Miranda cosgrove belly fat

Brain dead workout routine for busy schedule.

2024.05.22 04:27 AverageChungus5 Brain dead workout routine for busy schedule.

Skip to the last bit for workout question
I’m hoping to pick y’all’s brains. I work 75-80 hrs a week, 6a-5p including commute, mon-sun. I like physical hobbies like surfing, hiking, and Muay Thai but I have never gotten myself to enjoy or feel accomplishment from strength training. Currently I make about 3-4 1hr Muay Thai classes but other than that I’m on my ass all day.
I’m M27 6’1” 205ish lbs. long limbs with no definition with a round belly and fat hips (lame I know). I’ve been living alone for years and never really gave a shit physically. Ive started seeing a girl recently and I really like her a lot and it’s making me think about how I can make myself better, for me and for her. Being healthy, looking good, and having more confidence are among those things.
What is a routine I can get into that is 3-4 days a week and SIMPLE. I’m talking 5-6 exercises total. I was thinking just 2 or 3 compound exercises a workout. This is more about building a habit and changing my brain than being the most efficient or physically effective. If possible I’d like to have as many exercises that o can do at home because my gym closes at 9. I’ve got a pull-up bar, a 35lb and 50lb kettle bell and possibly some combo dumbbells that go up to 35lb. For cardio I already do Muay Thai but I’ll also use the rowing machine or swim if there’s no class that day if I make it to the gym in time.
💪😤💪 time to tighten up
submitted by AverageChungus5 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:12 Strng_Tea Please help me get over this plateau + progress 🥲

Please help me get over this plateau + progress 🥲
I lost 30 lbs, went from 252 to about 222, Im wavering between 222 and 227, I havent been able to hold a fast longer than 16 hrs, I take the salt, I take the magnesium, ngl dont have potassium supplement. This fat needs to go, the addiction to food needs to go. also whats w the fat on my stomach like bowling over my belly button now that Im a bit smaller 😭😂 Im proud of myself, but I need to hop back on it. When Im not hungry Im like, "huraahh!!" and then i get hungry and its like my mind slows and I cant really concentrate on anything around me, cant focus on my job, its just zombie speak in my mind "uurrrrrgggghhhh hungiess"
submitted by Strng_Tea to fasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:56 Great-Manner-6573 “You ate a lot”

Hi everyone, I’m feeling a little hurt over something my partner said. He unapologetically eats a lot, or so it seems. And farts more than anyone I’ve ever known, seriously. He’s not fat, just a little belly. I’m 4’11 and was right at 100lbs before getting pregnant. I’ve gained 10 lbs and am in week 20. I clean houses for a living and often miss lunch because clients like me to come midday. I usually eat a late light breakfast and a big early dinner, no lunch. Same thing today, except we were taking our friend out for dinner which meant I had to hold off two extra hours while starving until we went out for dinner. So when we got to the restaurant, I was starving. And I scarfed down a fried mushroom and coleslaw sandwich which sounds gross, but it was delicious. Afterwards, he commented that I ate a lot when he ate all almost all of my fries and some of my friends fries, no joke. We have this happen a lot where he judges what I eat and he will happily eat like a pig, which I don’t judge him because like he can do him, it’s fine. I don’t care but when I get upset is when he judges my eating habits. One time we went on an 11 mile hike that gained a lot of elevation. We were out there all day and all I had was an avocado cheese wrap, and trail mix. At the end of the day he had eaten so many Cliff bars that he wasn’t hungry at all. He didn’t understand that I was hungry and I needed to eat before our 2 hour drive home. He almost refused to stop to get me food, which ended up being pizza from a gas station that they were minutes away from throwing away that was barely edible. This was before I was pregnant and generally he’s a really sweet guy, but this food thing is really getting on my nerves. I don’t mention how he chews with his mouth open and kind of eats like a pig, because I love him and it’s whatever, but if he would just let me eat when I’m hungry without commenting. I’m a recovering bulimic and, it really upsets me to come this far with my relationship with food and have him comment on my eating and make me feel guilty and self conscious. I literally ate a sandwich for dinner, a vegetarian sandwich, and he told me I ate a lot after I cleaned for four hours, didn’t eat lunch and being pregnant. Anyway, sorry just a little rant. Thanks for listening.
submitted by Great-Manner-6573 to pregnantover35 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:07 Kitchen_Blackberry71 Idk what to do anymore

