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¿Que colonia te resulta atractiva o con un golpe bueno? ¿Cuál recomiendas?(cuanto más asequible mejor)

2024.05.21 19:06 According_Waltz7048 ¿Que colonia te resulta atractiva o con un golpe bueno? ¿Cuál recomiendas?(cuanto más asequible mejor)

¿Que colonia te resulta atractiva o con un golpe bueno? ¿Cuál recomiendas?(cuanto más asequible mejor) submitted by According_Waltz7048 to PreguntasReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:50 DogeLuck Fully in depth report of 5 days without power in Texas Heat

At the time of this post 145 thousand people are still without power going on almost 6 days without power. Tornado wiped out our power grid in select areas throughout Texas. Here's some things I learned and a situation report of my experience living with a very large family of mixed ages.
Context: We had been getting hit with some pretty gnarly weather however business as usual in Texas. I didn't think much of it usually when our grids down they're pretty quick to respond minus the snow storm years back. So when I heard there was a storm brewing I didn't even flinch I always keep some very very basics, battery's, lights, water, 2 weeks minimum of non perishable foods, self defense protection, and ammo, etc. But I hardly consider myself a prepper anymore, but I know some people don't even have that.
I use to be really on top of my preps overtime, however my stockpile had dwindled, as did my thirst for knowledge and hands on experience/training. I just honestly wasn't on top of my game anymore, and quit taking this as serious years ago. This tornado really brought me back to reality, so this post is mostly for entry level preppers looking at some practical advice from a 5 day experience, I fully regret the fact I quit taking this serious years ago.
First Day: Around 6pm, emergency alert on phone stating tornado in your area, seek shelter immediately. Thought ok let's shelter in the master bedroom closet. Wind rocked the house pretty good, could hear limbs from tree's falling, within about 10 minutes the power shuts off, and glancing outside within a hour the streets flooded. The storm had died down, as did the flooding, and it was time to asses the damage in the immediate area. Got in the car, power had blown out pretty much every store/house within a several mile zone. Found one square zone with a few places that had power, got some fast food but waited about 30 minutes because everyone went there.
What I wish I had on day one/ and general notes:
Rain boots: The streets had not only flooded but was blocked by limbs in the roadway. Luckily our flooding wasn't too severe but had it been I wish I did have rainboots so normal shoes didn't get soaked, or some type of beach sandals, etc.
Chainsaw, electric saw, axes, regular saw: Would of come in handy if the limbs in our area blocking the road were any bigger.
Higher up vehicles: Some vehicles couldn't make it through the flood due to being so low to the ground, so take into account your vehicles.
More variety of quality flashlights: Electric Lanterns came in clutch, but wish I had more handhelds, head mounted, and higher end lanterns.
Battery Inventory checks: Wish I had not only more batteries cause you really do burn through these quick, but wish I had checked all my lights battery condition, and stored new batteries in waterproof containers.
Alternative sources to battery's: Not a huge fan of candles due to fire risk, but some not scented beeswax or soy based candles would of came in handy to help ration battery supply. Maybe glass lanterns as well for safety and ease of transport. Glowsticks would of been great option too.
Car chargers: Believe it or not some of us didn't have car chargers for our cell phones cause we mostly charge our phones at home, although we were able to share, wish we had this on day one for all our phones.
Fully charged portable battery bank, or portable phone chargers: If we had this we wouldn't of been out in our cars late at night charging stuff putting us at more risk for being possible victims to crime.
Quality of cell phone, and cellphone provider: Have a POS phone but keep putting off upgrading it? Don't. Luckily mine was good but some of our cellphone providers carriers had better signal then others, some of are phones were in bad shape and it was noted we wish we didn't put off upgrading it sooner. You can't predict how well your provider will do but maybe do your research, unsure how this works but now I can do my research and learn from it. I had 0 issues with boost mobile but other family members weren't so lucky.
Cash: This is obvious but due to us moving towards a cashless society its pretty uncommon, but this would of came in handy due to how many places didn't have power. You can do so much with cash.
Battery powered or rechargeable camping fans: I did have one of these, it even had a light but wish I had more.
Larger ice chest: Now we had a few, but they were smaller. We lost everything in our fridge/freezer besides canned drinks, I mean everything. We had just bought grocery's too, lesson learned.
OTC sleeping medication: We had melatonin, and Tylenol pm, but it was so quiet you could hear a mouse sneeze a block over, until the generators turned on. First two are OK options but given its only going to be cool at night, and we knew tomorrow would be hot, we took kratom to sleep. Check your area some states it's illegal, not recommending it but it's what we used. I wish I had stockpiled more kratom, I took it when I got the flu on top of C word to relieve body aches and found out it really helped me sleep and ease pain/stress. Usually cycle this 3 days on max, one day off to prevent habit forming.
This is really for day two + but ill post this here cause I noticed it on day one:
Backup supply of my personal vices or quitting personal vices: I know this may sound stupid but I am fully addicted to caffeine, and nicotine. I picked my poison and know what I signed up for. Caffeine really? yeah really not sure if you know this but for some people caffeine withdrawal can make you really suffer, and I mean really suffer check out decaf. I was in the process of lowering my caff intake to 1 cup of tea a day, and quit soda. Was one month off soda before the storm came in, but had to relapse due to us not carrying high caff tea on supply.
But yeah stock up on your vices so you aren't going through withdrawals during an emergency. Was on 3mg per ml of nicotine and had to dish out 30$ for a disposable vape thats 50mg per ml at a gas station on day two to prevent withdrawals. So I was on way higher dose of nic then usual due to only being able to purchase what I could find, for reference 50mg per ml if you use that in 10 days thats about a pack of ciggs worth of nic per day. So yeah either quit your vice or stock up, I don't advocate hard drugs at all so this isn't for that but this is mainly aimed at coffee/caff use, etc. Instant coffee packs may be great for some people.
