Chickfila application link


2010.03.01 00:13 kmad26 r/Madden

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2020.05.30 13:51 bananacarbs HKUniversity

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2024.05.22 02:28 PotentialNovel1337 Weird employment scam

When I first got laid off 2/22/24 I got a lot of scammers trying to get me while I was confused.
But here's the weirds thing - I applied for a job via LinkedIn and this guy - with a slightly different email domain than the company I'd applied to - told me I was a viable candidate, put me through the paces, had me respond to a 15 technical questionnaire (which took me hours). Now I'm somehow hired without an interview and he wants my PII.
How did he get my application info? The actual company has that role on their website. I eventually applied directly, not via LinkedIn, and received a very different conformation email.
I asked ChatGPT to invent 15 questions for my role and they were the same/similar. Fuck me.
submitted by PotentialNovel1337 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:21 pjjiveturkey How should i put immense hyper phantasia to use?

I have known that i have had hyperphantasia for a long time since my dad has aphantasia and explained it to me at a young age. He has aphantaisa because of head injuries which is why i didint inherit it. I want to add that i read the checklist and i checked off every single one, and more, at the same time. I think it might be stronger because my personality type is an INTP which means i am constantly pondering, at least i think so.
Anyways, I was wondering if there is any applications i can use this for even if it is to help be become more mindful. While I can visualize senses very strongly, i constantly feel physical blocks in my brains functioning and its a really frustrating feeling. Its very hard to describe these blocks it just feels like when you are trying to finish the last rep in the gym and cant physically push any harder, its like that but for my brain.
If anyone has advice on if i can overcome this, or if its linked to hyperphantaisa please lets discuss
submitted by pjjiveturkey to hyperphantasia [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:07 SpiritedRavioli 4 rounds in the interview process - is it smart to share updated resume with new certifications in it?

Hi there! I am 4 rounds deep (šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«) in an interview process with my 5th round (šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«) coming up on Friday. I have been unemployed for 10 months now and this is the closest I've come to not only a job, but my dream role at my dream company, so I'm trying to do everything within my power to set myself up for success without coming across desperate.
The job is a very slight pivot from what I have done in the past, but extremely similar. I definitely am more than qualified, capable and have shown them strong work samples. It's not a major transition and it's a common one in my field.
However, through my conversations, I'm getting this feeling that if I don't get the role it will be due to my lack of experience in precisely what this role does. My thinking is it's already a competitive role at a large company, and in this hunger games of a job market right now - why would they hire me when other applicants have the EXACT experience?
To try to combat this, I've taken a couple certification courses (just LinkedIn Learning, nothing fancy) that are relevent to the role I want. I also revamped my portfolio to include more examples of my past work.
My question: is it dumb to share an updated resume with the hiring manager ahead of my call on Friday? I am already very deep in the process so I don't want it to look like I'm throwing hail mary passes, but I also want to show that I'm making the effort to address what they may see as a potential shortcoming. If I were to send it, I would just keep the note simple saying that I completed some courses and revamped my portfolio so I wanted her to have my latest resume. I would NOT say anything along the lines of "I know I don't have the exact experience so I did this course.. blah blah blah"
Is this pointless and/or not tactful to do at this stage? Thank you for any insight/advice! And thank you for reading my novel!
submitted by SpiritedRavioli to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:57 BumblebeeSure4903 Need help upgrading to a video editing/streaming PC with a budget of around $600-$800

> 1. Is this a brand new build, or an upgrade to an existing build?
Either is fine; I was looking to upgrade my current PC but making a whole new build should be okay, since I have someone I can give my old PC to anyway
> 2. Please list any existing parts or monitor(s) you have that you would like to re-use with this build. For upgrades, a PCPartPicker list of your full build is extremely helpful. Be as specific as you can be here, including links or exact model numbers of each component whenever possible.
This is my current PC build (to the best of my ability, it was a prebuilt that I bought):
If I'm upgrading, I was planning to keep the case, both the SSD and the HDD, and the power supply unit. If I'm building a whole new one from scratch, I can still use both storage parts for the new build.
> 3. What will this PC be used for? Examples include things like gaming, general/multimedia use, photo/video editing, coding, AI/ML, etc. Include specific games and applications you intend to run, and any particular performance goals you have, as each may have different specific hardware needs.
I most do digital art and animation, which works fine on my current PC, but I wanted to also do some video editing and streaming, and at least be able to use After Effects (my current PC struggles quite a bit with After Effects).
I don't do much gaming on my PC so it's not really a priority; if the games that run on my current PC can still run on my new/upgraded one, that should be plenty for me.
> 4. What country will you be purchasing in? If you are in the US, do you live near a Micro Center? For other countries, please check if your country is supported by PCPartPicker by using the country selector dropdown on the top right - if not, please provide some links to reliable local vendors you are comfortable ordering from.
I will be purchasing in the US. I live about an hour from a Micro Center.
> 5. Do you need one or more monitors included in the budget? Please list how many and any size/resolution/refresh rate preferences if needed.
No, I already have one.
> 6. What is your preferred and maximum budget range for this build, in local currency? Parts lists may sometimes have additional shipping costs. Please note whether prices in your country include sales tax or not, and adjust your budget accordingly. Typically VAT countries will have it included in the part list prices, whereas regular sales tax countries like the US and Canada will not.
I'd like to keep in it in the $600-$800 range. I can stretch it an extra like $50 if needed.
I know that's not a lot to work with, but I don't really need the highest end parts.
> 7. Do you need WiFi, or do you have a wired ethernet connection available?
I have a WiFi card that I'm using with my PC, so I don't think so, but a motherboard that has WiFi would be nice.
> 8. Do you have any specific size or noise requirements for the build?
I'd like to keep it around the same size as my current PC, so an ATX Mid-Tower size (I think). I'm not too bothered by noise.
> 9. Do you have any aesthetic preferences for color or lighting? Describe what you're looking for, or feel free to provide some links to examples that may help. Some people prefer an inobtrusive stealth build, while others may prefer a case full of rainbow RGB.
Not really, I don't really care much how it looks. My only preference is anything that's not TOO flashy with glowy rainbow RGB. My currrent PC has RGB's that I just set to glow white.
> 10. Any other specific requests or requirements? Examples might include a specific minimum amount of storage, or a particular CPU socket for a future upgrade path, etc.
I know After Effects specifically recommends a CPU with lots of cores, at least 8, and I think other applications also benefit from that. So I'd like it more CPU heavy rather than GPU heavy. I'd also like 32gb of RAM and wanted to get a 1TB M.2 SSD, if that's at all possible.
Doing some research, it seems the stuff I want to do with this PC benefit the most with an Intel CPU and an Nvidia GPU, so that would also be preferable.
submitted by BumblebeeSure4903 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:52 PleasantCandidate785 Windows Server 2022 VM Crashing

