Drool rash pictures

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2011.04.15 04:06 xenocidal Talk about your new books!

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2010.06.20 00:27 DiscoRage Chicken Wings šŸ— šŸ—

Welcome to the wild and wonderful sub for chicken wings! You like chicken wings? Good, because so do we.

2008.09.14 13:44 Steak

For most things STEAK!

2024.05.21 21:12 hcaz818 Selling 21 Bolt Premier in Slate Gray (MO)

Hey fellow and potential Bolt owners. I am selling my 2021 Bolt EV Premier in Slate Gray. I am moving across the country and closing on a property in CHI near end of June and staying at my in laws until then who are located in St Charles, MO. We will be heading out there next Monday and the car will be there shortly after.
I have to admit, this is a fantastic car. I love it. Though I wonā€™t need it in CHI. A few things about the car, minor curb rash on rear passenger wheel and lower driver side door. She needs a bath For sure and is getting close to 30K miles. New battery under recall repair order done around 15K miles. I Bought it in Feb 22 and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Sale will include OEM charger. Clean title with no accidents.
Pricing it on the low end of KBB - $15,100.
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/Er3NmFy
submitted by hcaz818 to BoltEV [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:13 Ill_Pie3839 Mysterious Full Body Itch

This is basically my last hope in finding a diagnosis.
Iā€™m a healthy 21 year old male. And have had a full body itch for nearly 6 months.
Age: 21 Gender: Male Ethnicity: British Location: West London Prior
Areas affected, listed from most affected to least:
1) Upper legs (pictured) 2) Front torso 3) Chest 4) Upper arms 5) Lower legs 6) Lower arms 7) Hands and feet 8) Back (very rare) 9) Anything from my neck upwards experiences no itch
1) No dry skin 2) No signs of infection (blister, puss, spots) 3) Hair follicles seems irritated 4) About 5 red lumps with no opening (0.5cm diameter) 5) Some small white lumps with no opening, almost like a stinging nettle rash
Sensation: Ranges from a light itch like a feather, almost like my body hairs are being stroked, to sometimes a very aggressive stinging itch.
Things that make it worse:
1) Heat 2) Sweat 3) Wearing clothes
Things that help (but donā€™t eradicate):
1) Moisturiser 2) Showering 3) Steroids (prednisolone)
Events to be noted that might be credited:
1) I moved to a new location 6 months prior to itching beginning 2) I began using topical minoxidil on my head 4 months prior to itching 3) I have supplemented with protein powder and creatine for 3/4 years
Further comments:
1) My diet is varied, ie good balance of protein, carbs and fat (have not changed diet in 6+ years) 2) I consume fruit and veg daily and supplement zinc, magnesium and multivitamin 3) I do drink alcohol and smoke electronic vapes (weekend only) 4) I exercise daily 5)I am not stressed or suffer from anxiety/ any other mental disorder 6) I wash clothes regularly and shower twice daily
I have been prescribed scabies treatment 3 times and followed procedures but to no avail.
I have attached a picture of my thigh.
I am in ongoing assessment by doctors but they keep giving me basic answers and donā€™t seem to want to help me.
Would appreciate any tips or ideas to research as nothing I find online seems to agree to my situation.
Thank you!
submitted by Ill_Pie3839 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:18 prettytired25 Insane flares??? Help!

Hi y'all. I'm pretty much at my wits end.
I have a dermatologist appointment today but thought I'd ask around here anyway.
Backstory: I had eczema when I was really really young, honestly so young that the only thing I remembered of it was having a patch of it on my butt and my mom applying cream to it and then never really dealing with it ever again. She thought I had eczema on my face though it appeared as white patches and I vaguely remember this but for at least a decade or more I did not have eczema. My skin was perfect, genuinely so clear I didn't have to use much product on it.
Fast forward to November of 2019; I started taking hormonal birth control and noticed within a few months that I started getting eczema patches (also was having facial rashes but I thought this was due to trying out a new skincare) I went to the dermatologist who prescribed me Triamcinolone 0.1% ointment for my body rashes. I don't ever EVER remember using steroids much. I'd use it one to two days, and would stop when it starts to fade. Anyway my eczema was pretty lowkey in general and in 2021, we adopted a cat. I did notice my eczema worsening slightly ever since getting my cat but was managing with Triamcinolone (I think at this point my dermatologist prescribed me a tub of it I think December of 2021)
Again, I don't use steroid much and when I do I think it's really just for emergencies (my eczema was genuinely such a secondary aspect of my life I don't even remember much of how I managed it other than letting it ride and maybe applying steroid when needed). I remember the tub expired and I hadn't used even half of the ointment. I was also prescribed Mometasone and Fluoccionide? But I never used either of them as I didn't feel comfortable to.
In September of 2022, I caught COVID while overseas and it caused a pretty gnarly flare on the inner side of my elbows. Since I was overseas I just managed with moisturizing but I remember applying steroid when I came home. We adopted a second cat later this year.
Since then I think my eczema HAVE gotten worse, but there was a period of at least 6 months where I wasn't using steroid creams at all because I was either just dealing with it or it was barely there.
Fast forward to 2023.
I noticed a rash on the top of my right hand that I was initially managing with just moisturizing. But I remember having such intense itch on this rash that I kept itching, and at one point I itched with my shirt and it caused it to be infected. It was so gnarly, bright red, oozing, literally would not stop oozing, painful. I went back to my dermatologist 5 days later when I realized that oh this might be worse than just a regular eczema. She gave me Mupirocin and another tube of Triamcinolone (since my previous one expired) as well as a course of Doxycycline. I used the Mupirocin as directed for I think 10 days, and was not yet using Triamcinolone as I was worried about using it when it looked like there were still open wounds on it. I didn't finish my Doxy course because it was giving me horrible stomach pains. I came back to the dermatologist January 3rd and she told me it was OK to use Triamcinolone twice daily up to two weeks.
At this point I was already having eczema rash on my arms as well and some on my back but I don't think I was using Triamcinolone much on them (I'm pretty sporadic with using the steroid, I never really committed to the full 2 weeks)
Now, this is where things became a doozy.
January 5th: Caught strep, had difficulty breathing and had to go to urgent care. I was prescribed antibiotics, Prednisone (20mg, twice daily for 5 days), and Albuterol. I had asthma when I was younger and it's almost like it came back when I caught strep. My eczema was calm during this time and I thought it was because it rained a lot this week but now I realized it may be the Prednisone. Could not remember if I was using Triamcinolone as well on my hand during this time.
Sometime in early February: Went for a run and literally rolled my ankle so bad. Unrelated to everything else but my body sustained injury and looking back at old pictures I was starting to get patches of eczema on my legs.
Then I caught what felt like the flu in mid February and this is the first time my eczema flared to my face. My left eye was half swollen but at this time I thought it was from my sinus being blocked as it went away in a few days (though the rash stayed).
Early March: Got admitted to the hospital from Appendicitis. I spent 3 nights at the hospital and my eczema was literally non existent. No itchiness, just intense dryness but nothing else. I remember my friend noting my face was super dry but my rashes were slowly drying out. To be fair I was in so much pain the first day I was knocked out most the time from the pain medication they gave me and I was on a couple antibiotics due to the infection.
I came home from the hospital and this is when things start to really get insane. I got home, laid in bed, and immediately could not stop itching my neck and body. My face became swollen the next day but I was unable to take allergy meds because I was on antibiotics and had to wait for that course to be done. That eventually settled out.
I figured maybe I was having an allergic reaction to the cats (and thought maybe my mattress too, we had vacuumed it a few times and I suspected it disturbed the dust mites inside). I slept outside and on an air mattress for I think a few days, if not up to a week. The cats were still sleeping with me at this time and I was somewhat itchy but it wasn't the worst. Then I decided I was going to sleep in the bedroom again and this caused the worst flare I had ever ever EVER gone through. My face became so swollen, my left eye swollen again and it was oozing (this had NEVER happened to me before other than my infected hand) I don't know why this oozed since I never scratched my face, and my inner elbows, wrists and top of right hand got so red and puffy. At this point too my eczema on my right hand was starting to spread towards my palm. These areas also got pretty dry especially on my face. I called Teladoc Dermatology and they prescribed me Mupirocin for the oozing, Tacrolimus for the inflammation on my face and Triamcinolone for the body. He told me to apply Mupirocin first until the oozing calms, then stop and apply the other ointments.
At this point I had become SO SO SO terrified of TSW. It was all over my Tik Tok, my algorithm, I couldn't stop thinking and worrying about it and fearing that this flare is because I'm going through it. He told me to use Triamcinolone for twice daily for two weeks, then once daily for two weeks, then every other day for two weeks to help prevent rebound. I only used Triamcinolone twice daily for 5 days, then I did once daily for a few more days and by the time I saw my current dermatologist, I was using it every other day (I essentially tried to taper within the two weeks).
My current derma prescribed me Clobetasol and told me to mix 2oz of Clobetasol with 7.5oz of Vanicream or Cerave and smear myself in it once a day at night for one week, then once a day at night every other day for the second week. It was a very controlled instruction.
BUT I was SO afraid of TSW that I did not do this.
Instead, I took a one week break and I did 3 weeks of Triamcinolone, and even then I did it sporadically. I did about 10 days of once daily and then the second half I did twice daily. When I started doing twice daily was when I finally saw some improvements.
The problem is it has been a week since I last used any steroids and I have rebounded. Although my eczema rash genuinely looks so weird and I am having the dermatologist look at it properly today. My arms are constantly dry, my right hand (the problem spot since December) now have what looks like blisters on them and I never have eczema that look like this even though it's apparently common. The frustrating thing is that it feels like my eczema just keeps spreading. They are full body and it's freaking me out because it looks as if I have TSW even though I don't think I ever used steroids for that long at all, and I was only prescribed it back in 2020.
To be fair I thought I should've committed to the Clobetasol treatment because then we can see if the strongest steroid worked or not but I felt like I was going to flare again anyway and didn't want to use something really strong only for it to not work.
I had an allergy test done and I am allergic to both species of dust mites, dogs, cats, along with some other environmental things. I just don't understand why I am only now flaring uncontrollably like this. I am 95% covered in eczema. Either spots or just straight up long red rash. I am taking antihistamines daily and have been taking Probiotic pills pretty consistently (partly because I was on so many antibiotics back to back). I've been using Hyphocolorus Acid Spray as well.
On Sunday night, I tried to sleep over at my friend's place who did not have cats to test and see if my cats are my main trigger and I kept waking up itching myself, both my arms and legs and my chin and neck started oozing again. Which was INSANE as I did not itch either of them. The oozing on both have mostly stopped (I've only used Mupirocin and Vaseline to help control the infection and moisturize) but I just don't understand.
I'm scared, I have never had eczema become so severe so fast and I'm genuinely so scared. Something feels wrong but I don't know what it is. The way my eczema looks look like a combination of an allergic reaction and just a rash but I don't understand how I can have such an intense allergic reaction towards things I've been around all the time. We've lived in the same place since June of last year and the only thing I can think of is that we had the heater on almost daily in the winter and we found out end of April that our heater is incredibly dusty.
I'm getting my IUD removed next week as well as I'm confident birth control has something to do with my eczema coming back, and I plan to get allergy shots.
I'm just tired, it's consumed my life and it's causing me a lot of health anxiety. I look so genuinely terrible I can't even understand it.
submitted by prettytired25 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:01 MomGoneMad85 Daughter Bit By A Tick

Hello all! I found a tick on my daughterā€™s head a week ago. We are not sure how long it was there as she bathed the evening before and we didnā€™t notice it. Two days later, she came home with an itchy spot on her chest. It progressively got itchier and bigger so I took her to urgent care and they gave her amoxicillin and a steroid. The bite wasnā€™t on her chest, at least I donā€™t think she got bit there. Then again, I have no idea where she picked it up to begin with. Do you all think itā€™s lyme disease? Also should mention that she also had a low grade fever of 100.4 over the weekend after the rash showed up. Should I follow up with testing after she finishes her antibiotics? Pictures of the progression of the redness and the stupid tick I pulled off her head.
submitted by MomGoneMad85 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:48 TheLastRiter I never should have gone to this farmhouse alone [Part 2]