So im a guy - 15 yrs old 195 lbs, 5'6
I just had a reality check after trying to play basketball after 2 yrs and I found out how much fat i gained to the point where Its getting too hard to run now...Im also super weak I can barely bench 70 lbs. I dont know where to start, i want to start but any time i try its so many stuff to research I just get discoruaged and quit. One of my ex's took 1 summer - she was fat and now shes sooo fit. Summer is coming and I want to loose all my fat but not waste the potential for muscle building. My question is what do I eat and do. (Id really really apreciate a well thought out meal plan and workout plan). I swim on fridays but i guess im probably not trying hard enough. Please let know.
I have carribean parents so we eat a lot of rice and curries - for an idea of what Im eating. Thanks.
My goal is get my belly down, loose the love handles, build some muscle by september
Eventually hopefully by then end of 2024 get some abs.
submitted by Kitchen_Blackberry71 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:08 Standard_Building_99 My body makes me wanna threw up.

Disgust. Aversion. I almost threw up while recording a video.
One day ago I started doing exercises at home. I decided to record a video to have a before and after.
I hate everything about my body. I'm not morbidly obese, but I'm in stage I. On the side, my belly is much bigger than I thought. There's nothing to say about the back, it's all horrible, I have that little fold of fat below the scapula (?), my "little tire" is massive, I have a hip dip. My cheeks are fat, I have double chins, I already think my face is... Exotic? (White Portuguese descent by mother, but almond eyes of indigenous descent and rounded nose probably of black descent) adds fat and makes it worse.
It's been a while since I stopped to look at myself in the mirror, before it was routine to look at things about my body in the mirror and want to change everything.
I don't think I have a solution, maybe if I stayed extremely thin... I already went through atypical anorexia and bulima, at least at the time I weighed 73kg.
Furthermore, I'm short, I'm 155cm and 80kg. I'm autistic.
When I feel attracted to someone I immediately scold myself because I am negatively attractive and I would never dream of getting love or physical contact with that person. I have a strange desire for a toxic relationship, the toxic person would at least pay me attention, even if they were mistreating me.
I actually think I have a "knack", that tidy look, it's not naturally pretty but it's tidy.
The beauty would be that tall, blonde woman, with light eyes and very thin. I'm totally opposite. Don't even tell me that you don't like women like the one I mentioned because I'm tired of lies. If you want to comment on something, I ask you to be brutally honest.
My existence irritates me. I should have gotten rid of the idea of ​​killing myself a long time ago, I don't think life is worth living.I'm 16 but since I was 13 I've had this big dream of killing brutally, murdering myself. Not if you can't have the minimum, A lover.
submitted by Standard_Building_99 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:54 Important-Fly-2404 Cushing’s Syndrome

Cushing’s Syndrome
Cushing syndrome Also called: hypercortisolism
OverviewSymptomsTreatmentsSpecialists Requires a medical diagnosis Cushing syndrome can cause a wide variety of symptoms, depending on how much extra cortisol is in the body. Some common symptoms include a fatty hump between the shoulders, a rounded face, and pink or purple stretch marks on the skin. Cushing syndrome also can lead to high blood pressure, bone loss and, in some cases, type 2 diabetes. People may experience: Whole body: excess sweating, excessive hairiness, excessive hunger, fatigue, flushing, high blood pressure, or osteoporosis Skin: abnormal pad of fat between the shoulder blades, darkening of the skin, stretch marks, or thinning Muscular: muscle weakness or loss of muscle Also common: acne, anxiety, depression, easy bruising, hair loss, headache, infertility, insomnia, irritability, pot belly, round face from gradual swelling, swelling in extremities, or weight gain
submitted by Important-Fly-2404 to alexandrarodriguez [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:39 ---Mario belly fat & back fat

belly fat & back fat submitted by ---Mario to chubbybelly [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:56 aeropg Want to get rid of belly and moobs