Battery powered radio: Can't stress enough how mentally taxing silence can be long term. We had one, but the battery port crapped out. Lesson learned, test your preps.
Backup food for your pet friends: Luckily I was pretty good on pet food but imagine if I wasn't, and this was more severe.
Water situation: Had a decent amount of drinking water, we had running water. If we didn't I would say I wish I had filled up the giant jugs I bought for flushing the toilet/doing dishes or running through a berkey water filter if we ran out of drinking water. I had bought 5 gallon blue jugs specifically for this years back. However I cleaned them out, and didn't refill, Lesson learned.
2nd Day: We were able to cook some stuff on a gas stove, luckily. People at gas stations were stocking up on ice, filling their gas cans up for their generators, and shelves were getting empty at stores with power only on some things though wasn't too bad cause the power outage was scattered some had power, others didn't. Mostly a waiting game at this point, most of the preps I wish I had on this day were the same as day one, but ill toss in some stuff I wish I had. Obtained a portable battery powered radio, the morale boost was real for everyone, even the dogs.
What I wish I had on day two/ and general notes:
BBQ style lighters to light gas stove: We had two but recently tossed em out due to being empty. Realized I had no bics, and only had one box of matches, feels bad man.
Entertainment: Board games like checkers, board games for kids, chess, basic poker set, etc. These would of been awesome and a great way to keep the kids entertained and the adults, the boredom was real. We hit local goodwill's that had power to look for radios, and cheap prep supplies and games, but no luck.
Third day: By then reality set in for most people, neighbors who could afford to do so booked hotels or bugged out to places with power. The generators really started up by day three, everyone was buying gas for them and you could hear them in almost every direction. Pretty sure some people had it from the start but noticed them more by day three. A lot of people were sitting outside the front of their homes trying to escape the heat. Ice from most places were completely sold out, so you had to really shop around to find any.
Finding news about the power outage day 1-3 was kind of hit and miss, KHOU news updates were pretty short and it took us some time to know how severe the storms damage actually was, cause we were focused on trying to get stuff done around the house and conserving battery. I believe at one point CenterPoint's actual website went down. Mostly resulted to local news channels, and nextdoor app. We couldn't watch live news and had to rely on when KHOU posted youtube videos.
Private security company's hired guards and they started patrolling certain stores that could afford the security, obviously to deter looters. Traffic everywhere was insane in every which direction during peak hours more then usual, PD presence was pretty high, more then usual.
What I wish I had on day three/ and general notes:
Generator: Pretty obvious why, had no experience with them but wish I did, and wish I bought one pre-blackout when I was more into prepping and took time to learn about them and how to use and maintain them properly.
Ham radio: Or something to pick up on local freqs to monitor radio comms for information regarding the storm and local activity if any. I think this may of been better then waiting on local news to post videos.
Day Four: Buddy had power so he dropped off his generator and gave me quick instructions on how to run it, how far away to place them, etc. By day four the temps really ramped up, and this thing definitely kept us cool. When you think of bartering you think of some post apocalypse stuff, but no. In reality you can barter during any emergency, buddy dropped it off free of charge but was able to offer some booze as a thank you. So even if you don't drink stock up on booze/ciggs to barter, never know what you might trade it for. Times are tough in this economy and I honestly didn't have much money to spare, family had to pool our funds together to get last minute preps to survive this, cause we didn't know how long this would really last. In certain areas they said it could be weeks. However the alcohol was a small thank you that I could afford and he was happy so all worked out.
Gas cans were sold out, and extension cord supply's were looking extremely low at local hardware store. From what I overheard they also completely sold out of generators. Honestly wish I knew more about electrical stuff but my buddy gave me a small crash course in wiring everything. You can't just plug it in and pray for the best. Bought the best gauge extensions cords I could afford for our needs, and the distance and hooked it up.
We ran one bedroom AC unit, fans for the dogs, wired a light, and a charging station. Also don't cheap out on gas cans it's not worth blowing your face off or starting a fire, or having it leak. If you get a generator do your research on how to properly run it, and safely fill it. Crime in this area can be fairly high we've had a few drive by shootings and other not so good police involved things. Read this book along time ago about post collapse security, so I blacked out our windows so when we turned lights on no one knew we had power. You may hear the generator, but from the street we look like we don't have anything going for us. My biggest fear was looters from people who were less fortunate or really down bad. We near a common site for homeless people as well so they foot traffic the area.
Generators are very loud, between that and listening to the radio 12 hours a day, I was beginning to audio hallucinate lyrics that weren't there with the radio off, and suffered from heat exhaustion. That and the fact we had homeless in our area and tweekers who might loot I was running off adrenaline a bit. 24 hours almost that night without sleep, and didn't even feel tired. Slept near my firearm until my family woke up at daylight and when daylight hit I knew we were in the clear and I passed out.
What I wish I had on day fou and general notes:
Knowledge of generators.
Knowledge about electricity/wiring them safely.
Security: Some type of physical alarm bell to put on the door like metal door knob alarm bells so it jingles if anyone enters to alert the dogs, had to keep the door slightly cracked so the wires hooked up to the generator would fit. So we couldn't lock the door, which is probably where my anxiety of tweekers coming in came from.
Day Five: Same shit different day, power came on that evening.
Conclusion: Just cause it doesn't look like societal collapse or WW3 prep your shit for emergency's native to your area or go beyond, idc but prep. They ain't coming to help for awhile, or at all if it's very severe...so it's up to you and your community to pull through. This was a wake up call, thanks for coming to my prep talk.
submitted by DogeLuck to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:50 HaveGunWillTravel112 Bodeo Revolver Bore Size

