis my whole life alongside allergies.
Last year, I underwent rhinoplasty hoping that it would resolve my breathing issues and an aesthetic issue caused by my deviated septum.
I’m well over a year post-op and I am unable to breathe most days, despite nasal steroid use, allergy medicine, frequent saline treatments.
I can only breathe out of my mouth well enough. My nasal passageways feel significantly smaller, and my left nostril is noticeably difficult to breathe out of and makes a flapping/wheezing sound.
My inability to breathe also makes me prone to being fatigued, foggy brained, and I am genuinely concerned that this will have incredibly negative effects on my overall wellbeing and functioning.
I’ve gone to an ENT to mitigate this issue so far, and have CT scans this week for a closer look. Important info from my last visit:
Nasal cavity: The septum is mildly deviated; to the right; mid-septum. Clear, thick mucus in bilateral nasal cavities. Inferior turbinates: Moderately hypertrophied. Middle turbinates and middle meatus: healthy appearing, no polyps, lesions or drainage Superior turbinates and spheno-ethmoid recess: healthy appearing, no polyps, lesions or drainage Nasopharynx: Clear Imaging: The radiographic reports available today were reviewed. CT Maxillofacial 12/4/21 (report only) Findings: There is no acute facial fracture. Mandibular condyles are normally located. There is mild mucosal thickening in the maxillary sinuses with trace air-fluid levels posteriorly. There are mucous retention cysts in the inferior maxillary sinuses and in the anterior right sphenoid sinus. Moderate multifocal mucosal thickening in the ethmoid air cells bilaterally. The mastoid air cells and middle ear cavities are clear. There is rightward deviation of the nasal septum. Multifocal mucosal thickening in the superior nasal cavity. Orbital structures are normal. No preseptal inflammation. No retrobulbar hematoma. No suspicious osseous lesions.
Impression: 1. Possible chronic rhinosinusitis 2. Bilateral inferior turbinate hypertrophy 3. Nasal septal deviation 4. Environmental allergies 30 year old adult with likely chronic rhinosinusitis. Also has probable allergic rhinitis. Will start appropriate medical therapy and evaluate response to treatment.
So now to my question: What is the likelihood based on the info above that it will be deemed medically necessary for me to have another nasal surgery like a septoplasty? In addition, I’ll most likely ask for a change in my nose tip as it’s not proportional to the rest of my face and I am willing to pay out of pocket for that.)
If I don’t qualify for a septoplasty, I’m going to seek revision with an ENT in Mexico instead where I can afford it.
submitted by cyberruca to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:42 s0urcandie how to stop being friends with my uni friends who i think aren't real friends

i’ve been living in university for almost 2 years and i’ve had the same friendship group the entire time and no other friends but them during that time period, but i dropped out of uni and am moving back home (3 hours away) and i want to stop being friends with at least 4 of them but i dont know how to go about it
for context, during first year we did not live together, and in second year we all do
throughout our friendship, i’d noticed that whenever i’d have conversations with these 4 people i was always the one initiating it including checking up on them before we lived together (first year) and during the summer when we were all at home. when i noticed this i stopped messaging first and none of them have messaged me first since to even ask how i am in the last year at all, including whilst we’ve been living together and also when i’d told them my mum was saying she was going to kick me out the house last year (she didnt im ok, but during the time i really wasnt) and including the time when i told them i was dropping out and i was very depressed and literally stopped hanging out at all for about 2 weeks which is definitely out of character for me - the only one who messaged was not one of those 4
the same goes for plans within the entire group - only a handful of plans were made by any of them, and majority were by me. i know you're probably thinking why did i keep making plans then, but i honestly only really noticed it at the beginning of this year and by that point i knew i was going to drop out, and they were my only friends and if i didn't hang out with them the rest of the time i was at uni (i had to stay till the end of the year or i'd have issues with paying back student finance) i'd just continue bedrotting and even more depressed than i already was and my anxiety would be worse too
i think the icing on the cake to me was the fact that i'm leaving in two days and not a single one of them have said goodbye. some of them have already gone home and won't be coming back till after i leave, and yet have still made 0 effort to see me or talk to me before i go. people still talk in our group chat and joke and message there, and i only even see anyone if we bump into each other in the kitchen but other than that none of said goodbye at all
i saw one girl the day before she was leaving to go home and she didn't say goodbye to me, she left me a card outside my door which was nice but i honestly think it was because i gave her a card a few weeks ago to say goodbye, but i dont understand why she couldn't give me the card to my face when she saw me and say goodbye in real life. i had given her my card in real life to her face and so i'd expect her to do the same, especially since she literally saw me the evening before
i'm leaving in a couple of days and i don't want to visit them after i leave because i don't think they're my real friends but i dont know what is a healthy or mature way that isn't mean to go around saying this to them or letting them know how i feel. so help!!!
submitted by s0urcandie to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:59 teddybearsama Stalked for 2 years 10 months now by a guy on tiktok