Want to get rid of belly and moobs
174lbs 6ft I have big biceps I don’t fall under the typical skinny fat that ha small arms. I just have the man boobs and belly. I think it’s 36 inches around with measuring tap or 30 mm with the caliper. Sometimes it’s easier to get to 160-170 protein before hitting goal of 2200 calories I was 160lbs for a long time and at 174lbs I feel like I look the same. Even though someone told me I look bigger recently. I’ve been working out 3 days a week mainly focusing on chest and now I’ve added back and shoulder exercises. I feel stronger but I don’t feel like there are any changes. I want to get back to 165lbs but with muscle and abs showing. That’s my main focus. So I figure cutting is the choice but I want opinions on if I’m even skinny fat or not. Yes that’s my gym 😂/s
submitted by aeropg to BulkOrCut [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:29 Fearless_Career_3467 Im done being fat

Hello everyone Im 21 and my height is 5"4 and i weigh almost 75 kgs Im done feeling insecure and feeling restless just from climbing stairs of 3 story buildings Im thinking of starting to workout from home and later joining gym
What excercises would you recommend to get rid of belly fat and strengthen my legs ?
submitted by Fearless_Career_3467 to workout [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:14 Black-Lung863 Just a vent.

I'm writing this as a 14 year old. I know i'm young but man, i just wanna do this. Since i was three i lived with my mom and my grandparemts as my dad went to live in the country where he is from, but i'm not angry for that.
Anyways, growing up i was almost always fat- well, not fat, more skinnyfat. So my arms were like sticks but my belly and my legs were fat, amd that made me really insecure. Also, i was always pretty tall for my age (now i'm 180cm or 5'10") but always was underweight, despite being kinda fat. I don't like sport, but still every year i tried a new one, to get stronger amd be more fit, but i never saw results, i never got stronger. Just in the last year, when i decided to leave sports and do my own things, i saw muscles grow and i felt better.
This summer my grandpa died, and alteast until he got alzhaimers in 2020, he was like a father for me: he'd come and pick me up at school, we would watch movies toghether and all this kind of things. When he started to get alzhaimers he startet forgettimg a lot of things, and in 2023 it got a lot worse: he would say that he would call the cops on me, my mom amd my grandma because he felt like we were keeping him in the house and some other things. In april or may i went to a school trip for three days, and when i came back my grandpa was in bed, amd didn't eat basically anything. we took him to the hospital and then we brought him to a retirememt home. It wasn't until the summer holidays started that i went to see him. The last time i saw him, he was in bed, he didn't say a word. He was so skinny, and honestly looked like a skeleton, and that broke me. On the 10 of june he had a heart attack and died. We were all heartbroken, and at the funeral i just cried all the tears that i had in my body.
Fast forward to january 2024 and i get a crush on this girl that i saw on insta. I discussed about it with my friend and for two months we talked about how i should present myself to her. In the end i decided to write to her and my hear was pounding. I'd say that i hit it off pretty good, we chatted for about am hour and a half, and the day after we talked for an hour. But after those days it just got to me always writing first, saying "hey how are you" and "what did you do today" and stop. It got still and it still is, and i'm considering giving up on this, but i atleast want to go out with her, just once to see what happens.
Last thing. I recently realized that i'm alone, and probably will be for the rest of my life. By that i don't mean that i have no friends, i have plently, and i thankful for that, but i just don't relate to them much. My insta feed just keeps showing me videos of couples and honestly everytime i see one i just feel like giving up. Most of my thoughts at night are things along the lines of: "what if i jumped out lf the window, would anyone care?". To be honest that's a stupid thought. Of course people would care. If i put a gun in front of me i wouldn't manage to pull the trigger, because i know that i have to do something one day. Honestly sometimes my biggest fantasy is just a hug.
So that's my vent. I know it's probably far less than the things other had to lass through, but i just wanted to do this.
submitted by Black-Lung863 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:48 bloodysnotonfinger Do women with pcos ever lose that pcos belly and weight ?

