How long does it have to be to get a fohawk

Strap in reddit.....

2024.05.21 12:46 Odd_Cantaloupe_3832 Strap in reddit.....

It's a lot. And it's nearly 2 years worth. I think given what's happened tonight, I want to get it off my chest. This is a throwaway for obvious reasons....
Partner was in some weird niche group on fb. The admin is a very good friend of his. He made friends with some of the people in the group and chats moved to DMs etc. The admin passed on the number of a woman in the group and they chatted (it later transpired the behaviour youre about to read about happened with multiple men in cluding admin friend). The woman is in a whole different country very far away. They exchanged gifts, talked/video called every day and pretty soon, he was relying on her heavily for emotional support. This happened behind my back. He pulled the old "you would never let me have female friends" chestnut.
Jan 2023, I got covid and a close family relatives health went downhill. My covid resulted in secondary chest infections, chest xrays, multiple tests for all sorts of things and a lot of time off work not being fit for much at all. It was a long recovery and it was all I could do to work and then collapse in a heap at the end of the day. My partner felt like he had the brunt of everything to do around the house (I was still doing a lot but appreciated him sorting food in the evening and never complained). I didnt realise it but he also felt incredibly lonely- he works a solitary job by choice and his work hours meant he was coming home as I was going to bed and I could hardly keep myself awake with the post viral fatigue to spend time with him. I did try, napping when I got back from work to try and be able to stay up later, but it probably wasn't enough and I dropped the ball I guess.
My sick relatives health declined further and they ended up in palliative care before passing in April. I was devastated and he supported me through it but things felt off, I could never quite put my finger on it but definitely off. I mean the fact he called me the other woman's name in bed twice should have been a big red flag but he played it down- jokimg that it was one of his many many girlfriends and he can't help what he does when he's asleep.
What happened shortly after the funeral (2 weeks maybe) was that I came home from an errand and found partner on a video call with this woman. It was awkward AF. He asked me what I was doing home, tried introducing us, she didn't speak and then later complained I was very rude. She's a year younger than my mum and he tried to make out she's a mother figure and a good friend.
The following few days were strange, I was feeling jangled but still trying to get on with everything. We are in June now. He started bringing his work phone in with him and low and behold a message pings up from her- love hearts and all this bull. So it all comes out. They fucking love each other, she persued him and made it sexual. He loves it. I have yet another health issue resulting in small outpaitent surgury, its ok but im dealing with everything and it's a lot. Listening to him talk about her and how angry he feels towards me.
We hash it out. Nothing physical has ever happened obviously, gotta be in at least the same country for that blah blah blah. A lot of hurtful things were said (by him) but ultimately we decided to move on together and part of it was that they had to be NC. In the interests of open clarity and fairness, I emailed info to her husband. I'd have wanted to know. I apparently put her in danger from this which resulted in more anger.
I sought therapy and my health improved and I thought everything was going ok. Booked a holiday together for spring 2024 and, even though I had some blips in response to triggering behaviour, I thought we were doing ok. By Christmas I felt safe about opening up and felt more comfortable like we were back to our old selves. We had a festive blip- he tells me there's no longevity becuase I lost it over shit hidden in a cupboard that she'd gifted him. I need to get over it. He apologises for overreacting. We move on.
Jan 2024, I'm ill again. And it's wiped me out. I'm a mess. March 2024 roles around. Im still not right, struggling with my health and managing everything. Lo and behold, there's an email from her husband in my inbox with a LOAD of incriminating sexual screenshots and videos in a chat between my partner and his wife. Transpires NC never happened, or a least did only for a couple of weeks. He missed her too much. It's been going on again. Behind my back. Interestingly, I could not see him in any of what i was emailed, only her and he is very clear she is a friend and he never did anything inappropriate and had asked her to stop. Most of the time it wasn't like that but when she wanted to be naughty she would. I still stand by the fact friends wouldn't behave like that with boundaries and risking relationships, and if he really didn't want it he'd have put a stop to it.
It has been AWFUL. I insist on NC. He's very worried about whats going to happen to her, husband is allegedly not too nice. Partner is also suggesting that he'd just go behind my back because she's his safe space and he loves her, not in a romantic way mind.... Husband messages me to say they are getting a divorce (there have been several men, from our country- my partner was not as special as he thought). I worry having had it made clear that husband isn't so nice, I figure the news is better off coming from me. I tell him and he asks to be in contact with her.
Now here is where I might have gone wrong. I say to the pair of them to behave like long distance friends, set parameters- no pics, videos, love yous love hearts, whatever. She accepted full responsibility for everything and apologised. He says contact will dwindle over time and it will be ok. He wouldn't hurt me again. I felt like this was the right thing to do and that I could manage it. If they were genuinely just friends and it was her being broken and sad making it weirdly sexual maybe it would be ok, especially as I felt I'd said my piece and gotten some understanding.
I lasted 3 weeks. The contact level was insane. She was the 3rd wheel on our holiday. Honestly, it fucking killed me. I have never been so sad. And I was aware that pretty quickly my conditions of contact had been ignored. I broke down about 3 weeks later and said I couldn't do it anymore. Even with him saying that with the divorce the contact would decrease becuase she'd meet someone else etc. He said he'd cut contact and all he needed to know was that she'd be ok. He gets it done and I am surprised given everything I didnt think it would be an option. He said he knew it was hurting me but didn't do anything about it.
We've been going ok, probably about 3 weeks of realtive peace. Until today. I take a work call and he scuttles into another room and I can fucking hear them in a video call together. Apparently its only very recent- I mean its only been 3 weeksšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Apparently he's very lonely and doesn't want a miserable life of being monitored all the time. The trust is broken and its me thats dragging it out. Seems me saying I couldn't cope with them being in constant contact makes this my fault becuase he just misses her all the time.
So yeah. Hes downstairs on the sofa, messaging her. And I'm upstairs venting to you guys becuase WTF.
I'd do a TLDR but honestly, how?!
submitted by Odd_Cantaloupe_3832 to SupportforBetrayed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:45 ThatsWhatThe The cup apology makes me sad ngl

I have been a Greg for years, since like 2016, I have loved that Danny has always been so unproblematic all this time, outlasted so many ngl. He doesn't cover political topics yet still displays positive, non-offensive values.
And I want to clarify, I stand with Palestine, the ethnic genocide that has been happening there is horrendous in every way. But I think a commentary YouTuber is the wrong place to direct that energy and expect thorough knowledge of every single thing going on in the world from. Buying Starbucks does not make you evil.
Starbucks does not fund the war, Starbucks does not contribute to the war financially, they also do not operate in Israel. The company higher-ups have made an unethical and politically bad move (who is shocked, this is a billion-dollar company), but the money from your frappuccino will not kill someone. People who want to boycott can boycott, but you can't expect everyone to do the same.
Danny has been unproblematic throughout his career on YouTube, and he has recently become a father, meaning he has a BABY now. That is a lot of work for anyone, he is a dad now and should be given the space to prioritise his family. He is likely spending less time online these days.
Starbucks sued the Union in October of last year. his kid was one MONTH old, he probably just missed it, as many, many people did.
And because he left a Starbucks cup out in the background of a video of him in his home, in a clip where he is recording a TikTok where he is begging Jake Paul to fight him, I do think that that is a leap to presume that is him voicing his support of a mass murder.
It upsets me so much that the backlash was obviously so immediate and harsh that Danny obviously felt the need to write an apology about it, because Danny has literally seen this happen to people alongside him on YouTube (severity of actual harm done ranging from Shane Dawson to Ned Fulmer, to Jenna Marbles), and like two videos he had a whole segment talking about how much he loved his job and hoped he'd be able to do it for much longer, but he has to be careful because he doesn't know how long the career span is. Oh my god I would actually die, the dread and worry and the foreshadowing would kill me. I pray there is no actual impact on him getting sponsorships or how his channel does online
I'm sad that this is the point this has gotten to. If you care about the current Israel war on Gaza, go actually support that idea. Go protest, or donate to aid or relief. Help the Palestinians, or go pressure people who can actually do something about it.
Links to redirect the cup fury to: UNICEF - Children Of Gaza
UN - Crisis Relief
UmmaRelief- Essential Support
submitted by ThatsWhatThe to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:42 ThrowRASmoothCup3441 Partner (30M) is leaving a well paid job he just got for a minimum wage one. I (26F) don't know if I should support him, or let him know he is making a mistake?

So for most of our relationship (four years), my partner has been switching jobs and had some bouts of being unemployed. While he did keep his last job for about a year, it was a job with no benefits (like vacation and sick leave or any yearly extras).
In the meanwhile, I've been grinding my way through with a difficult three shift job with the same company, doing overtimes and ultimately climbing my way in the corporate ladder to a somewhat comfortable position with normal working times and acceptable paycheck.
The financial burden has mostly been on me for all this time. I've always been covering the rent alone and I got the best place I could afford for us, but it's far from good. I've been paying for all trips (he does not ask to go on any, but I personally can't stand not having a vacation at least once a year, because I don't know what I'm even working for then). Granted, he helps with groceries and his family often invites us for meals, but I also often provide food for both of us.
He also struggles with depression, and during his last bout of unemployement, he had a particularly dark period. At some point after that, he said he realized he needs to provide as well and we need to have a constant income, and he got serious about finding a job with normal contract and solid paycheck. When he finally did land one, I was over the moon and we also started planning moving into a bigger place.
But, when he started working and signed the contract, he immediatelly started saying how much he hates the job and started applying to different ones. His reasons for hating it are that they're using shitty software and he doesn't like the work environment. So he got an offer from a different company for a different job with minimum wage. He thinks he would ultimately be able to progress there and make more than he does on current one and he does have long-term plans to specialize in something else. He also thinks he could still cover half of the rent if we get a bigger place.
However, based on my work experience, I'm very sceptical of this new job providing any kind of stability and I don't think it's financially viable, nor that the people in charge really care about people working under them (I think they just want to get away with paying them as little as possible). The current one might have it's flaws, but it provides substantially more money that would increase our quality of life.
I love my partner to death and he is the most important person in my life. We click on many other levels and I can't see myself spending my life with anyone else. Ultimately, I want him to be happy. But, I'd be lying if I said my needs were being met for years now and I have a crippling fear that life will pass me by without being able to travel and explore the world. At the same time, I hold back from speaking my concerns most of the time because I don't want to affect his mental health negatively.
Right now, I don't know if I should give the new job the benefit of doubt and let him do his own thing or insist that it's not a good idea. I don't want him to be unhappy at his current job, but I don't know want to put my life on hold anymore either. I also have no idea what we would do if I lost my job, which can happen in this hectic world.
TL;DR - Partner is leaving a well paid job he just got for a minimum wage one; the financial burden has been on me througout the whole relationship and I'm worried this act means it will be on me for years to come. I don't want him to be unhappy at his current job (that would provide financial stability), but I don't know if I can continue putting my life on hold either. What do?
submitted by ThrowRASmoothCup3441 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:42 Critical_Signature89 28 M keeps calling me 25 F a bad communicator, what can I do here?

Am I in the wrong ?
If I call him through the day or anytime really and he happens to be at work or doing the most stupid mundane things at home he sounds like the most boring uninterested, non-present person, to which I make some excuse and end the call. Itā€™s super pissing off I want someone who talks and texts me more
But when he calls me Iā€™m supposed to be present and interactive etc? I donā€™t like it
Today we had a fight, we hadnā€™t spent time in a while and finally got the chance to but that got cut short due to me leaving for some short work, To which he said why donā€™t you come back so I agreed I finished my work fast and called him, he then said that he wanted to sleep and can we hang in the evening? I said sure. I actually look forward to it but half of the things he says are in the air, which is very annoying. Iā€™ve told him before in the past not to do it, but he doesnā€™t understand. I text him at 4 and he says heā€™s just come out to meet his friends so I told him to call me after and Iā€™ll come see him. He said sure. At 8, I call him since he hadnā€™t called yet, and I asked him what his plan was? He said he was gonna chill with his friends for longer and if itā€™s not too late heā€™ll call me when heā€™s free and I could come see him otherwise we could hang the next day. (that also being said very lightly in the air probably) This really pisses me off, he does this very very often To him itā€™s probably nothing as he does this with all his friends - makes plans in the air all the time
I got really angry, but I donā€™t want to over react for stupid things so Iā€™ll say something like actually no letā€™s just hang tomorrow only , he can probably sense Iā€™m angry and then I wonā€™t pick his call for some time He calls this super immature behaviour and says Iā€™m horrible at communication, says if I want to hang with him why canā€™t I be direct and upfront and say no I want to hang out right now leave your friends and come see me
Iā€™m scared of being needy so I donā€™t ever say things like that and he calls that as me being a terrible communicator and how itā€™s annoying that I get angry so easily
I donā€™t understand how itā€™s Normal to say things like that ? Leave your friends and come see me I want to hang out with you??
Isnā€™t the fact that Iā€™m texting him that Iā€™ll see him later and calling him asking him what his plan is enough of a ā€˜I want to hang out with youā€™ sign
After this fight he ended up leaving his friends and coming to pick me and take me home where we ended up watching a movie but he was for 80% of the movie on his phone playing games ?? Again super pissing off but I didnā€™t say anything cause I didnā€™t want to start another argument
He claims heā€™s so in love with me and Iā€™m his dream girl but wtf is this behaviour constantly Even when Iā€™m at his house he barely talks and has interactive conversation with me I feel like Iā€™m hanging out with a wall
One thing I can say is he doesnā€™t do all of this purposely but either way it is pissing off especially since he gives me shit when I am late for things, when I donā€™t make enough time for him, when Iā€™m on my phone for too long
Weā€™ve been together for around almost 3 years, ladies are you supposed to ask for basic things like this from your SO all the time? I hate having to ask for stupid things, and also I am quite a tit for tat person, I feel like giving him a taste of his own medicine so he gets how I feel
submitted by Critical_Signature89 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:42 ThrowRAlittlemermaid When do you know to leave or work it out ? 27/F 30/M

I 27/F and my husband 30/M have been married 9 years , we have 4 kids and we were high school sweethearts. We have always lived on our own (he does very well for himself in his career field and has always made good money.) my husband and have a rather traditional dynamic when it comes to our relationship which is quite typical in our cultures. Weā€™ve always wanted to be parents and have a big family especially since I only grew up with one sibling.
**this is long so bare with me **
Hereā€™s some back story on how we became parents. After we got married we agreed to have children eventually, but only 3 months after our wedding I fell pregnant due to rejection of birth control this continued to be a pattern and how I continued to fall pregnant under BC. Our expectations during our marriage were for him to provide and I continue my education whilst we enjoy life being a young married couple growing into adulthood. My husband was absolutely ecstatic to be a fatherā€¦ I was not Iā€™m not going to lie at 18, I didnā€™t feel ready to be a mother yet. But dedication to my marriage and my soon to be family I had made the tough decision to continue with my pregnancy, even though I knew Iā€™d be giving up a lot.
Fast forward 9 years ā€¦ My husband is beyond disrespectful, unhelpful, unreliable and completely unsupportive. There has been infidelity( during a time of separation), verbal abuse over the years & financial hardship for a short period of time.
I have always supported his business ventures, career moves, family drama & any other personal issues under the sun and have always encouraged him in anything heā€™s involved in.
His family hates me and are extremely meddlesome all because I asked for privacy after the birth of our first child instead of allowing them to all come stay with me. ( over the years his parents have divorced and made the kids pick sides ā€¦ yes you read that right )
I have yet to complete my doctorate due to constantly completely managing the home and family on my own. My husband never lifts a finger but to only participate in the ā€œfun stuffā€ for the kids and not provide them with discipline or structure that children need. And is a complete SLOB. Iā€™m OCD and being clean has always been a top priority in my life and having to clean up for our children is fine , theyā€™re children. But having to clean after him is beyond enraging!
We hardly speak to each other, we spend no time together and rarely have sex and even if we do itā€™s only enjoyable maybe half the time. We both have absolutely no respect for each other weā€™re constantly bickering and I continue to try to discuss things with him which often results in him taking no accountability, gaslighting me or complete denial and defensive behavior that lashes out and usually sparks into another lengthy fight.
Iā€™m at a complete lossā€¦
When we talk and try to address our problems he assures me and insists on staying together and that he loves me even when Iā€™ve suggested separating. He agrees to counseling but never has followed through with it at all during the years. I genuinely feel trapped, my obligation to our children and family is one of the most important things to me and because of that I feel like I sacrifice my own happiness to benefit our family as an entirety.
But I am beat. Iā€™m helpless Iā€™m resentful. Iā€™m sad. Iā€™m neglected. I feel like I canā€™t stop punishing him for things he has put me through over the years, especially things he has said to me because they are literally engraved in my head and cannot be unsaid.
I still love him very much , I just hate him as a person now. He doesnā€™t seem remorseful for his actions, heā€™s done a lot of cruel things over the years ( taunting my postpartum, disrespecting my parents, broken sentimental things, taken off on me for days and weeks at a time, flipped out in jealous fits on me in public, made life changing decisions without consulting me.) I often feel he has not incentive to change as he can get away with being disrespectful and not changing anything.
Iā€™m out of boundaries to set. I cut off sex I stopped cooking for him, Iā€™ll go days without speaking to him, step out of the house without communicating, kick him out of the house, bedroom etc. NOTHING influences any significant change just a few days and returns back to its toxic pattern.
Will this get better ? What can I do? Is change possible for people like him ? Can I ever get past this hurt?
Iā€™ve turned into a person that Iā€™m not whom is angry constantly and overwhelmed. My nature is a kind person & I truly long to serve my husband and family but Iā€™ll be damned if Iā€™m going to take this disrespect on a daily basis and still be ā€œsubmissiveā€ .
ANY suggestions are appreciated.
submitted by ThrowRAlittlemermaid to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:41 One-Shower-9086 help

