How do i know if an internet guy likes me

definitely not me irl

2016.01.21 01:27 lapzkauz definitely not me irl


2011.10.04 04:09 jspsfx Casual IAmA

The casual version of /IAmA. Anyone's welcome to host or participate in an AMA. Topics may involve anything from ordinary to extraordinary subject matter. The environment is relaxed, we just ask that you have fun!

2012.06.07 00:14 Billobatch Learn Useless Talents

This is a place to learn how to do cool things that have no use other than killing time and impressing strangers.

2024.06.11 05:14 theirishdoughnut Bodkin

This post contains extreme spoilers for the Netflix show "Bodkin"
I've been watching this show on Netflix called Bodkin. It's an Irish murder mystery/ origin story/ suspense show, and I really enjoyed it, especially the couple of parts with Gaeilge, like the IMLÉ intro. But something has been nagging me and I figured if anyone would understand it would be you guys.
As usual, I'm aware that I'm lucky and wanted and privellaged and overly sensitive blah blah blah (for the nondcp who read this affronted by my nerve).
My comment here concerns Sean O'Shea, the hired driver of the main characters. If you ignored my spoiler warning before but think you might watch the show, go watch it first and then read this comment. It is good and I don't want to spoil it for you.
I mean it. Anyway-
Sean is the center of the story in a lot of ways. His conception and birth and the death of his mother and subsequent hush-hush adoption and the reason for the mystery of Bodkin. By the end of the show we come to find out Sean has 100% Irish ancestry, though he has been led to believe he is Romanian by his adoptive mother, apparently "for his own protection". He is obsessed with Romania because it's his only concrete connection to his birth family. He memorises random facts about Romania, listens to Romanian rap songs, and just generally feels very connected to Romania. His adoptive mother has known he isn't Romanian his whole life and decided never to tell him. She even knew his bio mom and dad. As a consequence of this, Sean only learns the truth about his parents when these obnoxious American podcasters and a broody Irish journalist with a dark past come into town and muddy the waters. Sean is understandably devastated to hear that his connection to Romania has not been based in the fact of his birth, rather in a lie made up by his adoptive mother.
A lot happens. Sean is confronted by his bio dad, who also only just found out about Sean being his son. Sean keeps insisting over and over that it isn't true- he's Romanian, he just knows it.
In the end some people die and some others live and still others learn Deep Profound Lessons. Sean has no closure as far as I can tell. When his adoptive mother finally approaches the subject with him (after SO MUCH SHIT went down specifically because she decided not to say anything) he says he doesn't care about his bio family because his real mom is his adoptive mom???!
I really related to Sean. I'm double donor conceived, with supposedly Irish ancestry but who the fuck even knows anymore, not me, because I was lied to my whole life and no one bothered to tell me that this anchor of fact in an otherwise confusing family history was in fact completely false. I love Ireland. Look at my name. I'm learning Gaeilge. I made a post about this a while ago. If you want my full story then find that. I think it's called "DC Squared?".
This whole plotline was infuriating to me. Seeing Sean in so much pain because of losing Romania and having his identity yanked out from under his feet mad me so angry and so sad. I know I'm projecting, but doesn't everyone project a little bit? I felt so bad for him.
And then he just goes and forgets about it??? He forgives his adoptive mother without a second thought? Without a single question?
I've seen this so many times. People want the feel-good message of genes don't matter only love matters so they sweep our stories and our pain under the rug. I'm fucking sick of it. It makes me feel so selfish. I know there are others who feel like I feel about this. But all I ever see in media is some version of Sean. Giving up your biological family in order to be 'loyal' to your social one. It's not necessary and it's not healthy and I fucking hate how common it is. I'm tired of feeling so alone. I'm tired of being judged for unapologetic curiosity. I'm tired of turning my anger about the web of lies surrounding my history in my childhood on myself because there's no other acceptable place for it to go. Why aren't we allowed to be angry? Why do we have to forgive and forget? Further than that- why do we have to pretend like there's nothing to forgive?
Someone tell me I'm not going mad, please.
I wish it had ended with Sean finding out the truth, and portrayed some kind of period of tension between Sean and his mom. I wish Sean got to mourn that huge chunk of his life that was ripped away from him, I wish he go to feel foolish and deceived and angry. I wish he got to talk about it, outside of plain denial and complete apathy. Just once I want to see someone like me havea human ending to their story.
submitted by theirishdoughnut to donorconceived [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:12 Rhoeke I Made a Visual Inventory System Using Legos [OC]

After seeing Zee Bashew’s video on encumbrance, I’ve been fooling around with a couple different systems to have a more visual representation of a player’s inventory. After not being able to find any inventory management systems that I was happy with, I had the idea to make one based off Legos.
I specifically wanted an inventory system with something like Legos so that at the end of the session, I can put everyone’s inventory away on top of each other and not worry about anything coming apart or smudging away (Previous attempts involved a laminated grid you would write on and a magnetic whiteboard).
I already had about 85% of these materials and I am not a patient person, so if you look at this and ask yourself, “why didn’t they use this color or this size instead?” it’s most likely because I either already had that on hand or there was no way I was going to wait over a month for Lego to deliver something.

What I wanted

I wanted to be able to print labels on the tiles. Nothing fancy, just “Dagger, sword, etc.” For smaller tiles, there would only be enough room for the name of the item.
I needed a good conversion system to convert weight into how many pips (the little nubs on the Legos) an item would take up on a baseplate. I ended up going with 1 pound is 4 pips.
If you’re using the regular rules of carrying capacity (strength score times 15), a character with 10 strength has a carrying capacity of 150 pounds, therefore 600 pips.
If you’re using the variant encumbrance rules of carrying capacity (strength score times 5 is fine, strength score times >5 but <10 is encumbered, strength score times >10 is heavily encumbered), a character with 10 strength has a regular carrying capacity of 50 pounds (200 pips), with an additional 50 pounds (200 pips) being encumbered, and anything above that being heavily encumbered.
To get around not wanting to print on tiny 1x1 or 1x2 tiles and to get around the logistics of weightless items taking up space, I ruled that any item weighing less than 1 pound would be 1 pound, so the smallest tile will be 4 pips (2x2 or 1x4).

What I used

While scrolling through the equipment and item list on DND Beyond, I noticed that the vast majority of items are 3 pounds and less. So for a party of 3 and using variant encumbrance rules, I started with:
1 32x32 baseplate which contains 1024 pips. This would support a character with up to 17 strength using regular carrying rules, or a character of 20 strength using variant encumbrance. If you want to go higher, 48x48 baseplates are also sold.
4 16x16 tiles were used side by side for my players with 8 and 14 strength and then connected on the underside.
150 flat 2x2 (equivalent to 1 pound or less)
50 flat 1x4 (equivalent to 1 pound or less)
20 flat 1x8 (equivalent to 2 pounds)
60 flat 2x4 (equivalent to 2 pounds)
40 flat 2x6 (equivalent to 3 pounds)
30 2x8 (equivalent to 4 pounds). At this size, they don’t make flat tiles.

How I made it

After I got my items, I calculated the available inventory space (using variant encumbrance) of all my players, but changed it to regular carrying capacity being their strength score times 6, and being encumbered from their strength times >6 but <10. Here’s what it was for my players.
8 strength: regular carrying capacity is 48 pounds (192 pips). Encumbered carrying capacity is an additional 32 pounds (128 pips)
12 strength: regular carrying capacity is 72 pounds (288 pips). Encumbered carrying capacity is an additional 48 pounds (192 pips).
18 strength: regular carrying capacity is 108 pounds (432 pips). Encumbered carrying capacity is an additional 72 pounds (288 pips).
Then using the DND Beyond equipment and item list, I turned all their starting equipment into tiles with the appropriate size. I was also sure to turn packs into individual items (such as an Explorer’s Pack. Rather than an obscure tile stating that, I gave them 1 backpack, 1 bedroll, 1 mess kit, 1 tinderbox, torches, 10 days of rations, 1 waterskin, and 1 50 ft rope.)

Issues I Ran Into

Variant Encumbrance is unforgiving. For some characters with sub-18 strength, it’s entirely possible that they can’t even carry all their gear from the starting class and background. So I ruled that the characters armor they are currently wearing and their backpack is not included in their inventory; and I ruled that their regular carrying capacity was their strength score times 6 instead of 5 but still keeping heavily encumbered at their strength score times 10.
This may be cost prohibitive for some people, but if you’re still interested, there are (somewhat) cheaper Lego alternatives. Luckily I had most of these on hand already, but if I had to pay for these, it would come out to about $100, including the cost of a labelmaker.
To prevent any confusion about the inventory system being their backpack and being able to avoid putting stuff in there, I explained that the inventory system was a list of all items on a character’s person. The sword you are using, the longbow you are shooting with, the ring you are wearing are all in your inventory (minus your equipped armor).
While being a more visual inventory, this doesn’t negate needing a list entirely. There will be small magic items (such as a ring) that they pick up that has enough space for the name, but not the description, so they will need another spot to list that.
There will come a time when a player wants to pick up something and add it to their inventory that I didn’t account for. Luckily I have a bunch of Lego tiles that I could substitute for anything up to 10 pounds. I have designated one of my players as the “Arts and Crafts Officer” who will make the appropriate labels on the appropriate tiles when we determine what the weight will be.
Some items will have strange weights. As you get into heavier items, it’s unlikely that I may have the specific tile for that weight. Luckily it’s Lego and I have a bunch of random tiles, so my Arts and Crafts Officer can play around with some tiles until they get close enough.
One of my players has already asked about what happens to this system when or if they get a Bag of Holding. If they don’t like this system, they can get a Bag of Holding and this entire thing will go away. If they do like this system, getting a Bag of Holding can unlock additional rows of carrying capacity.
There has been some talk between my players, and they want me to include the weight of silver and gold and I hadn’t even thought of that. I’ll be looking into adding silver and gold tiles now.

Final Thoughts

I have seen my players use this for all of 1 session, but it seems to be a success so far. In just one session, all of my players have used a random item in their inventory for creative solutions (using a bag of sand from their scholar’s pack to distract an enemy, giving a wolf their rations to make them friendlier, and using their lore book to find out information on a monster) and discussed how to properly loot this session’s villain for the most gold per space. I have more ideas I want to implement later when my players are used to the idea of the inventory system (such as using Moonlighter’s cursed items) to further make them get creative about their inventory.
If you have any ideas to make this simpler while still keeping to the spirit of the system or use it with success in your game, let me know. Good luck!
submitted by Rhoeke to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:11 itsavaking I’m ruining my own life by being who I am and I don’t know how to stop it.