I got diagnosed with pcos. I have that big belly and that Strubbon lower belly as well as really bad back fat (ok maybe the back fat is genetic). My Instagram m has been bombarding me with reels about this. I’ve not seen a SINGLE person successfully losing their belly fat. Not one success story. It’s left me feeling hopeless. I’m 5’4 and weight about 70 kgs .
submitted by bloodysnotonfinger to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:43 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

What is Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a weight loss supplement. Its formula contains an optimal combination of natural ingredients, plant extracts and herbs that work together to benefit your overall health.
This formula targets the root cause of the weight gain problem and helps users improve their metabolism and lose weight quickly.
The natural blend in Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic comprises eight ingredients that promote healthy weight loss and balanced living. The ingredients in this powdered weight loss supplement are all natural and have undergone extensive testing to ensure that they are safe and effective.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic uses a meticulously crafted tropical formula to promote weight loss and improve overall health. Its ingredients target the root causes of unexplained weight gain, including blue light exposure and non-REM sleep disorders. They boost metabolism and encourage fat burning, helping you achieve your dream body.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic manufacturers describe this supplement as a simple and effective weight loss solution. You can lose weight without dieting or significant exercise by taking formula daily.
The creators of this formula claim that you can continue to eat your favourite foods, avoid counting calories, and avoid strenuous exercise – all while losing weight.
Sumatra Tonic testimonials also allude to how users use the Sumatra oral powder formula to support healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
It would help if you were sceptical whenever a nutritional supplement claims to lead to significant weight loss without much effort or dieting. Asking whether the Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic scam is real makes it interesting whether this is a fake weight loss supplement or a legitimate food.
Many Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic reviews by users are a satisfied chorus, praising this tonic for helping them achieve their weight loss goals naturally and organically. This is unlike other weight loss products that can often lead to health complications if not used properly or long-term. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is made from a powerful blend of eight meticulously selected natural ingredients that help stimulate fat burning, improve sleep quality and boost overall energy levels.

How Does Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Work?

This formula is a fat-burning product that works from the inside out to help users address the root cause of weight gain. Even while sleeping, you can still lose a few pounds because your metabolism will be activated. Sumatra Tonic contains several weight-loss ingredients that enhance the body’s ability to burn excess fat and calories, helping with weight loss.
In a world where weight loss supplements and solutions are plentiful, Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a breakthrough solution promoting a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. It’s a tropical formula meticulously crafted to protect natural health and wellness, boost energy, promote restful sleep, limit inflammation and brighten skin.
The unique blend of tonic ingredients has proven to have a transformational effect on many users, allowing them to achieve visible results quickly.
Sumatra supplements stimulate your metabolism and encourage fat burning to achieve weight loss results. It also helps you build lean muscle mass, a key component in healthy weight control. It contains a powerful blend of ingredients, including Humulus lupulus and black cohosh. These plants have been used for years to relieve menopausal symptoms in women. At the same time, hibiscus reduces cravings for junk food and promotes a calorie deficit.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic also nourishes your skin from within, resulting in brighter and healthier skin. It includes lutein, a natural vitamin A form that protects against harmful high-energy light waves such as UV rays and promotes cell repair.
The prebiotic fibre, inulin, promotes a healthy gut microbiome and provides the nutrients your skin needs to look radiant and bright.
Chronic inflammation is a leading cause of weight gain and various health conditions. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic contains ingredients such as berberine and lutein that support a healthy inflammatory response. This helps prevent toxic fat buildup and protects the body’s major organs from damage.
The formula of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic also includes ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory properties and may improve sleep. Additionally, this herb promotes balanced hormone levels and healthy menopausal symptoms in women.
The unique blend of organic ingredients in Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic works in tandem to promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Users regularly report increased energy levels and a renewed sense of vitality, helping them tackle daily tasks and assignments more efficiently and consistently. Many people also report improved sleep quality, allowing them to wake up refreshed and energized.