[Part 1]
Day 3
I woke the next morning from the sunshine in my eyes. My head was resting ever so slightly on Eli's arm as we had both fallen asleep on my bed after I begged him to stay. I blanched in horror at the drool stain I had left on the arm of his white t-shirt.
I began to slowly move myself and retreat downstairs as the memories of the night before came flooding back. How I had broken, screaming in terror, and how Eli had saved me, not knowing the true reason he found me curled up on the floor crying.
As I stepped off the bed, my leg got snagged in the frilly bed cover, and I went crashing to the ground, making quite the noise as I landed. With a yawn, Eli's eyes opened, and I felt myself blushing as he turned to look at me.
We both kind of stared at each other for a moment, not speaking. Eli opened his mouth, then closed it again as if unsure of what to say.
"Coffee?" I asked quickly, filling the awkwardness of our situation.
"Please," Eli said, smiling.
In minutes, I had a pot brewing as I leaned against the kitchen counter. Eli was picking up the scattered photographs from the floor and looking at them quizzically.
"Why do you have pictures of the Harmons?" Eli asked, showing me the photos of the yellow-haired man and his family.
"Is that their names? I found them out in the barn under a blanket," I answered as I rooted around the cupboards for two mugs.
"In the barn? I cleaned it out just last week. No way I would have missed this trunk," Eli said while examining the wooden trunk with its simple rustic hinges. It was plain and unadorned with any embellishments. Basic as basic could be.
"Well, you must have missed it because it was there," I said, putting emphasis on the "was" in a way that reminded me of my mother chastising my father.
"That's so weird," he said, shifting through the photos while sitting at the table. I brought him a cup of coffee and sugar, and he began absentmindedly adding a lot of sugar to his coffee. About six scoops later, he began stirring and sipping it.
"Well, anyways, thanks for coming last night. I wasn't myself, I hope you know that I'm not some damsel in distress," I said quickly, like word vomit, and I even chuckled at the end, feeling like a total weirdo.
"What happened anyway? You didn't say last night," he said, putting the photos down in a jumble on the table.
I paused for a moment, considering how to answer. As I sipped my coffee, I stared out into the yard beside the barn where the scarecrow stood, glancing around the edge of the barn, hanging limply in his hole. His appearance once again sad and dejected instead of murderous and terrifying.
"I was just scared, I had a nightmare, and it just scared me," I said dumbly, trying not to turn crimson again under his intense gaze.
His eyes seemed to cut right through my lie, as if he were staring directly into my being before he simply glanced away out the window. We fell silent again, and I filled some moments by sipping my drink. It seemed to revitalize me; the sun and the company made me feel secure.
"Why were you here anyways?" I asked after a moment.
"I heard screaming, so I came running. I live just on the other side of the grass there, behind the barn," Eli said, pointing to the barn out the window.
"Must be really close, I didn't see any houses on the way in," I said, prying deeper into the situation.
"It's actually a trailer, maybe like two hundred yards from here. I was outside getting some air when I heard you scream. So, I came running," Eli said, finishing his cup of coffee and placing it in between us like a barrier, as if he was hiding something.
"Could you, uh, not do that?" Eli asked, with an uncertain grin on his face.
"What am I doing exactly?" I asked, startled for a moment, my stomach doing a sort of flip.
"It's just that you like stare at people. You've been staring at me for like my whole cup of coffee, I don't think you blinked the whole time," Eli said, averting his eyes shyly.
"No, I don't," I said until I realized he was right. I never noticed that about myself.
"Right, well, I've got to go. I am probably going to start painting today, so you might see me in a bit," Eli said, rising and heading to the door.
"Wait," I said, grabbing his arm for only a moment before releasing it like it was scalding hot.
Eli glanced at my hand for a moment, then at his arm, before he, too, blushed crimson.
"I just wanted to say thank you again. For last night, I mean. Well, what I mean is I appreciate it," I said, my eyes downcast in, for some reason, shame. Like he had seen me at my weakest and it weighed on my gaze appropriately.
"It was nothing, besides I didn't get much sleep with your constant snoring," Eli said, laughing at me.
"I so don't snore," I said, swatting at him but unable to control a smile creeping up onto my face.
After Eli left, I felt instantly colder, my eyes kept returning to the scarecrow. I grabbed my camera from upstairs and went out to the yard. I scanned the dirt for anything out of the ordinary. There was no blood, or anything on the dirt where the scarecrow stood just last night. I slowly made my way to the scarecrow, but nothing happened. I snapped a photo of the inanimate object, and it didn't even flinch. I poked it, but all I felt was straw underneath its clothes. I removed its mask, expecting a severed head, but it was just straw. Nothing was here but straw. I dropped the mask on the ground and took another photo proving it was just straw and nothing else.
An idea struck me as I regarded the source of my torment. If I planned to stay even one more night here, I needed to do something about this scarecrow. I rooted around in the barn, a series of tools hung from nails in the wall. On one hung what I was searching for. An old rusted shovel with a dirty wooden handle that was worn smooth from use.
I returned to the side of the barn beside the scarecrow, knowing for whatever reason this thing only came when night fell and didn't react at all when I moved or touched it during the day.
Before my morning coffee had even settled, I began to dig at the dusty earth, loose and easy to dig, it came away in shovelfuls. Within an hour, I had a fair-sized hole in front of me. Sweat dripped from my brow, and when I wiped under my eyes, they came away black from last night's makeup. Glancing at the field of grass and knowing Eli could appear at any time, I decided to head inside and shower. The hot water was a godsend, and I lingered for longer, letting the water drain down my head and back, my eyes closed, trying to forget the images from the last two nights. I should just pack up my car and leave right this minute. But how could I explain this to my family? I decided to go through with my plan and bury the scarecrow. I could last one more night if I prepared for it.
I left the shower and dressed modestly, in another one of my old rock t-shirts and a pair of shorts. I returned to the yard and with a satisfying push, I dropped the scarecrow into the pit. It fell with a nice thud, and I smiled at my power over it in the day; it's just at night when I should fear it.
As I threw the first shovel of dirt back on top, I heard a noise in the grass, and it parted, revealing Eli wearing the same pair of jeans and work boots, but he had changed his shirt to a plain black one. In each hand, he held cans of paint and a brush.
"Should I even ask why you are burying that old scarecrow?" He asked as he came to stand beside me.
"Probably best if you didn't," I admitted, leaning on the shovel.
"Well, I'm going to anyway. Polly, why are you burying that old scarecrow?" He asked, a rare smile coming to his face.
"Because it's been haunting me at night," I said bluntly.
"Mhm, yeah, okay. Fine, don't tell me. I've been meaning to get rid of it anyway, but normal people take things to the landfill," Eli said with a smirk as he turned to the house and began setting up for his painting.
I finished burying the scarecrow and stomped the dirt down flat. I finished my job by moving my car and parking it directly over top of the spot where I buried it.
Eli watched me curiously but didn't remark. I returned the shovel to the barn and went out into the yard. I decided to go for a hike around the property. I needed some time alone to think and unwind.
As I made my way through the grass, it began to confuse me. This had obviously been a large farmland, but how had the wild plants grown in such a thick, endless maze of greenery?
It gave me an eerie feeling, like I was being watched as the grass covered three-quarters of my body, like there would be something lurking out in the grass, crouched low, waiting for me.
After a half-hour or so, I came upon a clear lake, only big enough to be considered an old swimming hole, I thought as I dipped my hand into the cool water.
I took off my outer clothes and decided to go for a swim. I lowered myself in slowly and reveled at the cool water. The pond wasn't deep, but the water was clean. A small rope swing had been hung from a large oak tree that bordered the pond. It also provided a nice layer of shade that made it the ideal spot to spend the day. I floated on my back in the water for what seemed like hours. The day seemed to slip away from me. A small beach of sand sat at one side of the pond, so I lay out in the sun and closed my eyes. The warm day warmed my soul, and soon I felt myself drifting off into sleep.
I awoke to the sound of crickets and darkness. I couldn't believe it. I had slept through the day; the long nights had finally caught up to me, and now I was stuck far away from the farmhouse. I didn't know if my plan with the scarecrow had worked, and this wasn't the place to test my theory.
A full moon lay overhead, casting a silvery glow on the world before me. A sea of grass swayed gently in the wind, sending shivers down it in shuddering waves. I looked around, but I was thankfully alone, just the crickets chirping along melodically as my only companions.
I had to make it back to the house, so I started on my way, my hands trailing along the tall grass. The pale light played easily on the deep green grass. Step by step, I made my way back towards the farmhouse and the barn, throwing caution to the wind, and I started to jog along, anything to get back faster. I would have to find Eli; maybe if we were together, he could stop it like before.
If I thought the field was creepy during the day, by night, it was a whole new world. Every sound made my heart stop for a beat before restarting in protest. When all of a sudden, the crickets stopped chirping. I dropped to my knees, letting the long grass cover me from sight. Through the strands, I could make out a shape moving slowly through the tall grass, the swish of the plants as it made its passage through them. My heart dropped. Was this Eli looking for me, or was it the scarecrow come for me?
That's when I heard a voice, a voice cutting through the silence. It started off quiet and raspy as it sang an eerie children's song.
"Did you, did you, did you come for me?
Run and hide, don't you know that I seek
The world it claims that I be not clean
When I come, you'll see how filthy I can be.
Tonight, it is happening, tonight you'll see
Beneath the moon, my shadows they do creep.
In this world, at night I shall be free.
Tonight it's happening, tonight you'll see.
When I come, you had better flee, or else I'll come and give my filth to thee."
I was frozen to the spot. It hadn't found me, but it knew I was in the grass somewhere. Now, with each word, chewed up and spat out like it was unhappy with it, now it was accompanied by the whistle of something in the air and a slicing sound as it cut through the grass around me.
It finished another round of its song, but now it stood within feet of me, its blade whistling as it cut. I took a moment to ready myself, and as it raised its blade to cut through the grass I hid in, I dashed out of my hiding spot and slammed into it. But nothing resisted me; I fell through it like it was a ghost.
In a tangle of limbs, I landed hard on the ground and tried quickly rolling to my feet. The blade of its weapon pierced the earth beside me. Now I could see it was a two-handed scythe the scarecrow carried, but something was off, its hands were human. Pale milky skin like a newborn baby. I had little time to examine the creature except for the canvas bag over its head. Two large black eyes came out of the slits that leaked a dark red blood like tears.
It screeched loudly and swung its scythe, but it was slow, and I took off through the grass in the direction of what I hoped was the farmhouse.
I completely gave up all pretense of hiding and sprinted as fast as I could without looking back. The grass seemed to part for me as I ran in terror. I was just glad that in high school, I had taken track as it was paying off now.
I could hear the noise of footsteps behind me, but I never turned. I ran and ran until my lungs felt like they were going to burst Something silver flashed to my left, and I tripped over something hard and unexpected. The wind was driven from my lungs as my chin slammed hard into the earth. I scrambled back, trying to escape, but the scarecrow was on me, its blade flashing angrily in the pale moonlight.
I wanted to move, I wanted to fight, but my body was weak and unable to catch its breath, and I lay there helpless as it swung its scythe towards me. I closed my eyes in fear, but I only heard the thud of dirt before I opened my eyes. The scythe was discarded, and the scarecrow stood staring at me.
It seemed to be struggling with something, one hand reached out towards me only to be snapped back to its side. A roar of rage pierced the canvas sack over its head as it struggled against its invisible bonds. For a moment, I thought I saw something behind it, three sets of hands holding it back. One feminine in nature, and the other two must have belonged to children. In a flash, I saw a beautiful woman who looked vaguely familiar with her long brown hair and plain dress.
"Run," she moaned as the scarecrow swung around wildly.
I didn't hesitate and fled, my breath had returned, and while my body still ached from my fall, I powered on, knowing this was the only respite I would receive tonight.
In the distance, I could see a small sheet metal shape; Eli's trailer was slowly coming closer as I ran, and I beelined it for the trailer. I could hear the footsteps behind me again as the scarecrow resumed its chase after me.
I reached the old trailer and banged on the door as loud as I could; I rattled the handle, but it was locked.
"Eli, it's me. It's Polly, please let me in. Please," I begged as I banged over and over again on the door of his trailer.
Nothing responded to me, and the trailer was dark. The single window in the back held no life inside the trailer. From the trailer, I couldn't tell which direction the farmhouse was in the dark, so I fled into the tall grass and crouched low, watching the clearing around the trailer.
While I caught my breath, I watched the scarecrow enter the clearing, its scythe back in its hand as it circled the trailer. When its raspy voice began singing again low and quiet, only loud enough for me to hear.
"Did you, did you, did you come for me?
Run and hide, don't you know that I seek
The world it claims that I be not clean
When I come, you'll see how filthy I can be.
Tonight, it is happening, tonight you'll see
Beneath the moon, my shadows they do creep.
In this world, at night, I shall be free.
Tonight it's happening, tonight you'll see.
When I come, you had better flee, or else I'll come and give my filth to thee."
The song made me shiver uncontrollably at the lyrics and the voice; it sounded demented like a crazy person letting their demons out into a nursery rhyme.
I lay perfectly still; for some reason, it couldn't find me. This creature I assumed was all-knowing seemed to have some very human weaknesses. It moved and talked like a human, even had certain body parts that were from a human; it even felt human the way it chased and reacted.
The scarecrow moved on through the tall grass, and I let out a sigh of relief as it lost my trail. How terrifying that beast was. In my pocket was the keys to my car. Eli had told me that the farmhouse was fairly close to his trailer. I had to navigate to the car, then drive as fast as I can away from this place. The fact that I hadn't left already because I was worried about money was insane. Who cares, I could drive to Barb's and demand my money back. Go home and just tell my parents the truth. The whole reason for actually leaving home this summer, why I was actually here in this field shivering uncontrollably in fear. But I couldn't think about that now, not now, there will be time to deal with that later. Now I needed to focus on staying alive, getting to the car, and getting out of here.
I went in the direction the scarecrow had; he knew the land better than I did, and every noise I made in the silence of the night made my heart drop. It took all my courage there and then to take one step forward, then another. I felt like I was going to be sick; my stomach was in knots to where it felt like even if I was sick, the only thing to come out would be only bile and stomach acid.
With each careful step, I made my way closer to the farmhouse and the scarecrow. Through the darkness, I could see my goal, the farmhouse, and the barn. Within minutes, I had made it securely to the farmhouse yard.
My car still sat in the same spot overtop of the hole where I buried the scarecrow. In the moonlight, I could see that the dirt had not been disturbed.
The scarecrow was nowhere to be seen, and I cautiously made my way to my car, my keys in my hand as I approached the driver's door. I hadn't locked the car, and it opened on the first try. I turned on my car as quietly as I could, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.
Something landed heavily on top of the roof of my car, making it dent inwards slightly. With horror, I saw the scarecrow swing its scythe into the back window of my car. With a crash, the glass shattered inwards; I put my car into gear and roared away down the lane. In my rearview mirror, I couldn't see anything, so I swerved back and forth, trying to shake the creature from the roof of my car when the scythe crashed in through the front window, making a hole just large enough for it.
The glass spidered, and I couldn't see out the window very well. I swerved down the road, but the scythe remained in the car, allowing the creature purchase. In a panic, I spun my wheel wildly, trying to dislodge it, but I lost control, and soon felt something crash into the front of my car. The airbag went off in my face, and I hadn't been wearing my seatbelt. I slammed hard into something else, and my vision went dark. I was in a daze; I must have passed out because I don't remember a lot of what happened next. I felt the car door open with a crunching tear, and it landed loudly as it was torn off. My body being grabbed and tossed on the ground. I felt no pain, just a gentle numbness. I felt blood on my head as I raised my arm to touch my face.
Then just blackness, complete, and empty just feelings, fear, unease, sadness. My eyes opened, and the scarecrow was overtop of me. Pain on my chest and my vision went dark again. Coughing as something poured down my throat. I couldn't breathe, why couldn't I breathe?
My eyes opened one last time, and I saw the scarecrow pouring a dark liquid from its mouth directly into my mouth and eyes. My vision was red and bloody before I closed them one last time.
The words of its song echoed into the emptiness of my thoughts.
"Did you, did you, did you come for me?
Run and hide, don't you know that I seek?
The world it claims that I be not clean.
When I come, you'll see how filthy I can be.
Tonight, it is happening, tonight you'll see,
Beneath the moon, my shadows they do creep.
In this world, at night, I shall be free.
Tonight it's happening, tonight you'll see.
When I come, you had better flee, or else I'll come and give my filth to thee."
The darkness enveloped me, and I felt myself slipping away, the sounds of the night fading into oblivion.
Day 4
When I awoke, it was morning, and I found myself lying in a hospital bed. My head throbbed with pain, and my body ached all over. The memories of the terrifying night flooded back to me, and I shuddered involuntarily.
A nurse entered the room, her kind eyes filled with concern. "You're awake," she said softly, her voice gentle like a soothing balm. "You're lucky to be alive. You were found unconscious by the side of the road next to your car. Do you remember what happened?"
I tried to speak, but my throat felt raw and dry. I croaked out a few words, barely audible. "The scarecrow... it attacked me..."
The nurse frowned, her brows furrowing in confusion. "Scarecrow? What scarecrow?"
My heart raced with panic as I realized the truth. Had it all been a nightmare? But the pain in my body felt too real, the memories too vivid to be mere hallucinations.
I tried to explain, to tell her about the terrifying creature that had pursued me through the night, but she only looked at me with concern, as if I were delusional.
"I'll get the doctor, and there is a young man who brought you in. He has been here all morning," the nurse said with a sly wink.
After a few minutes, she came back with Eli and a doctor, both of whom smiled gently at me through the window. The doctor came in first and went over my health with me. I had a concussion and bruises all over my body. A generous-sized cut from some glass on my scalp had been stitched and bandaged. My mind flashed back to the night before. How the scarecrow had filled me with its gooey red blood.
"Did you find anything else?" I asked cautiously, trying to avoid another scandal like with the nurse.
"No, as long as you have someone to pick you up and take you home, you are free to go. That nice young man out there said he would take you back home," the doctor said, pointing to Eli as he rose with a slight grunt.
I glanced at Eli, and he waved uncertainly at me. The doctor went out and began talking to Eli for a few minutes.
While I waited, my mind began to have strange thoughts. Something was wrong; I felt weird. My vision turned red, and I began to see images before my eyes.
The Harmons. They flashed before my eyes in real-timeā€”the husband hugging his wife, then swinging his kids around, chopping wood outback next to the barn while his wife cooked in the kitchen.
As Eli entered the room, the visions stopped suddenly. Like my saving angel for the third time now, I was extremely grateful to Eli.
"Heyyyyy," Eli said, elongating the word in a sort of familiar yet awkward way.
"Hi," I said, closing my eyes and letting my embarrassment pass in only a few seconds.
"Why is it that fifty percent of the times we meet, you're in serious trouble?" Eli asked, coming to sit on the edge of my bed.
"Oh, you know me, bad luck, I guess," I said simply, becoming aware that under my blankets, I was in a backless hospital gown, and he was inches away from me.
I pulled the blanket up to my chin as a sort of cover for my appearance, but Eli didn't seem to notice. He continued talking to me. It was actually really sweet the way he seemed to care for me.
"Anyways, the doctor said I could take you back to the farmhouse to rest," Eli said.
"No," I said suddenly, becoming serious.
"What? Why not?" Eli asked.
"I just, I just can't right now. I'll tell you later. Just, we can't spend the night anywhere near the farm," I said, grabbing him by the arm, hoping to sway him.
"Well, I mean, if you want, we can grab your stuff, and my house can literally go anywhere," Eli said in an offhand manner, as if he had expected this.
"Promise?" I asked, trying not to seem too afraid.
Within the hour, we had returned to the farmhouse. The hole I dug was still covered over, and I stared at it as we parked in Eli's black pickup truck.
I ran inside and quickly got changed into my only clean clothes, grabbing everything I had from the farmhouse. I paused at the dinner table, looking down at the photographs of the Harmons and thinking back to that weird moment in the hospital with that odd vision.
The day was getting longer, and I hurried back to Eli, waiting in the pickup truck. I threw my bag in the back and climbed in beside him. He smiled and backtracked down the lane. We turned to the left and went down a side road where we came upon my poor old car. It had crashed directly into a tree, and the whole front part of the car had been destroyed. Fluid leaked all over the road, and I almost shed a tear for my departed friend. We had traveled far together. I grabbed a few things from the car, but something was off about the car. The front door had been knocked off and was discarded on the far side of the road. It looked impossible; the door hadn't even hit the tree.
Eli hooked his truck up to his trailer, and we sped off, leaving the property behind us. We headed into town and found a pullout on the side of the road with a set of bathrooms to camp at for the night. Eli's trailer was messy but cozy. He had laundry strewn over most surfaces, but it didn't smell bad.
The room consisted of a small kitchen with a bed in one corner. There were also a lot of posters and artwork on the walls. I examined one of a pretty girl with long raven-black hair. It was a realist painting, obviously taken from real life.
"Who is this?" I asked as Eli made us some food.
"That is just a friend," Eli said, glancing at the painting he had done.
"Well, she is a pretty friend," I said, enjoying watching the back of his ears turn bright red.
"Dinner's ready," he said, pouring the mixture of food he had made onto a pair of plates.
Eli served me and handed me a can of Coke to drink. I thanked him and sat on his bed. It was the only serviceable piece of furniture in the whole trailer. We both sat in silence for a moment while we ate. I could tell something was bothering Eli as he kept making glances toward me.
"What? What is it, Eli? Just say it," I said between bites.
"Tell me what happened, Polly. Tell me why you were burying the scarecrow, why you were passed out in the road with straw in your hair. Tell me why you were muttering about the Harmons and a scarecrow when I found you," Eli said suddenly, as if he were unloading a machine gun.
I looked Eli square in the face and relented. I told him about the last couple of nights at the farmhouse, about how the scarecrow had been tormenting me every night. About how he had saved me and how last night I had fled through the fields to his trailer and then to my car. I told him about the vision I had about the Harmons in the hospital. By the end of it, I was in tears. I felt so foolish and childish.
Eli took it in stride. He asked a few questions during my retelling, but by the end of it, he was silent. Tears fell down my face and landed in my lap. We had both put our plates on the counter, and Eli hugged me. He put his arms around me, and I nuzzled into his shoulder, feeling comforted again in him at the lowest points of my life.
With a gentle hand, he wiped away my tears, and I smiled, letting a nervous laugh escape my lips. I looked up into his face and felt his stare before I saw it. His pale blue eyes shone with comfort, and then his lips were on mine as he kissed me quickly before pulling away slightly.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. That was insensitive of me. You're sad, and I took advantage of that," Eli said, moving back slightly.
"Shut up," I said, and grabbed his shirt, bringing him back in.
submitted by TheLastRiter to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:57 CDown01 Eagles Peak Pt.9

