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2010.01.06 18:06 redditisfun rif is fun for Reddit

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2012.03.30 01:27 Thinksgeek PowerPoint Presentation Tips and Examples

A community dedicated to providing users of Microsoft Office PowerPoint tips, tricks, and insightful support.

2008.08.04 16:11 The Reddit Book Club

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2024.05.22 05:30 digimarketeronline Lower Overhead Costs of Solo Business

Lower Overhead Costs of Solo Business
Operating as a solopreneur typically involves lower overhead costs compared to traditional businesses with employees. Solopreneurs can often work from home, reducing expenses such as office rent, utilities, and commuting costs. They also have the flexibility to scale their businesses gradually without the need for significant upfront investment.
For a Free Guide on Solopreneur click the link in my bio.
Photo by CoWomen
submitted by digimarketeronline to digimarketeronline [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:29 Sea-Communication-15 Unlocking Efficiency: How E-Invoice Account Software Revolutionizes Financial Management

Unlocking Efficiency: How E-Invoice Account Software Revolutionizes Financial Management


Welcome to a new era of financial management efficiency! In this article, we'll explore the transformative power of E-Invoice Account Software and how it can revolutionize the way you handle your finances.
Imagine streamlining your invoicing process, reducing errors, and saving valuable time and resources. With E-Invoice Account Software, this isn't just a dream—it's a reality. Whether you're a small business owner or a financial manager in a large corporation, embracing this technology can lead to significant improvements in your operations. Let's delve into the benefits and steps to unlock the full potential of E-Invoice Account Software.
e-invoice account software

Benefits of E-Invoice Account Software

  1. Streamlined Invoicing Process
Manual invoicing processes are not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. E-Invoice Account Software automates the entire invoicing cycle, from generation to delivery, allowing businesses to create, send, and track invoices effortlessly. This automation reduces the time and effort required for invoicing tasks, freeing up resources to focus on core business activities.
Example: Creative eWorld Pte Ltd, a digital marketing agency, saw a 40% reduction in invoicing time after implementing E-Invoice Account Software. By eliminating manual data entry and paper-based processes, they could reallocate resources to client projects, leading to increased profitability and customer satisfaction.
  1. Reduced Errors and Discrepancies
Manual data entry is prone to human errors, which can result in inaccurate invoices and payment delays. E-Invoice Account Software minimizes these risks by automating data capture and validation processes. By ensuring the accuracy and consistency of invoicing data, businesses can avoid costly mistakes and maintain positive relationships with customers and suppliers.
Example: A manufacturing company experienced a 50% decrease in invoice errors after adopting E-Invoice Account Software. By eliminating data entry errors and discrepancies, they could process invoices more efficiently, leading to smoother transactions and improved vendor relationships.
  1. Enhanced Cash Flow Management
Maintaining healthy cash flow is essential for business sustainability and growth. E-Invoice Account Software provides real-time visibility into invoicing and payment status, enabling businesses to monitor cash flow more effectively. By identifying overdue invoices and streamlining collections, businesses can improve their cash flow management and make informed financial decisions.
Example: PRE-APPROVED PACKAGES, a subscription box service, used E-Invoice Account Software to monitor overdue invoices and streamline collections. By proactively managing their receivables, they improved their cash flow by 30% within the first quarter of implementation, ensuring financial stability and business continuity.
  1. Improved Compliance and Security
Compliance with tax regulations and data protection standards is critical for businesses operating in regulated industries. E-Invoice Account Software helps businesses ensure compliance by automating tax calculations and providing built-in security features to protect sensitive financial data.
Example: A healthcare provider implemented E-Invoice Account Software to meet HIPAA compliance requirements and safeguard patient billing information. By encrypting data transmissions and implementing access controls, they earned trust and credibility from clients and regulatory bodies, enhancing their reputation and mitigating legal risks.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing E-Invoice Account Software