What Are The Ingredients of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

You can quickly notice excellent results in just 21 days that support healthy weight loss with a combination of five potent plant extracts. And here is the detailed list of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic:

Benefits of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic:

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic will undoubtedly provide you with numerous health benefits thanks to the pure and natural ingredients in this formula, and you should read on to learn about some of them:
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can support weight loss.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can promote fat burn in the body.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can provide increased energy levels.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can increase metabolism speed.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can provide the beneficial nutrients for the body.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can work to burn belly fat.

PROS of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is prepared in a unique formula to provide the following health benefits:

Are there any Side Effects of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a dietary formula derived from natural and organic sources. To date, there have been no important adverse effects associated with the use of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic.
However, it’s important to recognize that individual responses to dietary products can vary. If you experience any unfavorable effects while using Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic, please consult a healthcare professional.

How To Take Sumatra Tonic?

Every bottle of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic contains enough powder for 30 servings. Take one serving per day, using the provided spoon to measure. The recommended dosage is one scoop of the powder with water and drink every day before you sleep.
This will naturally adapt to your body and generate graduate results. It also helps detoxify your gut, boosts the growth of beneficial bacteria, and promotes healthy digestion. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is also recommended.
But some people who take Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic lose weight faster than they hoped, and if that’s the case for you, take half a scoop per day instead of a full scoop.


In conclusion, I highly recommend you prefer Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic! This supplement acts as the best weight loss supplement out there.
It helps you lose weight by combining plant extracts, herbs, vitamins, and nutrients your body requires to burn fat. Sumatra Slim belly Tonic is super powerful, and it tastes delicious.
I’m confident this Sumatra Slim belly Tonic will ultimately help offer you many health benefits. Trust me! In just days, you will look and feel sexy and fabulous in your health.
This formula doesn’t contain harmful and toxic chemicals like preservatives, fillers, or additives. So you need not worry about any side effects.
If you’re unsatisfied with your results, you can ask for a refund. This product comes with a full 100% money-back guarantee. No questions asked.
submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:39 ravingkumquat Hiring animator to create a heartfelt animated music video

Goal: Create a heartfelt animated music video Song: TheFatRat - Still Here With You Tone: Happy, Sad, Sweet, Touching, Moving, Inspiring, Beautiful, Spiritual Style: 2D cute cartoon/anime Length: About two and a half minutes to fit the song (more is fine, adding a short intro/outro to fit the story is welcome) Deadline: 2 Months (flexible) Budget: $3,000 (flexible)

Sorry if the deadline/budget seems unreasonable. I am very flexible on both and am more than willing to work with someone on a fair price.

I would like to have a music video created for my fiancée, Emily, starring her and one of our cats, Fawkes, who we helped cross the rainbow bridge in February 2023. We always get the feeling he's still here with us, watching over us, spreading his love and joy. I want to imagine what that would look like if it were indeed true. On a spiritual level, they were/are truly soulmates, and I want to create something really special for her to remember him by. These last few years have been really tough for her, and we have been abandoned/betrayed by some friends and family mainly due to drama around our caring for Fawkes.

I am looking for someone passionate who truly wants to help me make this a reality. I will do everything in my power to get whatever you need to make this work. This is probably way too much info, but I'm trying to get my thoughts out if it can help the creative process for anyone. If you're interested, please send me a message.