Previous Part
The next day went by in a blur. Rocco was walking the perimeter of the camp, keeping an eye out for Brooke when I woke up. I didnā€™t really think heā€™d leave, but it seemed to give Rocco something to do other than being a general menace to society. All of us ate breakfast as normal but no one really said much. Iā€™m not sure if they were still reeling from things they saw yesterday or if they just werenā€™t in a talking mood. The thought occurred to me that Shaoni may have payed a visit to each of them as well. Prying into what they saw and answering questions they might have. Honestly the whole thing felt like we were guinea pigs. Shaoni didnā€™t really seem to have a great handle on the trials so far. It wasā€¦ mildly concerning that the ringmaster of all this didnā€™t seem 100% in control anymore.
Actually, Iā€™d thought about that a lot last night. Shaoni just sort of left us to our own devices when we went through those ā€œvisionsā€ yesterday. Itā€™s not like she backed up her claim that sheā€™d know what weā€™d seen either. If anything the fact that she came to ask me about it made me even more suspicious that she wasnā€™t really sure what she was doing. It was the first time Iā€™d ever thought of Shaoni as anything other than in complete control. Slowly but surely it was becoming glaringly obvious that wasnā€™t the case.
If I was remembering correctly todayā€™s trial was the trial of strength. I sincerely hoped that was a metaphor for something. Youā€™ve got to understand, Iā€™m not a very strong person, not physically anyways. I hoped Shaoni wanted to test mental strength or strength of will something like that. My hopes shattered as we arrived at the coliseum and saw an arena set up. There were several dummies in a corner, the kind you would see used in martial arts or HEMA or something to that effect. At the foot of the dummies were several wooden clubs. I couldnā€™t see them to clearly but they almost looked clawed from a distance. The real centerpiece was the platform in the middle of the coliseum. It looked like a stage and Iā€™m sure thatā€™s exactly how we were going to use it. The raised wooden platform had been constructed with boards placed across the top. It looked like those boards could be removed and under that was simply the cold hard ground about two feet below.
Katrinaā€™s eyes lit up as she looked over the room.
ā€œNow this is what Iā€™m talking about, a real trial!ā€
She just about shrieked in excitement, throwing one fist in the air and startling the rest of us to attention. Katrina was the only one that really seemed excited about this. John and Robert just looked accepting and Iā€™m not sure Brooke had put two and two together yet. Iā€™d seen the clubs laid out by the dummies and already figured weā€™d be sparing with each other.
ā€œGood morning everyone, I hope your ready for today.ā€
Called Shaoni, emerging unseen from behind us. Anyone who wasnā€™t fully awake at that point sure was then. Thereā€™s just something about Shaoni that makes you really really not want her to show up behind you unannounced. Probably why she kept doing it to us.
ā€œToday I will test your strength, while Iā€™d rather avoid conflict itā€™s sometimes unavoidable. My ideal candidate not only knows themselves but can handle themselves as well. We will allow you some time to familiarize yourself with the war clubs youā€™ll be using. Then you will compete against each other to find the strongest, most skilled warrior among you.ā€
Shaoni explained, Katrinaā€™ excitement growing with every word.
I wasnā€™t to keen to participate in any of this but, like usual, I didnā€™t really have much of a choice at this point.
ā€œSo will you be sticking around this time then?ā€
I asked, wondering if Shaoni was going to cut and run again.
ā€œI have other matters to attend to today. While I would like to stay and observe the whole day I need to prepare things for the final trial tomorrow. Iā€™ll be back in time to see you test each other though.ā€
She replied dismissively, already on her way out. Shaoni seemed almost uninterested in us now. For someone evaluating us she seemed awful happy to pass off the evaluation to her followers. I didnā€™t say anything else as she walked out of the coliseum and towards the exit.
As I walked over to the little training area I saw the clubs were actually ornate masterpieces. They were carved from a hard dark wood. The handles resembled an eagles talon, curving near the end to grip a wooden orb. Whoever made these was beyond skilled, these things were works of art. I didnā€™t have much time to admire them before Katrina interrupted me.
ā€œHey, Keith was it? Want me to show you how to use these things?ā€
She called over to me, it was more of a command than a question but thatā€™s pretty par for the course with her.
ā€œIf you want, sure. Iā€™m uhā€¦ Iā€™m kinda a fish out of water with this find of thing.ā€
I told her, rubbing the back of my neck with one hand in embarrassment. I wasnā€™t sure why she was singling me out for that but she answered that question for me.
ā€œGood, Those two creep me out and that one has been drooling over me since we got here.ā€
She said, pointing over at Robert and John who had already started practicing, then at Brooke. Katrina showed absolutely no subtly in any of this, earning us looks from all three of the others.
I was a little afraid of Katrina teaching me anything, if someone was gonna kill me by accident it would be her. That and she still had that gun on her. Despite my misgivings she was actually a pretty good teacher. She was a bit like a drill instructor but I learned a thing or two. By the time we were done I felt like I might stand half a chance in this trial.
ā€œJust remember your footwork, keep your balance and the rest should come natural. Oh, and if we get paired up, take a dive, itā€™ll be less painful.ā€
Katrina added with a smirk, walking over towards the group by the stage in the center of the room. Shaoni had just come back in and was up on the balcony. A few of her followers had collected us and informed us we were about to start the, ā€practical partā€, as they put it.
ā€œThereā€™s five of you so for the first matchup one of my own will serve as the opponent. Anyone what to go first?ā€
Shaoni asked us, looking down with a raised eyebrow and waiting for a response. Before I realized what Iā€™d done my hand was in the air, my body subconsciously wanting to get this over with as fast as possible. Shaoni actually looked surprised as she gestured for me to take my place on the stage. Two of the boards had been removed on either side leaving us something like six feet of space to work with before falling off the platform. But I was far less concerned about that after I saw the guy walking over. It was the driver from a few days ago when Shaoni had me brought out to the camp. The guy that had his friend stabbed by Bianca, he didnā€™t look like heā€™d forgotten about that as they gave him his club.
As I took my place on the stage the only thing I was thinking was exactly how bad it hurt when you got hit with one of these things.
ā€œBegin when you are ready.ā€
Called Shaoni from her place on the balcony. The guy across from me took absolutely no time to think, charging at me wildly right away. I tried to brace myself and remember Katrinaā€™s training, taking an even stance and angling my club for the coming blow. I did manage to block his strike but the force of it threw me to the ground. My mind went into full survival mode as he swung down at me. He was way less fluid than Katrina had been when she was showing me the ropes. He just seemed like he wanted to hurt me by any means necessary. As I rolled from side to side avoiding his blows I waited for an opening. He took a particularly hard swing at my head and I rolled at the last possible second. He lost his balance, giving me a chance to slip between his legs and get back to my feet. I stood back up narrowly avoiding a swing for my head as my opponent regained his balance and swung back at me. His wide hate fueled swing carried his whole body around with it and gave me another opening. I planted my feet and took one hard swing at the manā€™s turned shoulder hitting him right on the bone with a sickening crack. He stumbled around towards the edge, turning his back to me. I took one final swing, hoisting the club above my head and bringing it down in between his shoulder blades with a hollow thud. The blow sent him tumbling forward over the edge and off the stage, falling to the floor below.
Katrina shot me a quick thumbs up as I walked off the stage while Shaoni looked down at me and gave me an approving nod. No one else seemed to pay me any mind as I rejoined the group. I felt empowered, I hadnā€™t expected to get even that far, maybe there was a chance for me in this trial after all. Robert and John fought next and despite their age they each held their own. In the end John forced Robert off the edge, his age and weight throwing off his balance. I was still impressed either of them could move like they had, I guess I shouldnā€™t judge a book by its cover. Then Katrina fought Brooke in the lastā€¦ round I guess Iā€™d call it. The smile on her face was unsettling from the moment she realized sheā€™d be paired up with him, like a shark smelling blood in the water. You could just tell that she was going to take pleasure in what happened next.
That smile was still on her face as she walked up onto the stage and took her place across from Brooke.
ā€œI hope you like it rough baby, cause Iā€™m not going easy on you!ā€
Brooke called to her from the other side of the stage making a point to puff out his chest and flex his muscles. That set her off like a bomb, the smile disappeared and she exploded towards Brooke. I saw the exact moment that false confidence left his eyes and he actually turned to run, he was far to late and way to slow. Her first strike went low, shooting out in front of Brooke and coming back to catch his knee sending him tripping forward. He tried to regain his balance but she had no intention of letting him. Katrina swung out in front of him again, this time catching his neck with the club on its way back. That sent him flat onto his back, the club falling form his hand and rolling off the edge of the stage was the only sound in the whole coliseum. All eyes focused on Katrina as she took a breath then delivered a kick to Brookeā€™s ribs so hard that he went rolling off the edge, following his club. I returned her thumbs up she had given me as she rejoined the group.
Next, those of us who remained got matched up with each other. Shaoni wanted to use another one of her followers to stand in but Katrina insisted on just going twice. That meant Iā€™d fight her and then the winner would fight John to see who the victor of the day was. As I stood across from Katrina I considered taking her advice from before, ā€œā€¦Just take a diveā€¦ā€ she had said. I thought about it, I really did, but Iā€™d done so well earlier right? Why stop now? While Iā€™d been thinking Katrina had walked up to me and started to swing. I had just enough time to realize my mistake before she cracked me across the head so hard she knocked me out.
I came to an hour later, alone on an animal skin cot. I was still in the coliseum but everyone else had left apparently. The only thing I saw when I got up from the ground was the torchlight illuminating the passage that lead back outside. That and the note scribbled on a scrap of a sticky note taped to my fore head.
ā€œI told you to take a dive.ā€
Well at least she might feel bad about knocking me out. I figured we must be done for the day given how dead the camp seemed when I emerged back into the light. With nothing better to do, I walked off towards the forest to clear my head. I wondered what Bianca had been up to since Iā€™d been gone as I aimlessly wandered around the forestā€™s edge.
ā€œNo that wouldnā€™t work! We donā€™t know whatā€™s up there and we are not just waltzing in through the front gates!ā€
Stein yelled at me as I went over my most recent idea for breaking Keith out of whatever trials were going on out by the old mine. It had been two days since I watched him get kidnapped in front of me and I was getting drastic, aaaannd maybe a little dramatic.
ā€œBut I could do it guys! Remember back at the reservation? Those guys were willing to do anything for me and there canā€™t be that many guards in one place. Maybe I just convince a small group to lead us in and make an excuse for us.ā€
ā€œFor the last time Bianca, Theyā€™re just about cultists far as I can tell. You ainā€™t gonna be able to fight the kinda conviction they have to that bird, even if ya could its to much of a risk.ā€
Tuck protested from his seat at the kitchen table.
The kitchen table had become our war room over the past few days. A map of Eagles Peak Frank had made lay across it with dozens of pins stuck in around where the old mine would be.
ā€œI donā€™t think an approach from the front is a good idea at all. You and Keith got to the mine through the forest once. Could we follow that path, approach without anyone knowing we were there?ā€
Stein theorized as he paced back and forth at the head of the table.
ā€œWell, we really just wandered around for a bit and ended up there. We didnā€™t find the mine either, it was a hole that lead down to an old cavern near the mine. They turned out to be connected but that was just dumb luck.ā€
I explained to the group. Tuck looked like that had given him an idea.
ā€œSo you two got some backdoor entrance figured out that youā€™re only just tellinā€™ me about? That could be perfect! The four of us could make our way out and drop through that hole, take em all by surprise!ā€
Tuck exclaimed, leaping to his feet. His enthusiasm was nice but it wasnā€™t going to be that easy.
ā€œWeā€¦ kinda made a bit of a scene when we were there, they might be watching for something like that to happen again.ā€
ā€œTrue, but itā€™s the best entrance strategy Iā€™ve heard so far, I think following up on it is worth a try.ā€
Frank added with a nod. Stein then started pacing up and down the length of the table for a bit. He was coming up with something, that much was obvious.
ā€œSo weā€™ll enter through this hole leading into a cave connected to the old mine. From what you told us about your time there its some sort of staging area for these trials, at least thatā€™s my best guess. Odds are there wonā€™t be many people there overnight so we make our way out there during the night. From there we move through the cave and into the mine but after that we know nothing about what weā€™re running into.ā€
Stein lectured to his audience.
ā€œBut I think we have a solution for that. Frank do we still have that drone?ā€
An hour later the four of us were gathered at the edge of town on that path Keith and I had taken into the forest. The trees growing together forming a sort of arch over our headā€™s were unsettling but I couldnā€™t decide why. It just didnā€™t sit well with me, it looked unnatural I guess and that just gave me the creeps. I get thatā€™s rich coming from a literal succubus but its how I felt.
ā€œAlright, just watch the trees as you take it up, I donā€™t want a repeat of Missouri.ā€
Stein instructed Frank as he got the drone in the air.
ā€œYouā€™re never going to let me live that down are you?ā€
Frank chuckled, shaking his head.
ā€œIt was the first time we used this thing, there was bound to be a few unexpected variables.ā€
ā€œIf you call ā€œunexpected variablesā€ an itchy finger on the throttle. We had to have Rocco untangle it from the branches.ā€
Stein joked as he checked to make sure the drones camera was feeding back into the app on his phone.
I hadnā€™t seen them like this, being friendly with each other. There was never a time where they hated each other or anything like that but theyā€™d been soā€¦ business like with for a long time now. It was nice to see them act like real people again. Leaning over Steinā€™s shoulder I got a birds eye view from the drone.
ā€œ Just go East, its what we did. Just walked East till we stumbled into everything.ā€
Frank followed my advice and flew the drone due East. Eventually a campsite came into view, there were a bunch of tepees and a bunch of people just walking around.
ā€œWhat, they just look normal?!ā€
I blurted out, a little louder and a bit more distressed than I meant to.
ā€œHowā€™re they supposed ta look then?ā€
Tuck asked
ā€œTheyā€™re just people like you nā€™ me. Nothin to special about em other than the fact they worship some big ass bird.ā€
He continued with mild annoyance.
ā€œI donā€™t know, I guess I expected these creepy guys in tarps, like from Keithā€™s story. These are justā€¦ well theyā€™re just people!ā€
I responded, Throwing my arms out to my sides in exasperation. Tuck was right, I shouldnā€™t have expected everything to be just as Keith had said. Still, something just didnā€™t fit together for me about that whole thing. What had the deal been with those people in Imalone then? I shook my head, clearing the question from my mind, it wasnā€™t important now.
ā€œThere! Thatā€™s the entrance to the old mine.ā€
Tuck told Stein as he looked at screen. I looked over myself and felt my entire being freeze. It was Brooke, walking out from the entrance with some bitchy looking girl and two older guys that Iā€™d seen around town before. How could he be here? After all this time why, why was he anywhere near me?
My vision swam, when it came back Frank was standing in front of me. His mouth was moving but I couldnā€™t hear anything.
ā€œā€¦anca! Are you ok, whatā€™s going on? Bianca!ā€
I finally heard over the sudden ringing in my ears.
Was the only thing the escaped my lips as I pointed one finger at the screen. I felt warmth coming back into my limbs as that frozen feeling slowly left me.
ā€œHeā€™s hereā€¦. Shouldnā€™t be hereā€¦ why.ā€
I mumbled to myself as Frank helped me into the back of the SUV twenty minutes later. I was still nearly catatonic as we headed back into town.
ā€œSoā€¦ that was him, the one you were running from when we found you.ā€
Stein said, breaking the silence that had fallen. I could talk normally again but I still only managed a quick ā€œyesā€.
ā€œYou know you donā€™t have to come with us, Iā€™d understand.ā€
Frank said, snapping me to attention again.
ā€œNO! Iā€™ve got to help Keith, I donā€™t care ifā€¦ if Brookeā€™s up there too.ā€
I tripped over my words just mentioning his name.
ā€œI can do it, I can do this Frank, please.ā€
I begged, taking deep breaths to try and calm myself down. We pulled into the driveway before Frank said anything back. As we were all getting out he muttered something under his breath. He didnā€™t mean for me to hear him but I did.
ā€œIā€™m not sure you can girl.ā€
I went straight up to my room after that, I didnā€™t want to be around anyone. All I caught before I left Frank, Stein, and Tuck before running up the stairs was the hard look Stein shot both of them. A look that said ā€œWe need to talkā€ and told me that he finally had a real plan. I spent the rest of that night thinking about the past and what Iā€™d been through. Could I go out to that mine and rescue Keith if I had to face Brooke again? The last time Iā€™d seen him had been as I leapt out of a moving car as my eyes turned to meet his one last time, rolling down that hill to freedom. Iā€™d never seen him since and it was rare for him to even cross my mind. I wanted to go with the rest of them but despite what I said I really wasnā€™t sure I could do this anymore. Eventually I just decided only time would tell, hopefully Steinā€™s plan was a good one and we could put this whole thing behind us.
ā€œEy! Ey Keith!ā€
Someone yelled out as I came back from my little hike around the edge of the forest. My eyes darted around behind me before they finally focused on a rustling bush. Rocco jumped out of it holding a cigar in his mouth.
ā€œThat Brooke asshole hasnā€™t gone anywhere, I found him out by that trail the trucks drove in on with this.ā€
He said, tossing the cigar up in the air where it twirled around before he caught it in his mouth again.
ā€œI figured I should frisk him just in case. I took a bite of his pants and stole this little number out of his coat pocket.ā€
He continued, shaking a silver lighter with a gold inlayed image of a lion in his paw.
ā€œOh and the cigar, I took that too. Cuban so the guyā€™s got taste, still a prick. Anyways, it looked like someone got to him before me. The guy was pretty beaten up, had some nasty bruises.ā€
I couldnā€™t believe what I was hearing. I was just trying to picture Brooke getting mugged by a raccoon In my head and I burst out laughing. Rocco walked back to the camp in toe with me, only stopping to look up at some weird buzzing sound we both heard above us. Probably some rickety old plane or something way up there. I think I was finally starting to get why Frank and Stein had kept Rocco around. He may be a furry criminal mastermind but when he was motivated he could actually be really helpful. I never wouldā€™ve been able to keep any sort of tabs on Brooke without his help.
We made our way back to the long tent that still had remnants of lunch sitting on the table. Usually I wouldā€™ve tried to hide Rocco but at this point I figured he deserved the free food. Plus I just didnā€™t want to argue with him after getting my shit rocked most of the morning. Someone walked up behind me and I heard Shaoniā€™s voice, of course she was creeping up behind me again.
ā€œYour feeling alright after today I hope?ā€
She asked me, taking a seat next to me.
ā€œIā€™ll be alright, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have a killer headache in the morning but Iā€™ll manage.ā€
ā€œGood, good. Weā€™ll be gathering in a few hours so I can announce the final trial. I expect you out by the entrance to the mine by 6.ā€
ā€œWhatā€™s the matter? No cryptic questions this time Shaoni?ā€
I asked, paying no mind to what was sitting next to me.
ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€
ā€œI mean, you always stop by to check in after these trials. You donā€™t have any questions this time?ā€
ā€œNo, Katrina was the victor today, there is no question about that, the woman isā€¦ brutal. I just wanted to make sure she didnā€™t hit you to hard, you were unconscious for some time.ā€
She answered, some genuine concern slipping into her voice again.
ā€œHeh careful, I might start to think you actually care.ā€
I joked, less nervous than I shouldā€™ve been.
ā€œIā€™ll see you tonight with the rest for the announcement.ā€
She said with a deep sigh, standing up and walking off toward where ever she came from.
I took a nap and just barely managed to wake up in time for this ā€œmeetingā€ Shaoni had planned. I couldnā€™t find Rocco before I left but I wasnā€™t all that concerned about that anymore. When I got to the entrance a massive bonfire was lit and Shaoni stood alone in front of it. Robert and John were already there and Katrina showed up a little after me. Brooke hadnā€™t arrived before Shaoni started her speech.
ā€œI thank all of you for coming here tonight. Regrettably one of you is missing but I wonā€™t be waylaid by his absence.ā€
She spoke with clear annoyance in her voice.
ā€œTomorrow marks your final trial, the most important of the three. The trial of justice. Tomorrow there will be a murder in Eagles Peak. I want you all to work together to stop it. Then, succeed or fail, pass judgment on those involved in the murder. Afterwards I will select which among you will receive my gift. But for tonight, talk amongst yourselves, plan, and rest. Prepare yourselves for tomorrow, I will have my eye on each of you.ā€
With that Shaoni stepped away from the fire and into the night. Not accepting any questions about anything she had said.
ā€œWhat do you think she has planned?ā€
Robert asked me as I took a seat by the bonfire to think over everything Shaoni had said.
ā€œI donā€™t know, a murder apparently. Shouldnā€™t you know more about it? Youā€™re one of her followers after all.ā€
I said as I turned my head to see John walking off into the night. That man was weird, really weird. I knew next to nothing about him and he seemed to never speak.
ā€œUsually sure, but she hasnā€™t said anything to us about this. Itā€™s why she hasnā€™t directly overseen all the trials, sheā€™s set this last one up all on her own. I guess thereā€™s nothing to do but wait, weā€™re all in this together for the first part of the trial I guess.ā€
Robert explained, leaning back and sprawling out on the ground. He was right, there wasnā€™t much we could do until we were in the middle of it.
I looked around, searching for Katrina in the firelight. I found her leaning against the rocky wall that made up the entrance of the mine. I stood up, leaving Robert to relax and made my way over.
ā€œHowā€™s the head?ā€
She asked, feigning taking a swing at me again with an evil grin on her face.
ā€œI told you to take a dive.ā€
ā€œYeah, I shouldā€™ve listened.ā€
I admitted, rubbing the goose egg that had formed on my head over the course of my nap.
ā€œSo what do you thin about this last trial?ā€
ā€œWell, I can say that If that Brooke guy tries flirting with me one more time the murder wonā€™t be that hard to solve. Seriously though, I think sheā€™s gone off the deep end. How does she know thereā€™s going to be a murder?ā€
Katrina made a really good point, how was Shaoni so sure?
ā€œThatā€™sā€¦ hmmmm, youā€™re right.ā€
ā€œWell Iā€™m gonna head to bed then. Something tells me tomorrow is gonna be a headache. Just try to stay out of my way when weā€™re all forced to work together and you should be fine. All goes well and maybe weā€™ll be out of here tomorrow, I know I will.ā€
Katrina said as she pushed herself off the rock wall sheā€™d been leaning against. Something about the way she said that last part, it made me think she was up to something. Like she was leaving no matter what or she had some sort of exit strategy.
As I left Robert relaxing by the fire and hiked back to my own tepee for the night I spied Katrina. She had climbed up a tree and had her legs wrapped around the trunk and one of her arms gripped a branch above her. There was some kind of box in her other hand, a radio maybe. I had no idea what she was saying, she was too far off, but it had to mean something. As far as I knew none of us had any contact with the outside world since we got here. My gut feeling was that she wasnā€™t meant to be doing that. I wasnā€™t going to bother her at this point though so I went my own way and settled down for the night.
submitted by CDown01 to AllureStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:55 CDown01 Eagles Peak Pt.7