I have a Windows Server 2022 VM Running under Alma Linux 9.3 that is crashing roughly every 7 to 8 days with the following message in the /valog/libvert/qemu/Server.log file:
failed to set up stack guard page: Cannot allocate memory 2024-05-10 21:59:33.034+0000: shutting down, reason=crashed
I think this is linked to my using "virtio" as the drive type for my drive images.
At this point, the server is in production and I can't change to virtio-scsi. I initially set up the virtio drives due to the performance gain when mounting the qcow2 images from an all NVME ZFS file system. And the system absolutely FLIES. 15,000+MBps sequential read performance under CrystalDiskMark.
I have to stop this crashing though. Here is my Server.xml file:
WARNING: THIS IS AN AUTO-GENERATED FILE. CHANGES TO IT ARE LIKELY TO BE OVERWRITTEN AND LOST. Changes to this xml configuration should be made using: virsh edit NewSoftPro or other application using the libvirt API.
REDACTED REDACTED 196608000 196608000 50 hvm /usshare/edk2/ovmf/OVMF_CODE.secboot.fd /valib/libvirt/qemu/nvram/NewSoftPro_VARS.fd destroy restart restart /uslibexec/qemu-kvm
submitted by PleasantCandidate785 to VFIO [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:52 michelangelo1601 [Online][5e][GMT+3][LGBTQIA+friendly] DM looking for 5-6 players for adventures in Eberron!

Disclaimer: I am reposting this so more people get a chance to see the post! If you applied to the previous post, no need to apply again! :)
Hello there! This will be a long post but I do encourage you to read all of it so you have an idea what kinda game you are applying for. This would be a long-term campaign, so be willing to commit to the game! Have fun reading!
Game details:
We play using both Discord for voice and video and Foundry VTT for maps and character sheets! Webcams are mandatory since we all have been using them and it helps a lot with roleplaying when you can see the other people! Make sure that your PC or laptop is capable of running Foundry, here is a link to the Foundry system requirements:
Do note that you don't need to buy or download anything! How Foundry works is that I send you a link and you'll join through there so no need to worry about that!
We are here to make the story together so while there is a main plot for you to follow, there will be distractions along the way and of course, things that relate to your characters and what they might find interesting!
During session 0 we will go over the initial plot hooks, how your characters might know each other, safety rules, and so on!
The available days are listed in the questionnaire. The start time for the session regardless of the day would be at 9 pm GMT+3 and when a day has been chosen, we would play consistently on that day every week!
RP to combat ratio:
I would say 50-50 since you as players can with your decisions affect how much combat or roleplay there is going to be but I as a GM, am geared more towards weighting narrative but that doesn't mean that there wouldn't be some cool combat set-pieces ;).
There might be moments in the game where we focus more on the social aspect of the game, interacting in character with the world around them and then there might be some more action-oriented sessions where you get to sit at the edge of your seat!
I will say that how I like to run games, I like to focus on characters and what their motives, goals, and flaws are. This would be a more character-driven game so be ready for that and don't be afraid to get into character and have fun while doing so!
How to apply:
All that I require from you is that you read the whole post and then fill out the questionnaire to the best of your ability. I pour a lot of time into making sure that the sessions are good and that everyone is having fun and you can contribute to that by being genuinely interested in the game!
Here is the questionnaire:
Basic rules of the campaign:
The most important rule is to: HAVE FUN! We are here to play a game and make a story together and everyone's comfort is important to me! If you have doubts or if something feels off, you can always come to talk with me!
Game Rules:
The reason for Banned spells is that I like to make mysteries and that players need to think. For example, Remove curse would make a situation where you can get cursed not that tense. I like to make curses into plotlines so thus banning the spell gives us that opportunity.
Here are the banned spells:
Banned subclasses:
Races from Eberron, PHB, and MPMM are available minus Tortle, Fairy, and Centaur. Also, flying races are not allowed
Here is a little bit of info about me!
My name is Michael, 22 years old. I have been a GM for 3.5 years now! I have enough experience so I won't fumble around but obviously, I don't know everything.
Something about myself is that I have been a huge fan of TTRPGs ever since I started 3.5 years ago. In that period, I have had the pleasure to play multiple systems such as 5e, pathfinder 2e, Call of Cthulhu, cyberpunk RED/2020, mothership, City of Mist, etc. So I have quite a lot of experience and I know the ropes! I also like to draw, write stories, do worldbuilding, play video games, and watch movies and anime.
I am a huge fan of One Piece, it was also an inspiration for this setting so if you are a fan, you'll notice some subtle references here and there!
I do enjoy Eberron as a setting and have read quite a bit on it! Still, while it's an established setting with its lore, that means that there will be things that I might be unaware of or I might change things here and there. I like to stick to the established lore since it's quite expansive and really good but expect changes at some points!
Final words
Thanks for reading this long-ass post and I do hope that you can see that I am putting my all into this! I hope you do too so feel free to fill out the application! Take it slowly and don't rush it since I am using it to gauge how interested you all are to join in! I will keep the post up for a few days and conduct interviews before Sunday. If you have questions, feel free to comment and I'll answer when I have time!
I hope all of you have a nice day/evening and I hope to talk to you later!
submitted by michelangelo1601 to LFG_Europe [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:51 michelangelo1601 [Online][5e][GMT+3][LGBTQIA+friendly] DM looking for 5-6 players for adventures in Eberron!