This is probably gonna be a long rant. I just have a lotta feelings right now and I need to get them out.
I (30F) live with my long term boyfriend (36M) and we have a two year old son together. We’ve been together for 8 years. Throughout this time, I’ve been steadily just sucking more and more as a person. I have zero follow through. I’m definitely depressed and have anxiety. I used to work a real job but my son was born so I stayed home for a bit. Tried to go back to work. My son was always sick and I had to call out so much. I felt bad, I was letting my team down, hardly ever there, and I didn’t get paid for missed days. But I still owed daycare for the missed days. So I was making no money and still had to pay daycare. I ended up quitting and now I do Instacart to help pay the bills.
It requires self motivation and discipline. Of which I have none. So does parenting. So does livin a normal and remotely successful life. I’m always late everywhere I go. I started vaping about a year ago and now I can’t stop because I have no self control. I know I need to stop drinking soda but again, no self control. It bleeds into every aspect of my life. I have some serious executive dysfunction about chores in the house, especially the dishes. My boyfriend comes home from work and I’ve done like nothing all day. I try to set schedules. I try to motivate myself with music and rewards. I try to be kinder to myself and let myself be proud of the little accomplishments. I try to be really hard on myself. I have tried so many different tactics and I still just suck at life.
I’m bringing my boyfriend down with me. He doesn’t deserve to live like this. He deserves someone he can count on. He deserves a person who will follow through when they say they’re going to pay the electric bill, or help him out with gas money. My son deserves a mom who can keep a clean house. My boyfriend deserves a clean house. And no matter what I try to do I can’t focus. I can’t get my ass up off the couch to do it. I’ll be good for like a week and then I take a day off and let one thing slip and then I feel like everything else is just an avalanche crashing down on me and I’m overwhelmed. And then im back to my guilt ridden, self loathing, anxious, restless but still can’t get anything actually done, self.
I’ve been on fluoxetine before, but I started feeling better so I stopped it about two years ago. Since then, aside from the newborn phase which kicked my ASS, I’ve been getting slowly worse and worse again. I got into therapy and it’s ok, but I still haven’t really been able to improve. My anxiety is worse than it’s ever been. I have serious irritability issues, especially when there’s a noise I can’t stop. Like a jingling coin in the car, or a squeaky ceiling fan. I feel like I’m always in a daze and can never get into a tv show or movie. I just watch the same shows on repeat and have lost any desire to branch out in any way.
Most recently, I was supposed to be paying for my son to go to daycare twice a week. He likes it and it’s $128 a week so I thought I could handle it. Instead, I sit in a parking lot staring at Instacart batches I should take but don’t want to. And I don’t make enough money. Or, I do make enough money and then forget to bring it to daycare. Anyway, now I owe money and if I don’t pay it this week then my son will have to leave the daycare. My boyfriend is understandably angry because he had no idea there was an issue. To be honest, I thought I only owed for a week or two but it turns out it was over five.
I have no one to blame but myself. I’m just sucking at everything I try to do and I don’t know why I can’t make myself just do things I need to. I’m bringing everyone down and they don’t deserve this. I don’t know what’s wrong with me or why I suck so badly but it’s such a fucking shame. Because I was a smart kid. Graduated 9th in my class of almost 400 kids. Everyone thought I was going places. Got into a great college and only lasted 2.5 years before I had to drop out from being on academic probation. I struggled to get myself to classes and do assignments.
The first 18 years of my life I was so successful. And now I just fail over and over at everything I attempt. And it’s for no real reason. Other than I just suck at doing things until they’re done. Anyway, thanks for reading this far if you made it. I just don’t know how to make things better and I’m lost and needed to vent
submitted by itsavaking to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:11 AdviceIrene He 25M wants to friends and but his actions says otherwise.

Hi everyone, i 26F met 25M a week ago in a proper way (we met way back but does not hang out much until last week). He has a bad boy energy, not mean but when it’s time to show attitude, he is a pro at it. He is a rich kid. Owns and takes care of his business.
He showed interest in me, he is very sweet to me, ask me if he can call before he rings, calls me often, ask me if he can come hang at my place, ask to hang at his place, says i have a good heart and good intentions. One time he said girls like “me” (soft, sensitive nature) needs a bad boys like him but he continued saying he wants to be friends, and sees me as his friend. One time, he sents me a song which talks about a person choosing that girl over and over and texts me goodnight. To me, all these gestures feels like what someone would do if they have interest in us and not just “friends”. This one time i was out with my brother somewhere, he called me and said he’ll dropped me off at my house in this bike. He waited for me in a junction and i switched vehicles and moved towards him. He is just very concerned about me, and wiling to do anything i ask for. (I have not asked for anything yet). He says both our families are close to each other etc
When he talks about his future he would joke and say ‘should we (us) do it?’ (Get married) and more of something along those lines but never fails to mention that he only wants me as his friend. He says he misses me, wants to do interesting stuffs with me and build a good relationship with him. His boundary and decision is pretty clear, he wants to friends and that is it but his actions says otherwise.
He says he’ll call often because he “missed” my personality as he was just like me years ago (an introvert). When i confront him and said ‘well if we are friends, we shouldn’t call each other often or joke about our future together (romantically)’ to which he replied ‘have you not had ‘guy’ friends before?’ i felt bad, manipulated, and didn’t know how to answer him tbh.
Now my question is, should i keep distancing from him? Or if i should maintain the friendship, should i not entertain the romantic jokes and shut them down completely? Kindly help, i am in a state of confusion.
submitted by AdviceIrene to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:09 Val_Zod1 I need to know what to do. Don't sugar coat. Just be straight up (very long read)

Hey guys. First off I wanna say that, I think I'm a great person. I'm caring, compassionate, chivalrous (not in a creepy way at all), and have been told numerous times that i'm handsome (maybe slightly above average or more). I'm relatively new to the dating game, and only really had my first ever date in 2023 (age 20). I've tried the whole dating app thing, but it really isn't for me. The best I got out of it was a bunch of dates, a few hookups but nothing serious. I've started meeting people in person and I met the most amazing girl 2 nights ago. Smart, beautiful and shares a lot of my interests. We met at a bar and I introduced myself to her friends as well. I think they really liked me because they didn't try to cock-block at all (which girl-friends typically do). We had so much fun that night, dancing and getting to know each other. They invited me over to their apartment, where I stayed the night. Me and her slept on the couch together and watched Spider-Verse. I told her i thought she was stunning and asked to kiss her, respectfully). To which she agreed. We woke up the next morning and play Tekken for 2 hours. I told her that I thought she was great and would love to hang out again. She gave me her number, then her and her friend dropped me home. I texted her the next day (today). Asking her how work was and re-iterated how much of a great time I had with her. She has not responded and it's been 13 hours. I immediately thought to myself: "oh boy here, we go again". But I don't wanna feel like that cause I really like this girl and I think there could be something there. I hate the dating game. I absolutely hate it. And I don't wanna try again with someone new. I've been praying to God a lot today (which I haven't done often), begging him to please let this work. I've had so many bad experiences with women, and I feel like I've learned enough from them. I don't want another learning experience. I want her. Please can someone tell me what to do if she doesn't respond by tomorrow? How can I let her know that I don't just want a one-time thing, and hopefully she can give me a chance and see how it goes? I know that I would treat her better than anyone, to the best of my abilities. I don't want to sound desperate and scare her off, but I do see something in her, that I haven't seen in other people in a long time.
submitted by Val_Zod1 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:07 SiberianJr I made a small rant about the Apache from episode 7

My very small thought on a very small thing from episode 7 (Version 2)
( sorry for any typos)
Alright can somebody tell me why the military is using a Boeing AH-64 Apache Attack helicopter, which had it's first flight in 1975 (which is almost over thousand years from the time the show takes place), has a M230 chain gun (which is chambers 30x113mm bullets) , AMG-114 Hellfire missiles, and Hydra 70 rocket pods... And is still used in the 3050s or 3060s? And can somebody tell me how the M230 chain gun (which chambers 30x113mm bullets) (and this single barrel gun is designed to pierce tank armor) is not able to pierce the disassembly drones wings. And two other things... Can someone tell me why only ONE AH-64 Apache was used in a frickin END OF WORLD SCENARIO, don't you think we would use stuff like (and because the military clearly is not going to get more advanced, I will list some old stuff), tanks like the M1A2 Abrams (which if you didn't know, has a Rheinmetall 120 mm L/44 designated M256, and was put into service in 1980), Planes like the LockHeed AC-130J (In case you didn't know, the LokeHeed AC-130 gun ships ((I say gunships because there is more than one model)) have two 20 mm M61 Vulcan cannons, one L/60 Bofors 40 mm cannon, and M137 105 mm cannon and M37 recoil mechanism from the M102 howitzer) and the A-10 Thunderbolt (Incase you are unaware of the A-10 Thunderbolt, you'd probably like to know that this aircraft has, a 30 mm GAU-8 Avenger rotary autocannon, and is equipped to hold GPS- and laser-guided bombs, such as the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb, Paveway series bombs, Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser and AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon glide bombs.) yes I'm aware both of these are ground support, but in a end of world scenario you need all you can get. Some other planes include the, LockHeed F-22 Raptor (Which in case you don't know, the F-22 Raptor has, one internal M61A2 20 mm gun (480 rds); two AIM-9 Sidewinders inside internal weapons bays; six AIM-120 AMRAAMs (air-to-air loadout) or two AIM-120s and two GBU-32 JDAMs or eight SDBs (air-toground loadout) in main internal weapons bay.), and don't forget about the LockHeed Martin F-35 lightning (which if you don't know, the F-35 lightning has a 25 mm cannon hidden inside the plane with 182 rounds of ammunition, and has the capability to carry a nuclear bomb called the B61-12 thermonuclear gravity bomb, and other bombs like, the six missiles for air-to-air engagements and eight bombs for ground attack missions. Additionally, it can carry up to four GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bombs with a maximum range of 10 miles) and Naval ships... Like for example, in the movie Battleship (yes I am aware this is a movie and movie logic don't make sense but same can be said about Murder Drones) we see the USS Missouri (which, if you're unaware, or just forgot, the USS Missouri is a Iowa Class BattleShip, that has 3 × triple 16 in (406 mm) guns, 10 × twin 5 in (127 mm) DP guns, 10 × quadruple 40 mm (1.6 in) AA guns, 49 × single 20 mm (0.8 in) AA guns, this would cause chaos for anyone trying to attack this mighty vessel) absolutely destroy the aliens, so can't they do the same with the disassembly drones, like imagine the drones trying to attack costal citys. And one last thing I'd like to address, how come, even though we are able to make it possible to travel to other planets and colonizing them, we are not able to advance our military, because if we could we wouldn't see a AH-64 Apache shooting normal bullet's, we would probably see it shooting lasers stronger than the Spartan Laser in the halo games... Speaking of Halo, I would like to address, that Halo takes place in the mid 2550's, so imagine how advanced we would be in the 3050's or whatever. You know the UNSC Infinity? Imagine a ship like that, or other UNSC ships, against the disassembly drones. And something else I'd like to share... Are the Drones really all that powerful, sure they had Cyn who had the Absolute Solver, but how would that help defeat our military? Just so many questions that need to be answered, but I do not know if anyone is going to read all this, to answer them... Anyways, I have made this short rant go one an word too many, but I don't really care... But HOW, I NEED TO KNOW HOW OUR MILITARY GOT DEAFTED... IS IT BECAUSE, NOBODY ADVANCED IT, IS IT BECAUSE NOBODY CARED, WHY... Everytime I think this ends, it gets longer... Did I mention what the army would do against this attack? I mean, they had to try to stop this... Not sure what an fully automatic rifle would do against the drones, considering an Boeing AH-64 Apache can't do anything, but maybe that's just the wing...Wait, wait, so in episode one, J gets railgunned, if the body of the drone is that weak... Hold up, ain't the drone wings in the body, doesn't that mean the railgun was able to destroy the wing... SO SOMEHOW, A RAILGUN BREAKS EVERYTHING, BUT NOT EVEN OUR MILITARY CAN PUT AN DENT IN IT, I'M SURE WE'D HAVE GOTTEN LAZER ROUNDS BY THAN, SO WOULDN'T THAT MEAN THAT WE EASILY COULD HAVE DEAFTED THE DRONES... While talking about this, I realized that Uzi probably didn't even build the railgun as an original design, because why'd she make an original design, no, she wouldn't, instead, she probably had downloaded schematics into her self, than built the gun from that. But there's only one place I can think of, that'd have schematics for an railgun... That'd have to be the MILITARY, SO BASICALLY, I'M TRYING TO SAY THAT, WE HAD THE POWER TO DEFEAT THEM, THIS WHOLE TIME...
Anyways there is my short thought on a very small thing from episode 7
submitted by SiberianJr to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:07 LensofaTitan Long Term Plans - Thoughts, Advice, and Questions (long post)