Previous Part
ā€œI knew it, I knew heā€™d pull something like that!ā€
Was the only thought running through my head as I watched Keith get forced into the truck outside. I was scared for Keith and I was angry, that kind of anger you feel in the pit of your stomach. Not at Keith though, my fury was directed at myself for freezing again. I just sat in the window and watched him get taken. Headache or not I shouldā€™ve done something, anything! Instead I just sat there and watched, powerless as always. My first instinct was to go running back home, maybe Frank and Stein could help somehow. Imagine my surprise when I walked in the door and they were looking for me. Well maybe I wasnā€™t to surprised, I hadnā€™t told them I didnā€™t plan on coming back home when I left yesterday.
ā€œBianca! We were just going to come looking for you, Keith had this idea andā€¦ are you alright?ā€
Frank asked, concern covering his face like a shadow. I mustā€™ve looked like a mess, and the hot wet feeling on my face told me Iā€™d started crying at some point on my way over as well.
ā€œAre you ok? Did something happen?ā€
Frank repeated in his best fatherly voice. I could barley stammer out the words.
ā€œKeithā€¦ goneā€¦ they took him.ā€
My babbling was enough though, realization shown on both their faces. Stein said something to Frank that I couldnā€™t hear then they nodded to each other.
ā€œHe was almost spot on with the timing. Well we best start getting around to do our part then.ā€
Stein said in his usual uncaring and mildly haughty manner. I donā€™t know why but it really boiled my blood this time. Keith was gone and heā€™s just moving on with things?
ā€œDoes no-one care about what just happened?! We agreed to look out for him and what did we do? Nothing!ā€
I screamed at no-one in particular. Those two just gave me a look like I was a misbehaving child.
ā€œWeā€™ve done what we could Bianca, besides Keith is the one who suggested what weā€™re about to do next.ā€
Frank stated, in an even and calm tone that made me stop and realize how ridiculous I was acting. Freaking out wouldnā€™t get us anywhere, even though I really wanted to. So I took a deep breath and stepped back for a second to collect myself.I hated to admit it but in a way their cold, calculating, order of operations approach would probably help here. Those two would never crack under pressure like me. While they didnā€™t talk about it, Iā€™m sure theyā€™d seen far worse working with the government.
Stein was rushing around looking for car keys when I came back into the kitchen. Frank however, stopped what he was doing to come over to me. I held up my hand to stop him when he opened his mouth to say something.
ā€œNo, you donā€™t have to try and convince me, Iā€™ll come with you. What was Keithā€™s plan anyways? What did he put you guys up to?ā€
I asked, much calmer than before but still a little on edge. I couldnā€™t help but to feel at least a little responsible for what happened to Keith. I know it wasnā€™t my fault but I came with him for a reason. As much fun as last night had been I wasnā€™t taking it seriously. I shouldā€™ve stayed up to watch for Shaoni, maybe looked around for something she left when she was there before. Regardless, I had to be better next time.
ā€œKeith thought that maybe someone from the reservation a little while outside town may have heard legends about Shaoni. Sheā€™s the Thunderbird, thatā€™s an important figure in their stories and legends. Being so close to where she had been sleeping for years he thought there might be a connection. So he asked us to go out and ask around.ā€
Stein answered me before Frank had a chance to, walking into the room and tossing a jacket my way.
ā€œAnd put this on, its cold out there.ā€
It was actually funny how often Stein tried to care and actually came off as so much colder. Almost like he was doing it because he had to, not because he actually cared about me.
ā€œDonā€™t mind him, heā€™s just stressed with everything going on lately.ā€
Frank explained, trying to comfort me. He was right of course, but it didnā€™t change the fact that it still rubbed me the wrong way.
Ten minutes later I was in the car headed out toward the reservation. It wasnā€™t a very eventful ride and the pine trees didnā€™t make for great scenery, Iā€™d seen it all before anyways. Frank and Stein were quiet the whole time and we couldnā€™t find Rocco before we left. Part of me wondered where he was and part of me didnā€™t want to know. This gave my mind time to wander and I found myself thinking my life before meeting Frank and Stein. It was weird, I usually tried not to think about it at all but something had brought those memories roaring back. Probably due to Keith asking about it the other day. No-one ever seemed to care about that, my past that is. Every now and then Iā€™d get bored and wander around town. Someone might come up to me and talk but not like Keith did. The only real questions they asked were usually something along the lines of ā€œWhatā€™re you doing tonight?ā€ And other variations of that. They were usually looking for something I had no interest in. Sometimes it wasnā€™t entirely their choice to talk to me. Iā€™d just use my powers simply to have a conversation with someone. Keith actually cared about me though, at least I think so.
A loud honk broke me out of my trance, we had arrived on the reservation. The improvised trailer park weā€™d arrived in wasnā€™t much to look at. A dog or two ran around the cluttered ground, free from any sort of leash. An older car missing most of the front end sat raised on a few blocks of concrete. The trailers themselves were run down and rusted. Despite the sorry sight of the place three men sat around a fire, laughing and generally having a great time. The trio looked up as we walked over, recognition passing over their faces. We mustā€™ve looked out of place here in our shiny SUV and Frank and Steinā€™s three piece suits. Those two were always overdressed when they went out. The only place they fit in was the lab and they seemed more than fine with that.
ā€œStein! Is that you?ā€
Exclaimed the man on the left, standing to meet us. He looked happy to see Stein, though I had never seen the guy before in my life. Which meant he mustā€™ve been a friend from before I knew Stein.
ā€œMy friend! How have you been? Have you had any difficulties with yourā€¦ condition.ā€
Stein replied, cutting his eyes at the other two men like he didnā€™t trust them.
ā€œThey know old friend, no need to beat around the bush here.ā€
He had to have some supernatural abilities, thatā€™s the only way Stein knew anyone. The question was, what was he?
The manā€™s name was Sam, Frank told me as we joined the men at the fire. I asked him for more, like what he meant by condition but he wouldnā€™t budge. Condition usually meant supernatural but a lot of them just looked like normal people. Iā€™m sure everyone has some picture of a succubus in their head and Iā€™mā€¦ not that. So I couldnā€™t even begin to guess at what Samā€™s ā€œconditionā€ was.
ā€œSo what brings you out here Stein? I hate to say it, but I never expected to see you again.ā€
Sam said, trying to be as friendly as possible while ultimately telling Stein he didnā€™t really want him here. He didnā€™t feel nervous, that much I sensed for sure. No, it was fear that drove him to try and push Stein away, but what did he have to be afraid of?
ā€œI assure you Iā€™ll be gone before I overstay my welcome. I just have a few questions Iā€™d like answers to. Itā€™s entirely possible that you know nothing as well, in which case Iā€™ll be gone even sooner. But you wouldnā€™t lie to me just to see me gone, now would you?ā€
Stein almost threatened, some of the friendliness slipping out of his voice. There was more going on here than what I could see or even sense. Iā€™ve got a really good sense of what people are feeling at any given time but the context of those feelings can get lost on me. Sam was feeling fear, way too much fear for the situation. Maybe he knew what Stein was going to ask but I couldnā€™t tell for sure. I looked to the two scientists, cutting my eyes from Frank to Stein trying to see if they wanted me to step in and calm them down.
ā€œSteinā€¦ I canā€™tā€¦ if she knew I talked to you sheā€™d come here. The things Iā€™ve doneā€¦ what you helped me stop doing. She wouldnā€™t see it that way if she came hereā€¦ she wouldā€¦ā€
Sam blubbered out, completely losing his composure before Stein raised a hand and cut him off.
ā€œShe? You mean Shaoni, weā€™re aware of whatā€™s going on. We still do have some questions about her though, ones I hope you have answers to.ā€
At the mention of her name all three men shot up, so I stepped forward. Frank protested but he was to slow to stop me. Itā€™s difficult to describe how I can make people do what I want, these days I just kind of will it to happen and it does. I can force an emotion, or a feeling onto someone else by imagining it myself and projecting it onto them. Frank and Stein think it has something to do with pheromones my body produces. These pheromones can induce certain emotions or feelings if I want them too. In this case I wanted these men to feel tired, cooperative, compliant, and thatā€™s just what they became. Just as soon as they tried to stand they buckled to their knees. I was pushing a little to hard so I eased up a bit, I didnā€™t want to just put them to sleep or something. Sam got back to his feet and sat down in his chair as the others did the same.
ā€œIā€™d like to know about Shaoni, The full story, as much as you know.ā€
I commanded more than asked Sam as he just nodded towards me, a vacant look in his eyes.
ā€œWhere should I start exactly little lady?ā€
Sam asked me, his tone a mix of nervous and compliant.
ā€œI want to know what you know about her, all of it, then weā€™ll go.ā€
I answered, trying to ignore the looks Frank and Stein were giving me. They knew I was taking a risk, he didnā€™t want to share what he knew so I was forcing it out of him. He wanted to tell me now but it wasnā€™t really ā€œhimā€. I was in his head, and while he wasnā€™t going to fight me on anything now, I was sure a part of him was screaming deep down. Fighting desperately to keep his mouth shut to avoid the consequences of telling me anything. I tried not to think about what I was doing to him as Sam began his story.
ā€œWell to start her name wasnā€™t always Shaoni, Itā€™s hard to keep one name when youā€™ve lived as long as her. Her name meant ā€œStormcallerā€ as near as it translates to your language. She was an elder in a long forgotten tribe in what you know as Canada today. She was renowned for her ability to over see trials and solve debates among her people, always able to set right apart from wrong. The exact name and place of her tribe have been lost to the ages but I do know that it was wiped out. As the story goes the tribe met its end at the hands of ā€œexplorersā€, all save for Stormcaller were killed. She fled far into the forests and eventually stumbled upon four spirits, the original Thunderbirds. At this time they were still great spirits, created by Nanabozho. Those spirits took pity on Stormcaller, allowing her to live with them in the four corners of the world. With them she learned many things, how to fight, how to think as only a spirit can, and most of all she sharpened her already formidable sense of justice. That need to see justice done, and the proper sense to see what was right from what was wrong is what lead the chief of the Thunderbird spirits to bind itself to her, giving her the powers sheā€™s said to have today, letting her exist as spirit and man made one.
The other Thunderbird spirits eventually followed this example, choosing representatives of their own, each representing an Ideal: Courage, so that our people would never falter in the face of adversity. Solidarity, so that, divided as they may be at times our people were one at heart. Duty, so that our people would never forget their place in the world and the customs and traditions we upheld. Finally there was Justice to lead them all, so that no wrong would be left to stand, and so that one among the ideals would keep the rest in check. These four formed a council that watched over our people for many years.
As imperialism grew in the world and more crimes were committed against their people this council became more and more warlike. Often Stormcaller, now simply known as Justice spearheaded these actions. She sought to right the wrongs committed against her people and hold all responsible accountable for their actions. In accordance with her duties as the embodiment of justice for our people. This war of hers would prove to be her downfall, every day her sense of justice became more absolute, more black and white. She stopped consulting the council to help guide her decisions, believing she and she alone knew what was best for her people and fellow ideals. One thing that changed when the Thunderbird spirits bound themselves was their immutability. As a spirt nothing could harm them, they were eternal, they were and always would be. But once they had become one with a man they could be ended, They would live forever but manā€™s mortality meant they could be killed unlike before. Something Justice would learn for herself in time.
As her warlike nature grew, Justice began to involve the ideals in open conflict with those who sought to take their peoples land and desecrate their way of life. Eventually Solidarity fell in battle, and those who saw him fall learned of the greater forces at play. These people sought to learn the truth of the power the had seen from Solidarity and doubled their intrusions into sacred land, searching for answers. Suddenly the hunters had become the hunted, perhaps if Justice had not clung so tightly to her convictions everything wouldā€™ve ended differently. Instead Justice doubled down on her pursuit to right every wrong she could lay her eyes upon, spurred on by the death of Solidarity. Eventually Courage fell and so to did Duty, only hardening Justiceā€™s resolve. It was only when she revealed herself to her people one day and they fled from her, afraid of what she would do. Afraid that they to had committed some wrong that she sought to right in her own violent way. This reception forced Justice to realize what she had allowed herself to become. Justice had become Vengeance, lost in anger for wrongs she could never hope to right she had lost herself, becoming something else entirely.
