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2012.03.22 13:03 BleakGod Draw For Me

This is a request forum for people who would like to see their ideas, photos, and concepts created by by both paid and volunteered artists.

2008.06.12 14:33 Furniture

Come and talk about furniture! Please read the rules BEFORE posting. We DO NOT ID FURNITURE HERE.

2013.10.31 20:50 astrologyfrog Astrology Readings

A community for astrology readings! Come here if you're looking for a birth / natal or any other form of astrology reading. All signs of the zodiac are welcome! (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) Don't come here soliciting paid readings. You will be banned! We also have an irc chatroom: server is, port is 6667 (6697 for SSL)

2024.05.22 01:42 Felgrey Help with first home server for media, file+photo backup w remote access

I'll preface by saying my experience is limited to building 2 personal pc's, tinkering with fan/clock speeds, and basic folder sharing between Windows pc's at home. I've never used dockerfiles or linux so far.
The last few weeks I've been trying to read forums and posts, and watch as many guides and explanations as possible to help get my first understandings of home servers. I've reached a point where I am tipping into overwhelmed with possibilities (probably overthinking), and struggling with how I proceed.
I think I'm mostly struggling with how it all connects and how/what software I need to make it easily remote accessible/a cloud server, so help on this front would be great. Thanks in advance.
First idea: I use my Old PC + new HDD's as the servecloud hardware. (Cheaper and ideal in that it uses old parts)
My understanding so far for this is;
  1. I reset the Win 10 operating system on my Old PC
  2. Remove Win bloatware
  3. Set new HDD's to Raid 5 and format
  4. Install Plex media server
  5. Install Steam with games
  6. Install Moonlight/Sunshine for streaming Far Cry 6
  7. Install Immich or Photosync with Photoprism for auto photo backups from mobile phones
  8. ?Designate folder access for other users on the local network?
  9. Tailscale vpn for remote access (never used it before)
  10. ...unsure if i need to do anything else
Second idea: Buy a Synology device and add HDD. This acts as media+photo+file servecloud and remains on 24/7. Old PC gets turned on intermittently to act as GUI for Web browsing+PC gaming on TV. (upfront more expensive, possibly easier to first setup)
Below are some parameters of what I'm trying to do/use.
Functions to perform:
  1. Connect to tv, other pc’s and mobile devices within local home network for access to personal media (movies, music, photos).
  2. Storage of home media, personal documents
  3. Access to web browsing on TV for ad-free viewing instead of using direct aps like YouTube (I imagine i need a GUI for this such as Windows 10)
  4. Infrequent pc gaming on TV (without using my gaming specific pc to stream from. Far cry 6 on low-ish settings but OK fps).
  5. Auto backup/syncing of photos from Mobile phones.
  6. Avoid needing to use public cloud services like Google Photos/Apple iCloud/Microsoft Onedrive as file sharing/backup/remote access.
  7. Be online and accessible 24/7
Note: I’d welcome any tips to reduce noise and wattage profile.
Room layout:
Planning to buy so far:
Hardware I have:
(Old PC part list)
submitted by Felgrey to HomeServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:37 TrygerWTF Easy Enderal setup for maximum comfort

Hey there! I recently decided to play Enderal Forgotten Stories on Steam Deck, to scratch that yearly Skyrim nostalgia. However the gamepad controls felt awful and so did rebinding everything as mouse and keyboard.
After some tinkering I managed to get a very comfortable setup, and I wanted to share a quick guide in case anyone is interested. For those that dont know, Enderal is free on Steam if you own Skyrim, which I still find insane (it even plays like a standalone game).
This setup allows you to use joystick, trackpad and gyro as mouse, while still utilizing gamepad controls. In my opinion this is the most comfortable way to play, but its impossible by default. It also adds a radial menu on the left trackpad for 8 favorite slots.
Requirements: - Own Skyrim Special Edition (this method works specifically with the Special Edition version, haven't tested on others). - Open the game, go to settings, gameplay, and allow gamepad/controller. - Download "Auto Input Switch" (version 1.5.97, otherwise it doesnt work with Special Edition) from Nexus. - Download "Address Library for SKSE Plugins" From Nexus.
Installation Steps: - Open desktop mode - Download the previous requirements from Nexus manually. - Extract the contents of both, I recommend creating a new folder, moving both inside, then selecting both, then "extract here". This should create a new folder called "SKSE", another folder withing called "Plugins", and inside all the files that we need. - Locate the game folder. Should be something like "..... /steamapps/common/Enderal Special Edition" - Navigate to the "Data/SKSE/Plugins" folderiand make a copy of the contents just in case. - Add the extracted files directly into the game's "Plugins" folder (do not include the folders, just the files). Accept any override. - Go back to gaming mode.
VERY recommended: - In the game launcher, make sure mouse sensitivity is set to the lowest. - Setup the controls. Search for my control layout in the Community Layouts, named "Perfect Steam Deck customized controls" by Renoviejo.Select and apply it.This setup significantly enhances the gameplay in my opinion, mimicking the configuration I’ve been using for about 90 hours in my Viva New Vegas playthrough. It combines the precision of a mouse and the convenience of gamepad controls, making your Enderal journey much more enjoyable.
Thats it! I hope I didn't forget anything and that this is useful for someone. Enjoy :)
submitted by TrygerWTF to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:00 literalsimpnaish Help me rebind to be good!!

So I’m trying to rebind my keybinds after a loooong break from wow. I understand keybinds are completely personal preference but I really want to try and simplify this as much as I can and rework my muscle memory to using keys I should be using for better rotation and performance. I use a 12 button MMO mouse and you’ll see my current layout below… it’s awful. I’m probably too far gone to rebind my basic attack abilities to my keyboard so I’d prefer those stay on my mouse but I was thinking of adding cheap/ kidney to the R & T keys bc my other CC sits there. I keep my mobility at the back of the mouse with sap bc it’s an easy step/sap but overall I feel like my biggest issue is my damage rotation. Feel free to absolutely gut my current layout and offer any suggestions. FYI I play rogue sub/sin and a little priest but want to focus on this for rogue specifically. Please & thank you!
SUB ROGUE QWES - Movement R - T - A - D - kick F - gouge G - blind Z - blades X - dance C - symbols V - secret tech
Mouse: 1 - shadow strike 2 - shuriken toss 3 - shiv 4 - cheap 5 - evis 6 - kidney 7 - rupture 8 - shuriken storm 9 - shadow step 10 - bomb 11 - duel 12 - sap
SHIFT Mouse: S1 - feint S2 - vial S3 - evasion S4 - cloak S5 - shadow meld/ racial S6 - vanish S7 - healthstone S8 - sprint S9 - shadowstep (@party1) S10 - bomb** S11 - duel** S12 - sap (focus)
ALT Mouse: A1 - A2 - A3 - big burst macro (blades/dance/symbols) A4 - A5 - A6 -mini burst macro (dance/symbols) A7 - slice n dice A8 - A9 - shadowstep (@party2) A10 - party cloak A11 - distract A12 - stealth
I target with arena 1/2/3 and bind alt-1/2/3 to blind. I also use scroll up to target nearest enemy player & scroll down to target focus. I normally click target for pets/totems and shift scroll down to target self while shift scroll up sets target to focus.
submitted by literalsimpnaish to worldofpvp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:57 M1ken1ke66 [US-ID] [H] Aeroboard 70, Vintage board, keycaps, switches [W] paypal, trade

Thinning the collection since I had to move to something more expensive and Im satisfied with my display pieces.
I also received 2 Sealed copies of Warhammer: 40k Darktide for the Xbox Series S that were incorrectly shipped to me, and I was unable to return them, so if you'd like one with your purchase feel free to take it.
Willing to trade for:
GMK Pacific base
GMK Matsu Base
TGR 910 ME Suave Blue + paypal
Boards notes Price
Aeroboard70 Black/Gold 1.6mm non-flex cut pcb, Cf plate non flex cut. Flawless condition. Will come with original box, foams, pcb tape, and both sets of gaskets. Little to no use, just ended up collecting dust on display. $500 Shipped
Focus Fk-2001 Originally released in 1988. 102 Asian layout. White alps. Rescued from a bestbuy recycling bin. Restored and fully cleaned inside and out. Top case has a broken latch so front seam is slightly larger than normal. Sadly missing f2 and numlock keycaps, but is using the original rgb mods. Also has original tinted dust cover hinges, sadly no dust cover. $70 Shipped
Keycaps notes Price
GMK Godspeed Columbia Base/SpacebaNovelties Used a few times, no shine $115 Shipped, ships in bags
Knockoff Midnight Rainbow Mounted a couple times $20 Shipped
Random beige/black/red 65% pbt kit $5
MT3 Noctua Spacebars Unopened $10
XDA Honey Will ship in bags $10
Switches notes Price
Halot1s x88 Durock T1 Spring and Stem in Drop Halo true housings $45 Shipped
Grab bag x1 Around 30 different switches, some cheap and common, some fancier ones. $10 or can include in purchases over $100
Kailh Box Reds x90 $5
Kailh Box Browns x67 $5
Kailh Browns x67 $5
submitted by M1ken1ke66 to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:59 702Johnny Quick start guide / tips for Retroarch on iOS / Ipados

(PSA) I want to start off by recommending retroarch for iPad users. Delta is a FANTASTIC app. I highly recommend it. That being said, if you want to play on an iPad in landscape mode, there is only the iOS version of Delta on iPad. The developer is working on the app for iPad, but as of writing this, retroarch scales perfectly.
(PSA) When it comes to cores. On the apple version of this app, all the cores apple has approved are already included in the app. Can’t add or remove any cores like you can on all the other platforms when running retroarch. If a core is not in retroarch on an apple platform, it is not an approved core or is limited by apple restrictions and will not play well. Apple is not allowing JIT. This is a problem for ps2, psp, and GameCube for sure.
(PRO TIP. .7z to .zip) Using the files app, you can unzip a .7z file. Just rename it to .zip and select it. The files app will unzip it. Done. No need for an unzipping app.
(REQUIRED.) Some cores will crash or not boot a rom. I have found this to be mostly related to bios files not being in the app. (To add bios files = Use the files app. Go to on my iphone. Then find the retroarch folder, and select it. Then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch. After that scroll down to the folder named system. Dump all of your bios for all systems into this folder. I would add any bios you can find for the systems you are playing. This will stop the crashing and increase compatibility with games from different regions.) , (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) If you try to load a rom and it still crashes use a different core to launch that game if it is available. It could be a compatibility issue between the core and the rom. Or it could be region locked and you still need another bios file.