I honestly just donā€™t get it. sure porn was interesting to look at while i was a budding and horny teen just buying my first vibe, or just giving oral for the first time, but i truly can say i have no interest in anything; porn, other men/partners, whatsoever since i have been in this relationship. iā€™m 21, so iā€™m pretty young. i have gained a good bit of weight since we have been together, maybe 20-15 pounds, but he insists he still loves the way i look and that i am perfect. Iā€™m just wondering what, if i am ā€œperfectā€ there is to gain from porn?? why he is looking at OF leaks on reddit on his break, saving them while heā€™s in a drive through line, why heā€™s searching on some dodgy porn site for leaked content less than 10 minutes after we have sex while i am in the bathroom? our first d-day was a good while ago, around late august of last year. we have definitely had more, and while things have gotten marginally better, my one boundary is still not being respected. i even relented that he could still watch porn, but thatā€™s o was not at all comfortable with him consciously seeking out individual women to look atā€” especially when those women look like everything i would have nearly died to look like at one point. one girl he even knew in person. since maybe the 3rd dday (novemberish) he deleted his ā€œphoto vault/spank bankā€ but i still find myself looking up the women i found on ig and comparing myself to what it is that he actually likes ā€” what actually gets him off. our sex life has suffered, which i feel probably leads him more to porn and other self fulfilling methods.
04/16/24 i wrote that march 18th and to be quite honest, as I sit here mid april in the middle of the night, nothing has changed. I went through his phone again (pain shopping i know i know) after i glimpsed a porn site open while looking at his tax forms and closing his open apps (as i always do). i think i even made a comment about pretending that I didnā€™t see the porn/naked body on his screen. But I did. So now I sit here, sobbing next to him in bed at 3am while he snores and feeling again like the little girl who just wanted to be the first choice, not a compromise someone settles on. So now I sit here, wondering what is next, who is next, and how I change myself in order to ā€˜helpā€™ him get away from porn. you see if i looked like the girls he wanted of course he wouldnā€™t need the others. So now I sit here, fighting the urge to make myself purge for the first time in years, to be closer to that image he so desperately needs, and cannot get from me. i sit thinking of the girl who so dearly wanted to be like the others, the ones who didnā€™t develop early, or later, the ones who didnā€™t have abnormally large boobs, just a cute butt and a flat flat stomach. the girl who just wanted to be loved so badly; who craved it as a child and can never seem to achieve it as an adult.
05/20/2024 the first week of may i cried myself to sleep every night. two of those i sobbed so hard he woke up. i donā€™t know what to do anymore. i grabbed his phone again today, after he had been to the bathroom for an extended amount of time with no shower running, and lo and behold! of course, there it was. every single time without fail. i just donā€™t know what to do. i want to look like those girls he looks at. i want to throw up my meals and workout relentlessly. i want to shrink my boobs and grow my ass. i want to be tiny again. i want to never eat again. i want him to physically see his harm change meā€” just as it has forever changed me mentally. i have cut myself down to around 1400 calories daily, with daily exercise of course as well. but even if i lose weight it will still not be enough. i havenā€™t been going to the gym for years and meal prepping and eating specifically. i fear i will never look like who he prefers. writing this, i want to claw anything ive ever eaten out of my body, i want to go back in time and tell younger me to work out, to care. i want to be pretty again, to stay pretty this time. i know anyone would tell me to break up and to leave, to put myself first, but i cant. i have never loved someone so hugely and completely. i know that i will most likely never have the strength to leave someone who i love, and despite everything, does/did love me in my eyes. at the same time i dont know how to look at him anymore. tonight i went and looked at every girl i could remember him looking at and searched them on instagram. there were 15 of them. i think i may send their profiles all at once to him in the morning when he wakes up. maybe even right in front of himā€” just to see his reaction. is that sick of me? i just want him to know that i know, and that honestly its ruining my life. i never feel pretty. I have never felt so ugly, so hideous, so monstrous, that my own boyfriend canā€™t even get off to me. sometimes i canā€™t even look at him. it hurts too much. iā€™m worried that if he looks at me too long that he will find something else that he dislikes about me, and look even more to rectify that in yet another woman. i almost wish he would find this and magically know this was about us, not that it would solve anything really. I have already poured my heart out, spoken calmly, been angry, forgiven, and sobbed as hard as i ever have before. what else i can do.
submitted by One-Shower-9086 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:39 not-for-me19 I read that almost everyone has a healthy level of narcissism. Would you say thatā€™s true? If so, how do you tell the difference between a person with a healthy amount of narcissism and someone with full on NPD.

So what brought me to reading about NPD is last year I met a girl who was diagnosed NPD. Thatā€™s a different story for something Iā€™m curious about asking questions a different day though. However, Iā€™ve been reading up a lot about it. One of the things that I have read is that almost everyone if not everyone has a healthy amount of narcissistic behavior in them and that itā€™s on a scale. I do believe that as I see that a lot in humans since I started reading about it. I also see some traits in myself. For instance, everyone wants attention and validation sometimes. Yes, a lot of people including myself can give it to ourselves without the need of others however it still feels nice as well especially when we get it from people we love and care about. Another instance is not a lot of people liked to be wronged. If a partner cheats on them or intentionally hurts them I donā€™t know many people who would tolerate that in a romantic relationship and stay with a partner who does that. Also while there is ethical non monogamous relationships a poly relationships that are becoming more common there is a huge portion of the population who chooses and wants to have monogamous relationships and donā€™t want their significant other flirting or being sexual with other people. Some people might see that as being controlling/insecure/possessive. Which leads me to my next point of Iā€™m feeling like most love is conditional in the sense that I will love you and be in a relationship with you so as long as you donā€™t cheat on me. I will love you and be in a relationship with you so as long as you donā€™t put us in a financial hardship. Etc.
Maybe Iā€™m just reading this wrong or misinterpreted a lot of what Iā€™ve read so far. But if I am correct that even people without full on NPD can have healthy levels of narcissism like Iā€™ve described, how can you tell the difference between healthy narcissism and full on NPD?
submitted by not-for-me19 to AskNPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:39 bhrcode Staffing Success: Insider Hiring Tips

Hiring the right people can be the best choice for your business. To help you guide this complex process, weā€™ve compiled some insider tips that can transfigure your hiring tactics and lead to lasting success.
1. Understand Your Needs
Before you start the hiring process, take the time to outline the duties and responsibilities of the position youā€™re trying to fill . Recognize the skills and experience required, and consider the type of personality that will fit well with your company culture.
2. Craft Compelling Job Descriptions
A well-written job description does more than just list duties. It should outline what makes your company a excellent place to work and describe how the role fits into the bigger picture. Use this opportunity to draw in applicants who are not only qualified but also excited about the opportunity.
3. Leverage Multiple Recruiting Channels
Donā€™t limit your candidate search to just one strategy. Make use of job boards, social media, employee referrals, and recruitment agencies in combination. Each channel can reach different segments of potential employees, increasing your chances of finding the ideal fit.
4. Screen Resumes Efficiently
Create a checklist based on the job requirements to quickly filter through resumes. While searching for essential qualifications, keep an eye out for warning signs like frequent job changes that go unannounced. This process will help you Concentrate on the most promising candidates.
5. Prepare for Interviews Thoroughly
Before the interview, Examine the candidateā€™s resume and prepare a set of questions that assess both technical skills and cultural fit. Ask behavioral questions to understand how theyā€™ve handled past challenges. This Planning guarantees a structured and effective interview process.
6. Involve Your Team
Hiring should be a collaborative effort. During the interview process include team members to get diverse perspectives on the candidate. Additionally, It can provide the candidate get a better sense of the team they might be joining.
7. Assess Cultural Fit
Skills can be taught, but fitting into the organizational culture is crucial for long-term success. Evaluate the candidateā€™s potential contribution to the team dynamic and how well their values match those of your organization.
8. Offer Competitive Compensation
Make sure your perks and Compensations are competitive within your industry. Talented employees are more likely to choose a position that offers competitive pay and good benefits. Be open about what you can offer and be prepared to negotiate.
9. Provide a Great Candidate Experience
Make sure that candidates have a great experience at every stage, from the initial contact to the final selection. Communicate clearly, respect their time, and offer feedback when you can. A positive candidate experience reflects well on your company and can influence their choice.
10. Make Data-Driven Decisions
Use data to inform your hiring decisions. Track metrics like time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and quality-of-hire. Analyzing this data can help you identify areas for improvement in your hiring process.
By following these insider tips, you can increase your hiring strategy, attract top talent, and build a strong, cohesive team. Effective hiring is not just about filling positions; itā€™s about finding the right candidate who will contribute to your organization success for the long haul.
submitted by bhrcode to u/bhrcode [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:30 Toxilyn I miss him so bad right now. But feel like I can't make my needs known. And so just stuck in limbo.

My love is a hard working man. He has a hard physical job. When he comes home from work he continues building on his own house that he is building on his own. An incredible construction. And I am so proud and admire him for how far he has come with it. (Both him and I have an agreement to never move in together as that fit our lives better, and so he is building this house for him self.)
We text back and forth all day. But my favorite time is when we are together in an Xbox party chatting. I need him.. I crave him. The hours I spend in the party with him melt all my stress away and I feel like I am floating.
We have a group of friends who like joining us and hanging out. And while they are great.. I really need my alone time with him. Which he of course is also happy to give. If there is time.
He is not a very romantic person. He is a bit of a loner and is used to just doing what he is doing and not really including others in that. He loves spending time with me. But he won't ensure we do if that makes sense. He always says: if you are there then you are there and it's great. If you are not then I just do my own thing and it's fine. So. An annoying bit of our relationship is that I have to be available when he is. Add this to these friends often joining, which is great, but then they are there when he is finally available.. and I don't get my lone time.
The last week or so has just been a bit chaos. First the job he is hired for right now has a long drive back and forth. So he leaves too early in the morning for us to have gaming time in the morning. In the evening I've had a lot of events, and he has too. And he had a tendency to fall asleep because he works so hard. Especially now it is warm too he gets worn out. So when I finally come home.. he's fallen asleep. Then we're finally both in a party but the friends are there too.. And it has just been a lot of that.
I fucking miss him sooo bad. I crave him sooo bad. But I feel like from experience I can't ask him to ensure time together. If I could keep our friends from joining that would help a bit. But they don't fully know or understand what him and I have together. And also my love will be like: why are you keeping them away when they want to hang out with us? Because. He doesn't have the same deep craving to be with me alone. He just enjoys I am there in general. So it is only my need that is like that.. And.. I need it. I am getting agitated. Frustrated. And feel tight and aching.
Today is a really hot day. His job is pushing him for a lot right now. He hasn't really replied much today because he is focusing on work. Which I get. But I am just feeling my guts twist and turn in longing. I feel like my only hope can be that our friends don't join tonight.. I wanna ask him to prioritize me. But I think he doesn't understand what he is meant to do with that. Because in his world he does, by always being by my side, always wanting me, loving my company when it's there.
But text messages and sharing him with my friends just isn't always enough for me.
submitted by Toxilyn to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:28 Plastic_Fact_233 TLDR : Love my bff but she got a bf

Yesterday I found out that my long distance crush and bff met her bf, she used to tell me that she made out with him and yesterday she said something that broke me to an extent I don't think I can recover from. She told me that they met in the morning and that was the best makeout of her life!!! Idk what to say I haven't replied to her yet I feel like a loser.
What hurts me the most since the day I met her (online, haven't met her IRL yet) she has been the nicest person to me she says I LOVE YOU to me everyday I get it's different when u say that to a friend but she has sent me 500+ pics of her hy herself I couldn't help myself but fall for her. She didn't liked when I talk abt different girls. She hates jy every female friend (even today).
She used to call me everyday for hrs but now she doesn't. She wanted to meet me but now she doesn't she refused that was really unexpected for me so I had to go to her city roam around all day and came back at night coz I had already booked the tickets.
She knows that I love her and when I confessed to her she said she doesn't want to be in a relationship it's just not her thing and all I understood. But one day she tells me that she made out with her neighbour who's her childhood friend. Months later she met her ex who has ghosted her and they kissed she didn't told me abt it she told me after few days that they are back together. I knew something was off between us coz the person who says that she loves me everyday didn't even wished me on my b'day despite knowing how imp it was for me coz I literally had no friends at that time. When I didn't replied to her she realised and wrote a paragraph but the damage was already done ig. A month later I made a special video for her bday she told me everyone was there but the person she adores the most wasn't (yes, she said she was talking about me) she spent the day with her bf.
The problem is she has broken up and got back with him multiple times during these 4-5 months and always tells me abt her relationship details coz she claims I'm her bff if anything happens in her life she would come running to me. She wants me to stay with her as a friend as long as possible. Even I can't stop talking to her coz I literally love her. She texts ne she feels lonely she feels anxious she texts me at midnight and I've to be there.
I do understand that I can't force her to choose me and I'm even okay to be her friend and always be with her but she keeps talking abt her bf and relationship even tho I told her to plz not talk abt him but she still does that. This whatever thing I'm having with her is killing me I can't think of anything else I can't look at couples without thinking of her and her bf I can't watch romantic movies songs anything I feel so down I cry all night. I don't know how to get out of this I've tried meeting new girls but it's just not working out I can't get her out of my head. I feel so worthless I literally feel pain in my heart (sounds cringe but true).
submitted by Plastic_Fact_233 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:25 CleanPhotograph3048 How long did your pain last?

I need an idea on how long to expect the pain following my hysterectomy.
My story: I had a total hysterectomy/cystoscopy performed 5/8 due to endometriosis that decided to attach itself to various organs it didnā€™t belong on. It had been about three years of bleeding nonstop (this is not exaggerated-I should have taken up stock in pads) and horrible pain that no doctor believed. I saw five different obgyns before I found one who would listen to me and stay true to her word to give me a hysterectomy. Fast forward a few months and I got my surgery. They performed a cystoscopy in hospital with the hysterectomy and cleaned out my endo while inside. I was inpatient one night in the hospital to monitor pain/bleeding control. I canā€™t take NSAIDs so no ibuprofen for me- I am on blood thinners for a clotting disorder and history of several DVTS/pulmonary emboli.
I went home on Percocet because the norco was not controlling my pain. I used them sparingly after the first day or so home. I am not a big pain pill person. They upset my stomach & my dad was lost to substance abuse (started with script pain meds) so I avoid them like the plague. Started having signs of infection day 2 at home. Could not get past my triage nurse to get a note to my doctor. Day 5, 3rd try, after being told to take Tylenol and/or Benadryl, I ended up in my doctors office at her request. Immediately was directly readmitted to the hospital 5 days post op hysterectomy for a nasty, fast-moving infection-I said my pain was 7/10 initially but it only got worse from here. My initial liver labs were elevated so they wouldnā€™t allow anything with Tylenol. What does that leave? Something called roxicodone- oxy without Tylenol essentially-which gave me sleep paralysis and no pain control whatsoever. Was put on Vancomycin for the infection which then caused a systemic allergic reaction. Was given Hydroxizine to calm that down and Benadryl cream. It did not help much. Was discharged on day 10 post op, with clindamycin to take every 6 hours for 7 days for the infection. They sent home the roxicodone which I said did not help. Went home and began taking antibiotics. Had another allergic reaction, this time a full body, horrendously itchy and burning rash. Called my primary doctor and she took me off of it immediately. She sent me in Keflex. Iā€™m allergic to amoxicillin so this should be a party as well. I have an appointment with the surgeon in three weeks. I have an appt with infectious disease this Friday. I have an appointment with GI for my liver problems (likely caused by surgery or the allergic reaction) Tuesday. I have no pain meds I can take, not even Tylenol or ibuprofen. They told me to take Benadryl and sent in a prescription for Gabapentin and told to use the Benadryl to ā€œknock myself outā€. Gabapentin isnā€™t working but Iā€™m taking it anyways because I donā€™t know what else to do, hoping maybe itā€™ll build up some tiny amount of pain control in my system somehow.
Iā€™m not on any weird registry for pain meds issues because I usually just flat out donā€™t take them, ever. Even when offered them. I donā€™t understand how this is okay.
So -here I am -2 weeks into this mess, rawdogging this hysterectomy and subsequent infection pain. Iā€™ve been using ice packs and heat packs to do what I can, Zofran that my primary doc sent me in for extremely bad nausea (probably due to the pain), my third round of antibiotics, Benadryl for the leftover allergy rash, and Iā€™m thinking about asking a wrestler to knock me out with a metal chair. Iā€™m on day 13 with no pain relief in sight. I canā€™t sleep. Iā€™m miserable. Please tell me the pain is going to diminish soon. Tell me what helped you with pain. šŸ™


submitted by CleanPhotograph3048 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:18 Stage-Piercing727 Best Coleman Electric Grill

Best Coleman Electric Grill
Welcome to our comprehensive roundup featuring the top Coleman Electric Grills! Explore our selection of the finest outdoor cooking appliances, designed with convenience and versatility in mind. Join us as we dive into the world of electric grilling and uncover the best options perfect for your next barbecue gathering.