She shed her name, her duties, her people and disappeared into the world. Watching what would come for her people broke her. She had lost what she sought to guide and guard, let the people the Thunderbird spirits sought to protect so long ago fall to ruin. Her need to see justice done never left her, but what was once a raging inferno became nothing more than a spark. If she came across one that had escaped justice, hidden their tracks or found a way out she would know. She would right the smaller wrongs of the world in her own way, stoking what remained of the flame within and finding her own purpose in the world. Eventually she would take on a new name, Shaoni, why I do not know but it is what she choose. Her sense of justice was still absolute, she saw no shades of grey just right and wrong. But the scale of her judgment was reduced, no longer would she try and right every wrong the world had to offer but only those she could reach. The world is a dark place though, and sometimes a lesser evil can ease pain. Shaoni didnā€™t see lesser evil as something she could abide and so her judgements often left more pain in their place. She grew weary of her pursuit once again, seeing how little she had changed and how much pain she had brought. She chose to settle down and remove herself from the world. Shaoni would never be able to die, not from the passing of time. She could remove herself from the equation in a cave not to far from where we stand now.ā€
Samā€™s story hurt to listen too, in some ways it only seemed like Shaoni did what she thought was right. Yet time and time again she failed to see shades of grey, and that cost her everything. It made me think of who I was years ago in a way, not that I was some all powerful spirit thing like her but still. What would Shaoni think of the person I was? How would she judge me for my actions before I meet Frank and Stein? I certainly wasnā€™t a saint, but did that mean I couldnā€™t be better? I shook my head, now wasnā€™t the time to think of things like that. I stopped forcing Sam to answer my question, leaving him to his own devices. There was always some lingering effects after Iā€¦ did my thing. Iā€™m not sure how exactly it felt for them but I donā€™t imagine it was pleasant. Realizing you werenā€™t really in control of yourself has a way of causing issues for a person. Sam seemed to be shaking it off pretty well though, Iā€™d seen worse things happen after Iā€™d finished with someone, like Keith losing hours of time sitting in the kitchen. Playing with emotions can cause stress in the brain, especially since Iā€™m forcing an emotion or feeling on them. More than once Iā€™d seen someone left with uncontrollable swings in mood or a complete lack of emotion or feeling of any sort because of me. I hopped that wasnā€™t going to happen again here.
ā€œBianca what was that!ā€
Frank complained, finally breaking free of the spell the situation had cast over him. He ran over to the other two men that hadnā€™t gotten up from their chairs like Sam. Worry crashed over me like a wave as I realized why Frank sounded so concerned. One of the men was seizing on the ground, his body shaking violently as spasms coursed through him, had I done that? Sam was in a blissfully ignorant sate, he just sat in his chair watching the fire, unaware of what was happening to his friend. Frank and Stein leapt into action, holding the seizing man on the ground. Stein pulled off his belt and placed it in the mans mouth, trying to keep him from biting himself. My eyes were fixed on the third man who lay motionless on the ground. I took small steady steps toward him, hoping against hope that I could find a pulse. As I got closer I realized his chest was rising and falling. He was alive but who knew what he was going through right now. I felt distant, Frank was yelling something at me but I didnā€™t catch a word. I had to do it right? I had to make them tell us what they knew, it could help Keith right?
ā€œWhat did you do to them?ā€
Sam asked me, apparently free of the aftereffects of my influence. I snapped my head to the side and watched him take a threatening step towards me. I backed away, afraid he might do something rash. I shouldnā€™t have done that, Stein couldā€™ve convinced them on his own.
ā€œWhat did you do to them? Whatā€™s wrong with them?ā€
Sam asked again, his voice growing more desperate. Stein picked that moment to appear at my side.
ā€œSam theyā€™ll be ok just give them a minute. She didnā€™t mean to hurt you or your friends, just let it go. Iā€™m helping her the same way I helped you, sheā€™s not always in control.ā€
Sam softened a little bit at that but he was still wary of me. What Stein said was a lie, I had control of my abilities most of the time these days but Sam didnā€™t know that. Frank walked over to where we were standing with a relieved look on his face.
ā€œTheyā€™ll be alright, they just need rest. What about you, are you feeling alright Sam?ā€
Frank asked, nodding towards him. Sam didnā€™t answer but it was plain to see he was doing far better than his friends.
ā€œIā€™d like you all to leave.ā€
Sam ordered, putting his metaphorical foot down. Whatever favor he owed Stein didnā€™t matter anymore, he wanted us out. People were beginning to come out of some of the other trailers, gawking at the scene in front of them. As the three of us were leaving Sam said one more thing,
ā€œStein, this makes us even.ā€
He growled in an even but angry tone. You could just tell he was staring daggers at us the whole way back to the SUV. I turned back for a moment and I couldā€™ve sworn his skin was wriggling and changing. Like he was just barley holding back something. What concerned me even more was what he felt, not anger or worry, but fear.
The ride back was less than pleasant. You know that feeling when youā€™ve done something wrong but no one really wants to address it yet? Yeah, thatā€™s what was going on here, the air was practically electric.
ā€œWe needed him to talkā€¦ā€
Stein cut me off immediately, shouting,
ā€œSometimes you donā€™t need to help! Lookā€¦ I know you meant well but you can hurt people with that power of yours. Iā€™ve never seen it that bad before but then again youā€™ve never done it to a group of people that long. Who knows what longterm consequences it might have. Justā€¦ be more careful in the future.ā€
Stein wasnā€™t as angry as he tried to appear, part off him was even relived, maybe because I had been the one to handle the situation instead of him.
ā€œI know, I know its justā€¦ Keith is stuck out there at that mine with her, I couldnā€™t leave with nothing.ā€
I agreed, He was right, it was a risk but how could I have just let it be? No-one else was going to look out for him so that fell on us now. As much as I hated having to force things out of people I was good at it, really good. Despite how I felt about what I could do to people that was the easiest way to get Sam to speak back there.
ā€œWhere did this whole drive to help Keith come from anyways? A few days ago you talk him into watching the house and throw some money, our money, at him for the trouble. Iā€™ve seen you do that a few times before with others so you could come with us when we went to stock up on things. Regardless of our misgivings surrounding your methods. So it didnā€™t go that well this time and he found out about you and us. Something like that was bound to happen eventually. What I canā€™t picture is why you go out of your way to help him. I donā€™t personally have any issue with you jumping to his defense. Its not too hard to understand why someone would, considering his situation. But for you, well it seems out of character for you.ā€
Frank chimed in with a question of his own. Iā€™m sure he didnā€™t mean anything by it hurt to see him so surprised that Iā€™d consider helping another person.
I never answered Frankā€™s question, I thought about it a lot the rest of the way back though. Why was I so intent on helping Keith? All my life Iā€™d done things just to survive, even when I was really young I had to find a way to get by on my own. Sure I had my mother but she had her hands full with her own life. She didnā€™t have much after my father left and did everything she could to make ends meet. I just tried to stay out of her way and help where I could. I never complained when she forgot to make dinner, or when there just wasnā€™t food around the house. Iā€™d just go without or take what I needed from someone else. Even back then I knew it was wrong but I always had looks on my side. Combine that with pity and not a lot of people would say no to the cute hungry kid. After Brooke, I only had myself and I just kept doing what I needed to. This was different though, I didnā€™t have to help Keith but I wanted to help him all the same. I didnā€™t get around town much and I always felt like I just existed around Frank and Stein. With Keith I wasnā€™t just this thing lying around the house, I was a person, a friend even. That was it, the first time it really clicked for me, Keith was my friend, not because I had wanted him to be or because I made him think he was. No, he was actually there for me and it was all his choice. I didnā€™t have to puppet him around myself, he actually wanted to be there. I didnā€™t have to wonder if it was just me and everything I could do pulling him in. For the first time in years someone had actually cared enough to ask about me, Frank and Stein never really did because they knew how much it hurt. Keith didnā€™t know how much it hurt to talk about but still. I needed to actually talk about all that happened to me with someone who listened for real.
Coming to that realization only made me want to do something stupid. Like run up to that mine and try to get Keith out of there myself. But thatā€™s exactly what it was, stupid. If we wanted to get Keith back weā€™d need something better than just me. Weā€™d need a real plan, one Iā€™d just started thinking of. There was something else eating at me to. Keith had offered to take some burden from Shaoni back in Imalone, I had an idea what it might be and it scared me. If I was right well, Keith was in more danger than we all thought.
When we pulled back into the driveway Tuck was waiting at the door.
ā€œWhereā€™ve Yā€™all been?! I been lookinā€™ for ya damn near all afternoon! Someinā€™ happened oā€™re at Keithā€™s place, Heā€™s gone. I cainā€™t find that ā€œlab assistantā€ of yours neither.ā€
Tuck said hurriedly, his southern accent that he usually tried to hide seeping out into his words.
ā€œWe know, it was those trials he told us about. I presume he told you as well then?ā€
Stein informed him as he got out of the car and marched towards the door, barely making eye contact. Stein had an idea, I could read it all over him. He got this way when he was away from home and wanted too test something, once he was back there was no standing between him and his lab.
ā€œYeah, the kid told me something like that. Would explain where all those people were goinā€™ to. Couple of the regulars in town, ones I know look up to that damn bird, left this morning headinā€™ towards the old mines.ā€
Tuck spoke to no one in particular, nodding to himself as if to check off the fact that Keith disappearing and people leaving town were two related things.
ā€œWhy donā€™t you come in then, you might be able to help out with the situation. We just learned a few things about thisā€¦ ā€œdamn birdā€ of yours. I really wouldā€™ve appreciated if you told us about that years ago. Perhaps youā€™d like to tell us what you know of the Thunderbird in the lab?ā€
Stein ordered rather than asked, pointing to the door for no more than a moment before continuing on his march to the basement. Frank and I filed in after them but I didnā€™t join them in the lab.
I looked around the house for Rocco but couldnā€™t find a trace. It wasnā€™t like him not to leave some trail of destruction in his wake. Well hidden or not, we usually found evidence of whatever he was up to but this time there was nothing. I had no clue where heā€™d gotten off to, maybe I was better off not knowing. After I gave up I joined the others in the basement, to their surprise I actually had decided to make an appearance. Frank and Stein were a little rattled at first but soon went back to their work. Tuck just beamed at me proudly, like he knew something I didnā€™t. We set about comparing notes on Shaoni, and separating fact from fiction based on Frank and Steinā€™s many years working with the supernatural. It wasā€¦ nice, in a family bonding kind of way. Keith had brought us all together, gave these scientist a new problem to solve. Gave Tuck a chance for some kind of justice for the friends heā€™d lost in the mine collapse all those years ago. For me, heā€™d brought me together with the family Iā€™d fallen in with. Strange as they were, this was my family, or at least the closest thing I had to it. I had to help, not just for Keith but for them. Iā€™d been a burden, scared to go outside, hateful of what I could do despite using it to make life easier for myself. Worst of all Iā€™d been stuck in my own head, Iā€™d gone through awful things, done awful things, used my body and my charm to get through life. Iā€™d been every bit as evil as Brooke had been to me. I did everything heā€™d done to me to others, only it was so much easier for me to do it. I hate myself for it, maybe I always would, but I couldnā€™t let that stop me now. I had to set all that aside and be there for the people in my life, I had to be a person again, not just hope everyone would treat me like one.
submitted by CDown01 to AllureStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:07 Many-Alternative1192 Small rash on inner thigh that causes hives