Hey all, I’m getting ready to begin the journey to Combat Controller. Just waiting for things to fall into place with MEPS and then I’ll be on my way to the meetings with the Special Warfare Mentors every month. I was doing some thinking about my plans and wanted to run my plans by you all for advice - or criticism - thats fine too.
TLDR: thoughts and advice on continuing schoolwork (online) for my degrees while in the pipeline as well as after (upon earning the title of CCT operator, depending on op tempo). Not including BMT and selection, of course.
Currently I’m a full time student for two bachelors degrees, one in forensic psychology, the other in international law. I do this online, seeing as i work full time.
I know that I’ll have to stop my classes once I go to BMT. Thats fine, but I would like to know how much time would be available for me after BMT and selection, and (hypothetically) if I pass selection, in order to go back to doing my schoolwork while in the CCT pipeline. Especially since it’s online, that makes it more manageable, although time consuming.
Another thought along those lines I had was in regards to failing selection or the pipeline, and getting sent to security forces. Can you get sent to tech school for a different job for a year? When handed all of the job listings for my top five AFSC i selected all 1N. Essentially, my recruiter didn’t have an answer for this, so i still have that unresolved.
When my time as a combat controller is finished (again, hypothetically, don’t want to step on any toes here), or time in the Air Force in general, I have plans to use both of those degrees to begin a final career in HSI in an 1811 role. I also just heard about the OSI positions that the Air Force has, so possibly continuing in the Air Force is on the table too, although I still need to do more research on them.
I would like to state that the difficulty of the pipeline is not lost on me, I’m not assuming ill pass though it. So i don’t want anyone to think that the new guy is full of bravado and foolishly thinking it’ll automatically work. Im just talking it out.
I’m also 27, so i have to factor in time. It may boil down to accepting that by the time I finish my contract with the Air Force, I might be too old (cutoff is 37) to go to HSI and continue with CCT if it works out. Thats okay with me too, but i know a lot of people in the military emphasise finding something in life after the fact. An 1811 role is all i can really think of, unless i magically find something else after the fact.
What do a lot of special warfare guys go do afterwards? At the end of the day, life happens and years from now this cold all change, and thats okay. But as of now, i wanted to see what you all thought.
Thanks guys
submitted by LensofaTitan to Pararescue [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:06 4THOT Fuck Straighterade.

It is rare that I'm genuinely mad about some text on the internet, but congratulations Straighterade. You have achieved what many could only dream of.
As many of you are well aware, I am the reddit moderator aka 'janny' (derogatory). I insist on being a visible participant of the sub and this results in me some kind of mean message on a near weekly basis.
I have no issue with this, it's very fun for me.
Part of being a visible participant is explicitly and implicitly laying out what behavior is and isn't acceptable and setting some 'cultural norms'. This is why you'll see me pinning posts that feature some woman that has stun-locked you dipshits with 'be normal' or 'stop being cringe' or some other variant to curb neckbeard behavior, or other behavior I, or the streamer find displeasing.
The invisible part is removing posts that are degrading/demeaning toward women, banning the posters, etc... even when I loathe their subject of ridicule.
I do not expect normal denizens to see or appreciate this in any way; this is just a place for you to hang out, and 90% of what is being dealt with are edge case schizos.
Straighteraide, however, knows the effort that is made on the sub to curb comments about her 'mind controlling' Lycan, and Lycan not being responsible for his own idiotic opinions. She knows because she asks me to remove these kinds of comments/threads.
So I found her comment on this thread with the typical Sunday/Erin/Lycan meme to be particularly grating.
It does two things:
  1. it explicitly counters the ongoing (appropriate) community understanding that posting about lycan/erin mind control will get you banned
  2. it pisses me off because she's being a lying two faced rat fuck to my face
I don’t keep up with the Reddit moderation bylaws fam, but appreciate you making an effort. Just showing you why I thought there was a chance it wouldn’t be banned like you asked.
This is a lie.
She knows these 'jokes' (they're not jokes) are banned/removed because she has explicitly thanked me for clamping down on them in private, and I have explicitly stated I remove these posts to her, directly and have said the same consistently for nearly a year.
When I make these unhinged comments about how these clout goblins are lazy, spineless, scum, leeches, and two faced sacks of shit; it's because of repeated experiences like this.
Do I ever demand thanks? Adoration? That you put in a single fucking iota of effort to counteract any of the narratives rather than be a sarcastic shithead? To publicly be more present in pushing back against these people? To request you even report these comments to me directly rather than make snarky comments instead?
Removing comments/posts like:
This and this and this and this and this and this and this and even THIS FUCKING MORNING having to go out of my way to clean up this stupid garbage, to then see the subject of this effort deliberately sabotage that effort and lie to my face... gets me a extremely grumpy, I cannot deny it.
Again, all I ask is that you don't not be a complete piece of shit to my face and run it down while I do all the work.
For the record; these kinds of comments will still be off limits, because at the end of the day I'm a fundamentally better person than all of these worthless sacks of shit combined.
Thank you for coming to my joker moment.
P.S. fuck you Steven for announcing a mass unban, these clowns are acting up because they know an unban is coming
submitted by 4THOT to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:05 Big-Rush-4630 Would a manager let you know if you’re under investigation or they’re thinking of firing you, prior to firing you?

I had this workplace incident and I’m normally a decent worker but I really screwed up on Friday. We have many company partners and I accidentally sent an email attachment regarding future plans for all our company partners, to one of our partners. This is really bad because now our company partner has insight into their competition for the next few months.
As soon as I realized, I panicked thinking abt what to do. And I also didn’t understand the severity, I thought maybe the company partner already has most of this info. I worked up the courage to let my manager know and msged her an hour later. and she thanked me but seemed quite stressed. I worked with her to do damage control.
She’s now been treating me like normal and I’ve been working as normal, but let me know she’s filling an incident report for the legal department for this issue and I might need to contribute. This has me paranoid if she’s actually filling out information to build a case to fire me.
I’m also away on a short business trip and I’m worried they’re thinking of firing me upon arrival.
Honestly management and I aren’t close, because I’m introverted. Although we’re polite. We also have a high turnover with my position too so I’m hoping that saves me since everyone on my team is working OT due to low staff.
But I guess my question is: would management tell me if they’re building a case to fire me prior to firing me? Would they let me know I’m in trouble? How long would it take to get fired after a big mistake like that?
submitted by Big-Rush-4630 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:05 Rhoeke I Made a Visual Inventory System Using Legos

After seeing Zee Bashew’s video on encumbrance, I’ve been fooling around with a couple different systems to have a more visual representation of a player’s inventory. After not being able to find any inventory management systems that I was happy with, I had the idea to make one based off Legos.
I specifically wanted an inventory system with something like Legos so that at the end of the session, I can put everyone’s inventory away on top of each other and not worry about anything coming apart or smudging away (Previous attempts involved a laminated grid you would write on and a magnetic whiteboard).
I already had about 85% of these materials and I am not a patient person, so if you look at this and ask yourself, “why didn’t they use this color or this size instead?” it’s most likely because I either already had that on hand or there was no way I was going to wait over a month for Lego to deliver something.

What I wanted

I wanted to be able to print labels on the tiles. Nothing fancy, just “Dagger, sword, etc.” For smaller tiles, there would only be enough room for the name of the item.
I needed a good conversion system to convert weight into how many pips (the little nubs on the Legos) an item would take up on a baseplate. I ended up going with 1 pound is 4 pips.
If you’re using the regular rules of carrying capacity (strength score times 15), a character with 10 strength has a carrying capacity of 150 pounds, therefore 600 pips.
If you’re using the variant encumbrance rules of carrying capacity (strength score times 5 is fine, strength score times >5 but <10 is encumbered, strength score times >10 is heavily encumbered), a character with 10 strength has a regular carrying capacity of 50 pounds (200 pips), with an additional 50 pounds (200 pips) being encumbered, and anything above that being heavily encumbered.
To get around not wanting to print on tiny 1x1 or 1x2 tiles and to get around the logistics of weightless items taking up space, I ruled that any item weighing less than 1 pound would be 1 pound, so the smallest tile will be 4 pips (2x2 or 1x4).

What I used

While scrolling through the equipment and item list on DND Beyond, I noticed that the vast majority of items are 3 pounds and less. So for a party of 3 and using variant encumbrance rules, I started with:
1 32x32 baseplate which contains 1024 pips. This would support a character with up to 17 strength using regular carrying rules, or a character of 20 strength using variant encumbrance. If you want to go higher, 48x48 baseplates are also sold.
4 16x16 tiles were used side by side for my players with 8 and 14 strength and then connected on the underside.
150 flat 2x2 (equivalent to 1 pound or less)
50 flat 1x4 (equivalent to 1 pound or less)
20 flat 1x8 (equivalent to 2 pounds)
60 flat 2x4 (equivalent to 2 pounds)
40 flat 2x6 (equivalent to 3 pounds)
30 2x8 (equivalent to 4 pounds). At this size, they don’t make flat tiles.

How I made it

After I got my items, I calculated the available inventory space (using variant encumbrance) of all my players, but changed it to regular carrying capacity being their strength score times 6, and being encumbered from their strength times >6 but <10. Here’s what it was for my players.
8 strength: regular carrying capacity is 48 pounds (192 pips). Encumbered carrying capacity is an additional 32 pounds (128 pips)
12 strength: regular carrying capacity is 72 pounds (288 pips). Encumbered carrying capacity is an additional 48 pounds (192 pips).
18 strength: regular carrying capacity is 108 pounds (432 pips). Encumbered carrying capacity is an additional 72 pounds (288 pips).
Then using the DND Beyond equipment and item list, I turned all their starting equipment into tiles with the appropriate size. I was also sure to turn packs into individual items (such as an Explorer’s Pack. Rather than an obscure tile stating that, I gave them 1 backpack, 1 bedroll, 1 mess kit, 1 tinderbox, torches, 10 days of rations, 1 waterskin, and 1 50 ft rope.)

Issues I Ran Into

Variant Encumbrance is unforgiving. For some characters with sub-18 strength, it’s entirely possible that they can’t even carry all their gear from the starting class and background. So I ruled that the characters armor they are currently wearing and their backpack is not included in their inventory; and I ruled that their regular carrying capacity was their strength score times 6 instead of 5 but still keeping heavily encumbered at their strength score times 10.
This may be cost prohibitive for some people, but if you’re still interested, there are (somewhat) cheaper Lego alternatives. Luckily I had most of these on hand already, but if I had to pay for these, it would come out to about $100, including the cost of a labelmaker.
To prevent any confusion about the inventory system being their backpack and being able to avoid putting stuff in there, I explained that the inventory system was a list of all items on a character’s person. The sword you are using, the longbow you are shooting with, the ring you are wearing are all in your inventory (minus your equipped armor).
While being a more visual inventory, this doesn’t negate needing a list entirely. There will be small magic items (such as a ring) that they pick up that has enough space for the name, but not the description, so they will need another spot to list that.
There will come a time when a player wants to pick up something and add it to their inventory that I didn’t account for. Luckily I have a bunch of Lego tiles that I could substitute for anything up to 10 pounds. I have designated one of my players as the “Arts and Crafts Officer” who will make the appropriate labels on the appropriate tiles when we determine what the weight will be.
Some items will have strange weights. As you get into heavier items, it’s unlikely that I may have the specific tile for that weight. Luckily it’s Lego and I have a bunch of random tiles, so my Arts and Crafts Officer can play around with some tiles until they get close enough.
One of my players has already asked about what happens to this system when or if they get a Bag of Holding. If they don’t like this system, they can get a Bag of Holding and this entire thing will go away. If they do like this system, getting a Bag of Holding can unlock additional rows of carrying capacity.
There has been some talk between my players, and they want me to include the weight of silver and gold and I hadn’t even thought of that. I’ll be looking into adding silver and gold tiles now.