  1. Assess Your Current Processes
Before implementing E-Invoice Account Software, assess your existing invoicing workflows to identify inefficiencies and pain points that need to be addressed. Evaluate the volume of invoices, the complexity of invoicing requirements, and the integration with existing accounting systems.
  1. Research and Select a Suitable Software
Research different E-Invoice Account Software solutions available in the market and evaluate their features, pricing, and customer reviews. Choose a software solution that aligns with your business needs, budget, and scalability requirements.
  1. Customize and Configure the Software
Once you've selected a software solution, customize and configure it to match your invoicing requirements. Set up invoice templates, payment terms, and integration with accounting systems to streamline your invoicing process and ensure consistency across your operations.
  1. Train Your Team
Provide comprehensive training to your staff on how to use the E-Invoice Account Software effectively. Offer hands-on training sessions, online tutorials, and user manuals to ensure that your team understands the features and functionalities of the software and can use it confidently in their daily tasks.
  1. Monitor Performance and Seek Feedback
Continuously monitor the performance of the software and gather feedback from users to identify areas for improvement and optimization. Solicit feedback through surveys, focus groups, and one-on-one discussions to understand user experiences and address any issues or concerns promptly.


By embracing E-Invoice Account Software, you can unlock a new level of efficiency in your financial management processes. From streamlining invoicing to enhancing cash flow management and ensuring compliance, the benefits are undeniable.
Take action today to revolutionize your financial management and propel your business forward. Whether you're a startup or a seasoned enterprise, the time to embrace technology is now.


Ready to experience the transformative power of E-Invoice Account Software? Explore our recommended solutions and start your journey towards greater efficiency and success today. Your financial future awaits!
submitted by Sea-Communication-15 to u/Sea-Communication-15 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:29 skig415 Instant Replay desktop capture isn't working despite multiple attempts to fix it

Since yesterday, my instant replay hasn't been able to capture my desktop, despite it working error-free for ~4 years. The save button is greyed out unless I have a game open. I've tried every fix I can find on the internet - I don't have any streaming service/paid program (eg. Netflix, Hulu) running, open in any browser tabs, or even installed on my pc. - Desktop capture is enabled in shadowplay settings and has been the whole time - Hardware acceleration is off in Discord - Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling is turned on in windows setting - I've restarted my pc several times since starting to try to fix this issue
Genuinely stumped on what to do now and if it's even fixable. If you have any ideas, please let me know
submitted by skig415 to GeForceExperience [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:29 Bulky_Meal_120 What are my odds of getting approved for an apartment?

So I am a 24-year-old female and I’m looking for an apartment. Money is tight but still I need to move. So the apartments that I’m looking at around the range of 1300 to 1700 and I currently make about $37,440 a year. I recently as a February 2023 have a collection on my credit history due to an error from my realty company. It was a whole situation where I had to leave my house under false allegations and to avoid a eviction on my record I just left. I did not have the time money or resources to fight them in court so I just left just to make it easier but then they hit me with a collection charging me a months rent when I was already out of the property. So that’s currently being investigated. One of the realty apartments said any collections would be an automatic denial and I explain the situation to her, but she said there’s no way around it. So now I’m wondering if other apartments will also see this doesn’t error and deny my apartment even though my income is the right amount and as for credit Karma, my credit score is around 685 to 695. I’m a bit worried, but wondering if I can even move with this collection on my credit history in the first place. I have no cosigner to put on my application, but it’s to the point where I absolutely need to move because when I’m paying at my current apartment is 1380 and the area is just not good. The apartments I’m looking at are closer to work easier to commute to, and honestly, the perks are better and I don’t think that I should be withheld from moving because of an error made by accompany and not myself. There was an attempt to fix the error before they even sent to collections, but unfortunately due to their error and communication with my work schedule, they respond to my emails and calls and just sent it to collections. During the brief time after I was asked to leave, I was homeless and lost service to my phone due to no money from staying in hotels and shelters, which then left me with no place to stay due to no communication to be notified when the shelters are open. But I have documentation for all of that which I sent over for the investigation. But during this brief time that I was homeless is when they mainly tried to reach out to me and then they couldn’t get to me so they sent it to collections.
submitted by Bulky_Meal_120 to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:29 Angeluz01 Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II praydog UEVR Gamepad