Is throwing around it's starting around? January when I moved to San Antonio for my duty station because I was in the military.
The guy texted me on to talk, and I kind of know him cause I ignore everyone who texts me, I'll just look at your DM and I'll just like not respond, but he just kept sending me paragraphs and just like seeing things, I don't even remember what he was saying, but he was saying quite a bit. But I didn't see any like reason to like, get freaked out, because I was like, ok, I can just like ghost him after I respond, cause he's going ape shit because I was in San Antonio, and he lives in my, somehow he lived in my hometown irving Texas. So ghost him and he text me like every other month while I'm station in San Antonio.
A forward on, I get out the military, I go home to Dallas, Texas, where my dad was, and I end up bumping to him the first week I get out into a Walmart, he pretends like he does not know me, and he was like talk to me like he just bumped into someone new. And I'm just talking, because I'm all friendly, and I don't remember his face from the profile picture. He gets my number from me because I was like oh yeah, I just moved here and I have no friendswin our conversation in the toy owl in Walmart. He never tells me who he is. Soon after I get home, I realized I've been texting him, and I'm like, wait, do I like know you, because I realized he was like, oh, wait, it's you like? He said that after I said we, who are you, I'm feel like I know you, and he like came clean and it's him, it was like, I always a coincidence, I didn't recognize you. And then he proceeds to just like spam me and her sleep. I'm gonna leave because it's scaring me, but he persistently text me, of course, and go crazy. So I decided to stay, because clearly this has been a year now, and heliterallyi getting worried he will kidnap me or something.
Anyways yeah... It's been almost another year so now 3 years I text him and try be Friendly from time to time and I ghost him he make a new account he once even used my name as his account to get me wonder who stealing my Indenitiy and response.
What is your advice I don't think police do anything since he hasn't harmed me physically or threatened me.
submitted by teddybearsama to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:44 Patient_Cable8036 Very close photo. What does this look like? (Seeing a dermatologist in probably a few months)

Heres a photo of an itchy bump that was a blister. I scratches it open. These little fluid filled blisters form after I get hot I think. Heat makes me instantly itch like crazy. These started when I cleaned my apartment a lot one day last week. Does this look like folliculitis? This is on the outside of my wrist. I mostly get them on the inside of my wrists, one on a finger.
submitted by Patient_Cable8036 to Folliculitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:07 Psychological-Sky424 Dealing with Acne

Hey guys, I'm new here. I got Dx with PCOS in February of this year. It is a co-morbitity alongside other things I've collected since 2010. I have always had flawless porcelain skin. No pimples or acne or anything growing up. At least on my face... Psoriasis took up the rest of my body and thankfully that is currently in control. But now..
I am breaking out everywhere. Red bumps on my nose, a little on my cheeks, a lot where my cheek meets my ears, and the edges of my face overall. There is a little on my neck and a lot on my upper chest. It's stressing me the fuck out. I love my face. My dermatologist prescribed me with Adapoline but I hate it. I was putting it on once a day at night and I know she said that it gets worse before it gets better but I can't deal with it! My face burns! If I cry, it burns even more! My face was turning awful and so I stopped it.
I was moisturizing with too heavy a cream. Now I wash my face daily (I never used to do that. I would wash my face in the shower, which was once every 2-3 days). I don't know what to use that is gentle, so I have been using some aloe vera I got from Mexico a while back. It doesn't seem to be making things worse..? Any advice?
Good moisturizer? I have sensitive skin, so nothing heavy or rich What to put on my face otherwise? Should I continue the Adapoline? It was starting to do what it was supposed to do, I guess, with the redness and peeling (only on my nose, though) but it would sting like crazy if I cried or put on sunblock or even moisturizer! Like, that can't be good for you, can it??
Anyways, words are appreciated. Thanks
submitted by Psychological-Sky424 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:54 Trash_Tia Welcome to Greymouth Orphanage, where adoption is your only escape.