Final Thoughts

I have seen my players use this for all of 1 session, but it seems to be a success so far. In just one session, all of my players have used a random item in their inventory for creative solutions (using a bag of sand from their scholar’s pack to distract an enemy, giving a wolf their rations to make them friendlier, and using their lore book to find out information on a monster) and discussed how to properly loot this session’s villain for the most gold per space. I have more ideas I want to implement later when my players are used to the idea of the inventory system (such as using Moonlighter’s cursed items) to further make them get creative about their inventory.
Pictures of my final product are located here.
If you have any ideas to make this simpler while still keeping to the spirit of the system or use it with success in your game, let me know. Good luck!
submitted by Rhoeke to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:04 mxo3114 I am burnt out and don’t know what to do.

The love of my life suddenly died in February last year. It’s been over a year and I still feel stuck as ever. I still cry every day and the pain is unbearable.
So much of the first year felt like survival. I am here in the US on a work visa (we didn’t get married but hope to) so I couldn’t get more than a few days off. I was able to get a WFH accommodation for 6 months and then an unpaid leave of absence for 2 weeks to visit my family who live across the world. I wish I could’ve just stopped working and taken time off when that happened, but then I couldn’t have been here, and I’m really glad I was able to be here close to his family for the funeral, memorial, heavenly birthday, holidays and other events.
My greatest support system really has been his family who live a 3 hour train ride away (I am in NYC, they are in DC). Whenever everything feels unbearable, I just pack my bags and show up. It’s one only place I feel I can just be with my feelings. I actually cry less when I’m with them because seeing his pictures, hearing his name stories, and being around people who get it and are going through the same thing helps me cope more. Despite the heartbreak of losing her son, his mom takes care of me. So does his sister, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. We never married, but I’m always part of the family.
In NYC I do have some great friends, but none of them really knew him so it’s not the same. Likewise, my family overseasknew him but not that well and didn’t have years worth of memories that they’re grieving him like I am. They feel so helpless being so far away and not being able to do much to help me as I feel so much pain. I feel so bad for the pain I cause them too by not being happy and so far away, but we understand it’s not something we can hold against each other.
Now over a year later, I just feel so burnt out. I feel so dissatisfied with work and cry almost every day I go into the office 3x/week. Because of where I was born and him being dead, getting a green card any time soon is not an option so I cannot just quit my in to take a break unless I leave the country. I would have to go back to my parents in India, where I have family but no friends and haven’t lived in since I was 4. Although I love my family, the thought of being away from his and even his burial site which I have visited quite often just scares me. I also don’t want to give up the life I built here even though right now it just hurts
My health has also been declining and I believe it’s due to this stress. I know he would want me to do what’s best for me, but I don’t even know what that is. Sometimes I feel like dropping everything and just going home and taking a break from working, but my family really can’t offer me the support I wish they could. I want to be close to his family and my family but I can’t without a dumbass green card due to inflexible immigration laws. I thought in a year it would get better enough for me to make a decision on whether I want to stay here or leave but I just feel more lost than ever. All I actually have achieved is adding in a 3rd option of looking for a job in DC so I can be closer to support, but that doesn’t fix the immigration stress and challenges as it’s still America and I’d still have to work.
As time goes on the pain is not getting better. I honestly feel sadder and angrier and just miss my old life and long for it more and more. I hate when people say I’m strong because I really don’t care about being strong if it means feeling so much pain. All his family and my family want is for me to be happy and it terrifies me because I don’t even know what happiness looks like or how to envision it. It means him here with me, going through these challenges together, and that’s nothing that can never happen.
I thought when I lived here for so long and worked hard in school, got a job, secured a work visa, etc I’d be happy. NYC was always my dream and I’d pray for what I had now. On my worst days, stepping out in the city and the street lights and remembering how far I came energize me. But all that joy and optimism died when he did.
I don’t know what I’m really looking for here as there’s no solution, but just thought I’d share. Thank you for reading this far if you did.
submitted by mxo3114 to grief [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:03 FredSimpsonn The Daily Check-In for Tuesday, June 11th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!

We may be anonymous strangers on the internet, but we have one thing in common. We may be a world apart, but we're here together!
Welcome to the 24 hour pledge!
I'm pledging myself to not drinking today, and invite you to do the same.
Maybe you're new to /stopdrinking and have a hard time deciding what to do next. Maybe you're like me and feel you need a daily commitment or maybe you've been sober for a long time and want to inspire others.
It doesn't matter if you're still hung over from a three day bender or been sober for years, if you just woke up or have already completed a sober day. For the next 24 hours, lets not drink alcohol!
This pledge is a statement of intent. Today we don't set out trying not to drink, we make a conscious decision not to drink. It sounds simple, but all of us know it can be hard and sometimes impossible. The group can support and inspire us, yet only one person can decide if we drink today. Give that person the right mindset!
What happens if we can't keep to our pledge? We give up or try again. And since we're here in /stopdrinking, we're not ready to give up.
What this is: A simple thread where we commit to not drinking alcohol for the next 24 hours, posting to show others that they're not alone and making a pledge to ourselves. Anybody can join and participate at any time, you do not have to be a regular at /stopdrinking or have followed the pledges from the beginning.
What this isn't: A good place for a detailed introduction of yourself, directly seek advice or share lengthy stories. You'll get a more personal response in your own thread.
This post goes up at:
  • US - Night/Early Morning
  • Europe - Morning
  • Asia and Australia - Evening/Night
A link to the current Daily Check-In post can always be found near the top of the sidebar.
Hey hey! Happy teetotal Tuesday to all you sobernauts! I hope you survived Monday and are moving on with the week. I saw some folks in the DCI like two years ago referring to Tuesday as teetotal Tuesday and with all my little brother energy I grabbed ahold and have done my best to run it into the ground! I see different terms tossed around here: teetotal, sober, AF, in recovery, alcoholic, on the alcohol use disorder spectrum, diagnosed with AUD, sober curious, gray area drinker, problem drinker, functional alcoholic, addict…I'm sure I'm missing a few! How about you, do you like a label or nah?
Me? When I got sober in 2013 and took “The Test” (you know the questionnaire “am i an alcoholic?”) it was like “yeah you're DEFINITELY an alcoholic!” And that was a huge relief at the time! 🤣🤣 like “oh fuck I really gotta quit now!” but nowadays I just say I don't drink and don't sweat the labels. How about you? Regardless, I commit to a sober Tuesday with y'all!
submitted by FredSimpsonn to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:03 Intelligent_Board_36 New Organic Gag Interactions in v4.0

Hi everybody,
After scouring the internet trying to find brief information on how the new organic gags interact with one-shotting cogs, I decided to just look into it myself. It took a few minutes out of my life so I though I'd share my findings incase anyone else is lazy like me.
For starters, recent v4.0 update in Toontown Rewritten improved a few organic gag tracks. For all organic gags, they now round decimals up instead of down. Also:
At first, I thought this would greatly improve squirt interactions. However, only one interaction changed as a result of this update:
As far as I can see, no other organic squirt interactions were improved with this change (Org. Storm still takes out a lured lv10, and Org. Geyser still takes out a group of unlured lv9s)
I think the changes to drop are the most notable with this update:
Yep, that's right. It's organic damage went up from 187 to 196, giving it just enough damage to one-shot a lv12. Organic Toontanic still takes out a group of 12s, and an organic safe still one-shots a lv7.
Not too many individual one-shot interactions changed with these improvements, but I thought these were notable. Does it now create a stronger case to plant Drop or Squirt instead of Throw or Trap? That's for you to decide.
For me personally, I'm going to stick with Org. Trap on my Drop-less toon, and stick with Org. Throw on my Trap-less toon for now.
Let me know if I missed anything, since I'm just trying to help out anyone I can with deciding which gag track to plant in 2024.
After the v4.0 update in TTR,
submitted by Intelligent_Board_36 to toontownrewritten [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:02 SiberianJr A small rant on a small thing

My very small thought on a very small thing from episode 7 (Version 2)
( sorry for any typos)
Alright can somebody tell me why the military is using a Boeing AH-64 Apache Attack helicopter, which had it's first flight in 1975 (which is almost over thousand years from the time the show takes place), has a M230 chain gun (which is chambers 30x113mm bullets) , AMG-114 Hellfire missiles, and Hydra 70 rocket pods... And is still used in the 3050s or 3060s? And can somebody tell me how the M230 chain gun (which chambers 30x113mm bullets) (and this single barrel gun is designed to pierce tank armor) is not able to pierce the disassembly drones wings. And two other things... Can someone tell me why only ONE AH-64 Apache was used in a frickin END OF WORLD SCENARIO, don't you think we would use stuff like (and because the military clearly is not going to get more advanced, I will list some old stuff), tanks like the M1A2 Abrams (which if you didn't know, has a Rheinmetall 120 mm L/44 designated M256, and was put into service in 1980), Planes like the LockHeed AC-130J (In case you didn't know, the LokeHeed AC-130 gun ships ((I say gunships because there is more than one model)) have two 20 mm M61 Vulcan cannons, one L/60 Bofors 40 mm cannon, and M137 105 mm cannon and M37 recoil mechanism from the M102 howitzer) and the A-10 Thunderbolt (Incase you are unaware of the A-10 Thunderbolt, you'd probably like to know that this aircraft has, a 30 mm GAU-8 Avenger rotary autocannon, and is equipped to hold GPS- and laser-guided bombs, such as the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb, Paveway series bombs, Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser and AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon glide bombs.) yes I'm aware both of these are ground support, but in a end of world scenario you need all you can get. Some other planes include the, LockHeed F-22 Raptor (Which in case you don't know, the F-22 Raptor has, one internal M61A2 20 mm gun (480 rds); two AIM-9 Sidewinders inside internal weapons bays; six AIM-120 AMRAAMs (air-to-air loadout) or two AIM-120s and two GBU-32 JDAMs or eight SDBs (air-toground loadout) in main internal weapons bay.), and don't forget about the LockHeed Martin F-35 lightning (which if you don't know, the F-35 lightning has a 25 mm cannon hidden inside the plane with 182 rounds of ammunition, and has the capability to carry a nuclear bomb called the B61-12 thermonuclear gravity bomb, and other bombs like, the six missiles for air-to-air engagements and eight bombs for ground attack missions. Additionally, it can carry up to four GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bombs with a maximum range of 10 miles) and Naval ships... Like for example, in the movie Battleship (yes I am aware this is a movie and movie logic don't make sense but same can be said about Murder Drones) we see the USS Missouri (which, if you're unaware, or just forgot, the USS Missouri is a Iowa Class BattleShip, that has 3 × triple 16 in (406 mm) guns, 10 × twin 5 in (127 mm) DP guns, 10 × quadruple 40 mm (1.6 in) AA guns, 49 × single 20 mm (0.8 in) AA guns, this would cause chaos for anyone trying to attack this mighty vessel) absolutely destroy the aliens, so can't they do the same with the disassembly drones, like imagine the drones trying to attack costal citys. And one last thing I'd like to address, how come, even though we are able to make it possible to travel to other planets and colonizing them, we are not able to advance our military, because if we could we wouldn't see a AH-64 Apache shooting normal bullet's, we would probably see it shooting lasers stronger than the Spartan Laser in the halo games... Speaking of Halo, I would like to address, that Halo takes place in the mid 2550's, so imagine how advanced we would be in the 3050's or whatever. You know the UNSC Infinity? Imagine a ship like that, or other UNSC ships, against the disassembly drones. And something else I'd like to share... Are the Drones really all that powerful, sure they had Cyn who had the Absolute Solver, but how would that help defeat our military? Just so many questions that need to be answered, but I do not know if anyone is going to read all this, to answer them... Anyways, I have made this short rant go one an word too many, but I don't really care... But HOW, I NEED TO KNOW HOW OUR MILITARY GOT DEAFTED... IS IT BECAUSE, NOBODY ADVANCED IT, IS IT BECAUSE NOBODY CARED, WHY... Everytime I think this ends, it gets longer... Did I mention what the army would do against this attack? I mean, they had to try to stop this... Not sure what an fully automatic rifle would do against the drones, considering an Boeing AH-64 Apache can't do anything, but maybe that's just the wing...Wait, wait, so in episode one, J gets railgunned, if the body of the drone is that weak... Hold up, ain't the drone wings in the body, doesn't that mean the railgun was able to destroy the wing... SO SOMEHOW, A RAILGUN BREAKS EVERYTHING, BUT NOT EVEN OUR MILITARY CAN PUT AN DENT IN IT, I'M SURE WE'D HAVE GOTTEN LAZER ROUNDS BY THAN, SO WOULDN'T THAT MEAN THAT WE EASILY COULD HAVE DEAFTED THE DRONES... While talking about this, I realized that Uzi probably didn't even build the railgun as an original design, because why'd she make an original design, no, she wouldn't, instead, she probably had downloaded schematics into her self, than built the gun from that. But there's only one place I can think of, that'd have schematics for an railgun... That'd have to be the MILITARY, SO BASICALLY, I'M TRYING TO SAY THAT, WE HAD THE POWER TO DEFEAT THEM, THIS WHOLE TIME...
Anyways there is my short thought on a very small thing from episode 7
I made this a long time ago, I could totally make this longer
submitted by SiberianJr to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:01 Appropriate-Task-278 Why is he doing this to me?