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II praydog UEVR Gamepad
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II praydog UEVR Gamepad
Hellblade 2 is a third-person action-walking simulator, it delivers a jaw-dropping experience that will leave you craving for more. So far, I can say that this is one of the most beautiful games of this generation. The character model’s, facial animations, and photorealistic environments, are at a level we've never seen before, it's surreal how realistic and lifelike they are. This is the first time I've truly felt the power of Unreal Engine 5.
As for the game itself, it's quite linear and cinematic, but with an exceptional storytelling experience. It feels more like an interactive movie than a game. The performance and graphics are excellent, but require a modern high-end PC with at least an RTX 40 series GPU to run well.
If you enjoy contemplative, narrative-driven games, this one is clearly for you.It really showcases what the next-gen has to offer. I would rate it 9/10.
Works Well Gamepad FPS 50-62 4K, Low preset, Texture Quality is set to Medium, DLSS on Balanced, Automatic Sharpness On, OpenXR, Native Stereo, Resolution Scale at 1.0
The overlay text appears only in the recording video.
This is a slow-paced walking simulator game. Even though it only runs at 60 frames per second in VR, this is not a major issue, and the game is still very playable.
UEVR - Universal Unreal Engine VR Injector from praydog
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II Gamepad UEVR Profile Gamepass (21-05-24)
Note: Note: Press the Z/Insert key to open/close the UEVR in-game menu
submitted by Angeluz01 to uevr [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:27 oompaloompa_2 Installation question, please help this newbie!

Installation question, please help this newbie!
Hi, I'm looking into installing a P2P system to get internet into a shop about 250 feet away from my homes network, wireless signal reaches but is very weak or disconnects intermittently. I was looking into the Ubiquiti Nano Loco M5 but was curious about the PoE. in the picture is shows a wall plug included with a ethernet adapter stating PoE/LAN. Is this used to power the little adapter or the device itself? and is it required for the Antennas to still work? Wondering because i currently don't have power to the location I'd be installing the antennas so I'd need to schedule to get that set up before i continue.
submitted by oompaloompa_2 to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:27 SpellCritical6203 Ambiguously shared assets

Trying to keep this short but happy to answer any questions.
Joint investment account shared for 20 years.
Account was funded mainly with gifts from his family. Other than the money, his family has provided little support; we see them a few days per year by their choice. They are just not interested in much other than work.
My family has given us some money, almost nothing compared to my in law’s gifts. However, my mom “gifted” us at least 40 hours a week of free childcare and other help for ten years, until her death. I contend that this has real financial value and played a large part in us never having to dip into his parents’ gifts, allowing the value to grow.
He wants the entire investment account— “it’s my family’s money.” I want half.
We are doing a collaborative divorce so we are supposed to come to an agreement, not wait for a judgment.
Neither of us need the money. But it’s an amount that would be life-altering for me, barely noticeable for him.
He has millions in inheritance (separate from the joint account) that I am not going after. He will certainly never spend a quarter of what he has.
I have no such inherited wealth, “just” our retirement accounts and investment accounts we created with our own earnings. Which is still plenty to live on, but I would have a different lifestyle with vs without my potential half.
If it were you, would you press for a share of it?
submitted by SpellCritical6203 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:26 Kindly-Mastodon1201 Should I choose UP?

Hello po! Please help me decide what university I'll enroll in since I can't decide which po. My options po kasi are either UST with OT as my course (1st choice) or UPLB with nutrition as my course. Regarding the teaching method in both schools, I much prefer UP since UST is more on memorization, and they have unnecessary subjects such as religion. I also don't prefer the schedule of UST since they have classes for the whole day, and they have a heavy workload. However, I only considered UST since OT is my first choice, but not my dream course. I don't really know what my dream course is. I only chose OT since it can be my pre-med course, it's in demand, and I have the chance to work abroad. If I choose UP, I have the option to transfer to another course and campus, but I heard that OT in UPM doesn't accept shiftees/transferees. However, it's fine if I choose another course since OT isn't even my dream course, but I just don't know which course will give me the same opportunity as OT. So please help me decide because I really don't know.
Sorry for the long post :)
submitted by Kindly-Mastodon1201 to peyups [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:26 MissScrappy I really want domestic violence to stop forever