Disclaimer: I am reposting this so more people get a chance to see the post! If you applied to the previous post, no need to apply again! :)
Hello there! This will be a long post but I do encourage you to read all of it so you have an idea what kinda game you are applying for. This would be a long-term campaign, so be willing to commit to the game! Have fun reading!
Game details:
We play using both Discord for voice and video and Foundry VTT for maps and character sheets! Webcams are mandatory since we all have been using them and it helps a lot with roleplaying when you can see the other people! Make sure that your PC or laptop is capable of running Foundry, here is a link to the Foundry system requirements:
Do note that you don't need to buy or download anything! How Foundry works is that I send you a link and you'll join through there so no need to worry about that!
We are here to make the story together so while there is a main plot for you to follow, there will be distractions along the way and of course, things that relate to your characters and what they might find interesting!
During session 0 we will go over the initial plot hooks, how your characters might know each other, safety rules, and so on!
The available days are listed in the questionnaire. The start time for the session regardless of the day would be at 9 pm GMT+3 and when a day has been chosen, we would play consistently on that day every week!
RP to combat ratio:
I would say 50-50 since you as players can with your decisions affect how much combat or roleplay there is going to be but I as a GM, am geared more towards weighting narrative but that doesn't mean that there wouldn't be some cool combat set-pieces ;).
There might be moments in the game where we focus more on the social aspect of the game, interacting in character with the world around them and then there might be some more action-oriented sessions where you get to sit at the edge of your seat!
I will say that how I like to run games, I like to focus on characters and what their motives, goals, and flaws are. This would be a more character-driven game so be ready for that and don't be afraid to get into character and have fun while doing so!
How to apply:
All that I require from you is that you read the whole post and then fill out the questionnaire to the best of your ability. I pour a lot of time into making sure that the sessions are good and that everyone is having fun and you can contribute to that by being genuinely interested in the game!
Here is the questionnaire:
Basic rules of the campaign:
The most important rule is to: HAVE FUN! We are here to play a game and make a story together and everyone's comfort is important to me! If you have doubts or if something feels off, you can always come to talk with me!
Game Rules:
The reason for Banned spells is that I like to make mysteries and that players need to think. For example, Remove curse would make a situation where you can get cursed not that tense. I like to make curses into plotlines so thus banning the spell gives us that opportunity.
Here are the banned spells:
Banned subclasses:
Races from Eberron, PHB, and MPMM are available minus Tortle, Fairy, and Centaur. Also, flying races are not allowed
Here is a little bit of info about me!
My name is Michael, 22 years old. I have been a GM for 3.5 years now! I have enough experience so I won't fumble around but obviously, I don't know everything.
Something about myself is that I have been a huge fan of TTRPGs ever since I started 3.5 years ago. In that period, I have had the pleasure to play multiple systems such as 5e, pathfinder 2e, Call of Cthulhu, cyberpunk RED/2020, mothership, City of Mist, etc. So I have quite a lot of experience and I know the ropes! I also like to draw, write stories, do worldbuilding, play video games, and watch movies and anime.
I am a huge fan of One Piece, it was also an inspiration for this setting so if you are a fan, you'll notice some subtle references here and there!
I do enjoy Eberron as a setting and have read quite a bit on it! Still, while it's an established setting with its lore, that means that there will be things that I might be unaware of or I might change things here and there. I like to stick to the established lore since it's quite expansive and really good but expect changes at some points!
Final words
Thanks for reading this long-ass post and I do hope that you can see that I am putting my all into this! I hope you do too so feel free to fill out the application! Take it slowly and don't rush it since I am using it to gauge how interested you all are to join in! I will keep the post up for a few days and conduct interviews before Sunday. If you have questions, feel free to comment and I'll answer when I have time!
I hope all of you have a nice day/evening and I hope to talk to you later!
submitted by michelangelo1601 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:43 Aur0nx EOY Rollovers / summer