We’ve been together almost 9 years and married 6. He was always gentle and kind. I gave him literally anything he asked for, and he had some BIG asks. He did the same for me.
After 3 years of trying and one miscarriage, we finally got pregnant and everything pretty much unraveled. The bigger my belly got, the further he pushed himself away. He gave me the silent treatment for weeks. At the advice of my therapist, I went to him at 4 months pregnant and asked what was wrong and how I could understand him better. Suggested grief counseling because we never acknowledged the pain of the miscarriage and now that I’m pregnant again, those old fears are probably resurfacing. He looked me in the face and said that his therapist said we needed to separate. I was blindsided.
He stayed through the rest of the pregnancy and now that our daughter is almost 6 months, he moved out last week. Two weeks after I get home from delivering our baby, I find out he’s on tinder. This was also the night I came home from a week stay in the hospital for preeclampsia. It was hell. When our baby was 5 weeks old he left for the weekend to hang out with friends. I literally begged him to not leave me alone with a newborn. He suggested I pack everything up and go to my mom’s house an hour away. He’s left every other weekend since then and he swears to me that he’s not seeing anyone else or having an affair. He claims to be visiting his cousins. I’ve never met a single cousin and in our 9 years together, he never went away to meet up with them. So I don’t know what to believe.
This is the 1st summer of our daughter’s life and we should be enjoying every moment together as a family. We never even had one fun family moment. It’s been slow simmering animosity since I found out I was pregnant. We did fertility treatments and medicines so this was very much a planned pregnancy. We’re in our mid-30s and solidly financially stable.
For me, this is the cruelest part. Postpartum depression has nearly crushed me. I’ve hung on to my sanity by my toenails. The only reason I get out of bed is to take care of our baby, and I can’t even be around her 24/7 now because my husband doesn’t want to be with me anymore. Why should I miss out on time with our baby because he doesn’t want to work through our issues and stop being so selfish? We did a few weeks of couples counseling and the counselor said all of our issues were fixable if the selfishness stopped. He hasn’t. He comes and goes as he pleases without any regard for how capable I am in caring for our daughter. He leaves 99% of all decisions up to me. It’s overwhelming.
Never in a million years would I have had a child with him if I had known he would essentially abandon me the second things got tough. I never even imagined that he would be the type of person to treat me like this. I never brought chaos into our lives. I respected, honored, and loved him in every way I knew how. Until all this went down, I said the same thing about him. I never had any uncertainties in how he treated me. But now? I just wish I understood why he’s doing this to me. Why aren’t I enough? Why can’t he see that I can’t handle this and I need him? Was he always like this and I missed the signs? Or was I just insufferable? A therapist told me that there’s a big chance it has nothing to do with me, but it has to? Right?
Everything I say to him gets twisted into something negative so I don’t know how to initiate any conversation with him that isn’t about our daughter. I really, really, really just want my friend back.
submitted by Appropriate-Task-278 to Separation [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:00 No_more_Bucket_ Meeting to victory.

“An underlaw kingdom, hidden away from the stars that shine bright during the breezy night, one lightened up the lamps or trash fires some huddled around.
A ruler on top with her own dragon of law, spear in hand and an army of lawful knights ready to die for their laws.
While they forget the underground, the people down there, giving them no chance to even be their real selves, are forced within the trash they forged their lives out of.
A shark who believes in his strength and uses it to bring economic profit to others, money for the little underdogs.
A goblin that wants to give a helping hand, to make others feel needed and wanted, even though she gives off a chilling defense to her true self.
The ones forged within the steel mills, forging a connection between the lawful top to the mob mentality rulers of the underground, that shall be their greatest forge.
A demon with a twisted sight and her dragon, one that does want to improve life in the underground but enough to get people by, only seeing an investment, by any means.
Rats who crawl along the lines, using anything to help them and their younglings, ones that are ever locked within each other.
A new face, one representing Hell Town, not making any moves within the confines of the other swinging mentality of the other jesters of the mentality.
But business moves along the top and bottom, making their dues and obligations of the economic system.
Within a letter, the Retrieval Team of Scotch Inc. makes their way to the Old Musket Arena, to settle a challenge from another company of one Joja-Mart.
Walking through the lobby, seeing a single person, dressed within a suit with a grand top hat, with a mask that covers their face.
A jester gesturing to follow, following to the negotiating room, opposite is a man wearing a purple suit, one that reeks of greed and lust.
A voice that does not believe in itself, but tries to seek it.”
Mr. Joja : Hello, I was expecting your dear boss Scotch… now what may that mistake fucker be doing? Last time I saw him, he plucked my left eye out.
Python : Well the only mistake he made wasn’t plucking that small ass brain of yours out from your fatass of a skull.
Mr. Joja : Well…. Seems like I was mistaken about something else, I thought you were the smooth talker, the linguistics, and the communicator.
Not some bashful fucker talking out of his depth, to a higher being.
Python : Only high thing is your cholesterol levels, just like how your ego, easy to quickly die from a quick stroke from a better talker.
Now what are you gonna do? Get on your mobility scooter and scoot that fatass of yours over here to fall out of it when you try to strike at me?
Now what is this weakling challenge of combat you have brought to us?
Mr. Joja : Well it’s simple, who controls the legal markets of Asfelaeia, with the loser giving all their shop locations to the winner.
And oh man, looks like your swordsman ain’t here, wonder why?
Python : Because unlike you, he knows what love actually is and has felt it, not some random person that sells theirs and their body on the corners, that you like to prowl for.
And yet you wanna insult this day to him, something you cannot imagine with that puny brain of yours, one that can’t even comprehend most of what it sees, right now you can’t even comprehend that Alba, Vodka, and Isla have already pacified your guards.
Leaving you alone to our mercy and patience, well maybe their patience, but mine since it’s on thin ice due to other factors I had to deal with.
Do I make myself clear, we accept your pitiful challenge of combat, and we shall prove to you why we haven’t suffered economically unlike your company.
“Sweat puts down the fat rolls of Mr. Joja, giving a clear message to Python that he is winning even before any agreement, grasping over him and puppeteering him into his ways.”
Mr Joja : Y—-yes…. We got a deal…..
Python : Precisely, a good bureaucratically designed old fashioned deal between business men, so shall we charge wanna viewers for this, I believe we shall not.
Showing the people a fight, maybe we can buy this arena and give its glory and respect back to it, and maybe give the people of this underground city their glory and respect that they deserve.
Mr Joja : y…yeah free attendance, food charged though?
Python : Everything shall be one gold coin, hire some security, make it a grand show for the people.
Now if you don’t mind, we have to make our exit and do actual work unlike you who are too busy trying to stay afloat in your own sweat.
“With the team leaving, leaving behind a sweating mess of a former grand business tycoon, one that had respect but now he’s bowing down to the devil, within the devil's grasp controlling him like a puppet.
Forming a fools idiotical dance, a foolish jester who can’t even stand to see himself in his mirror.
With this being a victory for Scotch Inc. next to see if they shall win their next battle, with it being more physical than mentally.
Walking back out to the streets, walking with power in their steps.”
submitted by No_more_Bucket_ to Asfelaeia [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:56 TheEdgySoviet Questions from a Writer Looking to Write an Autistic Character

Howdy y’all! I’m a writer from the United States and I’m looking to write a supernatural horrocrime fiction novel. My main character is going to be suggested at various points to have an undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder. There’s one big issue; while my therapist agrees I have traits associated with autism, I don’t have an official diagnosis, so I can’t just go off my personal experience when writing an autistic character and count on that to make him feel authentic. I don’t want to make his entire personality his disorder. Which is why I need help from internet people who are more well versed on the subject than me!
Here I have a list of questions, in no particular order, I would like to have answered for my main character, if possible:
I know it’s a long list but I want to have all my bases covered in my research so I brain-barfed every question that came to my mind. I have an even longer list to ask a detective I’m trying to get into contact with lol. I tried to be mindful with my terminology in my questions because I don’t want to rub anyone the wrong way, but I’m not familiar with politically correct language so I apologize if I done goofed. I’m not asking for every single person to answer every single question, that would be INSANE, but even just a few of them would be a HUGE HUGE help.
submitted by TheEdgySoviet to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:56 Reasonable-Deal-8481 2024 DAT Breakdown 23AA/24TS/25PAT