I’m about to go to rehab finally slated for next Tuesday and when I come out I’m getting to work for you victims and for myself. If can start helping to free you my life will be worth living. I’m like a politician but for us and I mean absolutely everything..I might be carrying a rapist’s baby though as part of the aftermath that lead me to heavily drink and fall prey into that trap and I’m gonna have it but still this issue is my goal and the only I’m passionate about. I’m very against transgenders bio men competing against women because we are weaker against man. When they attack we pretty much can’t do shit unless we just conveniently have smarts or luck.
submitted by MissScrappy to domesticviolence [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:26 Nikoueditz Don't Scream (hopefully played by the stars)

I literally made a post asking how the stars scheduling works for games or if they take recs cuz i wanted them to play don't scream. THEN Gamma streamed it, I have rewatched this multiple times... These type of games are fun to watch.. So I recommend you guys to watch Gamma's Stream with Don't scream, even if you only watch EN you won't have to worry... Gamma was so funny to watch with the noises he makes and the gamma wiper..
I will defitely follow through and hope the boys will all play this game. Which HOLOSTAR do you want to see play this?? I really want to see Roberu and Rio to play this game... it'll take them a while to clear the game www
submitted by Nikoueditz to Holostars [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:26 oompaloompa_2 Ubiquiti NanoStation LOCOM5 P2P PoE question..

Ubiquiti NanoStation LOCOM5 P2P PoE question..
Hi, I'm looking into installing a P2P system to get internet into a shop about 250 feet away from my homes network, wireless signal reaches but is very weak or disconnects intermittently. I was looking into the Ubiquiti Nano Loco M5 but was curious about the PoE. in the picture is shows a wall plug included with a ethernet adapter stating PoE/LAN. Is this used to power the little adapter or the device itself? and is it required for the Antennas to still work? Wondering because i currently don't have power to the location I'd be installing the antennas so I'd need to schedule to get that set up before i continue.
submitted by oompaloompa_2 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:26 dancetoken So a beat with a Splice sample got hit with Copyright

I go to the beat and they used the same sample, almost similarly. It's whatever, its a royalty free sample for us to use. The issue is that this dude decided to content ID his song, probably to find people who rap on his beat. I don't understand why people do this.
ANYWAYS, the terms of the copyright say "you are allowed to use the sample" ... it says it doesn't affect my channel, etc. The issue here is that anybody who buys this beat will have to dispute the claim and sit around and wait for the clearance, since people are freely putting Splice samples into Content I.D
It really got me thinking - is Splice even worth it? I was thinking of going with Tracklib now since I hear that they drastically changed their plans and how their system works. I'm on a monthly plan with Splice now and thinking of cancelling if the beats I make will get hit with a copyright. I worked on this beat for a while, just to run into a damn copyright issue. Mind you, im in the learning stages of producing and set the goal of Uploading a beat a day .... so the sample isn't overly edited. Just Compression, EQ, Different pitch and tempo. This is my second video uploaded. I have like 8 more in the stash that I was going to upload but this issue KIND OF killed my motivation to keep working with Splice samples.
Splice users, are y'all getting hit with copyrights from people who don't even own the sample ? Or are y'all chopping it up to be unrecognizable.
the beat was claimed by EXMGE Music. A google and youtube search shows that they FREELY abuse Youtube's content I.D system
submitted by dancetoken to makinghiphop [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:25 imaan_in_my_heart Debilitating grief after TFMR