We have lost both of our application and systems admins in a short period and we have been able to hobble our way by so far but with summer school and other end of year processes coming up we are a little at a lost of what to do to prepare for that.
Specifically with rostering the students with apps for the summer and the new year. We have ClassLink and know the basics of pausing the syncs for the sis rollover but not much past that.
Any out there that want to give some insights on what else we should be looking for in prepping for summenext year?
submitted by Aur0nx to k12sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:41 TheLegacyMarket TLMā„¢ JET FUEL (AAAA)

Next Up ā­ļø JET FUEL ā›½
If you're looking for an extremely potent strain that'll knock you on your feetā€”look no further. This JET FUEL we scooped up from DUNN Cannabis for our rotating šŸ…°ļøšŸ…°ļøšŸ…°ļøšŸ…°ļø Collection is a hard-hitting, Indica leaning powerhouse, resulting from a cross of Gelato x Mintz #11. Regardless of her percentages, she's not one to one to be overlooked. Ships nationwide this week. šŸ„·
Find TLMā„¢'s šŸ…°ļøšŸ…°ļøšŸ…°ļø & šŸ…°ļøšŸ…°ļøšŸ…°ļøšŸ…°ļø Collection in Authorized Retailers across Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and select medical platforms. šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦
If you're not yet registered with Health Canadaā€”a FREE, simple 5-minute application on our website via the LINK IN BIO is all it takes to gain quicker access to our products nationwide. šŸ›’
The Legacy Marketā„¢
Bred By Culture. Crafted With Quality.
Nothing for sale on Reddit. For educational purposes only. Must be 19 years of age & older
submitted by TheLegacyMarket to u/TheLegacyMarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:34 Jazzlike-Rate-7271 Floatation Survey

My name is Taaha Adamji, and I am a third-year medical student at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix. I am conducting a research study on the correlation between sensory deprivation tank usage and various psychological and physiological variables, including health, stress, and mindfulness.
If you have ever used a sensory deprivation tank, I would greatly appreciate your participation in my survey. This study is approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the University of Arizona, ensuring that all ethical standards are met.
Here are a few important details about the study:
Purpose: To explore the effects of sensory deprivation tank usage on health, stress, and mindfulness. Participation: Open to anyone who has used a sensory deprivation tank, regardless of frequency. Duration: The survey takes approximately 7 minutes to complete. Anonymity: Your responses are anonymous, and no personally identifying information will be collected. This ensures that your participation is confidential. The survey includes a variety of questions about your experiences with sensory deprivation tanks, your health, and your mindfulness practices. Your insights will help broaden our understanding of the benefits and potential applications of sensory deprivation in health and wellness.
Why Participate?
Contribute to Research: Your participation will help us gather valuable data that can inform future studies and therapeutic practices. Unique Perspective: As a member of the floatation community, your experiences are particularly valuable to our research, which aims to include diverse perspectives. Important Information:
Participation is voluntary, and you can stop at any time. Since the survey is anonymous, it will not be possible to withdraw your responses once submitted. To participate in the survey, please click the following link:
If you have any questions about the study, please feel free to email me at
TL;DR: Participate in a 7-minute research survey about your floatation experiences. Your insights will help advance scientific understanding of sensory deprivation tanks.
Thank you for your time and contribution to this important research!
submitted by Jazzlike-Rate-7271 to FloatTank [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:25 Hot-Pilot7179 AGI and our Changing Relationship with work