1.) (REQUIRED.) If you want to save yourself some annoyances with Retroarch on iOS, then after you make a change to your settings, hit home in the navigation menu, select configuration file, then save configuration file. I choose the overwrite option, but you can choose what best fits you. We can do this on other platforms by just tapping the back button until it exits the application, but there isn’t a back button on iOS.

2.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to turn on vibration/ haptic feedback. Go to settings in the navigation menu, input and scroll down to haptic feedback. I turn both options on and leave the vibration strength at 100%.

3.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the user interface. You can do this in two ways. A.) Changing the theme. Go to settings, user interface, appearance, select color theme and then choose your favorite. Mine is material ui dark. A.1) If you want you can also choose another app icon. The setting is the first option under user interface. B.) I like the stock setup, but you can change the entire layout to be different. You can go to settings, drivers, and select menu. The stock option is glui. You can choose the option you like the best in this section.

4.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the date and time format at the top to be something I am more used to. Go to settings, user interface, menu item visibility and select “style of date and time” towards the end of the list.

5.) (REQUIRED.) GETTING GAMES IN THE APP. Then we get to importing content. In the iOS version, Retroarch wants the roms to be placed into a folder that is inside of the Retroarch app itself. What I do is take the roms I want to play on Retroarch and move them into the Retroarch app. Here is how I do that. I have a folder already on my iPhone with the roms I want to play on Retroarch. (I store my roms on device. Using the Files app, then on my iphone and save the folder on your phone first. We move it to where it needs to go in the next step.). My folder is named “Retroarch Roms”. It can be really helpful to stay organized. Especially if you also use the Delta and ppsspp apps. I use the files app to locate this folder. Then I select it and move it. Or you could copy it but be mindful of files sizes and storage space. (I put “copy it” in here for a major reason. If you store all your roms in retroarch. And one day you want to delete and reinstall the app…. Bye bye roms. My library is too big to back up to iCloud. But that might be a good option if it works. I have not tested it.). Then move or paste this folder inside of the Retroarch app folder under downloads. (Files app, on my iphone, scroll down to retroarch – select it, then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch, then scroll down to downloads, select it. Your entire folder or multiple folders can go here.) Then hit the playlist menu (middle navigation button.) and select import content. Then scan directory. Click documents/retroarch, scroll down to downloads, then select scan this directory. Then let it do its thing. I like to leave the app open and on screen so the iphone/ipad doesn’t limit background activity. After it is done you can come back to the playlist menu to look through and launch your games. After you have launched a few games, You can go to Home, history and launch your recently played games from there. There is a favorites tab in the playlist section, but I don’t use it personally.

6.) (UPDATES.) I like to make sure a few things are up to date. So, I hit the home menu at the bottom. Go to online updater. Make sure on demand thumbnails is toggled on. (This will add box art on demand as you scroll through your playlist/library.) Then just below that update core files and all the others below it. Update all of them. Then scroll back up to playlist thumbnail updater (This is how you download box art manually for each playlist/library.) and select any system libraries/playlists that are missing album art. If it is your first time, I would just select them all to make sure box art is there when you browse your library. If you want some free to use roms go to content downloader and some homebrew and other roms are in there for each system.

(PSA.2) After you are done changing any settings. Do not just close the app. Make sure you save the configuration file like I mentioned at the start of this post. If not, the settings you changed will be “forgotten” but the roms and album art should still be there. Man, I wish someone told me that before I wasted my life 3 times in a row.

7.) (PS1) Firmware for ps1. To run games correctly you will need firmware for the ps1. PSX rearmed can get you started and playing but the “beetle psx hw” core for ps1 has an upscaling capability. This will make games look tremendously better. Firmware location. After a quick search on the interwebs, you have what you need. (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and which are required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) Use your files app. Go to on my iPhone. Find the Retroarch app folder. Click the folder in there named retroarch. Scroll down to system and dump the bios files there. I can’t say where to get them, but “psx bios” should be easy to find in an archive if you search the googles. Make sure the spelling matches specifically. You can look in settings. Scroll down to directory. And you can scroll through where the app is currently looking for bios and you can change that if you need to. You can also go to settings, select core, manage cores, then scroll to the core you are looking for, then select the core. Scroll down to firmware section and select the “looking in” option to see where it wants the bios. It will tell you if any bios are missing as well. This can apply to any core. Not just ps1 cores.

8.) (SEGA SATURN.). Make sure all the Saturn bios are in the system folder inside the Retroarch folder (Look at the other bullet points on this post to see how. Some games will not launch unless the core has the correct bios. ). Roms. After extracting a rom, it should be a folder full of bin files. Put that whole folder (For each game/rom) in a Saturn roms sub folder. (Make a new folder called “Saturn Roms”.) Using the files app, go to on my iphone, go to the retroarch folder, then the retroarch sub folder. Then scroll down and select downloads. This is where you want to store the Saturn Roms folder. When you import content into retroarch. It will scan the folders and subfolders that have all the bin files. Games will appear as one in the playlist/library.

8.) (FAST VIDEO OR AUDiO) Sync issues. I turned on audio sync and it ran sonic super fast. Other people have had the opposite problem and need to turn it on. The same goes for video sync. The fixes are different depending on the device. Go to settings, video, synchronization, and adjust. You can change the refresh rate in the settings, video, output, vertical refresh rate in this section. This should only be adjusted if you are having issues. Audio sync is under settings, audio, synchronization. It says recommended to turn on. Mine goes crazy if I toggle that on. So I leave it off.

9.) (CORE OPTIONS.) Some systems have multiple cores available. I change them out on the fly by hitting playlist in the navigation menu (Middle option.) Scrolling down to the system I want to play. Then selecting the game, I am looking for. (Do not select run yet.) Then scrolling down and selecting set core association. If you want to use the same core for an entire playlist/library. You can go to settings. Playlists, manage playlists, then select the system you want to set a core for, scroll down to default core, and you can pick the one that works best for your needs.

(DIRECT LINK.) Below is a direct link to the app on the app store for those that have trouble finding it.

submitted by 702Johnny to emulators [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:58 702Johnny Ipad Emulation - Retroarch

Quick start guide / tips for Retroarch on iOS / Ipados

(PSA) I want to start off by recommending retroarch for iPad users. Delta is a FANTASTIC app. I highly recommend it. That being said, if you want to play on an iPad in landscape mode, there is only the iOS version of Delta on iPad. The developer is working on the app for iPad, but as of writing this, retroarch scales perfectly.
(PSA) When it comes to cores. On the apple version of this app, all the cores apple has approved are already included in the app. Can’t add or remove any cores like you can on all the other platforms when running retroarch. If a core is not in retroarch on an apple platform, it is not an approved core or is limited by apple restrictions and will not play well. Apple is not allowing JIT. This is a problem for ps2, psp, and GameCube for sure.
(PRO TIP. .7z to .zip) Using the files app, you can unzip a .7z file. Just rename it to .zip and select it. The files app will unzip it. Done. No need for an unzipping app.
(REQUIRED.) Some cores will crash or not boot a rom. I have found this to be mostly related to bios files not being in the app. (To add bios files = Use the files app. Go to on my iphone. Then find the retroarch folder, and select it. Then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch. After that scroll down to the folder named system. Dump all of your bios for all systems into this folder. I would add any bios you can find for the systems you are playing. This will stop the crashing and increase compatibility with games from different regions.) , (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) If you try to load a rom and it still crashes use a different core to launch that game if it is available. It could be a compatibility issue between the core and the rom. Or it could be region locked and you still need another bios file.

1.) (REQUIRED.) If you want to save yourself some annoyances with Retroarch on iOS, then after you make a change to your settings, hit home in the navigation menu, select configuration file, then save configuration file. I choose the overwrite option, but you can choose what best fits you. We can do this on other platforms by just tapping the back button until it exits the application, but there isn’t a back button on iOS.

2.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to turn on vibration/ haptic feedback. Go to settings in the navigation menu, input and scroll down to haptic feedback. I turn both options on and leave the vibration strength at 100%.

3.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the user interface. You can do this in two ways. A.) Changing the theme. Go to settings, user interface, appearance, select color theme and then choose your favorite. Mine is material ui dark. A.1) If you want you can also choose another app icon. The setting is the first option under user interface. B.) I like the stock setup, but you can change the entire layout to be different. You can go to settings, drivers, and select menu. The stock option is glui. You can choose the option you like the best in this section.

4.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the date and time format at the top to be something I am more used to. Go to settings, user interface, menu item visibility and select “style of date and time” towards the end of the list.