I took my DAT today and scored 23AA, 24TS, and 25 PAT. I am currently a rising junior with a 4.0 GPA as a biology major.
Bio: 23
GC: 25
OC: 23
RC: 24
QR: 20
To prepare I used DATBooster and Anki. I started studying very lightly towards the end of March and studied more as the semester came to a close. After finals ended, I studied 8am-10pm nearly everyday with an hour for lunch and an hour for dinner with a few exceptions.
I took 7 full length practice tests, with the other 3 taken as individual sections. I truly think taking the full length practice exams all in one sitting in an environment just like test day is extremely beneficial to building the endurance needed to take this exam successfully. By practice exam 5, I had covered all of the material for every section and was simply working on answering as many questions as I could.
BIO (Real-23, Practice-24/25)
The biology questions on the real DAT felt easier than a lot of the DATBooster biology tests and I thought my score was much better than it actually was when I was taking the test. I was unsure of ~2 questions but still felt pretty confident for those questions. To study, I watched the Booster videos and memorized the entire Biology Booster Anki Deck. If I were to give any advice it would be to use and memorize the Booster Anki deck. I had never used Anki before however it was relatively simple once the deck was imported. Overall, I am not really sure where I went wrong on this section as I assumed I would have scored much higher based on my Booster practice tests and how I felt during the test.
Gen Chem (Real-25, Practice 22-26)
I was pleased with this section; however, when taking the test I believed my biology and organic scores were going to be higher. To study, I watched every single Booster video and did every single practice question. When I started studying it felt like I had forgotten everything from gen chem and was pretty worried about this section. However, Booster does a really great job on this section and provides a wide variety of questions everything I needed to know.
Organic Chem (Real-23, Practice 22-28)
As I had just finished up my sophomore year, I was fresh out of organic chemistry and had a solid foundation. After studying taking the ACS organic chem final I felt as if I had covered more than what I needed to know for the DAT and did not spend that much time studying for this section. I did end up completing every question bank question and reaction bank question on Booster. I mostly did this to supplement my studying for the ACS final. Like biology, I thought I was doing better in the test than what I actually scored; however, Booster was pretty representative of this section.
PAT (Real-25, Practice 20-26)
The first thing I did when I started studying for the DAT was learn the PAT rules. However, after learning the rules and practicing just a little bit, I stopped practicing up until 2.5 weeks until test day. I would not recommend this, as perceptual ability is one of those things you need to do everyday to keep your mind active. Keyholes were my biggest struggling when studying but I had an aha moment when I realized how to approach these questions. I completed every question bank question for Keyholes, TFE, Cube Counting, and Angle ranking and used generators as well. Speed was the biggest issue with this section when I was studying. On the real test I completed everything with 6 minutes to spare and went back to some of my marked questions and reviewed those.
Reading Comp (Real-24, Practice-19-26)
On this section, time is crucial and is one of the biggest challenges this section brings. I was very pleased with my score on this section. During practice, it seemed like I struggled on 1 out of the 3 articles. On the test, this was also true; however I seemed to be able to recover and do well on the other 2 passages. I completed a few of the supplemental articles in the question banks to practice. Generally, I feel the best way to prepare for this section is to take the full length practice exams to get used to how you feel by the time this sections comes around, as well as timing each of the 3 articles.
Quantitative Reasoning (Real-20, Practice 25/26)
This section surprised me the most out of the entire test. I had done well on the Booster practice exams and actually would look forward to this section during my practice tests as I found it fun answering the questions. The real test felt much more difficult than Booster with some questions that seemed simple but ended up being much more complex than what I initially thought it was going to be. Overall, I felt horrible about this section when I was taking it and it definitely worried me. However, I would not change how I prepared for this section one bit and I most likely just got really unlucky with questions. To study, I watched every single booster video and completed every additional question bank problem. Although I wish I would have performed Much better on this section, I am just glad I did not completely kill my score with this section.
Going into the testing center, I felt very at peace knowing that there was absolutely no way I could have prepared better and knew that regardless of my score, I knew I gave it my all. I also was so blessed to have such an amazing support system with many people checking in on how I was doing throughout my studies and constantly praying for peace for me. I truly felt no nerves the morning of the test and only felt a little shaken right when I started the biology section. Starting the test felt so surreal as it was something I had worked so hard for and could not believe I was actually doing it. I think to do the best you possibly can, you need to treat studying like a full-time job. I personally started to really enjoy learning throughout this process so I thankfully did not feel burnout when doing such long hours. I felt I had a lot of potential to score higher based on my practice tests; however, I am still pleased with how my test day went. I am so grateful that I decided to take this test after my sophomore year as it will free up a lot of stress going into next year with actually applying to dental school. This test is such a grind and really can test your mental strength. Regardless, keep your head down and keep pushing through that finish line! Please let me know if you have any questions!
submitted by Reasonable-Deal-8481 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:54 Ok_Web_1877 Top 5 worst raps in Dhar Mann

There has never been a single good rap in a Dhar Mann video. Here are the worst of the worst
5.) Alex Long’s Rap Battle from the Dhar Mann Shorts
You could argue this doesn’t count because it’s supposed to be intentionally bad… but it sounds no worse than other raps that are supposed to be “good.” Imagine being a ginger white dude in your mid 30’s playing the role of a bad rapper in a Dhar Mann short. Time for a life inventory my guy.
4.) Mikey’s Verse in Christmas Time or Christmas Wish whatever Dhar titles it this week
Maybe it only sounds good in comparison to Jay’s singing, but Mikey can’t rap. I know this is the rap most people are familiar with in Dhar Mann and most would probably rate this number 1. Trust me, this only scratches the surface.
3.) Benny’s “baby girl” rap from Evil Boss Mistreats his worker
This one single line “baby girl you know my situation, come get with me and stuck all these blue faces” made a guy react with “damn man that’s hard!” How a single line with no wordplay whatsoever can make you think somebody has a future in rap, I’ll never know. To be honest I don’t even know what this is supposed to mean. What does stuck all these blue faces mean?
2.) Lilly Singh and Bhaavika’s on stage rap from Tomboy Shamed at School
I adore Bhaavika. She’s the best girl on Dhar Mann and I will fight you on that, but this is like an inversed stopped clock moment. She can’t rap, and it’s as cringe as can be. And whoever this Lilly Singh person is… her performance in this video isn’t much better. It’s so fucking bizarre.
1.) Jess818’s TikTok rap from Famous Girl Won’t Pay at Restaurant
Do you know how fucking bad you have to suck at rapping for me of all people to think that you sound leagues worse than Jacqueline?! That’s how bad this is, it is literally the worst rap I have ever heard in my life. Absolutely abysmal flow with a wack af rhyme scheme and meter. More importantly though, why the fuck would you make a TikTok rap about some random person that made a comment to you online? Hell, even Jacqueline’s verse stayed on topic, this didn’t. The rap starts with “one thing about me…” and then goes on to exclusively talk about somebody else. Congrats, Jess818, even in your own tragic backstory you’re a side character.
submitted by Ok_Web_1877 to dharmann [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:54 Acceptable-Zebra-967 Boyfriend is struggling to see a future with me

My boyfriend (M27) and I (F28) have been dating for almost 3 years now. Our relationship was going great (or so i thought) until a few months ago he tried to break it off with me out of nowhere. He said that he stopped seeing a future with me because of the way I handle fights and he’s been continuously hurt by it.
So some context, I am an anxious girly, I tend to overthink and whenever we fight I think that he hates me or doesn’t want anything to do with me so I push him away by saying i dont want to talk to him, i dont want to see him or call him when all he wants to do is see me or talk to me. I basically avoid it because im just anxious that if we talk so soon we might fight again cause theres some tension but he’s the opposite and gets over fights quickly as soon as we both apologise to each other. I on the other hand takes awhile to get over stuff.
He says that by me being like that made him lose the future he saw with me and tried to break things off. I was so confused by this because it came out of nowhere and he did not communicate anything to me about how hes feeling (also before this we were looking at houses together to potentially move into and also planned a 1 week trip together) so I asked him if he wanted to give the relationship another go, and if not we can end things because IMO it is fixable. He was suprised cause he thought I wouldnt be willing to change or fix things because I am a very stubborn person, but i told him that I love him so of course if its affecting him mentally that I’ll be willing to change even if its hard. He also said that he kind of tunnel visioned and didnt think of anything else but breaking up as a solution. I told him I will give him time to decide but my anxiety was so bad during that time, I was going to give him a month to decide if he wanted to work things out but around 2 and a half week mark he decided that he wants to work things out with me cause he really does love me alot.
Now back to the present time, its been 2 months since we decided to work things out as a couple and my anxiety got the best of me and asked him “where is this relationship going?” And he replies with “I don’t know” and that he feels somewhat the same but he doesnt feel as he did before, I asked him if 2 months ago he was 100% sure he couldnt see a future with me, how “better” is it now and he said maybe right now its around 97%. I was sad, its such a slow progress. He said that after what we went through and all the pain he doesnt feel the same way in our relationship anymore, like he used to get SO excited to see me especially on the weekends but now he said he doesnt really get excited anymore and that something shifted. I told him i’m the same and the relationship also doesn’t feel the same way anymore, we are both confused if its because we went through a rough patch and are still healing from it or is this a permanent thing and we should part ways. We both really want to make this work because we both love each other alot we we both agree that we are both really compatible with each other and have the same values but I just cant help but think if we are just delaying the inevitable or will things actually get better?
TL;DR: Boyfriend of 3 years used to see a future with me but it disappeared due to my stubbornness and how I handle fights. We decide to work things out but its been 2 months and progress is slow and hasnt really gotten better. Both parties want to work things out but dont know if it’ll get better or just delaying a break up.
submitted by Acceptable-Zebra-967 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:54 Aggressive-Buy-2408 Conversation with a former teacher of Josh's

Hello all,
I have followed Josh on TikTok for years before he sprung into the cult personality and following he has today. That is because I happen to be fairly close family friends with a former teacher of Josh's, who told me about their TikTok famous student. Years later... things have obviously made a turn for the worse. This teacher still keeps fairly regular (and that's extremely generous) contact with Josh. I finally saw this family friend over the weekend, and I had to bring up Josh because it's abundantly clear he is spiraling into a new low (losing his wallet, the TikTok where he said he doesn't want to be alive anymore, etc.). I figured since I had seen this decline on social media, I'd let this former teacher of Josh know and see if there was absolutely ANYTHING they could do to help. I thought I'd share a couple of key things in my conversation with this family friend who happened to teach Josh in school years ago.
There are a few teachers who still keep in contact with him. Teachers will invite Josh over for dinner or go swimming at their pool, and Josh will come to them. Josh only seems to let them know the "good stuff" but never anything bad that has happened to him. For example, I had to tell him that his wallet had been stolen. But the last time this teacher saw Josh was a few weeks ago when they went into the city for a Knicks game. They texted Josh, and he met them at MSG.
This family friend had told me that a few teachers in the district had tried to secure a steady janitorial job at the local schools. However, Josh just could not seem to keep up with it and now is not allowed to work in the district. Which truly sucks because something like that would seem to be really helpful to Josh. These teachers have tried to help him, and it also seems like Grandpa is truly in the dark and has no handle on him. Which makes sense since Grandpa is 85.
Lastly, the teacher (my family friend) actually was the first to mention MQ in our conversation, which really caught me off guard because that is a whole rabbit hole in the world of t-shirts lore, which I had planned to ask them about. They told me that they had met MQ, and he seemed like a fairly nice guy. They told me MQ really did get Josh into a rehab/alcoholics program, but obviously, it did not stick. Obviously, MQ is a really hated person in this community, but I think it was interesting to see a former educator of Josh's talk about MQ in a neutral/positive light. I think we play in our minds that MQ is a nefarious evil villain in the world of T-shirts lore. I personally do not think too fondly of MQ. But pragmatically, I think MQ is the only realistic shot for Josh to get any sort of help.
To conclude this post, I think we really need to look in the mirror and realize that Josh may only be alive for another 1 to 2 years. Obviously, I have no solution to this extremely complicated situation that millions of people are witnessing firsthand on TikTok and social media, but I think empathy should be our guiding light. There are people out there who truly care about Josh and want better for him, and I think the people who encourage his alcoholism or chase him down the street for a photo op really need to understand how vulnerable this kid truly is.
If you read this post in its entirety, thank you. Each day this situation gets more and more depressing, and it sucks to see that it does not look like it is going to end well.
submitted by Aggressive-Buy-2408 to WorldOfTShirts [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:53 Sad_Yogurtcloset_694 my codependent roommates with a ketamine addiction and BPD tried to ruin my life