Thoughts, ideas, notes:

backstory below

Fawkes came into our lives in July 2017 from the streets after his previous owners were taken away from him a few weeks prior. We immediately brought him to the vet to get checked and tested for anything. The vet found that he was chipped and five years old. As a result, they couldn't really do much besides try to contact the previous owners. We took him home and kept him separated from our other cat, Freyja, since we did not know if he could spread anything to her. He was pretty lethargic, hardly eating, and couldn't really keep much down. We honestly thought we would wake up the next morning and he wouldn't be with us anymore. Luckily, that was not the case.

He wasn't doing so well the next day, so we called the vet and they had us come in again. Since the previous day, he went from over seven pounds down to about six and a half pounds. Our vet decided it was necessary to medically intervene or he was likely going to die. They hospitalized him on the spot and started giving him subcutaneous (SQ) fluids and other medications to help with his nausea and stimulate his appetite. We left him under the care of the vet and all we could do was wait to hear back. He pulled through like a champ. He was eating, moving, jumping, playing, snuggling, and loving life. It was as if he was reborn, like a phoenix from the ashes, so we named him "Fawkes" after the phoenix from Harry Potter.

Over the following years, Fawkes and Emily became pretty much inseparable. He was such a lovebug and radiated that classic "orange cat energy" wherever he went. If he wanted to get into something, he'd either find a way or keep trying until we could stop him. He absolutely LOVED belly rubs, and not once was it ever a trap (unless you felt "trapped" rubbing his belly for hours). In all the time we had him, he never hissed at, scratched, or bit (non-playfully) anyone. He just wanted to love everything and everyone he met. He didn't have any enemies in his eyes, just others who may not have cared for the level of love and joy he wanted to share.

Fawkes was diagnosed with stage 1 chronic kidney disease (CKD) in October 2021, which quickly progressed to stage 3 by early 2022. We were giving him medicine a few times a day, SQ fluids every couple of days, and going to the vet every other week to have his levels checked. He became a regular at the vet and even a few employees confessed to taking breaks just to go snuggle him because they loved him so much. We almost said goodbye to him in May 2022, as his symptoms were worsening and he no longer wanted to eat. He was a fighter, though, and told us he wasn't done fighting yet by finally eating on his own just as we were trying to make that difficult decision. We took him to the Animal Emergency and Referral Center (AERC) that night.

The vet told us that he had developed anemia and our only options were either to take him home and start end-of-life care or do a blood transfusion (which might not even work) and keep him hospitalized for a few days to be monitored. We opted for the blood transfusion. The procedure went well and we were able to come and visit him a day later, though they still had to keep him for another day or two just to be safe. We were also able to have his case looked at by a specialist, and they adjusted his meds to better suit his needs. They were estimating he maybe had a few weeks to a month or so before we ended up back where we were before the transfusion. We were now giving him less medicine a few times a day, SQ fluids every night, and going on walks through our apartment building every night before bed.

A few weeks became a few months, and he seemed to be doing even better than he was all of 2022 before his transfusion. We would take him on trips to Petco every week or so, so he could walk around and meet new friends. We would bring him to the park while we played Pokémon GO, even if we ended up just sitting in the car. Starting around September 2022, my boss even let me bring him to work with me on days he wanted me in the office. Vet appointments were few and far between, sometimes a couple of months apart. This pretty much continued all the way into February 2023 until we started to notice more significant symptoms again, and his CKD values were getting much worse. He didn't want to eat, he was hiding more, and he would often seek comfort by laying in his litterbox. We could tell our little warrior was ready to be done fighting.