I am really struggling. I am 40, two previous healthy babies at age 33 and 36. My third was a surprise pregnancy, with hyperemesis gravidarum so severe it made me constantly want to just die. Several times I wished for a miscarriage. I am so ashamed of all this now. Because of my age, I got the NIPT at 10 weeks. It indicated positive for T21 - 98.11% PPV, 15% FF.
I felt intense grief when I saw the results. And I am so ashamed, I scheduled my termination right away. The day I spoke to my OB about the NIPT/the day I found out the NIPT results, my OB said she would refer me to MFM. I waited for their call. I don't know what was going through me. I called Planned Parenthood. I could not handle a disability, I knew that. But I did not know why I did not wait. I had no idea that there is a CVS, an amnio.
Planned Parenthood had an appt the next day. I wept throughout the night, throughout the horrible appointment, that clinic of nightmares. I went through with the termination.
And now I am utterly blown apart. Every free minute I spend reading about how after a positive NIPT you wait for CVS, an ultrasound with MFM, an amnio. Why did I not wait???
Aside from the hyperemesis, which made every second of my day while pregnant hell, I deeply wanted the baby. The NIPT results were devastating, finding out she was a girl was heartbreaking. I wanted another little girl.
I cannot sleep or function because I got a termination based on just an NIPT. I did not wait for MFM to call me.
I don't know how I will ever be okay again. The guily of having done this to my little girl kills me. Maybe it was a tiny chance she didn't have T21. But at the very least I owed it to her to find out.
There are no words for the guilt and grief I feel.
submitted by imaan_in_my_heart to tfmr_support [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:25 shawnmcgorgeous Slocum’s Pier — Finished Camp, Finished Playthrough

Slocum’s Pier — Finished Camp, Finished Playthrough
TL;DR — Finishing the lore heavy camp I imagined for years feels like the perfect time to put down the game. Thanks for the memories.
Finally finished my C.A.M.P. after years of playing. Came back after the Amazon show premiered and felt like I needed to finish this all before I put down the controller for the foreseeable future. Built up some lore in my head so feel free to come along on the ride.
Slocum’s Pier: A pre-war Slocum’s Joe diner that operated along the Ohio River. Fitted with a Red Rocket gas station, this allowed boats to refuel and dine as they please. After the bombs dropped, a mostly untouched diner remained. Now operated by the Blue Ride Caravan, you can still buy coffee and donuts just like before the nukes. Only this time around there’s an arsenal of three star legendaries to go with your fasnacht donut.
Slocum’s Pier — Basement: A storage room with all of the seasonal decorations and spare junk that you’d usually find in a diner. The break room has the mundane lockers and punch cards but also something else. A hidden entrance that leads to a secure hallway. Once through clearance, the elevator down holds more secrets.
Brotherhood Base: This cave structure reveals an exit point from Appalachia to the West Coast. Brotherhood Outcasts work in tandem with Blue Ride Caravan to supply weapons to Slocum’s Pier patrons. The encampment features tents for sleep, planning, and even a basketball court for time between arms dealing. The secure outpost next door holds top-secret research for only a select few. Finally the Vertibot is where the arms from New Reno find their way to Appalachia.
New Reno: A sprawling desert town fit for new boot goofin. Just ordinary folks living their life just with the Brotherhood closer than anyone would like. The center piece is the casino which features a museum of oddities, rooms to stay, and even a live zoo.
Dedicated to all the Explosive Gatling Plasmas we lost along the way.
submitted by shawnmcgorgeous to fallout76settlements [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:25 MixtheLix Rat problem

Rat problem
I've seen a good number of people having different issues with rats on different post but nothing has worked for me. I'm getting ready to set my house up to sell and in the pantry of my kitchen our water heater and dry goods are stored on metal rack shelves and it's closed off by a door, I've bought every poison, mouse trap and any method of getting rid of these assholes but they keep coming through a small slit of the wall behind the water heater. They are about the size of a PS5 controller and fat bastards, every night I've burst the door open after hearing them to catch at least one but they always seem to scurry behind to go back to hiding each time, except tonight. I caught one behind cereal boxes on the top shelf and kicked the shelving as hard as I could, yet he climbed down and stared into my soul while his friend watched from below waiting at the hole for him. I have made a common enemy with a vendetta for me and I need help ending their miserable existence. Also I've tried humane traps to let them free but they don't even fall for it. Need some ideas from my fellow man and women to fight these Goliaths.
submitted by MixtheLix to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:24 DonutOfTruth22 How long should MIL visit?