okay so this might be long because i want to provide as much detail as possible so you can get the full picture. i (23NB) have lived in this NYC apartment for 4 years, and lived with one of my roommates (24F) (will be referred to as “A”) for the entirety of the time i’ve been in the city, which is 6 years. we were assigned roommates in college and just kept living together because at the time we were good friends and it worked! we had rotating 3rd roommates throughout the years and dealt with a lot of crazy shit together, including a violent roommate, but that’s a story for a different day. so this roommate and i had been having some issues for the past couple of years because she got addicted to ketamine. i felt responsible for her because it started out as us using recreationally together but she spiraled out of control with it and honestly the entire situation was just a lot on me. throughout her addiction she was doing, at one point, 16 grams in 3 days, so i was really worried that she would die, not to mention she doesn’t really test her drugs and was getting it from a neighborhood that’s notorious for fentanyl. it honestly became my full time job to take care of her, but at the end of the day I was just trying to be a good friend. after some therapy/self work, i now realize how enabling the role I was playing actually was, but it was just the position that I was put in and I had also never dealt with something like this before. I feel like for further context, i should add that A’s parents pay her rent and for a lot of things for her. she had a part time job at the time and was also in school but left due to her addiction. the situation that i am in is very different, my family does not support me financially and i pay for everything for myself and have made my way pretty much on my own. i’m pretty established in my neighborhood because I am a tattoo artist at a local shop and also have worked for 3 other businesses within the same few blocks. i also consistently have multiple jobs at once, now i have 3, and for a long time I was working 6 days a week. not really relevant to the situation but needless to say, i already have a LOT on my plate. anyways, so yeah. for about almost 2 years, i was dealing with my roommates addiction. i watched her overdose and throw up on herself 5-7 times, she projectile vomited all over the house, i have dragged her out of a pool of her own vomit, she would consistently lie to me about whether she was high or had bought ketamine, and our other friends and i would go through her room to make sure she wasn’t hiding it countless times, (to no avail obviously, she would always lie and say she didn’t have any more when she did, hidden in hard to find places.) it affected everyone in our friend group and in her life. but especially me because i was really the only person who was physically present for it all. i tried talking to her about it at first, and was very understanding and patient with her and genuinely was doing my best to help because she was my friend, we were really close, and I didn’t want to see her die or ruin her life. she also expected me to say something to her and would tell me that i should say something if i thought she was high. she would say this when she was sober and it started off an an “accountability partner” thing, but eventually became very codependent and unhealthy. even when i would ask her, she would lie. i made it very clear from the beginning that all of this was damaging our relationship, but i was still doing my best to be her friend and be there for her. at one point, i even took the drugs out of her room and hid them in mine to take to another friends house the next day to dispose of them, and she went into my room and found them. it reached a point where I made her call her parents and tell them what had been going on. calling her parents had honestly been in discussion for a while, and the sober version of her agreed that it needed to happen. she got a slap on the wrist and sent to the mental hospital for a few days, she even convinced them to let her out early! her parents also weren’t really involved in her care at all after because she has never been disciplined in her life, her parents think she can do no wrong. she relapsed soon after she got out and at this point, I started taking a lot more space for myself because I was mentally and emotionally drained and it was clear that all my efforts were in vain. this was after dealing with it for about a year. honestly, i should have definitely started planning on moving out around this point. the reasons I didn’t were the fact that i still considered A to be one of my best friends despite what we had gone through, all of my jobs are like a 5-10 minute walk away, and I also loved my room. i put a lot of time and effort into decorating it and I had also lived there for a long time and for a really great price, $850 for a huge room with a dishwasher, laundry in building, AND a rooftop i can smoke on outside my window with a view of a GREEN backyard with PLANTS. not some concrete bs. that’s UNHEARD OF in nyc. im also not really great with change, even if it’s for the best, and to be honest i was also naive and thought things would eventually go back to normal. this was a person that i previously trusted a lot, i didn’t think she would normally do these things to me. anyways, eventually she got sober and then my, at the time, best friend of 7 years from home, a state across the country, moved in. (22 F, let’s call her “B”) we met in high school and I was in the class above her. we only went to school together for a year before I graduated and moved to NYC, so for the past few years, our friendship had been over facetime/seeing eachother occasionally when I would come visit. B’s background is similar to mine, the state we’re from is very impoverished and we both left the religion we were raised as. another huge reason she moved here was so that she could start medically transitioning and get on estrogen. i was really excited for her and also wanted to support her in her transition, im also non binary and we come from a really transphobic state, so growing up queer in the south was like a huge part of our friendship, and when she moved in, she didn’t have a lot of gender affirming clothes, and i had a ton of clothes, so i gave her a bunch of mine, i sent her resources, lent her books/zines, point is i really was trying to support her, and before she moved in and even throughout us living together we would talk for hours about this stuff. also, normally, i would not feel the need to even mention the fact that someone is trans, but all of this is relevant to the story. i will also add that I know now to never live with friends! at the time, i thought it would be okay because I trusted her and we seemed to have good communication on roommate matters and i think we both had good intentions going into it. we would say things like “i don’t plan on moving out on bad terms” “we can communicate and respect eachothers boundaries!” etc. i also knew that she really wanted to move here because she had talked about it for years and she came and visited before she moved in. so yeah, things were great at first, but not for long. so I am someone who, like I said, am at work most of the time and when i come home from work I just want to relax and smoke weed and chill and if you know me in real life, you know that i’m not a very beefy person and it takes a lot to really make me upset, i’m generally chill about most things, honestly to my detriment. so the first signs of things starting to go south were when B started to say that I was ignoring her. this was confusing to me, as we hung out most days after I got off work, and she even had a job herself at the time, (she’s been fired twice in the past year and was unemployed on and off) so she wasn’t like completely trapped in the house all the time. I would try to inquire further and understand why she thought I was ignoring her, and reassure her that I’m listening. she started telling me that she needs a lot of reassurance, and i told her that I am happy to reassure her whenever needed! we talked it through and i genuinely started to put in a lot of effort into making sure i was being fully present during our time together and also making sure I was hanging out with her enough. this quickly evolved into us having very extensive conversations for hours where she would bring up the fact that she still felt like i was ignoring her, and i would reassure that I was not purposefully ignoring her, im listening and really trying. and almost daily she would bring up a problem that she had with something that I said or did. she even at one point started tweeting about me, saying things like “do u even consider others?”. she also asked me to be on constant emotional monitoring for her, which i told her that i will not do that. i don’t really pick up on subtle social cues or “shade” and also it’s not my job to do that. if something upsets you, you can communicate with me about it instead of being passive aggressive or expecting me to be able to read your mind. plus, real friends don’t have to be responsible for every single emotion! at one point, she told me that she was mad at me because living together wasn’t living up the the idealized version of what she thought it would be. she would also guilt trip me like a LOT. she would be like “as a friend, you should be doing ____ for me” and her requests got more and more ridiculous as time went on, one of them being to basically force myself to start listening to a genre of music that i simply just don’t like or want to listen to during my own time, insinuating that i would be a bad friend if i didn’t like the same music as her. and to that, i tried to explain to her that we don’t have to like the same music in order to be friends and that i don’t care if she listens to music that i don’t particularly listen to on my own, although i am happy to listen to her recommendations, i am picky about the music I listen to. basically i felt like she was trying to find any stupid reason to say i was a bad friend. it started to really annoy me, because i already had a lot on my plate, and honestly i just didn’t have the bandwidth to be fully present all the time, especially after dealing with my other roommates addiction for so long. i needed space and time for myself really badly, and I felt like I was trying really hard to please her to no avail. all of this was incredibly exhausting to deal with. i tried to communicate this to B, but it never got through. during these very tedious conversations, B would say things that were extremely concerning, such as “You need to stop triggering me!!!” to which i responded, “okay let’s make a deal, i will be more mindful of your triggers if you work on managing them.” she would also constantly make accusations at me. for example, she accused me of laughing AT HER when i was not, and I was laughing at something completely unrelated. there were many other times that she accused me of doing and saying things that I never said or did. she would twist my words a lot, things i told her in confidence, and use them against me, adding an entire new meaning to what i was saying. and if i disagreed with her or got even a little defensive she would be like “You just pissed me off!!!!” i honestly felt like she was just picking on me and criticizing me at a lot of points, because I could literally breathe wrong and it would be an issue. i now realize that she actually just needs to create drama, but i didnt want to admit that at the time. again, during this time I was trying to be very calm during our conversations when trying to reassure her and explain myself, but internally I was very stressed out by all of this. at some point during all this, A relapsed. this was a disaster, B knew about the relapse and was lying to me about it. i was especially upset because the way A relapsed was she asked me to unlock the parental password on her phone so she could “update apps”, but instead she downloaded the app she uses to text her plug, so essentially she tricked me into enabling her relapse and took advantage of my trust. i messaged her parents immediately and told them. at this point, i felt like it was expected of me to do that. of course, they basically did nothing for a while, it got really bad. A was basically not functioning at all. she would tell me that she didn’t care how she made me feel. our other friend came over and went through her room and babysat her to make sure she wouldn’t do ketamine but she pretended to go to sleep while he was literally crying next to her and she got up and did it right after he left. a lot of horrible things were said, i would express the fact that i hate that i can’t trust her, and she would scream back “i don’t want you to trust me!”, amongst many other awful things. we would hear loud snorting like every few minutes every single day, which was extremely stressful. she broke the stove because she was high, it was affecting the way she looked and her physical health, and at this point it was a safety concern for her and for B and I, because we did not want to be responsible if something happened to her and this was affecting us tremendously. eventually, B and I called her parents and told them a lot of details and begged them to send her to rehab, I had to send them a long text message being like super blunt about the fact that she needs to get professional help or she will die, and they were basically saying that ultimately it’s up to her, which was bullshit in my opinion, but she did end up going. during the time A was in rehab, things with B got progressively worse. a lot of weird and horrible things started happening, she berated me for like over an hour about one of my closest friendships, that she met once and got “bad vibes from”, i told her that I didn’t want to be put in a position where i have to defend my other friendships to her, especially ones that have nothing to do with her, and that this person is an extremely good friend to me, and that she didn’t have to be around her if she didn’t want to. i was asking her to stop but she wouldn’t! she was pulling bullshit reasons why i shouldn’t hang out with this person anymore out of her ass. for context, B drinks a lot, and she drank the night we all hung out while my other friend and i didn’t really drink. she was like “i actually HAD to drink that night because your friend was making me so uncomfortable!” which, that night was extremely normal and chill, nothing bad happened at all, also don’t blame me or anyone else for your own habits! she would pick fights almost daily. on halloween, we got drunk together with one of the people she was seeing at the time, and she ended up berating me in front of this person for ignoring her, not respecting her, etc and the person had to step in and tell her that she’s making pointed comments at me and not hearing me out, and that she was being horrible to me. (this is not the only time someone hung out with us together and then told her that she was being an asshole to me.) that night, she said a lot of hurtful things, such as “at least i don’t have a bunch of fake friendships!” (as if my friendship with her was the only “real friendship” i could have) and “you don’t have the lesbian experience you claim to have!!!!” (what does that even mean??? i’ve been lesbian since before we met lol) and she also falsely accused me of saying that being a lesbian is worse than being a trans woman, which i never said! i have never even thought that and that is not how i feel at all! at first i tried to explain everything using logic, but eventually i basically told her to stop projecting her insecurities onto me and to stop dragging me into her shit. she slammed the door in my face when we got home. we didn’t talk for like a month. during this month, i really needed some outside support, so i reached out to some trusted people to tell them what was going on and get some advice on what i should do/ how to handle the situation, and to get an outside perspective. honestly, that night was the straw that broke the camels