The Top 19 Best Coleman Electric Grill

  1. Coleman Roadtrip 24" Portable Electric Griddle with Folding Steel Legs and Integrated Lid - The Coleman RoadTrip 24" Griddle XLT Black offers ultimate portability, a smooth cooking surface, and even heat distribution for your camping and backyard barbecue adventures, all in one convenient package.
  2. Portable Coleman Camp Grill for Easy Outdoor Cooking - Cook up a storm on the Coleman Deluxe Camp Grill, perfect for a variety of outdoor adventures with its versatile design, high-quality materials, and ease of storage.
  3. Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill: Perfect for On-the-Go Cooking - Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill - Enjoy delicious grilled meals anytime, anywhere with this versatile, easy-to-use, and easy-to-clean grill!
  4. Compact Portable Coleman Instastart Grill for Outdoor Cooking - Bring the party anywhere with Coleman's Instastart Propane Party Grill - compact, easy to transport, and perfect for flavor-packed sizzling treats.
  5. Coleman Roadtrip Steel Portable Griddle: Versatile, Powerful Outdoor Cooking Solution - Coleman RoadTrip Steel Portable Griddle, Blue Nights - The ultimate portable griddle for all your outdoor cooking needs with a powerful 14,000 BTU cooking surface, smooth and easy-to-clean setup, and even heat distribution for perfect results every time.
  6. Smokeless Electric Grill by Gotham Steel - Luxurious Grilling Experience - Experience quick and convenient grilling with the Gotham Steel Large Brown Smokeless Electric Grill, perfect for preparing your favorite gluten-free and dairy-free meals without any mess.
  7. Portable Coleman Grill for Camping and Outdoor Adventures - Experience versatile, efficient, and easy-to-clean outdoor grilling with the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Propane Grill, perfect for camping, hunting, and tailgating adventures!
  8. Cuisinart Smoke-Less Contact Griddler: Versatile Indoor Griller for Delicious Grilled Meals - Enjoy smokeless, hassle-free grilling with Cuisinart's GR-6S Contact Smoke-Less Mode Griddler, featuring independent heating temperatures, adjustable to 175-425Ā°F, dual plate functions, and simple cleanup.
  9. Brookstone IndooOutdoor Electric Grill for Charcoal-Free Cooking - Indulge in authentic char-grilled flavors indoors or outdoors with Brookstone's stainless steel electric grill, featuring independent temperature control, non-stick coated grill plate, and convenient features for hassle-free grilling.
  10. Portable Coleman Gas Grill for the Ultimate Grilling Experience - The Coleman PerfectFlow InstaStart Propane Grill offers a convenient, mess-free grilling experience for any outdoor adventure, making it the perfect choice for camping, hunting, tailgating, and emergency situations.
  11. Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill for Healthy and Delicious Cooking - The Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill offers easy temperature control, a nonstick cooking surface, and a 125 sq. in. grilling space, making it the perfect choice for health-conscious cooks who prioritize ease of use, cleanup, and durability.
  12. Portable Camping Grill/Stove with Wind Protection and Easy Clean-Up - Experience versatile outdoor cooking with the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Camp Grill/Stove, featuring dual-sided cooking, windblock panels, and easy cleanup for a perfect camping meal.
  13. Compact Coleman Propane Grill/Stove for Camping Adventures - Grill like a pro with the Coleman Electric Grill, featuring a convenient 2-in-1 design, ample cooking space, and compact setup for outdoor adventures.
  14. Portable Coleman Grill for Camping - Experience hassle-free outdoor cooking with the Coleman NXT 200 Portable Grill, perfect for camping enthusiasts seeking a versatile cooking solution.
  15. Coleman Portable Gas Grill with 3 Adjustable Burners and Integrated Thermometer - The Coleman Roadtrip 285 Portable Stand-Up Propane Grill offers hassle-free portability, enhanced temperature control with 3 independently adjustable burners, and a spacious cooking area, ensuring perfect grilled meals every time.
  16. Coleman 2000020947 Portable 225-Square Inch Gas Grill in Red - Coleman Sportster Propane Grill: Powerful 11,000 BTU heat, easy transport, and a 225-square inch cooking surface make this the ultimate grilling companion.
  17. Cuisinart Outdoor Electric Grill and VersaStand: Portable and Compact Cooking Solution - The Cuisinart Outdoor Electric Grill with VersaStand provides a large, easy-to-clean cooking surface, efficient heating, and a telescoping base for convenient use, making it a top choice for outdoor grilling enthusiasts in any setting.
  18. Portable Coleman Black Tabletop Grill with Adjustable Burners - Experience hassle-free outdoor cooking with the Coleman Roadtrip 225 Black Portable Table Top Grill, offering up to 11,000 BTUs, 2 adjustable burners, and a convenient Instastart ignition for a great camping or tailgate experience.
  19. Coleman Roadtrip LX Propane Portable Gas Grill for Easy Camp Cooking - Coleman Roadtrip LX Propane Grill: A high-quality, portable gas grill with matchless lighting, easy-to-use push-button ignition, and authentic open-flame drip-through grilling ideal for camping cooking adventures.
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šŸ”—Coleman Roadtrip 24" Portable Electric Griddle with Folding Steel Legs and Integrated Lid
Imagine having a portable griddle that you can take on all your camping adventures, effortlessly cooking up a storm of delicious meals in the great outdoors. That's exactly what the Coleman Roadtrip Griddle XLT provides, with its easy-collapsing steel scissor legs that make for a smooth transition from storing to cooking and quick setup.
It's the ultimate companion for your camping needs, featuring a 24-inch cooking surface that heats up to 20,000 BTUs - more than enough to cater to a crowd and evenly heat your food. The smooth, rolled carbon steel griddle cooktop pre-seasoned to prevent rust offers an efficient cooking experience, making it a breeze to clean up afterwards thanks to the removable rear grease tray.
Now, while it's a fantastic piece of equipment for outdoor cooking, it does have a few drawbacks. Its weight and size might pose a challenge when trying to transport it, especially when you're not in the midst of a spacious camping area. Plus, you'll need to dedicate some time and patience to maintaining the griddle after each use ā€“ a task that even the most seasoned barbecue enthusiasts might find a bit daunting.
Overall, the Coleman Roadtrip Griddle XLT offers a fantastic combination of portability, versatility, and power, making it the perfect addition to your camping inventory. However, be prepared to tackle some minor challenges along the way, such as its bulkiness and the time-consuming maintenance processes.

šŸ”—Portable Coleman Camp Grill for Easy Outdoor Cooking
I recently took the Coleman Deluxe Camp Grill on a camping trip with my friends. We were excited to try out this grill, as it seemed like a simple and convenient option for cooking over a campfire.
One of the first things we noticed was how sturdy and well-built it was. It's made from nickel-plated steel, which gave us confidence in its ability to handle the heat and the elements. The grill can be used either standing over the flames or laid flat on top of the fire, which was a useful feature that we appreciated.
Now, let's talk about the drawbacks. The grill has two sizes of holes, and we found that the larger ones were too big, causing our burgers to fall through when we were trying to flip them. We also thought it would be better if all the holes were the same size, as it would have made cooking more efficient.
Despite these minor issues, the Coleman Deluxe Camp Grill was a convenient and reliable option for our camping trip. It was easy to transport and fold up flat for storage, which made it a great choice for traveling. Overall, we were happy with our experience using this grill and would recommend it to others looking for a simple and convenient cooking tool for camping trips.

šŸ”—Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill: Perfect for On-the-Go Cooking
I recently tried the Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer for my outdoor cooking adventures. As a busy mom who loves to cook, this little grill proved to be perfect for my on-the-go meals.
The first thing that stood out to me was its built-in handle, which made it incredibly easy to transport and store. The design was compact and lightweight, making it an ideal companion for weekend camping trips or a quick dinner on my deck.
The InstaStart button was a highlight of my experience. Say goodbye to lighting a match or dealing with a lighter ā€“ this grill fires up with just the push of a button. Plus, the adjustable horseshoe burner allowed me to have precise temperature control, ensuring my burgers and hotdogs turned out perfectly cooked every time.
However, there were a couple of downsides. The grill wasn't the most durable, with a few users reporting issues with the lid latch. Additionally, the porcelain coating on the grate was not as sturdy as I would have hoped, which made it more challenging to clean up after use.
Overall, the Coleman Fold N Go Portable Grill is an excellent option for those looking for a small, portable grill for their adventures or to use at home. With easy-to-use features like InstaStart and a adjustable burner, this grill makes outdoor cooking a breeze. But, potential buyers should be aware of the durability issues and the need to handle the grill with care.

šŸ”—Compact Portable Coleman Instastart Grill for Outdoor Cooking
The Coleman Instastart Propane Party Grill was designed to bring the party anywhere; with its compact and lightweight design, this grill is perfect for tailgating, camping, or just hanging out in the backyard. One of its highlights is the 8,000-BTU burner control system that offers a perfect touch of heat, whether you're cooking up some steaks or just toasting some marshmallows.
The grill itself is easy to assemble and even easier to clean. The components are dishwasher-safe, making your post-cooking chores a breeze. I especially loved the feature that allows the legs to detach and fit inside the grill for easy storage and transportation.
Despite its many merits, there were a few drawbacks. Firstly, the grill's surface is prone to sticking and food could roll off quite easily. Additionally, the grill's performance varied; in some instances, the heat was unevenly distributed. The grill top, too, was a disappointment; the supplied one was too small and didn't fit properly.
In conclusion, the Coleman Instastart Propane Party Grill is a convenient and portable solution for those who want to grill or cook on-the-go. While it could use a few tweaks, such as a better grill top and even heat distribution, overall it does its job and makes for a fun addition to any get-together.

šŸ”—Coleman Roadtrip Steel Portable Griddle: Versatile, Powerful Outdoor Cooking Solution
During my recent camping trip, I decided to bring along the Coleman Roadtrip Steel Portable Griddle, which I had heard great things about for its versatility and ease of use. I was particularly drawn to its 19-inch rolled carbon steel griddle cooktop, as it promised to cook up to 10 hamburgers at once with a whopping 14,000 BTUs of power.
Setting it up was a breeze; the scissor legs folded down effortlessly, and the two sturdy wheels made transportation an absolute cinch. I found the cooking surface incredibly smooth, which made flipping burgers a breeze. The griddle performed admirably, cooking evenly across its surface, much to my satisfaction.
One aspect that stood out, however, was the product's cleanliness. Its smooth surface proved a snap to clean, while the removable grease tray ensured a mess-free experience both during and after cooking.
Despite the initial assembly struggle mentioned by a reviewer, overall, I found the Coleman Roadtrip Griddle to be a fantastic choice for campers and backyard enthusiasts alike. The combination of its easy transport, even cooking heat distribution, and quick start mechanism make it a standout among portable griddles. My only caveat would be its weight, which while not a deal breaker, can make it a tad cumbersome to maneuver alone.

šŸ”—Smokeless Electric Grill by Gotham Steel - Luxurious Grilling Experience
I recently tried the Gotham Steel 1619 Smokeless Electric Grill and was thoroughly impressed with its capabilities. Its large size and brown color made it a perfect addition to my kitchen, and it was easy to maneuver around thanks to its lightweight design.
One of the most outstanding features of this grill is its smokeless technology, ensuring that my kitchen was always free of the usual grilling smoke. The electric heating element cooked my food evenly and quickly, while the non-stick surface made cleaning a breeze.
However, there was one downside to this otherwise fantastic grill - its size. While it's great for large gatherings, it can be quite bulky and take up a significant amount of counter space.
Overall, the Gotham Steel 1619 Smokeless Electric Grill is a fantastic kitchen appliance that offers fast, even cooking with minimal mess. Although its bulkiness may be a drawback for some, it's a small price to pay for its impressive performance and ease of use.

šŸ”—Portable Coleman Grill for Camping and Outdoor Adventures
I recently tried out the Coleman Portable Propane Grill during a camping trip, and I have to say, it made cooking in the great outdoors a breeze. I loved how versatile this grill is; perfect for camping, hunting, or tailgating. The heat output was impressive, with 11,000 BTUs of power across the 180 square inch grilling surface.
One of the features that really stood out to me was the PerfectHeat technology. It ensures efficient cooking using less fuel, which is great when you're out in the wilderness. The PerfectFlow technology also shines in extreme conditions, providing consistent performance across all weather scenarios.
Another handy feature was the WindBlock panels that help shield your flame from the wind. However, during calmer days, they fold down easily to serve as side tables. The removable grease management system is also a plus, making cleanup a breeze.
One thing I noticed wasn't perfect was the durability of the grill top. I had heard warnings about it, but mine unfortunately warped after just a few uses. This resulted in it being unable to close properly.
Despite this minor setback, the Coleman Portable Propane Grill proved to be a reliable and convenient companion for our outdoor adventures. It's perfect for creating the ideal meal, anywhere and anytime.

šŸ”—Cuisinart Smoke-Less Contact Griddler: Versatile Indoor Griller for Delicious Grilled Meals
I recently had the pleasure of using the Cuisinart GR-6S Contact Smoke-Less Mode Griddler in my own kitchen. Honestly, it brought a whole new dimension to my indoor grilling game. The smokeless feature made grilling indoors a breeze without filling my apartment with smoke.
One of the first things I noticed was the adjustable temperatures. It made it incredibly easy to get the perfect sear on my steaks, evenly brown my pancakes, and cook each dish to perfection without overcooking or undercooking. The LCD display and digital controls were quite user-friendly and made selecting the desired temperature a snap. Yet, there was a bit of a learning curve in the beginning.
Now, the highlight of the Griddler was the DuoControl Heating Advantage. I could independently control the temperature on the upper and lower plates. I used this to cook a variety of dishes like fish, poultry, and veggies. However, it did require some trial and error to figure out the ideal temperatures for each dish.
I also loved the removable drip tray and the nonstick dishwasher-safe plates. Cleanup was a breeze, which was a great thing considering how much I used the griddler. The capacity was fairly small, but as I said, it was made to handle a couple of sandwiches at a time.
However, there were a couple of issues. Firstly, the bottom plate didn't cook evenly when both the top and bottom had the same temperature. To fix this, I had to play around with the temperatures to get the right results. Also, the cooking surface was quite small, but considering its compact design, it made sense.
The construction was sturdy and, in fact, exceeded my expectations. The silver color made it a great addition to my kitchen, adding a certain visual appeal. The appliance held up well against daily use, proving to be quite durable. However, the design was a bit of a challenge to understand right out of the box.
Overall, I found the Cuisinart GR-6S Contact Smoke-Less Mode Griddler a joy to use. It added a touch of innovation to my grilling routines and was a great addition to my kitchen appliances collection. Even with its minor flaws, it certainly delivered in terms of quality and performance.

šŸ”—Brookstone IndooOutdoor Electric Grill for Charcoal-Free Cooking
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Brookstone Indoor, Outdoor Electric Grill. It's been great as a home grilling solution since it doesn't require charcoal or propane. My first time using it, I grilled some chicken, and the flavors just popped.
The two heating zones provided precise temperature control, allowing me to achieve that authentic grilled taste. However, I found the cleanup process a bit challenging as grease collected in the drip tray, making it a hassle to keep everything clean. Regardless, the grill's stainless-steel design and sleek outdoor cover made it a worthwhile addition to my outdoor cooking setup.

šŸ”—Portable Coleman Gas Grill for the Ultimate Grilling Experience
I recently tried out the Coleman PerfectFlow InstaStart Gas Grill for a weekend camping trip. It was a breeze to set up, and with just a push of a button, the grill was up and running in no time. The convenient matchless lighting system really stood out to me, as it made starting the grill a hassle-free experience.
One of the biggest pros of this grill is its durability. The steel-crafted body is tough and can withstand various outdoor elements without any issues. Plus, on those calm days, the shields fold down as side tables, providing extra work space.
However, I did encounter a few cons during my time with the grill. Firstly, the drip tray wasn't the most effective. It seemed to catch grease well but can be a bit messy to clean. Secondly, the grill plate occasionally caused some difficulty in achieving an even cook.
Despite a few minor drawbacks, the Coleman PerfectFlow InstaStart Gas Grill has proven to be a reliable companion for me on my camping trips. So, if you're looking for a portable, convenient, and durable grill for your outdoor adventures, this might just be the one for you.

šŸ”—Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill for Healthy and Delicious Cooking
I recently tried out the Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill and was quite impressed by its performance. This grill was a game-changer in my household as it allowed me to enjoy juicy, flavorful grilled meats without having to step outside in the elements. The nonstick cooking surface was a standout feature as it made cleanup a breeze, unlike my old grill that could be a hassle to clean.
One of the things that stood out the most was the temperature control. It made it super easy to adjust the heat to my liking, ensuring that my food was perfectly cooked every time. The even heat distribution was also noticeable - no more burnt burgers or overcooked steaks!
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I encountered. Although it's compact and portable, it took a little longer to heat up compared to my outdoor grill. Additionally, some users have mentioned issues with the grill's durability, but I haven't experienced any problems myself yet.
Overall, the Hamilton Beach IndooOutdoor Grill is a fantastic product that has made an excellent addition to my kitchen. Its easy-to-clean features, exceptional temperature control, and even heat distribution make it a worthwhile investment for any grilling enthusiast.

šŸ”—Portable Camping Grill/Stove with Wind Protection and Easy Clean-Up
I recently tried out the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Camp Propane Grill/Stove, and I must say, it has been a game-changer during my camping trips. The ability to use it as both a stove and a grill at the same time is such a convenient feature.
One thing that really stands out is the wind block system. It ensures that the burners aren't affected by wind, which is a common issue when cooking outdoors. The propane pressure control technology also makes sure that the cooking surface generates up to 10,000 BTUs of cooking power.
However, there are a few downsides. The non-stick surface, while easy to clean, can sometimes be a bit tricky to handle while cooking. Additionally, the dimensions might be a bit bigger than expected, so it could take up more space than anticipated.
Overall, I've had a positive experience with the Coleman PerfectFlow Portable Camp Propane Grill/Stove. It's a reliable and versatile option for those who love camping and cooking outdoors.

šŸ”—Compact Coleman Propane Grill/Stove for Camping Adventures
A Coleman Tabletop Propane Gas Camping 2-in-1 Grill/Stove 2-Burner Gray has been my go-to grilling companion during recent camping trips. The convenience of cooking multiple meals simultaneously while occupying minimal space is truly a game-changer.
The best aspect of this grill is its versatility - it enables me to whip up a quick skillet meal or sear some burgers all at once, making it a perfect companion in the kitchen. Additionally, the grill surface fits a 10-inch pan, providing ample room for larger dishes.
However, I did encounter a minor inconvenience with the stove's design. The stove surface cannot accommodate a larger pot, rendering it unsuitable for preparing larger meals.
Overall, I am pleased with the Coleman Tabletop Propane Gas Camping 2-in-1 Grill/Stove 2-Burner Gray, as it has significantly streamlined my camping cooking experience. Despite the limitation with the stove's surface, its versatility and functionality make it a valuable addition to my camping gear.