AGI Defined
An autonomous assistant that solves tasks you give it as well as or better than a human would. It has the reasoning, agency, learning capability, and ability to use tools like a human.
How AGI Solves Tasks
Problem Definition and Understanding:
Start by understanding the problem, desired outcomes, and constraints.
Formulate a detailed plan outlining steps and strategies to address the problem.
Knowledge Acquisition:
Gather relevant information from its database, the internet, and through its own experiments.
Data Collection and Analysis:
Collect, clean, and analyze data to extract useful insights.
Reasoning and Planning:
Plan by simulating different strategies and evaluating their feasibility.
Creative Generation of Solutions:
Create innovative solutions by combining and extrapolating ideas.
Evaluation and Selection:
Evaluate solutions based on criteria like effectiveness and ethics.
Decide on the best solution by weighing pros and cons.
Implementation and Execution:
Implement the chosen solution with an action plan.
Iterative Feedback and Learning:
Adjust approach based on feedback during implementation.
Continuous Improvement:
Learn from experiences to improve problem-solving over time.
How Agi Is Smarter Than Humans In Discovering and Implementing New Knowledge
Enhanced Memory:
Have an extensive and perfect memory, allowing it to recall and use vast amounts of information instantly.
Processing Speed:
Analyze vast amounts of data and complex problems much faster than humans.
Integrate information from diverse sources and disciplines more effectively, generating novel insights.
Pattern Recognition:
Detect subtle patterns and anomalies in data that humans might overlook.
Deep Learning:
Understand and learn from complex datasets, making connections and insights that are difficult for humans to grasp.
Hypothesis Generation:
Systematically generate and evaluate a vast number of hypotheses, including unconventional ones humans might not consider.
Run countless simulations of theoretical models quickly to test their validity.
Unbiased Exploration:
Explore hypotheses without cognitive biases that might influence human researchers.
Logical Consistency:
Maintain higher levels of logical consistency in reasoning, avoiding common cognitive fallacies and errors.
Advanced Problem-Solving:
Solve complex problems more effectively by using advanced algorithms and heuristic methods beyond human capability.
Feedback Loop:
Rapidly iterate and refine models based on new data, accelerating the cycle of discovery.
Innovative Thinking:
Generate truly novel ideas and solutions that go beyond conventional human thinking.
Continuous Operation:
Work continuously without breaks, accelerating the research process.
Innovations Needed For AGI
Better chips
Data centers
Energy production
Agents perform multi-step tasks and know what to do next for the task to be done without being asked to.
Self operating computer
Having every workflow application have the AI be able to use the tools rather than just give advice based on what it sees on the device and hears from the user.
Spoken Timelines: I didn't add links but you could just search what I said on Google.
Dan Schulman (former PayPal CEO): GPT-5 will be a freak out moment. 80% of the jobs out there will be reduced 80% in scope.
Sam Altman thinks GPT-4.5 will automate 100 million jobs globally.
In 2023, Sam Altman said he predicts job losses will begin in 2-3 years.
Sam Altman's AI Capabilities Projection:
AI that controls your computer is coming soon
Sam Altman said GPT 4 is really dumb. So he knows the next model is actually way better.
OpenAI is likely two years ahead of everyone.
OpenAI COO: Brad Lightcap
Every companyā€™s workflow would be reengineered by May 2026. Nvidia, Dell Are Building Their Own AI 'Factories' (Based on May 2024)
Project Stargate: Nuclear fusion to power the $100 billion data center to be released in 2028. This is likely for scaling for smarter models, make AI faster, cheaper, or getting it to as many hands as possible.
Many leaders in AI give AGI release dates between 2025-2030. Most people that think AI won't take jobs are thinking of todays tech for the future. They don't consider how AGI would be like for AI to take jobs. Like the required technology and how those innovations could be achieved. People don't consider how embodied humanoid robots with AGI could also eliminate many jobs. People think trade jobs are safe. NVIDIA's project groot is training robots in simulation. Who's to say that the robots can't learn to do all tasks. Maybe not in a year, but five years is a lot of progress with the rate AI is advancing. Even if we don't have AGI now, AI will be replacing jobs. If one person can use AI to do the work of one team, then those people who would have been on a team would be laid off. Especially when Agents roll around in 1-2 years.
Sometimes it really worries me about the people who go to college to get a high paying jobs, especially first gen college students from immigrant families. Imagine working hard for the dream of getting a high paying job only to be automated in six years. What happens to their drive? All their hard work for what? Sold a long gone dream and had the carpet pulled under them. In my opinion, even jobs like doctors could be automated if humanoid robots had embodied AGI. Sure it might not be wanted at first, but it has the potential too.
My Thoughts on AGI
AGI would just be the accumulation of all the different innovations needed to reach the requirements needed to meet the definition of what AGI is. Realistically, engineers could do this within six years. So even though I have a general idea of how AGI could be achieved by the end of the decade, I would just have to wait and see when these innovations are created.
Post Labor Info
Most people work to gain money because money is needed to survive and buy things that you want. The purpose of school is to provide people with a pathway to secure a high-paying job. When students say they work hard in school to be successful, it often means they want to get a high-paying career.
But if AI were to start taking over jobs, then our relationship with work would change. There would be mass unemployment, leading people to receive UBI. The government would be forced to give UBI unless they want societal collapse. No one would need to work to have money for survival and buying the things they want.
If everyone had free money, people would use the extra time on bettering their personal lives. They can spend more time with loved ones and do the things they want to do. There would be a paradigm shift in how society is set up. People wouldnā€™t have to work so hard at school or a job in the pursuit of money. A lot of people donā€™t like working anyway, especially since the cost of living is causing them to work harder and subsequently deal with mental health issues. Look at Gen Z doesn't want to work, antiwork, wage slavery, 9-5 rat race. Cost of living being unaffordable. People work so hard but can not get by. Hard work is not properly financially compensated and college grads can't find jobs. Meaning from work could be derived from work you want to do not work you do for a paycheck. Look at David Shapiro's YouTube channel for more info on Post-Labor and Post-AGI videos.
It would be better for the next generation of people born in this post-labor world. Nasa researchers found that 98% of 5-year-old children fell into the ā€œgenius category of imagination.ā€ This number dropped to 12% for 15-year-olds and to 2% for adults. The reason for this drop is the education system killing creativity. But with the traditional education system gone, that generation is likely to remain geniuses.
submitted by Hot-Pilot7179 to u/Hot-Pilot7179 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:25 Sandy_Sandy_1233 Capital One Venture X Referral + Review {Highest referral Bonus}

Referral Link:
Join the Capital One Venture X credit card family and discover amazing travel benefits! Iā€™ve been using this card and itā€™s been great for my travel goals. If youā€™re looking for a new travel credit card, hereā€™s an exclusive referral so we can both enjoy the rewards!
Check out these fantastic features of the Capital One Venture X credit card:
Welcome bonus: Earn 75,000 miles by spending $4,000 in the first three months. This is a great way to start your travel adventures!
Miles accumulation:
Your miles never expire, and thereā€™s no cap on how many you can earn.
Annual travel credit: Get $300 every year for travel bookings made through Capital One Travel. This helps reduce the cost of your trips.
TSA PreCheck or Global Entry credit: Receive up to $100 to cover the application fees for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry, making airport security easier.
Airport lounge access: Enjoy free access to Capital One Lounges and Priority Pass lounges worldwide, adding comfort to your travel experience.
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submitted by Sandy_Sandy_1233 to Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:13 Silly-Distribution88 I need help finding a site/application a stalker is using to harass me.