back and sent me into a full mental breakdown from the stress of everything that had been going on in the house. i was like scream crying every single day for the entire month, unable to function at work, not thinking clearly at all. everyone in my life was telling me i should just move out asap. i think i was just extremely upset because I then realized that my relationships with both of them were not healthy, but i really cared about these people. i was extremely disappointed in how things were going, and i was also extremely worried about both of their wellbeings, i didn’t want anything to happen to them or to not have them in my life. and i was also upset that they had been being absolutely horrible to me and i was honestly just sick of being treated like shit by my roommates at this point. honestly i was an asshole when i would talk about it sometimes, but how was i supposed to be kind when everyone was being so cruel to me for no reason? i was honestly really mad, especially because B knew the stress of taking care of A, like why are you adding to the intense stress i already had just experienced?? during this time, i realized that all of this was happening because of B’s untreated BPD. to clarify, i do not care about people having bpd or other mental health disorders as long as you are not hurting other people, which, B was hurting me a lot and honestly our relationship was pretty destructive to my mental health. i also realized that these friendships were wildly codependent and unhealthy, and I needed to set boundaries. i can only take so much abuse!!! and i felt like a scapegoat for both of them and a crutch in the situation. although i still cared for these people, i knew that this was not sustainable long term. i could not handle the weight of A’s life on my back or the way I was being treated by either of them, or the fact that my home was not actually safe. at first, i was going to move out and take a break from the friendships, with the intention of hopefully rekindling when we were all in healthier places, but also the need to move out felt super urgent. the stress from this entire situation had leaked into every area of my life. i was doing poorly at work, every person in my life was telling me how i needed to get out asap because this shit was bad for my health and they had watched my mental health deteriorate because of it but i really didn’t want to move, i had lived there and known these people for so long. after chatting with other people who have bpd who are in therapy and live an emotionally healthy life, they told me that what really helps people with bpd is if you are honest with them and encourage them to seek treatment, as well as setting clear boundaries around their behavior. i was the closest person to her at the time, so i wanted to be honest with her and try to help, i wrote both of my roommates long text messages explaining how i felt and what my boundaries were moving forward. they did not take this well! they started justifying their behavior to eachother, and made me out to be the villain in the story. A told B that i told other people she had bpd, which i did do! but i did that because i needed support and advice, and I also couldn’t handle the horrible treatment i was receiving, the weight of all of this was extremely heavy. not because i was trying to “turn people against her”, as they were trying to make it seem like. this is a real life adult issue, not some petty sides picking bullshit, and i genuinely needed support because everything that was happening was making me feel insane and extremely stressed out. I even previously asked A not to say anything to B to make the situation worse and that at this point I just wanted to have conversations surrounding solution, but i think A was being strategic in telling B things that she knew would make her upset. B was upset that I told people what was going on and accused me of being manipulative. i honestly understand why she would be upset about that, it’s a very stigmatized disorder and it wasn’t really my place to share that information. but i also told these people those things in confidence, i didn’t expect them to tell her i said anything to try to make the situation worse. and i also only told people that i trusted and honestly i just wanted help and support and an outside perspective and to express my feelings. after i sent the long text messages to my roommates, (i let B read hers in person so we could have open dialogue and A hers while she was in rehab so she could talk about it in therapy) (also i know that long text messages are not the best way to communicate and work through issues, im going to avoid doing that in the future) B’s response was basically something like, yeah i have bpd and yes I was projecting my shit onto you and lashing out at you, but I used to do way worse things to people. but thank you for typing this out and i’m gonna start going to therapy and working on it. she also said something like “well. friendships are through the good, the bad, and the ugly. sorry that you saw my ugly side!” like. okay. a real apology would be nice lol. in the days after this, i ended up having a huge mental crisis from all of the overwhelming stress and could not function properly, i had to go to the hospital. once i got back from the hospital, all I wanted to do was work on myself. i started creating distance from them and going back to therapy and al anon, and really started trying to pull my own shit together. i apologized for telling other people and said that I wouldn’t tell anyone again, and i didn’t. A’s sibling and i suggested that we go to family therapy so that we could have healthier relationships, A’s parents even offered to pay for it, but it never actually happened. things were kind of okay for the next few months. i wasn’t as close to either of them, but i was okay with that because I needed space and to be able to focus on myself. i talked about it a lot with a therapist, and i was essentially trying to maintain the friendships in a non codependent way. i honestly just kept to myself for a while and started taking a lot more alone time. forgot to mention, another reason they were mad at me was because I was going to move out on short notice (before i went to the hospital), but I also was going to find someone to fill the room to make the process less stressful for them, and i was vetting people to make sure they would be a good fit, and i wanted A and B to meet and approve of the person. i needed to get out of there as fast as possible, but i wanted to put effort into finding someone compatible with them. i already had a place to go lined up, but it fell through before we found anyone else (the stress of trying to move also contributed to me going to the hospital and the situation i was going to go into seemed great at first but turned out to be a complete mess), and i also felt really guilty and horrible, so i ended up staying and trying to repair and maintain the relationships while also taking adequate alone time and upholding my boundaries. anyways, a few months pass, all i have been doing at this point is working on myself and going to work and coming home and chilling, there hasn’t really been much conflict besides the normal A being a passive aggressive asshole (which she always has been. looking back, i don’t even know how i was friends with someone like this) and B would still say disturbing things every once in a while, such as comparing me to past friendships that didn’t work out, and at one point she even flipped the narrative subtly to make it seem like i “had an outburst for no reason”. (when she is actually the person who had the outbursts towards me), and generally just blame shifting a lot in subtle ways, saying I was the one who “changed the dynamics of the house”, even though all I did was set boundaries and take time for myself, plus, the previous dynamic obviously was not working. but honestly i was just kind of ignoring it. at this point the dynamic has been A and B spending most of their time together, (they also have a codependent friendship) and me mostly keeping to myself, but hanging out occasionally and being cordial in the apartment. I was okay with that because I really just wanted alone time anyways, and I made it clear to them that I need time to work on myself, which i was doing a lot of, and B started therapy so I thought we were all just kind of working on ourselves at this point and trying to move forward. so one day, A and B go back to A’s home state together for a week, i was honestly a bit upset by this because we originally planned to all go together, we have all always gone together in the past, and honestly i thought things were chill now that everyone was in therapy, plus we had hung out on purpose occasionally. nope! once they got back, they told me I had to move out! i was extremely upset by this. honestly i was at my wits end with their bullshit, especially since A had continued to be an asshole to me even when i was still being kind and normal to her. honestly i am glad I had to move out, my life is going to get a lot better now that I don’t have them in it, but I was still just like. pissed because honestly my only objective this entire time has been to exist in my house and also I just felt like it was unfair especially considering the fact that they were the ones who were causing the issues, although I do recognize my part in them. i was codependent AF and trying to fix my friends, enabling horrible things to happen in my life to the point of going actually insane, i had extremely poor boundaries in the name of trying to be a good friend, and i should have left a long long time ago. but anyways, when they told me I had to move out, i basically said that I agreed and that I didn’t want to live with them anymore, i slammed my door and blocked them both on instagram, i also removed all of my personal belongings from the common areas. thankfully, my real friends were all there for me during this time and letting me crash on their couches. i didn’t really want to be in the apartment. within the next few days, i started getting harassed over text by their friends and unfollowed by people who were associated with them. they started going on a smear campaign against me! their friends started harassing me over text, saying “you need the mental hospital. stop pissing in glasses and stop speaking on trans people. seek the maximum amount of help possible” so basically, at this point, they’re basically telling people things that are blatantly untrue. i have never pissed in a glass before, in fact, i know B has pissed in cups in her room for her whole life (probably where she got the idea from) besides, pissing in cups isn’t a crime! also, at this point, i thought we had already talked out and worked through the me telling people about B’s BPD. so i messaged them and I was like. “can you guys please stop slandering me. this has been a traumatizing situation for all of us. honestly i would prefer for this to be as smooth as possible. i have not pissed in a glass and i have no idea what i even said about trans people that was offensive or hurtful” and they responded by saying “we have proof you were misgendering me and the shit we found out was before A’s relapse and before we had a fight”. so basically, while they were on vacation, they went LOOKING for things to use against me. A’s relapse was 8 months ago at this point, why are you digging stuff up from back then to use against me now?? i also have no idea when i misgendered her, and it was obviously a complete accident. i went through every message i sent in the past year that had anything to do with her and couldn’t find any misgendering. at this point, i did not inquire further because I was sick of having to defend myself to someone who is committed to misunderstanding me and also manipulating the situation to make me seem like a bad person. honestly, i don’t care much about the smear campaign, because most of those people i didn’t really like anyway, and the ones i did who believed them, i know now that they’re not my real friends. (even though it’s the same people saying that the way I was treated by A through her addiction was incredibly unfair to me, and asking why she is doing this to me, but how dare I be actually affected?!) although the saying i’m transphobic thing is really frustrating, especially considering the fact that i literally invited you to come here SO THAT YOU COULD TRANSITION and the fact that I am also non binary. but also, how are you going to come into my home after I invited you to move in with me out of the kindness of my heart, start yelling at me and attacking me constantly and disrespecting my boundaries, kick me out of MY OWN HOUSE, and then smear my name, saying things that are blatantly untrue, to people i knew for years BEFORE YOU MOVED IN, who I INTRODUCED YOU TO ???? anyways, B went into my room while i was at work and took all of her artwork off my walls, which i don’t care about the artwork, but her going into my room made me really uncomfortable, so I installed a lock on my door until I could move out. B also ripped my mentor at the tattoo shop’s artwork off of the walls, stole it, and when i demanded it be returned it was returned to me vandalized. (she knows that my mentor wants the best for me and supports me in many areas of my life). so at this point, i’m being harassed and my items are being stolen. i had to get out of there asap, at this point it was a safety concern, it has honestly been a safety concern this entire time. so I ended up finding a place that’s the same amazing price and great quality in the area that’s still close to my jobs with people who are actually healthy and normal!!! and i moved out a month before I was supposed to because my mom and the rest of my support system agreed that it was not safe for me to stay another month, i didn’t tell them that I was moving early because I knew they would damage my things. It took me 2 days to move, and the night in between me moving, they stole my bike and put it out on the street. and A admitted that she did it out of spite because I moved early. so I stole some things back to get even and I also did not repaint or repair the room like I was supposed to, (i was going to originally before my bike was stolen) but I left her my deposit to cover the repainting etc. i also unfortunately dumped old protein shake on the floor out of pettiness and hatefulness. i am not normally like that but I was FUMING. that was definitely that angriest i have ever been in my life. i ended up paying the rent for the month I wasn’t there. But A still decided to message me on facebook, where I forgot to block her and send me an invoice with a bunch of “damages” to the apartment, demanding that I send her $1700 to get the entire floor replaced, new doors, etc. her numbers were ridiculous, it was a bunch of bullshit and I told her that i wasn’t paying it, to never contact me again, and blocked her. her parents pay her rent, it’s not about the money for her it’s about being a vindictive and entitled bully. plus, i really don’t owe her shit at this point. anyways, i have learned a lot of lessons from all this and am working on acknowledging my part in all of these issues and am going to start going to codependents anonymous to start rebuilding my life. obviously i have a lot to learn and work on within myself, and i was not perfect throughout this, even though my only intentions were to be there for my friends and exist in my own house. honestly i never want to see either of these people again! i hate them both so deeply for making my safe space unsafe, and for everything else they’ve done to me, including making my PTSD incredibly worse. and from now on I am going to leave friendships WHEN ITS TIME instead of dragging it out, and hopefully now I can choose better friends and have stronger boundaries, and in the future when tough situations arise i will be more equipped to respond in better ways. hopefully i never have to go through anything like this again!!
submitted by Sad_Yogurtcloset_694 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]