šŸ”—Portable Coleman Grill for Camping

The Coleman NXT 200 Portable Grill has been my trusty companion for countless camping trips and backyard barbecues. Its 20,000 BTUs of cooking intensity and 321 square inches of grilling space make it perfect for cooking up a storm, whether you're making burgers for the whole family or whipping up a quick meal on the go.
There are a few aspects of this grill that really stand out in my experience. First and foremost, its durability is top-notch. It's been with me through wind, rain, and snow, and it still performs like a champ. The materials used in its construction are of the highest quality, ensuring that it can withstand the elements and remain functional for years to come.
However, there are a couple of things that could use some improvement. One major drawback is the size and weight of the grill. It can be a bit of a struggle to transport it, especially if you're on your own. It's not exactly a lightweight option, so be prepared for a bit of heft when you're moving it from place to place.
Another area where this grill could use some work is the availability of accessories. Some users have reported difficulty in finding certain attachments, like the griddle, which can limit the versatility of the grill. It would be great if there were more options available for those looking to expand their cooking capabilities.
Overall, the Coleman NXT 200 Portable Grill is a reliable and powerful grill that has served me well in a variety of situations. It's a bit cumbersome to transport and accessory availability can be hit or miss, but if you're in the market for a dependable and efficient grill, this one fits the bill.

Buyer's Guide

A Coleman Electric Grill is a convenient and versatile option for those seeking an effortless outdoor cooking experience. These grills come in various sizes and configurations, making it essential to consider several factors before making your purchase. Here are some important considerations to help you choose the right Coleman Electric Grill to suit your needs.

Power Source & Portability
The power source of the grill is a crucial factor to consider, as it will determine how you use it and where. Coleman Electric Grills come with different power sources: 120 volts AC (standard household), 240 volts AC (requires a dedicated outdoor outlet), or portable options powered by propane or natural gas. Decide on the power source that will work best for you based on your electricity access and mobility needs.

Cooking Surface Size & Capacity

The size of the cooking surface and capacity of the grill will influence the amount of food you can cook at once. Coleman Electric Grills offer various cooking surface options, ranging from 120 square inches to over 600 square inches. Determine the size you'll need to accommodate your cooking requirements and the number of people you plan to serve.

Heating Elements & Cooking Settings

Consider the heating elements and cooking settings when selecting a Coleman Electric Grill. Many models offer individual heat settings for each burner, allowing you to control temperature zones for different cooking needs. Look for grills with adjustable heat output settings or temperature probes for more precise cooking results.

Additional Features

Additional features may also influence your decision. Some Coleman Electric Grills come with features such as side burners, warming racks, lighted control knobs, and even built-in refrigerators or beverage coolers. Weigh these features against your needs and budget to make the best choice.

Maintenance & Cleaning

Easy maintenance and cleaning are vital aspects of an electric grill. Look for grills with removable parts for simple cleaning, durable materials that withstand heat, and grease management systems to keep your grill in top condition.

Cost & Warranty
Your budget will play a significant role in determining your purchasing options. Compare prices and find the best value for your money. Additionally, consider the warranty offered by the manufacturer, as it will provide peace of mind and help protect your investment in the long run.
By taking all these factors into account, you can confidently choose the perfect Coleman Electric Grill to suit your outdoor cooking needs.


What is the Coleman Electric Grill?

The Coleman Electric Grill is a portable grill that utilizes electric heating elements instead of traditional gas or charcoal. It is designed for convenience and ease of use, making it a popular choice for outdoor cooking and tailgating.

What are the key features of the Coleman Electric Grill?

  • Portability: The grill is lightweight and compact, making it easy to transport and store.
  • Electric Heating: The grill uses electric heating elements, which produce consistent heat and reduce the risk of flare-ups.
  • Adjustable Heat Settings: Most Coleman Electric Grills have multiple heat settings, allowing users to control the temperature to suit their needs.
  • Easy Clean-Up: The grill's non-stick cooking surface makes clean-up a breeze, while the grease tray catches excess grease for easy disposal.

What types of food can I cook on the Coleman Electric Grill?

You can cook a variety of foods on the Coleman Electric Grill, including burgers, hot dogs, steaks, chicken, fish, and even vegetables. The grill's consistent heat and even cooking surface make it perfect for a wide range of delicious outdoor cooking options.

What are the benefits of electric grills compared to traditional gas or charcoal grills?

  • Ease of use: Electric grills are generally simpler to use than traditional gas or charcoal grills, as they don't require the purchase or disposal of propane tanks or the use of charcoal.
  • Faster heating and cooking: Electric grills heat up more quickly and cook food faster than traditional gas or charcoal grills, making it easier to get dinner on the table in no time.
  • Safety: Electric grills are generally considered safer than traditional gas or charcoal grills, as they have no open flames or hot surfaces that could cause accidents.
  • Consistent heat: Electric grills provide consistent heat, which reduces the risk of overcooking or undercooking food.
  • Less maintenance: Electric grills require less maintenance than traditional gas or charcoal grills, as they don't produce the same level of soot, ash, or other byproducts that need to be cleaned up.

What maintenance is required for the Coleman Electric Grill?

The Coleman Electric Grill requires minimal maintenance, as it uses electric heating elements and a non-stick cooking surface. Simply wipe down the cooking surface and grill grates after each use, and empty the grease tray as needed. Regular cleaning of the grill and ensuring it is stored properly will help to extend its lifespan.

How do I light the Coleman Electric Grill?

Most Coleman Electric Grills do not require lighting, as they use electric heating elements instead of open flames. Simply plug in the grill, set the desired heat setting, and allow it to reach the desired temperature before cooking.

What is the warranty period on the Coleman Electric Grill?

Coleman typically offers a one-year warranty on their electric grills, although this can vary depending on the specific model and the retailer it was purchased from. It is always a good idea to check with the retailer or contact Coleman's customer service for the most up-to-date information on product warranties.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:16 FickleField9053 I need your advice please :) !

Hi everyone,
I'm in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend. I'm a 27-year-old female, and he's a 29-year-old male. We're going to celebrate our two-year anniversary this August. We met in our hometown through mutual friends during the summer and clicked instantly. Heā€™s a wonderful and caring guy, and I love him so much. He makes the effort to visit me every 2-3 months since I canā€™t visit him due to visa restrictions.
Initially, the distance was manageable and didnā€™t affect me much. However, after our recent trip together, I returned home feeling deeply frustrated that he wasnā€™t with me. To make matters worse, I had a car accident on the second day back. Physically, Iā€™m fine, but mentally, it took a toll on me. I wished he was here to support me.
I have a tendency to isolate myself when Iā€™m feeling depressed. I haven't been to therapy due to the cost, but I try to analyze my behavior and stay aware of my mental state. This time, though, itā€™s been really hard. I feel miserable in my life here and unhappy. I used to love working out, but it doesnā€™t bring me joy anymore. Thereā€™s not much to do here besides going out and drinking on weekends. All my close friends, who arenā€™t many, live abroad, including my boyfriend.
My boyfriend has a very active social life, and it seems like the distance doesnā€™t impact him as much as it does me. I get jealous, not of the people heā€™s with, but because I want to be the one sharing those moments with him. Iā€™ve started feeling like an accessory in his life. I know this isnā€™t true, but these feelings build up, making me angry and causing me to overanalyze everything. I struggle to communicate my feelings to him because I donā€™t want to seem jealous or needy. He gets confused and upset when I donā€™t communicate, but I just canā€™t find the right words.
I donā€™t think thereā€™s a solution to closing the gap between us except getting married, which we havenā€™t planned. I honestly donā€™t know what to do.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you cope with it? Any advice on managing these feelings and the long-distance relationship would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for reading, it means a lot :)
submitted by FickleField9053 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:12 Evening-Pilot-737 How hard is it to program my own public transport app?

I have good knowledge about web design like PHP and SQL, so OOP is familiar to me.
How hard would it be to learn programming an iOS app and android app, which focuses on public transport?
I would imagine, not very hard, since it's just a menue fest but no 3D like games etc, but where to get the live data from? There are independent apps like Moovit, to name one, so somehow a developer can get api access. I am in Germany and the app would focus on german public transport.
  1. How do apps store user data, like favourite tram stop or favourite route? Like via SQL as it would be on the a web site? Or via some sort of cookie?
  2. How do apps fetch more data, like if you request all current busses and tram of a stop?
  3. How does drawing the GUI work, anything similar to html and css?
  4. How hard would it be to develop both iOS and Android (I have an iPhone and Mac and would like to start there before buying an Android for testing).
  5. How hard or expensive would it be to get api access? Do transport companies give it out for free as public domain? I guess not but what are the ballpark price figures? Do they even give out api access at all or only after a long application process? I know there was this talk by David Kriesel and he had access to the german train api (not sure if only trains or also busses but he only analysed trains), the api he used was publicly available although he said, asking for permission is recommended if you make a lot of server requests.
submitted by Evening-Pilot-737 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:12 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Coleman Camp Wagon

Best Coleman Camp Wagon
Get ready to hit the great outdoors in style with our roundup of the best Coleman Camp Wagons available today. In this article, we'll take a closer look at these exceptional camping trailers, complete with their key features, benefits, and user reviews. We've got all the information you need to make the perfect choice for your next adventure. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of Coleman Camp Wagons.

The Top 5 Best Coleman Camp Wagon

  1. Collapsible Wagon: Compact Storage and Maneuverability for Outdoor Adventures - Easily transport gear for your outdoor adventures with the BLACK+DECKER BDSTCTBK01 Collapsible Wagon, featuring heavy-duty, all-terrain wheels, a telescoping handle for compact storage, and a Velcro pocket for organization.
  2. Versatile Coleman Camping Wagon with Canopy and Adjustable Handles - Discover the perfect travel companion with the Wonderfold Wagon S4 Push and Pull, featuring telescopic and adjustable handles, a foldable canopy, and reliable safety features, all wrapped in a stylish red design.
  3. Lightweight Aluminum Hunting Wagon for Outdoor Adventures - Haul up to 350 lbs. with ease using the lightweight, rust-resistant Kahuna Country Big Kahuna Wagon, a perfect companion for hunting gear!
  4. Coleman Collapsible Camping Wagon for Festival and Beach Adventures - The Coleman 2000035214 portable hand cart offers a versatile and compact solution for festivals, beach trips, and more, with a durable steel frame, collapsible design, and ample load capacity.
  5. Rugged Outdoor Wagon for Camping and Picnics, with Reinforced Steel Construction and 5 Cu. Ft. Storage - The Coleman Outdoor Wagon combines rugged durability and compact convenience, offering a large and portable carrying solution for all your outdoor adventures.
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šŸ”—Collapsible Wagon: Compact Storage and Maneuverability for Outdoor Adventures
As a proud owner of the Black & Decker Collapsible Wagon, I can confidently say that it has become my go-to companion for all my outdoor adventures. Whether I'm heading to the park, the farmers' market, or just working on my garden, this sturdy wagon is always by my side to transport all my essentials.
What I love the most about this wagon is its heavy-duty, all-terrain wheels. They make maneuvering the wagon through different terrains a breeze, and the 360-degree wheel rotation ensures a smooth ride, even when going up or downhill. The handle, which can be used to comfortably push or pull the wagon, secures in place when not in use, providing an added level of convenience.
One standout feature is the telescoping handle that allows for easy storage when the wagon isn't in use. It folds into a compact size, making it perfect for small spaces, especially when you're not on your next adventure. However, I did find that sometimes the plastic tire could be a bit annoying, especially when using it for beach trips.
With its large capacity and portable design, the Black & Decker Collapsible Wagon truly lives up to its name. Its sturdy frame and durable polyester canvas fabric ensure it can handle up to 176 pounds, making it a reliable choice for all your outdoor needs. And with its Velcro pocket and two cup holders, you can stay organized and hydrated on the go.
Overall, the Black & Decker Collapsible Wagon is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a convenient and versatile wagon to handle all their outdoor adventures. Its easy maneuverability, sturdy construction, and space-saving design make it a standout product that has earned its 5.0 rating from users.

šŸ”—Versatile Coleman Camping Wagon with Canopy and Adjustable Handles
The Wonderfold Wagon S4 Push and Pull is a versatile companion for all your outdoor activities, from beach trips to camping adventures. With a telescopic pull handle and adjustable push handle, you're in control of maneuvering this wagon even in tight spaces. The wagon boasts a foldable canopy, perfect for shielding your little ones or your belongings from the rain.
One of my favorite features is the one-step foot brake at the back, ensuring your precious cargo stays secure while you take breaks or navigate tough terrains. However, I noticed the plastic wheels may not be as durable as rubber ones, making the ride a bit less smooth on certain surfaces.
Craftsmanship is solid overall, but the plastic straps and certain frame components appear a bit more bendable than expected. A few users shared concerns about the overall sturdiness. On the bright side, the wagon is stylish and has a compact design when folded, making storage a breeze.
With its ease of use and large capacity, the Wonderfold Wagon S4 Push and Pull is an impressive choice for those who want a convenient and sturdy option for outdoor trips.

šŸ”—Lightweight Aluminum Hunting Wagon for Outdoor Adventures
As a nature enthusiast, I stumbled upon this Calypso Cruiser Wagon during my last camping trip. What sets it apart is its sturdy, aluminum constructionā€”rust-resistant and ready to endure even the harshest terrain. The weight of just 50 pounds is remarkable for a wagon that can haul up to 350 pounds, making it a convenient companion for my hunting expeditions.
My favorite feature has to be the large, 14-inch pneumatic tires. They roll over any terrain with ease and leave no trace; a perfect match for my nature-loving spirit. The extra-large deck fits smoothly through standard doorways, and the built-in drain holes keep my gear away from unnecessary water.
The removable side panels are a thoughtful addition, ensuring that my gear stays in place during transit. Ergonomic hand grips prevent strain, and the clevis attachment makes it easy to hook up my ATV or other vehicles, making the wagon a versatile tool for my outdoor adventures.
However, while the wagon is made for any terrain, it didn't fare so well in turning. The aluminum plates that make up the swivel needed some grease to turn smoothly. This ended up causing some friction and, after prolonged use, left tiny grits that made the swivel feel like sandpaper.
In conclusion, the Calypso Cruiser Wagon is a great tool for those who love the outdoors and appreciate the convenience of transporting their gear. Its lightweight rust-resistant construction, versatility, and ergonomic design make it a worthy investment for frequent camping trips, fishing trips, or any outdoor activity. Despite the occasional challenges in turning the corners, the overall experience was great, and I look forward to more adventures with this sturdy companion by my side.

šŸ”—Coleman Collapsible Camping Wagon for Festival and Beach Adventures
When I first saw the Coleman Collapsible Camping Wagon, I thought it was a fun and practical way to transport my gear for outdoor adventures. The red wagon arrived with all its parts together, but as soon as I started setting it up, I realized that this was not your average toy wagon.
The first thing I noticed about the wagon was its size when used - a whopping 106 x 53 x 100 cm. It was bigger than I expected, but it also had a significant load capacity of 85 kg, which was a great advantage for when I needed to bring more stuff on my trips. The storage size was also impressive, at 18 x 40 x 77 cm, which was enough to fit my camping gear comfortably.
Now, let's talk about the wheels. The wagon had a set of four wheels, each with brakes for full control. This was particularly useful when I needed to navigate through different terrains or when I had to stop suddenly. However, the tires were not the best quality. After a few trips, they started to wear down, and I had to replace them eventually.
Another feature that stood out was the removable reinforced bottom. It made it easy for me to clean the wagon and store it away when not in use. The steel frame also made it strong and durable, although it was a bit heavy to lift when folded.
The trolley came with a few accessories, including a rubber band with a hook and a storage case. The rubber band was handy when I needed to secure my belongings, while the storage case was useful when I wanted to keep the wagon organized.
However, there were a few downsides to using this wagon. For instance, the handle material was not the most comfortable to grip, especially when I was pulling heavy loads. It also required a bit of assembly, which could be a hassle for some people.
Overall, the Coleman Collapsible Camping Wagon was a useful tool for my outdoor adventures. It was sturdy, spacious, and easy to use, although it had a few flaws that I had to address. If you're looking for a reliable wagon for your outdoor trips, this might be a good option, but be prepared to spend some time setting it up and maintaining it.

šŸ”—Rugged Outdoor Wagon for Camping and Picnics, with Reinforced Steel Construction and 5 Cu. Ft. Storage
I recently took the Coleman Camp Wagon on a camping trip, and it made hauling all of my essentials a breeze. The rugged polyester bin and swivel steel frame provided supreme durability, even while trekking through rough terrains.
The accordion folding design and carry case made transporting it hassle-free, and maneuvering it was effortless with the telescoping handle and swivel front wheels. One negative aspect I encountered was the 150 lb weight limit, which limited the amount of gear I could bring along. Overall, the Coleman Camp Wagon proved to be a reliable companion for my outdoor adventures.

Buyer's Guide

The Coleman Camp Wagon is a versatile and convenient portable shelter designed specifically for outdoor enthusiasts and campers alike. Its unique design and quality construction make it a popular choice among those who enjoy spending time in the great outdoors.

Important Features to Consider

  • Size and Capacity: Determine the size and capacity that best suits your needs, considering the number of people it needs to accommodate and the amount of gear you need to store.
  • Ease of Setup: Look for a Coleman Camp Wagon that is easy to set up and take down, particularly if you plan to camp frequently or travel long distances with your shelter.
  • Durability: Choose a Coleman Camp Wagon made from high-quality, weather-resistant materials to ensure it can withstand harsh outdoor conditions and maintain its performance over time.
  • Portability: A portable Coleman Camp Wagon is essential for those who plan to travel frequently or camp in various locations. Look for models that are lightweight, compact, and easy to transport.
  • Ventilation: Good ventilation is crucial for maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the Coleman Camp Wagon. Consider models with adjustable vents or mesh windows to ensure proper airflow and temperature control.
  • Additional Features: Some Coleman Camp Wagons may come with extra features such as storage pockets, gear pockets, or even built-in lantern holders. Determine which of these features may be useful for your specific needs.