I'm having issues with someone I used to talk to stalking my blizzard account and harassing me. He isn't my friend on or steam, I have nothing linked to the account. No steam account (only play on launcher), no discord account literally no connections on the account. There's only 1 friend added to the account and they are not mutuals.
He always calls me out when I'm on Overwatch. When I pressed him on the issue he refuses to tell me what he uses but recently he said: "thing i use isn't working right now probably because it uses battle net and steam services which means either OW is down or steam is"
Is there any ideas on how he could be stalking me? What website he is on or what application he is using? I've tried finding myself using apps like trackergg but I don't even come up on any of those. I'm always offline on discord so its not like he can check my status. I already have him blocked on steam and discord. He doesn't know what my battle net ID is so I don't think he can check that. Plus he was never even my friend on there.
submitted by Silly-Distribution88 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:12 Ok-Lettuce4137 Computer Lab job

Hey does anyone know where I can apply to be a computer lab monitor. I've tried looking it up but I can't find the application link.
submitted by Ok-Lettuce4137 to UNLV [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:12 future_flora Spark Ad codes... do you know the fine print of what you're authorizing?

In your video's ad settings, tap "Advertising Content Terms of Service" and read that over. Here are some highlights:
submitted by future_flora to TikTokShopAffiliate [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:09 Silly-Distribution88 I need help finding a site/application a stalker is using to harass me.

I'm having issues with someone I used to talk to stalking my blizzard account and harassing me. He isn't my friend on or steam, I have nothing linked to the account. No steam account (only play on launcher), no discord account literally no connections on the account. There's only 1 friend added to the account and they are not mutuals.
He always calls me out when I'm on Overwatch. When I pressed him on the issue he refuses to tell me what he uses but recently he said: "thing i use isn't working right now probably because it uses battle net and steam services which means either OW is down or steam is"
Is there any ideas on how he could be stalking me? What website he is on or what application he is using? I've tried finding myself using apps like trackergg but I don't even come up on any of those. I'm always offline on discord so its not like he can check my status. I already have him blocked on steam and discord. He doesn't know what my battle net ID is so I don't think he can check that. Plus he was never even my friend on there.
submitted by Silly-Distribution88 to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:01 MerkadoBarkada VREIT Q1 div drops 23% q/q; Ayala Land sells P3.2-B block of AREIT; Figaro confirms "double-digit growth" plan; Alliance Global injects P2.6-B into Megaworld (Wednesday, May 22)

Happy Wednesday, Barkada --

The PSE lost 49 points to 6634 ā–¼0.7%

Shout-out to Jing for alerting me to the crypto pump, to Rat Race Running for knowing that when talking about FILRT it's all about the context, to Atot for the positive feedback on Raymund's "would you rather" question on DDMPFILRT, to ApCap for simply laughing at FILRT, to Bestpupever for remembering MVP's botched Skycable deal, to grinsken, princessybyang, VodkaMartini_007, and Nv21 for the happy bday wishes, and to arkitrader for the accurate Tuesday meme.

ā–ŒIn today's MB:

ā–ŒDaily meme Subscribe (it's free) Today's email

ā–ŒMain stories covered:

  • [DIVS] VistaREIT Q1 dividend drops 23% q/q... VistaREIT [VREIT 1.75 ā–²0.6%; 0% avgVol] [link] declared a Q1/24 dividend of ā‚±0.04132, payable on June 27 to shareholders of record as of June 5. The dividend has an annualized yield of 9.4% based on the previous closing price, which is considerably smaller than VREITā€™s pre-dividend yield of 12.3%. The total amount of the dividend is ā‚±310 million, which is 100% of the ā‚±310 million in distributable income that VREIT declared for the quarter. Relative to VREITā€™s IPO price, the div increased VREITā€™s total stock and dividend return to 18.55% (up from 16.19%). The VREIT Q1 dividend is up 5.4% y/y, but down 23.2% q/q.
    • MB: I donā€™t know enough about VREIT to understand the quarter-on-quarter drop. This is the first dividend decrease in VREIT history, so we donā€™t have a past narrative of a Q4 to Q1 dip to gain comfort that this is just part of the regular business cycle for a malls-based REIT. Last year, VREITā€™s dividend actually increased 1.5% between Q4/22 and Q1/23. But a 23% drop? *FILRT** be like: VREIT, I owe you an apology, I wasnā€™t familiar with your game. Does anyone have context to help me understand this one?*
  • [UPDATE] Ayala Land sells ā‚±3.2-B worth of AREIT in block sale... Ayala Land [ALI 29.00 ā–¼2.4%; 121% avgVol] [link] disclosed that it sold 98 million common shares of AREIT [AREIT 33.00 ā–¼3.4%; 848% avgVol] in a private placement block sale at a price of ā‚±32.45/share. ALI said that the transaction was two-times oversubscribed at the clearing price, which was 5% under AREITā€™s closing price from the previous day. The transaction raised ā‚±3.18 billion for ALI and increased AREITā€™s public float to facilitate the planned property-for-share swap between ALI and AREIT.
    • MB: While I didnā€™t know exactly when this second block sale would happen, I did know that it was going to happen and I speculated back in January that it would probably come as a surprise and at a discounted price to AREITā€™s market price at the time. Hereā€™s a link to that analysis if youā€™re interested. At the end of the day, the first sale was at a 7.2% discount whereas this one was only at 5.0%, and the public float is now prepped to handle the SECā€™s eventual approval of the transaction (whenever that happens) without plunging AREITā€™s shareholders into chaos and confusion like what happened to *SP New Energy** [SPNEC 1.05 ā–¼0.9%; 85% avgVol] when the SEC approved its share swap and caught Leandro Levisteā€™s management team flat-footed.*
  • [NEWS] Figaro confirms ā‚±1-B FY24 capex and ā€œdouble-digit growthā€ target... Figaro [FCG 0.75 ā–²1.4%; 95% avgVol] [link] confirmed statements made by its Chairman, Justin Liu, in an interview with Manila Bulletin. In that interview, Mr. Liu said that FCGā€™s FY24 capex target is ā‚±1 billion, that theyā€™re looking to open 70 to 80 new stores this year, and that he expects this expansion effort to push earnings to grow ā€œdouble-digitsā€ this year. FCG confirmed all those statements. FCGā€™s indicated that it would expand from 150 stores at the end of 2022 to 300 stores by the end of 2029.
    • MB: According to its Q1/24 press release, FCG ended 2023 with 203 stores after adding 68 stores that year. If FCG were to put up another ā€œ70 to 80ā€ stores this year, that would leave it with 273 to 283 total stores by the end of 2024, and give FCG plenty of time (5 years!) to complete the remaining 127 to 117 stores. Usually in the quick service restaurant world, periods of intense growth donā€™t correspond with periods of great profitability, so the ā€œdouble digitā€ earnings growth target is what stands out to me the most. FCG net income was up 7.2% y/y last quarter, and thatā€™s actually considerable given the previous yearā€™s expansion and the current expansion, but thatā€™s not double-digit growth. One thing that confuses me, though, is that in its Q1/23 quarterly report from a year earlier, FCG said that it ended 2022 with 150 stores. If it had 150 stores at the end of 2022 and then added 68 stores in 2023, shouldnā€™t it have 218 stores by now, not 203? I know, I know: 15 stores isnā€™t that big of a deal. Maybe itā€™s just a miscommunication between marketing and operations. Maybe there was a little bit of internal pressure to count 15 nearly-completed stores as completed stores in order to hit that IPO prospectus goal of 150 total stores by the end of 2022, and then they double-counted those 15 stores as part of the 2023 completes? I donā€™t know. Iā€™m just going by the info they tell me. Any readers have any insight?
  • [UPDATE] Alliance Global injects ā‚±2.6-B into Megaworld... Megaworld [MEG 1.89 ā–¼0.5%; 156% avgVol] [link] clarified the recent subscription of its parent company, Alliance Global [AGI 9.30 ā–¼2.8%; 185% avgVol], to 1.375 billion common shares at ā‚±1.90/share to say that it is part of a plan to increase MEGā€™s outstanding authorized capital stock by ā‚±5.5 billion (from ā‚±40.2 billion to ā‚±45.7 billion). MEG explained that it ā€œintends to submit its application for increase in authorized capital stock... by around June 2024ā€, and will list the shares issued to AGI once the full payment of the subscription price is received. MEG said that the purpose of the sale and the larger transaction is for ā€œsupporting growth and future business expansions of [MEG] in line with [MEGā€™s] strategies and directions.ā€
    • MB: Once approved, this will give MEGā€™s management team 4.125 billion common shares that it can sell to fund its ambitious capex for FY24 and beyond. If MEG sold the remainder at the same ā‚±1.90/share price, that would bring in an additional ā‚±7.8 billion. If I were a shareholder, Iā€™d be less concerned by the details of the transaction as I would be about the meaningless word salad of the rationale behind it. I know many MEG shareholders who are frustrated with the stockā€™s laggard price performance. MEG just recently touched a 12-year low, and is trading at prices that the stock has not seen since early 2012. Itā€™s down 4% year-to-date, down 8.7% over the past 12 months, down 34% over the past 3 years, and down 69% (not nice) from its all-time high that it set back in July 2019. Whatā€™s the plan? So far it seems all I hear is ā€œtownships townships townshipsā€ but that ā€œstrategy and directionā€ hasnā€™t been profitable for shareholders for almost 5 years now.
MB is written and distributed every trading day. The newsletter is 100% free and I never upsell you to some "iNnEr cIrClE" of paid-membership perks. Everyone gets the same! Join the barkada by signing up for the newsletter, or follow me on Twitter. You can also read my daily Morning Halo-halo content on in the Stock Commentary section.

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submitted by MerkadoBarkada to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:52 BeingInReddit Does the automatic extension work for F1 on pending STEM-OPT?