On the night of Tuesday, February 14th, 2023, Valentine's Day, we decided we couldn't make him fight for us any longer. We called our vet and made an appointment for Thursday, February 16th, 2023. We spent the whole day together on Wednesday, February 15th, 2023, snuggling on the couch and finished with our nightly routine of SQ fluids and a walk. We all spent the night together on the couch, staying awake as long as we could. On Thursday, February 16th, 2023, we brought Fawkes to the vet, and he was excited to walk around and explore the new space for a short while before needing a rest. It was nice to see him perk up and act like how we remembered him to be. The doctors took him away to be prepped and brought him back after a short while. We were petting him, kissing him, and told him he was a good boy and how much we loved him as he peacefully passed. We left there with the heaviest pet carrier ever. An empty one.
submitted by ravingkumquat to animation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:17 confused-with-life_ Realistic tips

26 female Around 15 stone 5, 2 height weight in my stomach
What’s your tips on loosing weight? I walk 8-10K steps a day because of my job and I seem to just maintain my weight. I do eat shit food like takeout on weekends.
What small or big changes can I do to just be more healthy or loose some belly fat even?
submitted by confused-with-life_ to HealthyEatingnow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:16 confused-with-life_ Realistic tips

26 female Around 15 stone 5, 2 height weight in my stomach
What’s your tips on loosing weight? I walk 8-10K steps a day because of my job and I seem to just maintain my weight. I do eat shit food like takeout on weekends.
What small or big changes can I do to just be more healthy or loose some belly fat even?
submitted by confused-with-life_ to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 DrParkerB 4 months work

4 months work
Quit smoking last year. Fixed my diet. Trying to lose my belly fat but also more focused on gaining muscle. Havnt done cardio in 2 weeks so kinda slackin on that part.
submitted by DrParkerB to fitness30plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:24 pettytit “Lean” PCOS weight loss

I’m truthfully at my wits end, and I don’t know what to do anymore.
I have what my doctors call “lean PCOS”- but I’m not thin in the slightest, and I struggle with my weight so much that my life revolves around it now. But since I appear to be not significantly overweight, doctors don’t want to hear it or help. My last appointment with my obgyn I was told “whatever you’re doing is working though!!” but when I say it’s not I get waved off.
It’s NOT working. I have so much belly fat and a big face. I work on a farm so I usually already walk 7 miles a day before noon, and I try to make it to the gym every day to do some weight lifting and run at least 3 miles, usually 5-7, and regularly end my day with 10+ miles walked and 750+ calories burned. Honestly if I eat over 1,200 calories, I’m going to gain weight, no matter what.
I have tried eating more, eating less, every diet under the sun, every workout routine. Fasting, supplements, I tried it all. I don’t drink alcohol, and I hardly eat any processed food if at all. I homemake all my meals so I know exactly what’s going in them. I have been thin in the past, but as I get older I keep gaining weight and it doesn’t come off. I’m prior military and I used to be on the brink of the underweight limit. But I just feel like a blob now. And I just want to CRY. I should be strong and lean! I work so hard. It’s just not FAIR.
Doctors won’t prescribe metformin because my A1C is “perfect.” I know they won’t prescribe appetite suppressants because my weight isn’t high enough, but I don’t even think it’d be safe to eat less at this point.
I don’t know what to do anymore. Please help. I am defeated and just want to cry. What’s the point of trying so hard all the time for nothing? I need any and all advice. I’m legitimately desperate.
submitted by pettytit to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:28 Capital-Yam-9257 Has anyone tried The programs set by these fitness influencers for weight loss?

I checked out Vishwa Bharat and some other fitness influencers. NRI bondha for context. Dollars lo chusukunna koncham pricy anipistundi. I have lost weight before in different ways before once by just dieting and just working out the second time.
However ever since I've started working I've lost my flow. I've lost my gains and gained weight mostly in the form of belly fat. Thanks to my crazy work schedule I'm not able to workout at a set time regularly and don't even ask about diet.
Ala pettukunthe atleast accountability untadi emo ani.
submitted by Capital-Yam-9257 to ask_Bondha [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:27 Wide-Yak7119 What does movement feel like for you at 21 weeks?