Factors to Consider Before Purchasing

Before purchasing a Coleman Camp Wagon, consider your budget, the number of people it will accommodate, and the size and weight of the product to ensure it meets your needs and preferences. Additionally, read reviews and ask for recommendations from experienced campers or outdoor enthusiasts.

General Advice for Coleman Camp Wagon Owners

  • Regularly inspect your Coleman Camp Wagon for damage or wear and tear, and address any issues promptly to ensure its longevity and performance.
  • Properly store your Coleman Camp Wagon when not in use to prevent damage and maintain its condition.
  • When setting up your Coleman Camp Wagon, ensure it is on a flat, stable surface to avoid any instability or accidents.
  • Familiarize yourself with the proper care and maintenance instructions for your specific model to ensure its performance and longevity.

Additional Resources

For more information on Coleman Camp Wagons, visit the official [Coleman website](https: //www. coleman. com/support/camping-tents-canopies-guides. html) and explore a variety of resources and guides designed to help campers and outdoor enthusiasts make informed decisions when purchasing their Coleman Camp Wagon.


What is the Coleman Camp Wagon?

The Coleman Camp Wagon is a multi-purpose, portable camping unit that offers convenience and comfort to campers. It's designed with a spacious interior, providing ample room for sleeping, storage, and other camping activities.

How many people can the Coleman Camp Wagon accommodate?

The Coleman Camp Wagon can comfortably accommodate up to eight people, with a queen-sized bed and additional sleeping areas in the form of couch seating that can be converted into beds.

What is the dimensions of the Coleman Camp Wagon?

The Coleman Camp Wagon has an overall length of 175 inches, width of 88 inches, and height of 123 inches. When it is fully set up, the interior dimensions are approximately 99 inches x 52 inches x 78 inches.

What features does the Coleman Camp Wagon have?

The Coleman Camp Wagon comes equipped with features such as an awning with windows for light and ventilation, a screen room for additional bug-free living space, and easy-to-adjust stabilizer jacks for stability. It also has gear organizers and under-bed storage for extra storage.

Is the Coleman Camp Wagon easy to set up?

Yes, the Coleman Camp Wagon is designed with ease of setup in mind. Most tasks such as setting up the awning, screen room, and stabilizer jacks can be completed in a few minutes by one person. The detailed instruction manual provided with the product also makes the assembly process simpler.

What materials is the Coleman Camp Wagon made of?

The Coleman Camp Wagon is constructed with durable, 210D polyester fabric, with a UVGuard for protection against sun damage, and is 100% seam-sealed to ensure waterproofing. The frame of the unit is made from steel tubing, ensuring durability and stability.

Is the Coleman Camp Wagon lightweight?

The Coleman Camp Wagon weighs approximately 495 pounds when fully equipped, so it is not considered a lightweight camping solution. However, its sturdy structure and durability make it a worthwhile investment for those looking for a long-lasting, spacious, and comfortable camping solution.

Does the Coleman Camp Wagon come with a warranty?

Yes, the Coleman Camp Wagon comes with a limited warranty that covers defects in materials and workmanship for two years from the date of purchase.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:10 Recent-Management-61 Her reasons don't make sense...

Throwaway here
Up until a few days ago I (39m) was dating/just establishing a relationship with a single mother (41f). We have been seeing each other for just over 2 months. Not a long time I know but the ease in which we connected really felt very unique and different than past relationships. A fact she acknowledged more than once. We share similar perspectives, find enjoyment in many of the same things, equally dorky and awkward. We really felt in sync.
I know the intensity of feelings I felt towards her were disproportionate, in a typical sense, to the amount of time we spent/knew each other. When speaking with friends I even said it was stupid I felt this strength of connection so quickly. I know it's easy to think I was naive or seeing things that weren't there, but I am confident that's not the case. There were real reciprocation of feelings and intensity in moments that we both identified. I think I communicate well, I am clear, and understanding, and a good listener. She really appreciated this quality and as such was very open and clear about her feelings towards me as well. Saying things like how she's never dated someone like me (I've been through some shit, did therapy, became pretty emotionally intelligent and self-reflective as a result), telling me how appreciative she is for me, gave me a card stating this on the day she started to pull back actually, how my touch gives her tingles. Straight up telling me a week before how she really likes me.
Yes we were intimate a few times. Intense and mutually satisfying, had improtu spicy chats during the day including the day before we last saw each other. On top of her words and discussions there were actions that also spoke to her really being serious about the connection we were developing. She happens to live right next to her parents and her sisters family. Now she could have kept me separate from all that, but she didn't. I met her sister pretty early on when having a date night at her house. Then a week later she invites me to her sister's house for a little BBQ, was an excellent night. And I ended up meeting her parents too. Not by happenstance either, but rather here come inside my parents house and say hello. And she was having conversations with her son about me and trying to get him comfortable with the idea of meeting me. I even helped her move appliances with her and her dad 3 days before the pull back and 1 week before she ended it. I even installed the washer and dryer for her, then encouraged her to go to an event for her son right after I got done, without me. I didn't do it for any other reason than I really liked her and acts of service are one of the ways I show how I care and it made me feel good to do it, to be there for her. This all has a certain connotation or level of seriousness in a relationship all in its own.
My emotions fed off of her words and actions, maybe my openness and honesty felt like a bit much at times, like I was oversharing. But it was honest and reciprocated every time. There were palpable moments of electricity between us.
Then came the pull back...she is a nurse who works 12 hour shifts and has shared custody of her son. I work a typical m-f schedule. So as we are building this whatever it was, spending time together was a challenge sometimes. I completely respect her keeping me separate from her son until the time was right, never pushed, always accepted that her role as a mother comes first.
So she asks me if I want to do dinner at my house for this past Tuesday. Tuesday is my golf night, but I made an effort to go to work early, leave early, get my match done early so we can have a nice evening. I even took the morning off in case we were up late, so we could maybe wake up next to each other and enjoy sometime together in the morning. She was really excited about this, or rather implied that she was. Even had the spicy talk the day before.
Then she arrives and I can tell something is off. Shes not as receptive to my touch, dynamic is off. After dinner we sit on the couch and she breaks down in tears. She's feeling like we are moving fast, she feels like our texting is taking away from time with her son, wants to dial it back. She has her son for a 5 day stint starting the next day, doesn't want to feel tethered to her phone, wants to feel present. Okay, I get it, respect it, no problem at all. She then tells me about how her divorce went down, kind of wild and not exactly how she made it seem at first. She definitely still is working through that stuff and the ex dynamic is poor and I think he bullies her and knows her buttons. I straight up told her that if I was her partner I would be there and defend her and not let his bullshit slide (maturely, I'm 40 and don't need to be physical). She did say a few times that she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop with us because of her past relationship trauma. But guys, I have no other shoe. I'm a god damn gentleman doing his best to operate in a time when women are more independent, and I support it and respect it.
I send her an email the following day apologizing if I came in to strong, I believe in what we are building, I respect boundaries and her and all her terrific attributes. She responds by saying it was beautiful and she looks forward to moving forward with me. I also suggest phone calls or Video chats in lieu of texting moving forward. And I assured her I didn't need to be in contact 24/7 and that I like my independence as well.
Over the next couple days I let her lead the conversation. If she texted I responded. Typically it wasn't immediately but within 15 minutes unless I myself was busy. I wouldn't try and engage in long discussions. Just little check ins it seemed like. Then her text style changed again, less frequent, no emoji, no real engagement from her in to my activities. I felt it coming.
She was ill over these past few days with bronchitis and was having her period, she felt cruddy and I felt bad I couldn't be there for her like I wanted to. I would ask how she was doing, if she needed anything. Her response was that I was sweet but she could manage. But she began to not ask me about what I was up to, or really engage much at all.
Saturday she ends it, says she hasn't really put all her focus on being a mom since her divorce (4 years ago), she made some relationship mistakes post divorce, still healing, really wants to be there for her son (kid sounds amazing btw). But okay, yeah I am bummed but I respect it. What else can I do right? Kid comes first, I get it.
But you know what really bothered me is that when asked about what we were felt for each other, if it was real, she denies we had this special connection and that she thinks she was forcing my long winded question here is... After all that, does that sound like she was forcing it? She said she felt there was an incompatibility but couldn't identify what it was. She's sorry for leading me on, then tells me not to lose her number. Like wtf? I think she is either lying to herself to make herself feel better or there is something else going on. My hypothesis is that our potential scared her, she doesn't want to get big time hurt again and is anxious about it and somebody put the bug in her ear that the feelings she is having is because she is forcing it (she mentioned a comment a coworker made to this extent about it being forced because she wasnt as giddy as she had been, I think she was fearful and this person labeled it as force). I say this because it all doesn't make sense, I am probably wrong, help me make sense of this, please.
Tl;Dr built a wicked connection with a woman, have evidence it wasn't one sided, special connection, met her parents, installed her appliances, got dumped a week later and was told it wasn't real but forced.
submitted by Recent-Management-61 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:10 Wide-Junket5293 How does one choose sampradya? What other Advaita lineages are there to choose from?

  1. Does one have to stick with the familial lineage/tradition or how if there is a process to change sampradya? My father was abandoned and adopted and did not know his real father. However, I clearly remember my previous life's guru's eyes and his face has some relativeness to my present life father. This life, I met a guru (online) who looks very different from past life but still has the very same eyes and vibe of my former guru. However, things are still not going well and it's difficult to work together because of some karma. I know I would have to deal with that eventually but is it okay to have a detour? Or i dunno really, do I really have to stick with what doesn't seem to have been working over many lifetimes and just tiring me out, can I just permanently leave? I've tried to leave over and over again in previous life and at present, but it seems to bring me more suffering, and I just intuitively know I'd only be delaying my life course... but does it matter how slow or fast I reach enlightenment?
  2. How does one work well with a compatible guru? In choosing/changing tradition, what are the top things to consider? Do I have to choose based on which I find the most agreeable perspectives? How strict the guru with attendance and practice and if the demands of spiritual work would suit to juggle with my current other responsibilities? Should location really matter, being able to be present in person rather than just online classes? Is it better to open up and have a close relationship with the guru or to keep distance and stay as more of an impersonal student and just ask objective spiritual questions? How far should a student go in forbearing with what seem to be imperfections of a teacher? If I have a problem with the teacheteaching/approach, should I confront/ask or better just silently disappeart?
  3. What other Advaita Schools that have representatives in the Philippines? So far I am only aware of 2 Advaita schools that are available in my country: Ramakrishna and Chinmaya. Chinmaya seem to align closer to my former lineage and to my dharma or life mission. However, some teachings/approach which I may disagree (although still tolerable when I'm in a state of higher spirituality but difficult when I am in my lower consciousness). And similarly, I might get stressed out (react or feel a sense of repulsion/aversion) as with how I differ with my past guru. I've been reading some books from DLS but I find literature from the Ramakrishna order (specially that of Vivekananda) a lot more precise/understandable on some points. So far, as I had been following Swami Sarvapriyananda on YT, in all his long talks I find nothing that causes me cognitive dissonance, and its digestible enough even when I'm in my lower state of awareness. However, Ramakrishna in the Philippines seem to go too far for me about inclusivity towards other religions. I like tolerance but I feel a bit wary looking at their regular schedule of activities with dedicated time slot for recitations of non-Hindu scriptures. I just want to learn the pure form of Hindu teachings without mixing too much of other references. (Although I am comfortable enough with the style of how Swami Sarvapriyananda sparingly injects a bit of Christian or Buddhist teachings just for the purpose of connecting with some people in the audience.)
  4. Would it be alright to follow different sampradyas, study under different gurus, at the same time? I'd like to just continue enjoying Swami Sarvapriyananda's lectures and that is already so much lesson to study, and it is working for me so far successfully answers on my core issues that I struggled over the past decade with no answer. However I also would also like to build networks/relationships with local Hindus just so that I won't feel or think like it is such a lonely path I have to do all by myself, so I would also like to attend in person classes (of which I haven't yet decided). Would it be alright to attend classes of different gurus from different traditions at the same time? Or would it be better to just stick to one teacher at a time?
submitted by Wide-Junket5293 to AdvaitaVedanta [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:08 Recent-Management-61 AITHAH for not believing the reasons I was given during a break up...

Throwaway here
Up until a few days ago I (39m) was dating/just establishing a relationship with a single mother (41f). We have been seeing each other for just over 2 months. Not a long time I know but the ease in which we connected really felt very unique and different than past relationships. A fact she acknowledged more than once. We share similar perspectives, find enjoyment in many of the same things, equally dorky and awkward. We really felt in sync.
I know the intensity of feelings I felt towards her were disproportionate, in a typical sense, to the amount of time we spent/knew each other. When speaking with friends I even said it was stupid I felt this strength of connection so quickly. I know it's easy to think I was naive or seeing things that weren't there, but I am confident that's not the case. There were real reciprocation of feelings and intensity in moments that we both identified. I think I communicate well, I am clear, and understanding, and a good listener. She really appreciated this quality and as such was very open and clear about her feelings towards me as well. Saying things like how she's never dated someone like me (I've been through some shit, did therapy, became pretty emotionally intelligent and self-reflective as a result), telling me how appreciative she is for me, gave me a card stating this on the day she started to pull back actually, how my touch gives her tingles. Straight up telling me a week before how she really likes me.
Yes we were intimate a few times. Intense and mutually satisfying, had improtu spicy chats during the day including the day before we last saw each other. On top of her words and discussions there were actions that also spoke to her really being serious about the connection we were developing. She happens to live right next to her parents and her sisters family. Now she could have kept me separate from all that, but she didn't. I met her sister pretty early on when having a date night at her house. Then a week later she invites me to her sister's house for a little BBQ, was an excellent night. And I ended up meeting her parents too. Not by happenstance either, but rather here come inside my parents house and say hello. And she was having conversations with her son about me and trying to get him comfortable with the idea of meeting me. I even helped her move appliances with her and her dad 3 days before the pull back and 1 week before she ended it. I even installed the washer and dryer for her, then encouraged her to go to an event for her son right after I got done, without me. I didn't do it for any other reason than I really liked her and acts of service are one of the ways I show how I care and it made me feel good to do it, to be there for her. This all has a certain connotation or level of seriousness in a relationship all in its own.
My emotions fed off of her words and actions, maybe my openness and honesty felt like a bit much at times, like I was oversharing. But it was honest and reciprocated every time. There were palpable moments of electricity between us.
Then came the pull back...she is a nurse who works 12 hour shifts and has shared custody of her son. I work a typical m-f schedule. So as we are building this whatever it was, spending time together was a challenge sometimes. I completely respect her keeping me separate from her son until the time was right, never pushed, always accepted that her role as a mother comes first.
So she asks me if I want to do dinner at my house for this past Tuesday. Tuesday is my golf night, but I made an effort to go to work early, leave early, get my match done early so we can have a nice evening. I even took the morning off in case we were up late, so we could maybe wake up next to each other and enjoy sometime together in the morning. She was really excited about this, or rather implied that she was. Even had the spicy talk the day before.
Then she arrives and I can tell something is off. Shes not as receptive to my touch, dynamic is off. After dinner we sit on the couch and she breaks down in tears. She's feeling like we are moving fast, she feels like our texting is taking away from time with her son, wants to dial it back. She has her son for a 5 day stint starting the next day, doesn't want to feel tethered to her phone, wants to feel present. Okay, I get it, respect it, no problem at all. She then tells me about how her divorce went down, kind of wild and not exactly how she made it seem at first. She definitely still is working through that stuff and the ex dynamic is poor and I think he bullies her and knows her buttons. I straight up told her that if I was her partner I would be there and defend her and not let his bullshit slide (maturely, I'm 40 and don't need to be physical). She did say a few times that she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop with us because of her past relationship trauma. But guys, I have no other shoe. I'm a god damn gentleman doing his best to operate in a time when women are more independent, and I support it and respect it.
I send her an email the following day apologizing if I came in to strong, I believe in what we are building, I respect boundaries and her and all her terrific attributes. She responds by saying it was beautiful and she looks forward to moving forward with me. I also suggest phone calls or Video chats in lieu of texting moving forward. And I assured her I didn't need to be in contact 24/7 and that I like my independence as well.
Over the next couple days I let her lead the conversation. If she texted I responded. Typically it wasn't immediately but within 15 minutes unless I myself was busy. I wouldn't try and engage in long discussions. Just little check ins it seemed like. Then her text style changed again, less frequent, no emoji, no real engagement from her in to my activities. I felt it coming.
She was ill over these past few days with bronchitis and was having her period, she felt cruddy and I felt bad I couldn't be there for her like I wanted to. I would ask how she was doing, if she needed anything. Her response was that I was sweet but she could manage. But she began to not ask me about what I was up to, or really engage much at all.
Saturday she ends it, says she hasn't really put all her focus on being a mom since her divorce (4 years ago), she made some relationship mistakes post divorce, still healing, really wants to be there for her son (kid sounds amazing btw). But okay, yeah I am bummed but I respect it. What else can I do right? Kid comes first, I get it.
But you know what really bothered me is that when asked about what we were felt for each other, if it was real, she denies we had this special connection and that she thinks she was forcing my long winded question here is... After all that, does that sound like she was forcing it? She said she felt there was an incompatibility but couldn't identify what it was. She's sorry for leading me on, then tells me not to lose her number. Like wtf? I think she is either lying to herself to make herself feel better or there is something else going on. My hypothesis is that our potential scared her, she doesn't want to get big time hurt again and is anxious about it and somebody put the bug in her ear that the feelings she is having is because she is forcing it (she mentioned a comment a coworker made to this extent about it being forced because she wasnt as giddy as she had been, I think she was fearful and this person labeled it as force). I say this because it all doesn't make sense, I am probably wrong, help me make sense of this, please.
Tl;Dr built a wicked connection with a woman, have evidence it wasn't one sided, special connection, met her parents, installed her appliances, got dumped a week later and was told it wasn't real but forced.
submitted by Recent-Management-61 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:08 f00o Trade Scenario OTW #1