5.) (REQUIRED.) GETTING GAMES IN THE APP. Then we get to importing content. In the iOS version, Retroarch wants the roms to be placed into a folder that is inside of the Retroarch app itself. What I do is take the roms I want to play on Retroarch and move them into the Retroarch app. Here is how I do that. I have a folder already on my iPhone with the roms I want to play on Retroarch. (I store my roms on device. Using the Files app, then on my iphone and save the folder on your phone first. We move it to where it needs to go in the next step.). My folder is named “Retroarch Roms”. It can be really helpful to stay organized. Especially if you also use the Delta and ppsspp apps. I use the files app to locate this folder. Then I select it and move it. Or you could copy it but be mindful of files sizes and storage space. (I put “copy it” in here for a major reason. If you store all your roms in retroarch. And one day you want to delete and reinstall the app…. Bye bye roms. My library is too big to back up to iCloud. But that might be a good option if it works. I have not tested it.). Then move or paste this folder inside of the Retroarch app folder under downloads. (Files app, on my iphone, scroll down to retroarch – select it, then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch, then scroll down to downloads, select it. Your entire folder or multiple folders can go here.) Then hit the playlist menu (middle navigation button.) and select import content. Then scan directory. Click documents/retroarch, scroll down to downloads, then select scan this directory. Then let it do its thing. I like to leave the app open and on screen so the iphone/ipad doesn’t limit background activity. After it is done you can come back to the playlist menu to look through and launch your games. After you have launched a few games, You can go to Home, history and launch your recently played games from there. There is a favorites tab in the playlist section, but I don’t use it personally.

6.) (UPDATES.) I like to make sure a few things are up to date. So, I hit the home menu at the bottom. Go to online updater. Make sure on demand thumbnails is toggled on. (This will add box art on demand as you scroll through your playlist/library.) Then just below that update core files and all the others below it. Update all of them. Then scroll back up to playlist thumbnail updater (This is how you download box art manually for each playlist/library.) and select any system libraries/playlists that are missing album art. If it is your first time, I would just select them all to make sure box art is there when you browse your library. If you want some free to use roms go to content downloader and some homebrew and other roms are in there for each system.

(PSA.2) After you are done changing any settings. Do not just close the app. Make sure you save the configuration file like I mentioned at the start of this post. If not, the settings you changed will be “forgotten” but the roms and album art should still be there. Man, I wish someone told me that before I wasted my life 3 times in a row.

7.) (PS1) Firmware for ps1. To run games correctly you will need firmware for the ps1. PSX rearmed can get you started and playing but the “beetle psx hw” core for ps1 has an upscaling capability. This will make games look tremendously better. Firmware location. After a quick search on the interwebs, you have what you need. (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and which are required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) Use your files app. Go to on my iPhone. Find the Retroarch app folder. Click the folder in there named retroarch. Scroll down to system and dump the bios files there. I can’t say where to get them, but “psx bios” should be easy to find in an archive if you search the googles. Make sure the spelling matches specifically. You can look in settings. Scroll down to directory. And you can scroll through where the app is currently looking for bios and you can change that if you need to. You can also go to settings, select core, manage cores, then scroll to the core you are looking for, then select the core. Scroll down to firmware section and select the “looking in” option to see where it wants the bios. It will tell you if any bios are missing as well. This can apply to any core. Not just ps1 cores.

8.) (SEGA SATURN.). Make sure all the Saturn bios are in the system folder inside the Retroarch folder (Look at the other bullet points on this post to see how. Some games will not launch unless the core has the correct bios. ). Roms. After extracting a rom, it should be a folder full of bin files. Put that whole folder (For each game/rom) in a Saturn roms sub folder. (Make a new folder called “Saturn Roms”.) Using the files app, go to on my iphone, go to the retroarch folder, then the retroarch sub folder. Then scroll down and select downloads. This is where you want to store the Saturn Roms folder. When you import content into retroarch. It will scan the folders and subfolders that have all the bin files. Games will appear as one in the playlist/library.

8.) (FAST VIDEO OR AUDiO) Sync issues. I turned on audio sync and it ran sonic super fast. Other people have had the opposite problem and need to turn it on. The same goes for video sync. The fixes are different depending on the device. Go to settings, video, synchronization, and adjust. You can change the refresh rate in the settings, video, output, vertical refresh rate in this section. This should only be adjusted if you are having issues. Audio sync is under settings, audio, synchronization. It says recommended to turn on. Mine goes crazy if I toggle that on. So I leave it off.

9.) (CORE OPTIONS.) Some systems have multiple cores available. I change them out on the fly by hitting playlist in the navigation menu (Middle option.) Scrolling down to the system I want to play. Then selecting the game, I am looking for. (Do not select run yet.) Then scrolling down and selecting set core association. If you want to use the same core for an entire playlist/library. You can go to settings. Playlists, manage playlists, then select the system you want to set a core for, scroll down to default core, and you can pick the one that works best for your needs.

(DIRECT LINK.) Below is a direct link to the app on the app store for those that have trouble finding it.
submitted by 702Johnny to iPadPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 702Johnny Quick start guide / tips for Retroarch on iOS / Ipados

(PSA) I want to start off by recommending retroarch for iPad users. Delta is a FANTASTIC app. I highly recommend it. That being said, if you want to play on an iPad in landscape mode, there is only the iOS version of Delta on iPad. The developer is working on the app for iPad, but as of writing this, retroarch scales perfectly.
(PSA) When it comes to cores. On the apple version of this app, all the cores apple has approved are already included in the app. Can’t add or remove any cores like you can on all the other platforms when running retroarch. If a core is not in retroarch on an apple platform, it is not an approved core or is limited by apple restrictions and will not play well. Apple is not allowing JIT. This is a problem for ps2, psp, and GameCube for sure.
(PRO TIP. .7z to .zip) Using the files app, you can unzip a .7z file. Just rename it to .zip and select it. The files app will unzip it. Done. No need for an unzipping app.
(REQUIRED.) Some cores will crash or not boot a rom. I have found this to be mostly related to bios files not being in the app. (To add bios files = Use the files app. Go to on my iphone. Then find the retroarch folder, and select it. Then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch. After that scroll down to the folder named system. Dump all of your bios for all systems into this folder. I would add any bios you can find for the systems you are playing. This will stop the crashing and increase compatibility with games from different regions.) , (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) If you try to load a rom and it still crashes use a different core to launch that game if it is available. It could be a compatibility issue between the core and the rom. Or it could be region locked and you still need another bios file.

1.) (REQUIRED.) If you want to save yourself some annoyances with Retroarch on iOS, then after you make a change to your settings, hit home in the navigation menu, select configuration file, then save configuration file. I choose the overwrite option, but you can choose what best fits you. We can do this on other platforms by just tapping the back button until it exits the application, but there isn’t a back button on iOS.

2.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to turn on vibration/ haptic feedback. Go to settings in the navigation menu, input and scroll down to haptic feedback. I turn both options on and leave the vibration strength at 100%.

3.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the user interface. You can do this in two ways. A.) Changing the theme. Go to settings, user interface, appearance, select color theme and then choose your favorite. Mine is material ui dark. A.1) If you want you can also choose another app icon. The setting is the first option under user interface. B.) I like the stock setup, but you can change the entire layout to be different. You can go to settings, drivers, and select menu. The stock option is glui. You can choose the option you like the best in this section.

4.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the date and time format at the top to be something I am more used to. Go to settings, user interface, menu item visibility and select “style of date and time” towards the end of the list.

5.) (REQUIRED.) GETTING GAMES IN THE APP. Then we get to importing content. In the iOS version, Retroarch wants the roms to be placed into a folder that is inside of the Retroarch app itself. What I do is take the roms I want to play on Retroarch and move them into the Retroarch app. Here is how I do that. I have a folder already on my iPhone with the roms I want to play on Retroarch. (I store my roms on device. Using the Files app, then on my iphone and save the folder on your phone first. We move it to where it needs to go in the next step.). My folder is named “Retroarch Roms”. It can be really helpful to stay organized. Especially if you also use the Delta and ppsspp apps. I use the files app to locate this folder. Then I select it and move it. Or you could copy it but be mindful of files sizes and storage space. (I put “copy it” in here for a major reason. If you store all your roms in retroarch. And one day you want to delete and reinstall the app…. Bye bye roms. My library is too big to back up to iCloud. But that might be a good option if it works. I have not tested it.). Then move or paste this folder inside of the Retroarch app folder under downloads. (Files app, on my iphone, scroll down to retroarch – select it, then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch, then scroll down to downloads, select it. Your entire folder or multiple folders can go here.) Then hit the playlist menu (middle navigation button.) and select import content. Then scan directory. Click documents/retroarch, scroll down to downloads, then select scan this directory. Then let it do its thing. I like to leave the app open and on screen so the iphone/ipad doesn’t limit background activity. After it is done you can come back to the playlist menu to look through and launch your games. After you have launched a few games, You can go to Home, history and launch your recently played games from there. There is a favorites tab in the playlist section, but I don’t use it personally.

6.) (UPDATES.) I like to make sure a few things are up to date. So, I hit the home menu at the bottom. Go to online updater. Make sure on demand thumbnails is toggled on. (This will add box art on demand as you scroll through your playlist/library.) Then just below that update core files and all the others below it. Update all of them. Then scroll back up to playlist thumbnail updater (This is how you download box art manually for each playlist/library.) and select any system libraries/playlists that are missing album art. If it is your first time, I would just select them all to make sure box art is there when you browse your library. If you want some free to use roms go to content downloader and some homebrew and other roms are in there for each system.

(PSA.2) After you are done changing any settings. Do not just close the app. Make sure you save the configuration file like I mentioned at the start of this post. If not, the settings you changed will be “forgotten” but the roms and album art should still be there. Man, I wish someone told me that before I wasted my life 3 times in a row.