Hi everyone. I’m 21 weeks pregnant with our third baby. We have two boys and just found out this is a little girl 🥹
I’m plus sized and pretty overweight but have been feeling her move from around 18-19 weeks. My placenta is anterior, which it also was with my eldest son and I barely felt him move at all throughout the entire pregnancy before he was delivered prematurely due to issues. I can’t remember much from my second pregnancy with my middle child.
In the past week her movements have increased massively and I now feel her move maybe 2-3 times per hour but only ever when I’m laid on my back flat in bed? I assume this is because I have a lot of fat and placenta padding her kicks when I’m sat up. I can usually prompt her to give me a kick by jiggling my belly.
I can feel the movement on the outside of my stomach sometimes, but the movements sort of just feel like light ‘blips’ or ‘boops’ is the best way to describe them?
Is this what movement should feel like at 21 weeks? What did it feel like for you guys? I’m overly anxious this time as i had an ectopic pregnancy last year and we tried for many years for a third baby. I’ve no idea when I’m supposed to count the kicks or when potential ‘reduced movements’ becomes a problem. I was told in my last pregnancy that until 27 weeks they don’t even monitor baby on the no stress test. (I had no stress tests every 2 days with my eldest son)
submitted by Wide-Yak7119 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:26 jcbiochemistry I’m so burnt out

I’m so burnt out
This is a rant/seeking advice tangent that I’ve had been thinking about lately. For the past year, ever since I hit 225 on bench, I’ve lost the discipline I used to have to go to the gym. Therr are times where it’s just impossible to push thorough due to being a college student with a packed schedule. I’ve been trying to lose weight the past year and I’ve been fluctuating over and under 5 lbs my normal weight. I’m 190 lbs at 5’ 10”. My parents have commented on my belly and no matter how much I try to maintain a diet, my weight loss is SO SLOW. Yet when I take a week off from dieting (like vacation, finals, etc.), I gain back like 7 lbs. The muscle that I have on my arms is not defined whatsoever due to the fat on my arms. While I have the summer to grind at the gym, I also am starting my PhD this fall. On top of all of this, I have a caffeine addiction due to the gym that has made me intolerable to caffeine. I yawn at the gym after drinking 2 C4s pre workout still. I do cardio after every gym session and it’s been a struggle. I need genuine advice, can somebody give me tips on what I should be doing different?
submitted by jcbiochemistry to GymMotivation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:15 FudgeLatter4505 Help understanding my Thorne results?

Help understanding my Thorne results?
Hi all! Can anybody help me understand my throne results? Or point me in the right direction? I’ve read all the info provided by them and have been trying to research more, but still feel overwhelmed. I’m trying to find a doctor to help me with gut issues but no luck yet. Thank you!!
For reference, I am a 25 year old female. Symptoms- bloating after eating heavy meals (mostly after bread, makes my stomach feel rock solid and very round) constipation, sugar cravings, stomach belly fat, anxiety, headaches. I had strep throat 2 months ago and took antibiotics for a week. I’ve recently lost 30lbs while on semaglutide. I’ve been off of the drug for a month now and am trying to continue to lose weight with a calorie deficit & workout regimen. I weight train 3 times a week & go for walks 2-3x/week.
submitted by FudgeLatter4505 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:11 MechaMachiavelli Protein or calories more important for muscle mass?

Hi all, Maybe I’ve missed something in my literature review, but what’s more important for putting on muscle mass: protein or just more calories in general? I’m in a situation where I need to get my visceral fat down pronto (I’m skinny fat, and my belly isn’t “squishy”, it’s “hard”, indicating I have the more dangerous of the fat buildup). To address that, I’ve reduced my calories (just skipping out one meal entirely and keeping the other two meals at the same caloric content). However, I also run, bike, and strength train. Am I just relegated to being “skinny” if I can’t up my caloric intake in order to address my visceral fat issues?
submitted by MechaMachiavelli to PeterAttia [link] [comments]