Bodeo Revolver Bore Size
Good morning, I have recently acquired a Bodeo Revolver in 10.4mm Italian and I have been very surprised by the lack of reloading equipment for this interesting cartridge.
I am a machinist by trade and I figured that this would be a good opportunity for a project so I decided to try and start making reloading dies based on the CIP and Ordinance drawings for this cartridge and also to make bullet molds for a original style heeled bullet to go with it.
I am currently looking for people who might be willing to help me by slugging the bores of their revolvers so I can discover how many of these old revolvers might have bores that vary significantly from the nominal size so I can make a accurate bullet mold for the majority of the Revolvers out there.
Thank you.
submitted by HaveGunWillTravel112 to Carcano [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:44 HALLOWEENYmeany 2 unopened 20 oz Dr. Pepper bottles

2 unopened 20 oz Dr. Pepper bottles submitted by HALLOWEENYmeany to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:22 ehou333 [WTS][WTT] Niche Decants, Constantly Rotating Samples! (Decant)

Prices are for PayPal friends and family. Add $5 for shipping.
Interested in samples of less common indie / niche houses ( I have tried a lot). Very interested in Le Galion / Rania J discovery sets.
Gucci - A Midnight Stroll 5ml (sprayed 2x) $15
Tom Ford - Oud Wood Intense 3.5ml $19
Fragrance du Bois - PM 4ml - $15
Room 1015 - Atramental 7.5ml - $10
Room 1015 - Hollyrose 7.5ml - $10
Scent Trunk - Trackside Buddleia 4.5ml $9
Heretic - Scandalwood 6.5ml $8
Decants from My Collection:
Gin & Tonic Demeter 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$5
Equus Lalique EDP (old version) 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$5
Odeur 71 Comme des Garcons 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$7
Odeur 53 Comme des Garcons 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$7
Commodity - Gin (discontinued version) 5ml decant (can make multiple) - $9
Aether - Rose Alcane 5ml decant (can make multiple) - $9
Nomenclature - Lumen_esce 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$9
Black Eau de Toilette Comme des Garcons 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$9
Unutamam Nishane 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$12
Chanel - Egoiste 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$12
Florabotanica Balenciaga 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$12
Mad Madame Juliette Has A Gun 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$12
Boucheron - Iris de Syracuse 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$12
Memo - Irish Leather 5ml decant (can make multiple) - $12
DS Durga - I Don't Know What 5ml decant (can make multiple) - $15
DS Durga - Amber Kiso 5ml decant (can make multiple) - $15
Frederic Malle - Synthetic Jungle 5ml decant (can make multiple) - $17
Pretty Machine Kerosene 5ml decant (can make multiple) - $15
Geza Schoen Renegades 5ml decant (can make multiple) - $15
Mare Pacifico Linari 5ml decant (can make multiple) -$15
Samples Listed Below: https://i.imgur.com/w37z1OS
Around $3-4 per sample, more for larger niche ones, less for smaller ones or designers, plus $5 for shipping. Most samples > 1ml are official samples (ask for specifics).
Arquiste - Misfit 1ml
Blackcliff - Hidden Hills 1ml
Bohoboco - Eucalyptus Patchouli 0.4ml
Blood Concept - AB 0.5ml
Beaufort - Coeur de Noir 0.7ml
Clandestine Laboratories - Ashes 0.7ml
Daniel Josier - Kaleidoscope 0.3ml
Diptyque - Eau de Minthe 1.2ml
Dior Homme Intense - 0.4ml
Fracesca Bianchi - Lost in Heaven 0.3ml
Giardino Benessere - Oceania 1ml
Giardino Benessere - Salaria 1ml
Hilde Soliani - Mango on the rocks 0.ml
Imaginary Authors - Cape Heartache 0.3ml
Imaginary Authors - A city on Fire 0.3ml
Jovoy - Musc Pallas 0.4ml
Jovoy - La Liturgie des Heures 1.5ml
Kerosene - Santalum Slivers 0.3ml
Mad et Len - Black Afghan 0.5ml
Mad et Len - Red Square 0.4ml
Mancera - Tonka Cola 0.7ml
Mind Games - J'Adoube 1.8ml
Mona di Orio - Bohea Boheme 0.7ml
Min New York - Barrel 1ml
Ormonde Jayne - Gatsby 22 1.8ml
Parfum d'Empire - Cuir Ottoman 0.3ml
Premiere Note - Ambre Kashmir 1.5ml
Profumum Roma - Sorriso 1ml
Renier - Oudmanthus 1ml
Room 1015 - Sweet Leaf 3ml
Serge Lutens - Five o'clock au Gingembre 0.7ml
Thameen - Carved Oud 0.4ml
Tom Ford - Ombre Leather 1ml
Widian - Rose Arabia White 0.7ml
Xerjoff - Kemi K 0.6ml
submitted by ehou333 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:37 FitFormal6592 Milk shake leave in

Milk shake leave in
Please help me with checking the batch code of milkshake incredible milk. I’ve tried searching on checkfresh, but this batch code is showing as error.
submitted by FitFormal6592 to KultCult [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:35 mimamoto my bf was being clingy with his balikbayan girl besty (PART 3)

Part 2 Reference: https://www.reddit.com/OffMyChestPH/s/xwlcpMlBXO
(Baka last update na ituu.)
May nabasa kasi ako na parang di raw totoo ‘to kasi ang daming nangyari within 2-3 weeks.
Actually, pang fourth time na pang gagago na ‘to. I don’t know, everything became messy after my birthday last December, after giving me a promise ring (na mej maluwag) and after we went to Pandora para pasukatan ang ring finger ko for engagement ring “daw”, lol. Sign na siguro ‘yung maluwag na promise ring HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
First was last Dec, few days after my birthday, he went to our house around 10PM, lasing siya that time, galing siya sa bahay ng pinsan nila, boys night keme, but he only stayed for few minutes kasi babalik daw siya doon. Pero he told me to wait for him kasi sa’min daw siya matutulog. I waited for him, hanggang sa napuyat na ko wala pa rin. I called him many times pero walang sagot. Nag alala pa ko no’n coz dala niya ‘yung sasakyan niya, syempre naisip ko that time naaksidente na or what.
The next morning, ang dami kong missed call from his sister, asking me if I was with him hindi raw kasi umuwi hindi rin matawagan. We were all worried about him, ‘yung pinsan niya na pinuntahan niya wala ring idea kung nasaan siya kasi umalis rin daw doon pagkabalik. Guess what kung saan siya galing? Sa bahay ng current girlfriend ng ex fling ko. Oo, ang hirap paniwalaan pero yes super smol ng world. Actually, sila ‘yung common denominator namin kaya humaba usapan namin nung first usap namin sa getting to know each other stage. Friend niya ‘yung current girlfriend ng ex fling ko and nakakasama niya sa gatherings ‘yung ex fling ko pero hindi sila close. Anyways, my ex-BF hated my ex-fling, after ko kasi sagutin si ex-BF, ex-fling messaged me na bakit daw jinowa ko si ex-BF. And nung first month namin ni ex-BF, ilang beses ako pinuntahan ni ex-fling sa bahay iwan lang si ex-BF. Mas gwapo si ex-fling pero mas gago, medyo messy rin kasi ‘yung story namin HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. Toro kasi ako before, kaya attracted ako sa red. It’s another story.
Going back, hindi ko rin alam mahal yata ako ni Lord kasi nakita ko lang naman na may story si current GF ni ex-fling na nasa inuman siya tas iba na ‘yung kutob ko. I messaged my ex-fling, I asked him kung nasaan girlfriend niya, he told me na kasama daw ni Zena, nag inom daw last night (pinsan ni current GF ni ex fling). Around 11AM, nakauwi na si ex-BF, I asked him saan siya galing, he told me sa bahay daw ni Zena siya galing with their other tropa. Syempre I already know, na nandoon din si current girlfriend ni ex-fling so I asked him if kasama ba niya ‘yon, HE TOLD ME NA NO AND HE DENIED. I messaged ex-fling if totoo ba na kasama ng girlfriend niya si Zena, sabi oo daw she even sent him a pic with Zena. So I told him my ex-BF’s answer to me na kasama rin daw si Zena. And there, ex-BF and ex-fling’s current GF were both telling us na kasama nila si Zena but denying na kasama nila ang isa’t isa. Later on, we found out from their other kasama na oo nga na parehas nga silang nandoon at magkatabi pa daw sa inuman and same room rin natulog but with Zena daw. We broke up after that but few weeks nag come back rin coz he missed me daw and that he’s sorry about what he did, the lying and denying but not sorry na nakasama niya si current GF ni ex-fling. They’re just friends lang daw talaga. Syempre, pinatawad ko, ginaslight ko pa sarili ko na baka OA lang ako. But you know what, later on I found out na clingy rin pala sila during that time, na kapag nac-CR si current GF ni ex-fling nagpapasama siya kay and ex-BF.
That was the first. The second was last Feb, nahuli ko siya na nag drunk chat sa crush niya na mahilig mag post ng naka-bikini and luwa ang suso. Binati niya ng Happy V-Day! Obob ko sobra, if you’re my friend baka nilublob mo na ko sa timba. But anyways, ayoko na. Too much na, I don’t have any plans na bumalik pa. Di na rin naman ‘yon babalik, and nakakahiya na rin sa sarili ko at sa mga kaibigan ko if babalikan ko pa. This is just a phase, things will get better rin.
Update with him and new girl, ex-BF changed his profile pic na ako ‘yung nag pic. New girl commented, “Bakit ka nagpalit DP, ayaw mo na ba sa luma?” with laughing emoji. And they went out today, guess what where he brought her? To our favorite resto, hehe. I don’t have any plans of doing any pettiness but my friends plan to. He has a secret na ang may alam lang ay ang family niya and me and his ex-GF, nalaman ko lang dahil malikot ang kamay ko and wala siyang choice kung hindi ang umamin.
Update with girl besty, she’s back in the US. Anyways, may nabasa ako na wala naman daw cheating sa ginawa nung dalawa, lols. Ang dami kong screenshot ng convo nila, favorite ko pa nga doon ay ‘yung screenshot ng suggestion niya. My ex-BF told her na nag aaway kami because of her, and this was her answer: “Makipag break ka na lang. Kasi di’ba may gano’n? Kapag di na nila kaya, araw araw nag aaway, wala na sa ayos, makipagbreak ka na lang.”
I already blocked him and all his friends and fam na rin. I really want peace.
submitted by mimamoto to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:56 Apprehensive_Art4169 400 Hymns