7.) (PS1) Firmware for ps1. To run games correctly you will need firmware for the ps1. PSX rearmed can get you started and playing but the “beetle psx hw” core for ps1 has an upscaling capability. This will make games look tremendously better. Firmware location. After a quick search on the interwebs, you have what you need. (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and which are required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) Use your files app. Go to on my iPhone. Find the Retroarch app folder. Click the folder in there named retroarch. Scroll down to system and dump the bios files there. I can’t say where to get them, but “psx bios” should be easy to find in an archive if you search the googles. Make sure the spelling matches specifically. You can look in settings. Scroll down to directory. And you can scroll through where the app is currently looking for bios and you can change that if you need to. You can also go to settings, select core, manage cores, then scroll to the core you are looking for, then select the core. Scroll down to firmware section and select the “looking in” option to see where it wants the bios. It will tell you if any bios are missing as well. This can apply to any core. Not just ps1 cores.

8.) (SEGA SATURN.). Make sure all the Saturn bios are in the system folder inside the Retroarch folder (Look at the other bullet points on this post to see how. Some games will not launch unless the core has the correct bios. ). Roms. After extracting a rom, it should be a folder full of bin files. Put that whole folder (For each game/rom) in a Saturn roms sub folder. (Make a new folder called “Saturn Roms”.) Using the files app, go to on my iphone, go to the retroarch folder, then the retroarch sub folder. Then scroll down and select downloads. This is where you want to store the Saturn Roms folder. When you import content into retroarch. It will scan the folders and subfolders that have all the bin files. Games will appear as one in the playlist/library.

8.) (FAST VIDEO OR AUDiO) Sync issues. I turned on audio sync and it ran sonic super fast. Other people have had the opposite problem and need to turn it on. The same goes for video sync. The fixes are different depending on the device. Go to settings, video, synchronization, and adjust. You can change the refresh rate in the settings, video, output, vertical refresh rate in this section. This should only be adjusted if you are having issues. Audio sync is under settings, audio, synchronization. It says recommended to turn on. Mine goes crazy if I toggle that on. So I leave it off.

9.) (CORE OPTIONS.) Some systems have multiple cores available. I change them out on the fly by hitting playlist in the navigation menu (Middle option.) Scrolling down to the system I want to play. Then selecting the game, I am looking for. (Do not select run yet.) Then scrolling down and selecting set core association. If you want to use the same core for an entire playlist/library. You can go to settings. Playlists, manage playlists, then select the system you want to set a core for, scroll down to default core, and you can pick the one that works best for your needs.

(DIRECT LINK.) Below is a direct link to the app on the app store for those that have trouble finding it.

submitted by 702Johnny to iosgaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:48 aspenhadley my favorite mods

decided to post some of my favorite mods that i have!!! let me know some of your favorite mods that you have.
better crafting
better chests
automate- this is something that sold me on having mods. its so helpful and it makes it so you get more machines used. ex; more kegs in a shed
increased artifact spots; this one!!!! its so helpful because you can customize how many artifact spots appear every day
cheats menu; i will never play without it, mostly because the fact that i can freeze time in caves which is helpful for skull caverns.
any of daisyniko's mods- their capitalist dream farm is the one layout im using at the moment and i am in love. and their mods that change how everything looks is a godsend.
elle's mods; a must!!!
happy birthday; you get gifts based on friendship on the day you select for your birthday!
stardew valley expanded; everyone has probably used it but it deserved a mention.
instant tool upgrade; no more waiting for your tool to upgrade
mail framework mod; send gifts to villagers through the mail
tractor mod; a game changer.
feel free to put in your favorite mods! im always looking for ones to add to my game!
submitted by aspenhadley to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:45 702Johnny **REVISED** Quick start guide / tips for Retroarch on iOS / Ipados

(PSA) I want to start off by recommending retroarch for iPad users. Delta is a FANTASTIC app. I highly recommend it. That being said, if you want to play on an iPad in landscape mode, there is only the iOS version of Delta on iPad. The developer is working on the app for iPad, but as of writing this, retroarch scales perfectly.
(PSA) When it comes to cores. On the apple version of this app, all the cores apple has approved are already included in the app. Can’t add or remove any cores like you can on all the other platforms when running retroarch. If a core is not in retroarch on an apple platform, it is not an approved core or is limited by apple restrictions and will not play well. Apple is not allowing JIT. This is a problem for ps2, psp, and GameCube for sure.
(PRO TIP. .7z to .zip) Using the files app, you can unzip a .7z file. Just rename it to .zip and select it. The files app will unzip it. Done. No need for an unzipping app.
(REQUIRED.) Some cores will crash or not boot a rom. I have found this to be mostly related to bios files not being in the app. (To add bios files = Use the files app. Go to on my iphone. Then find the retroarch folder, and select it. Then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch. After that scroll down to the folder named system. Dump all of your bios for all systems into this folder. I would add any bios you can find for the systems you are playing. This will stop the crashing and increase compatibility with games from different regions.) , (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) If you try to load a rom and it still crashes use a different core to launch that game if it is available. It could be a compatibility issue between the core and the rom. Or it could be region locked and you still need another bios file.

1.) (REQUIRED.) If you want to save yourself some annoyances with Retroarch on iOS, then after you make a change to your settings, hit home in the navigation menu, select configuration file, then save configuration file. I choose the overwrite option, but you can choose what best fits you. We can do this on other platforms by just tapping the back button until it exits the application, but there isn’t a back button on iOS.

2.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to turn on vibration/ haptic feedback. Go to settings in the navigation menu, input and scroll down to haptic feedback. I turn both options on and leave the vibration strength at 100%.

3.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the user interface. You can do this in two ways. A.) Changing the theme. Go to settings, user interface, appearance, select color theme and then choose your favorite. Mine is material ui dark. A.1) If you want you can also choose another app icon. The setting is the first option under user interface. B.) I like the stock setup, but you can change the entire layout to be different. You can go to settings, drivers, and select menu. The stock option is glui. You can choose the option you like the best in this section.

4.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the date and time format at the top to be something I am more used to. Go to settings, user interface, menu item visibility and select “style of date and time” towards the end of the list.

5.) (REQUIRED.) GETTING GAMES IN THE APP. Then we get to importing content. In the iOS version, Retroarch wants the roms to be placed into a folder that is inside of the Retroarch app itself. What I do is take the roms I want to play on Retroarch and move them into the Retroarch app. Here is how I do that. I have a folder already on my iPhone with the roms I want to play on Retroarch. (I store my roms on device. Using the Files app, then on my iphone and save the folder on your phone first. We move it to where it needs to go in the next step.). My folder is named “Retroarch Roms”. It can be really helpful to stay organized. Especially if you also use the Delta and ppsspp apps. I use the files app to locate this folder. Then I select it and move it. Or you could copy it but be mindful of files sizes and storage space. (I put “copy it” in here for a major reason. If you store all your roms in retroarch. And one day you want to delete and reinstall the app…. Bye bye roms. My library is too big to back up to iCloud. But that might be a good option if it works. I have not tested it.). Then move or paste this folder inside of the Retroarch app folder under downloads. (Files app, on my iphone, scroll down to retroarch – select it, then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch, then scroll down to downloads, select it. Your entire folder or multiple folders can go here.) Then hit the playlist menu (middle navigation button.) and select import content. Then scan directory. Click documents/retroarch, scroll down to downloads, then select scan this directory. Then let it do its thing. I like to leave the app open and on screen so the iphone/ipad doesn’t limit background activity. After it is done you can come back to the playlist menu to look through and launch your games. After you have launched a few games, You can go to Home, history and launch your recently played games from there. There is a favorites tab in the playlist section, but I don’t use it personally.

6.) (UPDATES.) I like to make sure a few things are up to date. So, I hit the home menu at the bottom. Go to online updater. Make sure on demand thumbnails is toggled on. (This will add box art on demand as you scroll through your playlist/library.) Then just below that update core files and all the others below it. Update all of them. Then scroll back up to playlist thumbnail updater (This is how you download box art manually for each playlist/library.) and select any system libraries/playlists that are missing album art. If it is your first time, I would just select them all to make sure box art is there when you browse your library. If you want some free to use roms go to content downloader and some homebrew and other roms are in there for each system.

(PSA.2) After you are done changing any settings. Do not just close the app. Make sure you save the configuration file like I mentioned at the start of this post. If not, the settings you changed will be “forgotten” but the roms and album art should still be there. Man, I wish someone told me that before I wasted my life 3 times in a row.

7.) (PS1) Firmware for ps1. To run games correctly you will need firmware for the ps1. PSX rearmed can get you started and playing but the “beetle psx hw” core for ps1 has an upscaling capability. This will make games look tremendously better. Firmware location. After a quick search on the interwebs, you have what you need. (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and which are required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) Use your files app. Go to on my iPhone. Find the Retroarch app folder. Click the folder in there named retroarch. Scroll down to system and dump the bios files there. I can’t say where to get them, but “psx bios” should be easy to find in an archive if you search the googles. Make sure the spelling matches specifically. You can look in settings. Scroll down to directory. And you can scroll through where the app is currently looking for bios and you can change that if you need to. You can also go to settings, select core, manage cores, then scroll to the core you are looking for, then select the core. Scroll down to firmware section and select the “looking in” option to see where it wants the bios. It will tell you if any bios are missing as well. This can apply to any core. Not just ps1 cores.

8.) (SEGA SATURN.). Make sure all the Saturn bios are in the system folder inside the Retroarch folder (Look at the other bullet points on this post to see how. Some games will not launch unless the core has the correct bios. ). Roms. After extracting a rom, it should be a folder full of bin files. Put that whole folder (For each game/rom) in a Saturn roms sub folder. (Make a new folder called “Saturn Roms”.) Using the files app, go to on my iphone, go to the retroarch folder, then the retroarch sub folder. Then scroll down and select downloads. This is where you want to store the Saturn Roms folder. When you import content into retroarch. It will scan the folders and subfolders that have all the bin files. Games will appear as one in the playlist/library.