Small rash on inner thigh that causes hives
Hello all! I've had a small rash on my inner thigh that causes the occasional itch and hives. Went to a dermatologist and didn't get any answers. Was hoping someone here might have dealt with it before. Sorry for the low quality pictures, they are hard to get in the right light!
submitted by Many-Alternative1192 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:56 SpiritualDysfunction Can rosacea really cause this kind of flare up?

(Seeking opinions based on personal experience, not diagnosis)
Long story short: I've had Sebhorric dermatitis and eczema flares since teen years. The past month I've had two random allergic like reactions presenting on my face (eye swelling/hot and red face/rash on neck).
Question: Is there any one who has experienced this kind of flare up? I don't think the doctor is wrong but I haven't been able to find anything similar to this when looking at rosacea stuff online.
submitted by SpiritualDysfunction to Rosacea [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:01 AutoModerator Introduction and Daily Picture Thread

Are you pregnant, supporting someone who is pregnant, or planning on getting pregnant in the future? Then welcome to BabyBumps! This is a daily post where you can introduce yourself and share any photos that you want to share. This is the ONLY place where photos are allowed, please do not make a standalone post with your bump or ultrasound.
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submitted by AutoModerator to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:03 Kat_Imaginality LA/Long Beach CA, Bit Me (Most likely)

LA/Long Beach CA, Bit Me (Most likely)
LA/Long Beach CA, Bit Me (Most likely)
Came out at night, 12:30am, LA/Long Beach CA area.
I woke up with the rash/bite in the first image on Friday morning, and the picture after that is Sunday morning followed by Monday night (tonight). I did a telledoc video and am on some antibiotic saying it seemed like a spider bite. Inside of my throat started hurting tonight so had trouble sleeping, and felt something crawling on me. Brushed/flailed it off, and turned on the light to find this spider in my bed/on me. I'm sorry it is a bit mangled I hate spiders and killed it before I lost it.
If anyone could tell me what it is I would be eternally grateful. Hopefully the story/bite(?) pictures help.
submitted by Kat_Imaginality to spideridentifier [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:01 Kat_Imaginality LA/Long Beach CA, Bit Me (Most likely)

LA/Long Beach CA, Bit Me (Most likely)
Came out at night, 12:30am, LA/Long Beach CA area.
I woke up with the rash/bite in the first image on Friday morning, and the picture after that is Sunday morning followed by Monday night (tonight). I did a telledoc video and am on some antibiotic saying it seemed like a spider bite. Inside of my throat started hurting tonight so had trouble sleeping, and felt something crawling on me. Brushed/flailed it off, and turned on the light to find this spider in my bed/on me. I'm sorry it is a bit mangled I hate spiders and killed it before I lost it.
If anyone could tell me what it is I would be eternally grateful. Hopefully the story/bite(?) pictures help.
submitted by Kat_Imaginality to spiderID [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:40 Maximum-Ad-8228 Is this shingles?

Female, 28, 150lbs.
Friday afternoon I noticed this rash on my right hip. Initially it was pretty itchy but I was able to ignore it as the day went on. One thing that stood out about this rash was that it was sore to touch, which was noticeable throughout the day but nothing too serious. I figured it would go away if I didnā€™t pay it any attention so I left it over the weekend since I was going on vacation. Fast forward to today and the rash has not gone down in size. It is itchy when agitated but the soreness is definitely noticeable, especially when I walk. The pain almost feels like I got an IM injection there. One other thing I noticed is that I now have a hard and moveable lump on my right groin - that is also painful to touch. I decided to go to urgent care today because google told me it could be lymphoma, but the Dr I saw today said it could be shingles, herpes, or cellulitis. Iā€™ve had both the varicella vaccine and chicken pox, and Iā€™ve been in a committed relationship for the last 6 years. I also donā€™t recall getting cut/bit on my right thigh so I donā€™t know how I wouldā€™ve gotten cellulitis.
Iā€™ll attach a picture of the rash below but any input is appreciated. Since Iā€™m out of the 72 hour window, the Dr said that antivirals wouldnā€™t be helpful so he prescribed me oral antibiotics to take until my swab comes back.
submitted by Maximum-Ad-8228 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:41 elizabethC94 Long Term Mold Exposure

My husband and I are first time renters, we stared renting from his dad's landlord back in July of 2021. When we first moved in, the lease he provided for us to sign wasn't very "official", it was just something for HIM to hold onto for the first year and then we went monthly. We asked for a copy and never received one. He's one of those independent landlords that kind of does the bare minimum on everything, doesn't document, and mainly collects cash for rent unless he's away in Florida.
My husband and I noticed some mold not long after moving in, it was on the bathroom ceiling in the corner over the tub. As he met with the landlord for rent the next time, he mentioned it to him or which the landlord responded "just paint over it with Killz" and that was it. We didn't think much of it, I guess because we just didn't know enough. We also couldn't move due to it being cheaper than what was being expected from other landlords or management properties, in our minds this was a deal, its a house and it's one we could afford.
Fast forward to January of this year, I start getting weird scalp symptoms and it was terrifying. March rolls around and I start having elevated blood pressure, mind you, my blood pressure was always 120/80 and my health has always been in good condition. My BP started running up to 200/140 (highest it got up to at one point) but never really stayed below 150/100. My temp remained elevated and also would be too low, and my scalp was swollen/tight. I went to the ER three times for these symptoms, I was diagnosed with Bronchitis with unknown organisms, an inflamed lymph node condition (unsure what it was called), and recently diagnosed with IBS per my gastro.
We just realized the scope of how big this problem is, my husband was renovating the bathroom and found that there's severe water damage, he didn the kitchen as well and also noticed water damage, and found a roof leak behind a wall. There's also a spot in the corner of the living room ceiling that had water damage to the point where the ceiling was crumpled and hard there, once it completely crumpled, it exposed a hole in the ceiling leading into the attic. The house also has a crawl space/basement area that will hold water when the drain is clogged up, he's mentioned this to the landlord as well when we noticed that was an issue and he disregarded. Husband took pictures of the floor underneath as there's no subflooring, the hardwood leads right to downstairs.
We started connecting the dots literally two days ago, my symptoms are worsening, my eye is swollen and there's discharge coming from it, I already alerted my pcp, my breathing has been shallow, headaches like crazy, I get spontaneous moments throughout the day where I HAVE to catch my breath, my head and scalp are swollen, hair thinning, rash on my body, face and body are swollen, I feel awful, cant aleep half the time, foggy brain, I can't remember the most basic words or lose track of my thought process, im just miserable.
We're in the process of moving as we speak, I would like to pursue a lawsuit, but one issue is that the communication of there being mold was verbal, so no documentation. We DO know for a fact that this isn't his only house that has mold, my husband did some work on another one of his tenants houses and saw an extensive amount of mold, he told him and it was disregarded as well. I have documented all my symptoms from the day I first started noticing them along with any remedies and appointments I've had because of this. I also have pictures showing the changes this has made, such as the hair thinning, swelling, changes in my facial shape, etc. I know it's hard to pursue a lawsuit due to mold, but I want to pursue for negligence, damages to my property, and medical issues/bills. Do we have a chance?
submitted by elizabethC94 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:34 Kirinkirby [H] Events/Pogo stamped shiny Shaymin [W] Paypal