Please refer to the link (end of page) where it states about STEM-OPT extension application filed on time.
submitted by BeingInReddit to f1visa [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:34 LadderLonely192 Is this email a scam?Iā€™m unsure of it?

Dear Applicant,
I trust this message finds you well. My name is Mrs. Erika Bogar King, and I'm a member of the HR Executive team at VXI Global Solutions. Your resume on the indeed database platform caught our attention, suggesting a potential fit for the Data Entry position we currently have available.
After carefully reviewing your qualifications and experience listed on the Indeed database, we are confident that your skills closely align with the requirements of this role. To proceed with our assessment process, we would like to invite you for a chat interview via Signal Messenger.
This interview presents an excellent opportunity for us to delve into your background, discuss your proficiency in scheduling, and gain insight into your commitment to delivering exceptional service. It will also provide a platform for us to introduce you to the values, culture, and exciting opportunities available at VXI Global Solutions.
Impressed by your achievements, we are eager to explore your potential further. If you're available, please click on the link below to proceed or schedule the interview.
Signal Messenger Link
Job Code: VXI4505
For any queries or additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out. We eagerly anticipate connecting with you on Signal Messenger to discuss how your skills can contribute to our success at VXI Global Solutions.
Warm regards,
HR TEAM VXI Global Solutions 515 S Figueroa St UNIT 600 Los Angeles, CA 90071
submitted by LadderLonely192 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:02 Dry-Dimension-4955 šŸ¦ SweetVanilla SMP [18+ Whitelist] [Vanilla] New Season & WORLD RESET SOON!

We are an 18+ tight-knit community that enjoys engaging with one another in a lively and drama free Minecraft world. The perfect place to make new friends, create, and hang out! Player shops, events, and collaborative projects are all heavily encouraged.
We use quality of life add-ons akin to those found on HermitCraft to enhance the multiplayer experience while maintaining vanilla gameplay. Additionally, An optional resource pack allows players to submit their own custom models, hats, and items to be used for minigames, events, or more!
How to Join: If you are interested in joining us for 1.21 you can fill out an application on our Discord! New applicants won't be whitelisted for this current season, but a world reset is planned once 1.21 releases. We anticipate this happening early to mid June. Until then, Wait List members are welcome to engage on our discord and in polls that shape the rules of next season.
submitted by Dry-Dimension-4955 to MinecraftJavaServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:01 wellnesshap123 1st Annual Acousmatic Sound Therapy for Neurodivergent Minds

1st Annual Acousmatic Sound Therapy for Neurodivergent Minds
This event aims to showcase the power of sound as a therapeutic tool for promoting relaxation, sensory integration, and emotional well-being in neurodivergent children and individuals.
Instrumental Demonstrations: Experience the profound effects of acoustic sound therapy through live demonstrations featuring a variety of instrumental tools such as gongs, singing bowls, chimes, bells, and more Educational Sessions: Gain valuable insights into the science behind sound therapy and its applications for individuals on the autism spectrum. Interactive Workshops: Engage in hands-on workshops designed to explore the therapeutic potential of sound. Holistic Vendors: Explore a variety of holistic vendors offering products and services aimed at promoting well-being and supporting individuals on their healing journey. Have your questions answered by renowned Master Neuro-Acoustic Teacher, Ed Cleveland, as he shares his expertise and insights into the transformative power of sound therapy. Learn about his experiences working with neurodivergent individuals and discover the principles and practices that have proven effective in enhancing their well-being and quality of life.
2 Farm Glen Boulevard Farmington, CT 06032
Saturday, June 1 Ā· 11am - 4pm EDT
Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of a pioneering event that seeks to revolutionize the way we understand and support neurodivergent individuals through the healing art of sound therapy.
VISIT THIS LINK FOR MORE INFO!,in%20neurodivergent%20children%20and%20individuals
submitted by wellnesshap123 to Hartford [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:00 firezodyssey Soft tissue imaging - can't see damage

Has anyone had the issue that subluxations and injuries that aren't as severe as an actual tear or dislocation not showing up on imaging like ultra sounds and X-rays? Links to peer reviewed medical journal articles on imaging and EDS/HSD or other connective tissue disorders are welcome!
I'm thinking that baring an actual tear, our soft tissue is thin to begin with so it won't show damage unless there's an actual tear or the joint is still dislocated (not after a dislocation or sublux is put back in joint). I'm basing this on the story below and I'm open to comments about my current issue.
For the story context my mom and I have thin eye tissue. We're both finally diagnosed with hEDS
Current issue:
Most of my injuries and chronic issues are lower body and/or to my right side. Left side upper body is only recent. My left shoulder blade has subluxed twice from my spine in the past year.
I'm thinking that baring an actual tear, our soft tissue is thin to begin with so it won't show damage - just like my corneas don't, because that damage is everywhere. (Like a website with white text on an almost white background.)
I'm getting my first custom titanium wheelchair soon (the application is in the works). I know that to get any additions or changes in the future, including a SmartDrive power assist there must be a clinical justification. It's helpful to be either able to document injuries that can be seen on imaging or have a justification why those injuries can't be seen on imaging.
Any medical journal articles are welcome! I have a science degree with human anatomy and physiology with cadaver lab, plus work/life experience so I can read them.
submitted by firezodyssey to eds [link] [comments]