8.) (FAST VIDEO OR AUDiO) Sync issues. I turned on audio sync and it ran sonic super fast. Other people have had the opposite problem and need to turn it on. The same goes for video sync. The fixes are different depending on the device. Go to settings, video, synchronization, and adjust. You can change the refresh rate in the settings, video, output, vertical refresh rate in this section. This should only be adjusted if you are having issues. Audio sync is under settings, audio, synchronization. It says recommended to turn on. Mine goes crazy if I toggle that on. So I leave it off.

9.) (CORE OPTIONS.) Some systems have multiple cores available. I change them out on the fly by hitting playlist in the navigation menu (Middle option.) Scrolling down to the system I want to play. Then selecting the game, I am looking for. (Do not select run yet.) Then scrolling down and selecting set core association. If you want to use the same core for an entire playlist/library. You can go to settings. Playlists, manage playlists, then select the system you want to set a core for, scroll down to default core, and you can pick the one that works best for your needs.

(DIRECT LINK.) Below is a direct link to the app on the app store for those that have trouble finding it.

submitted by 702Johnny to RetroArch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:44 702Johnny **REVISED** Quick start guide / tips for Retroarch on iOS / Ipados

(PSA) I want to start off by recommending retroarch for iPad users. Delta is a FANTASTIC app. I highly recommend it. That being said, if you want to play on an iPad in landscape mode, there is only the iOS version of Delta on iPad. The developer is working on the app for iPad, but as of writing this, retroarch scales perfectly.
(PSA) When it comes to cores. On the apple version of this app, all the cores apple has approved are already included in the app. Can’t add or remove any cores like you can on all the other platforms when running retroarch. If a core is not in retroarch on an apple platform, it is not an approved core or is limited by apple restrictions and will not play well. Apple is not allowing JIT. This is a problem for ps2, psp, and GameCube for sure.
(PRO TIP. .7z to .zip) Using the files app, you can unzip a .7z file. Just rename it to .zip and select it. The files app will unzip it. Done. No need for an unzipping app.
(REQUIRED.) Some cores will crash or not boot a rom. I have found this to be mostly related to bios files not being in the app. (To add bios files = Use the files app. Go to on my iphone. Then find the retroarch folder, and select it. Then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch. After that scroll down to the folder named system. Dump all of your bios for all systems into this folder. I would add any bios you can find for the systems you are playing. This will stop the crashing and increase compatibility with games from different regions.) , (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) If you try to load a rom and it still crashes use a different core to launch that game if it is available. It could be a compatibility issue between the core and the rom. Or it could be region locked and you still need another bios file.

1.) (REQUIRED.) If you want to save yourself some annoyances with Retroarch on iOS, then after you make a change to your settings, hit home in the navigation menu, select configuration file, then save configuration file. I choose the overwrite option, but you can choose what best fits you. We can do this on other platforms by just tapping the back button until it exits the application, but there isn’t a back button on iOS.

2.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to turn on vibration/ haptic feedback. Go to settings in the navigation menu, input and scroll down to haptic feedback. I turn both options on and leave the vibration strength at 100%.

3.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the user interface. You can do this in two ways. A.) Changing the theme. Go to settings, user interface, appearance, select color theme and then choose your favorite. Mine is material ui dark. A.1) If you want you can also choose another app icon. The setting is the first option under user interface. B.) I like the stock setup, but you can change the entire layout to be different. You can go to settings, drivers, and select menu. The stock option is glui. You can choose the option you like the best in this section.

4.) (OPTIONAL.) I like to change the date and time format at the top to be something I am more used to. Go to settings, user interface, menu item visibility and select “style of date and time” towards the end of the list.

5.) (REQUIRED.) GETTING GAMES IN THE APP. Then we get to importing content. In the iOS version, Retroarch wants the roms to be placed into a folder that is inside of the Retroarch app itself. What I do is take the roms I want to play on Retroarch and move them into the Retroarch app. Here is how I do that. I have a folder already on my iPhone with the roms I want to play on Retroarch. (I store my roms on device. Using the Files app, then on my iphone and save the folder on your phone first. We move it to where it needs to go in the next step.). My folder is named “Retroarch Roms”. It can be really helpful to stay organized. Especially if you also use the Delta and ppsspp apps. I use the files app to locate this folder. Then I select it and move it. Or you could copy it but be mindful of files sizes and storage space. (I put “copy it” in here for a major reason. If you store all your roms in retroarch. And one day you want to delete and reinstall the app…. Bye bye roms. My library is too big to back up to iCloud. But that might be a good option if it works. I have not tested it.). Then move or paste this folder inside of the Retroarch app folder under downloads. (Files app, on my iphone, scroll down to retroarch – select it, then select the subfolder that is also named retroarch, then scroll down to downloads, select it. Your entire folder or multiple folders can go here.) Then hit the playlist menu (middle navigation button.) and select import content. Then scan directory. Click documents/retroarch, scroll down to downloads, then select scan this directory. Then let it do its thing. I like to leave the app open and on screen so the iphone/ipad doesn’t limit background activity. After it is done you can come back to the playlist menu to look through and launch your games. After you have launched a few games, You can go to Home, history and launch your recently played games from there. There is a favorites tab in the playlist section, but I don’t use it personally.

6.) (UPDATES.) I like to make sure a few things are up to date. So, I hit the home menu at the bottom. Go to online updater. Make sure on demand thumbnails is toggled on. (This will add box art on demand as you scroll through your playlist/library.) Then just below that update core files and all the others below it. Update all of them. Then scroll back up to playlist thumbnail updater (This is how you download box art manually for each playlist/library.) and select any system libraries/playlists that are missing album art. If it is your first time, I would just select them all to make sure box art is there when you browse your library. If you want some free to use roms go to content downloader and some homebrew and other roms are in there for each system.

(PSA.2) After you are done changing any settings. Do not just close the app. Make sure you save the configuration file like I mentioned at the start of this post. If not, the settings you changed will be “forgotten” but the roms and album art should still be there. Man, I wish someone told me that before I wasted my life 3 times in a row.

7.) (PS1) Firmware for ps1. To run games correctly you will need firmware for the ps1. PSX rearmed can get you started and playing but the “beetle psx hw” core for ps1 has an upscaling capability. This will make games look tremendously better. Firmware location. After a quick search on the interwebs, you have what you need. (To find what bios are missing, open the retroarch app. Go to settings, core, Manage cores, Scroll down to the core you want to use, Select the core. Then scroll down to firmware. Just below that, you will see which bios are optional. Which ones are missing and which are required. The (!) is just a bullet point.) Use your files app. Go to on my iPhone. Find the Retroarch app folder. Click the folder in there named retroarch. Scroll down to system and dump the bios files there. I can’t say where to get them, but “psx bios” should be easy to find in an archive if you search the googles. Make sure the spelling matches specifically. You can look in settings. Scroll down to directory. And you can scroll through where the app is currently looking for bios and you can change that if you need to. You can also go to settings, select core, manage cores, then scroll to the core you are looking for, then select the core. Scroll down to firmware section and select the “looking in” option to see where it wants the bios. It will tell you if any bios are missing as well. This can apply to any core. Not just ps1 cores.

8.) (SEGA SATURN.). Make sure all the Saturn bios are in the system folder inside the Retroarch folder (Look at the other bullet points on this post to see how. Some games will not launch unless the core has the correct bios. ). Roms. After extracting a rom, it should be a folder full of bin files. Put that whole folder (For each game/rom) in a Saturn roms sub folder. (Make a new folder called “Saturn Roms”.) Using the files app, go to on my iphone, go to the retroarch folder, then the retroarch sub folder. Then scroll down and select downloads. This is where you want to store the Saturn Roms folder. When you import content into retroarch. It will scan the folders and subfolders that have all the bin files. Games will appear as one in the playlist/library.

8.) (FAST VIDEO OR AUDiO) Sync issues. I turned on audio sync and it ran sonic super fast. Other people have had the opposite problem and need to turn it on. The same goes for video sync. The fixes are different depending on the device. Go to settings, video, synchronization, and adjust. You can change the refresh rate in the settings, video, output, vertical refresh rate in this section. This should only be adjusted if you are having issues. Audio sync is under settings, audio, synchronization. It says recommended to turn on. Mine goes crazy if I toggle that on. So I leave it off.

9.) (CORE OPTIONS.) Some systems have multiple cores available. I change them out on the fly by hitting playlist in the navigation menu (Middle option.) Scrolling down to the system I want to play. Then selecting the game, I am looking for. (Do not select run yet.) Then scrolling down and selecting set core association. If you want to use the same core for an entire playlist/library. You can go to settings. Playlists, manage playlists, then select the system you want to set a core for, scroll down to default core, and you can pick the one that works best for your needs.

(DIRECT LINK.) Below is a direct link to the app on the app store for those that have trouble finding it.
submitted by 702Johnny to EmulationOniOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:27 Katmai_X Different Gallery Views on Notion Plus vs. Free Plan—Why the Discrepancy?

I've been toggling between using Notion's Plus plan at work and the Free plan for my personal projects. Recently, I noticed an interesting difference in the gallery view functionality between the two.
On the Plus plan, when I open a note in "peek view," the layout becomes quite responsive. Specifically, all my notes shift to form a column on the left side of the screen, which is super convenient for browsing through content without leaving the gallery. However, this fluid, responsive behavior doesn't happen on my Free plan. There, the notes don’t reorganize themselves, which makes navigation a bit clunkier.
Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a reason why the Free plan lacks this feature?
submitted by Katmai_X to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:58 Gleb_T [OC] ngrrram: Improve typing speed and learn new layouts (incl. free cat)

[OC] ngrrram: Improve typing speed and learn new layouts (incl. free cat) submitted by Gleb_T to unixporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:58 Snushy_101 Foursixty Free Trial: Quick Activation Steps

Foursixty Free Trial: Quick Activation Steps
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Utilize the knowledge base provided by foursixty to learn more about best practices in social media marketing. Stay updated on trends and techniques to stay ahead in the digital landscape.