Strongest Return Mewtwo; Pokemon: Mewtwo; Tag: KOR; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ģµœź°•ģ˜ź·€ķ™˜; ID: 03042; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Chilseok Jirachi; Pokemon: Jirachi; Tag: KOR; Nature: Rash; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ģ¹ ģ„; ID: 08013; Proof: WC; Notes: Price: Offer
Kanto Starter Eggs; Pokemon: Bulbasaur; Tag: KOR; Nature: Naive; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ė§›ė°ģ“ģ¹˜ķ‚Ø; ID: 29722; Proof: WC; Notes: Did hatch and checked this pokemon's Nature, Gender, then i unsaved for leave it unhatched state Price: Offer
Team Plasma Deoxys; Pokemon: Deoxys; Tag: KOR; Nature: Jolly; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ķ”Œė¼ģŠ¤ė§ˆė‹Ø; ID: 05043; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Strongest Class Metagross; Pokemon: Metagross; Tag: KOR; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: aTģ„¼ķ„°; ID: 05053; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Concert Piplup; Pokemon: Piplup; Tag: KOR; Nature: Hardy; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ģŒģ•…ķšŒ; ID: 12152; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Concert Piplup; Pokemon: Piplup; Tag: KOR; Nature: Lax; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ģŒģ•…ķšŒ; ID: 12152; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
WCSK 2014 Houndoom; Pokemon: Houndoom; Tag: KOR; Nautre: Timid; Trade History: ķ•“ėƼ(Naver cafe user) -> ė ˆėŖ¬Lemon(Naver cafe user) -> me; OT: WCS14K ID: 07064; Proof: WC; Price: Price: Offer
WCSK 2014 Aggron; Pokemon: Aggron; Tag: KOR; Nautre: Brave; Trade History: ķ•“ėƼ(Naver cafe user) -> ė ˆėŖ¬Lemon(Naver cafe user) -> me; OT: WCS14K ID: 07064; Proof: WC; Price: Price: Offer
Hope Diancie; Pokemon: Diancie; Tag: ENG; Nature: Naive; Trade History: notyourmama12 me; OT: Hope; ID: 07245; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
20th Anniversary Manaphy; Pokemon: Manaphy; Tag: GER; Nature: Mild; Trade History: lifeshoutslive me; OT: GF; ID: 06016; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
HA Distribution 2015 Serperior; Pokemon: Serperior; Tag: GER; Nature: Quiet; Trade History: lifeshoutslive me; OT: Geschenk; ID: 01225; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
HA Distribution 2015 Emboar; Pokemon: Emboar; Tag: GER; Nature: Calm; Trade History: lifeshoutslive me; OT: Geschenk; ID: 01295; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
HA Distribution 2015 Samurott; Pokemon: Samurott; Tag: GER; Nature: Careful; Trade History: lifeshoutslive me; OT: Geschenk; ID: 01295; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
XY&Z PokƩmon Tyranitar; Pokemon: Tyranitar; Tag: KOR; Nature: Bold; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: XY&Z; ID: 10196; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
XY&Z PokƩmon Gengar; Pokemon: Gengar; Tag: KOR; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: XY&Z; ID: 10196; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Pokebank Celebi; Pokemon: Celebi; Tag: KOR; Nature: Quiet; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ė§›ė°ģ“ģ¹˜ķ‚Ø; ID: 38997; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Ultra Spooky Cup Shiny Mimikyu; Pokemon: Mimikyu; Tag: ITA; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: _Keroroh_ -> me; OT: PGL; ID: 102618; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
x2 Sorrel's Lucario; Pokemon: Lucario; Tag: KOR; Nature: Serious; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ėƼģ¤€; ID: 171209; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Lillie's Alolan Vulpix; Pokemon: Alolan Vulpix; Tag: KOR; Nature: Modest; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ė¦“ė¦¬ģ—; ID: 170822; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
PokĆ©mon Sun & Moon Alolan Vulpix; Pokemon: Alolan Vulpix; Tag: KOR; Nature: Naive; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ģ¬ė¬ø; ID: 170404; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
PokĆ©mon Sun & Moon Alolan Grimer ; Pokemon: Alolan Grimer; Tag: KOR; Nature: Sassy; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ģ¬ė¬ø; ID: 170502; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
PokĆ©mon Sun & Moon Alolan Diglett; Pokemon: Alolan Diglett; Tag: KOR; Nature: Lax; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ģ¬ė¬ø; ID: 170502; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
PokĆ©mon Generations Zygarde; Pokemon: Zygarde; Tag: KOR; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ģ œė„ˆė ˆģ“ģ…˜ģ¦ˆ; ID: 180620; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Snorlium Z Munchlax; Pokemon: Munchlax; Tag: KOR; Nature: Brave; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ķ˜ģ§„; ID: 868920; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Ultra Shiny Kyogre; Pokemon: Kyogre; Tag: KOR; Nature: Modest; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ģšøķŠøė¼; ID: 180127; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Own Tempo Happy Hour Rockruff; Pokemon: Rockruff; Tag: JPN; Nature: Adamant; Trade History: Lord_Van-Cren -> me; OT: A r i a; ID: 759746; Proof: Picture with A-button; Price: Offer
Mallow's Steenee; Pokemon: Steenee; Tag: KOR; Nature: Naive; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ė§ˆģ˜¤; ID: 170919; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Akala Island Shiny Tapu Lele; Pokemon: Tapu lele; Tag: KOR; Nature: Timid; Trade History: Self-Redeemed; OT: ģ•„ģ¹¼ė¼; ID: 181130; Proof: WC; Price: Offer
Dawn's Piplup; Pokemon: Piplup; Tag: KOR; Nature: Hardy; Trade History: ģ¼ė³øźµ­ėŒ€ź°€ģ¦ˆģ•„(Naver cafe user) -> me; OT: ė¹›ė‚˜; ID: 220601; Proof: Picture with A-button; Price: Offer
"PokĆ©mon Get Challenge 2020 PokĆ©mon Volcanion; Pokemon: Volcanion; Tag: JPN; Nature: Timid; Trade History: Govul -> ShaikhAndBake -> me; OT: ć‚²ćƒƒćƒćƒ£ćƒ¬; ID: 201120; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
"PokĆ©mon Get Challenge 2020 PokĆ©mon Genesect; Pokemon: Genesect; Tag: JPN; Nature: Brave; Trade History: Govul -> ShaikhAndBake -> me; OT: ć‚²ćƒƒćƒćƒ£ćƒ¬; ID: 201120; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
"Jirawiwat Thitasiri's Clefairy; Pokemon: Clefairy; Tag: ENG; Nature: Bold; Trade History: orthocresol -> ShaikhAndBake -> me; OT: Jirawiwat; ID: 220618; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
Wolfe Glick's Gigantamax Coalossal; Pokemon: Coalossal; Tag: ENG; Nature: Modest; Trade History: MochiPori -> ShaikhAndBake -> me; OT: Wolfe; ID: 210813; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
Teresa Roca Hisuian Growlithe; Pokemon: Hisuian Growlithe; Tag: ENG; Nature: Lax; Trade History: ToastyMonkey -> me; OT: Teresa Roca; ID: 270222; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
Teresa Roca Hisuian Growlithe; Pokemon: Hisuian Growlithe; Tag: ENG; Nature: Lax; Trade History: ToastyMonkey -> me; OT: Teresa Roca; ID: 270222; Proof: Video; Price: Offer
Pogo shiny
Premire Ball Shiny Genesect; OT: ķ˜ģ§„; ID: 594487; Self-caught in GO
Poke Ball Shiny Celebi; OT: ķ˜ģ§„; ID: 594487; Self-caught in GO
Premire Ball Shiny Articuno OT: Could be customed ID: 594487 Still in GO
Premire Ball Shiny Tapu Koko OT: Could be customed ID: 594487 Still in GO
Premire Ball Shiny Tapu Lele OT: Could be customed ID: 594487 Still in GO
Premire Ball Jarude OT: Could be customed ID: 594487 Still in GO
Poke Ball Shiny Shaymin OT: Could be customed ID: 594487 Still in GO
submitted by Kirinkirby to Pokemonexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:15 No_General_3976 I (27 F) caught my boyfriend (26 F) cheating on me, but when I confronted him, his reasoning is weird as to how he didnā€™t cheat. Should I believe him, break up, or try to fix this?

Iā€™m a 27F and have been dating my boyfriend for close to a year and a half. We just moved in together, into a rental house weā€™ve been talking about for forever. Lately, he wasnā€™t wanting to make love or anything related to it. He had lost his job a week before the move, and he said the pressure and stress of finding a new job has been causing him not to feel into it.
I started feeling disconnected, as every day I would head upstairs to my office to work, and then come down for lunch (like normal) and he would always be on his phone playing his games. Then, when it came time to log off, I would come down to relax and he would ask basic questions but nothing more. I would try to engage in conversation, but he would half heartedly answer. Iā€™m not one to beg for attention, so we would continue the night in silence, until it was time to go to bed. He would kiss me goodnight and then stay up playing games.
I asked him multiple times how I could alleviate any stress - look over his resume, help apply to jobs, etc but he wasnā€™t interested. On top of this, we had the agreement that while he looked for a job, he would take in a higher burden of chores. He rarely cleaned up after himself, would tell me he would do things later then never do so, etc. He would basically sit at home, apply to jobs for an hour tops, then buy four lokos and drink/play games. Every. Day.
Last Friday, we decided to go to the pool, and he was drinking. While there, I heard my snap go off, so I went to look who it was from. We have identical phones, and I didnā€™t realize I picked his up. We always had shared our face/passwords, so it opened right away and I saw sexting and pictures being sent (all from her, but he sexted back). I quickly sent a screenshot to myself, then put his phone away.
I sat in that pool for about an hour trying not to cry and think rationally about what to do. He had done this once before in the very beginning of our relationship, but it was forgiven and we moved on with boundaries. I decide to try and wait and see what other proof I could find before jumping the gun, as we had just committed to living togethebeing super committed/serious.
When we got home, I couldnā€™t take it anymore and I asked him why he would cheat again. (I couldnā€™t stop thinking and spiraling). He got defensive but a little jokey and said he was looking to find a sugar momma to help with expenses because I had been stressed lately covering all the bills. So his sexting was ā€œjustifiedā€ and not considered cheating. Thereā€™s not proof in their messages that this is the case, and no money was brought up. However, I know sugar momma/daddy relationships can be widely different, so I have nothing to base my thoughts on.
I left for my familyā€™s to get some space for the night, and came back midday with a family member for moral support. I confronted him about it again, plus all the other stuff I had been putting up with for a while (disrespect, playing around too rough, not cleaning) and I ended the convo crying/throwing up and ending things. I gave him a month to move out, and that was that.
That night, my family member told me to make sure I wasnā€™t making a rash decision and that I wouldnā€™t regret it. They said that no one knows the relationship like the 2 of us do, so make sure I wasnā€™t following other peopleā€™s advice just because youā€™re upset. Think it through.
In the morning, I talked to him again and said I would be open to a month break, of which we talk about why we want to be together, who we want to be, and if we are truly compatible.
Today, (one day later), he starts drinking again BUT heā€™s cleaning up. I feel so conflicted. I know itā€™s too soon to tell, but I want to hear from others how their situations have gone/what perspectives they can share.
How should I proceed?
Edit: he is still snapping this woman
submitted by No_General_3976 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:52 PursePractioner What could be going on with my 6m oldā€™s skin?

What could be going on with my 6m oldā€™s skin?
we have an appointment with her pediatrician tomorrow afternoon The red area on her upper lip seems to align with where she rests her hand when she sucks on her thumb. Sheā€™s had a few small red spots come and go before, but this is by far the worst it has looked. She also has a rash in one of the folds of her neck that led us to visit urgent care last weekend. It looks different than the red spots and has improved significantly with frequent applications of Aquaphor. She is teething and has been drooling a lot so we think that may be a contributing factor, but Iā€™m not sure whether this new rash could be related. Obviously it doesnā€™t seem to bother her, but Iā€™m still concerned!
submitted by PursePractioner to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:29 QueenOfConnacht Tick bite mystery

Tick bite mystery
So, to preface this is want to say I have been to a doctor and been prescribed antibiotics, but the doctor didn't have much experience with ticks and I have questions they couldn't answer.
Six days ago I pulled a tick off of me that had gone undetected for at least two days. Didn't think much of it, I work outside and am used to ticks. However, last couple days I noticed tenderness; yesterday, a noticed red raised bumps around the bite, and by this morning, it had formed a red ring around the bite. The whole thing, bite and rash, isn't bigger than a penny.
My first thought was lyme, and that's what the doctor I saw is treating me for. However. I wasn't bitten by a deer tick. It was a dog tick, up in the north woods of Wisconsin. I'm not an expert but the species are pretty visually distinct.
Here's a picture of the bite as of evening 5/20, and the tick when it was attached.
Symptoms wise I have an itching, burning sensation and acute tenderness in the area, like a deep bruise. If I have any other symptoms, fatigue, ect, they've been masked by the cold I've had for a couple of weeks now. As far as the doctor, I visited a few hours ago, and the physician on staff said they had little experience with tick bites, had to ask for help from the staff. She ultimately gave me a low confidence Lyme diagnosis and put me on two weeks of antibiotics.
Whatever it is hopefully will get knocked out by those, but I would really like to hear if anyone has experience with tick bites and could tell me any more possible causes for this reaction. Again, dog ticks are pretty distinct from deer ticks, and I never heard of a dog tick being a vector for Lyme.
Thanks in advance
submitted by QueenOfConnacht to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:23 QueenOfConnacht Tick Bite Mystery

(21F) So, to preface this is want to say I have been to a doctor and been prescribed antibiotics, but thr doctor didn't have much experience with ticks and I have questions they couldn't answer.
Five days ago I pulled a tick off of me that had gone undetected for at least two days. Didn't think much of it, I work outside and am used to ticks. However, last couple days I noticed tenderness; yesterday, a noticed red raised bumps around the bite, and by this morning, it had formed a red ring around the bite. The whole thing, bite and rash, isn't bigger than a penny.
My first thought was lyme, and that's what the doctor I saw is treating me for. However. I wasn't bitten by a deer tick. It was a dog tick, up in the north woods of Wisconsin. I'm not an expert but the species are pretty visually distinct.
Here's a picture of the bite as of evening 5/20, and the tick when it was attached.
Symptoms wise I have an itching, burning sensation and acute tenderness in the area, like a deep bruise. If I have any other symptoms, fatigue, ect, they've been masked by the cold I've had for a couple of weeks now. As far as the doctor, I visited a few hours ago, and the physician on staff said they had little experience with tick bites, had to ask for help from the staff. She ultimately gave me a low confidence Lyme diagnosis and put me on two weeks of antibiotics.
Whatever it is hopefully will get knocked out by those, but I would really like to hear if anyone has experience with tick bites and could tell me any more possible causes for this reaction. Again, dog ticks are pretty distinct from deer ticks, and I never heard of a dog tick being a vector for Lyme.
Thanks in advance
submitted by QueenOfConnacht to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:08 -GOBLIN-BOY- Itchy bumps/rashes on my face and hands

I'm 17f biologically anyways, since im ftm, if that matters. I'm not on any medications or anything and I haven't touched any chemicals or anything either. Im not allergic to anything, and havent eaten anything out of the ordinary for me. While doing homework I noticed my hands kept getting itchy, then my face and over 4 hours I noticed small bumps all over the backs of my hands and my mom noticed a rash and bumps on my face i hadn't seen. She said maybe something like heat rash? Any clue as to what's going on? I don't know if it's related but yesterday I stabbed my heal against a screw pretty deeply. Last week my top lip swelled up pretty severely and painfully unprovoked, and two weeks before then my hands were extremely painful and swelled double their size, bright red, and painfully itchy for 3 days also unprovoked.
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submitted by -GOBLIN-BOY- to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:10 HannahAveryWrites Army Affair: CH 1