Please help us settle the question of how long is a reasonable visit length for my mother-in-law.
Background, my husband (50M) and I (44F) have different opinions on how long his mother should visit. He would like much longer visits than I do. We both work from home, have two kids (9M and 5F) and live in a 1600 square foot condo in a HCOL area. One child has autism and requires more resources and attention.
We have made around the same amount of total money in our lifetimes (based on Social Security estimates) but I started earning at a much later stage in life than him as I am an M.D. (annual salary earnings ~$400k). My husband has found it difficult to save money due to his family constantly asking for money, him giving it to them, and poor financial habits learned from his family. I have saved around $2 million net worth and paid for 97% of all housing costs (I paid off condo). I am the only one saving for my kids to go to college or paying for family vacations. Filing tax returns is such a nightmare for us with my husband regularly underpaying by $10K to $20K per year and my picking up the slack, that we’ve decided we need to do married filed separately from now on despite the tax hit.
MIL is difficult for me to get along with. She is 77 years old, does not leave the house much, can barely drive, has no money, is extremely religious and tries to convert everyone she sees to her religion, and is very conservative (think does not believe in climate change, anti-vaxxer) and vocal about it. Although she knows we do not have much space in our little condo, she showed up last year and declared she was going to stay for 10 months. This was against my will where I think 2 weeks is pushing the limits for a visit. She left after a month to help an ailing family member getting lung cancer from a lifetime of smoking, but the damage was done with my feelings being trampled upon and rights violated.
My husband has a sister who barely works and claims to have an autoimmune disease that laboratory tests sometimes validate and sometimes do not (false positive exist). She recently got an inheritance from her father (different father from my husband, MIL had 3 husbands) which puts her net worth much higher (estimate $500K?) than my husband’s net worth of $0. My SIL has a husband who makes decent money and a son who she is trying to send to private school at $25K per year. They travel internationally often and value vacation time. She contributes little to nothing to my MIL’s living expenses and my MIL never visits her more than 4 days at a time. They live in a similar sized condo.
After the disastrous visit from my MIL, my husband and I decide to buy a house in the country to have more space for our kids on the weekends/vacations. Of course, I am the only one who has money to put down for a downpayment. I put down $250K, and he put down nothing. The agreement was my MIL cannot visit longer than 2 weeks at a time.
Now MIL wants to visit our house in the country and wants to stay “longer”. I think we made a rule and nothing has changed that makes me think the rule should change. My husband has not contributed more financially. SIL is not stepping up to help. MIL is just as difficult.
I feel like I am being financially taken advantage of as I float our household so my husband can funnel all of his money to support his mom and others in his family who don’t like to work (there is a BIL that hasn’t worked for a year, and others). All the while, SIL gets off scot free, hoarding her money and going on vacations while not helping her mom out financially or spending time with her.
So given all this, how long is a reasonable visit length for MIL?
tldr: MIL wants to visit longer than I feel comfortable, I am financially responsible for almost everything while husband funnels his money to his mother and other relatives get off scott free with limited visits
submitted by DonutOfTruth22 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:24 TangerineCurious2872 Please help to fill my survey and I will also support yours: AI applications in healthcare.

Hi everyone, I am currently pursuing my degree and am conducting survey as a part of my thesis work. It will take 10 to 15 minutes and your responses will be completely confidential and only use for academic purpose.
Please follow this link and survey will be open.
I appreciate your time and input! feel free to share this post anyone who might be interested in participating.
Please comment with a link to your survey so I can response to yours as well. Thanks!
submitted by TangerineCurious2872 to SurveySwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:24 wblockston 25 [M4F] VA/TN- Looking For FWB Or Partner To Help Explore Some Kinks