Trade Scenario OTW #1
Hi everyone, with the Clips out of contention this playoffs and our future (admittedly) looking a bit bleak, I thought I would do something a little fun with these hypothetical trade scenarios, which I'll be aiming to post at least once a week. You can hate or shit on it as much as you want but at the end of the day, it's just for fun. Also just fyi, there will be a lot of words down below so feel free to just skim through.
Anyways with that over with, for now I'll be avoiding making up any trades with PG or Russ in it as it's unlikely PG does a sign-and-trade nor the fact that Russ signs another lowball contract deal.
So for today's scenario, I wanted to try and address the current roster's issues which are: Lack of a proper PF and not enough athletic/glue guys on the team. If you look at the image, this isn't necessary a 3 team trade but I had just put two seperate trades into one, for viewing purposes.
1st trade: Orlando Magic Receive - Terrance Mann & P.J. Tucker
Clippers Receive - Jonathan Isaac
Now, how can the 'untouchable' T-mann himself be traded? Well firstly, he's 27 years old so I doubt he makes any significant developments at this point in his career and for the past 3 seasons he's had the same general stats. However Orlando possibly makes this trade because they're lacking in the wing position and Mann slots in perfectly as a pretty decent 3 & D guy to play along Franz and Paolo. If you watched the Cavs and Magic series, you'll see how atrocious their offense was (especially in game 7) with no one seemingly being able to a hit single 3 on Orlando. They're also 23rd in 3pt % so T-Mann is a perfect fit for them in just simply spacing the floor. With PJ Tucker, there admittedly isn't much upside to him apart from giving you some scrappy old man post defense with the occassional corner 3 plus some veteran leadership (he's just mainly there as a contract filler).
In return, the Clippers get Jonathan Isaac. The Magic seemingly don't need him as much as he only gets 15 minutes a night and is playing behind one of the younger front courts with a rising 21 yr old Paolo ahead of him. However, our old ass Clips team can for sure use a guy like him. Serviceable from three (37.5% however only 0.7 for 1.9 attempts a game), Isaac fits perfectly along Zubac and the general offense of our team as his agile roamer-presence as a shot blocker plus Zubac's defensive anchor(ness?) makes for a pretty airtight front court defense. Plus his ability to sufficiently play behind our stars will make his fit even better, assuming he gets around 25-30 minutes a night I can see him easily averaging 12 ppg and 7 rpg with like 2 blocks (His per36: 15.5 ppg 10.2 rpg 2.8 bpg). Now his main issue is going to be availability. He doesn't exactly have the best track record went it comes to being healthy however this season it seems like he's made a proper return, playing almost 60 games this year. For how good of a fit he is, I think this is a risk we should 100% take.
2nd trade: Nuggets receive - Norman Powell & Moussa Diabate
Clippers receive - Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Peyton Watson, Christian Braun.
With game 7 of the Nuggets vs Wolves coming to an end, we all saw how Jokic and Jamal fizzled out from exhaustion, resulting in the Wolves to come back and take the W. Jamal and Jokic alone combined for 69 points while everyone else on that team? 21 points. They desperately need a spark plug, starting or off the bench doesn't matter, they NEED a guy apart from Jamal and Jokic that can score the ball when needed. And who better then 6th man candidate, Norman Powell? Norman Powell has been absolutely monumental for us but thing is, he's getting old (30 yrs old). Already seeing a slight drop in ppg and other stats (also due to Harden being there), he like T-Mann, isn't going to get any better than this. We've got to sell him high. 14ppg on 43.5% shooting from 3 is still going to provide insane help to any team, especially Denver who needs more firepower off the bench. As for Moussa, I know his addition won't be anything insane but another issue with their roster is their lack of a backup big. They currently have a 35 year old Deandre Jordan as their backup behind Jokic. For his age, DJ isn't bad at all but how long is his worn-out body going to be able to endure and stay on the floor consistently? They need a fresh new body that isn't required to be impactful but can at least be there when Jokic comes off for whatever short amount of time he's resting on the bench.
Now for what we receive, with PG and Russ' presence on this team being questionable, its time we prepare to bring in guys that can play around Harden and Kawhi but also have a few decent young prospects we can actually look into developing. Bringing in KCP obviously won't be the same as PG but to be honest, he might make for a better fit. His defense is nothing to scoff at as it was merely 3-4 years ago where he was 11th in Dpoy votings. Obviously that was a bit of a stretch but even at age 30, he's still good. He's an established 2 way shooter that can spot up along with Harden and Kawhi leading the offense. And honestly with PG, at times it felt like his inconsistency, questionable shot selection and inconvenient passiveness as one of the main guys hurt us more than it helped us. Now with Peyton and Braun, I'm going to clump them together but they're both intriguing, young prospects that each have their own upsides. Peyton's knack for shot blocking and Braun's flashes of starter material, makes them good candidates for this squad. I know Ty Lue for whatever reason seems to HATE the idea of playing younger players but with PG, Russ and Norman Powell gone in this situation, he'll be forced to play some new faces in this lineup. KCP, Peyton and Braun are all wing players that can slot in from the 2-4, replace whichever starter when needed.
With this, I'm done with my ranting but after these trades, this is what I intended the lineups to look like.
Starters: Harden, KCP, Kawhi, Jonathan, Zubac Bench: Bones, Braun/BBJ, AmiPeyton, Theis/Kobe Brown, Plumlee/Kai Jones
I hope you found this at least entertaining, if you did read all this, I appreciate you and I am completely open to hearing any suggestions, new trade ideas or counter-arguments to this scenario.
submitted by f00o to LAClippers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:07 Significant-Tower146 Best Coleman 275 Lantern

Best Coleman 275 Lantern
Get ready to illuminate your camping adventures with the Coleman 275 Lantern! We've rounded up the best of this iconic lantern series to help you make an informed decision and choose the perfect light for your next outdoor excursion. Let's dive in and explore the features, benefits, and differences among these top-rated models.

The Top 6 Best Coleman 275 Lantern

  1. Bright and Versatile Coleman Dual Fuel Lantern with Adjustable Dimmer - The Coleman Premium Dual Fuel Lantern with Carry Case is a versatile and dependable camping companion, offering adjustable brightness and all-season performance, perfect for any outdoor adventure.
  2. Powerful Portable Camping Lantern by Coleman - The Coleman Propane 2 Mantle Lantern boasts 967 lumens of brightness, a 7-hour runtime, and rust-resistant porcelain-coated design, making it the perfect outdoor illumination solution for camping or emergency use.
  3. Coleman PerfectFlow Propane Lantern: Adjustable Brightness and Portable Light - Illuminate your surroundings with the Coleman PerfectFlow Propane Lantern, featuring adjustable brightness and stable footed base, while enjoying long-lasting performance and easy portability.
  4. Coleman 275 Lantern with Adjustable Brightness - Experience the convenience and power of the Coleman 275 Lantern, featuring InstaStart ignition, adjustable brightness, and eco-friendly fuel options for your outdoor adventures and emergency lighting needs.
  5. Reliable Coleman One Mantle Kerosene Lantern with Automatic Tip Cleaner - Illuminate your campsite with Coleman's iconic One Mantle Kerosene Lantern, offering up to 784 lumens and a durable, rust-resistant design.
  6. Adjustable Outdoor Kerosene Lantern with Heat-Shield - Bring outdoor lighting to life with the Coleman One Mantle Kerosene Gas Lantern, boasting adjustable brightness, durable materials, and a long-lasting burn time.
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šŸ”—Bright and Versatile Coleman Dual Fuel Lantern with Adjustable Dimmer
I recently added the Coleman Premium Dual Fuel Lantern to my camping gear, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. The combination of Coleman's time-honored reliability and the convenience of its dual fuel system has made this lantern a go-to for all my outdoor adventures.
One of the standout features is the brightness. With 700 lumens on high, it illuminates my tent or campsite like nothing I've ever seen before. The adjustable dimmer knob lets me fine-tune the light to my needs, making it perfect for late-night tent tinkering.
But the real star here is the dual fuel technology. Using either Coleman Liquid Fuel or unleaded gasoline, this lantern provides an impressive runtime of 7 hours on high with just one tank of fuel. It saves me both time and money compared to traditional propane lanterns.
Now, no product is without its drawbacks. The lantern's compact size means it's a bit lighter on weight, with a more streamlined design compared to Coleman's older models. However, it still packs a punch when it comes to performance.
Lastly, the durable carry case is a welcomed addition. It keeps my lantern safe and secure during transportation, and I appreciate the attention to detail in this aspect.
Overall, the Coleman Premium Dual Fuel Lantern has been a dependable companion on my camping journeys. From illuminating my campsite to providing a warm, reliable source of light in chilly conditions, it's a lantern worthy of its high rating and positive reviews.

šŸ”—Powerful Portable Camping Lantern by Coleman
Imagine a warm summer night, you've set up camp in a secluded clearing, and you're surrounded by the soft rustling of the forest. You've had a long day hiking, and as the sun sets, you realize you've brought the wrong lantern with you. Suddenly, you hear some rustling in the bushes, and the dark shadow of a wild animal appears in the dim light. What do you do? Of course, you grab your old lantern, but it's feeble, the battery barely holding on. Then you remember your new propane lantern that you bought for this very situation. You hold it proudly, and the glow of the lantern lights up the darkness, and you feel a sense of security wash over you.
The Coleman Propane 2 Mantle Lantern, a reliable and portable solution to all your outdoor illumination needs. The first thing you'll notice is the impressive extra-bright output, casting a light 23 meters up, and with a runtime of up to 7.5 hours, it's perfect for those camping trips or emergency situations. The lantern is simple to use, no need for matches, just twist the fuel cap, and the flame roars to life, ready to light your way.
The design of the lantern is sturdy, with a pressure-control technology providing consistent performance even in extreme conditions, making it an ideal choice for the great outdoors. And don't worry about corrosion and rust, the porcelain-coated 2-tier ventilator helps resist wear and tear on the material, making it a long-lasting companion for any outdoor adventure.
The Coleman Propane 2 Mantle Lantern, a valuable addition to your camping gear, and an essential safety device to keep you and your loved ones safe in any situation.

šŸ”—Coleman PerfectFlow Propane Lantern: Adjustable Brightness and Portable Light
I recently had the opportunity to use the Coleman PerfectFlow Propane Lantern with Case. This little camping essential is a game-changer for those who love spending time outdoors. It's not just about illuminating your surroundings, but it's also about providing a cozy, warm ambiance that makes you feel at home away from home.
One of the standout features of this lantern is the adjustable brightness level. From low to high, you can easily change the intensity of the light, making it perfect for any situation. The footed base is another great addition, as it provides stability and can be folded up for compact storage when not in use. The match-light ignition makes starting a breeze, while the PerfectFlow System ensures consistent fuel usage.
However, there are a few drawbacks to this lantern. For one, it does get quite hot, so you need to be careful when handling it after it's been on for a while. Additionally, the carry case is protective and sturdy but isn't the most compact option, which might be an issue for those with limited storage space.
Overall, the Coleman Deluxe PerfectFlow Propane Lantern with Soft Carry Case is a must-have for anyone who loves camping or spending time outdoors. With its bright light and long runtime, it's a reliable and versatile addition to any outdoor enthusiast's arsenal.

šŸ”—Coleman 275 Lantern with Adjustable Brightness
As a fan of outdoor adventures, I recently got the Coleman 810 Lumen 2-Mantle Quickpack Fuel Lantern with Case to brighten up my camping trips and fishing expeditions. This lantern has become an essential part of my camping gear due to its versatility and functionality.
One of the features that stood out to me was the InstaStart ignition for fast, matchless lighting. It made setting up the lantern a breeze, especially considering the late hours when I'd sometimes need a lantern. The uniquely designed footed base also played a big role in enhancing the stability of the lantern, ensuring it wouldn't topple over during use.
The product is designed for portability, and it folds up for compact storage. This trait comes handy when I have limited space in my vehicle, making it perfect for an outdoor enthusiast like me who needs to carry their gear efficiently.
However, the experience wasn't entirely smooth sailing. The first con that came to my attention was the propane fuel type, which may be harder to find in some areas compared to other alternatives. But overall, this lantern has been a reliable companion during my outdoor endeavors.
In summary, the Coleman 810 Lumen 2-Mantle Quickpack Fuel Lantern with Case is an excellent choice for a camping enthusiast who wants a portable light source. Its unique design, versatility, and adjustable brightness level make it a standout choice among similar products in the market. But it is crucial to be aware of the potential limitations when considering this as your go-to lantern, particularly regarding the propane fuel type.

šŸ”—Reliable Coleman One Mantle Kerosene Lantern with Automatic Tip Cleaner
Imagine those long camping nights, surrounding a warm, glowing light. That's the charm of the Coleman One Mantle Kerosene Lantern. It's like stepping back into the good old days when lanterns ruled the outdoors.
This classic kerosene lantern stands out, offering high-intensity light and the ability to dim it down as per your convenience. The durable porcelain-coated ventilator protects it from the harsh outdoor elements, and the high-temperature globe resists cracking from heat.
It's a classic piece of camping gear, perfect to light up your campsite. The kerosene-powered lantern provides up to 5.5 hours of burn time on one fuel tank. It's straightforward to use, with an easy single-knob control for operation.
Yet, it's not without its drawbacks. The ignition might require some practice, and fuel could be a bit of a hassle. But, if you can overlook these, this lantern could become your go-to outdoor lighting solution.
Coleman, a brand we trust, has been lighting up our lives for over a century. And with their One Mantle Kerosene Lantern, they show no sign of stopping. Their reputation as a premier gear provider speaks volumes about the quality of this product, and their commitment to making outdoor experiences more enjoyable.

šŸ”—Adjustable Outdoor Kerosene Lantern with Heat-Shield
I recently had the chance to try out the Coleman One Mantle Kerosene Lantern during a camping trip, and it performed admirably. One of the standout features of this lantern is its adjustable brightness, which allowed me to customize the light level to my liking. The porcelain-coated ventilator also proved to be effective in resisting corrosion and rust, ensuring the lantern's longevity.
However, I did encounter a couple of minor drawbacks. First, the lantern required fresh kerosene to work properly, which means it might not be the best choice for a backup light in an emergency situation. Second, the mantle is quite fragile and can easily break during transit, so it's essential to have spare mantles on hand.
Overall, the Coleman One Mantle Kerosene Lantern is a reliable and versatile option for outdoor lighting, with its durability and adjustable brightness making it a top pick for campers and weekend adventurers alike.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to camping, it's essential to have the right tools for the job. One essential piece of equipment is a reliable lantern, such as the Coleman 275 Lantern. This buyer's guide will provide you with information on what to look for when choosing the best Coleman 275 Lantern, ensuring your outdoor adventures are well-lit and enjoyable.

Important Features to Consider

  1. Brightness and Burn Time: A good lantern should provide a substantial amount of light and burn for a reasonable amount of time. When looking for a Coleman 275 Lantern, pay attention to the brightness and burn time listed in the specifications. Some lanterns have adjustable brightness, making them more versatile.
  2. Durability and Weather-Resistance: A reliable lantern should be able to withstand outdoor conditions, including rain, wind, and cold temperatures. Look for a Coleman 275 Lantern with a durable construction, such as aluminum or steel, and a weather-resistant design.

Considerations and General Advice

  1. Fuel Type: Coleman 275 Lanterns typically run on either propane or unleaded fuel. Propane provides a cleaner burn and a consistent flame, while unleaded is more commonly available in remote areas. Consider where you'll be using the lantern and which fuel type is more convenient.
  2. Weight and Portability: A lightweight lantern is more convenient for camping and hiking trips. Consider the weight of the lantern and ensure it's easy to carry and store.
  3. Safety Features: Look for a Coleman 275 Lantern with safety features such as tip-proof bases, low-heat exteriors, and sturdy handles. These features reduce the risk of accidents and ensure a safer outdoor experience.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right Coleman 275 Lantern can greatly enhance your camping experience. By considering the important features, weighing your options, and taking safety into account, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision on the best lantern for your outdoor adventures.


What are the key features of the Coleman 275 Lantern?

The Coleman 275 Lantern is a versatile and powerful outdoor lighting solution. Its main features include:
  • Output of 275 lumens with a 12-hour burn time
  • Dual fuel capabilities (propane or unleaded gasoline) for added convenience
  • Adjustable flame control for customizable brightness
  • Easy-to-use push-button ignition system
  • Sturdy construction with a durable aluminum base and globe

What sizes of fuel canisters work with the Coleman 275 Lantern?

The Coleman 275 Lantern is compatible with standard propane fuel canisters, typically available in sizes ranging from 7 to 20 pounds. It also accepts unleaded gasoline as an alternative fuel source.

How long can the Coleman 275 Lantern burn with propane fuel?

When burning with propane fuel, the Coleman 275 Lantern can provide up to 12 hours of burning time on a full 1 pound canister.

What type of care and maintenance is required for the Coleman 275 Lantern?

The Coleman 275 Lantern requires minimal care and maintenance. To ensure its longevity and optimal performance, users should:
  • Regularly inspect the lantern for damage or wear and tear
  • Clean the glass globe with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or debris
  • Ensure the fuel canister is properly sealed and secure when not in use

Does the Coleman 275 Lantern come with a warranty?

Yes, the Coleman 275 Lantern comes with a 1-year limited warranty that covers manufacturing defects. For any defects or issues, customers are advised to contact Coleman Customer Service for assistance.

How does the Coleman 275 Lantern compare to other outdoor lanterns in its class?