As the title implies, this is the first in a series of stories about affairs I had in the military. I've never been married, not really interested in being married, but I have been with four married men in my life. In each case, I knew what I was doing, but I loved the rush of doing something I shouldn't as much as I liked the relationship itself. I'll save you all the negative comments. I was the homewrecking whore, etc, etc. If that's what you're here to comment about, save your breath, I'll just block you so people who want to actually read my content don't have to deal with you. If this is your sort of story, I'd love to hear your feedback on content or how I can improve my writing! One quick author's note, i will not be using people's real names or naming specific units that my stories happened in. I was never caught in my sexual affairs, no wives found out and left their husband over me, and no one's military career ended because of me and I intend to keep it that way. This is for fun writing, not doxing someone's past transgressions to the world. Also let me know if you want to see more stories! <3 Hannah
First, a little about me. I'm 5'5ish, 135ish depending on the day, and have dark brown hair that falls part way down my back with brown eyes. My mom is a Crow and my dad is Italian so the olive complexion genes are active in my family. I've got a fairly petite/athletic build with a 32B chest and a toned butt. My nipples are dark brown, on the smaller side, and I shave everywhere. I'm a fan of tattoos and have a feather on my foot, flower pieces on my right hip into my lower ribs, left shoulder, and lower back, a small script piece in my left side bra line, a green carebear in my left bikini line and a large dream catcher down my left ribs. If there's a detail I've left out, feel free to ask ;)
Without further ado, my story:
I was an 18 year old private, 92F (fuel handler) working on a base in the heart of Bourbon Country. It was a huge culture shock for me, coming from a small town in Maine to a massive military base with more people in my division than my home town. I honestly felt a little lost and overwhelmed, which probably contributed to why I sought out a relationship where I felt wanted. It's easy on a base like that to feel completely ignored. My unit had long been integrated and was about 30-40% female on any given day, so no I wasn't getting hit on constantly, and no I wasn't sleeping with every guy in my barracks.
Speaking of my living situation, I was in a 4-story building with all of the junior enlisted soldiers in my battalion. There wasn't open bays and there wasn't all girls areas. We roomed by company in our own room with a bedroom, closet, bathroom, and a fridge/sink/1 burner stove setup by the door as a kitchenett. Barracks could definitely be a wild time, similar to a college dorm but contrary to your favorite porno, gangbang orgies with 20 guys "running a train" are something I never saw or heard of in my 4 years living there and I was/am a fairly sexually active adult.
Given my situation of being totally new and massively out of my element in terms of culture shock, I quickly turned to Bumble to help sort out my dating scene because the base really was a city and everyone is pretty insular when it comes to their unit, so trying to meet guys who also aren't your coworkers means turning to the swipe game. After a few days online and connections with everyone from the local off base that definitely has fewer teeth than fingers to the obviously fake bot that just screams scam, and swiping left on some guys from my own company (hey, 18-25 year old demographic has the same needs, I get it), I finally matched with a 26 year old, Dustin, from another brigade on our post.
Given 10 seconds on Dustin's profile, I could tell he was an officer and anyone with 10 seconds to spare on my profile could tell I was junior enlisted, but we matched anyway. He was handsome in a gentle sort of way. Sandy brown hair in a military cut, athletic features that let you know he was fit without screaming chiseled gymrat, and a style that screamed more laid back homebody than the stereotypical "bro vet" vibe that you get with some young officers....and a ton of junior enlisted. I took a pause and decided to message him despite knowing our ranks didn't line up because the way I saw it, we were in totally seperate brigades and there'd be no reason we would ever interact or influence eachother at work.
A few minutes later I got a reply back and soon I was texting back and forth getting to know a genuinely sweet guy with a love of the outdoors, fishing, camping, and an eye for photography, particularly some truly astounding landscape photos. The conversation came easy and I found myself happy to have a guy so interested in me. Before I got completely swept off my feet, I brought up the elephant in the room and mentioned that I was an E2 and he was an O3. He dropped the bombshell that "yeah but I'm just a guy on staff, that's not a big issue, the real issue is I need to be discreet because I'm married. Please don't hate me"
Boom. Of course the super easy to talk to makes me feel wanted and moves past my mention of our rank differences drops the counter-bomb of he has a wife. In all of my 18 years I thought I would have run away instantly. Nope. Not me. I was intrigued. I didn't run away, and I came to find out that his wife was doing a year long internship with a major corporation out of state and only really came to visit on long weekends and holidays. So Dustin had turned to Bumble to fill a piece of his love life that was currently 4 states away. Not ideal I told myself, but at least she isn't like...here on post with him and he's not coming home because he's with someone else...right? To 18 year old me trying to convince myself it was okay to be with the guy I obviously was attracted to it was sound logic. It worked. I replied back that I was up for seeing what happened with the understanding that no one was gonna leave their wife over this and no one was gonna get anyone in trouble over the rank thing.
A week of texting back and forth after moving off Bumble found Dustin and I building a fast relationship that came with similar interests and easy conversation. He wasn't overly pushy about becoming anything romantic and wasn't like "Omg send nudes". I guess he was feeling this whole thing out as much as I was. Eventually I got the text one evening of "you know you look really good in that pic you have with your friends at the beach on your profile"...I know the one. I'm wearing an electric blue string sided bikini that has pretty full coverage, rides moderately low on my hips and has basic triangle cups and string ties for the top. Okay, Dustin likes me in a bikini...this is the first obvious flirting from Dustin and I decide to be a little bold and sent him a mirror selfie in the generic black bra I had worn under my uniform that day with my uniform pants still on. I get a reply back in some stereotypical guy lingo that he really likes what he sees. I told him that if he wanted to hang out, I wouldn't put my uniform shirt back on. Cue the FaceTime call, yes Dustin I will video chat with your handsome shirtless self while wearing a bra and my uniform pants thank you very much. We talked for at least an hour and things didn't turn super sexual or anything but we did agree we needed a date that weekend. The week ahead though definitely saw a spike in "tension" between us.
I was more than a little excited by the prospect of being with someone again. I had had a little fling during AIT, but since coming to my first duty station, I had been in a bit of a dry spell. Bumble had finally come through for me, and the combined rush of potentially being with a guy again, plus the fact he was one of those forbidden officers, and married? I was on edge. I definitely had my moments of "holy shit I shouldn't be doing this" but those feelings were replaced by a feeling of almost insatiable excitement that had me counting down the days to Saturday. For the first time since highschool, I found myself putting some serious effort into some scandalous but not too "revealing" snaps to Dustin, teasing him with a peak of which panties I wore to work today, or hoping in the shower after PT with just my black Army tshirt on and sending a pic of it clinging to every curve and hiding just enough below my waist. Like I said, hard-core tease mode for four whole days.
Flash forward to Saturday and I was in my barracks room, getting ready to meet a guy I was 100% falling for just a little and I decided that no matter what happened tonight, I was not gonna be the girl who gives it all up on the first date. Definitely set myself up to potentially cock block myself, but I saw it as I didn't want to be the girl he slept with and left, I wanted to continue to tease him and leave him wanting more. I wanted him to want me. I slipped into a pair of almost painted on skinny jeans with a cute teal thong underneath with a black tanktop and matching pushup bra on top. I drove to Dustin's house somewhere in the on base housing that I'd never been and took a deep breath before walking to the door.
This was it. I was the new Private about to go see a married officer behind his wife's back. I almost chickened out and drove away, but found myself ringing the doorbell and quickly being invited in, pulled into a warm hug and a "wow you look even cuter in person" from the handsome man of my DMs, Dustin. He had apparently spent the day smoking some brisket because he had quite the spread laid out for us in the dining room as I got a quick tour of the common spaces of his home. Definitely nicer than my barracks room.
Dinner accompanied the two of us loudly cheering on a random football game on TV, sorta snuggled on the couch but at a "almost together " sort of distance. There were all sorts of reasons for us to brush up against eachother and it was almost this cat and mouse game of how far do we go as the evening progressed. Don't get me wrong, there was a ton of conversation and it came just as naturally as it had online, but now we had the palpable tension of two of us who had never been this far deciding where the limit for tonight would be.
Eventually Dustin cut the tension, saying, "you really do love to tease don't you?". Yes. Let's talk about how I've driven you wild for days and now you want me. I leaned into him, kissed him quickly but firmly on the lips before pulling away, leaving an inch between us as I looked into his eyes and whispered "yes sir". I found my face immediately in his hands, my lips pressed to his and our tongues intertwined. I gasped as he suddenly held me close and we made every effort to close any space between us as we passionately made out, his fingers running through my hair, my nails scraping his back over his tight tshirt and soon I was hot, breathless, and sure I wanted more.
I pulled away and told him he didn't get all of me tonight but he could still have dessert. I had him sit up on the edge of the couch and pulled his shorts to the floor, tossing them aside towards an end table holding pictures of him and his wife and our dirty dishes from dinner. I in turn lifted my tanktop off over my head, unclasped my black pushup bra and let it fall to the floor, kneeling between Dustin's spread legs as my small brown nipples hardened into firm nubs in arousal. I pulled back my long brown hair and tied it in a messy ponytail before bringing my face down to his firm, six inches between his legs.
I teased the length of his shaft with the tip of my tongue, feeling him twitch in expectation as I repeatedly, softly traced his length before circling his tip and heading back down the way I came. I grasped his base and swallowed half his length in one wet mouthful, a gasp of pleasure escaping his lips as my own pushed further towards his base, attempting to take his entire firm cock before the tip slipped down into my throat, triggering a slight gag reflex as I tightened around his shaft and I came up for air, a slight trail of drool connecting my lips to his tip. I stroked his now well lubed cock in a twisting motion as I asked him if his little private was doing well for him. A hand on the back of my head guiding me back to his shaft told me this wasn't too far for him. I swallowed him nearly to his base, grasping him with one hand as my free hand unbuttoned my jeans and slipped into the front of my now soaked panties, the arousal of the situation I found myself bringing me close to an edge myself.
I worked Dustin's shaft with a bobbing head, sucking lips and twisting hand that matched the rhythm I was working against my clit with the hand buried in my jeans. I increased my pace, with Dustin's hand making sure I still brought myself far enough down his length as my own pleasure came more and more to the forefront as my now soaked vagina craved more attention. I popped off his cock as I felt it begin to swell and told him to stand up as I scooted back from the couch, kneeling between his legs, looking up at him as one hand held my jeans open while the other furiously rubbed my clit as I came close to cumming myself. I moaned for Dustin to cum for me as I looked up at him, the inner walls of my vagina clenching in orgasm as the filthy phrase left my lips and I was greeted with thick streams of cum shooting over my head before falling on my uplooking face and bare breasts and Dustin climaxed after an apparently decent dry spell.
I knelt between his legs, cum covering my face and chest, my own arousal soaking my panties and in that moment I felt like the hottest woman on earth. I made a man forget his entire world and do this with me in a home that wasn't mine but his. I was addicted to the rush. Dustin reached down and offered me a hand to pull me up. He led me topless to the guest bathroom where I cleaned up, washing my face and chest before walking back to the livingroom and redressing. Neither of us made mention of the line we had just crossed together, but we sat on the couch, now cuddled like a couple with the ice broken and finished the football game that had been forgotten awhile ago.
After the game we both agreed that I should probably get going, but we agreed to see eachother again and made a date for a midweek hangout. I kissed Dustin goodnight and drove back to my barracks in my still wet panties that I hadn't changed out of. I sent Dustin a snap in them, a wet spot still visible in the front with a caption "the things you do to me(; "...needless to say he was proud of himself. I went to bed dreaming of what could come from this, and truly happy to feel wanted, even if it was from a man who wasn't all mine.
Thank you all for reading this far. Again, like I said before, any rude comments will just get you a block. If that's what you need to do to feel good about yourself, so be it. For those of you who enjoyed this, please let me know if you'd like to read more! I'm always open to constructive feedback and critiques to improve my writing! Have a great evening! <3 Hannah
submitted by HannahAveryWrites to u/HannahAveryWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:15 Regular_Membership50 Rash over my beard/cheeks

28M here. I've been having this rash over my face for the past 3-4 years and seemed to not be going away.
A little bit about myself. I always had a "bad oily skin" Suffered with acne most of my life and was put on Accutane many times since I was a 14 and every time the acne comes back few weeks after finishing my Accutane course. I started experimenting with topical tretinoin agents. Initially it couldnā€™t control my acne, so my dermatologist recommend that I go up with concertation and application frequency. I went up from 0.025 to 0.05 to 0.1 to 0.1.5 to finally 0.2% and I was using it twice daily. My face was perpetually red and flaky but on the other hand I was okay with that trade off as long as I don't have aay more acne. I continue that regimen religiously with me applying moisturizing cream 2-3 times a day. It was embarrassing as I was going to school/work with a thick layer of products (Tretinoin and moisturizer) on my face for the past 3-4 years. Despite all that I was happy with the trade of not having acne.
This brings us to the rash. I'm not sure when it started exactly. But I think it started when I started using the topical Tretinoin. The rash is strange as it does not involve the entirety of my face and only confined on my cheeks and along my jaw (You can see picture). I didn't think it was caused by any of the products I'm using as it is not diffusely involving my entire face and that's where I apply the products. The rash also can be itchy (Not that bad) and make the underlying skin quite friable where it can bleed easily if happen to scratch it (I almost never scratch it). Also, the hair there have changed where I started to have big thick hairs and what appears to be multiple hair strands from the same hair follicle. I tried to look it up and it seem to be something called "Pili multigemini". The last thing about my rash is that it is at it worse in the morning and the redness improves as the day goes by.
I went to multiple dermatologists and non of them seemed to care about the rash or even take a look at it. I don't blame them. They probably see hundreds of patients with similar presentation. So, I'm just someone with "rash"
I just want to emphasis this is causing me a lot of insecurities and I cant grow a beard because of it as growing a beard makes it worse.
With that being said. Now, moving to what I have done so far to try and treat it.
  1. Reducing my Tretinoin frequency: I started to apply my 0.2% Tretinoin less frequently and gradually went from applying it twice daily to now only once daily. However, I substitute my morning dose with Differin face wash. I'm not sure if there is any significant improvement since I cut down when it comes to reddness, but my face is less flaky. But I'm happy I did. Not sure if I should cut the cleanser next or cut the night dose next. But I'll try to reduce the dose to as low as possible without having acne and will adjust things accordingly. I'm currently using 0.2 Tretinoin every night.
  2. Moisturizing: I'm moisturizing religiously, I never skip a day without moisturizing I experimented with something as heavy as CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. But I stopped using it since I reduced my Tretinoin applying frequency from twice a day to once daily. I'm currently using ISIS Pharma Teen Derm Hydra Compensating Soothing Moisturizer in the mornings as it is feels lighter and Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion at night. Changing the moisturizer did not affect the redness of the rash as I thought maybe "I am allergic to the moisturizer."
  3. Ketoconazole cream: I remember trying this on when my rash just started. A dermatologist diagnosed me with Seborrheic dermatitis. If anything I felt it made my skin worse. It caused it to be more flaky. I also use Ketoconazole shampoo for my dandruff. I use it twice a week. If Ketoconazole works on my rash I would have noticed it by now. I'm thinking of starting it again and try given I'm no longer flaky as I once was.
  4. Steroid cream: I was prescribed a potent one. I think it helped a little but that is not something sustainable to use or add to my skin routine.
  5. Clindamycin solution: I use this not for my rash per say but for my hair follicle problem. My Pili multigemini is much better when I apply clindamycin regularly. I donā€™t have to spend time in the mirror with tweezers getting all those chunky hairs out. However, I still find some affected hair follicles when I trim.
  6. Trimming facial hair: Trimming facial hair seem to improve my symptoms. I make sure to trim every day or every other day with an electric trimmer.
  7. Hot water: I notice my rash is at it worse in the morning and that is when I shower. I tend to shower with hot water. I started to make sure my face is not exposed to hot water and wash it separately with cold water.
Iā€™m posting this here as Iā€™m desperate. I feel like no dermatologist will be patient enough to hear my story. Iā€™m open for suggestions, recommendations and for people to share their similar experiences.
Here is a picture of the rash.
Left side: https://imgur.com/a/GwBcivx
Right side: https://imgur.com/a/fM3k1km
submitted by Regular_Membership50 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]