400 Hymns
Hello po, Future Organista here!
Is there anyone po na may 2017 copy ng 400? Or yung pang mang-aawit version lang? Like this? May copy kaibigan ko pero hindi ko ma print print kasi malabo :( If meron po kayo, paki drop po sana!! Thank you po :)
submitted by Apprehensive_Art4169 to HymnsofINC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:45 Clejox Using GCASH AMEX CARD in AGODA booking for Hotels

Is there anyone using Gcash AMEX (American Express) Card when booking hotels in AGODA? (First time)It is good ba? Wala bang problema sa hotel during check in?Also, Im using different address and number sa AMEX Card ko since automatic na nilagay ni Gcash yun. Di ba mag ka problem non? I have debit card but I used AMEX since its asking my CVV (Idk if im correct). Just for safety reasons and yeah thats why. Need help!
submitted by Clejox to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:25 Ambitious_Home8801 Avalon Hotel Parking

I’m staying with a group at Avalon Hotel this August. They charge 465 sek per car per night. Do you know of any cheaper alternatives nearby?
submitted by Ambitious_Home8801 to Gothenburg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:05 lonewolf_1965 This morning's OXFAM haul

This morning's OXFAM haul
Got some lovely gems from our local charity shop this morning 👍
submitted by lonewolf_1965 to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:52 Fun_Macaron9857 Looking for reviews

Dear Italy lovers, admirers and all other travelers, I am planning my family (with small children) trip to Italy in the first week of September.
I have already booked all the hotels for our travel but wanted to double-check if none of those would be considered a tourist trap or in any other way bad choice. We will rent a car (from CicilybyCar company), thus public transportation closeness is not a priority.
1) Agriturismo Villa Dauphine (Bagno a Ripoli) 2) La casa nella vigna (Capannori) 3) La Lanterna Di Lida e Beppe (Pisa) but this one only because we need to get to the airport the next morning by feet.
Thank you already!!
submitted by Fun_Macaron9857 to ItalyTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:51 KajaBoii ABYG, Tumanggi ako as Best Man sa Kasal?

Here’s the context
Kasal ng relative ko then kinuha ako as best man at first nag oo ako kasi akala ko smooth lang lahat then nagbook ng flight at heto na nagcompute na tayo sa magagastos, prior date of event may side tour kami ng GF ko 3 days we will book at the cheap hotel para kahit papaano masulit yung days off.
Nagcompute ako ng magagastos medyo nabigatan ako kasi nalaman ko na mahal yung accomdation na natitira para sa amin ng GF ko which is 1750k per night at 2 days kailangan nandoon na kami sa venue. So wala pa doon food sa day before ng kasal at syempre gagastos ka doon coz it’s family gathering.
Heto na nagsabi ako na pwede ba na magbackout na ako as best man pero pupunta parin ako ng wedding nya kasi medyo tight na sa budget, bibili pako ng shoes, damit at kailangan day before ng event nandoon na ako. Kapag di ako nag best man kahit sa mismong araw ng event na ako pupunta tapos nakatipid ako ng 1750 hehe.
And, may mga rooms na cheaper but already reserved na daw sa ibang abay. So nagtaka rin ako bakit yung mga taga doon na mismong lugar na yun sila pa nauna at na priority sa rooms na cheaper samantalang kami na galing pa sa malayo nagbook ng flight sana doon kami sa konting makakaluwag ng budget diba?
So heto nagalit fam ko saken baket daw ako magbackout etc mali daw yun eh bakit pa kasi kami magtotour, sabi ko mali ba? Kahit man lang doon maenjoy rin namen yung time na andoon kami. PTO ko yun diba? Gastos ko yun bakit parang kasalanan ko na may tour kami? Ang point dito nagbigay naman kami ng time to attend the wedding. May sagot silang damit for best man pero what if pag nagkamali ng sukat yung mananahi ano isusuot ko? Ganun rin dba so kailangan ko ng backup bibili at bibili parin ako but I don’t want to rent kasi sayang eh.
I understand na magtatampo yung relative ko pero I hope he understands too. May babayaran pako na magaalaga sa aso ko while we’re away. Naisip ko rin na sana nanlibre siya ng isang araw sa accommodation but wala pero i don’t want that to ask pa.
Sa effort palang namin to flight and to pay everything under our pocket siguro sapat na yun to say na we give importance sa kasal nya.
Kaso yung fam ko galit saken dahil dun eh wala naman ako hiningi sa kanila. 😂
And I never ask a favor rin sa kanila. Inask ko lang sa relative ko na kung pwede ibook nya lang kami ng 1 night.
Hayyass! Ok lang kung sabihin nyo kong masama! 🙁😂
Ako ba yung gago sa pag backout as best man dahil sa mga reasons ko?
submitted by KajaBoii to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:20 Potential-Bunch-8109 A weekend with her

Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/OffMyChestPH/s/JPmEf0aCn6
So since people were asking for an update. Here we go.
We did not end up having a following date. She got tired from paragliding the next day(yesterday) I even went and nag relax sa beach malapit sa resort n'ya para if ever na mag reply s'ya na gusto n'yang lumabas eh malapit na'ko hahah. So when I asked her to hangout today she declined dahil she's done going outside. And she's leaving tomorrow morning na ren. She's introverted autistic so understandable. I respect it. But I tried asking for one more night kahit na sa hotel lang at mag usap just like the first night. I was gonna get flowers otw pa naman and give her my bracelet that I'm wearing during the time na I was with her and one of our photo booth picture na may hand written letter ko sa likod. But oh well 🤷‍♂️. Am I upset? A lil bit but I came in terms with it. She was probably overwhelmed den dahil sa bagong experience at talagang I did my best talaga.
Now, were just chatting online na lang pero not like fast replying talking stage type shit.
Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything naman talaga after she leaves dahil considering every circumstances I know na di kame mag wowork as an ldr. Pero I love to think na what made it special between us was the underlying bittersweet part nga na we know there's an ending and have an idea about it. Just like a movie, may umpisa at may katapusan. Yes, it was like a movie(pinanood ko yung Before Sunset na sinabe nung unang comment sa first part ng post ko) so yeah for the most part it was really like that.
So now, from what I'm seeing between us we would just keep in touch through discord pero that's about it. I didn't ask her to get connected sa socmed na ren. Because it would make me keep my memory of her from those nights. This beautiful, interesting, mysterious, and weirdly fun woman I met.
I even told her to my friends. I told them the story and what happened. I told them what I'm telling you guys rn.
I honestly just wish she had an amazing time with me. Like something she'll remember for good amount of time. I really hope the best for her. I hope I've set the standard for her and she won't settle for less than me if she ever starts dating.
As for me? She changed me. Remember how I said I'm not the ideal guy sa first post ko? Yeah. I would frequently hookup. Had fwb/fubus. Would to multiple girls at the same time. I was like that.
But after meeting her and finally experiencing something like that and romanticizing everything about us, I liked it.
I long for something like that again but not right now. In the future sure.
So I deleted all my dating apps. Kinausap ko mga current girls na kinakausap ko and told them what happened which is unusual for me dahil almost everytime when I'm done talking with a girl I would just ghost them because it's easier for me. Stuffs like that, talagang binago n'ya ako. One of my friends is even proud of me. Kaya I even gave them the condoms that I'm supposed to use pa. Some of them aren't fond den sa lifestyle ko e hahah
But yeah, I'm done chasing girls and being sexually motivated. I would rather instead romanticize my own life. Make my own adventure and connect with people I meet along the way.
I even had my friend help me to make a bucket list for me. After namen mag usap kanina I submitted my leave request. I'm planning on going to a vacation on a different place na ren. Who knows? I might find someone who I'll go out with on wherever I go. I'm not gonna actively chase it but that does sounds fun naman haha parang sa perspective n'ya.
It might be not the kind of ending that you guys were hoping(me too) but it's an ending. So yeah, I hope she'll have a good life. I told myself na babatiin ko s'ya ng happy birthday ever.
And thank you everyone sa mga comments. I didn't expect to have people actually get invested on it and ask for updates.
submitted by Potential-Bunch-8109 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:31 xoxefo3952 PASIEN NOMOR SEMBILAN dari Ris Manice untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Ini adalah cerita tentang pasien nomor sembilan yang datang padaku murni sebagai pesakitan. Allsya, remaja yang terlahir dari keluarga berada tapi tak bisa menikmati bahagia. Ditempa oleh keadaan yang memaksanya untuk dewasa sebelum waktunya. Diusianya yang masih belia ia mencari tentang keadilan, perbedaan laki-laki dan perempuan, dan pembedaan perlakuan. Ketika di penghujung SMP--masa sibuknya ujian, berhasil menemukan jawaban. Patriarki. Selain dari buku yang dibacanya, ia juga mendapatkan pemahaman dari Ersya--mahasiswa yang sedang KKN di desanya. Menjalin kedekatan. Mengajari banyak hal setiap malam, berbagi perhatian, dan juga memberi perlindungan layaknya sepasang kakak-beradik. Tiga bulan sudah, tiba masanya Ersya harus pulang. Tugasnya telah usai dan harus kembali menyelesaikan studynya di kota asal. Tentu saja Allsya tak baik-baik saja setelah perpisahan. Terciptanya kebersamaan membuatnya merasa kehilangan. Terlebih ketika mimpinya dipaksa mati oleh sang ayah dengan jeratan sebuah perjodohan. Ketika ia datang padaku memberanikan diri bercerita tentang sekelumit hidupnya sebagai upaya penyembuhan diri, maka mata hatiku merubah cara pandang tentangnya. Menebas segala prasangka yang sempat tercipta karena kesaksianku yang tidak utuh. Keputusannya datang padaku adalah momentum terbaik untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang yang sering mengundang pikiran yang bukan-bukan serta kesimpulan tanpa rujukan. Namun secara tidak langsung ia mengajakku bermain-main dalam labirinnya. Bahkan bukan lagi bersifat ajakan melainkan paksaan karena ini menyangkut tanggung jawab profesi. Baiklah, dengan bantuan diary sebagai saksi bisu sang pemiliknya yang dibiarkan aku baca, kesaksian seorang lelaki yang sangat kupuja, serta mataku sendiri yang menyaksikan beberapa bagian hidupnya, aku susun benang merah dari hidup seorang pasien nomor sembilan. Silahkan, saksikan saja kinerjaku ini! Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:22 Imaginary_Cap641 Should I divorce?

My wife "26/F" and i "25/M" have been in a relationship since 2016. We got married in 2019. For a while we have been having problems. In the begining it was great. We would talk, make love, and communicate. Along the ways things have gotten complicated. Ive worked for most of the relationship. She was going to school and has gotten her bachelors in psych. She also wasnt a citizen for a long time. During the relationship we've delbt with quite a few problems. For me it began that i would pick her up from uni and shes get really mad that i was 5-10 munuites late from her class ending. I would always tell her that waiting that long isnt too bad. Before we were married she expected me to share half of my income with her.
Before i go on in venting about her id like to say i too have had my own share of problems.
I was constanlty smoking weed and wasnt the best student. I dropped out of college and focused on work.
For a while i was working labor jobs at a big city 2 hours away to help us out. Id come home to her telling me i need to do more around the house even though i was away for most of the week and she was at home. She was done with school but still couldn't work because of her lack of citezenship.
Through this time i decided was looking for jobs around me. I landed a job as a car Salesman. It was tough to say the least. Im not the best with people but i did my best. It was a stressful job and trying to meet my quota for commision was hard enough alongside the long hours. Still shed get mad at me for no feeding ou pets before i clocked into work at 730am. Id always try and brush it off.
During this time she got really into spiritualism. (Taro cards, zodiacs, horiscopes). She wasn never into thay stuff before. In the begining we would both make fun of thag stuff. I figured since she spends so much time at home without anything to do. That it was an outlet for her.
Still if come home from working 10+ hours a day to her telling me she needed more help around the house. Id be beat every day. Dealing with customers and handling the stress of trying to meet my quota for commision. It came to the point where i quit the job because shed send me text during work about how she was unhappy with me.
I went back to working labor jobs/delivery apps. Id express to her my stress and struggles but she didnt seem to care.
Eventually she got her citizenship after we married. In my mind i thought that after shes able to have a job shed realized how much work i did to keep us afloat. Still we only had one car and she wasnt the best driver. For a while i was driving her to work 30 minutes away from home. Had gotten a job as a sushi line cook that was still really stressful. She still expected more from me.
I did mt best to handle chores at home and work mt job. Eventually i had a falling out with my managers and i was out of a job. Weve had a car payment since 2021 and i was paying all of it till the beging of 2023. Even though I was making all the payments for 2 years out of the 3 year leae she would get mad of me for having to pay it for a while.
Shes always had a temper. My sister got married in 2023. It took me a while to convince her to come along. She hasnt been very willing to get along with my family. Still we had a great time in the begining of the wedding. We were getting close to checking out of the hotel so we could go to my sisters ceramony. We had to check out by 11am and i was getting ready as fast as i could. I gave told her multiple times that we had to check out by that time ( my sister payed for the hotel and i didnt want her to get charged). As I was finishing up and grabbing all out luggage i told her we needed to hurry. She got really mad and screamed at me a lot of terrible thing. Hoping that id get ra*** and that i suck a di**. It really threw me off gaurd and i just continued doing my thing.
The rest of the day went well aside from all the bs. I still brushed it off.
She came off birth control in may 2024. So I once again thought shed have a more level head because i understand it can mess up your hormones quite a bit. Weve had multiple talks since then.
Ive told her id like for her to have a good relationship with my family and for her to get less angry. Id like for her to communicate and have talks with compassion. Shes been making an effort.
Recently i told her i need space and have slept in the guest room. We had a conversation and she said shes not willing to have a good relationship with my family. I do my best to have a good relationship with hers and it really hurts that she isnt.
Ps. Sorry for my lack of grammar and cohesiveness. My mind is all over the place and there is a lot of stuff i didnt include. Judt typing this gives me a good way to vent and bring be more clarity.
submitted by Imaginary_Cap641 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:05 chckn_samich ABYG kung sinira ko pangako ko