When compared to other outdoor lanterns in its class, the Coleman 275 Lantern stands out for its dual fuel capabilities, adjustable flame control, and long burn times. These features make it a versatile and reliable choice for camping, picnics, and other outdoor events.
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2024.05.21 12:00 JohnPoopsTV My Madness Combat Episode Ranking

This is my Madness Combat ranking. This is entirely my personal opinion. I have watched this series since around 2004 on Newgrounds, and a huge supporter of Krinkels' work. So I must point out that I do not believe a single episode is bad. I believe all of the episodes are top tier, this is just my ranking of where I think they stand out in terms of quality, length, story, music/sfx etc.. So if you see your favourite episode low down, just remember it's not bad, I just feel that there may be an episode that's better! This is also just the mainline series, so no canon shorts such as An Experiment or Dissenter, Marshmallow Madness, and no Dedmos Adventures. Although if I had to rank Dedmos in this list, it'd probably come 4th place, or something. This was a hard ranking, given how amazing each episode is, so having the canon shorts/spin-offs would be more difficult, given how much Krinkels' artstyle and animation has improved since Madness 11. The earlier rankings are going to be the hardest, but I will put nostalgia aside and rank based on quality and other factors.
15. Madness Combat
In last place, kind of predictable, but the first episode. Obviously just because nostalgia aside, every episode that came after it has raised the bar in so many ways. However, we mustn't forget the classic soundtrack, the lack of blood, the first canon entry of Jeb and Hank, a literal cannon - this is where it all started. It knows what it is, it's a classic. It's where Madness began.
14. Madness Redeemer
Again like before, an absolute classic and it's where I believe that Madness Combat in its current form truly began. We've got introductions of the Sheriff, The Clown, Jeb was brought back. This is also where the Tricky Saga started to take shape. Again I do feel that everything that came after it was just better in quality, but there is loads to love about Redeemer.
13. Madness Combat 7.5
May be a bit controversial, but 7.5 ranks lower. I think it's universally agreed that 7.5 is the least interesting .5 episode. It doesn't feel like it contrasts well with the zaniness and horror of Madness 7. In some capacity, I feel that you need to pair the .5's with their mainline counterparts, and this episode, whilst good, is just the opposite of Consternation. The soundtrack is also one of my least favourites. This one just felt a bit like a filler episode. It's still a great entry, especially given the time it came out, but I'd say this is the most 'run of the mill' episode pre-modern Krinkels.
12. Madness Avenger
Avenger is very much a classic. This is where the Improbability Drive was introduced and the main story started to take shape. I think Redeemer is where the violence and John Wick style animation began, but I feel the story truly jumped after Avenger. This was the second episode I ever watched and I still hold it in very high regard. I think this is the episode people think of when someone says 'Madness Combat', if you were skulking around Newgrounds back in the early 00's.
11. Madness Depredation
Depredation was the 3rd episode I ever watched. I remember seeing the thumbnail plastered everyone on flash animation websites. This is where Hank got his iconic look - this episode is just batshit crazy. If someone mentions Madness Combat and you don't think of Avenger or Consternation, then you probably remember the Depredation and onward looks. There's just so much to love here. The hard pounding soundtrack from Cheshyre let's you know that this is hardcore. Removing the nostalgia I'd say it doesn't have a lot to offer in terms of story until the very end, but man when this came out it was one of my favourites and still is, I just believe that the other episodes have a lot more to say.
10. Madness Inundation
When this first came out, it was sort of controversial, if I remember correctly. With Hank dead at the end of Consternation, I saw tons of comments and forum posts, including some from myself... is Hank coming back? Is this the end? No one really predicted that Jeb would get his own episode, and looking back, I love this episode. I wasn't a huge fan back in 2008, and I would have ranked it near the bottom just out of spite for not getting Hank. But this episode, looking at it today, is brilliant. Jeb is such a cool protagonist, being able to fly, use his powers, catch bullets, the iconic sniper rifle opening, API's soundtrack. The Magnum. I could go on, honestly. I think this is one of the highlights of the series, because at the time, we genuinely thought this was the final episode, and Krinkels' posts, or lack thereof, around that time, sort of gave the impression that this would be the case. The episode feels very much centred around doom, and the end of things as we know it, especially during normality restoration. I think this is where subtle hints surrounding the Madness universe (or Nevadean universe... maybe?) started to take shape. Thankfully, it wasn't the end. It was unfortunately, so far, the end of Jeb, which is a damn shame. I hope Krinkels reconsiders down the line, but for now, he joins the Sheriff being the only two characters to die, seemingly forever, and go to "regular Hell".
9. Madness Apotheosis
Apotheosis is the very first episode I watched back in 2004, so naturally I do have some tiny amount of bias. This is where Krinkels found his footing - quite literally. Characters now have two feet, animation is a lot smoother, another iconic bandage look from Hank following Avenger... again, before getting Depredation, similar to Inundation as well, this truly looked like the end.
8. Madness Combat 5.5
This may also be controversial. But I firmly believe 5.5 is actually better than the episode it's structured around. Again, these earlier rankings are hard as I am trying to not see it through nostalgia, but rather quality. I think 5.5 just has so much to say, the iconic opening, mixed with the soundtrack. It fits perfectly with the lore, and actually makes Depredation a much better episode. Again, the issue with Depredation is that the intro is just run of the mill, up until the mid-point and ending, which only serves, at the time, a continuation in the form of Antipathy. 5.5 is where things tied together very nicely. This is also the introduction of Sanford and Deimos who would go on to become much loved characters in the Madness canon. Given how they just seem like random grunts in Depredation (which, at the time, they likely were), Krinkels managed to give them a whole side quest, which ties in very nicely with the main story. It's also the first time where two protagonists are on screen and are actually doing something, which I'll explain later. Other than that, great episode!
7. Madness Antipathy
The sixth Madness episode is also quite the anomaly. What I failed to realise as a kid is that each episode pretty much ends on a somewhat cliffhanger, but a cliffhanger where it could continue, and it also doesn't have to. 2006 was a huge year for animated sequels, with Madness 6, Killing Spree VI and Joe Zombie: Episode 6, ironically, all the 6's. There's a few others to mention, but we'd be here all day. I love Hanks look in this episode, with his exposed jaw after being pummelled to heck by Tricky in episode 5. The stab wound with the smiley face. Just do what comes natural. Have to mention while I love Cheshyre's Trainmadness soundtrack, we also have to give a shoutout to the creepy opening music MADNEWAT, and API's fast, twitchy techno music in the first half. I mention this because Hank seems very twitchy in this episode, and I love it. It's also carried over in 9.5 too, which is nice to see. The gore is great, especially with the axe and P90 at the end, the train, Jeb working a normal job post Depredation... I think this is where Madness truly reached the point of 'crazy' and set the stage for every episode that came after it.
6. Madness Aggregation
Aggregation is the 9th episode in the Madness canon, and was certainly a surprise to see. This is Krinkels' experimental phase, and you can see it throughout the episode. It was the first episode (if I remember correctly) to have two protagonists on screen at the same time (or three, if you count dead/carried Hank). This is where my problems begin, however. You can certainly tell it was the first time, a lot of my issues with this episode center around Sanford or Deimos sort of standing around doing nothing whilst the other is causing mayhem. Apart from that though, it was nice to see them again, especially after watching the .5's years later. On rewatch, I hold it in much higher regard now that we have context for the canon. This is also where Hank is revived and would set up another event in the form of 9.5 later down the line. It is weird to see Hank as a Mag, and it's doubly sad to see that Deimos did not make it, but this episode is baller. The soundtrack as well, definitely fits the opening with our heroes driving and evading enemies. I can't pinpoint it, but the soundtrack definitely feels like a dual protagonist sound. In terms of story, it sticks very well.
5. Madness Combat 6.5
There is so much to love about 6.5. I think it's honestly the best .5 episode pre-Madness 11 era. 2009-2011 was a very experimental phase, but it definitely paid off. I just love how seamlessly 5.5 and 6.5 come together when watched one after the other, or in one big video (props to the folks who put those 'In Real-time' videos together). The wounded Sanford, the train tracks, it certainly gives a lot of context for what is going on, wordlessly. This is where they started to get their iconic looks. Whilst 7.5 didn't really offer anything substantial, 5.5 and 6.5 are truly magnificent episodes that are held in high regard. The reason I ranked 5.5 lower is that it's just to give you an idea of what's happening around Depredation and Antipathy, whereas 6.5 feels like its own episode. The soundtrack is one of my favourites too. The animation was getting more and more fluid, and given that this came out before Madness 10, it's quite amazing how much of the animation style here is carried over into the later episodes.
4. Madness Consternation
Episode 7 is one of my all-time favourites, for sure, and I think this rings true for a lot of people in the community. Even though it's not ranked at number 1, I'd still say it's among my personal favourite episodes. The soundtrack and eerie vibe of the demonic Clown gives the episode a real horror angle that I always scared me in a way, as a kid. There's also things I never noticed back in 2007, that I notice today, such as 'DISSENTER BE DAMNED' written on the walls where the spiked agents are. This is cool nowadays since 9.5 expands on retention and dissenters, so even though it may not have been intended at the time (or if it was, Krinkels was certainly quiet about it), it tells a lot without any words and fits the story very nicely. Again, it's another pick for my "this is the Hank you think about when someone mentions Madness Combat" list. There are so many. But I love Hank's ninja wraps and red goggles. I feel this is when his image improved each episode. Cheshyre's Madness7 soundtrack is close to my all time favourite, and I still blast it in the car to this day. Also, chainsaw Hank is MVP.
3. Madness Expurgation
This might be a little controversial depending on who you ask, but I think Expurgation fits nicely in 3rd place within this ranking. It's one of my favourites and is probably one of the craziest episodes to date. I think the issue I have with this episode is the lack of blood. I think Madness has always been memorable for the amount of gore, blood and ways that the enemies are killed. I don't have an issue with the black blood from the clown minions, but the gore just feels a bit lessened here, in my opinion anyway. That, however, does not stop this from being an all time great. 7 years, 7 months and 7 days, and it was well worth the wait after being teased for so long. This is truly a highpoint in the Madness canon, where things looked vulnerable in-universe. I know things have always looked shaky given how each episode ends, but seeing the Auditor all messed up and trying to make a deal with Hank and Sanford to remove the Clown, it sets up Madness Combat 12 nicely. The audio and SFX is a major improvement and would become a standard in later animations. The soundtrack, 'Expurgation', from our saviour Cheshyre is again one of the best soundtracks. It gives a sense of hopelessness, this is even more apparent when Sanford yells out in frustration when he is cornered by Tricky, but then hope is restored when Hank returns with a new metal arm, and the soundtrack hits even harder. I do feel like the fight at the end could have been a bit more interesting, and a lot could have happened, but then again, Krinkels worked on this thing for 7 years, so I'll give him a pass on that. Also love the way the episode begins with Hank and Sanford climbing down the ladder from MC10, haha. All in all, one of my favourites.
2. Madness Abrogation
I think Madness Combat 10 is easily one of the best episodes. This thing came out in 2011, but it could have come out in 2016 or something and I'd have been none the wiser. The sheer rise in quality is undeniable. Like I said before, my issues with Aggregation stem from a quality perspective, where one or more characters sort of stand around doing nothing whilst another character is off doing something. When rewatching MC9, it becomes more and more apparent and I can't unsee it. MC5.5 and 6.5 was a period of time where Krinkels was able to hash this out and I think this all came together in MC10, for sure. The animation is very expressive and fluid, there's not a single point where the protags are just standing still or doing nothing (except for when Hank is pushed into the wall by the Mag and when he pulls the lever for Sanford, but I'll give this a pass). The episode feels very alive, due in part to the expressiveness, such as Hank and Sanford playing rock paper scissors to determine who dives into The Auditor's construct first. Naturally, it's our boy Hank. And that soundtrack? Come on, it's easily my personal favourite in the whole series. I think where MC9 toned it down to suit a more slow paced episode, MC10 ramps it up where it sounds like alarms are ringing, as if to say "we've go to go, quick!", and the part of the song where a portion of Madness7 is played, followed by a remix of Crazy Clown Song of Death from MC5, truly amazing. Cheshyre did a beastly job here, and as usual, breathed some serious life into this episode. It's by far the episode I come back to the most, there is just so much to love here. Again, you'd have no idea that MC10 and MC11 are 7 years apart. I wish I could say more, and to be honest I would I could say more on ALL the episodes, but we'd be here all day. MC10 is a classic, hands down.
1. Madness Combat 9.5
This might've been expected, or not expected, I don't know. But MC9.5 is easily the best episode to date. I'll also be ranking both parts as one whole episode. I can't actually tell you which part I prefer the most, as it takes two of my favourite looking Hanks and puts them into the same episode. Following Dedmos and the anticipated release of MC12, I would say that this is Krinkels' magnum opus. In terms of sheer quality, the amazing sound design, and again we cannot forget how much life is pumped into these animations by Cheshyre. I'd say I prefer Part 1's soundtrack over Part 2. I think given how fast MC6 Hank is, I would be inclined to say Part 1's fast paced soundtrack fits that version of Hank the most, but that's just a personal preference.
Anyway, the most noticeable thing off the bat is the sleek, crisp art design. It's rugged, detailed, and is by far Krinkels' best work. It truly feels like a massive overhaul to the design of the characters and world around them. Again, the expressiveness is huge, such as Hank making fun of the ATP Soldat gesturing with his hand, pointing towards the eyes, and this is even more interesting because it's the first time Hank meets them chronologically. It feels very fluid, and everything looks like it has real weight to it. This is also enhanced by the amazing sound design, for a mask that drops onto the floor, or the clicking of the guns. The horror feel from MC7 is truly back here, as well. Part 2 specifically where Tricky just goes into beast mode, it very much caught me off guard. MC9.5 also gives us an interesting look at how 'the other place' works, and how the Madness universe works as a whole. It's implied when you die, you end up in this sort of purgatory hellscape, and it does all of this story telling wordlessly. Ironically, I feel that Part 1 is actually more of a 7.5 than the original 7.5, for the obvious reason that 9.5 starts after Hank is killed in MC7. So many little details in 9.5 make it feel so authentic, such as the very end when Hank is revived, and you can faintly hear gunshots in the background, the moment where Deimos is killed. I have so much more to say but again, we'll be here all day. All in all, this is by far the best MC episode to date in terms of quality, audio, story and the new art style will be one of the driving forces moving forward.
So, that's my personal ranking of Madness Combat episodes. Again, I love every single episode, so if there's a ranking you disagree with, just remember it's my personal opinion and in my head, they are all number 1. Submit your rankings, and let me know your thoughts, and where you'd rank the episodes!
submitted by JohnPoopsTV to madnesscombat [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:56 GuiltlessMaple Best Cold Steel Walking Staff

Best Cold Steel Walking Staff
Discover the ultimate in personal protection and walking assistance with the Cold Steel Walking Staff. Our comprehensive roundup will guide you through the key features, benefits, and buying considerations of this remarkable product. Delve into the world of self-defense and mobility enhancement as we bring you the latest innovations in walking staffs. Get ready to make an informed decision on the Cold Steel Walking Staff that best suits your needs and lifestyle.

The Top 19 Best Cold Steel Walking Staff

  1. Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer - Practical, Durable, and Safe Tomahawk Training - Experience realistic Tomahawk training with Cold Steel's Trench Hawk Trainer - offering exact size, weight and feel, while prioritizing safety with durable synthetic materials.
  2. Cold Steel Trail Hawk Axe: Versatile and Durable Outdoor Survival Gear - Experience the versatility and durability of the Cold Steel Trail Hawk Axe, featuring a comfortable grip made from American hickory hardwood and a hammer poll with a hardened face perfect for driving nails or stakes.
  3. Cold Steel Heavy Duty Nylon Cane with Rubber Ferrule - The Cold Steel 91PBX Heavy Duty Cane, boasting a 4.5-star rating and 42 reviews, is crafted with a slip-resistant rubber ferrule, nylon handle for a secure grip, and strong aluminum shaft, providing a reliable walking staff for all weather conditions.
  4. Cold Steel 1911 Guardian 2 Walking Stick for Comfort and Style - Experience the perfect fusion of style and functionality with the Cold Steel 91STB 1911 Guardian 2 Walking Stick, boasting a durable aluminum handle, pebble grain synthetic grips, and a 37.75" long shaft for optimal support in any terrain.
  5. Introducing Cold Steel's Ultimate Synthetic Training Staff: Indestructible and Perfect for Martial Arts - Cold Steel's 54" Training Staff, crafted from high-strength polymer, offers a durable and versatile choice for martial arts practice or display, weighing 40.3 oz and featuring a 1 1/2" diameter that resists mildew and weathering.
  6. Stylish, Durable Cold Steel Walking Staff for Urban Strolls - The Cold Steel Pistol Grip City Stick, with its durable 11 layer fiberglass construction and versatile design, is the perfect walking staff for both elegant occasions and urban self-defense needs.
  7. Cold Steel Polymer Axe Head Walking Staff for Enhanced Support and Durability - Cold Steel Axe Head Cane: A versatile and durable walking stick, boasting enhanced support, axe-shaped handle, and a high-impact polypropylene construction perfect for hiking, walking, and self-defense.
  8. Cold Steel Soldier's Targe Walking Staff - Experience the durability and versatility of the Cold Steel 92BKPL Soldier's Targe, a high-quality black polypropylene walking staff designed for intensive training and reliable performance, available in various sizes and weights.
  9. Stylish Blackthorn Shillelagh Walking Stick with Clipped Thorn Design - Experience the timeless charm of the Cold Steel Blackthorn Shillelagh Walking Stick, featuring a distinctive clipped thorns design, durable high-impact polymer construction, and a polished faux-wood head for an elegant and premium look.
  10. Cold Steel Heavy-Duty Nylon Walking Staff with Black Anodized Aluminum Shaft - Featuring durable, high-quality materials and innovative construction techniques, the Cold Steel Cable Whip Cane delivers unparalleled performance for avid outdoor enthusiasts.
  11. Cool Halloween Wand Walking Staff - Add a touch of magic and practicality to your costume or adventure with this durable and lightweight 62'' Walking Stick, perfect for navigating any terrain in style!
  12. Cold Steel Walking Axe Head Cane: Combat-Inspired Self-Defense Stick - The Cold Steel Walking Axe Head Cane is a versatile, durable, and functional self-defense tool combining the elegance of a walking stick with the sharpness of an axe head.
  13. Durable Walking Staff for City and Trail Use - Experience the durable, stylish, and versatile walking companion - The Cold Steel Walkabout Stick, perfect for your daily stroll or outdoor adventures while ensuring safety and security.
  14. Polypropylene Walking Stick for Outdoor Adventures - Experience the ultimate hiking companion with the Blackthorn Staff, a sturdy and eye-catching walking stick designed for all outdoor adventures.
  15. High-Quality Fiberglass Walking Staff with Aluminum Gear Knob - The Cold Steel City Stick is a versatile and durable walking staff, perfectly suited for any occasion, boasting a virtually unbreakable fiberglass construction and a lightweight aluminum head with a chic mirror polish finish.
  16. High-Impact Wood Grain Balicki Stick Walking Staff - Boost your agility and speed with the Cold Steel Balicki Stick, a durable and custom-designed Escrima stick perfect for martial arts practitioners seeking quickness and precision in their training.
  17. Stylish Blackthorn Staff for Protection and Fashion - Experience unparalleled strength and style with the Cold Steel Blackthorn Staff, featuring a polished faux-wood knob, rustic wood material, and high-impact polymer coating in a sleek black finish.
  18. Dragon-Inspired Polypropylene Walking Staff - The Cold Steel Lucky Dragon Walking Stick, inspired by Asian mythology and crafted from high-impact polypropylene, offers style, durability, and support with its intricate dragon design and sinuous shape.
  19. Authentic Irish Blackthorn Walking Stick by Cold Steel - Experience the classic 4.4-star rated Cold Steel Irish Blackthorn Walking Stick, combining beautiful heritage styling with premium functionality, available in a durable 830ml polypropylene construction under model # 91PBS.
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šŸ”—Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer - Practical, Durable, and Safe Tomahawk Training
When I got my hands on the Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer, I was immediately impressed by its size and weight. The synthetic material felt surprisingly sturdy and authentic, making it perfect for learning the ropes without the danger of injury.
Not to mention, it closely resembles the actual Trench Hawk, so every training session felt like a real-life scenario. However, the weight was noticeably lighter than the real deal, which might not be ideal for those looking for a more accurate experience.
Overall, the Trench Hawk Trainer provided a safe and effective way to hone my skills, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking to up their training game.