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Useful Links:
  1. Foursixty LifeTime Deal
  2. Foursixt Free Trial

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The Importance of Design

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Boosting Sales with Social Proof

Leveraging Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials are powerful tools for building credibility and trust with potential customers. By showcasing positive feedback from satisfied clients, businesses can effectively influence purchasing decisions.
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Create a gallery of user-generated content on your website to provide social proof of your product's value. Encourage customers to share their experiences by offering incentives or running contests.

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You've learned about the simple pricing structure, quick activation steps, real results, design importance, and the power of social proof in boosting sales. By understanding these aspects, you're better equipped to make informed decisions for your business's growth. Remember, a well-designed website with compelling social proof can significantly impact your sales and brand credibility. Take action now to implement these strategies and witness the positive changes they can bring to your online presence. Your success is just a few steps away!
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I sign up for the Foursixty free trial?

To sign up for the Foursixty free trial, visit our website and click on the "Start Free Trial" button. Fill in your details, select a plan, and enjoy a risk-free trial period to explore our features.

Is there a limit to the features available during the free trial?

No, you will have access to all features during the Foursixty free trial. Explore our platform fully to understand how it can benefit your business before making any commitments.

Can I cancel my free trial at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your Foursixty free trial at any time during the trial period. There are no obligations or commitments, ensuring you have full control over your subscription.

What kind of results can I expect from using Foursixty?

By using Foursixty, you can expect increased customer engagement, higher conversion rates, and enhanced brand visibility. Our platform is designed to help showcase your products effectively and drive sales through social proof and compelling design.

Is customer support available during the free trial period?

Yes, customer support is available throughout your Foursixty free trial. Our team is dedicated to assisting you with any questions or issues you may encounter while exploring our platform's capabilities.
Useful Links:
  1. Foursixty LifeTime Deal
  2. Foursixt Free Trial
submitted by Snushy_101 to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:54 Realistic-Answer1212 Campaign design in "beta" version on DmsGuild?

I've got a relatively tight one-shot campaign that I'd like to expand into a broader, more sandboxed environment, so I don't want to commit to extensive formatting and artwork until:
  1. I've populated the campaign
  2. I've completed some lower-priority battle maps
  3. I've consistently formatted everything in Homebrewery (with at least temporary art)
  4. I've play tested the adventure and corrected it based on discovery and feedback
This last one would benefit from simply posting the work in progress on DMsGuild with a description that identifies it as a work in progress, or a "beta release," welcoming feedback for final revisions before fine tuning the game play, layout, and artwork.
Is it common to release unfinished work on DMsGuild? If not, are there at least precedents?
I haven't decided if the final product will be free, so perhaps the beta release will be free as an incentive for DMs to get in early.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Realistic-Answer1212 to dmsguild [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:26 Regular-Peace-5532 Guide To Best Shower Chairs For Elderly

Have you ever felt uneasy using your bathroom? Or maybe you have a loved one who struggles with mobility issues, making showering an uncomfortable or even daunting task. Bathrooms can be the most hazardous area in a house, especially for seniors or people with disabilities. The risk of falling is particularly high when getting in and out of the shower, which is why many of us consider getting a shower chair. If you or someone you care about is looking for independence and confidence in the bathroom, finding the right shower chair is crucial.
In this post, we’ll explore the best shower chairs available, considering various needs and comfort levels. We’ll look at the features, pros, and cons of the top options, helping you make an informed decision to ensure safety and ease in your daily routine.

Recommended Shower Chairs For Elderly

Shower Chair Features
Essential Medical Supply Height Adjustable Shower Chair Padded removable arms, height adjustable from 16 to 20 inches, texturized seat with drain holes, rust-resistant aluminum frame, supports up to 300 pounds.
Medline Shower Chair Seat Backrest and padded armrests, adjustable seat height from 16 to 21 inches, rust-resistant aluminum frame, supports up to 350 pounds, tool-free assembly.
Drive Medical 12011KD-1 Tub Transfer Bench Adjustable backrest, reversible bench, extra-large suction cups, dual-column extending legs, tool-free assembly, supports up to 400 pounds.
ComfortAble Deluxe Shower Chair Polyurethane padding on seat and armrests, bright blue color for visibility, rust-resistant aluminum frame, height adjustable, supports up to 310 pounds, lifetime warranty.
Dr. Kay’s Adjustable Bath Chair Supports up to 350 pounds, non-slip feet, narrow design fits most tubs, portable and easy to disassemble, quick assembly, adjustable height.

Types of Shower Chairs

Bariatric Shower Chair: These chairs are designed for individuals requiring a higher weight-bearing capacity, typically supporting up to 120 to 130 kg. Built to be durable and sturdy, bariatric shower chairs provide the necessary support and safety for heavier users. Occupational therapists often recommend them due to their robustness and reliability.
Standard Shower Chair: Standard shower chairs are dependable options equipped with rubber tips on the legs to prevent slipping. They feature a wide seat and offer good support, making them suitable for most users. While they might not have height-adjustable legs, this feature isn’t necessary for everyone. If the chair fits the user well, it’s a practical choice without the need for extra adjustments.
Folding Shower Stool: Compact and portable, folding shower stools have four legs with rubber tips for stability. These stools lack armrests and back supports, making them ideal for individuals who are generally mobile and don’t have significant limb impairments. They provide extra support and comfort during bathing without taking up much space.
Shower Chairs with Wheels: These chairs combine the stability of a standard shower chair with the convenience of mobility. Equipped with lockable wheels, they can be easily moved in and out of the shower area. This feature is particularly useful for those who need to transport the chair frequently. However, users should exercise caution on wet surfaces to avoid slipping.
Transfer Bench: Designed for individuals with significant mobility challenges, transfer benches offer an extended seating area with two legs inside the tub or shower and two legs outside. This setup provides a stable support system for entering and exiting the shower, making it easier and safer for those who have difficulty stepping over the tub or shower edge. Transfer benches are an excellent choice for enhancing the safety and convenience of the bathing experience.

How to Choose the Best Shower Chair

Weight-Bearing Capacity: One of the most crucial factors to consider when selecting a shower chair is its weight-bearing capacity. Various models are available that support different weights. If a higher weight capacity is needed, a bariatric shower chair is ideal, as it offers extra support and stability.
Height Adjusting Feature: Many shower chairs come with adjustable legs to accommodate different user heights. When choosing a shower chair, ensure it has an easy-to-use height adjustment feature. This is essential for achieving the right fit and comfort, allowing the user to sit and stand with ease and safety.
Chair Structure: Deciding between a stool and a chair is an important step in selecting the best shower chair. Stools are narrow, compact, and typically lack backrests, making them suitable for smaller showers. Chairs, on the other hand, offer more support with backrests and sometimes armrests. Consider the user’s needs and the available space in your shower when making this decision.
Seat Dimensions: The size of the seat is a critical factor. It should be large enough for the user to sit comfortably with some extra room to move. The user’s size should be proportional to the seat size to ensure comfort and stability. Measuring the width of the user’s buttocks on a flat surface can help determine the appropriate seat size.
Manufacturing Materials Used: The materials used in the shower chair are also important. Look for chairs made of rust-free materials, such as plastic and aluminum. Plastic offers comfort, while aluminum ensures the chair remains rust-free. Avoid materials that can rust, as they may cause harm to the user. A combination of plastic and aluminum often provides the best balance of comfort and durability.

Best Shower Chairs For Elderly

Essential Medical Shower Chair
The Essential Medical Supply Height Adjustable Shower Chair is a practical and safe option for bathroom use. With padded, removable arms, it provides comfort and stability, especially for those needing assistance getting in and out of the chair. The height can be adjusted between 16 to 20 inches, allowing for a customized fit. The large, texturized seat measures 13 by 16 inches and includes drain holes to prevent water buildup. The sturdy anodized aluminum frame is rust-resistant and can support up to 300 pounds. This chair is easy to assemble and has rubberized feet to prevent slipping, making it a reliable choice for seniors and individuals with mobility issues.
Medline Shower Chair Seat
The Medline Shower Chair Seat is a versatile bath seat with a backrest and padded armrests for added comfort and support. It features an adjustable seat height from 16 to 21 inches, accommodating various user needs. The chair can support up to 350 pounds, and its rust-resistant aluminum frame ensures durability. The legs adjust in one-inch increments for further customization. Assembly is tool-free, making setup simple and quick. The chair’s feet provide excellent grip, although there might be slight wobbling on perfectly flat surfaces.
Drive Medical 12011KD-1 Tub Transfer Bench
The Drive Medical 12011KD-1 Tub Transfer Bench enhances bathroom safety and accessibility with its durable blow-molded plastic construction and stable "A" frame design. The adjustable backrest and reversible bench make it versatile for various bathroom layouts. It features extension legs with extra-large suction cups for added safety and stability. The bench allows for easy transfers in and out of the tub, reducing the risk of falls. The adjustable legs can be raised or lowered in 0.5-inch increments from 17.5 to 22.5 inches. Assembly is tool-free and straightforward, and the bench supports up to 400 pounds. However, it may not be suitable for smaller bathtubs without careful measurement.
ComfortAble Deluxe Shower Chair
The ComfortAble Deluxe Shower Chair offers enhanced comfort and safety features, making it a premium choice for bathroom use. It features polyurethane padding on the seat and armrests, providing warmth and minimizing the risk of skin tears. The bright blue color aids visibility and prevents staining, making it ideal for users with visual impairments or dementia. The rust-resistant aluminum frame supports up to 310 pounds and ensures durability. The chair is height adjustable for optimal safety and comfort. Assembly is easy, and the chair comes with a lifetime warranty. Despite its higher price, the ComfortAble Deluxe Shower Chair’s blend of comfort, safety, and durability makes it a worthwhile investment.
Dr. Kay’s Adjustable Bath Chair
Dr. Kay’s Adjustable Bath Chair is a practical and reliable option for enhancing bathroom safety. It supports up to 350 pounds and features non-slip feet for secure placement. Its narrow design fits well in most tubs and walk-in showers. The chair is portable and can be easily disassembled for travel. Assembly takes about 10 minutes with clear instructions and no additional tools needed. The handles provide extra support, and the seat has drainage holes to prevent water pooling. The height is easily adjustable, allowing for a comfortable sitting and standing experience.
submitted by Regular-Peace-5532 to ElderlyCareHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:48 Bitter-Ad2690 Windows 10 vs Windows 11 Upgrade or Stick With It?