1 year na kami ng bf ko, andami na namin napagdaan pero always never na validate feelings ko in our relationship (or diko lang nararamdaman) ako lagi kumikilos pinag luluto ko sya, sinusubuan kopa habang nag ml sya, ako bibili ng kakainin, mag huhugas pinagkainan, and even sasalo ng mga salita ng nanay ko. May something weird about him talaga lagi ko nakikita na may mga inaad syang babae tapos dadahilan pinsan eh di nya naman kaano ano, may nakausap pa sya sa ig na babae from ml nothing serious sa convo pero still big deal sakin yun pero wala pag cinoconfront ko sya sa mga bagay na nakakasakit sakin or like mga bagay na gusto ko gawin nya para sakin wala eh. Then i started reconnecting with someone i had something with back then, started meeting ng patago then he caught me. While i was talking sa dati ko i was realising i was tired of my bfs treatment pero i couldn't bear seeing him go, diko sya maiwan. We broke up when he caught me pero wala pa 24hrs we got back together agad. ABYG kasi nag cheat ako sakanya dahil nasasaktan ako, even after nangako ako na diko gagawin yun sakanya ?
submitted by chckn_samich to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:27 Desperate-Pay6145 Recent haul

Recent haul
Coupon used was summer treat. I just wanted to try Estée Lauder because of all the hype but i think it’s a little too small for me to experience its effects. Sunnies lip treat and the milk shake shampoo, I’ll be trying for the first time. Revlon was a freebie!
Total cost was 1500.
submitted by Desperate-Pay6145 to KultCult [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:03 bobthetrucker How does this build part list look?

Planning to go all out here. I’m mostly wondering if there is enough room to put all of the ultra thick Monsta radiators in push-pull configuration.
Watercooling Parts
$507 Thermaltake W200
$157 Thermalright P200
$1700 RTX 4090 STRIX
$750 7950X3D
$112 RAM Blocks:
$112 RAM Blocks
$280 CPU Block:
$303 GPU Block:
$200ea x5 (in P200 right/left/2xtop/bottom 560mm), $200x2 (right side 560mm) , $200x2 (top 560mm) Alphacool Nexxos Monsta
$150 (front 360mm)
$130ea x2 (bottom 280mm)
$76 (rear 120mm)
$75 x2 lamptron fc8 fan controller
12ea x 2 coolaboraboratory extreme
$50 pump/res DDC
$20 x5 watercooling tubing
$16 80 140mm fans
$15 8 120mm fans
$26 get 10
$111 4k PC blu ray player
$16 x3 coolant:
$2000 LSR708P pair
submitted by bobthetrucker to watercooling [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:51 Effective_Ad_278 Testing GW-5000U accuracy. 30-DAY UPDATE!

Testing GW-5000U accuracy. 30-DAY UPDATE!
A month ago I got my dream watch, a GW-5000U. While it does have the awesome multiband 6 feature, I was keen to find out how accurate the Casio quartz movement was without the help from radio control. So I switched off MB6 and installed the "Atomic clock &Watch Accuracy" app on my phone. So, after a little over 30 days, here's the result:
Accuracy of the GW-5000U after 30 days is +0.03 seconds/day. Which really surprised me. So far GREAT accuracy from a great watch.
What are your experiences with the Casio quartz movements?
submitted by Effective_Ad_278 to gshock [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:53 nandospc Il Circolino dell'Hardware

Benvenuti in questa nuova puntata de "Il Circolino dell'Hardware", cari redditors! Anche oggi ci ritroviamo nel nostro luogo preferito in cui parlare insieme delle ultime novità relative al mondo dell'Hardware per PC e per raccogliere tutte le richieste di aiuto sul vostro attuale e futuro Computer. Se state rifacendo il PC e vi serve una build, un upgrade e avete dei dubbi, questo è il posto perfetto.
Ed eccoci con la carrellata di oggi 👇

SK Hynix fa avanzare la produzione di massa della memoria HBM4

SK Hynix sta accelerando la produzione di massa della sua memoria HBM4, con il primo lotto previsto per il secondo semestre del 2025. Questa mossa anticipa i piani iniziali del 2026, allineandosi alla crescente domanda di memorie ad alte prestazioni per le tecnologie dell’intelligenza artificiale. Durante una conferenza stampa del 2 maggio, l’azienda ha rivelato questa tempistica aggiornata per l’HBM4, che utilizzerà una tecnologia di impilamento a 12 strati di DRAM, seguita da una versione a 16 strati nel 2026.
SK Hynix ha inoltre firmato un accordo con TSMC il mese scorso per collaborare sulla base die dell’HBM, sfruttando la tecnologia a 7nm di TSMC. Per l’HBM4, SK Hynix prevede di utilizzare un processo produttivo avanzato da 1cnm, un miglioramento rispetto all’attuale HBM3E basato su 1bnm. L’HBM3E impilata a 12 strati inizierà i campionamenti questo mese, con produzione di massa prevista per il terzo trimestre di quest’anno. Seguirà poi una versione a 16 strati.
L’accelerazione della produzione di SK Hynix riflette la necessità di memorie ad alte prestazioni per i prossimi processori AI, migliorando la sua posizione competitiva in questo mercato e supportando la crescita dell’intera industria AI.
Fonti: guru3d, assemblocomputer, anandtech