šŸ”—Cold Steel Trail Hawk Axe: Versatile and Durable Outdoor Survival Gear
The Cold Steel Trail Hawk Tactical Gear is a versatile and durable axe that's perfect for survivalists, preppers, and outdoor enthusiasts alike. Its lightweight design, coupled with its functional hammer poll, makes it an invaluable tool for camping, hiking, and even self-defense.
While the thin blade may limit its chopping capabilities, its small size and affordability make it a great option for those seeking a practical and budget-friendly solution.

šŸ”—Cold Steel Heavy Duty Nylon Cane with Rubber Ferrule
I've been using the Cold Steel Heavy Duty Cane in my daily life, and it has proven to be quite the companion. The nylon handle provides an enhanced grip that makes it convenient to hold, while the steel construction ensures structural strength for long-term use. I particularly appreciate the rubber ferrule, which is designed to be slip-resistant, making it an excellent choice for uneven terrain or icy sidewalks.
One downside is that it might be a bit heavy for some people, especially those who don't need the extra weight for support. However, the overall design and engineering of the cane are top-notch, and it gives me a sense of reassurance knowing I have a sturdy and reliable walking staff whenever I need it.

šŸ”—Cold Steel 1911 Guardian 2 Walking Stick for Comfort and Style
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Cold Steel 1911 Guardian II Walking Stick, and let me tell you, it's quite the conversation starter! The first thing I noticed was the attention to detail - the pistol grip-inspired handle is surprisingly ergonomic, making it a comfortable addition to my daily walks.
The aluminum shaft is both sturdy and lightweight, making it easy to navigate through various terrains. But what really sets this walking stick apart is the pebble grain synthetic grip - it provides a firm hold without causing any discomfort, even during long walks. I also appreciate the fact that it's designed to accommodate custom 1911 pistol grips, allowing me to personalize it further.
One of the most impressive features is the rubber ferrule at the end of the shaft. It provides excellent traction on wet, icy, or uneven surfaces, ensuring a safe and secure walking experience. Overall, I'm quite pleased with the Cold Steel 1911 Guardian II Walking Stick. It's not just a practical walking aid; it's a stylish accessory that adds a touch of flair to my daily walks.

šŸ”—Introducing Cold Steel's Ultimate Synthetic Training Staff: Indestructible and Perfect for Martial Arts
As someone who has been training martial arts for years, I was drawn to the Cold Steel Training Staff for its durability and resistance to damage. I found that it was incredibly reliable and felt solid in my hands, making it the perfect training tool.
One of the standout features of this staff was its weight, which gave me a realistic feeling when practicing. While some users noted that it was heavier than they preferred, I appreciated the added challenge and authenticity it provided.
The thickness of the staff was another highlight, as it allowed for better control and maneuverability during practice. However, some users mentioned that it was slightly off-balance due to the uneven thickness at the ends. Despite this minor issue, the overall design was well-suited for martial arts training and flow art.
The polypropylene material used in the construction of this staff was another impressive aspect, as it proved to be virtually unbreakable and practically indestructible. It held up well to wear and tear, even after years of use. However, some users suggested that it might be too heavy for certain applications, such as hiking.
Overall, the Cold Steel Training Staff proved to be a reliable and effective training tool. It provided the necessary challenge for those looking to perfect their martial arts techniques and was a versatile option for various exercises. However, its weight and thickness might be a factor for some users, depending on their specific needs and preferences.

šŸ”—Stylish, Durable Cold Steel Walking Staff for Urban Strolls
The Cold Steel Pistol Grip City Stick was my daily companion for quite some time, and I have to say, it proved to be quite versatile and durable. Made entirely out of eleven layers of fiberglass, I was impressed by its ability to withstand impact without a single crack. The 6160 Aluminum head provided an added touch of elegance and sophistication.
One of the most prominent features of this walking stick was its ability to function as both a cane and a self-defense weapon. The pistol grip design made it easy to hold and use, providing a comfortable and secure grip during long walks or in case of emergencies.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, the cane proved to be a bit on the heavy side. Granted, its heft gave it a sense of robustness and stability, but I couldn't help but wish it were a tad lighter for those extended walks.
Another minor concern was the screw holding the head to the shaft. It felt a bit thin, and although I never had any issues with it, the possibility of a break seemed somewhat of a risk. Overall, I would still recommend this walking stick for its durability, versatility, and elegance. It's surely a reliable companion for any adventurous spirit.

šŸ”—Cold Steel Polymer Axe Head Walking Staff for Enhanced Support and Durability
Recently, I got my hands on the Cold Steel Axe Head Polymer Cane, and it has been a game-changer for me. As someone who often goes hiking and enjoys long walks, this cane offers enhanced support that I had never experienced before. The polypropylene material is a significant highlight of this product; it not only makes it sturdy and durable but also stands up to harsh weather conditions.
One feature that stood out to me is the axe-shaped handle. It's comfortable to grip and holds well, making it an excellent companion for my adventures. However, one downside I noticed was the lack of any resistance mechanism at the end of the cane. This made it a bit challenging to keep it steady on hard surfaces, as it would slide around quite easily.
Overall, the Cold Steel Axe Head Polymer Cane has proven to be a reliable and versatile walking tool. Its solid construction and sturdy design make it an excellent choice for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts like myself. Despite the minor issue with the cane's resistance mechanism, I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a dependable and functional walking stick.

šŸ”—Cold Steel Soldier's Targe Walking Staff
I've been using the Cold Steel Soldier's Targe in my daily life, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer! Made in the USA, this 19-inch diameter shield measures 0.5 inches in thickness with a weight of 2 lbs. 2.7 oz. Now, I know what you're thinking: what's so special about it, right? Well, let me tell you.
This shield is not only sturdy, but it's also incredibly reliable. Made from polypropylene, it's the perfect size to not only take on a variety of swords but also to provide years of hard service. The weight is just right ā€“ heavy enough to deflect incoming blows but not so heavy that it feels excessive.
Now, let's talk about the user experience. This targe is a great training tool, perfect for SCA rattan combat. And it's versatile! Not only is it great for training, but it can also be used for solo movements or even for self-defense ā€“ surprise!
However, one thing to note is that the weight can be a little more on the heavy side, especially when you're trying to lift it. But that's a small price to pay for such a reliable and sturdy shield.
Overall, the Cold Steel Soldier's Targe is a fantastic product that's perfect for anyone looking for a reliable and versatile shield. The price is quite reasonable, especially considering the high-quality materials and craftsmanship. Great for training, great for self-defense, and great for everyday use ā€“ this is one targe you definitely don't want to be without!

šŸ”—Stylish Blackthorn Shillelagh Walking Stick with Clipped Thorn Design
My experience with the Blackthorn Shillelagh has been nothing short of a delight. Its distinctive charm immediately caught my eye, with its clipped thorns design elevating it from a mere walking stick to a unique accessory. Made from high-impact polymer material, it boasts an enhanced durability that's perfect for prolonged usage without the need for constant maintenance.
One of the most remarkable aspects of this product is its polished faux-wood head. Not only does it provide a smooth and premium look, but it also adds to the overall appeal and functionality of the walking stick. I found that its overall length of 27 inches and weight of 20.1 ounces offered a solid balance and ease of use during all my outdoor activities.
However, I did notice a few drawbacks. Firstly, the weight may not be ideal for all users, especially if it's to be used frequently or for extended periods. Additionally, the thorns on the shaft initially felt uncomfortable, which led to some modifications being made in order to enhance user comfort.
Despite its minor drawbacks, the Cold Steel Blackthorn Shillelagh remains a highly-functional and visually alluring accessory. Its durability and unique design make it a fantastic addition to anyone's collection of walking sticks, whether for everyday use or as a collector's piece.

šŸ”—Cold Steel Heavy-Duty Nylon Walking Staff with Black Anodized Aluminum Shaft
Imagine taking a stroll with a walking staff that feels both sturdy and comfortable in your hands. That's the experience the Cold Steel Cable Whip Cane provides. I've had the pleasure of using this cane in my daily life, and it has made all the difference. The heavy-duty nylon handle feels durable yet provides a natural grip, while the black anodized aluminum shaft adds elegance and strength.
As expected from Cold Steel, this walking staff is made with top-tier materials and construction methods that assure it will last an impressive amount of time. The 37-inch overall length and 27.25-inch whip length offer ample support and reach, making it suitable for various terrains and activities.
However, there is one downside to the Cable Whip Cane. Its nylon handle, while comfortable, can get slippery during rainy or sweaty conditions. It would be great if Cold Steel could incorporate a texture or another material for better grip in such situations.
Overall, the Cold Steel Cable Whip Cane is a reliable and versatile walking staff that has greatly enhanced my outdoor adventures. Its unique design and top-quality construction make it stand out among other canes in the market. With minor improvements, this product could become a true essential for those seeking a durable and reliable walking aid.

šŸ”—Cool Halloween Wand Walking Staff
Recently, I came across this unique Walking Staff, or as some call it, the Cold Steel Walking Stick. As a fan of both practical and eye-catching accessories, I was intrigued to try it out firsthand. What really stood out to me was the 62-inch length, which added a certain level of grandiosity to my wanderings, making me feel like I was on a quest for some hidden treasure.
Despite being made of plastic, the Walking Staff surprisingly felt sturdy and well-made, thanks to its realistic wood grain texture. This added detail gave it a touch of sophistication, making me feel confident in its ability to support me on my journey. With a weight that was far from burdensome, I quickly came to love the convenience it provided while strolling around town.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks as well. Although the black detailing made the staff visually appealing, it did attract a considerable amount of attention. This might not be a problem for some, but I found myself feeling a bit self-conscious as I used it. Additionally, even though it was lightweight, I couldn't help but feel that a more durable material like metal would have given me a stronger sense of security during my adventures.
In conclusion, the Walking Staff, or the Cold Steel Walking Stick, is a delightful and practical accessory for those who want to add a touch of magic to their daily life. Its unique blend of style and function, while not perfect, definitely makes it an interesting choice for anyone looking for something a bit unconventional.

šŸ”—Cold Steel Walking Axe Head Cane: Combat-Inspired Self-Defense Stick
Recently, I've been using the Cold Steel Walking Cane with an Axe head. At first, the weight of the cane was noticeable, but it quickly became sturdy and trusty. I preferred to use the cane as intended, rather than attempting to modify it for a smaller size. The cane's handle was comfortable, providing a perfect grip for everyday use. However, the slick surface of the cane was a bit of a drawback when moving around on polished floors; it didn't offer much resistance, and sometimes it became difficult for me to keep a firm hold.
During my time using the cane, I found it to be an excellent choice when traversing various types of terrain. The axe head was both an appealing design and served a practical purpose. However, I also discovered that the product really needed a rubber tip on the end to prevent it from sliding all over the place. This, combined with the slight inconveniences posed by the cane's material and size, have led me to rate the Cold Steel Walking Cane with an axe head a solid, functional, and versatile tool for daily use.

šŸ”—Durable Walking Staff for City and Trail Use
I recently had the chance to try out the Cold Steel Walkabout Stick, and I must say, it truly is a versatile and sturdy tool. Made from solid black polypropylene, it's a durable option that's perfect for hiking or using as a self-defense weapon.
The weight and over-sized rounded pommel head give it a solid heft, making it an ideal companion for navigating tricky terrain or keeping an intimidating presence. The textured surface provides a comfortable and firm grip, while the simple one-piece construction ensures it remains lightweight when you need it. The walking stick is not just an aid for stability, but also doubles as a useful tool for outdoor activities, and I appreciate its stylish yet practical design.
Overall, the Cold Steel Walkabout Stick is a great addition to any walker's arsenal and a fun conversation piece. If you're looking for a reliable and all-purpose walking stick, this one is definitely worth checking out! .

šŸ”—Polypropylene Walking Stick for Outdoor Adventures
As a nature lover and avid hiker, I was intrigued by the promise of the Blackthorn Walking Stick. After using it for a few weeks, I can confidently say it's a sturdy and reliable companion for my outdoor adventures.
One feature that stands out is the blend of polypropylene and wood-like texture. This gives the walking stick a perfect balance of strength and style. While it may not have the same rugged feel as a real Blackthorn staff, the faux wood knob at the top adds a touch of elegance and authenticity.
The walking stick is also surprisingly lightweight despite its substantial length of 59 inches. This makes it ideal for long treks without causing undue fatigue. The dimensions and ergonomic design make it comfortable to hold for extended periods.
However, the one drawback I encountered was that the thorns on the knob could occasionally snag on my clothing or backpack. While this might seem like a minor issue, it's something to be aware of when walking in tight spaces.
Overall, the Blackthorn Walking Stick is a great investment for those who enjoy hiking and camping. It provides both functionality and style, making it a worthy companion for any outdoor enthusiast.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the buyer's guide for Cold Steel Walking Staff. This guide will help you understand the important features, considerations, and general advice about the product category to ensure you make the best choice for your needs.

Design and Durability
First and foremost, the design and durability of a Cold Steel Walking Staff are crucial. Look for high-quality materials like aluminum or stainless steel for durability and a comfortable grip for user comfort. The staff should have a sturdy build and a reliable locking mechanism to ensure its stability.


Adjustability is another important feature to consider when purchasing a Cold Steel Walking Staff. Adjustable staffs provide ample height and reach options, making them ideal for use by people of varying heights, ages, and needs. Make sure the staff has a simple, easy-to-use locking mechanism for quick height adjustments.

Material Weight

Consider the material weight when choosing Cold Steel Walking Staff. While lighter staffs are easier to carry, heavier ones offer better support and stability. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and the specific application for the staff.

Styling and Colors

Cold Steel Walking Staffs come in various styles and colors, which can add a personal touch to your outdoor adventures. Personal preferences may dictate the choice of styling and color, so make sure to review your options and choose the one that best suits your taste and needs.


Finally, consider your budget when purchasing a Cold Steel Walking Staff. While more expensive options may have higher-quality materials and more features, it's essential to find a product that fits your budget and needs.
Congratulations on choosing a Cold Steel Walking Staff. With the information provided in this guide, you now have the knowledge to make an informed choice that best suits your needs. Happy shopping!


What is the Cold Steel Walking Staff?

The Cold Steel Walking Staff is a sturdy and durable walking cane designed for individuals who require assistance or additional support while walking. It is made from high-quality materials and features a sleek, stylish design that is both functional and appealing.

Who is the target audience for the Cold Steel Walking Staff?

The Cold Steel Walking Staff is suitable for a wide range of individuals who require assistance with walking, including older adults, people with mobility issues, or anyone recovering from an injury or surgery that limits their mobility.

What are the key features of the Cold Steel Walking Staff?

  • Lightweight and easy to carry
  • Durable construction for long-lasting use
  • Stylish design
  • Adjustable height for better comfort and support
  • Non-slip handles for added safety

What materials does the Cold Steel Walking Staff come in?

The Cold Steel Walking Staff is available in various materials, including aluminum, steel, and other durable materials designed for optimal strength and lightweight performance.

What is the price range for the Cold Steel Walking Staff?

The price range for the Cold Steel Walking Staff varies depending on the material and design of the walking cane. It is recommended to check with the manufacturer or a trusted retailer for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

How does the Cold Steel Walking Staff differ from other walking canes in the market?

The Cold Steel Walking Staff stands out from other walking canes due to its high-quality materials, elegant design, and adjustable height for better comfort and support. This walking cane also offers a non-slip grip for added safety, making it a preferred choice for those seeking a functional and stylish walking aid.

Where can I purchase the Cold Steel Walking Staff?

The Cold Steel Walking Staff can be purchased from various online retailers or through the Cold Steel website. It is recommended to check with the manufacturer or a trusted retailer for availability and pricing information.
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