All I've ever known is Greymouth Orphanage.
I like to call it prison.
There's only one human, a woman named Sofia, a scary looking lady with stitches across her forehead, and her army of intelligent robot guards.
She chained me up in the yard for three solid days for uttering the word escape. I was talking to Rowan about a book I was reading, involving an escape.
Unfortunately for me, robot guards are smart and can pick up on anything.
In this case, escape was a trigger word.
I don't see the outside world a lot.
There's a giant fence separating us from a sandy wasteland.
Sofia made me endure three days of torture.
I was shown blueprints of buildings.
Sofia only asked one question. “How do you escape?” I told her I didn't know, screaming that I was just a kid.
She called me dumb.
When we turned fourteen, Rowan woke me up after curfew.
To my confusion, he'd sketched out our entire escape.
“I've got a plan.” He told me with wide, excited eyes. “How to get us out of here.”
Rowan was intelligent, sketching every possible scenario and very slowly building our escape plan. I'll never forget Sofia’s expression when she forced her way into our cell, her gaze snapping to Rowan’s drawings mapping out every single possible escape route.
Something ice cold slipped down my spine when her lips pricked into a small smile, and I realized something.
Sofia wasn't mad.
She was… proud.
Rowan left something with me.
The code to unlock the gate. He'd been solving it for weeks.
He gave me the first three numbers.
“Leave it with me!” Rowan yelled through a reassuring grin, when they dragged him away. I ran outside to the drainpipe where they usually tied up kids, but Rowan wasn't there. I didn't see him for a long time. In fact, not until my official escape at the age of sixteen.
I drew my own map, made up my own plan, from the corpse of his.
And at midnight, I crawled through the manhole cover in front of the gate, with my own group.
Sebastian and Ethan from across the hall, and my new roommate, Addie.
I froze, a bright light flashing in my face.
“Busted.” Sebastian dropped to his knees.
But I was frozen, paralysed, when the robot guard situated itself in front of me. When I was a kid, I used to kick them when I was angry, and they'd cry out in pain. They were mechanical spiders that I'd seen rip kids apart for saying the wrong word. These things were always spewing black fluid.
This one didn't attack.
Picking up a pipe, I slammed it into the thing.
“Fucking freak.” I spat. “Let us out of here!”
“Four… nine… two…seven.” The robot’s voice trembled.
I froze.
When I twisted around, my legs giving way, I could see it.
Old pooling red staining a cold metal shell.
“Leave… it…with…me.”
submitted by Trash_Tia to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:14 Battlewear Questions about Year 6 - Seasons

So watched the event today, honestly, that sucked, while we got a bit of Div info, it felt like the red headed step child who got to poke its face out from under the stairs..
Anyways, I dont know if anyone else knows, but My clan and I have some questions - If you create a "season" character, will non-season characters be able to join or will it be like a hardcore where ONLY seasonal can play with seasonal? - If I understood correctly, the only real thing that "seasonal characters" have access to that the non-seasonal wont is some special lieutenants? or are non-seasonal not able to do ANY of the seasonal stuff? - Is this new seasonal character going to take up one of our 4 character spots or will there be a "seasonal" spot (5th character)? - Can a person bump the level of seasonal or do they have to GRIND out those levels?
I think we can mostly agree, we are all getting tired of grinding, I understand we do a lot of that, but if they make seasons to be more of a grind by making players go back to lvl 1 its going to REALLY turn off players..
submitted by Battlewear to the_division_2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:10 Serious-Chart-5096 is this fungal acne?

is this fungal acne?
I’ve had pretty clear skin for about a few months with my usual skincare routine but all of a sudden my skin just started breaking out and i’m getting all these bumps on my face. I previously had acne for a very long time until my new routine + birth control. in the winter my skin was clear ALL throughout but now it’s getting warmer so maybe that’s why (i don’t usually sweat on my forehead though) my current skin is pretty dry and sensitive. the bumps don’t really itch but i read that fungal acne doesn’t itch sometimes. my current routine is:
AM rinse with water, anua heartleaf toner, paula’s choice azeliac acid, soon jung barrier cream, isntree hyaluronic acid spf
PM bioderma micellar water, b lab matcha hydrating cleanser, anua heartleaf toner, paula’s choice azeliac acid, soon jung barrier cream,
tret (every 3 days)
submitted by Serious-Chart-5096 to Fungalacne [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:58 priyanka_kaif8 Mom wants to euthanize our dog because she doesn’t wanna help

I recently left a bad relationship , she came to pick me up and I thought this time would be different ( what a shock it's not , right ? )
Our family dog ; basically MY dog is ill , as in stage 3 renal failure and needs a special diet and IV every other day ; the thing takes 5 minutes tops .
When I was with my ex , she kept wanting me to move back in , for me to go see her etc. that she would help me with the dog
The only reason I took my dog in the first place was because she said she was gonna throw him out and leave him there because he's a " pest ." We live with family , others could let him out or my brother could when she's not here but she doesn't say anything so when he naturally has accidents , she yells , gets pissed says she'll dump him somewhere etc
Well day 2 back barely and I'm surprised the peace lasted this long ; I asked for her to help like she said she would ... what does she do ? she flat out refuses , tells other family members of ours NOT to help and to just let him " go naturally ." He has renal failure , letting him go "naturally " would be painful , messy and just inhumane IMO
I told her to leave the room multiple times , I'll try to do it myself etc . She refused , kept talking shit and staring with a dumb look on her face and things got heated . I lost my temper and screamed that she's no help and if she doesn't wanna help , WHY IS SHE IN THE ROOM WATCHING ? HE CANT TAKE SEDATION MEDS!
After a few minutes when everyone left ; she had the nerve to say in passing " how much I embarrassed my self infront of our family " ... because I was yelling about how my sick dog can't take sedation meds everyday to stop him from freaking out about being pricked with a needle almost daily .
At least my ex and his mom would help me give the IV fluid and didn't suggest ending his life for lack of wanting to help
I would've just stuck it out in a bad relationship and not come back if I knew she would pull this
Idk what to do ... I don't want to put him down , but no one will help me , I don't want him to suffer either . Wtf should I do ?
I'm contemplating just getting back in my old relationshlip just to help my dog live his final years peacefully
submitted by priyanka_kaif8 to Advice [link] [comments]