L’annuncio del nuovo Chip Apple M4

Apple ha annunciato il nuovo chip M4, migliorando le capacità di prestazioni del nuovo iPad Pro. Sviluppato con la tecnologia a 3nm di seconda generazione, il chip M4 è un SoC che migliora l’efficienza energetica e supporta il design sottile dell’iPad Pro. Questo SoC include un nuovo motore di visualizzazione che ottimizza la precisione, il colore e la luminosità del display Ultra Retina XDR.
Il chip M4 presenta una CPU fino a 10 core e una GPU a 10 core che incorpora progressi rispetto all’architettura GPU del precedente M3, come il Dynamic Caching, il ray tracing accelerato dall’hardware e il mesh shading, elevando le capacità di rendering di grafica realistica e scene complesse.
Il Neural Engine avanzato del M4 può eseguire fino a 38TOPS, aumentando notevolmente l’elaborazione AI rispetto ai precedenti chip PC. Combinato con acceleratori ML integrati nella CPU, GPU ad alte prestazioni e maggiore larghezza di banda della memoria, l’iPad Pro diventa uno strumento potente per applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale.
Con 28 miliardi di transistor e il processo a 3nm, l’M4 migliora anche l’efficienza energetica e implementa un nuovo motore di visualizzazione per migliorare ulteriormente l’output visivo del display Ultra Retina XDR con doppi pannelli OLED per un migliore controllo della luce e precisione del colore.
Oltre alle migliorie delle prestazioni, l’M4 mantiene la leadership di Apple in termini di prestazioni per watt, offrendo un’efficienza nettamente superiore rispetto ai predecessori e alle CPU PC contemporanee.
Assemblo non vede l’ora di vedere i primi numeri alla mano con le future review di questo SoC che promette bene almeno sulla carta. Qui maggiori info.
Fonti: tomshardware

Micron Lancia LPCAMM2: Memoria Compatta e Potente per Workstation Moderne

Micron ha ufficialmente iniziato la distribuzione del nuovo modulo di memoria LPCAMM2 il 7 maggio 2024. Questo modulo utilizza la tecnologia avanzata LPDDR5X ed è progettato specificamente per la workstation mobile Lenovo ThinkPad P1 Gen 7. LPCAMM2 rappresenta un avanzamento strategico nella tecnologia della memoria, destinato principalmente a applicazioni di calcolo ad alte prestazioni. Annunciato per la prima volta nel gennaio 2024 durante il CES di Las Vegas, offre una soluzione compatta che occupa il 64% di spazio in meno rispetto ai moduli DDR5 SO-DIMM tradizionali, mantenendo la possibilità di futuri aggiornamenti. Inoltre, riduce significativamente il consumo di energia, fino al 58% in modalità attiva e fino all’80% in modalità standby, migliorando così la durata della batteria dei dispositivi mobili.
( Ne parla anche iFixit, che le mostra dal vivo! https://youtu.be/K3zB9EFntmA )
Utilizzando LPDDR5X, il LPCAMM2 supporta velocità di memoria fino a 7.500MT/s, offrendo miglioramenti sostanziali nelle prestazioni rispetto alle generazioni precedenti. Ogni modulo offre una larghezza di banda di memoria di 128bit, raddoppiando quella dei moduli SO-DIMM standard. Questo aumento della larghezza di banda ha dimostrato di migliorare le prestazioni nella creazione di contenuti digitali di circa il 7% e nei compiti di produttività fino al 15%, secondo i test benchmark di PCMark 10.
Attualmente disponibile tramite il marchio Crucial, la memoria LPCAMM2 è offerta in due opzioni di capacità: 32GB e 64GB, permettendo agli utenti di scegliere la soluzione di memoria più adatta alle loro esigenze di prestazioni e capacità.
L’introduzione di LPCAMM2 da parte di Micron non solo sottolinea l’impegno dell’azienda nell’innovazione della tecnologia della memoria, ma evidenzia anche il suo ruolo nel migliorare le capacità di calcolo delle workstation moderne e di altri sistemi ad alta domanda. Con riduzioni significative di spazio e consumo energetico, insieme a miglioramenti delle prestazioni, LPCAMM2 è pronto a soddisfare le crescenti esigenze delle applicazioni contemporanee, in particolare negli ambienti di intelligenza artificiale e apprendimento automatico.
Fonti: assemblocomputer, guru3d, multiplayer

AMD Annuncia i Nuovi Ryzen 7 8700F e Ryzen 5 8400F Senza Grafica Integrata

AMD sta per ampliare la sua offerta di CPU Desktop con i modelli Ryzen 7 8700F e Ryzen 5 8400F, destinati al canale retail “Processor in Box (PIB)”. Questi processori sono basati sulla tecnologia a 4nm “Hawk Point” o “Phoenix 2” e presentano l’architettura “Zen4“. Entrambi i modelli hanno la GPU integrata disabilitata, come indicato dal suffisso “F”.
Il Ryzen 7 8700F ha una configurazione a 8 core/16 thread e raggiunge una frequenza boost fino a 5.00GHz, leggermente inferiore rispetto ai 5.10GHz del modello 8700G. Nonostante la GPU disabilitata, il processore mantiene attiva un’unità di elaborazione neurale (NPU), che fornisce 16TOPSper l’IA. Il TDP rimane a 65Watt, come per l’8700G.
Il Ryzen 5 8400F utilizza il chip “Phoenix 2” e include una CPU a 6 core / 12 thread in configurazione 2 core “Zen4” con una frequenza boost fino a 4.70GHz e 4 core “Zen4c” che operano a velocità inferiori. Questo processore non ha una NPU e, come l’8700F, ha una GPU disabilitata e un TDP di 65Watt. Entrambi i processori vengono forniti con il dissipatore Wraith Stealth di AMD.
I benchmark di AMD suggeriscono che il Ryzen 7 8700F offre prestazioni di gioco dal 10% al 24% superiori rispetto all’Intel Core i5-14400F, mentre il Ryzen 5 8400F supera l’Intel Core i5-13400F dall’1% al 14% nei test di gioco.
AMD ha fissato il prezzo del Ryzen 7 8700F a $269, mentre il Ryzen 5 8400F è offerto a $169, rendendoli più economici rispetto ai rispettivi modelli con GPU integrata.
Fonti: guru3d, hdblog

XFX Lancia la Scheda Video AMD RADEON RX 7900 GRE 16GB White Phoenix Nirvana a 618$

XFX ha presentato la RADEON RX 7900 GRE 16GB Phoenix Nirvana, caratterizzata da un design completamente bianco, pensata per applicazioni di esports e gaming ad alte prestazioni. Disponibile a circa 618$, questa nuova scheda rompe con le tradizionali finiture nere, mantenendo un PCB nero ma dotandosi di una piastra posteriore, scudo e ventole completamente bianche, con lo scopo di attrarre i gamer e i costruttori di PC alla ricerca di un'estetica distintiva.
Basata sull'architettura RDNA 3 di AMD, la scheda è equipaggiata con tre ventole di diametro 100mm, 90mm e 100mm rispettivamente, che utilizzano pale a scorrimento ultrasottile per massimizzare l'airflow e l'efficienza di raffreddamento senza aumentare la rumorosità. Inoltre, la RADEON RX 7900 GRE 16GB Phoenix Nirvana presenta un overclock di fabbrica che porta la frequenza del core a 2394 MHz, un aumento del 6,7% rispetto alla configurazione standard, ideale per ambienti di gioco esigenti e compiti di rendering dettagliati.
Fonti: guru3d, videocardz