Trying to choose between Windows 10 and Windows 11? You are not alone! Your particular needs will determine which operating system is best for you because they both have advantages and disadvantages. To assist you in making a decision, let us lay out the significant distinctions.
New Look and Feel:
Windows 11 features a sleek, modern design with a centered Start menu and taskbar. Widgets allow for faster access to information and make multitasking feel more fluid. Windows 10 maintains the familiar layout, with the Start menu in the corner. Although it may appear obsolete in comparison to Windows 11, some people enjoy the classic design. Performance:
Windows 11: Microsoft promises performance gains, particularly in multitasking and awakening from sleep. Windows 10 is a mature operating system that performs nicely on most PCs. Features:
Windows 11 integrates Microsoft Teams into the taskbar, has a redesigned Microsoft Store with Android app support (coming soon), and provides improved virtual desktop management. Windows 10 lacks some of the fancy features of Windows 11, but it does include fundamentals such as virtual desktops and a robust app store. Security:
Windows 11 introduces new security measures, such as TPM 2.0 support (however, this may be required for some PCs). Windows 10 has frequent security upgrades, so it remains a secure alternative. Hardware requirements:
Windows 11 has tighter hardware requirements, which include a TPM 2.0 chip and a relatively new processor. Before you upgrade, make sure your PC is compatible. Windows 10's hardware requirements are more flexible, making it appropriate for older devices. Upgrade Path:
Windows 10: A free upgrade to Windows 11 is available to eligible devices until October 2025. What is the verdict?
Upgrade to Windows 11 if you have a suitable PC, want a new look and feel, and want the most recent features. If you like your present setup, have an older PC, or detest the changes in Windows 11, stick with Windows 10. Finally, the option is yours! Consider your priorities and weigh the benefits and drawbacks before making a decision.
submitted by Bitter-Ad2690 to scdkey [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:28 UnZki_PriimE How to change File structure in Samsung Notes?

How to change File structure in Samsung Notes?
Hello First picture is how the file structure looks like when I try to import files in Samsung Notes, needless to say it's very difficult to find the files I need to insert.
Second picture is how I would like it to be, I have found a few posts about this issue years ago but no solution, any help is appreciated!
submitted by UnZki_PriimE to GalaxyTab [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:15 NeverMoreThan12 [Parc Asterix] Trip Report 05.21.2024

[Parc Asterix] Trip Report 05.21.2024
Toutatis: Started of the day with a 20 minute wait for toutatis. Ended up in row 6. First impressions were that it is pretty fun but probably not as good as kondaa. There was a noticable rattle, and I usually like to have my seat a little loose but that was a mistake on this thing. Came back around noon and rode it a couple more times. Got a second row then front row ride. Front row was a blast and definitely left me feeling a lot better about this ride. Came back to it in the afternoon after the Sunday had come up and there was no wait so I rode it 5 times in a row, just had to walk through the queue. My goal was to get a back train ride, and on the 5th ride I got row 9. This row was a lot of fun especially on the spike and it's tied for front row. Both are really great. If you're riding in the middle then just hope you get an odd number row because the seats at the back of each car have a noticable rattle and are a bit rough. My favorite parts of the ride are the spike and the second half of the ride after the trim on the top hat let's you free (I really wish it didn't need a trim). My least favorite parts were the turn you enter the 2nd launch (switch track) and the bunny hops in the middle of that launch. Both of those elements feel a bit rough and were a bit much for me, especially the bunny hops (I feel it would have been a lot smoother without them or maybe one more drawn out one instead. The ride landed at my #6 spot just ahead of untamed but I would say it's essentially tied.
Oziris: I rode this once and had to wait half an hour for it. It was worth it but I wouldn't wait again. Unfortunately it was only running one train so that has a lot to do with the wait time. Other than that I really enjoyed the layout. It honestly must be the smoothest b&m inver I have been on and not once did I think it was going to try to rattle me between the restraints (unlike many others). They layout is decent but lacks theming so I still enjoy black mamba more.
Goudurix: Wow this think has the softest headrests ever, and thank goodness because it needed them! It was decent, very intense, pretty rough, basically what you expect from one of these.
Pegasus Express: This was a very fun family coaster, had a great time. Nothing to complain about and going backwards was cool. Also some nice theming that reminded me of the mummy before it sends you backwards.
I did not ride tonneres 2 Zeus due to the wait being over half an hour any only one train ops and marathoned toutatis instead.
The park overall was decent and clean enough but there's a lot of walking between a lot of not super great rides. I would pretty much say staying near toutatis and oziris the whole day is the best stuff. The ops were pretty bad on everything except toutatis and even that was only running two trains and missing to 30 second countdown goal pretty often. Single rider lines were not open for anything the whole time.
submitted by NeverMoreThan12 to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:58 Alertt_53 Recommendations for PDF Extraction Services

I'm trying to extract text, tables, images, and other elements from PDFs using LayoutLMv3, pdfplumber, PyMuPDF, and OCR. However, while text extraction works great, the other elements do not. I also tried DeepDoctection, but the free version was inadequate.
Now, I am considering Google Document AI, Azure Form Recognizer, or AWS Textract.
Do you have any suggestions on which one would best fit my purpose?
Note: I am low on budget. Appreciate it!
Edit: My documents has images, text and tables inside them. The problems I have faced regarding object (Image extractions) are the things I have tried cannot just determine the edge of image and location within the texts.
Hear is an example document
Some of the results I got
pdfminer and pdfplumber The images diegrams are found empty, text extractions works fine. 
submitted by Alertt_53 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:10 Azakura16 GMAT FE 805

I took my first official GMAT last Wednesday (so no score improvement) and managed to get a perfect score. Also, I've been studying for the GMAT since July of last year, and it's taken up a lot of my free time and energy, which I suddenly have available again, so I might as well lay out my experience in case it's helpful for anyone else.
I pretty exclusively used Target Test Prep, aside from the question review mentioned above. I started mid-July. I didn't really know how long I would need to prepare, as I work a lot and I have limited free time. As any good citizen of the internet does when searching for product reviews, I went to Reddit to find what programs people recommended, and TTP came up a lot. Positive (and less positive) reviews mostly talked about how thorough TTP's program is. I'm anxious and I like to overprepare for things, so that sounded great to me. I had a vague notion of preparing for a couple of months left over from my erstwhile undergrad days. That's clearly not what happened. I ended up spending about 9 months prepping, and I logged about 500 official prep hours.
Here's what I liked about TTP: 1. It is crazy thorough - Every chapter has review tests in three difficulty levels, and many have multiple review tests in each level. 2. Difficulty - There were lots of very challenging questions. I often felt I understood concepts well, but when asked to apply them to harder questions, it was a whole other deal. This was one of the most helpful things for my prep. A lot of the concepts that I was tested over aren't necessarily difficult, but seeing how to get from the question to the answer (in the allotted time) will absolutely make or break the experience. 3. The lesson structure- This turned out to be a much bigger plus than I expected. If I had a minute while waiting at the doctor's office, or in between customers, or before my partner got home, I could tackle a lesson or two. They're broken down, bite-sized concepts, followed by specific questions to apply the concepts. Being able to make a little progress when I had time, instead of having to carve out whole blocks of time every day, fit into the life I live a lot better. 4. I liked their vibe- This will be personal preference to a degree, but I liked the TTP team's overall vibe. They give off the impression that they know what they're doing and they want to be doing it. I just wanted a slightly dry, no nonsense, coven of math wizards to run me back through a review course of most of high school, and these people answered the call. Even when I had questions that weren't about the course exactly (applying for accommodation), it was TTP's Scott (on Reddit) that answered those questions as well. I appreciate dealing with people who are dedicated to their craft. A note on my accommodation, and a quick note about the TTP study plan layout (which I recommend following): TTP recommends not stressing early on about the time that you take to answer questions, but instead focusing on building a strong foundation of the knowledge and knowing that you'll get faster with practice. That was true. At the end of the study plan, they have you take the 6 official GMAT tests that are available to purchase on, and I took one per weekend for 6 weeks. TTP's website is nice, well laid out, decent on mobile, overall pretty user friendly. The GMAT Focus is very Windows 95. It's not nearly as user-friendly. It also does this fun thing where, after every question, it pops up a box that makes you confirm that you are ready to submit your answer and move to the next question. The TTP tests aren't clunky in that way, and the first time I took a practice test, it threw me all the way off. I wasn't doing super bad on my time up until that point, but the extra seconds dealing with that popup every time takes, and the way it felt generally disruptive to me added a lot of stress. I ended up applying for an accommodation for time and a half pretty quickly after my first practice test, because it's recommended that you give the GMAC 30ish days to get a decision back to you, and you can't schedule your test until you're approved for the accommodation or it doesn't count. I got my decision back in like 5 days, so I was lucky. I pushed my time and a half to the limit on quant in every. single. practice exam. In the actual exam, I ended up having about 2 minutes left on DI, 5 minutes left on Verbal, and like 15+ minutes left on Quant. My actual test score was higher than any practice test and less stressful than any practice test (even though the kid in the testing cubical next to mine sounded like they were coming down with consumption, and I would recommend earplugs).
TTP does mention to take care of yourself while you're studying, get enough sleep, get enough exercise, anything that makes you feel your best. They especially recommend to take it easy the last week before the test, eat a good breakfast the morning of, get there early. I made myself do 10 minute meditations before bed every night for the last two weeks before my exam, because even though they can be frustrating in the moment, they do force me to calm down. The day of, I woke up 15 minutes earlier than I usually do so I would have time to do a bit of yoga and a quick meditation before I went to the test center, and I do think that helped. Also, some of it was luck, because there were almost zero questions that covered the topics I have the most trouble with, and even with infinity preparation, the topics covered are still incredibly broad and some will be easier for you than others. Good luck!
submitted by Azakura16 to GMAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:59 getVITURE Introducing VITURE Pro – Enjoy UltraClarity™ With No Blurry Edges!