Hidy. I've tried finding people IRL and through all the dating apps, but never seem to have any luck. I am white, about 5'9", black hair, and would describe myself as having a dad bod, but not quite. I'm also a virgin and, quite frankly, am getting rather tired of being so. I'd prefer to get to know someone at least a little bit before jumping to that though, as I feel there should be a true emphasis on the "friends" part of FWB. I spend a lot of my time working or playing games. Mostly play on Xbox, but have PC and PlayStation if that's preferred. Outside of gaming, I also like to go hiking, bowling, or play board games when I get the chance. If you have any interest or other questions, feel free to message. Also interested in exploring a few kinks including CNC, bondage/ropeplay, and some mild exhibitionism. Also willing to provide pic for pic.
submitted by wblockston to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:24 ShinobiBones Brooke vid

I'm busy at work tomorrow. But in my free time I've been thinking of making a Brooke edit. What do you stans want?
View Poll
submitted by ShinobiBones to BrookeMarsden_No1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:23 salukihunt 🔥 Mastering Viral Content and Reels 🔥

Want your content or reels to be viral? Here is a short guide to understanding and mastering the essentials;
1️⃣Viral Research
Do not just post the reels you like, post the reel the majority of people like – this means viral topics. Open the explore page, check recommendations, and also check other people’s reels down them, and you get some viral reels. {Tip: Viralfindr tool for viral research}
2️⃣Start Making
Start making these reels, but DO NOT COPY – make the reel different – by bringing your experience and creativity on those topics and making them better than the others.
SHAREABLE content:
🧠 Content Strategy: Focus exclusively on reels, the quickest way to skyrocket your reach and expand your page.
📆 Posting Schedule: Post 4-5 reels per week, occasionally exceeding this, but never falling short.
🎥 Reel Length: Keep them short, 6-25 seconds max. But under 15 seconds works better ✅
📌 Lastly, Rinse and Repeat 🔁 And keep experimenting & evolving!
submitted by salukihunt to u/salukihunt [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:23 Beneficial-Wish-201 Skincare Regimen Advice

Any advice appreciated. I apologize if this is a long one. I'm 32, almost 33, Have had acne rosacea for 10+ years, briefly used Rhofade with some burning issues, and was on a very high dose of doxycycline for months which cured my acne but didn't help the redness. But then became pregnant with my second child so stopped everything. 4 months PP and no idea how to take care of my skin tbh. Never have known how. Wash with unscented Dr. Bronner's bar soap because it's the only soap that doesn't cause breakouts but it really dries me out. Use alcohol free witch hazel after, then Dr. Bronner's magic balm to moisturize, but it always breaks me out. Have searched and searched for a moisturizer that won't cause breakouts to no avail. I have eosinophilic gastroenteritis, which causes GI allergies but my throughout my life I've noticed similar allergies with my skin. Sensitive to everything, no matter what I try or how basic I try to make it. It's why my skincare now is what it is. Don't know what to do. I'm allergic to soy, wheat, gluten, peanuts, pea (and pea protein), almonds, banana, avocado, shellfish. I want to use sunscreen during the day as I'm out running with my toddler at high noon frequently, but never found a sunscreen that didn't cause breakouts. But I know that sun and getting burned no doubt is causing a lot of my flare ups and issues. Regardless of the season I have badly red skin on my forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. My nose, cheeks and forehead get the worst breakouts. I don't want to get back on the prescriptions as my kids are always neatouching my face, and being on doxycycline caused major sensitivity to sunlight. Couldn't be out in the sun at all. I would appreciate any recommendations that can work around my insane amount of allergies. I know it's a long shot but I'm desperate for relief. Thank you for reading.
submitted by Beneficial-Wish-201 to Rosacea [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 05:23 No_Entertainment9110 Has anyone tapered off of Lexapro and replaced it with a different antidepressant?

Hey all- I’ve made the decision I want to get off of lexapro. I got on it in 2021 and then added Welbutrin in 2022. I always felt like this was the sweet spot but the weight gain has been significant but I justified it with knowing I was mentally free from triggers and cycling.
The last few months have been brutal. I had a manic episode in February and I haven’t been the same since. I feel like I’m cycling weekly. It’s impacting every aspect of my work and personal life.
I’m speaking with my psychiatrist in two weeks and want to ask to taper off. If you’ve once been on lexapro and tapered off, what did you end up taking? Thanks!
submitted by No_Entertainment9110 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]