TSMC Inizierà la Produzione di Massa del Nodo N3P a 3nm di Terza Generazione nel 2024

TSMC sta per avviare la produzione di massa della sua tecnologia di nodo a 3nm di terza generazione, nota come N3P, entro la fine di quest'anno, dopo il successo della tecnologia di processo di seconda generazione a 3nm (N3E) nel quarto trimestre del 2023. Durante l'European Technology Symposium, TSMC ha annunciato di essere pronta per la produzione ad alto volume (HVM) di N3P nella seconda metà del 2024. Il processo N3E, adottato inizialmente da Apple per i suoi processori M4, ha visto un aumento del numero di transistor e delle velocità operative rispetto ai processori M3 basati su N3. TSMC ha descritto i rendimenti di N3E come "eccellenti", indicando una forte performance e prontezza di mercato.
N3E è stato progettato come una versione semplificata del processo N3 originale, riducendo i costi di produzione tramite l'eliminazione di alcuni strati che richiedevano la litografia ultravioletta estrema (EUV) e evitando l'uso del doppio patterning EUV. Questo ha migliorato i rendimenti, pur riducendo occasionalmente la densità dei transistor e l'efficienza energetica. Questi svantaggi sono stati affrontati attraverso ottimizzazioni strategiche del design.
Il prossimo processo N3P rappresenta una riduzione ottica di N3E, promettendo ulteriori avanzamenti. Ha superato con successo i test e dimostra rendimenti vicini a quelli di N3E. N3P mira a migliorare le prestazioni fino al 4% o a ridurre il consumo energetico di circa il 9% alle stesse velocità di clock, migliorando anche la densità dei transistor del 4% per chip con configurazioni di design miste. N3P manterrà la compatibilità con i blocchi IP, gli strumenti di design e le metodologie di N3E. La produzione è prevista per la seconda metà di quest'anno, con una rapida adozione prevista da parte dei progettisti di chip, inclusi clienti principali come Apple e AMD. Si prevede che i principali produttori come Apple integreranno questa tecnologia nella loro gamma di prodotti del 2025, inclusi i SoC per smartphone, PC e tablet.
Fonti: guru3d, anandtech

MSI Aggiorna il BIOS Z790 con Nuove Impostazioni di Default Intel per Affrontare Problemi di Limite di Potenza

MSI ha annunciato il rilascio dell’ultimo aggiornamento BIOS per le schede madri con chipset Z790. Questo aggiornamento introduce una nuova funzione denominata “Intel Default Settings”, progettata per allinearsi alle recenti linee guida di Intel riguardo ai limiti di potenza. L’aggiornamento BIOS mira a risolvere i problemi legati ai crash dei client di gioco che gli utenti hanno sperimentato con i processori Intel Core i9 di 13a e 14a generazione. La funzione “Intel Default Settings” imposta specifici limiti di potenza (Power Limit 1 e Power Limit 2) per questi processori. Per la serie Core i9, i limiti sono regolati a PL1 a 125W e PL2 a 253W. Per la serie potenziata Core i9KS, sia PL1 che PL2 sono impostati a 253W.
Inoltre, l’aggiornamento include impostazioni ottimizzate per diversi ambienti di raffreddamento. Le schede madri della serie MSI Z790 ora presentano opzioni di configurazione sia per “Tower Air Cooler” che per “Water Cooler.” Queste opzioni permettono limiti di potenza più elevati rispetto a quelli impostati dalle linee guida di default di Intel, sfruttando le capacità di raffreddamento avanzate fornite da questi sistemi.
L’aggiornamento BIOS con le “Intel Default Settings” è stato rilasciato per cinque modelli, tra cui le schede madri di fascia alta MEG Z790 GODLIKE MAX e MEG Z790 ACE di MSI. Sono previsti piani per estendere questi aggiornamenti ad altri modelli della serie, come la MPG Z790 CARBON WIFI II. Questi aggiornamenti saranno distribuiti progressivamente.
Questa iniziativa riflette l’impegno di MSI a conformarsi ai nuovi protocolli di gestione della potenza di Intel, affrontando allo stesso tempo i problemi di stabilità riscontrati dai giocatori e dagli utenti ad alte prestazioni.
Fonti: assemblocomputer, guru3d

Architettura AMD Zen 5C: Fino a 192 Core, Zen 6 Potrebbe Arrivare a 32 Core per CCD

Recenti rivelazioni, incluse informazioni da fonti come Kepler_L2 e InstLatX64 su X, hanno svelato le prossime architetture di processori di AMD, Zen 5C e Zen 6. L'architettura Zen 5 sarà annunciata ufficialmente al Computex di giugno di quest'anno, con i primi prodotti attesi sul mercato nel terzo trimestre del 2024. Le architetture Zen 5 e Zen 5C sono progettate per essere più piccole rispetto ai core Zen 4 attuali, permettendo l'integrazione di più CCD (Core Complex Dies) all'interno della CPU.
Attualmente, l'architettura Zen 4 supporta fino a 12 CCD nei chip EPYC di fascia alta, con la variante Zen 4C che ne comprende fino a 8, ciascuno con due CCX da 8 core, per un totale di 128 core. La prossima generazione espanderà significativamente queste capacità.
Nell'architettura Zen 5, AMD prevede di utilizzare fino a 16 CCD, mantenendo un singolo CCX per CCD con 8 core, raggiungendo un massimo di 128 core. La variante più avanzata Zen 5C aumenterà ulteriormente questa capacità, includendo un singolo CCX con 16 core per CCD, spingendo il limite massimo a 192 core su 12 CCD.
Per Zen 6, l'architettura offrirà configurazioni versatili con opzioni di 8, 16 e fino a 32 core per CCD. Questo permetterà configurazioni come una CPU Ryzen a doppio CCD con fino a 32 core, o un layout con quattro CCD per arrivare a 64 core, ampliando le potenziali configurazioni e la loro applicabilità.
La configurazione più alta di core probabilmente utilizzerà l'architettura Zen 6C, ottimizzata per prestazioni di picco, mentre le configurazioni standard Non-C saranno riservate per i componenti di fascia enthusiast.
Fonti: guru3d, ithome
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2024.05.21 07:25 No_Championship5930 Water Damaged passport

Hi guys
Nagmigrate kami last year sa aus.
Ask lang sana may flight kami papuntang Indonesia next month kaso may super minor water damage yung passport ko. Tinatry ko i call at email yung consulate ng aus sa Canberra pero walang reply. Has anyone ever experienced asking for a rush passport possible ba in under a month?
Readable naman yung passport ko pero ayoko kasi sana irisk for deportation kapag nasa Bali na. Bayad na lahat flights and hotels kaso di namalayang may minor water damage nga yung passport…
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