Introducing VITURE Pro – Enjoy UltraClarity™ With No Blurry Edges!
It’s time for an upgrade. Our latest generation of cutting-edge XR technology is here: introducing VITURE Pro XR Glasses, the VITURE Pro Mobile Dock, and the VITURE x 8BitDo Ulimate C Bluetooth Controller!
Together, these three redefine our XR ecosystem by making it more immersive, sharable, and engaging than ever before.
Bigger, Better, Brighter: Experience A Display Like No Other!
VITURE Pro XR Glasses mark the beginning of a new era of XR.
Their 135” full-HD UltraClarity™ display (more on UltraClarity™ in a moment) dwarfs VITURE One’s already-impressive 120” virtual display, adding a felt 15” of additional space for all your favorite games, movies, and even work tasks.
And at 120Hz, VITURE Pro’s refresh rate is double that of VITURE One — a big step up that makes this display ideal for fast-paced games and feeling like you’re part of the action!
With a peak brightness of 4000 nits (perceived at 1000 nits), VITURE Pro XR Glasses are also the brightest on the market, a 120% increase over VITURE One’s 1800 nit display. But don’t worry, we’ve kept your eye comfort in mind too: VITURE Pro XR Glasses are A+ certified by SGS to cause less eye strain than your phone screen or even traditional computer monitors (like the one you might be reading this on now).
UltraClarity™ & UltraFreedom™ — Total Privacy With No Blurry Edges
But in addition to technical improvements made since our last generation, there’s something else that makes VITURE Pro a display like no other: UltraClarity™.
UltraClarity™ means anti-glare, anti-ghost, anti-motion sickness, and edge-to-edge clarity across the display, so even small text in the corner of a video game HUD is easy to read (also great for using VITURE Pro for productivity). And with enhancements to our XR glasses’ electrochromic film, you can now block nearly 100% of external light at the touch of a button — perfect visual immersion, no lens shade needed.
And of course, VITURE Pro’s display is adjustable for myopic users, just as VITURE One – but they’re the first XR glasses to do so on the latest Sony micro OLED display! All part of our new UltraClarity™ visual experience, exclusively on VITURE Pro.
Oh, and let’s not forget UltraFreedom™: on VITURE Pro, no visible content can be seen from outside the glasses. Paired with our HARMAN-engineered reverse sound field, that means 360-degree privacy, keeping you fully immersed AND fully incognito!
An Improved Co-op Experience
Like so many things, an experience like VITURE Pro’s is best when shared, and the new VITURE Pro Mobile Dock makes that easier than ever!
The slimmer redesigned Pro Mobile Dock is now compatible with all HDMI & USB-C inputs AND all USB-C outputs — mix and match VITURE One and VITURE Pro, or even connect and share your screen on external USB-C monitors or other display glasses.
The VITURE Pro Mobile Dock now supports 3D content, so you and a friend can finally relive your favorite 3D blockbusters together on VITURE Pro’s stunning UltraClarity™ display. And with enhanced battery life, you can keep the marathon going for up to 20 hours (or 8+ if you’re gaming together on Nintendo Switch)!
A Game-Changing Collaboration
Last — but certainly not least — we have the VITURE x 8BitDo Ultimate C Bluetooth Controller, the latest extension of our XR ecosystem and the ultimate tool for a competitive edge in every match.
This stunning limited-edition design incorporates our classic black and orange color scheme in a smokey translucent body reminiscent of classic Game Boy shells, with comfortably familiar contours and a button layout inspired by the original Xbox controller. It will fit in perfectly with the rest of your XR arsenal!
The VITURE x 8BitDo Ultimate C Bluetooth Controller is capable of both wired and Bluetooth connectivity, and with 6-axis gyro motion controls, responsive rumble, and enhanced digital triggers engineered for precision, it’s ideal for both solo and co-op play.
We've even thrown in anti-interference shielding so your input won't be affected by other wireless devices, up to 16 hours of battery life to keep you in the game (480mAh), and wake-on-shake to get you logged on faster.

The VITURE Pro Collection is the best of everything — our latest effort in bringing our users the best XR experience possible, a series of cutting-edge next-gen hardware to match the fully-featured software we’ve been so hard at work on (SpaceWalker is better than ever on VITURE Pro).
VITURE Pro is available directly from our website, and for a limited time you can get the VITURE x 8BitDo controller free when you buy VITURE Pro XR Glasses & the VITURE Pro Mobile Dock! The full collection is also available on Amazon. Order now to be one of the first to experience this new era of XR!
And of course, thank you for making these latest advancements possible with your ongoing support for VITURE One. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Stay tuned for future updates as we create new ways to make the most of VITURE Pro’s new capabilities (including the much-anticipated SpaceWalker for Windows). 😎
submitted by getVITURE to VITURE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:37 OldScruff Has the Framework 16 experience been a huge letdown for you, or is it just me?

After waiting over half a year for my Framework 16 to finally get here, and after using it for the past 2 weeks as my daily driver I can't help but say that I'm a bit underwhelmed by the whole experience and the Framework laptop itself. The overall stability/driver maturity of the device, as well as the build quality have me feeling more like a glorified beta tester than the owner of a cutting-edge and well-designed premium product.
Look, don't get me wrong as I love what the Framework team is trying to do here, as the modularity of the device is a breath of fresh air in a world in which right-to-repair and upgrade capability is dying a slow and painful death.
But for a device I spent over $2200 of cash on after taxes, it simply does not feel like a $2200 product or premium piece of electronics hardware for that matter. The build quality simply feels cheap. Somewhere between the mushy keyboard, the trackpad layout and uneven spacers it employs (Why couldn’t they just sell a non-modular one-piece trackpad as an alternative?), the underwhelming screen (this has to be one of the least vibrant IPS panels I’ve used in a long time) and the tinny/near-silent speakers I feel like I’m using a cheaper $1200 Thinkpad from 2016 and not the future of modular laptops.
I could forgive most of things and accept these caveats as the cost of adding modularity and upgradability/repairability for a gen1 product, if the software-side of things were a pain-free experience. But unfortunately, they are not and this laptop has been nothing but a buggy mess of a device. Despite having updated to the lastest drivers, BIOS, and others and trying out 2 distinct installs of Windows 11, the so-called ‘hot-swappable’ nature of the modular ports work correctly about 50% of the time. I have seen this computer hard lockup, blue screen, or simply become completely unresponsive from say simply swapping one port on the side from a USB-C to a USB-A or Ethernet more often than not. Sometimes it works fine, sometimes it crashes, and other times it doesn’t crash but the specific port stops working altogether which warrants a reboot.
On top of that, on a pretty much daily basis I have been seeing some sort of catastrophic USB event in which all or most USB devices connected to the laptop either crash or disappear, which only a full reboot of windows will resolve. This has lead to multiple issues while on conference calls in Teams/Zooms, in which my audio stops working and I have no idea that it’s actually not that the meeting has gone quiet but that the laptop has stopped working, as my USB headset/mic will still show as connected/working, they just will not actually be and either a meeting restart or reboot of the laptop is needed to clear it up.
Could these issues be quite easily resolved through a driver update, bug fix or similar? Absolutely! Do I have the time and patience to go off on a deep-dive troubleshooting escapade for a device that I just started using with a fresh install that should simply work out of the box? Absolutely not, especially when considering that the same hardware in terms of audio, USB devices, etc all has worked and continue to work flawlessly on my older Thinkpad laptop.
At this point, I’m thinking that between the value and the build quality it just doesn’t make sense to keep the Framework 16 at least at the current price point, for the subpar hardware and software this first generation is providing. The fact of the matter is, that you can get identical hardware to the F16 at around the $1100 range, which wasn’t quite the case when I pre-ordered it almost a year ago. I’m okay with paying a small premium for modularity, but I don’t think it’s worth doubling the price of the device or paying another $1100 for the privilege of being able to do so, as for that amount of money I could just buy 2 laptops and have a ‘hot spare’ to handle every single possible hardware failure I might experience in the next 5 years. If the Framework 16 was priced at around the $1300-1400 mark, I think it would make a lot more sense to most people. As it stands right now though, it’s at a hefty premium to be a gen1 early adopter because that’s simply how economies of scale work.
Has anyone else had a similar experience and is debating if it's just worth returning the laptop and going to something different in the same price range? I mean, if I’m going to spend $2200 on a laptop I might as well have a dedicated OLED screen, discrete GPU, and aluminum frame for that kind of cost, modularity be damned.
I have high hopes that a few years down the road, when the Framework 16 gen2 or gen3 is out, that most of these build quality and value issues can be resolved. But I can’t afford to be an early adoptebeta tester for a laptop which will be my daily driver for work as I need something that’s reliable and dependable. If this was a true Gen1 early adopter device, like the first gen Framework 13 I could forgive them, but this is their 3rd time around the block releasing hardware-- build-quality/reliability issues should be sorted out by now I'd hope.
submitted by OldScruff to framework [link] [comments]